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Many of the problems involve solving for unknown sides or angles of triangles using trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, tangent etc. Common trigonometric identities like sin^2θ + cos^2θ = 1 are frequently tested. Problems also involve simplifying trigonometric expressions.

Problems frequently test common trigonometric identities like sin^2θ + cos^2θ = 1, tan^2θ + 1 = sec^2θ, csc^2θ + cot^2θ = 1 etc. Right triangle problems calculating unknown sides and angles are also common.

Right triangles, spherical triangles and problems involving bearings, angles of elevation/depression are commonly tested. Right triangle problems involve using trigonometric functions to solve for unknown sides and angles. Spherical triangle problems calculate sides/angles or areas.

1. If csc2 θ = x2 + 1, what is cot2 the antenna, signing along Find the height.

θ? the guy wire, is 42.3˚, then Ans: h/(1- tan θ)

Ans: x2 what is the height of the
antenna? 24. From a ship sailing due east to a
2. What is the value of x in Ans: 72.7m lighthouse was seen to bear N 45˚ E.
Arctan 3x + Arctan 2x= 45˚ After sailing 5 km the lighthouse has a
Ans: 1/6 17. 10. A photographer bearing of N 69˚ W. How far was the
wants to take a picture of a 4 lighthouse from the both points of
3. A triangular fish pen has sides feet vase standing on a 3 observation ?
30 cm, 50cm and 60cm. Find the feet pedestal. She wants to Ans: 3.87 km
acute angle opposite to the position the camera at point
shortest side. c on the floor so that the 25. A hiker walk 8000m on a course of S
Ans: 30˚ angles subtended by the 81˚ E. She then changes direction and
vase and the pedestal are hikes 5000m on a course of N 32˚W.
4. Given the curve y=3cos1/2x. the same size. How far away How far is she from her starting point,
Find the amplitude and period. from the foot of the pedestal and on what course must she travel to
Ans: 3, 4pi should the camera be? return to the starting point?
Ans: 7.9ft Ans: 6042.8 m; S 60.4˚ W
5. Simplify the equation sin2 θ
(1+ cot2 θ) 18. Two cities are 270 miles 26. From a second floor window of a
Ans: 1 apart lie on the same building the angle of depression of an
meridian. What is the object on the ground is 35˚58’, while from
6. If cos z=2, find cos 2z. difference in latitude, if the a fifth floor window, 9.75 m above the
Ans: 7 radius of the earth is 3,960 first point of observation the angle of
miles? depression is 58˚35’. How far is the
7. Simplify each expression Ans: 3/44 rad object from the building.
using the fundamental identities. Ans: 10.7 m
Sin2 x + Cos2 x 19. Two stones are 1 mile
Tan x apart and are of the same 27. The sides of the triangle are 17, 21 ,
Ans: Cot x level as the foot of the hill. and 28 m respectively. Determine the
The angles of depression of length of the line bisecting the greatest
8. Simplify (cos 0˚ + cos 1˚ + cos the two stones viewed from side and drawn from the opposite angle.
2˚ + … + cos 90˚)/(sin 0˚ + sin 1˚ the top of the hill are 5 Ans: 13 m
+ sin 2˚ + … + sin 90˚) degrees and 15 degrees
Ans: 1 respectively. Find the height 28. An aerolift airplane can fly at an
of the hill. airspeed of 300mph. If there is a wind
9. Solve for G is csc(11G - 16 Ans: 209.01m blowing towards the cast at 50 mph.
degrees) = sec (5G + 26 What should be the plane’s compass
degrees). 20. A ship leaves port and heading in order for its course to be 30˚ ?
Ans: 5˚ travels 36 miles due west. It What will be the plane’s ground speed if
then changes course and it flies in the course.
10. If sin(x) = 2/5 and x is an sails 24 miles on a bearing Ans: 21.7 ˚ , 321.8 mph
acute angle, find the exact value of S 33˚W. How far is it from
of cos(2x) port at this point? 29. An observer wishes to determine the
Ans: 17/25 Ans: 53 miles height of a tower. He takes sights at the
top of the tower from A and B, which are
11. Add 1 + 1 21. An engineer is hired to 50 feet apart, at the same elevation on a
Sinθ Cosθ design a bridge to carry direct line with the tower. The vertical
Ans: cosθ + sinθ traffic across the river. Her angle at point A is 30˚ and at point B is
sinθ cosθ first problem is to determine 40˚. What is the height of the tower ?
the distance from point A to Ans: 92.54 ft.
12. Find the value of sin (arc cos point B. To do so,she starts
/17) at point A and measures 30. The angle of elevation of the top of
Ans: 8/17 distance of 250m, in a tower B from the top of tower A is 28˚
direction at right angles to and the angle of elevation of the top of
13. If conversed sin θ = 0.134, the segment 49˚50’. How tower A from the base of tower B is 46˚.
find the value of θ. long should the bridge be? The towers lie on the same lie in the
Ans: 60˚ Ans: 296. 184m same horizontal plane. If the height of
tower B is 120m, find the height of tower
14. Find the exact value of [ tan 22. Two cars A and B started A.
(25°)+ tan (50° ] / [ 1 - tan( 25°) at the same time form the Ans: 79.3 m
tan(50°) ]. same point and moved along
Ans: √(3) + 2 straight line which intersects 31. An observer finds the angle of
at an angle of 60˚. If car A elevation of a building from X on a level
15. Find the height of a tree if the was moving at the rate of 50 ground and as 27˚. After moving 120 m
angle of elevation of its top kph and car B at the rate of closer to the building the angle of
changes from 20˚ to 40˚ as the 70 kph, how far apart are elevation was 42˚. Find the height of the
observer advances 75 ft. toward they at the end of 45 building.
its base. minutes? Ans:140.85 m
Ans: 48. 21 m Ans: 46.84 km
32. A flagpole 3m high stands at a top of
16. A guy wire of length 108 23. AB and CD are two a pedestal 2m high located at one side of
meters runs from the top of an buildings. The angle of a pathway. At the opposite side of the
antenna to the ground. If the elevation of A from C and D pathway directly facing the flagpole, the
angle of elevation of the top of are θ and 45˚ respectively. flagpole subtends the same angle as the
pedestal. What is the width of 121˚E, what is the time
the pathway? difference between Tokyo 54. Determine the area of a spherical
Ans: 4.47 m and Manila? triangle ABC if A= 140˚, B = 75˚ and C=
Ans: 1hr and 12min. 86˚, if it has a radius of 40 km.
33. From a window of a building 43. One degree on the Ans: 3379 sq. Km.
4.25 m above the ground, the equator of the earth is
angle elevation of the top of equivalent to ____ in time. 55. A lighthouse is 10 units of length
nearby building is 36.6˚ and the Ans: 4 minutes northwest of a dock at 8:00 am and
angle of depression of its base is travels west at 12 units of length per
26.2˚. What is the height of the 44. A spherical triangle ABC hour. At what time will the ship be 8 units
nearby building? has an angle C = 90˚ and of length from the lighthouse?
Ans: 10.665 m sides a= 50, and c= 80˚. Ans: 8:54.1 AM
Find the value of “b” in
34. 168, 187,215, respectively. degrees. 56. Find the value of θ if conversed sin
What is the area of the triangle ? Ans: 74.33 θ= 0.256855.
Ans:15124.37 sq. units Ans: 48˚
35. The sides of a triangle are 8, 45. Solve the remaining side
15 and 17. If each side is of the spherical triangle 57. Two inaccessible objects A and B are
doubled, how many square units whose given parts A= B = each viewed from two stations C and D
will the area of the new triangle 80˚ and a=b= 89˚ on the same side of AB and 562 m.
be? Ans: 168˚31’ apart. The angle ABC is 62˚12’, BCD=
Ans: 240 41˚08’. ADB= 60˚49’ and ADC is 34˚51’.
46. Solve for side b of a right Find the required distance AB.
36. The two legs of a triangle are spherical triangle ABC Ans: 739.90 m
300 and 150m each, whose parts are a= 46˚, c=
respectively. The angle opposite 75˚ and C= 90˚. 58. The area of triangle ABC is 45 sq.
the 150m side is 26˚.What is the Ans: 68˚ Units. If a= 10 & b= 15, find the measure
third side ? of angle C to the nearest degree
Ans: 341. 78m 47. Given a right spherical Ans: 143.1˚
triangle whose parts are a=
37. If an equilateral triangle is 82˚, b=62˚ and C=90˚. What 59. In triangle ABC, tan A + tan B + tan C
circumscribed about a circle of is the value of the side =4. Find the value of tan A tan B tan C.
radius 10 cm, determine the side opposite the right angle ? Ans: 4
of the triangle. Ans: 86˚15’
Ans: 34.64 cm 60.  A balloon is hovering 800 ft above a
48. Solve the angle A in the lake. The balloon is observed by the
38. The triangle ABC has a side spherical triangle ABC, given crew of a boat as they look upwards at
AB=160 cm, BC= 190 cm, and a= 106˚25’, c= 42˚16’ and an angle of 0f 20 degrees. 25 seconds
CA= 190 cm. Point D is along B= 114˚53’. later, the crew had to look at an angle of
side AB and AD= 100 cm. Point Ans:97˚09’ 65 degrees to see the balloon. How fast
E is along side CA. Determine was the boat traveling?
the length of AE if the area of a 49. Determine the spherical Ans: 73ft/s
triangle ADE is 3/5 the area of excess of the spherical
triangle ABC. triangle ABC given a= 56˚ , 61.Solve for x from the following
Ans:182.4 cm b= 65˚ and c= 78˚. 1
Ans: 33˚33’ equation: cos 6 x=¿ ¿
39. An observer wishes to
csc ⁡(3 x +9)
determine the height of the 50. What is the spherical Note: all units are in degrees.
tower. He observed the top of excess of a spherical triangle Answer: x=9 °
the tower from A and got an whose angles are all right
angle of elevation 30˚. He then angles? 62. If csc ( A+ x )=sec ( B+2 y), then
walked 25m closer to point B Ans:90˚ A+B is:
and observed the angle of Answer: A+ B=90 °−(x +2 y)
elevation as 40˚ Points A and 51. The area of spherical
are the same elevation, and on a triangle ABC whose parts 63. Find the value of ϕ in the equation
direct line with the tower.How are A= 93˚40’, B=64˚12’, C=
high is the tower ? 116˚51’ and the radius of the cosh 2 ϕ−sinh2 ϕ=3 sinϕ
Ans: 46.27 m sphere is 100m is: Answer: ϕ=19.47 °
Ans: 16531 sq. m.
40. A wire supporting a pole is 64.sin x=3 /5 , tan y =2/5. Find
fastened to it 20 feet from the 52. A spherical triangle has sin( x + y )
ground and to the ground 15 feet an area of 327.25 sq. Km.
Answer: sin( x + y )=0.854
from the pole. Determine the What is the radius of the
length of the wire and the angle sphere if its spherical excess
it makes with the pole. is 30˚ 65. Find the value of x such that the
Ans: 25 ft, 36.87˚ Ans:25 km tangent of angle (2 x+18) is equal to the
cotangent of the angle( 4 x−12) .
41. If Greenwich Mean Time 53. The sides of a triangle lot Answer: x=14 °
(GMT) is 6 A.M., what is the time are 130 m, 180m, and 190m. 66. If arcsin (6x + 4y) = 1.5708 and
at a place located 30˚ East the lot is to be divided by a arccos ( 2 x + y )=1.0472, find x.
longitude ? line bisecting the longest
Ans: 8 A.M. side and drawn from the 1
Answer: x=
opposite vertex. Find the 2
42. If the longitude of Tokyo is length of the line.
139˚E and that of Manila is Ans: 125 m 67. What is the angle between the hands
of a clock at 3:25 pm? 79. A spherical triangle have elevation of a cliff is 12 °. If the height of
Answer: 47.5 ° angles 63 ° ,85 ° ∧54 ° . the cliff above the sea level is 30 m, how
Find the area of the triangle far is he from the shore?
68. Given a triangle ABC such if the sphere has a surface Answer: 141.14 m
that area of 16,286 square
A=40 ° , a=10 m ,∧b=15 m. centimeters. 91-93. Situation 3: Points A and B on
69. How many possible triangles Answer: A=497.63 cm2 opposite sides of a building are 124 m
can be formed? apart. The angles of depression from the
Answer: 2 80-82. Situation 1: The top of the building to A and B are 54.3°
second angle of a triangle is and 68.5° respectively. Determine the
69. If a=4 cos x+ 6 sin x and twice the first angle and the following:
third angle is thrice the 91. The height of the building.
b=6 sin x−4 cos x , what is the
second angle. The perimeter Answer: 111.46 m
value of a 2+b 2?
of the triangle is 250cm.
Answer: a 2+b 2=32+40 sin 2 x 80. What is the value of the 92. Distance of point A from the building.
second angle of the triangle? Answer: 80.09 m
70. A 6-m ladder leans against a Answer: B=40 °
vertical wall. If the top of the 93. Distance of point B from the building.
ladder is 4.8m above the floor, Answer: 43.91 m
81. What is the length of the
how far is its foot from the wall? longest side of the triangle?
Answer: 3.6 m 94. A spherical triangle ABC,
Answer: 116.98 cm
A=116 ° 19 ' , B=55 ° 30 ' ∧C=80 ° 37 '
71. A surveyor is 1190 m and 82. What is the length of the . What is the value of side b?
2290 m away from the two angle bisector to the longest Answer: 56 ° 28'
edges of a lake. If the angle side of the triangle?
between measurements is 71 °, Answer: 30.15 cm 95. A triangle on the surface of sphere
what is the width of the lake? has an interior angles of
Answer: 2,210.38 m 83-85. Situation 2: Solve 82 ° ,68 °∧105 ° . The volume of the
the following: sphere is 145,124.72 cc. What is the
72. The sides of a triangular lot
are 28.45 m, 47.12 m and 35.64
m. What is the angle opposite
83. tan ( 116π )=¿ ¿ area of the triangle in square cm.?
Answer: A=1,391.15 cm2
the 47.12 side? Answer: −√ 3 /3
Answer: 93.978 ° 96-98. Situation 4: In triangle ABC, side
AB is 54 cm, side AC is 78 cm, and
73. If sin θ=2/3∧cos θ< 0, find
tanθ .
84. tan ( −76 π )=¿ ¿ angle A is 56 ° .
96. What is the measure of side BC?
Answer: −√ 3 /3 Answer: 65.49 cm
Answer: tanθ=−2 √ 5 /5
85. tan π =¿ 97. What is the measure of angle B?
74. If cosine θ=0.344 , what is Answer: 80.88 °
Answer: 0
the value of θ ?
Answer: θ=41 ° 86. For an acute angle 98. What is the measure of angle C?
θ , cos θ=4 /5. What is the Answer: 43.12 °
75. Solve for side b of a right value of cos 2 θ ?
spherical triangle ABC whose 99. The perimeter of a triangle is 271
parts are Answer: cos 2 θ= cm. The interior angles measure
a=46 ° , c=75 °∧c =90 °. 25 50 ° ,60 ° .∧70 ° respectively. What is
Answer: 68.12 ° the length of the longest side of the
87. Two flies flew at the triangle?
same time from the same Answer: 99.02 cm
76. Three forces of 20, 30, 40
point in different directions.
pounds, respectively, are in
One fly flew at 0.7 m/s and
equilibrium. Find the angles that
the other fly at 0.5 m/s. If the
100. Simplify the expression: sec θ−¿ ¿
they make with each other. Answer: x=cos θ
angle between their paths is
Answer: A=28 ° 57'
85 ° , find their distance after
B=104 ° 29' 101. A triangular lot ABC has the
2.5 seconds.
following data:
C=46 ° 34 ' Answer: 2.06 m
Angle A=40 ° , Angle C=60 ° ,
77. sin x=0.5. Find cos 2 x . 88. A right triangle ABC has ¿ side AC =24 m. Find the length of
Answer: cos 2 x=0.5 its right angle at B. If side BC?
AC=x + y and B=x− y , Answer: 15.665 m
78. An airplane having a speed what is the value of side BC?
Answer: 2 √ xy 102-104. Situation 5: From a window
of 120 miles an hour in calm air
“O” of a tall building 92 meters above a
is pointed in a direction 30 ° east
level ground, the angle of depression of
of north. A wind having a velocity 89. If the perpendicular
the top of a nearby tower is 38 ° . From
of 15 miles an hour is blowing bisector of two sides of a
triangle meets at the third the base of the building, the angle of
from the northwest. Find the
speed and direction of the side, what kind of triangle is elevation of the top of the tower is 22 °.
airplane relative to the ground. being described? Determine the following:
Answer: 117 miles/hour ; Answer: Right Triangle 102. The height of the tower in meters.
Answer: 31.36 m
37 ° 7 ' east of north
90. A fisherman at sea
observed that the angle of 103. The distance from the tower to the
building in meters. Answer: 80.43 ° the airplane is 20 degrees, and at 10:01
Answer: 77.62 m am it is 60 degrees. What is the altitude
116. The three sides of a of the airplane if the speed is constant at
104. The angle subtended by the triangle measure 36 cm, 18 600 miles/hour?
tower from point O in degrees. cm and 24 cm. What is the Answer: 4.60miles
Answer: 11.85 ° length of median drawn the
longest side to opposite 124. When the top of the mountain is
105. A ladder 12 m long with its vertex? viewed from A, 200m from the ground,
foot on the street rest against the Answer: 11.225 cm the angle of depression is equal to 15
wall of a house on one side of degrees and when viewed from point B
the street 10 m high. By moving 117-119. Situation 8: The on the ground, the angle of elevation is
the ladder about its foot, it can angle of elevation of the top 10 degrees. If points A and B are on a
reach the wall of the house on point D of a tower from A is same vertical plane. Find the length of
the opposite side of the street, 24.35 °. From another point the mountain.
but 3 m back of the street line, at B the angle of elevation of Answer: 793.80m
a point 6 m high. Find the width the top of the tower is
of the street. 125. The area of a right triangle is 50.
56.21° . The points A and B
Answer: 14.02 m One of its angles is 45°. Find the lengths
are 287.6 m apart on the
of the sides and hypotenuse of the
same horizontal plane as the
106. A truck travels from point M triangle.
foot (point C) of the tower.
northward for 30 min. then Answer: 14.14
The horizontal angle
eastward for one hour, then subtended by A and B at the
shifted N 30 ° W . If the constant 126 In a right triangle ABC, tan(A) = 3/4.
foot of the tower is 90 ° .
speed is 40 kph, how far directly Find the hypotenuse.
Determine the following: Answer: 5
from M , in km will be it after 2 117. The distance AC in
hours? meters.
Answer: 47.88 km 127.In a right triangle ABC with an area
Answer: 275.27 m 60. One of its angles is 45°. Find the
107-109.Situation 6: Which of lengths of the sides
118. The distance BC in Answer: 10.95, 10.95
the following is equivalent to the meters.
given trigonometric expressions? Answer: 83.37 m
107. ¿ 128. A rectangle has dimensions 10 cm
by 5 cm. Determine the measures of the
Answer: cos x /( cos2 x−1) 119. The height of the tower angles at the point where the diagonals
in meters. intersect.
108. ( 1/sin x )( cot x ) Answer: 124.58 m Answer: 53degrees
Answer: csc 2 x /sec x
120. A flagpole stands on 129. The lengths of side AB and side BC
the edge of the top of a of a scalene triangle ABC are 12 cm and
109. sec x−1 building. At point 200 m from 8 cm respectively. The size of angle C is
Answer: cot 2 x the building the angles of 59°. Find the length of side AC.
elevation of the top and Answer:14cm
110. If cos 65 ° +cos 55 °=cos θ bottom of the pole are
, find θ in radians. 32 °∧30 ° respectively. 130. From the top of a 200 meters high
Answer: θ=0.087 rad Calculate the height of the building, the angle of depression to the
flagpole. bottom of a second building is 20
Answer: 9.50 m degrees. From the same point, the angle
111.¿. What quadrant does A
terminates? of elevation to the top of the second
121. A person 100 meters building is 10 degrees. Calculate the
Answer: Quadrants I & IV
from the base of a tree, height of the second building.
observe the angle between Answer:296.89m
112-114. Situation 7: From the
the ground and the top of the
building across the angle of
tree is 18 degrees. Estimate 131. In the right triangle ABC, where
depression of the base of the
the length of the tree to the AB=3m and BC=6m. Find the
front edifice is 23.5 ° and the nearest tenth. hypotenuse.
angle of elevation of its top is Answer: 32.50m Answer:6.71m
52.78 °. The height of
observation is 14 m. 122. The angle of elevation 132. In the right triangle ABC, where the
112. What is the height of the of a hot air balloon, climbing hypotenuse AC=2.5m and BC=5m. Find
edifice? vertically changes from 25 the AB
Answer: 56.388 m degrees at 10:00 am to 60 Answer: 5.59m
degrees at 10:02 am. The
113. How far is the building from point of observation of the 133. A nursery plants a new tree and
the said edifice? angle is situated 300 meters attaches a guy wire to help support the
Answer: 32.198 m away from the take off point. tree while its roots take hold. An eight
Find the constant upward foot wire is attached to the tree and to a
114. What is the angle of speed neglecting air stake in the ground. From the stake in
elevation of the top of the edifice resistance. the ground the angle of elevation of the
from the foot of the building? Answer: 3.16m/s connection with the tree is 42º. Find the
Answer: 60.274 ° height of the connection point on the
123. An airplane is tree.
115. The length of the sides of a approaching point A along a Answer:13ft
triangle are AB=20 cm, BC= 24 straight line and at a
cm and AC= 17 cm. What is the constant altitude ‘h’ at 10:00 134. From the top of a fire tower, a forest
angle opposite to side BC? am, the angle if elevation of ranger sees his partner on the ground at
an angle of depression of 40º. If cos(2x) - sin(2x) ] = cos(x) - 15'. Calculate the length of the sides AD
the tower is 45 feet in height, sin(3x) Answer:4.5877m
how far is the partner from the Answer: cos(x) - cos(x)
base of the tower? sin(2x) - 154.The radius of a circle measures 25
Answer:53.6ft sin(x) cos(2x) m. Calculate the angle between the
tangents to the circle, drawn at the ends
135. Find the shadow cast by a 143. Find sin(x) and tan(x) if of a chord with a length of 36 m.
10 foot lamp post when the cos(pi/2 - x) = - 3/5 and sin(x Answer:87.89degrees
angle of elevation of the sun is + pi/2) = 4/5?
58º. Find the length to Answer:-2 sin(x - pi/3) + 2 155. Find tthe area of the triangle if the
the nearest tenth of a foot. base is 21m and the height is 15m.
Answer:6.2ft 144. Find the exact value of [ Answer: 157.5sqr.m
tan (25°)+ tan (50° ] / [ 1 - 156. Find the hypotenuse of the triangle
136. A ladder leans against a tan( 25°) tan(50°) ] ABC. If AB=10m and BC=15m
brick wall. The foot of the ladder Answer:3.73 Answer:18.03m
is 6 feet from the wall. The
ladder reaches a height of 15 145. What is the angle B of 157. A hiker is hiking up a 12 degrees
feet on the wall. Find to triangle ABC, given that A = slope. If he hikes at a constant rate of 3
the nearest degree, the angle 46°, b = 4 and c = 8?(Note: mph, how much altitude does he gain in
the ladder makes with the wall. side a faces angle A, side b 5 hours of hiking?
Answer:22degrees faces angle B and side c Answer: 3.12m
faces angle C).
137. A radio station tower was Answer: 29degrees 158. A ramp is pulled out of the back of
built in two sections. From a truck. There is a 38 degrees angle
point 87 feet from the base of the 146. Find the exact value of between the ramp and the pavement. If
tower, the angle of elevation of tan (s + t) given that sin s = the distance from the end of the ramp to
the top of the first section is 25º, 1/4, with s in quadrant 2, and to the back of the truck is 10 feet. How
and the angle of elevation of the sin t = -1/2, with t in quadrant long is the ramp?
top of the second section is 40º. 4. Answer:12.69ft
To the nearest foot, what is the Answer: -0.278
height of the top section of the 159. Neil sees a rocket at an angle of
tower? 147. Find all angles of a elevation of 11 degrees. If Neil is located
Answer: 32.43ft triangle with sides 9, 12 and at 5 miles from the rocket launch pad,
15. how high is the rocket?
138. Two friends, Angelo and Answer: 53degrees Answer:97miles
Koie started climbing a pyramid-
shaped hill. Angelo climbs 315 147. Write an equation for a 160. A balloon is hovering 800 ft above a
mtr and finds that the angle of sine function with an lake. The balloon is observed by the
depression is 72.3 degrees from amplitude of 5/3 , a period of crew of a boat as they look upwards at
his starting point. How high he is pi/2, and a vertical shift of 4 an angle of 0f 20 degrees. 25 seconds
from the ground units up. later, the crew had to look at an angle of
Answer:300.20m Answer: 5/3 sin(4x)+4 65 degrees to see the balloon. How fast
was the boat traveling?
139. A man is observing a pole 148. Find the exact values of Answer: 49.75miles/hr
of height 55 foot. According to cos (13π/12).
his measurement, pole cast a 23 Answer:1.17 161. A telephone pole casts a shadow
feet long shadow. Can you help that is 18 ft. long. If the angle of elevation
him to know the angle of 150. Two gears are of the sun is 68°, what is the height of the
elevation of the sun from the tip interconnected. The smaller pole in ft?
of shadow? gear has a radius of 4 Answer:44.55ft
Answer:67.3degrees inches, and the larger gear
has a radius of 10 inches. 162. Two buildings are 300 ft apart. If the
140. Linda measures the angle The smaller gear rotates 890 angle of elevation from the top of the
of elevation from a point on the degrees in 4 seconds. What shorter building to the top of the taller
ground to the top of the tree and is the angular speed, in building is 10°, what is the difference in
find it to be 35°. She then walks degrees per minute, of the the height of the two buildings?
20 meters towards the tree and larger rotate? Answer:52.8ft
finds the angle of elevation from Answer:5340degrees/min
this new point to the top of the 163. From a point on the ground 96 m
tree to be 45°. Find the height of 151. Solve for angle C of the from a tree, the angle to the top of the
the tree. (Round answer to three oblique triangle ABC given, a tree is 38 degrees. What is the height of
significant digits) = 80°, c = 115° and A = 72° the tree?
Answer:46.7m Answer: 119.93degrees Answer:31.19m

141. From the top of a cliff 200 152. Calculate the radius of 164. The angle form the ground to the
meters high, the angles of the circle circumscribed in a top of the Statue of Liberty is 7 degrees
depression of two fishing boats triangle, where A = 45 °, B = at a distance of 1220 ft from the building.
in the same line of sight on the 72 ° and a = 20m. Find the height of the statue.
water are 13 degrees and 15 Answer:14.14m Answer:149.80ft
degrees. How far apart are the
boats? (Round your answer to 4 153 The diagonals of 165. A submarine maintains a diving
significant digits) parallelogram ABCD angle of 22. How far has it travelled
Answer:119m measure 10 cm (AC) and 12 when it is directly under a point 350 m
cm (BD), and the angle that along the surface from the point where it
142. Prove that [ cos(x) - sin(x) ][ they form in the centre is 48° submerged?
Answer:178.33m 3 √ 10
176. Find the height h after Answer:
166.  A surveyor wants to find 45 seconds.
the distance between peaks A Answer: 26m
188. Given three angles A, B and C
and B. He finds point C, 288 ft
whose sum is 180°. If tan A + tan B + tan
from peak A, so that ACB is a Situation:
C = x, find the value of tan A x tan B x
right angle. The measure BAC is A ladder is leaning up
tan C.
89. Find the distance AB. against a house. The bottom
Answer: x
Answer:273.90ft of the ladder is 3 ft away
from the building and the
189. What is the sine of 820°?
167. Sears Tower is 1454 ft tall. ladder makes an angle of 75
Answer: 0.984
Suppose point A is 1000 ft from degrees with the ground.
the base of the tower. What is 177. How high up the
190. Csc 270°?
the tangent of the angle at A building does the ladder
Answer: -1
formed by the ground and the reach?
line of vision to the top of the Answer:11.20m
191. If conversine θ is 0.134, find the
value of θ.
Answer:55.48degrees 178. How long is the ladder?
Answer: 60°
168. Diving at a constant angle
192. Solve for cos 72° if the given
A, a submarine descends 102 m Situation:
relationship is cos 2A = 2 cos2 A – 1.
while travelling 300 m. Find the 179. After takeoff, an
Answer: 0.309
degree measure of A. airplane maintained a flight
Answer:18.78degrees angle of 8 degrees with the
193. If sin 3A = cos 6B then:
ground. Find the elevation
Answer: 30°
169. The triangle ABC is a right after it covered after it
triangle. AB=2m and BC=7m. covered a ground distance of
194. Find the value of sin (arccos 15/17).
Find the hypotenuse. 1200 m.
Answer: 8/17
Answer: 7.28m Answer:168.65m
195. Find the value of cos [arcsin (1/3) +
170. The triangle ABC is a right 180 Find the distance it
arctan (2/√5)].
triangle. BC=5meters and angle traveled in the air along the
A=7degrees. Find AB. flight path while covering the
Answer: ( √10−1)
Answer:40.72 ground distance of 1200 m. 9
171. Find the height of the right 196. If sin 40° + sin 20° = sin θ, find the
triangle if the area is 300msqrd 181. Find the supplement of value of θ.
and the base is 21m. an angle whose compliment Answer: 80°
Answer: 28.57m is 62°
Answer: 152° 197. How many different value of x from
172. Find the area of the triangle 0° to 180° for the equation (2 sin x – 1)
if the base is 30m and the height 182. The central angle has a (cos x + 1) = 0?
is 35m. supplement five times its Answer: 3
Answer: 525sqr.m compliment. Find the angle.
Answer: 67.5° 198. For what value of θ (less than 2π)
Situation: will the following equation be satisfied?
A ladder of length 20 meters 183. The sum of the two sin2 θ + 4 sin θ + 3 = 0.
is resting against the wall. The interior angles of the triangle Answer: 3π/2
base of the ladder is x meters is equal to the third angle the
away from the base of the wall difference of the two angles 199. Find the value of x in the equation
and the angle made by the wall is equal to 2/3 of the third csc x + cot x = 3.
and the ladder is t. angle. Find the third angle. Answer: π/5
173. Find x in terms of t. Answer: 90°
Answer: 74.64m 200. If sec2 A is 5/2, the quantity 1 – sin2
184. The measure of 1½ A is equivalent to:
174. Starting from t = 0 (the revolutions counter- Answer: 0.4
ladder against the wall) and then clockwise is:
gradually increase angle t; for Answer: 540° 201. Find sin x if 2 sin x + 3 cos x – 2 =
what size of angle t will x be the 0.
quarter of the length of the 185. The measure of 2.25 Answer: 1 and -5/13
ladder? revolutions counter-
Answer:14degrees clockwise is: 202. If sin A = 4/5, A is quadrant II, sin B
Answer: 810° = 7/25, B in quadrant I, find sin (A + B).
Situation: Answer: 3/5
A Ferris wheel with a radius 186. Solve for θ: sin θ – sec
of 25 meters makes one rotation θ + csc θ – tan 2θ = -0.0866. 203. If sin A = 2.571x, cos A = 3.06x, and
every 36 seconds. At the bottom Answer: 46° sin 2A = 3.939x, find the value of x.
of the ride, the passenger is 1 Answer: 0.250
meter above the ground. 187. What are the exact
values of the cosine and 204. If cos θ = √3 / 2, then find the value
175. Let h be the height, above tangent trigonometric of x if x = 1 – tan2 θ.
ground, of a passenger. functions of acute angle A, Answer: 2/3
Determine h as a function of time given that sin A = 3/7.
if h = 51 meter at t = 0. 205. If sin θ – cos θ = -1 / 3, what is the
Answer:26m value of sin 2θ?
Answer: 8/9 223. Simplifying the equation side c if angle C = 100°, side b = 20, and
sin2 θ (1 + cot2 θ) gives: side a = 15.
206. If x cos θ + y sin θ = 1 and x Answer: 1 Answer: 27
sin θ – y cos θ = 3, what is the
relationship between x and y? 224. Find the value of sin 237. In triangle ABC, A = 45° and angle
Answer: x2 + y2 = 10 (90° + A). C = 70°. The side opposite angle C is 40
Answer: cos A m long. What is the side opposite angle
207. If sin x + 1 / sin x = √2, then A?
sin2 x + 1 / sin2 x is equal to: 225. Which of the following Answer: 30.1 m
Answer: 0 expression is equivalent to
sin 2θ? 238. Two sides of a triangle are 50 m
208. The equation 2 sin θ + 2 Answer: 2 sin θ cos θ and 60 m long. The angle included
cos θ – 1 = √3 is: between these sides is 30°. What is the
Answer: A conditional 226. If tan θ = x2, what is the interior angle (in degrees) opposite the
equation value of sin θ? longest side?
Answer: x2/ 1+ x 4
√ Answer: 93.74°
209. If x + y = 90°, then
sin x tan y 227. In isosceles right 239. The sides of a triangle ABC are AB
is equal to: = 15 cm, BC = 18 cm, and CA = 24 cm.
sin y tan x triangle, the hypotenuse is
how much longer than its Determine the distance from the point of
Answer: cot x
sides? intersection of the angular bisectors to
Answer: √2 side AB.
210. If cos θ = x / 2 then 1 – tan2
228. Find the angle mils Answer: 4.73 cm
θ is equal to:
Answer: (2x2-4)/x2 subtended by a line 10 yards
long at a distance of 5000 240. If AB = 15 m, BC = 18 m, and CA =
211. Find the value in degrees of
yards. 24 m, find the point intersection of the
arccos (tan 24°).
Answer: 2.04 mil angular bisector from the vertex C.
Answer: 63.56°
Answer: 14.3 cm
212. Arctan [2 cos (arcsin (√3 / 229. The angle or inclination
of ascend of a road having 241. In triangle ABC, angle C = 70°,
2))] is equal to:
8.25% grade is ___ degrees. angle A = 45°, AB = 40 m. What is the
Answer: π/4
Answer: 4.716° length of the median drawn from vertex A
to side BC?
213. Solve for x in the equation:
230. The sides of a right Answer: 36.28 m
arctan (2x) + arctan (x) = π/4.
Answer: 0.281 triangle is in arithmetic
progression whose common 242. The area of the triangle whose
difference is 6 cm. Its area angles are 61°9’32”, 34°14’46”, and
214. Solve for x from the given
is: 84°35’42”, is 680.60. The length of the
trigonometric equation: arctan
Answer: 216 cm2 longest side is:
(1-x) + arctan (1+x) = arctan 1/8.
Answer: 52.23 units
+¿ ¿
−¿ 4 ¿ 231. The hypotenuse of a
243. Given triangle ABC whose angles
right angle is 34 cm. Find the
length of the shortest leg if it are A = 40°, B = 95° and side b = 30 cm.
215. Solve for y if y = (1/sinx – Find the length of the bisector of angle C.
1 /tan x) (1 + cos x). is 14 cm shorter than the
other leg. Answer: 21.74 cm
Answer: sin x
Answer: 16 cm
244. The sides of a triangular lot are 130
216. Solve for x: x = (tan θ + cot m, 180 m, and 190 m. The lot is to be
θ)2 sin2 θ – tan2 θ. 232. A truck travels from
point M northwards for 30 divided by a line bisecting the longest
Answer: 1 side and drawn from the opposite vertex.
min. then eastward for one
hour, then shifted N 30° W. If The length of this dividing line is:
217.Solve for x: x = 1 – (sin θ – Answer: 125 m
cos θ)2. the constant speed is 40
Answer: sin 2θ kph, how far directly from M,
in km. will be it after 2 245. From a point outside of an
hours? equilateral triangle, the distance to the
218. Simplify cos4 θ – sin4 θ. vertices are 10 m, 10 m, and 18 m. Find
Answer: 2 cos2 θ-1 Answer: 47.88 km
the dimension of the triangle.
233. Two sides of a triangle Answer: 19.94 m
1−tan 2 a measures 6 cm. and 8 cm.
219. Solve for x: x=
1+tan 2 a and their included angle is 246. Points A and B 1000 m, apart are
Answer: cos 2a 40°. Find the third side. plotted on a straight highway running
Answer: 5.144 cm East and West. From A, the bearing of a
220. cos3 x – sin3 x =? tower C is 32° N of W and from B the
Answer: (cos x – sin x) (cos2 x 234. Given a triangle: C = bearing of C is 26° N of E. Approximate
+ cos x sin x + sin2 x) 100°, a = 15, b = 20. Find c: the shortest distance of tower C to the
Answer: 27 highway.
221. Find the value of y: y = (1 + Answer: 273.92 m
cos 2θ) tan θ. 235. Given angle A = 32°,
Answer: sin 2θ angle B = 70°, and side c = 247. An airplane leaves an aircraft
27 units. Solve for side a of carries and flies south at 350 mph. The
222. The equation 2sinh x cosh x the triangle. carrier travels S 30° E at 25 mph. If the
is equal to: Answer: 14.63 units wireless communication range of the
Answer: sinh 2x airplane is 700 miles, when will it lose
236. In a triangle, find the contact with the carrier?
Answer: 2.13 hrs
256. From the top of tower rotation of the minute hand is 2 inches
248. A statue 2 meters high A, the angle of elevation of above the plane of rotation of the hour
stands on a column that is 3 the top of tower A is 28°. hand. Find the distance between the tips
meters high. An observer in level Both towers are on a level of the hands at 5:40 AM.
with the top of the statue ground. If the height of tower Answer: 9.17 inches
observed that the column and B is 120 m, how high is
the statue subtend the same tower A? 264. If the bearing of A from B is S 40°
angle. How far is the observer Answer: 40.71 m W, then the bearing of B from A is:
from the statue? Answer: N 40° E
Answer: 2√5 m 257. Points A and B are 100
m apart and are on the same 265. A plane hillside is inclined at an
249. From the top of the building elevation as the foot of a angle of 28° with the horizontal. A man
100 m, high the angle of the building. The angles of wearing skis can climb this hillside by
depression of a point A due to elevation of the top of the following a straight path inclined at an
East of it is 30°. From a point B building from points A and B angle of 12° to the horizontal, but one
due to south of the building, the are 21° and 32°, without skis must follow a path inclined at
angle of elevation of the top is respectively. How far is A an angle of only 5° with the horizontal.
60°. Find the distance AB. from the building? Find the angle between the directions of
Answer: 100√3/3 Answer: 259.3 m the two paths.
Answer: 15.56°
250. An observer found the 258. A man finds the angle
angle of elevation of the top of of elevation of the top of a 266. Calculate the area of a spherical
the tree to be 27°. After moving tower to be 30°. He walks 85 triangle whose radius is 5 m and whose
10 m closer (on the same m nearer the tower and finds angles are 40°, 65°, and 110°.
vertical and horizontal plane as its angle of elevation to be Answer: 15.27 sq. m
the three), the angle of elevation 60°. What is the height of the
becomes 54°. Find the height of tower? 267. A right spherical triangle has an
the tree. Answer: 73.61 m angle C = 90° a = 50°, and c = 80°. Find
Answer: 8.09 m the side b.
259. The angle of elevation Answer: 74.33°
251. From a point A at the foot of of a point C is 29°42’: the
the mountain, the angle of angle of elevation of C from 268. If the time 8:00 A.M. GMT, what is
elevation of the top B is 60°. the another point A 31.2 m the time in the Philippines, which is
After ascending the mountain directly below B is 59°23’. located at 120° East longitude?
one (1) mile at an inclination of How high is C from the Answer: 4 p.m.
30° to the horizon, and reaching horizontal line through A?
a point C, an observer finds that Answer: 47.1 m 269. An airplane flew from Manila
the angle ABC is 135°. The (14°36’N, 121°05’E) at a course of S 30°
height of the mountain in feet is: 260. A rectangular piece of E maintaining a certain altitude and
Answer: 12,493 feet land 40 m x 30 m is to be following a great circle path. If its ground
crossed diagonally by a 10 speed is 350 knots, after how many
252. A 50-meter vertical tower m wide roadway as shown. If hours will it cross the equator?
casts a 62.3-meter shadow when the land cost P1,500.00 per Answer: 2.87 hrs
the angle of elevation of the sun square meter, the cost of the
is 41.6°. The inclination of the roadway is: 270. Find the distance in nautical miles
ground is: Answer: P601,650.00 between Manila and San Francisco.
Answer: 4.72° Manila is located 14° 36’ N latitude and
261. A man improvises a 121°05’ E longitude. San Francisco is
253. A vertical pole is 10 m from temporary shield from the situated 37°48’ N latitude and 122° 24’ W
a building. When the angle of sun using triangular piece of longitude.
elevation of the sun is 45°, the wood with dimensions of 1.4 Answer: 6046.2 nautical miles
pole cast a shadow on the m, 1.5 m, 1.3 m, with the
building 1 m high. Find the longer side lying horizontally 271. A at certain point on the ground, the
height of the pole. on the ground, he props up tower at the top of 20-m high building
Answer: 11 m the corner of the triangle with subtends an angle of 45°. At another
a vertical pole 0.9 m long. point on the ground 25 m closer the
254. A pole cast a shadow of 15 What would be the area of building, the tower subtends an angle of
meters long when the angle of the shadow on the ground 45°. Find the height of the tower.
elevation of the sun 61°. If the when the sun is vertically Answer: 101.85 m
pole has leaned 15° from the overhead?
vertical directly toward the sun, Answer: 0.5 m2 272. A wooden flagpole is embedded 3
what is the length of the pole? m deep at corner A of a concrete
Answer: 54.23 m 262. A rectangular piece of horizontal slab ABCD, square in form
wood 4 cm x 12 cm tall is and measuring 20 ft on a side. A storm
255. An observer wishes to tilted at an angle of 45°. Find broke the flag pole at a point one meter
determine the height of a tower. the vertical distance between above the slab and inclined toward
He takes sights at the top of the the lower corner and upper corner C in the direction of the diagonal
tower from A and B, which are corner. AC. The vertical angles observed at the
50 ft apart, at the same elevation Answer: 8√2 center of the slab and at corner C to the
on a direct line with the tower. tip of the flag pole were 65° and 35°,
The vertical angle at point A is 263. A clock has a dial face respectively. What is the total length of
30° and at point B is 40°. What is 12 inches in radius. The the flagpole above the slab in yards?
the height of the tower? minute hand is 9 inches long Answer: 5.61 yards
Answer: 92.54 ft while the hour hand is 6
inches long. The plane of 273. From the third floor window of a
building, the angle of depression Answer: 2 cos2 x – 1
of an object on the ground is
35°58’, while from a sixth floor 289. Simplify 1 – 2 sin2 –x.
window, 9.75 m above the first Answer: 2 cos2 x – 1
point of observation the angle of
depression is 58°35’. How far is 290. If tan θ = x2, find cos θ.
the object from the building? Answer: 1/ 1+ x 4

Answer: 10. 7 m
291. In problem 290, Find
274. The sides of a triangle are sec θ.
18 cm, 24 cm, and 34 cm,
respectively. Find the length of Answer: 1+ x 4

the median to the 24 cm side, in
cm. 292. In problem 290, Find
Answer: 24.41 cm csc θ.
Answer: 1+ x 4 /x2

275. In the spherical triangle
ABC, A = 116°19’, B = 55°30’, 293. ½ revolutions is equal
and C = 80°37’. What is the to what degree?
value of side a. Answer: 180°
Answer: 115.573°
295. An observer wishes to
276. Find the supplement of an determine the height of a
angle whose compliment is 42° tower. He takes sights at the
Answer: 138° top of the tower from A and
277. The central angle has a B, which are 30 ft apart, at
supplement three times its the same elevation on a
compliment. Find the angle. direct line with the tower.
Answer: 45° The vertical angle at point A
is 30° and at point B is 40°.
278. The measure of 2½ What is the height of the
revolutions in degrees is: tower?
Answer: 900° Answer: 55.52 ft

279. In triangle ABC, angle A = 296. In triangle XYZ

30°, and angle B = 85°. Find X= 55°, Y= 20°, find Z.
angle C. Answer: 105°
Answer: 65°
297. Find cos θ if its
280. If cos x = 0.087. Find sin x. supplementary angle is 100°
Answer: 85° Answer: 0.1736
281. What is 45° in radian? 298. Find cot θ if tan θ =
1 -0.8391
Answer: π
4 Answer: -1.192

282. What is sec 180°=? 299. sin θ = 0.5, find tangent

Answer: -1 θ.
Answer: √3/3
283. Given angle A = 40°, angle 300. What is 2400 mils in
B = 80°, and side c = 19 units. degrees?
Solve for side b of the triangle. Answer: 135°
Answer: 21.61 units

284. In problem 283, solve for

side a of the triangle.
Answer: 14.10 units

285. A triangle AOB is a right

triangle. Line OB is the
hypotenuse, AB as the longer
side and OA as the shorter side.
If the line AB is 18 m and line OA
is 7 m. Line OB is:
Answer: 19.3 m

286. sin x = 0.9063, find csc x.

Answer: 1.1034

287. Find the angle if its tan is

equal to 0.17633.
Answer: 190°

288. Simplify cos4 x – sin4 x.

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