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REDCORTM Weathering Steel HERA Guide

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Weathering steel is a high-strength steel that develops a protective rust layer (patina) in suitable environments, reducing corrosion compared to conventional steel. It has been used in bridges, buildings and other structures since the 1930s due to its reduced maintenance requirements.

Weathering steel is a steel that develops a tightly adhered rust layer that protects the underlying steel from further corrosion when exposed to weather. Its benefits include reduced maintenance, lower whole-life costs, and it can be used without painting. However, it requires careful design and construction to develop the protective patina.

Key factors for design and detailing include allowance for corrosion, fatigue design, connection design for bolted and welded joints, general structural detailing to allow water runoff and prevent corrosion in crevices or interfaces between different materials.

HERA Design Guide

for Bridges in Australia

Weathering Steel
Design Guide for Bridges in Australia

Commissioned by BlueScope Steel Ltd

Weathering Steel
Design Guide for Bridges in Australia

NZ Heavy Engineering Authors: Acknowledgement

Research Association Raed El Sarraf This document was kindly reviewed by
Structural Systems Opus International Consultants NZ the experienced bridge design engineers,
HERA House, Willie Mandeno Mr Liam Edwards at AECOM NZ and
17-19 Gladding Place, PO Box 76-134 Opus International Consultants NZ Mr Frank Rapattoni, at Parson Brinckerhoff
Manukau, Auckland City, 2241, New Zealand Dr Stephen Hicks Australia.
Tel: +64-9-262 2885 Heavy Engineering Research Association NZ
Fax: +64-9-262 2856

Every effort has been made and all reasonable BlueScope commissioned HERA to prepare the Some of the images included in this document
care taken to ensure the accuracy and reliability report; BlueScope did not prepare the report; were reproduced from a research report for the
of the material contained herein. However, and, in promoting the guide and its findings, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).
HERA and the authors of this report make BlueScope makes no warranty or representation Permission was provided by the TxDOT to use
no warranty, guarantee or representation in as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability these images. The TxDOT was not involved in
connection with this report and shall not be of the contents of the report or its suitability for the preparation of this document nor reviewed
responsible in any way and hereby disclaim any any particular purpose the document. The TxDOT images were taken
liability or responsibility for any loss or damage by TxDOT as part of its TxDOT Weathering
resulting from the use of this report. Steel report.

1. Introduction 2
2. Background to Weathering Steel 3
2.1 What is Weathering Steel? 3
2.2 Benefits of Weathering Steel 3
2.3 Where to use Weathering Steel? 4
3. Design and Detailing 6
3.1 Design Codes 6
3.2 Material Specification 6
3.3 Allowance for Loss of Thickness 6
3.4 Design 7
3.5 Bolted Connections 7
3.6 Welded Connections 8
3.7 Fatigue 9
3.8 General Structural Detailing 10
3.9 Removal of Rust Stains 15
3.10 Interface Protection 15
3.11 Connection to Other Materials 16
3.12 Further Protection – Coating 16
4. Fabrication and Construction 18
4.1 Cold and Hot Forming 18
4.2 Cutting 18
4.3 Welding 18
4.4 Surface Preparation 19
4.5 Storage, Handling, and Erection 20
4.6 Final Site Cleaning 20
4.7 Protection of Piers and Abutments 20
4.8 Guardrails and Light Poles 20
5. In-service Inspection 22
5.1 Requirements for Inspection of Weathering Steel Bridges 22
5.2 Level 1 Inspections (Routine) 22
5.3 Level 2 Inspections (Condition Assessment) 22
5.4 Surface Appearance 22
5.5 Measuring the Steel Thickness 23
5.6 Detection of Fatigue Cracks 23
6. Maintenance 24
6.1 General 24
6.2 Maintenance Procedures 24
6.3 Graffiti Removal 24
7. Rehabilitation of Weathering Steel Bridges 26
7.1 General 26
7.2 Sealing of crevices 26
7.3 Use of Protective Coatings 26
7.4 Inspection and Maintenance of Coated Weathering Steel 26
8. References 27
Appendix 28
Appendix A: Determination of Site‑Specific Atmospheric Corrosivity Category 28

1. Introduction

Weathering steel is a high strength, structural A well designed and correctly detailed This publication covers the designing,
steel that, in suitable environments, develops weathering steel bridge, in an appropriate construction, inspection, maintenance and
a tightly adherent oxide layer or ‘patina’, environment, can provide an attractive, very low even rehabilitation of weathering steel, should
which significantly reduces the corrosion rate maintenance, economic solution and extends corrosion rates exceed those anticipated at
compared with conventional structural steel. the scope for cost-effective steel bridges. the design stage, as well as discussing the
limitations on the use of weathering steel.
Weathering steel has been used since the Accordingly, the Heavy Engineering and
1930’s in railway coal wagons, bridges, Research Association of NZ and Opus Comments and queries on the guide should be
buildings, facades and many architectural International Consultants, NZ have prepared referred to HERA.
features such as sculptures and landscaping. this document entitled ‘Weathering Steel Design
It has been used extensively in North America, Guide for Bridges in Australia’. The purpose of
Europe and Japan for over 55 years; and over this publication is to provide a collation of the
the last 10 years in New Zealand. When necessary guidance for the Australian industry
designed and detailed correctly, taking into to assist with the efficient and appropriate
account the environmental factors that governs application of weathering steels in Australian
its use, it has exhibited excellent performance. bridges. It also provides guidance to achieve
the expected performance of weathering steel
in Australian bridges, to realise the planned life
span of the bridges.

2. Background to Weathering Steel

2.1 What is Weathering Steel? reduction in corrosion rates is illustrated in 2.2.2 Reduced Construction Time
Figure 2.1. The total construction period is reduced as
Weathering steel, or to use its technical title
of “structural steel with improved atmospheric both shop and site painting operations are
In a suitable environment this stable condition
corrosion resistance”, is a high strength eliminated, to the advantage of the contractor
may be reached within 8 years, or more,
low alloy structural steel that, in suitable and ultimately the client.
depending on the local environmental factors.
environments, may be left uncoated because it At this stage the metal is then protected from 2.2.3 Reduced Cost and Time of
forms an adherent protective rust “patina” that significant future corrosion by the rust patina. Maintenance
minimises further corrosion. The alloys added Assuming that there is no significant change in If correctly detailed, periodic inspection and
to weathering steel compose only 2% of the the environment, and with regular inspection to cleaning should be the only maintenance
steel make-up with specific alloying elements determine and treat any isolated problem areas if required to ensure the bridge continues to
such as copper, chromium, silicon and in some they occur, the potential life of a weathering steel perform satisfactorily. Since a protective coating
cases phosphorus. The additional alloying does bridge is expected to be more than 100 years. is not normally required, the cost of inspection,
not diminish the structural capability of the cleaning and, in some cases, the occasional
steel, with the steel offering strength, ductility, 2.2 Benefits of Weathering Steel remedial treatment of limited areas is usually
toughness and weldability suitable for bridge 2.2.1 Cost Benefit considerably lower than the costs of regular
construction and covered by the Australian Depending on the market price of weathering maintenance and recoating of a fully coated
Standard AS/NZS 3678. steel, it may be greater than carbon steels; structure. This greatly reduces indirect costs
All structural steel corrodes, at a rate which is however cost savings from the elimination of such as those resulting from traffic management
governed by the access of moisture and oxygen the protective coating system typically outweigh and traffic delay, caused by providing site access
to the metallic iron. As this process continues, the additional material costs. The total life while coating maintenance activities are carried
the oxide (rust) layer becomes a barrier restricting cycle cost of a weathering steel bridge could out.
further ingress of moisture and oxygen to the be up to 30% lower than a conventional coated 2.2.4 Environmental Benefits
metal, and the rate of corrosion slows down. steel alternative (El Sarraf & Mandeno 2010). Coating application and maintenance requires
In most cases, a weathering steel solution is suitable health and safety protection for
The rust layers formed on most conventional cost-competitive with an optimised coated steel
carbon-manganese structural steels detaches the applicators and can also require special
alternative for most inland environments.
from the metal surface after a period of time
and the corrosion cycle commences again.
Figure 2.1
Hence, the corrosion rate progresses as a
Schematic comparison Average corrision rate
series of incremental curves approximating to a
between the corrosion
straight line, the slope of which depends on the
loss of weathering Cyclic corrosion loss
aggressiveness of the environment.
and carbon steel (schematic) Unprotected Carbon/
The weathering steel rust patina is initiated in Carbon-Manganese steels
the same way but, due to the alloying elements
Corrosion Loss

in the steel, it produces a stable corrosion

nano-layer (Kimura 2005) that adheres to the
base metal and is much less porous. This layer Weathering steel
develops under conditions of alternate wetting
and drying to produce a protective barrier
which impedes further access of oxygen and Actual corrosion loss
moisture. Eventually, if this barrier is sufficiently
impervious and tightly adhering, the corrosion
rate will be greatly reduced. The resulting

environmental considerations, such as 2.3.1 Marine Environment determining the macroclimate and microclimate
containment of abrasive blast cleaning residue. Exposure to high concentrations of de- for a specific location, can be obtained from the
Hence, the omission of a protective coating by passivating chloride ions will greatly affect the Australian Bureau of Meteorology site under
using weathering steel, yields both health and patina formation. These can be deposited from climate data.
environmental benefits. airborne marine salts in aerosol originating
Based on the findings of the Morcillo review
from breaking waves at sea or on the shoreline,
2.2.5 Attractive Appearance of weathering steel performance data, it is
or from salt fogs, will greatly affect the patina
The protective mechanism of weathering steel recommended that weathering steel should
formation. The hygroscopic nature of salt can
in bridges is the formation of a stable film of a only be used in areas where the maximum first
prevent sheltered surfaces from fully drying
rust patina. Once fully formed and weathered, year corrosion rate (taking into account both
when relative humidity is elevated and thus
the appearance of this film is uniform, usually the macroclimate and microclimate effects on
stop the formation of the rust patina, thereby
of a dark brown or purple colour. This colour can sheltered surfaces) of mild steel is less than
resulting in the weathering steel continuing to
blend nicely with the environment and improves 50 µm/yr. This is equivalent to a rain washed
corrode at a rate similar to mild steel.
with age. surface in atmospheric corrosivity category
Evidence of a higher corrosion rate and a C3 (Medium) to ISO 9223. Therefore, if the
2.2.6 Safety Benefits
delayed, or even no, formation of the protective determined atmospheric corrosivity is C4 (High)
Health and safety issues relating to initial and
patina has been identified for unwashed and or C5 (Very High), weathering steel should not
subsequent coatings are avoided, and safety
sheltered surfaces (i.e. microclimate effects), be used.
issues associated with maintenance access are
as well as in crevices, on weathering steel
reduced, thus implementing Safety in Design Generally, weathering steel can be used in
structures in coastal locations (Morcillo 2013).
principles. For example the need to access the locations that are more than 2km from the
confined space inside closed box girders is Therefore, when determining the suitability open seacoast, where the maximum first
minimised. of using weathering steel in a given location, year corrosion rate (taking into account both
the atmospheric corrosivity assessment needs the macroclimate and microclimate effects
2.3 Where to use to take into account both the macroclimate, in on sheltered surfaces) of mild steel is less
Weathering Steel? accordance with AS 4312 and/or the CSIRO than 50 µm/yr. However, in some cases, this
As with other forms of construction materials, Corrosion Mapping and Model (Trinidad 2011); minimum safe distance may increase up to
there are certain environments which can as well as the microclimate effects, as described 40km, depending on prevailing wind strength
lead to durability problems. The performance in the Australian Steelwork Corrosion and and direction, ocean wave and coastal surf
of weathering steel in these environments Coatings Guide (ASCCG) (Clifton et al 2013). conditions, topography, obstructions to wind
may not be satisfactory and its use in these flow and the level of shelter near the site.
Details regarding humidity levels, wind
environments should be avoided. strengths and wind directions, which assist in

Table 2.1 Atmospheric corrosivity categories to AS 4312 and AS/NZS 2312 and description of typical environments

Corrosivity Categories Description Corrosion Rate for Steel (µm/year) Typical Exterior Environment

C1 Very Low <1.3 Alpine Areas

C2 Low 1.3 to 25 Rural/urban

C3 Medium 25 to 50 Coastal

C4 High 50 to 80 Sea-shore (calm)

C5 Very High 80 to 200 Sea-shore (surf)/offshore

Hence, confirmation of the site atmospheric “Tunnel-like” conditions are produced by a Overseas practice is to limit weathering steel
corrosivity category to assess the suitability of combination of a narrow depressed road with use to regions where the ‘time of wetness’
the site is required. See Appendix A for worked minimum shoulders between vertical retaining is < 60% of the total time. (‘Time of wetness’
examples on determining the atmospheric walls, and a wide bridge with minimum for weathering steel applicability is defined
corrosivity category, using the guidance given in headroom and full height abutments. Such by ISO 9223 as when the relative humidity
the ASCCG (Clifton et al 2013). situations may be encountered at urban/suburban exceeds 80% at the site). This is based on
grade separations. The extreme geometry the classification of times of wetness greater
In the case that weathering steel is being
prevents roadway spray from being dissipated than 60% as being “very damp for corrosion
considered for sites where the microclimate
by air currents, and it can lead to excessive purposes” by ISO 9223 (Category T5 to ISO
corrosivity is borderline high C3 (Medium)/
contaminated spray on the bridge girders. 9223). Hence, the humidity level at the site
low C4 (High), or less than 2km from the open
should be less than 80% for more than 40% of
seacoast; then determination of the actual Leaking expansion joints can be caused by faulty
the year.
site-specific corrosivity environment (including seals exposing bridge members to contaminated
those of unwashed and sheltered surfaces), runoff water; resulting in a higher time of Where the average time of wetness is greater
with a minimum of 1 year record, is required. wetness and increases the risk to the continued than 60% and up to 70%, the following
This assessment should be undertaken by an corrosion of the weathering steel surface. additional restrictions apply:
experienced corrosion engineer, having the
Section 3.8 covers detailing solutions to avoid – the bridge must not be shaded from sunlight
minimum qualifications given in Section 3.12. It
localised durability issues. between the hours of 9am to 3pm by
is recommended that the ‘coupon weight-loss’
permanent obstructions such as surrounding
technique be used to determine the site- De-icing salts used on roads both over and
hills, at any time of the year.
specific corrosivity, rather than testing for salt under weathering steel bridges may also lead
and sulphur dioxide levels in the atmosphere. to problems. These includes leaking expansion – the bridge must be located so there is
Guidance is available for conducting the ‘coupon joints where salt laden run-off flows directly unobstructed airflow past the steelwork.
weight – loss’ test. over the steel and salt spray from roads where
– the surrounds must be constructed so there
“tunnel-like” conditions are created. Both
For marine locations near closed bays and is no vegetation taller than grass within 3
of these cases are much less of an issue in
sheltered harbours, where C4/C5 environments metres of the bridge steelwork.
Australia than they are in countries, where
do not exist and C3 regions can be relatively
sodium chloride based de-icing salts are used on 2.3.4 Atmospheric Pollution
narrow (< 2km), weathering steels may be able
roads, to make driving safer in winter months. Weathering steel should not be used in
to be used closer than 2km from salt water;
atmospheres where high concentrations
the minimum distance being site specific. Site 2.3.3 Continuously Wet / Damp Conditions
of corrosive chemicals or industrial fumes,
testing of corrosion rates for sites where AS Alternate wet/dry cycles are required for an
specifically SO2, are present. Such environments
4312 does not provide guidance for the corrosion adherent patina to form. Where this cannot
with a pollution classification above P3 (SO2
category of the location, should be conducted as occur, due to excessively damp conditions, a
> 250µg/m3 concentration or 200mg/m2/day
per the guidance given above. corrosion rate similar to that of conventional
deposition rate) to ISO 9223, rule out the use of
carbon-manganese steel may be expected.
2.3.2 Localised Adverse Conditions weathering steels.
Such conditions are to be avoided.
Contaminated sprays from roads under wide
In Australia, this level of SO2 may occur within
bridges create “tunnel-like” conditions that This means that, in addition to the marine
the vicinity of large industrial sites such as at
should be accounted for when the headroom is environment guidance given in Section 2.3.1,
Mt Isa in Queensland and Port Pirie in South
less than 5.3m. weathering steel members must not be
immersed in water, be in contact with soil or
be covered by vegetation. There must also be
a minimum headroom of 2.5m for crossing over
water not subject to significant wave action.

3. Design and Detailing

3.1 Design Codes 3.2 Material Specification over the design life of the bridge should be
In Australia, the design for weathering steel BlueScope supplies REDCOR™ weathering steel1 considered. The corrosion allowance is added to
bridges should be undertaken in accordance to to the Australian Standard AS/NZS 3678, with each exposed surface and this added thickness
the relevant parts of Australian Standard AS the typical material properties given in Table 3.1. for the corrosion allowance cannot be used in
5100, especially Part 6. the calculation of the structural capacity of the
3.3 Allowance for Loss of member.
However, there are a number of requirements,
Thickness Table 3.2 outlines the corresponding corrosion
mostly related to detailing and suitability
of environment, which relate specifically to Assuming that the protective rust patina is allowance for a bridge design life of 100 years,
weathering steel. These are outlined below. formed, even with the reduced corrosion rate, as specified in AS 5100.6.
an allowance for the expected section loss

Table 3.1 Properties of AS/NZS 3678 weathering steel

Steel Grade1 Thickness of material Minimum Yield Stress Minimum Tensile Charpy Impact
(t) (mm) (MPa) Strength (MPa) toughness2

WR350 –

WR350L0 6 to 803 340 450 27 Joules @ 0°C

WR350L20 27 Joules @ -20°C

Notes to Table 3.1 –– 350: represents the Nominal Yield Strength. 2 Using Charpy 2mm V-notch impact test specimens.
1 The Australian steel grade designations mean: –– L0: relates to the impact test temperature (0°C). 3 Thicknesses down to 3mm are available as coil plate
WR: represents “weather-resistant” (i.e. improved –– L20: relates to the impact test temperature (-20°C). to AS 1594.
atmospheric corrosion resistance or weathering steel). More detail is found in the Australian Standard AS/NZ 3678.

Table 3.2 Corrosion allowance (use with Table 2.1 on page 4)

Atmospheric corrosion classification Weathering steel Corrosion allowance

(ISO 9223) environmental classification (mm/exposed face)

C1, C2 Mild 1.0

C3 Medium 1.5

C1, internal Interior (Box girders) 0.5

Notes to Table 3.2 –– Allowances to apply to all fillet and partial penetration –– Weathering steel should not be used for Classifications
–– No allowance required for interior faces of hermetically butt welds. C4 and C5 or for certain Classification C3 sites as per the
hollow sections. –– No allowance is normally made for weathering steel HSFG guidance given in Section 2.3.1.
–– Internals of box (tub) girders supporting concrete decks bolts. See Section 3.5.4. –– If required, additional guidance on the corrosion
should be classified as C2, unless designed to prevent –– Allowances apply to all other structural elements, allowance can be sought by contacting HERA.
water ingress. including stiffeners and bracing etc.

1 For any information on BlueScope REDCOR™ weathering steel visit or call 1800 800 799
3.4 Design bolts are coated a dissimilar colour to the 3.5.2 Coefficient of Friction
weathering steel. This in turn will introduce a It has been found (Kulak et al, 2001) that for
3.4.1 Global Analysis
maintenance issue, due to the need to refurbish tightly adherent mill scale on the surface of
Since the global analysis for member actions
the coating on the bolts over the design life of weathering steel at a bolted connection, the
and deflections is usually not particularly
the structure. connection slips into bearing at a lower shear
sensitive to the exact thickness of the steel
stress than that of carbon steel with mill scale.
sections. The given member sectional area and Another unsuitable option are unprotected
The coefficient of friction was μs = 0.2 for
second moment of area, may be used. “black” bolts, with those manufactured to AS/
weathering steel versus 0.35 for carbon steel.
3.4.2 Detailed Design NZS 1111, which are of lower strength, being
Although it is unlikely that, at any given section Property Class 4.6-mild steel. However steel However, for high friction grip connections,
and time during the life of the bridge, that the shear studs that are embedded in concrete are the full removal of the mill scale is required, to
entire exposed perimeter is uniformly corroded, acceptable as the alkaline environment prevents achieve a higher coefficient of friction of μs =
to the corrosion allowance given above; the galvanic action from occurring. 0.5. Therefore to use this higher friction factor,
members net thickness and area, taking into all faying surfaces should be abrasive blast
Instead, weathering grade high strength friction
the account the corrosion allowance, should be cleaned using non-metallic grit to Commercial
group (HSFG) bolts, nuts and washers should
used when designing the members structural Blast Cleaning as defined under the visual
be used. These are available from the United
capacity. cleanliness standard SSPC SP-6/NACE No 3,
States, Japan or Britain.
which is similar to Sa 2 to AS/NZS 2312.1:2014.
3.5 Bolted Connections Two strengths are available; these are ASTM See Section 4.4 for further guidance on surface
A325, Type 3 or ASTM A490, Type 3 bolts. In preparation.
For bolted connections, the following topics
Australian terminology, the ASTM A325 bolt
should be considered. Furthermore, the development of an adherent
is equivalent to Property Class 8.8 bolt and
rust film, such as that produced by wetting and
3.5.1 Material Selection the ASTM A490 has a higher strength, with
drying for several months by exposure to rain or
The standard bolts used in bridges, are usually mechanical properties of a Properly Class 10.9
washing with potable water, does not degrade
Property Class 8.8 structural bolts to AS/NZS bolt. They must be used in conjunction with the
the coefficient of friction. However loose rust
1252, which are supplied as hot-dip galvanized. matching higher grade nuts and washers
or any residual mill scale would impair the
While, these can be used in weathering steel
They are available from Britain in metric sizes performance of the joint, and its removal from
bridges, the dissimilar metals in contact with
(such as ASTM A325M) and come as M20, M24 plies by wire brushing or scraping prior to
each other (i.e. zinc and weathering steel), will
and M30, or more commonly available from assembly of the connection must be specified.
result in the depletion of the zinc and corrosion
the United States in imperial sizes with the
of the bolt over time. Furthermore, they will look
[following details:]
distinctly different, especially if the galvanized

Table 3.3

ASTM Designation No. Size Range inclusive, in Minimum Proof Minimum Tensile Minimum Yield Stress,
Stress1, kpsi Strength, kpsi kpsi

A325, Type 3 0.5-1.0 (12.7-25.4mm), 85 (586 MPa), 120 (827 MPa), 92 (634 MPa),
1.125-1.625 (28.58-41.3mm) 76 (524 MPa) 107 (738 MPa) 83 (572 MPa)

A490, Type 3 0.5-1.5 (12.7-38.1mm) 120 (827 MPa) 150 (1034 MPa) 130 (896 MPa)

Notes to Table 3.3

1 The minimum proof stress is the minimum stress in the installed bolt when installed in accordance with ASTM A325 (or Clause H2.5.2 of AS 5100.6).

3.5.3 Crevice Corrosion and Bolts Spacing 3.5.4 Corrosion Allowance for Bolts While the designer can specify joints such
Crevice corrosion is an issue with all types of There are no specific code requirements for any that this is unlikely, the fabricator still has to
bolted connections, but provided the surfaces allowance to be made on the size of bolts. It is ensure good fit-up with flat plates. As a last
are held together in sufficiently close contact reasonable to assume that in a properly detailed resort, sealants are available which will perform
it has been found (ECCS, 2001), that problems bolted connection (see below), the bolt shank adequately with weathering steels to prevent
such as rust staining and pack rust do not arise. may be treated as “not exposed” and hence water ingress to such joints.
no allowance need to be made; the size of the
However, it must be recognised that any flexing 3.6 Welded Connections
bolt heads and nuts are generally sufficient to
in service of the connected steel members
accommodate any loss that occurs. If there is Welding is of critical importance in the
can open up the joint and lead to the ingress
any cause for concern (for example poor fit-up fabrication of steel structures as welds are
of moisture and dissolved contaminants as a
or flexible cover plates allowing water to be usually the most critical parts of the structure.
result of capillary action. Hence more stringent
attracted by capillary action under the bolt Therefore great attention should be given to the
requirements on bolt centres and edge distances
head or the nut), local sealing and/or coating is selection of welding consumables to achieve
are required in comparison to joints in a
likely to be preferred treatment, since continued the desired characteristics of resistance to
conventional steel bridge.
wetness could cause corrosion far in excess of atmospheric corrosion and colouring pattern
– Bolt spacing in lines adjacent to plate/section any nominal allowance. Maximum bolt pitches of the welds; especially when a client has
edges should not exceed fourteen (14) times to avoid capillary action occurring are given particular expectations for the appearance of
the thickness of the thinnest component, and above. a fabrication. Welding must comply with the
in any event should not exceed 175mm. quality requirements of the applicable welding
3.5.5 Design of Bolted Connections
– The distance from the centre of any bolt to As previously discussed, while metric sized standard and product specifications. In Australia
the nearest free edge of a plate should not weathering steel bolts are available, imperial and New Zealand welding of weathering steels
exceed eight (8) times the thinnest component sized bolts are more commonly used. As such, is required to comply with AS/NZS 1554 Part
and in any event should not exceed 125mm. it is recommended that bolted connections are 1 or 5. All joints, including fillet welds, should
designed for the M24 bolt, but with 1” bolt be continuously welded to avoid moisture and
– These requirements given in (SCI 2015) are corrosion traps such as crevices.
spacing. This will maximise the procurement
slightly more stringent than the requirements
options available to the contractor, who can Site welding should be generally avoided as
give in Clause and of AS
then substitute 1” bolts for M24 bolts, without it requires local grit blasting or grinding after
5100.6. If these limitations cannot for any
affecting the layout or design of the connection. welding which may lead to differences in
reason be met, either the joint must be
protected by a suitable coating or a suitable Alternatively, if it was confirmed from the appearance of the welded joint from the rest of
sealant should be applied around the edge beginning of the design process that imperial the steelwork. If site welding is to be used, this
of the joint. Also load indicating and spring bolts will be used, it will more economical must be designed and detailed for from the start
washers should not be used. to design for the larger 1” bolts, due to the of the design stage and preferably not made
additional available capacity in comparison to as a late change in the design and detailing
Designers should be aware of Issue 94 of process, once the general details and layout are
the slightly slimmer M24 bolts.
“Construction and Technology”, April 2002, established.
which covers an example of a bridge mounted Bolts in tension friction and bearing-type
sign failure between the mounting plate and connections of weathering steel bridges should A prerequisite for obtaining identical mechanical
the bridge beam in weathering steel bridges. It be tightened using the part-turn method as properties in the weld and in the base material
gives recommendations for bolts and treatment outlined in Clause H2.5.2 of AS 5100.6 and is the use of suitable welding consumables and
of the contact surface between the plate and spaced as detailed in Section 2.9. the choice of appropriate welding conditions
beam, for attachments to the beams, such as accordingly to AS/NZS 1554. The Standard
As discussed, great care also has to be taken however does not specify requirements for
for these signs. See Section 7.2 for guidance on
to avoid crevices which can admit water at every aspect of the welding; there are various
sealing of crevices.
the ends of lapping plates, and similar details. matters that need to be resolved between

the designer and the fabricator. This includes 5100.6 of the critical detail is 100 or lower, Even though in practice welded weathering
the possible use of C-Mn unalloyed welding the use of weathering steel will not cause steel bridges will not have a lesser fatigue
consumables for single run welds and type and any reduction of fatigue life. Even if the detail performance than those of coated steelwork,
amount of welding inspection. Appendix D in is detail category 112, degradation would be it is necessary to design the details to be as
AS/NZS 1554.1 provides the list of “Matters for minimal. fatigue-resistant as practicable. As is discussed
resolution”; a normative part of the Standard in Section 5.6, fatigue cracks in weathering steel
(c) Tests which show worse behaviour of
that both designers and fabricators must bridges are much harder to detect than those in
joints with low fatigue detail category in
consider before the start of the job. coated carbon steel bridges.
weathering steel have apparently always
BlueScope also have an advisory Technical been carried out in very adverse testing
Note on the Welding of Weathering steel environments (for example continuously
(Supplement to Technical Bulletin TB 26) sprayed with salt water). Weathering steel
that provides guidance on the welding of should not be used for bridges in such
weathering steels.2 environments. Therefore, provided that the
guidelines on suitable environments given in
See also Section 4.3 and note to Table 3.2.
Section 2.3 are observed, the results of such
3.7 Fatigue tests will not be applicable.
Concern has been expressed that weathering
steel bridges may exhibit lower fatigue Figure 3.1
performance than those in ordinary structural Grinding flush of welds which otherwise form water traps
steel. This view comes from the fact that
corrosion forms pits from which fatigue cracks Bad Detailing Good Detailing

might initiate easily, with the corrosion then

following the crack and hence increasing the
speed of propagation. Many tests have been
carried out worldwide to investigate this, and
whilst the results are not all in full agreement,
there seems to be a general consensus that:
(a) After the weathering process has occurred, Figure 3.2
parent weathering steel (e.g. constructional Spacing of Girders
details 1-3 from Table 13.5.1(A) of AS Bad Detailing Good Detailing
5100.6), will have lower fatigue strength
than parent non-corroded steel, because
of the greater surface roughness under the
corrosion layer.
(b) Fatigue failures in bridges are almost
always initiated at a point of geometrical
discontinuity or stress concentration such as
a weld: this gives a much greater reduction
below the parent steel fatigue strength
than does the presence of corrosion pits in
weathering steel. It appears that, provided
the detail category to Table 13.5.1(A) of AS

2 Technical Note on the Welding of Weathering Steels, BlueScope
3.8 General Structural Detailing – Avoid overlaps, pockets, faying surfaces – Provide slopes or cross fall to ensure water
and crevices, which can collect and retain runoff. Provide drip plates to direct runoff
The first principle to be stated when detailing a
moisture. (Figure 3.3 to 3.6) away from bearings or where staining could
weathering steel bridge is that good structural
detailing practice should be used. In this regard, – Hermetically seal hollow sections, or provide
in the correct environment, a bridge whose adequate access, drainage, and ventilation. – Where possible web plates of box girders
details would give no problems in coated carbon (Figure 3.7) should extend 20mm below the bottom
steel bridge would behave entirely satisfactorily flange. (Figure 3.7)
if designed in weathering steel.
Figure 3.3
However, the following details are particularly Curtailing transverse web stiffeners to allow drainage below
important to be aware of:
Bad Detailing Good Detailing
3.8.1 Drainage
A weathering steel bridge should not be
permanently wet or damp. Hence, even if
the general environment is satisfactory, it is
important to ensure by good detailing that a
high time of wetness does not occur at any point
on the bridge steelwork.
There are a number of ways in which this can be
achieved, some of which are illustrated below.
Some of these details may be expensive to
fabricate or, if in fatigue sensitive areas, may 30mm
lead to a reduced fatigue life. A designer must
carefully weigh the relative advantages and
disadvantages, taking all factors into account,
before selecting a detail.
Figure 3.4
Weathering steel bridges should be detailed to
Optimum choice of transverse stiffener shape
ensure that all parts of the steelwork can dry
out, by avoiding moisture and debris retention Bad Detailing Good Detailing
and by ensuring adequate ventilation and any
ponding of water.
Common practices in this regard are to: 1 1 1. Bearing Stiffener

– Grind flush weld details which may cause

water traps. (Figure 3.1)
– Provide 50mm copes where stiffeners are
attached to the bottom flange.
– Avoid closely spaced girders to aid
ventilation. (Figure 3.2). This is also a more
economical layout.

Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 3.8.2 Crevices
Correct orientation of Provision of run-off slopes Crevices should be minimised and where
longitudinal stiffeners on external flanges possible, eliminated. Crevices can attract
moisture by capillary action, and can be a
Bad Detailing Good Detailing Bad Detailing Good Detailing particular problem for weathering steel bridges,
as they are not coated or sealed. Crevices can
occur at any point where two surfaces are in
contact, and are particularly an issue for bolted
connections where plates lap (see further
comment on bolted connections in Section 3.5.3,
including maximum bolt spacing). If a crevice
is not adequately sealed, not only is water
attracted into the crevice without much chance
of escape, but the corrosion products formed as
a consequence have a higher volume than the
original material that may result in the distorting
or bursting of the connection. Furthermore,
the corrosion products themselves will tend to
Figure 3.7 attract further water and thus aggravate the
Use of Box Sections situation.
In cross bracing between girders, use angles
“flange upwards” (Figure 3.5; good detailing),
and select “K” bracing rather than “X” bracing
to avoid crevices at the intersections. If “X”
Bad Detailing bracing must be used, fill out the intersections
with tightly fitting filler plates, (See Figure 3.8).
3.8.3 Expansion Joints
Minimise the number of deck joints, as leaky
deck joints are one of the most common causes
of problems in weathering steel bridges,
Good Detailing allowing contaminated water to drop onto the
steel below the deck, as well as increase the
time of wetness that will affect the patina
formation. Therefore, weathering steel should
be used for bridges in conjunction with the
deck being continuous over intermediate piers
Note: (Figure 3.9) and, where possible, where the deck
Use box section girders where technically and economically feasible, and ensure that lower is integral with the abutments, see (El Sarraf et
flanges do not project horizontally (see Figure 3.5). However internal condensation may occur
and adequate internal ventilation and drainage must be provided, especially when supporting al 2013) for additional guidance.
an unsealed concrete deck.

Figure 3.9 Long span “jointless” bridge Figure 3.12a Good detailing producing Figure 3.12b Bad detailing (severe staining)
[image courtesy of the Texas Department of an abutement free of staining [Image courtesy of TxDOT]
transportation (TxDOT)] [Image courtesy of]

If deck joints are unavoidable at abutments, Figure 3.8

give special attention to them to ensure Cross Bracing Details
that they do not leak or, if there is any risk Concrete Deck
of leakage, that they are provided with a
positive drainage system whose outlet pipes
are of sufficient length to ensure that the Filler Plate
Type “K”
discharge water does not spray on to the
adjacent steelwork or substructure in any wind
condition. The use of drainage items of a non- Type “X”
metallic type is preferable.
3.8.4 Run-off
Run-off of water from the super-structure and
drains should not be permitted to run down the
visible external surfaces of the substructure.
Figure 3.10 Figure 3.11
Until the patina is fully formed, run-off water
Sloped abutment platform and drain Drip plate attached to bottom flange,
is liable to contain rust from the weathering
sloped to prevent debris accumulation.
process, and unless it is kept away from such
Sloped abutment platform and drain
surfaces will cause unsightly staining. The
drainage of the deck, piers, and abutments
requires careful design and detailing to ensure
that staining is avoided.

This usually means channelling any run-off to 40˚

water on the tops of piers or abutments, and 1 5
around bearings to a drain, or drains, feeding 4 Flange
into down-pipes which discharge away from 3 2
the pier or abutment. Particular care should
be taken to ensure (by diversion strips or
otherwise) that run-off from bottom flanges
occurs away from piers. Refer to Figure 3.10
and Figure 3.11 for appropriate drainage in
the abutment, and the correct orientation of
the drip plate. Also see Figure 3.12 and Figure 1. Bearing stiffener
3.13 which show examples of good and bad 2. Sloping top of pier
detailing. 3. Drainage gutter
4. Drainage pipe
5. Drip plate

Figure 3.13 Bad detailing of drip plate. Drip plate improperly set at 90,̊ creating
corner for debris accumulation (left); and Drip plate not set at proper angle (right).
[Images courtesy of TxDOT]

Figure 3.14 Figure 3.14 shows the design of a drip pan,

Well designed drip pan installation followed by Figure 3.15 which demonstrates
good and bad detailing of the drip plate and drip
Figure 3.16 shows the design of a retro drip pan,
Cap Box Girder
followed by Figure 3.17 which demonstrates
good and bad detailing of the retrofitted drip
Drip pan – stainless steel
3mm thick (approx) It should always be kept in mind when designing
Sole Plate a weathering steel bridge to make it easy to
inspect. Inspection is required to ensure that
Bearing Pad
an adherent protective patina has been formed
and is not flaking off, that moisture and detritus
Pier are not collecting, and that the thickness of the
100mm to 150mm
structural elements is as expected by the Bridge
All sides Designer at that point in time. A programme
of monitoring (in accordance with Section
B2.2 of the Guidelines for Bridge Management
(Austroads 2004) should be specified, and the
design must make allowance for this to be done.
Figure 3.16 All parts of the bridge should be designed to be
Design of retrofitted drip pan readily accessible for an appropriate level of

5mm max.

Cap Box Girder Weld drip pan to bottom of girder.

Seal with silicone when cool.

Drip pan – stainless steel

3mm thick (approx)

Sole Plate
Bearing Pad

100mm to 150mm
All sides
Overlap plates
25mm min

Figure 3.15 Good and bad detailing of a drip plate and drip pan
[Images courtesy of TxDOT]

(a) Concrete column without (b) Insufficient drip pan overhang permits (c) Stain-free concrete due to
protection of drip pan run‑off to blow onto pier installation of drip plate

3.8.5 Hangar Plate and Pin Connection 3.8.6 Box and Tubular Members 3.8.7 Box Girders
Hanger plate and pin connections (see Box and tubular members for welded girders, Composite steel-concrete box girders cannot
Figure 3.18 for details) at cantilever expansion columns and trusses constructed of weathering be hermetically sealed, because moisture
joints of girders are exposed to water leaking steel will corrode on the inside if water is may come in through cracks in the concrete
through open deck joints. If these details are of continuously present. This can be prevented by deck slab. Therefore, provision must be made
weathering steel they can be severely corroded fully sealing the member or ensuring adequate for drainage of moisture and for adequate
in the gap between the girder web and the drainage holes are provided. If a pipe carrying ventilation to minimize corrosion of the interior.
hanger plates. Also, there can be some galvanic water passes through a girder, drain holes If the interior is accessible so that periodic
corrosion of the steel girder with respect to the should be provided in the bottom of the girder corrosion inspections can be made, coating of
bronze washer installed between the girder web so as to drain water in the event of a leak. the interior is unnecessary. However if future
and the hanger plates. If the corrosive attack Consideration can also be given to insulating the interior coating becomes necessary, it would
is severe, the gap between the girder web and water line to prevent condensation on the pipe be helpful to inspectors if a white alkyd coating
hanger plates becomes tightly filled with rust, exterior. Drain pipes should not pass through box system was used. If interior inspections to
and may lead to pack out failure as discussed members. monitor condition of unsealed boxes are not
earlier. These details are bad from a corrosion possible, coating the interior is recommended.
standpoint even if the joints are painted.
Alternative steps to coating may be taken to
insure satisfactory corrosion performance for
the interior of unsealed, composite box girders.
Figure 3.18 These are:
Hanger plate and pin connection
Hanger pins – Waterproof and pave the bridge deck to
prevent water from leaking through the deck
and into the box girder interior.
– Provide access holes with locked covers on
screens to keep out vermin and birds but to
allow inspection.
– Ventilate the girder by drilling 50 mm dia
holes in the bottom flange at the lowest
Suspended span Anchor span point of each compartment. Where there is
<2 degrees slope to bottom flange provide
Hanger plate
drainage holes at ~10m centres. Insert a small
Web reinforcement plate tube fitted with an insect screen into the hole
so that the top of the tube is flush with the
top surface of the bottom flange and the tube
itself protrudes below the flange.
– Locate the inspection hatches for easy access
by the inspector.

Figure 3.17 Good and bad detailing of a retrofit drip pan
[Images courtesy of TxDOT]

(a) Improperly retrofitted drip pan (b) Poor welding on retrofitted drip pan. (c) Properly retrofitted drip pan on pier.
on pier allows staining.

3.8.8 I-Girders 3.9 Removal of Rust Stains 3.10 Interface Protection

Corrosion of weathering steel members is most Although rust staining should not occur on a Other issues to consider include:
likely to occur on horizontal surfaces, in crevices well detailed weathering steel bridge, it is worth
and re-entrant comers. On I-girder bridges it – Elements buried in soil should be coated, up
noting that concrete, stone, wood, galvanized
has been found that locations where corrosion to 100mm above the ground, with a minimum
steel and unglazed brick are difficult to clean.
attack is most likely are the top surface of of 350microns of a suitable barrier coating,
Hence, it is recommended that substructures
bottom flanges, gusset plates, longitudinal such as a high build epoxy or polyurea, to
are sealed with washable organic coatings to
stiffeners, splices of horizontal and sloped minimise non-atmospheric corrosion and risk
facilitate cleaning with commercial products,
members and where flanged gusset plates of ‘ring bark’ corrosion.
should rust staining occur.
contact bearing and intermediate stiffeners. – Interfaces between steel and concrete should
Therefore, to reiterate the guidance given The following materials are subject to minimal
be separated, using a minimum of 150microns
above, good design and detailing practice should staining and can generally be cleaned relatively
of non-conductive barrier coating. See Section
involve: easily:
4.13 of (Clifton et al 2013) for further details.
– eliminating crevices and minimizing re-entrant – Ceramic tile and glazed brick
– Elements embedded in concrete need not be
comers, – Washable air-drying and thermosetting coated, except 100mm from and 50mm above
– providing for good drainage at low points organic coatings the interface. See Section 4.13 of (Clifton et
when girders slope away from the centre al 2013) for further details.
– Stainless steels
supports and toward the end supports – Contact between steel and treated timber
– Aluminium, anodised and un-anodised
– changing the flange thickness instead of the must be avoided, unless a mastic strip or
width, where welded flange splices are used, damp proof course is placed between these
because changes in widths may cause uneven components.
water flow.

3.11 Connection to Other Materials 3.12 Further Protection – Coating Implications for the appearance of the bridge
In general, any connection to a galvanically There are some weathering steel bridges in should be considered when specifying local
dissimilar material runs the risk of galvanic existence where the designer wished to provide coating and the colour of the coating system on
corrosion of either the weathering steel or further protection from the outset. Coating the exposed steel work should be selected to match
the other material (such as galvanized bolts). steelwork has been specified in areas where it the expected colour of the steel. These should
However, this will only occur in the presence was thought that the environment would prevent be able to be applied on to a high pressure
of water. Therefore for connections between the formation of the protective patina. This can water cleaned surface and should comprise a
dissimilar metals inside a dry weathering steel either be due to the accumulation of debris, salt, single coat system where possible. See AS/NZS
box girder, the risk of galvanic corrosion is and/or other contaminant. Such areas include; 2312.1 and (Clifton et al 2013), for guidance on
minimal. the top surfaces of bottom flanges, perhaps a suitable coating system such as a direct to
together with some of the bottom of the web, metal high build water based acrylic elastomer
Care should also be used if weathering steel or a high-ratio calcium sulfonate alkyd.
areas below deck joints and under the ballast in
and stainless steel (for example in bearings)
trough section railway bridges. It is recommended that a qualified coating
are connected without appropriate electrical
insulation. In this case the weathering steel In such circumstances, coating these potential specifier is used to prepare, or review, the
would become anodic and corrode preferentially, problem areas should be considered. There is refurbishment specification. The required
although experience has shown that provided some evidence that, although a barrier coat lasts qualification for such a specifier should be one
the joined area does not act as a crevice to no longer than on ordinary structural steel, if the of the following:
attract water; serious problems are unlikely to coat is damaged or degraded the self-stifling – NACE Protective Coating Specialist.
arise. Such an application is the drip pan detail properties of the rust which is formed helps to
shown in Figure 3.14. The contact surfaces and prevent under-creep. This can be beneficial since – Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA)
regions around them can be coated with a 150 damaged areas which require touch-up and Technician or Technologist with successful
microns of non-conductive barrier coating, as recoat will not spread to any extent even after a completion of the ACA’s Coating Selection
shown in Section 4.13 of (Clifton et al 2013). prolonged period of time. and Specification Course and/or certified
to NACE Coating Inspection Program (CIP)
Level 2.

Image courtesy of

4. Fabrication and Construction

4.1 Cold and Hot Forming As general guidance, for a thermally cut edge root face and gap) and the welding parameters
not subsequently fully incorporated in a weld, (current and voltage). At normal heat inputs used
As with most high strength structural steels,
cracking is more likely to occur if the hardness in manual or mechanised welding the risk of hot
cold forming is not generally recommended for
exceeds 350 HV (Vickers Pyramid Number). cracking is considered low, however at higher
structural shapes or for plates and bars over
heat inputs, particularly >2.5kJ/mm, and for fillet
approximately 20 mm thick, in accordance
4.3 Welding weld runs having a depth/width ratio greater
with AS 3678. The minimum cold bending radii
4.3.1 Welding processes than 1, the risk of hot cracking is relatively
are given in AS3678 for plate thickness up to
Weathering steel can be is welded using the high. If in doubt, a hot cracking test should
20mm however, note the need to condition the
same techniques used for low alloy steels. be considered as part of the weld procedure
plate edge prior to cold bending. Also, where
Typical welding processes used are submerged qualification test requirements to verify freedom
fracture toughness is important, AS 4100, in the
arc welding (SAW), flux-cored arc welding from hot cracking. Test methods are provided in
sections on brittle fracture, provides guidance
(FCAW), gas metal-arc welding (GMAW or MIG) AS 2205.9.1.
on the effect of cold forming strain levels on
the resultant change in notch toughness of and manual metal-arc welding (MMAW). 4.3.4 Selection of welding consumables
structural steels. 4.3.2 Preheat Welding small-sized, single-pass welds typically
The welding of structural weathering steels is causes a high amount of base metal dilution; a
Hot forming can affect both the tensile
similar to that of conventional structural steels, large amount of base metal is melted and mixed
properties and the notch toughness, particularly
but weathering steels generally have higher with the weld metal. As a result, the weld picks
in steels without sufficient grain refining
Carbon Equivalent (CE). Steel grades CW300, up a sizable amount of alloying elements from
elements. Even in steels with grain refining
HW350 and WR350 have a Weldability Group the weathering steel, which can provide the
elements (including most weathering steels)
Number 5 in accordance with the Table 5.3.4(A) weld metal with the same atmospheric corrosion
certain supply conditions (such as thermo-
of AS/NZS 1554.1. It is based on the typical resistant properties as the base metal itself.
mechanically controlled rolled) may incur a
significant loss of strength from hot forming. maximum carbon equivalent encountered in C-Mn consumables may be used for single-
Steel supplied in the normalised condition Australia and New Zealand weathering steels, run fillet welds up to 6 mm leg length and
may be able to sustain some heat treatment rather than a maximum specification limit for butt welds made with a single run or a
or hot-forming processes, if the steel is normally applied. The preheat temperature single run each side and where the welds are
heated to the appropriate temperature range. should be determined in accordance with made with no weave. Refer to BlueScope’s
Accordingly a maximum temperature of 600°C is Section 5.3 of AS/NZS 1554.1. Technical Note on ‘The Welding of Weathering
recommended; see Clause G3.1 of AS 5100.6 or 4.3.3 Hot cracking Steels’, Supplement to BlueScope Technical
contact the steel supplier for guidance. As weathering steels typically contain levels of Bulletin Number 26 (TB 26), for more detailed
phosphorus and/or copper significantly higher guidance. Weld procedure prequalification is
4.2 Cutting than that found in C-Mn structural steels, in recommended to ensure sufficient dilution of
Flame-cutting (for example oxy-acetylene or oxy- certain joint configurations and higher heat the base plate into the weld metal has been
propane) or plasma-arc cutting of weathering inputs typically associated with the SAW achieved to provide adequate atmospheric
steels can be carried out using the same process, the weld may be at risk of hot cracking; corrosion resistance. C-Mn welding
procedures as would be applied to carbon steels also referred to as solidification cracking. The consumables to be selected in accordance with
of similar carbon equivalent value and thickness. solidification crack susceptibility of weld metal Table 4.6.1(A), AS/NZS 1554.1.
Application of preheat temperatures similar is affected by both its composition and weld-run Welds on weathering steels may be visible due
to those used for welding will avoid excessive geometry (depth/width ratio). The chemical to the colour contrast between the base material
hardening of the flame-cut edges. If required, composition of weld metal is determined by the and the weld metal. In some applications it is
grind the hardened edges, as if left, this will composition of the filler material and the parent desirable to have the appearance of the weld
affect the formation of the protective patina at metal, and the degree of dilution. The degree seamlessly blended into the base metal. In
that surface. of dilution, as well as weld-run geometry, both these cases, the use of welding consumables
depend on the joint geometry (angle of bevel,

with similar weather resistance properties in The American Welding Society’s Standard 4.4.1 Mill scale removal
accordance with Table 4.6.1(C), AS/NZS 1554.1 Table 3.3 of AWS D1.1 provides a broader range Commercial Blast Cleaning as defined under
is recommended even for single-run welds. of consumable options for common welding SSPC SP-6/NACE No 3, which is similar to Sa
processes where a matching patina is required 2 to AS/NZS 2312.1: remove oil, grease, dirt,
Large, multi-pass welds typically do not
on multi-pass welds in particular. Consumables rust scale and foreign matter. It also removes
experience a significant amount of base metal
meeting these requirements may be used to most of the mill scale, coating, and rust in
dilution. For this reason, carbon steel filler
weld WR350 and HW350 grades. the bottom of pits except for slight streaks or
metals cannot pick up enough alloying elements
discolorations. At least two-thirds of the surface
from the base material to provide the necessary Where consumables are not selected in
area should be free of visible residues except
atmospheric corrosion resistance. Instead, a accordance with the above, additional
for the discolorations previously mentioned.
low alloy filler metal is recommended to ensure qualification tests may be required to establish
The resultant surface will weather relatively
that the weld will have the same corrosion suitability for use within the chosen application.
uniformly. The process is considerably less
resistance as the weathering steel. For larger
4.3.5 Quality requirements expensive than near-white blast cleaning (SSPC-
single-run fillet welds and butt welds made
All welding fabrication including quality of the SP10/NACE No 2, similar to Sa 2 ½); however
with a single run or a single run each side and
weld should comply with AS/NZS 1554 Part 1 the finished appearance is less uniform.
where weaving is used during the run, welding
or Part 5. The fabricator should demonstrate the
consumables should be selected in accordance It is important that all contaminants are removed
ability to produce sound welds via a documented
with Table 4.6.1(C). from the surface of the steel to enable it to
weld procedure and welder qualification
form a uniform protective rust patina. Mill scale
For multi-run fillet welds and butt welds, the tests. The fabricators should ensure that all
will be undercut during the weathering process
main body of the weld can be made using C-Mn welding and related activities are managed
and will fall off eventually, but will also delay
electrodes selected to Table 4.6.1(A), AS/NZS under a suitable quality management system.
the formation of a uniform coloured protective
1554.1, capped off with ‘matching’ electrodes. Such a system should generally comply with
layer; hence it is recommended that mill scale
For capping runs on multi-run fillet or butt welds, the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 3834 part 2
is removed from the whole surface and not just
the welding consumables are to be selected in or 3. All welding should be performed under
the faying surfaces (Section 3.5.2). As such
accordance with Table 4.6.1(C). supervision of the welding supervisor as per
the following clause should be included in the
section 4.12, AS/NZS 1554.1:
Commonly used low alloy filler metals for bridge specification.
weathering steel applications include those 4.4 Surface Preparation After fabrication and prior to erection, all
with a minimum nominal nickel content of
Further quality requirements are given in weathering steel components shall be abrasive
one percent. That alloy content is sufficient
the Australian Standard for Fabrication and blast cleaned to SSPC-SP 6/NACE No 3 to
to provide atmospheric corrosion resistance
Erection Standard for Structural Steelwork, remove mill scale and other contaminants. This
similar to the weathering steel, and the cost is
AS/NZS 5131. It is recommended this Australian shall be immediately followed by a minimum
typically less than other low alloy filler metals
Standard be consulted for guidance on the of 3 cycles of wetting using potable water
with acceptable properties. Filler metals with
welding fabrication of weathering steel. and drying, to assist in the formation of the
a higher nickel content and other alloying
protective patina and provide a uniform finish.
elements, can be used in accordance with the
Table 4.6.1(C), AS/NZS 1554.1. Weathering
steel welding consumables with a higher impact
grading are also acceptable.

4.4.2 Grinding and Other Cleaning Methods 4.5 Storage, Handling and Erection 4.6 Final Site Cleaning
Prior to abrasive blast cleaning, or if the Storage of weathering steel sections and plates Where care has been taken in handling, storage
following contamination was caused during should ensure that the protective rust patina and erection, it may be possible to avoid any
erection, the following surface preparation continues to develop following preparation of final site cleaning. However, if contaminants
methods should be undertaken. the surface, as discussed above. This means have been allowed to accumulate they must be
– Wax-based crayons should not be used to that, in ideal conditions, the steel will be stored removed, either by washing, by chemical means,
mark weathering steel. However, if such such that each surface is alternately wetted or by a site blast clean. Similarly, areas where
marks are present, they may be removed by by rain; or preferably hosed down daily for one severe physical damage has occurred may also
solvent degreasing. week, and dried naturally after every wetting. require blast cleaning after any repair (such as
Particular care must be taken to ensure that heat straightening).
– Oil, grease, and cutting compounds may plates and sections are not stored so that they
also be removed by solvent degreasing (AS become permanently wet, or entrap moisture 4.7 Protection of
1627.1 or SSPC-SP1). Alkaline cleaners or a or dirt. This may easily occur, for example, if a Piers and Abutments
combination of detergents and steam may plate is supported so that it deflects upwards
also be used. When alkaline cleaners and If there is any risk of piers and abutments
and thus provides a water collecting area. being stained by rust laden water run-off
detergents are used, their use should be Covering with plastic or tarpaulins is not
followed with high pressure water cleaning to during erection, consideration should be
recommended as it promotes condensation and given to providing temporary protection by
remove any residue. prevents the alternate wetting and drying. wrapping them with polyethylene sheeting or
– Acids should not be used for cleaning Contamination of the surface should be avoided. its equivalent. This sheeting should remain in
because of the possibility of acid residues This may arise from concrete, mortar, asphalt, place and be kept free of damage until the final
remaining on the steel surfaces and causing coating, oil or grease. In particular, marking construction inspection is made. See Section 3.8
corrosion. the surface for reference during fabrication for detailing for stain prevention.
– Localized weld spatter or other welding with wax crayons should be avoided, since this In the case that the sub-structure develops
residues may be removed by power tool marking can be very difficult to remove. Consider stains, they may be removed by abrasive
cleaning (SSPC-SP15). hard stamping for identification of members or blasting, or with a commercial cleaning solution
joints. after completion of construction.
– Loose deposits of rust, rust scale, coating
or other foreign matter may be removed by The use of metal slings for handling should be
carefully controlled, since they can damage the
4.8 Guardrails and Light Poles
hand tool cleaning (St2 or SSPC-SP2) such
as scraping or wire brushing. More adherent developing surface protection layer on the steel. Guardrails and light poles on weathering steel
deposits may require power tool cleaning (St2 While this will eventually redevelop over time, bridges should, where possible, be connected
or SSPC-SP3) or brush-off blast cleaning (Sa1 it will give an uneven appearance until removed to the concrete deck rather than directly to the
or SSPC-SP7/NACE No 4). by weathering. supporting steel beams. In most instances these
will be galvanized steelwork, with an additional
The above surface preparation processes are all During erection, continue to protect the sections barrier coating or sealant to minimise the risk of
defined in AS/NZS 2312, and the relevant SSPC/ from contamination and damage. Site welded crevice corrosion, see Section 3.11.
NACE documents. joints may require special treatment, such as
grinding off excess weld on upper surfaces of
flanges to avoid potential corrosion traps, and
spot abrasive blast cleaning to ensure that all
surfaces weather to a uniform colour in a similar
period of time.

Image courtesy of

5. In-service Inspection

5.1 Requirements for Inspection If any issues are noted during these inspections, 5.4 Surface Appearance
of Weathering Steel Bridges the cause should be identified and the problem An inspector must be able to distinguish
rectified as soon as possible. between a protective and a non-protective rust
All bridges, in whatever material, require
periodic inspection to confirm that they are coating. Normally this can only be done at close
5.3 Level 2 Inspections
performing satisfactorily and to identify and range (within 1 metre distance). The appearance
(Condition Assessment) will give the first indication of the quality of
mitigate defects at the first opportunity. A
weathering steel bridge, properly designed and This level of inspection should be undertaken the protective film. Whilst only experience can
detailed, and in the correct environment, should every 3 years by an accredited inspector, as make an inspector expert in such matters, some
deliver trouble free performance. However, described in Table 5 of (Austroads 2004). guidelines are given below.
regular inspection of the bridge structure will Provided that provisions have been made for it
in the design, the routine inspection described In colour the protective rust coating should
assist in the early detection of potential issues, begin as yellow orange after the initial stage
and their prompt remediation will assist to above will pose no particular difficulties.
However, the more detailed inspection of of exposure, becoming light brown, and finally
minimise the risk of more significant problems chocolate to purple brown (ranging between AS
in the future. weathering steel bridges differs in a number of
respects from, and in general is more difficult 2700 Colour reference R65 Maroon, and Colour
All parts of the bridge should therefore be than, the inspection of coated carbon steel reference X64 Chocolate ). See Figure 5.1 for an
designed to be readily accessible for an bridges. example of 6 months old patina (left) and a fully
appropriate level of inspection. formed patina after 8 years (right). Note that in
One of the advantages of weathering steel is some lighting conditions its appearance can vary
5.2 Level 1 Inspections (Routine) that the surface can be seen directly. However, from metallic grey to purple.
Level 1 Inspections (Routine) of weathering whilst a heavily corroded surface will be
obvious, an inspector must be familiar with the In texture, the protective rust coating should
steel bridges should be carried out by a suitably be tightly adhering, with a relatively smooth
trained bridge inspector, as described in Table 5 various colours (see following section), textures
and general appearance that the rust patina can surface, and capable of withstanding
of (Austroads 2004). The surface condition of hammering or vigorous wire brushing (although,
the protective rust patina is a good indicator assume when exposed to different environments
in order to judge whether or not the patina is as noted earlier, such treatment will affect the
of performance. An adherent fine grained rust appearance, exposing a lighter layer which will
patina indicates that corrosion is progressing at acting in a protective manner. Furthermore,
visual appearance on its own may be unreliable take some time to re-darken). A dusty texture, in
an acceptable rate, whereas coarse laminated which loose particles can easily be rubbed off by
rust layers and flaking suggests unacceptable and mechanical or other tests may be necessary
to determine whether or not the film adheres to hand, is common in the early stages of exposure.
performance. Other signs to look for and areas Granular or flaky appearances are danger signs
to investigate during visual inspection include: the underlying steel base.
of a poorly performing surface.
– Leaking expansion joints. One problem which may arise with many such
tests (for example wire brushing, or preparation The timing of the colour and texture changes can
– Accumulation of dirt or debris. of the surface for ultrasonic investigation) is that vary with atmospheric conditions and the degree
the appearance of the protective film may be of direct exposure to rain. A rural, unpolluted
– Moisture retention due to overgrown atmosphere (typical of most rural areas of
vegetation. changed; it will take time for this to return to a
uniform appearance. Australia, Corrosion Category C2 regions, as
– Faulty drainage systems. discussed in Section 2.3.1) or sheltered interior
Whilst design against fatigue should ensure beams, will result in a lighter colour and dusty
– Condition of sealants at concrete / steel that cracking does not occur during the service texture, taking significantly longer to change,
interfaces. life of the bridge, detailed inspection is required potentially up to 16 years (or longer). The steel
– Excessive corrosion products at bolted joints to confirm that this is so. As described below, composition can also affect this – the greater
(“pack rust”). detection of fatigue cracks in weathering steel the extent of alloying elements, the darker the
bridges can be more difficult than detection of final colour.
cracks in coated steelwork.

Figure 5.1
Example of a 6 month old patina (left)
on Papakura Railway Bridge, and a fully
formed patina, after 8 years of service,
on Mercer to Longswamp Off-Ramp
both in New Zealand.

In New Zealand, it has been identified that the If over time, it is identified that the corrosion 5.6 Detection of Fatigue Cracks
protective patina may take up to 8 years to fully rate is higher than the rate the corrosion In a coated carbon steel bridge, the first
form in ideal conditions; this may increase up to allowance was originally based upon, then indication of a fatigue crack is often the colour
16 years (or more) in areas with higher time of remedial measures may need to be considered. contrast between the coated surface and the
wetness. Note that the corrosion rate is usually higher rust stain in the vicinity of the crack. Such
during the first 10 years of exposure, after which obvious signs will be absent in weathering
If the condition cannot be reliably ascertained,
the lower steady state corrosion is reached. steels; indeed, observations of crack growth
it may be necessary to remove part of the
Therefore a minimum of 20 years of data is in fatigue tests of weathered steel beams has
protective layer to determine the extent
required, unless significant unexpected section shown that fatigue cracks less than 150mm long
of pitting and to measure the section loss.
loss during the period is identified. are very difficult to find by visual inspection. In
However, note the limitations with measuring
the steel thickness given below. Portable ultrasonic thickness gauges are actual bridges, the shortest crack that can be
available to measure the actual steel thickness. detected is likely to be even longer, since the
It should be noted, that in polluted and/or high crack forms a crevice which completely fills with
However it may be challenging to get an
salinity environments, the darker colour that rust during the service exposure.
accurate reading, if the patina is still forming
implies the patina is formed, may develop
and the surface is still rough and easy to remove The best course of action is to have a Welding
within a shorter time frame (from 2 to 8 years).
by hand. Because of this, it is also recommended Inspector, qualified to Clause 7.2 of AS.NZS
However, evidence has shown (Morcilli et al
that removable weathering steel coupons are 1554.1, conduct a visual inspection for
2013) that this does not mean that the patina
installed to more accurately monitor the patina cracks in potential locations, followed by a
has fully formed. Therefore, monitoring the
formation and measure the corrosion rate. magnetic particle inspection for confirmation
texture of the surface and measuring the steel
thickness will assist in determining when the Allowance should be made for the installation if that location contains a suspected crack.
patina has achieved its protective properties. of a minimum of two sets of test coupons Further detection using ultrasonic testing is
on weathering steel bridges, on the primary recommended on those locations, with the
5.5 Measuring the Steel Thickness structural members. The coupons should be cut removal of the rust patina for an accurate
While the condition of the protective rust from the same weathering steel plate used in testing, where the ultrasonic testing will
patina should be regularly monitored (as the bridge, with the same surface preparation quantify the size and extent of the crack.
discussed above), it is recommended that the (as discussed in Section 4.4) After the proper maintenance has been
measurements of the corrosion rate should be A total of 30 coupons, cut to 150 x 100 x 5mm performed, the removed protective rust patina
undertaken every 6 years in a C3 environment (or the thinnest plate available for that bridge), at the location will have to reform to regain its
or every 12 years in C2. This is done by to be installed per bridge, of which 15 are corrosion resistance properties. This is purely
measuring the remaining steel thickness at installed on the outer girder, that is exposed an aesthetic problem only, as once the layer
clearly identified points of the structure. These to the prevailing weather, and 15 on an inward has reformed the weathering steel will perform
reference points should be defined on the facing girder surface, that is sheltered from the as expected.
as-built drawings, or in the bridge maintenance sun and rain washing. A set of three coupons
manual, along with the original (reference) per side could then be removed and tested on
thickness measurements taken at the end of years 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36, to monitor the patina
the construction period, using callipers and/ formation and confirm the section loss (and
or the use of an ultrasonic thickness gauge. corrosion rate) by testing to ASTM G1-03(2011).
Measuring internal surfaces is quite difficult
using mechanical means.

6. Maintenance

6.1 General 6.2 Maintenance Procedures 6.3 Graffiti Removal

Routine maintenance of weathering steel The following examples illustrate the As with other forms of uncoated construction,
bridges consists primarily in ensuring that maintenance procedures which may be required, such as reinforced or pre-stressed concrete, the
the bridges are performing satisfactorily, and depending on the results of inspection: removal of graffiti from weathering steel bridges
that they will continue to do so. It may include is difficult, so measures to discourage public
– Remove loose debris with a jet of compressed
routine and/or minor remedial works as listed access to the girders should be considered.
air or with vacuum cleaning equipment.
below; major works are described later under However, this should be balanced with the need
rehabilitation. – Remove any poorly adhering layers of rust. to provide access for inspection, monitoring and
Such maintenance activities are usually – Remove wet debris and aggressive agents
undertaken based on the inspection findings, as from the steel surfaces by high pressure There are different methods to address the issue
discussed in Section 5. hosing. This is particularly important where related to graffiti, the following options can be
the surfaces are contaminated with salt. considered:
Highway bridges, by their nature and use,
accumulate debris; they become wet from – Trace leaks to their sources (on a rainy day or – Apply an anti-graffiti coating at problem areas
condensation, leaky joints and traffic spray, and by hosing the deck near expansion joints and on the bridge, usually around the abutments.
are exposed to salts and atmospheric pollutants. observing the flow of water). Repair all leaky However, this will prevent the patina
joints. formation in those areas.
Different combinations of these factors may
create exposure conditions under which – Clean drains and down pipes. – Apply a citrus based cleaner to the graffiti,
weathering steel may not form a protective with 24 hours of its application, before it is
– Remove vegetation from the vicinity of the
rust coating and, for the continued satisfactory fully cured. Then low pressure water clean at
performance of the bridge, maintenance must 4000 psi.
be directed to preventing or rectifying such – If necessary, install new drainage systems
– Fully remove the graffiti and underlying
conditions. to divert water from superstructure and
protective patina layer, with high pressure
water jetting at 10,000 psi. This option
– In the event of “pack-out” of crevices at will fully remove the patina layer as well,
bolted joints, then the edges of the joint resulting in a patch look until it is reformed
should be sealed with an appropriate sealant. again.
– Use dry ice for removing graffiti, see (APT
International 2010)
– Leave the graffiti if not objectionable, as it
will eventually be absorbed into the patina as
it forms.

Lune West Bridge, Lancashire, England. Image courtesy of Jacobs

7. Rehabilitation of Weathering Steel Bridges

7.1 General 7.2 Sealing of crevices 7.3 Use of Protective Coatings

When a weathering steel bridge has corroded Since the corrosion in crevices can be one of The coating of a weathering steel bridge has the
to an extent that further deterioration cannot the major problems related to section loss, same issues and challenges as a carbon steel
be prevented by the simple maintenance rehabilitation of such areas is a necessary bridge. In both cases, preparing the surface for
procedures described earlier, rehabilitation may preliminary to other work. Crevices can be coating is essential. The suitability of abrasive
be required. Bridges designed, detailed and treated as described below, depending on the blasting, either dry or wet, low pressure water
constructed in accordance with the guidelines type of detail and the degree of corrosion: cleaning, or high pressure water jetting is
given in this publication should not reach this dependent on the environmental restraints,
– For non-critical connections, such as at bolted
stage unless circumstances beyond the control accessibility and logistics for undertaking the
restraints or bolted brackets, if practicable
of the original design arise (for example a new work.
disassemble the connection, prepare the
industrial complex causing severe pollution
surface to a minimum of SSPC-SP10/NACE As part of preparing the surface, the
is built close by). However, there are a few
No 2 (similar to Sa 2 ½), apply a suitable refurbishment methodology should ensure
existing weathering steel bridges, in the
coating, such as a non-conductive barrier the removal of salt and other contaminates,
Northern Hemisphere, where performance
coating, and reassemble. Alternatively; especially in deep pits. This includes choosing
has been less than ideal, probably because
the appropriate coating system, based on the
some of the guidelines were not appreciated – For critical connections, such as splices at the
bridge condition, which should be undertaken in
at the time of design and construction. This main girders, or other connections that cannot
accordance to AS/NZS 2312.1:2014 and (Clifton
section is therefore also intended to assist be disassembled, apply a penetrating sealer
those responsible for the rehabilitation of such (such an low viscosity epoxy, moisture cured
bridges. urethane, or high ratio calcium sulfonate 7.4 Inspection and Maintenance
primer) to displace any water, caulk all edges
Rehabilitation may involve sealing of crevices, of Coated Weathering Steel
with a moisture-cured polyurethane sealant,
removal of poorly formed patina, and possibly Inspection of coated weathering steel is
then stripe and coat the connection (lapping
coating of the corroded weathering steel. An generally similar to that of coated carbon
50mm on the surrounding steelwork) with a
alternative which has occasionally been used is steel bridge, although the exact symptoms of
compatible coating.
the enclosure of the whole structure, although breakdown may differ. It is recommended that a
this is only likely to be economically viable in NACE CIP Level 2 (or higher) coatings inspector
very unusual circumstances. is employed to undertake the inspection of a
coated weathering steel bridge.

8. References

AS/NZS 1111:2000, ISO metric hexagon bolts ASTM A325-14, Standard Specification for AS/NZS 5131:2016 Structural steelwork –
and screws – Product grade C. Standards Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 Fabrication and erection, Standards Australia,
Australia, Sydney, Australia, 2000 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, American Society Sydney, Australia, 2016
for Testing and Materials, 2014
AS 1627.1:2003, Metal finishing – Preparation El Sarraf, R., Iles, D., Momtahan, A., Easey,
and pretreatment of surfaces – Removal of oil, ASTM A325M-14, Standard Specification for D., Hicks, S., Steel-Concrete Composite Bridge
grease and related contamination, Standards Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 830 MPa Design Guide, NZ Transport Agency, Research
Australia, Sydney, Australia, 2003 Minimum Tensile Strength [Metric], American Report 525. September 2013
Society for Testing and Materials, 2014
AS 2700: 2011, Colour Standards for General El Sarraf, R. and Mandeno, W.L.; Design for
Purposes Standards Australia, Sydney, Australia, ASTM A490-10, Standard Specification for durable structural steelwork in New Zealand,
2011 Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, 150 The Structural Engineer Magazine, The Institute
ksi Minimum Tensile Strength, American Society of Structural Engineers. Issue 88(19), October 2010
AS 2205.9.1:1997, Methods for destructive
for Testing and Materials, 2010
testing of welds in metal – Hot cracking test, Kimura, M. and Kihira, H., Nanoscopic
Standards Australia, Sydney, Australia, 1997 Austroads, Guidelines for Bridge Management – Mechanism of Protective Rust Formation
Structure Information, Publication No AP-R252. on Weathering Steel Surface, Nippon Steel
AS 4312:2008, Atmospheric corrosivity zones in
Austroads, Sydney, Australia. 11 June 2004 Technical Report No. 91, January 2005
Australia. Standards Australia, Sydney, 2008
AWS D1.1, Structural Welding Code – Steel. Morcillo, M., Chico, B., Dias, I., Cano, H., de
AS/NZS 5100.6: 2017 Part 6: Steel and
American Welding Society. 2015 la Fuente, D., Atmospheric Corrosion Data of
Composite Bridge, Standards Australia,
Weathering Steels. A Review. Spanish National
Sydney, Australia, 2017 APT International, Using Dry Ice for Spray-
Research Council. Madrid, Spain. 2013
Paint Removal on Weathering Steel. APT
AS/NZS 1252.1: 2016 High-strength steel
International, Practice Points No 8, Springfield, ISO 9223:2012, Corrosion of metals and alloys
fastener assemblies for structural engineering
Illinois. 2010 – Corrosivity of atmospheres – Classification,
– Bolts, nuts and washers – Part 1: Technical
International Organization for Standardization,
requirements, Standards Australia, Sydney, DMRB, Highway Structures: Design
Australia, 2016 (substructures and special structures) materials.
Materials and Components. Weathering Steel ISO 9226:2012, Corrosion of metals and alloys
AS/NZS 1554.1:2014, Structural steel welding
for highway structures. The Design Manual for – Corrosivity of atmospheres – Determination
– Welding of steel structures, Standards New
Roads and Bridges. Vol 2 Section 3 part 8 (BD of corrosion rate of standard specimens for
Zealand, Wellington, 2014
7/-). London, UK. 1981 and Nov 2001 the evaluation of corrosivity, International
AS/NZS 2312.1:2014, Guide to the protection of Organization for Standardization, 2012
Bridges in Steel – The Use of Weathering Steel
structural steel against atmospheric corrosion
in Bridges, ECCS (No.81), 2001 SCI, Guidance Notes on Best Practice in Steel
by the use of protective coatings, Standards
Bridge Construction, SCI-P-185, The Steel
Australia, Sydney, Australia, 2014 Technical Note on the welding of weathering
Bridge Group, The Steel Construction Institute,
steels, Supplement to BlueScope Technical
AS/NZS 3678:2011, Structural steel – Hot- November 2015 (GN1.07, Use of weather
Bulletin Number 26.
rolled plates, floor plates and slabs, Standards resistant steel)
Australia, Sydney, Australia, 2011 Clifton, G.C., El Sarraf, R., Mandeno, W.,
SSPC Painting Manual: Systems and
Golding, P., Sheehan, A.; Australian Steelwork
AS/NZS ISO 3834:2008, Quality requirements for Specifications, SSPC: The Society for Protective
Corrosion and Coatings Guide. Australian Steel
fusion welding of metallic materials, Standards Coatings, Volume 2, 2008.
Institute, Sydney, 2013
Australia, Sydney, Australia, 2008
Texas Department of Transportation research
Construction and Technology; Pack Rust on
ASTM G1-03(2011), Standard Practice for report 0-1818, ‘Performance of Weathering
A-588 Weathering Steel Bridges Causes Safety
Preparing, Cleaning, and Evaluating Corrosion Steel in TxDOT Bridges’, 2nd June 2000,
Concerns, Issue 94, April 2002
Test Specimens, American Society for Testing by B McDad et al.
and Materials, 2011

Appendix A:
Determination of Site-Specific Atmospheric Corrosivity Category

The guidance given in Section 3.2 of the Example A.2: Bridge located at Step 2: Determine the Microclimate effects:
Australian Steelwork Corrosion and Coatings Whyalla, SA. – For shaded area, + 5µm/annum (Section
Guide (ASCCG) (Clifton et al 2013) should A bridge is to be built in Whyalla, within 1 km of ASCCG) = 40 µm/annum.
be used when determining the atmospheric from the Spencer Gulf, and the prevailing wind
– For unwashed surfaces, take the unwashed
corrosivity category of the nominated site, by is a South Easterly, i.e. blowing from the sea
factor as, Cuw = x2.2 (Section of
determining the first year corrosion rate of mild toward the site; but the site is sheltered by the
ASCCG) = 88 µm/annum.
steel taking into account both the macro- and surrounding buildings.
microclimate. The main governing factor in this The microclimate atmospheric corrosivity
Step 1: Determine the Macroclimate
case, is the corrosivity category of unwashed category for this site is taken as 88 µm/annum,
Atmospheric Corrosivity Category:
surfaces. which is equivalent to C4(High).
The site macroclimate atmospheric corrosivity
The following examples outline the steps category is taken as 15µm/annum (rounded up), Hence weathering steel cannot be used in this
required to determine the atmospheric as given in Table A1 of AS 4312. site.
corrosivity category.
Step 2: Determine the Microclimate effects: Example A.4: Bridge located at
Example A.1: Bridge located at – For shaded area, + 5µm/annum (Section Learmonth, WA.
Parramatta, NSW. of ASCCG) = 20 µm/annum. A bridge is to be built in Learmonth, within 3 km
A bridge is to be built in Parramatta, within from the Exmouth Gulf, and the prevailing wind
– For unwashed surfaces, take the unwashed
10km from Sydney Harbour, and the prevailing is a South-south Westerly, i.e. blowing from the
factor as, Cuw = x2.0 (Section of
wind is a North Westerly, i.e. blowing from the site toward the sea.
ASCCG) = 40 µm/annum.
site toward sea.
Step 1: Determine the Macroclimate
The microclimate atmospheric corrosivity
Step 1: Determine the Macroclimate Atmospheric Corrosivity Category:
category for this site is taken as 40 µm/annum,
Atmospheric Corrosivity Category: The site macroclimate atmospheric corrosivity
which is equivalent to C3 (Medium).
The site macroclimate atmospheric corrosivity category is taken as 10 µm/annum (rounded up),
category is taken as 25µm/annum, from Figure Hence weathering steel can be used in this site, as given in Table A1 of AS 4312.
A4 of AS 4312. with the corrosion allowance taken as 1.5 mm,
Step 2: Determine the Microclimate effects:
as discussed in Section 3.3.
Step 2: Determine the Microclimate effects: – For shaded area, + 5µm/annum (Section
– For shaded area, + 5µm/annum (Section Example A.3: Bridge located at of ASCCG) = 15 µm/annum. of ASCCG) = 30 µm/annum. Yorke Peninsula South, SA.
– For unwashed surfaces, take the unwashed
A bridge is to be built in Yorke Peninsula South,
– For unwashed surfaces, take the unwashed factor as, Cuw = x1.2 (Section of
within 3 km from the Spencer Gulf, and the
factor as, Cuw = x1.2 (Section of ASCCG) = 18 µm/annum.
prevailing wind is a South Westerly, i.e. blowing
ASCCG) = 36 µm/annum.
from the sea toward the site. The microclimate atmospheric corrosivity
The microclimate atmospheric corrosivity category for this site is taken as 18 µm/annum,
Step 1: Determine the Macroclimate
category for this site is taken as 36 µm/annum, which is equivalent to C2 (Low).
Atmospheric Corrosivity Category:
which is equivalent to C3 (Medium).
The site macroclimate atmospheric corrosivity Hence weathering steel can be used in this site,
Hence weathering steel can be used in this site, category is taken as 35µm/annum (rounded up), with the corrosion allowance taken as 1.0 mm,
with the corrosion allowance taken as 1.5 mm, as given in Table A1 of AS 4312. as discussed in Section 3.3.
as discussed in Section 3.3.

Heavy Engineering Research Association (HERA)
HERA House, 17-19 Gladding Place, Manukau,
Auckland 2104, New Zealand +64 9 262 2885

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