Harshit Dwivedi: Key Highlights
Harshit Dwivedi: Key Highlights
Harshit Dwivedi: Key Highlights
Harshit Dwivedi github.com/the-dagger
Google certified Android Developer, Open Source Contributor, UX and Product Design enthusiast, Technology Evangelist
Community Leader, Contributor, Collaborator - Google Developer Group, Udacity, Microsoft, Developer Circles by Facebook
Google Summer of Code Mentor
March 2017- Current
● Mentor selected students, set realistic goals for them to be completed during the summer and
New Delhi
review their code and patches submitted by them.
Udacity Android Mentor
● Help students who opted in the Android Developer Nanodegree program better understand the February 2017 - Current
course material and resolve coding problems. New Delhi
CodingBlocks Platform Engineer/Instructor
● Teach Android Development to students with basic knowledge of programming in C++/Java. March 2017 - Current
● Develop and maintain the internal tools and services used by the students and employees. New Delhi
Google Summer of Code Android Developer
March 2016- August 2016
● Designed and developed an Open Sourced template Android App for events.
● Worked in a team consisting of people across the globe throughout the project.
DigitalOcean App Winner
● Made an app which acts as the admin console of DigitalOcean and allows you to easily manage your
account on the go. It has the ability to edit the current virtual images and create a new droplet. November 2016
● Also, wrote a custom library which wraps DigitalOcean API calls around simple to use java methods.
lEarnIt Paytm Build for India
October 2016
● This app was intended as my take on providing pocket money to students during demonetization by
YouTube Demo
motivating students to study (using the provided study modules) by rewarding them for it.
● On successfully completing a module, payment is sent from parents’ e wallet to student’s e wallet.
Open Event Android Google Summer of Code
Jan 2016
● Developed a template Android app which can be used by event organizers to create a custom app for
YouTube Demo
their event easily.
● I also built a standalone website back by a PHP server that allows the user to upload a JSON file
containing details about the event and then generates the Android App corresponding to that JSON.
Custom Icon Pack March 2015
● Created an Android app that acts as a template for icon pack and wallpaper apps. Google Play Store
● Ability to apply icons, fetch wallpaper from cloud and send request for unthemed icons.
● Also a full fledged icon pack in itself and consists of more than 3500 custom icons and wallpapers.
Languages/Frameworks : Android, Java, Bash, C++, MySQL, Bash
Technologies : Apache, LAMP, Arduino, Git, Firebase, Linux, Firebase
GGSIP University - Bachelor’s in Electronics and Communication Engineering - 75%
Udacity - Android Developer Nanodegree
● Selected by Google and Tata Trust for a free scholarship for Android Developer Nanodegree
Google Code In Selected by google to mentor school students in contributing to open source software.
CS with Android Selected by Google to teach basic data structures to 80+ students by using them in Android apps.
GDG New Delhi Speak at events by Google Developer Group New Delhi and help them organize community events.