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Journal of Hazardous Materials B139 (2007) 93–102

Removal of bromophenols from water using

industrial wastes as low cost adsorbents
Amit Bhatnagar ∗
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India
Received 16 June 2005; received in revised form 28 May 2006; accepted 6 June 2006
Available online 25 July 2006

A comparative study of the adsorbents prepared from several industrial wastes for the removal of 2-bromophenol, 4-bromophenol and 2,4-
dibromophenol has been carried out. The results show that maximum adsorption on carbonaceous adsorbent prepared from fertilizer industry
waste has been found to be 40.7, 170.4 and 190.2 mg g−1 for 4-bromophenol 2-bromophenol and 2,4-dibromophenol, respectively. As compared to
carbonaceous adsorbent, the other three adsorbents (viz., blast furnace sludge, dust, and slag) adsorb bromophenols to a much smaller extent. This
has been attributed to the carbonaceous adsorbent having a larger porosity and consequently higher surface area. The adsorption of bromophenols
on this adsorbent has been studied as a function of contact time, concentration and temperature. The adsorption has been found to be endothermic,
and the data conform to the Langmuir equation. The further analysis of data indicates that adsorption is a first order process. A comparative study of
adsorption results with those obtained on standard activated charcoal sample shows that prepared carbonaceous adsorbent is about 45% as efficient
as standard activated charcoal in removing bromophenols. To test the practical utility of this adsorbent, column operations were also carried out.
The results were found satisfactory in removing bromophenols by column operations. Therefore, the present investigations recommend the use
of carbon slurry waste as inexpensive adsorbent for small scale industries of developing/poor countries where disposal of solid waste of various
industries and proper treatment of polluted wastewater is a serious problem.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bromophenols; Pollutants; Industrial wastes; Adsorbents; Batch and column studies

1. Introduction be one of the efficient and reliable physiochemical treatment

methodology in wastewater treatment. In spite of the usefulness
Among the various aqueous pollutants generally present in of activated carbon as an efficient adsorbent for wastewater treat-
wastewaters, phenol and substituted phenols are considered as ment, the high cost of activated carbon inhibits its large scale use
priority pollutants [1]. The discharge of effluents containing phe- as adsorbent. Hence, an economical and easily available adsor-
nolic pollutants from various industries into natural water bodies bent would certainly make an adsorption based process a viable
is an ongoing and serious threat to human health and natural alternative for the treatment of wastewater containing pheno-
water quality. The ubiquitous nature of phenols, their toxicity lic pollutants. In recent past, considerable attention has been
even in trace amounts and the stricter environmental regulations devoted to develop the low cost adsorbents from various materi-
make it necessary to develop processes for the removal of phe- als, but the utilization of agricultural [3,4] and industrial wastes
nols from wastewaters. Various methods for the removal of phe- [5,6] is increasingly becoming of vital concern because these
nols from wastewaters include coagulation, chemical oxidation, wastes represent unused resources and, in many cases, cause
solvent extraction, liquid membrane permeation and adsorption serious disposal problems. If these wastes could be used as low
[2]. Among these, adsorption onto activated carbon proved to cost adsorbents, it will provide a two-fold advantage to environ-
mental pollution. Firstly, the volume of waste materials could be
partly reduced and secondly the low cost adsorbent if developed
∗ Present address: Environmental Science & Technology Division, Central
can reduce the pollution of wastewaters at a reasonably cost.
Building Research Institute (CBRI), Roorkee 247667, India.
We have carried out recently the comparative studies of
Tel.: +91 1332 283326. adsorbents prepared from the industrial wastes of fertilizer and
E-mail address: amit steel plants [7,8] and have found that carbonaceous adsorbent

0304-3894/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
94 A. Bhatnagar / Journal of Hazardous Materials B139 (2007) 93–102

(prepared from fertilizer industry waste) having high organic microscopy (SEM). IR spectra of the samples were recorded
content adsorbs organic molecules efficiently. In order to fur- on a Perkins-Elmer FTIR spectrophotometer model 1600. X-
ther test the applicability of this adsorbent, investigations have ray measurements were done on a Phillips X-ray diffractometer
been further extended to a number of bromophenols, viz., 2- employing Cu K␣ radiations.
bromophenol, 4-bromophenol and 2,4-dibromophenol. Further,
the results have also been compared with those obtained on 2.4. Adsorption studies
standard activated charcoal and adsorbents of inorganic nature
prepared from steel industry wastes. The present communication 2.4.1. Batch studies
reports these results. The adsorption of bromophenols on prepared adsorbents was
studied at room temperature (25 ± 2 ◦ C) by employing the batch
2. Experimental method. Known volume (10 mL) of bromophenols solution of
varying initial concentrations, taken in 50 mL glass tubes, was
2-Bromophenol (2-BP), 4-bromophenol (4-BP) and 2,4- shaken with a fixed dose of adsorbent (0.01 g) for a specified
dibromophenol (2,4-DBP) were procured from Lancaster period of contact time in a thermostated shaking assembly. The
(England), Spectrochem (India) and Fluka (Switzerland), glass tubes were tightly stoppered (covered) to avoid vaporiza-
respectively. The standard activated charcoal sample was tion losses of bromophenol from the aqueous solutions. After
obtained from E. Merck. Other reagents used were of AR grade. equilibrium, the concentration of the adsorbate in the resid-
Double distilled water was used for preparing solutions through- ual solution was determined spectrophotometrically at λmax
out these investigations. of 274.0 nm for 2-bromophenol, 280.0 nm for 4-bromophenol
and 286.0 nm for 2,4-dibromophenol, respectively. The repro-
2.1. Preparation of carbonaceous adsorbent ducibility during concentration measurements was ensured by
repeating the experiments at least three times under same condi-
The carbon slurry waste material was procured from National tions and average values are reported. Standard deviations were
Fertilizer Ltd. (NFL), Panipat (India) and powdered. It was found found to be within ±5.0%. Furthermore, the error bars for the
to consist of small, black and greasy granules and treated [7,9] figures were smaller than the symbols used to plot the graphs
with H2 O2 to oxidize the adhering organic material. It was then and hence are not shown.
washed with distilled water and heated at 200 ◦ C till the evolu- The amount of bromophenols adsorbed (q in mg g−1 ) was
tion of black soot stopped. The activation of this material was determined as follows
done at different temperatures in muffle furnace for 1 h in the V
presence of air. After the activation, the ash content was removed q = (C0 − Cf ) (1)
by treating the material with 1 M HCl and washed with distilled
water and dried. The surface area of samples activated at tem- where C0 and Cf are the initial and final concentrations of the
peratures 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 ◦ C were found to be 280, adsorbate in solution (mg L−1 ), V the volume of solution (L) and
363, 380, 374 and 367 m2 g−1 , respectively. Thus, the activation m is the mass of the adsorbent (g).
at 500 ◦ C imparts maximum surface area and it was also seen The pH of the solutions was adjusted using 0.1N HCl and
that extent of adsorption was maximum for this sample acti- 0.1N NaOH solutions. pH of the solutions was measured before
vated at 500 ◦ C. Therefore, all studies reported in this paper are and after the equilibration and a slight change in pH was
on a sample activated at 500 ◦ C. The yield of the finished prod- observed. The initial pH value of all bromophenols solutions was
uct was found to be ∼90% and it is now called ‘carbonaceous from 5.8 to 6.8 before experiments. After the experiments, the
adsorbent’. Different mesh sizes were obtained after sieving and pH value was observed from 5.5 to 6.5 for all the bromophenols.
kept in desiccator for further use. However, after adjustment of the pH of adsorbent–adsorbate
system, no further change was observed. The adsorption was
2.2. Preparation of blast furnace sludge, dust and slag studied as a function of contact time, initial concentration and
adsorbents temperature.

These adsorbents were prepared from wastes obtained from 2.4.2. Column studies
Malvika Steels, Jagdishpur (India) by the method reported else- In the present investigations, a glass column (50 cm ×
where [7]. The products were sieved and stored in desiccator. 1.05 cm) was fully loaded with adsorbent on a glass–wool sup-
port. Double distilled water was used to rinse the adsorbent
2.3. Instrumentation and to remove any bubbles present. A bromophenol solution
or wastewater containing mixtures of phenols and other mate-
The spectrophotometric determination of bromophenols was rials was poured over the column and the column effluent was
done on Shimadzu 1601 UV–vis spectrophotometer (detection allowed at a flow rate of 2.5 mL min−1 . A definite amount of
limits were 0.25 mg L−1 ). The pH of solutions was measured the column effluent (10 mL) was taken and the concentration
with ELICO LI 127 pH meter. Vario EL III, CHNS Elemen- of the solute (pollutants under investigation) determined from
tal Analyzer was used to determine the carbon content of the time to time by spectrophotometric method. This process has
adsorbents and LEO 435 VP was used for scanning electron continued until the concentration in the column effluent started
A. Bhatnagar / Journal of Hazardous Materials B139 (2007) 93–102 95

increasing and finally becomes constant. The plots of concen-

tration of the adsorbate in the column effluent and volume of the
effluent provide breakthrough curves.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Characterization of the prepared adsorbents

The BF sludge, dust and slag were chemically analyzed by

standard methods [10] and it was found that BF slag is inor-
ganic in nature, i.e. it contains mainly inorganic constituents
like silica (32.7%), calcium oxide (31.7%), magnesium oxide
(6.8%) and R2 O3 ; R = Fe, Al (22.8%). On the other hand, silica,
R2 O3 (mainly iron oxide) and carbon (due to the presence of
coke particles) are the prominent components of BF dust and
sludge. Although, the inorganic constituents like silica (15.8%
and 12.7%), R2 O3 (44.9% and 35.4%), MgO (4.2% and 3.0%) Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of activated blast furnace sludge.
and CaO (4.7% and 3.5%) in BF dust and sludge, respectively,
are present in major amounts, but the presence of appreciable
carbon content imparts partial organic character to BF sludge and
dust. Of course, partial organic character of BF sludge (carbon
content = 35.0%) is more than that of BF dust (carbon con-
tent = 21.7%). We may therefore, say that BF sludge and dust
character is of mixed type with inorganic nature predominat-
ing organic. However, as compared to slag, dust and sludge,
the analysis of carbon slurry indicates 0.9% of ash and 89.8%
carbon. Thus, due to the presence of high carbon content, the
carbon slurry may be treated as organic in nature. Thus it was
expected that carbonaceous adsorbent will show greater porosity
as compared to other three adsorbents. In order to confirm this,
the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photographs of all the
prepared adsorbents were taken and are shown in Figs. 1–4. It
is seen from these photographs that carbonaceous adsorbent is
highly porous whereas BF slag is least porous. The decreasing
order of porosity as seen from SEM photographs is, carbona-
ceous adsorbent > BF sludge > BF dust > BF foamed slag. The
porosity imparts higher surface area to the adsorbents. In order Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of activated blast furnace dust.
to confirm the expected relationship between surface area and

Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of activated carbonaceous adsor-

bent. Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of activated blast furnace slag.
96 A. Bhatnagar / Journal of Hazardous Materials B139 (2007) 93–102

Table 1
Characteristics of adsorbents used
Standard activated Carbonaceous BF sludge BF dust BF slag
charcoal adsorbent

Surface area (m2 g−1 ) 710 380 28 13 4

Methylene blue no. 198 90 6 3 2
Iodine no. 635 330 24 11 3

porosity, the surface area of the adsorbents was determined bromophenols concentration and the results are shown in Fig. 6
by N2 -gas adsorption and given in Table 1. It is seen from (in case of 2-bromophenol). Similar plots were also obtained for
the table that carbonaceous adsorbent has maximum surface other two bromophenols. It was found that time of equilibrium
area of 380 m2 g−1 whereas BF slag has the least (4 m2 g−1 ). as well as time required to achieve a definite fraction of equilib-
The surface area decreases in the order, carbonaceous adsor- rium adsorption is independent of initial concentration. These
bent > BF sludge > BF dust > BF foamed slag, which is also the results indicate that the adsorption process is first order, which is
order of decreasing organic/carbon content. Further, the surface confirmed by Lagergren’s plots discussed later under dynamic
area order is parallel to porosity order. modelling.
Two other important parameters which are normally used
to indicate adsorptive property are methylene blue and iodine 3.3. Adsorption isotherms
numbers. These two numbers were also determined by standard
procedures [11] and are given in Table 1. It is seen that these In order to evaluate the efficacy of the prepared adsorbents,
two numbers decrease in the order, carbonaceous adsorbent > BF the equilibrium adsorption of all the bromophenols was stud-
sludge > BF dust > BF foamed slag. These numbers reflect that ied as a function of concentration. The adsorption isotherms of
extent of adsorption is parallel to surface area of adsorbents.
Thus, it is expected that adsorption capacity of carbonaceous
adsorbent would be much greater as compared to other three
The samples of carbonaceous adsorbent, slag, dust and
sludge were stirred with deionized/distilled water (pH 6.9) for
2 h and left for 24 h to see any interaction. It was seen that
in case of BF slag, dust and sludge, an enhancement of pH
of deionized/distilled water was observed indicating alkaline
hydrolysis of inorganic constituents. In case of carbonaceous
adsorbent, the pH of water was lowered, which indicates that
carbonaceous adsorbent, as per Steenberg classification [12],
comes under “L” type carbon. X-ray spectra of carbonaceous
adsorbent does not show any peak, thereby indicating its
amorphous nature. The X-ray diffraction peaks in the spectra of
BF sludge and dust are due to iron oxides while in case of BF
slag indicates the presence of silicates of calcium and aluminum
and quartz. The IR spectra of the sample of carbonaceous
adsorbent taken indicates the presence of two prominent bands
lying at 1605 and 3340 cm−1 . The first peak may be assigned to
the presence of carbonyl group and the latter one to OH group.

3.2. Effect of contact time and concentration

In order to establish equilibration time for maximum uptake

and to know the kinetics of adsorption process, the adsorption
of bromophenols on carbonaceous adsorbent was studied as a
function of contact time and results are shown in Fig. 5. It is
seen that the rate of uptake of all the bromophenols is rapid in
the beginning and 50% adsorption is completed within 2 h. Fig. 5
also indicates that the time required for equilibrium adsorption
is 8 h. Thus, for all equilibrium adsorption studies, the equili-
bration period was kept 10 h. The effect of concentration on the Fig. 5. Effect of contact time on uptake of bromophenols on carbonaceous adsor-
equilibration time was also investigated as a function of initial bent (temperature: 25 ◦ C; particle size: 200–250 mesh).
A. Bhatnagar / Journal of Hazardous Materials B139 (2007) 93–102 97

Fig. 6. Effect of contact time on uptake of 2-bromophenol on carbonaceous

adsorbent at different initial concentrations (temperature: 25 ◦ C; particle size:
200–250 mesh).

2-bromophenol on various adsorbents are shown in Fig. 7. Sim-

ilar adsorption isotherms were also obtained for the other two
bromophenols. The maximum adsorption from these adsorption Fig. 7. Adsorption isotherms of 2-bromophenol on different adsorbents at 25 ◦ C.
isotherms has been calculated and compiled in Table 2. It is
seen from Table 2 that order of adsorption in terms of amount reported that in the adsorption of phenols on carbon surface,
adsorbed (mg/g) on different adsorbents is: carbonaceous adsor- the role of donor–acceptor complex mechanism [13] involving
bent > BF sludge > BF dust > BF slag. The adsorption on BF carbonyl oxygen groups of the carbon surface acting as elec-
sludge and dust is small whereas on BF slag negligible. This tron donor and the aromatic ring of the adsorbate as acceptor
appears due to inorganic nature of these three adsorbents which is important. Thus, it is expected that electron withdrawing
causes poor porosity and surface area resulting in small adsorp- groups which deactivate the ring would promote adsorption
tion of bromophenols. Thus, these three inorganic adsorbents through complex formation occurring via donor–acceptor mech-
are not good materials for the removal of bromophenols from anism. The order of deactivation of the ring would be, 2,4-
wastewaters. dibromophenol > 2-bromophenol ≈ 4-bromophenol, and conse-
On the other hand, carbonaceous adsorbent which has higher quently the adsorption via donor–acceptor mechanism would
carbon content, more porosity and high surface area as compared follow this order. As a result of higher deactivation of the ring in
to these three adsorbents tends to adsorb all bromophenols in 2,4-dibromophenol, there would be higher tendency of adsorp-
amounts appreciably larger. This is because adsorption of phe- tion through a donor–acceptor complex mechanism resulting in
nols on carbonaceous adsorbent is purely a surface phenomenon maximum adsorption.
where van der Waals forces operate to some extent. The adsorp- Besides this, the solubility and pKa of solute is also expected
tion of phenols could also be occurring to some extent due to their to affect adsorption to a great extent. A decrease in both solubility
interaction through hydrogen bonding with hydrophilic sites or and pKa of the solute is associated with an increase in adsorption
groups formed on carbon surface at the time of activation. capacity [4]. The solubility data and pKa values of bromophe-
It is further seen from Table 2 that the extent of adsorption of nols are given in Table 2 which indicates that the pKa [14,15]
all bromophenols on different adsorbents follow the order: 2,4- and solubility of bromophenols [16,17] decreases in the order,
dibromophenol > 2-bromophenol > 4-bromophenol. It has been 4-bromophenol > 2-bromophenol > 2,4-dibromophenol. A com-

Table 2
pKa , solubility and adsorbability of bromophenols (mg/g) on various adsorbents at 25 ◦ C
Phenols pKa Solubility in water (g liter−1 ) Adsorbability (mg g−1 )

Standard activated charcoal Carbonaceous adsorbent BF sludge BF dust

4-Bromophenol 9.37 14.0 90.0 40.7 12.7 9.5

2-Bromophenol 8.45 2.2 380.0 170.4 16.5 12.1
2,4-Dibromophenol 7.79 1.9 415.0 190.2 18.9 13.8
98 A. Bhatnagar / Journal of Hazardous Materials B139 (2007) 93–102

parison of pKa and solubility and adsorbability/adsorption

capacity (Table 2) clearly indicates that there exists an inverse
relationship between the extent of adsorption and solubility and
pKa of solute. The bromophenols which have lower pKa as well
as smaller solubility (lesser affinity for water) would obviously
have higher tendency to get adsorbed at solid–liquid interface.
Thus, 2,4-dibromophenol having least solubility and least pKa ,
is adsorbed to maximum extent and 4-bromophenol having
maximum solubility and greater pKa , is adsorbed to smaller
extent. Thus, all these factors, i.e. the tendency to form more
donor–acceptor complex at carbon surface, low pKa and low
solubility lead to same order of adsorption of bromophenols (2,4-
dibromophenol > 2-bromophenol > 4-bromophenol). Therefore,
it may be concluded that combined effects of all these fac-
tors, viz., solubility, pKa of solute and tendency to form more
donor–acceptor complexes play an important role during adsorp-
tion of bromophenols on the surface of carbonaceous adsorbent.
Of these two effects, i.e. donor–acceptor complex mechanism
and solubility effect, the effect of solubility appears to be much
more. This is evident from the fact that the adsorption of 2-
bromophenol is much larger as compared to 4-bromophenol on
carbonaceous adsorbent. This cannot be explained on the basis
of deactivation because the deactivation of the ring in case of 2-
bromophenol and 4-bromophenol is almost similar and extent of
adsorption on this basis should have been almost same. However,
the solubility of 2-bromophenol is much smaller than that of 4-
Fig. 8. Adsorption isotherms of bromophenols on carbonaceous adsorbent at
bromophenol. This smaller solubility of 2-bromophenol leads 45 ◦ C.
to its higher adsorption. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that
solubility factor plays a major role in affecting adsorption of
to go to the adsorbent surface and get adsorbed rather remaining
aromatic solutes at a solid–liquid interface.
in the solution. This would result in more adsorption at higher
As the carbonaceous adsorbent is the best, its performance
temperature [20]. Few researchers [5] also described this phe-
was further assessed by comparing its results with those on
nomenon (more adsorption at higher temperatures) on the basis
standard activated charcoal. The results on adsorption of these
of “active surface centers” (presence of free hydroquinone and
bromophenols on standard activated charcoal are also incor-
quinone groups on the carbon surface which could constitute the
porated in Table 2. It is seen that carbonaceous adsorbent is
active surface centers for the adsorption of phenols by hydrogen
≈40–45% as efficient as standard activated charcoal in remov-
bonding). They suggested that number of active surface cen-
ing bromophenols and therefore, can be employed for effluent
ters available for sorption increase with increasing temperatures
treatment. As the carbonaceous adsorbent appears to be promis-
resulting higher adsorption of phenols.
ing material with high adsorption efficiency, all further studies
The adsorption data was further analyzed to Freundlich
were done with it only.
and Langmuir models and found to conform best to fol-
lowing Langmuir equation with good correlation coefficients
3.4. Effect of temperature
(R2 = 0.999–0.991):
In order to understand the effect of temperature on the adsorp- 1 1 1
tion of bromophenols, experiments were also conducted at 45 = + (2)
qe qm qm bCe
and 65 ◦ C and results are shown in Fig. 8 (at 45 ◦ C). A com-
parison of adsorption isotherms at 25 and 45 and 65 ◦ C shows where qe (mg g−1 ) is the amount adsorbed at equilibrium con-
that adsorption increases with increase in temperature indicating centration Ce (mol L−1 ), qm (mg g−1 ) the Langmuir constant
that the process is apparently endothermic. Similar results were representing maximum monolayer capacity and b is the Lang-
also obtained by other workers [18,19]. It seems that at higher muir constant related to energy of adsorption. The plots between
temperatures, dissociation of phenol molecule occurs. However, 1/qe and 1/Ce for the adsorption of 2-bromophenol are drawn
the effect of temperature can mainly be explained on the basis of in Fig. 9. Similar plots were also obtained for other bromophe-
hydrogen bonding [20]. In aqueous solutions of phenols, there nols. The values of monolayer capacity (qm ) and equilibrium
exists extensive hydrogen bonding between the phenol molecule constant (b) have been evaluated from the intercept and slope
and water resulting in appreciable solubility. These hydrogen of these plots and given in Table 3. It is seen from Table 3 that
bonds get broken at higher temperatures and this would cause monolayer capacity (qm ) of the adsorbent for the bromophenols
phenols to be less soluble and therefore, exhibit higher tendency is comparable to the maximum adsorption (Table 2) obtained
A. Bhatnagar / Journal of Hazardous Materials B139 (2007) 93–102 99

Table 3
Langmuir constants and separation factor for the adsorption of phenols on carbonaceous adsorbent at different temperatures
Phenols Temperature (◦ C) qm (mg g−1 ) b (×103 L mol−1 ) RL (×10−1 )

25 58.8 3.7 3.8

4-Bromophenol 45 74.1 4.5 3.4
65 81.4 5.1 3.1
25 192.3 4.1 2.3
2-Bromophenol 45 204.1 5.3 1.9
65 211.6 6.2 1.4
25 217.4 4.3 2.2
2,4-Dibromophenol 45 238.1 6.1 1.8
65 253.7 7.5 1.1

from adsorption isotherms. As b values reflect equilibrium con- for adsorption process in order to know the nature of adsorption
stant for the adsorption process, it reflects the affinity of the and are summarized in Table 4. The H◦ values are positive
adsorbent for phenol. Thus, b values indicate that the adsorbent due to the effect of temperature on breaking of hydrogen bonds
has maximum affinity for 2,4-dibromophenol and minimum for which resulted in increased adsorption. Thus, the pre-adsorption
4-bromophenol. step (breaking of hydrogen bonds between phenol and water
The influence of adsorption isotherm shape has been dis- molecules at higher temperatures) gives rise to positive H◦ .
cussed [21] to know whether adsorption is favorable or not in These positive H◦ values are only apparent heat of adsorption.
terms of RL , a dimensionless constant referred to as separation As a matter of fact, H◦ values reflect the combined effect of
factor or equilibrium parameter. RL is calculated using the fol- endothermic hydrogen bond breaking process and exothermic
lowing equation: adsorption process. The endothermic process predominates the
exothermic adsorption process giving rise to positive H◦ . Fur-
1 ther, negative G◦ values indicate spontaneous process. S◦
RL = (3)
1 + bC0 values were found positive which indicate the affinity of adsor-
The values of RL calculated as per above equation are incorpo- bent for bromophenols and suggests an increased randomness
rated in Table 3. All the RL values lie between 0 and 1 confirming at the solid–solution interface during adsorption process.
that the adsorption isotherm is favorable [21].
The free energy change (G◦ ), enthalpy change (H◦ ) and 3.5. Dynamic modelling
entropy change (S◦ ) were calculated using following equa-
tions: Kinetics of adsorption is an important characteristic from the
point of view of determining the efficiency of adsorption pro-
G◦ = −RT ln(b) (4) cesses. A number of kinetic models have been used by various
    workers, where the adsorption has been considered as first order
b2 H ◦ 1 1
ln =− − (5) [18,22], pseudo first order [19,23] and pseudo second order pro-
b1 R T2 T1 cess [24]. It has been found that different adsorbent–adsorbate
G◦ = H ◦ − TS ◦ (6) systems conform to different models. Nevertheless, Lagergren’s
rate equation [25] is most widely used [18,22,26] for the adsorp-
tion of adsorbate from a solution. The first order Lagergren’s rate
equation is
log(qe − q) = log qe − t (7)
where qe and q are the amount of bromophenol adsorbed at
equilibrium and at time t (mg g−1 ), respectively, and kads is the
first order rate constant, and it was applied to the present stud-
ies of adsorption of three bromophenols. As such, the values of
log (qe − q) were calculated from the kinetic data of Fig. 5 and
plotted against time in Fig. 10. The plots are found to be linear
with good correlation coefficients (R2 = 0.999–0.990) indicat-
ing that Lagergren’s equation is applicable to adsorption of
bromophenols on carbonaceous adsorbent and the adsorption
process is first order process. The first order rate constants cal-
Fig. 9. Langmuir adsorption isotherms of 2-bromophenol on carbonaceous culated from the plots (Fig. 10) and are compiled in Table 5. As
adsorbent at different temperatures. the size of 2-bromophenol and 4-bromophenol are nearly same,
100 A. Bhatnagar / Journal of Hazardous Materials B139 (2007) 93–102

Table 4
Thermodynamic parameters for adsorption of phenols on carbonaceous adsorbent at different temperatures
Phenols Temperature (◦ C) −G◦ (kJ mol−1 ) S◦ (J mol−1 K−1 ) H◦ (kJ mol−1 )

25 20.4 94.3
4-Bromophenol 45 22.2 94.0 7.7
65 24.6 94.0
25 20.6 103.4
2-Bromophenol 45 22.7 103.5 10.2
65 25.1 103.2
25 20.7 115.8
2,4-Dibromophenol 45 23.0 115.7 13.8
65 26.2 115.5

their rate constants should also be similar and the experimental

rate constants found nearly same (Table 5). 2,4-Dibromophenol
being of the largest size has the minimum rate constant.

3.6. Column operations

The column operations were carried out using solutions of all

the bromophenols on columns (cross-sectional area: 0.9 cm2 ;
height: 3.1 cm; mass: 0.5 g) of carbonaceous adsorbent. The
studies were undertaken to understand the effect of flow rate
on the breakthrough of carbonaceous adsorbent column of
bromophenols adsorption. Three flow rates, viz., 2.5, 5.0 and
10.0 mL min−1 were selected in our studies. It was found that by
reducing the flow rate, the service time increased and hence the
volume of adsorbate solutions treated was effectively increased.
This flow rate dependence can be explained by the kinetics
controlling process [27]. The lower the flow rate, the longer
the contact time and hence the greater the interaction between
adsorbate and adsorbent. Since, flow rate of 2.5 mL min−1 shows
higher removal rate of bromophenols, therefore, all column stud-
ies were done at a flow rate of 2.5 mL min−1 .
Further, it was not possible to carry out column operations sat-
isfactorily on particles of size 200–250 mesh because of column
getting clogged due to the fineness of the adsorbent particles.
Therefore, particles having size of 50–200 mesh were used for
column operations. The column did not get clogged due to mix-
ing of particles of larger size with smaller ones and influent
flowed freely over a period of 6–8 h involving a total outflow
of 500–1000 mL of bromophenols solution. This total outflow
of bromophenols solutions depended on the adsorption capac-
ity of the adsorbent and the concentration of the solution. This
column operation was continued till concentration of bromophe-
Fig. 10. Lagergren’s plot for bromophenols on carbonaceous adsorbent. nol in the aliquot of effluent collected reached nearly 90% of the
influent concentration, i.e. C/C0 ∼ 0.9. The breakthrough curves
were obtained (Fig. 11; in case of 2-bromophenol) by plotting
Table 5
Lagergren’s first order rate constants (kads ) for the adsorption of bromophenols
C/C0 against volume of the effluent. Similar curves were also
on carbonaceous adsorbent obtained for other two bromophenols. Those points on these
breakthrough curves have been considered as breakpoints at
Bromophenols First order rate constants,
kads (×10−1 h−1 )
which C/C0 attains a value of 0.02. The breakthrough capac-
ity, exhaustion capacity and degree of column utilization have
2,4-Dibromophenol 3.80 been evaluated from these figures and are given in Table 6. It
4-Bromophenol 3.86
2-Bromophenol 3.88
was observed that breakthrough capacity is about 7–30% less
than the batch capacity. This may be due to (i) lesser contact
A. Bhatnagar / Journal of Hazardous Materials B139 (2007) 93–102 101

Table 6
Comparison of batch and column capacities and degree of column utilization
Phenols Batch capacity (mg g−1 ) Breakthrough capacity Exhaustion capacity Degree of column
(from adsorption isotherms) (mg g−1 ) (mg g−1 ) utilization (%)

4-Bromophenol 40.7 37.4 54.2 69.0

2-Bromophenol 170.4 119.1 175.3 67.9
2,4-Dibromophenol 190.2 176.3 260.0 67.8

time/equilibration time of the solute with adsorbent and (ii) studies are generally available at a very cheap rate ≈ US$
larger size of particles (50–200 mesh), which require longer 5–7 tonnes−1 . The finished products would cost approximately
time for equilibration and thus, inhibiting the utilization of ≈US$ 100–200 tonnes−1 by adding all expenses (transportation,
column capacity. Similar results were also obtained by other chemicals, electrical energy, etc.). Since the cost of final adsor-
workers [19] for the removal of chlorophenols by bituminous bents prepared from industrial wastes is 10 times less than the
shale. cost of activated carbons of cheapest variety, it is reasonable to
It is further seen from Table 6, that the exhaustion capac- conclude that these materials can be fruitfully used as low-cost
ity of column is relatively higher than the batch capacity. This adsorbents for the treatment of wastewaters.
appears due to establishment of continuously larger concentra-
tion gradient at the interface zone as the influent passes through 4. Conclusions
the column. The concentration gradient generally remains main-
tained because of fresh inflow of influent, whereas, in case The results of studies carried out on the adsorption of bro-
of batch experiments, the concentration gradient continuously mophenols on four adsorbents prepared from several industrial
decreases with time resulting in smaller adsorption capacity. wastes lead to the following conclusions:
Further, Table 6 shows that the degree of column utilization lies
in the range 63–70%. Thus, these results have shown that the • A comparative study of the four adsorbents prepared clearly
columns of carbonaceous adsorbent can be used to remove phe- shows that the carbonaceous adsorbent adsorbs bromophe-
nols from wastewaters. nols (organics) in much larger amounts as compared to other
three adsorbents leading to the conclusion that the adsorbents
3.7. Cost factor having higher porosity and surface area are more appropriate
materials for the removal of organic molecules.
Commercial activated carbons of cheapest variety (gen- • The evaluation of performance of carbonaceous adsorbent as
erally used for effluent treatment) cost ≈ US$ 2000 tonnes−1 compared to standard activated charcoal sample indicates that
in India. The industrial waste materials used in the present it is 40–45% as efficient as the standard activated charcoal in
removing bromophenols.
• The adsorption of bromophenols on carbonaceous adsorbent
is a first order process.
• As the adsorption potential of the carbonaceous adsorbent in
removing organic molecules is appreciable, it can be used as
a low cost alternative adsorbent to standard activated carbons.


The kind help and guidance provided by Prof. A.K. Jain,

Department of Chemistry, IIT Roorkee is gratefully acknowl-
edged. Author also thanks Dr. L.P. Singh, CBRI, Roorkee for
scanning electron microscopic (SEM) studies.


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