Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University: Synopsis
Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University: Synopsis
Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University: Synopsis
1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Literature Review
4. Methodology to be used
5. Gyroscope
6. Working
7. Applications
8. Conclusion
9. Refrences
There are various types of parallel spin axis wheeled two-wheeler vehicles. They are typically
used for commuting or for pleasure. Lighter vehicles with smaller engines are usually cheaper
than their heavier counterparts and are the primary means of transport in a lot of Asian countries.
Nowadays maximum road accidents are of the two wheelers. Needless to say, a lot of investment
goes into manufacturing and development of state-of the-art high technology motor bikes but
none can guarantee road safety and it solely depends upon the rider and hence road accidents
occur as the person riding the bike loses control over it and the bike falls. Also while learning to
ride bicycles children are often afraid to ride as there is a fear of falling. To avoid such tragic
scenarios, a mechanical gyroscope can be installed in the vehicles. It works on the principle of
inverted pendulum and employs the use of electromechanical components which can be used as a
means of transportation for a single person. The two-wheeled, self-balancing vehicle is a non-
linear multivariable and naturally an unstable system. Controlling such a system is a hard task
and thus it is the topic of research. It will move forward if the user tilts in forward direction and
backward if the user tilts in backward direction. This synopsis presents a vehicle in which all
components (mechanical, electrical) have been designed from ground up, produced, coupled
together and tested. This vehicle can be viewed as ecological, battery operated and very easy to
be used as system.
Challenges over controlling the bicycle: Balancing the two wheeler bicycle without support of
any extra legs or wheels is one of the biggest challenges for human also from long time. A
bicycle remains upright when it is steered so that the ground reaction forces exactly balance all
the other internal and external forces it experiences, such as gravitational if leaning, inertial or
centrifugal if in a turn, gyroscopic if being steered, and aerodynamic if in a crosswind. Steering
may be supplied by a rider or, under certain circumstances, by the bike itself. One other way that
a bicycle can be balanced, with or without locked steering, is by applying appropriate torques
between the bike and rider similar to the way a gymnast can swing up from hanging straight
down on uneven parallel bars, a person can start swinging on a swing from rest by pumping their
legs, or a double inverted pendulum can be controlled with an actuator only at the elbow. A
bicycle remains upright when it is steered so that the ground reaction force exactly balance all
the other internal and external forces it experiences, such as gravitational if leaning, inertial or
centrifugal if in a turn, gyroscopic if being steered, and aerodynamic if in a crosswind. Steering
may be supplied by a rider or, under certain circumstances, by the bike itself. This automatic
balancing is generated by a combination of several effects that depend on the geometry, mass
distribution, and forward speed of the bike. Tires, suspension, steering damping, and frame flex
can also influence it, especially in motorcycles.
Kealeboga Mokonopi
The Segway Personal Transporter PT) is a two - wheeled, self balancing, battery –
powered electric vehicle invented by Dean Kamen. It is produced by Segway Inc. of New
Hampshire. The Segway PT was known by the names Ginger and IT before it was
unveiled. Reilly et al. describes Bicycles increase the distance that an individual can
travel to the station, and some transit agencies improve access options with bike friendly
policies, such as bike lockers and racks on transit vehicles. Shuttles, providing fixed
route, fixed schedule services offer another method to increase transit station access.
Cervero et al. describes Access to transit stations from home, work, recreation centers
and other destinations is often challenging, creating a barrier to transit ridership and
overall system efficiency. At many transit stations, dedicated parking is limited and fills
up early each workday. Transit stations in more urban settings have limited or no
dedicated parking, so in this case two- wheeler is useful. Koopman et al. describes since
its introduction, Segway HT has caused a good stir in the transportation community and
general public. The operation of Segway HT has been legalized for sidewalk use in 24
states. Meyer et al. describes segway HT is motorized and regulated by the Consumer
Product Safety Commission instead of the National Highway Traffic Safety
A gyroscope is a spinning wheel or disc in which the axis of rotation is free to assume any
orientation by it. While rotating, the orientation of this axis is unaffected by tilting or rotation of
the mounting, according to the conservation of angular momentum. Because of this, gyroscopes
are useful for measuring or maintaining orientation. Gyroscopes are also based on other
operating principles, such as the electronic, microchip-packaged MEMS gyroscopes found in
consumer electronics devices, solid-state ring lasers, fiber optic gyroscopes, and the extremely
sensitive quantum gyroscope. Applications of gyroscopes include inertial navigation systems
where magnetic compasses would not work (as in the Hubble telescope) or would not be precise
enough (as in intercontinental ballistic missiles), or for the stabilization of flying vehicles like
radio-controlled helicopters or unmanned aerial vehicles, and recreational boats and commercial
ships. Due to their precision, gyroscopes are also used in gyro theodolites to maintain direction
in tunnel mining. Gyroscopes can be used to construct gyrocompasses, which complement or
replace magnetic compasses (in ships, aircraft and spacecraft, vehicles in general), to assist in
stability (Hubble Space Telescope, bicycles, motorcycles, and ships) or be used as part of an
inertial guidance system. A. Gyroscope Principles Rigidity is the ability of a freely rotating mass
to maintain its plane of spin when any external force is applied to it.
1) First Law of Gyroscope: If a rotating wheel is so maintained as to be free to move about any
axis passing through its center of mass, its spin axis will remain fixed in space.
2) Second Law Of Gyroscopes: When a torque acts on a spinning mass with an axis
perpendicular to that of spin, then the latter will precess about an axis perpendicular to both
aforementioned axes, at an angular velocity, Ω, = T/Iω. B. Gyroscopic Effect. The gyroscopic
effect is widely used in air planes and ships, where in always external disturbing couple is acting
on the vehicle. Thus, for the stability of such vehicles it is essential to neutralize the effect of
external disturbing couple which can be done by applying equal and opposite couple.
Accordingly, to generate equal and opposite reactive couple it is essential to vary the magnitude
and direction of velocity of precession. The active gyroscopic couple represents rate of change of
angular momentum, and this couple must be applied to disc across the axis of spin to cause it to
process in the horizontal plane. When the axis of spin processes itself or is made to process the
shaft on which the disc is mounted applies reactive gyroscopic couple. This reactive gyroscopic
couple thus produced by the gyroscope is equal to the external disturbance but it is in opposite
direction. Thus this couple neutralizes the effect of disturbance and stabilizes the object.
The above gyroscopic stabilization concept can be used in motor bikes for advanced stability and
safety and also in bicycles and other such vehicles for safer transportation. The gyroscope
assembly can be placed at specific locations in the vehicle to get the stabilizing effect. In
addition to being used in compasses, aircrafts, computer pointing devices, missiles etc.,
gyroscopes have been introduced into consumer electronics. Since the gyroscope allows the
calculation of orientation and rotation, designers have incorporated them into modern
technology. The integration of the gyroscope has allowed for more accurate recognition of
movement within a 3D space than the previous lone accelerometer within a number of
smartphones. Gyroscopes in consumer electronics are frequently combined with accelerometers
(acceleration sensors) for more robust direction- and motion-sensing. Examples of such
applications include smartphones, game console peripherals, and virtual reality sets. Cruise ships
use gyroscopes to level motion-sensitive devices such as self-leveling pool tables. An electric
powered flywheel gyroscope inserted in a bicycle wheel is being sold as a training wheel
The final model of the self-balancing vehicle design is shown below. This design has been tested
at different RPMs of the disc and also with different weights to see that the vehicle is balancing.
This paper presents design and fabrication of the two-wheeler self-balancing vehicle which is
capable of balancing itself under application of external forces and loads. The vehicle balances
itself under various conditions like forced tilt of the vehicle. Thus the proposed system can be
much helpful for two-wheeled vehicles reducing accidents or unwanted falls and increasing
safety to the rider. This system reduces the work of humans as well as provides eco-friendly
Engineering, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
2. Mikael Arvidsson and Jonas Karlsson. Design, construction and verification of a self-balancing
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3. Articles on Quora
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7. Muhammad Ikram Mohd Rashid, Law Choon Chuan and Suliana Ab Ghani Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang, Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia