Research Proposal: Middlesex University MA International Business Management
Research Proposal: Middlesex University MA International Business Management
Research Proposal: Middlesex University MA International Business Management
Middlesex University
As a business student, I have a high interest in the companies initial stage strategies and
about the entrepreneurship and innovation skills of the company and it is being proved that
the Samsung is the centre of innovation. However, they have introduced the first inventions
of the smartphones and there many other features in the smartphones they have
introduced like flash lights, apart from the smartphones they deal in other electronic
products like television, washing machines, hair dryer, etc with new features. I chose this
company because it has a powerful business culture and for an innovative company it is
very important to have a productive company culture that shape up in the best organisation
and to focus on the innovation skills and marketing strategies about the products. How they
satisfy there customer’s need and maintain the sustainable growth in the high competitive
market. As per my topic of entrepreneurship and innovation, I could not get a better
impressive company than this to analyse my topics. The study of the organisational
behaviour of this company. I want to bring light to the measures taken by them in this
management to workout and deal with such big production house.
Earlier the Samsung company was known as the low profile company. They deal
within the cheap products and suddenly it just ruled the electronics market.
What does the strategy being used by the entrepreneur to maintain the high
How they manage the high range of products and also about there
organisational behaviour?
2.3 Research objectives
With my thorough research work, there are some of the objectives I would like to focus on-
In order to clear the concentrate study of Samsung’s strategy in the market, for that initially
we have to determine the mission and vision of the company of there products. They serves
many areas such as information and communications technology, construction, and
entertainment. Accordingly, to fundamental the drivers of the Samsung company that leads
to the marketing strategy decision in the electronics market.
The main aim is the initial point strategies and the plans used by entrepreneur to
acknowledge the concept of entrepreneurship. The questions mentioned in the objectives
will answer about the company ‘what it was and now what it is’.
The company needs to answer these questions to characterize there mission statement.
The vision of the company is the knowledge of there customers need and there value.
By answering all these questions, it will state that the determine the customer’s preference
then maintain the strategy in order to accomplish the desired goals.
Samsung’s objectives was focused on creating its brand and becoming innovative leader in
the market.
How the company is improvising its products, open resources and the corporate processes.
It refers to all the innovation strategies and models they worked for the better outcome.
For decades this process has been ongoing as the Samsung has been grown. The Samsung
management style is similar as the American style of management, they both of them are
concerned about the technology, brand and design of products. They are also concerned
about the talent requirements and the high performance. They both are linked together and
cannot be easily aparted. They both are deliberated as the arm to the big strategy
companies to maintain the big amount the manufacturing productions. The high strategic
foresight is required in IT business industry where people demand the fast advancing
technology. They have a creative organisation culture and strong based performances to
survive in such environment. The management styles are adopted by the Japanese style or
American style. The top level managers such as CEO considers the American style of
management while the operational management depends upon the japanese style of the
management. Although by this time Samsung is anxious about cutting its costs mainly in
huge manufacturing facilities which has been constructed globally.
Some of the Samsung products that have the social innovation the add wash washing
machine that allow the items to get rinse off and additional softener anytime. It comes with
the superior feature that makes it possible to done with the normal wash and is a time
saving activity. Which is preferable by the working women and makes it easier for them to
manage there household. This how they oversee the customers need and use the advanced
technology. Another example is of the revealed new curved television SUHD TV which
provides the perfect view for there customers from each and every angle. With the use of
ultra black technology they reduced the light reflection and offers the viewer to enjoy in the
less lightning environment
The company was originally indulged within the Korea as a small export produced food and
sugar later on it switched to the electronic industry in late 1960’s. it has changed the
revolution from 2000-2010 a pioneer digital age or a time of revolutionary change
Samsung has released products like PDA phone, LCD TV, First Solar powered mobile phones
and world’s thinnest TV. The concept of development in this company is highly
recommended. The Samsung team cover ups all the innovative ideas, strategies, research
into a single fine concept that becomes the business ideal. The company always learns from
there competitors and improve there product accordingly. The Samsung products are
launched fast with respect to the market demand and the advanced features with low price
to keep there sales high. The company always tries to maintain the trend by differentiating
there products with advancement in design, function and feature. Precedingly, the Samsung
follow ups the low end market leader Nokia, when the Nokia tried up to change into the
smartphones and it was dealing with other problems. Samsung took the initiative and
launched the smartphones and followed up the Nokia in the market. It has catch up the
other areas as well with other advanced products than smartphones.
4.0 Methodology
The purpose of this study is to understand the marketing strategies used by the Samsung
company by the consumer perception. The study is locate as both descriptive research and
fundamental research and the main aim is to depict an accurate figuration of this situation
In this case, the study focuses on the approaches used by the Samsung company in order to
accomplish there goals or that are reason for the success of the Samsung products.
Exploratory research method is used in this research to provide better understanding of a
situation about the innovative skills of the company products and the strategies used at the
initial stages of the company. Quantitative data is used to analyse about the company by
using the Survey strategy in this research to collect the data. Questionnaire, company visits
and direct employees interaction are used to conduct the survey. This is efficient for this
research to acquire the proper information for the better understandings of the strategies
of Samsung company. It is possible to collect huge data in large population in a expensive
means. Although it is not designed to come up with the end answers. This includes the
interviews and telephonic conversations. This will lead to the proper large sample
quantitative analysis.
However, I will be concluding the interviews with the employees of the company. I will offer
my informers full obscurity. All the recordings that being taped during the research will be
deleted once the research work is done. My study will consider the topic Enterepreneurship
and innovation it will be done by some informers help. Therefore, I will maintain the full
invisibility to my informers. Moreover I will make sure that my questions do not come across
the confidential information of the company.
Android Authority. 2020. Samsung Galaxy S Series: A History Of The Biggest Name In Android.
[online] Available at: <>
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Samsung Strategy and Innovation Center. 2020. Innovation | Samsung Strategy And Innovation
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Business Case Studies. 2020. Samsung - Business Case Studies. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 1 May 2020].