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Annual Report 2014 - 15 IIEST Shibpur - Fina654365l

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वार्षिक रिपोर्ि

२०१४ – २०१५
Annual Report

भाितीय अभभयाांत्रिकी र्वज्ञान एवां प्रौद्योगिकी सांस्थान, भिवपिु

हावड़ा - ७११ १०३
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST),
Shibpur, Howrah – 711 103
2014 – 2015


HOWRAH – 711 103
From the Desk of the Director


P.O. – Botanic Garden, Howrah – 711103,
West Bengal, India
Phone: (033) 2668 2674, Fax: (033) 2668 7575
E-mail: ,
Professor Ajoy Kumar Ray

It is a great pleasure for me to bring out the Annual Report of our Institute for the year 2014-15.
IIEST, Shibpur started its journey way back in 1856 as the second oldest Engineering Institute of the
country but as an Institute of National Importance, it was dedicated to the service of the nation one
year back by the Hon‘ble President of India. It has been a heartening experience for me to be
witness to a rejuvenated Institute where the Academic community are giving full effort to achieve
excellence in the sphere of teaching, learning, creation and dissemination of knowledge.

Our Institute has always laid great stress on research activities. Along with quality teaching, the
Faculty members are devoting their energy to quality research as well. In the last year, there have
been 357 publications in peer reviewed journals. The doctoral programme is gaining momentum and
51 Fellows have been awarded Ph.D degree in the last convocation. The Institute has also witnessed
an excellent growth in the number of sponsored research projects in the recent past. At present,
research projects worth Rs. 57.63 Crores and consultancy projects worth Rs. 13.37 crores are being
pursued in different departments.

In keeping with tradition, this year too several faculty members have been lauded and have won
recognition for their superior academic performance. To mention a few of them, Prof. Subrata
Chakraborty of Civil Engineering has received the ISET V. H. Joshi award for significant
contributions in Structural Dynamics, Dr. Chirosree Roychowdhury of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering has received the Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee award from
National Academy of Science and has been elected as Associate Editor of IEEE Sensors journals.
Many others like Prof. S. das bit and Prof. J. sil of Computer Science and Technology, Prof. Sudip
Kr Chattopadhyay of Chemistry, Dr. Sukanta Das of Information Technology have also received
awards and recognitions from various bodies. Many of our Faculty members have attended
International conferences, chairing sessions and delivering invited lectures. To name a few: Prof.
Subrata Chakraborty presented a paper at the ICVRAM conference at the University of Liverpool,
UK, Prof. Hafizur Rahaman delivered a talk at the University of Bremen, Germany and bpresented
papers at the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems at Australia, Dr. Sukanta das
presented a paper at the International Workshop on Cellular Automata in Japan and also at Krakow,

There has been a substantive growth in the number of laboratories and other Infrastructural facilities
for academic growth of the Institute. Several existing laboratories have also undergone extensive
modifications .Department of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics has developed a high
speed flow laboratory and a propulsion laboratory. Department of Computer Science and
Technology has developed a new embedded system laboratory. Department of Physics has
developed a Nuclear Physics laboratory. School of Materials Science and Engineering has
modernized Nano semiconductor laboratory. All other Departments, schools and Centres are
engaged in developing modern laboratories with latest equipments.

The period under review has witnessed a wide range of academic events organized by various
Departments that includes a number of National and International seminars and workshops. Eminent
personalities like Prof. Sunney I. Chan from Institute of chemistry, Taipei, Prof. Rolf Drechslar and
Dr. Robert Willie from University of Bremen, Germany, Dr. F. Banfi from the Department of
Mathematics and Physics, University of Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy etc. have visited our
Institute and delivered lectures.

Our students have been performing extremely well both in academic as well as in extra curricular
activities. Best Ph.D Thesis award was received by Dr. Kamalika Datta of Information Technology
at Design Automation and Test in Europe. Sonali Das, Research Associate in the Centre of
Excellence for Green Energy and Sensor System has been awarded the prestigious Bhaskara
Advanced Solar Energy Fellowship by DST, W. Majilya, S. Bhattacharya and S. Pathak from the
Department of Electrical Engineering were awarded the First prize for the best B. Tech thesis by
Deity, MCIT. Some of the students have gone abroad to present papers in International Conferences.
Soumi Bhattacharya, Senior Research Fellow of Civil engineering visited Trinity College Dublin as
visiting researcher; Dibyadyuti Pramanik of Physics Department presented her work at the
Euroschool on Exotic Beams at Padova, Italy.

The Institute has always been taking initiatives in social outreach programmes. The School of
Community Science and Technology has been involved in a Corporate Social Responsibility scheme
of the Government of India with the Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd. in association
with Kolkata Police for imparting Vocational training to the unemployed youth in and around the
Garden Reach area of Kolkata. The Equal Opportunity Cell of the Institute has been organizing
remedial coaching classes and training for examinations leading to entry into services for students
belonging to reserved categories and the non creamy layer of the society.

The process of strengthening the Ramanujan Central Library of the Institute continued throughout
the period under review. A detailed plan was prepared for interior design, internal refurbishment,
decoration etc was prepared and its execution has started. Access of full text electronic resources
including ASCE journals, ASME digital library and IEL online available through INDEST-AICTE
Consortium was continued. Access to JSTOR, Institute of Physics and Royal society of Chemistry
journals are provided through UGC-INFONET Digital library consortium.

We are also starting new academic initiatives. In the Center of Excellence for Green Energy and
Sensor systemsa post graduate course on Renewable Energy science and Technology has been
started. A Centre of excellence for Microstructurally Designed Advanced Materials Development
has been developed with financial assistance from TEQUIP-II programme.

From the Annual report of various Departments, Schools, Centres and Administrative sections, it is
clearly manifested that after being recognized as an Institute of National importance our Institute is
consistently moving ahead in all activities at a very fast pace, creating real manpower and thus
serving the Nation.

I would like to extend my heartiest thanks and congratulations to all Faculty members, students‘
officersand staff of the Institute for working together harmoniously towards achieving excellence.
My special thanks to the team who worked tirelessly to bring out this Annual Report

(Ajoy Kumar Ray)


Sl. No. Subjects Page No.
i Introductory note with a brief history of the University 9 – 12
ii Chairman of the BOG & Director of IIEST Shibpur 13 – 16
iii Members of the BOG, Deans and Associate Deans 17 – 20
iv Members of the Senate 21 – 26
v Heads / Directors of the Depertments, Centers and Schools 27 – 28
vi Distinguished Professors, Professor – in – Charge & Administration 29 – 32
1 Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics Department 33 – 44
2 Civil Engineering Department 45 – 62
3 Chemistry Department 63 – 76
4 Computer Science and TechnologyDepartment 77 – 110
5 Electrical Engineering Department 111 – 132
6 Electronics and Tele Communication Department 133 – 148
7 Earth Sciences Department 149 – 154
8 Human Resource Management Department 155 – 164
9 Humanities and Social Sciences Department 165 – 172
10 Information Technology Department 173 – 194
11 Mathematics Department 195 – 200
12 Mechanical Engineering Department 201 – 224
13 Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Department 225 – 238
14 Mining Engineering Department 239 – 251
15 Physics Department 253 – 270
16 Department of Students‘ Act ivit ies 271 – 276
B Schools
1 School of Community Science and Technology (SOCSAT) 277 – 294
2 School of Ecology, Infrastructure & Human Settlement 295 – 300
Management (SEIHSM)
3 PDSIT 301 – 318
4 School of Materials Science & Engineering (SMSE) 319 – 332
5 School of Management Sciences (SOMS) 333 – 338
6 School of Mechatronics & Robotics (SM&R) 339 – 346
7 School of VLSI Technology 347 – 360
C Centres
1 Centre of Excellence for Green Energy and Sensor Systems 361 – 378
2 Centre for Healthcare Science and Technology 379 – 386
D Others
1 Library 387 – 390
2 Workshop 391 – 393
3 Equal Opportunity Cell 395 – 398
4 Annual Convocation 399 – 400
5 List of Consultancy work 401 – 407
6 List of Projects 408 – 411
7 Financial Audit Report 412 – 415

Introductory note with a brief history of the University

 Bengal Engineering College, commonly known as B.E.College started its journey as the
Civil Engineering College on 12th February 1856. During this long journey, this pioneering
Engineering College achieved one milestone after another. Since 1856 a number of other
Departments were gradually included which have produced many reputed Engineers?

 There are various phases through which this institution has passed, over the last 150 yrs

 On January 24, 1857 the faculty of Civil Engineering was formed with the establishment
of Calcutta University.

 On May 2, 1857 the Civil Engineering College was affiliated to the University.

 In November 1864 the Civil Engineering College lost its separate entity and independent
existence and The Civil Engineering College become the Civil Engineering Department of
the Presidency College and remained attached to it as an adjunct till 1879.

 The Civil Engineering College become the Civil Engineering Department of the
Presidency College and remained attached to it as an adjunct till 1879.

 In the year 1880 the College occupied the premises of the Bishop‘s College at Shibpur
and from the 5th April 1880, the college under the name Government Engineering College,
Howrah started functioning.

 On 18th May 1887, the name was changed to the Civil Engineering College Seebpore,
gradually under went changes, namely, first Sibpur and then Shibpur.

 As a first step to reach the goal of including other Departments along with Civil
Department the nomenclature of the college was changed from the 12th February 1920 to
the Bengal Engineering College, Sibpur

 From March 24, 1921 in order to avoid postal delay the College was redesignated as the
―Bengal Engineering College‖ which came to be popularly known as B.E.College.

 On 16.02.1993,the BE College was given the status of Deemed University and from
October 1,2004 the Director was designated as the Vice-Chancellor and the Deemed
University was given the status of a full fledged State University under the name Bengal
Engineering and Science University, Shibpur.
IIEST Shibpur

IIEST Shibpur - history at a glance

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur owes its origin to the
erstwhile Bengal Engineering College, the history of which goes to the nineteenth century
when industries in the sense we understand today, were practically absent. Prompted by the
idea of meeting requirement of trained engineering personnel for the Public Works
Department, the then council of Education, Bengal, decided to open Civil Engineering
classes and a Professorship in Civil Engineering was created at Hindu College, Calcutta, in
the year 1843-44. A College of Engineering was started by the name of Civil Engineering
College on 24th November, 1856, in the premises of the Writers Building, Calcutta.
With the establishment of Calcutta University on January 24, 1857, the college was
affiliated to this university in May 1857. The first-degree examination in Bachelors of Civil
Engineering was held in 1864 in which only 2 students graduated. In 1865, the college
merged with Presidency College, Calcutta and from 1865 to 1869 the college functioned as
the Civil Engineering Department of Presidency College. In 1880, the college was shifted to
its present campus at Shibpur, Howrah, and was christened the 'Government College,
Howrah,' in the premises of Bishop's College. It started imparting training in Civil as well
as Mechanical Engineering. The college became wholly residential from the year 1889.
In 1921, the name of the college was changed to 'Bengal Engineering College' (popularly
known as B.E.College). During 1921-43, the various departments of the college were
reorganized on the recommendation of the 'Mukherjee Committee' under the Chairmanship
of Sir R.N. Mukherjee, one of the most distinguished ex-students of the college. The first
batch of students in Mechanical Engineering appeared in the degree examination in 1932.
The degree course in Electrical Engineering was introduced during 1935-36 and that in
Metallurgical Engineering in 1939. The department of Humanities started in 1945, Applied
Mechanics in 1947, and Architecture, Town and Regional Planning department in 1949.
With the end of Second World War, the necessity of further expansion and the development
of the college was felt and a 'Committee for the development of Higher Engineering and
Technical Education in Bengal' under the Chairmanship of the Director of Public
Instruction recommended two plans - one 'Immediate' and the other 'Five Year Plan' for the
college. Under the 'Immediate' plan the committee made recommendations regarding the
increase of student strength from 300 to 520, an improved curriculum, better teaching staff,
a greater range of degree courses and a close liaison with industry. The objective of the
'Five Year Plan' was to upgrade the college to the status of a modern and well-equipped
institution with facilities for postgraduate study and research.
A new building was constructed in the year 1949 and all academic departments were moved
to the new building. In 1954, postgraduate courses in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and
Metallurgical were introduced. A postgraduate certificate course in Naval Architecture was
also introduced during this period. Doctoral programs were also introduced at this time and
approved by Calcutta University to enhance research activities (which started as far back as
1901) in the college. During 1954-55, an agreement was concluded by this college and the
University of Wisconsin, USA, whereby six guest professors from the USA joined the
college and in exchange, five teachers from the college went to the USA as Research
Associate. This scheme, known as Technical Co-operation Programme of the USA, helped
the college in developing laboratories, postgraduate programmes and research facilities.
The college celebrated its gala centenary function inaugurated by Dr. B.C. Roy on the 25th
of December 1956 and PanditJawarlal Nehru graced concluding session on 14th January
1957. The department of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering was sanctioned in
1956. The department of Mining Engineering started functioning in 1956. The introduction
of a Teachers' Training course during 1959-60 was a noteworthy event. The college started
its first Computer Centre in 1976-77 and a Microprocessor Laboratory in this centre in
1979. The 125th Anniversary of the college was celebrated in December 11, 1981, with
inauguration by Sri N. Sanjiva Reddy, the then President of India.

In 1982, a new degree course in Computer Science & Technology was started and with
modernization of the facilities, this department started offering the Master of Engineering
courses in 1988 and Master of Computer Applications courses in 1991.
The college was selected as a participating institute under the World Bank EIDP Project and
an endowment in theamount of Rs. 200,000,000 was received for upgrading the teaching
facilities and laboratories in the Electronics and Computer Science Departments. An E-mail
facility was offered by the DOE under this project through which the university can have
install access to information super highway.
The alumni of the college have occupied or are occupying top positions in various national
and international organizations. In recognition of its yeoman's service to the nation for 143
years of its existence with its well organized infrastructure, the college was elevated to the
status of a "Deemed University" in 1992 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Government of India on the recommendation of a UGC Expert Committee. As a result, Dr.
SankarDayal Sharma, the President of India, inaugurated the University in March 1993.
In 2004, B.E. College (Deemed University) was converted into a full-fledged university by
an act in the West Bengal Assembly and renamed as Bengal Engineering and Science
University, Shibpur. In addition to the tradition engineering disciplines, the university
started M.Sc curriculum in basic sciences.
In March 2014, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur was taken over by the
Government of India and converted into an Institute of National Importance through an act
of parliament and renamed as Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology,
The Second Oldest Engineering College in India
The Roorkee Engineering College established in the year 1847 AD and recognized as the
first Engineering College in India. The Government Engineering College, Pune established
in the year 1854. The Bengal Engineering College established in the year 1856. The first
batch of degree course in Civil Engineering turned out in 1912 from Pune Engineering
College whereas the first batch in Civil Engineering passed out from B.E.College, in the
year 1864. Therefore, if we consider the year of establishment the B.E.College will be the
third engineering college in India. However, considering the year of graduation our
B.E.College stands as the 2nd oldest Engineering College in India. Please find enclosed the
relevant documentary evidence from the University Website for your ready reference.
"The Govt. College of Engineering, Pune, which was established in the year 1854 is one of
the oldest and premier engineering institutions in the country. Initially it started as the
Poona Engineering class & Mechanical school to train subordinate officers for carrying out
public work. Later the school became Poona Civil Engineering College and subsequently in
the year 1911 the name was changed to the College of Engineering, Poona popularly known
as COEP. The first batch of degree course in Civil Engineering turned out in 1912. Degree
courses in Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering were introduced in 1914 and
Roorkee College was Establish in 1847 AD as the first Engineering College in the British
Empire. The College was renamed as THOMASON COLLEGE OF CIVIL
ENGINEERING in 1854. It was given the status of a University by Act No. IX of 1948 of
U.P., Govt. in recognition of its performance and its potential and keeping in view the needs
of post-independent INDIA.Pt. JawaharLal Nehru, the first Prime Minester of India,
presented the Charter in November 1949 elevating the erstwhile college to the first
Engineering University of independent India."

Chairman of the Board of Governers of IIEST, Shibpur

Dr.Kopillil Radhakrishnan is the Chairman of the Board of Governers of IIEST, Shibpur.

Dr. Radhakrishnan is an internationally acclaimed scientist and the former Chairman of the
Indian Space Research Organization. When India's Mangalyaan successfully settled into
Mars Orbit on September 24, 2014, the country became the first and only nation to have
done so on its maiden attempt under the leadership of Dr Radhakrishnan, He also has
headed several other landmark missions such as the spaceflight of an Indian cryogenic
engine, the launch of the heaviest and tallest GSLV Mark II, and the successful reentry of
the unmanned crew module. Dr Radhakrishnan is one of the 2014 top ten scientists chosen
by the prestigious journal Nature. He was also the recipient of Padma Bhushan in 2014 for
his outstanding contribution to the field of space science and technology.
Dr. Radhakrishnan was born on August 29, 1949 at Irinjalakuda, Kerala. He graduated in
Electrical Engineering from Kerala University, completed his PGDM from Indian Institute
of Management, Bangalore and obtained Doctorate for his thesis titled "Some Strategies for
Indian Earth Observation System" from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. He is a
Fellow of Indian National Academy of Science (FNASc), Fellow of Indian National
Academy of Engineering (FNAE); Honorary Life Fellow of The Institution of Engineers,
India; Honorary Fellow of The Institution of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineers,
India; and Member of International Academy of Astronautics.
Starting his career as an Avionics Engineer in Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, he held
several decisive positions in ISRO in the domains of space launch systems, space
applications and space programme management. He had commendably held the post of
Director, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, the lead centre for launch vehicle technology in
ISRO and Director, National Remote Sensing Agency. In his brief stint (2000-2005) in the
Ministry of Earth Sciences, he had also been the Founder Director of Indian National Centre
for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) and the first Project Director of Indian National
Tsunami Warning System. He also held several important positions at the international level
including Vice Chairman of Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (2001-05),
Founder Chairman ofIndian Ocean Global Ocean Observing System (2001-06) and
Chairman of the Working Group of the Whole UN-COPUOS STSC (2008-2009).
Since October 2009, Indian Space Programme have carried the signatures of the strong
leadership of Dr. Radhakrishnan with focused thrust towards (a) space applications for
societal services and national imperatives; (b) creation, management and sustenance
capability and capacity for space systems; (d) undertaking new and path-breaking missions
(e) development of several critical technologies ; and most importantly (f) ensuring synergy
of 16,000 strong ISRO Team with Indian Industry, Academia, User community and several
National R&D Laboratories.

Prof. Ajoy Kumar Ray, Director, IIEST, Shibpur

Brief Resume
Prof. Ajoy Kumar Ray
Prof. Ajoy Kumar Ray joined Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur as its
Vice Chancellor with effect from 01.03.2009. He is also the first Director of Indian Institute
of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur with effect from 4th March, 2014.
Currently he is on lien from IIT Kharagpur, where he is a Professor of Electronics and
Electrical Communication Engineering and former Head, School of Medical Science and
Technology at IIT Kharagpur.
As Vice Chancellor of BESU Shibpur, he has brought major transformation of the
university, in diverse areas of academics – education, research, sponsored research and
many outreach programs.
Prof. Ray had his Bachelor's degree from Bengal Engineering College, Shibpur, followed
by M.Tech and Ph.D from Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering
Department of IIT Kharagpur. He joined IIT Kharagpur as a Faculty member in 1980.
He has successfully completed more than twenty research projects, sponsored by several
agencies, like Defence Research & Development Organization, Department of Atomic
Energy, Department of Science and Technology and so on. He has also worked on several
consultancy projects of multinational and national industries. Prof. Ray was the Principal
Investigator of research projects, sponsored by Intel Corporation during 1997 – 2004.
During the course of this research project, Prof. Ray was the co inventor of six US patents
jointly with Intel Corporation. Prof. Ray was the Chief Investigator of a number of Medical
Imaging projects sponsored by Texas Instruments at the School of Medical Science and
Technology at IIT Kharagpur. As a part of this project, he, along with other team members
have filed six USA patents jointly with Texas Instruments.
Prof. Ray was associated with the University of Southampton as Senior Research Fellow
during 1989-90 and led the research group on 'Image and Video Processing' of Avisere Inc.,
USA during 2004-2005.
He has co-authored about 150 research papers in International journals and International
Conferences. He has authored five books published by International Publishing Houses,
such as John Wiley, Tata McGraw Hill, Prentice Hall of India and Taylor and Francis
Publication, including one in Chinese.
In addition, under his leadership, his group in the School of Medical Science and
Technology has initiated a number of medical projects on 'Molecular Imaging' and Image
Processing, Medical Instrumentation, etc. Prof. Ray is the Fellow and Member of many
professional bodies and is involved with a large number of Universities in various academic
He has been associated with Nehru Museum of Science and Technology, IIT Kharagpur as
Secretary and Chairman from 1991 – 2006.
His current research interest includes Medical Imaging and Image Processing, Pattern
Recognition and Machine Intelligence.
E-mail- ,,

Board of Governors

Dr.Kopillil Radhakrishnan
Chairperson, Board of Governors
Former,Secretary, Department of Space and Former
Chairman, ISRO

Shri R. Subrahmanyam
Additional Secretary (TE)
Ex-Officio Member
Additional Secretary to the Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development,Shastri
New Delhi – 110 001

Prof. Ajoy Kumar Ray

Ex-Officio Member
Director, IIESTS Shibpur, Howrah 711103

Prof. Anurag Kumar

Ex-Officio Member
Director, IISc., Bangalore
Sir C.V. Raman Avenue
Bangalore – 560 012

Prof. Indranil Manna

Director, IIT Kanpur
P.O. IIT Kanpur
Kanpur – 208 016

Prof. Ashutosh Sharma

Dept. of Science and Technology, Technology Bhavan,
New Mehrauli Road New Delhi – 110 016

Prof. N. BalaKrishnan
Supercomputer Education and Research Centre, IISc.
Shri C.V. Raman Avenue
Bangalore – 560 012

Prof. Sneh Anand
Centre for Biomedical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 110 016

Smt. Darshana M Dabral

Ex –Officio Member
Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor to the Government of
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 001

Shri Amitabh Kant, IAS

Secretary to the Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 011

Prof. Gautam Bandyopadhyay

Professor, Dept. of Electrical Engg. IIEST Shibpur

Prof. Shyamal Kumar Chattopadhyay

Member, Board of Governors,
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Associate Director, Research Consultancy Cell
Area of Work: Coordination and Bio-inorganic
Chemistry, Structural Chemistry
Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 500)
Dr. Biman Bandyopadhyay
Secretary to BOG
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology,
Shibpur, Howrah -711103

Deans & Associate Deans
Prof. Amit Kumar Das
Dean, Academic Affairs
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Technology

Prof. Santanu Kumar Karmakar

Dean, Alumni Affairs & External Relations
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Prabir Kumar Paul

Dean,Administrative Affairs
Professor, Department of Mining Engineering
Director, School of Management Sciences (SOMS)

Prof. Bichitra Kumar Guha

Dean Faculty Affairs
Professor, Physics Department

Prof. Netai Chandra Dey

Dean, Students' Affair
Professor, Department of Mining Engineering

Prof. Aditya Bandyopadhyay

Dean, Infrastructure, Planning & Management
Professor, Department of Architecture, Town and Regional

Prof. Kalyan Kumar Bhar
Dean, Research & Development
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering

Prof. Debjani Ganguly

Associate Dean, Administrative Affairs
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering
Director, School of Mechatronics and Robotics

Prof. Amitava Basumallick

Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Professor, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

Prof. Anup Mondal

Associate Dean, Research & Development
Professor, Department of Chemistry

Prof. Anirban Gupta

Associate Dean,Alumni Affairs & External Relations
Professor,Department of Civil Engineering

Prof. Sudip Kumar Chattopadhyay

Associate Dean,Academic Affairs
Professor, Department of Chemistry

Members of the Senate

Name Position Address

Prof. Ajoy Kumar Ray Director, IIESTS Shibpur, Howrah 711103
Ex-Officio Member
Director, IIESTS Shibpur, Howrah

Prof. Jaya Sil Member Department of Computer Science and

Professor, Department of Computer Technology
Science and Technology IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Phone: 033-26684561-63

Prof. Susanta Chakraborty Member Department of Computer Science and

Professor, Department of Computer Technology
Science and Technology IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Phone: 033-26686151

Prof. Sipra Das Bit Member Department of Computer Science and

Professor & Head, Department of Technology
Computer Science and Technology IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Phone: 033-26686151
Prof. Biplab Kumar Sikdar Member Department of Computer Science and
Professor, Department of Computer Technology
Science and Technology IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Phone: 033-26686151

Prof. Sulata Mitra Member Department of Computer Science and

Associate Professor, Department of Technology
Computer Science and Technology IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Phone: 033-26686151

Prof. Bhabani Prasad Mukhopadhyay Member Department of Earth Sciences,

Professor and Head, Earth Sciences IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Department Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext-482)

Prof. Abhijit Chakraborty Member Dept. of Electrical Engineering

Dept. of Electrical Engineering IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103

Prof. Biswarup Basak Member Department of Electrical Engineering
Professor and Head, Department of IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Electrical Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 569)

Jagadish Pal Member Department of Electrical Engineering

Professor, Department of Electrical IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63
Ashoke Sutradhar Member Department of Electrical Engineering
Professor, Department of Electrical IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering & Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 615)
Head of Centre for Healthcare Email:
Science and Technology
Prof. Abdur Rouf Member Department of Electrical Engineering
Professor, Department of Electrical IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63

Prof. Prasid Syam Membe Department of Electrical Engineering

Professor, Department of Electrical IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 619, 568)
Coordinator, QIP and Continuing Email:
Education Programme
Prof. Chandan Kumar Chanda Member Department of Electrical Engineering
Professor, Department of Electrical IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Email:

Prof. Debabrata Roy Member Department of Electrical Engineering

Associate Professor, Department of IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Electrical Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63

Prof. Aparajita Sengupta Member Department of Electrical Engineering

Professor, Department of Electrical IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 558/591)
Prof. Mainak Sengupta Member Department of Electrical Engineering
Member IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Professor, Department of Electrical Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 593)
Engineering Email:
Prof. Konika Das (Bhattacharya) Member Department of Electrical Engineering
Associate Professor, Department of IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Electrical Engineering & Email:,
Professor-in-charge, Industry
Institute Partnership Cell

Prof. Baidyanath Roy Member Department of Electronics & Tele
Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Tele Communication Engineering IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 305/503)
Prof. Monojit Mitra Member Department of Electronics & Tele
Member Communication Engineering
Professor, Department of Electronics & IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Tele Communication Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 541)

Prof. Santanu Das Member Department of Electronics & Tele

Professor & Head, Department of Communication Engineering
Electronics & Tele Communication IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 270, 550)
Prof. Madhumati Dutta Member Department of Humanities and Social
Professor, Department of Humanities Sciences,
and Social Sciences & Dean of Faculty IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Council for Post graduate studies in Phone: 26684561-63 (extn.: 372,838)
Social and Management Sciences Email:
Prof. Manas Kumar Sanyal Member Department of Human Resource
Professor & Head, Department of Management
Human Resource Management IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Phone: 26681073, 26684561(Extn: 268)
Prof. Hafizur Rahman Member Department of Information Technology
Professor, Department of Information IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Technology Email:,
Director, School of VLSI Technology
Prof. Santi Prasad Maity Member Department of Information Technology
Professor, Department of Information IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Technology email: ,
Phone: 033-26686151
Prof. Basudeb Mukhopadhyay Member Department of Mathematics,
Professor, Mathematics Department IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 219)
Prof. Binayak S. Choudhury Member Department of Mathematics,
Professor, Mathematics Department IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Dean of Faculty Council for Post Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 525)
graduate studies in Basic and Applied Email:,

Prof. Jagabandhu De Member Department of Mathematics,

Professor and Head, Mathematics IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Department Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 219)

Prof. Guruprasad Samanta Member Department of Mathematics,
Professor, Department of Mathematics IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103

Prof. Murari Mitra Member Department of Mathematics,

Professor, Mathematics Department IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 219)
Prof. Tapan Kumar Roy Member Department of Mathematics,
Professor, Mathematics Department IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 526)
Tapan Kumar Kar Member Department of Mathematics,
Professor, Mathematics Department IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 529)

Prof. Sanat Kumar Majumder Member Department of Mathematics,

Professor, Mathematics Department IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 219)

Prof. Asoke Kumar Dhar Member Department of Mathematics,

Professor, Mathematics Department IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 219)

Prof. Parbati Saha Member Department of Mathematics,

Assistant Professor, Mathematics IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Department Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 219)
Prof. Sisir Kumar Guha Member Department of Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Department of Mechanical IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 279)
Prof. Santanu Kumar Karmakar Member Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dean, Alumni Affairs & External IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Relations Email:
Professor, Department of Mechanical
Prof. Debasis Datta Member Department of Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Department of Mechanical IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 298)
Prof. Sujoy Kumar Saha Member Department of Mechanical Engineering
Professor and Head, Department of IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Mechanical Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63, 2668-0521 to 25
(ext - 780), (M) - 9830493430

Bijan Kumar Mondal Member Department of Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Department of Mechanical IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 797)
Kalyan Kr. Chattopadhyay Member Department of Civil Engineering
Professor, Department of Civil IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Email :,
Ph. No. : +91 33 2668 – 4561 to 63 (Extn.
:660 )
Prof. Chaitali Ray Member Department of Civil Engineering
Professor, Department of Civil IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Email :,
Area of work : Structural Engineering)
Ph. No. : +91 33 2668 – 3223 (Extn. :664
Prof. Ambarish Ghosh Member Department of Civil Engineering
Professor, Department of Civil IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Email:,
Director, School of Disaster Mitigation
Engineering Ph. No. : 9831286527(M)
Prof. Sudip Kumar Roy Member Department of Civil Engineering
Professor, Department of Civil IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Director, School of Ecology Email :,
Infrastructure and Human Settlement
Management Ph. No. : +91 33 2668 – 4561 to 63 (Extn.
:666 )
Anirban Gupta Member Department of Civil Engineering
Professor, Department of Civil IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Email :
Ph. No. : +91 33 2668 – 4561 to 63
(Extn. :675)

Aparna (Dey) Ghosh Member Department of Civil Engineering

Professor, Department of Civil IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineering Email :
Ph. No. : +91 33 2668 – 3223 (Extn. :663
Debabrata Mazumder Member Department of Civil Engineering
Associate Professor, Department of IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Civil Engineering Email :,
Ph. No. : +91 33 2668 – 4561 to 63
(Extn. :654 )
Shyamal Kumar Chattopadhyay Member Department of Chemistry
Member IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Professor, Department of Chemistry Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 500)
Associate Director, Research Email:
Consultancy Cell
Prasanta Kr. Nandi Member Department of Chemistry
Professor and Head, Department of IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Chemistry Phone: 91-33-2668-4561 to 63 (extn.:
Binay Krishna Ghorai Member Department of Chemistry
Professor, Department of Chemistry IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 510)
Ajit Kumar Mahapatra Member Department of Chemistry
Professor, Department of Chemistry IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Phone: 91-33-2668-4561 to 63 (extn.:246)

Sudip Kumar Chattopadhyay Member Department of Chemistry

Associate Dean,Academic Affairs IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Professor, Department of Chemistry Email:,,
Amit Kumar Das Member Department of Computer Science and
Professor, Department of Computer Technology
Science and Technology IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103,
Ph. 033-26685131
Uma Bhattacharya Member Department of Computer Science and
Professor, Department of Computer Technology
Science and Technology IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103,
Phone: 26686151
Prof. Pratik Dutta Member Department of Mining Engineering
Associate Professor & Head, IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Department of Mining Engineering Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 477)
Prof. Apurba Kishore Dutta Member Department of Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Department of Mechanical IIEST Shibpur, Howrah – 711103
Engineerin Ph. 033-26684561 to 63 (ext- 798)

Name of Depertments, Centers and Schools, Heads of the Depertments
and Professor-in-charge

Name of Departments
1. Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics
2. Architecture, Town and Regional Planning
3. Chemistry
4. Civil Engineering
5. Computer Science & Technology
6. Electrical Engineering
7. Electronics & Tele Communication
8. Earth Sciences
9. Humanities and Social Sciences
10. Human Resource Management
11. Information Technology
12. Mathematics
13. Mechanical Engineering
14. Metallurgy And Materials Engineering
15. Mining Engineering
16. Physics
17. Dept. of Students‘ Activities

Name of the Schools

1. Purabi Das School of Information Technology (PDSIT)
2. School of Materials Science & Engineering (SMSE)
3. School of Management Sciences (SOMS)
4. School of Community Science and Technology (SOCSAT)
5. School of Disaster Mitigation Engineering (SDME)
6. School of Ecology, Infrastructure & Human Settlement Management (SEIHSM)
7. School of Mechatronics & Robotics (SM&R)
8. School of Safety & Occupational Health Engineering (SSOH)
9. School Of VLSI Technology (SOVLSIT)

The Center in the university

1. Computer Centre
2. Video Conferencing Facility
3. Centre of Excellence

Centre of Excellence
1. Health Care Science and Technology
Coordinator - Professor Jayanta Chakraborty
2. Green Energy and Sensor Systems
Coordinator - Professor Hiranmoy Saha

Name of the Heads of Departments

1. Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics – Prof. Subhasis Bhaumik

2. Architecture, Town and Regional Planning - Prof. Swati Saha
3. Chemistry - Prof. Prasanta Kumar Nandi
4. Civil Engineering - Prof. Subrata Chakraborty
5. Computer Science & Technology - Prof. Biplab Kumar Sikdar
6. Electrical Engineering - Prof. Jagadish Pal
7. Electronics & Tele Communication – Prof. Santanu Das
8. Earth Sciences - Prof Bhabani Prasad Mukhopadhyay
9. Humanities and Social Sciences - Prof. Mallika Ghosh Sarbadhikary
10. Human Resource Management - Prof. Manas Kumar Sanyal
11. Information Technology - Prof. Arindam Biswas
12. Mathematics - Prof. Jagabandhu De
13. Mechanical Engineering - Prof. Bijan Kumar Mondal
14. Metallurgy And Materials Engineering - Prof. Swarup Kumar Ghosh
15. Mining Engineering - Prof. Pratik Dutta
16. Physics - Prof. Samar Jana

Name of the Directors / Professor-in –charge of Schools

1. Purabi Das School of Information Technology - Prof. Arindam Biswas

2. School of Materials Science & Engineering - Prof. Subrata Chatterjee
3. School of Management Sciences - Prof.Prabir Kumar Paul
4. School of Community Science and Technology - Prof. Sujay Mukherjea
5. School of Disaster Mitigation Engineering - Prof. Ambarish Ghosh
6. School of Ecology, Infrastructure & Human Settlement Management –
Prof. Sudip Kumar Roy
7. School of Mechatronics & Robotics –Prof. Debjani Ganguly
8. School of Safety & Occupational Health Engineering - Prof. B.K.Bhattacharya
9. School Of VLSI Technology - Prof. Hafizur Rahman
10. Director of Research and Consultancy – Prof. Subrata Chatterjee

Distinguished Professors who have joined this Institute in recent period:
1. Steel Chair Professor
Dr. (Prof.) Subir Kumar Bhattacharyya
Department : Metallurgy And Materials Engineering

2. Bijoy Ashu Chair Professor

Prof. Madhujit Mukhopadhyay
Department : Civil Engineering
Ph. No. : 033 2422 8047 (Ext. No.-371), (M)-9831171782
e-mail address :,

3. Honorary Emeritus Scientist

Prof. Chitta Ranjan Mahata

4. Honorary Distinguished Professor

Prof. Amitabha Ghosh
Former Director, IIT Kharagpur,
Senior Scientist, Indian National Science Academy, BESUS and Honorary
Distinguished Professor, IIT Kanpur
Ph. No.: (O)- 033 2668 0521 (Ext. No.-441), (R)-2668 2424
e-mail address :

5. Honorary Distinguished Professor

Prof. Asok Kumar Mallik
Former Professor, IIT Kanpur

6. Metalogic Systems Emeritus Chair of the Centre of Excellence-in memory of

Professor Sankar Sebak Baral
Prof. Hiranmoy Saha

7. Prof. C.R. Mahata

Honorary Emeritus Scientist, BESUS

8. Dr. Nikhilesh Bandyopadhyay

Former HOD, Coated Product Group, Tata Steel, Jamshedpur
As Tata Steel Chair Professor, Dept. of Matellurgy and Materials Engineering,

9. Prof. Sabyasachi Sarkar

Former Professor of Chemistry, IIT, Kanpur
As Honorary Emeritus Professor, BESUS

10. Dr. Dipankar Chakraborty

Former Professor and HOD, Dept. of Electronic and Telecommunication
Engineering, BESUS
As Adjunct Professor, Centre for Health Care Science and Technology

11. Prof. Shankar lall Maskara

Former HOD, Dept. of E & TC, IIT, Kharagpur
As Adjunct Professor, Department of E & TC , BESUS
12. Prof. Achintya Haldar
Professor of Civil Engineering and EM & da Vinci Fellow
University of Arizona, Tuscon, USA
As Honorary Distinguished Visiting Professor of BESUS

13. Prof. Srikumar Mallick

Former HoD of Electrical Engineering
As Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering Department of BESUS

14. Prof. U. K. Chatterjee

As Adjunct Professor, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering of

15. Prof. Jayanta Kumar Chakraborty

Former Professor of AE & AM, BESUS
As Adjunct Professor, Centre for Health Care Science and Technology

16. Dr. S. P. Gon Chaudhuri

Former Director of Institute of Cultivation of Science
As Adjunct Professor of CEGESS, BESUS


1. International Relations and Alumni Affairs of the University : Prof. Santanu Karmakar
2. Computer Networking : Prof. Manas Hira
3. Library : Prof. Sudip Kumar Chattopadhyay
4. Furniture: Prof. Sudipta Mukhopadhyay
5. Internal Quality Assurance Cell : Professor Indra Nath Sinha


Prof. Ajoy Kumar Ray
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-211)
E-mail address :

Dr. Biman Bondopadhyay
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-215) Direct : 26681503
E-mail address :

Finance Officer (Atcg.)

Shri Sambhunath Datta
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-216)
E-mail address :

Controller of Examinations (Acting)

Dr. Nirmalaya Bhattacharya
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-0637(extn. no.-356), Mob.No.:
E-mail address :

Deputy Registrar
Shri Sambhunath Dutta
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-201)
E-mail address :

Deputy Librarian
Dr. Hari Prasad Sharma
Phone: 91-33-2668-4561(extn.: 284)

Development Officer
Dr. Biman Das
Ph.No. - 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-642), Mob. No.- 91-9874407303

University Engineer
Shri Subrata Kar
Ph.No. - 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-345)

Deputy Librarian
Dr. Hari Prasad Sharma
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561,(extn. no.-284)
E-mail address :

Deputy Controller of Examinations

Dr. Nirmalya Kumar Bhattacharyya
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561, (extn. no.-629) Mob. No.- 91- 9831212905
E-mail address :

Deputy Registrar
Dr. Devasis Datta
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-212)
E-mail address :

Assistant Proctor
Shri Alok Kr Mitra
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-276), Mob. No.: 9830519575
E-mail address :

Assistant Registrar
Shri Shib Sankar Basak.
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-378)
E-mail address :,

Assistant Registrar
Shri Bivore Das
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561, (extn. no.-643) Mob.No.: 09433956878
E-mail address :,

Deputy Registrar (Audit)

Shri Alok kr.Maity
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-206)
E-mail address :

Accounts Officer
Shri Kartick Samanta
Ph.No. - 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-232)

Assistant Training Officer

Shri Usha Shankar Bhattacharyya
Ph.No. - 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-268)

Assistant Librarian
Shri Sushil Kumar Barman
Ph. No.- 91-33-2668-4561,(extn. no.-291)
Assistant Librarian
Sri Abani Oraon
Ph. No.- - 91-33-2668-4561,(extn. no.-725)
E-mail address : abani,

Assistant Controller
Sri Dipankar Chakraborty
Ph.No. - 91-33-2668-4561(extn. no.-640), Mob. No. : 91-9830182266
E-mail address :

Department of
Aerospace Engineering
Applied Mechanics

About the department

The department of Applied Mechanics was established as a separate major engineering

department in 1947 and subsequently the Drawing Section was attached to it in late fifties.
Over the years the department garnered enough human resources in the areas of fluid
mechanics and structures. With effect from 2008 the department has been renamed as the
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics. The department runs
regular postgraduate programme in engineering mechanics and started undergraduate
programme in Aerospace Engineering from academic session 2010 – 11 with an intake of
30 students.

Academic Programmes :

Undergraduate Level :
Degree offered : B.E. in Aerospace Engineering
Sanctioned students intake : 30
Additional intake through lateral entry : Nil.

Postgraduate Level :
Degree offered : M.E. in Engineering Mechanics
Sanctioned students intake : 54
Additional intake through other programmes : Nil.
Specializations in : Mechanics of Solid & Mechanics of Fluid.

Doctoral Level :
Degree offered : Ph.D.
No. of candidates enrolled : 12
Registered : 03 in 1st year
02 in 2nd year
04 in 3rd year
03 in pre-submission stage

Faculty position: Sanctioned faculty post: 27 Vacant post: 11

Name Designatio Highest Specialization/ Contact No./

n Qualificat Research Area E-mail
Dr. S. Professor Ph.D. Robotics, 9836044278
Bhaumik & Head Mechatronics, Fluid
Power System, in,
Dr. B.N. Datta Professor Ph.D. FM, Hyd. 2668-9782
(Re- Machines, FPE
Dr. S.K. Professor Ph.D. FM, CFD 9831209985

Dr. S. Halder Professor Ph.D. Solid Mech., FEM 9830671153
Dr. A.K. Associate Ph.D. Hyd., Water 9831046091
Bhattacharya Professor Resources Engg.
Dr. B. Associate Ph.D. Numerical 9433235720
Bhattacharyya Professor Methods,
Dr. M.C. Associate Ph.D. Vibration, 9433228694
Manna Professor Dynamics
Dr. A. Professor Ph.D. Biomech., Solid 9830465710
Roychowdhury Mech., FEA
Dr. N. Nandi Associate Ph.D. Hyd. , Water 9830354744
Professor Resources Engg.
Dr. K. Debnath Professor Ph.D. Fluid Dynamics, 9830434409
Hyd. debnath_koustuv@yahoo.c
Dr. P.K. Das Associate Ph.D. Earthquake Engg, 9433429156 / 7890099664
Professor Struc. Dyn.
Dr. S. Professor Ph.D. Solid Mechanics, 9433477867
Majumder Biomechanics majumder.santanu@gmail.c
Dr. R. Roy Professor Ph.D. Earthquake Engg, 9433154976
Dr. N. Khutia Assistant Ph.D. FE, Fracture 9883263316
Professor Mech.
Sri D. Pal Assistant M.E. CFD, 9432311430
Professor Microfluidics, debashispal_2000@yahoo.c
Fluid Mechanics
& Thermal
Dr. P. Halder Assistant Ph.D. CFD, High Speed 9836277025/
Professor Compressible 9434368954 /
amics & Aero
Sri K. Bhowmik Assistant M.Sc Solid Mechanics, 9051327240
Professor (Engg) FEM

Awards and Laurels:
Dr. Rana Roy – Selected as Life member in European Association of Earthquake
Engineering, Work Group 8: Irregular and Complex Structures (EAEE: WG 8), on
Research Area:
a. Analysis of structures under different loading
b. Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence
c. Computational Fluid Dynamics
d. Applications of Finite Element Method
e. Biomechanics
f. Robotics and Mechatronics
g. Earthquake Engineering, Dynamic Soil-structure interaction.
h. Dynamics of Structures
i. Micro and Nanoscale Transport Processes
Research Facilities:
i. Material Testing using UTM
ii. Implant Testing using Knee Joint Simulator
iii. Dynamic Analysis of Gait using Kistler Force Platform & Barograph
iv. Dynamic Model Testing using Shaker Table and Cyclic Loading test setup
v. Aerodynamic Model Testing using Wind Tunnel.
vi. Tilting Flume.
vii. Micro-Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (16 MHz).
viii.Compressible Flow Bench
ix.Nozzle Pressure Distribution Measuring Setup
x.Nozzle Performance Experimental Setup.
xi.Multifinger Dexterous Robot Hand
xii.Data Glove
xiii.Grip Pressure Sensor

Name of the Laboratories:

1 Strength of Materials Lab

2 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics Lab
3 Biomechanics Lab
4 CAD Lab
5 Low Speed Aerodynamics Lab
6 Aerospace Structure Lab
7 Thermodynamics Lab
8 High Speed Aerodynamics Lab
9 Mechanical Vibration Lab
10 Stability and Control Lab

Consultancy Work:

 Design of two chimneys of 40 m and 75 m height, of DESCON Consultancy

 Project on Entrepreneurship Development Cell (along with HRM Deptt.)
(Sponsoring Agency – AICTE).
 Project on Centre for green TBI (Sponsoring Agency - NSTEDB, DST, Govt. of
 Calibration of Flow-meter (Kolkata Municipal Corporation)
 Consultancy in Fan Vibration Analysis in Cooling tower for Paharpur Cooling
Towers Ltd., Kolkata, India. September, 2014 (Cost Rs. 100000/-).

Support Staff Position:

Sanctioned technical post :

Technical Assistant – 7 (vacant – 6)

Laboratory Assistant – 3 (vacant – 1, Retd. on November, 2014)
Instrument Mechanic – 1
Mechanic – 1 (vacant – Retd. on January, 2014)
Draughtsman – 1 (vacant)

Technical staff profile

Name Designation Highest Contact E-mail

Qualifica No.
Asis Ghosh Laboratory B. Sc. 9433477829
Assistant (Retd. on 30.11.2014)
Arun Kr. Nandi Laboratory B. Sc. 9433452131
SharmilaSengupta Laboratory M. Sc. 9836031804
AmalenduSahoo Technical M. E. 9432647772 Sahoo_amalendu@rediff
Assistant I
JayantaKundu Instrument B.Sc. 9830456467 jkkundujayanta@gmail.c
Mechanic om

Ongoing Sponsored Research/ Projects:

Sl. Title of Research Project Sponsoring Amount

No. Agency sanctione
Rs. in
1 DST-FIST Project DST 98.5
2 Inelastic Response of Reinforced Concrete BRNS, BRC 7.14
Structures during Severe Earthquake Mumbai
3 Computer Aided Design, Analysis and AICTE 6.9
Development of Patient Specific Prosthesis for
different Human Joints, specially Hip Joint on
Indian Perspective
4 Guideline Development for Bridge Pier Scour DST, N. Delhi 24
in Cohesive Bedded Rivers
5 Turbulence in rough bed free surface flow using DST, N. Delhi 30
double averaged Navier Stokes Equations (R & D Project)
6 Patient Specific Shoe Bed designing for DST, Govt. of 11
Diabetic Patient India
7 Multifingered Dexterous Robot Hand BRNS, DAE
8 Wind Tunnel Project Based on Flow Funded by 9.83
Visualization Techniques & Data Reporting and UGC XII Plan –
Aero modeling Laboratory Development June 2014
9 Development of a unified model to simulate BRNS, 37
uniaxial and multi-axial LCF and ratcheting for Department of
nuclear piping materials. Atomic Energy
(Sanctioned in 2015 but not yet received) (DAE)

Details of publications of each faculty member: (2014 – 2015)

Journal : 21
Conference : 19

Seminar/ Workshops/ Conferences/ Training programme organized by the

department : RC Aircraft Design, Fabrication & Flying Workshop (February 2014).

Technology Development / Innovations :

1. Development of ―Aerodynamic Lift Drag Measurement and Data Acquisition

System‖ - Experimental set up for Wind Tunnel facility funded by the department – June

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II

Instrument name:

1. Viscous Analogue Apparatus (Hele Shaw): funded by TEQIP, cost Rs. 5,98,561/-
April, 2015
2. Aircraft Longitudinal Roll and Yaw Control Experimental Set up : for Aircraft
Stability and Control Laboratory funded by TEQIP (Cost. Rs. 4,93,666.75/-)
February, 2014
3. Quad rotor Aircraft Experimental Setup : for Aircraft Stability and Control
Laboratory funded by TEQIP (Cost. Rs. 2,13,542.50/-) February, 2014
4. Emissivity Measurement Apparatus : funded by TEQIP, cost Rs. 4,59,760/-
February, 2013
5. ANSYS Academic Research CFD (5 tasks) : funded by TEQIP, cost Rs. 6,69,070/-
November, 2012
6. Pro Engineering : funded by TEQIP, cost Rs. 3,22,740/- November, 2012.

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures :

1. Professor Niloy Khutia attended, presented a paper and chaired a session in ―Asian
Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS 2014)‖ held at
Nara, Japan, 10 – 13 October, 2014.
2. Dr. Sujay Kumar Mukherjea attended and presented a paper in IMECE, 2014, in
Montreal, Canada.
3. (a) Sri Subhomoy Chatterjee presented a paper in Boston, USA and
(b) Sri Sandipan Roy presented a paper in Tokyo, Japan.
4. Dr. Salil Haldar presented ―Invited Lecture‖ in 58th Congress, Indian Society of
Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, An International Conference held in Alliance University,
5. Dr. Rana Roy acted as Keynote Speaker in Structural Engineering Convention 2014
(SEC 2014) at IIT, Delhi, 22 – 24 December, 2014. He Chaired a Technical session in SEC
6. Dr. Amit Roy Chowdhury presented ―Invited Lectures‖ in NIT, Raipur, August, 2014 &
in MNIT, Jaipur, November, 2014.

Visitors to Department (Indian & Foreign) :

1. Professor B.S. Majumder, Retired Professor, ISI Kolkata.

2. Professor Arun Mishra, Chairman, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engg., McGill
University, Montreal, Canada.

Alumni contribution to the Department : Not very specific.

Training and Placement :

10 Students were placed in different industries through Training & Placement Cell of the
Institute. ( Exl Services, IBM, Infosys, CTS and Accenture)

Extension Activities and Societal outreach :

School of Community Science and Technology, IIEST for undertaking extension activities
and societal outreach programs.

New Academic/ Research Initiatives :

In the field of Nano fluid convection (CFD), Uniaxial and multi-axial LCF for Nuclear Pipe
and Aero modeling.

a) Academic collaboration :
3rd Year students visited IIT, Kanpur on March, 2015 for training in Flight Mechanics
Academic Collaboration in process with McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

Publications : 2014 – 2015

Journal Publications:

1. Roy, R., Ghosh, D and Bhattacharya, G. (2015). ―Influence of Strong Motion

Characteristics on Permanent Displacement of Slopes‖, Landslides, Springer, DOI
10.1007/s10346-015-0568-3 (available online).
2. Basantia S.K., Md Abu Bakkar, Khutia N., Das D., (2015). Simulation of LCF
Characteristics of AA6063 Al Alloy under Different Aging Conditions‖, 4th
Internationalconference on Material Processing and Characterization (ICMPC-2015),
Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier (In Press).
3. Das, M., Talukdar, R G, Bhowmik, K., Roy, S. and Majumder, S., 'Comparison of
interface stress-strain analysis of molar teeth with solid and porous dental implant',
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER); pp.10502-10506;
Volume 10, Number 11 (2015).
4. Talukdar, R.G., Das, M., Majumder, S., Roychowdhury, A., (2015). Optimization of
Solid UHMWPE with porosity as a cervical disc implant. International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research (IJAER); Volume 10, Issue 11, pp.10511-10515.
5. Debashis Pal and Suman Chakraborty, ―Fluid flow induced by periodic temperature
oscillation over a flat plate: Comparisons with the classical Stokes problems‖, Physics
of Fluids 27, 053601 (2015)
6. ParthaSarathi Banerjee, Rururaj Pradhan, Amit Roychowdhury, Santanu Kumar
Karmakar (2015), ―Investigation Of Stresses Developed In Natural And Implanted

Human Cervical Spine By Finite Element Method‖, Journal of Advanced Medical and
Dental Sciences Research, Vol. 3, Issue 1, January-March 2015.
7. Roy S., Panda D., Khutia N., Roychowdhury A., (2014), Pore geometry optimization
of titanium (Ti6Al4V) alloy, for its application in the fabrication of customized hip
implants, International Journal of Biomaterials, Hindawi Publishing Corporation,
Volume 2014, Article ID 313975, Volume 12, Pages 1-13.
8. Khutia N., Dey P. P., Sivaprasad S., Tarafder S., (2014). Development of new cyclic
plasticity model for 304LN stainless steel through simulation and experimental
investigation. Mechanics of Materials, Elsevier, Volume 78, Pages 85-101.
9. Khutia, N. and Dey, P.P. (2014) ‗Material parameter optimisation of Ohno-Wang
kinematic hardening model using multi objective genetic algorithm‘, International
Journal Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.
50–74, Inderscience.
10. Roy, R., Thakur, P and Chakraborty S. (2014). ―Spectral Matching of Real Ground
Motions: Applications to Horizontally Irregular Systems in Elastic Range‖, Advances
in Structural Engineering, Multi-Sc. U. K., Vol. 17, No.11, 1623-1638.
11. Roy, R., Thakur, P. and Chakraborty, S. (2014). ―Scaling of Ground Motions and Its
Implications to Plan-asymmetric Structures‖, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake
Engineering, Elsevier, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 46-67.
12. Kalita, K., and Halder, S. "Static Analysis of Transversely Loaded Isotropic and
Orthotropic Plates with Central Cutout." Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India):
Series C: 1-12.
13. S. Haldar and D. Sengupta. ‗Bending of cylindrical shell panels‘. Journal of
14. Bhaumik, S. and Das, P.K. (2014). ―Effect of Asymmetric Community Structures
under Near-fault Ground Motion‖, International Journal of Advancements in
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (IJAMAE), Volume I : Issue 3, pp. 7 – 11.
15. Dipankar Chatterjee, Bittagopal Mondal, Pabitra Halder (2014), Hydromagnetic
Mixed Convective Transport in a Vertical Lid-Driven Cavity including a Heat
Conducting Rotating Circular Cylinder, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A, 65: 48–65,
16. Dipankar Chatterjee, Pabitra Halder, Sinchan Mondal, Supratim Bhattacharjee
(2014), Magnetoconvective transport in a vertical lid-driven cavity including a heat
conducting square cylinder with Joule heating, Numerical Heat Transfer Part A, 64:
1050-1071, 2013.
17. Dipankar Chatterjee, Pabitra Halder (2014), MHD Mixed Convective Transport in a
Square Enclosure with Two Rotating Circular Cylinders, Numerical Heat Transfer Part
A, 65: 802–824, 2014.
18. Debnath, K., and Chaudhury (2014). ―Flume experiments to study equilibrium scour
hole profile in circular bridge pier in clay sand mixed sediments.‖ Journal of the Indian
Geological Congress, 6(2), 31-40.
19. Dutta, I. and Debnath, K. (2014). ―Volume of fluid model of open channel
contraction‖ Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, Springer, 95(3).
20. Roy S., Chatterjee, A and Debnath, K. (2014). ―Numerical study of turbulence
characteristics over rough bed‖ International Journal on Theoretical and Applied
Research in Mechanical Engineering,, 3(1), 44-49.
21. Aditya Bandopadhyay, Uddipta Ghosh, Debashis Pal, Kaustav Chaudhury and Suman
Chakraborty, ―Electrokinetic Maneuvering of Bubble-Driven Inertial Micro-Pumping

Systems‖, International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport, Vol. 5, Number 1, p.
13 - 21 (2014).

Conference Publications

1. Roy, A. and Roy, R. (2014), ―Seismic Behaviour of RC Elevated Water Tanks with
Shaft Staggings: Effect of biaxial interaction and Ground Motion Characteristics‖,
Structural Engineering Convention, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, Dec.
2. Banerjee, A.K., Pramanik, D. and Roy, R. (2014), ―Investigating Seismic Demand due
to Bi-directional shaking per IDA based Fragility Curve‖, International Conference on
computational Mechanics and Simulation, CSIR-SERC, Chennai, India, Dec. 10-13.
3. Paul, P., Das, P.K. and Sarkar, P. (2014). ―Studies on Identifying Critical Joints in RC
Framed Building Subjected to Seismic Loading‖, Proc. of Structural Engineering
Convention (SEC 2014), An International Meet, IIT, Delhi, Advances in Structural
Engineering, Dynamics, volume Two, pp. 977 – 988.
4. Bhaumik, S. and Das, P.K. (2014). ―Response of R/C Asymmetric Community
Structures under Near-fault Motion‖, Proc. of Structural Engineering Convention (SEC
2014), An International Meet, IIT, Delhi, Advances in Structural Engineering,
Dynamics, volume Two, pp. 955 – 962.
5. Roy S., Pradhan R., Khutia N., Das D., Roy Chowdhury A., 2014 . FE modeling and
analysis from micro CT data of porous Ti6Al4V material. International conference on
Advanced Materials and Energy Technology held at IIEST, Shibpur on 17th to 19th
Dec, 2014.
6. Basantia S. K., Bakkar Md Abu, Khutia N., Das D. D., 2014. Simulation of Low Cycle
Fatigue Characteristics of Under Aged AA6063 Al-alloy, International Conference on
Advanced Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET 2014), IIEST, Shibpur from
17th to 19th December, 2014.
7. Singh R. B., Khutia N., Dey P.P., Sivaprasad S., 2014. Evaluation of uniaxial and
multiaxial fatigue of carbon steel through experiment and simulation using advanced
kinematic hardening models, Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials
and Structures (ACMFMS 2014), Nara, Japan from 10th to 13th October, 2014.
8. Khutia N., Dey P.P., Sivaprasad S., 2014. Modification of Ohno Wang cyclic plasticity model
through simulation and experimentation of 304LN stainless steel specimen. Asian Conference
on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS 2014), Nara, Japan from 10th
to 13th October, 2014.
9. Roy S., Khutia N., Das D., Roy Chowdhury A., 2014. FE analysis and deformation behavior
of laser based porous Ti6Al4V using static loading condition, Asian Conference on Mechanics
of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS 2014), Nara, Japan from 10 to 13 October,
10. Roy S., Khutia N., Das D., Roy Chowdhury A.,―Deformation Behavior of Solid and Porous
Ti6Al4V Alloy under Static Loading Condition using FE Analysis‖, ―Microstructure and
Materials ― March 12-13th , 2014, held at Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur,
Howrah, West Bengal.
11. Singh S. K. and Debnath, K. (2014) ―Laboratory Investigation of Turbulent Flow Structure
over a Submerge Cubic obstacle‖ Proceedings of the International conference on Fluid
Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), IIT Kanpur, 12-14 Dec. 2014.
12. Singh S. K. and Debnath, K. (2014) ―Structure of turbulence flow dynamics over a submerged
cube‖ submitted to International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and
Experimental Mechanics (ICTACEM), IIT Kharagpur (West Bengal), 29-32 Dec. 2014.
13. Barman K. and Debnath, K. (2014) ―Effect of Submergence around hemispherical obstacle‖
for International conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), IIT Kanpur , Dec.
14. Barman K, and Debnath, K. (2014) ―Turbulence characteristics in the wake region of single
and double in-line hemispherical obstacles in the presence of surface waves‖ for the
International Conference of Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics
(ICTACEM), 29-31 Dec. 2014.
15. Chatterjee, S., Majumder, S., Roychowdhury, A., 2014. Homogenization of interfacialstrain
profile hip–implanted femur by lowering effective stiffness of the implant material.
International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology, December 17-19,
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, p72.
16. Pradhan, R., Roy., S., Majumder, S., Roychowdhury, A., 2014. Finite element analysisof
hard coated surface on UHMWPE based cervical spine implant. International Conference on
Advanced Materials and Energy Technology, December 17-19, Indian Institute of Engineering
Science and Technology, Shibpur, p.79.
17. Rana., M., Biswas, J.K., Majumder, S., Karmakar, S.K., Roychowdhury, A., 2014. Effect of
ligaments on range of motion at lumber spine for natural and implanted condition : A finite
element study. International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology,
December 17-19, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, p.80.
18. Mukherjea, S.K., Ghosh, S. and Datta, B.N. (2014), Study of the Effect of Tangential Point
Blowing on the Incompressible Boundary Layer Flow Around a Circular Cylinder, ASME
2014 conference held in Montreal, Canada in November 2014.
19. Mukherjea, S.K. and Pande, B., Aerodynamic Simulation of Evacuated Tube Transport Trains
with Suction at Tail, ASME 2014 conference held in Montreal, Canada in November 2014.

Department of Civil Engineering

About the Department

The University started its journey with the Department of Civil Engineering in 1856. Civil
Engineering College, as the University was known at that time, began with ten students and
two teachers in Civil Engineering with the objective of producing finest Civil Engineers in
the country. Now, more than 157 years‘ old, Department of Civil Engineering remains the
premier department of this University. During these years, the department has produced
Civil Engineers who contributed immensely in shaping the pre- and post-independence
India. Feeling the need of research and development, it started Master of Engineering in
Civil Engineering programme in 1954. Currently it offers Master of Engineering and PhD
programmes in five specializations: Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering,
Structural Engineering, Highway and Traffic Engineering and Water Resources
Engineering. Apart from teaching and research it is also actively engaged sponsored
projects and industrial consultancy at national and international levels. At the societal level,
the department has developed and successfully implemented technology solutions that
helped thousands of rural people in getting pollution free water and thus living safely.

Academic Programmes
Undergraduate Level
Degree offered: B.E., Integrated Dual Degree
Students‘ intake: 100
Additional intake through lateralentry in 3rd Semester :

Postgraduate Level (Regular)

Degree offered: MTech.
Students‘ intake: 38 (GATE)

Specializations: Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Highway and

Traffic Engineering, Structural Engineering and Water Resources Engineering

Postgraduate Level (Part time)

Degrees offered:M.E. in Environmental Engineering,

M.E. in Geotechnical Engineering
M.E. in Structural Engineering,
M.E. in Transportation Engineering,
M.E. in Water Resources Engineering
Students‘ intake: 39

Doctoral & Postdoctoral Research Programme

Degree offered: Ph.D.

No. of candidates: Enrolled: 27; Registered: 12, Submitted: 01, Awarded: 01

Faculty position Sanctioned: 34
Vacant: 06
Faculty profile (in the following table)

SL Name Designation Highest Specialisation/ Contact No.

N Qualifica Research Area E-mail
o. tion
01 Saibal KumarGhosh Bijoy – Ph.D. Structural 2668-4561
Ashu Chair Engg., Conc. (Extn. 659)
Professor Tech.
02 Gautam Bhattacharya Professor Ph.D. Geotech. & 2668-4561
Highway Engg. (Extn. 281)
03 Kalyan Kr Professor Ph.D. Geotech. & 2668-4561
Chattopadhyay Structural Engg. (Extn. 660)
04 AjitLalGuha Professor Ph.D. Structural Engg. 2668-4561
& Mgmt. (Extn. 678)
05 Kalyan Kumar Bhar Professor & Ph.D. Water 2668-4561
Head Resources (Extn. 674)
06 Subrata Chakraborty Professor Ph.D. Structural Engg. 2668-4561
(Extn. 673)
07 Anirban Gupta Professor Ph.D. Environmental 2668-4561
Engg. (Extn. 675)
08 Sudip Kumar Roy Professor Ph.D. Transportation 2668-4561
Engg. (Extn. 666)
09 AmbarishGhosh Professor Ph.D. Geotechnical 2668-4561
Engg. (Extn. 653)
10 Chaitali Ray Professor Ph.D Structural Engg. 2668-4561
(Extn. 661)
11 Aparna (Dey) Ghosh Professor Ph.D. Structural Engg. 2668-4561
(Extn. 663)
12 DebabrataMazumber Professor Ph.D. Environmental 2668-4561
Engg. (Extn. 654)
13 Sugato Pal Assoc. M.E. Structural Engg. 2668-4561
Professor (Extn. 714)
14 DebashisMoitra Assoc. PhD Geotechnical 2668-4561
Professor Engg. (Extn. 711)
15 PratipBandyopadhyay Assoc. M.E. Environmental 2668-4561
Professor Engg. (Extn. 657)
16 Arun Kumar Assoc. MTRP Structural Engg. 2668-4561
Chakraborty Professor (Extn. 645)
17 Pranab Kumar Lai Assoc M.E. Water Resources 2668-4561 (Extn.
Professor Engg. 667)
18 PrasantaChakraborty Asst. M.E. Structural Engg. 2668-4561 (Extn.
Professor 715)
19 Ashis Kumar Bera Asst. Ph.D. Geotechnical 2668-4561
Professor Engg. (Extn. 655)
20 SujataBiswas Asst. Ph.D. Water Resources 2668-4561 (Extn.
Professor Engg. 672)

21 Tapash Kumar Roy Asst. Ph.D. Geotech. & 2668-4561

Professor Transport. (Extn. 668)

22 ChanchalMajumder Asst. Ph.D. Environmental 2668-4561
Professor Engg. (Extn. 661)
23 SoumyaBhattacharjya Asst. Ph.D. Structural Engg. 2668-4561
Professor (Extn. 715)
24 SandipChakraborty Asst. M.E. Transportation 2668-4561
Professor Engg. (Extn. 672)
25 Asok Adak Asst. Ph.D. Environmental 2668-4561
Professor Engg. (Extn. 658)
26 Sujit Kumar Dalui Asst. Ph.D. Structural Engg. 2668-4561
Professor (Extn. 822)
27 SnehaMurmu Asst. M.E. Water
Professor Resources
28 UjjalSaha Asst. M.E. Water
Professor Resources
29 PritamSaha Asst. Ph. D. Transportation
Professor Engg.

Awards and laurels

Dr. Anirban Gupta along with four India scholars of International Exchange
Programmehave participated in a global competition of the U.S. State Department‘s Alumni
Innovation Engagement Fund (AEIF 2014). Their project entitled Mobile Apps 4 Climate
Changehas been shortlisted out of 1000 proposals submitted worldwide and this is the only
project from India that was chosen out of 53 projects selected globally.
Prof. SubrataChakraborty received Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET)
V. H. Joshi Award for Significant Contributions in Structural Dynamics for the year
R S Niranjam, N S Ajeesh Kumar, SoumyaBhattacharjya got the third best paper award for
the paper ―Robust Design Optimization of Bridge Pier including Parameter Uncertainty in
Monte Carlo Simulation Framework in the National Conference on Emerging Technology
and Applied Sciences (NCETAS 2015)

Research area (only mention broad titles without description in detail)

Environmental Engineering
 Development of Domestic and Community-based Arsenic Removal Units and
Installation at Arsenic-contaminated areas
 Testing and standardizing a low-cost domestic water filter for iron and arsenic removal
 Screening of public water sources for arsenic contamination
 Rapid assessment for fluoride contamination in West Bengal
 Development of new materials for arsenic removal
 Water treatment for surface water at village-level
 Technology for treatment of septic tank effluent
 Characterization of and energy recovery from municipal solid waste
Geotechnical Engineering
 Application of stone columns as cost effective foundation system in soft soil
 Application of Jute Geotextiles in Civil Engineering
 Application of Geotube in Civil Engineering Construction
 Reliability in Geotechnical Engineering
 Analysis & Design of waste containment liner design for containment transport
 Risk evaluation of pile foundation in liquefiable soil

 Study on liquefaction of soil for mutation and of mitigation strategy with special
emphasis to microzonation of Kolkata
 Use of waste materials for Road Construction
 Behaviour of piles under complex loading
Structural Engineering
 Fibre Reinforced Composite Structures
 Concrete Technology (High performance concrete, Lightweight concrete, Geopolymer
concrete, High-volume fly ash concrete, Self compacting concrete etc.)
 Reliability Analysis of Structures
 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
 Computational Mechanics (FEM, BEM, SFEM)
 Structural Health Monitoring
 Corrosion of steel in concrete
 Vibration control
Transportation Engineering
 Highway Capacity and Level of Service
 Traffic Congestion Analysis
 Alternate Pavement Material
 Public Transport SystemPlanning
 Road Safety
 Design and Management of Rural Roads
 Rigid Pavement Design
 Pavement Distresses and Maintenance Management
Water Resources Engineering
 Water Resources Planning and Management
 Flood Hazard Mitigation
 Reservoir operation
 Stochastic Hydrology
 Storm Water Management
 River Hydraulics and Modeling
 Watershed Management
 Remote Sensing and GIS Applications
 Climate Change,
 Urban Hydrology
Research Facilities: (Major equipment / picture etc.)

Environmental Engineering
 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
 Gas Chromatography

Atomic Absorption Spectrometer

Geotechnical Engineering
 Pile Integrity Testing Setup
 Digital Triaxial Testing Setup
 Seismic Down Hole Testing System

Digital Triaxial Testing Setup

Structural Engineering
 Modal Testing Set-up
 Automatic Compression Testing
 Corrosion Analysis Instrument
 NDT Facilities
 Composite Testing Lab
 Vibration Testing Facilities Automatic Compression Testing
 UTMs, CTMs Machine
Transportation Engineering
 Field Asphalt Content Tester
 Hand-held Falling Weight
 V Box
 Digital Camera for traffic survey
 Laser Distometer

Field Asphalt Content Tester

Water Resources Engineering
 Remote Sensing and GIS Setup
 High-performance Computing

Remote Sensing and GIS Setup

Some Recently Created Facilities

Composite testing facilities 100kN UTM

Vibration Control CAPO Test System Hand Held Core Cutter

Testing Facilities

GPR for concrete SASW test set up



Name of the Laboratory Purpose

1. Computer Lab
2. Concrete Technology Lab
3. Environmental Engineering Lab
4. GIS Lab  To conduct regular laboratory classes
5. Geotechnical Engineering Lab according to undergraduate and
6. Geotextile Engineering Lab postgraduate curricula
7. Model Analysis Lab  To provide testing facilities to outside
8. Structural Engineering Lab agencies.
9. Structural Dynamics Lab  To undertake research work
10. Surveying Lab
11. Transportation Engineering Lab
12. Water Resources Engineering Lab

Consultancy work:
Third party consultancy for Simplex 2013- 416 lac Ongoing
100MGD Water Transmission Infrastructure 15
Project from Hooghly River (at
Rani DevendrabalaGhat) to New
Town, Rajarhat
Vetting of pavement design of M/S Solo 2014 0.75 lac
strengthening and widening to Consulting
part of Kolkata – Basanti Road Services Pvt. Ltd.
(SH-3) for the project of West
Bengal Highway Development
Corporation Limited
Vetting of bearing design for M/s Oriental, 2015 1 lac,
bridge project, funded Project
Vetting of BOQ for Mega Food M/s Sikaria Mega 2014 Rs. 6 lacs,
Park Project at Tripura, Foodpark (P) Ltd,
Traffic Study for proposed Executive 2014 2.60 lac
elevated connector between Engineer, P. W.
Belghoria Expressway and (Roads)
Kalyani Expressway Directorate, Govt.
of W Bengal
Safety Consultant for Four laning National 2014 116.00
of Krishnagar – Baharampore Highways lac
Section and Barasat – Krishnagar Authority of India
Section of NH-34
Consultancy Services for Safety Ram Kripal Singh 2014 20.00lac
Engineering: for Strengthening & Construction (P)
Widening / Reconstruction of Ltd., Ranchi,
Chandrapura – Bhandaridah - Jharkhand
Phusro Railway Crossing –
Kathara - Gomia Road
Vetting of Design and Drawings PHE DTE, West 2014 1.12 lac
of Arsenic cum Iron Removal Bengal
Design of Pavement of Habra- Executive 2014 5.50 lac
Kumra Road and NaihatiJirat Engineer, Barasat
Road Highway
Division II, PW
Directorate, Govt.
of West Bengal
Assessment of vibration M/S Express
emanating from installation of DevconPvt. Ltd
Sheet Piles using a vibro-sinker at
52/1, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata
-700 017
Analysis of Bottom Ash and Steel 1.2Lac
Plant Slag Material in Ash Dyke 2014-
as substitute of Sand 15

Vetting of Design & Drawing of ― Traders and

Design, Construction and Engineers Pvt.
Commissioning of R.C.C. Intake Ltd.
Jetty with Pump House along
with the Sub-Station Building all
Civil and Electro-mechanical
works complete, near
GourangaGhat Road Panihati
Planning and Design of Hospital M/s Fortune
Building at LALBAGH, Multi-specialty 2014-
MUSHIDABAD Hospital Pvt. Ltd. 15

Vetting of detail design of M/S Larsen &

substructures and superstructure Toubro Limited,
of Chandan Nagar ROB of Construction
KMDA Flyovers and ROBs Infrastructure IC 2014-
excluding span between P19 and 15
P20 along with the proposed road
including the minor bridge over
river Saraswati
Vetting of detail design of M/S Larsen &
substructures and superstructure Toubro Limited, 2014-
of Kalyani ROB of KMDA Construction 15
Flyovers and ROBs Infrastructure IC

Support staff position:
Sanctioned technical post: 13
Technical staff profile (in the following table)

Name Designation Highest Contact No./ E-

Qualification mail
ShriTinkariPatra Superintendent B.Sc. DCE 2668-
(Tech) 4561(Extn.769)
ShriDipak Kumar Roy Superintendent B.Sc. DCE 2668-
(Tech) 4561(Extn.283)

ShriRanjan Kumar Biswas Superintendent B.Sc. DCE 2668-

(Tech) 4561(Extn.283)
ShriSwapan Kumar Roy Lab. Asst. B.Sc. 2668-

ShriIndranathChakraborty Jr. Superintendent DCE 2668-

ShriSajal Tech. Asst. I B.Sc. 2668-
KumarChakraborty (Hons.) 4561(Extn.283)
Mrs. Tech. Asst. I B.Sc. 2668-
AmritaBandyopadhyay (Hons.), 4561(Extn.677)
Shri Amar Tarafder Tech. Asst. II DCE 2668-
ShriMohini Tech. Asst. II DCE 2668-
MohanDebsharma 4561(Extn.282)
Md. ShafiulAlam (in Lien) Tech. Asst. II B.E. (C.E.) 2668-
ShriSwarupShovan Tech. Asst. II DCE 2668-
Mukherjee 4561(Extn.282)

Sponsored Research (Ongoing):

Title Principal Funding Amount

Investigator Agency (Rs. In Lakhs)
Assessment of effects of Kalyan Kumar UKIERI(UK- £ 40000
arsenic pollution on health Bhar India Education
in rural Bengal and ChanchalMajumdar and Reasearch
development and Initiative)
implementation of
sustainable technology
Demonstration of Integrated Anirban Gupta UNICEF (Rs.12,01,865)
Fluorosis Mitigation
Approaches in Malda
Water, Sanitation and Anirban Gupta Water For Schools (Rs.
Hygiene Education People, USA 29,79,000)
Programme in

Development of Indian Sudip Kumar Roy CSIR-CRRI Rs. 100.45
Highway Capacity Manual SandipChakraborty Lakhs
(Indo-HCM) Tapas Kumar Roy
Identification of Spatial Kalyan Kumar BRNS Rs. 35lakhs
Dispersion Pattern of Bhar
Dredge Materials in a
Coastal River Reach from
Radioactive Tracer
Experiments and
Hydrodynamic Modeling
Static and Dynamic failure Chaitali Roy Ministry of Rs. 39.53
analysis of laminated shipping Lakhs
composite stiffened plates
for marine structures
Passive control of Aparna (Dey) DST Rs. 36 Lacs
seismically excited short Ghosh
period structures by the
compliant liquid column
Performance evaluation of AmbarishGhosh DST Rs. 39.554
river Brahmaputra bed Lakhs
materials for use in
construction of road
embankment, subgrade
and subbase
Seismic Vulnerability SubrataChakraborty DST, GOI 63 Lakhs
Assessment of Existing
Building to Supplement
Rehabilitation practices with
special emphasis to North
Eastern Region

Industry Institution Interaction

 Induction Programme for Enhancing Efficacy in Industrial Project under TEQIP II,
during March 11, 18, 25 and April 01, 2015.
 Special training programme for climate change downscaling techniques, during 27-
30 October (4 days) 2014
 Organized In-Service Training Programme for PWD Engineers on Seismic
retrofitting of Deficient Buildings & Structures
 Observation of World Water Day
 National Workshop on ―Advances in the Design and Construction of Bituminous
Pavements‘ during May 27-2, 2014 at Indian Institute of Engineering Science and
Technology, Shibpur,
 Workshop on ―Road Safety Audit‖ for the engineers involved in Development and
Construction of NH 34 during January 30-31, 2015 at Krishnagar

No. of publications:

Journal Publication: 43
Conference Publication: 31

List of Publications
1. Metya, S. and Bhattacharya, G. (2014), ―Probabilistic Critical Slip Surface for Earth Slopes
Based on the First Order Reliability Method‖, Indian Geotechnical Journal, Springer, 44(3),
2. Roy, R., Ghosh, D. and Bhattacharya, G. (2015), ―Influence of Strong Motion Characteristics
on Permanent Displacement of Slopes‖, Journal of International Consortium on Landslides,
Springer, (DOI: 10.1007-S10346-015-0568-3. ---published on line on March 6, 2015
3. Mondal, D. P., Ghosh (Dey), A. and Chakrabarty, S. (2014) ―Fluid viscous damper in
mitigation of structural vibration effect due to underground blast.‖ Int. J. Materials and
Structural Integrity (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.) 8 (4), 273-290.
4. Mondal, D. P., Ghosh (Dey), A. and Chakrabarty, S. (2014) ―Control of underground blast
induced vibration of structures using fluid viscous damper‖ Journal of Vibration Engineering
and Technologies, 2 (1), 27-33.
5. Mondal, D. P., Ghosh (Dey), A. and Chakrabarty, S. (2014) ―Performance of N-Z system in
mitigation of underground blast induced vibration of structures.‖ Journal of Vibration and
Control (SAGE), 20 (13), 2019-2031.
6. S Chakraborty and Rama Debbarma, Robust design of tuned liquid column damper in seismic
vibration control of system characterized by uncertain bounded parameters, Structure and
Infrastructure Engg, 10.1080/15732479.2015.1031142. Published online: 16 Apr 2015
7. Suprateek Roy, S K. Mishra, S Chakraborty, Performance of Alternative Wavelet Basis for
Feature Based Damage Detection in Structures, In Press, IntJ. of Life Cycle Reliability &
Safety Engg.
8. Rama Debbarma, SubrataChakraborty, Robust optimum design of liquid column vibration
absorber in seismic vibration control of structures characterized by random parameters, In
press, Struct. Engg Mechanics. 53(6)(2015) 1127-1141
9. SouravGur, SutanuBhowmick, Sudib Kumar Mishra, Subrata Chakraborty, Compliant
Liquid Column Damper Modified by Shape Memory Alloy Device for Seismic
Vibration Control, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures,
23,2014 doi:10.1088/0964-1726/23/10/105009.
10. Sumanta Das, SouravGur, Sudib K. Mishra and SubrataChakraborty, Optimal
performance of Base Isolated building considering limitation on excessive isolator
displacement, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2014
11. Bijan Kumar Roy, Subrata Chakraborty, Robust Optimum Design of Base Isolation
System in Seismic Vibration Control of Structures under Random System Parameters,
Structural Safety, 55 (2015) 49–59
12. TanmoyChatterjee and Subrata Chakraborty, Vibration Mitigation of Structures
Subjected to Random Wave Forces by Liquid Column Dampers, Ocean Engineering
87, 2014,151–161.
13. Sudib K Mishra, S Gur and Subrata Chakraborty,Stochastic Optimization of Shape-
Memory-Alloy-Rubber-Bearing (SMARB) for Isolating Buildings against Random
Earthquake, Structural Control & Health Monitoring 2014, 21(9), 1222-1239, DOI:
14. Bijan K Roy, Subrata Chakraborty and Sudib Kumar Misra, Robust optimum design of
base isolation system in seismic vibration control of structures under uncertain bounded
system parameters, J. of Vibration and Control., 20(5), 2014,786- 800,
15. SubrataChakraborty, ArunabhSen, Adaptive response surface based efficient Finite
Element Model Updating, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 80, 2014, 33–40
16. SaibalGhosh, SoumyaBhattacharjya and SubrataChakraborty, Behaviours of short fiber
reinforced composite under shear, In PressICE Construction Materials.
17. Ghosh, S., Bhattacharjya, S., and Chakraborty, S. (2015) ―Behaviour of short fibre-
18. composite in bending shear‖, Construction Materials, In press (online as ahead of print
19. Misra, K. C., Panda, D. , Bhattacharjya, S. (2014) ―Fatigue life assessment of century
old railway bridge in India‖, Int. J of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and
Technology,Vol. 3, No.3, pp. 10803-10808.
20. Mukherjee, S., Chakraborty, S., Dalui, S. K., and Ahuja, A.K.Wind Induced Pressure
on ‗Y‘ Plan Shape Tall Building, J of Wind and Structures, Korea. (Techno Press)
21. Bairagi, A. K. and Dalui, S. K., Interference Effects on High-Rise Building under
Wind Excitation: A Case Study, In press
22. Chakraborty, S., Dalui, S. K., and Ahuja, A.K., Wind Load on Irregular Plan Shape
Tall Building – A Case Study, Wind and Structures, An Int J(Techno Press), 19(1),
2014, 59-73.
23. Chakraborty, S., Dalui, S. K., and Ahuja, A.K., Experimental Investigation of Surface
Pressure on ‗+‘ Plan Shape Tall Building, Jordan J of Civil Engg, 8(3), 2014, 251-262.
24. Dalui, S. K., Experimental Investigation of Wind Pressures on Composite Plan Shape
Tall Building, Int J of Construction Materials and Structures, Vol. 2, No.-1, 2014, 36-
25. Koner, S., Pal, A. and Adak, A., ―Application of silica gel factory waste for methyl
orange dye removal‖, Int. J. Environ. Waste Mgmt., Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014, pp. 37-49
26. Saha, P., Sarkar, A. K. & Pal, M. (2014). Evaluation of speed-flow characteristics on
two-lane highways with mixed traffic. Accepted in Transport, Taylor & Francis.
27. Saha, P., Sarkar, A. K. & Pal, M.(2014). Evaluation of Performance Measures of Two-
Lane highways under Heterogeneous Traffic. Accepted inPertanika Journal of
Science & Technology.
28. Ashis Kumar Bera (2014). Parametric study on uplift capacity of anchor with tie in
sand, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering.Vol. 18 No. 5.
29. Sarkar, S. and Biswas, S. ―Selection of Suitable Sites for Water Harvesting Structures
in a Catchment using Remote Sensing and GIS‖, International Journal of Earth
Sciences and Engineering, Year ?? Vol 7, No 1, pp 175-180.
30. Adak, A., Mangalgiri, K. and Blaney, L. ―UV-based treatment for organoarsenical feed
additives in water‖, Water Research, 2014 (Reviewed: Accepted with minor revision).
31. Mangalgiri,, K. Adak, A. and Blaney, L. ―Environmental fate of organoarsenicals: a
review‖, Environment International, 2014 (In press).
32. Ghosh, D., Sarkar, S., Sengupta, A. K., and Gupta, A. (2014) Investigation on the long-
term storage and fate of arsenic obtained as a treatment residual: A case study. Journal
of Hazardous Material 271 : 302 – 310.
33. Ashis Kumar Bera (2014) Compaction characteristics of fine grained soil and rice husk
ash mixture, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. Vol.8, Issue 2, Pp.121-
34. Chandra Rupa, R., UjjwalSaha and Mujumdar, P.P.,(2015) Model and Parameter
Uncertainty in IDF Relationships under Climate Change advances in Water
Resources MS No. ADWR-14-333 (In Print).
35. SandipanNath Thakur and Chaitali Ray (2015). "An Accurate C0 Finite Element model
of moderately thick and deep laminated doubly curved shell considering cross sectional
warping". Thin walled Structures (Elsevier), vol 94, pp. 384-393.
36. Chaitali Ray and BibekanandaMandal (2015). "Vehicle-induced linear and non-linear
static analysis of FRP Bridge deck". Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India):
Series A 96 (2), 109-121
37. DhirajBiswas and Chaitali Ray (2015). " Experimental and numerical modeling of
hybrid laminates to study the free vibration response. Journal of vibration and control
38. Chaitali Ray and SomnathMajumder (2014). "Failureanalysisof composite plates
understaticanddynamicloading. Structural Engineering and Mechanics - an
International Journal, vol 52, no. 1, pp. 137-147.
39. Sarkar, S. and Biswas, S. (2014),―Selection of Suitable Sites for Water Harvesting
Structures in a Catchment using Remote Sensing and GIS‖, International Journal of
Earth Sciences and Engineering,Vol 7, No. 1, pp 175-180.
40. Murmu, S. and Biswas, S. (2015), ―Application of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network in
Crop Classification: A Review‖, Aquatic Procedia, 4, pp 1203-1210.
41. Ghosh, D., Sarkar, S., Sengupta, A. K., and Gupta, A. (2014) Investigation on the long-
term storage and fate of arsenic obtained as a treatment residual: A case study. Journal
of Hazardous Material 271 : 302 – 310.
42. Koner, S., Pal, A. and Adak, A., ―Application of silica gel factory waste for methyl
orange dye removal‖, Int. J. Environ. Waste Mgmt., Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014, pp. 37-49
43. Adak, A., Mangalgiri, K. and Blaney, L. ―UV-based treatment for organoarsenical feed
additives in water‖, Water Research, 2014 (Reviewed: Accepted with minor revision).
44. Mangalgiri,, K. Adak, A. and Blaney, L. ―Environmental fate of organoarsenicals: a
review‖, Environment International, 2014 (In press).


1. Roy, Achintya Kumar. andGhosh, Aparna (Dey) (2014). ―Passive Control of Structural
Vibrations due to Near-Source Ground Motions by the Compliant LCD.‖ Proc. 6th
World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, (6WCSCM), July 15-17,
Universitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
2. SomdattaGoswami and SubrataChakraborty, Adaptive response surface method based
efficient Monte Carlo simulation, Accepted for 2ndIntConf on Vulnerability and Risk
Analysis and Management (ICVRAM2014), 13 - 16 July 2014, University of
Liverpool, UK.
3. Prodip Kumar Sarkar, Shyamal Ghosh and Subrata Chakraborty, An Efficient
responses surface method for seismic fragility analysis of existing building frame, 15 th
SEE, Roorke 2014 Dec.
4. SwarupGhosh, ShyamalGhosh and Subrata Chakraborty, Non-linear seismic response
of structures under recorded, simulated and synthetic accelerograms for North Eastern
region of India, 15th SEE, Roorke 2014 Dec.
5. Rama Debbarma; SubrataChakraborty, stochastic earthquake vibration control of
structures using tuned liquid column damper under random uncertain parameters: a
reliability based approach , SEC2014, New Delhi 2014 Dec
6. Bhattacharjya, S.,, Chakraborti, S. (2014) ―Probabilistic Robust Design Optimization of
Reinforced Concrete Folded Plate Structures incorporating Parameter Uncertainty‖,
National Conference on Emerging Technology and Applied Sciences (NCETAS 2014),
February 15-16, 2014 Modern Institute Of Engineering & Technology, Hooghly, India
7. Misra, K. C., Panda D. and Bhattacharjya S. (2014) ―Fatigue Life Assessment of
Century Old Railway Bridge in India‖, National Conference on Emerging Technology
and Applied Sciences (NCETAS 2014), February 15-16, 2014 Modern Institute Of
Engineering & Technology, Hooghly, India
8. Bera, A.K. and Hazra, S . Effect of RHA content on engineering properties of clayey
soil RHA mixture, IGC Calcutta ( Kolkata Chapter ), pp. 82-84., 2014.
9. UjjwalSaha (2014), ―Climate Change Impact on Urban Environment‖ Proc of the
National Conference on Geo environmental Issues and sustainable Development
(GEN-2014), MNNIT, Allahabad, Oct. 11-12, 2014.
10. Moumita Sit and Chaitali Ray (2014). "Bending behaviour of FRP bridge deck under
vehicle load using Higher order shear deformation theory". Proceedings, ICTACEM,
IIT Kharagpur, 29-31 December.
11. DhirajBiswas and Chaitali Ray (2014). "Free vibration analysis of GFRP laminates by
experimental and numerical investigations". Proceedings ICTACEM, IIT Kharagpur,
29-31 December.
12. SouravMondal and Chaitali Ray (2014). "Experimental validation of finite element
modal analysis of steel plates". Proceedings, 59th ISTAM, Bangalore, 17-20
13. Moumita Sit,DhirajBiswas andChaitali Ray (2014). "Thermal stress analysis of
laminated composite plates using third order shear deformation theory", Proceedings in
the Structural Engineering Convention, IIT Delhi, 22-24 December and also published
in Advances in Structural engineering, pp. 149-156.
14. DhirajBiswas and Chaitali Ray (2014). "Experimental and numerical modal analysis
of laminated composite plates with GFRP", Proceedings in the Structural Engineering
Convention, IIT Delhi, 22-24 December, and also published in Advances in Structural
engineering, pp. 55-66.
15. BibekanandaMandal and Chaitali Ray (2014). "Bending of FRP bridge deck under the
combined effect of thermal and vehicle load", Proceedings in the Structural
Engineering Convention, IIT Delhi, 22-24 December, and also published in Advances
in Structural engineering, pp. 2493-2503.
16. Chaitali Ray (2014). "Laminated Composites as Building Materials in Indian
Scenario", Institute of Engineers Convention held on 30th -31st January, 2014 at the
Institute of Engineers, Kolkata.
17. Majumder, C. ―Doehlert design experiment to optimize pH for removal of turbidity
from surface water by electrocoagulation‖ International Conference on Civil
Engineering for Sustainable Development. Khulna University of Engineering and
Technology. 13-15 February, 2014 (ICCESD-2014), pp80-82.
18. Majumder, C. Mesoporous Iron Adsorbent: A novel technique for arsenic removal from
contaminated water. The 2014 International Conference on Material and Environmental
Engineering March 21th -23th, 2014, Jiujiang, China (Accepted)
19. Ray S.K., and Majumder C., ―Optimization of electrocoagulation process for turbidity
removal by response surface method using central composite design (CCD)‖,
International conference on recent trends and challenges in civil engineering,
MNNIT,Aallahabad. [RTCCE-14-104, ISBN-978-93-80635-16-3, 2014, PP.-25.]
20. Ray S.K., and Majumder, C., ―A Low Cost Surface Water Treatment Method for
Community Scale Drinking Water Supply‖, IWWA, 47th annual convention, Kolkata,
on the theme Sustainable Technology Solutions for Water Management,
30 Jan-1 Feb, 2015 2014, PP.-225.
21. Roy, A. K. and Ghosh, A. (Dey) (2014). ―A Study on the Design Paramters of the
Compliant LCD for Structural Vibration Control under Near Fault Earthquakes‖,
Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2014), IIT Delhi, India; Volume 2 ofAdvances
in Structural Engineering: Dynamics, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/9798-81-322-2193-
7_97, pp 1243-1255.
22. Majumder, Rohan and Ghosh, Aparna (Dey) (2014). ―Performance Study of a SMA
Bracing System for Control of Vibration due to Underground Blast Induced Ground
Motion.‖ Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2014), IIT Delhi, India; Volume 1
ofAdvances in Structural Engineering: Mechanics, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/9798-81-
322-2190-6_34, pp 393-404.
23. Roy, Achintya Kumar and Ghosh, Aparna (Dey) (2014). ―Passive Control of Structural
Vibrations due to Near-Source Ground Motions by the Compliant LCD.‖ Proc. 6th
World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, July 15-17Universitat de
Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
24. Chakraborti, S., Ajeesh Kumar N.S. and Bhattacharjya S. (2014) ―Robust Design
Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Folded Plate Structures Including Parameter
Uncertainty‖, In Proc. of SEC 2014, V. Matsagar (ed.), Modeling, Simulation and
Analysis, IIT Delhi, India, Dec, 2014.
25. Niranjan R. S., Bhattacharjya S., NS Ajeesh Kumar (2015) ―Robust Design
Optimization of Bridge Pier including Parameter Uncertainty in Monte Carlo
Simulation Framework‖, National Conference on Emerging Technology and Applied
Sciences (NCETAS 2015), February, 2015 MIET, West Bengal, India
26. NS Ajeesh Kumar, Bhattacharjya S. (2015) ― Robust Design Optimization of a Multi-
storied concrete building in efficient Metamodelling and Simulation Framework
Incorporating Parameter Uncertainty;‖ 6th All India Inter Engineering College Meet
2015, April, 2015, FOSET, MCKV Institute of Engineering, West Bengal, India
27. Dutta, N., Haldar, A. and Gupta, A. (2015) Field Application of Electrocoagulation for
Arsenic Removal. Presented at 47th Annual Convention, Indian Water Works
Association, Kolkata.
28. Mistry, R., Roy, T. K., (2015) ‗Utilization of Rice Husk Ash in Hot Mix Asphalt
Concrete as Mineral Filler Replacement‘ Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, Vol-
76-1, No. 629, pp13-17.
29. Roy, T.K., (2014) ―Study on the performance of bitumen with addition of plastic waste
and crumb rubber‖ Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Geosynthetics
(10ICG) & 33. Baugrundtagung, Berlin, Germany.
30. Metya, S., Halder, K., Pramanik, R., and Bhattacharya, G. (2014), "Reliability
Prediction of Slope Stability of a Zoned Dam using Spreadsheet based Simulation
Technique", Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC 2014), December
18-20, 2014, Kakinada, India, Page 2082 - 2089.
31. Haldar, D. and Bhattacharya, G. (2014), "A Comparison of Methods For Estimation of
Earthquake induced Permanent Deformations of Slopes", Proceedings of Indian
Geotechnical Conference (IGC 2014), December 18-20, 2014, Kakinada, India, Page
398 - 404.

Books and Book Chapters

Patents / Invention Disclosure / Technology Transfer / Copyright

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences / Training programme organized by the

department (2014 - 15)
 Induction Programme for Enhancing Efficacy in Industrial Project under TEQIP II,
during March 11, 18, 25 and April 01, 2015.
 Special training programme for climate change downscaling techniques, during 27-
30 October (4 days) 2014
 Organized In-Service Training Programme for PWD Engineers on Seismic
retrofitting of Deficient Buildings & Structures
 Observation of World Water Day
 National Workshop on ―Advances in the Design and Construction of Bituminous
Pavements‘ during May 27-2, 2014 at Indian Institute of Engineering Science and
Technology, Shibpur,
 Workshop on ―Road Safety Audit‖ for the engineers involved in Development and
Construction of NH 34 during January 30-31, 2015 at Krishnagar

Technology Developed and Innovation

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures

Departmental Faculty Members

 Prof. Kalyan Kumar Bhar and Dr. ChanchalMajumder visited Queen's University,
Belfast during 5th July to 20th July 2014 on the part of collaborative Research
Project ‗Assessment of effects of arsenic pollution on health in rural Bengal and
development and implementation of sustainable technology solution.
 Prof. SubrataChakraborty visited University of Liverpool, UK. And presented a
paper titled Adaptive response surface method based efficient Monte Carlo
simulation in the 2ndIntConf on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management
(ICVRAM2014), 13 - 16 July 2014.
 Prof. Aparna (Dey) Ghosh attended and presented paper at the 6 th World Conference
of Structural Control and Monitoring at Barcelona, Spain
 Prof. Sudip Kumar Roy attended 27th Pan Pacific Congress of Real Estate
Appraisers, Valuers and Counselors organized by Singapore Institute of Surveyors
and Valuers on 21-24 September, 2014 at Singapore with the funding from TEQIP.
Dr. Roy along with his scholar presented the paper titled ―Valuation of Highways
for the purpose of Acquisition‖.
 Dr. Tapas Kumar Roy attended International Conference on ―International
Geotechnical Conference‖ during October 2014 at Berlin, Germany.
 Dr. Asok Adak received Raman Fellowship and visited University of Maryland
Baltimore County for Post-Doctoral Research during July 2013 to June 2014.

International Visit by Students

 Sri SubhadeepMetya, a PhD Scholar (INSPIRE FELLOWSHIP) of the DST, Govt. of India
was one of the 40 selected candidates from all over the world to attend the prestigious
international school LARAM on ―Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation‖ established in
2005 by the University of Salerno, Italy during September 1 to 13, 2014
 Soumi Bhattacharyya, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering working
on an experimental project funded by DST, visited Department of Civil, Structural and
Environmental Engineering, Trinity College Dublin as a 'visiting researcher' to conduct
experimental studies on vibration control of structures from 29th June, 2014 to 23rd
 SohamMitra visited University of Windsor, Ontario , Canada for summer internship
during1st June-19th July,2014
 ParthaSaha, Sayanta Barman and AbhrakantiSaha visited Wayne State University , Detroit ,
USA for summer internship during 29th May-30th July, 2014

Invited Lectures

 Prof. SubrataChakraborty delivered a keynote address in the International

(RTCCE-2014) at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad during
Dec. 12-14, 2014.
 Prof. SubrataChakraborty delivered invited Lecture on Analytical Seismic
Vulnerability Assessment of Existing Buildings: Special Emphasis to NE Region,
Seminar on Current Trends in Infrastructure Development, 21.6.2014 Aliah
University, Kolkata.
 Prof. SubrataChakraborty delivered invited lecture on Relaibility Analysis of
structures at a Refresher Course on Recent Advances in Civil and Structural
Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Jadavpur University, Jan 2015.
 Prof. SubrataChakraborty delivered invited lecture on ―Seismic Vulnerability of
existing structures‖, in the training programme on Disaster Management for
Assistant Engineers & Sub-Assistant Engineers (Civil) of PWD, Government of
WB, February-March, 2015.
 Prof A (D) Ghoshdelivered an invited lecture in the PWD Seminar on Highrise
Buildings on April 24, 2014.
 Prof A (D) Ghosh delivered an invited lecture at Jadavpur University in the UGC
sponsored refresher course on Recent Advances in Civil and Structural Engineering,
Jan 2-22, 2015.
 Dr. SoumyaBhattacharjya Delivered invited lecture on ―Seismic Retrofitting of
Steel Structure‖, in the In-house training programme on Disaster Management for
Assistant Engineers & Sub-Assistant Engineers (Civil) of PWD, Government of
WB, February-March, 2015.

Visitors to your Department ( Indian & Foreign)
 Prof. BiswajitBasu, Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
Trinity College Dublin
 Rowshon Kamal and MrNkululekoDlamini of University Putra Malaysia

Alumni Contribution to your Department

Training and Placement
Extension Activities and Societal outreach

High Schools in North 24 Parganas were provided with Arsenic Removal Filters and
suitable sanitation arrangements including health and hygiene education. One fluoride
removal filter has been installed which is serving safe water to the people of Nalagola in
Malda district.

Academic Collaboration

Science Foundation of Ireland sponsored collaborative project on Liquid dampers for

vibration control of structures with Trinity College Dublin.

Student achievement
 The team of ShiladityaBiswas and Arghyadip Das (final year CE Students) ranked
second in the KONARK CEMENT AADHAR QUIZ 2015 (Top three teams Rs.
50,000; Rs 25,000 and Rs 15,000/ along with job offers from OCL India Ltd.)

 Sri SubhadeepMetya, a PhD Scholar in the Department of Civil Engineering and a

recipient of the INSPIRE FELLOWSHIP of the DST, Govt. of India, under the
supervision of Dr. Gautam Bhattacharya, Professor of Civil Engineering, was one of
the 40 selected candidates from all over the world to attend the prestigious
international school LARAM on ―Landslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation‖
established in 2005 by the University of Salerno, Italy. Students from top
universities like University of California, USA; University of Cambridge, UK;
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA; ETH Zurich, Switzerland have been selected
for the school. He attended the school during September 1 to 13, 2014.

 Soumi Bhattacharyya, SRF of Civil Engineering working on an experimental project

funded by DST, visited Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental
Engineering, Trinity College Dublin as a 'visiting researcher' to conduct
experimental studies on vibration control of structures from 29th June, 2014 to 23rd

 SohamMitra visited University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada for summer internship

during1st June-19th July,2014. ParthaSaha, Sayanta Barman and AbhrakantiSaha
visited Wayne State University , Detroit , USA for summer internship during 29th
May-30th July, 2014

Department of Chemistry

About the Department
The more than hundred years old department has a glorious past. The Department, besides engaging
itself in undergraduate teaching has a heritage of conducting research in various fields. A well-
known Physical Chemist, was the Head of the Department of Chemistry & Metallurgy and the first
Vice-Principal (Academic) of the College. Under his direct supervision and through his
encouragement, faculty members and several research students made significant contributions in soil
chemistry, corrosion, chemical exploration of medicinal plants and a way of coal and petroleum
products. At present the faculty members are involved in research in the frontier areas of Chemistry
and Chemical Physics, which include Coordination & Bioinorganic Chemistry, Carbohydrate
Chemistry, Electrochemistry & Corrosion Science, Fuel Cell Technology, Molecular Recognition &
Supramolecular Chemistry, Structural Chemistry, Catalysis, Synthetic Organic & Organometallic
Chemistry, Thin Film Semiconductor, Solar Photo-voltaic & Photo-electrochemical Cells, Non-
linear Optical Phenomena: Modeling & Computation, Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics,
Relativistic & non-relativistic Electronic Structure Theory. The two year (four semesters) M. Sc.
Course in Chemistry offered by the department is designed to satisfy the needs of academia and
industries. The department is endowed with a number of research projects sponsored by various
funding agencies. The department has also been selected for MHRD special grant and DST-FIST
and UGC-SAP programme. About seventy research students under the Ph.D. program are currently
working in the various fields of chemical sciences

Academic Programmes:
Under graduate level: Nil

Post graduate level:

Degree offered: M.Sc.
Sanctioned students‘ Intake: 30
Additional intake through other programmes: Nil
Specialization: Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry & Organic Chemistry

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme

Degree offered: Ph.D. (Science)
No. of candidates enrolled: 16
No. of candidates registered: 24
No. of candidates awarded: 25
No. of Post Doctoral candidates : 04 (D S Kothari/UGC/CSIR)

Faculty position
Sanctioned Faculty Post: 15 Vacant Post: 02
Faculty profile (in the following table)
Name Designatio Highest Specialization/ Contact No.
n Qualificati Research Area E.mail
Dr. S. P. Goswami Professor Ph.D. Molecular Recognition 9433301414
and Supramolecular spgoswamical@yaho
Dr. B. Adhikary Professor Ph.D. Nanomaterials and Co- 033 25385701
ordination Chemistry adhikarybibhu@yaho
Dr. (Mrs.) J. Dutta Professor Ph.D. Electrochemical 09830029798
Nanoscience, Fuel Cells, jayati_datta@rediffm
Solar Cells
Dr. A. Mondal Professor Ph.D. Thin film 9681420714
semiconductors and anupmondal2000@y
solar cells
Dr. S. K. Professor Ph.D. Coordination Chemistry, 9874339079
Chattopadhyay Bioinorganic Chemistry shyamalchattopadhya
Dr. P. K. Nandi Professor Ph.D. NonLinear Optics: 9432177021
& Head Modeling and
Computation .in
Dr. B. K. Ghorai Professor Ph.D. Synthetic Organic, 9433843142
Organometallic and
Materials chemistry n
Dr. Sudip Kr. Professor Ph.D. Theoretical Molecular 9433144725
Chattopadhyay Sciences sudip_chattopadhyay
Dr. A. K. Professor Ph.D. Design, Synthesis and 9434508013
Mahapatra Recognition of Bio- akmahapatra@rediff
active Molecules
Dr. (Mrs.) J. Assistant Ph.D. Carbohydrate Chemistry gangulyjhuma@yaho
Ganguly Professor

Dr. C. Assistant Ph.D. Photoelectrochemical 09433639041

Bhattacharya Professor Solar Cells, Conducting c.bhattacharya@redif
Polymers, Corrosion
Dr. P. Biswas Assistant Ph.D. Coordination and 09433135103
Professor Bioinorganic Chemistry, biswaspapu@rediffm
catalysis, nanomaterials

Dr. N.D. Paul Assistant Ph.D. Ligand Design and 08902431148

Professor Studies of their
oordination Chemistry,
Application of ‗Redox

Non-Innocent‘ &
Cooperative Ligands in
Active‘ Transition Metal
Complexes in Molecular
Electronic Application,
investigation using
Density Functional
Theory (DFT) Coupled
with Different

Awards and Laurels received by the faculty members:

1. Prof. Sudip Chattopadhyay received the 2014 Young Faculty Research Award sponsored through
BECAA-WMA and GAA-BESU Shibpur US Foundation.

Research Area (only mention broad titles without description in detail):

1. Coordination & Bioinorganic Chemistry

2. Glycobiology
3. Electrochemistry, Non-conventional Energy, Fuel Cell, Corrosion Science.
4. Molecular Recognition & Organic Synthesis
5. Synthetic Organic, Organometallic and Materials Chemistry
6. Thin Film Semiconductors, Solar Photo-voltaic, Photo-electrochemical Solar Cells
7. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Theoretical Molecular Sciences
8. Conducting Polymers & Photoelectrochemical Solar Cell
9. Inorganic Chemistry and Bioinorganic /Biophysical Chemistry, Chemical Darwinism,
and Analytical and Environmental
10. Energy, Nano Science, Spectroscopies and X-ray Crystallography

Research Facilities: (name specific equipment / picture etc.)

1. Spectrofluorimeter
2. Luminescence Spectrometer
3. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
4. Potentiostat – Galvanostat
5. Optical Microscope with image analyzer
6. TG-DTA-cum-DSC System
7. Vacuum Coating unit
8. Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance System
9. FTIR with FT-Raman Spectrophotometer
10. Analytical cum Preparative HPLC with Mass Detector
11. Microwave Synthesizer
12. Chemisorption and Physisorption Measuring Unit
13. Fuel Cell / Solar Characterization System
14. Semiconductor Characterization System
15. Monochromator / Radiometer
16. UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
17. Hall Effect Setup
18. Ion-Chromatograph
19. PGSTAT 12 with Frequency Response Analyzer
20. AUTOLAB 30 Potentiostat/Galvanostat
21. PAR Versastat-II Potentiostat and electrochemistry system
22. Precision L-C-R Meter

Name of the Laboratories:

1. Coordination & Bioinorganic Chemistry

2. Glycobiology
3. Electrochemical Nano Science, Fuel Cell and Solar Cells.
4. Molecular Recognition & Organic Synthesis
5. Synthetic Organic and Organometallic Chemistry
6. Thin Film Semiconductors & Solar cells
7. Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
8. Theoretical Molecular Sciences
9. Conducting Polymers & Photoelectrochemical Solar Cell
10. Nano Imaging and Artificial photo synthesis

Consultancy work:

Development of nanotechnology for the de-salination of sea water ―- a consultancy project from
DESNOZ Inc., Raleigh, NC, USA (project cost: 4.8 Lakh) (S Sarkar)

Support Staff position:

Sanctioned technical Post: 08 Vacant: 03
Technical staff profile (in the following table):

Name Designation Highest Contact No.

S. Munshi Technical Assistant- II M.Sc. 9432307325
R. Halder Technical Assistant - II B.Sc. (2 years) 9547215236
B. Das Sore Helper Madhyamik 9674774122
J. Ali Sr. peon Madhyamik 9733930005
J. Roy Helper 1 Class-VIII 9231897280

Ongoing Sponsored Research / projects: (mention area)

Ongoing (Prop value) in Lakhs Sponsoring agencies

73.4 CSIR
14.6 UGC
334.2 DST
110.4 DST-SERI
30.6 MNRE
14.7 DST (W.B.)
14.6 DBT
25.0 BRNS
5.0 Cormoz Inc. USA

Industry – Institute Interaction:

Development of nanotechnology for the de-salination of sea water ―- a consultancy project from
DESNOZ Inc., Raleigh, NC, USA

Details of publications: (2013 - 14)

Journal: 104
Conference: 27

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences/ Training programme organized by the Department


Recent Trends in Chemical Sciences [A Symposium in Commemoration of the 154 th Birth

Anniversary of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray] held on 5th August, 2015 at Department of
Chemistry, IIEST Shibpur Cosponsored by M/s Thermo Fischer Scientific India Pvt. Ltd.

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II: Provides Two PhD fellowships

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures
Foreign Visit by Prof. Jayati Datta

Chair person and Invited speaker, BIT‘s 4th Annual World Congress of Nano Science and Technology,
2014, Qingdao, China, October, 28-31, 2014

Training and Placement: 20

New Academic / Research Initiatives

Academic Collaboration

1. Dr. Nikhil R. Jana, Centre for Advanced Materials, Indian Association of Cultivation of
Science, Jadavpur, Kolkata. (Prof. B.K.Ghorai)
2. Prof. Pralay Maity, School of Materials Science and Technology, Indian Institute of
Technology (BHU), Varanasi, UP. (Prof. B.K.Ghorai)
3. Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Gijubhai, Badheka Marg, Bhavnagar
364002, Gujarat, India (Prof. B. Adhikary).
4. Dr. C. Bhattacharyya started collaboration with (i) BARC, Mumbai, (ii) CECRI-CSIR,
Karaikudi (iii) BITS, Pilani
5. Prof. Debasis Das, Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta. (Prof. S. K.

List of details of publications of each faculty member:

Dr. Nanda Dulal Paul

1. D. Sengupta, P. Ghosh, T. Chatterjee, H. Datta, N. D. Paul, S. Goswami, Inorg. Chem. 2014,

Doi: 10.1021/ic501656s.

2. Nanda D. Paul, P. Gualco. B. de Bruin, Willey-VCH. (Invited Book Chapter) (in press).

Dr. Papu Biswas

1. Amit Kumar Dutta, Sudipto Das, Partha Kumar Samanta, Shounak Roy, Bibhutosh Adhikary,
Papu Biswas, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 144, 282–287.
2. Suvendu Samanta, Sudipto Das, Papu Biswas, Sensors and Actuators B, 2014, 202, 23– 30.
3. Papu Biswas, Pradip Bag, Amit Kumar Dutta, Ulrich Flörke, Kamalaksha Nag,
Polyhedron, 2014, 75, 118–126.
4. P. Biswas, P. Bag, A. K. Dutta, U. Flörke, K. Nag, Polyhedron2014, 75, 118–126.
5. S. Samanta, S. Das, P. Biswas, Sensors and Actuators B, 2014, 202, 23–30.
6. A. K. Dutta, S. Das, P. K. Samanta, S. Roy, B. Adhikary, P. Biswas, ElectrochimicaActa, 2014,
144, 282–287.
7. S. Samanta, P. K. Samanta, S. Dutta, P. Biswas, SpectrochimicaActa Part A: Molecular and
Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015,147, 262–269.
8. S. Samanta, A. K. Dutta, P. Biswas, Indian Journal of Chemistry, 2015,Vol. 54A, 478-483

Prof. Binay K. Ghorai

1. D. Jana, S. Boxi, P. P. Parui and B. K. Ghorai, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2015, DOI:
2. D. Jana and B. K. Ghorai, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 2015, 88, 89–96
3. D. Jana and B. K. Ghorai, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 2015, 88, 89–96.
4. D. Jana and B. K. Ghorai, Tetrahedron Lett. 2014, 55, 5203–5206.

Prof. Prasanta Kumar Nandi

1. P. Banerjee and P.K. Nandi (2015) Chem. Phys. Lett. 637, 164–171.
2. K. Hatua and P.K. Nandi (2015) Chem. Phys. Lett. 628 , 1–8.
3. K. Hatua and P.K. Nandi (2015) J. Mol. Model 21: 254 (p-1-9).
4. K. Hatua and P.K. Nandi (2015) J. Theor. Comput. Chem., 14, 15500021-20.
5. P. K. Nandi, K. Hatua, A. K. Bansh, N. Panja and T. K. Ghanty (2015) AIP Conf. Proc.,
1642, 526 - 529; doi: 10.1063/1.4906734.
6. K. Hatua and P. K. Nandi (2014) J. Mol. Model., 20, 2440 -2449.
7. K. Hatua and P. K. Nandi (2014) J. Theor. Comput. Chem., 13, 14500391- 12.

8. S. Goswami, S. Das, K.. Aich, P. K. Nandi, K.Ghoshal, C. K. Quah, M.
Bhattacharyya, H.-K. Fun and H.A. Abdel-Aziz (2014) RSC Adv. ,4, 24881-24886.
9. S. Goswami, A. Manna, S. Paul, A.K. Das, P.K. Nandi, A.K. Maity and P. Saha (2014)
Tetrahedron Letters 55, 490 – 494.
10. S. K. Sau, T.K. Manna, A. Giri and P.K. Nandi (2014) International Journal of Science,
Engineering and Technology. 2 1415-1421.
11. S. K. Sau, T.K. Manna, A. Giri and P.K. Nandi (2014) International Journal of
Engineering and Innovative Technology. 4 71-77.
12. S. K. Sau, A. Giri, T. K. Manna and P. K. Nandi (2014) Int. J. Adv. Tech. Eng. Sc. 2, 229
– 234.

Prof. Ajit Kumar Mahapatra

1. A. K. Mahapatra, R. Maji, K. Maiti, S. K. Manna, S. Mondal, S. S. Ali, S. Manna, P. Sahoo,

S. Mandal, M. R. Uddin and D. Mandal, RSC Advances 2015, 5, 58228-58236.

2. A. K. Mahapatra, K. Maiti, S. K. Manna, R. Maji, S. Mondal, C. D. Mukhopadhyay, P.

Sahoo and D. Mandal Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 9729 - 9732.

3. A. K. Mahapatra, P. Karmakar, J. Roy, S. Manna, K. Maiti, P. Sahoo and D. Mandal RSC

Advances 2015, 5, 37935-37942

4. A. K. Mahapatra, S. Mondal, S. K. Manna, K. Maiti, R. Maji, M. R. Uddin, S. Mandal, D.

Sarkar, T. K. Mondal and D. K. Maiti , Dalton Transactions 2015, 44, 6490-6501.

5. A. K. Mahapatra, K. Maiti, R. Maji, S. K. Manna, S. Mondal, S. S. Ali and S. Manna, RSC

Advances 2015, 5, 24274-24280.

6. A. K. Mahapatra, S. K. Manna, B. Pramanik, K. Maiti, S. Mondal, S. S. Ali and D. Mondal,

RSC Advances 2015, 5, 10716-10722.

7. A. K. Mahapatra, R. Maji, K. Maiti, S. K. Manna, S. Mondal, C. D. Mukhopadhyay, S.

Goswami, D. Sarkar, T. K Mondal, C. K. Quah and H. K. Fun, Sensors & Actuators: B.
Chemical 2015, 207, 878-886.
8. A. K. Mahapatra, S. Mondal, K. Maiti, S. K. Manna, R. Maji, S. Mandal, S.Goswami, D.
Mondal, C. K. Quah and H.K. Fun RSC Advances 2014, 4, 56605-56614
9. A. K. Mahapatra, K. Maiti, S. K. Manna, R. Maji, C. D. Mukhopadhyay, B. Pakhira, S.
Sarkar, Chemistry–An Asian Journal 2014, 9, 3623-3632.
10. A. K. Mahapatra, S. K. Manna, K. Maiti, R. Maji, C. D. Mukhopadhyay, D. Sarkar, T. K.
Mondal RSC Advances., 2014, 4, 36615-36622.
11. A. K. Mahapatra, S. K. Manna, C. D. Mukhopadhyay and D. Mandal, Sensors and
Actuators B: Chemical, 2014, 200, 123-131
12. A. K. Mahapatra, R. Maji, K. Maiti, S. S. Adhikari, C. D. Mukhopadhyay and D. Mandal,
Analyst, 2014, 139, 309-317

Prof. Bibhutosh Adhikary
1.A.K. Dutta, S. Das, P. K. Samanta, S. Roy, B. Adhikary, P. Biswas , Electrochimica Acta.
2014,144 ,282–287
2. A. K. Dutta, S. K. Maji, K. Mitra, A. Sarkar, N. Saha, A. B. Ghosh, B. Adhikary, Sens. Actuat.
B Chem. 2014, 192, 578–585.
3. A. K. Dutta, S. K. Maji, B. Adhikary, Mat. Res. Bull. 2014, 49 , 28–34.

Dr. Chinmoy Bhattacharya

1. S. Shyamal, P. Hajra, H. Mandal,J.K. Singh, A.K. Satpati, S. Pande and C. Bhattacharya, ACS
Appl. Mater. Interface, 2015, 7(33),18344–18352 .
2. H. Mandal, S. Shyamal, P. Hajra, B. Samanta, P. Fageria, S. Pande, C.
Bhattacharya, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 141, 294-301.
3. P.Hajra, S.Shyamal, H. Mandal, P.Fageria, S.Pande , C. Bhattacharya, Electrochimica
Acta, 2014, 123, 494-500.

Prof. Jayati Datta

1) A. Datta, A. Mondal, J. Datta, J. Power Source, 2015, 283, 104.

2) P. Hazra, A. Jana, M. Hazra, J. Datta, RSC Advance, 2014, 4, 33662-33671
3) A. Dutta, J. Datta, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 4, 3237.
4) A. K. Mandal, A. Jana, A. Datta, P. M. Sarma, B. Lal , J. Datta, J. Natural Resources and
Development, 2014, 4, 64-75.

Prof. Anup Mondal

1. A. Ghosh, A. Mondal, Applied Surface Science 2015, 328, 63–70.

2. B. Show, N.Mukherjee, A. Mondal, RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 58740–58751.
3. S. Jana, A. Mondal, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 15832−15840.
4. A. Ghosh, B. Show, S. Ghosh, N. Mukherjee, G. Bhattacharya, S. K. Datta, A. Mondal,
RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 51569–51575.
5. S. Jana, P. Bera, B. Chakraborty, B. C. Mitra, A. Mondal, Applied Surface Science 2014,
317, 154–159.
6. S. Jana, S.Samai, B. C. Mitra, P. Bera, Anup Mondal, Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 13096–
7. G. Mondal, P. Bera, A. Santra, S. Jana, T. Mondal, A. Mondal, S. I. Seok and P. Bera, New
J. Chem. 2014, 38, 4774—4782.
8. S. Jana, G. Mondal, B. C. Mitra, P. Bera, A. Mondal, Chemical Physics 2014, 439, 44–48.
9. S. Jana, B. C. Mitra, P. Bera, M. Sikdar, A. Mondal, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
2014, 602 42–48

Prof. Shyamal Kumar Chattopadhyay

1. P. Chakraborty, J. Adhikary, B. Ghosh, R. Sanyal, S. K. Chattopadhyay, A. Bauzá, A.

Frontera, E. Zangrando, D. Das, Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 8257-8269.
2. S. Mondal, P. Adak, C. Das, S. Naskar, B. Pakhira, A. J. Blake, A. L. Rheingold, E. Sinn, C.
S. Eribal, S. K. Chattopadhyay, Polyhedron, 2014, 81, 428-435 .
3. S. Mondal, C. Das, B. Ghosh, B. Pakhira, A. J. Blake, M. G. B. Drew, S. K.
Chattopadhyay, Polyhedron, 2014, 81, 428-435(invited publication for Prof. V. M.
Leovac special issue).
4. T. Samanta, L. Dey, J. Dinda, S. K. Chattopadhyay, S. Seth, J. Mol. Str. 2014,1068, 58-
5. B. Ghosh, S. Naskar, S. Naskar, A. Espinosa, S. C. K. Hau, T. C. W. Mak, R. Sekiya, R.
Kuroda, S. K. Chattopadhyay, Polyhedron, 2014, 72, 115-121.
6. J. Dinda, T. Samanta, A. Nandy, K. Das Saha, S. Seth, S. K. Chattopadhyay, C. W.
Bielawski, New. J. Chem., 2014, 38, 1218-1224.
7. T. Samanta, S. K. Seth, S. K. Chattopadhyay, P. Mitra, V. Kushwah, J. Dinda, Inorg.
Chim. Acta, 2014, 411, 165-171.

Prof. Shyamaprosad Goswami

1. S. Das, S. Goswami, K. Aich, K. Ghoshal, C. K. Quah, M. Bhattacharyya and H.-K. Fun,

New J. Chem., 2015, Accepted Manuscript, DOI: 10.1039/C5NJ01468A.
2. S. Paul, S. Goswami and C. D. Mukhopadhyay, New J. Chem., 2015, Accepted
Manuscript, DOI: 10.1039/C5NJ01297J.
3. K. Aich, S. Goswami, S. Das, C. D. Mukhopadhyay, C. K. Quah and H.-K. Fun, Inorg.
Chem., 2015, 54, 7309-7315.
A. K. Das, S. Goswami, C. K. Quah and H.-K. Fun, New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 5669-
4. S. Paul, A. Manna and S. Goswami, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 11805-11810.
5. S. Goswami, K. Aich, S. Das, B. Pakhira, K. Ghoshal, C. K. Quah, M. Bhattacharyya, H.-
K. Fun and S. Sarkar, Chem.–Asian J., 2015, 10, 694-700.
A. Manna and S. Goswami, New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 4424-4429.
6. K. Aich, S. Goswami, S. Das and C. D. Mukhopadhyay, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 31189-31194.
7. S. Goswami, S. Das and K. Aich, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 28996-2900.
8. S Goswami, K. Aich, S. Das, C. D. Mukhopadhyay, D. Sarkar and T. K. Mondal, Dalton
Trans., 2015, 44, 5763-5770.
A. K. Mahapatra, S. K. Manna, K. Maiti, S. Mondal, R. Maji, D. Mandal, S. Mandal,
Md. R. Uddin, S. Goswami, C. K. Quah and H.-K. Fun, Analyst, 2015,140, 1229-

9. M. Mitra, C. Kulsi, K. Chatterjee, K. Kargupta, S. Ganguly, D. Banerjee and S. Goswami,
RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 31039-31048.
10. S. Goswami, A. K. Das, U. Saha, S. Maity, K. Khanra and N. Bhattacharyya, Org. Biomol.
Chem., 2015, 13, 2134-2139.
11. S. Goswami, S. Maity, A. C. Maity, A. K. Das, B. Pakhira, K. Khanra, N. Bhattacharyya
and S. Sarkar, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 5735-5740.
12. S. Goswami, S. Paul and A. Manna, New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 2300-2305.
13. A. K. Mahapatra, R. Maji, K. Maiti, S. K. Manna, S. Mondal, C. D. Mukhopadhyay, S.
Goswami, D. Sarkar, T. K. Mondal, C. K. Quah and H.-K. Fun, Sens. Actuators B: Chem.,
2015, 207, 878-886
14. A. K. Mahapatra, S. Mondal, K. Maiti, S. K. Manna, R. Maji, D. Mandal, S. Mandal, S.
Goswami, C. K. Quah and H.-K. Fun, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 56605-56614.

15. S. Goswami, A. Manna, M. Mondal and D. Sarkar, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 62639-62643.
16. S. Goswami, S. Chakraborty, M. K. Adak, S. Halder, C. K. Quah, H.-K. Fun, B. Pakhira
and S. Sarkar, New J. Chem., 2014, 38, 6230-6235.
17. S. Goswami, R. Chakrabarty, S. Dey and H.-K. Fun, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 49663-49671.
18. S. Goswami, S. Maity, A. C. Maity and A. K. Das, Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 2014, 204,
19. S. Goswami, S. Maity, A. C. Maity, A. K. Das, K. Khanra, T. K. Mandal and N.
Bhattacharyya, Tetrahedron Lett., 2014, 55, 5993-5997.
20. S. Goswami, S. Paul and A. Manna, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 43778-43784.
21. S. Goswami, A. Manna, S. Paul, A. K. Maity, P. Saha, C. K. Quah and H.-K. Fun, RSC
Adv., 2014, 4, 34572-34576.
22. S. Goswami, A. K. Das, B. Pakhira, S. B. Roy, A. K. Maity, P. Saha and S. Sarkar, Dalton
Trans., 2014, 43, 12689-12697.
23. S. Goswami, S. Paul and A. Manna, Tetrahedron Lett., 2014, 55, 3946-3949.
24. S. Goswami, A. K. Das, A. Manna, A. K. Maity, P. Saha, C. K. Quah, H.-K. Fun, and H. A.
Abdel-Aziz, Anal. Chem., 2014, 86, 6315-6322.
25. S. Goswami, S. Das, K. Aich, P. K. Nandi, K. Ghoshal, C. K. Quah, M. Bhattacharyya, H.-
K. Fun and H. A. Abdel-Aziz, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 24881-24886.
26. S. Goswami, A. Manna and S. Paul, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 21984-21988.
27. S. Goswami, S. Chakraborty, A. K. Das, A. Manna, A. Bhattacharyya, C. K. Quah and H.-
K. Fun, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 20922-20926.
28. S. Goswami, S. Chakraborty, S. Paul, S. Halder, S. Panja and S. K. Mukhopadhyay, Org.
Biomol. Chem., 2014, 12, 3037-3044.
29. S. Goswami, K. Aich, S. Das, S. B. Roy, B. Pakhira and S. Sarkar, RSC Adv., 2014, 4,
30. S. Goswami, S. Maity, A. C. Maity, A. K. Maity, A. K. Das and P. Saha, RSC Adv., 2014,
4, 6300-6305.
31. S. Dey, D. Sain and S. Goswami, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 428-433.
32. S. Goswami, A. K. Das, A. K. Maity, A. Manna, K. Aich, S. Maity, P. Saha and T. K.
Mandal, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 231-239.
33. S. Goswami, A. Manna, S. Paul, A. K. Das, P. K. Nandi, A. K. Maity and P. Saha,
Tetrahedron Lett., 2014, 55, 490-494.
34. S. Goswami, S. Das, K. Aich, D. Sarkar and T. K. Mondal, Tetrahedron Lett., 2014,
55, 2695-2699.
35. S. Goswami, A. K. Das, A. Manna, A. K. Maity, H.-K. Fun, C. K. Quah and P. Saha,
Tetrahedron Lett., 2014, 55, 2633-2638.
36. S. Goswami, M. K. Das and A. Manna, Tetrahedron Lett., 2014, 55, 2707- 2710.
37. S. Goswami, A. K. Das, K. Aich, A. Manna, H.-K. Fun and C. K. Quah, Supramol. Chem.,
2014, 26, 94-104.

Department of
Computer Science and Technoligy

Vision and Mission of the Department
To be recognized globally for excellence in academic programs and innovative, applied and
socially relevant research
To provide the students with a firm foundation of both the theory and practice of Computer
Science and Technology through a comprehensive undergraduate and post-graduate
curricula, and to strengthen creativity, nurture innovation, and develop the ability to carry
out research and solve real -world problems.

About the department

The Department of Computer Science and Technology (CST), established in 1982, is the
2nd youngest of the ten Engineering departments in the institution. The CST department,
since its inception, has maintained a steady growth in every sphere of its activities and
played an important role in bringing a vibrant and forward looking academic environment
within the University. It is a premier department offering high quality undergraduate and
postgraduate engineering courses as well as providing an excellent infrastructure and
facilities for advanced research and consultancy.

The importance of introducing a separate discipline on Computer Science and Technology

was felt back in mid 70s. To serve the growing need of manpower with specialization in
Computer Design and Applications a proposal to start the new discipline was submitted to
MHRD and the approval was obtained in 1981. The new department started functioning
from within the Electrical Engineering department and admitted the first batch of Bachelor
of Engineering (BE) students in July 1982 and a separate CST department came into
existence in August 1984. In January 1988 Master of Computer Application (MCA) course
was introduced; the first in Eastern region. The full time Master of Engineering (ME)
course in Computer Science and Technology started from July 1992. The department
conferred its first Ph D degree in January 1999.

This department has been accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) as 'A'
grade department for 5 years (1999-2004). The department is also acquired ISO 9000
certification in 1999-2000. The department was DST-FIST sponsored in 2004. More
recently, in 2012 the department was ranked at 10 in a nationwide survey conducted by
Silicon India.

Academic Programmes
Undergraduate Level
Degree offered : Bachelors of Engineering (BE)
Sanctioned students‘ intake : 60
Additional intake through lateral entry in 3rd Semester : 6
Post Graduate Level
Degree offered : Master of Engineering (M.E.)
Sanctioned students‘ intake : 16 (GATE)

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme

Degree offered : PhD (Engineering)
No of Candidates enrolled : 08
No. of Candidates registered: 11
No. of Candidates awarded: …

Faculty Position
Sanctioned faculty post ………………. Vacant Post ………………………
Faculty profile
Name Academic Designations Research Specialisati E - mail
Qualifications & Publications on /
Date of Research
Joining Area

Biplab PhD(BESU) 2003 Professor & Journal: 20 Cellular biplab@cs.iies

Kumar Sikdar M.Tech (CU) 1990 HOD Book:1 Automata
B.Tech (CU) 1988 Joined: 02-09- Conf: 80
BSc(Phys) (CU) 1997

Abhik PhD (BECDU) Associate Journal: 18 Real Time abhik@cs.iiest

Mukherjee 2003 Professor Conf: 15 Systems
ME (JU) 1994 Joined: 29-01-
BE (JU) 1991 2000

Amit Kumar PhD (BECDU) Associate Journal: 10 Image amit@cs.iiests.

Das 1998 Professor Conf: 35 Processing
ME (CU) 1982 Joined:25-08-
BE (CU) 1979 1985

Apurba M.Tech (IIT Assistant Digital sarkar@cs.iies

Conf: 2
Sarkar Guwahati) 2003 Professor Geometry,
B.Tech (CU) 2001 Joined:12-08- combinator
2003 ial
Image &
Ashish ME (BESU) 2001 Assistant Wireless ashish@cs.iies
Kumar Layek BE (BESU) 1999 Professor Telecommu
Joined:07-11- Conf: 1 nication
2013 and

Asit Kumar PhD (BESU) 2011 Assistant Journal: 10 Data akdas@iiests.a

Das M.Tech (CU) 2002 Professor Book:1 Mining,
B.Tech (CU) 1996 Joined: 09-01- Conf: 24 Pattern
BSc 2006 Recognitio
(Maths)(CU)1993 n

Jaya Sil PhD (JU) 1996 Professor Journals: Machine

ME(JU) 1986 Joined: 15-11- 30 Learning, .in
BE (CU) 1984 2003 Conf: 120 Image
Malay Kule Assistant Conf:3 Defect malay@cs.iies
M.Tech (CU) 2005 professor Tolerance
B.Tech (CU) 2003 Joined: 08-10- & Testing
BSc (Phys)(CU) 2013 of
2000 Nanoscale

ManasHira M.Tech(IITKGP) Associate Journal: 1 Theoretical manas@cs.iies

1991 Professor Computer
B.Tech(IIT KGP) Joined: 30-12- Science
1989 1994
Samit Biswas Assistant Conf: 10 Digital samit@cs.iiest
Professor Image
M.Tech. (KU) 2006
Joined:05-09- Processing
B.E.(BU) 2004
2013 and

Saptarshi PhD (IIT KGP) Assistant Journals: 5 Informatio sghosh@cs.iie

Ghosh 2013 Professor Conf: 11 n Retrieval,
M.Tech. Joined: 25-07- Machine
(IITKGP)2007 2007 Learning.
B.E. (BESU) 2005

SekharMonda PhD (BESU) 2007 Associate Journal: 3 Image sekhar@cs.iies

l M.Tech. (CU) 1993 Professor Conf: 25 Processing
B.Tech (CU) 1991 Joined: 01-03- and pattern
2000 Recognitio

Sipra DasBit Ph.D (JU) 1997 Professor Journal: 15 Mobile
M.E.(JU) 1986 Joined: 23-02- Book:2 Computing, .in
B.E.(CU) 1984 1988 Book Ch:1 Wireless
LNCS: 6, Sensor
Conf: 40 Network,
Somnath Pal M.E. (CU) 1983 Associate Journal:08
B.E. (CU) 1981 Professor Conf: 14 .in
Joined: 31-07- Book Ch: 1
SulataMitra Professor Journal: 12 Mobile sulata@cs.iiest
Joined: 01-02- Book/Book computing,
2000 ch: 4, QoS issues
PhD (BESU) 2005 LNCS: 1, in cellular
M.Tech. (Ranchi Conf: 35 network,
Univ)1996 Ad-hoc
B.E.(CU)1986 network,
d mobile

Surajeet M.E. (WBUT) Assistant Journal: 1 Computer surajeet@cs.ii

Ghosh 2005 Professor Conf: 9 Architectur
B.Tech. (KU) 2002 Joined:11-09- e
Susanta PhD (CU) Professor Journal:16 Bio-chip,
Chakroborty M.Tech (CU) 1985 Joined:17-11- Conf: 38 Quantum .in
B.Tech (CU) 1983 2005 Book Ch:2 Computing,
Tamal Pal ME (BESU) 2011 Assistant Conf: 2 Image tamal@cs.iies
B.Tech Professor Processing,
(GCETTB)2007 Joined:09-09- Wireless
2013 Multi-

Uma PhD (CU) 1995 Professor Journals: 7 Mobile ub@cs.iiests.a

Bhattacharya ME (JU) 1983 Joined:20-07- Book ch: 3 Network
B.Tech (CU) 1979 1987 LNCS: 3,
Conf: 30

Awards and Laurels received by the faculty members

Amit Kumar Das Patent Awarded – Method and Apparatus for Image Retrieval – (US
Patent Number: US 2003/0198387 A1) – Inventors: Tinku Acharya,
Bhabotash Chanda, Amit Kumar Das, Sanjoy Kumar Saha Oct 23, 2003.

Abhik Mukherjee Special Mention as one among best five papers in EAIT-2014
Session Chair of ICINCO-2014, September 2014 at Technology University,
Vienna, Austria

Jaya Sil INSA Scientist Exchange Programme.

Best project award in Outreach area for the project on : ―Remote Health:
A Framework for Health care Services using Mobile and Sensor-Cloud
[Sponsoring Authority: Information Technology Research Academy
Saptarshi Ghosh Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship in July 2014. Dr. Ghosh will carry out
research under this fellowship at the Max Planck Institute for Software
Systems in Saarbrücken, Germany, in the areas of Social Computing and
Data Mining.
Sipra DasBit Best Paper Award in Wireless Vitae, 2011

Surajeet Ghosh Best Paper Award at the 2013 IEEE International Conference on
Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), December
Susanta Chakraborty INSAJSPS fellowship
Publicity Chair & Program Committee member of 6thIEEE International
workshop of Reliability Aware system Design and Test (RASDAT),
India, January, 2015.

Research areas
The current research areas of the Department are as follows:
i. VLSI Design and Testing for Sub-micron Technology
ii. Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata in Diverse Fields
iii. Information System for Control and Management Applications
iv. Mobile Computing
v. Testing and synthesis of Quantum circuit, Reversible Circuit, Nano-Circuit and Digital Micro
fluidic Bio-Chip
vi. Broadband Computing
vii. Image Processing including Document Image Processing and Content Based Image Retrieval
viii. Soft computing
ix. Computational geometry
x. Data mining
xi. Wireless sensor network

Research facilities (name specific equipment / picture, infrastructure etc)
Cluster and Distributed Computing HPC (High Performance Computing) Server - IBM P
Platform Series 8 CPU Server
IBM eServer Blade Center with 12 Blade servers
(running Linux, Unix, Windows OS)
3 High-End Workstations - 1 SGI Prism, 2 IBM Intelli

PCs About 150 high-end Desktop PCs (dual-core / quad-


Printers Multiple networked printing stations

P/C with Robot Interface Parallax Boe –Bot Robot Kit , Hex- Crawler Kit,
Robot Arm

Wireless Explore Kit (WEK) IEEE 802.15.4 Standard

Labview (Software) National Instrument/ NI-DAQMX for Windows Vista,

Vista X64 Edition, XP/2000.Also includes:
Labview Signal Express

Microcontroller platforms KEIL-based (sufficient number)

Function Generators Yokogawa/ FC-300(15MHZ), Synthesized Function

Generator (sufficient number)

Digital Signal Oscilloscopes (DSO) Yokogawa/ DL-9505L 5GS/S 500MHZ (sufficient


FPGA / CPLD platform Xilinx and Altera based

DSP platforms Texas Instruments-based

Programmable Logic Controller Siemens-based


8085 / 8086 based SDKs Sufficient number

Workbench for hardware circuit Sufficient number


The Department has 24-hour Internet access through Gigabit Ethernet backbone (Internet
connection through NIC under National Knowledge Network). The entire department is covered
under WiFi network created by multiple access points

Departmental sub-library
In addition to the Central Library of the Institute, the Department has a small but well-stocked
library containing more than 1100 text and reference books on all topics included in the course
curriculum of the Department.

Departmental LAN

Detailed facilities in the laboratories
Software Laboratories Hardware Laboratories
Resources: Digital Circuit Experimentation Kit,
 PCs: 150 Microprocessor S/W Development Kits,
 Servers : 20 Embedded System Design Kits, Programmable
 OS : Linux, Windows, Unix Logic Controller, PCs, GPS Receiver Unit, RFID
 Software: Oracle 9i, matlab, Reader.
CASE Tool, VLSI etc. Supporting the following courses:
Supporting the following courses: i) Digital Logic
i) Data Structure ii) Computer Organization
ii) Object Oriented Technology
iii) Microprocessor Based System Design
iii) Discrete Structures
iv) Operating Systems iv) Embedded System
v) Algorithm v) Computer Control of Industrial Process
vi) Analysis, Design & Management of vi) Digital Systems Design
Information Systems
vii) Database Management System
viii) Computer Networks
ix) Systems Programming
x) Computer Graphics
xi) Compiler Design
xii) Symbolic Logic & Artificial
xiii) Software Engineering
xiv) VLSI Design
xv) Electronic Design & Automation

Post-graduate and Research

The Department has four research laboratories that are specifically used by postgraduate
students, research scholars and faculty members. These laboratories are equipped with 4
servers and 30 PCs. Additionally, the postgraduate students and research scholars working
in hardware-related areas also utilize the Hardware laboratory.

Consultancy Work:
Name of PI / Title Funding Agency Total Status
Co-PIs Quantum
Manas Hira Implementation of information Howrah Municipal 8 Lakhs Ongoing
system for Howrah municipal Corporation
corporation (consultancy)

Support staff position:

Technical staff profile

Name Designation Highest Qualification E- mail

Bimal Prasad Supdt. Tech. LEE

Jana (teaching)
Susanta Kumar Supdt. Tech. DEE
Chakravorty (teaching)

PradipKumar Tech. Asst. – Grade I DEE


SumitraBagchi Tech. Asst. – Grade I MCA, BSc (Physics)

SarbaniBarari Tech. Asst. – Grade II Diploma in Electronics

& Telecommunication
Engineering, BSc

SujataMisra Tech. Asst. – Grade II Diploma in Computer

Science & Technology,

Rumeli Bose Tech. Asst. – Grade II M.Tech

Non-technical staff profile

Name Designation

JudhistirMandal Senior Assistant

Jahar Pal Senior Peon

Rama Roy Senior Peon

Bijon Sarkar Helper Gr. – III

Recently Completed and Ongoing Sponsored Research / projects:
The following table lists some of the recently completed or continuing R&D projects
undertaken by the faculty members of the Department.
Name of PI / Title Funding Total Quantum Status
Co-PIs Agency Support
Abhik Alignment and Ejection DRDO (RCI) 8 Lakhs Completed
Mukherjee studies of Precision
Guided Missiles
Abhik Guidance, Control DRDO (RCI) 8 Lakhs Completed
Mukherjee &Target Tracking
strategies for a Precision
Guided Missile
Abhik Conceptual Design of DRDO(RCI) 10 Lakhs Completed
Mukherjee NGC loop for PGM
Amit Kumar Strategic Air Guidance ADA, 8.5 Lakhs Completed
Das Bangalore
Amit Kumar Content Based Image Institute 15 Lakh Ongoing
Das Retrieval (E-document) Sponsored
Biplab Kumar Sponsored Cellular Intel, Fujitsu 22 Lakhs Completed
Sikdar Automata Research
Jaya Sil Remote Health: A ITRA, Media 40.16 Lakhs Sanctioned:
Framework for Healthcare Labs Asia, and 2013
Services using Mobile and DEITY (ongoing)
Sensor-Cloud Technology
Sekhar Mandal De-noising MEMS DRDO 9 Lakhs Completed
Vibrating Gyro Using
Wavelet Transform
Sipra Das Bit, Post-Disaster Situation ITRA, Media 46.29 Lakhs Sanctioned:
Saptarshi Analysis and Resource Labs Asia, and 2013
Ghosh Management Using Delay- DEITY (ongoing)
Tolerant Peer-to-Peer
Wireless Networks

Details of publications of each faculty member
The research publications by the faculty members of the Department of Computer Science and
Technology, during the last four years upto March 2015, are listed below
Dr. Amit Kumar Das
1. Sekhar Mandal, Amit K. Das, Partha Bhowmick, Bhabatosh Chanda, A Unified Algorithm
for Identification of Various Tabular Structures from Document Images. IJDLS 2(2): 27-54
2. Conferences:
3. Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das, Writer Identification of Bangla Handwritings by Radon
Transform Projection Profile, Document Analysis Systems 2012: 215-219
4. Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das, Fuzzy graph modeling for text segmentation from land
map images. ICVGIP 2012: 75.
5. Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das: Text segmentation from scanned land map images using
radon transform based projection profile. SoCPaR 2011: 413-418
Dr. Biplab Kumar Sikdar
1. Nirmalya Sundar Maiti, Soumyabrata Ghosh, Biplab K. Sikdar, Parimal Pal Chaudhuri:
Rule Vector Graph (RVG) To Design Linear Time Algorithm for Identifying the Invertibility
of Periodic-Boundary Three Neighborhood Cellular Automata. J. Cellular Automata 7(4):
335-362 (2012)
2. Nazma Naskar, Sukanta Das, Biplab K. Sikdar: Characterization of Nonlinear Cellular
Automata Having Only Single Length Cycle Attractors. J. Cellular Automata 7(5-6): 431-
453 (2012)
1. Mamata Dalui, Keshav Gupta, Biplab K. Sikdar, Directory based cache coherence
verification logic in CMPs cache system. MES 2013: 33-40
2. Sukanta Das, Avik Chakraborty, Biplab K. Sikdar, Counting Cycles in Reversible Cellular
Automata. ACRI 2012: 11-19
3. Nasiruddin Khan, Ilora Maity, Sukanta Das, Biplab K. Sikdar, A Cellular Automata Based
Scheme for Energy Efficient Fault Diagnosis in WSN. ACRI 2012: 234-243
4. Sukanta Das, Anindita Sarkar, Biplab K. Sikdar, Synthesis of Reversible Asynchronous
Cellular Automata for Pattern Generation with Specific Hamming Distance. ACRI 2012:
5. Mamata Dalui, Biplab K. Sikdar, An Efficient Test Design for CMPs Cache Coherence
Realizing MESI Protocol. VDAT 2012: 89-98
6. Bibhash Sen, Manojit Dutta, Divyam Saran, Biplab K. Sikdar, An Efficient Multiplexer in
Quantum-dot Cellular Automata. VDAT 2012: 350-351
7. Indrajit Banerjee, Prasenjit Chanak, Biplab Kumar Sikdar, Hafizur Rahaman, DFDNM: A
Distributed Fault Detection and Node Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network.
ACC (3) 2011: 68-81

8. Gunjan Bhattacharya, Ilora Maity, Biplab K. Sikdar, Baisakhi Das, Exploring Impact of
Faults on Branch Predictors' Power for Diagnosis of Faulty Module. Asian Test
Symposium 2011: 226-231
9. Mamata Dalui, Biplab K. Sikdar, An Efficient Test Design for Verification of Cache
Coherence in CMPs. DASC 2011: 328-334
10. Baisakhi Das, Gunjan Bhattacharya, Ilora Maity, Biplab K. Sikdar, Impact of Inaccurate
Design of Branch Predictors on Processors' Power Consumption. DASC 2011: 335-342
11. Ilora Maity, Gunjan Bhattacharya, Sukanta Das, Biplab K. Sikdar, A cellular automata
based scheme for diagnosis of faulty nodes in WSN. SMC 2011: 1212-1217

Dr. Uma Bhattacharya:

1. Abhijit Sharma, Pratik Sharma, Rituparna Chaki, Uma Bhattacharya, Reducing Call
Blocks in Cellular Network with non-uniform traffic conditions, International Journal
Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, vol. 39, No. 4, 2014.
2. A. Sharma, P. Kar, P. Biswas and U. Bhattacharya, Adaptive Call Admission Control
Scheme with Optimal Resource Allocation for Multi-Class Cellular Networks,
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems
(IJAACS), Inderscience Publishers, 2014 (Accepted – in process)
3. Ditipriya Sinha, Uma Bhattacharya and Rituparna Chaki, CLAR: A novel cluster
oriented agent based routing protocol for MANET, International Journal on
Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences Vol. 38, No. 1, 2013. DOI number
is 10.2478/v10209-011-0018-5.
4. M.Chatterjee, A.Sharma and U. Bhattacharya, Fault Tolerant Routing for Minimizing
Congestion in WDM Optical Networks Based on de Bruijn Graph, The Mediterranean
Journal of Computers and Networks, SoftMotor Ltd., U.K., 2013
5. Ditipriya Sinha, Uma Bhattacharya and Rituparna Chaki, A CRT based encryption
methodology for secure communication in MANET, International Journal of Computer
Applications (IJCA) Vol.39, No.-16, 2012. DOI number is 10.5120/4904-7406.
6. M. Chatterjee, S. Sanyal, M. Nasipuri, U. Bhattacharya, A wavelength assignment
algorithm for de Bruijn WDM networks, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and
Distributed Systems (IJPED), Taylor & Francis, UK, 2012
7. Ditipriya Sinha, Uma Bhattacharya And Rituparna Chaki, A Novel Distributed
8. Approach Towards Building An Agent Based Routing Topology For MANET,
International Conference on Wireless & Mobile Networks (WiMoN-2011) will be
published by Springer (LNCS) in Communications in Computer and Information
Science (CCIS) Series in 2011.


1. Ira Nath, Monish Chatterjee , Uma Bhattacharya, A Survey on Regenerator

PlacementProblem in Translucent Optical Network, Published in the International
Conference onCircuits, Systems, Communication and Information Technology
Applications (CSCITA),Pages:408-413, Publisher: IEEE, April 2014.
2. Abantika Chowdhury, Abhijit Sharma, Uma Bhattacharya, Overview of Location
management in PCS network: A survey, ICACNI, KIIT University, Bhuvaneswar,
Orissa, 23-25 June, 2015, accepted on February 2015.
A. Sharma, S. Konai and U. Bhattacharya, New Call and Handoff Call Management
Scheme for Reuse Partitioning Based Cellular Systems, IEEE International
Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (ICRAIE-2014),
Jaipur, India 09-11, May – 2014.
3. Abhishek Bandyopadhyay , Debdutto Chakraborty , Uma Bhattacharya and Monish
Chatterjee, On Improving Static Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM All-
Optical Mesh Networks, ICACNI 2015 , accepted on Feb, 2015.
4. Abhishek Bandyopadhyay, Mohtasham Raghib, Uma Bhattacharya, Monish Chatterjee
Dynamic Survivable Traffic Grooming with Effective Load Balancing in WDM All-
Optical Mesh Networks , ICACCI 2014.
5. Abhijit Sharma, Uma Bhattacharya, Load Balancing Scheme for Wireless Cellular
Networks, 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and
Communication (ICUIMC), Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, 2013.

6. Ditipriya Sinha, Uma Bhattacharya And Rituparna Chaki, A Secure Routing Scheme in
MANET with CRT based Secret Sharing, Proceedings of 15th International Conference
of Computer and Information Technology,2012 (ICCIT 2012).
7. Abhijit Sharma, Uma Bhattacharya, An Efficient Scheme to Reduce Call Blocking in
Cellular Networks, IEEE 1st International Conference on Mobile Services, Hawaii,
8. Abhijit Sharma, Uma Bhattacharya, An Efficient Call Admission Control Scheme to
Reduce Call Blocking in Mobile Cellular Systems, IEEE International Conference on
Communication, Networks and Satellite (ComNetSat), 2012.
9. Abhijit Sharma, Avijit Roy, Suman Ghosal, Rituparna Chaki, Uma Bhattacharya, Load
Balancing in Cellular network: A Review, 3rd International Conference on Computing
Communication & Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Coimbatore.

Dr. Sekhar Mondal

1. S.Mondal, A. K. Das, P. Bhowmick, B. Chanda, A unified Algorithm for Identification
of Various Tabular Structures from Document Images, International Journal of Digital
Library Systems, Volume 2(2), April-June 2011, pp. 27-54.
2. Kasturi Ghosh, A. Roy, S. Mondal, B. N. Roy, Parametric Deviation Based Analog Test
and Diagnosis System, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Volume 20, No. 7,
pp. 1-18, 2011.

1. Paramita De, S. Mondal, Partha Bhowmick, Identification of Annotations in Electrical
Drawings,5th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, January, 08-
10 (2014), Bengaluru, India (accepted).
2. R. Datta, P. P. Chattopadhyay, S. Mondal, Constitutional and Spatial Characterization
of Bainitic Micro-Structure by Image Analysis, International Conference on Emerging
Application of Information Technology; EAIT 2011, Feb. 19--20, Kolkata, India, pp.
214-216, 2011.
3. Paramita De, S. Mondal, Partha Bhowmick, Recognition of Electrical Symbols in
Document Images using Morphology and Geometric Analysis, International Conference
of Image Processing (ICIIP 2011) IEEE Press, Nov. 3--5, Himachal Pradesh, India,
4. Sanjib Sur, Avishek Dan, S. Mondal, Partha Bhowmick, Handwritten Bangla
Character Recognition in Machine-printed Forms using Gradient Information and Haar
Wavelet, International Conference of Image Processing (ICIIP 2011) IEEE Press, Nov.
3--5, Himachal Pradesh, India, 2011.

Somnath Pal

1. Sourav Mandal and Somnath Pal, A Three-Pass Algorithm for Generation of BE-Matrices
from IUPAC Names, International Journal of Chemoinformatics and Chemical
Engineering,3(2), 2013.
2. Sanjay Ram and Somnath Pal, An Efficient Algorithm for Automating Classification of
Chemical Reactions into Classes in Ugi‟s Scheme, International Journal of
Chemoinformatics and Chemical Engineering,2(2), 1-14, 2012.
Dr. Jaya Sil
1. Knowledge extraction using data mining for multi-class fault diagnosis of induction motor,
Neurocomputing, Volume 166, 20 October 2015, Pages 14–25
2. No-Reference Image Quality Assessment using Interval Type 2 Fuzzy Sets, Applied Soft
Computing, Volume 30, May 2015, Pages 441–453
3. Improved Bees Algorithm for Protein Structure Prediction Using off-lattice Model, Springer
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 378, 2015, pp 39-52
4. Levy Distributed Parameter Control in Differential Evolution for Numerical Optimization,
Springer Verlag, Natural Computing 2015, Pages 1-16
5. Simultaneous feature selection and clustering with mixed features by multi objective genetic
algorithm, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, IOS Press, 11 (2014) 41–54
6. Santi P. Maity, Seba Maity, Jaya Sil and Claude Delpha, Optimized Spread spectrum
watermarking for fading-like collusion attack with improved detection, Special Issue on
Wireless Personal Communications Journal, Springer Verlag, vol. 69, no. 4, April (II),
7. Nandita Sengupta, Jaydeep Sen, Jaya Sil and Moumita Saha, Designing of On Line
Intrusion Detection System Using Rough Set Theory and Q Learning Algorithm, Elsevier
Neurocomputing Journal, vol. 111, 161-168, July, 2013
8. Santi P. Maity, Seba Maity, Jaya Sil and Claude Delpha, Perceptually Adaptive MC-SS
Image Watermarking using GA-NN Hybridization in Fading Gain, International Scientific
Journal on Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, 2013.
9. Santi P. Maity, Seba Maity, Jaya Sil and Claude Delpha, Optimized Spread spectrum
watermarking for fading-like collusion attack with improved detection, Special Issue on
Wireless Personal Communications Journal, Springer Verlag, vol. 69, no. 4, April (II),
10. Santi P. Maity, Seba Maity, Jaya Sil, Claude Delpha, Collusion resilient spread spectrum
watermarking in M-band wavelets using GA-fuzzy Hybridization, The Journal of Systems
and Software, Elsevier Science Direct, vol. 86, pp47-59, 2013.
11. Santanu Phadikar, Jaya Sil, Asit Kumar Das, Rice diseases classification using feature
selection and rule generation techniques, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, pp 76-
85, vol. 90, 2013.
12. Ranita Biswas and Jaya Sil, An Improved Canny Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Type-
2 Fuzzy Sets, Procedia Technology, Elsevier, 4 (2012) 820 – 824, 2012.
13. Indrajit De and Jaya Sil, Entropy based fuzzy classification of images on quality assessment,
Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences, Elsevier, 24, 165–
173, 2012.
14. P. Dey, S. Dey, S. Datta and J. Sil, Dynamic Discreduction Using Rough Sets, Applied
Soft Computing, Elsevier Science Direct, 11 (2011), 3887–3897.
15. Indrajit De and Jaya Sil, ANFIS Tuned No-Reference Quality Prediction of Distorted /
Decompressed Images featuring Wavelet Entropy, International Journal of Computer
Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications ISSN 2150-7988 Volume 3
(2011) pp. 298-305.
16. Suparna Biswas, Jaya Sil and Nandita Sengupta, Background Modeling and Implementation
using Discrete Wavelet Transform - A Review, ICGST-GVIP Journal, Volume 11, Issue 1,
March 2011
17. Jaya Sil and Asit K Das, Variable Length Reduct Vs. Minimum Length Reduct - A
Comparative study, Procedia Technology, Elsevier, 00 (2011) 1 – 10.
18. Kankana Mukhopadhyay, Jaya Sil and N.R. Banerjea, A Competency Based Management
System for Sustainable Development by Innovative Organizations: A Proposal of Method
and Tool, Vision, 15, 2 (2011): 153-162

1. P. Konar, M. Saha, J. Sil and P. Chattopadhyay, Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Using
CWT and Rough-Set Theory, IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Control
and Automation (CICA), pp. 9-15, 16 – 19 April 2013.
2. Santi P. Maity, Seba Maity, Jaya Sil, Claude Delpha, Dynamic allocation for watermark
payload in MC-CDMA system under fading attack, IEEE National Conference on
Communications (NCC), 2013.
3. Amit Paul and Jaya Sil, Gene Selection for Classifying Patients using Fuzzy Importance
Factor, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Hyderabad, India,
4. D. Dutta, P. Dutta, and J. Sil, Simultaneous continuous feature selection and K- clustering
by multi objective genetic algorithm, IEEE Int. Advance Computing Conf. (IACC
2013),IEEE Press, Ghagiabad, UP, India, pp. 937–942, Feb. 2013. doi:

5. P. Konar, S.Bhawal, M. Saha, J. Sil and P. Chattopadhyay, Rough set based multi-class
fault diagnosis of induction motor using Hilbert Transform, International Conference on
Communications, Devices and Intelligent Systems (CODIS), pp-337-340, Dec 2012.
6. Nandita Sengupta and Jaya Sil, Comparison of Performance for Intrusion Detection System
using Different Rules of Classification, ICIP 2011 CCIS 157, pp.87-92, Springer-Verlag,
7. Indrajit De and Jaya Sil, No Reference Image Quality Assessment by Designing Fuzzy
Relational Classifier using MOS Weight Matrix, D.-S. Huang et al. (Eds.): ICIC 2011,
LNBI 6840, pp. 361–369, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011.
8. Maity, Seba Sil, Jaya Maity, Santi P. Delpha, Claude, Fuzzy-GA Hybridization in M-band
Wavelets for Collusion Resilient Optimized SS Watermarking,
10.1109/EuVIP.2011.6045527, pp-205-210, EUVIP 2011.
9. Indrajit De and Jaya Sil, No reference image quality Assessment using Fuzzy Relational
Classifier, H. Deng et. Al. (Eds): AICI2011, Part I, LNAI 7002, Springer-Verlag, pp. 551-
558, 2011.
10. Nandita Sengupta and Jaya Sil, Evaluation of Rough Set Theory Based Network Traffic
Data Classifier Using Different Discretization Method, IEEE International Conference on
Intelligent Information Networks, pp. 110-114, 2011.
11. Santanu Phadikar, Jaya Sil and Asit K Das, Classification of Rice Leaf Diseases Based on
Morphological Changes, IEEE International Conference on Network Communication and
Computer (ICNCC 2011), pp 389-393, 2011.
12. Nandita Sengupta and Jaya Sil, Comparison of Different Rule Calculation Method for
Rough Set Theory, IEEE International Conference on Network Communication and
Computer (ICNCC 2011), pp 400-404, 2011.
13. Sen, P. Banerjee and J. Sil, Feature Selection of Network Traffic Data to Develop Intrusion
Detection System, Proceedings of the first International Conference on SCICT 2011, pp.
197-201, 2011

Dr. Susanta Chakraborty:

Book Chapters:
1. S. De, S. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty (eds. S. Bhattacharyya and P. Dutta), ―Multilevel
Image Segmentation by a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm Based OptiMUSIG Activation
Function‖, vol. 1, pp. 122 – 162, Handbook of Research on Computational Intelligence for
Engineering, Science and Business, IGI Global, 2012.
2. S. De, S. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty (eds. B. K. Tripathy and D. P. Acharjya),
―Efficient Color Image Segmentation by a Parallel Optimized (ParaOptiMUSIG) activation
Function‖, Global Trends in Knowledge Representation and Computational Intelligence,
IGI Global.

1. Bikromadittya Mondal and Susanta Chakraborty ―A Comprehensive Fault Dignosis
Technique for reversible Circuit‖ Electrical Engineering Journal, Elsevier, 2014.
2. Nabanita Das, SusantaChakraborty, and ParthaSarathiDasgupta ― Optimized Routing and
Pin-Constrained design of digital Micro-Fludic Bio-Chip‖ International Journal on
Information Theory(IJIT), Vol3, No1, January, 2014.
3. S. De, S. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, ―Genetic Algorithm Based Automatic
Clustering Technique Using Fuzzy Intercluster Hostility Index,‖ IEEE Transactions on
Fuzzy Systems. (Communicated).
4. S. De, S. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, ‖Multilevel Image Segmentation by NSGA II
based OptiMUSIG Activation Function”, Foundations of Computing and Decision
Sciences. (Communicated).
5. Sourav De , Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, Susanta Chakraborty ―Color image segmentation
using parallel OptiMUSIG activation function‖ Applied Soft Computing Journal, vol-12,
no-10, pp. 3228 – 3236, 2012.

1. Bikromadittya Mondal and Susanta Chakraborty ―A Novel Fault Diagnosis
Technique in Reversible Logic Circuit‖ 11th IEEE International Conferenceon
Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS) Paris, August, 2014.
2. Somak Das, SusantaChakraborty ―Structural Testing of Partitioned Digital Microfluidic
Biochips‖ IEEE International Conference on VLSI & Signal Processing, IIT Kharagpur;
January, 2014.
3. Hrishikesh Bhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, andSusanta Chakraborty
―Video Shot Segmentation Using Spatio-Temporal Fuzzy Hostility Index and
Automatic Threshold‖. IEEE International Conference on Communication
Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT ), Pages 501-506, April, 2014.
4. Hrishikesh Bhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, andSusanta Chakraborty : ―An
unsupervised method for real time video shot segmentation‖. Fourth International
Conference on Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (DPPR), Pages
307-318, ACM May, 2014
5. S. De, S. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, ―Application of Pixel IntensityBased
Medical Image Segmentation Using NSGA II Based OptiMUSIG Activation
Function,‖ The International Conference on Computational Intelligenceand
Communication Networks (ICCICN 2014).
6. S. De, S. Bhattacharyya and S. Chakraborty, ―Automatic Data Clustering by Genetic
Algorithm Validated by Fuzzy Intercluster Hostility Index,‖ FourthInternational
Conference of Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT
2014)December, 2014.
7. Hrishikesh Bhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, and Susanta Chakraborty
"Towards Redundancy Reduction in Storyboard Representation for Static Video
Summarization." In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Advances in
Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI, 2014), pp. 344-350.,
September, 2014.
8. Pradyut Sarkar, Bikromadittya Mondal, Amit Pramanik and Susanta Chakraborty
9. ―Symmetric Function Realization using Reversible Circuit Synthesis‖, 34th IEEE
10. TENCON-2014, Bangkok, Thailand. October, 2014.
11. PradyutSarkar, BikromadittyaMondal, SusantaChakraborty and Virendra Singh,
―Power optimization Technique of Logic Circuit Based on Distribution of Energy‖
IEEE INDICON, Pune, India, December, 2014.
12. TapanChowdhury, Sanjit Kumar Setua, SusantaChakraborty ―A Novel Rules Optimizer
with Feature Selection using Rough-Entropy-Coverage Partitioning based Reduct‖, 3rd
International Conference onComputer, Communication, Control andInformation
Technology (C3IT), India, February, 2015.
10. Hrishikesh Bhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, and Susanta Chakraborty,
―Enhancement of Perceptual Quality in Static Video Summarization Using Minimal
Spanning Tree Approach‖ In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Signal
Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (IEEE SPICES 2014),
pp. 226-232,February, 2015.
11. Hrishikesh Bhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, Mausumi Das Nath and Susanta
Chakraborty ―Real-Time Storyboard Generation in Videos Using a Probability
Distribution based Threshold‖In Proc. of Fifth IEEE International Conference on

Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), pp. 425-431., April ,
12. Sarit Chakraborty, Chandan Das, Susanta Chakraborty and Partha P Dasgupta, ―A
Novel Two Phase Heuristic Routing Technique in Digital Microfluidic Biochip‖
Proceedings of the 19th International symposium on VLSI Design and Test
(VDAT),pp., Ahmedabad, June, 2015.
13. HrishikeshBhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, ManideepaChakraborty and
SusantaChakraborty ―Dissolve Detection in Videos Using an Ensemble Approach‖
Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and
Informatics.(ICACCI-2015) (IEEECommunicatSociety), Aug, 2015.
14. Bikromadittya Mondal, Pradyut Sarkar and Susanta Chakraborty, Synthesis of
13. Logic Circuit using Unitary Matrix. International conference on Reliability Aware
14. System Design And Test (RASDAT). January, Chennai, 2011.
15. Pranay Kumar Saha , Pradyut Sarkar and Susanta Chakraborty, Synthesis of Reversible
Logic Circuit using Unitary Matrix, 3rd Workshop on Reversible Computing, July 4th -5th,
2011, Gent, Belgium.
16. Bridging fault detection of the reversible circuit using unitary Matrix, International
conference on Reliability Aware System Design And Test (RASDAT). January,
Chennai, 2011.
17. Sourav De, Siddhartha Battacharyya, Susanta Chakraborty, Baidya Nath Sarkar,Piyush
K.Prabhakar ―Gray Scale Image Segmentation by NSGA-II based OptiMUSIG Activation
Function‖ IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network
Technologies (CSNT2012), Rajkot, pp. 104-108, May 11-13, 2012.
18. Sourav De, Siddhartha Battacharyya, Susanta Chakraborty, "True Color Image
Segmentation by NSGA-II based Parallel OptiMUSIG (ParaOptiMUSIG) Activation
Function". International Conference on Machine Intelligence Research and Advancement
(ICMIRA-2013), 2013.
19. B.Mondal, P.Saha, P.Sarkar and S. Chakraborty ― Synthesis of Balanced Ternary Logic
Function‖ Proceeding of 43rd IEEE International Symposiumon Multivalued
Logic(ISMVL), Toyoma, Japan, 2013.
20. Subhadip Chandra, Siddartha Bhattacharya and Susanta Chakraborty ― A Quantam inspired
time efficient 0ptiMUSIG activation function for multilevel image segmentation.‖ IEEE
INDICON (IIT), Bombay, Mumbai, India, 2013.
21. Hrishikesh Bhaumik, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya, and Susanta Chakraborty ―Video Shot
Segmentation Using Spatio-Temporal Fuzzy Hostility Index and Automatic Threshold‖.
IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies
(CSNT ), April, 2014.

Prof. S. DasBit
1. S. Mitra and S. DasBit, Location Management and Related Issues in Cellular Mobile
Environment, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, September, 2011.


2. Subir Halder and Sipra DasBit, Design of an Archimedes‟ Spiral based Node Deployment
Scheme Targeting Enhancement of Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of
Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier Science, vol 47, pp 147-167, January, 2015.
3. Amrita Ghosal and Sipra DasBit, A Lightweight Security Scheme for Query
Processing in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Computer and
Electrical Engineering, Elsevier Science, vol 41, pp 240-255, January 2015.
4. Subir Halder and Sipra DasBit, Design of a Probability Density Function targeting Energy-
Efficient Node Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and
Service Management, Vol 11, No. 2, pp 204-219, 2014.
5. Subir Halder and Sipra DasBit, Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime by
Deploying Heterogeneous Nodes, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier
Science, Vol 38, pp 106-124, 2014.
6. Subir Halder and Sipra DasBit, Enhancement of Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime by
Deploying Heterogeneous Nodes, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier
Science, 2013.
7. Amrita Ghosal, Sipra Das Bit, A Jamming Attack Defending Data Forwarding Scheme Based
on Channel Surfing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Security and Communication
Networks, Wiley, 2013.
A. Ghosal, S. Halder and S. DasBit, A Dynamic TDMA Based Scheme for Securing Query
Processing in WSN, Wireless Networks, Springer, Vol.18, no. 2, pp16 5-184,2012.

8. S. Halder, A. Ghosal and S. DasBit, A Pre-determined Node Deployment Strategy to

Prolong Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Network, Journal of Computer
Communications, Elsevier Science, Vol 34, Issue 11, pp 1294-1306, 2011.

1. D. Banerjee and S. DasBit, Reviving Communication in Post Disaster Scenario Using
ZIGBEE/GSM Heterogeneous Network, ICACCI, IEEE Xplore, pp 2067-2073, 2014.
2. A. Roy Chowdhury, T. Chatterjee, S. DasBit, LOCHA: A Light-Weight One-way
Cryptographic Hash Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network, Procedia Computer Science
vol. 32 pp 497-504, 2014.
3. R.Banerjee, M.Mobashir, S. DasBit, Partial DCT-based Energy Efficient Compression
Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network, IEEE CONECCT, IEEE Xplore
1569825875, pp 1-6, 2014.
4. I. Dutta, R. Banerjee, S. DasBit, Energy Efficient Audio Compression Scheme Based on Red
Black Wavelet Lifting for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network, Intl. Conf. on Advances
in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), IEEE Xplore, 2013
5. A. Ghosal, Aadirupa Saha, S. DasBit, Energy Saving Replay Attack Prevention in Clustered
Wireless Sensor Network, Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics,
LNCS, 2013.

6. A. Ghosal, S. Sur, and S. DasBit, μSec: A Security Protocol for Unicast Communication in
Wireless Sensor Networks, Int. Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security
(SETOP) held in conjunction with European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
(ESORICS), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, vol 7731, pp 258-273, Sept 2012.
7. S. Halder, S. DasBit, A Lifetime Enhancing Node Deployment Strategy using
Heterogeneous Nodes in WSNs for Coal Mine Monitoring , ACM MSWiM, pp 117-124,
Oct 2012.
8. I. Dutta, R. Banerjee, T. Acharya, S. DasBit, An Energy Efficient Audio Compression
Scheme Using Wavelet with Dynamic Difference Detection Technique, Int. Conf. ICACCI,
ACM digital library, pp 360-366, 2012.
9. S. Chaurasia, J. Sen, S. Chatterjee, S. DasBit, An Energy-Balanced Lifetime Enhancing
Clustering for WSN (EBLEC), Int. Conf. ICACT 2012, IEEE Xplore, pp 189-194, Feb
10. A. Dan, S. Halder, S. DasBit, Localization with Enhanced Location Accuracy using RSSI in
11. S. Halder, A. Ghosal, A. Saha and S. DasBit, Energy-Balancing and Lifetime Enhancement
of Wireless Sensor Network with Archimedes Spiral, Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence
and Computing (UIC), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, vol. 6905, pp. 420-434, September 2011.
12. S. Halder, A. Ghosal, A. Chaudhury and S. DasBit, A Probability Density Function for
Energy-Balanced Lifetime-Enhancing Node Deployment in WSN, Int‘l Conf.
Computational Science and its Application (ICCSA), LNCS, Springer-Verlag, vol. 6018,
pp. 472-487, June 2011.

13. A. Ghosal, S. Halder, Md. Mobashir, R.K. Saraogi, and S. DasBit, A Jamming Defending
Data-Forwarding Scheme for Delay Sensitive Applications in WSN, Proceedings Wireless
Vitae‘11 IEEE Xplore, pp 1-5, February 2011.
14. S. Chaurasia, T.Pal and S. DasBit, An Enhanced Energy-Efficient Protocol with Static
Clustering for WSN, Proceedings IEEE Xplore, Int.Conf. on Information Networking
(ICOIN), Kuala Lumpur, pp 58-63, January 2011.

Dr. Sulata Mitra

Books and Book chapters:
1. S. Mitra and A. Mondal, "Secure Inter-Vehicle Communication - A Need for Evolution of VANET
Towards IoV", Chapter of the book "IoT: Connectivity Frameworks of Smart Devices", to be published by
2. S.Mitra and S.Das(Bit), ―Location Management and Related Issues in Cellular Mobile
Environment‖, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011, ISBN no. 9783845433134.
3. S.Mitra, ―Optimal Route Selection Algorithm for Multi-homed Mobile Network‖, Chapter 12 of
the book ―Streaming Media with Peer-to-Peer Networks: Wireless Perspectives‖, IGI-Global:
701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Suite 200, Hershey PA 17033-1240, USA, pp. 288-321, 2011, DOI:
4. S. Mitra, ―Seamless Mobility Management – A Need for Next Generation All-IP Wireless
Networks‖, Chapter-19 of the book ―Security, Privacy, Trust, and Resource Management in
Mobile and Wireless Communications‖, IGI-Global: 701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Suite 200,
Hershey PA 17033-1240, USA, pp. 463-489, 2013, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4691-9.ch019.

1. S. Mitra and A. Roy, ―Communication Void Free Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network", Wireless
Personal Communication, Springer , vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 2567-2581, 2015
2. S. Mitra and A. Mondal, ―Joint Congestion Control Strategy during V2V Communication among
Authentic Vehicles in VANET‖, Wireless Personal Communication, Springer, vol.79, issue no. 1, pp.43-
67, 2014
3. S.Mitra and S.Pyne, "Fuzzy Logic Based Route Optimization in a Multihomed Mobile
Networks", USA, Wireless Networks, Springer-Verlag New York, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Hingham, MA, vol.17, no.1, pp. 213-229, 2011, ISSN no. 1022-0038.
4. S.Mitra and A. Goswami, ―Performance Comparison of HA POSANT and RADAR POSANT
Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks‖, International Journal of Applied Research on
Information Technology and Computing, vol.2, no.2, pp.63-77, May-August 2011, ISSN no.
5. S.Mitra and A.Goswami, ―Load Balancing in Integrated MANET, WLAN and Cellular
Network‖, BVICAM's International Journal of Information Technology, Special Issue, vol.3,
no.1, pp.34-41, 2011, ISSN no. 0973-5658.
6. S.Mitra, S.Pyne and A.Goswami, ―MANEMO for Fishing Trolleys in Deep Sea‖, BVICAM's
International Journal of Information Technology, Special issue, ISSN 0973-5658, vol.3, no.1,
pp.11-18, 2011, ISSN no. 0973-5658.
7. S.Mitra and S.Pyne, ―Pinball Routing Elimination Algorithm for Multihomed Mobile Network‖,
International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communication and Control, vol.1, no.2, pp.147-155,
2011, ISSN no. 2210-3279.
8. S.Mitra and T.Ghosh, ―Congestion Control and Revocation of Misbehaving Vehicles in
VANET‖, Journal of Network and Innovative Computing, vol.1, pp. 43-54, 2013, ISSN no.
9. S.Mitra, ―Bandwidth Allocation for Vehicle Based Nodes in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks‖,
International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communication and Control, vol. 3, no.1, pp.12–24,
2013, ISSN no. 2210-3279.

B. Bhabani and S. Mitra, "Efficient Bandwidth Utilization during Message Dissemination among
Authentic Vehicles in VANET", International Conference on Advances in Computing,
Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), 2015
1. S. Mitra, ―Cooperative Revocation of Misbehaving Vehicles from VANET‖, Information Systems
Design and Intelligent Applications, proceedings published by Springer Series of Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), 2015
A. Mondal and S.Mitra, ―Detection and Revocation of Misbehaving Vehicles from VANET‖,
International Conference on Communication and Computer Engineering (2014), Lecture notes in
Electrical Engineering, vol.315, Chapter 72, pp. 767-778, 2015
A. Mondal and S. Mitra, ―Dynamic and Distributed Channel Congestion Control Strategy in VANET‖,
IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics
(ICACCI), proceedings published in IEEE Xplore, pp. 1697-1703, 2014
2. S.Mitra, ―Dynamic Mobility Management and Resource Management in Heterogeneous
Wireless Networks Environment‖, International Symposium on Devices MEMS, Intelligent
Systems & Communication (ISDMISC), published in International Journal of Computer
Applications, no. 3, article 3, pp. 11-15, 2011, ISSN no. 0123-4560.
3. S.Mitra, ―Security Architecture of a Seamless Mobility Management System in
Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Environment‖, International Conference on Wireless
Networks and Embedded Systems (WECON), pp.31-35, 2011.
4. S.Mitra, ―Improved GLAR Algorithm for MANET‖, International Conference on Emerging
Trends in Engineering and Technology (IETET), 2011.
5. S.Mitra, ―Dynamic Resource Reservation for Vehicles in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Environment‖, World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT),
pp. 878-883, 2011, ISBN no. 978-1-4673-0125-1.
6. A.Mondal and S.Mitra, ―Identification, Authentication and Tracking Algorithm for Vehicles
using VIN in Centralized VANET‖, International Conference of Communication, Network
and Computing (CNC), proceedings published by Springer LNICST, vol.108, pp. 115-120,
2012, ISBN no. 978-3-642-35614-8.
7. S.Mitra, ―Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation among Authentic Mobile nodes in Heterogeneous
Wireless Networks‖, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and
Technology (IETET), 2012.
8. S.Mitra and A.Mondal, ―Identification, Authentication and Tracking Algorithm for Vehicles
using VIN in Distributed VANET‖, International Conference on Advances in Computing,
Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), proceedings published in ACM digital library,
pp.279-286, 2012, ISBN no. 978-1-4503-1196-0.
9. T. Ghosh and S.Mitra, Congestion Control by Dynamic Sharing of Bandwidth among
Vehicles in VANET, 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and
Applications (ISDA), pp. 291-296, 2012.
10. S. Mitra, ―Secure Vehicular Communication – A Database Approach‖, International
Conference on Computing and Systems (ICCS), pp.112-117, 2013.
11. S.Mitra, ―Dynamic Resource Reservation for Authentic Vehicles in VANET‖, International
Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET), Section–I, pp.25-29,
12. S.Mitra, ―Authentication and Revocation of Vehicles using VIN in VANET‖, International
Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICATET), pp. 133 – 139,
13. S.Mitra, ―Channel Congestion Control during Secure V2V Communication in VANET‖,
International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICATET), pp.
115 – 120, 2013.
14. S.Mitra and A.Mondal, ―VIN Based Vehicle Authentication in VANET‖, International
Conference on Computing, Communication and Sensor Network (CCSN), pp. 191 – 197,

Dr. Abhik Mukherjee

1. Jagadish Kundu and Abhik Mukherjee; On sustainability of IT service business in India: A financial
operation perspective; CSI Communications; October 2014.

2. Sreemoyee Roy and Abhik Mukherjee; Exploring fractal features in the mixing height zone of
planetary boundary layer from observed sodar data, Remote Sensing Letters 5, pp. 823-832, October

3. Suvendu Chattaraj, Abhik Mukherjee and SK Chaudhuri, Transfer alignment problems: algorithms
and design issues, Journal of Gyroscopy and Navigation; Springer; 01/2013; 4(3); 130-146; 2013.
4. Durjoy Majumder and Abhik Mukherjee, Multi-scale Modeling Approaches in Systems Biology
towards the Assessment of Cancer Treatment Dynamics: Adoption of Middle-out Rationalist
Approach, Advances in cancer: research and treatment 2326-702X; 07/2013.

5. Prabir Dhar, Durjoy Majumder and Abhik Mukherjee, Difference delay equation based analytical
model of hematopoiesis, Automatic Control of Physiological State and Function, 2012.

6. Jagadish Kundu and Abhik Mukherjee, Pricing model for eliminating productivity concerns of
outsourced software maintenance services, Int. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering; Vol.
11, Nos. 1/2; pp. 167-178; 2012.
7. Sreemoyee Roy and Abhik Mukherjee, Exploring the dynamics of capped inversion from sodar data,
Fluctuation and Noise Letters; Volume 11, Issue 04, 1250025 (10 pages), December 2012.
8. Durjoy Majumder and Abhik Mukherjee, A passage through systems biology to systems medicine:
adoption of middle-out rational approaches towards the understanding of therapeutic outcome in
cancer; ―Critical Review‖ published by Analyst, 2011; vol. 136, pp. 663-678.

1. S Chattaraj and Abhik Mukherjee; Efficient in-flight transfer alignment using evolutionary strategy
based particle filter algorithm; ICINCO-2014; Vienna.
2. S Chattaraj and Abhik Mukherjee; Particle filter based attitude matching algorithm for in-flight
transfer alignment; ICECE-2014, Dhaka.
3. Jagadish Kundu and Abhik Mukherjee; Implementation of software cybernetics for efficient resource
usage in software maintenance projects; EAIT-2014.
4. Monosij Maitra and Abhik Mukherjee; Convergence of the min-sum decoding scheme for LDPC
codes from a dynamical systems perspective; EAIT-2014.
5. Rajrup Ghosh , Dipanjan Ghosh , Sreemoyee Roy and Abhik Mukherjee; Effect of data availability at
different resolutions on air quality monitoring; pp. 16-19; CALCON-2014.
6. Rajrup Ghosh , Dipanjan Ghosh , Sreemoyee Roy and Abhik Mukherjee; Exploring the Self Similar
Properties for Monitoring of Air Quality Information; ICAPR-2015.

7. Sreemoyee Roy and Abhik Mukherjee, Information system analysis for monitoring of air quality in
peri-urban Howrah; International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology
(EAIT), Dec 2012 Page(s): 231 - 234, available in IEEExplore.

8. Sreemoyee Roy and Abhik Mukherjee, Design of Air Quality Information Systems: Gaps and
Prospect, presented and extended abstract published at the Seminar on ―Research and Application of
Environment-friendly Solutions for Metallurgical Industries‖, BESU, Shibpur; Jan 2012.

Dr. Asit Kr. Das

1. Soumen Kumar Pati and Asit Kumar Das, Mining of Important Informative Genes and
Classifier construction for cancer dataset, International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC),
ISSN: 2229-6735, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 69-83, August, 2012.
2. Shampa Sengupta, Asit Kr.Das Single Reduct Generation based on Relative indiscernibility
of Rough Set Theory, International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol.3, No.1, pp.107-
3. Soumen Kumar Pati and Asit Kumar Das, Rough Set and Statistical Method for Both Way
Reduction of Microarray Cancer Dataset, International Journal of Information Processing
(IJIP), ISSN: 0973-8215, Vol. 6, Issue 3, August, 2012.
4. Soumen Kumar Pati and Asit Kumar Das, Gene Selection Constructing Minimal Spanning
Tree based on Rough set Theory, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence &
Applications (IJAIA), DOI : 10.5121/ijaia.2012.3609, Vol.3, No.6, pp. 81-94, November
5. Asit Kr.Das, Shampa Sengupta, Compact Reduct Formation for Classification Rule Set
Generation using Rough Set Theory, International Journal of Information Processing(IJIP)
Vol.6,No.4,pp.64-74, Dec-2012.
6. Asit Kumar Das, Jaya Sil, An efficient classifier design integrating rough set and set
oriented database operations, Applied Soft Computing, 11(2): 2279-2285 (2011).
1. Soumen Kumar Pati, Asit Kumar Das and Arka Ghosh, Gene Selection using Multi-
Objective Genetic Algorithm integrating Cellular Automata and Rough Set Theory,
Internantional Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing (SEMCCO),
2. Soumen Kumar Pati and Asit Kumar Das, Optimal Samples Selection from Gene Expression
Microarray Data using Relational Algebra and Clustering Technique, Proceedings of the
InConINDIA 2012, AISC 132, pp. 507-514, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.
3. Soumen Kumar Pati and Asit Kumar Das, Gene Selection and Classification Rule
Generation for Microarray dataset, Proceedings of the AIAA 2012, Advances in
Computing and Information Technology(ACITY), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, vol
3, pp.73-83, July 13-15, 2012.
4. Asit Kumar Das, Soumen Kumar Pati, Saikat Chakrabarty and Ajijul Haque Sahaji,
Applying Restrained Genetic Algorithm for Attribute Reduction Using Attribute Dependency
and Discernibility Matrix, International Conference on Information Processing-ICIP 2012,
Bangalore. (Communication in Computer and Information Science, Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg, pp. 299-308, August 10-12, 2012.)
5. Asit Kumar Das, Soumen Kumar Pati and Saikat Chakrabarty, Application of Genetic
Algorithm Based on Boundary Region of Rough Set Theory for Attribute Reduction,
International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies-
ICCCNT 2012, IEEE-Computer Society 2012, July 2012.

6. Asit Kumar Das, Soumen Kumar Pati and Saikat Chakrabarty, Reduct Generation of
Microarray dataset using Rough Set and Graph Theory for Unsupervised Learning,
Computational Science , Engineering and Information Technology (CCSEIT), ACM
International Conference Proceeding Series (ICPS), pp 549-555, October 26-28, 2012.
7. Asit Kumar Das and Soumen Kumar Pati, Gene Subset Selection for Cancer Classification
Using Statistical and Rough Set Approach, International Conference on Swarm,
Evolutionary and Memetic Computing (SEMCCO), LNCS 7677,Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg 2012, pp 294-302, December 20-22, 2012.
8. Soumen Kumar Pati and Asit Kumar Das, Missing Value Estimation of Microarray Data
Using Similarity Measurement, International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary and
Memetic Computing (SEMCCO), LNCS 7677,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012, pp
602-610, December 22-23, 2012.
9. Shampa Sengupta , Asit Kr. Das, Single Reduct Generation by Attribute Similarity
Measurement based on Relative Indiscernibility, Proceedings of the Second International
Conference, CCSIT 2012, Bangalore, India, January 2-4, 2012. Part II. Springer LNICST
Series, Vol. 85, pp.476-487, 2012.
10. Asit Kr. Das, Shampa Sengupta, Saikat Chakrabarty, Reduct Generation by Formation of
Directed Minimal Spanning Tree using Rough Set Theory, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications 2012 (INDIA
2012) , Visakhapatnam, India, January 2012 Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing
Springer Volume 132, 2012, pp 127-135.
11. Asit Kumar Das, Saikat Chakrabarty, Shampa Sengupta, Formation of a Compact Reduct
Set Based on Discernibility Relation and Attribute Dependency of Rough Set Theory,
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Processing – 2012 August
10 - 12, 2012, Bangalore, Wireless Network and Computational Intelligence Springer pp

12. Shampa Sengupta , Asit Kr. Das, Dimension reduction using clustering algorithm and
Rough Set Theory, Proceedings of the third International Conference, SEMCCO 2012,
Odisha, India, December 20-22, 2012. Springer-Verlag Berlin heidelberg LNCS 7677, pp
13. Asit Kumar Das, Jaya Sil, Santanu Phadikar, Attribute Clustering and Dimensionality
Reduction Based on In/Out Degree of Attributes in Dependency Graph. SEMCCO 2011,

Apurba Sarkar
1. Sarkar, A., Biswas, A., Dutt, M., Bhattacharya, A.: Generation of random digital curves using
combinatorial techniques. In: Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics
(CALDAM). pp. 286–297 (2015)
2. Sarkar, A., Biswas, A., Dutt, M., Bhattacharya, A.:Generation of Random Triangular Digital
Curves Using Combinatorial Techniques. In: 6th International Conference, PReMI 2015. pp. 136-

Ashish Kumar Layek


1. Jana, P.; Majumdar, A.; Layek, A.K.; Mandal, S.; Das, A.K., "Automated segmentation and
classification of chemical and other equations from document images", 2015 Eighth
International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR), Year: 2015

Dr. Saptarshi Ghosh

2. S. Ghosh, S. Saha, A. Srivastava, T. Krueger, N. Ganguly, A. Mukherjee, Understanding
Evolution of Inter-Group Relationships using Bipartite Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected
Areas in Communications (JSAC) - Special Issue on Emerging Technologies in
Communications, vol. 31, issue 9, pp. 584 - 594, September 2013.
3. N. Ganguly, S. Ghosh, T. Krueger, A. Srivastava, Degree Distributions of Evolving
Alphabetic Bipartite Networks and their Projections, Theoretical Computer Science,
Elsevier, vol. 466, pp. 20-36, December 2012.
4. S. Ghosh, A. Srivastava, N. Ganguly, Effects of a Soft Cut-off on Node-degree in the Twitter
Social Network, Computer Communications, Elsevier, vol. 35, issue 7, pp. 784-795, 2012.
5. S. Ghosh, A. Banerjee, N. Ganguly, Some Insights on the Recent Spate of Accidents in
Indian Railways, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier, vol. 391,
issue 9, pp. 2917-2929, 2012.
6. S Ghosh, A Banerjee, N Sharma, S Agarwal, N Ganguly, S Bhattacharya, A Mukherjee,
Statistical analysis of the indian railway network: a complex network approach, Acta
Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 4 (2), 123-138, 2011

1. S. Ghosh, M. B. Zafar, P. Bhattacharya, N. Sharma, N. Ganguly, K. Gummadi, On
Sampling the Wisdom of Crowds: Random vs. Expert Sampling of the Twitter Stream, ACM
International Conference of Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), San
Francisco, USA, 2013.
2. S. Ghosh, N. Sharma, F. Benevenuto, N. Ganguly, K. Gummadi, Cognos: Crowdsourcing
Search for Topic Experts in Microblogs, ACM SIGIR Conference, Portland, USA, August
3. N. Sharma, S. Ghosh, F. Benevenuto, N. Ganguly, K. Gummadi, Inferring Who-is-Who in
the Twitter Social Network, Workshop on Online Social Networks (WOSN), Helsinki,
Finland, August 2012.
4. A. Chakrobarty, S. Ghosh, N. Ganguly, Detecting Overlapping Communities in
Folksonomies, ACM Hypertext Conference, Milwaukee, USA, June 2012.

5. S. Ghosh, B. Viswanath, F. Kooti, N. Sharma, G. Korlam, F. Benevenuto, N. Ganguly, K.
Gummadi, Understanding and Combating Link Farming in the Twitter Social Network,
ACM World Wide Web Conference (WWW), Lyon, France, April 2012.
6. S. Ghosh, A. Srivastava, N. Ganguly, Assessing the Effects of a Soft Cut-Off in the Twitter
Social Network, IFIP / TC6 International Conference on Networking 2011, Valencia, Spain.
Samit Biswas
1. Samit Biswas, Sekhar Mandal and Amit Kumar Das, ―Representation and Reconstruction of
Map Regions‖, Submitted to International Conference on Document Analysis and
Recognition (ICDAR) 2015 (Accepted for publication).
2. Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das and Bhabatosh Chanda, ―Text segmentation from bangla
land map images‖, Image Processing Communications, Vol.- 19(1):21–34, 2014.
3. Samit Biswas, Sekhar Mandal, Amit Kumar Das and Bhabatosh Chanda, ―Land map images
binarization based on distance transform and adaptive threshold‖, Document Analysis
Systems (DAS), 2014 11th IAPR International Workshop on, vol., no., pp.334,338, 7-
10 April 2014
4. Sayan Mandal, Samit Biswas and Amit Kumar Das, ―Land Map Image Dataset: Ground-
truth and Classification using Visual and Textural Features‖, Image Processing &
Communications, Vol. - 19(4):37–55, 2014.
5. Sayan Mandal, Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das, and Bhabatosh Chanda, ―Binarisation of
colour map images through extraction of regions‖, In Computer Vision and Graphics -
International Conference, ICCVG 2014, Warsaw, Poland, September 15-17, 2014.
Proceedings, pages 418–427, 2014.
6. Samit Biswas, Sekhar Mandal, Amit Kumar Das and Bhabatosh Chanda, Land Map Images
Binarization based on Distance Transform and Adaptive Threshold, DAS-2014, Tours –
Loire Valley, France, (Accepted for Publication)
7. Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das, Text Segmentation from Land Map Images, Pattern
Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI 2013), ISI kolkata, pp: 521-529, ISI,
8. Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das, Fuzzy Graph Modeling for Text segmentation from Land
Map Images, In: Proceedings of the Eighth Indian Conference on Computer Vision,
Graphics and Image Processing, ICVGIP '12, Bombay, India, pp. 75:1-75:7. ACM, New
York, NY, USA (2012). DOI 10.1145/2425333.2425408.
9. Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das, Text Extraction from Scanned Land Map Images,
IEEE/OSA/IAPR International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, pp. 231-236, May 2012.
10. Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das, Writer Identification of Bangla handwritings by Radon
Transform Projection Profile, DAS-2012, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, pp: 215-219,
March 2012.
11. Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das, Content Independent Writer Identification using
Occurrences of Writing Styles for Bangla Handwritings, NCVPRIPG-2011, IEEE CS Press,
pp.154-157, December 2011.
12. Samit Biswas, Amit Kumar Das, Text Segmentation from Scanned Land Map Images using
Radon Transform based Projection Profile, SoCPaR-2011, pp. 413 –418, Dalian, China,
October 2011.

Surajeet Ghosh
1. S. S. Ray, S. Ghosh, R. Prasad, ―Low-Cost Hierarchical Memory-Based Pipelined
Architecture for DNA Sequence Matching‖, India Conference (INDICON), 2014 Annual
IEEE, 11-13 D ec. 2014
2. S. S. Ray, A. Bhattacharya, S. Ghosh, ―A Fast Range Matching Architecture with Unit
Storage Expansion Ratio and High Memory Utilization using SBiCAM for Packet
Classification‖, India Conference (INDICON), 2014 Annual IEEE, 11-13 D ec. 2014
3. S. S. Ray, A. Chatterjee, S. Ghosh, ―A Novel Approach for Prefix Minimization using
Ternary Trie (PMTT) for Packet Classification‖, IEEE TENCON 2014, 22nd-25th Oct. 2014
4. S. S. Ray, A. Chatterjee, S. Ghosh, A Hierarchical High-throughput and Low Power
Architecture for Longest Prefix Matching for Packet Forwarding, Proc. of IEEE
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research,
(Available in IEEE Xplore Digital Library), Madurai, pp. 628-631, 26th-28th Dec. 2013.
5. S. Ghosh, S. S. Ray, S. Mandal, High Through-put Scalable Query Processing Architecture
using STCAM, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
Computing Research, (Available in IEEE Xplore Digital Library), Madurai, pp. 650-653,
26th-28th Dec. 2013,
6. S. Saha Ray, S. Ghosh, Smart Ternary Content Addressable Memory (STCAM)
Architecture, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and
Computing Technologies (ICACCCT) (Available in IEEE Xplore Digital Library),
Ramanathapuram, pp. 434 – 438, 23-25 Aug. 2012.
7. S. Ghosh, J. Ghosh, S. Saha Ray, Architecture of Configurable K-way C-access Interleaved
Memory, International Conference on Process Automation Control and Computing
(ICPACC) (Available in IEEE Xplore Digital Library), Coimbatore, 20-22 July 2011.

Tamal Pal
1. T. Pal, A. Srivastava, Shape Classification Of Medical Images Using Fuzzy Logic, ICCET
2010, Jodhpur Institute of Engineering & Technology.
2. A.Srivastava, T.Pal, Handling Inconsistency In Designing A Classifier Using Unsupervised
Learning And Rough Set Theory, ICCET 2010, Jodhpur Institute of Engineering &
Malay Kule
1. Malay Kule, Hafizur Rahaman, Bhargab B. Bhattacharya, On Finding a Defect-Free
Component in Nanoscale Crossbar Circuits, Fourth International Conference on Eco-
friendly Computing and Communication Systems (Elsevier), ICECCS2015, NIT
Kurukshetra, India. (Communicated)
2. Tamoghna Mandal, Malay Kule, An Improved Cryptanalysis Technique based on Tabu
Search for Knapsack Cryptosystem, 1st International Conference on Next Generation
Computing Technologies (IEEE), NGCT-2015, Dehradun, India. (Communicated)
3. Supravo palit, Saptarshi Neil Sinha, Mostafiz Amin Molla, Atreyee Khanra, Malay Kule, A
Cryptanalytic Attack on the Knapsack Cryptosystem using Binary Firefly Algorithm, IEEE
International Conference on Computer & communication Technology (ICCCT) -2011,
Allahabad, India, pp. 428 – 432, 2011.
4. Saptarshi Neil Sinha, Supravo palit, Mostafiz Amin Molla, Atreyee Khanra, Malay Kule, A
5. Cryptanalytic Attack on Knapsack Cipher using Differential Evolution Algorithm, IEEE
RAICS2011, Bangalore, Kerala, India, pp. 317 – 320, 2011.
6. M Kule, S Sen, A Salman, H Rahaman, Simulation of Symmetric Functions with optimal
7. Solution through Defective Nanoscale crossbar Circuits using Greedy Method, ICCET2010,
8. pp. E-102 – E-106, Jodhpur, India.
Patents / Invention Disclosure / Technology Transfer / Copyright
Patent Awarded – Method and Apparatus for Image Retrieval – (US Patent Number: US
2003/0198387 A1) – Inventors: Tinku Acharya, Bhabotash Chanda, Amit Kumar Das, Sanjoy
Kumar Saha Oct 23, 2003.

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences / Training programme organized by the department

(2013 - 14)

(1) Social Media Analysis and Data Mining (June 2013)

A short term TEQIP-II sponsored course coordinated by Dr. Saptarshi Ghosh and Dr. Asit
Kumar Das on Social Media Analysis and Data Mining was organized by the Department during
June 10-14, 2013. About 60 participants attended the course, both from academic institutions as well
as from the industry, including organizations such as BESU, IIT Kharagpur, WBUT, NIT Durgapur,
ManipalUniversity, TCS Innovation Labs and others. The course had invited talks on relevant
topics, from eminent faculty members from BESU, IIT Kharagpur, ISI Kolkata, IIT Patna, IIM
Kolkata, TCS Innovation Labs etc. Also included were three demonstration sessions, conducted by
research scholars from IIT Kharagpur and ISI Kolkata and researchers from TCS Innovation Labs,

(2) Workshop on Nanotechnology & Biochip (July 2014)

A TEQIP-II sponsored three-day Workshop coordinated by Prof. Susanta Chakraborty, Dr.
SulataMitra and Mr. Malay Kule on Nanotechnology & Biochip was organized by the
department of Computer Science and Technology in July 2014.
The workshop invited embedded talks and tutorials on cutting edge topics related to hybrid
nanotechnology systems, synthesis, testing, fault diagnosis, placement and routing of nanoelectronic
circuit along with digital micro-fluidic biochip, nano-biochip and reliability aware design of CMOS.
It was also focused on synthesis, testing and fault diagnosis of quantum reversible circuits and
quantum cryptography. The key objective of the workshop is to provide an informal forum for
creative discussion and debate in these areas.
More than 60 participants attended the course, both from academic institutions as well as from the
industry, including organizations such as IIEST Shibpur, Calcutta University, WBUT, Simplex
Infrastructure Ltd. and others. The course had invited talks on relevant topics, from eminent faculty
members from IIEST Shibpur, ISI Kolkata, IIT Mumbai, IIT Guwahati, IIM Kolkata and IBM
Semiconductor Research Group, Bangalore.
(3) A ISTE workshop on Computer Programming, Under the National Mission on Education
through ICT, MHRD, New Delhi, was Jointly Conducted by Indian Institute of Technology,
Bombay and Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (Formerly Bengal Engineering
and Science University), Shibpur, Howrah and was coordinated by Mr. Surajeet Ghosh on behalf
of department of CST from May 20th 2014 to June 21st 2014 (One week of equivalent work online
from 20th May 2014 to 15th June and Physical participation at IIEST from 16th – 21st June 2014).

Technology Developed / Innovations
The following programme specific improvements were made based on the recommendation and
justification by the members of Board of Studies where experts from various renowned institutes
were present.
New Electives 1.Peripheral Devices and Interfaces(CS703/2)
2.Advanced Algorithms(CS704/1)
3.Introduction to Bioinformatics and Data Management (CS704/2)
4.Broadband Computing (CS704/3)
5.Information Security (CS704/6)
6.CAD for VLSI (CS802/1)
7. Peripheral Devices and Interfaces Lab(CS753/2)
6.CAD for VLSI Laboratory (CS852/1)
8.Data Mining Lab(CS852/2)
9.Mobile Computing Lab(CS 852/3)
10.Soft Computing Lab(CS852/4)

Old Electives 1.Principles of Programming Language(CS705/1)

2.Modelling and Simulation(CS705/2)
3.Parallel Algorithm(CS705/3)
4.Computational Geometry(CS705/4)
5.Software Quality Assurance and Management(CS706/1)
6.Information and Coding Theory(CS706/2)
7.Multimedia Technology(CS 706/3)
8. Advanced Computer Architecture(CS706/4)
9.Real Time System Design(CS 804/4)

Compulsory to Elective 1.Computer Graphics(New: CS 704/7 Old:CS701)

2.Computer Control and Industrial process
(New:CS703/1 Old:CS701 )

Elective to Compulsory Information and Coding Theory

(New:CS702 Old:CS706/2)

New Theory/Lab 1.Programming Paradigm (CS403)

2. Programming Paradigm Lab (CS453)
3.Embeded System (CS602)
4.Embeded System Lab(CS 652)

Old Theory/Lab 1.Discrete Structure Lab(CS454)

2.Object Oriented Technology(CS403)
3. Object Oriented Technology Lab(CS453)
4.Electronic Design Automation(CS 404)
5. Electronic Design Automation Lab(CS 452)
6.Analysis Design and Management of Information
7. Analysis Design and Management of Information system Lab
8.System Programming (CS605)
9.System Programming Lab(CS654)

10.Artificial Intelligence and Expert System(CS803/1)
11.Computer Control and Industrial Process lab(CS753)
12.Computer Graphics Lab(CS751)

Theory /Lab shifted to 1.Compiler design
different semester (New:CS603,Old:CS703,7th Semester to 6th Semester )
2.Software Engineering
(New:CS701,Old:CS801, 8th Semester to 7th Semester )
3. Software Engineering Lab
(New:CS751,Old:CS851, 8th Semester to 7th Semester )

Updated Theory 1.Computer Organization and Architecture

(CS 402,formerly ‗Computer organization‘)
2. Computer Organization and Architecture II
(CS 502,formerly ‗Computer Architecture‘)
3.Artificial Intelligence
(CS 801,formerly ‗Symbolic logic and artificial intelligence‘
Software Lab update Part of System Programming Lab(CS654) is included with
Operating System Lab(CS551)

Hardware Lab update Some experiments of ‗Computer Organization and Architecture‘

Lab(CS452) are modified and one experiment is newly included

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures

The faculty members of the Department are regularly invited for delivering lectures/talks at other
reputed academic institutions. The following table gives some examples of such invited
lectures/talks in recent past.

Faculty Topic Programme / University / Institute Year

Abhik Control Systems and Systems WBSU, Barasat 2015
Mukherjee Biology
Asit Kumar Das Application of Data Mining & Workshop on VLSI, 2013
Rough Set Theory in Signal Communications and Signal
Processing Processing: Design and
Implementation, College of
Engineering & Management,
Jaya Sil Removal of Uncertainty in Feature Silesian University, Poland 2012
Extraction of Bone Scintigraphy
using Type 2 Fuzzy Logic
Rough Set Theory Kalyani University 2013
Artificial Neural Network Heritage Institute of Technology, 2013
Data Mining with Big Data Centre for Mobile Computing, 2014
Jadavpur University
Saptarshi Ghosh Socio-technological networks in the Workshop on Social Computing, IIT 2012
online and off-line worlds Kharagpur
Recent issues in Indian Railways: Invited poster at IBM Collaborative 2013
Congestion, Delay and Accidents Academia Research Exchange (I-
CARE), New Delhi
Online Social Networks: Network Short Term Course on Recent 2013
evolution and topical content search Advances in Network Algorithms,
Department of CSE, IIT Guwahati
Utility of Online Social Networks Workshop on Introduction to 2014
as Sources of Topical Information Opportunistic Mobile Networks and
its Applications, NIT Durgapur
Sipra Das Bit Wireless Sensor Networks NIT Rourkela 2011
Energy Efficiency in Wireless Heritage Institute of Technology, 2012
Sensor Networks Kolkata
Energy Saving Security mechanism Kalyani Govt. Engineering College 2013
in Wireless Sensor Network
Energy Saving Techniques in Centre for Mobile Computing, 2014
Wireless Multimedia Sensor Jadavpur University
Susanta Quamtum Computing & 22nd West Bengal State Science & 2015
Chakraborty Nano-electronice Technology Congress, North Beng.
Synthesis, fault diagnosis & 4th IEEE workshop on Reliability 2015
redundancy in reversible circuit Aware System Design and Test
Synthesis and Redundancy of Nara Institute of Science and 2013
Balanced Ternary Logic Function Technology, Nara, Japan
in Quantum Circuit
Mathematical model for Scientific RCCIIT, Kolkata 2013
and Technological Application
Digital Micro-fluidic Bio-Chip Department of CSE, IIT Guwahati 2014

Samit Biswas Computer Vision and Graphics Warsaw, Poland 2014

Surajeet Ghosh A Novel Approach for Prefix Bangkok, Thailand 2014
Minimization using Ternary Trie
(PMTT) for Packet Classification

Visitors to the Department ( Indian & Foreign)
Role of Mathematics in Computer Science – Invited talk Series (2013-14)
The Department organized a series of invited talks on ―Role of Mathematics in Computer Science‖
which included reputed speakers from various disciplines. The following invited talks were arranged
during 2013-14.

Speaker Topic
Professor Ajoy Ray, BESU Shibpur Group Theory
Murari Mitra, Department of Probability Models in Computer science
Mathematics, BESU Shibpur
Sourav Sen Gupta, ISI Kolkata Number Theory for Information Security
Angshul Majumdar, IIIT Delhi Collaborative Filtering in Recommender
Sayan Bhattacharya, MPI-INF, Germany Auctions and Approximations
Goutam Paul, ISI Kolkata Cryptography
Tyll Krueger, Wroclaw University of Stochastic models of cancer evolution
Technology, Poland
Sushmita Ruj, ISI Kolkata Some Mathematical Tricks to Secure
Wireless Sensor Networks

Alumni Contribution to the Department

 In July 2014, Nirupam Roy, Sanjib Sur and Souvik Sen (all from class of 2007), presented
three different research papers at the world's most prestigious mobile systems conference:
MOBISYS 2014. That is 12.5% of all the papers accepted at MOBISYS. Nirupam Roy and
Sanjib Sur are pursuing PhD at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and University
of Wisconsin-Madison respectively. Souvik Sen is a Research Scientist at Hewlett-Packard
 Bibaswan Chatterjee (2013), secured first position (All India Rank 1) in GATE 2013.
Suryakant Agarwal (also from 2013), secured All India Rank 7 in GATE 2014.
 Sanjib Ghosh (1999) has five patents to his name, assigned to institutions like Cadence
Design Systems, Oracle America and Sun Microsystems. The details can be found at

Higher Studies details of the passed out students

Sl. No. Name of the students Institution Year of

1 Ahmar Md. Hasmi IIT, Bombay
2 Zahira Nasrin IIT, Kanpur
3 Anirban Majumder IIT, Kanpur 2014
4 Anupama Naskar IIM, Lucknow, MBA
5 Arpan Das IIT, Delhi
6 Romit Das Chennai Mathematical Institute
7 Purnata Ghosal IIT, Madras, MS

8 Priyanka Mondal IISC, Bangalore

9 Bibaswan Chatterjee IISC, Bangalore (Secured First place in
GATE, CSE stream) 2013
10 Suman Dutta IISC, Bangalore
11 Joydip Mondal IIT, Roorki
12 Puja Biswas IIT, Kanpur
13 Souvik Sinha Deb IIT, Bombay
14 Ayan Ghatak IIT, Kanpur
15 Sayantan Marik IIT, Kanpur

16 Adirupa Saha IISC, Bangalore

17 Amarta Chowdhuri IIT, Delhi
18 Rahul Mitra IIT, Bombay 2012
19 Sahisnu Majumder IIT, Roorki
20 Tuhin Sharma IIT, Roorki
21 Abhishek Chanda Rutgers University,
Rutgers, New Jersey
22 Md. Mobashir National University of Singapore
23 Amit Saha IIT, Delhi

24 Abhishek Dan IIT, Bombay

25 Sanjib Sur University of Wisconsin–Madison
26 Rikhiya Ghosh Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2011
27 Joydeep Sen IIT, Kanpur
28 Srirupa Chatterjee University of Tulsa,
Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
29 Pritam Banerjee IIM, Ahmadabad
30 Satarupa Biswas IIT, Delhi

Departmental Societal Activities

Computer Engineers‘ Society of Bengal Engineering College plays the host to most of the activities
that are conducted round the year by the CST department, be it academic, cultural, sports or college
festivals. Some of the recent events hosted by COENSOBEC are highlighted:
 ProgramIIEST - a symposium of programmers and designers, powered by Mozilla (28-29
Mar 2014)
 Firefox OS: Renaissance of Mobile App Technology (FORMAT) - a two-day event
focusing on developing web apps for Firefox OS (22-23 Mar 2013)
 Microsoft India AppFest 2013 (26 Feb 2013)
 Hello to Web Apps by Google Developers Group (9 Feb 2013)
 MozTI@BESU (Mozilla Transposing Ideas in BESU) - A two-day long event on Open-
Source software development (5-6 Jan 2013)
 BESU Programming Contest in association with InterviewStreet (14 Oct 2012)
 Non-technical events include Fresher‘s Welcome, Final Year Farewell Ceremony and
Faculty vs Student sports matches

Department of Electrical Engineering

About the department
The Department of Electrical Engineering is one of the oldest in this ‗ancient-new‘ University.
Started in 1912, undergraduate degree course was introduced in this department from 1935-36 and
postgraduate course from 1955. The first Ph.D. was produced by this department in 1959. The
number of Ph.D.s awarded from this department has now been grown to 29 out of which 24 had
been in last 10 years. From 1989, the Ministry of Human Resource Development declared this
department as one of the QIP Centres for Post Graduate Studies and Research.
The faculty and other staff members of the department are committed to imparting excellent
education at par with national / international seats of learning. An extraordinary pool of talents
exists in fields as diverse as Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Control Systems, Power
Electronics and Instrumentation. Research activities in the department are on a climbing ramp. The
department has been included in the ‗National Mission on Power Electronics Technology‘
(NaMPET), a project launched by DIT, MCIT, Govt. of India. In this programme, it shares the
limelight with three IITs, IISc. and Anna University. Under NaMPET the department has received a
grant of approximately Rs. 2 crores to spearhead research on Power Electronics. The department
was chosen to carry out research under the SAP-DRS scheme of UGC in the area of smart control
and instrumentation systems at a total project cost of almost Rs. 52 lakhs. The department has also
executed the DST-FIST project under which a grant of Rs. 1.5 crores had been received. It has also
received its share of about Rs. 1.2 crores under the TEQIP scheme. Other research activities include
condition monitoring of electrical equipment, application of soft computing tools to electrical
machine and power system related problems, design of robust controllers for defense applications,
biomedical instrumentation, analytical instrumentation, power quality studies, embedded technology

Academic Programmes:
Undergraduate Level
Degree offered B. E. (Electrical Engineering)
Sanctioned students‘ intake 60
Additional intake through lateral entry in 3rd Semester 6

Post Graduate Level
Degree offered M.E. (Electrical Engineering)
Sanctioned students‘ intake 24
Additional intake through other programmes (i.e. QIP) 2
Specialisations in (a) Control Systems
(b) Electrical Machines
(c) Power Electronics
(d) Power Systems

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme Ph.D.(Engg)

Degree offered : PhD (Engineering) :
No of Candidates enrolled : 6
No. of Candidates registered: 4
No. of Candidates awarded: 2

Faculty Position:
Sanctioned faculty post 28 Vacant Post 2 (One adjunct Professor should not be counted, sr. no 1)

Faculty profile (in the following table )

Sr.No. Name Desig- Highest Specialisation / Contact no. E-mail id
nation Qualific Research Area
1. S. Mallik Adjunct M.E.E. Electrical Machines 94331 68523 srikumar_mallik@hotmail
Professor .com
2. B. Basak Professor Ph.D. Electrical Machines, 94331 39874 biswarup_basak@yahoo.c
Power Electronics om
& Drives
3. A. Chakrabarti Professor Ph. D. Power Systems, 98302 02924 a_chakraborti55@yahoo.c
Networks om
4. D. Sarkar Professor Ph. D. Electrical Machines, 94332 41826
5. G. Professor Ph. D. PowerSystems, 94338 19668
Bandyopadhyay Computer
6. J. Pal Professor Ph. D. PowerSystems, 94331 83992
& HOD Computer m
Applications &
Expert Systems
7. A. Sutradhar Professor Ph. D. Instrumentation, 94771 23351
Digital systems
8. P. Syam Professor Ph. D. Solid state devices 98368 93676

9. A.K. Maitra Professor Ph. D. Power Systems, 94770 02145

(reemployed) Power System

10. C.K. Chanda Professor Ph. D. Power System, 94332 69567
Electrical Machines

11. A. Rouf Professor M.Tech. Electrical Machines, 94330 98388

12. M. Sengupta Professor Ph. D. Electromagnetic 033 26685869 mainak.sengupta@gmail.
Electrical Machines com
and Drives
13. D. Roy Professor Ph. D. Electrical Machines 98364 84873
& Drives
14. Aparajita Professor Ph. D. Control Systems 98747 47610
Sengupta m
15. K.Das(Bhattachar Professor Ph. D. Microprocessor & 93393 00765
ya) PowerSystem m
16. D. Ganguly Asso. M.E.E. Power Electronics 98303 06490 ganguly.debjani@gmail.c
Professor & Drives, om
17. A. Barman Asso. M.E.E. Measurement, 94324 93108,
Professor Illumination,
Programming and
Simulation/ Open
Source Software
18. A.B. Choudhury Asso. Ph. D. Power Systems 94331 69967
Professor m
19. Anindita Asso. Ph. D. Instrumentation,Con 94320 83954
Sengupta Professor trol Systems
20. A. De Asstt. Ph. D. High Voltage Engg., 94332 69572
Professor Power Systems m
21. K. Mukherjee Asstt. Ph. D. Power Electronics 98746 93920 kaushikk_mukh@rediffm
Professor / Electrical Machine,
Drives, Distributed
Generation, Power
24. P. Asstt. Ph. D. Power System, 92316 64811 paramita_chattopadhyay
Chattopadhyay Professor Microprocessor,
25. S. Parui Asstt. Ph. D. Electrical Machines 94332 51764
Professor & Drives, Power
26. Bhaskaran Asstt. M.E.E. Power Electronics 94345 28673 Barman_bec@rediffmail.
Barman Professor &Machine Drives com
27. S. Dalapati Asstt. Ph. D. Power Electronics 80175 16567 suvarundalapati@yahoo.c
Professor and Drives;
r based Applications

Awards and Laurels received by the faculty members :
1. Dr. Kaushik Mukherjee : Was offered and availed of ‗Visiting Professor‘ assignment, related to R&D
activities, in the Centre of Hybrid and Automotive Research and Green Energy (CHARGE), University of
Windsor, Canada during June - July 2014. Ms. Xiaomin Lu, doctoral candidate in Centre for Hybrid
Automotive Research and Green Energy, University of Windsor visited BESU, Shibpur, EE Dept. and
performed research with Kaushik Mukherjee for one and half months (December 2013-January 2014). She
has received her PhD degree eventually in October 2014 with Dr. Narayan Kar, Associate Professor,
University of Windsor, Canada as her supervisor and Dr. Kaushik Mukherjee as her co-guide. Mr. K. L. V.
Iyer, another doctoral candidate at Centre for Hybrid Automotive Research and Green Energy, University
of Windsor is currently visiting IIEST Shibpur, EE Dept. (December 2014 – February 2015) to perform
collaborative research with Dr. Kaushik Mukherjee.

2. Prime Minister's Fellowship (CII-DST) was won by Mr. S. K. Nanda, a Ph. D. scholar under Prof. M.

3. Tata Rao Award for Best Paper in Institution of Engineers (I) by Prof. C. K. Chanda.

4. Best Paper award in the Second Michael Faraday IET India Summit by Prof. Anindita Sengupta.

Research area
1. Power Electronics
2. Application of Advanced Signal Processing and Soft-computing Techniques in Condition
Monitoring of Induction Motor.
3. Smart Energy Saving Device for Power Factor Control.
4. Identification of Physiological Processes and Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Controllers for
Drug Delivery System.
5. Robust Control applications in aerospace and ballistic problems
6. Stability, Economic and Optimum Operation and Control of EHV Power Transmission System
7. Robust Control and Nonlinear control

8. Smart & Analytical Instrumentation (Specially textile instrumentation)

9. Advanced Signal Processing application in control system

10. Power Quality and the application of digital platforms for spectral analysis

11. Electrical Machines and Drives, Electrified Vehicle Powertrain components, Distributed
generation, Power Electronics for power systems

Research facilities: (name specific equipment / picture, infrastructure etc)

Entrance of Smart Instrumentation Lab Students working in the lab on PCs

Students working in the lab on PCs

Coupled Tank System

PLC unit

FPGA Board and NI cRIO system

Assorted Sensor kits and amplifiers

Inverted Pendulum System with real time control

A DSP-based Hardware-in-loop (HIL)system called dSPACE

Name of the Laboratories:

1. Electrical Machine Laboratory
2. Power System Laboratory
3. Drives Laboratory
4. Power Electronics Laboratory
5. Process Control and Instrumentation Laboratory
6. Calibration Laboratory
7. Microprocessor Laboratory
8. Circuits & Measurement Laboratory
9. Control System Laboratory
10. Energy Systems Laboratory
11. Simulation Laboratory
12.Industrial Electronics Research Laboratory
13.Relay Laboratory
14. Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory
15. Condition Monitoring Laboratory
16. Advanced Power Electronics Laboratory
17. High Voltage Laboratory
18. Smart Control Laboratory
List of Consultancy projects with industry:

Sanctioned Infrastructure
Sl. Year of Sanctioning overhead
Name of Faculty Amount from Institute As capacity
No. sanction Authority (Rs.
(Rs. Lakh) O/H
(Rs. Lakh)
1. 2014 Development 1058.2347 - NIL PI & CI
Dr.A.K.Maitra Sankarpur
2. 2014 296.44935 - NIL Jt. PI
Dr.J.Paul Development

Talgachhaari –
3. 2014 1 Gram 7.72643 NIL PI & CI
D. Moitra(CE) &
4. 2014 Ropeways 1.65 0.495 NIL P.I.
A. Roy Choudhury
Pvt. Ltd.
Rani Bala Ghat Co-
5. A.Rouf (EE), 2014 300.0 90.0 NIL
Water Works Investigator
& Saibal Ghosh
NRS Medical
6. J,Pal & A.k.Maitra 2014 College & 1.0 0.3 NIL Joint P.I.
Assessment of
400kV SF6
7. A.K.Maitra 2015 C.B-INDO 2.92 0.876 NIL

Support Staff position:

Technical staff profile:

Name Designation Highest Contact No. e-mail id

B. Dey Technical L.E.E. 98747 18826
R. Maity Technical D.E.E 94331 04331
(Grade II)
R. Technical D.E.E 94324 04489
Bandyopadhyay Assistant
(Grade II)
P. K. Das Technical D.E.E 94 338 43324 pradipkdaselec@
(Grade II)
A. Pal Technical D.E.E 94331 55457
(Grade II)
P. S. Baruri Technical D.E.E 91439 17487
(Grade II)
S. K. Ray Mechanic Workman‘s 94336 02932
Permit (Dir. Of
Govt. of WB)
B. Santra Instrument JDE & NCVT 98748 04896
Mechanic (Govt. of India)

List of Funded Research Project:

Sponsoring Amount
Sl. No. Title Project Investigator
Agency (Lakhs of
Department of
M. Sengupta,
National Mission on Power Electronics Electronics and
P. Syam,
1 Technology (NaMPET) : Phase II - Information 93
D. Ganguly &
Started around middle of 2012 Technology,
K. Mukherjee
Govt. of India
Spectral Standardization of Potentised C. R. Mahata,
Homeopathic Medicines (Principal
2 Investigator) A. CCRH 26.2
Sutradhar, P. Syam,
D. Ganguly
Study of Non-linear phenomena in S. Parui
3 Electrical Drives AICTE 10.5

Development of Nano-structured P. B. Chattopadhyay Central Power

Transformer Oil nono-fluids for Research Institute
Improvement of Thermal and (CPRI),
4 Insulating Properties under National Bangalore 79
Perspective Plan for R&D in Indian (Ministry of
Power Sector ( NPP) Scheme Power, Govt. of
Development of a sensor integrated D. Ganguly (Co-
5 multi-filgered dexterous robot hand Investigator) DAE/ BARC 61
with data glove interface
Development of an efficient staple Anindita Sengupta
yarn characterization unit with multi- (Principal
6 sensor fusion and field programmable Investigator) DST-IDP 31.094
gate array (FPGA) based data Konika Bhattacharyya
reduction card. (Co-Investigator)
Embedded Systems in Instrumentation A. Sutradhar, (Co
and Control (2011-2016) ordinator)
7 Aparajita UGC-SAP DRS I 51.25
Sengupta(Dy. Co
Analysis and Development of a single- D. Roy (Principal
8 axis controlled repulsive type magnetic Investigator) A.B.
DST-SERB 38.498
bearing Choudhury(Co-
Design and development of Anindita Sengupta
computerized instrument for testing
9 bending behavior of semi-rigid fabric DST-IDP 30.086
with special reference to technical
Analytical and Experimental M. Sengupta , B.
10 Investigations on Control of State-of- Barman DST 36.05
The-Art Induction Heating Units
Smart microgrid K. Das Bhattacharya
(Co-Investigator) WBREDA, Dept.
11 55.0
of Power, GoWB

Industry – Institute Interaction
An Institute Industry Interface Workshop was held on February 12, 2015 at National Institute of Research
on Jute And Allied Fibre Technology (NIRJAFT), 12 Regent Park, Kolkata 700 040 to present and promote
two testing equipments namely 'Fabric Flexural Rigidity Tester' and 'Yarn Characterization Unit' which are
designed and developed by the joint effort of Dr. Anindita Sengupta, Associate Professor, EE Department,
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur, Howrah and Dr. Surajit Sengupta,
Principal Scientist, M P Division, NIRJAFT, Kolkata in collaboration with M/s Tech (Style) India, Howrah
with the assistance of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology,
Govt. of India. The workshop was inaugurated by Chief Guest Hon'ble Prof. Ajoy Ray, Founder Director,
IIEST, Shibpur & former Vice-Chancellor, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Howrah in presence
of Guest-of-Honour Hon'ble Dr Subrata Gupta, Jute Commissioner and Chairman-cum Managing
Director, Govt of India., Hon'ble Dr. Debasis Nag, Director, NIRJAFT Hon'ble Dr B C Mitra, Ex-
Director, NIRJAFT, Kolkata and other dignitaries from academic institute and industries.

Inaugural Session of Industry Institute Workshop

Demonstration of Developed Instrument Under collaborative Project in presence of Director,

IIEST, Shibpur and other Dignitaries

A yarn Characterization Unit Fabric Rigidity Tester

Fabric Insulation Tester

Instrument Developed under the collaborative project of IIEST, Shibpur and NIRJAFT,
ICAR, Kolkata.
Details of publications of each faculty member
1. J. K. Moharana, M.Sengupta and A.Sengupta, ―Design and Implementation of a PI-Controller
on a 10kVA STATCOM prototype‖, International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion,
Inderscience 2014.

2. Nanda S.K., Sengupta M. and Sengupta A., ― Modelling, Simulation, Fabrication, Experiments and
Real-Time Linear State Variable Feedback Control of Cuk Converter using Pole Placement
Technique‖, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India)(Accepted ) series B, vol. 95, no. 2,

3. P. Konar, Dr. P. Chattopadhyay, ―Multi-Class Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Using Hilbert
and Wavelet Transform‖, Applied Soft Computing ( Elsevier), REF No.: ASOC-D-14-00116
May, 2015.

4. P. Konar, P. Chattopadhyay, ―Feature Extraction Using Wavelet Transform For Multi-Class Fault
Detection of Induction Motor‖, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, vol. 95. No.
1, 2014, pp 73-81.

5. P. Konar, J. Sil, P. Chattopadhyay, ―Knowledge Extraction using Data Mining for Multi-Class
Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor‖, Neuro Computing (Elsevier), REF No. NEUCOM-D-14-
01746 ( in press).

6. Anindita Sengupta, Subhasish Roy, Surajit Sengupta,‖ Development of a low cost yarn
parameterization unit by Image Processing‖, Journal of Measurement, ELSEVIER, vol. 59, pp.96-

7. Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta and Ananya Roy, ―Repetitive controller: an advanced
Servomechanism for periodic reference input‖ International Journal of Dynamics and Control,
SPRINGER, DOI 10.1007/s40435-014-0144-z, January 4, 2015.

8. Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta and Rajeev R. Pathak, ―Servomechanism for periodic reference
input: Discrete wavelet transform-based repetitive controller:, Transactions of the Institute of
Measurement and Control, SAGE, DOI: 11.1077/0132331013562657, pp.1-9, December 20, 2014

9. Subhasish Roy, Anindita Sengupta, Surajit Sengupta, ―Determination of Diameter Spectrogram and
Neps for yarn parameterization using Image Processing‖, International Journal of Electrical,
Electronics and Computer Engineering, ISSN No.2277-262, pp. 72-76, 2013.

10. Rimi Paul, Anindita Sengupta, Rajeev Ranjan Pathak, ―Wavelet based denoising technique for
liquid level system‖, Elsevier Journal of Measurement, vol. 46, pp.1979-1994, 2013.

11. Surajit Sengupta and Anindita Sengupta, ‖Electrical resistance of jute needle-punched non woven
fabric- effect of punch density, needle penetration and area density‖, The Journal of the Textile
Institute(Taylor & Francis),vol. 104, no.2,pp.132-139,2013.

12. Partha Kayal, C.K. Chanda, ―Optimal Mix of Solar and Wind Distributed Generations considering
performance improvement of electrical distribution network‖. Renewable Energy, Elsevier.

13. Tapan Kumar Chattopadhyay, Sumit Banerjee, C.K. Chanda, ―Simple Approach on Voltage
Stability Index of Distribution Systems for Loads of Different types‖, International Review of
Electrical Engineering (IREE), Vol 9, No 5 (2014)

14. Partha Kayal, C.K. Chanda, ―A Multiobjective Approach to integrate solar andf wind energy
sources with electrical distribution network‖, Solar Energy (Accepted),Elsevier.

15. K. Bhattacharya, ―On the Role of Supercapacitors towards Characterization of PV Generators‖,

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering, vol.3, Issue 8, August 2014.

16. Xiaomin Lu, K.L.V. Iyer, Kaushik Mukherjee, K. Ramkumar and N. C. Kar, ―Investigation of
Permanent Magnet Motor Drives Incorporating Damper Bars for Electrified Vehicles‖, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics in Accepted on September 2014.

17. C. Sarkar, A. De, C. K. Chanda and S. Goswami, ―Kruskal‘s Maximal Spanning Tree Algorithm
for Optimizing Distribution Network Topology to Improve Voltage Stability‖, Electric Power
Components & Systems Journal, Taylor & Francis Publication (ISSN 1532-5008), May 2015
(accepted for publication, in Press), Impact Factor: 0.66

18. S. Chanda and A. De, ―Optimal stabilization of social welfare under small variation of operating
condition with bifurcation analysis‖, Journal of The Institute of Engineers, India (series B),
Springer Publication, January 2015 (accepted for publication, in Press)

19. S. Chanda and A. De, ―A Multi-Objective Solution Algorithm for Optimum Utilization of Smart Grid
Infrastructure towards Social Welfare‖, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy
Systems (Elsevier), (ISSN 0142-0615), Volume 58, June 2014, pp. 307–318, Impact Factor: 3.432
20. Sarkar, D. and Naskar, A.K., ―Computation of thermal condition in an induction motor during
reactor starting‖ International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier, 44 (2013)
21. C. Sarkar and A.K. Naskar, ―Computation of thermal condition in an induction motor during
plugging‖, Int. J. Power and Energy Conversion, Inderscience, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp.172–196, 2014.
22. A.K. Naskar and D. Sarkar, ―Computation of Thermal Condition in an Induction Motor during
Direct-On-line Starting‖, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Politehnica Publishing House, Romania,
vol.14, No.3, pp.1-12, 2014.

23. A.K. Naskar and D. Sarkar, ―Use of 3-dimensional finite elements for computation of temperature
distribution in the Stator of an Induction Motor during Direct-On-Line Starting‖ has been accepted
for publication in Russian Electrical Engineering, Springer, Russia, Vol. 85, No. 7, 2014.

24. A.K. Naskar and D. Sarkar., ―New approach for computational analysis of temperature rise
phenomena in the rotor of an induction motor‖, Energy System, Springer, vol.6, No.2, pp.
221-247, 2015.

25. A.K. Naskar and D. Sarkar., ―Computational analysis of three dimensional steady state heat
conduction in the rotor of an induction motor by finite element method‖ has been accepted for
publication in Latin American Applied Research, Argentina, 2015.

26. S. Dalapati, ―A predictive algorithm for minimising dead-time distortions in sine-wave VSI with L-
C output filter,‖ published in International Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 5, No. 5/6, 2013, pp.
392 – 429.

27. Xiaomin Lu, K.L.V. Iyer, Kaushik Mukherjee, K. Ramkumar and N. C. Kar, ―Investigation of
Permanent Magnet Motor Drives Incorporating Damper Bars for Electrified Vehicles‖, accepted for
publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, September 2014.

28. S. B. Chaudhury, M. Sengupta and Kaushik Mukherjee, ―Experimental study of induction motor
misalignment and its online detection through data fusion‖, IET Journal Elect. Power Appl., vol.7,
no.1, Jan. 2013, pp. 58-67.

29. Xiaomin Lu, K.L.V. Iyer, Kaushik Mukherjee, N. C. Kar, ―A Novel Two-Axis Theory-Based
Experimental Approach Towards Determination of Magnetization Characteristics of Line-Start
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines‖, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 8 Part I,
2013 (Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2259152), pp. 4733-4737.

30. Xiaomin Lu, K.L.V. Iyer, Kaushik Mukherjee, N. C. Kar, ―Development of a Novel Magnetic
Circuit Model for Design of Premium Efficiency Three-Phase Line Start Permanent Magnet
Machines With Improved Starting Performance ,‖ IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 49, no. 7,
2013 (Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2242869 ), pp. 3965-3968.

31. Kaushik Mukherjee, K. L. V. Iyer, Xiaomin Lu and N. C. Kar, ―A Novel and Fundamental
Approach Toward Field and Damper Circuit Parameter Determination of Synchronous Machine‖,
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 49, No. 5, Sept-Oct. 2013, pp. 2097-2105.

B. Barman, M. Sengupta, ―Design, fabrication, simulation and testing of repulsion type
levitation prototype‖, IEEE-PEDES 2014, Dec. 2014, IIT Bombay.

C. Barman, M. Sengupta, ― Design, fabrication, simulation and testing of a Phase modulated

resonant transition converter‖, IEEE-PEDES 2014, Dec. 2014, IIT Bombay.

1. S.Parui and B. Basak, Effects of Input Voltage Ripple in the Bifurcation of Current Mode
Controlled DC Drive, International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy and
Communication (CIEC 2014), January 31-February 2, 2014, University of Calcutta, published in CD-

2. S. Parui and B. Basak, Evolution of New Types of Borderline Trajectories in State Space in Current
Mode Controlled DC-DC Converter due to Switching Delay, International Conference on Control,
Instrumentation, Energy and Communication (CIEC 2014), January 31-February 2, 2014, University
of Calcutta, published in CD-ROM.

3. P. S. Panigrahy, P.Konar, P.Chattopadhyay, ―Broken Bar Fault Detection using Fused DWT-FFT in
FPGA Platform‖, International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems (ICPCES-
2014), December 28-29, 2014.

4. Anindita Sengupta, Arunima Mukherjee, Rimi Paul, Ananya Roy, Application of MRPID controller
on Liquid level system: A performance study, Proceeding of IEEE international conference on
Control, Instrumentation, Energy and Communication(CIEC-14), 31 January-2 February,India,2014.

5. Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta, Rajeev Ranjan Pathak, DWT based Repetitive controller for
tracking of periodic reference signal, Proceeding of IEEE international conference on Control,
Instrumentation, Energy and Communication(CIEC-14), 31 January-2 February,India,2014.

6. Subhasish Roy, Anindita Sengupta, Surajit Sengupta ―Yarn Hairiness Evaluation Using Image
Processing‖ in the Proceeding of IEEE international conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy
and Communication(CIEC-14), 31 January-2 February,India,2014.

7. Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta, Abhirup Basu, Sangeeta Bose, Upananda Saha, ―Finite
Dimensional Robust Repetitive Controller for Tracking Periodic Reference Input‖, IEEE
International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies, SVS College of
Engineering, Coimbatore, India, 5 - 7 March, 2015.

8. Ujjwal Mondal, Anindita Sengupta, ―Robust Servo Performance of Repetitive Controller for
Periodic Reference Signals‖, 6th IEEE POWER INDIA International Conference, Delhi
Technological University, Delhi, 5-7 December 2014.

9. Anindita Sengupta, Surajit Sengupta and Subhasish Roy, ―Determination of the Yarn Parameters
using Image Processing‖, Proceedings of International conference on Natural Fibers, August 1-3,
2014 at National Library, Kolkata, India.

10. Surajit Sengupta, Sanjoy Debnath, Anindita Sengupta and Tarun kr.Kundu, ―Flexural Behaviour
Testing for Technical Textiles‖ Proceedings of International conference on Technical Textiles and
Nonwoven, November 6-8,2014 at IIT, Delhi.

11. Rimi Paul, Anindita Sengupta (Accepted) ―Selection of best wavelet for Discrete Wavelet
Transform based PID controller connected with liquid level System and its performances analysis‖
(ICIC 2015), to be held on 28-30 May, 2015 at College of Engineering, Pune.

12. Abhishek Dhar, Anindita Sengupta (Accepted) ―Sliding Mode Control Algorithm and its
Implementation with Coupled Tank System‖, International Conference on Energy Power and
Environment, ICEPE 2015, to be held on 12-13 June,2015 at NIT Meghalaya.

13. Shouvik Chakraborty, Sachidananda Sen, Ashoke Sutradhar and Anindita Sengupta
(Accepted)"Estimation of Tire-Road Friction Coefficient and Frictional Force for Active Vehicle
Safety System" (ICIC 2015) to be held on 28-30 May, 2015 at College of Engineering, Pune.

14. Subhasish Roy, Anindita Sengupta, Surajit Sengupta, ―Determination of Diameter Spectrogram and
Neps for yarn parameterization using Image Processing‖, in the Second Michael Faraday IET India
Summit: MFIIS-2013, , M 1-7.pp.1.23-1.28.,Kolkata, November 17, 2013.

15. Subhasish Roy, Anindita Sengupta, Surajit Sengupta, Raktim Maity, ―Yarn Parameterization Based
on Image Processing‖, Proceedings of IEEE international conference on Signal Processing,
Computing and Control(ISPCC), 26-28 September,India,2013.

16. Arunima Mukherjee, Anindita Sengupta, ―Selection of Optimum Wavelet Filter and Proper Level of
Decomposition to design an MRPID Controller Connected to a Liquid Level System‖, Proceedings
of National Conference on Recent Trends in Energy Systems(NCRTES-2013),5th-6th April 2013.

17. Chattopadhyay, T.K., Banerjee, S., Chanda, C. K.., "Voltage stability analysis of distribution
networks under critical loading conditions‖, Power and Energy Systems Conference: Towards
Sustainable Energy, 2014

18. Chattopadhyay, T.K. , Banerjee, S., Chanda, C.K., ―Impact of shunt capacitor on voltage stability
analysis of distribution networks under critical loading conditions‖ , First International Conference
on Automation, Control, Energy and Systems (ACES), 2014.

19. Saha, S.K., Banerjee, S., Chanda, C.K., ―Status of all branches of distribution networks in
chronological order using distributed generation at optimal position‖, 1st International Conference on
Non Conventional Energy (ICONCE), 2014.

20. Chattopadhyay, T.K., Banerjee, S., Chanda, C.K., ―Impact of distributed generator on voltage
stability analysis of distribution networks under critical loading conditions‖ , First International
Conference on Automation, Control, Energy and Systems (ACES), 2014.

21. Chattopadhyay, T.K., Banerjee, S., Chanda, C.K., ―Impact of distributed generator on voltage
stability analysis of distribution networks under critical loading conditions for composite loads‖,
International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Instrumentation (ICECI), 2014.

22. Kayal, Partha, Khan, Chandra Mohan, Chanda, C.K., ―Selection of distributed generation for
distribution network: A study in multi-criteria framework‖, International Conference on Control,
Instrumentation, Energy and Communication (CIEC), 2014.

23. Krishna Chandra Meher; C.K. Chanda, ―Modified GSO for Combined Economic Emission Load
Dispatch with Valve Point Effect‖, International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers
and Communications 2014 (ICAECC) in Reva University on 10.10.2014.

24. K. Bhattacharya et al, “Application of Phasor Measurement Unit in Adaptive Protection for Loss of
Excitation in a Generator”, 6th IEEE POWER INDIA International Conference, 5th-7th Dec, 2014.

25. K. Bhattacharya et al,” Design & Implementation of MPPT Algorithm for Battery Charging with
Photovoltaic Panel Using FPGA”, 6th IEEE POWER INDIA International Conference, 5th-7th Dec,

26. K. Bhattacharya et al, “A simple on-line method of characterizing PV Cells/Modules using

Supercapacitor‖, The 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, (WCPEC-6), Nov
23-27, 2014.

27. Datta, D. Ganguly, T. Patra, S. Akhuli, ―Experimental results on low cost microcontroller based DC
drive implementation‖, Second International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES -
2014), SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, India, 7-9 January, 2014.
28. D. Biswas, P. M. Adhikari and A. De, ―An Artificial Neural Network based Power Swing
Classification Technique‖, Proceedings of the 2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON
2014), included in IEEE XPLORE digital library

29. S. Chanda and A. De, ―Social Welfare Maximization with a State Space based Model and
Methodology‖, Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Automation, Control
and Energy Systems (ACES 2014), to be included in IEEE XPLORE digital library
30. S. Chanda and A. De, ―Small Signal Stability Optimization Technique of Real Time OPF
Model for Modern Power Networks‖ Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on
Automation, Control and Energy Systems (ACES 2014), to be included in IEEE XPLORE
digital library
31. A.K. Naskar and D. Sarkar., ―Numerical Analysis of Three Dimensional Steady State Heat
Conduction in the Rotor of an Induction Motor by Finite Element Method‖, International Conference
on Control, Instrumentation Energy & Communication (CIEC14), CU, Kolkata, IEEE, January 31-
February 2, 2014.

32. A.K. Naskar and D. Sarkar., ―Computational Analysis of 3-dimensional Transient Heat Conduction
in the Stator of an Induction Motor during Reactor Starting using Finite Element Method‖, Fifth
International Conference on Power Electronic and Instrumentation Engineering
(PEIE2014),Chandigarh, ACEEE, March 21, 2014.

33. Bhattacharya, N.K, D. Sarkar, ―Approximate Analysis Of Transient Heat Conduction In The Rotor
Of An Induction Motor During Star-Delta starting‖ 4th International Conference On information
Comunication and Embeded Systems (ICICES2014), February 27-28, 2014.

34. Bhattacharya, N.K, and Sarkar, D., ―Temperature Rise in the Stator of an Induction Motor during
Star Delta Starting‖ International Conference on Computation of Power, Energy, Information and
Communication (ICCPEIC-2013), April 17-18, pp 1-8, 2013.

35. A. Dasgupta, S. Dalapati and P. Syam, ―Stepless current commutation in a three phase to three phase
matrix converter,‖ in Proc. International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy and
Communication, 2014, pp. 306 – 310.

36. R. Banerjee, M. Sengupta and S. Dalapati, ―Design and implementation of current mode control in a
switched reluctance drive,‖ in Conf. Rec. IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics,
Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) 2014.

37. Xiaomin Lu, K.L.V. Iyer; K. Mukherjee, N. C. Kar, ―Study of permanent magnet machine based
flywheel energy storage system for peaking power series hybrid vehicle control strategy‖, IEEE
Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 2013 (Digital Object Identifier:
10.1109/ITEC.2013.6573470 ), pp. 1-7.

38. K. L. V. Iyer, X. Lu, K. Mukherjee, and N. C. Kar, ―Design of a Novel Copper-rotor Line Start
Permanent Magnet Machine Tailoring Skin and Proximity Effects for Improved Starting
Performance‖, Proc. of the 12th Joint MMM/Intermag-IEEE Conference, Chicago, USA, 2013.

39. X. Lu, K. L. V. Iyer, K. Mukherjee, and N. C. Kar, ―Development of a Novel Magnetic Circuit
Model for Design of Premium Efficiency Three-Phase Line Start Permanent Magnet Machines with
Improved Starting Performance‖, Proc. of the 12th Joint MMM/Intermag-IEEE Conference, Chicago,
USA, 2013.

40. X. Lu, K. L. V. Iyer, K. Mukherjee, and N. C. Kar, ―A Novel Two-axis Theory based Approach
towards Determination of Magnetizing Characteristics of Line Start Permanent Magnet Machine and
its Effects on Stability and Starting Performance‖, Proc. of the 10th Latin American IEEE Workshop
on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials, and Their Applications, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013.

41. Subimal Bikash Chaudhury, M. Sengupta and K. Mukherjee, ―Air-gap flux analysis of misaligned
induction motor under different load conditions‖, Paper ID 39 (Technical Session II: Motor Drives I),
National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 2013.

Patents / Invention Disclosure / Technology Transfer / Copyright

a) One Indian patents has been filed (897/KOL/2014 dated 29.08.2014) entitled ―A yarn Characterization
Unit‖ in the names of IIEST, Shibpur and Indian Council of Agricultural Research with the Inventors as
Dr. Anindita Sengupta, Mr.Subhasish Roy, Dr. Surajit Sengupta.

b) One Indian patents has been filed (1118/KOL/2014 dated 01.11.2014) entitled ―A system for testing
dynamically bending behavior of semi rigid fabrics and a method of such testing‖ in the names of Indian
Council of Agricultural Research and IIEST, Shibpur with the Inventors as Dr. Surajit Sengupta. Dr.
Sanjay Debnath and Dr. Anindita Sengupta.

Member of the team of inventors with the following details: M. Hurst, K.L.V. Iyer, N. C. Kar, M. Kazerooni,
X. Lu, K. Mukherjee, ―Method and apparatus for seamless power transfer‖, US patent publication no.
US20130285453 A1, publication date October 31, 2013, application number US201313869141, filing date
April 24, 2013, also published as WO2013160753 (A1).

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences / Training programme organized by the department
(i) A 6-day short-term course on Power Electronics, intended for faculty members and scholars of other
institutes as well as industry personnel was organized in June 2014.
(ii) Two short term courses were held in December 2014 and March 2015 for CESC junior engineers.
(iii) These refresher courses, each of 6 days duration covered theoretical and laboratory-based aspects of
Electrical Engineering.
(iv) An Institute Industry Interface Workshop was held on February 12, 2015 at National Institute of
Research on Jute And Allied Fibre Technology (NIRJAFT), 12 Regent Park, Kolkata 700 040 to present
and promote two testing equipments namely 'Fabric Flexural Rigidity Tester' and 'Yarn Characterization
Unit' which are designed and developed by the joint effort of Dr. Anindita Sengupta, Associate Professor,
EE Department, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur, Howrah and
Dr. Surajit Sengupta, Principal Scientist, M P Division, NIRJAFT, Kolkata in collaboration with M/s
Tech (Style) India, Howrah with the assistance of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry
of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. The workshop was inaugurated by Chief Guest Hon'ble Prof.
Ajoy Ray, Founder Director, IIEST, Shibpur & former Vice-Chancellor, Bengal Engineering and
Science University, Howrah in presence of Guest-of-Honour Hon'ble Dr Subrata Gupta, Jute
Commissioner and Chairman-cum Managing Director, Govt of India., Hon'ble Dr. Debasis Nag,
Director, NIRJAFT Hon'ble Dr B C Mitra, Ex-Director, NIRJAFT, Kolkata and other dignitaries
from academic institute and industries.

Seminars arranged by Dept. of EE, IIEST with IEEE-IAS Kolkata Chapter are as follows

Sl. Speaker & Affiliation Date Topic Venue No.

No. of

1. 1) Ms. Xiaomin Lu 8th January 1)A. Electrified Seminar Hall, Dept. 52 (with 8
Doctoral student, 2014 Vehicles and their of Electrical IEEE
CHARGE, University powertrains Engineering, IIEST members)
of Windsor, Canada B. Parameter Shibpur, Howrah-
2) Dr. Soumitra Das estimation of a line- 711103.
Research Associate, start Permanent magnet
Department of Synchronous Machine
Electrical Engineering, 2) PWM techniques for
Indian Institute of three-level neutral point
Science Bangalore, clamped inverters
2. Mr. Ananda 10th Impact of variable Seminar Hall, Dept. 27 (with 6
Majumdar September speed drives and of Electrical IEEE
General Manager- 2014 energy efficiency on Engineering, IIEST members)
Marketing & Product induction motors, Shibpur, Howrah-
Development – MV mainly from a 711103.
Motors, Marathon manufacturer‘s
Electric Motors Ltd., perspective
Kolkata, India
3. Mr. Subhadeep Sen 13th October Nuclear Reactor Seminar Hall, Dept. 32 (with 5
Scientific Officer-D, 2014 Engineering of Electrical IEEE
Control Engineer, Engineering, IIEST members)
Nuclear Power Shibpur, Howrah-
Corporation of India 711103.
Ltd. KGS-3&4, Kaiga,
Karnataka, India
4. Mr. Arijit Basuray 14th Pulsed Power and its Seminar Hall, Dept. 36 (with 5
Managing Director and November application in Electrical of Electrical IEEE
CEO, Neo-Teletronix 2014 Testing Engineering, IIEST members)
Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, Shibpur, Howrah-
India 711103.

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II

8 students are persuing their doctoral program under the financial assistance of TEQIP- Phase II.
Instruments purchased under this project
1. Altera Cyclone II/III based FPGA BOARD
2. DS1104 R&D Controller Board (dSPACE) for real time interfacing

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures

Invited lecture on ‗Embedded Systems‘ at Sir J C Bose School of Engineering (Supreme Knowledge
Foundation), Mankundu, West Bengal (January 2015)
Invited lecture on ‗Power Semiconductor Devices‘ at Abacus Institute of Engineering & Management(A JV of
JIS & Techno India group), Mogra, West Bengal (January 2015)
May 19 – July 11, 2014 – To the Centre of Hybrid Automotive Research and Green Energy, University of
Windsor, Canada, as a Visiting Professor.
May 20 – July 5, 2015 - To the Centre of Hybrid Automotive Research and Green Energy, University of
Windsor, Canada, as a Visiting Professor.

Visitors to your Department ( Indian & Foreign)

Ms. Xiaomin Lu, doctoral student at the Center for Hybrid Automotive Research and Green Energy
(CHARGE), University of Windsor, Canada, visited Dept. of EE, IIEST Shibpur for collaborative research
under the supervision of Dr. Kaushik Mukherjee, Asst. Professor, EE, IIEST, during December 2013 –
January 2014.
Mr. K. L.V. Iyer, doctoral student at the Center for Hybrid Automotive Research and Green Energy
(CHARGE), University of Windsor, Canada, visited Dept. of EE, IIEST Shibpur for collaborative research
under the supervision of Dr. Kaushik Mukherjee, Asst. Professor, EE, IIEST during December 2014 –
February 2015.

Training and Placement

36 students are getting placement in different multinational/national level company like M.N.Dastur, CESC,
Voltas, Haldia Petrochemicals etc. 5/6 student have gone to abroad for higher studies.a large fraction amongst
rest went to different IITs, IISC etc to persue their master degree course.

Department of
Electronics & Telecommunication

About the department

The Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering started its journey in July,
1965 after its nucleation from the Department of Physics & Telecommunication from the erstwhile
Bengal Engineering College. The first batch of Graduates & Post Graduate passed out in 1971 &
1974 respectively. The Department offers Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) course in Electronics &
Telecommunication Engineering for a duration of 4 years (8 Semesters). 5-year Integrated Dual
degree B.Tech and M.Tech. program has started to be offered since 2014 onward. Master of
Engineering (M.E.) programs of 4 semester duration (2 years) are offered for three specializations,
viz. Digital Systems & Instrumentation, Microwave Communication, and Communication & Signal
Processing. Department also offers Ph.D. degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
in various fields.
Considerable effort has been put forward during the last couple of years towards setting up new
undergraduate and postgraduate laboratories and augmenting the facilities in the existing
laboratories. The department does a commendable performance in research and development works.
A high number of research projects worth nearly Rs 2.5 crore are carried out during the current
financial year with the assistance of various funding agencies leading to high volume quality
publications in international journals and conferences.

Academic Programmes :

Undergraduate Level
Degree offered Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)
Sanctioned students‘ intake 40

Undergraduate Level
Degree offered Dual degree B.Tech. & M.Tech.
Sanctioned students‘ intake 44

Post Graduate Level

Degree offered Master of Engineering (M.E.)
Sanctioned students‘ intake 8 + 8 + 18 = 34
Additional intake through other programmes (i.e. QIP) Nil
Specialisations in a) Digital Systems and Instrumentation
b) Microwave Communication
c) Communication and Signal Processing

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme
Degree offered : Ph.D. (Engineering)
No of Candidates enrolled 8
No. of Candidates registered 5
No. of Candidates awarded 6
Faculty position :

Sanctioned faculty post: 18 Vacant Post : 6

Faculty profile

Name Designation Highest Specialisation / Research Contact No. & E-mail

Quali- Area
Dr. Sekhar Ranjan Professor Ph. D. Design & Dev. of Small
Bhadra Chaudhuri Antenna, Network &
Information Security,
Digital System Design
Dr..Baidynath Ray Professor Ph.D. Signal Processing, Image
Processing and VLSI design
and testing
Prof. Arabinda Associate M.E. Microprocessor based
Roy Professor system, Signal Processing,
Power Electronics
Dr. Monojit Mitra Professor Ph.D. Fabrication of Microwave
Device Like IMPATT, its
Characterization and System
Dr. Santanu Das Professor Ph.D. Planar circuits, & antennas,
metamaterial, RFID

Dr. Susanta Associate Ph.D. Microstrip and CPW based

Kumar Parui Professor Printed Circuits and
antennas, Frequency
selective surfaces (FSS),
Electro-magnetic bandgap
structures (EBG), Defected
ground structures (DGS)
Prof. Ayan Associate M.Tech. VLSI Architectures Design
Banerjee Professor for Communication &
Biomedical Engineering,
DSP architecture design
using CORDIC
Dr. Chirasree Assistant Ph.D. Electrical biosensors with
Roychoudhury Professor electronic interface, electrical
studies of biological cells
Dr. Tamaghna Assistant Ph.D. Wireless Communication and tamaghna_acharya@yahoo.c
Acharya Professor Networks, Dynamic om
spectrum access and software
defined radio networks,
Green communications
Dr. Partha Assistant Ph.D. Nanomaterial based
Bhattacharyya Professor Chemical Sensors, MEMS
based Sensors and Its Signal
Processing, Low Power
VLSI Design
Prof. Debasis Assistant M.Tech. Applied Electromagnetics , deba
Mitra Professor and Antenna Engineering
Prof. Ankita Assistant M.E. Error Control Coding, Image
Pramanik Professor Processing, GPS, MIMO,

Awards and Laurels received by the faculty members :

 Dr. Chirasree RoyChaudhuri received Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award from
National Academy of Science(NASI), 2014
 Best oral paper Award for the paper ―Modulation of Alcohol Sensing Performance
of Anodically Grown TiO2 Nanotube Array by a Novel Stoichiometry Variation Technique‖
authored by Arnab Hazra, Partha Bhattacharyya, Young Scientist Colloquium-2014,
Organized by Materials Research Society of India (Kolkata chapter), 12 th September, 2014,
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics , Kolkata, India.
 Best poster paper Award for the paper ―Development of efficient BTX sensor based
on ZnO nanoflower like structures‖ authored by Debanjan Acharyya, Partha Bhattacharyya,
Young Scientist Colloquium-2014, Organized by Materials Research Society of India
(Kolkata chapter), 12th September, 2014, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics , Kolkata, India.

Research Areas :

1. Microwaves and Antennas

o Planar circuits and antennas
o Microwave avalanche devices
o IMPATT amplifiers and oscillators
o Meta-materials and its applications
o Phased array antennas
o Electromagnetic band-gap materials
o Surface integrated waveguides (SIW)
o RFID and its applications

2. Microelectronics, Devices and VLSI

o Biosensors
o MEMS based pressure and conductivity sensors
o Nanostructured semiconducting metal oxides for sensor applications
o Chemical sensors
o MEMS based gas sensors and its CMOS integration
o VLSI design and testing
o VLSI based signal processing
o VLSI Architectures for Communication and Biomedical Engineering

3. Communication and Signal Processing

o Wireless Ad-hoc and sensor networks
o Cognitive Radio networks
o Hardware efficient FIR filter design
o Space-time coding for wireless communication
o DSP algorithms
o Design of CDMA spreading codes
o Medical imaging
o Sensor signal processing
o CORDIC based DSP architectures
Research Facilities :

Areas Equipments / Set up Design Softwares
/ Tools
Microwaves and  Network Analyser (10 MHz – 20 GHz)  IE3D
Antennas  Signal Generator (10 KHz – 20 GHz)  HFSS
 Power Meter ( DC – 26 GHz)  CST studio
 PCB fabrication set up by photolithograpy  FDTD
 Prototype fabrication by milling process  Empire
 Radiation characteristics measurement by shielded
Microelectronics,  E-Beam Evaporation System  T-spice
Devices and  Mass Flow controller & Mass flow Meter  Comsol
VLSI  Spin Coating Unit  Coventorware
 Dip Coating Unit
 Intellisuite
 Laminar Flow Clean Bench
 Supreme
 Millipore water purification system
 Gas line manifold
 Temperature Controlled annealing Furnace (1050°C)
 Portable Ph meter, range 1-14 ph
 Temperature Controlled Oven (upto 300°C)
Communication  Spectrum analyzer (9 kHz – 3.0 GHz)  MATLab
and Signal  Vector signal generator (10 KHz – 3 GHz)
Processing  Arbitrary function generator
 DSO (500 MHz)

Name of the Laboratories:

Basic Electronics Engg. Lab Waveguides and Antenna Lab

Network Theory Lab Wireless Communication and Networking Lab
Electronic Devices Lab Digital Image Processing & Computer Vision Lab
Analog Electronics Lab Microwave and Radar Engineering Lab
Analog Communication Systems Lab VLSI Design Lab
Digital Electronics Lab Opto-Electronics & Optical Communication Lab
Microelectronics Lab Thin film/Sensors Lab
Digital Communication Lab RF and Microwave measurement Lab
Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab Control Engineering Lab
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab Audio & Video Engineering Lab
Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements Power Electronics Lab
Digital Signal Processing Lab Nano-thin films & solid state gas sensor devices
Advanced Microprocessors Lab Semiconductor device/sensor characterization lab.

Support staff position:

(i) Sanctioned technical post : 10 Vacant : 4

(ii) Technical staff profile

Name Designation Highest Qualification Contact No. E-mail

Mr. Rajat Mukherjee Technical Asst. Diploma in Electrical 9432367342 mukherjeera.2009@red
Mr. Brindaban Patta Jr. Technical Asst. Diploma in 9830970287 brindaban_patta@yaho
Electronics Engg.
Smt. Indrani Santra Jr. Technical Asst Diploma in 9434223985 indrani.santra08@gmail
Electronics Engg. .com
Mr. Biswajit Samanta Jr. Technical Asst Diploma in 9002322109 biswajit_samanta21@re
Electronics Engg.
Mr. Pradip Mistry Jr. Technical Asst Diploma in 9432269081 pradip.mistry75@gmail
Electronics Engg. .com
Mr. Dibyendu Pal Sr. Mechanic H.S. 9831342357 paul.dibendu@rediffma
Suvankar Bose Technical Support Diploma in 9432353671
(Contractual) Staff Electronics Engg.
Mouli Das Technical Support Diploma in 9433900278 mouli.mouli2008@gma
(Contractual) Staff Electronics Engg.
Ratna Ghosh Technical AMIE in Electronics 9051952993
(Contractual) Assistant & Telecommunication

Ongoing Sponsored Research / projects :

Name of Project PI Sponsoring Prof value Duration

agency in Rs. Lakh
Nanostructured Immunosensor Array for Rapid, C.RoyChaudhuri DST, SERB 18 2013-16
Portable and Sensitive Food Toxin Detection
Efficacy of silicon microchannel cytosensor C.RoyChaudhuri DST, SERB 54.6 2012-15
platform for electrical profiling of multiple
mammalian cells
Establishment of MEMS Design Center under C.RoyChaudhuri ADA 17 2009-14
National Program on Micro and Smart
Development of Metal-Insulator-Metal based Dr. Partha INSA 15 2013-16
Volatile Organic Compound Sensor for Bhattacharyya
Monitoring of Ripeness of Orange

A novel Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) device Dr. Partha DST 14.5 2012-14

for detection of early spoilage of potato during Bhattacharyya

Development of a Chemical Sensor to Monitor Dr. Partha CSIR 14 2011-14

the Spoilage of Potato in the Cold Storage Bhattacharyya
Current mode FPAA Design Dr. B.N. Ray SERC-DST 29.33 2010-14

CMOS VLSI Design Dr. B.N. Ray SERC-DST 16 2011-14

Studies on Retro-directive –Array For Space Dr. S.R. Bhadra ISRO 17.46 2013-15
Applications Chaudhuri
Design and Development Of Substrate Dr. Susanta DST-SERC 31 2011-15
Integrated Wave-guide (SIW) based RF circuits Kumar Parui
and compo-nents Using Meta- materials in Ku-
band Application
Development of Microstrip Phased Array Dr. Susanta CSIR 20 2012-15
Antenna System for Eliminating Scan Blindness Kumar Parui
by Using Defected Ground Structures
Design and development of printed antennas on Dr. Santanu Das AICTE 15 2013-16
paper substrates for RFID applications
TOTAL 261.89

Details of publications of each faculty member :

Journal – 44
Conference – 31
Books/Monograms – 04
List of publications – Annexure I

Patents / Invention Disclosure / Technology Transfer / Copyright :

1. A process for forming an undoped p-type TiO2 based sensor device for accurate sensing of
low ppm ethanol at low temperature, Partha Bhattacharyya, Arnab Hazra Indian Patent
application no.- 1285/KOL/2014 (Filed on 11.12.2014).
2. A process for forming a TiO2 Nanotube based room temperature (27ºC) alcohol sensor
device, Partha Bhattacharyya, Arnab Hazra, Indian Patent application no.-
1286/KOL/2014(Filed on 11.12.2014).
3. Non-invasive wireless sensor system for monitoring of elderly people staying alone,
C.RoyChaudhuri, N.Samanta, A.Chanda, Indian patent filed, June 2015

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences / Training programme organized by the department

Date Title of Organizing Speaker Participanats

Workshop/Seminar/Lecture etc. chair /
28.01.2015 A lecture on ― Looking Ahead to Dr. S. Das Dr. Amitava Ghosh - UG, PG students,
5G; Building a virtual zero North America Radio Research scholars,
latency gigabit experience‖ Systems Research, Faculties
Technology and
Innovation office of
Nokia Networks
05-10 Jan. Workshope on ―Advances in Dr. S. Das, From IIT KGP, DRDO Faculties from
2015 Microwave and Antenna Dr. S.K. Parui Bangalore, different Educ-
Engineering (AMAE 2015)‖ IIT Guwahati, J.U. tional Institution
Kolkata, NIT & Research
Durgapur, Radio scholars
Physics Kolkata ,
Syracuse University,
23.12.2014 IEEE AP-MTT Distinguished Dr. S. Das, Dr. Sudhakar Rao - Faculties, UG, PG
Lecture On ―Advanced Antenna Dr. S.K. Parui Northrop Grumman students &
Systems for Satellite Aerospace Systems, Research scholars
Communication Payloads‖ CA 90278 USA
02-12 Dec. National Mission on Education Prof. A. Roy IIT, Kharagpur Faculty from
2014 through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of different Educ-
India) tional Institution
13-14 A Research Promotion Dr. S. Das, Dr. Bikash Kr Dey, Dr. Faculties, PG
Nov. 2014 Workshop On ―Information Dr. T. Sibi Raj B. Pillai, IIT, students &
Theory And Wireless Achyarya, Ms. Mumbai Research scholars
Communications‖ Ankita
22.10.2014 A seminar cum demonstataion on Dr. S. Das Mr. Rabin Pathak, Faculties, PG
―Virtual instrumentation Adlab Solution students &
technique‖ Research scholars
22.10.2014 A lecture on ―Intoduction to Dr. S. Das Dr. Bikash K Dey Faculties, PG
Information theory and coding‖ Dr. T. IIT, Mumbai students &
Achyarya Research scholars
08.10.2014 An interactive session on ―How Dr. S. Das Dr. Bikash K Dey PG students &
to write a good paper for Dr. T. IIT, Mumbai Research scholar s
publishing in journals like IEEE Achyarya
02.08.2014 A series of lectures on Dr. S. Das Sayan Bhattacharya 3rd & 4th Year UG
09.08.2014 ―Programmable Logic Controller ETCE & EE
30.08.2014 (PLC)‖ students

Technology Developed / Innovations :

 A solid state portable electrical biosensors for bacteria/toxin detection with electronic
 Packaged multiple wireless sensor modules for health monitoring of elderly people-
technology transferred to Amateur World for medium scale manufacturing
 A process for configuring insolation - intelligent bipv systems

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II :

 Faculties, research scholars, students of the department participated in international and

national conferences / workshops / seminars / short term courses. This participation
is supported by TEQIP-Phase II by extending necessary financial assistance. Participation in
these events has been very beneficial for improving pedagogical and research skills, and
enriching knowledge in the same and different domains.
 The department is equipped with high-end softwares to augment the facilities in the existing
 Fellowship is received from TEQIP-Phase II for quite a few deserving students for pursuing
Ph.D. program leading to high volume of research publications.
 The financial assistance from TEQIP-Phase II has helped the department to organize
workshops / seminars / lecture series etc. This has enriched the students, faculties, technical
staffs with the knowledge of advancement of technology in diversified areas besides the
regular course curriculum.

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures:

 Dr. T. Acharyya attended and presented a paper in 37th International Conference on

Telecommunication and Signal, Berlin, Germany, July, 2014
 Dr. Partha Bhattacharyya attended European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS 30),
2014, organized by Surface Science Division of IUVSTA and the Surface and Interface
Section of the European Physical Society (EPS) held in Antalya, Turkey, 31August -5
September, 2014
 Dr. Partha Bhattacharyya was Visiting Scientist to Intel Corporation, Ronler Acres,
Hillsboro, USA, 30th June –17th July, 2014.

Visitors to your Department ( Indian & Foreign) :

 Dr. Amitava Ghosh - North America Radio Systems Research, Technology and Innovation
office of Nokia Networks
 Dr. Sudhakar Rao - Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, CA 90278 USA
 Dr. Tapan Sarkar – Syracuse University, USA
 Dr. B.K. Sarkar - Consultant, Kalpan Chawla Space Technology Centre, ISRO Chair
Professor (Rtd), IIT Kharagpur
 Dr. Bikash Kr Dey, Dr. Sibi Raj B. Pillai, IIT, Mumbai
 Dr. Sibi Raj B. Pillai, IIT, Mumbai
 Dr. Rowdra Ghatak – NIT Durgapur
 Dr. Subal Kar – Institute of Radio Physics & Electronics, University of Calcutta
 Dr. P.K. Saha – Institute of Radio Physics & Electronics, University of Calcutta
 Dr. Satyajit Chakraborty – SAMEER, Kolkata

Training and Placement :

The students fared very well in campus interviews. 95% students got job opportunity in various
reputed core and IT industries. Finally a few of them chose to pursue masters‘ degree in premier
institutes like IIT and two went to premier institutes in USA for higher studies, MS leading to Ph.D.
with full financial assistance.

New Academic / Research Initiatives

Academic Collaboration

Collaborative research project is going on in association with the following institutes

 Kalpana Chawla Space Research Centre, IIT-Kharagpur – collaborator in studies on Retro-

directive –Array For Space Applications (RAA)
 Institute of Micro and Nanomaterials, Ulm University, Germany
 Department of Physics, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
 Department of Physics, BITS, Pilani, Indi
 Dept. of Electronics and Communications, NIT Meghalaya, India
 Dept. of Electronics and Telecomm. Engg., Jadavpur University, India
 Indian Institute of Chemical Biology- collaborator in the biosensor studies
 School of Medical Science and Technology, IIT Kharagpur- collaborator in the studies on
electrical characterization of biological cells-2014


Books/Monograms :

1. L.Sujatha, C.RoyChaudhuri, E.Bhattacharya,‖Application of Porous Silicon in MEMS and

Sensor Technology‖, Materials and Failures in MEMS and NEMS, (121–172), Scrivener
Publishing LLC, 2015

2. C.RoyChaudhuri, R.Dev Das, S.Das, ―Interdigitated Electrode-less High Performance

Impedance Biosensor for Bacteria Detection Based On Macroporous Silicon Platform‖,
accepted for publication as a chapter in the book Biosensors for Health, Environment and
Biosecurity, InTech publishers (2014).

3. Book Chapter: P. Bhattacharyya, B. Bhowmik, A.Hazra, P.P. Chattopadhyay, Potentiality of

semiconducting metal oxide nanoforms as solid state vapor sensors, in the book ‗Sensing
Technology: Current Status and Future Trends IV‘, Edited by Alex Mason, Subhas Chandra
Mukhopadhyay, P. Krishanthi Jayasundera, Springer, UK (2015).

4. Book Chapter: P. Bhattacharyya, B. Bhowmik, A.Hazra, P.P. Chattopadhyay, Potentiality of

semiconducting metal oxide nanoforms as solid state vapor sensors, in the book ‗Sensing
Technology: Current Status and Future Trends‘, Edited by Alex Mason, Springer, UK


Paper Published

International and National Journals

1. C.RoyChaudhuri, ―A Review on Porous Silicon Based Electrochemical Biosensors: Beyond Surface

Area Enhancement Factor‖, Sensors and Actuators B(Elsevier), vol.210, pp.310-323, 2015(Impact
Factor: 3.8)
2. H.Ghosh, C.RoyChaudhuri, ―Noise Spectroscopy As an Efficient Tool For Impedance Based Sub-
Femtomolar Toxin Detection In Complex Mixture Using Nanoporous Silicon Oxide‖, Biosensors
and Bioelectronics(Elsevier), vol.67, pp.757-762, 2015(Impact Factor: 6.451)
3. J.Basu, S.Datta, C.RoyChaudhuri, ―A graphene field effect capacitive Immunosensor for sub-
femtomolar food toxin detection‖, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (Elsevier),vol.68, pp.544-549,
2015(Impact Factor: 6.451)( published online in Times of India, 6th April, 2015)
D.Mondal,D.Pal and C. RoyChaudhuri,‖ Real Time Sensing of Epithelial Cell-Cell and Cell-
Substrate Interactions by Impedance Spectroscopy on Porous Substrates‖, accepted in Journal of
Applied Physics(American Institute of Physics), 2015(Impact factor: 2.18)
5. N.Das, C.RoyChaudhuri, ―Reliability Study of Nanoporous Silicon Oxide Impedance Biosensor
for Virus Detection: Influence of Surface Roughness‖ accepted in IEEE Transactions on
Devices and Materials Reliability, 2015.
6. H.Ghosh, C.RoyChaudhuri, ―Noise Spectroscopy As an Efficient Tool For Impedance Based Sub-
Femtomolar Toxin Detection In Complex Mixture Using Nanoporous Silicon Oxide‖, Biosensors
and Bioelectronics(Elsevier), available online September 2014(Impact Factor: 6.451)
7. K.K.Mistry, K.Layek, A.Mahapatra, C.RoyChaudhuri ―A comparative study in electrochemical
response of some commercial screen–printed electrodes (SPEs)‖,accepted in Sensor Letters(
American Scientific Publishers) 2014(Impact factor: 1.587)
8. K.K.Mistry, K.Layek, A.Mahapatra, C.RoyChaudhuri, ―A review on amperometric-type
immunosensors based on screen-printed electrodes‖, Analyst, (Royal Society of Chemistry), vol.139,
pp.2289-2311, 2014 (Impact Factor: 4.23).
9. S.Ghosh, C.RoyChaudhuri, R.Bhattacharyya, H.Saha, N.Mukherjee, ―Palladium-Silver-Activated
ZnO Surface: Highly Selective Methane Sensor at Reasonably Low Operating Temperature‖, ACS
Appl Mater Interfaces.vol. 26, pp.3879-87, 2014.( Impact Factor: 5.008)
10. B.Mondal, B.Basumatari, J.Das, C.RoyChaudhuri, N.Mukherjee, H.Saha ―ZnO–SnO2 based
composite type gas sensor for selective hydrogen sensing‖, Sensors and Actuators B, vol.194, 389–
396, 2014.(Impact Factor: 3.66)
11. N.Samanta, A.K.Chanda, C.RoyChaudhuri, ―An Energy Efficient, Minimally Intrusive Multi- Sensor
Intelligent System For Health Monitoring Of Elderly People‖,International Journal of Smart Sensing
and Intelligent Systems, vol.7,762-780,2014.
12. P. Bhattacharyya, B. Kundu, S. Ghosh, V. Kumar, A. Dandapat, Performance Analysis of a Low
Power High Speed Hybrid 1 Bit Full Adder Circuit, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale
Integration Systems (IEEE), (Accepted, in press 2015) (Impact Factor: 1.142).
13. P. Bhattacharyya, Technological Journey towards Reliable Microheater Development for MEMS Gas
Sensors: A Review, IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability (IEEE), vol. 14,No. 2,
pp. 589-599, (2014) (Impact Factor: 1.544).
14. A. Hazra, K. Dutta, B. Bhowmik, P. P. Chattopadhyay, P. Bhattacharyya, Room Temperature
Alcohol Sensing by Oxygen Vacancy Controlled TiO2 Nanotube Array, Applied Physics Letters
(AIP), vol. 105, pp. 081604(1-5), (2014) (Impact Factor: 3.794).
15. Hazra, P. Bhattacharyya, Tailoring of the Gas Sensing Performance of TiO2 Nanotubes by 1-D
Vertical Electron Transport Technique, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (IEEE), vol. 61,No.
10, pp. 3483-3489 (2014) (Impact Factor: 2.358).
16. Hazra, K. Dutta, B. Bhowmik, P. Bhattacharyya, Highly Repeatable Low ppm Ethanol Sensing
Characteristics of p-TiO2 based Resistive Devices, IEEE Sensors Journal (IEEE), vol. 15,No. 1, pp.
408-416 (2014) (Impact Factor: 1.852).

17. B. Bhowmik, A. Hazra, K. Dutta, P. Bhattacharyya, Repeatability and Stability of Room

Temperature Acetone Sensor based on TiO2 Nanotubes: Influence of Stoichiometry Variation, IEEE
Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability (IEEE), vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 961-967 (2014) (Impact
Factor: 1.544).
18. A. Hazra, B. Bhowmik, K. Dutta, V. Manjuladevi, R. K. Gupta, P. Bhattacharyya, Low Temperature
Methanol Sensing by p- type Nano Titania: Correlation with Defects States and Schottky Barrier

Model, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (IEEE), vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 187-195, (2015) (Impact
Factor: 1.619).
19. K. Dutta, B. Bhowmik, A. Hazra, P. P. Chattopadhyay, P. Bhattacharyya, An Efficient BTX Sensor
based on p-Type Nanoporous Titania Thin Films, Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), vol. 55,
pp. 558-564, (Impact Factor: 1.137).
20. A. Bhowmik, K. Dutta, A. Hazra, P. Bhattacharyya, Low Temperature Acetone Detection by p-type
Nano-Titania Thin Film: Equivalent Circuit Model and Sensing Mechanism, Solid State Electronics
(Elsevier), vol. 99, pp. 84-92, (2014) (Impact Factor: 1.482).

21. N. Banerjee, S. Roy. C. K. Sarkar, P. Bhattacharyya, Butanone Sensing Characteristics, Mechanism

and Equivalent Circuit Model of Pd Decorated ZnO nanorod based Resistive Sensors, , Sensor
Letters (American Scientific Publishers), vol. 12, pp. 89-96, (2014) (Impact Factor: 1.587).

22. A.Hazra, B. Bhowmik, K. Dutta, V. Manjuladevi, R. K. Gupta, P.P. Chattopadhyay, P.

Bhattacharyya, Structural and Optical Characterizations of Electrochemically Grown Connected and
Free Standing TiO2 Nanotube Array, Journal of Electronic Materials (Springer), vol. 43, No. 9, pp.
3229-3235, (2014) (Impact Factor: 1.635).
23. A.Hazra, B. Bhowmik, K. Dutta, V. Manjuladevi, R. K. Gupta, P.P. Chattopadhyay, P.
Bhattacharyya, Formation Mechanism of Anodically Grown Free-standing TiO2 Nanotube Array
under the Influence of Mixed Electrolytes, Science of Advanced Materials (American Scientific
Publishers), vol. 6, pp. 714-719, (2014) (Impact Factor: 2.51).
24. A.Acharyya, A. Hazra, P. Bhattacharyya, A Journey Towards Reliability Improvement of TiO2
based Resistive Random Access Memory: A Review, Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier), vol. 54,
pp. 541-560 (2014) (Impact Factor: 1.137).

25. Prabir Saha, Deepak Kumar, Partha Bhattacharyya, Anup Dandapat, Design of 64 bit squarer based
on Vedic Mathematics, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, (World Scientific), (ISSN:
0218-1266), vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 1450092-14500111 (2014).
26. P. Saha, A. Banerjee, A. Dandapat, P. Bhattacharyya, A High Speed Multiplier using High Accuracy
Floating Point Logarithmic Number System, Scientia Iranica D (ISSN : 1026-3098), vol. 21, No. 3,
pp. 826-841 (2014) (Impact Factor: 0.35).
27. N. Banerjee, S. Roy, C. K. Sarkar, P. Bhattacharyya, Effect of Humidity on Ethanol Sensing
Performance of Pd Sensitized ZnO Nanorod based Sensors, Journal of Surfaces and Interfaces of
Materials, (American Scientific Publishers), (ISSN: 2164-7542), vol. 2,No.2, pp. 154-160 (2014)
28. Tapas Mondal, S. Samanta, Rowdra Ghatak, and Sekhar Ranjan Bhadra Chaudhuri, ―A Novel
Tri- Band Hexagonal Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Modified Sierpinski Fractal For
Vehicular Communication‖ - Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER - C), Vol. 57,
pp.,25—34, 2015,,March,2015.
29. Debasis Mitra, Abhishek Sarkhel, Olyvia Kundu and Sekhar Ranjan Bhadra Chaudhuri, "Design
of Compact and High Directive Slot Antennas Using Grounded Metamaterial Slab", IEEE Antenna
and Propagation Letters (AWPL), VOL 14, 2015, pp.811-814...on-line in December, 2014.
30. Tanmay Bhattacharya, Sirshendu Hore and S. R. Bhadra Chaudhuri, "A Semi-Fragile Blind Digital
Watermarking Technique for Medical Image File Authentication using Stationary Wavelet
Transformation, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), October 2014
A. Sarkar, S. Pal, M. Mitra, A mechanically Tuned Via-Patch Loaded Compact ET-PIFA,
International Journal of Microwave & Optical technology (IJMOT), vol.9, no.3, pp.237-244,
May 2014.
31. Tapan Mondal and Santanu Das, ―Design and Analysis of a Coplanar Waveguide Fed Ultrawideband
Hexagonal Open Slot Antenna with WLAN and WiMAX Band Rejection,‖ Microwave and Optical
Technology Letters, Vol.56, No.2, pp.434-443, Feb 2014.
32. Tapan Mondal and Santanu Das, ―Coplanar waveguide fed 9-point star shape monopole antennas for
worldwide interoperability for microwave access and wireless local area network applications,‖
Journal of Engineering, pp.1-6, 2014. doi: 10.1049/joe.2013.0149 (Published by IET)
33. Anindya Kundu and Susanta Kumar Parui “Capacity Improvement with Smart Antenna of
TDSCDMA Base Station”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics
and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp.9063-9071, April 2014
34. K. Ghosh, S. K. Parui, "Suppression of Cross-polarization and Mutual Coupling Between Dual
Trace Dual Column Co-axial Microstrip Array by using Dumbbell Shaped Resonator", Microwave
and Optical technology Letters, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc) Vol.56, issue 2, pp. 334-338, May 2014
35. Chandan K. Ghosh, Bappaditya Mandal, and Susanta K. Parui, ―Mutual Coupling Reduction of a
Dual-Frequency Microstrip Antenna Array by Using U-Shaped DGS and Inverted U-Shaped
Microstrip Resonator‖, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 48, pp.61-68, 2014
36. Kasturi Ghosh and B.N. Ray : Design of high order elliptic filter from a versatile filter mode
generic OTA-C structure: International Journal of Electronics , Taylor and Fransics, March 2014
37. Kasturi Ghosh and B.N. Ray: CCII-based nt order current mode filter with grounded R and C;
International Journal of Electronics Letter, Taylor and Francis May 2014

38. S. Basak, T. Acharya, ―Joint power allocation and routing in outage constrained cognitive radio ad
hoc networks‖, in Mobile Networks and Applications, Special issue on Green Communications and
Networking, Springer, (in press). SCI impact factor, 2013: 1.496.
39. T. Acharya, S.P. Maity and S. Mandal, ―Outage minimized joint power and channel allocation in
multihop cognitive radio networks: A lifetime centric approach‖, in Wireless Personal
Communications, Springer (in press). SCI impact factor, 2013: 0.979.
40. S. Chatterjee, S.P. Maity, and T. Acharya, ―On Optimal threshold selection in cooperative spectrum
sensing for cognitive radio networks-an energy detection approach in using Fuzzy entropy
maximization‖ in Wireless Personal Communications, Special issue on Recent Advances in Mobile
and Wireless Networks , Springer (in press). SCI impact factor, 2013: 0.979.
41. S. Chatterjee, T. Acharya, S. P. Maity, "On Optimized Decode and Forward Relay Assisted CR
System Design for Throughput Maximization", Elesevier Journal on Digital Signal Processing,
vol34, Nov, 2014, pp. 92-100 (SCI 5yrs impact factor:2.018) .
42. S. Chatterjee, S. P. Maity, T. Acharya, "Energy Efficient Cognitive Radio System for Joint Spectrum
Sensing and Data Transmission", IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and
Systems , vol4, no.3, Sept., 2014, pp. 292-300.
43. Debasis Mitra, A. Sarkhel, O. Kundu, and S. R. Bhadra Chaudhuri, ―Design of compact and high
directive slot antennas using grounded metamaterial slab‖, IEEE Antennas & Wireless Propagation
Letters, Vol. 14, 2015.

International and National Conferences papers

1. N. Das, J. Basu and C. Roychaudhuri, ―Graphene Coated Nanoporous Silicon Immunosensor for Food
Toxin Detection‖, International Conference on Mems and Sensors (ICMEMSS 2014), IIT Madras,
Chennai, India, December 18-20, 2014.
2. N.R.Mishra, C.RoyChaudhuri, ―Design, Simulation and Optimization of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester
with a Mechanical stopper‖, International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and Systems, 8th-11th
July, 2014.
3. C.RoyChaudhuri, H.Ghosh, ―Frequency Selective Biomolecule Detection using Nanoporous Silicon oxide
Immunosensor, pp.34-37‖, International Workshop on Advances in healthcare Engineering, 2 nd -4th
January 2014, Kolaghat College of Engineering and Management.
4. N.R. Misra, C. RoyChaudhuri, ―Design and Simulation of Modes of MEMS Based Piezoelectric Energy
Harvester Incorporated with a Mechanical Stopper‖, (ICONSEA) International Conference on NEMS and
MEMS organized by JNTU H, Hyderabad, June 26-28, 2014.
5. J. Basu, S. Datta, C. RoyChaudhuri,―Improved biofunctionalisation on reduced graphene oxide –porous
Silicon Oxide nano composite for immunosensing application‖, (ICAMET), International Conference on
Advanced Materials and Energy Technology, 16th-18th December, 2014, Indian Institute of Engineering
Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur.
6. Nirmalya Samanta, Hrilina Ghosh ―High Performance Nanostructured silicon oxide Impedance Biosensor
System with online Noise Spectroscopy Analysis‖, International Conference on Advances in Materials
Science and Engineering (AMSE 2014), Dubai, UAE, October 1-2, 2014.
7. J. Basu, S. Datta, C. Roychaudhuri, ― Improved biofunctionalisation on reduced graphene oxide –porous
Silicon Oxide nano composite for immunosensing application‖, ICAMET 2014, IIEST , Shibpur, India
December 17-19,2014.
8. N.Das, J.Basu, C.RoyChaudhuri, ―High Performance Graphene Based Nanoporous Silicon Sensor For
Food Toxin Detection, pp.78-83‖, National Seminar on Thin Film and MEMS Science and Technology,
March 21-22, 2014, Kolkata, India.
9. Humidity Sensitive Characteristics of Pd Dispersed ZnO Nanorod based Methanol Sensor, S. Roy, N.
Banerjee, P. Bhattacharyya, C. K. Sarkar, 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials (CN 2014),
January 14-16, 2014, Shenzhen, China.
10. Effect of Stoichiometry Variation on Alcohol Sensing Properties of Electrochemically Grown TiO 2
nanotubes, P. Bhattacharyya, A. Hazra, B. Bhowmik, K. Dutta, European Conference on Surface Science
(ECOSS 30), 2014, Antalya, Turkey 31August -5 September, 2014.
11. Methanol Sensing Performance of Two Different ZnO Nanoflowers Grown by CBD Method: A
Comparative Study, K. Dutta, S. Das, N. Banerjee, D. Acharyya, P.P. Chattopadhyay, P. Bhattacharyya,
European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS 30), 2014, Antalya, Turkey, 31August -5 September,
12. A comparative study on methanol sensing performance of ZnO nanoflower and nanorod based resistive
devices Debanjan Acharyya, Nabaneeta Banerjee, Partha Bhattacharyya, IEEE SENSORS 2014, Valancia,
Spain, 2nd -5th November, 2014.
13. Nanocrystalline p-TiO2 based MIS device for efficient acetone detection, B. Bhowmik, A. Hazra, K. Dutta,
P. Bhattacharyya, IEEE SENSORS 2014, Valencia, Spain, 2nd -5th November, 2014.
14. Modulation of Alcohol Sensing Performance of Anodically Grown TiO2 Nanotube Array by a Novel
Stoichiometry Variation Technique, Arnab Hazra, Partha Bhattacharyya, Young Scientist Colloquium-

2014, Organized by Materials Research Society of India (Kolkata chapter), 12 th September, 2014, Saha
Institute of Nuclear Physics , Kolkata, India.
15. Development of efficient BTX sensor based on ZnO nanoflower like structures, Debanjan Acharyya,
Partha Bhattacharyya, Young Scientist Colloquium-2014, Organized by Materials Research Society of
India (Kolkata chapter), 12th September, 2014, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics , Kolkata, India.
16. Growth, Characterizations and Methanol Sensing Performance of ZnO Nanoflowers Grown By CBD
Method, Nabaneeta Banerjee, Debanjan Acharyya, Partha Bhattacharyya, International Conference on
Advanced Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET), IIEST, India, 17-19 th December, 2014.
17. Effect of Wall Thickness Variations of TiO2 Nanotubes on Benzene Sensing, Koushik Dutta, Partha Pratim
Chattopadhyay, Partha Bhattacharyya, International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy
Technology (ICAMET), IIEST, India, 17-19 December, 2014.
18. Effect of Relative Humidity on Pd Modified ZnO Nanorod based Methanol Sensor, Nabaneeta Banerjee,
Sunipa Roy, Chandan K. Sarkar, Partha Bhattacharyya, held in International Conference on Advanced
Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET), IIEST, India, 17-19 December, 2014.
19. Tapas Mondal, Susamay Samanta, Rowdra Ghatak and S. R. Bhadra Chaudhuri, ―A Novel Circularly
Polarized DSRC Band Square Microstrip Antenna Using Minkowski Fractal Structure for Vehicular
Communication‖, IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES), pp. 141–
146, Hyderabad , India, Dec, 2014. ----- available in IEEE Xplore.
20. Partha Sarathi Banerjee, Subhankar Das, Krishanu Das and S. R. Bhadra Chaudhuri, AMSPR: A Secure
Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET)‖, ICDCCoM - 2014,BIT Mesra, India,
September, 12-13,2014. ---available in IEEE Explore.
21. Biswarup Rana, and Susanta Kumar Parui, ―Design of H-plane Horn Antenna using Corrugated Substrate
Integrated Waveguide,‖ IEEE Indian Antenna Week (IAW2014), Chandigarh, 26-30 May, 2014
22. Ayan Chatterjee and Susanta Kumar Parui, ―Gain Enhancement of a Wide Band Slot Antenna using
Frequency Selective Surface‖, IEEE Indian Antenna Week (IAW2014), Chandigarh, 26-30 May, 2014
23. Kasturi Ghosh and B.N. Ray . Design of a new high order OTA-C filter structure and its specification
based testing, IEEE Conference VDAT 2014
24. P. Mukherjee, S. Mukherjee,S Prasad Maity, T Acharya, ―On Optimal Power Allocation and Relay
Assignment in Multiuser Cognitive Radio Networks‖, in 10th Intl. Conference on Signal Processing and
Communications (SPCOM), at IISc Bangalore, July, 2014,.
25. S. Chatterjee; S. P. Maity and T. Acharya, ―On Optimal Relay Power Allocation in Energy Efficient
Cognitive Radio Networks‖ in Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and
Communicatiions, IISc Bangalore, July, 2014.
26. S. Chatterjee, A. Banerjee, T. Acharya, S. P. Maity, Fuzzy C-Means clustering in energy detection for
cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio system, in 8th International Workshop on Multiple Access
Communications (MACOM), 2014, pp. 84–95.
27. S. Chatterjee, T. Acharya, S. P. Maity, ― On optimal power allocation for joint spectral sensing and data
transmission in CR networks‖, in 37th International conference in Telecommunication and Signal
Processing, Berlin, Germany, July, 2014.
28. S. Basak and T. Acharya, ―On lifetime centric routing and power allocation in BER constrained cognitive
radio ad hoc networks‖, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication
Systems (ANTS), 2014, C-DOT, New Delhi.
29. S. Ghosh, T. Acharya, S. Chatterjee and S. P. Maity, ―On Optimal Power Sharing for Joint Sensing and
Data Transmission in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks‖, in 21 st National Conference on
Communications, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Feb, 2015
30. Arijit Dutta and Ankita Pramanik, ―Modified Approximate Lower Triangular Encoding of LDPC Codes,‖
IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications, Ghaziabad, India,
31. Rajat Kanti Sarkar and Ankita Pramanik, ―Segmentation Of Plant Disease Spots Using Digital Image
Processing,‖ IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering and Applications,
Ghaziabad, India, 2015

Department of Earth Sciences

The Department

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur(Formerly Bengal Engineering and
Science University,Shibpur) and the subject Geology possess a century old relationship. Many
eminent geoscientists have offered their teaching and research expertise in the past. Previously
teaching in geology was introduced in this university to meet the need of the would be engineering
graduates only in Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering branches.
The science streams have emerged as an integral part of the university offering postgraduate degrees
from 2001. The Department of Geology, however, has started to offer independent postgraduate
courses in geology after its separate identity as a science department from 2005. In 2011, name of
the department has been changed to the Department of Earth Sciences to hold an umbrella to
develop teaching and research in various disciplines of geology, geophysics, atmospheric and
planetary sciences.

The Department of Earth Sciences is dedicated to improve the understanding of the solid earth, its
geotechnical and other applied aspects through teaching, research and field training programme.
Students are being trained by permanent and eminent visiting faculties of diverse fields of geology,
involved in frontier areas of research like sedimentology, basin tectonics, mineralogy,
geochronology, tectonothermal evolution, hydrogeology and paleontology etc. The Master degree
programme of the department has a modern and updated syllabus to cope up with the need of the
hour and aims to prepare students for a broad range of geoscientific careers which includes
petroleum or mineral exploration, natural hazard mitigation and geoscientific activities in different
universities and research institutes. Students are able to find employment in mining companies,
petroleum industries and various corporate houses.

Academic Programmes:

Undergraduate Level
Degree offered NIL
Sanctioned students‘ intake NIL
Additional intake through lateral entry NIL
in 3rd Semester
Postgraduate Level
Degree offered M.Sc In Applied Geology.
Sanctioned students‘ intake 25
Additional intake through other NIL
programmes (i.e. QIP)
Specialisations in Sedimentology & Basin Tectonics,
Paleontology (Invertebrate),
Geohydrology. Structural Geology

Doctoral Level
Degree offered Ph.D in Science (Geology)
No of candidates enrolled 01
registered 04
awarded 0

Faculty position:

Sanctioned faculty post : 8 (Professor-01, Associate Professor-03, Assistant Professor-04)

Vacant Post : Assistant Professor-02, Associate Professor-02.

Faculty profile

Name Designation Highest Specialisation/ Contact No.

Qualification Research Area E-mail
Dr.Bhabani Professor Ph.D. Sedimentology & +91-9830019506.
Prasad Basin Tectonics +919433053978
Dr.Tapas Associate Ph.D. Invertebrate +91-9674747910
Kumar Professor Paleontology
Dr.Ananya Associate Ph.D. Sedimentology & +91-9830012606
Mukhopadhyay Professor Stratigraphy +919433516731
Dr. Atin Assistant Ph.D. Structural +91-9433121305
Kumar Mitra Professor Geology

Awards and Laurels: Nil

Research area (only broad titles):

Sedimentology, Basin Tectonics, Invertebrate Paleontology, Structural Geology ,Geohydrology.

Research facilities: (name specific equipment / picture etc.)

Binocular Microscope with photographic attachments, GPS,

Petrological microscope (student model), Advance Research
Grade Petrological microscope, Rock cutter (Manual and Digital),
rock polishing machine, Hotplate, Spectrophotometer, ph meter &
conductivity meter

Name of the laboratories:

3.Rock cutting & polishing
4. Structural Geology

Consultancy Work :
Prof. Bhabani Prasad Mukhopadhyay and Dr. Atin Kumar Mitra took active part as
consultant geologist in preparing feasibility report on a geothermal power project in Kenya,
Africa with TCE (TATA Consulting Engineers Ltd.)

Support staff position:

Sanctioned technical post: 01

Sponsored Research: (only areas mentioned)

Completed (Prof value) Sponsoring agency Principal Investigator

Sedimentology-Rs /-20,58,500 ONGC (Completed in Prof. Bhabani Prasad
2014) Mukhopadhyay.
Sedimentology-Rs /-21,16,000 DST (Completed in Prof. Bhabani Prasad
2014) Mukhopadhyay

Ongoing (Prof value) Sponsoring agency Principal Investigator

Hydrogeology-Rs.22,22,000.00 West Bengal Power Prof. Bhabani Prasad
Development Mukhopadhyay
Corporation Ltd.

Department received DST-FIST support under FIST-2009 –

Rs. 40.75 Lakhs.—Continuing till 2015(March)

Industry- Institute Interaction

1.Department is collaborating with ONGC for drill-site training of student & research work.
2. Department collaborating with different opencast and underground mining companies for
training of the
postgraduate students.

Faculty members are carrying out different research projects funded by the industrial
organizations like
ONGC ,WBPDCL(mentioned in the ―Sponsored Projects‖).
Faculty members are involved with consultancy work with industry like Tata Consultancy of

No of publications:

Journal : 02 (Communicated to International Journal)

Conference: 0 3-National & 01-International
Books/Monograms- 01
(List to be included)

List of Publications (2014-15)


Biswas, A, Mukhopadhyay, B.P, Banerjee, T, Mazumdar, P, Thorie, A. 2014. Sedimentation

Modelling as a proxy tool for reconstruction of a Falling Stage System Tract on a Proterozoic
Carbonate Ramp: Evidence from Simla Group, Western Lesser Himalaya, India. 19th International
Sedimentological Congress (ISC 2014), Geneva, Switzerland, August 2014.

Mazumdar, P, Mukhopadhyay B.P., Biswas, A., Banerjee, T., Thorie, A. 2014. Signature of
palaeoseismicity recorded from the rock strata of the Chhaosa Formation, Simla Group, Himachal
Himalaya, India. National Conference on Sedimentation and Stratigraphy & 31 st Convention of
Indian Association of Sedimentologists-2014.

Banerjee, T., Biswas, A., Mukhopadhyay B.P., Thorie,A, Mazumdar, P. Facies architecture and
sequence stratigraphy of a mid-outer ramp carbonate succession: Basantpur Formation, Proterozoic
Simla Group, Western Lesser Himalaya, India. National Conference on Sedimentation and
Stratigraphy & 31st Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists-2014.

Thorie, A, Biswas, A., Mukhopadhyay B.P., Banerjee, T., Mazumdar, P. 2014. Control of microbial
mat related structures (MRS) on mixed siliciclastic-carbonate platform from Lower Proterozoic
Simla Basin (Basantpur Formation), Lesser Himalaya, Simla district, Himachal Pradesh, India.
National Conference on Sedimentation and Stratigraphy & 31 st Convention of Indian Association of

Contribution in each chapter in form of few questions and answers by Dr. Ananya Biswas to
the Global Edition of Essentials of Geology, 12 th Edition By Frederick K. Lutgens, Edward J.
Tarbuck and Dennis G. Tasa(ISBN:9781292057187)

―A Geospatial Approach to determine Lake depth and Configuration of Reingkhyongkine (Pukur

Para) Lake, Rangamati Hill District, Bangladesh with Multi-Temporal Satellite data‖: Biswajit Nath,
Shukla Acharjee, Atin Kumar Mitra and Debabrata Majumder. (Communicated in Journal of
Environmental Accounting and Management)

―A study of bioerosion and taphonomy of belemnites and stephanoceratid ammonites from Kuldhar
Member of Jaisalmer Formation from Jaisalmer, Rajasthan India‖: Sharmistha Paul, Ujjal Mal,
Tapas Kumar Gangopadhyay. (Communicated to PALAIOS)


Autobiography of A Naturalist by Charles Darwin Translated in vernacular medium by Bhabani

Prasad Mukhopadhyay with a broad Introduction of 40 pages by Bhabani Prasad
Mukhopadhyay,2014 (ISBN 978-93-81858-68-4).

Department of Human Resource

About the Department:

The erstwhile Training and Placement of the Institute was rechristened as Department of Human
Resource Management in the year 1994 -95 and is headed by one Professor and supported by other
staff members.
The Department has its current activities in the following areas:
 Facilitation services for Job Placements of students of the university though Campus and Off-
campus selection processes.
 Facilitating Vacational / Summer Training of the students of the Institute
 Grooming up ( Personality/Soft-Skill/ Performance Effectiveness ) Programme for the Students
 Facilitation for other career options : Preparatory programme for Competitive Exams and other
Educational options abroad
 Industry-Contact progammes / Academic collaborations
 Entrepreneurship Development Programme
 IPR Awareness and Facilitating protection of IPR
 Career Counselling
 Industry Liaisoning

Academic Programmes:

This predominantly is a service department catering to all UG, PG and Ph.D students; it also offers
Ph.D Programme under Faculty of Social and Management Sciences. Currently there are five (5)
registered Ph.D. Scholars in this department working in the arena of Entrepreneurship and IPR.
Proposals have also been submitted to concerned authority of the Institute to offer Elective courses
on Entrepreneurship and / or IPR for the engineering students.

Faculty position: Sanctioned faculty post: 1 (One), Vacant Post: Nil

Faculty Profile:
Specialisation / Contact No.
Name Designation Qualificati
Research Area E-mail
 Entrepreneurship
M. K. Sanyal Professor Ph.D  IPR 9831352950
 Environmental

Recent Placement Statistics of the Institute:

Our Recruiters over recent years :

Besides, Final Placements, many students, pre-dominantly from Pre-final Yea,r also had the
opportunity for Vacational Training or Summer Internship Programme in reputed industrial /
academic institutions - some of them also leading to Pre-Placement Offers.

Grooming Activities organized by HRM Department:

02.04.2014 : Interactive Seminar on ―Cracking Aptitude Test‖ – sponsored by Times of India

17.07.2014 : NEN Workshhop on Entrepreneurship Development at College level

15-18. 07. 2014 : Placement Session conducted by Prof. M.K.Sanyal for 2015 pass-out batch.

Interactive Session for Students on ―From Engineers to Managers‖ conducted
by Mr. Suvro Ray Chaudhuri (class of 1999 Mechanical, presently with UB
Group ) and Smt. Baishali Chatterjee (Class of 1990, presently with Intel
Corp. USA) with Prof. Kanika Das of EE Deptt.

Grooming Session for 2015 Pass-out Students: Career Opportunities of
Engineers in Government Sector and Scopes for Studies Abroad conducted
by Mr. T. K. Sarkar, TEQIP Consultant and Dr. M. K. Sanyal.

Grooming Session for 2015 Pass-out Students: Career Opportunities in
Emerging Frontier Technology Areas of Semiconductor and Computer

Students‘ Interactive Session on Best Practices in Training & Placement
in elite Institutions by Prof. S. K. Barai, Head – Career Development
Centre, IIT- Kharagpur,

23 July – 14 August, 2014

Special Counselling and Remedial Training
Programme for deficient students

15.10.2014 : Students interactive session on Avenues in Doctoral Fellowship Programme in

collaboration with IIM-Kolkata

12.11.2014 : Interactive Session with Students on EDC Activities

19.11.2014 : Students‘ Workshop on Cloud Computing by TCS

16.01.2015 : Career Opportunities in Deptt. of Atomic Energy at VECC Salt-Lake

19.01.2015 : Labview Workshop for students

23.03.15 : CESC Unmesh CESC SIP Launch

25.03.2015 : Placement Readiness Workshop by Focus Academy of Career Advancement (FACE)
Industry promoted students’ activities facilitated by HRM Department:

April 2014: Vine and Collage Competition hosted by Accenture

April 2014: Innovacracy – Competion on Innovation hosted by TCS

Merit-cum-Means Scholarships sponsored by CTS Foundation awarded to 1 st. year students

02.06.14 - 30.06.14
Accenture Head-Start Foundation Programme conducted by the faculty
from M/A Accenture for the 2014 pass-out batch held at the Institute

Launching of ICICI Trinity 2014 - Students‘ Innovation Programme

23.07.2014: Pre-Connect Session with TCS Innovation Laboratory for 2015 Pass-out Batch

05.08.2014 : Pre-Connect Session with Infosys for 2015 Pass- out Batch

TCS Best Student Award being handed over to Father of Ms. Prerana
Singhal, University Topper from 2014 pass-out batch by Mr. Kushal
Banerjee of TCS

Projects / Consultancy under HRM Department

Tracers’ Study for Career Prospecting of IIESTS Students.

This is a major Project taken up by HRM Department under TEQIP funding.

The basic objective of this Project was to obtain inputs from the immediate
passed-out candidates of the Institute regarding how the teaching Learning
process and also extra-curricular activities can be augmentedd so as to
facilitate the students securing careers of their choice. Suggestions received from the passed–out
students across various disciplines and persuing various career avenues have been compiled and
analysed so as to to arrive at the recommendations. Final Report of the Project has been submiited
in December 2014 to the authority to consider various recommendations made therein.

NRDC-IIEST-Innovation Facilitation Centre
NRDC-IIEST-Innovation Facilitation Centre (NRDC-IIEST-IFC) established under HRM
department is a collaborative initiative of National Research Development Corporation ( A
Government of India Enterprise) and IIEST, Shibpur with an objective of promoting innovation
activities among students, researchers and faculty members. The centre is facilitating effective
management of intellectual property (IP) and subsequently the transfer of the IP to the industry and /
creations of new entrepreneurs.
NRDC – IIEST – IFC, in collaboration with
Indian Patent Office organized the event titled:
―Enlightening Youth - Creativity and Innovation‖
on 26th. February, 2015. Senior officials of Indian
Patent Office along with faculty-members of the
Institute deliberated during the programme
attended by large number of interested students.

A batch of 17 students of IIEST were sponsored by the Institute to participate in the Global
Entrepreneurial Summit held at IIT-Kharagpur during 16-18 January, 2015.

Brochure of NRDC-IIEST-IF

Tagore Centre for Green Technology Business Incubation

The major project for setting up of large scale Incubation Centre supported by National Science &
Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board under DST-GoI has been made fully operational
in its dedicated facility at Slater Hall.
A Policy has also been adopted by the appropriate authority of the Institute to enable the students
and Faculty Members of the Institute to participate in technology-based entrepreneurship and also
to have spin-off companies to be incubated in this Incubation Centre.
Responses received from faculty-members and students in entrepreneurship
development and availing the facilities of the Incubation Centre has so far been
highly encouraging. Mentoring sessions are regularly being held at this Centre
for orientation of the students towards entrepreneurship.
Consultancy Projects on Conducting Environmentaland Impact Assessment (EIA) and Social
Impact Assessment ( SIA ) of major development projects on behalf of RITES (A GoI
Participation of HRM Departmen Faculty Member in Academic and Corporate Activities

Offered Course on IPR for M.Sc. Students at Kolkata University as Guest Faculty.

Served as Member of CII Eastern Region Innovation Task Force for the year 2014 -15

Acted as Reviewer for Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A

Participation in Training and Placement Meets organised by M/S Accenture (09/04/14),

Cognizant (20/04/14), TCS (25/07/14) and Wipro (7-88/8/14).

Served as an Expert of the various Selection Committees of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda

University (21/05/14), RCCIT ( 11/04/14), WB State Council of Science & Technology

Delivered a lecture on "Transition to Knowledge Society " as Chief Guest at the meeting held at
Taj Bengal of Consular Corps of Kolkata (CCK) - an Association of Career Diplomats and
Honorary Consuls in Kolkata together representing 65 Countries from all over the
world. (14/05/14)

Delivered the Key Note Speech for the Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC) held at Bharat
Technology, organised by DST-GoWB. (04.08/14)

Chairing the Session on ―Sharing of Best Innovative Practices in Water Management‖,in the
―National Workshop on Effective and Innovative Water Management towardsa Sustainable
Future‖ organized by CII at Park Hotel ( 21/08/14)

Attended TEQIP Review Meeting at Bhubaneswar (26/08/15)

Delivered Lecture on IPR as key resource person in the Faculty Development Programme at
Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata (02/09/14)

Participation in Television Programme Career Plus organized by Doordarshan as key


Delivered Key Note Speech at the 3 Day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp (EAC) organised by
Calcutta Institute of Technology supported by DST-GoWB (12/11/14)

Delivered Class lecture on Entrepreneurship and IPR at NBIRT for the participants attending
the ten days Training Programme for EDP organised with support from MNRE-GoI. (14/11/14)

Attended National Seminar on Roving Seminars on Patent Cooperation Treaty at National

University of Juridical Sciences organized by WIPO and FICCI,(19/11/14)

Attended, alongwith a student delegation from the Institute, CII Seminar on Innovation 2015 -
Today & Tomorrow at The Lalit Great Eastern, Kolkata (22/11/15)

Attended INFOCOM – the ICT Conference at ITC Sonar, Kolkata (4-6/12/14)

Delivered Lecture on "Role of Skill Development in Sustainable Employment" at the National

Seminar organized by Council of Engineering and Technology at Science City Auditorium.

Delivered Lecture on "Mentoring the students in IEM to make them ready for corporates and
higher studies", as key resource person, in the FDP at IEM-Kolkata (12/01/15)

Delivered a theme lecture on University-Industry Collaboration for Innovation Incubation at the

Workshop organized by National Research Development Corporation at IEM-Kolkata.


Conference Papers :

―Traditional Knowledge-based Healthcare System: Study of Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Indian

Context‖. Global Conference of Service Management‘ 2014.AURO University, Surat, Gujarat India
and Manning School of Business University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA. January 4 & 5, 2014,
Jnui Datta and Manas Kumar Sanyal

―Developing Entrepreneurship Model in the area of Traditional Knowledge-based Healthcare: An

Emerging Market in India‖.Conference Edited Volume, Springer, ICBPEM, NIT, Rourkela,
December 12& 13, 2014, Jnui Datta and Manas Kumar Sanyal

―Realising Prospects of Commercialization of Traditional Knowledge Based Innovation to Cater to

the Growing Needs of Health Care Sector in India‖ Proceedings of National Conference on
Governance of Traditional Knowledge and Contemporary Innovation, by MHRD-IPR Chair,
Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee, March 13 & 14, 2014, Jnui Datta and Manas
Kumar Sanyal

―Managing IPR for Facilitating New Drug Development in India: A Case Study for Rotavirus
Vaccine.‖ Proceedings of International Conference on ―Business Paradigms in Emerging Markets‖
(ICBPEM-2014), NIT, Rourkela, December 12& 13, 2014, Suhita Neogi and Manas Kumar Sanyal

Journal Paper

― Sustainable Slum Improvement Models‖. Terra Green, ( A TERI Publication ) Vol 7, Issue 12,
March 2015

―Growing Importance of Service sector in Economy: Prospect of Enterprise Development in

Healthcare sector in Indian context‖. SPANDAN FMS GNIT International Journal of Business
Management, ISSN-2348 666X. Volume – I, No – I, PP – 136-146, June 2014, Jnui Datta and
Manas Kumar Sanyal

Book Chapter

―Land Use and Infrastructure Development Strategy for Planned Transformation of Bally-Howrah-
Uluberia Planning Area‖ , Urban Development in Howrah – Socio-Economic Perspectives. ISBN :
978-93-84082-39-0, Primus Books, 2015, Soumen Mitra, Souvanic Ray, Sudip Kumar Ray and
Manas Kumar Sanyal

Department of
Humanities and Social Sciences

About the department
STEM discourses are evolutionary, social and cultural unfolding. Hence, they form an
integral part of the historical accumulation of knowledge.

Opening the minds of the initiated before and beyond engineering and technology is
extremely important ; not only to generate a sense of relief from the drudgery of quantity
but also to develop analytical and exploratory competence in a dynamic world. The
exposure to literature, economy, conditioned human behaviour and management, sensitize
the young hearts to be responsive to the division of real need and manufactured needs.

Precisely for these ends the Department of HSS is continuously striving to achieve these
objectives for seven long decades notwithstanding several imposed limitations and change
in perspectives.

Academic Programmes:
Core Courses
The Department teaches several core courses to all undergraduate students. These are :

Semester 1 &2 Professional Communication in English

Semester 3& 4 Principles of Management & Industrial Sociology
Semester 5& 6 Economics
Semester 7 & 8 Accounting & Financial Management

Open Elective Courses

The Department has proposed to offer the following open electives to undergraduate
students of the Dual degree programme:

Development Economics
Environmental Economics
Enjoying Shakespeare
Introduction to Science, Technology & Society
Introduction to Renaissance Drama
Language through Literature
Managing the Environment
Services Marketing

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme
Degree offered : PhD (Humanities & Management Sciences)
No. of candidates enrolled : 9
No. of Candidates registered : 4
No. of Candidates awarded: 2
Faculty Position:
Sanctioned faculty post ........8........................Vacant Post..3.................
Faculty profile (in the following table)
Name Designation Highest Specialisatio Contact No. E-mail
Qualification n / Research
Madhumati Dutta Professor Ph.D Economics 9836853402
Partha Sarathy Associate Ph.D. in Marketing 09432257559
Ray Professor Management Management
Rupen Basu Associate M.Com, Finance & 9831313642
Mallik Professor FCMA Accounting
Mallika Ghosh Associate M.Phil English 9830296095
Sarbadhikary Professor ghosh16mallika@yaho
Subhasis Assistant M.A. Sociology 9836945013
Bandyopadhyay Professor
Manasendu Visiting Ph.D Social & 9038819190 ( India )
Kundu Faculty Environmenta mannykundu@hotma

Awards and Laurels received by the faculty members:

Research area (only mention broad titles without description in details)

Environmental Economics/ Studies, Sociology of Science & Technology, Renaissance
Drama, Gender Studies, Corporate Governance, Finance & Control, Marketing
Management, Social Anthropology, Land Policy, Education Policy.

Research facilities (name specific equipment / picture, infrastructure etc.)0

Software available
Economic Outlook

Support staff position:
Sanctioned technical post .....0.....
Technical staff profile ( in the following table)

Ongoing Sponsored Research / projects: (mention area)

Industry-Institute Interaction :

Details of publications of each Faculty member (2013-14 )

Name Designation Journal Conference Books /
(List to be

Madhumati Dutta Professor 02*

Partha Sarathy Ray Asso.Prof. Nil Nil Nil
Rupen Basu Mallik Asso.Prof. Nil Nil Nil
Mallika Ghosh Asso.Prof. 01 01 Nil
Subhasis Asst.Prof. 01 02 01
Manasendu Kundu Visiting Faculty 06 04 01

* „Targeting Consumer Groups and What They Consume for the Mitigation of Climate
Change in India‟, in Environmental change and Human Security in the Middle East and
Africa, eds. Mohamed Behnassi and Katriona McGlade, in print, 2015.

Crafting a Doctoral Thesis, in Research Methodology in the Social Sciences: the emerging
trends, eds. Arabinda Samanta and Lakshmi Sivaramakrishnan, UGC and Burdwan
University, 2015.

Trends in Per Capita Household Expenditure and its implications on Carbon Emissions in
Developed versus developing countries‟, in international journal of Management and Social
Sciences, volume 4(2), January 2015 (with Pragya Gupta), 81-92.

“Contingent valuation of environment in developing regions” in Academia: GMGC,

volume 1, issue 1, 2014-15, pages 158-168, ISSN 2348-7054 (with Sanchita Sen).

Seminar / Workshops / Conference / Training programme organised by the
department (2013-14)
Event Topics Date
1 National Seminar Women & Work: Issues & 07 Feb. 2013
2 Symposium (Jointly Philosophy of Science 11 Aug, 2013
with Dept. of IT )
3 Short Term Course Research Methodology 18 – 23rd Nov, 2013
4 Short Term Course Environment: An Interdisciplinary 19th Feb to 15th March,
Approach 2014
5 Lecture Speaker :Prof. Higher Education in Times of Crisis 08 March, 2014
Alan Spector
6 Celebration Celebrating International Women‘s 08 March, 2014
Day: Inspiring Change
7 Lecture Speaker :Prof. Legacies (I) :Infinitesimal in Calculus 20 May, 2014
Gautam its Rejection & Revival
8 Lecture Speaker : Legacies (II ) : Music & Primes 13 Aug, 2014
Prof. Asok Kr. Mallik
9 Lecture Speaker: Prof Legacies (III ) :Pluralism in 11 Nov, 2014
Mihir Chakraborty Mathematics
10 Symposium Environmental Action in West Bengal 19 Feb, 2014
11 Short Term Course Human Evolution and Development December, 2014
of Early Technologies

Technology Developed / Innovations

Advancements under TEQIP- Phase II
Foreign visits and Invited Lectures :
Name Designation Invitations
Madhumati Professor a. Academic Staff College, Burdwan University,
Dutta b. HSS, BESUS – (2 nos.)
c. Symposium on Environmental Action in West
d. Consumer Behaviour and carbon Emissions,
Lessons in Policy, Nehru Memorial Museum and
Library in the ‗Science, Society and Nature‘ Public
Lecture series of 2015.
Mallika Ghosh Assoc.Prof. Maulana Azad College (Masters Programme )-Invited
Sarbadhikary Lecture Series
Subhasis Asst.Prof. USA (PURDUE UNIVERSITY ) 2015 , CHICAGO
Bandyopadhyay ( SSSP ANNUAL CONFERENCE ) 2015
Manasendu Visiting At Jadavpur University, Calcutta University, Burdwan
Kundu Faculty University, GourbangaViswavidyalaya, Malda,West
Bengal State University,Barasat, Bankura University.
University of California at Santa Barbara

Visitors to your Department (Indian & Foreign)
Name Designation
Mihir Chakraborty Professor
Professor,( retd )Cal Univ., Adjunct Prof. Jadavpur Univ.
Alan J. Spector Professor of Behavioural Sciences,
University of Purdue, USA
Manasendu Kundu Summer Faculty, Departments of Anthropology &
Environmental Studies , University of California,
Santa Barbara, USA)

Extension Activities and Societal outreach:

Following the mandate of the Right to Education the department of HSS has been actively
involved in planning modules and teaching students in the IIEST campus and adjoining
areas. UG students are volunteering as tutors.

Guided Numerous Students (UG) To Formulate and execute Short-Term Research Projects
Areas of Work : Primary Education in India, Right to Education, Child Labour, Sexuality,
Adolescent Behaviour, Environment, Gender Equality, Farmers‘ Problems, Women in
Science Education, Human Trafficking.

New Academic / Research Initiatives

a) Academic Collaboration with the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences,
Purdue University, Calumet.
b) Interdisciplinary Centre for Studies in Science Technology & Culture ( Revised
Proposal awaiting approval of the Senate, IIEST, S )

Department of
Information Technology


The Department of Information Technology started its journey in the year 2000. It is one of the
youngest departments of this 159 years old Institute. The department has produced excellent IT
engineers who are serving in different reputed organizations and pursuing higher studies at
Institutes of Excellence in India and abroad. The department provides state-of-the-art
computational facilities for the students. The strength of the department has been in its diverse
areas of research in which it has a remarkable contribution.

Academic Programmes

Undergraduate Level

B.E. in Information Technology: The B.E. program is a four-year course oriented undergraduate
program. The course work is spread across all the semesters. The courses include a set of core
courses offered by the department, a set of departmental electives and some free electives. Apart
from these, a student must complete three courses in his / her minor area. The minor area must be
different from Information Technology. Besides, a student must also complete a project in fourth
th th
year (7 – 8 semester) towards the fulfillment of the degree requirements.

Postgraduate Level

M.E. in Information and Communication Engineering: The M.E. program is a two-year course
oriented graduate program. The student has to take a set of core courses and a set of electives.
The course work is spread across the first two semesters with an option of taking one elective in
the third semester. This is followed by a project in the third and fourth semester in which the
student can take up a project of his / her interest, supervised by a faculty member.

Doctoral Level

PhD in Information Technology: The PhD. programs are postgraduate research oriented
programs. The scholar works in an area of his/her interest under the supervision of a faculty
member. The scholar has to obtain a minimum number of credits by taking courses. The highlight
of the program is the independent research work taken by a scholar, leading to a dissertation at
the end of the program. The average duration of a PhD. program is between four to five years.

Student’s intake

U.G P.G Ph.D (Session 2014-15)

Awarded – 5
Sanctioned students‘ intake 60 20 Thesis submitted – 0
Registered – 16

Additional intake through lateral entry/ QIP 6 - Enrolled – 5

Ph.D Activities

Ph.D Awarded during 2014-2015 session

1. Indrajit Pan: Design and Analysis of Droplet Routing Algorithms for Digital Microfluidic
2. Indrajit Banerjee: Appplication of Cellular Automata for Sensor Network Management.
3. Kamalika Dutta: Synthesis and Optimization of Reversible Logic Circuits.
4. Subarna Chatterjee: Computer Aided Breast Cancer Diagnosis Systems for Sono-
5. Mousumi Dutt: Generation Decomposition and Analysis of the Isothetic Polygons in the
Digital Geometric Paradigm.

Ph.D Submitted during 2014-2015 session

PhD. Registered during 2014-2015 session

1. Shuvajyoti Pal
2. Rupam Some
3. Tapasi Bhattacharjee
4. Ranjeet Kr. Rout
5. Anupam Pattanayak
6. Souvik Roy
7. Nimisha Ghosh
8. Sumit Adak
9. Srijit Chwdhury
10. Nilanjana Datta Roy
11. Bappaditya Mondal
12. Arya Ghosh
13. K. Raful Islam
14. Sk. Latib

Ph.D Enrolled during 2014-2015 session

1. Chinmoy Ghorai
2. Debapriya Sengupta
3. Sushovan Das
4. Sankar Kumar Mridha
5. Subha Koley
6. Munshi Mostafizur Rahaman
7. Avik Bose
Faculty position
Sanctioned faculty post 13
Professor 2
Associate Professor 1
Assistant Professor (Senior) 1
Assistant Professor 7
Vacant post 2

Specialization/ Research Area Contact No. / Mail
Faculty Name Designation Qualificatio
 Design & Test of VLSI Circuits rahaman_h@it.iiests.
 Network-On-Chip, SOC Testing
Dr. Hafizur  Design & Testing of
Professor Ph.D
Rahaman Cryptographic Hardware
 Design & Testing of Micro
fluidic Bio Chip
Dr. Santi Prasad Professor Ph.D  Digital Image Watermarking santipmaity@it.iiests
Maity  Wavelets for image de-noising,
watermarking, Access control
and Error concealment
 Optimized spread Spectrum
 VLSI for watermarking
PAPR reduction in
 Wireless Channel Estimation
 Multiuser Detection in MC-
 Optical Computing

Dr. Arindam Associate Ph.D  Digital Geometry

Biswas Professor  Image Processing and Pattern n
 Medical Image Analysis m Extn. no. 260

Dr. Sukanta Das Assistant Ph.D  Cellular Automata

Professor  Distributed Computing n Extn. no.

Dr. Tuhina Assistant Ph.D  Design of algorithms for VLSI t_samanta@it.iiests.a

Samanta Professor inter connect design
 Developing of algorithm for
Physical design of Digital Micro-
fluidic Biochip
 Optimization of Architectural and
Layout Level Design of 3D .in
Nanoscale Systems with major
thrust on a) Performance Centric,
Dr. Prasun Assistant Power Aware Design of Network-
Ph.D on-Chips(NoC) and b)
Ghosal Professor
Performance Centric Layout
Design of 3D Integrated Circuits
 Post Silicon Nanoscale
Technologies and Computing

Dr. Indrajit Assistant Ph.D  Wireless ad-hoc Sensor Network

Banerjee Professor .in
Mr. Surajit Kr. Assistant M.Tech VLSI Testing
Roy Professor  3DIC Testing

Dr. Chandan Assistant Ph.D VLSI digital Circuit Testing chandangiri@gmail.c
Giri Professor  System-On-Chip Testing om
 Network-On-Chip Testing
Mr. Assistant M.Tech. Secret Sharing, Visual shyamalendk@it.iiest
Shyamalendu Professor Cryptography
Dr. Malay Assistant Ph.D  Crowdsourcing malaybhattacharyya
Bhattacharyya Professor  Big Data Analysis
 Computational Molecular Biology

Awards and Laurels

Name Award Received Given by Year

Hafizur Rahaman DST-DAAD research Indo-German (DST- 2013-2015

fellowship (with Prof. DAAD) Bilateral
Rolf Drechsler, Professor Cooperation
and Director, Computer
Architecture Group,
University of Bremen,
Post Doctoral fellowship University Grant June 2013- 2014.
award in University of Commission, New Delhi
North Texas, USA, under
Raman Post Doctoral
Fellowship grant,

Vice Chair, Executive ELSEVIER 2014

Committee of IEEE
computer Society (IEEE
Dr. Prasun Ghosal
CS) Technical
Committee on
Awarded Outstanding ELSEVIER 2014
Reviewer status by
Best Paper Award with a 2014
cash prize from IEEE
Computer Society
and Best presentation
award in Soft Computing
Section in International
Conference on Advances
in Electrical Engineering

Research area

Below we mention the selected areas of research contributions in made by the department.

A. Systems Architecture and Design of Computer

Architecture, Design,
and VLSI

B. Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata

in Distributed Computing,
Pattern Recognition,
Traffic Modeling
VLSI design & Test

C. Digital Image Watermarking and Signal Processing

LBM and Additive watermarking using signal processing tools
High Payload Spread Spectrum watermarking using Wavelets
QIM watermarking for Access control and Error Concealment
Optimized Spread Spectrum watermarking
VLSI architecture for watermarking
D. Digital Geometry and Image Analysis
Shape Analysis
3D Image Analysis
Face Recognition
Document Image Analysis

E. Wireless and Mobile Communication, Sensor Network

PAPR reduction in Multicarrier System
Multiuser Detection in MC-CDMA
Channel estimation
Optimized system design
Efficient Routing protocol
Energy efficient WSN Management

F. Nanoscale Computing and system Design

Optimization of Architectural and Layout Level Design of 3D Nanoscale Systems
with major thrust on
Performance-centric, Power Aware Design of networks-on-Chips (NoC) and
Centric Layout Design of 3D Integrated Circuits
Post Silicon Nanoscale Technologies and Computing
Memristive Technology, Modeling, and Simulation
DNA Computing

G. Information Management and Analytics

Big Data Analysis
Computational Molecular Biology

Research facilities

i) Computing Facilities:

Model Specification Nos.

A. MAIL SERVER X Series 236 @ server (IBM )
& Intel Single Xeon DP Processor @ 3.2 GHz 2

Single or Dual Intel® Xeon® 3.0 GHz

processors or Single or Dual Intel® Xeon®
C. ORACLE SERVER 3.2 GHz processors (dependent on model)

Intel Dual Core 3 GHZ

D. HP XW 4600Workstation
I3 RAM 4GB Hard Disk 1TB 20
F. HP Compaq dx7400



ii) Software:

• Windows 98 (SE)
• Red Hat Linux 703 professional
• Norton systems works
• Personal oracle 8015 (Win 98 compatible)
• Visual studio .Net professional (Single user)
• MS office XP (Prof)
• Macromedia flash
• ADOBE Photoshop CS2 version 9 educational paper license
• ADOBE Photoshop CS2 version 9 Edu media kit on CD
• Windows 2000 (OEM Pack)
• Win 2000 server plus (Academic editions) Client license
• Oracle 10G database std-I edition on linux
• McAfee Active Virus Scan P:1 Gold (101 user)
 Adobe Acrobat Professional 9
 Extra Cyber Emulator

• Matlab R2008a (Client Server) (30 user)

• Simulink (5 user)
• Signal Processing Toolbox(5 user)
• ATS for oracle std-I for 1 year
• Media for oracle in CD
• Internet developer suite on windows XP OS
• Sound forge (latest version) Edu full box on CD
• Rational Rose
• Microsoft windows XP prof. Upgrade OLP NL-AE
• Microsoft office 2003 prof. OLP NL-AE
• Microsoft studio 8 Edu paper license
• Microsoft windows XP prof. Media kit on CD
• Microsoft office 2003 prof. Media kit on CD
• Microsoft studio 8 Edu media kit on CD
• 1SE Design Suite Foundation 8.1i,9.1i,10.1i,11.1i, 12.1i, 13.1i
• Chip scope Pro
• Embedded Development kit
• Plan Ahead
• System Generator
• Accel DSP
• ModelSim XE Simulator

iii) Electronics Equipment:

Sl. No. Name of the Item Qty

1 Microcontroller Kit SDA 51 12

2 P-N Sequence generator 04
3 Function Generator 09
4 Test ROM for NIFC- 27 01
5 26 pin I/O connector 15
6 PMS DSP 320C 30Trainer KIT 06
7 Parallel Port Cable for DSP C-30 06
8 Input /Output Cable 06
9 Power Supply for SDA –51 12
10 8085 Microprocessor Trainer kit 18
11 8086 Microprocessor Trainer kit 06
12 Digital Trainer kit 08
13 Digital Communication Trainer kit 15
14 Traffic Light simulator Interface Kit (ALS -NIFC-11) 06
DAC for ADC Temperature Sensor Dual slope ADC interface for
15 µP 04
16 Interface to study A/D and D/A converter(NIFC-27) 02
17 JP6 of Interface card to Trainer Kit Connector 02
18 Test ROM for NIFC- 01and NIFC-11 01
23 Vector Signal Generator 01
24 Spartan-3 AN FPGA Development Board 05
25 Spartan-3 FPGA Development Board 01
26 Virtex-5 FPGA Development Board 02
27 Vector Signal Analyzer 01
29 Agilent N5182A-403 Calibrated AWGN 01

Name of the Laboratories:

Laboratory Exclusive
Number of Number of Quality of Laboratory
description in use
students experiments instruments manuals
the curriculum / shared

Manuals for
All computers in
the laboratory
the laboratory
Computer Lab-I Exclusive 66 40 / semester instructions
have dual core
are uploaded
and core2Duo
on the website.
Manuals for
All computers in
the laboratory
Computer Lab- the laboratory
Exclusive 66 40 / semester instructions
II have P4
are uploaded
on the website.
Computer Lab-
Exclusive 40
Computer Lab-
Exclusive 50
9 / semester All computers in
Used for the laboratory
ME Lab I Exclusive 10
research have Intel i5
related works configuration
9 / semester
Used for
ME Lab II Exclusive 10
related works
Electronics and
Communication Exclusive 30 25 Instruments
Research Lab Exclusive 10

Support staff position:
i) Sanctioned technical post:
ii) Technical staff profile

Designatio Highest
Name Contact No E-mail Id
n Qualification
Technical D.C.S.T, MCA,
Soma Sardar 9433487298
Assistant M.TECH
Technical D.C.S.T, B.TECH,
Soumen Gope 9433985637
Assistant M.TECH
Technical D.C.S.T, B.TECH,
Souvik Patra 9433730433
Assistant M.TECH m
Technical D.C.S.T, AMIE
Subhajit Biswas 9830146357
Assistant (PURSUING)
Technical M.Sc(Math),
Snehashis Saha Assistant P.G.D.C.A, 9830573478
Technical M.Sc(Computer),
Amiya Ratan Rout 9232606401
Assistant M.TECH
Bishnu Pada Technical
B.Sc, MCA 9432926952
choudhury Assistant
Suman Chakraborty B.TECH, M.TECH 9831399726
Assistant m
Technical D.E.T.C,
Sanchayita Dhara 9433957440
Assistant AMIE(Pursuing) m
Malay Dhir 9831365531
Suman Sarkar Group D Madhyamik 9007612086
Group D Madhyamik 9062477213

Ongoing Sponsored Research/ / Projects: (mention area)

Ongoing :
―Efficient Test Infrastructure Design for 3D Multi-Core Integrated Circuits‖, Sponsored by UGC,
3years (2011-14), Completion date 31st June 2014.
3D TV - 3D View from All Directions without glasses ,Sponsor: Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India (GOI)CSIR Scheme No: 22(2769)/11

Generation, Decomposition, and Analysis of the Isothetic Polygons in Digital Geometric

Paradigm Sponsor: University Grants Commision (UGC), Government of India (GOI)

Detailed Publications: Year: 2014- – 2015

International Journals/Edited Volumes / Conference

International Journals
1. ManodipanSahoo, PrasunGhosal and, HafizuRahaman,―Modeling and Analysis of Cross talk
Induced Effects in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Bundle Interconnects: An ABCD Parameter Based
Approach‖, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, (Accepted) 2014 (With PhD Student).
2. Sayan Kanungo, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Partha Sarathi Gupta and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Comparative
Performance Analysis of the Dielectrically Modulated Full Gate and Short Gate Tunnel FET based
Bio-Sensors‖, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, (TED 2015) (Accepted).
3. KamalikaData, I.Sengupta, HafizurRahaman and Rolf Drechsler, ―An Approach to Reversible
Logic Synthesis using Input and Output Permutations‖, Springer Transactions on Computation
Science XXIV, LNCS 8911, pp.1-8, 2014 (With PhD Student) (DOI:- 978-3-662-45710-8,
4. ChandanBandyopadhyay, HafizurRahamanand Rolf Drechsler, ―Cube List based Cube Pairing
Approach for Synthesis of ESOP based Reversible logic‖, Springer Transactions on Computational
Science, XXIV, LNCS 8911, pp. 1–18, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-45711-5_8, (With PhD
5. ManodipanSahoo and HafizurRahaman, ―Modeling of Crosstalk Induced Effects in Copper Based
Nano-Interconnects:An ABCD Parameter Matrix Based Approach‖, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and
Computers, Vol. 24, No. 2 (2015) 1540007, World Scientific Publishing Company, DOI:
10.1142/S0218126615400071, (With PhD Student).
6. ManodipanSahoo,HafizurRahaman and BhargabB.Bhattacharya, ―On the Suitability of Single-
Walled Carbon Nanotube Bundle Interconnects for High-Speed and Power Efficient
Applications‖,Journal of Low Power Electronics, American Scientific Publishers, Vol. 10, No 3, pp.
479-494, September 2014. (With PhD Student). (DOI: 10.1166/jolpe.2014.1339)
7. KamalikaDatta, BhadreshwarGhuku, IndranilSengupta, HafizurRahaman and Rolf Drechsler,
―Synthesis of Reversible Logic Circuits using the Algebra of Permutation Cycles with Input/Output
Orderings‖,Journal of Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, Springer publication (Accepted). (With
PhD Student)
8. ManodipanSahoo, PrasunGhosal and HafizurRahaman, ―Performance Modeling and Analysis of
Carbon Nanotube Bundles for Future VLSI Circuit Applications", Journal of Computational
Electronics, Springer Publication, pp.673-688, DOI 10.1007/s10825-014-0587-7, (With PhD
Student) .
9. KamalikaDatta, GauravRathi, IndranilSengupta and HafizurRahaman,―An Improved Reversible
Circuit Synthesis Approach using Clustering of ESOP Cubes‖, ACM Journal on Emerging
Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC), 11(2):15(2014), (With PhD Student).
10. KamalikaDatta, IndranilSengupta, and HafizurRahaman,―A Post-Synthesis Optimization Technique
forReversible Circuits Exploiting Negative Control Lines‖, IEEE Transactions on Computers 2014,
(online available) (DOI:-I:10.1109/TC.2014.2315641), (With PhD Student)
11. Nachiketa Das, Pranab Roy, and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Detection of Crosstalk Faults in Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)‖, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series B,
Springer publication, 2014, (Accepted), (With PhD Student),(DOI:- 10.1007/s40031-014-0141-9).
12. Kamalika Datta, Indranil Sengupta, and Hafizur Rahaman, "Exact Synthesis of Reversible Circuits
using Astar Algorithm", Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, Springer
publication, 2014, (Accepted). (With PhD Student), (DOI- 10.1007/S40031-014-0133-9).
13. Subhankar Chatterjee, Santi P. Maity and Tamaghna Acharya, ―Energy Efficient Cognitive Radio
System for Joint Spectrum Sensing and Data Transmission‖, Special Issue: Microwatts Wireless
Technologies on IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems Vol. 4, No.
3, September 2014, pp. 292-300.
14. Subhankar Chatterjee, Tamaghna Acharya, and Santi P. Maity, ―On Optimized Decode and
Forward Relay Assisted CR System Design for Throughput Maximization‖, Journal of Digital Signal
Processing, Elsevier Vol. 34, November 2014, pp. 92-100.
15. Hirak Maity and Santi P. Maity, FPGA Implementation of Reversible Watermarking in Digital
Images using Reversible Contrast Mapping, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Science Vol.
96. October 2014, pp.93-104.
16. Santi P. Maity, Seba Maity, Jaya Sil and Claude Delpha "Perceptually adaptive MC-SS image
watermarking using GA-NN Hybridization in Fading Gain‖, Special issue on Journal Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol.31, pp.3-14, May, 2014.
17. Santi P. Maity, Sumanta Hati and Chinmoy Maji, Optimal Power Allocation in DS-CDMA with
Adaptive SIC Technique, Special issue, Springer Telecommunication System, Springer Verlag
Volume 56, Issue 3 (2014), Page 335-346.
18. Subhankar Chatterjee, Santi P. Maity and Tamaghna Acharya, ―On Optimal Threshold Selection in
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks- an Energy Detection Approach using
Fuzzy Entropy Maximization‖, Special Issue in Journal of Wireless Personal Communication,
Springer DOI: 10.1007/s11277-015-2550-8 (Article in press).
19. Tamaghna Acharya, Santi P. Maity and Swagata Mandal, ―Outage Minimized Joint Power and
Channel Allocation in Multihop Cognitive Radio Networks: A Lifetime-Centric Approach‖ Journal
of Wireless Personal Communication, Springer.
20. Santi P. Maity and Hirak Maity, On Adaptive Distortion Control in Reversible Watermarking using
Modified Reversible Contrast Mapping, Multimedia Tools and Applications (Article in press).
21. I Banerjee, P Chanak, H Rahaman, T Samanta , Effective fault detection and routing scheme for
wireless sensor networks, Computers & Electrical Engineering 40 (2), 291-306.
22. N Ghosh, I Banerjee, T Samanta, Energy efficient coverage of static sensor nodes deciding on
mobile sink movements using game theory, Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing
(AIMoC), 2014, 118-125.
23. S Datta, I Banerjee, T Samanta, Mobile Sink Management for Nonuniformly Distributed Sensor
Node Coverage Using a Game Theoretic Approach, Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics, 311-
24. R Banerjee, K Ray, S Bhattacherjee, S Guha, I Banerjee, I Nath, A study of insulin resistance and
its clinico-metabolic associations among apparently healthy individuals attending a tertiary care
hospital, Annals of medical and health sciences research 4 (5), 823
25. P Chanak, I Banerjee , Path Discovery for Sinks Mobility in Obstacle Resisting WSNs, Advanced
Computing, Networking and Informatics-Volume 2, 39-50.
26. P Chanak, I Banerjee, H Rahaman, Load management scheme for energy holes reduction in wireless
sensor networks, Computers & Electrical Engineering
27. S Dan, P Aditya, P Banerjee, C Bal, H Roy, I Banerjee, Effect of chronic kidney disease on serum
resistin level , Nigerian journal of clinical practice 17 (6), 735-738.
28. N Ghosh, SK Roy, T Samanta, I Banerjee, Path determination algorithm of Mobile Sinks for energy
efficient data collection and optimal coverage in Wireless Sensor Network, Information Technology
(ICIT), 2014 International Conference on, 76-81.
29. S Das, I Banerjee, M Chatterjee, T Samanta , Performance analysis of TDMA based data
transmission in WSN , Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 2014 14th International
30. P Chanak, I Banerjee, J Wang, RS Sherratt, Obstacle avoidance routing scheme through optimal
sink movement for home monitoring and mobile robotic consumer devices, Consumer Electronics,
IEEE Transactions on 60 (4), 596-604.
31. I Banerjee, B Datta, A Kumari, S Mandal , Compact clustering based geometric tour planning for
mobile data gathering mechanism in wireless sensor network , Advances in Computing,
Communications and Informatics (ICACCI, 2014 ...
32. I Banerjee, S Chakrabarti, A Bhattacharyya, U Ganguly, An energy aware routing design to
maximize lifetime of a Wireless Sensor Network with a mobile base station, Advances in Computing,
Communications and Informatics (ICACCI, 2014 .
33. R Some, I Banerjee , PRMN: Predictive Location Based Routing for Mobile Nodes in Wireless
Sensor Network , Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC), 2014 Fourth International
... .
34. M Samanta, I Banerjee , Optimal load distribution of cluster head in fault-tolerant wireless sensor
network Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), 2014 IEEE Students ... .
35. P Chanak, I Banerjee , Load reduction with multiple mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks ,
Students' Technology Symposium (TechSym), 2014 IEEE, 121-125

36. S Mukherjee, I Banerjee, T Samanta , Defect aware droplet routing technique in digital microfluidic
biochip, Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2014 IEEE International, 30-35.
37. I Banerjee, A Datta, S Pal, S Chatterjee, T Samanta, A Novel Fault Detection and Replacement
Scheme in WSN , Recent Advances in Intelligent Informatics, 303-310 .

38. M. Bhattacharyya, J. Nath and S. Bandyopadhyay, MicroRNA Signatures Highlight New Breast
Cancer Subtypes, Gene, 556:192-198, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.gene.2014.11.053. (Latest IF: 2.082)
39. M. Bhattacharyya and S. Bandyopadhyay, Finding Quasi Core with Simulated Stacked Neural
Networks, Information Sciences, 294:1-14, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2014.09.032. (Latest IF: 3.893)

40. P. Chatterjee, M. Bhattacharyya, S. Bandyopadhyay and D. Roy, Studying the System-level

Involvement of MicroRNAs in Parkinson‘s Disease, PLoS ONE, 9(4):e93751, 2014, DOI:
10.1371/journal.pone.0093751. (Latest IF: 3.534)
41. Manodipan Sahoo, Prasun Ghosal and Hafizur Rahaman,‖Modeling and Analysis of Crosstalk
Induced Effects in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Bundle Interconnects: An ABCD Parameter Based
Approach", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (IEEE TNANO) [Accepted].
42. Manodipan Sahoo, Prasun Ghosal and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Performance Modeling and Analysis of
Carbon Nanotube Bundles for Future VLSI Circuit Applications", Journal of Computational
Electronics, Springer publications [Online] DOI 10.1007/s10825-014-0587-7, pp. 673-688.
43. Prasun Ghosal, Hafizur Rahaman, Koyel Mukherjee, and Dibyendu Ballabh, "A Low Power, Low
Jitter DLL Based Low Frequency (250 KHz) Clock Generator", International Journal of Signal and
Imaging Systems Engineering (Inderscience IJSISE), 2014, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 3 - 11, DOI:
44. Mayukh Sarkar, Prasun Ghosal, Saraju Mohanty, "Minimum Reversible Circuit Synthesis on a
DNA Computer", Natural Computing, Springer, [Accept with minor revision] - 2013 I.F. 0.539
45. Debashri Roy, Prasun Ghosal, and Saraju Mohanty, "FuzzRoute: A Thermally Efficient Congestion
Free Global Routing Method for Three Dimensional Integrated Circuits", ACM Transactions on
Design Automation of Electronic Systems (ACM TODAES) [Accepted] - 2011 I.F. 0.811.
46. Surajit Kumar Roy, Chandan Giri and Hafizur Rahaman, Optimization of Test Architecture in
3D Stacked ICs for Partial Stack/Complete Stack using Hard SOCs, Accepted for publication in
Journal of IEEE Computer and Digital Techniques, 2015
47. Suman Bhowmik and Chandan Giri, "A Fuzzy Communication Model of Sensor Nodes in Wireless
Sensor Network", accepted for publication in Intl. Journal of Sensor Network, Inderscience, 2015.
48. S. Bera, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, A Fast and Automated Granulometric Image Analysis Based on Digital
Geometry, (accepted) Fundamenta Informaticae, 138 (2015) 321–338, DOI 10.3233/FI-2015-1213.
49. M. Dutt, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, On the Family of Shortest Isothetic Paths
in a Digital Object---An Algorithm with Applications, Computer Vision and Image Understanding,
Vol. 129, 75-88, Elsevier, 2014,DOI:10.1016/j.cviu.2014.07.001
50. M. Dutt, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, On Finding a Shortest Isothetic Path and
its Monotonicity inside a Digital Object, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial
Intelligence, DOI: 10.1007/s10472-014-9421-y (in press).
51. A. Mukherjee, U. Garain, and A. Biswas, Experimenting with Automatic Text-to-Diagram Conversion: A
Novel Teaching Aid for the Blind People, Journal of Educational Technology & Society (ISSN
1436-4522), Vol. 17(3), 40-53.
52. Subhamita Mukherjee, Tuhina Samanta, "A Novel Fault Detection Mechanism in Digital
Microfluidic Biochip", accepted, under proof reading, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and
Applications (Springer Verlag), May 2015.
53. Nazma Naskar, Sumit Adak, Pradipta Maji and Sukanta Das: Synthesis of Non-uniform Cellular
Automata Having only Point Attractors. ACRI 2014: 105-114
54. Biswanath Sethi, Sukanta Das: Convergence of Asynchronous Cellular Automata (Under Null
Boundary Condition) and Their Application in Pattern Classification. Recent Advances in Natural
Computing, 2014, pp. 35-55
55. Raju Hazari, Sukanta Das. On number conservation property of ECA under α-asynchronous update.
AUTOMATA 2014: 149-156

International Conferences
1. M. Bhattacharyya, Viability of Crowd-Volunteered Open Research Reviews, In Proceedings of the
AAAI HCOMP Workshop on Volunteer-Based Crowdsourcing in Science, Public Health and
Government (Citizen + X), Pittsburgh, USA, November 02, WS-14-20, pp. 6-7, AAAI Press, 2014
(ISBN: 978-1-577-35690-5).
2. M. Bhattacharyya, S. Bhattacharya and S. Bandyopadhyay, Estimating Completeness in Streaming
Graphs, In Proceedings of the EDBT/ICDT International Workshop on Multimodal Social Data
Management (MSDM), Athens, Greece, March 28, CEUR 1133, pp. 294-299, 2014 (ISSN: 1613-0073).
[Acceptance rate: 37.5%]
3. Saurab Dutta, Prasun Ghosal, "Routing Solution Over a Multi-layered Network on Chip", Accepted for
publication in proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference On Electronics Computing and
Communication Technologies (CONECCT 2015), [blind review], July 10-11, 2015, Bangalore, India.
4. Prasun Ghosal, Souvik Chowdhury, "Enterprise Application Security in Android Devices Using Short
Messaging Service under Unified Communication Framework", Accepted for publication in proceedings
of 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing (ATC 2015), [blind
review], August 10-14, 2015, Beijing, China.
5. Subha Koley, Prasun Ghosal, "Addressing Hardware Security Challenges in Internet of Things: Recent
Trends and Possible Solutions", Accepted for publication in proceedings of 12th IEEE International
Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing (ATC 2015), [blind review], August 10-14, 2015,
Beijing, China.
6. Mayukh Sarkar, Prasun Ghosal, "Implementing Data Structure using DNA: An Alternative in Post
CMOS Computing", Accepted for publication in proceedings of 2015 IEEE CS Annual Symposium on
VLSI (ISVLSI), [blind review], Montpellier, France, July 8-10, 2015.
7. Dhiman Ghosh, Prasun Ghosal, Saraju Mohanty, "A Highly Parameterizable Simulator for Performance
Analysis of NoC Architectures", In proceedings of 13th International Conference on Information
Technology [blind review], Bhubaneswar, India, December 22-24, 2014.
8. Avik Bose, Prasun Ghosal, Saraju P. Mohanty, "A Low Latency Scalable 3D NoC Using BFT Topology
with Table Based Uniform Routing", In proceedings of 2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium
on VLSI (ISVLSI) [blind review], Tampa, Florida, USA, July 9-11, 2014, pp. 136-141. DOI:
9. Somrita Ghosh, Prasun Ghosal, Nabanita Das, Saraju P. Mohanty, Oghenekarho Okobiah, "Data
Correlation Aware Serial Encoding for Low Switching Power On-Chip Communication", In proceedings
of 2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) [blind review], Tampa, Florida,
USA, July 9-11, 2014, pp. 124-129. DOI: 10.1109/ISVLSI.2014.48
10. Debashri Roy, Prasun Ghosal, Saraju P. Mohanty, "FuzzRoute: A Method For Thermally Efficient
Congestion Free Global Routing in 3D ICs", In proceedings of 2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual
Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) [blind review], Tampa, Florida, USA, July 9-11, 2014, pp. 71-76.DOI:
11. Tuhin Subhra Das, Prasun Ghosal, Saraju P. Mohanty, and Elias Kougianos, "A Performance Enhancing
Hybrid Locally Mesh Globally Star NoC Topology", In proceedings of Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
Design (GLSVLSI 2014) [blind review], Houston, Texas, USA, May 21-23, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4503-
2816-6 doi>10.1145/2591513.2591544
12. Debashri Roy, Prasun Ghosal, and Nabanita Das, "A Thermal and Congestion Driven Global Router
For 3D Integrated Circuits", In proceedings of 2014 IEEE Students' Technology Symposium (IEEE
TechSym 2014) [blind review], IIT Kharagpur, India, February 28-March 2, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4799-
2607-7 DOI: 10.1109/TechSym.2014.6808065
13. Nazma Banu, Prasun Ghosal, and Prasanta K. Panigrahi, "Quantum Information Splitting of An
Unknown Two Qubit State by Using Two Three Qubit GHZ Like States", In proceedings of IEEE
International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS 2014) [blind review],
Tamil Nadu, India, February 13-14, 2014.
14 . Md Zeeshan Ashraf, Dheeraj Kumar Chouwdhary, Rohan Lal Das, and Prasun Ghosal, "An Efficient
and Optimized Recommendation System Using Social Network Knowledge Base", In proceedings of
IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE '14) [blind review],
Vellore, India, January 9-11, 2014.
. Best Paper Award with a cash prize from IEEE Computer Society
. Best presentation award in Soft Computing Section
15. Manodipan Sahoo, Prasun Ghosal, and Hafizur Rahaman, "An ABCD parameter based Modeling and
Analysis of Crosstalk Induced Effects in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Bundle Interconnects", In
proceedings of 27th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID 2014) [double blind review],
Mumbai, India, January 5-9, 2014, pp. 433-438.
16. A. Banerjee and S. P. Maity, "Energy Detection Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing using Fuzzy
Conditional Entropy Maximization,‖ IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and
Telecommunications Systems (IEEE ANTS 2014), 14-17 December, 2014, New Delhi, India (Accepted).

17. H. K. Maity, S. P. Maity and T. Bhattacharya, Prediction based Reversible Watermarking with Contrast
Modification, IEEE international Image Processing Applications and Systems conference (IPAS'14),
November, 5-7, 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia (Accepted).
18. A. Ray, S. P. Maity and H. K. Maity, On Maximization of Fuzzy Entropy for MR Image Segmentation
at Compressed Sensing, IEEE international Image Processing Applications and Systems conference
(IPAS'14), November, 5-7, 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia (Accepted).
19. T. Bhattacharya, S. P. Maity and H. K. Maity, Progressive Quality Access through Secret Sharing and
Data Hiding Scheme, IEEE international Image Processing Applications and Systems conference
(IPAS'14), November, 5-7, 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia (Accepted).
20. A. Bose, S. P. Maity and C. Delpha, On Improved Spread Spectrum Watermark Detection under
Compressive Sampling‖, 5th European Conference European workshop on Visual Information
Processing, December 10-12, 2013, Paris, France (Accepted).
21. A. Ray and S. P. Maity, CS Reconstructed MR image Segmentation using Morpholigical Enhancement
and FCM, 4th International Conference of Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT
2014), December 19-21, Kolkata, India (Accepted).
22. S. Chatterjee, A. Banerjee, S. P. Maity and T. Acharya, ―Fuzzy C-Means Clustering in Energy Detection
for Cooperative Spectral Sensing in Cognitive Radio System‖, 7th International Workshop on Multiple
Access Communications, 27-28th August, Halmstad, Sweden (Accepted).
23. S. Sil Kar, S. P. Maity and Claude Delpha 'Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction Using Curvelet Transform
and Conditional Fuzzy Entropy', Accepted in 22nd IEEE European Signal Processing Conference,
EUSIPCO 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1-5, 2014.
24. S. Sil Kar, S. P. Maity and Claude Delpha 'On Retinal Blood Vessel Extraction Using Curvelet
Transform and Differential Evolution Based Maximum Fuzzy Entropy', Accepted in 21 IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2014, Paris, France, October 27-30, 2014.
25. S. Chatterjee, T. Acharya, and S.P. Maity, ―On Joint Spectrum Sensing And Data Transmission In Relay
Assisted Cognitive Radio Networks‖ Accepted in 9th IET International Conference on Communication
Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 2014, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, PP. 546-551.
26. S. Chatterjee, S.P. Maity and T. Acharya, ―On Optimal Relay Power Allocation in Energy Efficient
Cognitive Radio Networks‖ International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication , 2014,
to be held in IISC Bangalore (Accepted).
27. P. Mukherjee, S. Chatterjee, S. P. Maity and T. Acharya, ―On Optimal Power Allocation and Relay
Assignment in Multiuser Cognitive Radio Networks', International Conference on Signal Processing and
Communication , 2014, to be held in IISC Bangalore (Accepted).
28. S. Chatterjee, S. P. Maity and T. Acharya, ―On Optimal Power Allocation for Joint Spectral Sensing and
Data Transmission in CR Networks‖, 37th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal
Processing (TSP),2014, Berlin, Germany, July 1-3, 2014 (Accepted).
29. S.P. Maity and S. Hati, ―On CI/MC-CDMA System Design with Improved Receiver Performance‖ 37th
International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP),2014, Berlin, Germany,
July 1-3, 2014 (Accepted).
30. S. Sil kar and S. P. Maity, ―Extraction of Retinal Blood Vessel using Curvelet and Fuzzy C-Means‖,
22ND International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, 24-28th August, 2014
31. Apurba Ray, Santi P. Maity and Sarat Yadav, 'On Segmentation of MR Images Using Curvelet and
Fuzzy C-Means Under Compressed Sensing', Twentieth National Conference on Communication (NCC
2014, 28th Feb. to 1st March, 2014 (Prsented).
32. Sudip Ghosh, Arijit Biswas, Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman " Hadamard Walsh and Paley Ordered
DFWHT: A Study and Implementation on FPGA" in IEEE CALCON 2014 National Conference on
Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering (A Triennial Event of IEEE Kolkata Section) from
November 7-8, 2014 at Hotel Park Prime Kolkata,IndiaISBN 978-93-833-0383-0
33. Sudip Ghosh, Nachiketa Das, Subhajit Das,Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman "FPGA and SoC Based
VLSI Architecture of Reversible Watermarking Using Rhombus Interpolation By Difference Expansion"
in 11th IEEE India Conference INDICON 2014 from 11th to 13th December 2014 at Yashada,Pune,India
34. Sudip Ghosh, Arijit Biswas,Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman "Design of A Low Complexity and Fast
Hardware Architecture for Digital Image Watermarking in FWHT Domain on FPGA" in 5th IEEE
International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED 2014) from December 15 - 17, 2014 at NIT
Surathkal, Mangalore,India
35. Sudip Ghosh, Arijit Biswas, Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman "Design of an Improved Algorithm for
Blind Digital Image Watermarking Using Both Grayscale and Binary Watermark in DFWHT Domain" in
8th IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE 2014) from 20-22
December 2014 at Pan Pacific Sonargaon,Dhaka, Bangladesh.
36. Sudip Ghosh, Nachiketa Das, Subhajit Das,Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman "Digital Design and
Pipelined Architecture for Reversible Watermarking Based on Difference Expansion using FPGA" in
13th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2014) from 22nd -24th December,
2014 at Bhubaneswar,Orrisa, India.
37. Sheikh Rafiul Islam, Santi P. Maity, Ajay Kumar Ray, On Compressed sensing image Reconstruction
using Linear Prediction in Adaptive Filtering, Fourth International Conference on Advances in
Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), SCMS, Kochi, India, 10-13 August, 2015.
38. Anirban Bose, Santi Prasad Maity and Seba Maity, Image Watermarking on Degraded Compressed
Sensing Measurements, Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications
and Informatics (ICACCI-2015), SCMS, Kochi, India, 10-13 August, 2015.
39. Hirak Maity and Santi Prasad Maity, Multiple Predictors based RW Scheme with Adaptive Image
Partitioning, ICACCI Special Session on Recent Advances in Adaptive Systems and Signal Processing,
SCMS, Kochi, India, 10-13 August, 2015.
40. S. Ghosh, T. Acharya, S. Chatterjee and S. P. Maity, ―'On Optimal Power Sharing for Joint Sensing and
Data Transmission in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks‖, Twenty First National Conference on
Communication (NCC 2014, 28th Feb. to 1st March, 2015.
41. Sudip Ghosh,Subhojit Chatterjee, Santi P Maity and Hafizur Rahaman "A New Algorithm On Wavelet
Based Robust Invisible Digital Image Watermarking for Multimedia Security" in International
Conference on Electronic Design, Computer Networks & Automated Verification (EDCAV 2015) from
29-30th January 2015 at Shillong, NIT Meghalaya, India.
42. Sudeshna Sil Kar and S. P. Maity, ―Blood Vessel Extraction with Optic Disc Removal in Retinal Images,
The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition,‖ January 4-7, 2015, Indian
Statistical Institute, Kolkata (Accepted).
43. A. Ray and S. P. Maity, On Segmentation of CS Reconstructed MR Images, The Eighth International
Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition,‖ January 4-7, 2015, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
44. Surajit Roy, Payel Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman and Chandan Giri, ―Session based Test scheduling for
minimizing the testing time of 3D SOCs‖, Accepted for publication in the Proc. of IEEE ICECS 2014.
45. Amitava Halder, Chandan Giri and Amiya Halder, "Brain Tumor Detection using Segmentation based
Object Labeling Algorithm", In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communication and
Instrumentation (ICECI), pages 1-4, Kolkata, India, January, 16-17 January, 2014.
46. Sk. Latib, Madhumita Mukherjee, Dipak Kumar Kole, Chandan Giri, ―Automatic Tortuosity Detection
and Measurement of Retinal Blood Vessel Network‖, Accepted for presentation in ICACNI Conference,
Kolkata, Published by Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. ISSN: 2190-3018, Springer Verlag,
24-26th June, 2014.
47. Mamata Dutta, Suman Bhowmik and Chandan Giri, ―Fuzzy Logic Based Implementation For Forest
Fire Detection Using Wireless Sensor Network‖, Accepted for presentation in ICACNI Conference,
Springer, Kolkata, Published by Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. ISSN: 2190-3018,
Springer Verlag. 24-26th June, 2014.
48. Surajit Kumar Roy, Payel Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman and Chandan Giri, ―Session Based core test
scheduling for 3D SOCs‖, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI(ISVLSI), 9th – 11th
June, 2014, Tampa, Florida.
49. Pratik Dutta, Chandan Bandyopadhyaya, Chandan Giri and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Mach-Zehnder
Interferometer based all Optical Reversible Carry-Look ahead Adder‖, Accepted for presentation at IEEE
Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI(ISVLSI), 9th – 11th June, 2014, Tampa, Florida.
50. Surajit Kumar Roy, Kaustav Roy, Hafizur Rahaman and Chanda Giri, ―Recovery of faulty TSVs in
3D ICs‖, Accepted for publication in the proc. of IEEE 16th International Symposium on Quality
Electronic Design (ISQED), pp: 533-536, March, Santa Clara, CA, USA, 2015.
51. Tanik Seikh, Chandan Giri and Sudip Naskar, Shibaji Bandyopadhyay, ―Textual Entailment Using
Different Similarity Metrics‖, in Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing) ,
pp: 491-501, Cairo, Egypt, April 14-20, 2015. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9041, Springer
2015, ISBN 978-3-319-18110-3.
52. Tanusree Kaibartta, Chandan Giri, Hafizur Rahaman and Debsh K. Das, ―Optimizing Test Time for
Core-Based 3-D Integrated Circuits by Genetic Algorithm‖, Accepted for publication at ASQED, 4-5th
August, 2015, Malyasia.

53. "A novel (3-4) image secret sharing scheme." Authors:Rituraj Roy* ,Sayantani Bondyopadhyay*,Bibhas
CH Dhara, Shyamalendu Kandar. Conference: ICACCI-2015, August 2015,Kochi .
54. M. Dutt, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Enumeration of Shortest Isothetic Paths inside a Digital
Object, 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Warsaw, Poland,
2015, June 30 - July 3 (to appear).
55. A. Sarkar, A. Biswas, M. Dutt, and A. Bhattacharya, Generation of Random Triangular Digital Curves
using Combinatorial Techniques, 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine
Intelligence, Warsaw, Poland, 2015, June 30 - July 3 (to appear).
56. A. Sarkar, A. Biswas, M. Dutt, and A. Bhattacharya, Generation of Random Digital Curves Using
Combinatorial Techniques,Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics: CALDAM'15,
Kanpur, India, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol. 8959, pp. 286-297, February 8 - 10,
2015 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-14974-5_27.
57. N. Dutta Roy, M. Someswar, H. Dalmia, and A. Biswas, Identification of Distinct Blood Vessels in
Retinal Fundus Images,Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals,
Methods, and Applications: CompIMAGE'14, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, September 3-5, 2014, DOI:
58. N. Karmakar, A. Biswas, and P. Bhowmick, Segmentation of 3D Articulated Components by Slice-based
Vertex-weighted Reeb Graph, 18th IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer
Imagery: DGCI'14, Siena, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol. 8668, pp. 370-383,
September 10-12, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09955-2_31.
59. S. Phani, S. Lahiri, and A. Biswas, Inter-rater Agreement Study on Readability Assessment in
Bengali, International Conference On Natural Language Processing And Cognitive Computing, Imphal,
India, March 10-12, 2014, DOI: 10.5121/ijnlc.2014.3303.
60. O. Bandyopadhyay, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Long Bone Fracture Detection in Digital X-ray
Images based on Concavity Index, 16th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis:
IWCIA'14, Brno, Czech Republic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol. 8466, pp. 212-
223, May 28-30, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07148-0_19.
61. B. Das, M. Dutt, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, A Combinatorial Technique for
Construction of Triangular Covers of Digital Objects, 16th International Workshop on Combinatorial
Image Analysis: IWCIA'14, Brno, Czech Republic, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Vol.
8466, pp. 76-90, May 28-30, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07148-0_8.
62. S. Bera, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, A Fast Digital-Geometric Approach for Granulometric
Image Analysis, 2ndInternational Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology: RAIT'14,
Dhanbad, India, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Vol. 266, pp. 37-47, March 13-15, 2014,
DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-1856-2_5.
63. Pranab Roy, Tamosha Chakrabarty, Hafizur Rahaman and Parthasarathi Dasgupta, ―Multilevel
homogeneous detection analyzer for medical diagnostic application in Digital Microfluidic Biochips
―,Diagnosis of SMGF in ESOP based Reversible Logic Circuit‖, 5th IEEE International Symposium on
Electronic System Design (ISED 2014), pp.73-78,DOI 10.1109/ISED.2014.23.
64. Pratik Dutta, Chandan Bandyopadhyay and Hafizur Rahaman, ―All Optical Implementation of Mach-
Zehnder Interferometer based Reversible Sequential Counters‖, IEEE International Conference on VLSI
Design 2015 (Accepted).
65. Sudip Ghosh, Arijit Biswas, Santi P. Maity and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Design of A Low Complexity and
Fast Hardware Architecture for Digital Image Watermarking in FWHT Domain on FPGA‖, 5th IEEE
International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED 2014), pp.68-72,DOI
66. Eleonora Schonborn, Kamalika Datta, Robert Wille, Indranil Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman and Rolf
Drechsler , ―BDD-based Synthesis for All-optical Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Circuits‖, IEEE
International Conference on VLSI Design 2015 (Accepted).
67. Manodipan Sahoo and Hafizur Rahaman, ― Impact of Line Resistance Variations on Crosstalk Delay
and Noise in Multilayer Graphene Nano Ribbon Interconnects‖, 5th IEEE International Symposium on
Electronic System Design (ISED 2014), pp.94-98, DOI 10.1109/ISED.2014.27.
68. Bappaditya Mondal, Dipak Kumar Kole, Hafizur Rahaman and Debesh K. Das, ―Generator for Test Set
Construction of SMGF in Reversible Circuit by Boolean difference method‖, IEEE 23rd Asian Test
Symposium 2014, pp.68-73, DOI 10.1109/ATS.2014.24.
69. Bappaditya Mondal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Dipak K Kole, Jimson Mathew and Hafizur Rahaman,
―Diagnosis of SMGF in ESOP based Reversible Logic Circuit‖, 5th IEEE International Symposium on
Electronic System Design (ISED 2014), pp. 89-93, DOI 10.1109/ISED.2014.26.

70. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das and Hafizur Rahaman, ―A Novel GNR Interconnect Model to
Reduce Crosstalk Delay‖, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED 2014),
pp. 5-9, DOI 10.1109/ISED.2014.9.
71. Pratik Dutta, Chandan Bandyopadhyay and Hafizur Rahaman, ―All optical Implementation of Mach-
Zehnder Interferometer based Reversible Sequential Circuit‖, 18th International Symposium on VLSI
Design and Test 2014 (Accepted).
72. Indrajit Das, Manodipan Sahoo, Pranab Roy and Hafizur Rahaman, ―A 42 uW 12 pJ/conv-step 7.4-
ENOB 40 kS/s SAR ADC for Digital Microfluidic Biochip Applications‖, 18th International Symposium
on VLSI Design and Test 2014 (Accepted).
73. Pratik Dutta, Chandan Bandyopadhyay and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Mach-Zehnder Interferometer based All
Optical Reversible Carry-Lookahead Adder‖, 28th IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI
(ISVLSI 2014), pp.412-417.DOI: 10.1109/ISVLSI.2014.102
74. Pranab Roy, Rahaman and Parthasarathi Dasgupta, ―Optical detection in Biochips:A fuzzy based
detection analyzer for homogeneous samples in DMFBs‖, IEEE CYBER 2014. DOI:
75. Kamalika Datta, Alhaad Gokhale, Indranil Sengupta and Hafizur Rahaman, ―An ESOP based
Reversible Circuit Synthesis Flow using Simulated Annealing‖,Symposium on Applied Computation and
Security Systems (ACSS 2014).DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-1988-0_8
76. Elenora Schonborn, Kamalika Datta, Robert Wille, Indranil Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman and Rolf
Drechsler,―OptimizingDD-based Synthesis of Reversible Circuits using Negative Control Lines‖, 2014
IEEE 17th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems
(DDECS), pp.129-134.DOI: 10.1109/DDECS.2014.6868776
77. Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman and Parthasarathi Dasgupta, ―A layout based customized testing
technique for total microfluidic operations in Digital Microfluidic Biochips‖, 2014 IEEE 17th
International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS), pp.122-
128.DOI: 10.1109/DDECS.2014.6868775
78. Sayan Kanungo, Partha Sarathi Gupta, Hafizur Rahaman, ―Effects of Germanium Mole Fraction
Variation at the Source of a Dielectrically Modulated Tunneling FET based Biosensor‖, ICDCS 2014,
pp.86-90.DOI: 10.1109/ICDCSyst.2014.6926218
79. Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman and Rolf Drechsler, ―A Cube Pairing Approach for
Synthesis of ESOP based Reversible Circuit", 44th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued
Logic (ISMVL 2014), Bremen, Germany, pp.109-114.DOI: 10.1109/ISMVL.2014.27
80. Manodipan Sahoo and Hafizur Rahaman "An ABCD Parameter Based Modeling of Crosstalk Delay
and Noise in Multilayer Graphene Nano Ribbon Interconnects", 2014 IEEE International Symposium on
Circuits and Systems, Melbourne, Australia, June 1-5, 2014,pp.1138-1142.DOI:
81. Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman and Parthasarathi Dasgupta, ―Automated Two Stage Detection and
Analyzer System in Multi-partitioned Digital Microfluidic Biochips", 2014 IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Melbourne, Australia, June 1-5, 2014,pp.1836-
82. Sandip Bhattacharya, Subhajit Das, Debaprasad Das and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Electrical Transport in
Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnect‖, ICDCS‘14, 250-253.DOI: 10.1109/ICDCSyst.2014.6926148
83. Sabir Ali, Manodipan Sahoo and Hafizur Rahaman, ―A New Feedback Circuit Based Charge-Pump for
Wide-Range and Low-Jitter DLL suitable for PET Imaging Applications‖, ICDCS‘14,pp.137-141.DOI:
84. Debaprasad Das, and Hafizur Rahaman , ―RF Performance Analysis of Graphene Nanoribbon
Interconnect Decision‖, IEEE TechSym 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TechSym.2014.6807923
85. Chandan Bandyopadhyay, and Hafizur Rahaman , ―Synthesis of ESOP-based Reversible Logic using
Negative Polarity Reed-Muller Form‖, IEEE TechSym 2014.DOI: 10.1109/TechSym.2014.6808062
86. Benazir Salma, Mainak Chatterjee and Tuhina Samanta, ―A Game Theoretic Routing Framework
Based on Energy-Delay Conservation in WSNs‖, accepted for publication at 2015 IEEE Tenth
International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, to be held
at Singapore, April 2015, pages 1 - 5.
87. Mrinmoy Sen, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee, and Tuhina Samanta, ―Sensor Localization using
Received Signal Strength Measurements for Obstructed Wireless Sensor Networks with Noisy Channels,
in proceedings of 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) -
Workshop - Energy Efficiency in the Internet of Things, and Internet of Things for Energy Efficiency
(IEEE WCNC 2015 - Workshop - E2IoT), USA, March 2015.

88. Partha Pratim Saha, Sumanto Saha and Tuhina Samanta, ―Rectilinear Steiner Clock Tree Routing
Technique with Buffer Insertion in Presence of Obstacles‖, in proceedings of IEEE 28 th International
Conference on VLSI Design, Bangalore, India, January 2015, pages 447 – 451.
89. Nimisha Ghosh, Sanku Kumar Roy, Tuhina Samanta, and Indrajit Banerjee, ―Path Determination
Algorithm of Mobile Sinks for Energy Efficient Data Collection and Optimal Coverage in Wireless
Sensor Network‖, 2014 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), Bhubaneswar, India,
pages 76 – 81.
90. Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee, Mainak Chatterjee and TuhinaSamanta, ―Performance analysis of
TDMA Based Data Transmission in WSN‖, in proceedings of IEEE 2014 14th International Conference
on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 14), Japan, November 2014, pages 107 - 112.
91. Indrajit Pan, Tuhina Samanta, ―Voltage Driven Electrowetting based Microfluidic Operations for
Efficient Droplet Routing in Digital Microfluidic Biochips‖, in the proceedings of the 10th IEEE/ASME
International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA'14)
Senigallia, ITALY, September 2014, pages 1 - 6.
92. Subhamita Mukherjee, Indrajit Banerjee, and Tuhina Samanta, ― Defect aware droplet routing technique
in digital microfluidic biochip‖, IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), New Delhi,
India, February, 2014, pages: 30 – 35.
93. Nimisha Ghosh; Indrajit Banerjee; Tuhina Samanta, ―Energy Efficient Coverage of Static Sensor
Nodes Deciding on Mobile Sink Movements using Game Theory‖, In proceedings of IEEE Conference
on Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC 2014), Kolkata, India, March 2014,
pages: 118 – 125.
94. ParthaPratim Saha, Tuhina Samanta, ―Obstacle Avoiding Rectilinear Clock Tree Construction with
Skew Minimization‖, in proceedings of IEEE 27th International Conference on VLSI Design, Mumbai,
India, January 2015, pages 387 - 392.

Edited Volumes:
1. Indrajit Pan, and Tuhina Samanta, ―Weighted Optimization of Various Parameters for Droplet
Routing in Digital Microfluidic Biochips‖, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (ISI 13),
Volume 235, pages: 131 – 139, Springer Cham Heidelberg, London.
2. Indrajit Banerjee, Anirban Datta, Sonalisa Pal, Soujanya chatterjee, and Tuhina Samanta, ―A Novel
Fault Detection and Replacement Scheme in WSN, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
(ISI 13), Volume 235, pages: 303 – 310, Springer Cham Heidelberg, London.
3. Santanu Datta, Indrajit Banerjee, and Tuhina Samanta, ―Mobile Sink Management for Nonuniformly
Distributed Sensor Node Coverage using a Game Theoretic Approach‖, Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing (ISI 13), Volume 235, pages: 311 – 319.

BOOK Published
Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with JAVATM Walls and Mirrors , 3rd Edition 2011, Janet J
Prichard [Bryant University] ,Frank Carrano [University of Rock Island], Indrajit Banerjee [Bengal
Engineering and Science University, Shibpur] (International Edition contribution), (International
Edition contribution) Pearson. ISBN 13:978-0-273-75120-5.

Book Chapters
1. Prasun Ghosal, Saraju Mohanty, "3D NoC: A Promising Alternative for Tomorrow‘s Nanosystem
Design", in CMOS and Post-CMOS Perspectives of Electronic Device Scaling, Editors - Saraju P. Mohanty
and Ashok Srivastava, IET (IEEE Counterpart of UK) [Accepted, Manuscript under preparation, 2015 (to be
2. Prasun Ghosal, Mayukh Sarkar, Saraju Mohanty, "A New Paradigm towards Performance Centric
Computation beyond CMOS: DNA Computing", in CMOS and Post- CMOS Perspectives of Electronic
Device Scaling, Editors - Saraju P. Mohanty and Ashok Srivastava, IET (IEEE Counterpart of UK)
[Accepted, Manuscript under preparation, 2015 (to be published)]
3. Chapter Title - An Advanced Strategy for Droplet Routing in Digital Microfluidic Biochip using Ant
Colony Optimization
Authors: Indrajit Pan, Tuhina Samanta
Book Name: "Handbook of Research on Swarm Intelligence in Engineering."
Publisher Name: IGI Global, Pennsylvania 17033-1240, USA, 2015

Seminar/Workshops/ Conferences/ Training Programme organized by the department

 Emerging & Post CMOS Technology , June 16- 18 ,2014
 Research Promotion Workshop on Digital Geometry, June 23-24 ,2014

 Symposium on Problems in Scientific Research , 9th March, 2015
 In-house computer training course on computer & LAN literacy & office related software,
May 18-22,2015
 Industry Institute Interaction For Labview Workshop , January 19-23 , 2015

Advancements under TEQIP- Phase II

 MATLAB Software (10 users)
 Arbitrary Function Generator
 Digital Storage Oscilloscope
 Network Simulator
 LCD Panel
 Monochrome Frame Grabber
 Online Biometric Kit
 Sensor Laboratory Equipment
 High Performance Environment for Image Analysis and Image Understanding

Foregin visits and Invited Lectures

Delivered Invited talk:

1. ―Cognitive Radio: Scopes and Challenges for Future Wireless Communication‖, on 27th January,
2014 at Faculty development program (FDP) on "Fundamentals of fiber and wireless
communications for the next generation systems" at Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,
University of Kolkata.
2. ― Information Security and Media Protection‖ on 5th April, 2014 in Seminar on Web page design
and information security at Ellite Institute of Engineering and Management, Sodepur, Kolkata.
3. ― Convex Optimization and Some Applications on Signal Processing and Communications, on 12 th
June, 2014 workshop on Advanced Optimization Techniques in Engineering Application (OTA
2014) held on 10th-14th June 2014 at National Institute of Technology, Durgapur.
4. ―Image Reconstruction from Sparse Representation‖ on 17th June, 2014 Short Term Course on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR-2014) held on 16th-20th June 2014 at National
Institute of Technology, Durgapur (Pre-lunch session).
5. ―Introduction to Pattern Recognition, Fuzzy C-means clustering and some applications‖ on 17th
June, 2014 Short Term Course on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR-2014) held
on 16th-20th June 2014 at National Institute of Technology, Durgapur (Post-lunch session).
6. ― Energy Efficient Cognitive Radio Network" on 9th July, 2015 at Faculty Development Program on
―Recent Advances in Computer Networking‖ organized by the Dept. of Comp. Sc. & Engg. of
RCCIIT, Kolkata, held from 7th July to 11th July.
7. ―Energy Efficient Cognitive Radio Network: Scope and Future Challenges‖ 3rd International
Conference on 'Computing, Communication and Sensor Network December, Puri, Odisha, 12-14th,
2014 .
8. Delivered couples of guest lectures as a part of the course on Advanced Topics in VLSI Systems
(CSCE 6933) during Winter 2013 at Department of CSE, University of North Texas, USA.
9. Invited talk on "3D NoC: A Promising Alternative For Tomorrow's Nanoscale System Design" at JIS
College of Engineering, India during September 2014.

1. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2014 , 24-28th August, 2014, Stockholm,
Sweden (attended and presented research paper)

Tutorial talk:

1. International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I 2014), Mysore on 27-
29th November, 2014.
Title of Tutorial- Digital Watermarking: Optimization Framework, Random Gain Attack and Compressed
2. International Image Processing, Applications and System Conference (IPAS 2014) on 5-7th
November, Hammamet, Tunisia (over Skype)
Title of Tutorial- Digital Image Watermarking: Optimization Framework, Random Gain Attack and
Compressed Sensing .

Training and Placements: 2014-2015

Sl. No. Date of Visit Company Student Intake

Visited UG PG
1 1/9/2014 EXL Service 5
2 19/08/2014 Deloitte 3
3 3/9/2014 Mu-Sigma 5
4 27/9/2014 PWC 1
5 15&16-Sep-14 IBM 7 3
6 11&12-Sep-14 Infosys 5
7 22&23-Sep-14 CTS 3 5
8 18&19-Sep-14 Accenture 6
9 17/9/2014 Wipro 11
10 5/9/2014 Dynamic 4
Digital Tech.
11 28/8/2014 HSBC 1

New Academic / Research Initiatives

Academic Collaboration
1. Laboratory visit and knowledge sharing in the department of computer and electrical
engineering, Duke university, Durham, hosted by Prof. Krishnendu Chakrabarty,
William H. Younger Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering April 2015.
2. An open talk on Sensor localization and scheduling scheme in the department of
computer and electrical engineering, University of Central Florida, during post doctoral
fellowship of Dr. Tuhina Samanta at UCF, hosted by Prof. Mainak Chatterjee,
Associate Professor, department of computer and electrical engineering, University of
Central Florida, November 2014.
3. Laboratory visit and an experimental knowledge and idea sharing with Prof. Suman
Chakraborty and his research scholar at Microfluidics and Microscale Transport
Processes Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, May 2014.
4. Higher dimensional computation for droplet routing on EWOD based digital
microfluidic biochip, a laboratory visit by Dr. Indrajit Pan under my supervision, in the
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Università Politecnica delle Marche,
Italy, September 2014.

Department of Mathematics

About the Department

Since the inception of Bengal Engineering College, the Department of Mathematics

earned a glorious heritage of conducting research activities in various fields of Applied
Mathematics. The Department undertakes teaching Mathematics in various fields like
Probability, Statistics, Operations Research, Numerical Analysis and Computational
Techniques using computers, to undergraduate and postgraduate students in various
branches of Engineering. The Department started a two year M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics)
programme in the year 2000 with an intake of 25 students and it is successfully running in
the Department. Apart from regular routine work like teaching, setting question papers
and evaluation of answer scripts in various examinations of this institution, the
Department conducts M.Sc. and Ph.D. admission every year. The faculty members are
also involved in many other academic and administrative activities of the Institution. The
Department has a significant role in research. All the faculty members of this Department
are involved in research activities in various fields of Pure and Applied Mathematics e.g.
Fracture Mechanics, Thermoelasticity, Operations Research and Optimization, Reliability
Theory, Statistics, Functional Analysis, Fuzzy Set Theory, Dynamical Systems,
Mathematical Ecology, General Relativity, Cosmology, Mathematical Modeling in
Epidemiology, Information Theory, Mathematical Biology, Quantum Mechanics, Fluid
Dynamics, Financial Mathematics, Mathematical Elasticity, Nonlinear Data Analysis,
Neural Network etc. As a mark of this, the number of research scholars awarded Ph.D.
from this Department and the number of research publications in various reputed journals
are increasing steadily. At present about 54 research scholars are registered for Ph.D.
programme and currently 30 students have been enrolled for Ph.D. programme in the
year 2015. In the last five years 37 research scholars of this Department have been
awarded Ph.D. degree.

Academic Programmes: The Department started its Academic Programme, from the very
beginning, since the foundation of this Institution in the year 1856.

Undergraduate Level:

At present, the Department is offering 12 courses in undergraduate level in different

branches of Engineering and Architecture. In every branch of Engineering,
Undergraduate programme has a Mathematics course in each of the first three
semesters (approximately 500 x 3= 1500 students). Computer Science, Electronics and
Telecommunications, Information Technology and Aerospace Engineering branches have
Mathematics as a subject in the 4th semester (approximately 200 students). Department
of Mathematics also offers three elective courses in B.E. 8th semester. This Department
also teaches two courses in the B.Arch. programme in the first two semesters.

Post Graduate Level

The Department also offers Mathematics courses in the Master of Engineering (M. E.)
programmes to almost all engineering branches. At present, the Department of
Mathematics is offering 3 courses together with three sessionals to all Engineering
branches in Post Graduate level. Master of Science (M.Sc.) programme in Applied
Mathematics has been started in the year 2000. The programme contains 24 courses, 2
sessional papers together with project thesis and viva-voce.

I. Degree offered M.Sc in Applied Mathematics

II. Sanctioned students‘ intake 27
III. Additional intake through other Nil
programmes (i.e. QIP)
IV. Specialisations in Solid Mechanics, Operations Research,
Mathematical Biology

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme

There was a heritage of doing research work by the faculty members of the
Department of Mathematics, when the Institution was a constituent college of the
University of Calcutta. After introducing M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics the
productivity is increasing rapidly. At present about 54 research scholars have
been registered for doing Ph.D. work in various fields of Mathematics. This year
30 students have enrolled in the Ph.D. programme in this Department. Apart
from regular routine work, all the faculty members of this Department are engaged
in research work in various fields of Mathematics and Statistics. About 350
research papers have been published in various journals of national and
international repute during the last 4 years. 37 students of this Department
have received their Ph.D. degree in the last 5 years. :

I. Degree offered Ph.D.(Sc)

II. No of candidates enrolled 30
registered 54
awarded 11

Faculty position:

Sanctioned faculty post…17…. Vacant Post 03………

(a) Faculty profile ( in the following table )

Name Designati Highest Specialisation/ Contact No.

on Qualificati Research Area E-mail
Basudeb Professor Ph.D. Elasticity, Thermo elasticity, bmukherjee2006@yah
Mukhopadhyay Thermo visco elasticity,
Micropolar elacticity
Binayak Professor Ph.D. Functional Analysis,,
Sammadar Topology, Nonlinear
Choudhury Dynamics, Mathematical
Economics, Quantum
Information theory, Fuzzy
systems, Stochastic
differential equation
Guruprasad Professor Ph.D. Mathematical Biology and
Samanta Operations Research k
Murari Mitra Professor Ph.D. Reliability Theory, murarimitra@yahoo.c
Mathematical Statistics, om
Operations Research,
Nonparametric Inference
Jagabandhu De Professor Ph.D. Elasticity & Plasticity, jagabandhu_de@yaho
& Head Mathematical Methods,
Fracture Mechanics,Fluid
Tapan Roy Professor Ph.D. Fuzzy and Intuitionistic
Fuzzy set Theory, Inventory,
Transportation, Reliability
Optimization, Information
Theory, Portfolio
Optimization, Fuzzy and
Stochastic Optimization
Sanat Kumar Professor Ph.D. Information, Optimizition,
Mazumder O.R, Entropy Optimization n
and its applications in
different branches of Science
and Technology
Asoke Kumar Professor Ph.D. Non-linear waves in Ocean asoked
Parbati Saha Professor Ph.D. Computational Intelligence parbati_saha@yahoo.c
Tapan Kar Professor Ph.D. Dynamical systems, stability
and bifurcation theory,
population dynamics,
Mathematical Ecology
(Theoretical studies on
ecology, population
management, food chain,
conservation of aquatic
ecosystems, sustainable use
of ecosystem services),
Mathematical modeling in
ecology and epidemiology,
Pest control.
Pritha Das Associate Ph.D. Mathematical biology,
Professor Neural network, Nonlinear m
data analysis
Shariful Alam Assistant Ph.D. Financial Mathematics
Professor n
Ujjal Debnath Assistant Ph.D. Relativity, Cosmology and ujjaldebnath@yahoo.c
Professor Astrophysics om

Smita Pal Assistant M.Sc. Mathematical Theory of

(Sarkar) Professor Elasticity & Plasticity

Research area:
Mathematical Biology , Operations Research, Fuzzy and Intuitionistic Fuzzy set Theory,
Inventory, Transportation, Reliability Optimization, Information Theory, Portfolio
Optimization, Fuzzy and Stochastic Optimization, Information, Optimization, Entropy
Optimization, Mathematical Ecology, Dynamical systems, stability and bifurcation theory,
population dynamics, mathematical modelling in ecology and epidemiology, management and
conservation of fisheries, bio-economic modelling of renewable resources, Neural network,
Nonlinear data analysis , Relativity, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Lie theory and Special Functions,
Functional Analysis, Topology, Nonlinear Dynamics, Mathematical Economics, Quantum
Information theory, Mathematical theory of Elasticity , Thermo elasticity, Thermo visco
elasticity, Micropolar elasticity, Fracture Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics, Non-linear waves in
Ocean, Computational Intelligence, Reliability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Nonparametric

Ongoing Sponsored Research / projects:

Ongoing (Prof value) Sponsoring agency

Incorporating ecosystem objectives into the UGC
management sustainable marine fisheries:
Ecological economic modeling with some
case studies along the costal side of West
Bengal. –

Dark energy models and accelerating CSIR

Details of publications of each faculty member (2014-15)

Journal ………………about 120

Students awarded Ph.D.(Sc) in 2014-15 (received certificate in the convocation, 2015)

Prasanta Kumar Mondal, Soovojit Jana, Bapan Ghosh, Chandra Sekhar Bera, Subhojit
Kundu, Himadri Sekhar Mondal, Dipak Kumar Jana, Sankar Prasad Mondal, Abhijit Ghorai,
Pranati Maity, Shyamapada Bera

Department of Mechanical Engineering

About the Department

The inception of the Mechanical Engineering Department may be traced back to 1921 when
a diploma course in Mechanical Engineering was started in this Institute. The first degree
course in Mechanical Engineering was started from 18th July, 1930. Over the last eight
decades, the Department of Mechanical Engineering consolidated to its present condition
offering 8-Semester Undergraduate Course with an approximate current intake of 66
students annually and 4-Semester Post-graduate Course with an intake of 27 students
annually. The post-graduate course in the department started in the year 1954. Currently, PG
course is offered in three specializations, namely, Machine Design, Heat Power and
Production Engineering, leading to the degree of Master of Engineering. The department
has state of the art research facilities to carry research in the leading areas of Mechanical
Engineering and at present about 40 research scholars are working for their Ph.D degree.

Academic Programmes:

Undergraduate Level
Degree offered: Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)
Sanctioned students‘ intake: 60
Additional intake through lateral entry in 3rd Semester: 06

Post Graduate Level

Degree offered: Master of Engineering (Mechanical)
Sanctioned students‘ intake: 27
Additional intake through other programmes (i.e. QIP): Nil
Specializations: Machine Design, Heat Power Engineering and Production

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme

Degree offered: Ph.D (Engineering)
No of Candidates enrolled: 05
No. of Candidates registered: 04
No. of Candidates awarded: 03

Faculty position:

Sanctioned faculty post: 26 Vacant Post: 10


Name Designation Highest Specialization/Res Contact Information
Qualificati earch Area E-mail/Telephone
on No.
Dr. B.K. Mandal Professor and Ph.D. Alternative Fuels,
Acting Head CFD, Combustion, n
Refrigeration 98300-17592
Dr. A.K. Dutta Professor Ph.D. Production
Engineering in
Dr. S.K. Saha Professor Ph. D. Heat Power sujoy_k_saha@hotmai
Engineering, Heat
Transfer 98304-93430
Dr. D. Datta Professor Ph.D. Ultrasonic Non- debasis_datta@rediffm
evaluation, 98303-49590
Composite Extn.: 298
Materials, Machine
Dr. S.K. Guha Professor Ph. D. Machine Design & sk_guha@rediffmail.c
Bearing om
Lubrication, 98364-06297
Dr. S.K. Professor Ph.D. Tribology (Friction,
Karmakar Wear Modeling, 98311-45516
Contact Mechanics,
Machine Design
Dr. B.K. Professor Ph.D. Production Engg.
Bhattacharyya (Re- in
employed) 98304-32255
Dr. S. Chatterjee Professor Ph.D. Nonlinear
Dynamics of 2668-4561; Extn: 357
mechanical and 98316-89337
Dr. S. Chakrabarti Professor Ph.D. Power Plant somnathbec@rediffma
Engineering, CFD,
Biomedical 91–33–2644 1781
Dr. A.K. Associate Ph.D. M/C. Design, achinkumar_becs@red
Chowdhuri Professor Combustion
Dr. P.P. Dey Associate Ph.D. CAD/CAM,
Professor Fracture m
Mechanics, Non 93309-65313

Dr. S. Ghosh Associate Ph.D. Energy sudipghosh.becollege
Dr. S C Mondal Associate Ph.D. Manufacturing,
Professor Quality 97326-52968
Modeling and
optimization of
Sri A Guha Assistant M. Tech. Advanced aguha_me@rediffmail.
Professor Machining, Fluid com
Dr. A. Ganguly Assistant Ph.D. Heat Power
Professor Engineering, Solar
Energy, Solar n
Hydrogen systems, 94330-32840, Extn.-
Greenhouse 795
Sri U. Rana Assistant M. Tech. Thermal
Professor Engineering, CFD m
Sri R.N. De Assistant M.E. Production
Professor Engineering, in
Quality 97481-15936

Research area (only mention broad titles without description in detail) :

Numerical Heat Transfer
Fluid flow analysis and bio-medical engineering
Multi-phase Flow and CFD
Alternative fuels
Bio-fluid Dynamics
Renewable Energy
Greenhouse Technology
Bearing Lubrication
Dynamics, Vibration and Control
Composite Materials
Ultrasonic NDT/Wave Propagation
Application of finite element method for stress analysis in biomechanics
Modeling of impact phenomena
Fracture Mechanics
Non-traditional Machining
Quality Management
Modeling and optimization of manufacturing processes
Quality Engineering

Research facilities: (name specific equipment / picture, infrastructure etc)*

1. 3D Non-Contact Profilometer (Rtec Instruments make) (created under DST-FIST)
2. Polishing Machine (Buehler make) (procured under grant from DST-FIST)
3. Micro Balance (Sartorius AG make) (created under DST-FIST)
4. Tribometer, UMT with Humidity Controller (created under DST-FIST)
5. Tribometer with 1500C Rotary Drive Humidifier(created under DST-FIST)
6. Bio-mass Gasifier Set Up (under TEQIP -II)
7. Variable Compression Ratio Engine (under TEQIP -II)

8. Exhaust Gas Analyzer (under UGC Planned Grant)

*The photographs of certain equipments installed are shown in Annexure I

Name of the new laboratories: Advanced Tribology Lab has been established.

Support staff position:

Sanctioned technical post: 08

Technical staff profile (in the following table)

Sl. No Name Designation Highest Contact No. E- mail

1. Asish Tech. Asst. DME
Kumar Paul Grade I
2. Bijit Kumar Tech. Asst. M.E bijitde@yahoo.
Grade II 94334-13093
Dey com
3. Subhasish Tech. Asst. DME, B.Sc.
Pradhan Grade II
4. Nani Gopal Tech. Asst. M.E
Roy Grade II
5. Kankar Tech. Asst. DME 98304-36517
Mohan Das Grade II
6. Pradip Mechanic ITI
Kumar Dey

Ongoing Sponsored Research / projects:

Title of the Project Project value (INR) Sponsoring Agency

and Name of PI
Flow and Thermal Characteristics 19.55 Lac DST, Government of India
of Laminar and Turbulent Flow Prof. S.K. Saha
through a Circular Tube Having
Spiral Corrugations and Twisted-
Tapes with Oblique Teeth

Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop 15.66 Lac University Grants

Characteristics of Turbulent Flow Prof. S.K. Saha Commission (UGC)
of Air, Water and Servotherm
Medium Oil through Circular,
Rectangular and Square Ducts
Fitted with Helical Ribs and
Twisted Tapes with Oblique Teeth
Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop 12.75 Lac All India Council of
Characteristics of Laminar Prof. S.K. Saha Technical Education
&Turbulent Flow through a (AICTE)
Circular Duct Fitted with
Transverse Ribs and Wire Coil
Tribology and Vibration control 1.68 Crore DST, FIST Government of
Prof. S.K. Karmakar India

Industry – Institute Interaction; The department maintains close liaison with the leading
industries and arranges for summer internship and industrial training to the 4th and 6th
semester UG students.

Details of publications of each faculty member (2014 – 15)

Journals: 53
Conference: 35
Books / Monograms: 03 Books and 03 Book Chapters
Complete list of publications are provided in the Annexure II.

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences / Training programme organized by the
department (2014 - 15)
1. The Department organized a two day workshop on ―Product Development: Concepts,
Methods and Applications (WPD 2014)‖ on 16-17th October 2014.
2. Hosted International Conference on Advanced Material & Energy Technology
(ICAMET 2014) during 17 – 19 Dec 2014 in collaboration with other departments of
the institute and South Baton University, USA.

Technology Developed / Innovations

Prof. S.K. Saha developed novel heat transfer enhancement techniques.
Dr. Sudip Ghosh has contributed towards new work related to the progress on Biomass
Gasification and Greenhouse Technology.

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II

1. Procurement and installation of a Biomass Gasifier facility in the Department.

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures

1. Prof. (Dr.) S.K. Saha visited University of Freiberg, Germany; Lund University,
Sweden; Denmark Technical University, Denmark, Technical University of Eindhoven,
Netherlands, 2014 for delivering invited talk.
2. Prof. (Dr.) B.K. Bhattacharyya visited Xhuhai, China in November 2014 to attend
and deliver keynote lecture in IEOM Conference
3. Dr. P.P. Dey visited Nara, Japan for attending and presenting paper in the International
Conference, ACMFMS-2014 organized by Osaka Institute of Technology held on
October 10-14, 2014.
4. Dr. Sudip Ghosh visited Canada and attended International Conference on Sustainable
Development and Southern University Baton Rouge, USA.
5. Dr. A. Ganguly visited Imperial College, London to present a technical paper in World
Congress on Engineering 2014 in the month of July 2014.
6. Dr. A. Ganguly presented a technical paper in International Conference on Mechanical
Engineering held at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Dhaka in June 2014.

Visitors to your Department ( Indian & Foreign)

Prof. (Dr.) Mustafizur Rahaman, Dept. of Mech. Engineering, National University,
Singapore visited our Department and delivered a lecture on ―Micro and Nano
Manufacturing‖ on 5th January 2015.

Training and Placement: The Department arranged summer internship and
vocational/industrial training to the 4th and 6th semester undergraduate students in leading
core industries and power plants. As on April 2015, about 35 students were placed through
campus interviews in various leading organizations. Some students also opted for higher
studies like M. Tech. and MBA in leading institutions through qualifying examinations like
GATE and CAT respectively.

Extension Activities and Societal outreach: The Department responds to the needs of
local small scale industries when they seek guidance and support in resolving technological
issues. However, no major and notable activity took place during the period concerned.
The teachers of the Department regularly acts as external examiners for surrounding
technical colleges and Universities and most professors also act as experts in selection and
inspection committees of other Universities and Public Service Commission and Staff
Selection Commission.

New Academic / Research Initiatives

Academic Collaboration
i) Prof. P.P. Dey is working in collaboration with CGCRI and has produced two
Master Degree Thesis with Joint Collaboration.
ii) Prof. S. Chakrabarti is collaborating with Jadavpur University, Kalyani
Government Engineering College, College of Engineering and Management,
Kolaghat, Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College, and Heritage
Institute of Technology with respect to paper publication, writing of books and
supervision of Ph.D. students.
Also, many of the faculty members are undertaking joint research activities with
leading academic institutions like IIT, NIT, Jadavpur University and laboratories of
DRDO which result in joint research publications in various reputed international

Industrial Collaboration
The department is collaborating with many organizations like NTPC, DVC, Tata
Steel, Honda Motors, Tata Motors, AIR INDIA, Blue Star, Voltas, M.N. Dastur, PWC etc.
to arrange for the summer internship and vocational Training of the 4th and 6th Semester
undergraduate students.

(New Facilities Created in the Department 2014-15)
1st Installment








2nd Installment

FIG. 9 3D Non-Contact Profilometer (Rtec Instruments make)

FIG. 10 Polishing Machine (Buehler make) with Ultrasonic Cleaning Bath

FIG. 11 Micro Balance (Sartorius make) with Density Measurement Kit

Fig.12: Set up of Biomass Gasifier Facility in the Department (under TEQIP)

Fig.13: Another view of the Set up of Biomass Gasifier Facility.

Fig.14: Set up of the Biomass Gasifier Set Up (Engine Part).

Fig.14: Control Panel Part of the Biomass Gasifier Set Up (Engine Part).


1. M. Tiwari and S. K. Saha, 2015, Thermohydraulics of Laminar Flow through a

Circular Tube with Transverse Ribs and Twisted Tapes, Accepted for Publication in
ASME Thermal Science and Engineering Applications.
2. S. Pal and S. K. Saha, 2015, Experimental investigation of laminar flow of viscous
oil through a circular tube having integral axial corrugation roughness and fitted with
twisted tapes with oblique teeth, Accepted for publication in Heat and Mass Transfer.
3. S. Pal and S. K. Saha, 2015, Laminar fluid flow and heat transfer through a
circular tube having spiral ribs and twisted tapes, Exp Thermal Fluid Science, vol.
60,173-181 .
4. Meyer, J. P., Skews, B., Saha, S. K., Winter, F., Toit, J. D., Stehlik, P., Martin, H.,
Lienhard, J. H., Bejan, A., Vadasz, P., Backstrom, V. T., Harms, T., Reuter, H., 2014,
In Memoriam, D. Kroger, Heat Transfer Engineering, 36(4), 429-431, DOI,
5. S. Pal and S. K. Saha, 2014, Laminar flow and heat transfer through a circular
tube having integral transverse corrugations and fitted with centre-cleared twisted-tape,
Exp Thermal Fluid Science, vol. 57, September 2014, pp 388-395.
6. P. K. Pal and S. K. Saha, 2014, Experimental investigation of laminar flow
through a circular tube fitted with spiral corrugation and twisted tapes with oblique
teeth, Exp Thermal Fluid Science, vol. 57, September 2014, pp 301-309.
7. Parthasarathi Sarathi Banerjee, Rururaj Pradhan, Amit Roychoudhury and Santanu
Kumar Karmakar; ―Investigation of Stresses Developed in Natural and Implanted
Human Cervical Spine by Finite Element Method‖ Journal of Advanced Medical and
Dental Sciences Research, Vol. 3, Issue 1, January-March 2015, pp 9-18.
8. Santanu Sardar, Santanu Kumar Karmakar, Debdulal Das; ―Ultrasonic cavitation
based processing of metal matrix nanocomposites: an overview‖; Advanced Materials
Research, vol. 1042, 2014, pp 58-64.
9. Jayanta Biswas, Santanu Karmakar, Santanu Majumder, Partha Sarathi Banerjee,
Subrata Saha,& Amit Roychowdhury; ―Optimization of Spinal Implant Screw for
Lower Vertebra through Finite Element Studies‖; Journal of Long-Term Effects of
Medical Implants; 24(2–3): 99-108(2014).
10. Ranendra Roy and Bijan Kumar Mandal. First Law and Second law Analysis of
mechanical Vapour Compression Refrigeration System using Refrigerants CFC12,
R134a and R290, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2014,
Special Issue-3, pp. 191-196.
11. Gaurav Paul, Ambarish Datta and Bijan Kumar Mandal. Numerical Investigation
of the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a CI engine using Diesel and its
blends with Ethanol and Jatropha Biodiesel, International Journal of Current
Engineering and Technology, 2014, Special Issue-3, pp. 5-9.
12. Gaurav Paul, Ambarish Datta and Bijan Kumar Mandal. Numerical Simulation of
CI Engine Characteristics Fueled with Soyabean Biodiesel and its Blends, Engineering
Sciences International Research Journal, 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 159-162.
13. Ranendra Roy and Bijan Kumar Mandal. Computer Based Thermodynamic
Properties of Alternative Refrigerant R-134A, Engineering Sciences International
Research Journal, 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 163-169.
14. Ambarish Datta and Bijan Kumar Mandal, Effect of Injection Pressure on the
Performance and Emissions of Biodiesel Fueled CI Engine, Engineering Sciences
International Research Journal, 2014, Vol. 2, pp. 217-220.
15. Ambarish Datta, Samidhdha Palit and Bijan Kumar Mandal. An Experimental
Study on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine Fuelled with
Jatropha Biodiesel and its Blends with Diesel, Journal of Mechanical Science and
Technology, 2014, Vol. 28, issue 5, pp.1961-1966.
16. Ambarish Datta and Bijan Kumar Mandal, 2014, Prospects and Threats to
Jatropha Biodiesel as the Future Sustainable Fuel of India, Energy Technology &
Policy, 2014, Vol.1, pp. 8-14.
17. Gaurav Paul, Ambarish Datta and Bijan Kumar Mandal 2014. An Experimental
and Numerical Investigation of the Performance, Combustion and Emission
Characteristics of a Diesel Engine fueled with Jatropha Biodiesel, Energy Procedia,
2014, Vol. 54, pp. 455-467.
18. Bibekananda Nayak, Bijan Kumar Mandal, Effect of generator, condenser and
evaporator Temperature on the Performance of Ejector Refrigeration System (ERS), ,
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2014, Vol. 1, pp. 4-9.
19. Aritra Chatterjee, Suhail Dutta, Bijan Kumar Mandal, Combustion, Performance
and emission Characteristics of Hydrogen as an Internal Combustion Engine fuel,
Journal of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, 2014, Vol. 1, pp. 1-6.
20. Mukul Bisoi,, Gaurav Paul, Achin Kumar Chowdhuri and Bijan Kumar Mandal.
Numerical simulation of natural convection in a square enclosure for different Rayleigh
numbers, International Journal of Energy & Technology, 2014, Vol. 6, pp. 1–9.
21. Ambarish Datta, Suhail Dutta, Bijan Kumar Mandal, Effect of Methanol Addition
to Diesel on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine, Journal of
Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2014, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 8-13.
22. Arup Jyoti Bhowal and Bijan Kumar Mandal, Radiation Effect on Temperature
Distribution and and NO Formation in a Diffusion Flame under Reduced Gravity
Conditions, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, Vol. 51.
23. A. K. Guchait and S. Chakrabarti, A 2-D Numerical Simulation on Flow - Induced
Wall Shear Stress for an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Model, Engineering Sciences
International Research Journal,, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2014), pp. 132-134.
24. S. Kumar and S. Chakrabarti, A Review: Enhancement of Heat Transfer with
Nanofluids, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4
(2014), pp. 549-557.
25. P. Goswami, D. K. Mandal, N. K. Manna and S. Chakrabarti, Study on the Effect
of Steady, Simple Pulsatile and Physiological Pulsatile Flows through a Stenosed
Artery, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 50, No. 10 (2014), pp. 1343-1352.
26. S. Kumar, S. Chakrabarti and S. Mazumder, Flow through a Sudden Expansion: A
Review, International Journal of Engineering & Science Research, Vol. 4, No. 4
(2014), pp. 167-180.
27. B. P. Biswas and S. Chakrabarti, A Numerical Study on Pressure and Velocity
Characteristics of Fluid Passing through a Plain Suddenly Expanded and Contracted

Channel, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering,
Vol. 4, No. 7 (2014), pp. 218-226.
28. S. Kumar, S. Chakrabarti, D. K. Mandal and S. Mazumder, A Numerical
Investigation on Fluid Flow through a Sudden Expansion, Journal of Energy, Heat and
Mass Transfer, Vol. 36 (2014), pp. 81-101.
29. S. Saha and S. Chakrabarti, Numerical Study on Flow Characteristics of Magnetic
Fluid Flowing through a Rectangular Channel under the Action of Magnetic Field,
Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36 (2014), pp. 103-133.
30. B. P. Biswas and S. Chakrabarti, Two-Dimensional Simulation of Flow through
Suddenly Expanded and Contracted Rectangular Channel with Tab, International
Journal of Engineering Sciences Research, Vol. 5 (2014), pp. 1595-1602.
31. P. Goswami, D. K. Mandal, N. K. Manna and S. Chakrabarti, Wall Shear Stress
Charateristics for the Progression of the Disease, Atherosclerosis, Jl. Inst. India Ser. C,
Vol. 96, No. 3 (2015), pp. 311-323.
32. Swapan Das and B. K. Bhattacharyya, Estimation of Municipal Solid Waste
Generation & Future Trends In Greater Metropolitan Region Of Kolkata, India, Journal
of Industrial Engineering & Management Innovation, Vol.1, No.1 (October, 2014); 31-
33. S Sarkar, P.P. Dey (2015),‖ Tool Path Planning for Machining Free-Form
Surfaces‖, TRANSACTIONS OF FAMENA, Vol. 39 No.1, pp. 65-78.
34. S Sarkar, P.P. Dey, (2014) ―Tolerance constraint CNC tool path modeling for
discretely parameterized trimmed surfaces‖, Engineering with Computers (Springer),
DOI 10.1007/s00366-014-0388-4
35. N Khutia, P.P. Dey, S Sivaprasad, S Tarafder, (2014) ―Development of new cyclic
plasticity model for 304LN stainless steel through simulation and experimental
investigation‖ Mechanics of Materials (Elsevier) Vol.78 pp. 85–101.
36. N Khutia, P.P. Dey (2014) ―Material parameter optimisation of Ohno-Wang
kinematic hardening model using multi objective genetic algorithm‖, Int. J.
Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering (InderScience), Vol. 6, No.
1, pp.50–74.
37. N Saha, S Chakraborty, P.P Dey., PK Das (2014) ―Machining of ZrB2-SiC
Composites by Wire-EDM Technique‖, Taylor & Francis Online
DOI:10.1080/0371750X.2014.922420 (Co-published with Indian Ceramic Society)
38. A. Das, S. C. Mondal, J.J. Thakkar, and J. Maiti (2014) ‗A Methodology for
Modelling and Monitoring of Centrifugal Casting Process‘, International Journal of
Quality and Reliability Management, accepted for publication.
39. S. C. Mondal, (2014) ‗Process Capability – A Surrogate Measure of Process
Robustness: A Case Study in Hardening and Tempering Process‘, International Journal
of Quality and Reliability Management, accepted for publication.
40. S. C. Mondal, and J. Kumar, (2014) ‗Application of Box-Behnken Design for the
Optimization of Process Parameters in Dry Drilling Operation ‘, International Journal
of Productivity and Quality Management, accepted for publication.
41. A. Ganguly and D.N. Basu, ―Analysis of a Solar Photovoltaic Assisted Absorption
Refrigeration System for Domestic Airconditioning‖, accepted for publication in
International Journal of Green Energy, Taylor and Francis (SCI Journal).

42. Dipankar N Basu and A. Ganguly, ―Conceptual design and performance
assessment of a solar thermal photovoltaic powered grid interactive absorption
refrigeration system‖ accepted for publication in ASME Journal of Solar Energy
Engineering, ASME (SCI Journal).
43. A.Ganguly and Biplab Bauri, ―Parametric and performance analysis of a naturally
ventilated floriculture greenhouse using a thermal model‖ Procedia Engineering
Elsevier 90 (2014), pp. 485-490.
44. Uttam Rana, Suman Chakraborty and S.K.Som, ―Thermodynamics of premixed
combustion in a heat recirculating micro combustor‖ Energy, Elsevier 68 (2014),pp.
45. S.K.Som and Uttam Rana, ―Wall heat recirculation and exergy preservation in
flow through a small tube with thin heat source‖ International Communications in Heat
and Mass Transfer, Elsevier 64 (2015), pp. 1-6.
46. Anindya Malas and S. Chatterjee, Generating Self-excited Oscillation in a Class of
Mechanical Systems by Relay Feedback, Nonlinear Dynamics 76 (2014) 1253-1269.
47. R. K. Mitra, A. K. Banik and S. Chatterjee, Vibration Control by Time delayed
Linear and Non-linear Acceleration Feedback, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols.
592-594 (2014) 2107-2111.
48. S. Chatterjee, Active Feedback Vibration Control Using Pole-Crossover
Optimization, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 1, No. 4 (2014)
49. Anindya Malas and S. Chatterjee , Analysis and Synthesis of Modal and Non-
Modal Self-excited Oscillations in a Class of Mechanical Systems with Nonlinear
Velocity Feedback, Journal of Sound and Vibration 334 (2015) 296-318.
50. Anindya Malas and S. Chatterjee, Modeling and design of direct nonlinear
velocity feedback for modal self-excitation in a class of multi degrees-of-freedom
mechanical systems, Journal of Vibration and Control (2015) accepted.
51. R. Ghadai, A. Guha and S. Chakrabarti, Pressure-Velocity Characteristics Study
of Cutting Fluid Flowing Through a Sudden Contraction Configuration, Engineering
Sciences International Research Journal, Vol 2(1), (2014) 129-131.
52. Achin Kumar Chowdhuri, Somnath Chakrabarti, Bijan Kumar Mandal, Numerical
prediction of radiation and air-preheating effects on the soot formation in a confined
laminar co-flow diffusion flame, International Journal of Thermodynamics Vol 18,,
pp.1-11, 2015.
53. A.Banerjee, S.Dhar, S.Acharyya, D.Datta and N.Nayak, Determination of Johnson
Cook material and failure model constants and numerical modeling of Charpy impact
test of armour steel, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Elsevier, Vol 640, (2015),


1) Arup Jyoti Bhowal and Bijan Kumar Mandal, Numerical investigation of gravity effect on the
temperature and flow fields in a methane air diffusion flame, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2013 (ICME2013) 20 – 21 June, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2) Ambarish Datta, Gaurav Paul, Bijan Kumar Mandal, Effect of Compression Ratio on the
Performance, Combustion and Emission from a Diesel Engine Using Palm Biodiesel, Proceedings of
the 6th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering (ICTE 2014) 19 – 21 December,
2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
3) Ambarish Datta, Gaurav Paul, Bijan Kumar Mandal, Numerical Investigation on the Effects of EGR
on CI Engine Characteristics Using Soyabean Biodiesel, Proceedings of the 6th BSME International
Conference on Thermal Engineering (ICTE 2014) 19 – 21 December, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
4) Ranendra Roy, Arup Jyoti Bhowal, Bijan Kumar Mandal, Numerical Simulation of Vapour
Compression Refrigeration System Using Refrigerant R152a, R404A, R507 and R600a, Proceedings
of the 6th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering (ICTE 2014) 19 – 21 December,
2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
5) Pijush Kanti Mondal and Bijan Kumar Mandal, A Comprehesive Review on Performance and
Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engines using Emulsified Diesel as Fuel, Proceedings of the 2 nd
International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas
(ICAMEI 2015), January, 2015, Kolaghat, India.
6) Chirantan Roy, Sudipto Keshri and Bijan Kumar Mandal, Thermal conductivity of nanofluids: A
Review, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering
and its Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI 2015), January, 2015, Kolaghat, India.
7) Arup Jyoti Bhowal and Bijan Kumar Mandal, Effect of Radiation on Soot Formation under reduced
gravity Conditions in a Diffusion Flame, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI 2015), January, 2015,
Kolaghat, India.
8) Ambarish Datta and Bijan Kumar Mandal, Impact of Ethanol addition to Diesel on performance and
Emissions of a Compression Ignition E
9) ngine, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and
its Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI 2015), January, 2015, Kolaghat, India.
10) Sayan bag and Bijan Kumar Mandal, Optimization of Inter-stage Condition of a two Stage Vapour
Compression Refrigeration System Using Exergy Method, Proceedings of the 2 nd International
Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI 2015),
January, 2015, Kolaghat, India.
11) Ranendra Roy and Bijan kumar mandal, Numerical Simulation of Vapour Compression Refrigeration
System using Refrigerant R152A, R404A, R507 and R600A, Proceedings of the 2 nd International
Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI 2015),
January, 2015, Kolaghat, India.
12) Subham Shit, Saikat Halder and Bijan Kumar Mandal, Recent Development in the Thermodynamic
Analysis of Cascade Refrigeration System, Proceedings of the 2 nd International Conference on
Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI 2015), January, 2015,
Kolaghat, India.
13) Suhail Dutta and dr. Bijan Kumar Mandal, Performance and Emission Characteristics of Compressed
Natural Gas as a fuel for IC Engines, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in
Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI 2015), January, 2015, Kolaghat,
14) S. Santra, D. K. Mandal, and S. Chakrabarti, ―Mathematical Modeling of Mass transport through
Arterial Wall on the Perspective of the Disease, Atherosclerosis: A Review ‖, Proc. of 2 nd
International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Areas
(ICAMEI 2015), College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West
Bengal, India, 02-04 January, 2015, pp. 375-382.
15) Singh R. B., Khutia N., Dey P. P. , Sivaprasad S. (2014) ―Evaluation of uniaxial and
multiaxial fatigue of carbon steel through experiment and simulation using
advanced kinematic hardening models”, Proc. of Int. Conference on ―Asian
Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS 2014)‖
pp 279-282, October 10-13, 2014 in Nara, Japan.
16) Khutia N., Dey P. P. , Sivaprasad S. (2014) ―Modification of Ohno Wang cyclic
plasticity model through simulation and experimentation of 304LN stainless steel
specimen”, Proc. of Int. Conference on ―Asian Conference on Mechanics of
Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS 2014)‖ pp 243-246, October 10-13,
2014 in Nara, Japan.
17) Saha, A. and Mondal, S. C. (2014) ‗Optimization of process parameters in
submerged arc Welding using multi-objectives Taguchi method‘ Proceedings in the
5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and
Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT
Guwahati, India, December 12-14, 2014
18) Mondal, S. C. and Kundu, S (2014). ‗Application of Process Capability Indices to
Measure Performance of a Multistage Manufacturing Process‘, Proceedings in the
5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and
Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT
Guwahati, India, December 12-14, 2014.
19) Ghadai, R. K., Behera, R. R. and Mondal, S. C. (2014) ‗Modeling Electrical
Discharge Machining Process using Artificial Neural Network for the Machining of
Special Steel WP7V‘, Proceedings in the 5th International and 26th All India
Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014),
Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati, India, December 12-14,
20) Mondal, S. C. and Mandal, P. (2014) ‗Application of Artificial Neural Network for
Modelling Surface Roughness in Centerless Grinding Operation‘, Proceedings in the
5th International and 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and

Research Conference (AIMTDR 2014), Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT
Guwahati, India, December 12-14, 2014.
21) Saha, A. and Mondal, S. C. (2014) ‗Application of Grey Relational Analysis for the
Optimization of Multi-performance Characteristics in Submerged Arc Welding‘
Proceedings in the International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy
Technology (ICAMET 2014), Indian Institute of Engineering Science and
Technology, Shibpur, Howrah, India, December 17-19, 2014.
22) Mondal, S. C. and Mandal, P. (2015) ‗An Application of Particle Swarm
Optimization Technique for Optimization of Surface Roughness in Centerless
Grinding Operation‘, International Conference on Research into Design, Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore, 7-9 January, 2015.
23) Arindam Roy Goswami and Santanu Kumar Karmakar; "Surface Temperatures in
Sliding Contact - An Overview", ICAMET, December 17-19, 2014.
24) M. Rana, J. K. Biswas, S. Majumder, S. K. Karmakar and A. Roy Chowdhury;
"Effect of Ligaments on Range of Motion at Lumbar Spine for Natural and
Implanted Condition: A Finite Element Study", ICAMET, December 17-19, 2014.
25) A. Roy, M. Gazi, M. Rana, J. K. Biswas and S. K. Karmakar; "Intervertebral Disc
Degeneration and Its Current Surgical Remedies: An Overview", ICAMEI, 2015, pp
26) Pallav Banik and A. Ganguly, ―Thermal Modeling and Economical Analysis of a
Solar Desiccant assisted distributed fan-pad ventilated greenhouse‖ Proceedings of
World Congress on Engineering 2-4th July 2014 Paper code ICME-64.
27) A. Ganguly and B. Bauri, ―Parametric and performance analysis of a naturally
ventilated floriculture greenhouse using a thermal model‖ Proceedings of the 10 th
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (ICME) 20-21st June 2014.
28) Ramen Kanti De and A. Ganguly, ―Thermal model development and performance analysis of solar
greenhouse drying of cabbage‖ Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in
Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas (ICAMEI 2015), January, 2015, Kolaghat,
India (TF:12).
29) Baidyanath Murmu, A.Ganguly and S.Chakrabarti, ―Effect of exhaust gas re-circulation on the
performance and emission characteristics of a spark ignition engine-A review‖ Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and its Interdisciplinary Areas
(ICAMEI 2015), January, 2015, Kolaghat, India (TF:13).
30) Ramen Kanti De and A. Ganguly, ―Thermal model development for forced convection solar
greenhouse drying of Peas‖ Proceedings of the ICAMET, December 17-19, 2014 India (Paper Code
31) S. Ghosh, A. Guha and S. Chakrabarti, ―Numerical Study of a Modified Dump Combustor‘
Proceedings of AMETI-2014 International Conference, 2014, pp.127-133.

32) S. Ghosh, A. Guha and S. Chakrabarti, ‗Numerical Study on Turbulent Flow Characteristics of Fluid
Passing through a Modified Dump Combustor‖ Proceedings of ICAMEI International Conference,
2015, pp.71-76.
33) S.K. Naha, A. Guha and S. Chakrabarti, ―Study on Flow Characteristics of Fluid Flowing through a
Sudden Contraction Nozzle and a Modified Contraction Nozzle‖ Proceedings of ICAMEI
International Conference, pp.77-81.
34) A. Guha, D.K. Mandal, N.K. Manna and S. Chakrabarti, ―Study on Flow Characteristics of Fluid
passing through a Configuration of Plain Sudden Expansion Followed by Diverging Section–Viewed
as a Diffuser‖ Proceedings of ICAMEI International Conference, pp. 232-237.
35) Achin Kumar Chowdhuri, Somnath Chakrabarti, Bijan Kumar Mandal, ‗A Computational study of
the effect of fuel dilution and air-preheating on soot formation in diffusion flame‘, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 20-21 June 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
36) Manas Choudhary, Achin Kumar Chowdhuri, Bijan Kumar Mandal, ‗effect of exhaust gas
recirculation9EGR) on the performance and emission characteristics in Diesel engine, Proceedings of
the 6th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering 9ICTE 20140 19-21 December,
2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

List of Books (2014-15)

1. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by D. K. Mandal, S. Chakrabarti, N. K.

Manna and N. C. Chatterjee under Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, Noida
(UP), India, 2015.
2. A. K. Mallik and S. Chatterjee, Principles of Passive and Active Vibration Control,
Affiliated East-West Press, New Delhi, 2014

List of Book Chapters (2014-15)

1. ―Solar Greenhouse Technology‖ by A. Ganguly published in the Book ―Renewable Energy and
Sustainable Development‖ published by Nova Science Publishers Inc. New York USA, 2015, ISBN:
978-1-63463-429-8, Chapter No. 1, pp. 1-22.
2. Optimization of process parameters in submerged arc Welding using multi-objectives Taguchi
method by S. C. Mondal, and A. Saha, , accepted as a book Chapter in the Special issue on
Advances in Material Forming and Joining, Springer Publication (2014).
3. An Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for Optimization of Surface Roughness
in Centerless Grinding Operation‘, by Subhas Chandra Mondal and Prosun Mandal Published in
Springer Publication ISBN: 978-81-322-2228-6, Chapter No. 59, pp. 687-697.
4. Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics and Management in Kolkata, India, by Swapan. Das and B.
K. Bhattacharyya, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-38441-7, 2014.

Department of
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering


The Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering started its journey at the Bengal
Engineering College in 1939 as Department of Metallurgy, Chemistry and Geology with the
introduction of a three year degree course in Metallurgy under Calcutta University. Bengal
Engineering College is one of the oldest engineering institutions in India and the department
is the second oldest Metallurgy department of the country. The duration and syllabus of the
course changed time to time and the name of the department also changed to Metallurgy
and Materials Engineering keeping pace with the advancement in the field of materials.
Presently the last three batches of 4-year 8-semester course for B.E. degree in Metallurgy
and Materials Engineering are going to pass out and the first batch of students have been
admitted in the 5-year 10-semester Dual degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) programs.
In 1953 the Department introduced the 2-year Postgraduate degree programme in
Physical Metallurgy which, after changes time to time, is presently a 4-semester course at
the All India level offering the degree in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering with
specialization in Physical Metallurgy, which was the first postgraduate course in metallurgy
in this country.
Prof. N. N. Sen who later became Principal of the College, was the first Professor
and Head of the then Department of Metallurgy, Chemistry and Geology which
subsequently separated in 1965 and the Department of Metallurgy started journey on its
In 1949, Prof. W. Baukhloh of Techniche Hach Schule, Berlin joined the
Department as a Professor of Metallurgy and many foreign trained faculties joined the
Department during this long period. There was a spurt in the research activity in the
Department since 1949 particularly after Dr. A. K. Seal joined the Department in 1955 after
completing his Ph. D. in Sheffield University.
In 2000, the department started a 5 semester self sponsored part time post graduate
course in Industrial Metallurgy on approval from AICTE in 1999 with intake strength of 15
plus reservation as per rules, which subsequently converted to a 6-semester course. Till date
the course is catering the metallurgy / mechanical engineers with B. E. degree plus a
minimum of 2 years experience with the aspiration of getting post graduate degree and
classes are being held in the evening after working hours and on holidays. The department
was the only one to introduce such a course in the field of Metallurgy against a circular
from AICTE in 1995 seeking to open such courses.
Over the years the Department has produced a good number of eminent
metallurgists working with distinction in India and abroad who have made significant
contribution in the fields of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. The Department has, so

far, produced good number of Ph. Ds, and several Ph. D. programs are running in the
This Department always tries to remain abreast with the recent trends in the fields of
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering and evolve suitable means for effective technology
transfer to the existing industries. The Department has already pioneered in the
development of certain important steels and alloys like HSLA steels, maraging steels, shape
memory alloys etc. These developments have had a tremendous impact on the total
development of the subject in the national scenario and by this it has contributed
significantly to the cause of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering of India today. In spite
of inadequate resources the Department has achieved academic distinction which is
observed from its good number of alumni holding many important positions around the
globe. All efforts have been successful solely due to excellent interaction with industries,
institutions and research houses created by a band of devoted faculty members. The
department feels proud to announce its collaborative ventures with organisations like
The Department is now actively engaged in modernizing the existing laboratories
along with the development of newer ones in accordance with the current trends in
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering for which it has received aids as well as in the form
of Sponsored Research Grants from various sources for further consolidating the
undergraduate and postgraduate training and research and maintain the tradition as one of
the leading centers for metallurgical education and research in the country. During the
Golden Jubilee celebration of the Department in 1989-1990, M/s. M. N. Dastur & Co.
showed its affection towards the Department by advancing funds for Research on Materials
Science and Engineering. Further, Tata Steel Chair Professor was instituted during the same
year by an endowment of Tata Steel to lead advanced research and consultancy work.
Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India introduced Steel Chair Professor and this department is
also a beneficiary of this scheme.
The Department to-day is thus in a position to undertake various advanced research
and consultancy work in various field, to fulfill the vision of those who were pioneer in
establishing and in nurturing the Department. A vigorous Ph. D. programs continues in the
Department and presently about 20 numbers of Ph. D. candidates are pursuing their Ph. D.
programs. Faculty members of the Department also received awards, medals, fellowships
from Government of India and other professional bodies. Some faculty members are also
pursuing collaborative programs with foreign universities.


Undergraduate Level

Degree offered: B. E. Degree in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

Sanctioned students‘ intake: 30
Additional intake through other program (i.e. QIP): Nil

Post Graduate Level

Degree offered: 4-semester M.E. Degree in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

Sanctioned students‘ intake: 7
Additional intake through other program (i.e. QIP) Nil
Specializations in Physical Metallurgy

Degree offered: 6-semester M.E. degree in Industrial Metallurgy

Sanctioned intake: 15 plus reservation as per rules

Current degree to which students admitted

Integrated 5-year dual degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech) introduced in 2014-15
Sanctioned intake in 2014-15: 34
Additional intake through other program (i.e. QIP): Nil

Doctoral and Post Doctoral Research Programme

Degree offered: Ph. D. in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

No. of candidates enrolled: 12
No. of candidates registered: 06
No. of candidates awarded: 02

Sanctioned faculty post: 14 Vacant Post: 4
Permanent Faculty Profile:

Name Designation Highest Specialisation/ Contact No.

Qualific Research Area E-mail:
Swarup Kr. Professor Ph. D. Processing- (033) 26684561 to 63, Extn.
Ghosh and Head structure–property 236 / 239
correlations of
advanced steels
S. Chatterjee Professor Ph. D. Microalloyed 033-2668-4561 to 63
Steel, Advance
joining technique
A. Basumallick Professor Ph. D. Nanostructured 033-2668-4561 to 63
and Materials, (ext- 240)
Associate Electronic and
Dean (AA) Magnetic materials .in
P. P. Professor Ph. D. Phase On Lien from 16.02.2015
Chattopadhyay Transformation
Sanjoy Associate M.Tech. Physical Metallurgy, 033-2668-4561 to 63
Sadhukhan Professor Materials
Mechanical testing,
Heat treatment
Sumit Ghosh Associate M.E. Development and 033 2668-4561 to 63
Professor Characterization of
in situ metal matrix
nanocomposites m
Manojit Ghosh Associate Ph.D. Aluminium alloys, 033-2668-4561 to 63
Professor Crystallographic manojit_ghosh1@rediffmail.c
texture om
Debdulal Das Associate Ph.D. Phase 033-2668-4561 to 63
Professor Transformation
Wear of Materials in
Nanomaterials &
Sukumar Kundu Assistant Ph.D. Advance Joining 033-2668-4561 to 63
Professor technique,
Corrosion and
Wear resistance
Tapendu Assistant M.Tech. Electronic Materials, 033-26684561 to 63
Mandal Professor Biomaterials, Carbon
based Composites


Name Designation Highest Specialisatio Contact No.

Qualific n/ Research E-mail:
ation Area
P. S. Banerjee Visiting Faculty Ph. D. Extractive 9836663015
H. S. Ray Adjunct Ph. D. Extractive Continued up to February,
Professor Metallurgy 2015
U. K. Chatterjee Visiting Ph. D. Corrosion 9434017924
Nikhiles Tata Steel Ph. D. Steel Making Died in October, 26, 2015
Bandyopadhyay Chair Professor and
Ramanath Datta Visiting Faculty M. Tech. Electronics 9830374001


 Microstructure and texture in aluminium base alloy

 Microstructure and texture on various aluminium alloys joined by FSW and EBW
 Aluminium based coating on steel
 Ultra high strength steel, TWIP steel, Micro-alloyed high carbon steel
 Colour coated steel
 Diffusion bonding, Friction Stir Welding
 Wear of Materials
 Nano-structured materials
 Electronic Materials
 Biomaterials
 Composites


Upgradation of research facilities in the Department of Metallurgy and Materials

Engineering is a continuous process for creating a better environment for academics and
research. A number of new equipment and instruments are acquired regularly for various
laboratories, pertaining to rapidly expanding research horizons. A major research area for
materials development and characterization comprises the broad fields of Metallography
and Optical and Electron microscopy laboratories, the X-ray laboratory and the Differential
Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) laboratory. The Physical Metallurgy laboratory, which has
traditionally been the most important one in the Department, consists of an adequate sample
preparation section, including Electro-polishers; a number of heat treatment furnaces with
programmable control; high temperature (1700oC) furnaces capable of powder sintering.

The optical microscopy section has been modernised with a number of Research
grade microscopes with micro-hardness testing facility. The Scanning Electron Microscope
with EDS system has given a new impetus to advanced research. For research in the field of
Mechanical Metallurgy, the department has one Instron Testing machine. A laboratory scale
Rolling mill, various hardness testers, Impact testing machine etc. are the other facilities in
this area.
Recent additions have been made to augment the gamut of research areas. The Wear
Testing facility enables investigations in the field of Tribology. Researches have been in
progress in the field of nano-structured materials, produced by different routes. Planetary
Ball Mills have been installed for the mechanical alloying route for powders. A device for
evaluating magnetic properties of materials is another notable addition in the field of
research on new materials. The X-ray diffraction unit for phase identification and the
Differential Scanning Calorimeter for characterization are the important facilities, which are
now used intensively for meaningful research.
The Department also has a computer laboratory with internet connectivity, which
shall induce further in researches on simulation and modelling.
The department has procured FESEM under DST-FIST grant which is on the verge of
Procurement of several other equipments, which is in the pipe line, shall further boost the
research capability of the Department in near future.
The Department can boast of a rich tradition of research, mostly with practical and
industrial applications. Sponsored and Collaborative projects have been taken up and
completed for organisations like Bhabha atomic Research Centre (BARC), Indian Space
Research Organisation (ISRO), UGC, AICTE, Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India, Ministry of
Defence, Govt. of India, Defence Research and Development Laboratory, Naval Research
Laboratory etc.
The important Projects of the Department are mentioned in a separate section to give
a glimpse of the wide range of vigorous research activity of the faculty members of the
small but dynamic Department.

Instrument and Equipment facilities:

 Air Induction furnace for melting of steel

 Heat Treatment Furnaces,
 Jominy Hardenability Testing unit
 Grinding and Polishing facilities, Electropolisher
 Optical Microscopes, including Research microscopes (Carl Zeiss, Leica)
 Hardness Testers
 Micro-hardness Testers (Leica)
 Scanning Electron Microscope (JEOL) with EDS facility (Oxford)
 Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Perkin Elmer DSC 8000)
 Instron Testing machines - Static
 Charpy Impact Testing machine
 Diffusion bonding set-up for joining dissimilar metals
 X-ray Diffraction unit ((Philips)
 X-ray Diffraction unit ((Bruker)
 Planetary Ball Mill for nano-material preparation and Mechanical alloying
 Wear Testing machine
 Computer laboratory
 Magnetic hysterisis measuring device
 Friction stir welding Machine

 Metallography Laboratory
 Testing of Metals Laboratory
 Heat Treatment Laboratory
 Corrosion Laboratory
 X-ray Laboratory
 SEM Laboratory
 Metal Casting Laboratory
 Smithy & Forging Laboratory
 Welding Laboratory
 Computer Laboratory
 Nanostructure processing Laboratory



 ―Stainless Steel for Construction Segment‖ – sponsored by INSDAG – PI: Prof. S.

Sadhukhan – Completed.
 ―Welding & Fabrication of Steel work‖ – sponsored by INSDAG – PI: Prof. M.
Ghosh, Co-PI: Prof. S. Sadhukhan
 ―Brand Ambassador of PMC Prestige TMT Bar‖ – sponsored by Purulia Metal
Casting (P) Ltd. – PI: Prof. S. Sadhukhan - Completed
 ―Deformation and Damage Behavior of Automobile Grade Steels under Cyclic
Loading‖ – sponsored by Tata Steel – PI: Prof. D. Das
 ―Development of High Strength Multi-phase steels through various processing
conditions‖ – sponsored by Tata Steel – PI: Prof. S. K. Ghosh


Technical Staff: 10 (full time)
2 (contractual)
Supporting Staff: 7 (full time) for laboratory
2 (full time) for dept. office
Clerical Staff: Nil

Technical staff profile

Technical Staff

Highest Contact No.

Name Designation
Sri Santanu Chattopadhyay Supdt. Tech Diploma (Mech.) 09830229800
Sri Rash Behari Nayak Supdt. Tech Diploma (Mech.) & 09231828193
Adv. Diploma in
Foundry Tech.
Sri Jayanta Kr. Chandra Supdt. Tech Diploma (Mech.) & 09433739104
Adv. Diploma in
Foundry Tech.
Sri Sujit Kr. Roy Supdt. Tech Non-Matriculate 09143469096

Sri Bagala Prasad Patra Supdt. Tech H.S., ITI, NCVT & 09635860758
Craft Instructor
Sri Ranjit Karmakar Workshop Non-Matriculate 09433609711
Sri Rupchand Naskar ITI 07872331640
Workshop Retired in
Sri Srikanta Adak ITI
Instructor March, 2015

Sri Salil Kr. Dalui Tech. Asst. II B.E. (Met.Eng.) 09831435065

Sri Swapan Kr. Jana Tech. Asst. II Diploma (Mech.) 09231701660

Sri Syamal Chakrabarty Contractual B. Sc.

Sri Chhabi Lal Kar Contractual H.S., ITI, NCVT Completed

trade test (Welder)

Support staff profile

Support Staff
Sri Ashoke Kumar Das Record Supplier Class V 9830484398

Sri Provat Kr. Choudhury Helper Gr. – l Class VIII 9007590108

Sri Yeasin Mullick Turner & Fitter Class X 09433393053

Sri Tarak Nath Dey Junior Peon Madhyamik 9830788505
Sri Manoj Bhagat Junior Peon Class V 9163728807
Sri Hiru Kumar Majhi Hammer Man Class VIII 9007485181
Sri Biswanath Dorjee Junior Darwan Class VIII 9062445528
Sri Badal Chandra Das Helper Gr. - II Class V 9433212531
Sri Debasish Mondal Junior Darwan Class I 8902183415

Sponsored Research Project:


• Development of 2000 MPa steel for defense application sponsored by MSF, OFB
• Influence of Ag-Sn on microstructure and texture in Al-Zn-Mg alloys, sponsored by
• Evolution of microstructure and texture in dissimilar alloys during Electron beam and
Friction Stir Welding sponsored by BRNS
• Development of Friction Stir Welded joints between IF steel vs/ IF steel/ Al alloys
sponsored by Tata Steel
• Fatigue Property Evaluation and Microstructural Characterization of Hot Rolled Steels
sponsored by Tata Steel


 Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA

 University of Queensland, Australia
 University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
 Australian National University, Australia
 Tata Steel, Jamshedpur
 IIT Kharagpur
 IIT Kanpur
 NML, Jamshedpur
 Jadavpur University


1. M. Ghosh, A. Miroux, L.A.I. Kestens, ―Correlating r-value and through thickness

texture in Al–Mg–Si alloy sheets‖, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 619 (2015)
2. A. K. Rathore, S. P. Pati, A. Roychowdhury, M. Ghosh, D. Das, ―Structural,
optical, hyperfine and magnetization studies of ZnO encapsulated α-Fe
nanoparticles‖, Materials Research Bulletin, (2014) 566–571.
3. M. Ghosh, P. S. Banerjee and H. S. Ray, ―Examining Energy and Environment
Issues in Non-ferrous Metallurgy in the Light of Industrial Metabolism‖, Journal of
Materials and Environmental Science 5 (2) (2014) 380-389.
4. M., A. Miroux, R.J. Werkhoven, P. J. Bolt and L. A. I. Kestens, ―Warm Deep-
drawing And Post Drawing Analysis of Two Al-Mg-Si Alloys‖, International
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214 (2014) 756-766.
5. M. Ghosh, P.S. Banerjee and H.S. Ray, ―Environmental Pollution Due to Gaseous
Emissions During Non-ferrous Extraction Processes‖, Russian Journal of Non-
Ferrous Metals, 55(3), (2014) 263-269.
6. S. Sadhukhan, M. Kundu, M. Ghosh, ―Effect of Trace Added Sn on Mechanical
Properties of Al-Zn-Mg alloy‖, Advanced Materials Research Journal, 828 (2014)
7. S. Kundu, S. Sam, B. Mishra and S. Chatterjee: Diffusion Bonding of Microduplex
stainless steel and Ti alloy with and without interlayer: Interface microstructure and

strength properties, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2014), 45(1),
8. S. M. Bhola, S Kundu, R. Bhola, B Mishra, S. Chatterjee, 'Electrochemical Study
of Diffusion Bonded Joints between Micro-duplex Stainless Steel and Ti-6Al-4V
Alloy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2014 30(2) 163-171.
9. Gopinath T. , S. Kundu, B. Mishra and S. Chatterjee, Effect of Bonding Time on
Interfacial Reaction and Mechanical Properties of Diffusion-Bonded Joint Between
Ti-6Al-4V and 304 Stainless Steel Using Nickel as an Intermediate Material,
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2014, 45(4) 2078-2089.
10. Gopinath T. , S. Kundu, B. Mishra and S. Chatterjee, "Effect of bonding
temperature on interfacial reaction and mechanical properties of diffusion bonded
joint between Ti-6Al-4V and 304 stainless steel using nickel as an intermediate
material", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2014, 45(4) 2067-2077.
11. R. Bhola, S. Kundu, F.M. Alabbas, C. Chandra, B. Mishra, D.L. Olson, "Corrosion
Response of Ti6Al4V and Ti15Mo Dental Implant Alloys in the presence of
Listerine Oral Rinse" International Journal of Corrosion, 2013, 2014(2) 1-7.
12. S. Kundu, S. M. Bhola, B. Mishra and S. Chatterjee, Structure and properties of
solid state diffusion bonding of 17-4PH stainless steel and titanium, Materials
Science and Technology,2014, 30 (2), 163-171
13. Gopinath T, S. Kundu, S. Chatterjee, The latent fingerprint in mass transport of
polycrystalline materials, Heat Mass Transfer, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s00231-015-
14. S. Chatterjee, S. Kundu, S. Sam, B Mishra, Diffusion Bonding of Duplex Stainless
Steel and Ti Alloy with and without Interlayer, Materials Science Forum, 2014,
783(7), 9-14.
15. Gopinath T, S. Kundu, B. Mishra S Chatterjee, Effect of Bonding Time on
Interfacial Reaction and Mechanical Properties of Diffusion-Bonded Joint Between
Ti-6Al-4V and 304 Stainless Steel Using Nickel as an Intermediate Material,
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (7), 2014 2078-2090.
16. G Thirunavukarasu, S Kundu, B Mishra, S Chatterjee, Effect of Bonding
Temperature on Interfacial Reaction and Mechanical Properties of Diffusion-
Bonded Joint Between Ti-6Al-4V and 304 Stainless Steel Using Nickel as an
Intermediate Material, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (7), 2014,
17. S Kundu, B Mishra, S Chatterjee Structure and properties of solid state diffusion
bonding of 17-4PH stainless steel and titanium , Materials Science and Technology
30 (9), 2014, 248-256.
18. R Bhola, S Kundu, F M Alabbas, B Mishra, G Singh, AZ91D A Suitable Candidate
For Reconstruction Maxillofacial Implants: A Materials Perspective, accepted for
Journal of Oral Implants, 2015.
19. Gopinath T, S. Kundu, S. Chatterjee, The latent fingerprint in mass transport of
polycrystalline materials, Heat Mass Transfer, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s00231-015-
20. S. Chatterjee, S. Kundu, S. Sam, B Mishra, Diffusion Bonding of Duplex Stainless
Steel and Ti Alloy with and without Interlayer, Materials Science Forum, 2014,
783(7), 9-14.
21. Optimization of milling parameters for the mechanosynthesis of nanocrystalline
hydroxyapatite; T Mandal, BK Mishra, A Garg, D Chaira; Powder Technology 253,

22. N Shakti, A Prakash, T Mandal, M Katiyar: Processing temperature dependent
morphological and optical properties of ZnO nanorods ; Materials Science in
Semiconductor Processing 20, 55-60.
23. S Bajpai, A Gupta, SK Pradhan, T Mandal, K Balani: Crack Propagation Resistance
of α-Al2O3 Reinforced Pulsed Laser-Deposited Hydroxyapatite Coating on 316 Stainless
Steel; JOM 66 (10), 2095-2107.
24. D. Das and K. K. Ray: Cryogenic processing to improve wear performance of die steels;
International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 9 (2015) 124-144.
25. S. K. Basantia, M. A. Bakkar, N. Khutia and D. Das: Simulation of LCF Characteristic of
AA6063 Al Alloy under Different Ageing Conditions; Materials Today: Proceedings,
Accepted for Publication, 2015.
26. S. Nandy, M.A. Bakkar and D. Das: Influence of Ageing on Mechanical Properties of 6063
Al Alloy; Materials Today: Proceedings, Accepted for Publication, 2015.
27. S. Sardar, S. K. Karmakar and D. Das: Ultrasonic Cavitation Based Processing of Metal
Matrix. Nanocomposites: An Overview; Advanced Materials Research, 1042 (2014) 58-
28. S. K. Paul, P. K. Rana, D. Das, S. Chandra and S. Kundu: High and low-cycle
fatigue performance comparison between micro-alloyed and TMT rebar;
Construction and Building Materials 54 (2014) 170-179.
29. D. Das and K.K. Ray: Cryogenic Treatment of Ferrous Materials; in: Encyclopedia
of Iron, Steel, and Their Alloys, Eds. Rafael Colas and George E. Totten, Taylor &
Francis Group, (Invited article, in press, 2015).
30. S. K. Ghosh: Influence of 10% Cold Rolling Reduction on Ageing Behaviour of
Hot Rolled Al-Cu-Si–Mn-Mg Alloy, J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D (2014) 95 (2) 95–
31. N. K. Tewary, B. Syed, S. K. Ghosh, S. Kundu, S. M. Shariff, G. Padmanabham:
Microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of surface hardened low carbon
hot rolled steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, A606 (2014) 58–67.
32. N. K. Tewary, S. K. Ghosh, S. Bera, D. Chakrabarti, S. Chatterjee: Influence of
cold rolling on microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of low carbon
high Mn TWIP steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, A615 (2014) 405–415.
33. Sudipta Pramanik, Supriya Bera, and Swarup Kumar Ghosh: Influence of Cold
Rolling on Microstructural Evolution in 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel, Steel
Research International 85 (2014) (5) 776-783. DOI: 10.1002/srin.201300293.
34. R. Shukla, S. K. Ghosh, D. Chakrabarti, and S. Chatterjee: Characterisation of
Microstructure, Texture and Mechanical Properties in Ultra Low-Carbon Ti-B
Microalloyed Steels, Metals and Materials International, 21, No. 1 (2015) 85-95.
DOI: 10.1007/s12540-015-1010-z.
35. N. K. Tewary, S. K. Ghosh, S. Chatterjee: Effect of Annealing on Microstructure
and Mechanical Behaviour of Cold Rolled Low C, High Mn TWIP Steel,
International Journal of Metallurgical Engineering 2015, 4(1) 12-23. DOI:

Seminar/ workshops/Conferences/Training programme organized by the
department(in last year)

1. International Conference on Corrosion Control in Infrastructure, Pipeline, RCC

Structure and Automobile (CCIPRA 2014)-28th Feb. to 1st March 2014.
2. National Seminar on Microstructure of Materials-12 and 13 March 2014.

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II

X-ray Diffractometer and texture gonio meter of Bruker

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures

Deakin University, Australia in 2014
Visitors to your Department ( Indian & Foreign):
Dr. Manojit Dutta – Tata Steel, as INAE-AICTE Professor
Dr. Jayanta Kr. Saha – INSDAG, as INAE-AICTE Professor

Alumni Contribution to your Department

Technical talk delivered by Dr. Suman Guha in the field of Mechanical Metallurgy

Training and Placement

Adequate no. of students after 6th semester took training in different Integrated Steel
Plants, CSIR Laboratories etc. More than 70% students of 8 th semester got
placement and the rest opted for higher studies.

Extension Activities and Societal outreach

6-semester part time M. E. degree in Industrial Metallurgy for the practicing
Engineers in Metallurgy and Mechanical by the Department
3-semester Certificate course on Steel Making and Rolling Technology sponsored
by NISST, Govt. of India by the Department

New Academic / Research Initiatives

Academic Collaboration
INSDAG, Kolkata
Industrial Collaboration
Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Department of Mining Engineering

About the department
Mining and Agriculture are the two oldest professions of mankind. But, notwithstanding the
emphasis made by Koutilya (Arthasastra; c. 300 – 250 BC), Georgius Agricola (de Re Metallica;
1556), and a few other philosophers, its advent as a scientific discipline was rather delayed. The
situation was more conspicuous in India where coal mines were opened up in 1774 but mining
education started more than a century later, in 1906, at this institute (the then Bengal Engineering
College). Meanwhile it was felt, - amongst others by the Indian National Congress -, that a School
of Mines be established in India in the model of the Royal School of Mines, London. The desire was
transformed into reality with the establishment of Indian School of Mines (ISM) in 1926 at Dhanbad
and B E College stopped imparting mining education. As such the department was closed and all its
scientific and human resources were transferred to ISM Dhanbad.
However post independence period witnessed a purposeful thrust on mining sector. A consequential
fall out was the re-establishment of the Department of Mining and Geology at Bengal Engineering
College Shibpur in 1956.
Ever since its re-establishment, the mining engineering department has been catering to the quality-
manpower needs of the mining industry. Important milestones covered by the department include,
inter-alia, the following:
As on date academic course run by the department are: BE(Mining Engineering); Integrated dual
(BTech/MTech) degree programme in mining engineering and regular 4 semester (a) ME
programme in Mining Engineering and (b) MTech programme in Geo-informatics. Over the years
the department has built up advance research capabilities in almost all the sub-disciplines of Mining
Engineering. Ever since the institute was elevated to a deemed-university, the department has been
undertaking regular academic and sponsored research programmes. In the recent past several
cutting-edge avant-garde research projects have been completed by the department. Of late several
outreach services have been extended to the user agencies. Based on its infrastructure and human
resource potential the department has identified a few major thrust areas for pursuing top-notch

Academic Programmes:
Details of the academic programmes offered under the aegis of the department are furnished below:
Undergraduate Level
Degree offered B.E. in Mining Engineering
Sanctioned students intake 30

Post graduate Level

Degree offered Dual (BTech/ MTech) degree in Mining Engineering
Sanctioned students intake 30
Degree offered M.E. in Mining Engineering
Sanctioned students intake 18
Additional intake through other programmes (i.e. QIP) Nil
Specialisations in Mining Engineering
Degree offered M.Tech in Geoinformatics
Sanctioned students intake 18
Additional intake through other programmes (i.e. QIP) Nil
Specialisations in Geoinformatics

Doctoral Level
Degree offered: Ph.D in Mining Engineering
No. of candidates enrolled: 16
No. of candidates Registered: 12
No. of candidates Awarded: 00
Faculty position
Sanctioned faculty strength: 12
Vacant: 3
Faculty profile
Name Designation Highest Specialisation/Research Contact No
Qualificati Area E-mail
P.K.Paul Professor PhD Metal Mining. GIS and Prabirpaul59@gmail.c
Remote Sensing om
N.C.Dey Professor PhD Coal Mining. U/G ncdey@mining.iiests.a
mining machinery Safety
& Legist ion and
I.N.Sinha Professor PhD Surface Mining,Mine indranaths@mining.ii
Environment Science and
S. Sinha Professor & PhD Mine Environment, suranjan1980@gmail.
Head Mine Planning & Design com
and Mineral Economics
P.Dutta Professor PhD Rock Mechanics and
Coal Bed m
S.Mukhopad Assistant PhD Mineral Dressing and sudipta1973@yahoo.c
hyay Professor Bulk Material Handling om
A. Ghosh Assistant PhD Mine Planning apurnag2000@yahoo.
Professor com
G .C.Roy Assistant PhD Coal Mining, Mining gcroy_besus@yahoo.c
Professor Machinery And
Optimization Techniques
Md.M.Islam Assistant M.Tech Mining Pollution control
Professor and Management

Award s and Laurels :

Research area (only mention broad titles without description in detail)

Principal research strengths of the department lies in the areas of
a. Mining Geo-Spatials
b. Occupational Safety and Health of Miners
c. Environmental Management of Mining Operations
d. Mineral Beneficiation
e. Carbon Sequestration and Exploitation of Coal-Bed-Methane
f. Ground Control and Underground Space Engineering
Ever since the accordance of deemed university status to the institute the department has
been running regular academic and sponsored research programmes. Academic research
undertaken in the recent past focused on the following areas:
 Occupational health and safety
 Rock mechanics and strata control

 GIS / GPS and remote sensing application
 Mineral beneficiation
 Environmental appraisal and planning
 Mine system optimization
 IT application in Mining
 Rock blasting with explosives
 Simulation & behavioural modelling
Sponsored research carried out by the department hinged around the following focal points:
 Mathematical modelling on dust generation in large opencast coal mines
 Risk assessment of occupational injuries through epidemiological approaches in
underground coal mines.
 Impact of sorption and diffusion properties on deliverability of coal-bed methane.
 Study of health condition and monitoring of haulage drive and mechanical ventilator
in an underground coal mine.
 Benchmarking of large opencast project in India
 Techno-economic feasibility of high angle conveyor in large opencast mines in
 Sillimanite investigation in Purulia district, W.B.
 Economic analysis of impact of mechanised surface mining on natural resources and
economy of iron ore mining belt of eastern India
 Development of a methodology for cumulative impact assessment of non coal
mining projects
 Development of a methodology to integrate environmental economics in EIA of
surface iron ore mines in eastern India
 Development of a GIS based information system for coal mining areas of West
 Quantitative risk assessment of mine workers – a useful management tool to
improve mine safety performance.
 A tecno-economic study on processing of china clay of West Bengal
 Improving mine safety performance through GIS.
 Assessment of suitable rest break period for selective underground coal miners – an
ergonomics approach

During the past decade the department had extended outreach services in the areas of Rock
testing, Topographical survey, Surveying for railway corridor, Highway survey, Mine
Planning, Volume computation, Blast vibration monitoring etc.
Having analysed its resource strengths and the needs of the present day mining industry the
department has identified the following major thrust areas for pursuing avant garde
 Mine Planning and IT application
 Mine Safety Engineering
 Geo-Informatics and Ergonomics
 Mine environmental Management
 Mineral Beneficiation
 Rock Mechanics and Strata Control.
 Mineral Economics.

Research facilities: (name specific equipment/picture.)

GIS and Remote Sensing: The department has well established GIS and Remote Sensing
research laboratories. The facilities include GIS software‘s like ARCMAP, ILWIS, GEOMEDIA
etc. and Remote Sensing software‘s like ERDAS, ENVI etc. The department has AO scanner,
AO plotter, workstations, handheld GPS and other associated software.
Safety and Ergonomics: The department has a good infrastructure for research and consultancy
in the field of safety and ergonomics. The infrastructure include Oxylog consumption monitor,
whole body vibration meter, hand arm vibration meter, mobile heart rate monitor. Asman
Hygrometer etc
Coal bed Methane :
Rock Mechanics : The department has well established rock mechanics laboratory which
includes, UTM, Rock drilling and cutting machines, Shear testing apparatus, Triaxial set up and
software necessary for analysis.
Mine Planning: The department uses SURPAC and MINEX ssoftware for mine planning and
Survey : The department has well established survey laboratory. The equipment in lab includes,
total station, electronic theodolite, DGPs and single frequency GPS.

Name of the laboratories :

Mine Survey Laboratory 1. Dual frequency GNSS Receivers for DGPS survey
2. Single frequency GNSS receivers for DGPS survey
3. Hand held GPS
4. Robotic Total Station
5. Total Station
6. Electronic Theodolite
7. Levels
8. LISSCAD software
9. Ski Pro software
Computer Laboratory 1. PC‘s
2. Server
3. Surpac
4. Minex
5. RocScience
Coal sequestration Laboratory
Rock Mechanics laboratory 1. 100 ton UTM
2. Rock drilling and cutting machine
3. Rock permeability testing setup
4. Shear box test setup
5. Triaxial test setup
GIS and Remote Sensing 1. ARCMAP 11 (3 users)
laboratory 2. ERDAS 2011 (5 users)
3. Envi 5.0 (10 Users)
4. Geomedia Professional
5. Raster to vector software
7. Modflow
8. A0 Scanner
9. A0 Plotter
10. Servers

11. Workstations
Mineral Dressing Laboratory 1. Jig Based Pilot Plant
2. Hydrocyclone test rig
3. Jaw crusher
4. Raymond Mill
5. Pulverizer
Safety and Ergonomics 1. Oxygen consumption monitor (Oxylog)
Laboratory 2. Whole body vibration meter
3. Hand arm vibration meter
4. Mobile heart rate monitor(Polar)
5. ECG, Asman Hygrometer
6. TMT
7. Globe thermometer
8. Goniometer(digital + axis)
Mine Ventilation Laboratory 1. Blast vibration measuring Instrument
2. Gravimetric Dust Sampler
3. Gas Chromatograph
4. Rescue Apparatus
5. Crossing Point Apparatus
6. High volume Dust sampler
7. Ventilation Duck with anemometer

Consultancy Work
1. Geotechnical study of rock and gassiness determination for Moonidih U/G coal mines.
2. Geotechnical properties of rock mass and top soil for the Bomi iron ore project of Liberia by
Western Clusters Ltd.
3. Analysis and Interpretation of stress cell and Exensometer data collected at Sharda Highwall
mining project of South Eastern Coal fields Ltd. unders Cuprum Bagrodia Ltd.
4. Scientific Evaluation of mine closure Plan with reference to sustainable development of govt. of
India for Dongri Bujurg mine of MOIL.
5. Strata Monitoring at CM District from December 2013 to August, 2014 at Sarpi Project, SS
Pur Colliery, Bankola Area, Eastern Coalfields Limited.
6. Certification on probable future damage to Sova Ispat Plant.19/01/2015.
7. Planing of atunneling project. June 2014.

Support staff positio :
(i) Sanctioned technical post: 5
(ii) Technical staff profile (in the following table)
Name Designation Highest Contact No. E-mail
Prasanta Gope Tech-Asst-(Gr-l) Diploma in
Janardan Kar Tech-Asst-(Gr-ll) Diploma in
Amitava Tech-Asst-(Gr-ll) Diploma in
Chowdhury Mining
Saibal Ghosh Sr. Mechani (Gr I.T.I
Gobardhan Nayak Sr.Record suppler VIII Passed
Sanjoy Ghosh Jr.Durwan 10 +2 Passed

Sponsored Research : (mention area)

Ongoing Sponsoring agency

Ergonomics DST
Mine closure MOEF
Environment DST
Mineral Dressing UGC
GIS and Remote Sensing MOEF
Ergonomics UGC
Coal Bed Methane DST

Industry – Institute Interaction

No. of publications: (This year only)

Journal 8
Conference 8
Patents/Invention Disclosure/Technology Transfer/Copyright

Seminar/Workshops/Conferences/Training programme organized by the department (in last year).

 Examiner Gas Testing Examination on May, 2014 organized by Directorate

General of Mines Safety, Dhanbad.
 Convenor in Workshop on Handling of Safety Lamp Organized by the
department for issuance of lamp handling certificate to the final year Bachelor of
Engineering students.
 Nodal Officer Procurement TEQIP-II, IIEST, Shibpur.
 Convenor in Educational Tour Programme for Bachelor of Engineering students.
 Professor-in-Charge Training: Organizing and coordinating training in the
department for the students in different mines all over India both in metal and coal

Technology Developed/Innovations

1. Short course on Laser Scanning, starting from 09/06/2014 to 27/06/2014, University of

Twente, The Netherland

Advancements under TEQIP-Phase II

Foreign Visits and Invited Lectures

Visitors to your Department (Indian & Foreign)

Alumni Contribution to your Department

Training and Placement

Extension Activities and Societal outreach

New Academic / Research Initiatives

Academic Collaboration

Industrial Collaboration

Department of Physics

About the department

The department of Physics has a century old past and has come through the
era of revolutionary thoughts in the world of physics to the present century of
technological revolution. As far back in 1926, Prof. Satyendra Nath Bose and Prof.
Meghnad Saha , then post graduate students of Calcutta University used to come to
this department to study original works of Max. Planck and Albert Einstein. Our
library was so rich even at that time under the able leadership of Prof. Bruhl. They
also used to do their M.Sc. practical in the laboratory of this physics department. An
unforgettable name in the history of the department is Prof. S.S. Boral, who initiated
the course on Electronics and Telecommunications which itself finally branched out
to be one of the advanced engineering department of the university. Our department
can justifiably feel proud of eminent teachers like Prof. P.K. Chattopadhyay, Prof.
B.R. Gupta, Prof. N.C. Mukherjee, Prof. M. Mitra and others who taught the
undergraduate engineering students of B.E. College and made a strong base for their
further studies. Our present faculty members are also faithfully tracing their paths.
The year 2000 was a landmark for our department when the M.Sc. course in
Applied Physics was introduced. New faculty members started joining the
department, having expertise in modern thrust areas of physics and related
technology. On the one hand, theoretical works are being pursued in the field of
Nuclear and High energy physics and Atomic and Molecular physics; on the other
hand in view of latest technological advancement, different studies are carried out
in the field of Fiber Optics, Electroceramics, Spectroscopy of Laser and
Luminescent materials, Transport phenomena in solids, Synthesis of Nanomaterials
by sol gel route and their characterization, Silicon nanostructure based : Light
emitters, Detectors, Sensors, Plasma bio-medical application, carbon nanotubes,
graphene etc. At the same time, experimental works are undertaken creating a rich
environment of advanced research. In the last five years the faculty members of the
department have contributed more than 100 research papers in international journals
of repute and international conference proceedings. Many of our students are
engaged in research and some of them are also in scientific jobs in various premier
research institutions of India, such as SINP, IACS, TIFR, BARC, IPR, CGCRI etc.
A considerable number of them are pursuing Ph.D. programme in the department

Academic Programmes:

Undergraduate Level
Degree offered: BE (Physics course for 1st, 2nd
(all) and 3rd Semester (EE and ME))

Sanctioned students‘ intake: 500 approximately

Additional intake through lateral entry in 3rd Semester

Post Graduate Level
Degree offered M.Sc. in Physics
Sanctioned students‘ intake 25
Additional intake through other programmes (i.e. QIP) Nil
Specialisations in Material Physics Nuclear Physics

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme

Degree offered: PhD (Engineering / Science / Humanities & Management
Science): Science
No of Candidates enrolled: 10
No. of Candidates registered: 8
No. of Candidates awarded/submitted: 3

1. Awarded: Joyee Basu (under the sole supervision of Dr. Debasis Ray), Oct 2014.
2. Submitted: Subrata Mitra (under the sole supervision of Dr. Samar Jana), Feb
3. Submitted: Navonil Bose (under the joint supervision of Dr. Sampad Mukherjee
and Dr. Mousumi Basu), March 2015.

Faculty Position:
Sanctioned faculty post ……14…………. Vacant Post …1(1 for ST)…
(a) Faculty profile (in the following table )
Designation Highest Specialization /
Qualifica research area Contact No.
tion E-mail
Dr. Bichitra Professor M.Sc., Solid State Physics, 9830155316
Kumar Guha and M.Phil., Electroceramics
Dean Ph.D in
Affairs) bkguha.phys@gmail.c
Dr. (Mrs.) Professor M.Sc., Solid State Physics, 9830299253
Dipali Banerjee M.Phil., Transport properties dipalibanerjeebesu@g
Ph.D of solids
Dr. Professor M.Sc., Theoretical Nuclear 9433006526
Sukhendusekha Ph.D Structure and
r Sarkar Nuclear sukhendusekhar.sarkar
Dr. Mousumi Professor M.Sc., Fibre Optics in linear 9433306461
Basu M.Tech., and nonlinear mbasu@physics.iiests.
Ph.D domain,
Dr. Sampad Associate M.Sc., Solid State Physics 9433579392
Mukherjee Professor Ph.D Synthesis and smukherjee@physics.i
characterization of
nano materials smukherjee.besu@gm

Dr. Samar Jana Associate M.Sc., Spectroscopy of 9433428035

Professor Ph.D Laser and samarjana@physics.iie
and Luminescent
Head materials
Dr. Krishnendu Associate M.Sc., High Energy 9432273434
Mukherjee Professor Ph.D Physics, kmukherjee@physics.i

Dr. Amit Associate M.Sc., High Energy 9433906370

Kundu Professor Ph.D Physics, Cosmology amitkundu@physics.ii
Dr. Debasis Assistant M.Sc., Theoretical Atomic 9433092009
Ray Professor Ph.D Physics debasisray@physics.ii
Atomic Physics in
Plasmas, Laser-atom
interactions, m
Spectroscopy of
confined quantum
systems, Many-body
techniques in atomic

Dr. S. M. Assistant M.Sc., Physics of nano- 9230446483

Hossain Professor Ph.D dimensional solids shminhaz@physics.iie
for Photonic,
Photovoltaic and
sensing applications
Dr. Sukhen Das Assistant M.Sc., Nano- 9433091337
Professor of Ph.D materials/biophysics sukhendas29@gmail.c
Jadavpur om
(UGC special
programme )
Dr. Abhijit Assistant M.Sc., Plasma Physics, 8902781531
Majumdar Professor M.Tech, Plasma Surface
(UGC-FRP) Ph.D Interaction, m
Transport properties
of transition metal
Dr. Manish Pal Assistant M.Sc., Carbon nanotubes, 8902703093
Chowdhury Professor Ph.D Graphine,
(UGC-FRP) Nanoelectronics and
Dr. Abhijit Assistant M.Sc. Spectroscopic study 9830629051
Bisoi Professor in A~40 region,
Preparation and
characterization of
implanted target
Dr. Mojammel Assistant M.Sc., Experimental 9432180899
Haque Mondal Professor Ph.D condensed matter
physics m
Dr. Dwipesh Assistant M.Sc., Theoretical 7602207766
Majumder Professor Ph.D condensed matter

Awards and Laurels received by the faculty members:

Research area (only mention broad titles without description in detail) :

 Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics
 High energy physics
 Quantum field theory at finite temperature and density
 Synthesis & characterization of thermoelectric nanomaterials and composites
 Magnetic properties of materials
 Characterization of Fuel cells & its components
 Preparation & characterization of oxide glass by sol-gel route
 Spectroscopic investigation on rare earth and transition metals in search
of efficient LASER and luminescent materials.
 Fluorescence and phosphorescence study on rare earth materials.
 Design and optimization of optical fibers for dense WDM system.
 Nonlinear pulse propagation through single mode optical fibers.
 Atomic Physics in Plasmas, Laser-atom interactions.
 Spectroscopy of confined quantum systems, Many-body techniques in atomic
 Nanostructure based Photonics, Photovoltaics and , Sensors.
 Processing and characterization of electroceramic materials used as capacitor
dielectrics, sensors and actuators etc.
 Experimental and Theoretical (Large Basis Shell Model (LBSM) and Particle
Rotor Model (PRM) Calculation) studies of nuclear structure properties in the
mass A~40, A~ 100 and A~150 regions.
 Theoretical studies of nuclear structure in the space above and below 132Sn
 Preparation and Characterization of implanted target.
 Study of structural aspects, chemical kinetics and interfacial properties of the
ultrathin films
 Plasma surface interaction,
 Plasma on biomedical application.
 Transport property of transition metal ions
 Carbon nanotubes, Graphene, Nanotechnology
 Nano-materials/biophysics
 Collective excitation in fractional quantum Hall effect
 Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and Quantum Chromodynamics.

Research facilities: (name specific equipment / picture, infrastructure etc)

1. Microprocessor controlled 18000C box furnace

2. Hydraulic pressing machine.
3. Hp LCR Meter
4. Spectrophotometer (UV-Visible)
5. Luminescence Spectrometer
6. Electric Furnace (14000C)
7. IBM- Z pro work station
8. Dell T7500 work station
9. Ultrasonic PULSER/RECEIVER instruments (MAKE- MATEC
10. Magnetic succeptibility measurement
11. Closed cycle liquid helium cryostat
12. Vacuum coating unit
13. Magnet with power supply

14. GM Counter and radioactive sample with lead shield
15. Thermal conductivity measurement set up
16. Z-scan instrument for measuring nonlinear properties of optical
17. Linear stage setup for pulling fiber from micro to nano
18. Spin coating unit
19. High precession Ammeter and source meter
20. NaI detector with multichannel analyser
21. Thermal chemical vapor system
22. Plasma jet
23. Indigenously developed PVC coated Chemical bench/Fume hood
24. Computer interfaced I-V characteristics measurement setup—
25. Computer interfaced LCR meter (1 MHz) --- Agilent

Name of the laboratories:

1. Composite and Nanomaterial Research Laboratory

2. LASER and Luminescent Materials Research Laboratory

3. Synthesis and Characterization of Oxide Glass Laboratory

4. Fiber Optic Design Laboratory

5. Electroceramics Laboratory

6. Material Research Laboratory

7. Plasma Research Laboratory

8. Naniomaterials Laboratory

9. Physics and Applications of Nanoscopic Solids

Laboratories for PG & UG studies

1. General and electronics laboratory

2. Optics laboratory
3. Solid state laboratory
4. Nuclear physics laboratory
5. UG general laboratory

Support staff position:

Support staff position:

(a) (i) Sanctioned technical post : 3
(ii) Technical staff profile (in the following table)
Name Designation Highest Contact No. E-mail
Dr. Bibhas Ph.D 9434715128
Ch, Mitra
Mr. Amal M.Sc. 9830586320
Kr. Mandal
Mr. Sintu B.Sc. 9903262750 -
Mr. Amiya Junior Peon H.S. 9433819077
Kr. Paul
Mr. Asim Junior Asst. M.A. 9433126999 -

Ongoing Sponsored Research / projects: (mention area)

No. Ongoing (Prof value ) Sponsoring agency

1. Generation of silent green energy with DST, Govt. of India
performance and efficiency enhancement using
inorganic/organic hybridization and nano
structuring in fuel cell system.
Co P.I : Dr. Dipali Banerjee ( in collaboration
with J.U)
Rs. 38,90,000/-
2. Synthesis and characterization of low DST, Govt. of India
dimensional Bi-Te for thermoelectric application
P.I : Dr. Dipali Banerjee ( in collaboration with
Rs. 36,90,800/-
3. ―Study of isomers in Ho and neighbouring Sponsoring agency UGC-
isotopes‖ – Nuclear structure in A ~ 150 region. DAE Consortium for
P.I. Dr. S. Sarkar Scientific Research,
Ongoing (Prof value ) about 5 lacs Kolkata Centre
4. Fabrication and characterization of optical micro BRNS,DAE, GOI
and nano fibers (Rs 25,45,800/-)
P.I. Dr. S Mukherjee
5. A Biotechnological approach for rapid detection DBT, GOI
of aflatoxin in food using optical nanofiber
probes (Rs.43,04,600/-)
Co P.I. Dr. S Mukherjee

6. Investigation of effect of structure of jute and NASF, ICAR, GOI

allied fibre products on sound insulation
property. Co-PI

(Total budget- Rs.1,55,84,520/- ; Institute
budget- Rs.27,12,750/-)
Co P.I. Dr. S Mukherjee
7. Solar Energy Hub at BESU (10 Crore) DST
Co-PI: Dr. Syed Minhaz Hossain

8. Advanced Research On Thin Silicon Solar Cells MNRE

And Photovoltaic Systems (15 crore)
Co-PI: Dr. Syed Minhaz Hossain
9. Rapid Biosensor Detection of Pathogens Toxins DRDO
and Bacterrorism Agent Using Lipid Bilayer
Membrane(Rs. 38,25,000/-)
P.I : Dr. S. Das
10. An In Silico Study on Interdependence Between CSIR
Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase Subtypes In
the Propagation of Viral Infection (Rs. 6,79,000/-
Co- P.I : Dr. S. Das
11. Development Of Eco Friendly High Density UGC
Nanocrystalline Mullite Rich Ceramic Pigment /
Filler from Low Cost Ceramic Materials/Flyash
(Rs. 11,45,800/-)
P.I : Dr. S. Das
12. Development and characterization of DST
supercapacitors using various metal oxide
electrode materials: A competitive study.‖ (Rs.
35,00,000/- )
P.I : Dr. S. Das
13. Understanding the mechanism of action of CCRH
Homeopathic medicine at the molecular level in
nano domains in vivo and in vitro systems (Rs.
Co- P.I : Dr. S. Das

Details of publications of each faculty member (2014 – 15)


1. Reduced grapheme oxide-polyaniline composites-synthesis, characterization and

optimization for thermoelectric applications, Mousumi Mitra, Chiranjit Kulsi,
Krishanu Chatterjee, Kajari Kargupta, Saibal Ganguly, Dipali Banerjee and
Shyamaprosad Goswami, RSC Advances 5 (2015) 31039-31048.
2. Novel bimetallic graphene-cobalt-nickel (G-Co-Ni) nano-ensemble electrocatalyst for
enhanced borohydride oxidation, Shubhanwita Saha, Saibal Ganguly, Dipali
Banerjee and Kajari Kargupta, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40 (2015)
3. Graphene supported bimetallic G-Co-Pt nanohybrid catalyst for enhanced and cost
effective Hydrogen generation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 (22)
2014 11566-11577. D. Banerjee, et al.

4. Hydrogen Storage on Graphene using Benkeser Reaction, Ananta Kr Sarkar,
Shubhanwita Saha, Saibal Ganguly Dipali Banerjee and Kajari Kargupta,
International Journal of Energy Research 38 (14) 2014 1889-1895.
5. Analysis of drying and dilution in phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC) using
galvanometric study and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Tanmoy Paul,
Mrinal Seal, Dipali Banerjee, Saibal Ganguly, Kajari Kargupta, Pabitra Sandilya, J.
Fuel Cell Sci. Technol 11(4) (2014) 041001.
6. Thermoelectric performance of electrodeposited nanostructured polyaniline doped
with sulfo-salicylic acid, Krishanu Chatterjee, Mousumi Mitra, Saibal Ganguly,
Kajari Kargupta and Dipali Banerjee, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 131 (4)
(2014) 39920.
7. Thermal Cycling behavior of Alumina – Graphite brazed Joints in electron tube
applications, Nandalal Dandapat, Sumana Ghosh, Kalyan S. Pal, Someswar Datta and
Bichitra K. Guha, Transactions of Nonferrous Metal Society of China, 24
(2014,)1666 – 73.
8. Influence of growth conditions on microstructure and defects in diamond coatings
grown by microwave plasma enhanced CVD, Kalyan Sundar Pal, Sandip Bysakh,
Awadhesh Kumar Mallik, Nandalal Dandapat, Someswar Datta and Bichitra K.
Guha, Bulletin of Materials Science, vol. 38 (June, 2015), 1 – 8.

9. High spin spectroscopy in 34Cl by Abhijit Bisoi, M. Saha Sarkar, S. Sarkar et. al.,
Phys. Rev. C 89, 024303 (2014).
10. Collective excitations in 33S by Abhijit Bisoi, M. Saha Sarkar, S. Sarkar et. al.,
Phys. Rev. C 90, 024328 (2014).
11. Understanding Nuclei in the upper sd-shell by M. Saha Sarkar, Abhijit Bisoi, S. Ray,
R. Kshetri and S. Sarkar, AIP Conf. Proc. 1609, 95 (2014).
12. Study of isospin nonconservation in the framework of spectral distribution theory by
Kamales Kar and S. Sarkar, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 42, 055110 (2015).
13. 136Sn and three body forces by M. Saha Sarkar and S. Sarkar, to be published in
14. Navonil Bose, Sampad Mukherjee, Mousumi Basu, ―Parabolic and Semi-parabolic
Pulse Dynamics in Optical Fibers”, Optical Engineering (SPIE),54, 016108(2015).
15. Silica Based Highly Nonlinear fibers to Generate Parabolic self-similar pulses,
Debasruti Chowdhury, Dipankar Ghosh and Mousumi Basu, Optical and Quantum
Electronics,(Springer) DOI 10.1007/s11082-015-0144-z, March, 2015.
16. Designing a highly nonlinear normally dispersive optical fiber for efficient parabolic
pulse generation, Debasruti Chowdhury, Dipankar Ghosh and Mousumi Basu,
Journal of Physical Sciences, Vol. 18, pp – 19 – 22, 2014.
17. Navonil Bose, G S Taki, Mousumi Basu, Sampad Mukherjee , ―GeO2 nanorods:
synthesis, structural and photoluminescence properties‖, Materials Research Express
(IOP Publishing,) 1., 045013 (2014).
18. Mrinal Seal, Sampad Mukherjee, ―Approach for Selection of a Synthesis Procedure
of GeO2 Ultra-small Nano Particles and Its Characterization‖, International Journal
of Physics, 3, 133-138 (2015).
19. Properties of the energy bands, Judd-Ofelt parameters and the fluorescence of
Neodymium Chloride (NdCl3) in Methanol, Iso-propanol and Butanol solvents,
Subrata Mitra and Samar Jana, Journal of Fluorescence (Springer), 25 (2015) 541–
20. Intense orange emission in Pr3+ doped lead phosphate glass, Subrata Mitra and
Samar Jana, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 85(2015)245–253.
21. Suppression of fine-structure splitting and oscillator strength of sodium D-line in a
Debye plasma: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 21, 013301 (2014) (J. Basu & D. Ray)
22. Possibility of giant enhancement of low-frequency non-resonant Rayleigh scattering
by atomic systems within dense plasmas: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 21, 032709 (2014)
(J. Basu & D. Ray)

23. Non-resonant elastic scattering of low-energy photons by atomic sodium confined in
quantum plasmas: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 22, 032707 (2015) (A. Ghosh & D. Ray)
24. Influence of dense quantum plasmas on fine-structure splitting of Lyman doublets of
hydrogenic systems: PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 22, 054503 (2015) (M. De & D. Ray)
25. Avra Kundu, Sonali Das, S. M. Hossain, Swapan K. Datta, Hiranmay Saha, ―Tapered
Silicon Nanopillars for enhanced performance thin film solar cells‖, Energy Procedia
Volume 54, pp 389-399, 2014.
26. Selective manhole methane sensing by Pd-modified nanostructured porous silicon, S.
Pradhan, S.M. Hossain, J. Das, IJMSET 1(6) (2014) 10-14 ISSN:2349-3755
27. Neutral collective modes in spin-polarized fractional quantum Hall states at filling
factors 1/3, 2/5, 3/7, and 4/9, Dwipesh Majumder and Sudhansu S. Mandal, Phys.
Rev. B 90, 155310 (2014)
28. Shape coexistence in the near-spherical 142Sm nucleus by S. Rajbanshi, Abhijt Bisoi
et. al., Phys. Rev. C 89,014315 (2014).
29. Characterisation of a Composite LEPS by Moumita Roy Basu, Sudatta Ray, Abhijit
Bisoi, M. Saha Sarkar (accepted 2015, in JINST).

30. Study of density-dependent swelling of ultrathin water soluble polymer films,

Mojammel H. Mondal and M. Mukherjee, J Polym Res 21, 343 (2014).
31. Synthesis and characterization of Cu/Ag nanoparticle loaded mullitenanocomposite
system: a potential candidate for antimicrobial and therapeutic application.,
SubrataKar, BiswajoyBagchi, BananiKundu, SumanBhandary, RumaBasu,
PapiyaNandy, Sukhen Das, BBA - General Subjects, 1840 (2014) 3264-3276.
32. Synthesis and characterization of copper doped zinc oxide nanoparticles and its
application in energy conversion., Poonam Bandyopadhyay, Anindita Dey, Ruma
Basu, Sukhen Das, Papiya Nandy, Current Applied Physics, 14 (2014) 1149-1155.
33. Enhancement of β phase crystallization and dielectric behavior of kaolinite/halloysite
modified poly(vinylidene fluoride) thin films., Pradip Thakur, Arpan
Kool,BiswajoyBagchi, Sukhen Das, PapiyaNandy, Applied Clay Science, 99 (2014)
34. Effect of vanadic anhydride and copper oxide on the development of hard porcelain
composite and its antibacterial activity. Arpan Kool,Pradip Thakur, BiswajoyBagchi,
UjjwalRajak, Tania Das, SubrataKar, GopalChakraborty, T.K. Mukhopadhyay,
Sukhen Das, Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 2 (2014) 297-304.
35. Abrupt change in dielectric properties due to titanium and strontium incorporation in
mullite by sol-gel method. Biplab Kumar Paul,KumareshHalder,Debasis
Roy,BiswajoyBagchi,Alakananda Bhattacharya, Sukhen Das, Journal of Advanced
Ceramics, Date of acceptance: 7 July 2014
36. In silico study of potential autoimmune threats from rotavirus infection., Tapati
Sarkar, Sukhen Das, PapiyaNandy, Rahul Bhowmick, AsheshNandy., Computational
Biology and Chemistry, 51 (2014) 51-56.
37. Dielectric switching above a critical frequency occurred in iron mullite composites
used as an electronic substrate, Biplab Kumar Paul, Kumaresh Halder, Debasis Roy,
Biswajoy Bagchi, Alakananda Bhattacharya, Sukhen Das, J Mater Sci: Mater
Electron, DOI 10.1007/s10854-014-2291-6, (2014)
38. Effect of Hydroxyapatite nanrod on chikpea (Cicer arietinium) plant growth and its
possible use as nano-fertilizer, Niranjan Bala, Anindita Dey, Sukhen Das, Ruma
Basu and Papiya Nandy, Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology, Vol(4), No (3).(2014)
39. Copper Ion Doped Mullite Composite in Poly (vinylidene Fluoride) Matrix: Effect on
Microstructure, Phase Behavior and Electrical Properties, Kumaresh Halder, Biplab
Kumar Paul, Biswajoy Bagchi, Alakananda Bhattacharya and Sukhen Das, Journal
of Research Updates in Polymer Science, 2014, 3, 157-169.
40. Role of Carbon nanotubes on load dependent micro hardness of SWCNT-lead silicate
glass composite, S. Ghosh, A. Ghosh , T.kar , S. Das, P.K.Das, J.Mukherjee,
R.Banerjee, Ceramics International 40 (2014) 2953-2958.
41. Near infrared flourescence an enhanced electrical conductivity of single walled
carbon nanotube-lead silicate glass composite, Arnab Ghosh, Sujan Ghosh, Sukhen
Das, Probal K. Das, Jonaki Mukherjee, Rajat Banerjee, Journal of Non-Crystalline
Solids 385 (2014) 129-135.
42. Effect of Different Potencies of Nanomedicine Cuprum metallicum on Membrane
Fluidity – a Biophysical Study., Ghosh S, Chakraborty M, Das S, Basu R, Nandy P,
American journal of homeopathic medicine(AJHM), 107, 161-169, 2014.
43. In situ synthesis of environmentally benign montmorillonite supported composites of
Au/Ag nanoparticles and their catalytic activity in the reduction of p-nitrophenol.,
Biswajoy Bagchi, Pradip Thakur, Arpan Kool, Sukhen Das, Papiya Nandy, RSC
advances, DOI: 10.1039/C4RA11108G.
44. Valinomycin induced pore formation in thin lipid film and its effect on splay and bend
elastic constant., Niranjan Bala, Pranab Kumar Das, Ruma Basu, Sukhen Das, Papiya
Nandy, Phase Transitions, Date of acceptance: 03/11/2014.
45. Effect of zinc sulphide nanoparticles on germination of seeds of Vigna radiata and
their subsequent aacceleration of growth in presence of the nanoparticles, Sutapa
Ganguly, Sukhen Das, Sujata G. Dastidar, European journal of Biomedical and
Pharmaceutical Sciences,1(2),273-280, 2014
46. High-K tungsten-mullite composite for electronic industrial application: synthesis and
study of its microstructure, phase behaviour and electrical properties, Kumaresh
Halder, Biplab Kumar Paul, Debasis Roy, Alakananda Bhattacharya, Sukhen Das, J.
Mater. Sci: Mater Electron, DOI: 10.1007/s10854-014-2521-y
47. Characteristics of Influenza HA-NA Interdependence Determined Through a
Graphical Technique.‖, Ashesh Nandy, Tapati Sarkar , Subhash C. Basak, Papiya
Nandy and Sukhen Das., Current Computer-Aided Drug Design, 10, 285-302, 2014
48. ―Effect of in situ synthesized Fe2O3 and Co3O4 nanoparticles on electroactive β
phase crystallization and dielectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) thin films‖,
Pradip Thakur, Arpan Kool, Biswajoy Bagchi, Sukhen Das, Papiya Nandy., Physical
Chemistry Chemical Physics: DOI: 10.1039/c4cp04006f 17, 1368-1378. 2014.
49. ―Enhanced broadband microwave reflection loss of carbon nanotube ensheathed Ni-
Zn-Co-ferrite magnetic nanoparticles‖, Debargha Sarkar, Alakananda Bhattacharya,
Papiya Nandy, Sukhen Das, Materials letter 120, 259-262, 2014
50. ―Effect of Functionalized Multiwalled carbon nanotubes on liposomal fluidity
profile.‖, Subhajit Ghosh, Anindita Dey, Ruma Basu, Sukhen Das, Papiya Nandy,
American Scient5ific Publisher, vol.2, pp. 130-134, 2014.
51. ―Development of transition metal oxide–kaolin composite pigments for potential
application in paint systems,‖, Swagata Roy, Subrata Kar, Biswajoy Bagchi, Sukhen
Das, Applied Clay Science, 107 (2015) 507-512.
52. ―A comparative study between electrical properties of bulk and synthesized nano
material of zinc sulphide.‖, Sutapa Ganguly, Kumaresh Halder, Nur Amin Haque,
Sukhen Das, Sujata G Dastidar, American Journal of Research Communication, 3
(2015) 68-80.
53. ―Green Synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles using Hibiscus subdariffa leaf extract:
effect of temperature on synthesis, anti-bacterial activity and anti-diabetic activity.‖,
Niranjan Bala, S. Saha, M. Chakraborty, M. Maiti, S. Das, R. Basu and P. Nandy,
RSC Advances, 5 (2015) 4993-5003.
54. ―Marsilea Minutal Plant Extract Mediated Synthesis of Gold Nanopartocle for
Catalytic and Antimicrobial Application.‖, Niranjan Bala, Arpan Kool, Praqdip
Thakur, Sukhen Das, Papiya Nandy, Ruma Basu, International Journal of Pharmacy,
5 (2) 600-609, (2015).
55. ―The Role of Cerium (III)/Yttrium (III) nitrate hexahydrate salt on electroactive β
phase nucleation and dielectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) thin films.‖,
Pradip Thakur, Arpan Kool, Biswajoy Bagchi, Nur Amin Hoque, Sukhen Das,
Papiya Nandy, DIO: 10.1039/c5ra03524d., RAC Adv. 5, 28487- 28496, 2015.

56. ―Anorthite porcelain: Synthesis, phase and microstructure evolution.‖ Mousumi Pal,
Sukhen Das, Swapan Kumar Das, Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol. 38, No. 2, pp 1-5, April
57. ―Development and Optimization of a Non-contact Optical Device for Online
Monitoring of Jaundice in Human Subjects.‖, N. Polley, S. Saha, S. Singh, A.
Adhikari, S. Das, B. Roy Choudhury and S. K. Pal, J. Biomed. Optics, 20(6), 097001-
1-6, 2015.
58. ―Safe & Symptomatic Medicinal Use of Surface Functionalized Mn3O4
Nanoparticles for Hyperbilirubinemia Treatment in Mice.‖, N. Polley, S. Saha, A.
Adhikari, S. Banerjee, S. Darbar, S. Das and S. K. Pal, Nanomedicine (2015).
59. ―In situ synthesis of Ni(OH)2 nanobelts modified electroactive poly(vinylidene
fluoride) thin films: Remarkable improvement in dielectric properties.‖, Pradip
Thakur, Arpan Kool, Biswajoy Bagchi, Nur Amin Hoque, Sukhen Das, Papiya
Nandy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics: DOI: 10.1039/c5cp01207d; 17,
13082-13091, 2015.
60. ―Rapid single step green synthesis of copper oxide nanoparticle from vigna radiata
using three salts and study its antimicrobial nature.‖, Monalisa Chakraborty, Anindita
Dey, Niranjan Bala, Sukhen Das, Ruma Basu, Papiya Nandy, Int J Pharm, (IJPNL),
5(1),93-97, 2015.
61. ―Invigoration and root growth enhancement of mung bean seed through pre-treatment
with Allium Cepa 30C-an agrohomeo study.‖, Anindita Dey, Ruma Basu, Sukhen
Das, Papiya Nandy, Intern. Journal of Innovative Res. In sci. and Engineering
(IJIRSE) ISSN (Online) 2347-3207, Vol 3,74-78, 2015.
62. ―Effect of Dilution on Thermovoltage generation using homeopathic nanomedicine
Zincun oxydatum.‖, Poonam Bandyopadhyay, Papiya Nandy, Ruma Basu, Durga
Sankar Dhar, Sukhen Das, Intern. Journal of Innovative Res. In sci. and Engineering
(IJIRSE) ISSN(Online) 2347-3207, Vol 3, Iss.6, 225-230, 2015.
63. ―Experimental Evaluation of Antimicrobial Potentiality of Chemically Synthesized
ZnS Nanoparticles, Sutapa Ganguly, Bidisha Ghosh, Sukhen Das, Sujata G. Dastidar,
Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences,MARCH-2015,5(2), ISSN-
64. ―Microstructural and phase evolution in metakaolin geopolymers with different
activators and added aluminosilicate fillers.‖, Madhuchhanda Sarkar , Kausik Dana ,
Sukhen Das, Journal of Molecular Structure 1098, 110-118, 2015.

Conference Proceedings

1. ―Improved Photoluminescence Property of CTAB Assisted Polyaniline-AlZnO

nanocomposite‖ Mousumi Mitra, Kajari Kargupta, Saibal Ganguly, Dipali Banerjee,
DAE-SSPS 2014, 16th-20th December, 2014 (accepted for poster presentation).
2. ―Low-dimensional novel nanocomposite of polyaniline-graphene and its sensing
application.‖ Mousumi Mitra, Krishanu Chatterjee, Kajari Kargupta, Saibal Ganguly
and Dipali Banerjee. International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric
Materials CIPET-Bhubaneswar, 14-16th February, 2014.
3. ―Hydrogen storage material: Synthesis and characterization of graphene/PANI
nanocomposite, Shubhanwita Saha, Ananta Kr Sarkar, Mousumi Mitra, Dipali
Banerjee, Saibal Ganguly and Kajari Kargupta International Conference on
Advancements in Polymeric Materials CIPET-Bhubaneswar, 14-16th February,
4. ―Synthesis of nanostructures of polyaniline doped with inorganic dopant for sensing
ammonia‖ Krishanu Chatterjee, Mousumi Mitra, Dipali Banerjee, Kajari Kargupta
and Saibal Ganguly. International Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy
Technology (ICAMET) IIEST, Shibpur Howrah, 17-19th December, 2014.

5. ―Synthesis and Characterization of Electrocatalytically Active Graphene-Cobalt
Nanocatalyst for Hydrogen Generation‖ Subhanwita Saha, Sabbir Ahmed, Saibal
Ganguly, Dipali Banerjee and Kajari Kargupta International Conference on
Advanced Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET) IIEST, Shibpur Howrah,
17-19th December, 2014
6. Forbidden E1 transitions and isospin mixing in self-conjugate sd-shell nuclei by
Abhijit Bisoi, S. Sarkar and M. Saha Sarkar, Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys.
(India) 59, 102 (2014).
7. 2. Shell Model Calculations for 132Te by Abhijit Bisoi, M. Saha Sarkar, S. Sarkar,
S. Biswas, R. Palit, Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys. (India) 59, 104 (2014).
8. 3. Prompt-delayed coincidence for the investigation of high-spin states in 132Te by
S. Biswas, R. Palit, J. Sethi, S. Saha, Purnima Singh, D. Choudhury, V. Nanal, R. G.
Pillay, M. Saha Sarkar, Abhijit Bisoi, S. Sarkar, L.S. Danu, S. Mukhopadhyay, D.C.
Biswas, S.K. Tandel, S.S. Hota, M. Carpenter, Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys.
(India) 59, 128 (2014).
9. 4. Shape Evolution in 153Ho, Dibyadyuti Pramanik, S. Sarkar, Euroschool on
Exotic Beams 2014 at Padova, Italy organized by University of Padova and INFN
during September 7-13, 2014.
10. Debasruti Chowdhury, Dipankar Ghosh and Mousumi Basu, ―An analytical
perturbation approach to analyze the generation of parabolic pulses in a dispersion
decreasing fiber amplifier in normal dispersion regime,‖ ICOP-2015, XXXIX
Conference on Optics and Photonics, Nanotechnology campus, University of
Calcutta, India, 20th -22nd February, 2015.

11. Debasruti Chowdhury, Mousumi Basu and Dipankar Ghosh, ―Deigning A Normally
Dispersive Highly Nonlinear Optical Fiber for Efficient Parabolic Pulse
Generation,‖ ICCCM 2014, International Conference on Computing,
Communication & Manufacturing, MCKV Institute of Engineering, Liluah,
Howrah, West Bengal, 22nd - 23nd December, 2014.
12. Efficient Parabolic Similariton Generation by Highly Nonlinear Silica Based
Dispersion Decreasing Fiber, Debasruti Chowdhury, Dipankar Ghosh and
Mousumi Basu, Proc. of National Conference on Emerging Technology and Applied
Sciences-2014 (NCETAS 2014), ISSN (Online): 2319-8753, ISSN (Print): 2347-
6710, Paper No.: ID_16, Page No. 81-87, February 15-16, 2014.
13. Sanchayita.P. Nag, Sampad Mukherjee, ―pH dependent study of structural and
Optical properties of Fe2O3 nanocrystals‖,CMDAYS-14
14. Sonali Das, Avra Kundu, S. M. Hossain, Hiranmay Saha, Swapan K. Datta, ―Effect
of size on the scattering properties of silica nanoparticles‖, 2nd International
Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), IISc Banglaore, 2014.
15. ―Superliner Photo Response in Colloids of Silicon Quantum Dots‖, Ujjwal Ghanta,
Mallar Ray, Nil Ratan Bandyopadhyay, Syed Minhaz Hossain; National Conference
on Emerging Technology & Applied Sciencies, 2014 (NCETAS 2014), February
15-16, 2014, Modern Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bandel, Hooghly,
16. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and
Technology, Vol. 3, Special Issue 6, February 2014.2. ―Irreversible Quenching of
Photoluminescence from Silicon Quantum Dots in Low Magnetic Field‖, Ujjwal
Ghanta, Mallar Ray, Nil Ratan Bandyopadhyay and Syed Minhaz Hossain; 12th
International Conference on Fiber Optica and Photonics © OSA 2014 (Photonics-
2014), Poster Sunday S5A.46, December 13-16, 2014, IIT, Kharagpur, India.
17. Effect of the clover geometry on the LINESHAPE analysis by S. Rajbanshi, Abhijit
Bisoi et. al., Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys. (India) 59, 72 (2014).
18. Forbidden E1 transitions and isospin mixing in self-conjugate sd-shell nuclei by
Abhijit Bisoi, S Sarkar and M Saha Sarkar, Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys.
(India) 59, 102 (2014).

19. Shell Model Calculations for 132Te by Abhijit Bisoi, M Saha Sarkar, S Sarkar, S
Biswas, R Palit, Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys. (India) 59, 104 (2014).
20. Prompt-delayed coincidence for the investigation of high-spin states in 132Te by S.
Biswas, R. Palit, J. Sethi, S. Saha, Purnima Singh, D. Choudhury, V. Nanal, R. G.
Pillay, M. Saha Sarkar, Abhijit Bisoi, S. Sarkar, L.S. Danu, S. Mukhopadhyay, D.C.
Biswas, S.K. Tandel, S.S. Hota, M. Carpenter, Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys.
(India) 59, 128 (2014).
21. Magnetic Rotational band. in 141Sm nucleus by S. Rajbanshi, Abhijit Bisoi et. al.,,
Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys. (India) 59, 166 (2014).
22. Evolution of collectivity in 160Yb by A. Saha, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Rajbanshi,
Abhijit Bisoi et. al., Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys. (India) 59, 268 (2014).
23. Indication of long fission lifetime of 242Pu at EX=55 MeV by A. Ray, A. K. Sikdar,
B. Dey, D. Pandit, S. Bhattacharya, A. De, S. Paul, Srijit Bhattacharya, Abhijit
Bisoi, Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys. (India) 59, 486 (2014).
24. Gamma Spectroscopy with a digital oscilloscope by Tuhin Malik, Krithika Raman,
Rutuparna Rath, Rohan Biswas, Dibyadyuti Pramanik, Abhijit Bisoi, Shinjinee
Dasgupta, Maitreyee Saha Sarkar, Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys. (India)
59, 986 (2014).
25. Neutron Pulse-Shape Discrimination and Time -of - Flight Measurements with a
Digital Oscilloscope by Uttiyoarnab Saha , Krithika Raman ,Rutuparna Rath, Tuhin
Malik, Abhijit Bisoi, Maitreyee Saha Sarkar, Proc. DAE-BRNS Symp. Nucl. Phys.
(India) 59, 986 (2014).
26. Unconventional Spin-Wave Excitations in Fractional Quantum Hall Ferromagnets,
Dwipesh Majumder, Current Trends in Computational Physics, 17th May 2015.
University of Gour Banga West Bengal, India

Book/Monograph written:

Patents / Invention Disclosure / Technology Transfer / Copyright

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences / Training programme organized by the

department (2014 - 15)

1. Seminar of Journal club on 02.04.2014 on ―Discovery Of A New Boson: The

Quest Continues‖ by Prof. Manas Maity
2. Seminar of Journal club on 24.07. 2014 on "Non equilibrium statistical
mechanics and nonlinear dynamics of many body systems" by Prof. Surajit Sen
3. Seminar of Journal club on 28.08.2014 on ―Focusing on research in cross-
disciplinary areas for clean water, green energy and affordable healthcare: A
spectroscopic survey‖ by Prof. Samir Kumar Pal
4. One Day Symposium on the occasion of the 157th birthday of Acharya, J. C. Bose
on ―Fifty years of LED‖, on 02.12.2014
Speaker: Dr. A. J. Pal, IACS, Kolkata
Title: Fifty years of LED
5. Seminar by Dr. Sudipta Kanungo, Post Doctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute For
Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany on 28.01.2015
6. Seminar by Dr. Subroto Mukherjee, Professor, IPR, Gandhi Nagar, Gujrat on
Title: Environment Friendly Applications of Plasma - Developments at Institute
for Plasma Research

7. One day seminar on 17.02.2015 at Physics department
I. Dr. D. Das, UGC-DAE CSR, Kolkata
Title: Mossbauer spectroscopy: basic principles and applications in cross-
disciplinary fields.
II. Prof. D. Sahadev, Department of Physics, IIT, Kanpur
Title: Resolving Aton in our Backyards: Indigenous Technology in a
Globalized World.
Title: Exotic Magnetic Oxides: Microscopic insights from ab-initio approach

Technology Developed / Innovations

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures

1. Energy Materials Nanotechnology (EMN) meeting on Polymer held on January

7-10, 2015 at Orlando, FL, USA
Invited Talk : ―Composite of conducting polymer with inorganic counterpart for
thermoelectric applications‖ Dr. Dipali Banerjee
2. Nano structured Conducting Polymers: Thermoelectric Application, Dipali
Banerjee. International Conference on Advancements in Polymeric Materials
CIPET-Bhubaneswar 14-16th February, 2014. Dr. Dipali Banerjee
3. Delivered Invited Lecture at CKM Memorial workshop at SNBNCBS on 30th
May, 2015. Dr. Syed Minhaz Hossain

Visitors to your Department (Indian & Foreign):

(Included in the item number N.)

Alumni Contribution to your Department

Training and Placement

Extension Activities and Societal outreach

1. Invited and participated as a resource person at the Physics Olympiad
orientation cum selection camp held at SGTB Khalsa college Delhi during June 6 to
19, 2015. Dr. Syed Minhaz Hossain

New Academic / Research Initiatives

Academic Collaboration

1. UGC-DAE- Kolkata Centre, UGC DAE, Indore, M.P. India

2. TIFR, Mumbai
3. Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
4. RKM Vivekananda University, Belur
5. Jadavpur University, West Bengal
6. MCKV Institute of engineering, Liluah
7. Saha Institute for Nuclear Physics, West Bengal
8. Calcutta University
9. Ravenshaw University, Cuttak, Odisha, India
10. IIT, Kharagpur
11. University of Greifswald, Germany

Industrial Collaboration

Student’s activity:

1. Dibyadyuity Pramanik (Supervisor: Prof. S. Sarkar) attended and presented

her research work in the Euro School on Exotic beams. September 7-14,
2014, Padova, Italy.

Department of Students Activities

Department of Student Activity

A Brief History:

NITSER Act was passed in the Parliament on 4th March, 2014 thereby transforming
Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur to Indian Institute of Engineering Science and
Technology, Shibpur, an Institute of National Importance and thus the nature of activity undertaken
by the department facing more challenges due to size and nature of students being more
cosmopolitan. A lot of students where admitted from outside the state whose messing and other
requirements were different from that of the existing students. Although, the department has a rich
tradition of providing proper hostel and fooding facility for the residents of the states but change in
nature of students meant changes in food habits, culture and nature of boarders and the department
had to adopt with it. The Proctorial Department as established in 1956 on the recommendation of the
review committee of erstwhile Bengal Engineering College in 1953 had adequate experience and
expertise to cope up with the changing objectives of the Institute which includes improving the
personal qualities of students and taking care of discipline, welfare and extra-curricular activities of
the students. The department which was later renamed as the department of Students Activities with
the re-designation of the proctor in 1985 to Professor-in-charge of Students Activities. After
becoming IIEST on March, 2014 the post of Professor in-Charge of Students Activities got
abolished and Dean of Students Affairs directly looked after the administrative and other matters of
the department i.e. the department now function under the direct supervision of Dean of Students.

Broadly the department looks after the following specific works:
1. Supervise all matters relating to students welfare, discipline and extra-curricular
activities including sports and games.
2. Exercise general supervision of all hostels and ensure proper running of the
messes and observation of rules by the boarders.
3. Allotment of students to different Halls and Hostels in the respective academic
4. Exercise general supervision of the Athletic Club and activities of various
sections of games and sports.
5. Any other duties as may be assigned by the Vice-Chancellor.

Halls & Messes:

At present the total student strength of this institute is about 4500. There are 17
Halls/Hostels including two for UG and PG girls‘ students and one exclusively for Girls Research
Scholars. Each Halls /Hostels is under the direct supervision of a Warden selected from members of
the faculty/officer. Hostels Messes are supervised by the respective mess committee.

Sports Board:- The University has a Sports Board and has got the facilities for almost all the
Outdoor and Indoor games. There has been a MOU between IIEST Shibpur and CAB to maintain &
develop Lords & Oval playgrounds as suitable for playing national level tournaments. CAB shall be
providing coaches for all round development and improvement of skills of our students. The
Institution has other sports events like Tennis, Volleyball, Badminton Court (Concrete), Basketball
(hard court) and a well equipped gymnasium. The University also possesses an International
Standard Swimming Pool for usage of all the communities attached with university system. The
University recently developed a recreational centre (R.N.Mukherjee Students Amenity Centre) for
the students and also a Yogic practice arena for the students, financially supported by two illustrious
alumnus of this institution.

Academic Programme:

Additional Elective PT/NCC/NSS in Undergraduate level. Total yearly intake in BE/Integrated

M.Tech programme.

Faculty & Officer Profile:

Name Designation Highest Specialization/Resea Contact No. e-mail

Qualification rch Area
Dr .Netai Chandra Dean of Students Ph.D Mining Engg. 9433524339
Sri A.K.Mitra Asst. proctor M.Phil 9830519575
(Senior Scale)
Dr. Zia-Ul-Alam P.I (Senior Scale) Ph.D Social aspects of 9433128404
Physical Education
and Sports
Shir Sandip P.I (Senior Scale) M.P.Ed 9432835933
Chattopadhyay ANO (NCC)

Other Staff members :

1. Shri Chinmoy Sana, Sr. Stenographer
2. Smt. Ruma Naskar, Jr. Suptd.
3. Shri Satyajit Barua, Jr. Suptd.
4. Shri Mahadev Biswas, Jr. Suptd
5. Smt. Suchita Khakha, Jr. Asst.
6. Shri Tinku Das, Jr. Mali
7. Miss Rita Ghosh,
8. Shri Gouranga Chaudhury
9. Shri Pintu Das
10. Shri Buddhadev Samanta
11. Shir Dilip Kr. Bug
12. Shir Raj Kumar Dhali

Alumni Contribution to the Department:

In recent past, the GAABESU contributed a lot in developing the sporting facilities in the
department. They initiated suitable steps for renovation of the University Swimming Pool as
National Standard as well as the University Gymnasium with latest equipments and apparatus.

Sports Training:
The physical instructors are really interested to develop a sporting culture among the students (both
boys and girls) for their future endeavor. The scientific training procedure for development of sports
performances of the students in different sporting events are being initiated for last 10 years or so.
The natural talents of the students are being nurtured by the expertise sports science instructors. The
instructors are also given opportunities to grab the latest knowledge in sports and allied exercise
sciences for the development of the students.

National Service Scheme:

The University also initiated the extension programme like NSS among the students to develop their
social character by helping the poorest of the poor citizens of the locality. Students of this Institute
teach them with great care and attention. They are encouraged to attend the learning programmes
regularly. Exercise books, copies, pen, pencil, erasers are distributed on ―No charge basis‖.
Students are encouraged to attend programmes of NSS. Local people have been considerably
motivated by this approach of the scheme .By extending their hands to educate the people of the
slum areas of the society in the form of various awareness programmes (like use of clean water, aids
awareness including free medical assistance.
Recently, the NSS unit organized a garment distribution programme and also organized a Voluntary
Blood Donation camp in the University campus.

Games and Sports Activities for the session 2014-15.


Nature of Activity Organizer Date

1. Inter Department Football (M) IIEST August – September

Knock-out Tournament for 1st
Semester Boys.

2. Inter Year Cricket(M) Tournament IIEST November – December 2014.

3. Inter Hostel TT (M) Tournament IIEST January - 2015.

4. Inter Year Football (M) Tournament IIEST March - 2015.

5. Inter Department Football (M)

Tournament IIESTS March - 2015.

6. Inter Hostel Volleyball (M)

Tournament IIESTS March - 2015

7. Annual Athletic Meet IIESTS 14 th February 2014.


East Zone Inter University participation status in different sporting events;

1. East Zone Inter University Football (M) Tournament: 2014-15.

Organized by: West Bengal State University, Barasat, 24 Pgs (N), WB.
Date: 03.10.2014- 07.10.2014

2. East Zone Inter University TT (M) Tournament: 2014-15

Organized by: Calcutta University.

Date: 10.02.2015 – 12.02.2015

East Zone Inter College/Inter Technical Institute Competitions:

1. Sports Fest: PARAKRAM: 2015

ISM, Dhanbad
Date: 05.02.2014-08.02.2014
2. Chetan Devraj Memorial East Zone Inter Technical Institute/College Cricket
Organized by : BIT, Mesra, Ranchi.
Date: 23.01. 2015- 26.01.2015

School of
Community Science and Technology

About the School
Bengal Engineering & Science University, Shibpur has a fairly long tradition of rendering
community service in a modest manner besides conducting academic programme.
Community service rendered by the faculty members consists of formulation and
implementation of specific programme of technology innovation and technology transfer to
the Rural Sector. In response to the demand for proper co-ordination and integration of such
activities of the faculty at University level, School of Community Science & Technology
(SOCSAT) was created in 2004 at University for facilitating the development and growth of
the unorganized sector in our country.

The objective of the school is to foster sustainable development of different marginalized

communities by empowering stakeholders with inputs from institutionalized Science &
Technology Community.

The school since then made significant progress in the frontier areas of basic and applied
research in juxtaposition with various training programmes that are congruous with the
objectives of the school. In this respect various science awareness programmes, several
training programme on Advanced Pottery, Metal Art, Batik, Jute diversification including
Advance Food Processing & Preservation Technology were organized by this school. The
objectives of these programmes are to impart training to the marginalized people especially
women Self-Help Groups of Howrah district in order to promote technology and create
entrepreneurship. The training on food processing will improve the technical skills and
knowledge in the processing of fruits and vegetables to the women of the rural areas and to
take up income generating activities. As a result, two SHGs named Suktara and Prayas
comprising those women were formed in Howrah District with the initiative of this School.
In this backdrop, the Academic Council of the University approved a four semester M.Sc.
Course on ―Food Processing& Nutrition Science‖ which had been started from the
Academic session (2007-2008). Around 100 students obtained MSc degree from this
University under this course and placed in the Food Processing industries, R&D
organization in food sectors, Academic institutes involved in R&D activities including PhD
programmes and the Food analysis laboratories.

Besides above Government of India’s Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) scheme,

The Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE),Kolkata, a Govt. of India
undertaking under the Ministry of Defence, entrusted SOCSAT with a CSR project to
impart ―Skill development/Vocational Training to the unemployed youth around the locality
in Metiabruz, Kolkata‖ where the GRSE plant is situated. The objective of the proposed
programme is to appropriately train the unemployed youth for their employment in
appropriate trade and /or to enable them to start entrepreneurship.

Academic Programmes

Undergraduate Level: N.A

Postgraduate Level
i) Degree Offered: Master of Science in Food Processing and Nutrition Science.
ii) Sanctioned Students‘ intake: 27 nos. students per year
iii) Additional intake through other programmes N.A
iv) Specialization in (a) Microbial Enzyme Technology (b) Nutritional Biochemistry

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme

Degree Offered: Ph.D Science

No of candidates enrolled: 27 Registered: 15 Awarded: 0 Submitted: 1
Post Doctoral Research Programme: Dr. Avery Sengupta, Post Doctoral fellow of UGC-
Dr. D.S. Kothari PDF, under Prof. D. K. Bhattacharyya.

Faculty position:
Sanction faculty post N.A Vacant post N.A
(a) Faculty profile (In the following table)

Name Designation Highest Specialization/Res Contact no E-mail

Qualificati earch Area
Prof.S.K.Mukhe Professor & PhD Computational 9831209985
rjea Director Fluid Dynamics

Prof.D.K.Bhatta Adjunct PhD Oil Technology 9231586943

charyya Professor (Science) Dkb_olitech@yahoo
Dr. Minakshi Assistant PhD Analytical 9831118228
Ghosh Professor (Science) Chemistry/ g_minakshi2000@y
(Contractual) Extraction
Dr. Assistant PhD Biochemistry and 9831672455
Jayati.Bhowal Professor (Science) Microbiology

Research area
 Nanotechnology in food products
 Extrusion technology in food
 Development and evaluation of nutritionally enriched spread products
 Isolation and utilization of non oil constituent of oil bearing materials
 Technology developments for Non- Dairy products of superior Nutritional
Quality at significantly reduced cost.
 Technology development particularly microbial fermentation process for making
value- added products from waste fruits and vegetables for food applications.
 Microbial oils for functional Food and Neutraceuticals from Micro organisms
screened and isolated from soils mainly.
 Colour from soil microbes for food uses and microbial enzymes such as Lactase,
Lipases etc. for food industries.
 Shelf life both oxidative and microbial of non- dairy food products and food
products in general.
 Production and application of bioactive peptides from natural and microbial
sources for food use.
 Development of biotechnological processes for the production of bioflavour.

Research facilities:
Name of Few words Pictures
Twin Screw Twin screw extrusion is
Extruder used extensively for
mixing, compounding, or
reacting polymeric
materials. The flexibility
of twin screw extrusion
equipment allows this
operation to be designed
specifically for the
formulation being
processed. The
configurations of the
screws themselves may
be varied using forward
conveying elements,
reverse conveying
elements, kneading
blocks, and other designs
in order to achieve
particular mixing

Centrifuge In Centrifuges the
centrifugal force is
mechanically generated
by turning the equipment
containing the fluid in a
circular path causing the
fluids to separate. This
method has been used in
the laboratories and
primitive industries for
over a century. It has
mainly been used to
separate fluids in static
state, i.e., specific
volumes which needed to
be separated.

Vacuum Tray Under the condition of

Drier vacuum, the boiling point
of raw material will
decrease and make the
pushing force become
greater. Therefore for a
certain amount of heat
radiation, the conducting
area of evaporator can be
saved. The heat source
for operation of
evaporation may be low
pressure steam or surplus
heat steam. The heat loss
of evaporator is less.
During the period of
drying, there is no
impurity material mixing.
It belongs to static drier.
So the shape of raw
material to be dried can
not be destroyed.

Hot Air Oven This electrical devices
used in sterilization. The
oven uses dry heat to
sterilize articles.
Generally, they can be
operated from 50 to 300
°C (122 to 572 °F). There
a thermostat controlling
the temperature. These
are digitally controlled to
maintain the temperature.

Laminer Horizontal Laminar
Flow Airflow Table Top
Workstation provides a
HEPA filtered clean work
area that is ideal for
operations requiring a
particle-free, bacteria-
free, clean air
.The clean work area
provides an excellent
work space for small
laboratory appliances,
microscopes, pipetting, or
similar applications.

BOD This electrical device
Incubator helps to maintain
temperature. Digitally
controlled temperature
regulator is present to
preset the temperature as
per the required
incubation temperature.


Reynolds To determine the

apparatus Reynold‘s number and
hence the type of flow
either Laminar or
turbulent and also to
determine upper & lower
critical Reynold‘s
number‘s & velocities.

Sieves Used to agitate sieves for
Shaker with determining gradation in
Brass Sieves soils and finest modules
in aggregates. Unique
orbital motion ensures
precise gradation. Quick
release adjustable clamps
secure sieves firmly in
position. Hold feature on
the 15-minute timer
permits continuous
agitation. Holds up to
eight sieves plus a dust
pan and accepts either
eight or twelve inch
Colorimeter A device used
in colorimetry. In
scientific fields the word
generally refers to the
device that measures
the absorbance of
wavelengths of light by a
specific solution. This
device is most commonly
used to determine
the concentration of a
known solute in a given
solution by the
application of the Beer-
Lambert law, which
states that the
concentration of a solute
is proportional to the

Microscope An instrument used to see
objects too small for the
naked eye. The science of
investigating small
objects using such an
instrument is
called microscopy. Micro
scopic means invisible to
the eye unless aided by a

Penetrometer An instrument used to

determine the penetration
value of food products.
Penetration value helps to
determine the hardness
and texture of the

Homogeniser A device which helps to

homogenize two
immiscible phases by
applying rotating force at
high RPM.

Centrifuge In Centrifuges the
centrifugal force is
mechanically generated
by turning the equipment
containing the fluid in a
circular path causing the
fluids to separate. This
method has been used in
the laboratories and
primitive industries for
over a century. It has
mainly been used to
separate fluids in static
state, i.e., specific
volumes which needed to
be separated.
Micro- In Centrifuges the
centrifuge centrifugal force is
mechanically generated
by turning the equipment
containing the fluid in a
circular path causing the
fluids to separate.

Refrigerator An electrical equipment

which helps to keep the
food samples and
chemicals cool in lower

Freezer This electrical device
helps to maintain cold
temperature. Digitally
controlled temperature
regulator is present to
preset the temperature as
per the required
incubation temperature.

Gas Liquid A sophisticated

Chromatogra instrument which helps in
fatty acid analysis, flavor
analysis of different

Lyaophiliser An instrument which

helps in freeze drying
process of samples.
Liquid Nitrogen is used
to carry out the process.

Spectrophoto An instrument which
meter gives spectrum
measurement of various
sample solution. This
device is most commonly
used to determine
the concentration of a
known solute in a given
solution by the
application of the Beer-
Lambert law, which
states that the
concentration of a solute
is proportional to the
Sonicator 1. An instrument
which involves the act of
applying sound energy to
agitate particles in a
sample, for various
purposes. Ultrasonic
frequencies (>20 kHz)
are usually used, leading
to the process also being
known as ultrasonication
or ultra-sonication.

Name of laboratories:

1. Food Processing Lab.

2. Food Preservation Lab.
3. Microbiology Lab.
4. Unit Operation Lab.
5. Chemical Analysis Lab.
6. Student Computer Lab.

Sponsored Research (during 2013-2014):

Sl. Year of Start

Title of Research Project Sponsoring Agency
No. and duration
01. Development of technology to Ministry of Consumer January 2012,
make low cost nutritionally Affairs, Food & Public 3 years

effective ‗ready to eat‘ protein Distribution,

rich human food from oil seeds Government of India
or deoiled edible seed cakes
02. 2013
(seed meals) by co-extrusion
2 years
with cereals. UGC
Value: 10.70 lakhs.
03. 2013-2015
Study on production of Single
Cell Protein for food and feed MOFPI
application from waste fruits,
Value: 2.00
Creation of infrastructural
facilities for running degree
course in food processing
technology‖ Value:74.75 lakhs

Industry-Institute Interaction
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project to impart ―Skill development/Vocational
Training to the unemployed youth around the locality in Metiabruz, Kolkata‖ by Garden
Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE), Kolkata, a Govt. of India undertaking
under the Ministry of Defense.
Value: 52.00 lakhs

Details of publications of each faculty member (2014-2015)
Dr. Minakshi Ghosh
(Journal )
Sl. Title of Research paper Title of the Year Vol./ Page
No. Journal issue No Nos.
01. Technology Development Journal of 2014 volume 250-263
for Producing Bitter and International 2, issue
Flavor Free Mustard Academic 6
Spreads Research for
02. Information Systems & Scholars Journal 2014 Vol. 01 38-41
Networks (ISN): of Agriculture and No. 01
Emphasizing Agricultural Veterinary
Information Networks Sciences
with a case Study of
03 Information Science: The International 2014 vol.1, 25-29
Multidisciplinary, Journal of issue-1
Interdisciplinary field for Information
Information cum Science and
Technological Solution Computing.
for People and Wider


1. ―Isopropanol Fractionation of Coconut oil and Use of Its Olein and Stearin
Fractions in Margarine Formulation‖ by Sanjukta Kar*, Minakshi Ghosh,
D.K.Bhattacharyya in 69th Annual Convention of Oil Technologist‘s
Association of India, held at Hotel Radisson Blue, Agra, Nov,14-16, 2014.
2. ―Production of Co-Extruded products for food uses from De-oiled Tamarind seeds
Kernel Flour and edible soy flour‖ by Priyadarshini Chakraborty, Minakshi Ghosh,
N.R. Bandyopadhyay, D.K. Bhattacharyya On “69 Th Annual Convention &
International Conference On Sustainable Technologies And Futuristic
Trends:Oilseeds-Oils Processing Surfactants & Expo Nov,14-16, 2014
3. ―Stability characteristics of some nutritionally important spreads and mayonnaise‖ by
Sanjukta Kar*, Minakshi Ghosh in International Conference on 3S-Safety, Security
and Sustainability: Innovations in Food and Bioprocess Industries, at FTBE,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Feb, 27-28,2015.
4. ―Development of processes for upgrading the quality of mustard protein concentrate
& mustard protein isolate for food use‖ by Priyadarshini Chakraborty*,
N.R.Bandyopadhyay, D.K. Bhattacharyya, Minakshi Ghosh on INTERNATIONAL
CONFERENCE ON 3 S Safety, Security and Sustainability: Innovations in Food and
Bioprocess Industries. Organised by Dept of Food Technology and Biochemical
Engineering Jadavpur University February 27-28, 2015

Details of publications of each faculty member (2014-2015) Dr. Jayati Bhowal
(Journal )
Title of Research Title of the Journal Year Vol./ Page Nos.
Sl. paper issue No
01. Isolation, Int. J. Curr. 2015
Identification Microbiol. App. Sci
and Analysis of
Properties of
Spp. from
Regional Dairy
02. Study on Enzymatic Annals of Biological 2015
Hydrolysis of Sal Research, 2015
Shorearobusta Starch
to Dextrin
03 Identification and Int. J. Curr. 2014 3(9) 169-176
Characterization of Microbiol. App. Sci .
Extracellular Red
Pigment Producing
Bacteria Isolated from
04 Production and Journal of 2014 2(5) 249-257
evaluation of yogurt International
with watermelon Academic Research
(Citrullus lanatus) for Multidisciplinary,

1. Study on effect of enzymatic saccharification of cauliflower (Brassica
oleraceaevar) waste, Sayari Majumdar, Jayati Bhowal, International; Conference on
3S: Sefety, Security and Sustaiinability: 2014, Department of Food Technology and
Biochemical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 700 032, February 27-29,

1. Effects of nano protein on properties of non-dairy yogurt‖ Samadrita Sengupta and

Jayati Bhowal, International; Conference on 3S: Sefety, Security and
Sustaiinability: 2014, Department of Food Technology and Biochemical
Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, 700 032, February 27-29, 2015.

Details of publications of each faculty member (2014-2015)
Prof. D. K. Bhattacharya
(Journal )
Sl. Title of Research paper Title of the Journal Year Vol./ Page
No. issue No Nos.
01 Study on Enzymatic Annals of Biological 2015
Hydrolysis of Sal Research, 2015
Shorearobusta Starch to
02 Technology Development Journal of 2014 Vol 2,
for Producing Bitter and International Issue 6,
Flavor Free Mustard Academic Research
Spreads for Multidisciplinary

03 In vitro antioxidant assay of Journal of Food 2014 - 1-8

medium chain fatty acid Science and
rich rice bran oil in Technology
comparison to native rice
bran oil
04 Antioxidative Effect of Journal of Oleo 2014 63 (11) 1-8
Rice Bran Oil and Medium Science
Chain Fatty Acid Rich Rice
Bran Oil in Arsenite
Induced Oxidative Stress in

1. ―Isopropanol Fractionation of Coconut oil and Use of Its Olein and Stearin
Fractions in Margarine Formulation‖ by Sanjukta Kar*, Minakshi Ghosh,
D.K.Bhattacharyya in 69th Annual Convention of Oil Technologist‘s
Association of India, held at Hotel Radisson Blue, Agra, Nov,14-16, 2014.
2. ―Production of Co-Extruded products for food uses from De-oiled Tamarind seeds
Kernel Flour and edible soy flour‖ by Priyadarshini Chakraborty, Minakshi Ghosh,
N.R. Bandyopadhyay, D.K. Bhattacharyya On “69 Th Annual Convention &
International Conference On Sustainable Technologies And Futuristic
Trends:Oilseeds-Oils Processing Surfactants & Expo Nov,14-16, 2014

3. ―Development of processes for upgrading the quality of mustard protein concentrate

& mustard protein isolate for food use‖ by Priyadarshini Chakrabort y*,
N.R.Bandyopadhyay, D.K. Bhattacharyya, Minakshi Ghosh on INTERNATIONAL
CONFERENCE ON 3 S Safety, Security and Sustainability: Innovations in Food and
Bioprocess Industries. Organised by Dept of Food Technology and Biochemical
Engineering Jadavpur University February 27-28, 2015

Seminar/Workshops/Conferences/Training programme organized by the Department
 Skill development/Vocational Training to the unemployed youth around the
locality in Metiabruz, Kolkata‖ , Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers
Limited (GRSE),Kolkata, a Govt. of India undertaking under the Ministry of
Defence from December 22, 2014.

Technology Developed/Innovations.
 Technology of production of functional food products such as non dairy
yogurts, soy and other peanut butter like spread products of superior quality.
 Twin Screw Extrusion Technology
 Microbial fermentation process for making value- added products from waste
fruits and vegetables for food applications

Training and Placement

Placement of the Trainees after completion of the ―Skill development/Vocational Training
to the unemployed youth around the locality in Metiabruz, Kolkata‖ , Garden Reach
Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE),Kolkata, a Govt. of India undertaking under the
Ministry of Defense‖.

Food and Beverage Services( KFC,Dominos,Catering service,), Media Entertainment

( Television,Photography,Videography in various ceremony ),Automobile (Garage,
personal work),Plumbing (Various new multiplex), Carpentry (Interior)
U. Extension Activities and Social outreach
Skill development/Vocational Training to the unemployed youth around the locality in
Metiabruz, Kolkata‖ , Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited (GRSE),Kolkata, a
Govt. of India undertaking under the Ministry of Defense.
New Academic /Research Initiatives
Industrial Collaboration:
A Tripartite MOU with Garden reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd. (GRSE) and Kolkata
Police has been signed on 9th June 2014(2014-2017 and extendable to 2 years)

Sharing MOU Document Director, IIEST delivering lecture on MOU

signing Day

School of Ecology, Infrastructure and
Human Settlement Management

About the School:

Environment and ecology of the globe in the era of globalization and rapid urbanization are
subjected to unprecedented stress. The resource destructive development practices compel the
human settlements growing beyond the thresholds of sustainability. To address the environmental
and ecological challenges confronting the developmental process today, formation of a
multidisciplinary research group for adopting alternative approaches for planning and management
of human settlements and infrastructure development was felt necessary in this 150 year old
University with diversified human resource pool. The School of Ecology, Infrastructure and
Human Settlement Management came into existence to conduct interdisciplinary and cutting edge
research, post graduate studies and extend technical support services on issues having the critical
interface of ecology, human settlements and infrastructure development.

Thrust Areas for Research, Consultancy and Training:

 Spatial and Environmental Planning

 Community-Based Natural Resource Management
 Infrastructure and Utilities Planning
 Carrying Capacity Assessment for Urban Settlements
 Human Settlement Planning for Ecologically Fragile Areas
 Environmental Risk Mitigation for Low-Income Settlements
 Historic Architecture and Principles of Sustainability
 Vernacular Architecture and Sustainability
 Planning for Heritage Conservation
 Climate Change and Human Settlements
 Rehabilitative Planning for Climate Refugees
 Natural Resource Extraction and Livelihood Sustainability of Local Communities
 Green Building Techniques
 Institutional Reform and Capacity Building for Urban, Rural and Natural Resource Governance

Academic Programme:

Degree Offered: PhD in Engineering

Number of candidates enrolled/registered: 10

Faculty profile:

Name Designation Highest Specialisation/ Contact No.

Qualification Research Area E-mail
Sudip K Roy Director Ph.D. Traffic &
Transportation 9830233172
Planning and
Souvanic Professor Ph.D. Environmental
Roy Planning, Urban .in
Planning, Natural 9836093392
Manas Professor Ph.D. Spatial and Sanyal_manas@yahoo.c
Sanyal Environmental
Planning 9831352950
Suranjan Professor Ph.D. EMP and SIA in
Sinha Mining Areas and m
Natural Resource 9433401631
Subrata Pal Assistant Ph.D. Transportation
Professor Planning m
Soumen Assistant Master of Environmental
Mitra Professor Town and Planning and GIS 9831443101
Regional Applications

Research Projects:
a. Ongoing
Sl. Title Name of Sanctioned University
No. P.I. Amount Overhead
1 Development of Public Dr. Sudip Department of 67,32,400.00 5,00,000.00
Transport System Kumar Roy Science and
Planning Method for Technology,
Incremental Growth of Government of
Small and Medium Cities India
of Eastern and North-
Eastern States
2 Development of a Dr. Subrata Department of 40,92,400.00 1,50,000.00
Decision Support System Kumar Paul Science and
for Planning of Capital Technology,
Intensive Transportation Government of
Links (Bridges and India
Tunnels) in the North-East
Region Based on Utility
and Network Robustness
3 Euro-Indian Urbansim in Dr. National
India Souvanic Musoeum of 6,27,400.00 57,000.00
Roy Denmark

Completed (during last two years)

 Ecosystem Management and Role of Local Communities: Comparative Study of Canadian

and Indian Perspective sponsored by Shastri Indo Canadian Institute
 Development of Decision Support System for Urban Planning in Darjeeling Hills, West
Bengal sponsored by AICTE
 Development of Mine Closure Strategy for Sustainable Surface Coal Mining in West
Bengal sponsored by MOEF, Govt. of India
 Collaborative Research Project on ―Implementing Sustainable Behaviour through Sediment
Husbandry in West Bengal Sunderbans – Jointly with Queen‘s University Belfast, UK
 Design and Development of Green Building to Accommodate Guest House and Ancillary
Infrastructure at New Digha sponsored by Students Health Home, Kolkata

Research facilities:

Instruments for physical and chemical analysis of water- Portable water analysis kit, soil analysis
kit, sound level meter, PH meter, DO meter, Nephelo meter, TSS meter
Weather Sensors like Temperature, Humidity, Solar Radiation, Air Velocity and Direction, Rainfall
Sensor, Data Logger and Data Acquisition System
Digital Thermo- Hygrometer, Digital Thermo- Anemometer, Sound Level Meter, Digital Lux Meter
Building and Settlement Level Energy Simulation Software
Statistical analysis software, ARGUS( Ground Water Modeling), ARMOD ( Air Pollution
Modeling), Map Source (GPS Software)

Conference Publications:

Roy, A., Paul, K.S., Roy, K. S., 2014. A Study of Settlement Hierarchy & Road Connectivity
Parity: Case studies from Cities in Seven Sister States of India, 36th Indian Geography
Congress, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 17/19 November 2014, India, NAGI.

Purabi Das School of Information

Contents :

 Name of the Department

 About the Department

 Academic Programmes

 Doctoral Level

 Faculty position

 Awards and Laurels

 Research area

 Research facilities

 Name of the Laboratories

 Consultancy Work

 Support staff position

 Sponsored Research

 Industry – Institute Interaction

 Publication summary

 Seminar / Workshops /Conferences / Training Programme

 Technology Developed / Innovations

 Others

About the Department

The Purabi Das School of Information Technology (PDSIT) is established at Bengal

Engineering and Science University, Shibpur (BESUS). The School is a collaborative effort
of BECDU, Purabi Das Foundation (USA), Research Engineers Inc. (USA) and CMC Ltd.
The School has been established with an aim to provide best quality teaching and training in
the field of IT. The mandate before PDSIT is to establish itself as a leading centre of
excellence. The other essential prerequisite is that - PDSIT should be financially self-
supporting from the day one with no burden on the University or Government budget. In
close collaboration with IT industries, PDSIT offers postgraduate degree courses.
Academic Programmes
Undergraduate Level

PDSIT do not conduct Undergraduate Course

Postgraduate Level
M. Tech in Information Technology The M.Tech program is a three-year, 6 semester
Evening Course. The student has to take a set of core courses and a set of electives. The
course work is spread across the first to fourth semesters with an option of taking one
elective in the fifth semester. This is followed by a project in the fifth and sixth semester
in which the student can take up a project of his or her interest, supervised by a faculty

Student’s intake

U.G P.G Ph.D

Sanctioned students‘ intake Nil 36 Awarded -2
Registered -3
Additional intake through lateral
Nil -
entry/ QIP

Doctoral Level

PhD in Information Technology: The PhD. programs are postgraduate research oriented
programs. The scholar works in an area of his/her interest under the supervision of a faculty
member. The scholar has to obtain a minimum number of credits by taking courses. The
highlight of the program is the independent research work taken by a scholar, leading to a
dissertation at the end of the program. The average duration of a PhD. program is between
four to five years.

Ph. D Activities

PhD. Awarded during 2014 - 2015 session: 1(one)

PhD. Registered
1. Soumyabrata Ghosh, Thesis topic: ―Theory and Application of Cellular Automata
for Biological Sequence Analysis.‖

2. Sandip Banerjee, Thesis topic: ― Studies in Geometric Algorithms for Layout
Design and Visualization‖
3. Soumik Nag, Thesis topic:

Faculty Position:
Sanctioned Faculty Post 2 Vacant Post

Faculty Profile ( in the following table)

Designati Highest
Faculty Name on Qualificati Contact No. / Mail Id
Research Area
Dr.Arindam Director Ph.D o Digital Geometry
Biswas o Image Processing
and Pattern
Prof. Sekhar Associate Ph. D o Image Processing
Mandal Professor and Pattern
Prof. Professor M.Sc. o Data Base
Suryasarathi ( Visiting M.Tech Management
Barat Faculty) System,RFID
& System
Dr. Prasun Assistant Ph.D o 3D Integration of
Ghosal Professor VLSI Physical
o Network-On-
o Design of
Prof. Indrajit Assistant M.Tech o Wireless ad-hoc
Banerjee Professor Sensor
Dr. Chandan Assistant Ph.D Network
o VLSI digital
Giri Professor Circuit Testing
o System-On-Chip
o Network-On-
Chip Testing

Mr. Pranab Assistant M.Tech o VLSI Physical Ronmarrine14@yahoo.c

Roy Professor Design ( Bio-

Dr. Asit Assistant Ph.D o Data mining and
Kumar Das Professor Pattern
Prof. Apurba Assistant M.Tech o Digital Geometry ,
Sarkar Professor sarkarapurba@yahoo.c
Assistant Ph.D o Synthesis and
Dr. Dipak Professor Testing of
Kumar Kole (Visiting Reversible
Logic Circuits

Research area

Digital Geometry, Medical Image Analysis, Sensor Netoworks

International Journal

1. P Chanak, I Banerjee, ―Energy efficient fault-tolerant multipath routing scheme for

wireless sensor networks‖, Elsevier, The Journal of China Universities of Posts and
Telecommunications 20 (6), 42-61.
2. Prasenjit Chanak, Hafijur Rahaman, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee ―FTMRS:
Fault Tolerance Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network‖, International
Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2013
3. N. Karmakar, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, A Combinatorial
Algorithm to Construct 3D Isothetic Covers, International Journal of Computer
Mathematics, 2012 (accepted), DOI:10.1080/00207160.2012.734813.
4. M. Dutt, A. Biswas, and P. Bhowmick, Approximate Partitioning of 2D Objects
into Orthogonally Convex Components, Computer Vision and Image
Understanding, Vol. 117(4), pp. 326 - 341, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2012.08.017.
5. A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, M. Sarkar, and B. B. Bhattacharya, A Linear-time
Combinatorial Algorithm to Find the Orthogonal Hull of an Object on the Digital
Plane, Information Sciences, Elsevier, 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2012.05.029.
6. P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, On the Representation of a
Digital Contour with an Unordered Point Set for Visual Perception, Journal of
Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 22(7), pp. 590 – 605, 2011,
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvcir.2011.07.005.
7. S. Chatterjee, R. Karim, A. Biswas , A. K. Ray, Image Processing of Ultrasound
Color Doppler to Characterize Malignant Breast Lesion, Advanced Materials
Research Journal (AMR), Vol. 403 – 408, pp. 830 – 834, 2011, DOI:
10.4028/, ISSN:1022-6680.
8. S. Chatterjee, A. K. Ray, R. Karim, and A. Biswas, Architectural Design to
Characterize Malignant Breast Lesion, International Journal of Computer
Applications, Vol. 31(11), pp. 8-15, 2011, DOI: 10.5120/3939-5529, ISBN: 978-
9. M. Dutt, A. Sarkar, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B.B. Bhattacharya, Efficient
Word Segmentation and Baseline Localization in Handwritten Documents Using
Isothetic Covers, International Journal of Digital Library Systems, Vol. 2(3), pp. 1
– 13, 2011, DOI: 10.4018/jdls.2011070101.

10. M. Dutt, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B.B. Bhattacharya, On Finding an
Orthogonal Convex Skull of a Digital Object, International Journal of Imaging
Systems and Technology, Vol. 21(1), pp. 14 – 27, 2011, DOI: 10.1002/ima.20266.
11. A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Construction of Isothetic Covers
of a Digital Object: A Combinatorial Approach, Journal of Visual Communication
and Image Representation, Vol. 21(4), pp. 295 – 310, 2010, DOI:
12. S. Pal, P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B.B. Bhattacharya, Understanding Digital
Documents Using Gestalt Properties of Isothetic Components, International
Journal of Digital Library Systems, Vol. 1(3), pages 1 – 25, 2010, DOI:
13. A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Archival Image Indexing with
Connectivity Features using Randomized Masks, Applied Soft Computing,
Vol. 8(4), pages 1625 – 1636, September 2008, DOI:10.1016/j.asoc.2007.05.020.
14. A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Shape Codes and Their
Applications to Image Retrieval, Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image
Analysis (ELCVIA), Vol. 7(2), pp. 62 – 75, 2008.
15. P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Thinning-free Polygonal
Approximation of Thick Digital Curves Using Cellular Envelope, Electronic
Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis(ELCVIA), Vol. 7(2), pp. 76 – 95,

16. Prasenjit Chanak, Hafijur Rahaman, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee ―FTMRS:
Fault Tolerance Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network‖, International
Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2013.

17. Indrajit Banerjee, Anirban Datta, Sonalisa Pal, Soujanya Chatterjee, Tuhina
Samanta, ―A Novel Fault Detection and Replacement Scheme in WSN‖, Second
International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISI'13), 23-24, August 2013.

18. Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee, and Tuhina Samanta, ―Sensor Localization and
Obstacle Boundary Detection Algorithm in WSN‖, Third International Conference
on Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC-2013), 29-31 August 2013.

19. Indrajit Banerjee, Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Hafijur Rahaman ―EFDR:
Effective Fault Detection and Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network‖,
International Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering, Elsevier (Accepted),

20. Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, ―Quad Tree Approach for
Obstacle Discovery and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks‖, IEEE SENSOR
2013, Baltimore, USA, 3-6 November 2013.

21. Ritwik Mukherjee, Hafizur Rahaman, Indrajit Banerjee, Tuhina Samanta, and
Parthasarathi Dasgupta, ― A Heuristic Method for Co-optimization of Pin
Assignment and Droplet Routing in Digital Microfluidic Biochip‖ Accepted for
appearing in Proceedings of International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID
2012), to be held at Hyderabad, January 2012

22. Srimanta Halder, Monomita Mazumdar, Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee,

―FTLBS: Fault Tolerant Load Balancing Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network‖
Advances in Computing and Information Technology, Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing, Springer,

23. Monomita Mazumdar, Srimanta Halder, Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee,

―DARIH: Distributed Adaptive Routing via Information Highway in Sensor
Network‖, Advances in Computing and Information Technology, Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer,

24. Indrajit Banerjee, Prasenjit Chanak, Hafizur Rahaman, and Nachiketa Das,
"GBFTS: Group Based Fault Tolerant Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks,"

25. Nachiketa Das, Hafizur Rahaman and Indrajit Banerjee ―BIST to Diagnosis Delay
Fault in the LUT of Cluster Based FPGA‖, International Journal of Information and
Electronics Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, March 2012.

26. Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee, Tuhina Samanta, Hafijur Rahaman, ―FFMS:
Fuzzy Based Fault Management Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network‖, Eco-
friendly Computing and Communication Systems, Communications in Computer
and Information Science, Springer, Volume 305, 2012, pp 30-38.

27. Snehansu Bank, Surata Saha, Indrajit Banerjee, ―An Analytical Model on Wireless
Sensor Networks‖, International Conference on Computer Science and
Engineering, April 28 th, 2012. Pp:17-20.

28. Banerjee Indrajit; Chanak Prasenjit; Samanta Tuhina; Rahaman Hafizur, ―Fuzzy
rule-based faulty node classification and management scheme in wireless sensor
Communicated to IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

29. Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Hafizur Rahaman and Indrajit Banerjee,
―Obstacle Discovery and Localization Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network‖,
CODIS 2012, 28-29th December, 2012, pp-262-265.

30. Indrajit Banerjee, Indrani Roy, Ahana Roy Choudhury, Biswarup Das Sharma and
Tuhina Samanta, ―Shortest Path Based Geographical Routing Algorithm in
Wireless Sensor Network‖, CODIS 2012,
28-29th December, 2012 pp-266-269.

31. Prasun Ghosal, and Tuhin Subhra Das, "Improved Extended XY On-Chip
Routing in Diametrical 2D Mesh NoC", International Journal of VLSI design &
Communication Systems (VLSICS) Vol.3, No.5, October 2012, pp. 191-200.; DOI
: 10.5121/vlsic.2012.3516
32. Prasun Ghosal, Arijit Chakraborty, and Sabyasachee Banerjee, "Particle Swarm
Optimization of Speed in Unplanned Lane Traffic", International Journal of
Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Vol.3, No.4, July 2012, pp. 51-63.
DOI : 10.5121/ijaia.2012.3404
33. Prasun Ghosal, Arijit Chakraborty, Sabyasachee Banerjee, and Satabdi Barman,
"Speed Optimization in Unplanned Traffic Using Bio-inspired Computing And
Population Knowledge Base", Computer Science & Engineering: An International
Journal (CSEIJ), Vol. 2, No. 3, June 2012, pp. 79-97. DOI : 10.5121/cseij.

34. Prasun Ghosal, Arijit Chakraborty, and Sabyasachee Banerjee, "Computational
Optimization of Speed in an Unplanned Lane Traffic", IEM International Journal of
Management & Technology (IEMITMT) [ISSN: 2296-6611], pp. 160-163.
35. Prasun Ghosal, Arijit Chakraborty, Sabyasachee Banerjee, "Design of Knowledge
Based Efficient Speed Optimization Algorithm in Unplanned Traffic",The IUP
Journal of Computer Sciences, Vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 23-30, January 2012.
36. I Banerjee ,R Banerjee, K Ray, S Bhattacherjee, S Guha, , I Nath ―A study of
insulin resistance and its clinico-metabolic associations among apparently healthy
individuals attending a tertiary care hospital‖ Annals of Medical and Health
Sciences Research 4 (5), 823.
37. Moumita Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, ―Optimal load distribution of cluster head in
fault-tolerant wireless sensor network‖ , Electrical, Electronics and Computer
Science (SCEECS), 2014 IEEE Students' Conference on,IEEE, 2014/3/1.

38. N Ghosh, I Banerjee, T Samanta, ―Energy efficient coverage of static sensor nodes
deciding on mobile sink movements using game theory‖ , Applications and
Innovations in Mobile Computing (AIMoC), 2014, 118-125.

39. S Mukherjee, I Banerjee, T Samanta, ―Defect aware droplet routing technique in

digital microfluidic biochip‖, Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 2014 IEEE
International, 30-35.

40. P Chanak, I Banerjee, ―Path Discovery for Sinks Mobility in Obstacle Resisting
Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics-Volume 2, 39-50.

41. Indrajit Banerjee, Anirban Datta, Sonalisa Pal, Soujanya Chatterjee, Tuhina
―A Novel Fault Detection and Replacement Scheme in WSN‖, Recent Advances in
Intelligent Informatics, Springer International Publishing, 303-310.

42. Prasenjit Chanak, Indrajit Banerjee,‖ Load reduction with multiple mobile sinks
in wireless sensor networks‖, Students' Technology Symposium (TechSym), 2014
IEEE, 121-125

International Conferences
1. Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, ―Quad Tree Approach for
Obstacle Discovery and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks‖, IEEE SENSOR
2013, Baltimore, USA, 3-6 November 2013, pp: 1362-1365.
2. Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Indrajit Banerjee, ―Cluster Head Load
Distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks‖, IEEE SENSOR 2013,
Baltimore, USA, 3-6 November 2013, pp: 1727-1730
3. Supantha Das, Indrajit Banerjee, and Tuhina Samanta, ―Sensor Localization and
Obstacle Boundary Detection Algorithm in WSN‖, Third International Conference
on Advances in Computing and Communications (ACC-2013), 29-31 August 2013
4. A. Mukherjee, U. Garain, and A. Biswas, Evaluation of the Graphical
Representation for Text-to-Graphic Conversion Systems, 10th IAPR International
Workshop on Graphics Recognition, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA, Aug.
20-21, 2013 (accepted).

5. J. K. Das, S. K. Saha, and A. Biswas, Depth from Images Of External Outdoor

Scenes, 8th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image

Processing: ICVGIP'12, Mumbai, India, ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 17 ,
pp. 1-7, Dec. 16 - 19, 2012.

6. S. Phani, S. Lahiri, and A. Biswas, Culturomics On A Bengali Newspaper

Corpus, International Conference on Asian Language Processing 2012 (IALP
2012), Hanoi, Vietnam, pp. 237-240, Nov. 13-15, 2012.

7. N. Karmakar, A. Biswas, and P. Bhowmick, Fast Slicing of Orthogonal Covers

Using DCEL, 15th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis:
IWCIA'12, Austin, Texas, USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
Springer, Vol. 7655, pp. 16 – 30, Nov. 28–30, 2012.

8. M. Dutt, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, On Finding Shortest

Isothetic Path inside a Digital Object, 15th International Workshop on
Combinatorial Image Analysis: IWCIA'12, Austin, Texas, USA, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 7655, pp. 16 – 30, Nov. 28–30, 2012.

9. S. Chatterjee, A. K. Ray, R. Karim, A. Biswas, Classification of Malignant Tumors

Using Multiple Sonographic Features, IEEE Proceedings of the International
Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems(ReTIS-2011), pp. 252 – 256,
Dec. 21 – 23, 2011, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.

10. S. Chatterjee, A. K. Ray, R. Karim, A. Biswas, Micro-calcification Detection to

Characterize Malignant Breast Lesion, Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON
2011), pp. 1 – 4, Dec. 16 – 18, 2011 Hyderabad, India.

11. S. C. Dutta, A. Biswas, S. Mitra, and C. Saha, Extraction of Lip Region from Video
Sequences of Basic Facial Expressions, in Proc. of International Conference on
Computational vision and Robotics: ICCVR'11, Aug. 13 – 14, 2011 (accepted).

12. N. Karmakar, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B.B. Bhattacharya, Construction of 3D

Orthogonal Cover of a Digital Object, in Proc. of 14th International Workshop on
Combinatorial Image Analysis: IWCIA'11, Madrid, Spain, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 6636, pp. 70 – 83, May 23 – 25, 2011,

13. S. Chatterjee, R. Karim, A. Biswas , A. K. Ray, Image Processing of Ultrasound

Color Doppler to Characterize Malignant Breast Lesion, in Proc. of International
Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics: ICCRC'11, New Delhi, India,
IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1176M-PRT, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9709-6, pp. VI: 159 –
162, Mar 21 – 23, 2011.

14. M. Dutt, A. Biswas, and P. Bhowmick, ACCORD: With Approximate Covering of

Convex Orthogonal Decomposition, in Proc. of 16th IAPR International Conference
on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: DGCI'11, Nancy, France, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 6607, pp. 489 – 500, April 6 –
8, 2011, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-19867-0_41.

15. S. Pal, P. Bhowmick, and A. Biswas, FACET: A Fast Approximate Circularity

Estimation Technique, in Proc. of 2nd International Conference of Emerging

Applications of Information Technology: EAIT'11, Kolkata, India, IEEE CS Press,
pp. 106 – 109, February 19 – 20, 2011, DOI: 10.1109/EAIT.2011.45.

16. A. Sarkar, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B.B. Bhattacharya, Combinatorial

Construction of the Orthogonal Concavity Tree of a Digital Object, in Proc. of 2nd
International Conference of Emerging Applications of Information Technology:
EAIT'11, Kolkata, India, IEEE CS Press, pp. 210 – 213, 2011, DOI:

17. S. Pratihar, S. Pal, P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B.B. Bhattacharya, Recognition of

Hand-drawn Graphs Using Digital-geometric Techniques, in Proc. of 12th
International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition: ICFHR'10,
Kolkata, India, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 89 – 94, November 16 – 18, 2010, DOI:

18. A. Sarkar, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B.B. Bhattacharya, Word Segmentation

and Baseline Detection in Handwritten Documents Using Isothetic Covers, in Proc.
of 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition:
ICFHR'10, Kolkata, India, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 445 – 450, November 16 –
18, 2010, DOI: 10.1109/ICFHR.2010.76.

19. A. Biswas, M. Dutt, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, On Finding the

Orthogonal Convex Skull of a Digital Object, in Proc. of 13th International
Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis: IWCIA'09, Playa del Carmen,
Mexico, Research Publishing Services, Editors: Petra Wiederhold and Reneta P.
Barneva, pp.25 – 36, November 24 – 27, 2009.

20. S. Pal, P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, GOAL: Towards

understanding of Graphic Objects from Architectural to Line drawings, in Proc. of
8th International Workshop on Graphics Recognition: GREC'09, La Rochelle,
France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 6020, pp.81 –
92, July 22 – 23, 2009, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-13728-0_8.

21. A. Biswas, M. Sarkar, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Finding the

Orthogonal Hull of a Digital Object: A Combinatorial Approach, in Proc. of 12th
International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis: IWCIA'08, Buffalo,
USA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 4958, pp. 124 –
135, April 7 – 9, 2008, DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-78275-9_11.

22. A. Biswas, S. Khara, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Extraction of Regions

of Interest from Face Images Using Cellular Analysis, in Proc. of 1st Bangalore
Annual Compute Conference: COMPUTE'08, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India, ACM, Article No. 15, pp. 1 – 8, January 18 – 20, 2008, DOI:

23. B. B. Bhattacharya, A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and T. Acharya, A Fast On-chip

Mean Filter Requiring only Integer Operations, in Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 6822, 682217,
SPIE VCIP (Visual Communication and Image Processing) Conference, California,
January 26 – 31, 2008, DOI: 10.1117/12.776602.

24. A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Characterization of Isothetic
Polygons for Image Indexing and Retrieval, in Proc. of International Conference on
Computing: Theory and Applications: ICCTA'07, Kolkata, India, IEEE CS Press,
pp. 590 – 594, March 5 – 7, 2007, DOI: 10.1109/ICCTA.2007.36.

25. P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, ICE: The Isothetic Convex

Envelope of a Digital Object, in Proc. of International Conference on Computing:
Theory and Applications: ICCTA'07, Kolkata, India, IEEE CS Press, pp. 219 – 223,
March 5 – 7, 2007, DOI: 10.1109/ICCTA.2007.70.

26. P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Ranking of Optical Character

Prototypes Using Cellular Lengths, in Proc. of International Conference on
Computing: Theory and Applications: ICCTA'07, Kolkata, India, IEEE CS Press,
pp. 422 – 426, March 5 – 7, 2007, DOI: 10.1109/ICCTA.2007.109.

27. A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, SCOPE: Shape Complexity of

Objects using Isothetic Polygonal Envelope, in Proc. of 6th International Conference
on Advances in Pattern Recognition: ICAPR'07, Kolkata, India, Advances in Pattern
Recognition, pp. 356 – 360, January 2 – 4, 2007, DOI:

28. P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, DRILL: Detection and

Representation of Isothetic Loosely Connected Components without Labeling, in
Proc. of 6th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition:
ICAPR'07, Kolkata, India, Advances in Pattern Recognition, pp. 343 – 348, January
2 – 4, 2007, DOI: 10.1142/9789812772381_0058.

29. P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, PACE: Polygonal Approximation

of Thick Digital Curves Using Cellular Envelope, in Proc. of 5th Indian Conference
on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing: ICVGIP'06, Madurai, India,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 4338, pp. 299 – 310,
December 13 – 16, 2006, DOI: 10.1007/11949619_27.

30. A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, MuSC: Multigrid Shape Codes

and Their Applications to Image Retrieval, in Proc. of International Conference on
Computational Intelligence and Security: CIS'05, Xian, China, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 3801, pp. 1057 – 1063, December 15 –
19, 2005, DOI:10.1007/11596448_158.

31. P. Bhowmick, A. Biswas, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Isothetic Polygons of a 2D Object

on Generalized Grid, in Proc. of 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition
and Machine Intelligence: PReMI'05, Kolkata, India, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 3776, pp. 407 – 412, Dec. 20 – 22, 2005,

32. A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, Reconstruction of Torn

Documents Using Contour Maps, in Proc. of International Conference on Image
Processing: ICIP'05, Genoa, Italy, IEEE CS Press, pp. III:517 – 520, September 11 –
14, 2005, DOI: 10.1109/ICIP.2005.1530442.

33. A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, TIPS: On Finding a Tight
Isothetic Polygonal Shape Covering a 2D Object, in Proc. of 14 th Scandinavian
Conference on Image Analysis: SCIA'05, Joensuu, Finland, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 3540, pp. 930 – 939, June 19 – 22, 2005,

34. A. Biswas, P. Bhowmick, and B. B. Bhattacharya, CONFERM: Connectivity

Features with Randomized Masks and Their Applications to Image Indexing, in
Proc. of 4th Indian Conference on Computer Graphics & Image Processing:
ICVGIP'04, Kolkata, India, Allied Publishers Private Limited, Editors: B. Chanda,
S, Chandran, and L. Davis, pp. 556 – 562, December 16 – 18, 2004.

35. Prasun Ghosal, and Tuhin Subhra Das, "FL2STAR: A Novel Topology For On-
Chip Rouing in NoC with Fault Tolerance and Deadlock Prevention", Accepted for
publication in proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Electronics,
Computing and Communication Technologies (CONNECT), Bangalore, India, Jan
17-19, 2013.
36. Prasun Ghosal, Arijit Chakraborty, and Sabyasachee Banerjee, "Honey Bee Based
Vehicular Traffic Optimization and Management", In proceedings of Seventh
International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications
(BIC-TA 2012), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 202,
2013, pp 455-463.
37. Prasun Ghosal, and Arunava Biswas, "Hexagonal Minimum Steiner Tree
Construction for Y Architecture: A Case of Non-Manhattan Routing", In
proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in
Microelectronics & Electronics (PrimeAsia 2012), BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus,
India, Dec 05-07, 2012.
38. Prasun Ghosal, and Tuhin Subhra Das, "L2STAR: A Star Type Level-2 2D Mesh
Architecture for NoC", In proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on
Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics & Electronics (PrimeAsia 2012), BITS-
Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India, Dec 05-07, 2012.
39. Prasun Ghosal, and Tuhin Subhra Das, "SD2D: A Novel Routing Architecture For
Network-on-Chip", Accepted for publication in proceedings of 3rd International
Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED 2012), Kolkata, India, Dec 19-22,
40. Prasun Ghosal, and Tuhin Subhra Das, "Network-on-chip Routing Using Structural
Diametrical 2D Mesh Architecture", In proceedings of Third International
Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2012),
Kolkata, India, Nov 29 - Dec 01, 2012, pp. 471-474.
41. Prasun Ghosal, and Tuhin Subhra Das, "Routing in NoC on Diametrical 2D Mesh
Architecture", In proceedings of 16th International Symposium on VLSI Design and
Test (VDAT 2012), July 1-4, 2012, Howrah, India.
42. Prasun Ghosal, Arindam Das, and Satrajit Das, "Obstacle Aware RMST
Generation Using Non-Manhattan Routing for 3D ICs", In proceedings of The Third
International Workshop on VLSI (VLSI 2012), July 13-15, 2012, Chennai, India.
43. Prasun Ghosal, Satrajit Das, and Arindam Das, "A Novel Algorithm for Obstacle
Aware RMST Construction During Routing in 3D ICs", In proceedings of The
Second International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information
Technology (ACITY 2012), July 13-15, 2012, Chennai, India.
44. Prasun Ghosal, Satrajit Das, and Arindam Das, "A New Class of Obstacle Aware
Steiner Routing in 3D Integrated Circuits: A Farthest Pair Approach", In
proceedings of The Third International Workshop on VLSI (VLSI 2012), July 13-
15, 2012, Chennai, India.
45. Prasun Ghosal, and Tuhin Subhra Das, "A Novel Routing Algorithm for On-chip
Communication in NoC on Diametrical 2D Mesh Interconnection Architecture", In

proceedings of the Second International Conference in Computing and Information
Technology (ACITY), July 13-15, 2012, Chennai, India - Volume 3, Springer, pp.
46. Prasun Ghosal, Arijit Chakraborty, and Sabyasachee Banerjee, "Speed
Optimization in an Unplanned Lane Traffic Using Swarm Intelligence and
Population Knowledge Base Oriented Performance Analysis", In proceedings of
First International Conference on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and
Applications (SCAI) - 2012, May 25-27, Delhi, India.
47. Prasun Ghosal, Arijit Chakraborty, and Sabyasachee Banerjee, "Bio-inspired
Computational Optimization of Speed in an Unplanned Traffic and Comparative
Analysis Using Population Knowledge Base Factor", In proceedings of Second
International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications
(ICCSEA) - 2012, May 25-27, Delhi, India.
48. Prasun Ghosal, Arijit Chakraborty, and Sabyasachee Banerjee, "Computational
Optimization of Speed in an Unplanned Lane Traffic", In proceedings of IEEE 2nd
Annual International Conference on Innovative Techno-Management Solutions for
Social Sector (IEMCON 2012), January 17-18, 2012, Kolkata, India, pp. 161-164.
49. Prasun Ghosal, Arijit Chakraborty, and Sabyasachee Banerjee, "Swarm
Intelligence Based Speed Optimization Technique in a Lane Traffic Using
Population Knowledge Base", In proceedings of International Conference on
Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications (INDIA 2012), Springer,
January 5-7, 2012, Visakhapatnam, India.
50. Debjani Basu, Dipak K. Kole, H. Rahaman, “Implementation of AES Algorithm in
UART Module for Secured Data Transfer", In Proc. of International Conference
on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC 2012), pp. 142-145,
August 2012.
51. Oyshee Brotee Sahoo, Dipak K. Kole, H. Rahaman, “An Optimized S-Box for
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Design", In Proc. of International
Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (ICACC 2012), pp.
154-157, August 2012.
52. Poulami Ghosh, Rilok Ghosh, Souptik Sinha, Ujan Mukhopadhyay, Dipak kr. Kole
and Aruna Chakroborty, ―A Novel Digital Watermarking Technique for Video
Copyright Protection ‖, In Proc. of International Conference of
Advanced Computer Science & Information Technology (ACSIT-2012), pp. 601-
609, October 2012.
53. Ujan Mukhopadhyay, Souptik Sinha, Poulami Ghosh, Rilok Ghosh, Dipak k. Kole
and Aruna Chakroborty, ―Enhancing the Security of Digital Video Watermarking
using Watermark Encryption‖, In Proc. of International Conference on Conference
on Computational Science, Engineering and Information Technology (CCSEIT-
2012), pp. 145 -150, October 2012.
54. Joyati Mondal, Debesh Kumar Das, Dipak K. Kole and Hafizur Rahaman, “A
Design for Testability Technique for Quantum Reversible Circuits", In Proc. of
252, Ukraine, September 14-17, 2012.
55. Papiya Manna, Dipak K. Kole, Hafizur Rahaman, Debesh Kumar Das, and Bhargab
B. Bhattacharya, “Reversible Logic Circuits Synthesis using Genetic Algorithm
and Particle Swarm Optimization”, International Symposium on Electronic System
Design (ISED 2012), IEEE Xplore Digital Library, pp. 246-250, December 19-22,
56. Soujanya Chatterjee, Anirban Datta, Soumyajyoti Banerjee, Ashish Singhi, Vivek
Kr. Mishra, Prasun Ghosal, "Mobile Embedded System for Advanced Weather
Forecasting in Rural Area", Accepted for publication in proceedings of Third
International Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Mobile
Communication 2013 (AIM 2013), Bangalore, India, April 26-27, 2013.

57. Prasun Ghosal, and Tuhin Subhra Das, "FL2STAR: A Novel Topology For On-
Chip Rouing in NoC with Fault Tolerance and Deadlock Prevention", Accepted for
publication in proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Electronics,
Computing and Communication Technologies (CONNECT), Bangalore, India, Jan
17-19, 2013.
58. Prasun Ghosal, Arijit Chakraborty, and Sabyasachee Banerjee, "Honey Bee Based
Vehicular Traffic Optimization and Management", In proceedings of Seventh
International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications
(BIC-TA 2012), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 202,
2013, pp 455-463

59. Rupam Some, Indrajit Banerjee, ―PRMN: Predictive Location Based Routing for
Mobile Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network‖ Advances in Computing and
Communications (ICACC), Fourth International Conference on, IEEE, 2014/8/27.

Book Chapter:
1. A. Biswas, S. Pal, P. Bhowmick, and B.B. Bhattacharya, Geometric Analysis and
Efficient Indexing of Digital Documents, Machine Learning Techniques for
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval: Technologies, Applications & Perspectives, C.-
H. Wei (Ed.) (accepted), 2010.

2. Prasun Ghosal, Satrajit Das, and Arindam Das, ―A Novel Algorithm For Obstacle
Aware RMST Construction During Routing in 3D ICs‖, In Natarajan Meghanathan
et al. (Eds.): Advances in Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 2,
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series 177, Springer, pp. 649-658.

3. Prasun Ghosal, Satrajit Das, and Arindam Das, ―A New Class of Obstacle Aware
Steiner Routing in 3D Integrated Circuits‖, In Natarajan Meghanathan et al. (Eds.):
Advances in Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 3, Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing Series 178, Springer, pp. 697-706.

4. Prasun Ghosal, Arindam Das, and Satrajit Das, ―Obstacle Aware RMST
Generation Using Non-Manhattan Routing For 3D ICs‖, In Natarajan Meghanathan
et al. (Eds.): Advances in Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 3,
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series 178, Springer, pp. 657-666.

5. Prasun Ghosal, and Tuhin Subhra Das, ―A Novel Routing Algorithm For On-chip
Communication in NoC on Diametrical 2D Mesh Interconnection Architecture‖, In
Natarajan Meghanathan et al. (Eds.): Advances in Computing and Information
Technology, Vol. 3, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Series 178,
Springer, pp. 667-676.

6. Prasun Ghosal, and Tuhin Subhra Das, "Routing in NoC on Diametrical 2D Mesh
Architecture", In H. Rahaman et al. (Eds.): VDAT 2012, LNCS 7373, pp. 381--382.
Springer, Heidelberg (2012).

7. Prasun Ghosal, Hafizur Rahaman, Satrajit Das, Arindam Das, and Parthasarathi
Dasgupta, "Obstacle Aware Routing in 3D Integrated Circuits",In P.S. Thilagam et
al. (Eds.): ADCONS 2011, LNCS 7135, pp. 450–459, 2012. Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg 2012.\

8. Prasun Ghosal, Tuhin Subhra Das, "Routing in Multi-core NoCs", In Multicore
Technology: Architecture, Reconfiguration and Modeling, CRC Press, Editors:
Muhammad Yasir Qadri & Steve J Sangwine. [In press]

9. S Datta, I Banerjee, T Samanta, ―Mobile Sink Management for Nonuniformly

Distributed Sensor Node Coverage Using a Game Theoretic Approach‖, Recent
Advances in Intelligent Informatics, Springer 2014 , pp: 311-319 |
10. I Banerjee, A Datta, S Pal, S Chatterjee, T Samanta, ―A Novel Fault Detection
and Replacement Scheme in WSN‖, Recent Advances in Intelligent
Informatics, Springer 2014 pp: 303-310.

11. Indrajit Banerjee, Anirban Datta, Sonalisa Pal, Soujanya Chatterjee, Tuhina
Samanta, ―A Novel Fault Detection and Replacement Scheme in WSN‖, Recent
Advances in Intelligent Informatics Advances in Intelligent Systems and
Computing Volume 235, 2014, pp 303-310
12. Indrajit Banerjee, Prasenjit Chanak, Tuhina Samanta, Hafijur Rahaman
―EFDR: Effective Fault Detection and Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor
Network‖, International Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering,
Elsevier (In Press), 2013.

Research facilities:

The PDSIT laboratory is equipped with 50 No of high configuration Desktop Computers.

a) All computers are connected to Internet with the 1 Gbps. LAN Support.
b) Department is equipped with WiFi connection.
c) International Journal from IEEE, Elsevier, etc. is available on line.
d) Laboratory is open from 8.00 AM to 9.00 PM.
e) PDSIT has a Departmental Library.

f) Computing facilities in Promoda Lodh Advanced Information Technology laboratory:

Hardware and Software:
IBM X226 Server -- 2Nos.
IBM Websphere Everyplace Access Server and client.

Wireless Equipment:

IBM Think Pad W/High rate Wireless LAN

Linkys Network Adapter
IBM high rate Wireless
Palm M505
Palm Palm Portable , Palm Serial Cable, Palm Hatsync Cradle
Palm Flash Memory Pre - Installed on Palm
Palm Handheld Stylus Pack of 3,XIRCOM Wireless LAN Module

Special purpose facilities available in the school:

 Laser Printers connected to Network.
 Scanner is available.
 Web Camera (for project purpose)
 Students have the scope to modify, configure or administrate any Server or

Support staff position
Sanctioned technical post : 3
Technical staff profile ( in the following table) :
Administrative Staff :
Designat E-mail Id
Staff Name Highest Qualification Contact No
Office Staff
B.Com (Distinction)
Goutam M.Com, ICWAI (Inter) 9433134162
Bandopadhyay PGDCA
Susanta Sarma Office sarma.susanta15@yah
B.Sc. 9433609953
Amal Das Technical B.Tech (Computer
Assistant Science) m
Rabindra Nath 9836662273
Group D Class - VIII

No of Publications : ( This year only )

Journal : 36 Conference : 52

Dr. M.N. Dastur School of
Materials Science and Engineering

About the department

Dr. M. N. Dastur School of Materials Science and Engineering started functioning

since 2001 as a multidisciplinary educational and research centre with a vision to
create a vibrant, supportive community of materials scientists and engineers
committed to expand fundamental understanding of materials, develop advanced
technologies, and provide leadership through education and innovative research
geared to meet the current and future needs of society. The School is an integral part
of Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur and aims at
providing an ideal environment for interdisciplinary teaching and research.

Since its inception the School has embarked on several programmes to facilitate
fundamental developments in the physics and chemistry of materials alongside
applications in manufacturing processes and engineering design. Over these years, its
central function has been imparting education to postgraduate students by providing
them with the opportunity to conduct independent and creative research at the
forefront of materials science and engineering. The School offers a full time M.Tech.
Programme on Materials Science and Technology, with specialization on Materials
Design and Application and has a concrete plan for introducing a four year post-B.Sc.
integrated M.Tech. programme on Materials Science.

The School started its modest journey in 2001 with extremely limited facilities which
included a furnace and few computers. Ever since then, the faculty members, research
scholars and the staff members of the School have worked relentlessly to develop new
facilities and infrastructure through sponsored projects and with the assistance of the
erstwhile University. In the brief span of 12 years we have been able to develop major
experimental facilities for synthesis/fabrication and characterization of materials, including
a high resolution transmission electron microscope. Till date 24 scholars have been
awarded their doctoral degree and more that 120 scholars have received their M.Tech
degree from the School.
The School has several sponsored projects funded by different funding organizations like
DST, MoS, GoI, UGC, etc. and have been able to develop collaborations with some leading
material scientists and their groups both at the national as well as at the international level.

Additionally, the Schools activities are closely linked with leading industries like Tata
Steel and M. N. Dastur Company. Recently the School has signed a memorandum of
agreement with M. N. Dastur Company, who has agreed to provide generous support for
up gradation of the School.

What started as an insignificant centre with a furnace, dilapidated furniture and few
computers in 2001 has now emerged as a centre that is starting to make modest
footprints in the international materials research community.

Academic Programmes
Undergraduate Level: Not Applicable

Postgraduate Level
Degree Offered: Master of Technology in Materials Science and Technology
Sanctioned Students’ intake: 18 nos. students per year (AICTE approved)
Additional intake through other programmes (i.e. Q.I.P). Nil
Specialisation in (a) Materials Design & Application

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme (2014-2015)

Degree Offered: Engineering

No of candidates enrolled: 07 Registered: 05 Awarded: 04

Submitted: 01

Faculty position:
Sanction faculty post (permanent): 04, Vacant post: 03
Endowment Faculty: 01, Vacant: 0
Contractual Faculty: 01, Vacant: 0

Faculty profile

Name Designation Highest Specialisation Contact no E-mail

Qualification /Research
Dr. S. Chatterjee Director Ph.D. Area
Phase Transformation, schatterjee46@yahoo.
(Engineering), HSLA Steel, High com
PRS (in Strength directorsmse@gmail.c
Science) Steel, Diffusion om
Bonding of Similar and
Materials, Friction Stir
Welding of Similar and
Dissimilar Materials
Dr. N. R. Professor Ph.D. Physical Metallurgy of
Bandyopadhyay (Engineering) Steel, Materials
Characterization, Nano-
materials, Energy
Dr. Mallar Ray Assistant Ph.D. Experimental and
Professor (Engineering) theoretical in
(Endowment) investigations on
semiconductor and
Hybrid nanostructures.

Dr. Arijit Sinha Assistant Ph.D. Nanomaterials

Professor (Engineering) Characterization, n
(Contractual) Composite Materials,
Shape Memory alloys,
Mechanical alloying

Dr. T.K. Roy Visiting Ph.D. Making, shaping and tkroy.tatachair@gmail

Professor (Engineering) treating of steel and .com
conceptual plan Project

Prof. R. K. Ray Visiting Ph.D. Physical Metallurgy and

Professor (Engineering) Materials Engineering

Prof. Bhairab Visiting Ph.D. Polymer and Polymer bhairabchandramitra

Chandra Mitra Professor (Engineering) Composites

Ajit Kumar Visiting Ph.D. Metallurgical

Chakrabarti Professor (Engineering) manufacturing
(foundry, Machining,
Welding, Surface
Engg.), Extractive

Awards and Laurels:

N. R. Bandyopadhyay, Professor

Fellow, West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology (WAST)

 Award received

Arijit Sinha, Assistant Professor

Recipient of IEI Young Engineers Award 2014-2015, The Institution of Engineers


Research area

 Nano-Semiconductor materials
 Advanced steel
 Composite materials
 Energy materials
 Smart materials
 Biomaterials
 Computational materials science
 High strength non-ferrous metals

Research facilities:

Name of Few words Pictures

Olympus Basic Instrument
Optical for materials
Microscope with characterization.
Image Analyzer Microstructure,
which governs the
materials (Metal,
Ceramics, Polymer
or Composites)
property, can be
Leco Micro- Preliminary
Vickers Testing determination of
Machine mechanical
properties of all Left Hand Side: Olympus Optical Microscope with
kind of materials Image Analyzer , Right Hand Side: Leco Micro-
through measuring Vickers Testing Machine
the hardness of the

Ducom Fretting Abrassive or wear
Wear Testing resistance property
Machine under service
condition is
examined in fine

and under Central Materials Research Facility

Veeco Atomic Surface Property

Force determination
Microscope through scanning
probe microscopy /
atomic force
Attachments for
electrical and
magnetic property
characterization is
available with the

CSM Nano- Nano scale
indentor indentation for
mechanical property

Hitachi Finer Microstructural

Scanning details can be
Electron examined by
Microscope Scanning Electron
with Horiba microscopy. Local
EDS System chemical constituents
and EBSP are measured through
Energy Dispersive
X-ray (EDS)
Spectroscopy. The
Electron Back
Scattered Diffraction
Pattern (EBSP) can
be examined.

Leco Glow This instrument

Discharge measures the .

Spectroscope chemical
composition of
metals and alloys by
optical emission

Photoluminesc Optical
ence (PL) Characterization
System Instrument

FEI Tecnai G2 Very high resolution

20 S-TWIN microstructural
Transmission characterisation,
Electron electron diffraction
Microscope and energy
(TEM) 200 dispersive x-ray
KV with EDX analytical facility for

Instron 8801 For tensile

Axial compression and
Servohydrauli other mechanical
c Dynamic testing for
Testing determining YS,
System ± 100 UTS etc.
kN capacity

Instron 8862 For tensile
Axial compression and
Servoelectric other mechanical
Dynamic testing for
Testing determining YS,
System ± 250 UTS etc with higher
kN capacity capacity

Name of laboratories:

1. Nano Semiconductor Lab:

2. Materials Characterisation Lab:
3. Computational Materials Science Lab.
4. Tribology Lab: Fretting Wear Tester (Ducom)
5. Low-dimensional Advanced Materials Synthesis Lab.
6. Student Computer Lab.
Support staff position:
Sanctioned technical post: 01 (permanent): Vacant Post: 01

Name Designation Highest Contact E-mail

Qualification no
Dr. Malay Scientific Ph.D. 2668-
Kundu Officer (Engineering) 8140
(Contractual) (Office)

Administrative Staff & Lab. Staff : 4 nos. (Contractual)

Name Designation Highest Contact no E-mail

Sanjay Sarkar Office B.A. (Hons) 9830450599
Assistant (Final year)
Pradip Kumar Office Peon Secondary 8420281986 -

Sudip Laboratory B.Com 9331177191

Bhattacharjee Attendant
Kumar Nayak Laboratory B.Com

Sponsored Research (during 2014-2015):

Year of Start
Sl. and duration
No. Title of Research Project Sponsoring Agency

01. Development of high-strength Ministry of Steel , Govt. Three (3)

low-carbon multiphase steels of India years

(YS~1000 MPa, UTS~1300

MPa and Elongation 40-50%)
Value : Rs 628.00 lakhs
02. Synthesis of mixed metal oxides by The Institution of 1 (1) year
high energy ball milling for their
Engineers (India)
application as photocatalyst for waste-
water treatment
Value : Rs 1.50 lakh

No. of Publications (during 2014-2015)

(Journal only)

Sl. Title of Research paper Title of the Journal Year Vol./ Page
No. issue No Nos.
01. Effect of Aluminum Coating on Metallurgical and 2015 (Accepted)
the Surface Properties of Ti-(~ Materials Transaction
49 at. pct) Ni Alloy B

02. Magnetic and Mechanical Journal of Magnetism 2015 381 14-20

properties of Cu (75 wt. %) - and Magnetic
316L grade stainless steels Materials
synthesized by ball milling and

03. Computational Intelligence Computational 2015 104 60-68

based designing of micro- Materials Science
alloyed pipeline steel

04. Incremental cyclic fracture Int. Journal of 2015 192 117-132

behaviour of 20MnMoNi55 Fracture
steel at room temperature

05. Tunable charge transport Journal of Materials 2014 2 9613-

through n-ZnO nanorods Chemistry C 9619
on Au coated macroporous p-Si
06. Sintering and Electrical International Journal 2014 I 5
Properties of of Hydrogen Energy
07. Highly Lattice-mismatched NANOSCALE 2014 6 2201-
Semiconductor-Metal Hybrid 2210
Nanostructures: Gold
Nanoparticle Encapsulated
Luminescent Silicon Quantum
Dots 329
08. Indentation and scratch Polymer Composites 2014 35 948
behavior of functionalized
MWCNT–PMMA composites
09. Tribological Studies of
at the micro/nanoscale Materials 2014 29 B35
Microplasma Sprayed Technology:
Hydroxyapatite Coating at Low Advanced
Load Biomaterials

Seminar/Workshops/Conferences/Training programme organised by the

Department (during 2014-2015) : None

Technology Developed/Innovations.

o Solar cell coated with Silicon nano-crystals which is fabricated at Nano-semicondutor

Laboratory at MNDSMSE shows considerable increase in open-circuit voltage and short-
circuit current which can potentially increase overall efficiency of coated solar cells

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures:

[1] Arijit Sinha, Invited talk in Fourth International Conference on Natural Polymers, Bio-
Polymers, Bio-Materials, their Composites, Blends, IPNs, and Gels: Macro to Nano
Scales (ICNP-2015), Kottayam, Kerala, India.10-12th April, 2015. (Topic: Effect of
aluminium addition on the thermal stability and scratch behavior of jute/unsaturated
polyester composites)
[2] N. R. Bandyopadhyay, Invited Annual Technical Lecture held March 01, 2015,
organized by Sustainable Development Forum, The Institution of Engineers (India), Patna
Local Centre, Patna (Topic: Engineering Education to Meet the Challenges of Sustainable
[3] Arijit Sinha, Invited talk in national seminar on ―Recent Trends and Future
Advancements in Manufacturing Technology (RTFAMT 2015)‖, 28th February,
2015, organized by Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science and Technology, Kolkata.
(Topic: Manufacturing: A Materials‘ Perspective)
N. R. Bandyopadhyay, Key note speaker at the Twenty Eight National Convention of
Metallurgical and Material Engineers held January 23 & 25, 2015, organized by The
Institution of Engineers (India), Visakhapatnam Local Centre, Visakhapatnam (Topic:
Performance Enhancement of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell by Coating with Luminescent
Silicon Nano structures Fabricated by an Inexpensive and Reproducible Technique).
[5] M. Ray, Invited lecture at the National Workshop on Nano Science and Technology
(NWNST), Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering, Bankura, January 19-23, 2015
(Topic: How Size Matters? Case Studies of Silicon and Noble Metal Nanoparticles)
[6] Arijit Sinha, Joint Chairpersons of the Session ―Renewal Materials / Green
Composites /Green Materials -I‖ in Fourth International Conference on Natural
Polymers, Bio-Polymers, Bio-Materials, their Composites, Blends, IPNs, and Gels:
Macro to Nano Scales (ICNP-2015), Kottayam, Kerala, India. 10-12th April, 2015.
[7] S. Chatterjee, Chaired a session on ―Advanced Join Technique‖ at the 5 2 n d
National Metallurgists‘ Day and 68 t h Annual Technical Meeting of the Indian

Institute of Metals (IIM), Department of Metallurgy And Material Science,
College of Engineering, Pune- 411005, Maharashtra, India, 12-15th November, 2014.
[8] Arijit Sinha, presented the technical paper on Nanomechanical Behavior of
Cryogenically Rolled Martensitic TiNi A l loy at the śŘnd National Metallurgists‘
Day and 68th Annual Technical Meeting of the Indian Institute of Metals (IIM),
Department of Metallurgy And Material Science, College of Engineering, Pune-
411005, Maharashtra, India, 12-15th November, 2014, pp. 316-317.
[9] N. R. Bandyopadhyay, Invited speaker on "Transfer of Technologies from R&D
Institutions to Industries: Opportunities and Challenges", Indian Technology
Congress at Bangalore, August 22, 2014 .
[10] N. R. Bandyopadhyay, Invited Lecture on ȃHigher Engineering Education
and Sustainable Development: Need for a Paradigm Shift", Narula Institute of
Technology, Kolkata, January 7, 2014.
[11] M. Ray, Invited Lecture on ―Extraordinary Properties of Silicon based Hybrid
Nanostructures‖ National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
2014), University of Calcutta, September, 18-19, 2014.

[12] Arijit Sinha, Invited Lecture on ―Nanomechanical Characterization of Martensite in

Cryogenically Deformed Ti-(~49 at.%) Ni Alloy‖, 27th National Convention of
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering & National Seminar on Multifunctional and
Adaptive Materials, 6-7th February, 2014, organized by The Institution of Engineers
(India), Karnataka State Centre.
[13] Arijit Sinha, Invited Lecture on ―Nanomechanical B e haviour of Martensite
in Cryogenically Rolled Ti-(~49 at.%) Ni Alloy‖, seminar on ―Microstructure
of Materials‖ and METALLUM 2014, 12-14thMarch, 2014 organized by Department
of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, IIEST, Shibpur.

o Signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between MNDSMSE, BESU,
Shibpur and M.N.Dastur & Co (P) Ltd, Kolkata on 10.07.2013 for
furthering the activities of the school.

School of Management sciences

About the department
School of Management Sciences has emerged as an Institution of excellence in all
facets of management education with highly specialized, sophisticated and 21 st
Century oriented courses and curriculum. The goal of SOMS is to achieve
professional growth through holistic management education to shape future leaders
for the corporate through intermingling of functional knowledge of Marketing,
Finance, Operations, Human Resource & IT Management.
The MBA programme is designed to deliver the latest business education. The
emphasis of the programme is on an integrated understanding of the totality of
business, its philosophy and socio-economic inter-relationship. The programme is
specially designed to develop and enhance the basic managerial skills and abilities
of students and to equip them with tools & techniques of modern management for
better decision-making.
Different teaching methods like case studies, simulation games, group discussions,
group seminars, scenario building and project work are used to make the teaching-
learning process interesting. Students are encouraged to analyze, innovate and
prepare themselves for professional challenges of the industry. The two years‘
programme leading to the Masters in Business Administration

Academic Programmes:
Undergraduate Level
Degree offered
Sanctioned students‘ intake
Additional intake through lateral entry in 3rd Semester

Post Graduate Level

Degree offered – 2 year Full Time MBA
Sanctioned students‘ intake 60
Additional intake through other programmes (i.e. QIP) NA
Specialisations in- Human Resources Management ,Financial Management,
Information Technology Management,Marketing Management, Operations

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme
Degree offered : PhD ( Management Science ) :
No of Candidates enrolled : 3
No. of Candidates registered:1
No. of Candidates awarded:3

Faculty Position:
Faculty profile (in the following table )
Name Designatio Highest Specialisatio Contact No.
n Qualificatio n / Research E - mail
n Area
Dr. Prabir Director, Doctorate of GIS, RS & 033 26688355
Kumar Paul SOMS Philosophy MIS
Poulomi Assistant Ph.D. Operations 26684561 extn: 435
Mukherjee Professor (Engg) Management/ poulomi.mukherjeemondal@gmail.c
Mondal On Management om
Contract Information
Shyamal ME,PGDB Operations 26684561 extn:433
Kumar M Management/
Sumanta Assistant MBA Marketing 26684561 extn:436
Deb Professor Management
Surabhi Assistant MBA Human 26684561 extn:438
Sinha Professor Resource
On Management
Monalika Assistant MBA Human 26684561 extn:438
Dey Professor Resource
On Management

Research area (only mention broad titles without description in detail) :
Management Information System, Operations Management, Human Resource
Management, Marketing Management
Research facilities: (name specific equipment / picture, infrastructure etc)
Toshiba Laptops, Internet Connection, EBESCO and JGATE, SPSS and Prowess,
CRISIL, SAP, Bloackboard
Name of the laboratories :
Computer Laboratory at U821

Support staff position:

Sanctioned technical post ………………
Technical staff profile (in the following table)
Name Designatio Highest Contact E- mail
n Qualificatio No.
Goutam Office B. Com.(H) 2668456
Sarkar Assistant 1 Extn:
Mousum Assistant M. Sc., 2668456
i Shaw Librarian BLIS 1 Extn:
(Das) 442
Dipsikha Computer M. Sc., 2668456
Chandra Assistant 1 Extn:
(Pal) 443
Pranab Office H. S. 2668456
Satpathi Peon 1 Extn: n
Sukanta Office H. S. 2668456
Guha Peon 1 Extn:

Details of publications of each faculty member (2014 – 15)

Name Journal Conference Books /

Publication Publication Monograms
Dr. Prabir Kumar Paul 2 - -
Dr. Poulomi Mukherjee Mondal - 1 1
Surabhi Sinha - - -
Sumanta Deb 8 - -
Monalika Dey 2 1 -

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences / Training programme organized by the
School / Department (2014 - 15)
Seminar on ―Importance of stock market for students‖ on 29 th Jan 2014 by
Stockmind, ICICI Securities Ltd.

Seminar on ―Changing dimensions of modern business management‖ by Prof. Ratan

Khashnanis, Prof. Arun Kumar Basu, Prof. Sitanath Majumdar, Prof.Sunil Gandhi
on 18th Feb 2014.

Seminar on ‗B2B Marketing along with a case study‘ on Aug., 18, 2015 by Mr.
Abesh Chatterjee, Tata Tinplate Ltd.

Seminar on ‗Corporate Leadership‘ on Aug., 25, 2015 by Ms. Suganthi Sridharan

Chatterjee, Tata Tinplate Ltd.

Technology Developed / Innovations

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures:

Monalika Dey, Assistant Professor was invited to deliver a presentation at
the Entrepreneur Awareness Camp at Bharat Technology Uluberia on 6 th
and 8th August 2014
Monalika Dey, Assistant Professor was invited to deliver a presentation at
the Entrepreneur Awareness Camp at Calcutta Institute of Technology
Howrah on 20th and 22nd November 2014
P.K. Paul visited ITC, Netherlands for one month duration.

Training and Placement

2015 – Total Pass out 17

Placement on Campus: 0
Placement off Campus: 14

School of Mechatronics & Robotics

About the School

The beginning of this century is marked with multi disciplinary technological advancement which
has not only revolutionized Indian and global industrial market but also has put an impact on
engineering education system. IIEST Shibpur responded to the changed technological scenario by
introducing a new specialized engineering post graduate degree course in Mechatronics under the
School of Mechatronics & Robotics. The course is unique with respect to similar degree programs
offered by other Indian Universities and is framed accordingly to educate graduate engineers to
become experts in the multidisciplinary area involving mechanical engineering, electrical
engineering, electronics along with computer software. The School of Mechatronics & Robotics was
established as an interdisciplinary school in 2007. The School undertakes different research and
development activities in the areas of cutting edge technology. The Post Graduate course (M. Tech.)
in Mechatronics has been introduced in collaboration with three reputed National level laboratories
under Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, namely, Central Electronics
Engineering Research Institute (CEERI), Pilani, Central Scientific Instrument Organization (CSIO),
Chandigarh and Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), Durgapur. This is a
unique and new initiative for generating trained manpower in the futuristic multi-disciplinary area of
mechatronics. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed between IIEST
(formerlyBESU) and CSIR for this purpose in February, 2007. The program is of two years duration
and is conducted by the participating institutes by utilizing their expertise and facilities available.
The programme is structured around the core competence of all the four constituent institutions. The
faculty members have been drawn from all the four places based on the expertise of scientists and
academicians. While the course is conducted at IIEST Shibpur, CEERI, CSIO and CMERI, the
academic degree (M.Tech) is awarded to students by IIEST on successful completion of the course.
The curriculum is designed to provide multidisciplinary knowledge and to endow the students with
the ability to design mechatronics systems.

Academic Programmes:

Undergraduate Level: NA

Degree offered :
Sanctioned students‘ intake :
Additional intake through lateral entry in 3rd Semester :

Post-graduate Level:

Degree offered : M.Tech. in Mechatronics

Sanctioned students‘ intake: 18 GATE qualified
Additional intake through other programmes: Nil
Specialisations: Mechatronics & Robotics

Doctoral Level
Degree offered : Ph.D.
No. of candidates: enrolled / registered / awarded : Registered 03

Faculty Position
Sanctioned faculty post: Nil Vacant post: Nil
The school is interdisciplinary in nature and faculty members from relevant departments/school
extend support to conduct classes / laboratories

Faculty profile

Name Designation Highest Specialisation/ Contact No.

Qualification Research Area E-mail
Prof. Debjani Director & M.E. Power M: 91-9830306490
Ganguly Associate Electronics & Email:
Professor (EE Drives ganguly.debjani@gmail.c
Dept.) om

Dr. Subhasis Coordinator & Ph.D Mechatronics & M: 91-9836044278

Bhaumik Professor Robotics Email:
(AE&AM / Automation
Dept.) in

Research Area:

Dexterous Robotic Hand, Mobile Robots, Micro Systems, Teleportation, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,
Bio-medical and Exoskeleton Devices, Prosthetics, AI and Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems, Image
Processing, Sensors Development

Research Facilities:

Bi-handed robot, humanoid robot, drives and control, sensors, image processing, mechanical motion
transmission devices, data gloves, laser sensors, smart materials, haptic devices, embedded systems,
Techscan pressure sensors, data acquisition system, virtual instrumentation, modeling and simulation
software - LabView.

Name of the Laboratories:

1. Mechatronics Laboratory
2. Robotics Laboratory
3. Simulation Laboratory

Sponsored Research
On-going Sponsoring agency

Development of a Sensor Integrated Multi Finger BRNS, Dept. of Atomic Energy,

Dexterous Robot Hand with Data Glove BARC, Mumbai
Interface (4 years, June 2010- December 2014)
Rs.61,38,500/- (in Robotics Lab, AE&AM
Development of Indigenous Low Cost Pressure DST (Science for Equity,
Mat Based Gait Analyzer (3 years, December Empowerment & Development -
2012 – December 2015), Rs. 46,37,937/- SEED Division), New Delhi,
2012 Principal collaborating
organization - NIOH, Kolkata
Multisensory Myoelectric Controlled Intelligent DST,SERB, New Delhi (in
Active Ankle Foot Prosthesis(3 years, Oct 2013- collaboration with NIOH,
Oct 2016),Rs 44,40,000 Kolkata)

Industry Institute Interaction:

 Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIR-CSIO), Chandigarh
 Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CSIOR -CMERI), Durgapur
 Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-CEERI),Pilani
 National Institute for the Orthopaedically Handicapped (NIOH under MSJE, Govt. of India), Kolkata

No. of Publications:
Journal -2
Conference -9
Books/ Monograms - Nil
Book Chapter -2

International Journal

1. Srijan Bhattacharya, Ritwik Chattaraj, Arindam Patra, Mallar Das, Bikash Bepari and Subhasis
Bhaumik, ―Simultaneous Parametric Optimization of IPMC Actuator for Compliant Gripper‖,
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, International Journal of
Springer. (Impact Factor – 1.205, Accepted)

2. Srijan Bhattacharya, Bikash Bepari and Subhasis Bhaumik, ―IPMC Actuated Compliant
Mechanism Based Multi-Functional Multi-Finger Micro-Gripper‖, Mechanics based Design of
Structures and Machines, International Journal of Taylor & Francis, Vol. 42, Issue 03, May 20,
2014, pp. 312 – 325. (Impact Factor- 0.63)

Conference publications:
1. O.Mazumder, A.S Kundu, R. Chattaraj, P. Lenka, S. Bhaumik, ―Trajectory Generation For
Myoelectrically Controlled Lower Limb Active Knee Exoskeleton‖, IEEE conference ;
International conference on contemporary Computing, JayPee Institute of Technology, Noida,
20-22 August,2014

2. O.Mazumder, A.S Kundu, R. Chattaraj, S. Bhaumik, ―Door Negotiation of a Omni Robot

Platform Using Depth Map Based Navigation in Dynamic Environment‖ IEEE conference ;
International conference on contemporary Computing, JayPee Institute of Technology, Noida,
20-22 August,2014

3. O.Mazumder, A.S Kundu, R. Chattaraj, P. Lenka, S. Bhaumik, ―Development of Series Elastic

Actuator based Myoelectric Knee Exoskeleton for Trajectory Generation and Load
Augmentation‖ ; 2 nd conference of Robotic Society of India, BITS Goa, July 2-4, 2015.

4. O.Mazumder, A.S Kundu, R. Chattaraj, P. Lenka, S. Bhaumik, ―Modeling, Simulation and

Control Architecture for Lower Limb Active Exoskeleton‖, 2 nd conference of Robotic Society
of India, BITS Goa, July 2-4, 2015.

5. Habib Masum, Subhasis Bhaumik and Ranjit Ray, " Conceptual Design of a Powered Ankle-
Foot Prosthesis for Walking with Inversion and Eversion", 2nd International Conference on
Innovations in Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, ICIAME 2014, G H Patel College
of Engineering & Technology, Gujrat, March 2014 (Procedia Technology, SciVerse Science
Direct, Elsevier), Elsevier, 228–235, 2014.

6. Ritwik Chattoraj, Srijan Bhattacharya, B. Bepari, S. Bhaumik, " Design and Control of Two
Fingered Compliant Gripper for Micro Gripping", 3rd Intl. Conf. on Informatics, Electronics
& Vision (ICIEV 2014), May 2014, Bangladesh 978-1-4799-5180-2/14©2014 IEEE Xplore.

7. Ritwik Chattoraj, Bikash Bepari, S. Bhaumik, "Grasp Mapping for Dexterous Robot Hand: A
Hybrid Approach", Seventh International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3),
IC3-2014. Noida IEEE xplorer.

8. Ritwik Chattoraj, Ananda Sankar Kundu, Oishee Majumder, Bikash Bepari, Subhasis
Bhaumik "Tele-Operation of Robot Hand Exploiting Human Hand Synergy", RSI
Conference 2015.

9. Srijan Bhattacharya, Siladitya Khan, Tanmoy Sil, Bikash Bepari and Subhasis Bhaumik ―IPMC
Based Data Glove for Finger Motion Capturing ‖, 2nd International Conference of Robotics
Society of India, BITS Goa, India, July 2 - 4th, 2015, © 2015 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3356-

10. Srijan Bhattacharya, Bikash Bepari and Subhasis Bhaumik ―Novel Approach of IPMC
Actuated Finger for Micro-Gripping‖, IEEE 4th International Conference on Informatics,
Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan, June 15 - 17, 2015.

Book Chapters
1. O.Mazumder, A.S Kundu, P. Lenka, S. Bhaumik, ― Technologies for Lower body Exoskeleton:
Current trends and Future Directions‖, Biomedical Engineering and Assistive Devices, COPAL
publishing group,2014, ISBN: 978-93-83419-08-1
2. P. Lenka, S. Bhaumik, ―Review of Technology in Gait Analysis for Quantitive Evaluation of Able
and Disabled Walking Performance‖, Biomedical Engineering and Assistive Devices, COPAL
publishing group,2014, ISBN: 978-93-83419-08-1

Patents / Invention Disclosure / Technology Transfer / Copyright : Patent will be filled for two
innovation developed in the SM&R

Seminar/ Workshop/ Conferences/ Training programme organized by the School : Nil

Technology developed/ Innovations:

- Ankle foot prosthesis
- Autonomous omni directional robotic vehicle
- Lower limb active exoskeleton
- Four fingered dexterous robotic hand

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures:

Invited Talk -
1. Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University), New Delhi in the Faculty Development Programme
on ―Mechatronics & Robotics in Manufacturing Industries‖ sponsored by All India Council for
Technical Education, 27 February - 12 March 2015.

2. Key note speaker of ―International Conference on Emerging Trends in Manufacturing Engines and
Modelling (ICEMEM2015)‖, MPSTME, SVKM‘S NMIMS Shirpur, Maharastra, 27-28 February

3. Faculty Development Program on ―Advancement in Instrumentation Engineering and
Development in Process Automation (AIEDPA – 2014)‖ organized by AEIE, Department, RCCIIT,
Baleaghata, Kolkata, from 14th - 18th July, 2014. (5 days, TEQIP –II Program)

Visitors to your Department (Indian & Foreign)

1. Dr. Naga Hanumaiah and his research team at Micro System Technology Laboratory, Mechanical
Engineering Research Institute (CSIR – CMERI), Durgapur, India.

2. Dr. Debabrata Chatterjee, Chemistry and Biomimetics Laboratory at Mechanical Engineering

Research Institute (CSIR – CMERI), Durgapur, India.

3. Dr. Tetsuya Okabe, Director, Honda Research Institute, Japan.

Training and Placement:

Extension Activities and Societal outreach:
New Academic / Research Initiatives:
a) Academic Collaboration – NIOH Kolkata and CSIR Laboratories

School of VLSI Technology

About the department
The research and education at School of VLSI Technology is closely associated with industry and
several other primary academic Institutions of repute with an aim to foster cutting edge research
and establishes the School as one of the pronounced leaders in field of VLSI and Microelectronics.
In the School of VLSI Technology, We have sufficient latest VLSI tools and hardware in our
VLSI and Embedded systems Laboratories. The UG/PG/Doctoral students from Information
Technology/Computer Science/Electronic Engg./Electrical Engg. are getting exposure with these
industry standard tools and equipment. In eastern India, only two or three university/institutes have
this type of laboratory.
VLSI being an interdisciplinary field involving various aspects of electrical, communications,
computer science, information technology, semiconductor physics and materials science, the
SOVLSIT closely collaborates with other departments within BESU and other reputed academic
institutions in both India and abroad to cater to the needs of the engineers in the making. Faculty
members of this Institute are also running a number of industry and Govt. funded research projects
with active participation of SOVLSIT. A number of tools have been developed to carry out the
VLSI research. About 8 PhD theses have been completed during the last five years in the field of
VLSI design and test. Another seven students have already been registered for PhD in this area.
The School was established on July, 2006 with the introduction of a flagship course of M-Tech
(VLSI Design) with an intake of 12 students under special requirement of a Special Manpower
Development Project in VLSI Design and related Software (Phase II), a mission project of Govt.
of Government of India to promote the research and education in the various areas of VLSI
Design. The need to integrate to efforts of scientists and engineers working with different fields of
microelectronics and semiconductors devices has been the primary motivation of creation of this
school. The research and education at School of VLSI Technology is closely associated with
industry and several other primary academic Institutions of repute with an aim to foster cutting
edge research and establish the School and one of the pronounced leader in field of VLSI and
M.Tech (VLSI Design) course under SMDP-II project was started during academic session 2006-
2007 and continues to be a sought after program of the institute. Students of SOVLSIT have
established their credentials through recruitment of international VLSI Design Companies and
selection in PhD admission to different research laboratories/ IIT/IISC/ISI/Foreign Universities.

Academic Programmes:

Post Graduate Level

Degree offered : M. Tech in VLSI Design

Sanctioned students‘ intake : 20
Additional intake through other programmes (i.e. QIP) :
Specializations in : VLSI Design

Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme

Degree offered : PhD (Engineering / Science / Humanities & Management Science) :

PhD (Engineering)

No. of Candidates enrolled in 2014: 6

Sl. No. Scholar's Name

1. Sudip Poddar
2. Manas Kumar Parai
3. Lopamudra Banerjee
4. Sarosij Adak
5. Sudipta Bardhan
6. Arnab Mukhopadhyay

No. of Candidates registered in 2014: 4

Sl. No. Scholar's Name

1. Sayan Kanungo
2. Laxmidhar Biswal
3. Subhajit Das
4. Sandip Bhattacharya

No. of Candidates awarded: 1

Sl. No. Scholar's Name

1. Prabir Kumar Saha

Faculty Position: Sanctioned faculty post … 3 (Contractual) …… Vacant Post …2 ………

Faculty profile (in the following table)

Name Designation Highest Specialization / Contact No.

Qualificatio Research Area and E - mail
Prof. Hafizur Director PhD. Logic Synthesis, VLSI +91-33-26684561/62/63
Rahaman Post- Design and Test, CAD
doc(UK) for Microfluidic
Reversible Computing
Mr. Pranab Assistant M. Tech. Biochip design 033-22270143
Ray Professor Automation, Embedded 9433800260
System, Algorithm and
data structures , VLSI
physical design, Object
oriented System Design
Mr. Sudip Assistant M. Tech. Digital VLSI Design & 033-22191833
Ghosh Professor VLSI Architectures, 8017040884
Digital Image
Synthesis and n
Verification, VLSI

Dr. INSPIRE Ph.D (Engg) 2-D materials based 033-26689016,
Amretashis Faculty and Post-doc FET, atomistic 9434879016
Sengupta simulations

Mr. Partha Assistant M. Tech. Low power VLSI 9674128771

Sarathi Gupta Professor design, Evolutionary 033-24152571
(Project) Algorithms. gupta_parthasarathi@yaho
Manodipan Assistant M. Tech Carbon Nanotube Based 9038496889
Sahoo Professor Interconnects and manodipansahoo@gmail.c
(Project) Devices om

Awards and Laurels received by the faculty members :-

 Dr. Amretashis Sengupta: DST INSPIRE Faculty award 2013 (II), DST Post-doctoral
Fellowship in Nano Science and Tech. 2012-2017.
 DST-DAAD has awarded collaborative research fellowship to Prof. Hafizur Rahaman
under Indo-German (DST-DAAD) Bilateral Cooperation during 2013-2015 (with Prof.
Rolf Drechsler, Professor and Director, Computer Architecture Group, University of
Bremen, Germany).
 Best PhD thesis awarded to Dr. Kamalika Datta, PhD student under the supervision of
Prof. Hafizur Rahaman in Design Automation and Test in Euroupe (DATE), 2015.

Research area (only mention broad titles without description in detail) :

1. Digital VLSI Design
2. Analog and Mixed Signals
3. VLSI Testing
4. Nanotechnology
5. Bio-chip Design Automation
6. NOC & SOC Design
7. FPGA Synthesis and Testing
8. VLSI Physical Design Automation
9. Digital Watermarking
10. VLSI architectures
11. System on chip architectures
12. Network on Chip
13. 3D IC and 3D Biochips

Research facilities: (name specific equipment / picture, infrastructure etc)

EDA Tools
1. Mentor Graphics
2. Synopsys
3. Cadence
5. Xilinx ISE 14.7 Webpack (for FPGA Applications)
6. Vivado Design Suite
7. Matlab
8. Synopsys TCAD

Hardware Devices and Design Kits
S.No. Item/Description Quantity
1. Agilent 16802A Logic Analyzer 1
2. Agilent 34410A 6.5 Digital Multimeter 4
3. Agilent 33522A, 2-Channel, 250 MSa/s, 30MHz 1
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
4. Agilent N9000A, 9 KHz-7.5 GHz, CXA Signal Analyzer 1
5. Agilent E3631A, 0-6V, 5A/0-(+-)25V, 1A, Triple Output DC 1
Power Supply
6. Agilent E3620A, 0-25V, 0-1A, Dual Output DC Power 1
7. Agilent Logic Analysis Software 2
8. Oscilloscope Logic Channels, Agilent DSO-X-MSO-X, 1
1GHz, MSO Upgradation
9. Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Agilient DSOX3104A, 1
Oscilloscope, 4 channel, 1GHz
10. Agilent N2874A, Probe – 10:1 1.5GHz 2
11. Agilent DSOXLAN, Module – LAN/VGA 1
12. Universal Electronics Trainer Kit (Microlab-II) 1
13. Pro-Ject Board GL 20
14. ARM mbed NXP LPC 1768 Microcontroller Kit 100
15. Xilinx XUP Virtex-II Pro 5
16. Xilinx XUP Virtex-II Pro Development System Software 5
17. Digilent VDEC1 Board 5
18. Digilent NEXYS-2 Board 1
19. Xilinx Spartan 3E Kit 15
20. Digilent DIO5 for the XUP-V2 Pro Board 5
21. Digilent Analog I/O 1 5
22. L.T.E. Switching Power Adapter 5
23. Kingston 256MB PC1200 CL2.5-184-Pin DIMM (RAM) 5
24. Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA Embedded Kit 1
25. Xilinx Platform Cable USB II 1
26. Xilinx Virtex-6 LX130T Evaluation Kit 1
27. Xilinx FMC Connectivity Mezzanine Card 1
28. Xilinx Virtex-6 DSP Development Kit 1
29. Xilinx Compact Flash Kingston 512MB (Memory Card) 10
30. Server 8
31. Workstation 25
32. Desktop PC 32
33. Redhat Linux OS 12

Academic and Research Infrastructure

In the School of VLSI Technology, We have following latest VLSI tools and hardware in our
VLSI and Embedded systems Laboratories. The UG/PG/Doctoral students from Information
Technology/Computer Science/Electronic Engg./Electrical Engg. are getting exposure with these
industry standard tools and equipment. In eastern India, only two or three university/institutes
have this type of laboratory.

EDA Tools:
 Mentor Graphics
 Synopsys
 Cadence
 Xilinx ISE WebPack (FPGA Applications)
 Vivado Design Suite
 Matlab
 Synopsys TCAD

FPGA Board
 FPGA Spartan 3E Kits
 XUP Virtex-II Pro Board
 Virtex 6 Pro Board
 Video Decoder Board
 Other Accessories

Name of the laboratories

1. Ganapati Sengupta VLSI Laboratory (Research Lab)
2. SMDP-II Laboratory
3. Advanced FPGA Lab.
4. Advanced VLSI Design Lab.
5. Chip to System Design (C2SD) Lab.

Support staff position:

Technical post

Name Designation Highest Contact No. E-mail

Sri Goutam Paul Technical B-Tech 9874405431
Assistant (E.C.E.)
Smt. Ratna Technical D.E.T.C., 9239825264
Ghosh Assistant A.M.I.E.

Ongoing Sponsored Research / projects : (mention area)

Project Title Sponsoring agency Duration

Modernization of VLSI Design Laboratory AICTE, INDIA 2013-2016
(Rs.17.80 lac.)
Synthesis of Reversible Circuits using DST India and DAAD 2013-2015
Probabilistic Methods and Functional Foundation, Germany
Transformations (Rs.10 lac)
Integrated Chip to System Design (C2SD) Deity, MCIT, Starting
under India Chip Program (Rs. 2 Crore). Government of India February

Details of publications of each faculty members (2014 – 15 )

Journal = 16
Conference = 34
Books / Monograms =1

1. Hafizur Rahaman and Debaprasad Das:- Carbon Nanotube and Graphene
Nanoribbon Interconnects (International Edition), CRC Press, Taylor &
Francis Group, USA, Published on (December 2014).
2. A. Sengupta and C.K. Sarkar (Eds.), ―Introduction to Nano: Basics to
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology‖, Springer Verlag (Germany), 2015. (ISBN:

1. Partha Sarathi Gupta, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Partha Sarathi Dasgupta and Hafizur
Rahaman,―A Novel Photo-sensitive Tunneling Transistor For Near-Infrared Sensing
Applications: Design, Modeling and Simulation‖, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,
(TED 2015), DOI: 10.1109/TED.2015.2414172.
2. Sayan Kanungo, Sanatan Chattopadhyay, Partha Sarathi Gupta and Hafizur Rahaman,
―Comparative Performance Analysis of the Dielectrically Modulated Full Gate and Short
Gate Tunnel FET based Bio-Sensors‖, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, (TED
2015), Vol.62, Issue 3, DOI:10.1109/TED.2015.2390774.
3. Manodipan Sahoo, Prasun Ghosal and, Hafizur Rahaman,―Modeling and Analysis of Cross
talk Induced Effects in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Bundle Interconnects: An ABCD
Parameter Based Approach‖, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, March 2015, Vol.14,
Issue: 2 pp. 1-16, DOI: 10.1109/TNANO.2014.2388252.
4. Debasis Mitra, Sarmishtha Ghoshal, Hafizur Rahaman, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, and
Bhargab B. Bhattacharya,―Automated Washing Schemes for Residue Removal in Digital
Microfluidic Biochips to Enhance Reliability, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of
Electronic Systems, 2015.
5. Manodipan Sahoo and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Modeling of Crosstalk Induced Effects in Copper
Based Nano-Interconnects:An ABCD Parameter Matrix Based Approach‖, Journal of
Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Vol. 24, No. 2 (2015) 1540007, World Scientific
Publishing Company, DOI: 10.1142/S0218126615400071.
6. Manodipan Sahoo,Hafizur Rahaman and Bhargab B.Bhattacharya, ―On the Suitability of
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Bundle Interconnects for High-Speed and Power Efficient
Applications‖, Journal of Low Power Electronics, American Scientific Publishers, Vol. 10,
No 3, pp. 479-494, September 2014, DOI: 10.1166/jolpe.2014.1339.
7. Manodipan Sahoo, Prasun Ghosal and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Performance Modeling and
Analysis of Carbon Nanotube Bundles for Future VLSI Circuit Applications", Journal of
Computational Electronics, Springer Publication, pp.673-688, DOI 10.1007/s10825-014-
8. Nachiketa Das, Pranab Roy, and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Detection of Crosstalk Faults in Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)‖, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series
B, Springer publication, 2014, (Accepted), (With PhD Student), (DOI:- 10.1007/s40031-
9. Nachiketa Das, Pranab Roy, and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Detection of Crosstalk Faults in Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). ‖ published in Journal of The Institution of Engineers
(India): Series B IEI(B) (Springer), vol 3(12), July 2014, pp-2250-2106
10. Bikash Sharma, Arnab Mukhopadhyay, Amretashis Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman, C. K.
Sarkar, ‗Analysis of tunneling currents in Multilayer Black Phosphorous and MoS2 non-
volatile flash memory cells‘, accepted for publication in Journal of Computational
Electronics (2015-16).
11. A. Sengupta, D. Saha, T.A. Niehaus and S. Mahapatra, ‗Effect of line defects on the
electrical transport properties of monolayer MoS2 sheet‘, IEEE Transactions on
Nanotechnology vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 51-56 (2015).

12. Amretashis Sengupta, Anuja Chanana, and Santanu Mahapatra, ‗Phonon scattering limited
performance of monolayer MoS2 and WSe2 n-MOSFET‘, AIP Advances, vol. 5, No. 2, pp.
027101 (1-9) (2015).
13. D. Saha, A. Sengupta and S. Mahapatra, 'Impact of Stone-Wales and lattice vacancy defects
on the electro-thermal transport of the free standing structure of metallic ZGNR' Journal of
Computational Electronics Volume 13, Issue 4, pp 862-871 (2014).
14. Amretashis Sengupta and Chandan Kumar Sarkar, ‗Study on Nanoparticles Embedded
Multilayer Gate Dielectric MOS Non Volatile Memory Devices‘, accepted in International
Journal of Nanotechnology – IEEE INEC Special Issue Int. J. of Nanotechnology, 2014
Vol.11, No.12, pp.1073 – 1080.
15. A. Chanana, A. Sengupta, and S. Mahapatra, ―Performance Analysis of Boron Nitride
Embedded Armchair Graphene Nanoribbon MOSFET with Stone Wales Defects‖ Journal of
Applied Physics Vol. 115, Issue 3, pp. 034501 (2014).
16. Manodipan Sahoo, Prasun Ghosal and Hafizur Rahaman, ``Performance Modeling and
Analysis of Carbon Nanotube Bundles for Future VLSI Circuit Applications”, Journal of
Computational Electronics, Springer publications, vol.13, no. 3, pp.-673-688, September
2014, DOI 10.1007/s10825-014-0587-7.

International Conference
1. Pranab Roy,Hafizur Rahaman,Parthasarathi Dasgupta, ―A layout based customized testing
technique for total microfluidic operations in Digital Microfluidic Biochips‖-Proc. of
2. Sabir Ali Mondal, Suraj Gupta and Hafizur Rahaman,―Improved supply regulation and
temperature compensated current reference circuit with low process variations‖, 19th
International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT), 2015, DOI:
3. Pranab Roy, Mriganka Chakrabarty, Aatreyi Bal, Hafizur Rahaman, Parthasarathi Dasgupta,
―Decision-based Biochips: A Novel Design for Concurrent Executionof Networked
Bioassays integrated in Scalable DMFBs‖, 6th IEEE ASQED ,2015,Kualalampur,Malaysia.
4. Pratik Dutta, Chandan Bandyopadhyay and Hafizur Rahaman, ―All Optical Implementation
of Mach-Zehnder Interferometer based Reversible Sequential Counters‖, 28th IEEE
International Conference on VLSI Design 2015, pp.232-440, IEEE CS Press.
5. Joyati Mondal, Bappaditya Mondal, Dipak kole, Hafizur Rahaman, Debesh K.Das,
―Boolean Difference Technique for Detecting All Missing Gate Faults in Reversible
Circuits‖, IEEE 18th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic
Circuits & Systems,pp.95-98, DOI 10.1109/DDECS.2015.43.
6. Sudip Ghosh, Subhojit Chatterjee, Santi P. Maity, Hafizur Rahaman, ―A New Algorithm On
Wavelet Based Robust Invisible Digital Image Watermarking for Multimedia Security‖,
IEEE EDCAV 2015, pp.191-196.
7. Pranab Roy, Tamosha Chakrabarty, Hafizur Rahaman and Parthasarathi Dasgupta,
―Multilevel homogeneous detection analyzer for medical diagnostic application in Digital
Microfluidic Biochips ―,Diagnosis of SMGF in ESOP based Reversible Logic Circuit‖, 5th
IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED 2014), pp.73-78,DOI
8. Sudip Ghosh, Arijit Biswas, Santi P. Maity and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Design of A Low
Complexity and Fast Hardware Architecture for Digital Image Watermarking in FWHT
Domain on FPGA‖, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED
2014), pp.68-72, DOI 10.1109/ISED.2014.22.
9. Eleonora Schonborn, Kamalika Datta, Robert Wille, Indranil Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman
and Rolf Drechsler , ―BDD-based Synthesis for All-optical Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
Circuits‖, 28th IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design 2015, pp.435-440(PhD
Student), IEEE CS Press. .
10. Manodipan Sahoo and Hafizur Rahaman, ― Impact of Line Resistance Variations on
Crosstalk Delay and Noise in Multilayer Graphene Nano Ribbon Interconnects‖, 5th IEEE
International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED 2014), pp.94-98, DOI
11. Bappaditya Mondal, Dipak Kumar Kole, Hafizur Rahaman and Debesh K. Das, ―Generator
for Test Set Construction of SMGF in Reversible Circuit by Boolean difference method‖,
IEEE 23rd Asian Test Symposium 2014, pp.68-73, DOI 10.1109/ATS.2014.24, (PhD
Student), IEEE CS Press.
12. Bappaditya Mondal, Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Dipak K Kole, Jimson Mathew and Hafizur
Rahaman, ―Diagnosis of SMGF in ESOP based Reversible Logic Circuit‖, 5th IEEE
International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED 2014), pp. 89-93, DOI
10.1109/ISED.2014.26, (PhD Student), IEEE CS Press.
13. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das and Hafizur Rahaman, ―A Novel GNR Interconnect
Model to Reduce Crosstalk Delay‖, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic System
Design (ISED 2014), pp. 5-9, DOI 10.1109/ISED.2014.9.
14. Pratik Dutta, Chandan Bandyopadhyay and Hafizur Rahaman, ―All optical Implementation
of Mach-Zehnder Interferometer based Reversible Sequential Circuit‖, 18th International
Symposium on VLSI Design and Test 2014 (PhD Student), IEEE CS Press.
15. Indrajit Das, Manodipan Sahoo, Pranab Roy and Hafizur Rahaman, ―A 42 uW 12 pJ/conv-
step 7.4-ENOB 40 kS/s SAR ADC for Digital Microfluidic Biochip Applications‖, 18th
International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test 2014, (PhD Student), IEEE CS Press.
16. Pratik Dutta, Chandan Bandyopadhyay and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Mach-Zehnder
Interferometer based All Optical Reversible Carry-Lookahead Adder‖, 28th IEEE Computer
Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI 2014), pp.412-417. DOI:
10.1109/ISVLSI.2014.102, (PhD Student), IEEE CS Press.
17. Surajit Kumar Roy, Payel Ghosh, Hafizur Rahaman, Chandan Giri, ―Session Based Core Test
Scheduling for 3D SOCs‖, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI 2014),
pp.196-201 DOI: 10.1109/ISVLSI.2014.61, (PhD Student), IEEE CS Press.
18. Pranab Roy, Rahaman and Parthasarathi Dasgupta, ―Optical detection in Biochips:A fuzzy based
detection analyzer for homogeneous samples in DMFBs‖, IEEE CYBER 2014. DOI:
19. Kamalika Datta, Alhaad Gokhale, Indranil Sengupta and Hafizur Rahaman, ―An ESOP based
Reversible Circuit Synthesis Flow using Simulated Annealing‖, 1 st International Doctoral
Symposium on Applied Computation and Security Systems (ACSS 2014). DOI: 10.1007/978-81-
20. Elenora Schonborn, Kamalika Datta, Robert Wille, Indranil Sengupta, Hafizur Rahaman and Rolf
Drechsler,―Optimizing DD-based Synthesis of Reversible Circuits using Negative Control Lines‖,
2014 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits &
Systems (DDECS), pp.129-134. DOI: 10.1109/DDECS.2014.6868776
21. Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman and Parthasarathi Dasgupta, ―A layout based customized testing
technique for total microfluidic operations in Digital Microfluidic Biochips‖, 2014 IEEE 17th
International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS),
pp.122-128. DOI: 10.1109/DDECS.2014.6868775
22. Sayan Kanungo, Partha Sarathi Gupta, Hafizur Rahaman, ―Effects of Germanium Mole Fraction
Variation at the Source of a Dielectrically Modulated Tunneling FET based Biosensor‖, ICDCS
2014, pp.86-90. DOI: 10.1109/ICDCSyst.2014.6926218
23. Chandan Bandyopadhyay, Hafizur Rahaman and Rolf Drechsler, ―A Cube Pairing Approach for
Synthesis of ESOP based Reversible Circuit", 44th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-
Valued Logic (ISMVL 2014), Bremen, Germany, pp.109-114. DOI: 10.1109/ISMVL.2014.27
24. Manodipan Sahoo and Hafizur Rahaman "An ABCD Parameter Based Modeling of Crosstalk Delay
and Noise in Multilayer Graphene Nano Ribbon Interconnects", 2014 IEEE International Symposium
on Circuits and Systems, Melbourne, Australia, June 1-5, 2014,pp.1138-1142. DOI:
25. Pranab Roy, Hafizur Rahaman and Parthasarathi Dasgupta, ―Automated Two Stage Detection and
Analyzer System in Multi-partitioned Digital Microfluidic Biochips", 2014 IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Melbourne, Australia, June 1-5, 2014,pp.1836-1840.
26. Sandip Bhattacharya, Subhajit Das, Debaprasad Das and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Electrical Transport in
Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnect‖, ICDCS‟14, 250-253. DOI: 10.1109/ICDCSyst.2014.6926148
27. Sabir Ali, Manodipan Sahoo and Hafizur Rahaman, ―A New Feedback Circuit Based Charge-Pump
for Wide-Range and Low-Jitter DLL suitable for PET Imaging Applications‖, ICDCS‟14,pp.137-
141. DOI: 10.1109/ICDCSyst.2014.6926125
28. Debaprasad Das, and Hafizur Rahaman , ―RF Performance Analysis of Graphene Nanoribbon
Interconnect Decision‖, IEEE TechSym 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TechSym.2014.6807923
29. Chandan Bandyopadhyay, and Hafizur Rahaman , ―Synthesis of ESOP-based Reversible Logic using
Negative Polarity Reed-Muller Form‖, IEEE TechSym 2014. DOI: 10.1109/TechSym.2014.6808062
30. Chandan Bandyopadhyay, and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Synthesis of ESOP-based Reversible Logic using
Positive Polarity Reed-Muller Form‖, Springer (ETCC 2014). DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-1817-3_36

31. Pranab Roy, Samadrita Bhattacharyya, Rupam Bhattacharya, Hafizur Rahaman and Parthasarathi
Dasgupta, ―A novel wire planning technique for optimum pin utilization in Digital Microfluidic
Biochips‖, 27th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 2014), IEEE CS Press, USA,
pp.510-515, 2014. DOI: 10.1109/VLSID.2014.95
32. Manjari Phadhan, Debesh K. Das, Chandan Giri and Hafizur Rahaman, ―Optimizing Test Time for
Core-Based 3-D Integrated Circuits by a Technique of Bi-partitioning‖, 11th East West Design & Test
Symposium (EWDTS 2013), pp.1-4.
33. Pranab Roy, Aatreyi Bal, Mahua Raha Patra, Hafizur Rahaman and Parthasarathi
Dasgupta,―Feedback based automated detection analysis in Digital Microfluidic Biochip Systems‖,
IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Embedded systems (CARE-
2013). DOI: 10.1109/CARE.2013.6733724
34. Manodipan Sahoo, Prasun Ghosal and Hafizur Rahaman, ―An ABCD Parameter Based Modeling and
Analysis of Crosstalk Induced Effects in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Bundle Interconnects‖, 27th
International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 2014), IEEE CS Press, USA, pp.433-438,
2014. DOI: 10.1109/VLSID.2014.81.


1. Manodipan Sahoo


1. Nanoelectronics and Biochips ISI Kolkata 18-19 March, 2014
2. Emerging and Post CMOS IIEST, Shibpur 16-18 June, 2014
3. Nanotechnology and Biochip IIEST, Shibpur 1-3 July, 2014
4. INUP Familiarization workshop IISc, Bangalore 22-23rd August, 2014
on Compact Modeling
2. Pranab Ray
1. Emerging and Post CMOS IIEST, Shibpur 16-18 June, 2014
6. VLSI Design Conference,2014 IIT ,Mumbai 5-9th January,2014
7. VDAT,2013 NIT,Jaipur 27-30 July,2013
8. Nanotechnology and Biochip IIEST, Shibpur 1-3 July, 2014
3. Amretashis Sengupta

1. CEFIPRA Indo-French Workshop on IISc, Bangalore 30 March -1

Emerging Trends in Electron Device April, 2015
2. International CeCAM Workshop High BCCMS), Universitat 6th – 10th
performance models of charge transport Bremen, Germany October , 2014
in large scale systems
3. INUP Compact modeling workshop IISc, Bangalore 22 - 23 August,
4. Emerging and Post CMOS Technologies IIEST, Shibpur 16-18 June, 2014
5. Nanotechnology and Biochip IIEST, Shibpur 1-4 July, 2014
4. Partha Sarathi Gupta

1. ISTE Workshop on Analog Electronics BESU, Shibpur (By IIT 4-14 June,
KGP) 2013
2. National Seminar on Research Scholars‘ BESU, Shibpur 29-30th
day January, 2014
3. Emerging and Post CMOS Technologies IIEST, Shibpur 16-18 June,
4. Nanotechnology and Biochip IIEST, Shibpur 1-3 July, 2014
5. INUP Familiarization workshop on IISc, Bangalore 22-23rd
Compact Modeling August, 2014
5.Sudip Ghosh
1. Application of Simulators in Photonics, Radio Physics, C.U. 11th – 15th
March, 2013
2. 4th ICCCT- 2013 MNNIT, India. 20/09/13 -
3. National Seminar on Research Scholars‘ BESU, Shibpur 29-30th
day January, 2014
4. Emerging and Post CMOS Technologies IIEST, Shibpur 16-18 June,
5. Nanotechnology and Biochip IIEST, Shibpur 1-3 July, 2014
6. Summer School on Fundamentals of Digital ISI Kolkata July 22-26,
Design Automation 2014

Patents / Invention Disclosure / Technology Transfer / Copyright
Patents: Budhaditya Majumdar, Sudipta Chakraborty, and Hafizur Rahaman, ―A Novel
Reusable Sub Volt Differential Amplifier Module for Use as a Preamplifier Output Stage‖,
Indian Patent Application Filed on 13th February 2013, Docket Number 170
Modernization of Academic, Laboratory :

Modernization of EDA and TCAD Laboratories under AICTE MODROBS grant

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences / Training programme organized by the
department (2014 -15)

Three days workshop on Emerging and Post-CMOS Technologies, 2014

Coordinator: Prof. Hafizur Rahaman/Dr. Chandan Giri
Sponsored by : Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP)
Venue: BESU Shibpur

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures

 Amretashis Sengupta ‗Study of next generation 2-D channel material MOSFETs
with empirical tight binding – NEGF formalism‘ at the International CeCAM
Workshop High performance models of charge transport in large scale systems, held
at Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science (BCCMS), Universitat
Bremen, Germany , 6th – 10th October 2014.
 Amretashis Sengupta, ―Semi-Empirical tight binding methods for simulation of
transition metal dichalcogenide FETs‖ at the INUP Compact modeling workshop,
held at IISc, Bangalore, 22 - 23 August, 2014.
 Amretashis Sengupta, ―2-Dimensional Channel Materials based Next Generation
Nano-scale MOS devices‖, at NIT Sikkim, 05 March, 2014.

Visitors to your Department (Indian & Foreign)

The University has been privileged to receive a good number of important visitors
both from India and abroad. Following illustrious visitors have visited the School of
VLSI Technology.

1. Dr. Kaushik Roy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, has delivered lecture on
―Beyond Charge Based Computing‖ on 11th April 2014.
2. Prof. Rolf Drechsler, University of Bremen, Germany, has delivered lecture on
―Reversible Circuits: Recent Accomplishments and Future Challenges for an Emerging
Technology‖, 16th June, 2014.

New Academic / Research Initiatives

a) Academic Collaboration: We have already research collaboration with following

1. Department Computer Science and Engineering, Duke University, Durham, USA
(Research Professor)
2. Department Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK (Royal Society Programme)
3. Department of Computer Science, University of Bremen, German (DST-DAAD
4. ACM Unit, Indian statistical Institute, Kolkata, India (DST Programme)
5. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Karagpur, India (India Chip
Programme, PhD Collaboration)
6. Department of Electronics and Communication Engg., IIT Karagpur, India (India
Chip Programme)
7. Department of Electronics and Communication Engg., IISC., Bangalore, India (India
Chip Programme)
8. Institute of Radio Physics, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India (Research
Collaboration, Clean Room Facility)
9. Department of Electronics Science, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India (Research
Collaboration, Clean Room Facility)
10. Department of Electronics and Communication Engg., National Institute of
Technology Durgapur, India (India Chip Programme, Research Collaboration)
11. Department of Electronics and Tele-communication Engg., Jadavpur University,
Kolkata (India Chip Programme, Research Collaboration)
12. Calcutta University, Kolkata (India Chip Programme, Research Collaboration)

Research Initiatives:
Initiative has been started to establish ―Centre of Excellence for Microfluidics
and Nanobiosensor Based Applications‖ in collaboration with IIT Kharagpur
and ISI Calcutta under DIT, Nanotechnology Initiative Mission

Industrial Collaboration
a) Sankalp Semiconductors
b) ARM India
c) VECC (R & D organization)

Centre of Excellence for Green Energy and
Sensor Systems

About the department

Worldwide efforts are going on for switching over to sustainable alternative /

renewable energy sources (non-polluting, non-fossil-fuel, environmentally friendly
sources now known as Green energy sources). For these purposes the University on
its own has set up a Centre of Excellence entitled ―Centre of Excellence for Green
energy and Sensor Systems (CEGESS)‖ in November, 2009. The center envisages
providing the required environment and facilities for the scientists, engineers and
technicians to work in critical R&D areas.

Research & Development:

i. Establishment of state of the art fabrication and characterization facility of
crystalline silicon solar cells.
ii. Establishment of state of the art fabrication and characterization facility of
amorphous silicon solar cells.
iii. Efficiency enhancement of c- Si, a- Si and other thin film solar cells.
iv. New generation Solar cells and systems with novel nano-materials and green
v. New methodologies of solar energy storage (including super capacitors and
Vanadium Redox Flow Type).
vi. Advanced solar photovoltaic systems for lighting and power plant
vii. Smart Micro Grid System in the IIEST Campus
viii. Sensors (including bio-sensors, gas sensors, MEMS) based on novel
materials (including quantum dots).
ix. Sensor systems. and techniques for agricultural, environmental, automobile
and healthcare applications.

Academic Programmes:
Post Graduate Level
Degree offered : M.Tech
Sanctioned students‘ intake: 15 Nos
Specialisations in Renewable Energy Science and Technology
Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme
Degree offered : PhD (Engineering / Science / Humanities & Management
Science ) :
No of Candidates enrolled : 7 Nos
No. of Candidates registered: 4 Nos
No. of Candidates awarded: 1

Faculty Position:
Faculty profile (in the following table )
Name Designation Highest Specialisation/ Contact No.
Qualifica Researh Area E-mail
Prof. H.saha BECA 1981 Ph.D Photovoltaics
Chair Professor and Sensors
and Coordinator
Prof. A.K.Barua Hony. Emeritus Ph.D, Photovoltaics
Professor D.Sc
Prof. Hony. Adjunct Ph.D Photovoltaics
R.Bhattacharya Professor and Sensors m
Prof. S.P. Gon Hony. Adjunct D.Sc Green Energy
Chaudhuri Professor (h.c) and
Prof. Bibek Hony. Adjunct Ph.D Photovoltaics
Bandyopadhyay Professor and Solar
Prof. Swapan K . Adjunct Ph.D Photovoltaics swapansumana@gmail
Datta Professor and Sensors .com
Dr. Nillohit Assistant Ph.D Nanomaterials
Mukherjee Professor and sensors
Dr. Sumita Assistant Ph.D Photovoltaics mukhopadhyay_sumita
Mukhopadhyay Professor
Dr. Avra Kundu Assistant Ph.D Photovoltaic,S avrakundu@rediffmail
Professor ensors and .com
Dr. Chandan National Solar Ph.D Photovoltaics chandanbanerjee74@g
Banerjee Science Fellow,

Awards and Laurels received by the faculty members: -

Prof. A.K.Barua

1. Acted as the Chairman of the Session on Solar Photovoltaics at the R and conclave of
MNRE held during August 5-6, 2014.
2. Appointed as Chairman of the Steering Committee (Indian side) of the Indo-UK Joint
Centre of Virtual Research on Clean Energy and as Co-chair man of the Joint Panel

Prof. H. Saha
1. Nominated as a member of the Expert Committee of DST- Senergy Enabling Research
Program, Govt of India.
2. Nominated as a member of the Research Advisory Council of NETRA-NTPC, Noida.

Dr. R. Bhattacharyya
1. Invited talk, First International Conference on Large area and Flexible
Microelectronics (ILAFM-2014), RVCE-Bangalore, 18th -20th December 2014.
Topic:‖Evolution of Macroelectronics‖
2. Key note address ,at the International E-Workshop/Conference on Computational
Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science" IWCCMP-2014 at IIIT ,Gwalior ,25-30
Nov. 2014 ,Topic:‖About Intuitive, Empirical and structured Knowledge- an experiential

Dr. Bibek Bandopadhyay

Appointments during the year
1. Distinguished Professor (Part time) : National Institute of Technology Arunachal
2. Adviser: International Institute of Energy Conservation, New Delhi Centre
3. Independent director, Board of Directors of West Bengal Green
Energy Development Corporation Ltd.
4. Member, Governing Body of the West Bengal Renewable Energy
Development Agency.

Member of Committees of International Conferences

1. Member, Technical Committee: 5thWorld Renewable Energy Technology Congress,
New Delhi, August 2014
2. Member, International Program Committee
2nd International Conference on Green Energy & Technology (ICGET), September
2014 Dhaka, Bangladesh

Editorial Assignments
- Associate editor: Solar Energy, Journal of International Solar Energy Society,
- Associate Editor: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier
- Associate Editor: International Journal of environment (Japan)

- Elsevier Publication for books
- A few International and national journals for research papers.

Membership of Committees
- Member, Board of Management, Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women,
- Member, Expert Committee, University Grants Commission
- Member of the Advisory Board: International PV Module Reliability Forum, USA
- Member: Non-Conventional Energy Section of Mechanical Engineering Division of the
Bureau of Indian Standards (earlier: Chairman)
- Member, Scientific Expert Committee on Energy for International Multilateral &
Regional S&T Program, Department of Science and Technology, GOI
- Member, Project Review Committee, Indo-UK Science Bridge Project, Department of
Science and Technology, GOI
- Member, Committee on Solar Cities, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy GOI
- Member of the National Advisory Committee of the National Centre for Photovoltaic
Research and Education, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Member, Board of studies of Amity School of Applied Sciences (ASAS) of the Amity
University Haryana
- Member, Core Team, Solar Energy Training Network (SETNET)
- Member, Committee of Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF).

Dr. Chadan Banerjee

1. Selected for PVSEC International Advisory Committee Member
2. Acted as Co-PI in the DST sponsored project, ―Development of High efficiency
Large area, n-type crystalline silicon solar cell by black silicon emitter surface having
rear surface passivation and back surface field with a-Si:H layers.‖ PI Prof. U. Ganguly
(MSIT) and Co-PI Dr. Chandan Banerjee (IIEST), Duration: 3 years, Rs. 110.00 Lakhs
Dr. Nillohit Mukherjee
Acted as a Co-PI in a CSIR sponsored project ―Metal Oxide Core-Shell
Nanostructures as Anode Material for Lithium Ion Battery", PI: Dr. Poulomi Roy,
Assistant Professor, BIT-Mesra, Co-PI: Dr. Nillohit Mukherjee, Duration: 3 Years, Rs.

1. Research area (only mention broad titles without description in detail) :

(a) Photovoltaic
(i) Fabrication of crystalline silicon solar cells
(ii) Fabrication of amorphous silicon solar cells
(iii) Efficiency enhancement of c- Si, a- Si and other thin film solar cells.
(iv) New generation Solar cells and systems with novel nano- materials and green
(v) New methodologies of solar energy storage (including super capacitors).
(vi) Advanced solar photovoltaic systems for lighting and power plant applications.
(vii) Development of Smart Microgrid System in IIEST campus

(a) Sensors
(i) Sensors (including bio-sensors, gas sensors) based on novel materials (including
quantum dots) and techniques for agricultural, environmental, automobile
and healthcare applications. Sensor systems.

Research facilities: (name specific equipment / picture, infrastructure etc)

Name of the laboratories:
Solar photovoltaic fabrication laboratory
Solar photovoltaic Characterization laboratory
Sensors design and development laboratory

Consultancy Work: Sova Power Ltd for design of special modules for solar tree
and solar boat; NKDA for supervision of tendering and subsequent
implementation engineering details for 500 KW peak Canal Top Solar Power Plant;
WBREDA for preparation of Manuals and Display Boards for Roof Top Solar
Power Plants in 100 schools in West Bengal; Roof Top Solar Power Plant policy
for KMDA as Expert in Ashden India Initiative; Oztron Energy Sergvices for
Development of Grid Smoother Interfacing Unit for Grid Feed Solar Inverter.
Support staff position:
(a) (i) Sanctioned technical post ……NIL…………
(ii) Technical staff profile (in the following table) ( All Contractual )
Name Designation Highest Contact E- mail
Qualificatio No.
Sri Animesh Senior Project L.E.E 983661059 royanimesh53@yahoo
Roy Assistant 5 .in
Sri Sarat do B.Sc (pure 923154435 Singha_sarat@rediffm
Sinha Sc.) 7
Ms. Project Assistant Dip CST 974851010 debashreesardar2008
Debashree 8
Mr. Project Assistant H.S 908834259 sushantanayak9@gma
Sushanta 4
Mr. Sandip Project Assistant B.Com 929394853
Dutta (Hons)
Sri Rittwic Project Assistant M.Sc 983642472
Majumdar 9 n
Sri Biplob Project Assistant Diploma 829620043
Saha engineer 0
Sri Sandipan Project Assistant B.Tech 908882243
Paul Electronics 6 m

Ongoing Sponsored Research / projects: (mention area)
The centre has already been awarded a number of research projects in the field of
solar energy and sensors by different funding agencies of the Govt. of India:

Research Projects Funding Sanctioned Duration

Agency Amount
Solar Photovoltaic Hub at BESU DST, , Govt. of 12.46Crores 5 years
Advanced Research on thin Film MNRE, , Govt. 14.76 Crores 5 years
Silicon Solar Cells and PV systems of India
Smart MicroGrid at IIEST WBREDA 55 lakhs 2 years
Development of Multilayer TCO DST, , Govt. of 22.928 lakhs 3 years
for High Efficiency Thin Film India
Solar Cell
High Efficiency Triple Tandem MNRE, , Govt. 96.0 Lakhs 3 years
and Heterojunction Silicon based of India
Solar Cell
Acronym: HETHSI

Realization of high efficiency DST, Govt. of 60.00 Lakh 3 years

interdigitated back-contact (IBC) India
silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar
cells with novel front structure

Industry – Institute Interaction: MOU and collaborative work with the following
Industries being continued:
(a) Sova Power Limited , Durgapur
(b) Agni Power Pvt Limited, Kolkata
(c) Synchro Electronics , kolkata
(d) Oztron Energy Systems, Australia
(f) BHEL-ASSCP, Gurgaon

Details of publications of each faculty member (2013 – 14)

Journal …31………………………
Conference …21…………
Books / Monograms ……………………………
(List to be included)

Journal Publications: (2013-2014)
1. ―Development of n-µc-SiO:H as cost effective back reflector and its application to thin
film amorphous silicon solar cells.‖, Chandan Banerjee, T Srikanth, U Basavaraju, R M
Tomy, M G Sreenivasan, K Mohanchandran, S Mukhopadhyay, A K Barua, Solar
Energy 97 (2013) 591.
2. ―Silica nanoparticles on front glass for efficiency enhancement in superstrate type
amorphous silicon solar cells‖, Sonali Das, Chandan Banerjee, Avra Kundu, Prasenjit
Dey, Hiranmay Saha, Swapan K. Datta, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46
3. ―Application of supercapacitor to power small electronic appliances‖, M Das, I.Das,
N.K.Bhattacharyya, D.Mukherjee, H.Saha, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) , 4 (2013) 28-32 .
4. ―Cathodic and anodic deposition of FeS2 thin films and their application in
electrochemical reduction and amperometric sensing of H2O2‖, Biswajit Chakraborty,
Bibhutibhushan Show, Sumanta Jana, Bibhas Chandra Mitra, Swarup Kumar Maji,
Bibhutosh Adhikary, Nillohit Mukherjee, Anup Mondal-Electrochimica Acta. 7 (2013)
5. ―Photocatalytic degradation of organic dye on porous iron sulfide film surface‖, Sanjib
Kumar Bhar, Sumanta Jana, Anup Mondal, Nillohit Mukherjee, Journal of Colloid and
Interface Science 286 (2013) 393.
6. ―A study on nanoindentation and tribological behaviour of multifunctional ZnO/PMMA
nanocomposite‖, Himel Chakraborty, Arijit Sinha, Nillohit Mukherjee, Dipa Ray,
Partha Protim Chattopadhyay, Materials Letters, 93 (2013) 137.

7. ―Design of high efficiency solar cells with lossless nanoentities atop and embedded in
silicon substrate‖, Sonali Das, Avra Kundu, Hiranmay Saha, Swapan K. Datta- Journal
of Optics, 15 (2013) 105006.

8. ―Effect of embedding silica nanoparticles and voids in the performance of c- Si solar

cells", Sonali Das, Avra Kundu, Hiranmay Saha, Swapan K. Datta, Journal of
Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 5 (2013) 031603-1-031603-11.
9. ―Enhanced optical absorption and electrical performance of silicon solar cells due to
embedding of dielectric nanoparticles and voids in the active absorber region", Sonali
Das, Avra Kundu, Hiranmay Saha, Swapan K. Datta-Journal of Modern Optics.
10. ―An analytical study on daily solar radiation data‖, Indira Karakoti, Prasun Kumar Das
and B. Bandyopadhyay, Current Science, 105, (2013) 215.
11. ―Estimation of solar radiation using a combination of Hidden Markov Model and
generalized Fuzzy model‖, Saurabh Bhardwaj, Vikrant Sharma, Smriti Srivastava, O.S.
Sastry,J.R.P. Gupta,B. Bandyopadhyay, S.S. Chandel, Solar Energy 93 (2013) 43.
12. ―Development of oxide based window and buffer layer for single junction amorphous
solar cell: Reduction of light induced degradation.‖, Gourab Das, Sourav Mandal, M.
Rajive Tomy, Chandan Banerjee, Sumita Mukhopadhyay, A.K. Barua, Materials Science in
Semiconductor Processing 24 (2014) 50.
13. ―Study of resonance energy transfer between MEH-PPV and CuFeS2 nanoparticle and
their application in energy harvesting device‖ Animesh Layek, Somnath Middya, Arka

Dey, Mrinmay Das, Joydeep Datta, Chandan Banerjee, Partha Pratim Ray, Journal of
Alloys and Compounds 613 (2014) 364.
14. ―Role of Zinc Oxide Nanomorphology on Schottky Diode Properties‖ Somnath Middya,
Animesh Layek, Arka Dey, Mrinmay Das, Joydeep Datta, Chandan Banerjee, Partha
Pratim Ray, Chemical Physics Letters 610 - 611 (2014) 39.
15. ―Tapered Silicon Nanopillars for enhanced performance thin film solar cells‖, Avra
Kundu, Sonali Das, S. M. Hossain, Swapan K. Datta, Hiranmay Saha, Energy Procedia
54 (2014) 389.
16. ―Front surface glass texturization for improved performance of amorphous silicon solar
cell‖, Sonali Das, Avra Kundu, Chandan Banerjee, Prasenjit Dey, Swapan K. Datta,
Hiranmay Saha, Physics of Semiconductor Devices Environmental Science and
Engineering (2014) 375.
17. ―Design of a High-Speed Power MOSFET Driver and Its Use in Bridge
Configuration‖, Joydip Jana, Hiranmay Saha, International Journal of Innovative
Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 3, (2014) 2347.
18. ―Modelling and simulation-based performance study of a transformerless single-stage
grid-connected photovoltaic system in Indian ambient conditions‖ A. Datta¸ G.
Bhattacharya, D. Mukherjee, and H. Saha, International journal of Ambient energy (in
press) 2014.
19. ―Selection of islanding detection methods based on multi-criteria decision analysis for
grid-connected photovoltaic system applications‖, A. Datta¸ G. Bhattacharya, D.
Mukherjee, and H. Saha, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment (in press)
20. ―Indentation and scratch behavior of functionalized MWCNT–PMMA composites at the
micro/nanoscale‖, H. Chakraborty, A Sinha, N. Mukherjee, D. Ray, P. P.
Chattopadhyay, Polymer Composites 35 (2014) 948.
21. ―Effect of annealing temperature on the morphology and sensitivity of the zinc oxide
nanorods based methane senor‖, B. Mondal, C. R. Choudhury, H. Saha, N. Mukherjee,
Acta Metallurgica Sinica 27 (2014) 593.
22. ―A Review on Amperometric Type Immunosensors Based on Screen-Printed
Electrodes‖, Kalyan Kumar Mistry, Keya Layek, Abhijit Mahapatra, Chirasree Roy
Chaudhuri and Hiranmay Saha, 139 (2014) 2289.
23.―Zinc oxide nanorods based methane senor: facile chemical synthesis and annealing
optimization‖, Biplob Mondal, Lachit Dutta, Chirosree Roy Chaudhury, Dambarudhar
Mohanta, Nillohit Mukherjee, Hiranmay Saha, Sensors & Actuators: B: Chemical
(Accepted) (2014).

24. "Palladium-silver activated ZnO surface: highly selective methane sensor at reasonably
low operating temperature", Sugato Ghosh, Chirasree RoyChaudhuri, Raghunath
Bhattacharya, Hiranmay Saha, Nillohit Mukherjee, ACS Applied Materials &
Interfaces 6 (2014) 3879.
25. ―An Efficient Technique for Controlling Power Flow in a Single-Stage Grid-Connected
Photovoltaic System‖, A. Datta¸ G. Bhattacharya, D. Mukherjee and H. Saha, Scientia
Iranica Transactions D: Electrical Engineering (2014).
26. ―Electrodeposited polymer encapsulated nickel sulphide thin films: frequency switching
material‖, S. Jana, N. Mukherjee, B. Chakraborty, B. C. Mitra, A Mondal, Applied
Surface Science 300 (2014) 154.

27. ―ZnO-SnO2 based composite type gas sensor for selective hydrogen sensing‖, B.
Mondal, B. Basumatary, J. Das, C. Roy Chaudhury, H. Saha, N. Mukherjee, Sensors
and Actuators B: Chemical 194 (2014) 389.

28. ―A comparative study on the cold field electron emission properties of cubic
nanocrystalline lead chalcogenide thin films‖, N. Mukherjee, H. Chakraborty, S. F.
Ahmed, RSC Advances 4 (2014) 5312.

29. ―Electrochemical synthesis of p-CuO thin films and development of a p-CuO/n-ZnO

heterojunction and its application as a selective gas sensor‖, Amrita Ghosh, Bibhuti
Bhushan Show, Sugato Ghosh, Nillohit Mukherjee, Gautam Bhattacharya, Swapan K.
Datta and Anup Mondal, RSC Advances 4 (2014) 51569.

30. ―Electrochemical synthesis of p-CuO thin films and development of a p-CuO/n-ZnO

thin film hetero-contact for gas sensing‖, A. Ghosh, B.B. Show, N. Mukherjee, S.K.
Datta, G. Bhattacharya, A Mondal, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, (2014) 433.

1. ―Enhancement of Performance of Crystalline and Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells

through Optical Engineering by Nanostructured Materials‖, H. Saha, Swapan K. Datta ,
Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Environmental Science and Engineering (2014) 309.

Conference Publications
1. ―Improvement of efficiency for the single junction a-Si solar cell by using n-µc-Si:H
layer as bottom n-layer‖, Gourav Das, Sourav Mandal, Rajive Tomy M, Chandan
Banerjee, Sumita Mukhopadhyay and A.K.Barua, presented in 20th West Bengal State
Science and Technology Congress - 2013, BESU, Shibpur, Howrah, February 25 –
March 2, 2013.
2. ―Development of n-µc-SiO:H as a back reflector and its application to Amorphous
Silicon Solar Cells‖, T. Srikanth, U. P. Basavaraju, Rajive Tomy M, M. G. Sreenivasan,
Chandan Banerjee, K. Mohanchandran, Sumita Mukhopadhyay, A. K. Barua, Presented
in 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France,
September 30 – October 4, 2013.

3. ―Front surface glass texturization for improved performance of amorphous silicon

solar cell‖, Sonali Das, Avra Kundu, Chandan Banerjee, Prasenjit Dey, Swapan K. Datta,
Hiranmay Saha, 17 th International Workshop on The Physics of Semiconductor Devices
(IWPSD), Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Dec 2013.
4. ―Tapered Silicon Nanopillars for enhanced performance thin film solar cells‖, Avra
Kundu, Sonali Das, S. M. Hossain, Swapan K. Datta, Hiranmay Saha, 4th International
Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER), IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Dec

5. ―A portable sensitive LPG / methane gas measuring unit‖, S. Ghosh, S. Dey, I. Das, H.
Saha, presented in 20th West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress - 2013,
BESU, Shibpur, Howrah, February 25 – March 2, 2013.

6. ―Nanoparticles for high efficiency silicon solar cells: Status and Prospects‖, Sonali
Das, Santanu Maity, Prasenjit Dey, Avra Kundu, Nillohit Mukherjee, Swapan K. Datta
and Hiranmay Saha, presented at 20th West Bengal State Science and Technology
Congress - 2013, BESU, Shibpur, Howrah, February 25 – March 2, 2013.

7. ―Nanotexturing of silicon surfaces for solar cell applications‖, Santanu Maity, Sonali
Das, Avra Kundu. Swapan K. Datta and Hiranmay Saha, presented at 20 th West Bengal
State Science and Technology Congress - 2013, BESU, Shibpur, Howrah, February 25 –
March 2, 2013.

8. ―Radial junction si-nanowire for photovoltaic applications‖, Saptaparna Dey, Sonali

Das , Avra Kundu , Swapan K. Datta and H.Saha, presented in 20 th West Bengal State
Science and Technology Congress - 2013, BESU, Shibpur, Howrah, February 25 –
March 2, 2013.

9. ―A comparative study on the optical properties of Ag and Au nanoparticles

deposited by chemical, electrochemical and physical techniques‖, Sudarshana Banerjee,

Sonali Das, Avra Kundu, Swapan K. Datta, Hiranmay Saha and Nillohit Mukherjee,
presented in 20th West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress - 2013, BESU,
Shibpur, Howrah, February 25 – March 2, 2013.

10. ―Mixture of metal and dielectric nanoparticles for improved performance of silicon
solar cell‖, Sonali Das, Prasenjit Dey, Avra Kundu, S. M. Hossain, Swapan K. Datta,
Hiranmay Saha, 4th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research
(ICAER), IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Dec 2013.

11. ―Front surface glass texturization for improved performance of amorphous silicon
solar cell‖, Sonali Das, Avra Kundu, Chandan Banerjee, Prasenjit Dey, Swapan K. Datta,
Hiranmay Saha, 17th International Workshop on The Physics of Semiconductor Devices
(IWPSD), Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, Dec 2013.

12. ―Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells with novel Fluorinated n-type Nanocrystalline
Silicon Oxide Emitters on p-type c-Si‖ Sukanta Dhar, Sourav Mandal, Gourab Das,
Chandan Banerjee, Sumita Mukhopadhyay, A. K. Barua: Presented in 6 th World
Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Kyoto, Japan, 23 rd November – 27th
November‘ 2014.
13. ―Texturization of Al:ZnO Glass Substrate by Reactive ion Etching and its application
to Single junction a-Si Solar cells‖ Gourab Das, Sourav Mandal, Sukanta Dhar, Sukanta
Bose, Arpita Jana, Sumita Mukhopadhyay, Chandan Banerjee, A.K.Barua: Presented in
6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Kyoto, Japan, 23 rd November
– 27th November‘ 2014.
14. ―Highly selective and stable methane sensor at reasonably low operating temperature‖,
Sugato Ghosh, Shalini Choudhury, Chirosree RoyChaudhuri, Raghunath Bhattacharyya,
Hiranmay Saha and Nillohit Mukherjee, In ‗National Seminar on Thin Film and MEMS
Science & Technology (NSTF & MT-14), Jadavpur University, Kolkata, March 21-22,
15. ―Effect of size on the scattering properties of silica nanoparticles‖, Sonali Das, Avra
Kundu, S. M. Hossain, Hiranmay Saha, Swapan K. Datta, 2nd International Conference
on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), IISc Bangalore, Bangalore, Dec 2014.
16. ―Development of a Low Cost and Reliable Power MOSFET Gate Driver for Bridge
Configuration‖, Joydip Jana, Hiranmay Saha, 6th IEEE Power India International
Conference, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.
17. ―Design & Implementation of MPPT Algorithm for Battery Charging with
Photovoltaic Panel Using FPGA‖, Joydip Jana, Hiranmay Saha, 6th IEEE Power India
International Conference, Delhi Technological University, Delhi.
18. ―Design and development of a portable user friendly hydrocarbon gas leak detector‖,
Sugato Ghosh, Indranil Das, Chirasree RoyChaudhuri, Hiranmay Saha, International
Conference on Advanced Materials and Energy Technology (ICAMET) 2014 December
17-19, 2014 IIEST Shibpur, Howrah, West Bengal, India.
19. ―Wet chemical etching of ZnO:Al thin film for application in the front layer of p-i-n
solar cell‖: Arpita. Jana, Sukanta Bose, Gourab Das, Jayashree Roy Sharma, Chandan
Banerjee, Sumita Mukhopadhyay, A. K. Barua, International conference on Advance
materials and energy technology (ICAMET) 17th -19th December, 2014, IIEST Shibpur,
Howrah, West Bengal, India.
20. ― Optimization of back surface field for efficient crystalline silicon solar cell‖:
Suchismita Mitra , Hemanta Ghosh , Syed Minhaz Hossain , U. Gangopadhyay ,
Swapan K. Datta and Hiranmay Saha, International Conference on Advanced Materials
and Energy Technology (ICAMET) 17th -19th December, 2014, IIEST Shibpur, Howrah,
West Bengal, India.
21. ―Antireflection and Light Trapping Properties of Reduced Graphene Oxide for
Efficiency Enhancement of ARC Coated Textured p-n Junction Crystalline Silicon
Solar Cell‖: Anupam Nandi, Dipankar Panda, Sanhita Majumder, Avra Kundu, S. M.
Hossain, S. K. Datta, Hiranmay Saha, International Conference on Advanced Materials
and Energy Technology (ICAMET) 2014 17th -19th December, 2014 IIEST Shibpur,
Howrah, West Bengal, India.

Patents / Invention Disclosure / Technology Transfer / Copyright

[1] Fabrication of n-type microcrystalline silicon oxide films for use as back
reflectors in silicon based thin film solar cells. [File No.: 1347/CHE/2013, Mar.
26, 2013]
[2] Fabrication of fluorinated n-type silicon oxide films for intermediate and
back reflector in thin film solar cells. [File No.: 3947/CHE/2013, Sep. 03, 2013]

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences / Training programme organized by

the department (2013 - 14)
(a) Two day Workshop on Roof Top Solar PV Power Plant, sponsored by
Dept of Power, Govt of West Bengal, 7-8 Feb, 2014
(b) Three Weeks Summer Training on Solar PV and Solar Thermal
Engineering, for Engineering Students, 15 June- 7th July, 2014.

Technology Developed / Innovations:

(i) 3‖x3‖ crystalline silicon solar cells with approx 15% efficiency and
its efficiency enhancement through plasmonic nano materials on
front surface
(ii) P-i-n amorphous silicon solar cells of 8-9 % efficiency and its
efficiency enhancement through plasmonic nano materials on front
/ back surface
(iii) Mobile Turbo Charger With Super Capacitor
(iv) Solar Tree with LED lighting
(v) Solar Boat for boating in Lake
(vi) Data logging and Monitoring Unit for Solar Power Plants
(vii) Gas Leak Hunter
(viii) Prototype for Manhole Gas Detector

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II : Not included in TEQIP - Phase II

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures:

Prof. A.K.Barua
Invited Lectures
1. Delivered Plenary lecture entitled ―Overview of Status Of PV Technology in
India‖ at the R and D Conclave organized by Ministry of New and Renewable
Energy at Vigyan Bhavan September 2014.
2. Delivered invited talk entitled ―Silicon based thin film solar cells: Status and
prospects‖ at the International Conference on ―Microstructural Material and
Energy Devices‖ organized by Advanced Material Centre, IIEST September 2045
3. Delivered Invited talk at the Seminar on ―Sustainability in the Core Sector‖
organized by MECON, Ranchi in September, 2014B.
4. Inaugurated and delivered key note address at the International Conference on
―Solar Energy Harvesting and Applications‖ organized by Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Kochi, February 5-7, 2015

Dr. Bibek Bandopadhyay

Invited lectures and Session Chair:

1. Invited talk: Share of renewables in India energy scenario 2030: National

Conference on Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy, New Delhi, April 2014.
2. Speaker in the Web Seminar: Role of Energy Storage Technologies for
Renewable Energy Deployment in India: USAID PACED, May 2014.
3. Talk: Why rooftop solar- key advantages, potential for India and the global
experience in the development of rooftop solar:Workshop on Large Commercial and
Industrial Consumers for development of the Rooftop Solar PV Projects, USAID-
KREDEL, Bangalore, August 2014.

4. Guest lecture: Solar resource and its assessment: Indian Institute of
Technology Jodhpur, August 2014.
5. Invited talk:Emerging energy technologies-Solar Energy: Amity University
Haryana, August 2014
6. Invited talk:Off-grid Markets-The solar + LED combine is opening up
markets that never existed before: Conference in Business of Lighting, New
7. Talk: Grid interactive solar power plants, Delhi Technological University,
December 2014.
8. Session Chair: 3rd Green Energy Summit of Indian Chamber of Commerce,
New Delhi, March 2015.

Prof. H. Saha
Invited talk:
1. Solar resource and its measurement: National Institute of Solar Energy,
January, 2014.
2. Rooftop Solar PV program in India: Legislation, regulation and
interaction:Workshop on Promotion of Rooftop Solar PV System in the State
of West Bengal, IIEST, February, 2014.
3. Invited talk: Energy Needs in India 2030: 2nd Industry – University
International Conference on Supply Chain Management, Ansal Institute of
Technology and Management Lucknow, and Clemson University, USA,
February 2014.
4. Increasing share of renewable energy, National Workshop onChallenges in
Realization of Solar and Biomass ResourcesVellore Institute of Technology:
Vellore, March 2014.
5. Challenges and realization of Renewable Power in India: CHEMBridge
National Symposium, Jadavpur University March 2014.
6. Share of renewables in India energy scenario 2030: National Conference on
Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy, April, 2014.
7. Speaker in the Web Seminar: Role of Energy Storage Technologies for
Renewable Energy Deployment in India: USAID PACE D, May, 2014
8. Why rooftop solar- key advantages, potential for India and the global
experience in the development of rooftop solar: Workshop on Large
Commercial and Industrial Consumers fordevelopment of the Rooftop Solar
PV Projects, USAID-KREDEL, Bangalore, August, 2014.
9. Guest lecture: Solar resource and its assessment: Indian Institute of
Technology Jodhpur, August, 2014.
10. Emerging energy technologies-Solar Energy: Amity University Haryana,
August, 2014.
11. Off-grid Markets-The solar + LED combine is opening up markets that never
existed before: Conference in Business of Lighting, New Delhi, and
September, 2014.

Prof. S K. Dutta

Invited Talks
1. ―Enhancement of Performance of Crystalline And Amorphous Silicon Solar
Cells through Optical Engineering by Nanostructured Materials‖ , 4th December
2013 at IWPSD
2. ―SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAICS : Current status and Future prospects‖ March
2014 at NITMAS
3. ―Fabrication and Characterization of High Efficiency Crystalline Silicon
Solar Cells and its efficiency Enhancement by metallic and dielectric Nano
structures‖, 28 June 2014 at KIIT, Bhubaneswar.
4. ―Solar Energy: Prospects and challenges‖, 19th August 2014 at Lady
Brabourne College.

Dr. Chadan Banerjee

Foreign Trip: Attended 24th PVSEC (WCPEC -6) at Kyoto, Japan for presenting a
Visitors to your Department (Indian & Foreign):
Dr. Subhendu Guha, ECD, USA
Dr. Vikram Kumar, NPL and IITD
Prof E S Raja Gopal, IIsc
Prof Satyen Deb, NREL, USA
Dr. Lachman Prasad, Ex-DST Adviser
Prof J.N.Roy, IIT KGP
Dr. A. K. Saxena, BHEL
And many others

Extension Activities and Societal outreach: Summer Training to Engineering

Students of different Engineering Colleges.
New Academic / Research Initiatives;

Academic Collaboration:
(i) SSN Institute , Chennai
(ii) IIT, KGP
(iii) IIIT, Ahmedabad
(iv) IACS, Kolkata
(v) Jadavpur University
(vi) MSIT College
(vii) ISM, Dhanbad
(viii) Chartoria University , Gujrat

Industrial Collaboration:
Sova Power Limited, Durgapur
Agni Power Pvt limited, Kolkata
Synchro Electronics, kolkata
Oztron Energy Systems, Australia

Center for Healthcare Science &

About the Department: Centre for Healthcare Science and Technology (CHST) was
established by Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur on 22.01.2010. After
conversion to IIEST Shibpur, it is proposed to be developed into a full Department. The
senate of the institution has principally agreed on this proposal.

A. Academic Programme
Undergraduate Level
Degree offered :- A Proposal for offering UG/PG course from a
Department has been prepared and placed in senate last
meeting. Approval of senate is awaited.
Additional intake through lateral entry in 3rd Semester: --

Post Graduate Level

Degree offered : Proposed to start from 2016-17 (M Tech Biomedical
M Tech (Safety and Occupational Health Engineering):
Sanctioned students‘ intake : -- 18
Additional intake through other programmes (i.e. QIP) : -- NA
Specialisations in : -- Bioinstrumentation, Biomechanics,
Biomaterials, Cancer Diagnosis, Image Processing, Stem Cell, Clinical
Microbiology, Genomics.
Doctoral & Post Doctoral Research Programme
Degree offered : PhD (Engineering)
No of Candidates enrolled : 09
No. of Candidates registered : 01

Faculty Position: All positions are of limited tenure

Specialization/ Contact No.
Name Designation Qualificatio
Research Area E-mail
Professor of
Prof Amit Roy Biomechanics,
Mechanics PhD
Chowdhury Biomaterials,
& Head,
Applied jayantakrchakraborty@
Prof. Jayanta Adjunct
PhD Mechanics,
Chakraborty Professor
Assistant Biotechnology,
Professor PhD Clinical
(contractual) Microbiology
Assistant 9733388223
Dr. Ananya Stem Cells, Cancer
Professor PhD
Barui and Regeneration
(contractual) m
(under DST
INSPIRE Biomaterials,
Dr. Pallab 9474892494
faculty award PhD Biofabrication,
[IFA12- Drug Delivery

Other Associated Faculty Members from other Departments:-

1. Prof. Ajoy Kumar Ray, Director, IIEST - Chief Patron and Adviser
2. Prof. Somnath Chakrabarti - Professor, Mechanical Engg Dept.
3. Prof. Ashoke Sutradhar - Professor, Electrical Engg Dept.
4. Prof. Jaya Sil - Professor, CST Dept
5. Prof. Netai Chandra Dey - Professor, Mining Engg Dept
6. Dr. Susanta Kumar Parui - Asso. Professor, ETC Dept.
7. Dr. Chirasree RayChaudhuri - Asst. Professor, ETC Dept.
8. Dr. Santanu Majumder - Asst. Professor, AE & AM Dept.
9. Dr. Ajit. Kr. Mahapatra, - Asso. Professor, Chemistry Dept.
10. Dr. Jayati Bhowal - Asst. Professor, SOCSAT

Other Adjunct Professors associated with Centre:-

1. Prof. T. Lazar Mathews, Advisor, DST IDP, Govt. of India.
2. Prof. S. K. Basu- Ex-Principal, Medical College, Kolkata
3. Prof. J. C. Misra- Ex-Head, Dept of Mathematics, IIT Kharagpur
4. Prof. D. N. Tibarewala- Ex-Dierctor, SBSE, Jadavpur University.
5. Prof. N. Maity- Ex- Head, Dept of Mathematics and Computer Sci., IIEST
6. Dr. K. M. Mandana- Eminent Cardiac Consulatant, Fortis Hospital, Kolkata.
7. Dr. P. Bhattacharya- Eminent Pulmonary Consultant, Kolkata.
8. Dr. Debatosh Dutta- Consulatant, Apollo Hospital. Kolkata.

Awards and Laurels:

Research Areas (only mention broad titles without description in details):

1. Cancer Biology, Bioinformatics, Drug resistance

2. Biomaterials, Bio-fabrication, Drug Delivery
3. Stem Cells, Cancer and Regeneration

Research Facilities: (name specific equipment/ picture etc.)

Lyophilizer, Multiparameter Meter, Electrospinning Equipment, Nikon Epiflorescent
Microscope, -20 degree freezer, 3D Scanner, 3D printer, Antigen Retrieval System, Uv/Vis
Microplate Reader, PCR, Refrigerated Centrifuges, Thermostat Cooling Baths, CO 2
incubator, Biosafety cabinets, Autoclaves, Fume Hood, Water purification System,
Oscilloscope, Electrical Safety Analyzer.
Cardio-pulmonary Laboratory:
Hot Air Ovens, Centrifuges
BioSafety Cabinet
AD Instruments Powerlab 8 port system & Lab Chart pro software CD
Medical equipments for validation of medical instrumentation
BPL Ultima Prime BS Cardiac monitor
Cardio-pulmonary Laboratory:
Digital Signal & Image Processing
Medical equipments for validation of medical instrumentation
Clinical Microbiology- Biochemistry- Biotechnology Lab

Name of the laboratories:

Cardio-pulmonary Laboratory:
Digital Signal & Image Processing
Medical equipments for validation of medical instrumentation
Clinical Microbiology- Biochemistry- Biotechnology Laboratory
Clinical Microbiology- Biochemistry- Biotechnology Laboratory
Cardio-pulmonary Instrumentation laboratory
Computer Laboratory
Stem Cell Regeneration and Early Cancer Imaging Laboratory
Biomaterials Laboratory Microscope

Support staff position:

Technical staff profile (in the following table):

Name Designation Status E-mail
Medical DMRT, Temporary
Pratap Chandra
Technician DMET, B. from Project
Ari Till Sept 2014
(from DST Project) Com
Amlan Samanta M.Tech. (IT)
(from DST Project)
Ripon Sarkar MSc (Micro)
Track Project)
Medha JRF (DST Fast
MSc (Genetics)
Majumdar Track Project)
Gr. D.
Sanjay Singh
(from University)

Ongoing Sponsored Research / projects: (mention area)

Ongoing (Proj Value) Sponsoring agency

Establishment of Dr. Bholanath Chakraborty Laboratory for
CCRH, Ministry of
fundamental research in Homoeopathy (Worth INR 11 Crores,
AYUSH, Govt. of India.
Translational Center on Biomaterials for Orthopedic and Dental
Applications ( COE Network Project with IISC Bangalore worth DBT, Govt. of India
INR 5 Crores, Sanctioned)
Fabrication of Bio-degradable Honey Based Scaffold for Ex-Vivo
Expansion and differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (21.45 DST (Fast Track)
Biofabrication of Bioactive Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration. (35
Biofabrication with functionalizable poly(amino acid) hydrogels
towards development of bioengineered tissue constructs and DST (Fast Track)
biocompatible medical devices (24.60Lakhs)
Enzymatic approach to control celiac disease leading to an
alternative treatment strategy DBT, Dovt of India
Co-PI: Chitrangada das Mukhopadhyay (20 Lakhs for the 1st yr)
Development of Smart Prognostic System for Early Indication of
Cardiac Problem of a Patient:
Govt. of India
PI: Prof. Ajoy Kumar Ray (37.425 Lacs)
Design and development of customized dental implants;
UGC, Govt. of India
PI: Prof. Amit Roy Chowdhary, (12.00 Lacs)
Efficacy of Silicon Microchannel Cytosensor Platform for
Electrical Profiling of Multiple Mammalian Cells Under
Intervention Towards Diagnostic and Regenerative Applications; SERB, Govt. of India
PI: Prof. Chirasree RoyChowdhuri, (54.600 Lacs)
A Biotechnological approach for rapid detection of aflatoxin in
DBT, Govt. of India
food using optical nanofibre probes

No. of Publications: (This year only)

Journal …………………………12
Conference ……………21
Books / Monograms ……………………………02

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences / Training program organized by the

department (2013 - 14)

1. One day Workshop on Recent trends in Cardiac Risk Assessment, 20th December,
2. One day International Symposium on RECENT CHALLENGES IN BIOMEDICAL
ENGINNERING , 13 January, 2015.
3. Lecture Series on Biomaterials By Prof. Bikramjit Basu, IISc Bangalore;
June 8-10 2015.
4. Lecture by Prof. H S Ranu, President American Orthopedic Association on 24 th
July 2015.
5. Potential of tele medicine technology and its application in remote India by Dr.
Amit Sengupta, Consultant, Tata Hospital, Mumbai, 24th November 2014.

Ongoing work on:

o Portable cardiac risk detector – sponsored by Dept. of Science &
Technology, Govt. of India
o Multifunction electronic blood pressure machine,
o Computerised auto-analysis of paper-based archived ECG
o Work on clinical Microbiology specially to address drug resistant bacterial
o Combinatorial therapy for celiac diseases
o Prototypes developed
i) Portable electrical biosensor for bacteria detection
ii) Wireless sensor system for health monitoring of elderly people
(field testing has started)

Advancements under TEQIP – Phase II

Foreign visits and Invited Lectures

Pallab Datta, International Conference on Biofabrication 2014, Intelligent Manufacturing
Systems Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pohang Institute of Science and
Technology, Pohang, South Korea.

Visitors to your Department ( Indian & Foreign)

1. Prof. Vladimir Blazek, RWTH Aachen, Germany.
2. Prof. T. Lazar Mathew, PSG Institute of Advance Studies.
3. Prof. Subrata Saha, SUNY Brooklyn, USA.
4. Prof. B. Basu, IISc Bangalore.
5. Prof. J. Bellare, IIT Bombay.
6. Prof. Sneh Anand, IIT Delhi.
7. Prof. H. S. Ranu, Atalanta, USA.

New Academic / Research Initiatives

Interdisciplinary course for PhD students in Biomedical Engineering introduced in
Proposals for Courses in Biomedical Engineering (UG and PG) and common or
elective courses for other department students.
Academic Collaboration
a) GNIDSR, Kolkata.
b) IISc Bangalore.
c) Collaborative research work with Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute,
Jadavpur University and Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata

Industrial Collaboration
a) Alfatek Systems, Kolkata.

Ramanujan Central Library


The Institute library has the distinction of being one of the oldest and largest
resourceful technical libraries in the eastern India. The library not only caters to the basic
information needs of faculty members, research scholars and students of this Institute but
also provides information and documentation services to researchers of neighbouring
universities and research institutes. The library provides open access services for books and
journals to its members including students.

The total collection of books is 1,41,021 as on 31 st March 2015. During this period
1,420 books were added in the collection of the library. It has a huge collection of non-
book materials, such as patents, standards, technical reports and pamphlets. The library
boasts of having a good collection of old and rare books and journals of the nineteenth

The library has already computerized its entire housekeeping operations and now
offered services through the integrated library management system – LibSys4. The library
already introduced system generated bar-coded membership card with photograph for
speedy charging and discharging of books. The library is also providing online search
facilities (WebOPAC) of its catalogue through the website of the Institute for remote access
of its database. Library is planning to upgrade its library management software and
introducing RFID technology for providing additional and better services to its members.

Services offered
 Web based library services
 Access to electronic resources
 Lending facilities
 Reading Room facilities
 Reference Services
 Digital Question Papers Access Services
 Inter Library Co-operation
 Internet searching/web browsing
 Services to Alumni and other distinguished visitors

Electronic Resources
The facilities in the Library have been significantly improved by the way of
introducing new scholarly electronic resources. The access of e-resources – ASCE Journals,

ASME Journals and IEL Online (5 simultaneous user) available through the INDEST-
AICTE consortium and American Chemical Society (ACS), American Institute of Physics
(AIP), American Physical Society (APS), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Springer‟s
LINK, T&F Journals, JSTOR and Economic and Political Weekly database through the
UGC INFONET Digital Library consortium is continued. The subscription of seven subject
collections (namely, Chemistry; Computer Science; Earth and Planetary Sciences;
Engineering; Physics and Astronomy; Materials Science; and Mathematics) of Elsevier‘s
Science Direct database is also continued. Like previous year, the library is subscribing
management science database, EBSCO Business Suite Plus.

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Training Programmes

Dr. H.P. Sharma, Joint Librarian has nominated as a member of the Board of Studies
in Bachelor of Library and Information Science programme of the Netaji Subhas Open
University, Kolkata. He also acted as a member of the Board of Reviewers of the National
Seminar on Distance Learning and Reciprocal Library Services, held in Kolkata during June
6-7, 2014.
Mr. Abani Oraon, Assistant Librarian has attended the Regional Training &
Awareness Program on J-Gate@UGC-INFONET, held at Jadavpur University, Kolkata on
16th July 2014.

Central Workshop

The Central Workshop was developed as a core facility, to carry out practical classes and
mechanical fabrication works as and when required. Down the years, the Workshop
underwent changes in character as well as in the place it occupied in the perception of the
people it was meant to serve, yet it continues to serve a large cross-section of this Institute.
A basic training in central workshops satisfies the requirement for all streams of
engineering during their first or second semester Second year mechanical engineering,
aerospace students; attend the machine shop practice class in workshop.
Workshop extends its facilities to the UG and PG students to carry out fabrication
work of their projects and research activities of PhD students.
The workshop has following well equipped shops: Machine Shop, forging & Welding Shop,
Fitting Shop, Electrical Shop, Carpentry Shop. All shops are well equipped with latest
machinery, material and equipment.
Apart from conventional machines like lathe, milling, shaper, drilling, grinding etc machine
shop under central workshop has CNC machining center, CNC Milling with ATC,
Center-less grinding Machine, Universal milling machine with retrofit. The central
workshop is headed by Superintendent of Workshop.
In the present age when science and technology form the backbone of industry, a technocrat
is expected to acquire greater level of skills and knowledge. He has to confront the
complexities of competitive manufacturing and very fast development in the design of
machinery and innovations in production methods. Engineering curriculum should therefore
conform to the above need effectively. The main purpose of an engineering workshop is to
provide the basic working knowledge of the production and the properties of different
material used in industry and to appraise the students of basics and applications of various
types of tools, equipments, machinery and techniques used in manufacturing to facilitate
shaping of these materials into useful products and components.
The central workshop should provide a good theoretical background as well as sound
practical hands on practice to a student. The objective of the central workshop is to expose
students to basics of manufacturing as it plays a direct role in improvement of quality of
human life and creating wealth for the nation. This knowledge is highly essential for
pragmatic supervision and control of productive operations in future life
It covers:
 Importance of manufacturing
 Relation between materials and manufacturing
 An overview of manufacturing processes
 Product manufacturing
 Importance of product assembly and inspection
 An overview of manufacturing planning
 Manufacturing automation and computer aided manufacturing for industry.

Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC)

About the department
The Equal Opportunity Cell(EOC) was setup vide resolution no. 06.06.01 of 6 th Executive
Council meeting held on 17.09.2009 followed by UGC guidelines to run coaching schemes
for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, OBC (non-creamy layer), Minorities, students of
Economically and Academically weaker sections of the society in order to enhance their
academic achievements for their employability and success.
EOC runs three coaching schemes i.e. (i) Remedial coaching at UG and PG level of
courses, (ii) Coaching for Entry into Services and (iii) Coaching for NET/SET/GATE.
The classes of Remedial Coaching Scheme started from October 2009 and Coaching for
Entry into the Services & NET/SET/GATE started from January 2010. At present all the
three coaching Schemes at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Level are running successfully.
The registered students under these Schemes attend classes taken by both the internal and
external faculties. Classes are held from Monday to Friday between 5 pm to 8 pm as per
schedule in the allotted classrooms except the period of examinations and vacations.
In 2014-15 sessions, Remedial Coaching classes were proposed for Spoken English,
Mathematics, Chemistry, Electronics, Engineering Drawing, Mechanics, Electronics,
Physics, C & C++ programming, Basic Electrical Engineering.
From July 2011, classes for IES (Indian Engineering Service) Examination were started for
Civil and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering students and in April-May 2012,
the Language Laboratory of the University was renovated with modern equipments.

Academic Programmes:


No. of Students registered: 33
No. of SC/ST/OBC/Minority Students registered: 15


No. of Students registered: 284
No. of SC/ST/OBC/Minority Students registered: 82


No. of Students registered: 46
No. of SC/ST/OBC/Minority Students registered: 14

Name of the laboratories:
Language Laboratory Capacity- 32 students

Support staff position:

(i) Sanctioned technical post ……3…………
(ii) Technical staff profile (in the following table)
Name Designation Highest Contact No. E- mail

SUBHASREE Part-time MCA +919830252793 Subhasree812@gm


Other Staff
Name Designation Highest Contact No. E- mail

SUPRIYA JANA Part-time Higher +918820663887 NA

Office Secondary

Ongoing Sponsored Research / projects: (mention area)

Rs. 2,45,291/- was sanctioned in 2014-15. under UGC XII Plan Scheme

Ongoing (Prof value ) Sponsoring agency

Seminar / Workshops / Conferences / Training programme organized by the

(2014 - 15)
a) GATE Coaching Classes under Metallurgy & Materials
b) Spanish Language Coaching Classes.
c) French Language Coaching Classes.
Extension Activities and Societal outreach Total activity falls in this category.

Annual Convocation

Office of the Controller of Examinations

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
(Formerly Bengal Engineering & Science University,Shibpur)
P.O :Botanic Garden, Howrah – 711 103,West Bengal, India
Telephone: (033) 2668-4561-63, 2668-0521-25, Fax: (033) 2668-0637
Webpage :

The first annual Convocation of IIEST, Shibpur was held on 4 th March 2015.
Dr.K.Radhakrishnan, Chairperson-BOG, IIEST presided over the ceremony and Professor
H.P.Khincha, former Vice Chancellor –Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum
was the Chief Guest. Total number of Degree recipients in this Convocation was 865.
Degrees and prizes have been awarded in this Convocation to a total of 425 Undergraduate
students of 10 courses, 388 postgraduate students from different courses and 52 Ph.D
Fellows who have completed their studies and passed the examinations during this period.
Institute Medals have been awarded to 35 candidates who have secured highest marks in
different disciplines. The President of India Gold Medal has been awarded to Ms. Prerana
Singhal from IT Department who secured 1 st position among the undergraduates of all ten
engineering disciplines taken together. Some endowment medals also have been awarded to
the students who have stood first in their respective disciplines or have secured highest
marks in particular subjects. Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa) awarded to Professor
Sankha Ghosh. Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) in Engineering awarded to Professor
Vikram Kumar & Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) in Science awarded to Professor
Dipankar Das Sarma.

The Institute conferred Distinguished Teacher Award to Professor Pankaj Kumar Gayen,
Professor Joydeb Sarkar & Professor Chitta Ranjan Mahata and Distinguished Alumnus
Award to Dr. Chaitanyamoy Ganguly, Dr. Ranjit Kumar Ray & Dr. Subhamay

List of Consultancy (2014 – 15)
Consultancy (2014 - 2015) for the Financial Year 2014 - 15

Sl. Dept. Name of Title of the Project Funding Duratio Total

No. Principal Agency n Amount
Investigator Sanctione
d (Rs. in
1 Electrical Ashok Kumar Technical Consultancy on Indo Nabin One 3.2809
Maitra Electrical Equipment, Indo Projects Time
Nabin Projects Limited Limited,
2 Civil Sudip Kumar Renovation, Rehabilitation Burdwan 2 Months 4.8000
Roy and Strengthening of Old Development
Arched Masonry Bridge over Authority
river Bankra at Birhata on
G.T. Road Burdwan
3 Civil Saibal Kumar Relationship as Advisor Saroj Infracon 1 Year 1.1236
Ghosh Pvt. Ltd.
4 Civil Tapas Kumar Structural Vetting for the Haldia 1 Year 5.0243
Roy work "Construction of Development
Maharaja Nandakumar Authority
Mahavidyalaya at Bhabanipur
Purba Medinipur"
5 Civil Ambarish Proof Checking of Launching Larsen & 6 Months 1.1236
Ghosh Scheme of Bhatpara ROB & Toubro Ltd.,
POT PTFE bearing of KMDA Construction,
Project Infrastructure IC
6 Civil Arun Kumar Vetting for Civil Design and Sinha & 3 Months 0.5056
Chakraborty Drawings for Abutment of Associates
Bailey Bridge (Package for (Engineers &
Koraput District, Odisha) Design
7 Civil Aparna (Dey) Training Programme for PWD Road and 8 Days 0.3000
Ghosh Engineers - Module 2 & 3 Building
8 Civil Aparna (Dey) Training Programme for PWD Road and 4 Days 0.1500
Ghosh Engineers - Module 1 Building
9 Civil Aparna (Dey) Vetting of Design & Drawing Effluent & 1 Month 1.0112
Ghosh of Arsenic cum Iron Removal Watertreatment
Plant (AIRP) Engineers (P)
10 AE&AM Amit Roy Vibration Analysis of Cooling Paharpur 3 Months 0.7500
Chowdhury, Towers Cooling Towers
Santanu Ltd.
Majumder &
Niloy Khutia
11 Civil Ambarish Soil Investigation for the South 24 6 Months 5.4495
Ghosh Proposed Construction of G+9 Parganas
Storied Building for Mother Division, Social
and Child Hub in the Sector, P.W.
Compound of Canning Sub- Dte., Govt. of
Division Hospital in the West Bengal
District of South 24 Parganas
12 Civil Saibal Kumar Vetting of RCC Box under E.E. PWD 4 Weeks 1.1236
Ghosh B.G. Mainline at Dunlop Kolkata North

13 Civil Ambarish Soil Exploration Work at HIT Howrah 6 Months 1.8000
Ghosh Scheme No. VI, Holding Improvement
No.144, 144/3, 145/1, 146, Trust
146/1, 146/2, 147(P),
Naskarpara Road, Ghusuri,
Salkia, Howrah for the work:-
Construction of Old Age
14 Civil Tapas Kumar Quality testing of road works PWD, Govt. of 7 Days 1.4200
Roy and Pritam under Alipore Division, PWD West Bengal
15 Civil Prabir Kumar Certification on probable Sova Ispat Ltd. 3 Days 1.1236
Paul future damage of Sova Ispat
Plant in Ardhagram Coal
Block due to under ground
mining based on of subsidence
prediction study report of
16 Civil Saibal Kumar Scaffolding Design for T G Petron 6 Months 3.3708
Ghosh Deck Engineering
17 Civil Arun Kumar Consultancy for compressive Rajarhat IT Park 3 Months 0.2247
Chakraborty strength testing of cylinder Ltd. (A Bharti
concrete core specimens Enterprise)
18 Civil Ambarish Study on the river bank Nilima Vinimay 6 Months 2.8090
Ghosh protection adjoining the Pvt. Ltd.
proposaed construction of
multistoried building at 99/1
Dr. Abani Dutta Road,
19 Civil Saibal Kumar Vetting of Structural Design Genesis 6 Weeks 2.2472
Ghosh for Bldg at Durgapur Infrastructure
20 Civil Ambarish Design, engineering, Larsen & 2.5 Years 56.1800
Ghosh procurement, construction and Toubro Ltd.,
completion of 7.4 km, 2(two) Construction,
lane elevated road between Infrastructure IC
Jinjira bazar and Batanagar on
Budge Budge Trunk Road in
Kolkata along with the
widening of the existing 2
(two) lane road by addition of
two lanes on both sides of the
elevated fly - over through
construction of an at grade
road and construction of a 1.5
m foothpath at the side of at
grade roads - Proposal for
veeting of detail design of
road, substructure and
21 Civil Ambarish Soil Exploration Work at Howrah 6 Months 3.6517
Ghosh Premises No. 117, G.T. Road, Improvement
Salkia, Howrah Trust
22 Civil Ambarish Soil Exploration Work at Howrah 6 Months 1.6292
Ghosh Premises No. 128, G.T. Road, Improvement
Salkia, Howrah Trust
23 Civil Ambarish Soil Exploration Work at the Howrah 6 Months 0.7500
Ghosh junction Belilious Road and Improvement
Narasingha dutta Road in Trust
connection with the laying of
1400 mm dia. Sewer

24 Civil Tapas Kumar Vetting of estimate, design & Haldia 2 Months 5.4220
Roy drawing for the work Development
"Construction of Authority
Muktamancha in front of
BDO Office, Mahishadal
25 Civil Tapas Kumar Technical vetting of structural Moyna College 1 Month 2.2500
Roy design and estimate of four
storied classroom building of
Moyna College
26 Civil Saibal Kumar Consultancy for Transformer CESC, Kolkata 3 Months 2.2472
Ghosh Foundation in Kolkata
27 Civil Saibal Kumar Third Party Consultancy of Gangadhar 6 Months 1.2360
Ghosh Paving Block at Haldia Bera, Haldia
28 Civil Ambarish Soil Exploration work for Executive 3 Months 1.3000
Ghosh Proposed Construction of a Engineer, 24
new Government English Parganas North
Medium School in Matikole Division,
area under South Dum Dum PW(C.B.)DTE,
Municipality GOWB
29 Civil Ambarish Analysis of Murram samples Larsen & 1 Month 0.3071
Ghosh (four nos.) for road subgrade Toubro Ltd.,
construction Construction,
Infrastructure IC
30 Civil Saibal Kumar Vetting of Quantification Sikaria Mega 2 Weeks 6.7416
Ghosh work for Tripura Food Park Food Park (P)
31 Civil Sujit Kumar Rebound Hammer Teston 6 Supreme 1 Month 0.5618
Dalui nos. location of RCC Elevated Infrastructure
Reservoir at Mukundapur India Ltd.
32 Civil Ambarish Vetting of design and drawing Traders & 6 Months 0.4000
Ghosh for the civil structural works Engineers Pvt.
for "RCC Intake Structure Ltd.
under Bhadreswar
33 Civil Ambarish Analysis of field CBR Kolkata Port 2 Months 0.1685
Ghosh Trust, Govt. of
34 Civil Ambarish Reviewing Vetting of design Traders & 6 Months 0.2500
Ghosh and drawing for the civil Engineers Pvt.
structural works for "Design Ltd.
and Installation of 6th heavy
duty 6 KV HT Pump-Motor
Set with suction and delivery
pipeline and allied works at
raw water Pumping station
35 Civil Sudip Kumar Vetting of Estimates of Road Rajarhat Time to 1.3598
Roy, Tapas Work under Rajarhat Gopalpur time
Kumar Roy & Gopalpur Municipality Municipality
36 Civil Saibal Kumar Design of Compressor IOCL, Haldia 6 Months 1.1236
Ghosh Foundation at Haldia for
37 Civil Sudip Kumar Safety Consultancy Services National 2 Years 118.2000
Roy, Sandip during Development and Highways
Chakraborty, Construction Phase of NH-34: Authority of
Tapas Kumar for Project (i) Barasat - India
Roy & Pritam Krishnagar Section from km
Saha 31.000 to 115.000 (84 km)
and (ii) Krisnnagar -
Baharampore Section from km
115.000 to 193.000 (78 km)
38 Civil Saibal Kumar Vetting of Gems and Jwellery Skyscraper 6 Months 7.5281
Ghosh Park at Domjur, Howrah Projects Pvt.

39 Mining Netai Chandra Analysis and Interpretation of Cuprum 1 Month 1.1236

Dey & Pratik Stress Cell and Extensometer Bagrodia Ltd.
Datta Data Collected at Sharda (CBL)
Highwall Project of South
Eastern Coalfields Ltd.
40 Civil Sudip Kumar Chandrapura - Bhandaridah - Ram Kripal 1.5 Year 21.8708
Roy Phusro Railway Crossing - Singh
Kathara - Gomia Road in Construction
Jharkhand: Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
Services for Safety
41 Civil Sudip Kumar Roughness Survey from C.E. Testing 1 Month 0.6742
Roy Jinzira Bazar to Batanagar on Company Pvt.
Budge Budge Truck Road Ltd.
42 Civil Saibal Kumar Vetting of OHR under D.C. Rakshit & 1 Week 0.2809
Ghosh Bhadreswar Municipality Co., Kolkata
43 Civil Ambarish Review on the Structural Haldia Energy 6 Months 6.1798
Ghosh Safety of River Crossing Limited
Transmission Tower across
River Hooghly pertaining to
400KV Double Circuit
Transmission Line
44 IIPC Ashok Kumar Technical Inspection of DRV Conveyor & 5 Years 1.8539
Maitra Passenger Ropeway at Ropeway
Darjeeling Services Pvt.
45 Civil Sudip Kumar Evaluation of Granular Mix Jalnidhi 2 Months 0.2247
Roy & Tapas with RBI 81 Bitumen
Kumar Roy Specialties Pvt.
46 Civil Saibal Kumar Health Monitoring of Visa Power 3 Months 5.0562
Ghosh Chimney at Raigarh Limited,
47 Mining Pratik Dutta Geotechnical Consultancy for Mahananda 1 Month 0.5625
Panchayat Jhora Landslide Construction
Zone Co.
48 Civil Saibal Kumar Health Monitoring of Four BIL Infratech 4 Week 0.5618
Ghosh RCC Column in Sagar Limited,
49 Civil Ambarish Checking of design of VTMS Kolkata Port 6 Months 0.8989
Ghosh Tower at Dadanpatra Trust, Govt. of
50 Civil Ambarish Reviewing Soil Report and Traders & 6 Months 0.7500
Ghosh Vetting of Design & Drawing Engineers Pvt.
for the Civil Structural works Ltd.
for Design and Construction
of 3.0 MG Semi-Underground
Pumping Station at Senpally,
Behala, Ward No. 129
51 Electrical Ashok Kumar Technical Vetting of Talgachhari-I 5 Years 0.3371
Maitra Estimates of Electrical Gram
Schemes, Talgachhari-I Gram Panchayat,
Panchayat Purba
52 Civil Gautam Carrying out Slope Stability MECON 40 Days 1.0112
Bhattacharya Analysis for Dyke of Tailing LIMITED -
Pond of Odisha Mining Ranchi, (A
Corporation (OMC) at South Govt. of India
Kaliapani, Jajpur, Odisha for Enterprise)

53 Civil Sudip Kumar Pavement Soil Investigation, Sumit 2 Months 0.7528
Roy Pavement Material Consultancy
Investigation, Speed & Delay Services
Survey for Improvement and
Widening of NH-44 in the
State of Tripura
54 Metallur Sukumar Kundu Identification of Non-metallic Shilpa Alloys 2 Days 0.0200
gy inclusions in Hadfield Pvt. Ltd.
Manganese Steel
55 Civil Saibal Kumar Vetting of G+8 Building at Hollyhock Co- 3 Months 2.0225
Ghosh Salt Lake operative
Housing Society
56 Civil Saibal Kumar Investigation for failure of Balmer Lawrie 4 Week 1.1236
Ghosh roofing system …… & Co. Ltd.,
57 Civil Sujit Kumar Analysis of materials and Mahishadal Raj 1.5 0.3938
Dalui Design Mix of Multi-Storeyed College Months
Class Room Building of
Mahishadal Raj College
58 Civil Saibal Kumar Vetting of Design for 4 Partha Das & 2 Weeks 0.5618
Ghosh Storied Buildings for Kolkata Associates,
Police Kolkata
59 Civil Sudip Kumar Design of Pavement of Habra- Executive 2 Months 7.5000
Roy Kumra Road and Naihati Jirat Engineer,
Road Barasat
Division -
II.P.W. (Roads)
60 Civil Ambarish Independent Assessment of Ruby General 3 Months 1.5730
Ghosh effect of vibration, emanating Hospital Ltd.
from installation of Sheet
Piles using a vibro-sinker at
Premises No. 576, Anandapur
Plot 1-18 Sector 9-J under
EKADPPS, Anandapur,
Kolkata - 700107, on the
adjoining structures and
providing guidance to the
construction team
61 Civil Ambarish Soil Exploration Work at three Howrah 9 Months 5.9000
Ghosh Plots of HIT, Howrah Improvement
62 Civil Ambarish Feasibility of acceptance of Bridge and Roof 3 Months 0.8000
Ghosh test result of Dynamic load Co. (India) Ltd.
test instead of static load test
for routine load test of
1000/800 mm diameter cast in
situ bored piles at Sabang,
Paschim Medinipur
63 Civil Arun Kumar Consultancy assignment for Webcon 6 Months 0.3034
Chakraborty conducting Non Destructive Consulting
Test towards Stability analysis (India) Ltd.
for various R.C.C. structural
components for DPC's of Jute
Corporation of India Ltd.
64 Civil Saibal Kumar Health Monitoring & Vetting Ninjas 3 Months 3.3708
Ghosh of 3 MSC Buildings Consultancy &
65 Civil Sujit Kumar Analysis of Concrete Mix KCC Buildcon 2.5 1.4607
Dalui Design for Strengthening and Pvt. Ltd. Months
Widening of SH-6

66 Civil Ambarish Soil Exploration Work for Prabhu 3 Months 0.9500
Ghosh Proposed Construction of G+5 Jagabandhu
storied building at Prabhu College,
Jagabandhu College, Jhorehat, Educational
Andul-Muuri Institute
67 Mining Suranjan Sinha Scientific evaluation of Mine MOIL Limited 8.5 2.2800
& Gopal Closure Plan with reference to Months
Chandra Roy sustainable development
framework of Government of
India for Dongri Buzurg Mine
68 Civil Ashis Kumar Analysis of Glass Fibre Sardip 1 Month 0.3000
Bera & Consulting
Ambarish Engineers
69 Civil Ambarish Vetting of Drawing of 4 lane IL & FS 9 Months 15.7304
Ghosh, Sudip Elevated Corridor along Kazi Infrastructure
Kumar Roy & Nazrul Avenue (VIP Road) Development
Santanu Bhanja from Kestopur to Jora Mandir Corporation
70 Civil Ambarish Pre tender design advisory ITD 6 Months 5.6180
Ghosh, Sudip consultancy for "Design and Cementation
Kumar Roy , construction of 578 m long India Limited
Sujit Kumar Theng tunnel including
Dalui & Prabir geological investigation and
Kumar Paul studies, design of tunnel and
construction of tunnel proper
including Civil as well as
Electrical/Mechanical works
along with approaches at KM
86.9 on Gangtok-Chungthang
road under project Swastik in
Sikkim state
71 Civil Tapas Kumar Vetting of Plan and Estimate Vivekananda 3 Months 1.4607
Roy of the proposed PG Building Mission

72 Civil Ashis Kumar Analysis of Bottom Ash and NTPC-SAIL 6 Months 1.3483
Bera Steel Plant Slag Material in Power Company
Ash Dyke as substitute of Private Limited

73 Civil Saibal Kumar Structural Stability of Nabadiganta 3 Months 5.6180

Ghosh Administrative Building of Industrial
NITA Township
74 Civil Aparna (Dey) Vetting of Design & Drawing Effluent & 1 Week 0.3371
Ghosh of Arsenic cum Iron Removal Watertreatment
Plant (AIRP) Engineers (P)
75 Civil Ambarish Soil Exploration and The Executive 6 Months 8.2135
Ghosh Surveying Work at five Sites Engineer,
of Burdwan Burdwan
Division, P.W.
(CB) Directt.
Surya Nagar,
P.O. Sripally,
Dist. Burdwan –

76 Civil Ambarish Soil Exploration Work in The Chief 6 Months 2.8500
Ghosh connection with the breach of Engineer
closure work on the left bank (West),
of river New Cossye at Garh Irrigation &
Purosottampur within Waterways
Panskura Municipal area, Directorate,
District Purba Medinipur Govt. of W.B.
77 Civil Ambarish Geotechnical Investigation for Highway 6 Months 37.9105
Ghosh the Contraction of Proposed Survey Division
RCC Bridge over River Bidya - I.P.W. (Roads)
connecting Godkhali and Directorate,
Gosaba Bazar in the District Bhabani
of South 24 Parganas, against Bhawan,
vide Memo No. 742, dated Kolkata -
17.12.2013 700027, Govt.
of W.B.
78 Civil Sudip Kumar Traffic Study for proposed Executive 2 Months 2.6000
Roy elevated connector between Engineer,
Belghoria Expressway and Highway
Kalyani Expressway …… Survey Division
NH-34. - I.P.W. (Roads)
79 Civil Ambarish Geotechnical Investigation for Highway 6 Months 3.5000
Ghosh the Construction of Proposed Survey Division
Elevated connector between - I.P.W. (Roads)
Belgharia Expressway and Directorate,
Kalyani Expressway to bypass Bhabani
Barasat Town for North Bhawan,
Bengal bound Traffic of Kolkata -
NH34 700027, Govt.
of W.B.
Total 404.8287

List of ongoing Projects (2014 – 15)

List of Projects (2014 - 2015) for the financial Year 2014 - 15

Sl. Dept. Name of Title of the Project Funding Durati Total

No. Principal Agency on Amount
Investigator Sanctione
d (Rs. in
1 Physics Sampad A Biotechnological DBT - GOI 3 Years 43.0460
Mukherjee approach for rapid
detection of aflatoxin in
food using optical
nanofibre probes
2 Chemistry Mrinal K. Bera Synthetic studies towards DST-SERB 3 Years 54.6200
structurally complex,
synthetically challenging
vibsane type diterpenoids
via a RCM based common
3 Chemistry Chinmoy Preparation and DST-WB 3 Years 10.8253
Bhattacharya characterizations of binary
and ternary metal sulphide
semiconductors for
applications in
photoelectrochemical H2
production from water
4 Mathematics Tapan Kumar Transmission Dynamics CSIR 3 Years 14.4858
Kar and Spread of Infectious
Diseases: Modelling,
Prediction and Control
5 HRM Manas Kumar NRDC-IIEST-Innovation National 1 Year 6.0000
Sanyal Facilitation Centre Research (Likely
(NRDC-IIEST-IFC) Development to be
Corporation (An continu
Enterprise of ed)
6 Chemistry Manas Roy Graphene and its SERB-DST 3 Years 24.8000
composite as solar sponge
for water - splitting
7 Electrical Paramita Development of Nano- Central Power 2 Years 78.0900
Chattopadhyay structures - transformer oil Research +1
nano-fluids for Institute (CPRI), Year
improvement of thermal Ministry of (Extn.)
and insulating properties Power, Govt. of
8 Chemistry Sudip Kumar Development and CSIR 3 Years 6.6950
Chattopadhyay Application of the Theory
of Dynamical Systems to
Problems in Condensed
9 CEGESS Hiranmoy Saha Smart Micro GRID at WEBREDA 2 Years 55.0000
10 Civil Anirban Gupta Demonstration of United Nations 6 10.0004
Integrated Fluorosis Children's Fund Months
Mitigation Approaches in (UNICEF)

11 CHST Pallab Datta Biofabrication with SERB (FTYS- 3 Years 24.6000
Functionalizable Poly ES)
(Amino Acid) Hydrogels
Towards Development of
Bioengineered Tissue
Constructs and
biocompatible Medical
12 Chemistry Papu Biswas UGC Raman Post Doctoral UGC 1 Year 22.8684
Fellowship 2014-15
13 Electrical Mainak Analytical and SERB 3 Years 36.0470
Sengupta Experimental
Investigations on Control
of State-of-The-Art
Induction Heating Units
14 Chemistry Bibhutosh Studies on Sulfur-Bonded CSIR 3 Years 13.5360
Adhikary Lanthanide Complexes
and Nano-Structured
Lanthanide Sulfides
Derived from them:
Structural Spectroscopic
and Magnetic Properties
15 MNDSMSE N.R. Synthesis of mixed metal The Institute of 1 Year 1.5000
Bandyopadhyay oxides by high energy ball Engineers
milling for their (India), Kolkata
application as
photocatalyst for waste-
water treatment
16 Chemistry Debabani Interactions of Intrinsicaly DBT - 5 Years 88.0000
Ganguly Disordered Proteins: A Ramalingaswam
Physics-Based Approach i Fellowship
17 Chemistry Chinmoy Development of n-type SERB 3 Years 55.0000
Bhattacharya scheelite type
semiconductors (like
BiVO4, InVO4, PbMoO4,
CaWO4, Pb2CrO5) using
the principle of scanning
microscopy (SECM) for
identification of suitable
dopants and cocatalysts for
enhancement of
18 ETC Chirasree Multiple Wireless Sensor DST 2 Years 23.0730
Roychaudhuri System for Monitoring
Health Status of Elderly
People - Prototype
Development and Field
19 AE&AM Nityananda Design and development The Institute of 1 Year 1.0000
Nandi of an automated rice Engineers
transplanter (India), Kolkata
20 Chemistry Ajit Kumar Enzymatic approach to Dept. of 1 Year 14.6180
Mahapatra control celiac disease Biotechnology
leading to an alternative
treatment strategy
21 Chemistry Bibhutosh Morphologically-tuned DST 3 Year 23.0000
Adhikary ternary and
heteropolymetallic sulfide
nanomaterials: Synthesis,
structural characterization
and catalytic activities
22 Mining Pratik Dutta CBM Reserves Estimation Ministry of 3 Years 763.1200
for Indian Coalfields Coal, Govt. of

23 Mathematics Binayak Developing Fixed Point DST (West 3 Years 8.8374
Samadder Theory and Fixed Point Bengal)
Choudhury Methods in Apllied
Total 1378.7623

Name of Amount
Financia Funding Duratio
Sl. No. Dept. Principal Title of the Project Sanction
l Year Agency n
Investigator ed (Rs. in
Short Term Course
2014- on Electro CESC
1 IIPC Debjani Ganguly 6 Days 1.7500
2015 Technology for Ltd.

Total 1.7500


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