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Some of the key takeaways from the document include the importance of communication during difficult times, embracing downtime for self-reflection, and bridging social distances while physically apart.

The publisher anticipates that after the crisis there will be a better understanding of how effective communication is important for public health and society. Businesses may also raise their standards for communication.

Advice being shared includes exercising daily, having a routine, eating in moderation, limiting social media/alarmist news, and being kind to oneself and others.

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APRIL 2020


APRIL 2020
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Today, in the face of this invisible invasion of our health and well-being, and the economic
and social consequences that flow therefrom, I have nothing. This event is so immense and
challenging that it should humble the arrogant and silence the bloviators. Will it? Not a
chance. Pundits and politicians and celebrities of all stripes have no shame and, generally
speaking, are too shallow to understand their limitations.

I can be shallow, too, but I do know when I am out of my depth. So, I am going to use
the rest of this space to reflect back to you what you are telling me, in hundreds of
much-appreciated emails, letters, phone calls, social messages and the like.

Here is what you are saying or, at least, what I am hearing:

WORK IS WORSHIP. For creative people, the legendary Massimo Vignelli once said,
“work is worship.” Many of you ascribe to this view. You are using this strange interregnum
productively and mindfully — for your company and for your clients — to prepare for
the opportunities of the rebound to come. This includes rethinking your internal practices
and promotional efforts and, importantly, communicating with customers about their
GORDON KAYE IS THE needs for now and for what comes next.
Comments, suggestions and letters REMOTE WORKING. I get my news and entertainment on a transistor radio, so you
can be sent to gkaye @ can imagine how steep the learning curve has been. Yet, I have trial-and-errored my way
to a viable stay-at-home solution. The vast majority of you see working remotely as the
right decision today, and you’re committed to enhancing and expanding the practice
“I am the master of my fate,
going forward. This means more technological infrastructure and improved methods of
the captain of my soul.” collaboration; however, you worry about the loss of personal contact and what that will
So goes the classic poem mean to creativity.

Invictus. I wake up most HEALTHY MIND AND BODY. Maintaining a healthy mindset, and body to match, is high
on your agenda. You are sharing tons of good advice about daily exercise, structured
mornings confident in the
routines, moderate eating and drinking. About limiting social media, avoiding “slit your
belief that my destiny is in wrist” alarmist media outlets, and being kind to yourselves and one another.
my control. It is a comforting SOCIAL DISTANCE DOES NOT MEAN ISOLATION. You are highly aware of the ironies
and constructive way to inherent to this situation. There is unity in being apart. Social distance does not mean
behaving distantly. The design community is outdoing itself in bridging the distance —
frame my existence. I know
sharing thoughts, ideas, experiences, and connections. And what a community you are:
deep down — we all know — humor, empathy and resilience abound.
that the control-your-destiny THE VALUE OF COMMUNICATION. Communication and information during this
thing is part truth and part crisis has been spotty. When this mess is over, there will be a clear understanding that
effective and responsive communication is central to public health, yes, but more
illusion, but it works most of
broadly, to the success of our entire complex and dynamic society. You are uniquely
the time. This sense of positioned to raise the bar because great graphic design means distilling the essence
control empowers me to write of things. This is an uplifting way to think about how valuable your contribution is —
can be, will be — in the aftermath.
these columns in GDUSA
EMBRACING THE DOWNTIME. For some of you, this is a moment to take personal
on the premise I that might
inventory, reassess who and what is important to you, catch up on long-delayed projects,
have something, at least and spend time with loved ones. This is largely a positive experience, but it can be a
marginally, relevant or double-edged sword. Several of you noted that calls to divorce lawyers are rising; a fact-
check confirms this to be true.
influential to say about the
GRATITUDE. You are grateful to the health workers, first responders, and essential
latest this or that.
services workers who are keeping us safe, fighting the good fight and reminding us that
we are better together. They provide an example that you respect and aspire to: hope
leads to action, and action to hope.
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April 20 TOC-STAFFBOX_SEPT 07 TOC/Staff 4/1/20 7:05 PM Page 4


San Francisco confronts ageism head on with a campaign by
Most Likely To; Chicago’s Adler Planetarium launches a visual
identity that makes space for everyone; Siegel+Gale gives
Bristol Myers Squibb a hand; Elmwood and BIC disrupt heavily
gendered razor category; K-Y lubricant puts female sexual
enjoyment first; geek culture inspires SYFY network horror and
fantasy editorial brand; DesignStudio sparks a new look for
largest video game maker; poster series celebrates Oscar winners
and runners up; Pantone Color of Year is prescient in its appeal
for calm and stability in a tumultuous world; and more.

Matt Delbridge of creative studio Gretel on how to young
designers can cope with the challenges of their first job; Josh
Kelly of Fine urges us to give up the gimmicks and stop designing
websites like its 1999; and Diane Domeyer of The Creative
Group with some thoughts on how to hold onto your top talent.

Last edition, we featured our annual Students-to-Watch
selections. This time we offer GDUSA’s favorite schools and
programs, a few dozen institutions that excel in teaching the
hard and soft skills necessary for success, in nurturing talent
and expanding minds, and in preparing the next generation of
creative professionals to build a dream career in the real world.


A showcase of 300 winning pieces from talented design firms,
agencies and inhouse departments. Even in the best of times —
and these are hardly that — makers, marketers, designers,
and sellers are challenged as never before to convey the
message, tell the story, advance the brand, bend the decision.
Think distraction, fragmentation, information overload, media
clutter, economic dislocation, retail disruption. Our 57th
anniversary American Package Design Awards™ celebrates
beauty, of course, but more importantly, the power of design to
forge an emotional link with the buyer at the moment of truth.
Always important, but now and throughout the recovery to
come, more so than ever.

GDUSA - Graphic Design USA Volume 57 / Number 2 March/April 2020

Kaye Publishing Corporation (ISSN0274-7499/USPS227020). Published 6 To learn more about the meaningful messages and offers in
times a year with combined issues in January/February, March/April,
May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December. Executive, this edition, please view the advertisements and connect with
editorial and advertising offices at 89 Fifth Avenue, Suite 901, New York these important suppliers and services.
NY 10003. Phone: 212.696.4380, Fax: 212.696.4564,
SUBSCRIPTION: Domestic, $72 one year. International, $140 one year.
Periodicals postage paid at New York NY and additional mailing office.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GDUSA - Graphic Design USA,
PO Box 3072, Langhorne PA 19047. Permit #224. WWW.GDUSA.COM
april20ads_Layout 1 4/1/20 6:58 PM Page 5
April 20 TOC-STAFFBOX_SEPT 07 TOC/Staff 4/1/20 7:06 PM Page 6

Neenah is, once again, the exclusive sponsor of our annual American Package Design
Awards™. For us, this is an honor. Neenah partners with some of the most prestigious
and forward-thinking global brands to create custom packaging solutions designed

to build brand equity. Whether it’s readymade papers or one-of-a-kind custom pack-
Gordon Kaye
aging solutions, Neenah offers products that enable brands to create an emotional Publisher

connection engaging customers both visually and through touch. Neenah’s best- ART & PRODUCTION
Ilana Greenberg
in-class service and substrate expertise will help you differentiate your retail packaging Creative Director

at shelf, and make that coveted connection with your customers. And, on the critical Charlotte Kaye
Production Director
issue of sustainability: “Brands searching for sustainable packaging options and
folding board papers will be pleased to find Neenah’s offering filled with color, texture, Jay Lewis
Jeff Rosenberg
quality, strength, and sustainability. Neenah is proud to be a partner in the sustainable Photographer

creative process, providing the products and services — the solutions — to help ADMINISTRATION &
bring packaging visions to life and transform eco-ideas into results.” Althea Edwards
Circulation & Reader Services

Visit for inspiration, information and to order samples. Jennifer Hoff
Scott Sczcypiorski
Internet Services

Angelo Abbondante
Accounts Manager
Part of a series of nostalgic packaging designs for EDITORIAL

HipCityVeg by Philadelphia’s Cohere creative agency. Gordon Kaye

It’s an image that makes us smile and anticipate a
summer filled with open restaurants, comfort food, Sasha Kaye-Walsh
and fun. Our 57th anniversary package design awards Associate Editor

showcase starts at PAGE 37. Julia Imershein

Assistant Editor

Milton L. Kaye

Ron Andriani
Executive VP, Integrated
Marketing + Business
COVER PAPER CREDIT: The cover of this special edition of GDUSA is printed on FSC-certified Kallima Coated Cover
Gordon Kaye
C2S, part of the Kallima Paper family of FSC-certified coated cover paperboard, manufactured by the Tembec Paper Group. Publisher
A leading advocate of sustainability, Kallima has a distinct low-density high-bulk construction resulting in less trees used and 212.696.4380
significant cost savings to the customer. Contact: and 1.800.411.7011 gkaye @


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W I T H P R I D E A N D PA S S I O N ,
Mar 2020 FRESH Impo_feb news play 4/1/20 6:48 PM Page 10


SAN FRANCISCO CA The San Francisco Department for Disability

and Aging Services has introduced its first-ever — and one of the
nation’s first and largest — anti-ageism campaigns. The creative is built
around five old/young faces, each in multiple digital and outdoor for-
mats. The old eyes we see are those of actual San Franciscans whose
passion, leadership, creativity, courage or intelligence is profiled on
the campaign website. The five younger faces were cast simply for
physical likeness. It is advertising agency Most Likely To’s first work for
the new client. A budget of $300K is going to social media; physical,
hanging public space banners; giant wallscapes; digital display at
commuter train stations: and bus tails and bus shelter advertising. The
initial goal is to increase awareness of ageism, specifically among the
“transitional” middle-aged. The target is San Francisco workers, age 30
to 50, who, at the younger end, are just gaining the economic clout
to practice ageism, sometimes unknowingly, and at the older end, just
starting to be its victims. This is the first part of a two-part campaign,
whose overall goal is to increase use of the department’s services.
Agency credits go to: Trent Farr, ECD/CW; Mark Butorac, CD/AD; Joseph
Newfield, Strategy Director; Noël McKenzie-Johnson, Account Director;
Joshua Dowden, Web Developer; and Laura Lindow, Print Production.
Peter Samuels is the Photographer and Farmuse did the Casting.

10 G D U S A
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Mar 2020 FRESH Impo_feb news play 4/1/20 6:49 PM Page 12


NEW YORK NY Elmwood New York has created the brand identity for BIC’s Made for YOU, an Amazon Exclusive. The
product is described as an affordable, high-quality razor system that is unisex. The design consultancy was brought on to
help disrupt the heavily gendered razor system category. The project includes the brand’s positioning and personality to
its name and verbal expression to its visual identity and packaging. When Made for YOU became an Amazon Exclusive,
Elmwood also created branded communications to support the launch. Executive Creative Director Meg Beckum said: “It
was interesting for us to think about what happens when you create a unisex razor. What does it look like, what is its story
and how do you craft language for it in a non-gendered world?” The big idea for Elmwood was “the raw truth” — stripping
back the stereotypes and marketing clichés, and giving it to consumers straight. “It’s a refreshing attitude in a world
where we have grandiose stories floating around about razors,” adds Beckum. This belief led the agency to land on the name
Made for YOU by BIC, and to use a simple package design. Elmwood began as a local agency in 1977 and now has offices
in New York, Leeds, London, Singapore and Melbourne. In addition to Beckum, credits go to Director of Strategy Camilla
Crane; Senior Account Director Marci Gentile; Account Manager Daniela Sabler; Design Director Amelia Cheung; Designers
Dee Dalencour, Bruno Nesci and Mindy Gellman; and the ARTHOUSE creative agency.

12 G D U S A
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Mar 2020 FRESH Impo_feb news play 4/1/20 6:49 PM Page 14


CHICAGO IL The Adler Planetarium has a new logo and brand. Developed
by Pause for Thought and The Change Project — New York NY and San
Francisco CA-based, respectively — the visual identity is the culmination
of a multi-year transformation aimed at making science more accessible
to the community. The logo takes cues from the sky in multiple ways,
including a warm yellow color — bright, cheerful, optimistic, like the Sun.
“Early on in the process we established that the logo should not include
the dome,” says Janice Pedley, creative director of Pause for Thought.
“Although it’s an iconic building, the mission is much bigger than the sky
shows inside.” The Adler reaches the community through STEM programs,
neighborhood skywatching events, online citizen science, and other out-
reach efforts. “We suggested this extensive programming reach could be
expressed through the metaphor of an orbit of influence, with Adler at the
center.” Photography showcases the human experience and illustration
has a part, too, with the whole Adler team jumping in. “We co-created
the ‘Adlerverse’, a collection of hand drawn stars and doodles from the
staff and volunteers that is now featured throughout the identity system,”
explains Pedley. “With over a hundred submissions, the Adlerverse is an
authentic expression of the whole organization and a celebration of the
community.” Of the project, Kelli Peterson, founder of The Change Project,
observers: “Ryu Mizuno, vice president of marketing at the Adler, came
to us with a true story of transformation. It’s one thing to say you want
to connect your entire community to the sky and it’s another to have the
ability to do it. The programming inside the Planetarium and deep into
the Chicago neighborhoods is like no other.” Michelle Larson is CEO of
the Adler Planetarium. and

14 G D U S A
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HOLLYWOOD CA The eighth annual Oscar Pop! poster

series celebrated the best picture — Bong Joon Ho’s
Parasite — and the other nominees in the 92nd Academy
Awards. The posters draw inspiration from world-famous
pop artists — selected to serve as an influence for the
designs ranging from contemporary to classic, and chaotic
to minimalist — and each design is a retelling of the
movie. For example, regarding Parasite, designer Nicole
Dai explains: “It is a dark comedy-thriller about rich and
poor families. This poster is inspired by Saul Bass’s sim-
ple but symbolic movie poster designs that transformed
the visuals of film advertising. Among the numerous
motifs used in the movie, I picked the staircases that
appear almost every few minutes to represent the posi-
tions of the two families and the gap between the rich and
the poor...” The posters features photos, vectors, textures
and illustrations from Shutterstock’s collection of images.

Pictured (Top Left): Jojo Rabbit inspired by Yayoi Kusama and designed by
Thanh Nguyen; (Center Column Top to Bottom): 1917 inspired by David
Carson and designed by JC Moreno; Joker inspired by Daniel Norris and
designed by Jackalyne Castillo; The Irishman inspired by Thierry Guetta and
designed by Alex Bodin; Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood inspired by
David Hockney designed by Ian Calleja (Right Column Top to Bottom):
Parasite inspired by Saul Bass and designed by Nicole Dai; Little Women
inspired by Pauline Boty and designed by Alex Clem; Marriage Story inspired
by Robert Indiana and designed by Flo Lau; Ford v Ferrari inspired by Takashi
Murakami and designed by Alice Lee

16 G D U S A
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Mar 2020 FRESH Impo_feb news play 4/1/20 6:50 PM Page 18


CARLSTADT NJ The 2020 Pantone Color of the Year is “a timeless and enduring blue hue, PANTONE 19-4052 Classic
Blue. Suggestive of the sky at dusk (and selected before the pandemic showed its face) the reassuring qualities of the
shade highlight our desire for a dependable and stable foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era.”
For the past two decades, Pantone has picked a color that it expects will influence product development and purchasing
decisions in graphic design, fashion and home furnishings. Pantone Color Institute Executive Director Leatrice Eiseman
comments: “Imbued with a deep resonance, Classic Blue provides an anchoring foundation. A boundless blue evocative
of the vast and infinite evening sky, Classic Blue encourages us to look beyond the obvious to expand our thinking; challenging
us to think more deeply, increase our perspective and open the flow of communication.” Adds Vice President Laurie
Pressman: “The Pantone Color of the Year highlights the relationship between trends in color and what is taking place in our
global culture at a moment in time, a color that reflects what individuals feel they need that color can hope to answer.
As society continues to recognize color as a critical form of communication, and a way to express and affect ideas and
emotions, designers and brands should feel inspired to use color to engage and connect.”

18 G D U S A
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Mar 2020 FRESH Impo_feb news play 4/1/20 6:50 PM Page 20


NEW YORK NY SYFY has unveiled its rebrand for SYFY WIRE, an editorial
brand for fans of sci-fi, fantasy and horror. Led by network executives
including SVP Head of Creative Jeff Blackman, VP Design Calvin Chu
and Design Director Ariel Frost, the redesign is a collaboration with New
York-based creative studio BLOCK & TACKLE. B&T was tasked with
reinterpreting the SYFY Master Brand into a distinctive visual identity,
using the mantra “We’re obsessed too,” as a driving force. Drawing on
various aspects of sci-fi/horror/fantasy culture, and knowing the importance
of genre fandom to the brand, B&T’s Partners and Creative Directors
Adam Gault and Ted Kotsaftis infused the designs with classic comic
aesthetics — and a fan-made feel. Explains Gault: “It was important
that the new identity capture the excitement and obsessiveness of geek
culture ... We developed a system that reworked the fonts, graphic devices,
and colors from the SYFY master brand into a new, more expressive
identity for WIRE.” The system touches on all aspects of the brand,
including on-air packaging, website, social, and podcast designs, event
signage, merchandising, and brand awareness. Its first unveiling was,
naturally, for fans at New York Comic Con last Fall. Asked about their
favorite aspects of the new visual identity, Ted Kotsaftis pointed out the
new SYFY WIRE sticker: “The system of playfully placed SYFY WIRE
logo stickers we developed was originally inspired by the ‘mark of
authenticity’ stickers placed on collectible comic books.” Gault adds:
“Vintage comics provided the inspiration for both the punchy-yet-
slightly-desaturated color palettes and the functional comic POWs used
throughout the identity. Our idea was to foster a ‘fan-made' feel.”

20 G D U S A
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Mar 2020 FRESH Impo_feb news play 4/1/20 6:51 PM Page 22


NEW YORK NY Design Bridge New York has created branding and
package design for K-Y lubricant that proudly puts female comfort and
sexual enjoyment first. The ruby, a symbol of female sexual power, is at
the heart of the new brand identity, and it transforms across touchpoints
to speak to different forms of sexual pleasure. Claire Parker, Executive
Creative Director at Design Bridge explains: “We’ve loaded the brand
with meaning and brought a sensuality and confidence to it that was
lacking before.” Adds Design Director Jess Marie: “Women everywhere
still struggle to have their voices heard, and the bedroom is no exception.
KY has been making women physically more comfortable for decades, so
we were really excited to help women feel more emotionally comfortable
and confident in fulfilling their desires.” On pack, bespoke typography
and iconography presents playful, conversational messaging about each
product, intended to help women find the right product for them. The color
palette has also been refined to improve navigation of the range, and the
deep ruby red — a colour that universally represents love and passion —
is now used consistently across the brand. Says Jess Marie: “Through
the new brand, packaging and tone of voice, we’ve turned a medical-
looking lubricant — that was often associated with female problems —
into a trusted lifestyle brand that women are proud to purchase.” Bruno
Funari is Senior Brand Manager at K-Y.

22 G D U S A
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Mar 2020 FRESH Impo_feb news play 4/1/20 6:51 PM Page 24



3. Good Work is Built on a Strong Idea: Your work is only as

good as the idea behind it. Good work can’t stand on aesthetic
merit alone, it needs resonant insights that contain a kernel of
truth people can connect with. Finding that kernel is often the
hardest part of the job and is the foundation for creating work
that is memorable. Each new project is an opportunity to learn
about the communities that will be interacting with your work.
Do your homework and ask lots of questions to try to put yourself
in the shoes of the audience. This will help you unlock the tone
you want to strike and the big idea behind that. Always ask if you
can communicate the true intention of the work with clarity, in
a memorable way and if the visual output levels up to that.

4. You Learn By Doing (A Lot): The best teacher is experience.

The only way to master your craft is by giving yourself the oppor-
tunity to learn by creating as much as you can. Chase the oppor-
tunities that will give you the skills and experience to make the
work you want to make. Identify the parts of the job that are
difficult for you and run towards the projects that make you
Starting your first job in design can be a
nervous and excited. Don’t be afraid to raise your hand for new
daunting prospect for any graduate. Here is challenges. You can learn a tremendous amount from collaborat-
some advice on how to shine in your new role. ing with friends and clients outside of work. It can give you the
opportunity to hone formal and informal communication skills
1. Be a Sponge: Design is embedded in and in communication and try on different hats. You can’t always choose the projects
with the world around us, so it’s important to absorb ideas and you’re given at work. Taking on personal or freelance projects
conversations happening in the world at large. Always stay curious will also build your portfolio to show what you’re passions.
and find bits of knowledge and inspiration wherever they may
be. Whether that comes from film, books, articles, music, talks or 5. Design is a Collaborative Medium: We are communicators by
travel. Opening yourself up to these inputs will make you a more trade and that extends to the way we work. Always be open to
multidisciplinary thinker and equip you with skills to attack dif- new ideas and remember not to be precious about what you make.
ferent kinds of problems with clarity. Each new project requires Being collaborative and a pleasure to work with will go a long
you to become an expert in the topic and understand the com- way. That doesn't mean you should be passive. Learn the com-
munities and people that will be interacting with what you make. munication skills to speak up for your ideas in a way that others
As designers, we act as a translator between the needs of the can see what you do. Being a good collaborator extends to the way
client and the world at large. To do this well, we need to equip we think about the work itself. At Gretel, we have a boutique
ourselves with the ideas and references that can lead to cut- footprint with global output and we think of ourselves as systems
through creativity and strong work. thinkers who consider how a design system will manifest over the
course of its lifetime. We try to create systems that will make future
2. You Will Make Mistakes: Be prepared to make lots of mis- work more impactful and efficient. By doing this, we can think
takes. It’s totally natural to be disappointed and frustrated in what about the work as a collaboration even after we leave the project.
you’re making at first. Ira Glass talks about the gap between We want the work to be something people within the organiza-
your taste level and the level of work you’re able to put out when tion will feel proud of while cutting through the noise externally.
you’re first starting out. This gap is normal for all creative people
and it may take longer to bridge this gap than you want. The Developing the skills to understand this as a younger creative
important thing is to stick with it and continue to take risks. You’ll will open doors and expand the way you think about your role.
have plenty of hard reviews and long nights, but these experiences
will teach you more than any success will. Always be looking for MATT DELBRIDGE, Associate Creative Director at creative studio Gretel, has
what these challenges can teach you and don’t lose sight of what worked with clients such as Google, the New York Times, Nike and Amazon during
drew you to this field in the first place. We’re fortunate to work his career. He offers his advice on how to shine in your first job as a designer.

in a creative field. Have fun and work hard, the rest will follow.

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| 2020 |

In the January/February 2020 print magazine, which kicked off our 57th year of
publishing, GDUSA released its annual Students To Watch roundup. Now we’ve
compiled a list of our favorite institutions that prepare students to work in profes-
sional graphic design, based on a mix of objective and subjective factors, including
our own decades long relationships with designers, students, recruiters, educators.
The list is alphabetical. The reach is national. The theme is practical. Education
is more important than ever as the lines between the studio and the classroom, the
office and the academy, the university and society, continue to blur.

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ACADEMY OF ART UNIVERSITY a strong portfolio of work as a result of their overall experience
SAN FRANCISCO CA and education.

Academy of Art University, founded in 1929, is America’s largest

private accredited art and design university. The school offers a
unique professional environment in classes taught by working
professionals, and there are 30 distinct areas of study to choose Founded in 1918, Ball State University is a research-intensive,
from both online and on campus. Students are challenged to residential university in Muncie IN. The art-making facilities in the
reach their full potential in an atmosphere of support and deep School of Art at Ball State are competitive with the best in the
collaboration, and the institution strives to instill in its students the country, and faculty and staff are active nationally and interna-
highest ethical standards of personal and professional integrity. tionally as artists, creators, scholars and designers. With roughly
Flexible online degree programs are available in most areas of 600 students, our NASAD accredited programs (BA, BS, BFA,
study, including graphic design. Located at the intersection of art MFA) cover a broad range of opportunities, including Visual Com-
and commerce, the Graphic Design program integrates practice, munication (Graphic Design), Animation, Painting, Drawing,
theory and inquiry while refining and encouraging innovation, Printmaking, Sculpture, Photography, Ceramics, Glass, Metals,
critical thinking, visual literacy, and conceptual problem solving. Intermedia, Graphic Arts Management, Art History, and Art Edu-
Students learn to influence marketing strategies, raise awareness cation. In our Visual Communication BFA students receive a rig-
of critical issues, and facilitate cultural change. The Academy of orous interdisciplinary education focused on cultural awareness
Art University offers a BFA and MFA in Graphic Design as well as and real-world work expectations. The Visual Communication
an AA degree and Certificate program. program also provides an opportunity to enroll in an award-winning
student-run design studio and to collaborate on local, regional,
ARTCENTER COLLEGE OF DESIGN national, and international design projects.
ArtCenter College of Design is an international leader in art and
design education. ArtCenter offers 11 undergraduate and seven
graduate degrees in a wide variety of industrial design disciplines, Founded in 1907, California College of the Arts (CCA) educates
as well as visual and applied arts. Programs include Advertising, students to shape culture and society through the practice and
Graphic Design, Graduate Graphic Design and Graduate Media critical study of art, architecture, design, and writing. Benefitting
Design Practices. In addition to its top-ranked academic programs, from its San Francisco Bay Area location, the college prepares
the College also serves members of the Greater Los Angeles region students for lifelong creative work by cultivating innovation, com-
through a highly regarded series of year-round educational programs munity engagement, and social and environmental responsibility.
for all ages and levels of experience. Renowned for both its ties CCA offers a rich curriculum of 22 undergraduate and 11 grad-
to the industry and social impact initiatives, ArtCenter is the first uate programs in art, architecture, design, and writing taught by
design school to receive the United Nations’ Non-Governmental a faculty of expert practitioners. Attracting promising students
Organization (NGO) status. Throughout the College’s long and from across the nation and around the world, CCA is one of the
storied history, its alumni have had a profound impact on popular 10 most diverse colleges in the US. Design at CCA is dedicated to
culture, the way we live and important issues in our society. conceptual exploration alongside practice-based problem solving. We teach students to become leaders in the field by emphasizing
collaborative studio work, creative risk-taking, and elegant design
AUBURN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE, solutions that engage with pressing social issues.
The Graphic Design Program at Auburn University prepares stu-
dents to practice visual communication in a competitive global CalArts is a highly regarded private art college near Los Angeles
environment. Auburn’s nationally regarded BFA is NASAD accred- CA. The program in Graphic Design offers both a BFA and MFA
ited and concentrates on interactive design and mobile design, degree, with courses in web and interface design; motion graphics;
user experience design, strategic branding, typography, publication print and publication design; branding, identity, and type design;
design, packaging, illustration and image-making, and fine arts. as well as in design history and education. The curriculum empha-
Students receive hands-on design instruction in a professional sizes both practical and conceptual skills. Throughout its history,
studio environment with a strong sense of community among stu- the graphic design program has been home to prestigious design
dents and faculty. Courses emphasize a systemic approach to educators and has produced influential graduates, garnering a
design by incorporating cross-disciplinary collaborations and reputation for boundary-pushing visual experimentation and aca-
train students to become versatile designers and art directors. demic rigor. Students create a body of work that is uniquely theirs,
The program hosts exhibitions, design symposiums, and guest preparing them to carve an independent path into design practice.
lectures by industry leaders, and the internship program provides
real-world experience and opportunities to network. Students build

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CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DESIGN and live on the landmark Saarinen-designed campus, which fea-
PITTSBURGH PA tures private studios, state-of-the art workshops, a renowned Art
Museum, and 300 acres of forests, lakes, and streams, all a short
Carnegie Mellon’s School of Design is one of the oldest and most
drive from Detroit. The focus at Cranbrook is on studio practice in
respected programs, with a rich history in Product Design, Com-
one of ten disciplines: Architecture, 2D and 3D Design, Ceramics,
munication Design, Interaction and Service Design. It is one of the
Fiber, Metalsmithing, Painting, Photography, Print Media, and
only leading programs to offer design degrees at the undergraduate,
Sculpture. The program is anchored by celebrated Artists-and
graduate and doctoral levels within a multi-disciplinary, multi-
Designers-in-Residence, one for each discipline, all of whom live
cultural research university. Graduates are employed by Whirlpool,
and practice on campus alongside our students.
Volkswagen/Audi, Motorola, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook,
Skype, Pinterest, IDEO, R/GA, Isobar, the Mayo Clinic, and the
Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, to name a few.
DePaul University’s BFA in Graphic Design prepares students to
Located in the heart of Detroit and integrated into its cultural
communicate to diverse audiences through a wide range of design
life, CCS educates artists and designers to be leaders in the creative
practices, integrating emerging media and contemporary tech-
professions. A private, fully accredited college, the school enrolls
nologies including typography, digital/interaction design, branding,
more than 1,400 students pursuing BFA and MFA degrees. It also
illustration, motion graphics, package design, programming, and
offers non-credit courses through its Continuing and Precollege
digital fabrication. Chicago’s vibrant design community provides an
Studies programs and opportunities for youth through its Com-
array of opportunities for collaboration, networking, and professional
munity Arts Partnerships programs. Graphic design studies
internships, which are also supported by our Design Internship
strengthen students’ design and research skills, and develop their
Program. Our award-winning faculty oversee a host of initiatives,
ability to use a variety of media in creating engaging communi-
design labs, and research programs that foster student learning,
cations. The program focuses on design planning/strategy, branding
engagement, and community. And students lead their own initia-
systems, interaction design, motion graphics design, publication
tives as well, including our AIGA student chapter, maker space and
design, environmental design, advertising design and experience
digital fabrication studio. Design-related study abroad programs
in Japan and Scandinavia provide our students with a global con-
text for their practice.
The School of Art at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of MEDIA ARTS & DESIGN
Science and Art has a mission to educate artists in the broadest PHILADELPHIA PA
sense, both as creative practitioners engaged with a wide range Drexel University’s Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts &
of disciplines in the visual arts and as enlightened citizens of Design offers seventeen undergraduate programs, nine graduate
the world who are prepared to question and transform society. degree programs, and one PhD program, all of which are predom-
The program is structured around an integrated curriculum that inantly studio based. The College maintains an award-winning
fosters connections between disciplines, as well as between tra- faculty of industry practitioners who emphasize the use of the
ditional and new media. The Foundation Program consists of a latest technologies. The Graphic Design program prepares stu-
series of prerequisite courses taken during the first year and is dents to inform, persuade and entertain through the creative use
intended to prepare students for studies in all of the disciplines of word and image, offering a balance of traditional and technical
offered. Following the completion of the Foundation Program, artistic studies. Graphic Design students learn to conceptualize,
disciplines offered are graphic design, drawing, film and video, design and produce visual communication in books, magazines,
painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture. Students may posters, ads, packaging, websites, interactive media, information
choose to focus their work in one or more areas of specialization systems, exhibition design, motion and many other forms of media.
and are encouraged to follow an integrated approach. The graphic Students use this work to develop an expansive portfolio, which,
design curriculum includes courses on typography, web design, along with six-month co-op experiences, prepares them for suc-
game design, information design, motion graphics and more. cessful employment after graduation.



Cranbrook Academy of Art is the nation’s leading graduate-only The Communication Design Pathways Department’s mission is
program in architecture, design and fine art including, of course, coupled with that of the School of Art and Design to educate the
graphic design. Each year, just 75 students are invited to study next generation of creative, socially-responsible, and globally-

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relevant professionals able to succeed in the broad spectrum of and competencies in visual communication through cross-curric-
art and design fields. The department challenges students to ular experiences in the areas of 2D, 3D, print, digital, motion,
create new and valuable ideas through innovation, collaboration, and interactive design.
and experimentation. Within the Department, the Graphic Design
BFA is an intensive, professionally oriented course of study. JEFFERSON GRAPHIC DESIGN COMMUNICATION
Courses are taught by working design professionals, industry PHILADELPHIA PA
leaders and members of the ADC, TDC, AIGA, and SPD. Study
The mission of the Graphic Design Communication program at
abroad, internship and networking opportunities along with the
Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University)
senior thesis project and a juried design exhibition develop a well-
is to cultivate design strategists with an innovative spirit and
rounded designer with a strong portfolio. Marianne Klimchuk is
superior critical thinking skills applicable to a diversity of human
Communications Design Pathway Chair.
needs. Consistent with Jefferson’s overall mission to provide pro-
fessional training with a rigorous Liberal Arts and Business core,
the Graphic Design Communication curriculum fosters an appre-
ciation for design as a cultural craft with a relevant historical
background and a rapidly evolving future that includes multiple
disciplines. The program seeks to develop students who can con-
Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies (SCS) has tribute intelligently and responsibly at a global level to further
introduced an online Masters in Design Management & Communi- the common good. The program is conceptually-based as we
cations to its award-winning portfolio of professional communi- firmly believe that a designers’ highest value is to be able to
cations programs. The program welcomes students across a generate ideas — that a designers’ intellectual property is his/her
broad spectrum of disciplines — from graphic designers to ana- creative capital. The curriculum embraces design thinking and
lytical problem-solvers — with the goal of exploring a holistic strategic planning as a powerful strategic tool to be used to help
approach to design management. Led by faculty who are both solve problems in society and business. Student work is regularly
industry experts and seasoned academics, the program’s rigorous recognized regularly recognized by competitions, exhibitions and
courses provide students with a rich and relevant learning envi- publications.
ronment. Students graduate with not only a well-rounded under-
standing of the challenges of the design process, but also the KANSAS CITY ART INSTITUTE (KCAI) GRAPHIC DESIGN
confidence to lead. The program’s focus on design thinking KANSAS CITY MO
methodology extends beyond the world of graphic or web design The Kansas City Art Institute (KCAI) is a college of art and design
and into a comprehensive practice of iteration, brainstorming, awarding the B.F.A. degree in 13 majors. The school recruits top
and problem-solving that is as applicable at the drafting table as talent from across the country and equips them with a versatile
it is in the boardroom. Leveraging SCS’s existing wellspring of ex- skill set and the fearlessness to pursue their craft. KCAI’s Graphic
pertise in professional communications, the Master’s in Design Design department takes a wide-ranging view of the possibilities
Management & Communications benefits from the strength of for visual communication, introducing students to the principles
sister programs in Public Relations & Corporate Communications, of print, interaction, motion, environment, experience, informa-
Journalism, Global Strategic Communications, and Integrated tion, and advocacy. The approach to design problems can best
Marketing Communications. be described as exploratory, systematic, and transmedia. KCAI
recognizes the complexity of contemporary design and seeks to
HOWARD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ART foster critical and surprising responses through a rigorous
WASHINGTON DC process of research, thinking, form-making, and connection to
Howard is a leading research university based in Washington DC. various external communities.
Guided by an extraordinary cadre of faculty, students are immersed
in cutting-edge scholarship and innovation. The Department of KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL
Art is committed to graduating socially conscious professional OF ART AND DESIGN
artists/designers and scholars. Empowered by their knowledge KENNESAW GA
of the arts, humanities, sciences and digital technologies, gradu- Graphic Communications, with more than 200 majors, is the
ates are prepared to serve society on a local, national, and global largest program in the College of the Arts at Kennesaw State
level. The primary goal is to present a multifaceted educational University. This vigorous, progressive program supports students
program that distinguishes itself as “unique and advantaged” by in advancing their technical and creative skills while visual liter-
offering a professional visual arts degree program enriched by acy and technology serve as the foundation. Students embody
academic support from University-wide departments. Emphasis competencies and relevance for a multicultural, global market-
is placed upon creative instruction from a multicultural perspec- place. The School of Art and Design (SOAAD) offers students chal-
tive and recognition of the dynamic reciprocity of art and life. lenging and exciting degrees including the BFA in Art, the BFA
The Design Program aims to develop a range of knowledge, skills in Digital Animation, the BS in Art Education, the BA in Art History

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and the BAT degree in Apparel Textiles Technology. SOAAD and ganizations. The IDS program was developed in consultation with
the City of Atlanta are a powerful combination providing educa- industry leaders; it is a part-time and completely online degree.
tion and networking opportunities that launch careers into both
the local and international creative industry. SOAAD is accredited
Established in 1918, Otis College of Art and Design was the first
independent professional school of art in Los Angeles and has
MICA envisions a just, sustainable, and joyful world activated become a national leader in art and design education. The BFA
and enriched by designers who are valued for their leadership Communications Arts program includes areas of emphasis in
and imagination. MICA officials state: “Our program empowers Graphic Design and Illustration. Graphic design students research
students to make the world they imagine through a sequence of and conceive projects that combine images and typography to
required courses and broad-ranging electives. We see graphic convey specific ideas. Illustration students develop strong per-
design as a comprehensive activity of visual problem solving in sonal style and image-making skills in a variety of media. The MFA
commercial, social, public, and political spheres. Designers forge Graphic Design program is a 14-month, LA-based, student, faculty,
creative, purposeful lives and careers in a diverse and changing and research collective of designers investigating the issues of
world. Graphic Design graduates shape culture, flourish through our day. Otis Alumni and faculty are Fulbright, MacArthur, and
collaboration, embrace difference and champion equity, and Guggenheim grant recipients, Academy Award recipients, legendary
invent through thoughtful disruption. Graphic Designers strive for costume designers, leaders of contemporary art movements,
excellence and rigor, act with intent and critical appraisal, and entrepreneurs, and designers at Apple, Abercrombie & Fitch,
exemplify resilience, passion, and conviction.” Pixar, DreamWorks, Mattel, Nike, and Disney, among others. Otis
College is also home to the influential Otis Report on the Creative
MIAMI AD SCHOOL @ PORTFOLIO CENTER Economy, which chronicles the power and reach of creative indus-
ATLANTA GA tries in California and its regions.

Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center is a graduate-level design

and advertising school whose mission is to prepare students for
creative practice and leadership. Believing in the importance of
ideas and innovation, students learn to render content with real Based in New York but active around the world, The New School's
meaning and to create fresh solutions which contribute to our cul- Parsons School of Design offers undergraduate and graduate pro-
ture. Students use new and emerging media as well as traditional grams in the full spectrum of design disciplines. Parsons’ five
media to communicate. The Center offers full time, intensive, schools, which encompass 32 rigorous undergraduate, associates
two-year programs; students graduate with a certificate in Design, and graduate degree programs, offer options for both focused
Art Direction, Copywriting. Additionally, through a collaboration training and interdisciplinary study. The School of Art, Media, and
with Furman University, it offers a Master of Arts in Strategic Design Technology embodies the frisson between art and design, with
(MA-SDG); and bootcamps in Social Media and Strategic Plan- programs in Communication Design, Data Visualization, Design
ning. Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center is a member of Miami and Technology, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Illustration and Pho-
Ad School’s global network of 15 schools. tography. An AAS in Graphic Design goes beyond basic technical knowledge to provide a more complete design education for
those wishing to change their careers or build their portfolio. The
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY program investigates up-to-the-minute tools and trends of the
SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES trade, including web design, while providing a solid foundation in
CHICAGO IL traditional practices and concepts.

The nationally renowned Northwestern University School of Pro-

fessional Studies has an extensive offering of online master’s de-
grees and certificate programs, and this includes an online
Master of Science in Information Design and Strategy (IDS). The PCAD, a fully accredited art college in Lancaster PA, believes
IDS program teaches students how to translate information and graphic design provides a means to communicate powerfully and
data into meaningful visual forms, narratives and interfaces. This effectively through images and typography. In the graphic design
interdisciplinary program prepares students to step into a cross- program, students focus on demanding conceptual and technical
functional or leadership role by developing a deep and holistic courses, enhanced by gradual involvement with clients. Benefiting
understanding of today’s sophisticated digital media. The program from a curriculum informed by PCA&D’s over-arching education
is particularly useful for people in creative fields who want a philosophy “Communications as Currency,” students experience
stronger grounding in business strategy, so that they can expand how the creative process involves collaborating with other design-
their career opportunities and make a larger impact on their or- ers, photographers, digital artists, and illustrators to meet the

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needs of a client. All faculty are freelance or full-time designers. RHODE ISLAND SCHOOL OF DESIGN (RISD)
Selected designs enhance students’ portfolios with professional PROVIDENCE RI
work before they graduate, and the required senior internship is
Graphic Design at RISD provides a comprehensive education
the perfect opportunity to demonstrate skills to potential employ-
that pushes on the boundaries of the discipline. Students learn
ers. The senior year culminates with the final portfolio and senior
how to communicate ideas visually, play with the tools of the
exhibition, honing presentation skills. PCA&D’s graphic design
field, frame points of view and messages, build community and
BFA program is structured to prepare students to work successfully
embrace a fluid, networked culture. Faculty support these explo-
in this highly competitive field.
rations and encourage ambitious ideas along with a mastery of
traditional practice.
Founded in 1887, Pratt Institute is a global leader in higher SARASOTA FL
education dedicated to preparing undergraduate and graduate
Since 1931, Ringling College of Art and Design has cultivated the
students for successful careers in art, design, architecture, in-
creative spirit in students from around the globe. The private,
formation, and liberal arts and sciences. Located in a cultural
not-for-profit fully accredited college offers the Bachelor of Fine
hub, with historic campuses in Brooklyn and Manhattan, Pratt
Arts degree in twelve disciplines and the Bachelor of Arts in two.
is a living lab of craft and creativity with an esteemed faculty of
The College and its 1,400 students benefit from an award-winning
accomplished professionals and scholars. The Institute has
faculty, cutting-edge technology, and a supportive creative com-
Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in communications
munity. The rigorous curriculum employs the studio model of
design, which are part of Pratt’s School of Design. The Under-
teaching and immediately engages students through a compre-
graduate Communications Design department offers concentrations
hensive, first-year program that is both specific to the major of
in illustration, advertising art direction, and graphic design, and
study and focused on the liberal arts. The Ringling College teach-
teaches students to craft the strongest and most impactful com-
ing model ultimately shapes students into highly employable and
munications possible by being creative problem solvers and elegant
globally aware artists and designers.
image-makers. Pratt’s Graduate Communications Design depart-
ment educates graphic and package designers, and offers an MFA
in communications design and MS in package design degree pro-
grams. Both programs provide students with the opportunity to
develop and refine their design process, design voice, and creative The Savannah College of Art and Design is a private, nonprofit,
skills, preparing them for leadership positions in their field. accredited university, offering more than 100 academic degree programs in more than 40 majors across its locations in Atlanta and
Savannah, Georgia; Hong Kong; Lacoste, France; and online via
PRATTMWP COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN SCAD eLearning. The innovative SCAD graphic design curriculum
UTICA NY is rooted in creative processes, problem-solving methodologies, and
visualization concepts designed to connect users to brands. Each
PrattMWP students spend their years immersed in, not one, but
year, SCAD graphic design students earn illustrious accolades,
two strikingly different environments with lively art cultures.
including Applied Arts Student Awards, GDUSA, and International
Students who select this route complete the first two years of
Design Awards. In 2018, the prestigious Red Dot Design Rankings
their program on the Utica campus in upstate New York, and are
placed SCAD as the No. 1 university in the U.S. and in the top two
then guaranteed a seamless relocation to Pratt’s main Brooklyn
universities in the Americas and Europe. Through SCADpro, the
campus at the beginning of their junior year. The PrattMWP cam-
university's in-house design studio, students join forces with lumi-
pus allows students to achieve the prestige and benefits of a
naries of design, draw inspiration, and form lasting connections
Pratt art education at a location that develops their confidence,
with industry powerhouses. The combination of advanced instruc-
individual voice and insights. PrattMWP shares its campus with
tion and unrivaled portfolio-building opportunities leads to elite
the Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, which offers collec-
internships and careers with iconic companies such as Apple and
tions, exhibits, classes and events that attract artists and art
IBM. Career preparation is woven into every fiber of the university,
enthusiasts worldwide. Majors are offered in Fine Arts, Communi-
resulting in a superior alumni employment rate.
cations Design, Art Education, and Photography. Communications or
Design students have recently been recognized by GDUSA, PRINT,
Creative Quarterly, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustra-
tors, United States Mint, and the British Journal of Aesthetics.
A leader in educating artists, designers, and scholars since 1866,
SAIC offers nationally accredited undergraduate, graduate, and
post-baccalaureate programs to students from around the globe.
An historically significant accredited independent school of art and

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design, located in one of the greatest American cities, its accolades cross-media partnerships, workshops and collaboration. Graduates
are many, including recognition by Columbia University’s National of the design program have gone on to work at places such as IDEO,
Arts Journalism survey, as “the most influential art college in the Google, Adobe, IBM, Facebook, Amazon, Mapbox, Washington
United States.” SAIC has an educational philosophy built upon Post, Sports Illustrated, National Geographic Magazine, Herman
an interdisciplinary approach to art and design, giving students Miller, Trip Advisor, Near East Foundation, US State Department,
opportunities to develop their creative and critical abilities, while and their own startup businesses. The program offers both a BS
working with renowned faculty who include many of the leading in Graphic Design and an MS in Multimedia, Photography, and
practitioners in their fields. Design degrees.



School of Visual Arts has been a leader in the education of artists, The School of Design is an inquisitive community of students
designers and creative professionals for more than six decades. and faculty that addresses firsthand the issues of the world
With a faculty of distinguished working professionals, dynamic around it. It takes pride in its professionally oriented programs,
curriculum and an emphasis on critical thinking, SVA is a catalyst many of which have a long history at Syracuse University. Concern
for innovation and social responsibility. Comprised of more than for sustainable design practices, social issues, and excellence in
6,000 students at its Manhattan campus and 35,000 alumni in professional practice forms the core of the programs. The first-year
100 countries, SVA also represents one of the most influential experience is a prerequisite for each of the undergraduate degrees
artistic communities in the world. SVA's BFA Design program in the school, providing a focused, design-studio-based experi-
focuses on teaching visual communication problem solving, extend- ence critical to the development of a solid understanding of the
ing students' practices beyond conventional graphic design with fundamental elements of the design disciplines. School of Design
coursework in 3D design, interactive design and motion graphics. faculty are active professionals who practice in their fields while
The College's MFA Design program, founded in 1998, aims to they teach. The school maintains a special relationship with the
provide students with the tools, inspiration and experience that Syracuse community through the activities of various student
prepares them for careers in which they succeed as individual groups (including chapters of professional design organizations)
and collaborative authors and entrepreneurs. that continually work on projects with not-for-profit agencies as
well as funded research design collaborations.
Shillington is a global design school created by today’s profes-
sionals to help students upskill and change careers. With cam-
puses in New York, London, Manchester, Sydney, Melbourne The Communication Design Program is one of the largest public
and Brisbane – the fast-paced, intensive course teaches the skills programs in the country and considered to be one of the best
required to succeed as a designer. The innovative curriculum within the Southwest United States. The goal of the program is
encourages experimentation, creative thinking and problem to create a stimulating learning environment for students where
solving – all linked to real-world design briefs. Shillington treats they can pursue their specific interests within these areas of
students as designers from day one, covering design principles, professional study: graphic design, art direction, and interactive
color theory and typography basics. Shillington students graduate media. In addition to the general course work, Communication
with a professional design portfolio and industry-relevant skills, Design students are encouraged to participate in local, regional,
going on to work for top creative studios, big brands or launching national and international design competitions, serve as an intern
their own businesses – all within 3 months full-time or 9 months to a professional practice, join Communication Design student
part-time. organizations, and attend visiting professional lectures and
exhibitions. Communication Design students have received recog-
SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY nition in many prestigious design journals by having their work
SI NEWHOUSE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS published in CMYK, Step Inside Design, Graphis New Talent
SYRACUSE NY Annual, and PRINT. Students have also received recognition in
national, regional, and local competitions such as: The One Show,
The Visual Communications department at the S.I. Newhouse
American Advertising Federation Awards, National DSVC Student
School of Public Communications at Syracuse University embraces
Show, Creative Summit, Art Director's Club of Houston, Austin
emerging and traditional forms of visual storytelling. Its design
Addy Awards, and San Antonio Addy Awards.
program emphasizes strategy, problem solving and human-
centered design to create smart, compelling, innovative solutions
in print and pixels, including motion, UI/UX, augmented reality,
virtual reality, brand identity, product packaging, typography and
publication design. The Visual Communications department values

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THE MODERN COLLEGE OF DESIGN student work is frequently featured in national and international
KETTERING OH design competitions and publications, and graduates are employed
by influential studios and agencies nationally and world-wide.
The Modern College of Design is a nationally recognized graphic
Based at Temple University, Tyler students take advantage of a
design college in Ohio. Founded in 1983, the college has a strong
vibrant campus with more than 300 academic programs and the
reputation for educating designers who are not only creative
resources of a city with a reputation as one of the world’s leading
problem solvers but also are prepared for the unique demands of
(and most affordable) art centers. Students attend lectures and
the industry. Students study graphic design, web design, UI/UX,
exhibitions at museums and galleries, participate in community
illustration, photography, video, motion design, and marketing.
art projects and earn high-profile internships.
They complete internships at agencies across the country and
have been recognized nationally for their work. The Modern is
known for transforming students into confident leaders in design
by giving exceptional care to their students, having small class
sizes, faculty who continually adjust the curriculum to stay current
with market trends as well as advancements in technology. The The School of Design at the University of Central Oklahoma places
college now offers a Bachelor of Arts in Design Leadership pro- excellence at the center of our program. School officials state: “We
gram. This unique program elevates students’ design skills and are methodical in planning, rigorous in execution, enthusiastic
builds their experience in entrepreneurship, leadership, and in the face of challenges, and persistent in the singular goal of
strategy, positioning them to lead the future of design. creating excellence in design education. UCO Design students, alumni, and faculty have been recognized for their excellence on
the local, regional, and national stage. Since 2011, our students
THE UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI COLLEGE OF have won more than 1,061 awards from the American Advertising
DESIGN, ARCHITECTURE, ART & PLANNING Awards, AIGA Flux, Print, HOW, CA, Society of Illustrators West,
CINCINNATI OH Society of Illustrators East, the RSA Design Awards, and GDUSA.
The Myron E. Ullman School of Design Communication Design The School of Design operates two semi-professional design
Program empowers students with a core of knowledge that provides studios: ClockTower Studio and InkTank Studio. Here students
a solid educational base. This core is a series of sequential design learn to be change-makers and social innovators while engaged
studios and a world-class professional practice (co-op) program in real-world work experience outside the typical design classroom.
that help students develop critical and visual thinking along with The School of Design is deeply committed to the university mis-
essential design processes. Students also have opportunities to sion, which states we exist to help students learn by providing
further develop in specific areas of interest (including graphic transformative education experiences so that they may become
design, interaction design and motion design). DAAP students are productive, creative, ethical, and engaged citizens and leaders serv-
prepared to be skilled professionals who can apply work in local ing our global community.”
and global markets while respecting the diversity of the human
community. The School of Design is innovative in teaching and UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS (UARTS)
in transforming the design disciplines by infusing learning with PHILADELPHIA PA
the newest design thinking methods and technologies. Through University of the Arts’ mission is simple: to advance human cre-
inspired interdisciplinary projects and solid corporate partner- ativity. Established in 1876, UArts believes creativity is the most
ships, the school is devoted to furthering its role as a leading essential skill for success in today’s society and has educated
design institution. generations of groundbreaking artists, performers, designers and
creative leaders for more than 141 years. The Graphic Design
Program provides critical thinking and core design competencies
together with a wide range of technological approaches, and pre-
pares graduates for careers in fields ranging from publication
Located in Philadelphia, the Tyler School of Art + Architecture’s design to motion graphics to branding and more. UArts students
Graphic & Interactive Design Department offers a rigorous and collaborate with other programs at the University and with Philadel-
respected BFA and MFA programs in graphic design. Students are phia designers, artists, and organizations, and experiment with the
mentored by faculty members who understand the design profes- tools and technologies available in the University’s new Maker-
sion’s exacting standards, are committed to the growth of each space and Center for Immersive Media. UArts graphic design
student, and are invested in their post-Tyler outcomes. Core pillars students obtain real-world experience through internships and
of the program include authorship, entrepreneurship and design become fluent in many areas of practice, then lean towards areas
for social justice. Tyler students are taught a conceptual approach of expertise. This combination of versatility and specificity serves
to the design process — they develop skills in research, image- them well as they step out into the post-grad job market; many
making, typography and visual storytelling and they learn to work begin working as professionals at local design firms during their
with information and content, creating digital systems and narra- junior and senior years.
tives across new and emerging technologies. The result is that

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ANN ARBOR MI Virginia Tech pushes the boundaries of knowledge by taking a
Fueled by the scholarship, research, and resources of a tier-one hands-on, transdisciplinary approach to preparing students to be
research university, the Stamps School of Art & Design provides leaders and problem-solvers. As a leading research institution,
a unique approach to transdisciplinary, inquiry-led design practice. Virginia Tech offers about 280 undergraduate and graduate de-
Our graduate and undergraduate students enjoy a supportive, gree programs to more than 34,000 students and manages a re-
curiosity-filled culture of makers and scholars seeking to activate search portfolio of more than $502 million. Through experiential
their creative practice as an engine for cultural change and inno- learning, future-focused research, and an inclusive, spirited cul-
vation. The school offers undergraduate degrees in art and design ture, Virginia Tech strives to accomplish the charge of its motto Ut
and two graduate level degrees: an MFA in Art and an MDes in Prosim (That I May Serve). The Graphic Design program prepares
Integrative Design. Called “one of the best integrations of design students for a career in design by focusing on conceptual think-
approaches in an MDes program [...] anywhere in North America” ing, semiotics, and problem-solving tactics. The program de-
by Peter Jones, author of Design for Care: Innovating Healthcare mands individual creativity, teamwork skills and adaptability
Experience, the Stamps MDes is a collaborative, project-based, while preparing students to enter the job market with practical
two-year program undertaken in deep partnership with industry and experience and a full, professionally reviewed portfolio. Graduates
non-profit partners. At Stamps, Integrative Design is not locked work in app design, editorial design, product and packaging design,
into one disciplinary design strategy. Instead, Stamps students web and interaction design, advertising and other related fields.
are called upon to be adaptive, utilizing multiple tactics as the
project or problem requires.
Founded in 1884, Woodbury University is a private non-profit
The MFA in Graphic Design at Vermont College of Fine Arts is a
institution. The BFA in Graphic Design is a professional degree
trailblazing low-residency program built around students’ par-
that is included in the University’s accreditation by NASAD.
ticular interests, values, and goals. Students join the faculty in
Woodbury students consistently win awards, landing more than
continuously rethinking graphic design by considering the role of
50 since 2009. Students have achieved recognition in commu-
design in the larger culture, the relationships between designers
nication design, entertainment design, web, advertising, pack-
and their work, and the nature of education in design. Both the
aging, photography, logo design and environmental graphics.
two-year and three-year track offerings combine two on-campus
They learn the art of visual communication through the study of
residencies per year, with six-month semesters of faculty mentor-
design, aesthetics, and media. In the senior year, they can focus
ship and independent study. Students, faculty, and guest design-
their creative energy by customizing their studies in entertainment,
ers take part in a weeklong residency on the historic campus in
motion, advertising, publication, or environmental graphics.
Montpelier VT to begin each semester. They then return home
Woodbury’s Los Angeles location, in the heart of the media cap-
and work from an individually crafted study plan with a faculty
ital, offers numerous internship opportunities at companies in-
advisor for the remainder of each semester. Graduates emerge
cluding Disney Imagineering, Universal Studios, The WB Television
with new research methods, critical expertise, and a body of
Network, MTV Networks, Twentieth Century Fox, Warner Bros,
design work that is personal and relevant to the next stage in
Mattel, and The Getty.
their design careers and creative lives. YALE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ART
ROBERTSON SCHOOL OF MEDIA & CULTURE This highly selective MFA program accepts up to ten students each
RICHMOND VA year, and up to seven students for a preliminary year program.
The degree program focuses on the development of a cohesive,
The VCU Advertising program is centered on professional prac- investigative body of work, also known as the student’s thesis. It
tice, studio intensive coursework and experimental collaboration is conceived as a loose framework within which each student’s
in education. Our coursework focuses on smart thinking and rig- visual method is deployed across many diverse projects during
orous practice in creative and strategic advertising. In our creative his or her two-year course of study. While every thesis project is
courses, students learn how to create and execute big ideas unique, there are several common features: a focus on method-
through the crafts of art direction, copywriting, design and sto- ology, the application of a visual method to studio work, and the
rytelling. These classes emphasize the attributes and transferable organization of the work in a thoughtfully argued written document
skills necessary to succeed in advertising and media communi- and catalogue raisonné, also known as the “Thesis Book.” Students
cations. applying to the preliminary-year program typically have relevant
experience in a field of study outside design and demonstrate
evidence of visual acuity.

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| 2020 |


Even in the best of times, makers, marketers and sellers are challenged as never before to tell
their story and close the deal. Think distraction, fragmentation, information overload, media
clutter, global competition, economic dislocation, and retail disruption. Package design and
related disciplines are increasingly the difference makers in communicating the message,
advancing the brand, and influencing the purchasing decision. The outstanding work show-
cased here — from 200 elite designers and producers — attests to the reality that is 2020.
Our annual competition celebrates beauty and style, of course, but even more important, the
power of deliberate design to forge an emotional link with the buyer at the moment of truth.
Always important, but arguably now and into the next few months, more so than ever.

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3M Design 80, 88 Distant Lands Coffee Inhouse Design 48

80east Design 100 Drexel University, Westphal College 120, 121
21-13 Impact Graphics 101 Dupuis Group 48, 49, 75
ABKCO Music & Records 86 Electro Creative Workshop,
Affinity Creative Group 45, 72 The Clorox Company 49, 88
Amazon 106 Elevate Healthcare 101
Amy’s Kitchen In-house Design Team 45 Elevation 49, 50
Andon Guenther Design, LLC 82, 103 Eleven 75, 82
Arithmetic 100 Ellen Bruss Design 50
Art Center College of Design 118 Elmwood New York 43
Aslan Graphics 42 Equity Creative 51
Asurion Creative Solutions 114, 117 FEKKAI Product Design Team 43, 105
Auburn University, School of Fetzer InHouse Creative 75, 88
Industrial + Graphic Design 118, 119, 120 FORCEpkg 51, 82
Austin Moore Design 101 FutureBrand 44, 51
Barnett Design, Inc. 45 Gauger + Associates 52, 76
Bartlett Brands 42 Gil Acosta Creative 52
BexBrands 42, 46 Haberman 52
Bonavita Design LLC 72 Hughes BrandMix 53, 76
BookMarc Creative 46 Hybrid3 a design studio 76
Boxer Brand Design 46 id8 53, 83, 100
BOXWOOD 72 Initial Here Creative Services 89
BRIGADE 73 Integrated Printing & Graphics 103
Carpenter Creative 73 Invok Brands 53, 54, 76
Cases By Source, Inc. 73, 80 Ionic Communications Group 89, 100
CBX 46, 47, 98 Isometric Studio 114
CCI Health & Wellness Services 110 Jon Cisler Design 76
Central Garden & Pet Creative 98 Judy Olsen Design 77
CF Napa Brand Design 73, 74 Karen Watkins Design 83
Chase Design Group 74 Kennesaw State University,
Cohere 47 School of Art & Design 121, 122, 123
COHO Creative 42, 74, 88, 106 Kick 54
Conair Corporation 43, 103, 110 Kutztown University 123
Cyber Graphics 47 LAM Design 54, 80
Daymon Creative Services 106, 107, 108 Laxalt & McIver 77
Dell Technologies, Experience Levitskie Creative 55
Innovation Group 80, 105 Liska + Associates 101
DES!GNOLOGY, LTD 48 Little Big Brands 55, 83, 84

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Mark Oliver Inc. 55 Sally Morrow Creative 78, 110

Mark Topczewski Creative, LLC 98 Savannah College of Art and Design
Marks Design 108, 109 (SCAD) 125, 126, 127
Marvin 89 Seventh Generation Creative Team 97
Mass Appeal Agency 84 Sharon and Guy 86
Mattel, Inc. 92, 93, 94, 95 Shook Kelley 110
Meguiar’s Design Center 89, 90 SHUNG SHUNG 95, 102
Meyocks 109 Signal Theory 111, 113
Miskowski Design 86 SmashBrand 44, 98, 102
MJR Creative Group 56 Smith Design 44, 63, 91, 111
Neon Pig Creative 56, 102 SnapDragon 63
Nestlé Design Packaging Teams Soulo Communications 78
and Chase Design 56 Southpaw Projects, LLC 87
Nestlé Design Packaging Teams Spark 63, 111
and Sterling Brands 56 Spectrum Brands 91, 99
New Thought Digital Agency 77 Stacy Karzen LLC 63, 64
Nicholas McMillan 78 Stapley-Hildebrand 64, 84, 104
Nourison 81 Structural Graphics 104
Nuevo Studio 102 Swerve Inc. 64
Octavo Designs 57, 82 T.Barnes Graphics 78
Oliver, Inc. 81 Taco Bell Design 67, 96, 111, 112
One Zero Charlie 57, 84, 86, 90 Texas Christian University (TCU) 127
Pearlfisher 58 Thank God It's Monday (TGIM) 67, 79
Pennsylvania College of Art & Design The Biondo Group 67
(PCA&D) 123, 124 The Creative Pack 68
PepsiCo Design & Innovation 58, 59, 60, 61 The Goldstein Group 85
pfw design 61 Topco Creative Services 68, 97
Piaggio Fast Forward 81 Triad Design Group 79
Pig Pen Studios 61, 62 Tru Fuel Real Good Beverage
Porchlight 62 Innovations Group LLC 44
Pratt Institute 124, 125 Truly Creative 85, 99
Red Paper Plane 104 Ultra Creative 68, 69
Richard Zeid Design 90 Viola Design 69
Robert Bosch Tool Corporation 91 Wallace Church & Co. 70, 79, 109
Rukket Sports LLC 95 Watermark Design 79
Rule29 62 William Fox Munroe (WFM) 70, 71
Sage College of Albany 125
Salisbury University 125

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Studies have shown that 72% of consumers agree,

packaging design can influence purchasing decisions.
Premium packaging has been and continues to be one of the Duncan continues, “We are seeing many brands jump on the
most effective strategies for creating first-time sales and, anti-plastic mega trend, pushing many to think that paper is
ultimately, brand loyalists. Forty percent of consumers claim the solution. We wholly believe that paper is the solution.
they are more likely to buy from a company that provides pre- Still, we also firmly believe it is essential when a brand spec-
mium packaging. Forty percent also claim that gift packaging ifies paper or packaging, they specify a paper that has been
or branded packaging influences their perception of the retailer. responsibly sourced. Packaging continues to evolve, and right
To the shopper, a package that has luxurious texture and uses now, brands have an opportunity to show customers their
a solid colored paper or specialty print techniques is an indi- environmental commitment by opting for paper-based alter-
cation of the quality of the product about to be unboxed. natives to plastics. As an added benefit, brands making these
changes are seeing a higher return on investment if they are
But beautiful packaging isn’t the only thing influencing pur- acknowledged on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.”
chasing decisions. Shoppers are also looking for brands that
align with sustainability and social causes. With more focus on Many brands are making an eco-impact with their packaging
product and packaging waste and with the anti-plastic move- by designing with sustainability in mind at the start. From the
ment in full swing, it’s increasingly important for brand owners first concept, package design should take into consideration
to indicate their environmental stance through packaging. A the environmental impact of all printing and finishing tech-
recent Nielsen study found that seventy two percent of Gen Z niques. Brands should try to choose packaging that not only
and three out of four Millennials polled would pay more for a accentuates the natural look and feel of products within, but
product with sustainable packaging. Forty-one percent of supports a belief in naturalistic, holistic, and sustainable
Americans report that they have purchased a product in choices. When it comes time to place an order, companies
the past year because it was associated with a social or can request custom sheet sizes to minimize waste. Ultimately,
environmental cause. brands that position their products using smart, subtle, sus-
tainable packaging combined with clear, concise messaging
Kristen Duncan, Sustainability Manager for Neenah, says, will win consumer trust, confidence, and loyalty.
“Brands are quickly becoming environmentally savvy, and
that’s an excellent thing. However, brands need to own their Brands searching for sustainable packaging options and
material supply chain rather than relying on printers and con- folding board papers will be pleased to find Neenah’s offering
verters to make responsible choices for them. They need to filled with color, texture, quality, strength, and sustainability.
take the lead in what they’re looking for, establish goals, and Neenah is proud to be a partner in the sustainable creative
learn how to put their intentions in action. The more intimately process, providing the products and services- the solutions- to
involved in the paper selection process they are, the better able help bring packaging visions to life and transform eco-ideas
they will be to stick to what they specify for their packaging into results.
needs. We work with many customers during the sourcing
and selection process to provide environmental and sustain-
ability data as it relates to our paper and packaging and
educate them along the way.”

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Neenah is honored to once again celebrate the power of packaging, and those who are leading the
way through the creative design showcased in this competition. Visit
for inspiration, information, and to order samples.

Milk Moon packaging features CLASSIC CREST® Papers, Natural White For this over the top print promotion, “Those who print together, stay
in an Eggshell finish. Kati Forner, Creative Director and Founder of Kati together,” Sami Christianson and Mark Whitely of Best Studio in
Forner Design in LA, “wanted the label to feel natural and tactile to play Vancouver chose ASTROBRIGHTS® Papers because they “wanted to
off the organic design elements within the label.” The result? Packaging create a package that was bright and fun.” To make it even more unique,
that invites engagement by teasing the senses. they also designed a custom die for every piece.

Chris Hilbelink, Creative Director for Rishi

Tea, knew they wanted an uncoated folding
board for a more tactile packaging experience.
They chose NEENAH Folding Board, Bright
White, in an Eggshell finish for packaging that
is “rewarding on all sides” – from informative
product messaging to charming illustration
and details shown in embossing and foil.

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Design Firm: Aslan Graphics, San Francisco CA Client: In Fiore Design Firm: Bartlett Brands, San Francisco CA Client: Crabtree & Evelyn
Title: Complexe De Fleur Packaging Designer: Dayala Levenson Title: Crabtree & Evelyn Rebrand Creative Director: Rebecca Bartlett
Paper: NEENAH® FOLDING BOARD Papers, learn more at Art Director: Lauren Golik Designers: Carolina Pistone, Luisa Betancourt
Writer: Kimberly Brizzolara

Design Firm: BexBrands, San Diego CA Client: Clutch Nails Design Firm: COHO Creative, Cincinnati OH Client: Kimberly-Clark Title: La Vie
Title: Clutch Nails Rebrand Creative Directors: Becky Nelson Dahl, Jeremy Dahl Package Design Design Director: Monica Alexander Design Team: Jen Vorhees,
Art Director: Molly Mann Production: Michael Thompson Layne Rumpke, Shonda Leen, Katya Seitz, Emily Esterle Client Team:
Marayia Lotts (Senior Design Manager, AFC), Jen Brock (Design Manager)

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Design Firm: Conair Corporation, Stamford CT Client: Conair Design Firm: Conair Corporation, Stamford CT Client: Conair
Title: Frizz Free Line Creative Director: Tricia Brady Art Director: Mike Beck Title: Frizz Defense Packaging Creative Director: Tricia Brady
Photographer: Pete Pezzella Retoucher: John Marerro Art Director: Jennifer Parra Illustrator: Rongrong DeVoe Retouchers: Kati Sohl,
Erik Schafer Photographers: Chris Hobson, Pete Pezzella

Design Firm: Elmwood New York, New York NY Client: BIC Title: Made for YOU Design Firm: FEKKAI Product Design Team, New York NY
by BIC Creative Director: Meg Beckum Art Director: Amelia Cheung Client: FEKKAI Professional Hair Care Line Package Design Engineer:
Designers: Dee Dalencour, Bruno Nesci, Mindy Gellman Paula Galvao Director of Operations: Todd Brower
Director of Strategy: Camilla Crane

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Design Firm: FutureBrand, New York NY Client: Obagi Title: Obagi Clinical Design Firm: SmashBrand, Boise ID Client: Hand of Glory Tattoo Studio, Inc.
Package Design Creative Director: Rodrigo Palmieri Production: Kris Pelletier Title: Tekori Master Tattoo Kit Creative Director: Matt Beverly
CCO: Daniel Andersson

Design Firm: Smith Design, Morristown NJ Client: Henkel Title: Dial Pure Design Firm: Tru Fuel Real Good Beverage Innovations Group LLC, Flushing NY
Moisture Packaging Design Creative Director: Glenn Hagen Title: E’NE Fragrance Package Design Creative Director: Te-Sian, Shih
Art Directors: Jenna Smith, Tim Williams Designers: Gayle Sahler, Art Director: Te-Sian, Shih Designer: Te-Sian, Shih
Jamie Basille, Mike Doyle Production: Mark Errichetti

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Design Firm: Affinity Creative Group, Mare Island CA Design Firm: Amy’s Kitchen In-house Design Team, Petaluma CA Title: Amy’s
Title: Coffee Fuels Creativity Designer: Affinity Creative Group Globally Inspired Entrees Creative Director: Inez Timpe Designer: Nipon Moua
Photography: Affinity Creative Group Production: Becky Morgan Production Artists: Ken Dashner, Julie O’Connell

Design Firm: Barnett Design, Inc., Ramsey NJ Client: Tata Global Beverages Design Firm: Barnett Design, Inc., Ramsey NJ Client: Tata Global Beverages
Title: Early Riser Coffee Creative Director: Debra Barnett Sagurton Title: Good Earth Ayurveda Tea Creative Director: Debra Barnett Sagurton
Art Director: Jefferson Ramos Designers: Valerie Haymes, Tara Maratea Art Director: Jefferson Ramos Designers: Valerie Haymes, Tara Maratea

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Design Firm: BexBrands, San Diego CA Client: Bumble Bee Seafoods Design Firm: BookMarc Creative, Pittsfield MA Client: Louisa Shafia-Feast
Title: Bumble Bee Seafoods Rebrand Creative Directors: Jeremy Dahl, Title: Persian Spice Kit Creative Director: Elizabeth DeMarco
Becky Nelson Dahl Art Director: Molly Mann Designer: Aaron Bueg Designer: Elizabeth DeMarco Paper: CLASSIC® LABEL Papers,
Production: Michael Thompson Photographer: Julia Stotz learn more at

Design Firm: Boxer Brand Design, Chicago IL Client: McDonald’s Design Firm: CBX, New York NY Client: Hormel Foods
Title: McCafé® Rebrand Creative Director: Diana Samper Title: Happy Little Plants
Art Director: Reneé Virgo Designer: Katia Ivanova Production: Meg Meyers

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Design Firm: CBX, New York NY Client: Kemps Design Firm: CBX, New York NY Client: Mott’s
Title: Live Real Farms Dairy & Almond Milk Title: Mott’s Pouch Pals

Design Firm: Cohere, Philadelphia PA Client: HipCityVeg Design Firm: Cyber Graphics, Germantown TN Client: Old Waverly Golf Club
Title: Nostalgic Fast Food Packaging Creative Director: Dylan Garner Title: Golf Stix Packaging Creative Director: John Davis
Designers: Randi Bellamy, Tabitha Ahnert Designer: George Cathay

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Design Firm: DES!GNOLOGY, LTD, Coatesville PA Client: Presty Food Design Firm: DES!GNOLOGY, LTD, Coatesville PA Client: Presty Food
Title: Presty! Plate Ready Meals Kid Range Creative Director: Casey DeCarlo Title: Presty! Plate Ready Meals Redesign Creative Director: Casey DeCarlo
Designer: DES!GNOLOGY, LTD Creative Director of Adaptation: Mallory Mupert Designer: DES!GNOLOGY, LTD Creative Director of Adaptation: Mallory Mupert
Director of Client Services: Steve Beckman Director of Client Services: Steve Beckman

Design Firm: Distant Lands Coffee Inhouse Design, Renton WA Design Firm: Dupuis Group, Chicago IL Client: Evans Food Group
Title: Java Trading Coffee Package Design Designer: Siv Lavell Title: PÖRQ Product and Package Development
Production: Siv Lavell Contributor: Thabata Regiani Creative Director: Ivana Nikolic Designer: Jeff Brush

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Design Firm: Dupuis Group, Chicago IL Client: Nestlé Title: Goodbe Probiotic Design Firm: DuPuis Group & Qualitat, Chicago IL Client: Meals De Colombia
Granola & Yogurt Bar Package Design Creative Director: Lindsay Evans S.A.S. Title: Crem Helado Portfolio & Package Redesign Credits
Designers: Hannah Rebernick, Sula Medovoy Creative Directors: Ivana Nikolic, Juan Pablo Anjel

Design Firm: Electro Creative Workshop, Oakland CA Client: Hidden Valley Design Firm: Elevation, Richmond VA Client: Sauer Brands, Inc.
Ranch, The Clorox Company Title: Hidden Valley Ranch Brand Refresh & Line Title: Duke’s Southern Sauces Creative Director: Frank Gilliam Art Director:
Extension Creative Director: Margie Drechsel Designers: Darrah Kimzey, Frank Gilliam Designer: Frank Gilliam Production: Daniel Uhorchuck
Erika Krieger, Libby Muller, Jenny Oh Productions: Jody Dworzak,
Tina Hernandez Production Artists: Barbara Kengott, Joe Scuderi

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Design Firm: Elevation, Richmond VA Client: Sauer Brands, Inc. Design Firm: Ellen Bruss Design, Denver CO Client: Hammonds Candy
Title: Sauer’s Spices, Extracts and Flavorings Rebrand Title: Pantry Candy Tins Creative Director: Ellen Bruss Art Director: Ken Garcia
Creative Director: Frank Gilliam Art Director: Frank Gilliam Designer: Ben Wallace Production: Tiffany Gronski
Designer: Bryce Praught Production: Daniel Uhorchuck

Design Firm: Ellen Bruss Design, Denver CO Client: Temptee Foods Title: Design Firm: Ellen Bruss Design, Denver CO Client: Hope Foods
Johnson Chili Rebrand Creative Director: Ellen Bruss Art Director: Ken Garcia Title: Hope Nut Dip Creative Director: Ellen Bruss Art Director: Ken Garcia
Designers: Rose Chenoweth, Nick Marranzino Production: Tiffany Gronski Designer: Louise King Production: Tiffany Gronski

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Design Firm: Equity Creative, Kenosha WI Client: Case IH Title: Case IH Design Firm: FORCEpkg, Lancaster PA Client: Fresh Solutions Network
Branded Whitley Peanuts Art Director: John Kirchen Designer: John Kirchen Title: Side Delights Gourmet Petite Potatoes Creative Director: Tom Newmaster
Account Manager: Marty Fane Art Director: Brian Harper Designers: Stephanie Bennett, Maranda Bressi

Design Firm: FutureBrand, New York NY Client: Barilla Title: Vero Gusto Sauce Design Firm: FutureBrand New York, New York NY Client: Sweet Loren’s
by Barilla Package Design Art Director: Paula Saito Production: Kris Pelletier Title: Sweet Loren’s Cookie Dough Designer: Paula Saito
CCO: Daniel Andersson Chief Creative Officer: Daniel Andersson Production Director: Kris Pelletier

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Design Firm: Gauger + Associates, San Francisco CA Client: San-J Design Firm: Gauger + Associates, San Francisco CA Client: Rumiano Cheese
Title: San-J Hoisin Sauce Creative Director: David Gauger Title: Rumiano Cheese Organic Blocks Creative Director: David Gauger
Art Director: Lori Murphy Designer: Jenna Pile Art Director: Isabelle Laporte

Design Firm: Gil Acosta Creative, San Lorenzo PR Client: Rovira Foods Design Firm: Haberman, Minneapolis MN Client: Freak Flag Organics
Title: Crispies Rovira Creative Director: Gil Acosta Art Director: Gil Acosta Title: Freak Flag Organics Brand and Package Design
Photographer: Johnny de los Santos

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Design Firm: Hughes BrandMix, Norwalk CT Client: Mount Franklin Foods Design Firm: Hughes BrandMix, Norwalk CT Client: Lundberg Family Farms
Title: NUBU Snacks Packaging Creative Director: Greg Martin Title: Organic Rice Cakes Packaging Creative Director: Greg Martin
Art Director: HBX Design Team Art Director: HBX Design Team

Design Firm: id8, Marietta GA Client: JuJu Beverage Title: Packaging Label Design Firm: Invok Brands, New York NY Client: McCormick Canada,
Creative Director: Kriston Sellier Art Director: Julie Cofer Designer: Tasty/Buzzfeed, Club House Title: Tasty Spice Kit Creative Director: Richard
Jess Gerjets Production: Ashley George Project Manager: Lindsay Pace Shear Art Directors: Devon Luxmore-Rousset Designer: Steph Millar Production:
Marianne Sciortino Strategy Director: Michael Azulay
Account Director: Lauren McGee

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Design Firm: Invok Brands, New York NY Client: Ocean’s – Nestlé Canada Design Firm: Invok Brands, New York NY Client: Anheuser-Busch InBev –
Title: Tuna Pouches Creative Director: Richard Shear Art Directors: Devon Labatt’s Breweries Title: Accent Beer Package Design
Luxmore-Rousset Designer: Steph Millar Production: Tom Masters Creative Director: Richard Shear Art Directors: Devon Luxmore-Rousset
Strategy Director: Michael Azulay Account Director: Jenny Lyons Strategy Director: Michael Azulay Account Director: Lauren McGee

Design Firm: Kick, Minneapolis MN Client: Ten Finns Title: A2 Milk Packaging Design Firm: LAM Design, Pleasantville NY Client: Kraft Heinz Company
Creative Director: Stefan Hartung Designer: Emily Bartz Title: Bold Butcher Brand Invention & Package Design Program
Designer: The LAM Team

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Design Firm: Levitskie Creative, Hackettstown NJ Client: Rudolph Foods Design Firm: Little Big Brands, White Plains NY Client: Simply 7 Snacks
Company Title: Pepe’s Churros Package Design Designers: Kristin Levitskie, Title: Simply 7 Packaging Creative Director: Richard Palmer
Susie Edwards Illustrator: Denise Haley Designer: Emily White Associate Creative Director: Carlo DiRusso
Account Director: Karla Finan

Design Firm: Mark Oliver Inc., Solvang CA Client: CleanFish, LLC Design Firm: Mark Oliver Inc., Solvang CA Client: Clean Foods LLC
Title: CleanFish Organic Shrimp Creative Director: Mark Oliver Title: Café Altura Coffee Creative Director: Mark Oliver Art Director: Mark Oliver
Art Director: Mark Oliver Lettering: Iskara Johnson Designer: Patty Devlin-Driskel Illustration: Jeremy Sancha

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Design Firm: MJR Creative Group, Fresno CA Client: Valley Fig Growers Design Firm: Neon Pig Creative, Colorado Springs CO Client: Sasquatch
Title: Orchard Choice Packaging Creative Director: Brian Moore Cookies Title: Sasquatch Cookie Labels Creative Director: Laura Schnarr
Designer: Brian Moore Photographer: Nico Dondlinger Production: Robert Ladefoged Copywriters: Colin Christie, Brooke Orist

Design Firm: Nestlé Design Packaging Teams | Chase Design LA, Arlington VA Design Firm: Nestlé Design Packaging Teams | Sterling Brands, Arlington VA
Client: Nestlé USA Title: Nesquik Redesign Title: Starbucks Creamers Design

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Design Firm: Octavo Designs, Frederick MD Client: Firefly Farms Title: Goat Design Firm: Octavo Designs, Frederick MD Client: Andy Factory
Cheese Labels Creative Director: Sue Hough Designer: Katie Lamb Title: Uncle Dell’s Mambo Sauce Creative Director: Sue Hough
Designer: Lucas Badger Printer: LabelAid

Design Firm: One Zero Charlie, Woodstock IL Client: Pirro’s Sauces Design Firm: One Zero Charlie, Woodstock IL Client: Distinctive Foods, LLC
Title: Pirro’s Sauces Label Design Creative Director: Michael Stanard Title: Chicago Deli Packaging Creative Director: Michael Stanard
Art Director: Michael Stanard Designer: Mary Ervin Art Director: James Westwood Designer: James Westwood
CEO, Pirro’s Sauces: Terry Pirro CEO, Distinctive Foods: Josh Harris

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Design Firm: Pearlfisher, New York NY Client: Intelligentsia Coffee Design Firm: Pearlfisher, New York NY Client: Seedlip
Title: Intelligentsia Coffee Bag Portfolio Redesign Title: NOgroni Design

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo
Title: LIFEWTR Series 7: Art Through Technology Title: Lipton Art Special Edition - Russia

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Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo
Title: MTN DEW AMP GAME FUEL Team Optic Champions Can Title: OJAS Studio

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo
Title: Pepsi Black VIS 2019 Title: Pepsi Salted Caramel Born To Be Wild - China

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Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo
Title: PEPSI x Mom Handworks - GCR - LTO CAN SET - China Title: PEPSI x Shanghai Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2020

Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo
Title: Stacy’s Rise Project 2019 Limited Edition Bags Title: Tazo Refresh

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Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo Design Firm: PepsiCo Design & Innovation, New York NY Client: PepsiCo
Title: LIFEWTR Series 9: The Art of Recycling Title: Drinkfinity

Design Firm: pfw design, Cape Neddick ME Client: Anthony’s Small Batch Design Firm: Pig Pen Studios, Port Washington NY Client: Jennies
Roasters Title: Little River Blend Coffee Creative Director: Patience F Williams Title: Jennies Macaroons Packaging Creative Director: William Heapps
Designer: Patience F Williams Designer: William Heapps Production: Lauren Ash
Photographer: Yoshiki Hagihara

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Design Firm: Pig Pen Studios, Port Washington NY Client: Stuffed Puffs LLC Design Firm: Porchlight, Atlanta GA Client: IGA (Independent Grocers Alliance)
Title: Stuffed Puffs Packaging Creative Director: William Heapps Title: IGA Proprietary Packaging Redesign Creative Director: Greg Corey
Art Director: Michael Tierney Photographer: Yoshiki Hagihara Art Director: Monica Beesting Designer: Ryan Kramer
Account Manager: Dan Buckley

Design Firm: Rule29, Geneva IL Client: Better Way Farms Title: Better Way Design Firm: Rule29, Geneva IL Client: Lekkco Title: Lekkco Dark Chocolate
Farms Blueberry Packaging Creative Director: Justin Ahrens Spread Packaging Creative Director: Justin Ahrens Designer: Paul Bonnell
Designers: Adrian Mendez, Katy Dondzila Account Manager: Joy Reschke Account Manager: Joy Reschke

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Design Firm: Smith Design, Morristown NJ Client: Friesland Campina Design Firm: SnapDragon, Fairfield CT Client: Reily Foods
Title: Dutch Masterpiece Packaging Redesign Creative Director: Jenna Smith Title: New England Coffee Premium RTD Iced Coffee Launch
Designers: Gayle Sahler, Mike Doyle Production: Tricia Trozzi

Design Firm: Spark, Racine WI Client: Farmland Foods Design Firm: Stacy Karzen LLC, Chicago IL Client: Amylu Foods
Title: Farmland Pure Packaging Creative Director: Craig Tollenaar Title: Costco Sausages & Burgers by Amylu
Art Director: Zeynep Tangun-Kaplan Design & Art Direction: Stacy Karzen Photography: Hone Studios

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Design Firm: Stacy Karzen LLC, Chicago IL Client: Pride of Spice Design Firm: Stapley-Hildebrand, San Francisco CA Client: Dean Foods
Trading Company Title: Pride of Spices Design & Art Direction: Stacy Karzen Title: Friendly’s Dessert Cups Creative Director: Aaron Stapley
Designers: Sheri Kuniyaki, Cody Brubaker, Konrad Tse

Design Firm: Stapley-Hildebrand, San Francisco CA Client: Ocean Spray Inc. Design Firm: Swerve Inc., New York NY Client: Golden Krust
Title: Cran•Tropical Club Tray Creative Director: Aaron Stapley Title: Golden Krust Retail Packaging Designer: Swerve Inc. Design Team
Designer: Cody Brubaker Illustrator: Ben Garvie

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Design Firm: Taco Bell Design, Irvine CA Client: Taco Bell Title: National Taco Design Firm: Thank God It’s Monday (TGIM), New Windsor NY
Day Box Creative Directors: Chris Ayres, Jess Kirkman, Chris Selter Client: Omni Bev Title: Cold Brew Coffee Packaging
Designers: Arcy Valencia, Robert Fisher Productions: Lisa Schnitzer, Art Director: Craig Valentino Designer: Craig Valentino
Cristina Kawecki SVP of Advertising + Brand Engagement: Tracee Larocca
Account Manager: Lauren Schaefer Account Supervisor: Samantha Carlino
Account Director: Kelli-Rae Coughlin

Design Firm: The Biondo Group, Inc., Stamford CT Client: B&G Foods, Inc. Design Firm: The Biondo Group, Inc., Stamford CT Client: B&G Foods, Inc.
Title: Back To Nature Brand Identity and Package Design Title: Mama Mary’s Cucina Di Casa Rebrand and Package Design
Creative Director: Charles Biondo Designer: The Biondo Group Design Team Creative Director: Charles Biondo Designer: The Biondo Group Design Team
Photographer: Jerry Errico Photographer: Jerry Errico

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Design Firm: The Creative Pack, Manhattan Beach CA Client: Revolution Foods Design Firm: Topco Creative Services, Elk Grove Village IL
Title: Revolution Foods School Meal Packaging Creative Director: Danielle Beal Client: Participating Topco Member Retailers Title: Culinary Tours Fusion Bars
Art Director: Heather Storie Designers: Paola Ip, Emma Tung Creative Director: Brian Carron Art Director: Kara Fleming-Ward
Production: Fern Serna Designer: Hedy Wong Production: Brian DiCrescenzo
Lead Production Artist: Everett Naka Production Artist: Doug Besser

Design Firm: Topco Creative Services, Elk Grove Village IL Client: Participating Design Firm: Ultra Creative, Minneapolis MN Client: General Mills
Topco Member Retailers Title: Wide Awake Espresso Pods Creative Director: Title: Cheerios Heart Shaped Creative Director: Kyle Jensen
Brian Carron Art Director: Kara Fleming-Ward Designer: Jorjann Howell Productions: Todd Schneider, Julie Clark Brand Strategy: Sharon Gorney
Production: Brian DiCrescenzo Lead Production Artist: Judy Driscoll Copywriting: Shane Breault
Illustrator: John Poll

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Design Firm: Ultra Creative, Minneapolis MN Client: Schwabe Group Design Firm: Ultra Creative, Minneapolis MN Client: Wells Enterprises
Title: Nature’s Way Package Design Creative Director: Shane Breault Title: Farm to Spoon Package Design Creative Director: Sutasinee Seitz
Art Director: Jessica Ward Hill Designer: Laura Healy Productions: Paula Van Production: Mike Shedlov Brand Strategy: Sharon Gorney
Beckum, Krystal Myers-Leehy Creative Strategy: Julia Hunter Rancone
Account Director: Libby Yule

Design Firm: Ultra Creative, Minneapolis MN Client: General Mills Design Firm: Viola Design, Healdsburg CA Client: Hazel’s Vinegar Sodas
Title: Cascadian Farms Package Design Creative Director: Tony Johnson Title: Hazel’s Sparkling Vinegar Sodas Creative Director: Deb Viola
Art Director: Sarah Howley Designer: Michael Guite Production: Art Director: Deb Viola Designer: Deb Viola Production: Stephanie Mickelson
Krystal Myers-Leehy, Julie Clark, Paula Van Beckum Photography: Ned Bonzi Photography
Brand Strategy: Sharon Gorney

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Design Firm: Wallace Church & Co., New York NY Client: Nestlé USA Design Firm: William Fox Munroe (WFM), Shillington PA Client: Riviana Foods
Title: DiGiorno Stuffed Crust Pizza Creative Director: John Bruno Art Director: Inc. Title: Carolina Authentic Grain Rice Creative Director: Matt Kennedy
Jodi Lubrich Designer: Jay Lombardo Chief Creative Officer: Stan Church Art Director: Joshua Samolewicz Designer: Heather Craft

Design Firm: William Fox Munroe (WFM), Shillington PA Client: The Hershey Design Firm: William Fox Munroe (WFM), Shillington PA Client: The Hershey
Company Title: Hershey’s Vampire Kisses Creative Director: Matt Kennedy Company Title: World Travel Retail Suitcase Boxes Creative Director: Matt
Art Director: Rebecca Doran Designers: Mike Amole, Katie Bertolet Kennedy Art Director: Joshua Samolewicz Designer: Mike Amole

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Design Firm: William Fox Munroe (WFM), Shillington PA Client: Koch’s Turkey
Title: Koch’s Grilled Turkey Fillets Creative Director: Matt Kennedy
Art Director: Joshua Samolewicz Designer: Kayla Bryer

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Design Firm: Affinity Creative Group, Mare Island CA Client: Delicato Family Design Firm: Bonavita Design LLC, Montclair NJ Client: Unimac, A Command
Wines Title: Gnarly Head Package Redesign Designer: Affinity Creative Group Company Title: Unimac Champagne Package 2020: See The Glass Half Full
Photography: Affinity Creative Group Creative Director: Donna Bonavita Art Director: Donna Bonavita Designer:
Donna Bonavita Production: Jody Rosenberg, Unimac Marketing/Sales,
Unimac: Andrea Server, Michele Murphy CAD Design, Unimac: Tom D’Andrea
Paper: NEENAH® FOLDING BOARD Papers, learn more at

Design Firm: BOXWOOD, Seattle WA Client: Delmas Viognier Design Firm: BOXWOOD, Seattle WA Client: Prospice Wine Title: New Winery
Title: Label Design Creative Director: Joe Chauncey Branding and Package Design Creative Director: Joe Chauncey

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Design Firm: BRIGADE, Hadley MA Client: 21 Seeds Title: 21 Seeds Tequila Design Firm: Carpenter Creative, Napa CA Client: La Adelita Tequila
Designer: Adam Komosinski Production: Liz Austin Title: La Adelita Tequila Package Design Creative Director: Tina Carpenter
Executive Creative Director: Kirsten Modestow Account Manager: Karen Leet Art Director: Tina Carpenter Designer: Tina Carpenter Production: Martina Clain

Design Firm: CF Napa Brand Design, Napa CA Title: Frigate Reserve Rum Design Firm: CF Napa Brand Design, Napa CA Client: Lail Vineyards
Art Director: Antonio Rivera Designer: Antonio Rivera Title: Lail Vineyards Welly Art Director: Antonio Rivera Designer: Antonio
Production: Courtney Paddock Creative Principal: David Schuemann Rivera Production: Shawn Padgett Creative Principal: David Schuemann

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Design Firm: CF Napa Brand Design, Napa CA Client: La Crosse Distilling Co. Design Firm: Chase Design Group, South Pasadena CA Client: Christopher
Title: High Rye Light Whiskey Art Director: Antonio Rivera Designer: Teddy Michael Brands Title: Beach St. Vodka Soda Creative Director: Nick Leebert
Kurniawan Production: Shawn Padgett Creative Principal: David Schuemann Art Director: Dave Carlino Designers: Dave Carlino, Connor Murphy,
Kevin Staves Production: Shakeh Gyurjyan Photographers: Arielle Vey

Design Firm: COHO Creative, Cincinnati OH Client: Age International, Inc. Design Firm: COHO Creative, Cincinnati OH Client: New Holland Brewing
Title: Blanton’s 2019 Limited Edition Packaging Design Director: Mike Title: Kombucha Beer Package Design Design Director: Mike Skrzelowski
Skrzelowski (Creative Director) Design Team: Jon Shapiro, Eric Warning, (Creative Director) Design Team: Monica Cambell, Kate Raterman,
Blake Logsdon, Kari Bill, Kevin Bova (3D Image Developer) Blake Logsdon, Eric Warning, Randy Houser

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Design Firm: DuPuis Group, Chicago IL Client: Deutsch Family Wine Design Firm: Eleven, Irvington NY Client: Loud Lemon Title: Loud Lemon
and Spirits Title: Josh Cellars Bourbon Barrel-Aged Wine Label Design Spiked Sparkling Lemonade Creative Director: Stuart Whitworth
Creative Director: Lindsay Evans Designer: Hannah Rebernick Designers: Laurel Gillispie, Catie Randall-Brown

Design Firm: Fetzer InHouse Creative, Healdsburg CA Client: Binny’s Beverage Design Firm: Fetzer InHouse Creative, Healdsburg CA Client: Aldi Supermar-
Depot Title: Clark & Sheffield Wine Package Designer: Heather Jansen kets Title: Flora & Stone Wine Package Paper: CLASSIC CREST® Solar White
Paper: CLASSIC CREST® Solar White Pressure Sensitive Label, Pressure Sensitive Label, learn more at
learn more at

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Design Firm: Gauger + Associates, San Francisco CA Client: Yamaguchi Beer Design Firm: Hybrid3 a design studio, Seattle WA Client: Dowbuilt
Title: Yamaguchi Beer Creative Director: David Gauger Title: Holiday Limited Edition Creative Director: Asa Noriaga Art Director:
Art Director: Lori Murphy Designer: Lori Murphy Michael Stearns Designer: Michael Stearns Woodwork: Dowbuilt Shop

Design Firm: Invok Brands, New York NY Client: Anheuser-Busch InBev – Design Firm: Jon Cisler Design, New York NY Client: Stoli Group, USA
Labatt’s Breweries Title: ‘B’ Package Design Creative Director: Richard Shear Title: Villa One Tequila Creative Director: John Varvatos Art Director: Jon Cisler
Art Directors: Devon Luxmore-Rousset Productions: Christine Ferrante, Steph Designers: Jon Cisler, John Varvatos Productions: Brooke Baxter, Greg Mitchko
Millar Strategy Director: Michael Azulay Account Director: Lauren McGee

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Design Firm: Judy Olsen Design, Marshall VA Client: Essie & Olive Design Firm: Judy Olsen Design, Marshall VA Client: Hawk Haven Vineyard
Title: Power Pop Flow-wrap Creative Director: Judy Olsen Title: Flying Press Wine Creative Director: Judy Olsen

Design Firm: Laxalt & McIver, Reno NV Client: Black Rabbit Mead Company Design Firm: New Thought Digital Agency, Wilson WY Client: Snake River Brewing
Title: Mead Bottles Creative Director: Peter Laxalt Designer: Kylie Souza Title: Snake River Brewing Repackaging Creative Director: Paul Gorsuch
Art Director: Paul Gorsuch Designer: Paul Gorsuch Principals: Jesse Ryan, Ryan
Hittner Illustrators: Paul Gorsuch, Erick Nelson, Jacob Diaz, Jeremy Collins,
Emily Bunnell, Haley Badenhop, Katie Cooney, Cyrus Walker, Amy Ringholz

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Design Firm: Nicholas McMillan, Columbus GA Client: Omaha Brewing Design Firm: Sally Morrow Creative, Portland OR Client: New Hokkaido Beer Co.
Company Title: The Centennial Pale Ale Creative Director: Nicholas McMillan Title: New Hokkaido Beer Packaging Creative Director: Sally Morrow
Art Director: Sally Morrow Designer: Sally Morrow Production: Jill Raleigh
Copywriting: Doug Lowell Illustration: Blood Bros.

Design Firm: Soulo Communications, Minneapolis MN Client: Utepils Brewing Design Firm: T.Barnes Graphics, Oxford MS Client: River Basin Distillery
Title: Adventure Pack Creative Director: Bryan Mann-Entzel Title: River Basin Rye Creative Director: Tyler Barnes Designer: Tyler Barnes
Art Director: Bryan Mann-Entzel Designer: Bryan Mann-Entzel Product Photographer: Andrew Albert Paper: CLASSIC® LINEN,
Natural White Felt Label, learn more at

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Design Firm: Thank God It’s Monday (TGIM), New Windsor NY Design Firm: Triad Design Group, Bluffton SC Client: lot 9 brewing co.
Client: Mill House Brewing Co. Title: No Haze Double IPA Beer Packaging Title: lot 9 Crowler Label Creative Director: Christina Laios
Art Director: Craig Valentino Designer: Craig Valentino Art Director: Drew Knight Designer: Drew Knight Production: Rob Lembo
Content Manager: Rachel Rucker

Design Firm: Wallace Church & Co., New York NY Title: Voodoo Love Potion Design Firm: Watermark Design, Charlottesville VA Client: Obsession Wines
Creative Director: Stan Church Designer: Stan Church Title: Obsession Canned Wines Series Creative Director: Darcey Lacy
Illustrator: Dean MacAdam Designer: Jena Thielges

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Design Firm: 3M Design, St. Paul MN Title: 3M Filtrete Room Air Purifier Design Firm: Cases By Source, Inc., Mahwah NJ Client: Magic Leap
Designer: Kayla Lutteke Production: Deb Wargin Photographer: Steve Smith Title: Mobile Carrying Case Creative Director: Matthew Adler
Art Director: Kevin MacFee Designers: Matthew Adler, Kevin MacFee

Design Firm: Dell Technologies, Experience Innovation Group, Austin TX Design Firm: LAM Design, Pleasantville NY Client: Duracell
Title: Alienware Gaming Display Packaging Title: Duracell Optimum New Product Package Design & Brand Activation
Designer: Experience Innovation Group Designer: The LAM Team

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Design Firm: Nourison, Saddlebrook NJ Title: Power Bar Chargers Design Firm: Oliver, Inc., Hauppauge NY Client: Aruliden
Marketing Director: Giovanni Marra Creative Services Supervisor: Krystal Pratt Title: My Storytime Set Paper: CLASSIC CREST®Smooth Text Solar White
Senior Graphic Designer: Sabina Mroczko (Storytime Booklet), NEENAH® FOLDING BOARD (Instruction Card),
learn more at

Design Firm: Piaggio Fast Forward, Boston MA Title: gita Robot Packaging
System Creative Director: Greg Lynn Art Director: Jamar Bromley Designers:
Jerry Ding, Naz Ekmekjian Production: Jerry Ding Technical Lead: Mitch Weiss
Paper: NEENAH® FOLDING BOARD Papers, learn more at

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Design Firm: Andon Guenther Design, LLC, Denver CO Client: Dymatize Design Firm: Andon Guenther Design, LLC, Denver CO
Enterprises, LLC Title: Dymatize ISO100 25th Anniversary Packaging Client: Dymatize Enterprises, LLC Title: Dymatize ISO100 Clear RTD Influencer
Creative Director: C. Andon Guenther Art Director: C. Andon Guenther Kit Creative Director: C. Andon Guenther Art Director: C. Andon Guenther
Designer: C. Andon Guenther Brand Strategist: Rosa Willems Designer: C. Andon Guenther Brand Strategist: Rosa Willems
Account Management: Ian Macdonald Account Management: Ian Macdonald

Design Firm: Eleven, Irvington NY Client: Reckitt Benckiser Design Firm: FORCEpkg, Lancaster PA Client: Levels Performance Provisions
Title: Schiff Nutrition Dietary Supplements Creative Director: Stuart Whitworth Title: Levels Whey Protein Creative Director: Tom Newmaster
Designer: Catie Randall-Brown Art Director: Brian Harper Designer: Avery Rose

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Design Firm: id8, Marietta GA Client: ChitoRhino Title: CleanWash Package Design Firm: Karen Watkins Design, West Chester PA Client: TarTarEnd LLC
Set Creative Director: Kriston Sellier Art Director: Julie Cofer Title: TartarEnd Toothpaste Packaging Creative Director: Karen Watkins
Designer: Brandi Courrégé Production: Ashley George Art Director: Karen Watkins Designer: Karen Watkins
Photographer: Sam Fritch Photography

Design Firm: Little Big Brands, White Plains NY Client: Tivity Health Design Firm: Little Big Brands, White Plains NY Client: Gurunanda
Title: Wisely Well Packaging Designer: LBB Design Team Chief Creative Officer: Title: Gurunanda Esssential Oils Creative Director: Richard Palmer
John Nunziato Associate Design Director: Tierney Latella Senior Account Director: Designer: LBB Design Team Associate Design Director: Tierney Latella
Katie Lopez Senior Account Manager: Adriene Sakumoto Senior Account Director: Katie Lopez

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Design Firm: Little Big Brands, White Plains NY Client: Okamoto Design Firm: Mass Appeal Agency, Marietta GA Client: East Park Naturals
Title: WINK Condoms Packaging Creative Director: Richard Palmer Title: Olive Leaf Extract Creative Directors: Mike & Emily Albuquerque
Designer: LBB Design Team Associate Design Director: Tierney Latella
Senior Account Director: Katie Lopez

Design Firm: One Zero Charlie, Woodstock IL Client: VaporPlan, Inc. Design Firm: Stapley-Hildebrand, San Francisco CA Client: GNC
Title: VaporPlan – The End of Tobacco Creative Director: Michael Stanard Title: Earth Genius Creative Director: Aaron Stapley Designer: Sheri Kuniyaki
Art Director: James Westwood Designer: Laura Wolverton
CEO, VaporPlan: Mark Bezik

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Design Firm: The Goldstein Group, New York NY Client: PROFOOT Inc. Design Firm: The Goldstein Group, New York NY Client: Randob Labs
Title: PROCure Restage Creative Directors: Claudia Arisso, Darcy Bolker Title: Balmex Adult Advantage Creative Director: Claudia Arisso
Strategic Director: Terri Goldstein Internal Creative Director: Kim Bush Production: Tom Conti Strategic Director: Terri Goldstein
Ilustrator: Lori Anzalone

Design Firm: Truly Creative, Petaluma CA Client: Mommy’s Bliss

Title: Kids Product Line Creative Director: Carrie Dufour
Art Director: Carrie Dufour Designer: Andy Yanchunis

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Design Firm: ABKCO Music & Records, New York NY Title: Rolling Stones Let It Design Firm: Miskowski Design, Hoboken NJ Client: ROKU Title: ROKU
Bleed (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) Creative Directors: Ethan Russell, Special Edition Promotional Packaging Creative Director: Justin Miskowski
Alisa Coleman, Julian Klein Art Directors: Alisa Coleman, Julian Klein, Designers: Justin Miskowski, Michael Zolla, Julie Chencinski
Dina Kanner Designers: Matt Read (Package), Brian Fitzpatrick (Book)
Production: Dina Kanner

Design Firm: One Zero Charlie, Woodstock IL Client: Carlo Cooper Design Firm: Sharon and Guy, Chicago IL Client: Geno Noyola
Title: CooperGroove Drum Sticks Packaging Creative Director: Michael Stanard Title: A Total Loss of Memory, LP Creative Directors: Guy Villa, Jr., Sharon Oiga
Art Director: James Westwood Designer: Mark Costello Designers: Guy Villa, Jr., Sharon Oiga

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Design Firm: Southpaw Projects, LLC, Neenah WI Client: Him + Her Worship
Title: Beacon CD Packaging Creative Director: Seth Pahmeier
Designer: Seth Pahmeier

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Design Firm: 3M Design, St. Paul MN Title: 3M Post-it® Notes Meeting Pack Design Firm: COHO Creative, Cincinnati OH Client: Zep Inc.
Creative Director: Nora Franey-Anelli Art Director: Nora Franey-Anelli Title: Mega Brand Design Director: Jon Shapiro (Chief Creative Officer)
Designer: Davis Production: Jason Dahm, Claire Clemmer Design Team: Chris Combs, Eric Warning, Blake Logsdon, Kari Bill

Design Firm: Electro Creative Workshop, Oakland CA Client: The Glad Products Design Firm: FORCEpkg, Lancaster PA Client: Stoner, Inc.
Company Title: Glad Force Flex Plus Refresh Creative Director: Brad Berberich Title: Motsenbocker’s Lift Off Stain Removal Kit
Designers: Michelle Shibata-Schwartz, Aimee Lura, Kelson Mau Creative Director: Tom Newmaster Art Director: Brian Harper
Production: Cynthia Alexander Production Artists: Brad Eggebrecht, Geri Zarate Designer: Avery Rose

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Design Firm: Initial Here Creative Services, Rochester NY Design Firm: Ionic Communications Group, Cincinnati OH
Client: Gentleman Farmer Title: Gentleman Farmer Candle Series Client: Nehemiah Manufacturing Title: Downy Wrinkle Releaser Redesign
Creative Director: T.C. Pellett Designer: T.C. Pellett Creative Director: Mike Ballard Designer: Dick Close
Production: Ann Patrick Production Artist: David Gray

Design Firm: Marvin, Eagan MN Client: Marvin Title: Marvin Modern Job Box Design Firm: Meguiar’s Design Center, Irvine CA Title: Ready-To-Use Detailer
Designer: Amanda Downing Project Manager: Christine Iwig Products Designer: Brian Littler Production: Briklyn Wuich
Printer: Bob Johnston, Packaging Corp (PCA)

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Design Firm: Meguiar’s Design Center, Irvine CA Title: Hybrid Ceramic Products Design Firm: One Zero Charlie, Woodstock IL Client: Sherwin Williams
Creative Director: Travis Rasmussen Designers: Brian Littler, Mario Rosales, Title: Earth Tones Packaging Creative Director: Michael Stanard Art Director:
Fernando Padilla Productions: Briklyn Wuich, Ken Zapp, Blake Beamish Michael Stanard Designer: Michael Stanard Production: Michael Stanard

Design Firm: One Zero Charlie, Woodstock IL Client: Lusterleaf Products Design Firm: Richard Zeid Design, Evanston IL Client: Adorn
Title: Rain Gauges Packaging Creative Director: Michael Stanard Title: Adorn Packaging Creative Director: Richard Zeid
Art Director: James Westwood Designer: James Westwood Art Director: Richard Zeid Designer: Richard Zeid Production: Richard Zeid
President, Lusterleaf: Larry Holbein

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7, 255
Design Firm: Robert Bosch Tool Corporation, Mount Prospect IL Title: Bosch X- Design Firm: Smith Design, Morristown NJ Client: Henkel Title: Renuzit
Lock Grinder Diamond Blade Packages Creative Director: David Cieslik Seasonals Halloween Packaging Design Creative Director: Tim Williams
Art Director: David Cieslik Production: Lisa Chenow Art Directors: Melissa Mullin Sadowski Designer: Angel Souto
Packaging Project Manager: Adrian Vagnoni Production: Mark Errichetti Illustrator: Angel Souto

Design Firm: Spectrum Brands, Earth City MO Client: Spectrum Brands Design Firm: Spectrum Brands, Earth City MO Client: Spectrum Brands Home
Home & Garden Title: Black Flag™ Propane and Electric Foggers & Garden Title: Cutter® Backwoods® Insect Repellent Holiday Can
Designer: Spectrum Brands Communications Creative Team Designer: Spectrum Brands Communications Creative Team

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Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Title: Barbie® Dia De Muertos Doll Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Title: 2019 Holiday Barbie® Doll
Packaging Key Lead Package Designer: Sal Velazquez Illustrator: Ray Goudey Packaging Key Lead Package Designer: Vicky Gevorkyan
Lead Copywriter: Eleanor Oliver Senior Package Engineer: Kambiz Betaharon Senior Copywriter: Eleanor Oliver Senior Engineer: Kambiz Betaharon
Manager Creative Operations: Patty Serafin Director Package Design: Manager Creative Operations: Patty Serafin Director Package Design:
Suzanna Lakatos Senior Vice President Design: Kim Culmone Suzanna Lakatos Senior Vice President Design: Kim Culmone

Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Title: Jean Michel Basquiat™ Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Client: Lucasfilm Ltd. (Partner)
Barbie® Doll Packaging Senior Designer: Laydiana Chiv Lead Copywriter: Title: Star Wars™ X Barbie® Dolls Packaging Package Design Manager:
Eleanor Oliver Package Engineer: Jonathan Martin Manager Creative Tyler Russell Lead Copywriter: Eleanor Oliver Staff Package Engineer:
Operations: Patty Serafin Director Package Design: Suzanna Lakatos Steve Fireman Senior Engineer: Kambiz Betaharon Manager Creative
Senior Vice President Design: Kim Culmone Operations: Patty Serafin Director Package Design: Suzanna Lakatos
Senior Vice President Design: Kim Culmone

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Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Client: NBCUniversal Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Client: Disney Pixar
Title: Jurassic World™ Comic Con 2019 Lead Package Designer: Title: Disney Pixar Toy Story 4 Influencer Kit Staff Package Designer:
Michael Petrosky Senior Copywriter: Stacey Lloyd Lead Package Engineer: Deborah Ava Senior Package Designer: Krizia Carungcong
Adam O’Connor Senior Manager Package Design: Livia Roustan Illustrator: Shawn McKelvey Copywriter: Melissa Karlin Senior Package
Engineer: Cole Fenton Senior Manager Package Design: Livia Roustan

Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Client: WWE Title: WWE® Wrekkin’ Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels™ id 2019 Series
Performance Center Influencer Kit Senior Package Designer: George Martinez Art Director: Joey Campos Designer: Mark Kawakami Illustrator: Mattel China
Lead Copywriter: Robert Rudman Package Engineer: Rachel Hurst Art Shop Copywriter: Emer Lalor Engineer: Mike Weinstein
Manager Package Engineering: River Rodibaugh Manager: Emer Lalor
Senior Manager Package Design: Livia Roustan

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Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels® Camo Assortment Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels® Pop Culture-Led
Art Director: John Colucci Designer: Olena Zatler Illustrator: Michael Guevarra Zeppelin Assortment Art Director: Julian Koiles Designer: Olena Zatler
Copywriter: Kevin Callahan Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: Frank Medrano Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: John Colucci

Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels® Car-Culture Door Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels® Mario Kart Comic
Slammers Art Director: Julian Koiles Designer: Julian Koiles Illustrator: Con Exclusive Designer: Dennis Canon Copywriter: Kevin Callahan
Michael Guevarra Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: John Colucci Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: Frank Medrano

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Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Title: Hot Wheels® Japanese Spider- Design Firm: Mattel, Inc., El Segundo CA Client: Big Hit Entertainment Co.,
Man Comic Con Exclusive Designer: Samuel Kok Copywriter: David Itzkowitz Ltd. Title: BTS Mini Vinyl Dolls Packaging Senior Package Designer: Julie Lee
Engineer: Chris Hawkins Manager: Frank Medrano Senior Package Engineer: Mark Donham Manager Package Design: Annie Yu

Design Firm: Rukket Sports LLC, Greenville DE Title: Glow NaNa Lounger Pack- Design Firm: SHUNG SHUNG, Palatine IL Client: Seasons Playing Cards
age Design Creative Director: Heather Nunery Art Director: Emma Berger Title: 2018 National Playing Card Collection Day Series Designer: Alexan-
Designers: Heather Nunery, Emma Berger derChin Paper: STARDREAM® Papers, learn more at

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Design Firm: Taco Bell Design, Irvine CA Client: Taco Bell Title: Taco Bell Xbox
Creative Directors: Chris Ayres, Jess Kirkman, Chris Selter
Art Director: Chase Wood Designer: Chase Wood Production: Lisa Schnitzer
Marketing Director: Will Bortz SVP Advertising + Brand Engagment:
Tracee Larocca Photographer: Trevor Pearson Account Director: Kelli-Rae Coughlin
Account Supervisor: Sam Carlino Account Manager: Scott Andreen

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Design Firm: Seventh Generation Creative Team, Burlington VT Design Firm: Topco Creative Services, Elk Grove Village IL Client:
Client: Seventh Generation Title: A Hopeful Future Diaper Packaging Participating Topco Member Retailers Title: Tippy Toes True Creative Director:
Creative Director: Mindy Barsky Art Director: Tomlynn Biondo Brian Carron Art Director: Kathy Kolba Designer: Mindy Syster
Designer: Tomlynn Biondo Production: Emily Pasco Production: Brian DiCrescenzo Lead Production Artist: Robin Heiser

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Design Firm: CBX, New York NY Client: Lands O’Lakes Design Firm: Central Garden & Pet Creative, Franklin WI Client: Kaytee
Title: Purina Animal Nutrition Title: Food From The Wild™ Creative Director: Stacy Blint
Designer: Craig Butgereit Senior Production Designer: Linelle Gottfredsen

Design Firm: Mark Topczewski Creative, LLC, Waterford WI Design Firm: SmashBrand, Boise ID Client: Chews Happiness
Client: Emerald Pet Products Title: Pumpkin Harvest Dog Treats Title: Chews Happiness Dog Desserts & Treats
Creative Director: Mark Topczewski Art Director: Mark Topczewski Creative Director: Monika Cascone
Designer: Mark Topczewski Illustration: Petz Creative, Route 37 Design

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Design Firm: Spectrum Brands, Earth City MO Client: Spectrum Brands Global Design Firm: Spectrum Brands, Earth City MO Client: Spectrum Brands Global
Pet Care Title: FURminator® Pet Shampoos, Conditioners and Grooming Sprays Pet Care Title: Tetra Connect™ Aquarium Kit and Wifi Controlled Feeder
Designer: Spectrum Brands Communications Creative Team Designer: Spectrum Brands Communications Creative Team

Design Firm: Truly Creative, Petaluma CA Client: Kalmbach Feeds

Title: Healthy Harvest: Whole & Hearty Creative Director: Carrie Dufour
Art Director: Carrie Dufour Designer: Truly Creative Design Team

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Design Firm: 80east Design, Poughkeepsie NY Client: Ruthie Davis Design Firm: Arithmetic, Vancouver BC Client: Melanie Auld Jewelry
Title: ‘Rajah’ Print for Pumps and Sneakers Creative Director: Title: Melanie Auld Jewelry Package Design Creative Director: Margherita Porra
Trevor Messersmith Designer: Trevor Messersmith Designers: Ellen Tsai, Rachel Sanvido, Lindsey Hampton
Production: Elizabeth Vegh

Design Firm: Id8, Marietta GA Client: Slidekix Title: Slidekix Point Package Design Firm: Ionic Communications Group, Cincinnati OH
Creative Director: Kriston Sellier Art Director: Julie Cofer Client: Keysocks LLC Title: Keysocks Packaging Creative Director: Mike Ballard
Designer: Jess Gerjets Production: Ashley George Paper: NEENAH® FOLDING Production: Ann Patrick Production Artist: David Gray
BOARD, Deep Black, learn more at

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Design Firm: 21-13 Impact Graphics, Tustin CA Client: Reality Entertainment Design Firm: Austin Moore Design, Cincinnati OH Client: Bison Extracts
Title: Cannabis Evolution Art Director: Jan Miller Production: Warren Croyle Title: THC Cartridge Packaging Creative Director: Austin Moore
Art Director: Austin Moore Designer: Austin Moore Production: Austin Moore
Photographer: Brooke Allen Printer: Sungrown Packaging

Design Firm: Elevate Healthcare, Blue Bell PA Client: Aspen Green Title: Design Firm: Liska + Associates, Chicago IL Client: Chill
Aspen Green Launch Packaging Managing Partners, Elevate: Frank X. Powers Title: Chill CBD Packaging Creative Director: Steve Liska Designer: Sam Miller
CCO, Elevate: Barry Schmader Creative Director (Copy), Elevate: Steven Goldstein
Associate Creative Director (Art), Elevate: Paul Wesemann Graphic Designer,
Elevate: Drew Le Van Studio Manager, Elevate: Basma Abouelenein Client Delivery
Manager, Elevate: Nick Stackhouse CEO, Aspen Green: Brandon Lewis
CFO, Aspen Green: Kyle Chong SVP, Training & Education, Aspen Green: Heather
Lewis SVP, DIgital Marketing & Product Development, Aspen Green: Valerie Chong

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Design Firm: Neon Pig Creative, Colorado Springs CO Client: Kingsley CBD Design Firm: Nuevo Studio, Oklahoma City OK Client: Cvltivation Clvb
Title: Kingsley CBD Packaging Creative Director: Michael O’Cana Title: Cvltivation Clvb - An Ode To The Gods Creative Director: Naoma Serna-
Designer: Clint Hager Production: Robert Ladefoged Zahn Designer: Lauren Mayhew Photographer: Regan Shorter

Design Firm: SHUNG SHUNG, Palatine IL Client: Seasons Playing Cards Design Firm: SmashBrand, Boise ID Client: Joyful Hemp Co
Title: 2019 National Playing Card Collection Day Series Title: Joyful CBD Creative Director: Matt Beverly
Designer: Alexander Chin Paper: Neenah ROYAL SUNDANCE® and Designers: Matt Beverly, Monika Cascone
STARDREAM® Papers, learn more at

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Design Firm: Andon Guenther Design, LLC, Denver CO Client: Pfylum, LLC Design Firm: Conair Corporation, Stamford CT Client: Target Title: Luxe Series
Title: Mayflower 400th Anniversary Coinfolio Creative Director: C. Andon Guenther Creative Director: Tricia Brady Art Directors: Thomas Zarrelli, Chris DePouli
Art Director: C. Andon Guenther Designer: C. Andon Guenther Retoucher: John Padilla Photographer: Pete Pezzella
Brand Strategist: Rosa Willems Account Management: Ian Macdonald

Design Firm: Integrated Printing & Graphics, New York NY Design Firm: Integrated Printing & Graphics, New York NY
Client: Hudson News Title: JFK T5 Fraport New York 2019 RFP Client: Hudson News Title: Providence Rhode Island Airport Corporation
Creative Director: Steve Goulbourne Designer: Mario Sanchez Rob Thatcher Creative Director: Steve Goulbourne Designer: Mario Sanchez Rob Thatcher

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Design Firm: Red Paper Plane, Essex CT Client: McDougall + Duval Advertising Design Firm: Stapley-Hildebrand, San Francisco CA Client: Lindt USA
for Carousel Industries Title: Carousel Industries Hexagon Video Mailer Creative Title: Lindor Holiday Story Book Creative Director: Aaron Stapley
Directors: McDougall + Duval Advertising Art Directors: McDougall + Duvall Designer: Akemi Kaneko
Advertising Designers: McDougall + Duval Advertising Account and Production
Manager: Mary Ann Konishesky Photography: Marc McShane Photography

Design Firm: Structural Graphics, Essex CT Client: Hudson Rouge for Lincoln
Motor Company Title: Lincoln Aviator Music Box With LED Lights and Hardcover
Bound Book Creative Director: Noel Boland Art Director: Noel Boland Designers:
Jake Hollis, Erik Hluchan Photographer: Marc McShane Book Binding:
Universal Book Bindery Lincoln Brand Agency: Hudson-Rouge Collaboration
Partner: Makerhouse Account Manager: Warren Yamakoshi Foil Stamping,
Embossing, Die Cutting: Register Marks (Dallas TX) Catalog Page Printing:
ColorTech Graphics Book Back Pages: Tepel Brothers

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Design Firm: Dell Technologies, Experience Innovation Group, Austin TX Design Firm: Dell Technologies, Experience Innovation Group, Austin TX
Title: Dell Latitude 25th Anniversary Packaging Title: Dell Pollution Ink Packaging Designer: Experience Innovation Group
Designer: Experience Innovation Group

Design Firm: FEKKAI Product Design Team, New York NY

Client: FEKKAI Professional Hair Care Line Package Design Engineer:
Paula Galvao Director of Operations: Todd Brower

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Design Firm: Amazon, Seattle WA Client: Amazon Kitchen Title: Private Label Design Firm: COHO Creative, Cincinnati OH Client: Meijer Title: Gourmet
Packaging Creative Director: Ethan Johnson Associate Creative Directors: Coffee Design Director: Jon Shapiro (Chief Creative Officer)
Julie Winieski, Ted Bachman Senior Producer: Ashley Saleeba Design Team: Jen Register, Kate Raterman, Monica Campbell,
Senior Copywriter: Stephanie Vandenack Photographer: Greg Montijo Shonda Leen, Kevin Bova, Heidi Grey

Design Firm: COHO Creative, Cincinnati OH Client: Southern States Cooperative Design Firm: Daymon Creative Services, Stamford CT Client: Brookshire’s
Title: Greenlawn Fertilizer Design Director: Mike Skrzelowski (Creative Director) Grocery Company Title: Texas BBQ Sauces Packaging Creative Director:
Design Team: Lisa Adams, Katie Truitt, Erica Westerfield, Annie Ledford, Steven Cox Art Director: Matt Kronengold Brookshire’s Category
Monica Campbell, Matt Siegert Management and Marketing Teams

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Design Firm: Daymon Creative Services, Stamford CT Client: Fresh Direct Design Firm: Daymon Creative Services, Stamford CT Client: Weis Markets
Title: New York Honey Pakaging Creative Director: Steven Cox Vice President, Title: Dipping Sauces Packaging Creative Director: Steven Cox
Merchandising: Carrie Mesing Art Director: Felix Rosales Director of Private Brands: John Evans

Design Firm: Daymon Creative Services, Stamford CT Client: Harris Teeter Design Firm: Daymon Creative Services, Stamford CT Client: Harris Teeter
Title: HT Traders Butter Packaging Creative Director: Steven Cox Title: Free Range Eggs Packaging Creative Director: Steven Cox
Art Director: Felix Rosales Director of Advertising & Creative: Steve Kent Art Director: Felix Rosales Director of Advertising & Creative: Steve Kent
Marketing Manager: Kim Davis Director of Private Brands: Charles Brame Marketing Manager: Kim Davis Director of Private Brands: Charles Brame

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Design Firm: Daymon Creative Services, Stamford CT Client: Raley’s Design Firm: Daymon Creative Services, Stamford CT Client: Tops Friendly
Supermarket Title: Nob Hill Wood Fired Pizza Packaging Creative Director: Markets Title: Steak Sauce Packaging Creative Director: Steven Cox
Steven Cox Art Director: Matt Kronengold Director, Private Brands: Jessica Art Director: Felix Rosales SVP Sales & Marketing: Diane Colgan
Blakely Sr. Manager of Creative: Tricia Wong

Design Firm: Marks Design, Saint Ann MO Client: Save A Lot Title: Cody’s Design Firm: Marks Design, Saint Ann MO Client: Save A Lot
Meat Snacks Packaging Creative Directors: Jane Stanfield, Anthony Swaneveld Title: Marcum Premium Rubs Packaging Creative Director: Anthony Swaneveld
Designer: Mandy Dayment Design Manager, Save A Lot: Tim Brazier Designers: Don Guss, Mandy Dayment Design Manager, Save A Lot:
Production Manager, Save A Lot: Debbie Kipp Tim Brazier Production Manager, Save A Lot: Debbie Kipp

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Design Firm: Marks Design, Saint Ann MO Client: Save A Lot Design Firm: Marks Design, Saint Ann MO Client: Save A Lot
Title: McDaniel’s Coffee Packaging Creative Director: Nic Lama Title: McDaniel’s Holiday Coffees Creative Director: Nic Lama
Designer: Vincci Fung Design Manager, Save A Lot: Tim Brazier Designer: Vincci Fung Design Manager, Save A Lot: Tim Brazier
Production Manager, Save A Lot: Debbie Kipp Production Manager, Save A Lot: Debbie Kipp

Design Firm: Meyocks, West Des Moines IA Client: Hy-Vee Design Firm: Wallace Church & Co., New York NY
Title: Zoet Holiday Chocolates Art Directors: Rawley King, Levi Ward Client: Wegmans Food Markets Title: Bone Broth Creative Director:
Jodi Lubrich Designer: Brian Stafflinger Chief Creative Officer: Stan Church

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Design Firm: CCI Health & Wellness Services, Silver Spring MD Design Firm: Conair Corporation, Stamford CT Client: Essentials by Conair
Client: Behavioral Health Department Title: Patient Wellness Cards Title: Convertible Product Demo Display Art Director: Cori Burke
Creative Director: Jose Luis Diaz Designer: Samory Henry Account Manager: Karen Aitcheson Retoucher: Erik Schafer
Photographer: Samory Henry Photographer: Peter Pezzella

Design Firm: Sally Morrow Creative, Portland OR Client: New Hokkaido Beer Design Firm: Shook Kelley, Los Angeles CA Client: Save Mart
Co. Title: New Hokkaido Beer Point-of-Purchase Creative Director: Sally Morrow Title: Save Mart Retail Graphics Creative Director: Kevin Kelley
Art Director: Sally Morrow Designer: Sally Morrow Production: Jill Raleigh Art Director: Sabrina Fan Designers: Kat Fon, Yusuke Yokoyama
Copywriting: Doug Lowell Illustration: Blood Bros.
Paper: STARDREAM® Papers, learn more at

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Design Firm: Signal Theory, Kansas City MO Client: Sonic Drive-In

Title: Evergreen Packaging Creative Directors: Jon Kowing, Brent Davidson,
Joe Wilper Art Director: Sam Dorman Copywriter: Bailey Jurgens
Account Manager: Paige Spinner, Kate Tucker, Alaina Hammer
Account Director: Jessica Bukowski

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Design Firm: Asurion Creative Solutions, Bridgewater NJ Client: Sunglass Hut Design Firm: Isometric Studio, Long Island City NY Client: Junzi
Title: SunLove Protection Plan Creative Director: John Elter Title: Junzi Branding and Identity Creative Director: Andy Chen
Art Director: Amy Latham Senior Copywriter: Paula Ernst Designers: Jihye Um, Renald Louissaint Design Director: Hannah (Qian) Meng
Project Manager: Hillary Cremeens Marketing Manager: Laura Lechner

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21, 315
Design Firm: Asurion Creative Solutions, Bridgewater NJ Client: Asurion
Title: Amazon Brand Store Creative Director: John Elter Senior Designer:
Vi Hannett Senior Copywriters: Paula Ernst, Mike Melone
Senior Project Manager: Lauren Carver Director Client Marketing:
Amy Comiskey Senior Marketing Manager: Kallen Trachsel

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Design School: Art Center College of Design, Pasadena CA Title: Aesop Ivory Design School: ArtCenter College of Design, Pasadena CA Title: Boudin SF |
Cream Artisan Set Creative Director: Kenneth Kuh Art Director: Kenneth Kuh Plastic Free Food Packaging Creative Director: Yi Mao Art Director: Yi Mao
Designer: Kenneth Kuh Production: Kenneth Kuh Kenneth Kuh Designer: Yi Mao Photographer: Jack Strutz Instructors: Jessica Deseo,
Paper: NEENAH® FOLDING BOARD, learn more at Andrew Gibbs Advisor: Gerardo Herrera Paper: Neenah ENVIRONMENT®
Papers and EAMES™ Paper Collection, learn more at

Design School: ArtCenter College of Design, Los Angeles CA Design School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design,
Title: Thwart Packaging Designer: Eun Jung Bahng Professor: Dan Hoy Auburn AL Title: Ear Things Earring Start-up Kit Designer: Bailey Matthews
Paper: Neenah ENVIRONMENT® Papers, learn more at Paper: Neenah ENVIRONMENT® Papers, learn more at

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Design School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Design School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design,
Auburn AL Title: Prim Health Essentials Designer: Anna Claire White Auburn AL Title: Port Oil Co. Designer: Anna Porter Paper: CLASSIC®
Professor: Robert Finkel Paper: CLASSIC® WOODGRAIN Papers and TECHWEAVE Papers, learn more at
CLASSIC® STIPPLE Papers, learn more at

Design School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Design School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design,
Madison AL Title: King’s Cola Branding Art Director: Gurden Smith Charleston SC Title: Copa d’Oro Designer: Madison Elrod Paper: CLASSIC®
Professor: Robert Finkel Paper: ESSE® Papers, learn more at LAID Paper and CLASSIC CREST® Paper, learn more at

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Design School: Auburn University School of Industrial + Graphic Design, Design School: Drexel University, Westphal College of Media Arts & Design,
Auburn AL Title: THINK. Ink Designer: Jake Martin Graphic Design Program, Philadelphia PA Title: Make Your Own Music Box
Paper: CLASSIC COTTON®Papers, learn more at Designer: Gwyneth Neumont Instructor: Sandy Stewart

Design School: Drexel University, Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, Design School: Drexel University, Westphal College of Media Arts & Design,
Graphic Design Program, Philadelphia PA Title: Contrapasta Graphic Design Program, Philadelphia PA Title: What’s the Stitch
Designer: Kaci Kwiatek Instructor: Sandy Stewart Designer: Jaclyn Parry Instructor: Sandy Stewart

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Design School: Drexel University, Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, Design School: Drexel University, Westphal College of Media Arts & Design,
Graphic Design Program, Philadelphia PA Title: ZOOM Graphic Design Program, Philadelphia PA Title: Wonder: A Recycling Journey
Designer: Matthew Barnett Instructor: Jody Graff Designer: Lauren Molino Instructor: Shushi Yoshinaga

Design School: Drexel University, Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, Design School: Kennesaw State University/School of Art & Design,
Graphic Design Program, Philadelphia PA Title: Toothy Sustainable Kennesaw GA Title: Prismatic - Opaline Eau de Parfum Creative Director:
Brushing Kit Designer: Anna Cushing Instructor: Jody Graff Natalie Dettman Art Director: Natalie Dettman Designer: Natalie Dettman
Production: Natalie Dettman Professor: Carole Maugé-Lewis

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Design School: Kennesaw State University/School of Art & Design, Kennesaw GA Design School: Kennesaw State University/School of Art & Design, Kennesaw
Title: Lace Up! - Shoe Lace Variety Pack Creative Director: Karsten Nebiker GA Title: Bloom Box - Let’s Get This Garden Started! Creative Director: Kyla
Art Director: Karsten Nebiker Designer: Karsten Nebiker Resnick Art Director: Kyla Resnick Designer: Kyla Resnick
Production: Karsten Nebiker Professor: Carole Maugé-Lewis Production: Kyla Resnick Professor: Carole Maugé-Lewis

Design School: Kennesaw State University/School of Art & Design, Kennesaw Design School: Kennesaw State University/School of Art & Design, Kennesaw
GA Title: Ruff Life Dog Soap Packaging Creative Director: Logan Stephens GA Title: North Face Branding Creative Director: Jacquelyn Hataway
Art Director: Logan Stephens Designer: Logan Stephens Art Director: Natalie Dettman Designers: Natalie Dettman, Jacquelyn Hataway,
Production: Logan Stephens Professor: Carole Maugé-Lewis Micah Nibbs, Maggie Owen, Erin Walsh Production: Micah Nibbs
Professor: Carole Maugé-Lewis

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Design School: Kennesaw State University/School of Art & Design, Kennesaw Design School: Kennesaw State University/School of Art & Design, Kennesaw
GA Title: Beard & Barrel - The Whiskey Soap Co. - The Cocktail Collection GA Title: Forget Me Not - Bridal Day Essentials Creative Director: Emily White
Creative Director: Savannah Winn Art Director: Savannah Winn Designer: Art Director: Emily White Designer: Emily White Production: Emily White
Savannah Winn Production: Savannah Winn Professor: Carole Maugé-Lewis Professor: Carole Maugé-Lewis

Design School: Kutztown University, Shillington PA Title: Kindle & Design School: Pennsylvania College of Art & Design (PCA&D), Lancaster PA
Flint Trail Angel Chocolates Creative Director: Madison Woodruff Title: Astro Noise Isolating Headphones Designer: Kevin Foss
Paper: NEENAH® FOLDING BOARD Papers, Matte Finish, Instructor: Tom Newmaster Chair of Graphic Design: Pamela Barby
learn more at

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Design School: Pennsylvania College of Art & Design (PCA&D), Lancaster PA Design School: Pennsylvania College of Art & Design (PCA&D), Lancaster PA
Title: Wine & Russet Roscato and Merlot Potato Chips Designer: Dyneisha Gross Title: Kalon Eco-Friendly Earbuds Designer: Emily Phillips
Instructor: Tom Newmaster Chair of Graphic Design: Pamela Barby Instructor: Tom Newmaster Chair of Graphic Design: Pamela Barby

Design School: Pennsylvania College of Art & Design (PCA&D), Lancaster PA Design School: Pratt Institute, San Francisco CA Title: Sensodyne Packaging
Title: Sweet Mary Jane’s Cinnamon Sugar Pita Chips and Salted Caramel Concept Art Director: Adao Liu Designer: Adao Liu
Kettle Mix Designer: Anthony Nardo Instructor: Tom Newmaster
Chair of Graphic Design: Pamela Barby

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Design School: Pratt Institute, Chicago IL Title: Naughty Lil Devil Beer Packaging Design School: Sage College of Albany, Clifton Park NY Title: Toxic Tonic Soda
Creative Director: Jeong Won Hwang Art Director: Jeong Won Hwang Packaging Designer: Tyler Frisbee Professor: Sean Hovendick
Designer: Jeong Won Hwang Instructor/Creative Director: Thomas Delaney

Design School: Salisbury University, Salisbury MD Title: Tall Tales Brewing Co. Design School: Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah GA
Craft Beer Labels Designers: Maddie Noonan, Bri Purnell Title: RYZA Package Design Designer: Amy Ruzich
Professor: Allison B. Seth

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Design School: Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah GA Design School: Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah GA
Title: MATCHA Organic Tea Package Design Designer: Christian Bruder Title: Living Culture Beer Package Design Designer: Mac Zafarana

Design School: Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah GA Design School: Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah GA
Title: Akashic Records Package Design Designer: McLean Carrington Title: Crave to Save Package Design Designer: Sam Lotko
Photography: Tyler Carty

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Design School: Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah GA Design School: Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Savannah GA
Title: Party Pop Pizza Flavored Popcorn Package Design Title: Electric Hound Ale Package Design Designer: Caitlin Jordan
Designer: Kendra Maynard

Design School: Texas Christian University (TCU), Fort Worth TX Title: Play Design School: Texas Christian University (TCU), Fort Worth TX
Poster For Last Of The Red Hot Lovers by Neil Simon Designer: Anna Kindred Title: Wag Organic Dog Treats Designer: Alexandria LaMastra
Paper: Neenah ENVIRONMENT® Papers, learn more at

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20+ years on, not only are people still designing sites like
this, publications are still giving awards for it. Right before
they hit you with their paywall.

Now, lest you assume all this is sour grapes, few at my firm
care much about awards. It’s a modest feel-good thing. But
we’ve been designing and building websites since the ‘90s,
tracking trends in design and development and user behavior,
and felt what we’d submitted was elegant, beautiful, usable,
with subtle dynamics flourishes and compelling messaging
- most importantly, it’s driving measurable business results.
We thought it was award-worthy, but more importantly we
knew it would be a great brand asset for our clients.

Therein lie all the points.

Recently, a venerable design publication Digital long ago graduated from its novelty phase. It’s woven
into our lives. The majority of people are viewing from small
rebuffed our firm’s website design award
screen devices. Today, the point of a website is to make it easy
submission with the tart reply “we try to and rewarding for people to engage with your brand, not to wow
look for sites that are able to use the digital them with your website’s innovation for innovation’s sake.

space in an innovative way.”

In 2020, the fact that you noticed the website itself is more

Ouch. Licking our wounds, we visited the publication’s site likely to mean IT GOT IN THE WAY.

to see which innovators put us to shame. What we found was

not so much a tour de force of digital innovation as a way- You can still have a little fun, of course. But it’s time to retire

back machine; a celebration of the code gimmickry that the gimmicks and digital party favors and stay focused on

characterized the early web. winning brand friends, not website awards.

In the early days, transforming a cursor into a doughboy mitten JOSH KELLY is Managing Partner and Chief Strategist, FINE, which describes itself

or a flaming dreamcatcher was the height of innovation. Long as “a design-minded, human-centric, hyper-engaged, digital-savvy, awesome-inducing,
brand-believing, definition-defying, hyphen-dependent, un-agency-like agency.”
periods of loading were justified by the assumption that it’ll
all be worth the wait when users marvel at how you turned a
simple product matrix into a 4-dimensional chart, or imbued
each click with the sound of a lasergun. A 30-second, musical
animation of your logo was a great intro to your wares. Back
then, the novelty of the medium meant showing off digital
chops was an end in itself. Heck, no one had much band-
width anyway.

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Your in-house creative team plays a
vital role in driving business forward.
So, why are you the only one in your
company who gets it?
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By Diane Domeyer

As we are currently called to practice social distancing, a

majority of us are likely working in our homes, rather than One of the best parts of telecommuting is being able to
our usual offices. While it’s important to change the way work with your pet at your feet. But what happens when
we work to protect our communities, this can be a new your furry friend sees a delivery person and raises a
and difficult transition for professionals who haven’t pre- ruckus? Of course there’s the mute button, but what if
viously telecommuted. you’re in the middle of giving a presentation or respond-
ing to a query?
Besides helping us work safely right now, telecommuting
has some other benefits, too. You don’t have to wake up The key to being a successful remote worker is anticipat-
early to commute to the office. You can enjoy your lunch ing these types of scenarios. Before a phone call or video
break with your family or roommate. You can also still conference, put pets in a separate room — preferably far
connect with your coworkers with “virtual” coffee chats or away from your home office or other workspace. You can
social hours. But remote work isn’t without its challenges also invest in a headset with a noise-canceling micro-
or mishaps. phone. This would also help eliminate other sources of
background noise, such as a neighbor who fires up their
Here are four sticky situations you wouldn’t necessarily lawnmower or leaf blower as you’re about to join a confer-
face in the office — and tips for dealing with them. ence call.

• Your boss asks you to hop on an impromptu video call, but • You find yourself working through dinner most days.
your appearance may not be “office-ready.”
When working from home, it can be easier to blur the
One way to keep teams connected during this time is to lines between work and life, as you don’t have to physi-
use video calls, and many managers are now putting this cally commute to and from the office. Let your manager
technology to use. One of the advantages of working and your team know you’ll generally sign on and off
remotely is not having to dress up, but that doesn’t mean around a certain time. Take breaks throughout the day,
you should be a slob — keep up at least a semi-profes- like going for a walk at lunch or grabbing an afternoon
sional appearance. However, if you are caught with bed- snack. By setting boundaries for yourself, you’ll prevent
head and are in your pajamas, ask to join on audio only. feeling stressed and overworked, and you’ll give yourself
the time you need to relax and recharge each day.
• You’re on a tight deadline and your internet goes down.
As a majority of us switch to telecommuting, we may
Internet access is the lifeblood of remote work, and you encounter occasional challenges, but it’s important we
should have a plan B in your back pocket for emergencies adopt best practices like these to keep our workdays run-
like this. For example, consider using your smartphone as ning as smooth as possible. It simply takes planning,
a temporary hotspot. Since this option can quickly eat up diplomacy and a cool head to prevail when the unexpect-
data — especially if you’re using a bandwidth-intensive ed happens.
service — have another way to contact your manager or
team members that you’re experiencing connectivity prob-
lems and will be in communication again soon. They’ve
likely have had a similar experience in the past few weeks
and should understand.

• You’re on a conference call and your dog starts barking.

Diane Domeyer is Executive Director of The Creative Group, a specialized staffing service placing interactive, design, marketing, adver-
tising and public relations professionals with a variety of firms. For more information, visit

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