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Myra Estrin Levine: The Conservation Theory

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by the sensory organs.

MYRA ESTRIN LEVINE: LIFE AND BIO Language/ Culture/ Ideas.

 Born in Chicago, Illinois in 1920 with her brother II. PERSON

and sister.  It is the unique individual in unity, integrity,
 Her father was a hardware man, who was often ill feeling and believing.
due to gastrointestinal problems.  It has a freedom of choice, and movement.
 Inspired in nursing due to her mother’s will to take  A holistic person is a thinking being.
care of her father.  A PERSON can be an individual, family, or a
 Attends University of Chicago but choose to community.
attend Cook County instead due to financial
problems (graduated – 1944). III. HEALTH
 Private Duty Nurse (1944)  Is socially determined by the ability to
 A civilian nurse in the U.S. Army (1945) function in a reasonably normal matter.
 Pre-clinical instructor in the physical sciences at  Health and disease are patterns of adaptive
Cook County. change.
 Director of Nursing at Drexel Home Chicago.  From a social perspective, health is the ability
 Called the “Renaissance Woman” to function in social roles.
 BOOK: Introduction to Clinical Nursing (1969).  Health is an individual response that may
 The book was used as a beginning nursing text by change over time in response to new
Levine and many of her colleagues. situations, new life challenges, and aging, or in
response to social, political, economic, and
spiritual factors.
 From the Latin word “Conservatio” means to keep  RETURN TO SELF (Pursue their own interest
together. within the context of their own resources).
 Conservation is to help the person with the process  A nurse’s goal is to promote health.
of “keeping together”.
 Focused on promoting adaptation and maintaining IV. NURSING
wholeness or integrity using the principles of  The nurse enters into a partnership of human
conservation. experience where sharing moments in time—
 Describes the way complex systems can continue some trivial, some dramatic—leaves its mark
to function even when severely challenged. forever on each patient.
 There are 4 principles/major concepts in the  The goal of nursing is to promote adaptation
Levine’s theory. (Environment, Person, Health, and maintain wholeness (health).
and Nursing).  “Nursing is a human interaction. Professional
 An there are 3 MAJOR COMPONENTS IN THIS nursing should be reserved for those few who
THEORY: ADAPTATION, WHOLENESS AND can complete a graduate program as
CONSERVATION. demanding as that expected of professionals
in any other disciplines… There will be very
I. ENVIRONMENT few professional nurses.” (Levine, 1969)
 Describes the internal (psychological or COMPONENTS
pathophysiological) and external (impinge or
challenge an individual) environment. a) Adaptation – the process of change and
 Completes the wholeness of the individual. conservation is the outcome.
 Levine was inspired by Florence Nightingale’s  Process of change whereby the individual
Environmental Theory. retains his integrity within the realties of
 ASPECTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT: his internal and external environment.
Undetected natural forces. ADAPTATION:
1. HISTORICITY – the notion that d) Conservation of Social Integrity – Life gains
adaptive responses are partially based meaning through social communities and
on perpetual and genetic past history. health is socially determined.
Adaptive responses are personal and.  Nurses should:
Genetic.  Provide for family members
2. SPECIFICITY – Unique stimulus-  Assists with religious needs
response pathways. This are specific  Use interpersonal relationships
stressors and are task oriented.  Attain professional roles.
Responses-stimulated multiple
pathways which occur in a cascade of ORGANISMIC RESPONSE
complimentary pathways.  A change in behavior or change in the level of
3. REDUNDANCY - One system/ functioning during an attempt to adapt to the
pathways, is unable to ensure
environment. The organismic responses are intended
adaptation, then another pathway
to maintain the patient’s integrity. According to
maybe able to take over and complete
Levine, there are 4 organismic response that includes:
the job.
b) Conservation – is the product of adaptation a) FIGHT/ FLIGHT RESPONSE – This is the
and is a common principle underlying many of most primitive response. It is an instantaneous
the basic sciences. response to real or imagined threat.
 Seeks to achieve a balance of energy b) INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE – It protects
supply and demand that is within the the self from insult in a hostile environment. It
unique biological capabilities of the removes unwanted irritants and pathogens.
individual. c) RESPONSE TO STRESS – The way patients
 Maintaining proper balance involves the responds to nurses. It is developed over time
nursing intervention coupled with the and experienced by stressful experience
patient’s participation. encountered by the patient. However, if the
c) Wholeness – Based on Erikson’s (1964) experience is prolonged, the stress can lead to
description, is an open system. damage to the systems.
– It involves gathering of information and
a) Conservation of Energy – requires a balance of converting it to a meaningful experience.
energy and a constant renewal of energy to
maintain life activities.
b) Conservation of Structural Integrity – Nurses
can limit the amount of tissues involved in a
disease by early recognition of functional
changes and by nursing intervention.
 Healing – a process of restoring structural
and functional integrity through
conservation in defense of wholeness. A
c) Conservation of Personal Integrity – Self
worth and sense of identity.
 The most vulnerable become patients.
 Begins with erosion of privacy and
creation of anxiety.
 Calling them by name.
 Respecting their wishes
 Supporting their defenses
 Valuing personal possessions
 Providing privacy during
 Teaching them.

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