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Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering-1

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Demineralization Study of Low Grade

Indian Coal by Aqueous Caustic Leaching

Sushanta Kumar Behera, S. Chakraborty and B.C. Meikap

1 Introduction

Large reserves of low grade coal in the various parts of world. The usability and
energy efficiency of these coal quality is very low in comparison to high grade coal.
Usually the low grade coal features with low carbon, high mineral matter (impurity)
and moisture. By virtue of the formation of Indian coal, the characteristics of these
coals different from other countries. Due to drift origin formation of Indian coal
which signifies more chance of variations in property and high amount of inorganic
inclusions resulting in formation of high ash content. The inorganic inclusions in
coal is the major amount of silicates (kaolinite or dolomite), quartz, pyrite and
carbonates. The coal ash formed by decomposition inorganic mineral matter (Bolat
et al. 1998). The ash content of low grade coal varies from 35 to 45 % and the coals
have high ash fusion temperature about 1500 °C in spite of this these coal contains
low sulfur content about (0.5 %). With growing problems of energy supply,
attention is turning increasingly to low grade coals. The reduction of ash content to
a certain limit from the coal is very difficult by conventional physical beneficiation
techniques due to low quality of coal (Dash et al. 2013). So to develop more
efficient technologies for production of clean coal. In the physical method the coal

S.K. Behera (&)  S. Chakraborty  B.C. Meikap

Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur,
Kharagpur 721302, West Bengal, India
S. Chakraborty
B.C. Meikap
B.C. Meikap
Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, Howard College,
University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa

© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 99

I. Regupathi et al. (eds.), Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering,
DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-1633-2_12
100 S.K. Behera et al.

is crushed into fine particles, and the removal of mineral matter based on their
physical properties like surface phenomena (wettability) and specific gravity
(Meshram et al. 2015). It is only possible in chemical method for removal of
associated mineral and bound to coal matrix or structure. In the chemical method,
the mineral species reacts with the mineral matter and dissolute in water acid or
alkali solution (Choudhury and Bhaktavatsalam 1997; Mukherjee and Borthakur
2001). The method used in chemical cleaning of coals include acid leaching or
alkali leaching and or followed both acid and alkali at varying physical parameters.
The mineral rich component were reduced in chemical demineralization process
without modifying the organic structure of coal matrix (Gulen et al. 2005). The
extent of demineralization is vary place to place because it depends upon the type of
mineral structure and composition during coalification (Sharma and Gihar. 1991;
Kara and Ceylan. 1988). Chemical cleaning of coal is using simple equipment and
aqueous solution of common industrial chemicals and operation is easier when it
operate under mild condition but the cost of chemicals needed (Waugh and
Bowling 1984). In chemical cleaning the mineral acid are effective reducing the
minerals and sulfur content of the coal to different extent. However the combined
method of alkali leaching followed by acid washing is the best treatment method for
effective demineralization because the alkali are extremely liberation the most of
minerals from coal (Wang et al. 1996; Mukherjee et al. 2001).
A review of literature signifies the coal demineralization is improved by leaching
effect. The aim of this work is to examine leaching effect of temperature, time,
concentration and particle size on the demineralization of coal. The coal charac-
terized and coal minerals at different stages during leaching was analyzed by XRF
spectrometer and SEM-EDS analysis.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Materials

In the present investigation the coal sample were collected from

Bhubaneswari OCP (Open Cast Project) of Talcher Coal field, Orissa. The coals
were crushed and sieved to −16+100 British standard sieves (BSS) mesh size
particle, was used for the experiments. Before the actual experiment starts the coal
sample was analysed for its ash content using standard method proximate and
ultimate analyses and summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 Chemical analysis of coal samples

Coal seam Proximate analysis (wt%, dry) Ultimate analysis (wt%, daf) Calorific
Ash Volatile Fixed C H N S O value
matter Carbon (diff.) (Kcal/kg)
Bhubaneswari 26.95 38.71 34.34 52.9 4.53 1.5 1.28 39.79 4631.5
Demineralization Study of Low Grade Indian … 101

2.2 Experimental Methods

The leaching experiments were conducted in a bench scale unit consist of a batch
reactor of capacity 2.5 l with heating facilities, condenser provision for reflux and
temperature measured by thermometer. The batch reactor made up stainless steel
reactor (SS-316) which consist of 11 cm diameter and 22 cm height with Teflon
coating inside. The reactor is heated with four heating coils of 1 KW capacity each,
which fitted outside of the circumference of the reactor. A stainless steel stirrer, is
firmed in motor and whose propeller placed at 6 cm above from the bottom of
reactor. A motor moves the stirrer and its speed measured by the sensor which
mounted in front of motor. The stirrer usually operate at 600–900 rpm. The layout
of bench scale experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1.
The experiment were carried out in stainless steel reactor with 50 gm of coal
sample for each test was added to 500 ml NaOH solution of known concentration
(50–150 g L−I) for each test at temperature 100 °C for 60 min. The coal slurry was
heated from a room temperature to required leaching temperature and maintained
constant for period of time. In second set of experiments, 50 gm of coal was treated
with 50 g L−I NaOH concentration of 500 ml solution for 60–120 min at reaction
temperature 65–150 °C. In both stages, after leaching the hot coal slurry is cooled,
filtered and washed with distilled water for neutralize the alkali concentration. The
sample is than dried at 75–85 °C and weighed. The slurry after washed with dis-
tilled water, filtered and dried. The ash content was determined for before and after
treated coal by using standard methods (Bureau of Indian Standards 1969).

Fig. 1 Experimental set up for leaching process
102 S.K. Behera et al.

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Effect of Concentration on Demineralization of Coal

The effect of NaOH concentration for the demineralization of coal has been studied
in the range of 50–150 g/L of NaOH solution was treated at 100 °C for 60 min. The
caustic concentration has direct effect on degree of demineralization and the results
depicted in Fig. 2. As the concentration of NaOH with which treated coal is
increased, the percent demineralize of the coal increases up to 100 g/L NaOH then
it decreases at higher concentration. The percent demineralization reduce at higher
caustic concentration (above 100 g/L NaOH) may be due to adsorption the sodium
complex compound on the reactive site of coal surface and forms film coating on
the coal.
In this case maximum percent demineralization was 27 % obtained at 100 g/L
NaOH concentration than it decreases further increases in NaOH concentration. The
decrease in percent demineralization with increase in alkali concentration is
revealed that formation of insoluble acid silicate and aluminate. Several authors also
observed similar case as decrease demineralization with increases alkali concen-
tration. During alkali leaching, the coal containing silicate and aluminate may
dissolute and formed sodium compound silicate and aluminate that leached to the
solution but the dissolution decreases at higher concentration of alkali solution as
from reaction (1), (2) and (3).

Fig. 2 Effect of
concentration on
demineralization of coal
Demineralization Study of Low Grade Indian … 103

2NaOH þ Al2 O3 ! 2NaAlO2 þ H2 O ð1Þ

2NaOH þ SiO2 ! Na2 SiO3 þ H2 O ð2Þ

At higher concentration of alkali solution the following reaction

NaOHðaqÞ þ NaAlO2 ðaqÞ þ Na2 SiO3 ðaqÞ

! NaX ðAlO2 ÞY ðSiO2 ÞZ NaOH  H2 O ð3Þ
ðSodium-aluminosilicate complex compoundÞ

At time of leaching in stirred batch reactor, the film layer limited formation and
disappear by stirring at desired concentration (up to 100 g/L in this investigation)
but at higher concentration the thickness of film appear was more prominent which
inhibit the diffusion of leachant to the reactive site of coal and resist the dem-
ineralization process. The formation of Na compound of silicate and aluminate
dissolve up to 100 g/L NaOH and after decreases its solubility and forms complex
gel. The gel disperse to the coal matrix through pores and block the reactive site and
create resistant to diffusion. It may also possible during diffusion of leachant up to
100 g/L, then after some mineral drifted from the pores and become trapped where
resist to diffusion of leachant.

3.2 Effect of Contact Time and Temperature

on Demineralization

The experiment were carried out at three different temperature specially 65, 100 and
150 °C and each temperature operated three different leaching time such as 60, 90
and 120 min. The plot of percent demineralization versus time for leaching −16
+100 mesh size particle with sodium hydroxide solution. The effect of time and
temperature is one of the most important parameter for leaching process. The
degree of demineralization of coal increases with time and temperature as shown on
Fig. 3. The graph reveals that elimination of mineral matter from Bhubaneswari
coal increases accordingly with increase of temperature up to studied range. In the
investigation, the maximum demineralization was obtained 23 % at 150 °C and less
demineralization achieved at lower temperature. This is due to with rise of tem-
perature which enhance the rate of reaction of leaching process and increases the
activation energy favored easier to reaction between the ash bearing mineral particle
and leachant and enhance the degree of demineralization. At higher temperature,
greater magnitude of demineralization while less at lower temperature at similar
contact time. This means the higher temperature less time required to dissolution of
mineral matter and leached out to solution.
104 S.K. Behera et al.

Fig. 3 Effect of time and

temperature on
demineralization of coal

3.3 Effect of Particle Size on Demineralization

The particle size is also affect degree of demineralization of coal. The ash content of
raw coal varies with particle size and the results were shown in Fig. 4. The ash
content of raw coal decreases with increase particle size while it increases for
leached coal because the exposed surface area towards the leachants for larger
particle size is less in comparison to finer particles. Therefore, the ash forming
mineral matter less gap to diffuse in the leachant for smaller size particle while the
exposed rich mineral of finer raw coal particle directly formed greater amount of ash
after combustion.
It is evident from Fig. 4, the extent of demineralization increases with decrease
particle size. In this investigation, −72 mesh particle size giving maximum dem-
ineralization and throughout the process, −60 and −72 mesh particle size is best
demineralization of coal. However very fine ground particle (over −100 mesh
particle size) were inhibit to demineralization. This is because, the very finer par-
ticle stick to each other and greater is cohesive force in between the particle (above
100 mesh) and also difficult to handling. It reduces the rate of diffusion of leachant
to the reactive part in coal and very less yield and also more time to take for
Demineralization Study of Low Grade Indian … 105

Fig. 4 Effect of particle size

on demineralization of coal

3.4 SEM-EDS Analysis of Coal

The SEM has been carried out for the raw and chemical leached coals by using
scanning electron microscope with an energy dispersive X-ray analyzer (SEM-EDS
model JSM5800 from JEOL Company in Japan). In this investigation the surface
morphology and elementary composition of mineral group in the raw coal and
leached coal was studied. The SEM micrograph of raw and leached sample were
provided in Fig. 5. In the chemical leaching most of the minerals are removed and
also enrich the carbon content. From Table 2 and Fig. 5a represents the SEM—
EDS image of the raw coal sample contains large amount quartz and aluminate and
less percentage of carbon content as well as small proportion of elements such as
calcium, potassium, sulfur etc. The SEM study Fig. 5b–d with corresponding EDS
analysis from Table 2 revealed that the carbon content in the coal is increased by
demineralization of coal and there is no loss of carbon content. The carbon content
increases from 48 to 68 % during the alkali leaching. It also noticed that the
liberation of mineral content drastically changes and the ‘Fe’ content increases with
alkali concentration solution. The liberation of ‘Fe’ increases from the pyrite and
hematite group of minerals during leaching. The increase of porosity was indication
of significant amount of elimination of inorganic elements. Maximum amount of
106 S.K. Behera et al.

Fig. 5 SEM image of a Raw coal and b 50 g/L NaOH c 100 g/L NaOH d 150 g/L NaOH treated

Table 2 EDS analysis of coal samples

Elements (wt%) Raw coal 50 g/L NaOH lOOg/L NaOH 150 g/L NaOH
C 48.95 65.23 68.38 65.85
O 36.48 24.24 22.69 16.51
Mg 0.13 0.38 0.42 0.51
A1 4.29 1.88 1.22 3.15
Si 9.16 5.78 3.35 8.51
S 0.22 0.27 0.62 0.4
K 0.2 0.12 0.2 0.96
Ca 0.08 0.32 0.08 0.69
Ti 0.3 0.37 0.12 0.99
Mn 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.03
Fe 0.15 1.25 2.26 2.4

silica (Quartz), alumina and clay containing mineral were leached out during alkali
leaching due to high affinity of OH− (hydroxyl group ions) towards the silicate and
aluminates. However, the surface layer in the SEM image still showing bright and
luminous, that indicating maybe presence of mineral phases.
Demineralization Study of Low Grade Indian … 107

Table 3 Ash composition of coals

Coal seams Coal sample Ash composition (wt%)
SiO2 Al2Oj Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O SO3
Bhubaneswari Raw coal 44.51 20.12 3.67 1.45 0.98 0.15 0.97 0.741
Alkali 22.70 7.67 3.93 1.24 0.52 17.96 0.756 5.94
leached coal

3.5 Ash Composition

The ash composition has been analyzed by XRF spectrometer and the analysis
results were summarized in Table 3. Most of silica (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) and
other clay minerals soluble in caustic leaching while Fe2O3, Na2O, SO3 content of
ash were increased during caustic treatment. From the results, It reduced to above
50 % minerals with caustic treatment by dissolution forming sodium silicate
(Na2SiO3) and sodium aluminate (NaAlO2).

3.6 Calorific Value

The calorific value (C.V) or heating value of coal is one of the most important
indexes in assessing the quality of coal. High pressure oxygen Bomb calorimeter
(LECO AC 500) was used for measuring the calorific value of coal. The calorific
value of coal increases with extent of demineralization of coal. The calorific value
of treated coal increases from 4631.5 to 5241.7 kcal/kg. The increase of heating
value may be the removal of non-carbonaceous materials or mineral matter with the
alkali treatments.

4 Conclusions

From the investigation, The maximum demineralization has been achieved 27.6 %
by alkali treated coal from 27 % ash in Bhubaneswari coal seam. The size of
particles also effects the extent of demineralization; in the present work −72 mesh
particle size has been found to the most effective demineralization. The calorific
value of coal increases with the demineralization due to the liberation of non
heating valuable minerals from the coal. The efficiently extent of degree of dem-
ineralization depends on the increasing the solvent concentration, temperature and
leaching time and decreasing the size of particle. The percent of demineralization
improves with alkali concentration and at higher concentration reduce the
108 S.K. Behera et al.

demineralization due to the formation sodium complex gel like liquor and coat to
reactive part of coal. Also, It showed from SEM-EDS analysis, there is no loss of
carbon content during the leaching effect and most of the clay bearing minerals
were leached out.


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