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Design of Pelletizing Machine

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International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, Vol. 3, No.

1, February 2015

Design of Pelletizing Machine (Balling Disc)

K. O. Ikebudu, Chukwumuanya E. O., Swift O. N. K., and Nwokeocha Toochukwu

 machine is used for producing pellets from biomass.

Abstract—This work presents the design of pelletizing B. Pelletization
machine for the production of pellets from a mixture either in
its powder or molten form. This idea came up during the
Pelletization [6] is the unit operation of producing larger
process of producing pellets for the purpose of strength bodies from fine powders so as to alleviate many of the
measurements of powder agglomerates/pellets for good problems associated with fine particulates, for example,
handling of powder materials for usage and during some of the benefits provided by pelletizing coal include;
transportation. The machine consist a mixer. This machine is 1) Improved fugitive dust control
mainly found in production industries, railway/coal 2) Decrease in transportation costs and losses
corporations and steel industries.
3) Reduced risk of spontaneous usage
Index Terms—Pelletizing machine, pellets, agglomerates. Only partial understandings of the fundamentals of
powder material pillarization exist in this project. In this
project, we attempted to design palletizing machine for
I. INTRODUCTION OF DESIGN understanding of engineering material handling.
Palletizing machine is specialized equipment. It is used
for pelletizing of powder materials into pellets.
It is original and peculiar with large scale disc-pellet
machine and designed on the basis of the large scale disc- Poor handling of coal has affected the iron and steel
pellet machine that is used in industries like iron and steel industries, Railway Corporation and coal industries.
industry, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, However, the contemporary palletizing machine is so
cement industry, ceramics industry, railway corporations, expensive that some industries in Nigeria cannot afford the
seen in metallurgical workshops and some related industries. price. With the design of pelletizing machine to form pellets
This machine adapts to pelletizing many kinds of powder as the case maybe, for good handling of powder material,
material provided it is mixed with a particular solvent. there will be improved fugitive dust control, decrease in
The rotation disk is automatic and raw material collection transportation costs and losses, reduction in the risk of coal
and granulating capacity will be higher. The disc balling freezing and lowered risk of spontaneous combustion/ usage
machine is used in the balling granular used to make damp [6].
granule into antique pellets. [1]–[3]. It is equally used in the
palletizing and alkaline leaching of powdery low grade zinc
oxide ores [4]. It is also used in the mines. III. DESIGN ANALYSIS
Disc balling granulator is suitable for mixing material Considering the single phase induction motor with a
pelletizing equipment with nutrient [5]. It has the following speed of 400rpm, having a power of 1800kw, the diameter
advantages: of the shaft from the motor is 20mm.
1) High balling rate To calculate the angular velocity of the motor;
2) Big roundness intensity of particles
W=2πN÷60= (2×3.142×400) ÷60
3) Visual operation and easy for maintenance.
They are of different kinds and forms ranging from its
sizes, shapes, method of operation (manual or automatic), To find the actual torque of the motor
capacity, function, etc. Torque (T) = P/W
A. Types of Pelletizing Machine where
1) Pelletizing machine (Balling disc): Balling disc machine P=1800×1000
is mainly used for production of balls and agglomerates W=41.89
pellets. T=1800×10³×1000/41.89=42969.7 KN/m
2) Floating feed pellet machine: This type of pelletizing Again to calculate for the torque transmitted
machine is used for production of feed for animals. T=P × 60/2 Πn
3) Wood pellets machine: This type of palletizing machine T=1800 × 1000 × 60/2π×400
is used for making pellets of wood, plastics etc. T=108000000/2513.3
4) Biomass pellet machine: This type of palletizing T=42971.835 N/m

Manuscript received October 22, 2013; revised April 19, 2014.

K. O. Ikebudu and Swift O. N. K. are with the Anambra State IV. MATERIAL SELECTION
University, Uli, Nigeria (e-mail:
Chukwumuanya E. O. and Nwokeocha Toochukwu are with the
One of the basic factors that affect the choice of a project
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeri. is the availability of materials, selection of materials, and

DOI: 10.7763/IJMMM.2015.V3.156 9
International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2015

the cost of the materials for the design or fabrication of the distribution of forces along the length of the key is uniform.
project. The materials selection for the design function Now owing to the fact that
depends on the following;
L × W × T × d/2 = L × t/2 × бc × d/2
 The availability of these materials in our local markets.
 The strength of these materials w/t = бc/2T
 The cost of these materials where
 The possession of simple mode of the operation W = width of the key
 The appearance of these materials T = Thickness of the key
 The ability of these materials to serve the purpose for бc = crushing stress of the key
which the project is intent to be designed. ĩ = Shearing stress of the key
Therefore the key used in this design is equally strong in
A. Materials shearing and crushing. Know that the key material and shaft
Metallic gears material are the same.
Electric motors (single phase) To find the speed of the driven N2
Angle iron From T2 = N 1T 1/N2
Stainless Disc (25 cm) N2= N1T1 /T2
Fasteners (bolts and nuts) where,
Washers T1=no of teeth of drivers = 24
Shaft T2=no of teeth of driven=24
Vibration Pad 1= speed of driver =400
Cream hardeners N2= speed of driven=200
Citizen gloss paint (army green) Mean speed = 400 + 200/2 = 300rpm
Hand grinding machine N=300rpm
Hand drilling machine N2 = 400 ×24/24 = 400rpm
Welding machine N = 300 × 24/24 = 300rpm
Sand paper Therefore, if N1 =N2
Chisel T1 = T2
Hammer This means that gears transmits equal amount of speed.
Scriber The name of the gear is spur gear, with 50mmdiameter as
Try square pitch circle.
Bench vice
Hack saw Dp = mTp
Flat file To find the modulus
Hand Glove 50/24 =m
Welding goggle M=2.08
A. Design of Step Turned Shaft
V. DESIGN OF KEY The shaft used in this design is called a transmission shaft.
The key [7] is made of mild steel used in the locking of Now assuming the allowable shear stress as 42mpa the line
the gear to the motor shaft. It is inserted between the shaft shaft is rotating at 400rpm and transmitting 18kw.
and the hub of the gear acting as the pulley to connect both To find the diameter of the shaft
the gear and the shaft together in other to prevent relative T = p × 60/2πN = 18 × 10³ × 60/2π × 400
motion between them. It is also inserted parallel to the axis =429.69 = 430 N-m or
of the shaft. The name of the key used in this design is = 430 ×10³ N-mm
square sunk key. But T = π/16 × τ × d³
Mathematically, 430 × 10³= π/16 × 42 × d
430 × 10³/16=π 42d³
W = T = D/4 203.65 = d
where, d = 5.8mm
W = width of the key NB: we assumed 20mm diameter of the shaft because of
T = Thickness of the key its rigidity and loading.
D = Diameter of the key
D = 20mm
W = T = 20/4 = 5mm VI. METHODOLOGY
NB: A key way which is a slot or recess in the shaft from
A. Marking out
the motor and the hub of the gear acting as the pulley to
accommodate the key made. Basically keys are used as The first stage of this fabrication is the marking out of the
temporary fasteners and subjected to consider crushing and required dimensions of the sheet metal and the angle iron
shearing stresses. together with the square iron bars [8].
Also note that during the design of the key, forces due to B. Cutting process
fit of the key where neglected and it was assumed that the The second stage after the required dimensions is marked

International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2015

out the cutting out of the required length from the main
material will take place. The cutting out is done on the vice
with the aid of a hacksaw.
C. Welding Process
After the first two processes is carried out, the materials
are joined together by means of the joining process called
“WELDING”. This involves the welding of the various
parts of the frame together using the electric arc welding
Fig. 2. The side view of the balling disc machine.
D. Boring Process
After the welding process, holes are bored into the frame
to accommodate the bolts and nuts that will be used to IX. DISCUSSION OF DESIGN
fasten the machine parts together.
From the result of the experiment performed, it is
E. Coupling Process observed that the balling disc machine produced different
This comprises the coupling of the various parts of the sizes range 6-25mm of coal pellets. The world grows daily
machine which include the induction motor, the stainless in terms of engineering and technology. Virtually all the
pan, the shaft, the gear train. machines in the world today have risen from electrically
operated to automatically operated. This advancement leads
F. Filler Process to an effort made on this project to practicalize a simple
This involves the process of filling the various holes and way of understanding the balling disc technique. The
uneven surfaces on the machine with a filler material which understanding of the balling disc technique is now one of
is strengthened by a cream hardener. the basic things a designer should know before embarking
G. Painting Process on designing any machine or manufacturing set up. Hence,
it will be of greater advantage to engineering students and
This is the final process of the work which involves the
painting of the machine surface with oil base paint. The respective industries to adopt this balling technique because
painting is done with the aid of a spray-painting machine. the world is so much depending on them. This machine,
mechanized balling disc (palletizer) for industrial
development in Nigeria has been designed, constructed,
VII. DESIGN ASSEMBLY OF PELLETIZING MACHINE completed, tested and found worthy to help the affected
industries and as a teaching aid for students of engineering
The marking out process, cutting process, welding
to appreciate the manufacturing process being taught them
process, Boring process, coupling process, filling process,
in class room lectures.
Painting processes will be done with the required precision.
The joint parts of the Machine will be fastened with the
appropriate fasteners. During the assembling, a damper
rubber will be used to seal through the edges of the stainless
pot including the cover to avoid material loss when the Eye protection is a primary safety consideration around
machine is functioning. Due to vibration by the electric the machine shop. Machine tools produce metal chips and
motor inside the machine when at work or in operation, the there is always a possibility that these may be ejected from
use of a vibration pad will be introduced at the base to the machine at a high velocity thereby causing serious
control and reduce the vibration effect of the machine. At damage to the body. Eye protector must be worn at all times
the end of the assembling operation metal casing will be in the machine shop. Several types of eye gadgets are
formed to encapsulate the machine itself to avoid the available but in the course of carrying out the project work
exposure of the skeletal parts. This metal casing will also be we used the plain safety glasses that are available in most
used to make the machine fanciful and presentable. The shops to prevent the chips from flying into my eyes during
metal casing will provide support and stability to the the machining of the shaft.
machine which will help the machine to stand on its own In as much as the machine shop does not present too
without falling to any direction. This enclosure will be great a hazard to the feet. However, there is always a
perforated to aid cooling of the electric motor. possibility that something could drop on one’s feet. That
was why in the cause of the fabrication we ensured that we
wore boots with steel toes as a shield to resist impacts,
VIII. SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION OF THE PELLETIZING should a heavy object fall towards my foot.
MACHINE In an industrial production area or shop there is always a
great level of noise due to the equipment’s used. we
considered the noise level and tried to reduce it to the barest
minimum with the use of ear and head helmet.
As a result of the operation done with the grinding
machine. It is only but usual that a lot of fine particle
grinding dust mixed with metal particles would be produced.
The grinding work done to smoothen out some parts of the
Fig. 1. The front view of the balling disc machine.

International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2015

machine was done in open area where there was rapid flow XIII. CONCLUSION
of air. The result of the balling disk machine showed good
In the cause of welding we ensured that we wore formation of agglomerates balls / pellets diameter from 6 -
coveralls to protect skin from the fire sparks coming out due 25mm. Basically, it is seen mostly in industries like iron and
to welding. steel industry, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry,
cement industry, ceramics industry, railway corporations,
seen in metallurgical workshops and some related industries.
It is a well-known fact and an act of responsibility to REFERENCES
know how to care and maintain machine. Without this [1] Drying product. [Online]. Available:
maintenance culture amongst us, there would be nonparallel [2] Drying product. [Online]. Available:
waste of resources in order to procure new machines and http://www.chinadrying/products/gpc_15.php
[3] Drying product. [Online]. Available:
whole lots of recyclable waste. In the fabrication of the
balling disc machine, the care and maintenance of the [4] Science Direct. [Online]. Available:
machine was highly considered and an easy maintenance [5] Disc balling granulator. [Online]. Available:
culture was included. [6] K. V. S. Sastry, “Reporting period,” University of California,
The stainless pan was provided with holes in the base and College of Engineering,” Department of Materials Science and
attached to the shaft with bolts and nuts to ensure easy Mineral Engineering, Berkeley, CA 94720.
[7] R. S Khurmi and J. K Gupta, Machine Design, Eurasia Publishing
removal for cleaning. Various types and sizes of bolts, nuts House, 2005
and washers were used extensively throughout the system to [8] Z. Marcinak, J. L. Duncan, and S. J Hu, Mechanics of Sheet Metal
ensure easy assembling and disassembling and to facilitate Forming, 2nd edition, ScienceDirect, 2002
easy cleaning.
In the care of the gears, a reasonable amount of grease
K. O. Ikebudu is working as a lecturer in the Anambra State University,
should be applied to the gear train so as to facilitate easy Uli, Nigeria. He was born in Nigeria in the year 1981. He has bagged his
movement of the gear. B.Eng, M.Eng and presently a Ph.D candidate. His research interest is
The wire connected to the electric motor to the power focused on design and production engineering.
supply should be checked often to see if there is an internal
snap in the wire or if the wire is about to cut. E. O. Chukwumuanya is working as a lecturer in the Nnamdi Azikiwe
The frame of the machine should be dusted frequently University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. He was born in Nigeria. He has
bagged his B.Eng, M.Eng and presently a Ph.D candidate. His research
and should not be allowed to be exposed to water. The interest is focused on industrial production engineering.
machine should not be used as an alternative to a seat. The
machine should never be overloaded.
O. N. K. Swift is working as a lecturer in the Anambra State University,
Uli Campus, Anambra State, Nigeria. He was born in Nigeria. He has
bagged his B.Sc, M.Eng and presently a Ph.D candidate. His research
XII. DESIGNED RECOMMENDATION interest is focused on industrial manugacturing engineering.
This machine has been designed, fabricated and tested. It
is working effectively and conveniently. The project is of Nwokeocha Toochukwu is working as a technologist in the Nnamdi
benefit and as a teaching aid. Azikiwe University, Nigeria. He was born in Nigeria. He has bagged his
B.Eng, and presently an M.Eng candidate. His research interest is focused
Consequently, from this benefit, the machine is on design and industrial production engineering.
recommended to manufacturers for usage. More importantly,
this machine is recommended to scholars for further
research and improvement.


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