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Lesson Plan Template for Formal Observations

Primary Subject Area and Grade Level:

United States History

Grade 11

Outcomes/Objectives: (1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)

I will be able to participate and speak a minimum of 3 times in a discussion using academic language regarding the
historical context of American between 1800-1850
Content Standard(s) and/or Common Core Learning Standard(s):
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes)

Content Standard 11.2

Students analyze the relationship among the rise of industrialization, large scale rural-to-urban migration, and
massive immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe.

Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights
gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole.

Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary
that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
Class Information:
(1b: Knowledge of Students)
This is my largest class with a total of 31 students, attendance for several students in this class is chronic. There is a large
range of student ability including struggling readers, students learning English, students who are reading above grade
level, students who enjoy speaking and history and students who are very reserved. I have 3 who are very behind due
mainly to attendance, and some a combination of ability, these students are working on catching up with content and are
sometimes not interacting with whole class activities.

Grouping Strategy:
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)
Students are currently placed in discussion groups. These discussions groups are based on class performance, disposition
and comfort with speaking and reading capacity. I attempted to make these groups as diverse and equitable as possible,
and narrated my reasoning for grouping to my students.
Lesson Procedures:


● Review the objective & informal rubric and goal 5 minutes

● Close read model 10 minutes
● Discussion Expectations/prep for discussion 10 minutes
● Whole Class Discussion 25 min
● Reflection 5 minutes
● How will the lesson launch?

o Students will begin by copying and reviewing the objective. Students will take out their completed discussion
questions for homework. Students will be given 10 minutes during the launch to add on (or finish completing) any
discussion questions in preparation for the class discussion.

● How will the material be presented?

o Students will be reminded that of the informal rubric and will be asked to review their goals from the prior lesson. As
a class, we will identify two questions that the class would like to review and answer together, this will ensure that
student have something that they can share. It will also allow me to model the expected quality of their contributions.

● What questions will be posed to the students? What are the expected responses?

o Students received a set of questions in order to prepare for discussion. These questions range from text-dependant to
interpretive. I expect for student to answer the questions using textual evidence from chapter 8. I also expect that
they will use the academic sentence frames provided to them by the speaking cards of EL Achieve. Students were
given the reading as homework and were given a small amount of time in class to continue preparing to share.

● How and when will the teacher model?

o As a class, we will identify two questions that the class would like to review and answer together. I will then model
examples of appropriate ways to share the answers. I will also be modeling a close reading approach to the text. This
approach is something we commonly do, being able to access the text is extremely crucial.

● What opportunities will there be for guided practice, group work and individual practice?

o During this lesson students will follow along annotating reading and taking note of vocabulary terms we are learning
and adding to our vocabulary wall. Students will also have an opportunity to practice their speaking skills in an
informal discussion of the major topics in chapter 8. This will be one of the first structured discussions in this unit
that are meant to promote discourse in a low stakes environment. This will give individual students an opportunity to
practice their speaking, and to evaluate what it will take for them to be prepared for future discussions. This will also
inform me of the supports that will be needed in order

● How and when will you monitor student understanding throughout the lesson?

o I will monitor student learning in several places throughout the lesson. First I will check to see the amount of reading
that was completed for homework.

● What opportunities will there be for reflection and closure?

○ Students completed an exit slip narrating their revision of ideas based on the discussion. Exit Slip: “Refer back to
your notes from today’s discussion and the ideas you heard from your classmates in discussion.How has your
knowledge of America between 1800-1850 (Chapter 8) changed or expanded based on today’s discussion?

(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy; 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

● Students who are not willing to share today will have the option to submit written answers for partial credit - as
the purpose of discussion is not only to speak but to demonstrate understanding of content
● Each table has received a set of EL Achieve discussion cards, these can be used to help form responses

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