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Pickpocket Press - 5E Hardmode

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Combat Dice, Removed Spells 3

New Spells, Death Saves 4

Healing at Zero Hit Points, Short Rests, Long Rests 5

Darkvision, Boss Monster Template, Party Retreat 6

Chase Table 7

Injuries & Setbacks Table 10

Credits 12


Does your 5e game suffer from cakewalk RULE 2: MAGIC

syndrome? Players routinely steamrolling
what should be deadly encounters? Downed Removed Spells
adventurers dancing the whack-a-mole jig? The following spells are removed from PC class
Attacking dying PCs to claw back a modicum lists (whether they are also removed from the
of danger? world at large is a matter for the GM). The intent
is to make things more difficult with respect to
You’re not alone. Standard 5e is notoriously survival, wilderness travel, healing and mystery
investigation. Spells outside the core player’s book
safe and survivable. But don’t fire up the
are at the GM’s discretion.
furnace just yet. Hardmode is here to inject
more peril into your campaign. With a few
• Gate
special tweaks and additions, your next session
• Counterspell
will be buzzing with white knuckle excitement.
• Create Food and Water
• Create or Destroy Water
What follows are 9 optional rules designed to
• Darkvision (only if using Rule 6, see later)
modify certain aspects of the game, including:
• Demiplane
higher lethality, party retreat, removing
balanced encounters, removing the need for
many encounters per day, persistent injuries,
incapacitation at zero hp, Boss monster
templates, discouraging nova-rest-repeat,
chase tables, and more.

So gather thy allies ‘bout the gaming table.

Make ready the dice, the beverages, and the
character records! And prepare for adventure
the likes of which ye’ve not experienced
before. Will PCs die in droves? Will carefully
crafted plots go to waste? Will players exult in
hard won victories? Undoubtably, assuredly,
and emphatically. Welcome to 5e Hardmode.


All combat dice are rolled in the open. The
reason for this is to dispel any possibility that
the GM might be fudging rolls in favour of the
players. In Hardmode, the chips fall where
they may. If the GM wants to influence an
outcome, there are other (better) ways to do it.

• Detect Thoughts This spell replaces the 7th level version. The target
• Find Traps regrows one lost eye, ear, limb or other physical
• Goodberry appendage over 1d6 days. The material
• Heroes’ Feast component is 500 gp worth of troll blood.
• Tiny Hut
• Magnificent Mansion RULE 3: DEATH SAVES
When a PC is reduced to zero hit points, the
• Purify Food and Drink
adventurer is unconscious and out of the fight. At
• Raise Dead the end of the battle, the PC makes a single death
• Regenerate save. If the PC receives healing or treatment of
• Reincarnate some kind (binding wounds, etc), they gain
• Resurrection advantage on the save.
• Revivify
• Spare the Dying If the death save is failed, the PC dies. If
• Teleport successful, the adventurer survives but rolls on the
• Teleportation Circle Injuries & Setbacks table (see p.10). A natural 20
death save negates the injury roll. Without further
• True Resurrection
healing, the PC awakens in 1d3 minutes with 1 hp.
• Zone of Truth

New Spells
The following two spells are added to bard, cleric,
druid, paladin and ranger spell lists. Their purpose
is to help manage persistent injuries (see Injuries
& Setbacks) and more common exhaustion (see
Party Retreat).

Cure Minor Injury

2nd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

Over the course of 1d6 hours, this spell mends

one temporary injury, restores 1d4 lost attribute
points, or removes one level of exhaustion.

Regenerate The purpose of this rule is to make death and

5th-level transmutation persistent injuries more common, increasing
Casting Time: 1 action lethality and combat risks. Note that, assuming the
Range: Touch death save is made at advantage, there is approx a
Components: V, S 20% chance of failing (which is actually much
Duration: Instantaneous lower than the standard fail three death saves rule,
for which there is approx 40% chance of dying).
The critical difference with this variant however is

that the death save cannot be avoided; healing For example, a 2nd level Fighter may use Action
dramatically increases the chance of survival, but Surge twice per long rest, and a 2nd level Warlock
the roll must still be made. may cast four 1st level spells per long rest.


POINTS Expended class abilities are not restored
All healing at zero hit points, magical or otherwise, automatically. Instead, each player rolls 2d6:
requires 1d3 minutes to take effect (or longer, GM
discretion). This reflects the extra time required 2d6 ABILITIES RESTORED
for the spell or other treatment to sufficiently None of the character’s
mitigate the wound rendering the PC unconscious. 2-5
expended abilities are restored.
Half of the character’s expended
The purpose of this rule is to eliminate “whack-a- 6-8
abilities are restored.
mole” phenomena and force meaningful decisions
Three quarters of the character’s
about whether to heal (or flee) before dropping to 9-10
expended abilities are restored.
zero health. Once a character drops to zero, there
All of the character’s expended
is no way to reinstate them as active combatants in 11-12
abilities are restored.
the current battle.
Expended abilities include number of spell slots
RULE 5: RESTS used, number of rages used, number of
invocations used, number of Action Surges used,
Short Rests and so on. Round down if required. The player
Short rests permit Hit Dice healing as usual, but decides which abilities are recovered.
do not restore class abilities. Class abilities that are
normally restored on a short rest are restored via
long rests instead, but may be used twice as often.

The purpose of tying all class abilities to long rests, greater demons and liches; foes that threaten the
and making the recovery of used abilities greatest adventurers. For lower level foes,
uncertain, is to: monsters such as owlbears, ogres, beastmen chiefs,
dire wolves, and so on make excellent Bosses.
(i) Emphasize resource attrition,
(ii) Discourage nova-ing during long treks Bosses gain any or all of the following
or city adventures, when battles tend characteristics (GM’s call):
to be infrequent (resulting in the • Maximum Hit Points
encounters being trivialized), and A Boss has maximum hit points.
(iii) Alleviate the need for many
encounters per day. • Off Turn Attacks
A Boss may make a single physical attack
in between PC turns. If a Boss has no
enemies within reach between PC turns,
the monster may also take a move action.
An Off Turn Attack may not be taken at
the same time as a Legendary Action.
• Boss Resistance
Bosses are not susceptible to effects that
stun, incapacitate or kill them until
reduced to half hp. Additionally, Bosses
gains a save to resist adverse effects that
don’t normally allow saves, for example a
Sleep spell.
• Rerolls
Bosses start combat with 1d4+1 Rerolls.
They may use a reroll at any time,
rerolling a single die roll made by the

• Cause Injuries
RULE 6: DARKVISION Any time a Boss hits a PC with a natural
No PC race grants darkvision. Only monsters can attack roll of 19-20, the target rolls on the
see naturally in the dark. Races that normally gain Injuries & Setbacks table (see p.10).
darkvision do not suffer disadvantage in dim light
• Custom Abilities
instead. The purpose of this rule is to make Bosses often come with custom abilities
monsters with darkvision scarier and the (eg Legendary actions, Lair actions, etc).
infiltration of dark places more difficult.


TEMPLATE At the start of a round, if the whole party wishes to
This rule is in addition to Legendary Creatures. A flee from a battle, they must first explain to the GM
Boss Monster is a particularly powerful example how escape might be possible. If the GM agrees, a
of its kind; strong enough to fight the party alone group Constitution (Athletics) check vs DC 10 is
or with minimal back up. Classic Bosses include required, possibly with Str checks to carry away
high level monsters such as dragons, vampires,

unconscious allies. The GM might impose • The GM determines the starting gap
modifiers depending on all the circumstances. between the two sides (alternatively
6d10+60 ft).
If successful, the whole party suffers 1 level of
exhaustion, but the adventurers manage to break • The chase is broken down into 3d6 legs
away from the fight with incapacitated allies over (rolled secretly). The timescale for each
their shoulders (or otherwise in tow, as explained leg is flexible, from thirty seconds to
by the players). Fleeing may lead to a Chase at the multiple hours.
GM’s option.
• If the chasers reduce the gap to zero
If unsuccessful, the GM might permit any before the end of the last leg, the quarry
individually successful adventurers to flee, with the are caught and the chase ends. Otherwise
other PCs remaining behind. The party, or any the quarry escape. The GM might also
remaining PCs, may attempt to flee again next rule that the quarry escape if they open a
round if desired. wide enough gap (eg: 200 ft).

Party Retreat is the most important tool in

Resolving the Chase
Hardmode. By implementing a formal retreat (1) At the start of each leg, both sides choose
mechanic (as early editions had), the GM is freed one character to lead them. No character
from the shackles of “balanced” encounters, and may lead a second leg until all allies have
may throw whatever makes sense at the party. lead a first leg, and so on.
Monsters completely outside the usual range may
be used, safe in the knowledge that if the party (2) The two leaders make opposed Con
needs to escape, they probably will (albeit at a (Athletics) checks (or other appropriate
cost). If the players choose to fight on despite ability check, depending on the
overwhelming odds, they reap what they sow. circumstances). The winning side widens
or closes the gap by 1d10 ft per 10 ft
movement rate of the leader (rounding
RULE 9: CHASE TABLE up). Eg: a 25 ft movement rate = 3d10 ft.
To complement the Party Retreat rule, presented
below is an abstract chase system that attempts to
(3) The player controlling the leader rolls on
recreate the frenetic pace of an exciting pursuit.
the Chase Event table. There is a 50%
chance the result applies to the leader
Setup and/or party, otherwise it affects the
opposing side.
• The chase has two sides: the chasers and
the quarry. (4) Repeat until the chase ends.


Large Crowd
A large group of creatures impedes the progress of the characters in a non-violent manner
(eg: a funeral procession, wilder beast herd, dwarven mining crew, cloud of curious young
1 air elementals). One or more characters may (amongst other things) attempt to persuade
or intimidate the group to assist them (GM discretion). If the crowd is not managed or
bypassed, the opposing side rolls to widen or close the gap.

Dangerous Hazard
The GM improvises a physical threat of some kind (eg: a street riot, poisonous vines,
2 carnivorous plant, underground slime, swarm of giant insects). 1d4 characters must make
a Dex save (DC 15) or suffer 2d6+level damage.
The GM improvises a physical obstruction of some kind (eg: a horse & cart, thick scrub,
3 crumbling passage, powerful winds). If the characters cannot bypass or resolve the
obstruction, the opposing side rolls to widen or close the gap.
Snap Opportunity
Randomly nominate 1d4 characters from both sides. Those participants may take an
action to assist themselves or act against the opposing side, provided they declare their
4 action within a 5 second count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of actions are
possible in the circumstances, but might include making ranged attacks, casting spells,
attempting to lasso a quarry, dropping caltrops, etc.
Random Setback
Roll 1d6:
• 1 – Drop something: The character accidentally drops something valuable.
Depending on the item, the GM might require a check to notice the loss.
• 2 – Fatigue: The character is overcome by unexpected fatigue and suffers 1 level
of exhaustion. If an NPC, the character drops out of the chase.
• 3 – Head Strike: The character is struck on the head by an object. The character
must make a Con save (DC 15) or be stunned and drop out of the chase.
• 4 – Fall: The character trips and falls, suffering a setback improvised by the GM
(eg: falls down stairs, injured knee, damaged object, etc).
• 5 – Hostile Third Party: The character is beset upon by a hostile random
encounter. The character must make a Dex save (DC 15) or drop out of the
chase and deal with the random encounter.
• 6 – Lost: The character is somehow separated from any others. The character
must make an Int save (DC 15) or become lost (momentarily or otherwise) and
drop out of the chase.
Third Party
A single or small number of creatures impede the characters’ progress in a non-violent
manner (eg: 1d4 beggars, a drunk woodsman, 1d6 underground xornlings, 1d4 lost
6 sprites). One or more characters may (amongst other things) attempt to persuade or
intimidate the creatures to assist them (GM discretion). If the creature(s) is not managed
or bypassed, the opposing side rolls to widen or close the gap.
Dangerous Hazard
The GM improvises a physical threat of some kind (eg: falling debris from an upper storey
7 window, hunting trap, dungeon deadfall, hostile giant bird). 1d4 characters must make a
Dex save (DC 15) or suffer 1d6 + level damage. There is a 50% chance that a random
piece of equipment is lost, damaged or destroyed (not inc permanent magical items).
The GM improvises a physical obstruction of some kind (eg: barrels and crates, fast
8 running stream, jammed dungeon door, smoke). If the characters cannot bypass or
resolve the obstruction, the opposing side rolls to widen or close the gap.

Snap Opportunity
Randomly nominate 1d4 characters. Those participants may take an action to assist their
side or act against the opposing side, provided they declare their action within a 5 second
9 count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of actions are possible in the circumstances,
but might include making ranged attacks, casting spells, attempting to lasso a quarry,
dropping caltrops, etc.
Cross Paths
A random chaser gets lucky with a shortcut and catches up to a random quarry lagging
10 behind. Each character may make a single melee attack against the other, or take some
other action, before being separated again.
Hidey Hole
The quarry locate a viable hiding place and may make a group Dex (Stealth) check
11 opposed by the chasers’ group Wis (Perception) check. The GM might impose modifiers
on the checks depending on distances and other circumstances. If the quarry succeed they
escape. If they fail they are caught. Either way the chase ends.
Snap Opportunity
Randomly nominate 1d4 characters. Those participants may take an action to assist their
side or act against the opposing side, provided they declare their action within a 5 second
12 count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of actions are possible in the circumstances,
but might include making ranged attacks, casting spells, attempting to lasso a quarry,
dropping caltrops, etc.
Major Obstruction
The GM improvises a major physical obstruction of some kind (eg: busy marketplace,
13 slippery mud, spider webs, hail storm). If the characters cannot bypass or resolve the
major obstruction, the opposing side rolls to widen or close the gap.
Dangerous Hazard
The GM improvises a physical threat of some kind (eg: startled horse kick, snake nest,
14 archway blade trap, hunter’s arrow). 1d4 characters must make a Dex save (DC 15) or
suffer 3d4+level damage.
Burst of Speed
15 The characters are inspired to dig deep and put on a final burst of speed. The characters
roll to widen or close the gap.
Random Setback
Roll 1d6:
• 1 – Drop something: The character accidentally drops something valuable.
Depending on the item, the GM might require a check to notice the loss.
• 2 – Fatigue: The character is overcome by unexpected fatigue and suffers 1 level
of exhaustion. If an NPC, the character drops out of the chase.
16 • 3 – Head Strike: The character is struck on the head by an object. The character
must make a Con save (DC 15) or be stunned and drop out of the chase.
• 4 – Fall: The character trips and falls, suffering a setback improvised by the GM
(eg: falls down stairs, injured knee, damaged object, etc).
• 5 – Hostile Third Party: The character is beset upon by a hostile random
encounter. The character must make a Dex save (DC 15) or drop out of the chase
and deal with the random encounter.

• 6 – Lost: The character is somehow separated from any others. The character
must make an Int save (DC 15) or become lost (momentarily or otherwise) and
drop out of the chase.
Snap Opportunity
Randomly nominate 1d4 characters from both sides. Those participants may take an
action to assist themselves or act against the opposing side, provided they declare their
17 action within a 5 second count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of actions are
possible in the circumstances, but might include making ranged attacks, casting spells,
attempting to lasso a quarry, dropping caltrops, etc.
Major Obstruction
The GM improvises a physical obstruction of some kind (eg: fenced off side alley, tree
18 string noose trap, water logged dungeon passage, out of control airship). If the characters
cannot bypass or resolve the obstruction, the opposing side rolls to widen or close the gap.
Major Dangerous Hazard
The GM improvises a physical threat of some kind (eg: alchemist explosion, carnivorous
19 plant, hallway dart trap, toxic airborne spores). All characters must make an appropriate
save (DC 15) or suffer 2d6+level damage and 1d2 Dex or Str loss.
All in!
The whole party and up to the same number of characters from the opposing side, may
take an action to assist themselves or act against their opponents, provided each player
20 declares their action within a 5 second count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of
actions are possible in the circumstances, but might include making ranged attacks, casting
spells, attempting to lasso a quarry, dropping caltrops, etc.

Injuries & Setbacks Table

Eye Injury. You have disadvantage on Perception/Investigation checks that rely on sight (blind
if both eyes). Roll 1d20, on a 6+ the eye is damaged and can be mended with Cure Minor
1 Injury or two months of rest. Otherwise the eye is lost. A Regenerate spell is required to restore
a lost eye.
Arm or Hand Injury. You can no longer hold anything with two hands, and you can hold only
a single object at a time. Roll 1d20, on a 6+ the limb is damaged and can be mended with Cure
2 Minor Injury or two months of rest. Otherwise the limb is lost (1d6: 1-3 hand, 4-5: below
elbow, 6: arm). A Regenerate spell is required to restore a lost limb.
Leg or Foot Injury. Your move speed is halved and you require a crutch or peg leg to walk.
You have disadvantage on movement based Dex checks. Roll 1d20, on a 6+ the limb is
3 damaged and can be mended with Cure Minor Injury or two months of rest. Otherwise the
limb is lost (1d6: 1-3 foot, 4-6: below knee). A Regenerate spell is required to restore a lost
Ear Injury. You have disadvantage on Perception/Investigation checks that rely on hearing
(deaf if both ears). Roll 1d20, on a 6+ the ear is damaged and can be mended with Cure Minor
4 Injury or two months of rest. Otherwise the ear is lost. A Regenerate spell is required to restore
a lost ear.

Internal Bleeding. Whenever you attempt an action in combat, you must make a Con or Wis
5 check vs DC 10 (your choice). If unsuccessful, you lose your action. Cure Minor Injury or 3d6
days of rest cures the injury.
Broken Ribs. Whenever you suffer physical damage, you must make a Con or Wis check vs
6 DC 10 (your choice). On a failed check, you lose your next action. Cure Minor Injury or 3d6
days of rest mends the injury.
Nasty Scar. You gain a nasty looking scar on your head, neck, hands or other location not
7 easily concealed. You have disadvantage on most Charisma checks (GM discretion). A
Regenerate spell is required to remove the scar.
Swelling on the Brain. You suffer madness (1d6: 1-3 indefinite, 4-6 long term). The madness
8 subsides as usual or Cure Minor Injury removes it.
Damaged Weapon. A weapon or item you are holding is damaged. Until repaired, the item
9 cannot be used, imposes disadvantage or suffers some other penalty the DM determines.
Magical items have a 50% chance to negate this effect.
Damaged Armour. Armour you are wearing is damaged. Until repaired, your armour provides
10 only half the normal AC bonus (round down). Magical items have a 50% chance to negate this
Damaged Magical Item. A randomly determined magical item (not a weapon or amour) is
11 damaged. Until repaired, any attempt to use the item requires an Int check (DC 15). On a
failure the DM improvises a setback or rolls on the Wand of Wonder chart.
Muscle Tear. Lose 1d4 Str, Dex or Con. Cure Minor Injury or 1d8 days of rest mends the
12 injury.
Head Injury. Lose 1d4 Int, Perc, Will or Cha. Cure Minor Injury or 1d8 days of rest mends
13 the injury.
Diseased Wound. Your hit point maximum is immediately reduced by 1d10, and again every
morning the wound persists. If your hit point maximum reaches zero you die. Cure Minor
14 Injury mends the wound. Alternatively tending with the Medicine skill cures the wound after
1d3 days.
Sprained Ankle. You must make a Dex check (DC 15) if you try to charge, jump or move
15 twice in one round. If you fail the check, you fall prone. Cure Minor Injury or 1d6 days rest
mends the injury.
System Shock. You have disadvantage on initiative checks. Cure Minor Injury or 1d3 days rest
16 mends the injury.
Minor Scar. A minor scar has no significant adverse effect, in fact after a few ales some folks
17+ might even be impressed by it. Some scars fade over time, others might require the Regenerate
spell to erase completely.

Adapting to Permanent Injuries

In the absence of healing magic, an adventurer
suffering permanent injuries will find ways to adapt
over time (including hook hands, peg legs,
adjusting to one eye, etc). The GM is encouraged
reduce or eliminate penalties after one or more
periods of downtime retraining.


Author: Stephen J. Grodzicki. Copyright © 2018.

Artwork: Some art copyright Critical-Hit, at, used with permission.

Some art copyright Dean Spencer, used with permission.
Some art copyright Matt Morrow, used with permission.
Some art copyright Maciej Zagorski & the Forge Studios LLC, used with permission.
Ink splashes and parchment background copyright Shutterstock, used with permission.

Websites: Hirelings Toolkit PDF:

Midlands Low Magic Sandbox Setting PDF:
Setting or softcover/hardcover from Lulu
Low Fantasy Gaming (Free PDF):
LFG $7 USD Softcover or $22 USD Hardcover:
$1 Adventure Frameworks Patreon:
LFG Googleplus Community:
LFG Facebook:


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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt,
Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008 Matthew J. Finch.

13th Age, Copyright 2013 Fire Opal Media.



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