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Basic Life Support Training Methods in Nursing Education: An Integrative Literature Review

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-5, May- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Basic life support training methods in nursing

education: An integrative literature review
Maicon de Araujo Nogueira1, Fabiola Gonçalves de Oliveira2, Antônio Sergio
Ferreira de Lima2, Benedita Farias Caldas2, Ruth Helena Santos Rodrigues2,
André Carvalho Matias2, Ana Carolina Guedes Souza Martins3, Aline de
Nazaré Silva Albuquerque4, Camila Evelyn de Sousa Brito5, Bianca Kelly
Pantoja da Silva5, Phâmela Ingrid de Jesus Ferreira5, Giselle Sousa de
Carvalho5, Rayana Pereira Monteiro5, Mariane Cardoso Bittencourt5, Laura
Samille Lopes Meneses5, Lucas Carreira Ramos5, Glenda Klicia Silva
Rodrigues5, Milk dos Santos Fernandes de Oliveira5, Tatiana Virgolino
Guimarãe5, Nathalie Porfirio Mendes6, Widson Davi Vaz de Matos7, Cinthya
Lorena Bezerra Sarmanho8, Simone Batista da Silva dos Santos9, Irlan
Menezes da Paixão10, Izadora Larissa Cei Lima10, Andrezza Roberta Alves
Raposo10, Deisiane da Silva Mesquita10, Rudy Cleyton da Silva Oliveira11,
Ingryd de Paula Aquino da Silva12, Andreia Fernandes de Almeida13, Fábyla
D’Tácia Brito Trindade13, Selma Kazumi da Trindade Noguchi14, Danielle
Oliveira Maciel15, Otávio Noura Teixeira16, Antonia Margareth Moita Sá17

Nurse, Master in Health Education in the Amazon, PhD student, Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program, Professional Doctorate in Health
Education in the Amazon, State University of Pará. Professor at the University of the Amazon, Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Nurse. Postgraduate Lato Sensu in Nursing in Urgency and Emergency, Esamaz, Belém, Brazil.
Nurse, Master's Student, Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program, Professional Master's Degree in Health Education in the Amazon, State
University of Pará, Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Nurse, University of the Amazon, Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Nursing student, University of the Amazon, Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Nurse, Master, Postgraduate Program in Nursing, Federal University of Pará, Professor at the University of the Amazon, Belém, Pará,
Resident Nurse, Oncology Nursing Residency Program, Federal University of Pará, Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Nurse, Master in Health Education in the Amazon, Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program, Professional Master in Health Education in the
Amazon, State University of Pará. Professor at the University Center of the Amazon, Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Nurse, University Center of the Amazon, Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Nursing Student, Estácio Castanhal Faculty, Castanhal, Pará, Brazil.
Nurse, Metropolitan Faculty of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
Nurse, Escola Superior Madre Celeste, Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Nurse, University Center of the Amazon, Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Physiotherapist, Master in Health Education in the Amazon, Doctoral Student, Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program, Professional Doctorate
in Health Education in the Amazon, Pará State University. Professor at the Esamaz, Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Nurse, João de Barros Barreto University Hospital, Belém, Pará, Brazil.
Graduation in Computer Science and Technology in Data Processing. PhD in Electrical Engineering, Professor at Federal University of
Pará, Tucuruí, Pará, Brazil.
Nurse, PhD in Nursing, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Permanent member of the faculty in the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program,
Master and Professional Doctorate in Education and Health in the Amazon, State University of Pará, Belém, Pará, Brazil. Page | 119

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-5, May- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Abstract— Objective: to analyze the evidence available in the literature on the Basic Life Support training
methods in nursing education. Method: it is an integrative literature review. The search was carried out in the
PUBMED, LILACS and BDENF databases. 69 articles were initially selected for full reading from the inclusion
criteria, considering the time frame from 2010 to 2016, of which nine full texts were listed for in-depth reading
and synthesis. Results: there were few publications on the topic as well as a multiplicity and heterogeneity of
methods and strategies for the training of Basic Life Support in the training of nurses. Large gaps in knowledge
were observed, making it necessary to develop research in this field, especially studies that focus on practical
theoretical teaching strategies with the use of simulation in view that these are capable of bringing real impacts
on the knowledge and skills of professionals. Conclusion: teaching aimed at the individuality and reality of the
target audience, taking into account the epidemiological reality and characteristics of the students is
fundamental in this process. Despite the variety of information resulting from the studies, multiplicity and
heterogeneity in the approaches and forms of evaluation, we conclude that practical theoretical teaching
strategies with the use of simulation, use of dummies and feedback emerge as more effective strategies, capable
of promoting learning more effectively other available resources.
Keywords— Teaching. Simulation Training. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Education, Nursing,

I. INTRODUCTION quality and immediate CPR, early defibrillation, advanced

Basic Life Support (BLS) consists of a set of steps and immediate life support and post-cardiorespiratory care(7,8).
maneuvers performed sequentially, which include Cardiorespiratory arrest until recently was
assessment and immediate intervention in each phase of synonymous with death, since no more than 2% of
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)(1). individuals survived this dramatic event. Today, the
Cardiorespiratory arrest (CRP) can be defined as the survival rate reaches more than 70% if care is early and
abrupt cessation of cardiac mechanical activity confirmed effective and is directly related to the time between the
by unconsciousness, absence of central pulse and apnea or incident and the beginning of resuscitation, and the
agonized breathing (gasping)(2). Cardiopulmonary technical effectiveness of CPR maneuvers(9).
resuscitation is the set of maneuvers performed after a Care for cardiorespiratory arrest must be performed
CRP with the aim of artificially maintaining arterial flow quickly, firmly, safely and calmly, in order to avoid panic
to the brain and other vital organs until spontaneous and mismatch among professionals. However, what is
circulation returns(3). observed is that, in most cases, resuscitation efforts are
Cardiorespiratory arrest remains a major public health disruptive, with non-systematic actions that lead to
problem, gaining worldwide dimension, despite advances overlapping tasks, culminating in repetitive acts that lead
in recent years related to its prevention and treatment(4). to a loss of crucial time for survival(10).
Although the potential beneficial effect of Nursing professionals are usually the first to respond
cardiopulmonary resuscitation is well established in the to a CRP and initiate BLS maneuvers, while waiting for
global scientific community, less than one in three victims the advanced support team. The immediate, competent
of out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest, and witnessed, and safe application of CPR maneuvers by the team that
receives rescue assistance from a spectator. first intervenes are factors that contribute to the success of
Approximately 200,000 cases of CRP are estimated per the service(11). It is described that health professionals and
year in Brazil, half of which occur in hospitals, and the undergraduates do not have satisfactory scientific
other half in out-of-hospital settings(5). knowledge, both theoretical and practical, in CRP/CPR.
A qualitative outcome of CPR depends on a logical This knowledge deficit is a consequence of academic
sequence of procedures that can be summarized in the training, in which approaches to the topic, when they
concept of survival current; mnemonic composed of links exist, are punctual and superficial, therefore, insufficient
that reflect fundamental actions to be developed, whose to provide the acquisition of solid knowledge necessary
impacts on survival are significant(6). The chain of for performance in the face of cardiopulmonary
survival emphasizes the need for rapid response through arrest(12,13).
surveillance and prevention, early recognition of It is considered relevant to early exposure of nursing
cardiorespiratory arrest and emergency services, high- students to basic support training of life; confirming that Page | 120

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-5, May- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

these skills should be promoted right at the beginning of BLS training, following the
the course and reinforced in the following years(14). recommendations of the guidelines
Training should insert students in realistic contexts, which
O (Outcomes) Obtaining the best evidence about
allows for the acquisition of solid knowledge and learning methods and strategies
skills(15). Several nursing schools include in their curricula capable of enabling the acquisition and
content with learning objectives aimed at the BLS.
retention of knowledge and skills to
However, most nurses do not feel effectively trained to
perform BLS according to current
work in front of a person in cardiorespiratory arrest (16).
international scientific
One of the objectives of the training is proficiency in recommendations
BLS, however, there is a great diversity in the form and
Source: own author, adaptation(19)
content focused on the theme, between the different
schools, so that the training offered does not meet the The search for publications was carried out in June
criteria described in the resuscitation science 2019, in the following databases: PUBMED, LILACS and
consensus(17). Given the above, the objective of this BDENF. For the search, the following Boolean
research was to analyze the evidence available in the descriptors and operators were used: PubMed - (education
literature about the Basic Life Support training methods in OR teaching OR knowledge AND retention AND
nursing education. Technological Development) Nursing Education,
Baccalaureate AND heart arrest OR cardiopulmonary
resuscitation; LILACS and BDENF - education AND
II. METHOD basic life support AND baccalaureate in nursing, making
It is an integrative literature review, a study that offers it possible to locate 69 articles (38-PubMed, 13-LILACS
quick access to relevant research results and evidence that and 18-BDENF).
underlie the conduct or decision making, providing The inclusion criteria were: articles in Portuguese and
critical knowledge. The following steps were carried out: English, published between 2010 and 2016, that addressed
establishment of the research question, literature review, the teaching of BLS for undergraduate nursing students,
categorization of studies, evaluation of studies and aimed at adults, children and neonates, and full articles in
interpretation of results and synthesis of knowledge (18). the free version. The exclusion criteria were: articles that
The research question was constructed using the PICO addressed BLS teaching for care nurses, other categories
strategy, which guides the construction of the research of health professionals and lay people in isolation, and
question and the bibliographic search and allows the articles where only abstracts were available, theses,
researcher, when having a question or question, to locate dissertations, monographs, course completion papers,
the best available scientific information accurately and annals events, editorial letters. An instrument validated by
quickly(19) (Table 1). After using the PICO strategy, the Ursi(20) was defined to systematize the articles selected in
questions consisted of: in nursing education, do teaching the search. The analysis of the selected studies was
strategies provide subsidies for retaining knowledge and carried out in a descriptive way, making it possible to
acquiring BLS skills and competencies in accordance with observe, count, describe, classify and synthesize the data,
the recommendations of the guidelines of resuscitation in order to gather the knowledge produced on the topic.
science? What are scientific evidences available in the The productions were grouped into two thematic pillars
literature about Basic Life Support training methods in which will be presented and discussed below.
nursing education?
Table 1: Construction of the guiding question through the III. RESULTS
PICO strategy.
Of the articles that constituted this integrative
P (Patient or Training methods for undergraduate literature review, four aimed at analyzing, evaluating,
problem) nursing students verifying and investigating knowledge (theory) and skill
I (Intervention) Basic Life Support training methods performance (practice) in cardiopulmonary resuscitation
and strategies maneuvers using the AED (BLS); two studies sought to
develop and evaluate a Virtual Learning Environment
C (Control or Identification of articles that contain
aimed at nursing education; one analyzed the knowledge
comparison) information about the training methods
of undergraduate health sciences students in objective
that demonstrate the best results in
tests; and two to compare the impact of CPR training Page | 121

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-5, May- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

programs in quasi-experimental studies using a before- the Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP being the
and-after teaching-learning strategy. Regarding the year most published on this theme, with 33.33% of
of publication, there were three articles (33.33%) in 2010, publications. Two articles of applied research on
three (33.33%) in 2013 and three (33.33%) in 2015. The technological development were found (22.22%), two
countries that produced the most studies on the theme it cross-sectional studies (22.22%), two descriptive,
was Brazil with 77.77%, the other 22.22% India and exploratory studies with a quantitative approach
Northern Cyprus. (22.22%), a quasi-experimental, longitudinal study (11,
All articles are original, found in the following 11%) and two experimental, prospective studies (22.22%)
databases: four articles in LILACS, four in PubMed and (Table 2).
one in BDENF, published in seven different journals, with

Table 2: Synthesis of articles according to author, title, periodic, year, methodological procedure and research findings
Author. Title. Periodic. Year Data Methodolo- Research Findings
Base gical
Gonçalves GR, Peres HHC, BDE Applied Research carried out with undergraduate nursing
Rodrigues RC, Tronchin DMR, NF research, students. Development of an interactive virtual
Pereira IM. Proposta educacional technologic educational proposal on care for cardiopulmonary
virtual Sobre atendimento da al resuscitation in newborns. The group work, the quality
ressuscitação cardiopulmonar no developmen of the didactic material, the choice of the teaching
recém-nascido. Rev Esc Enferm USP. t support platform and the methodology adopted were the
2010(21) determining points for the success of the project.
Boaventura AP, Miyadahira AMK, LILA Exploratory Research carried out with 52 undergraduate nursing
Sugisawa AHR, Gonçalves AAP, CS , descriptive students (3rd and 4th year), using a form with questions
Nunes TR. Suporte básico de vida research about BLS and use of AED. The general average
para os alunos do curso de graduação obtained by the students was less than 85%. Insufficient
em enfermagem. J Health Sci Inst. knowledge on BLS using AED identified in this study.
Chandrasekaran S, Kumar S, Bhat PUB Transversal Research carried out with 1,054 participants in the health
SA, Saravanakumar, Shabbir PM, MED study area. None of the participants had complete knowledge
Chandrasekaran V. Awareness of about BLS. Only two participants (0.19%) reached 80-
basic life support among medical, 89% of correct answers. The awareness of Basic Life
dental, nursing students and doctors. Support among medical, dental and nursing students is
Indian Journal of Anaesthesia. insufficient and needs to be improved.
Rodrigues RCV, Peres HHC. LILA Applied Research carried out with 3 undergraduate nursing
Desenvolvimento de Ambiente CS research, students, 2 computer specialists; 1 specialist physician in
Virtual de Aprendizagem em technologic Neonatology; 3 nurses. The Virtual Learning
Enfermagem sobre ressuscitação al Environment was perceived as predominantly excellent.
cardiorrespiratória em neonatologia. developmen The application of virtual learning environments in a
RevEscEnferm USP. 2013(23) t coherent, responsible and consistent way to assist
traditional teaching has been proving to be an efficient
way of building knowledge.
Dal U, Sarpkaya D. Knowledge and PUB Quasi- Research carried out with 83 students of the third year of
psychomotor skills of nursing MED experimenta the undergraduate nursing course. 90.4% of the
students in North Cyprus in the área l, participants had not received any CPR training before
of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Pak longitudinal the study. Theoretical information and CPR in practice
J MedSci. 2013(24) study had a positive impact on the level of knowledge and Page | 122

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-5, May- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

practical skills of the participants in the following

month. However, there was a significant decrease in the
level of information and correct practical application of
CPR six months after the training.

Sankar J, Vijayakanthi N, Sankar MJ, PUB Experiment Research carried out with 28 nursing assistants from the
Dubey N. Knowledge and Skill MED al, intensive care unit and urgency, and 46 nursing students.
Retention of In-Service prospective The training improved nurses' general pediatric CPR
versusPreservice Nursing study competence, but they were unable to maintain
Professionals following an competence, even for a short period. In contrast, nursing
InformalTraining Program in students due to self-motivation and willingness to learn
Pediatric Cardiopulmonary maintained the skills learned during the training session
Resuscitation:A Repeated- better than the nurses in care.
MeasuresQuasiexperimental Study.
BioMed Research International.
Kawakame PMG, Miyadahira AMK. PUB Experiment Research carried out with 84 undergraduate students in
Avaliação do processo ensino- MED al, the health area. After the lecture strategy with practice
aprendizagem de estudantes da área prospective demonstration and simulated practical training. It made it
da saúde: manobras de ressuscitação study possible to infer that both knowledge (theory) and skill
cardiopulmonar. RevEscEnferm USP. (practice) are essential in the construction of the
2015(14) teaching-learning process.
Tavares LB, Bezerra IP, Oliveira FR, LILA Observation Research carried out with 664 undergraduate students
Sousa LA, Raimundo RD, Sousa ED, CS al, from the courses of medicine, nursing, physiotherapy,
et al. Conhecimento de estudantes de descriptive pharmacy, nutrition and occupational therapy from seven
graduação em ciências da Saúde em and cross- higher education institutions in São Paulo. Only one
testes objetivos sobre suporte básico sectional participant achieved a score equal to or greater than
de vida, study 84%. The results implied that efforts must be made so
JournalofHumanGrowthandDevelop that the actions related to the BLS are introduced in the
ment. 2015(15) curricula from the first year of graduation and during
subsequent years..
Silva DV, Jesus AS, Lima AA, LILA Descriptive, Research conducted with 32 undergraduate nursing
Santos MA, Alves SL. Conhecimento CS exploratory students. Theoretical knowledge about BLS among
de graduandos em Enfermagem sobre study, undergraduate nursing students was unsatisfactory for
suporte básico de vida. Revista quantitative the care of victims of cardiorespiratory arrest, showing
Baiana de Enfermagem. 2015(1) approach that, although the topic is discussed at graduation, it has
not been sufficient to build solid knowledge.

IV. DISCUSSION pedagogical principles elucidated by the national nursing

Academic education the fundamental foundation and curriculum guidelines are: the pedagogy of competences,
the impact of CPR training programs on the training of the principle of learning to learn, generalist, humanistic,
nurses critical, ethical and reflective training; and training
centered on the student and the teacher as a facilitator (26).
The training of nursing professionals has undergone
major changes throughout history, being influenced by the We are convinced that, in the current context, there is a
representation that this profession had in society over time. demand for increasingly reflective, critical and opinion-
In 2001, however, a great advance was achieved when, forming professionals. Thus, the need for new teaching-
through Resolution CNE / CES nº 3, of November 7, 2001, learning practices emerges, with the use of didactic and
the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Undergraduate technological resources, encouraging and favoring the
Nursing Course were instituted. In summary, the improvement and training of nurses, as well as enabling Page | 123

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-5, May- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

autonomous learning(27). In this understanding, what is making and the ability to execute interventions promptly
sought is the training of a health professional from the stand out(28). The American Heart Association (AHA),
perspective of complexity and holism, who acts in a assuming that teaching is a planned experience that
multidisciplinary way, meeting the needs of the current facilitates learning, states that it is essential to target
health system(28). teaching to the appropriate audience and that a training
Much of the success of CPR is due to the nurses' ability program represents an ideal opportunity to reach a large
to perform qualitative care in this context. Thus, nurses number of individuals with knowledge in CPR maneuvers
need to know how to act efficiently in the face of these and other BLS interventions(8).
occurrences(1). Educational interventions should be evaluated to ensure
A survey carried out with 664 undergraduate that they achieve learning goals reliably. The objective is
students(15) from the courses of medicine, nursing, to ensure that students acquire and retain the skills and
physiotherapy, pharmacy, nutrition and occupational knowledge that will enable them to act correctly in the face
therapy from seven Higher Education Institutions in São of real CRP's and improve results with regard to
Paulo, found that only one participant reached a score neurologically intact survival(29).
equal to or greater than 84% and the others fell short of this Currently we are experiencing the advent of
AHA indicator. These results suggest that efforts should be technological innovations, we can emphasize that human
made so that the actions related to the BLS are introduced beings are immersed in an information society
in the curricula from the first year of graduation and characterized by the development of information and
strengthened during the subsequent years, so that communication technologies (30). The adoption of new
knowledge and skills are improved and, in turn, are information technologies in education has brought
implemented effectively during professional practice. significant changes to the traditional educational paradigm,
A study carried out with 84 students(14) of the promoting new ways of teaching and learning, inducing
undergraduate health course showed that only the new behaviors in teachers and students and new ways of
theoretical class with demonstration of the practice was not thinking and producing knowledge(23).
sufficient for the development of the psychomotor skills Competencies and skills essential to the training of
employed in CPR, and practical training is extremely nurses about cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers
necessary for the success rate to reach 90%. Simulation using the AED (BLS)
strategies are more realistic and meaningful learning, as The nursing professional is competent in face of a
they allow students to get in touch with practice. Both person who has suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest,
knowledge (theory) and skill (practice) are essential in the supported by the Nursing Professional Exercise Law No.
construction of the teaching-learning process. Both 7,498 / 86, which establishes as a private activity of the
complement and become inseparable in the design of the nurse the direct assistance to the critical patient and the
final product, highlighting the importance of theoretical execution of more complex activities and that require
classes associated with practical classes. knowledge of a scientific basis and the ability to make an
Still on this subject, a study conducted with 32 immediate decision(31).
undergraduate nursing students (1), 4 from the last According to AHA(8), qualified individuals who obtain
semester and 28 from the penultimate, found a lack of 84% or more of use in a standard structured questionnaire
knowledge; since only 25% of the students reached the used for training evaluation are considered qualified.
percentage of correct answers in the BLS questionnaire Concerningly, in a survey conducted in the State of São
equal to or greater than 75%, considered in this research as Paulo, Brazil(15) through the application of 664
satisfactory. It concluded that the theoretical knowledge questionnaires on BLS, answered by students of higher
about BLS among nursing students was unsatisfactory for education courses in the health area, similar to the one used
the care of victims of cardiorespiratory arrest, showing by AHA in the BLS course, only one reached grade equal
that, although the theme is discussed at graduation, it has to or greater than 84%.
not been sufficient to build solid knowledge.
With regard to the care of victims of sudden
The academic training of nurses demands the need for cardiorespiratory arrest, little or incorrect knowledge about
theoretical-conceptual and methodological training that BLS can compromise the care provided(15). In a similar
enhances competencies for comprehensiveness. Thus, study on the knowledge of undergraduate nursing
among the essential competencies for the practice of students(10), after the application of a form containing 40
nursing in the emergency, clinical reasoning for decision objective questions, a high percentage of incorrect answers Page | 124

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-5, May- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

was evidenced regarding the use of the AED, in which continuous quality improvement, based on the
80% of the answers were unsatisfactory for simple understanding that ensuring that victims of
questions such as the positioning of the device's blades(1). cardiorespiratory arrest receive care consistent with the
Thus, attention is drawn in this study to the knowledge current state of scientific knowledge presents itself as a
deficit, especially among nursing professionals, taking into great potential to save thousands of lives(32).
account that the findings showed that the percentage of
correct answers was below the expected, according to the
correct index established for the BLS course of the AHA. V. CONCLUSION
The study enabled the construction of a synthesis of the
Nursing students have been the subject of discussions
scientific knowledge produced about the BLS training
and research that have demonstrated their knowledge about
methods in nursing education. The results showed great
CPR maneuvers. A study carried out with nursing students
gaps in the knowledge of health professionals, making it
from the 8th period(13) found that few students had enough
necessary to develop research in this field, especially
knowledge to work in PCR. This lack of knowledge,
studies that focus on theoretical-practical teaching
among other reasons, may be linked to academic training,
strategies, using simulation, considering that they are
which leads to reflect on the teaching-learning process
capable of bringing impacts real and significant in the
related to the approach of this content in undergraduate
knowledge and skills of professionals.
After the analysis, it was possible to conclude that the
In a research carried out at a private University of Porto
nurse is an essential and trained professional to diagnose
(Portugal) with 149 students from the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
and attend a cardiorespiratory arrest. The topic addressed
years of nursing, it was shown that they had sufficient
in this study is not exhaustive, always deserving updates
theoretical knowledge about BLS in adults, since most of
and scientific productions, in order to be updating and
them obtained correct answers above 70% in all series.
showing the importance of nursing care in the face of
However, it is important to note that this is the reality of a
cardiopulmonary arrest, and it is essential that nurses are in
developed country(1).
constant technical and scientific improvements.
Successful experiences, in studies before and after,
There were few publications on the topic, as well as a
however, demonstrate that the knowledge and skills of
multiplicity of methods and strategies in teaching BLS.
nurses and nursing students seem to improve following
From this perspective, it can be concluded that teaching
CPR training. However, in six weeks, knowledge and skills
aimed at the individuality and reality of the target
begin to decline, although they remain significantly higher
audience, taking into account the epidemiological reality
than the initial one. Training programs improve CPR
and characteristics of the students, is fundamental in this
competence, but individuals are unable to maintain the
process. Despite the variety of information resulting from
same competence, even for a short period(25).
the studies, multiplicity and heterogeneity in the
A study with 83 students in the third year of the approaches and forms of evaluation, we conclude that
undergraduate nursing course, in which 90.4% of the practical theoretical teaching strategies with the use of
participants had not received any CPR training before the simulation, use of dummies and feedback emerge as more
study, concluded that theoretical information and practiced effective strategies, capable of promoting learning more
CPR had a positive impact on the level of knowledge and effectively. other available resources.
skills nurses' practices in the following month (24). However,
In this way, we hope to contribute to the
there was a significant decrease in the level of information
development of new studies, which can foster reflections
and correct preservation of practical application six months
on the teaching of BLS in nursing education, and above all,
after training. In this understanding, it is described that
cooperate with the affirmation of the educational process
BLS knowledge and skills deteriorate in less than three to
as the north of professional qualification, therefore, for the
six months. The use of frequent assessments will identify
improvement of the health work process.
individuals who need refresher courses(29).
Furthermore, we seek to apprehend the aspects that
Education in basic life support aims to fill the gaps
must permeate the academic education of nurses and, with
between real and desired performance, and should enable
this, contribute to the elucidation of teaching strategies that
the acquisition of knowledge and skills of self-efficacy to
facilitate the teaching-learning process, so that through
BLS providers, improving their ability to recognize and
training based on problematizing educational practices,
respond to patients at risk. cardiac arrest; improving
which promote solid knowledge, the nurse can develop the
resuscitation performance; and ensuring the activities of Page | 125

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