Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad: MR Liew Kian Hung
Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad: MR Liew Kian Hung
Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad: MR Liew Kian Hung
Plan Type
Name of Insurer : Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A) ("the Company")
Product Name : Great Flexi Wealth
Type of Policy : Universal Life Endowment
Client Details
Client's Name : MR Liew Kian Hung Premium Mode : Yearly
Sex : Male Guaranteed Cash : Cash Withdrawal
Smoker : No Payment Option
Age Next Birthday : 24
Occupation Class :1
All premium payable by a Business Organisation other than Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad, are subject to the prevailing
government service tax.
* Please refer to the SALES ILLUSTRATION TABLE OF BASIC PLAN and full notes as appeared in the section on Product Disclosure
Sheet for the details of benefits payable.
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This table shows the amount of premium you will be paying each year and the yearly cash flow on your policy until the end of the policy
How much are What can you cash out
you paying? periodically?
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How do the benefits compare against the total premiums paid to date?
How much How much is How much will you receive if
premium you paid to the you cancel the policy early?
would have paid? intermediaries?
Total Surrender
Total Premium Distribution (B) (C) = (B) - (K)
Paid To Date Cost To Date Non-Guaranteed
[refers to [refers to
End of Policy Total Surrender Value (After Age at End of
cumulative cumulative Account 1 Value
Year Surrender Charge) Policy Year
premium to be distribution
paid from policy cost to be paid Scenario X Scenario Y Scenario X Scenario Y
inception] from policy
1 3,600.00 1,350.00 772 823 694 740 25
2 7,200.00 2,160.00 1,741 1,882 1,584 1,712 26
3 10,800.00 2,718.00 4,016 4,333 3,694 3,986 27
4 14,400.00 3,078.00 6,708 7,310 6,238 6,798 28
5 18,000.00 3,258.00 9,459 10,463 8,891 9,835 29
6 21,600.00 3,438.00 12,271 13,802 11,657 13,111 30
7 25,200.00 3,438.00 15,514 17,722 14,893 17,013 31
8 28,800.00 3,438.00 18,829 21,875 18,264 21,218 32
9 32,400.00 3,438.00 22,219 26,278 21,774 25,752 33
10 36,000.00 3,438.00 25,686 30,944 25,429 30,634 34
11 36,000.00 3,438.00 24,975 31,502 24,975 31,502 35
12 36,000.00 3,438.00 24,248 32,094 24,248 32,094 36
13 36,000.00 3,438.00 23,504 32,722 23,504 32,722 37
14 36,000.00 3,438.00 22,744 33,390 22,744 33,390 38
15 36,000.00 3,438.00 21,966 34,098 21,966 34,098 39
16 36,000.00 3,438.00 21,170 34,851 21,170 34,851 40
17 36,000.00 3,438.00 20,356 35,650 20,356 35,650 41
18 36,000.00 3,438.00 19,524 36,498 19,524 36,498 42
19 36,000.00 3,438.00 18,672 37,398 18,672 37,398 43
20 36,000.00 3,438.00 17,801 38,353 17,801 38,353 44
Guaranteed Non-Guaranteed
(a) (b) (c) (d) = (b) + Max{a,c}
Minimum Total Benefit
Total Premium
amount Account 1 Value Payable Upon
Paid Final Year
payable Maturity*
upon Scenario Scenario Scenario Scenario
maturity X Y X Y
36,000 19,800 1,188 17,801 38,353 20,988 39,541
If you cancel the policy before the maturity period, the amount that you receive may be much less than the total
amount of premium that you have paid.
*This is the total amount payable to you at maturity. This amount is already inclusive of any guaranteed benefits payable.
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Projected Crediting Rate
- The returns of X% and Y% have been used respectively to represent the range of possible Crediting Rate to the
Account Values.
- The assumed projected net Crediting Rates used in all sales illustration tables are:
Projected Net Crediting Rate* (p.a.)
Scenario X Scenario Y
2.32% 6.00%
* after deduction of investment tax and Crediting Spread
- The illustrations shown are based on the projected Crediting Rates. These rates are used purely for illustration
purposes to show the variability of non-guaranteed benefits under the different investment scenarios and are not
guaranteed. They do not represent upper and lower limits on the investment performance and are not the actual
returns earned on the actual premiums paid for the life insurance product. The actual Crediting Rate will fluctuate (ie.
rise or fall) monthly based on the performance of the asset investments. A higher credited return may be credited if
the investments have performed well and conversely, a lower or negative credited return may be credited if the
investments have performed poorly. A negative Crediting Rate will result in a reduction of Account Value.
- The investment is classified under the medium-risk category as it diversifies into equities and fixed income securities.
The returns from the investment are not guaranteed and are subject to, but not limited to, market risk, foreign
currency risk and interest rate risk.
- The actual Crediting Rates are NOT GUARANTEED and the past investment performance of the fund is not an
indication of its future performance. The actual Crediting Rates will be determined at the discretion of the
- Crediting Rate is credited every month into Account 1 and Account 2 and is determined based on investment return
for each calender month after deducting investment tax and Crediting Spread. The Company may determine and
credit the Crediting Rate more frequently than once a month.
Total distribution cost is the amount received by the intermediary for the sale of this policy and services that the
intermediary will provide to you for the duration of your policy. This amount also includes the amount that the
intermediary may be entitled to for the duration of your policy provided that the intermediary meets the performance
criteria set by the company.
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How do the benefits compare against the total premiums paid to date?
How much How much is the What is payable upon
premium you periodical benefit you death due to non-
would have paid? have received? accidental causes?
*This is the total amount payable to you upon TPD prior to the policy anniversary on which the life assured attains age
70 years next birthday or upon death. This amount is already inclusive of any guaranteed benefits payable.
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How do the benefits compare against the total premiums paid to date?
How much
How much is the What is payable upon
premium you
periodical benefit you death due to accidental
would have paid?
have received? causes?
*This is the total amount payable to you upon death due to accidental causes or death due to accidental causes (Public
Conveyance). This amount is already inclusive of any guaranteed benefits payable.
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This table shows the allocated premium, unallocated premium and charges for this policy.
Premium (J) (K) (L) Age at End
End of Unallocated Allocated
Paid Each Non-Guaranteed of Policy
Policy Year Premium Premium
Year Insurance Charge Surrender Charge Year
Policy Fee
Scenario X Scenario Y Scenario X Scenario Y
1 3,600.00 2,160.00 1,440.00 4.30 4.20 77.20 82.30 84 25
2 3,600.00 1,980.00 1,620.00 8.40 8.35 156.69 169.38 84 26
3 3,600.00 720.00 2,880.00 15.60 15.27 321.28 346.64 84 27
4 3,600.00 360.00 3,240.00 19.03 18.33 469.56 511.70 84 28
5 3,600.00 360.00 3,240.00 22.21 20.95 567.54 627.78 84 29
6 3,600.00 360.00 3,240.00 25.50 23.47 613.55 690.10 84 30
7 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00 28.12 25.02 620.56 708.88 84 31
8 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00 30.60 26.15 564.87 656.25 84 32
9 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00 32.70 26.66 444.38 525.56 84 33
10 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00 34.53 26.64 256.86 309.44 84 34
11 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.70 23.95 0.00 0.00 84 35
12 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.11 22.68 0.00 0.00 84 36
13 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.75 21.60 0.00 0.00 84 37
14 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.34 20.49 0.00 0.00 84 38
15 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.05 19.37 0.00 0.00 84 39
16 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.76 18.21 0.00 0.00 84 40
17 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.54 17.04 0.00 0.00 84 41
18 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.32 15.84 0.00 0.00 84 42
19 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.08 14.61 0.00 0.00 84 43
20 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.82 13.33 0.00 0.00 84 44
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1. You should satisfy yourself that this plan will best serve your needs and that you can afford the premium. If you need clarification,
please contact us or the intermediary.
2. This is for illustration purpose only. The Company at its absolute discretion shall determine the terms of acceptance that may be
3. If No-Lapse Guarantee is forfeited due to non-payment of premium, your policy will lapse / terminate if there are not enough value in
your Account 1 and Account 2 to pay the charges. Your Account Value may not be enough over the years due to:-
- Poor investment performance.
- non-payment of premiums over a period of time.
4. Account Value
- Account Value refers to the value the policyholder is entitled to from the investment. The Company may invest the assets of the
account in the manner determined by the Company. Income generated from the investment after deducting investment tax and
crediting spread will be credited into the account as credited return.
- The allocated premium (excluding any advance premium paid) will be allocated to Account 1. The Guaranteed Cash Payment and
all charges applicable to this policy, eg. insurance charges and policy fees shall be deducted from Account 1.
- In the event reinvestment option for Guaranteed Cash Payment is selected, the Guaranteed Cash Payment will be allocated to
Account 2. If value from Account 1 is insufficient to cover the insurance charges and policy fees, those charges will be deducted
from Account 2.
- Account 2 Value, if any, can be withdrawn at anytime without any charge imposed. Only full withdrawal is allowed.
6. Premiums Paid
This is the amount that you pay for this policy, excluding any advance premium paid. Take note that not all of the amount paid will be
invested into Account 1. Please see the explanation on unallocated and allocated premium below.
7. Unallocated Premium
- The unallocated premium is an upfront charge on the premium paid and is used to meet the the Company's expenses and total
distribution cost, including the commissions payable to the intemediary.
8. Allocated Premium
- This is the amount of premium (excluding any advance premium paid) that will be allocated into Account 1:
Policy Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-10
Premium 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00
(%) 40.00% 45.00% 80.00% 90.00% 90.00% 90.00% 100.00%
Allocated Premium
(RM) 1,440.00 1,620.00 2,880.00 3,240.00 3,240.00 3,240.00 3,600.00
9. Charges
The illustrated insurance and other charges are based on current levels. These charges are non-guaranteed and the Company
reserves the right to revise these charges by giving you at least 3 months' advance notification.
i. Insurance Charge
- Insurance charges will be deducted monthly from Account 1. In the event Account 1 Value is insufficient, the insurance charge
will be deducted from Account 2, provided reinvestment option is selected. The insurance charge is for insurance coverage of
death and TPD due to all causes and varies by the attained age next birthday, gender and smoking status, where applicable.
The insurance charges will increase as you grow older.
- When the Prevailing Sum Assured is more than Account 1 Value at the beginning of a policy month (after deducting the
monthly policy fee and adding the Allocated Premium (if any) of the month), the difference will be subject to an insurance
- Insurance charge for death due to non-accidental causes and TPD due to non-accidental causes during the first 2 policy years
will be waived.
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ii. Surrender Charge
- Surrender charge applies to Account 1 upon surrender or reduction of premium of the basic plan.
- The Surrender Charge scale is as per below:
Surrender Charge
Policy Year
(% of Account 1 Value being surrendered)
1 10%
2 9%
3 8%
4 7%
5 6%
6 5%
7 4%
8 3%
9 2%
10 1%
11 onwards 0%
10. In the case of a collateral policy where the benefit payout (inclusive of non-guaranteed benefits) at maturity is designated for
settlement of a credit facility, please note that the actual maturity payout may not be sufficient to cover the outstanding loan amount
after taking into account the variability of non-guaranteed benefits.
Disclaimer: This document is intended for your general information only. It does not contain exhaustive information relating to the subject
If there is any discrepancy between the English, Bahasa Malaysia and Chinese versions of this document, the English version shall
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Liew Kian Hung Product Disclosure Sheet
Note: Please read this Product Disclosure Sheet before you decide to take up Great Flexi Wealth. Be sure to also read the general terms
and conditions.
Name of Financial Service Provider : Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A) ("the Company")
Name of Product : Great Flexi Wealth
Date : 08/02/2020
· Death Benefit
In the event the death of the life assured is due to non-accidental cause or in the event of TPD prior to the policy anniversary on
which the life assured attains age 70 years next birthday, the following will be payable:
i. The higher of:
a) Prevailing Sum Assured as stated below;
Prevailing Sum Assured
Policy Year (% of total Basic Premium paid) less total Guaranteed Cash
Payment paid
1st - 2nd 100%
3rd and thereafter 105%
b) Account 1 Value; and
ii. Any Account 2 Value.
In the event of accidental death of the life assured or in the event of accidental death (Public Conveyance#) of the life assured, the
Company will pay:
i. Higher of:
a) Prevailing Sum Assured as stated below;
Prevailing Sum Assured
(% of total Basic Premium paid) less total Guaranteed Cash Payment
On or after the policy
Policy Year At Time of Accidental Death or Prior to the policy anniversary of attained age anniversary of attained
Accidental Death (Public Conveyance#) 65 years next birthday age 65 years next
Accidental Death or
Accidental Death
Accidental Death Accidental Death
(Public Conveyance#)
(Public Conveyance#)
1st - 2nd 100%
210% 315%
3 and thereafter 105%
Accidental death which occur while traveling in a public conveyance (other than a cable car, taxi, hired car or any form of
transport chartered for private travel); or while riding as a passenger in an elevator or electric lift; or in consequence of the
burning of any theatre, or cinema, hotel or other public building in which the Life Assured was present at the time of
commencement of the fire.
b) Account 1 Value; and
ii. Any Account 2 Value.
· Maturity Benefit
Upon survival of the life assured to the maturity date of the policy, the following will be payable in one lump sum:
i. The higher of:
a) (105% of total Basic Annualised Premium paid) less total Guaranteed Cash Payment paid; or
b) Account 1 Value; and
ii. Any Account 2 Value.
If there is any unpaid premium and overdue premium interest upon maturity, only Account Values shall be payable in one lump
The above benefits are subject to the terms and conditions stated in the policy contract.
Note: The Company allocates a portion of the premium to Account 1. Any unallocated premium will be used to pay commissions to
agents and other expenses of the Company. You are advised to refer to the allocation rates and other details given in the sales
Note: Charges are not guaranteed and the company reserves the right to revise these charges by giving 3 months’ advance
notifications. Details of insurance charges and other charges for this plan are given in the sales illustration.
5. What are some of the key terms and conditions that I should be aware of?
· Importance of disclosure – you must disclose all material facts and state your age correctly.
· Free-look period – you may cancel your policy by returning your insurance policy within 15 days after you have received it. Any
Account Value, any unallocated premium, insurance charges and policy fees that have been deducted will be refunded to you.
· Crediting Rate – Crediting Rate is credited every month into Account 1 and Account 2. It is not guaranteed and is determined at
the discretion of the Company. A higher credited return may be credited if the investments have performed well and conversely, a
lower or negative credited return may be credited if the investments have performed poorly. A negative Crediting Rate will result in
a reduction of Account Value.
· Grace period - A grace period of 30 days from each premium due date is given for you to pay your premiums.
· Basic Premium - This is the regular modal premium paid for the basic plan excluding any advance premium paid.
· Basic Annualised Premium - This is the total Basic Premium paid for a policy year.
· Non-payment of premium – any premium paid after the grace period will be charged with overdue premium interest at a rate to be
determined by the Company, the prevailing interest rate is available on the Company’s official website. The payment of overdue
premium and overdue premium interest will not be entitled to the credited return which has been determined prior to the payment.
· Surrender - Upon surrender of the policy, the Account 1 Value (after deducting the Surrender Charge) plus any Account 2 Value
shall be payable in one lump sum.
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the policy contract for the terms and conditions under this plan.
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the policy contract for the full list of exclusions under this plan.
If there is any discrepancy between the English and Bahasa Malaysia versions of this document, the English version shall prevail.
Our Company offers life insurance products through our agency force, bank partners, etc. If you
intend to purchase a life insurance product from our agents, you can enjoy these value-added
Go through with you the Customer Fact Find form to understand your insurance needs and
financial goals.
Recommend suitable insurance plan after assessing your needs.
Explain the product features, benefits payable, exclusions, premiums and charges.
Provide Product Disclosure Sheet to assist you in making informed decision and to facilitate
product comparison.
Explain the importance of answering the questions in the proposal form fully and accurately.
Submit your application for underwriting after you have signed the proposal form.
Arrange for medical examination with one of our panel clinics, if required.
Provide information on making a nomination to ensure policy moneys are received by your
beneficiaries in the event of death.
Your policy document will be delivered to you (by hand or via post) within 28 days
Go through the policy terms and conditions with you to ensure that this is the right plan that you
have purchased.
Guide you through the standard procedures on how to file an insurance claim.
Customer Portal
Please visit our Customer Portal at for
online access to your policy information.
Note: If you are not satisfied with the services of our agent, or required additional support
from our Company, you may contact us at 1-300-1-300-88.
Jenis Pelan
Nama Syarikat Insurans : Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A) ("Syarikat")
Nama Produk : Great Flexi Wealth
Jenis Polisi : Endowmen Universal Life
Butiran Pelanggan
Nama Pelanggan : MR Liew Kian Hung Jenis Premium : Tahunan
Jantina : Lelaki Pilihan Pembayaran : Pengeluaran Tunai
Merokok : Tidak Tunai Dijamin
Umur Hari Jadi Berikut : 24
Kelas Pekerjaan :1
Premium Premium
Jumlah Asurans Tahunan Tahunan
Pelan Tempoh Tahunan
(RM) Tambahan Keseluruhan
(RM) (RM)
Pelan Asas:
0475 UL-GFW 20 Tidak Berkenaan* 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00
Jumlah 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00
Semua premium yang dibayar oleh Organisasi Perniagaan selain daripada Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad tertakluk
pada cukai perkhidmatan semasa yang dikenakan kerajaan.
*Sila rujuk JADUAL ILUSTRASI JUALAN PELAN ASAS dan nota penuh seperti yang tertera di bahagian Risalah Pemberitahuan Produk
untuk maklumat lanjut manfaat yang akan dibayar.
Apakah yang anda perlu ketahui? Apakah yang anda perlu beri perhatian?
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Jadual ini menunjukkan amaun premium yang anda akan bayar setiap tahun dan aliran tunai tahunan untuk polisi anda sehingga akhir
tempoh polisi.
Berapakah yang Apakah amaun tunai yang
anda bayar? boleh dikeluarkan secara
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Apakah perbandingan ke atas manfaat dengan premium keseluruhan yang dibayar sehingga kini?
Berapakah Berapakah Berapakah yang anda terima
premium yang bayaran kepada jika polisi ditamatkan awal?
anda bayar? pengantara?
Jika anda membatalkan polisi sebelum tempoh matang, amaun yang diterima mungkin lebih rendah berbanding
amaun premium keseluruhan yang anda telah bayar.
*Amaun keseluruhan yang dibayar kepada anda semasa matang. Amaun ini termasuk sebarang manfaat dijamin yang
boleh dibayar.
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Unjuran Kadar Kredit
- Pulangan X% dan Y% masing-masing telah digunakan untuk mewakili kemungkinan julat Kadar Kredit kepada Nilai
- Andaian unjuran bersih Kadar Kredit yang digunakan dalam semua jadual ilustrasi jualan adalah:
Unjuran Bersih Kadar Premium* (setahun)
Senario X Senario Y
2.32% 6.00%
* selepas ditolak cukai pelaburan dan Sebaran Kredit
- Ilustrasi yang ditunjukkan di atas adalah berdasarkan unjuran Kadar Kredit. Kadar ini digunakan untuk tujuan ilustrasi
semata-mata bagi menunjukkan kebolehubahan manfaat tidak dijamin di bawah senario pelaburan berbeza dan tidak
dijamin. Ia tidak mewakili had lebih tinggi dan lebih rendah ke atas prestasi pelaburan dan bukan pulangan sebenar
yang diperoleh ke atas premium sebenar yang dibayar bagi produk insurans hayat. Kadar Kredit sebenar akan turun
naik (naik atau turun) secara bulanan berdasarkan prestasi pelaburan aset. Pulangan kredit yang lebih tinggi
mungkin dikreditkan jika prestasi pelaburan adalah baik dan sebaliknya, pulangan kredit lebih rendah atau negatif
mungkin dikreditkan jika prestasi pelaburan adalah teruk. Kadar Kredit yang negatif akan menyebabkan pengurangan
Nilai Akaun.
- Pelaburan ini diklasifikasikan di bawah kategori risiko sederhana kerana ia melabur dalam kepelbagaian ekuiti dan
sekuriti pendapatan tetap. Pulangan pelaburan adalah tidak dijamin dan tertakluk serta tidak terhad pada risiko
pasaran, risiko matawang asing dan risiko kadar faedah.
- Kadar Kredit sebenar adalah TIDAK DIJAMIN dan prestasi pelaburan dana yang lepas bukan petunjuk bagi
prestasi pada masa hadapan. Kadar Kredit sebenar akan ditentukan mengikut budi bicara Syarikat.
- Kadar Kredit dikreditkan setiap bulan ke dalam Akaun 1 dan Akaun 2 serta ditentukan berdasarkan pulangan
pelaburan bagi setiap bulan kalendar selepas menolak cukai pelaburan dan Sebaran Kredit. Syarikat mungkin
menentukan dan mengkreditkan Kadar Kredit dengan lebih kerap berbanding hanya sekali sebulan.
Kos agihan keseluruhan adalah amaun yang diterima pengantara untuk jualan polisi ini dan perkhidmatan yang diberi
pengantara bagi tempoh polisi anda. Amaun ini juga termasuk amaun yang mungkin berhak diterima pengantara bagi
tempoh polisi anda, dengan syarat mereka memenuhi kriteria kelayakan yang ditetapkan Syarikat.
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Apakah perbandingan ke atas manfaat dengan premium keseluruhan yang dibayar sehingga kini?
Berapakah Berapakah bayaran Apakah yang dibayar
premium yang manfaat berkala yang semasa kematian bukan
anda bayar? anda terima? akibat kemalangan?
*Amaun keseluruhan yang dibayar kepada anda apabila TPD berlaku sebelum ulang tahun polisi apabila hayat yang
diasuranskan mencapai umur 70 tahun hari jadi berikut atau apabila kematian berlaku. Amaun ini termasuk sebarang
manfaat dijamin yang boleh dibayar.
Page 21 of 31
Apakah perbandingan ke atas manfaat dengan premium keseluruhan yang dibayar sehingga kini?
Berapakah bayaran Apakah yang dibayar
premium yang
manfaat berkala yang semasa kematian akibat
anda bayar?
anda terima? kemalangan?
*Amaun keseluruhan yang dibayar kepada anda apabila kematian akibat kemalangan atau kematian akibat kemalangan
(Pengangkutan Awam) berlaku. Amaun ini termasuk sebarang manfaat dijamin yang boleh dibayar.
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Jadual ini menunjukkan premium yang diperuntukkan, premium tidak diperuntukkan dan caj bagi polisi ini.
Premium (J) (K) (L) Umur pada
Akhir Premium yang
Dibayar Premium yang Akhir
Tahun Tidak Tidak Dijamin
Setiap Diperuntukkan Tahun
Polisi Diperuntukkan Caj Insurans Caj Serahan Yuran
Tahun Polisi
Senario X Senario Y Senario X Senario Y Polisi
1 3,600.00 2,160.00 1,440.00 4.30 4.20 77.20 82.30 84 25
2 3,600.00 1,980.00 1,620.00 8.40 8.35 156.69 169.38 84 26
3 3,600.00 720.00 2,880.00 15.60 15.27 321.28 346.64 84 27
4 3,600.00 360.00 3,240.00 19.03 18.33 469.56 511.70 84 28
5 3,600.00 360.00 3,240.00 22.21 20.95 567.54 627.78 84 29
6 3,600.00 360.00 3,240.00 25.50 23.47 613.55 690.10 84 30
7 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00 28.12 25.02 620.56 708.88 84 31
8 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00 30.60 26.15 564.87 656.25 84 32
9 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00 32.70 26.66 444.38 525.56 84 33
10 3,600.00 0.00 3,600.00 34.53 26.64 256.86 309.44 84 34
11 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.70 23.95 0.00 0.00 84 35
12 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.11 22.68 0.00 0.00 84 36
13 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.75 21.60 0.00 0.00 84 37
14 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.34 20.49 0.00 0.00 84 38
15 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.05 19.37 0.00 0.00 84 39
16 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.76 18.21 0.00 0.00 84 40
17 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.54 17.04 0.00 0.00 84 41
18 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.32 15.84 0.00 0.00 84 42
19 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.08 14.61 0.00 0.00 84 43
20 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.82 13.33 0.00 0.00 84 44
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1. Anda seharusnya berpuas hati bahawa pelan ini akan memenuhi keperluan anda dengan sebaiknya dan anda mampu membayar
premium. Jika anda memerlukan penerangan, sila hubungi kami atau pengantara.
2. Untuk tujuan ilustrasi sahaja. Syarikat berhak menentukan terma penerimaan yang mungkin ditawarkan mengikut budi bicara.
3. Jika Jaminan Tidak Luput dibatalkan atas sebab premium tidak dibayar, polisi ini akan luput/tamat jika nilai Akaun 1 dan Akaun 2
tidak mencukupi untuk membayar caj yang dikenakan. Nilai Akaun anda mungkin tidak mencukupi akibat:-
- Pulangan pelaburan yang buruk.
- Premium tidak dibayar untuk suatu tempoh masa.
4. Nilai Akaun
- Nilai Akaun merujuk pada nilai yang berhak diterima oleh pemegang polisi daripada pelaburan. Syarikat mungkin melabur aset
akaun dengan cara yang ditentukan Syarikat. Pendapatan yang diperoleh daripada pelaburan selepas menolak cukai pelaburan
dan sebaran kredit akan dikreditkan ke dalam akaun sebagai pulangan kredit.
- Premium diperuntukkan (tidak termasuk sebarang premium yang dibayar terlebih dahulu) akan diperuntukkan ke dalam Akaun 1.
Pembayaran Tunai Dijamin dan semua caj yang berkenaan bagi polisi ini, contohnya caj insurans dan yuran polisi akan ditolak
daripada Akaun 1.
- Jika memilih pilihan pelaburan semula bagi Pembayaran Tunai Dijamin, Pembayaran Tunai Dijamin akan diperuntukkan pada
Akaun 2. Jika nilai Akaun 1 tidak mencukupi untuk membayar caj insurans dan yuran polisi, caj tersebut akan ditolak daripada
Akaun 2.
- Nilai Akaun 2, jika ada, boleh ditarik balik pada bila-bila masa tanpa sebarang caj dikenakan. Hanya penarikan balik penuh
8. Premium Diperuntukkan
- Amaun premium (tidak termasuk sebarang premium yang telah dibayar terlebih dahulu) yang akan diperuntukkan dalam Akaun 1:
Tahun Polisi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-10
Premium 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00
(%) 40.00% 45.00% 80.00% 90.00% 90.00% 90.00% 100.00%
Premium Diperuntukkan
(RM) 1,440.00 1,620.00 2,880.00 3,240.00 3,240.00 3,240.00 3,600.00
9. Caj
Ilustrasi insurans dan caj lain adalah berdasarkan tahap semasa. Caj-caj ini tidak dijamin. Syarikat berhak menyemak semula caj-caj
ini dengan memberikan anda sekurang-kurangnya notis 3 bulan terlebih dahulu.
i. Caj Insurans
- Caj insurans akan ditolak secara bulanan daripada Akaun 1. Jika Nilai Akaun 1 tidak mencukupi, caj insurans akan ditolak
daripada Akaun 2, dengan syarat pilihan pelaburan semula telah dipilih. Caj insurans dikenakan bagi perlindungan insurans
untuk kematian dan TPD akibat semua sebab, serta berbeza mengikut umur hari jadi berikut yang dicapai, jantina dan status
merokok, mana yang berkenaan. Caj insurans akan meningkat apabila umur anda meningkat.
- Apabila Jumlah Asurans Semasa melebihi Nilai Akaun 1 pada permulaan suatu bulan polisi (selepas menolak yuran polisi
bulanan dan menambah Premium Diperuntukkan (jika ada) bagi bulan tersebut), perbezaan adalah tertakluk kepada caj
- Caj insurans bagi kematian bukan akibat kemalangan dan TPD bukan akibat kemalangan semasa 2 tahun polisi pertama akan
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ii. Caj Serahan
- Caj serahan dikenakan untuk Akaun 1 apabila pelan asas diserahkan atau Premium Asas dikurangkan.
- Skala Caj Serahan seperti berikut:
Caj Serahan
Tahun Polisi
(% daripada Nilai Akaun 1 yang diserahkan)
1 10%
2 9%
3 8%
4 7%
5 6%
6 5%
7 4%
8 3%
9 2%
10 1%
11 selanjutnya 0%
10. Dalam kes polisi cagaran apabila pembayaran manfaat (termasuk manfaat tidak dijamin) semasa matang telah ditentukan untuk
membiayai kemudahan kredit, sila ambil perhatian bahawa pembayaran manfaat matang sebenar mungkin tidak mencukupi untuk
menyelesaikan amaun tunggakan pinjaman selepas mengambil kira kebolehubahan manfaat tidak dijamin.
Semua amaun yang ditunjukkan adalah dalam RM (Kesalahan & Ketinggalan Dikecualikan).
Penafian: Dokumen ini hanya untuk maklumat am anda sahaja. Ia tidak mengandungi maklumat menyeluruh berkenaan perkara yang
Jika terdapat percanggahan antara versi Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Cina untuk dokumen ini, versi Bahasa Inggeris
akan digunakan.
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Liew Kian Hung Risalah Pemberitahuan Produk
Nota: Sila baca Risalah Pemberitahuan Produk ini sebelum anda memutuskan untuk mendapatkan Great Flexi Wealth. Pastikan terma
dan syarat am telah dibaca.
Nama Penyedia Perkhidmatan Kewangan : Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A) ("Syarikat")
Nama Produk : Great Flexi Wealth
Tarikh : 08/02/2020
· Manfaat Kematian
Sekiranya kematian hayat yang diasuranskan bukan akibat kemalangan atau mengalami TPD sebelum ulang tahun polisi apabila
hayat yang diasuranskan mencapai umur 70 tahun hari jadi berikut, perkara berikut akan dibayar:
i. Mana-mana yang paling tinggi:
a) Jumlah Asurans Semasa seperti dinyatakan di bawah;
Jumlah Asurans Semasa
(% daripada Premium Asas keseluruhan yang dibayar)
Tahun Polisi
ditolak Pembayaran Tunai Dijamin keseluruhan yang
1-2 100%
3 dan selanjutnya 105%
b) Nilai Akaun 1; dan
ii. Sebarang Nilai Akaun 2.
Jika kematian akibat kemalangan atau kematian akibat kemalangan (Pengangkutan Awam#) bagi hayat yang diasuranskan
berlaku, Syarikat akan membayar:
i. Mana-mana yang paling tinggi:
a) Jumlah Asurans Semasa seperti dinyatakan di bawah;
Jumlah Asurans Semasa
(% daripada Premium Asas keseluruhan yang dibayar) ditolak
Pembayaran Tunai Dijamin keseluruhan yang dibayar
Pada atau selepas
Sebelum ulang tahun polisi pada umur 65 ulang tahun polisi pada
Tahun Polisi semasa Kematian Akibat tahun hari jadi berikut umur 65 tahun hari jadi
Kemalangan atau Kematian Akibat berikut
Kemalangan (Pengangkutan Awam#) Kematian Akibat
Kematian Akibat Kemalangan atau
Kematian akibat Kemalangan Kematian Akibat
Kemalangan (Pengangkutan Kemalangan
Awam#) (Pengangkutan
1-2 100%
210% 315%
3 dan selanjutnya 105%
Kematian akibat kemalangan yang berlaku semasa berada dalam pengangkutan awam (selain daripada kereta kabel,
teksi, kereta sewa atau sebarang jenis pengangkutan sewa untuk kegunaan peribadi); atau sebagai penumpang dalam lif
atau lif elektrik; atau akibat kebakaran sebarang teater, pawagam, hotel atau bangunan awam lain yang mana Hayat yang
Diasuranskan berada di situ semasa kebakaran bermula:
b) Nilai Akaun 1; dan
· Manfaat Matang
Apabila hayat yang diasuranskan masih hidup sehingga tarikh matang polisi, perkara berikut akan dibayar dalam satu jumlah
sekali gus:
i. Mana-mana yang paling tinggi:
a) (105% daripada Premium Tahunan Asas keseluruhan yang telah dibayar), ditolak Pembayaran Tunai Dijamin keseluruhan
yang telah dibayar; atau
b) Nilai Akaun 1; dan
ii. Sebarang Nilai Akaun 2.
Jika terdapat sebarang premium dan faedah bagi premium lampau tempoh yang belum dibayar semasa matang, hanya Nilai
Akaun akan dibayar dalam satu jumlah sekali gus.
Manfaat di atas tertakluk pada terma dan syarat yang dinyatakan dalam kontrak polisi.
Tempoh perlindungan: 20 tahun atau sehingga penamatan, mana yang berlaku dahulu.
Nota: Syarikat memperuntukkan sebahagian premium pada Akaun 1. Sebarang premium tidak diperuntukkan akan digunakan untuk
membayar komisen kepada ejen dan perbelanjaan lain Syarikat. Anda dinasihatkan agar merujuk kadar peruntukan dan butiran lain
yang dinyatakan dalam ilustrasi jualan.
Nota: Caj adalah tidak dijamin dan Syarikat berhak menyemak semula caj ini dengan memberi notis 3 bulan terlebih dahulu. Butiran
caj insurans dan caj lain bagi pelan ini diberi dalam ilustrasi jualan.
Nota: Senarai ini adalah tidak menyeluruh. Sila rujuk kontrak polisi bagi terma dan syarat di bawah pelan ini.
Nota: Senarai ini adalah tidak menyeluruh. Sila rujuk kontrak polisi bagi terma dan syarat di bawah pelan ini.
8. Apakah yang saya perlu lakukan jika terdapat perubahan butiran perhubungan saya / penama?
Anda hendaklah memaklumkan kepada kami jika terdapat sebarang perubahan butiran perhubungan anda / penama bagi
memastikan semua surat-menyurat dapat diserahkan kepada anda / penama dengan sepatutnya.
Jika terdapat percanggahan antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Malaysia untuk dokumen ini, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan
Maklumat yang disediakan dalam pemberitahuan produk ini adalah sah pada 08/02/2020.
Syarikat kami menawarkan produk insurans hayat melalui tenaga agensi, rakan kongsi bank dan lain-
lain. Jika anda berniat untuk membeli produk insurans hayat yang dipasarkan oleh ejen kami, anda
boleh menikmati perkhidmatan tambah nilai seperti yang dinyatakan.
Meneliti kandungan Borang Maklumat Pelanggan untuk memahami keperluan insurans dan
matlamat kewangan anda.
Mengesyorkan pelan insurans yang sesuai selepas menilai keperluan anda.
Menerangkan ciri-ciri produk, manfaat yang dibayar, pengecualian, premium dan caj-caj.
Menyediakan Risalah Pemberitahuan Maklumat, untuk membantu anda dalam membuat
keputusan yang tepat dan memudahkan anda membuat perbandingan produk.
Dokumen polisi akan dihantar kepada anda (dengan tangan atau melalui pos) dalam masa 28
Menerangkan terma dan syarat polisi kepada anda bagi memastikan pelan yang dibeli
sesuai dengan keperluan anda.
Portal Pelanggan
Nota: Jika anda tidak berpuas hati dengan perkhidmatan ejen kami, atau memerlukan
sokongan tambahan daripada syarikat kami, anda boleh menghubungi kami di 1-300-1-300-88.