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Question Problems - Communications

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Problem Solving (Communications) 6.

Compute for the noise voltage

applied to the receiver input in
1. In the equation of the instantaneous Problem 5.
voltage as a function of time a. 5.4 mV
e(t ) = 5sin(5000t + 30) , what is the b. 5.4 μV
amplitude of the wave in rms? c. 5.4 nW
a. 5 volts d. 5.4 pV
b. 30 volts 7. A diode noise generator is required
c. 3.54 volts to produce 10 μV of noise in a
d. None of the above receiver with an input impedance of
2. What is the frequency of the signal 75 Ω, resistive, and a noise power
in Problem 1? bandwidth of 200 kHz. (These values
a. 5000 Hz are typical of FM broadcast
b. 5 Hz receivers.) What must be the current
c. 30 Hz through the diode be?
d. 796 Hz a. 0.133 μA
3. Calculate the wavelength in free b. 276 mA
space corresponding to a frequency c. 7.5 μA
of CB radio band. d. 13.3 nA
a. 300 m 8. Two resistors (R1 and R2) are in
b. 11.1 m series at two different temperatures
c. 7.5 cm (R1 = 300 K and R2 = 400K). Find
d. 3 cm the total noise voltage produced at
4. A receiver has a noise power the load (RL=300 Ω), over a
bandwidth of 10 kHz. A resistor that bandwidth of 100 kHz.
matches the receiver input a. 779 mV
impedance is connected across its b. 779 μV
antenna terminals. What is the noise c. 779 nV
power contributed by that resistor in d. 779 pV
the receiver bandwidth, if the resistor 9. Find the noise power produced by
has a temperature of 27ºC? the circuit in Problem 8.
a. 4.14 x 10-17 W a. 0.605 μW
b. 4.14 x 10-18 W b. 5.06 nW
c. 4.14 x 10-16 W c. 0.6 pW
d. 4.14 x 10-15 W d. 0.506 fW
5. A 300 Ω resistor is connected across 10. A receiver produces a noise power of
the 300 Ω antenna input of a 200 mW with no signal. The output
television receiver. The bandwidth of level increases to 5 W when a signal
the receiver is 6 MHz, and the is applied. Calculate (S+N)/N as a
resistor is at room temperature. Find power ratio.
the noise power applied to the a. 25
receiver input? b. 0.10
a. 24.2 nW c. 0.04
b. 24.2 pW d. 5.2
c. 24.2 fW
d. 24.2 μW
11. The signal power at the input to an a. 145.99635 MHz
amplifier is 100 μW and the noise b. 146.00219 MHz
power is 1 μW. At the output, the c. 146.01542 MHz
signal power is 1 W and the noise d. 145.98654 MHz
power is 30 mW. What is the 17. Find the minimum transmit
amplifier noise figure, as a ratio? frequency for Problem 16.
a. 100 a. 145.99635 MHz
b. 33.3 b. 146.00219 MHz
c. 3 c. 146.01542 MHz
d. None of the above d. 145.98654 MHz
12. The signal at the input of an 18. Sine-wave signals with frequencies
amplifier has an S/N of 42 dB. If the of 10 MHz and 11 MHz are applied
amplifier has a noise figure of 6 dB, to a square-law mixer. What
what is the S/N at the output (in dB)? frequencies appears at the output?
a. 48 dB a. 22 MHz and 20 MHz
b. 7 dB b. 21 MHz and 1 MHz
c. 36 dB c. 10 MHz and 11 MHz
d. None of the above d. All of the above
13. An amplifier has a noise figure of 2 19. A PLL has a VCO with a free-
dB. What is the equivalent noise running frequency of 12 MHz. As
temperature? the frequency of the reference input
a. 169.6 K is gradually raised from zero, the
b. 156.6 K loop locks at 10 MHz and comes out
c. 126.7 K of lock again at 16 MHz. Find the
d. 196.7 L capture range of the PLL.
14. An RF amplifier has a tank a. 8 MHz
consisting of L=25 μH and C = 50 b. 4 MHz
pF. Find the operating frequency. c. 14 MHz
a. 300 kHz d. 16 MHz
b. 4.50 MHz 20. Find the lock range of the PLL in
c. 1.50 MHz Problem 19.
d. 600 kHz a. 8 MHz
15. What is the bandwidth needed for b. 4 MHz
Problem 14, assume the Q is 15? c. 14 MHz
a. 300 kHz d. 16 MHz
b. 4.50 MHz 21. Find the modulation index if a 10 V
c. 1.50 MHz carrier is amplitude-modulated by
d. 600 kHz thee different frequencies with
16. A portable radio transmitter has to amplitudes of 1 V, 2V and 3V
operate at temperatures from -5ºC to respectively.
35ºC. If its signal is derived from a a. 0.1
crystal oscillator with a temperature b. 0.2
coefficient of +1 ppm/degree C and c. 0.374
it transmits at exactly 146 MHz at d. 0.3
20ºC, find the maximum transmitting
22. Calculate the modulation index if the 28. An AM broadcast station operates at
maximum voltage is 150 mV and the its maximum allowed total output of
minimum voltage is 70 mV. 50,000 W and at 85% modulation.
a. 0.364 How much of the transmitted power
b. 2.75 contains the intelligence?
c. 0.47 a. 36.73 kW
d. 2.14 b. 13.3 kW
23. CB radio channels are 10 kHz apart. c. 6.65 kW
What is the maximum modulation d. None of the above
frequency that can be used if a signal 29. For an AM DSB-FC transmitter with
is to remain entirely within its an unmodulated carrier power of 500
assigned channel? W that is modulated simultaneously
a. 10 kHz by four tones, m1=0.1,m-
b. 5 kHz 2=0.2,m3=0.4, and m4=0.5, determine
c. 270 kHz the total modulation index?
d. None of the above a. 0.91
24. An AM broadcast transmitter has a b. 1.2
carrier power output of 50 kW. What c. 0.68
total power would be produced with d. 0.86
80% modulation? 30. Determine the total sideband power
a. 66 kW of Problem 29.
b. 75 kW a. 615.6 W
c. 80 kW b. 115.6 W
d. 16 kW c. 57.8 W
25. What is the modulation index for an d. None of the above
AM having Vmax and Vmin of 2.6 31. Determine the total transmitted
amd 0.29, respectively? power of Problem 29.
a. 0.1115 a. 615.6 W
b. 0.7793 b. 115.6 W
c. 8.9655 c. 57.8 W
d. 1.2511 d. None of the above
26. Determine the bandwidth of an AM 32. An antenna current of an AM
signal modulated by a 5-kHz tone. transmitter is 11 A when
a. 5 kHz unmodulated but increases to 14 A
b. 10 kHz when modulated. Find the
c. 15 kHz percentage of modulation.
d. 20 kHz a. 111.34%
27. An AM transmitter radiates 100 W at b. 89.56%
100% modulation. How much power c. 65%
is required for the carrier? d. 50%
a. 66.67 W 33. An AM transmitter has a carrier
b. 150 W voltage of 50 Vrms at a carrier
c. 33.33 E frequency of 10 MHz. it is
d. None of the above modulated at 75% by a 1-kHz sine
wave. How much is the total rms
voltage transmitted?
a. 66.67 Vrms deviation is 50 kHz while its audio
b. 150 Vrms frequency is 10 kHz?
c. 56.6 Vrms a. 5
d. 96 Vrms b. 0.2
34. An Am transmitter must transmit c. 0.66
39.9-kW PEP. It maintains an d. 1.5
average current of 1.5 A and an 80% 40. Determine the approximate
plate efficiency. Determine the bandwidth of an FM signal
average output power at 100% modulated by a 15-kHz tone whose
modulation. frequency deviation is 45 kHz.
a. 15 kW a. 120 kHz
b. 10 kW b. 180 kHz
c. 39.9 kW c. 240 kHz
d. 50 kW d. 60 kHz
35. Determine the unmodulated carrier 41. For a shorted coaxial transmission
power of Problem 34. line with the following
a. 15 kW characteristics: Zo = 75 Ω, Єr = 0.7,
b. 10 kW f = 1.5 GHz, and Zin = -j70 Ω,
c. 5 kW determine the length of the
d. 50 kW transmission line.
36. Determine the audio power present a. 38 cm
in the transmitted power of Problem b. 11.9 cm
34. c. 23.9 cm
a. 10 kW d. 9.1 cm
b. 15 kW 42. A 75-Ω transmission line is
c. 5 kW terminated with a load equal to 25-
d. 50 kW j50Ω, determine the reflection
37. Calculate the percentage power coefficient of the line.
saving when the carrier and one of a. 0.362∠108.43 °
the sidebands is suppressed in an b. 0.132∠ 54°
AM signal if the modulation index is c. 0.632∠ − 108.43 °
25%. d. None of the above
a. 83.3% 43. Determine the distance the quarter-
b. 98.5% wave transformer must be placed
c. 75% from the load to provide matching of
d. 25% Problem 42.
38. A SSB transmission drives 110-Vpeak a. 0.0994λ
into a 75-Ω antenna. Calculate the b. 0.3494λ
PEP. c. 0.1234λ
a. 161 W d. 0.2314λ
b. 125 W
c. 80.67 W
d. 65 W
Answer: C
39. What is the modulation index of an
FM transmitter whose frequency

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