8.1 Convergence of Infinite Products
8.1 Convergence of Infinite Products
8.1 Convergence of Infinite Products
Infinite Products
where {z1 , z2 , ·, zn } are the zeroes of p. It turns out that product expansions of
a similar type (but with infinitely many factors) are possible for other analytic
Since the exponential function converts sums to products, we can expect that
the theory of infinite products will be closely related to the theory of infinite
It follows that pn /pm = (pn /p)(pm /p)−1 is in the right half plane for n, m ≥ N .
In particular, un+1 = pn+1 /pn is in the right half plane for n ≥ N . Thus,
for all n > N . Since the left side of this equality converges as n → ∞ so does
the right side. This implies the convergence of the series (8.1.3).
Conversely, if this series converges and we let
λn = log un ,
be its nth partial sum, then the sequence {λn } converges to a number λ. Since
pn = eλn ,
|w| ≤ | log(1 + w)| ≤ 2|w|. (8.1.6)
If the series (8.1.4) converges uniformly on S, then there is a K such that
|ak (z)| ≤ 1/2 for k ≥ K and for all z ∈ S. If we use (8.1.6) with w = ak , it
follows that one of the two series
X ∞
| log(1 + ak (z))| and |ak (z)|
k=K k=K
converges uniformly on S if and only if the other one does also. Hence, if (8.1.4)
converges uniformly then
log(1 + ak (z))
converges uniformly and absolutely. By the previous two theorems, this is im-
plies the uniform convergence of
(1 + ak (z))
or as
f ′ (z) X 1
= lim (8.1.9)
f (z) n→∞ z−k
Solution Note that the infinite product in the expression for f converges
uniformly on each compact disc in the plane by Example 8.1.5.
By the previous theorem,
∞ ∞
f ′ (z) 1 X −2z/k 2 1 X 2z
= + = + .
f (z) z 1 − z 2 /k 2 z z 2 − k2
k=1 k=1
Note that z + z 2 /2 + · · · + z p /p is the pth partial sum for the power seriies
expansion of − log(1 − z) about z = 0 and so, although Ep (1) = 0, the sequence
Ep (z) will converge uniformly to (1 − z)(1 − z)−1 = 1 on each disc of radius less
than 1 centered at 0. More precisely:
Theorem 8.2.1. Each Ep (z) is an entire function with the following properties:
(a) the only zero of Ep (z) occurs at z = 1;
(b) if |z| ≤ 1, then |Ep (z) − 1| < |z|p+1 .
Proof. Part (a) is obvious. To prove Part (b), we note that the derivative of
1 − Ep (z) is (Exercise 8.2.1)
/2+···+z p /p
(1 − Ep (z))′ = −Ep′ (z) = z p ez+z . (8.2.1)
Since this has a zero of order p at z = 0, the function 1 − Ep (z) has a zero of
order p + 1 at z = 0.
The function (8.2.1) has a power series expansion about 0 with all of its coef-
ficients non-negative real numbers, since this is true of the exponential function
and the function z + z 2 /2 + · · · + z p /p. It follows that the function
1 − Ep (z)
h(z) = ,
z p+1
also has non-negative real numbers as coefficients for its power series expansion
about 0. This implies that the maximum value achieved by |h(z)| for |z| ≤ 1 is
h(1) = 1. That is,
1 − Ep (z)
z p+1 ≤ 1 for |z| ≤ 1.
The condition |z| ≤ |zk | must be satisfied for all sufficiently large k if the series
(8.2.2) converges. The theorem follows by applying Theorem 8.1.4 with ak (z) =
Epk (z/zk ) − 1.
f (z) = z m Ep (z/zk )
Example 8.2.4. Find an entire function which has a zero of order k at each
positive integer k.
Solution: We construct a sequence
1, 2, 2, , 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, · · ·
in which each n appears k times and the terms are arranged in increasing order.
Then, for this sequence {zk } and a given positive integer p, we have
∞ ∞ ∞
X 1 X 1 X 1
= k p+1 =
|zk | k kp
k=1 k=1 k=1
By Theorem 8.2.2 this infinite product converges to an entire function with the
required zeroes.
Weierstrass Factorization
The Weierstrass Theorem for the plane leads immediately to the Weierstrass
Factorization Theorem for entire functions:
Theorem 8.2.5. Let f be an entire function which is not identically zero. Let
m be the order of the zero of f at 0, and let {zk } be a list of the non-zero zeroes
of f counting multiplicity. Then there exists non-negative integers p1 , p2 , · · ·
and an entire function h such that
f (z) = eh(z) z m Epk (z/zk ).
The sequence {pk } may be chosen in any way which satisfies (8.2.2).
Proof. The product
g(z) = z m Epk (z/zk )
converges uniformly on compact sets if {pk } is chosen such that (8.2.2) holds
(pk = k − 1 is one choice which always works, but there may be better choices
for a given f ). Furthermore, the resulting function g has the same zeroes as f
f g −1 = eh
the condition (8.2.2) holds if we choose pk = 1 for every k. Then the above
theorem tells us that
sin(πz) = eh(z) z E1 (z/k) = eh(z) z (1 − z/k)ez/k ,
k6=0 k6=0
where the product is over all non-zero integers k. Note that if the factors for k
and −k in this product are paired, the result is
(1 − z/k)ez/k (1 + z/k)e−z/k = 1 − z 2 /k 2 .
Proof. Either U or its image under some linear fractional transformation will
contain ∞. Thus, we may as well assume ∞ ∈ U . Then the complement of U
in S 2 is a compact subset K of the plane.
Since {zk } has no limit point in U , the distance between zk and K must
approach 0 as k → ∞. It follows that we may choose a sequence {wk } of points
of K such that lim |zk − wk | = 0.
We set
Y zk − wk
f (z) = Ek .
z − wk
The product converges uniformly on compact subsets of U , since lim |zk −wk | = 0
implies the uniform convergence on compact subsets of U of
zk − wk k+1
z − wk
Meromorphic Functions
On a connected open set U , the set of analytic functions forms an integral
domain – that is, it is a commutative ring with the property that the product of
two elements is zero if and only if one of them is zero. The set of meromorphic
functions of U forms a field – that is, a commutative ring in which every non-zero
element has an inverse. The next theorem shows that the field of meromorphic
function is actually the quotient field of the ring of analytic functions. That is,
every meromorphic function is the quotient f /g of two analytic functions.
Theorem 8.2.8. If U is a connected open subset of C, then each meromorphic
function on U has the form f /g, where f and g are analytic on U and g is not
identically zero.
Proof. Let h be a meromorphic function on U and let {zk } be a sequence con-
sisting of the poles of h, with each zk listed as many times as the order of the
pole at zk . By Theorem 8.2.7 there is an analytic function g on U with {zk }
as a list of its zeroes counting multiplicity. Then, after removing removable
singularities, f = gh is an analytic function on U . Thus, h = f /g with f and g
analytic on U .
If we set f1 = g1 and fn = gn − pn for n > 1, then, for each m > 1, the series
fn (z)
is defined as a meromorphic function on Drm (0) and has the required poles and
principal parts at those points of S which lie in this disc. Since this is true for
each m, and lim rm = R, f is meromorphic on all of DR (0) and has the required
poles and principal parts.
g1 f1 + g2 f2 = 1.
g1 f1 + g2 f2 + · · · + gn fn = 1.
14. Those who are familiar with commutative ring theory may want to do this
exercise. Let E be the ring of entire functions. Show that the following ring
theoretic properties of E are consequences of the preceding two exercises:
(a) every finitely generated ideal of E is a principle ideal;
(b) every finitely generated maximal ideal of E is of the form
15. The conclusions of the last four exercises actually hold for the ring of
analytic functions on any open subset of the plane. However, to prove
them all in this generality would require a stronger form of the Mittag-
Leffler Theorem than the one proved here. Prove these results for the
largest class of open sets that you can using the machinery developed in
this text.
Theorem 8.3.4. An entire function f with no zeroes has finite order p if and
only if p is a non-negative integer and f has the form
f (z) = eh(z) ,
where h is a polynomial of degree p.
Proof. In view of Example 8.3.2, we need only show that every non-vanishing
entire function f of finite order p has the above form.
Since f has no zeroes and the plane is simply connected, there is an entire
function h such that
f (z) = eh(z) for all z ∈ C.
Since f has finite order p, for each t > p there is an M > 0 such that
eRe(h(z)) = |f (z)| ≤ e|z| for |z| ≥ M.
This implies
Re (h(z)) ≤ |z|t for |z| ≥ M.
We apply the previous theorem with r > M and R = 2r to conclude
|h(z)| ≤ 2|z|t + 3|h(0)| if |z| = r.
Since this is true for all r > M , Exercise 3.3.9 implies that h must be a poly-
nomial of degree at most t. Since t was an arbitrary number greater than p, we
conclude that h is a polynomial of degree at most p. If it were a polynomial of
degree less than p, then f would have order less than p. Hence, the degree of
the polynomial h is exactly p. This, of course, implies that p is a non-negative
Canonical Products
Given a sequence {zk }, we let µ be the inf of the numbers t such that
X 1
< ∞. (8.3.2)
|zk |t
converges. This is called the canonical product for the sequence {zk }.
The significance of the choice of p made for the canonical product is that,
with this choice, the resulting product is an entire function with order λ equal
to the exponent of convergence µ of the sequence {zk }. The next theorem yields
part of what is needed to prove this. The remainder of the proof will come in
the next section.
Theorem 8.3.5. The canonical product for a sequence {zk }, with finite expo-
nent of convergence µ, is an entire function of finite order λ ≤ µ.
Proof. We choose p to be the smallest integer such that µ < p + 1, and let t be
any number in the range µ < t < p + 1.
We claim that there is a positive constant A such that
|Ep (z)| ≤ eA|z| (8.3.5)
for all z.
If |z| ≤ 1/2, this follows from (8.1.6) with w = Ep (z) − 1 and Theorem 8.2.1.
These combine to show that
B=A 1/|zk |t .
The series in this expression converges because t is larger than the exponent of
convergence µ.
Since for any s > t, we have B|z|t ≤ |z|s for |z| sufficiently large, it follows
that f has finite order at most t. Since t was an arbitrary number strictly
between µ and p + 1, we conclude that f has order at most µ.
One might guess, based on Theorem 8.3.4 that the order of an entire function
of finite order must be a non-negative integer. This is not the case, as is shown
by the following example.
Example 8.3.6. Find an entire function with finite order 1/2.
Solution: The function
sin πz Y
= 1− 2
πz k
for every t > 1/2 and for no smaller values of t. Hence, the sequence {1/k 2}
has exponent of convergence 1/2. Since 0 is the smallest integer p such that
1/2 < p + 1, the preceding theorem implies that the canonical product
Y z
f (z) = 1−
6. Prove that the order of the sum or product of two entire functions is less
than or equal to the maximum of the orders of the two functions.
7. What is the order of the entire function esin z ?
8. Suppose f is an entire function which satisfies the inequality |f (z)| ≤ |z||z|
for |z| sufficiently large. Prove that f has finite order at most 1.
9. Find the exponent of convergence of the following sequences: {2k }, {k r }
(r > 0), {log k}.
10. Given an arbitrary non-negative real number µ, show that there is a se-
quence of complex numbers {zk } with exponent of convergence µ.
11. Does the order of an entire function necessarily have to be the same as the
exponent of convergence of its sequence of zeroes? Justify your answer.
Jensen’s Formula
Theorem 8.4.1. If f is analytic in an open set containing the disc Dr (0), f
has no zeroes on the boundary of this disc, f (0) 6= 0, and z1 , z2 , · · · zn are the
zeroes, counting multiplicity, of f in Dr (0), then
Z 2π
|f (0)|rn
log = log(|f (rei θ)|) dθ.
|z1 | · |z2 | · · · · |zn | 2π 0
Proof. We first prove this in the case where r = 1. We divide f by a product of
linear fractional transformations which preserve the unit circle and have zeroes
at the points zi . This yields a function
1 − z1z 1 − z2 z 1 − znz
g(z) = f (z) ··· .
z − z1 z − z2 z − zn
This function is analytic and non-vanishing in an open set containing the closed
unit disc D, and has the same modulus on the unit circle as does f . Thus, g
has an analytic logarithm in an open set containing D. Then log |g(x)| is the
real part of an analytic function in this set and, hence, is harmonic. The Mean
Value Theorem for harmonic functions implies that
Z 2π
|f (0)| 1
log = log |g(0)| = log |f (eiθ )| dθ. (8.4.1)
|z1 | · |z2 | · · · · |zn | 2π 0
To prove the theorem for general r, it suffices to apply (8.4.1) with f replaced
by the function f (rz). If f has zeroes at z1 , z2 , · · · , zn in the disc Dr (0), then
f (rz) has zeroes z1 /r, z2 /r, · · · , zn /r in the unit disc D. Thus, the equation of
the theorem follows directly from (8.4.1) applied to f (rz).
This leads to the following estimate on the number of zeroes of an entire
function inside a disc Dr (0).
Theorem 8.4.2. If f is an entire function with |f (0)| = 1, n(r) is the number
of zeroes of f inside a disc Dr (0), and M (2r) is the supremum of |f (z)| on the
boundary of D2r (0), then
log M (2r)
n(r) ≤ .
log 2
Proof. Let n = n(r) and m = n(2r), and let z1 , z2 , · · · zm be the zeroes of f
inside the disc D2r (0) ordered so that |zj | ≤ |zk | for j ≤ k. Then Jensen’s
Theorem with r replaced by 2r implies that
2r 2r 2r 2r
log f (0)
··· ··· ≤ log M (2r).
z1 z2 zn zm
2r 2r
2< if j≤n and 1 < if j > n,
|zj | |zj |
this implies that
log |f (0)2n | ≤ log M (2r),
log |f (0)| + n log 2 ≤ log M (2r).
The theorem follows from this, since log |f (0)| = 0.
which converges for q > 1. This, in turn, implies the exponent of convergence
µ is at most λ.
To complete the proof, we must verify the claim concerning (8.4.2). In
doing this, we may as well assume that |f (0)| = 1, since, if this is not so, we
may make it so by replacing f by f divided by a constant times a power of z.
Such a replacement will have no effect on whether the above claim is true.
Let rk = |zk |. Since the zeroes are indexed in such a way that the modulus
is a non-decreasing function of k, there are at least k zeroes of f with modulus
less than or equal to rk . By Theorem 8.4.2,
log M (2rk )
k≤ ,
log 2
The above theorem, when combined with Theorem 8.3.5, yields the following
Corollary 8.4.4. The canonical product for a sequence {zk } with exponent of
convergence µ has finite order λ = µ.
Hadamard’s Theorem
In the proof of the next theorem, we will need the following estimates on the
size of the inverse Ep−1 (z) of the function Ep (z).
and so
| log Ep (z)| ≤ |z|p+1 |z|k ≤ 2|z|p+1 ≤ 2|z|t
Thus, (8.4.3) holds with A = 2 in this case. If we choose A = max{2, p}, then
(8.4.3) holds in both cases.
where m is the order of the zero of f at 0, {zk } is a list of the other zeroes of f
counting multiplicity, and h(z) is a polynomial of degree at most p.
Let t be any number with λ < t ≤ p + 1 and let r ≥ 1 be any radius which
is not one of the numbers |zk |. We factor g(z) as g(z) = g1 (z)g2 (z), where
g1 (z) = f (z)z −m Ep−1 (z/zk ), (8.4.5)
|zk |≤2r
and Y
g2 (z) = Ep−1 (z/zk ). (8.4.6)
|zk |>2r
Suppose |z| = 4r = R. Then |z/zk | ≥ 2 for all k with |zk | ≤ 2r. By the
previous lemma, there is a positive constant A1 such that
Y t
|g1 (z)| ≤ |f (z)| eA1 |z/zk | .
|zk |≤2r
and, hence,
|g1 (z)| ≤ eB1 r (8.4.7)
X 1
B1 = 4 1 + A1 .
|zk |t
The infinite series in this expression converges by Theorem 8.4.3. Since g1 (z) is
an entire function (once the removable singularities at the zk with |zk | < 2r are
removed), if the inequality (8.4.7) holds for |z| = 4r = R it must hold for all
z in the disc |z| ≤ R, by the maximum modulus principle. In particular, this
inequality holds for all z with |z| = r.
Also if |z| = r, then |z/zk | < 1/2 if |zk | > 2r, and the previous lemma
implies that there is a constant A2 such that
Y t t
|g2 (z)| ≤ eA2 |z/zk | ≤ eB2 r , (8.4.8)
|zk |>2r
X 1
B2 = A2 .
|zk |