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LAB EXERCISE: Enzymes II-Amylase

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LAB EXERCISE: Enzymes II-Amylase

In the following exercise, you will investigate the influence of enzyme concentration, pH,
and temperature on the activity of the enzyme amylase. Amylase is found in the saliva of
many animals, including humans, that utilize starch as a source of food. Starch, the
principal reserve carbohydrate stores of plants, is a polysaccharide composed of a large
number of glucose monomers joined together. Amylase is responsible for the preliminary
digestion of starch. In short, amylase breaks up the chains of glucose molecules in starch
into maltose, a two-glucose-unit compound. Further digestion of this disaccharide
requires other enzymes present in pancreatic and intestinal secretions. To help us follow
the digestion of starch into maltose by salivary amylase, we will take advantage of the
fact that starch, but not maltose, turns a dark purple color when treated with a solution of
I2KI (this solution is normally yellow-amber in color).

In the following experiments, the rate of disappearance of starch in different amylase

concentrations allows a quantitative measurement of reaction rate. Recall that the rate of
appearance of the product (in this case, maltose) would give the same information, but
the starch test is simpler.

EXERCISE 1. The Influence of Enzyme Concentration on the Rate of Starch Digestion

test-tube rack 2 1-mL calibrated pipettes
8 standard test tubes calibrated 5-mL pipette
sharpie disposable pasteur pipettes
several test plates pipette pump
flask of distilled or DI water pH 6.8 buffer solution
I2KI solution 5-mL graduated cylinder
1% starch solution 1% amylase solution

In this experiment you will vary the concentration of the enzyme amylase to determine
what effect the variation will have on the rate of the reaction.

You will make serial dilutions of the amylase resulting in a range of enzyme
concentrations. For serial dilutions, you will take an aliquot (sample) of the original
enzyme and dilute it with an equal amount of water for a 1:1 dilution (50 % of the
original concentration). You will then take an aliquot of the resulting 1:1 solution and add
an equal amount of water for a 1:3 dilution of the original concentration. You will
continue this series of dilutions until you have four different amylase concentrations.

Pose a question about enzyme concentration and reaction rate.

Hypothesize about the effect of changing enzyme concentration on the rate of reaction.

Predict the results of the experiment based on your hypothesis (if/then).

1. Prepare the amylase dilutions as follows:
a. Number four standard test tubes D1 through D4.
b. Using the 5 m-L graduated pipette, add 5 mL distilled water to each test tube.
c. Add 5 mL amylase to tube D1 and mix by rolling the tube between your hands.
(This is a 1:1dilution which will result in 0.5% amylase)
d. Add 5 mL amylase solution from tube D1 to tube D2 and mix.
(This a 1:3 dilution which results in 0.25% amylase)
e. Add 5 mL amylase solution from tube D2 to tube D3 and mix.
(This is a 1:7 dilution which results in 0.125% amylase)
f. Add 5 mL amylase solution from tube D3 to tube D4 and mix.
(This is a 1:15 dilution which results in 0.063% amylase)
2. One the dilutions have been prepared you will prepare the experimental test tubes.
a. Number a second set of four standard test tubes E1 through E4.
b. Transfer 1 mL of the dilution from tube D4 into tube E4.
c. Transfer 1 mL of the dilution from tube D3 into tube E3.
d. Transfer 1 mL of the dilution from tube D2 into tube E2.
e. Transfer 1 mL of the dilution from tube D1 into tube E1.
f. Add 20 drops of pH 6.8 buffer solution to each of the tubes (E1-E4). Mix by rolling
the tubes between your hands. Set these tubes aside.
g. Add 1 or 2 drops I2KI to each compartment of a test plate. You will use a separate
row for each concentration of amylase.
h. Beginning with tube E4.
(1)Using a clean 1-mL pipette, add 0.5 mL of the 1% starch solution to tube
E4 and mix by rolling the tube between your hands. One team member
should immediately record the time. This is time 0.
(2) Quickly remove 1 drop of the mixture with a disposable pasteur pipette,
and add it to a drop of I2KI in the first compartment on the test plate (time).
*Remember, when the enzyme and substrate are together, the reaction has

(3) Sample the reaction mixture at 10-second intervals, each time using a
new compartment of the test plate, continue until a blue color is no longer
produced and the I2KI solution remains yellow-amber (indicating the
digestion of all the starch). Record the time required for the digestion of the
(4) Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the other three concentrations (tubes E3, E2
and E1).

Table 1. Time of Starch Disappearance in Different Concentrations of Amylase.

Tube % Amylase Time of Starch Disappearance (sec)

E1 0.5

E2 0.25

E3 0.125

E4 0.063

EXERCISE 2. The Effect of pH on Amylase Activity

test-tube rack 1% amylase solution
7 standard test tubes I2KI solution
several test plates 1% starch solution
sharpie pipette bulb
7 buffer solutions (pH = 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8)
3 5 mL calibrated pipettes disposable pasteur pipettes

The environmental factor pH can influence the three-dimensional shape of an enzyme.
Every enzyme has an optimum pH at which it is most active. In this experiment you will
determine the optimum pH for the activity of amylase.

Pose a question about pH and reaction rate.

Hypothesize about the rate of activity of amylase at various pHs.

Predict the results of the experiment based on your hypothesis (if/then).

1. Label seven standard test tubes as follows: pH 5, pH 5.5, pH 6 through pH 8.
2. Once the test tubes have been labeled, use a 5-mL graduated pipette to add 5 mL of the
appropriate buffer to each test tube.
3. Using a clean 5-mL graduated pipette, add 1.5 mL amylase solution to each tube and
mix by rolling the tubes in your hands.
4. Add 1 or 2 drops of I2KI into the compartments of several rows of the test plate.
5. Starting with the pH 5 tube:
a. Using a clean 1-mL pipette, add 2.5 mL of the 1% starch solution to tube pH 5
and mix by rolling the tube between your hands. One team member should
immediately record the time. This is time 0.
b. Quickly remove 1 drop of the mixture with a disposable pasteur pipette, and
add it to a drop of I2KI in the first compartment on the test plate (time).
*Remember, when the enzyme and substrate are together, the reaction has
c. Sample the reaction mixture at 10-second intervals, each time using a new
compartment of the test plate, continue until a blue color is no longer produced
and the I2KI solution remains yellow-amber (indicating the digestion of all the
starch). Record the time required for the digestion of the starch.
d. Repeat steps a through b for the other six pH values.

Table 2. Time of Starch Disappearance in Different pH Environments for the Enzyme

pH Time of Starch Disappearance (sec)




EXERCISE 3. The Effect of Temperature on Amylase Activity

8 standard test tubes buffer solution (pH = 6.8)
test-tube rack 1% amylase solution
2 5 mL calibrated pipettes flask of DI water
2 1 mL calibrated pipettes water bath at 37° C
disposable pasteur pipettes water bath at 80° C
pipette pump beaker of crushed ice for ice bath
sharpie I2KI solution
1% starch solution

Chemical reactions accelerate as temperature rises, partly because increased temperatures
speed up the motion of molecules. This means that substrates collide more frequently
with enzyme active sites. Generally, a 10° rise in temperature results in a two-to threefold
increase in the rate of a particular reaction. However, at high temperatures, the integrity
of proteins can be irreversibly denatured. The activity of enzymes is dependent on the
proper tertiary and quaternary structures; the optimum temperature for activity, therefore,
may vary, depending on the structure of the enzyme.

Pose a question about temperature and reaction rate.

Hypothesize about the rate of activity of amylase at various temperatures.

Predict the results of the experiment based on your hypothesis (if/then).

1. Number four standard test tubes 1 through 4.
2. Using the 5-mL calibrated pipette, add 2 mL of the 1% starch solution to each tube.
3. Using a clean 5-mL pipette, add 4 mL DI water to each tube.
4. Add 1 mL of pH 6.8 buffer to each tube.
5. Place the test tubes as follows:
Tube 1: 80°C water bath Tube 2: 37°C water bath
Tube 3: test-tube rack at room temp Tube 4: beaker of crushed ice (4°C)

6. Number and mark a second set of standard test tubes 1A through 4A. Use the 1-mL
calibrated pipette to add 1 mL amylase to each tube, and place as follows (do not mix
together the solutions in the two sets of tubes until instructed to do so):
Tube 1A: 80°C water bath Tube 2A: 37°C water bath
Tube 3A: test-tube rack at room temp Tube 4A: beaker of crushed ice (4°C)

7. Let all eight tubes sit in the above environments for 10 minutes. You should have one
tube of amylase and one of starch at each temperature.
8. Fill several rows of the test plate with 1 or 2 drops of I2KI per compartment.
*Remember, when the enzyme and substrate are together, the reaction has begun!
9. Leaving the tubes in the above environments as they are being tested, mix tubes 1 and
1A, record the time (this is time 0), and use a disposable pipette to immediately add 1 or
2 drops of the mixture to a drop of I2KI on the test plate.
10. Continue adding mixture drops to new wells of I2KI at 30-second intervals until a
blue color is no longer produced and the I2KI solution remains yellow-amber (indicating
that all the starch is digested). If within 10 minutes there is no color change, terminate the
experiment with that particular reaction mixture.
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for the other reaction mixtures (mix tubes 2 and 2A and test,
mix 3 and 3A and test, etc.).

Table 3. Time of Starch Disappearance in Different Temperatures for the Enzyme

Tube Temp. (oC) Time of Starch Disappearance (sec)

1 80o

2 37o

3 22o

4 4o

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