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VM0007 REDD+ Methodology Framework (REDD-MF)

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VCS Methodology

REDD+ Methodology Framework (REDD-MF)

REDD+ Methodology Framework


Version 1.5
9 March 2015
Sectoral Scope 14
VM0007, Version 1.5
Sectoral Scope 14

Methodology developed by:

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Table of Contents

1 Sources ................................................................................................................................................. 4

2 Summary Description of the Methodology ............................................................................................ 5

3 Definitions .............................................................................................................................................. 9

4 Applicability Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 10

4.1 General........................................................................................................................................... 10

4.2 REDD ............................................................................................................................................. 10

4.3 ARR ................................................................................................................................................ 12

4.4 WRC ............................................................................................................................................... 12

5 Project Boundary ................................................................................................................................. 12

5.1 Geographical Boundaries .............................................................................................................. 13

5.2 Temporal Boundaries ..................................................................................................................... 14

5.3 Carbon Pools ................................................................................................................................. 15

5.4 Sources of GHG Emissions ........................................................................................................... 18

6 Baseline Scenario ............................................................................................................................... 20

6.1 Determination of the Most Plausible Baseline Scenario ................................................................ 20

6.2 Re-assessing the Baseline Scenario ............................................................................................. 21

7 Additionality ......................................................................................................................................... 21

8 Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions and Removals .............................................................. 21

8.1 Baseline Emissions ........................................................................................................................ 21

8.2 Project Emissions ........................................................................................................................... 22

8.3 Leakage ......................................................................................................................................... 23

8.4 Summary of GHG Emission Reduction and/or Removals ............................................................. 24

9 Monitoring............................................................................................................................................ 29

9.1 Data and Parameters Available at Validation ................................................................................ 29

9.2 Data and Parameters Monitored .................................................................................................... 31

9.3 Description of the Monitoring Plan ................................................................................................. 36

10 References .......................................................................................................................................... 41

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This methodology is comprised of a number of modules and tools each of which has been
assigned an abbreviated title (eg, CP-AB) which are referenced throughout the modules and
tools. This methodology uses the latest versions of the following methodologies, modules and


• CDM methodology AR-ACM0003 Afforestation and reforestation of lands except


Carbon pool modules:

• VMD0001 Estimation of carbon stocks in the above- and belowground biomass in live
tree and non-tree pools (CP-AB)

• VMD0002 Estimation of carbon stocks in the dead-wood pool (CP-D)

• VMD0003 Estimation of carbon stocks in the litter pool (CP-L)

• VMD0004 Estimation of carbon stocks in the soil organic carbon pool (mineral soils) (CP-

• VMD0005 Estimation of carbon stocks in the long-term wood products pool (CP-W)

Baseline modules:

• VMD0006 Estimation of baseline carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions
from planned deforestation and planned degradation (BL-PL)

• VMD0007 Estimation of baseline carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions
from unplanned deforestation (BL-UP)

• VMD0008 Estimation of baseline emission from forest degradation caused by extraction

of wood for fuel (BL-DFW)

• VMD0041 Estimation of baseline carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions
in ARR project activities on peat and mineral soil (BL-ARR)

• VMD0042 Estimation of baseline s o i l carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas

emissions in peatland rewetting and conservation project activities (BL-PEAT)

Leakage modules:

• VMD0009 Estimation of emissions from activity shifting for avoiding planned

deforestation and planned degradation (LK-ASP)

• VMD0010 Estimation of emissions from activity shifting for avoiding unplanned

deforestation (LK-ASU)

• VMD0011 Estimation of emissions from market-effects (LK-ME)

• VMD0012 Estimation of emissions from displacement of fuelwood extraction (LK-DFW)

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• VMD0043 Estimation of emissions from displacement of pre-project agricultural activities


• VMD0044 Estimation of emissions from ecological leakage (LK-ECO)

Emissions modules (applicable to baseline, project scenario and leakage):

• VMD0013 Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from biomass and peat burning (E–

• VMD0014 Estimation of emissions from fossil fuel combustion (E-FFC)

• CDM tool Estimation of direct N 2 O emissions from nitrogen application (E-NA)

Monitoring modules:

• VMD0015 Methods for monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions and removals in REDD
project activities (M-REDD)

• VMD0045 Methods for monitoring greenhouse gas emissions and removals in ARR
project activities on peat and mineral soil (M-ARR)

• VMD0046 Methods for monitoring of soil carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas
emissions and removals in peatland rewetting and conservation project activities (M-

Miscellaneous modules:

• VMD0016 Methods for stratification of the project area (X-STR)

• VMD0017 Estimation of uncertainty for REDD+ project activities (X-UNC)


• CDM Tool for testing significance of GHG emissions in A/R CDM project activities (T-

• CDM Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality in
A/R CDM project activities (T-ADD)

• VCS AFOLU Non-Permanence Risk Tool (T-BAR)


Additionality and Crediting Method

Additionality Project Method
Crediting Baseline Project Method

This REDD+ Methodology Framework document is the basic structure of a modular REDD+
methodology. It provides the generic functionality of the methodology, which frames pre-defined

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modules and tools that perform a specific function. It constitutes, together with the modules and
tools it calls upon, a complete REDD+ baseline and monitoring methodology.

The modules and tools called upon in this document are applicable to project activities that
reduce emissions from planned (APD) and unplanned (AUDD) deforestation, for activities that
reduce emissions from forest degradation, for afforestation, reforestation and revegetation
activities (ARR), or combinations of these, as well as to any of these activities when they occur
on peatland and are combined with peatland rewetting or conservation (being sub-categories of
wetland restoration and conservation - WRC). Hereafter in this module and all other modules in
methodology VM0007 applied to avoiding planned deforestation projects, “planned deforestation”
refers to both planned deforestation and planned degradation.

The reference to this methodology and the modules used to construct the project-specific
methodology must be given in the project description (PD).

Identification of the Most Plausible VCS-eligible Activity(s)

To identify the type of VCS-eligible REDD+ project activity use the following decision tree. The
decision tree must be used to provide a broad indication of likely baseline type and applicability.
Ultimately the relevant baseline modules (BL-UP – avoiding unplanned deforestation; BL-PL –
avoiding planned deforestation and planned degradation; BL-DFW – avoiding forest degradation
(fuelwood/charcoal); BL-ARR - degraded land suited for ARR; and, where applicable, BL-PEAT –
peatland) must be applied with relevant applicability conditions and criteria.

Provide all the necessary evidence to demonstrate the type of eligible activity as given in each

A project can include areas subject to different eligible activities (eg, Area A = avoiding planned
deforestation; Area B = avoiding unplanned deforestation; Area C = avoiding degradation; Area D
= reforestation; Area E = peatland rewetting and reforestation). In such cases the areas that are
eligible for different categories must be captured by different strata and clearly delineated, and
the procedures outlined below applied to each of them separately. Projects may combine WRC
with REDD or WRC with ARR in a single area, in which case they must apply concomitantly the
procedures for both categories.

The demonstration of eligibility must be reported in the PD.

Tables 1 below provides a decision tree for identifying the types of REDD+ and ARR project
activities eligible under this methodology.

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Table 1: Decision Tree for Determining REDD Project Activity Type and ARR Suitability

Is the forest land expected to be converted to non-forest land in the baseline case, or expected
to be subject to authorized conversion to a managed tree plantation in the baseline case?

Is the land legally authorized and documented Is the forest in the baseline expected to degrade
to be converted to non-forest or a managed by fuelwood extraction or charcoal production?
tree plantation?
Avoiding planned Avoiding unplanned Avoiding forest Proposed project is
deforestation/planned deforestation degradation not a VCS REDD 3
degradation activity currently
covered by the
Is part of the land non-forest land or with degraded forest?
Suitable for ARR No additional activity

If the project area includes peatland already drained or that would be drained in the baseline
case, project must combine the project activities identified above with the WRC category, as set
out in Table 2 below.

Table 2: Determination of WRC Combined Categories

Baseline Scenario Project Activity Combined

Pre-Project Land Use Categories
Rewetting and
Non-forest conversion to WRC+ARR
Forest with Rewetting and avoiding
deforestation/degradation deforestation/degradation
Undrained Forest with Avoiding drainage and
peatland deforestation/degradation deforestation/degradation

REDD+ projects under the methodology are divided between the following activity types: avoiding
unplanned deforestation/degradation due to collection of wood for fuel and production of charcoal
(AUDD), avoiding planned deforestation (APD), forest rehabilitation (ARR), and peatland

1 If the answer is “yes”, evidence must be provided based on the application of the appropriate baseline module (BL-
PL for APD and BL-UP for AUDD).
2 If the answer is “yes”, evidence must be provided based on the application of the BL-PL module. Project are
required to show legal permissibility to deforest, suitability of project area for conversion and intent to deforest.
3 If degradation is occurring through legal or sanctioned timber production then this is an eligible IFM activity.
4 Includes Avoiding Unplanned Wetland Degradation and Avoiding Planned Wetland Degradation.
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rewetting and conservation (RWE). Projects can be REDD, REDD+ARR, WRC+ARR,

WRC+REDD+ARR. Improved forest management (IFM) is not covered by this methodology.

In Table 3 below the modules and tools are listed and it is indicated when use of modules/tools is
mandatory under each activity type. Where any of these project activities take place on
peatland, the project must adhere to both the respective project category modules and the
relevant WRC modules, unless the expected emissions from the soil organic carbon pool or
change in the soil organic carbon pool in the project scenario is deemed below de minimis.
The tool T-SIG must be used to justify the omission of carbon pools and emission sources.

Table 3: Determination of When Module/Tool Use is Mandatory (M) or Optional (O)

Module Avoiding Avoiding Avoiding ARR REDD or

Unplanned Planned Degradration ARR on
Deforestation/ Deforestation (Fuelwood / Peatland
Degradation Charcoal)
Always REDD-MF M M M M M
Mandatory M-REDD M M M - 
M-ARR - - - M 
M-PEAT - - - - M
X-STR M M M X*** M
Baselines BL-UP M - - - 
BL-PL - M - - 
BL-DFW - - M - 
BL-ARR - - - M 
BL-PEAT - - - - M
Leakage LK-ASU M - - - 
LK-ASP - M - - 
LK-DFW - - M - 
LK-ARR - - - M 
LK-ECO - - - - M
LK-ME (m)1 (m)1 (m)2 - 
Pools* CP-AB M M M X*** 
CP-D (m)3 (m)3 (m)3 X*** X****
CP-L O O O X*** X****

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CP-S O O O X*** X****

CP-W (m)1 (m)1 - - 
Emissions E-BPB M M M X** M
E-NA (m)4 O O - X

 See instructions under REDD and ARR categories

M Modules marked with an M are fully mandatory: the indicated modules and tools must be

O Modules marked with an O are fully optional: the indicated pools and sources can be
included or excluded as decided by the project but if included in the baseline they must
also be included in the project scenario

X Modules marked with an X are excluded

(m)1 Mandatory where the process of deforestation involves timber harvesting for commercial

(m)2 Mandatory where fuelwood or charcoal is harvested for commercial markets

(m)3 Mandatory if this carbon pool is greater in baseline (post-deforestation/degradation) than

project scenario and significant; otherwise can be conservatively omitted

(m)4 Mandatory where leakage prevention activities include increases in the use of fertilizers
* VCS requirements and the tool T-SIG must be used to justify the omission of carbon
pools and emission sources
** Procedures provided in M-ARR.
*** Procedures provided in BL-ARR and M-ARR.
**** Procedures provided in BL-PEAT and M-PEAT.


In addition to the definitions set out in VCS document Program Definitions, the following
definitions apply to this methodology:

Baseline Period
The period of time with a fixed baseline (10 years), applicable to REDD and WRC baselines

Expert Judgment
Judgment on methodological choice and choice of input data and to fill gaps in the available data,
to select data from a range of possible values or on uncertainty ranges as established in the
IPCC 2006 Good Practice Guidance. Obtaining well-informed judgments from domain experts
regarding best estimates and uncertainties of inputs to the quantification of emission reductions is
an important aspect in various procedures throughout this methodology. The guidance provided

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in Chapter 2, Volume 1 (Approaches to Data Collection) must be used, in particular, Section 2.2
and Annex 2A.1 of the IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.

Historical Reference Period

The historical period prior to the project start date that serves as the source of data for defining
the baseline


This REDD+ Methodology Framework is a compilation of modules and tools that together define
the project activity and necessary methodological steps. By choosing the appropriate modules, a
project-specific methodology can be constructed. The justification of the choice of modules and
why they are applicable to the proposed project activity must be given in the PD.

Specific applicability conditions exist for each module and must be met for the module to be used.

This methodology includes forest degradation caused only by extraction of wood for fuel. No
modules are included for activities to reduce emissions from forest degradation caused by illegal
harvesting of trees for timber. 5

Use of this methodology is subject to the following applicability conditions, noting the project must
also comply with the applicability conditions of the applied modules and tools:

4.1 General

All land areas registered under the CDM or under any other GHG program (both voluntary and
compliance-oriented) must be transparently reported and excluded from the project area. The
exclusion of land in the project area from any other GHG program must be monitored over time
and reported in the monitoring reports.

4.2 REDD

4.2.1 All REDD Activity Types

REDD activity types applicable under the following conditions:

• Land in the project area has qualified as forest (following the definition used by VCS) at
least 10 years before the project start date.

• If land within the project area is peatland and emissions from the soil carbon pool are
deemed significant, the relevant WRC modules (see Table 1) must be applied alongside
other relevant modules.

• Baseline deforestation and forest degradation in the project area fall within one or
more of the following categories:

5 Illegal timber harvest may be occurring in the project area in the baseline but conservatively no benefit can be
calculated for preventing timber harvests, and any emissions arising from timber harvests in the project case must
be monitored and deducted from calculated project net emission reductions.
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• Unplanned deforestation (VCS category AUDD);

• Planned deforestation/degradation (VCS category APD);

• Degradation through extraction of wood for fuel (fuelwood and charcoal

production) (VCS category AUDD).

• Leakage avoidance activities must not include:

• Agricultural lands that are flooded to increase production (eg, paddy rice);

• Intensifying livestock production through use of feed-lots 6 and/or manure

lagoons. 7

4.2.2 Unplanned Deforestation

Unplanned deforestation activities are applicable under the following conditions:

• Baseline agents of deforestation must: (i) clear the land for settlements, crop production
(agriculturalist) or ranching, where such clearing for crop production or ranching does not
amount to large scale industrial agriculture activities 8; (ii) have no documented and
uncontested legal right to deforest the land for these purposes; and (iii) be either
residents in the Reference Region for Deforestation (cf. section 1 below) or immigrants.
Under any other condition this methodology must not be used.

• If, in the baseline scenario of avoiding unplanned deforestation project activities, post-
deforestation land use constitutes reforestation, this methodology may not be used.

4.2.3 Planned Deforestation/Degradation

Unplanned deforestation/degradation activities are applicable under the following


• Conversion of forest lands to a deforested condition must be legally permitted.

4.2.4 Degradation (Fuelwood/Charcoal)

Degradation activities are applicable under the following conditions:

• Fuelwood collection and charcoal production must be non-renewable 9 in the baseline


• If degradation is caused by either illegal or legal tree extraction for timber, this
methodology cannot be used.

6 Feedlots are defined as areas in which naturally grazing animals are confined to an area which produces no feed
and are fed on stored feeds.
7 Anaerobic lagoons that function as receptacles for animal waste flushed from animal pens. Anaerobic organisms
present in the manure and the environment decompose the waste in the lagoon.
8 Small-scale / large-scale agriculture to be defined and justified by the project.
9 As defined in Module BL-DFW
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4.3 ARR

ARR activities are applicable under the following conditions:

• The project area is non-forest land or land with degraded forest.

• The project scenario does not involve the harvesting of trees. Therefore, procedures for
the estimation of long-term average carbon stocks are not provided.

• The project scenario does not involve the application of nitrogen fertilizers.

Note, where project activities on wetlands are excluded by the applicability conditions of applied
modules or tools, these can be disregarded for the purpose of their use within this methodology,
as quantification procedures for the peat soil are provided in modules BL-PEAT and M-PEAT.

4.4 WRC

WRC activities are applicable under the following conditions:

• This methodology is applicable to rewetting drained peatland (RDP) and conservation of

undrained and partially drained peatland (CUPP) activities on project areas that meet the
VCS definition for peatland 10. The scope of this methodology is limited to domed
peatlands in the tropical climate zone.

• Fire reduction projects on peatland that exclude rewetting as part of the project activity
are not eligible.

• Rewetting of drained peatland and conservation of undrained or partially drained

peatland may be implemented in combination with REDD project activities. REDD project
activities on peatland must not increase drainage.

• Rewetting of drained peatland may be implemented as a separate activity or in

combination with ARR project activities. ARR activities must not enhance peat oxidation
and therefore this activity requires at least some degree of rewetting.


The following categories of boundaries must be defined:

1) The geographic boundaries relevant to the project activity;

2) The temporal boundaries;

3) The carbon pools that the project will consider;

4) The sources and associated types of greenhouse gas emissions that the project will

RDP (Rewetting of Drained Peatland) and CUPP (Conservation of Undrained or Partially Drained Peatland) project
activities are both sub-categories of Restoration of Wetland Ecosystems (RWE) and Conservation of Intact Wetlands
(CIW) of the Wetlands Restoration and Conservation (WRC) project category.
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5.1 Geographical Boundaries

5.1.1 General

The spatial boundaries of a project must clearly be defined, so as to facilitate accurate

measuring, monitoring, accounting, and verifying of the project’s emissions reductions and
removals. The REDD project activity may contain more than one discrete area of land. When
describing physical project boundaries, the following information must be provided per discrete

• Name of the project area (eg, compartment number, allotment number, local name);
Unique ID for each discrete parcel of land;

• Map(s) of the area (preferably in digital format);

• Geographic coordinates of each polygon vertex along with the documentation of their
accuracy (from a geo-referenced digital map – data must be provided in the format
specified / required by the VCS).

• Total land area; and

• Details of land holder and user rights.

The geographical boundaries of a project are fixed (ex-ante) and cannot change over the
project lifetime (ex-post). Where multiple baselines exist (eg, planned deforestation, unplanned
deforestation, forest degradation, degraded land) there must be no overlap in boundaries
between areas appropriate to each of the baselines. Thus two project types cannot occur on
the same piece of land, other than those including a WRC component (ie, combined

5.1.2 REDD

The boundary of the REDD activity must be clearly delineated and defined and include only land
qualifying as forest for a minimum of 10 years prior to the project start date.

In REDD project activities, various kinds of boundaries must be distinguished, depending on the
REDD category (planned or unplanned deforestation, forest degradation), ie, in case of:

• Avoiding planned deforestation: project area and proxy area(s). Refer to module BL-PL
for the detailed procedures to define these boundaries.

• Avoiding unplanned deforestation: project area, reference regions for deforestation, and
leakage belt area. Refer to module BL-UP for definitions and the detailed procedures to
define these boundaries.

• Avoiding forest degradation: Refer to module BL-DFW (for degradation due to removals
for wood fuel or charcoal) for the detailed procedures to define these boundaries.

Methods for establishing the boundaries of areas subject to leakage from activity shifting are
provided in the following modules:

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• For avoiding planned deforestation/degradation: module LK-ASP

• For avoiding unplanned deforestation: module BL-UP

5.1.3 ARR

The project area must not have been not cleared of native ecosystems to create GHG
emissions reductions/removals. Such proof is not required where such clearing took place prior
to the 10-year period prior to the project start date. Areas that do not meet this requirement
must be excluded from the project area.

5.1.4 WRC

The project area must not have been not drained or converted to create GHG emissions
reductions/removals. Such proof is not required where such draining or conversion took place
prior to 1 January 2008. Areas that do not meet this requirement must be excluded from the
project boundary.

The maximum eligible quantity of GHG emission reductions in WRC project activities on
peatland is limited to the difference between the remaining peat carbon stock in the project and
baseline scenarios after 100 years. If a significant difference at the 100-years mark cannot be
demonstrated, the project area is not eligible for carbon crediting. The assessment must be
executed ex ante using conservative parameters. Procedures are provided in module X-STR.

5.2 Temporal Boundaries

The following temporal boundaries must be specified:

5.2.1 Start Date and End Date of the Historical Reference Period


The historical reference period is the temporal domain from which information on historical
deforestation is extracted, analyzed and projected into the future. A historical reference period
must be defined for all eligible REDD categories. The starting date of this period must be between
9 and 12 years in the past and the end date must be within two years of project start date.


While developing WRC baselines, project must reference a period of at least 10 years for
modeling a spatial trend in drainage, taking into account the long-term (20-year) average climate
variables, for which procedures are provided in module BL-PEAT.

5.2.2 Start Date and End Date of the Project Crediting Period


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The project crediting period is the period of time for which GHG emissions reductions or removals
generated by the project are eligible for crediting with the VCS Program. The project must have a
robust operating plan covering this period.

The project crediting period for REDD+ projects must be between 20 and 100 years. The duration
of the project activity/crediting period must be reported in the PD.


Projections of baseline emissions must be presented in the PD for the first 10-year period after
the project start date. Emission reductions/removals can only be claimed for 10-year periods for
which the baseline is fixed and a monitoring plan has been implemented.


Projections of baseline emissions from peatland must be presented in the PD for the first 10-year
period after the start of the project. Emission reductions/removals can only be claimed for 10-year
periods for which the baseline is fixed and a monitoring plan has been implemented.

Peat Depletion Time (PDT)

Peat depletion may be accelerated by peat fires and is attained if the peat has disappeared or if a
stable water table inhibits further oxidation of the peat. The PDT for a stratum in the baseline
scenario equals the period during which the project can claim emission reductions from rewetting.
Procedures for determining the PDT are provided in module X-STR.

Since the PDT is part of the baseline assessment, it must be reassessed every 10 years.

5.2.3 Duration of the Monitoring Periods

The minimum duration of a monitoring period is one year and the maximum duration is 10 years.

Baseline projections must be annual and be available for each proposed future verification date.

Data on baseline deforestation and degradation rates, as well as on the hydrological layout and
climatic variables in the peatland areas, must be presented as well as data collection for future
baseline revision.

5.3 Carbon Pools

5.3.1 General

Any significant decreases in carbon stock in the project scenario and any significant increases in
carbon stock in the baseline scenario must be accounted for. In addition, decreases in the
baseline scenario and increases in the project scenario can be accounted for. Where ARR or
REDD activities take place on peatland, the project must account for expected emissions from the
soil organic carbon pool or change in the soil organic carbon pool in the project scenario, unless

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they are is deemed de minimis. The significance of this pool may be determined by using the tool

Selection of carbon pools and the appropriate justification must be presented in PD.

5.3.2 REDD

The carbon pools (and corresponding methodology modules) included in or excluded from the
boundary of REDD project activities are shown in Table 3.

Harvested wood products and dead-wood must be included when they increase more or
decrease less in the baseline than in the project scenario. In all other cases only aboveground
biomass is mandatory. If a carbon pool is included in the baseline accounting, it must also be
included in project scenario and leakage accounting.

Where the carbon pool in harvested wood products and dead-wood increases more or decreases
less in the baseline case than in the project case, the tool T-SIG must be used to determine
whether significant. Insignificant pools can always be ignored.

5.3.3 ARR

The carbon pools included in or excluded from the boundary of the ARR component are shown in
Table 4 below. The selection of carbon pools and the appropriate justification must be provided in
the PD.

Table 4: Carbon Pools in Baseline and Project Scenario of ARR Project Activities

Carbon pool Included? Justification / Explanation

Aboveground Included Mandatory pool in ARR project activities
tree biomass
Aboveground Included Carbon stock in this pool may increase in the baseline
non-tree scenario and may increase or decrease due to the
biomass implementation of the project activity
Belowground Included Carbon stock in this pool may increase in the baseline
biomass scenario and is expected to increase due to the
implementation of the project activity
On mineral soil Optional Given the applicability conditions that the project area for
ARR is non-forest land or land with degraded forest and that
the project scenario does not involve the harvesting of trees,
the litter carbon pool will increase due to project
implementation. It is therefore conservative not to include
litter. If included, litter must be accounted for using
procedures in modules CP-L, BL-ARR and M-ARR.

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On peatland Optional This pool is not mandatory on peatland but may be included.
Given the applicability conditions that the project area for
ARR is non-forest land or land with degraded forest and that
the project scenario does not involve the harvesting of trees,
the litter carbon pool will increase due to project
implementation. It is therefore conservative not to include
litter. If included, litter must be accounted for using
procedures in modules CP-L, BL-ARR and M-ARR.
Dead wood
On mineral soil Optional Given the applicability conditions that the project area for
ARR is non-forest land or land with degraded forest and that
the project scenario does not involve the harvesting of trees,
the dead wood carbon pool will increase due to project
implementation. It is therefore conservative not to include
dead wood. If included, dead wood must be accounted for
using procedures in modules CP-D, BL-ARR and M-ARR.
On peatland Optional This pool is not mandatory on peatland but may be included.
Given the applicability conditions that the project area for
ARR is non-forest land or land with degraded forest and that
the project scenario does not involve the harvesting of trees,
the dead wood carbon pool will increase due to project
implementation. It is therefore conservative not to include
dead wood. If included, dead wood must be accounted for
using procedures in modules CP-D, BL-ARR and M-ARR.
On mineral soil Included Carbon stock in this pool may increase due to the
implementation of the project activity and this increase can be
assessed as a carbon stock change.
On peatland Included Carbon stock in this pool may increase due to the
implementation of the project activity but this increase is not
accounted for; emissions from soil organic carbon are
estimated in modules BL-ARR and M-ARR.
Wood products Excluded This pool is optional as per VCS rules.

5.3.4 WRC

The carbon pools included in or excluded from the boundary of the WRC component are shown
in Table 5 below. The selection of carbon pools and the appropriate justification must be provided
in the PD.

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Table 5: Carbon Pools in Baseline and Project Scenario of WRC Project Activities

Carbon pool Included? Justification / Explanation

Aboveground Excluded Covered under REDD or ARR
tree biomass
Aboveground Excluded Covered under REDD or ARR
Belowground Included This pool is not distinguished from the soil pool in WRC
biomass procedures
Litter Excluded Covered under REDD or ARR
Dead wood Excluded Covered under REDD or ARR
Soil Included The WRC procedures account for emissions from the soil
pool based on proxies and default factors.
Wood products Excluded Covered under REDD or ARR

5.4 Sources of GHG Emissions

5.4.1 General

The project must account for any significant increases in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ),
nitrous oxide (N 2 O) and methane (CH 4 ) relative to the baseline that are reasonably attributable to
the project activity, with additional guidance provided in Tables 6, 7 and 8.

T-SIG may be used to determine whether an emissions source is significant. If a source is

included in the estimation of baseline emissions 11, it must also be included in the calculation of
project and leakage emissions.

5.4.2 REDD

The GHG emission sources included in or excluded from the boundary of the REDD project
activity are shown in Table 6 below. The selection of sources and the appropriate justification
must be provided in the PD.

Table 6: GHG Sources Included In or Excluded From the REDD Project Boundary

Sources Gas Included? Justification / Explanation

Biomass However, carbon stock decreases due to burning
CO 2 Excluded
burning are accounted as a carbon stock change

11 Eg, CH4 or N2O emission from agriculture that results from deforestation or fire to clear forest land.
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CH 4 Included Non-CO 2 gases emitted from woody biomass

burning - it is conservative to exclude in the
N2O Included baseline but must be included in the project case if
fire occurs.
Can be neglected if excluded from baseline
Combustion CO 2 Included
of fossil
CH 4 Excluded Potential emissions are negligible
N2O Excluded Potential emissions are negligible
CO 2 Excluded Potential emissions are negligible
CH 4 Excluded Potential emissions are negligible
Use of Can be excluded if excluded from baseline
fertilizers accounting except in the situation where fertilizer
N2O Included
use is enhanced as a leakage avoidance

5.4.3 ARR

The GHG emission sources included in or excluded from the boundary of the ARR component
are shown in Table 7 below. The selection of sources and the appropriate justification must be
provided in the PD.

Table 7: GHG Sources Included In or Excluded From the ARR Project Boundary

Sources Gas Included? Justification / Explanation of choice

However, carbon stock decreases due to burning are
CO 2 Excluded
accounted as a carbon stock change
Burning of woody biomass for the purpose of site
Burning of
CH 4 Included preparation, or as part of forest management, is
Burning of woody biomass for the purpose of site
N2O Included preparation, or as part of forest management, is

Table 7 with the selection of sources and the appropriate justification must be presented in the

5.4.4 WRC

The GHG emission sources included in or excluded from the boundary of the WRC component
are shown in Table 8 below. The selection of sources and the appropriate justification must be
provided in the PD.

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Table 8: GHG Sources Included In or Excluded From the WRC Project Boundary

Sources Gas Included? Justification / Explanation

CO 2 Included Considered under carbon pools
Oxidation of Required unless de minimis or conservatively
CH 4 Included
drained omitted
peat Excluded as per applicability condition in module BL-
N2O Excluded
CO 2 Included Procedures provided in module E-BPB
CH 4 Included Procedures provided in module E-BPB
N2O Included Procedures provided in module E-BPB

Combustion CO 2 Excluded Deemed de minimis in VCS AFOLU Requirements

of fossil CH 4 Excluded Deemed de minimis in VCS AFOLU Requirements
fuels N2O Excluded Deemed de minimis in VCS AFOLU Requirements


6.1 Determination of the Most Plausible Baseline Scenario

For each of the included project activities, the most plausible baseline scenario must be
determined using T-ADD, listed in Section 2 above. The tool has been designed for A/R CDM
project activities, but is used by this methodology applying the notes provided in Table 9 below.

Table 9: Translation between VCS and CDM Terminology

Where the tool refers to: It must be understood as referring to:

A/R, afforestation, reforestation, or forestation REDD, ARR or WRC project activity
Net greenhouse gas removals by sinks Net greenhouse gas emission reductions

Footnotes 1 and 3 included in T-ADD can be disregarded. In case there is a conflict between the
CDM tool requirements and the VCS rules, the VCS rules must be followed (as set out in VCS
AFOLU Guidance: Additional guidance for VCS Afforestation, Reforestation and Revegetation
projects using CDM Afforestation/Reforestation Methodologies, available on the VCS website.

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6.2 Re-assessing the Baseline Scenario

The project baseline must be revised at the following frequencies:

• For planned deforestation projects, the baseline must be revised every 10 years for
ongoing planned deforestation.

• For unplanned deforestation, the project baseline must be revised every 10 years from
the project start date.

• For degradation, the baseline must be revised every 10 years.

• For WRC areas, the project must, for the duration of the project, reassess the baseline
every 10 years and have this validated at the same time as the subsequent verification.

The date of the next scheduled revision must be specified. The starting point for the baseline
revision of the project will be forest cover projected to exist at the end of the baseline period.
Projections for each baseline revision will be subject to independent verification.

Reassessments must capture changes in the drivers and/or behavior of agents that cause the
change in land use and/or land management practices and changes in carbon stocks. The new
baseline scenario must be incorporated into revised estimates of baseline emissions. This
baseline reassessment must include the evaluation of the validity of proxies for GHG emissions.

For REDD and WRC project activities, ex-ante baseline projections beyond a 10-year period are
not required. For this assessment the historic reference period is extended to include the original
reference period and all subsequent monitoring periods up to the beginning of the current
monitoring period.


T-ADD must be used to identify credible alternative land use scenarios and evaluate both the
alternatives and the proposed project scenarios and to demonstrate the additionality of the

The assessment and demonstration of additionality must be presented in the PD.

Default factors and standards used to ascertain GHG emission data and any supporting data for
demonstrating additionality must be publicly available from a recognized, credible source, such as
IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National GHG Inventories or the IPCC 2003 Good Practice Guidelines
for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry.


8.1 Baseline Emissions

8.1.1 General

Each activity type included in the project must estimate an individual baseline following the
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provisions and specific modules mentioned below. Combined activities (ie, ARR or REDD with a
WRC component) must develop a unique baseline considering peat as the soil carbon pool and
incorporating the resulting emission estimates to the calculation of emissions and carbon stock
changes of the ARR and/or REDD activities.

The same procedure must be followed ex ante and ex post. For parameters that will be monitored
subsequent to project initiation, guidance is given in the parameter tables of the relevant modules
for the values that must be used in ex-ante calculations.

8.1.2 REDD

The baseline of the REDD project activity is estimated ex ante. It can be monitored in a reference
area (unplanned deforestation) or proxy area (planned deforestation) for the purpose of
periodically adjusting the baseline. Ex-ante baseline estimations are therefore used in both the
ex-ante and ex-post estimation of net carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emission

Methods for estimating net baseline carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions are
provided in the following modules:

• For planned deforestation/degradation: module BL-PL

• For unplanned deforestation: module BL-UP

• For forest degradation from extraction of wood for fuel: module BL-DFW

8.1.3 ARR

The baseline net GHG removals must be estimated using module BL-ARR.

8.1.4 WRC

Baseline net emissions from the soil (peat) carbon pool in combined projects must be estimated
using module BL-PEAT.

8.2 Project Emissions

For emissions and removals in the project scenario the following modules must be used:

• For REDD project activities: module M-REDD

• For ARR project activities: module M-ARR

• For WRC project activities module M-PEAT

8.2.1 General

The same procedure must be followed ex ante and ex post. For parameters that will be monitored
subsequent to project initiation, guidance is given in the parameter tables of the relevant modules
for the values that must be used in ex-ante calculations.

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8.2.2 REDD

Methods for estimating net carbon stock changes and GHG emissions in the project scenario are
provided in module M-REDD.

8.2.3 ARR

The net GHG removals in the project scenario must be estimated using module M-ARR.

8.2.4 WRC

Net GHG emissions from the soil (peat) carbon pool in the project scenario in combined projects
must be estimated using module M-PEAT.

8.3 Leakage

Leakage must be considered for all activities using the following leakage modules:

• For planned deforestation/degradation: module LK-ASP

• For unplanned deforestation: module LK-ASU
• For fuel-wood/charcoal collection: module LK-DFW
• For pre-project agricultural activities: module LK-ARR

For WRC project activities that are not combined with REDD or ARR, where pre-project activities
may be displaced to undrained or partially drained peatland areas, the procedures provided for
activity shifting to peatland areas in module LK-ASP (planned drainage of peatland) or module
LK-ASU (unplanned drainage of peatland) must be used.

For WRC projects activities, the following module must be used:

• For ecological leakage: module LK-ECO

The significance of leakage and the significance of carbon pools may be determined using T-SIG.

Where applicable, leakage due to market effects must be considered using module LK-ME.
Market effects must be considered where the project leads to a decrease in the production of
timber, fuelwood, or charcoal.

Where, pre-project, unsustainable fuelwood collection is occurring within the project boundary,
modules BL-DFW and LK-DFW must be used to determine potential leakage.

Where leakage prevention activities include tree planting, aquacultural intensification, agricultural
intensification, fertilization, fodder production, other measures to enhance cropland and/or
grazing land areas, leakage management zones or a combination of these, then any significant
increase in GHG emissions associated with these activities must be accounted for, unless
deemed de minimis, as determined using T-SIG.

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Leakage prevention activities may lead to the increase in combustion of fossil fuels, however, any
increase in emissions is considered insignificant.

Where leakage prevention leads to a significant increase in the use of fertilizers, module E-NA
must be used. T-SIG can be used to determine significance.

As per the applicability conditions, leakage prevention may not include the flooding of agricultural
lands (eg, for new rice paddies) nor the creation of livestock feedlots and/or manure lagoons.
Leakage prevention may also not include the drainage of peatland.

The list of leakage sources with appropriate justification must be presented.

Positive leakage may not be accounted for.

8.4 Summary of GHG Emission Reduction and/or Removals

8.4.1 General

The total net greenhouse gas emissions reductions of the project are calculated as:


NER REDD+ Total net GHG emission reductions of the REDD+ project activity up to year t*
(t CO 2 e)
NER REDD Total net GHG emission reductions of the REDD project activity up to year t*
(t CO 2 e)
NGR ARR Total net GHG removals of the ARR project activity up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
NER WRC Total net GHG emission reductions of the WRC project activity up to year t*
(t CO 2 e)

Project must present conservative ex-ante estimations of the total net GHG emissions
reductions of the project activity.

For ex-ante estimation for specific parameters project must refer to the parameter tables in the
appropriate modules.

8.4.2 REDD

The total net greenhouse gas emissions reductions of the REDD project activity are calculated as


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NER REDD Total net GHG emission reductions of the REDD project activity up to year t*
(t CO 2 e)
∆C BSL-REDD Net GHG emissions in the REDD baseline scenario up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
∆C WPS-REDD Net GHG emissions in the REDD project scenario up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
∆C LK-REDD Net GHG emissions due to leakage from the REDD project activity up to year t*
(t CO 2 e)

∆CBSL,REDD = ∆CBSL,planned + ∆CBSL,unplanned + ∆CBSL,degrad −FW / C (3)

∆C BSL-REDD Net GHG emissions under the REDD baseline scenario up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
∆C BSL,planned Net GHG emissions in the baseline scenario from planned deforestation up to
year t* (t CO 2 e)
∆C BSL,unplanned Net GHG emissions in the baseline scenario from unplanned deforestation up to
year t (t CO 2 e)
∆C BSL,degrad-FW/C Net GHG emissions in the baseline scenario from degradation caused by
fuelwood collection and charcoal making up to year t* (t CO 2 e)

∆CLK −REDD = ∆CLK −AS,planned + ∆CLK −AS,unplanned + ∆CLK −AS,degrad −FW / C + ∆CLK −ME (4)

∆C LK-REDD Net GHG emissions due to leakage from the REDD project activity up to year t*
(t CO 2 e)
∆C LK-AS,planned Net GHG emissions due to activity shifting leakage for projects preventing
planned deforestation up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
∆C LK-AS,unplanned Net GHG emissions due to activity shifting leakage for projects preventing
unplanned deforestation up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
∆C LK-ME Net GHG emissions due to market-effects leakage up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
∆C LK-AS,degrad-FW/C Net GHG emissions due to activity shifting leakage for degradation caused by
extraction of wood for fuel up to year t* (t CO 2 e)

8.4.3 ARR

The total net greenhouse gas removals of the ARR project activity are calculated as follows:


NGR ARR Total net GHG removals of the ARR project activity up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
∆C BSL-ARR Net GHG removals in the ARR baseline scenario up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
∆C WPS-ARR Net GHG emissions in the ARR project scenario up to year t* (t CO 2 e)

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∆C LK-ARR Net GHG emissions due to leakage from the ARR project activity up to year t*
(t CO 2 e)

8.4.4 WRC

The total net GHG emission reduction of the WRC project activity is calculated as follows:

NER WRC = GHG BSL-WRC – GHG WPS-WRC + Fire Reduction Premium – GHG LK-ECO (6)

NER WRC Total net GHG emission reductions in the WRC project up to year t*
(t CO 2 e)
GHG BSL-WRC Net GHG emissions in the WRC baseline scenario up to year t*
(t CO 2 e)
GHG WPS-WRC Net GHG emissions in the WRC project scenario up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
Fire Reduction Premium Greenhouse gas emission reduction from peat combustion due to
rewetting and fire management up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
GHG LK-ECO Net GHG emissions due to ecological leakage from the WRC project
activity up to year t* (t CO 2 e)

8.4.5 Calculation of VCS Buffer

The number of credits to be held in the AFOLU pooled buffer account is determined as a
percentage of the total carbon stock benefits. For REDD project activities, this is equal to the net
emissions in the baseline minus emissions from fossil fuel use and fertilizer use minus the net
emissions in the project case minus emissions from fossil fuels and fertilizer use. Leakage
emissions do not factor into the buffer calculations.

For REDD projects, the calculation of the net change in carbon stocks applied in this
methodology includes an adjustment for emissions from fossil fuel combustion and direct N 2 O
emissions and excludes emissions from biomass burning. Besides other GHG fluxes, biomass
burning involves a carbon stock change. The procedure, therefore, provides a conservative
(larger) estimate of the buffer withholding.

For WRC project activities – where carbon stock changes are not estimated – the proxy for the
net change in carbon stocks applied in this methodology is NER WRC . As this proxy includes all net
GHG emissions reductions it provides a conservative (larger) estimate of the buffer.

Since GHG emission reductions from ARR are unlikely to differ greatly from the net change in
carbon stocks, the proxy for the net change in carbon stocks applied in this methodology is
NGR ARR . As this proxy includes all GHG emissions reductions and removals it provides a
conservative (larger) estimate of the buffer withholding.

BufferTotal = BufferPlanned + BufferUnplanned + BufferDegrad −FW / C + BufferWRC + BufferARR (7)

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  
 t* M  
 ∆CBSL,Unplanned −
∑ ∑( EFC,i,t + N2Odirect,i,t )
 −
 
t =1 i =1
BSL Unplanned  
BufferUnplanned =  × Buffer % (9)
  
 t* M  

∆CP,Unplanned − ∑ ∑( E FC,i,t + N 2Odirect,i,t )


 t =1 i =1 
 P Unplanned  

  
 t* M  
  ∆C BSL, Degrad − FW / C −
 ∑ ∑ (E FC ,i,t + N 2Odirect ,i,t ) − 

  t =1 i =1
BSL Degrad − FW / C
 

BufferDegrad − FW / C =  × Buffer % (10)
  
 
(E FC ,i,t + N 2Odirect ,i,t ) 
t* M

 ∆C P , Degrad − FW / C −
 
∑ ∑  
t =1 i =1 
 P Degrad − FW / C  

Buffer ARR = NGR ARR × Buffer% (11)

Buffer WRC = NER WRC × Buffer% (12)

Buffer Total Total permanence risk buffer withholding (t CO 2 e)
Buffer Planned Buffer withholding for avoiding planned deforestation project activities (t CO 2 e)
Buffer Unplanned Buffer withholding for avoiding unplanned deforestation project activities
(t CO 2 e)
Buffer Degrad-FW/C Buffer withholding for avoiding degradation through extraction of fuelwood project
areas (t CO 2 e)
Buffer ARR Buffer withholding for ARR project activities (t CO 2 e)
Buffer WRC Buffer withholding for WRC project activities (t CO 2 e)
ΔC BSL,Planned Net GHG emissions in the baseline from planned deforestation (t CO 2 e)
ΔC BSL,Unplanned Net GHG emissions in the baseline from unplanned deforestation (t CO 2 e)
ΔC BSL,Degrad-FW/C Net GHG emissions in the baseline from degradation caused by fuelwood
collection and charcoal making (t CO 2 e)

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∆C P Net GHG emissions within the project area under the project scenario 12 (t CO 2 e)
E FC,i,t Emission from fossil fuel combustion in stratum i in year t (t CO 2 e)
N 2 O direct-N,i,t Direct N 2 O emission as a result of nitrogen application on the alternative land
use within the project boundary in stratum i in year t (t CO 2 e)
Buffer% Buffer withholding percentage 13 (percent)
NER WRC Total net GHG emission reductions in the WRC project up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
NGR ARR Total net GHG removals of the ARR project activity up to year t* (t CO 2 e)
i 1, 2, 3, …M strata (unitless)
t 1, 2, 3, …t* time elapsed since the start of the REDD+ project activity (years)

8.4.6 Uncertainty Analysis

Project must use module X-UNC to combine uncertainty information and conservative estimates
and produce an overall uncertainty estimate of the total net GHG emission reductions. The
estimated cumulative net anthropogenic GHG emission reductions must be adjusted at each
point in time to account for uncertainty as indicated in module X-UNC 14. X-UNC calculates an
adjusted value for NER REDD+ for any point in time. This adjusted Adjusted_NER REDD+ must be the
basis of calculations at each point in time in equation 13.

8.4.7 Calculation of Verified Carbon Units

To estimate the number of Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) for the monitoring period T = t2-t1, this
methodology uses the following equation:

VCUt = Adjusted _ NERREDD +,t 2 − Adjusted _ NERREDD +,t1 − BufferTotal ) (13)

VCU t Number of Verified Carbon Units at year t = t 2 - t 1 (VCU)
Adjusted_NER REDD+,t2 Total net GHG emission reductions of the REDD+ project activity up to
year t 2 adjusted to account for uncertainty (t CO 2 e)
Adjusted_NER REDD+,t1 Total net GHG emission reductions of the REDD+ project activity up to
year t 1 adjusted to account for uncertainty (t CO 2 e)

12 The project emissions must be divided between the emissions arising from the respective project areas for planned
and unplanned deforestation and degradation through fuelwood extraction/charcoal production.
13 Buffer withholding percentages are based on the project’s overall risk classification, the percentage of carbon

credits generated by the approved project activity that must be deposited into the AFOLU pooled buffer account to
cover non-permanence related project risks. Buffer withholding percentage must be calculated using T-BAR.
Different percentages will likely be calculated for each of the baseline types as relevant.
14 The allowable uncertainty under this methodology is +/- 15% of NER
REDD+ at the 95% confidence level. Where this
precision level is met then no deduction should result for uncertainty. Where uncertainty exceeds 15% of NERREDD+
at the 95% confidence level then the deduction must be equal to the amount that the uncertainty exceeds the
allowable level.

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Buffer Total Total permanence risk buffer withholding (t CO 2 e)

The adjusted value for NER REDD+ to account for uncertainty must be calculated as:

Adjusted_NER REDD+ = NGR ARR + (NER REDD + NER WRC ) × (100% - NER (REDD+ERROR) + 15%) + 15%) +

Adjusted_NER REDD+ Total net GHG emission reductions of the REDD+ project activities up to
year t* adjusted to account for uncertainty (t CO 2 e)
NER REDD Total net GHG emission reductions of the REDD project activity up to
year t* (t CO 2 e)
NER WRC Total net GHG emission reductions of the WRC project activity up to year
t* (t CO 2 e)
NER REDD+_ERROR Cumulative uncertainty for the REDD+ (REDD and WRC) project
activities up to year t* (percent)
NGR ARR Total net GHG removals of the ARR project activity up to year t* (t CO 2 e)

For details see module X-UNC.


9.1 Data and Parameters Available at Validation

Data / Parameter ∆C BSL,degrad-FW/C

Data unit t CO 2 e
Description Net greenhouse gas emissions in the baseline from degradation
caused by fuelwood collection and charcoal making
Equations 3
Source of data Module BL-DFW
Value applied N/A
Justification of choice of See module BL-DFW
data or description of
measurement methods
and procedures applied
Purpose of Data Calculation of baseline emissions
Comments N/A

Data / Parameter ∆C BSL,planned

Data unit t CO 2 e

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Description Net greenhouse gas emissions in the baseline from planned

Equations 3
Source of data Module BL-PL
Value applied N/A
Justification of choice of See module BL-PL
data or description of
measurement methods
and procedures applied
Purpose of Data Calculation of baseline emissions
Comments N/A

Data / Parameter ∆C BSL,unplanned

Data unit t CO 2 e
Description Net greenhouse gas emissions in the baseline from unplanned
Equations 3
Source of data Module BL-UP
Value applied N/A
Justification of choice of See module BL-UP
data or description of
measurement methods
and procedures applied
Purpose of Data Calculation of baseline emissions
Comments N/A

Data / Parameter ∆C BSL-ARR

Data unit t CO 2 e
Description Net GHG removals in the ARR baseline scenario up to year t*
Equations 5
Source of data Module BL-ARR
Value applied N/A
Justification of choice of See module BL-ARR
data or description of
measurement methods

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and procedures applied

Purpose of Data Calculation of baseline emissions
Comments N/A

Data / Parameter GHG BSL-WRC

Data unit t CO 2 e
Description Net GHG emissions in the WRC baseline scenario up to year t*
Equations 6
Source of data Module BL-PEAT
Value applied N/A
Justification of choice of See module BL-PEAT
data or description of
measurement methods
and procedures applied
Purpose of Data Calculation of baseline emissions
Comments N/A

9.2 Data and Parameters Monitored

Data / Parameter: ∆C WPS-REDD

Data unit: t CO 2 e
Description: Net GHG emissions in the REDD project scenario up to year t*
Equations 2
Source of data: Module M-REDD
Description of See module M-REDD
measurement methods
and procedures to be
Frequency of See module M-REDD
QA/QC procedures to be See module M-REDD
Purpose of data: Calculation of project emissions
Calculation method: See module M-REDD

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Data / Parameter ∆C LK-AS,degrad-FW/C

Data unit t CO 2 e
Description Net greenhouse gas emissions due to activity-shifting leakage for
degradation caused by extraction of wood for fuel
Equations 4
Source of data Module LK-DFW
Value applied
Justification of choice of See module LK-DFW
data or description of
measurement methods
and procedures applied
Purpose of Data Calculation of leakage

Data / Parameter ∆C LK-AS,planned

Data unit t CO 2 e
Description Net greenhouse gas emissions due to activity shifting leakage for
projects preventing planned deforestation
Equations 4
Source of data Module LK-ASP
Value applied n/a
Justification of choice of See module LK-ASP
data or description of
measurement methods
and procedures applied
Purpose of Data Calculation of leakage

Data / Parameter ∆C LK-AS,unplanned

Data unit t CO 2 e
Description Net greenhouse gas emissions due to activity shifting for projects
preventing unplanned deforestation
Equations 4
Source of data Module LK-ASU
Value applied n/a

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Justification of choice of See module LK-ASU

data or description of
measurement methods
and procedures applied
Purpose of Data Calculation of leakage

Data / Parameter ∆C LK-ME

Data unit t CO 2 e
Description Net greenhouse gas emissions due to market-effects leakage
Equations 4
Source of data Module LK-ME
Value applied
Justification of choice of See module LK-ME
data or description of
measurement methods
and procedures applied
Purpose of Data Calculation of leakage

Data / Parameter: ∆C WPS-ARR

Data unit: t CO 2 e
Description: Net GHG emissions in the ARR project scenario up to year t*
Equations 5
Source of data: Module M-ARR
Description of See module M-ARR
measurement methods
and procedures to be
Frequency of See module M-ARR
QA/QC procedures to be See module M-ARR
Purpose of data: Calculation of project emissions
Calculation method: See module M-ARR

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Data / Parameter: ∆C LK-ARR

Data unit: t CO 2 e
Description: Net GHG emissions due to leakage from the ARR project activity
up to year t*
Equations 5
Source of data: Module LK-ARR
Description of See module LK-ARR
measurement methods
and procedures to be
Frequency of See module LK-ARR
QA/QC procedures to be See module LK-ARR
Purpose of data: Calculation of leakage
Calculation method: See module LK-ARR

Data / Parameter: GHG WPS-WRC

Data unit: t CO 2 e
Description: Net GHG emissions in the WRC project scenario up to year t*
Equations 6
Source of data: Module M-PEAT
Description of See Module M-PEAT
measurement methods
and procedures to be
Frequency of See module M-PEAT
QA/QC procedures to be See module M-PEAT
Purpose of data: Calculation of project emissions
Calculation method: See Module M-PEAT
Comments: See Module M-PEAT

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Data / Parameter GHG LK-ECO

Data unit t CO 2 e
Description Net GHG emissions due to ecological leakage from the WRC
project activity up to year t
Equations 6
Source of data Module LK-ECO
Value applied n/a
Justification of choice of See module LK-ECO
data or description of
measurement methods
and procedures applied
Purpose of Data Calculation of leakage

Data / Parameter E FC,i t

Data unit t CO 2 e
Description Emission from fossil fuel combustion in stratum i in year t
Equations 8, 9, 10
Source of data Module E-FFC
Value applied n/a
Justification of choice of See module E-FFC
data or description of
measurement methods
and procedures applied
Purpose of Data Calculation of project emissions

Data / Parameter N 2 O direct-N,i,t

Data unit t CO 2 e
Description Direct N 2 O emission as a result of nitrogen application on the
alternative land use within the project boundary in stratum i in
year t
Equations 8, 9, 10

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Source of data Module E-NA

Value applied n/a
Justification of choice of See module E-NA
data or description of
measurement methods
and procedures applied
Purpose of Data Calculation of project emissions

9.3 Description of the Monitoring Plan

9.3.1 Development of Monitoring Plan


The monitoring plan must address the following monitoring tasks, which must be included in the
monitoring plan:

• Monitoring of project implementation

• Monitoring of actual carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions

• Monitoring of leakage carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions

• Estimation of ex-post net carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions.

For each of these tasks, the monitoring plan must include the following information:

a. Technical description of the monitoring task.

b. Data to be collected. The list of data and parameters to be collected must be given in PD.

c. Overview of data collection procedures.

d. Quality control and quality assurance procedure.

e. Data archiving.

f. Organisation and responsibilities of the parties involved in all the above.

Uncertainty and Quality Management

Quality management procedures are required for the management of data and information,
including the assessment of uncertainty, relevant to the project and baseline scenarios. As far as
practical, uncertainties related to the quantification of GHG emission reductions and removals by
sinks should be reduced.

To help reduce uncertainties in the accounting of emissions and removals, this methodology uses
whenever possible the proven methods from the latest available IPCC guidance documents
(GPG-LULUCF and Reporting Guidelines) and peer-reviewed literature. Despite this, potential

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uncertainties still arise from the choice of parameters to be used. Uncertainties arising from input
parameters would result in uncertainties in the estimation of both baseline net GHG emissions
and project net GHG emissions – especially when global default factors are used. The project
must identify key parameters that would significantly influence the accuracy of estimates. Local
values that are specific to the project circumstances must then be obtained for these key
parameters, whenever possible. These values should be based on:

• Data from well-referenced peer-reviewed literature or other well-established published

sources 15; or,

• National inventory data or default factors from IPCC literature that has, whenever
possible and necessary, been checked for consistency against available local data
specific to the project circumstances; or

• In the absence of the above sources of information, expert opinion may be used to assist
with data selection. Experts will often provide a range of data, as well as a most probable
value for the data. The rationale for selecting a particular data value must be briefly

For any data provided by experts, documentation must also record the expert’s name, affiliation,
and principal qualification as an expert as well as a 1-page summary CV for each expert
consulted, included in an annex.

In choosing key parameters, or making important assumptions based on information that is not
specific to the project circumstances, such as in use of default factors, project must select values
that will lead to an accurate estimation of net GHG emission reductions, taking into account

If uncertainty is significant, project must choose data such that it indisputably tends to under-
estimate, rather than over-estimate, net GHG project benefits.

To ensure that GHG fluxes are estimated in a way that is accurate, verifiable, transparent, and
consistent across measurement periods, the project must establish and document clear standard
operating procedures and procedures for ensuring data quality. At a minimum, these procedures
must include:

• Comprehensive documentation of all field measurements carried out in the project area.
This document must be detailed enough to allow replication of sampling in the event of
staff turnover between monitoring periods.

• Training procedures for all persons involved in field measurement or data analysis. The
scope and date of all training must be documented.

• A protocol for assessing the accuracy of plot measurements using a check cruise and a

15 Typically, citations for sources of data used should include: the report or paper title, publisher, page numbers,
publication date etc. (or a detailed web address). If web-based reports are cited, hardcopies should be included as
annexes in the PD if there is any likelihood such reports may not be permanently available.
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plan for correcting the inventory if errors are discovered.

• Protocols for assessing data for outliers, transcription errors, and consistency across
measurement periods.

• Data sheets must be safely archived for the life of the project. Data stored in electronic
formats must be backed up.

Monitoring of Project Implementation

Information must be provided, and recorded, to establish that:

1) The geographic position of the project boundary is recorded for all areas of land. The
geographic coordinates of the project boundary (and any stratification or buffer zones
inside the boundary) are established, recorded and archived. This can be achieved by
field survey (eg, using GPS), or by using georeferenced spatial data (eg, maps, GIS
datasets, orthorectified aerial photography or georeferenced remote sensing images).

The above also applies to the recording of strata, including strata resulting from peatland
fires in the project scenario.

2) Commonly accepted principles of land use inventory and management are implemented.

• Standard operating procedures (SOPs) and quality control/quality assurance

(QA/QC) procedures for inventories including field data collection and data
management must be applied. Use or adaptation of SOPs already applied in national
land use monitoring, or available from published handbooks, or from the latest IPCC
guidance documents (GPG–LULUCF, Reporting Guidelines, is recommended;

• Apply SOPs, especially, for actions likely to cause peat disturbances;

• The project plan, together with a record of the plan as actually implemented during
the project must be available for validation or verification, as appropriate.


For monitoring changes in forest cover and carbon stock changes, the monitoring plan must use
the methods given in module M-REDD. All relevant parameters from the modules are to be
included in the monitoring plan.


For monitoring carbon stock changes, the monitoring plan must use the methods given in module
M-ARR. All relevant parameters from the modules are to be included in the monitoring plan.


For monitoring GHG emissions from peatland, the monitoring plan must use the methods given in

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module M-PEAT. All relevant parameters from the modules are to be included as the soil carbon
pool in the monitoring plan.


Ex-post monitoring must have two key aspects:

TASK 1. Monitoring according to monitoring plan

TASK 2. Revising the baseline for future project crediting periods

TASK 1: Monitoring According to the Monitoring Plan

Monitoring of Key Baseline Variables


Information required to periodically reassess the project baseline must be collected during the
entire project crediting period. Key variables to be measured are:

• Changes in forest cover in the Reference Regions for Deforestation (RRD) (at a minimum
of every 10 years) as specified in module M-REDD and where relevant in module BL-UP.

• Spatial variable datasets used to model the location of deforestation, as specified in

module BL-UP. As a minimum, the variables used in the first baseline assessment must
be monitored at the time of the re-assessment to determine if they have changed.

• Where required, carbon stock data as specified in module M-REDD.


In projects with a WRC component, the information required to periodically reassess the project
baseline must include changes in the drainage layout and climate variables, as specified in
module M-PEAT and, where relevant, module BL-PEAT.

Monitoring of Actual Carbon Stock Changes and GHG Emissions


Changes in forest cover in the project area (and leakage belt for unplanned deforestation), must
be measured before each verification as part of the monitoring. Methods must be consistent with
the methodology given in module M-REDD and any technical guidance specified in the
monitoring plan.

Carbon stocks in most cases will not have to be monitored during the baseline period, except in
the following cases:

• Where there is an increased accuracy and precision of the ex-ante carbon stock
estimates, which are also used for ex-post calculations. Verifiable evidence must be

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provided to VCS verifiers that the accuracy and precision of the carbon stock estimates
has improved compared to previous estimates. Any change in carbon stock densities will
be subject to validation.

• Where emissions reductions/removals are claimed for avoiding forest degradation

caused by extraction of wood for fuel or charcoal or carbon sequestration in forest land
that would have been deforested in the baseline case. In such cases, the methods
described in module M-REDD.

Carbon stocks must be reassessed at every baseline revision.

Where emissions are included in the baseline, they must be monitored in the project case,
following the methodological procedures described in the emission modules (E-BPB, E-FFC, and

The calculations of actual carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions must be
reported using transparent procedures.


Changes in woody biomass carbon stocks in the project area must be measured before each
verification as part of the monitoring. Methods must be consistent with the methodology given in
module M-ARR and any technical guidance specified in the monitoring plan.


Changes in water depths in the project area (and leakage belt for unplanned deforestation), must
be measured before each verification as part of the monitoring. Methods must be consistent with
the methodology given in module M-PEAT and any technical guidance specified in the monitoring

Monitoring of Leakage

All significant sources of leakage identified are subject to monitoring, following the procedures
outlined in the monitoring plan. Such procedures must be consistent with the applicable leakage
modules (LK-ASP, LK-ASU, LK-ME, LK-DFW, LK-ARR and LK-ECO). All relevant parameters in
the leakage modules must be included in the monitoring plan.

The calculations of leakage carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions must be

TASK 2: Revising the Baseline for Future Project Crediting Periods

Baselines must be revised over time because agents, drivers and underlying causes of
deforestation as well as drainage layouts and climate variables change dynamically. The
methodological procedure used to update the baseline must be the same as used in the first

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IPCC. 2003. Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry. Institute for
Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) 16

IPCC. 2006. 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Institute for Global
Environmental Strategies (IGES) 17

Additional information can be found in the modules referenced throughout this methodology.

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Version Date Comment

v1.0 3 Dec 2010 Initial version
v1.1 7 Sept 2011 The REDD Methodology Framework was updated to limit the
reassessment of the unplanned baseline scenario to every ten years.
The methodology was also incremented to reflect a revision to the
module for estimation of baseline carbon stock changes and
greenhouse gas emission from unplanned deforestation (BL-UP), v2.0,
which was approved under the VCS Program on 7 September 2011.
v1.2 31 July 2012 Table 2 was removed to avoid confusion with Table 1. Table 1 is now
the exclusive source in the methodology for determining
included/excluded pools.
v1.3 20 Nov 2012 The REDD Methodology Framework was updated to include avoided
planned degradation as an allowable activity:
• Removed the applicability condition “where post-deforestation
land use constitutes reforestation this module must not be
• Renamed “planned deforestation” to “planned deforestation and
planned degradation”
• Added the text “hereafter in this module, “deforestation” refers
to both deforestation and planned degradation”
A correction made to equation 8 to appropriately calculate the total
VCUs available for issuance.
v1.4 3 May 2013 Applicability condition for unplanned deforestation “where post-
deforestation land use constitutes reforestation this module must not be
used” was removed.
Equations 4, 5 and 6 were revised to appropriately account for the
v1.5 9 March 2015 Updated to include REDD+ project activities on peatlands as well as
activities that include ARR.
Methodology now includes six new modules: VMD0041 BL-ARR,
VMD0042 BL-PEAT, VMD0043 LK-ARR, VMD0044 LK-ECO, VMD0045
M-ARR, and VMD0046 M-PEAT.

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