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Credit Scoring and Default Risk Prediction: A Comparative Study Between Discriminant Analysis & Logistic Regression

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International Journal of Economics and Finance; Vol. 8, No.

4; 2016
ISSN 1916-971X E-ISSN 1916-9728
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Credit Scoring and Default Risk Prediction: A Comparative Study

between Discriminant Analysis & Logistic Regression
Zaghdoudi Khemais1, Djebali Nesrine2 & Mezni Mohamed3
Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of Jendouba, University of Jendouba, Tunisia
Correspondence: Djebali Nesrine, Faculty of Law, Economics and Management of Jendouba, University of
Jendouba, Tunisia. Tel: 216-22-961-769. E-mail:

Received: January 16, 2016 Accepted: February 6, 2016 Online Published: March 25, 2016
doi:10.5539/ijef.v8n4p39 URL:

This paper aims to develop models for foreseeing default risk of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for one
Tunisian commercial bank using two different methodologies (logistic regression and discriminant analysis). We
used a database that consists of 195 credit files granted to Tunisian SMEs which are divided into five sectors
“industry, agriculture, tourism, trade and services” for a period from 2012 to 2014. The empirical results that we
found support the idea that these two scoring techniques have a statistically significant power in predicting
default risk of enterprises. Logistic discrimination classifies enterprises correctly in their original groups with a
rate of 76.7% against 76.4% in case of linear discrimination giving so a slight superiority to the first method.
Keywords: credit scoring, probability of default, discriminant analysis, logistic regression, SMEs
1. Introduction
In most developing countries, the banking sector continues to play a leading role in promoting economic growth,
and this in spite of efforts to boost their financial markets, which remained underdeveloped. Credit risk is among
the most significant risks to which banks are exposed. This allowed the proliferation of risk management
For banks, the big problem has become not only to decide whether to grant a loan or not but also to predict the
probability of default of a borrower in case of a credit agreement. It is to anticipate, for a determinate period, the
quality of the borrower (good or bad borrower) and its ability to repay its debt. When credit is granted, and
regardless of the expected gain, it can be exposed to uncertainty of default. The credit institution is not always
safe to recover its funds and is exposed to counter party risk.
The objective of this paper is to present models for predicting the probability of default of the counterparty based
on the score method, which pits discriminant analysis against logistic regression. Credit scoring is a method that
helps the bank to rationalize its process for credit granting decision. Its principle is to synthesize a set of
financial ratios as one indicator able to distinguish between good and bad customers.
To reach this goal, we collected a data from 195 credit files granted to Tunisian SMEs which represent the
principal sectors of the economy for a period from 2012 to 2014. In Tunisia, SMEs are the most dominant form
of companies. They represent almost more than 80% of the total of companies. Moreover, SMEs are the engine
of growth of the economy and the main source of job creation.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we present a literature review on credit scoring
and default risk foresight. In section 3, we describe our research methodology and credit scoring model.
Empirical investigation and results are given respectively in sections 4 and 5. Finally, section 6 is devoted to
2. Literature Review
Credit scoring is a statistical method for estimating the probability of default of the borrower using historical
data and statistical data to reach a single indicator that can distinguish good borrowers from bad borrowers.
The score function is based on a method of financial analysis on financial ratios presented as a single indicator
can distinguish between healthy and failing companies.
In the theoretical part of the paper we expand in more detail the two types of credit scoring models, namely

39 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

linear discriminant analysis and Logit regression.

Mester (1997) defines credit score following, “credit scoring is a statistical method for estimating the probability
of default of the borrower using historical data and statistical data to assess the credit risk of a loan applicant that
process quantitative information of an individual or a business that the bank can use to classify borrowers”.
In the same context, (Wallis, 2000) defines credit scoring as a method for estimating the interest, not the risk of a
credit. When to (Thomas et al., 2002), Credit Scoring is a set of decision models and underlying techniques that
help in the decision granting consumer credits.
Credit scoring systems can beings found in many types of credit analysis from consumer loans to commercial
loans where it is first to identify factors that determine the probability of default and weigh their weight in a
quantitative score second (Saunders & Allen, 2002).
Berger et al. (2002), Frame et al. (2001), have focused on a new method of analyzing the hard information is the
“Score” which facilitates the task of decision-making and even the accelerate hence when to them, the use of
hard information is not new in concept but the novelty is reflected in the use of a new way of corporate risk
calculation while based on the score.
The Credit Scoring uses quantitative measures of performance and characteristics of past loans to predict future
performance of loans with similar characteristics. The Credit Scoring does not approve, or reject a loan
application; it can predict the rather poor performance of probability of occurrence (default) as defined by the
lender (Cairo Kossmann, 2003).
Young, Hunter, and Udell (2004), consider that the bank uses the scores that represent the risk of borrowers for
its decision to credit decision.
In the same context, (Berger & Frame, 2005), interpreted that the use of a model “small business credit scoring”
is essentially based on two categories of variables, variables relating to the contractor as “its income, default,
past bankruptcies ... etc. “ and variables related to the company said additional variables that are in the form of
financial ratios.
When to (Anderson, 2007), credit scoring is defined as the use of statistical models to transform the “qualitative
and quantitative” data in the risk management of bank credit, credit scoring is then defined as the use statistical
models to transform data (qualitative, quantitative) into measurable digital indicators for help to the decision to
grant or credit rejection.
Tuffery (2007) develops new credit scoring prediction methodologies such as “neural networks, genetic
algorithms by credit scoring ... etc. “From which he concluded that there are five types of score in literature
namely” the appetite score, the risk score, the score granted, recovery of the attrition score and score. “
Empirically, this new technique was born for the first time in the United States, and that developed subsequently
in the rest of the country, allows synthesizing the credit risk also said the risk of some or against default.
Continuing the pioneering work of (Fisher, 1936) on the discriminant analysis, (Durand, 1941) was the first to
recognize the possibility of using statistical techniques to discriminate between good and bad borrowers, then,
Altman (1968) significantly contributed to the development, promotion and better understanding of the Credit
Scoring and his techniques.
Altman (1968) was the first to use more than a ratio that lead to a score for a sample of 22 financial ratios of a
period from 1946 to 1965, only 5 financial ratios have tried summers with the most discriminating good filing
rate 95% a year before failure, 72% two years before failure and 48%, 29% and 36% three years, four years and
five years before failure.
Deakin (1972) used a set of 14 financial ratios for a period of five years; he concludes that the ratios of
“profitability, liquidity and solvency” are the most discriminating ratios with significant power.
In the same context, (Canon & Holder, 1979) have used a set of 31 financial ratios for a sample of 190 industrial
SMEs which 95 companies are failing firms and 95 firms are sound. Only 5 financial ratios were registered as
those with the highest discriminatory power with a percentage of correct classification of companies in their
original group of 67% one year prior to default and 69%, 75% from two and three years before failure.
Using logistic regression, (Ohlson 1980), used a set of 9 financial ratios for 363 companies during the period of
1970 up 1976. The study revealed the positive impact of 4 variables that predict bankruptcy, namely, “company’s
size, liquidity, performance and financial structure of the company.”

40 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

3. Research Methodology
3.1 Credit Scoring Model
The scoring model aims to determine the impact of characteristics of borrowers on their luck to default. It
produces scores which are probabilities measuring credit risk of potential borrowers.
From a set of “N” companies divided into two samples, one of failing companies and the other healthy
companies are measured “K” ratios that lead to a variable “Z”, and catch values by this variable must be as
various possible a subset to another.
In order to calculate the probability of default, we will calculate the score in the first place based on our ratios
that have been selected as the most discriminating.
The score is equal to:
𝑍 = ∑𝑛𝑖=0 𝑎𝑖 𝑥𝑋𝑖 (1)
 The coefficients ai … represents the weights associated with accounting and financial ratios (Xi).
When the score is high, it presents a satisfactory situation, and otherwise (low score), there is a risk of failure.
The scoring function has a resolving power between healthy and failing company, but that power is not absolute
as there is an overlap between the two subsets.
The variable “Z” will therefore include ratios that we ensure the statistical independence.
The probability of default noted DP is presented as follows:
DP= 1/ (1+e (Z)) (2)

Table 1. Example of borrower rating scale

Default Probability Risk level Bank’s Decision
0-0.05 Very low Accepted
0.05-0.15 Low Accepted
0.15-0.20 Average Accepted
0.20-0.25 High Accepted
0 ,25-0.35 Very high Accepted / Rejected
0.35-0.50 Too high Rejected
0.50-0.60 Too high Rejected
0.60-1 Default Rejected

3.2 Data Description

The main goal of our model is to allocate credit borrowers to two groups:”good credit” group that is likely to
repay the financial obligation or “bad credit” group with a high risk of default on its financial obligations. Our
sample consists of 195 SMEs using credit files distributed over five sectors of activity namely “agriculture,
industry, services, tourism and trade.”
For the first time, in this study employ a sample consisting of over 195 small and medium companies failed
during the period 2012-2014.
Given the number of 195 SMEs, our sample is divided into two sub-samples which are distributed as follows:
 Companies failing: have dropped the bankrupt companies are those having registered a payment delay in
repayment of their loans (3 months or more);
 Healthy companies: healthy companies who repaid their entire loan by the deadline and did not have late
payment problems.

41 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

Table 2. Distribution of healthy and failing companies by sector

F_S Total
Failing Healthy
Activity TRADE 15 25 40
INDUSTRY 13 19 32
SERVICE 3 13 16
Tourism 51 29 80
Total 98 97 195

To estimate the bank debt, we will be able to formulate the hypotheses to be tested on Tunisian SMEs while
providing a set of variables assumed as those having an impact on bank debt.
The credit risk analysis is based on various information about the borrower, which may be summarized as
qualitative and quantitative data such as financial ratios, since access on qualitative data seems be difficult, our
study will be only based on quantitative variables; hence it becomes necessary to make a wise choice of our
financial ratios
The table below allows us to define the variables in our model, where each variable introduced in our model
provides us with information.

Table 3. Description of the data

N Minimum Maximum Average Standard deviation
RATIO 1 195 -81,6680 318,2960 24,101179 36,0290364
RATIO 2 194 -134,6350 1340,1660 40,558335 104,0103809
RATIO 3 195 -479,0810 978,8270 34,727503 98,1647708
RATIO 4 195 -528,8560 198,3670 15,743287 73,9955638
RATIO 5 195 -6,9850 847,2240 8,231113 60,7867314
RATIO 6 195 ,0000 13458,5230 338,564169 1,2850487E3
RATIO 7 195 -21,1560 1306,8780 75,837067 139,8657080
RATIO 8 195 -13,0730 79446,9630 1926,087856 9,9830647E3
RATIO 9 195 -133,9840 167,3790 13,174441 26,6560542
RATIO 10 195 -172,8990 91,8890 6,726282 25,7896096
RATIO 11 195 -24,5660 143,3560 10,218651 18,0394706
RATIO 12 195 -79,2450 81,1890 10,376646 12,8670865
RATIO 13 195 -80,4610 75,1390 7,158672 12,6003230
RATIO 14 195 -1530,8140 1533,1740 51,554390 213,9287882
RATIO 15 195 -2191,2460 1556,6590 17,631949 240,1925506
RATIO 16 195 ,0000 145,8330 1,869000 12,7558570
RATIO 17 195 -17760,2770 6018,6560 -91,841933 1,8537492E3
RATIO 18 195 -327,8080 436,5820 27,000579 71,9813496
RATIO 19 195 -342,0140 100,3740 -10,126077 63,1765403
RATIO 20 195 -617,5070 239,1270 12,175082 88,4597086
RATIO 21 195 -419,6280 1122,5560 58,136667 144,3645367
RATIO 22 195 ,0000 1175,7220 152,755056 165,9894275
RATIO 23 195 ,0000 938,1170 85,462318 128,5738379
RATIO 24 195 -214,7250 323,7510 44,890426 47,1501110
RATIO 25 195 ,0000 94,8380 6,115333 12,2088273
RATIO 26 195 -16027,8750 9255,6850 -30,669574 1,3288207E3
RATIO 27 195 -23,0590 157,9280 4,532723 18,8176358
RATIO 28 194 -4716,8680 850593,2980 6071,297732 6,5631145E4

The descriptive statistics table presents the average of the different variables for different classes of the
dependent variable; it allows us to show that the values of our twenty eight selected ratios are dispersed.
It is then observed that the values differ widely from one company to another, hence for example R1 (Ratio of
value added), the values are spread out over an interval having a minimum of -81, 668 and maximum .296 318.
The wider dispersion was recorded at R28 (Net investment in fixed assets) of a minimum value of -4716.863 and

42 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

a maximum value at approximately 850,593.298. The gap between the values allows us to explain the failure
phenomenon; hence such a difference in the ratios allows companies to classify healthy and failing firms.
4. Empirical Investigation
4.1 Discriminant Analysis
Discriminant Analysis (FDA) is a classical method developed by (Fisher, 1936) which can be explanatory as a
predictive. This method allows to study the membership of a borrower group, such as «failing or healthy
companies” and identify the characteristics of groups of borrowers based on the explanatory variables.
The discriminant function of our model is presented as follows:
Z = a0 + a1 X1 + a2 X2 +…+aN XN (3)
 a1, a2…aN: The discriminant coefficients.
 X1, X2…XN: The discriminating variables.
The score “Z” allows us to synthesize the characteristics of the company with regard to the variable to explain
this value allows us to predict the probability of default of each company.
Since Z is a failure score we have:
 Z score is high => The default risk is very low;
 Z-score is very low => The default risk is very high.
 A healthy companies is rated by “1”;
 A failing companies is rated by “0”.
To obtain an estimate of our model by a discriminant analysis, we mainly referring to an estimate through the
software “SPSS.18”.
From Analysis menu, we choose the procedure classification and discriminant analysis. Then we will define the
qualitative criteria of healthy and failing firms by defining intervals with a minimum value equal to “0” for
healthy businesses and a maximum value equal to “1” for failing companies. Once our summers have defined
intervals, we will select our financial ratios as explanatory variables while choosing the step by step method.
However, we choose the means of Anova tests and Box as features and lambda Wilks' summary of steps “as the
method and” Summary + Classification by elimination “as a classification.
4.1.1 Test of Equality of Group Means
To test the hypothesis of equality of mean vectors of the different classes “healthy firms and failing firms” we
will proceed to the equality of means test groups presented in the table below.
The purpose of this test is to discriminate the ratios in order to select the variables that are considered the most
discriminating between the groups from which the top three test beings are taken into account namely: Fisher Test
The Fisher test can indicate the existence or non-existence of a significant difference. More F statistic is higher;
more the discriminating power of the variable is significant. Wilks’s Lambda Test
This test can prove the existence or non-existence of relationship between the dependent variable and the
explanatory variables. The Wilks’s Lambda test value is always between (0 and 1), a value of 1 means that the
middle classes are equal and the most discriminating variable is one that has a lambda value and significance
level close to 0.
A low value of Lambda is interpreted as low intra-group variation and therefore strong intergroup variations,
hence a significant difference in the mean of classes.
Wilks’s Lambda is calculated as follows:
λ =1- (Inter-group variance /Total Variance) (4)

43 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

Table 4. Tests of equality of group means

Wilks’s Lambda F df1 df2 Signification
RATIO 1 .974 5.027 1 191 .026
RATIO 2 .981 3.601 1 191 .059
RATIO 3 .994 1.060 1 191 .304
RATIO 4 1.000 .005 1 191 .942
RATIO 5 .997 .563 1 191 .454
RATIO 6 .999 .221 1 191 .639
RATIO 7 .993 1.336 1 191 .249
RATIO 8 .977 4.565 1 191 .034
RATIO 9 .973 5.206 1 191 .024
RATIO 10 .983 3.285 1 191 .071
RATIO 11 .990 1.918 1 191 .168
RATIO 12 .972 5.404 1 191 .021
RATIO 13 .961 7.754 1 191 .006
RATIO 14 .998 .318 1 191 .574
RATIO 15 .985 2.965 1 191 .087
RATIO 16 .984 3.182 1 191 .076
RATIO 17 1.000 .058 1 191 .810
RATIO 18 .916 17.534 1 191 .000
RATIO 19 .980 3.946 1 191 .048
RATIO 20 .873 27.673 1 191 .000
RATIO 21 .998 .415 1 191 .520
RATIO 22 .905 20.089 1 191 .000
RATIO 23 .958 8.333 1 191 .004
RATIO 24 .984 3.091 1 191 .080
RATIO 25 .988 2.231 1 191 .137
RATIO 26 .990 1.901 1 191 .170
RATIO 27 .999 .187 1 191 .666
RATIO 28 .991 1.655 1 191 .200

According to Wilks lambda value, only obtained variables are: settlement period of supplier credit, relative value
of working capital, general liquidity.
In addition, the Wilks lambda value is equal to 1 for R4 and R17, from which one can conclude that the average
classes are equal, with:
 R4 : Bank’s Part;
 R17: Dividend Distribution Capacity.
The lower value of Wilks Lambda was recorded at R20 “Working capital” with a 0873 value. Signification
The test of the significance of each variable allows us to choose the variables:
R1: Ratio of the value added, R8: supplier credit settlement period, R9: Gross margin on revenues, R12: Gross
Profitability of total assets, R13: Net Profitability of total assets, R18: Excess of insufficient capital, R19: Excess
on insufficient current liabilities, R20: Working capital, R22: Liquidity in the broad sense, R23: Liquidity in the
strict sense.
4.1.2 Model Tests Box’s Test of Equality of Covariance’s Matrices
Among the fundamental tests of discriminant analysis, we can cite the Box test of equality of covariance
matrices of the groups. This test checks the null hypothesis of equal variance-covariance matrix, i.e. to verify
that the variance-covariance matrix is identical from one indicator to another.
We can say that the covariance matrices for the different classes are not equal. To confirm this, we rely on the
Box’s test. The M must be the highest possible and the significance of the F test must tend to 0 because if it is
greater than 0.05, the analysis is invalid.
 H0: meaning greater than 0.05: Equal variance matrices variances intra classes

44 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

 H1: meaning less than 0.05: Unequal variance covariance matrices intra classes.
The following table provides the covariance of the different explanatory variables for each class of the dependent

Table 5. Test results

Box’s M 443.163
F Approximately 72.602
df1 6
df2 264237.542
Signification .000

According to the Box’s test, we find that the level of significance is less than 0.05, so we reject the null
hypothesis H0 of equal variance-covariance matrices intra classes and we accepts the hypothesis H1 of
inequality variance-covariance matrices and therefore the condition is verified.
The analysis by the box test allows us to conclude that the test is considered good since he admits quite a high
value of 443.163 and meaning Fisher ensured equal to 0.000, hence our discriminant analysis model is validated
and the condition is verified.
4.1.3 Canonical Discrimination Function
The canonical correlation is root of the variance between groups divided on the total variance of the discriminant
function. It measures the proportion of variation of the discriminant function due to the difference between the
Zero correlation “equal to 0” indicates that the variation of the discriminant function is not due to the groups; so
that a correlation equal to 1 means that any variation of the discriminant function is due to the groups.
When the overall correlation, it is measured by the following table which shows us the values that have been
associated with various factors as well as the cumulative percentage of the discrimination, more canonical
correlation, the higher the model is good.

Table 6. Eigen values

Eigen values
Function Eigen values % of variance Cumulative % Canonical correlation
1 ,245a 100,0 100,0 ,444
Note. The first1 canonical discriminant functions were used for analysis.

More canonical correlation is to 1, the more the model is better. In our case, the canonical correlation is equal to
44, 4%. This result is acceptable because this value confirms a significant discriminative power of the extracted
discriminant function. In discriminant analysis, the number of Eigen values is equal to (k-1) with K: the number
of classes which is equal to two classes in our model and therefore the number of Eigen values is equal to 1 or
After reviewing the discriminatory power of the model, we will use the Wilks' lambda test to test the quality of
the discriminant function. Wilks Lambda Test
The Wilks’ Lambda used to test the importance of the discriminant function by measuring differences
discriminant function between groups. More lambda value is lower the more the model is good.

Table 7. Wilks Lambda test

Wilks’s Lambda
Test of functions Wilks’s Lambda Chi-square Df Signification
Through 0 1 ,803 41,572 3 ,000

45 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

The lambda value is equal to 0.803 with a chi-square test significant with a risk of 5%. More significance tends
to 0, more our model is good
In our case, the model is good because the significance is equal to 0.000. This means that at the global level, the
difference in the group means is significant.
4.1.4 The Score Function
The discriminating power is observed through the table “Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function

Table 8. Standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients

RATIO 8 -.381-
RATIO 20 .703
RATIO 22 .521

Z is the linear combination of explanatory variables that allow us to better distinguish good borrowers from bad
The higher the Z score, the higher default risks are low. The most discriminating variable is one that has the
highest coefficient in absolute value. In our case it is the variable R20 “relative value of working capital.”
In order to calculate the probability of default, we calculate the score in the first step based on our ratios that
have been selected as the most discriminating.
Hence the score function is represented as follows:
Z (X) = -0.381* RATIO8 +0,703* RATIO20+0,521* RATIO22
4.1.5 Default Probability Estimation Using Discriminant Analysis
DP= 1/ (1+e (-0.381* RATIO8 +0,703* RATIO20+0,521* RATIO22))
The variables that best discriminated between failing and healthy companies are represented as follows: Ratio 8,
Ratio 20, and Ratio 22.
4.1.6 The Predictive Power of the Model
The predictive power of the model is provided by the “ranking results.” The good overall clearance rate is the
rate of borrowers highly ranked in their original group.
In other words, it is the sum of the number of enterprises of good borrowers classified by the model as good and
bad borrowers classified by the model divided by the total number of the sample.
However, discriminant analysis was used to bring out the table 11 which is as follows:

Table 9. Classification results

F-H Predicted Group Membership Total
Failing Healthy
Original Effectif Failing 75 23 98
Healthy 23 74 97
% Failing 76.5 23.5 100.0
Healthy 23.7 76.3 100.0
Count % Effectif Failing 75 23 98
Healthy 23 74 97
% Failing 76.5 23.5 100.0
Healthy 23.7 76.3 100.0
Note. Cross-validation is performed only for observations from the analysis. In cross-validation, each observation is classified by the
functions derived from any other observations.
76.4% of the original observations classified correctly.
76.4%. of cross-validated observations classified correctly.

46 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

A total of 149 well classified observations (75 + 74) among 195 submissions in total.
 74 companies are classified as “Good” (expected and observed).
 75 companies are classified as “Bad” (expected and observed).
Generally, the rate of correct classification is retained as the main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the
scoring function to rank borrowers. This table shows that the function score above extracted classifies good, 76.4%
((75 + 74) / 195) of borrowers in the base sample.
This rate can dissect and (a failure is predicted successfully 76.5% while the failure is not predicted successfully
76.3 %.)
 The percentage of good borrowers is equal to (74/97) = 76.3%
 The percentage of bad borrowers is equal to (75/98) = 76.5%
As we know, the sample used to estimate the rate of correct classification directly affects the results. This rate is
generally optimistic theory overestimates the real rate of correct classification

Table 10. Functions for group’s barycentres

F_H Function
Failing -,490
Healthy ,495
Note. Canonical discriminant functions no standardized valued at group averages.

From Table 10 we find that each borrower can be classified according to the following decision rule for good and
bad borrowers, where:
 If the score Zi> C, The company is classified as “healthy”.
 If the score Zi <C, The company is classified as “failed”.
 If the score Zi = C, The company is classified by random drawing of the group.
With C: midpoint of the segment joining the centroids of the two groups.
Each individual discriminating individual score is then compared the two average scores assigned to the group
and it is the closest. To assign the company failed and healthy, one must determine a score that plays the role of
border between the groups. If the groups are of equal size, the critical score is equal to the mean of the scores of
the groups. If Zi score> 0, then the company is classified as “healthy”.
Each company is classified according to the score of our scoring function; it is assigned to the group in which it
obtains the highest score.
The allocation to groups will be based on comparison with a discriminant score “average” for each group. This
score is calculated from the discriminant function, where it replaces the individual values by means of the
independent variables for the group of which it is responsible.
4.2 Logistic Regression
Logistic regression or Logit model is used to study the relationship between a dependent variable and the
explanatory variables. The goal of logistic regression is to test whether the global variable in the model has a
significant explanatory power.
The logistic regression equation is shown as follows:
Z = B0 + B1Xi1+B2Xi2+… +BnXin+ ξ (5)
 B0 …..Bi: The coefficients representing the linear combination.
 Xi: measure the different variables that will allow for the probability of default.
 ξi: follows a logistics.
For a specification and estimation of the model using logistic regression through SPSS, we select from the
“Analysis” menu, the procedure “Binary Logistic” of the “Regression” menu, selecting the options

47 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

“classification chart” “Hosmer-Lemeshow adjustment Quality”, “estimates Correlations” and “iteration history.”
Then we choose, use the “likelihood of downward relative” method so that SPSS selects only the truly
significant variables in the final model.
This summary established lets us know that no comments were removed from the analysis due to a probable
illogical or missing value.
4.2.1 Model Generation
The generation of models is represented through the following code table:

Table 11. Dependent variables coding

Original value Internal value
0 0
1 1

4.2.2 Model Specification and Estimation of Predictive Parameters

However, we can present the results of estimating the parameters of the logistic model in the table below:

Table 12. Estimated parameters of the logistic model

Variables in the equation
A E.S. Wald Df Sig. Exp(B)
Step 20a RATIO1 ,031 ,011 7,690 1 ,006 1,031
RATIO2 -,009 ,005 2,888 1 ,089 ,992
RATIO8 ,000 ,000 6,869 1 ,009 1,000
RATIO15 ,005 ,002 6,244 1 ,012 1,005
RATIO20 ,019 ,004 18,365 1 ,000 1,019
RATIO22 ,007 ,003 6,619 1 ,010 1,008
RATIO23 -,007 ,003 4,121 1 ,042 ,993
RATIO26 ,004 ,007 ,265 1 ,606 1,004
Constante -1,014 ,437 5,389 1 ,020 ,363
Note. Variables entered in the step 1: RATIO1, RATIO2, RATIO3, RATIO4, RATIO5, RATIO6, RATIO7, RATIO8, RATIO9, RATIO10,

The Wald test is used to select the different most significant variables to explain the dependent variable.
The software has selected nine variables that are significant and which calculate the probability of default on the
repayment of a company “Ratios Value added, share of households, time settlement of supplier credits, net
Return on equity, Value on the working Capital and general liquidity.”
The variables that best discriminated between failing and healthy companies are represented as follows:
Ratio1, Ratio2, Ratio8, Ratio15, Ratio20, Ratio22, Ratio23, Ratio25, Ratio26.
In order to calculate the probability of default, we calculate the score in the first step based on our ratios that
have been selected as the most discriminating.
Hence the score function is represented as follows:
Z= (-1,014) +0.01*ratio1 – 0.09*ratio2 +0.0001*ratio8 +0.005*ratio15 + +0.019*ratio20
+0.007*ratio22-0.007*ratio23 -0.077*ratio25+0.004ratio26
4.2.3 Default Probability Estimation Using Logistic Regression
DP= 1/ (1+e (-1,014) +0.01*ratio1 – 0.09*ratio2 +0.0001*ratio8 +0.005*ratio15 + +0.019*ratio20 +0.007*ratio22-0.007*ratio23 -0.077*ratio25+0.004ratio26))
4.2.4 Model Summary
The quality of the model is evaluated by the Log Likelihood. The objective is to minimize the error term. In this
step, we can use the estimator of maximum likelihood through the following table:

48 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

Table 13. Model summary

Step -2log-likelihood Cox & Snell R square Nagelkerke R square
dimension0 1 163,842a ,416 ,554
20 181,581b ,359 ,479
Note. The estimate was stopped at number 10 iteration because parameter estimates changed by less than .001. The estimate was interrupted
iteration number 9 because parameter estimates changed by less than .001.

The quality of the model is evaluated by the -2log likelihood -2log. However, the log-likelihood value measures
the explanatory power of the model .Both Pseudo R2 allow us to explain the percentage of the binary dependent
variable that is explained by the variables.
The test represents the statistic “Cox & Snell” and “Negelkerke”. Note that the statistics “Negelkerke” is an
adjusted version of the “Cox & Snell.” We note from this table that of these two indicators increase as the
software proceeds with the introduction of a significant variable. In our model, these statistics rise from 35.9%
and 47.9% respectively. 47.9% of company failure might be explained by the 9 variables in our model.
The selected explanatory variables are significant individually at the 5% threshold; they are useful and important
in explaining and predicting the probability of default for new credit.
However, the overall significance of the model is also provided by “the Hosmer-Lemeshow test” (test
This shows whether the specified model is good or bad. It is based on the following hypothesis:
 H0: Bad adjustment
 H1: Good adjustment.

Table 14. Hosmer-Lemeshow test

Step Chi-chi-square Df Sig.
dimension0 1 19,924 8 ,011
20 12,199 8 ,143
Note. We find that, at the 5% threshold, the model adjustment is good because the probability (or significance) of the chi square to 8 degrees
of freedom (ddI) is 0.011.

4.2.5 Predictive Power of the Model (Classification Performance)

The logistic regression was used to bring out the table is as follows:

Table 15. Global classification table

Observations Predicted
F_H Correct Percentage
Failing Healthy
Step 1 F_H Failing 75 22 77,3
Healthy 15 81 84,4
Global Percentage 80,8
Step 20 F_H Failing 72 25 74,2
Healthy 20 76 79,2
Global Percentage 76,7
Note. The cut value is ,500.

Table 15 shows the number of companies that are properly classified by the scoring function. For the “failing
companies”, 72 of them are properly classified (a rate of 74.2% correct classification), while 76 “healthy
companies” are properly classified (a rate of correct classification of 79, 2%).
5. Results
Generally, the rate of correct classification is retained as the main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the

49 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

scoring function to rank borrowers. The model correctly predicts 76.7% of cases with a threshold of 0.5. This
shows that the model has a statistically significant power.
The following table presents a comparison of good clearance rates:

Table 16. Comparing companies ranking between the two methods: Performance of Best Two Models
Classification Method Healthy Failing Total
linear discriminant 76,3% 76 ,5% 76,4%
Logistics discrimination 77,4% 74,2% 76,7%

In general, there was slight performance logistics discrimination in relation to the linear discrimination. Indeed,
the class discrimination logistics companies correctly in their original groups with a ratio of 76.7% against 76.4%
in the case of linear discriminant.

Table 17. Percentage classification for healthy and failing SME companies by sector of activity using the two
Sector /H_F Discriminant Analysis Logistic Regression
Failing Healthy Total Failing Healthy Total
Trade 45% 55% 100% 47,5% 52,5% 100%
Agriculture 66,66% 33,33% 100% 66,66% 33,33% 100%
Industry 34,38% 65,62% 100% 34 ,38% 65 ,62% 100%
Services 18,75% 81,25% 100% 18,75 81,25% 100%
Tourisme 60% 40% 100% 61 ,25% 38,75% 100%

Using the two methods, we conclude that the best performing sector with the highest percentage of healthy
companies and the lower of failing companies is services with an equal percentage was 81.25% by both methods
allowing to show the ability of our two methods “discriminant analysis and logistic regression” to have similar
Our second area having the healthiest companies is that of the industry with 65.62% of healthy companies
ranked among 32 companies to sector. When the agricultural sector which includes 27 companies, it is
characterized as the most failed with 18 failing companies and only 7 healthy companies and thus with equal
failure rates was 66.66%.
6. Discussion
In Tunisia, small and medium-sized companies continue to rely on bank lending given the inadequacy of their
self-financing rate and the inaccessibility to new instruments of direct finance. The Tunisian banking sector
continues also to build on credit as main activity and this in spite of the exhaustion of the principal factors that
have long supported the banking intermediation. This activity carries risks especially credit risk. That is why, we
presented in this paper models for assessing risk of default to help bankers in their decisions on the granting of
To do this, we used the credit scoring method to properly predict the probability of default of the counterparty by
comparing discriminant analysis and logistic regression.The empirical results found show that these two scoring
techniques have a statistically significant power in foreseeing default risk of the firms, and credit scoring is
important in the decision-making process for granting credit. Logistic discrimination classifies enterprises
correctly in their original groups with a rate of 76.7% against 76.4% in case of linear discrimination giving so a
slight superiority to the first method.
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Appendix A
Table A. Financial ratio
Ratio Financial Ratio
Ratio1 Added Value Ratio
Ratio2 Households’s Part
Ratio3 Company Part
Ratio4 Bank’s Part
Ratio5 Part of the State
Ratio6 Stock's rotation
Ratio7 Recovery Period of Receivables
Ratio8 Settlement periods of supplier credits
Ratio9 Gross Margin
Ratio10 Net Margin
Ratio11 Cash Flow
Ratio12 Gross profitability of total assets
Ratio13 Net profitability of total assets
Ratio14 Gross return on equity
Ratio15 Net return on equity
Ratio16 Dividend Distributions
Ratio17 Dividend distribution capacity

52 International Journal of Economics and Finance Vol. 8, No. 4; 2016

Ratio18 Surplus /Insufficient equity

Ratio19 Surplus/Insufficient of non-current liabilities (financial liabilities)
Ratio20 Working capital (capital items)
Ratio21 Working capital needs
Ratio22 Liquidity in the broad sense
Ratio23 Liquidity in the strict sense
Ratio24 Financial autonomy
Ratio25 financial charges
Ratio26 Repayment capacity
Ratio27 Leverage
Ratio28 Net investment in fixed assets

Appendix B
Table B. Sample distribution
Effectif Percentage Valid Percentage Cumulative Percentage
Valid Trade 40 20.5 20.5 20.5
Agriculture 27 13.8 13.8 34.4
INDUSTRY 32 16.4 16.4 50.8
SERVICE 16 8.2 8.2 59.0
Tourism 80 41.0 41.0 100.0
Total 195 100.0 100.0

Appendix C
Table C. Healthy and failing companies distribution
Effectif Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Failing 98 50.3 50.3 50.3
Healthy 97 49.7 49.7 100.0
Total 195 100.0 100.0

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