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Timelines in Indian History

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Timelines in Indian History

In this article, we will discuss the history of the Indian Subcontinent. Well, Indian Civilization and history are one of
the lengthiest. Given the length of history, we will try to skim through the major events at a reliable pace. Indian
history is classified into 3 parts: Ancient, Medieval and Modern Ages. Taking into consideration the length and the
promise to educate you at a good pace, I have discussed the Ancient Age below.

History is a record of time. Ages have come and gone leaving behind them their foundations and ruins. The most
prominent historical events and periods are discussed below:

1. Indus Valley Civilization(2350 BC -1750 BC)

The most important event of ancient Indian history was the development of Indus Valley Civilization. The
civilization prospered on the banks of the river Indus. It extended from Jammu in the North to Daimabad in
the south and covered various regions of Gujarat. The main sites that have been found in the excavation are:
Kalibangan in Rajasthan
Lothal in Gujarat (Sea Port)
Banwali in Haryana
Ropar in Punjab
The Indus Valley Civilization existed between 2350 BC and 1750 BC. The main cities associated with
civilization were Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, and Lothal. The main feature of this civilization was Town
Planning. They had great buildings, well-planned roads, cities, and the drainage system. Trade and
agriculture were the main sources of livelihood for the people. The people of Indus valley were the first to
produce cotton. Mother Goddess was the most important deity of worship. Wheat was the main food crops.
They did not know about iron.

2. Vedic Period(1500 BC -600 BC)

The Vedic period formed the basis of Hinduism and Indian Culture. This period is marked by the entry of
Aryans, who were originally inhabitants of Central Asia around the Caspian Sea and probably came around
the Hindu Kush Mountains. The period in which they existed was between 1500-600 BC.

The main feature of Aryans was:

 They were admirers of nature and worshipped the Sun, Fire, and Water.
 Indra was an important deity of the Aryans
 Metal Iron was used for the first time during this period in 1000 BC.
 Sanskrit was the first time introduced in India by Aryans.

The following religious books were written during this period:

 Vedas: These were their most sacred books. They were four in numbers
1. Rig Veda- The oldest, and it contained prayers of God, Vayu, Varun, Indra, and Agni.
2. Sam Veda- It dealt with music.
3. Yajur Veda- It dealt with formulae, sacrifices, and rituals.
4. Atharva Veda- It dealt with medicines.
 Upanishads: They are the foundation stones of Indian philosophy and are 108 in numbers.
Satyameva Jayate (Truth Alone Triumphs) is taken from Mundaka Upanishads.

3. Magadha Empire (6th Century BC- 4th Century BC)

Major dynasties of the Magadha Empire were:
I. Haryanka Dynasty: Bimbisara and Ajatasatru laid the foundation of this dynasty in 684 BC.
II. Shishunaga Dynasty: Shishunag founded this dynasty in 413 BC after defeating the last king of the
Haryanka Dynasty.
III. Nanda Dynasty: Mahapadma Nanda founded this Dynasty in 382 BC.

4. Alexander’s Invasion of India

Alexander the Great, after establishing his kingdom in present-day Pakistan, crossed the river Indus and
invaded India. He challenged and defeated Porus, the ruler of Punjab in the Battle of Hydaspes in 326 BC and
extended his Kingdom till India. He became legendary for centuries in India for being both, a wise
philosopher and a fearless conqueror. He found the city of Alexandra in the present day of Alexandria in
present-day Afghanistan.

5. The age of Mauryas (321-198 BC)

Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of Maurya empire. Kautilya(also known as Chanakya) was a royal
advisor in the court of Chandragupta Maurya and he had written the book called Arthashastra. Ashoka (273-
232 BC) was an important king of this dynasty. He fought the Kalinga war (261 BC) and after that war, he
adopted Buddhism. Ashoka was the first Indian king to talk directly to the people throughout his empire. The
Ashoka pillar of Sarnath is the most popular of relics left by Ashoka. It has four lions standing back to back
which is adopted as the emblem of modern-day Republic. The last king of Maurya empire Brihadratha was
killed by his commander in chief Pushyamitra Sunga.

6. The Kushan Empire

The Kushan Empire was founded by the Kushan tribe of the Yuezhi Confederation around 1 st Century BC.
Initially, they established their authority over the north-west frontier of India. Kanishka was the most
important king of the empire. He founded the Saka era in 78 AD. His capital was at Pursushpura (now
Peshawar). He was responsible for organizing the 4 th Buddhist Council in Kashmir. Both Gandhar and
Mathura art forms developed during Kanishka’s reign.

7. Gupta Empire
The Gupta age is known as the Golden Age of Indian history. It was founded by Chandragupta 1 (320-325
AD). He started the Gupta Era in 320 AD. He was succeeded by Samudra Gupta (335-380 AD), known as the
Napoleon of India. His coins depicted him as playing the musical instrument Veena. He was a great military
genius and is said to have commanded a military campaign across the Deccan. Chandragupta 2 succeeded
Samudra Gupta. He was also known as Vikramaditya. Aryabhatta and Kalidas were among the “Nine Gems”
or distinguished men at the court of Chandragupta 2. Chandragupta 2 began the Vikram Era in 58 BC.

8. Harshvardhana
Harshvardhana was the last important king of North India. His capital was Kannauj. Hiuen-Tsang, the Chinese
pilgrim came to his court and spoke highly of him. In 620 BC, Harshvardhana invaded the Chalukya Dynasty,
which was then ruled by Pulakeshin 2. But the Chalukya Dynasty proved tough for Harshvardhana and was

9. The Chalukyas (6th-7th Century AD)

The Chalukyas were one of the most important South Indian Dynasties. Pulakeshin 1 founded the Chalukya
Dynasty and established its capital at Vatapi. His grandson Pulakeshin 2 was the important King in the
dynasty. According to Aihole inscriptions, he defeated Harshvardhana on the banks of river Narmada in 619
AD. He was defeated and killed by Narshimhavarman 1 and captured Vadani. Most of the Buddhist caves at
Ajanta and Ellora were structured during the reign of the Chalukyas. Aihole was the temple town of this

10. The Pallavas (560 AD- 903 AD)

The Pallava Dynasty was founded by Simhavishnu in 560 AD. Their capital was at Kanch. He conquered the
area between Ganga and Kaveri. He was succeeded by his son Mahendravarma, who was defeated by
Pulakeshin 2. But his successor, Narshimhavarma defeated the entire Chalukyas to the dirt and captured
Vadani. Narshimhavarman 2 constructed the shore temple of Mahabalipuram and Kailashnath temple of
Kanchi. Aparajita Pallav was the last ruler and was defeated by Aditya Chola.

That was all about Ancient India, in a brief. The article was at breakneck speed, but the length demands the
pace. Please wait for Medieval India and its histories and events.

Until then…..

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