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DP Modified Muscle Gaining Cycle

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Dave Palumbo`s Ultimate Mass gaining modified Drug cycle

Week 1 to 8

1. Base:- Testosterone Enanthate 1000mg/week, 250 mgs shots to

be taken on MON, WED, THURS, SAT.
2. Other anabolic:- Deca Durabolin 600mg/week, 200mgs shots to
be taken on MON,WED, FRI.
3. Growth hormone 8iu/day, 4iu with 10iu insulin at breakfast
and 4iu with 8iu insulin at post workout.
4. Insulin like growth factor 11mcg/day for (for week 1-4) +
(for week 7-8).
5. Insulin HUMULIN-R 10iu/with first meal and HUMULIN-R
8iu/post workout meal.
6. HCG 2000iu/week.
7. Letrozole 2.5 mg/twice weekly.
8. Cabergoline 1mg e3d.

Week 9 to 16

1. Base:- Sustanon 1500mg/week, 250 mgs shots to be taken on

2. Other anabolic:- Trenbolone Acetate 450mg/week,150mgs shots
to be taken on MON, WED, FRI.
3. Growth hormone 8iu/day, 4iu with 10iu insulin at breakfast
and 4iu with 8iu insulin at post workout.
4. Insulin like growth factor 11mcg/day for (for week 9-10) +
(for week 13-16).
5. Insulin HUMULIN-R 10iu/with first meal and HUMULIN-R
8iu/post workout meal.
6. HCG 2000iu/week.
7. Letrozole 2.5 mg/twice weekly.
8. Cabergoline 1mg e3d

Week 17 to 18 Off


Clomid 100mg/day + Nolvadex 20mg/day.

*IGF-1 is usually taken in dosages of at least 10mcg per day (20-

40mcg per day is not uncommon). IGF-1 should be injected
subcutaneously (SC)-- immediately after you work out. You probably
will not need to take insulin with the IGF-1 because of IGF-1's
unique ability to act like insulin (IGF-1 makes the user more
insulin sensitive.... as opposed to GH which actually makes the
user "insulin resistant")

*IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) is liberated from the liver

following the destruction of circulating growth hormone. The
"long R3" part of the IGF-1 refers to the three long amino acid
side chains that have been "added" to the recombinantly produced
IGF-1 to inhibit it from attaching to the IGF-1 binding proteins
(all "bound IGF-1" is inactive while "free IGF-1" remains
available for stimulating muscle hyperplasia in skeletal muscle).
Most humans that inject recombinant long R3 IGF-1 notice good
result when dosages of at least 10 to 12 mcg (micrograms) are
taken per day. The longer one injects IGF-1, the higher the
dosage (upward of 50mcg per day) that is required to see
continual gains (probably due to some sort of receptor

* When one self-administers GH (especially more than once daily)

a situation known as insulin resistance can occur. When this
phenomenon occurs, the current insulin release in the body
becomes insufficient to absorb all the ingested nutrients (thus
explaining your observed "flat" feeling and inability to gain
"weight"). My suggestion is to try adding Humulin-R (this is a
relatively quick acting insulin with a life of about 4-6 hours in
the bloodstream) at 10 IUs in the morning and 8 IUs eight hours
later. Also, make sure to ingest at least 100 grams of
carbohydrates with breakfast and 80 grams of carbs with your
second insulin injection with your post workout meal (i.e.
10grams of carbohydrates for each IU of Humulin-R). This should
resolve your insulin resistance and thus enable you to start
gaining weight.

* Humalog is a relatively new synthetic form of insulin. It is an

extremely quick acting insulin-- only surviving for a few short
hours in circulation. It, unlike other forms of insulin, requires
a doctor's prescription thus making it more difficult to procure.
From what I discovered after talking to several diabetic
individuals and one endocrinologist, Humalog is so quick acting
(and short lived) that it requires you administer it many times a
day. Since, as a bodybuilder, you are only looking to supplement
your current insulin output (not replace it as a type I diabetic
would), it would make more sense to stick to the non-prescription
Humulin-R type that would only require a twice daily
administration schedule.

It is my experience that 1000 to 1500mg (1 to 1.5 gram) of

testosterone (T) per week (taken in divided doses every other day
or six days a week) provides an adequate stimulus for muscle
growth. Since testosterone is a man's primary muscle-building
hormone, it makes sense to utilize it to maximize muscle gains.
When one begins administering T at 250-500mg per week, endogenous
T production begins to shut down and there is very little
noticeable muscle mass gains (most weight gain is water at this
point). However, as T dosages reach 1000-1500mg per week, muscle
gains are maximized. As one increases the dose over 1500mg T per
week, more aromatization (conversion to estrogen) occurs and
quantitatively less T is available for muscle building. Likewise,
if one adds an anti-aromatase such as Arimidex to the mix, less
estrogen is produced but more dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is
produced. DHT production (which can result in acne, hair loss,
and prostate enlargement) has very little direct anabolic
properties, therefore, we are back to the same empirical
conclusion—1000 -1500mg Testosterone per week maximizes muscle
gains while minimizing estrogen and DHT production-- the two
hormones responsible for testosterone-induced side effects.

**Combining GH and INSULIN

Take Growth hormone 4IU in morning-- and 4IU after your workout.
Combine with approximately 10IU Humulin-R in morning (HUMULIN-R
does not require a prescription) and 8iu of Humulin-R eight hours
later/post workout.

*** at 8 th week you will find that your gains are

diminishing(plateau) that’s because of the myostatin overshoot
which reaches its highest level at around 56th day. So there
after to continue you gains you can do two things

1. Increase your testosterone dose by 50 percent.

2. Throw in a more powerful anabolic.
However, I do both up the testosterone dose as well as throw
in a stronger anabolic like Trenbolone acetate that
continues my gains until 16 weeks.

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