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Case Study1

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1- Decide with a partner how many emotions you can

identify in the case study .

I think that organizations that try to manage an employee’s

emotions through threatening them or demanding it will result
in the employee resenting their supervisor which can create a
negative effect in the work place. You cannot demand a
certain type of behavior from someone if you, yourself do not
project that same behavior towards them and others. I think
intimidation allows people to hold a high standard for
themselves, but demeaning coworkers to gain that status only
creates a hostile environment. Having a hostile environment
creates conflict and can go against the goal of having a
positive attitude. People want to be treated with the same
respect as being on the receiving end. I worked with a group of
women and they were extremely rude and snobby, I hated
going to work and seeing them every day, I resented them and
having to spend my whole day with someone I did not really
like. Eventually I got terminated, but it was the happiest day
for me

2- Do you think the strategic use and display of emotions

serve to protect
employees, or does covering your true emotions at work
lead to more problems than it solves?
It would depend on the type of job you have and the type of
people you work with, also the company you work for. It can
almost be considered as a discriminating behavior, because
the company may or may not approve of it, some companies do
not want to deal with their employees erratic behavior, when
you are at work you leave your life at the door, you are there to
work not involve people with your personal life. Employer’s
may consider it drama, and not want people caught up in it
when they are to be focusing on their work in which they are
getting paid to do. If you have worked for the same company
and you know everyone and they do not mind discussing each
other’s home lives then that would be different, but you should
not go into a job volunteering your home dramatics for any to
see, it doesn’t look professional.

3- Have you ever worked where emotions were used as

part of a management style? Describe the advantages
and disadvantages of this approach in your experience.
I have never held a position where “emotional” management
was part of the job description. I have worked in customer
service where positive attitude were expected from their
employees. We were not taught how to handle certain
situations just expected to have common sense to respond in
a professional way. I have been to orientation for a new job
where they have described what type of behavior they expect
from their employees, they have a vague expectation of what
is considered positive and negative. The disadvantage is that
they can use the opportunity to demonstrate scenarios and
what type of response is expected of the employee.

4- Research shows that acts of co-workers (37 percent)

and management (22 percent) cause more negative
emotions for employees than do acts of customers (7
percent). What can Laura’s company do to change its
emotional climate?
            Laura can get together with other employees and they
can express how they feel about the way they are being
treated by management, and how they want things to be
addressed. They can describe how it is creating a negative
work space and how if they were treated with respect then
things would run smoothly. They can discuss a code of
conduct and how they can achieve the expectations from

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