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This document provides lore and rules for adapting the Ravenloft setting to Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition.

This document aims to support the Ravenloft setting for D&D 5th edition by providing details on locations, races, classes, backgrounds, equipment, faiths, and more specific to the setting.

The document covers details on locations in Ravenloft, common and uncommon races, classes, backgrounds, faiths, equipment, magic items, and dark powers/madness.

Heroes of the Mists

Credits Preface
Welcome to Heroes of the Mists. Again.
Written By: “Jester” David Gibson What you’re reading now is a revision of the
Art By: Kayla Cline and Public Domain product I released back in 2016, updated and
released using Adobe InDesign rather than Microsoft
Edited By: The Fraternity of Shadows Word. I’ve been trying to learn InDesign for a couple
year now and finally managed to get past the logical
hurdles enough to produce this book. This is still my
first attempt, so please forgive any roughness in the
Work on Heroes of the Mists began long ago, in
Fraternity of Shadows Ravenloft fan site & forums October 2013. Following the Dungeon & Dragons 5th Edition playtest, I began brainstorming ideas on the
Fraternity of Shadows message board, debating how
to handle aspects of the setting such as “madness”
and “Dark Powers checks”. Content like Dark
Shadows took shape in July 2014, prompted by the
release of the D&D Basic Rules.
While initially planned as a free document
discreetly shared between fans, when the Dungeon
Masters Guild permitted RAVENLOFT content, I
released Heroes of the Mists to support RAVENLOFT
for a wider audience. And yes, I feel guilty charging
for a book I once planned to give away.
I imposed a few hard rules upon myself for this
First, I wanted to make as few changes to the lore
of the setting as possible. While I reserved the right
to add details or try and resolve continuity issues,
I wanted to avoid setting out to “fix” pet peeves or
personal complaints.
Second, I wanted to design rules for the current
edition, not for an older edition in the language of the
new edition. I wanted to write 5e Horror rules, not 3e
Horror rules to use on 5e characters.
And third, I wanted to give people options to
let them make the game their own, even if they
were options I wouldn’t personally use. Such as the
gargoyle, for people who mechanically wanted to play
a dragonborn in a world where a man-dragon simply
did not work.

“Jester” David Gibson

March, 2019

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Ravenloft, Forgotten Realms, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards
of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Heroes of the Mists, Revised ©2018. David Gibson, 5 Minute Workday Publishing, and Quote the Raven. Published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

ISBN: 978-0-9937524-9-0
Introduction 4 Chapter IV: Backgrounds 53
Common Knowledge 4 Backgrounds for the Mists 53
Horror and Heroes 4 Optional Rules 63
Chapter I: Doomsday Gazetteer 5 Chapter V: Customization 64
The Core 5 Feats64
Clusters12 Dark Shadows 66
Chapter VI: Equipment 74
Chapter II: Races 17 Weapons74
Common Races 17 Chapter VII: Faiths 78
Dwarves17 Unspoken Pact 78
Elves (Faeries) 18 Gods in the Mists 79
Halflings (The Little People) 19
Humans19 Chapter VIII: Treasure 83
Awarding Treasure 83
Uncommon Races 21 New Magic Items 84
Aasimar21 Artifacts92
Changelings24 Chapter IX: Campaign Options 94
Dhampyr24 Adventuring Options 94
Gargoyle, Dread 26 Altered Magic 95
Genasi29 Curses96
Giomorgo30 Dark Powers Checks 98
Gnomes33 Fear and Horror 103
Half-Elves (Fey-Touched) 33 Mistways105
Kalashtar (Dream-Touched) 33 Resonance105
Kenku (Ravenkin) 34
Shifters34 Also by 5 Minute Workday 107
Tieflings 34
Height and Weight 35
Chapter III: Classes 36
Artificer 36
Blood Hunter 42
avenloft is neither the name of the planet, nor the traveling folk, the potency of their curses and use
the name of a land. Ravenloft is an ancient of the Evil Eye keep the Vistani from being barred
castle in the land of Barovia, a nation that lies from towns.
at the heart of the continent known as “the Beware The Mists. Cool white fogs borders
Core”. the known lands. It’s easy to become lost in the
The world itself has no name, simply being Mists, which have been known to snatch travellers,
known as “the world”. To some it’s called the depositing them in faraway lands or even other times.
“Land of the Mists”. Travellers from distant lands Magic Is Unreliable. Outlanders from distant
sometimes label the world the “Demiplane of Dread” lands complain that magic does not work as it
but locals laugh at that hyperbole. Others have called should: it can’t detect morality, travel between
the world such things as a prison for the damned, a nations, accurately divine the future, or cross
crucible for the virtuous, or a realm of fear. To you, into other worlds. Even those spells that do work
it’s simply “home”. sometimes have unintended consequences.
Common Knowledge Horror and Heroes
Many beliefs vary from land to land, as people Ravenloft is a world of terrors, a campaign setting
disagree on what is true and what is myth. But the created for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying
majority of the Core’s inhabitants commonly accept game. Ravenloft is a land where the common
the following as facts: threats are not beasts pulled from Greek Mythology
Magic Is Real. It’s widely accepted that magic or High Fantasy, instead coming from Gothic tales,
exists, but it’s disputed if magic is an abomination folk tales, and old horror films. Beasts like the
or part of the natural order. Most folk never witness chimera or manticore are rare, and it’s instead a
displays of true magic but still accept that it exists. world of vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and hags.
People Are Isolated. The average person lives For the inhabitants, their world is not a place
their entire life within thirty miles of where they of nightmares. Wicked gods rarely cause dramatic
were born. The farthest most folk travel is the events that shake the land, armies of orcs don’t
neighbouring town or village. rampage across the countryside, and huge dragons
Monsters Are Real. The majority of people die seldom burn whole villages. The occasional person
from natural causes, never having encountered a might die a mysterious death or vanish under
creature of the night. Regardless, it’s agreed that suspicious circumstances, but most folk live relatively
monsters are very real and that dangers lurk in the normal lives in peace before dying a mundane death.
shadows. Yet there are still horrors: monsters lurk in the
Superstitions Work. As monsters are real and shadows, in the woods, in the ruins, and in the dark
dangerous, adherence to ritual is what keeps people places even the brave fear to walk.
safe. By strictly adhering to tradition, tragedy is While there are no dragons, neither are there
avoided. shining knights wielding radiant swords, righteous
Humanity Is Predominant. The various holy warriors with unwavering faith, and magi who
inhuman races are rare, almost unknown in many flaunt their control over the fundamental forces of
lands. At best they're viewed as less than human, and the universe. Such bravery is rare, and champions
at worst they're seen as beasts or monsters. that flagrant become easy prey for the forces of the
Technology Advances. The progress of science night.
has created modern wonders, such as clockworks, Heroes in Ravenloft are a different sort, not
firearms, gaslights, and some steam power. choosing a life of adventure for glory or wealth.
The Gods Are Silent. While prayers are Usually they have the life of a hero thrust on them.
sometimes answered, the gods themselves don’t They’re unlikely to turn the tide against the forces
speak directly to mortals. Some claim to hear the of evil or save the world. Many will not even be
voice of god, but these are called madmen as often as remembered for their deeds, save by the people
they're called prophets. whose lives they saved. But, for these heroes, that is
Do Not Anger The Vistani. Vagabonds by nature, enough.
Vistani are often considered thieves, but these
gypsies can also be entertainers, traders, craftsmen,
and mystics. Despite widespread fear and mistrust of

Chapter I: Doomsday Gazetteer
T The Central Lands
here are many disparate nations in the Land
of the Mists: some are connected to other
kingdoms forming large regions, while others The central lands of the Core are dominated by rocky
lands are isolated, all alone in the Mist. terrain and steep mountains. Small settlements are
The Mists are the defining feature of the world, tucked away into valleys and dales while roads weave
acting as border and boundary. These cool white through narrow mountain passes, bridging east and
banks of fog stretch across the horizon, obscuring the west.
distant lands beyond the Core. Many nations were Barovia
once completely obscured by the Mists until it rolled Government: Monarchy
back to reveal is neighbouring lands.
Demonym: Barovian
The Core Language: Balok
Capital: None
The dominant continent in the Mists is known as the
Core. It’s the hub of high culture and trade. The isolated rural nation of Barovia lies deep in the
Seas flank the continent to the east and west, shadows of the Balinok mountains. Barovians are
and a steep mountain range cuts across the middle a superstitious folk, fearful of the night. Quiet and
of the landmass, geographically dividing the land. suspicious, Barovians prefer to have few dealings
The south and west are heavily forested, the woods with outsiders. Despite this, the Old Svalich Road
becoming denser and wilder further from the coast. cuts through Barovia; one of the safer trading routes
Plains stretch across the east, while the northern across the Core, the road brings frequent traders and
Core is a mix of terrain: rough plains broken by merchants through the land. The ruler of the land
woods and marshland. Near the center of the is Count Strahd von Zarovich XIII, who rules from
continent is a massive fog-filled chasm: a wound Castle Ravenloft perched high atop soaring cliffs
in the landscape where two lands were seemingly that overlook the small Village of Barovia. “The devil
destroyed. Strahd”—as he is known by the populace—is a distant
ruler, who delegates the day-to-day matters.

Borca schools that openly teach arcane magic and its
Government: Feudal Despotism merchants trade simple magic items such as potions
and tonics. Hazlan is ethnically divided, with the
Demonym: Borcan
lower class Rashemani being little more than slaves
Language: Balok and the upper class Mulan ruling unquestioned.
Capital: Levkarest Despite being outnumbered a hundred to one, the
Similar to urbane Dementlieu in attitude and Mulan keep their authority through use of force and
rural Barovia in blood, the mountainous nation of religion, with the fatalistic teachings of the Lawgiver
Borca is a land of intrigue and betrayal, secrets and used to limit uprisings.
poison. Borca is the most advanced nation in terms Nova Vaasa
of economics, with powerful banks and a culture of Government: Aristocracy
written contracts. The land is ostensibly ruled by the
Demonym: Nova Vaasan
landowners, but all property has fallen into the hands
of the Boritsi family. A sizable aristocracy remain, Language: Vaasi
but all nobles are now vassals of the Boritsi family, Capital: Kantora
and their position is tied to their popularity. The A nation of contrasts, Nova Vaasa is a land of
current mistress of the Boritsi family is Ivana Boritsi, cramped cities and wild plains. The vast majority of
who took the position after the death of her mother, the land is covered in open prairie known for two
Camille. Borcans are deeply religious, and the nation things: grass and horses. Most of the population
is also the seat of the Home Faith, the original branch lives in congested cities surrounded by farms and
of the Church of Ezra. There is also a powerful ranches. Nova Vaasa is the center of the Church of
criminal element. Opposed to the Dementlieuse the Lawgiver, a strict religion that rewards obedience
squabbling gangs, Borca’s criminal syndicates are old and servitude. The people are sharply divided into
and centered around tight-knit families. the poor and the wealthy nobility led by Prince
The Shadow Rift Bolshnik. Because of the influence of the Church,
Government: Monarchy rebellion is unheard of, but violent crimes and vice
are rampant in the cities.
Demonym: Arak
Language: Elven Tepest
Capital: Esmerth Government: Theocratic Aristocracy
Demonym: Tepestani
Not a true nation, the Shadow Rift is a hole in the
world left when two lands were wrenched from the Language: Tepestani
Core, leaving a vast chasm. Steep cliffs abruptly drop Capital: None
away from the adjacent lands, ending in a tenebrous This mountainous and wooded rural land lies
mists. The inhabitants of Tepest have long claimed nestled between the mountains of southeastern
that the Rift is home to creatures of dark magic and Darkon and the eerie chasm of the Shadow Rift.
hideous monsters. While little is known about its The Tepestani have always been superstitious,
inhabitants, there is increasing rumours that beings avoiding the menacing woods out of fear of the
known as “Shadow fey” call it home. witches, goblins, and fey lurking inside. When
the neighbouring lands of G’henna and Markovia
The Eastern Lands vanished during the Great Upheaval, the religious
Faith dominates the eastern lands, be it religion, leaders blamed blackest magic and the fey. The
superstition, or magic. Technology is less advanced Church of Belenus began purging their lands of
in the East, with medieval chivalry still having sway. monsters and those tainted by magic, such as
Hazlan witches, caliban, and fey-touched. These inquisitors
work tirelessly to protect their flock and cleanse
Government: Ethnocratic Despotism corruption with fire.
Demonym: Hazlani
Language: Vaasi The Northern Lands
Capital: Toyalis The northern Core features a wide variety of terrain,
The rough and mountainous nation of Hazlan is a people, and cultures. It is the intellectual and
purveyor of illicit goods including opium, slaves, scholarly heart of the Core.
and magic. Hazlan is one of the few lands with

Darkon The Southern Lands
Government: Monarchy The dense woods of the Great Forest dominate the
Demonym: Darkonian southern Core. There are few roadways save the
Language: Darkonese rivers and few laws save those of nature. Wolves and
Capital: None (formerly Il Aluk) fey creatures fill these forests, and there are stretches
where humanity has never set foot, where the trees
Dominating the northern half of the continent, this
have known neither axe nor fire.
sprawling land is ruled by its undying king, Azalin
Rex. Darkon is a cosmopolitan nation and it’s more Invidia
common here to see non-human races, such as Government: Despotism
dwarves and elves. There are many communities Demonym: Invidian
comprised of demihuman races that are largely Language: Balok
unknown elsewhere in the Mists. Magic is also more
Capital: Karina
accepted in Darkon and there are places it’s openly
taught. Many trace their family lineages to Darkon The inhabitants of Invidia are a passionate folk,
and immigrants often discover a forgotten heritage wearing their emotions on their sleeves, and hot
or long lost kin. words quickly become drawn daggers. Rulership
Lamordia of the land is taken by violence, with the current
tyrant, Malocchio Aderre, having seized control
Government: Aristocracy with republican from the Vistani witch Gabrielle, who herself killed
settlements the previous lord, Bakholis the Black Wolf. The
Demonym: Lamordian inhabitants struggle under the oppression of their
Language: Lamordian current lord, who rapidly ascended to dominance
Capital: None with his growing army of mercenaries and loaned
Falkovnian troops. His rule is marked with the purge
The north-western corner of the Core is a windswept
of all Vistani within the nation, a violence which has
land known as much for its adherence to science
begun spreading beyond Invidia’s borders into Borca.
and logic as it is for its cold and snowy winters.
Lamordians are a hardy folk who believe they Kartakass
can survive anything through willpower and hard Government: Meritocracy
work. The residents are noteworthy for having few Demonym: Kartakan
superstitions, often being rational to a fault. Many of Language: Vaasi
the Core’s recent advances in technology have come
Capital: None
from Lamordia including clockworks, medicine, and
firearms. After the destruction of Il Aluk, Lamordia At the southern edge of the Balinok Mountains is
has become the center of academia in the Core. the rough, wooded nation of Kartakass. A nation of
Necropolis singers, storytellers, and poets, each settlement is
ruled by a Meistersinger chosen in an annual singing
Government: Despotism competition. Kartakass’ western border is the start
Demonym: Necropolitan of the Great Forest, which stretches across several
Language: Darkonese nations and is renowned for its wolves: the singers
Capital: Necropolis of beasts. While Kartakass’ merchants are almost
as renowned as its singer, the rural nation conducts
Once known Il Aluk, the bustling metropolitan
little trade and has little influence on affairs in the
capital of Darkon. The city was destroyed in a
magical disaster known as the Requiem. The disaster
killed every living inhabitant and animated them Sithicus
as undead creatures. A cloaked figure known only Government: Despotism
as “Death” now rules the city. The black magical Demonym: Sithican
energies remain, slaying anyone who enters the Language: Elven
city the animating them as an undead monstrosity.
Capital: Hroth
Today, the city is entirely populated by the walking
dead, carrying out a mocking semblance of ordinary The haunted southern reaches of the Great Forest
life. are increasingly obscured by Mists, with the trees
growing tall and broad. Here lies the enchanted
woodland of Sithicus, populated by assorted fey

beings, including several communities of elves. Dementlieu
Time flows strangely in the borders of this land, with Government: Republic
travellers emerging to find days have past when they
Demonym: Dementlieuse
expected weeks, or months instead of days. Within
the borders of this land, all roads and trails seem Language: Mordentish
familiar and all landmarks seem recently passed, so Capital: Port-a-Lucine
travellers must be constantly wary lest they become The nation of Dementlieu is well known for its
lost. The land is ruled by the dwarf, Azrael, who squabbling noble families and courtly intrigue, and
assumed command after the disappearance of the their perpetual hidden loyalties and endless secrets.
land’s former ruler, an undead knight known as the The land is sharply divided between the nobility with
Black Rose. wealth and power and those living in urban poverty.
Valachan Because the wealthy provide some social programs,
Government: Monarchy such as food distribution or literacy education, they
believe their benevolence gives them the right to use
Demonym: Valachani
their power on a whim. In general, the Dementlieuse
Language: Vaasi are a cultured people who appreciate beauty and
Capital: Rotwald learning of all forms, but also follow a rigid system of
Farthest west of the forested nations, the isolated etiquette. Dementlieu is one of the few places in the
land of Valachan is bordered by the Mists on two Core with a large enough population of idle rich to
sides and the faerie land of Sithicus on a third. Its support a flourishing culture of high art.
population is inherently quiet and reserved, valuing Falkovnia
self reliance: a Valachani that can’t survive in the Government: Military Despotism
wild or shoot a bow is incomplete. Despite their
Demonym: Falkovnian
independent streak, the populace has a strong bond
of family, and regularly celebrate milestones with Language: Falkovnian
festivals. Valachani are wary of “book learning” and Capital: Lekar
the trappings of civilization, such as those found The militaristic nation of Falkovnia is the
in more northerly domains. The local lord, Baron breadbasket of the Core, but its king cares little for
von Kharkov, rules firmly with his private army of its rich fields, only valuing military conquest. While
enforcers, but does not harm his people if they pay its armies are highly trained and well equipped,
their taxes. they have lost every skirmishes against their more
Verbrek technologically advanced or magically equipped
Government: None neighbouring nations. The Falkovnian people live in
fear, with the nation’s cities being grim and devoid of
Demonym: Verbreker
any aesthetic sensibilities. Series of tall pikes line the
Language: Mordentish roads into cities, with impalement being a common
Capital: None punishment. At birth, all Falkovnians are branded
Few people hail from the wooded nation of Verbrek, with the symbol of a hawk, the seal of the King
and the population of this uncivilized land is mostly Fuhrer, to remind every citizen of what they are:
trappers and hunters living in a few well defended property of the state.
homesteads. Its true inhabitants seem to be wolves, Mordent
which can be found in large packs roaming the Government: Aristocracy
countryside with impunity. While alone in the woods
Demonym: Mordentish
of Verbrek, even humans easily become prey to the
wolves Language: Mordentish
Capital: Mordentshire
The Western Lands This small bleak rainy nation shares a people
The cultural hub of the Core, the West is known for and loose culture with Dementlieu to the north.
its urban areas and cultivated farmlands. While not Mordent is a quiet rural nation of farmers and
densely populated, it contains some of the largest fishermen. It’s noble families moved north to the
cities in the Mists. courts of Dementlieu, leaving abandoned manor
homes dotting the countryside. Tracks of dense
forest crisscross the landscape, encroaching onto
the forgotten estates, while desolate moors and

heaths covering the remaining land. The ailing Lord middle class in the land, bolstered by trade and the
Jules Weathermay rules the nation from his grand craftsmen. Liffe is also home to one of the few centers
estate, Heather House. Despite being seen as the of education in the Eastern Core, the College of Liffe.
unquestioned lords of the land, the Weathermay The school was once a monastery but has grown in
family rules lightly, leaving the villages largely size over the years, with a focus on instrumental
autonomous. music, philosophy, rhetoric, and poetry.
Richemulot L’ile de la Tempete
Government: Aristocracy This small island is little more than a navigational
Demonym: Richemuloise hazard, being surrounded by sharp rocks and
Language: Mordentish dangerous currents. The only structure on the island
Capital: Port-a-Museau is an ancient and tall lighthouse, built to warn people
of the dangers of the rocks. Sailors are wary of the
The courtiers of Dementlieu dismiss Richemulot lighthouse as the tower is old and no longer entirely
as quaint, considering its people as they would a reliable.
mimicking young relation. The nobles of Richemulot
attempt the high fashion and courtly intrigue of Nebligtode
Dementlieu or Borca, but it’s a poor imitation. The Government: None
aristocracy of Richemulot is more open, as people Demonym: Grabenite
are defined as much by their wits and skill as their Language: Grabenite
wallets, allowing the cunning and proficient to ascend Capital: None
in social status. Richemuloise society is largely
unstratified, with much of the poor living somewhat Nebligtode is the name for a cluster of islands in the
comfortably. To some extent this is because the true southern stretch of the Eastern Sea. The two largest
wealth valued in Richemulot is information, which islands are Graben and Todstein. Graben’s northern
is exchanged and brokered like any commodity; the shore is home to a number of small villages full of
poorest baker can ascend to nobility if they learn a hardy and tradition-bound folk, while the southern
secret and know how to leverage that knowledge. The half of the windswept isle is uninhibited marsh.
cities of Richemulot are large but mostly abandoned, Todstein is small, deserted, and battered by cold
and the nation can house a much larger population currents that perpetually chill the island.
that it currently hosts. The many abandoned streets Vechor
and vacant homes are filled with a variety of urban Government: Despotism
pests. Demonym: Vechorite
The Eastern Sea Language: Vechorite
Capital: Abdok
Known as “The Nocturnal Sea”, a heavy fog
perpetually obscures the water making travel slow This land on the far side of the Nocturnal Sea is
and difficult, at times even turning day into night. seldom visited by outsiders, being an inconstant and
shifting nation of chaos and turmoil. Features and
Isle of the Ravens landmarks change every few days making detailed
A small island of little significance, with no docks mapping impossible: forests seem to rearrange
or signs of civilization. It’s mostly home to the birds themselves, paths seem to move, and landmarks
that give it its name. A single tower can be seen near appear then vanish when unobserved. The weather is
the northern tip of the island, but sailors assume it’s equally unpredictable, and snowstorms or pounding
abandoned. rain sweep across the land year round, and both
Liffe cyclones and pounding hail are not unusual. It is said
Government: Oligarchy that the land reshapes itself to suit the whims of its
Demonym: Liffen ruler, Easan the Mad.
Language: Elven The Western Sea
Capital: Armeikos
Known as “the Sea of Sorrows,” this body of water
A rainy island nation of artists, craftsmen, and allows trade between the Core and many of the exotic
singers. The small isle of Liffe is noted for its artisan’s foreign locales as well as swift travel along the coast.
skill at mimicking the style (but not the quality) of
craft-work from other nation’s. There is a growing

11 11
Blaustein earn a living fishing or farming, most spend their
Government: Despotism nights painting, sculpting, or writing. The island
attracts tormented youths from across the Core, all
Demonym: Blausteiner
seeking their muse. A quirk of the soil renders all
Language: Mordentish food tasteless, so the island conducts a brisk trade
Capital: None with the mainland, importing what food they can in
What would be a small, insignificant rock under exchange for fish or cultural exports.
different rulership, Blaustein has become a notorious
pirate haven. Cutthroats and privateers from across Clusters
the Western Sea and its neighbouring waters The Core is not the only continent and there are
take leave on Blaustein’s accessible ports, and no numerous small lands hidden in the Mists.
questions are asked. All manner of illicit goods and
pleasures can be found on the island. Blaustein is The Amber Wastes
ruled by the pirate king Bluebeard, who holds court A bleak desert wasteland, the temperature is
from his castle overlooking the bay and commands relentlessly hot year round and life huddles around
fanatical devotion from his men. the few oases or areas of shade. Few enjoy travelling
Dominia to the Amber Wastes, but merchants risk the heat
Government: None seeking exotic spices or ancient relics, and treasure
seekers are often drawn to its ancient ruins.
Demonym: None
Language: Balok Har’Akir
Capital: None Government: Theocracy
Demonym: Akiri
This small island is surrounded by jagged rocks
and its primary population is hungry wolves. The Language: Akiri
only human population is the staff and inmates of Capital: Muhar
the Heinfroth’s Asylum for the Insane. The Asylum The Land of Vanished Empires, Har’Akir is primarily
houses the most unhinged and demented minds from a sandy desert with a few scattered freshwater oases.
across the Core. Noble families pay well to ship their Sandstorms erode ancient monuments and tombs
unsound members to the asylum, to rid themselves or hide them beneath layers of dunes. Numerous
of the troublesome relation as much as for treatment forgotten or hidden crypts dot the barren craggy
and rehabilitation. cliffs along the land’s eastern border. The Akiri make
Markovia their homes amid the ruins of past glories, with
Government: None the majority of the population dwelling around the
freshwater Muhar Oasis.
Demonym: Markovian
Language: Balok Pharazia
Capital: None Government: Thearchy
Demonym: Phazarian
This uninhabited island is at best a shipping hazard,
and its only known population are savage beasts that Language: Phazarian
kill anyone fool enough to attempt to land. The exact Capital: Phiraz
nature of the beasts is unknown, as they’re not visible The endless scorching deserts of Pharazia are as
from the shore and none have been recovered. Sailors merciless as its god: Diamabel. The dunes shift
have seen what appears to be an ancient monastery endlessly, revealing rocky outcroppings before
on the southern shore, but why monks would live on vanish, with a few scattered oases breaking the
such a forsaken land is unknown. bleak tedium of the landscape. These oases feed the
Ghastria land’s muddy rivers, which are rife with crocodiles
Government: Monarchy that spend their time sunning themselves or lurking
in the muck. Most Phazarians make their home in
Demonym: Ghastrian
the capital of Phiraz, ruled over by the divine being,
Language: Mordentish Diamabel the Righteous. The beauteous and majestic
Capital: East Riding Diamabel rules directly, with no clerics or temples.
An island of brooding artists, Ghastria is a A few nomadic Phazarians also make their living
burgeoning cultural center. While the inhabitants in the desert, trading with Har’Akir or other lands.

The inhabitants of Phiraz and the desert nomads Capital: Vorostokov
seldom intermingle, and Diamabel has a dim view of
This land is wide valley surrounded by a ring of
rough mountains. The mountains trap storms,
Sebua perpetually burying the region under a thick white
Government: None blanket of snow. Brutal winds cut across the plain,
Demonym: Sebuan bringing with them weekly blizzards. Herds of
Language: Wildspeak slender reindeer struggle to survive on roots, bark,
and lichens. The land’s shrinking population of
Capital: None
humans struggle to survive on nuts, bark, and
A desert wasteland of forgotten evils and lost secrets. whatever they can manage to hunt. Packs of hungry
The sun blasts the trackless sand dunes, barren wolves roam the wastes, picking off weak reindeer
rocky flats, and cracked crimson earth. While oases and unsuspecting humans alike. Once, the Voros
are plentiful in the desert, the majority of these were hospitable and boisterous, full of warm humour
waterholes are tainted, full of brackish water and and delight. While they still prize socialization, they
swarming with hungry mosquitoes. The cities of have grown suspicious, their spirits dimming with
Sebua lies ruined and abandoned, the population each year of winter.
having fled. The sole inhabitants of the land are the
wild children of Anhalla, who are feral but shy. Shadowlands
A land of nobles and knights, this nation is well-
The Frozen Reaches protected yet plagued by hidden evils. The knightly
Crushed under the oppressive cold of an eternal order of The Circle uses the Shadowlands as it’s
winter, the Frozen Reaches are an inhospitable base of operations; its members—Knights of the
regions. The inhabitants of this cluster are Shadows—are respected as defenders of the common
continually threatened with death from starvation or folk.
the hostile environment.
Sanguinia Government: None
Government: Monarchy Demonym: None
Demonym: Sanguinian Language: Nidalan
Language: Sanguine Capital: None
Capital: Tirgo
Perpetual twilight cloaks the haunted woods of
Rough and mountainous, Sanguinia is a merciless Avonleigh, the majority of which is the eldritch
land of treacherous slopes, sharp winds, and piercing Phantasmal Forest, which encircles the Shadowlands,
snows. The few trails through the mountains separating Nidala from the misty border. This
are impassible for much of the year as snow and dense woodland is choked with black trees wrapped
avalanches block passage. Sanguinians survive in grasping vines and tangles of brambles, while
despite their hostile environment and respect the underbrush is think with rotting logs, mosses,
perseverance and endurance. The small farms grow and toadstools. The Phantasmal Forest echos with
hardy winter grains on small plots of land and raise ghostly sounds, such as eerie laughter, cries, sobbing
livestock in more sheltered valleys. Sanguinians and screams. The remains of the King’s Highway
can be honest to a fault, and have no tolerance for cuts through the western stretches of the forest, its
dishonesty or trickery. They’re a practical people ancient cobblestones shifted by time while weeds
who value the simple things: life is short and death work their way through the cracks. But the road is
is sudden, so it must be enjoyed to its fullest. The still traversable, passing by Forenoon Abbey and
land is ostensibly ruled by Prince Ladislav Mircea, several old abandoned estates.
but the monarch confines himself to Castle Guirgiu Nidala
for months at a time. His taxes are steep but he
otherwise leaves the local settlements to manage Government: Nidalans
themselves. Demonym: Nidalan
Language: Nidalan
Vorostokov Capital: Touraine
Government: Kratocratic despotism
Demonym: Voros The righteous land of Nidala is populated by
Language: Voros followers of the god, Belenus. One of the deity’s

most ardent followers is the paladin, Elena Faith- near and far have been ensnared by this seaweed net.
hold, who rules the kingdom with the aid of her Beneath the surface is a vast forest of kelp, stalked
loyal knights. Faith-hold shares her interpretation of by undead, sharks, and barracudas. Deeper still is a
Belenus’ will with the population through Decrees of graveyard of sunken ships, the final fate of all vessels
Faith. These Decrees forbid a variety activities and trapped in the seaweed.
those who violate a Decree are publicly punished.
Nidala is plagued by Banemaw, a wicked dragon that
Sri Raji
barely kept in check by Faith-hold. Despite Faith- Government: Theocracy
hold’s efforts to contain the beast, Banemaw ravages Demonym: Rajian
the occasional village, leaving no living witnesses to Language: Rajian
its assault. The constant threat of the dragon and Capital: Muladi
endless moralistic decrees of their Knight Protector
Sri Raji is covered in tropical rainforest dotted with
have sapped the joy from the grim population,
crumbling ruins and ancient cities. The land is
leaving them exhausted and morose.
rife with a wide assortment of tropical plants and
The Verdurous Lands animal life. Rajians are deeply religion, holding
religious conviction above all else, so all cities in
This small continent is mostly untamed jungle filled the nation have several large temples. The few
with dangerous creatures. The northern region is the inhabited settlements are ancient and weathered,
land of Sri Raji, which is known for its spices and teas walled bastions surrounded by farms, ranches, and
along with the colourful clothes of its inhabitants. rice fields. Within the cities are great centers of
Saragoss learning and grand markets. However, the streets are
Government: Kratocracy mud, strewn with corpses, dung, and crowded with
Demonym: None throngs of beggars. In stark contrast, the buildings
are majestic and colourful, with the grandest having
Language: Any
polished stone and masterful friezes. The University
Capital: The Vengeance of Tvashti mixes religion and science, having large
Filling the waters north of Sri Raji, the Saragoss temples and equally large libraries.
consists of a mass of seaweed, flotsam, and mire The Wildlands
floating in the sea. Dozens of shipwrecks are trapped
Government: Kratocracy
in the seaweed. The thick seaweed is often covered
by a thin mist that obscures it from sight, trapping Demonym: None
unwary vessels. Countless derelict ships from lands Language: None
Capital: None
Humanity is unwelcome in the Wildlands. It is a
realm of beasts, an untouched wilderness free from
civilization. The northern half of the land is covered
in thick rainforest that thins to the south, becoming a
stretch of savanna to the eastern half. The Wildlands
seethe with life: birds and monkeys dominate the
rainforest, crocodiles lurk in the northern swamps
and waterways, and the savanna is populated by
antelope, lions, warthogs, hyenas, giraffes, elephants,
and zebras. The massive plateau in the middle is
home to gorillas.

Entirely isolated by the Mists and bordering no
other lands, these nations are nicknamed “islands of
terror” and vary in size from a few miles across to the
size of a large country.
Government: Kratocracy
Demonym: None
Language: None
Capital: None
The mist-shrouded land of Bluetspur is a bleak, and
blasted wasteland with no signs of animal life. While
the rough terrain is covered in molds and fungi— to remain alive, G’Hennans pray for fervently for
some glowing with a curious phosphorescence— the arrival of the Provider. The ruler of G’hennan is
there are virtually no common plants. Bluetspur Zhakata’s High Priest, Yagno Petrovna. He preaches
is seemingly uninhabited: during the brief period several times a week and commands the hierarchy
when land was part of the Core, the only human of the church, which is the sole authority in the land.
inhabitants fled the land for Barovia, before the Mists Priests of Zhakata perform all civil and martial tasks
rose up again. The crude shelters and homes of the for the state.
former population remain, and any possessions left Nosos
behind lie untouched. It’s rumoured that beneath
the ground there are series of caverns and tunnels Government: Plutocracy
sprawling out in all directions, carved with unnatural Demonym: Nosi
architecture. Who or what carved these tunnels is Language: Nosi
unknown, and no scholar who had investigated these Capital: Nosos
passages has returned.
Nosos is a heavily industrialized nation at risk of
Farelle becoming buried under its garbage and toxins. A
Government: None single large city encompasses the majority of the
Demonym: Farellian land, with the limited countryside beyond the city
Language: Lamordian limits being its overflowing garbage heap. Smoke
from refineries and coal mines fills the air, factory
Capital: None
runoff chokes the river, while rotting vegetation
A largely uncivilized and wild land, largely covered and raw sewage clog the streets. A layer of grey-
by forests filled with dangerous predators. The only yellow grime coats everything. The only open green
civilization in Farelle are two towns: Kaynis in the spaces are behind the walls of noble estates, which
northwest, and Mortilis in the southeast. While are the only areas free of refuse. But even behind
both villages are surrounded by farmlands, neither the walls the city’s pervasive stench is omnipresent.
village is truly independent and must rely on the The wealthy rule Nosos, rich from exporting
other for crops and goods. Merchants, tinkers, and manufactured good to other lands while tightly
travellers are common on the road between the two controlling the import of food. The ruling class is
lands. However, the few inhabitants of the land are incredibly paranoid of disease, which they attribute
wary of the forests, and never venture off the road to the filthy underclass.
and into the woods. The road extends out beyond Odiare
the two villages where it vanishes into the Mists,
and merchants from other lands occasionally find Government: Geniocratic Democracy
themselves on the road. Demonym: Odiaran
Language: Odiaran
G’Henna Capital: Odiare
Government: Theocracy
Demonym: G’hennan This land is little more than a single solitary fog-
Language: Balok shrouded village encircled by the Mists. At first
glance the city seems clean and orderly, with the
Capital: Zhukar
smooth cobblestone streets free of waste and
G’Henna is a starving land of religious zealotry. Much beggars, and the respectable homes and shops tidy
of the food produced by the populace is sacrificed to and organized. Upon closer inspection, the village
their deity: Zhakata. The nation is a bleak wasteland, is sparsely inhabited and most of the buildings
beaten by the wind and sun that drain the soil of life, are beginning to showing wear from age and the
devastating crops and weakening herd animals. Daily elements. Odiarans are young, with few inhabitants
life for the G’hennans is based around supplication being older than thirty. They live simple lives,
to their deity and there are numerous traditions and growing what food they can in small gardens and
ceremonies that must be attended to with solemn repairing what they can throughout the town.
dedication. This constant devotion and sacrifice Odiarans are a happy people that enjoy song and
tires the populace, who long ago became grim and dance after a day’s work, coming across as naive,
humourless. G’hennan religion states that Zhakata being remarkably honest and guileless. Their only
has two forms: the Destroyer—to whom they must fear is their bogeyman, Maligno, who reportedly
sacrifice—and the Provider— whose arrival heralds a
time of prosperity. Allowed to keep just enough food

killed every adults in the village twenty years ago. Dementlieu. While the slaves were freed several
Rokushima Taiyoo generations back, poverty means many most are
not better off. Souragne settlements cramped and
Government: Monarchy uncomfortable: to avoid flooding, settlements are
Demonym: Rokuma built on the limited areas of high ground, which
Language: Rokuma has led to crowding. Wealthier individuals live on
Capital: None larger plantations with walled estates, which rely
on irrigation. The indigenous population is known
Across a Mist-shrouded waters is body of water
for Voodan, a spiritual faith that focuses on natural
known as the Poison Sea. Located in those waters is
spirits known as loa.
an archipelago of four islands. In the native tongue
of the inhabitants, “Rokushima Taiyoo” translates Staunton Bluffs
as “the Six Islands of the Sun”. While there are Government: None
currently four islands, legend states that two sunk Demonym: Bluffer
into the sea when their ruler was killed. The Rokuma Language: Mordentish
are a reserved people, who follow a strict code of
Capital: Willisford
conduct, and strive to live harmoniously with nature.
The inhabitants revere spirits known as kami, The small land of Staunton Bluffs is primarily plains
who are believed to dwell in all living things. The dotted with patches of forest. The land is divided
honourable warriors of the islands among the most into highlands and the lowlands, with the vast
skilled warriors in the Land of the Mists and their majority of the population residing in the later. The
sword smiths are second to none. Each island is ruled only evidence of civilization in the highlands is the
by a local warlord, the shujin. The four current shujin Castle Stonecrest and the decaying remnants of a
are brothers, each determined to defeat the other and few small villages. The lowlands are not particularly
claim their island. fertile, but with a lot of hard work, the citizens eke
Souragne out a passable existence. The folk of Staunton Bluffs
are not unfriendly, but dour and taciturn during the
Government: Aristocracy workweek. Labourers allow themselves two rest days
Demonym: Souragniens at the end of the week, during which time they drink
Language: Mordentish and become more friendly and talkative. These rest
Capital: Port d’Elhour days pass quickly and there is always more work to
be done: always another task to finish, a repair to
A seaside swampland, over half of the landmass
make, or a row of crops to be planted.
of Souragne is marshy bog full of biting insects,
alligators, and ravenous swarms of flesh-eating Zherisia
fish. Deep in the bog are more unnatural menaces, Government: Aristocratic republic
including spirits and the dead. The majority of Demonym: Paridoner
the populace lives on the drier eastern third of Language: Zherisian
the region. The dark-skinned original population
Capital: Paridon
of Souragne was enslaved by immigrants from
The small land of Zherisia is entirely comprised
by the metropolis of Paridon, with the bleak city
completely encircled by the Mists. With its farmland
consumed by unnatural fog, the populace has to
import much of its food. Gardens cover many of the
rooftops and windowsills, and several city parks
have been converted to makeshift farms. Dense
fog regularly blankets the cities, filling the narrow
cobblestone streets and thin alleys with a shroud of
grey. Paridon is sharply divided between the rich
aristocracy and the hopelessly poor, and socializing
outside of one’s class is strictly taboo. Violent crime
and vices are common in the poorer quarters of
the city, with gambling halls, opium dens, and
streetwalkers being all too common.
Chapter II: Races
A Common Races
s she walks through the village green, the
half-Vistani feels the eyes of the entire
town silently watching her every move with
suspicion. Ducking hurled fruit and stones, The following races make up the majority of people
the caliban ran harder in a desperate attempt to in the Land of the Mists. By far, humans are the most
escape the mob and their pitchforks. He struggled common races, followed by elves, halflings, and then
against the bonds restraining him to the stake, dwarves.
the fire slowly spreading around his feet, as the
inquisitor preached to the crowd about pointed fiend Dwarves
ears and corrupted blood. The dwarves of the Mists are a dying race living
Humanity is predominant throughout the Land in the shadow of past glories. Most dwarves are
of the Mists. In some lands nonhuman races are even labourers who throw themselves into their work for
dismissed as a myth, having never been seen or their lack of a greater cause, performing mundane tasks
appearance dismissed as an unfortunate birth defect. without zeal or passion. On the whole, dwarves are
Others view the various demihuman races with a foul-tempered, joyless folk whose only joy is the
fear, seeing little difference between a halfling and a acquisition of treasure.
goblin, an elf or a dark fey. However, there are still Dwarves belong to one of three clans: Hreidmar,
some lands and settlements where dwarves, elves, Fjalaram, or Dvalin. Clan Hreidmar was founded
and others can be found, though these are rare and by an ancient dwarven king and the clan views itself
isolated. as burdened with leadership and noble purpose.
Additionally, there are a number of races that are However, there are few to lead and the clan elders
more common in the Mists than in other lands, as bicker endlessly, competing for power and authority.
well as races that are virtually unknown in the worlds Clan Fjalaram is known for its skalds and storytellers,
and realms beyond the Mists. New Player Character and all dwarven eddas and histories were written by
races featured in this chapter are summarized in the Clan Fjalaram. It’s said the clan’s muse has forsaken
table below. them, and even works of mediocre quality are seldom
Uncommon Races seen. Clan Dvalin’s carvers of runes hold the secret
of etching magic symbols into stone. Those with the
Race Description
talent for rune carving are rare, and most of the clan
Caliban Humans whose frames were twisted by dark magic now busies itself with mundane stonework.
Dhampyr Living people cursed with vampirism The past of the dwarves has become little more
Gargoyle Cold stone made flesh and blood than stories. Dwarves tell tales of greatness but can’t
Giomorgo Children of Vistani gypsies and humans craft the wonders of their legends or engage in the
glorious battles of yore. Their god is silent and their
prayers go unanswered, their ancestral heroes all but

forgotten, and even their ancient enemies unknown. their time tending to their woodlands and gardens,
Some rare dwarves refuse to let this be the end or—as enjoying the beauty of nature.
they put it—“go quietly into the deep”. These brave Languages. You can speak, read, and write Elven
few are determined to give the world something to (also known as Sithican) and a regional language of
remember of the dwarves. your choice. High elves typically know Mordentish or
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Vaasi while wood elves typically know Darkonese or
Dwarvish and a regional language of your choice. Balok.
Mountain dwarves typically speak Lamordian, hill
dwarves know Darkonese, while duergar learn Balok. Subraces
In the Land of the Mists, high elves come from
Subraces the large southern wood and the land of Sithicus,
In the Land of the Mists, dwarves belong to the same while wood elves come from the smaller forests
nation, with divisions between dwarves related to and the nation of Darkon. Drow are common near
lifestyle and the family’s profession. the Shadow Rift, but can be found in any elven
Duergar community.
Dwelling deep beneath the Balinok Mountains along High Elves
the Southern Core, Duergar or caver dwarves come Sithican elves feel detached from the world. In their
from families that have spent generations below the heart they believe this world is not their true home
surface. From an early age they're taught to fear and and have difficulty forming a bond with the land. This
respect the dark, for strange ungodly things lurk leads them to apathy and disinterest in the larger
below. Their caves once rang alongside the blasted world, and they often sink into a profound malaise.
land of Bluetspur, and many of its slithering horrors They seldom maintain their cities and homes, which
made their way into dwarven tunnels. The aberrant are now decaying around them. High elves are
taint of these beasts has subtly altered duergar private and hold lesser races in contempt. Travellers
dwarves, unlocking mental doors and revealing are not always welcome in their enchanted woods.
psionic talents. Wood Elves
Hill Dwarves Darkonian elves live a nomadic life in their woods
Raised in the light of the sun, hill dwarves are and are more flighty and curious. They have been
craftsmen and traders. Hill dwarves have homes known to steal away things that catch their fancy, be
atop or close to the surface, and many live in human they objects or people. Currently, the wood elves are
communities. The dwarves of Tempe Falls and Corvia suffering a time of strife; their prophetic stargazers
mostly hill dwarves. have predicted the end of days is nearing and—for
the first time—the immortal race is wrestling with
Mountain Dwarves the foreknowledge of death. They're not handling the
Also known as blackbeards or pale dwarves, revelation well.
mountain dwarves make their living underground. There are a small number of wood elves in
A few still dig for ore and gems but most now delve Barovia, which are locally known as dusk elves.
for the coal and tar sought by the Western nations, Please refer to Curse of Strahd for information on
especially those dwarves who live in the Sleeping these elves.
Beast mountain range.
Dark Elf (Drow)
Elves (Faeries) The Land of the Mists lacks an Underdark. Instead
of hailing from a subterranean realm, like calibans
The fey are the inhabitants of enchanted woods, result from humans exposed to magic during
seldom visited by outsiders. Typically found in the gestating, drow are elves born or conceived near the
vast forest of Sithicus or the Misted woods of eastern Mists or areas of pronounced dark magic. Drow are
Darkon, the fey are immortal, aloof, and arrogant. easily identified by their ash-coloured skin, which
The Fair Folk are timeless, possessing only an ranges in hue from coal black to a slate grey. The
academic knowledge of death. While intelligent, hidden land deep beneath the Shadow Rift also
they're erratic and flighty, endlessly procrastinating produces a number of drow. While Outlanders from
or wasting years to mundane pursuits; and elf thinks beyond the Core sometimes assume all drow are evil,
nothing of devoting a decade to a song, dance, poem, most elves are accepting of drow.
or other pleasurable artistic pursuit. At their core,
elves are creatures of the forests and spend much of

Eladrin and Shadar-Kai Stout
Hidden inside the Shadow Rift is a mysterious race Known as Casfalt in the halfling tongue, these
of fey known as the Arak. Their land is a place where halflings can be found in the Western lands of the
the realms of Faerie and the Pale overlap. The Arak Core such as Dementlieu, Mordent, Richemulot and
are divided into two courts: the seelie and unseelie, Borca. Stouts are more cautious than other halflings
each filled with many different types of fey whose and slightly xenophobic towards non-halflings. As
appearance varies depending on personality and they have been settled for longer they tend to be
allegiance. more traditional and superstitious.
The eladrin are members of the seelie court while
the shadar-kai belong the to unseelie, with more Humans
powerful members of each being respectively known Easily the most populous race, humanity outnumbers
as shee and sithe. all the other races nine-to-one and comes in a
Halflings (The Little People) bewildering variety of colours and cultures.
In the Core, most humans have pale or light-tan
By nature the Little People are perpetual children, skin. They typically have dark hair, although some
born happy and fearless. However, they're quickly nations (Lamordia, Nova Vassa) have light brown to
educated in terror and taught caution. The small blonde hair. Those from the central lands (Barovia,
halflings found themselves easy prey for the horrors Invidia, Borca) have dark black hair and slightly
of the Mists. Whole communities now live in a state duskier skin. There are also brown-skinned humans
of perpetual paranoia, always waiting for something who come from Souragne and the Verdurous Lands.
terrible to occur, protecting themselves through The distant land of Rokushima Taiyoo also has
isolation and secrecy. people with dark hair but pale skin and unusually
Halflings are a quiet and peaceful people who shaped eyes.
enjoy the simple pleasures of life, which they deny Languages. You can speak, read, and write your
themselves: halflings repress their natural happiness, regional language and one extra language of your
mute their jovial expressions, replace their colourful choice.
fashions in their continual efforts to avoid notice.
They settle in forgotten corners of the world or Ethnicities of the Mists
hidden inside human cities. Their homes are built The predominant race in the Mists, humans vary
in both secluded valleys and dales that are invisible greatly depending on their homeland and ethnicity.
from the distance, or ensconced between city blocks Even in the Core, a small continent, there is a great
and overlooked buildings. deal of variance among humanity.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Halfling, which is similar to Mordentish, and one Balinok
extra language of your choice. This widespread ethnicity is primarily found in Borca
and Barovia in the central Core, but also more distant
Subraces G’Henna (and Markovia before it moved). Balinoks
Humans categorize halflings as either “lightfoot” are characterized by their stocky builds with broad
or “stout” but halflings have their own names, and shoulders, meaty limbs, and wide hips. Their skin
divide lightfoot into two different lineages. ranges from an olive-tan to light brown and dark hair
and eyes are the norm.
Lightfoot A subculture is the Gundarakites, who are similar
To halflings, lightfoots are known as either Gillesonn in appearance but ostracized by other Baloks for their
or Mórlùrdan. Gillesonn are nomadic and roam minor cultural differences.
the Southern lands of the Core, typically in bands Balok Names: (male) Alexandry, Cosmin,
of extended family. These halflings are known for Dimitry, Mircea, Ocidiu, Radu, Casile; (female)
their reputation of finding trouble, but remain more Bianca, Draguta. Florica, Izabela, Lizuca, Nadezhda,
lighthearted than other halflings. Mórlùrdan were Petra, Simona; (surnames) Anghelescu, Balan,
once nomadic as well but settled down in secluded Constantin, Funar, Grigor, Negres, Popescu, Sala,
villages or in human communities. These halflings Ungur, Vladimir
are found across the Northern Core from Lamordia Gundarakite Names: (male) Baltasar,
to Nova Vassa with smaller communities or Demetrius, Fredek, Istvan. Miklos, Rognvald,
neighbourhoods in Tepest, Borca and other lands. Varady; (female) Antonia, Dominika, Horenzia,
Jusztina, Orzebet, Serafin, Tzigane, Zsofika;

(surnames) Babic, Brankovic, Davad, Dragic, Ilic, Lamordians are lean and tall with wiry limbs but
Kasun, Kovac, Loncar, Pavkivic, Zupan square shoulders. They have well-defined features
Falkovnian and have extremely pale skin that is permanently
ruddy from their cruel winters. Hair varies from
In the central-western Core, Falkovnians are seldom flaxen blond to rich brown and eyes are blue and
permitted to venture from their homeland. Fair green hues.
of skin and hair, their eyes tend to run from hazel Lamordian Names: (male) Augustin, Berthold,
to brown. Every native born Falkovnian has the Conrad, Dieter, Hubert, Juergen, Niklaus, Stefan,
hawk-headseal of Vlad Drakov branded onto their Werner, Yann; (female) Brigette, Camilla, Daniela,
forehead. Erika, Ingrid, Johanna, Katia, Pascale, Teresa,
Falkovnian Names: (male) Alber, Artur, Felix, Victoria; (surnames) Acklin, Albrecht, Baertschi,
Franz, Hans, Ivan, Leopold, Vladimir, Viktor, Bertod, Egemann, Geiger, Gisler, Huber, Lautens,
Wulfgang; (female) Anya, Emma, Greta, Inga, Monachon, Riegler, Sforza, Zurcher
Ingrid, Klara, Marie, Olga, Rebek, Sylvi, Tasha;
(surnames) Angerhausen, Bauer, Bloch, Denhardt, Mordentish
Diesel, Faulhaber, Faustmann, Glauber, Goebel, While primarily found along the western Core in
Hammerich, Hauser, Kierkegaard, Lambrecht, the lands of Dementlieu, Mordent, and Ghastria.
Manstein, Oberman, Pfeiffer, Reinhardt, Schenk, Van People claiming Mordentish ties can be found on
Volkman, Weiss many smaller islands in the Mists, such as Souragne.
Rashemani Mordentish people are fair-skinned with eyes of blue,
green, or gray. Common hair colors are blond and
One of the two ethnicities native to Hazlan, the brown, though many other hair colors are known.
Rashemani are a tough and sturdy folk. Short stature, High Mordentish Names: (Male) Claude,
they have skin ranging from olive to a deep bronze, François, Gaston, Georges, Gerard, Henri, Jacques,
dark eyes, and wild yet straight hair with thick Louis, Luc, Mathieu, Michel, Phillippe, Remy,
beards. Renard, Thibault (female) Adélaïde, Adéle, Brigitte,
Rashemani Names: (male) Alpagu, Doukan, Danielle, Désirée, Emmanuelle, Giselle, Isabelle,
Haydar, Kubilay, Nizami, Ragap, Toktampo; (female) Jacqueline, Monique, Sabine, Sophie, Valerie,
Adelet, Bengi, Cemiyet, Feyza, Julide, Roxelana, Vivienne, Zoé; (surnames) Alard, Beauregard,
Sobehat, Zumrut; (surnames) Albaf, Baris, Chergoba, Camus, Chevalier, d’Aubec, d’Espivant, Deneuve,
Dyernina, Iltazyara, Katirci, Murnyethara, Sadik, Durand, Garnier, Gauthier, Jean-Aubry, Larroquette,
Stayanoga, Teke, Ulmokina Laurier, Marceau, Moreau, Renault, Roche, Soulette,
Mulan Thibedeaux, Tourette
The dominant and wealthier ethnicity of Hazlan, Low Mordentish Names: (male) Alfred, Andrew,
Mulan are tall and slim with fine bones but prone to Brian, Charles, Christopher, Edward, Elias, George,
obesity. They have angular features with pronounced Henry, Isaac, James, Jonathan, Lawrence, Matthew,
cheekbones and noses. Their skin is pale and sallow Nathaniel, Oliver, Richard, Robert, Samuel, Stephen,
and their eyes are shades of greys. Their hair would Theodore, William; (female) Abigail, Annabeth,
be a dark blond or chestnut brown but is typically Beth, Candace, Dorothy, Elizabeth, Emily, Grace,
shaven daily. Katharine, Lillian, Lucile, Margaret, Martha, Mary,
Tattoos are common among the Mulan and Ruth, Sarah; (surnames) Abbot, Archer, Bennett,
are a rite of passage into adulthood. Traditionally Carpenter, Collier, Dole, Fisher, Fletcher, Garrett,
masculine tattoos are geometric designs and Laydon, Mutton, Powell, Reade, Sexton, Sullivan,
depictions of legendary beasts while feminine tattoos Sykes, Towtales, Unger, Weaver
are flowers, vines, and abstract whorls. Elemental Tepestani
imagery, such as flames or rain, are gender neutral. The Tepestanis are found in the northeast-central
Mulan Names: (male) Aoth, Balser, Enevold, Core. A muscular and handsome people, their fair
Ehput-Ki, Kethoth, Kyrill, Mumed, Ossur, Preben, skin often has freckles and their eye color is typically
Ramas, So-Kehur, Taico, Thazar-De; (female) green or blue. Hair color ranges from strawberry
Arizima, Cattia, Helma, Leila, Murithi, Nephis, Neya, blond to brown, though many are redheads.
Sefris, Trine, Zilla; (surnames) Ankhalab, Anskuld, Tempastani Names: (male) Berrin, Brion,
Fezim, Hahpet, Nathandem, Sepret, Uuthrakt Calvagh, Colm, Donagh, Dougal, Eamon, Fearghal,
Lamordian Fergus, Garvan, Hewith, Keane, Liadan, Lochlan,
Predominantly found in the northwestern Core, Murtagh, Nealon, Oran, Patrick, Rafe, Reardan,
Rory, Rowan, Seamus; (female) Aisling, Brigid,

Cara, Darina, Deirdre, Eileen, Enya, Fiona, Jocelyn, Marta, Sofie, Thora, Ulla, Vanja, Vita; (surnames)
Keira, Maeve, Moira, Molly, Noreen, Rosaleen, Rose, Arneborg, Bakhvalova, Claussen, Damsgaard, Ebel,
Siobhan, Slaney, Tallula, Tressa; (surnames) Aiken, Ejlersgaard, Eriksen, Gimsing, Halkenhvad, Hvass,
Athey, Baggett, Baird, Brynnock, Byrne, Callahan, Jankowski, Kasprowicz, Matschewski, Nowak,
Cochrane, Connolly, Conroy, Darby, Donlan, Doyle, Partyka, Skaarup, Thodberg, Wajda, Zinck
Fitzpatrick, Gavaghan, Hennessy, Kilcullen, Kilgore, Valachani
Lydon, Nolan, O’Bannon
From the southwestern woods of the Core, the
Vaasi Valachani are tall and muscular, with wide shoulders
Dominating the southeast Core are the rugged people and long, sturdy limbs. Despite being relations of the
of Nova Vaasan heritage. Average of stature, they Vaasi, Valachani skin color is a dark coffee brown,
possess stout limbs and wide hips gained through though it can range from a creamy tan to a charcoal
generations of horsemanship. Their facial features black on occasion. Eye color is almost always dark
include angular chins, prominent cheekbones, and brown, but every once in awhile an odd individual
wide, full-lipped mouths. Skin color is usually pale with bile-yellow eyes is born. Valachani hair is glossy
and ruddy, though pale olive or sallow skin are not black and worn long and straight by both genders.
unusual. Eye color is usually dark green or gray, Valachani Names: (male) Aksell, Audun, Brand,
while hair color ranges from dirty blond to black, Davin, Egil, Jens, Mikkel, Morten, Nils, Oleg,
with darker colors being more common. Ragnar, Skjøld, Stefan, Trigue, Varik; (female)
Vaasi Names: (male) Andor, Christer, Erik, Aleksia, Birget, Dakin, Faiga, Grette, Katarine, Liese,
Fraanse, Gunnar, Ivaar, Konraad, Mikaal, Olav, Magna, Nissa, Rakel, Saffi, Semine, Unni, Vanja,
Rudolf, Tor, Ulf, Viggo, Warnaar; (female) Anja, Ylwa; (surname) Amundsen, Arup, Bakken, Daehle,
Dagmar, Else, Grete, Helena, Inge, Lucia, Magda, Fjortoft, Frethheim, Grieg, Hagen, Ingstad, Kjeldaas,
Mostue, Nyberg, Ostenstad, Ratkje, Skarsgard, Tveit,
Ulving, Ytterhus
New Races
In the secluded corners of the Land of
the Mists are inhuman races that are
Uncommon Races
The following races are less common in the Land of
unknown in other lands. While only the Mists. Each is significantly less common than
found in the Land of the Mists, these humanity.
races are far from commonplace or Caliban, half-Vistani, and half-elves are
accepted. Superstitious commoners encountered significantly more frequently than the
might react with fear and isolated other uncommon races.
villages might assume them to be Other races, such as tieflings, dhampires, and
monsters. shifters are not true “races”, being instead instead
These uncommon races remain unique individuals. As such, they lack their own
optional, and their availability (or even communities and culture.
existence) is determined by the Dungeon
Calibans: Humans corrupted by dark
magic before birth, calibans take the Touched by forces beyond the mortal world, more
place of half-orcs, as orcs are unknown than the other races the aasimar know they're
in the Mists. damned. In the Land of the Mists, aasimar are rare
Gargoyles: Stone covered elemental almost to the point of being unique. While they look
guardians, gargoyles replace dragonborn, human, aasimar are anything but, descending from
who are not native to the Land of the the servants of a high force of pure goodness. The
Mists. few signs of their heritage are a slight metallic hue to
Giomorgo: The half-Vistani have a their skin that gives them a silver or golden sheen as
mixed heritage, with one parent being well as unusually vibrant eyes.
human and the other belonging to a Aasimar have a faint racial memory that comes to
wandering tribe of gypsies. them in their dreams: hazy recollections of paradise
Dhampyrs: Touched by undeath, forever denied them. Deep in their bones they know
dhampyrs are living beings with some of they will never enjoy the rewards of a life well-lived,
the powers of vampires. that their passage to the world after be barred by
the Mists. They not not how or why, if this is the fate

of all mortals or just them, but they know with an a minority survive until adulthood, and even fewer
absolute certainty that their souls are forfeit. Many are permitted to interact with normal humans. Some
accept this sacrifice and rally against the darkness, are raised in secret by their ashamed families, while
motivated by their plight and the difference they others are given to religious orders, such as witches
can make: the knowledge that there is absolute good of Hala or Church of Ezra.
gives their actions a certainty others lack. Other Given that their name is a derivation of
aasimar can’t bear the weight of their inevitable “cannibal”, calibans are widely considered brutish
damnation and succumb to ennui or fall into shadow. and savage beings. While many fit the stereotype
This is particularly tragic, as a creature without of petty brutes, this is often a product of their
hope, morality, or the fear of death can be terrifying upbringing, as calibans have the same innate
indeed. capacity for nobility or cruelty as all humans. Being
raised in isolation and continually treated like a freak
Caliban makes calibans into the monsters they're believed to
“That tetrahedron nose-that horse-shoe mouth- be.
that small left eye over-shadowed by a red bushy Fringes of Society
brow, while the right eye disappeared entirely under
an enormous wart-of those straggling teeth with Calibans are most frequently born in lands where
breaches here and there like the battlements of a magic is common—such as Darkon, Hazlan, and
fortress-of that horny lip, over which one of those Tepest—but adults can be found in any land.
teeth projected like the tusk of an elephant-of that Calibans make their homes in secluded areas
forked chin-and, above all, of the expression diffused where they will be left alone, such as abandoned
over the whole-that mixture of malice, astonishment, buildings, cellars, sewers, graveyards, and ruins.
and melancholy.” They survive however they can, stealing and
-Victor Hugo scavenging for food or living off vermin or pets. As
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame few calibans are taught survival skills they seldom
live in the wild, but those that do find a peace
Twisted humans, calibans were cursed before birth, commonly denied their kin.
tainted by dark magic while still in the womb. The
birth of a caliban is seen as a sign of witchcraft in Little to Live For
the community, or that the parents performed an An unfortunate number of calibans embrace their
unnatural act so foul that it corrupted their unborn perceived inhumanity, but others set out to prove
child. their humanity and demonstrate that the nobility of
their soul is human.
No Two Alike These calibans take up adventuring, hoping to
There is great diversity between calibans as each show that they're not defined by their appearance,
has a unique set of deformities. Slightly larger than if only to themselves. Others believe themselves
humans, calibans can stand over 6 feet tall, but often touched by darkness and hope to redeem themselves
appear smaller due to their twisted limbs and poor from the sins of their parents. A few calibans believe
posture. that they're being tested, being put through a crucible
Calibans are physically powerful despite their or some divine challenge to reveal their true nature.
misshapen muscles. They tend to be paler than And some calibans are just fleeing their old life,
humans, often with a slightly unnatural white hoping to find a better place or just escape prejudice.
or yellow hue to their skin. Their features are
asymmetrical and distorted with uneven limbs, or Caliban Names
animalistic traits such as protruding tusks and bristly Caliban names are as diverse as their appearance.
hair. Those fortunate enough to be raised by caring
Calibans breed true, and unions produce caliban parents have names appropriate to their parent’s
children with a mix of parental traits, along with culture or nation. The rest have unfortunate
new deformities. Mixed unions (caliban and human) nicknames given by their peers or frightened
almost always produce a caliban. neighbours. These are often insulting and descriptive
of the caliban’s particular deformations.
Cast Out and Alone Some calibans choose a names for themselves.
Many calibans are killed by fearful parents shortly These new names are descriptive titles or simple,
after birth, often left in the wilds to die of exposure; guttural sounds.

keen but animalistic senses. You can see in dim light
within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and
in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
color in darkness, only shades of grey.
Outsider. You gain proficiency in the Intimidate
Merciless. When you score a critical hit with
a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the
weapon’s damage dice again and add it to the damage
of the critical hit.
Savage Nature. You are considered a half-orc for
purposes of feats, spells, magic items, and similar
Languages. You can speak, read, and write your
regional language and one extra language of your
Subrace. Calibans vary greatly from land to
land. As it’s the largest region, most calibans come
from the Core, but others hail from distant clusters
and look remarkably different. Each caliban is still
unique, but the types of deformities vary. Scholars
theorize it’s the presence of different magics or
forms of corruption that influences the caliban’s
As a caliban from the fore Core, you look twisted and
asymmetrical. You might possess a warped frame,
uneven features, gangly limbs, or a pronounced
Chosen Names: Beastly, Clod, Clubbit, Gruff, hunchback. After a lifetime of adversity, you have
Jab, Krall, Loner, Lurk, Nobody, Rog, Shrott Shuck, grown particularly hardy.
Trog. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
Caliban Traits increases by 1.
Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced
Your caliban has a number of traits as a result of to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop
their magical corruption. to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score until you finish a long rest.
increases by 2.
Age. Calibans theoretically have a lifespan Shadowlands
similar to humans but their hard lives force them to As a caliban from Nidala, you look diseased, as if
grow up quickly and often lead them to an early end. afflicted with leprosy or beset by tumours. You’re not
They reach maturity in their mid-teens and seldom actually ill and carry no particular contagion, simply
live longer than 75 years. resembling the infected. Ironically, after a lifetime
Alignment. Calibans have the same potential for amid the sick or in squalid conditions, you are more
good and evil as humans, but their treatment has resist to disease than other folk. More than in other
made them fearful of the other races and strangers, nations, Shadowlands caliban are blamed for their
pushing them towards neutrality. Many are wary of own appearance.
authority and lean towards chaos rather than law. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
Size. Calibans are somewhat larger and bulkier increases by 1.
than humans but are often slouched or hunched over Caliban Resilience. You have advantage on
so their full size is not apparent. You stand between saving throws against disease and being poisoned.
6 and 7 feet in height and weigh 150 to 250 pounds. Verdurous
Your size is medium.
As a caliban of either the Verdurous Lands cluster
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
or the island land of Rokushima Taiyoo, you have
Darkvision. The twisting magic has given you
animalistic features rather than deformations. You

might have a mixture of human and bestial traits or
even appear as a human/beast hybrid. Your bestial Dhampyr
nature gives you keen senses and a natural cunning, “But first, on earth as vampire sent,
but you can be just as intelligent and civil as any Thy corse shall from its tomb be rent:
other race. Then ghastly haunt thy native place,
Many Rajian caliban are slain at a young age And suck the blood of all thy race;”
under the mistaken belief that they're a rakshasa or - Lord Byron
lycanthrope. The Giaour
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
increases by 1. Born from death, dhampyrs are the offspring of
Improved Darkvision. Your darkvision increases the survivor of a vampire attack, someone almost
to 120 feet. turned to undeath but saved prior to death. Those
Keen Senses. You gain proficiency in the who survive their early years face a lifetime of fear
Perception skill. and mistrust: their pallor, unearthly reflexes, and
unnatural beauty mark dhampyrs as scions of the
Zherisian night as surely as their sensitivity to bright lights.
As a caliban of Paridon, you are albino-pale and lithe, Dhampyrs do not need to consume blood to survive,
and unnaturally skinny, with skin stretched tightly but have a powerful desire for blood that nothing else
over your protruding bones. Your joints are large can truly sate.
and knotty, increasing your skeletal appearance, but Not all dhampyrs are descendants of vampiric
giving you a superior range of motion. victims. The victim of a vicious vampire attack can
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score become a dhampyr, especially if they barely escape
increases by 1. undeath themselves. If a woman with child is
Double Jointed. When you start your turn assaulted or even turned by a vampire, the infant—
grappled, you can attempt to escape the grapple as a if it survives—can be born a dhampyr. A few rare
bonus action. dhampyrs are the progeny of the rare and unnatural
Slight Frame. You add your proficiency bonus to union of vampires and mortals, typically a vampire
Dexterity checks to squeeze through tight spaces or father and a mortal mother.
escape from restraints.
Touch of the Grave
Changelings Dhampyrs resemble their mortal parent with subtle
Deep in the Mists is Paridon, a city entirely circled by signs of their connection to death. Tall and slender,
the Mists. The race of natural shapeshifters known as dhampyrs fall within the range of humans, and are
changelings are particularly common in this isolated between 5 1/2 feet to over 6 feet tall and weigh 125
land. While the vast majority of changelings hail to 180 pounds. While they possess all the diversity
from this land, not all remain there, and some have of humanity, dhampyrs have paler skin and darker
invisibly spread to other lands allowing Changelings hair than others of the ethnicity. Most also have
to be found throughout the Core. pronounced canine teeth and piercing red eyes, along
Changelings born in the Land of the Mists with many secondary characteristics of vampirism:
appear human until they reach maturity, after which pointed ears, a single, connected eyebrow, bestial
they develop their ability to alter their forms. As a features, or hairy palms.
changeling uses this talent, the detailed features of For reasons unknown, the vast majority of
their natural form fade while their skin, hair, and dhampyrs are human. It’s speculated that other races
eyes pales to a dull grey-white. While they can mimic are just more resistant to vampirism than humanity.
any other humanoid features, they find themselves Non-human dhampyrs have the same traits as other
unable to reproduce their former appearance. Only dhampyrs but are the size of their base race, albeit
changelings who resist the urge to use their talents tall and thin.
are able to maintain their old life, but not all realize
this in time. All Alone in the Night
Languages: You can speak, read, and write your Dhampyrs are symbols of a nocturnal world most
regional language (which is typically Zherisian) and folk are happier pretending does not exist. They're
one extra language of your choice. not welcomed in most communities, and commonly
seen as monsters. There is also the fear dhampyrs
that will rise after their death, becoming true

It’s rare for dhampyrs to have happy childhoods. Their long lives also mean dhampyrs might take
To their parents dhampyrs are a continual reminder to the adventuring life out of boredom: having tried
of violence: the embodiment of a violent assault. their hand at many other mundane professions,
Many reject their child, or have trouble bonding with unusual occupations are appealing.
the unnatural infant. Other dhampyrs alienate their
family as youths, through aggression or antisocial Dhampyr Names
behaviour. Those few dhampyrs that are accepted by Dhampyrs are named by their parents based on their
loving families don’t escape tragedy, as they're cursed homeland and culture. Most dhampyrs change their
to outlive family and friends, living long enough to name over the years, as they assume new identities
watch siblings and even children grow old and die. to hide their age or to escape their past. They tend
Necrotic energies influence the emotions of to keep at least one of their names as a reminder of
dhampyrs, making them aggressive and predatory. their past; some retain their family name to remind
Dhampyrs instinctively categorizing people as pack themselves of their kin, while others keep their given
members, competition, or prey. They find happiness name.
fleeting and shallow, making them naturally
melancholy, and most are brooding and pragmatic. Dhampyr Traits
Your dhampyr character has several unnatural
Life Among Death powers derived from their undead lineage that are
There are no communities of dhampyrs: the common to all dhampyrs.
bloodline is rare enough that dhampyrs seldom meet Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
others or their kind. The necrotic energies that create increases by 2.
a dhampyr are also not hereditary, and their children Age. Dhampyrs mature at the same rate of
are not dhampyrs. Unions between two dhampyrs humans but their aging slows after puberty, and they
are rare enough to be almost unknown, but even can live to be over 400 years old. Most retain their
these unions produce humans, albeit tall and gaunt. youthful looks until their last decades, when they
Dhampyrs live their lives among humanity, rapidly age.
often pretending to be human, sometimes even to Alignment. Dhampyrs’ unnatural hunger pushes
themselves. Few dhampyrs remain in one place them to acts of violence, and their dark emotions put
for too long, as their lack of aging quickly draws them at odds with society. They lean towards chaos,
unwelcome attention. Some do pretend to age with but their partial humanity means dhampyr are not
makeup and hair dye, reinventing themselves as automatically evil. However, it’s more common for
relatives or descendants every few decades. However, them to succumb to temptation and become evil than
these disguises seldom work for long and the to resist and remain good.
dhampyr is eventually discoved. Size. Dhampyrs are the same height as human
As a result, most dhampyrs move from city but tend to be more thin and lithe than the average
to city, seldom tarring for longer than a few human. Your size is Medium.
years. Others abandon a stationary life and Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
live nomadically, joining merchant companies, Darkvision. Born into a twilight world, you are
mercenary bands, or other travellers. A few try and not inconvenienced by the night. You can see in dim
find a home amount longer lived races such as elves light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
or dwarves, but their unnatural natures make them and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
unwelcome. discern color in darkness, only shades of gray
Bloodthirsty. Feasting on the lifeblood of the
Seeking Redemption living increases gives you renewed vigour. During
Those dhampyrs that become adventurers often do a short rest you can drink the blood of a willing or
so out of necessity, simply as a means to survive in unconscious humanoid. This creature spend a Hit
the world or to prove that they're not monsters from Die but receives no benefit, but you regain hit points
birth. Like tieflings, many people believed dhampyrs equal to 1d8 + your Constitution modifier. Once you
to have innately evil souls, and are doomed to a foul use this trait, you can't use it again until after a long
afterlife. Some rejoice in this assured damnation, as rest.
it means their fate is sealed and they can act however Slow Metabolism. You can survive on half the
they wish, but others try to earn a place in Paradise normal amount of food and water.
through good deeds and continual self sacrifice. Vampiric Resistance. Your necrology gives you
A few become vampire hunters, either for simple resistance to necrotic damage.
revenge or striving to save others from their fate.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Fangs. Your pronounced fangs are a deadly
Common and one extra language of your choice. weapon. You are proficient with your bite, which is a
Subrace. The varieties of vampire bloodlines melee weapon that deals 1d4 piercing damage. This
result in three different types of dhampyrs. The stryg counts as an unarmed attack.
is most common, often being equated with dhampyrs Nosferatu Blood. You know the friends cantrip.
as a whole. The nosferatu and obiri dhampyrs are When you reach 5th level, you can cast the spider
related to the vampires of the same name; the climb spell once with this trait without requiring
former prefer to hide their existence, while the latter any material components, and regain the ability to
are harder to identify as dhampyrs and often go do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your
unnoticed. spellcasting ability for these spells.
Stryg Sunlight Sensitivity. When you, the target of
an attack, or an object you’re trying to perceive is
Descended from common vampires, the stryg are in direct sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack
often consider synonymous with perceptions of rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
dhampyrs. You have the unearthly beauty and charm rely on sight.
of your progenitor, along with their preternatural
strength. You have pale skin, sharp features, and Obiri
your eyes have a slightly crimson iris that catches Obiri vampires are feared by even experienced
the light like a cat’s. Your canine teeth are slightly vampire hunters. Known as daywalkers for their
elongated and pointed, but are not so large as to be ability to ignore the light of the sun, obiri possess a
easily noticed. While attractive, your charm is not wide range powers that vary between individuals.
entirely mundane, and creatures that catch your gaze Thankfully, the obiri bloodline is rare, and their
can become bewitched. dhampyr descendants are rarer still.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score You look more human than other dhampyrs,
increases by 1. lacking red eyes, pallor, fangs, and aversion to light
Improved Darkvision. Your darkvision increases of other vampire-kin. You have coarse hair and are
to 120 feet. stockier than other dhampyrs, but retain the agility
Stryg Blood. You know the friends cantrip. and piercing eyes.
When you reach 5th level, you can cast the misty step Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
spell once with this trait and regain the ability to increases by 1.
do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your Homeland Dependency. You are bound to your
spellcasting ability for these spells. homeland, and can’t sleep beyond its borders. If not
Sunlight Sensitivity. When you, the target of in your homeland, you must carry soil from your
an attack, or an object you’re trying to perceive is birthplace. Only a small amount of earth is needed,
in direct sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack enough to fill a locket or small pouch. Without the
rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that soil you must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving
rely on sight. throw to take a long rest.
Nosferatu Obiri Blood. You know the friends cantrip.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Also known as vrykolaka, nosferatu are a rare breed Addituonally, when you reach 5th level, you can
of vampire that possesses immortality but not eternal you your action to become invisible as if you can cast
youth, growing ever more withered and deformed the spell invisibility. This lasts until the end of your
over the centuries. Nosferatu occasionally become next turn. Once you use this trait to become invisible,
infected with diseases, and while their undeath you must finish a short or long rest before you can do
prevents them from succumbing to illness it doesn’t so again
cure the disease, leaving them perpetual carriers.
Kin to nosferatu vampires, you have the long
life of other dhampyrs but age normally. While you
Gargoyle, Dread
retain your vigour until late in life, you eventually “As when, O lady mine, With chiselled touch The
appear ancient and decrepit. You no longer look stone unhewn and cold Becomes a living mould, The
human, being unnaturally pale, bald, and with more the marble wastes, The more the statue grows.”
pronounced fangs. You may have sharp canines, but -Michelangelo
some nosferatu have elongated incisors instead. As much stone as flesh, dread gargoyles are a
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score rare and forgotten race that dwells unseen in the
increases by 1. remnants of humanity. They lurk in ruins and

graveyards, guarding the ancient grounds for
reasons unknown. The origins of dread gargoyles
is unknown. It’s rumoured that they're statues Designer’s Note: Angels in the Night
brought to life, or an evolution of the more common More than other races, the gargoyle is
gargoyles. Some believe that dread gargoyles were optional.
once mortals corrupted by elemental forces, who Unlike the other races in this document,
have since forgotten they were ever human. the gargoyle doesn’t come from established
RAVENLOFT lore, being a new addition for
Stone and Sinews this product. It exists to fill the mechanical
The outer skin of a dread gargoyle appears to be gap left by the absence of the dragonborn,
cracked stone, but beneath these rocky scales, a race wholly unsuited for RAVENLOFT.
gargoyles are flesh and blood creatures. Their heavy Rather than just removing dragonborn and
hide does little to slow down the powerful creatures. encouraging DMs to ban the race, it seemed
Most gargoyles look vaguely human, save their elfin preferable to give an alternative. Just like
ears, sharp teeth, and small row of horns across their the calibans are the replacement for half-
brow. Gargoyles have four fingers on each hand, orcs in a world without orcs, gargoyles fill
each topped with a sharp claw. Tall and muscular, the mechanical role of dragonborn but are
gargoyles stand close to 6 feet and weigh 300 pounds more thematically appropriate.
or more. Some DMs might feel comfortable
All gargoyles are tied to the elements, especially allowing an inhuman race of gargoyles into
earth which grants them great strength and the fantasy horror RAVENLOFT campaign,
resilience. Their rocky exterior ranges in colouration while other DMs might prefer to exclude
from a dull grey to a sandy brown, but some have a them from their human-centric gothic
marbled exterior with ribbons of colour decorating horror RAVENLOFT campaign. I leave the
their hides. Gargoyles are hairless, but grow small choice to them.
horns across their head. The pattern and shape of
these horns varies between gargoyles, possibly along issue, save mentioning that they believe the souls or
family lines. Common patterns of horns include their ancestors are reborn.
small brow ridges, short curving horns, or long A gargoyle seldom shows their sadness or rage
straight horns the run close to the scalp. and always keeps their emotions in check. This is not
Being resistant to nature, gargoyles feel little to say they're unfeeling creatures. With the fury of
need to wear clothing. Most dress in simple tunics or the elemental chaos hiding in their veins, gargoyles
loincloths, employing a belt as a place to store items. are innately passionate and prone to mood swings.
When forced to travel in human lands, they wear However, hatchlings are quickly taught patience and
long cloaks, often wrapping themselves in rags to self-control.
pose as a leper or other ill vagabond. Dread gargoyles live for centuries and can
reach 300 years before succumbing to decay and
Cool as Stone moss. They have the patience of eternity and are
Unsociable, dread gargoyles prefer to avoid never in any rush to act. Gargoyles consider their
interacting with others, seldom socializing even with options carefully before acting, and regularly reflect
their own kind. They enjoy silence, communicating on the past. Mistakes weigh heavily on a gargoyle,
with their actions over their words. A gargoyle never who will brood on their errors for decades to come.
says with a sentence what they can communicate
with a word and a gesture. To other races, gargoyles In Man’s Shadow
seem contemplative or introspective, or are Gargoyles are innate guardians, defensive of their
dismissed as slow or even unintelligent. lands and broach few intruders. While territorial,
Gargoyles may not socialize with their kin, but gargoyles seldom attack those who trespass in their
they seldom live alone. Gargoyles live and share lands, saving their ire for those that bring harm or
territory with an extended family, known as a flight. wish to plunder their territory. Territory is inherited,
The reproduction of dread gargoyles is unknown, passed from elder gargoyles to their kin, always
but flights shift in numbers over the years. Sages staying with their flight. Sages wonder if gargoyles
currently believe an elemental spirit is drawn to have been guarding ruins since the buildings were
gargoyle flights, using available minerals to fashion a new, or if the gargoyles claimed already abandoned
body, but other research insists gargoyles hatch from spaces.
rock-like eggs. Gargoyles themselves are silent on the

As creatures of the elemental earth, gargoyles are
not entirely at home in the mortal realms. Gargoyles
Gargoyle Traits
don’t build homes. They make no art, forge no tools, Your gargoyle character has a number of traits tied to
and sow no crops. They make their territory in their individual strengths.
forgotten spaces built by other peoples. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
As they seldom craft items, dread gargoyles are increases by 2.
scavengers. They find cast off or forgotten items and Age. Young gargoyles grow quickly. They
claim them as their own, repairing them to the best walk hours after hatching, attaining the size and
of their ability. Useful tools and weapons that are in development of a 10-year-old human by the age of 3,
decent condition are passed down the flight, being and reach adulthood by 15. Once they reach maturity,
heirlooms used by gargoyle after gargoyle. Dread gargoyles age at half the rate of humans, living a
gargoyles will go to great lengths to repair or reclaim couple centuries.
an heirloom despite it being much easier to acquire a Alignment. Gargoyles are territorial and
replacement. protective, tending towards lawful alignments. They
have no predilection towards good or evil.
Hidden Watchers Size. Gargoyles are as tall as humans but much
It’s rare for a gargoyle to leave its territory, as that heavier, standing 6 feet tall and averaging almost
would be leaving it undefended. The most common 300 pounds. Your size is medium.
reason for a gargoyle to leave, is to pursue intruders. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
If the flight believes intruders will return in larger Eldritch Nature. You are considered a
numbers, a gargoyle might be sent to scare them off dragonborn for purposes of feats, spells, magic items,
or otherwise ensure that they never return. Other and similar effects.
times an interloper will cause lasting damage to a Stoney Scales. Your durable hide protects you
gargoyle’s territory and retribution is necessary, or from harm. You have resistance to a damage type of
some valuable item is taken from the flight’s land and your choice: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison.
must be recovered. Languages. You can speak, read, and write your
Gargoyles might leave to seek supplies necessary regional language and one extra language of your
for the survival of their flight, such as food during choice.
lean years or medicine for illnesses. Others leave for Subrace. There are three types of dread
less altruistic reasons, such as revenge or curiosity; gargoyle, whose connection to the elements manifest
young, rebellious gargoyles have been known to in different ways. Flame-gazers can focus their
become unsatisfied with guarding their land and elemental power into a blast of energy, sky-watchers
seek new experiences. Other times a larger danger have wings large enough to carry them aloft, and
might arise that threatens the flight’s territory, and a stone-lurkers can hold still enough to be mistaken for
gargoyle must involve itself with the outside world to an unmoving statue.
protect its flight. Flame-gazer
Those gargoyles that do leave avoid drawing As a flame-gazer gargoyle, the power of the
attention to themselves, moving at night or avoiding elementals flows through your blood. It burns inside
populated areas. They might move across rooftops to you, urging to be unleashed. You are more passionate
avoid the streets or make a detour of several miles to than other gargoyles, quickly responding to threats
avoid a populated settlement. and intruders in your territory. Flame-gazers are
less subtle than other gargoyles, preferring dramatic
Gargoyle Names actions or fear rather than manipulation.
As dread gargoyles seldom interact with other races Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
beyond their small flight, names are unnecessary. increases by 1.
Gargoyles identify each other based on physical Breath Weapon. You can use your action to
features: the colour of their scales, the shape or their exhale destructive energy. Your breath weapon uses
horns, or a noteworthy personality trait. Gargoyles the same damage type as your stony scales ability.
that spend enough time with other races are often When you use your breath weapon, each creature
given a nickname, but these vary greatly. in the area of the exhalation must make a saving
Flight Names: The One With Goat Horns, The throw, determined by the damage type. The DC
One With Ochre Scales, The One With Keen Eyes, for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution
The One With Mist White Eyes, The One Who Flies modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes
Too High, The Scarred One, The One Who Climbs 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much

damage on a successful one. The damage increases Lurking. You can remaining motionless for
to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th prolonged period, assuming the appearance of lifeless
level. stone. While unobserved, as an action you can freeze
After you use your breath weapon, you can’t use it in place and can make a Dexterity (Stealth) check to
again until you complete a short rest or a long rest. hide, even if not obscured or otherwise unseen. While
Breath Weapon you may be seen, creatures whose passive Wisdom
(Perception) is below your check will assume you are
Damage Type Breath Weapon
an immobile statue (however, intelligent creatures
Acid 5 × 30ft. line (Dex. save) familiar with an area might question the sudden
Cold 15 ft. cone (Con. save) appearance of a six-foot statue). You can remain
Fire 15 ft.cone (Dex. save) hidden as long as you wish, so long as you don’t move
Lightning 5 × 30 ft. line (Dex. save) or take any action.
Poison 15 ft.cone (Con. save)
Known as genasi on other worlds, in the Mists these
Sky-watcher individuals are known as “the Bound”, for they have
You possess small bat-like wings that allow you been bonded to the land itself. The Bound are rare
to catch the air, falling without fear of injury. As human who possess elemental traits and innate
you gain strength, you can catch air currents to magic powers that are tied to the elemental planes of
travel short distances or even fly for a short period. earth, water, wind, and flame.
Sky-watchers prefer nesting up high, and find Genasi are born of humans but conceived in
perches with a view, living atop towers or spires. areas with strong elemental energies or where the
Sky-watchers tend to be passive even for gargoyles, boundaries between worlds is weak. They can also
watching the world from above and only acting if be created through rituals that bind the individual
absolutely necessary. to the magic of the land, which are occasionally used
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score to save the lives of sickly and infirm infants. Many
increases by 1. genasi believe themselves to be human until their
Wings. You possess wings that grow stronger elemental traits manifest during periods of anxiety
over time. When you fall from a height that would or jeopardy. Some never find out their true natures,
cause falling damage, as a reaction you can slow your believing themselves to be human for all their lives,
descent. You fall at a rate of 30 feet per round for 1 and unknowingly pass their bond to their offspring.
minute or until you land. When you reach 3rd level, The Bound appearly outwardly human, with only
you can glide. You can use a bonus action to gain a small differences marking them as genasi. Their hair
fly speed equal to your walking speed for 10 minutes, and eyes are often strangely coloured, while their
but half your movement must be downward, either skin has a faintly hue related to their element. Many
diagonally or straight down. have a curious odor, such as the faint scent of mossy
Starting at 5th level, your wings are strong soil or burning wood. Their true nature becomes
enough to fly short distances. You can use a bonus apparent when they use their elemental powers, as
action on your turn to gain a fly speed equal to your they manifest magical signs such as glowing eyes or
walking speed for 10 minutes. a visible aura, while some find their skin covered in
After you use your wings to glide or fly, you can’t glowing lines or runes.
use them again until you complete a short rest or a
long rest. Subraces
Stone-lurker The four subtypes of genasi are each related to one of
Despite your rocky appearance, you move with the four elements. However, their bond to the distant
surprising grace. Stone-lurker gargoyles are subtle elemental plane is filtered through the Mists, which
and secretive, preferring to be unseen and striking imparts some of its own essence into the genasi,
at intruders through presumed accidents or natural giving them a macabre aspect.
events, manipulating people into avoiding their Blood Bound
territory. They're the most quiet of gargoyles, being The water genasi of the Land of Mists are proud and
even more patient and calm, never being hasty or passionate, but can be selfish to the point of being
letting themselves be rushed. heartless. While seldom actively malicious, they're
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score prone to acts of careless cruelty, callousness, and
increases by 1. insensitivity. They primarily care about themselves

and their interests, which they can fixate on to the or olive skin, and almost universally have dark hair
point of obsession. and eyes. Vistani hair is straight and thin but a few
Grave Bound giomorgo have wavier hair.
Some half-Vistani attempt to appear as giorgio,
In the Mists, earth genasi are known for having the dressing in the local fashions and rejecting Vistani
patience of the grave. They avoid rash actions but garb. Others proudly clad themselves in the bright
tend to have a fatalistic attitude that borders on Vistani colours, wearing baggy trousers, loose shirts,
morbid. Many are solemn and serious, while those and colourful vests they accessorize with long scarfs
who do possess a sense of wit favour gallows humour. around the head or waist. While dressed as such, they
Mist Bound can pass as a Vistani to non-Vistani, but any true
Cool and distant, air genasi touched by the Mists are Vistani will recognise them as giomorgo on sight.
dispassionate yet fickle. They make few allegiances
and fewer friendships, continually shifting in their
Between Two Worlds
interests as little holds their attention for long. Giomorgo are passionate and pessimistic by nature,
haunted by unhappy childhoods. The cultural divide
Pyre Bound runs deep, so few giomorgo ever grow up knowing
Genasi bound to the pyre flame possess keen both parents. It’s rare for the Vistani to raise a
intellects, but their impatience makes them quick to giomorgo; most often the Vistana parent moves
reach conclusions and quicker to act. They favour on in the night, abandoning the child to a giorgio
simple, reductive solutions and have little patience family. Often the child is given to the other parent,
for long-term plans or elaborate schemes. but sometimes the infant is just left on a convenient
doorstop or in front of a church.
Giomorgo Giomorgo children may be cared for but never
“28 May.--There is a chance of escape, or at any rate truly accepted. Most non-Vistani families fear
of being able to send word home. A band of Szgany the child will develop the talents of the Vistani.
have come to the castle, and are encamped in the Meanwhile a giomorgo is not truly “of the blood” and
courtyard. These are gipsies. I have notes of them in is unable to share the Vistani experience.
my book. They are peculiar to this part of the world, The mixed heritage of the Vistani has its cost:
though allied to the ordinary gipsies all the world Giomorgo are prone to madness and most suffer
over. There are thousands of them in Hungary and
Transylvania, who are almost outside all law. They
attach themselves as a rule to some great noble or
boyar, and call themselves by his name. They are
fearless and without religion, save superstition, and
they talk only their own varieties of the Romany
-Bram Stoker, Dracula
Giomorgo are the offspring of a nomadic Vistani
gypsy and a giorgio (non-Vistani human). An offshoot
of humanity, the Vistani are a separate people by
both choice and nature. They're feared throughout
the Mists for their magical powers, especially the Evil
Eye. Half-Vistani possess some of the magical powers
inherent to their heritage but their magic is weak as
their magical blood is diluted.
Not Of The Blood
Lean and quick-witted, few trust the sly giomorgo. A
magical ethnicity, Vistani are less diverse and varied,
being slightly taller and thinner than an average
human. They range between five-and-a-half feet to a
little over six feet tall and weigh 120 to 200 pounds.
Half-Vistani favour their Vistani parent and
have angular, aquiline features. They possess dusky

from a unique form of lunacy. During nights of the Stereotypes and Vistani
full moon, half-Vistani become irritable during the Because of its roots in Gothic literature,
day and feel the irresistible urge to run free under Ravenloft campaign setting makes use of
the night sky. This restlessness and anxiety is known numerous tropes that can be considered
as lunatio (or moon madness) by the Vistani. stereotypes, including those related to gender,
age, and physical appearance. While Dungeon
Home on the Road Masters can chose to employ, subvert,
Vistani are nomadic, never staying in the same place or ignore these tropes, one of the more
for long. They travel the world in painted vardo: a problematic portrayals is the Vistani.
horse-drawn wagon. While giomorgo don’t suffer The Vistani are based on portrayals of
the same irresistible need to travel, they still feel an gypsies in novels such as Dracula and films
innate wanderlust. such as Universal Pictures’ The Wolf Man.
Many half-Vistani find work that allows them However, as these are based on sometimes
to travel, such as in merchant caravans, mercenary offensive portrayals of the real world Romani
companies, traders, messengers, or even travelling people, many Dungeon Masters or players
carnivals. Some have a home that they return to might feel uncomfortable making use of the
when not travelling, while others simply live on the Vistani as presented in earlier editions. They
road. might feel the Vistani are unintentionally
Those giomorgo that don’t take to the road live derogatory or an example of cultural
among humans. There are no communities of half- appropriation.
Vistani. Some try to blend into humanity living This product strives to present Ravenloft
within human cities and settlements. Others live on as it was in 2nd and 3rd Edition. However,
the edges of civilization, making a living farming or your campaigns are your own and can make
ranching where they're not continually reminded as much or little use of the Vistani as you
they're an outsider. chose.
It’s possible to ignore the Vistani and
Seeking Meaning simply not use them in your campaign. While
Giomorgos often take to adventuring out of a desire some lands make heavy use of the Vistani—
to find a purpose in life or forge a legacy, frequently Invidia and Barovia for example—there are
after being denied a place in their family trade other lands where the Vistani play a lesser
or lineage. Many giomorgo become adventurers role—such as Sourange, Lamordia, Hazlan,
after falling in with other outsiders and outcasts, and Valachan.
accidentally become adventurers while seeking Alternatively, a DM can portray the
happiness in new lands or foreign nations. Vistani less as a magical ethnicity and more
of an adopted culture. Individuals might just
Giomorgo Names experience a calling and become a Vistani,
Giomorgo typically only have a given name. Those giving the people a much more varied and
raised by giorgio are often given local names, and diverse appearance. 4th Edition Dungeons
some are allowed to keep their giorgio’s family name. & Dragons presented the Vistani as a faction
Others are denied the family name and identified by that could be joined, and included both
their homeland or community. Giomorgo raised or humans and halflings as Vistani.
named by Vistani are given traditional names and Shifting the cultural inspiration for the
lack a family name, instead being identified by their Vistani might be enough for some DMs. For
lineage. example, Vistani could be presented with
Male Names: Bela, Grigori, Iosif, Karol, Ludovic, more Celtic appearance, with vibrant red hair,
Nicu, Pyotr, Simione, Stefan, Vasile. pale skin, and use of body paint.
Female Names: Ana, Eliza, Isabella, Lena,
Natasha, Papusza, Rozalina, Sofya, Ursula, Yvonne.
Age. Giomorgo reach adulthood in their late
Giomorgo Traits teens and live less than a century.
Vistani blood gives your giomorgo character a Alignment. Giomorgo no more inherently good
number of traits. or evil than any other humans. However, most spend
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score their lives alienated from society and grow to distrust
increases by 2. authority. As a result, giomorgo favour chaos over

Size. Giomorgo vary widely in height and build, animals for show, with their dogs and horses raised
from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless to perform tricks and stunts.
of your position in that range, your size is Medium. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. increases by 1.
Evil Eye. You know the guidance cantrip. When Sly Wit. You have proficiency in the Deception
you reach 3rd level, you can cast the hex spell skill.
once with this trait, without needing a material Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with
component, and regain the ability to do so when you the tools of your choice: forgery kits, a musical
finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can instrument, or thieves’ tools.
also cast the bestow curse spell once with this trait
and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long
rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these Less common than the pairing of a Vistani and a
spells. human giorgio is one between a Vistani and an elf.
Moon Madness. During the three days the full Known as giamarga, most of these are normal half-
moon, while you are indoors or underground, you elves, but some take after their Vistani parents and
have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks have the abilities of a giomorgo.
and Intelligence (Investigation) checks. Additionally, Unsurprisingly, giamarga are most common in
in order to take a short or long rest you must first lands where there are elves, such as northeastern
succeed on a DC 8 Wisdom saving throw. Darkon and the misted woods around Sithicus. A
Nature Affinity. Whenever you make a Wisdom curious number are also found in Tepest, Barovia,
(Survival) check related to navigation, identifying and other lands bordering the Shadow Rift.
plants and animals, or starting a fire, you are Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
considered proficient in the Survival skill and add increases by 1.
double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving
of your normal proficiency bonus. throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put
Languages. You can speak, read, and write two you to sleep.
regional languages of your choice. If raised by the Kaldresh
Vistani you also speak Patterna, but if raised by Vistani of the Kaldresh tasque are practical,
humans you gain one extra language of your choice. concerned with trade and crafts rather than
Subrace. Vistani are divided into three tasques, mysticism or entertainment. Kaldreshites have an
or alliances of several different tribes, which are unusual talent for finding conflict. Whenever blood
essentially extended families. The natural talents and is about to be spilled in battle, it seems the Kaldresh
inclinations of a giomorgo depend on the tasque of have arrived and are ready to sell weapons and
their Vistani parent. The children of two half-Vistani supplies.
have the tribe of only one parent. The children of The three Kaldresh tribes are the Equaar, the
half-Vistani are never true Vistani: the introduction Kamii, and the Vatraska. The Equaar are animal
of human blood irreversibly weakens the magic of breeders and trainers, and their caravans are
their bloodline. surrounded by small herds of animals. The Kamii are
Boem known for their metalworking, which has been said
The hallmark of Boemians is ostentation. They to rival the craft of dwarves. The Vatraska are healers
specialize in entertainment and similar services. and herbalists, but are known for their potions as
While travelling, Boem caravans are filled with much as their poultices.
music, and members of the tasque sing as they go Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
about their daily business. As proud as they are increases by 1.
passionate, the Boem privately lament having to play Desensitized. You have advantage on saving
the fool for superstitious townsfolk. When the Boem throws against being frightened.
are camped, and there are no outsiders present, the Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with
Vistani are more tense and brooding, and prone to herbalism kits, land vehicles, or the artisan’s tools
telling tales of tragedy and singing songs of horror. of your choice: brewer’s supplies, carpenter’s tools,
The two Boem tribes are the Corvara and the jeweler’s tools, smith’s tools, or woodcarver’s tools.
Naiat. The Corvara are gifted con artists but have Manusa
little natural showmanship, and instead offer Aloof and exotic, the Manusa are the smallest of the
unsavoury diversions such as gambling, narcotics, tasques. Manusa can’t be found unless they wish to
and cockfighting. The Naiat are skilled at training be, and are said to be affected by time differently

than other races. When encountered, the Manusa not because of an innate magical talent but an ability
are taciturn and reticent and their answers to to manipulate reality through belief or disbelief.
questions—if any—are short and cryptic. The Manusa Rock Gnome
practice no craft and have few interactions with
giorgio, but seem able to provide for themselves. Belonging to the more physical guilds of physics,
When they seek out the giorgio it’s because they want mathematics, and chemistry, rock gnomes are also
a service, not to provide one. known as “tinkerers” for their obsessive need to
The two Manusa tribes are the Canjar and the create and continually fiddle with their hands.
Zarovan. The Canjar are naturally magical and many Svirfneblin
have skill in creating magical items, although these Belonging to the guilds of geology or metallurgy,
are never for sale. The Zarovan are feared even by svirfneblin find as much joy from physical labour
other Vistani, and have strange powers over the as they do from science. Svirfneblin are most at
Mists. home deep underground, the lowest depths of their
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score mines. Other gnomes lovingly tease svirfneblin that
increases by 1. they're more like dwarves, but he deep gnomes are
Bend Time. You can take a bonus action or always quick to respond to mocking by pointing out
reaction while incapacitated. Once you use this the tinkering and engineering of the rest of gnome
feature, you can’t use it again until you complete a society wouldn’t be possible without the ore they
long rest. provide.
Gnomes Half-Elves (Fey-Touched)
Analytical and inventive by nature, gnomes possess The fey-touched are neither human nor elf: they
an insatiable curiosity and hunger for knowledge, have the perpetual youth of the immortal fey but
believing all problems must be solved and all grow old and die as humans. They're still cursed with
mysteries answered. All gnomes appear wizened and long lives and doomed to watch loved ones age and
old, developing their first wrinkles in their youth die. The vast majority of half-elves are the result of
while their hair quickly greys or balds. unions with Darkonian elves, as Sithicans seldom
Gnomes enjoy tinkering, inventing, and deem to have even non-romantic relations with
experimentation. While partial to clockworks, some humans.
gnomes prefer alchemy, animal husbandry, botany, Half-elves have no communities of their own,
mathematics, and even philosophy. Gnomes make making their homes in the lands of one of their
no art and engage in as little farming and crafting as parents. Most half-elves are raised by humans;
possible to leave time to perform their experiments. some men awake one morning to a bassinet on their
To humans, gnomes seem mad, with obsessive doorstep a year after being ensorcelled or Mist-led.
tendencies and strange compulsions. Gnomes Human communities often fear the inhuman fey-
have little empathy, often bordering of sociopathy, touched, but seldom act against half-elf children out
Gnomes have a well-earned reputation for macabre of fear of drawing the vengeance of the fey.
humour. Not deliberately cruel, gnomes simply lack Languages. You begin play speaking Elven and a
social graces. Gnomish practical jokes are elaborate— regional language of your choice.
often overly so—and designed to encourage the
victim to view things in a different light.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write
Kalashtar (Dream-Touched)
Gnomish and one extra language of your choice. With minds beyond human and souls unnatural,
the dream-touched walk in two worlds at once. The
Subraces kalashtar are humans whose souls have been touched
by being from the Dreamlands: the world of sleepers
Differences in gnomes are cultural rather than ethnic
and nightmares, or moon-beasts and gugs. The
and relate to the gnome’s obsession and choice of
dream-touched seem detached and removed from
the world, as if only half-aware of what is happening
Forest Gnome around them. Many lack common emotions or seem
It’s rare for a gnome to belong to one of the guilds unfamiliar with mundane objects and events. Despite
that focuses on biology, herbalism, philosophy or their naivety, they possess an innate wisdom and
theology. Forest gnomes are strange even to other sense of spirituality.
gnomes, being prone to weird philosophies and Most dream-touched are humans who discovered
beliefs. They can often perform minor feats of magic something in the Dream Realm that opened a mental

door that can never be closed. Others have bonded who unknowingly passed their infection to their
on a spiritual level with something from that other descendants.
reality. A few even had their waking bodies taken Shifters typically look human, albeit with
over by a creature of dreams, such as sentient dream thicker hair and slightly pointed ears. Many have
or other native of the Dreamlands. signs of their bestial nature, such as a single bushy
In addition, the Abber Nomads of the Nightmare eyebrow, hairy palms, pronounced canines, or the
Lands are kalashtar. Their homeland is a strange vertical pupils of a feline. During times of stress or
nation occasionally found in the Eastern Sea, which excitement, the shifter can tap into beast hidden
lies halfway between the walking world and the within. This accentuates their animalistic features,
Dreamlands. The Abber have a unique outlook on such as their teeth and nails elongating, their face
life, and don’t believe in anything they can’t see, and becoming snout-like, or their ears growing wide.
have limited object permanence. Some travellers who
have journeyed to the Nightmare Lands have also Subraces
returned as dream-touched. Variance in shifters generally depends on the
type of lycanthrope that cursed them. However,
Kenku (Ravenkin) lycanthropes vary greatly in appearance and traits,
A little over two-hundred years ago, the ravenkin and the curse manifests differently for each shifter.
entered the Land of the Mists. Resembling large Beasthide
ravens with a five-foot wingspan, these intelligent The hardy beasthide shifters were generally infected
and reclusive avians possessed limited magic by wereboars or werebears. Somewhat uncommon,
with which to defend themselves or combat the these shifters don’t hail from any particular land
darkness surrounding them. The ravenkin found or region. The swampy land of Souragne has been
alternative methods of fighting the myriad evil in known to produce a few reptilian beasthide shifters,
the Mists, closely observe their new home, weirding perhaps infected by a werecrocodile.
information as a weapon. They have developed a
reputation as information brokers and spies. Longtooth
As long lived race, ravenkin never bred quickly The most common variety of shifter by a wide
under ideal circumstance, with each only producing margin, longtooths are typically cursed by
a few small clutches of eggs during their lifetime. werewolves. They're common in wolf-filled woods of
This Mists also seems to have a degenerative effect the southwestern Core, such as Kartakass, Verbrek,
on their eggs, and most prove to be unviable. Over and Invidia. The distant land of frigid Vorostokov
the decades, the ravenkin have slowly dwindled in also produces longtooth shifters.
Recently, a new mutation emerged among the
ravenkin. Larger ravenkin were born who lacked Only slightly less common than the longtooth shifters
wings but instead possessed hands. Curiously, these is the swifstride variety. Often feline in nature,
new ravenkin are also unable to speak, only mimic swiftstride shifters are commonly Vaasi, hailing
the speech of others. It’s uncertain if these variants from Valachan to the west or Nova Vaasa to the east.
are a further corruption of the ravenkin, or an A number also come from Sri Raji in the Verduous
adaptation to survive in the Land of the Mists. Lands, likely survivors of weretigers. In sharp
Ravenkin are still most common in the central contrast, the swiftstride shifters of Richemulot have
Core, particularly the lands of Falkovnia, Tepest, rodentish features.
Borca, and Barovia. Wildhunt
Like their longtooth kin, wildhunt shifters result
Shifters from werewolf attacks. These shifters are almost
Not a people but a collection of disparate individuals, universally found in Verbrek. Wildhunt shifters feel a
shifters are humans partially afflicted with the curse natural affinity for the cult of the Wolf God.
of lycanthropy. Known by such names as lychan-
kin, skinwalkers or rougarou, these are typically Tieflings
the victims of werewolf attacks who only partially Many tieflings have fiendish blood in their veins,
succumbed to their curse. They might have been the result of couplings or assaults from summoned
quickly treated for their injuries or consumed outsiders, but other are the result of infernal pacts,
a herbal cure that removed most traces of the exposure to hellish energies, or some form of
beast. A few shifters are the children of survivors, corruption.

Tieflings typically look human save a deformity
or two that betrays their heritage. Common fiendish
traits include small horns, cloven feet, clawed hands,
patches of scales, or crimson eyes. Many are able to
pass as human, either in dim light, or under clothing
such as a heavy cloak or broad hat. All tieflings live in
fear of being discovered and branded a witch, killed
as a devil worshipper, or merely ostracized as a freak
of nature.
Those with fiendish blooded are often considered
innately evil by common folk; this is not entirely
untrue as some tieflings feel compelled to commit
evil acts. Most just have a strong predilection to law
or chaos dependant on their heritage. Tieflings with
devilish blood are often unable to lie or break an
oath, while those with demon blood compulsively lie
or chafe under any rules or instructions.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write your
regional language and one extra language of your

The race known as the “warforged” are neither a
people or culture but a collection of anomalies, a
broad classification for otherwise unique creations.
Warforged are constructs, akin to other “created” (or
golems), who have been given the spark of life and
some aspect of a soul. This is typically the result of
a lucky accident, a confluence of factors both known
and unknown.
Warforged are distinguished from other golems
through their free will and intelligence, are are not
bound to the will of their creator. There is some
debate regarding the origin of warforged souls, and if
they're artificial souls created by some extraordinary
process or if they were are the souls of previously
Height and Weight
living individuals. A few warforged do claim to have You can choose to randomly determine your
been human before their spirits (or brains) were character’s height and weight on the Random Height
moved into a metal frame and at least one claims to and Weight table.
have died and been reincarnated into their present Random Height and Weight
form. Base Base Height Weight
Unlike the warforged of other distant lands, Race Height Weight Modifier Modifier
those in the Land of the Mists vary greatly in both Caliban 4’10” 140 lb. +2d10 x (2d4)
appearance and their material of construction.
Dhampyr 4’8” 90 lb. +2d10 x (1d4)
Some are beings of metal and wood, while others
are suits of plate armour imbued with a lifeforce. Gargoyle 5’4” 170 lb. +2d10 x (2d6)
Alternative warforged are assembled from corpses Giomorgo 4’8” 110 lb. +2d10 x (2d4)
rather than metal; like flesh golems, the bodies of
these warforged are unnaturally resistant to injury. A
few rare warforged were even living humans whose
bodies were augmented with either metal parts or
those from dead bodies, replacing crippled or injured

Chapter III: Classes
F Artificer
illed with righteous fury, the anchorite of Ezra
protects her flock from the legions of the night,
though it may cost her life. A Kartakan skald “This? Just a bauble I made last night during a fit
sings with the passion of a lone wolf. Quick of idle boredom. It’s capable of killing a man at ten
rapier strikes like flashes of lightning denote the skill paces.”
of a Dementlieuse fencing master.
Equal parts tinkerer and enchanter, artificers pair
The Land of the Mists is filled with individuals of
spring-powered clockworks with arcane magic
skill and cunning. More than others, adventures feel
to produce wonders. Artificers include reclusive
the weight of living in a land consumed by darkness,
scholars and inventors—including the archetypal
even if the source and nature of this burden is
mad scientist—but also the hedge witch skilled at
unknown. Magic is rare in the Mists, but adventurers
brewing potions and the dwarven blacksmith that
are among the few who possess the skill and talent to
puts a little of themselves into their constructions.
use magic.
Some artificers are magical savants who unknowingly
This chapter also includes a number of new
imbue their creations with magic. Others are
subclass options, which are listed in the table below.
formally trained arcanists who approach both
engineering and magic with a scholarly focus.
Class Subclass Level Available Description
Barbarian Faerie Hunter 3rd Supplementing their rage with the magic of the Feywild
Bard College of Theatric 3rd Employs music and song to fascinate and enrapture
Bard College of Threnody 3rd Performs dirges for the recently departed
Druid Circle of Blight 2nd A fallen druid that rebels against the natural order
Monk Way of Improvised Strikes 3rd Turns mundane items into deadly weapons
Ranger Alley Stalker 3rd An urban ranger that prowls the streets and rooftops
Rogue Divine Assassin 3rd Killing in the name of their god
Rogue Investigator 3rd Uses their mind and senses to combat their foes
Sorcerer Fey Bloodline 1st Has the beguiling nature of fey ancestors
Warlock The Mists 1st Draws power from the unnatural Mists of Ravenloft

Lamordia produces the most artificers by a Mutagenist Spells
wide margin; while this rational land has little Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells
use for magic, its people are accustomed to prepared after you reach particular levels in this
engineering marvels that can’t easily be replicated. class, as shown in the Mutagenist Spells table. These
Many Lamoridan artificers argue magic is just the spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t
manipulation of natural energies, and no different count against the number of artificer spells you
from electricity or fire. Others are ignorant of their prepare.
use of magic and rationalize their accomplishments
through psuedoscientific justifications. There are a Mutagenist Spells
number of renowned state-sponsored artificers in Artificer Level Spell
Darkon and Hazlan, with the latter being employed 3rd bless, detect poison and disease
in that nation’s production and export of magical 5th calm emotions, enhance ability
goods. Some of the most accomplished artificers are
9th feign death, gaseous form
the gnomes of eastern Darkon, who are fascinated
with both mechanical devices and arcane curiosities. 13th death ward, polymorph
Few artificers emerge from the University of 17th contagion, modify memory
Dementlieu’s Department of Arcane Sciences, as
that school focuses on academic approaches to Mutagenic Mixture
science, and is somewhat dismissive of artisans who Starting at 3rd level, you can brew a potent mixture
work with their hands. Dementlieuse artificers are that augments your physical attributes, increasing
typically failed graduates who learned enough magic your musculature and hardiness. You can consume
enchant items but not enough to work without aids. the elixirs as an action and gain the following abilities
for the next 10 minutes:
Mutagenist ◊ You have advantage on Strength checks and
The foul and unpalatable concoctions of mutagenists Strength saving throws.
alter the forms of living beings, twisting and ◊ Your melee weapon attacks deal extra damage
reshaping their bodies. Artificers of the speciality equal to you proficiency modifier.
have many similarities with alchemists, as both focus ◊ Your current and maximum hit points increase
on brewing and distilling exotic substances. Where by twice your artificer level.
alchemists learn to heal injuries and restoring the ◊ Your carrying capacity is doubled.
body, mutagenists instead focus on augmenting You can use this ability twice between rests,
their frames and increasing their physical potency. regaining your expended uses after a long rest. At 9th
Their constant self-experimentation and exposure level, this increases to three times between rests.
to harmful chemicals leaves most mutagenists
somewhat twisted, either physically or mentally, as Repressed Personality
the toxic substances eat away at their sanity and self Also at 3rd level, an unconscious aspect of your
control. personality becomes more independent, developing
its own identity and desires. While this personality
Mutagenist Features
shares most of your Personality Trait, its has its
Artificer Level Feature own Ideal and Flaw. Choose two skills that this
3rd Tool Proficiency, Mutagenist Spells, Mutagenic personality knows that you don’t.
Mixture, Repressed Personality As a bonus action, you partially manifest a
5th Extra Attack portion of this personality for 1 minute, adopting
9th Adaptive Mixture its Personality Traits and mannerisms. While this
15th Heighten Mutagen, Psychic Buffer personality is active, you gain proficiency in its skills
and have advantage on saving throws against being
charmed or frightened.
Tool Proficiency Once you use this feature, you must complete a
When you adopt this specialty at 3rd level, you gain short or long rest before using it again.
proficiency with alchemist’s supplies. If you already
have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one Extra Attack
other type of artisan’s tools of your choice. At at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your tum.

Adaptive Mixture Faerie Hunter
Starting at 9th level, you can reshape your body Mixing spellcraft with weaponry, the barbarians
through a specialized formula. You can cast alter known as faerie hunters are educated in sorcery by
self without expending a spell slot, provided you use fey beings such as unicorns or dryads. Arcane magic
alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus. You comes easily to these warriors, even when gripped
can use this ability a number of times equal to your with wild fury. Faerie hunters are often guardians
Constitution modifier. of enchanted woodlands, or act as a bridge between
You regain all expended uses of this ability when mortal lands and magical realms.
you finish a long or short rest. A faerie hunter lacks the uncouth savagery
Heightened Mutagen of most barbarians, but instead possess an alien
When you reach 15th level, your mutagen increase in mindset. They're not beings of mindless fury but
potency. While under the effects of your mutagenic instead burning passion, their emotions unrestrained
mixture, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, by mortal morality. Faerie hunters can be fickle and
piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical unpredictable, possessing the innate chaotic nature
sources. of the fey.
Commonly found in the enchanted woods of
Psychic Buffer Sithicus, the high elves of that forest embrace the
Also at 15th level, your partially submerged alter alien mindset of the barbarian or ensorcell mortals
ego shields you against mental attack. You gain to fight on their behalf. Karatakans also sometimes
proficiency in Charisma saving throws and gave follow this path, mixing martial skill with passion
resistance to psychic damage. and lyrical magic.

Barbarian Faerie Hunter Features

“Cities do not interest me. With their dirty rivers, foul Level Feature
air, and crowded streets. Give me the wilds any day.”
3rd Spellcasting, Focused Mind, Warding Defence
Hailing for uncivilized regions, barbarians are rare 6th Elemental Fury
in much of the Core, being more common in rural 10th Single-Minded
backwater and forgotten corners of the land. Most
14th Sorcerous Might
are not born to the wilds but are independent spirits
who reject society for a life among nature, or those
whose boundless rage alienates them and drives Spellcasting
them away from civilization. When you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial
Barbarians that focus on pure berserk rage prowess with the ability to cast spells. See chapter
are often cursed with uncontrollable anger. Some 10 of the Player’s Handbook for the general rules of
barbarians are possessed by a spirit of fury, and the spellcasting and chapter 11 for the sorcerer’s spell
Vistani have been known smite cruel or thoughtless list.
individuals with an accursed rage, a punishment Cantrips. You learn three cantrips of your choice
occasionally being passed down bloodlines. from the sorcerer spell list. You learn an additional
Berserkers are occasionally the survivor of tragedy, sorcerer cantrip of your choice at 10th level.
their rage equal parts grief and remorse. There are Spell Slots. The Faerie Hunter Spellcasting table
a number of barbarians that draw strength from shows how many spell slots you have to cast your
totem animals. Human barbarians in Verbrek spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these
and Kartakass frequently emulate wolves, while spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or
barbarians of Valachan call on panthers. Dwarven higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you
barbarians clad themselves in the skin of bears in the finish a long rest.
hope of channelling animalistic fury. Spells Known. You know two 1st level sorcerer
spells of your choice, which must be from the
abjuration and transmutation schools. The Spells
Known column of the Faerie Hunter Spellcasting
table shows when you learn more sorcerer spells.
Typically, these spells must be abjuration or
transmutation spells of a level for which you have

Faerie Hunter Spellcasting Warding Defence
Barbarian Cantrips Spells -Spell Slots per Spell Level- Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to magically
Level Known Known
1st 2nd 3rd 4th ward yourself from harm. You can use Charisma
modifier in place of either your Constitution or
3rd 3 2 2 — — —
Dexterity modifier for Unarmoured Defence.
4th 3 3 3 — — —
5th 3 4 3 — — —
Elemental Fury
6th 3 3 3 — — —
Beginning at 6th level, your rage become magically
enhanced. When you gain this feature, choose one of
7th 3 4 4 — — —
the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning,
8th 3 5 4 2 — — or thunder. When you deal bonus damage from your
9th 3 5 4 2 — — Rage or Brutal Critical features can you can choose
10th 4 6 4 3 — — the bonus damage to be your chosen type.
11th 4 7 4 3 — — Single-Minded
12th 4 7 4 3 — — When you reach 10th level, your anger helps focus
13th 4 8 4 3 2 — your mind. Your proficiency bonus is doubled
14th 4 9 4 3 2 — for Constitution saving throws to maintain your
concentration. If you fail a concentration check while
15th 4 9 4 3 2 —
raging, you can use your reaction to end your rage
16th 4 10 4 3 3 — early to retain concentration on the spell.
17th 4 10 4 3 3 —
Sorcerous Might
18th 4 10 4 3 3 —
At 14th, you can intertwine magic with your rage.
19th 4 11 4 3 3 1 When you cast an abjuration or transmutation spell
20th 4 12 4 3 3 1 with a duration of at least 1 minute using a spell
slot of 3rd level or lower, you can choose to enter
spell slots, but the spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and
rage as part of the same action. The spell lasts for
20th level can come from any school of magic.
the duration of that rage and you do not need to
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can
maintain concentration for the spell. When you to
replace one of the sorcerer spells you know with
fall out of rage, the spell also ends
another spell of your choice from the sorcerer’s spell
list. Normal requirements, such as spell level and
school, still apply when replacing a spell.
Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your “Hark, and listen to a tale of tragedy and woe, of a
spellcasting ability for your sorcerer spells, since you warrior jealous of his brother’s love.”
either innately know your magic or were taught it by Bards have many names and many roles, being
fey beings. You use your Charisma whenever a spell skalds to the dwarves, loresingers to the fey, and
refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you minstrels to humans. Bards are common throughout
use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving the Core. Those hailing from the civilized West live
throw DC for a sorcerer spell you cast and when as courtly minstrels or stage magicians, while bards
making an attack roll with one. from the wild central core entertain in inns and carry
news and gossip between towns, and bards from the
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Charisma modifier East act as court magicians or travel as members of
theatrical troupes.
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + The University of Dementlieu has several
your Charisma modifier
programs dedicated to arcane lore, and the magical
training of that nation’s stage magicians gives rise to
Focused Mind many bards. The College of Liffe also has a respected
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you music program that produces its share of bards,
can cast cantrips and maintain your concentration on both of Colleges of Lore and Valor. The elven races
a spell while raging. are noted for their bardic traditions, the magic of
Additionally, if while raging you cast an song being respected by the wood elves of Darkon,
abjuration or transmutation spell on your turn that who regularly mix swordplay with magic. Kartakass
targets yourself, your rage does not end early that has a proud skaldic tradition, with regular musical

competitions and small musical schools; the history Captivating Performance
of the land is held in the songs of its bards. Gnomes When you reach 6th level, you have learned how to
are also often bards for myriad varied reasons that grab the attention of a small crowd. As an action you
few other races fully understand. can begin a performance, such as singing, playing
College of Theatrics an instrument, telling a story, or reciting a poem.
Choose any number of humanoids or beasts within
The bards of the College of Theatrics are taught how 30 feet of you who can see and hear the performance.
to capture and hold the attention of an audience Each target succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
as well as alter their mannerisms, conceal their against your spell save DC or become charmed for
features, and veil their intentions. Lies come easily to the duration of the performance. While charmed in
these bards, who are as adept at making up tales as this way, creatures have disadvantage on Wisdom
retelling the truth. Many of these bards find work as (Perception) checks and won’t willingly move to a
actors and performers, whether it is on their own or space where they can’t see or hear you. Creatures
part of a travelling troupe. A rare few find alternate that succeed on this saving throw are immune to this
uses for their skills, as confidence men or even spies. feature for 1 day. You can continue the performance
Few of these bards remain in the same place for long, for up to 1 minute, but can’t take any other actions
and most journey between theaters, royal courts, or during this time. The effects of the performance also
inns. end early if you or one of your allies takes a hostile
Bards of Theatrics are often dedicated to their action against one of the targets or any of its allies.
art. Many throw themselves into a role, adopting new Once you use this feature, you must finish a short
mannerisms and habits, refusing to drop character or long rest before you can use it again.
before their performance is complete. Some even Additionally, you can spend a use of your Bardic
lose themselves in a performance, creating elaborate Inspiration to fascinate a number of creatures
and detailed backstories. Other bards have a stable charmed by your Captivating Performance equal to
of favourite characters whom they can assume at a your Charisma modifier. While fascinated, creatures
moment’s notice. will use their movement to follow you, trying to
The singing land of Kartakass is home to the staying within 60 feet. Fascinated creatures won’t
College of Theatrics, training minstrels and skalds walk into visible dangers or hazardous locations.
alike. The opera singers of Dementlieu occasionally
follow this bardic path. It’s said that the Vistani have Improved Performance
their own College of Theatrics, but are reluctant to Staring at14th level, while engaged in a performance,
teach their methods to outsiders. However, some you can ensorcell your audience. While making a
bards—especially giomorgo bards—have studied Captivating Performance, you can cast spells of the
enough performances to learn the basics. enchantment school that are 3rd-level and lower as
part of the performance. Creatures charmed by your
College of Theatrics Features
Captivating Performance don’t consider this a hostile
Bard Level Feature act.
3rd Bonus Proficiencies, Subtle Enchantment
Stunning Performance
6th Captivating Performance
Also at 14th level, you can render the audience of
14th Improved Performance, Stunning Performance your performance awestruck. While maintaining
your Captivating Performance, you can spend a use
Bonus Proficiencies of your Bardic Inspiration to augment the effect. All
When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain creatures charmed by your Captivating Performance
proficiency in the Deception skill, the Disguise kit, must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against
and one skill or set tools of your choice. your spell save DC or become stunned until the
performance ends. At the end of each of their turns, a
Subtle Enchantment stunned creature can repeat the saving throw to end
Also at 3rd level, creatures are less aware that this effect
you have used magic to influence their behaviour.
When a spell you cast ends, which had charmed a
creature that can hear you, as a reaction you can
make a Charisma (Deception) check contested by the
creature’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If you succeed,
the creature is unaware it was charmed.

College of Threnody Lamentful Fugue
Singing songs of loss and lamentation, bards of the Also at 3rd level, you can instill feelings of remorse
College of Threnody often perform at funerals or give and sadness in listeners. As a bonus action, you
final rites to the dead. Their songs and elegies not begin a performance that affects one creature of your
only honour the dead but express the sorrow of their choice within 60 feet of you who can hear you, filling
passing or remorse over deeds left undone. Bards of the target crippling depression that lasts until the
this college are commonly known as dirgists, while end of your next turn.
the college is dismissively called the “Graveyard When the depressed creature is attacked, you
School” and decried for its morbid and depressing can use your reaction to expend one of your uses of
songs. Bardic Inspiration, rolling the Bardic Inspiration
Dirgists are often melancholy: tortured artists die and subtracting the number rolled from the
who struggle to capture emotion in song, all the while creature’s Armour Class for the triggering attack. You
being too aware of their mortality. Others suffered can choose to use this aspect of the feature after the
a great loss, their songs a requiem for departed attack is rolled but before any results of the attack are
loved ones or past failures. A few have a fascination applied.
with death and undeath that borders on obsession. The creature is immune to this feature if it can’t
Threnody bards gain the inspiration for songs hear you or is immune to being charmed. You can
through time spent in graveyards or mortuaries. only affect one creature with this feature at a time.
When its members meet, they often do so in large Violent Crescendo
necropolises or ancient mausoleums. Starting at 6th level, your songs reminds listeners
The College of Threnody is popular across of the inevitability of death while instilling a desire
the island of Liffe, but the mournful dirgists have to fight to live. When a living creature you can see
become common in eastern Darkon. Mournful is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction
songs that inspire feelings of loss or remorse are to make a quick performance that bolsters friendly
especially popular there, even in taverns and creatures within 30 feet of you for 1 minute. When a
public performances. The elves of that region are bolstered creature hits with an attack, they can end
particularly taken with the song, their long lives this effect to deal 1d6 additional damage.
making death all the more painful, while Darkon’s
gnomes—already known for their macabre and black Whispers of the Dead
humour—are drawn to this College. Unlike other Also at 6th level, the spirits of the departed whisper
bardic colleges, Threnody is unpopular in Kartakass, to you, sharing their secrets and imparting forgotten
and funerals are a celebration of the dead’s life and knowledge. You can cast the speak with dead spell
not a time to dwell on their loss. without expending a spell slot or requiring material
College of Threnody Features
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
Bard Level Feature until you finish a long rest.
3rd Graveyard Sonata, Lamentful Fugue
6th Violent Crescendo, Whispers of the Dead
Starting at 14th level, personal loss fills your song
14th Requiem with a terrifying guilt and sadness. When a friendly
creature you can see is reduced to 0 hit points or
Graveyard Sonata killed, as a reaction you expend one use of your
When you adopt the College of Threnody at 3rd level, Bardic Inspiration to perform a requiem. Creatures
you can wrap yourself in eerie melodies, concealing of your choosing within 60 feet who can hear your
your presence from undead. As an action, you start requiem must make a Charisma saving throw against
a performance that lasts until the end of your next your spell save DC. On a failure, the target takes
turn. During that time, each undead within 30 3d8 psychic damage, or half as much on a successful
feet that can hear your performance must make a save. If the creature who reduced your ally to 0 hit
Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. points is targeted by this effect, that creature has
On a failure, you are invisible to that creature for disadvantage on the saving throw.
the duration of the performance. This effect ends
early if you take any action except continuing the

Blood Hunter Revealed Arcana
At 7th level, your patron grants you use of an arcane
“Yes, I have studied the black arts,... but it had to be spell based on your pact.
done! Sometimes one must fight fire with fire, and my The Mists. You can cast blur once using a pact
soul is a small price to pay.” magic spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish
A toxic elixir of ichor and foul substances gives a long rest.
blood hunters their power. This compound, created Unsealed Arcana
through a dark ritual, includes the remnants
of unnatural monsters such as the undead or At 15th level, your patron grants you the use of an
lycanthropes. The secret recipe of creating a blood additional spell based on your pact.
hunter is banned in many lands, and spreads from The Mists. You can cast haste once using a pact
village to village as whispered secrets or forbidden magic spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish
tomes. Blood hunters are often the survivors of some a long rest.
form of a monster attack. Driven by revenge but
lacking the means of enacting retribution, they turn
New Blood Curses
to path of the blood hunter. While the majority of The following additional blood curses can be selected
blood hunters are self-taught, a few are mentored with the Blood Maledict feature at 1st level.
by an experienced blood hunter, who retired after a Blood Curse of Blunted Reflexes
crippling injury. When you hit with a weapon attack, you can thicken
It’s said the first blood hunter was created in the blood in your opponent’s veins, slowing their
Souragne by a Voodan priest, in order for a grieving reaction time. Until the end of your next turn, the
widow could hunt down the monsters that slew her target can’t take reactions and every time it makes a
husband. Another story says details of the ritual were Dexterity saving throw or ability check it must roll a
found in a trunk full of books that washed up on the d4 and subtract that roll from the save or check.
shores of Mordent amid the remains of a shipwreck. Amplify. The target has disadvantage on their
Another tale speaks of a lone traveler who claims to next Dexterity saving throw and is unable to take
have awoken in a shallow grave with no memories reactions for 1 minute. At the end of each of their
but an inexplicable knowledge of blood hunter lore. turns they can make a saving throw against the
There’s no region where blood hunters are curse, ending it on a success..
common, no land with a hunter’s lodge or stronghold
of the blood hunter order. Blood hunters are most Blood Curse of Enflamed Passions
likely to emerge in rural lands lacking a central As a bonus action, you manipulate the blood of
authority, where victims might see no alternative but a creature you can see within 20 feet, flooding
partaking in a dangerous ritual. A number of blood them with emotions. The target must succeed on a
hunters have been seen in Barovia and Kartakass. Charisma saving throw or be charmed by you until
Others have been seen in Invidia and Valachan, as the start of your next turn.
well as Darkon prior to the return of its king, Azlin. Amplify. The creature remains charmed until
Note: The blood hunter class was created by the end of your next turn, and after this effect ends,
Matthew Mercer, and is found on both the Dungeon the creature is unaware it was charmed by you.
Master’s Guild and D&D Beyond. Blood Curse of the Living Bomb
Order of the Profane Soul As a bonus action, you can infuse a creature’s body
with unstable magic for 1 minute causing its body to
Blood hunters of this order strike a bargain with
violently explode upon death. When the cursed
powerful beings. One such patron is the Mists,
creature dies, creatures within 5 feet of it must
featured in the warlock Mist pact later in this book.
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take piercing
The following options are added to this order, which
damage equal to a roll of your hemocraft die.
is fully detailed in the Blood Hunter document.
Amplify. The cursed creature explodes more
Rite Focus violently. Creatures within 15 feet must make the
Beginning at 3rd level, you gain a specific benefit Dexterity saving throw, taking half damage on a
based on your chosen pact. success.
The Mists. When you roll initiative, you can
spend a use of your Blood Maledict feature to roll
your hemocraft die, and either add or subtract the
result from your initiative roll.

Blood Curse of Toxic Essence Druids are aware that the horror of the night don’t
As a bonus action, you envenom your own blood for just threaten human lives, and they work tirelessly
1 minute. The first time in a turn a creature hits you to protect animals and purify defiled locations. Many
with a melee weapon attack, they must succeed on a druids also know that nature in the Mists can become
Dexterity saving throw or take necrotic damage equal malevolent, and work to end threats from the natural
to your hemocraft die. world before they can spark reprisals from civilized
Amplify. A creature is affected by your toxic folk.
blood each time it hits you rather than one per turn. Druids are found throughout the Mists but
are most common in the wild areas of the central
Cleric Core. Some prefer to operate near civilization to
better defend nature or ease the effects of man. A
“May Ezra bless and keep you in her sights for the few druids—typically the arrogant Sithican elves—
rest of your days.” prefer to shape nature into a pleasing state rather
The gods are silent in the Mists. Even vocal deities than preserve or defend ugliness. The Witches of
from other realms are silent to their followers in the Hala operate throughout the Core; while the order
Mists. Clerics possess great faith: faith that the gods includes sorcerers and some clerics, the majority are
have not abandoned their followers, and faith that druids of the Circle of the Land. The order protects
the horrors they witness have some purpose. They're ancient knowledge and meets in sacred glades or
chosen from the devout followers of a deity, the lay circles of standing stones.
priests and common followers who are unable to Druids of the Moon are rarer in the Mists, being
employ magic. feared as lycanthropes. Many hail from the dark
Most clerics in the Core follow Ezra, but a woods of the central Core, living at the fringes of
number also heed the teachings of Belenus or the civilization. They seldom live deep in the wilderness,
Lawgiver. Clerics following the teachings of their for even those woods are not safe for them.
Church, and work to spread its teachings. The
word of their superiors in the Church are often as Circle of Blight
important as holy script. Druids who reject their calling to protect the land
find that the natural world rejects them in turn.
Anchorite Most druids seek to atone for their transgressions,
Followers of Ezra, anchorites are not just followers restoring their bond to the wilds and making
of the goddess but members of the clergy who are amends. A rare few embrace their new place outside
taught to tap into their goddess’ spiritual bond with of the natural order, revelling in the destruction
the Mists. Anchorites are respected for their defence caused by their corruptive presence. These druids
of others, but even other followers of Ezra find them are known as blighters: they move through the world
slightly unnerving: no one knows the full price paid like a plague, leaving desolation and deforestation in
for assuming the role of a goddess or presuming to their wake.
influence the Mists. The vast majority of blighters are nomads. As
Anchorites can take the Channel Divinity power their presence corrupts the lands, causing decay and
Shield of Ezra in place of the Divine Domain feature sickness, they can’t remain in one place for long if
normally gained at 6th level. they wish to eat. This lifestyle suits blighters just fine,
as they continually search for new lands to despoil
Channel Divinity: Shield of Ezra and twist.
Swirling mists surround an ally, deflects blows.
Circle of Blight Features
When you or a creature within 30 feet of you takes
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage you can Druid Level Feature
use your reaction to give the creature resistance to 2nd Deforestation
that instance of damage. 6th Rebuke Nature, Speak With Dead Animals

Druid 10th
Plague Touch
Unnatural Sustenance
“Trees can speak if you are willing to listen.”
Bonded to the wilderness, druids reject civilization Deforestation
for the untamed world. They view themselves Starting at 2nd level, your presence leeches the life
as defenders of nature, protecting it from the force from the surrounding vegetation, causing it
encroachment of civilization and the unnatural. to wither and eventually die. When you take a short

or long rest, you can choose to despoil the land Unnatural Sustenance
within 100 feet of you, taking a portion of it energy When you reach 14th level, the life-force of
into yourself. Healthy plants becomes sickly, while vegetation withered and slain by your presence
already infirm plants die. Doing so grants you a sustains your life and bolsters your health. You
usage of blighting. When you roll dice to determine no longer need food or water. In addition, you are
the number of hit points restored or damage caused immune to disease.
by a spell, you can expend your blight to reroll any
number of dice. You must use the new rolls. At any
one time, you can have a maximum number of uses
of blighting equal to half your proficiency bonus. “Sir, yes sir!”
This ability only affects nonmagical plants. Plant Standing armies are common in the Core but open
type creatures are uninjured, but this ability causes warfare is rare: few fighters are forged in larger
them discomfort. conflicts. Elite knightly orders are also unusual,
Rebuke Nature with few operating publicly. Fighters are as likely
Beginning at 6th level, your presence causes nature to be common watchmen and city guards as they're
to recoil. As an action, you unveil your unnatural crusaders or swashbucklers. Mercenary companies
connection to the world. Each beast or plant creature also exist, guarding trade routes between isolated
that can see you within 30 feet of you must make a settlements and protecting the interests of larger
Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving merchant companies. Firearms have replaced swords
throw, it’s turned for 1 minute or until it takes any and axes in the refined West, encouraging local
damage. fighters to dabble in the art of rogues and rangers.
A turned creature must spend each of its turns Those who prefer melee tend to favour light blades
trying to move as far away from you as it can, and over antiquated heavy weaponry. In the east, heavily
can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. armoured fighters with slow but deadly weapons are
It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use still the norm.
only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect Commoner fighters that were guards or
that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to watchmen tend to follow the path of the Champion,
move, the creature can use the Dodge action. lacking the discipline and training to develop
specialized skills. Many were hunters or other self-
Speak With Prey trained warriors. Battle Masters tend to hail from
Also at 6th level, you may converse with the lingering academies, trained to be knights in the East or elite
spirits of slain beasts. You can cast speak with guards and officers in the West. Most come from
animals as a ritual, except the target must be a beast the nobility, as few commoners have the resources
that died within the last week. needed to pay for the education. The fey woods
of Sithicus are the primary source of Eldritch
Plague Touch Knights, as the high elves of that land have long
Starting at 10th level, your touch causes plants and mixed sorcerer and swordcraft. As the University of
living creatures to wither and decay. As an action Dementlieu grows in status that nation is beginning
make a melee spell attack against a creature within to train soldiers in wizardry and warfare, but so far
your reach. On a hit, the target takes 3d12 necrotic this is limited to a few exceptional students.
damage. Additionally, if the target is currently
afflicted by a disease, the contagion spell, or similar
effect, it must make an immediate saving throw
against that effect with disadvantage. “Most would not consider pugilism an art, but my
You can use this feature a number of times equal fists paint masterpieces on the canvas of my enemies’
to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), and faces.”
you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a Skilled in the art of combat, monks are as deadly
long rest. with their hands as a fighter is with sword or firearm.
Beginning at 14th level, the damage of your Many excel in speed and swift movement while other
Plague Touch increases to 4d12 simply prefer to duck and block blows.
When most folk think of monks they envision the
agile and deadly warriors of Rokushima Taiyoo with
their unusual yet deadly weapons. Or they think of

the veiled desert warriors of the Amber Wastes or
warriors from the monasteries of that same land with
their coloured robes and shaven heads. Others think
of veiled desert warriors of the Amber Wastes, or the
flowing robed and or the deadly cultists of Sri Raji.
Few people think of monks as Vistani bare-knuckle
boxers, the sandy wrestling rings of Richemulot,
or consider the humanist fighting philosophers of
Way of Improvised Strikes
Monasteries typically impart the knowledge of
turning fist and foot into weapons as lethal as any
sword or teach the use of esoteric weaponry. A few
schools of martial arts educate their pupils in the arts
of turning mundane, everyday objects into deadly
weapons. These same techniques are learned in the
back alleys of Port-a-Lucine and the rough pubs
of Paridon. In the hands of these monks, a bottle,
barstool, ladder, umbrella, or skillet becomes a
deadly weapon. These warriors defend themselves
with whatever is at hand, rapidly picking up and
dropping items as needed.
Way of Improvised Strikes Features
Monk Level Feature
3rd Improvisational Master
6th Shattering Strike
11th Reflexive Parry
17th Sweeping Attacks
Reflexive Parry
When you reach 11th level, you become adept at
blocking and parrying blows with held items. When
Improvisational Master you are hit with a melee attack while wielding an
When you learn this tradition at 3rd level, you master improvised weapon, you can use your reaction to roll
fighting with common objects. You gain proficiency your Martial Arts die, adding the result to your AC
in improvised weapons, and these weapons are monk for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss
weapons for you. Furthermore, you can attack with you. Regardless of whether the attack still hits or
an improvised weapon in place of an unarmed strike. misses, the improvised weapon is destroyed.
In addition, when you take the Attack action on
your turn, as part of each melee attack you can pick- Sweeping Attacks
up an object within your reach. At 17th level, your wide swings can keep your foes
at bay, harrying their movement and threatening
Shattering Strike to sweep their legs out from beneath them. While
Beginning at 6th level, you strike with such ferocity wielding an improvised weapon with two hands, you
and power that objects shatter in your hands. can shift your grip to give it the reach property. When
When you hit with a melee weapon attack using you take the Attack action your turn, you can choose
an improvised weapon, you can spend 1 ki point to to gain one of the following benefits until the start of
break the item, dealing additional damage equal to your next turn:
your proficiency modifier. ◊ Hostile creatures treat the spaces within your
reach as difficult terrain.
◊ The first time you hit a creature on your turn,
the target must succeed on a Dexterity saving
throw or be knocked prone.
◊ Creature provoke opportunity attacks when
they move within your reach.

Paladin sewers. Richemulot and Paridon both have a number
of urban rangers and several manhunters are also
“Foul unholy beasts! You will never harm anyone ever found in the cities of Darkon, Dementlieu, and
again!” Mordent. Beast Master rangers seldom employ wild
Rare in the Mists, paladins are holy warriors that or exotic animals that are hard to replace, instead
seek out evil to destroy it, defending their flock training hunting dogs, horses, or birds of prey.
from harm. While clerics live to teach and aid
others, paladins lead by example. Their mission is
Alley Stalker
to protect the bodies of parishioners, while clerics Colloquially known as urban rangers, those who
protect their souls. Despite this, paladins are often embracing these techniques move from natural
considered misguided or deluded by the common space to urban wilds: slums, docks, parks, sewers,
folk, occasionally little more than religious fanatics. and alleyways. Many work as members of an official
Few races other than humans ever produce city watch or private mercenary company keeping
paladins. Elves lack the discipline while halflings the peace, while other rangers hire out their skills.
prefer to remain unseen. The innate taint of human- In corrupt settlements, an Alley Stalker might take
kin folk like teiflings, calibans, and dhampires appear the law into their own hands, enacting justice as they
to limit their ability to be paladins. deem appropriate.
Ezra, the Lawgiver, and the Morninglord all Alley Stalkers feel the rhythms of their city and
frequently inspire paladins. Paladins of Ezra typically speak of it like the city were a living thing; they know
take the Oath of Devotion, as that god teaches Her the movement of its people and goods, and defend it
followers to defend the weak and protect people from both internal and external threats. To defend
from the Legions of the Night. The paladins of their urban protectorate, these rangers learn how
the Lawgiver tend to focus on the eradication of to combat the dangers of the city, both bestial and
corruption and disorder and less on evil, and most humanoid, and how best to pursue those who violate
opt for Vengeance over Devotion. Followers of the laws of either nature or civilization.
the Morninglord are split between Devotion and Urban lands such as Borca and Richemulot give
Vengeance, as undead must be eradicated but rise to the most Alley Stalkers. Prior to the Requiem,
innocents must be protected and redemption must Il Aluk was home to a number of urban rangers. The
be offered to those who seek it. A few rare followers corruption and rampant crime found in Nova Vaasa
of Hala opt to take the martial path, and swear the cities also leads many to take learn these techniques.
Oath of Ancients. Green Knights are also occasionally Alley Stalker Features
found among the elves of Darkon. Ranger Level Feature

Ranger 3rd Alley Stalker Magic, Community Explorer, Crippling

“Five of them. I’d say they passed by here three, 7th Crowd Dodging
maybe four days ago. One of them was carrying 11th Multiattack
something heavy, something struggling.”
15th Stalker's Defence
Hunters by trade, rangers are skilled at running
down and pursuing prey: be it animal, man, or Alley Stalker Magic
something else entirely. Most rangers are woodsmen Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell
that live between areas of civilization, in the wild when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown
parts of the Core. They're often trappers, hunters, or in the Alley Stalker Spells table. The spell counts as
guides who make a living off the land. a ranger spell for you, but doesn’t count against the
Verbrek, Valachan, and Kartakass are known for number of ranger spells you know.
their rangers. These rangers are typically Hunters;
while there are few colossal monsters, giants, or Alley Stalker Spells
hordes of humanoid creatures in the Mists, Hunters Ranger Level Spells
apply these same skills against dangerous monsters, 3rd charm person
and packs of feral beasts. In the cities of the West, 5th spider climb
there are also urban rangers who work as watchmen
9th speak with dead
or bounty hunters: chasing criminals and human
vermin. These specialize in the wild areas of cities, 13th freedom of movement
such as narrow alleys, squalid slums, and dark 17th animate object

Community Explorer Multiattack
When you reach 3rd level, you consider cities When you reach 11th level, you gain the following
as much your home as the wilderness. You can feature, or one of the choices from the Player’s
familiarize yourself with a number of settlements Handbook.
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), Parrying Strikes. You can use your action to
treating those settlements as a favoured terrain for move up to half your speed. Opportunity attacks
your Natural Explorer feature. made against you have disadvantage, and each time
To familiarize yourself with a settlement, you a creature targets you with an opportunity attack
must spend 24 hours in that community, walking during this movement, you can make a melee weapon
its streets and learning its rhythms. The hours need attack against that creature.
not be consecutive, but can’t be spread out over a Stalker’s Defence
period longer than a week. A settlement must have
a population of at least 1,000 to be large enough to At 15th level, while you are hidden from a creature,
qualify for this feature. Familiarizing yourself with a you have advantage on all saving throws that
different settlement beyond this maximum replaces creature makes you roll.
an existing settlement of your choice. Toxic Resistance
Crippling Blow Starting at 15th level, you have become accustomed
Also at 3rd level, you learn to impede your prey for to squalid conditions and are immune to disease and
easier pursuit. Choose two of the following options. poison.
Once on each of your turns, when you hit a creature
with a weapon attack, you can apply one of these Rogue
effects to your attack. “The lock tumbler is connected to the driver pins.
Bleeding Wound. You cut open a deep cut that The driver pins are connected to the lock plug.”
bleeds profusely. At the start of the target’s next, it
A diverse lot, rogues can be found almost anywhere
loses 1d8 hit points from the wound. Undead and
and are as difficult to pin down into a single role
constructs are immune to this effect.
as they are to lockup in a town jail. Some rogues
Disorienting Strike. You distract or rattle the
specialize in literally stabbing someone in the back
target, preventing that creature from taking reactions
while others prefer a metaphorical knife. Rogues
until the end of your next turn.
are as just as likely to find themselves robbing a
Fumbling Attack. You partially knock the target’s
noble’s house as beating a mark in an alley or as
weapon from their grip, throwing off their balance.
looting and ancient tomb. Most common in places of
The next time the target attacks, it must roll a d6 and
civilization, rogues can make a living wherever there
subtract the number rolled from the attack roll.
is an opportunity to test their skills or earn some
Hamstring. You strike at your quarry’s means
gold. Found on both sides of the law, rogues might
of locomotion. The target’s speed is halved until
act as thieves and assassins, or serve as members
the start of your next turn. This has no effect on
of the constabulary or thief-takers who hunt down
creatures who use magical means of movement.
criminals, even make a role for themselves in the
Knockback Strike. Through force or shifting
middle of law and crime.
your enemy’s balance, you reposition your foe. The
Burglars, thieves, and scoundrels are common
target is shoved to a space 5 feet away.
examples of rogues and common in most settlements.
Staggering Blow. You daze or addle the target
Other types of rogues include Dementlieuse spies,
until the start of your next turn. The creature can
Borcan assassins, pirates from the Sea of Sorrows,
move or take an action on its turn but not both..
and Invidian knife fighters. Thieves’ Guilds are
Crowd Dodging common in many major cities: Dementlieu, Borca,
Starting at 7th level, you have grown adept at and Nova Vassa are all known for their large criminal
weaving through crowds and quickly dodging around bands. Guilds take offence to independent rogues
people. Spaces occupied by non-hostile creatures are operating in their territory, excluding common
not difficult terrain to you, and you can move through muggings and street crime. The larger guilds, such as
spaces occupied by hostile creatures, treating such the two in Port-a-Lucine and Malken’s Guild in Nova
spaces as difficult terrain. Vassa, recruit and train assassins and thieves with
Additionally, you have advantage on ability magical arts. There are a number of independent
checks related to chases while in your favoured assassin’s guilds, including the feared Ba’al Verzi of

Teufeldorf, the League of Nine in Sturben, and the Divine Assassin Spellcasting
Circle Sinister in Port-a-Lucine. Beyond the Core, the Rogue Cantrips Spells -Spell Slots per Spell Level-
Ahltrian are a secretive group of killers operating out Level Known Known
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
of the Shadowlands.
3rd 3 2 2 — — —
Divine Assassin 4th 3 3 3 — — —
Chosen by their god or tasked by their church to 5th 3 3 3 — — —
eliminate heretics and infidels, divine assassins 6th 3 3 3 — — —
kill in the name of faith. They're often zealots and
7th 3 4 4 — — —
fanatics, highly trained to serve as the mortal hand
of their deity. These rogues hunt those their church 8th 3 5 4 2 — —
decrees heathens or sinners. Noble orders challenge 9th 3 5 4 2 — —
the unrighteous, be they thieves and con-artists or 10th 4 6 4 3 — —
unnatural monstrosities. Evil faiths have assassins 11th 4 7 4 3 — —
trained to pursue enemies of the church and extract
12th 4 7 4 3 — —
penance from those who abandon their faith or are
lapse in their tithing. 13th 4 8 4 3 2 —
Overwhelmingly, divine assassins in the Land 14th 4 9 4 3 2 —
of the Mists tend to belong to the Iron Faith. These 15th 4 9 4 3 2 —
rogues are orphans who were left to the Church and 16th 4 10 4 3 3 —
showed exceptional talents. These enforcers belong 17th 4 10 4 3 3 —
to the Jernspørgsmålers (or “Iron Inquisitors”) that
18th 4 10 4 3 3 —
exist extinguishing the lives of heretics and traitors.
Divine assassins typically report to one of the eight 19th 4 11 4 3 3 1
aerkebiskops in the Core or directly to the Himmelsk 20th 4 12 4 3 3 1
Naeve in the Black Citadel-Fane in Kantora. A
number of divine assassins also serve for Belenus, Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You
although in a less organized fashion. These rogues know three 1st-level cleric spells of your choice, two
tend to belong to the Inquisition in Tepest, hunting of which you must choose from the evocation and
down wicked creatures, like fey and hags. necromancy spells on the cleric spell list.
Divine Assassin Features The Spells Known column of the Divine Assassin
Spellcasting table shows when you learn more cleric
Rogue Level Feature
spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must
3rd Spellcasting, Sacred Strike be an evocation and necromancy spell of your choice,
9th Aura of Anonymity and must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
13th Fateful Stride For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class,
you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
17th Spiritual Immolation
The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level
can come from any school of magic.
Spellcasting Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can
When you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial replace one of the cleric spells you know with another
prowess with the ability to cast spells. See chapter spell of your choice from the cleric spell list. The new
10 of the Player’s Handbook for the general rules of spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
spellcasting and chapter 11 for the cleric’s spell list. and it must be an evocation and necromancy spell,
Cantrips. You learn three cantrips: sacred flame unless you’re replacing the spell you gained at 8th,
and two other cantrips of your choice from the cleric 14th, or 20th level.
spell list. You learn another cleric cantrip of your Spellcasting Ability. Wisdom is your spellcasting
choice at 10th level. ability for your cleric spells, since you learn your
Spell Slots. The Divine Assassin Spellcasting spells through dedicated and faith to your church.
table shows how many spell slots you have to cast You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to
your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC
level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots for a cleric spell you cast and when making an attack
when you finish a long rest. roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Investigator Features
your Wisdom modifier
Rogue Level Feature
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + 3rd Identify Weakness, Keen Observations
your Wisdom modifier
9th Evaluate Target, Web of Informants

Sacred Strike 13th Distant Assistance

17th Sudden Advantage
Also at 3rd level, you can choose to have the
additional damage granted by your Sneak Attack
feature be radiant damage. Identify Weakness
Aura of Anonymity Starting at 3rd level, when you take the Help action
to aid a creature’s attack and that attack hits, the
At 9th level, subtle magic allows you to fade into the creature deals extra damage equal to your Sneak
background of crowds. While you are among a group Attack damage.
of ten or more creatures you can use your action to
become invisible until you move, take an action or Keen Observations
reaction, or target a creature with an attack. Also at 3rd level, you can use the bonus action
Fateful Stride granted by your Cunning Action to take the Search
When you reach 13th level, you can step between In additional, if not already proficient in Survival,
places. On your turn, instead of moving, you can you can add your proficiency bonus to Wisdom
teleport 10 feet to a space you can see or in a (Survival) checks to follow tracks.
direction of your choice. Once you use this feature,
you can’t use it again until you move normally. Evaluate Target
Spiritual Immolation Starting at 9th level, you have learned how to study
a creature to learn its capabilities and physical
Starting at 17th level, you consume the souls of your characteristics and mannerisms. For each minute
targets with holy fire. When you kill a creature with you spend watching the creature, you learn if it is
your sneak attack, their body and soul are consumed your equal, superior, or inferior in one the following
by magical fire, making it impossible for them to be characteristics:
restored to life by any means less than a wish spell or ◊ Intelligence score
similar magic. ◊ Wisdom score
Investigator ◊ Charisma score
◊ A skill
The strongest weapons of an investigator are not ◊ Total class levels (if any)
a bow and dagger but their keen mind and quick ◊ Rogue class levels (if any)
wits. They're adept at piecing together evidence At the DM’s discretion you might discover other
and observing details that others might miss. These information such as a special ability, vulnerability, or
rogues are trained to spot flaws in their opponent’s personality trait such as an ideal or bond.
defences or gaps in their fighting style, and quickly
communicate these details to waiting allies. Web of Informants
Detectives, archaeologists, and some monster By 9th level, you have acquired a number of agents
hunters often belong to this archetype. Some and contacts you can approach for information and
investigators remain criminals, becoming research materials. These contacts might be tied to
masterminds who rely on underlings for theft and your background or individuals who owe you a debt
murder. not easily repaid. While in a settlement where you
Investigators thrive in urban areas of the Core, have a contact you have advantage on all Intelligence
such as Borca, Richemulot, Dementlieu, and Nova (Investigation) checks made while researching using
Vaasa. The Lamplighters of Mordent are renowned downtime days.
law enforcement agent that employees and trains In addition, you are typically aware of current
many investigators. events as your contacts will dispatch messages
to inform you of noteworthy developments and
occasionally approach you with new information.

Distant Assistance scholars point to elemental beings, like salamanders
At 13th level, you can direct attacks while keeping or aquatic beasts, while others claim sorcerers are
yourself a safe distance away. You can use the devolving into some primordial form. Elves claim
Help action to aid a friendly creature in attacking a dragons were really of powerful sorcerers whose
creature within 15 feet of you. power altered them into something inhuman, but
dwarves insist dragons were real but were hunted
Sudden Advantage to extinction. The origins of Wild Magic are equally
When you reach 17th level, you can point out your unknown, but it seems tied to the land, with many
enemy’s most vulnerable areas. When a friendly sorcerers developing this talent near the misty border
creature within 15 feet that can see and hear you or near the nation of Vechor. Sorcerers can also the
scores a critical hit, you can use your reaction to roll followers of Hala, as masculine followers of that god
your sneak attack, adding the result to the damage of often display sorcerous powers when they learn the
the critical hit. ways of the Weave.

Sorcerer Fey Bloodline

“Magic is in my blood. I required no training and I Related to sylvan beings, feyblood sorcerers can trace
care not for limits or restraint.” their arcane power back to an ancestor’s dalliance
with a fey creature. This relation is not always overt
The ambient magic energy and fantastic lineages or well known, perhaps being the result of an illicit
needed to birth a sorcerer is rare in the Mists. In romance or a fey being disguised as a spouse. Some
order to wield arcane power most mortal must feyblood sorcerers are mortals who were stolen and
study their art, or bargain with otherworldly beings. replaced by changeling babes, and then raised by a
The majority of sorcerers are born from luck: an fey.
alignment of stars during conception, birthed on The magic of this bloodline tends to be subtler
a site of powerful magic, or the culmination of than that of other sorcerers, more focused on
disparate bloodlines. deception and ensnaring minds. Even those feyblood
The origin of sorcerers is vague and there are sorcerers who employ evocation magics can do so
many theories, but none with definitive proof. with more finesse and discretion.
Sorcerers of the Draconic Bloodline prompt the most In the Land of the Mists, feyblood sorcerers are
debate: there are no dragons to sire offspring, so common in the land of Tepest, where the taint of
their magic must come from elsewhere. Some arcane hags and the shadow fey is strong. In the misted
woods surrounding Sithicus, many feyblood
sorcerers are also born. The various elves
themselves are seldom sorcerers, preferring the
path of wizardry, but it its not unknown for innate
magic to manifest.
Fey Bloodline Features
Sorcerer Level Feature
1st Glamour
6th Faerie Resilience
14th Deceptive Sorcery
18th Faerie Crossing

When you select this origin at 1st level, you learn
how to cloak yourself in a glamour that alters your
appearance in subtle ways. The glamour does not
act as a disguise but obscures or veils physical
imperfections, grime, and worn clothing, while
making you seem more charming and mysterious.
While under the glamour you appear somewhat
otherworldly, with an ineffable glow and a constant
breeze waving through your hair.
As an action you can raise your glamour,
which lasts for 1 minute, or until you lose your
concentration (as if you were concentrating on Sithicus or the Shadow Rift. But potent fey creatures
a spell). While your glamour is active you have lurk in the dark centers of forests throughout the
advantage on all Charisma checks. Once you use this Core, such as the Ebony Unicorn of Nova Vassa or
feature, you must finish a short or long rest before the Green Maiden of Falkovnia. Fiends are common
you can use it again. patrons, coming to potential warlocks with offers
Faerie Resilience of power and glory. Some Fiends don’t fully enter
the Mists and speak through emissaries and lesser
At 6th level, when you cast a sorcerer spell you fiends, while others dwell in the land like Drigor or
can spend 1 sorcery point to gain resistance to Inajira. Great Old Ones are rare in the Mists, with
nonmagical weapons for 10 minutes. the Far Realm seldom intruding with the land. The
Deceptive Sorcery slithering horrors of Blutspur revere a being whose
When you reach 14th level, you can use Subtle Spell mind is powerful enough to contact creatures in
even if you have already used a different Metamagic other lands and offer them power, and the Sorcerer-
option during the casting of the spell. Additionally, Fiend, Gwydion, is free with his power for reasons of
when using Subtle Spell you can make a Charisma his own.
(Deception) check contested by Wisdom (Insight) to
hide the fact you cast a spell from onlookers.
The Mists
Your patron is more of a force than a being. There is
Faerie Crossing no overt agreement, no parley between the warlock
At 18th level, you can partially step into the Feywild and the Mists or its representative.
to instantly travel in the blink of an eye. As a bonus Instead of a bargain, you might be stealing your
action you can spend sorcery points teleport, power by binding yourself with the land, using the
traveling 15 feet for every sorcery point spent. world itself as a power source. Or you might have
Alternatively, when you are attacked by creature been touched by the Mists, tainted after a time
within 30 feet of you that you can see, you can use trapped inside. Your powers might even be a curse,
your reaction to activate this feature, but the sorcery the result of corruption caused by deeds performed
point cost is doubled. while in the misty border.
Warlock The Mists Features
Warlock Level Feature
“At night they whisper to me, listing my sins and
reminding me of the price I will pay for my magic. 1st Expanded Spell List, Relative Time
Still… it was worth it.” 6th Mist Call
10th Grasping Mists
Those bargaining for power in the Mists risk more
than just their spirit, as their pacts might twist them: 14th Mist-Led
mind, body and soul. Many warlocks are uncertain of
the name or nature of their patron, simply knowing it Expanded Spell List
as a voice in the wind, a figure in a vision, a spirit of The Mists grant you variant magical knowledge,
nature, or a smiling shadow in the corner of the eye. allowing you to choose from an expanded list of
Some warlocks believe their patron is benevolent, spells. The following spells are added to the warlock
such as a nature spirit or animistic being—but it’s spell list for you.
uncertain if this is true or wishful delusion. Others
The Mists Expanded Spells
believe the common wisdom that a warlock’s master
is an infernal being, a devil that will claim their soul Spell Level Spells
upon death. 1st fog cloud, longstrider
Warlocks commonly come from the wilder realms 2nd blur, detect thoughts
such as Valachan or Kartakass, lands without arcane 3rd haste, stinking cloud
colleges or easier access to magic. Tepest claims it’s
4th confusion, phantasmal killer
rife with witches, but the folk of that land declare any
arcane magic user a “witch” so it’s uncertain if there 5th cloudkill, modify memory
are more warlocks or not. Warlocks of ally with an
Archfey are typically elven or from lands bordering

Relative Time to return, making a Charisma saving throw against
After you bind yourself to the Mists at 1st level, time your spell save DC. On a success, the creature returns
begins to move differently for you. When you roll to the space it previously occupied, or the nearest
initiative, you can choose to add or subtract your unoccupied space. At the DM’s discretion, the target
proficiency bonus from the result, decided after you of this attack might need to make a saving throw
roll. against madness.
You can also slightly shift through time. When a Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
creature ends their turn, you can use your reaction to until you complete a short or long rest.
change your initiative so you act next in the initiative
order. After you do so, you lose all benefits of this Wizard
feature until you complete a short or long rest. “The forces of nature bow to my commands, for I
know the forbidden secrets of the universe!”
Mist Call
At 6th level, you can conjure a thin pool of wispy mist Those with arcane knowledge have seldom been
as an action. The mist forms around you and has a trusted in the Land of the Mists. While not as feared
radius in feet equal to five times your proficiency as warlocks, wizards are still distrusted in most
bonus. The pool of mist lies close to the ground lands. Commoners whisper over the unholy rituals
obscuring the terrain but not any creatures standing committed by wizards in the name of their art and
within. The misty pool remains for 1 minute or until the price that must be paid. All arcane spells are seen
you choose dismiss the effect on your turn. as black magic with a cost in blood or the caster’s
The mist moves with you. However, at any eternal soul.
point during your turn, you can choose to make it The University of Dementlieu is especially does
stationary. You can summon this stationary mist have a Department of Arcane Sciences, which equally
back to you as a bonus action. While inside your examines the magical and pseudoscientific. While
misty pool, as a bonus action you can teleport to not dedicated to producing wizards, many students
any other point in the mist. Teleporting in this way of that department do graduate with some knowledge
makes the mist stationary. of spellcraft. Arcane magic is somewhat accepted in
Once you summon the mists with this feature, that land, although it’s not respectable and seen as
you can’t summon them again until you complete a a quaint distraction unworthy of serious attention.
short or long rest. Darkon and Hazlan have a number of mage colleges
that train new wizards, with the latter’s being held in
Grasping Mists high esteem although the populace is still untrusting
Starting at 10th level, you can create writhing of magic. Private scholars are available in some of
tendrils of mist that wrap around your enemies. the western lands, such as Dementlieu, Mordent, and
As an action, each creature of your choice within a Richemulot, who tutor those with magical potential,
15 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw sometimes without full parental permission. Foreign
against your warlock spell save DC. Creatures who mystics are also common, with Sri Raji and Har’Akir
fail this save are caught in the wispy yet solid tendrils are both known for their magical tradition.
and restrained for 1 minute or until you end the Students of the University in Dementlieu
effect as an action. A creature restrained by the misty attempting to learn magic tends to focus on illusion
tendrils can use its action to make either a Strength and conjuration, owing to the frequency of stage
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against magicians in that region. There are also a number of
your spell save DC. On a success the creature frees noted tomes on enchantments, but the department
itself and is no longer restrained. lacks books on abjuration. The academies in Liffe
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again have similar topics of interests. Darkonian schools
until you complete a short or long rest. have a strong focus on necromancy, with some
Mist-Led illusion, divination, and abjuration training. Hazlani
When you reach 14th level, you can trap a creature in wizardly colleges focus on the schools of evocation,
the Mists, pulling them into a space between spaces. transmutation, and abjuration.
As an action you cause the Mists to rise up to snatch
a creature you can see within 60 feet of you. The
creature immediately vanishes, and remains lost in
the Mist for 10 minutes.
As an action, the lost creature can try to will itself

Chapter IV: Backgrounds
he nervous monk from the Order of Guardians This chapter provides some additional details
hunts for a missing artifact, a brash farmer’s for these backgrounds, describing how the fit into
son skilled with a crossbow seeks the monster the world. In addition, there are a number of new
that almost killed him, the scholarly daughter variants for existing backgrounds. This chapter also
of a noble house hope to prove their worth, and an includes several new backgrounds, which can be use
reluctant inquisitor hunting for heretics to save their for characters for both characters native to the Mists
village. as well as those hailing from other lands.
Adventurers in the Land of the Mists are often
common people forced into the role of champion. Acolyte
They're seldom natural born heroes or mythic You might have been raised or educated by either the
warriors destined for greatness. Instead, these Church of Ezra or the Lawgiver. Both churches run
reluctant champions are more likely to come from small orphanages or foster youths. The dominant
humble origins, average people who discover an churches in the land, the two faiths have an organized
untapped potential after emerging from a tragedy or hierarchy: your role and duties were clearly defined
when thrust into the life of danger. by Church dogma or scripture. The clergy of the
When creating a character, you should not Lawgiver is particularly known for inflexibility
only consider what your character they did before with their charges and harsh corporal punishment.
they became an adventurer, but why they chose to Followers of Hala might also have fostered you. The
leave behind a life of safety for one of danger and witches of Hala are much less structured, customizing
insecurity. their lessons to fit the needs of the student.

Backgrounds for the Mists Variant: Guardian

Living in isolated or hidden monasteries, the Order
Mundane occupations are just as prevalent in the of Guardians is an organization in name only. Each
Land of the Mists as they're in other worlds. Members monastery is independent, only loosely affiliated
of the backgrounds found in the Player’s Handbook with the others, often being unaware of their location
can be found in most nations in the Core and beyond.

or their charge. The Order presents themselves as d8 Personality Traits
ascetics, following the routines and rituals common 1 I have varied interests and I'm seldom interested in one thing
to monasteries, but each has a secret purpose: for too long.
guarding a single powerful magical relic. These relics 2 I do not suffer slights nor do I forgive betrayals.
can’t be destroyed and are considered too dangerous
3 I'm always eager to meet new people and make new friends.
to be loosed in the world.
Not being tied to a single deity, it’s easier for you 4 Taking risks makes me feel alive.
to find shelter or simple aid in chapels or temples. 5 I'm emotionally reserved and reluctant to let people in close.
However, priests are less likely to offer you free 6 I have a short temper and I'm prone to fits of rage.
healing. You may also have vague information on the 7 I enjoy the company of attractive people and am a shameless
location of other monasteries, which are typically in flirt.
out-of-the-way rural locations. 8 I'm passionate, experiencing intense emotions that can shift
Changeling Child
You are a child planted in a foster home by foul d6 Ideal
hags or otherworldly shadow fey. Your parents’ true 1 Friendship. One cannot survive without companionship. (Good)
child was stolen away in the night, for purposes
2 Creativity. New endeavours and ideas are worth pursuing.
unknown, and you were left behind in its stead. Most (Chaotic)
changeling babes are fated to waste away and die, but
3 Aspiration. Pushing myself to the limits is the only way I will
you managed to survive. You might remember that grow. (Any)
you are not entirely human, having vague memories
4 Independence. No one controls my fate but me. (Chaotic)
of your origins. But even if unaware of your true
nature, on some level you know that your foster 5 Greed. I will have all that has been denied me. (Evil)
parents are not your real family. 6 Nature. The wilds need to be protected and feared. (Any)
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools d6 Bond
Languages: Sylvan
1 The people of my home village always made me feel accepted.
Equipment: A set of artisan’s tools (one of your
choice), a mundane iron item (such as a nail 2 I refuse to be treated like a freak or an outcast.
or horse shoe), a set of common clothes, and a 3 I owe everything to my mentor, who took me in while others cast
belt pouch containing 15 gp me out.
4 My lover is my inspiration, my muse, and my happiness.
Feature: Familial Facade
5 I want to know who I really am and where I come from.
You are naturally adept at adopting local mannerisms
6 I will have vengeance on one who has wronged me.
and making people comfortable. You can often find
a place to rest for a few days by presenting yourself
as a distant relation. This family is unlikely to put
themselves in danger helping you, but might offer d6 Flaw
minor assistance or supplies. 1 I'm fairly irresponsible and change my mind on a whim.

Suggested Characteristics 2 I believe I know everything, and what I do know is never wrong.
3 Filth and disease unnerve me, and I hate becoming dirty.
Changelings are essentially abandoned at birth, left
behind to die with a family of strangers. Their initial 4 I am reserved and emotionally detached with little empathy for
memories are of rejection, and the entire reason
for their existence was to veil a theft before dying. 5 I have little sympathy for those too weak to defend themselves.
Changelings are often driven to find a place in the 6 I collect valuable baubles and take things that catch my eye.
world, seeking a family or a new purpose for their
You might be an urban charlatan hailing from the
Western lands, equally at home in the streets of
Port-a-Lucine or Ste. Ronges, selling dubious wares
or running crooked games on a street corner. Or you
might wander rural backwaters of the central Core,
offering protective wards or curative elixirs. If a half-
Vistani, you might have spent your formative years

in the caravan, fleecing the giorgio with fake fortunes entertaining towns for a night before moving on,
and supposedly enchanted trinkets. and several Vistani caravans earn a living doing the
same. You might have been professionally trained
Criminal in Dementlieu or Liffe, been apprenticed by an
The impoverished lower class of Dementlieu has established master, or simply have taught yourself
proven a fertile ground for criminals, who have the performing arts.
established an influential guild that has begun Variant Entertainer: Stage Magician
spreading into neighbouring lands. Borca is home
Mixing mundane illusions and showmanship,
to several criminal families that control trade and
Dementlieuse stage magicians give the impression
finances and are involved in trafficking illicit goods
of magic with sleight of hand and some alchemical
throughout the Core. The wealth flowing westward
tricks. Most stage magicians have no ability to cast
has also given rise to numerous highwaymen
spells, but a few are actual wizards hiding their
and bandits, especially in the northern woods of
arcane talents in plain sight, supplementing tricks
Darkon and moors of Mordent. A strong Thieves’
and deceptions with true magic.
Guild operates in the cities of Nova Vaasa while
Rather than proficiency in Acrobatics, you are
independent groups of bandits ride the plains.
proficient with Sleight of Hand.
The streets and alleys of the mist-shrouded city of
Paridon are also rife with well-organized criminals, Folk Hero
as adept at cutting throats as purses.
Being a hero in the Land of the Mists is dangerous.
Variant Criminal: Convict Tyrants and the lords of the land don’t like being
You were a criminal but were caught, declared guilty, opposed or defied: to be a folk hero is to be a target.
and sentenced. While you may not have been a career Your reputation as a hero is as much a curse as a
criminal prior, your time surrounded by convicts has benefit. Your reputation might be exaggerated, based
taught you their tricks. You may have served your on surviving the assault of a monster rather than
sentence and been released or, alternatively, you may defeating it or other false claims of heroism.
have escaped. Variant Folk Hero: Commoner
Instead of criminal associates, your Criminal
Contact features might represent people you met in The path of an adventurer is not always chosen: your
jail or their associates. Information shared and aid defining event was not one of heroism but of tragedy
rendered could be these criminals repaying favours and loss. You might be a rancher, farmer, shepherd,
earned in prison. or fisherman that has been pushed towards the
While you were convicted for a crime, you may or heroic lifestyle. You likely eschew the title of “hero”,
may not have been guilty. Choose if you wish to have simply doing what needs to be done. You are still
been wrongfully convicted for a crime you didn’t often welcome in the homes of other commoners, not
commit or if you were guilty and potentially seeking out if appreciation but out of simple kindness.
redemption. d6 Defining Event

Variant Criminal: Poisoner 1 A loved one was killed or injured by a monster.

In most lands the preferred method of assassination 2 I left home to prevent my family being punished for something
I did.
is a knife or crossbow bolt. In Borca, the weapon of
3 A dangerous magical item was entrusted to me.
choice is a fine powder or subtle liquid. While your
art is illegal, poisoners are frequently employed 4 I killed a monster that became a person upon death, so now I
am thought a murderer.
by nobles and criminals alike. Poisoners are
typically skilled at either crafting poisons for sale 5 I am being stalked by an unknown creature.
or employing assorted toxins, but a few are adept at 6 I was injured or scarred by a creature.
both. 7 I was accused of a crime I did not commit.
Rather than proficiency with thieves’ tools, you 8 A fortune teller foretold that my loved ones would suffer if I
are proficient with poisoner’s kits. stayed at home.

Common entertainers in the Core include
Dementlieuse opera singers, Kartakan skalds,
Ghastrian poets, and Liffen musicians. Numerous
acting troupes and carnivals travel the lands,

Inn Worker
d8 Personality Traits
Conveniently located every town and overlooking
many crossroads, inns are resting place for weary 1 I never spend my last few gold pieces, just in case of emergency.
travellers and social gathering places for nearby 2 I’m always willing to listen and am never too busy to hear about
townsfolk. You may have been an innkeeper someone’s day.
managing such a business, or an employee working 3 With my friendly smile and upbeat attitude, nobody can stay
for the inn’s owner, such as a cook, server, bartender, angry at me for long.
or bouncer. 4 I can’t help but to share gossip and have a hard time keeping
Inns are seldom just a place to rent a bed and
have a meal, but the center of the community. 5 I’m a sucker for a sad story.
Musicians play on stage at the local tavern and 6 I know a folksy saying or adage for every situation.
bards share regional news on the same stage. In 7 There’s nothing worth earning that I don’t know how to cook.
settlements lacking a town hall, important meetings 8 I flirt shameless at every opportunity.
are held at the inn. Wakes and weddings alike can
be held in the common room of an inn. An as an inn
worker, you touched all those events, and impacted d6 Ideal
many lives. 1 Loyalty. Remember those who helped you, so you can help them
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Persuasion in turn. (Lawful)
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set or 2 Community. Decent folk need to maintain the bonds of
community and friendship. (Good)
musical instrument, and one type of artisan’s
tools 3 Independence. I’m my own boss now and in charge of my own
life. (Chaotic)
Equipment: A set of artisan’s tools, sturdy work
clothes with apron, a bottle of common wine, 4 Greed. I do what I do for the money. (Evil)
a cast iron skillet, and a belt pouch containing 5 Pride. My time performing menial tasks that are beneath me is
12 gp over. (Evil)
6 People. I value my allies and coworkers, not abstract ideas.
Feature: Heart of the Community (Neutral)
Your time working at an inn has taught you how to
ingratiate yourself with innkeepers and bartenders. d6 Bond
You can easily trade your services at most inns
1 My family is a continual source of strength and encouragement.
in exchange for food and lodging of modest or
comfortable standard (depending on the quality 2 I may no longer be working at the inn, but it’s still the center of
my life.
of the establishment). Additionally, tour former
employer is always willing to give you a free bed and 3 My hometown is important to me and I will defend it with my
simple meal, provided you parted on good terms.
4 Having heard stories of great heroes, now is the time to make
Suggested Characteristics my own tale.
Inn workers tend to be social individuals, who enjoy 5 A dying traveller made me swear to bring a message to his
helping others and aren’t afraid of a hard day’s family. Now I am bound to complete that oath.
work. Most value their home town, but realize that 6 After losing a bar bet, I can’t return home until a task is
it’s the people and their stories that truly make a accomplished.
d6 Flaw
1 I love being the center of attention, even when I should be
laying low.
2 I have trouble telling the difference between being laughed with
and laughed at.
3 The temptation of alcohol is one I can’t resist.
4 I spend money as fast as I earn it.
5 My temper often gets the best of me.
6 I never turn down a brawl, bar or otherwise.
Guild Artisan Inquisitor
While artisans can be found in all lands, the nations You belong to an organization or church that hunts
of Nova Vaasa, Mordent, and Lamordia are known down heretics, witches, and users of black magic.
for their craftsmanship and the quality goods. Guilds You are part of the vanguard, the holy warriors that
are most commonly founded in those lands, with not only defend the common folk but hunt down
knowledge and trade secrets passed onto promising the unrighteous and sinful. Noteworthy inquisitions
apprentices. Liffe also has a reputation for artisans, include the witch-hunt in Tepest; the Iron Inquisitors
being known for its mimicry of foreign goods and of the Church of the Lawgiver in Nova Vaasa, who
imitation of other artisans. pursue of heretics and blasphemers; the followers
The lands with the richest merchant companies of Elena Faith-Hold in Nidala, who crusade against
are Dementlieu and Borca, with the former having sinner and monsters; and the Darkonian sect of the
firm control of the Western sea while the Boristi Church of Ezra, who zealously defend against the
Trading Company of Borca has influence across Legions of the Night.
the Eastern Core and employs folk from all lands. Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Intimidation
Darkonian merchant companies used to be more Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit
powerful, but the destruction of Il Aluk greatly Languages: One of your choice
reduced their influence. Equipment: A holy symbol, an herbalism kit,
manacles, vestments, a set of common clothes,
Hermit and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
The most common hermits in the Mists don’t live Feature: Interrogator
alone but live in monasteries with fellow ascetics, still
The terrifying reputation of an inquisitor unnerves
having no interaction with other people. Those who
folk, who might readily volunteer unrequested
can survive alone in the wilds are rare, as solitude
knowledge in the hope of placating you and avoiding
makes one easy prey for the horrors of the night.
your wrath. When you attempt to gather information
A few rare hardy souls survive in remote locations,
(through either forcible extraction or diplomatic
living in corners of the world equally forgotten by
enticement) but fail to learn what you want, your
man and monster. Some hermits are drawn towards
subject might offer related lore or reveal minor
other people for safety or other reasons but can’t
bring themselves to settle among them, living on the
outskirts of settlements or in nearby caves or ruins. Suggested Characteristics
There are a number of unwilling hermits, Inquisitors have a strong sense of right and wrong,
such as those who have survived a shipwreck or firmly believing in the existence of true evil. They
the destruction of their village. Those imprisoned know the dangers of the supernatural and have seen
for a lengthy duration might come to view their the corruption of sin. Even ex-inquisitors, ones who
incarceration as a forced hermetic lifestyle. no longer a servant of the Church, continue to believe
Variant Hermit: Prophet in the righteousness of their actions, simply shifting
their absolute convictions.
Not a hermit by choice, you are a prophet cursed
with foreknowledge and visions of the future. Your d8 Personality Traits
discovery came not after a period of contemplation 1 I believe that monsters are everywhere and anyone could be a
or reflection but as sudden revelation. You became creature of the night.
a hermit to avoid your gift being abused or your 2 I like to make rhetorical speeches and sermons.
prophecy becoming known by those who would 3 I am weary of always finding corruption and seeing the worst of
attempt to turn it to their advantage. humanity.
Your prophecy might have been a one-time gift, 4 It's my belief that everyone has secrets, everyone is hiding
or you could regularly experience visions of the something.
future. You may even possess a dark shadow related 5 I'm always reciting parables relating to the current situation.
to prophecy. 6 I'm extremely pessimistic, always expecting the worst.
Rather than proficiency in herbalist tools, you 7 I try my hardest at everything I attempt, never giving less than
are proficient with one type of artisans tools. You can my best effort.
replace the herbalist kit in your starting equipment 8 I feel strong remorse over what I must do, especially my failures.
with a set of artisans tools of your choice.

d6 Ideal
1 Protection. I defend those who cannot defend themselves.
2 Faith. My god gives me all the strength I require. (Any)
3 Honesty. I refuse to sully my lips with a falsehood. (Lawful)
4 Power. So long as I have power, it won't corrupt anyone else.
5 Responsibility. I must fulfill my duties and keep oaths I have
sworn. (Good)
6 Greater Good. If I must damn myself to give others salvation, so
be it. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 I would venture into the Abyss for my parishioners or
2 I have dedicated myself to unveiling evil of all kinds.
3 If I must damn myself to give others salvation, so be it
4 I will hunt down and destroy the foul beast that escaped me.
5 I owe my sponsor in the Church a debt I can never fully repay.
6 My family means more to me than my own life.

d6 Flaw
1 I see the world in absolutes: there is only good and evil.
2 I can be heartless and when dealing with those I see as sinners.
3 I gain more pleasure than I like to admit at punishing the wicked.
4 I expect perfection from everyone.
5 I'm stubborn, refusing to compromise in matters of importance.
6 I put too much faith in the Church and my superiors.
a diplomat and a noble is that the noble lies for
themselves while the diplomat lies for their country.
Noble Instead of being proficient in Persuasion, you can
While wealthy individuals can hail from any land, be proficient in Deception. Additionally, in place
the aristocratic courts of Dementlieu, Richemulot, proficiency with a gaming set you know another
and Borca produce the true nobility of the Core. The language of your choice.
upper class of Dementlieuse and Borcans set the
trends of culture, establishing new fashions and areas
of interest. The lesser nobles of Richemulot are more The great woods of the central Core cover much
imitative, following the lead of other nations. Darkon of Verbrek, Valachan and Invidia. These lands are
and Nova Vassa also have a sizable upper class, but dotted by small ranches, homesteads, and small
these nobles are more interested in local politics villages too small to appear on any map. Lands
and trends than international fashions. The city adjacent to the dense forests, such as Valachan,
of Paridon also has a well-established aristocracy, Kartakass, and Barovia, are also home to numerous
although the isolated city-state’s concerns are very trappers, ranchers, and reclusive woods folk.
localized. However, even civilized lands like Mordent, Darkon,
and Nova Vassa have small secluded hamlets that
Variant Noble: Diplomat are all but forgotten, or wild space occupied by
Belonging to a lesser aristocratic family, you served independent folk.
as part of an ambassadorial envoy or were trained There are also distant lands less touched
for that role. Diplomats represent their nation or civilization, such as the dense jungles of the
city spend much of their time in foreign locales, Wildlands, where outlanders are the norm. These
negotiating trade deals or preventing war. include the windswept deserts of the Amber Wastes,
It has been said that the difference between or the snow covered Frozen Reaches.

Variant Outlander: Traveling Merchant Sailor
Your days were spent in the wilds, moving from Traders are rare in number on the perpetually
settlement to settlement to sell your wares. While overcast Eastern Sea, but a few brave merchants
you earned a living as a merchant, your home is the ply the waters, following the well-charted routes
open road, and your talents lie less in making a deal connecting Grabben, Liffe, and Nova Vassa. Trade
and more in reaching the next market. along the Wake of the Loa mistway attracts sailors
You may have belonged to a large merchant from Souragne seeking goods from the Core that will
caravan with several wagons or vardos. Alternatively, sell in their native land.
you could have been a tinker or lone merchant, with The Western Sea is much more heavily
an assortment of goods and supplies stored upon a trafficked, with Ghastria and Blaustein trading with
pack animal. Mordent, Dementlieu, and Lamordia. Merchants
In place of proficiency in a musical instruments, from the Core also regularly sail the Way of
you gain proficiency in vehicles (land). You can also Venomous Tears and Emerald Stream mistways.
choose to gain proficiency one type of artisans tools A few brave sailors risk the Leviathan’s Clutches
in place of knowing an additional language. mistway, but the route is fraught with hazards and a
Travelling traders keep many isolated full thirds of vessels that attempt the journey don’t
communities alive. Merchant caravans are essential return; however, the price Rajian spices and silks
in the central core, being the primary source of fetch in the Core ensures there will always be a ready
trade in nations like Hazlan, Kartakass, Barovia, and number of captains risking the trip.
Invidia. The Old Svalich Road is also a vital trade
route, cutting through Barovia and bridging the Servant
Eastern and Western Core.
Wealthy and noble families can employ a small army
Sage of servants to manage and maintain the household
and the surrounding estate. This including
Scholars come from the assorted colleges of the Core. professionals such as butlers, cooks, maids, grooms,
The erudite nation of Lamordia produces the most valet, housekeeper, grounds-keeper, and chauffeurs.
sages, with most focusing on the various sciences. Families with children often have even more staff
The universities of Dementlieu and Liffe also produce members, with a nursemaid tending to young
a number of academics, although these are more children before being replaced by tutors and a
focused on language and history than science. The governess.
monasteries and cathedrals of Nova Vassa also You belonged to “the help”, being considered
produce some scholars focused on religious lore. a part of the household instead of a person. You
Darkon was formerly the primary source of sages, were lucky if your employers even knew your name,
with most graduating from the prestigious University let alone addressed you as something other than
of Il Aluk. With the destruction of the city, only those your job title. It was expected you would silently
scholars absent during the Requiem remain. and invisible perform your duties. You may have
Variant Sage: Physician parted on good terms, leaving with a letter of
Your studies were focused on biology and the recommendation for your next employer, or you
human body rather than chemistry or the physical may have been dismissed for some offence or
sciences. Human anatomy was a major topic of impropriety.
your education, and you were treatments for many In the Land of the Mists, the noble houses of
common ailments and injuries. Herbal remedies the Western Core make heavy use of servants.
were also included in your education and you know Households in Mordent, Lamordia, and Dementlieu
how to make simple curatives. all make use of serving staff. The wealthy Borcan
You aren’t proficiency in Arcana and instead gain aristocratic families also employ a large number of
proficiency in Medicine. In place of one additional staff. Servants are less common in Richemulot, if
language, you are proficient with the herbalist kit. only because housing is more available so staff is
You can replace the quill and bottle of ink in your less likely to live in-house.
starting equipment with both healing and herbalist Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Stealth
kits. Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land)
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A worn set of fine clothes, a set of
work clothes, white gloves, keyring, and a belt
pouch containing 5 gp

Feature: Support Staff d6 Bond
Keeping secrets from family members is hard, and 1 I refuse to ever be poor or helpless ever again.
keeping them from the servants is even harder. 2 My fellow servants in the household were like a family to me.
Even the most trusted and loyal servants know the 3 An agency trained me and saw to my hiring, and I owe them
illicit goings on of their masters and their master’s everything I am.
associates, quietly whispering them amongst 4 Having been let go and cast into the street with almost
themselves and sharing them with the servants of nothing, I’m determined to make something of myself.
other houses. As a former servant, you know how to 5 I fell in love with one of my betters, and need to prove my
approach servants and get them to open up regarding worth to be with them.
the affairs of their masters. After a day in most urban 6 After being abused and mistreated, I seek revenge on my
locales, you can quickly acquire the local gossip, former masters.
recent scandals, current affairs, and political events.
Suggested Characteristics d6 Flaw
Servants are one step above commoners, and are 1 I view nobles as useless fops incapable of fending for
among the lowest people in the land. They value hard themselves.
work and dislike laziness, which just makes more 2 I base my self worth on how well I help others.
work for them. Most are unremarkable, until they 3 After years of being demeaned, I have difficulties believing in
take up arms or magic to become an adventurer. myself.
d8 Personality Traits 4 I pocket small valuables that I think won’t be missed.
1 My manners are impeccable but I’m averse to referring to people 5 Wherever I go, I can’t help cleaning and tidying.
by their given name.
6 I cannot tell a lie, even to save face.
2 I pride myself in remaining composed and unflappable.
3 In my opinion, people would be lost without my constant help
and guidance.
Variant Servant: Slave
No matter how stratified a society, serving staff are
4 I can be so quiet and inoffensive that people can forget I am
there. still paid workers hired to do a job. But not all those
who serve nobles might be free, and some kingdoms
5 My sense of humour is dry to the point of being parched.
and region still allow slavery. You were a slave or
6 I endeavour to always look clean and immaculate. indentured worker that was forced to serve a noble
7 Being exceptionally shy, I speak so quietly people have trouble family for a time. You maybe have purchased your
hearing me.
freedom, repaid your debts, or fled from bondage.
8 I try to anticipate what is expected of me, always being ready to In place of an additional language, you are proficient
in one type of artisan’s tools.
Slaves are uncommon in the Core. Hazlan is one
d6 Ideal of the few lands with open slavery, as the Rashemani
1 Friendship. Good friends are practically family. (Good) are enslaved and oppressed by the Mulan. Servants
2 Loyalty. I serve faithfully and expect others to do the same. in Nova Vaasa are technically free, but many
(Lawful) are forced to work to pay off private debts. The
3 Trust. Without a good reputation, you have nothing. (Lawful) indigenous population of the island of Souragne was
4 Power. Those with money or authority can do whatever they
only recently freed from slavery, but many workers
wish. (Evil) are still effectively slaves.
5 Status. Strive for more than you had, and to elevate yourself.
(Chaotic) Soldier
6 Security. A safe home and steady pay is worth any price. (Any) Few lands have large organized armed forces, with
the armies of most of the western nations comprised
of various local militias or town watchmen. Falkovnia
is one of the few lands with a trained military, its
Talon knights famed for their skills and merciless
training. Borca and Dementlieu have formal armies,
but these have seen little actual combat and are
mostly for show, with officers being promoted due
to familial connections. The Barovian military has
seen little use in the last several centuries outside of
confronting Gundarakite insurrectionists.

Invidia has an increasingly large and skilled d8 Personality Traits
militia, trained in traditional warfare and guerrilla 1 Despite my emotional problems, I maintain a facade of
tactics. Each of the Nova Vassan noble houses has a normality.
large personal guard that theoretically serves as that 2 I am extremely pessimistic, always expecting the worst.
nation’s army, but their loyalties lie not with king but
3 I try to be ready for anything to happen. Anything.
their lord (or, rather, their lord’s coin).
Numerous mercenary companies operate across 4 Humour is my preferred defense, and I take very little seriously.
the Core. Most of these are associated with merchant 5 I can be overly cautious, even in mundane situations.
companies, with some being formed by powerful 6 I appear unemotional, being overly logical and withdrawn.
consortium. The Boristi Trading Company has its 7 I have a plan for any situation, and a back-up plan for when that
own mercenary company dedicated to protecting fails.
their interests. This unnamed company is highly 8 My happiness is fleeting, as I'm filled with a deep sorrow.
trained and well equipped, rivalling the armies of
some smaller nations.
d6 Ideal
Sole Survivor 1 Aspiration. I must be better, I must try harder. (Any)
You lived through a great tragedy, an event so 2 Power. Those in positions of power can prevent tragedies. (Evil)
traumatic that it now defines your entire life. 3 Vengeance. I will have retribution for my pain. (Evil)
Everything you once loved or valued is now gone 4 Protection. Someone has to defend the weak. (Good)
forever. Who you were before the tragedy no longer 5 No More. I will not stand by and let others suffer. (Chaotic)
matters, and returning to your old life seems
6 Community. Neighbours should look out for neighbours.
impossible: that life is a distant memory, more akin (Lawful)
to a dream than reality. The trauma you survived
likely involved serious personal injury, the loss of
a loved one, or both. Alternatively, it could have d6 Bond
also involved the loss of your livelihood, home, or 1 My friends and companions keep me sane.
reputation. 2 I'm determined to help others whenever possible.
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Survival 3 Helping others keeps me grounded: as long as I'm active, I can't
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan’s tools dwell on the past.
(your choice) 4 Someone helped me after my loss. I owe them a great debt.
Languages: One of your choice
5 The people of my home town are the closest thing to family I
Equipment: A set of artisan’s tools (one of your have left.
choice), a memento from your past life (lock of 6 Revenge drives me forward.
hair, locket with a picture, or worn toy) a set of
traveller's clothes, and a belt pouch containing
15 gp d6 Flaw

Feature: Safe House 1 I have strong feelings of guilt for surviving.

2 It is difficult for me to trust others.
Having barely escaped disaster once, you are overly
prepared to avoid future calamity. You have one or 3 I view strangers as expendable.
more hidden caches where you stored a change of 4 Nightmares prevent me from having a full night's sleep.
clothes, basic supplies, a few coins, and some food. 5 I'm self-destructive, taking unnecessary risks.
This cache might be hidden in a crawl space barely
6 My mood changes wildly and without warning.
able to fit a single person, a shack hidden in the
woods, or a small second home in the city.
Suggested Characteristics Town Guard
Survivors have experienced a great deal of emotional As a member of a constabulary or city watch, you
trauma, which makes it difficult for them to form were trained to uphold the law and protect the
emotional attachments. They can be suspicious, citizens of your settlement from mundane threats.
possibly to the point of paranoia. Some survivors Your job was one of deterring crime: being visible
have difficulty thinking about the future, dwelling on and vigilant. When needed, you pursued fleeing
the past and their regrets. Other survivors plan for criminals or intervened in disturbances, however
any contingency, hoping to avoid future tragedies. investigation of crimes was outside your duties.

You might have been a common guard, or d6 Ideal
a member of a specific law-enforcement order. 1 Honesty. I cannot do my job if I'm not trustworthy. (Good)
Examples include the Lamplighters, the small
2 Tradition. Laws are a constant across the generations. (Lawful)
but efficient constabulary of Mordentshire; the
Gendarmerie, given authority to enforce the 3 Rules. A code of law is what separates us from animals. (Lawful)
law across Dementlieu; the Bellmen of Paridon, 4 Power. Someone has to make the rules and keep the streets safe.
headquartered on Bell Street and focused on hunting (Evil)
murderers; or a low-ranking member of the Kargat, 5 Action. If your heart isn't beating, you're not alive. (Any)
the secret police of Darkon. 6 Punishment. The wicked need to be brought to justice. (Any)
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Perception
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land)
Languages: One of your choice. d6 Bond
Equipment: Badge of office, an oilcloth cloak, a 1 One of my parents was a guard. This isn’t a job, it’s my
truncheon (club), evidence from an unsolved inheritance.
crime, a set of common clothes, and a belt 2 I will not rest until I catch the criminal who escaped me.
pouch containing 10 gp 3 My sense of integrity means as much to me as my life.
Feature: Officer of the Law 4 I will clear my town of criminals and corruption.
You are still recognised as a member of the town 5 I have to prove I’m innocent of the crime of which I’ve been
watch by fellow guards of your order. Those of a
lower rank will typically defer to your authority 6 My fallen partner will be avenged.
or recognize your experience. The town watch of
other settlements may identify you as a fellow guard d6 Flaw
and offer aid as a courtesy. Other guards will help 1 I believe everyone is guilty of something.
you will any lawful endeavours, offering minor
2 I don't take bribes, I just get paid extra to do my job.
assistance such as discussing current investigations
or information on local affairs. 3 Breaking out of a cell is easier than changing my mind.
4 When someone is accused of a crime, I always believe they did
Suggested Characteristics it.
Those who opt to join a town watch often have strong 5 It is not my place to decide which laws to follow. I enforce them
feelings towards law and order and are driven to all equally.
help people. They put their life at risk and make 6 I sent an innocent person to jail and have done nothing to free
themselves a target for retribution for very little them.
recompense. A few become guards because they like
the feeling of authority and are something of a bully, Variant Town Guard: Detective
but the dangers of the job mean these individuals are Most guards do little to hunt down criminals,
rare. leaving this task to trained investigators. Detectives
d8 Personality Traits do not keep the peace or deter illegal acts, but look
1 I do everything according to the strict letter of the rulebook. at the evidence left after a crime to discover the
2 I take copious notes, recording everything I witness to avoid
perpetrator. Detectives are rare: few constabularies
forgetting details. make use of their services and fewer still have a
3 I would rather spend a week in the stocks than walk away from a detective as a member of the watch. Many detectives
fight. sell their services, freelancing for the town guard or
4 The danger of my job makes me feel more alive than anything whomever can pay for their services.
else. Rather than proficiencies with Insight and
5 I work hard during the day, and just at hard on my time off. Perception, you are proficient in Investigation
6 I always have a ready drink or a preserved snack.
and Persuasion. In place of your proficiency with
Vehicles, you can be proficient with either thieves’
7 It is difficult for me not to snoop into other people's business.
tools or disguise kits.
8 I always make the first move. I can ask questions after.
Poor or homeless children are a common sight in the
larger cities of the Core. These might be orphans or
the offspring of negligent or abusive parents. A few
hail from other lands or rural areas who ventured to

the city trying to make a life for themselves.
Following the Requiem, there were large numbers
Greatest Fear
of Darkonian orphans who settled in various cities or In a horror campaign it is very possible to overuse
fled to other lands. Falkovnia’s frequent use of capital saving throws against fear, making players feel that
punishment also creates a large number of waifs in their character’s reactions are beyond their control.
its cities. There are particularly large numbers of This optional rule encourages players to consider of
urchins in Dementlieu and Richemulot, with the what frightens their characters, and be proactive in
youths of the former frequently being recruited by portraying terror.
criminal elements, while the urchins of the latter Your greatest fear might suggest some traumatic
band together to claim entire buildings. incident in your past, a personal demon you never
The large city of Paridon has many urchins overcame. Your greatest fear might instead be
roaming the street, displaced with their families from something you worry about in the future.
their homes. The youth of Paridon are frequently The greatest fear characteristic is chosen at
recruited by thieves’ guilds, cults, or charismatic character creation, at the same time as determining
individuals. your character’s personality traits, ideal, bond, and
Elsewhere in the Mists, the isolated domains of flaw. Your greatest fear is something that terrifies
Odiare and Sebua are entirely populated by children. your character, and might drive them to inaction,
These youths either don’t grow old, or die before cause them to act out of character, or send them
reaching full maturity. fleeing in terror.
Greatest Fear
Optional Rules d20 Greatest Fear
The following optional rules can be used in relation 1 Losing a loved one
to Personality Traits, Bonds, Ideals, and Flaws. 2 Becoming seriously ill

Pushing Characteristics 3 Failing those I love

4 Being a helpless victim
This rule allows the Dungeon Master to encourage
their players to portray their character’s flaws. 5 Succumbing to temptation and becoming corrupted
It’s useful in a horror campaign as in both Gothic 6 Not achieving my dreams
literature and horror stories the protagonists are 7 Being abandoned by those close to me
often flawed: subject to temptations, human frailties, 8 Something moving inside my body
or personal compulsions. They're often powerless
9 Becoming insane
to control themselves and struggle against their
weakness. But at times of great importance they can 10 Getting old and senile
rise to the occasion and overcome their personal 11 Being poor or homeless
demons. 12 Getting trapped in a fire
Instead of reactively rewarding good roleplaying, 13 Becoming lost in an unfamiliar place
you prompt a player to act on their characteristics,
14 Losing control of myself
offering inspiration to portray a particular
personality trait or flaw. You should suggest how the 15 Being covered in vermin (insects, rats, spiders)
trait might be currently affecting the character. This 16 Losing my reputation
characteristic is typically a flaw, but it could also be a 17 Being paralyzed or not in control of my body
bond or dark shadow temptation. The player can opt 18 Trapped in tight spaces
to take the inspiration and roleplay the personality
19 Losing my faith
trait—either using your suggestions or their own
interpretation—or they can refuse the inspiration 20 Being all alone in the dark
and choose to portray the character overcoming their
This variant should be used when it is narratively
or thematically appropriate, when it makes sense for
a character to be tempted by their frailties. It can also
be used to set the mood, reminding players of the
humanity of their characters.

Chapter V: Customization
he Vistani dances around the fire faster Beast Shifting
and faster, his daggers becoming a blur as
Prerequisite: Shifter
he demonstrates his deadly art. Careful
not to pour more than a couple drops, the You have learned to tap into the power of your
Lamordian chemyst mixes an extract of undeath with lycanthropic heritage to take a form associated with
a vital fluid, curious to see the results. Desperate, the your curse, as shown on the table below. As an action
monster hunter slumps against the wall, fumbling to you can magically assume the shape of that beast for
reload their crossbow with their blood-slicked hands. 1 hour, after which you revert to your normal form.
Adventurers in the Land of the Mists are different You can revert to your normal form earlier by using
than standard adventurers. While some still desire a bonus action on your turn. Any equipment you are
riches and fame, many more become adventurers to wearing or carrying isn’t transformed.
fight against the darkness that looms over the land. Lycanthropic Bloodlines
They're not glory seekers or treasure hunters but
Bloodline Beast
champions driven by revenge and loss, love and duty,
or simply fear of the night. More than the heroes Werebear Black bear
of other lands, adventurers in the Mists are tragic Wereboar Boar
figures who have been touched by darkness, often Wererat Giant Rat
being in as much risk from the evil that lurks within. Weretiger Small tiger (use panther statblock)

Feats Werewolf
Giant Raven (use blood hawk statblock with the
In place of an Ability Score Improvement feature, raven’s Mimicry trait)
characters can choose from the following feats.
While transformed, your game statistics are
replaced by the statistics of the beast, but you retain
your alignment, personality, hit points, Hit Dice,
as well as you Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma

scores. You are limited in the actions you can Navigator
perform by the nature of your new form, and you You are an experienced traveler who is adept at
can’t speak, cast spells, or take any other action that orienteering and map-making. When travelling, you
requires hands or speech. can contribute your passive Wisdom (Perception)
Once you use this ability, you can’t do so again score to the group’s while navigating or drawing a
until you finish a short or long rest. map. Alternatively, you can navigate and draw a
Blood Mage map at the same time. If you are not navigating or
Prerequisite: The ability to cast spells drawing a map you have advantage on your passive
Wisdom (Perception) score.
You can use your own body as a source of magical
fuel, causing injury to empower you magic. Potent Blood
◊ Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum Prerequisite: Dhampyr
of 20. The necrotic power of your vampiric blood increases,
◊ As a bonus action you can spend a hit die, granting you additional supernatural powers. You
and add the result of the roll to the damage or gain the following benefits:
healing roll of a spell cast before the end of your ◊ Increase your Strength, Charisma, or
next turn. Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Hardy ◊ You can cast the gaseous form spell on yourself,
You recover swiftly from physical exertion and without needing any material components.
injuries. You gain an additional Hit Die, which Once you do so, you must complete a long rest
is a d8. This Hit Dice can be spent and regained before doing so again.
normally. ◊ When you start your turn at 0 hit points and
can cast gaseous form, you can choose to regain
Malevolent Gaze 1 hit point and immediately cast gaseous form
Prerequisite: Giomorgo as a bonus action. You can’t willingly leave the
The magic of your Vistani heritage is particularly misty cloud form until you have more than 1 hit
potent. When you cast hex using your Evil Eye point.
feature, you also regain the ability to do so after a Knife Master
short or long rest. Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher
Additionally, when you lose concentration on hex
after taking damage, the effects of the spell last until You only need the smallest of blades to deal crippling
the end of your next turn. wounds, and are skilled at making sudden rapid
strikes when an opportunity is presented.
◊ When you score a critical hit with a dagger or
Monster Hunter sickle you deal an additional damage equal to
Prerequisite: Intelligence 13 or higher your Dexterity modifier.
You are skilled at hunting creatures of the night, and ◊ When a creature misses you with a melee
gain the following benefits: attack, you can make an opportunity attack
◊ You gain proficiency in the Survival skill. against that creature with a wielded dagger or
◊ While using Wisdom (Survival) to track a sickle.
creature, you treat d20 rolls of 9 or lower as a The Sight
10 and are considered to have advantage on all Prerequisite: Female Giomorgo, Wisdom 13 or
passive Wisdom (Survival) checks. higher
◊ You have advantage on checks Intelligence
check made while researching during You have the Vistani ability to foretell the future.
downtime, and can accurately recall anything While any Vistani can have the Sight, males who
you have read in the last month. possess the ability are put to death.
◊ Choose one of the following creature types to be ◊ Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of
your chosen prey: aberrations, constructs, fey, 20.
fiends, monstrosities, or undead. When you roll ◊ You know the augury spell and while using
damage for attacks against your chosen prey, Tarokka cards or a similar tool, you can cast it
you can treat any 1 on a weapon damage roll as as a ritual.
a 2.

◊ You can tell the fortunes of others using the wielding a chain whip or whip you gain the following
augury spell. If a creature is present for the benefits:
entirety of the ritual, the otherworldly omen ◊ When you take the Dodge action, you gain a +2
you receive can apply to an action they plan to bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.
take. ◊ When you hit with a whip on your turn, you can
◊ At DM’s discretion, your augury can predict the use a bonus action to try and grapple or shove
results of a course of actions farther ahead than the target.
30 minutes.
Stone Guardian Dark Shadows
Prerequisite: Gargoyle Mina Murray struggles to retain her humanity during
her vampiric transformation, and is often cast as the
Defenders by nature, gargoyles have an instinctive reincarnation of Dracula’s lost love. Seeking power
need to protect their lairs and their allies. These and forbidden knowledge, Doctor Faust makes a
instincts are particularly strong in you. deal with fiendish being. Deformed from birth, both
You gain the following benefits: Quasimodo and Erik the Opera Ghost are pushed
◊ Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a to become the monster they resemble. Opium leads
maximum of 20. Franklin Blake into moral conflict as he is accused
◊ When you use the Dodge action, damage you of a theft he does not remember. And an unnamed
take from nonmagical sources is reduced by narrator confronts his inhuman lineage after a visit
1d6. to Innsmouth.
◊ When you use the Help action to aid in In Gothic fiction a shadow often looms over
attacking a creature, that creature has characters, an omnipresent doom marring their life
disadvantage on the first attack it makes before and influencing their actions. Characters are often
the start of your next turn. linked to supernatural forces, and it is sometimes
Thrown Weapon Master this ability which allows them to prevail against the
odds. This potential tragedy drives common folk to
You are able to rapidly hurl weapons with surprising
become heroes, as they try to free themselves from
power and accuracy.
their curse, strive to make the most of what time they
◊ Your normal range with a thrown weapons
have, or struggle to prove to themselves or others
increases by 10 feet and your maximum range
that their corruption does not define them.
increases by 30 feet.
◊ You can draw or stow a thrown weapon as part Purpose
of the Attack action.
◊ When you use the Attack action and attack with Dark shadows are an optional rules module designed
a one-handed weapon, you can use a bonus to help you emulate some of the more common
action to make a ranged attack with a thrown tropes and character traits present in Gothic
weapon. fiction. They're designed to be complementary
to your character’s background, and work as a
Unyielding supplementary rule to the inspiration system
You have learned to fight your hardest when things Your character’s dark shadow might be the
are at their worst. reason they became an adventurer. Dark shadows
◊ Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum are also a possible method to reflect simple curses
of 20. or other prolonged conditions your character might
◊ You die after four failed death saving throws suffer during the course of a campaign.
instead of three.
◊ When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not Gaining and Losing a Shadow
killed outright, you can instead drop to 1 hit You can choose to give your character a dark
point and gain temporary hit points equal to shadow at character creation, having been born
your level + your Constitution modifier. Once with the affliction or gaining it before the start of the
you use this feat’s ability, you must complete a campaign. The source of this dark shadow should be
long rest before you use it again. described in your character’s backstory. It might be
Whip Master a reason your character has taken up the life of an
adventure rather than staying close to the safety of
You’ve learned how to take advantage of flexibility of
whips, keeping enemies at bay with wide sweeping
arcs or wrapping the weapon around limbs. While

It is also possible to gain a dark shadow, attaining
an affliction during the course of a campaign. Gaining
Using a Shadow
a shadow should be the result of events that occur Dark shadows are a new category of personal
during an adventure. For example, after suffering a characteristics. They work in addition to personality
vicious wound from a lycanthrope, you might take traits, flaws, and bonds. They provide additional
the bitten shadow. You do not choose a dark shadow roleplaying hooks that can be used to portray your
like you would a feat or spell, instead working with character, giving depth to their motivation and
your DM to determine when your character has drives. These characteristics might also allow you to
gained a dark shadow. earn inspiration from your DM. Shadows are both
Most dark shadows can be taken at any time, negative and positive: they're a source of strength but
but a few make the most sense if taken at character also a constant temptation that must be fought.
creation (such as Redheaded or Reincarnated). Characteristics
However, with the DM’s permission, is possible to Each dark shadow has suggested character traits.
discover a previously unknown affliction at any time. These are suggestions for how a shadow might
Through play, it might be possible to remove influence your character’s personality or motivations.
a dark shadow. This should happen naturally as a You can use these suggestions or think of your own.
part of the campaign, possibly as the culmination of
a long quest or storyline. Losing your dark shadow Temptation
should be an important character milestone. Each dark shadow pushes a character towards
You can only have a single dark shadow at a further corruption or negative behaviour.
time. If your character gains a new dark shadow, Temptations include a flaw and advice for how the
this replaces the benefits of your old dark shadow. shadow subtly or overtly influences your character’s
However, you can choose to keep the characteristics behaviour.
and temptations of both shadows. Benefit
Each dark shadow provides an additional use for
Designer’s Note: Power Creep inspiration that you can use instead of gaining
Characters possessing a dark shadow are advantage. Typically, using inspiration can only be
theoretically more powerful than characters done on your turn but does not require an action.
without a dark shadow. While the benefits
provided by the option are designed to be
roughly equal to inspiration, having more A malicious hag, dark cleric, or vindictive Vistani
options and choices can potentially make a has cursed you. You might have been cursed by an
character more powerful. evil creature for attempting to stop them, or cursed
The purpose of dark shadows was to by a good or neutral individual as punishment
allow flavourful options into the game, such for misdeeds. The nature of this curse varies
as being bitten by a vampire or reincarnated. dramatically; you might suffer from misfortune, a
These options made poor backgrounds, wasting disease, a weakened sword arm, a tendency
not only because they do not provide skills, to repulse people of the opposite sex, or any number
but also because they were something that of lesser or greater afflictions.
could be gained or removed during play. It Characteristics
seemed strange to have characters lose their Depending on whether the curse was warranted or
background as they shook off the curse of not, you might feel either guilty or persecuted. If the
lycanthropy. curse was justified you might feel remorseful for your
Dark shadows are tied to inspiration misdeeds or prone to self-pity over your misfortune.
as that mechanic is left in the hands of If you feel the curse was unwarranted (rightly or
the Dungeon Master. If a DM finds a dark out of denial) you might feel unjustly targeted and
shadow is being abused then inspiration unfairly judged. As most curses have an escape
awarded to that player can be limited. clause, your continued suffering means you are likely
Similarly, if one or more players opt not too stubborn to change your behaviour or attitude.
to take a dark shadow and feel left out or
less powerful, the DM can just award them Temptation
inspiration more often. Flaw: “I’m quick to blame my curse for any failure.”
Feelings of revenge are difficult to escape, having

been judged and damned by one person. There is the
desire to blame the curse’s invoker rather than look
inward to personal accountability. You have been savaged by the natural attacks of a
supernatural creature such as a werebeast, vampire,
Benefit or ghoul. Having recovered from any initial assault
Having been plagued by misfortune for years, you (and any related infection) the attack has left deeper
have learned to limit the impact chance has on scars than the ones that mar your flesh, tainting you
your actions. You can spend your inspiration before with unnatural magic.
making an ability check to roll 3d6 instead of a d20.
If you have advantage on the check, you instead roll
5d6 and use the total of the three highest rolls. You experience heightened emotions and are prone
to fits of passion and rage, especially when your
Addict territory or possessions are infringed upon. You feel
You have a physical addiction to a substance such as uncomfortable when alone, preferring to be with
alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, or opiates like laudanum others with whom you share a bond. Participating
or opium. You might be a regular user, a recovering on a hunt enflames your blood, be it a rapid chase or
addict, or casual user that has unknowingly become slow stalking, and you have difficulty walking away
dependant on the drug. from prey.

Characteristics Temptation
You have an addictive personality and respond to Flaw: “I long to hunt with my pack, to satiate my
stress and conflict by seeking pleasure, becoming hunger.”
depending on outside stimuli for relief. You have You desire to consume something based on the
difficulty delaying gratification and may be impulsive creature that infected you: raw meat, rotting flesh, or
or impatient. You might have low self-esteem or warm blood. This urge is not omnipresent and is easy
suffer from depression. Your addiction might also be to ignore when not confronted by the subject of your
a way of coping with uncomfortable feelings, such as hunger. However, when the subject of your hunger is
crippling fear or impotency from being confronted by present you have difficulty focusing on anything else
supernatural horrors. and might become distracted or irritable.
When you are denied your drug, you become You also possess a kinship to those of your
irritable and irrational, willing to do almost anything bloodline, especially the one who infected you. This
to end the physical and mental cravings. Use is often does not extend to all creatures of the same type,
habitual, with little conscious thought needed. only those of the same lineage. For example, if bitten
Temptation by a wererat you do not have a kinship with all
lycanthropes or even all wererats but only wererats of
Flaw: “Once is not enough. It will never be enough.” the same bloodline.
No matter how much time passes, part of you will Benefit
always desire your addiction and a single relapse is
all that is needed to descend again into full addiction. By unleashing your inner beast your senses become
Your cravings will always be worse during periods of heightened, increasing your vision, hearing, and
stress or after times of failure. sense of smell. You can spend your inspiration
to be considered proficient in the Perception,
Benefit Investigation, and Survival skills for 1 minute. If the
Accustomed to being intoxicated, if you are poisoned check is related to the subject of your hunger, you
you can spend your inspiration to remove the add double your proficiency bonus.
Additionally, you know unsavoury people and Cat’s Eyes
possess some underworld contacts. Even if your You were born with bright yellow eyes and slightly
particular vice is legal, you have crossed paths ovoid pupils, which catch the light and appear to
with unseemly characters and know how to get in glow in dim illumination. This rare trait is found only
touch with them. You can spend your inspiration to in folks hailing from Vaasi lands. It is most common
gain information from an illicit source or sway the among the Valachani, but the eyes are sometimes
opinions of a disreputable individual. found in Nova Vaasans. The cause is unknown but
there are many superstitions. Some believe a cat took
some of your soul as an infant, others think you have

the blood of a werebeast, and still others believe you Without passion you have few hopes and little
are the reincarnated spirit of a feline. dreams, and there is the continued urge to succumb
Characteristics to your melancholy, to sink into inaction and
surrender to crushing malaise. It is difficult to
You have feline quirks, such as a fondness for find the motivation to continue to fight against the
napping in the warm sun, hiding in tight places, darkness, both external and internal.
toying with small creature, and stalking prey.
You can be fickle and unpredictable, shifting your Benefit
loyalties and affections when the mood strikes. If frightened, you can spend your inspiration to
Temptation remove the condition.
Additionally, animated undead such as zombies
Flaw: “A quick kill is boring, and I wish to be and skeletons pay you little attention. You can
entertained.” spend your inspiration to make a Dexterity (Stealth)
While you may bond with a small handful of people, check against such creatures as if you were heavily
too many unnerve you, pushing you to withdraw obscured. This effect last 1 minute or until you take
from society and dwell with the creatures with whom any action.
you feel a kinship. You might opt to share your home
with cats, breeding them or rescuing strays. Or you Fugitive
might choose the wilds, hunting in the tall grass with You have earned the enmity of a powerful and
plains cats. formidable opponent who haunts their every action.
Benefit Few champions live for long in the Mist without
acquiring an enemy, but you have earned the
You can spend your inspiration to speak with felines. attention a particularly potent and unforgiving foe.
You can communicate freely with cats for 10 minutes, This enemy might be the ruler of a nation, a secret
as if using the spell speak with animals. The cat is society, or even the law. Whomever they're, they will
under no obligation to help or share information with not forgive, and they will never forget.
Alternatively, you can spend your inspiration to Characteristics
gain darkvision for 1 minute. You see in dim light You spend every waking minute wondering if your
within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in enemies are waiting nearby, ready to strike. You
darkness as if it were dim light. If you already have might hope to one day vanquish your pursuers,
darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet. but that day is a long way off, and never seems any
nearer. You can be suspicious and paranoid, and for
Cold One good reason, having been betrayed in the past.
An undead creature drained you of your life energy, Temptation
almost killing you and turning you into an unliving
Flaw: “Trusting others leads to betrayal or
monstrosity. Your assailant might have been a
spectral undead, like a wraith or ghost, or a corporeal
one, like a wight or vampire. Since the attack, you Survival is your primary drive. You do what you
have regained your strength and vigor, but not your must to escape and survive. Your opponent has
humanity and vitality: some ineffable part of your more resources and power than you, being virtually
soul is absent. unassailable. Sometimes escape means sacrificing
Characteristics others as a distraction, or betraying others before
they betray you.
You lack warmth, both physically and emotionally.
Your body temperature is low and your skin is cool Benefit
to the touch. While not entirely emotionless, you are You can spend your inspiration to gain proficiency in
lacking in joy and compassion and find happiness the Perception skill for 1 minute. If already proficient,
fleeting. Even your strong negative emotions, such you instead double your proficiency bonus.
and anger, as muted, as you lack the passion that Alternatively, you can spend your inspiration to act
fuels rage, jealousy, and hatred. But you are also in a surprise round.
calm and not easily frightened or unnerved.
Temptation Gravesight
Flaw: “I cannot hate but neither can I love.” The spirits of people and events are visible to you
as vague mist-like outlines. You can see both ghosts

and the imprint left by strong emotions and dramatic
events on a location. You are able to find places of
ethereal resonance and witness events from decades
past. This power is limited to sight and you have no
special ability to hear or interact with ghosts.
You cannot turn off your sight and have witnessed
many scenes of horror and tragedy, often without
warning. At any time you might experience a vision
of the past or encounter a ghost that does not wish
to be disturbed. You are wary about entering new
places, which might have witnessed uncountable
horrors or be the home of several spirits. You are
cautious and possibly a little nervous. You may also
have grown detached, emotionally hardened after
years of horror.
Flaw: “Having seen so much horror, I can be callous
and unsympathetic.”
Knowing that at any time you might be subjected to
visions without warning pushes you to withdraw,
to isolate yourself in safe places where there was no
death and unpleasant memories. There’s also the
danger of becoming emotionally dead and uncaring
of the suffering of others.
You can spend your inspiration to witness the
ethereal resonance a recent event. The event must
have had some emotional significance and have
were isolated due to your perceived insanity. You
occurred in your current location. Watching the
might seem perpetually distracted, as if listening to
ghostly re-enactment might offer some clue as
multiple people at once or lost in thought.
to what happened or provide new information
regarding the past. This might call for the normal Temptation
Horror check for witnessing a disturbing event. Flaw: “I often forget the living, listening only to my
Alternatively, you can spend your inspiration to spirit.”
partially see an invisible undead creature. Make a
Wisdom (Perception) check to locate the creature as Listening to the dead too much is also not healthy:
if it were only lightly obscured. ghosts do not have the same concerns as the living,
and their advice cannot always be trusted. Your spirit
Haunted may not be too concerned for your safety, possibly
believing your death will release them or pushing you
The ghost of a loved one or family member follows
towards a goal they think will free them.
you around, seldom leaving your side. You cannot see
other spirits and no one else can see your ghost, but Benefit
you can interact with the ghost as if it were a regular You can consult with your spirit, learning otherwise
person. unknowable knowledge. Pick one skill: History,
Characteristics Investigation, Perception, or Survival. Once you
pick a skill you cannot change it until after you take
You have likely been thought crazy for seeing and
a long rest. You can spend your inspiration to gain
hearing someone who is not there. You have grown
proficiency in that skill for 1 round.
used to not being believed and have grown tired
Alternatively, you can spend your inspiration to
of trying to explain who you are talking to. You
roll a Wisdom (Perception) check when it is not your
might have limited social skills from spending too
turn, but doing so uses your reaction.
much time talking with the dead, especially if you

Hollow riding them up and down with the moon. This is
taking the path of least resistance, no longer fighting
You are lacking a soul. You might have been born to contain your feelings and forfeiting all control of
without a true soul or lost most of your soul as the your emotions and letting your impulses and sudden
result of a near death experience. As you lack a soul desires drive your actions.
you cannot be resurrected by magic, and will not
experience an afterlife. Benefit
During periods of where the moon is half-full you can
Characteristics spend your inspiration to add your proficiency bonus
You are prone to slips of morality ranging from to your initiative. Alternatively, you can spend your
antisocial to sociopathy. You are pragmatic, feeling inspiration to act in a surprise round.
little guilt for your misdeeds. With potentially no
afterlife, you have fewer worries of final punishment Possessed
but also no reward for a life well-lived. You might You are the victim of fiendish or undead possession.
have the desire to make your actions count, or you The will of another entity imposes itself on you,
might avoid danger to prolong the only life you have. pushing you to take actions that are not of your
Temptation choosing. The other presence cannot yet take full
Flaw: “I am not burdened by guilt, shame, or control of your body, and you retain your free will
remorse.” and independence but it is a constant struggle.
The entity cannot simply take command during a
With no worry of long-term consequences, there is moment of weakness (such as when you are sleeping
the potential to forgo morality and the restrictions of or injured): you must surrender control and give into
polite society, to live a hedonistic and consequence- its desires.
free lifestyle.
Benefit Waging a constant unceasing war for your soul, you
You can spend your inspiration to make a new are controlled and restrained, allowing yourself few
Wisdom saving throw against being charmed or indulgences and luxuries. Pleasures are few and
stunned. You can do this when it is not your turn fleeting, and you live an ascetic’s life, potentially
by using your reaction. If the effect is related to bordering on monasticism. Because of the voices
emotions, you are considered proficient with Wisdom in your head or foreign urges, you often appear
saving throws and add double your proficiency distracted or conflicted, unable to separate your
bonus. emotions from those of the entity. You are prone to
occasional outbursts or uncharacteristic behaviour as
Lunatic your restraint momentarily slips.
Your emotions are tied to the cycle of the moon.
You grow increasingly excited and energetic during Temptation
gibbous moons but become lethargic and depressive Flaw: “I cannot allow myself a single moment of
during waning moons. This lunacy might plague your weakness.”
bloodline, be the result of some trauma or illness, or You are directly tempted by the entity that shares
have no understandable cause. your mind, as it whispers seductions to you, offering
Characteristics you power, riches, and pleasures of the flesh. At
Your emotions are not your own, tied to a force the same time you are constantly denying yourself
beyond your control. You often feel impotent, not luxuries common folk take for granted. You wonder if
in control of yourself or your own life. You might indulging just once would truly hurt.
go to extreme lengths to justify your free will and Benefit
demonstrate your self-efficacy. You are also plagued You can confer with your possessing spirit, learning
by insomnia, leading you to distance yourself from some forbidden knowledge. Pick one skill: Arcana,
the outside and the light of the moon, moving to History, Nature, or Religion. You can spend your
windowless rooms lit by lamps and gaslight. inspiration to gain proficiency in that skill for 1
Temptation minute. If already proficient, you instead double your
Flaw: “Not being fully in control, I take little proficiency bonus.
responsibility for my actions.” Once you pick a skill you cannot change your
choice until after you take a long rest.
It is all too easy to surrender to the tides of emotion,

Redheaded Having given into sin once, there is always the
possibility you will return to your evil ways. You
Having been touched by the fey, witchcraft, or other also experience strong feelings of guilt and remorse
magical forces, you possess a minor magical talent. for your past, potentially accepting blame for things
The superstitious believe you are the harbinger of beyond your control. Similarly, as you redeemed
ill-fortune, or made a pact with infernal forces. While yourself, you might look down upon those unable to
not all redheads are touched by otherworldly forces— do the same, condemning or judging them for their
the majority simply have red hair—all those similarly perceived weakness.
“blessed” possess vibrant crimson locks.
Characteristics Having earned redemption once, you are strong
Being met with suspicion and whispers, you have willed and refuse to give up or surrender. You can
grown either withdrawn and shy or become defensive spend your inspiration to add your proficiency bonus
and defiant. You may be tired of being accused of to Wisdom saving throws or death saving throws for
witchcraft or evil deeds and grow angry and irate 1 minute or until you fail a Wisdom or death saving
at the suggestion of impropriety. Or you may feel throw, whichever comes first.
guilty and ashamed of your abilities, hiding them and
your hair to the best of your ability. Either way, you Reincarnated
seldom feel like you are seen for who you are and few Caught in a choice of death and rebirth, this is not
people see you as an individual. your first life and you have returned from the grave
Temptation into a new body. You only dimly recall the events of
Flaw: “I see myself as others see me.” your past life in a dream-like haze but occasionally
you experience intense memories, feelings, and
Whether hiding your hair or overreacting to urges. It is also difficult for you to be resurrected by
suspicion, there is a desire to define yourself solely magic, as your soul is quickly reborn minutes after
by your hair, to let being touched by the otherworldly your death.
define who you are. You might decide it is easier to
become the corrupt person many believe you to be, Characteristics
and ally with unnatural forces. You seem more experienced than age would suggest:
wise beyond years and possessing esoteric and varied
Benefit knowledge. You likely appear book smart, having
You can spend your inspiration to gain either the more historical and trivial knowledge rather than
mage hand or thaumaturgy cantrip for 10 minutes. current events. You might be thoughtful and quiet,
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip. prone to silent reverie and introspection. You are also
occasionally forgetful, calling people by the wrong
Redeemed name and referring to events long since past.
After a lengthy inner struggle, you have escaped
corruption. Your past misdeeds were so foul as to Temptation
leave a physical or spiritual stain, which you have Flaw: “I’m more comfortable in days past than the
finally managed to erase. While you can never regain present.”
your innocence or purity of spirit, you are not longer The weight of ages tugs you to embrace elements of
mentally or spiritually tainted. your past lives over the present: old friends might
Characteristics seem more familiar than current companions and
As you accepted blame for your past deeds, you are old homes more comfortable. You experience an
honest or responsible. You are not prone to denial or occasional loss of identity and sense of self. Past
blaming others for your failings. However, you are traumas, especially deaths, make you hesitant to do
wary of falling from grace again, overcompensating certain things or go certain places.
in your attempts to avoid sin, temptation, or prove Benefit
your redemption. Because you succeeded where so Tapping into the knowledge of a past life, you can
many others have failed, you might be prideful and spend your inspiration to be considered proficient
prone to egotism. in a skill your choice for 1 minute, or a tool of your
Temptation choice for 1 round.
Flaw: “I look down on those who lack the strength to Alternatively, you can spend your inspiration to
redeem themselves.” recall memories from a past life, potentially recalling

some details of a person you have Alternatively, you can use your gift
never met or place you have never to gain a brief vision of the future. This
been. vision is cryptic and often veiled in
metaphor, but useful when otherwise
Second Sight lacking direction.
You have the ability to catch glimpses
of the future, through visions, Shadow Touched
prophetic dreams, reading fortunes, The darkness moves and shifts around
or divining signs. You might rely on you as shadows move on their own.
tools, such as bones or tarokka cards, You have been touched by the plane
or patterns found in tea leaves or of shadows and are one with darkness
chicken entrails. and the night. The shadows around you
Characteristics move with a will of their own, but you
can occasionally exert some control,
Seeing events unfold in a nonlinear shifting or shaping the darkness.
fashion, you can be erratic or
mysterious: prone to non-sequitur, Characteristics
cryptic statements, or even confusion Having stared into blackness you see
over cause and effect. You might be things in black and white. This might
distracted or have difficulty focusing be a literal colour blindness, which
on the moment, receiving images removes all hues from your vision
or impressions of different times or depriving you of the beauty of colour,
possible futures. You may also be or metaphorical, as you philosophically
fatalistic, having little belief in free view things in absolutes.
will. Temptation
Temptation Flaw: “Everyone has a darkness inside
Flaw: “I find it difficult to believe my them.”
actions have meaning.”
As shadows are created by light, it is
There is the potential to abuse easy to believe that evil is created by
your visions and foreknowledge for good. You might see sinners and villains
personal reasons, selfishly using everywhere, or the darkness lurking in
your gift to gain material comforts. everyone. It can become hard to even
Seeing inevitable future tragedies or believe in goodness and light.
failing to alter the future can lead to Benefit
depression and pessimism, believing
that you cannot alter destiny and Through sheer will, you can lengthen
people have no choice or real and darken nearby shadows. You
freedom. can spend your inspiration to make a
creature or object lightly obscured for 1
Benefit round.
You can take advantage of your Alternatively, you can spend your
foreknowledge to succeed at simple inspiration to shape or sculpt an
tasks. You can spend your inspiration existing shadow into a simple two-
to treat a d20 roll as an 11. dimensional image. This shadow can be
no larger than a medium-sized creature.

Chapter VI: Equipment
he cliffs of the Balinok Mountains towered the Western Core, but are typically only affordable by
above on either side of the narrow Svalich the wealthy.
Pass; the guards eyed the road nervously,
equally wary of bandits and rock slides. Weapon Properties
The small hammer struck metal with a light tap, Most weapons use the common properties, but
the precise and delicate blow of a true artisan, yet craftsmanship in the Mists allows lighter weaponry
mirrored all along the short avenue: the gunsmiths that is easily hidden.
of Dementlieu were busy today. The gears and fine Brittle. Made from a fragile material that snaps
tools lay in a precise order on the black velvet as the easily. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, you must
Lamordian clockmaker began the work of repairing succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or the
the damaged pocket watch. weapon breaks.
In much of the Core, technology in more Concealed. You have advantage on checks to
advanced than in other realms and worlds. This has hide the weapon from sight.
granted easier access to firearms, clockworks, and Soft. Made with a soft metal that dulls easily
other wonders of science. Gas lamps are beginning to When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, the weapon takes
replace candles in many homes. a cumulative -1 penalty to damage. If its penalty
drops to -5, the weapon breaks. The penalty lasts
Weapons until you sharpen the weapon during a short or long
Light weapons and armour have replaced heavy steel rest.
in many lands, with knights on horseback almost
anachronistic. Renaissance firearms are available in

Item Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Scythe 5 gp 1d8 slashing 2 lb. Two-handed
Martial Melee Weapons
Chain Whip 10 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 5 lb. Reach two-handed
Sword Cane 15 gp 1d6 piercing (sword), 1d6 bludgeoning (cane) 2 lb. Concealed, finesse, light
Martial Ranged Weapons
Coat pistol 150 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (range 20/60), loading, concealed
Martial Hybrid Weapon
Pistol-rapier 300 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Ammunition (range 25/75), loading, finesse

Variant: Alternate Materials Stone

The vast majority of weapons are made out of Weapons can be made of stone such as flint. While
common steel, which is durable and holds an edge. hard and heavy, stone weapons shatter after periods
But not all of the horrors of the Mists are susceptible of stress.
to steel weaponry, and some require more exotic Most stone weapons weight the same as steel
minerals. weapons: the materials are lighter, but needs to be
larger to remain as effective. They gain the brittle
Silver weapon property. Stone weapons are cheap to make
The alchemical silver of other worlds—which allows but require special orders to build, costing half as
silvered weapons to be as effective as steel—is far much to craft.
more rare in the Mists. Most silver weapons are Obsidian
made of silver alloy, and dulls more quickly than
steel, threatening to bend or break. Volcanic glass is brittle but razor sharp, able to hold a
Silver weapons weigh 1.5x more than steel sharper edge than steel.
weapons and have the Soft weapon property. A silver Obsidian weapons gain the brittle weapon
weapon costs an extra 50 gold pieces due to the value property. They're cheap to make but require special
of the weapon and the extra skill required to work orders to build, costing half as much to craft but
with the metal. twice as much to buy.
When attacking with an obsidian weapon that
Cold Iron deals slashing or piercing damage, once per turn you
Made from cold worked iron or ore mined from can reroll a damage roll. You must take the second
deep within the earth, cold iron negatively affects fey result, even if it's lower.
like silver affects lycanthropes. Cold iron is brittle Bone
and easily breaks if the user is not careful with their
swings. Bone is a simple building material, but over time
A cold iron weapon is treated as magical when bone grows brittle and does not hold and edge for
used against any fey creature. Because extra effort is long.
required in the mining and forging processes, a cold Bone weapons weigh half as much as steel
iron weapon costs an extra 100 gold pieces weapons, and have the Brittle and Soft weapon
properties. Bone weapons are cheap to make and
Gold purchase, costing a quarter as much to craft or half as
While a heavy metal, gold is soft and easily deforms much to buy.
making it unsuitable for weapons. To be effective,
gold weapons are made of gold alloys, being only half Improvised Weapon
or three-quarters gold. Commoner heroes and angry mobs often have
Gold weapons weigh twice as much as steel to make do with what is at hand rather than
weapons and have the Soft weapon property. A manufactured weapons. The table below provides
gold weapon costs an extra 300 gold pieces, which the equivalent weapon. Characters using worn or
includes the metal and the extra work required to crudely made improvised weapons don't apply their
strengthen the metal. proficiency bonus to attack rolls.

Improvised Weapon Equivalents attack roll and can be done in place of an attack.
Tool Weapon Equivalent Straight-jacket. These canvas restraints can bind
Axe Battleaxe
a Small or Medium creature. Escaping a straitjacket
requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. Tearing
Broken Bottle Dagger
them requires a successful DC 25 Strength check.
Crowbar Mace Tarokka Deck. A simple deck of 54 fortune-
Gaff Pick telling cards kept in a velvet lined box. While magical
Hammer Light hammer variants exist, most decks are mundane.
Hatchet Handaxe Adventuring Geard
Hoe Quarterstaff Item Cost Weight
Carving Knife Dagger Clock
Machete Scimitar Pocket-watch 300 gp —
Cleaver Handaxe Mantle 250 gp 5 lb.
Pitchfork Trident Grandfather clock 200 gp 80 lb.
Fireplace Poker Spear Compass 15 gp 1 lb.
Scalpel Sickle Dikesha Dice 1 gp —
Shovel Quarterstaff Phonograph 100 gp 10 lb.
Skillet Club Wax canister 10 gp —
Sledgehammer Warhammer Plague Mask 10 gp 1 lb.
Syringe 10 gp —
Adventuring Gear Straight-jacket 20 gp 5 lb.

This section describes items that adventurers can Tarokka Deck 50 gp 1 lb.
purchase in the Land of the Mists
Clock. Clockwork timepieces keep accurate time Tools
so long as they're wound or maintained. The smaller Item Cost Weight
the clockwork the more delicate work required to Artisan's tools
manufacture the clock. Clockworking tools 50 gp 10 lb.
Compass. A compass unerringly points north,
Gunsmithing 30 gp 7 lb.
granting advantage on all Wisdom checks related to
navigation. Vehicle
Dikesha Dice. Fortune-telling dice from Vardo, simple 60 gp 600 lb.
Har'Akir. A set has five 6-sided dice, with each die Vardo, ornate 120 gp 650 lb.
being a different colour and each of the thirty faces
having a unique glyph.
Phonograph. A device used for recording
sounds on metal cylinders coated with wax, and then
replaying recordings through a large horn.
Plague Mask. A leather hood with a long, conical
nose resembling a beak. The nose is stuffed
with aromatic herbs designed to shield
the wearer from contaminated vapours.
While wearing the mask you have
advantage on saving throws to against
airborne diseases or effects
caused by foul odours. The
herbs dry out after 1 day and
need to be replaced at a cost
of 15 gp.
Syringe. A sturdy medical
syringe can deliver a potion or
poison. Using a syringe requires an

In place of the Trinkets table in the Player’s
Handbook, you can roll on the following table.
d100 Trinket 58-59 A jade pendant that always feels warm to the touch.
1-2 An ebony walking stick with a silver head monogrammed 60-61 Sheet music for an unfinished opera.
62-63 A key to an unknown lock with a bow shaped like a cat's eye.
3-4 A pickled human head in a jar.
64-65 A small lockbox shaped like a coffin.
5-6 A cameo necklace with an ancestor's portrait inside.
66-67 A braided lock of black hair.
7-8 Thirteen glass teardrops in a velvet lined box.
68-69 The fang of an unknown animal.
9-10 A black leather-bound book written in an unknown language.
70-71 A single masterfully painted tarokka card.
11-12 A dagger with a blood stain that won't wash off.
72-73 A chapbook almanac of the Core.
13 A well-read copy of a Van Richten Guide with personal
annotations. 74-75 A silk top hat that's just a little too large for you.
14-15 An obsidian glass eye. 76-77 A cipher for cracking an unknown code.
16-17 Half of a map of the Ste. Ronges sewer system 78-79 Fragments of a gold-covered drinking horn.
18-19 A long silk handkerchief embroidered with the name "Collins". 80-81 A porcelain doll resembling a family member.
20-21 A rosary whose wooden beads have been worn smooth with 82-83 A sealed glass vial of blood.
use. 84-85 A bottle of Borcan wine without a label.
22-23 A straight razor with a pearl handle. 86-87 Three polished black stones in a silk pouch.
24-25 Blueprints of an unknown manor house in the Mordentish 88-89 A package of spices from across the sea.
90-91 Six red candles with blackened wicks.
27-26 A small velvet bag of fortune-telling bones.
92-93 A human finger bone on a leather cord.
27-29 A silver coin minted in an unknown land.
94-95 A black lace mourning veil.
30-31 An elaborately carved goat's skull candle holder.
96-97 A hip flask engraved with the phrase "patience".
32-33 Ruby and silver cuff-links.
98-99 A used and slightly deformed silver bullet.
34-35 A broadsheet newspaper with next year's date.
100 A black rose that never wilts.
36-37 A wax phonograph cylinder
38-39 A tin snuff box.
40-41 The desiccated body of a bat.
42-43 A mummified humanoid hand.
44-45 An ivory game piece shaped like a queen.
46-47 A pocket watch with thirteen hours that manages to tell the
correct time.
48-49 Small stone statue of a horse.
50-51 A puzzle box you have been unable to solve.
52-53 A compass that doesn't point north.
54-55 A water damaged autobiography.
56-57 Gold rimmed spectacles with a thin golden chain.

Chapter VII: Faiths
ods are silent in the Land of the Mists. While patrons, they no longer feel their god’s presence. This
divine powers grant their followers spells, absence often causes clerics to fall into despair or
they never commune directly with their suffer a crisis of faith.
worshippers. Some devoted followers argue Some theologians claim this absence of the divine
otherwise, insisting that the gods are simply more is a sign that the power of the gods doesn’t extend
subtle in their advice, offering various signs and through the Mists. The is supported by the inability
portents as evidence of communication with the of magics to pierce the Mists and allow travel
divine. Others point to the many wonders of the beyond the borders of the land. If divine magic can’t
world as clear proof of the gods. Conversely, atheists penetrate this barrier, then some other force has
argue there are no gods and that “divine” magic is replaced the gods in granting spells to clerics. This is
merely an alternate form of arcane magic. These one possible explanation for why clerics and Paladin
sceptics point out that blasphemous clerics are that betray their orders don't lose access to their
not chastised for their trespasses, nor do they lose powers.
spellcasting or similar abilities. Another theory posited by outlanders is that the
powers of the gods is allowed to freely pass through
Unspoken Pact the barrier of the Mists. This implies an “unspoken
When a cleric, paladin, or similar person enters the pact” with the masters who control the Land of the
Land of the Mists from another world or plane, they Mists, the fabled Dark Powers, who allow magic to be
immediately feels an indescribable emptiness, a void imparted to the faithful but in exchange the gods are
left by the departing strength imparted by their deity. not permitted to interfere with the world or directly
While they continue to receive the blessings of their intervene on behalf of their followers.

Without the watchful eye of the gods to oversee
what is being done in their name, many religion
transplanted to the Core gradually undergo a shift The Master of Fire, the Cleansing Flame,
in their beliefs, theological, or dogma. Teachings Followers of Belenus claim he bestows the life-giving
and lessons change and adapt as they passed from light of the sun upon those who please him and
one follower to another, evolving to suit the needs withholds it from those who earn his scorn.
of their parishioners. On occasion, a religion will be Belenus’ primary worship in the Core takes
deliberately altered to benefit the clergy. place in Tepest. Primarily a folk religion, worship
Gods in the Mists of Belenus incorporates many local traditions,
superstitions, and legends. The faith mingles
There is no single pantheon or single monotheistic with tales of shadow fey, ravenous goblins, and
faith in the Land of the Mists. Instead, most lands horrible witches. Once part of a larger pantheon
have their own religion or one they share with (see the Celtic Deities in Appendix B of the Player’s
neighbouring lands. Residents of a nation seldom Handbook), Belenus is seen as the “god of gods”.
worship more than one god, typically giving homage While the other deities are included in stories and
to the local religion. parables, they're always presented as lesser deities.
In the Core there are two dominant religions: the Sermons during the noon-time services were
Church of the Lawgiver and the Church of Ezra. The once limited to village priests tending their small
Lawgiver is observed in southeastern Core, including congregations, giving thanks to Belenus for creating
Hazlan and Nova Vaasa. Worship of Ezra is much the world and sustaining their lives. Howver, the
more widespread; while concentrated in lands the faith changed after the Great Upheaval when the
Western Core (Borca, Mordent, and Dementlieu) neighbouring lands of Markovia and G’Henna were
there is also a following in Nevuchar Springs in seemingly destroyed. Believing fey and black magic
Darkon. were responsible, priests of Belenus organized an
Gods of the Mists
Deity Alignment Domains Symbol
Belenus NG Forge, Light Geometric solar disc
Eternal Order NE Death, Knowledge Hooded humanoid skull
Ezra LN Life, War Cruciform sword wrapped in a sprig of belladonna
Hala N Arcana, Nature, Tempest Ring of 13 serpents devouring each other
Lawgiver LE Order, War An iron rod, spear, or mace
Mother Night CN Grave, Trickery A wolf eye with crescent moon pupil
Morninglord CG Light, Life Rose tinted disc showing a rising sun
Wolf God CE Nature, Trickery Snarling wolf head
Zhakata LE Light, War Small reliquary containing human finger bones

inquisition to fight back. This movement is led by Hour of Ascension. This disaster also killed a large
Wyan, the high priest of Viktal. number of the church hierarchy, leaving the Order is
To the south, Belenus is also worshiped in disarray. The clergy placed the blame for the tragedy
Forlorn as part of a larger pantheon of deities by on the Darkonian people and their weak faith. This
reclusive human druids. These druids tend several of fragmented the populace, with some renewing their
the Stone circles dotting the landscape. faith and dedication to the Order, while others
In distant Nidala, worship of Belenus is organized openly abandoned the church for failing to prevent
and takes place in a huge and glorious cathedral. the Requiem.
Other religions are ruthlessly persecuted by the
Church, as are transgressions against Belenus. Only Ezra
women can join the priesthood, and must take vows Maiden of the Mist, Our Guardian in the Mists
of chastity. Men serve the church as enforcers or
guardians. Once a mortal woman, Ezra returned to the world
as a god and protector. According to most traditions
Eternal Order in the Church, Ezra was a virtuous woman who,
despairing of the evils in the world, surrendered her
The Final Ward, Watcher at the Gate
mortality to the Mists to become an eternal guardian
The state religion of Darkon, the Eternal Order does of mankind. The Church is known for appointing
not revere a deity, and instead serves to wards off the faithful clerics, called anchorites, who are tasked with
end of the world. Darkonian tradition holds that the protecting and healing her faithful, keeping them
land once belonged to the unliving, but he living stole safe from the forces of evil.
the world, banishing the spirits to the Grey Realm. The Church advocates kindness and charity,
It's prophesied that one day, the Hour of Ascension advocating that those who can protect themselves
will come and the vengeful dead will rise to reclaim also protect others. It encourages a sense of
what is rightfully theirs. The Eternal Order performs community among its parishioners. Anchorites and
countless rituals intended to appease the dead and priests are encouraged to convert as many souls as
postpone the Hour of Ascension. possible, for Ezra can’t fully protect those who don’t
Less an organized religion and more a collection of accept her into their hearts.
traditions and rituals, the Eternal Order liberally The most widespread church in the Mists,
borrows rites and tenants from other religions, worship of Ezra is practiced in most of the Western
especially those related to death or undeath. Core along with some of the Northern Core. In
Barovian funerary rites are wholly incorporated, addition, missionaries have brought the faith to
omitting the more overt references to Mother Night. distant lands, such as Souragne. The worship of Ezra
The Eternal Order is currently recovering from a is centered in Borca, where it's known as the Home
religious schism. The Requiem, a horrifying magical Faith. The Church of Ezra has no fewer than four
catastrophe that killed every living inhabitant of distinct sects, each with their own objectives and
Il Aluk, was seen by many as the beginning of the methods, although they all recognize the authority of
the central church.

Ezra is commonly depicted as a tall, slender milk, ruin crops, and worse. It's said that followers of
woman in flowing, white robe, with raven hair that Hala who lose control of their magic are transformed
sharply contrasts with her pale skin. Revered as both into monstrous hags.
protector and healer, Ezra is usually depicted holding
an alabaster kite shield and a slender longsword. The Lawgiver
shield is often adorned with a sprig of wolfsbane in The Iron Tyrant, the Black Lord
recognition of her role as a healer.
The state religion of Hazlan and Nova Vaasa, the
Hala Lawgiver rewards blind obedience and loyalty. The
principal tenets of this religion asserts the divine
The Witch of the Weave, Last of the Nine
providence of rulers: those born into wealth and
A secretive and mystical faith, followers of Hala don’t power deserve to rule, while those born into poverty
actively seek new converts. While they can be found deserve only what is earned through dutiful service to
in every land, nowhere is the faith the predominant their betters.
religion. Worshipers of Hala commonly operate out However, those born to rule have a duty to do so.
of hospices, where they offer healing to anyone who Weak and overly corrupt rulers who are unable to
comes to their door. Because they pair their magic maintain their control have surrendered their right
with potions, tonics, and herbal poultices, followers authority. Strong individuals who can take power
of Hala are often accused of being witches or hags. through force of will or arms demonstrate they have
According to the holy text of Hala, Tales of the gained the blessing of the Lawgiver.
Ages, nine deities created the world from roiling The Iron Faith has a strict and rigid hierarchy.
mists of Chaos. Eight of the deities then withdrew, It is led by the Himmelsk Naeve (or “Divine Fist”),
allowing mortals free rein over the world. But who commands the Iron Faith throughout the Land
mortals lacked wisdom to run and the world soon of the Mists. Beneath them are four aerkebiskops in
filled with pain and anguish. Hala, who tarried both Nova Vaasan and Hazlan. Each of these eight
behind to watch the world, returned to ease suffering aerkebiskops command a number of biskop, who
in the world. She gathered together thirteen women represent a settlement or region known as a dommer.
and thirteen men and taught them secrets of the The martial arm of the Lawegiver is the Gudkædes
Weave: a form of magic that manipulates natural (or “God-chains”) who are sworn to the defence of
forces. Followers that identify as male tap into the Church and the destruction of the Lawgiver’s
elemental powers, typically becoming sorcerers, enemies.
while feminine followers become clerics or druids. The church enforces a strict stratification
The witches of Hala are frequently persecuted. between social classes. Clergy are drawn from many
While the Weave is not inherently evil, its use is different ranks, but individuals of different classes
rife with occult dangers. Exposure to the Weave or don’t mix and marriage between different ethnicities
witches of Hala is rumoured to create caliban, foul and races is forbidden.

Unlike other gods where there title is their name, of evil, but that even the most depraved evil may
the Lawgiver has a true name. Clerics of the Lawgiver contain some spark of goodness.
claim that the revelation of his name would strike a The Morninglord’s clergy is small, focused in
mortal dead. Barovia. However, the faith has begun spreading
through traders and its cultists can now be found
Mother Night across the Core. It tends to attract a following
Matron of Twilight, The Fool’s Moon among the downtrodden, who have little to offer but
kindness and hope. It is gaining popularity in Nova
One of the four gods of ancient Barovia, the presence Vaasa, much to the chagrin of the Church of the
of Mother Night is felt between dusk and dawn. She Lawgiver.
is typically depicted as a woman draped in garlands
of lilacs with a wolf’s head. Wolf God
It's said Mother Night dwells in the City of
The Devouring Beast, the First Alpha
Winter, where the snow is always following and
the spring melts never come. An entrance to her Beast-god of the night, worshiped in primordial
kingdom is said to lie near the peak of Mount forests of the southwestern Core. There, demonic
Baratak. wolves who walk like men praise a savage and
Thought to be the ally and guardian of those who predatory being known only as the Wolf God. They
walk after sunset, Mother Night is often worshipped worship their patron with frenzied rites of blood and
by nocturnal creatures—such as lycanthropes— carnal acts under the light of a full moon.
but also watchmen, burglars, and hunters. Those Followers of the Wolf God hold that wolves
who need to travel or work during the nighttime are divine beings. All other creatures are pathetic
sometimes give offerings to Mother Night in rivals to be slain, herd animals to be thinned, or
supplication, hoping to bribe her into protecting abominations to be slaughtered.
them. Few humans worship the Wolf God. Those who
She also watches over the souls of the dead, as the do seek the strength of the wolf, longing for their
sun set on their life they move through her demesne. predatory instincts and ferocity.
She is a fickle goddess who doesn’t part easily with
the souls who pass into her frozen realm. Legends Zhakata
tell of brave heroes who have ventured into the City The Devourer and the Provider, The Beast of
of Winter seeking the spirit of a loved one, and have G’Henna
had to bribe Mother Night with something of great
value in other to reclaim the departed soul. Depicted as a monstrous creature squatting atop a
Long ago, it was said Mother Night would defend pile of bones, Zhakata the beast-deity of G’henna is
people against the monster lurking in the dark, but not worshiped but merely appeased.
it is said she has forsaken those who walk in the sun. Believed to appear to his followers in two
Some Barovians even believe Mother Night sent the forms—the Devourer and the Provider—the people
Devil Strahd to punish the land for some slight or of G’henna have only experienced the former. As the
offense. Devourer, Zhakata demands continual sacrifices of
foodstuffs. Or, if there is no food to spare, sacrifices
Morninglord of blood. The populace of G’henna starves themselves
in order to offer sacrifices in the hopes of one day
The Bringer of Dawn, the Rising Inspiration
earning the era of plenty, when Zhakata the Provider
The god of the rosy dawn, which ends even the will finally reveal itself.
darkest of nights. This is a humble faith whose In the poor land, all foodstuffs is first the
simple teachings conceal a message of intense hope: property of their God. Crops and livestock are
no matter how bleak the future may seem, no matter delivered to the church so Zhakata’s portion can
how dark the night, dawn will come. The Cult of the be taken, with the remainder divided among the
Morninglord asks little of its followers, save that they populace. As all food is the property of Zhakata, the
treat each other with kindness and retain hope in buying or selling food is a religious offence. With
their hearts. poverty and starvation so widespread, obesity is seen
The Morninglord is usually depicted as a as sacrilege.
luminous sylvan humanoid with blonde hair and There is no separation between church and state
golden skin. In the oldest images of the god, his face in G’henna: the word of the priests is law. The clergy
is smeared with blood. The cult teaches that this is defers to the high priest, Yagno Petrovna, who speaks
because even the greatest good can hide some stain as the voice of Zhakata.

Chapter VIII: Treasure
he tip of the short spear was crimson, stained exchange for a gem.
by the blood of countless victims and still Art Objects. As you can't eat a painting, most
hungry for more. The simple ring is carved art objects are only as valuable as their material. In
from a single piece of obsidian, curiously red larger cities there might be a demand for art, and
in hue; when touched there is the slightest tingle some lands pay highly for pieces of beauty.
of static electricity. Masterfully crafted in gold Magic Items. Spellcasters are rare in the Land of
and silver, this triangular amulet is marked with the Mists, but magic items are not unknown. Items
iconography of Osiris, Horus, and Anubis. have an unnerving tendency of becoming magic,
especially those involved in acts of evil or left in
Types of Treasure places stained by darkness.
Most of the standard forms of wealth exist in the
Mists. Awarding Treasure
Coins. With the many travellers that pass into Treasure is less important in the Mists. Fewer
the Mists from foreign lands, coinage from any adventures are entirely motivated by the acquisition
kingdom is generally accepted without question. of wealth. Adventurers driven by greed often find
Most merchants have scales and other tools to test themselves consumed by this sin. But treasure still
the value of unfamiliar coins. Some more xenophobic exists and will eventually be discovered, whether in
lands (Falkovnia) are more reserved regarding the lair of a vampire or scattered among the remains
foreign currency and settlements on the borders have of a werewolf’s meals.
Gems. With most communities being isolated
and self-sufficient, gems are harder to trade; few
farms need to trade the wealth contained in a
gemstone and seldom have the coinage needed

Magic Items New Magic Items
In the Mists, permanent magic items should be Below are a number of magical items unique to the
awarded deliberately and seldom handed out Land of the Mists.
All magic items should have some history – Animated Portrait
even if it's just implied. This past might include the Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
origin of the magical item or the deeds of its past An unremarkable piece of art that appearing to be
owners. Magic items might created spontaneously: painted by someone of average skill, this painting
the essence of the land seems to seep into items, always features at least one person. While touching
giving them minor enhancements and subtle the painting you can cast alarm as an action, warding
properties. Many magic items are relics: items that the room where the painting is hung. When the alarm
were employed by people of great destiny or even is triggered you can speak the name of the painting
mundane items present at the site of a momentous to see through eyes in the portrait. You can observe
event and then used in the creation of a magic item. for 1 hour or until you lose your concentration, as if
Fragments from a stake used to burn a witch might you were concentrating on a spell. While watching
become a wand of fireballs and the finger bones of through the painting, the eyes in the painting move
a anchorite of Ezra who died while tending to her and mimic your eyes. While seeing through the
congregation during a plague might become a periapt painting you cannot see what is happening around
of health. In the latter example, the magic items is your body and you are considered blinded.
not just a periapt of health but “the knucklebone of
Sister Anne-Marie”. Avenger’s Sword
The majority of permanent magic items should Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement)
have a quirk or minor property. These should be This worn sword looks deceptively plain, with no
atmospheric and tie into the nature of the magic special adornment. You gain a +1 bonus to attack
item. As fewer magic items are created, most don't and damage rolls with this magical weapon. This
look magical or wondrous, appearing as more sword has 3 charges. As an action you can spend a
mundane items. Many folk discover a magical item charge to cast locate creature, detecting a creature
and have no idea the treasure they hold, considering that was damaged by the sword in the past 24 hours.
it another battered sword or tarnished ring; magic The sword can only track one creature at a time. The
items that appear magical are often the most sword regains 1 charge at dawn.
dangerous and are frequently cursed.
Ba’al Vaerzi Dagger
Reducing Magic Items Weapon (dagger), rare, (requires attunement by a
If randomly rolling on a treasure table there are a rogue or monk of evil alignment)
couple methods to reduce the number of permanent This grim dagger can't be sheathed until it has tasted
magic items in the campaign blood. Its leather sheath is made from the skin of the
Different Dice. When determining treasure for a assassin’s first victim. You gain a+1 bonus to attack
hoard, instead of rolling a d100, you can instead roll and damage rolls made with this magical weapon.
a d10 and a d8 with the d10 being the “ones” and the When you hit an incapacitated creature with this
d8 being the “10s”. This produces results from 10-89. weapon the target must make a DC 13 Constitution
This increases the chances of getting a magic item saving throw, taking an extra 2d8 necrotic damage
but removes upper end of the table. on a failed save, or half as much on a success.
Static Subtraction. When determining treasure
for a hoard, roll 1d100 - 10. Baron’s Arm
Random Subtraction. When determining Weapon (mace), uncommon
treasure for a hoard, roll 1d100 - 3d6.
This exotic flail is fashioned in the shape of an
armoured gauntlet with a short barbed scourge
attached to the hilt. Barons arms are exclusively
wielded by the Black Leopards of Valachan. You
gain a +1 bonus to attacks and damage rolls with
this magical weapon. You can use this weapon as
either a flail or a whip, swapping between ends as
quickly as you might draw a sword. Both the mace
and scourge ends cause terrible scarring wounds;

when you score a critical hit the target must make a Curse. Until the curse is activated the coin can
DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be scarred. While be given or thrown away. However, the coin refuses
scarred, the target has disadvantage on all Charisma to be used in a purchase unless it's the last coin in
checks. Each time the target takes a long rest they your possession, magically returning to your purse.
can repeat the saving throw, healing the scars on a Once you have used the coin to cheat someone the
success. Magic such as greater restoration can also curse activates, the coin becomes attuned, and can't
remove the scars. be given, lost, or spent. The coin reappears in your
Bell of Warding possession within moments.
The coin causes you to weep tears of blood.
Wondrous item, legendary The blood is mundane and causes no damage but
This silver and iron bell is embossed with images of is visible, staining everything it touches. You weep
delicate chains. Inside the bell, the clapper is shaped blood for 1 minute for every silver piece swindled.
like a tiny devil’s head. This item has 3 charges. As For example, if you use the coin to cheat someone
an action, you can ring the bell and use a charge to out of 150 gp you cry blood for a little over a day. A
cast imprisonment, targeting every elemental, fey, remove curse spell does not remove the coin’s curse
outsider, and undead within 1 mile. The spell uses but pauses the weeping for 1 day.
the chaining option, but the chains are invisible To be rid of the coin, you must give away all your
chains of force. The effects of the imprisonment possessions (save the clothes on your back and the
spell lasts for 1 hour, after which it expires. The bell coin) and live as a beggar for a year and a day. At the
regains 1d4-1 charges each dawn. end of the year you can give away the coin: nothing
can be bought with the coin and it cannot be thrown
Blood Coin away, it must be freely given.
Wondrous Item, legendary
Candle of Nightmares
Resembling a common silver piece there is the
Wondrous item, uncommon
faintest red smudge on one side that can't be wiped
off. The coin always appears minted in the expected This midnight blue candle has a long, slender wick
nation, such as the current land or your homeland. that barely seems touched by flame. While lit this
The coin allows you to cheat or swindle with ease, candle sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius and is not
making any deal you propose seem reasonable. This consumed by its flame, burning for 8 hours or until
effect is noticeable, and you innately know it is the extinguished. When you light this candle you whisper
coin’s influence. the full name of the target you are familiar with or
Creatures you do business with are considered have met. That night the target experiences vivid
to be charmed by you and utterly convinced your nightmares and must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom
proposals seem reasonable, the terms of any saving throw or be unable to benefit from their long
agreement you suggest seem fair and equitable. The rest. Once lit this candle can't be used again for 1
creature is under no compulsion to accept the trade, week.
and can still refuse to sell items of personal value or Carrion Blade
immediate need.
Weapon (guisarme), rare
The blade of this guisarme is serrated like a
sawblade. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage
rolls with this magical weapon. When you score
a critical hit against a living creature, the blade
burrows into the flesh of the target, allowing you to
use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target.
If you start your turn with a creature grappled by the
guisarm, you have advantage on attack rolls with the
guisarm against the grappled creature.
Cat of Felkovic
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
This item seems like a figurine of wondrous power.
When you throw the figurine to a point on the
ground within 60 feet of you as an action, the

figurine becomes a living cat using the statistics of Feline Feeding
a panther. If the space where the cat would appear Stat block Days Without Feeding Meat Required
is occupied by other creatures or objects, or if there Cat 1 1 lb.
isn’t enough space for the cat, the figurine doesn’t
Jackal 2 20 lb.
become a cat.
The cat is friendly to you and your companions. Panther 3 30lb.
It can become a house cat for up to three hours every Lion 4 40 lb.
day. The cat has an intelligence of 5, understands Saber Toothed Tiger 5 50 lb.
Vaasi, and obeys your spoken commands. If you issue Giant Cat 6 60 lb.
no commands, the creature defends itself but takes
no other actions. If the cat is recalled while feeding
the kill becomes part of the figurine, vanishing when
Coffer of Peace
unobserved. Wondrous item, rare
Each day the cat is not fed it animates on its own This small icon box is decorated with semiprecious
during the night and hunts for food. While animated stones and has a simple clasp lock. If you are holding
by hunger the owner has no control over the cat. this coffer, when an undead creature you can see is
During this period the cat is immune to damage from reduced to 0 hit points within 60 feet of you, as a
nonmagical weapons and has advantage on all saving reaction you can open this coffer and try and catch
throws against spells. On the first nights, the figurine their spirit within. The undead must make a DC 18
appears as a tiny house cat and hunts small prey such Charisma saving throw or be pulled into the box.
as mice. Each subsequent night the cat awakens as a If the box is buried in hallowed ground, such as
progressively larger and fiercer cat, hunting prey of a graveyard or similarly blessed earth, before the
an appropriate size. When the cat has eaten its fill, it following midnight, then the spirit is trapped in the
returns to where it animated and reverts to figurine box until it is opened. If midnight comes and the box
form. is not buried, the spirit bursts free of the box.
Crimson Zombie Ring
Giant Cat Ring, rare
Huge beast, unaligned (neutral evil) When you place this ring on the hand of the corpse
of a humanoid creature, after 10 minutes the ring
Armour Class 14 (natural armour) animates the corpse as a zombie. As the zombie is
Hit Points 104 (9d12 +18) being animated its skin dries and crumbles away
Speed 50 ft. revealing the creature’s musculature. The zombie
is not under your control and attacks the first living
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha creature it sees. Once the ring has animated a zombie
20(+5) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 5 (-3) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) it ceases to have any magical power.

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +7

Death Shades
Senses passive Perception 13 Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Languages Vaasi
These dark spectacles are rimmed in thin bone.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
While wearing them you see the world in shades
Keen Smell. The giant cat has advantage on Wisdom
of black and white. Living things appear brighter,
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. almost being slightly luminescent, while dead
creatures and nonliving objects are black. Creatures
Pounce. If the giant cat moves at least 20 feet straight toward
with full hit points are vibrant, slowly dimming as
a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn,
that target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or
they become injured. You can look at a creature
be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the giant cat can make and instantly tell if they're at full health, have
one bite attack against it as a bonus action. three-quarters of their hit points, or are below
half. However, while wearing the spectacles you
ACTIONS have disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) and
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
11 piercing (1d12+5) damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 14 slashing (2d8+5) damage.

Desk of Deceased Scholars
Wondrous item, rare
This wooden roll-top desk has numerous small
drawers and compartments, each of which locks with
a small key. Every compartment in the desk is large
enough to house the severed head of a Medium sized
humanoid creature. If you open a compartment, you
can ask the head inside a question, as if using the
speak with dead spell. Each head can answer a single
question, after which they remain silent until the
next dawn. The desk can hold up to ten heads, each
of which is magically preserved and doesn’t decay.
You can replace the head by decapitating a body that
has been dead for no more than 1 hour and placing
the head inside a compartment.
Wondrous item, uncommon
This circle of intertwined twigs, strings, beads and Fog Juice
feathers was created by the Abber nomads of the Potion, uncommon
Nightmare Lands to protect themselves from mental When you pour out this jug a swampy fog fills a
control and the influence of dark dreams. The 40-foot-radius sphere, spreading around corners.
dreamcatcher starts with 5 charges. When you hang The area is heavily obscured for 1 hour or until a
this item you can spend a charge to create a 10-foot- wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles/
radius sphere that protects all creatures in the area hour) disperses it.
from being charmed, frightened or possessed by
elementals or fiends, functioning similar to a magic Fraternal Ring
circle. The dreamcatcher also protects you from Ring, uncommon, (requires attunement by a
effects relating to dreams and nightmares, such as spellcaster)
the dream spell or haunting power of night hags. This silver ring is shaped as two intertwined asps
Edge of the Kargat holding a black onyx in their mouths. These rings
Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement by a were created by the Fraternity of Shadows, serving
creature of non-good alignment) as a symbol of membership. While wearing this
ring you can cast the spell darkness. You don’t need
Also known as Azalin Daggers, these weapons to concentrate on the spell but duration is only 1
were created for elite agents of Azalin Rex’s secret minute. Once you use ring, it can't be used again
police. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage until the following midnight.
rolls with this magical weapon. When you deal hit
point damage to an uninjured creature, you can use Ghoulish Gloves
a bonus action to become invisible until the end of Wondrous, rare
your next turn. The leather of these gloves comes from the flayed
Flask of Courage flesh of a ghoul or ghast. You gain a +1 bonus to
Wondrous item, uncommon attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes
made with these gloves. You are also immune to
This steel hip flask holds a small amount of low Stench trait of ghasts while wearing these gloves.
quality liquor. As an action, you can take a sip from The gloves have 6 charges. As an action, you can
the hip flask, filling yourself with unnatural courage. expend a charge and touch a creature with the gloves,
For the next 10 minutes you have advantage on strickening them with necrotic energy. The target
saving throws against being frightened. A creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw
can only benefit from this flash once a day. If a or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat
creature drinks from the hip flask twice between long the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
rests, they must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution ending the effect on itself on a success. Undead are
saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. The immune to this effect. The gloves regain 1 charge
flask contains enough liquor for five large sips, and each dawn.
refills each dawn.

Goblyn War Paint appearance, this dark-hafted is deceptively sharp.
Potion, uncommon You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon.
Goblyn alchemists brew these crude blue or red When you make an attack a creature with this
body paints, with a key ingredient being the blood weapon, you can choose to activate the scythe by
of a slain humanoid creature. When you apply this screaming its command word, causing the scythe to
paint to your body, if you aren’t wearing armour scream like a thousand souls in torment. The next
you increase your AC by 2 for 1 hour. A single vial of time you hit with the scythe, it deals an extra 2d8
paint can easily cover a Medium sized creature. sonic damage and the target must succeed on DC
Grave Robber’s Shovel 15 Constitution saving throw or be permanently
deafened. This property can’t be used again until
Wondrous item, uncommon
the next dawn.
The shaft of this shovel is black and the blade a
dark grey steel. The cutting edge of the shovel’s
Lash of Stigmata
blade is pointed, designed for slicing into soil. You Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement by a
can dig incredibly fast with this shovel, creating a creature of good alignment)
15-foot-square hole in 1 minute. You can The end of this whip separates in a series
only use the shovel for moving earth, lashes that end in cruel barbs. Designed
sand, and gravel. Tunnels created with for self-flagellation as penance for sins,
the shovel collapse. this weapon strikes deep into the soul of
Greatsword of Purity the sinner as well as their flesh. You gain a
+1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires
this weapon. If you hit an evil creature with this
attunement by a creature that has never gained a
weapon, the attack deals an extra 1d10 radiant
level of corruption)
damage, and the target’s maximum hit points
The blade of this weapon seems to be made of are reduced by an amount equal to the radiant
a slightly translucent metal. One such sword damage taken. At the end of each long rest, the
is known to be owned by the mistress of the creature can make a DC 15 Constitution saving
Carnival. throw. On a success, its hit point maximum is
When drawn the weapon sheds silvery dim restored to normal.
light in 10-foot radius. You gain a +2 bonus to
attack and damage rolls with this magical weapon.
Living Saw
When you hit corrupt creature with this weapon Weapon (great axe), rare
(an undead, fiend, or aberrations or creatures with This heavy axe has a saw-toothed blade. As a
least 1 level of corruption), the target takes an bonus action, you can speak the axe’s command
extra 2d6 points of radiant damage. word to cause the serrated teeth to rapidly move
Heartseeker Spear across the axe head. While the blade is moving,
it deals an extra 1d6 slashing damage to any
Weapon (any spear), very rare
target it hits. If the target was a creature, it takes
The tip of fire-hardened wooden spear is as sharp an additional 1d8 damage at the start of its turn,
as any steel spearhead. You gain a +1 bonus to as the wound continues to bleed. The teeth move
attack and damage rolls with this magical weapon. for 1 minute or until you use a bonus action to
When you hit an undead with this magic weapon, repeat the command word.
that creature takes an extra 2d6 piercing damage.
If the target is a vampire with 50 hit points or fewer
Magician’s Top-hat
after taking this damage, it must succeed on a DC Wondrous item, uncommon
15 Dexterity saving throw or it is staked through the This silk top-hat can collapse flat. Popular among
heart. If the attack was a critical hit the vampire has the stage magicians of Dementlieu, these hats allow
disadvantage on the saving throw. even clumsy wizards to feign basic stagecraft. While
Hell Scythe you are wearing hat, you can use it as a spellcasting
focus for your wizard spells. As an action, you can
Weapon (scythe), rare
reach into the hat and pull out a small CR 0 beast,
The crescent blade of this scythe appears pitted, such as a dove, chicken, or rabbit. The animal is
chipped, and red with rust. Despite the worn not under your control, but you have advantage on
all checks to control or influence the creature. The

animal remains for 10 minutes, or until you choose shapechanged creature to revert to its true form or
to dismiss it on your turn, after which it disappears exorcise a possessing spirit. As an action you touch
in a puff of smoke. Up to three animals can be pulled a creature that is polymorphed, shapechanged, Wild
from the hat each day, after which no more animals Shaped, or otherwise not in its natural form. The
can be produced until the following dawn creature must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving
Mirror of Reflecting throw or return to their true form. If the creature
touched is possessing a body that is not its own it
Ring, very rare must make on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or the
Reflections in this mirror shows the true appearance possessing soul is forced from the body. Once the
of its subjects. The mirror doesn’t reflect illusions ring has been used, it can't be used again until dawn
but it reveals the true form of shapechangers the following day.
and invisible creatures can be seen in the mirror. Sacrificial Dagger
Additionally, you have advantage on checks to
Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires attunement)
see through disguises reflected in the mirror. This
doesn't reveal the existence of any magical effects, This ritual bladed weapon is ornate, with a hilt
nor details relating to creature type. For example, designed for show more than comfort. You gain a +1
vampires appear normally in the mirror. bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magical
Orb of Augmentation weapon. When you attack an incapacitated creature
with fewer than 50 hit points they must succeed on a
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be slain instantly.
spellcaster) As a reaction, you can choose to animate the slain
This orb was created by sealing the still-living brain creature as a zombie that is permanently under your
of an arcane spellcaster inside a crystal orb. The orb control. Once a zombie has been created, this power
can be used as a spellcasting focus. The orb has 4 can’t be used again until the next sunset.
charges. When you cast a spell, you can spend one
or more charges to increase the level of the spell slot
of the spell is being cast, by a number of levels equal
to the number of charges spent. This new spell slot
must be equal to or lower than your own spell slots,
up to a maximum of 5th level. The orb regains 1d4
charges daily at dawn
Pistol of Accuracy
Weapon (any renaissance firearm), rare
Typically pistols produced by master craftsmen in
Dementlieu, this simple enchantment can be applied
to any firearm. You have a +1 to attack and damage
rolls made with this weapon. In addition, you ignore
half cover when making ranged attacks with this
Rapidshot Pistol
Weapon (any renaissance firearm), rare
Contrary to rumours, reloading this pistol doesn’t
take any less time or skill. Instead, each time it’s
loaded, this weapon magically doubles the charge
and bullet. When you take the Attack action to fire
this weapon, if you can make additional attacks on
your turn, you can fire this weapon a second time.
Ring of Reversion
Ring, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric)
This ring is a blood red garnet set onto a simple iron
band inscribed with ancient runes. You can force a

Scroll of Escape a hard surface. If thrown the sphere has a
Scroll, legendary normal range of 20 feet and a long range
of 60 feet. When you break the glass a
Reading this scroll takes magical darkness spills out, filling a 30-foot
10 minutes. If you are radius sphere. The darkness spreads around
interrupted you must corners. A creature with darkvision can’t see
begin again. Once you have in this darkness, and nonmagical illumination
finished reading the scroll does not function. If any of the darkness
it bursts into flame. Embers overlaps with light created by a spell of 2nd
and sparks drift up from the level or lower, the spell that created the light is
scroll, burning a hole in the dispelled.
fabric of reality the size of a
door. The portal remains open Sword of Arak
for 5 minutes before closing. The Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires
exact location the portal leads to is attunement)
seemingly random. The ivory hilt of this sword is carved to resemble a
Skeleton Key wailing banshee, and the blade is slender, seemingly
Wondrous item, uncommon forged from black mithril. You gain a +2 bonus to
attack and damage rolls with this magical sword.
This black iron keep has a skull-shaped bow and While using the sword of Arak you have darkvision
a shaft shaped like a human femur. It magically out to a range of 90 feet. When you score a critical hit
resizes to fit any lock designed for creatures ranging against a creature that has fewer than 50 hit points,
in size from Tiny to Large. The key has 5 charges. it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
As an action, you can insert the key into a lock and or be slain
turn, casting the knock spell. When you do so, the Curse. Once per day you must help kill a living
key audibly cackles and the door creaks loudly as it creature of at least Small size with the sword.
opens. The key regains 1d3-1 charges each dawn. Each day the sword’s thirst is not quenched you
Stage Magician’s Wand must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a
failure you have disadvantage on all Intelligence,
Wand, common
Wisdom, and Charisma checks but gains advantage
This smooth, slender black wand is capped with on Strength and Dexterity checks. You also become
white tips. These simple arcane focuses are popular possessive of the blade, not wishing to let it out if
in Dementlieu and Mordent. While wielding this your sight. If the weapon is taken you will do almost
wand, you know and can cast the prestidigitation and anything to recover it.
mage hand cantrips. Intelligence is your spellcasting
ability for these spells.
Talon Armour
Armour (heavy), common
Soul Searcher Medallion
Specially crafted for the Talons of Vlad Drakov,
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
the armour is stylized to resemble fiendish birds of
This smoky globe is suspended on a fine, silver chain. prey. While you’re wearing it you have advantage on
This medallion is rumoured to be able to bend the Charisma (Intimidate) checks against humanoids.
laws of the land and reveal the true nature of people.
To use this amulet you must hold it in both hands
Talon Bracer
and focus on a creature or object within 60-feet. The Wondrous item, uncommon
medallion shows the truth as a true seeing spell, also Worn by the Talons of Falkovnia, these bracers
revealing the target’s alignment, level of corruption, are welded shut upon the soldier’s initiation. To be
and any spells or curses affecting them. A soul seeker removed they gave to be cut off. While wearing these
medallion is extremely fragile, and a single hit point braces you have advantage on saving throws against
of damage will cause it to shatter. the charmed and frightened conditions.
Sphere of Night Curse. As long as you wear these bracers you
are utterly loyal to Vlad Drakov and must succeed at
Wondrous item, rare
a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw to disobey an order
This glass sphere holds a viscous black fluid. The from Drakov or betray Falkovnia.
sphere is fragile, and easily breaks when it strikes

and the creature must willingly accept the imp. If
Wishing Imp you try to get rid of the imp by other means it always
Tiny construct (devil, shapechanger), chaotic evil reappears among your belongings. Death is the only
other release.
Armour Class 13
Hit Points 14 (4d4 + 4) Witchfinder Compass
Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft. Wondrous Item, very rare
This large glass compass is mounted to a square
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha wooden board. The iron needle spins erratically, not
6 (-2) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) being drawn north. To use the compass you must
hold it up for 1 minutes while standing still, allowing
Skills Deception +5, Insight +6, Persuasion +5 the compass’ divination magic to find the nearest
Damage Resistances cold
witch. Once activated, the compass locates the
Damage Immunities fire, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t stone
nearest individual within 5 miles who has either the
Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned, petrified Prepared or Innate Spellcasting trait and identifies
Senses darkvision 90 ft., passive Perception 13 as female. The needle points directly towards located
Languages telepathy 60 ft. witch for the next hour or the compass is moved
Challenge 1 (200 XP) within 100 feet of the witch, after which the needle
begins to spin randomly again. If you try to use the
compass within 100 feet of a female spellcaster, it
Fiendish Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede the wishing instead detects the nearest witch that is more than
imp’s darkvision.
100 feet away.
Magic Resistance. The imp has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects. Wolf ’s Head Amulet, Silver
Statuesque. While the wishing imp remains motionless, it's
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
indistinguishable from a small inanimate statue. This amulet bear an image of a wild beast wrapped
in chains. While wearing this amulet you can't use
Actions the shapechanger trait gained from lycanthropy, and
Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
6(1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make on a DC
if infected with the curse of lycanthropy you don't
13 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (3d4) poison damage on a change shape during a full moon.
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Wolf ’s Head Amulet, Ivory
Invisibility. The wishing imp turns invisible until it attacks or until Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell).
This amulet bear an image of a wild beast wrapped
Wishes. The wishing imp can cast the wish spell once per day.
The imp can't cast this on their own, and requires their owner to
in chains. Attuning to the amulet curses you until
explicitly make a wish, and the owner must state their wish while you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar
within 60-feet of the wishing imp. magic: removing the amulet fails to end the curse.
While cursed you become a were beast during
periods of the full moon, as if you were infected with
The Wishing Imp the curse of lycanthropy.
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
This 1-foot-tall black stone statue is carved in the Wondrous Item, common
shape of a cherub with batlike wings, small horns,
and a barbed tail. Despite its appearance, the wishing This simple peasant’s charm is the paw of a wolf
imp is an intelligent and malevolent creature. The stuffed with wolfsbane and hanging from a leather
imp bonds with its owner, offering wishes. However, thong. Wolves, wild dogs, and other canines must
the imp always tries to test and distort the result of make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw to move closer
the wish, regardless of the wording. The imp always than 10 feet from you. Supernatural canines such as
reminds it’s owner that the harm caused by a wish werewolves and vampires in the form of a wolf have
can by fixed by the next day’s wish. advantage on the saving throw. A wolfspaw dries out
Curse. Once you gave attuned to the wishing imp quickly an ceases to function after 7 days.
and it has taken you as its master you can only get rid
of the imp by giving or selling it to another creature.
The full truth of the imp must be explained prior

Zombie Blood Apparatus is activated it consumes 10 charges and
Potion, rare you and the other creature fall unconscious for 1d4
x 10 minutes. Your game statistics are replaced
This potion looks putrid and foul but is actually by the statistics of the creature, though you retain
odourless and tasteless. To use this potion, you must your alignment and your Intelligence, Wisdom, and
mix it into a beverage and stir it with your finger. The Charisma scores. You retain the benefit of your own
creature who drinks the potion must succeed at a DC class features. If the target has any class levels, you
16 Wisdom saving throw or becomes charmed by you can’t use any of its class features.
for 1 day. While the creature is charmed, the creature Division. You can split a creature into two using
is effectively a living zombie under your control. If the Apparatus, dividing it based on its personality.
forced into combat, the creature uses the zombie Activating the Apparatus consumes 12 charges
stat block. The creature obeys your commands to the and requires a rod of Rastinon. The target creature
best of its abilities, but is limited to simple actions must occupy one of the glass chambers. A moment
with no more than two or three steps. If the creature later and exact physical duplicate of the creature
completes its task and doesn’t receive further appears in the unoccupied chamber. Both typically
instructions, it defends itself to the best of its ability have identical game statistics but have different
and is allowed to make a new saving throw against alignments and personalities. Both have the same
the effect at the end if it’s turn. bond and ideas, but approach these differently; each
has one of the original’s personality traits but only
Artifacts one has the original’s flaw.
Some magical items in the Mists are unique and A creature divided by the Apparatus commonly
exceptionally powerful. separates based on alignment, splitting into a good
half and an evil half or a lawful half and chaotic half.
Apparatus of the Alchemist Other variations are possible just as a multiclass
Wondrous Item, artifact character splitting along class lines, a werewolf
This glass and magic device is 30-feet-tall and becoming a wolf and a human, or a half-elf becoming
20-feet-wide at its base. The central glass globe is an elf and a human.
15-foot-tall glass and topped by a network of cold Fusion. The Apparatus can rejoin a creature it
iron rings. The globe rest upon a tripod of wood and has divided, restoring it to what it was. Activating the
steel that elevates it 15-feet from the ground. Inside Apparatus consumes 10 charges and requires a rod
the globe is a spinning ball of sulphur. Two smaller of Rastinon. The target creatures must be in opposite
spherical glass chambers are suspended below chambers. A moment after activation, the creatures
the large central globe, connected to the central are rejoined and only a single creature remains.
globe with a curving steel tube. These two smaller The creature uses their original game statistics
globes are 5-feet-tall, with a trapdoor in the bottom and remembers everything done and experienced
permitting a Medium sized or smaller creature access by both. Any negative effects and conditions that
to the inside of the glass chamber. The twin globes affected one, such as poison, now affect the combined
are linked by a thin hourglass-like neck. A series of creature. If experience was gained while divided, the
smaller glass spheres ring the base of the tripod, rejoined creature uses the higher total.
linked together by thin glass tubes. A series of wires It's theoretically possible to fuse two normal
and plates connects the circle of spheres to the two subjects into a unique whole. This aggregate being
human-sized glass chambers. uses the higher level of the two and the highest of
The Apparatus of the Alchemist requires each of its Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity
lightning to charge itself. Electricity is focused ability scores. The new body might retaining a
through the metal rings into the central globe where combination of all racial traits, or some unique
it's converted into magical force. For every 15 points combination. The minds of the two creatures might
of lightning damage the Apparatus absorbs it gains be merged into a single entity, in which case the
a charge. The Apparatus can hold a maximum of 15 creature possesses the higher of the Intelligence,
charges, but the energy of charges fade over time and Wisdom, and Charisma ability scores. Alternatively,
it loses 1 charge every 10 minutes. the souls might be independent, with a dominant
Transpossession. You can use the Apparatus mind controlling the body. In this situation the
to swap your mind with that of another creature. two minds retain their Intelligence, Wisdom, and
The target creature must occupy one of the glass Charisma scores, and engage in a contest of wills for
chambers while you stand in the other. When the control of the body, making opposed Wisdom checks
to assume control.

Apparatus, Rod of Rastinon Invulnerability. If you kill an intelligent
Rod, rare humanoid creature each night for 6 nights the
weapon it grants you invulnerability. You gain
A crystal shaft 2-feet-long and half-an-inch in immunity to damage from non-magical weapons and
diameter. Silver sparks flicker and quietly crackle resistance to all damage from magical sources. While
inside the rod. This transforming crystal is the key in possession of the weapon you regain 15 hit points
to using some of the features of the Apparatus of the at the start of your turn. You only die if you start your
Alchemist. No other use has been discovered. turn with 0 hit points and don't possess the weapon.
Fang of the Nosferatu You also cease aging and suffer no further penalties
from old age or magical aging effects.
Weapon (dagger), artifact (requires attunement)
These effects last for the next 13 years. During
Flowing symbols are etched along the blade of this this period the fang of the nosferatu can't be attuned
dagger, the grooves filled with ruby dust giving to another creature.
the appearance of being written in blood. A ruby Sentient. The fang of the nosferatu is a sentient
is mounted in the pommel and the hilt is wrapped chaotic evil weapon with an Intelligence of 17, a
in unusual leather, thought to be the hide of some Wisdom of 8, and a Charisma of 12. It has hearing
unnatural aberration. You gain a +3 bonus to and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
attack and damage rolls with this dagger. It has the The weapon knows the emotions of any creature
following additional properties. it touches and can telepathically communicate with
Blood Drinker. When you deal damage to a living its wielder. It speaks in a whisper, cajoling and
creature with this dagger you regain 1d4 hit points. coercing them to violence to sate its thirst. While
The fang grows thirsty if it doesn’t drink blood. Each you are attuned to it, the fang of the nosferatu
point of damage it inflicts satisfies its thirst for 1 day, understands every language you know.
but it can't remain satiated for longer than 7 days. Personality. The fang of the nosferatu has little
Animal blood can delay this hunger but once each personality of its own beyond its eternal hunger,
month the fang of the nosferatu must kill a sentient being little more than a cruel predator. It enjoys the
creature with an Intelligence score of 7 or higher. pain and fear it inflicts, and telepathically shares
Vampiric Shapechanging. As an action you can those emotions with its master, channelling the last
polymorph into a Tiny bat or a Medium wolf, or back feelings of its victim to you. The weapon is happiest
into your true form. Your statistics, other than size when its user shares its sadistic joy of inflicting
and speed, are unchanged. While in bat form, you suffering.
can’t speak, your walking speed is 5 feet, and you Curse. If the fang of the nosferatu is not kept fed
have a flying speed of 30 feet. While in wolf form, you it draws life from you. Each day the weapon does not
can’t speak, your walking speed is 40 feet. Anything inflict 1 point of damage on a living creature your hit
you are wearing transforms with you, but nothing point maximum is reduced by 1d4. These hit points
you are carrying does. You revert to your true form if can't be regained by any means until the fang of the
you die. nosferatu is fed. This drain happens even if you are
not in possession of the weapon.

Chapter IX: Campaign Options
ll RAVENLOFT campaigns have some ability check. You can also expand your inspiration
element of horror, whether the heroes to give a creature disadvantage an attack roll, saving
are brave monster hunters or fearful throw, or ability check. However, you can’t use your
commoners just trying to survive. This inspiration to impose disadvantage on a roll where a
chapter contains variant rules as well as new rule player is spending inspiration to gain advantage.
optional to add to your game.
Adventuring Options This optional rules adds random tension through
This section provides optional rules to add to your a growing dice pool. It is well suited to horror
campaign to customize the tone of your game. campaigns, but also works well for adventures
when extra tension is desired, such as exploring a
Dark Inspiration hazardous location or a formal ball with dangerous
When an adventurer has an instance of good luck, nobles.
the Dark Powers follow this will ill fortune, balancing Characters gain a pool of additional dice, known
the scales of fate. as their dread pool. This represents a character's
This option allows the Dungeon Master to gain stress and adrenaline, which builds over time and
inspiration. When a player spends inspiration to gain allows the character to succeed when they would
advantage you gain inspiration. Like players, you can otherwise fail but continually threatens to overwhelm
only have a single instance of inspiration. the character's self-control.
You can expend your inspiration to grant a Once per turn, when a character rolls an ability
creature advantage on an attack roll, saving throw, or check, attack roll, or saving throw and doesn't

succeed, they can add a d6 to their dread pool, all travellers or foreigners might be outcasts. But in
rolling the die adding the result to the check. This d6 some lands arcane magic users or Vistani might be
remains in that character's dread pool until removed. outcasts. In communities that have been tricked or
Characters can have multiple d6 in their dread pool, swindled by false heroes, all adventurers might be
and roll the entire pool whenever they make an outcasts.
ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, adding the
results of a single d6 roll of their choice to that check. Altered Magic
Panicking The forces of magic are subtly altered by the Dark
Whenever a character rolls their dread pool and one Powers, twisting and changing the effects of spells
of those d6s rolls a "1" that character panics for a and magic items or imposing limits.
number of rounds equal to the total number of dice
in their dread pool. After they are finished panicking, Divination
a character's dread pool is halved, to a minimum of 1. The Mists cloud even the future, and attempts at
Panic is Infectious. Each creature who sees divination can be hazardous. Attempts to discern
the character panic increases their dread pool by one. the most beneficial course of action are often vague,
Calming Panic. As an action, a creature can while divinations based on morality automatically
attempt to calm the panicking character, reducing fail.
the duration of their panic by 1 round. The Dark Powers have influence over what can
Exactly how the character panics is generally be gleaned of the future, and are often purposely
left to their player. The character might become misleading or subject to personal interpretation.
frightened, even if they are normally immune to However, spells will still never give outright false
being frightened, fleeing from the source of their information: if a response can't be vague or cryptic,
fear. Or they might hesitate or freeze, cowering or then the attempt simply fails. Spells such as arcane
even becoming catatonic. They might lash out wildly, eye carry additional risks: creatures might be able to
attacking in all directions without concern for allies detect the attempt, and attempt to use powers that
or innocent bystanders. require sight, such as gaze attacks.
If the Dungeon Master rules that the player is The Vistani are a notable exception to the
not accurately portraying their character's panic, restrictions on divination. Vistani who possess the
they can propose an alternate reaction or impose a Sight are unhindered by the restrictions placed on
penalty. others. However, Vistani can never divine their own
Removing Dread personal futures. It's said hags can also pierce the
veil of the future, but dealing with those creatures is
A character's adrenaline slowly returns to normal fraught with danger.
after relaxing or spending time in a stress-free All attempts to use divination to determine the
environment. moral alignment or true nature of a creature fail.
Calm Environment. Spending an hour in a Details of creature’s nature (such as their race,
safe and calm location reduces a character's dread type, or origin) can’t be discerned through any spell
pool by 1. or ability. Sometimes the attempt fails obviously
Short Rest. A character's dread pool is reduced (or spectacularly), while other times the result is
by 1 at the end of each short rest. This stacks with the whatever would be most beneficial to the target, such
reduction from a calm environment. as a divination revealing a vampire as a mortal or an
Long Rest. A character's dread pool is reduced elf as human.
to 0 at the end of each long rest
Outcasts Domain Borders
No spell, ability, or effect can affect a domain’s closed
Communities in the Mists tend to be isolated border in any way. If the border is closed nothing can
and insular, fearful of outsiders and the unusual, cross the border or affect anything on the other side.
especially inhuman races. This is reflected in the A closed border can't be crossed using mortal magic:
outcast optional rule. no form of teleportation magic will allow someone
When dealing with someone who views you with to escape from a sealed domain, and magically
suspicion or fear, you don't add your proficiency flying over a closed border will fail. Sometimes the
bonus to Charisma checks with them, other than magic just ceases to work but other times it fails
Intimidation. spectacularly with deadly consequences.
The most common outcasts are demihuman Additionally no powers, abilities, or rituals can
races such as elves and caliban. In isolated lands,

cross the Misty Border. Abilities function normally means the process was traumatic but successful. The
between open borders of adjacent domains but not restored creature might gain a madness, develop a
between domains separated by the Mists, even if flaw or dark shadow, experience a personality shift,
there is a Mistway. A character could cast a spell or have permanently scarred from their fatal wounds.
across an open border but not through the Mists. Failure by 5 or more means the soul did not fully
return and the creature was only is partially raised,
Magic Rating returning as an undead creature.
Not every land has the same level of magical capacity. The difficulty of this saving increases by 1 for each
In some areas there is simply less ambient magical prior time the creature has been resurrected.
energy, and casting more potent spells is difficult.
Other sites are infused with powerful magical Curses
energies allowing spells to flow freely. In the Mists, cries for vengeance or justice are
Locations can have a magic rating, ranging from sometimes answered. Passion and anger can draw
1 to 6. In the Mists, most lands have a base magic the attention of the Dark Powers, who may respond
rating of 3, but other worlds have a magic rating of to dark thoughts and words as they do to foul deeds.
5. In order to use a spell slot equal to or higher than Any intelligent creature can be cursed or invoke
4 + the magic rating you must make a DC 13 ability a curse, from a high level paladin to a lowly stable
check, using your spellcasting ability score. boy. Monsters and beasts are typically immune to
Magic ratings of 6 are rare. In places where the curses, but are also unlikely to curse other creatures.
magic rating is 6, a spellcaster can regain one 1st or The Dark Power typically respond when there is an
2nd level spell slot after a short rest. There might be imbalance in power; victims who have the ability to
other effects such as certain spells having a longer enact their own revenge or justice seldom see their
duration, dealing maximum damage, or ignoring curses take effect.
resistance. The Vistani are known for their curses, which are
An area’s magic rating can vary depending on the frequently realized. It's unknown if the Dark Powers
type of magic. Some areas might be tied to particular pay special attention to the Vistani or if the Vistani
schools of magic, such as illusion, or an energy themselves have a supernatural ability to enact their
type, such as fire. An ancient crypt serving as the own curses.
lair of a monster might have a magic rating of 3 (5 The Dark Powers only enact a small percentage
necromancy). of curses. Whether a curse takes effect or is ignored
should be determined by the Dungeon Master based
Planar Travel on whether a curse would be appropriate for the story
Only the border realms are accessible within the or not. If random chance is desired, the character can
Demiplane of Dread: distant planar travel is not make a Charisma check to see if they attract the Dark
possible. Creatures can travel to the border ethereal Powers attention. The DM should set the DC but it
or the local Shadowfell or Feywild, but all attempts to should be around DC 20 (lower for Vistani). If the
journey to the Astral Plane or reach the Outer Planes curse is emotionally charged or the invoker desires
automatically fail. justice (such as a death curse) the invoker might have
The reverse is not true. It's possible to enter advantage on the check or the DC could be reduced
the Mists from other worlds. Portals and gateways to 15. In special cases of gross injustice and strong
function normally inward, but they're strictly one- emotions the DC might be lowered and the invoker
way. Gateways can be opened to the Outer Planes granted advantage
that allow creatures to be brought into the Mists, but Curses should be aimed at the action of the
their return is not guaranteed. character, not the player, and should never be
used by the Dungeon Master to punish players for
Resurrection misbehaving. It’s also preferable for curses to be
While many of the dead don't rest easily, souls that reactive, crafted in response to actions rather than
have passed beyond the Land of the Mists are not initiating a story. You should never set out to curse a
easily reachable. Even the most powerful of magics character
can sometimes fail to restore a soul, and the journey
from death to life is arduous. Removing a Curses
In RAVENLOFT, spells like raise dead require Removing a curse can be difficult, as the Dark Powers
the creature being restored to life to make a DC 13 don't forgive or easily let someone escape their
Constitution saving throw check. Failure by 4 or less justice.

Escape Clause Only the individual who laid the curse can revoke
Almost all curses have an escape clause: a conditional it. The invoker must be alive to lift the curse. Magic,
statement that allows the curse to be lifted upon such as the speak with dead spell, can't be used.
completion. Very rare is the curse without any escape Spirits and other undead can't typically lift curses,
clause or limits. although there are exceptions, especially if the curse
Escape clauses range from a single deed to a is preventing a ghost from crossing into the afterlife.
daunting and prolonged quest. Once the task is The Vistani are a noteworthy exception, as any
completed, the curse is instantly lifted and all its member of the same family can lift a curse; however
negative effects are removed. For example, an escape the Vistani will seldom do so without just cause.
clauses might be as simple and plain as “until you
climb the highest peak in the land” or as vague and Designing Curses
prolonged “until you perform one hundred truly When designing a curse, pains should be made to
noble deeds.” keep it dramatic, being atmospheric and reflecting
Other escape clauses may require continued the original offence.
behaviour; so long as the condition is upheld, the Good curses should hinder the victim but not
curse is in remission and the victim suffers no ill immediately remove them from the game, making
effects; the curse returns the instant the behaviour a character unplayable. It's preferable for curses to
stops. The escape clause “while you speak with have an escape clause, preferably one with multiple
your sword” might mean the victim is not cursed options that encourage creativity.
as long as they attempt peaceful resolution before Spoken curses should avoid mentioning game
violence. Or the curse might just apply to all attempts mechanics and terms. They need not be poetic
at violence, regardless if they were preceded by (although that’s nice) but should be more than just
diplomacy. someone shouting, “I curse you!” If improvisation is
Escapes clauses can be poetic, possibly even not a strong suit, having the curse spoken in another
metaphorical. There might be a specifically intended language is an option, offering more time to pen the
meaning or interpretation to the metaphor or there actual phrase. Similarly, the mechanical effect might
might be multiple solutions that allow any reasonable affect the character slowly over a period of time. But
attempt to lift the curse. Vague escape clauses might there should be some immediate sensation such
offer loopholes that can be exploited. The fighter as a cold wind blowing over the creature or a chill
cursed with the clause “while you speak with your running down their spine.
sword” might find the negative effects sidestepped if
he uses an axe. Or not. Sample Curses
Curses can also have a set duration. This is a Below are some sample curses to use in your game.
variant escape clause, but there is typically no way to
end the curse early. The traditional length of time is
“a year and a day.” Time limits are sometimes paired “Flesh and fat and meat be gone. Feel a hunger to the
with continued behaviour, especially if the duration bone. “
is short. The cursed creature can only go a single day without
Magic adequate food before they begin to suffer exhaustion
Spells such as remove curse or break enchantment and must consume three times the normal amount
typically can't lift a curse that has been placed by the each day: three pounds of food and three gallons of
Dark Powers, especially if the curse has an escape water. This increases for each level of exhaustion
clause. Magical methods of removing curses simply they possess. For example, a creature with two levels
suppress the curse for a number of days equal to of exhaustion must consume five times the normal
the level of the spell slot used to cast the spell. More food and drink.
powerful magic like a wish spell may permanently lift Madness
a curse whether it has a worded escape clause or not. “May you feel the legs of spiders crawling on your
Curses without an escape clause can be lifted as brain, an infirmity that cannot be scratched away.”
The cursed creature gain an indefinite madness that
Lifting a Curse can't be cured until the curse is lifted.
A curse can be lifted by its invoker at any time. They
must be willing to do so and not subject to bribery,
duress, or enchantments (reparations being different “Just when you think you have found success, you
than bribery). will experience ill luck’s caress.”

Once per day when the cursed creatures succeeds The Dark Powers are more likely to respond to
on an ability check, saving throw, or attack roll with deliberately evil actions, being less interested in
neither advantage nor disadvantage they must roll unthinking or casual evil. If the creature acted rashly
again and take the lower result. or had good intentions the DM can rule they have a
Weakness advantage on the check, while if they acted for purely
selfish reasons or the crime was premeditated they
“Your strength is a mirage that fades from sight might gave disadvantage. A creature acting against
leaving you devoid of all of your might.” their nature might also have disadvantage on the
The cursed creature has disadvantage on any ability check.
check, saving throw, or attack roll that uses Strength, You are the arbiter of what is and is not worthy of
has half the normal carrying capacity, and all weapon a check. Only truly evil acts call for a check: immoral,
damage based on Strength is halved. cowardly, or spiteful acts might not necessarily
be evil and unworthy of a check. The frequency of
Vengeance Dark Powers checks is dependent on the tone of
“Your days grow short and nights grow long. the campaign. A story emphasizing the continual
Vengeance will soon be mine.” struggle against evil or the inevitable fall into
After each long rest the cursed creature must make a darkness benefits from more frequent power checks,
DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, their but a heroic campaign of brave monster hunters
current and maximum hit points are reduced by 5. might overlook morally grey actions done in the
These hit points can't be regained until the curse is greater good.
lifted. Corruption
Dark Powers Checks When a creature fails a Dark Powers check they
become corrupted, gaining 1 level of corruption.
Those who commit evil deeds are blessed and cursed Corruption can manifest in multiple different ways
by the Dark Powers: the enigmatic forces that hold depending on the crimes of the creature. The type of
sway over the Land of the Mists. When someone crime determines the eventual benefits and curses
commits an evil or questionable act there is a random that accompany the Dark Powers’ attention.
chance the Dark Powers are watching and will
Evil acts can be loosely divided into one of four
Making Checks categories.
Betrayal. These are typically crimes against a
Whenever a character knowingly performs an evil
person or organization. Betrayal results in social
deed you can ask the character to make a Dark
corruption. These include revealing deep secrets,
Powers check. On a failed check, they have attracted
perjury, character assassination, gas-lighting, or
the attention of the Dark Powers and gain 1 level
selling-out an ally.
of corruption. On a successful check, the character
Blasphemy. These are crimes against a faith
has escaped the notice of the Dark Powers (or the
or a god. Committing blasphemy leads to spiritual
Dark Powers have just ignored the action for some
corruption. Examples include violating a tenet,
ineffable reason). No ability or feature can modify
breaking an oath, grave robbing, defacing a holy
this roll or allow the d20 to be rerolled.
item, and defiling a holy site.
A typically Dark Powers is DC 3, but you can
Dark Magic. These are violations of the natural
increase or decrease the DC of the Dark Powers check
order. Practicing dark magic leads to mental
based on the nature of the act, considering factors
corruption. Examples are laying a curse, raising the
such as the motive of the character, the alignment of
dead, allying with evil creatures, using dark rituals,
the victim, and the number of victims. If the victim of
creating the undead, or the use of an evil artifact.
the crime was evil the DM can reduce the DC by 1 and
Violence. These are crimes against a person. Acts
if they were inhuman the DC can be reduced by 2. If
of violence lead to physical corruption. Examples
the victim was good or a true innocent the DC can
include bullying, extortion, assault, torture, and
be increased by 1 or 2. Committing numerous small
crime or evil acts that individually did not warranted
a Dark Powers check might increase the DC when Mental Corruption
the character finally crosses the line. Similarly, if a Tainting of the mind is the result of dark magic.
character commits a series of related evil actions they This is incurable mental deviation is beyond mere
only roll a single check at a higher DC. madness.

Physical Corruption
Physical corruption alters the body. This type of
Design Note: When to Roll corruption is obvious and apparent: there is little
subtle about physical corruption.
When to make a Dark Powers check is a matter
Physical corruption can increases physical
of personal taste. “Does this warrant a Powers
strength at the cost of agility or mental ability,
check?” is a frequent message boards question.
changing the corrupted creature into a dim-witted
In the end, the best answer is “what do you
brute. Alternatively, physical corruption can make
a creature quick and agile, but frail. Agile corrupted
Dark Powers checks are meant to create
creatures tend to be more impulsive, lacking caution
drama and introduce moral consequences to
and common sense.
the game. They are not meant to be used as
a threat to keep troublesome players in line. Social Corruption
Instead they should set the mood and reinforce Social corruption affects the personality and
the themes of the campaign. interpersonal abilities of the corrupted creature.
The morality of adventurers is a topic While not obviously physically deformed, there might
beyond a single sidebar, with many contrasting be some inhuman features and telltale traits that
opinions. Some people believe that killing orc reveal their depravity.
children is good, as orcs are “chaotic evil”, The socially corrupt often excel at lies and
but others view the murder of any child as deception, being preternaturally charming or always
an evil action. Similarly, looting the dead is knowing the right thing to say. The corrupted might
hard to adjudicate, as so much of the game is have unnatural abilities and powers that affect or
predicated on killing monsters and taking their influence others. Or the corrupted creature might
stuff. It's very possible for the DM and a player be socially awkward and repulsive, repugnant to be
to have opposing views on what is evil and what around as their mannerisms betray their inhumanity.
is good, and Dark Powers checks shouldn't
be used as a way for the Dungeon Master to Spiritual Corruption
impose their morality on the players. Repeated blasphemy results in the befouling of the
Hard rules for Dark Powers checks are soul. This is more than mere damnation -which all
tricky as not every game is the same and not failed Powers checks lead to- but a total and almost
every DM wants the same focus on corruption. infectious blackening of the spirit.
There can also be moments of silliness when A creature with a corrupted spirit quickly
something that is not evil triggers a Powers forgets the difference between right and wrong.
check. For example, a rule that casting a This immorality is paired with preternatural sight
necromancy spells call for a check means a and wisdom. In contrast, a spiritually dead creature
character might gain corruption for casting is dull and poorly motivated, yet relentless when
gentle repose or spare the dying. pursuing their single-minded goal.
Firm rules also leaves the system open for
abuse. Thematically, the benefits of a single
Stages of Darkness
failed Powers check outweigh the costs because As a creature gains levels of corruption they advance
they are a temptation, but this also makes it a through the stages of darkness. The curses and dark
temptation: players seeking more abilities for gifts bestowed upon the creature depend on their
their character are incentivized to sin a little, to stage.
get the first stage or two of corruption. Innocent. This is a rare stage. Not only has the
creature never failed a Dark Powers check, but they
have never done anything to warrant one. Often
The corrupted creature can gain an the creature has never been exposed to horror.
understanding of forbidden knowledge as the Dark Most adults lost their innocent not far into their
Powers open the brain’s many locked doors. There is adolescence.
the possibility of a devious intelligence, unrestrained Pure. The creature has never failed a Dark
by morality and decency. Or the madness, could be Powers check. However, they may have done
all-consuming: the corrupted creature’s mind is free something worthy of a Dark Powers check.
but random, moving chaotically between ideas and Redeemed. The character has failed a Dark
possibilities without the grounding force of reality. Powers check but managed to reduce their level of

corruption to 0, cleansing their soul. However, the
creature will never be Pure again.
Corruption Level Stage
- Innocent
0 Pure or Redeemed
1 The Caress
2 The Enticement
3 The Invitation
4 The Embrace
5 The Descent

The Caress. The creature’s soul is stained but

they have not truly fallen to darkness, nor have
they been overly cursed.
The Enticement. The Dark Powers have given
the creature a significant reward for their actions
along with an increased penalty.
The Invitation. The creature’s gift increases as
the Dark Powers offer a great boon, but the cost is
much higher and apparent. A little piece of their
humanity is lost.
The Embrace. Well on their way to true
darkness, the creature is now much more than
human, capable of inhuman feats. Sometimes this
supernatural nature is apparent, but other times it's These are Acts of Ultimate Darkness.
veiled. Regardless, a normal life is impossible for the Acts of Ultimate Darkness are unquestionably
creature’s appetites or abilities are too monstrous. evil, often involving an innocent or a family member.
The Descent. The creature is lost to darkness, The action should also be so heinous that is difficult
as their soul is irrevocably tainted and they have if not outright impossible to make reparations,
become a member of the legion of the night. The making redemption unlikely. The crime is not easily
creature’s alignment becomes evil and the DM might described by one of the four types, fitting into two
take control of the character. or more categories. Failing a Dark Powers check
by 10 or more is also considered an Act of Ultimate
Redemption Darkness.
Corruption is difficult to remove but not impossible, If a character ever commits an Act of Ultimate
and damnation is not a certainty. Although, Darkness they're forever touched by the Dark
recovering from corruption takes time and effort, and Powers. They can never lower their level of
the Dark Powers may subtly guide the creature back corruption below 2. If a character ever commits an
to darkness. Acts of Ultimate Darkness their alignment becomes
To cleanse the soul, a creature must encounter evil and the DM should take control of the character.
a situation similar to the one where they chose to
commit the evil act, only this time they must willingly Darklords
choose a different course of actions. If this is done a To become a darklord, a creature must gain a 5th
number of times equal to 1 + the creature’s current level of corruption through an Act of Ultimate
level of corruption, their corruption level decreases Darkness. There are no darklords of minor crimes or
by 1 level. Sometimes the Dark Powers don't lightly who have committed a multitude of small sins.
release a pawn, and the creature must reroll the Dark Although each darklord is a unique creature,
Powers check to reduce their corruption level. most gain some standard powers.
Act of Ultimate Darkness Immunities. The darklord is resistant to magical
effects and conditions with a permanent duration,
Some deeds are so monstrous that they can't fail to such as curses or spells. Once every year they can
attract the attention of the Dark Powers. These are reroll the saving throw, ending the effect on a
deeds so unforgivable that they forever stain the soul. success.

Legendary Creature. The darklord is becomes a Level 2. When making an attack with melee
legendary creature and gains 3 legendary actions. If weapon you treat damage rolls of 1 as a 2. When
already a legendary creature, the darklord gains an you deal damage with melee weapon you have
additional legendary action to a maximum of 4. disadvantage on Wisdom ability checks and saving
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If the darklord throws until the end of your next turn.
fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Level 3. You increase your reach by 5 feet but you
Lord of the Land. The domain reshapes itself to take a -5 penalty to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and
match the temperament and personality of its lord. Intelligence ability checks and saving throws.
The darklord can't leave their domain and is trapped Level 4. When you take damage greater than
within its borders. The entire domain is considered your Strength score in a single turn you must make
the darklord’s lair (although some darklords have a a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become enraged.
seat of power with additional abilities). While enraged you deal an extra 2d6 damage with
Persistence. Time has little impact on darklords. each melee attack. If you end your turn within 60 feet
Most darklords cease to age entirely, while others of another creature and have not taken the Attack
appear to age at half the normal speed but suffering action you take 10 (3d6) psychic damage. You can
none of the penalties associated with old age. repeat the Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of
Lair Actions your turns, ending the effect on a success.
Level 5. You become a massive hulking beast like
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) the an ogre or troll.
darklord takes a lair action to cause one of the
following effects: Path of the Coward
◊ Close Borders. Magical barriers encircle the While violent crimes lead to this path, they are acts
borders of the domain, keeping all creatures of subtle violence, less clumsy and overt. Thieves,
from departing the land. No mortal magic can muggers and assassins can find themselves on this
pierce a closed domain border. The exact form path, and the Dark Powers reward their pragmatism
of the barrier depends on the personality of the with swift movement but weakness and frailty.
darklord. The borders remain closed so long as Flaw. “My hands tremble during a fair fight.”
the darklord maintains concentration, as if they Level 1. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill
were concentrating on a spell. for 1 minute. If you are already proficient you add
◊ Sense Disruption. The darklords senses any double your proficiency bonus on Dexterity (Stealth)
disruption to their land, such as those created checks. While using this ability can't take the Attack
by a paladin or the reality wrinkle of a fiend or action. Once you use this ability you must complete a
celestial. short rest before you can use it again.
Level 2. When you make a Dexterity saving throw
Paths of Corruption roll 1d6 and add the result to the saving throw. You
When a creature gains corruption they progress suffer a -2 penalty on all damage rolls with melee
along a Path of Corruption. Each Path gives the weapons.
creature a new flaw and various effects based on the Level 3. When you take damage from a creature
level of corruption. Creatures suffer the effects of within 10 feet of you, your speed increases by
their current level and all lower levels. 10 feet until the end of your next turn. You have
Below are several sample Paths of Corruption. disadvantage on all saving throws against the
These can be customized as needed, and you can frightened condition.
make your own paths for your players. Level 4. When you hit a blinded or incapacitated
creature you deal maximum damage, but you
Path of the Brute have disadvantage on all attack rolls made against
Bullies, thugs and those who take pleasure from creatures not suffering from any conditions.
hurting others often find themselves on this path. Level 5. You become a sneaking creature like a
It results from crimes of aggression, turning the wererat or ettercap.
corrupted creature into a hulking, inhuman monster.
Flaw. “While angry, I find it harder to think Path of the Lunatic
clearly.” The result of crimes against the natural order of the
Level 1. You can gain advantage on a Strength world, those on this Path find their minds shattered
check or saving throw, but have disadvantage on from dealing with the unnatural, especially those
Dexterity ability checks and saving throws for 1 who seek knowledge that was not meant to be known.
minute. Once you use this ability you must complete Those who consort with aberrations or raise undead
a short or long rest before you can use it again. often find themselves on the path of the lunatic.

Flaw. “My mind wanders and thoughts come in charmed or friendly creature make a weapon attack
random bursts.” or cast a cantrip. Once you have used this ability, you
Level 1. You have advantage on saving throws can't use it again until you complete a short rest. You
against the charmed condition. After moments of can no longer take the Attack, Help, or Use an Object
stress, such as the end of combat, you must make a actions.
DC 10 Intelligence saving throw or gain a short-term Level 5. You become incorporeal or a bodiless
madness. vapour that can possess creatures.
Level 2. You can babble as an action. Creatures
that hear you and understand your language must
Path of the Mentalist
make a DC 13 Intelligence saving throw or become Those who dare to defy the natural order can have
frightened of you for 1 minute. Once you use this secrets doors of the mind unlocked, revealing
ability you must complete a long rest before you unnatural psychic abilities that are beyond mortal
can use it again. You also have disadvantage on all control. Those that have dealings with the unholy
initiative checks. and unnatural can progress down this path.
Level 3. You no longer need to sleep and can’t be Flaw. “Sharing knowledge and revealing secrets
magically put to sleep. Instead, you meditate for 4 makes me feel ill.”
hours each day. After meditating, you gain the same Level 1. You know the minor illusion cantrip.
benefit that a normal human does from 8 hours of Only one creature in range can see or hear the
sleep. However, the madness you gain after stressful illusion Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for
situations becomes a long-term madness. this spell and others spells gained from this path.
Level 4. You are immune to the charmed and You have disadvantage on saving throws against the
frightened conditions, but you gain vulnerability to charmed condition.
psychic damage and an indefinite madness. Level 2. You can cast the command spell once,
Level 5. You become incurably insane, gaining a regaining your ability to do so after a long rest. You
new long-term madness at each dawn and randomly experience terrible nightmares and must succeed on
swapping your personality traits after each long rest. a DC 8 Wisdom saving throw to take a long rest.
Level 3. You can cast the detect thoughts spell
Path of the Mastermind once, regaining the ability to do so after a long
The result of crimes of betrayal, this path is followed rest. You project your emotions and intentions
by those who use people for personal gain. Those on outward, giving yourself disadvantage on Charisma
this path often treat others as tools, viewing people (Deception) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
as something to be used then discarded. As creatures Level 4. You regain the spells granted by this
progress along this path their physical form begins to path after a short rest in addition to a long rest. The
fade, until they can only act through others. DC of the saving throw needed to take a long rest
Flaw. “When I do things for myself I feel weak increases to 13. If you fail by 5 or more you take 14
and lethargic” (4d6) psychic damage.
Level 1. You know the friends cantrip. Charisma Level 5. Your head distends as your brain
is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip. After you increases in size. You might become an aberrant
use this ability you have disadvantage on attack rolls creature.
for 1 minute. Path of the Seer
Level 2. When a creature you can see targets you
with an attack, you can use your reaction to have the Crimes of blasphemy against faiths lead to this path.
attack instead target a creature within 5 feet of you. Those who find themselves on this path are often
Once you have used this ability, you can't use it again corrupted leaders or fallen religious figures, those
until you complete a short rest. After you have use who have betrayed their faith. The Dark Powers
this ability, creatures gain resistance to your attacks reward them with unnatural wisdom and knowledge
for 1 minute. of hearts of others at the cost of their sight.
Level 3. You become partially incorporeal for 1 Flaw. “I can see the hate in people.”
minute. While incorporeal you can move through Level 1. You have advantage on passive Wisdom
solid objects as if they were difficult terrain and gain (Insight) checks but disadvantage on passive Wisdom
resistance to damage from nonmagical sources. Once (Perception) checks.
you have used this ability, you cannot use it again Level 2. You have a visions of the future that
until you complete a long rest. Creatures within 5 feet trigger when confronted with important choices.
have advantage on attack rolls against you. Visions lasts 1d4 minutes, and you are incapacitated
Level 4. As an action, you can command a while having the vision. You must succeed on a DC
12 Wisdom saving throw to prevent a vision. After

having a vision you can modify the future based on they're given influence over the lowest of creatures.
your foreknowledge; during the next hour you can Flaw. “Regardless of how often I bathe, I smell
reroll a single d20 roll and must take the new roll. foul and attract insects.”
Level 3. You gain blindsight 10 feet but Level 1. By consuming a handful of insects or
automatically fail Perception checks to see creatures spiders your saliva becomes poisonous. Creatures
or objects farther than 100 feet away. that ingest your saliva must make a DC 12
Level 4. You can cast detect thoughts once, using Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) poison
Wisdom as your spellcasting ability. You regain your damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
ability to cast this spell after a short or long rest. You successful one. The vermin bites you as you eat them,
have disadvantage on all Wisdom (Perception) and dealing 5 (2d4) piercing damage.
Intelligence (Investigation) checks that rely on sight. Level 2. You have advantage on saving throws
Level 5. You become permanently blinded but against poisons and disease. You must consume 1 lb.
gain blindsight 60 feet of rotting meat each day or gain 1 level of exhaustion.
Path of the Serpent Level 3. Insects crawl across your body. You can
hurl a handful of vermin as a thrown weapon with a
Vile liars and tricksters fall prey to this path: those normal range of 10 feet and a long range of 30 feet.
that turn their back on what they believed or sell out Creatures hit by the insects take 7 (2d6) piercing
their confidants. They often commit these crimes for damage and must succeed a DC 14 Constitution
a profit, valuing money more than people. The Dark saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. You
Powers reward them with a literal forked tongue, have disadvantage on all Charisma checks (except
gradually making the creature cold blooded and for Intimidation) and all ability checks related to
reptilian. hearing.
Flaw. “I audibly hiss while telling the truth or Level 4. Insects move and write underneath your
making a fair deal.” skin, emerging then burrowing below. When you are
Level 1. You can gain advantage on a Charisma injured, insects erupt from wounds. Creatures within
(Deception) or Dexterity (Stealth) check, but have 10 feet that deal piercing or slashing damage to you
disadvantage on Strength checks and saving throws must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take
for 1 minute. Once you use this ability you must 9 (2d8) poison damage. You gain vulnerability to
complete a short rest before you can use it again. piercing and slashing damage.
Level 2. Your bite is a natural weapon that deals Level 5. You become a being of vermin or a large
1d6 piercing damage. You must always carry gold or insectoid creature.
other coins on your person, with a minimum value
of 20 x your level. You take 7 (2d6) psychic damage
each hour that you lack coins of the appropriate
Fear and Horror
value. The player characters might be brave heroes, but
Level 3. Your bite attack becomes poisonous. they're not immune to fear. Their bravery comes
When you hit a creature with your bite attack, the in acting despite their growing terror. But even the
target must make on a DC 13 Constitution saving bravest of heroes sometimes become frightened,
throw, taking 4 (1d8) poison damage on a failure, or especially when confronting the unknown and wholly
half as much damage on a successful save. You can unnatural.
only eat living creatures, such as mice or rats. Food RAVENLOFT is a world of fantasy and gothic
that has dead for more than 10 minute offers no horror. Because fear and horror are such important
nourishment. themes of the campaign, greater attention needs to
Level 4. Your skin is scaly and reptilian. While be paid to the differences between the two. Rules
not wearing armour your AC is 15 + your Dexterity for Fear and Horror are in the Adventuring Options
modifier. You must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving section in Chapter 9 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
throw to spend or give away coins or other valuables.
Level 5. You become a reptilian creature like a
lizardfolk or weresnake. Also known as shock, panic, or terror. Creatures feel
fear when in physical danger—even if the danger
Path of Vermin is only implied. A situation that puts a character or
This path leads from blasphemous actions against their bond in jeopardy is frightening.
the natural order. Cultists for foul religions or Many factors influence the need for a fear saving
inhuman beings can find themselves on this path, throw. If the nature of the enemy is unknown or
as well as those who defile holy sites or rob from the
dead. As the corrupted creature is acting inhuman,

the player character feels unprepared to confront 5 Phobic. “Get it off me, get it off me!” You have a crippling fear
their foe, then a saving throw against fear might of something. Roll 1d10:
be appropriate. If the player character is facing 1 a type of animal (snakes, dogs, spiders, rats)
a foe that previously defeated them, they might 2 heights
also become scared. A surprise attack can also be
3 fire
frightening, especially in a location thought safe.
4 open spaces
Horror 5 closed spaces
Also described as repugnance, revolt, or dread. 6 thunder & lightning
Creatures feels horror when not physically 7 flying
threatened. Typically, a place or event is horrifying. A 8 germs or dirt
situation that makes a character question their ideals
9 injury
or bonds is horrifying.
Horror saving throws are typically required 10 clowns
when a creature enters a horrifying area or when a 6 Multiple Personalities. “I didn’t do it, they did.” You have 1d4
horrifying detail is first noticed. Creatures can feel extra personalities, each with their own personality traits,
flaws, and ideas.
horror when confronted with extreme violence or the
7 Eating Disorder. “I hate how I look.” You over or under eat,
supernatural. Encountering something that seems having negative perceptions of your figure that are likely not
impossible or defies logic is also horrifying. true.
Horrific events are less clear-cut than frightening 8 Depression. “Why bother?” You are depressed to the point of
events. Horror does not need to be overt or obvious, being unmotivated, pessimistic, and possibly even suicidal.
and a subtle wrongness can be just as horrifying as a 9 Destined for Glory. “I was born for great things.” You are
dramatic revelation. The horrifying nature of some convinced you have a special destiny, perhaps even a unique
encounters is darkly ironic, as the truth of events and power.
the assumed reality are opposites. Finding a dead 10 God’s Chosen. “I have heard Her voice.” You believe your god
body is unnerving, but finding one in a perceived safe talks to you, and has plans for you.
haven is horrifying. Having a monster threatening to 11 Sadist. “Pain brings out the truth.” You enjoy personally
inflicting physical pain on other creatures.
eat you can be frightening, but discovering stew you
just ate was made from people is horrifying. 12 Imposter Syndrome. “I don’t deserve this.” You believe you are
unworthy of something, and at any time it will be taken away.
Madness 13 Absolute Morality. “You’re either my ally or an enemy.” You view
Individuals willing to risk their lives fighting the world in absolutes, typically good and evil, with no middle
monsters more powerful than themselves are often
not entirely sane, but the stresses of facing the 14 Masochist. “There is beauty in agony.” You enjoy experiencing
pain and other discomfort.
legions of the night can take their toll on the most
stable of monster hunters. Many champions descend 15 Fascination. “Look at the way it catches the light. Beautiful.” You
are enraptured by the sight of something, finding it difficult to
into madness and end their days battling far more look away. Roll 1d8:
personal demons.
1 fire
Below are a number of new indefinite madnesses
that can be taken in place of the ones from the 2 gems
Dungeon Master’s Guide. 3 blood

New Madness Effects 4 mirrors

d20 Effect (lasts until cured) 5 books

1 Obsession, Individual. “We belong together.” You are 6 death

convinced someone is your soulmate, the reincarnation of 7 attractive individuals
your lost love, or the best friend you always wanted.
8 gold
2 Obsession, Object. “It brings me luck.” You believe a mundane
object is responsible for all your success and without it you 16 Graphomania. “The words have to come out.” You are
are nothing. compelled to write things down. If no paper is available you
turn to the walls, furniture, or skin.
3 Obsession, Activity. “I have to do it ten more times.” You
feel compelled to perform a rite or routine every day or you 17 Traumatized. “I relive it every night, every time I close my
become anxious, possibly to the point of panic. eyes!” You cannot stop remember a terrifying event, possibly
becoming emotionally numb.
4 Self-Flagellation. “I deserve to suffer.” You punish yourself for
slight failures, either physically or mentally. 18 Antisocial. “They’d do the same to me, I just did it first.” You are
unconcerned with the feelings of other, being manipulative,
aggressive, or amoral.

19 Hallucinations. “Stop it! Stop whispering to me!” You either see and sometimes interlopers are swept away to distant
or hear things that are not there. lands. However, there are a few paths through the
20 Delusional. “It’s true, I know it is.” You completely believe Mists that connect lands allowing repeated travel.
something is factual despite not being so, such as believing These are known as “mistways”. Some mistways
you have abilities or skills you do not possess.
allow travel in both directions, while some only work
one way.
Treating Madness Following a mistways requires a Wisdom
In addition to magical remedies, there are there are (Survival) check to navigate the mists, the difficulty
mundane treatments for recovering from madness. of which depends on the reliability of the mistway.
After fourteen days of downtime spent being Excellent reliability mistways are DC 12, moderate
treated for madness you can make a DC 15 Wisdom reliability mistways are DC 15, and poor reliability
or Charisma saving throw (your choice). A successful mistways are DC 18.
save puts the madness into remission: you no longer Failure indicates the journey either takes longer
suffer any ill effects, but if you fail another saving than expected (by days or even weeks, although the
throw against a madness effect the madness returns. delay might vary between the traveller and the larger
If you continue to rest and succeed on a saving throw world) or leads to an unintended destination, such as
while your madness is in remission you are cured. a different land or a different location in the expected
You need to be in a safe and comfortable location domain.
to treat a madness through downtime. Being in
a dungeon or other hostile environment imposes Resonance
disadvantage on the saving throw, while being in an Resonance is the memories of the land. Places of
asylum or hospice grants advantage. Madness can't resonance are the result of actions fuelled by intense
be treated while in an alien or inhuman environment. emotions that were so dramatic that they imbuing an
Variant: Instability Condition area with their memory. Areas of resonance are often
For campaigns where madness inducing elements places of great importance, places of tragedy, or sites
are commonplace and the threat of insanity is a of either great evil or heroism.
continual theme, the existing madness rules might Rank
be lacking, not allowing for a gradual descent into Instances of resonance are given a rank, ranging in
madness. intensity from 1-5.
Instability Levels A resonance fills an area with a maximum radius
Level Effect of 50 feet times its rank, but resonances can be
1 —
smaller. Resonances are typically spherical, but some
have been known to fill a corridor or other irregular
2 Gain a short-term madness
shape, so long as the total area does not exceed the
3 Gain a short-term madness (duration doubled) maximum. The effects of a resonance can sometimes
4 Gain a long-term madness pass through walls and other barrier, but most
5 Gain a long-term madness (duration doubled) resonances are confined to natural borders of the
6 Gain an indefinite madness
area, such as a single chamber or a forest glade, and
don't extend beyond this area.
With this optional rule, failing a saving throw A resonance’s rank acts as its proficiency bonus:
against a madness inducing effect does not cause any effects caused by the resonance that require a
insanity but instead you suffer one or more levels of saving throw have a DC of 11 + rank, and the attack
instability. If you already have one level of instability modifier of a resonance is equal to its rank + 3.
and suffer another effect that causes instability, your
current level of instability increases by one. Type
A lesser restoration spell removes one level Dramatic actions burn themselves into reality
of instability. A greater restoration spell or more creating an overlap between the mortal world and
powerful magic removes two levels of insanity. adjacent planes. Each place of resonance is imbued
with a focal emotion such as fear, sadness, or desire.
Mistways In a resonance, related emotions are intensified.
The Mists bordering the known lands can displace Fey
travellers who venture within. Travel through the Strongly tied passions and rage, when someone
mists is random and unpredictable: sometimes enters an area of fey resonance they experience
nothing happens to folk who wander into the Mists

unfamiliar urges and foreign feelings. A site of a basis. Some weaker resonances only repeat on the
great tragedy, such as a betrayal or murder, might fill anniversary of the incident.
visitors with an inexplicable rage, agony, or sadness. Creature and objects created by a spiritual
Fey resonances are mental and lack the visual resonance are treated as difficult terrain. Incorporeal
cues of other resonances. Discerning the cause or or ethereal creatures, such as ghosts, treat instances
background of a fey resonance is often difficult, as of spiritual resonance as solid objects and can't pass
the only evidence are emotions. A few fey resonances through them. Creatures inside an area of spiritual
take control of living creatures, as if they were resonance are lightly obscured.
possessed by the spirits of the dead. Possessed
creatures re-enact the events that led to the creation Sinkholes of Evil
of the resonance, only this performance is frequently When acts of darkness spawn a resonance the
exaggerated and distorted. If multiple creatures are imbued evil causes the area to become spiritually
possessed their actions might appear contradictory unclean, the very soil has been corrupted by
and their conversations fragmented. Possessed the triggering deed. These areas of malevolence
creatures are also not bound to replay the same resonance are known as “sinkholes of evil”. Only
event again and again, and can interact with other the most malicious of deeds creates a sinkhole of
creatures or reinterpret the originating event with evil, and they're typically created through prolonged
slight variance. depravity and suffering, evil actions committed
Umbral again and again in the same location. Occasionally, a
sinkhole is created through single action, but it's rare
Connected to the world of shadows and despair,
for one deed to impart enough negative emotions
areas of shadow resonance drains the joy and vitality
and evil. These sinkholes are the sites of an act of
from those inside.
ultimate darkness or the creation of a darklord.
Patches of shadow resonance appear dark, with
Non-evil creatures that enter a sinkhole of evil
muted colours and menacing gloom. Phantasms and
must make a Charisma saving throw. One a failure
a subtle wrongness pervade shadow resonances:
the creature gains vulnerability to necrotic damage.
walls seem to shift, strange sounds echo, shadows
Undead and fiends that enter a sinkhole gain
move, and creatures see their inner fears out of the
resistance to radiant damage. Spending an extended
corner of their eyes. No creature perceives an area
time in a sinkhole of evil can also drive a creature
of shadow resonance the same way, and all bring
insane, and taking a long rest in a sinkhole is cause
their own fears and darkness to the resonance.
for a saving throw against madness. Many sinkholes
The figments for a powerful shadow resonance will
of evil have other effects, often mimicking the hallow
sometimes become solid
Stories of places touched by a shadow resonance
tend to spread and grow, quickly becoming legends. Destruction
The curious come and expect horrors, and are A steady supply of emotion is needed to sustain a
greeted by those same imagined terrors. Very often resonance. If the sustenance of a resonance is cut off
the source of a shadow resonance becomes lost and it will weaken and slowly begin to dwindle away.
forgotten, buried under myth and rumour. Creatures don't need to be in close proximity to
Spiritual resonance to feed it and can be miles away. Many
resonances are maintained through repetition of
Spiritual resonance overlaps with the ethereal plane,
their story: recitations of the incident that led to
the ghostly realm of the recently dead. These areas
the creation of the resonance. So long as people talk
of resonance are typically created by the death of a
about a particular tragedy, gossipping or frightening
creature or similar tragedy. Spiritual resonance is
children with the tale, the resonance will continue.
frequently mistaken for a haunting, but there is no
Because tales of tragedy and horror spread more
single spirit that needs to be put to rest.
rapidly, resonances with negative emotions last
Also known as ethereal resonance, this variant is
longer while happy resonances spawned by acts of
typified by ghostly, insubstantial figures continually
love or romance slowly shrink until the fade away.
re-enacting the scene that created the resonance.
A resonance can survive without the relevant
Phantom objects might also appear, presenting the
emotions for a number of months equal to its rank.
area as it looked when the originating event took
If the appropriate emotion is absent, the resonance’s
place. The timing of the replaying of events varies
rank is permanently reduced by 1. Once its rank
between instances, sometimes happening when
reaches 0 the resonance melts away into nothing.
new observers enter the area or occurring on a daily

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