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Grammar Question Bank: STD: 10 Sub: English (LL)

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ENGLISH Grammar Question Bank Smt. Jajage S.B.


Sub : English (LL)


Q. 1 Classify the following into nouns, adjectives, Q. Say whether the following sentences are
verbs and adverbs. assertive, imperative, interrogative or
strange, rhyme, elderly, regularly, predict, problem, exclamatory.
heavy, patiently, victim, preservatives, obesity, 1. Sparrow was the first bird I was introduced to.
suddenly, curious, deliver, advise, safe, quickly, 2. Why shouldn’t I be head you?
robots, scared, journey, islands, naturally, paradise 3. What a dangerous thing!
4. Don’t underestimate the humans.
Q. 2 Identify the part of speech of the underlined 5. Will you be here next week for washing cars?
words. 6. Oh God, teach us how to laugh.
1. Roma ate a big piece of cake that was kept on 7. Oh, well I’m the tallest!
the plate. 8. Plastic degrades slowly.
2. Oh! But why did she do this to him? 9. Say no to plastic.
3. Suman could visit her aunt if she wishes to. 10. Such nice food!
4. Wow! I passed my exams with brilliant scores.
5. India is a prosperous country with a huge 4. PREFIX AND SUFFIX
population. Q. 1 Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.
6. Hey! What are you doing here in this crowded Pick the root words to use any one of it in your
market? own sentence.
7. The village home was just amazingly beautiful 1. i) Prepare ii) guide
and rustic. 2. i) fortunate ii) sudden
8. My mother bought me a pretty lace dress for 3. i) possible ii) correct
Q. 2 Add a prefix or suffix to make new words
2. ARTICLES and use any one of it in your own sentence.
Q. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles 1. i) honest ii) literate
(a, an, the) 2. i) able ii) agree
1. I ate ………. red, juicy carrot. 3. i) courage ii) great
2. We are living in ………. Doordarshan age.
3. This is ………. man I wanted to meet. 5. TENSE
4. ………. apple is a fruit that contain lot of Q. 1 Find the errors, correct them and rewrite
vitamins. sentences.
5. Time is ………. most valuable asset of ………. 1. She tell us a story tomorrow.
person. 2. He did not found him there.
6. It was ………. honor to work with ………. 3. She sees the movie yesterday.
expert. 4. Hari do not play kabaddi.
7. ………. Indian Railways is one of ………. 5. They always goes for a walk in the morning.
largest employers in ………. world.
8. We stayed at ………. ordinary hotel when we Q. 2 Fill in the blanks selecting correct alternate
went to ……….. village in Rajasthan. from the brackets.
9. He is ………. MBA from America. 1. We ………. for our friend for an honor.
10. ….……. only thing that matters in life (Waited / have waited / wait)
ENGLISH Grammar Question Bank Smt. Jajage S.B.
2. She ………. for three hours and is tired now. Ans. Then he asked the boys……….
(worked / works / has worked) 5. They asked, “What do you do?”
3. I ………. half an hour ago. (lunch / have Ans. They asked what……….
lunched / lunched) 6. The boys said to the gentleman, “Tell us where
4. The student ………. a mistake. (has committed are you going and to do what.”
/ commit / have committed) Ans. The boys asked the gentleman to……….
5. They ………. together to make her plans 7. I whispered, “I am hungry.”
successful. (have worked / has worked / works) Ans. I whispered that……….
8. “I don’t remember anything”, he says.
6. AUXILIARIES - PRIMARY AND MODAL Ans. He says that……….
Q. 1 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate Modal 9. Sindhutai says, “Let’s not forget that we had
Auxiliary. also cried once upon a time.”
1. Seema ………. (must/can) return for her Ans. Sindhutai says that they should……….
children’s sake. 10. “Can’t we do something?”, asked zoe.
2. We ………. (might/ought to) keep our Ans. Zoe asked if……….
surroundings clean.
3. Your father ………. (can/would) have been 8. VOICE
happy to see you after so many years. Q. Complete the following sentences by making
4. Why ………. (would/must) there always be reasonable changes OR Rewrite the
inequality in the world? sentences beginning with.
5. Uncle Rao ………. (can/could) stay with us 1. The forest officials finally captured the leopard.
until his daughter arrives. Ans. The leopard……….
2. Make the birds comfortable.
Q. 2 Insert suitable Modal Auxiliary based on the Ans. Let the birds……….
instructions given in the brackets. 3. Fruiting trees attract many birds.
1. No matter what happens, Gopal ………. come Ans. Many birds……….
home early today. (denoting promise) 4. We took the great legacy of the Indian team
2. I am leaving early because I ………. run some forward.
errands for home. (denoting future) Ans. The great legacy of……….
3. By the age of fifty, I ………. have saved a lot 5. These food items affect our health.
of money. (denoting future) Ans. Our health……….
4. All that our elders say ………. not be relevant 6. She gave up her teaching career.
today. (denoting possibility) Ans. Her teaching career……….
5. ………. you please pass me the salt? (denoting 7. He holds several records.
request) Ans. Several records……….
8. She has nurtured more than 1000’s of orphaned
Q. Turn the following sentences into Indirect Ans. More than 1000’s of……….
Speech. 9. In the coming years wildlife will be affected by
1. The old gentleman said, “It’s all my fault.” human beings.
Ans. The old gentleman said that………. Ans. Human beings……….
2. “See what they have done to your pots”, he 10. I sent them a beautiful elephant.
said. Ans. A beautiful……….
Ans. He asked (told) him to……….
3. “It’s so unfair!” said the boys. 9. PUNCTUATION
Ans. The boys exclaimed………. Q. Punctuate the following.
4. Then he asked the boys, “Where are you going 1. She replied I am working for science
and for what?” 2. bholi, are you crazy shouted ramlal
ENGLISH Grammar Question Bank Smt. Jajage S.B.
3. give me the garland he announced 6. The mango is one of the most popular fruits in
4. have you seen her said bishamber to the friend India. (Change to positive and Comparative
next to him. degree)
5. so what does it matter his wife replied Ans. Positive: Very few fruits in India ……….
6. the holy quran says kill not your children Comparative: The mango is more ……….
because of poverty 7. Health is the most important things in our life.
7. well I wish you luck said sitaram (Change to positive and Comparative degree)
8. we wont get a taxi in this rain I grumbled Ans. Positive: No other thing in ……….
9. he asked me what is my fault. Comparative: Health is more ……….
10. he said sir I have never thought about it 8. Robots are more superior than humans.
(Change to positive degree)
10. QUESTION TAG Ans. Humans are not ………
Q. Add a question tag.
1. It will remain special for me, ……….? 12. CLAUSES
2. They were fully armed, ……….? Q. Add a subordinate clause to expand the
3. The patients couldn’t go home, ……….? sentence meaningfully.
4. They had set out on this school trip, ……….? 1. We watched the latest movie ……….
5. Zoo fan looked away from the screen, ……….? 2. I saw an injured boy ……….
6. We come from a poor country, ……….? 3. We saw an aeroplane ………..
7. It is ideal for day trip, ……….? 4. If you do exercise daily ……….
8. He started hitting the door, ……….? 5. The man lost his bag ……….
9. She loves food grown and cooked in India, 6. There are women ……….
……….? 7. The doctors said that ……….
10. The oil used in preparing junk food is by 8. If you read books ……….
product of petroleum, ……….? 9. I know the reason ………
10. If you study hard ……….
Q. Do the following activities as shown in the 13. AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE SENTENCE
brackets. Q. 1 Rewrite the following sentences as
1. Dogs are easier to catch than deer and wild affirmative sentences.
boar. (Change to positive degree) 1. I do not remember what my handwriting looks
Ans. Deer and wild boar are not ………. like.
2. I am the tallest. (Change to positive and 2. These memories would not have been possible.
comparative degree) 3. I cannot forget my age.
Ans. Positive: None of others are ………. 4. Her mother did not accept her.
Comparative: I am ………. 5. The old man was not angry.
3. It was my most delicious meal. (Change to 6. Trees survival rate is not adequate.
positive degree)
Ans. No other my meal ……….. Q. 2 Rewrite the following sentences without
4. The aloo paratha roll was more delicious than changing their meaning.
an industrial quality burger. (Change to positive 1. Avoid overeating.
degree) 2. I was lucky.
Ans. An industrial quality burger was ………. 3. Make the birds comfortable.
5. Khade is the youngest Indian swimmer to 4. He found it difficult to concentrate on his
qualify for Olympics. (Change to positive and studies.
comparative degree) 5. I think you are wrong.
Ans. Positive: No other Indian swimmer ………. 6. The humans are really stupid.
Comparative: Khade is younger ………. 7. We all know this except you.
ENGLISH Grammar Question Bank Smt. Jajage S.B.
8. She was forever unhappy. 16. USE NOT ONLY …….. BUT ALSO
9. Meena was a pessimistic girl. Q. Use not only…but also and as well as
1. UNESCO and the International Council on
14. MAKE EXCLAMATORY monuments initiated a draft convention to
Q. Rewrite the following sentences as exclamatory create an International organization responsible
sentences. for protecting cultural heritage.
1. He was determined to get his pay. 2. World heritage sites can be a combination of
2. Courage is truly a wonderful thing. both cultural and natural areas.
3. Dr. Hawking is a very humble man. 3. To protect the temples and artifacts, UNESCO
4. He was very clumsy. launched an international campaign.
5. He was very simple and intelligent. 4. A White House Conference called for a ‘World
6. She was very cheerful. Heritage Trust’ to protect historic cultural sites
7. Shweta is a very beautiful girl. and the Worlds significant natural and scenic
8. The child was very fair and pretty. sites.
9. Ramlal was worried. 5. The state parties are responsible for identifying
10. She was a harmless dumb cow. and nominating new sites.
11. She was really a shameless girl. 6. Opera House in Australia and the Historic
12. He is a very kind gentleman. Center of Vienna in Austria are cultural sites of
13. She is a well built strong country girl. the World Heritage.
14. He was a very keen learner. 7. Outdoor activities enhance and relax our well
15. I am thrilled. being.
8. Nature whispers and commands.
15. FRAMING QUESTIONS 9. She was beaten up and dumped in a cowshed.
Q. Frame a ‘Wh’ question to get the underlined 10. King Raya was astonished to find himself slim
word as a answer. and healthy.
1. He took the baby langur to our backyard.
2. Life is like a trumpet. 17. NO SOONER ….. THAN
3. He was near the sea now. Q. Use No sooner…than
4. The Seth was holidaying in Kashmir. 1. As soon as the bill is passed, it will become an
5. Narayan gets deeply into the working of act.
swami’s mind. 2. As soon as the thief escaped, the family
6. That’s the magic of Narayan. informed the police.
7. R.K. Narayan is responsible for many of the 3. As soon as you have finished, you can submit
outstanding literary works. your answer papers.
8. The flower comes to life only for a day. 4. As soon as they can manage, they should
9. We saw the spread of the majestic ocean. change their house.
10. Ramlal placed the bundle at the bridegroom’s 5. As soon as the bell will ring, the school
feet. assembly will start.
11. Bishamber raised the garland to place it round 6. As soon as the World Heritage sites are in
the brides neck. danger, they are inscribed on a separate list.
12. Swimming is the sport mentioned in the text. 7. As soon as the dog started barking, the thief
13. Parth found a piece of log from a neighbor. escaped.
14. At 7 p.m. the power went off. 8. As soon as the cat is away, the mice come out
15. Sparrow was the first bird the author was and play.
introduced to. 9. As soon as she entered the room, she switched
on the lights.
10. As soon as the child saw his mother, he ran to
her at once.
ENGLISH Grammar Question Bank Smt. Jajage S.B.
18. USE THOUGH AND ALTHOUGH AND BUT 3. King Raya was astonished to find himself slim.
Q. Use Though and although and but. 4. Ground where these sparrows use to play were
1. Marie Curie’s childhood dream was to study placed with tiles.
science in paris, but her father could not afford 5. Dogs and other livestocks are easier to catch
the expense for this. (Use though) than deer or wild boar.
2. I’m not enjoying going to gym, but I am still Q. 2 Pick out the gerund in the following
being forced. (Use though) sentences.
3. There are challenges as you have noticed over 1. Walking on the wet floor is not allowed.
the last bit of time, but I am truly believe you 2. Playing the guitar makes her happy.
have got the right temperature. (Use although) 3. Skiing is not for the faint hearted.
4. My grandmother is very old but she still work 4. Writing is my therapy.
hard. (Use though) 5. I love swimming in the summer time.
5. She was not allowed to see fury dice there.
Orpheus was quite satisfied. (Use although)
6. Publicity is bound to happen, but what really
touched me was the care. (Use although)
7. It was badly axed but it was still giving her
shade. (Use though)
8. He was wise but he did not show off his
wisdom. (Use though)


Q. Use of Unless and if.
1. Baba looked closer and recoiled instantly. (Use
2. They belonged to a tribal group. He was unable
to study further. (Use if)
3. It was a calm morning. The air was cool and
fresh. (Use if)
4. Try to become selfless. When you forget
yourself while you are working for society.
(Use if)
5. Don’t waste your time otherwise you will fail.
(Use if)
6. If there had been more, they had have devoured
that too. (Use unless)
7. If food is so fulfilling a thing, we cannot be
right in treating it with disrespect. (Use unless)
8. If you do not hard, you will fail. (Use unless)
9. If you do not study hard, you will not be
success. (Use unless)
10. If you do not give up bad habits, you will spoil
your health. (Use unless)


Q. 1 Underline the infinitive.
1. It would have been fun to see him lose his head.
2. The secretary bent down to touch his feet.

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