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Use of Polypropylene Fibres For Control

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Use of Polypropylene Fibres for Control of Asphalt

Pavement’s rutting in Pakistan

Collaborative Research Project

Report Prepared by:

Prof. Adnan Qadir
Mr. Shoaib Mohammad Quraishi
Department of Urban and Infrastructure Engineering
NED University of Engineering and Technology

July, 2012

Prepared for:
Frontier Works Organization
Headquarter 494 Engineer Group
(FWO) Group Karachi Cantonment.

This report represents the results of research conducted by the authors and does not necessarily represent the
views or policy of Department of Urban and Infrastructure Engineering and/or NED University of Engineering
and Technology. This report does not contain a standard or specified technique.
1. Title and Subtitle 2.Report Date
Use of Polypropylene Fibres for Control of Asphalt Thursday, 04 October 2012
Pavement’s rutting in Pakistan
3. Authors 4. Performing Organization Name and Address
Prof. Adnan Qadir Department of Urban and Infrastructure
Mr. Shoaib Mohammad Quraishi Engineering, NED University of Engineering and
Technology, University Road, Karachi
5. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address 6. Period Covered
Frontier Works Organziation (F.W.O.)
21st January-01st July 2012(05 Month)
Headquarter 494 Engineer Group
(FWO) Group Karachi Cantonment

7. Abstract
This research has investigated the use of Polypropylene fibres in asphalt concrete of pavement.
Polypropylene fibres were mixed in Hot Mix Asphalt using the “wet method” i.e. the fibres were mixed
and heated with asphalt binder before being added to aggregates. Polypropylene fibres were added 0.5%
by weight of aggregates. Marshall Mix Design was used to determine the Optimum Asphalt Content
(OAC) of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) incorporating fibres. The OAC was determined for both control
(samples without fibre) and modified (samples containing fibres). Rutting susceptibility tests and indirect
tensile tests were carried out on both control and modified samples over three test temperatures i.e. 40°C,
50°C and 60°C. Reduction in rut depth and increase in resilient modulus was observed by inclusion of
fibres at high temperature. The fibres were found to increase the rut resistance of asphalt concrete by
increasing the resilient modulus of HMA. Life Cycle Cost Analysis was performed to determine the
financial feasibility of using Polypropylene fibres in asphalt concrete which led to the conclusion that use
of Polypropylene fibres is financially feasible at elevated temperatures.
8. Document Analysis/Descriptors 9. Availability of Report
Polypropylene fibres in asphalt concrete, wet method, rutting
On discretion of F.W.O
resistance, elevated temperature, life cycle cost analysis, increased air
10. No. of Pages
void contents, Marshall stability, resilient modulus

This research project has been funded by Frontier Works Organization (F.W.O). It is because of
F.W.O that this important research has been undertaken in Pakistan. With the helping hand extended by
F.W.O, Department of Urban and Infrastructure Engineering, NED University of Engineering and
Technology has successfully completed the laboratory evaluation of Polypropylene mixed fibres in
asphalt concrete.

Also special acknowledgement is also due for Matrixx Company. They provided the polypropylene
fibres and quite patiently answered all the queries during the course of this project.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................. i
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................................... iii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... iv
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Problem Statement ................................................................................................................................ 2
3. Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Scope and Limitations........................................................................................................................... 3
5. Literature Review.................................................................................................................................. 4
6. Methodology and Experimental Program ............................................................................................. 6
7. Materials used in this study ................................................................................................................... 7
7.1 Aggregate gradation .......................................................................................................................... 7
7.1 Polypropylene fibre ........................................................................................................................... 8
7.2 Addition of Polypropylene fibre to asphalt ....................................................................................... 9
7.3 Preparation of mix ............................................................................................................................. 9
7.4 Marshall Stability Test ...................................................................................................................... 9
7.5 Rutting Susceptibility Test .............................................................................................................. 10
7.6 Indirect Tensile Test ....................................................................................................................... 11
7.7 Pavement Design and Life Cycle Cost Analysis............................................................................. 11
8. Results and Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 11
8.1 Rutting tests Results ........................................................................................................................ 11
8.2 Indirect Tensile Test ....................................................................................................................... 15
8.3 Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) .................................................................................................. 16
9. Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................... 20
10. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 20
11. Recommendations for future works ................................................................................................ 21
12. References ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Annexure A ................................................................................................................................................. 23


Figure 1- Gradation curve of aggregates used in this project. ...................................................................... 8

Figure 2- Asphalt added to fibres .................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3- Roller Compacter for compacting slab specimens ...................................................................... 10
Figure 4-Wheel Tracking Device for rutting susceptibility test .................................................................. 10
Figure 5- Final average rut depth of control and modified samples at different temperatures ................... 12
Figure 6- Average rut depth of control and modified samples at different temperatures ........................... 13
Figure 7- Resilient Modulus (MR) values of control and modified samples at two test temperatures ........ 15
Figure 8- Framework for LCCA ................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 9- LCCA results of control and polymer modified pavement section ............................................. 18

Table 1- NHA’s aggregate graduation requirement ...................................................................................... 7
Table 2-Physical Properties of Polypropylene Fibre (Tapkin 2007)............................................................. 8
Table 3-Rut depths of control and modified samples and their associated severity levels ......................... 15
Table 4- MR and Emax values of tested samples in this study (Patel 2011).................................................. 16
Table 5- Different parameters assumed for pavement designing ................................................................ 17
Table 6- Pavement design using control and modified asphalt at different temperatures. ......................... 17


Incorporating materials like fibres in the pavements is a novel way of increasing its design service
life. The increased service life of pavements provides durable roads which require lesser maintenance
than the conventional asphalt concrete pavements. Use of Polypropylene fibres in asphalt concrete has
been widely adopted all around the world in this regards. However, no detailed study has yet been made
investigating the use of these fibres in pavements in Pakistan under the local traffic loading and
environmental conditions. This research project can be regarded as the stepping stone for the future
studies that could be carried out for investigating the numerous parameters affected by inclusion of
Polypropylene fibres in pavement.

This research has aimed to investigate the use of Polypropylene fibres in asphalt concrete pavement.
Rutting in the asphalt course being one of the most common distresses, responsible for reducing the
design service life of pavement, has been investigated by inclusion of fibres in asphalt concrete.
Polypropylene fibres were mixed in Hot Mix Asphalt using the “wet method” whereby the fibres were
mixed and heated with asphalt binder before being added to aggregates. Polypropylene fibres were added
0.5% by weight of aggregates. Marshall Mix Design was used to determine the Optimum Asphalt Content
(OAC) of HMA incorporating fibres. The OAC was determined for control samples (without fibre) and as
well as modified samples (containing fibres). Rutting susceptibility tests and indirect tensile tests were
carried out on both types of samples (control and modified samples) over three test temperatures, i.e.
40°C, 50ºC and 60ºC. Reduction in rut depth and increase in resilient modulus was observed by inclusion
of fibres at high temperature. At low temperatures i.e. around 40ºC, the inclusion of Polypropylene fibres
increased the air voids content leading to a greater rut depth than the control samples. The fibres were
found to increase the rut resistance of asphalt concrete by increasing the resilient modulus of HMA. Life
Cycle Cost Analysis was performed to determine the financial feasibility of using Polypropylene fibres in
asphalt concrete which led to the conclusion that use of Polypropylene fibres is financially feasible at
elevated temperatures.

1. Introduction
The distresses in the pavements are varied and complex to understand. The primary reason
making the distresses difficult to understand is the bitumen, the binder in the wearing course, has
highly unpredictable behaviour. It behaves differently at different temperatures and under different
loading conditions. The deterioration of the pavement restricts it from achieving its full service life.
Rutting is one of the most common distresses encountered by the pavement. It results from repetitive
passes of high axle load vehicles. Rutting is permanent deformation of the wearing course which
appears along the length of road in the wheel path. The ruts become evident after rainfall when filled
with water. Rutting is dangerous as it causes hydroplaning making the vehicle lose its ability to brake
and control. Also the ruts in the road steers the vehicle towards the rut path. Hence rutting is not only
a nuisance but also dangerous for the vehicles.

Different solutions have been proposed and used for control of rutting in flexible pavements. One
such solution is the use of polymer fibres which is widely employed all around the world.
Polypropylene is very effectively used for controlling rutting. However study needs to be carried out
to investigate the effectiveness of polypropylene fibres in our local conditions using the local
aggregates. Locally tested pavement design method incorporating the use of polypropylene (PP) fibres
would take care of the distresses in the pavements in the local conditions. The study would comprise
of laboratory testing along with the Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) of using polypropylene by
comparing with the conventional HMA samples. This would not only ensure in an asphalt pavement
that is more resistant to rutting than the conventional pavements but former would be more durable
and long-lasting.

Asphalt is quite an unpredictable material in the asphalt concrete pavements. It behaves

differently under different loading conditions and at different temperatures. Asphalt is viscoelastic
material that sometimes behaves as viscoelastic-plastic material at different temperatures. Therefore
sound knowledge of asphalt behaviour is necessary in order to find the solution to the various
distresses in the flexible pavements.

Rutting is one of the most common distresses. It is permanent deformation which appears as
longitudinal cracks occurring in pavement along the wheel path. It is the severe distress which usually
generates due to repeated loading and effect serviceability of pavement. Shearing and pavement uplift
occurs along the side of rut.

Rutting can be further classified into mix rutting and subgrade rutting. In mix rutting the subgrade
doesn’t rut and the permanent deformation takes place in the pavement layers. While wheel path

depressions are formed in subgrade and pavement settles into the ruts causing surface depressions in
the case of subgrade rutting.

The general cause of rutting is due to the displacement or lateral movement of the material
particles in any pavement layer directly under the load or in the wheel path. Specific reasons may

i) Insufficient compaction of HMA layers or presence of excessive air voids during

construction. If it is not compacted enough initially, HMA pavement may continue to
consolidate under traffic loads.
ii) Subgrade rutting due to lack of proper strength or inadequate pavement structure.
iii) Improper mix design or manufacture (e.g., high asphalt content, excessive mineral
filler, insufficient amount of angular aggregate particles).
iv) Hot climate may cause the softening of asphaltic binder which will result eventually
in rutting.
v) Asphalt binder properties influence the permanent deformation resistance properties
of asphalt mixtures. The stiffer the binder the greater will be the resistance to deform.

In Pakistan, the roadways are usually made as flexible due to low cost as compared to rigid
pavements. Flexible pavement experiences traffic loading and environmental factors (rain fall and
temperature) that affect the performance of pavement and creates various distresses. According to
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics report, 2011 the total road network of Pakistan is 259,643 km, most of
them in depleted conditions. According to National Highway Authority (NHA) 67% of their road
network is in poor condition with rutting being the most common form of roads distresses.

Asphalt modification by addition of different materials in the recent times is a very successful and
effective technique for improving its rheological properties. Modification of asphalt by the addition of
polymers is the solution to various distresses of the pavement. It is considered as one of the solution to
improve fatigue life, reduce rutting and thermal cracking in the pavement. (Airey, 2004)

2. Problem Statement
Roads in Pakistan are generally in poor condition. The distresses like rutting and fatigue cracking
have degraded the condition of the available road network making them unsafe and dangerous for the
road users. Since road transportation complements the other modes of transportation, the poor
condition of roads in Pakistan is affecting the country’s economy. Currently Pakistan has almost
260,000 km of road network which is widely used and carries 91% passenger traffic and almost 96%
of the freight traffic (Javed 2005, Nippon and Almec 2006). Hence it is vital to keep the roads in good

condition in order to facilitate smooth and safe traffic flow over the road facilities. Different reasons
can be cited for the deteriorating condition of roads including violation of maximum permissible load
carrying rules for transport vehicles and shortage of funds for maintenance activities. Unfortunately,
the gap between the funds required and available for maintenance and rehabilitation activities has
never been bridged since 1999-2000 (Javed 2005). In this scenario it is crucial to come up with a
pavement design that is durable and more resistant to distresses. Such pavements will have greater
service life than the conventional pavements and will, therefore, require lesser maintenance. One
method of making durable pavements is by polymer modification. In this project the option of
incorporating Polypropylene fibres in asphalt concrete pavement is investigated. Also the financial
feasibility of using these fibres in asphalt pavement is determined. Conclusively, it can be said that
this study presents the laboratory evaluation of using Polypropylene fibres in pavement.

3. Objectives
The proposed study will aim to ascertain the effectiveness of using Polypropylene fibres in asphalt
concrete of pavement so as to increase its service life by meeting the following objectives:

i) Evaluate the effectiveness of polypropylene fibres against mix-rutting in HMA samples at

different temperatures
ii) To conduct Life Cycle Cost Analysis of pavements with and without polypropylene.
iii) Develop final report containing the guidelines for usage of Polypropylene fibres in HMA.

4. Scope and Limitations

The scope of this study includes investigation of Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC) by Marshall
Method when using 0.5% of polypropylene fibres addition. The scope of the rutting test will be
limited only to the investigation of mix rutting. Based on the results of the study, a proper mix design
for the solution of mix rutting only will be proposed. Another limitation in this study will be the axle
load for the rutting test which will be limited to 13 kips. The proposed mix design is expected, but not
guaranteed, to perform satisfactorily under axle load greater than 13kips. Also the testing temperature
for the rutting test is restricted to 60°C. The rutting tests cannot be conducted at temperatures greater
than 60°C since this is the maximum temperature achievable in the Wheel Tracking Device. Hence,
the proposed mix design proposed may not be applicable for field conditions with temperatures over
60°C. For the indirect tensile tests, a peak load of only 100N and 300N was used. Lastly, the effect of
12 mm Polypropylene fibre has been investigated only, ignoring the other types and lengths of
Polypropylene fibres.

5. Literature Review
The effect of Polypropylene in Hot Mix Asphalt has been investigated throughout the world in
detail. This section provides brief reviews of researches undertaken all around the world in this
regards. Based on these researches, the methodology for this research project was formulated.

For designing a rut-resistant pavement, the mechanism of rutting should be understood

completely. Two different mechanisms leading to rut development has been discussed by Uzan J
(2004). The first one is associated with well-designed structures and stable materials. The permanent
deformation is due to the effect of repeated load on pavement materials that are not perfectly elastic.
The amount of rutting depends on the stiffness, the permanent deformation potential of the different
materials and the load induced stresses. In the second mechanism, the rut is formed due to the failure
of the Asphalt Concrete (AC) layer. This is a localized process induced by the large shear stress near
the surface in an unstable material. This problem needs to be addressed by testing and construction
specifications. Note that in well-designed structures with a stable AC material, a shear stress of
similar magnitude develops near the pavement surface; however, it does not cause the failure of the

Improvement of rheological properties of asphalt binder can be achieved through different

methods. Bitumen modification is a prevalent and effective means of achieving this goal. Commonly
polymer fibres have been used for modification of the binder. Work on polymer modification for the
reinforcement of asphalt concrete began in the early 1990s. Brown et al (1990) have worked greatly
for the development of polymer fibre reinforcement and composite materials. The research has
identified the potential of specific fibres for improving the tensile and cohesive strength of asphaltic
concrete due to developing greater tensile strength when compared to bitumen.

Jew and Wood hams (1986) found Polymer-modified binders (PMBs) to improve several
properties of paving mixtures, such as temperature susceptibility, fatigue life, and resistance to
permanent deformation. The polymers generally used for the modification of asphalt cement for
paving purposes are styrene-butadiene-styrene copolymer, styrene-butadiene-rubber, latex, ethylene
vinyl acetate copolymer, low-density polyethylene (LDPE), or linear low density polyethylene and

Polypropylene fibres have been in similar use for quite some time now. These fibres have been
particularly used for the purpose of controlling the permanent deformation, rutting (Bouldin and
Collins, 1992; Lu and Isacsson, 1999). Also the pavements have been found to be more durable and
have greater service-life after polymer modification because the polymer addition was found to
improve the ductility of the binder (Glover et al, 2005).

Marshall testing has shown increased stability and flow values by addition of polypropylene
fibres. Ebrahimi (2010) prepared asphalt specimens by Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC). These
samples were analysed by both Marshall Analysis and Superpave Analysis and finally tested by
Marshall Stability. It was observed that adding PP showed increasing in Marshall Stability (26.3%),
percent of air void (67.5%), and also decreasing Flow (38%). These results show increase pavement
life service, also increasing percentage air void is useful for hot regions which bleeding and flushing
are important distresses.

Tapkin et al (2009) performed repeated creep tests and concluded the addition of the
polypropylene fibres into the asphalt mixture increased the Marshall Stability value by 20%. It can be
concluded that the lives of the fibre modified asphalt specimens under repeated creep loading at
different loading patterns increased by 5–12 times versus control specimens. This is a significant
improvement. The results from the analysis of the tested specimens show that the addition of
polypropylene fibres improves the behaviour of the specimens by increasing the life of samples under
repeated creep testing.

Kaloush et al. (2010) used a mixture of polypropylene and aramid fibres in a field and laboratory
study to evaluate the performance characteristics of the modified asphalt mixture. The laboratory
experimental program on the field mixes included: tri-axial shear strength, dynamic (complex)
modulus, repeated load permanent deformation, beam fatigue, crack propagation, and indirect
diametral tensile tests. The results showed that the fibres improved the mixture’s performance in
several unique ways as summarized below:

• The fibre-reinforced asphalt mixture showed better resistance to shear deformation.

• The measured Dynamic Modulus E* values were higher for the fibre-reinforced mix.

• The tensile strength and fracture energy measured from the indirect diametral tensile tests
showed that at all test temperatures, the fibre-reinforced mix exhibited the highest values.

• Fibre-reinforced mix had about 40 times higher resistance to crack propagation than the control

• A field condition survey after approximately one year (with two summer periods included)
revealed that there are a couple of low severity cracks, 1 to 2 feet long, in the control section.
No cracks were observed in the fibre-reinforced pavement sections.

Simpson and Kamyar (1994) conducted another study in which polypropylene, polyester fibres,
and some other polymers were used to modify the bituminous binder. The testing procedures included
Marshall Stability, IDT, moisture damage susceptibility, freeze/thaw susceptibility, resilient modulus,

and repeated load deformation. Mixtures containing polypropylene fibres were found to have higher
tensile strengths and resistance to cracking. Rutting potential as measured by repeated load
deformation testing was found to decrease only in polypropylene modified samples. Hence the
superiority of using polypropylene over the conventional methods was established in this research.

From the literature it can be concluded that the propylene mixed asphalt concrete is behaving
well under different testing conditions. A number of researchers found the propylene modified asphalt
concrete rut resistant at various loadings. However the rutting behaviour of such concrete at different
temperature is yet to be explored. Moreover the authors of this report failed to get any literature
evident of such study ever taken place in Pakistan. Therefore based on the studied literature, the
following objectives for this study were derived.

6. Methodology and Experimental Program

The research methodology of this study included calculation of Optimum Asphalt Content (OAC)
by using Marshall Mix Design Method of both controlled and propylene modified samples,
compaction of specimen for rut testing and testing the prepared samples at three different
temperatures, 40ºC, 50 ºC and 60 ºC respectively. Since one of the objectives of this study was to
conduct lifecycle cost analysis, data for elastic modulus of propylene mixed asphalt concrete was also
needed; hence samples for indirect tensile test were also prepared to get values of resilient modulus of
asphalt concrete at stated temperatures.

The Marshall samples were prepared using five (5) levels of addition of asphalt content i.e. 3.5%,
4.0%, 4.5%, 5.0% and 5.5%. A total of fifty (50) Marshall Samples were prepared in which twenty
five (25) samples were made using Polypropylene and twenty five (25) without it. Polypropylene was
added as 0.5% by weight of aggregates (Abtahi, 2011). After determining the OAC, samples for
rutting and indirect tensile tests were prepared. A total of twelve (12) samples were prepared for
rutting tests. Total nine samples were control samples and these were prepared without addition of
polypropylene fibres while the rest of the nine samples were prepared by addition of polypropylene.
These samples were then tested in Wheel Tracking Device. These samples were later tested at three
different temperature regimes of 40°C, 50°C and 60°C respectively having three replicates each. The
rut depths obtained from rutting tests of samples made with polypropylene were later compared with
the rut depths of control samples to determine the effectiveness of Polypropylene modification in
increasing the rut resistance. For performing the indirect tensile tests, a total of eight samples were
prepared out of which four were control samples and four were prepared by Polypropylene
modification. Four samples were tested at 40°C and the remaining four were tested at 60°C.

7. Materials used in this study
This section gives the detail of all the materials used in this research. Two different tests have
been carried out in this project. The tests have been selected for two purposes; determine the
effectiveness of Polypropylene modification in asphalt concrete and to perform Life Cycle Cost
Analysis for determining the financial feasibility of using these fibres in pavements. These tests are

i. Marshall Mix Design of Hot Mix Asphalt,

ii. Rutting susceptibility test of asphalt paving mixture using Wheel Tracking Test Device

7.1 Aggregate gradation

The aggregate gradation employed in this research is NHA Type A (Minimum). The NHA’s
gradation is shown in Table 1 while the aggregate gradation curve is shown in Figure 1.

Table 1- NHA’s aggregate graduation requirement

Sieve Designation Percent Passing by Weight

mm Inch / No. A B
25 1” 100 -
19 ¾ 100
12.5 ½ - 75-90
9.5 3/8 56-70 60-80
4.75 No. 4 35-50 40-60
3.38 No. 8 23-35 20-40
1.18 No. 16 5-12 5-15
0.075 No. 200 2-8 3-8

Sieve Sizes (mm)
25.4 19 9.51 4.76 2.38 1.19 0.074



70 NHA Fine
Percentage Passing (%)


50 NHA Selected
gradation for this
40 study



1" 3/4" 3/8" No.4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 200
Sieve Sizes

Figure 1- Gradation curve of aggregates used in this project.

7.1 Polypropylene fibre

The type of Polypropylene fibre used in this research has been Monofilament Polypropylene fibre
as shown in Figure 1. The different physical properties of this fibre are given in Table 2.

Table 2-Physical Properties of Polypropylene Fibre (Duracrete)

Characteristic Value Standard

Colour Transparent
Length (mm) 13
Compressive strength (psi) 5,500-8,000 ASTM D695
Flexural strength (psi) 6,000-8,000 ASTM D790
Tensile strength at break (psi) 4,500-6,000 ASTM D638
Elongation at break (%) 100-600 ASTM D638
Water Absorption (%) Negligible (0.01-0.03) ASTM D-570
Specific Gravity 0.9-0.91 ASTM D-792
Ignition Point 593°C
Melting Point 160 – 170°C
Heat and UV Stabilization Long term
Thermal conductivity 2.810-4 cal cm/sec cm
Tensile modulus (ksi) 165-225 ASTM D-638
Compressive modulus (ksi) 150-300 ASTM D-695
Flexural Modulus (ksi @ 25°C) 170-250 ASTM D790

7.2 Addition of Polypropylene fibre to asphalt
For preparing asphalt concrete, 60/70 penetration grade asphalt was used. In order to add
polypropylene in a mix a technique called “Wet Method” (Abtahi et al. 2011) has been adopted in this
research. The required quantity of fibre (0.5% by weight of mix) was first taken in the pan and then
heated asphalt (150o C) was added and mixed thoroughly until the mix acquires uniformity. This
method is well illustrated in Figure 2. A video is also annexed with this report.

Figure 2- Asphalt added to fibres

7.3 Preparation of mix

Once the asphalt propylene mixture was obtained then it was added with aggregates and the mix
was thoroughly mixed until each aggregate particle was adequately coated with mixture. The prepared
mix was further kept in oven at 120°C for four (4) hours for aging of the mix. This is done to simulate
short term aging normally associated in preparations and laying of HMA in the field. The samples
were later compacted in a cylindrical mould of 4 inch diameter, by application of 75 hammer blows
on each side.

7.4 Marshall Stability Test

The OAC of control as well as modified samples has been determined using the Marshall Mix
Design Method. After determining the OAC samples for rutting tests were prepared. Density at OAC
from Marshall Tests was used to calculate the mass of aggregates required for rutting tests for both
control and modified samples.

7.5 Rutting Susceptibility Test
The mixing of sample for rutting tests were done identically in the same manner as it was for
Marshal Test, however the samples were compacted in Roller Compactor shown in Figure 3. Nine
samples each of control and polypropylene modified samples were thus prepared.

Figure 3- Roller Compacter for compacting slab specimens

After compaction, the samples were tested in Wheel Tracking Device shown in Figure 4. Three
control and three polymer modified samples each were tested at 40°C, 50 °C and 60°C respectively.
Average rut depth values were calculated for both control and modified samples. The average rut
depth values of control samples were compared with the average rut depth values of polymer
modified samples to ascertain the effectiveness of polymer modification.

Figure 4-Wheel Tracking Device for rutting susceptibility test

7.6 Indirect Tensile Test
The Indirect Tensile Test was carried out for determining the Modulus of Resilience (M R) of the
control and polymer modified samples. The tests were carried out at two temperatures, same as those
for rutting tests, i.e. 40°C and 60°C. The samples tested in this test were cylindrical samples of length
50mm and diameter 100 mm. The test was conducted at test pulse period of 1000ms, condition pulse
period of 2000ms and condition pulse count of 5 at maximum load of 100N and 300N. Two samples
each of control and Polypropylene modified samples were tested at each temperature. At each
temperature, one control sample was tested by application of 100N peak load while the other sample
was tested by applying 300N load. Similar methodology was used for testing Polypropylene modified
samples. Therefore a total of eight samples were to be tested in Indirect Tensile Test. However the
control sample could only be checked under 100N load application at 60°C because, at elevated
temperature, the sample was quite soft and made it impossible to place the Linear Variable
Displacement Transducer (LVDT).

7.7 Pavement Design and Life Cycle Cost Analysis

After the completion of laboratory testing, pavement design was carried out using the
AASHTOWare DARWin 3.1™ software. It is the computerized version of AASHTO Guide for
Design of Pavement Structures 1993. This software allows designing the pavement structure based on
the subgrade strength, material characteristics and traffic loading conditions. This software further
helps in performing in Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). Therefore Darwin 3.1 was used in this
research project for pavement design and LCCA of both control and Polypropylene modified asphalt
concrete. The Resilient Modulus (MR) of control and modified asphalt concrete determined from the
indirect tensile test were used for pavement design. Then LCCA was performed for determining the
financial feasibility of using Polypropylene in asphalt wearing course of pavements.

8. Results and Discussion

This section describes the result obtained during the testing as well as analysis of those results in

8.1 Rutting tests Results

The rutting tests were carried out at three test temperatures of 40°C, 50°C and 60°C. As
mentioned earlier three samples each, control and modified, were tested at the mentioned test
temperatures. Figure 5 shows the final average rut depth of control and modified samples,
respectively, at various passes and afore-mentioned test temperatures. The aim of this study was
twofold: firstly to investigate the effectiveness of Polypropylene modification and secondly to

understand the effect of increase in temperature on rut depth while keeping the level of addition of
Polypropylene fibres constant.

The effect of increase in temperature over the rutting susceptibility of both control and
polypropylene modified samples can be studied from Fig 5. The final average rut depth after 10,000
passes is found to be increasing with the increase in test temperature in the case of control samples.
While for the modified samples, the final average rut depth of modified samples tested at 40°C was
greater than its counterpart control sample. However for other two test temperatures, i.e. 50°C and
60°C, the final average rut depth of modified samples is less than their counterpart control samples.

Rut depths after 10,000 passes

18 Control samples

Polypropylene modified 15.1
14 samples
Maximum Rut depth,
Rut Depth, mm

10mm as allowed by
Asphalt Institute

4.6 4.9
4 4.4

40 45 50 55 60 65
Temperature, ºC

Figure 5- Final average rut depth of control and modified samples at different temperatures

From Figure 5, it can be seen that Polypropylene modification has been rendered useless at test
temperature of 40°C. The final rut depth of control samples is lesser than the modified samples at
40°C. The Polypropylene modification reduced the rut depth slightly at 50°C. Almost 11% of the rut
depth was reduced by inclusion of Polypropylene fibres in asphalt concrete. The effectiveness of
Polypropylene modification is clearly evident at test temperature of 60°C. The modification has
reduced the rut depth from 15.1mm to 10mm i.e. reducing the rut depth by about 51%. This is
significant reduction in rutting by Polypropylene modification. Therefore, it can be conclusively
concluded that the Polypropylene modified asphalt concrete is efficient in curtailing rutting at
elevated temperatures i.e. above 50°C. At lower temperatures, the modification is found to be useless
for curtailing rutting.

Furthermore, the maximum rut depth allowed by the Asphalt Institute is 10 mm which is also shown
in Figure 5. It can be clearly seen that the rut depth of the control sample at the elevated temperature
of 60°C is crossing this threshold rut depth criteria set by Asphalt Institute. The modified samples
have shown an average rut depth just equal to the maximum rut depth i.e. 10 mm. Hence, it can be
said that Polypropylene modification has reduced and curtailed the final average rut depth just under
the threshold limit.

Comparison of rut depth of control and modified samples

16.0 at different temperatures

14.0 Control 60⁰C Modified 60⁰C

Control 50⁰C Modified 50⁰C
Control 40⁰C Modified 40⁰C
12.0 Asphalt Institute Minum Rut depth-10 mm
Rut Depth (mm)






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Number of passes

Figure 6- Average rut depth of control and modified samples at different temperatures

Figure 6 gives the comparison of average rut depth of control and modified samples at different
test temperatures and different number of passes. It is evident that Polypropylene modification is
utterly ineffective for control of rutting at low temperatures like 40°C. The rut depth of control
samples is lesser than that of modified throughout the 10,000 passes at 40°C. The probable reason for
this behaviour being that inclusion of fibres in the asphalt mix increases the air void content thus
increasing the permanent deformation i.e. rut depth as compared to the control samples. The increase
in air voids content by inclusion of fibres has also been reported by Tapkin (2007). Therefore, at
temperature of 40°C the Polypropylene fibres not only failed to increase the rut resistance of asphalt
concrete but increased the air void contents which led to greater rut depth.

The rut performance of control and polymer modified sample tested at 500C could also be studied
from Figure 6. Initially the average rut depth of control samples was lesser than that of modified
samples until 6000 passes. After that the average rut depth of modified samples was found to increase
and greater than that of control sample. Similar trend was seen when the rutting test was carried out at
60°C. The reasoning for this behaviour has been discussed later.

The rutting susceptibility of control and polypropylene modified samples at 60°C under different
load passes could be learned from Figure 6. The final rut depth of polymer modified samples after
application of 10,000 load passes is almost 51% lesser than its counterpart control sample
However, from Figure 6 it can be seen that the rut depth of control samples is lesser than the polymer
modified samples until 4000 passes. After 4000 passes, the rut depth of control samples began to
increase as compared to the modified samples. The reason for this being that initially the polymer
modified samples had more air void content than control samples (Tapkin, 2007), the rutting of
modified samples was greater than that of control samples. Once the load passes had produced
adequate compaction i.e. after about 4000 passes, the effectiveness of polymer modification can be
seen. The binder had softened at elevated temperature of 60°C, however, the Polypropylene fibres
added strength and reinforcement to the mix. Therefore, the control samples exhibited greater rut
depth than the modified samples after 4000 load passes at 60°C. Therefore the final rut depth of
Polypropylene modified samples has been found to be lesser than that of control samples. Due to the
same behaviour, similar trend was observed when control and modified samples were tested at 50°C.

Fwa et al. (2011) has reported the classification of the rut depth and their corresponding severity
levels as follows:
1. For rut depth less than 6mm the severity level is low and problems of hydroplaning and wet-
weather accidents are not likely to occur,
2. for rut depth between 7 and 12 mm the severity level is medium and problems of
hydroplaning and wet-weather accidents are probable while
3. for rut depth greater than 13 mm the severity level is high and potential for hydroplaning and
wet-weather accidents are greatly increased.
Based on this model we can classify the rut depths of control and polymer modified samples to
their severity levels. The average rut depths of the samples after 10,000 load passes have been used
for making this classification. The classification is given in Table 3.

From Table 3, it can be observed that Polypropylene modification 40°C and 50°C has not brought
about any change in severity level as compared to the control samples. However, polymer
modification has reduced the severity level from high to medium at 60°C. Concluding it can be said
that Polypropylene modification is effective can reduce the severity level associated with rut depth
from high to medium at 60°C.

Table 3-Rut depths of control and modified samples and their associated severity levels
Temperature Rut Depth Severity Level
Sample Type
(°C) (mm) (Fwa, 2011)
Control samples 40 4.6 Low
Polypropylene modified samples 40 4.9 Low
Control samples 50 4.9 Low
Polypropylene modified samples 50 4.4 Low
Control samples 60 15.1 High
Polypropylene modified samples 60 10 Medium

8.2 Indirect Tensile Test

The Indirect Tensile test was carried out on both control and samples prepared with
Polypropylene modification. The samples were tested at the same two test temperatures which were
used for rutting tests i.e. 40°C and 60°C. The other details of Indirect Tensile Test are given in
preceding section. The results of the tests are illustrated below in Figure 7.

1400 Modulus of Resilience of Control and Modified samples

1200 1161
Modulus of Resilience (MPa)

1000 Control Samples



200 135.4

40⁰C Temperature 60⁰C

Figure 7- Resilient Modulus (MR) values of control and modified samples at two test temperatures

Figure 7- shows the values of Modulus of Resilience (MR) of control and modified samples at
40°C and 60°C. It can be seen that at 40°C the value of MR of control samples is greater than the value
of MR of polymer modified samples at the same temperature. The resilient modulus decreased slightly
(almost 15%) by polymer modification at test temperature of 40°C. For test temperature of 60°C the
modulus of resilience of Polypropylene samples is found to be greater than that of control samples.

Resilient modulus increased by almost 2.8 times with Polypropylene modification at 60°C

The results of the rutting susceptibility tests can be validated by the results of Indirect Tensile
tests. From Figure 5 and 6, it can be learned that the rut depth of Polypropylene modified samples is
greater than the rut depth of control samples at 40°C. Similar is the case in Indirect Tensile Test. The
modulus of resilience of Polypropylene modified samples at 40°C is lesser than the resilient modulus
of control samples at the same temperature. The control samples, possessing greater resilient modulus
than modified samples, exhibited lesser degree of permanent deformation than the modified samples.
While for the case of test temperature of 60°C, the resilient modulus of Polypropylene modified
samples was found to be greater than the resilient modulus of control samples as shown in Figure 8.
Thus, the control samples showed more permanent deformation, i.e. rutting, than the modified

Patel et al. (Patel 2011) has discussed the correlation between resilient modulus and elastic
modulus. The correlation is given below in Equation 1. MR

The elastic modulus of materials in the different layers of pavement is an important parameter for
pavement design. Based on Equation 1, the resilient modulus values obtained through Indirect Tensile
Test have been converted to elastic modulus values and this data is given in Table 4.

Table 4- MR and Emax values of tested samples in this study (Patel 2011)

Sample Resilient Modulus, MR (MPa) Elastic modulus, Emax (psi)

Control sample at 40°C 1,161 218,717
Modified sample at 40°C 1,008 189,854
Control sample at 60°C 135.4 25,527
Modified sample at 60°C 380 71,649

8.3 Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)

The LCCA was performed using Darwin 3.1. The framework followed for performing the LLCA
is depicted in Figure 8. The resilient modulus (MR) values for control and modified asphalt concrete
were obtained from the indirect tensile strength test. The consequent Elastic modulus values of these
test samples are given in Table 4. The analysis was performed for a two lane two direction one mile
road length and assuming the data presented in Table 5.

Pavement Determining
LCCA the financial
Design feasibility

Figure 8- Framework for LCCA

Since, the basic motive behind performing LCCA was to determine the financial feasibility of
using Polypropylene fibres in asphalt course of pavements, the assumption of above mentioned values
have no effect over the analysis.

Table 5- Different parameters assumed for pavement designing

S. No. Parameter Value
1. Soil road bed modulus 7,500 psi
2. Elasticity modulus of granular sub-base course 15,000 psi
3. Elasticity modulus of crushed aggregate base course 30,000 psi
4. Elasticity modulus of asphalt base course 300,000 psi
5. Total Equivalent Single Axle Loads (ESALS) 20,000,000
6. One directional lane width 12 ft.

Initially the pavement cross section was designed using the software Darwin 3.1. The value of the
thickness of different layers as determined by designing in Darwin 3.1 is given in the Table 6 below.
The pavement design sheets of Darwin are attached in Annexure A.

Table 6- Pavement design using control and modified asphalt at different temperatures.
Thickness of Thickness of
Thickness of layers for
layers for
S. layers for modified
Layers modified
No. control section section at
section at
at 40°C (in) 60°C (in)
40°C (in)
1. Asphalt course 9 10 8
2. Crushed aggregate base course 12 12 24
3. Granular aggregate sub-base course 18 18 24

The pavement design could not be carried out for control section at 60°C because its resilient
modulus, and subsequent elastic modulus, is very small making the pavement design impossible. The
thickness of asphalt course has increased from 9 inches to 10 inches in the case of pavement design at
40°C with the inclusion of Polypropylene fibre because the elastic modulus of modified asphalt
concrete is slightly lesser than the control asphalt concrete. The elastic modulus of modified asphalt
concrete was sufficient for pavement design. The elastic modulus of control asphalt concrete at 60°C
was very small making the pavement design impossible. However, logically it can be said that
thickness of control asphalt concrete would be greater the thickness of modified asphalt concrete layer
at 60°C if used in pavements while keeping the thickness of other layers, crushed aggregate base
course and granular sub-base, same.

The LCCA was performed after pavement design. The LCCA was completed using an analysis
period of 20 years for a one mile road length section of two directional two lane highway. The results
of the LCCA for both the control and polymer modified section at different temperatures are shown in
Figure 9. The LCCA sheets are attached in the Annexure A.

Comparison of Life Cycle Cost of control and modified asphalt

concrete section
Rs. 23
Rs. 22.53
Rs. 22.08
Rs. 22 Control section
Life Cycle Cost (Rs. Millions)

Rs. 21 Polypropylene
modified section
Rs. 19.73
Rs. 20

Rs. 19

Rs. 18

Rs. 17
40⁰C 60⁰C

Figure 9- LCCA results of control and polymer modified pavement section

From LCCA the life cycle cost of pavement section using control or conventional asphalt concrete
at 40°C was determined to be Rs. 19,725,857 while for modified concrete at the same temperature the
cost was found to be Rs. 22,075,087. While for pavements using modified asphalt concrete course at
60°C the life cycle cost was determined to be Rs. 22,505,808. As discussed earlier, the pavement
could not be designed using the control asphalt concrete because of its very small value of elastic

modulus. However, logically it follows that thickness of control asphalt concrete at 60°C would be
greater than that of modified asphalt concrete at same temperature while keeping the thickness of
underlying layers same. Therefore logically it follows that the life cycle cost of control asphalt
concrete would be greater than that of modified asphalt concrete at 60°C.

For LCCA, the maintenance cost was arbitrarily assumed to be Rs. 50,000 when the maintenance
is required. As explained earlier, the assumption of this cost is merely for comparison between control
and modified section. For 60°C, the rut depth was found to decrease approximately by 51% because
of Polypropylene inclusion. Therefore, it can be safely assumed that maintenance required for
modified asphalt concrete section would be lesser than that of control or conventional asphalt section
at elevated temperature of 60°C.

From Figure 9 it can be seen that the life cost of control section at 40°C is the lowest. From the
results given in Figure 9 it follows that Polypropylene is financially not viable for use in regions
where the pavement temperature is not more than 40°C. For areas where the pavement temperature
doesn’t go beyond 40°C, the use of Polypropylene is not advised financial infeasibility. For 60°C, the
life cycle cost of modified asphalt concrete pavement is around 18% greater than the life cycle cost
pavement using control asphalt concrete at 40°C. Still, the life cycle cost of pavement using control
asphalt concrete at 60°C is logically greatest of all the life cycle costs discussed in Figure 9. In the
light of this observation, it can be said that the option of using Polypropylene modified asphalt
concrete is financially viable for use in regions where pavements face elevated temperatures, up to

Following reasons may further corroborate this conclusion:

 The pavement design could not be carried out using the conventional HMA at 60 °C because of
the very small value of elastic modulus of HMA at the said temperature. Therefore by simply
spending around 18% more than the cost incurred for conventional asphalt concrete, a rut
resistant pavement can be constructed by Polypropylene modification.
 Since Polypropylene modification has behaved so extraordinarily in increasing the rut
resistance of HMA at elevated temperature, the modification is expected to increase
resistances against other common distresses as well. In this way, by spending marginally
more cost than that spent for conventional HMA (around 18% more), a more durable
pavement could be constructed

9. Guidelines
The scope of this research includes furnishing of guidelines for use of Polypropylene fibres in
HMA. Based on the experimental work carried out in this research, the guidelines regarding the usage
of fibres in asphalt concrete are given below.

The use of 13 mm of Monofilament Polypropylene fibres has been determined to give excellent
results when incorporated in asphalt concrete. The fibres to be used should have properties
conforming to those mentioned in Table 2. The aggregate gradation should be selected closely
following the gradation curve illustrated in Figure 1. The asphalt binder used in this research was of
60/70 penetration grade. No other penetration grade of asphalt has been tested so, therefore, only the
use of 60/70 penetration grade asphalt is recommended. The method of mixing fibres in HMA should
be the “wet method”. This method dictates that fibres should be mixed with asphalt binder prior to
mixing with aggregates. The asphalt should be heated at 150°C for at least one hour before mixing it
with fibres. Sufficient mixing of binder with the fibres should be ensured in order to prevent any
clump formation. The clump formation would prevent adequate coating of the aggregates with binder
and fibres when the asphalt fibre mix is mixed with aggregates. This mix and the aggregates should be
heated separately for 2 hours at 150°C before being mixed together.

Following these guidelines would ensure in a more rut resistant HMA than the conventional
asphalt concrete.

10. Conclusion
The results of the experimental work and analysis carried out in this research project will be
discussed in this section. The following conclusions can be made based on the results of this research:

1) The rut depth is found to increase with increase in test temperature for the control samples.
2) Polypropylene fibre modification has been found to increase the rut resistant of asphalt
concrete only at elevated temperatures.
3) At low temperatures, say 40°C, the polymer modification has been found to be ineffective in
increasing rut resistance of HMA.
4) Polypropylene fibre performed very effectively in resisting the rut formation at elevated
temperatures, say 60°C.
5) The Polypropylene modification has been found to increase the resilient modulus and,
consequently, the elastic modulus of asphalt concrete at elevated temperatures.
6) Use of Polypropylene fibre modification has found to be financially feasible.

11. Recommendations for future works
Based on the scope of work undertaken in this research project, following recommendations are
being made in order to evaluate complete performance of Polypropylene fibres in HMA:

1) Other lengths of fibre, say 6mm and 9mm, should be incorporated and their effects should be
2) This study has focussed on resisting rutting in asphalt concrete. Other distresses such as
fatigue cracking should also be investigated for samples including fibre.
3) Remarkable laboratory testing results demand that Polypropylene should be tested in test-
section of pavement to determine its actual field performance.

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Annexure A

The pavement design sheets of Darwin are attached below.

Figure A.1- Pavement design of control asphalt concrete at 40°C.

Figure A.2- Pavement design of modified asphalt concrete at 40°C.

Figure A.3- Pavement design of modified asphalt concrete at 60°C.

Figure A.4- Life Cycle Cost Analysis of control pavement at 40°C.

Figure A.5- Life Cycle Cost Analysis of modified pavement at 40°C.

Figure A.6- Life Cycle Cost Analysis of modified pavement at 60°C.

Annexure B

Amount Amount
No. Description Quantity Allocated, spent, Rs.
1 Direct Incurred Costs:
Research Assistant 120000 154,194*
2 Consumables
Material 100000
a) Asphalt 1 drum (200 kg) 17896
b) aggregates (Crush + Fine) 1 truck (250 cft each) 10750
c) gloves and spoon 1600
3 Investigator Costs
Principal Investigator Salary Cost 100000 100000
4 Other Direct - Allocated Costs
General Technical Services (servicing 60000 60000
of machine etc.)
5 Total Direct Cost 380000 190246
6 Overhead charges
a) Testing of material At UET Taxila 100000 61400
7 Total Cost 480000 251646
*due to project extension till 31 August, 2012


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