Adult Games
Adult Games
Adult Games
Butt Charades
Dad Challenge
Hang a clothesline at the party scene, then hand each player a phone, a
baby (doll of course), a basket of clothes and some clothe pins. The object
of the game is to have each player hold the baby properly, while on the
phone and hanging clothes. They must at all times be chatting on the
phone and hold the baby as if it were real. See how many clothes they can
hang on the line in 60 seconds, but the object of the game is to see if they
can handle a mom’s job for 60 seconds without dropping the child or the
phone. Good Luck and Enjoy! Dads of all ages and men in general are
encouraged to play this game. Have all men, teenagers and especially,
fathers give it a try. This is a great game for father/son outings. It is
hilarious to see them juggle so hard to keep that baby in their arms.
Three-Legged Balloon Race
Mummy Wrap
Super adult picnic game! Pick three groups of three people each.
Give each a roll or two of toilet paper. Make sure you give each
team the same amount. Two people wrap up (like a mummy) the
third person in the group. The object of the game is to: See who
can wrap up their "mummy" first or who is most creative in their
"mummifying". You may wish to add a few other objects into the
game (Q-tips, t.p. rolls, etc.) to aid in the "artistic expression
possibilities". You could have the crowd vote or the staff.
TP OverUnder
Blanket volleyball: Set up two teams, with each team member holding a corner of his or her team's
blanket. This will work best with 8 people (4 on each side holding one corner of a blanket) but with a few
athletic types could be played with fewer people. Have one team serve the volleyball by placing the ball
in the middle of the blanket. They are to lower the blanket and then raise it quickly as a team, to allow
the ball to become air borne. The opposing team must catch the volleyball in their blanket and toss it
back again. The ball can be tossed back and forth over a net, but it's not necessary.
Required: 2 - Fun Gripper Volley or Soccer balls
Players: Two, four or six players
Players are in circle formation, facing in. Each is in wide straddle step with the side of the foot against the
neighbors. The hands are on the knees.
Two balls are used. The object of the game is to throw one of the balls between the legs of any player before
they can get their hands down and stop it. Each time the ball goes between the legs of an individual, a point is
scored against that individual. The players having the least points against them are the winners.
Be sure the players catch and roll the ball rather than bat it. Players must keep their hands on their knees until
a ball is thrown at them.
Once mastered, a variation can be played. Variation: Player is in the center with a ball and is it. The other
players are in the same formation as above. One ball is used. The center player tries to roll the ball through the
legs of any player he or she chooses. They should fake their intent, using feints and changes of direction. Any
player that allows the ball to go through their legs becomes it. All players start with hands on knees until the
ball is thrown.
Apples to Oranges
Required: One apple, one orange, paper, pencil, container,
and music Game of the Month 4/01
Players: Small to large groups
Print out slips of paper that you will pull out of a container. Each slip will be labeled differently as follows:
before the apple, the apple, after the apple, before the orange, the orange, and after the orange. You might
want to do a couple sets in case certain slips become detectable after use. Once you’ve completed the slips
place them in a container mix them up. Have players stand in a circle, give the apple to one person and the
orange to someone across the circle, then start the music. They are to pass the fruits until the music stops.
When the music stops, pull out a slip of paper and read it. If the paper states before the specific fruit that
person is out. If it’s after the specific fruit that person is out. If it just states a fruit that person is out. So not
only do you have to worry about holding the fruit but where it is in the circle. If you have a large group, set up
several circles or a circle within a circle would be cool. You could also use different colored FlingSocks instead of
fruit. Variations to the game can be passing the fruits under the leg, behind the back or twirl around once then
pass the fruit