Principles of Sustainable Business: The Environmental Campus: A Unique Idea
Principles of Sustainable Business: The Environmental Campus: A Unique Idea
Principles of Sustainable Business: The Environmental Campus: A Unique Idea
Principles of
n Small courses
n Stay for 1 or 2 semesters
n Live on-campus in Birkenfeld, Germany
n No tuition fees
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Explore Sustainability Modules Winter Semester Module 4 & 5: Applied Sustainability Projects Modules Summer Semester Module 4: Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Management
Theory is just half story – Get in the game: We believe that Good ideas need entrepreneurs: This module aims to raise
in Germany Module 1: Environmental Management Systems practical application needs to be an integral part of education. Module 1: Solar Energy fundamental elements of managerial competences needed in
From cradle to cradle: Together, we examine the interaction In those modules you will have the opportunity to explore the Unlimited energy for the future: Solar energy is the renewa- the field of entrepreneurship. Lessons will cover topics such
Are you studying business, ecology or environmental science between ecological and economical systems via an Eco-Efficiency practical aspects of the various facets of sustainability in small ble source with the largest potential, we provide students with as financing of ventures and funding alternatives, corporate
and want to acquire key qualifications in environmental Approach. Let’s explore value-based management as a powerful teams for an intense learning experience of several days each. extensive knowledge about photovoltaic systems (PV), especially financial modeling as well as areas such as marketing and cost
management? Take part in an intensive course in sustainable tool to monitor a company‘s profitability. Aspects will be tools for Both projects will be organized as excursion workshops in close the design, function of solar cells and modules as well as its accounting. We strive to improve the chances of entrepreneurial
management and learn how companies could gain valuable sustainable management, such as Environmental Management cooperation with partner institutions and companies. components. After learning about these basics, we proceed to success for our students and their ideas for a more sustainable
advantages in the international market and prosper by imple- Systems, Corporate Social Responsibility, Material Flow Manage- a typical PV project with planning, construction and operation future.
menting sustainable business solutions. ment and hands-on Financial Modeling skills to guarantee that Module 6: German and International Business Culture phase. Ultimately, participants will be able to successfully plan
eco-friendly solutions are economically feasible. Successful business is both global and local: As an intro- and operate a PV system. Module 5: Consumer Culture and Strategic Marketing
Gain hands-on experience of successful sustainable projects duction into German business culture and society, this course Do good and talk about it: We will question the continuing
and experience how to adapt to today’s main challenge of inte- Module 2: Industrial Ecology and Life Cycle Assessment teaches about the 2000-year tradition of natural protection, why Module 2: Challenges of Climate Change and Water validity of the traditional equation: human progress = economic
grating business success and sustainability. Meet the experts Nature knows best: Industrial Ecology Management is based „quite good“ means „excellent“ and why management needs Resources. Climate Change has arrived: We are already faced growth, and discuss the impact on corporate social responsibi-
on successful environmental management at the Birkenfeld on a thorough understanding of ecological principles and systems. permission to let you work overtime. We will further look at with the challenge of understanding its global effects. Beside its lity generally of consumers’ developing sense of responsibility
Environmental Campus. You can find out about Germany, its This module focuses on innovative Industrial Ecology applications intercultural perspectives and gain insights into neighboring impact in different regions of the earth, we will discuss a variety of towards our environment. Step by step we will illustrate how
regulatory and business approach to today’s environmental like eco-industrial networks, resilience management and recycling cultures. This lays the groundwork for your visits to businesses measures regarding local adoption and mitigation strategies. The companies have to employ strategic marketing management
challenges. Last but not least you visit fascinating business concepts for critical materials. Lessons will cover the application and sites in the region where Germany, France and Luxemburg scarcity of water plays a crucial role in this scenario. Accordingly, in order to understand markets and optimize the relations
and cultural sites. of a Life Cycle Assessment Software Tool where students will meet and where global and local business practices are forged. we strive to comprehend human, political, ecological and water between companies and customers.
learn how to calculate Product Carbon Footprints. management requirements and tools for European and developing
The Study Semester program countries. Module 6: German and International Business Culture
runs each April to July (summer Module 3: Ecological Economics and Law Successful business is both global and local: As an intro-
semester) and October to Janu- Lasting change needs a strong foundation: Germany has Module 3: Land Use Management and Urban Development duction into German business culture and society, this course
ary (winter semester). been a frontrunner in creating a regulatory legal and economic Land is the basis: Land is the beginning and the end of any life teaches about the 2000-year tradition of natural protection, why
framework encouraging sustainable development. Restricting cycle, the base for industrialization and food. Classical economists „quite good“ means „excellent“ and why management needs
We are proud to have been the exploitations of nature for economic purposes, growth as an had a broad perception of land, which included all that we today call permission to let you work overtime. We will further look at
awarded the title of “Official economic target, and the efficient use of declining resources are “nature”. As we cannot increase land itself we are forced to make intercultural perspectives and gain insights into neighboring
German Project of the UN key topics of this module. Legal areas under discussion include: the best and most efficient use of it. Accordingly, we address the cultures. This lays the groundwork for your visits to businesses
Decade of Education for Sus- environmental justice, cradle-to-cradle and polluter-pays-principle. relevant tools, such as sustainable urban planning, legal frame- and sites in the region where Germany, France and Luxemburg
tainable Development”. We study competing concepts and policies in Germany and the EU. works for urban development and demographic solutions. meet and where global and local business practices are forged.