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4. ANATOLIA, TO 547 b.c.

a. THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE Proto-Khattic Taru, the equivalent of Hurrian
Teshup. The chief event of the official cult was
The peninsula of Anatolia or Asia Minor the purulli festival, evidently a New Year’s festi­
stretches westward from the Armenian moun­ val, celebrating the combat of the storm-god
tains to the Aegean Sea. It is separated from with the dragon Illuyankas.
Syria by the Taurus range on the south, and c. 1800-1700. The Cappadocian Texts. Our
from Upper Mesopotamia by the Anti-Taurus, earliest real historical knowledge of the Ana­
a chain running northeastward to the Armenian tolian plateau stems from the Assyrian mer­
massif. The central highland or plateau is chant colonies in Cappadocia. At the end of
ringed about with mountains, and near its cen­ the age of the colonies, contemporary with
ter sinks into a basin which traps drainage Shamshi-Adad I of Assyria (1748-1716), we
waters in a salt lake (Tuz Gdl). The people of learn of a certain Pitkhana and his son Anit-
ancient Anatolia were dominantly broad­ tas, kings of Kussar. They destroyed Hat-
headed Armenoids, but owing to repeated inva­ tusas, and established their capital at Nesa
sions became mixed, especially with people of (possibly Kanish, modern Kultepe).
Mediterranean affinities. c. 1600-1500. The Old Hittite Kingdom.
Tudkhaliyas I and Pusarma, who flourished in
b. THE HITTITES, TO c. 1200 b.c. the late 17th century, are little more than
names. Labarnas I (c. 1600) was credited with
The founders of the great Hittite state are founding the Hittite kingdom, and his bound­
called after the name of their land Khattu, aries were said to reach the sea. His name
“Hittites.” Actually this designation more ap­ and that of his queen Tawannannas were
propriately applies to one stratum of the Hit­ borne by his successors and their queens as if
tite population, no doubt the predecessors of they were titles. Khattusilis I (Labarnas II,
the Hittites, now called “Proto-Khattians.” The c. 1580) evidently shifted the capital to Khat­
Proto-Khattic language, known from religious tusas. He continued the Hittite expansion,
texts, is without affinities to other known lan­ conquering Alalakh and attacking Arzawa.
guage groups. The Hittites themselves spoke a His successor Mursilis I (c. 1550-1530) sub­
language which belongs to the Indo-European jugated northern Syria, destroying Aleppo.
family. They called it Nesian after the city of He then boldly marched on Babylon, pillaged
Nesa. Other languages closely affiliated include it and brought down the 1st Dynasty of Bab­
Luwian, the language of southeastern and south­ ylon (c. 1531). He returned home to be as­
western Anatolia (ancient Kizzuwatna and sassinated. A time of troubles followed, petty
Arzawa) and Palaic, a northern dialect. A king following petty king: Khantilis, Zidan-
form of Luwian is recorded in the Hittite hiero­ tas, Ammunas, and Khuzzias. Telepinus came
glyphic script used in inscriptions of the later to the throne about 1500 and halted the decline.
kings and especially in the monuments of Late He pushed back the Hurrians and made a
Hittite city states. A large part of our knowl­ treaty with Kizzuwatna. Telepinus composed
edge of Hittite history and religion stems from an edict proclaiming a law of succession that
the many thousands of documents found in stabilized the crown. The Hittite law code also
Khattusas (modern Boghazkoy), the capital of dates from this general period.
the Hittite state located in the bend of the c. 1450-1200. THE HITTITE EMPIRE.
Halys River. c. 1450-1380. The Early Kings. Tudkhaliyas II
The mixture of peoples in the Hittite home­ established a new dynasty destined to build an
land was ruled by an Indo-European aristo­ empire. The reigns of the early kings gave
cracy. The great king, called the “Sun” in the no promise of this. In the reigns of Khat­
later titulary, was military leader, high priest, tusilis II, Tudkhaliyas III, and Arnuwandas I,
and judge. The nobility and the state were the state came into a time of grave danger. It
extensions of his person. Hittite religion is was threatened by the Kingdom of Mitanni on
peculiarly syncretistic. Proto-Khattic, Hurrian, the east, Arzawa on the west, and the hordes
and Akkado-Sumerian gods and myths are of Kashka people on the north. The Kashka
mixed with Luwian and Hittite counterparts in actually reached Khattusas and sacked it.
a bewildering fashion. The state cult centered c. 1380-1346. The Reign of Suppiluliumas.
about the sun goddess of Arinna. Her Proto- Suppiluliumas, a younger son of Tudkhaliyas,
Khattic name was Wurusemu. In the Empire took the throne. He fortified and rebuilt his
she was identified with Hurrian Khepat. Her capital and reorganized the home territories.
consort was the storm-god, Luwian Tarkhunt, Then he marched into Syria. His first encoun-


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