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Skills of Workplace Communication - A Handbook For T&D Specialists and Their Organizations (2001)

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Skills of Workplace

A Handbook for
T&D Specialists
and Their Organizations

Richard P. Picardi

Skills of Workplace
Skills of Workplace
A Handbook for T&D Specialists
and Their Organizations

Richard P. Picardi

Westport, Connecticut •London
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Picardi, Richard P., 1941–

Skills of workplace communication : a handbook for T&D specialists and their
organizations / Richard P. Picardi.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-56720-362-0 (alk. paper)
1. Business writing. 2. Personnel management. I. Title.
HF5718.3 .P53 2001
808’.06665—dc21 2001019187

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available.

Copyright © 2001 by Richard P. Picardi

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be

reproduced, by any process or technique, without
the express written consent of the publisher.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2001019187

ISBN: 1-56720-362-0

First published in 2001

Quorum Books, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881

An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.

Printed in the United States of America

The paper used in this book complies with the

Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National
Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984).

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
To my mother and father, the first of all the teachers for
whom I am continually grateful.


Preface and Acknowledgments ix

Part I. Communication: Its Flow and Its Flaws 1

1. Successful Business Communication in a
Competitive Environment 3
2. Human Communication: Its Basic Flow and Potential
Flaws 9
3. The Flow of Business Communication 21
4. Removing Internal Causes of Business Communication
Flaws 27
5. Removing External Causes of Business Communication
Flaws 37

Part II. Becoming a Successful Business Writer 43

6. The Foundations of Effective Business Writing 45
7. Achieving the Style and Tone of Effective Business Writing 59
8. Organizing and Developing the Total Document 73
9. Making Your Ideas Flow Easily Through Your Paragraphs 85
10. Writing Clear, Forceful, Reader-Based Sentences 93

Part III. Memos, Letters, and E-Mail 105

11. Writing Memos and Letters that Achieve Your Goals 107
12. Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 127
13. Writing and Revising Negative News Memos 153
14. Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 167
viii Contents

15. Writing and Revising Indirect or Deferred-Load Letters

for Negative News, Persuasion, and Sales 197
Part IV. Writing Reports for Business and Government 217
16. Report Writers, Managers, and Audiences 219
17. Report Purposes, Formats, and Categories 233
18. Report Research, Statistics, and Illustrations 243
19. The Content and Structure of the Formal Report 259
20. Organizing and Writing a Formal Proposal 275
Appendix A: A Governmental Agency Environmental Report
with Tables 285
Appendix B: Some Sample Charts and Graphs 289
Notes 295
Bibliography 299
Index 301
Preface and


One thing corporate managers, government supervisors, and English

professors can all agree on is that the so-called communications revo-
lution has yet to improve the level of communication. In fact, many
people question whether there has been a communications revolution
at all, or merely a great advance in the channels or technology of
communicating. Even the much-trumpeted goal of a computer on every
desk has proven to be another quick fix that fixes little or nothing.
Machines have added to the quantity of communication, but done little
or nothing to improve its quality and effectiveness.
This book is not intended to turn the clock back, but to focus on two
underlying facts: not all writing is communication and not all commu-
nication is written. The writer of the most routine memo or the most
complex report cannot communicate without first thinking clearly
about the subject and the receiver. Part of this analysis must increas-
ingly be about cross-cultural dynamics of our diverse and global work-
place. Without such clear thinking, negative verbal and non-verbal
ideas and emotions are often communicated unintentionally, but with
no less damage.
Despite what has just been said, Skills of Workplace Communication
is at heart a very optimistic book. It believes that problems have
solutions. It believes that thinking and writing skills can be learned
or significantly improved. Specifically, this book shows how various
writing and communications problems can be solved in a simple,
orderly manner using text boxes, checklists, and other tools for
improving organization and expression. By following these concrete
steps, the writer can achieve the ultimate goal of communication, that
is, linking sender, message, and receiver to bring about positive change
in the workplace.
x Preface and Acknowledgments

I wish to thank my editor Eric Valentine for his initial vote of confi-
dence, as well as his ongoing direction and patience; Alfred Dean Hall
for his professional advice and support during a long project; Drs.
Joseph and Jack Franzetti for opening a new door in my life; Jessica
Ratigan of St. John’s University for her invaluable assistance in the
creation of charts and illustrations; Mariana Conde and Cheryl Powers
of LaGuardia Community College for their assistance in the preparation
of the manuscript; Dr. Frank J. Macchiarola, PhD, of St. Francis College
for his readiness to help on this and many other projects.

Communication: Its
Flow and Its Flaws

Successful Business
Communication in a
Competitive Environment


Most people presume that we live, at the onset of the new millennium,
in a golden age of communication. In terms of technology, we do. And
the age grows more golden every day, because each day brings new and
faster machines and software. But this is no golden age in terms of
individuals communicating with one another.
It has been over 35 years since Marshall McLuhan warned us that “the
medium, or process of our time—electric technology” was changing
everything. In Understanding Media he told us that “the medium is
the message.”1 Today we have come to realize the critical importance
of the next step. For successful communication we must focus on the
medium, the message, and the messenger.
And what is the information and knowledge state of America’s po-
tential messengers in the twenty-first century? The Pew Research Cen-
ter for People and the Press reveals that we may be wired in but we are
tuned out. While 79 percent of Americans have cable or satellite televi-
sion, 84 percent know very little about the Microsoft breakup. And
although 59 percent have home computers, 71 percent are unaware of
the federal budget surplus. And finally, while 53 percent have cell
phones, 56 percent have no idea who Alan Greenspan is. 2
Even those individuals with the greatest technological skills often fail
to communicate successfully. Sometimes it is our very technology that
causes this failure. In many cases dashed off, scatter-shot e-mails have
replaced well thought-out letters. “There are more avenues to reach
people than ever before, but there’s no substitute for face-to-face com-
4 Skills of Workplace Communication

munication” observes Andrew Gilman, a communications consultant

in Washington, D.C.3
It’s not just the medium that is important. The computer doesn’t exist
in a vacuum; it is used by people. People are the creators and carriers
of communication. Ultimately it is people, not machines, that create
messages. Corporate and governmental workplaces are changing rap-
idly. And in this “bricks to clicks” era, corporate managers and govern-
mental supervisors must see to it that the changes are positive. New
technologies in the hands of old communicators won’t do.
Failure to communicate is not just an annoying inconvenience. It is
very costly for companies because it has the following negative conse-
quences: (1) It prevents positive change; (2) it lessens productivity; (3)
it leaves employers at a competitive disadvantage; and (4) it diminishes
morale. A recent survey by Office Team found that “14% of each 40 hour
workweek is wasted because of poor communication between staff and
management.”4 That means up to seven workweeks of productivity lost
every year. In addition, poor communication, especially when it comes
down from management, often causes frayed tempers and lowers mo-
rale. It makes “people live with fear, doubt, and confusion” says Peter
Giuliano, chairman of Executive Communications Group in Engle-
wood, New Jersey. 5



Three thousand employers were asked the following question in

August and September 1998: When you consider hiring a new non-
supervisory or production worker, how important are the following in
your decision to hire?
Ranked on a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being “not important” or
“not considered,” and 5 being “very important.”

Attitude 4.6
Communication skills 4.2
Previous work experience 4.0
Recommendations from current employees 3.4
Recommendations from previous employer 3.4
Industry-based credentials certifying skills 3.2
Years of schooling completed 2.9
Score on tests administered as part of interview 2.5
Academic performance (grades) 2.5
Source: Census Bureau6
Successful Business Communication in a Competitive Environment 5

If effective communication is so critical in the workplace, why is it in

such short supply? Perhaps as Cassius said in Julius Caesar, “The fault,
dear Brutus, is in our selves, not in our stars, that we are underlings.”7
Poor communication continues because we tolerate it. We throw up our
hands and blame schools or training programs, or secretaries. Or we
delude ourselves that everything will be solved by technology.
Here are some popular misconceptions that contribute to poor com-
munication in our technological paradise. They are followed by the
truths of today’s workplace:
Wishful thinking: “All the rules about communication have changed.
E-mail communication doesn’t require old-fashioned writing
Reality byte: E-mail is not communication; it is merely a channel for
messages. True communication is done not by mere “content pro-
viders” but by flesh and blood people who understand the com-
plexity and subtlety of language and ideas. Even in highly technical
fields real communicators know that the power of language is not
merely its ability to transmit information but to persuade people to
act and to foster change.
Wishful thinking: “Computer spell checks can correct any of my writ-
ing errors.”
Reality byte: Tools such as grammar- and spell-checkers are able to
highlight specific problem areas and even prompt revisions. But
they don’t know what to do with a correctly spelled word that is
the wrong word. For example, most spell-checks can’t figure out
whether the word that you need is “effect”or “affect,” “illusion” or
Microsoft Word’s Spell Check will highlight these choices but it has “no
spelling suggestions.” In other words, you’re on your own to figure out
which word is correct. Other computer aids are unable to correct many
mistakes of grammar and punctuation. And, perhaps most seriously,
they are no help in the crucial areas of organization, style, and tone.
They may even suggest a substitute word or phrase that would produce
verbal gibberish. For example, Microsoft Word has suggested changing
the intelligible-enough phrase “some other mistaken notions” to “some
other mistook notions,” “some other had mistaken notions,” or “some
other has mistaken notions.” On another page it suggests changing
antiperspirants to “antipreprints.” None of these make any sense at all
either in or out of context.
Wishful thinking: “I can always use a form letter.”
Reality byte: Form letters lifted from books and computers may supply
you with a good format, grammatically correct sentences, and
6 Skills of Workplace Communication

correctly spelled words. But they are usually perfunctory and ge-
neric in nature. Their evident lack of sincerity and specificity
dooms them to an equally listless reception by their recipient.
The simple fact is that business and government need, seek, and reward
people who know how to communicate. Yet, even in this golden age of
computer technology they are hard to find. As a result, those managers
with the greatest communication skills will be welcomed as valued
members of a team that gets things done—a team that makes changes
happen in business and society.


How often have we all heard employees make excuses such as “I
don’t have time for the small stuff. That’s what secretaries are for.” Or
managers make statements like “That’s what trainers and coaches are
Both are wrong in their own way. A manager’s ability to commu-
nicate, to organize ideas and choose the precise words to carry each
message, can make or break an entire department. Coaches can
demonstrate how to write more effectively and even what to write
in specific situations, but their help is on a short-term, limited basis.
The benefits of skilled coaching must be carried into daily commu-
To what degree can coaches and trainers help in acquiring these
communication skills? In January 1999 the Harvard Management Update
carried an article by Constantine von Hoffman titled “Coaching: The
Ten Killer Myths.”8 Here are some of those myths along with the truths
behind them.

1. “Nobody can really define coaching.” Nonsense. Coaching

means helping people define clear goals and set a specific time
frame in which to meet them. What may throw some managers off
is that the heart of the process is a person’s potential.
2. “Coaching is managing with a happy face.” Making sure some-
one achieves certain performance levels is managing. Helping
them handle problems for themselves is coaching.
3. “Coaching is just another name for mentoring.” Mentoring is a
long-term relationship, while coaching is time-limited. A coaching
contract is for a specified period of time to work on specific issues
with measurable outcomes that we measure every step of the way.
4. “Being a coach means being a cheerleader.” A coach doesn’t just
praise an individual’s efforts. A coach helps people understand
what they need to change in order to attain their professional
Successful Business Communication in a Competitive Environment 7

5. “If you successfully coach people, they may leave.” Most em-
ployees are looking for people who will invest in their professional
development. Coaching is one of the best tools for that. While
some employees who achieve new goals will leave, far more will
feel greater loyalty to an organization that is interested in their
professional development.
6. “Coaching doesn’t add to the bottom line.” The fact is that coach-
ing produces more consistent, replicable results than a lot of other
management approaches. Coaching is an investment in a person
that’s going to really pay off, but not for the next month’s num-
bers—that’s not coaching anymore, that’s managing, even if you
call it coaching.

Concluding key point: Coaching can have a positive impact on perfor-

mance, but it is not a short-term process. Coaching prospects should be
people you think can be even greater assets to the organization than
they already are.
Good trainers, must by definition be good communicators. What they
have to communicate is twofold: (1) The problems that poor writing
skills cause employees and their organizations, and (2) The solutions to
these problems on a step-by-step basis.
Faced with this challenge, communications coaches of corporate and
governmental managers must be able to answer these three questions:

1. What is the nature of all human communication?

2. What are the specific characteristics of business communication?
3. What are the principal qualities of successful business communica-

Armed with this knowledge, coaches will be prepared to instill this

understanding in others. They will be ready to identify the specific steps
needed to guarantee successful written and oral business communica-
tion. This means communication that is effective, communication that
produces change. No matter how well intended and planned, change is
always difficult. But when improved communication is a shared goal
of managers, coaches, and employees it is possible. Each of us is respon-
sible for making this possibility of positive and successful change a
workplace reality.

Human Communication:
Its Basic Flow and
Potential Flaws



All human communication falls into two basic categories: verbal and
nonverbal. Each of these breaks down into many subcategories, which
are illustrated as follows:
Verbal Nonverbal
Oral Written Physical appearance
Speaking Writing Body language
and and
listening reading Territory
Sensory signals
Sight Sound Touch Taste Smell

Verbal communication includes all messages using words, whether
oral or written. It can be either formal or informal. Formal communica-
tion occurs in management information and directives about policies
and procedures. These can be transmitted by written document chan-
nels or orally at meetings and conferences. Informal communication,
what is known as the grapevine, is primarily an oral method of transmit-
ting information. It occurs at the water cooler, across the table at lunch,
in the carpool, and in the gym.
10 Skills of Workplace Communication

Oral Communication
Oral communication has two equally important components: speak-
ing and listening.
Oral communication is, ironically, one of the most important yet
temporary functions in business. With it we can clarify a problem or
situation almost immediately. We have the added benefit of nonverbal
clues such as eye contact, body language, pregnant pauses, modulating
voice tones, and other physical modes to emphasize or underscore
specific points.
Without good oral communication everyday business and govern-
mental communication would slow down to a snail’s pace. Everything
from questioning fellow workers, to making presentations, handling
customer inquiries and complaints, giving directions, and evaluating
performance would become completely cumbersome and inefficient.
Good, that is, effective, oral communicators must simultaneously be
good listeners picking up visual clues from their audience as they
proceed. Without good listening skills, however, even the most care-
fully prepared and rehearsed oral communication may be ineffective.
The intended audience, whether one individual or a thousand, must
likewise have good listening skills for the circle of communication to be
complete. Poor listening is thought to cause more than half of all
communication problems that occur in business and government.

Written Communication
Written communication also has two components: writing, which
corresponds to the “speaking” mode, and reading, which corresponds
to the “listening” mode of oral communication.
Unlike verbal communication, written communication is perma-
nent—and more difficult. It may be done quietly and with time for
reflection and revision, yet by its very nature it is performed in isolation.
The writer must function without the spontaneous feedback that non-
verbal facial cues and body language may provide.
While written communication includes everything from bulletin
board notices to contracts and direct mail, its most frequently used
forms are:

1. The memo. A written message sent vertically or horizontally be-

tween people working within the same organization. Memos are
sent by hard copy or e-mail.
2. The letter. A written message sent horizontally to people outside
the company or governmental agency. Letters are sent by tradi-
tional hard copy or by e-mail networks.
Human Communication 11

3. The e-mail. A computerized communications channel.

4. The report. A lengthy, objective presentation of information on a
specific subject that enables the recipient to make a decision or
solve a problem.

Nonverbal communication refers to any message that is sent without
written words or speech. As shown above, nonverbal communication
includes messages that are sent, often involuntarily or unconsciously,
by our physical appearance, body language, territory, and sensory
signals. It has been estimated that as little as 7 percent of a message is
communicated through words. The remaining 93 percent of the mes-
sage is delivered by one’s tone of voice (38 percent) and one’s facial
expression (55 percent). 1

Physical Appearance
The first impression we make in business and social situations is our
physical appearance. Clothes, posture, grooming, and personal hygiene
all combine to make an immediate nonverbal statement. Grandmother
was right: always make a good first impression! American culture
attaches great, some might say too great, importance on physical ap-
pearance. We live in a society where models, both female and male, are
celebrities commanding huge paychecks. Magazines, newspapers, tele-
vision, and Internet websites are saturated with products and advice
for both men and women to improve their physical appearance. It goes
without saying that the people selling these products are physically
When 12-Step programs and “fat whacker” pills don’t deliver, Ameri-
cans are opting for plastic surgery, in the form of facelifts, liposuction,
and breast enlargements. The American Society of Plastic and Recon-
structive Surgeons reports that the number of patients having facelifts
rose 50 percent between 1992 and 1997.2 The same survey revealed that
three times as many women aged 19 to 34 had breast-implant surgery.
When Nautilus machines and Ab-Blasters don’t deliver the prized
“six-pack,” men are turning more and more to the surgeon’s knife for
that sculpted body or that commanding jut-jawed chin of authority. If
present trends continue, men may someday catch up with women in
plastic surgery use.
Why all the hype? Like it or not, shallow and superficial as it might
seem, beauty is perceived as being much more than just skin deep.
When the whole package—the body, the clothes, the smile, the groom-
12 Skills of Workplace Communication

ing, the posture—is physically attractive men and women are both seen
as more intelligent, more credible, and more persuasive than their
unattractive coworkers. The added side effect is that they command
higher salaries.

Document Appearance
Positive first impressions are just as crucial in business and govern-
ment writing as personal appearance. Documents can give the same
positive or negative nonverbal messages as their senders’ physical
appearance. When they are carelessly composed, sloppily formatted,
and full of grammatical errors and misspellings they can have the same
negative effect on the recipient as a person who walks into an interview
with coffee stains on her white silk blouse.

Body Language and Facial Expression

Recognizing the existence of nonverbal communication does not
automatically make such messages any easier to interpret. Consider the
following situations:
At a dinner party a guest compliments the Merlot being served but
drinks very little. Does the host conclude the guest doesn’t really
like the wine?
At an important sales meeting an account executive is invited out on
a 30th-floor terrace to admire the view. After saying “Wow! What
a view!” he pulls back abruptly and turns away. Does the host
businessperson conclude that the account executive couldn’t care
less about the spectacular view and is in a hurry to leave?
In both of these cases there is a conflict between what is being said
verbally and nonverbally. The speakers are saying they like something,
but their body language is saying they don’t. Which message is the
receiver likely to get? Time and again research shows that the nonverbal
message is believed to be the true one. In the first case the guest really
hates the Merlot, in the second the account executive is totally bored with
the treasured view. As matters of fact, the first guest may simply be
passing on the Merlot because she has a long drive home later that
night; the second guest may be turning away from the view because he
is terrified of heights. Unfortunately for the guest and the account
executive, any listeners will believe the negative, nonverbal messages
in both cases.
Facial expression is one of the strongest components of body lan-
guage. And it is usually the first to register upon the listener. Whether
Human Communication 13

a frown or a smile the nonverbal message is inescapable. A look, like a

picture, can be worth a thousand words. Often the facial expression-
message is involuntary, although some people are able to control their
facial expression with a “poker face” or Sphinx-like mask. This may not
be important on the golf course, but in high figure negotiations such
talent may be invaluable.

When your body talks people are listening

You hunch over, leaning forward with You’re weak, afraid, insecure.
your feet squeezed together on the
floor, biting your fingernails.
You glance sideways, you rub your You’re defensive.
eyes, cross your arms, drawing back or
You lean forward with open hands, You’re cooperative.
you unbutton your coat.
You sit upright, you stand with your You’re confident—a veritable
hands behind your back, or you even master of the universe!
turn your back after speaking.

Body language and facial expressions often carry different messages in

different cultures. Americans are known for the ease and frequency of
their smiles. But in other cultures, Teutonic and African for example,
this may not be the case. For these a smile, especially when frequent,
may be interpreted as a sign of weakness.

Includes: Property such as real estate that we own or lease, the space
within which we operate at any given moment, and how we allot time
within that space or zone of activity.

People consider their homes their castles. A burglar may walk
unchallenged down a quiet, neighborhood street, but stare down the
business end of a shotgun if he decides to slip in to someone’s house
through an open window! Store owners and their employees view
their property in the same way. A customer may freely stroll anywhere
in Tiffany’s fine jewelry department, but definitely not behind the
14 Skills of Workplace Communication

People consider the physical space around their bodies as a type of
territory. Family members and loved ones may come within 1 1⁄2 to 4 feet
without setting off any alarm bells. Friends may come within a foot and
a half to four feet, which is considered arm’s length, and be comfortable.
Any other social intercourse, except for large groups, is usually kept at
a distance of 4 to 12 feet. Large groups inhabit what is called public
space, the area from 12 feet to the limits of one’s sight and hearing.
Likewise people tend to view particular spots or objects as an exten-
sion of their personal space. A young son or daughter may watch the
game from any chair in the house, except “Dad’s” club chair or recliner!
The definition of and the amount of space individuals consider their
own may vary from culture to culture. In the United States, we view our
personal space as a right that must be respected. We view with disdain,
even hostility, people who try to cut in on lines instead of waiting their
turn. The cause of many cases of “road rage” has been traced to drivers
who cut off other drivers or cut in on long tollbooth lines. In other
countries, China and Japan for example, space is viewed as everyone’s
common possession. Hence, they crowd and jostle for space in stores,
trains, and lines in a way that might seem hostile to North Americans.
Whatever the cultural variation, space exists as an important factor in
nonverbal messaging.

The amount of time that we give to a person or situation is often a
powerful, if unspoken message. As before, if we tell someone he or she
is important or cherished by us, but then turn away, we have just
bequeathed an unspoken, negative message. Whether this was our
intention no longer matters.
Just as with space, the unspoken message of time varies from culture
to culture. North Americans, especially those in big cities like New York
and Chicago, are on the short end of the time continuum. They are
always in a hurry. In Washington, D.C., it’s who you know. In New York
it’s not just who you know, it’s when you know it. And that had better
be first. Or better yet, yesterday! South Americans, island people, and
Southern Europeans, for example, tend toward the long end of the time
continuum. Life is too important to waste rushing around driving
oneself crazy. “Slow down and smell the roses. You’ll live longer!”
Perhaps they’re on to something!
In addition to cultural factors one’s status within a corporate or
governmental organization also affects our notion of time. The higher
people are in the hierarchy the less likely you will be to keep them
Human Communication 15

waiting. A new employee who keeps his CEO cooling her heels half an
hour for a scheduled meeting is probably not going to get a second
chance to do it again. A new employee should arrive not merely on time,
but early, for such a meeting.

Sensory Signals
Our five senses—sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell—are all-pow-
erful communicators of nonverbal messages.

Often called the “windows of the soul,” our eyes reveal our true state
of mind when we speak. Unless we are pathological liars, we find it
impossible to look into someone’s eyes and tell a whopper. We consider
someone to be evasive and crafty when he gives us a “shifty look,” that
is, doesn’t keep eye contact.
Good eye contact elicits trust and confidence. Be careful though: The
boundaries of what is considered good eye contact, like most nonverbal
communication, vary from culture to culture. You can easily cross the
line from a steady gaze that will elicit trust and confidence. Too steady
eye contact can be transgressive, even a sign of aggression. Hence the
angry expression, “Don’t you eyeball me!”

The level of sound and the intonation of our voice is as much a part
of the message as the words we choose when we communicate. A raised
voice or a hissing sound can convey as negative a message as any word.
Like eye contact, sound is a culturally complex issue. What Americans
consider a friendly, jovial level of conversation, Japanese may view as
offensive. But, regardless of the culture, the importance of our sense of
sound is profound. It is believed that the last sense to leave when we
leave this earth is hearing. We all hope to hear the voice of a loved one
when we board that last flight.

Our sense of touch conveys positive and negative nonverbal mes-
sages. In normal everyday business situations the hands and arms are
the primary vehicles of communication. Note, however, some of the
following cultural variations:
Asians Handshaking is so rare that it is uncomfortable in many
Asian cultures.
Americans Prefer a firm, vigorous handshake. President Calvin
Coolidge was maligned for having a handshake that
“felt like a dead fish wrapped in newspaper”!
16 Skills of Workplace Communication

British Soft and gentle.

French Very brief and light.
German Very firm, almost brusque.

A handshake or arm around the shoulder can be a potent force in

communication. However, they can backfire in an embarrassing way in
certain cultures. If one touches or offers a gift with the left hand in a
Muslim country, the attempt at friendliness will be viewed as an insult.
Why? Because in those cultures the left hand is considered unclean.

Of the five senses taste is the most solitary and least communicative.
Hence, we have such proverbs as “There’s no accounting for taste” or
“Everyone to his own taste.” Culturally speaking it is important to
respect the taste of other nations’ cuisines and not make offensive facial
gestures when the taste of a food is not to our liking.

The sense of smell, unlike taste, is highly communicative among all
living beings. In the animal kingdom and the human, smell is intrinsic
to mate finding and love making rituals.
Americans are extremely conscious of body and space odors. We
consider body odors and offensive space and territory odors to be a sign
of someone or someplace being dirty or lacking in hygiene. We are
deluged in print and television ads with an endless stream of body
deodorants and antiperspirants. Use them and we will smell like
“spring rain” and “mountain air.” Or with toothpastes and
mouthwashes that will make us “fresh,” “mint-filled,” and marathon
kissable. Or with fragrance candles and plug-in room deodorants that
will turn our abodes into “English gardens,” “summer eves,” and
“musk-filled seraglios.” We even get seduced and spritzed with per-
fume sprays in department stores!
To some Asian and Pacific island cultures we must seem phobic, even
paranoid. To them body odors are not something to be relentlessly
covered up, but a type of bonding shared among friends.


Whether verbal or nonverbal, oral or written, all human communica-
tion follows a circular pattern from sender to receiver and back to
In the following case, Linda, the sender, seeks information from Bert,
the receiver.
Human Communication 17

1. The sender has an idea-information, which needs to be sent.

• Linda wants to know if Bert has completed the report for the
following day’s meeting.
2. The sender finds the right words to communicate this message.
• Many factors will influence Linda’s choice of words. Some, such
as their respective positions within the organization, will be
obvious. Others, such as her education, culture, and experi-
ences, will be more subtle, but no less important.
3. The sender decides how to channel the message. Here again, obvi-
ous factors such as the physical distance between two parties and
the amount of time available will affect the choice of channel. But
subtle matters of personality and temperament will also play a
significant role in the decision.
• Person to person: Linda and Bert are in the same office and a note
of urgency is desired.
• Phone call: The two parties are not in the same office space, but
some personal involvement is desired. Linda knows she has a
good, even authoritative, speaking voice and presence.
• Memo: Would provide a calmer, more distanced written record,
if the two parties did not share a trusting relationship. Time is
too short, however.
• E-mail: again, a drier, more distanced channel, in writing with
a copy on file.
4. The receiver interprets the message. The very same subtleties of
personality and temperament, background and culture that influ-
ence the choice of channel affect the receiver’s interpretation of the
message received.
• Person to person: Bert may think Linda is being friendly or
confrontational depending on his background, experiences, and
state of mind. However, he is on his way to a meeting.
• Phone call: Provides a quick avenue of response to a relatively
simple situation. However, Bert isn’t sure if Linda is in her office
at the moment.
• Memo: Would provide a written record, but time is too short.
• E-mail: again, time is very limited.
5. The receiver forms and sends a response. Bert decides to phone
Linda. If she is not in her office, he uses her voice mail.
6. The original sender is now the receiver, beginning the cycle again.
If she needs more information, Linda goes through the same steps
that Bert just performed.

Interference may block communication at any stage in the sending

and receiving of human messages. However, it is most likely to occur
at stages two and four of the communications between Linda and Bert.
18 Skills of Workplace Communication

Why there? Because it is at those particular points that Linda’s and

Bert’s individual frames of reference are most likely to assert them-


What exactly is one’s “frame of reference”? Webster defines it as the
“structure of concepts, values, customs, or views by which an individ-
ual or group perceives or evaluates data, communicates ideas, and
regulates behavior.”
Consider the following case. You’re going to buy a car, perhaps a
“previously owned” car. You gird yourself for battle, because you know
that all used car salesmen are liars. Right? Not according to Timothy C.
Gercke, an auto industry educator. When he conducts a training pro-
gram and shouts “All buyers are—what?” “Liars!” the salespeople
shout back, proving that they have learned to adopt the precise
opposite frame of reference.3
The radically different answers to the following four questions reveal
just how much our frame of reference can affect our thinking and

1. How much money do you think you will need per month to raise
a four-year-old child?
2. What is the value of an honest day’s work?
3. How much should parents influence their children’s dating
4. Which American political party is best for managing the nation’s

“My 4-year-old needs $4000 per “I need to earn $400 per week to
day in child support. Minimum!” support myself and my three
Speaker: The wife of a New York kids.”
City billionaire Speaker: A single mother living in
a small town

“If you work hard enough, you’ll “Why work. I have lots of income
succeed.” from my grandfather’s estate.”
Speaker: Self-made millionaire Speaker: Self-made millionaire’s
Human Communication 19

“Parents should choose their “I’ll marry whoever I want. It’s a
children’s spouses.” free country, isn’t it?”
Speaker: The conservative father Speaker: An American teenager
of a Hindu family

“The Republican Party is the best “The Democratic Party is the best
for the economy.” for the economy.”
Speaker: Lifelong registered Speaker: Lifelong registered
Vermont Republican Chicago Democrat

The speaker of each of the above statements has a different frame of

reference. The New York City billionaire’s wife views the world through
a very different lens than the single working mother of three in a small
town. Who we are and where we come from affect the way we look at
the world and our place in it. Just when we think we “completely
understand” a situation or an issue, we may be startled to be confronted
with a wall of opposition.
What went wrong? We didn’t realize how much we had allowed our
frame of reference to distort our thinking. Our thinking was not clear,
it was fuzzy. We thought we had viewed the issue with fiber-optic
clarity, instead it turned out we were just hooked up to a rabbit-eared
Such interference may be mental, emotional, physical, or verbal. It
can occur in the sending and the receiving of messages. It can cause
problems for both the sender and the receiver of messages. It can block
both written and oral communication. These barriers may cause
anything from a slight misreading of the message to a total misunder-
standing. Misreadings may cause a smile or a laugh; serious misunder-
standings can drive a wedge between working partners.
Miscommunication is not deliberate; when it is intentional, it is called

Different Ways Our Frame of Reference Can Block

Internal causes

Mental filtering. The meaning of words is in the mind, not in the

words. This is what is termed the denotation of words versus the
connotation, the strict, literal definition versus the broad area of sug-
20 Skills of Workplace Communication

gestion and implication. Consider, for instance, the words house and
home. Or car and Rolls-Royce.
No two people attach the identical meanings to the same words. If
Linda asked Bert whether the report was ready, she might mean totally
written, printed, and packaged for each person attending the meeting.
Bert, knowing that the report was only just written in his computer,
might respond “yes,” because in his mind printing and packaging are
someone else’s responsibility. Miscommunication is caused by such
differences in our individual frames of reference as personality, culture,
education, and social status.
Emotional blockage. Few things twist the meanings of words as much
as our emotions. If Linda says to Bert, “Are you ready for this meeting?”
she is focused on the word ready. Bert, however, may still be smarting
from someone else’s criticism of his first meeting a year before, and
focuses on the words this meeting. If he lets his emotions color Linda’s
question, he may respond with very unproductive and undeserved
anger or sarcasm

External Causes

Physical barriers. Poor light in a meeting room, excessive heat or cold,

a jackhammer drilling outside, or static on a phone line are all examples
of things that can interfere with communication. Similarly, the physical
appearance of a person or document may form a barrier. A man who
wears chinos and sneakers to address a formal meeting of bankers or a
document with faulty grammar and sloppy formatting will probably
share the same fate.
Language fences. Inadequate written and oral skills in vocabulary and
grammar are widespread barriers to communication. You need the right
words to convey your ideas in a specific culture. While unacceptable
today, “ain’t” was quite acceptable in educated circles of Victorian
Listening blocks. Good listening skills are just as important as good
writing and speaking skills. Good listening is not a passive endurance
contest; it is a proactive skill. Squirming and fidgeting are dead
giveaways of a poor listener. But faux good listeners, eyes fixed on the
speaker, gaze steady, mind on a beach in Tahiti, may fool some speakers,
but not for long. Even a listener who is very attentive but only for the
opportunity to jump in with counterarguments to score points is not a
good listener.

The Flow of Business


The Flow of Business Communication


Whether written or oral, business communication has four main pur-
poses: information, persuasion, results, and public relations and good
will. Some type or degree of change is inherent in all of them.

1. Information. Among employees of corporations, between the

same corporations and their customers and vendors, between
government agencies and the public. Includes request and reply
memos, procedures and policies memos, letters to customers and
suppliers, government publications.
2. Persuasion. In addition to the overtly persuasive intent of, for
example, sales letters and proposals, there is a subtle element of
persuasion in all business communication. In a procedures memo
there is the implication that these are the best procedures, that they
will lead to the best results. In a request memo, that these are
reasonable requests. In a reply memo, that this is a sensible response.
In a government publication, that the information contained is
current and correct.
3. Results. The reason information is being forwarded is either to
make the corporation function more effectively or to sell the prod-
ucts of the corporation more readily. Business, like politics, is
22 Skills of Workplace Communication

neither a philosophical exercise nor an abstract science. Both ad-

mire results. One measures results in profits, the other in votes.
4. Public Relations or Goodwill. These are make or break goals for
all business and government communications. Good public rela-
tions is not a cosmetic con-job intended to paper over problems
with manpower and material. Good will is the natural outcome of
good information that is persuasively presented.


Business communication, whether written or oral, follows two basic
patterns: vertical–horizontal and internal–external.

Internal Vertical Operational Communication

Flows upward and downward between the levels of the organization
through memos, reports, meetings, and e-mail. In well-managed orga-
nizations, upper-level management gets, and quickly reacts to, a steady
stream of information and feedback from lower-level employees.

Internal Horizontal Informational Communication

Flows laterally among workers on a specific level of the organization,
for example, between two maintenance supervisors or among several
sales managers.
Oral forms: conversations, phone calls, conferences.
Written forms: memos, e-mail, reports, newsletters.

External Horizontal Communication

Flows laterally between a corporation and its suppliers, customers,
and the general public. In the case of government agencies the horizon-
tal flow is usually with the public at large, or with a particular segment
of the public.
Oral forms: conversations, telephone calls, speeches, press conferences.
Written forms: Letters to customers and suppliers, press releases;
government publications.


Whether formal or informal, internal or external, oral or written,
business communication succeeds when it achieves its four main pur-
The Flow of Business Communication 23

poses: information, persuasion, results, and good will or public rela-

tions. The degree to which it succeeds can be measured by the answers
to the following questions.

1. Is it accurate?
2. Is it presented in a way that underscores its accuracy?
3. Is the information supported with sufficient data?

1. Is the issue or problem presented clearly?
2. Are there alternative ways of solving the problem?
3. Is the choice of the solution inevitable and inescapable?

1. Are the projected results realistic and attainable?
2. Are the benefits purely financial?
3. Are there other benefits, for example, workplace or environmental?

Public Relations or Good Will

1. How will the recipient, individual or group, receive the proposal
under discussion?
2. Will it be viewed as arrogant and self-serving?
3. Will it appear civic-minded, environmentally sound?


Corporate managers and government supervisors in many places
today are being taught to take lessons on leadership from Shakespeare.

“Across the Shakespearean stage strolls every type of human

leader, manager, advisor, consultant, communicator. . . .”
write Norman Augustine and Kenneth Adelman in
Shakespeare in Charge1

And Jay M. Shafritz, in his work Shakespeare on Management, offers these

new ways of looking at two Shakespearean heroes:

“What is Julius Caesar if not a very hostile takeover attempt

by disgruntled stockholders? And is not King Lear a warning
to all executives on the perils of divestiture and early retirement?”2
24 Skills of Workplace Communication

Corporate managers and governmental supervisors can take another

page from the kings of Shakespeare as a call to leadership. Henry V won
the battle of Agincourt for England despite the overwhelming majority
of the French forces. His leadership is immortalized in the thrilling
words with which he rallied his beleaguered men on the eve of battle:

“Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more,

Or close the wall up with our English dead.
. . . when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, . . .
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not noble lustre in your eyes."
Henry the Fifth. Act III. Sc. 1. 3

The communications battlefield may be very different, and only meta-

phorically bloody, but it is still undeniably crucial.
The battlefields of American corporations and governmental agen-
cies are strewn with the legions of failed communicators. Managers and
supervisors must master verbal and nonverbal communication them-
selves before they can lead their departments and agencies. How they
can do this is the subject of this chapter.
What is successful communication in a competitive environment?
Communication that achieves its purpose concisely, accurately, and
with the appropriate tone.
Such effective communication wins allies in the daily contests of
business and government. It wins contracts; it maintains accounts; it
facilitates the implementation of new programs; it reduces confusion
and stress in the workplace. In short, it gets results—and not those
career-shaking, unexpected ones.
How can trainers and coaches instill this winning state of mind? First
by demonstrating how to remove internal and external barriers in the
various modes of verbal and nonverbal communication. Internal bar-
riers such as those psychological and emotional ones that are created
when communicators and recipients have different frames of reference.
This applies to understandings about culture, gender, sex, and age, as
well as economic and physical condition. External barriers such as those
caused by personal and document appearance, facial expression and
body language, as well as factors of space and time.
Second, by showing the specific steps needed to create effective
verbal and nonverbal messages.
These are written and oral communications that possess clarity of
purpose, organization, and expression. Verbal includes writing of
memos, e-mail, letters, and reports, speaking skills, and listening skills.
The Flow of Business Communication 25

Nonverbal includes the physical appearance of documents and territo-

rial and body language.

Winning Pregame Mindsets versus Losing Postmortems

Communication is not a game, but it requires a positive pregame
mindset to be effective. Postmortems are best left to county coroners.
To be effective communicators we must learn how to break through the
invisible walls that can block our messages before they are even sent.
Better yet, we must learn how to prevent such walls from ever going up
in the first place. As the poet Robert Frost famously put it: “Something
there is that doesn’t like a wall.”4
Coaches and poets will both agree that there are ways to prevent walls
from arising or to surmount them if they do arise despite our best
In communication, the two main ways of achieving this objective are:

1. By thinking first of the receiver of the message. Who is this person

I have to inform, persuade, or entertain? What is his or her frame
of reference? Is he of another culture? Is he more educated than I?
Less? Does she have time to spare? Or is she in a great hurry?
2. By thinking next of our own verbal and nonverbal skills. Do I have
a good command of language? Or do I have to improve my written
and oral skills? My writing style? My grammar? What about my
listening skills? What about my appearance? The appearance of
my documents?

The first step in mastering business communication is to make sure the

channels are clear. Just as portable phones, televisions, and radios must
have clear, static-free channels for their signals to be effective, human
communicators must have clear interior and exterior channels for their
A good way to avoid blockage and promote better communication is
to focus on what goes on pre or before speaking or writing.

Four Barriers to Successful Communication

1. Prejudice. Being unfavorably disposed to someone or something
without any reason, thought, or knowledge. Unreasonable and
hostile feelings, opinions, and attitudes based on race, religion,
ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
2. Presumption. Taking things and people for granted without suf-
ficient inquiry. To assume that something is right or correct with-
out any basis in fact. To offer a guarantee or assurance without
26 Skills of Workplace Communication

3. Pretension. Laying claim to some quality, dignity, merit, or im-

portance beyond anything supported by facts. Assuming an air of
importance in an organization or situation. Whether done directly
or indirectly by implication, this is an equally off-putting habit or
4. Prevarication. To speak in a false or misleading manner. To cir-
cumvent or avoid the truth. To push the envelope of truth. The
roots of this word have to do with being “bowlegged,” as from
straddling a horse for too long. The picture says it all!

Chapter 4 shows how to avoid these barriers to successful business


Four Promoters of Successful Communication

1. Preparation. Getting ready for what is about to occur, whether it’s
writing a memo, a letter, an e-mail, or a report. Or whether it’s a
simple phone call, an interview, a meeting, or a speech before a
major convention. Simply put, preparation means getting ready
for the future.
2. Precision. Being “on the mark” or right on target with ideas and
expression as opposed to “far afield” or “out in left field.” As the
Buddha put it two and a half millennia ago, “Let us praise clear
thinking, for it burns like a flame through all obstacles great and
small.” Precision and clarity go hand in hand with preparation.
3. Presence. Having the ability to convey a sense of poise and self-
assurance. This capacity results from a state of being prepared
internally and externally—mentally and physically. Being simul-
taneously calm yet ready for action gives one what is called a
compelling personality. Such a person has that much admired and
desired “charisma.”
4. Preference. This quality of successful communicators works in
two ways. It means that, because they have prepared themselves
for any situation, they enjoy the ability to make choices. They set
the priorities. Therefore, they enjoy a practical advantage over

In Chapter 5, we learn how to use these four promoters of successful

business communication.

Removing Internal
Causes of Business
Communication Flaws

Removing Internal Causes of Business Communication Flaws

Business communicators often set sail in a sinking ship. This is

because they have internal flaws of thought. These flaws or barriers
can scuttle communication. When real communication stops, change
cannot occur. There are six major areas of flawed thinking that can
stop the flow of communication: ethnocentrism, gender, sexual ori-
entation, ageism, physical and emotional constitution, and lookism
and economic status.


When we think we are the center of the universe, just as the sun is at
the center of our solar system, we are considered to be very self-ab-
sorbed. We are also victims of solipsism, the theory that only the self
exists or can be proven to exist. When we act as though this were in fact
true, most sensible people will rightly think we have achieved a level
of human vanity worthy of satire.
When we think our own ethnic group or culture is at the center of the
universe, superior to all others, we invite the same level of scorn and
ridicule. We have become victims of ethnocentrism. This is the belief
that one’s group or country’s way of acting, speaking, dressing, or
conducting business is the right way, the best way, and the only way.
But there may be even more fundamental differences at work.
28 Skills of Workplace Communication

Recent studies suggest that cultural differences extend beyond what

we think about things to the way we think. Dr. Richard Nesbitt, a social
psychologist at the University of Michigan, has conducted research
comparing European Americans and East Asians, which indicates that
people from different cultures don’t simply think about different
things—they think differently. Easterners appear to think more “holis-
tically,” that is, they put much greater emphasis on context and rela-
tionship, while Westerners appear to be more “logical” and separate
objects from their context.
In one case, students from Japan and the United States viewed an
animated underwater scene containing one large fish swimming among
smaller fish. Japanese participants made far more observations about
the relationships between the fish and the background environment,
saying, for example, “The large fish moved past the green seaweed.”
Dr. Nesbitt reported that American participants, on the other hand,
focused directly on the biggest or fastest fish: “That’s where the money
is as far they’re concerned.”1
Yes, the United States of America is the greatest economic power
in the world, but it is not the only power. We now realize that the
days when a book titled The Ugly American portrayed us as believing
the rest of the world must do it “our way or not at all” should be
behind us.2 This is not an idealistic pose, it’s good business sense.
The United States accounts for a mere 5 percent of the population of
the world. In fifty years, we will be only the eighth most populated
country on the earth.
Furthermore, the English language is spoken by less than 9 percent
of the world’s peoples. Even within our own borders English is losing
its hegemony. According to a U.S. Census projection,3 by the year 2050
America’s minority groupings will be close to the majority. Currently,
this is how our population is broken down:

Non-Hispanic white 53%

Hispanic 21%
Black 15%
Asian 10%
Native American 1%

We Americans are known around the world for our directness and
lack of formality, our Teddy Roosevelt–like “rugged individualism”
and Emersonian self-reliance, our belief in our ability to control time
and nature, our near worship of material goods and profits. Yet we are
beginning to realize that other cultures are becoming more and more
like us. Marx and Lenin would be in terminal shock if they were around
to witness the capitalistic spirit overrunning the old Soviet bloc.
Removing Internal Causes of Business Communication Flaws 29

Sometimes ethnocentrism makes it appear as though that 1950s book

should be retitled The Stupid American. The following story shows that
even mighty Wal-Mart can forget that there’s a big difference between
Arkansas and Argentina.

Selling to Argentina (as Translated from the French)

When Wal-Mart opened its first store in Argentina four years ago it found
itself in the unaccustomed role of David—against a Goliath of a competitor
in Carrefour, the French general merchandise chain. . . . Wal-Mart entered
the Argentine market with a team of American managers and the same
basic store model that worked from Des Moines to Dallas.
The meat counters featured American cuts like T-bone steaks, not the rib
strips and tail rumps that Argentines prefer. Cosmetic counters were filled
with bright-colored rouge and lipstick, though Argentine women tend to
like a softer, more natural look. And jewelry displays gave prominent
placement to emeralds, sapphires and diamonds, while most women there
prefer wearing gold and silver. The first few stores even had hardware
departments full of tools and appliances wired for 110-volt electric power;
the standard throughout Argentina is 220. Wal-Mart will not divulge any
sales or income figures for its Argentine operations, but analysts there and
on Wall Street say the company racked up huge losses in its first few years
in Argentina. . . .
When Wal-Mart came to La Plata in July, 1997 it avoided making the
same mistakes. The aisles were made wider than in the first Buenos Aires
stores, and the floor was scuff-resistant tile, not carpet. Metal displays for
fish gave way to ceramic tile reminiscent of traditional Argentine fish
markets. Wooden wine shelves with overhanging arbors replaced metal
racks, a change that bolstered wine sales by 20 percent. . . .
“Let’s call it the ‘tropicalized Wal-Mart way,’ said an Argentine Wal-
Mart district manager, with a smile.” The New York Times, December 5,

Americans are far from alone in their need to guard against ethnocen-
trism. The experiences in Japanese society of Ana Bortz, a Brazilian
television reporter, and David Aldwinkle, an American university pro-
fessor, make this very clear.

‘Japanese Only’ Policy Takes a Body Blow in Court

“What Ms. Bortz . . . said she had not been prepared for what was being
escorted out of a jewelry store in Hamamatsu City where she lives, be-
cause, as the store’s owners stated adamantly, they had a policy of refusing
people of her nationality. . . .
Ms. Bortz took on the discrimination against foreigners in Japan’s courts,
and to the surprise of many, not least herself, she won. . . .
30 Skills of Workplace Communication

David Aldwinkle, who has lived in Japan for 12 years, has made the
notion of bringing multiculturalism to the country something of a personal
crusade. . . .
The challenge now for Mr. Aldwinkle is to obtain Japanese citizenship.
The process is so exclusive that more foreigners are naturalized each week
in the United States than in Japan in an entire year.”
The New York Times, November 15, 1999.5

We must be careful, however, in our effort to understand other cul-

tures. Yes, multicultural awareness and sensitivity are better for human
relations and business success. But like most matters in human rela-
tions, this is a very complex issue. There are subtle gradations within
each culture and we must be careful not to fall into easy generalizations
that may increase rather than decrease cultural gaps. Even if we are
intending to compliment someone from another culture, we should not
slip into stereotypes and think or say, for example, “Isn’t that a charm-
ing custom the Koreans have!” There are differences and subcultures
within all cultures: between rich and poor, urban and rural, educated
and noneducated. When confusion and frustration may cause us to
criticize another culture’s practices, we should continue to focus on the
individual we are having a problem with, not the entire society.

Guidelines for Improved Cross-cultural Communication

1. Appreciate diversity. Learning about the history of other cultures
is a good way to start becoming less ethnocentric. Around the time
of the last millennium while people enjoyed coal stoves in China,
crystal tableware in Baghdad, and libraries in Ghana, Northern
Europeans tried to survive in filthy huts with open fires for heat.
Some other examples history teaches us about cultural variations
in the past:
Circa 1005: A aristocratic lady of Venice was insulted because her
daughter-in-law from Byzantium in Asia Minor disdained eating
with her hands and insisted on using her own “golden instrument
with two prongs,” otherwise known as a fork. Almost 500 years
later, Englishmen at the court of Henry VIII thought visiting
Italian diplomats were “lily-livered” because they ate with forks.
Circa 1110: The Anasazi people of Chaco Canyon built Pueblo
Bonito, an apartment complex of 800 rooms with 1,000 “tenants.”
There wasn’t an apartment house to compete with this native
American achievement for another 750 years.
Circa 1255: A common item in the Arab world—soap—is finally
produced in England. Three hundred years later, when bathing
Removing Internal Causes of Business Communication Flaws 31

was still thought to be unhealthy, Queen Elizabeth I was viewed

as a bit eccentric because she bathed monthly.
2. Relate to the individual. While it is important to learn the general
characteristics of other cultures, especially if we hope to do busi-
ness with them, we will always deal with individuals, not groups.
Positive stereotyping can be just as counterproductive as negative
stereotyping. In England one will definitely find Londoners who
do not have a “stiff upper lip” and are very emotional. Similarly,
in Italy one will find many Romans who do not “speak with their
hands” and are far more reserved than anyone from the British
Isles. While we can’t become fluent in the language of every
country with which we may do business, we can learn some basic
phrases such as thank you, good morning, please, and so forth. This
is a part of being respectful and relating to an individual from
another culture.
3. Be respectful. Every culture has contributed to the ebb and flow
of human endeavor. The great Roman Empire that built cities,
roads, and aqueducts across Europe, Africa, and Asia Minor is
now only a memory residing in ruins and museums. Yet its system
of law, its architecture, its literature, are alive in America and in
many parts of the world today. No culture has a monopoly on good
or evil. We sit rather than squat; therefore, we think millions of
people on the planet are more primitive. Is there any basis in fact
for this judgment? Aren’t American children quite happy squat-
ting? We think that a good, firm handshake is the right way to greet
a businessperson. If the truth be told, handshaking originated as
a way of demonstrating that one’s hands were free of such civi-
lized things as rocks and other weapons. Still think bowing is an
essentially inferior way of greeting someone?
4. Practice clarity. In speaking and writing it is more critical than
ever to present a clear message when addressing someone from
another culture. It is relatively easy to buy something in any
country on the planet using our own native language. But we can
only sell something or some idea to those from other cultures
when we use their language. Using “their” language requires
understanding of their cultural language as well as their spoken
language. In toll-free telephone jargon, 1-800-FLY-4444 might
seem harmless enough for an airline advertisement. But as some
airlines learned to their regret a few years ago, it was like using
the number 1-800-FRIDAY-THE-13TH in English. The reason? In
many Asian cultures the number four suggests death.
Sometimes practicing clarity has more to do with how carefully
you use your own language. The author of the following statement
would be understood by most Americans but not by the recipient
32 Skills of Workplace Communication

in Singapore: “We were really caught flat-footed when your re-

quest arrived. I showed it around but no one could make heads or
tails of it. If we act immediately we might end up the creek without
a paddle. So please give us the straight scoop so we can hit a home
run instead of striking out. I’ll touch base with you on this problem
early next week.”

Some confusing messages heard around the world:

“Bring your ancestors back from the dead with Pepsi.”

This was how the slogan “Come alive with Pepsi” was translated in

“New York City is so much better than it was a few years ago. But there
are too many prostitutes outside all those magnificent skyscrapers.”
An Italian tourist’s conclusion about women taking smoking breaks out-
side office buildings.

“Nothing sucks like an Electrolux.”

An advertisement in Britain for Electrolux vacuum cleaners.

“Please leave your values at the front desk.”

Sign in a hotel elevator in Paris.

“The manager has personally passed all the water served here.”
Sign at the front desk of an Acapulco hotel.

To avoid unintended communications failures such as these, here are

some suggestions for improving clarity in cross-cultural messaging:
• Use plain English in short, simple sentences (no more than 15
words). Avoid proverbial expressions and slang or sports and
military metaphors.
• Speak slowly and pronounce your words as clearly as possible
without being patronizing. Pause frequently to check for eye mes-
sages, especially that glazed-over look.
• Provide a written account of the key points of the discussion for
members of your audience or group to take with them for review.
• Avoid trying to inject humor into the discussion. Much humor is
untranslatable across cultures, as it is between generations.
Being a good multicultural communicator requires sensitivity to lan-
guage. The best way to avoid blunders in this area is to choose words
and phrases that are objective and neutral. Except in certain situations
where the context may require it, there is no need to mention ethnic or
racial factors.
Removing Internal Causes of Business Communication Flaws 33

Insensitive or biased expression Improved expression

They interviewed a Chinese lawyer. They interviewed a lawyer.
An African American named Jim Jim Hibbert was selected for
Hibbert was selected for the position. the position.

Communicating Across Genders

Gender issues constitute the second group of barriers to successful
communication in the workplace. The basis of this obstacle is the
belief that certain abilities are the exclusive province of one sex or
the other. Men are the stronger sex, women the weaker. Men go out
to work, women stay home. Women who go to work, as opposed to
swinging in a hammock all day at home, should do only certain types
of work. Men who lose their tempers in the workplace are admirable
alpha-males, women who raise their voices are PMS-challenged
If you think this problem has gone away in the age of the Internet,
think again. Internet broadcasting giant Pseudo Programs has been hit
with a $3 million lawsuit charging that women at the company are
treated like “bimbos.” It further alleges that women are made to work
apart from the men in a separate office.
There may still be “boys in the mailroom” and “gals in the typing
pool,” but not because that’s the only place they should or can be. Even
the so called glass ceiling, that supposedly invisible level of manage-
ment beyond which women could not rise, has definitely been shat-
tered. Deborah C. Hopkins, for example, a senior executive with the
Boeing Company, has been named chief financial officer of Lucent
Technologies as of April 25, 2000. Lucent is America’s number one
maker of communications equipment. 6
The appointment of Carly Fiorina as president and CEO of Hewlett-
Packard, the world’s second largest computer maker, was described in
The New York Times, July 20, 1999:

Hewlett-Packard Picks Rising Star at Lucent as its Chief Executive

PALO ALTO, Calif., July 19—Abandoning a long tradition of picking its

leaders from within its own ranks, the Hewlett-Packard Company announced
today that it had chosen as its next chief executive a woman who earned her
power and reputation in the telecommunications industry. . . .
The unanimous decision by the board to choose a woman with an
undergraduate degree in medieval history and philosophy to head Silicon
Valley’s pioneering technology company was widely hailed as a step for
gender equality in an industry that is still largely dominated by men.
However, Ms. Fiorina, who now heads a $20 billion division of Lucent, is
already one of the nation’s highest-ranking female executives. And today
34 Skills of Workplace Communication

she sought to play down the role of gender in her new role. “I hope we are
at a point that everyone has figured out there is not a glass ceiling,” she
said in response to a question. “My gender is interesting but really not the
subject of the story here.” 7

Sexist or gender-biased language continues to be a problem in busi-

ness messaging. This is language that stereotypes or reveals prejudice
based solely upon sex and power. When we use such language we are
implying that these factors are more important than an individual
human being’s ability and contribution to a team effort.
Such insensitivity can be directed against men or women. Consider
an advertisement created for the American Civil Liberties Union for a
campaign against racial profiling by police officers. It shows a white
face and a black face, side by side, followed by the question: Which man
looks guilty? as if only men commit crimes.
In male-dominated societies and workplaces women are far more
often the victims of insensitive language. But substituting one bias for
another, such as in changing history to herstory, is not the recommended
way to go.
In the United States the equality of the sexes in the workplace is
a continuing goal. In corporate more than governmental America, the
goal is well along the way to being achieved. In other parts of the
world such as India, women have ironically achieved greater political
power, even when they continue to lack corporate power. Regardless
of the power equation it is always better from a personal as well as
a business standpoint to use language that is sensitive to gender
Some ways to avoid these language barriers include omitting the
male–female pronouns by changing the construction of the sentence,
using the plural they instead of the singular he and she.

Sexist or gender-biased Objective improved

expression expression
The congressman will see you The member of congress will see
now. you now.
How many man-hours will this How many working hours will
job take? this job take?
I invited the executives and their I invited the executives and their
wives. spouses.
If a customer has a question, she A customer who has a question
has the right to an answer. has the right to an answer.
Every supervisor must inform his All supervisors must inform their
department. departments.
Removing Internal Causes of Business Communication Flaws 35

Communicating Beyond Sexual Orientation

In North American society questions of male and female sexual
orientation are said to be in the post-Stonewall phase. This refers to
demonstrations that took place in New York City in July 1966 to protest
continual police harassment of homosexual gathering places. Gay men
and women are demanding and receiving equal rights, including em-
ployment opportunities in business and government. Jokes based upon
sexual orientation should be as unacceptable in the workplace as any
other form of bias.

Language with sexual- Neutral bias-free expression

orientation bias
We have a first-rate lesbian We have a first-rate accountant.
There are five people on the team: There are five people on the team,
three men and two gay including two technicians.

Communicating without Age Bias

Although it is commonly thought to be a problem affecting the
elderly, ageism is often a bias directed against the young. Until they are
25 or even 30 years old, young men pay higher auto insurance premi-
ums. This is supposedly because they are more likely to have accidents.
Then why don’t the elderly pay higher rates? Aren’t they more subject
to reduced vision problems and slower reflexes? And doesn’t the senior
citizen discount discriminate against the young?
Whatever the answers to these questions and until we achieve a
Utopian society, it is wise to avoid ageist language. Unless it is relevant
to a particular issue, for example a legislative committee meeting on
Medicare benefits, or a panel discussion of attention deficit hyperactiv-
ity disorder, there is rarely any need to refer to a person’s age.

Age-biased communication Objective age-free expression

Some restaurants have reduced- Some restaurants have discounts
prices for elderly customers. for Seniors.
She looked like a feisty old woman. She appeared to be a strong

Communicating without Disability Bias

As with age there may be certain situations, such as government
agency meetings on access for the handicapped, where mention of
physical disabilities may be necessary. Otherwise, carry the “people are
36 Skills of Workplace Communication

people” rule of human relations into the way you communicate about
disabilities, whether physical or emotional. The days of President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s invisible wheelchair and leg braces are
beginning to be left behind. It is no longer startling to see models with
disabilities in television, such as the Ikea ads, and in print advertising,
for example, the Land’s End catalog.

Disability-biased expression Improved objective language

David suffers from multiple David has multiple sclerosis.
Jennifer is afflicted with AIDS but Jennifer has AIDS, but her
her disease doesn’t interfere with condition doesn’t affect her job
her work. performance.
Ryan is burdened with the manic- Ryan’s bipolar personality has not
depression defect, but it doesn’t affected his workplace
poison the atmosphere of the contributions.

The preceding five categories of bias are not the only negative ideas
and stereotypes that linger in our subconscious. There is a newly coined
term known as “lookism,” or judging women and men by the attrac-
tiveness of their appearance alone. And there is the ancient tendency
noted by Stendhal in The Red and the Black to judge the poor as incapable
of having opinions as worthwhile as the financially fortunate: “How
can he [Rousseau] reason about anything when he has not an income
of a thousand ecus?”8 We all experience many stumbling blocks and
barriers along the road to better communication. Underlying all of the
proposals for improved expression is the time-tested fact that dealing
with people as individuals rather than stereotypes guarantees better
The same Shakespeare who is being used as a type of corporate
management consultant on military and kingly leadership said 402
years ago, we are all human beings “. . . fed with the same food, hurt
with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed with the
same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer.” The
Merchant of Venice, Act III, Sc. 1. 9

Removing External
Causes of Business
Communication Flaws

Removing External Causes of Business Communication Flaws

Compared with internal blockage, external barriers to effective commu-

nication are easier to identify and cure. They include the following three
areas, which are part of what was discussed earlier as nonverbal com-
munication: personal and document appearance, facial expression and
body language, and space and time factors. These are called areas of
nonverbal communication because, whether we intend them to, they all
carry silent messages to the receiver. Remember the party guest who
didn’t drink the Merlot and the account executive that pulled back from
that spectacular 30th-floor balcony? Both persons communicated an
unintended negative message.


If it is true that “a picture is worth a thousand words,” it is also
true that it may take a thousand words to undo the negative
impression caused by a poor or inappropriate appearance. To borrow
a thought from King Lear, while “robes and furred gowns” may not
in fact hide all sins, “through tattered clothes small vices do appear.” 1
Let’s consider how a tattered appearance affects our perceptions of
people and documents and how a great appearance can send a strong
nonverbal message.
38 Skills of Workplace Communicaton

First impressions count. Is this unfair? Probably. Is it a fact? Defi-

nitely. As noted earlier, our society places great importance on physical
appearance. Television and print advertising are filled with beautiful
young women and handsome, athletic looking young men. Some news-
papers have devised variations on the old inquiring photographer.
They have features such as a “Guy-ger Counter” that have roving
panelists rate men at their “messed—and sometimes, best.” The catego-
ries include “hair, physique, accessories, and overall outfit.” The ratings
go from “No chemistry” to “Oh, baby”!
In the workplace, whether corporate or governmental, physical ap-
pearance is crucial. When the whole package—body, clothes, grooming,
and posture—is in place, a person is seen as more intelligent, more
credible, and more persuasive. This is a powerful message.

One’s posture is probably the first nonverbal message anyone can
send. Even when too far away for someone to notice a person’s clothing
and grooming, that person’s posture is making a positive or negative
statement. Even from a distance an individual can project authority and
self-confidence—or weakness and timidity. Good posture begins inside
the body. The first of the promoters of successful communication is
preparation. By preparing our mind before stepping into workplace
situations we can improve our posture. A rigid, overly poised appear-
ance, however, will seem artificial. The goal is to appear confident
without resorting to a West Point cadet’s posture, and to appear relaxed
without throwing a leg over the side of the boss’s armchair. We are not
usually the first ones to notice our own posture, so asking a friend’s
opinion and practicing in front of a mirror can be very helpful.

Although genetics determines some of our bodily characteristics,
much is left to the will of the individual. Diet and exercise are medically
proven ways of staying in shape. Smoking, excessive alcohol, and
high-fat foods damage the body internally and externally. Most gyms
and health clubs have information on healthy eating habits that should
be joined with exercise to improve the health and appearance of the

Just as genetic factors determine some physical traits, the size of one’s
wallet will dictate some but not all clothing decisions. Quantity is not
Removing External Causes of Business Communication Flaws 39

as important as quality. A few high-quality outfits will create a much

better impression than closets of low-quality apparel. We all know that
not every big spender is considered well dressed. The most important
thing is to dress appropriately for the occasion. Stay away from clothing
du jour, the latest trends. Simple, classic styles and colors are always
appropriate. Avoid flashy jewelry and loud colors.

A classic wardrobe on a good body does not in itself guarantee a
positive first impression. Personal grooming and hygiene require care-
ful, daily attention. Cleanliness, most of all extending to skin, nails, and
hair, is essential. But well-groomed hair is immediately noticed. Avoid
hairstyles that call attention to themselves. “Big hair, no money” is not
a desirable first impression. Finally, men and women both need pol-
ished shoes to complete their wardrobe and grooming.


Facial Expression

As stated earlier, in any given message the actual words spoken

comprise on average only 7 percent of the total meaning. We interpret
or infer the remaining 93 percent from the speaker’s facial expression
and tone of voice. This is why we can coax a smile from a small child
by saying the most reprehensible things with a smile and a soothing
tone of voice. Even as adults, when we hear unwelcome messages from
a speaker with a soothing voice, we are unlikely to become as agitated
and hostile as we might have when hearing it from a panicked voice.
When there is discrepancy or confusion between the spoken words
and unspoken facial expressions and body language, we trust the phys-
ical rather than the verbal message. Why? Because we instinctively feel
that nonverbal, physical cues are more immediate and uncontrolled. We
believe they are the genuine barometers of what is going on inside the
speaker’s head. Therefore, they are truer and more trustworthy.

Guidelines for Effective Facial Expression

• One’s face is like clothing. Wear a calm, poised expression—a
classic suit or outfit—for most situations.
• A smile is an accessory. It should be used in moderation, however,
especially in other countries where a more sober, straight-faced
look is the norm. Even in the United States, when used inappropri-
ately or excessively, a smile can be interpreted negatively. It can
40 Skills of Workplace Communicaton

suggest airheadedness or vacuity rather than warmth and friend-

• Reflexive scrunching or raising of the eyebrows can be distracting.
This habit can signal confusion or disdain rather than attentive-

Eye Contact
Good eye contact is the first element in effective facial messaging.
Unless dealing with a sociopath, the eyes are considered the “windows
of the soul.” Under normal circumstances they tell us something about
the speaker’s attitude, sincerity, and truthfulness.

Guidelines for Effective Eye Contact

• Establish and maintain good eye contact. Americans should follow
this as a general mode of communication. Good eye contact will
show the listener or audience that one is interested in them and
their concerns.
• Strong eye contact is an acquired skill. Americans tend to value
strong eye contact. This is not true of all cultures. Among most
Asians it is considered rude and invasive. If you question a woman
from a Hispanic culture and she turns her eyes down or away, do
not jump to the conclusion that she is lying or being evasive. She
is most likely just being polite. Her traditions have taught her that
strong eye contact is too forward or bold.

Successful eye contact must be done in conjunction with body language.

Strong eye contact will not be effective if it accompanies a squirming
body with a rapid, high-pitched voice.

Body Language
The face and eyes are not the only nonverbal message givers that
human beings have. The body—its overall posture, the arrangement of
arms, hands, and legs—speaks volumes. We can learn much about what
is going on inside someone’s head by paying careful attention to body
language. We can learn to read body language like a book: Changing
body movements become like new paragraphs or chapters. By reading
body language correctly we can avoid the disaster of becoming the book
that is closed after the first few pages. None of us wants to be the book
that is told by its cover.

Negative Body Language to Avoid

• Arms crossed over one’s chest: signals defensiveness and resis-
Removing External Causes of Business Communication Flaws 41

• Hands clasped behind one’s back: signals frustration, possibly

• Steepling fingers: signals a barrier or shutting off of a message
• Placing one’s hand over one’s mouth: signals disapproval or intent
to deceive.
• Tapping or drumming fingers: signals restlessness and impatience.
• Sitting with hands clasped behind one’s head: signals overconfi-
dence, even arrogance.

Guidelines for Positive and Effective Body Language

• To show interest, understanding, or agreement: nod head slowly
up and down.
• To show interest and relaxed comfort: lean closer to receiver or
• To show receptivity, sincerity, and openness: open palms of hands.
• To show thoughtful evaluation: move hand to cheek or to chin with
thumb and index finger cupping chin.
• To show a positive attitude and involvement: make embracing
gestures with hands.


When the subject is communications between people, space and time
are not philosophical abstractions. Like the face and body, they can
carry very strong nonverbal messages.


We inhabit a given space physically and psychologically. The way we

use space tells a lot about us personally and culturally. We use and order
the space around us in a way that makes it a type of language analogous
to body language. And like other languages the use of space varies from
one culture to another.

Some Tips for the Successful Use of Space as Language

• If you wish to set a tone of sincerity and intimacy usually reserved
for immediate family members and loved ones, move within a
radius of 11⁄2 feet from the person you are communicating with.
You may wish to enhance the note of deep sincerity by placing your
open hand on the back of the elbow of the person.
• If you wish to create an atmosphere that is not intimate, yet is
friendly, move within a radius of 11⁄2 to 4 feet from the person you
are communicating with.
42 Skills of Workplace Communicaton

• If the desired atmosphere is merely a social one within a business

context, use a communication radius of 4 to 12 feet.
• If the situation calls for a large group presentation, keep the audi-
ence at least 12 feet away while communicating.

The way we use time, like the way we use space, sends strong
nonverbal messages. The language of time, as with most nonverbal
communication, also varies between and within different cultures.
North American cultures tend to be much more time-conscious than
southern European and Middle Eastern cultures. Furthermore, within
a culture such as the United States, there is a far greater emphasis on
time in New York and Chicago than in Southern cities like Jackson,
Mississippi, or St. Augustine, Florida.
To understand the messages we give each day with the language of
time, we only have to think of how we prioritize our daily schedules.
Do I frequently arrive late for work? This is sending a negative message
to superiors. Am I always on time for staff meetings? This reveals
respect for one’s fellow workers. How long do I take to respond to
memos? Letters? E-mail? The amount of time reveals the degree to
which we control our workplace demands. Do I keep people waiting
when they have appointments with me? If we do this as a matter of
habit, we are showing passive–aggressive tendencies. Such behavior
sends very negative nonverbal messages.

Some Tips on Effectively Controlling the Language of Time

• Make and be faithful to a daily schedule.
• Prioritize your agenda. If you have had someone travel two or
three hours to meet with you, allow extra time in your schedule.
• Forsee the unforseen—allot time on your daily agenda for unex-
pected problems or delays. Show common courtesy—everyone’s
time is valuable. If a meeting or phone conversation is running
long, send word to whomever is next on your schedule.

Once our frame of reference has been cleared of internal and external
barriers to successful communication, we are ready to let effective
verbal messages flow within a static-free and noise-free environment.

Becoming a Successful
Business Writer

The Foundations of
Effective Business

The Foundations of Effective Business Writing

When external and internal barriers are recognized and removed, the
writer is free to focus on the positive flow of communication. Mastering
written communication means achieving the ability to create written
messages that can create change. These can only be messages that
possess clarity of purpose, organization, and expression. With success-
ful written communication we can bring about change for the better.
Without it we are stuck with the status quo. If all we have to offer is the
status quo, who needs us?
Every message we create represents an opportunity for positive
change. This means change for the better, a chance to gain something
either personally or financially. Good verbal communication will win
allies, admiration, and trust. It will also earn financial rewards in
increased sales and profits, or a better budgetary bottom line. Good
verbal skills are not a matter of genes—either you have them or you
don’t. They can be learned and developed by following clear goals and


Let’s stop a moment to recall the four principal purposes of business
communication. All involve change in one form or another: informa-
tion, persuasion, results, and public relations or good will.
46 Skills of Workplace Communication

These four goals can only be achieved if they answer the following
questions posed in Chapter 3 for each goal.

1. Is it accurate?
2. Is it presented in a way that underscores its accuracy?
3. Is it supported with sufficient data?

1. Is the issue or problem presented clearly?
2. Are there alternative ways of solving the problem?
3. Is the choice of solution inevitable and inescapable?

1. Are the projected results realistic and attainable?
2. Are the benefits purely financial?
3. Might there be other benefits—for example, workplace and/or

Public Relations or Good Will

1. How will the recipient, individual or group, receive the proposal
under discussion?
2. Will it be viewed as arrogant and self-serving?
3. Will it appear civic-minded, environmentally sound?

Recalling how each of these goals is preceded by a series of questions

reminds us that it is always necessary to think before communicating.
Doing this will enable us to determine our purpose and decide on a plan
of organization and expression. This in turn will ensure us the results
or after that we desire.


The patterns of thought that we need to follow are three-dimensional
in time and place. They provide the following triple foundations of
successful communication.
Here are three ages of communication: yesterday, today, and tomor-
The Foundations of Effective Business Writing 47

Here are three phases of written communication: purpose, organiza-

tion, and expression
Here are three stages of written communication: thinking, writing,
and rewriting.
The following diagram shows how this communication triple play

Think About Prepare for

Required Focus Yesterday Create Today tomorrow

All People and Change Good Will

Communication Issues
All Written People and Write to Rewrite
Communication Issues Change to Improve
Results and
Good Will
All Oral People and Speak to Question
Communication Issues Change to Improve
Results and
Good Will

This diagram reminds us that no communication exists in a vacuum.

All communication has a “before.” Or to put it another way, every
message we set out to transmit “today” has a “yesterday.” There is a
background history to all communication, even so-called “cold calls.”
Similarly, all communication has an “after” or a “tomorrow.” There are
always results or outcomes of any communication. Sometimes, unfor-
tunately, these are unintended. These are the ones we can learn how to
minimize or prevent altogether.
Before creating any message, whether written or oral, we should stop
for a moment and consider the background as well as the consequences
of any planned act of communication. For example, before proposing a
new way of handling customer complaints, questions such as the fol-
lowing about the issue and the people involved should be asked.

1. Who will be the recipient of this How can this message improve
message? Have you been your working relationship with
working with these people a this person or group? How can
long time? Have your relations this message avoid strains
been amiable or have they been caused in the past?
48 Skills of Workplace Communication

2. What is the nature of this How can this message be made

message? Does it concern an more effective than past ones?
issue that has been a problem in Can you word your proposals
the past? Have you proposed more clearly to increase their
solutions in the past either orally effectiveness?
or in writing?
3. When do they have to receive it? Can you defuse the crisis
Have customer complaints situation? If so, will this buy you
suddenly reached critical mass? some time to craft your message
An air of crisis and the need for more effectively? Or will the
group support would call for delay lessen the note of urgency
one-on-one meetings or group and diminish the end result?
sessions, depending on numbers.
4. Where are the recipients Can you build a feedback system
located? If there are four or less into the small-office, person-to-
people in the adjacent office,, person communication, as well
person-to-person talks will work as into the much larger corporate
best. If there are 400 people in or government workplace?
five departments, a memo or e-
mail would be more practical.
5. How should I package this Phone calls work well for a few
message? Memo? E-mail? Phone recipients. E-mail provides
call? speed. Memos work well for
larger groups and when a
written record is needed.


Writing is not a one-stage operation. Whether it is a memo, an e-mail,
a letter, or a formal report that we set out to create, all written commu-
nication must go through three stages in order to be successful:


Whenever and whatever we write in the workplace, it will eventually

be read by someone. Whether those readers are a room away or a world
away they will be receiving our message in their own workplace. We
will not be present simultaneously the way we would be in oral com-
munication to interpret voice and body clues to the reception of our
message. We send out a written message to fly or crash on its own. It’s
got to be right the first time.
The Foundations of Effective Business Writing 49

Every individual who sends a message in the workplace automati-

cally becomes an expert. The sender is assumed to be more knowledge-
able than the receiver, at least as far as the particular communication is
concerned. Therefore, the reader is depending on the sender to present
a clear message. Most business communication fails in direct propor-
tion to the degree with which it ignores the reader.
Some of the ways we can ignore readers include:

• Talking over their heads

• Talking down to them
• Using technical jargon and lingo
• Omitting crucial details

Once we have determined precisely who the audience for this com-
munication is, our writing has to target this individual or group directly.
The attention of the recipient must be gained immediately by showing
that he or she has a stake in our message. In a very real way our message
has to become our reader ’s message. The reader shouldn’t even stop to
think, “What’s in it for me?” The benefits should be obvious and should
begin to appear in the first sentence.


To achieve this goal requires morphing or transforming writer-based
communication into reader-based communication. This process has
four stages:

1. Focus on reader benefits and shared goals

2. Organize a reader-based structure
3. Provide a cue-based navigation system
4. Develop a persuasive argument

Stage 1: Focusing on Reader Benefits and Shared Goals

Successful communication is focused on the receiver, not the sender.
When I send a written communication the message is from me, but not
about me. It’s about you. Over 200 years ago Ben Franklin had the idea
of reader benefits in mind when he said, “To be good [writing] ought
to have the tendency to benefit the reader.” In the year 2000, Robert
Pittman, president of America Online, said that he and Gerald Levin,
chairman and CEO of Time Warner, were merging two companies that
“are a lot alike. What we both think about is the consumer, what people
are doing, and how do we serve them and create new value.”1
50 Skills of Workplace Communication

Senders of written messages can demonstrate their focus on reader

benefits and shared goals in two areas: in the content of the message
being delivered, that is, its ideas; in the words the message uses to
present those ideas, that is, its form of expression.
Today’s aggressive marketers know that they do not even have to
wait for the recipient of their communications to open their mail. The
reader benefits are clearly emblazoned right on the envelope.

Introducing the “It’s All Yours” Platinum Ultima Card

• Pre-Approved with no Annual Fee

• Credit Line Up to $50,000
• Balance Transfer Savings
• Exclusive Money Saving Offers
0% APR
Thomas Impartial
909 Buckeye Court
Indianapolis, IN 46260

In order to determine the right content of a planned message we first

have to determine the precise purpose of the particular message we are
about to send. Which one of the four purposes of business communica-
tion listed above: information, persuasion, results, and public relations
and good will, do we primarily wish to achieve with the present
communication? Often, all four are involved to a greater or lesser
degree. But which one is most important at this time?
Once our purpose has been determined, we have our goal. Adapting
the goal to the reader is the act of creating a shared goal. The reason for
writing and the reason for reading become one. However, just because
we want to persuade does not mean our reader wants to be persuaded.
Here are some ways to bring the writer and the reader together by
creating shared goals.
• Learn as much as possible about the needs of the reader.
• Think of needs that the reader may not be aware of.
• Evaluate how to meet or fulfill those needs.
• Suggest how you can help your reader attain these goals.
A shared goal can be a powerful motivation for the receiver of a message
to read and remember what the writer has to say. The average reader
may have a blizzard of letters, memos, and reports on his or her desk.
The opening statement and shared goal the writer presents should
motivate the receiver to read this memo or letter first and carefully.
The Foundations of Effective Business Writing 51

A shared goal can also make comprehension easier. People under-

stand and retain information and ideas that fit in with what they already
know. For example, everyone in the corporate world today knows the
terms enter and delete. For those in international banking, the acronym
SWIFT would be a familiar term for a messaging system for overnight
transfers of funds. However, if we start using terms like remote triggering
and MPS (messages per second), we will undoubtedly cross a shared
line and lose most of our audience: that woman whose desk is already
piled high with banking letters and reports.
When we offer our readers a shared goal, one for which they already
have a framework, we help them turn our message into something
meaningful to them—something they can use to bring about positive
The form or expression of business writing must also be reader-based.
This means that our choice of words and use of language should
demonstrate clearly that the reader is the focus of our message. One of
the easiest and most effective ways of doing this is by simply remem-
bering to use the word you instead of I or we. Here are some examples
that show the difference. If you were the reader, which one do you think
would grab your attention and hold your interest?
Writer-based expression: Because we want to update our mailing lists
and reduce our postage costs, we need you
to complete this survey.
Reader-based expression: You can get your discount catalogs and
special-sales notices earlier by simply
filling out the enclosed card.
Writer-based expression: I have the pleasure of announcing that we
have approved your application for our
training program.
Reader-based expression: You will be happy to learn that you have
been chosen to join our new training
Writer-based expression: Because we want to keep our history of
making famous brands available at reduced
prices,, we do not give cash refunds.
Reader-based expression: You can enjoy the twin benefits of getting
famous brands at reduced prices and store
credit for all returns.

Stage 2: Organizing a Reader-Based Structure

Using reader-based language is the first step. To be effective it has
to accompany a reader-based structure. Most of us set out to com-
52 Skills of Workplace Communication

municate with our reader by writing reader-based documents, but we

often end up writing as if we were our own audience. We end up
talking almost exclusively about ourselves, our needs, our interests,
our problems. In the following case the manager of a large brokerage
office in Seattle requested a solution from an employee named Arthur
to the problem with Mark’s journal approvals. This is the response
she received:

For a number of weeks we had a problem with approving journals in the
Seattle office. The problem was with Mark approving journals as ADM.
MANAGER. We took many swings at the bat, from many different angles
to solve this problem.
Mark would start off his day as ADM. and soon become OPS during the
day’s operations. The reason for this was SMART had two managers listed
as Branch Managers at start of day. Hence it was operationally necessary
to sign them both out.
Now here is the twist to all of this and the ugly consequences that
resulted. Vince is the Assistant Manager in Seattle. SMART listed him as
Branch Manager. Compliance listed him as non-existent. Process Manager
had Vince as an Ops Manager. That’s the gun of the issue and the following
paragraph the ammunition. At some point during the business day it was
necessary for Matt (Ops MGR.) or Mark (Adm. MGR.) to sign both Branch
Managers out of the office (SMART) for ck payouts. This caused a chain
reaction, Vince (in SMART) is BRM. When Vince is signed out it needs to
assign a level change so it looks to Compliance (where Vince does not
exist). At this point Process Mgr. Joins the picture and says Vince is Ops.
Mgr. and assigns Mark that level.
The cure—Vince is now Assistant Manager. He is no longer a BRM in
SMART and Process Mgr continues to view Vince as Ops. Mgr. (which is
The problem was with Mark approving journals as ADM. MANAGER.
I am happy to report a solution has been found and implemented.

Aside from its careless formatting, grammar, and spelling, this memo
does not have a reader-based structure. There is a logic organizing this
document, but it is the logic of a story told from the writer’s perspective
and memory. The memo seems designed to satisfy the writer ’s need to
explain what went wrong and why. The reader ’s needs have not been
considered, if at all, until the very end. If the receiver is still reading this
memo at this point, her eyes have glazed over. She probably regrets
having asked Arthur for a solution in the first place. Ninety percent of
this memo is about how the problem arose. The solution that was asked
for is just a throwaway in the last line.
You can usually recognize writer-based prose by one or more of the
following features:
The Foundations of Effective Business Writing 53

1. A self-absorbed focus on the writer.

2. A narrative organization focused on the writer’s own discovery
3. A survey structure organized around the writer’s information.

Narrative style has its place, but it is hardly ever in business and
persuasive writing. Effective business communicators know that they
must reorganize their information and knowledge of an issue to suit the
reader’s needs.

Creating Written Communication That Is Reader-Based

People often ask “How can I make my memos, letters, and reports
more reader-based? I’ve always written this way. Until now I thought
it was okay.” The fact is that, as long as the writer has a clear goal and
a logical method, the writing can change for the better. It can become
more effective and successful. Here are three important steps that can
be taken:

1. Each document should be organized around a problem or goal that

is shared with its intended reader, instead of around the writer’s
own discovery process or around the issue itself.
With this goal or thesis as the starting point, the message’s
key ideas can be grouped or prioritized. The major and second-
ary topics must be determined and the relationship between
them made clear to the reader. Writers will find this method
useful to organize individual sections and paragraphs as well
as an entire document, as in the following alphanumeric out-


Central idea: a one-sentence summary of the contents of the docu-
ment to follow
I. A. First subordinate unit
I. A. 1. Evidence, example
I. A. 2. Evidence, example
I. B. Second subordinate unit
I. A. 1. Evidence, example
I. A. 2. Evidence, example
I. A. First subordinate unit
I. A. 1. Evidence, example
I. A. 2. Evidence, example
I. B. Second subordinate unit
54 Skills of Workplace Communication

I. A. 1. Evidence, example
I. A. 2. Evidence, example
(as needed)

2. Make conclusions explicit. When we leave it up to our reader to

draw inferences from what we have written in our document, he
or she could very well draw a different set of conclusions than
what we had in mind. This unplanned outcome could point to
faulty reading comprehension on the part of the receiver or a lack
of clarity in our messaging. In either case the best way to avoid
such problems is not to leave conclusions to chance. Make them
3. The primary and secondary ideas have been outlined and priori-
tized based on the goals shared with the reader. The desired
conclusions have been determined. What has to be done now is to
make that organization vivid and clear to the reader. This is done
by giving the receiver cues, in effect leading the reader where you
want him or her to go.

Stage 3: Providing a Navigation System for the Reader

If we are really serious about communicating with our readers we
have to guide them through our documents. We need to set up
signposts that help the reader see what is coming and how it will be
organized. This means creating expectations at the beginning of the
journey and fulfilling them along the way. Furthermore, we want the
reader to know which of our points are major and which are
subordinate, and how they are related to one another. Doing this will
be like taking the reader on a journey using a high-tech navigation
Some or all of the following signpost units may be used depending
on the type, length, and complexity of the document you are creating.

Signposts that predict your major points:

Table of contents
Issue or purpose statement
Topic sentences for paragraphs
The Foundations of Effective Business Writing 55

Signposts that summarize or illustrate your points:

Sentence summaries at ends of paragraphs
Conclusion or summary sections

Signposts that guide the reader visually:

Pictures, graphs, and tables
Varying fonts, underlining, and numbering
Varying formatting with indentation, spacing, rows, and columns

Signposts that guide the reader verbally:

Transition words
Summary nouns

Stage 4: Developing a Persuasive Argument

In business we usually write because we want change. We want to
make something happen or be known. And we want results whether
they be information, persuasion, or good will. You might say that there
is an element of persuasion underlying all of these. We want our reader
to do something or think in a certain way—usually our way. But simply
expressing our point of view is rarely enough, because it may conflict
with the way the reader already sees things. How do you turn things
around so that you and your reader share results as well as goals? This
is the art of persuasion.
Persuasion is not the same thing as winning an argument or debate.
Arguments can be won by force. (Hence all the military and contact-
sport metaphors heard around cafeterias and boardrooms.) In such a
case, while you may have changed your adversary’s behavior, you
haven’t necessarily changed his or her mind. In a debate your objective
is to score points. It is a contest with a winner and a loser decided by
an impartial judge. In American political debates the winners and losers
are determined by polling audience reaction or by the urgent judgment
calls of spin-meisters.
In real-world communication, especially business communication,
the goal should not be to defeat an opponent or to score points. This is
negative thinking. The more positive goal is to affect the reader, to
change his or her existing condition, whether that condition be igno-
56 Skills of Workplace Communication

rance of a subject or a different view of a subject. Following are three

possible outcomes or goals when there is a difference of opinion on a
course of action to be taken or a change to be undertaken:

1. We will totally change our readers’ mind or attitude so that they

see the issue exactly as we do. We simply substitute our perception
for theirs. Unless our audience is totally ignorant and we are the
recognized leading authority on the subject, this is an unrealistic
outcome to expect.
2. The second possible resolution of a difference of opinion is the
opposite, that is, no change at all. Unfortunately this is probably
the most common outcome. What we may perceive to be the best
or most “correct” arguments, don’t always win. The “no change”
eventuality may be a very pragmatic reason for making the third
alternative your customary goal.
3. A third alternative is to modify or change our reader’s viewpoint,
to add to or clarify it. We can do this by adding new information
or offering a different way of looking at an issue. We do this
whenever we draw a distinction, for example between compro-
mise and surrender. As a writer, modifying or adjusting your
reader’s viewpoint is the most reasonable goal you can have. You
are showing respect for your readers’ point of view while aiming
to tilt it in your direction.

However, we often encounter a great roadblock on the road to modify-

ing a reader’s viewpoint. There may be emotional or psychological
forces at work. Office politics or other barriers to successful communi-
cation may exist.
Many people consider any change on their part as a threat to their
own security and stability. People consider their points of view as part
of themselves, part of their identity, part of how they have brought
order into a chaotic world. Asking people to change or disturb this order
in any significant way can make them anxious and resistant. The more
urgently the message giver argues, the more firmly the recipients may
dig in their heels.
When this happens the crucial question for the writer is, “How can I
convince my readers to listen to my position and perhaps even modify
theirs without making them feel threatened?” If this is allowed to
continue, communication may simply crash and burn.
If readers feel they are understood—that their position is honestly
recognized and respected—they are far less likely to feel threatened.
Feeling less threatened allows them to relax their self-defensive pos-
ture. They feel they can afford to listen freely and consider another way
of thinking or looking at things.
The Foundations of Effective Business Writing 57

Carl Rogers, the developer of Rogerian argument, recommended

the following rule of thumb: 2 Before the writer presents a position and
point of view, he or she should be able to recount the receiver’s position
back to him or her in such a way that he or she agrees with your version
of it. In this way, the writer proves that a genuine and ongoing effort
has been made to understand the receiver’s perspective.
With written communication we do not have the tools of facial ex-
pression and body language to reassure our receiver. We can’t use the
winning smile or comforting arm around the shoulder. Are there other
ways to achieve the same effect with written communication?
There are two ways to achieve the goal of keeping your communica-
tion highway open.
First, the writer can use the introduction to each document, including
the shared goal, to show the reader that there is a real understanding of
his or her position and goals. This is the moment to show empathy, to
look at the issue from the readers’ vantage point and assert how the
particular message is relevant to them.
Second, the writer can avoid categorizing people and issues. This
divides people into warring camps, polarizes the issue, and stifles
In conclusion, changing writer-based messaging into reader-based
communication opens the lines of communication between writer and
reader. When the lines are open we can achieve the four goals of
business communication—information, persuasion, results, and good
will. We can bring about the changes we seek.

Achieving the Style and

Tone of Effective
Business Writing

Achieving the Style and Tone of Effective Business Writing

Now that we have a new understanding of how to change writer based

communication into reader-based communication, we are ready to
focus on the first major area of verbal business communication. This
area is effective business writing, writing that can make change happen.
Change of some sort is always on the sender’s agenda, whether that
change be an addition in information, a reason for persuasion, or an
increase of good will. To achieve any of these goals the sender needs
three things: a clear purpose, a clear organization, and a clear form of





Experienced communicators see writing not as a set of rules but as

a living organism. There is a series of steps by which it comes into
being and maturity. Writing starts with a focus on the people and
issues involved. It moves on to the actual composition of the sentences
and paragraphs of the document. Then it undergoes revision to
sharpen its clarity and tone. Here are the stages of conception,
composition, and revision, or what we need to do to create a winning
60 Skills of Workplace Communication

1. Change attitudes of people and perceptions of issues

By choice of language:
• The “you” view
• Positive expression
• Clear and concise language
2. Compose document to achieve changes desired
Overall organization—outlining based on placement of central
• Front loading: direct method
• Back loading: indirect method
• Topic sentences
• Transition words
• Active voice, action verbs
• Passive voice
3. Revise documents
• To improve clarity
• To increase results
• To increase good will

The first of these stages, changing the attitudes of people and the
perception of issues by choice of language, is the subject of this
chapter. Creating and revising the total document will be the subject
of Chapter 8.
The time before we create any message is the most critical moment of
the whole process. This is when we focus on the people and issues
where we want to see some changes made.


Before creating any message we have to stop and consider the back-
ground as well as the consequences of our planned message. To help
make the right decisions at this crucial stage we should ask some key
questions. For example, who will be the recipient of this message? Is it
an individual or a group? If the answer is just a name, the boat chosen
to navigate through a communications channel has just sprung a leak.
The writer needs to ask more specific questions about the frame of
reference of the intended audience, such as:

1. Have I been dealing with this person or persons only recently or

for a long time?
Achieving the Style and Tone of Effective Business Writing 61

2. How familiar am I with my receiver’s culture, beliefs, and

3. Have our relations been amiable or strained?
4. Do I expect my message to be welcomed or rejected?
5. Is my message likely to be forwarded to another audience?
6. If so, what reception do you expect your message to receive from
that secondary audience?

Focus of change: How can this message improve my working relationship

with this person or group? How can the present message build on gains
or avoid strains caused in the past?

The next step is to clarify the nature of each message. This will be the
area of purpose—what the sender wants to see changed.

1. What is the nature of the change?

2. Does it concern an issue that has been a problem in the past?
3. Have my prior proposals been received warmly or coolly?

Focus of change. How can this message deal with the issues as effectively
as past ones? Or how can a writer word proposals more clearly and
more positively to increase their effectiveness and, therefore, their


Be Personal

“It’s strictly business, nothing personal” is a sure way to spring

another leak in your communications boat. Everything that matters is
by definition personal. An impersonal sales letter is almost a contradic-
tion in terms. An impersonal “thank you” or congratulatory note is
about as welcome as a pink slip.
The receiver of any message should be made to feel important as an
individual human being, not a number. And each reader is important.
This is the person whose ideas, opinions, or practices the writer seeks
to change. A good rule of thumb to measure the personal component of
our writing is a variation on the Golden Rule: Write to others as we
would have them write to us.
Here are two ways writers can begin communicating in a more
personal manner:

1. By trying to spend more time thinking about the reader than about
what the writer has to say. This means focusing on the “you”
62 Skills of Workplace Communication

instead of the “me.” Doing this will make it easier to accomplish

the next step in writing more personally.
2. By imagining, almost in an exaggerated way, the self-interest of
the reader. Writers who are truly alert to this aspect will strengthen
the impression that the reader is considered an important individ-
ual. This is always a good starting point.

There are many options in the actual words and phrases used to show
that the writer is truly reader-directed. The simplest way is to remove
oneself, the “I” or “we” at the beginning of the sentence and substitute
the “you” for the person the message is directed at.

“Me/we” view: I need the entire sales staff to complete the attached
questionnaire about safety in the workplace.
“You” view: Your safety in our workplace will be increased
through your input into the questionnaire.
“Me/we” view: We have approved your consumer loan application.
“You” view: Your consumer loan application has been approved.
“Me/we” view: I am happy to announce that we have instituted a
new training program to improve employee letter
“You” view: Enhance your letter writing skills by attending the
new training program.

Be Positive
The simple act of changing from the “I/we” view to the “you” view
makes written communication more positive from the very start. Being
positive is always desirable, unless we want to burn our bridges behind
us. Burning bridges, however, means that all hope has been given up
for any change for the better. Positive thoughts, on the other hand, lead
to positive words. And positive words generally lead to positive ac-
Although its negative tone wasn’t funny at the time, today we can
probably laugh in sympathy at a slash-and-burn letter Mark Twain
wrote over 100 years ago:

To the Hartford Gas Company

Hartford, February 1, 1891
Dear Sirs:
Some day you will move me almost to the verge of irritation by your
chuckle-headed Goddamned fashion of shutting your Goddamned gas off
without giving any notice to your Goddamned parishioners. Several times
you have come within an ace of smothering half this household in their
beds and blowing up the other half by this idiotic, not to say criminal,
Achieving the Style and Tone of Effective Business Writing 63

custom of yours. And it has happened again today. Haven’t you a tele-
S L Clemens

Similarly, let’s look at a letter from the manager of an electronics store

to a customer who complained that a printer she had recently bought
didn’t work:

Dear Madam:
I am in receipt of your letter in which you state that the printer you
purchased from us recently failed to meet the warranty requirements.
You claim that the printer failed to do the things you say our salesperson
promised it would do.
Possibly you misunderstood the salesperson’s presentation. Or perhaps
you failed to follow instructions properly. We positively know of no other
customer who has made a similar complaint about the printer. The feeling
is that it will do all that is stated if properly used.
However, we are willing to make some concessions for the alleged faulty
part. We will allow you to return it; however, we cannot do so until you
sign the enclosed card and return it to us.
Sincerely yours,

The tone is unmistakably negative. “State” and “failed to meet” in the

opening paragraph imply there’s some doubt that the claim is valid. In
the second paragraph, “you say” suggests the salesperson didn’t make
the statement at all. Such phrases as “you misunderstood,” “you failed
to follow instructions,” and “if properly used” tell you in so many
words that you’re not too bright. And to wrap it up, the writer uses the
negative “we cannot . . . until” instead of the positive “we will . . . as
soon as.”
Most letters aren’t this negative, of course. But it doesn’t take much
to offend. Any of these negative words or phrases, in themselves, could
have spoiled the tone of an otherwise effective letter.
Let’s take a look at some examples of the negative approach. In each
case, the negative thought (emphasis added by the author) has been
converted into a positive one.

Negative: Since you failed to say what size you wanted, we cannot
send you the shirts.
Positive: You’ll receive the shirts within two or three days after you
send us your size on the enclosed form.
Negative: We cannot pay this bill in one lump sum as you requested.
Positive: We can clear up the balance in six months by paying you
in monthly installments of $20.
64 Skills of Workplace Communication

Negative: We’re sorry we cannot offer you space at $200 per square
Positive: We can offer you excellent space at $300 per square foot.
Negative: We are not open on Saturday.
Positive: We are open from 8 AM to 8 PM daily, except Saturday and

Be Clear and Concise

Getting our reader on our side with personal and positive language
is a first step; keeping them there is achieved by a clear and concise
Clarity is the bedrock of successful business writing. Without clarity
none of our goals will be achieved. Clear writing is easily understood
and unambiguous. It is plain and direct. It is free of obscurity and
confusion. Misunderstandings are costly to companies and their em-
ployees. Lack of clarity causes employees to lose patience and produc-
tivity, and companies to lose money. Whether the message is a purchase
order for a new telecommunications system or preliminary test-market-
ing results, understanding the message on the first reading is essential.
Clarity, like anything having to do with communicating, begins in the
mind. It is revealed in our choice of language as well as our mastery of
the basics of grammar.
Conciseness is next in importance to clarity. We do not live in leisurely
times. Everyone is on the run, cell phone firmly in ear. People appreciate
messages that are brief and to the point. Some of the most influential
and memorable documents of Western civilization are models of brev-
ity: the Ten Commandments has 132 words; the Bill of Rights has 462
words; and the Gettysburg Address has 272 words. While some of the
most forgettable documents are very long: Abraham Lincoln’s Gettys-
burg Address followed Governor Edward Everett of Massachusetts,
who went on for two hours. Does anyone remember even one phrase
of the thousands of words he said? The United States Department of
Agriculture needs 14,054 words for its publication on cabbage. Anyone
Railroad magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt, who created one of the great-
est fortunes in American history, needed only 22 words when he wrote
this unforgettably clear and concise message to some associates who
had attempted to cheat him:

You have undertaken to cheat me. I won’t sue you, for the law is too slow.
I’ll ruin you.
Yours truly,
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Achieving the Style and Tone of Effective Business Writing 65

Here are five ways to make business writing more clear and concise:

1. Choose concrete not abstract words. Concrete words refer to

actual, material things. These are what can be perceived by our
senses, what can be scientifically verified and measured. Abstract
words refer to ideas and generalities. They often cause confusion
and misunderstandings because they refer to qualities and char-
acteristics that are subjective and open to debate and disagree-
ment. Here are some examples of the difference:

In the near future By 5:00 PM Friday
Considerable savings A 40 percent reduction
Home-office machine Epson 1440 printer
At a later date March 17
Beverage Chateau Petrus 1955
Businessperson Deputy Director of Housing

2. Use plain everyday words. Short and simple words are the fastest
and surest carriers of your message. You use them confidently and
your reader grasps their meaning quickly. Some business writers
mistakenly think that if they use long words they will dazzle their
readers. What they end up doing is annoying the very people they
thought they would impress.
The greatest and best example of language choice that defies
clarity is “legalese.” Even lawyers have to admit that most of their
“herewiths,” “heretos,” “thereins,” and “ipso factos” do not in-
crease communication at all.
One person who waged war on what he called the “junk an-
tiques” of lawyers’ writing was David Mellinkoff. A lawyer him-
self, and writer of such books as Language of the Law and Dictionary
of American Legal Usage, Mellinkoff was an early force for simpli-
fying insurance policies and other consumer documents. He also
argued for streamlining state and federal legislation, and adding
writing classes to law school requirements. When New York State
passed a law in 1981 requiring that consumer agreements be
written in a “clear and coherent manner using words with com-
mon and everyday meanings,” Mellinkoff went after the govern-
ment writer. “Common and everyday are redundant,” he said.
David Mellinkoff’s solution for “legalese” was simple. “The
most effective way of shortening legal language,” he wrote, “is for
judges and lawyers to stop writing.”1
Managers and supervisors can’t simply stop writing, but they
can use clear, everyday language. Here are some examples of long
66 Skills of Workplace Communication

words drawn from Latin roots of ancient Rome. They are followed
by short action words from the Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic roots of
the English language.
antecedent prior
ascertain learn
definitive final
enumerate list
interrogate ask
modification change
predicated based
recapitulation review
remuneration pay
subsequent after
termination end
And here are some examples of “legalese” that we can all com-
municate very clearly without:
aforementioned said earlier
aforesaid said earlier
annexed hereto added, attached
appurtenant additional
ascertain find out
attached herewith enclosed
furtherance promotion
hereby by this action
hereinafter later
I am in receipt of I have
notwithstanding in spite of
pending your reply until I hear from you
thereinafter later
wherefore for that reason
Below are some examples of old-style corporate and governmental
writing. Unfortunately, the type of writing they contain, as out of
date as it might be, is still around. Following each example of the
old and musty is a rewritten update in the kind of plain English
that would have pleased David Mellinkoff.


Old Style: It is the express intention of the undersigned to create an estate

or account as joint tenants with rights of survivorship and not as tenants
in common. In the event of the death of either of the undersigned, the entire
Achieving the Style and Tone of Effective Business Writing 67

interest in the joint account shall be vested in the survivor or survivors on

the same terms and conditions as theretofore held, without in any manner
releasing the decedent’s estate from any liability provided for in the next
preceding paragraph.
(The only help computer spell-checks will give you with this one is that
“theretofore” is not in the software’s dictionary and that the sentence is
too long.)
Clear, concise, plain English: Other signers share your interest equally. If one
of you dies, the account will continue and the other people who’ve signed
the document will own the entire interest in it.


Old style: For value received, the undersigned jointly and severally hereby
promise(s) to pay. . .
Clear, concise, plain English: To repay my loan I promise to pay you . . .

Following is an agreement on safe-deposit boxes that a bank

actually asked bank customers, not lawyers, to sign.

The liability of the bank is expressly limited to the exercise of ordinary

diligence and care to prevent the opening of the within-mentioned safe-
deposit box during the within-mentioned term, or any extension or re-
newal thereof, by any person other than the lessee or his duly authorized
representative and failure to exercise such diligence or care shall not be
inferable from any alleged loss, absence, or disappearance of any of its
contents, nor shall the bank be liable for permitting a co-lessee or any
attorney in fact of the lessee to have access to and remove the contents of
said safe-deposit box after the lessee’s death or disability and before the
bank has written knowledge of said death or disability.

This mind-numbing 119-word sentence can be reduced to the

following 52-word sentence without any loss of legal and technical

Our liability with respect to property deposited in the box is limited to

ordinary care by our employees in the performance of their duties in
preventing the opening of the box during the term of the lease by anyone
other than you, persons authorized by you, or persons authorized by the


Old style: Notice of Eligibility, Denial or Pending Status

Tax Dependency Form
68 Skills of Workplace Communication

Clear, concise, plain English: Action taken on your food stamp case
Student Tax Report

3. Use long and technical words sparingly. There will be cases

where there is simply no short simple word to convey your mean-
ing. Better then to use the long word than replace it with many
short words. Use “refinancing,” for example, rather than “obtain-
ing a lower rate of interest on an existing loan.”
Technical language can be very useful even essential in some
professions. Law, health maintenance organizations, accounting,
computer systems, and government title programs often have a
language all their own. But clarity exits and confusion enters when
a doctor tells a child that her black and blue mark is a sub-dural
hematoma. The message is clear: use technical language at will
with members of your own profession. With those outside your
business or profession use it very cautiously and with an introduc-
tory explanation.
4. Avoid slang and buzzwords, clichés, acronyms, and Instant Mes-
senger abbreviations. These are words and phrases that can cause
communications barriers like the ones discussed in Chapter 4.
Their meanings are often understood only by a small group; there-
fore, they are not good vehicles of communication. In addition,
they do not survive being passed to secondary audiences and
other cultures.
Slang and buzzwords, which come naturally to oral communi-
cation, do not function well in business writing. Business writing
is often informal, but it should be standard written English easily
understood by your reader. The principal reasons for avoiding
slang and buzzwords are:

• Slang is substandard and idiomatic. It is the jargon of a particular

group. Your primary audience, the readers directly targeted by
your business message, may understand that your phrase “clip
joint” refers to an overpriced restaurant or service establish-
ment. But what if your document is passed on to a secondary
audience? Will those readers mistakenly think that a “clip joint”
is some sort of architectural term? Or is it medical one?
• Slang words and phrases have a short life span. “Hoist with his own
petard”2 was once a colorful expression meaning to get caught
in one’s own trap. Today, it would only make sense to a student
of archaic language or to someone who knows the fate of poor
Polonius in Hamlet.
• Buzzwords are meant to impress the reader with the importance of the
writer. The writer is trying to show how “in the know” he or she
Achieving the Style and Tone of Effective Business Writing 69

is. Buzzwords represent writer-based communication instead

of the reader-based writing we must achieve.
The computer age has spawned an entire lexicon of new words
known as “geek-speak.” In our technology-obsessed culture the
digerati speak a language that exalts the machine and has nothing
but contempt for flesh and blood human beings who are known as
“wetware.” Writers and artists are dismissed as “content provid-
ers” who may need to take a “bio-break,” that is, use the bathroom.
Use expressions like the following only in very informal messages:
a can of worms agnostic
canoodle bottom line
curry favor granular
in your zone herding cats
keep it on the down low interface
keep your nose clean no-brainer
low-hanging fruit paradigm
the low down parameter
to the max policy wonks
Domainist: Someone who judges others by their e-mail addresses;
especially someone who looks down upon anyone who posts
from public Internet providers like
Showstopper: Refers not to a spectacular moment of live theater
that astonishes a delighted audience, but in Microsoft language
“a function, object, or issue important enough to jeopardize a ship
date or schedule,” that is, a “really big bug.”
Net.gods: Not mere mortals, these are leaders of the cyber-
Sheepies: Not net.gods, not even human.
Client/server action: Sex.
Treeware: Printed books, magazines, and newspapers; also known
as “dead tree editions.”
Meat-jail: The human body.
Clichés are tired, worn out words and phrases. While easy for
writers to use, they are stale from overuse. They are not reader
based because they give most readers the impression that the
writer couldn’t be bothered choosing language for the particular
reader. In a word, clichés are impersonal.
Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of words in
names or phrases. Some, like ATM for automated teller machine,
are universally understood. Others, like STAT (which is actually a
70 Skills of Workplace Communication

shortened form of the Latin word “statim,” meaning “im-

mediately”), are best left to actors playing doctors on television.
Instant Messenger abbreviations are similar to acronyms. They
are shortened forms that combine words and numbers to form
words in cyberspace. They are the buzzwords of online chat rooms
and are not considered business-like writing.
Typical clichés and acronyms to avoid:

If I can be of further help . . . ASAP
If you have any other questions . . . FEMA
I would like to take this opportunity to . . . OPS
Thank you for your consideration . . . OSCIA

Some Instant Messenger abbreviations to avoid, except in very

informal e-mails:

A 404 clueless
brb be right back
BDU big dumb user
cul see you later
cya see you
cul8r call you later
g2g got to go
lol laugh out loud
nm not much
wsup what’s up?
24-7-365 twenty four hours a day, seven days a
week, three hundred sixty five days a year
. . . (continually)

5. Avoid dangling participles and misplaced modifiers. These

grammatical errors have caused problems for readers long before
there was such a thing as cyberspace. Usually the problem is a
participle or participial phrase found at the beginning of a sen-
tence, which modifies a different part of the sentence than the
writer intended it to. In the sentence, “Rising in the distance we
saw the Washington Monument,” the participle rising seems to
modify the sightseers. But this nonsensical meaning is unin-
tended. The writer means to say that it was the Washington Mon-
ument that was rising in the distance.
Achieving the Style and Tone of Effective Business Writing 71

Every ing word or participle does not have to be avoided at the

beginning of a sentence. In usage some are really independent
phrases or are functioning like conjunctions. The meaning of the
statement, “Generally speaking, the proposal was acceptable,” is
clear to any reader despite the opening dangling participial
phrase. Use a common sense approach: If the dangling participle
causes confusion or unplanned humor, reconstruct the sentence.
6. Avoid noun phrases. A noun phrase, usually consisting of three
words—an article, a noun, and a preposition—is usually a weak
and wordy substitute for a strong action verb. In 1998 a federal
relief worker stated that the government would get help to the
victims of a hurricane in Puerto Rico “when we get them within
the scope of our evaluation.” Perhaps the hurricane victims would
have gotten relief sooner, if she had simply said, “When we eval-
uate them.” In the following lists the noun phrases are slow and
wordy; the single-word verbs are clear, concise, and vigorous.


Conduct an investigation of . . . Investigate
Have a discussion about . . . Discuss
Make a schedule for . . . Schedule
Prepare a plan for . . . Plan
Put an end to . . . End

7. Remove redundancies and compound prepositions. Like wordy

noun phrases, redundancies and compound prepositions are ex-
pressions that use several words instead of single ones. Unfortu-
nately, their use is widespread in corporate and governmental
writing today. A look at the following examples will reveal redun-
dancies that defy logic and compound prepositions that waste the
time of both writer and reader.


Along the lines of . . . Like
At this point in time . . . Now
At which time . . . When
Consensus of opinion . . . Consensus
Due to the fact that . . . Because
Contributing factor . . . Factor
End result . . . Result
Few in number . . . Few
Free and clear . . . Clear
72 Skills of Workplace Communication

In the event that . . . If

Past history . . . History
The manner in which . . . How
With regard to . . . About

Choosing language that will make it easier to change perceptions of

people and issues should not be considered a simple list of do’s and
don’ts. It should be a reminder to drive carefully and be wide awake on
the communications highway. Clear and concise language is a continual
goal for reader directed business writers. It also provides the basis for
the entire document.

Organizing and
Developing the Total

Organizing and Developing the Total Document

In Chapter 6 we studied the triple foundations of effective business

writing and how to change writer based communication into reader-
based communication. In Chapter 7 we learned how to choose the kind
of clear and concise language all business writers need to achieve their
goals of information, persuasion, and good will. Now we will see how
to organize and develop the total business document to bring about
whatever changes we seek.
Chapter 6 demonstrated that effective business communication is
reader-based not writer-based. It also showed that such reader-based
communication goes through four stages.

1. Focusing on reader benefits and shared goals.

2. Organizing a reader-based structure.
3. Providing a cue-based navigation system.
4. Developing a persuasive argument.

In Chapter 7 we studied various ways for the business writer to

improve their focus on reader benefits. One way was by making our
writing personal. The other was by starting sentences frequently with
the pronoun “you,” instead of “I,” to demonstrate that we are reader-
We also saw in Chapter 7 that when they are not reader-based,
business writers will reveal the following flaws: a self-absorbed focus,
a narrative organization focused on the writer’s own discovery
74 Skills of Workplace Communication

process, and a survey structure organized around the writer’s infor-

This chapter will show how the writer can avoid these three flaws by
organizing a reader-based structure. The first step in this process is to
determine your central idea.


Everything in nature serves some purpose. Nature almost never does
anything just for fun. Likewise, before we begin to create any business
document we must first decide our purpose. This will become the
central idea of the document.
The central idea of a business message should always be the specific
answer to the question: What exactly do I want changed?" The answer
to this question will be a clear and complete statement that will function
as the central idea or thesis of the entire document. Phrases will be of
little use, as they will only give the topic or area of change. A phrase
will be vague; the writer needs a clear map to reach each destination.

Vague topic: Releasing clients’ names

Specific central idea: Releasing our clients’ names would violate their
right to privacy
Vague topic: Liquidating assets
Specific central idea: If we must liquidate, we have to sell the
following assets first.

Secondarily your central idea should answer the following two ques-
tions: Who will be affected by this change? and How will they be
affected by this change? Changing people is not a realistic goal. We may
set out to change people’s perceptions of things, but setting out to
change people is not a profit making goal of business or a sensible
mission for government.
Our goal is to change things: procedures, profits, systems, people’s
perceptions. What we want changed and how we think it would best
be changed will cover a broad continuum from very positive to very
negative. As a result, business messages will fall into three categories:

1. Very positive, that is, brimming with good news about issues and
people. The change desired in such situations will not be to make
them negative, but to make people aware of the good news or to
congratulate those who helped to cause the good news.
2. Neutral, that is, with no clearly positive or negative issues.
Organizing and Developing the Total Document 75

3. Very negative, that is, dealing with problems and losses, with
resulting negative effects on people involved.


These notions of positive and negative will determine where to place
the central idea, that is, whether to frontload it or backload it.
How do I frontload my central idea? Placing the central idea at the
beginning of the document achieves this objective. The most direct
frontloading lets the central idea stand alone as a one-sentence first
paragraph. However, a writer can also frontload by placing the central
idea in the first paragraph with additional sentences.
When should I frontload my central idea?

1. Whenever there is positive or good news to deliver to the targeted

2. When agreement or approval is expected from the intended
3. Whenever there is neutral or purely factual news to be delivered.
4. When there is no reason to expect controversy or hostility from the
specific reader.

Why should I frontload my central idea? Here are two of the many
advantages of presenting the central idea directly.

• It proves the writer is focused on the reader. In business everyone’s

in a hurry. By stating the central idea immediately, whether it is a
routine request or any other common business communication, the
writer saves the reader’s time. On the other hand, if the writer
makes the reader go on a hunting expedition for the purpose of
every communication, a barrier to successful communication is
• It reduces the risk of miscommunication. If the central idea is
buried somewhere in the third or fourth paragraph of a message,
the message may be lost. The reader may pick up some idea in the
second paragraph, for example, speed-read the rest of the docu-
ment and miss the point the writer intended to make.

How do I backload my central idea? This is done by stating it indirectly

and by placing the central idea toward the end of the document, but not
in the concluding paragraph.
When should I backload my central idea?
76 Skills of Workplace Communication

1. When there is negative or bad news to deliver to the targeted

2. When disagreement or disapproval is expected from the reader.
3. When reader reaction can’t be predicted.

Why should I backload my central idea? There are two major reasons for
backloading negative or bad news:

• It proves the writer is focused on the reader. Backloading or indi-

rect messaging of bad news shows that the sender has considered
the receiver’s reaction to the negative news being delivered. Re-
ceiving bad news is disturbing enough. It doesn’t have to be
worsened by bad delivery. With very few exceptions negative news
should be delivered in the most positive way possible.
• It keeps the door open for future communication. By delivering
bad news in an indirect, even positive way, the sender avoids
slamming the door on the receiver. The writer may not be able to
grant the current request but may be able to grant future ones and
continue to do profitable business.

What are some specific ways to backload negative news? While positive
language is always the goal in business writing, there are often
negative situations to deal with. In such cases choosing positive
language is not enough. The negative or potentially negative central
idea must be placed in such a way that the least damage or ill will
is caused.
When a message is so negative that it has to be backloaded, the sender
can do this by using one or all of the following methods. Any or all of
them will have the effect of making the bad news seem less personal.
They will also reduce greatly any confrontational note.

1. In the document. By placing the central idea of the negative or bad

news toward the end of the document but not in the last or
concluding paragraph. This will avoid closing the message on an
unhappy note.
2. In the paragraph. By putting the bad news at the end of the chosen
3. In the sentence. By positioning the bad news in the subordinate or
dependent clause of a complex sentence, instead of the main or
independent clause. This will reduce the force of the negative
4. In the verb. Express the bad news in the passive form of the verb,
not the active. This will make the bad news appear less personal
or confrontational.
Organizing and Developing the Total Document 77

5. By implication. Avoid any specific statement of the bad or negative

news. Instead of stating what you cannot do, say what you can do.
Your reader will conclude that what he or she wants is not on your
can-do list.


Structure refers to the organization of the entire document. In archi-
tectural terms it is like constructing a building. Every building has:

• a purpose,
• a number of floors,
• a number of units per floor.

Every business document, whether it’s a memo, a letter, or a report has:

• a purpose: this is expressed in the central idea.

• a number of paragraphs: these include the introduction, one or
more paragraphs of development, and a conclusion.
• a number of sentences within each paragraph.

How Do I Develop a Central Idea in a Frontloaded

The informal list. This refers to an initial group of ideas on the subject
of the communication that the writer thinks most important to develop
a specific central idea. Making and critically reviewing such lists are
done in three stages:

1. Making an informal list: the process of writing always involves

choices. After determining the particular central idea the writer
must decide how to expand or develop it. This is done by making
a list of the reasons and examples that might best convey the
central idea to the reader. The writer might come up with a dozen
ideas for a long document such as a report. If it is a memo or letter,
the writer might come up with six or seven ideas.
2. Narrowing this list: looked at from the reader’s point of view the
writer reduces these six or seven ideas to those that will best
convey the central idea. The original six or seven ideas may at this
point be shortened to three ideas.
3. Arranging these ideas in order of importance to the reader: first,
second, and third.
78 Skills of Workplace Communication

Ways of arranging an informal list of ideas. Here are some ways to

organize or arrange the ideas or elements of an informal list:

Chronological: From the distant to the recent past to the

present to the future
Background, present status, and prospects
Spatial: By location: regional, national, global
Mid-Atlantic, Pacific Northwest, New
England; Italy, France, China; South
America, Europe, Pacific Rim
Logical: Different choices relative to the central
Cause and effect for troubleshooting
Comparison-contrast for measuring one
unit of a company against another or one
company against another
Classification and division for showing
different units according to a consistent
principle, for example, showing the
divisions of a company according to their
Illustration for giving concrete examples
of abstract or technical concepts
Problem–Anaysis–Solution: Description of a problem, why it exists,
what can be done about it
Order of importance: From the least important to the most
important, which is climactic order, or
from the most important to the least
important, which is descending order.

The number of paragraphs. If the writer develops these three ideas in

the same paragraph, a brief, three-paragraph frontloaded document
will be created.

The central idea of the entire message:
Central idea includes some direction for the reader:
1. First idea in a word or phrase
2. Second idea in a word or phrase
3. Third idea in a word or phrase
Organizing and Developing the Total Document 79

Development of first idea

Development of second idea

Development of third idea

Conclusion: Rephrase central idea in an action-request time frame

If the writer decides that each of these three ideas needs fuller explana-
tion, he or she would place each one in a separate paragraph and
produce a five-paragraph or longer frontloaded document.

The central idea of the entire message:
Central idea includes some direction for the reader:
First idea in a word or phrase
Second idea in a word or phrase
Third idea in a word or phrase

Development of first idea

Development of second idea

Development of third idea

Conclusion: Rephrase central idea in an action-request time frame

80 Skills of Workplace Communication

How Do I Develop a Central Idea in a Backloaded

The informal list

1. The writer makes an informal list of the main points connected

with the central idea, as would be done for a frontloaded docu-
ment. These will include the main reasons for the negative news
that is about to be delivered.
2. The list is whittled down to the ones that will have the most
significance for the intended reader.
3. The reduced list is arranged in the order of importance from the
reader’s perspective: first, second, third, and so forth.

The number of paragraphs. If the writer places these three ideas into one
paragraph, a three-paragraph, backloaded document will result.

The central idea of the entire message:
Central idea includes some direction for the reader:
1. First idea in a word or phrase
2. Second idea in a word or phrase
3. Third idea in a word or phrase

Development of reasons

First idea and reasons

Second idea and reasons
Third idea and reasons

Central idea expressed indirectly or implied


A forward-looking closing statement is made

Now let’s apply this method to an actual writing situation. You are a
member of the Environmental Protection Committee of a county gov-
ernment. You have been asked to summarize the potential problems
that will arise if the Stellar Oil Company is allowed to begin drilling in
a populated area and recommend a course of action. The company
intends to begin by erecting a 130-foot derrick and follow this by
Organizing and Developing the Total Document 81

drilling as many as 30 wells. The company has been a major contributor

to your party’s political campaigns.

1. Begin by making an informal list of potential problems

Pollution of ground water
Union problems
Pollution of the air
Possible spills
Tax rates
Waste disposal problems
Possible accidents
Increased truck traffic
Political fundraising
Increased noise
Loss of property values
2. Narrow the list down to environmental issues
Pollution of ground water ✓
Union problems
Pollution of the air ✓
Possible spills ✓
Tax rates
Waste disposal problems ✓
Carcinogens ✓
Possible accidents ✓
Increased truck traffic ✓
Political fundraising
Increased noise ✓
Smells ✓
Loss of property values
3. Arrange the edited list in order of importance for the reader. Because the
chair of the environmental protection committee is your primary
intended audience, you decide to arrange your list in climactic
order from the least to the most important issue.

• Increased noise
• Increased traffic
• Pollution
4. Fit in the remaining items under these three headings.
1. Increased noise
a. Nearby hospital
b. Nearby school
c. People in neighboring homes
82 Skills of Workplace Communication

2. Increased traffic
a. Trucks bringing in equipment
b. Trucks carrying away oil
c. Workers arriving and leaving
3. Pollution
a. Air
b. Ground
c. Water
5. Assemble the three-paragraph document. The following three environ-
mental issues should be considered before the oil-drilling project
is approved: the risks of environmental pollution, an increase in
noise, and an increase in automobile and truck traffic.

• Drilling operations will be conducted from 8 AM to 7 PM . The

neighboring county hospital and elementary school both need
a degree of quiet to be effective. Although many people are at
work between those hours, many others earn their living at
• Furthermore, increased truck traffic would make surrounding
streets more noisy and dangerous. Pedestrians and drivers
would have to be extra cautious to avoid encounters with large
trucks bringing in equipment or hauling away oil and other
products. The oil workers’ cars and trucks would further in-
crease traffic in this quiet area.
• Most of all, the inevitable problem of pollution would affect all
those living within the area surrounding the project. Site prep-
aration, drilling, and production operations would pollute the
air by emitting hydrocarbons and odors. Oil spills might con-
taminate the ground and water. For these reasons the Environ-
mental Protection Committee should consider industries such
as computers or light manufacturing for this sensitive area.

There are a number of areas in the county that would be suitable for
your Stellar Oil’s operations. Let’s schedule a meeting in the first week
of June to discuss some of these possibilities.

Background or reasons for your unwelcome central idea
Includes some direction for your reader:
First idea in a word or phrase
Second idea in a word or phrase
Third idea in a word or phrase
Organizing and Developing the Total Document 83

Development of first ideas

Development of second ideas

Development of third ideas

Central idea expressed indirectly or implied


Make a forward-looking closing statement

If you decide that each of these three ideas needs fuller explanation,
then place each one in a separate paragraph and produce a five-para-
graph or longer document.

Once we have a front- or backloaded structure for a document, we

can consider the ways of creating more effective paragraphs and sen-
tences to embody our message.

Making Your Ideas Flow

Easily Through Your

Making Your Ideas Flow Easily Through Your Paragraphs

Becoming an effective business writer takes careful planning and delib-

erate steps. It is a process that begins in the mind by focusing on the
reader—how our written communications will benefit our reader and
how we can jointly achieve the goals that we share.
Building on this solid foundation of reader-based communication,
the writer can acquire the style and tone of a successful business writer
by using language that is clear, concise, and positive.
In Chapter 8 we saw how to put this language to use by developing
a total document around a central idea. Communicating a positive or
neutral message to our reader calls for a direct or frontloaded organi-
zation of our paragraphs. Communicating a negative or bad news
message, on the other hand, requires an indirect or backloaded para-
graph structure.
Now we will study in detail how to make the central idea of a total
document flow through individual paragraphs. This will be a flow
directly down from the central idea in the frontloaded pattern or a flow
away from the central idea in the backloaded pattern. This will give the
document more effective paragraphs—the ones that will bring about
the changes the writer seeks.
86 Skills of Workplace Communication


A paragraph is a group of related sentences that develop one central
idea. Although there is no absolute rule for length, it is usually 5 to 12
sentences long. In business writing the average is 8 sentences.
Whether they appear in a frontloaded or backloaded business docu-
ment, whether they are in a memo, a letter, or a report, all effective
paragraphs have four main characteristics: topic sentence, unity, brev-
ity, and coherence.

Topic Sentence
Just as every document needs a central idea, every effective para-
graph needs a topic sentence. Topic sentences are often confused with
topics. A topic is an area of discussion; a topic sentence is a precise,
summary statement of what will be said about a topic in the paragraph
that follows.
The topic sentence serves as the central idea of the paragraph. To
function properly and work for you, it must be complete yet limited. This
means it must be a complete sentence: it must have a subject and a verb,
and express a complete thought. It must also be limited in that it covers
only the one specific idea that will be handled within the paragraph. In
the first of the following examples, releasing clients’ names might cause
many problems, but the complete topic sentence limits the paragraph
to the violation of the privacy issue alone.

Vague topic: Releasing clients’ names

Complete topic sentence: Releasing our clients’ names would violate
their right to privacy.
Vague topic: Liquidating assets
Complete topic sentence: If we must liquidate, we have to sell the
following assets first.

A good topic sentence controls all of the other sentences in the para-
graph. The remaining sentences exist in a direct plus or minus relation-
ship to the topic sentence. They will either support or limit the topic
sentence. In addition, an effective topic sentence gives direction and
tone for the reader.

Positioning the Topic Sentence in the Paragraph

• Front door. Taking the reader into account, if the message of the
paragraph will be taken as good news, the writer would use the
Making Your Ideas Flow Easily Through Your Paragraphs 87

direct pattern or frontloading method. This means putting the

topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph, just as one would
put a good news central idea at the beginning of a total document.
The same thing would be done with neutral or strictly informa-
tional news.

Here is a paragraph with a front door topic sentence:

Our Year-End Summary of Charges can help simplify your record keeping and
tax preparation. Maintaining accurate records can be a time-consuming
process. At the beginning of each calendar year, you will receive a complete
summary of all Blue Diamond charges made during the previous year.
Charges billed during the previous year are itemized by category, such as
merchandise, airline, or restaurant, with a detailed report showing totals
within each category.

• Back door. If the reader is likely to be unreceptive or even hostile to

the message of the paragraph, the sender places the topic sentence
at the end of the paragraph, just as would be done to backload
negative news toward the end of a total business document.

Maintaining accurate records for business and tax purposes can be a

time-consuming process. Wouldn’t it be easier if, at the beginning of each
calendar year, you received a complete summary of all charges made
during the previous year? Wouldn’t it be even better if charges billed
during the previous year were itemized by category, such as merchandise,
airline, or restaurant, with a detailed report showing totals within each
category? For a relatively small annual fee our Year-End Summary of Charges
can help simplify your record keeping and tax preparation.

• Swinging door. If the sender wants to present contrasting facts,

ideas, or possibilities, he or she would want to position the topic
sentence mid-paragraph. Doing this will allow it to function like a
swinging door. The reader will first see reasons for a certain course
of action, then the reasons against. In between appears the swing-
ing door topic sentence signaling for the reader that he or she is
faced with choosing among possibilities.

Maintaining accurate records for business and tax purposes can be a

time-consuming process. You have to keep copies of all records and re-
ceipts and then sort them out by category. For a relatively small annual fee
our Year-End Summary of Charges can help simplify your record keeping and tax
preparation. When tax time comes around, at the beginning of each calendar
year, you will receive a complete summary of all charges made during the
previous year. And all charges billed during the previous year will be
88 Skills of Workplace Communication

itemized by category, such as merchandise, airline, or restaurant, with a

detailed report showing totals within each category.

Once a good topic sentence is in place, the writer has to stay focused
on it, for the writer’s own sake, and for the reader ’s. To guard against
the all too human tendency to drift or get sidetracked by constant
interruptions of daily life, writers should always check paragraphs for
unity. This process will help to guarantee that the topic sentence, every
sentence in the body of the paragraph, and the concluding sentence all
relate to the one main idea

William Faulkner and Henry James are great writers but not models
for drafting business reports. Unless the sender of a communication is
in the most delicate negotiations, where subtle distinctions are required,
clarity and ease of understanding are the primary goals. For these
reasons paragraphs are kept short in all business writing. Eight senten-
ces should be the average length with none over 12 sentences.

A paragraph coheres, or holds together, when its sentences are ar-
ranged in a clear, logical order and when its sentences are connected
like links in a chain. Doing this not only helps the writer, it makes the
message reader-based. An orderly presentation of ideas within each
paragraph makes it easier for the reader to follow and more pleasant to
read than a maze of disjointed sentences.

Achieving paragraph coherence through logical order

Creating and editing an informal list before writing a paragraph is
one way to achieve paragraph coherence and unity, just as an informal
list can be an effective way to begin planning an entire document. After
making some notes or ideas, but before writing the paragraph, the
writer should decide which ideas to present to the reader first, which
second, which third, and so forth, according to some logical order.
Depending on each reader, each subject, and each writer ’s purpose,
there are many possible orders for logical paragraph development, just
as for total document development. This section will explain three basic
patterns for ordering ideas: time order, space order, and climactic order.
Time order. One of the most common methods of ordering sentences
in a paragraph is time, or chronological order. This pattern moves from
Making Your Ideas Flow Easily Through Your Paragraphs 89

past to present or present to past, so it serves well for historical over-

views, as well as procedures and instructions memos, letters, and re-

The company was started by H.F.S. Morgan in 1910. Like Walter P.

Chrysler, he trained to be a railway engineer but became an early motoring
enthusiast. He died in 1959, having run the company for half a century.
Peter, his son, became managing director in 1957 and chairman two years
later. Now 80, Peter still goes to work each morning.

The events in this paragraph are clearly arranged in the order of time.
They are presented as they happened, chronologically. Throughout the
paragraph the reader is given signals to emphasize the chronological
order. This is done with the underlined key words, such as the dates,
and transition words, such as “half a century,” “later,” and “now,”
which emphasize time order and guide the reader from event to event.
Space order. Another useful way to arrange ideas in a paragraph is
space order. With this method a person, place, or thing is described
graphically: from left to right, top to bottom, foreground to background,
and so on, as the underlined do in the following paragraph:

As the new classic residences of 2000 Ocean Boulevard are near comple-
tion, the opportunity to own them is also drawing to a close. Just a few of
our most desirable condominiums remain. Oversized windows reveal
sweeping lake and ocean views. Museum-quality floors gleam under
10-foot ceilings in grand rooms of prewar-style proportions. In a separate
wing, bedroom suites are ideal for relaxation and repose. A handsome
lobby opens unto a private dining room ready for catering large parties.
For added convenience owners may purchase studio suites located on the
second and third floors. A rooftop garden and Olympic sized swimming
pool complete a picture of unprecedented luxury.

This paragraph uses space order. The first sentence clearly places the
setting, an oceanfront condominium. The third sentence moves the
reader’s eyes to the ocean views as seen from the interior windows. The
fourth sentence looks at the floors and ceilings; the fifth sentence . the
bedroom wings. The seventh entence guides the reader to the lobby; the
eighth sentence to the second and third floors, and and the last sentence
to the rooftop garden and pool.
Opening words and phrases such as “oversized windows,” “in a
separate wing,” and “a rooftop garden” signal the reader to look at
different spaces and floors of the building.
Climactic order. Ideas in a paragraph can also be arranged in order of
importance, or climactic order. This can be done by starting with the
most important ideas and ending with the least, or by beginning with
90 Skills of Workplace Communication

the least important and building to the climax of the most important
one. Order of importance is especially useful in business situations
requiring persuasive writing. Beginning with the most important ideas
gets the reader ’s attention and makes her or him want to continue
Sometimes, however, the sender may want to add some punch and
surprise to the paragraphs. When this is the goal, the writer will begin
with the least important idea and build to a climax by saving the most
important idea for last. This method can prevent the tendency of some
writers to start with a bang and dwindle away to a whimper.

“City workers have had no real wage increases in recent years,” the
union leader said. “We have answered the city’s call time and again for
cooperation. City workers have taken benefit reductions, and deferred
funds owed to us. Now it’s time for the pendulum to swing the other way.
We municipal employees want our fair share of the pie. We’ve earned it.
We’ve waited 20 years. Now we’re going to get it, even if we have to go
out on strike!”

The ideas in this paragraph are explained in order of importance from

the least to the most important. The movement is from general state-
ments to highly emotional threats or forecasts. Notice how underlined
words, such as “now” and “even if,” guide the reader to the climactic
ending “go out on strike!.”

Achieving coherence through related sentences

In addition to arranging ideas in a logical order, carefully linking each
sentence to the next will give the reader coherent paragraphs that are
easy to follow. There are three basic ways to do this: by repeating key
words and by substituting pronouns, by substituting synonyms, and by
using transitional words and expressions.
Repetition of key words and substitution of pronouns. Connect sentences
within a paragraph by repeating key words and ideas. This was done
in the above paragraph where “city workers” was repeated twice and
the pronoun “we” was substituted for “city workers” six times. Here is
another example of coherence, this time by repetition and substitution
of the underlined words:

A grand jury is an investigative body composed of members elected

from the community. It serves as a buffer between the state and the citizen.
The prosecutor, in many cases, brings before the grand jury the evidence
gathered on a particular case. It must then decide if sufficient evidence
exists to hand down an indictment—the indictment being a formal charge
against an accused person written by the prosecutor and submitted to the
Making Your Ideas Flow Easily Through Your Paragraphs 91

court by the grand jury. With the indictment issued, the prosecutor can
proceed to the arraignment.

In this paragraph the words “grand jury” are repeated three times, the
words “indictment” and “prosecutor” three times. To avoid unneces-
sary repetition, which can become boring if overused, the pronoun “it”
is substituted for “grand jury” twice.
Use of synonyms and substitutions. When the writer does not wish to
repeat a key word or use a pronoun, he or she can make the paragraph
more coherent with synonyms and substitutions. In the earlier para-
graph, for example, “municipal employees” was substituted for “city
workers.” Instead of a synonym the writer can substitute other words
that describe the subject. Writing about Carl Icahn, for example, one
could refer to him as “the famed corporate raider.” Such substitutions
provide a change from constant repetition of a person’s name or a single
pronoun, which can become tiresome for the reader.
Use of transitions. Skill in using transitional expressions is vital to
coherent writing. Transitional expressions are words and phrases that
point out the exact relation among paragraphs and ideas in the total
document, and among sentences in each paragraph. Words like “there-
fore,” “however,” “for example,” and “finally” are signals that guide
the reader from idea to idea and sentence to sentence. Without them
even orderly paragraphs with good ideas can be confusing and difficult
to follow.

The position of sales manager requires academic and practical work expe-
rience in general retail sales. While a college degree is desirable, at least one
year of successful sales experience in each of three capacities is required. First,
the candidate must show knowledge of cash and register management.
Second, the candidate must have demonstrated in past work experience
superior leadership and supervisory abilities. Finally, the candidate must
possess a record of reliability and diligence. After interviews have been
concluded, the company will make hiring decisions within 10 days.

The underlined transitions above link the sentences in a chronological

order or time sequence. They also help to stress the purpose of the
paragraph stated in the opening topic sentence.
Below are commonly used transitional expressions grouped accord-
ing to the signal the writer wishes to give the reader.

Signal Transition Words and Expressions

Addition or reinforcement Also, in addition, too, and moreover,
besides, further, furthermore, equally
important, next, then, finally, likewise
92 Skills of Workplace Communication

Cause Because, for, for this reason, since

Comparison All, both, similarly, likewise, in the same
way, in comparison
Concession Of course, to be sure, certainly, naturally,
Contrast or contradiction Actually, as opposed to, but, however,
yet, nevertheless, on the other hand,
conversely, in contrast, on the contrary,
still, although
Emphasis Above all, especially, in fact, indeed
Example or clarification For example, for instance, thus, in other
words, namely, specifically, to put it
another way
Place or space In the front, in the foreground, in the
back, in the background, at the side,
adjacent, nearby, in the distance, there,
here, above, below
Repetition Again, as stated before, in summary, to
Result Therefore, thus, consequently, so,
accordingly, due to this
Space Above, adjacent to, alongside, around,
below, beyond, down, forward, here, in
front of, next to, on top of, over, there,
Summary In conclusion, finally, as a result, hence,
in short, in brief,
Time First, second, third, next, then, finally,
before, soon, meanwhile, later, during,
subsequently, immediately, at length,
eventually, in the future, previously,

Writing Clear, Forceful,

Reader-Based Sentences


Sometimes, after focusing on reader benefits and shared goals, organ-

izing a reader-based structure, and providing a cue based navigation
system through the various paragraphs, a business document fails to
communicate the intended message. The writer is left wondering why
he or she didn’t succeed in bringing about the change in people and
issues that was sought. Perhaps it was the individual sentences. Would
Hamlet have called them “weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable”? 1
To make sure that our sentences complete the goals set in Chapter 6
to persuade the reader, it is necessary to create sentences within those
paragraphs that will have clarity, strength, and interest for the reader.
This chapter will show how to create effective reader-based sentences
by answering these two questions: What are the different ways to
structure my sentences? and What methods can I use to enhance the
style of my sentences ?


A clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb. The subject is
the who or what word that performs the action. The verb expresses the
action or state of being that the subject is performing or experiencing.
If a clause can stand alone as a complete idea, it is an independent
clause. All sentences contain two basic elements: a subject and a verb.
94 Skills of Workplace Communication

Sometimes, as in commands or urgent requests such as “Come here!”

“Hurry!” or “Please!” one of these elements will be understood, but not
If a clause cannot stand alone as a complete idea, it is a dependent
There are three types of sentences:

• Simple. A simple sentence contains an independent clause, with a

subject and a verb that can stand alone as a complete idea.

The committee took a vote. The council proposed a tax increase.

Three members abstained. The voters rejected it at the polls.

• Compound. A compound sentence contains two independent

clauses that are joined by placing a comma and a coordinating
conjunction between them.

The committee took a vote, but three members abstained.

The council proposed a tax increase, but the voters rejected it at the

Coordinating conjunctions used to join two independent clauses


and but for nor or yet so

• Complex. A complex sentence contains an independent clause and a

dependent clause joined with a subordinating conjunction. The main
or independent clause can stand alone, but the subordinate clause
cannot; it depends on the main clause to complete its meaning.

The president can call the meeting to order if there is a quorum

There will be a quorum, when three more members arrive.

Subordinating conjunctions used to join a dependent clause to a main

clause include:

as long as for provided that

after as far as how since
although as though in order that so
as because if so that
as if before just as
Writing Clear, Forceful, Reader-Based Sentences 95

as soon as once that

though whatever whether whose
till when which whereas
unless whenever who while
until where whom why
what whomever whoever

Non-conjunctions are transitional words and phrases. These words

do not join a sentence. Usually they start new sentences and follow
periods or semi-colons.

accordingly however meanwhile soon

afterward in conclusion moreover suddenly
at last in short nevertheless then
consequently in the first place next therefore
earlier on in the past now third
finally in the second on the contrary to summarize
first place on the other hand today
for example in the third place otherwise tomorrow
for instance instantly second years ago
furthermore later some time later yesterday

Understanding the basic ways that sentences are constructed and

how to use conjunctions will help the writer avoid the two most
common errors of sentence construction: run-on sentences and sen-
tence fragments.
Run-on sentences are caused when a writer follows one independent
clause with another without using a coordinating conjunction.
Sentence fragments arise when a dependent clause is left to stand out
in the cold by itself.
In the first complex sentence above, the clause “if there is a quorum
present” is only a part or fragment, not a complete thought. It makes
sense only when joined to the main clause: “The president can call the
meeting to order when there is a quorum present.”
The following chart summarizes the five ways of constructing sen-
tences based on coordination and subordination of ideas.

, and
, but
, for
Pattern 1 Independent clause , nor independent clause
, or
, so
, yet
96 Skills of Workplace Communication

Pattern 2 Independent clause ; independent clause

; consequently,
; furthermore,
; however,
; in addition,
Pattern 3 Independent clause ; indeed, independent clause
; in fact,
; moreover,
; nevertheless,
; then,
; therefore,
as (as if)
Pattern 4 Independent clause if dependent clause
As (as if)
Pattern 5 If dependent clause, independent clause



Understanding the different ways to construct sentences will help the

writer focus on the following ways that sentences can be made more
effective in business writing.

1. Limit sentence length

Writing Clear, Forceful, Reader-Based Sentences 97

2. Preserve their unity

3. Vary sentence length and structure
4. Observe parallelism
5. Use active and passive voice deliberately

Limiting Sentence Length

Chapter 7 discussed how to communicate with the reader using
words and phrases that are clear, concise, and positive. It is important
to put that knowledge to use in composing sentences. Communications
technology by itself cannot help; even when it alerts the reader to a
potential problem the writer must know which alternative to choose.
Often, despite the computer ’s suggestion the writer wants the high-
lighted passage to remain exactly as written. Furthermore, and more to
the point, there were great and concise communicators before there
were any computers.
In 1998 a Federal Emergency Management spokesperson was asked
how soon the federal government would get help to hurricane victims
in Puerto Rico. Here was her answer:

After we have had sufficient time to examine the parameters of the present
weather-related conditions we will get these people within the scope of
our evaluation and determine how best we can deploy our emergency
management resources.2

In 1933 President Roosevelt used these words to describe economic

conditions in Depression-ravaged America: “I see one-third of a nation
ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished.”
The 1998 government spokesperson would probably have changed
President Roosevelt’s clear and concise words into something like this:

It is evident that a substantial number of persons within the Continental

boundaries of the United States, as well as Alaska and Hawaii, have
inadequate financial resources with which to purchase the products of
agricultural communities and industrial establishments. It would appear
that for a considerable segment of the population, possibly as much as
33.3333% of the total, there are inadequate housing facilities, and an
equally significant proportion is deprived of the proper types of clothing
and nutriment.

Too long for you? At 78 words this passage would hardly merit an
award from a government bureaucracy that can produce a 308-word
sentence on a single civil-service regulation.
Fortunately, thanks no doubt to continued prodding by people like
David Mellinkoff, government and business have slowly begun to
98 Skills of Workplace Communication

recognize this language problem. In 1981, for example, New York State
passed a law requiring that consumer agreements be written in “a clear
and coherent manner using words with common and everyday mean-
ings.” Aside from he fact that “common” and “everyday” are redun-
dant, it was a good start. 3
Instead of waiting for more directives, try the following simple rules
for length:

• Keep sentences short—no more than 18 words. This makes it easier

to hold the readers’ attention. If a look at the staccato evening news
on network television isn’t convincing proof that America’s atten-
tion span is shrinking, perhaps these statistics from the American
Press Institute will.

If a sentence is 8 words long the writer can count on 100% compre-

hension by the average reader. Once it goes over 28 words the
writer stands to lose 50% of the audience.

• Use the computer’s spell and grammar checker to determine the

number of words in sentences and the number of sentences in
• Stay with one idea per sentence. This is good advice for most
business and government agency writing. If there is a reason to
combine ideas in a sentence, the writer should observe the guide-
lines that follow for keeping such sentences unified.

Preserving Sentence Unity

The simple act of keeping sentences short will help preserve sentence
unity. However, the nature of some material and the desire for variety
may sometimes inspire longer sentences.

When there is reason to combine ideas into a longer sentence, make

sure those ideas are related.

Unrelated combination: “We appreciate the affirmative vote from our

policyholders and urge you to keep all documents.”
Related combination: “We appreciate the affirmative vote from our
policyholders and the final approval by regulators.”

• When combining related ideas use one of the patterns of coordina-

tion and subordination shown above. The following combination
uses the independent clause followed by a dependent or subordi-
nate clause.
Writing Clear, Forceful, Reader-Based Sentences 99

Two simple sentences: “We appreciate the affirmative vote. We were

able to change our company.”
Combined sentence using an independent clause followed by a dependent
or subordinate clause: “We appreciate the affirmative vote, which
enabled us to change our company.”

Varying Sentence Length and Structure

Sometimes there seems to be no need or reason to combine sentences
in a given paragraph. Should a few be combined anyway? The answer
is “yes.” Experienced writers have learned that doing this will keep
their readers from getting dulled by sameness of length and monotony
of structure. Here are some ways to keep a reader ’s interest alive with
a variety of sentences.

• Mix long and short sentences. Beginning writers tend to overuse

short, simple sentences, which quickly become monotonous. Ac-
complished writers know that by alternating long and short they
will keep reader interest.
• Use a question, command, or exclamation. The most commonly used
sentence is the declarative sentence, which is a statement. How-
ever, a carefully placed question, command, or exclamation is an
effective way to achieve sentence variety.

Question: “Have you considered changing your health

insurance company?”
Command: “Act before March 1st to lock in this rate.”
Exclamation: “Congratulations!”

• Vary the beginnings of sentences. Every sentence doesn’t have to start

with the subject—a noun or an article–noun construction. Use
different parts of speech to begin sentences. A writer can achieve
variety by beginning, for example, with an adverb or a preposi-
tional phrase.

Usual article–noun subject beginning: “The company slowly began to

accept the inevitable.”
Beginning with an adverb: “Slowly, the company began to accept the

• Use different methods to join ideas.

1. Merge ideas with a compound predicate. A sentence with a
compound predicate contains more than one verb, but the sub-
ject is not repeated before the second verb.
100 Skills of Workplace Communication

Separate sentences: “We value your trust. We renew our dedica-

Sentences joined with a compound predicate: “We value your trust
and renew our dedication.”
2. Merge ideas with an -ing modifier. An excellent way to achieve
sentence variety is by occasionally joining two sentences with
an -ing modifier. An -ing modifier indicates that two actions are
occurring simultaneously.

Separate sentences: “The chairperson looked around the confer-

ence table. She saw many puzzled faces.”
Sentences joined with an -ing modifier: Looking around the con-
ference table, the chairperson saw many puzzled faces."

When using -ing modifiers be careful not to create confusion

with a dangling modifier. This would have occurred, for exam-
ple, if you had written, “The chairperson saw many puzzled
faces looking around the conference table.”
3. Merge ideas using a past participle as a modifier. A sentence
that contains a to be or helping verb and a past participle can be
changed to one with a past participle modifier.

Separate sentences: “Car drivers are shocked by high gas prices.

Some drivers have decided to carpool.”
Sentences joined with a past participle modifier: “Shocked by high
gas prices, some drivers have decided to carpool.”
4. Merge ideas with an appositive. To combine two short, choppy
sentences use an appositive, that is a word or group of words
that renames or describes a noun or pronoun.

Separate sentences: “Carlotta is the new head of human re-

sources. She is an accomplished public speaker.”
Sentences joined with an appositive: “Carlotta, the new head of
human resources, is an accomplished public speaker.”
5. Merge ideas with a relative clause. Relative clauses can add
sophistication to your writing. A relative clause begins with
who, which, or that and describes a noun or pronoun. It can join
two simple sentences in a longer, more complex sentence.

Separate sentences: “Enclosed you will find your initial transac-

tion statement. It is being issued by the new publicly traded
Writing Clear, Forceful, Reader-Based Sentences 101

Sentences joined with a relative clause: “Enclosed you will find

your initial transaction statement, which is being issued by the
new publicly traded company.”
Almost all of the preceding ways to achieve variety of sentence length
and structure are demonstrated in the following letter.

Dear Shareholder:

Congratulations! Enclosed you will find your initial transaction statement,

which is being issued by the new publicly traded company, Caravaggio
Financial Services, Inc. It is a confirmation of the number of shares you
now own, and no further action is required on your part.

We appreciate the affirmative vote from our policyholders and the final
approval by regulators, which enabled us to convert from a mutual com-
pany to shareholder ownership. We believe this was an important and
critical step to ensure the future success of our company.

As a publicly traded company, listed under the symbol “CFS” on the

Toronto Stock Exchange, we begin the new millennium with a more
flexible form of organization that will enable us to deliver quality, reliable
insurance and investment products, while striving to meet our commit-
ment to deliver outstanding shareholder value.

During the past 75 years, we valued the trust placed in us by our policy-
holders and customers. Now, we also value your trust as a shareholder.
With your continued support, we renew our dedication to serve you today
and in the future.


Michael M. Caravaggio, Jr.

Observing Parallelism
Parallelism is another effective way of being reader-oriented. Paral-
lelism, or parallel construction, is the balancing of two or more words,
phrases, or clauses. To put it another way, words, phrases, and clauses
that serve the same function should be put in the same grammatical
form—nouns, verbs, participles, and so forth. Because parallelism
makes a list or series of ideas easier to understand and follow, it is a
good idea to employ it with numbered or bulleted lists in your memos,
letters, or reports.
Unparallel sentence structure: Some people think the tax code is too
complex, favors the rich, and it needs to be changed.
102 Skills of Workplace Communication

Unparallel structure: Some want the federal budget surplus used to

lower tax rates by doubling the child tax credit and to boost the
deduction for married working couples. Eliminating the Social
Security earnings limit is another way.

Parallel structure: Some want the federal budget surplus used to

lower tax rates by doubling the child tax credit, boosting the
deduction for married working couples, and eliminating the Social
Security earnings limit.

Always use parallelism in a bulleted or numbered list, for example:

Here are three of the proposals for using the federal budget surplus
to lower taxes:

• Double the child tax credit.

• Boost the deduction for married working couples.
• Eliminate the Social Security earnings limit.

Using Active and Passive Voice Deliberately

Voice refers to the interaction of subject and verb. When the subject
performs the action of the verb, the sentence is in the active voice. When
the subject receives the action of the verb, the sentence is in the passive

Active voice: The senior analyst researches and designs compensa-

tion systems.
Passive voice: Compensation systems are researched and designed
by the senior analyst.

The active voice is recommended for business writing for several


• The active voice is more reader-based. It makes it easy for the

reader to see “who did what” or what something means.
• The active voice is also reader-based because it is more clear and
concise. To form the passive voice you must use some form of the
verb to be with the main verb. This is why it takes more words to
say the same thing in the passive voice.
• The active voice makes the writer seem more vigorous and in

There is, however, one very useful function for the passive voice in
business communication. This function appeared in Chapter 8 as one
Writing Clear, Forceful, Reader-Based Sentences 103

way to backload negative news. Because it dilutes the force of the

sentence, the passive voice is ideal when you are dealing with difficult
people and issues. The passive voice will make the bad news appear
less personal or confrontational.

Active voice—negative news: “Some employees have complained

about the new policy.”
Same news—passive voice: “Some complaints have been received
about the new policy.”

Chapter 8 demonstrated how to organize a total business document

around a central idea; Chapter 9 how to make ideas flow through a
document. Chapter 10 has provided the techniques needed to complete
the document and achieve its goals. The business and government
writer can now say:

1. I know how to make the central idea of my total document flow

through individual paragraphs. I can make it flow directly down
from my central idea in the frontloaded pattern or flow away from
my central idea in the backloaded pattern. Now my documents
will have more effective paragraphs—the ones that will bring
about the changes I desire.
2. I know how to create sentences within those paragraphs that will
have clarity, strength, and interest for my reader.

Memos, Letters, and


Writing Memos and

Letters that Achieve Your

Writing Memos and Letters that Achieve Your Goals

The goal of Part III is to apply the principles of reader-based communi-

cation to a variety of typical writing situations that managers and
employees face every day in business and government. Chapter 11
concerns the basic purpose, organization, and expression common to
both memos and letters. Chapter 12 will demonstrate ways to organize,
write, and revise a variety of memos that have either good news or
simple routine information to convey. These are called frontloaded, or
direct, messages. In Chapter 13 we will organize, write, and revise a
group of memos that have negative news. These are termed backloaded,
deferred load, or indirect messages. The same steps will be followed for
letters in Chapters 14 and 15.
Memos, whether hard copy or e-mail, are the primary form of internal
communication within corporate and governmental offices. They are
used for vertical and horizontal communication whenever face-to-face
communication is impractical or a permanent record is desirable. Ver-
tically memos go up and down the corporate ladder: from managers
down to employees and upward from employees up to management.
Horizontally they flow back and forth among fellow employees. They
can even be used for external communications with customers, suppli-
ers, or other interested outsiders.
Memos are informal, versatile, and infinitely adaptable for senders
and receivers. They can run for several pages but are usually just one
to two pages. With today’s workplace pressures the shorter or more
concise the better. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, cited as a model of
108 Skills of Workplace Communication

concise force in Chapter 7, fits on one page. The Declaration of Indepen-

dence will fit on two pages. Whether short or long, memos have pri-
mary and secondary functions.
Primary functions of memos include: informing people about situa-
tions and issues and changing people’s perception of ideas and issues.
Secondary functions of memos include:

• Communicating responsibility and deadlines for actions

• Establishing a file record of decisions, agreements, and policies
• Serving as a vehicle for short reports or as a basis for formal reports
and internal proposals
• Helping to bring new personnel up to date
• Replacing personal contact with people you have personal diffi-
culties with. For example, the Schubert brothers, who were leaders
of the American theater for over 40 years, often refused to talk to
each other. They communicated with memos. If you have to go this
route extra care must be taken to maintain a positive tone at all
• Handling people who make a habit of ignoring spoken directions.
Even presidents of the United States sometimes have their spoken
wishes ignored. President Kennedy handled such a problem be-
tween him and the State Department with memos. “I have discov-
ered finally,” he said, “that the best way to deal with State is to
send over memos. They can forget phone conversations, but a
memorandum is something which, by their system, has to be

Memos can also be an effective means of stopping unjustified, time-

consuming requests. When someone makes what you consider an un-
warranted demand or request, tell her or him to put it in a memo—"just
for the record." This tactic can save a lot of wasted time and energy.
Letters, whether mailed through the postal service, faxed, or e-
mailed, are also a crucial form of communication in business and
government. They remain the key form of external communication with
customers, suppliers, governmental agencies, or other interested out-
Letters, like memos, have the primary functions of informing people
about situations and issues and changing people’s perception of ideas
and issues. But they also fulfill a variety of other functions:

• Following up on oral discussions by clarifying or confirming

points discussed or agreed on.
• Replacing oral discussion when personal contact has proven prob-
lematic, for example, in collections and disputes.
Writing Memos and Letters that Achieve Your Goals 109

• Creating a permanent or file record. Signed letters containing

prices and warrantees may be legally binding when sent to a
customer, so they require greater care even than memos and e-
• Promoting action by individuals, companies, and government
• Selling services, products, and ideas either one on one or through
mass mailings.



Both memos and letters should follow the triple plays shown in
Chapter 6 that apply to all forms of business communication.

Three Ages Three Phases Three Stages

Yesterday Purpose Think
Today Organization Write
Tomorrow Expression Revise

Memos and letters for business and government are built upon three

Yesterday. No communication exists in a vacuum. The memos and

letters written every day in every organization always have a back-
ground of people and issues. Before writing, it is important to stop
and consider the relevant people and issues. What was said in the
past on this matter? Who said it? What was decided? What action
was taken? By whom?
Today. When the writer has the answers to these and other questions,
he or she appreciates how much the yesterday influences “today’s”
writing task. The greater our awareness of yesterday, the keener our
focus will be today. The keener our focus is today the more likely we
are to achieve the changes that we seek.
Tomorrow. What is written “today” will have results tomorrow.
While we always want these to be positive, sometimes they are not.
We may not seek negative outcomes but they happen. These are the
unintended results of workplace messages. The goal is to write today
with sufficient clarity and purpose to produce only positive results.
Tomorrow often consists of two audiences or sets of readers. What we
write today will affect our intended reader, which is our primary au-
dience. But that same reader may pass our message on to others; and
110 Skills of Workplace Communication

they become our secondary audience. What effect will our writing
have on them? We always want positive results with any audience.

Memos and letters are developed in three phases:

Purpose. Memos and letters have the same four purposes as every
other form of business communication: information, persuasion, re-
sults or changes, and good will or public relations
These purposes exist to a greater or lesser degree in every business
document. For example, when we set out to create a procedure memo,
we have to provide information about the procedures to be followed.
At the same time we must persuade our readers that the steps we
propose are viable. If we do this we have a much better chance of getting
the results or changes we desire. And we will leave our readers with a
feeling of good will toward our organization and ourselves.
No matter how complex or subtle its ideas the purpose of a memo or
letter should be reducible to one clear central idea. If this cannot be
done, chances are the document will lack unity and make comprehen-
sion difficult for the reader.
Writing a concise yet specific subject line is the first step in limiting
your memos and letters to a single topic. This does not mean the
document cannot cover a number of different points. It means that the
writer must decide what the main idea is and subordinate the remaining
ideas to it. At this point the writer may want to review the outlining
method explained in Chapter 6.
Organization. Memos and letters will be more effective when they ar-
range their ideas in a reader-based structure by selecting one of the
following patterns of development:
• Chronological: by following a time order, such as distant past to
recent past to present to future, to show how a government pro-
gram such as Social Security or a corporation’s response to sexual
harassment in the workplace has evolved.
• Spatial: by following a pattern of place or location, such as the
regional, national, and global sales of a corporation or the distri-
bution of assistance through the International Monetary Fund.
• Logical: by following one of the following patterns:
1. Cause and effect: useful, for example, in trouble-shooting man-
2. Comparison-contrast: effective for measuring units of a com-
pany against each other, or measuring one company against
3. Classification and division: for showing different units accord-
ing to a consistent principle, for example the divisions of a
company according to their functions.
Writing Memos and Letters that Achieve Your Goals 111

4. Illustration: for showing concrete examples of abstract or tech-

nical terms.
• Problem–analysis–solution: for describing a problem facing a corpo-
ration or government agency; why it exists and what can be done
about it.
• Order of importance: according to order of importance from the least
to the greatest, which is climactic order, or from the most important
to the least, which is descending order. This logical order works
especially well in tandem with the preceding problem–analysis–
solution pattern. For example, you are writing about the possibility
of a work stoppage in the automobile industry or a major urban
hospital system. You could use ascending order for a list of the
weakest to the strongest measures that could be taken. Or you
could use descending order and go from the most stringent mea-
sures down to the mildest.
Expression. Purpose and organization alone do not guarantee a suc-
cessful memo. If a purposeful and logically organized memo or letter
is written with a writer-based style instead of reader-based, the docu-
ment will probably lose much of its persuasive force. As a result an
opportunity for positive change may be lost.
Memos and letters are created in three stages:
Think. The thinking stage of writing includes considering the “yester-
day” of people and issues and deciding on the primary purpose of
the memo or letter you’re about to write. The thinking stage of an in-
dividual document reflects upon the four phases of purpose, informa-
tion, persuasion, changes or results, and good will or public relations
and moves forward with the following four questions:
1. Information from the reader’s perspective: What are the facts or issues
as my reader sees them?
2. Persuasion: What do they mean as I see them? Precisely how do our
views differ?
3. Changes or results: How do I change my reader’s perception to
work together with mine?
4. Good will or public relations: What do we do together now to reach
our shared goal?
Write. To supply the answers to these questions in a reader based
memo or letter, the writer will need to use: correct formatting, logical
organization, and effective expression.

Revise. The roots of the word revise mean not simply to “correct” or
“edit” but to “see again.” Seeing a document again means stepping
112 Skills of Workplace Communication

back from it and rereading it as if someone else wrote it. Most writers
do this in two ways:

1. As they write, by changing and improving the content and expres-

sion sentence by sentence or paragraph by paragraph.
2. After they write, by changing and improving the content and
expression of a complete first draft.

The Format or Physical Appearance of Memos

Memos are written either on standard printed forms or with
letterheads printed or generated with computer templates. You can
use those provided by companies such as Corel or Microsoft, or design
your own.
Regardless of the type of stationery, all memos have the following

TO: Write the name and job titles of the receiver as well as those
who will receive a copy of the memo. Place job titles either on the
same line as the receiver’s name separated by a comma, or on the
following line.

FROM: Write your full name and title on the same line, separated by
a comma, or on the following line. Most writers initial their name as
a sign that whether they have typed the memo they are in fact the
sender and are responsible for its contents.

DATE: Write the date by using the short numbered version or by

spelling out the full name of the month. The latter way is recom-
mended to avoid confusion in other parts of the world.

SUBJECT: Write the purpose or central idea of your memo using all
capital letters. A vague phrase or topic is not a reader-based subject
line. While a complete sentence is not necessary, make sure you write
a clear, specific, easily understood thought. When you do this you are
telling your reader in a very concise way what is to come. Many
newspaper headlines provide models of good subject lines, for exam-
ple: “Power Authority Set to Choose Buyer of Two Reactors Today.”
If you find it difficult to limit your subject to no more than two lines,
you might not be ready to write yet. Try going back to your purpose in
writing the particular memo.
What follows are some examples of subject lines.
Writing Memos and Letters that Achieve Your Goals 113

Writer-based subject line: DRESS CODE

Reader-based subject line: APRIL 15 CHANGE IN DRESS CODE
Writer-based subject line: TAX CONSEQUENCES
Reader-based subject line: INFORMING INVESTORS OF TAX
Writer-based subject line: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS
Reader-based subject line: CHANGES IN EMPLOYEE BENEFIT
ENCLOSURES: when needed, the enclosures, sometimes known as
attachments, should be briefly listed at the end of your memo, below
your signature.
SIGNATURE: you may choose to sign your memo instead of initial-
ing your name on the “From” line. If so, omit a printed name block.
Following is a standard memo format without letterhead:


To: All Pittsfield Corporation employees

To: Director, Human Resources

Date: October 21, 2000

From: Michael J. Barrett MJB


The Format or Physical Appearance of Letters

Letters generally offer a greater choice in formatting than memos.
Formatting refers to the arrangement of the following individual ele-
ments of a letter:
1. Letterhead or return address
2. Date line
3. Inside address
4. Salutation or greeting
5. Optional subject line
6. Body or paragraphs
7. Complimentary close
8. Signature
9. Writer’s printed name
10. Reference initials
11. Enclosure line
12. Copy line
114 Skills of Workplace Communication

The full-block and partial-block are the most common formatting

choices, while some writers and companies choose the simplified or the
indented forms. These are summarized below.

1. Full block. All of the individual elements are arranged flush left
on the page, single-spaced, with a line skipped between each of
the individual elements. Examples of the full block style appear
on pages 114–15, 178–79,186–87, and 205.
2. Partial or semi-block. All elements except the return address and
date, the complimentary closing, signature, and printed name are
flush left. Everything is single-spaced except for the double spac-
ing between paragraphs. Pages 174–75, 209–10 and 215–16 give
examples of this partial block style.
3. Simplified style. A full block format that omits the salutation and
complimentary closing lines. However, it includes a capitalized
subject line like a memo without printing the term Subject. It skips
three spaces after the subject line before beginning the body of the
letter; and skips four spaces after the body before printing the
writer’s name and title in capital letters on the same line. This
style, fostered by the Administrative Management Society, is
closer to the memo format and is more suited to business-to-busi-
ness communication than business-to-customer writing. Exam-
ples of the simplified letter style can be seen on pages 180–81 and
4. Indent style. Exactly like the partial block style with one excep-
tion. It indents each paragraph of the body of the letter five spaces
instead of skipping a line between paragraphs. Although the in-
dented style is losing favor, an example of it is shown on page 191.
If you use the indented style, do not double space between para-
graphs. This is redundant.
A business letter using full block formatting style:

Seraphic Motor Sales, Inc.

1654 Longleat Drive
P.O. Box 550
San Giovanni, CA 91101
May 1, 2000
Mr. Edmund Sydney
1605 Elizabeth Drive
Torrance, CA 90509

Dear Mr. Sydney:

Writing Memos and Letters that Achieve Your Goals 115

Thank you. . . .

Thank you for selecting a Seraphic Certified Previously Owned Vehicle.

Seraphic, long proud of building the finest vehicles in the world, now sets
a new standard for previously owned vehicles.

For your valued opinion. . . .

We are interested in hearing from you, our valued customer, regarding

your experience with Seraphic Certified. We would appreciate your taking
just a few moments to complete the enclosed questionnaire. Your com-
ments will help us continue improving Seraphic’s renowned level of
service and satisfaction.

Again, thank you for choosing a Seraphic Certified Previously Owned

Vehicle. We trust that you will enjoy the quality and security of Seraphic
Certified for many years to come.


Philip Spenser
Philip Spenser
Corporate Manager
Previously Owned Vehicle Operations

CEP: ajt


Graphic highlighting
Refers to the use of bold face, italics, and underlining as well as
numbers and bullets to highlight the division of main and subordinate
ideas in your document. As people’s schedules get steadily tighter,
business writers today use more graphic highlighting than ever before.
As in the above letter, graphic highlighting is used to focus the reader
immediately on the key points of the document.
Properly used, graphic highlighting can help you to organize, ar-
range, and emphasize your key points. More importantly, graphic high-
lighting gives your readers the cues they need to navigate easily and
quickly through your document.

Bold. Heavier, darker typeface useful for bringing your reader’s

attention to: the principal sections of a memo, letter, or report; the
leading words of numbered or bulleted lists.
116 Skills of Workplace Communication

Italics. Slanting typeface used for a variety of purposes:

• Titles of books, magazines, and newspapers; computer software;
• Foreign language words used in an English sentence
• Names of aircraft, spacecraft, specific ships, and trains
• Words as words, for example, the words yesterday, today, and

Underlining. In handwritten or typed papers underlining is used in

place of italics. It is sometimes used to emphasize words or ideas.
However, this function can be distracting to your reader if overused.
Bullets. Used to highlight different or equal aspects of a topic. They
can be used whenever there is no time order and no need to refer to the
individual entries later in your document.
Numbers. Used to list subdivisions of a main idea when there is some
chronological order involved or order of importance. Numbers are also
used instead of bullets when you need to refer to the individual points
later in the document.

The Choice of Language and Expression

Diplomatic or political savvy. One important way that memos and
letters demonstrate how reader based they truly are is by their level
diplomacy or political savvy. Writers of such messages don’t lie; they
don’t avoid difficult situations. But they are shrewd and prudent in a
common sense way; they are canny and tactful.
A politically wise hospital superintendent, for example, would not
send out a memo recommending that very old and chronically ill
patients not be resuscitated after heart failure. If she thought such
actions were right, a more tactful thing to do would be to tell her staff
orally or mark such a memo “private” and distribute it accordingly.
Conversational tone. Most business writing today, except for formal
reports and proposals, is conversational in tone, but in a descending
scale. Letters, while still conversational, are more formal than memos.
E-mails are the least formal. Like good conversation effective memos
are friendly, filled with personal references, and with few exceptions,
informal in language and tone. E-mails once considered out of reach for
any norms of grammar and language are beginning to find limits of
their own.
Every memo or letter is a personal contact. Within limits of diplo-
matic or political common sense, let your writing style express your
personality. Even a routine form memo or letter can be made more
personal and conversational if you use the receiver ’s first name in the
opening sentence.
Writing Memos and Letters that Achieve Your Goals 117

Use personal pronouns such as “you” and “yours” frequently. If you

have negative news, however, use “you” and “yours” not to assess
blame but to suggest positive aspects of the bad news situation. Use
pronouns such as “we” infrequently, and “I” even more sparingly.
Concise style. Most memos and letters can be polite, savvy, conversa-
tional, and informative and still be brief. Longwinded, background-
filled narratives are not the way to go. Follow the guidelines for plain
English language developed in Chapter 7.
Freedom from internal barriers. Neither memos nor letters can be effec-
tive when they directly or indirectly make people feel unwelcome or
like outsiders. As discussed in Chapter 4, all forms of business commu-
nication should be free of ethnocentrism, sexist or gender-biased ex-
pression, sexual orientation judgments or innuendoes, age-biased
expression, denigrations of physical and emotional constitution, and
economic status.

The Opening or Introductory Paragraph

Once you have a clear, specific subject line, expanding it into a
complete sentence will give you a central idea for your direct opening
paragraph. This sentence should give direction or tell your reader
where you are going. For this reason it is sometimes said to contain the
controlling idea of the entire message. Expressed in your introduction
or opening paragraph it will function as the central idea of your entire
If you are writing an indirect message this central idea will be de-
ferred until a later paragraph. But it will still be the controlling or
central idea of your message.

Longwinded opening: “I would like to begin this memo by

reviewing the issues and concerns addressed
in our recent meeting.”
Concise opening style: “Here are the three points we agreed to
implement on April 5th.”

The Development or Body of Memo and Letters

Memos and letters are organized in the two ways, described in
Chapter 8: frontloaded or backloaded.
Routine memos that are typically frontloaded:

1. Information and procedures memos: announcing a new or revised

company plan or policy; explaining new procedures to be fol-
118 Skills of Workplace Communication

2. Request memos: for information, suggestions, permission to change

3. Reply memos: approving requests, explaining procedures
4. Confirmation memos: of oral agreements, orders, or changes

Routine letters that are usually frontloaded:

1. Order letters: placing or replying to orders for products or services

2. Claim letters: requesting replacement of defective products or com-
pensation for poor service
3. Information and action letters: requesting information about prod-
ucts or services

Frontload all memos and letters that contain positive, neutral, or only
somewhat negative news by placing the central idea at the beginning
of the document in two ways:

1. Give your reader your main point or reason for writing in a

concise, direct, and specific subject line.

Vague subject line: OFFICE EXPENSES

Vague subject line: PHILOSOPHY AND POLICY
Specific subject line: UPDATE OF NOVEMBER 11, 1999

2. Expand the subject line into a fuller statement or central idea in

the opening paragraph of your memo.

Unclear opening paragraph:

Recently I’ve been getting requests from employees asking why it
seems to take so long to get some of their expenses paid back. I’ve
come up with some possible solutions that I wanted to go over
with you.
Direct, frontloaded opening paragraph:
Please submit all requests for reimbursement of office expenses
according to the following procedures.
Unclear opening paragraph:
In January I issued a memo outlining our Equal Employment
posture towards employment applicants and for our present em-
Writing Memos and Letters that Achieve Your Goals 119

ployees in regard to promotion, compensation, and otherwise

providing terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.
Direct, frontloaded opening paragraph:
The purpose of this memo is to repeat the March 17 Equal Employ-
ment philosophy and policy statement and expand on nondis-
crimination factors of age and disability.

Routine memos that are usually backloaded or indirect:

1. Memos rejecting ideas and requests

2. Memos declining invitations
3. Memos giving bad news to employees

Routine letters that are typically backloaded or indirect:

1. Letters refusing requests for information—action

2. Letters declining invitations
3. Letters denying claims and adjustments

Defer or backload all memos and letters that contain seriously neg-
ative news for the receiver by deferring or placing the central idea at a
later stage in the message. This doesn’t mean that we should leave our
readers completely in the dark at the beginning of such a document. Get
to the bad news gradually and objectively.
An ancient Chinese proverb says, “Don’t use a hatchet to remove a
fly from a friend’s forehead.” In other words, it’s enough that our
readers are about to get some bad news, there’s nothing to be gained by
antagonizing them with a combative or demeaning subject line.
On the other hand, we shouldn’t be so indirect that our opening
paragraph becomes an unmagical mystery tour.

1. State your main point with neutral, objective, unemotional lan-

guage in the subject line.

Emotional, combative subject line: RECENT UNWORKABLE

Indirect, deferred load subject line: FLEXTIME SUGGESTIONS
Emotional, negative subject line: LAST YEAR’S
Indirect, deferred load subject line: YEAR-END REVIEW

2. Expand the subject line gradually. Follow the principles of writing

a reader-based document. Show that you are aware of and value
120 Skills of Workplace Communication

your reader’s opinion, even when you have come to a different

conclusion about its merits.

• Adopt a personal tone and avoid any direct mention of the

problem/issue in your opening paragraph.
• Instead mention shared goals and other understandings that
you have in common.
• Give reasons for the unhappy change or decision you are about
to reveal
• Treat the change as something that involves and affects you, the
sender, and the receiver.
• Offer alternatives or face saving proposals.

Direct, combative opening paragraph:

Last week you submitted to me some ideas for changing schedules,
which just won’t work. I wish to point out to you now why your
flextime proposals will cause problems for everybody.
Indirect, deferred load opening paragraph:
Jennifer, thanks very much for forwarding your proposal for a flex-
time schedule for your department. I appreciate the creative input. I can
always count on receiving fresh new ideas from you.
Direct, sour opening paragraph:
Last year we had some really disappointing results in several areas
that are important if we are going to avoid being also-rans in our
Indirect, deferred load opening paragraph:
Last year our industry was faced with many challenges. Thanks to
our continuing spirit of dedication and teamwork we rose to those
challenges and improved our position in many areas.

The Closing or Conclusion of the Memo or Letter

Whether frontloaded or backloaded, all memos and letters have a
wrap-up or conclusion that is placed in its own separate paragraph.
Closing a frontloaded memo or letter. Frontloaded communications
can conclude as clearly and directly as they began by using the follow-
ing methods:

• Refer briefly to the central idea as it appeared in your subject line.

Writing Memos and Letters that Achieve Your Goals 121

• Politely tell the reader what mental and physical actions you want,
for example, a decision, a choice, a meeting, a phone call, a hard
copy written response, or an e-mail.
• Suggest a time frame for these mental and physical actions, that is,
give the date by which you would like these actions to be started
or completed. By doing this you are specifying when you expect
to achieve your shared goals.

Closing a deferred load memo or letter. The care you have taken in
delivering negative news indirectly should extend to the conclusion.
The more unwelcome the news you gave your reader, the more import-
ant it is to end on an upbeat, pleasant note. Most of all make it clear that
the matter is concluded.

• Extend best wishes or, depending on the situation, suggest other

avenues that your reader might pursue.
• Remain confident that your decision was correct. Don’t refer back
to the bad news or apologize. Apologizing suggests doubt in the
wisdom of your decision.
• Avoid clichéd endings that may only prolong the unpleasantness.
The decision has been made. Closing with expressions such as, “If
there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me,”
will probably appear insincere anyway.
• Remember that even negative news can be presented with reader
benefits and shared goals in mind. If nothing else the shared goal
is to move on.

Revise. Before printing and sending off your document it should be

revised. You may have already done much of this sentence by sentence
or paragraph by paragraph as you wrote. However, it is still necessary
to reread the entire message with a critical eye. Rewriting is the twin of
improved thinking. It requires us to be truly open-minded and objec-
This process works best when we allow some time to pass before
rereading what we have written. The reason for this is that when we are
not so close to what we intended to say we can judge more clearly if we
actually wrote what we intended. Whenever possible, let your document
rest; then reread it imagining yourself as the person receiving the memo
or letter. Your goal will be to improve your document in two areas:

• Content. Review your message to make sure that it is:

1. Reader-based with shared goals
2. Has correct language usage and grammatical accuracy
3. Shows a cue based organization of ideas in paragraphs
122 Skills of Workplace Communication

4. Displays correctness and variety of sentences

• Expression. Review your message and remove any of the following:

1. Internally caused barriers to successful communication dis-
cussed in Chapter 4: ethnocentrism, sexist or gender-biased
expression, sexual orientation judgments or innuendoes, age-
biased expression, physical and emotional constitution, and
economic status.
2. Externally caused barriers to successful communication listed
in Chapter 5: incorrect formatting of your document, absence
or inappropriate choice of graphic highlighting.

Revising what we have written is always hard work. In a sense it re-

quires us to redo the job that we thought we had just completed. Not
just do it over, but do it better. Is it worth the effort? Clearly it is
worth it, because we believe we have a responsibility to think and
communicate effectively.

Using the Channel of E-mail for Sending Memos

In just a few years e-mail has become one of the most popular forms
of business communication for internal and external communication.
Computer networks connect senders and receivers of messages using
telephone lines.
The e in e-mail, contrary to popular belief, does not signify electronic
mail. It was coined by Steve Dorner of Urbana, Illinois, the inventor of
the e-mail software used by millions of people, as a tribute to the great
American writer Eudora Welty. This should remind us that just zapping
out e-mails with no regard for grammar, organization, and expression
is not a good idea.
Another reason for not sending e-mails indiscriminately is that they
might well be monitored. According to the American Management
Association the percentage of employers that store and review e-mail
messages has grown from 14.9% in 1997 to 38.2% (est.) in 2000.1

What companies look for in e-mail messages…and why

Messages with .exe attachments, They overload networks, slow

like animated movies or any computers, and could crash the
attachment larger than a system.
Writing Memos and Letters that Achieve Your Goals 123

Subject lines with the These are likely to be forwarded

designation Fwd or Re appearing jokes and back-and-forth chats.
several times in one message
Scores of messages sent in one They overload the system and
day by a single employee to suggest the sender is goofing off.
people outside the office

Headlines with phrases like Job No explanation necessary.

Hunt or Resume Enclosed

Words like confidential and Company secrets may be

proprietary divulged, even inadvertently.

Racial slurs or words like sex Off-color or ethnic jokes can be

and babe grounds for lawsuits.

The channel of communication might be new but, like it or not,

some of the old rules remain. Why? Because whatever channel we
use, we are still sending a message. Whether we are using an antique
typewriter or keyboarding an e-mail, our message must be reader
based. It must be clear and well organized to convey our ideas. It
must be concise and courteous in language and expression or it might
not be welcomed by our readers. If this happens the advantages of
e-mail will be outweighed by its disadvantages. Then we might as
well go back to the typewriter.
Advantages of e-mail:

• It is fast
• It can send messages to many receivers simultaneously
• It is cheap
• It is convenient

Disadvantages of e-mail:

• It is often carelessly written

• It can cause communication glut
• It is almost eternal
• It can become a form of entertainment, legitimate or otherwise

Standard e-mail headings. Although systems differ, the following

are the standard elements:

To: the e-mail address of the receivers

124 Skills of Workplace Communication

Cc: stands for the courtesy copy that will go to the names listed on
this entry
Bcc: stands for blind courtesy copy. Since this information is kept
from the people indicated as receivers the practice of sending blind
copies is considered duplicitous or unethical. However, diplomatic or
political common sense sometimes requires it.
Subject: this entry line serves the same purpose as the subject line in
memos and some letters. It gives the central idea, or at least a pre-
view of the central idea, of the whole message.
Attachments: this line is used for entering any files that you wish to
send with your message.
The message: this is the content or message you wish to send by e-

The golden rules of reader based e-Mail

Just as the “old” rules of organization and expression have not been
fossilized by the new channels of communication, the basic human need
for common sense and courtesy has not been outdated. It is not wise to
deliver bad news badly and it is not wise to use new channels of
communication badly. Neal L. Patterson, CEO of the Cerner Corpora-
tion learned this when he fired off an e-mail on March 13, 2001 loaded
with words like “SICK” and “NEVER” shoulted in all capital letters and
closing with threats of reduced employee benefits and layoffs. When
the e-mail was posted on Yahoo, a message intended for company
managers quickly became available to over 8,000 employees worldwide
as well as stock analysts and investors. Result? The stock value of the
company crashed 22 percent in three days.3
The fact that commonsense ideas are being ignored on all levels is
clear not only from stories like this, but from the increased monitoring
of e-mails in corporations and government agencies.

1. Be courteous in expression. The fact that we have a new channel of

communication doesn’t mean we should do in e-mail what we
would never do face-to-face, or in a memo or letter.
Demanding, ordering, or screaming is no more acceptable in
e-mail than it is in speaking or in more traditional channels of
written communication such as memos and letters. Instead of
commanding someone to visit your website, ask politely with the
simple, never outdated word please.
2. Be correct in language. Far from absolving the senders of e-mail
messages, this new channel of communication should challenge
the sender to be scrupulously correct in several areas.
Carelessness and errors in sentence structure, grammar, and
spelling are more glaring in proportion to the sophistication of the
Writing Memos and Letters that Achieve Your Goals 125

channel. Someone receiving your error-filled e-mail is likely to

think, “With all the technology at his disposal you’d think he could
tell the difference between there and their!”
Avoid cyberspeak in business e-mails. The use of cul8r, lol, and
other cyberspeak expressions in a business setting will make your
message look like adolescent chatter. After learning how to avoid
legalese and other types of jargon, don’t fall victim to a new form
of the same old problem. Speak in plain English. Doing this carries
with it the added advantage of confidence that your primary and
secondary audiences will understand your message.
3. Use a standard format. There’s room for variations in this still
emerging channel, but a salutation or greeting as well as a closing
is still preferred. It’s also a good idea to use some type of subject
line, as you would do in all memos and some letters. This simple
reader-based addition will help your reader focus immediately on
the purpose of the e-mail.

Writing and Revising

Neutral and Good News


Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos

The single greatest purpose of business memo writing is to provide

information and explain procedures. Like all memos they are sent
through three channels: hard copy, fax, and e-mail. These are almost
always internal, vertical communications sent down from upper
management to lower-level employees or up from employees to
When we write such memos we want to get right to the point. This is
why they are frontloaded or direct in organization and expression.
However, they should not be abrupt or condescending in any way. Like
all successful business communication they should always be courteous
and positive in tone.
Information and procedure memos, like all expository writing, have
three parts: introduction, development, and conclusion. Since they are
frontloaded, information and procedure memos place the central idea
up front in the introduction.

Picks up the subject line preview
Expands the subject line into a fully stated
central idea

{ Gives the specific items of information
Gives the reasons if necessary
128 Skills of Workplace Communication

Refers back to the central idea
Cues desired mental and physical action

1. Central idea. The process of creating a successful information

memo begins with the choice of a central idea. This idea, which
embodies the purpose of the memo, first appears in condensed
form in the subject line. Then it is stated more fully in the opening
paragraph of a frontloaded memo.
2. The informal list. With your central idea clearly in mind, make a list
of the reasons and examples that might convey your central idea
to your reader. Narrow the list down to the reasons and examples
that will most clearly convey your central idea.
3. Organizing the list into paragraphs. This edited or final list will
become the items in the bulleted or numbered list of a short memo
or the paragraphs of a longer memo.
4. Closing. The final paragraph refers the reader back to the central
idea of the opening and directs the reader toward some mental and
physical action.


Now let’s see how we go about writing a specific information memo.
Charles De Tore, president of Universal Insurance, has learned that
some criticism has appeared in print. The article did not mention his
company by name but implied that Universal has a growing number of
present and former employees, as well as shareholders, who question
its commitment to equal opportunity employment.

Situation: Charles J. De Tore, President of Universal Insurance, has

learned that questions have been raised in the industry, and repeated
in the press, about his companies’ adherence to equal opportunities
statutes. He wishes to restate and reinforce Universal’s dedication to
these statutes. Charles begins creating an informal list about the situa-
tion he needs to make a statement about as well as his needs and
purpose. Then he needs to narrow the list down to create a central idea.

1. Critics are questioning our commitment to equal opportunity
hiring practices. ✕
2. We already established a policy last November. ✓

Need or purpose:
1. Inform upper-level people about continuing questions. ✓
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 129

2. Change their perception of the issue; make need more urgent. ✓

3. Set stage for the future observance of this policy. ✓

Creating the central idea: After reviewing the five entries on situation
and need or purpose, Charles decides that perhaps the first entry about
critics should be deleted. While he wants to be direct, he doesn’t want
to emphasize or begin on a defensive note. Next he will combine the
four checked items into one clear summary statement of what’s to come:



Now the writer expands this central idea from his subject line into his
first paragraph.

I think it is important at this time to repeat what I wrote on November 11,

1999, when I issued a memo outlining our Equal Employment posture,
both toward employment applicants and for our present employees in
regard to promotion, compensation, and otherwise providing terms, con-
ditions, and privileges of employment. At this time I wish to repeat this
philosophy and policy and expand upon nondiscrimination factors (i.e.,
age and disability).

Charles makes an informal list of possible reasons and ideas to

develop and support his central idea.

1. We don’t practice or tolerate discrimination. ✓

2. I stated this clearly in November. ✕
3. Critics are uninformed, have some other agenda. ✕
4. Always comply with all laws—federal, state, etc., about discrimi-
nation. ✓
5. Hiring is based on company needs and applicants’ abilities. ✓
6. Firing never based on discriminatory motives. ✓
7. Have an obligation to our shareholders to employ the most qual-
ified. ✓

The writer has edited or narrowed down this informal list to achieve
single topic unity: looking over the list, he decided to omit items 2 and
3. They’re not reader-based; they just show the writer’s annoyance and
impatience. They’re also somewhat negative.
Rearrange the narrowed down informal list according to one of the
logical patterns:

• Chronological: by time order

130 Skills of Workplace Communication

• Spatial: by a pattern of place or location

• Logical: by one of the following patterns:
Cause and effect
Classification and division
• Problem–analysis–solution: a problem, why it exists, what can be
done about it
• Importance: order of importance from the least to the greatest,
which is climactic order, or from the most important to the least,
which is descending order. This logical order works well in tandem
with the preceding problem–analysis–solution pattern.
Charles decides to use a combination of problem–analysis–solution
and order of importance. He sees the problem as a continuing question
about his companies’ commitment to equal opportunity employment
practices. What can be done is to make a clearer restatement of their
philosophy and policy. This statement will be written in descending
order from the most important down.
1. We have an obligation to our shareholders to employ the most
2. Hiring is based on company needs and applicants’ abilities
3. We don’t practice or tolerate discrimination
4. We always comply with all laws—federal, state, etc., about dis-
5. Firing is never based on discriminatory motives
Now the writer has all the elements needed to write the first draft of an
information memo.

TO: Regional Vice Presidents

Executive Council
Operating Committee

FROM: Charles J. De Tore, President

DATE: March 17, 2000



I think it is important at this time to repeat what I wrote on November 11,

1999, when I issued a memo outlining our Equal Employment posture.
This related to our policy toward employment applicants, which in turn
relates to what is used for our present employees in regard to promotion,
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 131

compensation, and otherwise providing terms, conditions, and privileges

of employment. At this time I wish to repeat this philosophy and policy
and expand upon nondiscrimination factors (i.e., age and disability).

This issue concerns people looking for employment with our company and
people who are already employed by our company in regard to promotion,
their rate of pay, etc. It also covered terms, conditions, and privileges of

At this point in time, I would like to repeat everything I previously said

on this issue. In particular, I would like to repeat this philosophy and
policy and tell you more about certain non-discrimination factors.

Each and every one of you are requested to take all possible steps to
guarantee that the following is in spirit as well as in form the policy which
governs all our actions.

Universal Insurance Companies

Employment Philosophy and Policy

We have an obligation to our policyholders to determine realistically

any needs we have for employees and we must select those who are in
our eyes the best qualified personal to handle there insurance business.

The company’s personal requirements and each individual applicant’s

qualifications will be the sole basis for how we hire, promote, compens-
ate, and provide terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.

Fulfilling those obligations we won’t practice, tolerate, or condone

discrimination because of someone’s race, color, or religion. Nor will
we tolerate discrimination based on age or disability.

Every law, whether federal, state, or urban, about employment will

be complied with at all times.

We will not in any eventuality hereinafter terminate any person to

make room for someone else based on such reasons. In the same
manner we have not heretofore tolerated any discrimination against
prospective employees based on race, color, or religion.

The Vice President, acting at my behest, will continue to work together

with you in the establishment and maintenance of employment proce-
dures consistent with and in support of the aforementioned policy.

Charles J. DeTore
132 Skills of Workplace Communication

Revising the Information Memo

Spell-check has not highlighted anything on this memo. This doesn’t
mean that it is error free. Actually there are three errors of language and
grammar in this memo. Personal, there, and company’s, are correctly
spelled, but they are the wrong words. In the first and second policy
paragraphs, personal, an adjective, is used when the noun personnel is
needed. There, a demonstrative pronoun, is used incorrectly, instead of
the possessive pronoun their. In the second paragraph of the policy
statement, the singular possessive company’s is used instead of the
plural possessive companies’.
If a careful review shows no errors of language and grammar, the
remaining elements of content and expression should be reviewed. This
review will show where to revise and improve the first draft.

Formatting revisions
• Headings: All headings are correct except for the following two:
Subject line. The subject of this memo could be more accurately
termed a reissue and update rather than simply a reissue, because the
author states in the second paragraph that he will “expand upon”
some nondiscrimination factors.
Signature line. When a memo is signed the printed name block is
usually omitted.
• Single topic. The memo does deal with a single topic, namely a
reissue and update of an existing policy. The single nature of the
memo could have been underscored by the use of transition words
and phrases.
• Graphics. The five elements of the employment philosophy and
policy are indented and could also be numbered for additional
emphasis and ease of reference later. In addition, memos are usu-
ally aligned left on the page rather than justified left and right as
done here. Bulleted or numbered lists should use parallelism, that
is, beginning each entry with the same part of speech.

Language and expression revisions

• Diplomatic and political savvy. Diplomatic awareness was shown in
the earlier decision to omit any reference to outside criticism.
However, the choice of the term posture in the opening is question-
able. To some it may suggest an external, artificial appearance as
opposed to a real commitment.
• Conversational tone. This type of information memo might call for
a less conversational tone than usual in memos. Contractions such
as won’t are usually acceptable and even preferred but in this
formal statement of policy will not is probably more appropriate.
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 133

Legalese words and phrases such as heretofore, hereinafter, at my

behest, and aforementioned in the closing should be changed to plain
• Concise style. Many sentences contain redundancies and wordy
writing such as “at this point in time,” “relates to what is used for,”
“in any eventuality.”
• Parallelism and variety. Parallelism, or beginning each entry of a
bulleted or numbered list with the same part of speech, could be
improved in the five-item philosophy and policy list. Variety of
sentence length and structure could also be improved.
• Internally caused barriers to successful communication was dis-
cussed in Chapter 4. The memo is free of any direct barriers such
as ethnocentrism, sexist or gender-biased expression, and age bias.
However, it fails to include sexual orientation bias. Also, it might
show even greater objectivity by putting the nondiscrimination list
in alphabetical order

Organization revisions
• Introduction. This memo did not open effectively because it was
writer-based instead of reader-based. This is revealed in two areas.
First, it opens with all Is and no yous. In addition, it took four
paragraphs to expand its subject line into a clearly stated central
idea. What needs to be frontloaded or stated directly can be done
in one or at most two paragraphs.
• Development. There is a logical pattern of development based on
chronology, that is, past, present, and future. There is also an
implied problem–analysis–solution pattern at work, which could
be more effectively organized.
• Conclusion. The last paragraph refers back to the subject of the
memo, but might have more impact if a time frame were included.

Here is how this information memo would read if all the suggested
revisions were followed.

TO: Regional Vice Presidents

Executive Council
Operating Committee

FROM: Charles J. De Tore, President

DATE: March 17, 2000


134 Skills of Workplace Communication

Today we are reissuing the Equal Employment Policy statement that you
received on November 11, 1999. As you will recall, that statement covering
present employees and new job applicants specifically referred to promo-
tion and compensation, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of
employment important to all of us.

Today I wish to repeat this philosophy and expand on nondiscrimination

to include factors of age and disability. Together we will take every
possible step to assure that this policy governs our actions in spirit and in

Universal Insurance Companies

Employment Philosophy and Policy

1. We have an obligation to our policyholders to select the best qualified

personnel to handle their insurance business.
2. We will hire, promote, compensate, and provide terms of employment
solely on the basis of the companies’ personnel requirements and each
individual’s qualifications.
3. We will not practice or condone discrimination because of age, color,
disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.
4. We will comply with the letter and spirit of all national, state, and local
employment laws.
5. We will not terminate any competent person to make room for another
on the basis of any of these reasons.

You can count on the Vice President of Human Resources to work with you
in maintaining employment procedures consistent with this philosophy
and policy.

We will review the success of this policy at our May 1st meeting in

Charles J. DeTore
Request and reply memos form the next category of routine, internal
business communication. They achieve their purpose best when they
are frontloaded or direct. However, reply memos that deny or refuse
requests may be backloaded. This may be advisable when political or
diplomatic wisdom suggests an indirect or deferred pattern.
Typical requests are for information, suggestions, ideas, favors, and
permission to change procedures. Reply memos are commonly used to
approve requests and clarify policies and procedures.
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 135

Request memo situation: Robert Holinshed, the Director of Media Re-

lations for a large state university, needs more specific information to
respond to numerous media and alumni organizations questions on the
status of campus construction projects. He has decided to go directly to
Cecilia York, the Chief Operating Officer, with his needs and request.

Thinking stage.
1. I have already issued some memos about progress on the Master
Plan construction and improvements projects. I think I also saw a
University letter about this. She seems to get irritated when I keep
calling to ask additional information.
2. I’m still getting questions from big alumni donors, the press,
faculty union, and students groups about parts of the projects that
I can’t answer clearly.
3. I need to get her to realize that additional clarification and prog-
ress reports are needed on an ongoing basis.
4. If I am successful with my requests both of us will be better off.

Central idea. Embodies the purpose of the memo. The central idea
first appears in condensed form in the subject line. Then it is stated more
fully in the opening paragraph of a frontloaded memo.
Robert Holinshed, the Media Director’s central idea will be: “I would
like to receive a complete update on the status of the construction and
renovation projects going on.”

The informal list. With this central idea clearly in mind, he makes a
list of my key points, as well as the reasons and examples that might
express his central idea. Then he’ll narrow the list down to the reasons
and examples that will most clearly convey his central idea to Cecilia
York, his primary audience.

1. Some new residence halls already built. Opening date? ✓

2. What about the ones still under construction? Completion date? ✓
3. Any construction of academic facilities? Changes in existing fa-
cilities? ✓
4. Cafeteria in Erasmus Hall. Renovation complete? ✓
5. When will new Albert dining hall be ready? ✓
6. Parking lots: main campus lots, temporary lots? ✓
7. Recreational facilities: those in Alumni Hall? The tennis “bub-
ble”? ✓
8. Basketball and football schedules for next year? ✕
9. Change location of Annual Sports Dinner? Dissatisfaction ex-
pressed over last year’s site? ✕
136 Skills of Workplace Communication

10. What is the construction schedule for the new University Cen-
ter? ✓
11. Garage opening date? Number of spaces? ✓

Organizing the list into paragraphs or graphically highlighted

units. After reviewing his list, Robert decides which entries will stay
and which will be deleted. He then rearranges the narrowed-down
informal list according to one of the logical patterns: chronological,
spatial, logical, problem–analysis–solution, order of importance. For
this memo the logical pattern would be primarily spatial, that is, organ-
ized by visualizing the different locations on the campus that are under
construction and renovation. Then chronological, that is, according to
which project in each location of the campus will be finished first,
second, third, and so on.

1. Opening date of new residence halls already built?
2. Completion date of the ones still under construction?
3. Construction schedule for the new University Center?

Parking lots and garages

1. Status of main campus lots and temporary lots?
2. Garage opening date? Number of spaces?

Recreational facilities
1. Recreational facilities: those in Alumni Hall? The tennis “bubble”?

Academic facilities
1. New construction? Existing facilities change or expansion?

Closing. The final paragraph refers the reader back to the central
idea of the opening and directs her toward some mental and physical

Picks up the subject line preview of request
Expands the subject line into a fully stated
central idea

{ Makes specific requests
Gives reasons for specific requests

Refers back to the central idea

{ Cues desired mental and physical action for a
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 137

Following is the first draft of this request memo:

TO: CeciliaYork
Chief Operating Officer

FROM: Robert Holinshed

Director of Media Relations

DATE: June 14, 2000


I continue to be hounded for information on the many projects underway

on the Madison campus. Yesterday, for example, I had a call from Matt
Barton, Chair of the Chicago Alumni Association. I’m sure you know that
he and his family have been substantial donors for many years. Also, his
alumni group is one of the largest contributors to the university.

I am called to respond to numerous media and alumni organization

questions on the campus construction and I have to do this in as forthright
and expeditious a manner as possible.

I need much more specific information about the status of all these many
projects, so I have initiated and developed for your perusal a listing of
some of these questions that need to be addressed ASAP prior to the major
summer alumni reunions and before the homecoming weekends as well.

1. Buildings
• Is there a scheduled opening date for the new residence halls that are
undergoing final, finishing touches? If there is, can you tell me what it is so
that I can pass the word and respond with greater clarity to calls and letters?
• I see that the residence halls under construction have a long way to go.
Do you have a completion date for these yet?
• I also need to know more precisely the construction schedule for the
new University Center? When will it be ready?

2. Parking lots and garages

• I need to know the status of the main campus lots. By this I mean the
permanent ones. As you know some are no longer accessible due to the
ongoing construction. People are also calling about the temporary lots
that are intended to alleviate the problems with the permanent ones.
• What is the scheduled opening date of the new garage? Do you have a
number handy for the number of spaces it will include?

3. Other facilities
• Matt Barton is particularly interested in recreational facilities, espe-
cially those in Alumni Hall? What can I tell him about that project?
138 Skills of Workplace Communication

• Others have called about the tennis “bubble.” They think it’s been
looking shabby for some time.
• Is there any new construction planned for expanding or changing our
academic facilities?

Time is of the essence, so I really need all of this information very soon.
Getting it quickly will make my job so much easier!

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Robert Holinshed
Robert Holinshed

Revising the Request Memo

Formatting revisions
• Headings. The headings can be improved in two areas:
Subject line. The subject of this memo could be more precise. It is
the status of the master plan’s construction and renovation pro-
Signature line. When a memo is signed the printed name block is
usually omitted.
• Single topic: The memo does deal with a single topic, namely, the
various construction projects underway and already completed.
However, the topic doesn’t appear in the opening paragraph as an
expansion of the subject.
• Graphics. The elements of the construction projects are grouped in
a numbered list. The third section of the list would be clearer if
divided into recreational and academic facilities.

Language and expression revisions

• Reader-based with shared goals. The writer of this memo is clearly
focused only on his own problems and pressures. He has forgotten
his reader and the goals they share for the university.
• Conversational tone. This type of information request memo might call
for a less conversational tone than usual in memos because it covers
a somewhat formal subject, a university master plan. Still it could do
without legalese words and phrases such as forthright and expedi-
tious in paragraph 2 and acronyms such as ASAP in paragraph 3. A
more objective, less petulant tone throughout is recommended.
• Concise style. Some sentences contain redundancies and wordy
writing such as “I have initiated and developed for your perusal a
listing of some of these questions that need to be addressed.”
• Parallelism and variety. Parallelism, or beginning each entry of a
bulleted or numbered list with the same part of speech, could be
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 139

improved. The entries shift between first person and third, be-
tween questions and declarative statements.
• Internal barriers to successful communication. The memo is free of any
direct barriers such as ethnocentrism, sexist or gender biased ex-
pression, and age bias.

Organization revisions:
• Introduction. This memo did not open effectively because it was
writer-based instead of reader-based. In addition to using all Is and
no yous, it took three paragraphs to expand its subject line into a
clearly stated central idea. Instead of its freewheeling narrative
opening it needs to be frontloaded. This means it will state its
central-request idea directly and in no more than two paragraphs.
• Development. There is a logical pattern of development based on
campus space and location. There are also chronological elements
implicit in the phases of construction that could be more effectively
• Conclusion. The last paragraph refers back to the subject of the memo
but only through the writer’s frame of reference. The conclusion
would have more impact if a mutual or shared time frame were
suggested with a polite request. This would replace the insincere
cliché ending “Thank you for your attention and consideration.”

Here is how this request memo would read if all the suggested
revisions were followed. It contains 278 words instead of the original
403 words. The revised memo is not simply shorter; it is more concise,
more specific, and more effective.
Following is a revised version of this request memo:


TO: Cecilia York

Chief Operating Officer

FROM: Robert Holinshed

Director of Media Relations

DATE: June 14, 2000



Can you find a moment in your busy schedule to give me a status report
on the many projects underway on the Madison campus? I have provided
140 Skills of Workplace Communication

four areas of construction and renovation that I wish to update for press
releases and alumni association fund-raising events.

1. Buildings
• What is the scheduled opening date for the two nearly completed
residence halls on Woodland Road?
• Is there a projected opening date for the residence halls on Summit
Avenue? Since the groundbreaking occurred only last month, I realize
this opening is far off. However, your best guess at this point would be
• Is the groundbreaking for the new University Center still planned for

2. Parking lots and garages

• What is the status of the main campus lots? Will there be temporary lots
created when access to th main lots is hindered by construction equipment?
• What is the scheduled opening date of the new garage? How many
spaces will it offer?

3. Academic facilities
• Is there any new construction planned for expanding or changing our
academic facilities?

4. Recreational facilities
• Will Alumni Hall undergo any renovation or expansion?
• Will the tennis “bubble” be improved or replaced?

Can I look forward to your update in time for my meetings with our top
area fund-raisers on July 7th? Perhaps we could go together to some of
these events.

Robert Holinshed
P.S. Yesterday, I had a call from Matt Barton ‘87, Chair of the Chicago
Alumni Association. His people have been great fund-raisers for Madison.
He is anxious to work with us on spreading the exciting news of the Master
Plan’s progress!

Reply memo situation: Cecilia York, Chief Operating Officer of Madison

University, has received Robert Holinshed’s request for an update on the
status of the University’s Master Plan of construction and renovation.

Thinking stage.
1. I already issued some memos and the university published a letter
about progress on the Master Plan construction and renovation
projects just two months ago. I’ll just refer him to that April letter.
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 141

2. Bob only joined us in March; the memos and update letter proba-
bly arrived while he was still settling in to his new office. I’ll just
take his memo—it’s well organized and easy to respond to—and
reply point by point.

Central idea. The purpose of my memo is to reply to Bob Holinshed’s

request for a status update on the Master Plan. I’ll do this in a direct,
frontloaded memo.
My central idea is: “Here is the update you requested June 14 on the
status of the Master Plan construction and renovation projects.”

The informal list. With my central idea clearly in mind I’ll make a
list of the key points of my memo. I already decided that Robert’s memo
was well organized, so I’ll key in my replies to his requests. I’ve already
got a narrowed down list to work with.

Closing. The final paragraph will refer Robert back to my central idea
and respond to his action information requests.
Following is the first draft of a frontloaded, direct reply memo:

Madison University

TO: Robert Holinshed

Director of Media Relations

FROM: Cecilia York

Chief Operating Officer

DATE: June 15, 2000


I have received your request for additional information about the

University’s Master Plan of construction and renovation. I’ve had similar
requests recently, so yours comes as no surprise. Many people are unaware
of the magnitude of the Master Plan. It has been ten years in the making.
I assure you it has been well thought-out and scrupulously planned every
step of the way!

Here is an overview of the plan with reference to the points you raised in
your June 14 memo.
1. Buildings
• The scheduled opening date for the two nearly completed residence
halls on Woodland Road is Labor Day of this year. They were designed
142 Skills of Workplace Communication

in postmodern style to blend in with the library annex also on Wood-

land Road, completed last year.
• The projected opening date for the residence halls on Summit Avenue
is Labor Day 2001. They will also be postmodern in design but with a
darker shade of brick.
• The groundbreaking for the new University Center is still planned for
October. The design will also be postmodern in concept but will have
some Norman decorative flourishes in deference to the earliest campus
buildings of the late 19th century.

2. Parking lots and garages

• The status of the main campus lots is that they will remain open.
However, there will be temporary lots created when and if access to the
main lots is hindered by construction equipment.
• The scheduled opening date of the new multitiered garage is really
twofold. It will offer 250 spaces for day and evening students in October
with an additional 300 spaces to follow.

3. Academic facilities
• No new construction is planned at this time for expanding or chang-
ing the University’s academic facilities. You might recall that the
University expanded both the library and computer lab hours only
this past January. And last year the University completely refur-
bished some of the older classroom buildings that had gotten some-
what shabby.

4. Recreational facilities
• Alumni Hall will not be expanded but it will undergo renovation. We
haven’t reached a time framework on this one as of now. But at some
point in time, and sooner rather than later, we hope to have some more
concrete information for the community.
• The tennis “bubble” seems to have been troubling people for the past
year or so. We first thought about trying to spruce it up a bit, but upon
additional reflection thought it best to replace the entire thing.

I hope this response has been helpful to you and that it will also help with
your fund-raisers on July 7th? As far as attending some with you, that was
a very kind thought. I’ll have to get back to you on that.

Revising the Reply Memo

Formatting revisions:
• Headings. The subject line of this memo could be more precise. Its
subject is actually a reply to a June 14 request for the status of the
construction and renovation projects of the Master Plan. If memo
is unsigned, the sender’s name should be initialed.
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 143

• Single topic. Cecilia’s memo does deal with a single topic, namely,
the various construction projects underway and already com-
pleted. But the opening paragraph doesn’t contain a frontloaded
expansion of the subject line, namely, that she is complying with
Robert’s request.
The memo digresses into architectural design details that appear
to interest the writer but are not part of the information update that
Robert Holinshed requested.
• Graphics. The reply is based on a point-by-point answer to a well-
organized numbered list.

Language and expression revisions

• Reader-based with shared goals. Cecilia begins her memo focused on
her reader but quickly reverts to her own frame of reference with
a somewhat defensive tone. In responding to item 4, academic
facilities, she forgets that Robert joined the University after the
academic projects she mentions.
• Conversational tone. This type of reply memo would normally be
more straightforward in expression. Cecilia might be this conver-
sational in deference to a new team member.
• Concise style. Some sentences contain redundancies and wordy
writing such as “with reference to the points” in paragraph 2 and
“But at some point in time, and sooner rather than later” in item 4.
• Parallelism and variety. Parallelism, or beginning each entry of a
bulleted or numbered list with the same part of speech, has been
followed in almost every case. Cecilia starts each numbered entry
with a direct answer to the questions Robert raised except for the
question about the tennis bubble in 4.
• Internal barriers to successful communication. The memo is free of any
direct barriers such as ethnocentrism, sexist or gender-biased ex-
pression, and age bias.

Organization revisions
• Introduction. This memo would have been more effective if it ex-
tended its opening and made a more precise frontloaded reply
• Development. There is a logical pattern of development based on
campus space and location, which follows Robert Holinshed’s
original request memo.
• Conclusion The last paragraph refers back to only one part of the
action information closing of the request memo.

Below is how this request memo would read if all the suggested
revisions were followed. It contains 268 words instead of the original
144 Skills of Workplace Communication

454 words. The revised memo is not simply shorter; it is more concise
yet more specific. In addition, it is more effective because it is reader-
based and emphasizes shared goals.
Below is the revised direct reply memo:


TO: Robert Holinshed

Director of Media Relations

FROM: Cecilia York CY

Chief Operating Officer

DATE: June 15, 2000



In response to your request yesterday here is a status report on our

university’s Master Plan of construction and renovation. Your request
comes at a good time, because the trustees have just signed off on the final
parts of this $250 million plan.

1. Buildings
• The scheduled opening date for the two residence halls on Woodland
Road is Labor Day of this year.
• The projected opening date for the residence halls on Summit Avenue
is Labor Day 2001.
• The groundbreaking for the new University Center is planned for this

2. Parking lots and garages

• The main campus lots will remain open. Temporary lots will be created
if access to the main lots is hindered by construction equipment.
• The new garage will offer 250 spaces in October and an additional 300
spaces in December.

3. Academic facilities
• Library and computer labs will enjoy extended hours beginning Labor
Day. Renovation of academic facilities was completed last year.

4. Recreational facilities
• Alumni Hall will undergo renovation. Facilities will be enhanced, hours
will be extended, the building made more accessible.
• The tennis “bubble” will be replaced with a large one to handle indoor
basketball and volleyball.
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 145

I hope this response has been complete and that it will also help you speak
with pride of our new facilities at the fund-raisers in July. They are so
important to all of us at Madison.

I will be happy to attend some of these vital events with you. Let’s meet
in my office on Monday at 2:00 P.M. to agree on a schedule of my partici-


We would all like to think that careful preparation, writing, and
revision will cancel any need for head-scratching, brow-furrowing con-
fusion and questioning. Unfortunately, not true. Clear thinking and
effective writing can greatly reduce the need for clarification and re-
statement but not remove it totally.
We have always understood the wisdom of following up oral discus-
sions and decisions with written confirmations so that there are no
uncertainties or misunderstandings. Today, however, we recognize
something else. The same technology that has speeded up the pace of
business exponentially has created problems in another area. Today
many recognize that dashed-off memos, form letters, and e-mails eat up
the time saved in their creation by the need for restatements and
Whether desired for creating a permanent record of important oral
discussions or necessitated by hasty, careless e-mails or by poorly
adapted form letters, confirmation memos serve a valuable purpose.
They are created by following the same steps as procedure, information,
and request-reply memos.

Think. The thinking stage of writing successful confirmation memos

is especially important. It is the “yesterday” of people and issues that
we are bringing back to life today. Reliving “yesterday” is the primary
purpose of today’s memo you’re about to write. The thinking stage of
each confirmation memo reflects upon the four phases of purpose,
information, persuasion, changes or results, and good will or public
relations and moves forward with the following four questions:

1. Information from the reader’s perspective: What are the facts or issues,
as my reader will recall them?
2. Persuasion: Could our memories differ? Precisely how?
3. Changes or results: How do I bring my reader’s recollection to agree
with mine?
4. Good will or public relations: What do we do together now to reach
our shared goal?
146 Skills of Workplace Communication

Write. Correct formatting, logical organization, and effective expres-

sion are always required in business writing to answer these questions
effectively. Confirmation memos in particular need attention to format-
ting. Always use either a bulleted or numbered list for the points that
are being confirmed. This will focus you and your reader on the points
you want agreement on.

Revise. Revising or seeing a document again means stepping back

from it and rereading it as if someone else wrote it. When revising a
confirmation memo special attention should be paid to word choice and
the connotation of words. Often we think there is a disagreement
because each side attaches a different connotation to a word. Did we
agree yesterday to “review” a particular decision or to “reconsider” it?
The word reconsider suggests change, the word review does not.

Confirmation memo situation: Mark David Oxton and his district man-
ager, Catherine C. Frank, discussed Mark’s promotion to Status III
Marketing Track at length on Thursday, April 4. Catherine has decided
to send a memo to Mark confirming the key points they discussed about
his new status at Augustus International, an executive services com-
pany headquartered in Boston.

Thinking stage.
1. The discussions and decision-making process were unusually
long with Mark.
2. Mark joined us in November 1996. He was very disappointed that
he didn’t get this promotion in 1999. There were reports that he
was looking elsewhere for new opportunities.

Central idea. The primary purpose of this memo is to confirm the oral
discussion of the preceding day. But Catherine will also seek to reassure
Mark about his value to their company. She will do this in a direct,
frontloaded memo.
My central idea is: “This is a confirmation of our discussion of your
new status and privileges at Augustus International.”

The informal list. With the central idea as her focal point, Catherine
makes a list of the key points of the planned memo. Then she narrows
the list down to the reasons and examples that will most clearly convey
her central idea to Mark, her primary audience.

1. Sorry this took so long. ✕

2. Mark’s Stage III status will continue for one year. ✓
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 147

3. He will be enrolled in the Proxy Delivery Program. ✓

4. He will be re-evaluated after one year—company policy. ✓
5. He will partake in Executive Services lead generation. ✓
6. He will be assigned leads according to the Program Procedural
Guide. ✓
7. Augustus will assist him whenever he needs it. ✓
8. He may use his new title on his business cards. ✓
9. Enclose the Proxy Delivery Procedural Guide. ✓

Organizing the list into paragraphs or graphically highlighted

units. The narrowed down informal list should be rearranged ac-
cording to one of the logical patterns: chronological, spatial, logical,
problem–analysis–solution, order of importance. A chronological pat-
tern could have been used starting with the background or past
history of Mark’s relations with the company, moving on to the
present promotion, and ending with the evaluation he will face in
one year. However, this would suggest a trial period and put Mark
on the defensive. Catherine does not want to start their new relation-
ship on such a negative note.
Instead, for this memo the more positive logical pattern would be
order of importance. This logical pattern would highlight the best part of
their oral discussion being confirmed first, then go down a list of the
remaining points discussed in descending order of importance.

1. Mark has achieved Stage III status.

2. He will partake in Executive Services lead generation.
3. He will be assigned leads according to the Program Procedural
4. He will be enrolled in the Proxy Delivery Program for his exclusive
lead assignments.
5. Enclose the Proxy Delivery Procedural Guide.
6. He may use his new title on his business cards and stationery.
7. Mark’s Stage III status will continue for one year.
8. He will be re-evaluated after one year—company policy.

Closing. The final paragraph will refer Mark back to the central idea
of his new status and include the offer of assistance whenever he needs

My purpose is to confirm. Picks up the subject

line preview
Our oral discussion. Expands subject line into
a central idea
148 Skills of Workplace Communication

Of these specific points. Expands the

{ direction of central idea
In a numbered list. Confirms specific points

Please note your agreement. Refers back to the

CONCLUSION { central idea
And let’s look to the future. Cues desired
action as needed

Below is the first draft of this confirmation memo:


TO: Mark David Oxton

FROM: Catherine Frank

District Manager

DATE: April 5, 2000


Often in fast-growing operations like ours we have to stop and take stock
of our direction and progress. So, with those types of goals in mind I am
writing to you today to remind you of the matters that we discussed
previous to the present memo.

1. The first thing we discussed was your achievement of a new and higher
status in our company, namely, that of Stage III of the Executive Services
Marketing Track as evidenced by your 1999 Executive Services Prog-
ress Report. I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate you at this
time for this achievement and the new title that goes with it.
2. Finally, you are entitled to partake in the Executive Services Exclusive
Lead Generation Program. I know how you have anxiously awaited this
3. I am happy to say that as a result of this new status we will assign you
leads as set forth in the Program Procedural Guide.
4. I am equally pleased to advise that we will be enrolling you in the Proxy
Delivery Program for your exclusive lead assignments.
5. Enclosed herewith you will find the Proxy Delivery Procedural Guide.
6. You may use your new title on all your business cards and stationery.
7. Your Stage III status will continue for one year.
8. At the termination of said period of time you will be re-evaluated based
upon the criteria as set forth in the Executive Series Marketing Track,
which is in keeping with company policy.
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 149

I am delighted to be the bearer of this good news to you. I also wish to

extend an offer of any assistance whatsoever in your new role. I am sure
we will have a profitable future together. Please sign and return a copy of
this memo to make a statement that everything I have included in it is an
accurate summary of the matters we discussed yesterday.

If there are any questions don’t hesitate to call.


Revising the Confirmation Memo

Formatting revisions
• Headings. The subject line of this memo should specify the topic of
their April 4th discussion, namely, Mark’s new Stage III status. The
memo should note at the end that there are enclosures.
• Single topic. Catherine’s memo does deal with a single topic,
namely, Mark’s promotion and what goes along with it. However,
the undirected opening paragraph doesn’t contain a frontloaded
development of the subject line. This would expand on the im-
proved subject line and congratulate Mark on his achievement in
a more forceful way.
• Graphics. The memo is developed with a numbered list, but dis-
tracts the reader by placing titles of guides in bold. Doing this
makes it appear that these publications are the most important
news being conveyed.

Language and expression revisions

• Reader-based with shared goals. Catherine begins her memo focused
on herself instead of her reader. A rewrite of this could bring Mark,
the primary audience of the memo, into her opening statement.
• Conversational tone. A confirmation memo of its very nature should
be less informal and conversational than most routine memos.
Catherine’s conversational tone in #2 backfires. In trying to “feel
his pain” she has dredged up unhappy memories.
• Concise style. Some sentences contain redundancies and wordy
writing such as “At the termination of which time” and legalese
such as “enclosed herewith” and “at the termination of said period
of time.”
• Parallelism and variety. Parallelism or beginning each entry of a
bulleted or numbered list with the same part of speech, could have
been followed in a reader-based manner by starting each entry
with you or your.
150 Skills of Workplace Communication

• Internal barriers to successful communication. The memo is free of any

direct barriers such as ethnocentrism, sexist or gender biased ex-
pression, and age bias.

Organization revisions
• Introduction. This memo will open more effectively if it builds on
the subject line and makes a more precise frontloaded reply state-
• Development. The intended pattern of development based on order
of importance would be clearer and easier to follow if the entries
in the numbered list were reduced and regrouped.
• Conclusion. The last paragraph should refer back to a good-news
opening. A more personal, less clichéd conclusion would have
ended the memo on a firmer, more vigorous note of shared goals.
Instead of the typed name, the memo writer should close with a
signature or simply initial her name on the “FROM” line.
Here is how this request memo would read if all the suggested
revisions were followed. It contains 191 words instead of the original
324 words. The revised memo is not simply shorter; it is more concise
yet more specific. In addition, it is more effective because it is reader-
based and emphasizes shared goals.
Below is the revised confirmation memo.


TO: Mark David Oxton

Executive Services Consultant

FROM: Catherine Frank CF

District Manager

DATE: April 5, 2000



Congratulations, Mark, on achieving Stage III status of the Executive

Services Marketing Track! This memo will confirm the specific points we
discussed yesterday about your new position.

1. Your new status, based on your 1999 Executive Services Progress Re-
port, carries with it the title of Executive Services Consultant. You may
use your new title on all your business cards and stationery.
2. You are entitled to take part in the Executive Services Exclusive Lead
Generation Program.
Writing and Revising Neutral and Good News Memos 151

3. You will, as a result of this new status, be assigned leads as stated in

the Program Procedural Guide.
4. You will be enrolled in the Proxy Delivery Program for your exclusive
lead assignments. A copy of the Proxy Delivery Procedural Guide is enclosed.
5. You will automatially enjoy Stage III status for one year. Then the
standard company evaluation process will take place. This process is based
upon the criteria in the Executive Series Marketing Track.

Executive Services is ready to assist you in your new role. We look forward
to a profitable future together.

If you agree that this memo summarizes our discussion yesterday, please
initial a copy and return it to me.


Writing and Revising

Negative News Memos

Writing and Revising Negative News Memos

In the good old days a king would order the messenger who
brought bad news killed. Such drastic action, of course, didn’t
change the message. It was still bad news. Today we don’t kill the
messengers, but we do resent the senders of hostile, ill-phrased, and
insensitive messages.
Communicating bad news is one of the most difficult tasks in busi-
ness writing. A subordinate asks for a raise, that you cannot approve.
An unqualified job seeker requests an appointment to discuss a position
with your company, a community organization asks for a contribution
which you do not wish to grant. You decide you must let a good worker
go because intense competition demands cutbacks.
Even in good times bad news sometimes has to be delivered. But it
doesn’t have to be delivered badly. Here are three guidelines we can all
follow whenever we have to be the messengers of bad news.

1. Be even more reader-based than you seek to be when delivering

neutral or positive news. Look at the request through the eyes of
the sender. From the sender’s standpoint no request is foolish. All
effective communicators are audience- or reader-based, but suc-
cessful managers are especially sensitive to the needs and feelings
of their audience-staffs.
2. It may not be the easiest way, but the best way to deliver bad news
is face to face. People receiving bad news are going to have some
strong needs. They want the chance to express their negative
154 Skills of Workplace Communication

feelings. They will want the opportunity to press their case or

appeal the decision. They will want reassurance that there are no
hidden messages. These needs can best be met in a face to face
So if you have bad news to give to an employee or a valued
client, confer with the individual, give the bad news in person,
then follow up with a written statement for the record.
3. Finally, the natural and understandable desire to soften the blow
can often backfire and cloud the message, resulting in more not
fewer problems. Everyone appreciates honesty of feelings and
clarity of thought, especially when being disappointed. We are
often more angered by the timing and confusion surrounding bad
news than by the news itself. Not getting a promotion is bad news.
Not getting a decision for months and being left to wonder why is
even worse.

With these guidelines in mind, the type of bad news message that will
work best for each situation can be chosen: the indirect bad news
message that defers or backloads the bad news or the direct bad news
message that frontloads the bad news. What will also help your decision
is stopping to reflect on the ages and stages of all successful communi-



Yesterday. Writers of negative news memos must be particularly

aware of the background of people and issues. How have matters
reached this state? What was said in the past on this matter? Who said
it? What was decided? Why was the decision a mistake?
Today. When writing a bad news memo it is especially important to
understand that while yesterday’s mistakes may have brought about
today’s difficult task, there is nothing to be gained from finger pointing
and assigning blame. Our awareness of yesterday should have a posi-
tive result—a clearer focus on what must be done today. The keener our
focus is today the more likely we are to achieve the changes that we
Tomorrow. One thing all writers of bad news memos want is a better
tomorrow. They realize that what they write “today” will have results
tomorrow on both parties, the sender as well as the receiver, of the bad
news. The last thing they want is a continuation of yesterday’s prob-
lems. Therefore, they consider very carefully the possibility of unin-
Writing and Revising Negative News Memos 155

tended results of their messages on both the primary and secondary

audiences. They write today to prevent those possible outcomes.


Purpose. Before writing a bad news message review the four main
purposes of all business communication studied in Chapter 3

1. Information. The facts or issues as my reader sees them.

2. Persuasion. What they mean as I see them and precisely how our
views differ.
3. Results or changes. How I change my reader ’s perception to work
together with mine.
4. Good will or public relations. What we now do together to reach our
shared goals.

Organization. Bad news memos like all forms of business writing can
have their ideas arranged in a reader-based structure by selecting one
of the following patterns of development. The ones checked are usually
the best patterns for delivering negative news.

• Chronological ✓
• Spatial
• Logical
1. Cause and effect ✓
2. Comparison-contrast
3. Classification and division
4. Illustration
5. Problem–analysis–solution ✓
6. Order of importance

Expression. Even the most purposeful and logically organized bad

news memo, if written in a negative way, can lose much of its persuasive
force. Whenever this happens another opportunity for positive change
will have been lost. More than that, a residue of additional bad news


This is the method of deferring or backloading the bad news. It
seeks to soften the blow by burying the bad news in the middle or
latter part of the memo and surrounding it with positive statements
156 Skills of Workplace Communication

about people and issues. This method is often a good choice whenever
we seek to achieve one or more of the following results: an ongoing
relationship with the receiver of the bad news or a continuing
projection of the writer as a caring individual. The key element in
the indirect pattern is placing the central idea at a latter stage in the
memo. This doesn’t mean that we leave our readers completely in
the dark at the beginning of such a document. It means that we get
to the bad news gradually and objectively.
Five degrees or methods of embedding the bad news:
1. By deferring it until a later paragraph of the document
2. By placing it toward the end of that chosen paragraph
3. By putting it in the subordinate clause of a complex sentence
4. By expressing it in the passive voice of the verb
5. By not stating it at all, but simply implying it.

INTRODUCTION { Thanks. Picks up the subject line preview of

the coming news in an appreciative manner.

Because. Gives the reasons for the coming bad

DEVELOPMENT { Sorry. Gives the bad news central idea as
positively as possible.

Thanks. Cues receiver’s mental and physical
CONCLUSION action elsewhere in the near term but back to
the sender in the long term.

Subject line. State the general area of the main idea with neutral,
objective, unemotional language in the subject line.

Emotional, combative subject line: DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS

Indirect, deferred load subject line: PROPOSALS FOR NEW DRESS
Emotional, negative subject line: DISAPPOINTING REPORT ON
Indirect, deferred load subject line: YEAR END COMPANY STATUS

Expand the subject line gradually, while following the principles of

writing a reader-based document. The writer can do this by showing
that he or she is aware of and value the reader’s opinion, even when
each party has come to a different conclusion about its merits.
Four steps to follow when composing an indirect, negative news
Writing and Revising Negative News Memos 157

1. Express appreciation for the suggestion offered, the request re-

ceived, the interest expressed. Adopt a personal tone in the open-
ing paragraph and refer only indirectly to the problem issue.
Mention shared goals and other understandings that the sender of
the message and the receiver have in common.
2. Give reasons for the change or decision you are about to reveal.
Stating the reasons first cushions the blow, preparing the receiver
gradually for the bad news to come. Do this in a reader-based way
by using reasons that will make sense to the receiver.
3. Present the bad news itself in as positive a way as possible. Use
objective language avoiding any words that connote personal
4. Treat the change as something that involves and affects you, the
sender, and the receiver.

Direct, combative opening paragraph:

Last week you submitted to me some ideas for changing the company
dress code, which just won’t work. I wish to point out to you now
why your flextime proposals will cause problems for everybody.
Indirect, deferred-load opening paragraph:
Thanks very much for forwarding your proposal for a dress code
change for your department. I appreciate the creative input.
Direct, sour opening paragraph:
Last year we had some really disappointing results in several areas
that are important if we are going to avoid being also-rans in our
Indirect, deferred-load opening paragraph:
Last year our industry was faced with many challenges. Thanks to
our continuing spirit of dedication and teamwork we rose to those
challenges and improved our position in many areas.

Closing a deferred-load bad news memo. The same care taken in

delivering negative news indirectly should extend to the conclusion.
Even negative news should be presented with reader benefits and
shared goals in mind. If nothing else the shared goal is to move on.
End on an upbeat, pleasant note that leaves the door open for a
continuing relationship. It is wise to end this way for the simple com-
mon sense reason that you might need the person or the person’s
business in the future.
Four guidelines for concluding indirect, bad news messages:
1. Express appreciation again for the sender’s interest or request.
Depending on the situation, suggest other avenues that your
reader might pursue.
158 Skills of Workplace Communication

2. Remain confident that your decision was correct. Don’t refer back
to the bad news or apologize. Apologizing suggests doubt in the
wisdom of your decision.
3. Avoid clichéd endings that may only prolong the unpleasantness.
Closing with expressions such as, “If there are any further ques-
tions, please do not hesitate to call me” will probably appear
insincere anyway.
4. Suggest alternatives or some other face-saving proposals. Thank
your reader again for the past idea or contact. Point to possible
shared goals in the future.


This pattern frontloads the bad news. It gets right to the point and
does not attempt to buffer the unpleasant news. It makes a tough,
no-nonsense, yet courteous statement. This approach is used when we
seek one or more of the following outcomes:

1. No further requests or discussions from the receiver of the bad

2. A reputation as being tough and resolute in such situations.

Thanks. Picks up the subject line preview of

INTRODUCTION { the bad news.
Sorry. Expands the subject line into a fully
stated central idea.

DEVELOPMENT { Because. Gives the reasons for the bad news

CONCLUSION { Thanks. Cues receiver’s mental and physical

action elsewhere.

Subject line. Use the subject line to introduce the main point of the
memo with language that is calm, objective, and neutral. The expression
or word choice may be more forceful than in an indirect bad news
message, but it shouldn’t cross the line into confrontation or accusa-
tions. This will only make a difficult situation worse.

Expand the subject line quickly. The reader strongly believes that he
or she is correct or justified in seeking what either asked for. This is
another reason why bad news messages should be especially careful to
Writing and Revising Negative News Memos 159

follow the principles of reader-based writing. One important way we

can achieve this goal is by showing the reader that his or her opinion
has been recognized and considered, even though we may disagree
about its merits.
Four steps for delivering a direct, bad news message in a positive
1. Begin with a courteous expression of appreciation. Courtesy is
expected no matter how direct the message is. Adopt a personal
tone. Refer directly to the problem/issue in your opening para-
2. Move directly to the bad news. Use clear but courteous language,
avoiding words that suggest any personal distaste for the idea,
request, and most of all, the sender.
3. Give reasons for the change or bad news you have just delivered.
4. End courteously, expressing appreciation for the receiver’s inter-
est or proposal. Do not suggest any alternatives that might invite
future discussion. The door is closed.

Closing a direct, frontloaded bad news memo. The more unwelcome

the news we sometimes have to give our readers, the more important it
is to end on a firm yet pleasant note. Most of all when we have to deliver
such news it’s just as well we make it clear that the matter is concluded.
The door is not slammed shut, but it is definitely closed.
The four stages of a direct, frontloaded negative news memo:
1. Extend best wishes or, depending on the situation, suggest other
avenues that your reader might pursue.
2. Your decision was correct. Don’t refer back to it or apologize.
Apologizing suggests doubt in the wisdom of your decision.
3. Avoid clichéd endings that may only drag out the unpleasantness.
The decision has been made. Closing with expressions such as, “If
there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me”
will probably appear insincere anyway.
4. Even the most negative news can be presented without overlook-
ing reader benefits and shared goals. If nothing else the shared
goal is to move on.



Situation: A group of warehouse employees at Global Bonded Couri-

ers has sent a request to Beverly Lyndon in Human Resources request-
ing that they be exempt from company dress policy. Beverly has been
with Global for nearly eight years and relations with all departments
160 Skills of Workplace Communication

have been very amicable. This is the first request she or any senior
manager has received to exempt warehouse employees from the com-
pany dress code.
Below is Beverly’s deferred or indirect negative news memo as first

TO: All warehouse employees

FROM: Beverly Lyndon

FROM: Human Resources
DATE: April 30, 2000


I am in receipt of the suggestions for changes in our company’s dress code

that you forwarded to me recently. The company dress code that I helped
formulate nearly five years ago is something that I have always been
particularly proud of. The code was arrived at after many meetings and
consultations with knowledgeable persons in the field.

Here are some of my thoughts and conclusions on this subject. They were
reached at a special meeting yesterday that I asked your representatives
to attend. I regret to say that not all accepted my invitation. Here are the
reasons that we decided to maintain the aforementioned dress code as it
presently exists.

1. The company issued uniforms to you that were designed for the positive
appearance they make. Don’t forget that some of your own officers were
on the committee that approved them.
2. We have many visitors and customers who tour all parts of our facility
including the front office, shipping, and also including our warehouse.
As you are aware, they come from many parts of our city and country.
Some even visit from overseas from counties such as Germany, Ireland,
and Jordan.
3. A few of these same visitors have commented favorably on the appearance
of company personnel. I’m sure the dress code was the reason for this.
4. Remember that a dress code is enforced to make certain that employees
maintain an image that is a reflection of the professional statement we
make as a company.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the specific details
of our company’s policy are stated in the employee handbook. Please
study your handbook again.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Writing and Revising Negative News Memos 161

Revising the Deferred, Backloaded Bad News Memo

Formatting revisions
• Headings. The subject line of a deferred load memo, as this was
intended to be, could be more neutral. The word mandated tips the
reader at this opening stage that the news is bad. Entries should be
in a straight line vertically.
• Single topic. Beverly’s memo does deal with a single topic, namely,
the warehouse employees’ dress code.
• Graphics. The memo is developed with a numbered list. Since there
is no chronological order in the list it just comes across as author-
itarian. A bulleted list would work better in such a backloaded

Language and expression revisions

• Reader-based with shared goals. Beverly begins her memo focused
completely on herself instead of her readers, who have petitioned
her. A more effective opening would have offered thanks to her
readers for their request.
• Conversational tone. The tone could be less stiff and formal toward
someone who has been part of the Global team for six years.
• Concise style. Some sentences contain redundancies and wordy
writing such as “I am in receipt of” and legalese such as “afore-
• Parallelism and variety. Parallelism could have been followed in a
reader-based manner by starting each entry with you or your.
Variety of sentence length and structure could be improved.
• Internal barriers to successful communication. The memo is free of any
direct barriers such as ethnocentrism, sexist or gender-biased ex-
pression, and age bias.

Organization revisions
• Introduction. Open the memo with an expression of appreciation
following a more neutral subject line.
• Development. The intended pattern of development, cause and
effect, would be clearer and easier to follow if the entries in the
numbered list were shortened and rearranged.
• Conclusion. The last paragraph would be more likely to achieve the
memo’s goals if it expressed appreciation for the warehouse
group’s request and made note of shared goals.

Below is how this request memo would read if all the suggested
revisions were followed. It contains 189 words instead of the original
285 words. The revised memo is not simply shorter; it is clearer and
162 Skills of Workplace Communication

easier to read. Also it is more focused on the shared workplace relation-

ship of sender and receiver.
Below is the revised, indirect bad news memo:


TO: All warehouse employees

FROM: Beverly Lyndon BL

Human Resources

DATE: April 30, 2000


Thanks very much for forwarding your suggestions for changes in our
company’s dress code. Our company values employees’ participation and

Here are our thoughts and conclusions on this subject. They were reached
at a special meeting yesterday.

• We have many visitors and customers who tour all parts of our facility,
including our warehouse. As you are aware, they come from many parts
of our city and country. Some even visit from overseas.
• Your image is a reflection of the professional statement we make as a
company. Many visitors have commented favorably on the appearance
of company personnel.
• Your company-issued uniforms were designed with your comfort in
mind and by a committee in which two of your officers participated.

For all of these reasons it was decided at our meeting yesterday to continue
the dress code as it currently exists. The specific details of our company’s
policy are stated in the Employee Handbook, which you have all received.

Thank you again for bringing your proposal to my attention. Global

Bonded Couriers remains open and interested in your suggestions for
improving the workplace of our company.


Situation: Six months after sending her indirect negative news memo
things have changed. After an acrimonious power struggle the ware-
house employees at Global Bonded Couriers have chosen new leader-
Writing and Revising Negative News Memos 163

ship, which has revived the dress code issue. They have frequently
violated the code themselves. Recently, when Global scheduled a tour
for major clients, Beverly noticed employees with see-through tops,
baseball caps, and otherwise out of uniform.
Below is Beverly’s direct bad news memo in its first draft.


TO: All warehouse employees

FROM: Beverly Lyndon

Human Resources
DATE: October 22, 2000

SUBJECT: Dress Code

I would like to remind all employees of Global Bonded Couriers’ dress

code. It remains in effect as of this writing, as it has for the past five years
since I was instrumental in its conception and implementation. Prior to
recent developments it has been observed as intended.

Please review your handbook regarding personal appearance. You are

expected to dress in accordance with business standards common in
our industry and elsewhere. Please do not under any circumstances come
to work in peek-a-boo tops or very short skirts. Do not wear baseball
caps inside the building at any time or season. We have many visitors
and customers who tour our facility on an ongoing basis and your
image is a reflection of the professional statement we make as a com-

All drivers and workers who have been issued uniforms are expected to
be in uniform and properly attired during business hours."

Thank you for your cooperation.

Revising the Frontloaded, Direct Bad News Memo

Formatting revisions
• Headings. The subject line of a direct, frontloaded memo should be
more specific and capitalized.
• Single topic. The memo does deal with a single topic, namely the
warehouse employees’ dress code.
• Graphics. The memo lacks graphic highlighting and appears
squeezed into the upper half of the page. A bulleted or numbered
164 Skills of Workplace Communication

list is needed. In addition, underlining the already strong phrase

under any circumstances is the equivalent of shouting. Unnecessary.

Language and expression revisions

• Reader-based with shared goals. The memo’s opening paragraph is
sender focused. It gives no indication that the receivers’ opinions
have been considered at all. It refers to the readers in a negative light.
• Conversational tone. The tone is by turns combative, sarcastic, and
condescending. Even the most negative news can be delivered
• Concise style. Some sentences contain redundancies and wordy
writing such as “as of this writing.”
• Parallelism and variety. Parallelism would be used when a num-
bered list is introduced.
• Internal barriers to successful communication. Except for the un-
fortunate phrase peek-a-boo tops, the memo avoids internal barriers.

Organization revisions
• Introduction. Beginning the memo on a note of appreciation for the
employees’ suggestions coupled with a more specific but diplo-
matic subject line would earn the writer a more receptive audience.
• Development. A general-to-specific pattern of development would
be effective in conjunction with a numbered list.
• Conclusion. The last paragraph should express appreciation for
the warehouse group’s request and take note of shared goals.

Below is how this reply denial memo would read if all the suggested
revisions were followed. It contains 111 words instead of the original
155 words. It is not simply shorter, it is clearer and more courteous. And
it achieves this in a firm and direct manner.


TO: All warehouse employees

FROM: Beverly Lyndon BL

Human Resources

DATE: October 22, 2000


Thank you for forwarding your most recent suggestions for changes in our
company’s dress code. Their merits were given careful consideration.
Global Bonded Couriers’ dress code, however, remains in effect.
Writing and Revising Negative News Memos 165

1. “All employees are expected to dress in accordance with business

2. “Tops must be opaque and the skirts no more than four inches above
the knees.”
3. “Baseball caps are to be worn only outside the building.”
4. “All drivers and workers who have been issued uniforms are expected
to be in uniform and properly attired during business hours."

Please review your handbook for additional particulars of this code.

Thank you for maintaining the standards of Global Bonded Couriers.


Writing and Revising

Neutral or Positive
News Letters

Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters

In many ways letters tell even more about us personally and profession-
ally than do memos. By their very nature they travel far outside our
workplace and reveal much about our temperament and expertise. The
form and expression we use in our letters can often predict their success
or failure in reaching the goals we set for them.
Like memos, letters are sent through three channels: hard copy, fax,
and e-mail. They are almost always external, horizontal communica-
tions sent out to customers, suppliers, government agencies, and the
general public.
Like memos, letters must sometimes convey neutral or good news
and other times negative or bad news. This chapter will demonstrate
how to write and revise a variety of neutral to positive letters. These
will include typical request/reply as well as persuasive letters for the
following needs:

1. Information and action

2. Orders
3. Claims and adjustments
4. Special situations

Unlike memos, letters are more formal in style and tone. Like all
effective communication, however, their goal is always to be courteous
and positive in tone.
168 Skills of Workplace Communication

Business and government agency letters that follow the writing prin-
ciples analyzed in Part II, especially the triple plays of Chapter 6 for
reader-based communication, are more likely to achieve their goals.


Three Ages Three Phases Three Stages
Yesterday Purpose Think
Today Organization Write
Tomorrow Expression Revise


Options. The writer of a professional looking business letter follows

correct formatting in two areas listed in Chapter 11:
1. The page layout:
• Full block style
• Partial block style
• Simplified style
• Indented style
2. The headings: “salutation or greeting” and “complimentary close”
are omitted if one is using the simplified style. A “subject line” is
optional in all letter formats except the simplified style, where a
subject line stands alone in all capital letters without the word
“subject” as a heading.
• Letterhead or return address: most companies’ stationery includes
the company name, optional logo, full address, phone, fax, and
e-mail information. If not using a complete letterhead, any of this
information is usually added.
• Date line: the date of the mailing of the letter, not its writing, is
typed two lines above the inside address.
• Inside address: this will be the same as the address on the envelope.
Include the professional name of the person to whom you are
writing (even if you will use a less formal name on the salutation
or greeting line), title, company, street address, city, state (using the
two capital letters without periods assigned by the U.S. Postal
Service), and zip code.
Ms. Mary Beth Farrell
Senior Vice President
ACA Client Solutions
345 Maple Avenue
Dayton, OH 45320
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 169

A letter addressed only to a title without naming the individual person

is not off to a reader-based start. Check previous mail, the company’s
Internet site, or call the company for the correct name.
The following titles are customarily abbreviated: Mr., Ms., and Dr.
Categories whose titles are not customarily abbreviated include:

Academic: Professor Emeritus, Professor, Associate Professor

Religious: Reverend, Archbishop, Sister
Military: Major General, Sergeant, Colonel
Civic: Representative, Senator, Member of Congress, Council

• Salutation or greeting: Use Dear followed by the person’s last name.

Americans, known around the world for informality, tend to use
first names very freely. In foreign correspondence always use full
and honorific titles where appropriate. In letters at home only use
the first name if you truly share a very friendly relationship.
Use a colon after the person’s name to whom you are writing. If
you do not know the person’s name, or if you are uncertain about
the gender of persons with names such as Marion, Courtney, and
Robin, use the person’s job title alone. “To whom it may concern”
shows a lack of effort and courtesy. Ladies and Gentlemen is out-
• Optional subject line: this is the equivalent of the subject line of a
memo. It can either take the form of a verbal preview-summary of
the letter or a combination of words and numbers such as referral
numbers and order numbers. The subject line does not have to be
a complete sentence; it takes the form of a grammatical fragment,
for example, Confirmation of Vacation Schedule Changes. Since it is
not a complete sentence it does not end with a period. Articles the,
a, an are usually omitted.
In the full and partial block letter styles, the subject line, in upper-
and lowercase letters following the capitalized word SUBJECT, is
printed two lines below the salutation.
In the simplified letter style the subject line, competely capitalized
and without the word SUBJECT, is printed two lines after the
• Body or paragraphs: whether full, partial block, simplified, or in-
dented in style the paragraphs of the body or development are
single-spaced with double spacing between paragraphs. Center
the body of the letter on the page or, in the case of very brief letters,
raise it slightly above center.
• Complimentary close: most business letters today close with the
single word Sincerely. However, if a warmer, more personal closing
170 Skills of Workplace Communication

is desired use either Cordially, With warm regards, or Best wishes.

Such closings should be part of a friendlier and more personalized
business letter. If appended and out of context they will appear
artificial and phony.
• Signature: Sign your name as it appears in the printed line, unless
the letter is very friendly in tone. In that case sign your first name
only, but make sure that you have also used the receiver’s first
name in the salutation.
• Writer’s printed name: should appear four spaces below the compli-
mentary closing.
• Reference initials: two lines after the printed name your initials in
capital letters followed by a slash or colon appear first. These are
followed by the keyboarder’s initials in lowercase. If you type your
own letter, no initials are necessary.
• Enclosure line: this line, two lines after the reference initials line,
advises the reader that there are additional materials included with
your letter. Several styles are used:
Enclosures (3)
Enclosure: 1999 Annual Report
• Copy line: the abbreviation cc: is used followed by the names of any
persons to whom a copy of your letter is being given. Copies of
letters called blind copies are sent without acknowledgment on the
copy line. This is at best a lapse of professional courtesy.


Purpose. The content of each letter is determined by our purpose in

writing. Each time we write we should ask ourselves some key ques-
tions. For example,"Why am I writing this letter? Why now?" For direct,
frontloaded letters the answer to such questions will be mainly infor-
mation, the first of the four purposes of all business communication
studied in Chapter 3. This does not mean that the remaining three
purposes are overlooked, but that we are primarily focused on giving
information. Persuasion, change, and good will are always part of any
successful business document.
If the purpose of each letter is clear before writing starts, it can be
expressed in one central idea. Writing a concise yet specific subject line
is a good idea even if it is not used in the finished form of a letter as in
the simplified format.
Writing a central idea/subject line is a good first step in limiting
letters to a single topic. This does not mean a letter cannot cover a
number of different points. It means that the main idea is clear from the
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 171

start and that the remaining ideas are subordinated to it. Chapter 6
contains an outlining method that is useful for separating the main and
subordinate ideas.

Organization. Like all expository writing, letters are organized in

three parts: introduction, development, and conclusion. Since the ma-
jority of such letters will be routine and we will want to get right to the
point, they are frontloaded or direct in organization and expression.
They place the central idea up front in the introduction. Then they
follow one of the standard patterns of development. The ones checked
will usually work best for routine frontloaded letters.
• Chronological ✓
• Spatial
• Logical
1. Cause and effect ✓
2. Comparison-contrast ✓
3. Classification and division
4. Illustration ✓
5. Problem–analysis–solution
6. Order of importance ✓
Which patterns of development work best in business writing? Here
are some suggestions for choosing a pattern to suit a specific type of
• The chronological pattern: for orders, information, action, and
procedure letters
• The cause and effect pattern: for claim and adjustment letters
• The comparison and contrast pattern: for persuasive and sales
• The illustration pattern: for claim and adjustment letters
• The order of importance pattern: for persuasive and sales letters

Expression. Purpose and organization alone do not guarantee a suc-

cessful letter. A purposeful and logically organized letter must be writ-
ten in a reader-based style. If not the document will probably lose much
of its persuasive force and the writer will have missed an opportunity
for positive change.

Revision. No matter how clearly it is thought out and how carefully

it is written, letters always need to be revised. This can be done in either
of two ways:

1. As you write, by changing and improving the content and expres-

sion sentence by sentence or paragraph by paragraph.
172 Skills of Workplace Communication

2. After you write, by changing and improving the content and

expression of a complete first draft.


Like all expository writing, information and action letters have three
parts: introduction, development, and conclusion. Since the majority of
such letters are routine in nature, we will want to get right to the point.
Such letters are frontloaded or direct in organization and expression,
that is, they place the central idea up front in the introduction in the
form of a request.

The Information Request Letter

Please tell me this. Picks up the subject or
In this way. Expands the subject into a fully
stated central idea

Tell me this. Gives the specific points of

DEVELOPMENT { information desired
By answering these questions. In a numbered

Please do this. Refers back to the central idea

{ By this date. Cues desired mental and physical

Now let’s consider a specific situation requiring an information re-

quest letter.

Situation: Paul Sullivan wishes to purchase a Victorian era house in a

historic preservation district on Cape Cod. Not only will the house need
extensive renovations, but Paul would also like to create a studio for his
glasswork hobby. He needs to know what rules govern the district
before he signs a contract to purchase. This is the first draft of his letter
in the full block style.

Paul Sullivan
30 Benning Road
Fairfield, CT 12045

Bunky Marsden
Chairperson, Historic Preservation Committee
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 173

Town of Leeds
30 Main Street
Leeds, MA 02661

Dear Mr. Marsden:

I have looked at a number of houses in Leeds with the intent of purchasing

one. The one I most would like to purchase is an early Victorian house on
Eaton’s Lane. The house has been quite neglected for many years and will
need extensive renovation. Nevertheless, I think it will be an impressive
property when I’m finished with it. I’ve enclosed a photo of the house so
that you’ll know the property.
However, before I enter into a contract to purchase on March 15 I need
to know if there are rules governing what one may or may not do to antique
properties in Leeds. I understand that you, as head of the Historic Preser-
vation Committee, could enlighten me about this. I’ve heard you Yankees
run a tight ship up there.
Some of the things I need to know include policies about exterior
alterations. How extensive can changes be to the exterior of the house? I
am thinking of adding a glass works studio wing for my hobby. I also sell
my glass artifacts. What about trees? Can I remove any that might be in
the way of my proposed renovations?
I need this information very quickly.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Paul Sullivan

Revising the Information Request Letter

A letter’s physical appearance should send a positive signal even
before the receiver reads a word of it. The following list of the compo-
nents of letters from Chapter 11 provides guidelines for revision. Items
needing revision have ✕s to their right.

1. Letterhead or return address

2. Date line ✕
3. Inside address
4. Salutation or greeting ✕
5. Optional subject line
6. Body or paragraphs ✕
7. Complimentary close
8. Signature
174 Skills of Workplace Communication

9. Writer ’s printed name

10. Reference initials
11. Enclosure line ✕
12. Copy line
• Date line. Missing
• Salutation or greeting. The name Bunky is of indeterminate gender.
It would be safer to write Dear Bunky.
• Body or paragraphs. The body paragraphs of letters should follow
one style. This letter combines block and indented style. We’ll use
a partial block for the revised letter.
• Enclosure line. Missing
• Graphic highlighting. In this letter, graphic highlighting is needed
to focus the reader immediately on the key points of the document.
A numbered list of questions would help the receiver navigate
easily and quickly through the letter.

Language and expression

• Diplomatic or political savvy. The offhand remark, “I’ve heard you
run a tight ship up there,” may have been intended as a bit of
humor. But when you are not physically present to see the reaction,
humor in writing is risky. The remark could also be taken as
challenging or implying “I’m pretty tough too!”
• Conversational tone. Every letter is a personal contact. Even a rou-
tine letter can be made more personal and conversational with
personal pronouns such as “you” and “yours” used frequently.
This letter uses “I” almost exclusively.
• Concise style. The opening paragraph is a longwinded, background
filled narrative.It needs to get to the point in a reader-based way.
• Freedom from internal barriers. The epithet “Yankees” could have
been used in jest, but such expressions are not advisable unless the
reader is well known and not likely to be offended.
Below is the revised information request letter using the semi-block
format. Instead of 203 words there are only 138. The revised letter is also
more courteous, more clear, and much more reader based.

Paul Sullivan
30 Benning Road
Fairfield, CT 12045

February 26, 2000

Bunky Marsden
Chairperson, Historic Preservation Committee
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 175

Town of Leeds
30 Main Street
Leeds, MA 02661

Dear Chairperson:

Please provide building and renovations guidelines for the Leeds Historic
Preservation District. I plan to purchase an early Victorian home at 10
Eaton’s Lane in your beautiful village. The house has been quite neglected
for many years and will need extensive renovation. I’ve enclosed a photo
of the house so that you’ll know the property.

Your answers to the following questions will help me become a welcome

addition to your community.

1. What rules govern alterations to the exterior of the house?

2. Would I be allowed to erect a studio building for my glasswork?
3. May trees be removed to make room for such a studio?
4. Would the sale of artifacts be permitted at the studio?

Because a contract signing is scheduled for March 20, I would appreciate

your answers to these questions by March 15.


Paul Sullivan
Paul Sullivan



Today, orders are usually placed by phone. Increasingly, however,
websites are used. For these, a clear, unambiguous form and expression
will help avoid time wasting delays and confusion.

• In the opening paragraph, use a direct but polite frontloaded

opening to make it clear that you are ordering, not merely inquir-
• In the body, list in columns the quantities, the catalog numbers, the
item descriptions, and the cost. Subtotal these followed by tax and
shipping as applicable, and then include the total cost.
• In the closing tell the form of payment and the expected delivery
date. Express appreciation to the receiver for handling your order.
176 Skills of Workplace Communication

Situation: Melanie De Havilland, purchasing manager of Torres,

Smith, and Co., needs a number of items for their new office very
quickly because they want to be in business before the holidays. This is
their first office in the region and they do not have credit agreements in
place yet with local suppliers.

Please send this order. Picks up the subject or

In this way. Expands the subject into a fully
stated central idea

{ Send these things. Gives the specific order list
At these prices. In a numbered list

Please do this. Refers back to the central idea

{ By this date. Cues desired mental and physical

Below is a first draft of Melanie’s order letter.

Torres, Smith, and Co.

280 Tremont Boulevard
Chicago, IL 63014

May 23, 2000

Total Supplies
35 Wrigley Road
Chicago, IL 63015

To whom it may concern:

I need supplies as soon as possible for our new office in Chicago. You may
not have heard of us, but Torres, Smith, and Co. is the fastest growing
executive search firm in the entire Midwestern area. I saw many of the
items we need in your weekly newspaper circular.

20 No. 56255 Keep Tight 73 qt. Storage containers $139.80

15 No. 53789 Steelcabs 5-Drawer lockable steel file cabinets 449.25
10 No. 50244 Wipe-right 12 roll paper towels 79.90
Subtotal $668.95
Tax @ 5% 33.44
Shipping 40.00
Total $742.39
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 177

I need these items STAT. Therefore, I have enclosed a check for the full
amount. If there are any shipping charges or other fees involved in ship-
ping this order, just bill Torres, Smith, and Co.

Thank you for your attention.


Melanie De Havilland

Revising the Order Letter

Elements of the format needing change are noted with ✕s.
1. Letterhead or return address
2. Date line
3. Inside address
4. Salutation or greeting ✕
5. Optional subject line
6. Body or paragraphs
7. Complimentary close ✕
8. Signature ✕
9. Writer’s printed name ✕
10. Reference initials ✕
11. Enclosure line ✕
12. Copy line
Salutation or greeting. “To whom it may concern” is cold, outdated,
and bypasses the reader. Call and find out the name of the person in
shipping or use a title such as Shipping Manager.

Complimentary close. Should be flush left since the return address

and date are already flush left in the full block style.

Signature. Place flush left.

Writer’s printed name. Position flush left.

Reference initials. Melanie De Havilland’s upper case initials should

precede the lower case keyboarder’s initials.

Enclosure line. Should be added since there is a check enclosed.

178 Skills of Workplace Communication

Language and expression

This order letter could be more clear, more concise, and more courteous.
More clear: by naming the newspaper and date of the advertisement
mentioned in the opening paragraph and by avoiding acronyms such
as STAT. Even if the receiver of such a letter understands the acronym
shipping it immediately is an unreasonable request.
More concise: by omitting the background narrative about the com-
pany in the opening.
More courteous: by using a polite request in the opening and express-
ing a note of appreciation in the ending.

The writer of the letter might have given more thought to the tomor-
row of all business communication. She has told Total Supplies to bill
her company for any additional fees. It’s better in such a situation to
ask the shipper to call first about any additional fees.
Below is a revised example of an order letter in full block style. Not
only are there 101 words instead of 140, but the revised letter is clearer
and more courteous.

Torres, Smith, and Co.

280 Tremont Boulevard
Chicago, IL 63014

May 23, 2000

Mr. Andrew Johnson

Total Supplies
35 Wrigley Road
Chicago, IL 63015

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Please send by Express Mail the following supplies from your May 22
Chicago Register advertisement.

20 No. 56255 Keep Tight 73 qt. storage containers $139.80

15 No. 53789 Steelcabs 5-drawer lockable steel file cabinets 449.25
10 No. 50244 Wipe-right 12-roll paper towels 79.90
Subtotal $668.95
Tax @ 5% 33.44
Shipping 40.00
Total $742.39

Your shipping this order as quickly as possible will help us open our new
office by June 1st. Our check for $742.39 is enclosed. If there are any
additional charges please call me at the above number.
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 179


Melanie De Havilland
Melanie De Havilland





Sometimes, despite our best efforts at researching and double-check-
ing, things just go wrong. A widely admired company ships a defective
product, an order gets damaged in transit, a service is performed poorly.
There’s negative news all around. No one is happy; not the person who
has to write the bad news letter, not the receiver.
Even though they are bad news situations, most claim and adjust-
ment letters should follow the direct, frontloaded pattern. Stalling,
double-talking, and evasion do little good—threats even less. When
done in a reader-based manner, direct claim letters are easier for both
writer and receiver to handle.
An easy three-stage pattern for writing direct claim and adjustment

1. State the problem in a clear subject line using identifying informa-

tion for the reader
2. Explain the extent of the problem or any subproblems that have
3. State the solution that you see for this problem

Situation: Astral Technologies booked a three-day marketing forum

for 335 people at the Golden Palmetto Resort and Conference Center in
Orlando, Florida. From day one, when the first arrivals had to wait two
hours before occupying their rooms, to checkout four days later, prob-
lems with rooms, menus, and equipment continued. Jack W. Gostin,
Astral’s Forum Coordinator, wants an explanation and substantial re-
Here is the problem. Picks up the subject or
I have. Expands the subject into a fully stated
central idea
180 Skills of Workplace Communication

I can prove my case. Gives the specific

DEVELOPMENT { evidence
In this way. Uses a numbered list

Please correct this problem. Refers to the

CONCLUSION { central idea
In this way. Cues desired mental and physical

Below is the first draft of the claim letter using the simplified letter

2100 Astral Avenue
Austin, TX 78710

March 24, 2000

Ms. Debra Janoway, Manager
Conventions and Meetings
Golden Palmetto Resort and Conference Center
15 Lakefront Boulevard
Orlando, FL 02199


Dear Ms. Janoway:

The three-day marketing forum that we recently concluded at the Golden

Palmetto Resort and Conference Center was an unqualified fiasco. From
the problems with the early arrivals on March 16th, who were kept waiting
interminably for their rooms to be readied, to the delays with checkouts
on March 20th, nothing went as planned.

You and I met in January and supposedly finalized all the arrangements
for our marketing forum as set forth in the enclosed copy of contract. You
assured me that the renovations, which were going on that time, would be
completely finished before my group arrived. You also guaranteed that the
finished rooms and conference center would be “finer and more beautiful
than anywhere I had ever been in America.”

The closing night banquet was very disappointing due to unauthorized, last
minute menu changes, shortage of staff, and problems with air-conditioning.

Your people assigned many rooms to my people that could only be described
as Third World in condition. Rugs were soiled, bathrooms were not properly
cleaned, and the furniture outside on the balconies was dirty. To show you
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 181

that this is not the product of an “overly refined sensitivity,” as one of your
assistants had the temerity to suggest, I have enclosed photographs docu-
menting the truth of what I said. One last thing - the promised amenities
were nowhere to be found in many of the bathroom accommodations.
Subsequent to my remonstrances some of these were provided.

Finally, the installation of the carpeting in the conference center could only
be described as a “work in progress” when we arrived, which can be seen
in the enclosed photographs.

Because you failed to provide the level of comfort and convenience that
was agreed to in January, as evidenced by the aforementioned failures, I
am herewith demanding a refund in full.

This refund is expected immediately.

Sincerely yours,

Jack W. Gostin
Forum Coordinator

JWG: cl
Enclosures (five photographs)

Revising the Claim and Adjustment Letter

1. Letterhead or return address
2. Date line
3. Inside address
4. Salutation or greeting ✕
5. Optional subject line
6. Body or paragraphs ✕
7. Complimentary close ✕
8. Signature ✕
9. Writer’s printed name ✕
10. Reference initials
11. Enclosure line ✕
12. Copy line

Salutation or greeting. The simplified letter format does away with the
traditional greeting line.
Body or paragraphs. The development of the letter would be more
effectively organized using the chronological pattern with illustration
or examples. This will make the sequence and seriousness of the prob-
lems encountered by Astral Technology clearer and easier to follow.
182 Skills of Workplace Communication

Complimentary close. Omitted in the simplified letter format.

Signature. Reposition flush left.
Writer’s printed name. Place flush left under the signature.
Enclosure line. This is needed to bring attention to the contract copy
referred to in the second paragraph.

Language and expression

This order letter could be more clear and concise, and less emotional
and combative. Offensive remarks such as “Third World” are out of
order in professional writing.
More clear: by using graphic highlighting in a chronologically arranged,
numbered list of the problems encountered.
More concise: by omitting wordy phrases such as “the furniture that
was outside on the balconies” and legalese wording such as “subse-
quent to,” “aforementioned,” and “herewith.” Plain English words
such as complaints should be used instead of “remonstrances.”
More courteous: by using a less combative writing style without such
expressions as “your people” and “my people.” A more polite, objec-
tively stated request should be used in the ending.

Despite his clear disappointment, the writer could be more focused

on the today of this business communication, namely, what can be done
at this point about the resort’s mishandling of the forum.
Below is a revised example of this claim letter in simplified block
style. There are 280 words instead of 327. Yet it is more specific, clearer,
and more courteous. In the end it should be more effective in achieving
a resolution.

2100 Astral Avenue
Austin, TX 78710

March 24, 2000

Ms. Debra Janoway, Manager

Conventions and Meetings
Golden Palmetto Resort and Conference Center
15 Lakefront Boulevard
Orlando, FL 02199



The three-day marketing forum that we recently concluded at the Golden

Palmetto Resort and Conference Center met neither our expectations nor the
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 183

requirements of our contract signed January 18, 2000. Please note the problems
experienced from the March 16th early arrivals to the March 20th checkouts.

1. The 70 guests who arrived March 16th at 4:00 PM as scheduled were kept
waiting two hours while their rooms were readied.
2. The poolside reception did not open at 4:00 PM as scheduled, but at 6:00 PM.
3. Forty-seven guests experienced soiled carpeting in their rooms and
unclean furniture on their balconies.
4. Thirty-eight guest bathrooms were not supplied with the agreed amen-
ities until I complained personally to the Concierge Desk.
5. The conference center, far from being “one of the most beautiful business
facilities in America” as promised in the forum brochure, was still being
carpeted the morning of our opening meeting.
6. The closing night banquet was very disappointing due to unauthorized,
last-minute menu changes such as substituting flounder for Florida
Pompano and round steak for Chateaubriand. There were also many
complaints of poor service and inadequate air conditioning.

The Golden Palmetto Resort and Conference Center clearly failed to fulfill the
terms of the enclosed contract. I personally brought items one, two, and six to
your attention as they happened. The enclosed photographs clearly
demonstrate the problems listed above in items three, four, and five.

For these reasons I am submitting this claim to you for a partial refund of
$21,750. This amount is expected by April 10.

Jack W. Gostin
Jack W. Gostin
Forum Coordinator

JWG: cl
Enclosures (five photographs, one contract)


When one is able and ready to grant any of the information and action
requests received, there is no reason to hide the good news. An action-
granted reply letter should tell the reader what he or she wants to hear
in the opening paragraph. Using the direct, frontloaded pattern the
writer can create an information and action granted letter with the
following steps:
1. Use a subject line to help your reader focus quickly on your central
184 Skills of Workplace Communication

2. State the good news positive reply in the opening sentence of the
introductory paragraph.
3. Give the specifics answers, point by point, to your reader’s re-
quests for information or action in the development or body of the
4. Conclude in a friendly and personal manner. Refer back to the
good news of the opening paragraph. Extend an offer of additional
information, if the reader needs or desires it.

Now let’s consider a specific situation requiring an information reply

letter. George Byron wrote to Hellespont Health Insurance requesting
information about substance abuse and mental health coverage in his
policy. He asked for a list of network providers, including individual
professionals and facilities, whether he had to call in advance for
approval before going to one of the professionals in the network, and
whether he could get help in choosing a provider.
Yes, I’ll be happy to. Picks up the subject or
Do what you asked. Expands purpose into a
full central idea

Here’s the information. Gives the specific

DEVELOPMENT { information desired
And here is more. In a numbered list

If you need more. Refers back to the central

{ idea
Just ask us. Cues desired mental and physical
Below is the first draft of the information reply letter using the full
block format.

Hellespont Health Insurance

200 Elm Street
Houston, TX 33776

November 22, 1999

Dear Mr. Byron:

Enclosed is a copy of Hellespont Health’s new Behavioral Health Care

Provider Network directory. This directory lists many items of interest
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 185

to subscribers such as you including but not limited to participating

network providers who specialize in mental health and substance
abuse. The network includes not only individual practitioners, but also
facilities such as hospitals, and specialized programs, which might be
of special interest.

When selecting a provider from the directory, please call the toll-free
Mental Health and Substance Abuse number listed on the back of your
Hellespont ID card to get precertification. (Precertification means that the
mental health and/or substance abuse service was approved in advance
by Hellespont’s Behavioral Health Care Management Program.) Except in
the case of an emergency condition, members must obtain precertification.
When you call the toll-free number, you will speak with a trained mental
health counselor who will precertify the necessary services and refer you
to an appropriate provider.

Remember that under the terms of your contract, any and all mental health
and substance abuse services must be received from Hellespont network
providers. If you have any questions about mental health and substance
abuse services, please call the number on the back of your ID card.


Linda Hamilton, M.D.

Vice President
Senior Medical Director

Revising the Claim Letter

In the following revision checklist, items that need improvement are
marked with an ✕.

1. Letterhead or return address

2. Date line
3. Inside address
4. Salutation or greeting
5. Optional subject line ✕
6. Body or paragraphs ✕
7. Complimentary close
8. Signature
9. Writer’s printed name
10. Reference initials ✕
11. Enclosure line ✕
12. Copy line
186 Skills of Workplace Communication

Subject line. A subject line is optional but recommended in reply

letters to focus the reader immediately on the favorable reply you have
Body or paragraphs. The development of the letter would be more
effectively organized using chronological order. This will make it easier
for the reader to understand the procedures explained in the reply letter.
The concluding paragraph would be helped by adding more precise
information such as a phone number to call, rather than referring the
reader to a membership card which may not be handy.
Enclosure line. Needed to refer to the directory mentioned in the first

Language and expression

This reply letter could be more clear, concise, and personal:
More clear: by using graphic highlighting in a chronologically arranged,
numbered list of the precertification procedures mentioned.
More concise: by omitting wordy phrases such as “including but not
limited to”
More courteous: by beginning paragraph three with the simple please.

Below is a revised example of this direct, frontloaded reply letter. It

has 194 words instead of the original 213. Yet it is more reader-based
and easier to follow.

Hellespont Health Insurance

200 Elm Street
Houston, TX 33776

November 22, 1999

Dear Mr. Byron:



Enclosed is a your copy of Hellespont’s Behavioral Health Care Providers

directory. This directory lists individual practitioners, facilities such as
hospitals, and specialized programs.

To select a provider from the directory, please use the following procedure.

1. Call the toll-free Mental Health and Substance Abuse number, 1-888-
444-9000, listed on the back of your Hellespont ID card to get pre-
certification. (Precertification means that the mental health and/or
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 187

substance abuse service was approved in advance by Hellespont’s Be-

havioral Health Care Management Program.)
2. Except in the case of an emergency condition, members must obtain
3. When you call the toll-free number, you will speak with a trained mental
health counselor who will precertify the necessary services and refer
you to an appropriate provider.

Please remember that under the terms of your contract, all mental health
and substance abuse services must be received from Hellespont network
providers. If you have any other questions, please call the same toll-free
number, 1-888-444-9000. Our trained professionals are ready to help you
24 hours a day, every day.


Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamilton, M.D.
Vice President
Senior Medical Director



Few types of business communication need pay as much attention
to the three writing ages of yesterday, today, and tomorrow as
adjustment letters. These are letters written in response to customer
claim letters.
Customers are disappointed and often angry when they write claim
letters. The result is that although such letters are not always calm or
diplomatic, the writer of the response must be. When faced with the
responsibility of answering letters like these, the writer needs to stop
and ask some questions.

1. Yesterday: What caused the problem?

2. Today: How do I correct the problem?
3. Tomorrow: Will my action today keep the customer tomorrow?

Since it is easier to retain customers than find new ones and since
we live in such a litigious age, most businesses grant adjustments
whenever possible. In granting adjustments the writer follows reader-
based guidelines such as the following in the form and content of
the letter:
188 Skills of Workplace Communication

• Use the direct, frontloaded pattern, that is, give the good news
immediately in the opening sentence.
• Avoid negative thought and language. Don’t apologize and ex-
press regret about the situation. Nothing is achieved by rehashing
old news and reopening old wounds. Don’t fix blame or question
customers’ motives in seeking adjustments. You have decided to
right the wrong, probably at some immediate expense to your
business. If you do it begrudgingly, you might end up losing the
customer as well.
• Close on a forward looking note, namely, future business.
Situation: John Petersen, proprietor of a wholesale flooring com-
pany, has received a claim letter for the replacement of wood floors
his company installed four months earlier. The job was done in a
prime building in which he had wanted to do business for some
The letter states that the prefabricated parquet squares have begun to
buckle in 3 of the 12 rooms where they were laid, because they were of
“inferior quality.” It also states that the workers sent on this job were
inexperienced and “obviously rushed” by the foreman to complete the
job quickly. Mr. Petersen decides to swallow the loss now and replace
the flooring, even though the customer did not take his spoken advice
about its suitability for the humid climate.
Yes, I’ll happily. Picks up the subject or
Approve your claim. Expands purpose into a
full central idea

Here’s what I’ll do. Gives the specific

DEVELOPMENT { information desired
For you, my valued customer. In a numbered

If our company can do more for you. Suggest

We’re always here. Cues desired mental and
physical action
Below is the first version of John Petersen’s adjustment grant letter
using the indented format.

Petersen Estate Flooring

Via Mizner
Palm Beach, FL 32665
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 189

January 5, 2000

Russell Pine, Managing Agent

Chatsworth Towers
10 Ocean Drive
Palm Beach, FL 32550

Dear Mr. Pine:

You have been a valued customer of Petersen Estate Flooring, and we

will be happy to replace the flooring in the solariums and breakfast rooms
on the eleventh through the twentieth floor apartments of Chatsworth
The flooring that was installed was of the highest quality oak avail-
able today. It was assembled and installed completely by hand in the
finest tradition of old-world craftsmanship. I personally assigned my
most experienced workers to your job cite to guarantee your total
satisfaction and that of your discriminating shareholders at Chatsworth
However, as I warned you prior to the commencement of the project
even the finest oak flooring is not suitable for the conditions of high
humidity that are typical of this area especially in the summer months.
Have you thought of having the air-conditioning and de-humidifica-
tion systems checked? You will recall that I advised you to go with the
marble flooring in the breakfast rooms and the hand painted tiles that
I import from Majorca for the solariums. Solariums are especially
subject to high humidity, which is most certainly the cause of the
buckling you complained about. I have enclosed brochures on the
marble and tile floorings. Perhaps you would like to reconsider your
choices at this time.
I would like to send in my men as soon as possible to get the job done
correctly. I will be in touch with you shortly to advise you of the starting
date. I regret any inconvenience this may cause.


John Petersen

JP: rh

Revising the Adjustment Granted Letter

The areas that need improvement are followed by ✕s.
1. Letterhead or return address
190 Skills of Workplace Communication

2. Date line
3. Inside address
4. Salutation or greeting
5. Optional subject line ✕
6. Body or paragraphs ✕
7. Complimentary close
8. Signature
9. Writer ’s printed name
10. Reference initials
11. Enclosure line ✕
12. Copy line

Subject line: A subject line is optional but needed in a case like this
when both parties deal with many projects each day. It could also be
used to focus the reader immediately on the favorable reply the writer
has ready.
Body or paragraphs: A positive reply adjustment letter such as this
would be more effectively organized using a combination of chronolog-
ical and cause–effect order to help the reader focus on the sequence of
events that caused the problems to occur. The concluding paragraph
would be more effective with a more positive and specific action infor-
mation closing.
Enclosure line. This is needed for the two brochures mentioned in the
third paragraph.

Language and expression

This adjustment letter could be much more positive and less accusa-
tory. Assigning blame to the managing agent lessens the good will to be
gained by agreeing to replace the flooring. Some ways to improve the
language and expression of the letter are as follows:

More correct: the word cite in the second paragraph is correctly

spelled. However, the spell-check does not alert the writer that it is the
wrong word. The word site, or location, is needed here.
More clear: by using graphic highlighting in a chronologically ar-
ranged, numbered list of what will be done to change and improve
the situation.
More concise: by omitting lengthy background narratives.
More reader-based and courteous: by suggesting early starting dates to
demonstrate sincere determination to correct the situation and asking
the receiver if those dates would be convenient.

Below is a more effective version of this adjustment letter using 240

instead of 284 words.
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 191

Petersen Estate Flooring

Via Mizner
Palm Beach, FL 32665

January 5, 2000

Russell Pine, Managing Agent

Chatsworth Towers
10 Ocean Drive
Palm Beach, FL 32550


Dear Mr. Pine:

You have been a valued customer of Petersen Estate Flooring for many
years, and we will be happy to replace the flooring in the solariums and
breakfast rooms on the eleventh through the twentieth floor apartments of
Chatsworth Towers at no expense to you.
The materials were of the highest quality oak available today. The
installation was done by the most experienced craftsmen using time-hon-
ored traditions of old-world craftsmanship.
I am ready to start the flooring replacement project immediately. Will
the following schedule be convenient for you and the affected shareholders
at Chatsworth Towers?

1. The week of January 20th: remove and replace flooring on the eleventh
through the fifteenth floors.
2. The week of January 30th: remove and replace flooring on the sixteenth
through the twentieth floors.

For the new building being constructed on Lake Avenue you may wish
to consider the marble and tile flooring that we import from Europe. It is
shown in the enclosed brochures. Or you may wish to view samples at our
Via Mizner showroom.
Please let me know if the schedule proposed above is convenient. I will
be happy to schedule the flooring replacement differently, if you so


John Petersen
John Petersen
192 Skills of Workplace Communication


The direct or frontloaded pattern is used for replying to inquiries

about personnel. The reason for this is that the sender is giving the
receiver what he or she requested and in that sense it is a good news
message. Of course you may not always have good things to say about
the person you have received the inquiry about, but a clear and unam-
biguous direct reply is still preferred.
The stages of a direct, frontloaded personnel reply letter:

1. Use a subject line to establish an immediate link to the requested

2. If you have received a personnel inquiry listing specific points of
information, respond in kind with a numbered list.
3. Close in a positive manner, emphasizing good will and continuing
relations with the inquiring party. When you do not have com-
pletely favorable news about the subject of the inquiry, close
without leaving an opening for future discussion. Your company
or agency may be cautious about doing personnel evaluation
letters in the first place. Going into detail in a somewhat unfavor-
able reply might set off alarms in the legal department.

Situation: Robert Shaw, the Principal of the Oak Hill School for Children
with Special Needs has received an evaluation request for Marilyn
Giglia from William Colon of The Independent School in San Jose,
California. Ms. Giglia, who worked with Mr. Shaw for seven years, has
applied for a position at The Independent School.
Yes, I’ll be happy to. Picks up the purpose or
{ subject line
Do what you asked. Expands purpose into a
full central idea

Here’s the information. Gives the specific

{ information desired
As you requested it. In a comparable
numbered list

I was happy to help you. Refers back to the

CONCLUSION { central idea

With this letter. Cues desired mental and
physical action

Below is the first draft of a direct personnel reply letter using the
simplified letter format.
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 193

The Oak Hill School

26 Sycamore Lane
Tarrytown, NY 12580

May 4, 2000

Mr. William Colon, Principal

The Independent School
42 Hamilton Avenue
San Jose, CA 95760


Since joining the staff seven years ago, Marilyn Giglia has proven herself
to be a teacher of exceptional quality and competence. Although concen-
trating in the area of English at all levels, she has also taught a variety of
subjects including science, history, and health. All these were taught with
advanced preparation, motivation and an understanding of the compo-
nents necessary to present the information to a heterogeneous grouping of
emotionally disturbed students.

Ms. Giglia attends to everything she does in a warm, open, supportive and
compassionate way. The youngsters with whom she deals recognize this
and not only tend to perform well for her, but seek her out as an adult who
they can trust, confide in and seek advice from. At the same time Ms. Giglia
runs her room in this manner, she is also able to set very clear limits as to
what is acceptable and what is not, and will seek out help from a supervi-
sor when she feels that a situation has gone far enough and a youngster
needs to leave the classroom. I have noted and expressed with amazement
and pleasure that almost every time I have entered her room, despite the
“hectic chaos” which might be going on all around Oak Hill on a “normal”
day, Ms. Giglia’s class is present, quiet, books open and a productive class
session is under way. In addition, Ms. Giglia will not let a youngster “slip
by” but will follow them up, be it school work or behavior and see to it
that they know that she cares enough to “stay on their case” about the

Ms. Giglia has always been an enthusiastic, caring and supportive member
of the staff. She has always done more than her share on staff functions,
with school Special Event activities and in general, it is comforting to know
that one can always count on her for help and support on any activity or
situation. An example at the moment, is her current support for graduating
seniors, in the absence of Mr. Harrison, by helping them fill out college
applications and doing some of the follow-up work necessary to complete
plans after graduation. She also recently set up two substitute teachers in
preparation for their teaching two English classes while the regular teacher
was out on sick leave.
194 Skills of Workplace Communication

To summarize, Marilyn Giglia has performed at Oak Hill like a dedicated

professional. She approaches her daily task with enthusiasm, as a solid
individual with a sensitivity and caring and receptiveness to dealing with
anything that comes her way. She is there for the staff, she is there for the
students and she is held in esteem by both groups, quite evidently. Her
contribution to Oak Hill is an enormous one.

Marilyn P. Giglia will be a significant asset to your school. I know that I

speak for my entire professional staff and myself when I say that we will
miss her here at Oak Hill.

I appreciate the value you place on my opinion and judgement.


WC: nb

Revising the Personnel Reply Letter

In the following list, areas that can be improved are highlighted with

1. Letterhead or return address

2. Date line
3. Inside address
4. Salutation or greeting
5. Optional subject line ✕
6. Body or paragraphs ✕
7. Complimentary close
8. Signature
9. Writer ’s printed name
10. Reference initials ✕
11. Enclosure line
12. Copy line

Subject line. The writer of an information reply letter should include

the date of the original request letter. This helps focus the reader
immediately on the specific request that is being answered.
Body or paragraphs. Mr. Colon’s positive reply letter could be more
effectively organized using a combination of spatial and illustration
logical patterns of development. The spatial pattern could guide the
reader, for example, from campus to building to classroom. While the
Writing and Revising Neutral or Positive News Letters 195

illustration pattern would provide examples of Ms. Giglia’s perfor-

mance in each area.
Reference initials. In the simplified form only the keyboarders initials
in lowercase are printed.

Language and expression

This letter, while very complimentary, is very long and rambling.
Making it much more concise would help the reader grasp the key
points of the subject more quickly. Graphic highlighting in the form of a
numbered list of the responses to the specific questions asked would
also make the letter more reader-based.
One way the writer of the letter could achieve the goal of being
clear and concise is by using shorter sentences. In the second paragraph
there are two sentences over 50 words long. That is about double the
maximum length recommended for effective business and professional
Below is a revised frontloaded information reply letter in the simpli-
fied letter format. It is 275 words instead of the original 508 words. It is
more reader-based because it refers directly to the specific points of
information requested and does it more concisely.

The Oak Hill School

26 Sycamore Lane
Tarrytown, NY 12580

May 4, 2000

Mr. William Colon, Principal

The Independent School
42 Hamilton Avenue
San Jose, CA 95760



Here are my responses to your inquiries about Marilyn Giglia. For your
convenience, they are listed in the same order as your letter.

1. Academic strength and classroom performance. Since joining Oak Hill

eight years ago Marilyn Giglia has excelled at teaching our emotionally
challenged student body. In addition to her primary subject, English,
she has successfully taught science, history, and health. She has done all
these with a very high level of preparation, motivation, and profession-
196 Skills of Workplace Communication

2. Personal and classroom interaction. Ms. Giglia is warm and supportive

at all times, which encourages her students to trust her as an adult from
whom they can seek advice. However, she sets clear limits on acceptable
classroom behavior. As a result, no matter how hectic the outside may
be, her room is always quiet and productive.
3. Team player. Ms. Giglia has always been an enthusiastic and supportive
staff member. In fact, she has always done more than her share on staff
functions and special events. Currently she is filling in during a
teacher ’s absence by helping graduating seniors complete their college
applications. She has also just prepared two substitute teachers to fill in
during a regular teacher ’s leave of absence.

To summarize, Marilyn P. Giglia has performed at Oak Hill like a dedicated

professional. She is held in the highest esteem by staff and students. Ms.
Giglia will be a significant asset to your school. My entire staff and I will
miss her here at Oak Hill.

I appreciate the value you place on my opinion and judgment.

William Colon

Writing and Revising
Indirect or Deferred-Load
Letters For Negative News,
Persuasion, and Sales


Just as there are situations within corporations and government agen-

cies that may be the subject of internal, negative-news memos, there are
situations requiring external, negative-news letters. An unsubstanti-
ated claim about a product must be denied. A request for sensitive
information must be turned down. Requests for donations to charitable
events cannot always be granted. Requests to attend and address meet-
ings cannot always be accepted.
While most people realize that they cannot agree to every request,
they still are disappointed when someone turns down their request.
Some people give a shrug, adapt, and find someone else or some other
way to get their need fulfilled. But others get annoyed, even hostile,
when turned down.
Learning how to write a sensitive, empathetic negative-news letter is
a very important skill. It might not make the bad news pretty, but it can
prevent hard feelings of rejection and a nasty trip down the slippery
slope of ill will.
Persuasive and sales letters, while not explicitly carrying bad news,
can face a similarly unwelcome reception. For this reason, writers of
such letters should use the same indirect pattern that negative-news
writers employ, namely, the indirect or deferred load method.
The most important aspect of the indirect pattern is placing the
central idea at a later stage in the letter. This is not to suggest that we
leave our readers guessing or in the dark at the beginning of negative-
198 Skills of Workplace Communication

news or persuasive and sales letters. It does mean that we get to the
central idea of the letter gradually but deliberately.

Purpose and Development

Whenever sitting down to compose an indirect or deferred load letter
the writer adheres to the same four main purposes that writers of direct,
frontloaded letters follow: information, persuasion, results or changes,
and good will or public relations. While these purposes exist to a greater
or lesser degree in every business document, the area of emphasis will
vary. As a result, the method of development will change.
As we saw in the preceding chapters, when the primary purpose of a
memo or letter is to give information that the reader will be happy
about, or at least neutral to receive, the central idea goes up front in the
introductory paragraph.
However, when the information or persuasion is being delivered to
an unreceptive audience, the central idea will be deferred to a later
paragraph in the body of the document. When this happens, the pur-
poses of information and persuasion are not primary but are being used
to lead up the primary purpose, which is the result or change being
When this indirect or deferred presentation of the central idea is done
effectively the writer will get the desired results. The receiver, while not
exactly getting what he or she sought, is left with a feeling of good will
toward the writer and the organization.

Bad news letters and persuasive letters both use the indirect method
of presentation and development but differ in the function of their
concluding paragraphs. The negative-news letter ends with a statement
of feeling; the persuasive or sales letter ends with a call to action.


Before writing even the first draft of a negative-news letter the writer
always pauses to recall the three ages of successful business communi-

1. Yesterday. Try to determine as precisely as possible what has oc-

curred in the past to cause the present problem. Who has sent the
request you have decided must be denied? Do you have any
Writing Indirect or Deferred-Load Letters 199

personal feelings at all toward that person? If so, has it been a

pleasant or unpleasant relationship?
2. Today. How can I avoid delivering the bad news badly? How can
I do it in a positive way?
3. Tomorrow. By delivering my bad news in a positive way I can avoid
damaging a good relationship with the person or group. Or I can
at least avoid worsening an already strained relationship.

The primary purposes of negative-news letters are similar to those of
indirect memos:

• Information: To tell people about problems involving situations and

• Damage control: To prevent or change people’s negative reception
of ideas and issues

How successfully we achieve these purposes will affect not only our
primary audience, the targeted receiver of the message, but also our
secondary audience. These are the unknown numbers of people who
will learn of the news and how we delivered it to our primary audience.
The relative degree of bad news will determine just how indirectly
we craft our message. There are five degrees or methods of embedding
the bad news. The following list is in increasing order of indirectness,
from least to most indirect. While you will always use the first method,
deferring the bad news to a later paragraph, you may not always feel it
necessary to go to the higher levels of indirectness. Whether you do will
be a factor of your review of the yesterday, today, and tomorrow of each
situation. Whichever level you choose, always use positive language to
convey negative news.
Five Ways to backload or soften negative news:

1. By deferring the bad news until a later paragraph of the document.

As a general rule, place it in the next to the last paragraph.
2. By placing the unwelcome news toward the end of that chosen
paragraph; hold off until the last sentence, almost as a throwaway
or afterthought.
3. By putting the negative news in the subordinate clause of a com-
plex sentence:
Negative expression: “We only give cash refunds within 30 days of
purchase, after that we do not give cash refunds.”
Positive expression: “We gladly give cash refunds within 30 days of
purchase, after that we give store credits.”
200 Skills of Workplace Communication

4. By expressing it in the passive voice of the verb:

Negative expression: “We only give cash refunds within 30 days of
purchase, although cash refunds are not given after that.”
Positive expression: We gladly give cash refunds within 30 days of
purchase, although store credits are given after that."
5. By not stating it at all, but simply implying it: “We have a very
generous cash refund policy for all returns made within 30 days.”
This expression implies, but never directly states, that no cash
refunds are given after 30 days.
The four stages of unfolding bad news successfully:
1. Adopt an objective yet personal tone. Avoid any direct mention of
the problem or issue in your opening paragraph. Instead, mention
shared goals and other understandings that you have in common.
2. Give clear, simple reasons for the unhappy change or decision you
are about to reveal. These should be reasons in plain English,
readily understood by your reader, not couched in jargon or legal-
3. Disclose the news as something that involves and affects you, the
sender, and the receiver. Place it in a brief subordinate clause with
the verb in the passive voice.
4. Gently close the door. Offer alternatives or face-saving damage
control proposals wherever feasible. You’ve done nothing wrong,
so there isn’t any reason to apologize.

Subject line and central idea. Write the purpose or central idea in one
clear sentence. Even when it will not be used explicitly in the optional
subject line, it is the first step in limiting the message to a single topic
and organizing the message.

Development or body. Ease into the subject line gradually. Follow the
principles of writing a reader-based document. Writers of bad news
letters need to show that they are aware of and have considered their
readers’ opinions, even as they lead the reader to a different conclusion
that writer and reader can both share.

Conclusion. The care you have taken in delivering the negative news
indirectly should carry over into the conclusion. The more unwelcome
the news you have given your reader, the more important it is to end
on a pleasant, courteous note. Most of all avoid any suggestion that the
matter is still open for discussion.
• Extend best wishes or, depending on the situation, suggest other
avenues that your reader might pursue.
Writing Indirect or Deferred-Load Letters 201

• Remain confident that your decision was correct. Don’t refer back
to the bad news or apologize. Apologizing suggests doubt in the
wisdom of your decision.
• Avoid clichéd endings that may only prolong the unpleasantness.
The decision has been made. Closing with expressions such as, “If
there are any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me,”
will probably appear formulaic and hollow at this point.
• Remember that even negative news can be presented with reader
benefits and shared goals in mind. If nothing else, the shared goal
is to leave the bad news behind and move on.


Everyone thinks his or her claim is justified. Even perhaps someone
demanding $10 million for spilling hot coffee on himself. The real
problem at work is emotional. The claimant thinks he or she was
wronged, and not in some abstract, theoretical way. When a product
fails to deliver as promised, perhaps the advertisement’s to blame for
raising unreasonable expectations. Nevertheless, the claimant feels
wronged or betrayed in some deeply personal, intangible way.
Claimants don’t want to hear excuses, they want remedies. And they
tell their friends and anyone who’ll listen just how upset they are with
the product and the company. Does this mean you grant every claim?
Sometimes, when they are unjustified or unreasonable, you decide you
must say “no.” Can you refuse the claim without losing the customer?

What causes the loss of customers is often not the denial of the claim
but the way it was handled. The respondent got as emotionally in-
volved as the claimant did, causing the worst case scenario short of
litigation—an ugly shouting match in public.
The calm, logical thought process outlined above for creating a bad
news letter must be accompanied by similarly cool, dispassionate lan-
guage. Assessing blame, finger pointing, and accusations are neither
wise nor productive. The bad news letter situation is the one case where
writing a reader-based document observes the “you view” by hardly
ever using the you word.

Situation: Liya Krikheli and Gloria Coppola purchased tickets for

“The Battle of the Baritones.” The event was billed as “an evening of
vocal splendor with the three greatest baritones in the world: Megalo
Stoma, Gromkiy Golos, and Duze Usta.” The sold-out performance was
scheduled to take place on Saturday evening at the Bernheimer Arena
202 Skills of Workplace Communication

in Denver under the control of the impressario, Boca Grandita. Thurs-

day evening Stoma’s manager said he could not perform in the exces-
sive heat. Golos’s agent called to say that the singer was suffering from
a severe case of laryngitis. Usta said he would not go on alone for a solo
recital unless his portion of the gate was tripled.
The arena decided to mount a concert with three different performers:
Pe Katan, Micri Voce, and Patara Piri. The arena changed their Internet
website and their radio advertisements, and posted signs at the en-
trance to the parking lot and arena announcing the change and the
policy regarding refunds.
Liya and Gloria traveled such a long distance for the concert that they
decided to enter the arena and listen to the substitute performers. They
left after the first encore arias and asked for their money back. When
refused at the box office, they wrote a letter demanding a refund.
Management has decided to deny the refunds.
Our Arena is proud. Picks up the purpose or
{ subject line
Of its concert offerings. Expands purpose into
a full central idea

Because of these facts. Presents reasons

{ leading up to central idea
The arena only does this. Without mentioning
refund denial

Please enjoy these passes. Ends on a positive

{ note
At a future event. Cues receiver to the future
Below is the first version of the claim denial letter:

The Bernheimer Arena for the Performing Arts

Boulder Freeway Denver, CO 77600 612-777-7800

July 26, 2000

Liya Krikheli
Gloria Coppola
Seven Border Boulevard
Denver, CO 77625

Dear Liya and Gloria:


Writing Indirect or Deferred-Load Letters 203

I received your letter explaining your displeasure with the events that took
place during last week’s concert at the Bernheimer Arena. I am unhappy
that you believe I and my organization deliberately deceived you, when I
believe that we tried our best to rectify a rather unpleasant situation. When
the impressario, who scheduled The Battle of the Baritones, informed me
of the inability of his world class stars to perform I investigated the matter.
It turned out that there were many issues of a personal nature as well as
medical ones.

The Bernheimer Arena was never responsible for the singers who were
going to perform at the concert; we just provided the facility and the
advertising of the event.

In order to clean up the mess left, that Thursday we decided to go on with

a modified version of the originally promised concert. At that time I took
many steps to guarantee that the public were made aware of the changes.
I did all of the following. I changed our web site and radio advertising to
say that for reasons beyond our control Megalo Stoma, Gromkiy Golos,
and Duze Usta would not be appearing. I described the very high level of
the replacement baritones Pe Katan, Micri Voce, and Patara Piri. In addi-
tion to the aforementioned actions I furthermore set up signs at the
entrances and parking lots of the Arena.

Somehow upon entering the premises you must have missed all of the
signs. I did not as you claim in your letter have any newspaper advertising
featuring the originally scheduled baritones published the day of the
concert. I was not trying to deceive anyone into believing that the original
concert was going to take place. I was only trying to salvage a bad
situation, and I feel that I made a very genuine, documented effort to
communicate the changed program.

Ticket refunds were available prior to the commencement of the event.

You only had to go to the box office and turn in your tickets. But as you
told me you stayed until the encores I cannot grant you a $120.00 refund
of the two tickets. I understand that you claim that you didn’t know
anything about the talent change until the event was well underway,
so I am enclosing two complimentary passes for a future event. I am
sorry for the unhappy experience you suffered but I hope you come
back in the future.


Debra Simidian
Manager, Advertising and Special Events

DS: ag
204 Skills of Workplace Communication

Revising the Claim Denial Letter

Areas that can be improved are marked with ✕s.
1. Letterhead or return address
2. Date line
3. Inside address
4. Salutation or greeting
5. Optional subject line ✕
6. Body or paragraphs ✕
7. Complimentary close
8. Signature
9. Writer’s printed name
10. Reference initials
11. Enclosure line ✕
12. Copy line
Letterhead or return address. Should include the Internet site referred
to in the third paragraph.
Subject line. A subject line is optional but might not be wise in a claim
denial letter. Unless it is so vague as to be meaningless, it will tip off the
reader too early that the news is bad.
Body or paragraphs. This claim denial letter is effectively organized
using a combination of chronological and cause–effect order. However,
the graphic highlighting of the disclaimer in the second paragraph is not
a good idea. It only underscores the combative tone of the first para-
graph. As used it’s the graphic equivalent of shouting. The conclusion
needs some major changes. The writer is offering the two passes in such
a begrudging, negative way that the hoped-for results will never occur.
Enclosure line. Required for the two complimentary passes offered in
the last paragraph.

Language and expression

Claim denial letters need to be as positive as possible, never combat-
ive and accusatory. Questioning motives and sincerity will not bring
about good will. A calm, objective statement of reasons and policies is
needed. Similarly, rehashing and expressing sorrow over what went
wrong only serves to reopen the wounds. In addition, the language and
expression in the letter can be improved by making it:

More concise: by omitting lengthy background narratives and wordy

phrases such as “prior to the commencement of the event.”
More reader based and courteous: the combative I versus you wording
should be replaced with we and you.
Writing Indirect or Deferred-Load Letters 205

Below is a more effective version of the claim denial letter using 246
instead of 426 words.

The Bernheimer Arena for the Performing Arts

July 26, 2000

Liya Krikheli
Gloria Coppola
Seven Border Boulevard
Denver, CO 77625

Dear Liya and Gloria:

The Bernheimer Arena has been presenting a variety of cultural events for
our community for more than twenty-five years. More than half a million
people have enjoyed many of the great orchestras, folk and classical dance
groups, and vocal artists of the world here in Denver. We have always been
proud of our reputation for accommodating our customers’ wishes and
Sometimes things occur that are beyond our control. Late last Thursday,
after learning of the sudden indisposition of the three baritones scheduled
to perform on Sunday, we took many steps to advise the public of the

• We changed our website and radio advertising to say that Megalo

Stoma, Gromkiy Golos, and Duze Usta would not be appearing.
• We described the very high level of the new baritones Pe Katan, Micri
Voce, and Patara Piri
• We set up signs at the entrances and parking lots of the arena announc-
ing the revised program.

In keeping with our long-standing policy, refunds are available, and freely
given, until an event begins.

I am enclosing two complimentary passes for a future event. They are valid
for a full year.

We hope to see you enjoying one of the many upcoming events scheduled
at The Bernheimer Arena.


Debra Simidian
Debra Simidian
Manager, Advertising and Special Events
206 Skills of Workplace Communication

DS: ag

Enclosures (2)

Boulder Freeway ✹ Denver, CO 77600



The hectic pace of business often forces us to choose between equally
important demands on our time. We face daily conflicts between our
business and personal lives. Sometimes it is not just a scheduling
conflict. There can be diplomatic and political reasons for not attending
or speaking at an event.
We have business trips to make right in the middle of a family medical
crisis. Invitations to attend seminars and address meetings cannot
always be accepted. You get an invitation to dinner from an important
British client, who wants to discuss a new project. He’s only in New
York overnight before flying on to Los Angeles, but you are already
scheduled to address a major trade show.
Faced with such conflicts, we determine our priorities and decide
which responsibility is paramount. This means, of course, that some
company, agency, or charitable organization is going to be turned down.
More to the point, some individual is going to be disappointed. And
perhaps that individual is going to take the rejection personally.
Writing a diplomatic, empathic invitation refusal letter is a very
necessary skill to acquire. It will not change the fact of the turndown,
but a well-written letter today can prevent negative fallout in the form
of lost good will tomorrow.
The four stages of unfolding bad news in the invitation refusal letter

1. Adopt a personal tone of good will in the opening paragraph.

Avoid any direct mention of the scheduling conflict or other pos-
sible reason for the turndown in your opening paragraph. Instead,
mention shared goals, offer praise for the activities of the group or
individual that extended the invitation, and express appreciation
for the interest shown in you.
2. Give clear, simple reasons for the unwelcome news you are about
to reveal. These should be expressed in plain English without
clichés or jargon.
3. Disclose the news in a positive way as something that involves and
affects you, the sender, and the receiver. Place it in a brief subor-
dinate clause with the verb in the passive voice. Or, if possible, do
not state the bad news at all, but imply it.
Writing Indirect or Deferred-Load Letters 207

4. Close on a friendly, forward-looking note. Don’t refer back to, or

express regret about, the invitation you have just declined. Offer
alternatives wherever possible or desirable. Once again, if you’ve
done nothing wrong there’s no need to apologize.

Situation: Virginia Thompson, vice president of marketing at Interna-

tional Textiles, has received an invitation to dinner in New York
from Piero Visconti, head of the fashion house of Visconti. While not
a major buyer of International’s in terms of quantity, the House of
Visconti is highly valued as a prestigious account. Ms. Thompson is
scheduled to testify at a congressional subcommittee hearing in
Washington, D.C. the next morning before flying on to a trade show
in Milan later in the day. She needs time to prepare for this testi-
mony and cannot squeeze in the time-consuming formal dinner Mr.
Visconti has in mind.

Thanks for your kind invitation. Establishes

INTRODUCTION { a positive setting
Your dinners are a pleasure. Reinforces
positive relationship

Because of these facts. Presents reasons

DEVELOPMENT { leading up to central idea
Could we do this? Suggests alternative to the
formal dinner

Please consider my idea. Ends on a positive

For the future event. Cues receiver to the
future shared event

Below is the draft of Ms. Tompson’s full block style decining the

International Textiles Corporation

February 7, 2000

Mr. Piero Visconti

House of Visconti
15 East 57th Street
New York, NY 10001


208 Skills of Workplace Communication

Dear Piero:

I received your invitation today to attend your dinner party on February

20th. I wish I could. I hear that invitations to your evenings are still in great
demand. I hadn’t even been aware that you were going to be in New York
at this time of the year.

Business pressures on me have been huge. Please don’t get me wrong. I’m
not complaining. The orders for our new materials have just been flooding
in! I can’t wait to show you the new samples.

I have been called to testify at congressional sub-committee hearings on

the day after your dinner. Furthermore, I must catch a flight later that same
day from Dulles to Milan to speak at the trade show and show more of our
superior Tasmanian 140’s patterned fabrics. You’ll want to see and buy
these magnificent fabrics for your own line!

I truly regret not being able to attend on February 20th. Please forgive me
and let me know when we can meet. Would Milan be good for you after
the trade show is over?


Virginia Thompson
Vice-president, Marketing

VT: tr

400 Park Avenue New York, NY 10029


Revising the Letter Declining an Invitation

Areas of suggested change are highlighted with Xs.

1. Letterhead or return address

2. Date line ✕
3. Inside address
4. Salutation or greeting
5. Optional subject line ✕
6. Body or paragraphs ✕
7. Complimentary close ✕
8. Signature ✕
9. Writer ’s printed name ✕
10. Reference initials
Writing Indirect or Deferred-Load Letters 209

11. Enclosure line

12. Copy line
Date line. Moving this entry to the right side in the partial block style
will give the letter a less formal and rigid appearance.
Subject line. Using a subject line is too cold and hard-nosed for turning
down a personal invitation such as this. Its very presence unnecessarily
signals a tone of business formality, instead of the personal relationship
that has existed.
Body or paragraphs. The letter gets off to a bad start by declining the
invitation in the opening line, instead of deferring it to a later para-
graph. The conclusion reopens the wound instead of looking forward
to a shared future event.
Complimentary close. Movetotheright in keeping with the partial block
style of the opening.
Signature. Since she addressed Mr. Visconti by his first name in the
greeting line, Ms. Thompson should sign off with just her first name.
Move to the right under the complimentary close.
Writer’s printed name. Also moved to the right in the partial block

Language and expression

Invitation-declining letters need to be as positive and diplomatic as
possible. This letter implies in the opening paragraph that Mr.
Visconti’s dinner invitations aren’t quite the golden bait they used to be.
Achieving the goal of being more reader-based and courteous: each
paragraph opens with I, setting an unpleasant “It’s all about me” tone
to the letter. Using the pronoun you more often will improve the tone
of the letter.
Below is a more sensitive and diplomatic version of the letter using
148 instead of 186 words. The partial block style has been chosen instead
of the rigid full block style. This along with the changes in tone and
expression make it more personal, more sincere, and more reader-
based. In the end it is bound to be more effective.

International Textiles Corporation

February 7, 2000

Mr. Piero Visconti

House of Visconti
15 East 57th Street
New York, NY 10001

Dear Piero:
210 Skills of Workplace Communication

What a pleasure to receive your invitation today to your dinner party on

February 20th. Its arrival immediately brought back memories of other
magical and treasured evenings shared with you and your celebrated

Early the next morning on February 21st I must be in Washington. I have

been called to testify at congressional subcommittee hearings on trade
issues that affect both of our businesses. Since trade issues also call me to
a conference in Paris on February 16th through the 18th the evening of
your dinner will be the only time remaining to prepare for the congres-
sional hearings.

On March 10th I will be in Milan for the Spring showings. Please let me
know if you can join me at the Principe di Savoia on March 11th for dinner.


Virginia Thompson

VT: tr

400 Park Avenue New York, NY 10029

212-445-3000 www.InternationalTextiles. com


What possible connection can there be between declining an invita-
tion to a dinner party in New York City with an international guest list
and selling lawn care in Virginia? Both at their heart will depend on
persuasion to be successful. In the first case a writer must persuade her
reader that she would truly like to attend his event but that she cannot.
The writer of a letter about lawn care must persuade his readers that
his product and service are worth the cost.
Looked at this way every letter can be seen as having the purpose of
selling something—goods, services, ideas, or thoughts. Sales ability is
basically the power of one person to move goods by persuading other
people that they need them, or by winning other people’s support or
approval of a plan or idea.
There are also noncommercial sales letters, for example, those that
champion good causes, such as charities, healthcare issues, or
No sales or persuasive letter is easy. Each requires a careful balance
of frontloaded psychology and a backloaded writing style.
Writing Indirect or Deferred-Load Letters 211

Writers of persuasive and sales letters stop to consider the three ages
of all productive business communication and writing:
1. Yesterday. What has my reader’s experience been on this subject in
the past? This applies as much when the reader is a specific known
individual as when the reader is an unknown entity. The yesterday
of persuasion and sales also considers the product you’re selling,
whether it be material or spiritual. Know your product. You will
gain and keep the attention of your reader by what you say about
that product. How will it be useful to your reader? How will it
fulfill their desires?
2. Today. How can I craft my message in a letter today that will bring
about the change I desire in this individual or group? How can I
make my reader buy my product, my idea, my feelings? It’s im-
portant to make your letter friendly and human. Put your person-
ality on paper. Your letter is you speaking. Show by your letter that
you are friendly, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. Connect with
your reader through shared goals. “These things are good for you
and for me. We both need them.”
3. Tomorrow. How can I predict and prevent unintended negative
fallout from my message?
Sales and persuasive letters of their very nature need to be reader-
based. Business and government writers should always think of their
readers, but now more than ever before. The reason for this is that the
reader is thinking “What’s in this for me? Can you prove it? Okay, I’m
open. Show me!”
People will buy goods, services, and ideas if they believe these will
benefit them. The benefits must be concrete and accessible. There’s not
much point in selling ice to an Eskimo. Self-interest is a major factor in
successful sales and persuasion. Even writers of letters for charitable
causes know that there aren’t many absolutely pure altruists around.
Such writers realize that they also must appeal to reader benefits. Call
it selfish or self-interest, but it works.
Three ways of conceiving and constructing letters that sell:
1. Psychological. Get attention, provoke interest, arouse desire, obtain
decision. Attention is natural curiosity focused on something spe-
cific. Interest is understanding what is new and how it relates to
what is old. Desire is the wish to take advantage of the benefits
being offered. Decision is based on confidence in the writer’s
action information closing of the letter.
2. Logical. The second is a more logic-based, deductive formula:
general, specific, conclusion. The writer opens with a statement so
broad and authoritative that no sensible person would dare dis-
212 Skills of Workplace Communication

pute it. Next, he or she shows that this general statement includes
a specific idea. The inevitable conclusion is that what has been said
about the general is also true about the specific.
3. Emotional. The last formula is more earthy: picture, promise,
prove, push. The persuasive writer opens with an attractive, sexy
description of what he or she is selling. Next comes the promise
that it will do wonders for the reader or at least benefit the reader
in some specific way. Then come examples of the product or idea
in real-life use, proving that it has worth. Finally, the persuasive
writer makes the tactical move and urges the reader to take advan-
tage of the promised and proven value.
Each of these three methods for creating an effective persuasive letter
begins with a similar purpose, that is, getting the reader ’s attention.
Here are some ways to achieve this objective.
• Open with an unusual fact or startling statistic: A kangaroo can
cover 30 feet with each jump!
• Begin with a rhetorical or thought provoking question such as: “Do
ostriches really bury their heads in the sand?”
• Start with an anecdote: “Centuries ago in Ireland many couples
were having marital troubles. The elders came up with a solution:
The couple that didn’t quarrel for one year would win a prize—a
side of bacon. Ever since then when one neighbor saw another
bringing home the bacon he knew that all was going very well at
home next door.
• Give the reader a challenge: “You can get a suntan in the shade!”
• Offer a compliment: “Because we value your patience and diplo-
macy, we’d like you to handle this project.”
• Reader benefit: “You can double your reading speed in only ten

The Soft Sell or Deferring the Persuasive Moment

Most people do not want to be told how to run their affairs. The heart
wants what it wants. The tone of such letters, whether selling products
or ideas, should be persuasive rather than insistent and “pushy.” It
should be indirect or backloaded, that is, the central persuasive idea
should be deferred until later in the letter.
In the days of the old American West there was a bit of folkloric
wisdom shared by the cavalry. They said you could push and pull all
you wanted and an old Missouri mule wouldn’t budge. All it took to
get him working for you was to recognize that “he was an individualist
who hated nagging and needed a chance to make up his own mind
about things.”
Writing Indirect or Deferred-Load Letters 213

Below is a plan for organizing a persuasive sales letter based on the

first method above.

Did you know that? Captures the reader’s

INTRODUCTION { attention
You need . Provokes reader’s interest

It’s a proven fact that. Rouses desire for central

{ idea
When you buy this. Pushes direct sales

{ You will get this. Obtains reader ’s decision
If you do this. Directs reader’s action

Situation: Sarah Goodspeed has recently taken over a tree and garden
care company. As a professional arborist she especially wants to in-
crease sales of her company’s tree services. Coincidentally, there has
been an increase in a blight affecting linden trees in her area. She has a
new treatment that she is sure will work.
Below is the first draft of her sales letter in the full block style.

Trees, Bees, and Thee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Old Willow Lane
Albemarle, VA 33711 714-889-8890 Fax: 714-889-8891 Goodspeed @

April 20, 2000

Mr. Thomas Hamilton

24 Prince George Way
Albemarle, VA 33709

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

Fed up with that brown linden tree? Get it green again for only

I’m sure that you will agree with everyone else in our area that linden
trees are beautiful specimen trees that can play a prominent part in the
landscape. Unfortunately, as you are no doubt also aware, linden trees
are particularly and increasingly susceptible to a very nasty and poten-
tially deadly pest called Linden Leafwrecker. This notorious blight can
cause under certain adverse conditions unattractive and unsightly
browning early in the summer and, sad to say but true, early dropping
214 Skills of Workplace Communication

I can help you avoid this problem by sending out my specialists to your
property to protect and restore your potentially beautiful trees. Yes, believe
me my Linden Leafwrecker Preventative treatment will absolutely cure
this blight. Guaranteed! The treatment will only cost you $49.00 and must
be done by May 20th.

I want to make it easy for you to do this. Call my toll free number
1-888-650-4050 so that I can schedule your timely application of my prod-
uct. Thank you for your business.


Sarah Goodspeed

Revising the Persuasive Sales Letter

Items on the following list that can be improved are marked with Xs.
1. Letterhead or return address
2. Date line
3. Inside address
4. Salutation or greeting
5. Optional subject line ✕
6. Body or paragraphs ✕
7. Complimentary close
8. Signature
9. Writer ’s printed name
10. Reference initials
11. Enclosure line
12. Copy line
Subject line. In a persuasive or sales letter a subject line can be used
to get the reader’s attention. However, when writing in the indirect
pattern, the idea is to defer the sales pitch. Don’t hit the reader with it
in the subject line before you’ve had a chance to build interest and
arouse desire for the idea or product.
Body or paragraphs. The opening paragraph of a persuasive sales letter
should continue gaining the reader’s interest. This letter will lose the
reader with its longwinded narrative opening. The conclusion should
focus more clearly on the decision-making process. A postscript with
an incentive would give a final push to the decision.
Graphic highlighting. This sales letter would benefit from additional
graphic highlighting. In the second paragraph, bold type could be used
Writing Indirect or Deferred-Load Letters 215

effectively on the name of the blight preventative treatment and the low
cost to the customer. This would emphasize the push.

Language and expression

More yous and fewer Is would give this letter more reader-based
language. Words such as absolutely and guaranteed in the second para-
graph are dangerous. Can Sarah really guarantee the success of the
treatment? What about weather or other factors over which she has no
control? By putting her signature to this guarantee she is possibly
making this letter the equivalent of a binding contract. Sarah might be
exposing herself to costly litigation.
If all of the above suggestions are adopted Sarah’s revised letter will
read as follows. Using the partial block style for a more informal,
friendly format, it contains only 165 words instead of the original 185
words. Yet it is more vigorous and includes the incentive-giving post-

Trees, Bees, and Thee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Old Willow Lane
Albemarle, VA 33711 714-889-8890 Fax: 714-889-8891 Goodspeed @

April 20, 2000

Mr. Thomas Hamilton

24 Prince George Way
Albemarle, VA 33709

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

Fed up with that brown linden tree you bought?

Linden trees are beautiful specimen trees that usually play a prominent
part in the landscape. Unfortunately, linden trees are vulnerable to a nasty
pest called Linden Leafwrecker. This blight causes unsightly early summer
browning and premature leaf dropping.

You can avoid this problem by having our tree specialists protect your
beautiful tress from this pest with our Linden Leafwrecker Preventative
treatment. On average this treatment is only $49.00. For best results this
treatment should be done before May 20th.

To take advantage of this great offer, please call our toll free number,
1-888-650-4050, today and we will schedule a timely application for your
trees. Thank you for your business.
216 Skills of Workplace Communication


Sarah Goodspeed
Sarah Goodspeed

PS Here’s another great idea for you. If we haven’t already done so, we
will gladly give you a free evaluation of all the ornamental trees and shrubs
on your property when we come out to do this treatment.

Writing Reports for

Business and

Report Writers,
Managers, and Audiences

Report Writers, Managers, and Audiences

Reports are a pervasive fact of life on all levels of corporate and gov-
ernmental life. They are the essential, informational glue that holds
large organizations together. They serve many purposes and take many
forms. Some reports are purely informational, giving managers and
other employees many different types of information about company
or agency operations. Others are primarily analytical or persuasive.
Their aim is to study problems and offer solutions, in other words, to
bring about additions or changes in thought and action.
Some reports are internal forms of communication aimed at adding to
or changing policies within an organization. Others are external forms
of communication, for example documents seeking grants or funding.
Reports vary in their complexity or structure. Some are relatively simple
and are presented in the format of interoffice memos using preprinted
forms. Others take the form of letters to clients and government agencies,
while still others are lengthy reports created by teams or groups.
In many ways, the skills needed to write a successful business report
are no different from those required for writing effective memos and
letters. Whatever their length or type, reports follow the triple founda-
tions of all successful business writing.

The Three Ages of Successful Business Reports

1. Yesterday. Business and government writing does not exist in
some black hole of time and place. Like all communication, reports
220 Skills of Workplace Communication

have a “before” or a ”yesterday”. Before beginning to write, they

ask themselves such questions as, “Who has assigned me to com-
pile this report? Or was it my idea, a voluntary project? What has
been said or written to date on this situation or issue? What new
information—what new facts—have come to light since then?”
2. Today. Report writers next ask such questions as, “What should I
write and do today in relation to this new information and insight
into people and issues? Who is my reader or primary audience?
My secondary audience? Are they laypeople? Executives? Ex-
perts? Technicians? A combination of these?”
3. Tomorrow. Finally, the report writer questions, “How will what I
do today affect ‘tomorrow’? Will it improve or will it backfire and
worsen the situation? Will it create a stream of useful information
and thereby facilitate decision making, or just muddy the waters?”

The Three Phases of Successful Business Reports

1. Purpose. Reports share with memos and letters the four principal
purposes of all workplace communication: information, persua-
sion, change or results, and public relations or good will. The
report writer has to stop and ask such questions as, “Is my primary
goal to inform my readers about a subject? Or is it to respond to a
request for proposals? Is it to persuade? To analyze? To sell?”
2. Organization. “Will I use the direct pattern and frontload my
central idea? Or should I use the backloaded method and defer my
main idea until later in the document?”
3. Expression. “Should my choice of language be easy and colloquial
as in a routine memo, or technical and formal as in a third-person

The Three Stages of Successful Business Reports

1. Thinking. When the preceding three ages and three phases have
been carefully considered, the thinking stage of the writing pro-
cess is almost complete. Further thought will be needed on the best
way to present the material in the body of the report.
2. Writing. One or more of the patterns of logical development will
serve to present all of the information and ideas contained in a
report: chronological, logical, problem–analysis–solution, or
order of importance.
3. Revising. It is almost always necessary to rewrite and revise either
sentence by sentence while writing, in totality when the docu-
mented is completed, or by a combination of the two methods.
Successful rewriting is not just an extended spell check. It some-
Report Writers, Managers, and Audiences 221

times requires rethinking of the purpose, ideas, and manner of

expression of the whole document. The principles and procedures
for revising reports follow the guidelines laid out in Part III for
revising memos and letters.


There is another major way in which the skills needed to write
successful business reports are no different from those learned for
writing effective memos and letters. Whatever their length or type,
reports must follow the principles of reader-based communications.
When they achieve this goal, reports are characterized by four qualities:
1. Reports should focus on reader benefits and shared goals. In this
context the reader may be understood as the corporate unit or
government agency as a whole. Like any communication, the
report is created by a writer but it is not about the writer. It’s about
an objective situation or issue. Once the writer has defined the
purpose in creating a report, he or she has a goal in mind. Adapt-
ing this goal to the report audiences is the act of creating a shared
goal. The reason for writing and the receiver’s reason for reading
must become one. Some ways that report writers can do this
include the following:
• By learning as much as possible about the needs of the reader-
• By thinking of needs that the reader may not even be clearly
aware of.
• By evaluating how the report writer can best meet or fulfill
those needs.
• By suggesting how the writer can help the readers reach these
2. Reports must be organized in an audience-based structure. This
means not only using the kind of reader-based language discussed
in Chapters 4 and 6, but organizing the document around the
shared goals you have already established. This is done by group-
ing or prioritizing the report’s ideas, that is, separating the major
and secondary topics in an outline and making the relationship
between them clear to the reader. The alphanumeric outline form,
which is very useful for achieving this objective, is shown in
Chapter 6.
3. Reports should provide a cue-based navigation system. There are
many verbal and visual ways to give the audience direction in the
journey through the report’s ideas. Some of these include:
222 Skills of Workplace Communication

• Signposts that predict the major points and subpoints: Title, Table of
Contents, Letter of Transmittal, Executive Summary or abstract,
and other headings and subheadings.
• Signposts that summarize or introduce the sections and paragraphs
within sections: thesis statements beginning sections, topic sen-
tences at the start and sentence summaries at the ends of para-
graphs, and finally conclusion or summary sections.
• Signposts that guide the reader visually: varying fonts; using
bullets and numbering; varying formatting with indentation,
spacing, rows, and columns; inserting pictures, graphs, and
• Signposts that guide the reader verbally: transition words and
phrases, and conjunctions such as “in addition,” “neverthe-
less,” “moreover,” “however,” and “finally”; repetitions, pro-
nouns, and summary nouns.

4. Reports should develop a persuasive argument. Reports may be

long or short, informal or formal, periodic or situational, informa-
tional or analytical. But there will always be an underlying ele-
ment of persuasion. Business writing, with very few exceptions
such as social situations requiring thank-you or sympathy notes,
is based on the desire for change. We want to make something
happen or be known. It is never altruistic. We want results. Simply
expressing our point of view is hardly ever enough, because it may
conflict with the way our reader already sees things. The report
writer and the report reader must share results as well as goals. As
a result, there can be three possible outcomes of a report just as
there can be of memos, letters, discussions, and other forms of

• The report will completely change its readers’ minds or

attitudes so that they see the situation or issue exactly as the
writer does. Even if the writer is the universally recognized,
leading authority on the planet, this is an unrealistic expecta-
• The report will change no one’s opinion. Unfortunately, this
outcome is all too common and regrettable. But it is often not
the writer ’s fault alone; and it is avoidable.
• The report will modify or change the readers’ viewpoint. This
is a realistic and achievable outcome that the reporter can
achieve this by providing new information or a different way
of looking at a situation or issue. The reader-audiences are
responsible for deciding whether that new information, in fact,
makes the different way a better way.
Report Writers, Managers, and Audiences 223


Reports share with memos and letters the fact that they are all forms
of communication that have three basic components: a writer, a mes-
sage, and an audience. To succeed they must be reader- or audience-
based, not writer-based. Report writers often get into trouble by
beginning to write before they have carefully analyzed the “yesterday”
and the “today” of their audience. To steer clear of this problem report
writers don’t begin writing or even outlining before clearly defining
their audience and having the answers to the following questions.
1. Can I be certain in advance of exactly who and where my readers
will be?
2. Will my reader-audiences be familiar with the reasons for the
report and the person(s) who authorized it?
3. Are the members of my audience knowledgeable about the
report’s subject?
4. Does my audience know anything about my credentials?
5. Is your audience likely to read the entire report?
The answer to each and every one of these questions may very well
be “No!” How then can report writers get a better fix on an audience
before beginning to write? They have to do more than identify names,
titles, and roles. Report writers must determine who their audience(s)
are in relation to the purpose and content of the report. This means
learning the specific operational profiles of the persons who will read
the report, as well as their personal and professional profiles.
Audiences for reports parallel the directions in which all business
communication flows: horizontal and vertical, internal and external.
However, the report writer is usually a separate entity from any of these
potential audiences. This is because very few reports are written for
audiences within the same unit, for example, one corporate vice presi-
dent of marketing for an audience of other marketing vice presidents.
However, the differences between these audiences and writers go
well beyond differences in training. In addition to different areas of
expertise and education, the audiences will have different concerns,
such as production, budget, or purchasing. Personality differences as
well as organizational politics and competition may also distance writer
and audience.

Reports Intended for External Audiences

Report writers addressing audiences in a different organizational
unit usually address a person in an organizational role. When this
224 Skills of Workplace Communication

happens, the writer is really addressing a department or group rather

than an individual. As a result, the report will have audiences beyond
the individual addressed. It may be read mainly by staff personnel, or
it may be sent to other people, for example, lawyers, controllers, and
As a result, even when a report writer and audience share the same
organizational level, they may have little in common except their rank
and employer. The report writer may recommend a piece of equipment
on the basis of cost-effectiveness. The writer ’s audience, however, may
be concerned with long-term business relationships, client preferences,
and budgets.

Reports Intended for Internal Audiences

When the communication flow is vertical, the differences between
author and audience increase. Reports aimed at different levels of an
organization have complex problems of communication for that reason;
and they must also face communications problems when the report is
distributed laterally on the different vertical levels. The report writer
must define and focus on the primary audience, because that audience
will have to act or make decisions for change based on the report.
However, the writer must organize and write the report with the goal
of delivering not mere information, but useful knowledge to the sec-
ondary audiences as well.

Combination Internal and External Report Audiences

Many reports, while they are assigned and created for internal audi-
ences, also end up being read by external audiences—those outside the
corporation or agency that have commissioned them. These audiences
have the same problems of differing levels as the vertical, internal
audience of a company or agency. Perhaps most significantly for the
writer, this one report may give the external audience and the public at
large a favorable or unfavorable prism through which to view the entire
corporation or governmental agency.

Using Profiling to Bond with Report Audiences

In the thinking stage of writing a report, an author might consider
using a standard organizational chart. However, such charts are like
form letters—sometimes useful, generic places to begin but not ends in
themselves. A unit on the organization chart looks like any other unit,
but in fact each has different human beings with varied roles, back-
grounds, and personalities. In other words each has a different frame
Report Writers, Managers, and Audiences 225

Organizational Profile Diagram

of reference. Instead of a formal organizational chart, the report writer

might use one based on close and distant audiences for the report
Studying such a chart the report writer will realize that even the
audiences in his own unit and those in neighboring units will vary in
backgrounds and organizational concerns. The writer can also see that
as the scope of the chart widens, fewer and fewer specifics are known
about the audiences. Finally, in the process of studying the audience
situation with an audience proximity chart such as this, the writer finds
not only the fact that there are functional differences, but the nature of
those differences.

Using an Audience’s Frame of Reference to Create

Personal Profiles

When preparing an audience proximity chart like the one above, we

tend to think of our audience as individuals: their status in the organi-
zation, their temperaments, their degree of knowledge and sophistica-
tion. To go beyond this level of audience analysis, report writers should
consider the functional as well as the individual qualities of their

1. Learning the functional characteristics of the writer’s audiences

means identifying any meaningful differences between their or-
ganizational role and the writer’s. The writer has to ask what kind
of knowledge is important and useful for them. Will their corpo-
rate or agency functions and points of view make it easier or more
difficult to understand the report’s contents? What do they know
about the writer’s role? Are they group-oriented, that is, do they
consult immediately with their staff or people in other parts of the
organization or are they mostly solitary thinkers?
Considering the “tomorrow” of the report, the writer has to think
the report will affect the roles of the people in the report audience.
226 Skills of Workplace Communication

Will the report uncover facts or suggest courses of action that will
reflect badly or embarrass members of the report audience?
2. Individual qualities refer to the frame of reference of the audience
member, including such things as culture, socioeconomic status,
religion, race, ethnicity, and level of education. The writer should try
to be as specific as possible in this assessment. Just because they come
from the same cultural or ethnic background, the report writer and
audience may not share the same values and attitudes. Similarly, two
people may have attended the same university, but in different eras.
Even 10 years can alter the educational landscape so greatly that the
two fellow graduates really do not have that much in common.
Whether in the humanities or the technical fields, language and
viewpoints often change greatly over time. Two people, who on the
surface seem to have much in common including the same education,
find that they hardly speak the same language.
The flip side of this is that people who do not seem to have much
in common on the surface may actually share the same individual or
personal qualities. As we saw in Chapter 4, dealing with the individ-
ual, as an individual, is always a key factor in true communication.

The Functional Profiles of a Report’s Audiences

Creating and analyzing an audience profile diagram will get every

report off to a good start. An inexperienced report writer will have to
spend more time on this thinking stage of writing. To a seasoned writer
this comes more quickly, as does the awareness of primary, secondary,
and intermediate audiences and the overall impact on an organization
of each report.
This stage focuses on the “tomorrow” or consequences of a report.
One of the most important of these is how the report will be used. Most
readers will have little interest in the technical aspects of a report.
Instead, they will want to know such things as why the report was
commissioned, what are the results, what will it cost, how will it impact
sales, budgets, or unions. Readers will also want to know what happens
next and who the real decision makers will be.
After considering these questions the report writer must decide an
order of priority for his or her different audiences. Which are the
primary and secondary audiences? What is the intermediate audience?
1. The primary audience for a report is the person or persons whose
viewpoint the report writer seeks to modify or change in some
way, either by providing new information or a different way of
looking at a situation or issue. The primary audience in turn will
act or create changes in the corporation or agency based on the
information provided by the reporter. Whether the decision maker
Report Writers, Managers, and Audiences 227

is close or distant, on a higher or lower level of the organization,

he or she is the primary and most important audience of the report.
In an ideal world the primary audiences will always act purely
on the basis of their functional roles in the corporation or agency.
However, individual qualities of their frames of reference, such as
their values and attitudes, will likely enter into the mix. Part of
analyzing an audience is determining when such personal factors
are likely to affect decision making. Another thing to consider is
the degree to which the decision-making primary audience bases
decisions on staff input and recommendations. In this common
occurrence the report’s primary audience includes the decision
maker ’s staff as well.
Each report eventually enters into an organization or agency’s
system, where personnel is always changing. As a result, every
report has to be self-sustaining, that is, usable by succeeding
primary audiences whether they are in close proximity or distant.
2. Secondary audiences of reports include people who may not be
primary decision makers yet are affected by recommendations or
conclusions in the report. This audience will include all that must
adapt to the changes management enacts as a result of the report.
Careful analysis of secondary audiences in the “thinking” stage of
report writing will suggest what additional information should be
included in the report.
3. The third or intermediate audience includes the people who forward
the information the report contains to the primary audience rather
than use it themselves. An intermediate audience such as a report
writer ’s supervisor does not use the report’s information to make
decisions for change. While a report is often addressed to the
writer ’s supervisor, the supervisor merely moves the information
through the organization.
The three steps of determining the organizational, personal, and
professional profiles of a report’s audiences will help the report writer
clarify the three ages (yesterday, today, and tomorrow), the three phases
(purpose, organization, and expression), and the three stages (thinking,
writing, and revising) of report communication. In turn, this under-
standing of the needs of the various audiences will help the writer
design the report in a fully reader based and successful way.


Locating report audiences is the first major step on a communication
journey. The next step is to understand that from a manager’s point of
228 Skills of Workplace Communication

view reports are instruments for accomplishing tasks and achieving

goals. The information they contain is not an end in itself but a means
for achieving an end, namely, well-informed decision making. A report,
therefore, will be a truly reader- based document if it fulfills the needs
of the managers and audiences it has located.
How does a report writer find out what management needs to see in
reports? In general, when a manager reads a report he or she looks either
for information alone or for information and analysis that will assist
decision making. Managers are busy people. They need to decide
quickly whether reading a report is worth a little or a lot of their time.
To speed-read or to study? That is the question. The answer depends
on the responses to the questions raised in three areas:

1. The subject of the report. What is the subject of the report and what
are the qualifications of the author?
2. Its facts and ideas. Does it contain useful knowledge or merely
information? Are its conclusions valid, that is, based on research
and facts?
3. The changes to follow. Are the changes it recommends realistic?

Some of the things managers may want to know more specifically can
be seen in the following categories of probable questions:

1. Problems in the field. What trouble has developed? What, if any,

history? Responsibility? Specific equipment involved? What ac-
tion needed now? Product or program changes? Whose decision?
Scheduling decisions? Workforce?
2. Funding. Budget changes? Self-funding? Government grants?
Bonds issue? Taxes? Foundations?
3. Materials. Characteristics and limitations? Environmental impact?
Extent and value of use? Cost factors? Availability and resources?
What alternatives?
4. Building and products. Environmental risks? Zoning variances?
Competition? Schedule? Workforce? Life expectancy? Durability?
Completion date?
5. Problems and responsibility. Exact nature? Scale and importance?
What has been done so far? By whom? Relative success or failure?
Attempted solutions? Alternatives? What do we do now? Who
does it? When?
6. Evaluation and testing. The subject of the study or test? What
controls and safeguards were put in place? Were they observed?
What were the results? What was concluded and recom-
mended? What changes are required of the organization or
Report Writers, Managers, and Audiences 229

Managers want this information direct and frontloaded in a brief,

concise, and meaningful way. This can take the form of subject lines and
introductions with clear central ideas in memos and letter-formatted
reports or executive summaries in longer formal reports. For a sum-
mary or abstract to be useful it must give clear information on the three
central points listed above: the subject of the report, its facts and ideas,
and the changes to follow.
For a manager to get a clear idea of the subject of the report, the writer
must define the problem or situation at hand, then present the needs to
be satisfied or the goals to be achieved. Next the writer must explain
the steps or stages of meeting those goals, the conclusions to be drawn
from the facts and analysis, and finally the specific recommendations
for change.
The information managers want is usually dictated by their role in
the organization, but how they want it furnished or displayed is more
often the result, not of what they read, but how they read. And
managers’ reading habits tend to follow a pattern based on common
speed-reading techniques. All managers, no matter how busy, will read
the executive summary or abstract. Most will read the introduction as
well as the conclusions and recommendations section. Very few, if any,
managers read the entire body of a lengthy report, much less the
appendix, notes, or bibliography.
What all this means for the report writer is clear. If the reporter wants
to achieve his or her goal of delivering meaningful facts and ideas in a
reader-based way, the design and organization of the report must be
adapted to the manager-audiences’ practice of reading. Most readers,
especially managers, are interested in zeroing in on the core issues and
the ideas that grow directly from them. They usually leave the fine
points of specialized knowledge for their staffs.
Report writers must also remember that managers’ education and
experience will usually be different from their own. Even more im-
portantly, managers’ knowledge and familiarity with the specific prob-
lem or issue being reported almost never equals the reporters. This is
why the writer has to write at a technical level suitable to the reader,
whether the subject is healthcare, asbestos removal, or higher educa-
tion. Highly specialized, detailed material should be reserved for the
appendix. In other words, all parts of the report should be written in a
reader-based style adapted to the audience(s) located.

What is the Working Relationship the Writer-Reporter

Needs to Maintain with Management?
The writer has needs and responsibilities beyond precisely locating
audiences. There is also a crucial lateral relationship, which is the one
230 Skills of Workplace Communication

between reporter and management in the report-writing process.

Scheduling a series of conferences based on the three phases of writing
is an effective and productive way to fulfill these responsibilities.

1. Thinking conference. Report writer and management must estab-

lish shared goals before the project begins. The first meeting be-
tween manager and reporter must clarify exactly what is needed
and expected of the report writer in conceptual areas and in very
practical matters. The writer will learn, for example, the number
and type of management decisions that will depend on the report,
as well as the time frame for completing the project. Such a con-
ference will also clarify for the reporter exactly what is expected
as the project continues. The reporter might want to request a
follow-up confirmation memo from management to make sure
that both parties clearly agree upon the requirements of the proj-
During the investigative stage the reporter should meet again
with management to review the research conducted thus far. In
addition to the information gathered they can discuss what con-
clusions have been drawn at this point as well as the evidence
supporting these conclusions. Reporter and manager can also
review the recommendations that are being considered and the
changes these will require of the company or agency.
The report writer should take advantage of the manager’s larger
point of view for the company or agency and its work. With this
broadband perspective the reporter can understand and appreci-
ate the importance of the project and gain much-needed insight
into what information the managers will need for decision mak-
ing. As a result, the writer can determine what parts of the report
at this point can be cut and which may need further development.
Manager and reporter will each gain other practical benefits
from a meeting at this stage. The reporter, knowing the conference
is coming, will probably take the time to be sharper and clearer
about his or her opinions and presentations. The manager, like-
wise, will gain greater understanding of the report’s progress and
its discoveries. This will improve the level and effectiveness of
managerial-level discussions of the project.
2. Writing conference. After this conference the reporter should be
ready to write an outline of the proposed report. With the report
outline in hand, the writer should meet with management to
review it point by point. If the manager is satisfied, the reporter
should get a clear authorization to expand the outline into a
complete report. If the manager is not satisfied with the outline,
however, he or she must make clear to the report writer what
Report Writers, Managers, and Audiences 231

organizational problems exist in the outline. It is much easier for

the author to make structural changes at this stage of the project
than after it is written. Criticism at a later stage may appear more
personal and the productive bond of shared goals may be broken.
3. Revision conference. When the report is completed the writer
should meet with management for review and approval of the
finished report. The report writer will have already gone through
the revision stage required of all writing. The manager, however,
may indicate some parts that need additional revision from
management’s point of view. If these requests for change are
lengthy and detailed it is a sign that the initial conference in the
thinking stage failed to meet its goals. If the manager just prolongs
what is perceived as mere nit picking he or she will appear hesitant
and indecisive. If the report is clear and persuasive it will serve its
intended purpose. The manager can move on to distribution mat-
ters. The shared goals of manager and reporter have been

Report Purposes,
Formats, and Categories

Report Purposes, Formats, and Categories

Business and agency reports seem to have an unlimited variety of forms

and purposes that defy categorization. There are short and long reports;
informal and formal reports; memo and letter reports; periodic and
situational reports; feasibility reports and proposals. However, it is
possible to bring some order to the topic by classifying reports accord-
ing to their purpose, their format, and their content.

The Three Major Purposes of Reports

Like all business writing, reports serve to inform, persuade, get
results or change, and achieve good will or public relations. However,
each report will have its own balance or percentage of these elements.

1. To inform. Information is the lifeblood of business and govern-

ment. Without it no organization can function successfully.
Whether short or long, informal or formal all reports communicate
factual information geared to a specific end or purpose. Often, the
information or facts are all that is requested.
2. To analyze. Sometimes reports, whether long or short, go beyond
a mere statement of facts. When they go beyond the purely objec-
tive and offer an interpretation of those facts or an opinion about
the significance of those facts, they become analytical in nature.
Such reports tend to have a greater element of persuasion than
primarily informational reports.
234 Skills of Workplace Communication

3. To recommend. Often the informational and the analytical func-

tions are combined with a third goal or purpose, namely to recom-
mend or propose a course of action. Here, the element of
persuasion is much more pronounced.

The Four Main Formats of Reports

Although styles vary from company to company, following are the
four forms they generally assume.
• 1. Memo. An informal report meant for internal corporate or
agency circulation may be presented in the form of a memo. If so,
it would use the traditional To, From, Date, and Subject Headings and
be organized into the introduction, development, and conclusion
sections, as shown in Chapter 11. Many organizations have pre-
printed forms for this type of short memo reporting.
2. Letter. Informal reports intended for external communications can
be presented in any of the letter formats shown in Chapter 14.
However, they will have sections specifically geared to their re-
porting purpose.
3. Semi-formal report. On the next level of complexity are informal
reports that use a special report format with title page, introduc-
tion, body, and conclusion and/or recommendations as separate
pages and sections.
4. Formal report. Finally, there are formal reports. These have the
same sections as the preceding type but because they are so much
more complex they have many additional parts. While varying
from company to company, these include separate sections such
as a table of contents, executive summary or abstract, memo or
letter of transmittal, appendix, notes, and bibliography.


The first three types of reports listed below are distinguished by their
goals or purpose. The fourth category, the formal report, can have any
of the three same goals. Its distinguishing characteristic is the length
and complexity of its format.
• Informational
• Analytical
• Proposals
• Formal reports

Types of Informational Reports

Informational reports include two major groups: the periodic and the
situational. Both primarily require facts rather than opinions or recom-
Report Purposes, Formats, and Categories 235

The Types and Structures of Reports

mendations. The names of the various types of reports indicate both the
purpose and the general subject of the report.
1. Periodic reports. A major form of organizational record keeping,
are routine reports issued on a regularly scheduled basis. Such
reports are often submitted using preprinted forms because the
activities they describe are so consistent that they need the same
amount of space and headings each time.
Preprinted forms are also a good management tool because they
make certain that the required information will always be in-
cluded and that the report will not digress or be needlessly long.
For the report writer the major concern is simply getting the
required information, not the skills of organization and expres-
sion. Using pre-printed forms or not, periodic reports include the
following types:
• Routine supervisory reports. All companies and agencies need a
steady flow of information on their operations to serve as a basis
236 Skills of Workplace Communication

for management decision making. Managers require statistical and

personnel information before they can decide what changes need
to be made. Some, for example, need weekly, monthly, and yearly
sales reports to monitor the success of products and personnel.
Others need a steady stream of accounting and financial informa-
tion, including capital expenditures and cash flow.
• Progress reports. These include any type of report on an ongoing
project. As such they pay careful attention to the three ages of
communication: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Progress reports
trace the inception, the current status of work, and the completion
of a project or study. Reviewing past progress reports can help a
manager make time and budgetary decisions for future projects.
The construction of a harbor tunnel, the testing of a new drug,
the conversion to decimalization in financial institutions—all re-
quire constant supervision. Such reports supply managers with
information such as whether a project is staying on schedule and
within budget or whether the assigned personnel are adequate and
effective. As a result, report writers must supply their primary and
secondary audiences with a concise background summary of the
project to date, a very specific factual account of the present period,
and a look to what will be done in the future or next phase of the
Some organizations distinguish between progress and status re-
ports: the former term being used for information about the change
or advance in the endeavor, the latter term for information about
the current condition or state of a project. The terms do not really
define separate entities. Progress and status reports must both
consider the background, present condition, and future direction
of a project. The status report simply gives more weight to the
present condition.
Some progress reports go beyond the fact-based perimeter of
strictly informational reporting. This is more likely to happen
when problems arise on a project and recommendations are re-
quested about future direction. Managers near and distant on the
proximity chart need to know whether changes should be made in
design, implementation, or personnel before beginning the next
stage of the project. If these are the needs of the audience, the
reporter must add analysis and an element of persuasion to the
information gathered.
• Compliance reports. City, state, and federal agencies demand that
companies doing business with them prove they are complying
with government rules and regulations. The Equal Employment
Opportunities Commission, the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and
Report Purposes, Formats, and Categories 237

state banking commissions are some of the agencies that require

reports intended to protect consumers, employees, and investors.
Federal agencies likewise require that state or municipal agencies
receiving benefits or supervised by them comply with their regu-
lations in areas such as workplace safety, grants, and funding.
One area of compliance reporting that has grown significantly
concerns the environment. The National Environmental Policy Act
requires that all federal agencies in considering grant requests
evaluate the possibility of adverse effects on the environment such
as land and water use, air quality, and noise levels. Reports include
environmental information and environmental assessment papers,
findings of no meaningful impact papers, and environmental im-
pact reports.

2. Situational reports. One-time reports geared to specific, individ-

ual events. They are also used for special problems and issues that
arise, sometimes unexpectedly, in large organizations. Because
they are nonrecurring, there are usually no preprinted forms for
such reports. Each must be an original creation in content and
expression. However, some situational reports—for example, ac-
cident reports—may use preprinted forms. These are provided to
make sure that all necessary information is included for insurance
purposes and any legal eventualities. Some of the occasions that
call for situational reports include the following:

• Trip reports. Anything from a one-day trip to the suburbs to a

three-week trip through the Pacific Rim will require a report.
These keep management informed on activities and expenses
when employees work outside the office.
Corporate managers will use a site inspection report, for ex-
ample, to learn how well a new plant or system is functioning.
A sales meeting or convention report will tell management how
cost-effective and professionally helpful these occasions are for
improving business learning and earnings.
Governmental agency and administration managers can use
site inspection reports to find out how suitable a location is for
a new correctional facility or halfway house. Similarly, they
need reports from probation officers, social workers, and health
care providers to judge the effectiveness of programs and
whether they need to be supplemented or substantially

A trip report should include the following information that pri-

mary and secondary audiences will need for decision making:
238 Skills of Workplace Communication

1. Where and when the employee traveled

2. The purpose of the trip
3. The people who were visited
4. What was learned from them
5. What the trip cost, with accompanying receipts

• Special projects—test reports. Sometimes managers need reports on

situations that are unique and of a theoretical nature. Such reports
may be purely informational. When recommendations are re-
quested, they become analytical as well as informational reports.
One type of special project is the test or research report. Producing
such reports requires technical expertise as well as writing skills.
To be useful for management, test reports should include the follow-
ing information:

1. The reasons and objectives in performing the experiment or

conducting the research
2. What was done, including the methods procedures, equip-
ment, and controls that were followed in performing the test
3. The results of the research or testing; what conclusions were
4. What recommendations will be made as a result of the research
or test; what actions should be taken or not taken.

• Incident and accident reports. These cover unexpected events that

occur in corporations and agencies, often with financial and legal
ramifications. As a result reports must be submitted as soon as
possible to managers, legal departments, and oversight agencies.
Incidents requiring reporting include environmental situations
such as asbestos findings, accidents resulting in damage to prop-
erty or injury to people, and possible or actual criminal activity.

Such incident reports will be useful to managers when they include

this necessary information in either or both of the following ways:
1. In chronological order: what was occurring immediately before
the incident; what the reporter and other witnesses saw, heard,
smelled, felt at the moment of the incident; what happened
relevant to the incident immediately afterward. Omitted totally
are subjective feelings and opinions. Names and times, on the
other hand, should be as accurate and factual as possible.
2. In spatial order: the reporter describes the situation as his or
her your eyes scanned the scene horizontally from left to right
and vertically from top to bottom. Distances, colors, and speeds
Report Purposes, Formats, and Categories 239

are recorded as precisely as applicable. If injuries occurred, the

report writer should be as specific as possible about the injuries
witnessed, the machine that caused the injuries, the person that
appeared to have committed the crime.

Types of Analytical Reports

Analyzing a subject, a situation, or a problem effectively usually
requires a report writer to follow three steps based on the problem-anal-
ysis-solution pattern of development discussed in Chapter 9.

1. The report writer must identify and separate the subject or prob-
lem into its essential parts.
2. The writer has to next examine carefully the individual elements
to determine their significance and relationship to the whole.
Doing this will reveal the important fact that the whole is not
merely the sum of equal parts. It is the sum of parts that must be
put into a logical pattern, known as order of importance: descend-
ing from most important to least, or ascending in climactic order
from least to most important.
3. Finally, the reporter will be able to understand the causes, the key
features, and the possible solutions to a situation or problem.

Like informational reports, analytical reports supply managers with

facts; but they move beyond this stage to recommend a course of action
or persuade the different audiences that taking some course of action
or thinking in a certain way is the right thing to do.

1. Feasibility reports. A feasibility study is ordered when managers

need to determine whether a proposed idea for change can really
be accomplished or will actually work. If so, should they proceed
with a given course of action? Basically feasibility studies analyze
the relative merits of a change that has been proposed in facilities,
marketing, financial structuring, personnel, product line, or any
other organizational responsibility. They consider the cost as well
as the length of time needed to implement the proposed change.
Feasibility studies help managers assess the pros and cons of a
proposal for change because they analyze all the separate elements
before recommending a course of action.

Feasibility studies generally analyze one of three situations:

• A change or action is proposed, but its effectiveness or likeli-

hood of success is unknown. For example, a highway commis-
240 Skills of Workplace Communication

sion knows that a second level can be added to a bridge. It needs

to know whether such an addition will actually improve traffic
flow in the region.
• A problem exists, but the best actions to solve the problem are
unclear. A great urban museum that attracts visitors from all
over the globe faces growing community opposition to its ex-
pansion plans because they will attract even more visitors, as
well as more traffic, litter, and noise. Should the museum cut
back or stop the expansion entirely? Should it route all cars and
pedestrians to the side and rear entrances, and limit the size of
• Two or more solutions for a problem exist: a bridge and a
tunnel. When this is the case, managers need information and
recommendations to make the right choice. This type of feasi-
bility report is sometimes called a yardstick report. It is called this
because in it the report writer uses a yardstick or standard of
measurement to determine which of the two alternatives would
be the most effective in terms of cost, time, personnel, and even
public relations.

2. Justification reports. Simply because something is feasible does

not mean it should automatically be done. For example, after
considering the feasibility of a proposal for a new program or
additional personnel, managers need to determine whether it is
justified, that is, warranted. Justification reports analyze a pro-
posal and make recommendations to proceed or not. Managers
count on such reports to determine whether the time and money
required to achieve them represent a wise and reasonable commit-
ment of the organization’s resources.
3. Research studies. When corporations and governmental agencies
need a scientific analysis of a problem, they authorize and fund a
research report. Such reports follow the problem–analysis–solu-
tion pattern. They determine the essential elements of a problem,
for example, the decline in reading scores of American high school
students on standardized tests. Researchers collect data, analyze
it, and draw conclusions. Making recommendations may or may
not be part of the research project assigned.

Types of Proposals
Whether intended for business or government use, a proposal is a
plan for solving a problem or performing an action. Proposals vary
greatly in purpose, form, and length. They are used for internal and
external communications, for vertical and horizontal audiences. They
Report Purposes, Formats, and Categories 241

can be informal or formal in design. They can be solicited or unsolicited.

They can be one page created by an individual or 100 pages created by
a team or group.
Examples include proposals to change procedures in a company or
agency, to convince a corporation to move a division to a certain city or
county, to obtain funding for research, to win contracts, to build or alter
facilities and installations. What all such proposals have in common is
that they add a strong element of persuasion to the information and
analysis they provide.
Proposals, whether written for business or governmental purposes,
fall into either of two categories:

1. Solicited. When corporations or government agencies know

exactly what they want they solicit proposals to fill that need.
In a sense the organization does some high-level comparison
shopping to find out who can best fill their needs. They an-
nounce or publish a request for proposals (RFP) or a request for
bids (RFB). In the corporate setting, such requests are usually
sent out after meetings to discuss and clarify the specific need
of the company. A proposal written in response to such a formal
request is a solicited proposal.
2. Unsolicited. Sometimes individuals, companies, or agencies see a
need going unattended. Like nature, they “abhor a vacuum,”
especially when the vacuum represents an opportunity for gain.
They send out something that parallels a sales letter in content but
not in form. In such a case the individual or organization volun-
teers a proposal that says in effect “Look what we can do for you,
if you just give us a chance!”

Proposals, whether solicited or unsolicited, may be informal or for-

mal. The difference is more in structure than in content. Both have sales
and persuasion as their principal goals; but they seek to achieve these
goals with different formats:

1. Informal. Informal proposals are usually done in the form of a

letter. They tend to run from two to five pages in length and
include the following sections:

State the reasons for making the proposal from
the reader’s point of view
Grab reader’s attention with financial and
practical benefits to be gained
242 Skills of Workplace Communication

Present your qualifications as the writer of

this specific proposal
Identify the problem
DEVELOPMENT Make the actual and specific proposal to solve
this problem
Describe the personnel you will offer and the
cost or budget for the project

Summarize the benefits your proposal will
give your reader
CONCLUSION Request authorization or approval from your
reader to begin the project

2. Formal. Formal proposals have the same elements of the infor-

mal ones just outlined, but they contain other sections, ex-
plained in the next chapter, which may expand the length of a
typical proposal from five pages to hundreds of pages.

Because the objective of any proposal, solicited or unsolicited, is to

gain approval, such reports must be particularly audience-based. And
because the stakes are usually high in terms of finances and profes-
sional reputations, effective and skillful proposal writing is a highly
valued art.

Report Research,
Statistics, and



Research is the process of learning as much as possible about a specific

subject. This is done using oral and written forms of communication to
obtain information from primary and secondary sources.

Primary Sources
The primary sources of research are those that the report writer uses
to obtain new and original information on the subject.

1. Surveys. This form of research is necessary for many types of

informational reports such as special projects, analytical reports
such as feasibility studies, justification reports, research studies,
and proposals. Surveys typically collect information from primary
sources through computer programs, in-person and telephone
interviews, polls, and questionnaires.
However, time and expense factors make it unrealistic to survey
everyone involved. As a result, samples are taken to represent the
entire group or population. A random sample means that everyone
in the segment of the population being studied has an equal
chance of being selected. The second type is the stratified sample,
which works by dividing the general population into strata, or
244 Skills of Workplace Communication

subgroups, based on factors such as social position and education.

If the survey of the health care needs of professional women
chooses an equal number of respondents from groups of women
teachers, bankers, lawyers, and doctors, for example, the survey
is nonproportional. However, if the number of women chosen
from each stratum parallels the percentage of women in each of
the professions in the society as a whole, the survey sample is
Two common methods of conducting surveys are through inter-
views and by questionnaires.

• Interviews. Whether conducted in person, by telephone, or by

e-mail, survey interviews work better when they are the oral
equivalent of reader based written documents. The interviewer
may be looking for some type of objective truth about a product or
service, however, the subject’s frame of reference cannot be over-
looked. Similarly, the interviewer may have his or her agenda, but,
whether conducted in a “people on the street” style or with an
expert in the field being studied, the interview should be done with
the subject’s convenience and comfort in mind.
The research reporter has to prepare a set of questions very
carefully, yet be ready to rephrase them if the subject’s body lan-
guage and facial cues reveal confusion or incomplete understand-
ing. This ability to spot a problem and rephrase a question
immediately is an advantage the interview format has over the
written questionnaire.
Recording the interview will be very helpful for the interviewer.
However, before doing any recording, permission must be ob-
tained. This should not be presumed; secret recordings can be a
violation of law.
An interview literally means a glimpse or picture between two
people. It is not supposed to be an adversarial interrogation. It
should be as relaxed, personal, and friendly as possible.
An action-information closing should be used for the interview
just as for a memo or letter. The subject of an interview deserves
the courtesy of being informed about what to do at the end of the
conversation; for example, ask questions about the use of the
information gained or how to obtain a copy of the interview.
• Questionnaires. This type of survey can be conducted by mail or
in person. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types.
When surveying by mail, for example, there is no one to ask the
quetions and guide the respondent. This necessitates differences
in the design of the survey and questionnaire. While mail-in sur-
veys are relatively inexpensive, they have a low response rate.
Report Research, Statistics, and Illustrations 245

In-person questionnaires are much more costly but they have the
highest response rate. Developing the survey “instrument” or
package of specific questions requires great care and precision. In
person the subject’s body language and facial clues can tell the
researcher if a question is unclear or troublesome in some personal
way. When the questions are written, there are no second chances.
The surveyor won’t even be present. Whenever possible a list of
questions should be tested on a sample group to gain immediate,
spontaneous feedback on the clarity and tone of the questions.
Like interviews, questionnaires should be reader based. The sur-
veyor who remembers his or her own typically annoyed skepticism
every time a questionnaire is received will produce a more reader-
based document. The researcher, for example, can motivate the
audience for the questionnaire by answering the skeptic’s question,
“What’s in it for me?” immediately. First, by appealing to the
altruistic side of most people by showing how the information they
supply will benefit the common good. Second, by appealing to the
profit motive by offering an incentive: cash, something free, or
something of value at a greatly reduced rate.
The number and the order of the questions should be reader- or
subject-based. The questions should be well thought-out and very
specific. A good questionnaire is not a fishing expedition. Each
question should have a specific objective. The survey should begin
with simple ones to let the participant ease into the experience,
then build up to more important questions as the list advances.
Ethnocentrism and leading questions, which implicitly suggest
the answers desired, for example, “Don’t you agree that most
politicians are crooks?” will not produce accurate results.
The questions should be listed in a purposeful way such as in a
chronological, numeric, spatial, or alphabetical order.
The researcher has to decide whether a yes–no format, a check-off
format, or an open-ended format will best suit the audience and
subject. The yes–no question is the most elementary and basically
yields factual information. Check-off responses are in effect multi-
ple-choice questions. They are the easiest and quickest for respon-
dents and large samplings. The open-ended style is more suited to
small samplings of people. It requires more time but also provides
more subtlety in responses. When a researcher has a subject with
politically or morally sensitive issues, the Likert Scale is recom-
mended. It offers a multiple-choice set of responses across a range
from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
Preferences lists are useful for determining the degree of satisfac-
tion with a product or service: from low to high, inferior to superior,
least important to most important.
246 Skills of Workplace Communication

2. Experiments. A valuable way for businesses and government

agencies to gather information about the probable success or fail-
ure of product and program changes. Experiments use deductive
reasoning based on cause and effect. They change each variable
one at a time, while leaving all other factors constant, to measure
the effect or result. For example, if you wish to learn which, if any,
vitamin supplements will alleviate a symptom or disease, you
could perform either or both of the following experiments.
• One test group remains constant while a series of vitamin sup-
plements are administered over a period of time. All possible
variables are controlled so that the members of the test group
are as alike as possible in age, sex, economic and educational
backgrounds, and so on.
• Two identical test groups, one of which is the control group. The
experimental factor is given only to the experimental group, not
the control group. Any changes that occur are attributed to the
element introduced by the experiment.
3. Personal observation. Another form of research using primary
sources. It is scientific and deductive in nature, but does not
introduce variables into what is being observed the way experi-
ments do. Meaningful observations require set procedures and
checklists to make sure that different observers, times, and places
do not skew the results.

Secondary Sources
Secondary forms of research include sources of information already
discovered by others. Published sources include books, journals, mag-
azines, newspapers, periodicals, and technical reports. Unpublished
sources include company records, diaries, legal documents, and medi-
cal and personal records. The library and the Internet are the two main
sources of existing published information.

1. The library is no longer a source of printed books and magazines

alone. Everyone is different, but a typical library contains many
sources of information for report writing research, including the
• Computer resources give the researcher access to information
at a much greater speed than card catalogues. The three sources
of information are databases, CD-ROMs, and online searches.
Databases are electronic indexes containing files in every pro-
fession; for example, the Business Periodicals Index and Trade
Industry Index for business research, the Criminal Justice Period-
Report Research, Statistics, and Illustrations 247

ical Index for law enforcement, the Cumulative Index to Nursing

and Allied Health Literature for health care.
CD-ROMS are compact disks that contain a thousand times
more information than a floppy disk. They are “read-only mem-
ory” sources, meaning that they are closed systems limiting the
researcher to what is placed on the disk. One such CD-ROM,
Info-Trac, contains over 1 million articles on many fields, in-
cluding law, health care, business and education, published in
magazines such as Forbes, Physician’s Weekly, and the Harvard
Business Review.
Online searches provide researchers with lists of books and
articles, including relevant information on authors, publishers,
dates of publication, and so forth. They can also supply specific
facts in many different fields including stocks, bonds, commod-
ities, consumer products, and current events. Some of the most
popular databases are CARL UnCover, DIALOG, and
• Government documents available to the public provide enor-
mous sources of information for researchers. Everything from
apple growing to zygogenesis is contained in government re-
ports, with much in between on consumer safety, herbal sup-
plements and prescription medications, government
entitlement programs, and hundreds of other topics.
These government reports can be found in publications such
as Environmental Health Perspectives, Journal of the National Can-
cer Institute, Military Review, Occupational Outlook Quarterly, and
Program Manager either in hard copy or on the Internet.
Three ways to access the information published by the United
States Government Printing Office (GPO) include the U.S. Gov-
ernment Periodical Index, The Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government
Publications, and the CIS Index to Publications of the United States
• Newspapers and magazines contain much information for re-
searchers not just in the daily reporting of the news in such
papers as The Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, The Washington
Post, and The New York Times, but in feature stories based on
investigative reporting. Like government reports, the publica-
tions of the so-called popular press are available on the Internet
as well as your library’s shelves.
• The online catalog of a library lists not only books but also
computer programs, CD-ROMS, encyclopedias and other refer-
ence works, and periodical indexes. Online catalogs link re-
searchers to databases to obtain information on authors, titles,
and specific subject areas.
248 Skills of Workplace Communication

• Reference books contain great quantities of fact-based informa-

tion. Libraries have sections or rooms devoted to reference
works such as encyclopedias, manuals, and dictionaries. Be-
sides general encyclopedias such as the New Encyclopedia
Britannica, there are also specialized ones such as the McGraw-
Hill Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering
and the Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance.
2. The Internet is an immense linkage of computers and computer
networks whose purpose is to collect and exchange information.
Its nearly limitless resources are available to everyone with access
to America Online, MSN (Microsoft Network), or other servers.
• The World Wide Web is the most well known product of the
Internet. It makes vast amounts of information available in a
mixed-media format of words, graphics, sound, and video. The
Web enables researchers to access information from around the
world with dizzying speed. Financial information from Hong
Kong, medical news from Boston, trade information from Sin-
gapore, diamond news from Rotterdam—it’s just a tap away.
• Hypertext is the name of the system for creating web “pages.”
Unlike the pages in a traditional book, web pages may have
animation and sound. Web pages are written in HyperText
Markup Language (HTML). Formerly, Web addresses always
began with http://www, which stands for hypertext transmis-
sion protocol://world wide web. Today, the http is built in or
assumed. Having its Internet address or a universal resource
locator (URL) enables a researcher to go directly to a website for
• Search engines are powerful vehicles that locate and serve up
information on the Web. They can search numerous databases
simultaneously to find the information sources a researcher
needs. Altavista, with its vast database of over 25 million web
pages; Infoseek Guide, with its Infoseek Personal feature that
updates a user’s special interest list; and Lycos, which flashes a
relevancy rating for each item of information found are just
three search engines available to today’s researcher.
• A “directory” search is used by a report writer who is in the
earliest stages of researching a subject and has not yet narrowed
down the search for information. Moving among different sug-
gested websites, the researcher will soon learn how the subject
can be limited for more precise study, for example, by narrow-
ing from government grants to obtaining government grants.
• A “key word” search will yield results more quickly for the
more focused report writer, that is, the writer who already has
a specific topic to investigate. For example, the writer looking
Report Research, Statistics, and Illustrations 249

for information on obtaining government grants for college

programs would find that there are 290,562 pages on the Inter-
net under obtaining government grants. Using opening and clos-
ing quotation marks as in “obtaining government grants” will
narrow the search to 58 pages. A key word search under “college
government grants” will focus the report writer on a mere 2


Statistics, a branch of mathematics, is the science of collecting, ana-

lyzing, and interpreting numerical data. The term statistics is also used
for the numbers or the data itself. Some equate statistics with what is
presented in tables in a report. In any case, statistics are an integral part
of reports for business and government agencies.
When the purpose of the report is purely informational, the job of the
report writer is mainly to collect and present data. However, when a
report is analytical in nature, such as a feasibility study, the report
writer must show how the data that is presented in charts and tables
suggests or dictates a course of action.
There are four basic terms necessary to understanding how numerical
data is described or analyzed:

1. The mean refers to the arithmetical average of a group of numbers.

The mean is calculated by adding a group of numbers and divid-
ing the total by the number of entries. If a restaurant menu has five
entrées priced $16.50, $17.00, $17.00, $19.50, and $23.00, the total
is $93.00. The mean or average price of an entrée at that restaurant
is $93.00 divided by 5, or $18.60.
2. The median is the midpoint in a list of figures going from lowest to
highest or highest to lowest. Instead of dividing the five restaurant
entrées by five as you would to arrive at the mean price, you
would divide the five items into two groups, with the median
price of an entrée being $17.00. The median is more informative
and descriptive than the mean when there is an extreme or radi-
cally different number in a list. For example, if the last item in the
list of entrées had been $55.00, the mean would have been $25.00
but the median still $17.00.
3. The mode is whatever number in a list appears most frequently, in
other words, whatever is the most popular or repeated number. In
the list of menu entrées the mode figure is $17.00 because it
appears more frequently than any other entrée price.
4. The range is a measure of the difference or variability in a set of
figures. It is arrived at by subtracting the lowest number in a list
250 Skills of Workplace Communication

from the highest number. The range in the list of entrées from
$16.50 to $23.00, therefore, is $6.50. However, if the last item were
priced at $55.00, the range would be $38.50. The range statistic is
very useful when there is a significant disparity in a list. The far
greater range of $38.50 would make someone wonder why or what
has caused such a range of prices.

Sources of Statistical Information

Statistics can be obtained through such primary-source research ve-
hicles as surveys, questionnaires, experiments, and personal observa-
tions. In addition to the secondary sources listed above, report writers
can also obtain statistics from a variety of government and industry
sources, including:
• The Gale Research Company and Predicasts, Inc., offer extensive
sources of information and statistics. Predicasts publishes market
information and forecasts arranged by company, country, and
product under titles including Expansion and Capacity Digest, Pre-
dicasts, Forecasts, and World-Regional Casts.
• The Handbook of Basic Economic Statistics, the Statistical Abstract of
the United States, and Standard and Poor’s Statistical Service.
• The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) was
introduced in 1997. It provides economic and financial statistics in
different areas such as health care and social services, information
systems, and professional and scientific services. Statistics based
on this hemispheric system are now available.
• On a global level, statistical information can be found in publica-
tions such as Principal International Businesses, Major Companies of
Europe and Japan, the Index to International Statistics, and The Statis-
tical Yearbook.
• There are also many guides that are helpful in locating the type of
statistics needed for a particular report subject. One of these is the
Statistical Reference Index, which provides statistical sources from
professional and trade organizations. Another is the American Sta-
tistics Index, which offers government statistics arranged by cate-
gories and agencies. The Encyclopedia of Business Information
Sources identifies basic statistical and informational sources. Pre-
dicasts Forecasts provides a geographical directory of statistical
information with the codes of the North American Industry Clas-
sification System.

Presentation of Statistical Information

Whether in memos, letters, or reports, business and government
agency writers have to make many decisions about recording numbers.
Report Research, Statistics, and Illustrations 251

Basically the choice is between words (ten thousand dollars) and figures
The following list of rules and suggestions reflects current practice.
There are so many choices and variables that the most important rule
of all is to be consistent. Arbitrarily switching between words and
figures will confuse the reader and the writer. If a numerical amount is
presented in words in one place in a report, it should be expressed that
way throughout.

1. Numbers one through nine are expressed in words; 10 and above

in figures.
2. Regardless of the number involved, always use the words to begin
a sentence: Three dollars was deducted from the balance.
3. Numbers are used for the following items: dates, measurements,
money, page numbers, percentages, ratios, and temperatures. To
avoid violating rule #2, rephrase any sentence beginning with one
of these items. For example, 19 feet separated the first and second tiers
could be rewritten as: The first and second tiers were separated by 19
4. Very large numbers are expressed in a combination of words and
figures as in: The budget proposal was cut by 55 million dollars.
5. If consecutive numbers appear in the same phrase, use a number
for one (the smaller of the two) and a word for the next, as in: The
architect’s plan called for 5 ten-foot steel beams.
6. Decimals should be used instead of fractions, especially in techni-
cal writing or whenever precise measurements are needed.
7. Numbers are advised rather than words wherever possible in any
documents with multi-cultural audiences. This is especially rec-
ommended to avoid confusion when the numbers are very large.


There are many words used to describe the various illustrations used
in reports. Charts, graphs, tables, and figures are just a few of these
terms. In this section, we will group these terms into two categories:
tables and figures. Examples of each appear in Appendixes A and B.

• Tables are parallel rows or lists of statistical information arranged

to show changes in variables quantities such as cost, personnel,
time, age, and regions.
• Figures are all illustrations other than tables, such as line graphs,
pie charts, bar graphs, and flow charts, and drawings.
252 Skills of Workplace Communication

Whether the report writer creates them alone or with graphics

software such as Clip Art, Print Artist, and MS Paint, tables and
figures function in a similar manner. They present information in a
visual rather than a verbal way. Even though some words are used,
the key to the value of figures lies in the proverb “a picture is worth
a thousand words.” This is why they are often referred to not simply
as visuals but as visual aids. The value of their eye-appeal is only a
means to an end.
The primary purpose of illustrations in a report is to summarize and
communicate key ideas in a direct, unambiguous way. Illustrations of
any type are never substitutes for ideas, but additions and aids to
understanding ideas. To achieve this end, figures, like all real commu-
nication, must be reader-based. Keep them clear and simple.

The Function of Tables and Figures

Tables and figures give life and force to ideas for many audiences in
multiple ways:

• They are the vital link between raw data and useful knowledge.
They give us a specific way to look at statistics, enabling us to draw
conclusions. Bar charts enable us to compare and contrast data; pie
charts show the relation of the parts to the whole.
• They give report audiences concrete, vivid, and quick representa-
tions of ideas. To do this tables and figures must be designed
• They save space and words. Very complicated and detailed infor-
mation can often be communicated more quickly by the report
writer and grasped more easily by report audiences through care-
fully planned and well-designed figures. One table or bar chart can
sum up pages of data covering many months or even years.
• They speak a universal language, just as music does. This is why
they are especially valuable in simplifying and presenting complex
material for cross-cultural audiences.
• They can be very persuasive. Figures can call attention to key ideas
in a visual way that is hard to resist. For this reason figures are a
very effective tool, especially for proposal writing.
• The Construction of Tables

Tables present data with little or no interpretation, leaving readers to

draw their own conclusions. However, the way the table presents data,
for example, the choice of categories and titles, can subtly influence
audiences. The layout or arrangement of the table can invite or dissuade
readers from comparing the statistics in the columns.
Report Research, Statistics, and Illustrations 253

Presenting Tables in the Text

1. Number and title: all tables should be numbered consecutively
corresponding to the list of illustrations that accompanies the
Table of Contents. When there are many illustrations, tables may
be listed separately from figures in this introductory list (Table 1,
Table 2, Table 3 . . . Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4 . . .).
The titles should be informative rather than descriptive. Supply
the reader as needed with the who, what, where, when, and why.
2. Table components. The principal parts of tables are the headings,
stub, and columns.
• Headings are the titles of the vertical columns in the table. The
terms spanner head or column head are sometimes used to cover
a group of columns in the table, in which case subheadings are
used for the individual columns.
• The stub is the first vertical column on the left side of the table.
It identifies the horizontal rows in the table.
• The columns contain the actual statistical data being used to
illustrate the particular point the report writer is making.
3. Textual link: the reader should be told about each table before it
occurs. Every one should be previewed with expressions such as:
“Table 4 illustrates the percentage of . . .” or “The progressive
dilution of . . . is shown in Table 6.”
4. Location: all tables should be placed as closely as possible to the
textual link. This will make it easier for the reader to refer to them
without interruption or searching back and forth in the text of the
report. If necessary, rearrange the paragraphs of the report to
accommodate the table on the same page with its textual link.
5. Order of statistics: list the data in logical order. Depending on the
information involved this order could be alphabetical or descend-
ing numerical order from the highest to the lowest numbers.
6. Page placement: limit tables to one page whenever possible. If a
second page is needed for a long table, write continued at the
bottom of the first page and at the top of the second page. Repeat
the column headings on the second page of the table.
7. Source: unless the entire table or the statistics in a table are the
result of the reporters own research, the source must be recognized
and given credit. This credit can be placed in parentheses under
the table title but is usually done directly beneath the table, as in
Source: National Alliance on Caregiving or Source: U.S. Department
of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1998 Conference on Statistical
Reporting, June 1998, p. 320. If additional information is needed to
read the table correctly, it is placed in footnotes directly under the
source information, not at the bottom of the page.
254 Skills of Workplace Communication

The Choice of Figures

All figures provide information graphically. The choice of particular
figures is determined by the type of idea the report writer seeks to
convey to his or her audience.

Bar charts
The primary purpose of bar charts is to show comparative data at a
specific time or over an extended period of time. Whether vertical,
horizontal, grouped, or segmented, bar charts are like thermometers in
appearance and function. They show similar elements rising, falling, or
(rarely) remaining stationary over time. Bar charts can be thought of as
tables converted into visual form. While they might not be as statisti-
cally precise as tables, bar charts make a greater and immediate visual
The stub or vertical column on the left of the chart identifies the
statistical information, for example, in percentages, dollars, or geo-
graphical regions. All vertical and horizontal columns must be labeled
and the bars within them of equal width. The grid is the field on which
the bars are displayed. Finally, three-dimensional bar charts are purely
decorative. They do not seem to communicate statistical information in
bar charts any more clearly or forcefully and, therefore, are unnecessary.
There are three common types of bar charts:

• Simple bar charts use solid individual bars, either horizontal or

vertical, to compare items over a period of time. The varying length
of the bars shows changes in one type of data, for example, mag-
nitude or quantity over time or in different regions.
• Multiple bar charts compare several variables over a period of time.
Multiple vertical bars can show component parts of several vari-
ables; multiple horizontal bars can portray several variables over
a period of time. Limit the number of bars in a year’s grouping to
four. Beyond that the chart and its message for the reader gets
• Segmented or stacked bar charts show at a glance the different parts
of a measured whole by subdividing each bar.

Line graphs
The primary function of line graphs is to show quantitative changes
over time. Line graphs do this by showing a continuous relationship
between two variables, one of which is dependent, or subject to change,
the other of which is independent, or not subject to change. Common
dependent variables include money and weather. The most common
independent variables are time and distance.
Report Research, Statistics, and Illustrations 255

The dependent variable is depicted in the vertical stub, the indepen-

dent variable in the horizontal time line. The background of vertical and
horizontal lines against which the line graph is displayed is called the
grid. Where the vertical and horizontal lines intersect is called the data
point. For example, the dollar range of a share of stock, zero to $100
appears in the vertical stub. The increments of price, distance, or time
on the vertical stub are called ticks, from which we get the term up-ticks,
for increases in bond prices or yields. The hours of the trading day
appear in the horizontal line. The price at which the stock traded over
the course of a day’s session of stock exchange trading is shown by the
continuous line in the graph.
Like bar charts, line graphs are often based on tables of data. Unlike
bar charts, however, line graphs show movement and change in a
quickly visible way. As a result, report writers must be careful in their
design and presentation. Just as the arrangement of a table can invite
or discourage readers from comparing the statistics in the columns, the
design of a line graph can affect the reader’s perception of the data. The
vertical and horizontal scale of a graph can distort the reality of the
change in the variable. For example, reducing each unit of the horizon-
tal axis of a line graph from 2 inches to 1 inch while increasing the
vertical axis from 1 inch to 2 inches would make a change in the price
of a stock appear much more precipitous than it may in fact have been.
Two commonly used line graphs include:

• Single line graphs show just the change that occurred in a single
dependent variable over time or distance. Single line figures are
useful for showing changes in variables such as sales, prices, and
• Multiple-line graphs depict how several dependent variables com-
pare with one another over a period of time. When constructing
multiple-line graphs it is important to make clear visual distinc-
tions among the different lines, for example, with different colors
or with dotted, dashed, or continuous lines. The different lines
must also be labeled or identified with a legend. As with multiple-
bar charts, limiting the number of lines in a multiple-line graph to
four makes reader comprehension easier and quicker.

Map charts
Sometimes called statistical maps, map charts are useful for showing
a combination of quantitative and geographical information in one
picture. The most familiar statistical maps are the weather maps shown
every day in newspapers and television weather stations. Maps show-
ing distribution of income by states or regions are another common
form of map chart.
256 Skills of Workplace Communication

Various graphic techniques including color and shading can be used

to distinguish the geographic areas of a map chart. As with multiple bar
and line figures, map charts need legends to tell the audience how to
read or understand the chart

Pie charts or circle graphs

The main function of pie charts is to show the subdivision of the
whole (the pie) unit into parts (the slices). In this it serves a similar
purpose to the segmented bar chart. Pie charts are especially useful in
financial documents and government reports. They give readers quick
insight into budgets, the distribution of sales, earnings, and expenses.
Pie charts allow the reader to see and compare two things simulta-
neously: the relationship of the parts to the whole and the relationship
of the parts to each other.
Some things to remember when serving up a pie chart:

• The slices of the pie should be easy to distinguish by color, shading,

or cross-hatching.
• Begin cutting the slices clockwise at the 12 o’clock mark with the
biggest piece of the pie first.
• Work clockwise in descending order.
• Each slice should be identified with a horizontal legend.
The slices must add up to 100 percent.

These are analogous to bar charts in that pictographs or pictograms
show comparative data at a specific time. Instead of showing the data
in the form of bars, however, pictographs convert the statistics of a table
into symbolic pictures or icons arranged vertically or horizontally. Each
icon, for example, a house, a person, a car, or a coin, represents a unit
of measurement. The icons should always be of equal size. It is the
number of icons that carries the message. While they might not be as
statistically precise as tables, pictographs make immediate visual state-
ments with ready audience appeal.

Flow charts and organizational charts

What separates these figures from the previous visual aids is that
flow charts and organizational charts are not based upon statistical

• Organizational charts show the levels of authority and responsibil-

ity in a corporation or agency. Rectangles are the most common
figure used to represent the divisions and sub-divisions of an
Report Research, Statistics, and Illustrations 257

organization. How the rectangles are linked vertically and hori-

zontally makes the chain of command immediately visible.
Organizational charts, because they often look like upside-down
trees, are sometimes called decision trees. The “root” is the Chief
Executive Officer, the “limbs” Vice Presidents, the “branches”
• Flow charts use graphics similar to the rectangles of an organiza-
tional chart to show how some physical process or decision-mak-
ing procedure, for example, approving a loan application, is
carried out. But where an organizational chart is static at the time
of creation, the flow chart is dynamic.
The interconnected elements of a flow chart are often depicted with
different shapes, for example, ovals for the start and completion of
a procedure, rectangles for the steps of the procedure, and dia-
monds to highlight decision-making steps in the process. Arrows
are used in flow charts to emphasize the movement and direction
involved in a process.

Deploying Figures in the Text

All figures used in a report should be self-sufficient. This means that
whatever type of figure is used it should be able to stand on its own
outside the text of the report. A person in the primary or secondary
audience should be able to gain knowledge from the bar chart or line
graph without the paragraphs of text that surrounded it in the report.
All figures should be identified and presented in the following way:

1. Number and title: all the figures in a report should be numbered

consecutively corresponding to the List of Figures that accompan-
ies the Table of Contents (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3…). The titles
should be informative rather than descriptive. Supply the reader
with the who, what, where, when, and why.
2. Subtitle: if the information in a figure is very complicated, it may
be necessary to use a subtitle, sometimes called a legend, to explain
or identify elements of the figure. If a subtitle is needed, print it in
smaller type below the title.
3. Textual link: the reader should not be surprised by a figure. Every-
one should be introduced or prepared for it in the text with
expressions such as: “Figure 3 illustrates the difference between
. . .” or “The increase in . . . can be clearly seen in Figure 7.”
4. Location: all figures in a report should be placed as close as possible
to the textual link. This will make it easier for the reader to
understand their significance without interruption or searching
back and forth in the text of the report. If necessary, the writer can
258 Skills of Workplace Communication

rearrange the paragraphs to accommodate the figure on the same

page with its textual link.
5. Source: unless the data on which a figure is based is the result of
the report writer’s own research, for example, a survey the writer
conducted, credit must be given to the source. This can be done in
parentheses under the table title but is usually supplied directly
beneath the table, as in Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The Content and

Structure of the Formal

The Content and Structure of the Formal Report

More than any other form of business writing, formal reports require
attention to four promoters of successful communication, highlighted
in Chapter 1.

1. Preparation. Getting ready for the specific task that is about to

occur, whether a memo, letter, or a report, is a deliberate process.
By definition, a formal report requires the greatest amount of
planning and preparation.
2. Precision. Being “on the mark,” or right on target with ideas and
expression as opposed to “far afield” or “out in left field.” Preci-
sion and clarity go hand in hand with preparation. The length of
a formal report cannot be allowed to dilute the clarity of its
3. Presence. Having the ability to convey a sense of poise and self-as-
surance. This capacity results from being prepared internally and
externally— mentally and physically. Being at once calm yet ready
for action gives one what is called a compelling personality, one
that inspires respect and confidence. Reports that are carefully
planned, written, and visually striking inspire respect and confi-
dence in the validity of their findings.
4. Preference. This quality of successful report communicators works
in two ways. Because they have prepared themselves for the
specific report subject at hand, they enjoy the ability to make
choices jointly with managers. Because they deliver a report with
260 Skills of Workplace Communication

clarity and presence, they become part of a team that sets priori-
ties. Report writers who gain this level of preference enjoy a very
real, practical advantage over others.


The first stage of preparing to write a formal report is determining
the subject. The ideas that form the subject of a report are usually
determined by managers and executives in the organization and ex-
plained to the report writer in the first of the three meetings described
in Chapter 16 or at an earlier preliminary meeting. Finding the precise
words to express that subject in written form is perhaps the defining
moment for the report writer.
Defining the subject/problem of a report is an extension of the
method demonstrated in Chapter 9 for developing a central idea. It is a
process of narrowing and expansion: narrowing the initial idea down
to specific cases while expanding the number of words used to describe
it into a complete sentence. This is not the same thing as a thesis. A thesis
goes beyond the subject or central idea to express an opinion.

Steps to Define the Subject of a Report

1. Start with the names of the various types of reports, for example,
trip report, feasibility study, compliance report, progress report. These
names indicate both the purpose and the general subject of the
2. Limit the subject area contained in the name of the report by
expanding its specific elements into an informal list of possibili-
ties, for example:
• Converting Gonzaga Hall to central air conditioning.
• Doing it in six months
• For under $250,000
3. Construct a sentence using these elements: The subject of the
report is the feasibility of converting Gonzaga Hall to central air
conditioning within six months for under $250,000.
The generic topic feasibility report has become the specifically expanded
subject The feasibility of converting Gonzaga Hall to central air conditioning.


Formal reports, especially ones written for external audiences, use a
formal writing style of “standard written English.” Some of the reasons
and qualities of this report writing style include the following:
The Content and Structure of the Formal Report 261

• It uses the third person for singular and plural nouns and pro-
nouns to convey an objective, dispassionate, scientific tone. For
example, the report writer or researcher rather than I or we, the
subjects of the study rather than our subjects, the survey respondents
rather than our respondents.
• It avoids contractions such as won’t or didn’t in favor of the more
formal will not or did not.
• It uses longer and more technical words than informal report
writing. This is not to impress the reader with esoteric vocabulary,
but because the subject matter requires it.
• It uses a variety of sentence length and structure to avoid monot-
ony for the readers of long reports. For example, it uses compound
sentences such as, “The agency has recently proposed sharp reduc-
tions in the allowable level of sulfur in diesel fuel and hopes to
issue a final rule by the end of the year.” In addition, it makes use
of complex sentences such as, “Although one percentage point
sounds small, government officials said the finding was important
because of the huge number of people exposed to particulate
pollution.” (See Chapter 10 for additional information on sentence

The same principles of clear and concise writing listed in Chapter

Seven that will help memos and letters communicate a writer’s ideas
more effectively will also make reports easier to read and more likely
to achieve their purposes.

• Choose concrete words not abstractions. Concrete words refer to

actual material things. Abstract words refer to ideas and generali-
ties. Say “by June 2001,” not “at some future date” or “in the
not-too-distant future.”
• Use plain everyday words not bookish words that suggest the
writer creates messages with a thesaurus on the left side and a
dictionary on the right. Use learn not ascertain, review not recapitu-
late, end not termination. Also use plain English instead of “legal-
ese,” for example, use the words additional not appurtenant, later not
hereinafter, for that reason not wherefore.
• Use technical language when necessary, but sparingly. The mem-
bers of the writer’s immediate group may understand the highly
technical language, but the secondary audiences, who may have
decision-making power, may not. If they do not understand the
report’s language, it may just crash and burn.
• Avoid slang and buzzwords, clichés, acronyms, and Instant Mes-
senger abbreviations. Expressions such as “I would like to take this
opportunity” are not only clichés but are wordy wasters of space
262 Skills of Workplace Communication

and time. Words and phrases such as “a can of worms,” “herding

cats,” and “policy wonks” might be understood by you and your
circle but may be lost on your often unknown secondary audi-
• Use action verbs not lengthy noun phrases. The action verb inves-
tigate, for example, is more vigorous than the noun phrase conduct
an investigation of. The passive voice, while generally avoided in
business writing, except for conveying negative news, is used in
formal writing to convey a sense of objectivity: “The information
that was gathered by the survey” suggests scientific, inductive
reasoning at work. “I used a survey to gather information” implies
personal factors may be in play. The passive voice helps to focus
the reader on the action rather than the person performing the
• Remove redundancies and compound prepositions, which use
several words instead of single ones. “Now” is more concise than
“at this point in time.” “Because” is clearer than “due to the fact



Formal reports are bound like a book’s binding in some material to

enhance their appearance and ability to withstand repeated use and
being passed from reader to reader.

Title Fly
Originally called the “fly page” when it was a blank sheet meant to
protect the printed title page, it now contains the title of the report. This
title should be clearly informative for the reader by including the who,
what, where, when, why, and how of the report. These refer to the
organization’s name, the subject matter, the location(s) involved, the
date, the purpose, and the method as in this example: ANALYSIS OF

Title Page
In addition to the title, the title page provides the report audiences
with the name and title of the recipient, the author(s) names, the
corporation or agency that developed the report, the author(s) names
The Content and Structure of the Formal Report 263

and company name (if different from the receiving company), and the
exact date it was presented.

Letter of Transmittal
The transmittal letter, or memo if the sender and receiver of the report
are in the same organization, should be written in the frontloaded,
direct pattern. It may be less formal in style than the report itself but
should include the following information:

1. The name of the person and the organization to whom the report
is being sent.
2. The title of the report and (where applicable) by whom it was
3. The key points of the report and their significance to the reader.
4. A note of appreciation for the confidence implied in the assign-
5. An action-information closing, that is, what the receiver should do
after reading the report, and what follow-up actions the writer is
ready to do for the reader and organization.

Table of Contents
This page represents another step in the gradual unfolding of the
contents of the report. It tells the reader the principal sections of the
report and on what pages they can be found. Any table of contents is
directly related to the outline that is created to organize all the informa-
tion in the report. Depending on the length and complexity of the
report, either the main headings or the main and subheadings in the
outline become the elements of the table of contents.

List of Figures
This list of the various charts, diagrams, drawings, and graphs that
appear in the report may be placed below the Table of Contents if there
is room on the page. Figures are consecutively numbered with titles as
well as the pages on which they appear.

Abstract or Executive Summary

Busy executives often do not have time to read entire reports. This
brief summary expands the key sections of the Table of Contents,
including the conclusions and recommendations, for their convenience
and to assist in their decision-making processes. If an executive focuses
264 Skills of Workplace Communication

on some information in the summary, he or she can locate it in the Table

of Contents for additional information. To answer the question “How
brief is brief?” the executive summary should be in proportion to the
length of the entire report. A 10 percent ratio of summary to report has
been suggested as a guideline.

Creating frontloaded executive summaries or abstracts

Some people will actually read the report writer’s finished work from
cover to cover. Others will speed-read the document by reading the
opening and closing and only the first and last sentences of the para-
graphs in between. The executive summary or abstract is the one section
report writers can be guaranteed their audiences will read in full. This
is why it is the most important part of most reports. In fact, the number
of readers who go on after the abstract is probably in direct proportion
to the skill with which it is written.
Some confusion is caused by the variety of terms used to describe this
section of a report. Some report writers use the term abstract to describe
a very brief 10- or 12-line statement of the key points of information a
report will contain. In this sense, an abstract can be considered an
expansion of the report’s Table of Contents.
Others use the term summary or executive summary. Usually the term
summary refers to a section at the end of a document that brings together
the key points that have gone before. However, in report writing, the
term is used for a longer statement of the most important information
that will follow in a given report. While longer than an abstract, it does
not go beyond two pages. The term executive summary usually connotes
a fuller expression of conclusions, recommendations, and other deci-
sion-geared information.
Finally, there are terms such as foreword, digest, descriptive abstract, and
information abstract to define this section of a report. This chapter will
use the terms abstract and executive summary interchangeably for the
section at the beginning of a report that presents its key elements in a
short or condensed form.
The reason for this choice is that the term abstract denotes its brevity,
while the term executive summary describes its useful purpose for man-
agers. In fact, the abstract is often called an executive summary because
it serves two functions. First, it provides the managers in the units
served by the report enough information about the report’s contents to
decide whether to budget time for a full reading. Second, it provides
related managers and higher level executives with sufficient under-
standing about the content and results of the study to fill their organi-
zational and decision-making responsibilities.
The abstract is not only a key element for the report writer ’s internal
audience and those in close proximity on the chart of readers, it is a key
The Content and Structure of the Formal Report 265

section for the report’s secondary and external audiences. The people a
company or agency most wants to impress are also going to head
straight for the executive summary or abstract. With a good first im-
pression they may sample some of the report’s introduction, conclu-
sions, and recommendations to see if they are equally tasty. The abstract
is the crucial first impression a report makes and it must contain the
central ideas of the report in a clear and direct frontloaded fashion.
While each report and abstract has its own set of needs and goals
there are some general guidelines that should be followed to make your
abstract more effective. These are very similar to the functions and
characteristics of good subject lines and opening paragraphs in
frontloaded memos and letters.

Form. Every abstract must be concise and clear. A lengthy abstract is

a contradiction in terms. How brief is brief? Some have suggested
that an abstract should be between 3 and 10 percent of the length
of the entire report. However, this is an arbitrary figure. The idea
that an abstract be no more than one full page might also seem
arbitrary, but makes sense considering the busy schedules of most
Report writers should not try to accomplish this objective by cutting
essential information or by a type of shorthand that drops articles and
transitional words and phrases needed for unity and coherence. If the
abstract is kept brief, but in the process made less clear and more
difficult to read, it is no longer a reader-based communication.
The executive summary or abstract must be consistent with the total
report. While it does not have to have the same organization or word-
ing, it should not have any data, information, or ideas that do not
appear in the body of the report. Nor should it contain conclusions or
recommendations, which go beyond those that appear in the body of
the report. This would only confuse a reader of both.
Content. The abstract must include enough specific information
about the subject of the project or study to fulfill the administrative
needs of a busy manager. To accomplish this goal the report writer
must include a clear statement of the problem or issue that is the
subject of the report. In addition, the more important results, con-
clusions, and recommendations should be included in the abstract.
Although the abstract is a type of introduction, it should be able to
stand on its own. Abstracts, in fact, are often reprinted all by themselves
in publications that specialize in abstracts of reports covering particular
fields. Such executive summaries should contain the principal points of
information as well as the conclusions they support. The reason for this
is not only to give managers a jump-start on the report but also to make
sure that the abstract makes total sense even when separated from the
266 Skills of Workplace Communication

complete report as it travels through different audiences. The abstract

that cannot stand on its own must be rewritten, in all probability by
someone other than the original report writer.
Style and expression. Report abstracts, in addition to being brief,
should be written in formal, standard English, as described above.

Introduction—purpose, procedures, and
scope of the report
Development—the findings of the report:
The Report Itself
Conclusion—conclusions drawn and
recommendations for action

The introductory section of the report includes the following infor-
1. The background yesterday of people, actions, and events: this in-
formation will help place the reader in the historical context nec-
essary to understand the problem or subject of the report. The
reader will learn how the problem that caused the report devel-
oped over time. In addition, the reader will find out who has done
what up to this point and what the consequences of those actions
2. The problem and purpose of the report: this section will explain
in detail for the reader what steps are being proposed to solve the
problem and why.
3. The scope and limitations of the report, that is, the perimeters of
what is included and what is not included. Some explanation of
what is excluded may be necessary, for example, budget restric-
tions or the impossibility of gaining complete information because
of insurmountable difficulties or forces beyond the control of the
report writer.
4. The methodology used, meaning how the information in the re-
port was gathered. It might have been through primary sources
such as interviews or secondary sources such as library and Inter-
net research.

The body is the largest section, generally taking up at least two-thirds
of the entire report. It contains the discussion of the central problem and
includes the writer’s analysis and interpretation of the data or statistical
information gathered. The body should be carefully organized, using
one or more of the following patterns of development:
The Content and Structure of the Formal Report 267

• Chronological: by time order

• Spatial: by a pattern of place or location
• Logical: by one of the following patterns:
Cause and effect
Classification and division
• Problem–analysis–solution: what the problem is and why it exists;
and what can be done to change or solve it.
• Order of importance: either ascending, climactic order from the least
to the most important, or descending from the most significant to
the least. This method works well in tandem with the preceding
problem–analysis–solution pattern.

The report writer should choose a pattern that will best convey the
research, analysis, and conclusions drawn. The logic of the pattern
should be made visually clear for the report audiences by the use of
appropriately designed and easy-to-follow headings and subheadings,
as demonstrated in the following chapter.
In addition to choice of a logical pattern of development, the organi-
zation of the body should be made clear and thus easy to read by the
use of:

• Thesis statements for sections. The thesis statement provides the

reader with the central idea of the section to follow. A good
thesis statement does not just state a fact, it has a controlling
idea for the entire report or major section of a report, and it
has a key word or phrase. For example, “The Bank of Utopia
is ranked as the most efficient bank holding company in the
nation, demonstrating management’s ability to control operating
expenses and enhance revenues, while successfully growing its
core business.”
• Topic sentences for paragraphs. The topic sentence gives the reader
the central idea of each paragraph. Like a good thesis statement, it
contains a controlling idea for the remainder of the paragraph and
a key word. For example, “The objective of liquidity management
is to ensure the availability of sufficient resources to meet all
financial commitments and to capitalize on opportunities for busi-
ness expansion.”
• Transitional words and phrases to connect sections, paragraphs, and
sentences within paragraphs. For example, “The initial allocation” . . .
the second allocation . . . the final allocation.”
268 Skills of Workplace Communication

The conclusion of a formal report has two components, both of which
should be presented in a numbered or bulleted list to make it easier for
the different audiences to grasp the various conclusions drawn. These
lists should observe parallel structure, meaning that each entry in these
lists should begin with the same part of speech. This technique for
writing more effective reader-based sentences is explained in Chapter
The Conclusions section pulls everything together for the reader with
a summary of the findings drawn from an analysis of the information
gained from primary and secondary sources. The following list
demonstrates parallel structure. Each entry begins with an adjective,
noun, and verb in the past tense.
Most employees stated . . .
Some back office personnel expressed the opinion . . .
Few employees believed . . .
The Recommendations section should relate directly to the conclu-
sions, that is, they should be based on the findings just reported and
summarized. The recommendations should also be realistic and reason-
able and should not introduce or require any new information. The list
that follows also demonstrates parallel structure. Each entry begins
with a verb in the imperative voice, which is appropriate for a section
that is telling the reader in a confident tone what should be done as a
result of the conclusions that were just presented.
Expand the width of the aisles . . .
Use tiles instead of carpeting on the floors . . .
Change the wine display racks from metal to wooden shelves . . .

This section contains material that isn’t essential for understanding
the body of the report but may still be of interest to some readers of the
report. The plural form is either the Latin derived appendices used for
more scholarly audiences or appendixes, which follows the more com-
mon way of making words plural in English.
This material may include questionnaires, case studies, charts, draw-
ings, tables, parts lists, computer printouts, and other data too lengthy
for insertion into the body of the report. Different types of information
should be placed in separate appendixes each designated with its own
letter and title as follows:
Appendix A: Personnel Services Costs
The Content and Structure of the Formal Report 269

Appendix B: Full-Time Headcount

Appendix C: Revenue Detail
Appendix D: Five-Year Expenditure Analysis

The type of additional information provided in this section varies in
different fields; however, it generally falls into one of the following

1. When information or opinions in the report are obtained from

outside sources such as books, articles, and websites, the source
must be credited. When sources are given at the end of the report
they are called endnotes. When this is done at the bottom of the
page on which the source is quoted, it is called a footnote. The third
way is to credit the source parenthetically within the paragraph
where the quote appears. This last method seems the most reader-
based, because it allows the reader to learn the source without
looking elsewhere in the text of the report. All three methods of
documentation can be found in the publication of the Modern
Language Association titled MLA Handbook for Writers of Research
2. The term notes is also used by some report writers for information,
appearing at the end of a report in the manner of appendixes. They
do this when there is a mix of visual and verbal information as in
the following notes to a bank’s annual report:
Note 1-Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Note 2-Business Combinations
Note 3-Securities
Note 4-Loans
Note 5-Allowance for Loan Losses
Note 6-Premises and Equipment

Bibliography or Works Cited

These are parallel and somewhat overlapping terms. A Bibliography
is literally a picture or list of books consulted for the report, although
bibliographies in practice include books, articles, websites, and other
sources. A Bibliography may include works only some of which are
actually quoted in the report. A Works Cited page, on the other hand,
includes only those works that are actually quoted in the report. Report
writers should choose one of the terms only. It would confuse the reader
to see a Bibliography and a Works Cited page.
270 Skills of Workplace Communication

Whichever term is used, the list of books and articles is arranged

alphabetically according to the authors’ last names. The entries are
single spaced with a hanging indent after the first line, meaning that
the second and succeeding lines are indented five spaces. This high-
lights the authors’ names, making identification easier for the reader.
Double spacing is used between the entries in the alphabetized list.


Organization is a key part of all effective writing. The simplest letter
to a friend may have chronological structure; that is, it records events
as they happened in time. Business memos and letters may be
frontloaded or direct in organization, or endloaded and indirect in
structure, as shown in Chapter 8. Even informal reports need to be
clearly organized to transmit their information successfully to their
Formal reports especially, because of their length and complexity,
need strong and clear organization. In fact, they require an external and
an internal structure to convey their ideas to their audiences. If such
organization is lacking, the reader will get lost in a jungle of ideas and
information and either misconstrue the report’s message or give up
reading the report altogether.
The external structure of a formal report is based on the sections
already listed from Cover through Appendixes. These sections should
be identified and numbered according to a set plan.
The pages within the sections of semi-formal and formal reports are
usually given lowercase Roman numerals and Arabic numbers in the
following manner:

Section Numbering
Cover No number
Title fly No number
Title page No number but counted as “i”
Letter of Transmittal ii
Abstract or Executive Summary iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures v
Introduction 1, 2, 3 . . .
Body 7, 8, 9, 10 . . .
Conclusions 12, 13 . . .
Recommendations 15, 16 . . .
The Content and Structure of the Formal Report 271

Notes 18, 19 . . .
Bibliography or Works Cited 21, 22 . . .
Appendixes A-1, A-2 . ,. . B-1, B-2 . . . C-1, C-

Internal Organization of Formal Reports

Every report must also have an internal structure or organization.

This is primarily needed for the body of the report, that is, the sections
titled Introduction and Body. There are two principal ways to organize
• Sequential, in which all the items in a group have equal importance
in relationship to one another. Examples of sequential order in-
clude chronological, alphabetical, and numeric order.
• Hierarchical, in which the items in a group are not of equal import-
ance. This type of organization is needed when a writer is dealing
with complex ideas and relationships. Hierarchical organization is
very reader-based. This is because readers absorb such complex
information much more quickly when it is arranged in a meaning-
ful way, for example, by grouping the major ideas and their subdi-
visions in order of importance (descending or ascending).
The following list of methods for developing the central idea of a
memo or letter was introduced in Chapter 8. The report writer can also
choose the pattern from among these that would best convey the re-
search, analysis, and conclusions drawn.
• Chronological: by time order
• Spatial: by a pattern of place or location
• Logical: by one of the following patterns:
- Cause and effect
- Comparison-contrast
- Classification and division
- Illustration
• Problem–analysis–solution: what the problem is and why it exists,
and what can be done to change or solve it.
• Order of importance: either ascending, climactic order from the least
to the most important, or descending from the most significant to
the least. This method works well in tandem with the preceding
problem–analysis–solution pattern.

The Relationship between Organization and Outline

Providing information on a subject or analyzing a problem was the

goal the report writer accepted after the first of the meetings with
272 Skills of Workplace Communication

management discussed in Chapter 16. The report, therefore, must be

organized around this subject or problem not around the writer’s own
discovery process. Only when this goal is achieved in the writing
process can it be shared with the various audiences of the report and its
The subject of a report and the central idea of a report are inseparable.
The thesis or central idea of a report is the reporter ’s answer to a question
or solution to a problem. It is the findings of the report or what the report
writer has learned about the problem or subject. With this as a starting
point, the reporter can proceed to group or prioritize the report’s ideas
in outline form. This process includes separating the major and second-
ary topics and making sure the relationship between them is clear. If the
organization of the outline is clear, the report itself should be equally

How Graphic Highlighting and Writing Style Reinforce

the Logic of the Report’s Organization
When the logic of the organizational plan has been achieved in the
outline, it should be visually reinforced in the report itself to make
understanding quicker and more pleasurable for the report’s audiences.
Headings are the primary means for readers to grasp the organization
of a report. They provide a map to help the reader follow the flow of
the major and secondary topics and the interrelationship between
greater and lesser points.
Writing style is also an effective agent for underscoring the logic of
the report’s structure.
Guidelines for graphic and verbal reinforcement of a report’s organi-

• Create appropriately titled headings and subheadings to divide

the report into units that are immediately evident. Following is one
way to do this. There are other ways, but whatever choice of
headings has been made the most important thing is to be consis-

1. Titles of report, chapters, and major units: center heading and

2. Major topics: center heading and capitalize the first letters of
all words except articles and prepositions.
3. Subordinate units: justify left and capitalize the first letter of all
words except articles and prepositions.
4. Lesser subdivisions such as evidence and examples: the head-
ing becomes the first words of a paragraph.
The Content and Structure of the Formal Report 273

• Choose different fonts to parallel the headings and subheadings,

for example, BOLD all caps, Bold upper- and lowercase, regular
ALL CAPS. Stay with variations of the same or similar fonts. Too
much variety of widely differing fonts will distract and confuse
rather than assist the reader.
• Consider “talking” versus generic headings. Generic headings are
very brief. They identify topics but give little direction to the
reader. They are usually used in formal reports because they pre-
serve a sense of distance and objectivity about the information. A
“talking” heading is the equivalent of a good topic sentence that
begins a paragraph. Both have a controlling idea and a key word
or phrase that gives the reader a sense of direction for the para-
graph or section to follow. Employment is too brief to be clear; it is
a dead end for the reader. Strict Adherence to Equal Opportunity
Regulations gives a clear sense of direction to the reader, especially
with its key word strict.
• Observe parallelism by using the same part of speech or verbal
construct to begin each heading:

1. Participial phrases: removing asbestos, training new employees,

directing traffic.
2. Noun phrases: reduction in staff, installation of equipment, change
of direction.
3. Questions: What reductions can be made? What innovations should
be considered? Which programs need new management?

• Use transition words to connect ideas under headings:

1. For classifying the parts of a whole: the first group, the second
group, the third group.
2. For drawing comparisons or contrasts: similarly, likewise, also:
or on the other hand, in contrast, however.
3. For showing time order: first, second, third; to begin, next, finally.
4. For clarifying concepts: in other words, that is, for example.
5. For reinforcing ideas: moreover, in addition, furthermore.



Central idea: a summary of the subject

and purpose of the report that follows


274 Skills of Workplace Communication

1.1 First Subordinate Unit

1.1.1 Evidence, examples, reasons
1.1.2 Evidence, examples, reasons

1.2 Second Subordinate Unit

1.2.1 Evidence, examples, reasons
1.2.2 Evidence, examples, reasons


2.1 First Subordinate Unit
2.1.1 Evidence, examples, reasons
2.1.2 Evidence, examples, reasons

2.2 Second Subordinate Unit

2.2.1 Evidence, examples, reasons
2.2.2 Evidence, examples, reasons


(as needed)

Organizing and Writing a

Formal Proposal

Organizing and Writing a Formal Proposal

In the following section, we will go through the steps required to

establish the subject and outline a formal proposal. The particular case
involves a proposal to obtain government funding for a university
program. There will be three steps:

1. The government notice inviting applications for the funding.

2. The decision on the subject of the report proposal.
3. The detailed outline needed to support the proposal.

The Department of Education sends out what amounts to Requests

for Bids (RFB) or Requests for Proposals (RFP) when it sends out the
following notice to universities that have applied for particular grants.
The grant at issue is the Robert Watson Post-Baccalaureate Achievement

(CFDA NO: 84217)

Notice inviting applications for new awards for fiscal year (FY) 1999 –
Robert Watson Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to provide grants for higher

education institutions to prepare low-income, first-generation college stu-
276 Skills of Workplace Communication

dents, and students from groups underrepresented in graduate education,

for doctoral study.

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Institutions of higher education and combina-

tions of those institutions.




SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Department is publishing this

notice at this time to give potential applicants adequate time to prepare
their applications, even though the Congress has not yet reauthorized the
Robert Watson Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program or appropriated
money to fund new awards under this program. In addition, the Depart-
ment anticipates that funds will be appropriated to fund new awards.
However, if legislative changes are made that materially affect the grant
award process or the operation of grant projects, the Department will
provide additional time for applicants to amend their applications to
reflect these changes.

Currently, there are Robert Watson Post-Baccalaureate Achievement

Program grants that expire in Fiscal Year 1999 and Fiscal Year 2000.
However, to receive a new 4- or 5-year grant, applicants, including those
that have 5-year grants that expire in Fiscal Year 2000, must submit an
application under this funding competition.
Grantees whose grants expire in Fiscal Year 2000: If such a grantee is
successful under this competition, its new award will begin when its
existing grant expires, i.e., October 1, 2000.

AVAILABLE FUNDS: The estimated amount of funds available for this

program is based in part on the President’s 1999 budget.

ESTIMATED RANGE OF AWARDS: $190,000–$285,000 per year.



NOTE: The Department is not bound by any of the estimates in this notice.

PROJECT PERIOD: Up to 60 months.

Organizing and Writing a Formal Proposal 277

APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: (a) The Education Department General

Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR Part 74, 75, 77, 79, 82, 85,
and 86; (b) The regulations governing the Robert Watson Post-Baccalaure-
ate Achievement Program in 34 CFR Part 647.


RIO Programs, U.S. Department of Education, 293 Independence Avenue
SW, The Portals Building, Suite 100M, Washington, D.C. 20202-5134. Tele-
phone number: (202) 608-6804 or by Internet to RIO@ Individuals
who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the
Federal Information Relay Services (FIRS) at 1-800-778-3889 between 8:00
AM and 8:00 PM, Eastern time, Monday through Friday.
Individuals with disabilities may obtain this document in an alternate
format (eg., Braille, large print, audiotape, or computer diskette) on re-
quest to the contact person listed in the preceding paragraph.

The report writer can find complete information about the Robert
Watson program in the Federal Register’s Rules and Regulations Vol. 59,
No. 164, dated Thursday, August 25, 1994.
In these rules and regulations, the report writer can find such neces-
sary information such as:

• What is the Robert Watson Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Pro-

• Who is eligible for a grant?
• Who is eligible to participate in a Name project?
• What regulations apply?
• What definitions apply?

Perhaps the most pertinent information the report writer may find in
seeking to narrow the focus and determine the precise subject of the
proposal is found under the section heading “What Selection Criteria
does the Secretary Use?”

“The secretary uses the following criteria to evaluate an application for

a new grant:
(a) Need (16 points). The Secretary reviews each application to determine
the extent to which the applicant can clearly and definitively demonstr-
ate the need for a Watson project to serve the target population. In
particular, the Secretary looks for information that clearly defines the
target population; describes academic, financial, and other problems
that prevent potentially eligible project participants in the target popu-
lation from completing baccalaureate programs and continuing to post-
baccalaureate programs; and demonstrates that the project’s target
population is underrepresented in graduate education, doctorate de-
grees conferred, and careers where a doctorate is a prerequisite.
278 Skills of Workplace Communication

(b) Objectives (9 points). The Secretary evaluates the quality of the

applicant’s proposed project objectives on the basis of the extent to
which they—
1) include both process and outcome objectives relating to the purpose
of the Watson program stated in 647.1;
2) address the needs of the target population; and
3) are measurable, ambitious, and attainable over the life of the project.
(c) Plan of Operations (44 points). The Secretary reviews each application to
determine the quality of the applicant’s plans of operation, including—
1) (4 points) the plan for identifying, recruiting, and selecting partici-
pants to be served by the project, including students enrolled in the
Student Support Services program;
2) (4 points) the plan for assessing individual participant needs and for
monitoring the academic growth of participants during the period in
which the student is a Watson participant;
3) (5 points) the plan for providing high quality research and scholarly
activities in which participants will be involved;
4) (5 points) the plan for involving faculty members in the design of
research activities in which students will be involved;
5) (5 points) the plan for providing internships, seminars, and other
educational activities designed to prepare undergraduate students
for doctoral study;
6) (5 points) the plan for providing individual or group services de-
signed to enhance a student’s successful entry into post-baccalaure-
ate education;
7) (3 points) the plan to inform the institutional community of the goals
and objectives of the project;
8) (6 points) the plan to ensure proper and efficient administration of
the project, including, but not limited to, matters such as financial
management, student records management, personnel management,
the organizational structure, and the plan for coordinating the Wat-
son project with other programs for disadvantaged students; and
9) (5 points) the follow-up plan that will be used to track the academic
and career accomplishments of participants after they are no longer
participating in the Watson project.
(d) Quality of Key Personnel (9 points). The Secretary evaluates the quality
of key personnel the applicant plans to use on the project on the basis
of the following:
1) The job qualifications of the project director.
2) The job qualifications of each of the project’s other key personnel.
3) The quality of the project’s plan for employing highly qualified
persons, including the procedures to be used to employ members of
groups underrepresented in higher education, including blacks, His-
panics, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, and
Pacific Islanders (including Native Hawaiians).
4) In evaluating the qualifications of a person, the Secretary considers
his or her experience and training in fields related to the objective of
the work.
Organizing and Writing a Formal Proposal 279

(e) Adequacy of the Resources and Budget (15 points). The Secretary evaluates
the extent to which—
1) the applicant’s proposed allocation of resources in the budget is
clearly related to he objectives of the project;
2) project costs and resources, including facilities, equipment, and sup-
plies, are reasonable in relation to the objectives and scope of the
project; and
3) the applicant’s proposed commitment of institutional resources to the
Watson participants, as, for example, the commitment of time from
institutional research faculty and the waiver of tuition and fees for
Watson participants engaged in summer research projects.
(f) Evaluation Plan (7 points). The Secretary evaluates the quality of the
evaluation plan for the project on the basis of the extent to which the
applicant’s methods of evaluation—
1) are appropriate for the project’s objectives;
2) provide for the applicant to determine, in specific and measurable
ways, the success of the project in—
(i) making progress toward achieving its objectives (a formative
(ii) achieving its objectives at the end of the project period (a summa-
tive evaluation); and
3) provide for a description of other project outcomes, including the use
of quantifiable measures, if appropriate.


After studying this notice of application and the excerpts from the
criteria for selection quoted, the report writer can clearly see the an-
swers to two major questions:

1. What is the subject of the report? The notice of application provides

the subject of the report under the heading of PURPOSE: “The
purpose of this (Robert Watson) program is to provide grants for
higher education institutions.” The purpose of the program and
the subject of the report become one. The subject is not the Watson
program but answering the question “How do we achieve the
purpose? Or how do we obtain the grant?”
2. How should the report be organized and outlined? The notice of appli-
cation and the criteria for selection published in the Federal Register
show the report writer where the money is and, therefore, how to
base the proposal on it. In order for the report to achieve its
purpose, the report writer will have to show how each of the six
points in the selection process will be met. This must become the
framework of the outline for the body of the proposal.
280 Skills of Workplace Communication

Following is how the report writer would incorporate these six points
into an outline for the body of the proposal. The six points appear as
part of the Table of Contents for the complete report proposal. When
such a proposal is created and written we can expect that it will be
granted. This really is communication for change. It persuades govern-
ment agency personnel, it increases the funding of a university pro-
gram, it improves the lives of groups of students, and it enriches our
society as a whole for generations to come.




Part I: Application Face Sheet

Project Abstract

Part II: Budget Information

Part III: Project Narrative


1.1 Overview of the Institution 1
1.2 Institutional Expertise 2
1.3 The Target Population 6
1.4 Problems That Prevent Post-Baccalaureate Study by the
Target Population 6
1.5 Underrepresentation of Target Population
in Graduate Study 14

Outcome Objective 1 (Identify, recruit, and select)
Process Objectives 1a, 1b, 1c 18
Outcome Objective 2 (Assessment of Scholars)
Process Objectives 2a, 2b 19
Outcome Objective 3 (Prerequisite Skills for Doctoral Study)
Process Objectives 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f 19
Outcome Objective 4 (Summer Research Internship)
Process Objectives 4a, 4b, 4c 20
Outcome Objective 5 (Academic Enhancement)
Process Objectives 5a, 5b 20
Outcome Objective 6 (Applications for Doctoral
Program/Financial Aid
Process Objectives 6a, 6b, 6c 21
Organizing and Writing a Formal Proposal 281

Outcome Objective 7 (Parental Involvement)

Process Objectives 7a, 7b, 7c 21
Outcome Objective 8 (Acceptance into Doctoral Programs)
Process Objectives 8a, 8b 22
Outcome Objective 9 (Efficient Administration)
Process Objectives 9a, 9b 22

3.1 Plan for Identifying, Recruiting, and Selecting
Project Scholars 26
3.2 Plan for Assessing Project Scholars’ Needs and Monitoring
Growth 30
3.3 Plan for Providing Research and Scholarly Activities
for Scholars 31
3.4 Plan for Involving Faculty Members in Scholars’ Research
Projects 33
3.5 Plan for Providing Internships, Seminars, and Other
Educational Activities 35
3.6 Plan for Providing Individual and Group Services
to Enhance Scholars’ Entry into Post-Baccalaureate
Education 40
3.7 Plan to Inform the Institutional Community of the Goals
and Objectives of the Project 44
3.8 Plan to Ensure Proper and Efficient Administration
of the Project 44
3.9 Plan to Follow Up Scholars’ Academic and Career
Accomplishments 51


4.1 Qualifications of Project Directors 53
4.2 Job Requirements for Project Staff other than Directors 54
4.3 Plan for Employing Highly Qualified Persons, Including
Members of Groups Underrepresented in Higher
Education 55
4.4 Qualifications of Faculty Mentors 56
4.5 Qualifications of Service Providers 59
4.6 Experience and Training of Project Personnel in Fields
Related to Project Objectives 60


5.1 Relationship between Budget Items and Project
Objectives 61
5.2 Reasonableness and Cost-effectiveness of Budget for the
Proposed Project 62
5.3 Applicants’ Proposed Commitment of Institutional
Resources to the Watson Participants 68
6.1 Summative Evaluation of Outcome Objectives 73
282 Skills of Workplace Communication

6.2 Formative Evaluation of Process Objectives 75

6.3 Unexpected Results 84


A. Doctorate Granting Universities in Boston and within

200 Miles of Boston
B. Resumés of Project Directors
C. Letters of Commitment
D. Sample Rating Forms

Tables and Figures

Table 1.1 Six-Year Cohort Graduation Rates for Students Who
Entered in 1991 by Race and Ethnicity 9
Table 1.2 Doctoral Degrees Conferred by Sex, Racial, and
Ethnic Group, 1994–95 15
Table 1.3 Number of Full-Time Faculty Members by Sex and
Racial and Ethnic Group, Fall 1995 16
Table 1.4 Undergraduate College Enrollment by Racial and
Ethnic Group, 1996 16
Table 3.1 Project Objectives and Plan of Operation
Subsections 24
Table 3.2 Activities Timeline for Project Personnel and Junior-
and Senior-Year Scholars 25
Table 4.1 Job Requirements for Project Staff Other Than
Directors 55
Table 4.2 Faculty Mentors’ Academic Credentials, Experience,
and Accomplishments 57-59
Table 5.1 Relationship between Budget Items and Project
Objectives 61-62
Table 6.1 Outcome Objectives and Related Summative
Evaluation Activities 74-75

Figure 1.1 High School Grade Averages of Entering Freshmen:
Higher Educational Opportunities Program
(HEOP) and All Anselm University (AU) Students
Fall 1996 and Fall 1997 7
Figure 1.2 SAT Scores of Entering Freshmen: HEOP and All AU
Students, Fall 1996 and Fall 1997 8
Figure 1.3 Mean Household Incomes: HEOP Students and All
AU Students 10
Figure 3.1 Anselm University Organizational Chart 47
Figure 3.2 Division of Special Opportunity Programs
Organizational Chart 48
Organizing and Writing a Formal Proposal 283

Anselm University
Watson Project Abstract

The overarching goal of the Robert Watson Post-Baccalaureate Achieve-

ment Program proposed by Anselm University in this application is to
prepare low-income, first-generation college students and students from
groups underrepresented in graduate education for doctoral study. An-
selm is particularly well-suited to implement a Watson program given its
institutional mission, the makeup of its undergraduate population, and its
location in one of the most multicultural urban centers in the United States.
Our proposed Watson Scholars Program will provide services and experi-
ences for project participants, which will enhance their chances of success-
fully completing college, attending graduate school, and earning a
doctoral degree, despite the many educational, financial, and psychologi-
cal barriers to success that they face.

Fifteen beginning juniors who meet project eligibility requirements will be

selected each year of the project and will participate in a variety of project
activities during their junior and senior years and in a summer research
internship during the summer following their junior year. Three eligible
juniors designated as alternates will also be selected each year. They will
participate in all junior-year activities and will replace scholars in the event
that any drop out of the program prior to the summer internship. Accord-
ingly, except for Year 1, when 18 participants will be served by the project,
the project will serve a minimum of 30 participants each year during Years
2 through 5.

All project participants will be guided throughout their years as Watson

Scholars by volunteer faculty mentors, whose academic interests will be a
close match with those of the project participants. Faculty mentors will
seek to induct scholars and accompany them into the world of the univer-
sity professor and researcher. Mentors will help scholars to design and
implement research studies that scholars will conduct during their sum-
mer research internships; then, mentors will help scholars to prepare and
disseminate results of that research. Scholars will have the option of
completing their surnmer internship experience at Anselm University, at
other doctoral-granting universities in New York City, or at doctoral-grant-
ing universities throughout the United States.

Proposed project activities during the junior year will include seminars
and workshops designed to enhance scholars’ knowledge about the ben-
efits, requirements, and demands of doctoral study; and that will improve
their library and information technology skills, their writing ability, their
computer literacy, and their knowledge of research design. Proposed
project activities during the senior year will provide opportunities for
scholars to become knowledgeable about data analysis methods, research
report writing, and research report presentations at scholarly meetings. In
284 Skills of Workplace Communication

addition, throughout their junior and senior years, Watson Scholars will
participate in field trips to doctoral-granting universities, to professional
conferences, and to cultural events. Scholars will also be provided with the
opportunity to enhance their chances for acceptance into doctoral pro-
grams through participation in seminars/workshops that focus on prepar-
ing for graduate entrance examinations and on completing applications
for admissions into doctoral programs and for financial aid. Individual
subject area tutoring, personal and career counseling, and individual
assistance in library and information technology, writing, and computer
literacy will be available to scholars throughout the project.

Moreover, Anselm’s Watson Project will host an annual scholars’ induction

ceremony and orientation program for Scholar parents; an annual Watson
Research Symposium to which scholars, mentors, parents, and alumni will
be invited; and an annual Watson Teleconference in which Anselm’s Wat-
son Scholars and participants in up to four other Watson programs will
Appendix A

A Governmental Agency
Environmental Report
with Tables
286 Skills of Workplace Communication
A Governmental Agency Environmental Report with Tables 287
288 Skills of Workplace Communication
Appendix B

Some Sample Charts and


Some Sample Charts and Graphs


Source: National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University

290 Skills of Workplace Communication


Source: Office of State Deputy Comptroller for the City of Ne York (overall spending);
City Comptroller


Some Sample Charts and Graphs 291


Source: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

292 Skills of Workplace Communication


Source: Congressional Budget Office

Some Sample Charts and Graphs 293



1. Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media (New York: McGraw Hill, 1964).

2. Andrew Kohut, “America the Connected,” The New York Times, 23 June 2000:
3. Stephanie Armour, “Failure to Communicate Costly for Companies,” USA
TODAY, 30 Sept. 1998: B1.
4. Armour, B1.
5. Armour, B1.
6. U.S. Census Bureau
7. “Julius Caesar,” 1. 3. 139–140. This and all quotations from Shakespeare are
from The Yale Shakespeare, ed. Wilbur L. Cross and Tucker Brooke (New York: Barnes
and Noble, 1993).
8. “Coaching: The Ten Killer Myths,” Harvard Management Update Vol. IV,
Number 1 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School, 1999).


1. Albert Mehrabian, Silent Messages (Belmont: Wadsworth, 1971): 44.

2. Margaret M. Sloane, “Love, Marriage, Kids, Facelift,” The New York Post, 24
Jan. 2000: 50.
3. James Bennett, “A Charm School for Used Car Salesmen,” The New York Times,
24 Sept. 1998: D1.
296 Notes

1. Doreen Carvajal, “Forsooth, Check This Consultant,” The New York Times, 22
Dec. 1999: C1.
2. Carjaval, C1.
3. “Henry V,” 4. 3. 43–46.
4. Robert Frost, The Poetry of Robert Frost (New York: Henry Holt, 1969): 33.

1. Erica Goode, “How Culture Molds Habits of Thought,” The New York Times, 8
Aug. 2000: F1.
2. William J. Lederer, The Ugly American (Westminster, MD: Ballantine Fawcett,
3. U.S. Census Bureau
4. Clifford Krauss, “Selling to Argentina (As Translated from the French),” The
New York Times, 5 Dec. 1999: B7.
5. Howard W. French, “ ’Japanese Only’ Policy Takes Body Blow in Court,” The
New York Times, 15 Nov. 1999: A1.
6. Seth Schiesel, “Lucent Picks Boeing Executive as Finance Chief,” The New York
Times, 25 Apr. 2000: C1.
7. John Markoff, “Hewlett-Packard Picks Rising Star at Lucent as Its Chief
Executive,” The New York Times, 20 Jul. 1999: C1.
8. Stendahl (Marie Henri Beyle), The Red and the Black (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1981): 259.
9. “The Merchant of Venice,” 3. 1. 50–52.

1. “King Lear,” 4. 6. 167–168.

1. Steve Lohr, “Medium for Main Street,” The New York Times, 11 Jan. 2000: A1.
2. Carl Rogers, Carl Rogers on Personal Power (New York: Delacorte Press, 1977).

1. Douglas Martin, “David Mellinkoff, Enemy of Legalese,” The New York Times,
16 Dec. 2000: B37.
2. “Hamlet,” 3. 4. 27.

Chapter 10
1. “Hamlet,” 1. 1. 137–138.
Notes 297

2. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) spokesperson as recorded

by the author from a newscast.
3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First Inaugural address, 1933.
4. Douglas Martin, “David Mellinkoff, Enemy of Legalese,” The New York Times,
16 Dec. 2000: B37.

1. Lisa Guernsey, “You’ve Got Inappropriate Mail,” The New York Times, 5 Apr.
2000: C1.
2. Edward Wong, “A Stinging Office Memo Boomerangs,” The New York Times,
5 April 2000: C1.

1. Joseph Gibaldi, MLA Handbook for Writing Research Papers, 5th ed. (New York:
Modern Language Association of America, 1999).

Allen, Jo. Writing in the Workplace (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998).
Alred, Gerald. The Business Writer’s Handbook, 6th ed. (New York: St. Martin’s
Press, 2000).
American Management Association. The AMA Style Guide for Business Writing
(New York: AMACOM, 1996).
Bailey, Edward P. The Plain English Approach to Business Writing (Oxford, U.K.:
Oxford University Press, 1997).
Bartell, Karen H. American Business English (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan
Press, 1995).
Blake, Gary, and Robert W. Bly. The Elements of Copywriting: The Essential Guide
to Creating Copy That Gets the Results You Want (New York: McGraw-Hill,
Bovee, Courtland L. L., and John V. Thill. Business Communication Today (Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999).
Campbell, Nancy. Writing Effective Policies and Procedures: A Step-by-Step Resource
for Clear Communication (New York: American Management Association,
Economist Staff. The Economist Style Guide: A Concise Guide for All Your Business
Communications (London: John Wiley & Sons, 1998).
Flaherty, James. Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others (Woburn, MA:
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998).
Foster, Bill, and Karen R. Seeker. Coaching for Peak Employee Performance: A
Practical Guide to Supporting Employee Development (Irvine, CA: Richard
Chang, 1997).
Geffner, Andrea B. Business English (New York: Barron’s, 1998).
300 Bibliography

Hemphill, Phyllis Davis, Donald W. McCormick, and Robert Hemphill. Business

Communication with Writing (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000).
Kliment, Stephen A., and Hugh S. Hardy. Writing for Design Professionals: A Guide
to Writing Successful Proposals, Letters, Brochures, Portfolios, Reports, Pre-
sentations, and Job Applications (New York: W. W. Norton, 1998).
Munter, Mary. Guide to Managerial Communication: Effective Business Writing and
Speaking (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999).
Pfeiffer, William S., Charles H. Keller, and Stephen Helba. Proposal Writing: The
Art of Friendly and Winning Persuasion (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 1999).
Roman, Kenneth, and Joel Raphaelson. Writing That Works: How to Improve Your
Memos, Letters, Reports, Speeches, Resumes, Plans, and Other Business Papers
(New York: Harper, 1995).
Whitmore, John. Coaching for Performance (People Skills for Professionals) (London:
Nicholas Brealey, 1996).

Abstract (executive summary) Bar charts

content, 265–66 multiple bar chart, 254, 290
creating frontloaded abstracts, segmented bar chart, 254
264–65 simple bar chart, 254, 289
form, 265 Barriers to successful communica-
style and expression, 266 tion, 25–26
See also Reports; Formal reports facial expression and body lan-
Acronyms, 69–70 guage, 39–41
Active voice. See Sentences personal and document appear-
Adelman, Kenneth, 23 ance, 37–39
American Management Association, removing external barriers,
122 37–42
American Society of Plastic and removing internal barriers,
Reconstructive Surgeons, 11 27–36
Appendix space and time, 41–42
in formal reports, 268–69 Bibliography
Audience in formal reports, 269–70
changing attitudes and percep- Body language and facial expression
tions of, 60–61 as nonverbal communication, 12–
effect of frame of reference on, 18– 13, 39–41
20 guidelines for, 40–41
in formal reports, 219, 223–27 Boeing, 33
in memos and letters, 109–110 Bullets. See Graphic highlighting
profiles of, 223–27 Business communication
See also Communication its four purposes, 21–23
Augustine, Norman, 23 its two basic patterns, 22
302 Index

Business writing. See Written commu- versus mentoring, 6

nication; Central idea; Paragraph; Communication
Sentences; Topic sentence business, 7
circular pattern of, 16–17
effective, 7
Central idea formal and informal, 9
arranging ideas in patterns, 78 horizontal and vertical, 10
developing a reader-based struc- interference in, 17
ture for, 77 internal and external, 22
developing by an informal list, 77– negative results of poor communi-
78, 80–81, 128–29, 135–36 cation, 4
developing in a backloaded docu- nonverbal communication, 11–16
ment, 80–83 oral and written, 9
developing in a frontloaded docu- role of managers and coaches, 6–7
ment, 77–79 skills, 4–6
frontloaded vs. backloaded, 75–77 successful and effective, 7, 24, 48–
in letters, 170–71 49
in memos, 128 three ages of communication, 46
in messages and documents,135–36 three phases of written communi-
placement of, 75, 86–88 cation, 47
relation to topic sentence, 86 three stages of written communica-
vague versus specific, 74, 86 tion, 47
Cerner Corp, 124 verbal communication, 9–11
Change Conversational tone. See Memos;
as a message sender’s goal, 59, 74 Letters
changing the attitudes and percep- Coordination, coordinating conjunc-
tions of readers, 60 tions. See Sentences
right language for change: clear Corporate managers and governmen-
and concise, 64–72; personal,61; tal supervisors
positive, 62 role in achieving communications
writing and speaking to create goals, 23
change, 7, 47 Cyber-speak, 70
Charisma, 26
Chronological development of cen-
tral idea, 78 Data point. See Line graphs
Circle graphs. See Pie charts Decision trees. See Organization
Clarity. See Written communication charts
Clichés, 70 Descending order. See Order of im-
Climactic order. See Order of import- portance
ance Dictionary of American Legal Usage, 65
Coaching Diversity and multiculturalism
myths surrounding, 6 avoiding age bias, 35
role models in Shakespeare, 23–24 cultural differences in ways of
to instill a winning state of mind, thinking, 28
24 disability bias, 35–36
to remove internal and external economic or wealth bias, 36
barriers to communication, 24– improving cross-cultural commu-
25 nication, 30–33, 169, 182
versus managing, 6 lookism, 36
Index 303

sexism and gender bias, 33–34 letter of transmittal, 263

sexual orientation bias, 35 list of figures, 263
notes (endnotes), 269
organization and outline, 271–72
E-mail pagination (page numbering), 270–
advantages and disadvantages, 71
123 structure, 262
golden rules for, 124–125 style and expression, 260–62
headings,123–124 table of contents, 263
monitoring dangers, 124 thinking, writing, and revision
Environmental report, 285 conferences, 230–231
Ethnocentrism, 27–30 title fly (fly page), 262
in Japan, 29–30 title page, 262–63
External communication. See Com- Frame of reference
munication effect on communication, 18–19
Eye contact in report audiences, 225–26
guidelines for, 40 mental, emotional, physical, ver-
bal blockage, 18–20
Facial expression
guidelines for, 39–40 Gale Research Company, 250
Figures. See Statistics “Geek-speak,” 69
Fiorina, Carly, 33–34 Gercke, Timothy C., 18
Flow charts, 256–57, 293 Gilman, Andrew, 4
Form letters, 5–6 Goodwill
Formal proposal as a purpose of business communi-
abstract, 283–84 cation, 22–23
determining subject and outlining, Graphic highlighting
279–80 bold face type, 115
organizing and writing, 275–79 bullets, 116
table of contents, 280–83 italics, 116
Formal reports, 262–70 numbering, 116
abstract (executive summary), 263– underlining, 116
65, 283–84 See also Memos; Letters; Formal
appendix, 268–69 reports
audiences, 223–27 Greenspan, Alan, 3
bibliography or works cited page, Grid. See Bar charts
269–70 Giuliano, Peter, 4
body, 266–67
conclusion, 268
conferences for thinking, writing, Henry the Fifth, 24
and revising, 229–231 Hewlett-Packard, 33
cover, 262 Hopkins, Deborah C., 33
creating frontloaded abstracts, Horizontal communication, 10
defining subject of, 260 Informal list. See Central idea
graphic highlighting and organiza- Information
tion, 272–74 as a purpose of business communi-
internal organization, 271 cation, 21–23
introduction, 266 Interference. See Frame of reference
304 Index

Internal communication. See Commu- Levin, Gerald, 49

nication Likert scale, 245
Introduction paragraph. See Letters; Line graphs, 254–55, 290
Memos Logical development of central idea,
Italics. See Graphic highlighting 78
Lucent, 33
Julius Caesar, 4, 23
Map charts, 255–56, 291
King Lear, 37, 23 Mc Luhan, Marshall, 3
“Me view/you view,” 51, 62
Language of the Law, 65 Mean. See Statistics
Letters Median. See Statistics
action-information closing, 79, 121 Mellinkoff, David, 65
adjustment granted, 187–191 Memos
backloaded, indirect or deferred backloaded or deferred develop-
development, 119–120 ment, 119–120
claims and adjustments, 179–83 backloaded, 121
closing a backloaded or indirect central idea in, 128–29, 135
letter, 121 closing a frontloaded memo, 120–
closing a frontloaded or direct let- 121
ter, 120–121 confirmation, 145–51
frontloaded information and ac- frontloaded development, 117–119
tion requests, 172–75 graphic highlighting, 115–116
frontloaded or direct develop- headings, 112–113
ment, 117–119 information and procedures, 127–34
full block, partial, simplified, and introduction paragraph,117
indented styles, 114, 168–70 language and expression, 116–117
graphic highlighting, 115–116 negative news: guidelines for, 153–
information and action replies, 54
183–87 neutral and good news, 127
introductory paragraph, 117 organization and methods of de-
language and expression, 115–116 velopment, 110–11
legalese language, 65–66 organizing, formatting, and writ-
orders, 175–79 ing, 109–113
personnel replies, 192–96 primary and secondary functions,
primary and secondary functions, 107–109
108–109 reader-based subject lines, 113
revising, 121–122. See also Revision request and reply, 134–45
lists revising, 121–122
structure and formatting, 113–14, subject and subject line, 112–13,
168–70 118, 124, 127–28, 158–59
subject and subject line, 118–120, three stages of communication for,
127–29, 169–71 111–12 155
three ages of letters, 109 three ages of communication for,
three phases of letters, 110–111 109–10, 154–55
three stages of letters, 111–112 three phases of communication
See also Negative news; Persuasion for, 110–11
and sales letters See also Negative news
Index 305

Merchant of Venice, 36 transitional words and expres-

Microsoft Word Spell Check sions, 91–92
its limitations, 5, 132 unity, 88
Mode. See Statistics Parallelism
Multiple-line graphs, 255 in bulleted lists, 102
See also Sentences
Passive voice. See Sentences
Negative news, 153–65
Patterson, Neal L., 124
claim denials, 201–6
declining invitations, 206–10
as a purpose of business communi-
deferred or indirect bad news let-
cation, 21, 23
ter, 198– 201
Persuasion and sales letters
deferred or indirect bad news
conceiving and constructing, 197–
memo, 160–163
201, 211–12
direct bad news message, 158–59
developing a persuasive argu-
direct or frontloaded bad news
ment, 55–57
memo, 163–65
indirect or deferred pattern in,
five degrees of embedding bad
news, 76–77, 156, 199–200 six ways to gain reader attention,
indirect bad news message, 155–58
reader-based, 153–54
three ages of persuasion and sales
three ages of, 154–55
letters, 211
three stages of, 155
Pew Research Center for People and
tone, 201, 206
the Press, 3
Nesbitt, Dr. Richard, 28
Physical appearance
Nonverbal communication
as nonverbal communication, 11–12
body language and facial expres-
Pictographs, 256
sion, 12–13, 39–41
Pie charts, 256, 292
document appearance, 12
Pittman, Robert, 49
physical appearance, 11–12
Predicasts, Inc., 250
space and time, 13–14
Prejudice. See Barriers to successful
Noun phrases. See Written communi-
Problem-analysis-solution develop-
Numbering, 116
ment of central idea, 78
Promoters of successful communica-
Office Team, 4 tion, 26
Order of importance development of Proposals
central idea, 78 formal and informal, 241–42
Organizational charts, 256–57, 293 solicited and unsolicited, 240–241
Outlining. See Written communication See also Formal proposals
Public relations
as a purpose of business communi-
Paragraphs cation, 22–23
brevity, 88
coherence, 88
frontloaded vs. backloaded, 85 Random sample. See Report research
length of, 88 Range. See Statistics
number of, 78–79 Reader-based writing. See Written
topic sentence placement, 86–88 communication
306 Index

Receivers of communication-mes- See also Formal reports; Specific re-

sages, 16–18, 25–26, 47–48. See also ports
Audience Results as a purpose of business com-
Red and the Black, The, 36 munication, 21–23
Report research Revision and revision lists
experiments, 246 for effective written communica-
Internet, 248–49 tion, 48–49, 111–112, 121–122
interviews, 244 formal reports, 230–31
library, 246–47 negative news memos, 153–165
personal observation, 246 negative news: persuasion and
primary sources, 243–46 sales letters, 215–16
reader or subject-based, 245 neutral and good news memos,
redundancies. See Written commu- 127–151
nication neutral or positive letters, 167–196
questionnaires, 244–45 See also Letters, Memos
secondary sources, 246–49 Revision conference. See Formal re-
surveys, 243–44 ports
Reports Revision lists. See Written communi-
analytical, 239–40 cation
audience and reader-based, 221–22 Rogers, Carl, 57
audiences: internal and external, Run-on sentences, 95
219, 223–27
audiences: primary, secondary, Senders of communication-
and intermediate, 226–27 messages, 16–18, 25–26
categories, 228–29 message sending flaws, 49
conferences, 229–31 Sensory signals
defining subjects, 260 cultural variations, 15–16
four categories, 234 nonverbal communication,
four main formats, 234 15–16
functional profiles, 226–27 Sentences
informational, 234–39 active and passive voice, 102–103
managers’ roles, 227–28 clear, forceful, reader-based, 93
organizational profile diagram, coordinating conjunctions, 94
225 coordination and subordination,
personal profiles, 225–26 95–96
persuasive argument in, 222 dependent clauses, 94
reader profiles, 223–27 forceful and polished, 96–103
reader-based reports, 220 fragments, 95
report types and structures dia- independent clauses, 93
gram, 235 limiting length, 97–98
style and expression, 260–62 parallelism, 101–102
three ages of, 219 preserving unity, 98
three main purposes, 233 reader-based, 96–103
three phases of, 220 run-on sentences, 95
three stages of, 220–221 simple, compound, and complex
working relationship of writer- sentence structures, 93–94
reporter and management, 229– subordinating conjunctions, 94–95
31 varying length and structure, 99–101
Index 307

See also Written communication Training. See Coaching

Shafritz, Jay M., 23–24 Transitions. See Paragraphs
Shared goals. See Written communi- Tone, 59, 61–64, 127, 201. See also
cation. Written communication
Single line graphs, 255 Topic sentence. See Paragraph
Space as nonverbal communication,
13–14 Ugly American, The, 28
Spatial development of central idea, 78 Underlining, 116
Specific reports
compliance, 236–37 Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 64
feasibility, 238–39 Vertical communication, 10
incident and accident reports, 238– Von Hoffman, Constantine, 6
justification, 240 Wal-Mart, 29
periodic, 235 Works Cited page, 269–70
progress, 236 Written communication
research, 240 alpha numeric outlining, 53–54
routine supervisory, 235–36 avoiding long, technical words, 68
situational, 237 avoiding noun phrases, 71
special projects-test reports, 238 avoiding slang and buzzwords, 68
trip reports, 237 dangling participles and mis-
yardstick, 240 placed modifiers, 70
Statistical maps, 255–56 developing a persuasive argument
Statistics in, 55–57
choice of, 254–57 fundamentals of, 48–49
deployment in text, 257–58 improving clarity and conciseness,
function of, 252 65
presentation of statistical inform organizing a reader based struc-
information, 250–51 ture, 51–54
sources of statistical information, 250 providing a navigation system for
tables and figures, 251–52 the reader, 54–55
textual presentation, 253 reader-based benefits and shared
Stratified sample. See Report research goals, 49–53, 59–62
Stub. See Bar charts removing redundanies, 71
Subject and subject line. See Memos; revision lists, 173–74, 177–78,
Letters; Reports 181–82, 185–86, 190, 194–95,
Subordination and subordinating 214–15
conjunctions. See sentences senders’ goals and needs, 50, 60
shared goals, 49–53
Tables. See Statistics tone and choice of language, 61–72
Territory and property using concrete not abstract words,
as nonverbal communication, 13 65
Ticks. See Line graphs using everyday words, 65
Time as nonverbal communication, See also Central idea; Paragraph;
13–14 Sentences
RICHARD P. PICARDI is a communications consultant and Adjunct
Associate Professor of English and Speech at St. John’s University, New
York. Throughout a career of more than 30 years he has served as a
department chairperson and assistant principal, and has owned his
own business. Currently, in addition to his position at St. John’s, he
teaches writing in the City University of New York system. He is the
recipient of the 2001 Teaching Excellence Award at St. John’s University.

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