Public Procurement Act
Public Procurement Act
Public Procurement Act
11. Composition of procuring entities
12. Functions of procuring entities
13. Duties of Controlling Officer and chief executive officer
14. Establishment of Procurement Committees
15. Powers and functions of Procurement Committee
16. Composition of Procurement Committees
17. Tenure of office of Procurement Committee
18. Proceedings of Procurement Committee
19. Subcommittees of Procurement Committee
20. Establishment of Procurement Units
21. Functions of user departments
22. Procurement authorisation and levels of authority
23. Procurement of common use items
24. Use of procurement agent or procurement service provider
37. Participation and non-discrimination
38. Records of procurement
39. Communications
40. Confidentiality
59. Deviations
60. Accreditation of alternative procurement system
61. Eligibility of bidders
62. Qualification of bidders
63. Preference and reservation
64. Supplier databases or lists
65. Suspension
66. Grounds for suspension
67. Permanent bar of bidder or supplier
68. Inducement by bidder or supplier
69. Appeal against suspension
76. Responsibilities of Controlling Officers and chief executive officers
77. General penalty
78. Offences committed by body corporate or un-incorporate body
79. Compensation
80. Transfer of functions of procuring entity to other body
81. Circulars and publications
82. Regulations
83. Repeal of Cap 394
84. Savings and transitional provisions
“approvals authority" means the body or
individual with authority to grant prior
authorisation of certain key steps in the
procurement process in accordance with
section twenty-two;
"Authority" means the Zambia Public
Procurement Authority referred to under
section five;
"best evaluated bidder" means the bidder
ranked as first, following the application
of the specified evaluation methodology
and criteria;
"bid" means an offer to provide goods, works or
services submitted by a bidder in
response to an invitation from a
procuring entity and includes a tender,
proposal, quotation and, where
applicable, an application to pre-qualify;
"bidder" means a person or group of persons
that offers to provide goods, works or
services in response to an invitation from
a procuring entity and includes, where
applicable, a potential bidder and
applicant to pre-qualify;
"Board" means the Board of Directors of the
“Central Tender Committee” means the Central
Tender Committee established under
paragraph 2 of the Second Schedule;
"chief executive officer" means the chief
executive officer of a parastatal,
statutory body or a local authority;
"citizen bidder or supplier" means a citizen-
empowerment company, citizen-
influenced company or citizen-owned
“citizen-empowered company” means a
company where twenty-five to fifty
percent of its equity is owned by citizens,
and is licenced to undertake business
activities in Zambia;
“citizen-influenced company” means a company
where five to twenty-five percent of its
equity is owned by citizens and in which
citizens have significant control of the
management of the company, and is
licensed to undertake business in
“citizen-owned company” means a company
where at least fifty point one percent of
its equity is owned by citizens and in
which the citizens have significant
control of the management of the
company, and is licensed to undertake
business in Zambia;
"close relative" means a spouse, child, sibling,
uncle, cousin, aunt, niece, nephew,
parent or a child of a spouse, child,
sibling or parent;
"coercive practices" means harming or
threatening to harm, directly or
indirectly, a person, or a person’s
property, to influence that person’s
participation in a procurement process
or affect the execution of a contract;
"collusive practices" means a scheme or
arrangement between two or more
bidders, with or without the knowledge of
the procuring entity, designed to
establish bid prices at artificial,
non-competitive levels;
"consulting services" means services of an
intellectual or advisory nature, the
delivery of reports, drawings or designs
including engineering d e s i gns,
supervision, accountancy, auditing,
financial services, procurement services,
training and capacity building services,
management advice, policy studies and
advice, assistance with institutional
reforms and software development;
"contract" means an agreement between a
procuring entity and a supplier for the
provision of goods, works or services;
"Controlling Officer" has the meaning assigned
Act No. 15 of 2004 to it in the Public Finance Act, 2004;
"corrupt practice" means the offering, giving,
receiving or soliciting, directly or
indirectly, of anything of value to
influence the action of a public officer in
the procurement process or in contract
“direct bidding” means a procurement method
where a bid is obtained directly from a
single bidder, without competition;
“Director-General” means the person appointed
as such under section seven;
“due diligence” means the assessment of a
bidder or supplier’s technical, financial
and management capabilities and the
bidder’s or supplier’s governance record
to effectively execute a contract;
“e procurement” means the process of
procurement using the internet or other
information and communication
"foreign bidder or supplier" means a bidder or
supplier who is not licensed to undertake
business activities in Zambia;
"fraudulent practice" means a
misrepresentation or omission of facts in
order to influence a procurement process
or the execution of a contract;
"goods" means objects of every kind and
description including raw materials,
products, equipment, objects in solid,
liquid or gaseous form, electricity, and
works and services incidental to the
supply of the goods if the value of those
incidental works and services does not
exceed that of the goods themselves;
"Government agency" has the meaning
Act No. 15 of 2004 assigned to it in the Public Finance Act,
"interim period" means the period referred to in
the Second Schedule during which the
provisions of that Schedule shall apply;
“international competitive bidding” means
bidding open to all bidders, including
citizens, local and foreign bidders;
“legal practitioner” has the meaning assigned
Cap. 30
to it in the Legal Practitioners Act;
“limited bidding” means a procurement method
for goods, works and non-consulting
services where bids are obtained by
direct invitation to a shortlist of bidders,
without open advertisement;
“limited selection” means a procurement
method for consulting services where
bids are obtained by direct invitation to
a shortlist of bidders, without open
"local authority" means a city, municipal or
district council established under the
Cap. 281 Local Government Act;
"local bidder or supplier" means a bidder or
supplier who is licensed to undertake
business activities in Zambia, but who is
not a citizen supplier;
“national competitive bidding” means bidding
which is limited to citizen and local
"non-consulting services" means services other
than consulting services, for the carrying
out of work of any kind, with or without
the use of vehicles, machinery or
equipment or the provision of operators,
technicians or drivers;
“open bidding” means a procurement method
for goods, works and non-consulting
services which is open to participation on
equal terms by all eligible bidders
through advertisem e n t of the
“open selection” means the procurement
method for consulting services which is
open to applications for short-listing on
equal terms by all bidders through
advertisement of the opportunity;
"parastatal body" means a statutory
corporation or body, a local authority or
a company in which the Government has
a majority or controlling interest;
"procurement" means acquisition by purchase,
rental, lease, hire purchase, licence,
tenancy, franchise or any combination
"Procurement Committee" means the
Committee established under section
"Procurement Unit" means the division or
department in each procuring entity
responsible for the execution of the
procurement function;
"procuring entity" means a Government
agency, parastatal body or any other
body or unit established and mandated
by Government to carry out procurement
using public funds;
“post-qualification” means the conduct of due
diligence to determine whether the
bidder is qualified to perform the
contract effectively;
"public funds" has the meaning assigned to it
Act No. 15 of 2004 in the Public Finance Act, 2004;
“public office” includes an office the
emoluments of which are a charge on or
paid out of the revenues of the Republic;
"public officer" means a person holding or
acting in any public office;
“repealed Act” means the Zambia National
Cap. 394 Tender Board Act, 1982;
"services" means any object of procurement
other than goods or works, which involve
the furnishing of labour, time or effort;
“simplified bidding” means a procurement
method which compares quotations from
a number of bidders;
"solicitation document" means a bidding
document, a request for proposals,
request for quotation and, where
applicable, a pre-qualification document
or document of any kind issued by a
procuring entity, inviting bidders to
participate in procurement proceedings;
"supplier" means a contractor, consultant,
service provider or a natural person or
incorporated body that is party to a
contract with a procuring entity for the
provision of goods, works or services;
“Tribunal” means the Public Procurement
Tribunal established under section sixty-
"user department" means any department,
division, branch, section or project unit
of the procuring entity which initiates
procurement requirements and is, or
represents, the end user of the goods,
works or services; and
"works" means all work associated with the
construction, re-construction,
demolition, repair or renovation of a
building, road, structure or works, such
as site preparation, excavation, erection,
building, installation of equipment or
materials, decoration and finishing, as
well as services incidental to
construction such as drilling, mapping,
satellite p h o t o g r a p h y, seismic
investigations and similar services
provided pursuant to a contract, if the
value of those services does not exceed
that of the works themselves.
necessary to protect the public interest and in
accordance with such procedures as the Authority
may determine.
(3) Where a procuring entity undertakes any
procurement that is related to or involves the security,
defence or international relations of the Republic, the
procuring entity shall -
(a) agree with the Authority on the
type of goods, works or services to
be subject to modified rules and
procedures of procurement;
(b) agree with the Authority on the
modifications to be made to the
rules and procedures provided for
in this Act and to be applied to the
goods, works and services referred
to under paragraph (a); and
(c) apply the rules and procedures
provided for in this Act to the
procurement of goods, works and
services in a manner that is not
prejudicial to the security, defence
and international relations of the
(4) The type of goods, works and services
subject to modified rules and procedures of
procurement and the modified rules and procedures
of procurement referred to in subsections (2) and (3)
shall be reviewed and updated by the procuring entity
and the Authority on an annual basis or as need
(5) Any procurement that is subject to the
modified rules and procedures of procurement under
subsection (2) shall be subject to classified audit.
corporate may, by law, do or perform.
(3) The provisions of the First Schedule apply
to the Authority.
(d) ad v i s e t h e G o v ernment and
procuring entities on procurement
policy and other matters relating to
public procurement;
(e) consider applications for deviations
to public procurement processes,
methods and rules and for the
accreditation of alternative
procurement systems;
(f) commission and undertake
investigations in public
procurement matters and institute
procurement audits;
(g) promote economy, efficiency and
maximum competition to ensure
value for money in the use of
public funds;
(h) promote private sector
participation, through fair and
non-discriminatory treatment of
(i) formulate preference and
reservation schemes to promote
the economic development of
citizen bidder and suppliers in
collaboration with the appropriate
Government institutions;
(j) maintain a register of bidders and
suppliers who are suspended from
participating in public
(k) coordinate and promote
capacity-building and professional
development in the public
procurement system;
(l) organise and maintain systems for
the management of procurement
data, statistics and information
and for the publication of data
on public procurement
opportunities, contract awards and
other information of public interest;
(m) do all such other acts and things
as are incidental to the foregoing or
conducive to the attainment of the
objectives of the Authority.
(2) The Authority may-
(a) collect any data and report from
procuring entities for purposes of
this Act;
(b) access information, documents,
records and reports of a procuring
entity in respect of any public
procurement process;
(c) access, at any reasonable time, the
premises of any procuring entity
whose procurement is being
monitored and request for any
relevant information from any
person responsible for the financial
administration of the procuring
entity; and
(d) suspend any bidder or supplier
from participating in public
procurement in accordance with
the provisions of this Act.
(3) Subject to subsection (4), the authority
shall not access any information, document, record or
report, or enter upon any premises of the Zambia
Defence Force or the Zambia Security Intelligence
(4) The Authority may, where the
circumstances of a procurement audit so require, with
the written consent of the President, access any
information, document, record or report, or enter upon
any premises, of the Zambia Defence Force and the
Zambia Security Intelligence Service.
office in the public service.
(3) The Director-General shall attend all
meetings of the Board, and shall be entitled to
address such meetings, but shall not vote on any
matter under discussion:
Provided that the Board may, for good
cause, request the Director-General to
withdraw from any meeting of the Board.
Co-operation with 10. (1) The exercise by the Authority of its
other authorities
functions under this Act shall not affect in any
manner any functions exercised by other authorities
under any other written law.
(2) The Authority shall co-operate with other
organs exercising oversight functions over public
procurement in Zambia and may, for that purpose,
establish mechanisms for sharing information and
working jointly with those organs.
(3) A procuring entity and any person
involved in public procurement shall co-operate with
the Authority and any other authority exercising
monitoring and oversight functions over public
Functions of 12. (1) A procuring entity shall be
procuring entities
responsible for the management of all procurement
activities within its jurisdiction in accordance with
this Act.
(2) Any functions related to procurement
shall be carried out only by persons qualified and
knowledgeable in procurement in accordance with the
Act No. 15 of 2003 Zambia Institute of Purchasing and Supply Act, 2003.
(3) A person who contravenes subsection (2)
commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to
a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand penalty
units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
years, or to both.
prior to the commencement of any
procurement activity or designate
an officer or officers to whom this
function shall be delegated;
(d) authorise contract awards which
fall within their level of authority;
(e) authorise contract documents;
(f) submit such reports as are
required by the Authority for
purposes of this Act; and
(g) investigate complaints by bidders
in accordance with this Act.
unlimited level of authority.
(a) technical and professional
(b) procurement skills and knowledge
required for the discharge of the
functions of the Procurement
Committee; and
(c) proven integrity and sound
decision-making abilities.
(5) A Controlling Officer or chief executive
officer shall, in selecting the members of a
Procurement Committee, seek to establish a balance
of skills and experience among the members to
ensure that the Procurement Committee -
(a) has an appropriate level of
seniority and experience in
(b) includes knowledge and experience
in public procurement and other
relevant professional disciplines;
(c) includes persons with knowledge
and experience of the procuring
entity's operations.
(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of
subsection (4), when appointing members of the
Procurement Committee for the first time after the
commencement of this Act, a Controlling Officer or
chief executive officer shall appoint half the members
for a tenure of two years, in order to ensure both
continuity and rotation in the membership of the
Procurement Committee.
Committee of which the member
has had notice without the prior
approval of the Procurement
(f) is convicted of an offence involving
dishonesty; or
(g) is adjudged or declared bankrupt.
(3) A Controlling Officer or chief executive
officer, as the case may be, may remove or substitute
any member of the Procurement Committee prior to
the expiry of the member’s term of office where -
(a) it is necessary in order to maintain
a balance of skills and experience
on the Procurement Committee in
accordance with section sixteen;
(b) the structure or status of the
procuring entity has changed;
(c) the post of an incumbent member
has changed, or the member has
resigned; or
(d) the member dies.
any matter, in which that person or any member of
the person’s close relative, is directly or indirectly
interested in a private capacity, is the subject of
consideration, shall, as soon as is practicable after
the commencement of the meeting, disclose that
interest and shall not, unless the Procurement
Committee or the subcommittee otherwise directs,
take part in any consideration or discussion of, or
vote on any question relating to, that matter.
(3) A disclosure of interest made under this
section shall be recorded in the minutes of the
meeting at which it is made.
(i) the appointment of
the members of the
subcommittee shall
m e e t t h e
requirements of
section sixteen; and
(ii) the Procurement
Committee shall be
responsible and
accountable for the
activities of any
reports, contract award
recommendations and contracts;
(c) manage the bidding process,
including pre-bid meetings,
clarifications, receipt and opening
of bids;
(d) manage the evaluation of bids and
any post-qualification or
(e) manage contracts and oversee
contracts management by the
designated contracts manager;
(f) prepare any procurement reports
required by the Authority, a
Controlling Officer, chief executive
officer or a Procurement
Committee for purposes of this
procurement process;
(d) represent the end user of the
goods, works or services in the
procurement process; and
(e) manage contracts or assist the
designated contract manager as
(f) the cancellation of procurement
proceedings; and
(g) the termination of a contract.
(2) The approvals authority shall be -
(a) a Controlling Officer or chief
executive Officer where the value
of the procurement does not
exceed the level of authority
specified in regulations issued
under this Act;
(b) a Procurement Committee for all
other procurement, subject to the
level of authority specified in
paragraph 7 of the Second
Schedule during the interim
period only; and
(c) the Central Tender Committee for
any procurement in excess of the
level of authority specified in
Paragraph 7 of the Second
Schedule during the interim period
(3) Contract documents shall be authorised
by a Controlling Officer or chief executive officer prior
to their issue:
Provided that the contracts are in line
with the contract award recommendations
previously authorised by the Procurement
(4) A Controlling Officer or chief executive
officer may delegate a level of authority, up to the
maximum specified in paragraph (a) of subsection (2),
to any designated senior officer or officers, including
the head of the Procurement Unit.
(5) Any delegation made by a Controlling
Officer or chief executive officer, as the case may be
under sub-section (4) shall be in writing and copied to
the head of the Procurement Unit.
(6) For purposes of subsection (2), the value
of the procurement shall be-
(a) the estimated value in the case of
paragraphs (a), (b) and (f) of
subsection (1) and technical
evaluation reports under
paragraph (c) of subsection (1);
(b) the proposed contract value, in
the case of paragraph (d) of
subsection (1) and financial
evaluation reports under
paragraph (c) of subsection (1);
(c) the original or amended contract
value, whichever is higher, in the
case of paragraph (e) and (g) of
subsection (1).
(7) Where the proposed or actual value of a
contract exceeds the value originally estimated for the
procurement and thereby exceeds the level of
authority of the approvals authority who authorised
any previous stage in the procurement process, a
procuring entity shall make a subsequent request for
authorisation by the appropriate approvals authority,
with details of the earlier stages and prior
(8) The authorisation of the appropriate
approvals authority shall be obtained for all
subsequent stages in the procurement process, save
that a procurement shall not be cancelled or restarted
purely on the grounds that the authorisation was
given by an approvals authority not authorised to do
so under this Act.
determining such items and the
procuring entities subject to the
(2) A procuring entity shall, until the
Minister establishes a central agency or unit
pursuant to subsection (1), procure common use
items in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
participation is required in
accordance with an agreement
entered into by the Government.
(3) Participation in open national bidding
shall be limited to citizen and local bidders.
(4) Participation in open international
bidding shall be open to all bidders, including citizen,
local and foreign bidders.
(5) Where open international bidding is
used -
(a) a bid notice shall, in addition to
the national media, be published
in any regional or international
media; and
(b) the period for submission of bids
or pre-qualification applications
shall be increased to allow
sufficient time for foreign bidders
to respond.
National and 28. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a
selection procuring entity shall use open national selection in
all procurements.
(2) A procuring entity shall use open
international selection where -
(a) the estimated value of the
procurement e xc e e d s the
prescribed threshold;
(b) the consulting services are not
available under competitive price
and other conditions from at least
three suppliers in Zambia; or
(c) regional or international
participation is required in
accordance with an agreement
entered into by the Government.
(3) Participation in open national selection
shall be limited to citizen and local bidders.
(4) Participation in open international
selection shall be open to all bidders, including
citizen, local and foreign bidders.
(5) Where open international selection is
(a) a bid notice shall, in addition to
the national media, be published
in any regional or international
media; and
(b) the period for submission of
expressions of interest shall be
increased to allow sufficient time
for foreign bidders to respond.
selection would therefore be
involved in using those methods;
(c) additional goods, works or services
must be procured from the same
source because of the need for
compatibility, standardisation or
(d) an existing contract could be
extended for additional goods,
works or services of a similar
nature and no advantage could be
obtained by further competition;
(e) the estimated value of the goods,
works or services does not exceed
the prescribed threshold.
(c) work is required to be carried out
without disrupting ongoing
(d) risks of unavoidable work
interruption are better borne by
the procuring entity than by a
bidder or supplier; and
(e) there are emergencies needing
prompt attention.
financially autonomous.
governmental organisations;
(b) increase the utilisation of local
know-how and materials; and
(c) employ labour-intensive and other
appropriate technologies;
the procurement procedures, specifications, and
contract packaging shall be suitably adapted by the
Authority to reflect these considerations, provided
these are efficient.
(2) The procedures under subsection (1)
specified by statutory instrument.
(b) the decision to terminate the
procurement proceedings;
(c) the settlement of any dispute
under the contract; or
(d) the resolution of any complaint or
appeal made under this Act;
whichever is later.
(3) The contents of procurement records
shall be in accordance with regulations issued under
this Act.
Confidentiality 40. (1) A public officer shall keep
confidential the information that comes into the
public officer’s possession relating to procurement
proceedings and to bids, including any bidder’s
proprietary information.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of
subsection (1), a procuring entity shall not, except
where required to do so by an order of court, disclose
any information relating to procurement proceedings
and bids where the disclosure would-
(a) amount to a contravention of the
(b) obstruct law enforcement;
(c) prejudice the legitimate
commercial interests of the
(d) inhibit fair competition in public
procurement; or
(e) in anyway be contrary to public
(2) Procurement shall only be initiated
where -
(a) the availability of funding for the
requirement has been confirmed;
(b) approval to proceed has been
by a Controlling Officer, chief executive officer or by
an officer designated by the Controlling Officer or
chief executive officer, as the case may be, to perform
the function.
over a set period of time;
(c) avoid splitting of procurement to
defeat the use of appropriate
procurement methods; and
(d) i n t e g r a te its e xp e n d i t u r e
programme with the procurement
(2) Procuring entities shall submit all annual
procurement plans to the Authority.
(3) A procuring entity shall not split up
procurement requirements with the intention of
avoiding a particular method of procurement, where
such requirements could be procured as a single
prepared with a view to -
(a) creating fair and open competition;
(b) ensuring that the goods, works or
services are fit for the purpose for
which they are being purchased
and are of appropriate quality.
(4) To the extent possible, a statement of
procurement requirements shall be based on the
relevant, objective, technical and quality
characteristics of the goods, works or services to be
Selection of bidders 46. (1) The method for selection of bidders
shall be determined by the procurement method used
and shall be -
(a) by publication of a bid notice or
through a pre-qualification process
for open bidding;
(b) by publication of a notice
requesting expressions of interest
in order to develop a shortlist for
open selection;
(c) by development of a shortlist for
limited bidding and simplified
bidding; or
(d) by selection of a single bidder for
direct bidding.
(2) The Minister may, by statutory
instrument, prescribe the rules for publication of
notices, pre-qualification, development of shortlists
and selection of single bidders.
(4) In setting bidding deadlines, a procuring
entity shall -
(a) allow sufficient time for bidders to
obtain solicitation documents,
prepare complete and responsive
bids and submit bids; and
(b) comply with the minimum bidding
periods as may be prescribed by
statutory instrument.
(5) A procuring entity may require bidders to
submit bid securities, in the manner and in
accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed
by statutory instrument.
(6) The Minister may, by statutory
instrument, make rules for the management of the
bidding process, including pre-bid meetings,
clarification and amendment of solicitation documents
and the withdrawal, modification and substitution of
(7) A procuring entity shall require bidders to
submit sealed, written bids, unless otherwise provided
for in this Act.
(8) The method for bid submission shall be as
specified in regulations made under this Act and shall
take into account the method of procurement, the
complexity of the procurement and the evaluation
methodology used.
Receipt of bids 48. (1) A solicitation document shall clearly
state the date and time of the bidding deadline and
that late bids shall be rejected.
(2) A procuring entity shall ensure that -
(a) a bid box, or other means of
receiving bids, is made available to
(b) bids are kept confidential, and in
the case of sealed bids unopened,
until the time for opening of bids;
(c) bidding is closed at the precise date
and time of the bidding deadline
and no late bids are accepted.
Opening of bids 49. All open bidding, limited bidding and open
selection processes shall include a public bid opening,
in accordance with the procedures specified in
regulations made under this Act.
evaluated bidder.
(3) No methodology or criteria, other than
those stated in the solicitation document, shall be
taken into account and all criteria shall be applied
equally to all bids.
(4) A procuring entity may ask a bidder to
clarify their bid in order to assist in the evaluation,
but no changes in the substance of bids, including
changes in price, shall be permitted after the date and
time of the closing of the bid, unless otherwise
provided for in this Act.
(5) A post-qualification may be undertaken in
accordance with the criteria in the solicitation
document, to determine whether the best evaluated
bidder has the capability and resources to effectively
carry out the contract.
(6) A procuring entity shall prepare an
evaluation report for submission to the appropriate
approvals authority.
(3) The use of compound interest in any
negotiation or contract is hereby prohibited.
accordance with section twenty-
acceptance or other communication issued contrary to
subsection (2) is void.
(2) A contract manager shall be selected in
accordance with the procedure prescribed by statutory
instrument, taking into account the skills, experience
and functions required for management of the contract.
documents; or
(c) specialised or particular
requirements are regulated or
governed by international standards
or practices.
(b) the bidder shall be solvent, and not
be in receivership, bankrupt or
wound up, its affairs administered
by a court or a judicial officer, or its
business activities suspended or the
subject of legal proceedings for any
of the foregoing;
(c) the bidder shall have fulfilled its
obligations to pay taxes and social
security contributions;
(d) the bidder should not, nor its
directors or officers have been
convicted of any criminal offence
related to their professional conduct
or the making of false statements or
misrepresentations as to their
qualifications to enter into a contract
within a period of five years
preceding the commencement of the
procurement proceedings, or have
been suspended pursuant to section
sixty-three; and
(e) the bidder should not have a conflict
of interest in relation to the
procurement requirement.
(2) A procuring entity may require bidders to
be citizen or local bidders to be eligible to participate in
public procurement where -
(a) open national bidding is used in
accordance with section twenty-six;
(b) open national selection is used in
accordance with section twenty-
eight; or
(c) the procurement is subject to a
reservation scheme in accordance
with section sixty-one.
(3) A solicitation document shall state the
eligibility requirements and specify any documentary
evidence required as proof of eligibility.
(4) The review of the eligibility of the bidders
shall be conducted as part of the preliminary
examination of bids, except where it has been
conducted as part of the pre-qualification proceedings.
(d) personnel and managerial capability;
(e) record of past performance of similar
contracts; and
(f) registration or licensing with the
relevant professional body in Zambia
or in the bidder's country of origin
where so required by law.
(3) A solicitation document shall state any
qualification requirements and specify the documentary
evidence or information required to demonstrate the
bidder's qualifications.
(4) Qualifications shall be assessed by
examining whether the bidder does or does not meet the
qualification criteria and not by using a point system for
comparing the relative level of qualifications of
participating bidders.
(5) A review of the qualifications of the bidders
shall be conducted separately from the evaluation and
comparison of bids.
(6) If pre-qualification proceedings are not
conducted, post-qualification, in which the procuring
entity ascertains the qualifications of the best evaluated
bidder, may be utilised.
(a) grant a margin of preference for the
benefit of bids by a target group
offering goods, works or services
manufactured or performed by the
target group; or
(b) reserve or set aside certain
procurement requirements for a
target group, by restricting bidding
to the target group.
(2) A target group for any preference or
reservation scheme shall be determined in accordance
with Government economic and social policies and may
include -
(a) citizen or local suppliers;
(b) goods, works or services
manufactured in or provided from
Zambia or a particular region or
performed by Zambians or persons
from a particular region;
(c) Zambian suppliers in a particular
industry or economic sector;
(d) small- and medium-sized
(e) enterprises owned by women; or
(f) any other group designated by
Government policy.
(3) Preference or reservation schemes shall be
formulated by the Authority, in consultation with the
Government bodies responsible for economic and social
policy, and issued by the Minister by statutory
(4) Preference or reservation schemes shall
clearly state -
(a) the target group and eligibility
(b) the percentage of the preference,
where applicable;
(c) the period for the operation of the
scheme; and
(d) the objectives of the scheme and the
means of measuring its effectiveness
in achieving those objectives.
(5) Where a margin of preference is granted to
citizen or local suppliers -
(a) greater preference shall be granted to
citizen suppliers, than local
suppliers, with no preference to
foreign suppliers;
(b) the preference to be accorded shall
be proportional to the percentage of
the contract to be actually executed
by citizen or local suppliers; and
(c) greater preference shall be granted
where citizen or local suppliers form
part of a joint venture or association
agreement, than where they are
sub-contracted by foreign suppliers.
(6) The Authority may, in consultation with the
relevant authorities, recommend other measures to
facilitate private sector participation in public
procurement and to further the development of
economic capacity in Zambia, which shall be issued by
the Minister by statutory instrument.
(b) procedures for registering and
updating entries on the database or
(c) the conditions to be satisfied for
entry on the database or list and the
documentary evidence required; and
(d) the period of any registration and
requirements for updating entries.
(6) Entry in the database or list shall not be
subject to any eligibility criteria more stringent than
that set out in section fifty-nine.
(7) A database or list maintained under this
section shall be reviewed and updated on a regular
(8) The Authority and any procuring entity
operating a system or database under this section shall
notify potential suppliers of -
(a) their inclusion in the database or
(b) any rejection of a request to register
and the reasons for such rejection;
(c) their removal from the database or
list and the reasons for such
the grounds specified in section sixty-four.
(2) A bidder or supplier shall not be suspended
unless -
(a) reasonable notice has been given to
the bidder or supplier of the grounds
for the proposed suspension and the
details of the alleged grounds;
(b) reasonable opportunity has been
given to the bidder or supplier to
respond to the alleged grounds and
provide information in defence; and
(c) a thorough investigation of the facts
of the case has been undertaken by
the Authority.
(3) A suspension shall be for a minimum
period of one year and a maximum period of five years.
accordance with the terms of the
solicitation document and bid, if
required to do so; or
(d) failure to comply with a bid securing
event which is beyond the reasonable control of a bidder
or supplier which makes the performance of the
contract impossible or impracticable under the
(3) The Authority shall not accept an
application made under this section unless it is
submitted within ten working days from the date the
bidder submitting the application was informed of or
became aware of the circumstances giving rise to the
application or from the date the bidder should have
become aware of those circumstances, whichever is
(4) Unless an application is dismissed or
resolved by mutual agreement between the applicant
and the procuring entity, the Authority shall-
(a) upon receipt of the application,
institute an investigation;
(b) ensure that no contract award is
made prior to the resolution of the
application; and
(c) issue a written decision, within ten
working days after the submission of
the application.
(5) A decision issued under paragraph (c) of
subsection (4) shall state -
(a) whether the application is upheld, in
whole or in part or dismissed;
(b) the reasons for the decision; and
(c) any corrective measures that are to
be taken by the procuring entity or
the bidder, as the case may be.
(6) A bidder or supplier who is aggrieved by the
decision of the Authority may submit the matter to
arbitration under section seventy-one.
negotiations or technical discussions
leading to the award, modification or
extension of the contract for such
procurement; or
(b) participate personally or
substantially on behalf of a supplier
in the performance of such a
(3) The restriction in subsection (2) shall
remain in effect for the duration of the procurement
proceeding and contract, if any, in question.
(3) A bidder or supplier who commits an act of
corruption shall be prosecuted in accordance with the
provisions of the Anti-Corruption Commission Act.
in accordance with the requirements
of this Act;
(b) uses the position as a public officer
dishonestly or with the intention of
directly or indirectly gaining an
advantage for oneself or someone
else or causing detriment to a
procuring entity;
(c) uses the position as a public officer
recklessly without regard to whether
the conduct may directly or
indirectly gain an advantage for
oneself or someone else or cause
detriment to a procuring entity;
(d) uses information obtained because of
the position as a public officer to
gain an advantage for oneself or
someone else or cause detriment to
a procuring entity;
(e) tampers with a bid, including any
document or item submitted with the
bid, by opening, burning, tearing,
destroying, or partially burning,
tearing or destroying, altering,
erasing, falsifying or rendering
incomplete or misleading, the bid;
(f) publishes or discloses information
relating to procurement, other than
in the proper and authorised course
of duties as a public officer; or
(g) contravenes or fails to comply with
any provision of this Act;
and is liable to the applicable administrative and legal
sanctions applicable to public officers under their
conditions of employment and any other written law.
every member of such body or committee shall be
accountable for any failure to comply with subsection
(4) Where a Controlling Officer or chief
executive officer satisfies the Authority, or other
relevant oversight or enforcement body, that the
Controlling Officer or chief executive officer is, under
the provisions of any written law, subject to the control
or direction of another person, board, committee or
other body, and that such control or direction caused
the failure to comply with subsection (1), then such
other person or every member of such board, committee
or other body, shall be accountable for the failure to
comply with subsection (1).
Offences committed by 78. If a body corporate or un-incorporate body
body corporate or un-
incorporate body is convicted of an offence under this Act, every person
who -
(a) is a director of, or is otherwise
concerned with the management of,
the body corporate or un-incorporate
body; and
(b) knowingly authorised or permitted
the act or omission constituting the
shall be deemed to have committed the same offence
and shall be liable, on conviction, to the penalty
specified for that offence.
Circulars and 81. (1) The Authority may issue public
procurement circulars and instructions to provide
further guidance on the interpretation and application
of this Act.
(2) The Authority shall publish, for public
information, texts of this Act, regulations, circulars,
standards and directives of general application and the
list of bidders and suppliers who are suspended or
prohibited from participating in public procurement.
(4) On or after the commencement of this Act,
reference in any written law or other document to the
Zambia National Tender Board shall be read and
construed as references to the Authority.
(5) For the avoidance of doubt, a person who
immediately before the commencement of this Act held
office as Director, Secretary or employee of the Board
shall continue to hold such office as Director, Secretary
or employee of the Authority as if appointed under this
(6) The service of the staff of the Board
referred to under subsection (5) shall be treated as
continuous service.
(Section 5 (3)
supply; and
(i) two other persons appointed by
the President from among persons
in the private sector, of good
standing and recognised for their
high levels of professional
competence and integrity.
Tenure of office and 3. (1) Subject to the other provisions of
this Act, a member of the Board shall hold office for
a period of three years from the date of appointment
and may be re-appointed for a further period of three
(2) Subject to the other provisions of this
Part, a member shall, on the expiration of the period
for which the member is appointed, continue to hold
office until another member is appointed to succeed
that member.
(3) The office of a member becomes vacant -
(a) upon the member's death;
(b) if the member is adjudged
(c) if the member is absent from three
consecutive meetings of the Board
of which the member has had
notice, without the prior approval
of the Board;
(d) upon the expiry of one month's
notice of the member's intention to
resign from office, given by the
member in writing to the Board;
(e) if the member becomes mentally or
physically incapable of performing
the duties of a member of the
Board; or
(f) if the member is convicted of an
offence under this Act or any other
written law and sentenced therefor
to imprisonment for a term of six
months or more.
(4) A member may resign from office by
giving not less than one month’s notice in writing to
the Board.
(5) The President shall, where the office of a
member becomes vacant, appoint another member in
place of the member who vacates office, and such
member shall hold office for the remainder of the
the Chairperson upon giving a shorter notice.
(5) The quorum at a meeting of the Board
shall be seven of the members of the Board.
(6) There shall preside at any meeting of the
Board -
(a) the Chairperson;
(b) in the absence of the Chairperson,
the Vice-Chairperson; and
(c) in the absence of both the
Chairperson and the Vice-
Chairperson, such member as the
members present may elect from
amongst themselves for the
purpose of that meeting.
(7) A decision of the Board on any question
shall be by a majority of votes of the members present
and voting at the meeting and, in the event of an
equality of votes, the person presiding at the meeting
shall have, in addition to a deliberative vote, a casting
(8) Where a member is for any reason unable
to attend any meeting of the Board, the member may,
in writing, nominate another person from the same
organisation to attend such meeting in that member's
stead and such person shall be deemed to be a
member for the purpose of that meeting.
(9) The Board may invite any person whose
presence in its opinion is desirable to attend and to
participate in the deliberations of a meeting of the
Board but such person shall have no vote.
(10) The validity of any proceedings, act or
decision of the Board shall not be affected by any
vacancy in the membership of the Board or by any
defect in the appointment of any member or by
reason that any person not entitled so to do, took part
in the proceedings.
(11) The Board shall cause minutes to be kept
of the proceedings of every meeting of the Board and
every meeting of any committee established by the
units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
years, or to both.
(3) A person who, having any information
which to the knowledge of that person has been
published or disclosed in contravention of sub-
paragraph (1), unlawfully publishes or communicates
the information to any other person, commits an
offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not
exceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or
to both.
(a) the salaries, allowances, loans,
gratuities and pensions of the staff
of the Authority and other
payments for the recruitment and
retention of the staff;
(b) such reasonable travelling and
subsistence allowances or other
allowances for members, members
of any committee of the Board and
staff of the Authority when
engaged on the business of the
Authority at such rates as the
Board may, with the approval of
the Minister, determine; and
(c) any other expenses incurred by
the Board in the performance of
the Board’s functions under this
(4) The Board may, with the approval of the
Minister, invest in such manner as it thinks fit such
of its funds as it does not immediately require for the
discharge of its functions.
Accounts 3. (1) The Authority shall cause to be kept
proper books of account and other records relating to
its accounts.
(2) The accounts of the Authority shall be
audited annually by the Auditor-General in
accordance with the provisions of the Public Finance
Act No. 15 of 2004
Act, 2004.
(Section 86)
Establishment of 2. (1) There is hereby established the Central
Central Tender
Committee Tender Committee, which shall consist of the following
(a) the Permanent Secretary responsible
for financial management and
administration, who shall be the
(b) the Permanent Secretary responsible
for administration at Cabinet Office;
(c) the Permanent Secretary responsible
for works and supply;
(d) the Permanent Secretary responsible
for commerce, trade and industry;
(e) the Permanent Secretary responsible
for agriculture;
(f) the Permanent Secretary responsible
for education;
(g) the Permanent Secretary responsible
for health;
(h) the Permanent Secretary responsible
for local government;
(i) the Permanent Secretary responsible
for defence;
(j) a representative of the Attorney-
(k) the Deputy Governor of the Bank of
Zambia responsible for administration;
(l) the Commissioner-General of the
Zambia Revenue Authority; and
(m) the Director-General and the Secretary
to the Authority, who shall be ex-
officio members of the Committee.
(2) A member appointed under subparagraph (1)
may, in writing, appoint a senior officer from the
organisation that the member represents to be the
alternate and to attend and participate in their stead at
any meeting of the Central Tender Committee which the
member is unable to attend.
Committee, which may reject a
submission and require corrections to
be made, before onward submission to
the Central Tender Committee; and
(b) all decisions of the Central Tender
Committee shall be sent to, or copied
to, the procuring entity's Procurement
Committee, with written explanations
of the reasons for the rejection of a
submission or any other variations
recommended to be made.
(b) review and advise on the work of the
Procurement Unit, prior to its
submission to the relevant approvals
determined by the capacity of each procuring entity to
undertake procurement.
(2) All procurement with a value above the
level of the authority determined under subparagraph
(1) shall be submitted to the Central Tender
Committee for prior authorisation in accordance with
paragraph 3.
(3) The Authority shall assess the
procurement capacity of each procuring entity
regularly and not less than once in twelve months.
(4) An assessment under subparagraph (3)
shall be conducted in accordance with guidance
provided in regulations made under this Act and shall
take into account the capacity of both the
Procurement Committee and the Procurement Unit.
(5) The Authority shall after each capacity
assessment of a procuring entity-
(a) advise the procuring entity of its
capacity rating and level of
(b) advise the procuring entity on the
actions needed to improve its
capacity rating; and
(c) facilitate, to the extent possible,
any capacity improvements.
(6) A procuring entity which has implemented
measures to improve its capacity may request the
Authority to review its capacity rating and level of
authority and the Authority shall undertake the
review as soon as possible, but in no case later than
three months from the date of the request.