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Kamran Alasgarov

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School: Engineering and Applied Science

Department: Petroleum Engineering
Major: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering


Title: Analysis of Equivalent Circulation Density Management in Drilling


Master Student: Kamran Alasgarov

Supervisor: Associate Prof. Dr. Gasham Zeynalov

BAKU – 2017
First and foremost, I would like to express big gratitude to my family for their kindness and
inspiration to me in accomplishing my master degree.

I would like to express my appreciation and gratefulness to Associate Professor Gasham

Zeynalov the Head of Khazar University Petroleum Engineering Department for his support,
encouragement and guidance on my thesis work. His patience and manner helped me a lot to finalize
the project in time.
I would also like to send my special thanks to my manager Arild Hjertholm who recommended
me to experienced people in the oil and gas industry from whom I received incredible valuable set of
data that I was able to use in this thesis.
Best regards, to my lectures at Khazar University, Shahriyar Alkhasli and Jabrayil Eyvazov
for helping me in the beginning of my thesis for choosing the research topic and explaining me the
ways of conducting it properly.
Especially, I am thankful to my college, Rasul Taghiyev who supported me from the
beginning of this thesis by helping me to reach various results on the industry and to extend the
gathered information for my thesis.
I dedicate this thesis to the new CDC Semi 6th generation Rig’s project labour for their
tremendous work during this period.

Drilling fluid is an integral part of the drilling and completion processes of the well, so the
successful delivery of the well depends strongly on this key component. Without using drilling fluid
none of the well operations can be carried out, so mud is used in every single step of the operations.
That is the reason why properties of drilling mud are controlled and modified for the particular activity
in the well. Drilling fluids play an important role in providing well control and stability during drilling
operations. During drilling operations because of movement of the drilling pipe and casing in the
wellbore, high pressures created in the wellbore and this is presented in terms of the equivalent
circulating density (ECD).

This thesis contains drilling fluid management in different well and wellbore conditions on
the casing operations. The focus of the study is on the ECD optimization during running casing into
the wellbore, mud conditioning and cementing of the casing in place. Initially, an extensive literature
review is carried out on the discipline and then by using software approach, on the Drillbench
Software well models are created. Hence, as a resource of research in the North Sea Gullfaks field, 2
wells are chosen and their data is used for the simulation purposes. By changing wellbore structure,
new well designs are proposed for both of the wells. After designing new casing structures, the
feasibility of changing this design is analysed and for this purposes, mud program, cementing program
are established for simulation.

During the simulation, by optimizing running speed, surge analysis is carried out, where
higher ECD causing fracturing wellbore is prevented and also limits of the operations in each well
are examined. Then, mud conditioning is carried out in both of the wells and in this case again ECD
causing hole problems are forecasted so theoretically became preventable. Finally, a number of
cement program are developed for the casing cementing and according to the obtained ECD in the
wellbore, the best option is chosen for each wellbore conditions. Moreover, gel model and mud
rheology are also investigated and their effect on the operations mentioned above presented. Also,
equivalent viscosity changing during the cementing is examined. After results obtained from the
simulations feasibility of changing wellbore structure is studied.

Nowadays, it is undeniable that in order to have a successfully drilled wells the engineers have
to gain a full control of the wellbore hydraulics at the all sections until the target point. Dynamic
Drilling Simulation Software such as Drillbench is established to help us on these issues during
drilling the wells.

Analysis on the Drillbench software and technical literature as well as papers review
demonstrate that optimization wellbore pressures caused by pipe movement and drilling fluid flow
ii | P a g e
are possible whereby doing so wellbore stability is under control. Also by choosing the best rheology
for the fluids, ECD in the annulus is minimized.

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Qazıma məhlulu quyunun qazılma və tamamlanma prosesinin daxili bir hissəsidir, bu
minvallada quyunun uğurlu təhvil verilməsi bilavasitə bu həlledici komponentdən asılıdır. Qazıma
məhlulu istifadə edilmədən heç bir quyu əməlliyyatı icra oluna bilməz, beləliklə qazma məhlulu
əmaliyyatların hər bir mərhələsində istifadə edilir. Buna səbəb olaraq qazıma məhlulunun xassələri
nəzarət altında saxlanılır və quyudakı müvafiq tapşırıqlara uyğun dəyişdirilir. Qazıma məhlulları
quyuya nəzarət və sabitliyin qazma vaxtı saxlanılmasında əhəmiyyətli rol oynayır. Qazıma
əməlliyyatları zamanı qazıma borusunun və qoruyucu borunun quyuda hərəkətinə görə quyuda
yüksək təzyiq əmələ gəlir və bu da ekvivalent dövrüyyə sıxlığı (EDS) kimi təqdim olunur.

Bu tezis qazıma məhlulunun müxtəlif quyu şəraitlərində qoruyucu kəmərin oturtulması

zamanı idarə olunmasından bəhs edir. Təhdid olunan əsas məsələ qoruyucu kəmərlərin quyuda
quraşdırılması, qoruyucu kəmər buraxıldıqdan sonra qazıma məhlulunun dövriyyəsi və sementləmə
zamanı EDS-nin optimizasıyasıdır. İlkin olaraq, bu sahədə geniş ədabiyyat icmalı baxışdan keçirildi
və sonra proqram təminatı yanaşması ilə “Drillbench” proqramının köməyi ilə quyu modelləri
hazırlandı. Aparılan tədqiqatda mənbə olaraq Şimal Dənizindəki Gullfaks yatağında qazılan iki ədəd
quyunun məlumatları simulasiyanın qurulmasında istifadə olunub. Quyuların quruluşlarını
dəyişməklə hər iki quyuya tamamən yeni qoruyucu boru dezaynları təklif olunur. Yeni təklif olunan
dezaynların mümkünlüyü yoxlanılır və buna yeni qazma və sement məhlulu proqramları hazırlanıb
simulasiya edilir.

Simulyasiya zamanı, quraşdırılma sürətini optimizasiya etməklə dalğa analizi aparılıb, beləki
bu zaman yüksək EDS-nin nəticəsində quyunun yarılması təziyiqi bilnib və qarşısı alınacaq limitlər
hər bir quyu üçün ayrılıqda müəyyənləşdilib. Son olaraq, sement proqramı quyudan əldə olunan EDS-
ə əsasən yaradılıb və hər bir quyu şəraiti üçün ən yaxşı variant seçilib. Bundan əlavə olaraq,
simulyasiyadan nəticələr əldə edildikdən sonra quyu quruluşunun strukturunun dəyişdirilməsinin
mümkünlüyü öyrənilib.

Günümüzdə, müvəffəqiyyətlə qazılmış quyu əldə etmək üçün mühəndislər quyunun

hidravlikasına hədəf nüqtəsinə qədər hər bir sessiyada tam nəzarət edə bilməlidirlər. Dinamik Qazıma
Simulyasiyası Proqramı olan “Drillbench” quyuların qazılması zamanı bunları etməyimizə imkan
vermək üçün yaradılıb.

“Drillbench” proqramında aparılan analizlər və texniki ədabiyyatın icmalı onu göstərirki, boru
hərəkəti nəticəsində və qazıma məhlulu axınına görə yaranan təzyiqləri optimizasiya etmək

iv | P a g e
mümkündür. Beləki, bunu etməklə quyunun stabilliyi nəzarət altına alınır. Həmçinin, qazıma
məhluları üçün ən yaxşı xüsusiyyətlərin seçilməsi də EDS-i həlqəvi fəzada minimuma endirir.

List of Contents

Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... ii
List of Contents ......................................................................................................................... 1
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. 3
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................ 4
Nomenclature............................................................................................................................. 6
List of Acronyms ................................................................................................................... 6
List of Symbols ...................................................................................................................... 6
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 7
Research Background ........................................................................................................... 7
Statement of Problem ........................................................................................................... 7
Objectives of Problem ........................................................................................................... 8
Scope of the Work ................................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER 1. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................. 10
1.1 Theoretical Background of Drilling Fluids ................................................................... 10
1.2 ECD Management ......................................................................................................... 12
1.2.1 ECD Management during Drilling Process ............................................................ 12
1.2.2 ECD Management in ERD Well Hole Cleaning .................................................... 18
1.2.3 ECD Management in Cementing Narrow Pressure Window ................................. 19
1.2.4 Drilling Fluid Rheological Properties at Different Pressures and Temperatures ... 21
1.3 Chapter Summary .......................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................................... 24
2.1 Strategy of Research ...................................................................................................... 24
2.2 Simulation Content ........................................................................................................ 24
2.3 Simulation Material ....................................................................................................... 25
2.4 Software Input ............................................................................................................... 27
2.4.1 Casing Setting Depth .............................................................................................. 27
2.4.2 Mud Properties ....................................................................................................... 28
2.4.3 Cement Properties................................................................................................... 28
2.4.4 Drillbench Software ................................................................................................ 29
3.5 Chapter Summary .......................................................................................................... 29
3.1 Hole Section 508 mm .................................................................................................... 31

3.1.1 Surge Analysis of 406 mm Casing ......................................................................... 31
3.1.2 Mud Conditioning on 406 mm casing .................................................................... 32
3.1.3 Cementing of 406 mm casing ................................................................................. 34
3.2 Hole Section 445 mm .................................................................................................... 36
3.2.1 Surge Analysis of 340 mm Casing ......................................................................... 36
3.2.2 Mud Conditioning on 340 mm Casing ................................................................... 38
3.2.3 Cementing of 340 mm Casing ................................................................................ 39
3.3 Hole Section 318 mm .................................................................................................... 41
3.3.1 Surge Analysis of 244 mm Casing ......................................................................... 42
3.3.2 Mud Conditioning on 244 mm Casing ................................................................... 42
3.3.3 Cementing of 244 mm Casing ................................................................................ 43
3.4 Chapter Summary .......................................................................................................... 44
CHAPTER 4. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS .......................................................................... 46
4.1 Wellbore Sections .......................................................................................................... 46
4.2 Feasibility of Changing Well Design ............................................................................ 48
4.3 Chapter Summary .......................................................................................................... 49
CONCLUSIONS and RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................... 50
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 50
Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 50
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 52

List of Tables

Table 2.1. Circulation rate with 1.46 sg mud weight (left) and with 1.51 sg mud weight (right). 21

Table 3.1. Gullfaks Field 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 Hole Geometry.............................................. 27

Table 3.2. Casing Setting Depths ............................................................................................ 27

Table 3.3. Mud Weights in Casing Sections ........................................................................... 28

Table 4.1. Mud Rheology ........................................................................................................ 33

Table 4.2. Cementing Program for 406 mm Casing ................................................................ 34

Table 4.3. 34/10-1 well Drilling Fluid Conditioning mud sequence ....................................... 39

List of Figures

Figure 1.1. Drilling fluid circulation system ........................................................................... 10

Figure 1.2. On the left bigger borehole with annular clearance and on the right smaller annular

clearance .................................................................................................................................. 13

Figure 1.3. Drilling Parameters Pierce A11 main bore. .......................................................... 15

Figure 1.4. Planned hydraulic model for A12 ST1 well .......................................................... 17

Figure 1.5. Simulation result for Plan 1 model well 318 17.5mm hole section. ..................... 19

Figure 1.6. Circulation while casing on the bottom, with original mud weight 1.51 sg mud (left) and

with conditioned mud weight 1.46 sg mud (right). ................................................................. 21

Figure 1.7. Effect of temperature on the equivalent viscosity of drilling Fluid A and B are given in

the left and right respectively. ................................................................................................. 22

Figure 2.1. Simulation Procedure Sequence ............................................................................ 24

Figure 2.3. Pore Pressure Fracture Gradient Curve of 34/10-3 ............................................... 26

Figure 3.1. ECD Simulation in 406 mm casing running in 34/10-1 well with and without gel model.

................................................................................................................................................. 32

Figure 3.2. ECD at mud conditioning of 406 mm casing in 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 at 508 mm casing

shoe. ......................................................................................................................................... 33

Figure 3.3. Cementing schematic of 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 wells after cementing of 406 mm casing

................................................................................................................................................. 35

Figure 3.4. Surge Analysis Window in Drillbench Software .................................................. 37

Figure 3.5. ECD Profile at previous casing shoe while running 340 mm casing (a) with gel model (b)

without gel model. ................................................................................................................... 38

Figure 3.6. 34/10-1340 mm casing cementing ........................................................................ 40

Figure 3.7. 34/10-3 Well 340 mm casing cementing Mud Front Position .............................. 41

Figure 3.8. Pressure Profile in 34/10-3, while running 244 mm casing .................................. 42

Figure 3.9. Pressure profile at the depth of 1840 m in 34/10-3 well while cementing ........... 43

Figure 3.10. Equivalent viscosity versus depth in 34/10-3 during 244 mm casing cementing44

Figure 4.1. 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 well structure ....................................................................... 46

List of Acronyms
ECD Equivalent Circulating Density
ERD Extended Reach Drilling
MWD Measurement While Drilling
LWD Logging While Drilling
ROP Rate of Penetration
WBM Water Based Mud
OBM Oil Based Mud
NAF Non-Aqueous Fluid
OWR Oil Water Ratio
RPM Revolutions per Minute
LCM Lost Circulation Material
TD True Depth
OD Outer Diameter
ID Inner Diameter
PPFG Pore Pressure Fracture Gradient
SPP Slow Pump Pressure

List of Symbols
Symbol Definition Unit
PV Plastic Viscosity Pa∙s
YP Yield Point Pa
Ptotal Pump Pressure MPa
Phyd Hydrostatic Pressure MPa
Pfrictional Frictional Pressure Drop MPa
𝜌 Density sg
T Temperature C
h Depth m
g Acceleration due to gravity m/s2


Research Background
Drilling fluid or sometimes referred as a drilling mud or simply mud is crucial integral part of
the modern rotary drilling system. Generally, it can be a liquid, gas or gasified liquid circulating fluid
used in drilling process in order to perform a number of different functions required for successfully
drilling a usable wellbore at the lowest overall well cost. Although cost of mud is comparatively
lower than rig or other components of the drilling facility, selection of proper mud and maintaining
it in desired state, has a significant effect on the drilling operation. Drilling fluid properties affects
every single operation in the well, so maintaining mud in good condition is key in terms of both
wellbore stability and cost efficiency of the well. So, the success of the rotary drilling process
significantly depends on drilling fluids.

Although, water was used in China as a softening agent in drilling several hundred meters in
a depth as early as 600 BCE, the first practice of circulating fluid while drilling is introduced in
England in 1845. For long period of time generally water based drilling fluids are used for drilling
operation and in order to control and make changes in the properties of muds, different additives are
used. In 1960, with introduction of the oil-based mud, there was a significant improvement in drilling
performance. However, because of the environmental issues, some regulations are applied to use of
it. In the 1990s, synthetic-based fluids were developed, which had good drilling performance and it
complied with strict regulations governing offshore fluid and cutting disposal. Drilling fluids
properties are modified according to the particular activity that is carried out in the borehole. It is
very important to maintain all the properties the same in phase of the activity, so any change is an
indicator of the abnormalities in the borehole. [1]

In this thesis, drilling fluid behaviour, its rheology effect on the wellbore pressures are
investigated. Hence, by using casing operations in the wellbore, ECD optimization is carried out. The
importance of this analysis is to have safe operations in the wellbore and define operational limits
during the carrying out these. Hence, problems in the wellbore are closely related to the cost of the
well and also safety of the rig, rig personnel.

Statement of Problem
The key area of the research is divided into several sections, where firstly extensive literature
review is carried out on the ECD optimization in different wellbore conditions. Also during literature
review, equivalent viscosity is examined and its change depending on the well parameters are
investigated. In the second section, by using software approach to the problem, ECD optimization
was carried out while casing operations. Hence, in order to understand mechanics of the ECD change
in the wellbore based on the literature review, wells are chosen in the North Sea and by using details
of these wells mud program, cementing programs are established for different sections of the casings.
Also, equivalent viscosity change while casing cementing is evaluated by using software approach.

Objectives of Problem
The aim of this project is to study drilling fluid circulation system by using several well models.
The main objectives of this project are:

 Analysis of drilling fluid properties and rheology in different well conditions and assessment
of mud properties at different well cases

 ECD management in circulation during different phases of drilling operations by using

software approach

 Design drilling fluid for different wells and wellbore cases in field

Scope of the Work

The research concentrates drilling fluid behaviour in different phases of the drilling
operations, where the thesis is divided into two sections, where firstly equivalent circulating density
while drilling and cementing operations has been discussed. In the section, factors affecting to ECD
during drilling is analysed and it is followed by circulation properties in extended reach drilling
operation hole cleaning is discussed very deeply. Moreover, recent laboratory work has been
analysed. Also, importance of the ECD management prior to and during cementing of the casing
strings is discussed and example of the work that has been done is analysed.

Secondly, obtained literature review data is used to build 2 well models in the Drillbench
software and according to the scope of the work, the casing designs including casing sizes and their
setting depth are changed. Then by using software analysis, then whether this change is hydraulically
is feasible or not is studied.

The research study will take different wellbore sections and conditions into account where
safe drilling operations by drilling fluid and ECD standpoint are discussed. Moreover, change in
rheology of mud and its effect on the pressure created in the wellbore, at the same time gel model are
studied in the thesis.


This chapter provides information about extensive literature review that was carried out
drilling fluid, ECD managements and rheological properties of the mud. The first part of the literature
review mainly concentrates on the theoretical background of drilling fluids, on the other hand, the
second part of it concentrates on the management of problems that is generated during circulation
process, and their relation to further work that is going to be done is presented.

1.1 Theoretical Background of Drilling Fluids

During typical drilling operation in circulation system, drilling fluid is firstly mixed in large
tanks and then it is pumped to the well by using large mud pumps and surface equipment. At the
bottomhole it comes out through the bit and enters to the annulus where it carries cuttings to surface
that are generated by the bit to the surface. At the surface mud cuttings are removed by using solid
removal equipment. After ensuring that mud is cleaned from cuttings and maintains its original
properties, it is recirculated. If it has lost its original shape, mud is not able to carry out its functions,
then particular chemicals are added into the drilling fluids in order to re-establish its original
properties. In the Figure 1.1, main components of the drilling mud are presented [2].

Figure 1.1. Drilling fluid circulation system [2]

10 | P a g e
During drilling operation change in drilling fluid properties is inevitable, in the openhole
cuttings, influx from formation, unstable formations and especially different temperature and
pressure zones cause changes in properties of the drilling fluid. Mud density, viscosity, gel strength,
filtration rate and other properties are affected by the temperature of formations. So, it important to
take thermal properties into account, where their relationship with other drilling fluid properties plays
a significant role while establishing whole circulation system for a particular phase of the operation
in the well.

Initially, when drilling fluid has entered into the drilling operations, it was regarded as a
drilling tool which carried cuttings to the surface. However, now it is one of the most important
factors that success or failure of the hole depends primarily on it. For these reasons, composition and
properties of drilling fluid are key factors when establishing new drilling fluid system for the
particular phase of the drilling operations. Depending on properties of mud, the functions vary,
however these are key functions of drilling fluids [3]:

 Clean hole from cuttings

 Maintain enough hydrostatic pressure to prevent flow of formation fluids to wellbore
 Maintain wellbore stability
 Cool and lubricate drillbit and drillstring
 Transport hydraulic horsepower to mud motor and drill string components
 Transmitted data to surface in terms of pressure pulses
 From a filter cake in the permeable walls

Drilling mud has also a number of benefits to the drilling procedure and they can be
considered as a secondary or minor functions of the drilling mud. Generally drilling fluids are divided
into 3 categories according to the continuous phase and they are a) pneumatic or gas drilling fluids
b) water based drilling fluids c) oil based drilling fluids [1].

In water based mud, continuous phase is water and it is considered as a least expensive drilling
fluid and it is most commonly used. Its major disadvantage is they cause wellbore instability with
shale. However, with inhibitive water based muds, this problem is solved.

In oil based muds, the continuous phase is oil and their major advantages are they provide
good wellbore stability, good lubrication between wellbore and drillstring, temperature stability and
low formation damage. Their major disadvantage is that they are expensive and they require good
handling in terms of pollution control. However, they cause less wellbore stability problems than the
WBM [3].

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In order to establish drilling fluid system different kinds of additives are added to the drilling
mud. Additives can be active where they can react with continuous phase and chemicals inside of it
and they also can be passive where they do not react. These additives generally are viscosifiers,
viscosity reducers, weighting materials, fluid-loss reducers, lost circulation materials and special
additives. Lost circulation materials are used in order to prevent loss of drilling fluid into the
permeable formations and in the case of lost circulation. Lost circulation occurs when the hydrostatic
head of drilling fluid or ECD in the wellbore is higher than formation fracture gradient and fracture
of formation occurs. Drilling fluid viscosity and its yield point are measured by using multi-rate Fann
viscometer. Another property of the drilling mud is filtration, which is used to estimate the rate at
which fluid from mud is forced to through a filter under specified temperature and pressure. It is also
important to state that although SI unit for the density is kg/m3 and for the pressure gradient it is
Pa/m, in the petroleum industry generally same units are used for them. That’s why pressure gradient
is presented in density units, where it is estimated with ρ= [3].

1.2 ECD Management

ECD management is very crucial part of the drilling operations, where it can lead to a number
of issues in the well.

1.2.1 ECD Management during Drilling Process

Prior to drilling operations drilling program is prepared according to the given formations and
wellpath that are going to be penetrated. As part of the drilling program, mud weight should be
between formation pore pressure and formation fracture gradient, where if it falls below pore pressure
then possible formation fluids influx can occur to the wellbore and as result severe well integrity
problem can occur. On the other hand, if it is higher than formation fracture gradient then breaking
down of the formation and possible loss of circulation may occur. On the hand, generally in extended
reach drilling (ERD) wells mud window is determined by hole collapse gradient and formation
fracture gradient. The value of hole collapse gradient is higher than pore pressure, where borehole
collapse occurs when the drilling fluid pressure is too low to maintain the structural integrity of the
drilled hole [4]. The associated problems are pipe sticking and possible loss of well. So, it is important
to control downhole pressures and in this case mud properties such as density, viscosity and fluid
loss are key for controlling. Density affects hydrostatic pressure in this wellbore, while viscosity and
fluid loss influence the fluid friction. When drilling fluid is circulating through the drillstring,

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pressure at the bottomhole will be greater than hydrostatic head of the fluid column and this is due
to extra pressure is applied to the surface because of the frictional pressure losses in the annulus while
fluid flows from the bottomhole to the surface [2]. The equivalent circulation density is the measure
of the combined effect of the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid and created frictional pressure drop in
the annulus [4]:

Ptotal /TVD
ECD= (2.1)

Where Ptotal =Phydrostatic +Pfriction (2.2)

Smaller annular clearance will decrease flow area, which in turn will increase ECD and if
ECD exceeds formation fracture gradient then fracture of formation occurs. Below, in Figure 1.2 the
2 wellbores are illustrated, with bigger and smaller annular clearances.

Figure 1.2. On the left bigger borehole with annular clearance and on the right smaller annular
clearance [5].
During drilling operations to control reduced ECD is very crucial. Reduction in ECD’s can
be caused by reducing pump rate, lowered mud density or different mud properties. The main factors
that affect ECD Management during the operations are [6]:

 Cutting loading in wellbore

 Transient Thermal effects (axial conduction and radial convection)
 Thermal and pressure effects on the rheology and density
 Dynamic Surge and swab effects
 Thermal and pressure effects on the wellbore stability

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The case study has been carried out on the B5 well in Pierce field in the North Sea, where
because of the weak formation loss has been occurred during the drilling of the reservoir section. The
reservoir was depletion drive reservoir although water injection into reservoir has been carried out,
because of the uncertainty in the connection between injector and producers it was difficult to
estimate accurate reservoir pressure [7]. As a result of the depletion minimum horizontal stress
reduced. The formation was weak and any time losses could occur during the drilling operation,
where weight was required to be reduced, however in this case mud weight is determined by shale
collapse gradient and decreasing it was not possible due of the small mud window. As a result in
order to strengthen the formation special wellbore strengthening materials were added to the drilling
mud. However, despite the remedial techniques losses occurred due to high ECD occurred during
drilling [7].

In order to prevent such loss in the planned A11 well which was located in the field as well
B5 during drilling key was ECD management. Drilling fluid properties are closely monitored to
ensure the ECD was kept as low as possible since it would likely to exceed minimum horizontal
stress based on possible real low pressure.

The problem with setting a maximum ECD limit on a well with tight drilling program and a
“Standard non-aqueous fluid (NAF) system” is that it can be only achieved by decreasing rate of
penetration (ROP) and flow rate. However, decreasing ECD in deviated wells can lead poor hole
cleaning, where cuttings can form beds in the open hole and as a result, it will cause an increase in
the ECD by reducing flow area. This creates very big wellbore stability problem, where loss of the
hole section can occur. The wells in the field are horizontal wells without using a low-ECD drilling
fluid system, it is difficult to balance clean hole from cuttings and cutting generation. In a successful
system, by using low viscosity drilling fluids ECD is reduced and at the same time drilling fluids
carrying capacity is not affected. This can occur in the following conditions:

 Dynamically; occurs under conditions of low shear in the annulus and it is related to the mud
weight and hole angle
 Where the drilling fluid is stationary for long period of time (static sag)
 During logging of periods of low circulation where gels are continuously broken.

In order to achieve a low ECD drilling fluid system by considering its resistance to barite
sagging is in the oil water ratio (OWR) coupled with optimum organophilic clay content. The study
shows that for a low ECD fluid, high OWR NAF is more resistant to the barite sagging than low
OWR NAF, due to a higher concentration of the organophilic clay in the NAF system. As a result of

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successful execution of the drilling operation and by using these low ECD drilling fluid strategy, no
losses occurred [6].

Figure 1.3. Drilling Parameters Pierce A11 main bore. [7]

Analysis of Figure 1.3 reveals several key points related to the ECD trend. ECD has increased
1)due to the poor hole cleaning in the horizontal hole section 2)because of the viscosity rise through
the addition of the marble. ECD has decreased due to

 Use of centrifuges and dilution with premix to a higher OWR

 Drop in the rate of penetration (ROP) while drilling limestone rocks
 Additional circulation of the hole for better cutting removal while connections are made
 Increased rotary RPM (revolutions per minute) from 150 rpm to 180 rpm at TD for better
hole cleaning.

In depleted reservoirs where drilling windows are very narrow, then a low ECD drilling fluid
and ECD management strategy is a potential alternative to wellbore strengthening, however
application of the LCM is also required.

In the case study where BP carried out operations in Amberjack field, there were problems
and the solution for these problems was discussed. The field had been being developed since 1983

15 | P a g e
and trouble happened in A16 ST1, where after 244 mm casing, next section drilling operations were
started [8]. Hence, due to small mud window for the next section, annular pack-off, stuck pipe and
lost circulation occurred. It caused some difficulties in each sidetrack wells and as a result of it, a lot
of time and cost from the operations had been lost. After 2 days spent to maintain wellbore integrity,
sidetrack operation was initiated and 0.025 - 0.028 m3/s mud with 1.74 sg density was circulated and
12.242 m3 of mud were lost while circulating newly drilled section. Then after mud window is tested
to 1.82 sg, mud weight has been decreased to 1.64 sg from 1.71 sg. With this mud weight well section
drilled and before reaching TD stuck pipe occurred 2 times where once 5300 units of swab gas entered
to the annulus. However, during continuing operations, trip gas was around 2000 units and 31.797
m3 further mud were lost, which eventually required to increase mud weight 1.73 sg. Despite having,
such severe wellbore stability problems, finally TD was reached. This heavy drilling operational
problems were repeated in well A25 and several other wells, so in order to maintain borehole stability,
reduce the ECD, avoid mud losses and minimize NPT in this field and others similar fields, Managed
Pressure Drilling (MPD) technique used [8].

The purpose of the MPD is to reach TD at planned time by avoiding unplanned sidetracks,
losses and the other non-productive events that occurred in drilling of previous wells. MPD is
designed for particular wells, where it keeps BHP in the wellbore between maximum pore pressure
and minimum fracture gradient. Hence, in the particularly A16 ST1 well, the systems a dynamic
annular pressure control (DAPC) system which has automated, programmable control system
integrated with real-time hydraulics simulator, automated choke manifold and backpressure pump, a
pressure relief choke, a Coriolis meter for kick detection, and high pressure rotating control device

When the system detects kick in the well, then RCD closes BOP and according to the software
calculation, DAPC applies backpressure. When DAPC detects a change in the ECD it adjusts choke
so that measured backpressure reaches to the calculated point. Also in order to compensate ECD
change in the trips, pressure input is entered into the system, where the system itself adjusts choke.
The system has been tested on the A12 ST1 well, where for BHP input minimum fracture gradient
of 1.83 sg and maximum pore pressure of 1.76 sg were entered to MPD system. In Figure 1.4 planned
hydraulic model for the A12 ST1 well is presented.

16 | P a g e
A12 ST1
Density (sg)
1.6 1.65 1.7 1.75 1.8 1.85 1.9 1.95 2 2.05 2.1 2.15 2.2


Depth (m)






Pore Pressure Surface MW Static BHP Static ECD Fracture Gradient

Figure 1.4. Planned hydraulic model for A12 ST1 well [8].

Circulation rate was also limited because ECD and slow pump pressure (SPP) and in the
particular case 0.038 m3/s was the maximum margin. During drilling operations, to help hole cleaning
and cutting removal, high viscosity sweeps were circulated in regular intervals. According to the
simulation, BHP had to be kept at 1.78 sg ECD value, due to safety margins in the well. The main
fluctuation in the well happens because of the connections, where because of the change in pump
pressure, ECD changes extremely and as a result, ECD cannot be properly controlled and it leads to
kick and loss circulation. However, connections are the events that are planned and they are
manageable, while there can be events that can happen very fast and it is extremely difficult to
manage such changes. In the case of unannounced, stimulated fire drill, driller uses hard stop the rig
pumps which stops pumps in just 30 seconds. System responds to change in 20 seconds, BHP changes
around 0.018 sg. When pumps start, 45 seconds is required to stabilize BHP [8].

17 | P a g e
1.2.2 ECD Management in ERD Well Hole Cleaning
ECD management becomes more critical in ERD wells and the case study has been carried
out in Japan when in order to initiate geothermal development drilling of new wells were required.
However, because of the majority of the geothermal resources were located in the natural parks and
as a result ERD wells were an only eco-friendly option. In ERD wells key issue is hydraulics and
because of the possible lost circulation zones, it was only possible to use low density and low
viscosity drilling fluids. However, this kind of drilling fluids cutting carrying capacity is low, so
balancing low ECD and high carrying capacity is very difficult is such wells. In this study, a number
of cutting transport experiments were carried out, using a large-scale flow-loop apparatus and field
measurements of annular pressure while drilling method in a recently drilled geothermal directional
well in Japan [9].

In order to model drilling fluid for the drilling operations, transient cuttings transport
simulator has been used. This simulator predicts the transient behaviour of the annular pressure,
cutting bed height, suspended cutting concentration, and phase velocities along the entire trajectory
of the well. During the experiment firstly, all the data has been obtained from existing exploration
wells and from results of the simulation, it was clear that cutting deposit bed formed along the
tangential section. Then frictional factors were modified by match measured and simulated ECDs.

In order to simulate the obtained results on the extended reach geothermal wells, firstly model
has been established with 3000 m total depth and 2500 m horizontal departure and the maximum
hole inclination angle of 700 [9].

Simulation is carried out on the 311 mm section of the well with both water and mud 2
(bentonite mud). It has been assumed that ROP was 2.5 ∙10-3 m/s and 1 hour circulation has been
done after 1 stand of drilling. Results of simulation are presented in Figure 1.5.

18 | P a g e
Figure 1.5.Simulation result for Plan 1 model well 318 17.5mm hole section. [9]

In this case, circulation rate was 0.068 m3/s and corresponding annular velocity was 1.08 m/s.
This value is slightly smaller than desired value which is 1.4 m/s, so maximum circulation rate of
0.068 m3/s is insufficient for completely avoiding formation of the cutting bed. However, in this
value of circulation rate relatively good hole cleaning is achieved and ECD is kept low, although not
all of the cuttings were cleaned from hole [9].

1.2.3 ECD Management in Cementing Narrow Pressure Window

When the casing is in the bottom of the hole because of smaller annulus, during cementing
problems can be caused by high ECD in the annulus. As a result, zonal isolation in narrow pressure
windows has always been challenging and during cement job slurry losses are encountered, so for
the better wellbore stability and avoiding potential losses are achieved by accurate pressure data. The
introduction of the extended reach drilling (ERD) wells has brought additional challenges not only
to the drilling of the sections but also running casing, cementation as well. The objectives are
cementing are sealing around the shoe weaker formations and provide zonal isolation to the potential
flow zones. In addition to the challenging ECD management in the smaller clearances, it is also very
difficult to achieve uniform cement job around the casing. Smaller clearances increase the frictional
pressure drops and in the case of small pressure windows, the probability of the occurrence of the
losses also increases. However, controlling ECD is possible by using lightweight mud or spacer
ahead of the cementing [5].
19 | P a g e
While designing cement the 2 things generally are taken into account: slurry property and
displacement mechanism. Displacement mechanics involves complete displacement of the drilling
mud from annulus by the cement, which is considered primary cement job and it significantly
depends on annular clearances, standoff ratios, density and rheological hierarchies between displaced
and displacing fluids, pipe movement, and pressure/velocity gradients. Generally, it is industry-
accepted practices considers that there should be 10% hierarchies in densities and rheology of
displaced and displacing fluids [5]. Casing rotation and reciprocating and also high circulation rate
will assist better cleaning of the cuttings, removing filter cake on the walls and degrade gelled mud
in the annulus. It is also, commonly accepted practice to pump low-density Newtonian fluids ahead
of weighted spaces to achieve reduction in the ECD, and thereby enabling slurries to be displaced at
a more optimized displacement rates required for effective mud removal. However, in terms of
displacement efficiency smaller holes are better, but again it is important taking displacement rate,
the rheology, and the overall geometry of the hole into account. In ERD wells, the hole size
significantly depends on the ECD and ability to run casing to the planned depth. That’s why open
hole is under-reamed for increasing annular clearance, where velocity of the fluid decreases and
removal of the gelled mud becomes more difficult.

Drilling fluids properties are not suitable for cementing hence, mud has to be conditioned
prior to cementing [3]. During mud conditioning, its density is decreased without compromising well
control, where ECD at the bottom of the well is not changed. Decreasing muds gel strength, yield
stress, yield point and plastic viscosity is beneficial. Doing so reduces the driving forces required to
displace the mud and increases mud mobility. Drilling mud is also circulated when casing is on the
bottom of the hole. In that particular case, flow rate stages up with 0.00265 m3/s increments to
maximum planned displacement rate. It also changes the wettability of the wellbore and casing,
where they become water wet and as a result bonding of the cement and casing and open hole
becomes much better. Moreover, during mud circulation, it is possible to detect fluid influx or losses
into the well prior to cementing. Circulation also erodes the gelled or dehydrated mud that is trapped
in washouts, on the narrow side of an eccentric annulus and on the walls of the permeable formations.

20 | P a g e
1.75 1.75

1.65 1.65

1.55 1.55
ECD (sg)

ECD (sg)
1.45 1.45

1.35 1.35

1.25 1.25
0 4000 8000 12000 0 10000 20000 30000
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Pore Pressure Hydrostatic Pore Pressure Hydrostatic
Fracture Gradient Dynamic ECD Fracture Gradient Dynamic ECD

Figure 1.6. ECD at casing shoe while casing on the bottom, with original mud weight 1.51 sg mud
(left) and with conditioned mud weight 1.46 sg mud (right). [5]

As can be seen from Table 1.1 and Figure 1.6 with 1.51 sg mud weight it is possible to
circulate at 0.0053 m3/s without exceeding formation fracture gradient and after conditioning mud,
with 1.46 sg mud weight it is possible to circulate at 0.0159 m3/s without fracturing the formation.

Table 1.1. Circulation rate with 1.46 sg mud weight (left) and with 1.51 sg mud weight
(right). [5]
Rate Duration Volume Rate Duration Volume
m3/s sec m3 m3/s sec m3
0.0132 360 47.69 0.0026 360 9.53
0.0159 360 57.23 0.0053 360 19.07
0.0185 360 66.77 0.0079 360 28.61

1.2.4 Drilling Fluid Rheological Properties at Different Pressures and

In order to understand the rheological behavior of the drilling mud in the wellbore conditions,
another test has been carried out on drilling fluid by using modified Fann consistometer. During the
test behavior of change of viscosity of the drilling fluid in different pressures and temperatures are
investigated and it is compared with other drilling fluids with different mud weights [10].

During the test, first, the equipment is calibrated by using tap water and silicone oil with
known viscosities and then by using Fluid A, which is an invert emulsion mud with 1.01 sg mud
weight is tested at different pressures. As can be seen from Figure 1.7, the rate of increase in the

21 | P a g e
equivalent viscosity decreases with increase in temperature at a constant pressure, where it is clear
that this increase is sharp with increasing pressures. On the other hand in sample B, which has 1.25
sg density, at 65.56 0C equivalent viscosity increases 5 times at 137.89 MPa compared to 6.89 MPa.
While there is a continuous decrease in the value of equivalent viscosity as temperature increases

120 120

80 80

Temperature (0C)
Temperature (0C)

40 40

0 0

-40 -40
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Viscosity (Pa*s) Viscosity (Pa*s)
137.89 MPa 82.73 MPa 137.89 MPa 82.73 MPa
41.36 MPa 6.89 MPa 41.36 MPa 6.89 MPa

Figure 1.7. Effect of temperature on the equivalent viscosity of drilling Fluid A and B are given in
the left and right respectively. [10]

For the designed invert emulsion drilling fluid sample D with 2.26 sg drilling fluid, the shape
of the equivalent viscosity versus temperature is different. At 121 0C, mud’s viscosity begins to
increase after sharp decreasing, while this happens for sample E at 162 0C however, generally
equivalent viscosity versus temperature trends are matching.

A water based mud which is considered sample F was prepared without any weighting
material and its apparent viscosity and equivalent viscosity measurements were taken. The apparent
viscosity increases with increasing temperature up to 121 0C and then at 149 0F it begins to decrease,
where at this temperature decrease in viscosity depends on the composition of the mud and shear
rate. However, beyond this temperature higher values of the equivalent viscosities are obtained with
an increase in the temperature up to 176.67 0C decrease in the viscosity is observed when the
temperature is increased after 176 0C, although viscosity values are higher at higher temperatures
[10]. Beyond 121 0C, an increase in the viscosity at a constant temperature in higher pressures is due
to pressure increase due to the gelling effects of clays.

22 | P a g e
Afterwards, fluid F is treated with chemical mixture and as a result, much lower values for
the both apparent and equivalent viscosities are observed. High pressure does not have any effect on
the viscosity at low temperatures, however at high temperatures the difference is obvious. In sample
fluid H, which has 2.2 sg density, equivalent viscosity values are not affected to the same degree by
pressure as it did in invert emulsion fluids. At 26.67 0C, pressure does not have an effect on equivalent
viscosity, while in high temperatures, an increase in the equivalent viscosity is observed with increase
in pressure.

1.3 Chapter Summary

The chapter is based on analysis and results obtained from case studies that have been carried
out, it has been observed that how wellbore instability issues can be solved by using proper
techniques to prevent ECD become a problem for the wellbore. While modelling drilling fluids for
the well, importance of the offset wells in the field can prevent any possible losses of drilling fluids
to the formation, fracturing formation, hole collapse and any other problems.

23 | P a g e

2.1 Strategy of Research

In this chapter, the methodology of the research is discussed and information about
simulation, data is used for the simulation is presented. In order to show ECD optimization in the
wellbore, based on the literature review and as a result of the research, two wells have been chosen,
where by using data of this wellbore simulations are carried out. ECD analyses are carried out based
on casing running and cementing simulations in Drillbench Dynamic Drilling Simulation Software
in each of wellbores. During casing running, surge analysis, then drilling fluid conditioning and
finally cementing simulations are carried out. After obtaining results from both of the existing wells,
the results are compared and feasibility of changes in the well is discussed. The strategy of the
software analysis is presented in the following Figure 2.1. [17]..

Surge While
Drilling Fluid Cementing
Casing Running

Figure 2.1. Simulation Procedure Sequence

2.2 Simulation Content

In the North Sea well reservoir section well ID is 216 mm and it is cased with 178 mm OD
liner, after which 152 mm OD open hole come. In this kinds of wells single tubing completion case
is used where there is not tubing size restriction [11]. On the other hand, when this well is intended
to be completed with dual tubing completion and with cased reservoir section, where 2 tubing is run
to the reservoir section, 178 mm OD liner allows maximum tubing size to be 38 mm OD [12]. Authors
prove that this size of tubing causes huge frictional losses in the tubing, which causes several
production problem [13]. That’s why for dual tubing completion design larger tubing size is required,
which can be achieved by enlarging hole size in the reservoir section. This can be accomplished by
setting 244 mm OD casing to the reservoir section. However, putting 244 mm casing string to the
reservoir section changes entire well design.

In the simulations, firstly in 2 wells, feasibility of changing well designs is investigated in

terms of hydraulics in the wellbore and new mud weights, new cement weights are designed where
their rheology is analysed. Hence, 406 mm casing section, 340 mm and 244 mm full string running
24 | P a g e
and cementing simulations will be carried out. Because of change in casing design itself, new casing
setting depths also prepared based on Pore Pressure Fracture Gradient Curves. Then results from both
of the wells are compared and the final decision about feasibility changing the design of these wells
are presented.

2.3 Simulation Material

In order to find a well design with full of data, extensive research has been carried out and a
number of well data in Norwegian Petroleum Directorate Database have been searched. As a result
data of 2 wells that were drilled in Gullfaks field have been analysed and they are considered for
current simulation and analysis. 34/10-1, 34/10-3 wells are chosen and in the Figure 2.2 and Figure
2.3, Pore Pressure Fracture Gradient (PPFG) of 34/10-1, 34/10-3 are presented respectively [14].

34/10-1 PPFG Curve

Pressure Gradient (sg)
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2


Depth (m)




Figure 2.2. Pore Pressure Fracture Gradient Curve of 34/10-1 [15]

In the Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3 blue curve presents formation pore pressure and the green
curve presents formation fracture strength. As mentioned in literature review this curves are presented
in specific gravity units, where their values are converted from MPa. On the other hand red horizontal
lines present, planned casing setting depths, while red vertical lines present mud weights are chosen
for the casing sections in both of the 34/10-1 and 34/10-3.

25 | P a g e
34/10-3 PPFG Curve
Pressure Gradient (sg)
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1


Depth (m)






Figure 2.3. Pore Pressure Fracture Gradient Curve of 34/10-3 [11]

For the 34/10-1, Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient Graph was obtained in pressure versus
depth, however for determining mud weight and casing setting depth, it has been converted to the
pressure gradient values. As can be seen from the Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3, these PPFG curves are
completely different, hence for well 34/10-1 mud window is very small, so making changes to this
well will be difficult. On the other, 34/10-3 has wide mud window, which enables to make changes
in the well structure. It is important to mention that these wells are exploration wells, so in exploration
wells, it is common to have different well designs, as there are not any previously drilled offset wells
in the field. That’s why by using these wells their data analysed and future wells in the field are
drilled with reference to them. So, a further change to this wells is commonly accepted [16].
According to the plan, as mentioned before, well casing design will be changed and feasibility of this
change in terms of hydraulics will be examined. The new well design based on the PPFG of the wells.

During the simulation drilling mud that used is oil based mud and this mud design has a
number of advantages, which are presented in the previous chapter [3]. The cement design has also
prepared for different hole sections and slurry property is prepared. Drilling mud and cement are
simulated in the software in order to determine hydraulic boundaries and testing feasibility of well
design change. In the Gullfaks field 34/10-3 well, casing and hole design is as following:

26 | P a g e
Table 2.1. Gullfaks Field 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 Hole Geometry
Well Casing Type Hole size OD Hole Casing Size OD Casing
Depth Depth
Conductor 914 mm 211 m 762 mm 211 m
Surface 660 mm 475 m 508 mm 475 m
34/10-1 Intermediate 445 mm 1550 m 340 mm 1550 m
Production Casing 318 mm 2200 m 244 mm 2200 m
Open Hole 216 mm 3000 m - -
Conductor 914 mm 250 m 762 mm 250 m
Surface 660 mm 550 m 508 mm 550 m
34/10-3 Intermediate 445 mm 1470 m 340 mm 1470 m
Production Casing 318 mm 1805 m 244 mm 1805 m
Production Liner 216 mm 2250 m 178 mm 2250 m
Open Hole 152 mm TD - -

2.4 Software Input

2.4.1 Casing Setting Depth
Based on PPFG curves, new casing setting depth is proposed, where at the same time mud
weights were also estimated for each new hole section. Thus, casing has to be set to such a depth that
maximum pressure that is going to be encountered in the next hole section should be smaller than
fracture gradient of the casing shoe depth formation. The highest pressure that will be encountered
in the open hole section will occur when circulating out a gas influx [1]. In the 34/10-3 casing setting
depths are not changed, however casing size itself changed, while in 34/10-1 both their sizes and
setting depth are changed. According to plan, in the new well design, 406 mm casing will be added
to the design, it will be followed by 340 mm full string section. Then after 340 mm casing section,
244 mm casing will be run to TD. The depth of proposed casing strings and their setting depth are
presented in Table 2.2 for 34/10-1 and 34/10-3.

Table 2.2. Casing Setting Depths

Casing Setting Depth 34/10-1 Setting Depth 34/10-3
406 mm 1450 m 1470 m
340 mm 2300 m 1840 m
244 mm 2800 m 2800 m

27 | P a g e
2.4.2 Mud Properties
Mud weight in the well is also determined according to the PPFG curve where during drilling
and casing setting operations in particular hole section, drilling fluid ECD should be between pore
pressure and fracture gradient. Thus, if it exceeds fracture gradient then losses will occur and there
will be huge wellbore stability problems, on the other hand if mud ECD falls below pore pressure
then in the well kick will occur [3]. That’s why each hole section has to be drilled and cased with
different mud weight where mud weight does not change in one particular section. According to the
plan, mud weights used for the drilling and casing hole section are summarized in the following Table
2.3. For consistency with Pressure Gradient and to avoid possible misunderstanding mud density is
presented in Specific Gravity:

Table 2.3. Mud Weights in Casing Sections

Hole Size Casing Size Mud Weight for Mud Weight for
34/10-1 34/10-3
660 mm 406 mm 1.39 sg 1.18 sg
445 mm 340 mm 1.68 sg 1.25 sg
318 mm 244 mm 1.58 sg 1.53 sg

Rheology of the mud becomes different in each operation in the wellbore. Hence, while
running casing into the wellbore, mud rheology is different from mud rheology and weight that is
used for the mud conditioning prior to cementing. So it is desirable to reduce the drilling mud density
without compromising well control. During the simulation possibility of decreasing mud weight
during the mud conditioning is investigated and where it is possible to decrease mud weight, this
technique is applied. During mud conditioning, mud weight is decreased and also rheology is
changed. The purpose of doing this is to prepare hole for the cementing operations and clean annulus
from gelled and hydrated mud. This procedure will be also simulated in Drillbench Software, where
volumetric rates will be determined for this particular process [5].

2.4.3 Cement Properties

As mentioned before, cement weight is determined based on the offset well cement designs
in the similar hole depth cementing design [14]. These designs are changed for this particular well
sections according to the following rule: industry-accepted practices considers that there should be
at least 10% hierarchies in densities and rheology of displaced and displacing fluids [5]. So it means
that in the cementing procedure, density of cement has to be at least 10% higher than density of

28 | P a g e
displacing fluid such as spacer. This helps to better displacement of fluids and successful cement job
in the casing. Moreover, when this hierarchy rule obeyed, no channelling occurs, on the other hand,
better cement bond will happen.

During the simulation process, flushers and spacers will be used. The purpose of using these
fluids to separate incompatible fluids such as drilling mud and cement. Base oil is type flusher is
going to be used in the cementing simulation and they enter hole in low rates but in turbulent flow,
which basically helps to clean wellbore from drilling mud gels, which are left from drilling procedure.
Flushers have significantly low density and in this project density of base oil which used as a flusher
is 0.82 sg and base oil is displaced after the drilling mud. However, spacer which has the similar
purpose as flushers are pumped ahead of cement and its density will change during cement
displacement of different hole sections. During the cementing of the casing strings conventional
Class G cement and other cement types will be used.

2.4.4 Drillbench Software

The simulations are carried out Schlumberger Drillbench Dynamic Drilling Simulation
Software and dynamic hydraulic effects in the wellbore are investigated. By help of this software it
is possible to reduce the difficulty of the planning stage which will enhance drilling engineers’ ability
of making chooses. Thus, this software has been especially created in order to provide an ability to
drilling engineers for predicting and understanding the hydraulic barriers, ECD, and manage them.
By using this software, all mentioned simulations above are carried out and realistic results are
obtained. This software delivers us arrangements of graphical results as well as accurate modelling
which enables us for simulating before drilling. All before mentioned applications of the software
are vital, that is to say especially in the drilling windows are small so design margins are not
affordable. As it is very well known that in the future most of the fields will be unconventionally
drilled due to their complicated characteristics so the limits between pore pressure boundary and
fracture pressure edge will be even lower [17].

2.5 Chapter Summary

This chapter provides information on the design and format of the simulations. As mentioned
before main simulation will be carried out for 3 different wellbore sections, where in each section
surge analysis, bottomhole mud conditioning and finally cementing simulation are carried out.

29 | P a g e
Moreover, in the chapter, all the inputs to software are described and also information about software
is presented. In the next chapter, simulation itself along with its results are be presented.

30 | P a g e
In this chapter, for both of the wells simulations and their results carried out in the Drillbench
Software are presented. Results are presented according to the sections of the wells and results of
34/10-1 and 34/10-3 are compared, feasibility of the carrying out particular stage is discussed. All
the graphs obtained from software are converted to the Excel.

3.1 Hole Section 508 mm

As mentioned in Chapter 3, after 508 mm surface casing, 406 mm casing is utilized in both
of the wells. Planned depth for 406 mm casing shoe is 1470m for 34/10-3 and for the 34/10-1 1450
m. As can be seen from the Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.3, the mud window in the given depths are wide,
thus running and cementing the string is possible.

3.1.1 Surge Analysis of 406 mm Casing

The Surge analysis presents information about running speeds of the string. The analysis is
performed in order to determine at what maximum running speed of casing can be achieved without
fracturing weakest points open hole. In most cases the weakest point of the formation is previous
casing shoe, unless otherwise is mentioned. Thus, ECD is caused by tripping in of casing in open
hole, should not exceed formation fracture gradient. Without knowing this values, it is not possible
to carry out casing running operations safely. In 34/10-1 well while casing running is initiated,
drilling mud is in the hole has 1.39 sg density and its plastic viscosity is 0.03 Pa∙s, yield point of
11.97 Pa and Fann reading input at 3 rpm is 6.22 Pa. While for the 34/10-3, density is 1.18 sg and
other rheology properties are the same. On the other hand, as mud forms gel when it is stable in the
wellbore, in the expert input section of the software it is also inserted, however gel model can be
activated and deactivated for particular simulation section. Hence, gel forms 7 Pa in 10 seconds, in
600 seconds it is 11 Pa. In both of the wells, there is around 20 m space below the casing shoe which
prevents casing hit the bottom of hole during surge simulation. In 34/10-1, when gel model is
activated for 340 mm casing, it is only possible to run casing at the speed of 0.067 m/s, however
without gel model this speed can be increased to 0.2 m/s. Conversely, in 34/10-3 well gel model does
not create a problem for wellbore stability, where in both cases it is possible to run casing at 0.2 m/s,

31 | P a g e
so running speed is not limited. In Figure 3.1, results of surge analysis for 34/10-1 with and without
gel model at the point of interest is presented.

ECD Profile


ECD (sg)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (sec)
Without Gel model 0.2 m/s With gel model 2 m/s
With gel model 0.067 m/s Pore Pressure
Fracture Gradient

Figure 3.1. ECD Simulation in 406 mm casing running in 34/10-1 well with and without gel model.

The point of interest is the weakest point in the open hole section and it has been previously
mentioned that the weakest point in the open hole section is previous casing shoe. In this particular
case, previous casing shoe is the shoe of 508 mm surface casing, so profile above is given at the depth
of 660 m. As can be seen from Figure above, although tripping velocity is 3 times lower with gel
model, still ECD is high and also it takes very long time to run string al lower speed.

3.1.2 Mud Conditioning on 406 mm Casing

Circulation before cementing is very necessary as some of the mud properties are designed
for the drilling operations while they are not efficient for mud displacement during cementing. While
circulation mud density and its rheological properties are changed. Conditioning and circulating mud
helps hole cleaning from cuttings, the gelled and dehydrated mud that is trapped in washouts; on the
narrow side of an eccentric annulus is eroded, so well prepared for the better cement displacement.
The point which makes this mud conditioning and circulation operation challenging is small annular
clearance. As mentioned before, during mud conditioning it is preferred to decrease mud weight and
its rheology. This enables to circulate much higher flow rates, where ECD does not increase. But it
has to be done in a way that, well integrity should not be compromised. Thus, mud weight should not
be taken below pore pressure, otherwise well control issues can occur.
32 | P a g e
In 34/10-1, mud weight for the drilling operation was considered as 1.39 sg and this was
minimum possible mud weight to avoid kick. So prior to cementing operation, in 34/10-1 well it is
not possible to decrease mud weight itself. However, mud rheology can be changed for mud
conditioning purpose, where it is still possible to increase flow rates. This change is also going to be
the same for the rheology of the mud in 340 mm and 244 mm casing sections. Hence, change in the
mud rheology is presented in the following Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. Mud Rheology

Rheological Property Property pre-conditioned mud Property post-conditioned mud
Plastic Viscosity (Pa∙s) 0.032 0.03
Yield Point (Pa) 11.97 9.58
Fann Reading 3 rpm (Pa) 6.22 5.27

On the other hand, in 34/10-3, mud weight for drilling was taken 1.18 sg and it is much higher
than pore pressure limit. That’s why decreasing mud weight in this particular section is possible and
still no well stability issues are encountered. In the Figure below, results from both 34/10-1 and
34/10-3 wells in 508mm casing section are presented.

34/10-1 34/10-3
1.6 1.6

1.5 1.5

1.4 1.4
ECD (sg)
ECD (sg)

1.3 1.3

1.2 1.2

1.1 1.1

0 50 100 150 0 100 200 300
Time (sec)
Time (sec)
Pore Pressure Fracture Gradient
Pore Pressure Fracture Gradient
Mud Conditioning Mud conditioning

(a) (b)
Figure 3.2. ECD at mud conditioning of 406 mm casing in 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 at 508 mm casing

33 | P a g e
As can be seen from both of the plots during the mud conditioning, mud flow rates are
increased with increments, hence in 30/10-1 well, initially preconditioned mud circulated with 0.031
m3/s, 0.053 m3/s and 0.066 m3/s, then it is followed by conditioned mud with 0.039 m3/s, 0.066 m3/s,
0.079 m3/s. Fracture gradient at the point of interest is 1.49 sg and 0.066 m3/s, pre-conditioned mud,
the limit is reached, without fracturing formation. So, it preferred to circulate at lower rates than
0.066 m3/s. On the other hand, when lower rheology fluid behaviour is closely analysed, it is possible
to say that at 0.066 m3/s flow rate ECD is lower than the one with pre-conditioned mud. The
simulation also has been carried out in the 34/10-3 well and its limits were also tested. In this case,
ECD of circulation only exceeds if mud is circulated at 0.22 m3/s, however it is important to say that
such a big flow rate are not required for the mud conditioning. It is possible to say that for both of
the wells, it was possible to circulate mud with higher flow rates and make wellbore ready for the
next cementing operation. Moreover, in all of the cases above, gel model was activated where it
further makes challenges and at this particular stage of the drilling process.

3.1.3 Cementing of 406 mm casing

After circulation and conditioning mud is finished, wellbore and casing itself are ready to be
cemented. During cement weight determination, as cited before, 10% rule has been taken into account
hence, there has to be 10% difference between displacing and displaced fluids. Also, for cement
program in each of the wells, spacers and base oil have been added for previously mentioned
purposes. The main purpose in the cementing is that hydraulic seal or hydraulic overlay between two
casings has to be achieved between two casings [13]. In the Table 3.2 cement programs created for
the 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 are presented:

Table 3.2. Cementing Program for 406 mm Casing

Well Fluid Density Flow rate Volume Temperature
(sg) (m3/s) (m3) (0C)
406 mm cementing mud 1.39 0.01325 1.59 15
Base Oil 0.82 0.02385 7.949 15
34/10-1 Spacer 1.18 0.01855 15.899 15
Lead Cement 1.60 0.0159 39.747 15
Tail Cement 1.80 0.0106 39.747 15
406 mm cementing mud 1.39 0.0106 164.962 15

34 | P a g e
Well Fluid Density Flow rate Volume Temperature
(sg) (m3/s) (m3) (0C)
406 mm cementing mud 1.14 0.03975 31.797 15
Base Oil 0.82 0.053 7.949 15
34/10-3 Spacer 1.10 0.053 7.949 15
Lead Cement 1.45 0.0265 31.797 15
Tail Cement 1.65 0.0265 39.747 15
406 mm cementing mud 1.14 0.053 166.937 15

As can be seen from the cementing program, there is at least 10% difference between lead
and tail cement in both cases. The sequence of the program given above is created according to the
data obtained from literature review and close examination of the offset wells in Gullfaks field [14].
In order to check whether cement has reached to the planned depth or not in the Drillbench Software,
mud front position versus depth is plotted and also mud front position is illustrated in the well
structure in Figure 3.3.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.3. Cementing schematic of 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 wells after cementing of 406 mm casing
Because of larger annular clearance between 508 mm hole, 508 mm surface casing and 406
mm casing and also as a result of larger mud window between 508 mm casing shoe and TD of open
hole, it was easy to run casing, condition mud and cement casing in its place without creating and

35 | P a g e
having wellbore stability and well control issues. Hence, running and cementing 406 mm casing is
hydraulically doable.

3.2 Hole Section 445 mm

The same procedures for the 508 mm hole section are applied for the 445 mm hole section,
however, this particular section is much more challenging for the both of the wells. As can be seen
from Figure 3.2 and 3.3, for this particular section, mud window is not as large as it was for the 445
mm section. Moreover, casing size is 340 mm and hole geometry is much smaller, where initially
406 mm casing and then it is followed by 445 mm open hole. This means while running casing, mud
conditioning and cementing operations, there is going to be big frictional losses in the hole and
because of it, if ECD is not very well controlled then hole stability issues can occur. Planned depth
for 340 mm casing in 34/10-1 well is chosen to be 2300 m, so open hole length will be 850 m, while
in the 34/10-3 well, open hole depth will be 370 m. This is because as mentioned in the previous
chapter, 34/10-3 well, casing depths will not be changed, only sizes of the casings are different.

3.2.1 Surge Analysis of 340 mm Casing

In 34/10-3 well, 340 mm intermediate casing is run into the hole at the 0.2 m/s tripping
velocity and this speed maximum running speed in the rig. Beyond this speed generally running is
not carried out. Drilling fluid in the hole, while running initiated has 1.5 sg density and in the given
parameters, it is possible to run casing to the hole without causing any wellbore stability problem.
Maximum pressure caused by mud flow in the casing shoe of 406 mm casing is 21.5 MPa and this
value 1.9 MPa smaller than fracture strength of the formation at 1470 m depth. So, running 340 mm
casing at this speed is safe.

On the other hand, in well 34/10-1 things are very different. Hence, in this section mud
window is very small and so it is very important to run casing at very low speed. In addition, for the
surge analysis, Drillbench Software offers unique property it is still possible to optimize ECD created
in this section. Hence, as can be seen from the Figure below, acceleration and minimum and
maximum string velocities are defined.

36 | P a g e
Figure 3.4. Surge Analysis Window in Drillbench Software

It means that pipe should enter the hole, as low speed as possible, where initial speed has to
be very low. Then, by acceleration mentioned above increases running speed gradually. In this
particular case, minimum pipe velocity is 5.55∙10-4 m/s however, as can be seen from the Figure
above software takes this number as 0.001 m/s. That’s why for simulation itself pipe velocity is
entered in 2 m/hr unit where it is possible to simulate actual running. With maximum running speed
of 0.108 m/s and 1 m/s2 acceleration, it is possible to run casing to TD without fracturing formation.
However, other possibilities were also examined, hence at 3 m/hr minimum running speed, fracture
gradient at 1450 m exceeded around 0.25 MPa, which actually is not small value. On the other hand,
if gel model is switched off, then it is possible to run casing at 0.2 m/s maximum speed and 0.01 m/s
minimum speed. In Figure 3.5 (a), surge model of 340 mm casing with gel model on the case, on the
other hand in Figure 3.5 (b), surge model with gel model off case have been presented.

37 | P a g e
34/10-1 ECD Profile Case 1 34/10-1 ECD Profile Case 2
1.8 1.8
1.75 1.75
1.7 1.7
1.65 1.65
ECD (sg)

ECD (sg)
1.6 1.6
1.55 1.55
1.5 1.5
1.45 1.45
1.4 1.4
1.35 1.35
1.3 1.3
0 10000 20000 30000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Pore Pressure Frac Grdient Pore Pressure Frac Gradient
3m per hour 2 m per hour gel model off gell of case 4

(a) (b)

Figure 3.5. ECD Profile at previous casing shoe while running 340 mm casing (a) with gel model
(b) without gel model.

As can be seen from the Figure 3.5 (a) while running casing at minimum 3 m/hr speed, then
fracture occurs, while at the speed of 2 m/hr fracture has not been obtained. On the other hand, in the
case where gel model is switched off, it is possible to run this casing 0.2 m/s speed. So it is possible
to conclude that, running this casing without fracturing formation is possible, even if gel model is on.

3.2.2 Mud Conditioning on 340 mm Casing

After successfully being able to run casing to the bottom of the open hole section, next
objective is to clean annulus behind 340 mm casing from cutting remaining and gelled mud. Cleaning
will improve next stage cementing. As cited in the 3.1.2 section, at this stage changing mud rheology
is considered, where if it is possible mud weight is going to be decreased. During the conditioning
mud in 34/10-1 well because of well control issues, mud weight could not be decreased below 1.68
sg in 34/10-1. However, its plastic viscosity and yield point decreased significantly. In this case, it
important to mention that, as the previous case, because of small annular clearance it is extremely
difficult to condition mud. As can be seen from Table 3.3 flow rates during circulation is very low in
both pre-conditioned mud and post conditioned mud. Also in the Table, during the simulation, how
much formation strength was exceeded in each case were presented.

38 | P a g e
Table 3.3. 34/10-1 well Drilling Fluid Conditioning mud sequence
Drilling Fluid Density sg Flow rate Volume Pressure
(m3/s) (m3) Difference (kPa)
Pre Conditioning mud 1.68 0.0015 63.59 -110
Pre Conditioning mud 1.68 0.003 95.39 53
Pre Conditioning mud 1.68 0.004 63.59 194
Post Conditioning mud 1.68 0.005 63.59 -98
Post Conditioning mud 1.68 0.007 95.39 1.6
Post Conditioning mud 1.68 0.008 63.59 97

It is clear from the Table above that, with pre-conditioned mud it is possible to circulate mud
at maximum flow rate of 0.0015 m3/s without fracturing formation and in this case pressure of the
mud is 110 kPa smaller than fracture gradient of the formation. As mud weight for the drilling
operations was taken as low as possible because of that reason, for the mud conditioning purposes
mud weight could not be decreased. However after mud is conditioned, where its rheology has
decreased, it is possible to circulate mud at 0.005 m3/s without causing wellbore stability issues.

In 34/10-3, things are much better, hence because of the bigger mud window, although
annular clearance is small, during mud conditioning no fracture detected even at very high mud flow
rates. Another reason for this situation is that in 34/10-3 well not only mud rheology, mud also its
density decreased without compromising well control. Thus, pre-conditioned mud has 1.25 sg
density, where mud circulated at 0.0424 m3/s and conditioned mud has a density of 1.2 sg density
and it is possible to circulate it 0.0636 m3/s flow rate. It is clear from values, that in 34/10-3, the flow
rate of drilling fluid is 12 times bigger than 34/10-1, which indicates 34/10-3 has very large mud

3.2.3 Cementing of 340 mm Casing

As it was very difficult to carry out previous 2 operations on the 445 mm hole of the 34/10-1
well, cementing is also extremely challenging. On the other hand because of possessing larger mud
window in the 34/10-3, cementing is going to be easy. However, because of these complications in
34/10-1, it very important to define proper cement weights for 34/10-1, which will enable to cement
340 mm section, without causing hole stability problems.

39 | P a g e
After a number of simulations were carried out for cementing of the 340 mm casing, where
it was not possible to find an optimum cementing program for the casing. As a result of simulations,
it is possible to say that, by using 10% fluid density difference rule in the cementing program cannot
be obeyed. Hence, ECD caused by cementing is very big and in all cases fracture strength of the
weakest point of the hole is exceeded and it is not practically possible to cement 340 mm casing by
using the rule. However, there are variety cement types, where it is possible to have low-density high-
performance cement [17]. By using this type of cement is possible to place cement slurry into the
annulus. So, for this particular case, it has been considered to use this type of cement. Thus, by using
this cement and violating rule mentioned above, it was possible to set casing and cement it in place.
During cementing procedure, firstly, after the conditioned drilling mud, base oil with a density of
0.82 sg was pumped at the rate of 0.0026 m3/s with total volume of 8 m3. Then it is followed by
spacer with a density of 1.34 sg, where after it leads cement with a density of 1.78 sg was pumped.
Tail cement that used has 1.85 sg density and it is displaced to the annulus again with conditioned
mud. In Figure 3.6, ECD profile of this cementing procedure is presented.

ECD in 340 mm Cementing

Pore Pressure
ECD (sg)

1.6 Fracture Gradient

1.5 Low density Cement

1.45 Conventional
1.4 Cement
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000
Time (sec)

Figure 3.6. 34/10-1340 mm casing cementing

In the Figure above, 2 cementing procedures simulations are presented, where in the case of
low-density slurry cementing was described above. In that case, fluid flow rates in the cement
program were low and that’s why cement displacement is not very good. On the other hand,
conventional cement presented on the graph presents, the case where proper cement weight and flow
rates have been used. However, this causes fracture of the formation at the weakest point of the open
hole. In the 34/10-3, as there is larger mud window it was possible to cement 340 mm casing, with

40 | P a g e
proper cement weight and flow rates. Hence, in this model, it is expected that good cementing can
be achieved in the case of proper execution. In Figure 3.7, mud front position graph is presented.

Mud Front Position

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
340 mm ceminting mud(2)
Depth (m)

800 Tail Cement 340 mm

1000 Lead Cement 340 mm
1200 casing(5)
Spacer 1.16sg(4)
Time (sec)

Figure 3.7. 34/10-3 Well 340 mm casing cementing Mud Front Position

This mud front position graph allows to clearly to see that lead and tail cement are reached to
the planned depth during the cementing operation. Hence, no loss and fracture of the formation were
encountered during cementing of the 340 mm casing. It is possible to state that although, with low
density slurry cementing was carried out for 34/10-1 well 340 mm casing section, but there is not
going to be proper cement displacement in the annulus. Hence, because of this low flow rates plus
violating 10% hierarchy rule, there is going to be channelling and other cementing issues.

3.3 Hole Section 318 mm

After being able to finish operations on the 445 mm hole section, the final objective is to
deliver cased 318 mm hole section. In this section of the hole, in both of the wells 244 mm casing
will be run to the TD of the well. It is clear from Figure 2.2, mud window is large and from the
original well structure itself, it is possible to say that carrying out following operations on the well is
doable. On the other hand, in 34/10-3 well, mud window in PPFG curve is not as large as it was in
34/10-1, so special care has to be taken for this particular situation. According to the proposal, in
34/10-1 244 mm casing will be run until the 3000 m and it will be 2800 m in the 34/10-3 well.

41 | P a g e
3.3.1 Surge Analysis of 244 mm Casing
For the surge analysis, open hole length was taken 720 m in the 34/10-1 well and mud weight
when casing string has entered to the hole is 1.58 sg. Initial velocity for the casing string was chosen
as 0.1 m/s and it has a maximum velocity of 0.2 m/s and acceleration is 0.5m/s2. The result of the
surge analysis presents that at these running parameters which are generally considered as a
maximum, 3.65 MPa margin exists until fracturing previous casing shoe. On the other hand, in 34/10-
3 at the same running properties as 34/10-1 the margin is small. Hence, as can be seen from the Figure
below, this margin is around 0.75 MPa at running speed of 0.2 m/s. This value is not dangerous limit
and there is still margin for the error.

Pressure at Casing Shoe


Pressure (MPa)


26 Pore Pressure
Fracture Gradient
Cuurent Run

0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (sec)

Figure 3.8. Pressure Profile in 34/10-3, while running 244 mm casing

Moreover, it is possible to say that, it is not necessary to run casing at 0.2 m/s speed, on the
graph above just limit was presented. Thus, for the safe case, running speed can be decreased.

3.3.2 Mud Conditioning on 244 mm Casing

In the wellbore 508 mm and 445 mm wellbore sections, mud weight was chosen as a
minimum because of smaller mud window in 34/10-1 well, that’s why it was not possible to decrease
mud weight during mud conditioning. However, in this hole section, mud weight was chosen 1.58sg
and during the mud conditioning process, alongside mud rheology, mud weight is also decreased
without compromising well control. Thus, post conditioned mud has 1.56 sg density in the well
34/10-1. On the other hand, in 34/10-3 well, pre-conditioned mud has a density of 1.53 sg and after
conditioning its density is decreased to the 1.50 sg. Results from simulations show that even at higher

42 | P a g e
drilling fluid flow rates fracture is not obtained in the wells. However, it is recommended to avoid
flow rates above 0.053 m3/s in both of the wells in order to avoid wellbore stability issues.

3.3.3 Cementing of 244 mm Casing

After being able to carry out mud conditioning process on both of the wells, the final stage is
to be able to place cement the casings run into the hole. Thus, as it was carried out previous hole
sections, cement weight and displacement program were established for this casings. Unlike 340 mm
casing cementing in 34/10-1 well, cement flow rates and their weights are prepared in a way that
cement displacement into the hole will be successful. Also, wellbore instability issues are avoided
and there is room for error in 34/10-1 well. On the other hand, in 34/10-3 well, as can be seen from
Figure 3.9 result of simulation reveals that during cementing of the 244 mm casing, maximum
pressure at the depth of the 1840 m which is shoe of the 340 mm casing is 29.79 MPa, where at this
point formation strength is 30.23 MPa.

Pressure at casing shoe

Pressure (MPa)



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000

Time (sec)

Figure 3.9. Pressure profile at the depth of 1840 m in 34/10-3 well while cementing

During cementing of the 244 mm casing section, firstly, hole section was filled with 1.5 sg
post-conditioned mud and then it is displaced by base oil. After this spacer with 1.25 sg density at
the rate of 0.058 m3/s was pumped, where it is displaced by 1.75 sg lead cement at the rate of 0.021
m3/s. Tail cement for this hole section was chosen to be 1.92 sg density at the rate of 0.016 m3/s and
this slurry was displaced to the hole with 1.5 sg density mud at a rate of 0.04 m3/s.
43 | P a g e
During the cementing of the 244 mm casing, as fluids are circulated into the casing and the
annulus, equivalent viscosity changes. As seen be seen from Figure 3.10, in the size of the of the
annulus affects equivalent viscosity, in the plot, the annulus is filled with post conditioned mud and
its original plastic viscosity is 0.03 Pa∙s. However, in the annulus section, where annulus diameter is
314 mm viscosity is 0.059 Pa∙s and in the section where annulus diameter increases to 318 mm due
to open hole viscosity is 0.061 Pa∙s. On the other hand, as all the displaced fluids are in the casing,
wide variety equivalent viscosities exist in that section. Thus, in the casing where inner diameter is
244 mm, the equivalent viscosity of the mud 0.125 Pa∙s. This proves how viscosity changes
depending on the annular clearance size. In the Figure 3.10 below, equivalent viscosity versus time
is presented, where green line presents 340 mm casing shoe.

34/10-3 Equivalent Viscosity

Equivalent Viscosity (Pa∙s)

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18



Depth (m)




340 mm Casing Depth
Tubing Annulus

Figure 3.10. Equivalent viscosity versus depth in 34/10-3 during 244 mm casing cementing

3.4 Chapter Summary

The results obtained from the simulations carried out in different wellbore sections prove that
changing wellbore design in 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 well is hydraulically possible. Hence, by carrying

44 | P a g e
out simulations and inspecting wellbore stability in each of the steps in both wells demonstrate that
well stability is under control and in the case of safe execution with the given proposal, wells can be
delivered within expected conditions. In Figure below, both of the wells with their new structure is

45 | P a g e
In this chapter obtained results from the simulations carried out several sections of the
wellbore are discussed and they are analysed deeply. Optimization of the ECD in operations are
presented and further recommendations are presented in the chapter.

4.1 Wellbore Sections

Firstly it is important to cite that, during the operations on the 406 mm casing, running casing
and cementing it in place was possible due to controlled running speed, fluid rates during both mud
conditioning and cementing in 34/10-1 well. Because of the big ECD caused by smaller mud window
and also smaller annular size, running speed was taken low and fracturing of formation due to surge
in the wellbore is mitigated.
In original well structure, 406
mm casing was not presented,
where immediately after 508
mm casing 340 mm casing is
run, where there was a larger
annulus, that’s why in this
case size of annulus showed
its effect in the ECD caused
by surge and cementing of the
smaller annulus. On the other
hand in the 34/10-3, change
of annular size did not affect
make any threat to well
stability because of larger
window, so in both wells
running and cementing 406
mm casing was hydraulically

However, things were a little

bit complicated in the 34/10-
Figure 4.1. 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 well structure

46 | P a g e
1 well from beginning to run it and cement it in place.

Thus, running speed checked very precisely and this section was the only section in the simulations
where the effect of initial and maximum velocity played a significant role. In original well case,
there was not any 340 mm casing section, where wellbore geometry was 508 mm casing until 475 m
and 445 mm open hole. However, after addition of the 406 mm casing, annular clearance decreased
significantly, where severe frictional losses were detected while running casing and cementing.
However, by optimizing running speed it was possible to prevent surge happening in the wellbore.
After being able to run casing to TD, mud conditioning was next challenge, hence mud was circulated
at extremely low flow rates, but again it was hydraulically possible to change mud rheology and
make wellbore ready for the cementing. During cementing, it was not possible to obey 10% density
hierarchy rule, however a solution for this is industry accepted low density high compressive strength
cement [17]. As a result, it is possible to state that despite many complications and smaller mud
window in this section of the well, it was possible to run and cement 340 mm casing in 34/10-1 well.
But, it is also very important to take into account that there is not any room for error in a given mud
window. Thus, in this well PPFG diagram, fracture gradient was taken as a worst case scenario, where
fracture gradient curve represents sandstone fracture strength. However, the formation is not always
sandstone while drilling operation, thus, it can be shale or any other rock type, which can have much
bigger fracture strength value. As a result, it is possible to emphasize that, although above it has been
stated that there is not any margin for error, at some cases where there is 100% assurance for
formation strength is much higher than the present value, it is acceptable to exceed fracture gradient.
Unlike 34/10-1, for the 34/10-3, again, changing design of the well did not cause any well instability,
hence it was perfectly possibly to run and cement casing with good simulation results.

However, only very small problem was encountered in 34/10-3 well, when 244 mm casing
was run into the 318 mm hole, hence unexpectedly high ECD created when 244 mm casing entered
to hole, however again as mentioned in 3.3.1 section, this is optimized by running at lower speeds.
But overall, in both 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 wells, 244 mm casings were set safely and they were
cemented in place securely. Another thing that assisted safe operations on 244 mm casing is that
unlike 406 mm casing and 340 mm casing, annular clearance did not change for this section. Hence,
in original wells 244 mm casing was run through the 340 mm casing and it did not change in new
proposed design. In addition, in 34/10-1 well mud window was big in 318 mm open hole section,
that’s why it was possible to do an operation on this wells.

47 | P a g e
4.2 Feasibility of Changing Well Design
There are a number of factors that affected the results obtained from simulation. However, there
also some drawbacks behind the simulation results and they are clarified with the following bullet

 The primary factor that made the situation complicated in the wellbore is pore pressure
fracture gradient curve. Hence, in 34/10-1 well mud window was narrow which caused
problems in 340 mm casing operation. However, in 34/10-3 well, this window was large as
result operations were carried out safely.
 Second reason was smaller annular clearance which caused very high ECD in wells, but it
was possible to mitigate it by lower flow rates and lower running speeds.
 Gelling of the mud in the annulus also has an effect on the ECD, whereas it further decreased
the annular size and causes obstacles for flow in the annulus. During the cementing gelling
characteristics of the mud is minimized as it is not desirable for the cementing.
 For the casing running speed generally maximum speed in offshore platforms is taken as a
0.2m/s and during simulations running speed was taken as low as 0.016 m/s in order to prevent
surge causing fracturing the casing shoe and open hole.
 Normal circulation rate for the mud conditioning process is 0.0318 m3/s rate and during the
simulations rates were reached to 0.053÷0.0636 m3/s rates. However, it was as low as
2.65∙10-3 m3/s rates. Moreover, during the cementing, rates were taken were around 2.65∙10-3
÷ 0.0212 m3/s. There are a number of problems that can be caused by low rates. Firstly,
during the low rate circulation barite sagging can occur where because of it possible wellbore
stability problems, such as stuck of the casing in the annulus can occur [2]. On the other hand,
low cement displacement rate can cause mud channelling and poor quality cementing can
occur [5].
 Another key thing is low mud rheology design for the cementing operations. This is because
during the drilling high viscosity is required for carrying drilling cuttings to the surface,
however during cementing main purpose is to make hole ready for the cementing and degrade
gel on the wall of the open hole. That’s why using turbulent flow hole is cleaned from the
mud gels.
 End of the cementing was determined by using mud front position, where it has been shown
hydraulic overlap is guaranteed also after cement is pumped into the hole, it is displaced to
the annulus by using drilling mud and that’s why mud pumped after tail cement.

48 | P a g e
 During the cementing of the 34/10-1 well 340 mm section cement weight with lower density
but higher compressive strength is used, where this cement is generally used in ERD
(extended reach drilling) wells or wells with smaller mud window. So, implementation of this
cement has another advantage [17]. However, it is also important to state that second stage
cementing tools can be considered for avoiding big ECD happening in the well [3].
 Final key thing that was question is that why always higher circulation rates, higher running
speeds was used. Although limits of ECD created in the well was analysed during the
simulations, doing operations fast has advantages. Thus, during the drilling and well
operations, time means money, hence rig rented by operating company has daily rig cost,
which is several hundred thousand dollars per day. So, the company pays for extra money
for the extended duration of the operations. That’s why, apart from operational limits, running
speeds, circulation rates and cement displacement rates were taken as high as possible in order
to shorten operation time.

4.3 Chapter Summary

In the chapter, results from simulations, a possible cause of high ECD, its mitigation methods,
operational margins, and industry desired parameters are presented. It is important to summarize that
changing wellbore design and its structure is hydraulically possible.

49 | P a g e

In this thesis, main objectives was optimize equivalent circulating density in the wellbore
conditions and in order to fulfil this objective on the actual well models were created in the Drillbench
Software. It is possible to say that all of the objectives of the thesis were delivered. Based on the
results obtained from software approach, following conclusions are made.

 By using data of the pore pressure fracture gradient of the 34/10-1 and 34/10-3 wells, drilling
mud program as well as rheology designed for the wells. Also, in the expert input of the section
of the software, gel model was entered where it was possible to see real drilling fluid model.
Furthermore, in both of the wells casing sections cementing sequence was programmed according
which simulations were carried out.
 ECD management was carried, while running casing, mud conditioning and cementing casing in
place. Thus, by controlling casing running speed because of the surge, fracturing of the open hole
is prevented. In particular, 340 mm casing section in 34/10-1 well, acceleration and minimum
string running speed were optimized and as a result high ECD is completely mitigated. Also
during mud conditioning and cementing by using lower flow rates neither fracture gradient
exceeded nor any wellbore issues are encountered.
 During the software approach, rheology of the mud, its properties were analysed. Thus, different
mud weights and rheology were used for surge analysis and cementing operations. Effect of the
gelling on the ECD was examined and best approach was established.

After comprehensive and wide studies, analysis, case studies and research the following
recommendations are gained.

Software analysis on the well models shows that changing design of the both of the wells is
feasible in the case of safe execution. Below summary of main recommendations are presented.

 ECD can be optimized by using low running speeds, low flow rates of the fluids. Also, second
stage cementing tools can be used for avoiding possible hole instability issues.

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 For the cementing of the casings, apart from different type of cements, for achieving good
cementing in the annulus and casing, 10% hierarchy in the density rule has to be obeyed.

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