Clinical Skills Examination
Clinical Skills Examination
Clinical Skills Examination
September 15
Instructions: Please observe the student interview a patient. The student has up to forty-five
minutes and may take notes on a blank sheet of paper but may not bring notes into the exam.
After the interview, the patient is excused and the presentation (section II) begins. If the patient
selected for interview is unsuitable, please work with staff in the clinical setting to find a more
suitable patient and allow the student the full forty-five minute interview.
During the interview and presentation, please use this exam form to check off the “data points”
which the student addresses and to make other notes about student performance. Please give
feedback to the student after the exam. The grade, which you give to the student, should
reflect the standardized grading criteria, as interpreted in the context of the specific patient.
Overall Comments
Areas of Concern
- 1-
Rev. September 15
1 = omitted/unsatisfactory
2 = satisfactory
3 = highly skilled
Smooth transitions 3 2 1
B. Data
Chief Complaint 3 2 1
Psychiatric ROS 3 2 1
- 2-
Rev. September 15
Social/Developmental History 3 2 1
Delusions 3 2 1
Suicidal ideation 3 2 1
Violent ideation 3 2 1
Hallucinations 3 2 1
Orientation 3 2 1
Delayed recall 3 2 1
Insight 3 2 1
Abstraction 3 2 1
Judgment 3 2 1
C. Closure
- 3-
Rev. September 15
correct misinformation 3 2 1
*Students may be asked for their preliminary differential diagnosis and may be questioned
about their depth of understanding of any material that arises in the course of interview
and presentation.
Areas of concern
- 4-