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MCC385B Assignment For Culture or Globalisation

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Globalisation and Public Relations


In today’s world, as the modern technology advances, more devices were being

introduced to the society as a result for convenience use and for the purpose of

communication process. Globalisation and Public Relations has also positive and

negative effects on the society. The term, Public Relations (Grunig & Hunt, 1984)

means, it is the management of communication between an organization and its

publics. The field of public relations is fast becoming influenced by international theories

and practices from different cultures because of the processes of globalisation and

internationalisation. This essay will be mainly emphasizing on details on the topic of the

relationship between Globalisation and Public Relations. The hypothesis statement for

this topic is if the globalisation is applied in everywhere, then it would be more

convenient for the society including the public relations practitioners. Sometimes, it

should not be used in unnecessary areas as it could cause conflictions between one

another. The main argument for this topic is that globalisation should be maintained

carefully in order not to vanish and to pass it onto generations by generations together

with public relations practitioners.


Globalisation is the changing of technologies and methods (Art Carden, 2008)

which are being influenced to the world. The tools and methods are influencing in

everyday daily routine (Daniel, 2014). It includes dealing with the public relations while

culture does not include dealing with the public relations. It also makes connection with

the real world to let the society know what is happening in which area on time.

Globalisation is a mechanism of communication and assimilation among the

communities, management of businesses and association, states of variety of

population. It is also a system directed by global commerce and supported by many

different types of technology as in today’s world whereas culture is the process of belief,

customs and communal attitude in the group of community. Globalisation can reach the

information within a short period of time to the target audience because networks could

quickly captured the images and send to the media on time. Comparing between public

relations and globalisation, it is like two step flow theory which means that the

information are directly being sent to mass media for analysing and then to the opinion

leaders and finally to the target audiences. By having more advanced technology,

people are able to get to know the unknown information by obtaining from different

places. For public relations, there can be arguments between person to person (Daniel,


Globalisation is better because people tend to be aware of things easily within a

short limited period of time. Both the globalisation and culture, gives us more about in-

depth analysis of the information as well as to the community. Globalisation has been

one major force whereby most organisations are required to develop and maintain

positive relationships with their international stakeholders (Sriramesh, 2009). For

example, if the society in Singapore prefers to go to another country for gaining new

skills, it is better that these people can learn new experiences and cultures in which they

may find it different in his or her local country. If the person is interested, he or she can

even receive a field in discussions that is not primitive to his or her own country as well

as also the transmission of knowledge to the home country. Globalisation is necessary

for the community (Mondal, 2012) because it gives help to the society in general life and

also fulfill whatever they need as well as we can see and use new technologies which

are made by other countries.

The effects of globalisation is the rising of media analysis aids in persuading

against other countries where the civil rights are disrupted for the advantages of the

affluent and energetic people. This could head towards to changes in the civil rights

(Panos, 2011). Also, it is the society which possess to different skills and countries and

getting an opportunity to connect with each other; it could lead to a catastrophe in

maintaining attitudes and ethics.

In Globalisation, without the communication process as well as the devices,

people would not have known the information on time as well as the reaching of the

information could be delayed. People also would not have greater awareness (Mehdi,

2013) on their surroundings as well. Globalisation is used to know about how our world

is changing day by day and to know and get along well with the surroundings changes.

Globalisation can make the world change (Rick Wartzman, 2013) into a small

village due to the development of new devices. It can also try to bring individuals,

groups and organizations closer together. Globalization is complex and multilayered

and it is perilous to forget that. Advances in the telecommunications infrastructure, from

the rise of the telegraph and its modern offspring, the Internet, and mobile phones, have

been major factors in globalisation. The world is becoming interconnected (Pagel, 2014)

day by day. The term globalisation can sometimes not be an opportunity but also a

challenge. The world is also connected every day by the internet, by pop culture media

and by international travel.

The relationship between Globalisation and Public Relations

The effects of globalisation on Public Relations is the factor of language used in

the public. By looking from the side of globalisation, it marginalizes some languages and

could even cause some languages to vanish out. For instance, English Language is the

most commonly widely used language which helps it out to communicate between

person to person effectively and efficiently. The relationships between Globalisation and

Public Relations are that, Globalisation is oriented (K. Sriramesh, 2009) toward the

media and communication which means the onset and development of Information and

Communication Technologies. Communication technology has not only created

demands for goods and services globally but has also made delivery of these goods

and services easier and cheaper. All of this activity has brought upon the need for

communication and the need for global public relations.

Another relationship between Globalisation and Public Relations is that, when

globalisation try to influences public relation, more public relations practitioners would

be in a convenient way due to having opportunities in creation and visualization. Without

globalisation, there will not be public relations as most public relations practitioners

would lose communication with each other and also they might lose the opportunity in

gaining success of their jobs.


In Conclusion, Globalisation has not only increased the importance of ‘global’

public relations but has also provided the opportunity for introspection and self-critique

about the practice and scholarship. The relationship between Public Relations and

globalisation (Mehdi, 2013) are developmental agreement, customization and

transformation. In conclusion, both the globalisation and Public Relations are essential

to the society because these two factors contribute convenience for the community as

well as the surroundings as well.

Globalisation makes the society keep in touch with the current information to

keep alert and have awareness on our environment what is happening these days. It

also makes the society keeping with up to date information in order to live in equality

with new era. The same also applies in Public Relations as well. People should try to

maintain (Art Carden, 2008) only for Globalisation because it is necessary that if the

globalisation is not maintain carefully, people would not have known what it had been

carried out in the olden days and it should also be passing out to generations by

generations. Public Relations and globalisation should also be modernized as they are

always changing among the society and they likely need to be informed to the society to

live in equality with new age.


Carden, A. (2008). Does Globalization Destroy Culture. Retrieved July 08, 2008, from Independent

Golebiewski, D. (2014). Religion and Globalization New Possibilities, Furthering Challenges. Retrieved
July 16, 2014, from E-International Relations Students: http://www.e-

Grunig and Hunt. (1984). What is Public Relations?

Grunig and Hunt. (1984). What is Public Relations? Retrieved 1984, from What is Public Relations?:

Mourdoukoutas, P. (2011). The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Side Of Globalization. Retrieved September
10, 2011, from Forbes:

Pagel, M. (2014). Does Globalization mean we will become one culture? Retrieved November 18, 2014,
from Future:

Rahim, M. (2012). Interrogating Globalization and Culture in Anthropological Perspective – the Indian
Experience. Retrieved May 2012, from Social Studies:

Wartzman, R. (2013). What Globalization Really Means. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from Time:


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