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International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, (ISSN: 2320 5091) (May, 2017) 5 (5)



Mer Raksha1, Viramgami Jasminkumar2, Trivedi Bharvi3, Shanishara Jagruti4

Assistant Prof., Kayachikitsa Dept., 2Assistant Prof., Swasthvritta Dept., 3Associate Prof., Kau-
marbhritya Dept., 4Associate Prof., Agadatantra Dept.
Sheth J. P. Govt. Ayu. College, Bhavanagar, Gujarat, India


Malnutrition is a disturbance of the nutritional status resulting from a deficiency, excess or an imbal-
ance of nutrients. It includes under nutrition and over nutrition. Malnutrition can be occurred by sev-
eral ways, e.g. deficiency of essential nutrients, improper absorption and assimilation of nutrients. It
may lead to group symptoms. Malabsorption syndrome is one of them. Malabsorption syndrome is
characterized clinically by bulky, pale, frothy, greasy stool. Associated clinical features include
weight loss, multiple nutritional deficiencies, anemia, dermatoses and bleeding tendencies. In Ayur-
veda it can be correlated with Grahni Roga. In Astang Hridaya this disease is introduced in the list of
eight Maharogas. Clinical features of Malabsorption syndrome are also found in Grahani Roga. Agni
deepana is the main principle of treatment told by all eminent authors and some other matters relev-
ance has been reviewed. Gangadharadi Vati, Vatsakadi Kashaya and Takrarishta has shown definite
significant result on the Grahani Roga.

Keywords: Agnideepan, Grahani Dosha, Grahani Roga, Malabsorption syndrome

What people eat is one of the major environ- ways, e.g. deficiency of essential nutrients and
mental influences on health, like immunoreac- improper absorption and assimilation of nu-
tions & infections variation in nutrition can trients. It may lead to a group symptoms- Ma-
affect any organ of the body or several at labsorption syndrome is one of them. In Ayur-
once. Poor nutrition can lead to disease; how- veda it can be correlated with Grahni Roga. In
ever, disease may also precipitate malnutri- Astang Hridaya this disease is introduced in
tion. Malnutrition can be occurred by several the list of Eight Maharogas.1
Mer Raksha Et Al: Grahani- A Cause Of Malnutrition & Its Management By Ayurveda

The aims and objectives condition is termed as Grahani Roga. There

1) To study Grahani Dosha and Grahni Ro- may be three processes in the production of
ga- cause of malnutrition as described in Grahani roga viz.
Ayurveda & its comparison with Malab-
sorption syndrome 1. Agni Daurbalya (Weakened digestive pow-
2) To study the best remedy for Grahani Ro- er)
ga 2. DurbalaBala (The holding capacity of
Grahani is less)
DISCUSSION 3. Dusta – Grahani ( The organ is damaged)
There are two meanings of the word Grahni:
(1) Organ and (2) Disease Samprapti (Etiopathology) of Grahani-
One who is suffering from Atisara or not tak-
Grahani as an organ: ing hitahara, causes Agnimandhya (Impaired
 Grahani is the seat of Agni and situated secretion of bile salt& pancreatic juice) which
above the Nabhi (Umbilical)2 causes Ama formation (Undigested material).
 Sixth Pittadharakala is situated between This will either cause Srtorodha (Obstruction)
Amashaya (Stomach) and Pakvashaya (in- or Suktibhva (orgnic acid formation) leads to
testine) receives and retains the food for Improper Sar-Kitta Vibhajan (assimilation)
digestion.3,4 and Annvisha (toxic substance) respectively.
 Grahani is small intestine where main di- Improper Sar-KittaVibhajan makes Dhatu
gestive juices are secreted from Liver and Apusti and Dhatukshya (Malnutrition). Anna-
Pancreas having properties of the Pacha- visha irritates Grahanikala (membrane) leads
kapitta. to Grahani Roga which also cause Dhatuk-
Grahani as Disease: shaya.
Grahani Roga is common disease in India &
also superimposed over a pre-existing Agni- Difference between Grahani Dosa & Gra-
Dusti. It may also occur as a sequel of other hani Roga
disease like Atisara (Diarrhea). Acharya Charka has mentioned that
Vishama, Tikshana and Mandagni may cause
 “Durbalovidatiannam…Grahanigadah”5 the Grahani Dosa7 but Grahani Roga is the
 “Atisarenivruteapi…Grahanirogamahu”6 consequence of only Mandagni. Chakrapani8
commented that in Grahani Dosa, Grahani
Grahani is precipitated after Atisara (Diarr- passes the food in the stage of Ama (Apakva)
hea). A person who has been relieved of Atisa- because of weak Agni and affected by Dosha.
ra but it still having Mandagni, if he takes in- It can be known that Grahani dosha is the
judicious food, it leads to vitiation of Agni and previous stage of Grahani Roga. Functional
then damages the organ Grahani and expels disturbances of Grahani in relation with Pa-
digested or Mal-digested substances. This chakagni and in the holding of food, it will

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Mer Raksha Et Al: Grahani- A Cause Of Malnutrition & Its Management By Ayurveda

lead to Daurbalya & Balakshaya (Malnutri- 2) Inadequate absorption (Grahani Dosa):

tion). There may be a defective uptake of nu-
trients due to damage or scarcity of the ab-
Malabsorption syndrome sorptive epithelium. E.g. mucosal damage,
In Malabsorption syndrome inadequate inadequate absorptive surface. In Ayurveda
absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract it can be correlated with GrahaniDosa, as
especially the small intestine can be seen. It is per our classics the main function of Gra-
characterized clinically by bulky, pale, frothy, hani or Pittadharakala are; Grahana (Re-
greasy stool. Associated clinical features in- ceiving of food materials), Pachana (Di-
clude weightloss, multiple nutritional defi- gestion), Shoshana (Absorption), and Sara-
ciencies, anemia, dermatoses and bleeding kitta vibhajana (Assimilation).
tendencies.9 Malabsorption syndrome classi-
fied into three categories, it may denote the So, if there is any disturbance in the function
various stage of Grahani Roga: of Grahani, proper digestion and absorption
can’t take place. Therefore this type of Malab-
1) Inadequate digestion (Agnimandhya): That sorption may be considered as Grahani dis-
is needed for the lipid processing. It occurs ease.
mainly due to three causes -
 Pancreatic exocrine deficiency 3) Lymphatic obstruction (Srotorodha): There
 Intra-luminal bile salt deficiency may be defective transport of absorbed nu-
 Disaccharides deficiency trients from the mucosa of the systemic cir-
Due to above causes, the digestion of food culation due to lymphatic diseases e.g.
can’t happen properly, which can be consi- Lymphoma, Whipple’s disease, Lymphan-
dered as ‘Agnimandhya’. In Ayurveda as the giectasia.
main symptoms of Agnimandhya is improper In Ayurveda, due to improper digestion Ama
digestion so it is the first stage of Grahani Ro- formation occurs and that causes Srotorodha,
ga. so Rasdhatu can’t circulate in body and it will
lead to Dhatukshaya.
Table 1: Clinical features of Malabsorption teopenic bone disease
syndrome are also found in Grahani Roga, 5 Shunapada Hypoproteinemia
6 Chirkalanubandhi, Hypovitaminiosis- chronic
Vidahoannasya Diarrhea, Glossitis/ Sto-
No. Grahani Roga Malabsorption Syndrome
1 Ama or Pakva mala Stool – observed to be
7 Parsva-Uru-Griva Peripheral neuropathy
pravritti bulky, sticky and tend to
8 Chronic diarrhea Amenorrhea & Infertility
2 Balakshaya ,Alasya Weight loss, Malaise
lead to Artavhinta
3 Trushna, Aruchi, Nutritional anemia
and Strishuahar-
Jvara, Daurbalya
4 Sasthi - Parvaruka Bone pain related to os-

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Mer Raksha Et Al: Grahani- A Cause Of Malnutrition & Its Management By Ayurveda

So we could say that in Grahani Roga there  Takraprayoga (varies recipes containing
are some similarities in symptoms and it also buttermilk) – The most efficient therapy to
cause malnutrition if timely not cured. cure Grahani Roga.
Management:  Deepan sarpies (medicated Ghee) – To
Injudicious food intake is the important etio- maintain digestive power forever.
logical factor as a result Annavisa is formed
and Agnidusti takes place which plays an im- Treatment of different associated condi-
portant role in causing Grahani Roga. Agni- tions:
deepana is the main principle of treatment told  In Kaphaja type of Grahani Vamana
by all eminent authors. Karma (Emesis) with Ruksha, Deepan and
Titka Raspradhana Dravyas (dry, diges-
The classic general guideline is available in tive stimulant and bitter taste drugs should
the management of the Grahani Roga11 be used). Weak patient with excessive ag-
Snehana (oleation therapy) – Internal and gravated Kapha should be treated by alter-
external planned Snehana are essential be- natively Ruksha and Snigdha therapies.
fore purification  Sama condition should be treated with
medicated Deepniya Ghrita after proper
 Swedana (fomentation therapy) – external
examination e.g. Panchkolghrita
planned Swedana after Snehana before pu-
 In Pittja type of Grahani Tikta, Deepan
and Madhur Rasapradhana drugs (bitter
 Shuddhi (elimination therapy) – Pancha-
digestive stimulants with sweet ingre-
karma procedure as per requirement
dients) should be given.
 Langhan (fasting therapy) – Fast or light
 In Vataja type of Grahani medicated Ghee
with Amla, Lavan Raspradhana Dravyas
 Deepan (the therapy for the stimulation of
(sour, salty ingredients) should be used.
the power of digestion) – likely Laghu,
Ruksha, Ushna Drvyas e.g. Chitrak, Sun-
Dietary management12:
thi, Marich, Pippli
Avacharana - Compound drug with four types
 Churna (powdered drugs) – Pathyadi,
of Amla Dravyas (Vrikshamla, Amlvetas, Da-
Bhunimbadi, Nagradi Churna
dim and Badar), 5 types of Lavan (Saindhav,
 Lavan (recipes containing salt) – Increase Suvarchal, Bida, audbhida and Samudra),
taste, digestion and elimination of Dosa. Trikatu (Sunth, Maricha, Pippli) and Sarkara
 Kshara (recipes containing alkalies) – The (sugar) as per mentioned quantity in texts
most powerful digestive formula e.g. should be added daily in cooked food to en-
Kshargutika hance metabolism.
 Sura, Asava, Arishta (alcoholic prepara- Yavagu - 5 types of medicated Yavagu (rice
tion) – specific formula to increase the di- recipe with Ghee, curd and medicine) should
gestive secretions.

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Mer Raksha Et Al: Grahani- A Cause Of Malnutrition & Its Management By Ayurveda

be added in daily intake to maintain intestinal  Control Group- 9 patients treated with
mucosal membrane and enhance absorption. SvarnaParpati 100 mg/thrice daily for 5
Yusha – medicated soup with Ghee or oil and week
Marich (Black pepper) use to increase gastric In VatajGrahni out of the Vatsakadi ka-
secretions. shaya group of patients 81.44% relief was ob-
Mutton soup – medicated with Amla and served. In Pittaja Grahani Vatsakadi kashaya
Snigdha Dravya for proper nourishment. was little more effective 82.3% then the con-
Drinks – Takra (buttermilk), Arnal (a sour trol group 69.44%. In Kaphaja Grahani Vat-
drink), Madhya and Arishta (a type of alcohol- sakadi kashaya was effective to the 76% and
ic drink) should be used to clear the channels in control group 75%.
and increase digestive capacity among of them 3. Studies on the effect of Takraishta in Gra-
Takra is choice of drink. hani Roga with particular reference to Ag-
The above mentioned recipes with dietary re- ni15. Total 18 Patients divided into three
gimen will work as fuel and when appropriate- groups.
ly administered they will stimulate the power  Test group- Takraishta 30ml thrice/day
of digestion. with equal portion of water for 4 week
 Control group- ingredients of Takaraishta
Some work has been done on Grahani Roga in in powder form was given with Takra for 4
Kayachikitsa Department, I.P.G.T. & week
R.A.Jamnagar.  Known Ayu. Control group- Pancamruta
1. Grahani Roga Nidana Evam Chikitsatmaka parpati 500mg thrice/day with water for 4
Adhyaya13– Gangadharadi vati including week
Gngadhra Churna, Hingvasataka Churna
& Kutajatwak Churna in equal proportion Both the group Test and Control showed
was taken and modified into the tablet form marked (83.33%) of appetite to their normal
as per convenient. Dose and duration was status. Takrarishta has been shown definite
3 to 10 gm/day 10 days to 2 months dura- significant result on the number of motion/24
tion respectively. 40 patients of Grahani hours (p<0.01) being similarly effective on the
Roga were registered. Gangadharadi vati consistency of the stool (82.33%). Hb% was
can be claimed dramatically efficacious in increased significantly in the patients of Par-
controlling symptoms and also increases pati group (p<0.05). There was significant rise
appetite with Hb%. in protein (p<0.05) in control group.
2. Study of concept of Agni in relation to The freshness of buttermilk has more contri-
Grahani and its management by Vatsakadi bution in regards to nutritive property of Takra
kashaya14. Total 16 patients were treated in than formation. Takrarishata yielded highly
two groups. significant result in regards B.M.R. (p<0.001).
 Trial Group- 7 patients treated with Vat- Gangadharadi vati has shown efficacy on
sakadi kashaya, 30 ml/thrice daily for 5 controlling the symptoms of Garahni Roga,
week whereas Vatsakadi kashaya was better in Pit-

IAMJ: MAY, 2017 1610

Mer Raksha Et Al: Grahani- A Cause Of Malnutrition & Its Management By Ayurveda

taj type of Grahani Roga and Takrarishta is 3. Vaidya Jadvji Trikamji, Sushrut Samhita,
definitely useful in Grahani Roga patients Nibandhsangrah Commentry of Dalhana-
who have developed Malabsorption syndrome. charya, Chaukhmba Surbharti Prakashana,
Varansi, 2008. Uttattantra, 40/169. Page
In Grahani Dosa, Grahani passes the food in 4. Prof. K R Srikantha Murthy, Astanga San-
the stage of Ama (Apakva) because of weak grah of Vridha Vagbhata, vol-II. Reprint
Agni and affected by Dosha. It can be known 2012. Chaukhmba Orientalia, Varan-
that Grahani Dosha is the previous stage of si,Sharirsthana, 5/23. Page no. 64
Grahani Roga. Funtional disturbances of Gra- 5. Shashri Girijashankar Gujarati, Charak
hani in relation with Pachakagni and in the Samhita, Part 3. 3rd Edition 1996. Sastu
holding of food, it will lead to Daurbalya & sahitya vardhak karyalaya, Ahmedabad..
Balakshaya (Malnutrition). Ayurvedic man- Chikitsasthana, 15/50-51. page no.651
agement for Malabsorption syndrome is as 6. Vaidya Jadvji Trikamji, Sushrut Samhita.
follows- Nibandhsangrah Commentry of Dalhana-
a) Inadequate digestion we should use Lang- charya, Chaukhmba Surbharti Prakashana,
hana (fasting), Deepan and Pachana Varansi, 2008. Uttattantra, 40/167. Page
drugs. e. g. Panchkola, Shadushna etc. no. 709
b) Inadequate absorption – we should use 7. Shashri Girijashankar Gujarati, Charak
medicated Ghee e.g. Tiktaghrita Samhita, Part 3. 3rd Edition 1996. Sastu
c) Lymphatic obstruction- Takra, Madhya, sahitya vardhak karyalaya, Ahmedabad.
Arnal, Asava, Arishta, Kshar Kalpna Chikitsasthana, 15/71, page no.651
should be used. e. g. Takrarishta, Drak- 8. Shashri Girijashankar Gujarati, Charak
shasava, Madhvasava etc. Samhita, Part 3. 3rd Edition 1996. Sastu
d) Gluten and lactose free diets are recom- sahitya vardhak karyalaya, Ahmedabad.
mended in Malabsorption syndrome as per Chikitsasthana, 15/50-51, page no.651-
modern science likewise rice and butter- 652.
milk are preferred according to Ayurveda. 9. Davidson’s Principle and Practice of Med-
icine, 18th Edition, Page no.618-620.
REFERENCES 10. Shashri Girijashankar Gujarati, Charak
1. Prof. K R Srikantha Murthy, Astanga Hri- Samhita, Part 3. 3rd Edition 1996. Sastu
daya, vol-II. Reprint 2013, Chaukhambha sahitya vardhak karyalaya, Ahmedabad.
Krishnadas Acadamy, Varanasi. Nidans- Chikitsasthana, 15/51-69, page no.652-
thana, 8/30. Page no. 83 657.
2. Shashtri Girijashankar Gujarati, Charak 11. Dr. Ramkaran Sharma And Vd. Bhagvan-
Samhita, Part 3. 3rd Edition 1996. Sastu dash, Charak Samhita, Vol.1 Edition Re-
sahitya vardhak karyalaya, Ahmedabad. print 2014, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series
Chikitsasthana, 15/55-56. page no.653 office Varansi ,Chikitsa sthana Chapter
15/196 to 200. Page no.65 to 67

IAMJ: MAY, 2017 1611

Mer Raksha Et Al: Grahani- A Cause Of Malnutrition & Its Management By Ayurveda

12. Dr. Ramkaran Sharma And Vd. Bhagvan-

dash, Charak Samhita, Vol.1 Edition Re-
print 2014, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series
office Varansi ,Chikitsa sthana Chapter
15/111 to 119 to 200. Page no.45, 46
13. Dr. B.S.Tamagonda, Dr. C.P.Shukla, Dr.
S.K.Vashishtha; Grahani Roga Nidana
Evam Chikitsatmaka Adhyayana, 1976,
I.P.G.T. & R.A., GAU. Jamnagar.
14. Dr. P.S.N.Bhatt, Dr. S.K. Mishra, Dr.
Gurdipsingh; Study of concept of Agni in
relation to Grahani and its management by
Vatsakadi kashaya. 1980, I.P.G.T. & R.A.,
GAU. Jamnagar.
15. Dr. R.M. Pathak, Dr. S.K. Mishra, Dr.
Gurdipsingh; Studies on the effect of Ta-
kraishta in Grahani Roga with particular
Reference to Agni. 1981, I.P.G.T. & R.A.,
GAU. Jamnagar.

Source of Support: Nil

Conflict Of Interest: None Declared

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