Iot Based Smart Agriculture System: Entry
Iot Based Smart Agriculture System: Entry
Iot Based Smart Agriculture System: Entry
IoT Based Smart Agriculture System
Project Report (Meeting Log)
Team Member(s)
Muhammad Shoaib Nadeem (16-CP-76)
Muhammad Haseeb (16-CP-32)
Allah Wasaya (16-CP-94)
Semester: VII
Project Phase:
Week: ......4th.................
Project Phase:
After research, We select IoT based After the Selection Of FYP. Our next goal is
agriculture system as FYP. And We’ve a to research the project and study different
Project Proposal with few modification as research papers related to the project and
suggested by supervisor. gather all relevant information.
Week: .......6th................
Project Phase:
Survey Methodology Analysis Implementation
We have studied the research papers After research our Next goal is to prepare
related to the project and gather the a presentation about the project. We have
required and relevant information. The to deliver the equipment used in the
information is about which sensors to use project and the way we implement the
and how to implement the project. project in detail.
Week: ........7th...............
Project Phase:
Survey Methodology Analysis Implementation
We Deliever Presenation which consist of After Presentation Our Next goal is to buy
the way of implementation of project in equipment and test Sensors and make a
detail. simple prototype of the project.
Week: ...........8th............
Project Phase:
We test different kinds of sensors require Our Next goal is to connect all sensors and
to gather data regarding agriculture and design a complete solution to a hardware-
design a small prototype of smart based agriculture system.
irrigation using soil moisture sensor and
water pump.
Project Phase: