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The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 Students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

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The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S.

Aquino High School



In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the subject

Writing in the Discipline

By: 3rd Year COE Section: III-Math

Calipay, Judy Ann P.

Comboy, Jezrel F.

Magracia, Tristanne Jewel S.

Sansano, Jedrich V.

Taguiam, Paola Elaine B.

Submitted to: Professor Jackielou Cansancio

The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School


Mathematics is an integral part of the curriculum in all of the school. All over the

countries mathematics is considered a key subject to pass the course students have a hard time in

solving and analyzing problems in mathematics. In learning mathematics you need to have a

critical thinking, focus and problem solving skills because if students don`t have this capability

students will have a hard time to understand the lesson of mathematics. According on the report

of CNN Philippines, among the 79 countries Philippines rank second to the lowest in Science

and Mathematics this is based on the result of 2018 Program for International Student

Assessment (PISA). This shows that many Filipinos have a hard time to learn and understand

mathematics and low of skill level in solving mathematics..

Since Filipino ranks low in the Program of International Student Assessment this shows

that even in our locality many Filipino have a struggle in facing mathematics. There are many

reasons why students have a problems with math at school, from low motivation caused by math

anxiety, to a mediocre understanding of how to apply and perform mathematical operations. But

sometimes the root cause of under-performance is something different, like a learning difference

or a motor skills difficulty. This study will show what are the learning difficulties that the

students encounter in mathematics and the effective strategies to lessen students who have a

difficulty in learning mathematics. This study will help on to identify and analyze on what are

the things that needed an improvement to reduce learning difficulties of students in mathematics.
The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

Background of the Study

This study will focus on the learning difficulties of students in Mathematics. Brown

(2008), stated that the widespread opinion among learners that mathematics is difficult with

students. This shows that students are sharing opinion to each other that they are having a hard

time on solving mathematics. This study also seeks to explore the extent of field dependency in

learning mathematics in high school students.

One of the challenges that a teacher facing is how to effectively and efficiently teach

mathematics. Teachers are wondering if their efforts are enough or students are not exerting

enough effort to learn mathematics. This study aims to identify the learning difficulties that the

students are facing in mathematics.

Statement of the Problem

The study is about " The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students. It is

the major purpose of this study to determine the learning difficulties of students in Mathematics.

Particularly it will answer the following question:

1. What is the demographic profile of the participants in terms of:

1.1 name;

1.2 age;

1.3 gender; and

The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

1.4 grades in mathematics?

2. What are the learning difficulties of students in mathematics?

3. What are the teaching strategies to address the learning difficulties in mathematics?

Review Related Literature

Some of the students considered Mathematics as a difficult subjects and students cannot

find connection of the subject from their life. In that situation, many students loss interest in the

subject and prefer not to study Mathematics. However, Mathematics is very important subject in

school that is why it cannot be remove on the curriculum. Also, Mathematics have many

applications in real life situation and it is very beneficial to everyone in finding their future

careers. Hence, it gives negative impression to the students that may have effect the future

generation. The researcher in Punjab, Pakistan wants to know the perception of the students in

learning mathematics who has a respondents of 647 student (n=647) found out that the students

of Grade 9 and 10 are showing positive attitudes toward Mathematics this proves that not all

students have a similar perception about the subject Mathematics and it is good that students in a

higher level have a good perception in mathematics because once the students step up on Grade

11 they will face more concepts in mathematics which are difficult to solve.

Alethter (2018) suggested that the procedure of the study was made about the

competencies of the student and it could be a solution to change the impression of the students to

Mathematics because the lesson is all about the competencies of the students which means that

students can answer or solve mathematics because it is to their level of understanding. According

to Tambychik, & Mearah students are lacking of mathematical skills such as “Number-fact,
The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

Visual-Spatial, Information skills. Among the mathematical skills the researchers considered the

Information skills as the most crucial part because all of these are mathematical skills which falls

under cognitive abilities that affect the problem solving and learning of the students in


Morgan (2006) wants to investigate the students of Polytechnic engineering in lacking of

mathematical expertise. The purpose of the study is to find where in the particular area of

mathematics that made for the students difficult. The study confirmed that there is cause for

concern at the overall mathematical ability of the students and it has been possible to identify

certain areas of mathematics which appear to be difficult to a large proportion of students. It has

also been possible to identify some of the common errors made by students in certain topic areas.

Some suggestions have been made regarding the implications for teaching. It is true that only

some students are able to answer difficult mathematics problem correctly because some students

didn`t catch up to the lecture of the their teacher or they have a difficulty to understand the lesson

and didn’t raise questions to their teacher to avoid disruption in the class and sometimes students

are not interested with their lesson which causes them to have difficulty to learn mathematics.

One of the main priorities of mathematics in education is the performance of the students

towards mathematic subjects. Some of the students see the subject as very difficult to learn

which causes the student to have a negative attitude in mathematics and it affects the students

learning toward the subject. In the research of Challenges In Mathematics Learning: A Study

From School Student`s Perspective. Rameli, M., & Rustam, M. (2016) find that

the challenges face by the students in learning mathematics could be classified into five main

themes and thirteen sub themes: a) self-factors (negative perception, low self-regulation), b)

teachers (behaviors, practices, characteristics) c) parents (lack of cognitive, emotional and

The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

financial support) d) friends (negative attitudes, behaviors, lack of support) and e) others factors

(nature of math and assessment pressure). Each categories have sub themes which support the

main themes one of the challenges to learn mathematics is self-factor there are many students

who have difficulty to learn mathematics as they have a problem on their selves such as loss of

interest and laziness which it is common for the students. Another challenges is the teacher,

teaching styles of the teacher are one factor that students faces some students can enjoy the

lecture as they prefer the teaching styles of their teacher or they students will lose interest as they

are bored to the teaching styles of the teacher. And last but not the least the challenges face the

students in learning mathematics is their parents some students have a happy family which affect

the motivation of the students to learn, some students may have a problem financially which the

students will have difficulty to learn math.

According to Mazana, M., Montero, C., & Casmir, R., there are many factors that affect

the student performance in mathematics, such as the students attitudes toward the subject,

teacher instructional practices and school environment. The purpose of the study is to identify

the student’s attitudes towards learning mathematics. It also wants to know the reason of the

students in disliking or liking the mathematics subject and the relationship of attitude and

performance. The researcher found out that the students impose positive attitudes towards

mathematics on initial exhibit; however, they’ve got less positive attitudes as the students move

to higher levels of education which contradicts the study of the researcher in Pakistan. While the

factors that cause of disliking or liking of mathematics employ by the students was through

aptitude attributes, instructional, and social psychological environmental factors. In addition, the

cause of failing of the students in examination is contributed to teacher didactic strategies,

instructional resources, poor learning and examination strategies, and failure to understand
The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

instructions. It is agreeable that some students dislike mathematics as some of the questions on

the test is hard and some of the social psychological environmental factors may affect the

learning of the students as the students cannot focus on the problem because of what is

happening to their surrounding but some students have a difficulty to learn mathematics because

of the instructional materials are less or poor in construction and sometimes the strategies of the

teacher are one of the factors why students have difficulty to learn mathematics but in some

students it the self- factor that leads them to fail mathematics.


Research Design
The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

This study aims to determine the learning difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students

of Benigno Ninoy S. Aquino High School. This study focus to identify the difficulties of the

students in learning mathematics and determine which teaching strategies are effective for

students. The researchers goals is to give solutions to prevents or minimize students in failing

mathematics. No variables were used by the researchers to manipulate and control neither the

data gathered nor the results in this study. The data consisting the research came from the

surveys answered voluntarily by the respondents.


The study took place in Benigno Ninoy Aquino High School during the fourth grading

period of the school year 2019-2020. Benigno Ninoy Aquino High School is a public educational

institution located in Aguho St. Brgy. Comembo, Makati City. It was separated from FABC High

School Department - Comembo Annex and became independent high school by the City

Ordinance 74-278 series of January 13, 1995. Benigno Ninoy Aquino High School shall be

proactive institution of learning committing itself towards the task of molding Benignians to

become well rounded citizens of our country. The institution envisions students with high

academic performance, technologically competent, physically fit, environmentally friendly,

morally and discipline citizens of the society.

The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

The researchers got their respondents from the Grade 7 students of Benigno “Ninoy”

Aquino High School during the fourth grading period. The respondents of this research were

limited to randomly selected classes from the Grade 7 students. The researchers chose the

respondents because most of the students have gone through a transition experience which are

perfect subjects to use to observe the mathematical learnings of the respondents in line with the

topic of the study.


The researchers will prepare a researcher-made questionnaire to gather a qualitative data.

The primary aim is to determine the learning difficulties of Grade 7 students of Benigno Ninoy

Aquino High School in Mathematics. This questionnaire will be a close question to lessen the

broad answer of the respondent.

The survey questionnaire will be a checklist type where in the respondent can readily

chose the answer to question. There are two sets of question first set is all about the learning

difficulties that the students experience in mathematics, second set is about the teaching

strategies that the student encounter to their teacher to educate them in which the choices are

strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree and disagree.

Data Gathering Procedure

The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

The researchers will submit the researchers-made questionnaire to their professor at

February 27, 2020 in room OCH Admin Building at 6:00 pm onwards. Once the researcher-made

questionnaire approved they can now re-print the questionnaire and they can now proceed to


First, the researchers will go to Benigno Ninoy Aquino High School from room 426 to

430 to survey the Grade 7 students. Second the researchers will introduce their selves and will

tell the purpose of this research, third the researchers will present and will discuss the

questionnaires to the respondent so that they will not be confuse. Fourth the researcher will give

the respondent 30 minutes to answer the question. Lastly, the researchers will analyze the

answers of the respondent.

Data Analysis

Data in this study is analyze with the use of descriptive method. Therefore, the study is

done to describe the central tendency of the answer of the respondents. The frequency count and

percentage of the study were analyze based on the answer of Grade 7 students of Benigno Ninoy

S. Aquino High School. The data gather by the researchers is done with intensive evaluation.

Name:__________________________________________ Gender:__________

Age: _________ Grades in Mathematics: _______________

The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

Direction: Read the following questions and put a check to your correspond answer.

4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

I. Learning Difficulties 4 3 2 1

1. I have a problem in counting numbers.

2. I can easily recognize numbers.

3. I am confused with signs and symbols.

4. I have difficulty with basic mathematical operations.

5. I am struggling identifying patterns and shapes.

6. I have broad ideas in Mathematical reasoning,

7. I have difficulties in mastering number sense, number facts or calculations.

8. Slowness in understanding math concepts in word problems.

9. I easily forget the previous lesson.

10. I easily get the topic in just one teaching.

II. Teaching Strategies

1. My teacher uses instructional materials such as power point, manila paper ,

calculators, math apps and etc.

2. My teacher teaches us step by step process in solving mathematics.

3. My teacher gives individual attention to my classmates who are having

difficulties in solving math.

4. My teacher gives us a lot of example in different situation.

5. My teacher gives technique or other options to solve math easily.

6. My teacher appreciate even if I don’t finish the math problem.

7. My teacher is approachable every time I ask about the procedures in

solving mathematics.

8. My teacher got angry easily if I cannot answer the problem correctly.

The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

9. My teacher re-teach the lesson if many of the student cannot understand.

10. My teacher gives remedial especially to students who has learning

difficulties in mathematics.

Comments/ Suggestion:



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The Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Grade 7 students at Benigno "Ninoy" S. Aquino High School

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