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Embedded System

BE, Computer Sixth Semester

Prepared By: Er. Loknath Regmi(

Everest College of Engineering and Management
Chapter -1
Embedded System
Embedded System Overview:
An embedded system is a special-purpose system in which the computer is completely encapsulated by the
device it controls. Unlike a general-purpose computer, such as a personal computer, an embedded system
performs pre-defined tasks, usually with very specific requirements. Since the system is dedicated to a
specific task, design engineers can optimize it, reducing the size and cost of the product. Embedded systems
are often mass-produced, so the cost savings may be multiplied by millions of items.
Handheld computers or PDAs are generally considered embedded devices because of the nature of their
hardware design, even though they are more expandable in software terms. This line of definition continues
to blur as devices expand.
Hence, it is an information processing systems embedded into a larger product. In general it is the core
computational part of any automated system shown as below.

Embedded system are founded in verity of electronics devices as below.

1. Consumer Electronics for example MP3 Audio, digital camera, home electronics, …
2. Information Systems  for example wireless communication (mobile phone, Wireless LAN, …),
end-user equipment, router, …
3. Home Appliances  for example micro-oven, Home Security System, washing machines, lighting
4. Office Automation  for example fax machines, printer, attendance system, pager…………
5. Business Equipment  for example Cash registers, Card Reader, alarm system, Product Scanner,
Automated telling machine ………….
6. Automobiles: for example cruise control, driver assistance system, parking assistance systems, anti-
lock brakes…………
Characteristics of Embedded System:
The main characteristics of embedded system are:
Single-Functioned --An embedded system usually executes a specific program reputedly. For example:
pager is always pager. A desktop system executes verities of program like spread sheet, word processors

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and video games, with new programs added frequently. One case is here the embedded system software be
updated to newer versions over a periods of time. For example smart phone software be updated to new
Second case is where several programs are swapped in and out of system due to limitation of size. For
example, some missiles run one program while cruise mode, then load a second program for locking into
the target.
Tightly Constraint --- All computing system have constraint on design metrics but those on embedded
system can be especially tight. A design metric is a measures of implementations feature such as cost, size,
power and performance. Embedded system often must cost just a few dollars, must be sized to fit on single
size, must perform enough to process the real time data and must consume the minimum power to extend
the battery life.
Real Time and Reactive -- Many embedded system most continuously react in many changes in system
environments and must compute the certain result in real time without delay. For example a car cruise
controller continuously monitors and react to speed and break sensor. It must compute the acceleration and
deceleration amount repeatedly with in limited time. A delay computation cause to fail to control the car.
Microprocessors based − It must be microprocessor or microcontroller based.
Memory − It must have a memory, as its software usually embeds in ROM. It does not need any secondary
memories in the computer.
Connected − It must have connected peripherals to connect input and output devices.
HW-SW systems − Software is used for more features and flexibility. Hardware is used for performance
and security.
Classification of Embedded System:
Embedded systems are classified into three:

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Small Scale Embedded Systems:
Small scale embedded systems are designed with a single 8 or 16-bit microcontroller which may even be
operated with a battery. For developing embedded software for these types of systems, an editor, assembler,
(IDE) integrated development environment, and cross assembler are the main programming tools.
Medium Scale Embedded Systems:
Medium scale embedded systems are designed with a single or few 16 or 32 bit microcontrollers, DSPs or
RISCs. These systems have both hardware and software complexities. When developing embedded
software for these types of systems, the following programming tools are available.
They are C, C++, Visual C++, Java, and RTOS, source code engineering tool, debugger, simulator and
integrated development environment.
Sophisticated Embedded Systems:
Sophisticated embedded systems have huge hardware and software complexities and may need PLAs, IPs,
ASIPs, scalable processors or configurable processors. They are used for cutting-edge applications that
need hardware and software co-design & components which have to combine in the final system.
Basic Structure of an Embedded System:
The following illustration shows the basic structure of an embedded system:

Sensor – It measures the physical quantity and converts it to an electrical signal which can be read by an
observer or by any electronic instrument like an A2D converter. A sensor stores the measured quantity to
the memory.
A-D Converter – An analog-to-digital converter converts the analog signal sent by the sensor into a digital
Processor & ASICs – Processors process the data to measure the output and store it to the memory.
D-A Converter – A digital-to-analog converter converts the digital data fed by the processor to analog
Actuator – An actuator compares the output given by the D-A Converter to the actual (expected) output
stored in it and stores the approved output.

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Components of Embedded System:
The embedded systems basics include the components of embedded system hardware, embedded system
types and several characteristics. An embedded system has three main components: Embedded system
hardware, embedded system software and Operating system.

Embedded system block diagram

Embedded System Hardware:
As with any electronic system, an embedded system requires a hardware platform on which it performs the
operation. Embedded system hardware is built with a microprocessor or microcontroller. The embedded
system hardware has elements like input output (I/O) interfaces, user interface, memory and the display.
Usually, an embedded system consists of:

 Power Supply
 Processor
 Memory
 Timers
 Serial communication ports
 Output/Output circuits
 System application specific circuits

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Embedded System Software:
The embedded system software is written to perform a specific function. It is typically written in a high
level format and then compiled down to provide code that can be lodged within a non-volatile memory
within the hardware. An embedded system software is designed to keep in view of the three limits:

 Availability of system memory

 Availability of processor’s speed
 When the system runs continuously, there is a need to limit power dissipation for events like stop,
run and wake up.
Real Time Operating System
A system is said to be real time, if it is essential to complete its work and deliver its service on time. Real
time operating system manages the application software and affords a mechanism to let the processor run.
The Real Time operating system is responsible for handling the hardware resources of a computer and host
applications which run on the computer.
An RTOS is specially designed to run applications with very precise timing and a high amount of reliability.
Especially, this can be important in measurement and industrial automation systems wherein downtime is
costly or a program delay could cause a safety hazard.
Architecture of Embedded System:
A Desktop Computer will have more open standards than an Embedded System. This is because of the
level of integration in the later. Many of the components of the embedded systems are integrated on to a
single chip. This concept is known as System on Chip (SOC) design. Thus there are only few
subsystems left to be connected.
Analyzing the assembling process of a Desktop let us comparatively assess the possible subsystems of the
typical RTES.

Architecture of Embedded System

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User Interface: for interacting with users. May consists of keyboard, touch pad etc
ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit: for specific functions like motor control, data modulation
Microcontroller (µC): A family of microprocessors.
Real Time Operating System (RTOS): contains all the software for the system control and user interface
Controller Process: The overall control algorithm for the external process. It also provides timing and
control for the various units inside the embedded system.
Digital Signal Processor (DSP) a typical family of microprocessors
DSP assembly code: code for DSP stored in program memory
Dual Ported Memory: Data Memory accessible by two processors at the same time
CODEC: Compressor/Decompressor of the data.
User Interface Process: The part of the RTOS that runs the software for User Interface activities.
Controller Process: The part of the RTOS that runs the software for Timing and Control amongst the
various units of the embedded system.
Embedded Systems – Processors:
Processor is the heart of an embedded system. It is the basic unit that takes inputs and produces an output
after processing the data. For an embedded system designer, it is necessary to have the knowledge of both
microprocessors and microcontrollers.

A processor has two essential units −

 Program Flow Control Unit (CU)

 Execution Unit (EU)

The CU includes a fetch unit for fetching instructions from the memory. The EU has circuits that
implement the instructions pertaining to data transfer operation and data conversion from one
form to another.

The EU includes the Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU) and also the circuits that execute
instructions for a program control task such as interrupt, or jump to another set of instructions.

A processor runs the cycles of fetch and executes the instructions in the same sequence as they
are fetched from memory.

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Types of Processors:

Processors can be of the following categories −

General Purpose Processor (GPP): GPP is used for processing signal from input to output by
controlling the operation of system bus, address bus and data bus inside an embedded system. It
provides the hardwire circuit for memory management i.e. supports the one –chip DMA and
Cache. It consists the common circuitry for computations of arithmetic as well as logical
operations used in daily life i.e. it includes the powerful ALU. It use the large instruction set and
use the pipeline structure for instruction execution to speed up computer. Types of general purpose
processor are:

 Microprocessor
 Microcontroller
 Embedded Processor
 Digital Signal Processor


A microprocessor is a single VLSI chip having a CPU. In addition, it may also have other units
such as coaches, floating point processing arithmetic unit, and pipelining units that help in faster
processing of instructions.

Earlier generation microprocessors’ fetch-and-execute cycle was guided by a clock frequency of

order of ~1 MHz Processors now operate at a clock frequency of 2GHz. Some of the examples
are: Intel 8085/8086, 80186, 80286, Motorola 6800, 6809, G3, G4, G5 etc.


A microcontroller is a single-chip VLSI unit (also called microcomputer) which, although having
limited computational capabilities, possesses enhanced input/output capability and a number of
on-chip functional units.


I/O Port Timer Serial COM Port

Microcontrollers are particularly used in embedded systems for real-time control applications
with on-chip program memory and devices. Some of the examples are: Intel 8032, 8051, 8052,
AVR ATMEGA 328 etc.

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Embedded Processor

An Embedded Processor is a microprocessor that is used in an embedded system. These processors

are usually smaller, use a surface mount form factor and consume less power. Embedded
processors can be divided into two categories: ordinary microprocessors and microcontrollers.
Microcontrollers have more peripherals on the chip. In essence, an embedded processor is a CPU
chip used in a system which is not a general-purpose workstation, laptop or desktop computer.
For example: ARM 7/9/11, CORETX-M Intel i960 etc.

Digital Signal Processor

A digital signal processor (DSP) is an integrated circuit designed for high-speed data
manipulations, and is used in audio, communications, image manipulation, and other data
acquisition and data-control applications. For example: PAC, TMS320XX series, Zed-broad etc.

Application Specific System Processor (ASSP): ASSP is application dependent system

processor used for processing signal of embedded system. Therefore for different application
performing task a unique set of system processors is required.

Application Specific Instruction Processors (ASIPs): ASIP is application dependent instruction

processors. It is used for processing the various instruction set inside a combinational circuit of an
embedded system.

Design Issues on Embedded System:

The constraints in the embedded systems design are imposed by external as well as internal
specifications. Design metrics are introduced to measure the cost function taking into account the
technical as well as economic considerations.

Design Metrics on Embedded System:

A Design Metric is a measurable feature of the system’s performance, cost, time for
implementation and safety etc. Most of these are conflicting requirements i.e. optimizing one shall
not optimize the other: e.g. a cheaper processor may have a lousy performance as far as speed and
throughput is concerned. Following metrics are generally taken into account while designing
embedded systems

NRE cost (nonrecurring engineering cost):

It is one-time cost of designing the system. Once the system is designed, any number of units can
be manufactured without incurring any additional design cost; hence the term nonrecurring.

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Suppose three technologies are available for use in a particular product. Assume that
implementing the product using technology ‘A’ would result in an NRE cost of $2,000 and unit
cost of $100, that technology B would have an NRE cost of $30,000 and unit cost of $30, and that
technology C would have an NRE cost of $100,000 and unit cost of $2. Ignoring all other design
metrics, like time-to-market, the best technology choice will depend on the number of units we
plan to produce.

Unit Cost:

The monetary cost of manufacturing each copy of the system, excluding NRE cost.

Size: The physical space required by the system, often measured in bytes for software, and gates
or transistors for hardware.


The execution time of the system

Power Consumption:

It is the amount of power consumed by the system, which may determine the lifetime of a battery,
or the cooling requirements of the IC, since more power means more heat.


The ability to change the functionality of the system without incurring heavy NRE cost. Software
is typically considered very flexible.


The time needed to build a working version of the system, which may be bigger or more expensive
than the final system implementation, but it can be used to verify the system’s usefulness and
correctness and to refine the system’s functionality.


The time required to develop a system to the point that it can be released and sold to customers.
The main contributors are design time, manufacturing time, and testing time. This metric has
become especially demanding in recent years. Introducing an embedded system to the marketplace
early can make a big difference in the system’s profitability.

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It is the ability to modify the system after its initial release, especially by designers who did not
originally design the system.


This is the measure of the confidence that we have implemented the system’s functionality
correctly. We can check the functionality throughout the process of designing the system, and we
can insert test circuitry to check that manufacturing was correct.

Single Purpose Processor:-

A single purpose processor is a digital; circuit designed to execute exactly one program. An
embedded system designer may obtain several benefits by choosing to use a custom single purpose
processor to implement a computation task.

A basic processor consists of a controller and a data path. The data path stores and manipulates a
system’s data. The data path contains registers units, functional units and connection like wires
and multiplexers. The data path can be configured to read data from particular registers feed that
data through functional units configured to carry out particular operations like add or shift and
store the operation results back in to the particular registers. Controller caries out such
configuration of the data path. It sets the data path control inputs, like register load and multiplexer
select signals, of the registers units, functional units and connection units to obtain the desired
configuration at a particular time.

It monitors external control inputs as well as data path control outputs, known as status signals,
coming from functional units, and it sets external control outputs as well. The digital systems
design techniques such as combinational and sequential logic design including those of
synchronous and asynchronous design can be applied to build a CONTROLLER and a DATA

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Benefits of Custom Single Purpose Processor:

 Performance may be faster, due to fewer clock cycles resulting from a customized data
path and due to shorter clock cycles resulting from the simpler controller logic.
 Size may be smaller due to simplest data path and no program memory.
 Power consumption may be less due to more efficient computation.

However, cost could be higher because of high NRE cost. Also time to market may be longer.

Embedded Systems Applications:

Embedded systems have different applications. A few select applications of embedded systems are
smart cards, telecommunications, satellites, missiles, digital consumer electronics, computer
networking, etc.

 Embedded Systems in Automobiles

 Motor Control System
 Cruise Control System
 Engine or Body Safety
 Robotics in Assembly Line
 Car Entertainment
 Car multimedia
 Mobile and E-Com Access
 Embedded systems in Telecommunications
 Mobile computing
 Networking
 Wireless Communications
 Embedded Systems in Smart Cards
 Banking

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 Telephone
 Security Systems
 Embedded Systems in Missiles and Satellites
 Defense
 Aerospace
 Communication
 Embedded Systems in Computer Networking & Peripherals
 Networking Systems
 Image Processing
 Printers
 Networks Cards
 Monitors and Displays
 Embedded Systems in Digital Consumer Electronics
 DVDs
 Set top Boxes
 High Definition TVs
 Digital Camera

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Chapter -2
Hardware and Software Design Issues
A processor is a digital circuit designed to perform computation task. A processor consists of data path
capable of storing and manipulating data and a controller is capable of moving data through data path. A
general purpose processor is designed such that it can carry out a wide variety of computation task, which
are described by a set of instructions.
In contrast, a single purpose processor is designed specifically to carry out a part task. While some tasks
are so common that we can purchase standard single implement those tasks, other is best implemented using
custom single processor to implement those task.
It is possible that certain subsystems in hardware (microcontroller), IO memory accesses, real-time clock,
system clock, pulse width modulation, timer and serial communication are also implemented by the
software. A serial communication real-time clock and timers featuring microcontroller may cost more than
the microprocessor with external memory and a software implementation. Hardware implementations
provide advantage of processing speed. Two approaches for the embedded two approaches for the
embedded system design are follows as below.

 When the software development cycle ends then the cycle begins for the process of integrating the
software into the hardware at the time when a system is designed.
 Both cycles concurrently proceed when co-designing a time critical sophisticated system.

Software Design Methodology:

In general the design of a system with software based needs a design entry as
programming language like c, c++ etc. The design flow is shown in Fig... In this
methodology the constraints are with respect to area but not speed. The system design
information can be specified by using user requirements to the system designer. The user
requirements are verified according to the target board (like processor), area, speed and
other nonfunctional constraints. If the user requirements satisfy existing elements then
the design will move forward, otherwise user has to refine the requirements. General
programming languages like c, c++ etc. can be used as the design entry and compilation
will be done to check the functionality is with respect to specifications or not. Finally
hex file or bit file is generated according to the target device.
The advantage of this design process is easy to design and implement with less area but
timing issues and speed cannot be improved. The timing issues and speed can be
considered by using the hardware based design methodology.
Hardware Design Methodology:
The systems with hardware components considering timing can be designed by using a programmable
devices like PLA, PAL, PGA, FPGA or a non-programmable device like ASIC. The systems behavior can
be expressed by using a Hardware Description Language like Verilog HDL, VHDL etc. instead of a
programming language. These HDL languages describe the timing behavior of the hardware elements. The
design flow for an FPGA is shown in Fig.

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The system design starts with the refined specifications.
The specifications are converted into architecture. The
architecture functionality is expressed by using
Hardware Description Langue (HDL) like VHDL or
Verilog HDL. The functionality can be verified by using
simulation with the help of test bench. After the
functional verification the design can be converted into
gate level structural interconnected form called as net
list with the help of synthesis. The synthesized net list
will be placed and routed on the selected target FPGA
board. A bit file will be generated to load the designed
system on to the target FPGA.
The advantage of hardware based design methodology
is the timing information can be specified by using HDL
and high speed systems can be designed compared to
software based methods.
Combinational and Sequential Logic:

Combinational logic refers to circuits whose output is a function of the present value of the inputs only. As
soon as inputs are changed, the information about the previous inputs is lost, that is, combinational logic
circuits have no memory.

Sequential logic circuits are those whose outputs are also dependent upon past inputs, and hence outputs.
In other words the output of a sequential circuit may depend upon its previous outputs and so in effect has
some form of "memory". The mathematical model of a sequential circuit is usually referred to as
a sequential machine. The general block diagram of a sequential switching circuit is shown below:

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Sequential circuits are basically combinational circuits with the additional properties of storage (to
remember past inputs) and feedback.


A transistor is a basic electrical component in digital system. It acts as a simple ON/OFF switch. Transister
are abstracted to construct the logic gates in higher level. One type of transistor is complementary metal
oxide (CMOS) which is more popular in combinational circuit design and corresponding technology is
called CMOS technology. CMOS transistor are two types:

1. nMOS Transistor
2. pMOS Transister

We can apply low or high levels to the gate of the CMOS transistor. We refers logical levels i.e. logic 0 is
0V and logic 1 is 5V.

nMOS Transistor:

- When logic 1 is applied to gate, the transistor conducts and current flows from source to drain.
- When logic 0 is applied to gate, the transistor do not conducts and high resistance is developed
about 10 MΩ along source to drain.

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pMOS Transistor:

- When logic 0 is applied to gate, the transistor conducts and current flows from source to drain.
When logic 1 is applied to gate, the transistor do not conducts and high resistance is developed
about 10 MΩ along source to drain

Implementations of Logic gates using CMOS

- When the input “x” is logic 0, the upper transistor conducts and lower transistor does not conducts.
Thus logic 1 is appears as output “F”.
- Similarly when the input “x” is logic 1, the upper transistor does not conducts and lower transistor
conducts. Thus logic 0 is appears as output “F”.

NAND Gate:

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- When one of the input “x” or “y” is logic 0 then at least one of the upper transistor and lower
conducts .Thus logic 1 is appears as output “F”.
- When both input “x” or “y” is logic 0 then neither of the upper transistor conducts but both lower
conducts .Thus logic 0 is appears as output “F”.
NOR Gate

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- When both input “x” or “y” is logic 0 then both of the upper transistor conducts but both lower
does not conducts .Thus logic 1 is appears as output “F”.
- When both input “x” or “y” is logic 1 then both of the upper transistor does conducts but both
lower does conducts .Thus logic 0 is appears as output “F”.
- When one of the input “x” or “y” is logic 0 then at least one of the upper transistor and lower
conducts .Thus logic 0 is appears as output “F”.

Logic Gates:
The Digital Logic Gate is the basic building block from which all digital electronic circuits and
microprocessor based systems are constructed from. Basic digital logic gates perform logical operations
of AND, OR and NOT on binary numbers.
Digital logic gates may have more than one input, (X, Y, Z, etc.) but generally only have one digital
output, (F). Individual logic gates can be connected together to form combinational or sequential circuits,
or larger logic gate functions.

Basic Combinational Logic Design:

Combinational logic refers to circuits whose output is a function of the present value of the inputs only.
Combinational logic circuits have no memory. The design procedure includes following steps:

- Determine the no of input and output of system from the problem specifications.
- Derive truth table for each output from their relationship with number of inputs.
- Simplify the Boolean expression using K-maps & obtain logic equations.
- Draw logic diagram (sharing common gates).
- Simulate circuit for design verification.
- Optimize the circuit for area and/or performance using different optimization metric.
- Re -simulate & verify optimized design.

For example: a combinational circuit that have three input say A, B and C and will give a single output X
as logic 1 if the binary number consists more 1’s than 0’s.

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RT-level Combinational Component:

All digital circuit can be designed as the procedure stated as above but it is difficult and complex so higher
abstract level of combinational logic devices are used in resister transfer level design. Some of the
component are:

1. Multiplexer:

A digital multiplexer is a combinational circuit that selects binary information from one of many input lines
and directs it to a single output line.

A –a

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- A multiplexer sometimes called as a selector, always only one its data input Im passed through
the o/p. Thus multiplexer acts much like a railroad switch, allowing multiple input tracks to a
single track as output.
- If there are “m” data inputs then it consists log2 (m) selection inputs lines “S”. We call this an
m-by-1 MUX.
- The binary inputs to “S” determines which input line is connected to O/P.
 0000…….0000 means the input I0 passed through
 0000…….0001 means the input I1 passed through
 0000…….0010 means the input I2 passed through
And so on…………..

2. Decoder

Discrete quantities of information are represented in digital systems with binary codes. A binary code
of n bits is capable of representing up to 2n distinct elements of the coded information. Decoder is a
combinational circuit that converts binary information from n input lines to a maximum of 2n unique
output lines.

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- A decoder converts the binary input combinations “I” into a one-hot output. One-hot means
that exactly one output line can be 1 at a given time.
- Thus there are n-outputs, then there must be log2 (n) then it is called as log2 (n) by n decoder.

3. Adder:

An n-bit adder adds two n-bit data say A and B at a time and generates carry and sum as an
4. Comparator:

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- An n-bit comparator compares n –bit data say A and B and generates the output as A<B or
A>B or A=B.
5. Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU)

- An n-bit ALU can perform arithmetic and logical calculations on n-bit data inputs A and B.
- The selection input “S” determines the operation that is going to perform.
6. Shifter

- An n-bit shifter can shift the n bit data stored on n-bit register towards right or left direction.

Sequential Logic Components:

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Their output values are computed using both the present and past input values. In other words, their outputs
depend on the sequence of input values that have occurred over a period of time. This dependence on the
past input values requires the presence of memory elements. The values stored in memory elements define
the state of a sequential component. Since memory is finite, therefore, the sequence size must always be
finite, which means that the sequential logic can contain only a finite number of states. So sequential circuits
are sometimes called finite-state machines. Sequential circuits can be a asynchronous or synchronous.

Asynchronous sequential circuits change their state and output values whenever a change in input values
occurs. Synchronous sequential circuits change their states and output values at fixed points of time, which
are specified by the rising or falling edge of a free-running clock signal. Clock period is the time between
successive transitions in the same direction, i.e., between two rising or two falling edges. Clock frequency
= 1/clock period Clock width is the time during which the value of the clock signal is equal to 1. Duty cycle
is the ratio of clock width and clock period. Active high if the state changes occur at the clock's rising edge
or during the clock width. Active low if the state changes occur at the clock's falling edge. Latches and flip
flops are the basic storage elements that can store one bit of information. The basic components with their
properties are shown below.

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The characteristic table is a shorter version of the truth table that gives for every set of input values and
the state of the flip-flop before the rising edge, the corresponding state of the flip-flop after the rising edge
of the clock. It is used during the analysis of sequential circuits.

The characteristic equation is just the functional expressions derived from the characteristic (truth) table.
It formally describes the functional behavior of a latch or flip-flop. They specify the flip-flop’s next state
as a function of its current state and inputs.

The excitation table gives the value of the flip-flop inputs that are necessary to change the flip-flop’s
present state to the desired next state after the rising edge of the clock signal. It is obtained from the
characteristic table by transposing input and output columns. It is used during the synthesis of sequential

RT-level Sequential Component:

- A register stores the n-bits from its input “I” with those n bits appearing at output line “Q”.

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- A register usually has at least two control input, clock and load. For a raising edge triggered
register, input is usually drawn as a small triangle as shown in fig.
- Another common control unit is clear, which resets all bits to value “0” regardless the value
of “I”.
- All input bits are loaded in parallel so it is called as parallel load register.

Shift Register:

- A shift register stores n bit but they cannot be stored in parallel. Instead they must be shifted
into the register i.e. one bit at a single clock.
- The register have at least a data input “I” that holds a single bit at a time and control input
shift that is used to insert a data.
- When clock is raising mode the shift equals 1 such that the data bits in “I” is inserted into “n”
bit position of register while nth bit is inserted into (n-1)th bits and (n-1) bit into (n-2) and so
- The first bit is usually shifted to the output end “Q”.


- A counter is a register that can be also increment, meaning add the binary value 1, to its stored
binary value. A counter has a control input clear that resets all bits of register to vale “0” and
count input that increments the value of stored number by 1 in each raising edge of clock.
- A counter has also a load input to load the n –bit data in parallel.
- Commonly a counter operates in both mode as down and up. The up counter increments the
value stored in register by 1 and down counter decrements the contents of register by value 1
up to define level. Mode M counter counts from 0 to M-1 or M-1 to 0. For this it requires
another control input as Count UP/DOWN.
- These control input may be

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1. Synchronous
2. Asynchronous
- A synchronous input value only have effect during in a clock edge.
- An asynchronous value effects the circuit independent of clock.

Design Procedure to Sequential Circuit Design:

The design of a clocked sequential circuit starts from a set of specifications (state table) and ends in a
logic diagram or a list of Boolean functions from which the logic diagram can be obtained. The procedure
can be summarized by a list of consecutive recommended steps:

1. State the word description of the circuit behavior. It may be a state diagram, a timing
diagram, or other pertinent information.
2. From the given information about the circuit, obtain the state table.
3. Apply state-reduction methods if the sequential circuit can be characterized by input-output
relationships independent of the number of states.
4. Assign binary values to each state if the state table obtained in step 2 or 3 contains letter
5. Determine the number of flip-flops needed and assign a letter symbol to each.
6. Choose the type of flip-flop to be used.
7. From the state table, derive the circuit excitation and output tables.
8. Using the map or any other simplification method, derive the circuit output functions and the
flip-flop input functions.
9. Draw the logic diagram.

Design Examples:

1. Design a combinational circuit for output y and z where y is 1 when a is 1 or b and c are 1 and z
is 1 if b or c is 1 but not all i.e. a and b and c are 1.
Truth Table:

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K-map Reduction:

Logic Diagram:

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2. Design a 2 bit comparator circuit that have one single output “less than” using the approach of
combinational design technique.

Truth Table:

K-map Reduction:

Logic Diagram:

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3. Design a 3X8 decoder. Start from truth table, use k-map to minimize the logic gates and draw the
finial circuit.

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4. Construct a clock divider. Slow down your pre-existing clock so that you output a 1 for every
four clock cycles.

State diagram

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State table

Minimized state equation:

Logic diagram

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5. Design the 3- bit counter that counts the sequence as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,…etc. . This counter has
output “odd” whose value is 1 when it counts odd. Design the circuit by using sequential circuit
design technique.

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6. Four lights are connected to decoder. Built a circuit that will blink the lights in the order 0, 2, 1, 3,
0, 2……….. Start from state diagram draw the finial circuit.

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7. Design a soda controller machine given that a soda costs 75 cents and your machine accepts
quarters only. Draw the black box view, come up with state diagram, and draw the finial circuit.

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Sequence Recognizer (Moore)

A sequence recognizer is a special kind of sequential circuit that looks for a special bit pattern in some
input. The recognizer circuit has only one input, X

- One bit of input is supplied on every clock cycle

- This is an easy way to permit arbitrarily long input sequences

There is one output, Z, which is 1 when the desired pattern is found. Our example will detect the bit
pattern ―1001‖:

Inputs: 1 1 1 101 1 0 1 10 1 101 1 0…

Outputs: 0 00 001 00 0 00 1 001 0 0…

A sequential circuit is required because the circuit has to ―remember‖ the inputs from previous clock
cycles, in order to determine whether or not a match was found. The corresponding state diagram is:

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1. Design a sequence detector to detect a sequence ----1010---- using D flip-flops and logic gates.

State Diagram

The state table for the above diagram:

State assignments: Let S0S0 = 00, S1S1 = 01, S2S2 = 10, S3S3 = 11

The above state table becomes:

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Four states will require two flip flops. Consider two D flip flops. Their excitation table is shown below.

Excitation table:

K-maps to determine inputs to D Flip flop:

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Circuit diagram for the sequence detector:

2. Design a sequence detector that produces a true output whenever it detects the sequence 010 at its

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Custom Single-Purpose Processor Basic Model:

- The data path stores and manipulates the system data. Examples of data in embedded system
includes binary numbers representing external conditions like temperature or speed, the character
to be displayed on the screen or digitized photographic image to be stored and compressed.
- The data path consists register unit, functional unit, and connection unit like wires and multiplexer.
- The data path can be configured to read the data from register, fed that data into the functional unit
configured to carry the operations like add, subtract, shift etc. and stores the result back to the
designated register.
- A controller caries out the configuration of data path. It sets the data path control signals like load
input to register, select inputs for selecting the register, operation selection for functional unit and
connection unit to obtain the desired configuration at particular instant of time.
- It monitors the external control input as well as data path control outputs known as status signal,
coming from the functional units and it sets the external control output as well.
- The combinational or sequential logic can be applied to design controller and data path.


Statements are used to implement the logical operation, data flow and control flow during the custom
single processor design. Some of the useful statements are:

1. Assignment statements
2. Loop statements

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3. Branch statements

Assignment Statements:

Assignment statements are used to initialize the fixed data into a variable or transfer
of data from one variable to another. For example a =5, b = 10, d= a etc. It is used to
create a single state and available for next statement.

Loop Statements:

The control statement are represented by the loop

statements. For loop statement:

- We create condition statement C and a join state J,

both have no action.
- We add an arc with the loop’s condition state to in first statement in loop
- We create the second arc with the complement of the loop’s condition
from the condition state to next statement after the loop body.

Branch Statements:

Branch statements are used to alter the

execution order of statements with or
without condition. For branch statements:

- We create the condition statement C with

a join statements J both with no action.
- We create the arc from the first branch
statement from the condition statement.
- We add another arc with the complement
of first branch condition ANDed with second branch condition
from the first statement of first branching condition. We repeat this
for all branching conditions.
- Finally we connect the arc leaving the last statement of each branch
to join state and we add an arc from this state to next statement

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Steps to Design Single Custom Processor


1. Draw a black box that shows the abstract view of the implementation logic.
2. Derive the algorithms to implement the functionality of system.
3. Derive the state diagram to implement the operational logic in terms of control flow, dataflow and
applicable logic using different statements.
4. Design the data path, functional unit as well as controller to implement the complex logic specified
in step 2.

For example: design of custom single processor to find the GCD of given two numbers

Suppose Xi and Yi be the two input number, go be the control input and do is the GCD of Xi and Yi such
that the black box, functionality and state diagram be designed as below be represented as:


1 !(!go_i)

0: int x, y; 3:
go_i x_i y_i x = x_i
1: while (1) {
GCD 2: while (!go_i);
4: y = y_i
3: x = x_i;
d_o 4: y = y_i;
5: while (x != y) { 5:
6: if (x < y) x!=y
7: y = y - x; 6:
else x<y !(x<y)
8: x = x - y;
y = y -x 8: x = x - y
} 7:
9: d_o = x;


9: d_o = x


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The data path can be designed as x_i y_i
Data path

• Create a register for any x_sel

declared variable n-bit 2x1 n-bit 2x1
• Create a functional unit for y_sel
each arithmetic operation x_ld
• Connect the ports, registers 0: x 0: y
and functional units y_ld
– Based on reads and
– Use multiplexors for != < subtractor subtractor
multiple sources 5: x!=y 6: x<y 8: x-y 7: y-x
• Create unique identifier x_neq_y
– for each datapath
component control x_lt_y 9: d
input and output d_ld


The controller of the above functionality is: Controller implementation model

• Same structure as FSMD and convert it to FSM. Combinational
• Replace complex actions/conditions with data path y_sel
configurations x_ld

Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0

State register
I3 I2 I1 I0

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Controller state table for the GCD

Optimization of Single Processor Design

The finite state machine uses the number of states so thaht they can be reduced without halting the operation.
The machine can be optimized by optimizing different parameter as below:

- Original program
- Data path
- FSM for controller
1. Optimization of Original Program:

The program can be optimize by optimizing the no of computation, size of variable, time and space
complexity, operation used like multiplication and division may have the higher cost etc. for

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Here subtract operation is replaced by modulo operation, the program be optimized in terms of
number of computation as well as space and time complexity.

2. Optimization of FSMD:

FSMD can be optimized by using different concepts as merge state, separate state and scheduling.
Those states they have constant value or independent with change then they can be merged and so
called merged state. The state with complex logic can be replaces by no of sub operation with simpler
logic that reduce the hardware complexity and so called as separate state. By optimization of scheduling
time, we can optimize the FSMD. For example:

- Eliminate the state -1 that consists constant value.

- Merge the state 2 and 2-J since there is no loop operation in between them.
- Merge the state 3 and 4 since they are independent to each other.
- Merge the state 5 and 6 since transition from state 6 can be done from 5.
- Eliminate state 6-J and 5-J since it can be done from state 7 and 8.
- Eliminate the state 1-J since it can be done through state 9.

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3. Optimizing Data Path:

To optimize the data path, a sheared functional unit can be used such that there is a optimized datapath
and able perform the verity of operation. For this purpose we can use the sheared ALU circuit that
supports verity of state equation as well as state operations. For example: for operation X-Y and Y-X,
instead of using two sub tractor we can generate the result.

4. Optimizing FSM for Controller:

The FSM of controller can be optimize by reducing the states and using efficient state encoding. The n
bit encoded binary bits can define 2n different states and n bits can generate the n! Combinations. The
states can be merged into a single state such that it provides the optimize FSM.

Software Design Issues: General Purpose Processor

Fig: General Purpose Processor

The general purpose processor sometimes called as central processing unit (CPU) or a microprocessor. It
consists of a datapath and a control unit, tightly coupled with memory as shown above fig. the general
purpose basic architecture consists of:

- Datapath
- Control unit
- Memory

Data path:

The data path consists the circuitry to transfer the data from one place to another and storing the temporary
data. The datapath contains the ALU capable of transferring the data from different operation like additions,
subtraction, bitwise OR, AND etc. ALU also generates the status signals often stored in status register.
These status bit conditions are known as flags. The flags may be zero, sign carry overflow etc. It also
contains register and stores the data temporarily during ALU operation. The temporary data includes:

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- Data read from memory but not yet send to ALU.
- Result from ALU operation that is used for next operation or going to write on memory.

The capacity of processor measured by bandwidth of datapath i.e. data carrying capacity. The n-bit size
processor consists:

- N bit registers set

- N bit internal and external system bus
- N bit ALU

The processor size may be 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 bit.

Control Unit

It consists a circuitry that generates the control signal to read the instruction stored in memory, its execution
and transferring the data from datapath, storing the result on memory and IO operation. A register called as
program counter (PC) that is use to sequence the program i.e. it points the address of next instruction that
is going to fetch and execute. Another register called as instruction register (IR) is used to hold the
instruction read from memory. The register called as Address Register (AR) is used to store the memory
address during memory read/write operation. The control unit has a controller, consisting of a status register
plus next state and control logic. It controls the data flow on datapath and such flow includes:

- Inputting the two particular register for ALU operation.

- Storing the ALU results in particular register.
- Moving the data between memory and register.

An m bit sized address memory consists the address space of 2m and controller goes through the following
operation to execute an instructions.

- Fetching the instruction from memory.

- Decode the instruction.
- Fetch the operand from memory
- Perform the operation on memory.
- Store the result.


Registers are used as the short term storage whereas memory is used as the mid-term and long –term storage.
Memory be classified as:

- Program Memory
- Data memory

The program memory is used to store the sequence of instruction called as program which is use to achieve
a given functionality whereas data memory use to store the data information and represents the values of
input, output, and transformed by program. We can store the data and program together or separately. The
memory architecture follow the following two model:

- Princeton Architecture

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- Harvard Architecture

Fig: Harvard architecture (a), Princeton Architecture (b)

- The Princeton architecture shares the common memory space to store the data and program and
requires one to one connection with hardware.
- The Harvard architecture uses the separate memory space to store program as well as data and
requires different connection. The microcontroller 8051/52 follow this model.

Instruction Execution:

The instruction be executed in microprocessor by taking following steps:

 Fetch Instruction (FI): It is a task that reads the instruction from memory pointed by PC and
loaded into the instruction register.
 Decode Instruction (DI): In this phase, an instruction be decoded to separate the operand
reference as well as operation code to represent the particular operation as ADD, MOV, AND,
SUB etc.
 Fetch Operand (FO): In this stage, the operand be read from the memory represented by the
effective address (EA). EA calculation is needed for indirect address.
 Execute Instruction (EI): In this phase, the instruction be executed in accordance with its
opcode an operand and generates the result.
 Store Result (SR): The result is stored on the particular destination that may be register or

Pipeline for Instruction Execution: The pipeline is a common process to increase the instruction
throughput of a microprocessor. The pipelining is easily understand by taking the example of washing and
drying eight dishes as below.

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In one approach, the first person washes all dishes and second person drying all dishes. If one minutes
time is require for each person the total of 16 minutes be required to complete the task. This approach
is inefficient since only one person in working other in idle mode. The better approach is that where a
person washes and another goes to drying immediately such that this task is finishes at 9 minutes.

The instruction pipeline can be carried to execute the instruction in five independent segments as
specified above as FI, DI, FO, EI and SR. The instruction pipeline structure be constructed as:

Programmer View:

A programmer writes the program instruction carryout the desired functionality on GPP. For this purpose,
programmer doesn’t need to know about the detailed structure of the processor where as he/she need to
know how instruction be executed. There are three levels of programming:

1. Assembly Level
2. Structure level
3. Machine level

Assembly Level: An assembly language is a low-level programming language for microprocessors and
other programmable devices. It is not just a single language, but rather a group of languages. An assembly
language implements a symbolic representation of the machine code needed to program a given CPU
architecture. Assembly language is also known as assembly code. The term is often also used synonymously
with 2GL. The assembler is needed to convert the assembly code into machine code.

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Structure Level: Structured programming is a logical programming method that is considered a precursor
to object-oriented programming (OOP). Structured programming facilitates program understanding and
modification and has a top-down design approach, where a system is divided into compositional
subsystems. These language are machine independent and need a compiler to convert them into machine

Machine Level: Sometimes referred to as machine code or object code, machine language is a collection
of binary digits or bits that the computer reads and interprets. Machine language is the only language a
computer is capable of understanding.

Operating System:

An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware. An operating
system is a software which performs all the basic tasks like file management, memory management, process
management, handling input and output, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.
An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware and
controls the execution of all kinds of programs.

The system call provides an interface to the operating system services. Application developers often do not
have direct access to the system calls, but can access them through an application programming interface
(API). The functions that are included in the API invoke the actual system calls. By using the API, certain
benefits can be gained:

 Portability: as long a system supports an API, any program using that API can compile and run.

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 Ease of Use: using the API can be significantly easier than using the actual system call.

Development Environment:

The development environment is comprise of the general software tools they are used to design, testing,
validation and verification of embedded system software. The software be developed in general processor
called as development processor then it sis burned to the target embedded processor.

Embedded Systems Programming requires a more complex software build process:

- Target hardware platform consists of target hardware (processor, memory, I/O) and Runtime
environment (Operating System/Kernel).
- Target hardware platform contains only what is needed for final deployment.
- Target hardware platform does not contain development tools (editor, compiler, debugger).

Target hardware platform is different from development platform

- Development platform, called the Host Computer, is typically a general purpose computer.
- Host computer runs compiler, assembler, linker, locator to create a binary image that will run on
the Target embedded system.

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An Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is software that assists programmers in developing

software. IDEs normally consist of a source code editor, a compiler, a linker/locater and usually a debugger.
Sometimes, an IDE is devoted to one specific programming language or one (family of) specific processor
or hardware but more often the IDEs support multiple languages, processors, etc. Some commonly used
IDEs for embedded systems are the GNU compiler collection (gcc), Eclipse, Delphi etc.


A source code editor is a text editor program designed specifically for editing source code to control
embedded systems. It may be a standalone application or it may be built into an integrated development
environment (e.g. IDE). Source code editors may have features specifically designed to simplify and speed
up input of source code, such as syntax highlighting and auto complete functionality. These features ease
the development of code.


A compiler is a computer program that translates the source code into computer language (object code).
Commonly the output has a form suitable for processing by other programs (e.g., a linker), but it may be a
human readable text file. A compiler translates source code from a high level language to a lower level
language (e.g., assembly language or machine language). The most common reason for wanting to translate
source code is to create a program that can be executed on a computer or on an embedded system. The

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compiler is called a cross compiler if the source code is compiled to run on a platform other than the one
on which the cross compiler is run. For embedded systems the compiler always runs on another platform,
so a cross compiler is needed.


A linker or link editor is a program that takes one or more objects generated by compilers and assembles
them into a single executable program or a library that can later be linked to in itself. All of the object files
resulting from compiling must be combined in a special way before the program locator will produce an
output file that contains a binary image that can be loaded into the target ROM. A commonly used
linker/locater for embedded systems isld (GNU).


A debugger is a computer program that is used to test and debug other programs. It is a piece of software
running on the PC, which has to be tightly integrated with the emulator that you use to validate your code.
A Debugger allows you to download your code to the emulator's memory and then control all of the
functions of the emulator from a PC.

Process for Developing Embedded Software

1. Develop software for a General Purpose Computer:

 Create source file

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 Type in C code
 Build: compile and link
 Execute: load and run
2. Develop software for an embedded system
 Create source file (on Host)
 Type in C code (on Host)
 Compile/Assemble: translate into machine code (on Host)
 Link: combine all object files and libraries, resolve all symbols (on Host)
 Locate: assign memory addresses to code and data (on Host)
 Download: copy executable image into Target processor memory
 Execute: reset Target processor

Compiling Embedded Systems:

Compiler translates program written in human-readable language into machine language:

- Source Code --> Object file

- Object file is binary file that contains set of machine-language instructions (opcodes) and data
resulting from language translation process

The process of converting the source code into object file is called compiling. Machine-language
instructions are specific to a particular processor and platforms are different for development. The complier
that runs on a computer platform and produces code for that same computer platform called as Native-
compiler. The compiler that runs on one computer platform and produces code for another computer
platform is called Cross-compiler.

Assembling/Interpreters for Embedded Systems:

In some cases, a compiler is not used. In this case assembler and interpreter is used.

- Assembler performs one-to-one translation from human-readable assembly language mnemonics

to equivalent machine-language opcodes and this process is called assembling.
- Interpreter constantly runs and interprets source code as a set of directives
 Performs syntax checking as program is typed in
 Result is slow performance - can be ~1000x slower than an equivalent compiled
language ª
 Interactive capability provides more feedback -- easier to learn
- Handyboard runs a C interpreter called Interactive C

Linking Embedded Systems:

The Linker combines object files (from compiler) and resolves variable and function references and
corresponding process is called linking.

- Source code may be contained in >1 file, which must be combined

- Resolve variables which may be referenced in one file and defined in another file
- Resolve calls to library functions, like sqrt
- May include operating system

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Linker creates a relocatable version of the program.

Locating Embedded Systems:

- A Locator is the tool that performs the conversion from relocatable program to executable binary
image and corresponding procedure is called locating.
- The Locator assigns physical memory addresses to code and data sections within the relocatable
- The Locator produces a binary memory image that can be loaded into the target ROM
- In contrast, On General Purpose Computers, the operating system assigns the addresses at load time

Executing Embedded System Program:

Once a program has been successfully compiled, linked, and located, it must be moved to the target
platform. Executable binary image is transferred and loaded into a memory device on target board.

Debugging Tools:

When it comes to debugging your code and testing your application there are several different tools you
can utilize that differ greatly in terms of development time spend and debugging features available. In this
section we take a look at simulators, and emulators.

Simulators try to model the behavior of the complete microcontroller in software. Some simulators go even
a step further and include the whole system (simulation of peripherals outside of the microcontroller). No
matter how fast you’re PC, there is no simulator on the market that can actually simulate a microcontroller's
behavior in real-time. Simulating external events can become a time-consuming exercise, as you have to
manually create "stimulus" files that tell the simulator what external waveforms to expect on which
microcontroller pin. A simulator can also not talk to your target system, so functions that rely on external
components are difficult to verify. For that reason simulators are best suited to test algorithms that run
completely within the microcontroller.

An emulator is a piece of hardware that ideally behaves exactly like the real microcontroller chip with all
its integrated functionality. It is the most powerful debugging tool of all. A microcontroller's functions are
emulated in real-time.

Embedded Product Development Lifecycle:

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- Description of the original idea in a formal technical form (verbal requirements)

- Investigation of the existing prototypes and/or models that match the idea
- Comparative analysis of existing implementations
- Proposal of implementation and materials options


Functional Requirements

- Development of hardware functional specification

- Development of software and firmware functional requirements
- Analysis of the third-party requirements documentation

Architecture Design

- Development of the system architecture concept

- Design of the mechanics parts/molding of the system
- Development of hardware design documentation (including FPGA design)
- Development of the detailed software design specification
- Analysis of the third-party design documents

Hardware Modeling

- Schematics design
- PCB Layout Design
- Re-engineering and repairing
- Samples & Prototypes Assembly


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- Product prototyping (including all types of mechanics, hardware, software and the whole system
- Mechanical parts manufacturing (including molding/press forms manufacturing) – Hardware
- Software and firmware coding
- System integration (software with hardware and mechanics)

Application Specific Processor (ASPs)

General purpose processors are designed to execute multiple applications and perform multiple tasks.
General purpose processors can be quite expensive especially for small devices that are designed to perform
special tasks. Also general purpose processors might lack high performance that a certain task required.
Therefore, application specific processors emerged as a solution for high performance and cost effective
processors. Application specific processors have become a part of our life’s and can be found almost in
every device we use on a daily basis. Devices such as TVs, cell phones, and GPSs they all have a form of
application specific processors. An application specific processor combines high performance, low cost,
and low power consumption.
Application specific processors can be classified into three major categories:
- Digital Signal Processor (DSP): Programmable microprocessor for extensive real-time
mathematical computations.
- Application Specific Instruction Set Processors (ASIP): Programmable microprocessor where
hardware and instruction set are designed together for one special application.
- Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC): Algorithm completely implemented in
Application Specific Systems
Some of the typical approaches of building an application specific system or an embedded system are to
use one or more of the following implementation methods: GPP, ASIC or ASIP.
- GPP:
Functionality of the system is exclusively build on the software level. Although the biggest
advantage of such system is the flexibility but it is not optimal in term of performance, power
consumption, cost, physical space and heat dissipation.
Compared to GPP, ASIC based systems offer better performance and power consumption but at
the cost of flexibility and extensibility. Although it is difficult to use the ASIC for tasks other than
what they were designed for, but it is possible to use GPP to perform the more general less
demanding tasks in addition to ASIC in the same system.
In this approach, an ASIP is basically a compromise between the two extremes; The Application
specific integrated circuit processors ASIC being designed to do mostly a very specific job with
high performance but with minimal room for modifications and the general purpose processors
which costs a lot more than ASIP but with extreme flexibility at what they do. Due to this flexibility
and low price, ASIP are great to be used in embedded and system-on-a-chip solutions.
Table below shows the comparison between the three approaches in term of performance and flexibility
and other design considerations.

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Application-Specific Instruction Set Processors
An ASIP is typically a programmable architecture that is designed in a specific way to perform certain tasks
more efficiently. This extra efficiency is not exclusively associated with faster performance. Other factors
like reduced production costs, simplified manufacturing process and less power consumption can all be
considered efficiency qualities for ASIP. The term “Application” in ASIP is not necessarily related to
software applications, it actually describe the class of tasks the ASIP platform was designed to efficiently
accomplish. As the name suggests, the Instruction set seems to be the core characteristic of any ASIP based
platform; but this is entirely not true. Considering a whole platform, other very important attributes like
interfaces and micro-architecture do contribute a lot to the overall system performance.
Interfaces outline how the system and the architecture communicate with each other. Having only an
extremely parallelized instruction-set ASIP in a data extensive processing platform doesn’t mean
necessarily a more efficiently performing system. For example, if the load/store unit cannot handle data
processing as quick, there will be a performance bottle-nick due to system interfaces. Similarly for the
micro-architecture, the pipeline of the ASIP must be designed in a specific way that optimizes the
performance of the whole system. A traditional RISC stages (Fetch, Decode, Execute, memory & write-
back) might not be the optimal pipeline for the application. Specifically designing any of these aspects of
ASIP will be always associated with trade-offs. Having an extremely parallelized instruction-set will
propose issues with the size of the instruction-set and it will affect the program memory, interfaces and
fetch & decode stages of the pipeline.
There are many advantages of using a ASIPs as compared to GPP. The following are the major ones:
- Speed: The hardware of ASIPs is spacially tailored to execute the applications specific instruction.
For example an image processor may have an instruction differentiating the input values or may
have the instruction for recognizing a bit pattern in communication interface circuit. The hadware
is designed to implement the instruction so provides the faster processing.
- Reprogram ability: ASIPs can be reprogrammed. The scope of program executed by an ASIPs
may be limited to particular application, but still feature of reproggrammability gives the flexibility,
though limited, for upgrades and modifications. This saves the time and cost.
- NRE: ASIPs are not designed for a specific single task, they are designed for class of task. Unlike
single purpose processor, they can be reprogrammed when application requirement changes. Thus
the cost of engineering work for producing an ASIC can be distributed which lowers the overall
cost. For same task ASIPs are cheaper than single purpose processor.

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- Power Consumption: compared to GPP, an ASIPs may consume less power. An ASIPs designed
to execute specific task; it would not contain unnecessary hardware components required by GPP.
It implies lower the hardware lower the cost.
The importance of ASIPs cannot be undermined when there is an increasing use of microprocessor
controlled system. The availability of hardware unit including the processor in HDL allows one to
implement the processor in ASIP form.
Selecting a Processor:
The selection basis is the requirement, what the processor needs to do. A processor may be selected on the
basis of following parameters.
1. Speed:
How fast a processor can compute has always been a point of high interest for designers and
developers. There is always demand for fast processors. But good practice is to use a processor
required by application. A data logging application that records temperature in every 5 minutes
might not require a faster processor but a X-ray machine in the emergency ward should have faster
one. MIPS (Millions instruction set second) is also used to measure Speed.
2. Instruction Set:
The instruction set defines what a processor can do. Based on task to be performed, an additional
set of instruction or totally different instruction set may be required. In robotic system the processor
for driving a motor and analyzing an environment are required to perform different task, instruction
set may be different for them.
3. Bit/ Word Length:
It is a size of data the processor can handled, the length of register around processor. If processor
needs to process floating point data, the word length that works for integer type data is no sufficient.
A narrower option may works but takes more time.
4. Power Consumption:
Power consumption may not a deciding factor for fixed system but when it comes to a portable
handheld device, it becomes a crucial point. Both the standby and peak power consumption of
processor are to be considered. For example, the low power consumed by mobile phone in standby
or sleep and active mode should low.
5. Prior Experience:
While working in a project, a designer would chose a processor with which he has experience. The
availability of development and libraries for the SW for a processor contributes to the performance.
6. Size:
The actual physical size of the processor may impact the design when the trend is going for slim
smart devices. Everything, including processor is required to be small.
7. Cost:
The price of the processor is the ultimate selection factor. The available project budget may not
accommodate expensive processor then designer selects the low cost processor.
Other factors may be type/ version, no of register etc., may also be used as selection criteria.
General Purpose Processor Design:
The general purpose processor design follows the states as like in singe processor design as:
1. Create a FSMD to describe a behavior of processor. I.e. design instruction set.

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2. Built the data path to carry the data flow between different functional units.
3. Rewrite the FSMD to FSM
4. Design the FSM controller.
A general purpose processor is characterize by its nature of reprogramming for wide variety of application.
A GPP is designed to execute generalized basic instructions which can be used to write programs that
perform different tasks. A lot of effort is required in design phase in order to generalize the processor so
that it can be programmed for different solutions. The high design cost is acceptable if the NRE cost is very
The design of general purpose processor requires to list the operations required to perform. A binary code
that specifies an operation is called instruction and list of instructions is called instruction set. An instruction
set of general purpose processor with 7 instructions as in table.

The FSMD of general purpose processor requires no of sub operation to execute the instruction. The data
flow to execute the above instruction set is constructed as:

Instruction Operation
Load A 001
Load B 010
A OR B 011
A AND B 100
A+B 101
A-B 110
A+1 111

The execution of instruction requires following steps:

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1. Fetch Instruction (FI): It is a task that reads the instruction from memory pointed by PC and loaded
into the instruction register.
2. Decode Instruction (DI): In this phase, an instruction be decoded to separate the operand reference
as well as operation code to represent the particular operation as ADD, AND, SUB etc.
3. Fetch Operand (FO): In this stage, the operand be read from the memory represented by the
effective address (EA). EA calculation is needed for indirect address.
4. Execute Instruction (EI): In this phase, the instruction be executed in accordance with its opcode
an operand and generates the result.
5. Store Result (SR): The result is stored on the particular destination that may be register or memory.
The design of data follows from the instruction set. Each expression shown in FSMD are carried out by
different functional unit. The datapath must contain the functional units required by instruction. The
operation of functional unit is define by the control unit. These control signal are generated from the
controller. A MUX is used to select the functional units, memory and register used in data path. The data
path must be able to transfer the information about address, data and control.
The controller is a finite state machine that goes from one to another state and its design involves sequential
design processor. The state diagram be different but procedure is almost same.

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Chapter- 3
The Memory stores the instructions as well as data. No one can distinguish an instruction and data. The
processor has to be directed to the address of the instruction codes. The memory is connected to the
processor through the following lines.
1. Address
2. Data
3. Control

In a memory read operation the CPU loads the address onto the address bus. Most cases these lines are fed
to a decoder which selects the proper memory location. The CPU then sends a read control signal. The data
is stored in that location is transferred to the processor via the data lines. In the memory write operation
after the address is loaded the CPU sends the write control signal followed by the data to the requested
memory location. The memory can be classified in various ways i.e. based on the location, power
consumption, way of data storage etc. The memory at the basic level can be classified as:
1. Processor Memory (Register Array)
2. Internal on-chip Memory
3. Primary Memory
4. Cache Memory
5. Secondary Memory
 Processor Memory (Register Array)
Most processors have some registers associated with the arithmetic logic units. They store the
operands and the result of an instruction. The data transfer rates are much faster without needing
any additional clock cycles. The number of registers varies from processor to processor. The more
is the number the faster is the instruction execution. But the complexity of the architecture puts a
limit on the amount of the processor memory.

 Internal on-chip Memory

In some processors there may be a block of memory location. They are treated as the same way as
the external memory. However it is very fast.
 Primary Memory

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This is the one which sits just outside the CPU. It can also stay in the same chip as of CPU. These
memories can be static or dynamic.
 Cache Memory
This is situated in between the processor and the primary memory. This serves as a buffer to the
immediate instructions or data which the processor anticipates. There can be more than one levels
of cache memory.
 Secondary Memory
These are generally treated as Input/Output devices. They are much cheaper mass storage and
slower devices connected through some input/output interface circuits. They are generally magnetic
or optical memories such as Hard Disk and CDROM devices. The memory can also be divided into
Volatile and Non-volatile memory.
 Volatile Memory
The contents are erased when the power is switched off. Semiconductor Random Access Memories
fall into this category.
 Non-volatile Memory
The contents are intact even of the power is switched off. Magnetic Memories (Hard Disks), Optical
Disks (CDROMs), Read Only Memories (ROM) fall under this category.
Data Storage
An m word memory can store m x n: m words of n bits each. One word is located at one address therefore
to address m words we need.
k = Log2(m) address input signals
k number address lines can address m = 2k words.
Example 4,096 x 8 memory:
- 32,768 bits
- 12 address input signals
- 8 input/output data signals

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Memory Access:
The memory location can be accessed by placing the address on the address lines. The control lines
read/write selects read or write. Some memory devices are multi-port i.e. multiple accesses to different
locations simultaneously.

Memory Specifications
The specification of a typical memory is as follows
- The storage capacity: The number of bits/bytes or words it can store.
- The memory access time (read access and write access): How long the memory takes to
load the data on to its data lines after it has been addressed or how fast it can store the data
upon supplied through its data lines. This reciprocal of the memory access time is known
as Memory.
- The Power Consumption and Voltage Levels: The power consumption is a major factor in
embedded systems. The lesser is the power consumption the more is packing density.
- Size: Size is directly related to the power consumption and data storage capacity.
There are two important specifications for the Memory as far as Real Time Embedded Systems are
- Write Ability
- Storage Performance
Write Ability:
It is the manner and speed that a particular memory can be written. The memory write ability refers to the
process of putting the bits in specific location of the memory and the ease and speed with which the process
can be completed. The writing process may be time consuming like in ROMs or faster like in registers.

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A basic writing process involves providing the address values to the address line and data to data lines and
selecting the writing function. But there are different methods to actually write the data into memory.
A ROM memory can built using combinational logic whose inputs act as lines and output acts as data lines.
The circuit has to design such that each combination of inputs give out data that is stored in the address
given by input lines, once implemented in hardware the stored values cannot be changed. Another circuit
has to be designed for another set of values. The write time is comparatively large.
A register is made up of flip-flops. Writing is easily accomplished, just put the data in the data lines and
enable load. Similarly, RAMs which are built around basic transistor storage cells, also have faster writing
ability. These memory are rewritable.
On the basis of writing ability, memory can be:
- High end:
The memory with high end write ability is easiest one to write data into. These are flip-flop
based memory that processor can write directly into. Examples are: registers, RAMs. These
memory are used in computation process in embedded system.
- Middle Range:
The memories in this range are little bit difficult to write and are slower than high end ones.
The processors can still write in them, but with a slower speed. These memories are not
accessed frequently and used for storing the data for a longer period of time. Examples are
FLASH, EEPROM. These memory are used in testing phase of embedded system.
- Lower Range:
A special programmer device is required to write data into this type of memory. It is slower
memory. Examples are: UV EPROM in which data is written by using voltage higher than
that of normal operation, one time programmable (OTP) ROM, in which data is written by
blowing connections which represent bit values. The OTPROM can be programmed once.
- Low End
In the low end memory device, data is written only during manufacturing. The memory
device is manufactured with data into it. The data writing process starts with design of chip.
Once manufactured, the data cannot be rewritten. The mask programmed ROM is the
example. In embedded system, such memories can be used to hold program or some data
that are used frequently, but values to be stored must be final.
Storage permanence:
It is the ability to hold the stored bits. The ability is temporary or permanent. Range of storage permanence
- High end
This range of memory essentially never loses bits e.g., mask-programmed ROM,
OTPROM. The programs of embedded system are placed in this range of memory.
- Middle range
This range memory holds for a bits over certain period of time as days, months, or years
after memory’s power source turned off e.g., NVRAM, a battery backed RAM or flash
- Lower range
This range memory holds bits as long as power supplied to memory • e.g., SRAM

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- Low end
It begins to lose bits almost immediately after written i.e refreshing circuit is needed to
hold data correctly e.g., DRAM
Common Memory Types
Read Only Memory (ROM)
This is a nonvolatile memory. It can only be read from
but not written to, by a processor in an embedded system.
Traditionally written to, “programmed”, before inserting
to embedded system.
- Store software program for general-
purpose processor i.e. program
instructions can be one or more ROM
- Store constant data needed by system
- Implement combinational circuit

The figure shows the structure of a ROM. Horizontal lines represents the words. The vertical lines give out
data. These lines are connected only at circles. If address input is 010 the decoder sets 2 nd word line to 1.
The data lines Q3 and Q1 are set to 1 because there is a “programmed” connection with word 2’s line. The
word 2 is not connected with data lines Q2 and Q0. Thus the output is 1010.

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Implementation of Combinatorial Functions:
Any combinational circuit of n functions of same k variables can be done with 2 k x n ROM. The inputs of
the combinatorial circuit are the address of the ROM locations. The output is the word stored at that location.

Mask-programmed ROM
The connections “programmed” at fabrication. They are a set of masks. It can be written only once (in the
factory). But it stores data for ever. Thus it has the highest storage permanence. The bits never change
unless damaged. These are typically used for final design of high-volume systems.
OTP ROM: One-time programmable ROM
The Connections “programmed” after manufacture by user. The user provides file of desired contents of
ROM. The file input to machine called ROM programmer. Each programmable connection is a fuse. The
ROM programmer blows fuses where connections should not exist.
- Very low write ability: typically written only once and requires ROM programmer device
- Very high storage permanence: bits don’t change unless reconnected to programmer and
more fuses blown
- Commonly used in final products: cheaper, harder to inadvertently modify

EPROM: Erasable programmable ROM

This is known as erasable programmable read only memory. The programmable component is a MOS
transistor. This transistor has a “floating” gate surrounded by an insulator. The Negative charges form a
channel between source and drain storing a logic 1. The Large positive voltage at gate causes negative
charges to move out of channel and get trapped in floating gate storing a logic 0. The (Erase) Shining UV
rays on surface of floating-gate causes negative charges to return to channel from floating gate restoring
the logic 1. An EPROM package showing quartz window through which UV light can pass. The EPROM
- Better write ability – can be erased and reprogrammed thousands of times
- Reduced storage permanence – program lasts about 10 years but is susceptible to radiation
and electric noise
- Typically used during design development

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EEPROM is otherwise known as Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory. It is erased
typically by using higher than normal voltage. It can program and erase individual words unlike the
EPROMs where exposure to the UV light erases everything. It has
- Better write ability
 can be in-system programmable with built-in circuit to provide higher
than normal voltage i.e. built-in memory controller commonly used to hide
details from memory user
 Writes very slowly due to erasing and programming. “busy” pin indicates
to processor EEPROM still writing
 Can be erased and programmed tens of thousands of times
- Similar storage permanence to EPROM (about 10 years)
- Far more convenient than EPROMs, but more expensive.
Flash Memory:
It is an extension of EEPROM. It has the same floating gate principle and same write ability and storage
permanence. It can be erased at a faster rate i.e. large blocks of memory erased at once, rather than one
word at a time. The blocks are typically several thousand bytes large
- Writes to single words may be slower
 Entire block must be read, word updated, then entire block written back
- Used with embedded systems storing large data items in nonvolatile memory
 e.g., digital cameras, TV set-top boxes, cell phones

RAM: “Random-access” memory:

- Typically volatile memory

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 bits are not held without power supply
- Read and written to easily by embedded system during execution
- Internal structure more complex than ROM
 a word consists of several memory cells, each storing 1 bit
 each input and output data line connects to each cell in its column
 rd/wr connected to every cell
 when row is enabled by decoder, each cell has logic that stores input data
bit when rd/wr indicates write or outputs stored bit when rd/wr indicates

Basic types of RAM

- SRAM: Static RAM
 Memory cell uses flip-flop to store bit
 Requires 6 transistors
 Holds data as long as power supplied
- DRAM: Dynamic RAM

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- Memory cell uses MOS transistor and capacitor to store bit
- More compact than SRAM – “Refresh” required due to capacitor leak i.e. word’s cells
refreshed when read
- Typical refresh rate 15.625 micro sec.
- Slower to access than SRAM

Ram variations
- PSRAM: Pseudo-static RAM
 DRAM with built-in memory refresh controller
 Popular low-cost high-density alternative to SRAM
- NVRAM: Nonvolatile RAM
 Holds data after external power removed
 Battery-backed RAM
o SRAM with own permanently connected battery
o writes as fast as reads
o no limit on number of writes unlike nonvolatile ROM-based
 SRAM with EEPROM or flash stores complete RAM contents on
EEPROM or flash before power
Example: HM6264 & 27C256 RAM/ROM devices
- Low-cost low-capacity memory devices
- Commonly used in 8-bit microcontroller-based embedded systems • First two numeric
digits indicate device type
 RAM: 62
 ROM: 27
- Subsequent digits indicate capacity in kilobits

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Composing memory:
- Memory size needed often differs from size of readily available memories
- When available memory is larger, simply ignore unneeded high-order address bits and
higher data lines
- When available memory is smaller, compose several smaller memories into one larger
 Connect side-by-side to increase width of words
 Connect top to bottom to increase number of words
 added high-order address line selects smaller memory containing
desired word using a decoder
 Combine techniques to increase number and width of words

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Memory Hierarchy
The memory hierarchy separates computer storage into a hierarchy based on response time. Since response
time, complexity, and capacity are related, the levels may also be distinguished by their performance and
controlling technologies. The embedded designer can chose the memory from this classification in terms
of cost, size and response time. Objective is to use inexpensive, fast memory for the embedded system

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- Main memory
 Large, inexpensive, slow memory stores entire program and data
- Cache
 Small, expensive, fast memory stores copy of likely accessed parts of
larger memory
 Can be multiple levels of cache.

At any given time, data is copied between only two adjacent levels:
- Upper level: the one closer to the processor
 Smaller, faster, uses more expensive technology
- Lower level: the one away from the processor
 Bigger, slower, uses less expensive technology
The basic unit of information transfer is Block. The minimum unit of information that can either be present
or not present in a level of the hierarchy is called as block.

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Program access a relatively small portion of the address space at any instant of time i.e. 10% of code
executed 90% of time. The processor access the same data and code confined in an area due to use of
branching, subroutine call and return, interrupt processing etc. this principle is called locality of reference.
There are two types of locality:
- Temporal locality: if an item is referenced, it will tend to be referenced again soon.
- Spatial locality: if an item is referenced, items whose addresses are close by tend to be referenced
A small and fastest memory is attached in between main memory and processor is called as cache memory.
It is used to implement the principle of locality of reference and hold the frequently or recently accessed
- Usually designed with SRAM
 faster but more expensive than DRAM
- Usually on same chip as processor
 space limited, so much smaller than off-chip main memory
 faster access (1 cycle vs. several cycles for main memory)
- Cache operation
 Request for main memory access (read or write)
 First, check cache for copy
 cache hit - copy is in cache, quick access
 cache miss - copy not in cache, read address and possibly its neighbors into cache
- Several cache design choices
 cache mapping, replacement policies, and write techniques

Cache Mapping:
Cache mapping is the method by which the contents of main memory are brought into the cache and
referenced by the CPU. The mapping method used directly affects the performance of the entire embedded
system. It is necessary as there are far fewer number of available cache addresses than the memory
- Are address’ contents in cache?
- Cache mapping used to assign main memory address to cache address and determine hit or miss.
- Three basic techniques:
 Direct mapping
 Fully associative mapping
 Set-associative mapping
- Caches partitioned into indivisible blocks or lines of adjacent memory addresses.
 usually 4 or 8 addresses per line
Direct Mapping:
Main memory locations can only be copied into one location in the cache. This is accomplished by dividing
main memory into pages that correspond in size with the cache.

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- It is the simplex technique, maps each block of main memory into only one possible cache line i.e.
a given main memory block can be placed in one and only one place on cache. i = j modulo m
Where I = cache line number; j = main memory block number; m = number of lines in the cache.
- The mapping function is easily implemented using the address. For purposes of cache access, each
main memory address can be viewed as consisting of three fields.
- The least significant w bits identify a unique word or byte within a block of main memory. The
remaining s bits specify one of the 2s blocks of main memory.
- The cache logic interprets these s bits as a tag of (s-r) bits most significant position and a line field
of r bits. The latter field identifies one of the m = 2r lines of the cache
 Address length = (s + w) bits
 Number of addressable units = 2s+w words or bytes
 Block size = line size = 2 w words or bytes
 Number of blocks in main memory = 2s+ w/2w = 2s
 Number of lines in cache = m = 2r
 Size of tag = (s – r) bits
Consider a cache memory system with following parameters.
- The cache can hold 64 Kbytes
- Data is transferred between main memory and the cache in blocks of 4 bytes each. This means
that the cache is organized as 16Kbytes = 214 lines of 4 bytes each.
- The main memory consists of 16 Mbytes with each byte directly addressable by a 24 bit address
(224 = 16Mbytes). Thus, for mapping purposes, we can consider main memory to consist of
4Mbytes blocks of 4 bytes each.

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- 24 bit address
- 2 bit word identifier (4 byte block)
- 22 bit block identifier
- 8 bit tag (=22-14), 14 bit slot or line
- No two blocks in the same line have the same Tag field
- Check contents of cache by finding line and checking Tag

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Pros and Cons
- Simple
- Inexpensive
- Fixed location for given block
- If a program accesses 2 blocks that map to the same line repeatedly, cache misses are very high.
Associated Mapping
- It overcomes the disadvantage of direct mapping by permitting each main memory block to be
loaded into any line of cache.
- Cache control logic interprets a
memory address simply as a tag
and a word field
- Tag uniquely identifies block
of memory
- Cache control logic must
simultaneously examine every
line’s tag for a match which
requires fully associative
- very complex circuitry,
complexity increases
exponentially with size
- Cache searching gets
 Address length
= (s + w) bits
 Number of
units = 2s+w
words or bytes
 Block size =
line size = 2 w
words or bytes
 Number of
blocks in main
memory = 2s+
w w
/2 = 2s
 Number of
lines in cache
Size of tag = s bits
- 22 bit tag stored with each 32 bit block of data

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- Compare tag field with tag entry in cache to check for hit
- Least significant 2 bits of address identify which 16 bit word is required from 32 bit data block
- e.g.
Address Tag Data Cache line
Set Associated Mapping
- It is a compromise between direct and associative mappings that exhibits the strength and reduces
the disadvantages
- Cache is divided into v sets, each of which has k lines; number of cache lines = vk
M = v X k I = j modulo v Where, i = cache set number; j = main memory block number; m =
number of lines in the cache
- So a given block will map directly to a particular set, but can occupy any line in that set (associative
mapping is used within the set)
- Cache control logic interprets a memory address simply as three fields tag, set and word. The d set
bits specify one of v = 2d sets. Thus s bits of tag and set fields specify one of the 2 s block of main
- The most common set associative mapping is 2 lines per set, and is called two-way set associative.
It significantly improves hit ratio over direct mapping, and the associative hardware is not too
 Address length = (s + w) bits
 Number of addressable units = 2s+w words or bytes
 Block size = line size = 2w words or bytes
 Number of blocks in main memory = 2d
 Number of lines in set = k
 Number of sets = v = 2d
 Number of lines in cache = kv = k * 2d
 Size of tag = (s – d) bits

- 13 bit set number

- Block number in main memory is modulo 213
- 000000, 00A000, 00B000, 00C000 … map to same set
- Use set field to determine cache set to look in
- Compare tag field to see if we have a hit
- e.g.
Address Tag Data Set number
1FF 7FFC 1FF 12345678 1FFF
001 7FFC 001 11223344 1FFF

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Replacement algorithm

When all lines are occupied, bringing in a new block requires that an existing line be overwritten. 
Algorithms must be implemented in hardware for speed and they are:
- Least Recently used (LRU)
- First in first out (FIFO)
- Least-frequently-used (LFU)
- Random

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Chapter – 4
Interfacing is a way to communicate and transfer information in either way without ending into deadlocks.
In our context it is a way of effective communication in real time. This involves:
- Addressing
- Arbitration
- protocol

- Addressing: The data sent by the master over a specified set of lines which enables just the device
for which it is meant.
- Protocols: The literal meaning of protocol is a set of rules. Here it is a set of formal rules describing
how to transfer data, especially between two devices.
- Arbitration: it specifies the process of generating the logic to select the bus connection over
different connected peripherals.

The interface is required:

- For speed synchronization between processor and peripherals since peripherals operates in
serial communication mode whereas processor operates in parallel mode.
- To manage the data format since the peripheral operates in bit or byte format where
memory and processor operates in word format. The word consists no of bytes.
- To maintain the energy of operation since processor and memory uses the semiconductor
and operates using electronic energy whereas peripherals are electromechanical.
System Buses: Interfacing Processors and Peripherals:
The system bus provides a common path to transfer the data between the two devices i.e. between source
and destination. When it is use to transfer the information between different devices with in processor then
it is called as internal bus. If they are used to transfer the information between peripherals processor and
memory then called as external bus.

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System interconnection structures may support these transfers:

- Memory to processor: the processor reads instructions and data from memory
- Processor to memory: the processor writes data to memory
- I/O to processor: the processor reads data from I/O device
- Processor to I/O: the processor writes data to I/O device
- I/O to or from memory: I/O module allowed to exchange data directly with memory without going
through the processor - Direct Memory Access (DMA)
Signals found on a bus are:
- Memory write: data on the bus written into the addressed location
- Memory read: data from the addressed location placed on the bus
- I/O write: data on the bus output to the addressed I/O port
- I/O read: data from the addressed I/O port placed on the bus
- Bus REQ: indicates a module needs to gain control of the bus
- Bus GRANT: indicates that requesting module has been granted control of the bus
- Interrupt REQ: indicates that an interrupt is pending
- Interrupt ACK: Acknowledges that pending interrupt has been recognized
- Reset: Initializes everything connected to the bus
- Clock: on a synchronous bus, everything is synchronized to this signal

Processor and Memory Interfacing:

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- Processor and memory are interconnected through the system bus and system bus
consists the three different lines as data, control and address.
- A enable signal is use to active the memory for memory operation.
- The devices they participate in communication are called as actor. There are two types of
actor as: master actor and slave actor. The master actor initiates the communication
whereas the slave actor response the communication.
- Address line provides the unique identification of memory location that stores the word
which is going to transfer or write.
- Data lines transfers data between master and slave i.e. it is called as bidirectional.
- Control lines are used to transfer the read/write signals for memory read or write
- Same lines are used to transfer the different values like control, data or address so system
bus can be multiplexed. The system bus can act as address bus or data bus or control bus
at a time. This method of selecting the bus for particular operation is called time
- Different types of control methods are used for communication they are.
 Simple transfer
 Strobe transfer
 Single handshake transfer
 Double handshake transfer
Simple Transfer

For simple transfer, memory and processor transfer the valid data by placing on data bus blindly.

Here cross line indicate the time for new valid data.

Strobe Transfer:
In this mode the transmitter transmit the data by placing valid data on data bus and raises the
strobe pulse to indicate initiation of data transfer.

Single Handshake Transfer:

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- The peripheral outputs some data and send signal
to processor. ―here is the data for you.
- Processor detects asserted signal, reads the data
and sends an acknowledge signal (ACK) to indicate
data has been read and peripheral can send next data.
―I got that one, send me another.

- MP sends or receives data when peripheral is ready.

Double Handshake Transfer:

- The peripheral asserts its line low to ask processor ―Are you ready?
- The processor raises its ACK line high to say ― I am ready.
- Peripheral then sends data and raises its line low to say ―Here is some valid data for
- Processor then reads the data and drops its ACK line to say, ―I have the data, thank you,
and I await your request to send the next byte of data.
I/O Addressing:
A microprocessor communicates with other devices using some of its pins. Broadly we can classify them

- Port-based I/O (parallel I/O)

 Processor has one or more N-bit ports
 Processor’s software reads and writes a port just like a register
- Bus-based I/O
 Processor has address, data and control ports that form a single bus
 Communication protocol is built into the processor
 A single instruction carries out the read or write protocol on the bus
- Parallel I/O peripheral
 When processor only supports bus-based I/O but parallel I/O needed.
 Each port on peripheral connected to a register within peripheral that is
read/written by the processor
- Extended parallel I/O
 When processor supports port-based I/O but more ports needed
 One or more processor ports interface with parallel I/O peripheral extending total
number of ports available for I/O

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Memory-mapped I/O and standard I/O
- Processor talks to both memory and peripherals using same bus – two ways to talk to peripherals
- Memory-mapped I/O
 Peripheral registers occupy addresses in same address space as memory
 e.g., Bus has 16-bit address
 lower 32K addresses may correspond to memory
 upper 32k addresses may correspond to peripherals
- Standard I/O (I/O-mapped I/O)
 Additional pin (M/IO) on bus indicates whether a memory or peripheral access
 e.g., Bus has 16-bit address
 all 64K addresses correspond to memory when M/IO set to 0
 all 64K addresses correspond to peripherals when M/IO set to 1
Memory-mapped I/O vs. Standard I/O
- Memory-mapped I/O
 Requires no special instructions
 Assembly instructions involving memory like MOV and ADD work with
peripherals as well
 Standard I/O requires special instructions (e.g., IN, OUT) to move data
between peripheral registers and memory
- Standard I/O – No loss of memory addresses to peripherals
 Simpler address decoding logic in peripherals possible
 When number of peripherals much smaller than address space then high-order
address bits can be ignored – smaller and/or faster comparators.
Address decoding:

Microprocessor is connected with memory and I/O devices via common address and data bus. Only one
device can send data at a time and other devices can only receive that data. If more than one device sends
data at the same time, the data gets garbled. In order to avoid this situation, ensuring that the proper device
gets addressed at proper time, the technique called address decoding is used.

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In address decoding method, all devices like memory blocks, I/O units etc. are assigned with a specific
address. The address of the device is determined from the way in which the address lines are used to derive
a special device selection signal k/a chip select (CS). If the microprocessor has to write or to read from a
device, the CS signal to that block should be enabled and the address decoding circuit must ensure that CS
signal to other devices are not activated. Depending upon the no. of address lines used to generate chip
select signal for the device, the address decoding is classified as:
1. I/O mapped I/O
In this method, a device is identified with an 8 bit address and operated by I/O related functions
IN and OUT for that IO/M =1. Since only 8 bit address is used, at most 256 bytes can be
identified uniquely. Generally low order address bits A0-A7 are used and upper bits A8-A15 are
considered don‘t care. Usually I/O mapped I/O is used to map devices like 8255A, 8251A etc.
2. Memory mapped I/O
In this method , a device is identified with 16 bit address and enabled memory related functions
such as STA , LDA for which IO/M =0, here chip select signal of each device is derived from
16 bit address lines thus total addressing capability is 64K bytes . Usually memory mapped
I/O is used to map memories like RAM, ROM etc.
Depending on the address that are allocated to the device the address decoding are categorized in the
following two groups.

1. Unique Address Decoding:

If all the address lines on that mapping mode are used for address decoding then that decoding is called
unique address decoding. It means all 8-lines in I/O mapped I/O and all 16 lines in memory mapped
I/O are used to derive signal. It is expensive and complicated but fault proof in all cases.

2. Non Unique Address decoding:

If all the address lines available on that mode are not used in address decoding then that decoding is called
non unique address decoding. Though it is cheaper there may be a chance of address conflict.

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● If A0 is low and is low. Then latch gets enabled. Here A1-A7 is neglected that is any even
address can enable the latch.

- Interrupt is signals send by an external device to the processor, to request the processor to perform
a particular task or work.
- Mainly in the microprocessor based system the interrupts are used for data transfer between the
peripheral and the microprocessor.
- The processor will check the interrupts always at the 2nd T-state of last machine cycle.
- If there is any interrupt it accept the interrupt and send the INTA (active low) signal to the
- The vectored address of particular interrupt is stored in program counter.
- The processor executes an interrupt service routine (ISR) addressed in program counter.
- It returned to main program by RET instruction.

Types of Interrupts
Interrupts can be broadly classified as
- Hardware Interrupts
 These are interrupts caused by the connected devices.
- Software Interrupts
 These are interrupts deliberately introduced by software instructions to generate
user defined exceptions
- Trap
 These are interrupts used by the processor alone to detect any exception such as
divide by zero.
Depending on the service the interrupts also can be classified as:
- Fixed interrupt
 Address of the ISR built into microprocessor, cannot be changed
 Either ISR stored at address or a jump to actual ISR stored if not enough bytes
- Vectored interrupt
 Peripheral must provide the address of the ISR
 Common when microprocessor has multiple peripherals connected by a system
- Compromise between fixed and vectored interrupts
 One interrupt pin
 Table in memory holding ISR addresses (maybe 256 words)
 Peripheral doesn’t provide ISR address, but rather index into table
 Fewer bits are sent by the peripheral
 Can move ISR location without changing peripheral

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Maskable vs. Non-maskable interrupts
- Maskable:
 programmer can set bit that causes processor to ignore interrupt
 This is important when the processor is executing a time-critical code
- Non-maskable:
 a separate interrupt pin that can’t be masked
 Typically reserved for drastic situations, like power failure requiring immediate
backup of data to non-volatile memory
Process of interrupt Operation
- From the point of view of I/O unit
 I/O device receives command from CPU
 The I/O device then processes the operation
 The I/O device signals an interrupt to the CPU over a control line.
 The I/O device waits until the request from CPU.
- From the point of view of processor
 The CPU issues command and then goes off to do its work.
 When the interrupt from I/O device occurs, the processor saves its program counter
& registers of the current program and processes the interrupt.
 After completion for interrupt, processor requires its initial task.
Basic Interrupt Processing
The occurrence of interrupt triggers a number of events, both in processor hardware and in software. The
interrupt driven I/O operation takes the following steps.

- The I/O unit issues an interrupt signal to the processor for exchange of data between them.
- The processor finishes execution of the current instruction before responding to the interrupt.
- The processor sends an acknowledgement signal to the device that it issued the interrupt.
- The processor transfers its control to the requested routine called ―Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
by saving the contents of program status word (PSW) and program counter (PC).
- The processor now loads the PC with the location of interrupt service routine and the fetches the
instructions. The result is transferred to the interrupt handler program.

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- When interrupt processing is completed, the saved register‘s value are retrieved from the stack and
restored to the register.
- Finally it restores the PSW and PC values from the stack.
The figure summarizes these steps. The processor pushes the flag register on the stack, disables the
INTR input and does essentially an indirect call to the interrupt service procedure. An IRET function
at the end of interrupt service procedure returns execution to the main program.
Direct Memory Access (DMA)

During any given bus cycle, one of the system components connected to the system bus is given control
of the bus. This component is said to be the master during that cycle and the component it is communicating
with is said to be the slave. The CPU with its bus control logic is normally the master, but other specially
designed components can gain control of the bus by sending a bus request to the CPU. After the current
bus cycle is completed the CPU will return a bus grant signal and the component sending the request will
become the master.
The process of transferring the data in between memory and IO called as direct memory access (DMA). It
is done by a controller called as DMA controller.

DMA Interfacing with Processor:

- DMA request signal is given from I/O device to DMA controller.

- DMA sends the bus request signal to CPU in response to which CPU disables its current instructions
and initialize the DMA by sending the following information.
 The starting address of the memory block where the data are available (for read)
and where data to be stored (for write)
 The word count which is the number of words in the memory block
 Control to specify the mode of transfer
 Sends a bust grant as 1 so that DMA controller can take the control of the buses
 DMA sends the DMA acknowledge signal in response to which peripheral device
puts the words in the data bus (for write) or receives a word from the data bus (for

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Fig: DMA transfer in a computer system
The Bus Arbitration:
- The device that is allowed to initiate transfers on the bus at any given time is called the bus master.
- When the current bus master relinquishes its status as the bus master, another device can acquire
this status.
- The process by which the next device to become the bus master is selected and bus mastership is
transferred to it is called bus arbitration.
- When there are more than one device need interrupt service then they have to be connected in
specific manner. The processor responds to each one of them. This is called Arbitration. The
method can be divided into following.
 Priority Arbiter
 Daisy Chain Arbiter
Priority Arbiter
Peripheral devices are connected with the processor and a priority arbiter is attached with processor
selects the connection of peripheral with bus on the basis of fixed priority basis or round robin approach.
If arbiter selects the PDs in fixed priority basis then such arbiter is called fixed priority arbiter. The
round robin arbiter assigns a bus connection with PDs for a fixed interval of time and transfer to next
connected device. The service taken by a device gets bus after a complete round. For example:

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Let us assume that the Priority of the devices are Device1 > Device 2 ………………..then priority
arbiter works as:
- The Processor is executing its program.
- Peripheral1 needs servicing so asserts Ireq1. Peripheral2 also needs servicing so asserts Ireq2.
- Priority arbiter sees at least one Ireq input asserted, so asserts Int.
- Processor stops executing its program and stores its state.
- Processor asserts Inta.
- Priority arbiter asserts Iack1 to acknowledge Peripheral1.
- Peripheral1 puts its interrupt address vector on the system bus
- Processor jumps to the address of ISR read from data bus, ISR executes and returns (and
completes handshake with arbiter).
Thus in case of simultaneous interrupts the device with the highest priority will be served.
Daisy Chain Arbiter
In this case the peripherals needing interrupt service are connected in a chain as shown in Fig. The
requests are chained and hence any device interrupting shall be transmitted to the CPU in a chain.

Let us assume that the Priority of the devices are Device1 > Device 2 … then daisy chain arbiter works
- The Processor is executing its program.

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- Any Peripheral needs servicing asserts Req out. This Req out goes to the Req in of the subsequent
device in the chain
- Thus the peripheral nearest to the μC asserts Int.
- The processor stops executing its program and stores its state.
- Processor asserts Inta the nearest device.
- The Inta passes through the chain till it finds a flag which is set by the device which has generated
the interrupt.
- The interrupting device sends the Interrupt Address Vector to the processor for its interrupt service
- The processor jumps to the address of ISR read from data bus, ISR executes and returns.
- The flag is reset.
The processor now check for the next device which has interrupted simultaneously. In this case the device
nearest to the processor has the highest priority.
Network-oriented arbitration
When multiple microprocessors share a bus (sometimes called a network) and Arbitration typically built
into bus protocol. Separate processors may try to write simultaneously causing collisions such that
• Data must be resent
• Don’t want to start sending again at same time
It is typically used for connecting multiple distant chips.
Multi-level Bus Hierarchy:
A great number of devices on a bus will cause performance to suffer. The ordinary system consists of a system
bus that connects the multiple number of PDs. The longer bus suffers from the propagation delay problem. The
time it takes for devices to coordinate the use of the bus. The bus may become a bottleneck as the aggregate data
transfer demand approaches the capacity of the bus and multilevel bus hierarchy is comes to play.
- Traditional Hierarchical Bus Architecture

 Use of a cache structure insulates CPU from frequent accesses to main memory.
 Main memory can be moved off local bus to a system bus.
 Expansion bus interface buffers data transfers between system bus and I/O
controllers on expansion.

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- High-Performance Hierarchical Bus Architecture
 Incorporates a high-speed bus specifically designed to support high-capacity I/O
 Bring high-demand devices into closer integration with processor.

Advanced Communication Principles

- Embedded & Real-time systems could be standalone or connected
- A real-time system is often composed from a number of periodic (time triggered) and sporadic
(event triggered) tasks which communicate their result by passing messages.
- In a distributed real-time systems these messages are sometimes sent between processors across a
communication device.

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- To guarantee that the timing requirements of all tasks are met, the communications delay between
a sending task and a receiving task being able to access that message must be bounded.
- For examples
 Control systems: between sensors and actuators via central computer
 Multiprocessors: between processors, tasks communicating

Open System Interconnection

- Break complexity of communication protocol into pieces easier to design and understand
- Lower levels provide services to higher level
 Lower level might work with bits while higher level might work with packets of
- Physical layer
 Lowest level in hierarchy
 Medium to carry data from one actor (device or node) to another

- Parallel communication
– Physical layer capable of transporting multiple bits of data
- Serial communication
– Physical layer transports one bit of data at a time

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- Wireless communication
– No physical connection needed for transport at physical layer
Parallel communication
• Multiple data, control, and possibly power wires
– One bit per wire
• High data throughput with short distances
• Typically used when connecting devices on same IC or same circuit board
– Bus must be kept short
• long parallel wires result in high capacitance values which requires more time to
• Data misalignment between wires increases as length increases
• Higher cost, bulky
Serial communication
• Single data wire, possibly also control and power wires
• Words transmitted one bit at a time
• Higher data throughput with long distances
– Less average capacitance, so more bits per unit of time
• Cheaper, less bulky
• More complex interfacing logic and communication protocol
– Sender needs to decompose word into bits
– Receiver needs to recompose bits into word
– Control signals often sent on same wire as data increasing protocol complexity
Wireless communication
• Infrared (IR)
– Electronic wave frequencies just below visible light spectrum
– Diode emits infrared light to generate signal
– Infrared transistor detects signal, conducts when exposed to infrared light
– Cheap to build
– Need line of sight, limited range
• Radio frequency (RF)

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– Electromagnetic wave frequencies in radio spectrum
– Analog circuitry and antenna needed on both sides of transmission
– Line of sight not needed, transmitter power determines range

Error detection and correction

• Often part of bus protocol
• Error detection: ability of receiver to detect errors during transmission
• Error correction: ability of receiver and transmitter to cooperate to correct problem
– Typically done by acknowledgement/retransmission protocol
• Bit error: single bit is inverted
• Burst of bit error: consecutive bits received incorrectly
• Parity: extra bit sent with word used for error detection
– Odd parity: data word plus parity bit contains odd number of 1’s
– Even parity: data word plus parity bit contains even number of 1’s
– Always detects single bit errors, but not all burst bit errors
• Checksum: extra word sent with data packet of multiple words
– e.g., extra word contains XOR sum of all data words in packet

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Chapter- 5
Real Time Operating System (RTOS)

A real-time system is defined as a data processing system in which the time interval required to process
and respond to inputs is so small that it controls the environment. The time taken by the system to respond
to an input and display of required updated information is termed as the response time. So in this method,
the response time is very less as compared to online processing.

Real-time systems are used when there are rigid time requirements on the operation of a processor or the
flow of data and real-time systems can be used as a control device in a dedicated application. A real-time
operating system must have well-defined, fixed time constraints, otherwise the system will fail. For
example, scientific experiments, medical imaging systems, industrial control systems, weapon systems,
robots, air traffic control systems, etc.

There are two types of real-time operating systems.

- Hard real-time systems

Hard real-time systems guarantee that critical tasks complete on time. In hard real-time systems, secondary
storage is limited or missing and the data is stored in ROM. In these systems, virtual memory is almost
never found.

- Soft real-time systems

Soft real-time systems are less restrictive. A critical real-time task gets priority over other tasks and retains
the priority until it completes. Soft real-time systems have limited utility than hard real-time systems. For
example, multimedia, virtual reality, Advanced Scientific Projects like undersea exploration and planetary
rovers, etc.

Definition of Process, Task and Thread

- A process is basically a program in execution. The execution of a process must progress in a sequential
- A process is defined as an entity which represents the basic unit of work to be implemented in the
- To put it in simple terms, we write our computer programs in a text file and when we execute this
program, it becomes a process which performs all the tasks mentioned in the program.
- Every process has its own address space.
- When a program is loaded into the memory and it becomes a process, it can be divided into four
sections ─ stack, heap, text and data. The following image shows a simplified layout of a process
inside main memory −

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- Stack: The process Stack contains the temporary data such as method/function parameters, return
address and local variables.
- Heap: This is dynamically allocated memory to a process during its run time.
- Text: This includes the current activity represented by the value of Program Counter and the
contents of the processor's registers.
- Data: This section contains the global and static variables.

- A job is a unit of work that is scheduled and executed by a system

 E.g. computation of a control-law, computation of an FFT on sensor data,
transmission of a data packet, retrieval of a file
- A task is a set of related jobs which jointly provide some function
 E.g. the set of jobs that constitute the “maintain constant altitude” task, keeping
an airplane flying at a constant altitude
- The embedded system uses the three types of task as:
 Periodic Task
 Aperiodic Task
 Sporadic Task
Periodic Task:

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- The release time of job is known before its event triggering and repeated over the fixed interval of
time called as period is known as periodic task and corresponding workload model is called as
Periodic task model.
- A periodic task Ti be defined as Ti = (φi, pi, ei, Di) where Ti refers a periodic task with phase
φi, period pi, execution time ei, and relative deadline Di.
- Default phase of Ti is φi = 0, default relative deadline is the period Di = pi.
- Omit elements of the tuple that have default values.
i) T1 = (1, 10, 3, 6) ⇒ φ1 = 1 , p1 = 10, e1 = 3 , D1 = 6

J1,1 released at 1, deadline 7 and J1,2 released at 11, deadline 17.

ii) T2 = (10, 3, 6) ⇒ φ2 = 0 , p2 = 10 , e2 = 3 , D2 = 6

J2,1 released at 0, deadline 6 and J2,2 released at 10 and so on…. deadline 16

iii) T3 = (10, 3) ⇒ φ3 = 0, p3 = 10, e3 = 3, D3 = 10.

J3,1 released at 0, deadline 10 and J3,2 released at 10, deadline 20.

Sporadic and Aperiodic Task:

Most embedded systems have to respond to external events which occur randomly. When such an event
occurs the system executes a set of jobs in response. The release times of those jobs are not known until the
event triggering them occurs. These jobs are called sporadic jobs or aperiodic jobs because they are released
at random times.
If the tasks containing jobs that are released at random time instants and have hard deadlines then they are
called sporadic task. Sporadic tasks are treated as hard real-time tasks. To ensure that their deadlines are
met is the primary concern whereas minimizing their response times is of secondary importance. For
 An autopilot is required to respond to a pilot’s command to disengage the autopilot and switch to
manual control within a specified time.
 A fault tolerant system may be required to detect a fault and recover from it in time to prevent
When the task or job have no any deadlines or soft deadline then it is called aperiodic task or job. For
 An operator adjusts the sensitivity of a radar system. The radar must continue to operate and in the
near future change its sensitivity.

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- A thread is a simple program that thinks it has the CPU all to itself. The design process for a real-
time application involves splitting the work to be done into threads which are responsible for a
portion of the problem. Each thread is assigned a priority, its own set of CPU registers and its own
stack area.
- Each thread is typically an infinite loop that can be in one of four states: READY, RUNNING,

Figure – Thread states

- A thread is READY when it can execute but its priority is less than the current running thread.
- A thread is RUNNING when it has control of the CPU.
- A thread is WAITING when the thread suspends itself until a certain amount of time has elapsed, or when
it requires the occurrence of an event: waiting for an I/O operation to complete, a shared resource to be
available, a timing pulse to occur etc.
- Finally, a thread is INTERRUPTED when an interrupt occurred and the CPU is in the process of
servicing the interrupt.
Real-Time Kernel Concepts:
- In most cases the real time os is an operating system kernel.
- An embedded system is designed for a single purpose so the user shell and file/disk access features
are unnecessary.
- The kernel is the part of an OS that is responsible for the management of threads (i.e., managing
the CPU’s time) and for communication between threads. The fundamental service provided by the
kernel is context switching.
- RTOS Kernel has following functions:
 Time management
 Task management
 Interrupt handling
 Memory management
 Exception handling
 Task synchronization
 Task scheduling

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Time Management
A high resolution hardware timer is programmed to interrupt the processor at fixed rate called as Time
interrupt. Each time interrupt is called a system tick (time resolution).
- Normally, the tick can vary in microseconds (depend on hardware)
- The tick may be selected by the user
- All time parameters for tasks should be the multiple of the tick
- Note: the tick may be chosen according to the given task parameters
- System time = 32 bits then
 One tick = 1ms: your system can run 50 days
 One tick = 20ms: your system can run 1000 days = 2.5 years
 One tick = 50ms: your system can run 2500 days= 7 years
The time interrupt routine is used to serve the time interrupt and is a part of the RTOS kernel. Following
operations are performed to serve the time interrupt by service routine.
- Save the context of the task in execution 
 Increment the system time by 1, if current time > system lifetime, generate a
timing error
 Update timers (reduce each counter by 1)
 Activation of periodic tasks in idling state
 Schedule again - call the scheduler
 Other functions e.g. 
 (Remove all tasks terminated – de-allocate data structures e.g TCBs)
 (Check if any deadline misses for hard tasks, monitoring)
 load context for the first task in ready queue
- load context for the first task in ready queue

States of a Task in a system

- A task is the combination of code, data and states (context) .Task State is stored in a Task Control
Block (TCB) when the task is not running on the processor and the RTOS or kernel selects the task
available on the different state as per need for operation.

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The number of states required to process the task is deepens on the type and complexity of RTOS. The
states of RTOS task are
 Idle state
 Ready State
 Running state
 Blocked (waiting) state
 Deleted state
The finite state machine for task sate is:

- Idle (Created) State: The task has been created and memory allotted to its structure. However, it
is not ready and is not schedulable by kernel.
- Ready (Active) State: The created task is ready and is schedulable by the kernel but not running
at present as another higher priority task is scheduled to run and gets the system resources at this
- Running state: Executing the codes and getting the system resources at this instance. It will run
till it needs some IPC (input) or wait for an event or till it gets preempted by another higher priority
task than this one.
- Blocked (waiting) state: Execution of task codes suspends after saving the needed parameters into
its context. It needs some IPC (input) or it needs to wait for an event or wait for higher priority task
to block to enable running after blocking.
- Deleted (finished) state: The created task has memory de allotted to its structure i.e. task be deleted
such that It frees the memory.

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Task Control Block

- A data structure having the information using which the OS controls the process state.
- Task Information at the TCB are:
TaskID: The unique identifier use to define a task. For example, in case of 8-bit ID, a number between 0
and 255 be used to define TaskID.
Task Context: It includes the current status of program counter, stack pointer, status of CPU register and
Status Register.
Task priority: It stores the priority level of parent as well as child task available in Task List. The priority
is a number used as the identifier.
Task Context_init: it is a pointer to the processor memory that stores following information.
- Allocated program memory address blocks in physical memory and in secondary (virtual) memory
for the tasks-codes.
- Allocated task-specific data address blocks.
- Allocated task-stack addresses for the functions called during running of the process.
- Allocated addresses of CPU register-save area as a task context represents by CPU registers, which
include the program counter and stack pointer.

Context Switch

When the multithreading kernel decides to run a different thread, it simply saves the current thread’s context
(CPU registers) in the current thread’s context storage area (the thread control block, or TCB). Once this
operation is performed, the new thread’s context is restored from its TCB and the CPU resumes execution
of the new thread’s code. This process is called a context switch. Context switching adds overhead to the
Task Management:
The task management operation defines the following operations:
- Creation of new task with TCB.
- Task termination: remove the TCB
- Change Priority: modify the TCB
- State-inquiry: read the TCB

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The major challenges for Task Management in RTOS kernel are:
- Creating an RT task, it has to get the memory without delay: this is difficult because memory has
to be allocated and a lot of data structures, code segment must be copied/initialized.
- Changing run-time priorities is dangerous: it may change the run-time behavior and predictability
of the whole system.

Interrupt Handling:
An interrupt is a hardware mechanism used to inform the CPU that an asynchronous event has occurred.
When an interrupt is recognized, the CPU saves all of its context (i.e., registers) and jumps to a special
subroutine called an Interrupt Service Routine, or ISR. The ISR processes the event, and upon completion
of the ISR, the program returns to:
- the background for a foreground / background system,
- the interrupted thread for a non-preemptive kernel, or
- The highest priority thread ready to run for a preemptive kernel.
Interrupts allow a microprocessor to process events when they occur. This prevents the microprocessor
from continuously polling an event to see if it has occurred. Microprocessors allow interrupts to be ignored
and recognized through the use of two special instructions: disable interrupts and enable interrupts,

The interrupt handlers hands the interrupt generated by external devices as below:
- The current context of the task is saved on stack.
- Block the task and branches the program control to beginning address of ISR and executes the
ISR to serve the interrupt.
- Terminates from interrupt routine and read the context of the blocked task.
In a real-time environment, interrupts should be disabled as little as possible. Disabling interrupts affects
interrupt latency and may cause interrupts to be missed. Processors generally allow interrupts to be nested.
This means that while servicing an interrupt, the processor will recognize and service other (more
important) interrupts, as shown in Figure below.

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Figure – Interrupt nesting
Interrupt Latency
Probably the most important specification of a real-time kernel is the amount of time interrupts are disabled.
All real-time systems disable interrupts to manipulate critical sections of code and renewable interrupts
when the critical section has executed. The longer interrupts are disabled, the higher the interrupt latency.
Interrupt latency is given by
Interrupt latency = Maximum amount of time interrupts are disabled + Time to start executing the first
instruction in the ISR
Interrupt Response
Interrupt response is defined as the time between the reception of the interrupt and the start of the user code
that handles the interrupt. The interrupt response time accounts for all the overhead involved in handling
an interrupt.
For a foreground / background system, the user ISR code is executed immediately. The response time is
given by
Interrupt recovery time = Time to execute the return from interrupt instruction
Interrupt Recovery
Interrupt recovery is defined as the time required for the processor to return to the interrupted code. Interrupt
recovery in a foreground / background system simply involves restoring the processor's context and
returning to the interrupted thread. Interrupt recovery is given by:
Interrupt recovery time = Time to execute the return from interrupt instruction
ISR Processing Time
Although ISRs should be as short as possible, there are no absolute limits on the amount of time for an ISR.
One cannot say that an ISR must always be less than 100 ms, 500 ms, or l ms. If the ISR code is the most

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important code that needs to run at any given time, it could be as long as it needs to be. In most cases,
however, the ISR should recognize the interrupt, obtain data or a status from the interrupting device, and
signal a thread to perform the actual processing.


The scheduler is the part of the kernel responsible for determining which thread will run next. Most real-
time kernels are priority based. Each thread is assigned a priority based on its importance. Establishing the
priority for each thread is application specific. In a priority-based kernel, control of the CPU will always be
given to the highest priority thread ready to run. In a preemptive kernel, when a thread makes a higher
priority thread ready to run, the current thread is pre-empted (suspended) and the higher priority thread is
immediately given control of the CPU. If an interrupt service routine (ISR) makes a higher priority thread
ready, then when the ISR is completed the interrupted thread is suspended and the new higher priority
thread is resumed.

With a preemptive kernel, execution of the highest priority thread is deterministic; you can determine when
the highest priority thread will get control of the CPU.
Application code using a preemptive kernel should not use non-reentrant functions, unless exclusive access
to these functions is ensured through the use of mutual exclusion semaphores, because both a low- and a
high-priority thread can use a common function. Corruption of data may occur if the higher priority thread
preempts a lower priority thread that is using the function.
To summarize, a preemptive kernel always executes the highest priority thread that is ready to run. An
interrupt preempts a thread. Upon completion of an ISR, the kernel resumes execution to the highest priority
thread ready to run (not the interrupted thread). Thread-level response is optimum and deterministic.


A reentrant function can be used by more than one thread without fear of data corruption. A reentrant
function can be interrupted at any time and resumed at a later time without loss of data. Reentrant functions
either use local variables (i.e., CPU registers or variables on the stack) or protect data when global variables
are used. An example of a reentrant function is shown below:

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Since copies of the arguments to strcpy() are placed on the thread's stack, and the local variable is created
on the thread’s stack, strcpy() can be invoked by multiple threads without fear that the threads will corrupt
each other's pointers.
An example of a non-reentrant function is shown below:

Swap () is a simple function that swaps the contents of its two arguments. Since Temp is a global variable,
if the swap () function gets preempted after the first line by a higher priority thread which also uses the
swap () function, then when the low priority thread resumes it will use the Temp value that was used by the
high priority thread.
We can make swap () reentrant with one of the following techniques:
- Declare Temp local to swap ().
- Disable interrupts before the operation and enable them afterwards.
- Use a semaphore.

Thread Priority
A priority is assigned to each thread. The more important the thread, the higher the priority given to it.
- Static Priorities
Thread priorities are said to be static when the priority of each thread does not change during the
application's execution. Each thread is thus given a fixed priority at compile time. All the threads
and their timing constraints are known at compile time in a system where priorities are static
- Dynamic Priorities
Thread priorities are said to be dynamic if the priority of threads can be changed during the
application's execution; each thread can change its priority at run time. This is a desirable feature
to have in a real-time kernel to avoid priority inversions.
- Priority Inversions
Priority inversion is a problem in real-time systems and occurs mostly when you use a real-time
kernel. Priority inversion is any situation in which a low priority thread holds a resource while a

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 106

higher priority thread is ready to use it. In this situation the low priority thread prevents the high
priority thread from executing until it releases the resource.
To avoid priority inversion a multithreading kernel should change the priority of a thread
automatically to help prevent priority inversions. This is called priority inheritance.
Mutual Exclusion
The easiest way for threads to communicate with each other is through shared data structures. This is
especially easy when all threads exist in a single address space and can reference global variables, pointers,
buffers, linked lists, FIFOs, etc. Although sharing data simplifies the exchange of information, we must
ensure that each thread has exclusive access to the data to avoid contention and data corruption. The most
common methods of obtaining exclusive access to shared resources are:
- disabling interrupts,
- performing test-and-set operations,
- disabling scheduling, and
- Using semaphores.


The semaphore was invented by Edgser Dijkstra in the mid-1960s. It is a protocol mechanism offered by
most multithreading kernels. Semaphores are used to:
- control access to a shared resource (mutual exclusion),
- signal the occurrence of an event, and
- Allow two threads to synchronize their activities.
A semaphore is a key that code acquires in order to continue execution. If the semaphore is already in use,
the requesting thread is suspended until the semaphore is released by its current owner. In other words, the
requesting thread says: ''Give me the key. If someone else is using it, I am willing to wait for it!" There are
two types of semaphores: binary semaphores and counting semaphores. As its name implies, a binary
semaphore can only take two values: 0 or 1. A counting semaphore allows values between 0 and 255, 65535,
or 4294967295, depending on whether the semaphore mechanism is implemented using 8, 16, or 32 bits,
respectively. The actual size depends on the kernel used. Along with the semaphore's value, the kernel also
needs to keep track of threads waiting for the semaphore's availability.
Generally, only three operations can be performed on a semaphore: Create (), Wait (), and Signal (). The
initial value of the semaphore must be provided when the semaphore is initialized. The waiting list of
threads is always initially empty.

A thread desiring the semaphore will perform a Wait () operation. If the semaphore is available (the
semaphore value is greater than 0), the semaphore value is decremented and the thread continues execution.
If the semaphore's value is 0, the thread performing a Wait () on the semaphore is placed in a waiting list.
Most kernels allow you to specify a timeout; if the semaphore is not available within a certain amount of
time, the requesting thread is made ready to run and an error code (indicating that a timeout has occurred)
is returned to the caller.

A thread releases a semaphore by performing a Signal () operation. If no thread is waiting for the semaphore,
the semaphore value is simply incremented. If any thread is waiting for the semaphore, however, one of the
threads is made ready to run and the semaphore value is not incremented; the key is given to one of the
threads waiting for it. Depending on the kernel, the thread that receives the semaphore is either:

- The highest priority thread waiting for the semaphore, or

- The first thread that requested the semaphore (First In First Out).

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Some kernels have an option that allows you to choose either method when the semaphore is initialized.
For the first option, if the readied thread has a higher priority than the current thread (the thread releasing
the semaphore), a context switch occurs (with a preemptive kernel) and the higher priority thread resumes
execution; the current thread is suspended until it again becomes the highest priority thread ready to run.

Following listing shows how you can share data using a semaphore. Any thread needing access to the same
shared data calls OS_SemaphoreWait(), and when the thread is done with the data, the thread calls
OS_SemaphoreSignal(). Both of these functions are described later. You should note that a semaphore is
an object that needs to be initialized before it is used; for mutual exclusion, a semaphore is initialized to a
value of 1. Using a semaphore to access shared data doesn't affect interrupt latency. If an ISR or the current
thread makes a higher priority thread ready to run while accessing shared data, the higher priority thread
executes immediately.

Semaphores are especially useful when threads share I/O devices. Imagine what would happen if two
threads were allowed to send characters to a printer at the same time. The printer would contain
interleaved data from each thread. For instance, the printout from Thread 1 printing "I am Thread 1!"
and Thread 2 printing "I am Thread 2!" could result in:
“I Ia amm T Threahread d1 !2!”
In this case, use a semaphore and initialize it to 1 (i.e., a binary semaphore). The rule is simple: to access
the printer each thread first must obtain the resource's semaphore.
In this case, use a semaphore and initialize it to 1 (i.e., a binary semaphore). The rule is simple: to access
the printer each thread first must obtain the resource's semaphore.
Figure below shows threads competing for a semaphore to gain exclusive access to the printer. Note that
the semaphore is represented symbolically by a key, indicating that each thread must obtain this key to
use the printer.

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Figure – Using a semaphore to get permission to access a printer
The above example implies that each thread must know about the existence of the semaphore in order to
access the resource. There are situations when it is better to encapsulate the semaphore. Each thread would
thus not know that it is actually acquiring a semaphore when accessing the resource. For example, the
UART port may be used by multiple threads to send commands and receive responses from a PC:

Figure – Hiding a semaphore from threads

The function Packet_Put() is called with two arguments: the packet and a timeout in case the device doesn't
respond within a certain amount of time

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Deadlock (or Deadly Embrace)
A deadlock, also called a deadly embrace, is a situation in which two threads are each unknowingly waiting
for resources held by the other. Assume thread T1 has exclusive access to resource R1 and thread T2 has
exclusive access to resource R2. If T1 needs exclusive access to R2 and T2 needs exclusive access to R1,
neither thread can continue. They are deadlocked. The simplest way to avoid a deadlock is for threads to:
- acquire all resources before proceeding,
- acquire the resources in the same order, and
- release the resources in the reverse order
Most kernels allow to specify a timeout when acquiring a semaphore. This feature allows a deadlock to be
broken. If the semaphore is not available within a certain amount of time, the thread requesting the resource
resumes execution. Some form of error code must be returned to the thread to notify it that a timeout
occurred. A return error code prevents the thread from thinking it has obtained the resource. Deadlocks
generally occur in large multithreading systems, not in embedded systems.
Task Synchronization
A thread can be synchronized with an ISR (or another thread when no data is being exchanged) by using a
semaphore as shown in Figure.

Note that, in this case, the semaphore is drawn as a flag to indicate that it is used to signal the occurrence
of an event (rather than to ensure mutual exclusion, in which case it would be drawn as a key). When used
as a synchronization mechanism, the semaphore is initialized to 0. Using a semaphore for this type of
synchronization is called a unilateral rendezvous. A thread initiates an I/O operation and waits for the
semaphore. When the I/O operation is complete, an ISR (or another thread) signals the semaphore and the
thread is resumed.
If the kernel supports counting semaphores, the semaphore would accumulate events that have not yet been
processed. Note that more than one thread can be waiting for an event to occur. In this case, the kernel
could signal the occurrence of the event either to:
- the highest priority thread waiting for the event to occur or
- the first thread waiting for the event.
Depending on the application, more than one ISR or thread could signal the occurrence of the event.Two
threads can synchronize their activities by using two semaphores, as shown in Figure below. This is called
a bilateral rendezvous. A bilateral rendezvous is similar to a unilateral rendezvous, except both threads must
synchronize with one another before proceeding.

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Figure – Threads synchronizing their activities
For example, two threads are executing as shown in Listing below. When the first thread reaches a certain
point, it signals the second thread (1) then waits for a return signal (2). Similarly, when the second thread
reaches a certain point, it signals the first thread (3) and waits for a return signal (4). At this point, both
threads are synchronized with each other. A bilateral rendezvous cannot be performed between a thread
and an ISR because an ISR cannot wait on a semaphore:

Interthread Communication
It is sometimes necessary for a thread or an ISR to communicate information to another thread. This
information transfer is called interthread communication. Information may be communicated between
threads in two ways: through global data or by sending messages.
When using global variables, each thread or ISR must ensure that it has exclusive access to the variables.
If an ISR is involved, the only way to ensure exclusive access to the common variables is to disable
interrupts. If two threads are sharing data, each can gain exclusive access to the variables either by disabling
and enabling interrupts or with the use of a semaphore (as we have seen). Note that a thread can only
communicate information to an ISR by using global variables. A thread is not aware when a global variable
is changed by an ISR, unless the ISR signals the thread by using a semaphore or unless the thread polls the
contents of the variable periodically.

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 111

To correct this situation, we should consider using either a message mailbox or a message queue.

Figure – Message mailbox

Messages can be sent to a thread through kernel services. A Message Mailbox, also called a message
exchange, is typically a pointer-size variable. Through a service provided by the kernel, a thread or an ISR
can deposit a message (the pointer) into this mailbox. Similarly, one or more threads can receive messages
through a service provided by the kernel. Both the sending thread and receiving thread agree on what the
pointer is actually pointing to.
A waiting list is associated with each mailbox in case more than one thread wants to receive messages
through the mailbox. Kernels typically provide the following mailbox services:
- Initialize the contents of a mailbox. The mailbox initially may or may not contain a message.
- Deposit a message into the mailbox (POST).
- Wait for a message to be deposited into the mailbox (WAIT).
- Get a message from a mailbox if one is present, but do not suspend the caller if the mailbox is
empty (ACCEPT). If the mailbox contains a message, the message is extracted from the mailbox.
A return code is used to notify the caller about the outcome of the call.
Message mailboxes can also simulate binary semaphores. A message in the mailbox indicates that the
resource is available, and an empty mailbox indicates that the resource is already in use by another thread.
Message Queues
A message queue is used to send one or more messages to a thread. A message queue is basically an array
of mailboxes. Through a service provided by the kernel, a thread or an ISR can deposit a message (the
pointer) into a message queue. Similarly, one or more threads can receive messages through a service
provided by the kernel. Both the sending thread and receiving thread agree as to what the pointer is actually
pointing to. Generally, the first message inserted in the queue will be the first message extracted from the
queue (FIFO).

Figure – Message queue

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As with the mailbox, a waiting list is associated with each message queue, in case more than one thread is
to receive messages through the queue. A thread desiring a message from an empty queue is suspended
and placed on the waiting list until a message is received. Typically, the kernel allows the thread waiting
for a message to specify a timeout. If a message is not received before the timeout expires, the requesting
thread is made ready to run and an error code (indicating a timeout has occurred) is returned to it. When a
message is deposited into the queue, either the highest priority thread or the first thread to wait for the
message is given the message. Kernels typically provide the message queue services listed below.
- Initialize the queue. The queue is always assumed to be empty after initialization.
- Deposit a message into the queue (POST).
- Wait for a message to be deposited into the queue (WAIT).
- Get a message from a queue if one is present, but do not suspend the caller if the queue is empty
(ACCEPT). If the queue contains a message, the message is extracted from the queue. A return
code is used to notify the caller about the outcome of the call.
Clock Tick
A clock tick is a special interrupt that occurs periodically. This interrupt can be viewed as the system's
heartbeat. The time between interrupts is application specific and is generally between 1 and 200 ms. The
clock tick interrupt allows a kernel to delay threads for an integral number of clock ticks and to provide
timeouts when threads are waiting for events to occur. The faster the tick rate, the higher the overhead
imposed on the system.
All kernels allow threads to be delayed for a certain number of clock ticks. The resolution of delayed threads
is one clock tick; however, this does not mean that its accuracy is one clock tick.
Memory Requirement
If we are designing a foreground / background system, the amount of memory required depends solely on
application code. With a multithreading kernel, things are quite different. To begin with, a kernel requires
extra code space (Flash). The size of the kernel depends on many factors. Depending on the features
provided by the kernel, we can expect anywhere from 1 to 100 KiB. A minimal kernel for a 32-bit CPU
that provides only scheduling, context switching, semaphore management, delays, and timeouts should
require about 1 to 3 KiB of code space.
Because each thread runs independently of the others, it must be provided with its own stack area (RAM).
As a designer, you must determine the stack requirement of each thread as closely as possible (this is
sometimes a difficult undertaking). The stack size must not only account for the thread requirements (local
variables, function calls, etc.), it must also account for maximum interrupt nesting (saved registers, local
storage in ISRs, etc.). Depending on the target processor and the kernel used, a separate stack can be used
to handle all interrupt-level code. This is a desirable feature because the stack requirement.
For each thread can be substantially reduced. Another desirable feature is the ability to specify the stack
size of each thread on an individual basis. Conversely, some kernels require that all thread stacks be the
same size. All kernels require extra RAM to maintain internal variables, data structures, queues, etc. The
total RAM required if the kernel does not support a separate interrupt stack is given by:
Total RAM requirements = Application code requirements + Data space (i.e., RAM) needed by the kernel
+ SUM (thread stacks + MAX (ISR nesting))

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Unless we have large amounts of RAM to work with, you need to be careful how you use the stack space.
To reduce the amount of RAM needed in an application, we must be careful how you use each thread's
stack for:
- large arrays and structures declared locally to functions and ISRs,
- function (i.e., subroutine) nesting,
- interrupt nesting,
- library functions stack usage, and
- Function calls with many arguments.
To summarize, a multithreading system requires more code space (Flash) and data space (RAM) than a
foreground / background system. The amount of extra Flash depends only on the size of the kernel, and the
amount of RAM depends on the number of threads in system.
Typical Semaphore Use

Semaphores are useful either for synchronizing execution of multiple tasks or for coordinating access to a
shared resource. The following examples and general discussions illustrate using different types of
semaphores to address common synchronization design requirements effectively, as listed:
 wait-and-signal synchronization,
 multiple-task wait-and-signal synchronization,
 credit-tracking synchronization,
 single shared-resource-access synchronization,
 recursive shared-resource-access synchronization, and
 multiple shared-resource-access synchronization.

Note that, for the sake of simplicity, not all uses of semaphores are listed here. Also, later chapters of this
book contain more advanced discussions on the different ways that mutex semaphores can handle priority
Wait-and-Signal Synchronization

Two tasks can communicate for the purpose of synchronization without exchanging data. For example, a
binary semaphore can be used between two tasks to coordinate the transfer of execution control, as shown
in figure below.

Multiple-Task Wait-and-Signal Synchronization

When coordinating the synchronization of more than two tasks, use the flush operation on the task-waiting list of a
binary semaphore, as shown in Figure below.

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Figure: Wait-and-signal synchronization between multiple tasks.

As in the previous case, the binary semaphore is initially unavailable (value of 0). The higher priority tWaitTasks
1, 2, and 3 all do some processing; when they are done, they try to acquire the unavailable semaphore and, as a result,
block. This action gives tSignalTask a chance to complete its processing and execute a flush command on the
semaphore, effectively unblocking the three tWaitTasks.
Credit-Tracking Synchronization

Sometimes the rate at which the signaling task executes is higher than that of the signaled task. In this case, a
mechanism is needed to count each signaling occurrence. The counting semaphore provides just this facility. With a
counting semaphore, the signaling task can continue to execute and increment a count at its own pace, while the wait
task, when unblocked, executes at its own pace, as shown in figure below.

Figure : Credit-tracking synchronization between two tasks.

Again, the counting semaphore's count is initially 0, making it unavailable. The lower priority tWaitTask tries to
acquire this semaphore but blocks until tSignalTask makes the semaphore available by performing a release on it.
Even then, tWaitTask will waits in the ready state until the higher priority tSignalTask eventually relinquishes
the CPU by making a blocking call or delaying itself.
Single Shared-Resource-Access Synchronization

One of the more common uses of semaphores is to provide for mutually exclusive access to a shared resource. A
shared resource might be a memory location, a data structure, or an I/O device-essentially anything that might have
to be shared between two or more concurrent threads of execution. A semaphore can be used to serialize access to a
shared resource, as shown in figure below.

Figure: Single shared-resource-access synchronization.

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In this scenario, a binary semaphore is initially created in the available state (value = 1) and is used to
protect the shared resource. To access the shared resource, task 1 or 2 needs to first successfully acquire the
binary semaphore before reading from or writing to the shared resource.
Recursive Shared-Resource-Access Synchronization

Sometimes a developer might want a task to access a shared resource recursively. This situation might
exist if tAccessTask calls Routine A that calls Routine B, and all three need access to the same shared
resource, as shown in figure below.

Figure: Recursive shared- resource-access synchronization.

If a semaphore were used in this scenario, the task would end up blocking, causing a deadlock. When a routine is
called from a task, the routine effectively becomes a part of the task. When Routine A runs, therefore, it is running as
a part of tAccessTask. Routine A trying to acquire the semaphore is effectively the same as tAccessTask trying to
acquire the same semaphore. In this case, tAccessTask would end up blocking while waiting for the unavailable
semaphore that it already has.

One solution to this situation is to use a recursive mutex. After tAccessTask locks the mutex, the task owns it.
Additional attempts from the task itself or from routines that it calls to lock the mutex succeed. As a result, when
Routines A and B attempt to lock the mutex, they succeed without blocking.
Multiple Shared-Resource-Access Synchronization
For cases in which multiple equivalent shared resources are used, a counting semaphore comes in handy, as shown
in Figure

Figure: Single shared-resource-access synchronization.

Note that this scenario does not work if the shared resources are not equivalent. The counting semaphore's count is
initially set to the number of equivalent shared resources: in this example, 2. As a result, the first two tasks requesting
a semaphore token are successful. However, the third task ends up blocking until one of the previous two tasks releases
a semaphore token.

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 116

Memory Management
Embedded systems developers commonly implement custom memory-management facilities on top of
what the underlying RTOS provides. Understanding memory management is therefore an important aspect
of developing for embedded systems.

Knowing the capability of the memory management system can aid application design and help avoid
pitfalls. For example, in many existing embedded applications, the dynamic memory allocation
routine, malloc, is called often. It can create an undesirable side effect called memory fragmentation. This
generic memory allocation routine, depending on its implementation, might impact an application's
performance. In addition, it might not support the allocation behavior required by the application.

Many embedded devices (such as PDAs, cell phones, and digital cameras) have a limited number of
applications (tasks) that can run in parallel at any given time, but these devices have small amounts of
physical memory onboard. Larger embedded devices (such as network routers and web servers) have more
physical memory installed, but these embedded systems also tend to operate in a more dynamic
environment, therefore making more demands on memory. Regardless of the type of embedded system, the
common requirements placed on a memory management system are minimal fragmentation, minimal
management overhead, and deterministic allocation time.
Dynamic Memory Allocation in Embedded Systems
It is known that the program code, program data, and system stack occupy the physical memory after
program initialization completes. Either the RTOS or the kernel typically uses the remaining physical
memory for dynamic memory allocation. This memory area is called the heap . Memory management in
the context of this chapter refers to the management of a contiguous block of physical memory, although
the concepts introduced in this apply to the management of non-contiguous memory blocks as well. These
concepts also apply to the management of various types of physical memory. In general, a memory
management facility maintains internal information for a heap in a reserved memory area called the control
block. Typical internal information includes:
 the starting address of the physical memory block used for dynamic memory allocation,
 the overall size of this physical memory block, and
 the allocation table that indicates which memory areas are in use, which memory areas are free,
and the size of each free region.
Memory Fragmentation and Compaction
In the example implementation, the heap is broken into small, fixed-size blocks. Each block has a unit size
that is power of two to ease translating a requested size into the corresponding required number of units. In
this example, the unit size is 32 bytes. The dynamic memory allocation function, malloc, has an input
parameter that specifies the size of the allocation request in bytes. malloc allocates a larger block, which is
made up of one or more of the smaller, fixed-size blocks. The size of this larger memory block is at least
as large as the requested size; it is the closest to the multiple of the unit size. For example, if the allocation
requests 100 bytes, the returned block has a size of 128 bytes (4 units x 32 bytes/unit). As a result, the
requestor does not use 28 bytes of the allocated memory, which is called memory fragmentation. This
specific form of fragmentation is called internal fragmentation because it is internal to the allocated block.

The allocation table can be represented as a bitmap, in which each bit represents a 32-byte unit. Figure
shows the states of the allocation table after a series of invocations of the malloc and free functions. In this
example, the heap is 256 bytes.

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Figure: States of a memory allocation map.

Step 6 shows two free blocks of 32 bytes each. Step 7, instead of maintaining three separate free blocks,
shows that all three blocks are combined to form a 128-byte block. Because these blocks have been
combined, a future allocation request for 96 bytes should succeed.

Figure below shows another example of the state of an allocation table. Note that two free 32-byte blocks
are shown. One block is at address 0x10080, and the other at address 0x101C0, which cannot be used for
any memory allocation requests larger than 32 bytes. Because these isolated blocks do not contribute to the
contiguous free space needed for a large allocation request, their existence makes it more likely that a large
request will fail or take too long. The existence of these two trapped blocks is considered external
fragmentation because the fragmentation exists in the table, not within the blocks themselves. One way to
eliminate this type of fragmentation is to compact the area adjacent to these two blocks. The range of
memory content from address 0x100A0 (immediately following the first free block) to address 0x101BF
(immediately preceding the second free block is shifted 32 bytes lower in memory, to the new range of
0x10080 to 0x1019F, which effectively combines the two free blocks into one 64-byte block. This new free
block is still considered memory fragmentation if future allocations are potentially larger than 64 bytes.
Therefore, memory compaction continues until all of the free blocks are combined into one large chunk.

Figure : Memory allocation map with possible fragmentation.

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Several problems occur with memory compaction. It is time-consuming to transfer memory content from
one location to another. The cost of the copy operation depends on the length of the contiguous blocks in
use. The tasks that currently hold ownership of those memory blocks are prevented from accessing the
contents of those memory locations until the transfer operation completes. Memory compaction is almost
never done in practice in embedded designs. The free memory blocks are combined only if they are
immediate neighbors, as illustrated in Figure above.

Memory compaction is allowed if the tasks that own those memory blocks reference the blocks using virtual
addresses. Memory compaction is not permitted if tasks hold physical addresses to the allocated memory

In many cases, memory management systems should also be concerned with architecture-specific memory
alignment requirements. Memory alignment refers to architecture-specific constraints imposed on the
address of a data item in memory. Many embedded processor architectures cannot access multi-byte data
items at any address. For example, some architecture requires multi-byte data items, such as integers and
long integers, to be allocated at addresses that are a power of two. Unaligned memory addresses result in
bus errors and are the source of memory access exceptions.

Some conclusions can be drawn from this example. An efficient memory manager needs to perform the
following chores quickly:
 Determine if a free block that is large enough exists to satisfy the allocation request. This work
is part of the malloc operation.
 Update the internal management information. This work is part of both
the malloc and free operations.
 Determine if the just-freed block can be combined with its neighboring free blocks to form a
larger piece. This work is part of the free operation.

The structure of the allocation table is the key to efficient memory management because the structure
determines how the operations listed earlier must be implemented. The allocation table is part of the
overhead because it occupies memory space that is excluded from application use. Consequently, one other
requirement is to minimize the management overhead.

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Chapter -6
Embedded Software Development Tools
Follow the chapter -2 for development tools
The generic tool chain for development of embedded applications involves the integration of many tools.
A brief discretion of these tools is explained as follows:
Cross Assemblers:
It converts source program written in the assembly language into the machine language of the target
Cross assemblers are generally used to develop programs which are supposed to run on game consoles,
appliances and other specialized small electronics systems which are not able to run a development
environment. They can also be used to speed up development for low powered system, for
example XAsm enables development on a PC based system for a Z80 powered MSX computer. Even
though the MSX system is capable of running an assembler, having the additional memory, processor speed
and storage capabilities like a hard disk significantly speeds up development efforts.
Cross Compilers:
It takes an expanded source program written in the high level language as an input and translates into
equivalent assembly language program of a target processor.
A cross compiler is a compiler capable of creating executable code for a platform other than the one on
which the compiler is running. For example in order to compile for Linux/ARM you first need to obtain its
libraries to compile against. A cross compiler is necessary to compile for multiple platforms from one
machine. A platform could be infeasible for a compiler to run on, such as for the microcontroller of an
embedded system because those systems contain no operating system. In para virtualization one machine
runs many operating systems, and a cross compiler could generate an executable for each of them from one
main source.
It does the linking and loading of the object programs. It is responsible for generating the executable
program as needed by the target programmers. Locators take inputs that describe the target environment
such as: memory layout of RAM/ROM/FLASH, system data structures, global descriptor Tables, interrupt
structures, etc. and generate absolute addresses. The generated image from a locator is then directly
downloadable to the target hardware. The locator also produces a MAP file that describes name, size and
absolute and relative locations of the program segments and global symbols.
A Debugger or debugging tool is a computer program that is used to test and debug other programs. The
code to be examined should be running on an instruction set simulator to identify the fault in the code
because the software problem cannot be identified when we are running it on the original hardware. The
debugger can be used to identify if the program is running correctly, and identify the cause of failure when
it fails. The debugger may be a source-level debugger, or a low-level debugger. If it is a source-level
debugger, the debugger can show the actual position in the original code, when the program crashes. If it is
a low-level debugger or a machine-language debugger, it shows that line in the program. Catching run-time

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errors is not as obvious. Most embedded systems do not have a “screen”. Hence we cannot find the run time
errors as in general software development.
Remote Debuggers also called as downloader is used to download, execute and debug embedded software
over communications link (e.g., serial port)
- Front-end has text or GUI-based windows for source code, register contents, etc
- Backend provides low-level control of target processor, runs on target processor and communicates
to front-end over comm-link
- Debugger and software being debugged are executing on two different computer systems
- Supports higher level of interaction between host and target
o Allows start/restart/kill, and stepping through program
o Software breakpoints (stop execution if instruction X is fetched)
o Read/write registers or data at specified address
- Disadvantage: Requires target processor to run more than final software package

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Chapter -7
8051 Micro-Controller
Microprocessors Vs Microcontrollers:

Microprocessors Microcontrollers
Microprocessor contains ALU, General purpose Microcontroller contains the circuitry of
registers, stack pointer, program counter, clock microprocessor, and in addition it has built in ROM,
timing circuit, interrupt circuit. RAM, I/O Devices, Timers/Counters etc.
Few bit handling instruction It has many bit handling instructions
Less number of pins are multifunctional More number of pins are multifunctional
Single memory map for data and code (program) Separate memory map for data and code (program)
Access time for memory and IO are more Less access time for built in memory and IO.
Microprocessor based system requires additional It requires less additional hardwires.
More flexible in the design point of view Less flexible since the additional circuits which is
residing inside the microcontroller is fixed for a
particular microcontroller
Large number of instructions with flexible Limited number of instructions with few
addressing modes addressing modes

THE 8051 ARCHITECTURE: Introduction:

Salient features of 8051 microcontroller are given below.
- Eight bit CPU
- On chip clock oscillator
- 4Kbytes of internal program memory (code memory) [ROM]
- 128 bytes of internal data memory [RAM]
- 64 Kbytes of external program memory address space.
- 64 Kbytes of external data memory address space.
- 32 bi directional I/O lines (can be used as four 8 bit ports or 32 individually addressable I/O lines)
- Two 16 Bit Timer/Counter :T0, T1
- Full Duplex serial data receiver/transmitter
- Four Register banks with 8 registers in each bank.
- Sixteen bit Program counter (PC) and a data pointer (DPTR)
- 8 Bit Program Status Word (PSW)
- 8 Bit Stack Pointer
- Five vector interrupt structure (RESET not considered as an interrupt.)
- 8051 CPU consists of 8 bit ALU with associated registers like accumulator ‘A’, B register, PSW,
SP, 16 bit program counter, stack pointer.
- ALU can perform arithmetic and logic functions on 8 bit variables.
- 8051 has 128 bytes of internal RAM which is divided into
 Working registers [00 – 1F]
 Bit addressable memory area [20 – 2F]
 General purpose memory area (Scratch pad memory) [30-7F]

The 8051 Architecture

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- 8051 has 4 K Bytes of internal ROM. The address space is from 0000 to 0FFFh. If the program
size is more than 4 K Bytes 8051 will fetch the code automatically from external memory
- Accumulator is an 8 bit register widely used for all arithmetic and logical operations. Accumulator
is also used to transfer data between external memory. B register is used along with Accumulator
for multiplication and division. A and B registers together is also called MATH registers.
- PSW (Program Status Word). This is an 8 bit register which contains the arithmetic status of ALU
and the bank select bits of register banks.

CY - carry flag
AC - auxiliary carry flag
F0 - available to the user for general purpose
RS1, RS0 - register bank select bits

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OV - overflow
P – Parity

- Stack Pointer (SP) – it contains the address of the data item on the top of the stack. Stack may
reside anywhere on the internal RAM. On reset, SP is initialized to 07 so that the default stack will
start from address 08 onwards.
- Data Pointer (DPTR) – DPH (Data pointer higher byte), DPL (Data pointer lower byte). This is a
16 bit register which is used to furnish address information for internal and external program
memory and for external data memory.
- Program Counter (PC) – 16 bit PC contains the address of next instruction to be executed. On reset
PC will set to 0000. After fetching every instruction PC will increment by one.
Pin Diagram:
- Pins 1-8: PORT 1. Each of these pins can be configured as an input or an output.
- Pin 9 RESET. A logic one on this pin disables the microcontroller and clears the contents of most
registers. In other words, the positive voltage on this pin resets the microcontroller. By applying
logic zero to this pin, the program starts execution from the beginning.
- Pins10-17 PORT 3. Similar to port 1, each of these pins can serve as general input or output.
Besides, all of them have alternative functions.
- Pin 10 RXD. Serial asynchronous communication input or Serial synchronous communication
- Pin 11 TXD. Serial asynchronous communication output or Serial synchronous communication
clock output.
- Pin 12 INT0.External Interrupt 0 input.
- Pin 13 INT1. External Interrupt 1 input.
- Pin 14 T0. Counter 0 clock input.
- Pin 15 T1. Counter 1 clock input
- Pin 16 WR. Write to external (additional) RAM.
- Pin 17 RD. Read from external RAM

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- Pin 18, 19 XTAL2, XTAL1. Internal oscillator input and output. A quartz crystal which specifies
operating frequency is usually connected to these pins.
- Pin 20 GND. Ground.
- Pin 21-28 Port 2. If there is no intention to use external memory then these port pins are configured
as general inputs/outputs. In case external memory is used, the higher address byte, i.e. addresses
A8-A15 will appear on this port. Even though memory with capacity of 64Kb is not used, which
means that not all eight port bits are used for its addressing, the rest of them are not available as
- Pin 29 PSEN. If external ROM is used for storing program then a logic zero (0) appears on it every
time the microcontroller reads a byte from memory.
- Pin 30 ALE. Prior to reading from external memory, the microcontroller puts the lower address
byte (A0-A7) on P0 and activates the ALE output. After receiving signal from the ALE pin, the
external latch latches the state of P0 and uses it as a memory chip address. Immediately after that,
the ALE pin is returned its previous logic state and P0 is now used as a Data Bus.
- Pin 32-39 PORT 0. Similar to P2, if external memory is not used, these pins can be used as general
inputs/outputs. Otherwise, P0 is configured as address output (A0-A7) when the ALE pin is driven
high (1) or as data output (Data Bus) when the ALE pin is driven low (0).
- Pin 40 VCC. +5V power supply.

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Memory Organization
Internal RAM organization

- Register Banks: 00h to 1Fh. The 8051 uses 8 general-purpose registers R0 through R7 (R0, R1, R2,
R3, R4, R5, R6, and R7). There are four such register banks. Selection of register bank can be done
through RS1, RS0 bits of PSW. On reset, the default Register Bank 0 will be selected.
- Bit Addressable RAM: 20h to 2Fh . The 8051 supports a special feature which allows access to bit
variables. This is where individual memory bits in Internal RAM can be set or cleared. In all there
are 128 bits numbered 00h to 7Fh. Being bit variables any one variable can have a value 0 or 1. A
bit variable can be set with a command such as SETB and cleared with a command such as CLR.
Example instructions are:
SETB 25h ; sets the bit 25h (becomes 1)
CLR 25h ; clears bit 25h (becomes 0) Note, bit 25h is actually bit 5 of Internal RAM location 24h.
The Bit Addressable area of the RAM is just 16 bytes of Internal RAM located between 20h and
- General Purpose RAM: 30h to 7Fh. Even if 80 bytes of Internal RAM memory are available for
general-purpose data storage, user should take care while using the memory location from 00 -2Fh
since these locations are also the default register space, stack space, and bit addressable space. It is

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a good practice to use general purpose memory from 30 – 7Fh. The general purpose RAM can be
accessed using direct or indirect addressing modes.
External Memory Interfacing:
Eg. Interfacing of 16 K Byte of RAM and 32 K Byte of EPROM to 8051
Number of address lines required for 16 Kbyte memory is 14 lines and that of 32Kbytes of memory is
15 lines.
The connections of external memory is shown below.

The lower order address and data bus are multiplexed. De-multiplexing is done by the latch. Initially
the address will appear in the bus and this latched at the output of latch using ALE signal. The output
of the latch is directly connected to the lower byte address lines of the memory. Later data will be
available in this bus. Still the latch output is address itself. The higher byte of address bus is directly
connected to the memory. The number of lines connected depends on the memory size.
The RD and WR (both active low) signals are connected to RAM for reading and writing the data.
PSEN of microcontroller is connected to the output enable of the ROM to read the data from the
EA (active low) pin is always grounded if we use only external memory. Otherwise, once the program
size exceeds internal memory the microcontroller will automatically switch to external memory.

A stack is a last in first out memory. In 8051 internal RAM space can be used as stack. The address of
the stack is contained in a register called stack pointer. Instructions PUSH and POP are used for stack
operations. When a data is to be placed on the stack, the stack pointer increments before storing the
data on the stack so that the stack grows up as data is stored (pre-increment). As the data is retrieved
from the stack the byte is read from the stack, and then SP decrements to point the next available byte

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of stored data (post decrement). The stack pointer is set to 07 when the 8051 resets. So that default
stack memory starts from address location 08 onwards (to avoid overwriting the default register bank
ie., bank 0). Eg; Show the stack and SP for the following.

Instruction Syntax.

General syntax for 8051 assembly language is as follows.

ADDRESSED). The label is a symbolic address for the instruction. When the program is assembled,
the label will be given specific address in which that instruction is stored. Unless that specific line of
instruction is needed by a branching instruction in the program, it is not necessary to label that line.
OPCODE: Opcode is the symbolic representation of the operation. The assembler converts the opcode
to a unique binary code (machine language).
OPERAND: While opcode specifies what operation to perform, operand specifies where to perform
that action. The operand field generally contains the source and destination of the data. In some cases
only source or destination will be available instead of both. The operand will be either address of the
data, or data itself.
COMMENT: Always comment will begin with; or // symbol. To improve the program quality,
programmer may always use comments in the program.
Addressing Modes
Various methods of accessing the data are called addressing modes.
8051 addressing modes are classified as follows.
1. Immediate addressing.
2. Register addressing.
3. Direct addressing.
4. Indirect addressing.
5. Relative addressing.

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6. Absolute addressing.
7. Long addressing.
8. Indexed addressing.
9. Bit inherent addressing.
10. Bit direct addressing.
Immediate addressing.
In this addressing mode the data is provided as a part of instruction itself. In other words data immediately
follows the instruction.
Eg. MOV A,#30H
ADD A, #83 # Symbol indicates the data is immediate

Register addressing.
In this addressing mode the register will hold the data. One of the eight general registers (R0 to R7) can be
used and specified as the operand.
Eg. MOV A, R0
R0 – R7 will be selected from the current selection of register bank. The default register bank will be bank
Direct addressing
There are two ways to access the internal memory. Using direct address and indirect address. Using direct
addressing mode we can not only address the internal memory but SFRs also. In direct addressing, an 8 bit
internal data memory address is specified as part of the instruction and hence, it can specify the address
only in the range of 00H to FFH. In this addressing mode, data is obtained directly from the memory.
Eg. MOV A, 60h
ADD A, 30h
Indirect addressing
The indirect addressing mode uses a register to hold the actual address that will be used in data movement.
Registers R0 and R1 and DPTR are the only registers that can be used as data pointers. Indirect addressing
cannot be used to refer to SFR registers. Both R0 and R1 can hold 8 bit address and DPTR can hold 16 bit
Eg. MOV A,@R0

Indexed addressing.
In indexed addressing, either the program counter (PC), or the data pointer (DTPR)—is used to hold the
base address, and the A is used to hold the offset address. Adding the value of the base address to the value

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of the offset address forms the effective address. Indexed addressing is used with JMP or MOVC
instructions. Look up tables are easily implemented with the help of index addressing.
MOVC A, @A+DPTR // copies the contents of memory location pointed by the
sum of the accumulator A and the DPTR into accumulator A.
MOVC A, @A+PC // copies the contents of memory location pointed by the
sum of the accumulator A and the program counter into accumulator A.
Relative Addressing.
Relative addressing is used only with conditional jump instructions. The relative address, (offset), is an 8
bit signed number, which is automatically added to the PC to make the address of the next instruction. The
8 bit signed offset value gives an address range of +127 to —128 locations. The jump destination is usually
specified using a label and the assembler calculates the jump offset accordingly. The advantage of relative
addressing is that the program code is easy to relocate and the address is relative to position in the memory.
Absolute addressing
Absolute addressing is used only by the AJMP (Absolute Jump) and ACALL (Absolute Call) instructions.
These are 2 bytes instructions. The absolute addressing mode specifies the lowest 11 bit of the memory
address as part of the instruction. The upper 5 bit of the destination address are the upper 5 bit of the current
program counter. Hence, absolute addressing allows branching only within the current 2 Kbyte page of the
program memory.
Long Addressing
The long addressing mode is used with the instructions LJMP and LCALL. These are 3 byte instructions.
The address specifies a full 16 bit destination address so that a jump or a call can be made to a location
within a 64 Kbyte code memory space.
Bit Inherent Addressing
In this addressing, the address of the flag which contains the operand, is implied in the opcode of the
CLR C; Clears the carry flag to 0

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Bit Direct Addressing
In this addressing mode the direct address of the bit is specified in the instruction. The RAM space 20H to
2FH and most of the special function registers are bit addressable. Bit address values are between 00H to
CLR 07h; Clears the bit 7 of 20h RAM space
SETB 07H; Sets the bit 7 of 20H RAM space.
Instruction Timings
- The 8051 internal operations and external read/write operations are controlled by the oscillator
- T-state, Machine cycle and Instruction cycle are terms used in instruction timings.
- T-state is defined as one subdivision of the operation performed in one clock period.
- The terms 'Tstate' and 'clock period' are often used synonymously.
- Machine cycle is defined as 12 oscillator periods. A machine cycle consists of six states and each
state lasts for two oscillator periods.
- An instruction takes one to four machine cycles to execute an instruction.
- Instruction cycle is defined as the time required for completing the execution of an instruction.
- The 8051 instruction cycle consists of one to four machine cycles.
Eg. If 8051 microcontroller is operated with 12 MHz oscillator, find the execution time for the
following four instructions.
1. ADD A, 45H
2. SUBB A, #55H
3. MOV DPTR, #2000H
Since the oscillator frequency is 12 MHz, the clock period is, Clock period = 1/12 MHz = 0.08333
Time for 1 machine cycle = 0.08333 µS x 12 =1 µS.
Instruction No. of machine cycles Execution time
1. ADD A, 45H 1 1 µs
2. SUBB A, #55H 2 2 µs
3. MOV DPTR, #2000H 2 2 µs
4. MUL AB 4 4 µs

8051 Instructions
The instructions of 8051 can be broadly classified under the following headings.

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1. Data transfer instructions
2. Arithmetic instructions
3. Logical instructions
4. Branch instructions
5. Subroutine instructions
6. Bit manipulation instructions
Data Transfer Instructions
In this group, the instructions perform data transfer operations of the following types.
a. Move the contents of a register Rn to A
i. MOV A,R2 ii. MOV A,R7
b. Move the contents of a register A to Rn
i. MOV R4,A ii. MOV R1,A
c. Move an immediate 8 bit data to register A or to Rn or to a memory location(direct or
i. MOV A, #45H iv. MOV @R0, #0E8H
ii. MOV R6, #51H v. MOV DPTR, #0F5A2H
iii. MOV 30H, #44H vi. MOV DPTR, #5467H
d. Move the contents of a memory location to A or A to a memory location using direct and
indirect addressing
i. MOV A, 65H iii. MOV 45H, A
ii. MOV A, @R0 iv. MOV @R1, A
e. Move the contents of a memory location to Rn or Rn to a memory location using direct
i. MOV R3, 65H ii. MOV 45H, R2
f. Move the contents of memory location to another memory location using direct and
indirect addressing
i. MOV 47H, 65H
ii. MOV 45H, @R0
g. Move the contents of an external memory to A or A to an external memory
i. MOVX A,@R1 iii. MOVX A,@DPTR
ii. MOVX @R0,A iv. MOVX@DPTR,A
h. Move the contents of program memory to A
i. MOVC A, @A+PC ii. MOVC A, @A+DPTR

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FIG. Addressing Using MOV, MOVX and MOVC
i. Push and Pop instructions
MOV R6, #25H [R6]=25H //CONTENT OF R6 IS 25H
MOV R1, #12H [R1]=12H //CONTENT OF R1 IS 12H

PUSH 6 [SP]=08 [08]=[06]=25H //CONTENT OF 08 IS 25H

PUSH 1 [SP]=09 [09]=[01]=12H //CONTENT OF 09 IS 12H
PUSH 4 [SP]=0A [0A]=[04]=F3H //CONTENT OF 0A IS F3H

POP 6 [06]=[0A]=F3H [SP]=09 //CONTENT OF 06 IS F3H

POP 1 [01]=[09]=12H [SP]=08 //CONTENT OF 01 IS 12H
POP 4 [04]=[08]=25H [SP]=07 //CONTENT OF 04 IS 25H
j. Exchange instructions
The content of source ie., register, direct memory or indirect memory will be exchanged
with the contents of destination ie., accumulator.
i. XCH A,R3
ii. XCH A,@R1
iii. XCH A,54h
k. Exchange digit. Exchange the lower order nibble of Accumulator (A0-A3) with lower
order nibble of the internal RAM location which is indirectly addressed by the register. i.
XCHD A,@R1 ii. XCHD A,@R0
Arithmetic Instructions
The 8051 can perform addition, subtraction. Multiplication and division operations on 8 bit numbers.
In this group, we have instructions to
i. Add the contents of A with immediate data with or without carry.
i. ADD A, #45H
ii. ADDC A, #OB4H
ii. Add the contents of A with register Rn with or without carry.
i. ADD A, R5

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ii. ADDC A, R2
iii. Add the contents of A with contents of memory with or without carry using direct and indirect
i. ADD A, 51H
ii. ADDC A, 75H
iii. ADD A, @R1
iv. ADDC A, @R0

CY AC and OV flags will be affected by this operation.

In this group, we have instructions to
i. Subtract the contents of A with immediate data with or without carry.
i. SUBB A,
ii. SUBB A,
ii. Subtract the contents of A with register Rn with or without carry.
i. SUBB A,
R5 ii.
iii. Subtract the contents of A with contents of memory with or without carry using direct and
indirect addressing
i. SUBB A,
51H ii.
iii. SUBB
A, @R1 iv.

CY AC and OV flags will be affected by this operation.


MUL AB. This instruction multiplies two 8 bit unsigned numbers which are stored in A and B
register. After multiplication the lower byte of the result will be stored in accumulator and higher
byte of result will be stored in B register.
Eg. MOV A,#45H ;[A]=45H
MOV B,#0F5H ;[B]=F5H
MUL AB ;[A] x [B] = 45 x F5 = 4209
;[A]=09H, [B]=42H

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DIV AB. This instruction divides the 8 bit unsigned number which is stored in A by the 8 bit
unsigned number which is stored in B register. After division the result will be stored in
accumulator and remainder will be stored in B register.
Eg. MOV A,#45H ;[A]=0E8H
MOV B,#0F5H ;[B]=1BH
DIV AB ;[A] / [B] = E8 /1B = 08 H with remainder 10H
;[A] = 08H, [B]=10H

DA A (Decimal Adjust After Addition).

When two BCD numbers are added, the answer is a non-BCD number. To get the result in BCD, we
use DA A instruction after the addition. DA A works as follows.
• If lower nibble is greater than 9 or auxiliary carry is 1, 6 is added to lower nibble.
• If upper nibble is greater than 9 or carry is 1, 6 is added to upper nibble.

Eg 1: MOV A,#23H
MOV R1,#55H
ADD A,R1 // [A]=78
DA A // [A]=78 no changes in the accumulator after da a

Eg 2: MOV A,#53H
MOV R1,#58H
ADD A,R1 // [A]=ABh
DA A // [A]=11, C=1 . ANSWER IS 111. Accumulator data is changed after DA A

Increment: increments the operand by one.


INC increments the value of source by 1. If the initial value of register is FFh, incrementing the value
will cause it to reset to 0. The Carry Flag is not set when the value "rolls over" from 255 to 0.

In the case of "INC DPTR", the value two-byte unsigned integer value of DPTR is incremented. If the
initial value of DPTR is FFFFh, incrementing the value will cause it to reset to 0.

Decrement: decrements the operand by one.


DEC decrements the value of source by 1. If the initial value of is 0, decrementing the value will
cause it to reset to FFh. The Carry Flag is not set when the value "rolls over" from 0 to FFh.
Logical Instruction:
Logical AND

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ANL destination, source: ANL does a bitwise "AND" operation between source and destination,
leaving the resulting value in destination. The value in source is not affected. "AND" instruction
logically AND the bits of source and destination.

Logical OR

ORL destination, source: ORL does a bitwise "OR" operation between source and destination,
leaving the resulting value in destination. The value in source is not affected. " OR " instruction
logically OR the bits of source and destination.

Logical Ex-OR

XRL destination, source: XRL does a bitwise "EX-OR" operation between source and
destination, leaving the resulting value in destination. The value in source is not affected. " XRL
" instruction logically EX-OR the bits of source and destination.

Logical NOT

CPL complements operand, leaving the result in operand. If operand is a single bit then the
state of the bit will be reversed. If operand is the Accumulator then all the bits in the
Accumulator will be reversed.

CPL A, CPL C, CPL bit address

SWAP A – Swap the upper nibble and lower nibble of A.

Rotate Instructions

This instruction is rotate right the accumulator. Its operation is illustrated below. Each bit is shifted one
location to the right, with bit 0 going to bit 7.

Rotate left the accumulator. Each bit is shifted one location to the left, with bit 7 going to bit 0

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Rotate right through the carry. Each bit is shifted one location to the right, with bit 0 going into the carry bit in
the PSW, while the carry was at goes into bit 7

Rotate left through the carry. Each bit is shifted one location to the left, with bit 7 going into the carry bit
in the PSW, while the carry goes into bit 0.

Branch (JUMP) Instruction:

Jump and Call Program Range

There are 3 types of jump instructions. They
1. Relative Jump
2. Short Absolute Jump
3. Long Absolute Jump

Relative Jump
Jump that replaces the PC (program counter) content with a new address that is greater than (the
address following the jump instruction by 127 or less) or less than (the address following the jump
by 128 or less) is called a relative jump. Schematically, the relative jump can be shown as follows:

The advantages of the relative jump are as follows:-

1. Only 1 byte of jump address needs to be specified in the 2's complement form, ie. For jumping
ahead, the range is 0 to 127 and for jumping back, the range is -1 to -128.
2. Specifying only one byte reduces the size of the instruction and speeds up program execution.
3. The program with relative jumps can be relocated without reassembling to generate absolute
jump addresses.

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Disadvantages of the absolute jump: -
1. Short jump range (-128 to 127 from the instruction following the jump instruction)

Instructions that use Relative Jump

SJMP <relative address>; this is unconditional jump

The remaining relative jumps are conditional jumps

JC <relative address>
JNC <relative address>
JB bit, <relative address>
JNB bit, <relative address>
JBC bit, <relative address>
CJNE <destination byte>, <source byte>, <relative address>
DJNZ <byte>, <relative address>
JZ <relative address>
JNZ <relative address>

Short Absolute Jump

In this case only 11bits of the absolute jump address are needed. The absolute jump address is
calculated in the following manner.
In 8051, 64 kbyte of program memory space is divided into 32 pages of 2 kbyte each. The hexadecimal
addresses of the pages are given as follows:-

Page (Hex) Address (Hex)

00 0000 - 07FF
01 0800 - 0FFF
02 1000 - 17FF
03 1800 - 1FFF
1E F000 - F7FF
1F F800 - FFFF

It can be seen that the upper 5bits of the program counter (PC) hold the page number and the lower
11bits of the PC hold the address within that page. Thus, an absolute address is formed by taking
page numbers of the instruction (from the program counter) following the jump and attaching the
specified 11bits to it to form the 16-bit address.

Advantage: The instruction length becomes 2 bytes.

Example of short absolute jump: -

ACALL <address 11>

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 138

AJMP <address 11>

Long Absolute Jump/Call

Applications that need to access the entire program memory from 0000H to FFFFH use long
absolute jump. Since the absolute address has to be specified in the op-code, the instruction length
is 3 bytes (except for JMP @ A+DPTR). This jump is not re-locatable.

Example: -

LCALL <address 16>

LJMP <address 16>

Another classification of jump instructions is

1. Unconditional Jump
2. Conditional Jump

1. The unconditional jump is a jump in which control is transferred unconditionally to the target location.
a. LJMP (long jump). This is a 3-byte instruction. First byte is the op-code and second and third
bytes represent the 16-bit target address which is any memory location from 0000 to FFFFH
eg: LJMP 3000H
b. AJMP: this causes unconditional branch to the indicated address, by loading the 11 bit
address to 0 -10 bits of the program counter. The destination must be therefore within the
same 2K blocks.
c. SJMP (short jump). This is a 2-byte instruction. First byte is the op-code and second byte is
the relative target address, 00 to FFH (forward +127 and backward -128 bytes from the current
PC value). To calculate the target address of a short jump, the second byte is added to the PC
value which is address of the instruction immediately below the jump.

2. Conditional Jump instructions.

JBC Jump if bit = 1 and clear bit
JNB Jump if bit = 0
JB Jump if bit = 1
JNC Jump if CY = 0
JC Jump if CY = 1
CJNE reg,#data Jump if byte ≠ #data
CJNE A,byte Jump if A ≠ byte
DJNZ Decrement and Jump if A ≠ 0
JNZ Jump if A ≠ 0
JZ Jump if A = 0

All conditional jumps are short jumps.

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Bit level jump instructions:

Bit level JUMP instructions will check the conditions of the bit and if condition is true, it jumps to the
address specified in the instruction. All the bit jumps are relative jumps.

JB bit, rel ; jump if the direct bit is set to the relative address specified.
JNB bit, rel ; jump if the direct bit is clear to the relative address specified.
JBC bit, rel ; jump if the direct bit is set to the relative address specified and then clear the bit.

Subroutine Call and Return Instruction:

Subroutines are handled by CALL and RET instructions
There are two types of CALL instructions

1. LCALL address(16 bit)

This is long call instruction which unconditionally calls the subroutine located at the indicated 16 bit
address. This is a 3 byte instruction. The LCALL instruction works as follows.
a. During execution of LCALL, [PC] = [PC]+3; (if address where LCALL resides is say, 0x3254;
during execution of this instruction [PC] = 3254h + 3h = 3257h
b. [SP]=[SP]+1; (if SP contains default value 07, then SP increments and [SP]=08
c. [[SP]] = [PC7-0]; (lower byte of PC content ie., 57 will be stored in memory location 08.
d. [SP]=[SP]+1; (SP increments again and [SP]=09)
e. [[SP]] = [PC15-8]; (higher byte of PC content ie., 32 will be stored in memory location 09.

With these the address (0x3254) which was in PC is stored in stack.

f. [PC]= address (16 bit); the new address of subroutine is loaded to PC. No flags are affected.

2. ACALL address(11 bit)

This is absolute call instruction which unconditionally calls the subroutine located at the indicated 11
bit address. This is a 2 byte instruction. The SCALL instruction works as follows.
a. During execution of SCALL, [PC] = [PC]+2; (if address where LCALL resides is say, 0x8549;
during execution of this instruction [PC] = 8549h + 2h = 854Bh
b. [SP]=[SP]+1; (if SP contains default value 07, then SP increments and [SP]=08
c. [[SP]] = [PC7-0]; (lower byte of PC content ie., 4B will be stored in memory location 08.
d. [SP]=[SP]+1; (SP increments again and [SP]=09)
e. [[SP]] = [PC15-8]; (higher byte of PC content ie., 85 will be stored in memory location 09.

With these the address (0x854B) which was in PC is stored in stack.

f. [PC10-0]= address (11 bit); the new address of subroutine is loaded to PC. No flags are

RET instruction
RET instruction pops top two contents from the stack and load it to PC.
g. [PC15-8] = [[SP]] ;content of current top of the stack will be moved to higher byte of PC.
h. [SP]=[SP]-1 ; (SP decrements)
i. [PC7-0] = [[SP]] ;content of bottom of the stack will be moved to lower byte of PC.
j. [SP]=[SP]-1 ; (SP decrements again)

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 140

Bit Manipulation Instructions:
8051 has 128 bit addressable memory. Bit addressable SFRs and bit addressable PORT pins. It is possible to
perform following bit wise operations for these bit addressable locations.





3. CLR bit


4. CPL bit


Assembler Directives.

Assembler directives tell the assembler to do something other than creating the machine code
for an instruction. In assembly language programming, the assembler directives instruct the
assembler to
1. Process subsequent assembly language instructions
2. Define program constants
3. Reserve space for variables

The following are the widely used 8051 assembler directives.

ORG (origin)
The ORG directive is used to indicate the starting address. It can be used only when the
program counter needs to be changed. The number that comes after ORG can be either in
hex or in decimal.
Eg: ORG 0000H ;Set PC to 0000.


EQU and SET directives assign numerical value or register name to the specified symbol

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 141

EQU is used to define a constant without storing information in the memory. The symbol
defined with EQU should not be redefined.
SET directive allows redefinition of symbols at a later stage.
The DB directive is used to define an 8 bit data. DB directive initializes memory with 8
bit values. The numbers can be in decimal, binary, hex or in ASCII formats. For decimal,
the 'D' after the decimal number is optional, but for binary and hexadecimal, 'B' and ‘H’
are required. For ASCII, the number is written in quotation marks (‘LIKE This).
DATA1: DB 40H ; hex
DATA2: DB 01011100B ; b i n ary
DATA3: DB 48 ; decimal
The END directive signals the end of the assembly module. It indicates the end of the
program to the assembler. Any text in the assembly file that appears after the END
directive is ignored. If the END statement is missing, the assembler will generate an error

Interfacing seven segment display to 8051.

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 142

The circuit diagram shown above is of an AT89S51 microcontroller based 0 to 9 counter which has a 7
segment LED display interfaced to it in order to display the count. This simple circuit illustrates two things.
How to setup simple 0 to 9 up counter using 8051 and more importantly how to interface a seven segment
LED display to 8051 in order to display a particular result. The common cathode seven segment display D1
is connected to the Port 1 of the microcontroller (AT89S51) as shown in the circuit diagram. R3 to R10 are
current limiting resistors. S3 is the reset switch and R2, C3 forms a denouncing circuitry. C1, C2 and X1
are related to the clock circuit. The software part of the project has to do the following tasks.

- Form a 0 to 9 counter with a predetermined delay (around 1/2 second here).

- Convert the current count into digit drive pattern.
- Put the current digit drive pattern into a port for displaying.

All the above said tasks are accomplished by the program given below.

ORG 000H //initial starting address

START: MOV A,#00001001B // initial value of accumulator

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MOV R0,#0AH //Register R0 initialized as counter which counts from 10 to 0
MOVC A,@A+PC // adds the byte in A to the program counters address
ACALL DELAY // calls the delay of the timer
DEC R0 //Counter R0 decremented by 1
MOV A,R0 // R0 moved to accumulator to check if it is zero in next

JZ START //Checks accumulator for zero and jumps to START. Done to

check if counting has been finished.
DB 3FH // digit drive pattern for 0
DB 06H // digit drive pattern for 1
DB 5BH // digit drive pattern for 2
DB 4FH // digit drive pattern for 3
DB 66H // digit drive pattern for 4
DB 6DH // digit drive pattern for 5
DB 7DH // digit drive pattern for 6
DB 07H // digit drive pattern for 7
DB 7FH // digit drive pattern for 8
DB 6FH // digit drive pattern for 9
DELAY: MOV R4,#05H // subroutine for delay
WAIT1: MOV R3,#00H
WAIT2: MOV R2,#00H

Assembly Language Programs.

1. Write a program to add the values of locations 50H and 51H and store the result in locations
in 52h and 53H.

ORG 0000H ; Set program counter 0000H

MOV A,50H ; Load the contents of Memory location 50H into A
ADD ADD A,51H ; Add the contents of memory 51H with CONTENTS
A MOV 52H,A ; Save the LS byte of the result in 52H
MOV A, #00 ; Load 00H into A
ADDC A, #00 ; Add the immediate data and carry to A
MOV 53H,A ; Save the MS byte of the result in location 53h

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2. Write a program to store data FFH into RAM memory locations 50H to 58H using direct
addressing mode

ORG 0000H ; Set program counter 0000H

MOV A, #0FFH ; Load FFH into A
MOV 50H, A ; Store contents of A in location 50H
MOV 51H, A ; Store contents of A in location 5IH
MOV 52H, A ; Store contents of A in location 52H
MOV 53H, A ; Store contents of A in location 53H
MOV 54H, A ; Store contents of A in location 54H
MOV 55H, A ; Store contents of A in location 55H
MOV 56H, A ; Store contents of A in location 56H
MOV 57H, A ; Store contents of A in location 57H
MOV 58H, A ; Store contents of A in location 58H

3. Write a program to subtract a 16 bit number stored at locations 51H-52H from 55H-56H and
store the result in locations 40H and 41H. Assume that the least significant byte of data or the
result is stored in low address. If the result is positive, then store 00H, else store 01H in 42H.
ORG 0000H ; Set program counter 0000H
MOV A, 55H ; Load the contents of memory location 55 into A
CLR C ; Clear the borrow flag
SUBB A,51H ; Sub the contents of memory 51H from contents of A
MOV 40H, A ; Save the LSByte of the result in location 40H
MOV A, 56H ; Load the contents of memory location 56H into A
SUBB A, 52H ; Subtract the content of memory 52H from the content
A MOV 41H, ; Save the MSbyte of the result in location 415.
MOV A, #00 ; Load 005 into A
ADDC A, #00 ; Add the immediate data and the carry flag to A
MOV 42H, A ; If result is positive, store00H, else store 0lH in 42H
4. Write a program to add two 16 bit numbers stored at locations 51H-52H and 55H-56H and
store the result in locations 40H, 41H and 42H. Assume that the least significant byte of data
and the result is stored in low address and the most significant byte of data or the result is
stored in high address.

ORG 0000H ; Set program counter 0000H

MOV A,51H ; Load the contents of memory location 51H into A
ADD A,55H ; Add the contents of 55H with contents of A
MOV 40H,A ; Save the LS byte of the result in location 40H
MOV A,52H ; Load the contents of 52H into A
ADDC A,56H ; Add the contents of 56H and CY flag with A
MOV 41H,A ; Save the second byte of the result in 41H
MOV A,#00 ; Load 00H into A
ADDC A,#00 ; Add the immediate data 00H and CY to A

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MOV 42H,A ; Save the MS byte of the result in location 42H

5. Write a program to store data FFH into RAM memory locations 50H to 58H using indirect
addressing mode.
ORG 0000H ; Set program counter 0000H
MOV A, #0FFH ; Load FFH into A
MOV RO, #50H ; Load pointer, R0-50H
MOV R5, #08H ; Load counter, R5-08H
Start: MOV @RO, A ; Copy contents of A to RAM pointed by R0
INC RO ; Increment pointer
DJNZ R5, start ; Repeat until R5 is zero
6. Write a program to add two Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) numbers stored at locations 60H and
61H and store the result in BCD at memory locations 52H and 53H. Assume that the least
significant byte of the result is stored in low address.

ORG 0000H ; Set program counter 00004

MOV A,60H ; Load the contents of memory location 6.0.H into A
ADD A,61H ; Add the contents of memory location 61H with contents of A
DA A ; Decimal adjustment of the sum in A
MOV 52H, A ; Save the least significant byte of the result in location 52H
MOV A,#00 ; Load 00H into .A
ADDC A,#00H ; Add the immediate data and the contents of carry flag to A
MOV 53H,A ; Save the most significant byte of the result in location 53:,

7. Write a program to clear 10 RAM locations starting at RAM address 1000H.

ORG 0000H ;Set program counter 0000H

MOV DPTR, #1000H ;Copy address 1000H to DPTR
CLR A ;Clear A
MOV R6, #0AH ;Load 0AH to R6 again:
MOVX @DPTR, A ;Clear RAM location pointed by DPTR
INC DPTR ;Increment DPTR
DJNZ R6, again ;Loop until counter R6=0
8. Write a program to compute 1 + 2 + 3 + N (say N=15) and save the sum at70H
ORG 0000H ; Set program counter 0000H
N EQU 15
MOV R0,#00 ; Clear R0
CLR A ; Clear A
again: INC R0 ; Increment R0
ADD A, R0 ; add the contents of R0 with A
CJNE R0,#N,again ; Loop until counter, R0, N
MOV 70H,A ; Save the result in location 70H

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 146

9. Write a program to multiply two 8 bit numbers stored at locations 70H and 71H and store the
result at memory locations 52H and 53H. Assume that the least significant byte of the result is
stored in low address.
ORG 0000H ; Set program counter 00 OH
MOV A, 70H ; Load the contents of memory location 70h into A
MOV B, 71H ; Load the contents of memory location 71H into B
MUL AB ; Perform multiplication
MOV 52H,A ; Save the least significant byte of the result in location 52H
MOV 53H,B ; Save the most significant byte of the result in location 53
10. Write a program to find the average of five 8 bit numbers. Store the result in H. (Assume that
after adding five 8 bit numbers, the result is 8 bit only).
ORG 0000H
MOV 40H,#05H
MOV 41H,#55H
MOV 42H,#06H
MOV 43H,#1AH
MOV 44H,#09H
MOV R0,#40H
MOV R5,#05H
Loop: ADD A,@RO
DJNZ R5,Loop

12. Write a program to shift a 24 bit number stored at 57H-55H to the left logically four places.
Assume that the least significant byte of data is stored in lower address.
ORG 0000H ; Set program counter 0000h
MOV R1,#04 ; Set up loop count to 4
again: MOV A,55H ; Place the least significant byte of data in A
CLR C ; Clear tne carry flag
RLC A ; Rotate contents of A (55h) left through carry
RLC A ; Rotate contents of A (56H) left through carry
RLC A ; Rotate contents of A (57H) left through carry
DJNZ R1,again ; Repeat until R1 is zero

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 147

Chapter -8

VHDL stands for very high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language. It is a programming
language used to model a digital system by dataflow, behavioral and structural style of modeling. This
language was first introduced in 1981 for the department of Defense (DoD) under the VHSIC program.

- The VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) is an industry standard language

used to describe hardware from the abstract to concrete level.

- The language not only defines the syntax but also defines very clear simulation semantics
for each language construct.

- It is strong typed language and is often verbose to write.

- Provides extensive range of modeling capabilities, it is possible to quickly assimilate a

core subset of the language that is both easy and simple to understand without learning the
more complex features.

Why Use VHDL?

- Quick Time-to-Market

 Allows designers to quickly develop designs requiring tens of thousands of

logic gates.

 Provides powerful high-level constructs for describing complex logic.

 Supports modular design methodology and multiple levels of hierarchy.

- One language for design and simulation.

- Allows creation of device-independent designs that are portable to multiple vendors. Good
for ASIC Migration.

- Allows user to pick any synthesis tool, vendor, or device.

Basic Features of VHDL:

- Concurrency.

- Supports Sequential Statements.

- Supports for Test & Simulation.

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- Strongly Typed Language.

- Supports Hierarchies.

- Supports for Vendor Defined Libraries.

- Supports Multivalued Logic.


- VHDL is a concurrent language.

- HDL differs with Software languages with respect to Concurrency only.

- VHDL executes statements at the same time in parallel, as in Hardware.

Supports Sequential Statements

- VHDL supports sequential statements also, it executes one statement at a time in sequence

- As the case with any conventional languages.

- Example: if a=‘1’ then

else y<=‘1’;
end if ;

Supports for Test & Simulation

- To ensure that design is correct as per the specifications, the designer has to write another
program known as “TEST BENCH”.

- It generates a set of test vectors and sends them to the design under test (DUT).

- Also gives the responses made by the DUT against a specifications for correct results to
ensure the functionality.

Strongly Typed Language

- VHDL allows LHS & RHS operators of same type.

- Different types in LHS & RHS is illegal in VHDL.

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- Allows different type assignment by conversion.

- Example:

A : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0).

B : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0).
C : in bit_vector (3 downto 0).
B <= A; --perfect.
B <= C; --type miss match, syntax error.

Supports Hierarchies:

- Hierarchy can be represented using VHDL.

- Consider example of a Full-adder which is the top-level module, being composed of three
lower level modules i.e. half-Adder and OR gate.

- Example :

Levels of Abstraction:

Data Flow level

- In this style of modeling the flow of data through the entity is expressed using concurrent
signal assignment statements.

Structural level

- In this style of modeling the entity is described as a set of interconnected statements.

Behavioral level.

- This style of modeling specifies the behavior of an entity as a set of statements that are
executed sequentially in the specified order.

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 150

VHDL Identifiers:

- Identifiers are used to name items in a VHDL model.

- A basic identifier may contain only capital ‘A’ - ’Z’ , ‘a’ - ’z’, ‘0’ - ’9’, underscore
character ‘_’.

- Must start with a alphabet.

- May not end with a underscore character.

- Must not include two successive underscore characters.

- Reserved word cannot be used as identifiers.

- VHDL is not case sensitive.


There are three basic object types in VHDL.

- Signal: represents interconnections that connect components and ports.

- Variable: used for local storage within a process.

- Constant: a fixed value.

The object type could be a scalar or an array.

Data Types in VHDL:


- Is a name which is associated with a set of values and a set of operations.

Major Types

- Major types

- Composite Types

Scalar Types


Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 151

- Maximum range of integer is tool dependent type integer is range

- For example:

constant loop_no : integer := 345;

Signal my_int : integer range 0 to 255;

Floating Point:

- Can be either positive or negative.

- Exponents have to be integer.

type real is range implementation_defined


- Predefined type “Time” used to specify delays.

- Example : type TIME is range -2147483647 to 2147483647


- Values are defined in ascending order.

- Example:

- type alu is ( pass, add, subtract, multiply,divide )

Composite Types

There are two composite types


- Contain many elements of the same type.

- Array can be either single or multidimensional.

- Single dimensional array are synthesizable.

- The synthesis of multidimensional array depends upon the synthesizer being used.


- Contain elements of different types.

The Std_Logic Type:

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 152

- It is a data type defined in the std_logic_1164 package of IEEE library.

- It is an enumerated type and is defined as

type std_logic is (‘U’, ‘X’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘Z’, ‘W’, ‘L’, ‘H’,’-’)

‘u’ unspecified

‘x’ unknown

‘0’ strong zero

‘1’ strong one

‘z’ high impedance

‘w’ weak unknown

‘l’ weak zero

‘h’ weak one

‘-’ don’t care


- Alias is an alternative name assigned to part of an object simplifying its access.

- Syntax :

alias alias_name : subtype is name;

- Examples:

signal inst : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

alias opcode : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) is inst (7 downto 4);

alias srce : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)is inst(3 downto 2);

alias dest : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is inst (1 downto 0);

Signal Array:

- A set of signals may also be declared as a signal array which is a concatenated set of

- This is done by defining the signal of type bit_vector or std_logic_vector.

- bit_vector and std_logic_vector are types defined in the ieee.std_logic_1164 package.

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- Signal array is declared as : < Type > < range >.

- Example:

signal data1:bit_vector(1 downto 0);

signal data2: std_logic_vector(7 down to 0);

signal address : std_logic_vector(0 to 15);


- It is a type with a constraint

- Useful for range checking and for imposing additional constraints on types.


subtype subtype_name is base_type range range_constraint;

- For example: subtype DIGITS is integer range 0 to 9;


Predefined VHDL operators can be grouped into seven classes:

1. binary logical operators: and or nand nor xor xnor

 and logical and result is boolean,

 nand logical complement of and result is boolean,

 nor logical complement of or result is boolean,

 xor logical exclusive or result is boolean,

 xnor logical complement of exclusive or result is boolean,

2. relational operators:

 = test for equality, result is boolean

 /= test for inequality, result is Boolean

 < test for less than, result is boolean

 <= test for less than or equal, result is boolean

 > test for greater than, result is Boolean

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 >= test for greater than or equal, result is Boolean

3. shift operators:

 sll shift left logical,

 srl shift right logical,

 sla shift left arithmetic,

 sra shift right arithmetic,

 rol rotate left,

 ror rotate right,

4. adding operators:

 + addition, numeric + numeric, result numeric

 - subtraction, numeric - numeric, result numeric

 & concatenation, array or element & array or element, result array

5. unary sign operators:

 + unary plus, + numeric, result numeric

 - unary minus, - numeric, result numeric

6. multiplying operators:

 * multiplication, numeric * numeric, result numeric

 / division, numeric / numeric, result numeric

 mod modulo, integer mod integer, result integer

 rem remainder, integer rem integer, result integer

7. miscellaneous operators:

 abs absolute value, abs numeric, result numeric

 not complement, not logic or boolean, result same

 ** exponentiation, numeric ** integer, result numeric

Multi-Dimensional Arrays

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type array_name is array (index_ range , index_range) of element_ type;

For example:

type memory is array (3 downto 0, 7 downto 0);

For synthesizers which do not accept multidimensional arrays,one can declare two uni-
dimensional arrays.

For example:

type byte is array (7 downto 0) of std_logic;

type mem is array (3 downto 0) of byte;

Data Flow Modeling:

Dataflow Level

8. A Dataflow model specifies the functionality of the entity without explicitly specifying its

9. This functionality shows the flow of information through the entity, which is expressed
primarily using concurrent signal assignment statements and block statements.

10. The primary mechanism for modeling the dataflow behavior of an entity is using the
concurrent signal assignment statement.


11. Entity describes the design interface.

12. The interconnections of the design unit with the external world are enumerated.

13. The properties of these interconnections are defined.

Entity declaration:

Entity<entity_name > is

Port (port_name: <mode> <type>



Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 156

End <entity_name>;

14. There are four modes for the ports in VHDL

in, out, inout, buffer

15. These modes describe the different kinds of interconnections that the port can have with
the external circuitry.

16. Sample program:

Entity andgate is

Port ( c : out bit;

a: in bit;

b : in bit


End andgate;


17. Architecture defines the functionality of the entity.

18. It forms the body of the VHDL code.

19. An architecture belongs to a specific entity.

20. Various constructs are used in the description of the architecture.

21. architecture declaration:

architecture <architecture_name >of

<entity _ name >is
<vhdl statements>
end <architecture_name>;

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22. Example of a VHDL architecture is

architecture arc_andgate of andgate is

c <= a and b;
end arc_andgate;

# Write the VHDL code for AND gate.

Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
0 0 0
Entity andgate is
0 1 0
x, y: in std_logic; 1 0 0

z : out std_logic; 1 1 1
End andgate;
architecture arc_andgate of andgate is
z <= x and y;
end arc_andgate;

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 158

# Write the VHDL code for full adder circuit

Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Entity half_adder is
a, b: in std_logic;
c, s : out std_logic;
End half_adder;
architecture arc_half_adder of half_adder is
c<= x and y;
s<= x xor y;
end arc_half_adder;

23. Syntax: signal signal_name <list of signals > : type := initial_value;
24. Equivalent to wires.
25. Connect design entities together and communicate changes in values within a design.
26. Computed value is assigned to signal after a specified delay called as Delta Delay.
27. Signals can be declared in an entity (it can be seen by all the architectures), in an
architecture (local to the architecture), in a package (globally available to the user of the
package) or as a parameter of a subprogram (I.e. function or procedure).
28. Signals have three properties attached to it.
Type and Type attributes,value,Time (It has a history).
29. Signal assignment be done by using assignment operator: ‘<=‘.
30. Signal assignment is concurrent outside a process & sequential within a process.

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# Write the VHDL code for full adder circuit.
Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Entity full_adder is
a, b, c: in std_logic;
carry, sum : out std_logic;
End full_adder;
architecture arc_full_adder of full_adder is
signal x, y, z : std_logic;
x<= a xor b;
sum<= x xor c;
y<= x and c;
z<= a and b;
carry <= y or z;
end arc_full_adder;

Structural Modeling:

31. An entity is modeled as a set of components connected by signals, that is, as a netlist.
32. The behavior of the entity is not explicitly apparent from its model.
33. The component instantiation statement is the primary mechanism used for describing such a model
of an entity.
34. A component instantiated in a structural description must first be declared using a component
35. A larger design entity can call a smaller design unit in it.
36. This forms a hierarchical structure.
37. This is allowed by a feature of VHDL called component instantiation.
38. A component is a design entity in itself which is instantiated in the larger entity.
39. A component is a design entity in itself which is instantiated in the larger entity.

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 160

40. Syntax:
component <component_name >
port (
<port_name>: <mode> <type>;
end component;

41. The instance (calling) of a component in the entity is described as:

<instant_name>: <component_name>port map
42. For example: Fig is given as below:

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 161

Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity and3gate is
( o : out std_logic;
i1 : in std_logic;
i2 : in std_logic;
i3 : in std_logic
end and3gate;
architecture arc_and3gate of and3gate is
component andgate is
( c : out std_logic;
a : in std_logic;
b : in std_logic
end component;
signal temp1 : std_logic;
u1: andgate
port map(temp1, i1, i2);
u2: andgate
port map(o, temp1, i3);
end arc_and3gate;

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 162

#Write a VHDL code to implement the half adder using structural modeling or component.

Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity andgate is
( c : out std_logic;
a : in std_logic;
b: in std_logic;
end andgate;
architecture arch_andgate of angate is
c<=a and b;
end arch_andgate;
entity xorgate is
( c : out std_logic;
a : in std_logic;
b: in std_logic;
end xorgate;
architecture arch_xorgate of xorgate is

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 163

c<=a xor b;
end arch_xorgate;
entity halfadder is
( carry : out std_logic;
Sum: out std_logic;
a : in std_logic;
b: in std_logic;
end halfadder;
architecture arch_halfadder of halfadder is
component andgate
a, b : in std_logic;
c: out std_logic;
End component;
Component xorgate
a, b : in std_logic;
c : out std_logic;
End component;
U0: andgate portmap(carry, a, b);
U1: xorgate portmap (sum, a, b);
End arch_halfadder;

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 164

# Write the VHDL code to design the full adder circuit using gates as the component.
#Write a VHDL code to implement the full adder using two half adder.

Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity halfadder is
( s, c : out std_logic;
x : in std_logic;
y: in std_logic;
end halfadder;
architecture arch_halfadder of halfadder is
s<=x xor y;
c<= x and y;
end arch_halfadder;
entity fulladder is
( a,b,c : in std_logic;
Sum, carry : out std_logic;

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 165

end fulladder;
architecture arch_fulladder of fulladder is
component halfadder
( x,y : in std_logic;
s,c : out std_logic
End component;
Signal b1, b2, b3 : std_logic;
U1: halfadder portmap(b,c,b2,b1);
U2: halfadder portmap (b2,a,sum,b3)
carry<= b1 or b2;
end arch_fulladder;
# Write the VHDL code for 4-bit binary parallel adder.

Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity fulladder is

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 166

( sum, carry : out std_logic;
a,b c. : in std_logic;
end halfadder;
architecture arc_full_adder of full_adder is
signal x, y, z : std_logic;
x<= a xor b;
sum<= x xor c;
y<= x and c;
z<= a and b;
carry<= y or z;
end arc_full_adder;

entity BPA4 is
( A,B: in std_logic_vector(3 down to 0);
Sum_bpa: out std_logic_vector(3 down to 0);
Cin : in std_logic;
Cout: out std_logic;
end BPA4;
architecture arc_BPA4 of BPA4 is
component fulladder

( sum, carry : out std_logic;
a,b c. : in std_logic;

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 167

End component;
signal c1, c2, c3 : std_logic;
U0: fulladder portmap(A(0),B(0), Cin, sum(0),c1);
U1: fulladder portmap(A(1),B(1), C1, sum(1),c2);
U2: fulladder portmap(A(2),B(2), C2, sum(2),c2);
U0: fulladder portmap(A(3),B(3), C3, sum(3),Cout);
end arc_BPA4;

43. This is the process of combining two signals into a single set which can be individually addressed.
44. The concatenation operator is ‘&’.
45. A concatenated signal’s value is written in double quotes whereas the value of a single bit signal is
written in single quotes.

Decision-making statements:
If statements:
If (expression) then
Elseif (expression) then
Elseif (expression) then
Elseif (expression) then
Elseif (expression) then

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 168

End if;

46. The with-select statement is used for selective signal assignment.

47. It is a concurrent statement.
48. Syntax:

with expression select:

target <= expression 1 when choice1
expression 2 when choice2 . . …………
expression N when others;

49. Example:

entity mux2 is
( i0, i1 : in bit_vector(1 downto 0);
y : out bit_vector(1 downto 0);
sel : in bit
end mux2;
architecture behaviour of mux2 is
with sel select y <= i0 when '0',
i1 when '1';
end behaviour;

50. syntax :
Signal_name<= expression1 when condition1
else expression2 when condition2
else expression3;
51. Example:
entity tri_state is

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 169

( a, enable : in std-logic;
b : out std_logic
); end tri_state;
architecture beh of tri_state is
b <= a when enable =‘1’
else ‘Z’;
end beh;

# Write the VHDL code to implement the 2 to 4 decoder.

Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity decoder is
( SW : in std_logic_vector (1 down to 0);
Q : out std_logic_vector(3 down to 0);
end decoder;
architecture arc_decoder of decoder is
if (SW = “00”) then
Q<= “0001” ;
elseif (SW = “01”) then

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 170

Q<= “0010” ;
elseif (SW = “10”) then
Q<= “0100”;
Q<= “1000”;
end arc_decoder;

#Write the VHDL code to implement the 4 to 2 encoder.

Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity enecoder is
( Q : out std_logic_vector (1 down to 0);
D: in std_logic_vector(3 down to 0);
end encoder;
architecture arc_encoder of encoder is
if (D = “0001”) then
Q<= “00” ;
elseif (Q = “0001”) then
Q<= “01” ;

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 171

elseif (D= “10”) then
Q<= “10”;
Q<= “11”;
end arc_encoder;

# Write the VHDL code for implementation of 4 to 1 MUX.

Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity MUX is
( Q : out std_logic;
I0,I1,I2,I3 : in std_logic;
SL: in std_logic_vector (1 down to 0);
end MUX;

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 172

architecture arc_MUX of MUX is
if (SL= “00”) then
Q<= I0;
elseif (SL= “01”) then
Q<= I1 ;
elseif (SL= “10”) then
Q<= I2;
Q<= I4;
end arc_MUX;

# Write the VHDL code for implementation of 4 to 1 MUX.

Library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity DMUX is
( Din : in std_logic;
Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3 : out std_logic;

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 173

SL: in std_logic_vector (1 down to 0);
end DMUX;
architecture arc_DMUX of DMUX is
if (SL= “00”) then
Q0<= Din;
elseif (SL= “01”) then
Q1<= Din ;
elseif (SL= “10”) then
Q2<= Din;
Q3<= Din;
end arc_MUX;

# Write the VHDL code to implement 3 to 8 decoder using two 2 to 4 decoder.

Do your self

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 174

Process Statement:

- A process statement defines an independent sequential process representing the behavior of some
portion of the design.
- Simplified Syntax

[process_label:] process [ ( sensitivity_list ) ] [ is ]




end process [ process_label ] ;

- The process statement represents the behavior of some portion of the design. It consists of the
sequential statements whose execution is made in order defined by the user.
- Each process can be assigned an optional label.
- The process declarative part defines local items for the process and may contain declarations of:
subprograms, types, subtypes, constants, variables, files, aliases, attributes, use clauses and group
declarations. It is not allowed to declare signals or shared variables inside processes.
- The statements, which describe the behavior in a process, are executed sequentially, in the order in
which the designer specifies them. The execution of statements, however, does not terminate with
the last statement in the process, but is repeated in an infinite loop. The loop can
be suspended and resumed with wait statements. When the next statement to be executed is
a wait statement, the process suspends its execution until a condition supporting the wait statement
is met. See respective topics for details.
- A process declaration may contain optional sensitivity list. The list contains identifiers of signals
to which the process is sensitive. A change of a value of any of those signals causes the suspended
process to resume. A sensitivity list is a full equivalent of a wait on sensitivity_list statement at the
end of the process. It is not allowed, however, to use wait statements and sensitivity list in the same
process. In addition, if a process with a sensitivity list calls a procedure, then the procedure cannot
contain any wait statements.

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 175

Sequential Circuits-Gated D Latch

Positive-edge-triggered D Flip-Flop

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 176

VHDL Code for a D Flip-Flop with Asynchronous Reset

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 177

VHDL Code for a T Flip Flop

VHDL code for a

JK Flip Flop

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 178

# Design synthesizable VHDL specification of seven segment
display controller.

The seven segment display controller is shown below.

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 179

# Design the synthesizable VHDL specification of a 8-bit register with enable and asynchronous
reset signal.

The block diagram of 8 –bit register shown below.

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 180

# Design the 32-bit sequence counter using VHDL.

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 181

VHDL for Sequence Detector

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 182

library IEEE;

--Sequence detector for detecting the sequence "1011".

--Non overlapping type.
entity seq_det is
port( clk : in std_logic; --clock signal
reset : in std_logic; --reset signal
seq : in std_logic; --serial bit sequence
det_vld : out std_logic --A '1' indicates the pattern "1011" is detected in the sequence.
end seq_det;

architecture Behavioral of seq_det is

type state_type is (A,B,C,D); --Defines the type for states in the state machine
signal state : state_type := A; --Declare the signal with the corresponding state type.


if( reset = '1' ) then --resets state and output signal when reset is asserted.
det_vld <= '0';
state <= A;
elsif ( rising_edge(clk) ) then --calculates the next state based on current state and input

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 183

case state is
when A => --when the current state is A.
det_vld <= '0';
if ( seq = '0' ) then
state <= A;
state <= B;
end if;
when B => --when the current state is B.
if ( seq = '0' ) then
state <= C;
state <= B;
end if;
when C => --when the current state is C.
if ( seq = '0' ) then
state <= A;
state <= D;
end if;
when D => --when the current state is D.
if ( seq = '0' ) then
state <= C;
state <= A;
det_vld <= '1'; --Output is asserted when the pattern "1011" is found in the
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end process;

end Behavioral;
VHDL code for Asynchronous counter using JK Flip Flop

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 184

library IEEE;




entity jkc is

Port ( clock : in std_logic;

reset : in std_logic;

count : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)


end jkc;

architecture rtl of jkc is



clock : in std_logic;

reset : in std_logic;

j : in std_logic;

k : in std_logic;

q : out std_logic

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signal temp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";


d0 : jkff

port map (

reset => reset,

clock => clock,

j => '1',

k => '1',

q => temp(3)


d1 : jkff

port map (

reset => reset,

clock => temp(3),

j => '1',

k => '1',

q => temp(2)


d2 : jkff

port map (

reset => reset,

clock => temp(2),

j => '1',

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 186

k => '1',

q => temp(1)


d3 : jkff

port map (

reset => reset,

clock => temp(1),

j => '1',

k => '1',

q => temp(0)


count(3) <= temp(0);

count(2) <= temp(1);

count(1) <= temp(2);

count(0) <= temp(3);

end rtl;

Prepared By: Er.Loknath Regmi 187

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