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2020 General Policies and Procedures

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General Policies and Information

Pathways for Scholars is a Christ-centered cooperative of Vine and Branches Home Educators. It is our
mission to partner with families to provide a challenging curriculum that enables the students to maximize
their God-given potential and talents.

Pathways for Scholars is an academic co-op designed to enhance the educational experience for home
schooled children by providing exciting and challenging academic material in a group setting. Through this
setting the students have the opportunity to benefit from academic projects that are well-suited to a group
environment and learn independent study skills while developing friendships and practicing social skills.

Pathways for Scholars is located in the Horry-Georgetown County area of South Carolina. We meet weekly for
small group classes in a variety of subjects chosen by the Board of Pathways under the direction of the
Academic Director. Each class will be conducted by a facilitator who prepares the lesson and sends home a
weekly lesson plan for the families to follow. Certain courses will require more work and parental
preparation at home than others. Parent involvement is essential to the success of each student and to that of
our cooperative.

Admission Policies
Families desiring to enroll a student in Pathways for Scholars in the fall must submit the application and
registration forms by the deadline which will be set and publicized in the summer. Additionally the parents and
students must read the General Policies and sign a statement of agreement and a Code of Conduct.

Pathways admits students of any religion, race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges,
programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at Pathways for Scholars. It does not
discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational
policies, admission policies, and other school-administered programs.

All religious beliefs are welcome in our co-op; however Christian values are taught and promoted where
religion applies. We maintain the right to talk about God, His son Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible, and to pray at all
events and in all classes. All staff and facilitators must sign a Statement of Faith.

The Board of Pathways for Scholars reserves the right to deny admission to the program or to individual classes
if it deems that Pathways cannot accommodate the academic or social needs of the applicant.

Class/Course Cancellations
Courses may be cancelled at any time at the Board’s discretion. If courses are cancelled by the Board or
facilitator, tuition paid will be refunded by pro-rating the weeks taught. If a facilitator is considering cancelling
a class, parents will be notified at least two weeks prior to cancellation. Facilitators may cancel courses in
which enrollment falls below their stated minimum. Cancellation of low enrollment courses is at the discretion
of the Board regardless of a teacher’s willingness to continue. If a weekly class is cancelled due to teacher’s
absence, children may be sent to Study Hall. In the event of a class cancellation, reasonable effort will be made
to notify parents prior to class time.

Parent Responsibilities in Academic Matters

Pathways for Scholars chooses curriculum and provides weekly lesson plans and classroom instruction in the
courses which it offers. Progress reports are provided to the parents once a semester for students who have

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General Policies and Information
completed a minimum of 80% of all assigned work. Facilitators will partner with parents to make modifications
to suit a child's needs and will communicate academic concerns to the parent as soon as possible. Academic
concerns include missing or incomplete assignments, apparent difficulty with the level of work, classroom
performance which does not match the level of work being done at home, or classroom behavior which is
disruptive or inappropriate. In the event that parents and facilitators are not able to effect a positive change in
academic performance based on the expressed academic concerns, the Board of Pathways for Scholars in
consultation with the parent will place the student on academic probation. In extreme cases the Board reserves
the right to dismiss a student for academic reasons.

Parents are responsible for partnering with class facilitators to achieve educational growth in their student. As
homeschoolers, parents are responsible for all final grades in academic endeavors. As the primary educators,
parents must give additional support and be held accountable for all work done for the program. It is the
parent's responsibility to:

o Check regularly for emails from facilitators

o Monitor daily work and check for completion
o Help student with work as necessary
o Approach facilitator as educational needs arise
o Partner with facilitators if modifications are needed to suit a child’s abilities
o Make arrangements with facilitators for all missed work
o Communicate questions/concerns regarding student assignments to the facilitator in a timely
manner. Facilitators may not be able to respond to questions communicated on the day before class.

Parent Responsibilities in Matters of the Cooperative Nature of Pathways for Scholars

Pathways for Scholars is a cooperative of Vine and Branches Home Educators, and a membership is required
for all families of students. In the organization and running of Pathways for Scholars, parents are required
to fulfill a parental commitment under the direction of the Family Liaison to the Board. Ongoing family support
for the smooth operation of Pathways is essential to providing the best environment and experience for the
students. It also allows the facilitators to focus on the academic program and on the needs of individual families
in that regard. In this way Pathways for Scholars is a co-operative organization. While fulfillment of parental
commitment may be discussed on a case by case basis, some examples of parental commitments are:

o Family Liaison which coordinates lunch orders and monitoring schedules

o Special events coordinators, field trips or parties
o In House Facility Monitors
o Facilitator for a class
o Serving on the Pathways for Scholars Board of Directors

Financial Policy
Tuition is paid in 1 or 2 payments each semester. Half the tuition is due the day classes begin and the
remainder is due on a date around the mid-semester point. Each year these dates will be published as soon
as the tuition prices are set in the spring for the upcoming school year. Refunds for registration and tuition
which have already been paid will not be issued, unless the class has to be cancelled. If it is necessary for a
student to drop out of a class, you will NOT receive a refund for tuition or fees already paid. A 10.00 late fee is
charged for each week that tuition is late. If a family has an outstanding balance, they will be denied future
admission requests.

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General Policies and Information
Absences & Illness
o Students are responsible for attending each class for which they are registered. The facilitator has made a
commitment and has spent time preparing for each student. Parents are asked to please notify each class
facilitator of absence due to sickness as soon as it becomes apparent.
o People with the following symptoms should not attend:
1. Fever (within the last twenty-four hours)
2. Colored mucus (yellow or green runny nose)
3. Diarrhea, vomiting or nausea
4. Eye drainage
5. Virus or infection (known to be contagious)
6. Head lice

Planned Absences:
o If a student must be absent from a week at Pathways, the teacher must be informed at least one week in
advance to receive any additional work and to determine a due date for missed class work.
o Make-up Work will be given a deadline from each individual instructor. It is the student’s responsibility
to make sure all work is completed in the time allowed.
o Note: one missed class is equivalent to at least a week of work missed.

Pathways for Scholars uses a redemptive discipline model for our cooperative. Through this model we hope to
grow our students, parents, and facilitators so that we are each "conformed into the image of Christ." (Romans
8:29) The Rules and Consequences for Behavior are based on Galatians 5:22-23, " But the fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such
things there is no law." Through the practice of the fruit we strive to create and maintain a safe, caring
environment for the education of mind, body, and soul.

1. Be Obedient
2. Be Respectful
3. Exercise Self-control
4. Act Responsibly
5. Follow the Procedures

Addressing Infractions of the Rules and Procedures

When a student breaks a rule or does not follow an established procedure he has committed an infraction. In
the case of repeated or escalating infractions, the behavior will be documented on a Behavioral Incident Report
and the student and parent will be notified. A Behavioral Incident Report will also be completed if the student
commits a serious infraction. Serious infractions are those which endanger himself or another person, which
show direct disrespect for or disobedience to authority, or which create a “scandal” amongst the Pathways
students or families.

The Board of Pathways for Scholars will review Behavioral Incident Reports and determine on a case by case
basis if Disciplinary Action is needed. Disciplinary Action will be noted on the Behavioral Incident Report. All
disciplinary action will be chosen and instituted for the purpose of bringing about a positive change in the
student and for teaching that there are natural consequences for our actions. Corporal punishment will not be
used at Pathways for Scholars. Pathways for Scholars reserves the right to suspend or expel a student, as well
as deny future admission for behavioral reasons.

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General Policies and Information

Procedures and Behavioral Expectations

Morning Procedures:
1. Arrive on time.
2. Students in grades 4 and under must be signed in by a parent or responsible adult each day.
3. Be seated for Morning Rush by 8:15 A.M.
4. Give your full attention to the presenter.
5. Keep talking to a minimum.
6. As soon as devotion concludes, go straight to class, taking all your belongings.

Classroom Procedures:
1. Be on time.
2. Have work completed.
3. Be prepared with the necessary supplies.
4. Respect the facilitator with words and actions.
5. Use the bathroom before class and during breaks when possible.
6. No food or drinks, other than water, in the classrooms.
7. No talking while the facilitator is teaching.
8. Keep hands, feet, and all objects to one's self.
9. Speak kindly to and of others.
10. All electronic devices must be put away during class unless instructed otherwise by the facilitator.
Any electronic device that is worn on the body may not be used during class.
11. Leave your area neat.

Indoors Procedures:
1. Walk at all times in the building.
2. Be respectful of church property. (keep hands off the A/C unit, no graffiti on tables or walls)
3. Speak with an indoor volume.
4. Students are prohibited from congregating in the sanctuary and surrounding areas or the nursery
unless specifically instructed by the staff or a facilitator.
5. Personal electronic devices, including phones, may only be used at lunch and break time. They may
not be used at bathroom breaks during class.
6. All electronic games and content must be rated E and appropriate for all age levels. No YouTube or
other internet "surfing".

Lunch and Break Procedures:

1. The first 15 minutes of lunch will be designated for eating. (Recess outside will not begin during this
2. Lunches and snacks should be eaten in the cafe and bar area only.
3. Keep yourself and your area clean.
4. Dispose of all trash and drinks.
5. Classroom doors must remain open if being used outside of class time. The classrooms are off limits
during lunch time to students.
6. All snack bar items must be paid for at the time of purchase. There is no system of credit.
7. Respect the authority of the building monitors and lunch helpers.

Outdoor Procedures:
1. Elementary/Middle School Students may only be outside if a designated adult monitor is with them.
2. Respect church property at all times.
3. Play in designated areas only.
4. Play safe. Unsafe or hurtful behavior or games will result in a loss of recess.
5. Speak kindly to and of others.

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General Policies and Information

Dismissal Procedure:
1. Wait to be dismissed by your facilitator.
2. Do not interrupt another class which is in progress.
3. Collect all of your belongings and ensure that your area is clean.
4. Wait in the building until your parent arrives.
5. You are responsible for taking all projects and belongings home.
6. Students in grades 4 and below must be signed out by a parent or designated adult when leaving for
the day.

Presentations and Assembly Procedures:

1. Be seated and remain seated throughout the assembly or presentation.
2. Give your full attention to the speaker.
3. No talking during the presentation.
4. Show gratitude to the speaker with your words and actions.

Emergency Procedures:
1. In the event of a drill or true emergency, stay calm and obey facilitators and directors.
2. Remain with your class and facilitator.
3. Know the emergency exits.

Special Categories of Student Behavior

Cell Phone and Media Policy

Pathways for Scholars is of the mindset that students do not need access to a cell phone during the meeting
hours. With this understanding, we recommend that student cell phones be left at home on Pathways for
Scholars days. Staff and Facilitators will have a phone available for emergencies in each classroom at all times.

The cell phone policy for Pathways K-8 is as follows: If a student brings his/her cell phone to Pathways it will
be collected and kept in the possession of a staff member until the end of the day. If a parent needs to contact
their child during these hours, they may present in person or contact any member of the staff through text or
phone call. All staff will be asked to monitor their own devices during breaks and lunchtime for such
communication. In the event that a student must contact a parent, they may likewise approach a staff member
for help.

The cell phone policy for Pathways high school is as follows: Cell phones are not permitted to be used during
class time. They should be put away during this time. During breaks students must exercise discretion in the
use of their phones.

Regarding all electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, computers, gaming devices, and smart
watches, the Pathways staff cannot be responsible for overseeing student usage. Students are not allowed to
have access to the facility Wi-Fi. If a personal electronic device is connected to the internet, accessed content
should be appropriate for all ages. Parents are responsible for monitoring their child's devices and having
safety filters on those devices that they allow their student to bring to Pathways. Please talk with your student
about what is appropriate.

Infractions of the cell phone and media policy necessitate immediate confiscation of the phone or device for the
day and a Behavioral Incident Report will be filed with consequences which may include loss of cell phone

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General Policies and Information
Dress and Relationship Behavioral Code
Modesty and discretion are the standards for our appearance and relationships with others. Clothing offensive to
Christian sensibilities is not allowed, this would include bare midriffs, visible cleavage, mini-skirts or short shorts. If
you aren’t sure something is appropriate to wear, please don’t wear it. Let’s honor one another and not cause our
brother or sister to stumble.

Also appealing to Christian sensibilities, there are to be no open displays of affection (hand holding, kissing,
arms around each other, etc.) at Pathways for Scholars classroom days or events. Harassment, intimidation, and
bullying through verbal, physical, or electronic means is expressly against charitable Christian behavior and will not
be tolerated at Pathways for Scholars. Failure to abide by this code will result in disciplinary action.

Substance Use
Use of tobacco or e-cigarette products, including Juuls, is strictly prohibited anywhere on the premises during
a Pathways for Scholars classroom day or other event. Likewise no alcohol or drug use is permitted. If a student
is prescribed a medication for a treatment which must be taken during Pathways hours, the parents must notify
a director or facilitator of the situation and a plan for administration of the medication must be developed.

Student Driver Policy

Any student that holds a valid license who intends to drive to Pathways, either on a regular basis or
occasionally, is required to complete the Parent Permission and Student Agreement Form. Pathways also
requires that students adhere to all road rules and drive in a safe and responsible manner. Students are not
permitted to leave Pathways during the day, including during breaks, free periods, and lunch hour, unless the
parent has notified the program director via a dated and signed written note. A text or email from the parent
to the program director is also acceptable. Student drivers are not permitted to carry other students as
passengers to and from Pathways without the written permission of their parent/guardian and the passenger’s
parent/guardian before classes start for the day. Student drivers must park in the designated parking area
which is in the front of the building. Any breach of these requirements could result in loss of driving privileges
to and from Pathways.

Free Periods
Students who are not enrolled in class continuously throughout the day are not allowed to remain on the
property for longer than one block of class time, unless a director has given permission to that student and
family. Similarly, they should neither arrive excessively early, nor remain later than their scheduled classes.
Coming to lunch before a class or staying for lunch after a class is acceptable. Students who have a study period
between classes are expected to use this time to attend to their studies.

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