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Technovation 19 (1999) 507–518

Relationship between generic strategies, competitive advantage and

organizational performance: an empirical analysis
Shahid Yamin a, A. Gunasekaran b,*
, Felix T. Mavondo a

Department of Marketing, Monash University, Churchill, Vic. 3842, Australia
Department of Management, University of Massachusetts, North Dartmouth, MA 02747-2300, USA

Received 24 July 1998; received in revised form 12 January 1999; accepted 19 January 1999


In recent years, there has been a growing intensity of competition in virtually all areas of business in both markets upstream for
raw materials such as components, supplies, capital and technology and markets downstream for consumer goods and services.
This paper examines the relationships among generic strategy, competitive advantage, and organizational performance. Firstly, the
nature of generic strategies, competitive advantage, and organizational performance is examined. Secondly, the relationship between
generic strategies and competitive advantage is analyzed. Finally, the implications of generic strategies, organizational performance,
performance measures and competitive advantage are studied. This study focuses on: (i) the relationship of generic strategy and
organisational performance in Australian manufacturing companies participating in the “Best Practice Program in Australia”, (ii)
the relationship between generic strategies and competitive advantage, and (iii) the relationship among generic strategies, competitive
advantage and organisational performance.  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Generic strategies; Organizational performance; Competitive advantage

1. Introduction under which these different types of competitive strategy

are most likely to be pursued by the organization.
Recent years have witnessed a growing intensity of In the industrial organization and business strategy
competition in virtually all areas of business, whether at literature, considerable interest has been centered on
home or abroad, in markets upstream for raw materials, identifying generic business strategies or strategy types
components, supplies, capital and technology as well as based on strategy components, such as the scope or
in markets downstream for consumer goods and services domain of the business, resources deployment in market-
(Henderson, 1983; Wind and Robertson, 1983). This has ing, production and R&D, asset management or parsi-
resulted in greater attention to analyzing competitive mony, and degree of vertical integration (Miles, 1982;
behavior and competitive strategies under different Miller, 1986; White, 1986). The primary emphasis has
environmental conditions. Typologies of generic com- been on examining the link between strategy, environ-
petitive strategies or “strategy types” have, for example, ment and performance in an effort to achieve a position
been proposed by McGee and Thomas (1986), Porter of competitive advantage. A number of typologies or
(1980, 1985) and empirically tested by Galbraith and taxonomies of business and competitive strategies have
Schendel (1983) and Miller (1986). These authors have been identified, some based on a priori conceptual
examined the levels of performance associated with frameworks, others on empirical studies. The number
these strategy types along with their organisational and precise nature of the strategy types identified varies
characteristics and the type of environmental conditions widely, depending on the specific components or vari-
ables included, as well as the exact methodology
This study has been undertaken to address some of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: ⫹ 1-508-999-9187; fax: ⫹ 1-508- these gaps in the present research base. The purpose of
999-8776; e-mail: this study is to: (1) identify the nature of generic stra-

0166-4972/99/$ - see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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508 S. Yamin et al. / Technovation 19 (1999) 507–518

tegies and organisational performance in Australian 2.2. Conceptualization of competitive strategies

manufacturing companies participating in the “Best
Practice Program in Australia”, (2) describe the relation- Two schools of thought have emerged regarding the
ship between generic strategies and competitive advan- conceptualization and adoption of competitive strategies.
tage, and (3) describe the relationship between competi- These are summarized as Porter’s generic strategies of
tive advantage and organisational performance in these cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. The first
companies. school of thought supports Porter in his assertion that an
organization has to choose one of the generic strategies
and devote total commitment of resources to it (Dess
and Davis, 1984). On the other hand, several other
2. Background for the research authors have argued against Porter’s assertion, and sug-
gest that organizations should focus on a combination of
strategies that best suit their circumstances (Wright et
According to Douglas and Rhee (1989) the two of the al., 1990).
most widely accepted of these conceptual frameworks The first school of thought maintains that viable com-
are Miles and Snow’s (1978) typology, and Porter’s panies can seek either efficiency or differentiation. The
(1980) taxonomy of three generic competitive strategies. more efficiency is sought by management, the less dif-
The focus of this study is on Competitive Advantage ferentiated the company would be, while greater differ-
based on Porter’s typology (1980, 1985). entiation would be associated with a less efficient com-
pany. This school of thought reasons that the value chain
2.1. Competitive advantage required for a low-cost strategy is qualitatively different
from the value chain required for a differentiation strat-
egy. The emphasis of a differentiation strategy is on
Porter (1985) considered that in the long-term the achieving (even at considerable cost) superior quality
extent to which the firm is able to create a defensible and image throughout the value chain, while the empha-
position in an industry is a major determinant of the suc- sis of a low-cost strategy is on lowering cost wherever
cess with which it will out-perform its competitors. He possible. Because of difficulties in reconciling appar-
proposed generic strategies by which a firm can develop ently opposed strategic thrusts, profitable companies
a competitive advantage and create a defensible position. tend to compete with one strategy only.
These strategies are (i) overall cost leadership, (ii) differ- An opposing prospective proposes that both low-cost
entiation, and (iii) focus. Porter argued that by adeptly and differentiation strategies may be simultaneously and
pursuing the cost leadership, differentiation, or focus profitably adopted by an enterprise. According to this
strategies, businesses can attain significant and enduring notion, the adoption of a differentiation strategy would
competitive advantage over their rivals (Porter, 1985). entail promoting higher product quality and involve
A number of empirical studies have been conducted to bearing higher costs across a number of functional areas
test the validity of Porter’s generic strategies (Galbraith in order to support the differentiation strategy. However,
and Schendel, 1983). These studies rely on Porter’s con- higher quality products would presumably lead to greater
ceptual framework to identify strategic components or market demand, allowing the company to adopt a low-
dimensions of relevant strategic variables as Porter’s cost strategy through the attainment of higher market
generic strategies are essentially “ideal” types, and hence shares and cumulative volumes of production.
somewhat difficult to operationalise. Miller and Friesen (1986) derived an empirical tax-
The majority of research on generic business or com- onomy of business level strategies to determine if Port-
petitive strategy has been conducted in relation to US er’s (1980) very popular generic types would emerge in
businesses. A limited number of studies have been con- consumer durable industries. The authors found that the
ducted outside US, predominantly in Canada or Euro- cluster of business units that show distinct competencies
pean markets, following the classic structure, strategy, in the areas of differentiation, cost leadership and focus
performance paradigm (Cowling, 1972; Scherer, 1980). dramatically outperform all the others. In fact, Miller and
Other studies have examined the link between market Friesen (1986) found that success associated with the
structure and performance variables such as market share possession of strategic advantages—the more the bet-
and profitability rather than examining the intervening ter—rather than strict adherence to Porter’s types. They
competitive strategy variables and strategic types (Jenny argued that this issue certainly warrants further study as
and Weber, 1976; Lambin, 1976). The only study con- failure and success appeared to be systematic with poor
ducted in Australia is at a macro level by Yetton et al. performers exhibiting many weaknesses and virtually no
(1992) examining the application of Porter’s typology to strengths, while good performers show the opposite.
study the competitive advantage of Canada, New Zea- Miller (1992) argues that there are a number of dang-
land and Australia. ers associated with the exclusive pursuit of a single gen-
S. Yamin et al. / Technovation 19 (1999) 507–518 509

eric strategy. He claims that strategic specialization may tage is at the heart of any strategy, and in order to attain
leave serious gaps or weaknesses in product offerings, competitive advantage the organization has to make a
ignore important customer needs, be easy for rivals to choice about the type of competitive advantage, it seeks
counter, and in the long run cause inflexibility and nar- to attain and the scope within which it will attain it.
row the vision of the organization. In support of Miller, The principal criticism of Porter’s work is methodol-
the Wright et al. (1990) study of 90 companies selected ogical, as many of the points that he makes do not seem
randomly from Dunn and Bradstreet’s Million Dollars to have any empirical justification. O’Schaunessy (1984)
Directory evaluated the performance of companies using criticizes the choice of the five environmental forces
multiple strategies against those using singular strategic which are linked to strategies, namely, buyer power, sup-
foci. They concluded that companies that adopt multiple plier power, degree of competition, threat of entry and
strategies such as low-cost and differentiation outper- threat from substitutes, for two reasons. Firstly, the
form businesses that compete mainly with either one or choice seems to be arbitrary and there is little to suggest
the other. that these forces are necessarily exclusive or exhaustive.
Secondly, O’Schauhnessy argues that Porter gives no
2.3. Generic strategies and performance relationships indication of how to operationalise any analysis based
on these five forces. Porter’s logic is inconsistent in
Wensley (1987) argues that Porter gives little evi- relation to the use of multiple generic strategies and has
dence to support the U-shaped relationship between been contradicted by empirical findings (White, 1986;
return on investment and market share, which is used by Wright et al., 1990).
Porter to illustrate the dangers of being stuck in the Empirical investigations also contradict Porter on the
middle. Wensley states that Porter cites only two use of multiple strategies. For example, Phillips et al.
examples, the US fractional horse power electric motor (1983) found that product quality (a basis for product
business, where the relationships “appear to hold”, and differentiation), through a positive association with rela-
the global automobile markets, where it “probably also tive market share, was negatively related to relative
roughly hold” (i.e., Porter, 1980). Support for the U- direct costs (an indication of cost leadership). Fine
shaped curve can be drawn from the PIMS project and (1983) found that cost declined more rapidly for firms
the work it provoked. For example, Schoeffler et al. that produce high quality products than for firms that
(1974) stressed the importance of size related factors produced low quality ones. Thus, cost savings due to
such as market share, total marketing expenditure and experience can be gained more rapidly for quality pro-
R&D expenditures in explaining variations in profit. ducts.
Buzzell et al. (1975) further developed the U-shaped Porter (1980) argued that the three generic strategies
relationship between market share and success by argu- differ in dimensions other than the functional differences
ing that a 10% difference in market share is accompanied noted above. Implementing them successfully requires
by a difference of about 5% in pretax return on invest- different resources and skills. The generic strategies also
ment. Hamermesh et al. (1978) illustrated with surveys imply differing organisational arrangements, control pro-
of successful low share market companies that concen- cedures and incentive systems. The generic strategies
tration on market share was dangerously over prescrip- may also require different styles of leadership and can
tive. Woo and Cooper (1982) outlined the differences in translate into very different corporate cultures and
the strategies followed by successful and unsuccessful atmosphere.
low market share companies operating in the same According to Armstrong (1987) Toyota topped ratings
environment and concluded that “absence of a clear of product reliability and customer satisfaction while
focus” was a major problem with unsuccessful compa- simultaneously producing cars for US$1500 less per unit
nies. than their US rivals by using the techniques of managing
There is empirical evidence for success in companies conflict across functions. Similarly, Mitchell (1987)
with low market share and companies with high market observed that in North America, the Kellogg Company
share. Evidence suggests that low market share compa- has buttressed its impressive lead in the breakfast cereals
nies that are successful have significantly different industry by simultaneously leading in the introduction
resource allocations from successful high market share and development of new production techniques, new
companies, whereas unsuccessful ones do not (Woo and product introductions, and brand loyalty. If Porter’s
Cooper, 1982). Porter’s analysis is built on such admonitions against pursuit of multiple strategies are
research evidence. taken seriously, other firms may be discouraged from
emulating Toyota and Kellogg, and as a result, they may
2.4. Comparison of generic strategies risk erosion of their competitive position (Armstrong,
According to Porter (1985), the notion underlying the Karnani (1984) on the basis of a game-theoretic math-
concept of generic strategies is that competitive advan- ematical model, further argues, that the relationship
510 S. Yamin et al. / Technovation 19 (1999) 507–518

between differentiation and average cost position is performance along three dimensions namely: (i) theoreti-
determined by the net result of two opposing forces. cal (Cameron and Whetten, 1983), (ii) empirical
Firstly, high differentiation probably leads to a high cost (Ginsberg and Venkatraman, 1985; and (iii) managerial
position independent of scale. Secondly, high differen- (Nash, 1983).
tiation leads to high competitive strength, which leads The narrowest conception of business performance
to high market share, which in turn leads to low average centers on the use of simple outcome based financial
cost position. Which of these two forces is stronger will, indicators that are assumed to reflect the fulfillment of
largely depend on the specific situation. Thus, Karnani’s the economic goals of the firm and is referred to as the
model leads to the same conclusion reached by Phillips financial performance, which has been the dominant
et al. (1983) on the basis of their empirical research: high model in empirical strategy research (Hofer, 1983; Ven-
differentiation and low cost are not necessarily incom- katraman and Ramanujam, 1986). Typical of this
patible, contrary to the previous literature (Porter, 1980; approach would be to examine such indicators as sales
Hall, 1980). growth, profitability (reflected by ratios such as return
Porter (1980) suggests that a high differentiation pos- on investment, return on sales, and return on equity),
ition often requires the perceptions of exclusivity, which earnings per share and so forth. Furthermore, reflecting
is incompatible with high market share. Contrary to this the popular and current view that “market” or “value-
view, the empirical study of Phillips et al. (1983) indi- based” measurements are more appropriate than
cates there is a significant and positive relationship accounting-based measures (Hax and Majluf, 1984),
between “relative product quality” and “relative market some strategy studies have employed such measures like
position”. In other words, Phillips et al. find a positive market-to-book or stock-market returns and its variants
relationship between differentiation and market share. (Montgomery et al., 1984). Nevertheless, this approach
Karnani (1984) indicates that the substitutability still remains very much financial in its orientation and
relationship between cost position and differentiation is assumes the dominance and legitimacy of financial goals
governed by a multiplicative relationship. Therefore, in the firm’s system of goals (Venkatraman and Ram-
there is an interaction effect between cost position and anujam, 1986).
differentiation; that is, if a firm is very weak in either A broader conceptualization of business performance
aspect, it is likely to be a poor performer. According to would include emphasis on indicators of operational per-
Karnani (1984), the above dichotomisation offered by formance (i.e., nonfinancial) in addition to indicators of
Porter (1980) is invalid. Differentiation is a continuum, financial performance. Under this framework it would
and it is not true that a firm has to have either low or high be logical to treat such measures as market-share, new
differentiation. Similarly, cost position is a continuum. product introduction, product quality, marketing effec-
tiveness, manufacturing value-added, and other measures
of technological efficiency within the domain of business
3. Organisational performance performance (Smith and Grimm, 1987; Tushman and
Romanelli, 1985; Venkatraman and Ramanujam, 1986).
Performance is a recurrent theme in most branches of
management, including strategic management, and it is
of interest to both academic scholars and practicing man- 4. Research methodology
agers. While prescriptions for improving and managing
organisational performance are widely available (Nash, This study was a survey of all companies that partici-
1983), the academic community has been preoccupied pated in the first and second rounds of the Australian
with discussion and debates about issues of terminology, Best Practice Program (1991, 1992) conducted by the
level of analysis (i.e., individual, work unit, or organiza- Australian Manufacturing Council in collaboration with
tion as a whole), and conceptual bases for assessment of the Department of Industrial Relations. A total of 237
performance (Ford and Schellenberg, 1982). companies participated in the Australian Best Practice
The performance concept and the broader area of Program of which some 23 companies described service
organisational effectiveness, and its importance has been as their main domain of business and was therefore
widely recognized by several scholars (Connally et al., excluded from this study. A total of 214 manufacturing
1980). companies forms the sample frame for this study.
The treatment of performance in research settings is The sample was limited to 1991, 1992 because the
perhaps one of the thorniest issues confronting academic Australian Best Practice Program has only existed since
research today. With the volume of literature on this 1991. A third round has been excluded from the study as
topic increasing, there appears to be little hope of reach- this round is yet to be decided. The names and associated
ing any agreement on basic terminology and definitions details of these companies were classified and could not
(Venkatraman and Ramanujam, 1986). Several authors be released by the Australian Manufacturing Council.
have argued the importance of organisational or business A common thread linking 214 companies selected for
S. Yamin et al. / Technovation 19 (1999) 507–518 511

this study was their corporate intention of improving 5.1. Cost leadership
their competitive position by introducing work-place
reforms and adopting an overall organisational change All the factors of cost leadership exhibited overlap-
program (AMC, March 1991). This common linkage ping variance of above 40% and therefore may be con-
along with the fact that all the companies were manufac- sidered very good to excellent in explaining the underly-
turing was considered directly relevant for the nature of ing phenomenon within each factor. Table 1 reports the
this study. results of the factor analysis of cost leadership variables.
The data reported in this paper were obtained from The five factors extracted from 16 items of cost leader-
214 Australian manufacturers involved in the 1991, 1992 ship accounted for 68.4% of the total variance.
Best Practice Program conducted by the Australian
Manufacturing Council and the Department of Industrial 5.2. Differentiation
Relations. The research questionnaire comprises three
sections: Table 2 reports the results of the factor analysis of
Section 1. General Information the differentiation strategy variables. Responses to the
Section 2. Generic Strategy Scale 14 items of differentiation produced four factors that
쐌 Cost Leadership (19 items) accounted for 61.8% of the total variance.
쐌 Differentiation (17 items)
쐌 Focus (6 items) 5.3. Focus

Table 3 reports the results of the factor analysis of

Section 3. Organisational Performance Scale focus variables. Responses to the 6 items of focus were
쐌 Organisational Performance (27 items). This scale factor analysed into two factors that accounted for 70.1%
incorporates a variety of performance measurements of the total variance.
indicated in the literature (ROI, Market Share, ROA,
Performance Ratios)
5.4. Organisational performance
The Generic Strategies Scale consists of 42 items
which have been drawn from various studies (Miller, Items of organisational performance was subjected to
1986; Miller and Friesen, 1986; Porter, 1985; White, two factor extraction procedures, which are principal
1986). components analysis with varimax rotation and oblimin
The Organisational Performance Scale consists of 27 rotation, as well as maximum likelihoods factor analysis
items, many of which have been examined previously with direct oblimin rotation. In order to get a stable fac-
(Drazin, 1990). In each case Cronbach reliability coef- tor structure which adequately represents the data, both
ficients have been established as follows: procedures were considered necessary for the organis-
Generic Strategy Scale 0.82 ational performance scale, as items of this scale include
Organisational 0.89 both financial and non-financial measures. Table 4
Performance Scale reports results of factor analysis of the organisational
performance scale.
The data reported in this paper were obtained from
214 Australian manufacturers involved in the 1991, 1992
Best Practice Program. There were 120 returns out of a 6. Development of strategic profiles of companies
total of 214 questionnaires sent resulting in a response
rate of 56.1%. In order to examine strategic profiles of sample com-
panies, and how their profiles are related to various
aspects of organisational performance, the following
procedure was adopted. A new scale (COMSTRAT)
5. Operationalisation of research constructs consisting of five groups was developed based on the
recorded mean scores for each dimension of generic stra-
Responses to the generic strategies, and organisational tegies. Strategic profiles were developed on the basis of
performance items were subjected to a principal compo- overall recorded mean scores of the company for each
nents factor analysis as a preliminary extraction tech- sub-scale of competitive advantage. For example, a com-
nique, followed by one or more other procedures, pany that considers a cost leadership strategy as the main
namely varying the number of factors and rotational source of competitive advantage would indicate a very
methods. The results of factor analyses for generic stra- high mean score (3.1–4) on all elements of cost leader-
tegies are provided in Tables 1–3, while factors of organ- ship, and relatively medium to low on other dimensions
isational performance are shown in Table 4. of competitive advantage. A similar procedure was
512 S. Yamin et al. / Technovation 19 (1999) 507–518

Table 1
Principal components factor analysis matrix of cost leadership variables

Cost leadership items Factors


Supplier Logistics (SL) (0.83)a

4a Supplier–vendor performance in cost control 0.82 0.17 0.11 0.06 0.04
4b Supplier–vendor performance in quality 0.82 0.10 0.24 0.14 0.17
4c Supplier–vendor performance in delivery 0.70 0.20 0.16 0.11 0.11
5 Effectiveness of value added products 0.61 0.20 0.28 0.03 0.09
Inventory Management (IM) (0.84)a
3c Inventory turnover of finished products 0.15 0.85 0.07 0.13 0.15
3a Inventory turnover of raw material 0.13 0.84 0.16 0.07 0.13
3b Inventory turnover of work in progress 0.32 0.81 0.12 0.14 0.10
Human Capital Development (HCD) (0.80)a
2b Continuous improvement in supervisor skills 0.18 0.14 0.83 0.12 0.08
2a Continuous improvement in shopfloor skills 0.19 0.14 0.78 0.16 0.02
2c Continuous improvement in management skills 0.22 0.11 0.75 0.32 0.14
Efficiency Improvement (EI) (0.78)a
1d Utilisation of software technologies 0.05 0.07 0.25 0.83 0.12
1b Improvement of software technologies 0.05 0.12 0.27 0.79 0.14
Value Chain (VC) (0.72)a
1a Improvement in hardware technologies 0.07 0.16 0.07 0.35 0.68
7a Effectiveness of components of primary value chain 0.26 0.10 0.09 ⫺ 0.11 0.68
1c Utilisation of hardware technologies ⫺ 0.04 0.23 0.06 0.32 0.67
7b Effectiveness of components of secondary value chain 0.17 0.09 0.27 0.18 0.65
Eigen values 6.60 2.23 1.80 1.24 1.14
Percentage of 34.7 11.7 9.50 6.50 6.00
Cumulative 34.7 46.4 55.9 62.4 68.4

Cronbach liability coefficient.

Table 2
Principal components factor analysis matrix of differentiation variables

Differentiation items Factors


Customer Service (CS) (0.79)a

13 Speed and effectiveness of decision making systems 0.75 0.09 0.24 0.06
14 Customer service 0.74 ⫺ 0.11 0.22 0.24
5 Quality of product and services 0.67 ⫺ 0.01 0.31 0.13
12 Human resource management 0.64 0.21 0.34 ⫺ 0.10
6 Dependability of delivery 0.63 0.03 ⫺ 0.14 0.31
17 Price difference 0.58 0.13 ⫺ 0.18 ⫺ 0.13
Technology Leadership (TL) (0.80)a
4 Unique technology 0.10 0.82 0.20 0.10
2 Unique assets 0.07 0.79 ⫺ 0.02 0.06
3 Unique product ⫺ 0.00 0.72 0.34 0.19
1 Unique skills 0.02 0.64 ⫺ 0.04 0.08
Product Differentiation (PD) (0.72)a
15 Product image 0.05 0.05 0.84 0.04
16 Innovation in marketing techniques 0.28 0.08 0.80 0.14
Logistic Differentiation (LD) (0.75)a
8 Flexibility in volume mix 0.00 0.16 0.08 0.85
7 Flexibility in product mix ⫺ 0.00 0.25 0.21 0.79
Eigen values 5.13 2.31 1.73 1.33
Percentage of variance 30.2 13.6 10.2 7.90
Cumulative variance 30.2 43.8 54.0 61.8

Conbrach reliability coeffiecient.
S. Yamin et al. / Technovation 19 (1999) 507–518 513

Table 3
Principal components factor analysis matrix of focus variables

Focus items Factors


Product Niche Markets (PNM) (0.81)a

2 Market segmentation 0.87 0.19
1 Specialist product 0.85 0.13
3 Resource alignment 0.78 0.16
Customer Niche Markets (CNM) (0.75)a
5 Size of customer groups 0.23 0.88
6 Customer types 0.23 0.79
4 Product line breath 0.05 0.72
Eigen values 2.93 1.28
Percentage of variance 48.8 21.3
Cumulative variance 48.8 70.1

Cronbach reliability coefficients.

Table 4
Principal components factor analysis matrix of organisational performance variables

Organisational performance items Factors


Financial Performance (FP) (0.83)a

27 Increased value of assets due to regular good 0.77 0.05 0.07 0.05
24 Return on investment (ROI) 0.74 0.05 0.01 0.21
26 Increasing value of business 0.74 0.20 0.03 0.13
23 Return on total assets exceeds the return from the capital 0.70 0.08 0.06 0.25
25 Satisfaction of shareholders with company’s performance 0.68 0.21 0.10 0.01
21 Good profit margin on sales 0.59 0.25 0.02 0.07
Financial Management (FM) (0.82)a
9 Effective debt control systems 0.04 0.82 0.15 0.21
8 Collection of account when due 0.12 0.78 0.08 0.36
3 Payment of accounts due 0.00 0.70 0.20 0.03
10 Few debts 0.30 0.59 0.05 0.02
7 Effective cost control systems 0.36 0.51 0.24 0.17
Leverage (L) (0.60)a
2 Reduce profit margin for products 0.07 0.01 0.79 0.01
11 Use of debt to upgrade assets 0.01 0.32 0.72 0.17
12 Use of debt to finance other debts 0.10 0.20 0.50 0.12
20 Competitive prices for products 0.23 0.36 0.50 0.16
Marketing Effectiveness (ME) (0.68)a
22 Rapid turnover of inventories 0.10 0.08 0.09 0.70
18 Maintenance of market share for products 0.36 0.05 0.24 0.51
19 Percentage in market share 0.30 0.04 0.27 0.51
Eigen values 7.15 7.15 2.68 1.90 1.72
Percentage of variance 26.5 26.5 9.90 7.00 6.40
Cumulative variance 26.5 36.4 43.4 49.8

Cronbach reliability coefficients.

adopted to identify strategic groups for each sub-scale smaller companies targeting on a narrow market seg-
of competitive advantage. ment. In this study, some companies have recorded
According to Porter (1985), cost leadership and differ- either high mean scores on both cost leadership and dif-
entiation are the only two main types of strategic choices ferentiation strategies, or medium to low mean scores in
available to a company, while a focus strategy is an issue both these strategies, which according to Porter would
of scope rather than a strategy and is only suitable for be generally classified as stuck in the middle companies
514 S. Yamin et al. / Technovation 19 (1999) 507–518

and may only be successful in some limited type of advantage and factors of organisational performance,
industries. The stuck in the middle companies in this namely: financial performance, financial management,
study have been classified into two groups. Companies leverage, and market effectiveness. In addition, the mean
that recorded a very high mean in both cost leadership scores for the dimensions of competitive advantage were
and differentiation strategies were classified as star com- also compared for significant differences in relation to
panies which aim to effectively and successfully utilize overall performance.
both strategies. Companies that recorded medium to low
mean scores in both strategies were classified as stuck 7.1. Cost leadership on organisational performance
in the middle companies. On the basis of the above factors
analysis, five groups were developed. It should be noted
that focus group companies were treated as a separate The results presented in Table 5 indicate that overall,
entity and did not have any influence on other strategic high and medium cost leaders recorded significantly
groups. The five groups are listed below (see Fig. 1). higher mean scores on all factors of organisational per-
formance compared to low cost leadership companies.
Group 1—stuck in the middle (N ⫽ 53). In this
High cost leadership companies recorded significantly
group, only those companies that scored low mean
higher mean scores compared to medium or low cost
scores (0–2) on both cost leadership and differen-
leadership companies for financial performance (X ⫽
tiation strategies were included.
2.90, 2.43 and 1.91, respectively), financial management
Group 2—star (N ⫽ 21). The companies included in
(X ⫽ 3.13, 2.50 and 2.19, respectively), leverage (X ⫽
this group recorded high mean scores (3.1 or higher)
2.50, 2.25 and 2.19, respectively), and market effective-
on both cost leadership and differentiation strategies.
ness (X ⫽ 3.01, 2.55 and 1.93, respectively). These find-
Group 3—cost leaders (N ⫽ 22). This group consists
ings reveal that high cost leadership companies seem to
of companies that recorded the highest mean scores
place significantly more importance on all aspects of
(3.1–4) for cost leadership and relatively low to
organisational performance. Further, high cost leadership
medium mean scores for any other strategy.
companies also recorded significantly higher mean
Group 4—differentiators (N ⫽ 14). Similarly, this
scores for overall/total performance.
group consists of companies that recorded the high-
Medium cost leadership companies recorded a sig-
est mean scores for differentiation, and relatively low
nificantly higher mean score than low cost leadership
to medium mean scores for any other strategy.
companies for financial performance (X ⫽ 2.43 and 1.91,
Group 5—focus companies (N ⫽ 9). The companies
respectively), market effectiveness (X ⫽ 2.55 and 1.93,
included in this group scored the highest mean scores
respectively), and overall performance (X ⫽ 2.17 and
for focus, and relatively low to medium scores for
1.74, respectively). This finding reveals that medium
other strategies. Focus companies were treated as a
cost leadership companies place significantly more
separate entity.
importance on financial performance to maintain smooth
cash flow and market effectiveness.

7. Generic strategies on organisational performance 7.2. Differentiation on organisational performance

factors factors

Analysis of variance was utilized to examine the As shown in Table 6 overall the results indicate that
relationships between the dimensions of competitive both high and medium differentiators recorded signifi-
cantly higher mean scores on all factors of organisational
performance compared to low differentiation companies.
High differentiators recorded significantly higher mean
scores compared to medium and low differentiation
companies for financial performance (X ⫽ 3.03, 2.44 and
1.94, respectively), financial management (X ⫽ 3.11,
2.64 and 2.10, respectively), leverage (X ⫽ 2.54, 2.27
and 1.88, respectively), and market effectiveness (X ⫽
2.26, 2.21 and 1.77, respectively). These findings reveal
that high differentiators seem to place significantly more
importance on all aspects of organisational performance.
Further, high differentiators also recorded a significantly
higher mean score for overall/total organisational per-
formance, and medium differentiation companies
Fig. 1. The distribution of companies by extended generic types. recorded significantly higher mean scores for financial
S. Yamin et al. / Technovation 19 (1999) 507–518 515

Table 5
One-way analysis of variance for mean scores of respondents classified by cost leadership groups on factors of organisational performance (N ⫽ 120)

Organisational Cost leadership groupsa Significant difference

performance factors groups

Low (1) Medium (2) High (3) F

Financial performance 1.91 2.43 2.90 10.48*** 1–3, 2–3, 1–2

Financial management 2.19 2.50 3.13 16.58*** 1–3, 2–3
Leverage 1.91 2.25 2.50 3.72* 1–3, 2–3
Market effectiveness 1.93 2.55 3.01 13.75*** 1–3, 2–3, 1–2
Overall organisational 1.74 2.17 2.67 27.03*** 1–3, 2–3, 1–2

Scale: 0 ⫽ no contribution, 1 ⫽ minimum contribution, 2 ⫽ moderate contribution, 3 ⫽ considerable contribution, 4 ⫽ high contribution.
*p ⬍ 0.05, ***p ⬍ 0.001.

Table 6
One-way analysis of variance for mean scores of respondents classified by differentiation groups on factors of organisational performance (N ⫽ 120)

Organisational Differentiation groupsa Significant difference

performance factors groups

Low (1) Medium (2) High (3) F

Financial performance 1.94 2.44 3.03 12.02*** 2–3, 1–3, 1–2

Financial management 2.10 2.64 3.11 12.53*** 2–3, 1–3, 1–2
Leverage 1.88 2.27 2.54 4.04* 2–3, 1–3
Market effectiveness 2.08 2.59 2.96 7.06*** 2–3, 1–3, 1–2
Overall organisational 1.77 2.21 2.62 13.36*** 2–3, 1–3, 1–2

Scale: 0 ⫽ no contribution, 1 ⫽ minimum contribution, 2 ⫽ moderate contribution, 3 ⫽ considerable contribution, 4 ⫽ high contribution.
*p ⬍ 0.05, ***p ⬍ 0.001.

performance (X ⫽ 2.64, 1.94), financial management (X higher mean scores for financial performance and finan-
⫽ 2.64, 2.10), and market effectiveness (X ⫽ 2.59, 2.08) cial management compared with low focus companies.
compared to low differentiators. Further, medium differ- In the case of leverage, no significant differences were
entiators also recorded a significantly higher score for found in the recorded mean scores of focus companies.
overall/total organisational performance compared to High focused companies placed more importance on
low differentiation companies. market effectiveness compared to medium and low
focused companies, and for overall performance, both
7.3. Focus on organisational performance factors high and medium focused companies recorded signifi-
cantly higher mean scores than low focused companies.
The results shown in Table 7 indicate that both high
and medium focus companies recorded significantly
Table 7
One-way analysis of variance for mean scores of respondents classified by focus groups on factors of organisational performance (N ⫽ 120)

Organisational Focus groupsa F Significant difference

performance factors groups

Low (1) Medium (2) High (3)

Financial performance 2.17 2.64 2.91 7.49*** 2–3, 1–3, 1–2

Financial management 2.36 2.83 2.97 7.15*** 2–3, 1–3, 1–2
Leverage 2.10 2.35 2.40 1.53
Market effectiveness 2.42 2.63 3.04 4.06* 2–3, 1–3
Overall organisational 1.97 2.38 2.44 7.49*** 2–3, 1–3, 1–2

Scale: 0 ⫽ no contribution, 1 ⫽ minimum contribution, 2 ⫽ moderate contribution, 3 ⫽ considerable contribution, 4 ⫽ high contribution.
*p ⬍ 0.05, ***p ⬍ 0.001.
516 S. Yamin et al. / Technovation 19 (1999) 507–518

Table 8
One-way analysis of variance for mean scores of respondents classified by generic competitive strategy choices on factors of organisational perform-
ance (N ⫽ 120)

Organisational Generic competitive strategy choicea F Significant

performance difference groups

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Financial 2.27 3.04 2.64 2.53 2.70 4.19** 5–2, 3–2, 4–2,
performance 1–2,
Financial 2.49 3.24 2.74 2.56 2.37 5.15*** 3–2, 4–2, 1–2,
management 5–2
Leverage 2.24 2.48 2.44 2.10 2.11 0.95
Market 2.40 3.05 2.94 2.33 2.88 5.04*** 3–2, 5–2, 1–2,
effectiveness 4–2, 5–3, 1–3,
Overall 2.08 2.77 2.41 2.22 1.83 8.69*** 4–3, 1–3, 1–2,
organisational 5–2, 5–3

1 ⫽ stuck in the middle, 2 ⫽ stars, 3 ⫽ cost leaders, 4 ⫽ differentiators, 5 ⫽ focus companies.
**p ⬍ 0.01, ***p ⬍ 0.001.

8. Choice of generic strategies of competitive tegies under certain circumstances are more successful
advantage on organisational performance than those organizations dedicated to single strategic
thrust. In fact, the finding of performance differences in
The results shown in Table 8 indicate those star com- our sample is surprising since the sample consists of
panies (Group 2) recorded significantly higher mean highly successful companies under Australian con-
scores for both financial performance and financial man- ditions. In a random sample these differences would
agement than any other groups. This finding suggests have been reality magnified. These results make an
those star companies that utilize both cost leadership and important contribution in that they are based on rigor-
differentiation strategies effectively are more likely to ously developed scalar measures of high reliability and
enhance their financial performance and financial man- internal consistence.
agement compared with any other group. None of the
groups recorded significantly different mean scores for
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O’Schaunessy, J., 1984. Competitive Marketing. Allen & Unwin, Bos- ment, TQM Magazine, Management Decision, Managerial Auditing
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Phillips, L.W., Chang, D.R., Buzzell, R.D., 1983. Product quality, cost Computers in Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Production
position and business performance: a test of some key hypotheses. Economics, Journal of Operational Research Society, Enterprise Inno-
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Journal of Marketing 47 (2), 26–43. national Journal of Technology Management, Technovation, Computers in
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Industries and Competitors. Free Press, New York. Auditing Journal, Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, and Inter-
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Superior Performance. Free Press, New York. over 40 papers in conferences and given a number of invited talks in more
Scherer, F.M., 1980. Industrial Market Structure and Economic Per- than 20 countries. He is on the Editorial Board of over ten international
formance. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA. journals that include International Journal of Production Planning and
Schoeffler, S., Buzzell, R.D., Heany, D.F., 1974. Impact of strategic Control, International Journal of Systems Science, Computers in Industry,
CERA, Technovation, Journal of Product and Process Development,
planning on profit performance. Harvard Business Review, March– Logistics Information Management, Business Process Management Jour-
April, 137–145. nal, Journal of Operations Management, Supply Chain Management: An
Smith, K.G., Grimm, C.M., 1987. Environmental variation, strategic International Journal, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Man-
change, and firm performance: a study of railroad deregulations. agement. He has edited special issues for a number of highly reputed
Strategic Management Journal 8, 363–376. International Journals. Dr Gunasekaran has been involved in several
518 S. Yamin et al. / Technovation 19 (1999) 507–518

national and international collaborative projects that are funded by private Felix Mavondo obtained his Ph.D from Monash
and government agencies. He is the Editor-In-Chief of the International University where he is a Senior Lecturer. His
Journal of Agile Management Systems. Dr Gunasekaran is currently inter- main areas of interest are Strategic
ested in researching Agile Manufacturing, Concurrent Engineering, Man- Marketing/Management, Organisation Adap-
agement Information Systems, Technology Management, Supply Chain tation and Innovation, Organisational Perform-
Management, Computer-Integrated Manufacturing and Total Quality Man- ance and Statistical Issues in Social Sciences.

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