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The United Nations and Contemporary Global Governance

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The United Nations and

Contemporary Global
Global governance is a purposeful order that emerges from
institutions, processes, norms, formal agreements, and
informal mechanisms that regulate action for a common
good (K. Benedict, 2001).

Although the concept of Global Governance is theoretically possible,
nothing of the sort exist today. However there is some regularity in the
general conduct of countries. Following international navigation routes
and respecting international borders

The fact that the countries that follows certain global norms means
there is a resemblance of a world order regardless the absence of a
single world government.

Sources of Global Governance can be seen in state signed treaties and form
organization, in the process legislating public international law. International non-
government organization behave in a certain way despite lacking formal state power.
Said certain way is when an international animal protection NGO can pressure the
government to pass animal cruelty laws.
Also, powerful transnational corporation can have an immense impact on global labour
laws, trade policies, and etc. Ideas such as "Global Democracy" and or "Good
Governance" can influence the behaviour of international key players.

When scholars refer to groups like United
Nations(UN) or institutions like International
Monetary Fund(IMF) and the World Bank, they
usually called it International Organizations(IOs).

Major Fallacy of International Organizations(IOs)

They are merely amalgamations of various state interest. Amalgamations is

the action, process, or result of combining or uniting something.

In 1960s and 1970s, many scholars believed that IOs were just venues where
contradicting, but sometimes intersecting, agendas of countries were

Major Fallacy of International Organizations(IOs)

In addition, it become more evident in present years that

IOs can take on lives of their own. As we move back to Lesson 2, the
IMF was able to promote a particular form of economic orthodoxy
that stemmed mainly from the beliefs of its professional

Michael N. Barnett & Martha Finnemore are International
relations scholars. They listed the following powers of IOs:

IOs have the power of classification. They can invent and apply categories
and they create powerful standards.

IOs have the power to fix meanings. Various terms like "security" and
"development" need to be well-defined because it is a broader function
compared to the first one. States, organizations, and individuals view IOs as
legitimate source of information. By that, the meaning they create have effects
on various policies.

Michael N. Barnett & Martha Finnemore are International
relations scholars. They listed the following powers of IOs:
IOs have the power to diffuse norms. Norms are accepted codes of
conduct that may not be strict law, but nevertheless produce regularity
in behaviour. IOs spread ideas across the world establishing global
standards. They have the power to diffuse norms stems from the fact
that IOs are staffed with independent bureaucracy who are considered
experts in various fields.

IOs Immense Power
Because of this, it can be
sources of great good and great
harm. Why? They can promote
relevant norms like environmental
protection and human rights but,
like other bureaucracies, they can
become sealed-off communities that
failed to challenge their beliefs.

United Nations
United Nations
One of the most prominent IOs in the world. Formed after the
collapse of the League of Nations at the end of World War II.
Countries that sought the prevention of another global war started
the formation of a lasting international organization.

Far from perfect, the United Nations is to be considered a success

as it has achieved its primary goal (prevention of a global war).

United Nations
Various organs and
programs are limited in order to
respect state sovereignty.
Second, UN is not a world
government, and it functions
primarily because of the
cooperation of states and if it
fails their influence can be
severely circumscribed.

United Nations
The biggest challenge is
the veto power of the P5
Security Council and have an
issue related to security. Despite
these problems, it remains
important to SC to place a high
bar on military intervention. The
UN Security Council has been
wrong on issues of intervention, (United Kingdom, France, Russia,
but they also made right China, and the United States)
General Assembly

It is UN’s “main deliberative policymaking and representative organ.”

Two-thirds majority of the General assembly is required on
decisions on significant questions, such as peace, security,
admission of new members, and budget matters.

Consisting of 15 members, in which 10 is elected for a two-year

term and the other five are permanent members (United Kingdom,
France, Russia, China, and the United States).

Security Council

Considered to be the most powerful from the other various organs.

They take the lead in deducing the presence of threat to the peace
and or acts of aggression.
Calls upon the parties involved in a dispute in order to settle the
problem in a peaceful manner, recommends methods of
adjustment, and or authorizing the use of force to preserve peace.
Take note: their actions can be stopped by even a single vote from a
permanent member (P5).

Economic And Social Council

It is the UN’s central platform for discussions on sustainable

development, and it has 54 elected members with a term of
three years.

It is “the principal body for coordination, policy dialogue, and

recommendations on social and environmental issues, as well as
the implementation of internationally agreed development

International Court of Justice

The task of this fourth organ “is to settle, in accordance with

international law, legal disputes submitted to it by states and to
give advisory opinion referred to it by authorized United Nations
organs and specialized agencies.”

They cannot prosecute an international criminal/s because this

is for the International Criminal Court (independent from UN)


This organ of the UN consist of the “Secretary General” and the

number of International UN staff members that carry out the
work mandated by the General Assembly and by the
organization’s other principal organs.

It is the bureaucracy of the UN, it is like civil service. Members of

the secretariat perform as UN employees and not state


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