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Mocomi TimePass The Magazine - Issue 31

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MAY 3, 2020

Why can't
chickens fly
Tenali Raman
the three dolls

One day, a merchant came to the king’s court he showed them a tiny hole that was present in
from a foreign kingdom. He saluted the king and the ears of each of the dolls. Then, he took a very
then said, “Your Majesty, I have heard from many thin wire and put it in the hole of the first doll’s
people that you have very wise ministers in your ear. The wire came out from the doll’s mouth. He
court. But with your permission, I would like to did the same with the second doll and the wire
test the wisdom of your ministers.” This aroused came out from the doll’s other ear. In the third
the king’s interest and he gave the merchant his doll, the wire went to the heart and did not come
permission. The merchant gave the king three out.
dolls that looked identical. He said, “Though Tenali Rama explained, “In the first doll, the wire
these dolls look similar, they are different in some went in through the ear and came out through
way. If your ministers can find out the difference, I the mouth. So, this doll is bad as it represents
will bow to their wisdom. But if they can’t, I will people who cannot keep a secret. In the second
assume that there are no wise ministers in your doll, the wire came out of the other ear. So, it is
court. I will be back in thirty days for the answer.” average and represents harmless people who do
The king asked all of his ministers except Tenali not understand what is said to them. The third
Raman to assemble. He gave them the three dolls doll, in which the wire went to the heart and did
and told them to find the difference in them in not come out, represents good people who will
three days’ time. But at the end of three days, keep the secret that you tell them.”
none of the ministers could figure out the The king, the merchant and all the courtiers were
difference. The king got worried and called Tenali very impressed with Tenali’s wise answer. Then
Raman. He said to him, “Tenali, I did not summon Tenali said, “But there can be another explanation
you before because I thought that this problem too. The first doll represents people who gain
will be too simple. But since no one has been able knowledge and spread it among others, so it is
to find the solution, it is up to you now. Find the good. The second doll represents people who do
difference between these dolls.” Tenali took the not understand what they are taught, so it is
three dolls and went away. average. The third doll represents people who
Tenali went to the court with the three dolls on have knowledge but keep it all to themselves.
the day that the merchant had to return. He They do not teach anyone anything and so they
announced in front of the whole court that he are bad people.
had found the difference between the dolls. He The king was even more impressed. He asked,
said, “These three dolls are different because one “Can there be any other explanation?” Can you
of them is good, one average and one bad.” When think of a third explanation to answer the king?
everyone asked Tenali that which doll was which,
Find the missing piece of the bone
Discoveries and Inventions


There are many different stories about who Who invented bifocals?
invented the eyeglass. However, the most com- Bifocals are eyeglasses with two distinct optical
monly accepted theory is that the first eyeglasses powers. Instead of switching between pairs of
were invented by monks living in Italy in the 13th glasses constantly, people with near and far-sight-
century, most likely in Pisa. edness can use the same pair of glasses to see
There are other claims as well, that a nobleman in distances as well as read.
Venice, named Salvino degli Armati invented the The invention of bifocals has been largely attribut-
eyeglass in the 17th century. ed to Benjamin Franklin, who suffered from poor
Accounts from explorer Christopher Columbus vision through his life.
suggest that he encountered eyeglasses during
his travels in China in the 13th century. However,
these claims don't have proof.

Make Mathematics
your Friend!
spot ten differences

Chickens can fly, but not very well. It has been found
that almost 4000 years ago; chickens were domesti-
cated from the wild birds known as the ‘forest fowl’

found in India. Now, the forest fowls were like the
Turkey and they depended mostly on their legs to
run from predators. They used their wings just a little

Why can't
bit in order to hop and reach a safe point.

chickens fly high? How high and far can chickens fly?
Now, the real reason why chickens cannot fly is
because of their bone structure and weight. The
chickens that we know today are shorter, have heavy
bones and more weight for their body, making it
difficult for them to fly. Though they can hop and fly
to a short distance. The world record for a flying
chicken is 305 feet in 13 seconds before touchdown!
Chickens are natural sprinters. They may not soar
high like the eagle but they are really swift.

Find the
Farm Animals

The Heardsman
A herdsman, who lived at a time and a place
Which, should you not know, is but little disgrace,
Discover'd one morning, on counting his stock,
That a sheep had been stolen that night from the flock.
"Oh, I wish I had caught ye, whoever ye be,
I'd have soon let you know, I'd have soon let ye see,
What he had to expect," said the herdsman, "I trow;
But I've thought of a scheme that will trouble you now."
So what did he do, sir, but put up a board,
Describing the thief, and proposed a reward
Of a lamb, to the man who would give information
Concerning the thief, and his true designation.

The project succeeded; for soon there applied

A certain near neighbor, with others beside.
"But tell me the thief," said the herdsman,
"at least;"
"Come hither," said they, "and
we'll show you the beast!"
"The beast!" said the rustic,
who thought he should die on
The spot, when he found that
the thief was a lion!
"Ill luck to my hurry, what now shall I do?
I promised a lamb to detect you 'tis true;
But now I'd consent all my substance to pay,
If I could but with safety get out of your way."
Q: What did the chicken say
to get across a busy street?
A: Egg-scuse me!

your Q: Who tells the funniest hen jokes?

A: Comedi-hens!

Q: What day do chickens hate most?

A: Fry-day.

Q: What do you get if a chicken

lays an egg on top of a barn?
A: An eggroll

Bulldog breaks skating record of dogs
Otto the bulldog from Peru,
skateboarded through a human
tunnel that was 30 people long.
He set the record as the “longest
human tunnel travelled through
by a skateboarding dog.” Here's
one dog who rolled his way to
a comic story

sir dig-a-lot

"Let me tell you a story about military men who were
more popular than the kings themselves. They were
called the Japanese shoguns," Sir Dig-a-Lot told Rohan.

"The word ‘shogun’ was a title given to Japan’s most powerful military
commander, particularly in the Heian period. During the Heian period the
shoguns became more powerful than the government officials and
eventually took control of the government."

"In the year 1192, when the emperor of Japan appointed Minamoto Yoritomo as
a shogun, he set up his own capital in Kamakura which was different from the
capital set up by the king. For over 700 years after this, the shoguns ruled the
far east of Japan in succession."

"The household of a shogun was called a ‘bakufu,’ which literally

meant dwelling. But as the power of a shogun increased, he was
more of a dictator. The more common term used for him was

"The shogunate system was started by Minamoto in the city of Kamakura.

As opposed to the European system, the shogunate government rewarded
the peasants for excelling in war or agriculture, and did not give them any

"The Tokugawa clan had the final shoguns, who ruled from the year 1603
until 1868. Even the capital city shifted from Kamakura to Edo, which is
modern day Tokyo. The Tokugawa dynasty was extremely strong and ruled
for a long period."

"The 15th Tokugawa ruler had to cede his power to the emperor and the
shogunate rule came to an end. Today the term shogun is used for a retired
prime minister who still advises the government. He is called a yami shogun
or a shadow shogun."

"I could’ve never imagined that military

men had so much power over emperors!"
said Rohan and Sir Dig A Lot tucked him
in the bed.

A chicken named Chik Chik and a duck named Dook lived on a small farm.
They were best friends. They would go for long walks in the meadow ev-
eryday and then go for a swim in the pond.There also lived a ginger cat on
farm named Gingerly, she was quite lonely and felt
jealous of the friendship between Chick Chick and
Dook. One morning, when Chick Chick and Dook
were going for their usual long walk they saw
something very strange.

Complete the Story...

fun facts
with Hamlet the Hamster
To know or not to know,
that is the question!
Well, wouldn’t
you prefer to know?

Fun facts about Tokyo

Tokyo was formerly known as Edo. Edo means estuary in Japanese.

Tokyo Metropolis has its own flag, which was adopted in 1964.

Shibuya Crossing is one of the busiest street crossings

in the world. Around 2500 people cross at any given time.

Tokyo is made of 23 different wards or metropolitan

areas or districts which are all distinct.

And all districts are referred to as city!
Find The
Mocomi timepass is a mini magazine available daily for children!

Packed full of stories, puzzles and fun facts.. there’s a little bit of fun for everyone!

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