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Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

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Science, Technology and Society:

A Philosophical Perspective
Wenceslao J. Gonzalez (Editor)
General Editor
Wenceslao J. Gonzalez


Copyright © 2005 by Netbiblo.

Copyright © by Wenceslao J. Gonzalez.

ISBN: 0-9729892-2-6

Editor: Cristina Seco

Printed and bound by Gesbiblo, S.L.

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Front cover: Gesbiblo, S.L.

First Published 2005 by Netbiblo, S.L.

Contributors .......................................................................................................................... v

Preface: The Relevance of Science, Technology and Society: The “Social Turn”
Wenceslao J. Gonzalez......................................................................................................... ix


1. The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society

Wenceslao J. Gonzalez ...................................................................................................... 3

2. Objectivity and Professional Duties Regarding Science and Technology

Kristin Shrader-Frechette ................................................................................................. 51


3. Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science.

On the Relationship between Analysis of Science and Scientific Practice
José Luis Luján.................................................................................................................. 83

4. How to Reform Science and Technology

Kristin Shrader-Frechette ................................................................................................. 107


5. Progress and Social Impact in Design Sciences

Anna Estany Profitos ........................................................................................................ 135

6. Experiments, Instruments and Society: Radioisotopes in Biomedical Research

María Jesús Santesmases .................................................................................................. 159


7. Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change

Ramón Queraltó Moreno .................................................................................................. 179

Subject Index ......................................................................................................................... 207

Index of Names ...................................................................................................................... 211


Wenceslao J. Gonzalez is professor of logic and philosophy of science at the

University of A Coruña (Spain). He has been vicedean of the School of Humanities
and president of the Committee of Doctoral Programs at the University. He
has been a visiting researcher at the Universities of St. Andrews, Münster and
London (London School of Economics), as well as Visiting fellow at the Center
for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh. He has given lectures at the
Universities of Pittsburgh, Stanford, Quebec and Helsinki. The conferences in
which he has participated include those organized by the Universities of Uppsala,
New South Wales, Bologne and Canterbury (New Zealand).
He has edited 20 volumes and published 70 papers. He is the editor of the
monographic issues on Philosophy and Methodology of Economics (1998) and
Lakatos’s Philosophy Today (2001). His writings include “Economic Prediction
and Human Activity. An Analysis of Prediction in Economics from Action
Theory” (1994), “On the Theoretical Basis of Prediction in Economics” (1996),
“Rationality in Economics and Scientific Predictions: A Critical Reconstruction
of Bounded Rationality and its Role in Economic Predictions” (1997), “Lakatos’s
Approach on Prediction and Novel Facts” (2001), “Rationality in Experimental
Economics: An Analysis of R. Selten’s Approach” (2003), “From Erklären-
Verstehen to Prediction-Understanding: The Methodological Framework in
Economics (2003), and “The Many Faces of Popper’s Methodological Approach
to Prediction” (2004).
Kristin Shrader-Frechette is professor at the University of Notre Dame,
Indiana. She works at the Department of Philosophy as well as at the Department
of Biological Sciences. She is currently president of the International Society for
Environmental Ethics (ISEE). Previously, she has been president of two societies
in the US: the Society for Philosophy and Technology and the Risk Assessment
and Policy Association. She is author of more than 340 papers in this field of
Science, Technology and Society. In addition, she has published 14 books related
to STS.
Many of her books deal with ethical issues related to technological risk and their
environmental consequences: Nuclear Power and Public Policy (1980); Science
Policy, Ethics, and Economic Methodology (1984); Risk and Rationality (1991);
Ethics of Scientific Research (1994); Technology and Human Values (1997); …
Her works have been translated into Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, German,
Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Russian, and Spanish. She is widely in
demand as a lecturer by universities, governments, and industrial groups as well
as National Academies of Science. She has been invited to prestigious colloquia
such as the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science or the Pittsburgh

vi Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science. Currently she is working on a volume

on Public Ethics: Citizenship and Duties of Advocacy.
José Luis Luján is senior lecturer [titular professor] of logic and philosophy
of science at the University of the Balearic Islands. He has participated as
a researcher in several European research projects and currently is leading
scientist of a research project of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
on regulatory science and technological risks. He has coauthored books such
as El artefacto de la inteligencia (1989); Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad: Una
introducción al estudio social de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (1996); La imagen
social de las nuevas Tecnologías biológicas (1997); Violence: From Biology
to Society (1997); and Ciencia y Política del riesgo (2000). He is coeditor of
Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad: Lecturas seleccionadas (1997), Filosofía de la
Tecnología (1998), and Gobernar los riesgos: Ciencia y valores en la sociedad
del riesgo (2004).
Anna Estany Profitos is professor of logic and philosophy of science at the
Autonomous University of Barcelona and head of the Department of Philosophy.
She was awarded a Master of Arts by the University of Indiana and has researched
at the University of California at San Diego. Among her books are Modelos de
cambio científico (1990), Introducción a la Filosofía de la Ciencia (1993), Manual
de prácticas de Filosofía de la Ciencia (2000), La fascinación por el saber (2001)
and ¿Eureka? El trasfondo de un descubrimiento sobre el cáncer y la Genética
Molecular (2003). She is the author of papers such as “Reconstrucción de casos
históricos a partir del modelo de progreso científico de L. Laudan” (1998),
“Thomas Kuhn: Hacia una metateoría unificada de la Ciencia” (1998), “Ventajas
epistémicas de la cognición socialmente distribuida” (2001) and “The Theory-
laden Thesis of Observation in the Light of Cognitive Psychology” (2001).
María Jesús Santesmases is senior scientist [titular researcher] at the Higher
Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) in Madrid. She has edited the monographic
issues of Arbor on Orígenes de la Biología Molecular: Contextos internacionales
y tradiciones locales (1997) and Ciencia y Tecnología en el CSIC: Una visión de
género (2002). Among her books are Establecimiento de la Bioquímica y la Biología
Molecular en España (1997); Antibióticos en la autarquía (1999); Científicas en
España (1940-1970): Profesionalización y modernización social (2000); and Entre
Cajal y Ochoa (2001). She has published in the following journals: Isis, Studies
in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, History and
Philosophy of Life Sciences, Theoria, Social Studies of Science, and Minerva.
Ramón Queraltó Moreno is professor of philosophy at the University of
Seville. His realm of research is present tendencies in thought and especially
philosophy of technology. He is a correspondent member of the Académie
Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences and the editor of the journal
Argumentos de Razón técnica. He is head of a research group on “Science,
Technology and Society” of the High Council of Scientific Research (CSIC). He
About the Contributors to this Volume vii

is the author of eight books, among them are Mundo, Tecnología y Razón en el
fin de la Modernidad (1993), K. Popper, de la Epistemología a la Metafísica
(1996), Razionalità tecnica e mondo futuro. Una eredità per il terzo millennio
(2002), and Ética, Tecnología y Valores en la sociedad global (2003). He has
published widely. Among his papers are “Does Technology ‘Construct’ Scientific
Reality?” (1993), “Hypothèse, objectivité, et rationalité technique” (1996), “Since
Indeterminacy: The New Picture of the Physical World at the End of Modernity”
(1997), “Technology as a New Condition of the Possibility of Scientific Knowledge”
(1998), “Scientific Realism, Objectivity and Technological Realism” (2000), and
“Science as Technoscience: Values and Their Measurement” (2004).

Wenceslao J. Gonzalez

The emphasis on the realm of Science, Technology and Society or Science and
Technology Studies may have the same degree of relevance that the “historical
turn” had in the past. It is a “social turn” which affects philosophy of science as
well as philosophy of technology. It includes a new vision of the aims, processes
and results of scientific activities and technological doings, because the focus
of attention is on several aspects of science and technology which used to be
considered as secondary, or even irrelevant. This turn highlights science and
technology as social undertakings rather than intellectual contents.
According to this new vision, there are several important changes as to what
should be studied –the objects of research–, how it should be studied –the method–
and what the consequences for those studies are. The new focus of attention can
be seen in many changes, and among them are several of special interest: a) from
what science and technology are in themselves (mainly, epistemic contents) to
how science and technology are made (largely, social constructions); b) from the
language and structure of basic science to the characteristics of applied science
and the applications of science; c) from technology as a feature through which
human beings control their natural surroundings (a step beyond “technics” due to
the contribution of science) to technology as a social practice and an instrument
of power; and d) from the role of internal values necessary for “mature science”
and “innovative technology” to the role of contextual or external values (cultural,
political, economic …) of science and technology.
This “social turn” is a move that covers a larger area and introduces a
more radical scope than the preceding “historical turn”, which was developed
predominantly in the sixties and the seventies. On the one hand, STS enlarges
the domain in comparison with the contributions made by Thomas Kuhn,
Imre Lakatos, Larry Laudan … The role of historicity as a crucial element
for the philosophical approach was analyzed mostly in the case of science. De
facto, the major philosophers of that period paid little attention to technology.
Furthermore, technology was customarily seen by them as an instrument that
science uses for observation or experimentation. On the other hand, STS brings
with it a more radical scope than the “historical turn,” because that conception
–including The Structure of Scientific Revolutions– still assumes that the
internal contents of science have more weight than the external factors (social,
cultural, political, economic …).
In addition, there is a further enlargement introduced by the “social turn” in
comparison with the “historical turn.” STS considers the contributions of several
disciplines, among them practical ethics, policy analysis, legal studies, sociology

x Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

of science and sociology of technology, economics of science and economics of

technology … Thus, the “social turn” includes more scientific contributions than
history of science and history of technology. But the main interest is not in the
intellectual history, either of science (e.g., of scientific theories) or of technology
(e.g., on the changes in the know how), but rather in contextual elements of the
discoveries or improvements of science or technology (the search for fame, power
relations, institutional traditions …).
Within the realm of Science, Technology and Society or Science and
Technology Studies, this book focuses on the philosophical perspective. It attends
to philosophy of science as well as to philosophy of technology. Thus, the papers
analyze the sphere of scientific activity and the circle of technological doings,
which includes the scientific-technological area of “technoscience.” The volume
takes the philosophical approach as complementary to the empirical studies on
science and technology. From this angle, the analysis considers some aspects of
the “social turn” and, as is usual in philosophy, it includes the component of
critical attitude.
It is a book which belongs to Gallaecia. Studies on the Present Philosophy and
Methodology of Science. This collection, published since 1997, seeks to analyze
different issues of science and technology from a philosophical perspective. Two
of the previous volumes are related to the topics of this book: Scientific Progress
and Technological Innovation (1997) and Science and Ethical Values (1998).
In addition, some relevant philosophers of science have also received attention
in monographic publications: Karl Popper, Thomas Kuhn, Imre Lakatos and
Larry Laudan. All the volumes are coordinated from the University of A Coruña
(Spain) and until now they have been published in Spanish. The collection seeks
to increase its presence in the international forum of ideas. This is the main reason
for publishing this new book of Gallaecia in English.

Ferrol, 19 October 2004

Wenceslao J. Gonzalez
Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Theoretical Framework
1. The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society
2. Objectivity and Professional Duties Regarding Science and Technology

Wenceslao J. Gonzalez1

There is nowadays, through the “social turn” in philosophy of science and

philosophy of technology, a new panorama in the philosophical approach to science
and technology. For several decades, the previous ideas on scientific findings and
technological contributions were frequently thought of as context-independent
(mainly, as epistemic contents and instruments to control our surroundings),
whereas the new vision presents a different picture where contextual values
(cultural, political, economic, ecological …) have a central role in science and
technology. Moreover, the landscape is now an interdisciplinary endeavor where
the empirical studies on science and technology commonly accompany the
philosophical reflections on scientific activity and technological doing.
Many features can be considered regarding this philosophical approach to
science, technology and society connected to the “social turn.” Looking forward
to what this issue is and ought to be, the analysis will follow several steps: 1)
to characterize the interdisciplinary endeavor on science and technology focus
on the social setting; 2) to clarify the notions of “technoscience,” “science” and
“technology” because they –in one way or another– underlie all the discussions;
3) to make explicit the variations in the philosophical approach, which has moved
from the “internal” constituents to the “external” factors both in philosophy
of science and in philosophy of technology; 4) to specify the relation between
science and society from a philosophical perspective, which includes the social
dimension of science as well as the relevance of practice; and 5) to elucidate
the nexus between technology and society from a philosophical approach, which
requires us to take into account the social dimension of technology and the role of
economic values in technology. Thereafter, there is a presentation of the structure
and origin of this book and a posterior bibliography to complete the inquiry.

Science, Technology and Society or Science and Technology Studies are two
ways of referring to an interdisciplinary endeavor. STS combines the contributions
of several disciplines and, accordingly, it uses different methodologies. Its object
is not an isolated realm analyzed by a traditional kind of research, because it
depends on views on science and technology developed in the last four decades.

I am grateful to Kristin Shrader-Frechette for her comments on this paper.

4 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Indeed, STS has received increasing attention since the mid-1980’,2 when the
discussion included explicitly a third term: “technoscience.” It is also a period
where philosophy of technology increased progressively its presence in the
realm of STS,3 connecting technology with new areas for philosophical research
(issues related to bioethics, environmental concerns, social problems, policy
discussions …).4
Since the constitution of STS, both philosophy of science and philosophy of
technology have had a key role in this contemporary field. Their contributions
are interconnected with contents of other disciplines. De facto, STS is a broad
intellectual enterprise where several disciplines are involved: practical ethics,
policy analysis, law, sociology, economics … The reason for this wide variety of
contributions is clear: STS cannot be reduced to the theoretical study of science
and technology, because it includes also a practical dimension as well as a social
concern. In Europe the first aspect is still dominant, whereas in the United States
the second facet has a central relevance.
Both names –Science, Technology and Society and Science and Technology
Studies– are commonly used for the same subject matter. The sense of these
expressions includes the assumption of science and technology as human activities
in a social setting rather than two forms of mere knowledge. And the specific
reference of these expressions goes beyond the intellectual outcomes or products
of science and technology: it looks for those concrete components of science and
technology which have repercussions in social life in different dimensions (ethical,
political, sociological, economic…) Therefore, STS pays special attention to the
empirical ingredients of both researches –scientific and technological–: it seeks
their links to the lives of the citizens. Thus, the philosophical approach goes along
with other aspects in several contexts (enviromental, political, legal, sociological,
economic …) which should be considered as well.
In many ways philosophy of science and philosophy of technology are at
the core of STS, because either the other disciplines are deeply embedded in
the philosophical approach or they have at least a clear connection with some
philosophical problems. Thus, insofar as there is this common ground –the
philosophical roots– in this field, Science, Technology and Society or Science
Some of the most influential views on STS had already started before the mid-1980’s, cf. BARNES,
B., Scientific Knowledge and Sociological Theory, Routledge and K. Paul, London, 1974; LATOUR,
B. and WOOLGAR, S., Laboratory Life: The Social Construction of Scientific Facts, Princeton
University Press, Princeton (NJ), 1979; K NORR-CETINA, K., The Manufacture of Knowledge. An
Essay on the Constructivist and Contextual Nature of Science, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1981; and
COLLINS, H. M., Frames of Meaning: The Sociological Construction of Extraordinary Science,
Routledge and K. Paul, London, 1982.
Cf. IHDE, D., “Has the Philosophy of Technology Arrived? A State-of-the-Art Review,” Philosophy
of Science, v. 71, n. 1, (2004), pp. 117-131.
Cf. SCHARFF, R. C. and DUSEK, V. (eds.), Philosophy and Technology: The Technological Condition,
Blackwell, Oxford, 2003.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 5

and Technology Studies conforms an interdisciplinary endeavor rather than a

multidisciplinary enterprise. The difference is neat: in the first case there is a
base which –to some extent– is shared by the disciplines working on the field,
whereas in the second case there is a collection of several disciplines dealing with
the topics without a real connection between them.
But the kind of philosophical approach developed in STS is an enlarged vision
of what it is usually understood as “philosophy.” The philosophical traditions
or schools which are very speculative have here some elbow room, because the
reflection on the practical dimension of science and technology in the social setting
requires close attention to the concrete phenomena. Moreover, the philosophical
approach in STS is a richer view than previous ones: on the one hand, it is –to
some extent– an expansion of philosophy of science and philosophy of technology
through the emphasis in the external factors; and, on the other hand, STS deals
with new problems which have appeared in contemporary society (ecological,
ethical, political …). Consequently, the philosophical approach is open to new
ideas, as we can see in many publications in this context (for example in problems
such as risk and rationality).5
Besides philosophy of science and philosophy of technology, there are several
disciplines –philosophical and scientific– involved in STS. Each one of these
studies deals with an aspect which affects either the relation between science
and society or the nexus between technology and society. Usually, these studies
take into account their philosophical linkage insofar as they are included in STS
rather than being developed on their own. These disciplines assume the internal
aspects of science and technology (language, structure, knowledge, method …),
but they put special emphasis on external features (social, historical, economic,
political …). Among those studies of STS are practical ethics, policy analysis,
legal studies, sociology of science and sociology of technology,6 economics of
science and economics of technological change … All of them have also, in one
way or another, a bond to history of science or to history of technology.
STS includes a philosophical linkage in those studies. 1) Practical ethics
was originally a philosophical study which has enlarged its realm to create new
Cf. R ESCHER, N., Risk: A Philosophical Introduction to the Theory of Risk Evaluation and
Management, University Press of America, Lanham, 1983; SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk Analysis
and Scientific Method: Methodological and Ethical Problems with Evaluating Societal Hazards,
Reidel, Dordrecht, 1985; and SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality: Philosophical
Foundations for Populist Reforms, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1991.
“Sociology of science” seems a better name than “sociology of scientific knowledge”: on the one
hand, sociology should take into account more aspects than knowledge, because science is also a
human activity with aims, processes and results; and, on the other hand, “sociology of scientific
knowledge” appears frequently as an expression of the social constructivist conception, which is a
possible orientation of the sociology of science rather than the only one.
In addition, from a historical point of view, there is also an influential “sociology of knowledge”
which has differences with present perspectives, cf. M ANNHEIM, K., Essays on the Sociology of
Knowledge, Routledge and K. Paul, London, 1952.
6 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

specialities, such as bioethics or environmental ethics.7 2) Policy analysis is also

connected with philosophy of science and philosophy of technology insofar as
they need several epistemological and methodological distinctions8 (such as
science and non-science, technics and technology, technoscience, basic science
and applied science, oriented science and non-oriented science …). 3) Legal
studies are usually interwoven with concerns about practical ethics and issues
raised by policy analysis. This is the case in science (e.g., in the research about
stem cells or in the case of human cloning) as well as in technology (e.g., in nuclear
research). Laws on science and technology depend on philosophical assumptions
by the members of parliaments or political assemblies. 4) Sociology of science and
sociology of technology have clear philosophical roots in important conceptions
developed in recent times (such as Kuhnian views in the Strong Program, neo-
Kantian positions in the social contructivisms or postmodern conceptions
in the ethnomethodology of science as well as in the approach of the Social
Construction of Technology –SCOT–). 5) Economics of science and economics
of technological change also have links with the philosophical approach.9 Among
those ties are specially visible the vinculum with the analysis of rationality in
Even though some of these disciplines clearly develop a scientific study of
a science (e.g., sociology of science, economics of science …), where empirical
information has a central role, this feature does not exclude a philosophical
approach. Philosophy can pay attention to the aims, processes and results of
scientific activities and technological doings. It analyzes what science and
technology are, but it also considers what science and technology ought to do in
order to have better standards. Thus, insofar as science and technology in STS are

Both philosophy of science and philosophy of technology have an ethical dimension, which
will be pointed out later on in this paper. But bioethics and environmental ethics have received
increasing attention from professionals related to health sciences (medicine, nursing, …) and
sciences connected with the environment (ecology, forestry, …). Thus, they study more specific
details (mainly in the sphere of the consequences of human actions) than philosophy of science
and philosophy of technology.
For Kristin Shrader-Frechette, the political analyses of technology are a central part of the
philosophy of technology and she criticizes the attempt to reduce technology to epistemology, cf.
SHRADER-FRECHETTE , K., “Reductionist Philosophy of Technology: Stones Thrown from Inside a
Glass House,” Techné. Journal of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, v. 5, n. 1, (1999),
pp. 32-43.
On the status and characteristics of economics of science, cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “De la Ciencia de la
Economía a la Economía de la Ciencia: Marco conceptual de la reflexión metodológica y axiológica,”
in AVILA, A., GONZALEZ, W. J. and MARQUES, G. (eds.), Ciencia económica y Economía de la Ciencia:
Reflexiones filosófico-metodológicas, FCE, Madrid, 2001, pp. 11-37; especially, pp. 20-22.
For the economic views on technological change, cf. NELSON, R. R. and WINTER, S. G., An
Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, Belknap Press, Cambridge, 1982, and FREEMAN, C. and
SOETE, L., Economics of Industrial Innovation, 3ª ed., The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1997. On the
determinants and directions of technological change, cf. DOSI, G., “Technological Paradigms and
Technological Trajectories,” Research Policy, v. ll, (1982), pp. 147-162.
Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “Racionalidad y Economía: De la racionalidad de la Economía como Ciencia
a la racionalidad de los agentes económicos,” in GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Racionalidad, historicidad y
predicción en Herbert A. Simon, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2003, pp. 65-96.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 7

open to metascientific and metatechnological reflections, STS can consider the

normative aspects which are central to philosophy of science and philosophy of
technology. Among them are problems related to scientific rationality and issues
connected with technological rationality.11
In addition to the scientific studies already pointed out (a list that could be
enlarged with other social sciences),12 STS includes history of science and history
of technology as well. Moreover, they are also under philosophy of science
and philosophy of technology. This phenomenon is particularly clear after the
“historical turn” taken in the sixties in philosophy of science. This turn was led
by Thomas Kuhn and Imre Lakatos in the first decade, and continued thereafter
by Larry Laudan.13 They have highlighted the historicity in the case of scientific
activity, but it can be held that technological doings also have a historical character,
as can be seen particularly in the study of technological change.
To be sure, history of science and history of technology can be developed
emphasizing either the epistemic content –the “internal” aspect– or the social
dimension (the external element). But both aspects –internal and external–
should be considered when philosophy of science and philosophy of technology
are developed. The “social turn” of STS stresses the second scope: the contextual
conditions. Moreover, that kind of research –the social dimension– is tout court
a subject of Science, Technology and Society or Science and Technology Studies
insofar as it insists on the context of science and technology (social, political,
economic, professional …) instead of the intellectual content.
An overall view on STS should preserve the compatibility between the
philosophical approach on science and technology and the empirical research
on scientific activity and technological doing (i.e., history of science and history
of technology, economics of science and economics of technological change,
sociology of science and sociology of technology …). The autonomy of empirical
research is compatible with the existence of philosophical roots. Furthermore,
the harmony between the philosophical approach and the empirical research on
science and technology underlies this interdisciplinary endeavor of STS. These
Shrader-Frechette insists on the idea of rational as a “highly normative term,” SHRADER-
FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality: Philosophical Foundations for Populist Reforms, p. 7. For her,
“The challenge, for any philosopher of science who holds some sort of middle position (between the
relativists and the logical empiricists), is to show precisely how theory choice or theory evaluation
can be rational, even though there are no universal, absolute rules of scientific method that can apply
to every situation,” SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality, p. 8.
A clear example is psychology of science. It works on scientists as individuals and as members
of a scientific community. It studies several aspects, such as which are the characteristics that the
scientists have de facto or should have in order to make scientific discoveries. Cf. M ARTINEZ SELVA, J.
M., “Psicología del descubrimiento científico,” in GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Aspectos metodológicos de
la investigación científica, 2nd ed., Ediciones Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Publicaciones
Universidad de Murcia, Madrid-Murcia, 1990, pp. 305-315.
Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Análisis de Thomas Kuhn: Las revoluciones científicas, Trotta, Madrid,
2004; GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), La Filosofía de Imre Lakatos: Evaluación de sus propuestas, UNED,
Madrid, 2001; and GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), El Pensamiento de L. Laudan. Relaciones entre Historia
de la Ciencia y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Publicaciones Universidad de A Coruña, A Coruña, 1998.
8 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

studies will be more fruitful insofar as they consider the distinction between
science and technology, since it is relevant not only in theoretical terms but also
in practical terms (aims, processes and results).


Until now the emphasis has been here on science and technology as two
different domains, each with its specificity and different studies. But in recent years
–mainly in Europe– there has been a distinctive insistence on “technoscience”
(and also on “scientific-technological” inquiry) rather than on the terminology
of “science and technology.” 14 Moreover, technoscience appears frequently in
publications on STS and, sometimes, as the central topic.15 Commonly, the term
is used to reinforce the scientific-technological view and, in one way or another,
technoscience seems to be in tune with an instrumentalist methodology (i.e., the
theories are tools for problem-solving, and their values are measured according
to their practical success).
Historically, the notion of “big science,” proposed by Derek J. de Solla Price
in 1963, might be considered as the first movement towards this new view.16 But
the consolidation of the term “technoscience” came later on with Bruno Latour,17
who is interested in an ethnomethodological study of the activity developed in
the laboratory. When he suggests this research on the social anthropology of
science, he proposes technoscience to avoid an endless repetition of “science and
technology.” To a lesser extent, the term has also received the impulse of other
authors.18 Nowadays it is an expression used very frequently in some countries
(among them Spain).
There are several reasons for proposing “technoscience.” Some are theoretical
and some practical. On the one hand, from a conceptual point of view, technoscience
is the new attempt to blur the distinction between “science” and “technology” due
to several options, such as the dismissal of criteria of demarcation or the integration
of both domains (a task which could be performed in different ways). And, on
the other hand, from a practical perspective, there is a tendency to consider i)
that we have now new phenomena that belong to a new sphere –technoscientific–
different from the previous scientific and technological ones, due to the new
practices developed in laboratories, or ii) that the interaction between science
and technology is so strong as to be almost indiscernible. This situation requires

Cf. ECHEVERRIA, J., La revolución tecnocientífica, FCE, Madrid, 2003.
An interesting case is IHDE, D. and SELINGER, E. (eds.), Chasing Technoscience: Matrix for
Materiality, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2003.
Cf. PRICE, D. J. DE SOLLA, Little Science, Big Science, Columbia University Press, N. York, 1963.
Cf. LATOUR, B., Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Society,
Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA), 1987.
Cf. HOTTOIS, G., Le paradigme bioéthique: une éthique pour la technoscience, De Boeck-Wesmael,
Brussels, 1990.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 9

characterization of the three notions -technoscience, science, and technology –in

order to establish what is the subject– matter studied by STS.
What is “technoscience”? The question about the sense and reference of
technoscience can be answered in at least three different ways. a) It is a term that
stands for the identity between science and technology: they have been increasing
their ties to the point that there are no semantic differences between both of them
in “technoscience,” and they also have a common reference because there are
no longer ontological differences between them. b) “Technoscience” is a term
compatible with “science” and “technology” insofar as technoscience expresses
the sense of a strong practical interaction between science and technology. The
reference of technoscience is then twofold: there are two different aspects of
reality which can have a causal interaction (or at least there is a relation which
preserves the ontologies of science and technology). c) “Technoscience” is the
term for a new reality, a kind of blend or hybrid of science and technology.19
Consequently, the referent has properties which are different from science and
technology.20 In this case, the three of them can coexist and, therefore, STS can
work on science and technology as well as technoscience.
Some people say that “technoscience” could be “techno”-”logos.” This means
that it is a subject which can be undestood as directly based in science. But this
claim makes no sense when defining “technoscience,” because the difference
between “technics” and “technology” lies in this point: technics is practical
knowledge of an accumulative kind, based on human experience but without
the support of an explicit scientific knowledge; whereas technology is a human
activity which transforms the reality (natural and social) in a creative way, and it
does so on the basis of aims designed with the assistance of scientific knowledge
as well as by means of specific technological knowledge. Thus, the “know how”
in technology is accompanied by the “know that” given by science. Therefore,
technology can only be “techno”-”logos” (i.e., a human activity which needs
scientific knowledge and practice).
To reject the claim that technoscience is merely technology –based-on–
science, because “technology” is eo ipso a human enterprise supported by science,
requires us to clarify the relations between science and technology. There are
several kinds of analysis (semantic, logical, epistemological, methodological,
ontological, axiological, …) which can consider the theoretical as well as the
practical aspects. In this regard, Ilkka Niiniluoto has focused on the ontological

Donna Haraway, “under her earlier figure of cyborg, sees technoscience as the full hybridization
of science and technology,” IHDE, D., “Has the Philosophy of Technology Arrived? A State-of-the-
Art Review,” p. 121. Cf. H ARAWAY, D., Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature,
Routledge and Institute for Social Research and Education, N. York, 1991.
Technoscience understood as hybridrization or symbiosis of science and technology suggests
examples, such as the interaction of computer science and technology of information and
communication, which lead to products popularly called “new technologies,” where the patents
are on properties different from those obtained by previous technologies. Cf. ECHEVERRIA, J., La
revolución tecnocientífica, pp. 64-68 and 71-72.
10 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

approach. He has proposed five different models for consideration, which take
into account the views that have been more influential in the relations between
science and technology.21
1) Technology is reducible to science (i.e., technology depends ontologically
on science), which means that either it is applied science or is an application of
science.22 2) Science is reducible to technology (i.e., science depends ontologically
on technology), which can be seen as an instrumentalist position insofar as science
appears as an instrument to dominate nature through technology (a view held by
some philosophies focused on praxis, such as different versions of pragmatism,
Marxism … or even nihilism). 3) There is an identity of science and technology.
This thesis is a way of understanding “technoscience,” but is so strong that
even its supporters –mainly constructivists– 23 try to emphasize the identity in
methodological terms –as a common process– rather than in ontological terms
(as being the same entity). 4) Science and technology are independent both
ontologically and causally. It is a parallelist view: they move according to the
same rhythm but without interaction.24 5) There is an ontological independence
between science and technology, but they are in a causal interaction.
This last option of Niiniluoto’s models –the interactionist view– is also
a version of “technoscience.” It is a sound conception because it respects the
conceptual difference between “science” and “technology.” On the one hand,
commonly science and technology have different aims, processes and results
(i.e., outcomes or products). Thus, they have theoretical as well as empirical
differences. But, on the other hand, science and technology are interconnected
in many ways, as history has shown us, at least since the XVII century (as can
be seen in cases such as the construction of the telescope and the knowledge of
satellites). In this regard, there is an interesting metaphor: they are like two legs
of the same body.25 Therefore, to accept technoscience in the second sense –as an
interaction– could be compatible with notions both of “science” and “technology.”
Nevertheless, both of them should also be charactized in order to have a clear
account of the triadic distinction among science, technology, and technoscience.
Defending the idea of the difference between the three of them requires us to
insist on science as a complex reality which condenses a trajectory of centuries
and it is open to improvement in the future. Thus, the characteristics of a science
Cf. NIINILUOTO, I., “Ciencia frente a Tecnología: ¿Diferencia o identidad?,” Arbor, v. 157, n. 620,
(1997), pp. 285-299; especially, pp. 287-291.
Cf. BUNGE, M., “Technology as Applied Science,” Technology and Culture, v. 7, (1966), pp. 329-
347. For D. Ihde, “Bunge’s take on technology and its relation to science, turns out to be nearly
identical with Martin Heidegger’s,” I HDE, D., “Has the Philosophy of Technology Arrived? A State-
of-the-Art Review,” p. 118.
It should be pointed out that constructivism can be developed in a large number of directions, cf.
H ACKING, I., The Social Construction of What?, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA), 1999.
Cf. PRICE, D. J. DE SOLLA, “Is Technology Historically Independent of Science? A Study in
Statistical Historiography,” Technology and Culture, v. 6, (1965), pp. 553-568.
Cf. R ESCHER, N., Razón y valores en la Era científico-tecnológica, Paidós, Barcelona, 1999.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 11

are not simple, but they can be enumerated basically in several elements: i) science
possesses a specific language (with terms whose sense and reference are precise);
ii) science is articulated in scientific theories with a well patterned internal
structure, which is open to later changes; iii) science is a qualified knowledge
(with more rigor –in principle– than any other knowledge); iv) it consists of an
activity that follows a method (normally it is deductive, although some authors
accept the inductive method) 26 and it appears as a dynamic activity (of a self-
corrective kind, which seeks to increase the level of truthlikeness).
Apart from these characteristics, there are others which have been
emphasized in recent times: v) the reality of science comes from social action,
and it is an activity whose nature is different from other activities in its
assumptions, contents and limits; vi) science has aims –generally, cognitive
ones– for guiding its endeavor of researching (in the formal sphere and in the
empirical realm); and vii) it can have ethical evaluations insofar as science is
a free human activity: values which are related to the process itself of research
(honesty, originality, reliability …) or to its nexus with other activities of human
life (social, cultural …).27
These characteristics of science are connected to a kind of rationality
which is different from technological rationality,28 because the aims, processes
and results that, in principle, science and technology seek are different. Thus,
scientific rationality has several aims, mainly in the cognitive sphere, and they
can be pursued in order to increase our knowledge (basic science) or to resolve
practical problems in a concrete area (applied science).29 Meanwhile technological
rationality is oriented towards a creative transformation of reality, either natural
or social, according to a design, which is followed by an activity and a posterior
artifact (or final product).
Etymologically, “technology” is a kind of knowledge insofar as it is the
logos (the doctrine or learning) of the techné30 (either in the realm of “arts”
–to create beautiful objects– or in the sphere of “technics”– to build useful
items–). In addition, technology is a social activity which is developed in an
intersubjective doing in order to transform the previous reality (natural or social),
based on scientific knowledge as well as specific technological knowledge. As
a consequence of this process, there is an expected product which should be
tangible: a visible artifact or a new kind of social reality. This final product of

Cf. NIINILUOTO, I. and TUOMELA, R., Theoretical Concepts and Hypothetico-Inductive Inference,
Reidel, Dordrecht, 1973.
On these seven elements of science, cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “De la Ciencia de la Economía a la
Economía de la Ciencia: Marco conceptual de la reflexión metodológica y axiológica,” p. 15.
Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “Racionalidad científica y racionalidad tecnológica: La mediación de la
racionalidad económica,” Agora, v. 17, n. 2, (1998), pp. 95-115.
Cf. NIINILUOTO, I., “The Aim and Structure of Applied Research,” Erkenntnis, v. 38, (1993),
pp. 1-21.
Cf. MITCHAM, C., “Philosophy of Technology,” in DURBIN, P. (ed.), A Guide to the Culture of
Science, Technology and Medicine, The Free Press, N. York, 1980, pp. 282-363.
12 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

technology ight be registered in a patent, which could hardly be the case in the
final outcome of science (even in applied science).31
Yet technology is more than knowledge used in a transformative way to
get a final product, because it includes a variety of components. 1) Technology
has its own language, due to its attention to internal constituents of the process
(design, effectiveness, efficiency …) and external factors (social, economic,
political, cultural …). 2) The structure of technological systems is articulated
on the basis of its operativity, because it should guide the creative activity of the
human being that transforms nature (or the human and social reality). 3) The
specific knowledge of the technological activity –know how– is instrumental
and innovative: it seeks to intervene in an actual realm, to dominate it and to
use it in order to serve human agents and society. 4) The method is based on an
imperative-hypothetical argumentation. Thus, the aims are the key to making
reasonable or to rejecting the means used by the technological process. 5) There
are values accompanying that process, which could be internal (to realize the
goal at the lowest possible cost) and external (ethical, social, political, ecological,
etc). These values condition the viability of the possible technology and its
alternatives. 6) The reality itself of the technological process is supported by
social human actions which have an intentionality and are oriented towards the
transformation of the surrounding reality.32
Therefore, technology can be seen as an attempt to direct a human activity
to obtain a creative and transformative domain of that reality –natural or human
and social– on which it is working. Primarily, it does not seek to describe or
to explain reality, because there is already a discovered reality (i.e., known to
some extent) which technology wants to change. This domain appears in new
designs and in the effectiveness-efficiency pair, but it also requires us to consider
a large number of aspects related to this activity (ethical, economic, ecological,
political, cultural, etc). Thus, even though a technology may achieve its aims as
such (i.e., effectiveness), it might not be acceptable from the point of view of other
factors, such as economic criteria (e.g., the cost-benefit ratio), ethical values (e.g.,
consent, fairness), ecological effects (e.g., the contamination of rivers), political
consequences (e.g., the decrease of civil liberties) or incompatibility with the
dominant culture.
Central to this account about technoscience, science and technology is the
need for a clear distinction between them. This goal seems necessary in order
to clarify the contents of the studies on science and technology (and, hence, for
Usually, the outcomes of science are public and have free access to users, whereas the products of
technology can have a patent and, therefore, they could be private and with no free access for users.
Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “Progreso científico e innovación tecnológica: La ‘Tecnociencia’ y el
problema de las relaciones entre Filosofía de la Ciencia y Filosofía de la Tecnología,” Arbor, v. 157,
n. 620, (1997), p. 266.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 13

the relations between science, technology and society). The relevance of the
distinction is not merely of a conceptual kind because it has also a practical
dimension. In effect, each one of them –technoscience, science and technology–
is social from at least two points of view: i) all are developed by a community
of researchers, and they should have a neat notion of their work (aims, processes
and results); and ii) insofar as technoscience, science and technology are human
undertakings, they belong to a social setting which can have repercussions at the
different levels (aims, processes and results). The philosophical approach should
consider the internal constituents as well as their external factors; and due to the
characterization of “technoscience” as a type of interaction between science and
technology, the focus here will be on these cases.


Virtually each one of the elements of science (language, structure, knowledge,
method, activity, ends, and ethical values) and the components of technology
(language, system, specific knowledge …) can be seen either from an internal
point of view or from an external perspective. Nowadays it is generally accepted
–mainly in discussions of realism in science and technology– that a philosophical
approach should consider the “internal” constituents as well as the “external”
factors. Obviously, STS emphasizes the latter, because it highlights the social
dimension of science and technology. Furthermore, technoscience always seems
connected with the social setting. Sometimes –especially in postmodern views–
the emphasis on “external” factors is so strong that it becomes controversial
insofar as “internal” constituents are diluted.33
“Internal” constituents are those which can be studied in themselves without
a specific reference to the context, because it is understood that they belong to
the entity itself (either science or technology). Thus, there is no real attention
to the diverse frameworks (social, cultural, economic, political …) where either
the science or the technology is developed. Then, the intellectual contents –
language, structure, knowledge …–, practices or results of science or technology
are considered as something autonomous. Consequently, it is assumed that the
scientific or technological community has specific rules that have no real or
relevant interference with the external factors. Moreover, possible interference is
seen, in some cases, as disturbing the scientific activity or technological doing.
“External” factors are those related to the diverse contexts (social, cultural,
economic, political …) which are the milieu of science and technology. The
existence and relevance of the external factors is clear insofar as the key element
of science or technology is the notion of “activity” rather than the concept of

Cf. H AACK, S., Manifesto of a Passionate Moderate, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago,
1998; KOERTGE, N. (ed.), A House Built on Sand: Exposing Postmodern Myths about Science,
Oxford University Press, N. York, 1998; and SOKAL, A. and BRICMONT, J., Intellectual Impostures.
Postmodern Philosophers’ Abuse of Science, Profile Books, London, 1998.
14 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

“knowledge” or even the idea of “result” (outcome or product). A human activity is

always developed within a context: historical, social, cultural, political … Within
a context there are values. Some of them have more recognition or prestige than
others. Decision making –an indispensable element in a human activity– follows
from some kind of values, according to the milieu where the activity is going to
be carried on.

3.1. The Approach in Philosophy of Science

Philosophy of science studies the constitutive elements of science: its language,
structure, knowledge claims, activity, aims, values … Consequently, they are
analyzed by the philosophical approach in the semantics of science, the logic
of science, the epistemology, the ontology of science, the axiology of scientific
research, the ethics of science … . Linked to these components of science is
the scientific method. Its scrutiny corresponds to the methodology of science,
which is bound up with research in philosophy of science. Thus, the inquiry into
the existence and dynamics of scientific progress –methodological inquiry– is
connected with scientific knowledge (epistemological examination).
Methodology of science can, of course, be studied by non philosophers –
the specialists in each science– but it belongs initially to the philosophical
sphere. In fact, methodological questions, which combine queries about what
science is and what science ought to be, start from a philosophical stance, due
to their metascientific character. However, within the wider philosophical realm,
methodology of science has its specific status (in order to analyze and prescribe
the scientific process), as has been pointed out in the section on the general scope
of philosophy and methodology of science.34
For many years (from the mid-twenties to the mid-sixties), the emphasis
in philosophy of science was on the “internal” factors (above all, science as a
qualified knowledge which possesses a rigorous method based on logic). The
focus either on logical empiricism or on critical rationalism used to be on the
scientific elements themselves. It paid little attention to the “external” context
(social, cultural, economic, political …). The objectivity of scientific knowledge
and the methodological process of a logical character were two points widely
shared during that period. In addition, the context of justification received more
attention than the context of discovery. Thus, even the psychological factors were
of little interest for the philosophical approach.
The “historical turn,” starting in the sixties, changed the panorama completely.
The new emphasis was the idea of science as a human activity and, therefore, as a
social event. The change of the turn includes historicity as an internal constituent
of science as well as an external factor. Both elements combined –human activity
Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “Ámbito y características de la Filosofía y Metodología de la Ciencia,” in
GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Aspectos metodológicos de la investigación científica, 2nd ed., pp. 49-78.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 15

and historicity– lead to another key element: the decision making of the scientific
community requires us to take into account social and political factors, not
only the internal constituents of science. Furthermore, the responsibility of the
scientist goes beyond the endogenous aspects (honesty, originality, reliability …)
of scientific activity to reach the exogenous elements. Thus, the aims, processes
and results are not mere individual ingredients but rather social factors.
Posterior philosophical views, such as some versions of naturalism of
sociological roots and most of the postmodern conceptions of science, have
emphasized the sociological dimension of scientific activity. The existence in
STS of three very influential positions within the sociology of science should
be pointed out: a) the “Strong Program” of the Edinburgh school led by Barry
Barnes35 –now at the University of Exeter– and David Bloor,36 based on some
Kuhnian as well as Wittgensteinian ideas; b) the empirical program of relativism
(EPOR) developed by Harry Collins,37 which studies scientific controversies
with an interpretative flexibility and analyzes their connections to the socio-
cultural milieu; and c) the ethnomethodology –the study of the actors’ network
at the workplace– defended by the social constructivism of Bruno Latour38 and
Steve Woolgar.39
These schools of sociology of science assume post-Kuhnian views on the role of
the context of scientific knowledge which affects the vision of the scientific objects
of research. They highlight science from an external point of view: as a social
practice where the “epistemic contents” are really “social factors” –the Strong
Program; as a self-referential project within a constructivist framework – the
empirical program of relativism; and as a social construction based on individual
Cf. BARNES, B., Interests and the Growth of Knowledge, Routledge and K. Paul, London, 1977;
BARNES, B., T. S. Kuhn and Social Science, Macmillan, London, 1982 (Columbia University Press,
N. York, 1982); BARNES, B., The Elements of Social Theory, Princeton University Press, Princeton,
1995; and BARNES, B., BLOOR, D. and HENRY, J., Scientific Knowledge. A Sociological Analysis, The
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1996.
Cf. BLOOR, D., “Wittgenstein and Mannheim on the Sociology of Mathematics,” Studies in History
and Philosophy of Science, v. 4, (1973), pp. 173-191; BLOOR, D., “Popper’s Mystification of Objective
Knowledge,” Science Studies, v. 4, (1974), pp. 65-76; BLOOR, D., Knowledge and Social Imagery,
Routledge and K. Paul, London, 1976 (2nd ed., The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1991);
BLOOR, D., Wittgenstein: A Social Theory of Knowledge, Macmillan, London, 1983; and BLOOR, D.,
Wittgenstein, Rules and Institutions, Routledge, London, 1997.
Cf. COLLINS, H. M., “An Empirical Relativist Programme in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge,”
in K NORR-CETINA, K. D. and MULKAY, M. (eds.), Science Observed: Perspectives in the Social Study
of Science, Sage, London, 1983, pp. 85-100; and COLLINS, H. M. and PINCH, T., The Golem: What
Everyone Should Know About Science, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993.
Cf. LATOUR, B. and WOOLGAR, S., Laboratory Life: The Social Construction of Scientific Facts,
2nd ed., Princeton University Press, Princeton (NJ), 1986; LATOUR, B., The Pasteurisation of
France, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1988; and LATOUR, B., We have Never been
Modern, Harvester, Brighton, 1993 (translated by C. Porter.)
Cf. WOOLGAR, S., “Critique and Criticism: Two Readings of Ethnomethodology,” Social Studies
of Science, v. 11, n. 4, (1981), pp. 504-514; WOOLGAR, S., Science: The Very Idea, Tavistock, London,
1988; and WOOLGAR, S. (ed.), Knowledge and Reflexivity: New Frontiers in the Sociology of
Knowledge, Sage, London, 1988.
16 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

actions –in the ethnomethodology of science– where there is no clear demarcation

between “scientific actions” and “political actions..” 40 All of them have gone
far beyond the initial expectations of Thomas Kuhn, when he insisted on the
historical character of science within a social setting of scientific communities,
because he still gives more relevance to the internal constituents of science than
to the external factors.41
All these sociological conceptions of science present philosophical
perspectives where the external factors of science have clearly more weight
than the internal constituents.42 They are usually more interested in scientific
practices than in their theoretical contents. In those authors both the idea of truth,
as an aim to scientific research, and the role of objectivity receive little attention.
This is due to their ideas on the revisability of science, which they see through a
strong sense of historicity or by means of the emphasis on social constructions
(including the scientific object itself). Their accounts of scientific activity adopt
different brands of relativism,43 which are mostly semantic, epistemological and
methodological, but sometimes they also reach the ontological level (as is the case
in explicit versions of social constructivism).
They have received clear-cut criticisms in order to keep in mind the
importance of the epistemic content of science,44 which can be connected to the
need for objectivity in science.45 Furthermore, it seems reasonable to assume
there is an inherent structure of the world to be discovered.46 Therefore, science
is social in a way: insofar as it is a human activity developed in a social setting,
because science is one of our human endeavors as social beings. But there are
B. Barnes points out this feature of the ethnomethodology and considers that the conception of
B. Latour goes too far, cf. BARNES, B., “Thomas Kuhn and the Problem of Social Order in Science,”
in NICKLES, TH. (ed.), Thomas Kuhn, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003, pp. 122-141;
especially, pp. 134-135.
“I am among those who have found the claims of the strong program absurd: an example of
deconstruction gone mad,” KUHN, TH. S., The Road Since Structure. Philosophical Essays, 1970-
1993, with an Autobiographical Interview, edited by James Conant and John Haugeland, The
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2000, p. 110.
About the connections of those views with Kuhn’s philosophical approach, cf. GONZALEZ, W. J.,
“Las revoluciones científicas y la evolución de Thomas S. Kuhn,” in GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Análisis
de Thomas Kuhn: Las revoluciones científicas, pp. 15-103; especially, pp. 36-43.
On the difference among the diverse versions of relativism, cf. H AACK, S., “Reflections on
Relativism: From Momentous Tautology to Seductive Contradiction,” in TOMBERLIN, J. E. (ed.),
Philosophical Perspectives, 10: Metaphysics, B. Blackwell, Oxford, 1996, pp. 297-315.
Cf. LAUDAN, L., Science and Relativism: Some Key Controversies in the Philosophy of Science,
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1990; and NIINILUOTO, I. (1991), “Realism, Relativism,
and Constructivism,” Synthese, v. 89, pp. 135-162; especially, pp. 150-155.
Cf. NIINILUOTO, I., Critical Scientific Realism, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1999, pp. 252-301.
For Ian Hacking, “constructivists tend to maintain that classifications are not determined by how
the world is, but are convenient ways in which to represent it. They maintain that the world does not
come quietly wrapped up in facts. Facts are the consequences of ways in which we represent the
world. The constructivist vision here is splendidly old-fashioned. It is a species of nominalism. It is
countered by a strong sense that the world has an inherent structure that we discover,” H ACKING, I.,
The Social Construction of What?, p. 33.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 17

a variety of elements of science (language, structure, knowledge, method,

activity, ends, and ethical values) which cannot be reduced to their mere
social interpretations. In this regard, it seems convenient to assess the need to
preserve the self-correcting character of science as human activity within the
sociological environment.

3.2. The Approach in Philosophy of Technology

It seems clear that philosophy of technology has followed in the past different
routes than philosophy of science. In philosophy of technology there is no
clear tradition similar to that which can be found in philosophy of science: an
intellectual trajectory that goes back to logical positivism and reaches the present
views (naturalism, social constructivism, feminist epistemology …).47 The
roots are different because “philosophy of technology has primarily drawn its
philosophers from the praxis traditions, in North America from pragmatism,
phenomenology, and the neo-Marxian critical theorists, with analytical strands
in a minority role.” 48
This phenomenon can be connected with the fact that in philosophy of
technology it is difficult to point to a major philosopher who has had (on the
systematic treatment of its subject-matter) an influence similar to R. Carnap,
H. Reichenbach, K. Popper or I. Lakatos in the realm of philosophy of science.
In spite of the absence of a leading author of philosophical discussions of
technology, one should recognize well-known philosophers who wrote either
on “technics” or on “technology” in Europe in the middle of the twentieth
century. Among them are J. Ortega y Gasset,49 M. Heidegger,50 K. Jaspers51
and A. Gehlen.52 They differ in their philosophical approaches to technology
–some are very pessimistic– but they share an underlying anthropological view
as well as an interest in the relations between technology and the social world
(the Lebenswelt).

Cf. KOERTGE, N., “’New Age’ Philosophies of Science: Constructivism, Feminism and
Postmodernism,” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, v. 51, (2000), pp. 667-683.
I HDE, D., “Has the Philosophy of Technology Arrived? A State-of-the-Art Review,” p. 118.
Cf. ORTEGA Y GASSET, J., Ensimismamiento y alteración. Meditación de la Técnica, Espasa-Calpe,
Buenos Aires, 1939 (originally written in 1933.) Reprinted in ORTEGA Y GASSET, J., Meditación de la
Técnica, Santillana, Madrid, 1997.
Cf. HEIDEGGER, M., “Die Frage nach der Technik,” in HEIDEGGER, M., Vorträge und Aufsätze,
Günther Neske, Pfullingen, 1954, pp. 13-44. Translated as HEIDEGGER, M., “The Question
Concerning Technology,” in SCHARFF, R. C. and DUSEK, V. (eds.), Philosophy and Technology: The
Technological Condition, pp. 252-264.
Cf. JASPERS, K., Die Atom-bombe und die Zukunft der Menschen, Piper, Munich, 1958.
Cf. GEHLEN, A., “Anthropologische Ansicht der Technik,” in FREYER , H., PAPALEKAS, J. CH. and
WEIPPERT, G. (eds.), Technik im technischen Zeitlater, J. Schilling, Düsserdorf, 1965. Translated in
abridged version as GEHLEN, A., “A Philosophical-Anthropological Perspective on Technology,” in
SCHARFF, R. C. and DUSEK , V. (eds.), Philosophy and Technology: The Technological Condition,
pp. 213-220.
18 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

From a systematic point of view, philosophy of technology was less articulated

than philosophy of science at the beginning of the seventies.53 To some extent, it
is still the case, especially regarding the internal constituents. For this there are
chronological reasons: philosophy of technology is posterior to philosophy of
science in a strict sense. In this regard, we can take into account some historical
points: a) philosophy of science was consolidated by the Vienna Circle, because
most of the elements of science (language, structure, knowledge, method, aims)
were then under consideration; and b) there is somehow a continuity in many
important topics of discussion (epistemological and methodological), even though
there are also clear discrepancies in philosophy of science since then (e.g., on
issues related to scientific realism). Thus, there are still controversies connected
with the problems that they tackled, mainly in basic science and, to a lesser extent,
in applied science.
Nowadays, after several decades of contributions to philosophy of technology,
there is an important body of work in this realm.54 But it is possible to find some
authors, such as E. Ströker in the past, who maintain that the later interest in
philosophical reflection on technological doing has repercussion at the level of
philosophical studies on technology.55 The situation has improved in the last twenty
years, because philosophy of technology has received more attention than before.
Nevertheless, D. Ihde has pointed out recently that “philosophy of technology
has not, to date, generated recognizable and sustained internal arguments.” 56 He
argues that he cannot detect in philosophy of technology a debate like the ‘realism
versus antirealism’ one in philosophy of science. Thus he claims that debates on
‘appropriate technologies’, ‘deep ecology’, ‘sustainable environmental practices’
or ‘risk assessment’ have not reached that level of discussion.
Nonetheless, in STS the presence of philosophy of technology is sometimes
more intense than philosophy of science. On the one hand, this is due to the

Ronald Giere wrote then, when Kuhn and Lakatos were at a peak of their careers, that “the
methodology of technology is philosophically nearly a virgin territory,” GIERE, R. N., “The
Structure, Growth and Application of Scientific Knowledge: Reflections on Relevance and Future
of Philosophy of Science,” in BUCK, R. C. AND COHEN, R. S. (eds.), In Memory of R. Carnap, Reidel,
Dordrecht, 1971, p. 544.
The bibliography of initial stages of philosophy and methodology of technology can be found in
MITCHAM, C. and M ACKEY, R. (eds.), Bibliography of the Philosophy of Technology, The University
of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1973.
Among the important works in philosophy of technology, there are some which are interesting
for the present purpose: SKOLIMOWSKI, H., “The Structure of Thinking in Technology,” Technology
and Culture, v. 7, (1966), pp. 371-383; and R APP, F., Analitische Technikphilosophie, K. Alber,
Munich, 1978.
In addition to the anthologies already pointed out, it should be mentioned here R APP, F. (ed.),
Contributions to a Philosophy of Technology, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1974; DURBIN, P. and R APP, F.
(eds.), Philosophy and Technology, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1983; and FELLOWS, R. (ed.), Philosophy and
Technology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995.
Cf. STRÖKER, E., “Philosophy of Technology: Problems of a Philosophical Discipline,” DURBIN, P.
and R APP, F. (eds.), Philosophy and Technology, pp. 323-336; specially, p. 323.
“Has the Philosophy of Technology Arrived? A State-of-the-Art Review,” p. 124.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 19

importance of external factors in technology (economic, political, ecological

…) which are more relevant than in philosophy of science. On the other hand,
the social consequences of technology are frequently clearer to the public than
scientific research (especially if it is in basic science instead of applied science). De
facto, philosophy of technology has developed more intensively than philosophy
of science its relations with human ends and its dimension as social practice.57
However, there are differences between them from the institutional point of
view which affect the development of these branches of philosophy, because even
now there is no “Philosophy of Technology Association” in the United States
(and this is also the case in other countries). On the one hand, the biannual
meetings of the Philosophy of Science Association include topics devoted to
philosophy of technology. On the other hand, there is the Society for Philosophy
and Technology, organized in 1983, where leading figures, such as Carl
Mitcham58 and Paul Durbin,59 do not like a new subdiscipline of “philosophy of
technology.” 60 In addition, there are other societies that are also interested in issues
related to philosophy of technology, mainly in the realm of the consequences of
technological processes (nuclear plants, industrial contamination of water …).
This is the case of the International Society for Environmental Ethics, whose
president is Kristin Shrader-Frechette,61 where the impact of technology on the
environment is frequently analyzed.
Usually in philosophy of technology there are three different foci of attention,
even though it is commonly accepted that technology includes all of them. 1)
Technology as a kind of knowledge which combines scientific knowledge –know
that– and specific technological knowledge –know how– and has a key role in
design. 2) Technology as a human activity which implements a methodological
process in order to transform the reality in a creative way. 3) Technology as a
product or artifact of a human activity which has a physical presence in the social
world and possesses a clear importance for macroeconomics and microeconomics.
It seems clear that the first option considers the internal constituents more
Cf. SCHARFF, R. C. and DUSEK, V. (eds.), Philosophy and Technology: The Technological Condition,
parts V and VI, pp. 339-483 and 485-665.
Carl Mitcham has a special interest in the historical aspects of the philosophy of technology and in
different traditions on this subject, cf. MITCHAM, C., Thinking through Technology. The Path between
Engineering and Philosophy, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1994, and MITCHAM, C.
(ed.), Philosophy of Technology in Spanish Speaking Countries, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1993.
Paul Durbin has work on central topics of the philosophy of technology, cf. DURBIN, P. (ed.),
Philosophy of Technology. Practical, Historical and Other Dimensions, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1989;
and DURBIN, P. (ed.), Broad and Narrow Interpretations of Philosophy of Technology, Kluwer,
Dordrecht, 1990.
Cf. I HDE, D., “Has the Philosophy of Technology Arrived? A State-of-the-Art Review,” pp. 118-
Kristin Shrader-Frechette has emphasized the role of ethics in science and in technology, cf.
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Ethics of Scientific Research, Rowman and Littlefield, Savage (MD),
1994; SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K. and WESTRA, L. (eds.), Technology and Values, Rowman and
Littlefield, Savage (MD), 1997; and SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Environmental Justice: Creating
Equality, Reclaiming Democracy, Oxford University Press, N. York, 2002.
20 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

relevant than the external factors,62 whereas the second and the third options tend
to emphasize the external factors.
It may be fruitful to focus philosophy of technology explicitly on the elements
already pointed out (language, system, knowledge, method, human activity, aims
and values). If we develop the “internal” constituents in a philosophical study
more similar to the philosophy of science, then it can be easier to understand
the “external” factors. The philosophical reflection on technological doing can
analyze the semantic, structural, epistemological, methodological, ontological,
axiological (internal values) and evaluative (external values) aspects of technology.
Generally, the attention goes to epistemological, methodological, ontological
and evaluative considerations. It seems reasonable to think that to clarify the
technological activity itself –the internal perspective– can be the initial step to
pondering the social dimension of technology –the external view– which has
many consequences and manifestations (technology as a crucial factor for social
change, as an instrument for political power, as a means for the transformation of
the ecosystem, etc).


Although the distinction between “internal” constituents and “external” factors
can suggest that the social elements belong only to the second sphere, it should be
pointed out that this is not the case, because –in a sense– the social character of
science is also internal. The reason is clear: each one of the constituents of science
(language, structure, knowledge, method, activity, ends, and ethical values) is
social insofar as science is human-made and the human being can only develop
those elements within society. Understood in that way, the social constitution of
science is unavoidable. To be sure, the conceptual framework of science belongs
to us: science is “our” science.63 There is no other being on earth able to construct
and to use the elements characteristic of science.
Consequently, it should be assumed that there is an underlying social
dimension of science which affects every constituent of science. In this sense,
society is the necessary medium to conform those specific components of science.
These constituents, due to their social origin and insofar as they are human-
made products, are also finite as well as historical items. Accordingly, it might
be assumed that those components (language, structure, knowledge, method,
activity, ends, and ethical values) are neither absolute nor perfect. Furthermore,
A strong version of this conception maintains that “philosophical questions about technology are
first and foremost about what we can know about a specific technology and its effects and in what
that knowledge consists,” PITT, J., Thinking about Technology: Foundations of the Philosophy of
Technology, Seven Bridges Press, N. York, 2000, p. xiii.
Cf. R ESCHER, N., “Our Science as our Science,” in R ESCHER, N., A System of Pragmatic Idealism.
Vol. I: Human Knowledge in Idealistic Perspective, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1992,
pp. 110-125.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 21

if the self-correcting character of science is accepted, then those elements might

be revisable within their social medium, which is the scientific community where
they are developed.

4.1. The Social Dimension of Science

Ontologically, science is a human activity cultivated in scientific communities.
In this regard, science is a social endeavor as such: it is not a mere individual
activity in an isolated medium but rather the active venture due to individuals
and groups working on some topics –basic research or applied research–
either in a visible setting (a laboratory, an astronomical observatory …) or in
“invisible communities” all around the world. From the point of view of the
social origins of science, the idea of standing on “shoulders of giants,” which
is used to refer to great scientists of the modern age, only makes sense under
the assumption of the existence of previous contributions of other scientists (as
is the case of Galileo and the important scientists of that period). And the idea
of “big science” and the increasing interaction between science and technology
(e.g., in cases such as the Human Genome project) requires the cooperative
action of social groups (i.e., diverse research groups) under “we-intentions”
and the search for common goals.64 In addition, the question could be raised of
collective responsibility,65 which goes beyond the personal responsibility of the
scientist as an individual.
Scientific progress is then a social activity in “internal” terms, because only
human society is able to develop this historical activity of science which includes an
improvement regarding some aims.66 Hence, the methodological idea of “scientific
progress,” when it is accepted, requires a historical social undertaking. Furthermore,
scientific progress can be considered from the point of view of its consequences
for the “external” medium, because it can have repercussions in different contexts
(cultural, political, economic, ecological …). This is also the case regarding the
central notions of science in different philosophical realms (semantic, logical,
epistemological …), where there is an internal aspect of social origin –in the sense
already pointed out– and an external factor, which can also receive the attention of
science studies (sociology of science, economics of science …).

An analysis of this issue can be made on the basis of action theory. In this regard, cf. TUOMELA, R.,
“The Social Dimension of Action Theory,” Daimon. Revista de Filosofía, v. 3, (1991), pp. 145-158;
and TUOMELA, R., The Importance of Us, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1995. In addition, it
could be of interest to consider the social ontology, cf. RUBEN, D. H., The Metaphysics of the Social
World, Routledge and K. Paul, London, 1985.
On this notion, cf. R ESCHER, N., “Collective Responsibility,” in R ESCHER, N., Sensible Decisions.
Issues of Rational Decision in Personal Choice and Public Policy, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham,
2003, pp. 125-138.
Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “Progreso científico, Autonomía de la Ciencia y Realismo,” Arbor, v. 135,
n. 532, (1990), pp. 91-109.
22 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Nevertheless, the social origin of science –a social activity– is compatible

with the acceptance of the search for objectivity in science. The intersubjective
undertaking of the scientific activity can be opened to grasp objective contents
in the different realms (such as language, structure, knowledge …). On the one
hand, the critical attitude of the scientific community towards the contents
(linguistic, cognitive, procedural …) and the need for publication of the results of
the scientific research for public discussion are oriented to disregard subjective
elements in favor of objective ones. And, on the other hand, there is a reality
(natural, social, or artificial) to be known by science in its actual properties. This
includes the need for several distinctions, such as real world and possible world,
ordinary experience and virtual experience …
Generally, social constructivism dismisses the difference between scientific
knowledge and other kinds of human knowledge. Thus, for Trevor J. Pinch and
Wiebe E. Bijker, “the treatment of scientific knowledge as a social construction
implies that there is nothing epistemologically special about the nature of scientific
knowledge: It is merely one in a whole series of knowledge cultures (including,
for instance, the knowledge systems pertaining to ‘primitive’ tribes).” 67 This
sociology of scientific knowledge goes beyond different versions of relativism
–epistemological and methodological– because these views often assume some
differences between scientific and non-scientific knowledge, whereas the position
of social constructivism cannot see anything epistemologically relevant in the
case of science.
Insofar as social constructivism is more radical than other versions of
relativism (semantic, epistemological and methodological) and denies the
relevance of the internal components of science,68 it loses ground with its
positive contributions on the external factors of science (cultural, social …). De
facto, the social constructivist position moves in the opposite direction of logical
positivism, where the primacy of the internal contents of science was almost
complete. But both conceptions –social constructivism and logical positivism–
go too far in their respective emphasis on the external factors and the internal
components of science.
In my judgment, an adequate image of science requires us to take into account
both aspects (internal and external). Thus, what science is and ought to be should
pay attention to the contents of science: they are not mere elements for a “social
PINCH, T. J. and BIJKER, W. E., “The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts: Or How the
Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology might Benefit Each Other,” Social Studies
of Science, v. 14, (1984), pp. 399-441. Published, in a shortened and updated version, as PINCH, T. J.
and BIJKER, W. E., “The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts,” in SCHARFF, R. C. and DUSEK,
V. (eds.), Philosophy and Technology: The Technological Condition, p. 222.
In this conception the aims, processes and outcomes of science are deprived of something that is
not intrinsically mutable, due to the changes in the scientific communities and the different societies.
Even the reality itself that is studied (the “objects” and its associated “facts”) can be constructed and
has not an ontological status on its own. This aspect is severely criticized by Ian Hacking in his book
The Social Construction of What?
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 23

negotiation” regarding their relation to technology,69 because the scientific

contents include elements oriented towards a growth –intensive and extensive– of
the available knowledge (basic science) or directed to an increment in the capacity
of solving practical problems (applied science). In this regard, the existence of
deep changes in science –”scientific revolutions”– might be under the influence
of external factors (economic, cultural, political …) but, above all, they require
conceptual changes.70 If the sociology of scientific knowledge looks for a focus,
it should take into account the existence of constituents of the scientific activity.
Thus, the cooperative actions at the laboratories, the attitudes towards research
priorities, the need for ethical values in the public domain of science … ask for an
internal component of science.
Both kinds of knowledge –theoretical and practical– are commonly used
in science. Normally, they seek objectivity and not merely an intersubjective
agreement. On the one hand, it is true that the social activity of scientific research
belongs to a cultural milieu and depends on the interaction of some agents in
a social medium which can lead to agreements. But, on the other hand, this
external context is not enough to grasp scientific activity, because science has
something to do. It can make explicit features about the past, present or future
reality (natural, social, or artificial) in order to give an explanation or to make a
prediction; or it can use the research to offer a genuine contribution to solve real
problems in concrete areas (medical, social …). Therefore, the intersubjective
facet of science is not sufficient to understand the social phenomenon of science
as a human activity in a social setting. Objectivity is then the crucial issue for the
philosophical approach as regards science and society.
Objectivity is a feature that, in principle, can be connected with each one of the
elements of science (language, structure, knowledge, method, activity, ends, and
ethical values). It is habitually associated with the semantic, epistemological and
ontological components of science, and it is also a central topic of discussion in the
philosophical conceptions of scientific realism.71 To accept the idea of objectivity
in science means, on the one hand, to assume that there is an independent reality
(natural, social, or artificial) to be known, and, on the other hand, to admit that
the reality has some properties which do not depend on either the individual mind
of the researcher or the construction of the scientific community working on that
object (natural, social, or artificial). Consequently, those properties of the real
object should be accessible to more than one mind or community.
Following B. Barnes, they state that “the boundary between science and technology is, in particular
instances, a matter of social negotiation and represents no underlying distinction,” PINCH, T. J. and
BIJKER, W. E., “The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts,” in SCHARFF, R. C. and DUSEK, V.
(eds.), Philosophy and Technology: The Technological Condition, p. 223.
Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “Towards a New Framework for Revolutions in Science,” Studies in History
and Philosophy of Science, v. 27, n. 4, (1996), pp. 607-625.
Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “El realismo y sus variedades: El debate actual sobre las bases filosóficas de
la Ciencia,” in CARRERAS, A. (ed), Conocimiento, Ciencia y Realidad, Seminario Interdisciplinar de
la Universidad de Zaragoza-Ediciones Mira, Zaragoza, 1993, pp. 11-58.
24 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Ilkka Niiniluoto explicitly links scientific character and objectivity: “In order
to be scientific, inquiry has to be objective at least in two senses. First, the object
of investigation has to be real in Peirce’s sense, i.e., its characters should be
‘independent of what anybody may think them to be’ [Collected Papers, 5.405].
Secondly, the object should be allowed to influence the formation of the result
of inquiry, and this influence should be intersubjectively recognizable.” 72 In
addition, if basic science cannot be objective, then it will be unable to follow on
the road towards either truth or truthlikeness. And applied science, if it is not
able to work on the basis of an objective representation of the world, will have
difficulties in resolving concrete problems. Consequently, it seems a mistake of
social constructivism to dismiss objectivity in the constitutive elements of science
(language, structure, knowledge, method …).
According to these considerations, the relation between science and society
from a philosophical approach needs “internal” constituents as well as “external”
factors. Ethics of science is a good example of the necessity of both kinds of
philosophical analysis of the scientific activity –the internal and the external–73
which are better known in this case as “endogenous ethics” and “exogenous ethics.”
Both kinds of analyses are important and, to some extent, they are like two sides
of the same coin, because the free human activity of basic science requires ethical
values (honesty, responsibility, reliability …) and the social activity of applied
science also needs ethical values (due to its relations with persons, social milieu
and nature). Furthermore, ethics of science is also relevant in order to show the
differences between basic science and applied science, because there are some
problems which are specific to the second realm.74 These varieties of analyses
are relevant to the present discussions of bioethics (e.g., in the research on human
cloning) and of environmental ethics (e.g., in the contamination of rivers or
atmospheric pollution).

4.2. The Relevance of Practice

Another line of the “social turn” introduced by Science, Technology and
Society or Science and Technology Studies is the relevance of practice. This is
usually a view keen to the epistemology of pragmatists and the methodology
of instrumentalists. Following that line, the contribution of the “historical
turn” of science as a social activity with internal contents is accepted, but now
increasing attention is added to the practical elements of science. Thus, there
is more interest than before in different issues: a) the role of instruments in

NIINILUOTO, I., Is Science Progressive?, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1984, p. 4.
On the importance of ethics in scientific research as such and in its social dimension, cf. AGAZZI,
E., Il bene, il male e la scienza. Le dimensioni etiche dell’impresa scientifico-tecnologica, Rusconi,
Milan, 1992; R ESNIK, D. B., The Ethics of Science, Routledge, London, 1998; and SHRADER-
FRECHETTE, K., Ethics of Scientific Research, Rowman and Littlefield, Savage (MD), 1994.
Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “Ciencia y valores éticos: De la posibilidad de la Etica de la Ciencia al
problema de la valoración ética de la Ciencia Básica,” Arbor, v. 162, n. 638, (1999), pp. 139-171.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 25

science, either for the discovery of new facts or for the justification of scientific
statements; b) the characteristics of applied science as an issue that requires a
specific focus, after decades of primacy of basic science for the philosophical
approach; and c) the applications of science as a topic of special interest for
philosophy insofar as science should solve practical problems in the social
realm (economic, political, ecological …).
As to the importance of the instruments, especially their role in experiments,
there have been interesting contributions over the last two decades.75 The need for
a material support –an artifact made technologically– for scientific discoveries
and for the testability of scientific statements was in no way unknown before
(at least since Galileo’s times), but there are new views about the character of
the experiments and the contribution of the artificial objects made by the social
activity of technology. In addition, these reflections emphasize the “artificial
character” of experimentation in the laboratory insofar as there is a dependence
on instruments already thought of for some purposes. Again, we are faced with
science as social action.
Where the practical utilities do have a key role is in applied science, which
frequently includes an interaction between the scientific knowledge and the
material support given by technology. There is a clear difference with basic
science: the feature of a practical orientation of scientific knowledge. Thus,
“besides epistemic utility, the knowledge provided by applied science is expected
to have instrumental value for associated human activity. Applied science is
thus governed by what Habermas calls the ‘technical interest’ of controlling the
world.” 76 Design sciences, which belong to the sciences of the artificial,77 are a
clear example of the interest in how the things ought to be to reach some goals.78
Other conceptions in favor of the insistence on science as a practice
call attention to the applications of science. In this regard, “it is important to
distinguish applied science from the applications of science. The former is a
part of knowledge production, the latter is concerned with the use of scientific
knowledge and methods for solving practical problems of action (e.g., in
engineering or business), where may play the role of a consult.” 79 These solutions
There are two books that have been very influential: H ACKING, I., Representing and Intervening,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (MA), 1983; and GALISON, P., How Experiments End, The
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1987.
NIINILUOTO, I., “The Aim and Structure of Applied Research,” p. 6. Cf. H ABERMAS, J., Erkenntnis
und Interesse, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt, 1968.
The “sciences of the artificial” can be understood in two different ways. On the one hand, the
domain different from the natural sciences and the social sciences where design has a key role
(e.g., library science, pharmacology, agricultural science …) and it is usually a “scientification”
of a profession and, on the other hand, the scientific study of the properties of technology (i.e., the
research on the physical, chemical … properties of technological artifacts) such as in the case of
“engineering science.” The focus is here on the first option.
Cf. SIMON, H., The Sciences of the Artificial, 3rd ed., The MIT Press, Cambridge (MA), 1996.
“The Aim and Structure of Applied Research,” p. 9.
26 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

to practical problems are more visible to the members of society than the research
that has made the solutions possible. Thus, the applications of science in applied
sciences (ecology, economics, medicine, pharmacology, nursing …) received
more analysis in STS than other disciplines. Those applications, insofar as they
are social actions of the scientists, can be analyzed at different levels (aims,
means, results, consequences) by the empirical sciences included in STS.
From a philosophical point of view, there is again the need to consider the
“internal” and “external” aspects. In this regard, one issue of interest is the relation
between possible practical success and the cognitive content of the scientific theory
used in applied science. To establish “practical success” is clearly more difficult in
the case of social sciences than in natural sciences (as can be see frequently in the
discussions of contributions of Nobel Prizes in Economics). Niiniluoto suggests
using the case of ballistics. It is an applied science heavily linked to technology.
He maintains that “practical success does not prove the truth of a theory. … But
if Newton’s theory were completely mistaken, it would be difficult to understand
how it can achieve successful concretization. For this reason, the practical success
of a theory is an indicator of its truthlikeness.” 80 This aspect is not considered by
social constructivism, and one it seems convenient to keep in mind in order to
make decisions on social problems connected with science.


Following the previous analysis, it seems clear that science and technology
have an increasing practical interaction (and that is the basis for “technoscience”),
which is more visible in some projects related to many scientific groups (such as
the Human Genome project or research into several diseases such as cancer). In
addition, there is still a conceptual difference between “science” and “technology,”
according to the constitutive elements already pointed out, which has a neat
range of repercussions at several levels: aims, processes and results (outcomes or
products).81 That conceptual difference, which also affects the social dimension,
is diluted by an instrumentalist methodology that subordinates scientific activity
to technological aims and considers that scientific theory is merely a tool for
technological design.82
Moreover, besides the distinction between science and technology from the
internal point of view (i.e., semantic, logical, epistemological, methodological,
ontological and axiological), there are variances between scientific activity and
NIINILUOTO, I., “Approximation in Applied Science,” Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Science
and Humanities, v. 42, (1995), pp. 138-139.
Among the differences in the results is the existence of patents, which follow from technological
innovations. This phenomenon introduces an additional economic factor which increases the social
dimension of technology.
Cf. LELAS, S., “Science as Technology,” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, v. 44,
(1993), pp. 423-442; especially, p. 423.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 27

technological doing from the external perspective. The differentiation comes

ordinarily from the complexity and the level of repercussion of the values that
intervene (ethical, social, cultural, political, ecological, aesthetic, economic …)
Usually, these external values influence more deeply technology than science,
whereas technology is generally more intelligible than science insofar as it
is human-made 83 (i.e., design, process and product –an artifact– are made by
human beings).
De facto, scientific progress and technological innovation are causally
interdependent –as “technoscience” emphasizes– 84 but they are commonly
different as human undertakings. Furthermore, the social milieu is often diverse,
because technology has regularly more weight than science in private enterprises
insofar as the technological products are more market oriented than the scientific
outcomes. In this regard, there are still differences among the institutions or
organizations –private or public– devoted to science and technology, even though
in recent decades there is an increasing interactive position in favor of a joint
venture (mainly in natural sciences and natural technologies).85
Those differences also have an incidence in the philosophical approach,
because traditionally philosophy of technology has paid more attention to external
factors than philosophy of science. “The dominance of the praxis traditions,
plus the problem sets for philosophy of technology, which are situated more
in the ethical-social-political arenas are divergent from the analytic and more
dominantly epistemological concerns of most North American philosophers of
science.” 86 Although there are several cases where –as Don Ihde recognizes– the
analytic minded philosophers have focused on the internal problems of technology
(mainly, epistemological ones) and they have connected them with other topics,
such as human-technology interfaces –internet and sensory devices– to think of
the changes in human experience and the use of computer processes to produce
models for highly complex phenomena in order to understand them.87

5.1. The Social Dimension of Technology

That technology has a more intense social dimension than science can be seen
in different ways. The aims, processes and results of technology have tangible
I owe this idea to Herbert Simon.
In addition to the causal interdependence of science and technology, there are other factors of
convergence between scientific activity and technological doings. Among them should be emphasized
economic rationality. Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “Racionalidad científica y racionalidad tecnológica: La
mediación de la racionalidad económica,” pp. 107-115.
The interaction between social sciences and social technologies is more complex and it is less
developed than the cases devoted to the nature.
IHDE, D., “Has the Philosophy of Technology Arrived? A State-of-the-Art Review,” p. 127. A clear
example of that interest in ethical-social-political arenas can be see in SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K.,
Burying Uncertainty: Risk and the Case Against Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste, University
of California Press, Berkeley, 1993.
Cf. “Has the Philosophy of Technology Arrived? A State-of-the-Art Review,” pp. 127-128.
28 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

consequences for the citizens which are more visible than the enlargement of
human knowledge (basic science) or even the solution to practical problems
(applied science). The reason is clear: technology is oriented towards the creative
transformation of the reality. Thus its design looks to change existing reality
(natural, social, or artificial) to produce new results (a kind of human artifact:
bridge, airplane, computer, cell phone …) which can affect directly the lives of
the members of society. These changes might be in favor of social development
or –as the present book points out in several chapters– they may be against the
common good of citizens.88
Certainly the social dimension appears in the three main stages of the
technological doing. 1) It intervenes in the design, because technology not only
uses scientific knowledge (know that) and specific technological knowledge
(know how) but also takes into account social and economic values in the
design. This is clear in many technological innovations (new cell phones, faster
computers, large airplanes …) that should consider the users of the product and the
potential economic rentability of the new artifact. 2) The technological process is
developed in enterprises –public or private– organized socially according to some
values (economic, cultural, ergonomic, aesthetic …) and with an institutional
structure (owners, administrators …) 3) The final result of technology is a
human-made product –an artifact– to be used by society and it has an economic
evaluation in the market. Hence, it can be said that technology is ontologically
social as a human doing. In addition, its product is an item for society. Moreover,
the criteria of society have a considerable influence in promoting some kind
of innovations (with their patents) or an alternative technology (a new design,
process and product).
Frequently, the social dimension of technology is viewed with concern,
especially in the case of recent phenomena related to industrial plants (e.g., in
accidents related to nuclear energy). But it is also an attitude that appears many
times under the reflection on the limits of technology, when philosophy asks for
the bounds (Grenzen) of technology. These terminal limits of technology should
take into account the internal values as well as the external values (ethical,
social, cultural, political, ecological, aesthetic, economic …). And philosophy of
technology considers the external values in the context of a democratic society
interested in the well-being of the citizens,89 thinking that their members can

There are also reflections on present phenomena in comparison to the past, such as in the case of
the Luddites, cf. GRAHAM, G., The Internet: A Philosophical Inquiry, Routledge, Londres, 1999, ch.
1; and K ITCHER, PH., Science, Truth, and Democracy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001, ch.
13, pp. 167-180.
Cf. NIINILUOTO, I., “Límites de la Tecnología,” Arbor, v. 157, n. 620, (1997), pp. 391-410. In this
regard, on the relation about technological rationality and human happiness, cf. R ESCHER, N., Razón
y valores en la Era científico-tecnológica, ch. 8, pp. 169-190.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 29

contribute to decision making (e.g., by means of associations or through the

members of the parliament). The limits of technology include the prediction
of what technology can achieve in the future, but also require the prescription
of what should be done. And prescription is attached to an evaluation and an
assessment of the good and bad for society of the decision (and that is a common
practice in applied sciences such as economics).90
Sometimes the key is put on the social dimension of technology. Thus, in
programs such as SCOT (the Social Construction of Technology) there are
analogies with the relativists and social constructivist programs of science.
Expressly, SCOT seeks in the sociology of technology similar bases that can be
found in the sociology of science of EPOR (the Empirical Program of Relativism).
“In SCOT the development process of a technological artifact is described as an
alternation of variation and selection. This results in a ‘multidirectional’ model,
in contrast with the linear models used explicitly in many innovation studies and
implicitly in much history of technology. Such a multidirectional view is essential
to any social constructivist account of technology.” 91 But T. J. Pinch and W. E.
Bijker, the proponents of the program, recognize that “with historical hindsight, it
is possible to collapse the multidirectional model on to a simpler linear model.” 92
Their solution is that the “successful” stages in technological development are not
the only possible ones, although it is usually the case that the unsuccessful stages
are not followed in new technologies.
A sound account of the social dimension of technology needs to be receptive to
the internal constituents of technology, because –as Herbert A. Simon has pointed
out– technological success requires one to be able to reach the aim (effectiveness) 93
or to do so with economy in the means (efficiency), otherwise it can hardly be
taken seriously. That view offers a better solution than the multidirectional social
constructivism of SCOT, even though it does not mean that technology is eo
ipso linear, because it is a complex reality (language, system, knowledge …)
which connects aims, processes and results. Thus, the emphasis on the external
factors of technology should not dilute the relevance of the internal constituents
of technology.
Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “Prediction and Prescription in Economics: A Philosophical and
Methodological Approach,” Theoria, v. 13, n. 32, (1998), pp. 321-345.
PINCH, T. J. and BIJKER, W. E., “The Social Construction of Facts and Artifacts,” in SCHARFF, R. C.
and DUSEK, V. (eds.), Philosophy and Technology: The Technological Condition, p. 227.
PINCH, T. J. and BIJKER, W. E., “The Social Construction of Facts and Artifacts,” p. 227.
“Going to the Moon (…) challenged our technological capabilities. (…) Although several potential
side effects of the activity (notably its international political and military significance, and the
possibility of technological spinoffs) played a major role in motivating the project, they did not have
to enter much into the thoughts of the planners once the goal of placing human beings on the Moon
had been set. Moreover these by-product benefits and costs are not what we mean when we say the
project was a success. It was a success because people walked on the surface of the Moon,” SIMON,
H. A., The Sciences of the Artificial, pp. 139-140.
30 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Both sides –internal and external– are needed in order to clarify the
technological processes (in themselves as well as in their historical dynamics).94
From the internal point of view, the methodology of technology has a central role. It
is based on an imperative-hypothetical argumentation, where the aims are crucial
to making reasonable or to rejecting the means used by the process of developing
a technological artifact. And, from an external perspective, technology requires
social values as human undertaking: the technological processes cannot be
beyond social control, because society has the right to look for a reasonable ethics
of technology and it can seek a rational technological policy for its citizens.
Two different philosophical orientations might be considered here about the
process in technology: i) technological determinism assumes that the development
of technology is uniquely determined by internal laws; and ii) technological
voluntarism maintains that the change can be externally directed and regulated
by the free choice of the members of the society. On the one hand, technological
determinists can argue that the development of technology is de facto a complex
system process where the imperatives have a role (at least, methodologically);
but, on the other hand, technological voluntarists can point out that the citizens do
not have to obey eo ipso those imperatives. Niiniluoto suggests a middle ground
between “determinism” and “voluntarism:” the commands of technology are
always conditional, because they are based on some value premises, and then it
is correct that we do not need to obey technological imperatives. Therefore, the
principle that “can implies ought” is not valid insofar as not all technological
possibilities should be actualized.95
“Sustainable development” is an important notion in this regard, because
it is related to multiple technological processes. Furthermore, it connects with
the analysis of what kind of technological possibilities should be actualized.
Sustainable development combines internal terms –as an epistemic concept–
and external ones, due to the social consequences of linking human beings with
technology and their being interwoven with the natural environment. It is a
notion that includes empirical contents (some of them related to applied sciences)
and value premises (social, cultural, political, economic …). But “sustainable
development” raises the relevant question of the development of technological
processes which can cause damage to the nature.

The historical dynamics of technology requires to consider the evolutionary changes (the
improvements in off-shore platforms, aircrafts, automobiles, …) and the “technological revolutions”
(such as the computers). An analysis of the second ones is in SIMON, H. A., “The Steam Engine
and the Computer: What makes Technology Revolutionary,” EDUCOM Bulletin, v. 22, n. 1, (1987),
pp. 2-5. Reprinted in SIMON, H. A., Models of Bounded Rationality. Vol. 3: Empirically Grounded
Economic Reason, The MIT Press, Cambridge (MA), 1997, pp. 163-172.
Cf. NIINILUOTO, I., “Should Technological Imperatives Be Obeyed?,” International Studies in the
Philosophy of Science, v. 4, (1990), pp. 181-187.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 31

Philosophically, there is a twofold consideration of these technological

processes in nature. On the one hand, technological innovations have produced a
world of artifacts which have increased positive freedom of members of society.
The dominion over nature has contributed to that purpose. But, on the other hand,
the transformation of nature made by the social actions of technologists can have
negative consequences, either intentionally or in an unforseen way (side effects).
And sustainable development assumes the idea of a collective responsibility for
the environment, because it is a natural reality that belongs to the whole society
and to each one of its members.
Understood as a dynamic process of “meeting today’s needs without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”,96
sustainable development has been critized as being modeled on a “Western
paradigm” of linear growth and progress.97 And it is well known that the notion
is used in an international political program of calling all nations to joint efforts
in favor of a secure sustainable development of the planet. As a social project, it
includes a relation between means and ends of the kind of “technical norms” (in
G. H. von Wright’s sense): ‘If you want A, and you believe you are in situation
B, then you ought to do X’.98 For Niiniluoto, “technical norms as conditional if-
then statements can be objectively established results of science. Still, they are
value-laden in two different ways.” 99 Firstly, the goals should be accessible as
well as desirable; and secondly, there is a hierarchy of values in place: free trade
is commonly a supreme principle, and the drastic changes in industry, energy …
are thought to be compatible with that value (which is economic as well as social
and political).
Again, as in the case of science, a purely instrumental view –a technocratic
conception of sustainable development, in the present case– is defective: we need
to take into account the external values (social, cultural, aesthetic, ecological …).
They should be considered to establish the ends (accessible and desirable) and,
indirectly, they might have repercussions on the means. Understood in this way, the
social dimension of technology can have a role not only in the ends but also in the
means: if they intervene in the circle of the aims (and, consequently, in technological
design), they can have an effect on technological processes (and, thereafter, in the
products). With this philosophical approach, technological rationality is not purely
instrumental (means to ends) because it should include the evaluative rationality

According to Niiniluoto, that is the first definition of “sustainable development,” and it was
used in the report “World Conservation Strategy,” published by the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Gland (Switzerland), 1980.
Cf. NIINILUOTO, I., “Nature, Man, and Technology - Remarks on Sustainable Development,” in
HEININEN, L. (ed.), The Changing Circumpolar North: Opportunities for Academic Development,
Arctic Centre Publications 6, Rovaniemi, 1994, p. 76.
Cf. VON WRIGHT, G. H., Norm and Action, Routledge and K. Paul, London, 1963.
NIINILUOTO, I., “Nature, Man, and Technology - Remarks on Sustainable Development,” pp. 80-81.
32 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

on the ends.100 Among the values to be considered are the social values and those
ingredients are a guarantee of a better protection of the environment.

5.2. Technology and Economic Values

Economic values have a clear role in the case of technology, both in internal
terms (in epistemological and methodological areas) and, in a more visible way,
in external terms (in social and political spheres).101 They have more influence
than other values in technology insofar as economic values might be decisive
when choosing a concrete design instead of other alternative designs which, from
a strictly technological point of view, were more interesting (i.e., a technological
innovation, a larger capacity in the artifact, a better operational device …). In
addition, they affect the timing of the processes of production (short, middle and
long run) as well as the social acceptance of products in the market.
Initially, there are internal economic values in the epistemological component
of technology. Some economic values (such as profitability, competitiveness,
productivity …) can affect directly the kind of design. They are based on economic
rationality and on the contents of economic science itself, and they can contribute
to resolving questions about which technological aims are preferable among
those which are accessible. Thus, there is an evaluative rationality regarding the
technological ends, which receives the influence of economic evaluations. Those
values might affect decision making about available designs and, therefore, about
the types of artifacts that should be made.
Also in the methodological context of technology there are economic values.
The technological process should be oriented towards efficiency and not just
effectiveness. Thus, economic values are crucial in order to achieve the end with
fewer means (either in the same technological process or in comparison with an
altervative technology). This “economy of means” (or efficiency) accompanies
the instrumental rationality of technology, where the cost-benefit relation is a
central criterium.102 It leads to obtaining the chosen technological aim using the
minimum possible of procedures. Thus, the economic values move on towards a
suitable selection of resources in order to reach the designated aim.
Another sphere in technology is external economic values, where the social
dimension of technology is manifested and can support empirical studies
On the notion of “evaluative rationality” in technology, cf. R ESCHER, N., Razón y valores en
la Era científico-tecnológica, p. 172. About the distinction among epistemic rationality, practical
rationality and evaluative rationality, cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “Rationality in Experimental Economics:
An Analysis of R. Selten’s Approach,” in GALAVOTTI, M. C. (ed), Observation and Experiment in the
Natural and Social Sciences, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2003, pp. 71-83, especially, pp. 74-76.
Cf. GONZALEZ, W. J., “Valores económicos en la configuración de la Tecnología,” Argumentos de
Razón técnica, v. 2, (1999), pp. 69-96.
Regarding instrumental rationality, “cost effectiveness –the proper coordination of costs and
benefits in the pursuit of our ends– is an indispensable requisite of rationality,” R ESCHER, N.,
Priceless Knowledge? Natural Science in Economic Perspective, University Press of America,
Savage (MD), 1996, p. 8.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 33

(economics of technology, sociology of technological change …). External

economic values have a role at two different levels: in the technological activity
as a social doing (i.e., the process of devoloping a specific technology in a social
setting) and in the product as an element involved in a technological policy (i.e.,
the final technological result as a factor of the policy, either of the public sector or
the private organizations and corporations).
Technology is displayed as a social action in a historical setting. It has
intentionality –in principle, to serve society– and is oriented towards a
creative transformation of reality. This modification is guided by criteria of
effectiveness and efficiency, which have a clear economic character in order
to develop a specific technology (electrical, mechanical, chemical …). Thus,
the technological activity itself requires us to take into account economic
values –the cost of production– of making the artifact. In addition, the final
technological result –the product– has a tout court economic value in the
market. Thus, technology is affected by the rationality of economic agents (a
bounded rationality) and the modification of the parameters of economy, due to
changes in the conditions of the social milieu.103
Along with technology as a social doing, there is a technology policy of the
public institutions and of the private enterprises, whose regulations can have a
repercussion on the orientation of the technological development. The economic
values appear clearly in the system of organizations and activities of research,
development and innovation (R and D and I). This policy includes a significant
percentage of the gross domestic product of countries (mainly in the US, European
Union, Russian Federation and Japan). It has clear repercussions on technological
change, especially in some economic sectors, such as energy (nuclear, solar, wind
power …) and naval engineering (ship builders). This is due to the priorities of
technological policy which include economic values (principally, the cost-benefit
ratio). In addition, a sound technological policy should channel technology to
protect nature and society, avoiding negative developments, because technology
is not a merely economic phenomenon: its effects are relevant for culture and
society as a whole.104
Undoubtedly, following these analyses on the nexus between technology
and society, as well as the previous ones on the relation between science and
society, it seems clear that the philosophical approach can contribute to studies on
science and technology in different ways. Among them is the clarification of the
external factors (social, economic, political …) of scientific activity (basic and
applied) and technological doing. Insofar as the philosophical approach preserves
the interest in the internal components of science and technology (language,
knowledge …), the academic image of Science and Technology Studies and its

Cf. SIMON, H. A., “Economics as a Historical Science,” Theoria, v. 13, n. 32, (1998), pp. 241-260.
Cf. NIINILUOTO, I., “Límites de la Tecnología,” p. 392.
34 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

intellectual contribution will be more balanced than the conceptions of relativists

and social constructivists that have been influential in recent times.
Now, after the insistence on the need for internal constituents and external
factors both in science and technology, it seems clear to me that scientific activity
and technological doing can combine objectivity (in the sense and reference, in
epistemic contents …) and intersubjective ingredients (social, cultural, economic,
…). Thus, a realistic picture of STS is twofold. On the one hand, although science
and technology are autonomous105 (both are self-corrective for the revision of the
results of their processes), they are not, in principle, context-independent insofar
as their aims, processes and results receive the influence of social setting.106 On
the other hand, scientific activity and technological doing are not reducible to
mere external factors (social, cultural, political, economic, ecological …) due
to the relevance of their internal constituents. The “social turn” has emphasized
contextual values but we also need the specificity of scientific activity and
technological doing in order to have a complete image of the relations between
science, technology and society.


As the main goal of this book is to offer an updated analysis of the
philosophical perspective on Science, Technology and Society or Science and
Technology Studies, the structure of the volume follows four steps, which focus
on different domains. Firstly, there is a theoretical framework about STS and
the role of philosophy in it. This gives place to a consideration of the epistemic
as well as the ethical attitude towards science and technology. Secondly, there
is an analysis of the present situation in some important aspects (mainly in the
sphere of regulatory science) and a vision of the future of STS as a practice rather
than a “contemplative” research. Thirdly, the focus shifts to the relation between
science and society in some key issues: design sciences and the characterization
of experiments from a social point of view. Fourthly, attention goes to the nexus
between technology and society, taking into account the patterns of rationality
and technological change.
Each one of these domains, starting from the most general –the first– through
to the most particular –the latest–, has a section in the book. 1) Theoretical
framework: “The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and
Society,” Wenceslao J. Gonzalez (University of A Coruña), and “Objectivity
and Professional Duties Regarding Science and Technology,” Kristin Shrader-
Frechette (University of Notre Dame). 2. STS: From the present situation to
the future projection: “Metascientific analysis and methodological learning in
“The community of investigators ceases to be a scientific community if it gives up –or is forced
to give up– this principle of autonomy,” NIINILUOTO, I., Is Science Progressive?, p. 6.
“It would be wrong to maintain that the interests of scientists are always antagonistic to those of
the broader public,” K ITCHER, PH., Science, Truth, and Democracy, p. 127.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 35

regulatory science,” José Luis Luján (University of the Balearic Islands), and
“How to Reform Science and Technology,” Kristin Shrader-Frechette (University
of Notre Dame). 3. The Relation between Science and Society: “Progress and
Social Impact in Design Sciences,” Anna Estany Profitos (Autonomous University
of Barcelona), and “Experiments, Instruments and Society: Radioisotopes in
Biomedical Research,” María Jesús Santesmases (Higher Council of Scientific
Research). 4. The Nexus between Technology and Society: “Philosophical
Patterns of Rationality and Tecnological Change,” Ramón Queraltó Moreno
(University of Seville).
Originally, these papers were delivered at the Jornadas sobre Ciencia, Tec-
nología y Sociedad: La perspectiva filosófica (Conference on Science, Technology
and Society: A Philosophical Perspective), organized by the University of A Coruña
with the support of the Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
in Spain. The meeting was held at the Campus of Ferrol on 11th and 12th of March
2004. The discussions were oriented towards the main goal: the philosophical
stance on this interdisciplinary endeavor. As in the case of the previous Jornadas
sobre Filosofía y Metodología actual de la Ciencia (Conferences on Present
Philosophy and Methodology of Science), the ninth edition of these meetings has
its central interest in the reflections developed nowadays.
Basically, every paper was focused in this direction, either in a clearly reflective
way or in a more active tendency. The conference had a central figure: Kristin
Shrader-Frechette, who tends towards the second disposition. She studied physics
at Xavier University (1966) and was later awarded a B. A. in mathematics by
Edgecliff College (1967). Thereafter, she prepared the dissertation in philosophy
of science at the University of Notre Dame (1972). This was followed by
postdoctoral work in several realms: community ecology (two years), economics
(one year) and hydrogeology (two years). She has held senior professorships at the
University of California and the University of Florida. Currently she is O’Neill
Family Professor of Philosophy and Concurrent Professor of Biological Sciences
at University of Notre Dame.
Kristin Shrader-Frechette has held fellowships in philosophy of science
from important entities: the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, the National Science
Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation … She was president of the committee for
science and ethics of the International Conference of Scientific Unions (1990-96).
Among her present activities is that of Editor –in– Chief of the Oxford University
Press monographs series “Environmental Ethics and Science Policy,” since
1988. In addition, she serves on the editorial board of Business Ethics Quarterly,
Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Science, Humanities and Technology,
Philosophy and Technology, Public Affairs Quarterly, Synthese … She is article
referee for Economics and Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Science…107 Before
About her academic career and her publications there is a detailed information in Kristin Shrader-
Frechette’s website: <>.
36 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

her contribution to the ninth edition of conferences on present philosophy and

methodology of science, a relevant number of important philosophers contributed
to these meetings. Larry Laudan analyzed in 1996 the relation between history
of science and philosophy of science; Ilkka Niiniluoto developed in 1997 his
ideas on scientific progress and technological innovation; Evandro Agazzi
emphasized in 1998 the relation between science and ethical values; Daniel
Hausman contributed in 1999 to the reflection on philosophy and methodology
of economics; John Worrall offered in 2000 new important insights on Lakatos’s
philosophy after 25 years; Wesley Salmon intervened in 2001 with new thoughts
on scientific explanation; in 2002 Peter Machamer shed light on Kuhn’s scientific
revolutions; and Donald Gillies in 2003 presented new aspects on Karl Popper’s
views. All these topics have a volume in the collection Gallaecia.108 Besides the
papers of these authors, other relevant philosophers (Merrilee Salmon, James E.
McGuire, Jarrett Leplin …) also have chapters in the books.
When a new edition of these conferences is published, it is time to give
thanks to the sponsors. Among them are the City Council of Ferrol: the mayor,
the deputy mayor and City councilor responsible for Campus, and the councilor
regarding Culture. They have appreciated the relevance of the cooperation
between university and society, which is especially important for this conference.
My gratitude is also to the Santander Central Hispano bank, which contributes
to the activities promoted by the vice-chancellor of cultural extension of the
University of A Coruña. And, within the closest circle, my acknowledgement
goes to the Faculty of Humanities in the person of its dean. In addition, regarding
these IX Jornadas, my thanks go to all those –mainly students– who have aided
the conference both in the material and organizative domain as well as in its
administrative management. Furthermore, I would like to emphasize the role of
the mass media of our area (press, radio and television channels), which have
highlighted the interest of these conferences for the city.
Finally, I wish to express my warm gratitude to Kristin Shrader-Frechette for
accepting this invitation to the conference and the papers as well as her interest in
the details related to this activity. I would like also to thank my colleagues Anna
Estany (Autonomous University of Barcelona), José Luis Luján (University of
the Balearic Islands), Ramón Queraltó (University of Seville) and María Jesús
Santesmases (Higher Council of Scientific Research) for their contribution to the
The collection Gallaecia. Studies in Present Philosophy and Methodology of Science includes
the following volumes: GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Progreso científico e innovación tecnológica,
monographic issue of Arbor, v. 157, n. 620, (1997); GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), El Pensamiento de L.
Laudan. Relaciones entre Historia de la Ciencia y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Publicaciones Universidad
de A Coruña, A Coruña, 1998; GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Ciencia y valores éticos, monographic issue
of Arbor, v. 162, n. 638, (1999); GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Problemas filosóficos y metodológicos de la
Economía en la Sociedad tecnológica actual, monographic issue of Argumentos de Razón técnica, v.
3, (2000); GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), La Filosofía de Imre Lakatos: Evaluación de sus propuestas, UNED,
Madrid, 2001; GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Diversidad de la explicación científica, Ariel, Barcelona, 2002;
GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Análisis de Thomas Kuhn: Las revoluciones científicas, Trotta, Madrid, 2004;
and GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed), Karl Popper: Revisión de su legado, Unión Editorial, Madrid, 2004.
The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 37

conference and this volume. I also thank the authors of the contributed papers
and the participants of the conference for their roles during those days. Last but
not least, I am grateful to José Fco. Martínez Solano for his assistance in editing
this volume.

Within the vast literature on Science, Technology and Society or Science and
Technology Studies, the present bibliographical selection seeks to offer those titles
which might be useful as a road map of the field. Thus, it connects with the topics
of this chapter and completes the information given in the previous pages, but it
is not conceived as an exhaustive list of publications on STS, because the diversity
of studies on science and technology presumably requires a monographic volume
to display the bibliography. In this regard, and in tune with the characteristics of
this book, which are to contribute to the philosophical approach on STS, there is a
clear compatibility with other volumes on the different subject-matters of Science
and Technology Studies (practical ethics, policy analysis, legal studies, sociology
of science and sociology of technology, economics of science and economics
of technological change …). Furthermore, each one of the papers in this book
includes specific references to the topics with which they deal.
ACKERMANN, R., Data, Instruments and Theory, Princeton University Press,
Princeton, 1985.
ACHTERHUIS, H. (ed.), American Philosophy of Technology: The Empirical Turn,
translated by Robert Crease, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2001.
AGASSI, J., “Between Science and Technology,” Philosophy of Science, v. 47,
(1980), pp. 82-99.
AGASSI, J., “How Technology Aids and Impedes the Growth of Science,”
Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association, v. 2, (1982), pp. 585-597.
AGASSI, J., Technology, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1985.
AGAZZI, E., Il bene, il male e la scienza. Le dimensioni etiche dell’impresa
scientifico-tecnologica, Rusconi, Milan, 1992. Spanish translation by Ramón
Queraltó: El bien, el mal y la Ciencia. Las dimensiones éticas de la empresa científico-
tecnológica, Tecnos, Madrid, 1996.
BARNES, B., Scientific Knowledge and Sociological Theory, Routledge and K.
Paul, London, 1974.
BARNES, B., Interests and the Growth of Knowledge, Routledge and K. Paul,
London, 1977.
BARNES, B., T. S. Kuhn and Social Science, Macmillan, London, 1982 (Columbia
University Press, N. York, 1982).
BARNES, B., The Elements of Social Theory, Princeton University Press, Princeton,
38 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

BARNES, B., BLOOR, D. and HENRY, J., Scientific Knowledge. A Sociological

Analysis, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1996.
BARNES, B., “Thomas Kuhn and the Problem of Social Order in Science,” in
NICKLES, TH. (ed.), Thomas Kuhn, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003,
pp. 122-141.
BECHER, G. (ed.), Evaluation of Technology Policy Programmes in Germany,
Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1995.
BERGER, P. L. and LUCKMAN, T., The Social Construction of Reality, Doubleday-
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SPIEGEL-RÖSING, I. and PRICE, D. (eds.), Science, Technology and Society: A
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The Philosophical Approach to Science, Technology and Society 49

Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Philosophy of Science

Association, East Lansing, vol. 2, 1995, pp. 298-303.
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Kristin Shrader-Frechette

Royal Dutch Shell discovered oil in the Niger River delta in 1958, and soon
after, it became the largest oil producer in Nigeria. The company received heavy
criticism because it provided oil revenues to the Nigerian military government
but not to the Ogoni tribe whose land and people have been destroyed by its
oil drilling.1 Even worse, Nigerian military officers said Shell put pressure on
the Nigerian government to clamp down on Ogoni people who protested Shell’s
lax environmental behavior. Thousands of Ogoni have been killed for doing
nothing more than engaging in nonviolent protests against the destruction of
their farmland and streams by uncontrolled oil spills, uncontrolled oil leaks, and
uncontrolled natural gas flaring.

Nigerian writer Ken Saro-Wiwa –formerly a grocer, teacher, writer, and
television producer– criticized “the collusion of commercial [Shell] and military
[Abacha regime] force” responsible for destroying the Nigerian environment
and dehumanizing the Ogoni people. Although he had enough money to settle
comfortably and continue as a television producer and writer, Saro-Wiwa chose
instead to be an advocate and activist. He founded the non-violent human-rights
and environmental group, MOSOP (Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni
People); organized peaceful Ogoni protests; condemned Shell’s genocide; and
argued for cleanup. For his efforts, Saro-Wiwa won numerous international civic
and environmental awards. His son, a Nobel prize-winning author, Wole Soyinka,
is continuing his father’s human-rights efforts. But in spite of widespread protests
from the international community, in November 1995 the Nigerian military
government, dependent on Shell money, held a “kangaroo court,” dominated by
Shell lawyers, then hanged Saro-Wiwa and other nonviolent MOSOP advocates
and activists.2
Paper presented on March 12, 2004 in the Conference on Science, Technology and Society:
The Philosophical Perspective (Jornadas sobre Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad: La perspectiva
filosófica), organized by the University of A Coruña and the Society of Logic, Methodology and
Philosophy of Science in Spain.
Cf. BIELSKI, V., “Shell’s Game,” Sierra, v. 81, no. 2 (1996), pp. 30-36; WHEELER, D., “Blood on
British Business Hands,” New Statesman and Society, v. 8, no. 379 (1995), p. 14. See also MCLUCKIE,
C. W., Ken Saro-Wiwa, Writer and Political Activist, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, 1999.
“Cruelty Under the Microscope,” Economist, v. 357, no. 8197 (2000), p. 58; PEGG, S., “Ken Saro-
Wiwa,” Third World Quarterly, v. 21, no. 4, (2000), pp. 701-708; and DANIELS, A., “The Perils of
Activism: Ken Saro-Wiwa,” New Criterion, v. 18, no. 5, (2000), pp. 4-9.
Cf. WHEELER, D., “Blood on British Business Hands,” pp. 14-15; see BOYD, W., “Death of a Writer,”
The New Yorker, v. 71, no. 38, (1995), pp. 51-55. See “The Hidden Lives of Oil,” Chronicle of Higher
Education, v. 48, no. 30, (2002), pp. B7-B10.

52 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Brian Anderson, head of Shell Nigeria, told Saro-Wiwa’s brother that he could
save his brother’s life, provided Saro-Wiwa and MOSOP stopped nonviolent
protests against Shell. Saro-Wiwa and MOSOP refused. As a result, the military
government hanged the 9 nonviolent environmental activists.3
Shortly after the hangings, Shell had to hire 7 US public relations firms to
handle global protests of Shell’s and Nigeria’s behavior. Members of Britain’s
Royal Geographical Society voted to expel Shell as one of its sponsors because of
its Nigerian operations. And the 52-member British Commonwealth suspended
Nigeria and said that, in order to avoid expulsion, Nigeria would have to show
that it adhered to the human-rights principles of the group. Britain, the US, South
Africa, Germany, and Austria recalled their ambassadors to Nigeria in response
to the hangings. So did the 15 member nations of the European Union. The EU
suspended its development aid to Nigeria, and the World Bank rejected a $100
million loan to Nigeria. Also in response to Saro-Wiwa’s death, a huge coalition
of government, labor, human-rights, and NGO groups boycotted the Nigerian
military dictatorship. Shell Oil is still fighting in court to avoid paying damages
for the human and environmental problems it has caused in Nigeria.4 Ken Saro-
Wiwa, however, has won. He has brought international attention to the unjust
conditions Shell Oil imposed on his people.
Saro-Wiwa’s actions were ethically uncontroversial insofar as they were
nonviolent and insofar as virtually all western democracies in the world agreed
with his tactics and his stance. From the point of view of universalizability,
however, his actions are controversial because not everyone can be expected to
follow them. Is there a less controversial case of a person attempting to reform the
practice and use of science? A case that is more universalizable?

Called the “modern-day champion of the little person,” a “male Jeanne d’Arc,”
and “the people’s lawyer”,5 Ralph Nader has spent his life working to reform
science and technology, to change the chronic violence of manufacturers against
people and the environment. For three decades, he has fired the opening guns
Cf. BIELSKI, V., “Shell’s Game,” pp. 30-36. See A INGER, K., “Interview with Owens Wiwa,” New
Internationalist, no. 351, (2002), pp. 33-34.
Cf. MITCHELL, J. G., “Memorial to a Warrior for the Environment,” National Geographic, v. 189,
no. 4 (1996), p. xxiv; M AYALL, J., “‘Judicial Murder’ Puts Democratic Values on Trial,” The World
Today, v. 51, no. 12, (1995), pp. 236-239; KUPFER, D., “Worldwide Shell Boycott,” The Progressive,
v. 60, no. 1 (1996), p. 13; A DAMS, P., “A State’s Well-oiled Injustice,” World Press Review, v. 43, no.
1 (1996), pp. 14-15; PYPKE, D., “Partners in Crime,” World Press Review, v. 43, no. 1, (1996), p. 16;
H ARINGTON, H., “A Continent’s New Pariah,” The Banker, v. 145, no. 838 (1995), pp. 63-64; BOYD,
W., “Death of a Writer,” pp. 51-55; K NOTT, D., “Shell the Target After Nigerian Executions,” Oil and
Gas Journal, v. 93, no. 47, (1995), p. 37; and A NDERSON, A., “A Day in the Death of Ideals,” New
Scientist, v. 148, no. 2005 (1995), p. 3. See LARSON, V., “Court Case Against Shell Can Proceed,”
World Watch, v. 15, no. 4 (2002), pp. 7-8.
Cf. GOREY, H., Nader and the Power of Everyman, Grosset and Dunlap, New York, 1975, pp. 147 and
176. See GOLDSMITH, Z., “Mr. Nader Goes to Washington,” Ecologist, v. 31, n. 1, (2001), pp. 26-27.
Objectivity and professional duties regarding science and technology 53

of campaigns that brought improved regulation of technologies associated with

the automobile, chemical, gas, meat, nuclear, and textile industries. His crusades
have led to dozens of laws, from the 1966 Freedom of Information Act and the
1966 National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act to the 1972 Consumer
Product Safety Act. Nader also helped create the Environmental Protection
Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In countless
ways, he has improved the health and welfare of ordinary people. He campaigned
for mandatory air bags in cars, and they became standard equipment.6
Nader’s commitments come in large part from his Lebanese immigrant parents
who taught him to believe in the common people. Nader’s greatest strength,
according to a congressional aide, is his spiritual quality. “He moves around town
like some fifteenth-century Franciscan, compelling men to act for the good.” 7
Born in 1934, Nader attended courtroom hearings as a five-year-old. While
he was still in grammar school, he read The Jungle, Upton Sinclair’s 1906
exposé of the federal meat-inspection system. As a Princeton undergraduate, he
distinguished himself academically but could not understand campus indifference
to threats like heavy spraying of DDT. After graduating from Harvard Law
School and publishing his book on automobile safety, Unsafe at Any Speed, Ralph
Nader became a national figure. Passionately attacking the American automobile
industry, he argued that car manufacturers sacrifice consumer safety for the
sake of high profits. His book showed that, over the previous 65 years, shoddy
technology helped cause more than 1.5 million US auto deaths. The industry
response was vicious. After several years and thousands of dollars spent on
undercover detectives, General Motors was forced to give up its investigation
of Nader. In Congressional hearings, the industry admitted that its private
investigators could not find any compromising information on Nader’s personal
life. Suddenly Nader’s name became a household word and his book, a best
seller. These admissions enabled Nader to sue GM for invasion of his privacy,
and the auto manufacturer was forced to pay him nearly half a million dollars in
damages. He used the money to open his Washington-based Center for the Study
of Responsive Law. Almost single-handedly, Nader launched the consumer-and
environmental-protection movements. College students, doing public-interest
research as “Nader’s Raiders,” worked with him, and “Public Interest Research
Groups” (PIRGs) sprang up on hundreds of US campuses. Working to reform
the use of science and technology, especially through his NGO “Public Citizen,”
Nader’s coworkers see themselves not as radicals but as patriots.8

Cf. MCCARREY, C., Citizen Nader, Saturday Review Press, New York, 1972, pp. 29, 115, and 138;
SCARLOTT, J., “Ralph Nader,” in DELEON, D. (ed.), Leaders from the 1960s, Greenwood Press,
Westport (CT), 1994, p. 330; STEWART, T., “The Resurrection of Ralph Nader,” Fortune, May 22,
(1989), p. 106.
MCCARREY, C., Citizen Nader, p. 129; see also Citizen Nader, pp. 13ff., and 319.
Cf. MCCARREY, C., Citizen Nader, pp. 28, 44, and 196; SCARLOTT, J., “Ralph Nader,” in DELEON, D.
(ed.), Leaders, pp. 330-331; STEWART, T., “The Resurrection of Ralph Nader,” p. 106.
54 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Although Nader has been called “the single most effective antagonist of
American business”,9 he actually is a proponent of free enterprise. Nader argues
that corporate abuses are possible only when market competition is not informed
and open. US chemical manufacturers, for instance, are able to sacrifice consumer
safety for higher profits only when the people have neither information about toxins
nor alternatives to their use. Whenever consumers enjoy both full information and
open competition, Nader says government regulation is unnecessary. Regulation,
he claims, can promote monopolies that ultimately threaten consumer interests.
Government regulation has given US utilities monopolistic control that has
enabled them to avoid clean-energy technologies and to promote dirty ones, like
nuclear power. As the antidote for such dominance of special interests, Nader
promotes widespread citizen action and informed, open competition.10
In taking uncompromising public-interest positions, Nader admits he is not
neutral. Washington, he says, doesn’t give one “the luxury of dealing in shades of
gray.” He claims some issues are black and white because the stakes are high.11
Nader’s black-and-white approach raises an important question. Do informed,
critical, attempts at reforming science and technology compromise objectivity?
Nader says they do not. He claims that all citizens, and especially professionals,
should nurture “conscience and competence.... an obligation to advance or protect
the general interest.” 12 Do citizens, especially professionals, have a duty to be
public-interest advocates, as Nader suggests? Or should they remain neutral, in
the name of objectivity?


Several famous philosophers, like G. E. Moore, support the ideal of complete
neutrality.13 Richard Hare, for example, maintains that philosophy ought to
involve no advocacy, only impartial training in mental skills.14 Both Moore and
Hare appear to define objectivity in terms of neutrality. Yet if Hare were correct,
it would be impossible for philosophers to draw conclusions about which acts and
ethical norms were more correct. Because philosophy includes normative ethics,
it cannot always be purely neutral. Besides, if philosophers were always neutral,
despite their expertise in ethics, then heinous consequences might be more likely.
If professionals always remained neutral in the midst of controversies affecting
GOREY, H., Nader and the Power of Everyman, p. 29.
Cf. GOREY, H., Nader and the Power of Everyman, pp. 43, 46, 64, and 76-77. See NADER, R. ET
AL., The Case Against Free Trade, GATT, NAFTA, and the Globalization of Corporate Power, Earth
Island Press and North Atlantic Books, San Francisco and Berkeley (CA), 1993.
Cf. GOREY, H., Nader and the Power of Everyman, p. 199; MCCARREY, C., Citizen Nader, pp. 1-29;
and THOMAS, R., “Safe at This Speed?,” Newsweek, n. 124, (August 22, 1994), p. 40.
GOREY, H., Nader and the Power of Everyman, p. 29.
See MIDGLEY, M., Wisdom, Information, and Wonder, Routledge, London, 1989, p. 153, for
criticism of Moore on this point.
Cf. MIDGLEY, M., Wisdom, Information, and Wonder, pp. 93, 99, and 106.
Objectivity and professional duties regarding science and technology 55

the common good, injustices might remain uncriticized. Plato spoke out against
the civic ills of his time. He realized that participation in current ethical and
political arguments promoted both personal growth and better public policies.15
And John Locke criticized the alleged divine right of kings. When he argued
instead for democracy based on the consent of the people he was hunted down for
treason. In a letter to Norman Malcolm, Ludwig Wittgenstein made professional
duties clear: “What is the use of studying philosophy if all that it does for you is
to enable you to talk with some plausibility about some obtuse questions of logic,
etc. and if it does not improve your thinking about the important questions of
everyday life?.” 16
One of the reasons citizens, professionals, and scholars often fail to help
reform science and technology, and therefore to act as advocates for the public
interest, is that they accept an erroneous model of objectivity. According to this
positivistic model, people are “objective” when they take no stances and remain
completely neutral, as Moore and Hare advised. A corollary of this position is that
whenever people’s words or actions are not completely neutral, they are biased in
a reprehensible way. According to this position, any sort of advocacy or activism,
even in the name of the public interest, is evidence of prejudice. On the contrary,
according to the model of objectivity this essay defends, all people, especially
professionals, sometimes have duties to be advocates for the common good. They
should not always remain merely passive observers of society, in part because
genuine objectivity often requires advocacy or criticism.17 Besides, if Quine,
Kuhn, Kitcher, and hosts of others are correct, no claim can be neutral in the sense
of being wholly free of evaluative inferences. And if not, then although some
claims are more objective (less biased) than others, none are completely value-
free. Some people erroneously believe there are neutral or value-free positions,
perhaps because they fail to distinguish among different types of values, only
some of which reflect bias. Because some kinds of value judgments underlie all
claims, even in science, people have duties to avoid only the value judgments that
are both biased and avoidable. But which are biased and avoidable?
On Longino’s classification, there are three types of value judgments-
bias, contextual, and constitutive-and they are neither mutually exclusive nor
exhaustive. Bias values occur whenever people deliberately misinterpret or omit
something so as to serve their own purposes. Obviously people always can and
ought to avoid all bias values. Contextual values are more difficult to escape. They
include personal, social, cultural, or philosophical emphases. Scientists employ
contextual values if financial constraints force them to use particular methods
Cf. MIDGLEY, M., Wisdom, Information, and Wonder, pp. 93, 99 and 106. See also FARRELLAJ, C.,
“Public Reason, Neutrality and Civic Virtues,” Ratio-Juris, v. 12, no. 1, (1999), pp. 11-25.
MIDGLEY, M., Wisdom, Information, and Wonder, p. 239.
Some of the analysis in this chapter relies on SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality,
University of California Press, Berkeley, 1991, ch. 4, pp. 53-65. See also SHER, G., Beyond Neutrality:
Perfectionism and Politics, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1997.
56 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

or data rather than others. Contextual values might lead scientists to accept old
data rather than to generate new information. Although in principle it sometimes
is possible to avoid contextual values, in practice it is difficult to do so, because
context influences everyone. Korenbrot, for instance, showed that the contextual
value of limiting population growth has influenced many medical researchers who
have overemphasized the benefits of oral contraceptives and underestimated the
risks. Contextual values, such as the profit motive, heavily influence science, in
part, because any research or belief is hampered by incomplete information. Facing
an unavoidable data gap, people must use contextual value judgments to bridge the
gap,18 or avoid all judgments based on incomplete information or induction.
Constitutive or methodological values are even more difficult to avoid because
they are necessary in choosing one method or rule of inference rather than
another. Scientists collecting data must make value judgments about what data
to gather, what to ignore, how to interpret observations, how to avoid erroneous
interpretations. These constitutive value judgments are essential, even to pure
science, because human perception does not provide people with pure facts.
Instead, beliefs and values (that people already hold) play a key part in providing
categories for interpreting observations. High-energy physicists, for example, do
not count all the marks on their cloud-chamber photographs as observations of
pions. They count only those streaks that their beliefs indicate are pions. Just
as social, political, and economic contexts frequently frame beliefs, so also do
scientific and logical methods. Methodological values unavoidably structure
all knowing because there is no complete separation between facts and values,
and all facts are laden (at least) with some methodological values.19 If facts and
values were separable, it would be impossible to develop theories or to explain
causal connections among phenomena. Because methodological values influence
what people see and how they see it, such values are not avoidable and, at best,
people can make only better, rather than worse, methodological value judgments.
Although people can avoid all bias values,20 deliberate misinterpretations and
omissions,21 they cannot avoid methodological values.

Cf. LONGINO, H., Science as Social Knowledge, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1990.
See SCOTT, P., “Captives of Controversy: The Myth of the Neutral Social Researcher,” Science,
Technology, and Human Values, v. 15, no. 1, (1990), pp. 474-494, and BORNSTEIN, R., “Objectivity
and Subjectivity in Psychological Science,” Journal of Mind and Behavior, v. 20, no. 1, (1999), pp.
For discussion of relevant examples from the history of science, see BROWN, H. I., Perception,
Theory and Commitment, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1977, pp. 97-100 and 147,
and SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “Recent Changes in the Concept of Matter: How Does ‘Elementary
Particle’ Mean?,” in ASQUITH, P. D., and GIERE, R. N. (eds.), Philosophy of Science Association 1980,
v. 1, Philosophy of Science Association, East Lansing, 1980, pp. 302-312.
Cf. MIDGLEY, M., Wisdom, Information, and Wonder, pp. 80-81.
See BEVIR, M., “Objectivity in History,” History and Theory, v. 33, no. 3, (1994), pp. 328-344. See
LONGINO, H., Science as Social Knowledge: Values and Objectivity in Scientific Inquiry, pp. 109-
121. See also SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Science Policy, Ethics, and Economic Methodology, Reidel,
Dordrecht, 1984, p. 73, and SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality, pp. 40-44. See ELLIS,
Objectivity and professional duties regarding science and technology 57

But if avoiding methodological values is impossible, then public-interest
advocates have no duty to do so. But not all methodological value judgments are
created equal. Some are more objective and defensible than others. Although all
values are partially subjective in the sense that none can be empirically confirmed,
not all are subjective in a reprehensible way, because not all values are biased or
arbitrary. Conceptual and logical values, like explanatory or predictive power,
may help guarantee objectivity. Just as there are good reasons, short of empirical
confirmation, for accepting one belief over another, so also there are good reasons
for accepting one value judgment over another.22
If not all value judgments are subjective in a reprehensible way, and if some
values are better than others, then advocating better values, is defensible on
epistemological and ethical grounds.23 Yet many people wrongly assume that all
advocacy entails bias. If it did, then any criticisms (whether of unjust ethical
positions or faulty science) would be biased. But if any criticisms were biased, then
one would have to avoid criticism of things such as heinous crimes or irrational
inferences. Obviously it makes no sense to avoid such criticisms. And if not,
criticism or advocacy need not involve bias.24 In fact, criticism or advocacy may
be the only way to avoid bias. If it is impossible to avoid some value judgments,
even in science, then people who do not criticize poor judgments merely endorse
whatever values are dominant. Such people –who believe that objectivity requires
complete neutrality– also err through inconsistency; they implicitly sanction
status-quo values if they are silent about questionable value judgments, yet they
explicitly condemn work that sanctions value judgments.
Remaining neutral, in the face of flawed beliefs, also jeopardizes objectivity
as well as consistency. Suppose a special-interest group uses largely political
reasons for accepting a particular belief. A nuclear utility might employ unrealistic
assumptions about future energy demand in order to argue for building breeder
reactors. Not to criticize such unrealistic assumptions or value judgments is wrong,
because not all assumptions about future electricity use are equally correct. It is
more reasonable to assume higher energy costs will reduce, rather than increase,
demand. And if so, the most objective thing to do, in the presence of questionable
public-policy assumptions, is to be critical of them, not to remain neutral.

Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Science Policy, Ethics, and Economic Methodology, pp. 73-74;
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “Scientific Method and the Objectivity of Epistemic Value Judgments,” in
FENSTAD, J., HILPINEN, R. and FROLOV, I. (eds.), Logic, Methodology, and the Philosophy of Science,
Elsevier, New York, 1989, pp. 373-389. See also GRUENDER, D., “Values and Philosophy of Science,”
Protosociology, v. 12, (1998), pp. 319-332.
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Science Policy, Ethics, and Economic Methodology, p. 183. See
AUDI, R., The Structure of Justification, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1993.
Cf. M ARGOLIS, J., “On the Ethical Defense of Violence and Destruction,” in HELD, V., NIELSEN, K.,
and PARSONS, C. (eds.), Philosophy and Political Action, Oxford University Press, New York, 1972,
pp. 52-71. See also ENNIS, R. H., “Is Critical Thinking Culturally Biased?,” Teaching Philosophy, v.
21, no. 1, (1998), pp. 15-33.
58 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

On one hand, many ethical relativists deny there is any objectivity, and they
overemphasize the value judgments in knowledge. They reduce all knowledge
claims merely to social constructs. On the other hand, many naive positivists
–and other proponents of a sharp distinction between facts and values–
underemphasize values. They reduce all knowledge claims to factual or logical
truths. They ignore the evaluative aspects of knowing. A more plausible account
of objectivity falls midway between the views of the cultural relativists and those
of the naive positivists. According to the middle view defended here,25 objectivity
is not tied to freedom from all values but to freedom from bias values. It is tied to
fair and even-handed representation of the situation.
If these arguments are correct, then objectivity, as freedom from bias, often
requires advocacy for correct or less biased positions. Because people can be
blamed for their failure to be objective, or unbiased, it must be possible for people
to be more or less objective. But how might people recognize objectivity in a
given situation? In the most minimal sense, beliefs or positions are objective and
avoid bias if they survive the criticisms of those knowledgeable about them and
potentially affected by them.26
It seems reasonable to define “objectivity” in terms of surviving such
criticism because criticism need not be subjective. For example, when people
make methodological value judgments about which of two environmental risk
probabilities is more accurate, they are not talking merely autobiographically or
subjectively. They are making claims about characteristics of external events that
other people are capable of knowing. Moreover, the skills associated with making
these judgments are a function of experience, education, and intelligence. But if so,
at least three reasons suggest objectivity does not require having either an algorithm
or empirical data guaranteeing the correctness of the resulting judgments. First,
empirical factors (such as actual accident frequencies) could anchor objectivity and
change the correctness of judgments about risk. Second, ethical factors could anchor
objectivity, because people have duties to follow their contracts and to treat others
consistently. Third, explanatory power could anchor objectivity, because reasonable
people usually accept beliefs as objective if they are able to explain problems and
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality, ch. 4, pp. 53-65.
See HEMPEL, C. G., “Scientific Rationality: Analytic vs. Pragmatic Perspectives,” in GERAETS,
T. S. (ed.), Rationality To-Day, University of Ottawa Press, Ottawa, 1979, p. 56; HEMPEL, C. G.,
“Valuation and Objectivity in Science,” in COHEN, R. and LAUDAN, L. (eds.), Physics, Philosophy,
and Psychoanalysis, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1983, p. 91; MCMULLIN, E., “Values in Science,” in ASQUITH,
P. (ed.), Philosophy of Science Association 1982, v. 2, Philosophy of Science Association, East
Lansing, 1983; SELLARS, W., Philosophical Perspectives, C. Thomas, Springfield (IL), 1967, p. 410;
and SMITH, M., “Objectivity and Moral Realism,” in H ALDANE, J. and WRIGHT, C. (eds.), Reality,
Representation, and Projection, Oxford University Press, New York, 1993, pp. 235-256.
Moreover, according to the standard version of “discourse ethics,” the objectivity of moral norms
resides in their intersubjective acceptability under idealized conditions of discourse. See A PEL, K.-
O., Towards a Transformation of Philosophy, trans. G. Adey and D. Frisby, London, Routledge,
1980; and H ABERMAS, J., “What is Universal Pragmatics?,” in H ABERMAS, J., Communication and
the Evolution of Society, trans. T. McCarthy, Beacon, Boston, 1979, pp. 1-68, see note 24.
Objectivity and professional duties regarding science and technology 59

survive the criticisms of relevant communities. Reasonable people accumulate

observations and inferences until the probability of their judgments is so great that
they do not doubt them. As a result, they call their judgments “objective” when their
evidence supports them. To secure objectivity, they do not rely solely on algorithms
or on value-free empirical confirmation, as the naive positivist proponents of
neutrality do. As argued earlier, because there is no value-free empirical evidence,
it makes no sense to complain about well-supported judgments. Most scientists have
never supported such an unrealistic notion of objectivity (as infallibility). Because
they have not, reasonable people can secure objectivity by criteria such as external
consisting surviving relevant criticism.27
But if social criteria help secure objectivity, then naive positivists are wrong
to require value-free confirmability for the objectivity of empirical claims.28
Cultural relativists also make too strict demands if they presuppose that objective
judgments must be wholly value free and therefore infallible and universal. Many
relativists believe that, because every judgment is value-laden, and because
people often disagree about their judgments, therefore none is ever objective.
Because of this disagreement, many relativists claim that no judgment ever is
more objective than another, and that one is as good as another. Although such
relativists are correct in recognizing the incompleteness of the positivists’ model
of objectivity, they go too far. They leap to the premature conclusion that, because
people disagree about knowledge claims, therefore all value judgments are purely
relative and none is superior to another.29
If those seeking to reform science and technology seek infallibility, certainty
that transcends the possibility of error,30 they falsely assume that, because
Cf. SCRIVEN, M., “The Exact Role of Value Judgments in Science,” in K LEMKE, E., HOLLINGER, R.
and K LINE, A. (eds.), Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Science, Prometheus, Buffalo, 1982,
pp. 269-297, and NAGEL, T., The View from Nowhere, Oxford University Press, New York, 1986, pp.
143-153. For a related account of rationality and objectivity within the risk assessment context, see
R IP, A., “Experts in Public Arenas,” in OTWAY, H. and PELTU, M. (eds.), Regulating Industrial Risks,
Butterworths, London, 1985, pp. 94-110. See also LICHTENBERG, J., “Moral Certainty,” Philosophy,
v. 69, no. 268, (1994), pp. 181-204; and H ARE, R. H., “Objective Prescriptions,” in GRIFFITHS, A. and
PHILLIPS, A. (eds.), Ethics, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1993, pp. 1-38.
Cf. POPPER, K. R., The Open Society and Its Enemies, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1950,
pp. 403-406; POPPER, K. R., Conjectures and Refutations, Basic Books, New York, 1963 (3rd ed.
revised, 1969), p. 63; and POPPER, K. R., The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Harper, New York, 1965
(originally published in 1959 by Basic Books, New York), p. 56. See also GRATTAN-GUINNESS, I.,
“Truths and Contradictions about Karl Popper,” Annals of Science, v. 59, no. 1, (2002), p. 89.
For cultural relativists’ claims, see WILDAVSKY, A. B. and DOUGLAS, M., Risk and Culture, p. 188.
See also WILDAVSKY, A. B., Search for Safety, Transaction Books, New Brunswick, 1988, p. 3. See
THOMPSON, M., “To Hell with the Turkeys!,” in M ACLEAN, D. (ed.), Values at Risk, Rowman and
Allanheld, Totowa (NJ), 1986, pp. 113-135. See H ANKINSON, R. J., “Values, Objectivity and Dialectic:
the Skeptical Attack on Ethics,” Phronesis, v. 39, no. 1, (1994), pp. 45-68; WILBURN, R., “Skepticism,
Objectivity and the Aspirations of Immanence,” Dialectica, v. 53, no. 4, (1998), pp. 291-318; and
VICE, J. W., The Reopening of the American Mind: On Skepticism and Constitutionalism, Rodopi,
Amsterdam, 1998. See also VAN DER MERWE, W. L., “Cultural Relativism and the Recognition of
Cultural Differences,” South African Journal of Philosophy, no. 3, (1998), p. 313; and TILLEY, J. J.,
“Cultural Relativism,” Human Rights Quarterly, v. 22, no. 2, (2000), p. 501.
Cf. FEYERABEND, P. K., “Changing Patterns of Reconstruction,” The British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science, v. 28, no. 4, (1977), p. 368.
60 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

there is no perfect judgment, therefore none is objective. Even if no judgment

could escape falsification, it would not follow that all were equally unreliable.31
Falsifications provide only necessary, not sufficient, conditions for claiming there
is no objective knowledge. Both scientific inference and legal inference establish
instead that something is prima facie true (reasonably probable, or because of
a presumption in its favor) not that it is infallibly true. And if not, there is no
reason that public-interest advocates need more than prima facie truth, in order
to secure the objectivity of their judgments.32 Disagreements over how to analyze
knowledge claims mean neither that there are no informal rules of judgment nor
that one rule is as good as another.
Those who reject public-interest advocacy, like attempts to reform science
and technology, and who defend neutrality or complete ethical relativism appear
to do so because they confuse three different questions. (1) Are there general
principles (e.g., postulate environmental risk probabilities that are consistent
with observed accident frequencies) that account for the objectivity of some
knowledge claims? (2) Are there particular procedures (e.g., observe accident
frequencies for a period of at least five years before concluding that they are
consistent with postulated risk probabilities) that help guarantee the objectivity
of judgments? (3) Does a specific knowledge claim, in fact, always illustrate
either the general principles or the particular procedures? Complete ethical
relativists often assume that, if one answers questions (2) and (3) in the negative,
then the answer to (1) also is negative. This is false. Debate about question (2)
does not jeopardize the objectivity of judgments, so long as people agree on
(1). In fact, debate over question (2) must presuppose objectivity in the sense of
question (1), or the discussion would be futile.33 Therefore, if people can answer
(1), then even if they cannot answer questions (2) and (3), it is possible to have
objective knowledge.
Besides agreement on (1), another way to argue that the value-laden
judgments of public-interest advocates can be objective is to incorporate
insights from moral philosophy. As both ethicists from Aristotle to natural-law
theorists, to contemporary analysts have recognized, ethics exhibits a hierarchy
of methodological rules and value judgments. Different degrees of certainty are
See KULKA, T., “How Far Does Anything Go? Comments on Feyerabend’s Epistemological
Anarchism,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences, v. 7, no. 3, (1977), pp. 279-280.
See HELLMAN, G., “Against Bad Method,” Metaphilosophy, v. 10, no. 2, (1979), p. 194; QUINE, W.
v. O. and ULLIAN, J., Web of Belief, Random House, New York, 2nd. ed., 1978; and HEMPEL, C. G.,
Aspects of Scientific Explanation, Free Press, New York, 1965, p. 463. See also SCRIVEN, M., “The
Exact Role of Value Judgments in Science,” in K LEMKE, E., HOLLINGER, R. and K LINE, A. (eds.),
Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Science, p. 277; and WEINBERGER, O., “Prima Facie
Ought: A Logical and Methodological Enquiry,” Ratio-Juris, v. 13, no. 3, (1999), pp. 239-251.
See SIEGEL, H., “What is the Question Concerning the Rationality of Science?,” Philosophy of
Science, v. 52, no. 4, (1985), pp. 524-526; and RUDNER, R., Philosophy of Social Science, Prentice
Hall, Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1966, pp. 4-5. See also NEWTON-SMITH, W. H., “Popper, Science, and
Rationality,” Philosophy, vol. Suppl. 39, (1995), p. 13.
Objectivity and professional duties regarding science and technology 61

appropriate at different levels of generality, such that the most general rules are
the most certain and the most universal (such as “postulate risk probabilities
consistent with observed accident frequencies,” or “do good and avoid evil”). The
least general rules or value judgments are the least certain and the least universal
(such as “person x errs in killing her attacker under circumstances y”).34 In
order to apply the rules from the most universal, most general level, people must
make a number of value judgments at lower levels. The fact that there is neither
an algorithm nor empirical data (for these judgments) does not mean they are
purely relative. Some are better than others. Some are better means to the end of
explanatory power or predictive control.
The cultural relativists and positivists who oppose all public-interest advocacy
miss both these points because they appear to presuppose that value judgments
ought to be infallible, rather than prima facie true. Understanding objectivity in
terms of prima facie truth requires (in part) understanding it in terms of some
insights of Karl Popper, John Wisdom, and Ludwig Wittgenstein.35 They anchor
objectivity with actions, as well as with explanatory and predictive power. They
do not define objectivity in terms of an impossible notion of justification. They
secure objectivity, in part, by means of the criticisms made by the relevant
knowledge communities. According to this scheme, a value judgment about the
safety of some food additive, for example, is objective if it is able to survive
and answer the criticisms of those informed about, and potentially affected by,
the additive.36 This social and critical account of knowing presupposes that
objectivity, in its final stages, requires people to appeal to particular cases, just as
legal justification requires. This account does not presuppose an appeal to specific
rules of knowing, applicable to all situations. Nevertheless the general rules (such
as surviving criticism) always are applicable. A naturalistic appeal to general
rules, to cases, and to general values (such as consistency and predictive power),
rather than to specific rules, is central to this social account of knowing. Instead
of specific rules, applicable to all cases, the relevant community of knowers must
evaluatively determine which judgments are objective.
As Mary Midgley recognized, what constitutes bias is not the acceptance of
one’s own scheme of values but the refusal to look at anyone else’s.37 Because
knowing takes place within a varied community of knowers, having a multiplicity

See H ARE, R. M., Moral Thinking: Its Levels, Methods and Point, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1981.
See NEWELL, R., Objectivity, Empiricism, and Truth, Routledge and K. Paul, New York, 1986,
notes 82-84, 86 and 89; STORTLAND, F., “Wittgenstein: On Certainty and Truth,” Philosophical
Investigations, v. 21, no. 3, (1998), pp. 203-331; HULL, D. L., “The Use and Abuse of Karl Popper,”
Biology and Philosophy, v. 14, no. 4, (1999), pp. 481-504; and ZECHA, G., Critical Rationalism and
Education Discourse, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1999.
See R EALE, M., “Axiological Invariants,” Journal of Value Inquiry, v. 29, no. 1, (1995), pp. 65-75;
and K ITCHER, PH., “The Division of Cognitive Labor,” The Journal of Philosophy, v. 77, n. 1, (1990),
pp. 5-22.
MIDGLEY, M., Wisdom, Information, and Wonder, p. 176.
62 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

of different values, public-interest advocacy should help emphasize the social and
critical nature of knowledge.38 It should help people recognize that an unbiased
individual knower may be an inadequate focus for objective understanding.39
Rather, knowledge and objectivity is achieved because members of the varied
community of knowers interact and clarify issues. Each of the members’ social
contexts provides many categories and assumptions that enable people to interpret
and correct understanding of phenomena.40 Because any single observation is
“always selective,” the best way to be objective is to multiply standpoints, to
“increase experience,” to adopt a critical attitude, and to be ready to modify
views on the basis of criticism and interaction.41 But if so, people ought not to
neglect the alternative standpoints of various members of the relevant knowledge
community-including women, minorities, environmental stakeholders, or
oppressed people. Otherwise knowers could fall victim to the dogmatism of a
selective standpoint.
As John Stuart Mill recognized, the surest way of getting to the truth on
any question is to examine all the important objections that can be brought
against candidate opinions and alternative standpoints.42 Such a multi-faceted
and critical approach to knowing requires a community of knowers, each with
somewhat different standpoints and advocacies. It requires a “free discussion” of
views, giving assent only to those positions that survive critical evaluations from
alternative standpoints. As Philip Kitcher put it, knowing requires a “division
of cognitive labor” among knowers, a community whose existence suggests the
inadequacy of privileging any particular observer as alone “objective.” 43
Part of what is wrong with those who reject attempts to reform science and
technology is their failure to tie objectivity to evenhandedness and lack of bias. A
standpoint can be classified as “objective” only when it meets at least two criteria.

Some of this discussion of the social nature of knowing is based on SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K.,
“Feminist Epistemology and its Consequences for Policy,” Public Affairs Quarterly, v. 9, no. 2,
(1995), pp. 155-174.
Cf. LONGINO, H., “Multiplying Subjects and the Diffusion of Power,” The Journal of Philosophy, v.
88, no. 11, (1991), pp. 666-674; and LONGINO, H., Science as Social Knowledge, pp. 109-121. See also
TUANA, N., “The Radical Future of Feminist Empiricism,” Hypatia, v. 7, no. 1 (1992), pp. 100-114.
Cf. KUHN, TH. S., The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago,
2nd ed., 1970, pp. 91-204. See POLANYI, M., Personal Knowledge, Harper and Row, New York, 1964;
and H ANSON, N. R., Patterns of Discovery, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1958.
Cf. POPPER, K. R., “Science: Conjectures and Refutations,” in FETZER, J. H. (ed.), Foundations
of Philosophy of Science, Paragon House, New York, 1993, pp. 341-363, especially, pp. 350-352.
See POPPER, K., The Logic of Scientific Discovery, p. 106; and POPPER, K. R., Conjectures and
Refutations, especially ch. 11, pp. 253-292. See also H ACOHEN, M. H., Karl Popper, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge (MA), 2000.
Cf. MILL, J. S., On Liberty, Prometheus, Buffalo (NY), 1986, pp. 60-61.
Cf. K ITCHER, PH., “The Division of Cognitive Labor,” The Journal of Philosophy, v. 77, no. 1,
(1990), pp. 5-22. See POPPER, K. R., “Science: Conjectures and Refutations,” in FETZER, J. H. (ed.),
Foundations of Philosophy in Science, p. 354; and POPPER, K. R., The Logic of Scientific Discovery,
p. 106.
Objectivity and professional duties regarding science and technology 63

(1) It survives criticism and testing by members of the relevant communities, and
(2) it is consistent with democratic and procedural constraints such as fairness
and evenhandedness.44 Such a notion of objectivity and defensible objectivity in
reforming science and technology must be procedural, open, and populist. On
this account, what a pluralistic community of public-interest advocates and critics
ought to believe is bootstrapped onto how they ought to act. People ought to act in
ways that evenhandedly evaluate and predictively test all relevant perspectives,
including those of women, children, minorities, environmentalists, industrialists,
and so on. Such unbiased actions are necessary for objective knowing, and
objective knowing (in the sense defined here) helps provide a reliable foundation
for public-interest advocacy and criticism.
If this account of the social nature of knowing is correct, it provides important
ethical reasons for public-interest advocates to consider the beliefs of all relevant
members of the moral community. Because of its inclusiveness, this social account
requires people to use the marketplace of ideas to analyze, defend, and criticize
alternative positions. This is one of the surest ways to know as objectively as
possible.45 Professionals interested in reforming science and technology need to
secure objectivity in part procedurally, by means of the interactions and criticisms
of the relevant community of knowers and by tests for fairness and lack of bias.
Those who ignore relevant criticisms are guilty of bias because objective knowing
requires consideration of a variety of relevant standpoints and practices.
Failure to define “objectivity” accurately also may keep people from accepting
their ethical responsibilities, including those to reform science and technology.
Those who fail to behave as “public citizens” may fail, in part, because they miss
the basic insight of Israel Scheffler: “objectivity requires simply the possibility of
intelligible debate over the merits of rival paradigms.” 46 If this is all objectivity
requires, then it is time for citizens, scholars, and other professionals to enter
public debates.47
See A DLER, J., “Reasonableness, Bias, and the Untapped Power of Procedure,” Synthese, v, 94, no.
1, (1993), pp. 105-125; and WILLIAMS, B., Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, 1985, pp. 199-200. See A NDREWS, R. N., “Environmental Impact Assessment and
Risk Assessment,” in WATHERN, P. (ed.), Environmental Impact Assessment, Unwin Hyman, London,
1988, pp. 85-97; and COX, L. and R ICCI, P., “Legal and Philosophical Aspects of Risk Analysis,” in
PAUSTENBACH, D. J. (ed.), The Risk Assessment of Environmental and Human Health Hazards, J.
Wiley, New York, 1989, pp. 1017-1046, for suggestions in this regard.
See, for example, POPPER , K. R., The Open Society and Its Enemies, pp. 403-406; POPPER , K.
R., Conjectures and Refutations, p. 63; and M ASO, I. (ed.), Openness in Research, Van Gorcum,
Assen, 1995.
SCHEFFLER, I., “Vision and Revolution: A Postscript on Kuhn,” Philosophy of Science, v. 39, no.
3, (1972), p. 369.
Some of this discussion of objectivity, speaking out, and ethical tests for objectivity relies on
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Ethics of Scientific Research, Rowman and Littlefield, Savage (MD),
1994, pp. 55-61. See MOORE, A. W., “One or Two Dogmas of Objectivity,” Mind, v. 108, no. 430,
(1999), pp. 381-393. See also A LCOFF, L. M., “Objectivity and Its Politics,” New Literary History, v.
32, no. 4, (2001), p. 835.
64 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

In response to this account of duties to reform science and technology, critics
could object: (1) Reformers could err and thus contribute to faulty policy. (2)
Without neutrality, mere politics could control science and policy.
As objection (1) suggests, not all reform attempts are ethically and practically
defensible.48 If scientists err when they speak out against some technological
hazard, they could jeopardize both scientific credibility and sound policy.49
Despite Nader’s outstanding accomplishments, a congressional-committee chair
claimed that he was “a bully and know-it-all, consumed by certainty and frequently
in error.” 50 Daniel Simberloff, a distinguished biologist, refers to this objection
(1) when he worries that if scientists err in their advocacy, future policymakers
might not listen to them.51 Contrary to Simberloff, however, sometimes
professionals ought to take the risk of attempting reform, in part because their
making mistakes rarely leads to loss of credibility. When researchers disproved
the scientific foundations of the Endangered Species Act, the diversity-stability
thesis,52 lawmakers did not repeal it. And when Dutch researchers showed that
the US Rasmussen Report, WASH-1400,53 was wrong, that all the accident failure
–frequency values from operating experience fell outside the study’s 90– percent
confidence bands,54 nations did not close their nuclear plants.
When Cal Tech founder and Nobel winner, Robert Millikan,55 called belief
in nuclear power a “myth,” less than a decade before scientists confirmed
the existence of fission energy, Millikan did not lose credibility. If the work
of Kahneman, Tversky, and others is correct, experts chronically err, even in
their own fields of expertise, when they reason probabilistically. In employing
See SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Ethics of Scientific Research, pp. 130-133.
Cf. SIMBERLOFF, D., “Simplification, Danger, and Ethics in Conservation Biology,” Ecological
Society of America Bulletin, v. 68, (1987), pp. 156-157. See also VESILIND, P. A. and BARTLETT, L.,
“The Ethics and Science of Environmental Regulation,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, v.
124, no. 8, (1998), p. 675.
THOMAS, R., “Safe at This Speed?,” p. 40.
Cf. SIMBERLOFF, “Simplification, Danger, and Ethics in Conservation Biology,” p. 157.
See SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K. and MCCOY, E. D., Method in Ecology, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1993, ch. 2. See, for example, US CONGRESS, Congressional Record Senate, 93rd
Congress, First Session 119, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1973, p. 25668;
COMMONER, B., The Closing Circle, Knopf, New York, 1971, p. 38; and MYERS, N., A Wealth of Wild
Species, Westview Press, Boulder (CO), 1983.
See also R EICHHARDT, T., “Academy Backs Science in Endangered Species Act,” Nature, 375, no.
6530, (1995), p. 349; NOSS, R.F., The Science of Conservation Planning, Habitat Conservation under
the Endangered Species Act, Island Press, Washington, 1997; NATIONAL R ESEARCH COUNCIL, Science
& the Endangered Species Act, National Academy Press, Washington, 1995; and R EICHHARDT, T.,
“Inadequate Science in US Habitat Plans,” Nature, v. 397, no. 6717, (1999), p. 287.
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1975.
Cf. COOKE, R. M., “Problems with Empirical Bayes,” Risk Analysis, v. 6, no. 3, (1986), pp. 269-
272; see SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality, pp. 109-111, 140-144 and 188-196.
Cf. M ILLIKAN, R. A., “Alleged Sins of Science,” Scribner’s Magazine, v. 87, no. 2, (1930), pp.
Objectivity and professional duties regarding science and technology 65

necessary judgmental strategies (like the methodological value judgments

discussed earlier) to make their problems easier to solve, experts fall victim to the
same errors (such as the representativeness bias, as laypeople).56 Scientists were
wrong when they said that irradiating enlarged tonsils was harmless. They were
wrong when they said that x-raying feet, to determine shoe size, was safe. They
were wrong when they said that the Titanic would not sink. They were wrong when
they said that irradiating women’s breasts, to alleviate mastitis, was harmless.
When government assessments of the risk of a serious accident at Three Mile
Island (TMI) differed by two orders of magnitude,57 the US Nuclear Regulatory
Commission did not close TMI. It took an accident, not loss of scientific credibility,
to do that. When 500,000 US GI’s received harmful amounts of radiation during
nuclear weapons tests in the Pacific and the United States in the 1940s, 1950s,
and 1960s, government scientists called the exposures “safe.” They did not lose
credibility.58 Even though many servicemen died of testing-induced leukemia,
the US Atomic Energy Commission and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
continued to seek the advice of the very researchers who had misled them in
weapons-testing. Expert errors thus are nothing new. Despite Ralph Nader’s
having been accused of being wrong several times, the purity of his intentions is
indisputable, and that is less than most can say of many scientific errors today.
Nader’s failure to gain personally from his activities is well known and helps
make him credible.59 Besides, if people refrained from taking partisan positions
out of fear of error, they would never take important stands, even when it was

Cf. K AHNEMAN, D. and TVERSKY, A., “Availability: A Heuristic for Judging Frequency and
Probability,” in K AHNEMAN, D. H. ET AL. (eds.), Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and
Biases, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1982, pp. 63-78; K AHNEMAN, D. and TVERSKY,
A., “Judgment Under Uncertainty,” in K AHNEMAN, D. H. ET AL. (eds.), Judgment Under Uncertainty,
pp. 4-11.
Cf. R ASMUSSEN, N. C., “Methods of Hazard Analysis and Nuclear Safety Engineering,” in MOSS,
T. and SILL, D. (eds.), The Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident, New York Academy of Science, New
York, 1981, pp. 56-57.
Cf. US CONGRESS, Government Liability for Atomic Weapons Testing Program, Hearings
before the Committee on the Judiciary, US Senate June 27, 1986, US Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC, 1987. See also US CONGRESS, Cold War Human Subject Experimentation, Hearing
before the Legislation and National Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations,
House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, second session, 28 September, 1994,
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1994; US DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, Human Radiation
Experiments: The Department of Energy Roadmap to the Story and the Records, National Technical
Information Service, DOE/EH-0445, Springfield (VA), 1995; US CONGRESS, Human Subjects
Research: Radiation Experimentation, Hearings before the Committee on Labor and Human
Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred and Third Congress, first session, 13 January,
1994, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1994; US CONGRESS, American Nuclear
Guinea Pigs: Three Decades of Radiation Experiments on US Citizens, A report prepared by the
Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Power of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, US
House of Representatives, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1986.
See, for example, MCCARREY, C., Citizen Nader, pp. 12, 13, 139, 212 and 213; GOREY, H., Nader
and the Power of Everyman, p. 23; ROWE, J., “Ralph Nader Reconsidered,” in SCARPITTI, F. and
CYLKE Jr., F. (eds.), Social Problems: The Search for Solutions: An Anthology, Roxbury Publishing
Company, 1st ed., 1995, p. 65.
66 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

necessary to do so.60 Moreover, the antidote for extremist advocacy or criticism

is not to prohibit attempted reform but use democracy to counter extremism. The
antidote is to create an enlightened societal framework, a marketplace of ideas,
in which people can evaluate alternative public policies.61 As already argued,
humans do not make societal decisions in some neutral, individual environment,
but by interaction among a plurality of partisans.62 But if so, then avoiding reform,
under the guise of neutrality, does not guarantee that others will be heard. It
merely keeps everyone quiet, except those with enough money to be devious and
manipulative. It limits the interactions necessary to educate citizens and to create
democratic policy.
What if someone fears public-interest advocacy for reason (2), that it could
cause politics or ideology to dominate public policy? As earlier sections argued,
this objection is flawed because value-free inquiry is impossible, and because the
best way to defeat questionable values is for citizens to recognize and criticize
them.63 Otherwise, people who avoid public-interest advocacy or criticism could
use their neutrality as an excuse to remain silent while innocent people faced
great risks or while powerful interests spread scientific disinformation. Camus
made the same point: “We are guilty of treason in the eyes of history if we do
not denounce what deserves to be denounced. The conspiracy of silence is our
condemnation in the eyes of those who come after us.” 64
Remaining neutral and avoiding informed, public-interest attempts at reform
of science and technology also might serve the interests of relativists and skeptics
rather than social reformers, as happened during World War II. When citizens
asked Columbia University anthropologists for their position on the actions of
the Nazis, the scholars said they had “to take a professional stand of cultural
relativity,” to be “skeptics” with respect to all judgments of value.65 But if citizens
See, for example, R ESCHER, N., “Collective Responsibility,” Journal of Social Philosophy, v. 29,
no. 3, (1998), pp. 46-58.
See POPPER, K. R., Conjectures and Refutations, passim; K ITCHER, PH., “The Division of Cognitive
Labor,” pp. 5-22; M AYO, D. and HOLLANDER, R. (eds.), Acceptable Evidence, Oxford University Press,
New York, 1991; and SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Science Policy, Ethics, and Economic Methodology,
ch. 9, pp. 286-315.
See A NDREWS, R. N., “Environmental Impact Assessment and Risk Assessment,” in WATHERN, P.
(ed.), Environmental Impact Assessment, pp. 85-97. For another discussion of these same points, see
QUADE, E. S., Analysis for Publication Decisions, American Elsevier, New York, 1975, pp. 269ff.;
WEIS, C. H., and BUCUVALAS, M. J., Social Science Research and Decision Making, Columbia,
University Press, New York, 1980, p. 26; and LINDBLOM, C. E., and COHEN, D. K., Usable Knowledge:
Social Science and Social Problem Solving, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1979, p. 64. See SEN,
A., Objectivity and Position, University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, 1992. See previous four notes.
Cf. PARSONS, C., “Introduction,” in H ELD, V., NIELSEN, K. and PARSONS, C. (eds.), Philosophy and
Political Action, pp. 3-12.
CAMUS, A., Notebooks, trans. J. O’Brien, Knopf, New York, 1974. See SAMUELS, S., “The Arrogance
of Intellectual Power,” in WOODHEAD, A., BENDER, M. and LEONARD, R. (eds.), Phenotypic Variation
in Populations, Plenum, New York, 1988, pp. 113-120.
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Science Policy, Ethics, and Economic Methodology, p. 88. See
DECEW, J. W., “Moral Conflicts and Ethical Relativism,” Ethics, v. 101, no. 1, (1990), pp. 27-41.
Objectivity and professional duties regarding science and technology 67

fail to “get involved” by attempting to reform science and technology, there is less
chance of avoiding injustice and resolving public controversies. As one scholar
put it, “contemporary Pyrrhonism cannot sustain serious moral conflict.” 66 In
the face of serious evil, if people adopt positions of neutrality, then they are not
neutral. Instead they contribute to evil by helping it to continue, while they claim
to be neutral. In summary, at least 6 reasons show that objectivity is not neutrality
and therefore that informed, balanced attempts to reform science and technology
can be objective:
(1) Once people admit that value judgments are part of all knowing, then not
to assess those value judgments is to become hostage to them.
(2) If not all positions are equally justifiable, then objectivity requires people
to represent less justifiable positions as less justifiable.
(3) In the face of a great threat, people who represent objectivity as neutrality
serve the interests of those responsible for the threat.
(4) People who represent objectivity as neutrality encourage lack of attention
to evaluative assumptions and thus lack of public control over those
(5) People who represent objectivity as neutrality presuppose that it is
somehow delivered from “on high,” rather than discovered socially,
through the give-and-take of alternative points of view
(6) People who represent objectivity as neutrality sanction either ethical
relativism or skepticism and thus encourages injustice.
Some members of at least three groups in contemporary society (post-
modernists, positivists, and relativist social scientists) likely would support the
Columbia University anthropologists who remained neutral toward Hitler. They
would be undercut by the arguments I have made because members of all three
groups confuse objectivity with silence or neutrality. They confuse tolerance
with ethical relativism.


But I have argued merely that genuine objectivity may require duties to
reform science and technology, not when objectivity may require it. When are
such duties more defensible? At least three suggestions come to mind. The first is
that citizens typically have greater responsibilities to curb bias to the degree that
it is serious and they are able to do so. But if so, citizens should demand a higher
standard of certainty in situations where policies are likely to be applied in ways
TAMAS, G. M., “The Political Irresponsibility of Intellectuals,” in M ACLEAN, I., MONTEFIORE,
A. and WINCH, P. (eds.), The Political Responsibility of Intellectuals, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1990, pp. 247-256; especially, p. 256. See also MOSSER, K., “Should the Skeptical Live
His Skepticism?,” Manuscrito, v. 21, no. 1, (1998), pp. 47-84.
68 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

that could threaten the common good. In many fields having consequences for
the common good –for example, chemical research– profits often interfere with
objective fact-finding. Because members of democratic or biotic communities are
less able (than individual business clients) to give free informed consent to risky
actions affecting them, citizens need to help assure these members of greater
protection. One way to promote such protection would be for professionals to help
improve standards of peer review for research that affects the public welfare.67
They also could work to respond, especially in the popular press, to science that is
biased and manipulated by vested interests and to eliminate the biases that often
accompany professional work.
Asserting citizens’ (and especially professionals’) responsibilities –to promote
unbiased information affecting the common good– is analogous to affirming
similar duties regarding dangerous technologies. Just as there is a justifiable
double standard (based on the gravity of the public threat) for speaking out
against biased information, there also is a justifiable double standard (based on
the severity of the public-health risk) for criticizing dangerous technologies. In
both cases, human responsibility for counteracting the threat is proportional to its
seriousness. This proportionality explains the reason that professionals typically
ought to have a higher standard for assessing more hazardous technologies, like
nuclear power. Because situations of greater threats require greater scrutiny,
riskier technologies ought to have greater counterbalancing benefits.68
In other words, objectivity often is a matter of ethics as well as epistemology.
Epistemic objectivity addresses beliefs. It requires citizens and professionals to
assess hypotheses and their practical consequences in ways that avoid deliberate
bias or misinterpretation. Ethical objectivity addresses actions. It requires more
than merely avoiding deliberate bias or misinterpretation. Instead it demands that
citizens take into account obligations to the common good when assessing their
actions, omissions, and beliefs. For example, reformers might follow epistemic
objectivity and assess whether an hypothesis (such as “this biotechnological
experiment will not endanger ecosystems”) is both probable and likely to lead
to no undesirable consequences. Following a principle of ethical objectivity, they
might evaluate whether epistemic objectivity alone provides an adequate test of
the hypothesis or whether one also ought to consider factors like the public’s rights
to protection and its rights to know about potentially harmful acts. In cases that
involve duties to stakeholders, objectivity requires not merely unbiased epistemic
assessment of one’s beliefs, but also unbiased ethical evaluation of the actions
See, for example, LLOYD, J., “On Watersheds and Peers, Publication, Pimps and Panache,” Florida
Entomologist, v. 68, (1985), pp. 134-139; and HOLLANDER, R., “Journals Have Obligations, Too,”
Science, Technology, and Human Values, v. 15, no. 1, (1990), pp. 46-49.
See, for example, STARR, C., RUDMAN, R., and WHIPPLE, C., “Philosophical Basis for Risk
Analysis,” Annual Review of Energy, v. 1, (1976), p. 638. See also BAYLES, M., Professional Ethics,
Wadsworth, Belmont, 1981, p. 116; TVERSKY, A. and FOX, C. R., “Weighing Risk and Uncertainty,”
Psychological Review, v. 102, no. 2, (1995), p. 269; and VAN R AAIJ, W. F., “The Life and Work of
Amos Tversky,” Journal of Economic Psychology, v. 19, no. 4, (1998), p. 515.
Objectivity and professional duties regarding science and technology 69

premised on those beliefs. Thus a second constraint, on unbiased advocacy for

reform, is that one recognize both ethical as well as epistemic objectivity.
But how can people –especially scientific reformers– be ethically responsible
for their beliefs? W. K. Clifford argued for an ethical obligation to seek the truth.69
This presupposes that belief can be under at least some voluntary control; that
people can, in part, decide to recognize bias or misinterpretation; that, in part,
they can choose to be more or less objective. I shall not take time here to argue
for an ethics of belief, but the main point is that, if facts are value laden, then
accepting particular interpretations of scientific data is in part a matter of choice,
and therefore, in part, a matter of voluntary control. And if so, science is therefore
subject in part to ethical appraisal, an “ethics of belief”,70 in the sense that people
have an ethical obligation continually to appraise and reform the practice and use
of science and technology. A model for this ethics might be Oliver Cromwell’s
famous plea to the assembly of the Church of Scotland: “I beseech you... think
it possible you may be mistaken.” The goal is not to impose conclusions on the
unwilling, but to promote informed, open, critical, public debate of one’s own
positions, as well as those of others. Neither truth nor sound science will survive
long in a situation of neutrality or keeping silence so as to avoid error.
There are no necessary and sufficient conditions for morally justifying any
complicated, situation-specific acts, such as attempting to reform science and
technology or engaging in civil disobedience.71 There are, however, a third sort
of useful guidelines. In his famous letter from Birmingham jail, Martin Luther
King implicitly provides at least three such guidelines: (1) collecting the facts to
determine whether injustices actually exist; (2) negotiating to try to correct the
injustices; and (3) purifying oneself. The point of purification is to avoid egoism
and fanaticism, what T. S. Eliot called “the last temptation”: “to do the right thing
for the wrong reason.” 72 A fourth consideration that helps clarify duties to reform
science and technology, was formulated by John Locke. He warned that, in order

Cf. CLIFFORD, W. K., Lectures and Essays, Macmillan, London, 1886. See also TOULMIN, S., “Can

Science and Ethics Be Reconnected?,” Hastings Center Report, v. 9, (1979), 27-34; H AACK, S., “The
Ethics of Belief Reconsidered,” in H AHN, L. E. (ed.), The Philosophy of Roderick M. Chisholm, Open
Court, La Salle (IL) 1997, pp. 129-144; VORSTENBOSCH, J., “W. K. Clifford’s Belief Revisited,” in
MEIJERS, A. (ed.), Belief, Cognition, and the Will, University of Tilburg, Tilburg, 1999, pp. 99-111;
FELDMAN, J., “The Ethics of Belief,” Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, v. 60, no. 3, (2000),
p. 667; and PRYOR, J., “Highlights of Recent Epistemology,” The British Journal for the Philosophy
of Science, v. 52, n. 1, (2001), pp. 95-124.
See, for example, JAMES, W., The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy, Dover,
New York, 1956, pp. 17-30. See also OWENS, D., “John Locke and the Ethics of Belief,” Locke
Newsletter, v. 30, (1999), pp. 103-127; A DLER, J. E., “Ethics of Belief: Off the Wrong Track,” Midwest
Studies in Philosophy, v. 23, (1999), pp. 267-285; and M ADIGAN, T. J., “The Virtues of Ethics of
Belief,” Free Inquiry, v. 17, no. 2, (1997), pp. 29-33.
Cf. K ING, M. L., “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” in H ARRIS, P. (ed.), Civil Disobedience, University
Press of America, Lanham (MD), 1989, pp. 58 and 70; R AWLS, J., A Theory of Justice, Harvard
University Press, Cambridge (MA), 1971, pp. 363-377.
Quoted in FORTAS, A., “Concerning Dissent and Civil Disobedience,” in H ARRIS, P. (ed.), Civil
Disobedience, p. 91 (see also pp. 91-105) and in K ENNY, A., Thomas Moore, Oxford University Press,
New York, 1983, p. 1.
70 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

to serve the ends for which the state exists, people sometimes must act against the
alleged civil law before the most serious violations of their rights occur; otherwise,
the violations might become impossible to remove.73 The same could be said of
violations of scientific objectivity. Other guidelines for reform, fifth, have been
offered in the many discussions of conditions for justified whistleblowing. The
important point, however, is not to give necessary and sufficient conditions, at
this stage, but to argue instead that most philosophers and most scientists likely
have some duties to secure objectivity, to reform science and technology. Most
have not accepted this fundamental duty.
Not to attempt reform would amount to a self-fulfilling prophecy, a counsel for
despair. More than a decade ago, Alasdair MacIntyre diagnosed grave “disorders of
moral thought and practice” in society.74 He made a misdiagnosis. Moral dissensus,
as such, is not a problem. Dissensus may exist because a situation is unclear,
because people disagree over how to interpret data, or because ethics consists of
abstract principles that need to be interpreted and amended through democratic
processes in concrete cases. Yet dissensus at the concrete level often is evidence
of some consensus at the abstract or general level. Social knowing, requiring give-
and-take, working through disagreement and criticism, is a necessary condition
for objectivity, not a sign of its failure, as MacIntyre thought. Without this give and
take, there is only apparent consensus, not objectivity, because people probably
have not rationally agreed on a position. Apparent consensus probably signals
that people are lazy, or live in fear, or are forced to agree, or lack the ability
or intelligence to debate ethical issues. Dissensus then is not only a necessary
condition for objectivity but can be evidence of an open, rather than a repressive,
society; a result of increased moral autonomy; or a consequence of the freedom
to develop a life that allows for alternative thoughts and actions. Dissensus is far
superior to unthinking or coerced consensus, repression, or passivity that fears
disagreements. Dissensus, or the conflict necessary to achieve reform of science
and technology, is psychologically and politically discomforting. It means people
must work out their differences, compromise in order to achieve a noble goal.
Besides, from an ethical point of view, consensus is irrelevant. Actions are not
right or wrong because people agree they are right or wrong, but because there is
a rational justification for their rightness or wrongness.

Because he takes seriously the necessity of reform, even civil disobedience,
black activist Martin Luther King goes so far as to say that the “white moderate,”
the proponent of neutrality who fears dissensus, is a greater threat to freedom,
ethics, and justice than the Ku Klux Klanner who is racist and who lynches blacks.
Cf. LOCKE, J., Second Treatise on Civil Government, Prometheus Books, Buffalo (NY), 1986,
Sections 159, 160, 220, 240 and 242.
Cf. M ACINTYRE, A., After Virtue, Duckworth, London, 1981, p. 6.
Objectivity and professional duties regarding science and technology 71

“Moderates” are dangerous precisely because people think they are balanced,
objective, and therefore ethical. King worries about moderates because they
are more devoted to order than to justice. He says they forget law and order are
means to the end of justice, and not the reverse. Martin Luther King questioned
whether religion was too bound up with the status quo to save the world.75 Perhaps
scientists and philosophers are too bound up with the status quo to help reform
science and technology?

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From the Present Situation to the Future
1. Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science
2. How to Reform Science and Technology


Jose Luis Luján

In this work I deal with the relationship between epistemic and non-epistemic
values and the methodological learning in a particular kind of scientific activity,
namely regulatory science.1 I will begin by discussing the main studies on the
relationship between science and values, analyzing different authors’ works on
the change of epistemic values. It is in this analytical context that the topics of
axiological and methodological learning in science appear.
Later, I will analyze some of the main controversies that have taken place in the
last two decades in a particular type of regulatory science, that is risk assessment.
This analysis shows that it is impossible to understand the transformations that
have taken place in this activity (i.e., methodological change) without keeping
in mind the relationship between epistemic and non-epistemic values in risk
assessment. The conclusion is that only an approach that considers these non-
epistemic values can offer a complete understanding of methodological change in
regulatory science. The denial of the influence of these values first of all makes it
difficult to analyze this kind of scientific research, but also cuts off methodological
and social learning which could arise from such as understanding.


The relationship between science and values has been the object of numerous
works in recent times. Although there are many approaches to the study of this
topic, two of these have centered most of the analyses:
a) The relationship between epistemic values and scientific change.
b) The relationship between epistemic (or cognitive) and non-epistemic values
in scientific activity, especially in the applied sciences.
The first of these approaches appeared in philosophy of science with the
antipositivist revolt. Most of the work done during the 1970’s and 80’s centered
on the analysis of epistemic values, their role in scientific change and the change
of the epistemic values itself (e.g., Kuhn, Shapere, Laudan and McMullin,
among others). This line of research coincided in time with the development
of the sociology of scientific knowledge, an approach that considers interests
(of different type) more important in scientific change than epistemic values.
The author is grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology for supporting this work
(project: BFF2001-0377).
Regulatory science is a particular kind of applied science: the policy-relevant science. See JASANOFF,
S., The Fifth Branch. Science Advisers as Policymakers, Harvard University Press, Cambridge,

84 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Recently, some authors have also considered the influence of non-epistemic

values, characterized as contextual values.2
The second approach appeared more or less at the same time than the first one,
but its articulation in philosophy of science occurred later. Here I will only analyze
this problem in regulatory science. Authors like Shrader-Frechette, Mayo, Cranor
and Douglas have pointed out that the methodological decisions that appeal to
epistemic values can have important social and environmental consequences that
affect people’s lifes. They also emphasize the importance of ethical or practical
values in this particular type of scientific practice.


Ernan McMullin has pointed out that it is possible to conceptualize many of
the deep changes which the theory of science has undergone as a consequence
of the growing understanding of the role of value judgments in science.3 This,
for McMullin, constitutes the “Kuhnian revolution.” The relationship between
values and scientific change has been studied in two ways. The most immediate
of these is related to the role of values in scientific change. The other is to analyze
the change of the epistemic values itself. Here I will briefly discuss the main
contributions of Shapere, McMullin and Laudan to this subject.
Shapere criticizes the image of scientific change as the alteration of substantial
beliefs caused by new discoveries about the world. However, scientific change
and innovation also occur in the methods, the rules of reasoning as well as in the
concepts used in science and in the analysis of science. Even the criteria of what
counts as a ‘scientific theory’ or as an ‘explanation’ change over time. Shapere
rejects the idea according to which there are “high-level” criteria of rationality
that are unalterable and that serve to judge the rationality of “low-level” changes
(like changes of concepts, theories, etc.). On the other hand, Shapere also rejects
the relativist answer which denies the possibility of asserting the rationality of
scientific change or the existence of scientific progress.
Without presupposing universal and suprahistorical criteria of rationality,
Shapere seeks to show the rationality of scientific change. The criteria of
evaluation can change, and in fact they do. Some of these changes of criteria of
evaluation are justified. There is frequently a chain of developments that connects
the various groups of evaluation criteria, a chain that allows tracing a ‘rational
evolution’ between them. If it is shown that the transition from EC1 in t1 to EC2
in t2 constitutes a rational evolution of the criteria, then, ceteris paribus, it is
rational to apply EC2, instead of EC1, in t2.4
See LONGINO, H. E., Science as Social Knowledge: Values and Objectivity in Scientific Inquiry,
Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1990.
Cf. MCMULLIN, E., “Values in Science,” in K LEMKE, E. D., HOLLINGER, R. and RUDGE, D. W. (eds),
Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Science, Prometheus Books, Amherst, 1998, p. 515.
Cf. SHAPERE, D., Reason and the Search for Knowledge, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1984, p. 212.
Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science 85

For Shapere, the changes in the aims of science or in the criteria of rationality
themselves are intimately connected to changes in our substantial beliefs about
the world. Aims and criteria are proposed and modified, as happens with low-level
theories. We not only learn, but we learn to learn. The aims of science change over
time, and the reasons for this change are determined by the content of science at
a given time, by its rules, its methods, the substantial beliefs and the interaction
among all these components, in such a way that what is considered a legitimate
successor also changes. The ontological and methodological commitments that
justify scientific change also change. And this change is justified by the previous
commitments and the scientific results which these have brought about. Therefore,
Shapere doesn’t have to introduce changes of the high-level units (which he calls
scientific domains) nor scientific revolutions. A gradual change, product of the
interactions among ontological and methodological commitments, reasoning
principles, scientific results, etc., is sufficient to explain the change of particular
scientific theories as well as changes in the criteria of evaluation themselves.
In his book Science and Values, Laudan arrives at conclusions similar to
those of Shapere. According to Laudan, most of the philosophical approaches
concerning scientific change take for granted a common model of justification.
This model has three levels: (i) laws and theories; (ii) methodological rules; and
(iii) statements concerning aims, as well as basic cognitive or epistemic values.
The controversies on an inferior level are solved applying the principles of the
immediately superior level. Laudan states that this model doesn’t agree with what
one can observe from the history of science: there are cases in which, for example,
aims or epistemic values are modified appealing to scientific methodology or
scientific theories. Therefore, according to him, we should discard the hierarchical
order implicit in the hierarchical model in favor of an egalitarian principle that
stresses the patterns of mutual interdependence among the different levels.5
In contrast to the hierarchical model, Laudan suggests a reticulated model of
justification: the cognitive aims justify the methodological principles, and these
show the feasibility of those; the methodological principles justify the theories,
but these limit those; and, lastly, there should exist a harmony between scientific
theories and cognitive aims. Not only is there a change of scientific theories,
but also methodological and axiological change. The two most important
characteristics of the reticulated model are (a) the non-linear conception of
justification and (b) the gradual character of scientific change (theoretical,
methodological and axiological).
Laudan criticizes both the hierarchical point of view defended by authors like
Hempel, Reichenbach or Newton-Smith, and the holistic one defended by Kuhn.
Laudan proposes his reticulated model in order to show in which way axiological
Cf. LAUDAN, L., Science and Values. The Aims of Science and their Role in Scientific Debate,
University of California Press, Berkeley, 1984, p. 63.
86 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

debate and the formation of consensus in relation to the aims of science are
possible. The scientific controversies on one level can be solved by appealing to
the consensus reached on a different level. The different levels of controversy and
consensus constitute a framework of justification whose components maintain
relationships of interdependence. This interdependence explains the gradual
character of certain episodes of scientific change, which without further analysis
could give the impression of being holistic.
Another philosopher that also considers the problem of changes in scientific
rationality is McMullin. He defines scientific rationality as the relationship
between methods and aims or values. Therefore, the question about changes in
the patterns of scientific rationality is related to the question about changes in
epistemic values. For McMullin this is a debate started by the work of Kuhn, and
continued in the works of Shapere and Laudan.
McMullin exposes the possibility of changes in the cognitive values of
science.6 He illustrates his point of view with several examples. In one of these he
compares the astronomy of pre-Hellenic Greece with that of Babylon. Because of
its socio-cultural context, Babylonian astronomy was geared towards prediction,
a goal in fact related to omens. Babylonian astronomy has an empirical character,
including a rich observational base, accuracy in the obtained data and a great
predictive capacity. It lacks, however, interest as to the causes of the trajectories
of celestial bodies. The cultural context of the Greek cities gave rise, according
to McMullin, to a different type of astronomy, based mainly on the intention
of explaining the observed phenomena. To understand is, among other things,
to know how an entity endowed with a certain nature behaves under normal
circumstances. The prediction is here of secondary interest.
In this and other examples given by McMullin’s we can see that the cognitive
values change and that this change can be driven by external factors. McMullin’s
position is, nevertheless, that the very development of science gradually eliminates
the influence of the non-epistemic values, and that changes in those epistemic
values are caused by scientific development itself.
Before concluding this section I would like to make reference to the general
implications of Laudan’s approach for the philosophy of science. Laudan states that
although the methodological rules are often expressed in the form of categorical
imperatives, their very form is that of hypothetical imperatives. This means that
the maxim ‘lets reject ad hoc hypotheses’ must be understood as ‘if you want to
get new fruitful theories, you must reject the ad hoc hypotheses’. This kind of
Cf. MCMULLIN, E., “The Goals of Natural Science,” in H RONZSKY, I. ET AL. (eds.), Scientific
Knowledge Socialized, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1988, pp. 27-58; and MCMULLIN, E., “The
Shaping of Scientific Rationality: Construction and Constraint,” in MCMULLIN, E. (ed), Construction
and Constraint: The Shaping of Scientific Rationality, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame
(IN), 1988, pp. 1-47.
Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science 87

interpretation of the methodological rules makes a normative naturalization of

the philosophy of science possible.7
Methodological rules are statements about connections between the aims and
the means proposed to reach them. Therefore, methodologies can be empirically
evaluated. Then, Laudan says, the only relevant meta-methodological question
is the following one: “given any proposed methodological rule (couched in
appropriate conditional declarative form), do we have –or can we find– evidence
that the means proposed in this rule promotes its associated cognitive end better
than its extant rivals?.” 8
For Laudan there are methodological and axiological changes in science.
The reticulated model of justification allows for methodological and axiological
learning.9 Laudan points out:
“My general statement is that all the principles and rules for the evaluation of
scientific theories make some substantial presuppositions about the structure of
the world which we live in and about us as researchers... As soon as we recognize
this, it becomes clear that the truth of any rule depends, to a certain extend, on
what we will learn about the world in the future. But this is simply to say that
methodologies and theories of knowledge are, in fact, theories. They represent our
best conjectures about how to ask questions to nature and about how to evaluate
the answers. Like all theories, they are tentative, and they are open to changes,
precisely due to what we learn.” 10


The study of the function of values are especially important in applied science
because its particular relation with social conflicts. Kristin Shrader-Frechette, in
several of her works, has analyzed the role of epistemic and non-epistemic values
in applied science, specifically in the science that has the mission of advising
public policies. Her starting point is the judgments about methodological values
(or methodological value judgments) that scientists are continuously forced to
pass. Although scientists can avoid bias and cultural values, “methodological or
epistemic values are never avoidable, in any research, because all scientists must
Cf. LAUDAN, L. “Progress or Rationality? The Prospect for Normative Naturalism,” in PAPINEAU,
D. (ed), The Philosophy of Science, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, pp. 194-214; LAUDAN,
L., “La teoría de la investigación tomada en serio,” in VELASCO, A. (ed), Racionalidad y cambio
científico, Paidós/UNAM, México D. F., 1997, pp. 25-41; and LAUDAN, L. “Naturalismo normativo y
el progreso de la Filosofía,” in GONZALEZ, W., (ed), El Pensamiento de L. Laudan. Relaciones entre
Historia de la Ciencia y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Publicaciones Universidad de A Coruña, A Coruña,
1998, pp. 105-116.
LAUDAN, L. “Progress or Rationality? The Prospect for Normative Naturalism,” p. 208.
A similar point of view has been defended by D. Mayo. See M AYO, D., Error and the Growth of
Experimental Knowledge, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1996.
LAUDAN, L., “Naturalismo normativo y el progreso de la Filosofía,” p. 115.
88 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

use value judgments to deal with research situations involving incomplete data
or methods.” 11
Methodological value judgments come into play whenever a scientist makes
an inference on how to treat unknown cases, what statistical tests to use, how
to determine sample size, establishing where the burden of proof lies, what
theory or model to use, the acceptability of the interpolation of lost data, if it is
correct to extrapolate the data from the laboratory to field trials, if the incomplete
information on a phenomenon is enough to extract conclusions, etc. That scientists
need to make methodological value judgments means that they must judge their
own methods. Such judgments can be correct or erroneous.
One of Shrader-Frechette’s numerous case studies is related to the scientific
controversy surrounding the construction of an underground nuclear repository
in Maxey Flats (Kentucky). Some of the studies completed previous to the
construction of the nuclear repository calculated that the plutonium would be
displaced by only half an inch in 24.000 years. When the installation was again
opened after ten years, plutonium was discovered in a two-mile radius from
its original location. The geological predictions were erroneous by six orders
of magnitude.12
The construction of this nuclear repository was preceded by a controversy
between two groups of scientists. The controversy started because of the lack of
data regarding the suitability of the ground with respect to avoiding the possible
displacement of radioactive material due to underground water currents. In this
situation, both groups opted for different hierarchies of cognitive values. One of the
groups gave priority to the scientific community’s majority point of view regarding
the capacity of plutonium to migrate in that kind of soil. In other words, this group
adhered to the criterion of external consistency, which translated into a number of
strategies to test the impermeability of the soil. For the other group, on the contrary,
the internal coherence prevailed and it insisted on the porosity of the soil.
In this example the scientific controversy had important, and maybe dramatic,
social consequences. In this type of situations, Shrader-Frechette argues, Laudan’s
reticulated model is insufficient. It would be necessary to add an additional
level on which moral values like the protection of citizens from possible leaks
of radioactive material were contemplated.13 In applied science with important
social consequences the criteria for the selection of hypotheses cannot be the
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Ethics of Scientific Research, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, 1994, p.
53. On bias and cultural values in science see LONGINO, H. E., Science as Social Knowledge: Values
and Objectivity in Scientific Inquiry, pp. 62-103.
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality: Philosophical Foundations for Populist
Reforms, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1991; and SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “Hydrogeology
and Framing Questions Having Policy Consequences,” Philosophy of Science, v. 64, (1997), pp.
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “Scientific Progress and Models of Justification,” in GOLDMAN, S., (ed),
Science, Technology, and Social Progress, Lehigh University Press, Bethlehem, 1989, pp. 196-226.
Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science 89

same as in academic science. Rather, it is necessary to keep in mind the different

social consequences of alternative hypotheses.14
Although Shrader-Frechette does not deny the influence of the non-epistemic
values in scientific research, her argument proceeds in the inverse order. The
methodological decisions that appeal to cognitive values possess consequences
for peoples’ lives, and for that reason it is also necessary to keep in mind moral
values. This is clearly the case in applied science, which is the main object of
Shrader-Frechette’s analysis.
Heather Douglas has followed the same line of argument as Shrader-
Frechette.15 She analyzes the indeterminacies that appear in several studies on
the carcinogenic potential of dioxins, and argues that due to the inductive risk,
the risk of adopting the false hypothesis, it is necessary to keep in mind non-
epistemic values whenever non-epistemic consequences associated with the
errors exist. These non-epistemic consequences of the errors must be considered
in the different stages of research: choice of methodology, characterization of
data, and interpretation of the results.
As a general consideration of the role of values in applied science, I will
refer to the work of Deborah Mayo on risk assessment. According to Mayo, it
is possible to analyze risk assessment from two points of view: the sociological
and the metascientific.16 The sociological approach defends the idea that since
all assessment of risk is influenced by social factors it is not possible to carry
out any type of objective comparative evaluation of alternative assessments. The
metascientific approach, on the contrary, strives to carry out such comparisons
by showing which are the underlying assumptions of the different risk estimates,
and their justification, and in what measure they are supported by the available
Although both positions, the sociological and the metascientific, build on the
idea of the influence of political and moral values in risk assessment, they arrive
at radically different conclusions. In the words of Mayo:
“The metascientific view acknowledges the lack of value-free, universal,
algorithmic methods for reaching and evaluating claims about the world (in
our case, risk-assessment claims). But far from understanding this to preclude
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K. and MCCOY, E. D., Method in Ecology. Strategies for Conservation,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993; and SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K. “Hydrogeology and
Framing Questions Having Policy Consequences,” pp. S149-S160.
Although Douglas doesn’t refer explicitly to the work of Shrader-Frechette. See DOUGLAS, H.,
“Inductive Risk and Values in Science,” Philosophy of Science, v. 67, (2000), pp. 559-579.
Cf. M AYO, D. G., “Sociological versus Metascientific Views of Risk Assessment,” in M AYO D.
G. and HOLLANDER, R. D. (eds.), Acceptable Evidence: Science and Values in Risk Management,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991, pp. 249-279.
On this distinction between sociological and metascientific analysis of risk assessment, see
also SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “Radiobiological Hormesis, Methodological Value Judgments, and
Metascience,” Perspectives on Science, v. 8, (2001), pp. 367-379.
90 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

objectivity, an explicit recognition of how value judgments can influence the

statistical risk assessments can –according to the metascientist– be used to
interpret assessments more objectively. One way to recognize the policy influences
and implications of risk assessment judgments is to evaluate their corresponding
protectiveness for the case at hand. This requires critical metascientific tools.” 18
For Mayo, there are two conceptions of risk assessment with negative
consequences. One of these affirms that the considerations related to risk
management can (and must) be separated from risk assessment. The other
affirms that due to the presence of these considerations it is not possible to carry
out comparative analyses of different risk assessments. In the face of these two
conceptions, Mayo defends the idea that an understanding of the interrelations
between the content of knowledge statements, the methods and the assumptions
or presuppositions facilitates the critical analysis of risk assessment. This is a
legitimate and constructive task for philosophical analysis.


In what follows I will approach the interactions of epistemic and non-epistemic
values in methodological change in a particular kind of regulatory science,
namely risk assessment. In this analysis I will deal mainly with two issues. The
first is related to methodological learning, the process by which scientists, as
well as society, learn about the relationship between methodological judgements
and the aims of scientific research, as well as the use of scientific knowledge in
the policy-making process. The second issue concerns the influence of social
dynamics (in this case the social conflicts related to technological risks) on this
learning process. I will approach both issues in a combined way, showing that a
fruitful relationship between philosophical and social studies is possible.
The analyses of risk assessment have been centered on the social and
environmental consequences of inductive risk (Shrader-Frechette, Cranor,
Douglas). Hempel characterizes inductive risk as the possibility of making an
error in accepting or rejecting a scientific hypothesis.19 In academic science the
inductive risk affects only the aims of science, in risk assessment it can also
affect public health and the environment. Traditionally it has been accepted that
the non-cognitive consequences should not be contemplated by scientists as
long as they are related to the use of scientific knowledge, not to the process of
knowledge production. This general approach prevents methodological learning
in relation to the question of how to generate scientific knowledge useful for the
protection of public health and the environment. This is, in fact, an approach
that was abandoned some time ago by several government agencies in charge of
assessing risks.
M AYO, D. G., “Sociological versus Metascientific Views of Risk Assessment,” p. 261.
Cf. HEMPEL, C. G., “Science and Human Values,” in HEMPEL, C. G., Aspects of Scientific
Explanation, The Free Press, New York, 1965, pp. 81-96.
Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science 91

In its well-known 1983 report, the National Research Council defines risk
assessment as a research process with the following four steps:
1. Risk identification. Characterizing the nature and scope of evidence
indicating that a substance can increase the incidence of disease (cancer,
birth defects, etc...) in humans, laboratory animals, or other test systems.
2. Quantification of the dose-response relationship. Calculating the incidence
of an effect as a function of exposition in several populations, extrapolating
from high doses to low doses, and/or laboratory animals to human beings.
3. Exposition analysis. Identifying the populations that are, or could be,
exposed to a substance in certain circumstances.
4. Risk characterization. Estimating the incidence of effects on health under
different conditions in each of the populations. In this step the information
obtained in each of the previous steps is used.
Risk characterization, the fourth step of risk assessment, is generally conceived
as a synthesis and translation of the information. Synthesis of the information
obtained in the three previous steps and translation of that information in the
sense of showing its meaning for health and environment protection in such a way
that it is useful for policy makers. In this sense, in the 1983 report the necessity
of specifying the possible consequences of current uncertainties in the previous
steps is pointed out. In this conception of risk assessment the first three steps
would be directly related to scientific knowledge, while the fourth one would
include mainly meta-analysis and prediction.
The conclusions of risk characterization are used for risk management,
which mainly consists of drawing up different types of regulations regarding
the use of products and productive processes. The traditional conception of the
relationship between risk assessment and risk management is that assessment
is a scientific activity which provides evidence about the nature and scope
of risks, while management is in charge of making regulations, taking into
account this evidence and the socially established levels of protection of public
health and the environment. This conceptualization of the relationship between
risk assessment and risk management is related to the traditional distinction
between facts and values.
In its 1983 report the National Research Council clearly defends the separability
between assessment and management: if considerations related to management
affect risk assessment, the credibility of the assessment can be compromised.
A similar point of view was expressed again in the 1994 report: it defends the
necessity for risk assessment to be independent, and for explicitly distinguishing
between conclusions based on facts and judgments based on values. The 1996
report questions this point of view and emphasizes the interaction between
assessment and management of risks.20
Cf. NATIONAL R ESEARCH COUNCIL, Understanding Risk. Informing Decisions in a Democratic
Society, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 1996.
92 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Possibly due to its social relevance, risk assessment has suffered a wide-
reaching process of methodological analysis. As we will see in the following,
this analysis has lead to a learning process regarding the methodologies that can
best fulfill the practical values of risk assessment.21 These practical values are
to provide scientific knowledge about risks which is useful for the protection of
public health and the environment. The controversies that have surrounded this
type of regulatory science in the last two decades can be classified in four areas:
1) the burden of proof, 2) risk definition and identification, 3) standards of proof,
and 4) rules of inference.

4.1. The Burden of Proof

The debates about the burden of proof are of a political nature, and are mainly
related to the prioritization of different values, like economic growth or the
protection of public health and the environment. That the debate is of a political
nature doesn’t mean that knowledge about how to better reach the prioritized
goals would not be important.
Let us suppose that a sufficient social agreement exists that gives priority
to the protection of public health and the environment over economic growth.
Then the question emerges of how to reach this objective in a satisfactory way.
For some time now, some environmental groups have considered that it would be
necessary to shift the burden of proof. That is, whoever promoted an innovation
would have to demonstrate that it didn’t involve important risks for public health
and the environment. The promoters of this point of view use moral arguments as
well as empirical ones.
A moral argument in this context is one that points out that whoever will
obtain most benefits from the introduction of an innovation has the responsibility
of demonstrating that he or she is not giving rise to an important risk. Empirical
arguments are those that affirm that the current situation in which the burden of
proof rests with the public administration –which before adopting a regulation
must demonstrate the risk that a product or productive process involves– has
not sufficiently protected public health and the environment. An example of the
combination of moral and empirical arguments is provided by Joel Tickner when
he maintains that:
“As government authorities never have sufficient resources to study every
chemical, factory, or ecosystem, it becomes critical for those undertaking a potentially
dangerous activity (and who will ultimately benefit most from that activity) to have
to prove that their activities will not harm humans or the environment.” 22
I use the expression “practical values” following Rodríguez Alcázar. In regulatory science in
general, and in risk assessment in particular, this expression is clearly appropriate. See RODRIGUEZ
A LCAZAR, J., Ciencia, valores y relativismo. Una defensa de la Filosofía de la Ciencia, Comares,
Granada, 2000.
TICKNER, J.A., “A Map toward Precautionary Decision Making,” in R AFFENSPERGER, C. and
TICKNER, J. A. (eds), Protecting Public Health and the Environment. Implementing the Precautionary
Principle, Island Press, Washington, 1999, pp. 162-186.
Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science 93

Another empirical argument (in this case, a comparative one) points out that
in the economic sectors in which a shift of the burden of proof has already taken
place, for example the pharmaceutical sector, public health is better protected
than if the burden of proof rested with the public administration. The correctness
of these empirical arguments depends on, for example, the characteristics
of contemporary society and its institutions, the level of innovation and the
characteristics of chemical substances and, particularly, the risks these can involve
for public health and the environment. Statements about these characteristics are
subject to an empirical analysis regarding their correctness or incorrectness.
For some authors it is necessary to analyze the social consequences of regulation
and their level of permissiveness. The cumulative experience of the last twenty
years regarding the assessment and regulation of risks indicates that sometimes
the control of a risk through regulation produces the emergence of other risks
(risk tradeoffs). This means that regulating a risk can become harmful for the
protection of health and the environment if the countervailing risk is bigger.23
Therefore, the effectiveness of the regulation depends on numerous factors.
Cass Sunstein argues that the relationship between health, wealth and safety
must be analyzed since the data indicates that a decrease of wealth increases
the risks to public health. Sunstein says that an increasing number of research
projects in the area indicate that lives are being lost as a consequence of the
obligatory cost of regulation, and that there are reasons for the government to
take this problem seriously.24 However, Shrader-Frechette points to the utter
lack of empirical evidence in terms of controlled experiments or statistical
analysis for Sunstein’s causal assumption that regulation increases risk because
it increases poverty.25
These considerations in this section indicate that the effectiveness of a
proposal of a political nature like the shift of the burden of proof depends on
numerous factors like certain economic and administrative characteristics, the
nature of risks, the relationship between regulated risks and countervailing risks,
etc. The determination of these factors depends on social education about risks
and its regulation. Scientific knowledge is one of the key factors that contribute
to this learning process.
The shift of the burden of proof has also been relevant to the development
of some lines of scientific research and technological innovation. This has been
the case with the European regulation of biotechnology. This regulation, guided
by the precautionary principle, shifts the burden of proof. It has decisively
Cf. GRAHAM, J. D. and WIENER, J. B., “Confronting Risk Tradeoffs,” in GRAHAM, J. D. and
WIENER, J. B. (eds), Risk vs. Risk. Tradeoffs in Protecting Health and the Environment, Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, 1995, pp. 1-41.
Cf. SUNSTEIN, C. R., “Health-Health Trade-Offs,” in ELSTER, J. (ed.), Deliberative Democracy,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998, pp. 232-259.
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K, “Review of Risk and Reason (Cass Sunstein, 2002, Cambridge
University Press),” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, (2003.04.09).
94 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

influenced the modification of certain trajectories of technological innovation

in biotechnology and given an impulse to research programs (like scientific
post-marketing monitoring) on the long-term ecological impacts of Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMOs).26

4.2. Risk Definition and Identification

Risk assessment and risk management are related to public concerns about the
negative consequences of industrialization for public health and the environment.
The conceptualization of something as a risk is a normative question subject to
the influences of social dynamics. For Nicholas Rescher, risk assessment cannot
be considered a value-free scientific activity, because to measure the magnitude
of a risk demands a normative valuation, that is, to compare different types of
harm and to value their “negativeness” for different social agents.27 For Rescher,
there are no objective facts that allow us to calculate the severity of damage or the
best way of impersonally distributing harm.28
Health problems caused by pollution can be of different kinds. However, most
of the risk assessments have traditionally focused on the carcinogenic potential
of chemical substances. This is because the US EPA, from the beginning,
considered that cancer represented a group of health problems caused by
pollution, i.e., cancer was considered as an indicator for the health risks of many
substances.29 The centrality of cancer in risk assessment is due to the fact that
environmentalists in the U.S. had focused their attention on the disease during
the 1960s and 70s. The warnings outlined by Raquel Carson in her classic Silent
Spring in 1962 were considered at that time anecdotic and non-scientific. The
attempts of quantifying the carcinogenic potential of chemical substances were
an answer to this type of warnings.30
Tesh has synthesized the environmentalists’ main critiques of risk assessment.31
These are:
1. Risk assessment has been centered on cancer, instead of considering all the
diseases that the exposition to toxic products can cause.
Cf. TODT, O. and LUJAN, J. L., “Spain: Commercialization Drives Public Debate and Precaution,”
Journal of Risk Research, v. 3, (2000), pp. 237-245; LUJAN, J. L. and TODT, O., “Dinámica de la
precaución. Sobre la influencia de los conflictos sociales en la regulación de los OGMs,” in I AÑEZ,
E. (ed), Plantas transgénicas: De la Ciencia al Derecho, Comares, Granada, 2002, pp. 141-154; and
TODT, O., “Regulating Agricultural Biotechnology under Uncertainty,” Safety Science, v. 42, (2004),
pp. 143-158.
Cf. R ESCHER, N., Risk: A Philosophical Introduction to the Theory of Risk Evaluation and
Management, University Press of America, Lanham, 1983.
28 A
gainst Laudan’s affirmations, which use fatality as the measure of risk. See LAUDAN, L., The
Book of Risks, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1994.
Cf. TESH, S. N., Uncertain Hazards. Environmental Activists and Scientific Proof, Cornell
University Press, Ithaca (NY), 2000.
Cf. CRANOR, C., Regulating Toxic Substances. A Philosophy of Science and the Law, Oxford
University Press, New York, 1993, p. 110.
Cf. TESH, S. N., Uncertain Hazards. Environmental Activists and Scientific Proof, p. 66.
Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science 95

2. Current risk assessment is done under the supposition that risks affect
everybody in the same way, and has not paid attention to biological and
social diversity.
3. Disease has been considered as the expression of the damage caused by
substances, other impacts have not been considered.
4. It has been supposed that substances act independently, instead of analyzing
the synergies and interactions that can take place among them.
5. The standards of proof required for establishing the relation between the
presence of a substance and a damage are too demanding.
These criticisms have forced changes in risk assessment and in general in
scientific research devoted to health and environmental risks. The characterization
of damage has been extended beyond cancer and disease. Problems related
to sexual development, reproductive problems like infertility and cognitive
dysfunctions have gotten the attention of researchers. The so-called hormonal
disrupters are the best-known example. The effects of environmental pollution
on wildlife and ecosystems has begun to be considered as indicators for human
health.32 Physiologic abnormalities that can be found in the blood or the adipose
tissue are also used in this way, i.e. as biological markers for the effects of pollution
on health. Also, guidelines have been written up for risk assessments to consider
human diversity regarding age, genetic susceptibilities, etc.
The controversy on biotechnology in Europe has also led to a redefinition of
the possible damage. In the beginning, the possibility of genetically modified
plants generating resistance in insects to certain insecticides had been considered
by European authorities as an agronomic problem. But beginning with the 1996
controversy over the registration of a variety of transgenic corn, this possibility
began to be considered as an adverse effect. As a consequence, scientific
methodologies were developed for its study.33
The conceptualization of certain effects of human actions as risks depends
on social concerns. These concerns have influenced risk assessment in a decisive
way. And these concerns are also related to learning about the effectiveness of risk
assessment and risk management. The necessity to extend the characterization
of harm has been argued on the grounds that the assessment and regulations
centered on cancer and diseases were not leading to the desired level of protection
of public health through regulation. This conclusion is also a consequence of the
scientific and social learning about risk during the last decades.
Cf. TESH, S. N., Uncertain Hazards. Environmental Activists and Scientific Proof, p. 67, and
K RIEBEL, D. ET AL., “The Precautionary Principle in Environmental Science,” Environmental Health
Perspectives, v. 109, n. 9, (2001), pp. 871-876.
Cf. LUJAN, J. L. and TODT, O., “Dinámica de la precaución. Sobre la influencia de los conflictos
sociales en la regulación de los OGMs,” pp. 149-151.
96 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

4.3. Standards of Proof

There are two questions regarding standards of proof that have arisen recently.
The better-known concerns the level of rigor of the standards of proof in the risk
regulation processes. The second one is what kind of evidence must be considered
as proof, for example, that a substance can cause negative effects for health or the
It has been argued that the standards of proof in the current regulatory processes
are extremely demanding. This means that numerous dangerous substances are
possibly being used because their danger has not been demonstrated according
to such standards of proof. Therefore, it has been proposed, with the purpose of
protecting health and the environment, to relax these standards of proof. Those
who defend this position see two advantages: that possibly many dangerous
substances which at the present time are not regulated would be regulated, and
–with the same amount of resources– many more substances could be analyzed.
Both consequences are desirable given the aim of protecting public health and
the environment.
A proposal in this sense has been advanced by Carl Cranor.34 Cranor proposes
using short-term tests as the basis for regulating chemical substances. This type of
scientific tests concerns mutagenic properties, the relationship between chemical
structure and biological activity, etc. Cranor’s proposal is that in some cases this
kind of test substitute bioassays and epidemiological studies, more intensive in
time and resources.
Cranor’s argument is typically methodological. The aim of risks assessment is
the protection of public health and the environment, and Cranor’s analysis consists
of a comparative evaluation of different methodologies of risks assessment (in
this case, of carcinogenicity), keeping in mind this aim. This evaluation is carried
out comparing the social costs of the false positive and the false negative that are
produced by the different methodologies. The conclusion Cranor arrives at is that
short-term tests can be socially better in many cases than tests that make use of
bioassays and/or epidemiological studies.
Cranor defends his proposal pointing out some of the relevant characteristics
of toxic substances that give rise to problems for their identification and
assessment. Toxic chemicals (carcinogens, hormonal disrupters, neurotoxins, etc)
are substances difficult to detect, they possess long periods of latency, are bio-
accumulated and are taken up by human beings through the alimentary chain.
In addition, they don’t show direct evidence of their effects or their effects are
Cf. CRANOR, C., Regulating Toxic Substances. A Philosophy of Science and the Law, Oxford
University Press, New York, 1993; CRANOR, C., “The Normative Nature of Risk Assessment:
Features and Possibilities,” Risk: Health, Safety and Environment, v. 8, (1997), pp. 123-136; and
CRANOR, C., “Conocimiento experto y políticas públicas en las sociedades tecnológicas. En busca del
apoyo científico apropiado para la protección de la salud pública,” in LUJAN, J. L. and ECHEVERRIA, J.
(eds.), Gobernar los riesgos. Ciencia y valores en la sociedad del riesgo, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid,
2004, pp. 99-141.
Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science 97

similar to diseases which are the result of other causes, they operate through
unknown molecular or sub-molecular mechanisms, their consequences are
catastrophic for the affected individual, although their probability is low. These
characteristics are very well known today due to the knowledge accumulated by
scientific research. The cumulative experience of the analysis of these substances
is also important for other reasons: we know what we do not know, and we know
about the difficulties of obtaining a deeper knowledge of them.
Moreover, Cranor analyzes the epistemic characteristics of scientific
research regarding biochemical risks, focusing especially on toxicology. Cranor
asserts that:
“Scientific bodies and most scientists are typically quite demanding in
minimizing or preventing factual false positives, that is, that their procedures
show that a substance has a toxic property when in fact it does not. They want
to ensure that they are not mistakenly claiming that a substance is toxic when
it is not. They tend to be cautious in coming to such conclusions.
One instance of this practice is that scientists guard against random
statistical errors in their experiments from producing false positive results by
demanding that support for their conclusions must be statistically significant.
This is only one statistical measure that is used in scientific inquiry, but a
particularly easy one to utilize and quantify. Moreover, a focus on preventing
false positives in statistical tests will as a matter of the mathematics involved
increase the number and rate of false negatives. And, at least in research,
scientists appear to have a lesser concern to prevent false negatives.” 35
The greater concern for the false positive is a methodological translation of
an epistemic value, that is, accuracy. The concern for the false positive leads to
require certain kinds of evidence in order to reach conclusions concerning the
toxicity of a substance. Cranor’s argument points out the consequences of the
interaction between the characteristics of chemical substances and the epistemic
characteristics of the scientific research on risk. The characteristics of toxics
make it very difficult to establish links and causal trajectories. And the epistemic
characteristic of research on the risks of toxic products makes it necessary to
acquire knowledge of those links and causal trajectories. The combination of
both factors, characteristics of toxics and epistemic characteristics of research,
leads to research which is intensive both in time and resources.
Cranor reaches the conclusion that this type of risk assessment has undesirable
social consequences. His work is an analysis of the social consequences of using
certain methodologies. He maintains that the scientific epistemology, at least
in these extreme forms, is not normatively neutral when it is used for social
applications. In the particular case of the risk assessment of toxic substances, a

CRANOR, C. “Conocimiento experto y políticas públicas en las sociedades tecnológicas. En busca
del apoyo científico apropiado para la protección de la salud pública,” p. 110.
98 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

conflict arises between an epistemic value like accuracy and a practical value like
the protection of public health.
There are other proposals similar to those of Cranor. Some authors defend
that in order to protect the environment and public health an analysis based on
the weight of evidence is better than trying to acquire an exact determination of
the level of risk involved.
“The weight-of-evidence approach to decision-making takes into account
the cumulative weight of information from numerous sources that address the
question of injury or the likelihood of injury to living organisms. Types of
information that might be considered include observational studies, worker
case histories, toxicological studies, exposure assessments, epidemiological
studies, and monitoring results. Based on the weight of evidence, a
determination is made as to whether an activity has caused or is likely to
cause harm and the magnitude of that harm.” 36
In a way this approach also implies a weakening of the standards of proof,
and considers in a generic way the evidence accumulated about the relationship
between substances and health and ecological problems. But it doesn’t only consist
in relaxing the standards of proof, but in addition it calls for taking into account
all the available information coming from different sources. It is possible that no
type of information by itself would be enough to affirm a causal relationship, but
the combination of available information can be enough for decision-making.37
Of course, this approach has consequences for the development of scientific
research programs. The arguments in defense of this approach are similar to
those analyzed in the case of short-term tests: it is a better way of reaching the
objectives of protecting the environment and public health.
The American regulatory agencies have changed the standards of proof
from the 70s until now. In the guidelines published by the EPA in 1976 for
the assessment of carcinogenic substances it was considered that the evidence
in humans (epidemiological studies) was fundamental to the identification of
carcinogens and to the establishment of the dose-response relationship. The
1983 NRC report insisted on the relevance of human evidence, but it recognized
the difficulty of obtaining and interpreting it, and recognized that in many
cases it was necessary to appeal to data coming from bioassays. In 1985 the
Office of Science and Technology Policy analyzed the problems presented by
epidemiological studies for establishing causal relationships. In the guidelines
of 1986, the EPA recommended carrying out global evaluations of the evidence
coming from epidemic studies, bioassays and other information coming from

TICKNER, J. A., “A Map toward Precautionary Decision Making,” p. 169.
Some analysts that defend this approach consider that the weight of evidence must be inversely
proportional to the possible magnitude of the damage. That is, the higher the possible harm, the less
information would be required to take a decision. Therefore, this proposal is based on the valuation
of the social consequences of the application of a epistemic value like accuracy.
Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science 99

short-term tests and concerning the relationship between chemical structure and
biological activity. In 1996, the EPA recommended considering all the available
evidence: human, animal as well as supplementary evidence.

4.4. Inductive Risk and Rules of Inference

In risk assessment scientists must face numerous indeterminacies. These
indeterminacies are solved by methodological decisions. An important part of
these indeterminacies that show up in risk assessments are related to the fact that
it is not possible to study experimentally the effects of many chemical substances
on human beings. Therefore, scientists must appeal to epidemiological data as
well as data coming from bioassays (i.e. using animal models). In other words, it
becomes necessary to extrapolate from high dose to low dose and from animals
to human beings. In the studies on the effects of radiation, for example, it is
necessary to estimate the effects of low-dose radiation based on data of high
levels of radiation (usually epidemiological data coming from nuclear accidents
or from the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in World War II). To this end
different extrapolation models (e.g., dose-response curves) are used. Using one
or the other model leads to very different results that can differ by several orders
of magnitude.
The indeterminacies can show up in the different stages of risk assessment.
These indeterminacies can be solved through the selection of interpretations of
data, alternative methodologies and/or rules of inference. Generically, we can call
the selection among alternatives in each one of these categories methodological
decisions.38 These methodological decisions determine to an important part the
final result of a process of risk assessment, and can be influenced by a different
type of considerations.
These methodological decisions can be related, for example, to the weight
conferred to different studies with different results, the level of statistical
significance, the models of extrapolation, etc. Different alternatives will increase
the number of false positives or false negatives. It is impossible to minimize both
types of errors without modifying the size of the sample. To minimize one or
another type of error is a normative decision with social consequences.
To increase the size of the sample is the other possibility. But then questions
regarding the social (economical) costs of the research regarding that particular
risk, and also relative to the opportunity costs related to the possibility of
analyzing other, different risks enter into consideration. Therefore, as Carl Cranor
has pointed out, “where statistical studies are needed to provide evidence of
toxicity, decisions about sample size, cost of experiment, and the desired degree
of accuracy all involve normative decisions in the very conception and design
of such studies. Moreover, since risk assessment is an imperfect procedure,
Cf. LOPEZ CEREZO, J. A. and LUJAN, J. L., Ciencia y Política del riesgo, Alianza Editorial, Madrid,
2000, pp. 107-114.
100 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

there will be mistakes and which mistakes the process is designed to avoid is an
important normative issue. One must make a policy decision (or decisions) about
the degree of accuracy and the importance of the risks to be prevented. Explicit
discussion of alternatives to conventional risk assessment and risk management
practices of scientists should occur because many current practice may frustrate
preventive goals.” 39
The first problem presented by the epidemiological studies is the
identification of diseases. This first step depends on the quality of the gathered
medical information as well as the quality of the information that can be obtained
during the study. The characteristics of some diseases, like long periods of
latency, hinder their identification. When a disease has been identified, it must
be related causally to the presence of some substance. The problem that appears
here is related to the inference of causality from statistical data. The effect of
a substance can be a small variation of the normal rate of deaths from cancer
that could be statistically not significant. In some cases a relationship cannot
be established because the sensibility of the epidemiological study simply does
not allow for this.40
Let us suppose that it has been possible to establish a relationship between
the substance and the disease. Then it is necessary to estimate the dose-response
relationship. As happened with the identification of disease, the problems begin
with the compilation of information. Information is needed on the source of
contamination, the way of exposition (air, land, water, etc.), the channels of
transportation in each medium, physical and chemical transformations, the path
of entrance into the organism, the intensity and frequency of exposition, and
the patterns of spatial and temporal concentration.41 Then there are other, more
simple cases: the epidemiological data coming from accidents. In such cases, it
is possible that the epidemiological data does not offer any doubt regarding the
causal relationship between the exposition to high doses of a particular substance
and a serious disease. The problem is to determine, from this epidemiological
data, what happens in the case of low doses, i.e., to extrapolate from high dose
to low dose. What happens here is that the data is normally compatible with
different mathematical models of extrapolation. The theoretical models are
underdetermined by the available evidence.42
Similar problems show up in studies with laboratory animals. Heather Douglas
has analyzed research on the relationship between dioxins and liver cancer in
laboratory rats. The study was carried out in 1978 and was used for the regulation of
the dioxin levels in the environment. The samples taken from laboratory animals’
livers were re-evaluated twice, in 1980 and in 1990. The classification of these
CRANOR, C., “The Normative Nature of Risk Assessment: Features and Possibilities,” p. 128.
Cf. M AYO, D. G., “Sociological versus Metascientific Views of Risk Assessment,” pp. 267-275.
Cf. TESH, S. N., Uncertain Hazards. Environmental Activists and Scientific Proof, pp. 35-36.
Cf. LOPEZ CEREZO, J. A. and LUJAN, J. L., Ciencia y Política del riesgo, pp. 107-114 and 119-130.
Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science 101

samples as cancerous lesions (benign or malign) was different each of the three
times (the number of cancers found in 1978 was higher than in 1990.). As Douglas
points out, “the judgment of whether a tissue sample has a cancerous lesion or
not has proven to be more subtle than one might initially suppose.” 43 Also, in the
bioassay studies, problems show up related to the models of extrapolation, as in
the case of the epidemiological studies. Other indeterminacies are related to the
extrapolation from animals to humans.
An issue which has been studied in-depth by the analysts of risk assessment
is the higher concern among scientists for false positives than for false negatives
(Cranor, Shrader-Frechette, Douglas). This tendency is the methodological
translation of the search for accuracy, and its goal is to avoid asserting a false
hypothesis. As I have already pointed out, it is impossible to reduce false negatives
and false positives at the same time. The higher concern for the false positives is
translated into an increase of the false negatives. This concern is summed up in the
studies’ election of the levels of statistical significance, which reflects a decision
about which kind of error a scientist is willing to tolerate more easily. These
methodological decisions possess consequences for regulation, and therefore
have social consequences. The false positives lead to over-regulation, while the
false negatives to sub-regulation. In general, the social costs of sub-regulation are
higher than those of over-regulation.44 Several authors have defended the idea that
scientists involved in risk assessment must bear in mind the social consequences
of their methodological decisions. In other words, they should also pay attention
to practical values.
The attention to practical values has been an explicit policy of regulatory
agencies in their elaboration of guidelines for choosing among different dose-
response models. In the studies on non-carcinogenic substances models with
thresholds are used, below which effects are not observable. In the case of
carcinogenic substances, however, models without thresholds are used, assuming
that although the doses are small, they can cause alterations in the DNA that could
lead to the emergence of tumors. In the debates that have taken place during the
last few years regarding the new EPA guidelines for the assessment of carcinogenic
substances, specific models of extrapolation have been explicitly advocated as
being scientifically defensible as well as protective of public health.


In the preceding section of this paper I have analyzed different changes and
proposals for change in risk management (e.g., in connection with the burden
of proof), the definition and identification of risks, the level and types of

DOUGLAS, H. “Inductive Risk and Values in Science,” p. 571.
In general, although not always. This depends on the possible use of the product and the magnitude
of the risks. Other considerations would be relative to who benefits from the product and who suffers
the risks.
102 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

evidence required for regulation (standard of proof) and the rules of inference
(in the identification of risks as well as in the establishment of the dose-response
It is not the aim of this work to carry out an evaluation of such changes and
proposals. My aim has been to show that such changes and proposals take place
in a learning process relative to the best ways of reaching the goals of protecting
public health and the environment from the risks introduced by products and
productive processes. This learning process has taken place on the basis of the
cumulative experience with respect to the characteristics of toxic substances
and their interactions with human beings and ecosystems, the epistemic
characteristics of scientific research on those toxins and their interactions, and
the effects of the different regulatory systems regarding the protection of health
and of the environment.
In all the cases analyzed, the dynamics has been similar to that proposed in
Laudan’s reticulated model: the learning process is the product of the interaction
among substantive elements of scientific knowledge (in this case statements
about the health and ecological consequences of products and productive
processes), methodological rules and the goals of research. This model is
appropriate if we keep in mind that the goals of risk assessment are to provide
knowledge useful for protecting public health and the environment. That is,
if we accept in some sense the modification of Laudan’s model proposed by
Shrader-Frechette, and the considerations about risk assessment spelled out by
authors like Cranor and Douglas.
Laudan, however, would not agree with these modifications.45 The only values
and goals that he considers are the epistemic ones, and in that sense he doesn’t
distinguish between applied science and academic science. Science is mainly a
matter of belief, and in this realm the relevant issue is to compare the different
theoretical alternatives and to choose the best one according to certain epistemic
values (e.g., preferring the theory best supported by empirical tests).
From a classic point of view, whenever scientific knowledge is used to advise
actions (e.g., regulations or public policies in general), it is necessary to carry out
calculations of the social costs of false positives and false negatives. Therefore, it
is necessary to distinguish between knowledge and its applications, in this case
between risk assessment and risk management. This is the classic point of view
according to which the consideration of non-epistemic values in the research
process distorts scientific knowledge.
Some authors have documented historically the influence of external factors
or non-epistemic values on risk assessment.46 But the classic point of view must
Cf. LAUDAN, L., The Book of Risks, pp. 2-42.
Cf. JASANOFF, S., The Fifth Branch. Science Advisers as Policymakers, ch. 11, pp. 229-250; and
TESH, S. N., Uncertain Hazards. Environmental Activists and Scientific Proof, ch. 2, pp. 24-39.
Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science 103

be understood as a proposal relative to the goals and values of scientific research,

and to the relationship between scientific knowledge and its applications: it
affirms that it is better for science to try to reach epistemic goals, letting itself
be guided by the criterion of preferring the comparatively best theories. This
is, of course, a reasonable proposal defended by many philosophers of science,
scientists and also public policy makers.
Nevertheless, my valuation is that this proposal can impede an important
part of the methodological learning in risk assessment. Not keeping in mind
the context and the final goals of regulatory science limits our possibilities of
methodological learning. It is in this sense in which I consider that it is important
to keep in mind the non-epistemic values in this kind of scientific activity. It is
more likely that methodological innovations be obtained in risk research if the
practical goals of that kind of scientific knowledge are considered explicitly. To
limit methodological learning relative to those goals can lead to a situation in
which science doesn’t perform the social functions that are expected of it.
From a long-established point of view the questions related to the burden
of proof and the standards of proof belong to the realm of risk management.
However, we have seen that decisions on the burden of proof and the standards
of proof influence methodological learning in risk assessment. It is an empirical
question if the short-term tests or the weight-of-evidence-based approaches are
useful or not to protect public health and the environment from technological
risks. The same is valid for the different models of extrapolation. But to be able to
decide on these empirical questions, it is necessary to keep in mind the practical
values of risk assessment.
As we have seen, Mayo argues that certain types of sociological analysis
of regulatory science disable methodological learning.47 This is because such
studies do not facilitate the comparison among the different methods in order to
reach the goals that are pursued with the research. But the approaches asserting
the neutrality of science regarding practical values also disable methodological
learning, at least in the realm of applied science and regulatory science.

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M AYO, D. G., “Sociological versus Metascientific Views of Risk Assessment,” pp. 275-276.
104 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

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LAUDAN, L., “La teoría de la investigación tomada en serio,” in VELASCO, A. (ed.),
Racionalidad y cambio científico, Paidós/UNAM, México D. F., 1997, pp. 25-41.
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W. (ed.), El Pensamiento de L. Laudan. Relaciones entre Historia de la Ciencia y
Filosofía de la Ciencia, Publicaciones Universidad de A Coruña, A Coruña, 1998,
pp. 105-116.
LOPEZ CEREZO, J. A. and LUJAN, J. L., Ciencia y Política del riesgo, Alianza
Editorial, Madrid, 2000.
LONGINO, H. E., Science as Social Knowledge: Values and Objectivity in Scientific
Inquiry, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1990.
LUJAN, J. L. and TODT, O., “Dinámica de la precaución. Sobre la influencia de
los conflictos sociales en la regulación de los OGMs,” in IAÑEZ, E. (ed), Plantas
transgénicas: De la Ciencia al Derecho, Comares, Granada, 2002, pp. 141-154.
MAYO, D. G., “Sociological versus Metascientific Views of Risk Assessment,” in
MAYO, D. G. and HOLLANDER, R. D. (eds.), Acceptable Evidence: Science and Values
in Risk Management, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991, pp. 249-279.
MAYO, D. G., Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge, The University
of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1996.
MCMULLIN, E., “Values in Science,” in K LEMKE, E. D., HOLLINGER, R. and RUDGE,
D. W. (eds.), Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Science, Prometheus Books,
Amherst, 1998, pp. 515-538.
Metascientific Analysis and Methodological Learning in Regulatory Science 105

MCMULLIN, E., “The Goals of Natural Science,” in HRONZSKY, I. ET AL. (eds.),

Scientific Knowledge Socialized, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1988, pp.27-58.
MCMULLIN, E., “The Shaping of Scientific Rationality: Construction and
Constraint,” in MCMULLIN, E. (ed.), Construction and Constraint: the Shaping of
Scientific Rationality, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame (IN), 1988,
pp. 1-47.
NATIONAL R ESEARCH COUNCIL, Understanding Risk. Informing Decisions in a
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and Management, University Press of America, Lanham, 1983.
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Filosofía de la Ciencia, Comares, Granada, 2000.
SHAPERE, D., Reason and the Search for Knowledge, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1984.
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “Scientific Progress and Models of Justification,” in
GOLDMAN, S. (ed.), Science, Technology, and Social Progress, Lehigh University
Press, Bethlehem, 1989, pp. 196-226.
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality: Philosophical Foundations for
Populist Reforms, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1991.
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Ethics of Scientific Research, Rowman & Littlefield,
Lanham, 1994.
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “Hydrogeology and Framing Questions Having Policy
Consequences,” Philosophy of Science, v. 64, (1997), pp. S149-S160.
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “Radiobiological Hormesis, Methodological Value
Judgments, and Metascience,” Perspectives on Science, v. 8, (2001), pp. 367-379.
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “Review of Risk and Reason (Cass Sunstein, 2002,
Cambridge University Press),” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, (2003.04.09).
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K. and MCCOY, E. D., Method in Ecology. Strategies for
Conservation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993.
SUNSTEIN, C. R., “Health-Health Trade-Offs,” in ELSTER, J. (ed.), Deliberative
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Kristin Shrader-Frechette

Reasoning by analogy is a dangerous enterprise for an analytic philosopher.

Yet several years ago, Oxford philosopher Jonathan Glover used a powerful
analogy. Suppose each of 100 Sub-Saharan tribesmen has a bowl of 100 baked
beans for lunch. Suppose also that a band of 100 bandits attacks the unarmed
tribe, and each bandit takes one lunch from one of the tribesmen. Obviously this
theft is morally wrong. But suppose instead the bandits have an ethicist among
them. He directs the 100 tribesmen to line up with their bowls of baked beans.
Next suppose that each bandit takes one bean from each of the 100 bowls.1 The
bandit ethicist might say this second action is not wrong, because no single bandit
did significant harm to any one person; each bandit stole only a single bean from
each tribesman. Yet the net effect of both thefts is the same.


If it is wrong for a single polluter directly and knowingly to kill an innocent,
identifiable individual, is it likewise wrong, all things being equal, for a polluter
to contribute equally to releases which, together with the equal emissions of 99
other polluters, also kill an innocent person prematurely? Is there something
wrong with societies in which thousands of manufacturers each emit “acceptable”
levels of pollutants, yet together these “acceptable” pollutants are the main
contributors to a cancer rate that kills half of us prematurely (see notes 43-44)?
Consider a case closer to home, the heavily industrialized area of East
Chicago. The community is 89-percent minority, extremely poor, and roughly
100 miles from the university where I teach. Suppose I see a child swimming
in East Chicago’s Calumet River, just downstream from the effluent pipe of
a facility releasing toxic wastes. Suppose I know that, if the child swims in
the contaminated water (near the pipe) for only several hours, he will have
been exposed to a neuron-toxin that will cause him to die prematurely. Finally,
suppose that I could prevent the child’s death by spending only 2 hours of my
time, to contact him, his parents, the facility’s security guard, the polluting
company, and officials (who might build a fence or post warning signs about
Paper presented on March 11, 2004 in the Conference on Science, Techonology and Society:
The Philosophical Perspective (Jornadas sobre Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad: La perspectiva
filosófica), organized by the University of A Coruña and the Society of Logic, Methodology and
Philosophy of Science in Spain.
The Glover example is quoted by PARFIT, D., Reasons and Persons, Oxford University Press, New
York, 1984, p. 511. See SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality, University of California
Press, Berkeley, 1991, pp. 70-71.

108 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

swimming in the river). If I did not spend these 2 hours to prevent the child’s
death, when I could do so, at no great sacrifice on my part, arguably I would
be morally reprehensible. Now consider a second case. Suppose I know that
the same river supplies drinking water for East Chicago; that nearby children
(who drink the water), exhibit statistically significant increases of fatal
neurological injuries; and that, by donating only 2 hours of my time to a local
nongovernmental organization (NGO), dedicated to river clean up, I could help
prevent one child’s death from the neurotoxin. If I would be wrong for not
trying to prevent the first child’s death, wouldn’t I also be wrong for not trying
to prevent this second child’s death? Each of faces cases like this, again and
again, in many areas of our lives. Yet most of us do nothing about it.
One reason is that reality is rarely as clear as these examples. On the one
hand, there are many uncertainties, including how to apportion collective
responsibility, how many children would die because of the contaminated river,
how many hours of work are necessary to save one child’s life, how many other
people would join the NGO, and so on. On the other hand, there are dose-
response curves for many of the 80,000 industrial contaminants to which we are
subjected, and many developed nations have Toxic Release Inventories (TRIs),
in which each industry must reveal which, and what quantities of, toxins it
releases. Only a minimal amount of research is necessary, especially for a
university-educated person, to become aware of the magnitude of any given
threat she faces. Thus, if we in democratic nations do nothing at all, either to
become informed about technological problems, to help educate others about
them, or to be active in NGOs seeking to avoid them, when we easily could do
so, we err. Prima facie, we are as much at fault as the person who does nothing
to protect the child swimming in the contaminated river, the person who does
nothing to help reform the practice and use of science and technology. Why
would we be at fault?


Perhaps the major argument is that such reform is badly needed, both to secure
the integrity of science and to protect the victims of its misuse. A recent US report
underscored the bias in much science when it showed that, merely by reading the
titles, authors, and financial supporters of scientific research, it was possible to
predict the conclusions in 81 percent of all cases.2 Other biases in the practice
of science occur because commercially and industrially controlled research
accounts for 75 percent of all scientific work. Publicly funded research, driven by

Cf. ERMAN, D. and PISTER, E., “Ethics and the Environmental Biologist,” Fisheries, v. 14, no. 2,
(1989), p. 7. See also, for example, TURNER, C. and SPILICH, J., “Research into Smoking or Nicotine
and Human Cognitive Performance: Does the Source of Funding Make a Difference?,” Addiction,
v. 92, (1997), pp. 1423-1426.
How to Reform Science and Technology 109

no particular profit agenda, accounts for only 25 percent of all science.3 Given the
private control of most scientific research, it is not surprising that most of us are
ignorant about many effects of science and technology, like toxic chemicals. US
government reports admit that “up to 90 percent of all cancers are environmentally
induced and theoretically preventable.” 4 If so, we need not so much a cure for
cancer, as its prevention. We are literally killing ourselves, because of our misuse
of science and technology. Among developing nations, need for reform is even
greater. The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that pesticides annually
kill 40,000 people in developing nations; they seriously injure another 450,000.
Most of these pesticides are produced in developed countries, banned for use
there, but instead shipped abroad.5 Or consider infant formula, a misused food
technology. In 2001, after the International Baby Food Action Network argued
against aggressive and misleading advertising, marketing, and labeling of infant
formula in developing nations –by companies like Nestlé– President Bush argued
against WHO safeguards. The WHO urges exclusive breast-feeding as safer,
healthier, and cheaper for at least the first 6 months. But the US argued fiercely
against WHO curbs on misleading baby-formula advertising in poor nations. It
said it was “very anxious not to inhibit commercial activity.” 6 Bush’s behavior,
even in the baby-formula case, suggests why industry and government, alone,
cannot do the job of reforming science and technology.7 Without consumer and
public pressure for reform, companies that are more responsible (than Nestlé,
for example), that accept WHO norms, could financially destroy themselves.
Their higher standards, as in the infant formula case, could make them unable
to compete with less scrupulous companies. To expect firms to introduce safer
science and technology, and thus risk being undercut financially by less scrupulous
Cf. BEDER, S., Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism, Chelsea Green Books,
White River Junction, 2002, pp. 17-49, 63-71, 141ff and 161ff. Information on lobbying statistics from
Dick Armey, House of Representatives Majority Leader, is taken from A RMEY, D., “Washington’s
Lobbying Industry, Appendix: Measuring the Lobbying Industry,” obtained at,
January 5, 2002. See also The Center for Responsive Politics at
index.asp for information on the lobbying industry and amounts spent by various industries on
lobbyists. Legislative data on the effects of lobbyists, campaign contributions, and PACs, is from
BOX-STEFFENSMEIER, J. and GRANT, J., “All in a Day’s Work: The Financial Rewards of Legislative
Effectiveness,” Legislative Studies Quarterly, v. 25, no. 4, (1999), pp. 511-524. See also COMMON
CAUSE, “Why People Who Value Families Should Care About Campaign Finance Reform,” obtained
at, Jan. 2, 2003. Additional lobbying information is from A NSOLABEHERE,
S., SNYDER Jr. J. and TRIPATHI, M., “Are PAC Contributions and Lobbying Linked? New Evidence
from the 1995 Lobby Disclosure Act,” Business and Politics, v. 4, no. 2, (2002), pp. 131-156.
US OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, Assessment of Technologies for Determining Cancer
Risks from the Environment, US OTA, Washington, DC, 1981.
Cf. M ATHEWS, J., World Resources 1986, Basic Books, New York, 1986, pp. 48-49. See also
R EPETTO, R., Paying the Price: Pesticide Subsidies in Developing Countries, Research Report
Number 2, December 1985, World Resources Institute, Washington DC, 1985, p. 3.
YAMEK, G., “Pop Musicians Boycott Promotion,” British Medical Journal, v. 322, no. 7280, (2001),
p. 191. See also EXETER, P. B., “Campaigners for Breast Feeding Claim Partial Victory,” British
Medical Journal, v. 322, no. 7280, (2001), p. 191.
See SHUE, H., “Exporting Hazards,” in BROWN, P., and SHUE, H. (eds), Boundaries: National
Autonomy and Its Limits, Rowman and Littlefield, Totowa, 1981, pp. 130ff, for a similar argument.
110 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

corporations, is unrealistic.8 This is why citizens, especially professionals, must

bear the burden.9 Underdeveloped countries, in particular, may be unlikely to
impose strict technological standards, for example on ftlinepesticides, because
they are competing with other nations for foreign investment.10 Thus, citizens
themselves need to force reform, in much the same way as college students are
forcing reform of sweatshops.
Consider a recent case in which I have been involved, a paradigmatic example
of (1) how scientific research and recommendations often merely “follow the
money,” and (2) why we need to reform the practice and use of science and
technology. The case concerns the International Commission on Radiological
Protection, the agency which issues global radiation-pollution protections (which
are then adopted as law by individual nations). In 2003 in Vienna, the ICRP
issued its first environmental-protection recommendations.11 Before 2003, there
were only international radiation regulations for protecting humans. I was the
US member of the 5-person international committee of scientists (one each from
Canada, Norway, Russia, the UK, and the US).
Despite the need for radiological protections, the 2003 ICRP recommendations
are scientifically flawed and illustrate the need to help reform science and
technology. (1) They omit all radiological protection of the abiotic environment,
such as air and water. (2) They take an incomplete, reductionist approach to
ecological risk assessment by ignoring all ecosystem-level structures and functions
and instead address risks only to a few reference species. (3) They focus only
on modeled, not measured, doses to these organisms. (4) They define “reference
species” in terms of no operational scientific criteria but instead characterize them
pragmatically as those species chosen because the analysts know the most about
them. (5) They make no recommendations to optimize radiological protection of
the environment and keep exposure ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable),
although optimization and ALARA are a key part of ICRP norms for protection of
humans, and even though all amounts of ionizing radiation are risky.12
See LOOMIS, T., “Indigenous Populations and Sustainable Development,” World Development,
v. 28, no. 5, (2000), pp. 893-910; SCHNIEDER, T., “Lighting the Path to Sustainability,” Forum for
Applied Research and Public Policy, v. 15, no. 2, (2000), pp. 94-100; and ELLIOT, D., “Renewable
Energy and Sustainable Futures,” Futures, v. 32, no. 3/4 (2000), pp. 261-274.
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality, pp. 157-166; and GEWIRTH, A., Human Rights,
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1982, p. 186.
See SHUE, H., “Exporting Hazards,” in BROWN, P. and SHUE, H. (eds), Boundaries: National
Autonomy and Its Limits, pp. 131-133. See GOLDBERG, K., “Efforts to Prevent Misuse of Pesticides
Exported to Developing Countries,” Ecology Law Quarterly, v. 12, no. 4, (1985), pp. 1025-1051 and
MCGINN, A., “Phasing Out Persistent Organic Pollutants,” in BROWN, L., FLAVIN, C. and FRENCH, H.
(eds), State of the World 2000, Norton, New York, 2000, p. 87.
Assessing the Impact of Ionizing Radiation on Non-Human Species, reference 02-305-02, ICRP,
Vienna, 2003.
publication 60, Pergamon, Oxford, 1991.
How to Reform Science and Technology 111

In omitting abiotic protection, the ICRP errs because it ignores what is most
easily, reliably, and empirically measured, air and water, and what is the “early-
warning signal” for high species doses. Its omitting ecosystem-level risks is
problematic because state-of-the-art ecological risk assessment (ERA) includes
two different levels of methods, the toxicological and the systems level. And its
requiring modeled, not measured, doses to references species is scientifically
flawed because model results would be almost totally dependent on extrapolations
chosen by the modeler, a scientist usually employed by the radiological polluter.
There are no empirical checks and balances; no replication of results; and no
escape from subjective, nonempirical models because estimates will be only
those the modeler judges “likely”,13 not those based on explicit confidence levels,
with statistically measurable uncertainty bounds.
The ICRP’s basing all its environmental protections on doses to some
arbitrarily chosen “reference species” likewise is scientifically indefensible
because it gives no scientific definition of “reference species”; they are simply
species about which modelers have the most information. In using reference
species, the ICRP arguably sanctions science that amounts to the drunk looking
for his watch under the streetlight. Why does the drunk look for his watch under
the streetlight? Not because he lost his watch there, but because that is the only
place he can see. Why does the ICRP sanction use of reference species? Not
because they are species that are important for radiation protection, but because
they are species about which we know something.
Obviously the ICRP recommendations are flawed in the way they do
science, but they also err ethically in the way they use science to defend
regulations. There is a representativeness bias, because all members of the ICRP
committee were chosen, not by independent experts, but by those industrially
and governmentally responsible for radiation protection; because virtually
all members of the committee had done research only on toxicological, not
ecosystem, ERA; and because virtually all members had already written
articles, usually for their nuclear-industry employers, in support of modeled,
rather than measured dose. There also were violations of procedural justice,
because the pro-nuclear chair of the committee, from Sweden, allowed no votes
from the 5 committee-member scientists.
When the US member requested basing all recommendations on the best
science available from top refereed journals, the chair instead defended using
mainly nonrefereed “gray” literature (published by industrial and private
groups). When the American committee member asked the committee to require
uncertainty analysis of estimated doses, the chair simply removed (from the
Assessing the Impact of Ionising Radiation on Non-Human Species, reference 02-305-02, ICRP,
Vienna, 2003, paragraph 119.
112 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

report) the written admission that no uncertainty analysis was done. When the
US member asked for peer-review of the document, the committee chair asked
for comments on the draft, posted on the ICRP website, but only the committee
chair had access to the comments. When the US member called for a vote on
the document, both the chair and the ICRP told her the ICRP did not vote. The
draft document, in essentially the same form as the original draft, was published
in 2003. It was published in a deliberately misleading way, listing all committee
names, but without acknowledging that some members did not support it.
What will happen when international scientific protections, like these, rely
merely on models, not measurements? On gray literature, not the best scientific
journals? On a largely nontransparent monitoring system controlled mainly by
those who use (and profit from) nuclear pollution?14 The most obvious effect is
that it will be easier and cheaper to pollute and yet not violate the law. US nuclear
weapons cleanup will cost a trillion dollars; throughout the world, hundreds of
reactors must be expensively decommissioned; and throughout the world, millions
of nuclear workers and atomic veterans are loudly demanding compensation. It
will be cheaper for government and industry to address these problems, if they
have the flawed, nonempirical, nontransparent ICRP norms.


At least one reason, for the ethically and scientifically flawed ICRP
recommendations, may be that those of us who could help prevent such scientific
and technological problems do not do so. And often we do not do so because
much contemporary scientific ethics amounts to “rearranging deck chairs on
the Titanic.” One such wrong-headed ethical approach is individualism. What
most scientists emphasize (when they give their grad students and post-docs the
required course in research ethics) is individualistic ethics: Individuals should
not falsify data. Individuals should not claim authorship when inappropriate,
and so on. By fixating on the personal, individual issues that are necessary for
good science, they ignore institutional issues that are sufficient. Focusing on the
individual trees, they ignore institutional forest of scientific ethics.
What are some of these institutional issues? As a January 2001 editorial in
Nature argued, one issue is whether the university-industrial complex is “out of
control.” 15 The Novartis deal with Berkeley and the Hoecht deal with Harvard both
give patent rights to industry donors, even for work they have not funded. They
convert public educational resources to private profits.16 Another institutional issue
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “Science versus Educated Guessing,” BioScience, v. 46, (1996), pp.
Cf. NATHAN, D. and WEATHERALL, D., “Academic Freedom in Clinical Research,” New England
Journal of Medicine, v. 347, (2002), pp. 1368-1370.
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Ethics of Scientific Research, Rowman and Littlefield, Savage
(MD), 1994.
How to Reform Science and Technology 113

is preventing harassment of scientists who speak truth to power. Hematologist

Nancy Olivieri was sued for breach of contract, after she entered into a research
contract with a drug company. Fearing for patient safety, she blew the whistle
on damaging side-effects of the medication, side-effects that the company tried
to keep quiet.17 Yet another institutional issue is why most nations have given
in to industry pressure, and are not tracking chronic diseases and their possible
environmental causes. If there were a health tracking act, as physicians’ groups
have recommended, and as Nancy Pelosi has introduced into the US Congress,
the causes of technologically-induced fatalities would be geographically evident.
Given our ignoring all these institutional problems, most of our nations focus
on individual human deaths from known causes, like the avoidable 30,000 US
auto deaths each year from drunk drivers. At the same time, they ignore the same
number of deaths, 30,000 in the US, mostly among children, caused by power-
industry particulates.18 Drunk drivers are not a powerful lobby that contributes to
presidential campaigns. But utility industries are.
Still another institutional issue is why scientists and professionals neither keep
informed nor speak up when politicians misinterpret and misuse scientific and
professional conclusions, for political reasons. The Bush administration recently
disbanded more than 200 independent, federal scientific advisory committees
that came to scientific conclusions different from those of Bush’s donors and
industry supporters. For example, after years of study, one federal scientific
committee concluded the public is at risk from the genetic-testing industry and
worked with FDA to develop the first such regulations. But the genetics-testing
industry protested, so Bush dissolved the scientific committee, and no regulations
were recommended. In Latin-Americanese, Bush “disappeared” the committee.
Paul Gelsinger’s son Jesse died in a Pennsylvania gene-therapy experiment, and
Gensinger commented: “money is running the research show.” 19 Such cases
suggest that often science is for sale to the highest bidder or highest campaign
donor. Perhaps political science is replacing laboratory science. By ignoring such
institutional issues of scientific ethics –the invisible elephant in the middle of the
laboratory– and focusing largely on issues like authorship, scientific ethics falls
into the same individualistic pitfalls as most medical ethics. In so doing, ethicists
ignore problems that kill far, far more people.
Minimalism, another wrong approach to ethics, presupposes that, if we do
not lie, cheat, or steal, we are ethical. It ignores the fact that we are all members
of familial, national, civic, and scientific communities, in whose problems and
Cf. DRAZEN, J., “Institutions, Contracts, and Academic Freedom,” New England Journal of
Medicine, v. 347, (2002), pp. 1362-1363.
Cf. SHAEFFER, E., “Power Plants and Public Health,” Physicians for Social Responsibility Reports,
v. 34, (2002), p. 3.
MUSIL, R., “Political Science on Federal Advisory Panels,” Physicians for Social Responsibility
Reports, v. 24/25, (2003), p. 3.
114 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

omissions, we are all complicit. Many scientists are minimalists because they
are communally challenged and relationally challenged. Yet most of us would
not say, in response to being called at work, after our child was seriously hurt at
school, “I’m too busy to go to the hospital. I’m a scientist, and I don’t have time
for those ‘outside’ activities. I make my social contribution through my science.”
Such an answer would be appalling. But such an answer also is appalling in
response to the need for each of us to engage in continually working to reform
science and technology. It also sounds like the attitude of the Prussian Academy of
Sciences, when it universally condemned Albert Einstein in 1933, for criticizing
Hitler’s violations of civil liberties. The academy said science required Einstein
to remain neutral.20 Ethics does not always dictate what side one should take, like
Einstein’s, but it does dictate that we all have a moral responsibility to investigate,
to be critical. People don’t have the right to enjoy benefits of membership in the
scientific or philosophical community and, at the same time, claim the right to be
apolitical when that community is misrepresented or fails to do its job.


But if individualism and minimalism don’t work in ethics and science, what
does? I call the alternative “scientific citizenship,” It consists of ongoing reform
of science and technology by participating in “deliberative democracy”,21 in
the ways we all learned in grammar-school government glass. Citizens, and
especially professionals, engage in deliberative democracy by public speaking,
popular writing, public-interest research, reporting, surveying, requesting
government information, whistleblowing, boycotting, picketing, demonstrating,
suing, using initiative and referendum, fundraising. They also can evaluate one
of the many current draft environmental impact assessments (EIAs), technology
assessments, and risk assessments and make their comments public. In the US,
2500 draft EIAs are written for public comment each year,22 and presumably
some lesser number also are written in nations like Spain. Today many of the
most effective respondents to these draft EIAs are housewives and mothers,
worried about their children. Educated scientists and philosophers ought to be
able to do at least as much.
One person who shows the power of deliberative democracy, the power of
attempts at reform, is Juana Gutierrez, a grandmother who lives in the poverty of
East Los Angeles. The daughter of a Mexican farmer, Gutierrez came to the US
when she was 15. Although her father told her not to get involved, she says she
became a grassroots activist, because “I was worried about my kids.” 18 different
companies annually discharge more than 33 million pounds of toxic waste into
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Ethics of Scientific Research, p. 30.
Cf. YOUNG, I., Inclusion and Democracy, Oxford University Press, New York, 2000.
Cf. ISAACS, K., Civics for Democracy, Essential Books, Washington DC, 1992.
How to Reform Science and Technology 115

the East LA air and water. The noxious chemicals explain why only poor Latinos,
like Gutierrez, live in East LA. The median annual income is about one-third of
the US average, and unemployment is 33 percent. Yet Gutierrez and other mothers
and grandmothers were angry that, despite the disproportionate, life-threatening
pollution in East LA, officials wanted to place an above-ground oil pipeline,
another hazardous-waste storage site, and another toxic-waste incinerator in their
neighborhood. The proposed incinerator was slated to burn 125,000 pounds of
hazardous materials per day-including used motor oil and industrial sludge.23
In 1986 Gutierrez joined Aurora Castillo to co-found MELA, Mothers of East
Los Angeles. To inform the Hispanic community about technological threats to
the neighborhood, Gutierrez used her most available network: people streaming
out of Sunday Mass. Through church leafleting, she and other Latina mothers
advertised for protest marches, held every Monday. Pushing baby strollers and
wearing white kerchiefs to symbolize nonviolence, MELA members became
a formidable force.24 Eventually the men began to help with the action. They
carried signs calling themselves the “chauffeurs” of the mothers.
From their church, MELA protestors walked, every week, more than a mile to
the gates of the $ 20 million incinerator project. As they marched, they chanted:
“El pueblo parará el incinerador!” (The people will stop the incinerator!) “Pueblo
que lucha triunfa!” (People who fight win.) The facility owners had sited it in
East LA because they said residents would not fight. Yet Gutierrez and MELA
fought –through 6 years of agitation, 4 lawsuits, 16 hearings, and 6 mile– long
protests. Finally, in June 1991, the Mothers passed around cookies among their
400 members to celebrate cancellation of the incinerator. Soon after, MELA
began a lead-poisoning education project that now employs 10 youths. Defying
“a system that penalizes low-income communities,” Gutierrez and MELA have
dispelled the myth that poor people do not care about technological threats to
their health.25
Why was Gutierrez so successful? She recognized the importance of
collective action. Duties to reform science, like duties to clean up the air in
Gutierrez’s neighborhood, require massive cooperation and collective action.
These obligations are not mainly owed by individuals to individuals, because
individuals cannot act alone and be successful. Instead it is arguable that people
have obligations to promote institutions and policies that aim for fair relations
Cf. M ARTINEZ, M., “Legacy of a Mother’s Dedication,” Los Angeles Times, Section B, (September
7, 1995), p. B3; see also p. B1.
Cf. SCHWAB, J., Deeper Shades of Green, Random House, N. York, 1994, pp. 55-58. “Mothers’
Group Fights back in Los Angeles,” New York Times, Section A, (December 5, 1989), p. 32.
Cf. SCHWAB, J., Deeper Shades of Green, pp. 44-45; M ARTINEZ, M., “Legacy of a Mother’s
Dedication,” p. B1; “Mothers of Prevention,” Time 137, no. 23, (June 10, 1991), p. 25; QUINTANILLA,
M., “The Earth Mother,” Los Angeles Times, Section E, (April 24, 1995), pp. E1, E5; and M ARTINEZ,
M., “Legacy of a Mother’s Dedication,” p. B3. See DELLIES, H., “Group Preaches Gospel of Water
Conservation,” Chicago Tribune, Section 1, (March 20, 1995), p. 3. See also GELOBTER, M., “Have
Minorities Benefited? A Forum,” EPA Journal, v. 18, no. 1, (1992), pp. 32-36.
116 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

among people.26 But people can always object that they, individually, bear little
or no personal responsibility for collective problems like the practice and use
of science. But as one Worldwatch researcher put it: “Everyone is aboard the
same ship. The Plimsoll line carries the same meaning for all.” 27 Although
everyone contributes to planetary problems, no one –acting alone– can eliminate
the most pressing civic and environmental harms. As a result, precise individual
responsibilities are not clear.
Problems of collective responsibility are illustrated, in part, by the “tragedy
of the commons.” The tragedy is that each person enhances individual gain by
misusing common resources, like scientific knowledge.28 One individual may
profit financially by driving a heavily polluting automobile or by keeping quiet
in the face of misuse of science, but the tragedy occurs because everyone loses
when someone misuses the commons, such as polluting the air we all breathe or
allowing the misrepresentation of science. Because of the tragedy of the commons,
people have a powerful incentive to be “free riders.” 29 Free riders are those who
gain benefits from everyone’s contributing to collective goods, like clean air or
scientific progress, even when they do not themselves contribute.
In the case of philosophers, scientists, and other professionals –all who
enjoy special abilities, roles, and circumstances– the duty not to be a free rider
and to practice collective responsibility is greater than that for people without
such abilities and roles. This and the next paper argue that, provided people use
the criteria for informed, inclusive, deliberative, and critical reform, outlined
subsequently, their behavior will be more ethically defensible than would their
neutrality. Also, given the power of vested interests, the world is like a giant
soccer match, with one team representing the public interest, including science,
and the other team representing private interests. Often the public-interest team
has too few players. Often even government regulators and agencies are recruited
to play on the team representing private interests. As a result, the public-interest
team often has to run uphill to make a goal. Often the contest is not fair. Because
the playing field of government, industry, and society often is tilted, and because
particular individuals, working together, can help to make it level, all citizens
share some collective responsibility to do so.
One difficulty with affirming duties to reform science, however, is that often
these obligations are collective. Ultimate moral responsibility for advocacy
See notes 31-42.
POSTEL, S., “Carrying Capacity: Earth’s Bottom Line,” in BROWN, L. ET AL. (eds), State of the
World 1994, Norton, New York, 1994, p. 21.
See H ARDIN, G., “The Tragedy of the Commons,” Science, v. 162, (1968), pp. 1243-1248;
SWANSON, T. and SANTOPIETRO, G., “The Economics of Environmental Degradation: Tragedy for the
Commons,” Journal of Economic Issues, v. 32, no. 3, (1998), pp. 878-880.
See SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Environmental Ethics, Boxwood Press, Pacific Grove (CA), 2n ed.,
1991, pp. 165 and 185. See also CONDREAN, C., “Sidney Godolphin and the Free Rider,” Business
and Professional Ethics Journal, v. 17, no. 4 (1998), pp. 5-19; and STROUP, R. L., “Free Riders and
Collective Action Revisited,” Independent Review, v. 4, no. 4, (2000), pp. 285-300.
How to Reform Science and Technology 117

rarely belongs to a single person because an individual alone often is not

causally responsible for avoiding threats to public welfare. One person usually
cannot prevent misunderstanding of a dangerous pesticide or destruction of a
wilderness.30 How does one determine the level of each individual’s “share” of
collective responsibility for public-interest advocacy?
Rudyard Kipling’s response to this question was that “the sin they do by
two and two they must pay for one by one.” But if one accepts Kipling’s notion
of collective responsibility, would all praise and all blame fall on everyone for
all acts? Would no one be responsible, and would the concept of responsibility
become vacuous?31 On the one hand, people like H. D. Lewis think responsibility
is like a pie, and the more pie-eaters there are, the less responsibility there is.
His physicalistic view is analogous to the position that, the more people one
loves, the less love there is to go around. On the other hand, Larry May, Michael
Zimmerman, and others agree with Kipling. They argue that responsibility is not
like a pie. It does not decrease by sharing. They say responsibility decreases only
as a result of things like duress, incapacity to accomplish some end, or the honest
belief that particular actions will do no good.
Larry May, however, argues that groups have responsibility and that each
individual can evaluate her own responsibility by examining the group structures
through which members are related to one another. Solidarity among members
of a mob, for example, facilitates the joint action of the mob, according to May.
Whenever the relational structures among members of a group help cause the
actions and intentions of the members of the group, then one can attribute
collective responsibility to the group.32 Thus, in May’s framework, there are at
least two reasons for believing we have collective responsibility for reform of
science. One is that we, as professors, are part of a relational structure, within
society, that requires us to be public intellectuals, by virtue of our training, our
roles, and our employment. The other reason is that, as experts in epistemology
and ethics, we are responsible, as philosophers, for criticizing poor science, that
is, poor epistemology, and poor ethics. More generally, simply as citizens and
as humans, our interdependency creates a third reason, within May’s “relational
See also LADD, J., “Philosophical Remarks on Professional Responsibility in Organizations,” in
BAUM, R. and FLORES, A. (eds.), Ethical Problems in Engineering, Center for the Study of the Human
Dimensions of Science and Technology, Troy (NY), 1980, pp. 193-194. See MILLER, S., “Collective
Responsibility,” Public Affairs Quarterly, v. 15, no. 1, (2001), pp. 65-82.
Cf. LEWIS, H., “The Non-Moral Notion of Collective Responsibility,” in FRENCH, P. (ed), Individual
and Collective Responsibility, Schenkman Books, Rochester, 1972, pp. 119-131.
Cf. M AY, L., The Morality of Groups, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame (IN), 1987,
pp. 3-111; and ZIMMERMAN, M., “Sharing Responsibility,” American Philosophical Quarterly, v. 22,
(1985), pp. 115-122. For a typical questioning stance on collective responsibility, see R AIKKA, J., “On
Disassociating Oneself from Collective Responsibility,” Social Theory and Practice, v. 23, no. 1,
(1997), pp. 93-108; and PAUL, E., MIKLLER, F., and PAUL, J., The Welfare State, Cambridge University
Press, New York, 1997. See also WATSON, G., “Reasons and Responsibility,” Ethics, v. 11, no. 2,
(2001), pp. 374-94; and R ESCHER, N., “Collective Responsibility,” Journal of Social Philosophy, v.
29, no. 3, (1998), pp. 44-58.
118 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

structures,” for reforming science. This third reason is that we all are members of
communities, some of which are global, as the WTO so disastrously affirms. As
Hannah Arendt put it, “this taking upon ourselves the consequences for things
we are entirely innocent of, is the price we pay for the fact that we live our lives
not by ourselves but...[within] a human community.” 33 Her rationale for collective
responsibility is that, “as citizens we must prevent wrong-doing since the world we
all share, wrong-doer, wrong-sufferer and spectator, is at stake.” 34 Gandhi echoed
a similar theme. Community interconnectedness creates responsibility for other
members of the community: “Whenever I live in a situation where others are in
need... whether or not I am responsible for it, I have become a thief.” 35
Emphasizing that social groups enable individuals to do more harm and more
good than they could otherwise do, Larry May says communities also create
more responsibility for those whose lives are woven into the fabric of the group
itself. Certainly, as public intellectuals, our lives are more woven into the fabric
of society than the lives of those who are not public intellectuals. May argues,
correctly, that the benefits of community membership accrue only at the cost
of increased responsibility on the part of the members: group membership is a
source of both benefits and responsibilities, and greater benefits are not possible
without greater responsibilities. Group membership creates heightened moral
duties, in part because groups often are able to transform individual values,
and individuals often are able to transform group values. Psychological studies
show, for example, that racism is in part the result of socialization and interaction
within certain kinds of social groups. But if groups influence individuals, and
individuals influence groups,36 then individuals bear some responsibility for
group actions and omissions. As Joel Feinberg warns:
“No individual person can be blamed for not being a hero or a saint...but a
whole people can be blamed for not producing a hero when the times require
it, especially when the failure can be charged to some discernible element in
the group’s “way of life” that militates against heroism.” 37
Confronting the evils of Nazism, German and French philosophers, such as
Jean-Paul Sartre, Karl Jaspers, and Hannah Arendt, also grounded collective
responsibility in community and interdependence. Jaspers writes:
“There exists a solidarity among men as human beings that makes each
co-responsible for every wrong and every injustice in the world, especially
for crimes committed in his presence or with his knowledge. If I fail to do

Quoted in MAY, L., Sharing Responsibility, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1992, p. xi.
Quoted in M AY, L., Sharing Responsibility, p. xi. See also H ART, J., “Hannah Arendt: The Care
of the World and of the Self,” in DRUMMOND, J. (ed), Phenomenological Approaches to Moral
Philosophy, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002.
Cited in GOULET, D., The Cruel Choice, Atheneum, New York, 1971, p. 133.
Cf. M AY, L., Sharing Responsibility, p. 152.
FEINBERG, J., Doing and Deserving, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1970, p. 248.
How to Reform Science and Technology 119

whatever I can to prevent them, I too am guilty. If I was present at the murder
of others without risking my life to prevent it, I feel guilty in a way not
adequately conceivable either legally, politically or morally.” 38
Jean-Paul Sartre echoes a similar theme. “If someone gives me this world with
its injustices, it is not so that I may coolly contemplate them but so that I may
animate them by my indignation, expose them and show their nature as injustices,
that is, as abuses to be suppressed.” 39
In order to expose injustices for what they are, metaphysical guilt forces
people to reassess who they are. To avoid moral guilt for great social harms people
must sometimes change who they are. They must become more virtuous, more
authentic, and create themselves in new ways. Authenticity consists, in part, of
accepting responsibility for the harms committed by the group to which people
belong. No matter how restricted people’s options are, Sartre believes they can
choose authenticity. At least they have the choice of what stance to adopt toward
the injustices around them Jaspers says people choose in “individual solitude”
to transform their approach to the world,40 to transform their attitude, character,
and perhaps their behavior. People cannot choose their parents or nationality, for
example, but they can choose their attitudes toward them.
According to Jaspers’ account of metaphysical guilt, people do not have
responsibility merely for their conscious intentions and deliberations. Instead,
as Aristotle noted, because they have partial control over their attitudes, virtues,
and character, they also are responsible for who they are and become. One way
for people to exercise control over their characters is to be sensitive to how their
attitudes affect others. And attitudes toward science affect others in powerful
ways, as contemporary public health and environmental problems reveal. As
Aristotle notes: “While no one blames those who are ugly by nature, we blame
those who are so owing to want of exercise and care.” 41
In short, following Aristotle and May, insofar as people share in the
production of an attitudinal climate, May says they participate in some group
that increases or decreases harm. Collective responsibility is not an important
theme in contemporary postmodernism, which tends to be nihilistic. Nor is it
an important theme in contemporary analytic philosophy, which tends to be
JASPERS, K., The Question of German Guilt, trans. E. Ashton, Capricorn Books, New York, 1961,
p. 36.
SARTRE, J. P., What is Literature, trans. Bernard Frechtman, Methuen, London, 1950, p. 45. See
also FORREST, P., “Collective Responsibility and Restitution,” Philosophical Papers, v. 27, no. 2,
(1998), pp. 79-91.
Cf. SARTRE, J. P., Anti-Semite and Jew, trans. George J. Becker, Schocken Books, New York,
1965, p. 90; M AY, L., Sharing Responsibility, pp. 146-151. See also JASPERS, K., The Question of
German Guilt, p. 74; A DAMS, R., “Involuntary Sins,” Philosophical Review, v. 94, (1985), pp. 3-27;
and M ANGIN, M., “Character and Well Being,” Philosophy and Social Criticism, v. 26, no. 2 (2000),
pp. 79-98.
A RISTOTLE, Nicomachean Ethics, Edition by Terence Irwin, Hackett, Indianapolis (IN), 1985,
Book III, Chapter 5.
120 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

quietest.42 Contemporary virtue ethicists, more sensitive to the notion of collective

responsibility, argue that traditional ethical thinkers often have placed too much
emphasis on the will, on intention, and on a restricted notion of self control. They
say traditional ethicists give too little emphasis to attitudes, character, habits-to
more existential accounts of responsibility and control. Traditional deontological
and utilitarian moral theorists tend to conceive of duties more narrowly, in part
because they take less account of the communal and interdependent nature of
human existence. They tend to view humans as isolated from each other, as
alone in winning praise or blame. They tend to distinguish sharply commissions
from omissions –being active versus being passive– in allowing a harmful act
to occur.43 However, James Rachels, Peter Singer, John Harris, and most of the
virtue theorists argue against such distinctions. They argue that people have
responsibilities to prevent harm wherever they can, regardless of whether they
err through commission or omission, directly or indirectly, actively or passively.44
Instead they show that failing to prevent harm may be as serious as performing
it, because all acts occur within a web of human interdependence. Not choosing
also is a choice for which people are responsible. They take to heart Edmund
Burke’s warning. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people
do nothing.
For many of us, reform can be achieved, simply by doing good science and
by acting as a watchdog on those who misuse science. Most of us are critical
of the way corporate boards fail to act as watchdogs on corporate policies of
corporations. We are critical of Enron and Parmalat. But if so, we also should be
critical of the way scientists and ethicists fail to act as watchdogs on the misuse
of science.
Juana Gutierrez took up the cause of reform, in part because she saw, first
hand, injustice in her own Latino community. Many of us do not recognize the
need for reform of science and technology because we are more insulated from
their most serious threats. Often we are the whites who do not breathe the polluted
air of black ghettos. Often we are the rich who do not risk our lives in the unsafe
workplaces of the poor. Because we do not experience these abuses, first hand,
we do not understand the need for reform.


Why is reform needed, and why are all professionals, especially scientists
and philosophers, obliged to help reform science and technology? There are at
M AY, L., Sharing Responsibility, p. 3. For an exception, see MELLEMAN, G., Collective
Responsibility, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1997.
Cf. STOCKER, M., “The Schizophrenia of Modern Moral Theories,” Journal of Philosophy, v. 73,
no. 14, (1976), pp. 453-466. See M AY, L., Sharing Responsibility, pp. 4 and 10.
See, for example, SINGER, P. (ed), Applied Ethics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986, and DE
RUYTER, D., “The Virtue of Taking Responsibility,” Educational Philosophy and Theory, v. 34, no.
1, (2002), pp. 25-35.
How to Reform Science and Technology 121

least 5 reasons: ability, complicity, consistency, professional codes of ethics, and

self-interest. We have this special duty, first, because we are able to do what very
few others can. Special abilities and special knowledge create special obligations.
Scientists and professionals have been very effective, for example, in informing
the public about nuclear technology. Ecologists have warned about dangers of
genetically engineered microorganisms and the laxness of federal regulations for
biotechnology.45 Hundreds of famous entertainers have acted as public-interest
advocates, as the 2001 case of three major British pop bands reveals. Pulp, Dodgy,
and Ian Brown all refused to take part in the V2001 music festival because it was
sponsored by Nestlé. The pop bands said Nestlé is violating the international
code on the marketing of infant formula, and thus causing the needless deaths
of many babies in developing nations. Steve Lowe, manager for Ian Brown, said
something that more university professors should be saying: As fathers, we know
that “only by raising public awareness” can we “pressure companies to act in a
socially responsible manner.” 46 Philosophers, in particular, have duties to speak
out on issues that affect public welfare because they have expertise in logic,
ethics, and argumentation-all of which is relevant in social conflicts. As Larry
May argues, it is time that philosophers recognize the public price they must pay
for the privileges they have successfully sought.47
Besides abilities, we also have special duties to help reform science and
technology because we are complicit in much harm done by science. Consider
the research on passive smoking. Even when one uses multiple logistic regression
analyses controlling for article quality, peer review status, topic, year, and so on,
the only factor associated with scientific conclusions, that passive smoking is not
harmful, is whether an author is affiliated with the tobacco industry.48 Those who
are able to criticize such science, and who do not do so, arguably are complicit
in the harm caused by passive smoking. The same is true of most manufacturer-
funded scientific studies on pharmaceuticals. They claim their products are
superior to others, but in at least half of all cases, the statistics are either missing
or inconclusive. Yet peer-reviewed journals publish the pharmaceutical studies
anyway.49 And most professionals say nothing.

Cf. COLWELL, R., “Natural and Unnatural History,” in SHEA, W. and SITTER, B. (eds), Scientists
and Their Responsibility, Watson, Canton, 1989, p. 17; and VON HIPPEL, F. and PRIMACK, J., “Public
Interest Science,” Science, v. 117, no. 4055, (1972), p. 1169.
YAMEK, G., “Pop Musicians Boycott Promotion,” British Medical Journal, v. 322, no. 7280,
(2001), p. 191. See also EXETER, P., “Campaigners for Breast Feeding Claim Partial Victory,” British
Medical Journal, v. 322, no. 7280, (2001), p. 191.
Cf. M AY, L., Sharing Responsibility, pp. 142-145.
Cf. BARNES, D. and BERO, L., “Why Review Articles on the Health Effects of Passive Smoking
Reach Different Conclusions,” Journal of American Medicine Association, v. 279, (1998), pp.
T., “A Study of Manufacturer-supported Trials of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs in the
Treatment ofArthritis,” Archives of Internal Medicine, v. 157, (1994), pp. 157-163.
122 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

A more obvious case of complicity concerns what we buy. Most people in

developed nations have benefited from products and manufacturing technologies
whose lower prices are the direct result of unethical behavior and misuse of
science and technology. Companies such as Sony, Motorola, Ericsson, Nike,
General Motors, Mercedes-Benz, Ann Taylor, and Dockers are able to sell
their products at lower prices because their contractors’ and subcontractors’
employ “debt bondage” or indentured servitude. To secure work at the Motorola
subcontractor in Taiwan, for example, Philippino workers pay a “labor broker”
about $2,400. Once in Taiwan, the workers have to pay an additional $3,900 each
to a Taiwan labor broker. Although their monthly salaries in Taiwan are each
about $460 (or 5 times what they could have made in the Philippines for the same
job), they never see the money. Debt repayment to the brokers, room, and board
eat up the entire salary. Typically such immigrants work 12-16 hours per day, 7
days a week. They labor in unventilated, locked rooms, and they include children
as young as 11. They sleep in locked, dirty, sometimes rat-infected small rooms.
Workplace traffic in human beings is the fastest-growing criminal market in the
world. Sweatshops flourish in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and even the EU.
Illegal immigration to the EU is 500,000 a year, mostly from China, and illegals
pay between $5,000 and $25,000 for passage, which they must pay off from their
meager wages. Global profits are about $9 billion in human trafficking, and they
exceed global drug profits. Yet no manufacturers have so far been prosecuted for
using sweatshops staffed by illegal immigrants. In Italy, illegals fuel 70 percent of
the underground economy, while western consumers reap the benefits.50 One way
to compensate for our complicity in such harm is to commit ourselves to engage
in ongoing reform.
In addition to duties based on great need, on our abilities, and on our complicity
in the misuse of science, consistency also dictates duties to help reform science.
It would be irrational to train students to do science or philosophy and not to
train them to monitor the democratic and epistemic conditions necessary for
good science. To seek the end, good science, and not pursue the means (public
education, whistleblowing, watchdogging) necessary to achieve it, is irrational.
We also have duties to help reform science because the people, the taxpayers,
often employ professors. Professors therefore have special obligations to protect
the common interest,51 and thus obligations to reform whatever threatens the
See A RLACCHI, P., Slaves: The New Traffic in Human Beings, Rizzoli, Milan, 1999; EDMONDSON,
G. ET. AL., “Workers in Bondage,” Business Week, no. 3709, (2000), pp. 146-155; and STEIN, N.,
“No Way Out,” Fortune, v. 147, no. 1, (2003), pp. 102-107. See also H AMMOND, K., “Leaked Audit:
Nike Factory Violated Worker Laws,” Mother Jones Online magazine (sponsored by: Foundation
for National Progress, San Francisco, (CA) 1997) and accessed February 10, 2005 at http://www. and
html. See also Sweatshop Watch, a coalition to eliminate sweatshops in the garment industry, at
See A BBARNO, J., “Role Responsibility and Values,” Journal of Value Inquiry, v. 27, no. 3/4,
(1993), pp. 305-316; M AY, L., Sharing Responsibility, passim; and BAYLES, M., Professional Ethics,
Wadsworth, Belmont, 1981, pp. 92-109. See also M ARTIN, M., Meaningful Work: Rethinking
Professional Ethics, Oxford University Press, New York, 2000.
How to Reform Science and Technology 123

public interest, such as misuse of science and technology. One of the main
reasons for professionals’ duties to society is citizens’ related rights to free
informed consent to decisions affecting their welfare. To help ensure this consent,
professionals must communicate openly with the public, especially regarding
science and technology.52 If they do not, industrial and political leaders can “get
away with” whatever they wish. Scholars and other professionals also have duties
to help reform science-related institutions, of which they are a part, because their
economic, political, and intellectual power helps control much of what happens in
society.53 Given a sophisticated, technocratic society; given professionals’ special
knowledge; and given their near-monopoly over their intellectual services,
professionals’ great power “enlarges the significance of sins of omission.” 54
Virtually all codes of professional ethics also recognize a responsibility for
the common good.55 The American Institute of Biological Sciences, or AIBS
code, for example, requires biologists to expose fraud, professional misconduct,
conflicts of interest and to promote open exchange.56 And in most codes, public
responsibilities receive the highest priority, in part because they are enjoined by
role responsibilities.57 Just as parents, medical doctors, teachers, and so on, have
certain responsibilities in society, by virtue of their roles, so also professionals
have special responsibilities because of their roles and their corresponding
trusteeship duties to society.
Even apart from such roles, duties to protect society (by helping to reform
science and technology) are part of the Good Samaritanism required of all
citizens. In the 1800s, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Italy had laws requiring
citizens to undertake the “easy rescue” of others. After 1900, Norway, Russia,
Turkey, Denmark, Poland, Germany, Romania, France, Hungary, Czechoslovakia,
Belgium, Switzerland, and Finland also added similar statutes. In striking
contrast, says Joel Feinberg, English-speaking countries have remained apart
from the European consensus. They have not punished even harmful omissions
of an unethical kind. He believes the Europeans are right, that people ought to be
Freedom and Responsibility, Revised Draft, AAAS, Washington DC, 1980, pp. 1 and 6. Some of this
discussion of professional responsibility is based on SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Ethics of Scientific
Research, pp. 64-67.
Cf. BAYLES, M., Professional Ethics, p. 4. See WUESTE, D. (ed), Professional Ethics and Social
Responsibility, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, 1994.
CAMENISCH, P., “On Being a Professional, Morally Speaking,” in BAUMRIN, B. and FREEDMAN, B.
(eds), Moral Responsibility and the Professions, Haven Press, New York, 1982, p. 43.
Cf. BAYLES, M., Professional Ethics, pp. 94, 109; See A MERICAN SOCIETY OF BIOLOGICAL
CHEMISTRY (ASBC), Bylaws, American Society of Biological Chemistry, 1977; NATIONAL SOCIETY
OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS (NSPE), “Criticism of Engineering in Products, Board of Ethical
Review, Case No. 67.10,” in BAUM, R. and FLORES, A. (eds.), Ethical Problems in Engineering, pp.
64-72; and OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT ETHICS, Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the
Executive Branch: Executive Order 12674-Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers
and Employees, Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC, 1993, p. 35042.
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Ethics of Scientific Research, pp. 42-44, 72 and 78-84.
Cf. SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Ethics of Scientific Research, pp. 63-80.
124 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

required to be Good Samaritans, at least in cases posing no great risk or cost to

them. At least, he says, such omissions may be manifestations of character flaws
such as lack of sensitivity or benevolence.58 If he is right, then omitting what we
can easily do to reform science and technology, especially in life-threatening
situations, is arguably unethical.
Apart from all these ethical arguments for helping reform science and
technology, there is a prudential or self-interested argument.59 US Public Health
Service data show that in 1900, 1 in 27 people died of cancer; in 1910, 1 in 19.
In 1920, 1 in 16 people died of cancer. In 1930, 1 in 12 people. In 1940, 1 in 9
people died of cancer. In 1950, 1 in 7. In 1965, 1 in 6 people died of cancer.60 By
1982, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) warned that one in every three would
die of cancer. A special 1996 report published by the US National Academy of
Sciences warned that, shortly after the year 2000, cancer would be the leading
cause of mortality.61 The major culprits include tobacco, diet, and environmental
carcinogens such as industrial chemicals.


If these ethical and prudential arguments for reforming science and technology
are plausible, how might one begin to reform scientific research and teaching? The
reclamation will need to start with the recognition that although science can be
objective, it is also, as Kitcher put it, unavoidably social. The first step in reform is
recognizing the need for it. But if so, scientists must learn to practice what Kitcher
calls “well-ordered science,” science subject to informed, pluralistic, democratic
constraints.62 Well-ordered science requires researchers and educators to look out
for ways that vested interests tilt the scientific playing field.
If Karl Popper is right, well-ordered science can be accomplished through
what he calls “intelligent piecemeal social engineering.” Popper condemns
ideology and utopianism, yet praises reformism. He writes:
Work for the elimination of concrete evils rather than for the realization of
abstract goods. Do not aim at establishing happiness by political means. Rather
aim at the elimination of concrete miseries… Choose what you consider the most
urgent evil of the society in which you live, and try patiently to convince people
that we can get rid of it.63
See FEINBERG, J., “The Moral and Legal Responsibility of the Bad Samaritan,” Criminal Justice
Ethics, v. 3, no. 1, (1984), pp. 55-66.
See M ARGOLIS, J., “On the Ethical Defense of Violence Destruction,” in HELD, V., NIELSEN, K., and
PARSONS, C. (eds.), Philosophy and Political Action, Oxford University Press, N. York, 1972, p. 70.
Cf. LILIENFELD, A., LEVIN, M. and K ESSLER, I., Cancer in the United States, Harvard University
Press, Cambridge, 1972, pp. 2-3; see the next four endnotes and EPSTEIN, S., The Politics of Cancer
Revisited, Easts Ridge Press, Fremont Center, 1998.
Cf. NATIONAL R ESEARCH COUNCIL (NRC), Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in the Human Diet,
National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1996, p. 355.
Cf. K ITCHER, PH. Science, Truth, and Democracy, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001.
POPPER, K., Conjectures and Refutations, Routledge and K. Paul, London, 1963 (3rd ed. revised,
1969), p. 361.
How to Reform Science and Technology 125

If the previous arguments are correct, one of the most urgent evils in society
is that, through our misuse of science and technology, we are both killing people
and misleading them about the causes of these fatalities. Particulates from fossil
fuels, alone, cause hundreds of premature global deaths, mostly among the most
vulnerable, like children. Yet those of us, who do not read government and medical
reports, do not realize the consequences of our burning fossil fuels.
Reforming science and technology, however, does not require us to espouse
environmentalism or any other “ism,” but simply to become informed, to teach
our students to become informed, to help level the playing field of science, to
challenge those who cover up or manipulate scientific findings. Once deliberative
democracy corrects these procedural injustices in the performance and use of
science, and once people become active in creating the democracy they deserve,
democratic procedure will destroy many substantive problems, such as pollution-
induced deaths. Ideologies, of any sort, cannot alone make them disappear.
One way to help level the scientific playing field, to help reform science and
technology, is to expose the poor science of researchers who are merely well-
funded “front groups.” The Global Climate Coalition, like the Advancement of
Sound Science Coalition, is a front group funded by the oil, automobile, chemical,
and tobacco industry to oppose signing the Kyoto Accords. Responsible Industry
for a Sound Environment is a pesticide-industry-funded group writing to discredit
right-to-know provisions in pesticide regulations. The Forest Protection Society
is funded by the logging industry to promote rainforest logging. The Wetlands
Coalition, funded by the oil and gas industry, has a logo that shows a duck flying
over a wetland, but it lobbies and writes in favor of wetlands oil and gas drilling.
In 1991, for example, Dow Chemical contributed to 10 anti-regulatory front
groups, including the American Council on Science and Health and Citizens for a
Sound Economy. Chevron, Exxon, Mobil, DuPont, Amoco, Ford, Philip Morris,
Pfizer, Monsanto, and Proctor and Gamble all contribute millions each year to
anti-regulatory, corporate front groups that pose as populist movements and that
manipulate science to make their case. If Burger King said that Whoppers were
nutritious and helped prevent heart attacks, the public might not listen. But if
the American Council on Science and Health, an industry-funded front group,
claimed its experts made this point, people might believe it, especially if they did
not know who funds the council. Using scientific-sounding names, such front
groups publish books and pamphlets arguing that pesticides do not cause cancer,
that global warming is a myth, and that saccharin is not dangerous.64
Of course, when citizens challenge biased or profit-driven science, wealthy
private interests sue them. Such harassing lawsuits have become so common that
they have a name, “SLAPPs,” “Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation.”
When two Londoners, Dave Morris and Helen Steel, distributed pamphlets arguing

See note 3.
126 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

that McDonalds burgers were unhealthy and contributed to rainforest destruction

(because of land used for cattle grazing), McDonalds sued the citizens. The two
Brits were forced to spend thousands of pounds defending themselves.65 But if
a significant number of us joined with them, in their information campaign, it
would be impossible to sue us all. We could create a situation like that in Sweden,
when Hitler came to round up the Jews. So many non-Jewish Swedes put red Stars
of David on their foreheads, in solidarity with their Jewish countrymen, that the
Nazi roundup became impossible.
Ideological and ignorant environmentalists, of course, also get their science
wrong, not just MacDonald’s or Dow Chemical. Ernest Sternglass’ misuse
of statistics, in arguing against nuclear power, is a case in point.66 But even
misguided environmentalists typically do not have the millions of dollars to get
their flawed messages across. That is why the scientific bias of corporate groups
tends, by comparison, to be more massive. Consider one of thousands of similar
examples, that of Dr. Robert Watson, an atmospheric scientist who chaired a
prestigious international panel assessing climate change. When Dr. Watson
pushed to limit greenhouse emissions, Bush forced his replacement, as leader,
with an economist.67 Not to recognize, and blow the whistle, on the way political
science can control biological science, is naive.
Most scientists and philosophers of science know enough to warn their students
about alleged scientific information published by those who do not believe in
evolution, but they are less wary of other material, like Ecoscam , published by
St Martin’s Press, whose author was paid by the industrially-funded Competitive
Enterprise Institute to write it.68 And the industrially funded Cato Institute
explicitly pays scientists to discredit university-funded scientific research that
challenges the safety of food additives, environmental carcinogens, pesticides,
paints, and solvents.69 Of the four most-cited, scientific think tanks, which include
Cato, Heritage, and American Enterprise Institute, students need to know that
none is typically identified as industry-supported, when their “hire education”
articles appear.70 If we would not teach science without a lab or field work, then
we ought not teach ethics or philosophy of science without also teaching students
how to protect and encourage what is necessary to avoid misuse of science in
a democracy. Expecting to do good scientific or philosophical education, but
ignoring how to do science or philosophy in a democracy, would be like expecting
to run good experiments, but not feeding the lab animals.

Cf. BEDER, S., Global Spin: The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism, pp. 63-74.
Cf. BEDER, S., Ibidem, p. 215.
SLATER, D., “The big book of Bush,” Sierra, v. 87, (2002), pp. 37-47.
BAILEY, R., Ecoscam, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1994.
Cf. MOORE, C., “Rethinking the Think Tanks,” Sierra, v. 87, (2002), pp. 56-59 and 73.
Cf. MOORE, C., “Rethinking the Think Tanks,” pp. 56-59 and 73.
How to Reform Science and Technology 127

One way to teach and do philosophical, ethical, and scientific research, in

a way that promotes ongoing reform of science and technology, is to do more
than merely autopsies on dead scientific theories. Also do vivisection on existing
theories, contemporary scientific controversies. Send government agencies and
elected officials your comments on proposed science policies and on draft EIAs,
technology assessments (TAs), and risk assessments (QRAs). Write science-
related “op ed” pieces for local newspapers Review science-related books for
the popular media. Along with helping students learn to read critically and to
use only the best refereed journals, scientists and philosophers can help reform
science and technology in many other ways:
1. Make one class assignment requiring assessment of some proposed, science-
related, government legislation, and have students write (to officials and
newspapers) about how to improve it or what is questionable about it.
2. Teach a project-based EIA, TA, and QRA course where each student
evaluates a chosen EIA, TA, and QRA, and then publicizes scientific and
ethical aspects of policy based on it.
3. Begin class with 5 minutes of exposing “hire education” that dominates
science-such as biased corporate or environmental think tanks or research.
4. Have students do synopses of science-related articles from the popular press.
5. Give students extra credit for reading/reporting on ethically-related
nonfiction by scientists like Paul Ehrlich, Richard Feynman, or Devra
6. Give students extra-credit for work with NGOs, e.g., the National Wildlife
7. Use books like Katherine Isaacs’ 1992 Civics for Democracy, to show
students how to use their scientific and ethical education, in daily life, to
help reform science and technology.

If we cannot count on politicians, legislators, corporations, NGOs, and courts
to achieve balance and objectivity in doing, reporting, and using science, then
those of us who know science, logic, and ethics must do so. Reforming science
-that is, separating it from complete control by moneyed, private interests, is
difficult only because so few of us take on the task of reform. Ralph Nader
defined a real democracy as “a society where less and less courage and risk
are needed of more and more people to spread justice.” 71 If everyone does the
work of democracy, then any one of us needs less courage to face the risks that
democracy demands.

NADER, R., “Introduction,” in ISAACS, K., Civics for Democracy, p. vi.
128 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

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The Relation between Science and Society
5. Progress and Social Impact in Design Sciences
6. Experiments, Instruments and Society: Radioisotopes in Biomedical Research

Anna Estany

The idea of progress implies an evaluation based on something which we hope

to achieve. In general, progress, when applied to the sciences, is believed to have
occurred in the transition from a given theory A (paradigm, research program)
to another theory B, when B is an improvement on A. The pure sciences (the
research of nature by means of the experimental method in an attempt to satisfy
our need for knowledge) are concerned with cognoscitive values which allow us
to solve problems, come close to the truth, find more coherent systems, etc.
In the design sciences other elements apart from the cognoscitive ones play a
part, and as a result indicators of scientific progress based on the standard model
of pure science do not allow us the possibilities to evaluate progress adequately in
these sciences. This is very important given both the growth of these disciplines
throughout the twentieth century and the interrelationship between basic or pure
sciences (physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, psychology and sociology) and
design sciences, the latter being the result of the overlap between science and the
application of its findings to practical ends.
The social impact of design sciences originates from the importance of
practical ends and as a result, from the intervention of factors external to science
in the very notion of progress. The aim of this paper is to analyze indicators of
progress in such sciences.

Design sciences are the result of the “scientification” and mechanization
of the arts, in relation to skills and practical activities. Herbert Simon in The
Sciences of the Artificial (1969) points out that the traditional model of science
gives a misleading picture of fields such as engineering, medicine, business,
architecture, painting, planning, economics, education, etc. which are concerned
with “design,” understood as objective, proposal or aim to be achieved, that is
to say, not with how things “are,” but with “how things ‘ought to be’ in order to
attain specific goals.
Engineers are not the only professional designers. The intellectual activity
involved in producing material artifacts is not really that different from that of
prescribing a cure for a patient, or that of drawing up a program of a new sales
plan for a company, or that of a social welfare program. Constructed in this way,
design is the nucleus of professional training; it is the main characteristic which
distinguishes the professions from the sciences. The schools of engineering as
well as the schools of law, architecture, education, medicine, etc. revolve around
the process of design.

136 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Simon maintains that not only is the science of design possible but that it
emerged in the mid-seventies. (In 1975 The Carnegie Mellon University founded
the “Design Research Center,” whose name was changed to “Engineering Design
Research Center” in 1985.) As a result, a substantial body of both theoretical and
empirical knowledge, which deals with the components of the theory of design
and their interrelationship, exists today.
Ilkka Niiniluoto has taken up Simon’s idea in his analysis of the objectives
and structure of design sciences.1 He makes a distinction between descriptive
sciences (which describe how the world is), design sciences (which transform the
world) and technology (which constructs artifacts). The structure of formulations
is one of the elements which distinguishes one science from another. In the
descriptive sciences the formulations take the form of “A causes B” or, in the
case of stochastic systems “A causes B with the probability of p.” In the design
sciences the formulations take the form of “If you want to achieve A and you are
at B you have to perform C,” that is to say, the formulations are practical norms
also known as “praxiological statements.”


Given the structure of the formulations in design sciences, the contribution of
praxiology, the science of efficient action is important. The task of praxiology is to
investigate the conditions upon which the maximization of efficiency depends.
As we have already seen, the scheme of a practical norm is as follows: “Under
circumstances A it is necessary ( or it is advisable, or it suffices) to perform B in
order to cause C.” All practical norms are praxiological statements since they are
recommendations tending to increase the efficiency of actions.
Kotarbinski points out that there are three elements in a practical norm: the
theoretical foundation, the technical base and the organization of operations.
By the theoretical foundation of a simple practical norm we mean the causal
dependence of C on B. If by performing B you do not achieve C then a change
in the theoretical element needs to occur, for example, element B is replaced by
element D in the composition of a medicine. As a result, a much more effective
medicine is produced. No changes in the structure of the instruments nor in the
operations were necessary and yet the recommended use of D in the production
of the medicine in question was better than the norm that recommended the use
of B to achieve the same end. Progress is understood here in terms of the use of a
different chemical relation from that which has been previously used.
By the technical foundation we mean the instruments (in the most general
sense of the term) which make it possible to achieve the desired end. In the case
where the end is not achieved, a new norm based on a new instrument or artifact
Cf. NIINILUOTO, I., “The Aim and Structure of Applied Research,” Erkenntnis, v. 38, (1993), pp.
Progress and Social Impact in Design Sciences 137

through technological innovation may appear. For example, a narrow tube is

replaced by a wider one so that the container may be filled up and emptied, using
the same manipulation of taps and without recurring to a new mechanical relation,
and this is achieved in less time than was previously the case.
By the organizational foundation we mean the selection and combination of
actions brought about by agents. Here a new norm consists of a new choice and
order of operations different from those that have been used in the past and which
design a new kind of recommended action for this new practice, for example,
a norm for playing a musical instrument, indicating which movements should
be made and in what order, in accordance with the fixed relationship between
events, so as to achieve a clear sequence of sounds in the most effective way
possible. Here as well the norms which recommend the order and speed at which
the members of a group should play need to be determined so as the whole can
work uniformly and without interruption and that the former operations prepare
the way for the latter ones.
Cognoscitive progress in science depends on the theoretical base; technological
advance depends on the technical base and this in turn depends on those
disciplines which are most directly linked to the artifacts; and changes in
performance, organization, agents and as a result, theories of actions depend on
the organizational base. How does the social factor manifest itself in these three
elements? In the first it may play a part in the selection of prioritized lines of
research. Even today different lines of research may develop within the research
of pure sciences and there is no doubt that a particular field of research which
forms part of (or may form part of) the theoretical base is a point in its favor
when it comes to prioritizing and granting financial support. In the second
element the social factor is of greater and more direct importance. Many possible
technological strategies are possible in order to satisfy a need. It is clear that
technology is not the answer to everything but, in most cases, there are various
ways of solving a problem with benefits and harmful effects for distinct social
groups. Therefore, both technical possibilities and prevailing sociopolitical and
ethical values converge in this element. In the third element the social factor is
the main one and that which determines progress. Everything revolves around
human action (individual and collective), which means that the part played by
social agents is crucial in this third element.


The scientific method is a key element in scientific research. The question is
whether the methodology of design sciences should take the standard scientific
method as it is or whether it needs to be reformulated so as to adapt it to the
specific needs of the design process.
It should be pointed out that while the majority of methodological models
of design refer to engineering design, all authors either explicitly or implicitly
138 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

accept that this methodology is applicable to the design of pharmaceutical

products or educational systems. This has lead many authors to use the term
“technological sciences” rather than “design sciences.” It may be said that
engineering has played the same role in design methodology as physics played
in the philosophy of science, as can be seen in the scientific models devised
by the Vienna Circle, positivism and logical empiricism. Although a clear
reference to the particular nature of engineering disciplines can be detected in
methodological models, this does not mean that such models should be rejected.
Rather some restructuring is necessary as occurred in the case of models of
science originating from logical empiricism when the philosophy of biology,
psychology and social sciences emerged.
Different methodological models of design exist as we can see in the case
of M. Asimov, G. Nadler and A. D. Hall. The differences between these models
reveal an emphasis on different themes rather than opposed theses on the part
of their authors. I am going to take McCrory’s model as an example of a design
method,2 given that his thesis is particularly representative and moreover draws
a comparison between his model and the standard scientific model,3 revealing
similarities and differences between both models.
Using the above two schemes we may draw the following conclusions:
1. The aim of design is not to originate scientific knowledge but is rather to
use it in order to create something useful. The designer might be compared
to the artist in so far as he or she does not create the colors and the forms,
but combines them to generate new creations, which sometimes lead to
works of art.
2. Figure 1 and 2 are outlines of idealized versions of the scientific method
and the design method respectively. In the same way as the scientific
method is inherent in scientific research, the design method is inherent in
the design process.
3. In contrast to basic scientific research, which is driven by curiosity, design
is driven by need.
4. The social factor plays an important role in non –technical areas such as
the economy, society and geopolitics, to which we may add questions of
a cultural or ethical nature– in short, all those factors outside the realm of
science. The social factor contains within it a recognition of need however,
it does not simply limit itself to this rather it is present in the entire process,
especially in phase 4, in which production and the market come into play.
We may be lead to think that the market is guaranteed once the need has
been recognized however, many other factors are involved, for example the
price, trends, cultural habits, etc.
Cf. MCCRORY, R. J., “The Design Method-A Scientific Approach to Valid Design,” in R APP, F. (ed.),
Contributions to a Philosophy of Technology, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1974, pp. 158-173.
See figures 1 and 2
Progress and Social Impact in Design Sciences 139

Figure 1. Graphic representation of scientific method

Existing Knowledge

Powers of
Reflective Observation


Revised Powers of Logic

Hypothesis (Physical and Mathematical)

Confirmation, Modification or

Powers of Powers of Experiment


140 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Figure 2. Graphic representation of design method

1 1
Scientific Input
State of Recognition Nontechnical
1. Basic and
applied the Art of Need Inputs
research 1. Economic
2. Broad Powers 2. Social
scientific of 3. Geopolitical
concepts Synthesis

Revised Powers
Technical Concept of Design
Acceptance Acceptance

Design Feasibility Stage

Powers of

Production and Marketing Stage

Progress and Social Impact in Design Sciences 141

5. Besides the non-technical question, there is also the scientific question

which conditions design and viability (Phases 2 and 3). Consequently, it
cannot be concluded from the social impact of design sciences (the social
being an integral part of these sciences) that design sciences can do without
the contribution of pure sciences.
6. The social factor is a pillar of design sciences. Knowledge and need are
inextricably linked. This means that design sciences depend on both and
cannot do without either and, although this may appear to be a truism, it is
not the case if we consider some of the sociological currents in the last few
decades, which regard science (both pure and design) as a social construct.
McCrory’s theories on design methodology may be summarized as follows:
“The purpose of this discussion is to identify and describe a methodology which
should be inherent in all design programs but which is seldom recognized and
consciously utilized. Failures arising from attempts to avoid or shortcut the stages
of the design process can be reduced if the controls and guidelines of the design
method are followed. In practice, the design process as exemplified by the design
method is often distorted, especially in the critical early stages. Need is seldom
adequately defined and the socio-economic factors are often miscalculated. The
route by which the designer may tap the state of technical art is long and hazardous,
and the eagerness to accept and invest heavily in initial ideas sometimes causes
designers to overlook the importance of the synthesis stage.” 4


A lot has been written about scientific revolutions, however the question of
whether the revolution occurred in pure or design sciences has not been dealt
with. Nevertheless, philosophers have always referred to historical examples in
relation to pure or descriptive sciences.
Most analyses of technological change or technological revolutions have
fundamentally focused on invention (the conjunction of diverse technical
elements which result in the emergence of a new technology) and innovation
(the application of technology to a new field), at times making reference to the
adoption and acceptance of the new practice on the part of the user.
If, however, we believe that the technical element is just one of the elements
of practical norms and that any theoretical model of design sciences must cover
not only engineering but also other scientific fields such as medicine, education,
library science, etc. then we cannot equate revolutions in design sciences with
technological revolutions (unless we refer to technology in its most general sense,
for example, calling science education technological for the simple fact that they
involve using computers).
MCCRORY, R. J., “The Design Method-A Scientific Approach to Valid Design,” p. 172.
142 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

I would like to make reference to the analysis of this problematic question by

D. Wojick,5 on the one hand, and by J. Echeverría in La revolución tecnocientífica
(The Technoscientific Revolution),6 on the other. Wojick’s analysis centers on
the processes through which new technology is accepted by the engineering
community. Here the human factor is conceived in terms of the acceptance of
innovations or revolutions by the engineering community, that is, the medical,
educational fields, etc. rather than in terms of the consequences of technology for
society. The idea here is that a technological revolution implies a change in the
scale of values and as a result in the systems of evaluation.
Evaluation criteria are key concepts in the application of technology and
constitute the nucleus of practical reasoning. The analysis of cost-benefit is
a paradigmatic example of this type of practical evaluation, but the net value
of a solution cannot however be reduced simply to its monetary value since
social, aesthetic factors as well as other considerations such as utility, efficiency
and safety need to be taken into account. Therefore, the procedures in any
technological area taken as a whole imply the use of techniques from different
fields. The evaluation of a food additive, for example, may require elements
taken from fields outside the food industry such as medicine, chemistry, biology,
industrial engineering, etc.
This leads to the question of how the systems of evaluation may be changed.
In his analysis of these changes, Wojick draws on Kuhn´s analysis of scientific
revolutions and applies this to changes in technological practices. In summary,
the accepted system of evaluation plays a role in the organization of the use of
technology in the same way as the scientific paradigm does in the organization
of a scientific explanation. Wojick uses revolutions in the management of water
resources, better nutrition and perception of nuclear energy as examples.
J. Echeverría analyzes technoscientific revolutions and puts forward a series of
hypotheses which may be summarized as follows: megascience or technoscience
came about in the twentieth century, above all after the Second World War;
technoscience is a basic component of the information society; the technoscientific
revolution is dealt with by “studies of technoscience,” characterized by a
profound transformation in cross-disciplinary studies of science and technology;
the philosophy of science and technology should be based on the philosophical
analysis of technoscientific activity rather than on scientific knowledge or
technological artifacts; another question, and one which is perhaps even more
important than the traditional philosophical problem of how to justify scientific
knowledge, is the valorization of scientific practice; and finally the values of
Cf. WOJICK, D., “Philosophy of Technology and the Structure of Technological Revolutions,” in
BUGLIARELLO, G. and DONER, D. B. (eds.), The History and Philosophy of Technology, University of
Illinois Press, Champaign (IL), 1979, pp. 238-261.
ECHEVERRIA, J., La revolución tecnocientífica, FCE, Madrid, 2003.
Progress and Social Impact in Design Sciences 143

technoscience is one of the areas in which the technoscientific revolution has a

greater impact.7
If the evaluation systems are similar to paradigms, then a radical change in
those systems would be similar to a change in scientific theory. Moreover, in
the same way that a scientific theory is more than a combination of laws and
equations, the technical engineering base is more than a combination of equations
to be solved. Such techniques are included in the system of accepted procedures
used to carry out a task correctly and these procedures, in turn, are included in
a specific system of evaluation, that is, in a system of criteria used to determine
what factors are relevant, how to measure them and how they may be evaluated.
The aim of an evaluation system is to guide us so to transform and improve on
the present situation to the best of our ability. The value to the evaluation system
might be compared to that of truth to science.
Wojick, in keeping with Kuhn’s thesis, points out that anomalies arise when
the system of evaluation does not result in an improved state.8 In the same way
that failure of a paradigm to explain a phenomenon results in an anomaly so too
does repeated failure of standard procedures to cure specific diseases result in an
anomaly in the accepted system of evaluation used up to that point. Another type
of anomaly arises when new scientific and technical knowledge make it clear
that the procedures we use do not evaluate correctly specific factors. Examples
of this kind of anomaly are to be found in the discovery of the long term effects
of pesticides due to advances in biochemistry, the discovery of side effects of
food additives due to advances in medicine or the discovery of adverse ecological
effects of reservoirs due to advances in ecology. This type of anomaly may be
difficult to detect as the knowledge which brings the anomaly to light may exist
in another field, for example, engineers were unable to detect the anomaly until
the mid-sixties because they did not have access to the necessary ecological
findings. Moreover, in the same way that paradigms cannot be measured, so too
may we find systems of evaluation that arise from points of view which cannot
be measured.
All of this leads us to the need to reformulate the idea of progress. If we say
that in descriptive sciences “a theory T1 is better than another theory T2, then we
may say that in design sciences “a given design D1 is better than another design
D2” and that moreover, it is better because “D1 better fulfills the recognized
needs than D2” or because “D1 better fulfills the functions attributed to it than
D2.” In reply to the question, “What are the factors that make D1 fulfill the needs
better than D2?,” Kortarbinski provides us with an answer in his identification of
the three elements which are involved in a practical norm: theoretical knowledge,
technical factors and the conduct of individuals and groups.
ECHEVERRIA, J., La revolución tecnocientífica, pp. 175-181.
Cf. WOJICK, D., “Philosophy of Technology and the Structure of Technological Revolutions,” p.
144 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

There is a final question which should not be ignored and which is the rational
basis of evaluation systems. Wojick compares evaluation systems to Kuhn’s
paradigms and also considers them to be incommensurable although it should be
pointed out that it is not a good idea to consider them incommensurable, at least
in terms of Kuhn’s primitive meaning of paradigms. In fact, if we heed Wojick’s
comments, it does not follow that evaluation systems are incommensurable.
Wojick makes reference to the knowledge afforded by ecology, that is, the
environmental cost, as the reason for calling into question the construction
of reservoirs. It is true that these environmental costs were not recognized by
previous generations however, it may be said that this was so because the harmful
consequences were unknown. The same may be said of food additives. This does
not mean that there are universal spatial-temporal values however, neither does it
mean that there are values which transcend systems of technological evaluation
specific to a design science.
Echeverría advocates axiological pluralism and points to different kinds
of values (basic, epistemological, technological, economic, military, political,
legal, social, ecological, religious, aesthetic and moral) which play a role in
technoscientific activity and which distinguish it from science of other historical
periods. The influence exercised by all these factors is undeniable. The question
lies in the weight of these factors in the whole of the scientific practice on the one
hand, and in the newness of the phenomenon, that is, if it is really new or if it is
simply a question of degree, on the other.


Three elements of practical norms converge in cancer research and thus
provide us with a good example of how to demonstrate progress in science
and the interdisciplinary study of science. Its suitability is partly due to the
study carried out by David Casacuberta and Anna Estany on the discovery of
the “phenotype mutant” made by Manuel Perucho.9 His discovery has made it
possible to classify tumors according to their degree of genetic instability and
specifically their microsatellites as well as to establish a series of relationships
with other characteristics of value to the prognosis of patients. As Félix Bonilla
Velasco (of the Medical Oncology Service in the University Hospital of Puerta de
Hierro in Madrid) pointed out in the launch of Casacuberta’s and Estany’s book
of 2003, the scientific contribution made by Manuel Perucho at the beginning of
the 1990s has special importance for applied and clinical oncology.
In addition to the importance of the discovery and its relevance to the philosophy
of science, we may add the special circumstances surrounding its publication,
which turned into an authentic ordeal in that it was blocked by different branches
Cf. ESTANY, A. and CASACUBERTA, D., ¿EUREKA? El trasfondo de un descubrimiento sobre el
cáncer y la Genética Molecular, Tusquets, Barcelona, 2003.
Progress and Social Impact in Design Sciences 145

of the scientific community from colleagues to journals representing the highest

level of prestige in molecular biology. The difficulties encountered by Perucho
and his team reveal the external face of science and the intervention of social,
political and competitive factors in scientific research.
Perucho and his team’s article entitled “Ubiquitous Somatic Mutations in
Simple repeated Sequences reveal New Mechanisms for Colon Carcinogens” was
published in Nature on 10 June, 1993. The history of the article, however, goes
back to a conference held in Madrid in 1992 to celebrate the tenth anniversary
of the discovery of oncogenes. Perucho presented his results at the conference
for the first time and at the end of his presentation one of those present, Bert
Vogelstein, asked for more details about Perucho’s work to which Perucho fully
complied. When Perucho finished his article he sent it to the prestigious PNAS
(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), which rejected it. Then he
sent it to Cell, which also rejected it and finally to Nature, which accepted it after
various revisions. However, the point is that while the paper was being revised at
Nature, Vogelstein published similar results in Science (See outline 3). Perucho
then began a long correspondence with the editor of Nature, John Maddox, who
finally recognized that there were irregularities in the process and published an
article entitled “Competition and the death of Science” in the editorial page of
Nature on 25 June, 1993, in which Perucho’s reputation was re-established and
abusive practices which undermine progress in science were criticized.
The publication process is good proof of the existence of external factors
which delay progress in science when it comes to publishing a discovery. Both
non-specialized publications and scientific journals have voiced concern over
the existence of different practices between prestigious and less prestigious
laboratories and differences between the knowledge and language of the
researcher. Articles coming from prestigious laboratories are subject to a
much more stringent publication process than those coming from less well-
known laboratories. Equally, it has been pointed out by the national press
since the problems encountered by Perucho to publish his article in Nature
that American and British researchers find it much easier to publish than their
Spanish counterparts. It is probably not so much a question of whether one is
American or British so much as whether one comes from a prestigious university
or laboratory or not. The question of language is nonetheless very important. It is
hardly surprising that American and British researchers have an advantage over
Spanish researchers given that the international language of science is English, a
language over which they have complete control, and that their works are easier
to revise than that of a foreigner whose language is more limited and whose work
often contains errors. However, in the case of Perucho it was not so much a case
of institutional or linguistic difference as bias and abuse of position.
The speed at which Vogelstein was able to publish, in just under a week, can
only be explained by surmising that he had direct contacts within the editorial
146 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

team who facilitated publication, thus allowing him to publish his article with
unusual speed. It would seem that for the great majority of scientists publication
is a long and arduous process whereas for others the process might be compared
to a rally driver on an unusually quiet four-lane motorway. Moreover, we are not
just talking about favor; we are also talking about deliberate efforts to impede
publication. Not content with accelerating the publication process, Vogelstein had
both a direct and indirect part to play in the delay in publication of Perucho’s
article. Whether this was due to an explicit desire to block the article so as to
gain time to compile his own results or whether it was due to a critical attitude
on the part of Vogelstein towards a colleague, which in turn might be due either
consciously or unconsciously to a competitive and territorial attitude, nevertheless
questionable, is unclear as we do not have access to objective data.
The fact that such factors exist is a clear obstacle to progress within the
scientific community. In science, where publication is the only means by which
to climb the ladder, any control of access to publication and blocking of other
researchers’ publications converts it into an inherently unjust system, in which
nationality or institution affiliation are only accentuated.
Above all, the existence of such impediments holds back progress in science.
If a key article for the development of cancer research such as that of Perucho is
in limbo for one year while another researcher takes all the credit then it is not just
the researcher who is compromised but also the whole scientific community. The
role of the mutant phenotype was present in literature but nobody was working on
it. However, cancer research changed radically with the publication of Perucho’s
and Vogelstein’s articles and in just a matter of weeks new articles, developing
upon the above researchers’ ideas, started to appear. Now these ideas are applied
in all kinds of research, including practical applications of the discovery such as
how to identify genes which have a predisposition to developing certain forms of
cancer. Approximately a thousand articles have been published to date on mutant
genes and genetic instability since the groundbreaking publication in 1993. This
fact confirms the originality of the discovery, which has lead to the emergence of
a new field with its own terminology ( mutant genes, instability of microsatellites,
etc.), and the enormous impact on cancer research in terms of the implications for
the basic underlying mechanisms of certain tumors.
Here the idea of a deontological code of practice is fundamental, one which
regulates the internal workings of scientific communities so as to eradicate
falsification of data, plagiarism, etc. Many of the problems encountered by Perucho
could have been avoided if the code of practice had been complied with.


The consequences of results in relation to tumors for millions of people around
the world manifest the importance of scientific debate and highlight the central
Progress and Social Impact in Design Sciences 147

relationship between pure sciences and design sciences, in which external factors
are brought to light in the debate over the place of cancer research. A study carried
out by a group of German scientists and philosophers in the 1970s and 1980s on the
relationship between basic and medical research in cancer research in Germany is
of particular relevance to this debate. Hohlfeld interviewed 29 scientists working
in the fields of molecular biology (basic research), experimental cancer research,
clinical cancer research and cancer and epidemiological medicine from 1975
to 1976. The study highlights conflicts between theoretical, experimental and
practical traditions in scientific research.
Basic research scientists, in this case molecular biology, hold that science
cannot be driven by political aims. One scientist interviewed said:
“Basic research, in particular cell biology, must generate the necessary
knowledge before any real breakthrough can be expected to occur. Impatience,
no matter how justified and understandable on the part of millions of cancer
patients, should not make either scientific organizations or politicians adopt
measures which ultimately swallow up vast amounts of money without bringing
any real success.” 10
This way of thinking reduces the problem of cancer to key events in biological
processes which must be explained by molecular theories. As a consequence,
progress here is conceived in terms of strictly epistemological values and not in
terms of the cure or otherwise of cancer sufferers.
The first step towards the application of theories is “experimental cancer
research,” which is a type of research located behind the frontiers of “true”
science and structured by still unsolved fundamental theoretical questions. It is not
determined by the internal dynamics of scientific advance but by goal orientation
or the solution of certain problems. Scientists working in this field share with basic
scientists the idea that health problems must be solved by scientific instruments
on the basis of clarification of underlying biological mechanisms and that this in
turn requires “high technology.” They also share the idea that experts are needed
in the field. The fundamental difference between them is that experimental cancer
researchers, unlike basic scientists, are motivated by the goal that their research
must benefit humanity. Experimental cancer researchers expect to find a cure for
the disease although they also explain strictly biological processes.
When intrinsic scientific motivation combines with external goal orientation
in a given field in which there are as yet unresolved theoretical questions this
results in a kind of research known as applied research. Scientists doing this type
of research try to apply the results of basic research to the clinical. This would be
the case of cancer researchers whose loyalties are split between molecular biology

HOHLFELD, R., “Two Scientific Establishments which Shape the Pattern of Cancer Research in
Germany: Basic Science and Medicine”, in ELIAS, N., M ARTINS, H. and WHITLEY, R. (eds.), Scientific
Establishments and Hierarchies. Sociology of Sciences, vol. VI, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1982, p. 151.
148 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

and a clinical orientation. One of those interviewed said: “Cancer research is

almost an invention. The cancer researcher is situated between two worlds. On
the one hand, you have the clinical world and on the other, the prestigious basic
research world, for example, the Max Planck Society. The people engaged in basic
research claim that cancer research does not have a solid base, that such concern
for cancer seriously limits basic research.” 11
The idea of design science fits with the characteristics of applied science. In
this sense, pharmacology too shares some characteristics of applied science in
that it includes responsibility for strategic planning of biomedical research with
the clear aim of dealing with practical problems. One of the scientists interviewed
described the rules of pharmacological research in the following way: “1. The
scientist cannot publish the results of his work whenever he wants. 2. If his work
evolves into an independent research problem which deviates from the given
research goal, he must abandon it. 3. The work he does requires considerable
flexibility and does not allow him to become a specialist in any particular field.
4. There is a lot of routine work. Forsaking scientific reputation is compensated
by external recognition for his work and by financial reward.” 12
The above illustrates the possible difficulties encountered by design science
researchers who are at the mercy of constrictions imposed by the industry. This
leads us to a reflection on the complexity of clinical cancer research which is based
on therapeutic schemes that are evaluated in clinical studies. This would imply
applying the results obtained in animals to patients, although bridges would need
to be constructed between molecular biologists and medical scientists in order
to make these models relevant. Yet the training of these two is very different,
and looking at Hohlfeld’s findings from interviews conducted with the different
scientists, it would seem that collaboration between basic and applied research
scientists is not easy. First of all, doctors believe that molecular biology has not
made any real advance nor even contribution to medical progress in the fight against
cancer. Secondly, the medical model, theoretically adopts the model of empirical
sciences, physics, chemistry, etc. while at the same time decontextualizing the
sick individual. Thirdly, different medical specialists sometimes disagree about
the treatment of cancer patients. Finally, doctors tend to distrust basic research
scientists, as is confirmed by one of those doctors interviewed by Hohlfeld: “We
cannot leave patients in the hands of the scientists... We won’t be reduced to mere
agents of scientists.”
Finally, there are the epidemiological studies in the broad field of cancer
research. The object of this type of research is man not rats. Their goal is to study
what makes a healthy person sick, which is different from the doctor who studies
HOHLFELD, R., “Two Scientific Establishments which Shape the Pattern of Cancer Research in
Germany: Basic Science and Medicine,” p. 153.
“Two Scientific Establishments which Shape the Pattern of Cancer Research in Germany: Basic
Science and Medicine,” p. 155.
Progress and Social Impact in Design Sciences 149

people who are already sick. Difficulties arise in this field primarily because of
the political and social consequences of the results of this type of study.
We might venture to say that the difficulties and tensions within cancer
research mainly arise from the fact that different sciences, both pure and design,
are involved. Amongst the design sciences involved in the treatment of cancer
are medicine, pharmacology and nursing. Design consists of drugs, radiotherapy,
chemotherapy and surgery. The theoretical base is made up by molecular biology,
chemistry and physics. The technical base consists of scanning techniques, that
is, the apparatus used to carry out analyses and nuclear medical processes. The
organizational base consists of health politics, organization of health systems,
new surgical methods and patient care, etc.
All of the above considerations enable us to identify the characteristics of
progress in the different disciplines involved in cancer research. In keeping with
Kotarbinski’s ideas, advance in the cure of this disease will depend on advances
in molecular biology, instruments and techniques employed such as scanners,
chemotherapy, the health system which includes prevention programs for breast
and skin cancer as well as health education in schools, etc.
At present many cancer research scientists are asking themselves the following
questions: Why do we have the feeling that there have been more advances in the
theoretical base than in the technical and organizational base? What might be
the factors that make it impossible to cure the disease despite the fact that we
know many of the mechanisms involved in the development of cancer? The rate
of survival, which in some forms of cancer has increased considerably over the
last few decades, is due more to techniques used to detect cancer in the early
stages than to a real cure once the disease has been diagnosed.
It might be said that what is lacking here is a bridge between theoretical
knowledge and the need which it is trying to satisfy. What is lacking is the design
to meet this need. This is one of the reasons why medicine, a design science, is
not just an applied science. Moreover, this confirms the idea that pure sciences,
understood as descriptive sciences, should not be confused with basic research.
The search for appropriate designs to cure cancer based on existing knowledge is
an integral part of basic research in medicine.
An example of progress in cancer research which is based on a technical
element is the development of a scalpel which is able to detect cancerous cells in a
matter of seconds. According to an article which appeared in El País on 24 March,
2000, scientists working in the Sandia National Laboratories of the Department
of Energy in the United States have developed a scalpel designed to detect the
presence of cancerous cells while the surgeon is removing the tumor obscured
by blood, muscle and fat. The instrument is called “ biological microcavity laser”
and has made it possible to distinguish between cell cultures, composed of normal
brain cells called “astrocites” and its malignant form called “glioblastomas” in
150 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

the laboratory. This may enable surgeons to eliminate malignant growths with
greater precision and at the same time reduce to a minimum the quantity of
healthy tissue which is removed.
The third base of progress is the organizational one. How might we interpret
this base in relation to cancer research? At the present moment the circulation
of knowledge on a worldwide scale (at least understood as a possibility) and
the differences in life expectancy of cancer patients corresponds to differences
in health politics according to economic, social and political factors. In other
words, if the theoretical and technical bases remain stable then progress in cancer
medicine will be due to changes in the organizational base and to possible action
in the area of health politics.
In an indirect way, environmental programs (politics), which are to a large
extent responsible for environmental factors in the development of cancer, would
also play a part in the progress of cancer medicine. As a last resort, progress in
cancer medicine would depend on the risk management of many of the practices
of today’s society. We may venture to say that the third point made by Kotarbinski
contains all the philosophical issues pertinent to the risk factor even though he
does not specifically refer to this.


Investment in scientific research is one of the systems within the budgets
of states and multinationals. This means that the scientific politics designed by
states or companies will have important consequences for scientific progress. We
shall refer to various issues within scientific politics. One of these issues is the
financiation both of pure sciences as well as design sciences. In this sense, there
may exist scientific political programs that prioritize lines of research according
to pressure put on by social groups of a certain social class, race, religion, gender,
etc. The question therefore is what do we invest in. For example, research in
molecular biology might be directed towards curing certain diseases such as
cancer, AIDS, coronary diseases or for resolving infertility, etc. We might say
that we should invest in all those research programs whose aim is to satisfy a
human need, but resources are limited however, and in any case there will always
be the question of priority. We will therefore need to choose lines of research in
which to invest, both in the public and private sector.
Another question pertinent to scientific politics is the scientific publication of
results, and in this sphere academic journals are the most important publications
amongst peers. Nevertheless, as we have seen earlier, this system is not without
its problems. We may, for example, ask whether Perucho’s nationality had any
part to play in the difficulties encountered when he tried to publish his discovery
despite the fact that we know that Perucho’s and Vogelstein’s results for molecular
biology have nothing to do with their origin (the former being Spanish, the latter
Jewish). This is one of the problems of most social constructivists who deduce
Progress and Social Impact in Design Sciences 151

epistemological consequences from sociological indicators. Individual and

collective difference have a part to play in the likelihood of becoming a researcher,
of getting more or less financial backing and may even influence the line of
research, although the degree of reliability and corroboration is independent. On
the other hand, the fact that Perucho’s discovery and due merit were recognized
in the end shows that the scientific community although exposed to fraud, unfair
practice and lack of professional ethical conduct has at the same time mechanisms
to correct these irregularities.
The importance of scientific politics may be explained in large part by what
John Ziman calls “the collectivization of science,” which emerged after the Second
World War. Collectivization on the one hand means that academic science is at
the service of industrial science and on the other, that science has to be carried out
starting with collectives, in which the relationship between the members is not
always hierarchical but equal. In other words, any line of research needs experts
from different fields and this requires collaboration between them. In reference
to the first question, cancer research is an example of an academic science at the
service of industrial science, as conceived by Ziman for whom “industrial” has a
broad meaning. In other words, molecular biology is at the service of medicine.
In reference to the second question, Perucho’s laboratory, where he made his
discovery, is an example of collaboration and distribution of functions although
an element of hierarchical organization also had a part to play.

The importance of science in today’s society has lead to many studies on the
relationship between science, technology and society, although most of these tend
to question the rationality of science. Nevertheless, when it comes to identifying
those factors which question scientific rationality very different questions such
as disasters associated with the atomic bomb, transgenic products, bad relations
between scientists in the laboratory, fraud, power structures, economic interest,
suffering on the part of animals used in experiments and many more tend to be
identified. All of these problems are very important and we may say that they
have been caused, in most cases, by scientific development. However, we need
to take stock of the beneficial gains, which are not a few both in terms of health
and disease as well as quality of life when it comes to evaluating science at a
practical level. Even if the evaluation were negative, which I do not believe is
the case, we would need to distinguish between what knowledge of the natural
and social world means and what we can do with this knowledge. This may
appear self-evident however, social constructivists do not accept distinctions of
this kind. Even in the case where for ethical reasons a certain line of research
would have to be stopped, the distinction between knowledge and its use would
still have to be maintained.
152 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Although overlapping between descriptive or pure and design sciences

occurs a great deal when faced with a given phenomena of the natural or social
world, it is both possible and philosophically worthwhile to keep the conceptual
distinction. The contrary might lead us to extrapolate characteristics from one or
the other science, resulting only in confusion. The tension between the different
collectives involved in cancer research is a good example of how all these
disciplines cannot be brought together in a kind of megaconcept, as in the case
of Echeverría’s technoscience although it is not clear that he is in favor of a total
fusion, or of the untenableness of the thesis that there is no difference between
science and technology.

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María Jesús Santesmases

The purpose of this essay is to show an epistemic and cultural process that
played a part in the invention and use of new instruments: that of the use of
radioisotopes in biomedical research. Incorporating the values of the era in which
the use of radioisotopes were designed and promoted, the production of these
at an industrial scale and their “blackboxing” finally took place, and they have
become useful utilities which are productive through the results they provide.
Studies on the invention and use of experiments show how the production of
scientific knowledge, at the bench in the laboratory and by a community of experts,
is socially embedded. While producing knowledge, experiments and instruments
contribute at the same time to the construction of scientific expertise.
A given technique is part of the much broader context in which it is handled
and of a wider culture than that of the person who becomes skilled in its design
and tuning. It usually incorporates social and political practices by analogy. Thus
it is not only that the instrument or the technique becomes part of the society in
which it is used, not only that it shares with its environment norms and values, but
that the social values of the environment in which the experiment is carried out
penetrate into the design of a given device as such, and that these values intervene
in the knowledge produced and reproduced by a given set of techniques in a so-
called experiment.1
Norton Wise suggested considering the technical devices as mediating
machines, mediating agents between scientific knowledge and its cultures, to
show the mechanisms by which social and cultural values are embedded into
knowledge, and the ways by which knowledge emerges in such cultures and
values. Later methodological reconstructions have situated instruments and
experiments as part of the knowledge they produce and disseminate, considering
the instruments as scientific knowledge as such and not only mediating machines.
This consideration leads to a blurred distinction between science and technology,
as both would be part of the same box of learning. In this approach, techniques
as an application would be meaningless, or at least an incomplete supposition,
since the machine or the device of any size, no matter whether in design or
by its “blackboxing” use, produces and reproduces phenomena that become
Cf. WISE, M. N., “Mediating Machines,” Science in Context, v. 2, (1988), pp. 77-113; SHAPIN, S.
and SHAFFER S., Leviathan and the Air Pump: Hobbes, Boyle, and the Experimental Life, Princeton
University Press, Princeton, 1979; LATOUR, B. and WOOLGAR S., Laboratory Life: The Social
Construction of Scientific Facts, Sage, Beverly Hills, 1979.

160 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

knowledge. It does not matter whether this knowledge is technical or scientific.2

The concept of instrument has been considerably widened, including not only
machines, devices, and experimental methods of any kind, but also living matter
such as virus, microorganisms (bacteria), insects (i.e. Drosphila melanogaster),
mammals (i.e. mice) and cell lines (i.e. HeLa cells) obtained by selective breeding
and by cell culture.3
In addition to becoming scientific knowledge per se, instruments would also
be considered agents by which the frontiers between the natural and the social
order are constructed and by which the concept of the social and the natural are
conceptualised and incorporated into knowledge.4


The development of biomedical research since World War II has involved the
design and use of many techniques and new policies for the promotion of the
sciences as experimental processes. The outcome of all this influence, of both
techniques and policies, has been instrumental for scientific production, clinical
practice and biological thought.
These developments show how scientific production takes form, both
influenced and constrained, stimulated and promoted by a set of cultures and
policies. And during the twentieth century especially, by science and technology
policies, as well as defence policies, and by a network of scientists and engineers
in which instruments also took part as agents.
The consideration of instruments as agents evokes historical episodes of the
sciences whose analysis is useful to find out about what that knowledge is and the
circumstances which allowed the understanding of its production.
In this paper, the case of the use and promotion of radioisotopes in biological
and biomedical research offers the opportunity to show some of the factors at
play in the introduction of a new technique, its associated instruments and the
knowledge produced. It is a useful case to study on how the so-called technosciences
References of historical and philosophical studies of instruments are very long already, beginning
with pioneering works such as the compilation of GOODING, D., PINCH T. and SCHAFFER S. (eds),
The Uses of Experiment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989; for a philosophy of
experimentation, see H ACKING, I., Representing and Intervening, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1983.
Cf. R HEINBERGER H.-J., Toward a History of Epistemic Things: Synthesizing Proteins in the Test
Tube, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1997; KOHLER, R. E., Lords of the Fly: Drosophila,
Genetics and Experimental Life, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1994; LAUBICHLER, M.,
and CREAGER A. N. H., “How Constructive is Deconstruction?,” Studies in History and Philosophy
of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, v. 30, (1999), pp. 129-142; K AY, L. E., Who Wrote the Book
of Life? A History of the Genetic Code, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2000; CREAGER, A.
N. H., The Life of a Virus: Tobacco Mosaic Virus as an Experimental Model, 1930-1965, The
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2002; and R ADER, K., Making Mice, Princeton University
Press, Princeton, 2004.
Cf. PALLADINO, P., Plants, Patients and the Historian, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick,
2003; and CLARKE, A. E. and FUJIMURA, J. (eds), The Right Tools for the Job: At Work in Twentieth-
Century Life Sciences, Princeton University Press, Princeton (NJ), 1992.
Experiments, Instruments and Society: Radioisotopes in Biomedical Research 161

turned out to be a product of a wide variety of influences, laboratory cultures and

policies, mutually shaped and combined at a given time.5
Escaping from a presumed concept of knowledge as an accumulative process,
the analysis of the use of radioisotopes as instruments and techniques suggests
the need of considering its emergence and development in a given time and a
given locus as a product of specific circumstances. Following the paths taken
by a given instrument, it is possible to show the features a particular set of
circumstances imposed on the design and circulation of a technique, including
its relationship with previous knowledge and the ways by which the instrument
contribute to the dissemination of its use and the knowledge it provides.
When looking at instruments we look at the very core of the production
of scientific knowledge, since science is linked to experimentation (no matter
whether in hierarchical order or not). The knowledge obtained by using a given
device or technique is later validated and is considered reliable by complex
mechanisms. When any of us analyse these mechanisms as used for the social
acceptation of truth, we do it embedded in our own time as well. Our time is that
of growing expectations in sciences and techniques and of their promise. These
expectations engender the posing of new questions about knowledge itself as well
as the invention of new devices.
Asking ourselves basic, apparently innocent, questions about the usefulness
of our own work while analysing instruments and experimental systems may
lead us to understand the mechanisms through which data obtained at the bench
of an experimenter, or at the table of a theoretician, is elaborated and becomes
knowledge about the natural. This knowledge comes from experiments that
are artificial indeed, but this seems to be irrelevant to the legitimation of this
knowledge. It does not matter whether the knowledge from the natural comes
from the artificial. Nonetheless, and more than that, the artificial experiment –as
it is isolated from the natural world in which it was produced before it was tried as
an isolated phenomena at the bench and in test tubes– becomes a useful method
to provide knowledge about the natural. This method is precisely the scientific
method itself, a long with the particular basis of what is considered scientific.
The natural and the artificial, the latter considered an accepted and reliable
way to produce scientific truth, become so closely intertwined that it can be
suggested that the natural and the artificial can hardly be separated.6 And this
On the concept of technoscience as an outcome of the post-WWII era, see ECHEVERRIA, J., La
revolución tecnocientífica, FCE, Madrid, 2003.
On tecniques and the artificial, see BRONCANO F., Mundos artificiales. Filosofía del cambio
tecnológico, Paidós, México D. F., 2000; and FERREIROS, J. and ORDOÑEZ, J., “Sobre la no neutralidad
de los instrumentos científicos,” in SANTESMASES, M. J. and ROMERO, A. (eds), La Física y las Ciencias
de la Vida en el siglo XX: Radiactividad y Biología, Ediciones Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,
Madrid, 2003, pp. 13-22. On artifacts and nature in biological experimentation, SANTESMASES, M.
J., “¿Artificio o naturaleza? Experimentos en Historia de la Biología,” Theoria, v. 17, (2002), pp.
162 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

blurred distinction between nature and experiments at the bench configures the
contemporary social order. This social order is based on this blurred distinction and
is at the basis of decision-making. This decision-making is based on the scientific
expertise of different groups of people specialised in a given field, whose scientific
authority is constructed precisely on their capacity to create and reproduce
knowledge and to make it reliable through the usual dissemination (i.e. papers
published in specialized journals, by peer-review and evaluation processes).


The development of biological and biomedical research since World War II
has been forged by a set of techniques, knowledge and policies whose influence
has become instrumental in the paths taken by scientific production, biological
thinking and clinical practices.
When analysing episodes of the historiography and philosophy of sciences
distinctions between these two disciplines are blurred. The studies on experiments,
experimental systems and techniques, and on procedures that became standard,
show that our beliefs in what is nature are based on laboratory experiences. These
experiences do not have much to do with the state of a given polymer or a living
cell of any size in its original, natural context of growth and reproduction. For
centuries, muscles, cells and polymers have been isolated from their original
state. Since its very origin, the basis of successful experimentation has been the
capacity of reproducing once and again the same phenomena at the bench. The
interpretation of what we, philosophers and historians of science, may do are also
embedded in our own time. This time is shaped by decisions made in public policy,
and public and private life. These decisions are articulated around knowledge
which is considered scientific; they are based on discussions between experts.
The legitimacy of these experts is constrained by the way in which they perceive
reality, by the values and cultures of our own society. Thus this circularity effects
every step we take, every move we make in private and public life.
Our perception of reality includes the use of successful techniques and
pharmaceuticals, their long-lasting effects on people’s lives in contrast to the
massive deaths of human beings, animals and plants far later than the atomic
bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and their annihilation capacity of any life
form, not to mention other effects related to mutation genetics.7 This is a time in
which genetic differences among different living matter (i.e. genetic differences
between human beings and mice) have come to be small at the genetic level and
therefore can hardly account for the differences appreciated by the naked eye.
There are successive reductions or approaches to natural phenomena by (artificial)
experimentation and these circumstances of artificiality seem to be irrelevant:

Cf. LINDEE, M. S., Suffering Made Real: American Science and the Survivors at Hiroshima, The
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1994.
Experiments, Instruments and Society: Radioisotopes in Biomedical Research 163

the more molecularised, the more the phenomena is reduced to reactions between
molecules of known characteristics and known structure, the more reliable
become scientific developments toward a better, more accurate knowledge about
living things. Every form of life is reduced to a small-size phenomena, so small
that a test tube provides enough room for what is considered life production.
From the disturbing success of the more recent techniques and their effects on
everyday life, this paper reviews a recent case from the recent past, without any
certainty, in order to look for a feature which is very overlooked forgotten: the
provisionality of techniques.
Experiments with radioisotopes are an example of this provisionality. A
review of the events that took place from the interwar period concerning their
use in biological and biomedical investigation provides information that allows
us to go into detail about the temporary value of a technique.8 Some controversies
shed light on the topic of the role played by the public in the process of making
knowledge reliable. Social and intellectual discussion on atomic and nuclear
energy, an issue which is at the core of science and technology studies, shows how
public debates, and not only discussions between experts, construct knowledge
while challenging formal scientific expertise.9 Knowledge as well as social order
and cultural values took part in the forging of a given technique. Currently almost
disappeared in laboratories of molecular biology, radioactive isotopes were until
the early 1980s a tool to invent experiments and pose questions, offering a wide
capacity to answer them.


Public opinion had an instrumental role in the process by which radioactive
isotopes became useful in biological investigation and clinical therapy, and in
the later substitution of these tools from the early 1980s. This substitution of
other techniques in place of radioisotopes in the laboratories was based on the
difficulty of the safe handling and removal of radioactivity from laboratory
samples, although in clinical therapy and in endocrinology they remain central
for diagnosis and treatment purposes.
And thus of knowledge as well –no matter whether matter is still falling down at gravitation
acceleration described by Newton-. Some interpretations of experiments developed new
techniques, and some techniques were kept in the laboratories while the theories were not, as these
techniques contributed to new interpretations. The case of the electrophoresis apparatus and the
colloid theory of proteins is a good case: see MORGAN, N., “The Strategy of Biological Research
Programmes: Reassessing the ‘Dark Age’ of Biochemistry, 1910-1930,” Annals of Science, v. 47,
(1990), pp. 139-150.
On knowledge, experts and the public see, among others, SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “Objectivity
and Professional Duties Regarding Science and Technology,” in GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed), Science,
Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2005, pp. 51-79; and
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., “How to Reform Science and Technology,” in GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed),
Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective, pp. 107-132. See also JASANOFF, S.,
The Fifth Brach: Science Advisors as Policy-makers, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA),
164 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

According to Rasmussen, in the aftermath of WWII, the growing public

attitude against atomic energy and its devastating effects on Japan had an almost
immediate effect on the promotion of biological research by US science policy
authorities. “A large scale cultural force (…) propelled physics and physicists
into biology” and together with trends towards biological explanations in terms
of molecules contributed to increasing budgets for biological research and for
the introduction of new techniques as well.10 After the emergence of ecology
movements against nuclear energy in the early 1970s, the growing safety measures
imposed by prevailing norms of isotope use in fact promoted other techniques
that eventually substituted isotopic tracing in the laboratories.
It is widely known that radioactive isotopes decompose emitting dangerous
energy which is able to induce genetic mutation due to the features of this
radiation, its wavelength and its frequency. Some of the more widely used
radioisotopes have a long half-life and this makes their elimination difficult or
even impossible. Norms for safely handling radioactive samples, samples in
which radioactive isotopes were included for research, have been disseminated
which included instructions not only concerning their handling but also how to
manage residues once the sample is discarded after an experiment. These norms
and the public attitude against nuclear energy, including public concern regarding
radioactive residues, made the use of radioisotopes in the laboratory a nuisance.
They should be stored in special warehouses built for this purpose and should
be reliably collected when they became useless for further experiments. (Note,
however, that despite the risk associated with their use and the difficulties of
storing its residues, nuclear energy still is a main source of energy in the so-called
developed world and the problem of nuclear residues is literally stored inside
concrete warehouses, frequently underground: see the works of Kristin Shrader-
Frechette on nuclear energy risks and her essays in this volume).
The US Atomic Energy Commission was the agency that provided early
training for experts in the use and handling of radioisotopes, offering the first
training course at the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies in 1948. These
training courses were part of the main strategy of the US AEC aimed at keeping
a strong political support for atomic energy, its research and possible recycling
as a peaceful source of energy: i.e. nuclear power plants. This strategy allowed
physicists to keep their role as researchers supported by the government while
maintaining atomic energy at the core of science-policy strategies of the post-
war era.
At this time, growing US national security concerns manifested the tension
between them and the aim of the Marshall Plan toward cooperating in European
war recovery. According to Creager, the numerous radioisotopes requests that
came from scientists outside the United States “sparked a debate about whether
Cf. RASMUSSEN, N., “The Mid-century Biophysics Bubble: Hiroshima and the Biological
Revolution in America,” History of Science, v. 35, (1997), pp. 245-293.
Experiments, Instruments and Society: Radioisotopes in Biomedical Research 165

the Commission should or even could export radioisotopes.” The possibility of

isotope shipments to Europe was discussed at the US AEC during 1947. This
worry showed a contradiction of US policy toward cooperating in the European
war recovery and of the efforts of US diplomacy to tighten the bonds of friendship
with her European allies by supporting scientific and technical cooperation.
Finally AEC authorities made a decision in favour of radioisotope shipments
to European biological laboratories and many were sent to laboratories in
Europe, while “the issue of radioisotopes export from the US continued to draw
political fire in the United States, even after the establishemnt of national energy
facilities elsewhere.” 11 Although having been trained in their courses was not a
formal requirement for receiving radioisotopes from the US AEC, the agency
recommended that researchers be qualified in their handling.12
In Spain, given the relative gap in the access to information on atomic energy,
the issue of the safe handling of radioactive material, both atomic energy and
radioisotopes, was among those included in the early plans toward the creation of
the Junta de Energía Nuclear (JEN, National Board for Atomic Energy) in 1951.13


The use of radioactive isotopes was one of the factors at play in the growing
leading role of biological and biomedical research from the aftermath of WWII
until the early 1980s. A given radioisotope of a given element was introduced into
a molecule by synthesis. This allowed the researchers to obtain tracer molecules
in which one of the atoms was not a stable (normal, usually found in nature) form
but that of an isotope of the same element. The introduction of this element in
a given molecule keeps its properties and apparently does not affect any of the
chemical properties of the molecule.
The use of radioisotopes allowed researchers to detect the tracer molecule on the
basis of its capacity to emit a certain type of energy, which could be detected by a
device designed for this purpose (on the detectors, see below and references herein).
Through this procedure, many molecules were traced, and the reaction on them
“followed” by a detector, so as to obtain information about their transformation.
This was used in research on carbohydrate metabolism, in photosynthesis, protein
synthesis and in research on the role played by nucleic acids.14
Cf. CREAGER, A. N. H, “Tracing the Politics of Changing Postwar Research Practices: the Export of
‘American’ Radioisotopes to European Biologists,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological
and Biomedical Sciences, v. 33, (2002), p. 367.
Cf. CREAGER, A. N. H., “The Industrialization of Radioisotopes by the US Atomic Energy
Commission,” in GARNDIN, K. and WOORMBS, N. (eds), Science and Industry in the 20th Century,
Nobel Symposium 123, Watson Publishing, Sagamore Beach (MA), forthcoming.
Cf. ROMERO, A. and SÁNCHEZ RON, J. M., Energía nuclear en España. De la JEN al Ciemat,
CIEMAT, Madrid, 2001.
Cf. R HEINBERGER, H.-J., Toward a History of Epistemic Things: Synthesizing Proteins in the Test
Tube, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1997.
166 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

More relevant was their eventual use in medical diagnosis and therapy,
which were being among the early applications of the cyclotron’s products. The
possibility of contributing to medicine was envisaged quite early by Lawrence
in his laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley. These applications
reinforced the interest of cyclotrons as such and widened the possibilities of the
funding of the laboratory.
From the mid-1930s on, the cyclotron and the promising use of its products
in medical research and therapy captivated biologists, medical researchers
and funding agencies. The British physiologist Archibald V. Hill compared its
promising influence with that of the microscope: if with the latter cells were
visible, with isotopes the atoms would be visible within the cells.15
The use of isotopes in biological research began in the 1920s in the US. Rudolf
Schoenheimer used heavy water (in which the hydrogen atom was substituted by its
heavy isotope deuterium) to do research on its effects on organisms and biological
macromolecules.16 During this decade cyclotrons began to be built and research
on radioactive elements was developed and began to be disseminated following
the success of the research done in Paris by Marie and Pierre Curie. A well-known
case is that of the laboratory of Ernest O. Lawrence in Berkeley. According to
Heilbron and Seidel, in the fall of 1933 the cyclotron began to produce so great a
flux of neutrons from berilium through the effect of 3 MeV deuterons that they
began to worry about its “physiological effects” on the researchers themselves. At
this point Lawrence saw that this radiation could have some medical relevance in
cancer therapy. By this time x-rays were no longer considered a promise in cancer
therapy. With this idea in mind he applied for funds to the Macy Foundation with
a project for doing research on them and succeeded in making them more intense
than x-rays or radio rays.17 In 1936 “[the] question [was] of more than theoretical
interest, for it [bore] directly on the possibility of using very fast neutrons in the
treatment of tumors.” 18
In 1935, neutron rays were investigated in the Department of Physiology at
the University of California, Berkeley, and were shown to be considerably more
biologically lethal than x-rays. The issue of the supposed danger of high-voltage
rays had began to be discussed since 1929 but a level of tolerance was not yet
established. Nevertheless, the possibility of harm from radiation introduced
prudence in the Berkeley group, whose members took technical cautions with
the aim of minimizing risks. Precisely these risks brought Lawrence back to his
Cf. KOHLER, R. E., Partners in Science: Foundations and Natural Scientists, The University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, 1991, p. 371.
Cf. KOHLER, R. E., “Rudolf Schoenheimer, Isotopic Tracers and Biochemistry,” Historical Studies
on Physical Sciences, v. 8, (1977), pp. 257-298.
Cf. HEILBRON, J. L. and SEIDEL, R. W., Lawrence and his Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1989, p. 357.
HEILBRON, J. L. and SEIDEL, R. W., Lawrence and his Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory, p. 390.
Experiments, Instruments and Society: Radioisotopes in Biomedical Research 167

earlier idea of the medical applications of neutron therapy. Supported at first by

the Macy Foundation and then by the Rockefeller Foundation, he organised a
group for medical research in the School of Medicine at Berkeley in 1937. In
1940, five doctors, a nurse and a technician, and four operators of the 60-inch
cyclotron were members of the group and they were distributed in three sub-
groups, one devoted to neutron therapy, one to leukaemia and one to biological
markers, or tracers.19
The absorption of radioactive phosphorous in hematopoietic tissues
(responsible for the elaboration of blood cells) and in cells of high multiplying
capacity was also among the first research done.20 Treatment of non-cancerous
hyperthyroidism by radioiodine began at Berkeley and at the Massachusetts
General Hospital in Boston about 1940. Later on, Glenn Seaborg and J.J.
Livingood designed a method to use the cyclotron so as to produce longer half-
life iodine isotopes, I-130 and I-131. A relationship between iodine and thyroid
activity was found, and this led to using radioiodine in research and treatment
of hypothyroidism. As early as 1941, some research groups were already using
mixtures of I-130 and I-131 in patients with thyroid disorders. Effective treatment
of cancer by I-131 dates from after the war.21
Neutron therapy began in the 37-inch cyclotron in September 1938. It would
eventually become increasingly promising, with more advantages than those of
x rays. Some results on the ingestion test of phosphorous-32 (P-32) were also
obtained in chronic leukaemia patients and with radioactive iodine in thyroid
patients. Isotopes from the 60-inch cyclotron proved better as it allowed the
treatment of a greater number of patients.22
By 1936, Warren Weaver, the head of the Rockefeller Foundation Division
of Life Sciences, was reluctant to give financial support to high-energy physics.
His worries were related to the lack of support obtained for his program on
the uses of spectroscopy in medicine. This project had been turned down by
the group of experts which evaluated it. Therefore, by the mid-1930s he was,
according to Kohler, “in no hurry to jump on the cyclotron bandwagon.”
Gradually Weaver began to accept the promises of the biological applications of
cyclotron radiations. Between 1935 and 1945 the Rockefeller Foundation funded
the construction of nine cyclotrons: three in Europe (one proposed by Niels
Bohr in Copenhagen, another proposed by Irene Curie and Frederic Joliot at the
Collége the France in Paris and a third one at the University of Stockholm) and
six in the United States (first at the University of Minnesota, the University of
Cf. Lawrence and his Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, pp. 359-360.
Cf. K RIGE, J., “The Politics of Phosphorous-32: A Cold War Fable Based on Facts,” in DOEL, R.,
and SÖDERQVIST, T H. (eds), Writing Recent Science, Routledge, London, forthcoming.
Cf. HEILBRON, J. L. and SEIDEL, R. W., Lawrence and his Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory, p. 398.
Cf. Lawrence and his Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, pp. 395-404.
168 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Rochester, the Washington University and the University of California with two
others including an E. Lawrence 184-inch machine and a Van de Graaf machine
at MIT). In all these projects medical and biological applications were combined
with “pure physics” objectives.23


As the cyclotron size and power began to increase, so did the possibility of
its application to biology and medicine. According to Kohler, the medium-size
accelerators were the ones of more use for biological and medical research and also
for radiotherapy. The use of the largest cyclotrons, which crossed the threshold
of a new research front into the world of “mesotrons”, for basic biochemical and
biophysical work was “overshadowed” by high energy physics and its military
applications. The bigger the cyclotron, the more likely it appeared to be attached
to a hospital and thus the more Weaver worried about the clinicians getting funds
intended for basic research, and not for clinical work.24
At the end of the 1930s it seemed clear that small-size cyclotrons produced
isotopes for medical application and clinical use at small scale, at a time when
42-inch cyclotrons were already a standard model. Those of 60 inches had
applications in what were already considered as “routine” radiotherapy.25 The
close relationship established between cyclotrons building-up and their medical
applications allowed the training of physicists in the design and use of these
machines while increasing their clinical capacity and promises for biological
research. The power of these devices should increase as well and this contributed
to the emergence of a new group of experts.26 In their own interest, and with
the aim of obtaining the economic support of foundations, physicists promoted
the cooperation with medical researchers. Thus accelerators were a product of
the cooperation between experts in both disciplines while allowing to obtain
further support for the physicists’ own work –the design of new accelerators,
more powerful as well as more expensive– in a close circle of mutual benefits for
both disciplines (physics and medical researchers and clinicians). Both groups
of expertise and this beneficial relationship between them contributed as well to
delineate the contents of biological and medical knowledge in the whole second
half of the 20th century.
The cost of accelerators began to increase and private foundations were not
allowed to pay even half of the increasing cost of deliver the huge budgetary
needs for support. The cost of accelerators, on the one hand, and the scientific
and technological policy of the United States during WWII, on the other, would
Cf. KOHLER, R. E., Partners in Science: Foundations and Natural Scientists, p. 372.
Cf. Partners in Science: Foundations and Natural Scientists, p. 373-374.
Cf. KOHLER, R. E., Partners in Science: Foundations and Natural Scientists, p. 373.
Cf. HEILBRON, J. L. and SEIDEL, R. W., Lawrence and his Laboratory: A History of the Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory, chapter 8.
Experiments, Instruments and Society: Radioisotopes in Biomedical Research 169

eventually leave the funding of the atomic energy and its applications under
the responsibility of the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), created in the
aftermath of the war.27
In the meanwhile, when the Manhattan project was already underway in 1943,
there were already many successful developments in the use of radioisotopes
in the United Sates. The interest of the heads of the Rockefeller Foundation in
possible risks to researchers’ health when handling radioactivity contributed to
the creation of a Medical Division of the Manhattan Project. Laboratories at the
universities of Chicago, Rochester (New York), California Berkeley, Columbia,
Washington, Los Alamos and at Clinton Laboratories in Oak Ridge were some
of those that carried out research in health-related risks as part of the Manhattan
Project Medical Division. Among their research was that of the establishment
of the acceptable radiation doses for experimentation. Given earlier results
on leukaemia, research on the mechanisms by which radiation may affect
hematopoietic tissues became a priority. Thus, public health promotion appeared
to acquire strong links with the direct interest of the Manhattan project managers
on radioactive security, while civil applications of atomic energy were perceived
as enormous. Concerned for researchers’ safety, the Manhattan project opened
wide possibilities for the promotion of medicine as an experimental science, at
a time when medical practice was based more on clinical knowledge than on
instrumentation and experimentation, as it late would be.28
When the war ended, experts on research in isotopes applied to biology and
medical therapy envisaged the possibilities that could be opened in this area of
application of the Manhattan Project itself. For this purpose, it seemed necessary
to keep on supporting scientists and technicians involved in this war-time project
through training and research programs. This required the ability to keep the
emergency climate that had featured medical research as related to the war effort,
developed during the war itself.29
Therapeutic uses of radioactive sources, that had been an instrumental
justification for the expenditures on cyclotron construction since the end of
the 1930s, became in the aftermath of WWII an instrumental incentive in the
promotion of scientific and technical contacts between physicists and biologists.
At the end of the war the heads of the Manhattan project were strongly interested
in putting radioisotopes at the disposition of medical research. The US Atomic
Energy Commission assumed, among other responsibilities, and beyond those

See the works of A. N. H Creager in notes 11 and 12. On the history of the US AEC, HEWLETT,
R. G. and A NDERSON, O. E., History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Vol I, The
New World, 1939/1946; Vol. II, Atomic Shield 1947/1952, The Pennsylvania State University Press,
Pennsylvania, 1962.
Cf. LENOIR, T. and H AYS, M., “The Manhattan Project of Biomedicine,” in SLOAN, PH. R. (ed),
Controlling our Destinies. Historical, Philosophical, Ethical and Theological Perspectives on the
Human Genome Project, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame (IN), 2000, pp. 29-62.
Cf. LENOIR, T. and H AYS, M., “The Manhattan Project of Biomedicine,” pp. 32-37.
170 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

related to the military and defence, that of research and development activities
related to the use of the fission products, including radioisotopes for biological
and medical purposes.30


The Atomic Energy Commission approved a budget for contributing
to biological and medical research in the mid-term. Rasmussen (1997) has
convincingly argued that an intense “cultural force” promoted the biological
applications of nuclear energy in the post-war period, as the US government was
anxious to make atomic energy into a useful source for life. The atomic bombs
exploded at Hiroshima and Nagasaki played a significant part in the construction
of further strategies for the research community devoted to biological and medical
research: the promotion of life sciences in contrast to death sciences (the bombs)
was promoted so as to counteract the adverse public opinion to atomic energy.31
In this climate the social impact of the rhetoric promoting the uses for life of
atomic energy was developed from source that most efficiently had contributed to
suppress life itself. Robbley Evans, an MIT physic, stated in 1946 that the “pure
truth is that only thanks to the medical advances, atomic energy has saved much
more lives than it has extinguished at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” 32 This discourse
proceeded from the interest to legitimate atomic bombs themselves, putting their
victims and their survivors in a conceptual level that could be assimilated to that
of instruments and experimental systems, as Susan Lindee argued.33 The story of
the first bomb launching, according to a detailed narrative of Everett Mendelsohn
ended with the following statement:
“As an analyst of the United States Army Institute of Pathology put it ‘little
boy’ produced casualties including dead six thousand five hundred times more
efficiently than ordinary high explosive bombs. The press release from the
White House in Washington, at mid-day August 6, 1945 (local time) called
the bombing “the greatest achievement of organized science in history.” 34
Cf. CREAGER, A. N. H, “Tracing the Politics of Changing Postwar Research Practices: The Export
of ‘American’ Radioisotopes to European Biologists,” pp. 367-388; R HEINBERGER, H.-J., “Putting
Isotopes to Work: Liquid Scintillation Counters, 1950-1970,” in JÖRGES, B., and SHINN, T. (eds),
Instrumentation Between Science, State, and Industry, Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook, v. 22,
Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001, pp. 143-174. On the US Atomic Energy Commission, see HEWLETT, R.
G., and A NDERSON, O. E., History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Vol I, The New
World, 1939/1946; Vol. II, Atomic Shield 1947/1952, passim.
Cf. R ASMUSSEN, N., “The Mid-century Biophysics Bubble: Hiroshima and the Biological
Revolution in America,” p. 246.
Quoted in R ASMUSSEN, N., “The Mid-century Biophysics Bubble: Hiroshima and the Biological
Revolution in America,” p. 246.
Cf. LINDEE, M. S., Suffering Made Real: American Science and the Survivors at Hiroshima,
chapter 4.
MENDELSOHN, E., “Science, Scientists, and the Military,” in PESTRE, D. and K RIGE, J. (eds.) Science
in the Twentieth Century, Harwood, Amsterdam, 1998, p. 175.
Experiments, Instruments and Society: Radioisotopes in Biomedical Research 171

The transformation of this “the most relevant achievement in history” into an

instrument for peace led US science policy strategies toward supporting biological
and medical research, with an intensity comparable to that of the Western defence
strategies. In addition to the expansion of atomic physics as a source of civilian
nuclear energy through the building-up of currently instrumental power plants,
the research promoted by the use of radioactive isotopes in biological research
and medical therapy are yet to be evaluated in detail. Nevertheless recent studies
suggest that this production of accelerators, of the development of atomic physics,
became an instrument, both at the bench and at science policy level, essential to
recycling atomic physics into the famous “Atoms for Peace” campaign.
Thyroid research and diagnosis, radiotherapy against cancer, and research on
blood and carbohydrate mechanisms were the areas cited as top examples. Atomic
bombs were not the only spectacular and powerful product of the increasingly
wide political influence of the United States; also massive production of
penicillin and sulfa-drugs had provided unprecedented success in therapeutics.
US science policy during war time had shown its efficacy, curative in some cases
and devastating in others.
The support that biological and medical research received from then on was
enormous. Budgets increased from the immediate post-war period until the crisis
of the late 1960s. This budget for biosciences grew earlier than that of the better
known budgetary increase after the launching of the artificial satellite Sputnik I
by the Soviet Union in 1957. Although the “golden era” for science and technology
in the US and, slightly later, in the Western developed world was marked by a
vast increase in the budgets for so-called R&D (research and development) from
the late 1950s until the petroleum crisis, Rasmussen has called attention to the
previous increase in budgets for research that took place as early as 1946. From
all the US governmental agencies devoted to funding research, as disparate as the
Office for Naval Research, the Atomic Energy Commission and the Department
of Defence, biological and medical research began to receive growing budgetary
appropriations from the aftermath of WWII until the crisis of the early 1970s.
This crisis obliged a wide discussion on the criteria of budgetary distribution
for research. However, for the years to come criteria and the objectives of the
governmental programs for sciences and techniques would eventually be modified
in the US and also in Europe.35
Radioactive isotopes did not work alone, however. Once methods of synthesis
were developed, the presence of radioisotopes demanded skilful experimenters
able to obtain molecules in which an atom of a given radioisotopes was introduce
Cf. DICKSON, D., The New Politics of Science, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1988,
2nd ed.; STRICKLAND, S. P., Politics, Science and Dread Disease: A Short History of United States
Medical Research Policy, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1972; A PPLE, T., Shaping
Biology. The National Science Foundation and American Biological Research, Johns Hopkins
University Press, Baltimore, 2000; and K AY, L. E., Who Wrote the Book of Life? A History of the
Genetic Code, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2000, chapter 6.
172 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

so as to make possible to follow reactions and mechanisms. Isotopic tracers –as

radioactive elements soon come to be known– do not alter significantly, or at
least not appreciably, the properties of the compounds. The Isotope Distribution
Program of the US AEC delivered shipments of radioisotopes to university
laboratories and clinical departments from 1948 on. Its efficacy was such that 39
per cent of the papers published by the US Journal of Biological Chemistry (one
of the most outstanding journals in biological research) in 1956 included uses
of radioisotopes. The detectors could be designed and produced thanks to the
funding available to support research in which these products of atomic energy
were involved. At this time, funding from US AEC was almost unlimited for
research projects of this kind in the United States.36
According to Rheinberger, scintillation counters –that was the name given
to this detectors– became “highly-developed research-enabling technologies”
that “require special product management.” Contacts between producers of this
instrument and its users made it possible to attend to scientists’ needs, requirements
and suggestions, and it finally took shape as a first prototype, followed by a
series of modified machines, that were built up by Lyle E. Packard. Packard
was a mechanical engineer who had worked for the Institute of Radiobiology
and Biophysics at the University of Chicago. There he realized the possibility of
dedicating himself full-time to design counters, since radioisotopes were being
more and more widely used by scientists. He created his own firm in 1949. In 1953
Packard built the first commercial liquid scintillation counter for the University of
Chicago. This became the prototype of a continuous production series that made
possible a standard procedure for its handling. In this regard, Rheinberger argues
that it opened new epistemological dimensions for radioactive experimentation in
biology as well as in medicine.37
The AEC Radioisotopes Distribution Program and its relation to the need of
the AEC itself to provide further legitimation of atomic energy for decades shaped
the entire development of radioisotope dissemination and its uses in biological
laboratories and hospitals.38 As a product of this set of circumstances generated in
the aftermath of WWII in the US, according to Rheinberger, the liquid scintillation
counter effectively came to represent three key technologies of that century: i)
mechanical automation, ii) electronics, and iii) radioactive tracing.39
As machines capable of posing questions and being used for research, liquid
scintillation counters can be considered not only mediating machines, but
Cf. R HEINBERGER, H.-J., “Putting Isotopes to Work: Liquid Scintillation Counters, 1950-1970,” in
JÖRGES, B. and SHINN, T. (eds), Instrumentation Between Science, State, and Industry, pp. 143-174.
Cf. R HEINBERGER, H.-J., “Putting Isotopes to Work: Liquid Scintillation Counters, 1950-1970,”
pp. 143-174.
Cf. CREAGER, A. N. H, “Tracing the Politics of Changing Postwar Research Practices: the Export
of ‘American’ Radioisotopes to European Biologists,” pp. 367-388.
Cf. R HEINBERGER, H.-J., “Putting Isotopes to Work: Liquid Scintillation Counters, 1950-1970,”
pp. 143-174.
Experiments, Instruments and Society: Radioisotopes in Biomedical Research 173

research agents as well. The counting phenomena was an experiment in itself,

since the energy emitted by a molecule was detected in specific conditions.
Inventing an experiment, followed by its performance, including the measure
of the radiation emitted throughout the process, constituted a new landscape not
only for laboratory practices but for experimental thinking as well.

The growing negative public opinion regarding nuclear energy and the
greater knowledge of the risks of radiation contributed to the later substitution
of radioisotopes by other tracer techniques, based not on radioactivity but on
luminescence and fluorescence. However, radioisotopes created a way of
performing experiments and of making them visible. This performance was,
precisely, the experiment as such. But this technical requirements could hardly
be separated from the designing and performance of the experiment itself. As
it can be suggested that there is no knowledge without techniques, experiments
–that is, exactly what science is considered to be about– and to the same extent
knowledge, are about instruments.
Whether as radioisotopes themselves or as liquid scintillation counters, both
became knowledge. And they contributed to the creation of social order and
values as well. Because in them was embedded the whole ideology of the post-
war era of recycling atomic energy for civilian life. The mutual benefits of this
recycling for both scientists (physicists, biologists and clinicians) and science
policy authorities were at the basis of the knowledge published on biology and
biomedicine during the long second-half of the twentieth century.
This reality of policies, experiments and reliable knowledge constructed scientific
expertise as well as further policy-making (further realities). Embedded in their
post-war culture, radioisotopes, the counters and the US AEC strategies combined
to produce knowledge, techniques and policies. Sciences and techniques could
not be separated from the Cold War climate. During this period, international
cooperation meant sharing tools as well as research problems, where the tools
available were at the core of the process by which research questions were posed.
In the realm of biology, producing life in test tubes that carried radioactivity
transformed the test tube into the small scale operator within the social order of
the radioactivity era.

This study belongs to a wider project on biological disciplines and instruments
supported by the Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e
Innovación Tecnológica (BFF2003-09579-C03-03, Spanish National Plan for
Research, Development and Technology Innovation). I would like to thank Anna
Estany, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, José Luis Luján, Emilio Muñoz, Javier Ordóñez
and Kristin Shrader-Frechette for their useful comments and suggestions on an
174 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

earlier version of this essay, presented at the Jornadas sobre Ciencia, Tecnología
y Sociedad: La perspectiva filosófica, held in Ferrol (Spain) in March 2004. I also
wish to thank Lori Gerson for her kind editing of the text.

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JASANOFF, S., The Fifth Brach: Science Advisors as Policy-makers, Harvard
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K AY, L. E., Who Wrote the Book of Life? A History of the Genetic Code, Stanford
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Experiments, Instruments and Society: Radioisotopes in Biomedical Research 175

KOHLER, R. E., “Rudolf Schoenheimer, Isotopic Tracers and Biochemistry,”

Historical Studies on Physical Sciences, v. 8, (1977), pp. 257-298.
KOHLER, R. E., Lords of the Fly: Drosophila, Genetics and Experimental Life,
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176 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

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The Nexus between Technology and
7. Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change

Ramón Queraltó


The analysis of the general problems of all sort that originated from the
global phenomenon of technology is, without a doubt, one of the most important
themes of our time. It does not seem exaggerated to affirm that technology has
become one of the backbones, for good and for evil, of the present globalized
society; and that, just like science as such, technology requires a specific and
differenciated attention to understand exactly the social-historical situation we
are living in. The term “technoscience” is even being progressively established
to refer as a single item to the mingling between science and technology, in
order to comprehend the transforming power of the technological dimensions
on their own.
The social perception of the technological “factum” is at least ambivalent.
On the one side, technology is contemplated as an indisputable factor of
social progress that becomes unavoidable in order to reach progressively the
best possible welfare for man in his daily life. But, on the other hand, we are
constantly struck by the fear that the social path originated by technological
expansion and development is often leading us to results of doubtful
anthropological qualification in many aspects, especially for example in the
prevailing social ethics –and usually hardly noticeable– in the mentality of
contemporary society and man. That is the reason why one of the most widely
debated themes that have arisen has been the one dealing with technological
change, its sense or nonsense, its rationality or irrationality parameters, the
possibility or impossibility of altering the direction or directions of the
social change induced from technological change, etc. “Technophobias” and
“technophilias” are cultural attitudes that nowadays become apparent in a
thousand different ways, and that constitute the radically opposite extremes of
such as social perception.
For these reasons, it is not surprising that different approaches to technological
change have been proposed, encouraged by the reasonable desire “to know what
rules to abide by.” Different conceptions of technological change have appeared
which we could say, try to “define a model” of that change with the aim of being
able to understand it better. Maybe one of the most influential of these is, for
example, the so called technological determinism. Simplifying slight internal
differences in the positions of this interpretative current, it could be said that
technological determinism is characterized by the fact that it conceives the
direction of technological change mainly in function of the specific factors and

180 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

features of technology as such,1 because it considers that technology possesses,

as a historical phenomenon, more than enough internal power to impose its own
guidelines. That is the reason why the possible explanation of technological
change has to be specifically immanent to technological development itself.
As a consequence, the human possibilities of action in regard to the possible
social directions of the present technological change, are undoubtedly reduced,
although not ruled out at certain levels. In this respect, the ethical impact of
this change would be especially worrying. A condensed formulation of this
position could be found in the well-known “technological imperative,” namely,
“anything that is technologically possible to be done will be done.” We will
refer to this statement as the “strong” technological imperative.2
But the problem has also been visualized from other points of view. It can
be objected that technological development depends likewise on very diverse
social factors that are not technological in a strict sense. Thus, for example,
economic, political and cultural factors. It seems an unavoidable fact that
economic costs of the investigation in technology condition the development of
a research project or any alternative. At the same time, the fact of investment
being public, private or mixed and in which proportions, will influence
decisively the direction of the technological innovation since they respond to
very different social aims. Political options also condition substantially the lines
of technological development according to the standards used in the design
of the scientific and technological policies. In the same way, the development
of many specific technologies would depend on their expected level of social
acceptation in function of the sociocultural mentality (moral, religious,
professional, etc.) of the potential users who are intended to be involved once
they are put into circulation.3 Because of this, and due to other similar reasons
that we are not going to discuss now in order to not seem repetitive, it is affirmed
that technology is essentially a “social product” and that, as a consequence, its
immanent power underlined by technological determinism is really very small.

Cf. HEILBRONER, R. L., “Do Machines Make History?,” Technology and Culture, v. 8, (1967),
pp. 333-345; MISA, TH. J., “Theories of Technological Change: Parameters and Purposes,” Science,
Technology and Human Values, v. 17, (1992), pp. 3-12; and SMITH, M. R. and M ARX, L. (eds.),
Does Technology Drive History? The Dilemma of Technological Determinism, The MIT Press,
Cambridge (MA), 1994. This book is a collective work of special interest. An historical synthesis
about the subject of technological determinism in the US is in M. R. Smith’s article, “Technological
Determinism in the Culture of USA.”
Later we will deal with the “weak technological imperative,” whose exact definition will be
propose at this moment.
Think for example on an occidental mentality or on an islamic one. The rejection or acceptation of
many technical artifacts depends on it. So, there are islamic countries in which the access to Internet
is restricted and even punished by law. Obviously, the technological change will be very different
in this case.
Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change 181

From here appear “evolutionary” models of technological change,4 that is to say,

explanatory constructions that emphasize an adaptive process of Technology to
any imaginable sort of social situations.
Of course, there are also intermediate positions in which it is tried to combine
harmoniously factors shown in the previous conceptions in some of their
more significant internal lines, by elaborating new conceptual parameters that
undoubtedly deserve attention in order to understand technological changes,5
such as “technological tradition,” “technological style,” etc., as well as in order
to evaluate their degree of penetration in the interior of technological work and
of its main agents.
But, if it is a fact that a diversity of “models” of technological change exists
beyond doubt, as it has been emphasized so far, although in a very simplified way,
it is no less true that, looking globally at this scenery, it is generally characterized
because the analytical instruments used in these models are more often taken
from the social sciences supposedly more related to the sociotechnological
phenomenon,6 namely economy, sociology and political science. Undoubtedly,
such an election, be it conscious or not, is suitable for many reasons. But this
does not mean that from other perspectives it will not be possible to approach the
matter with possibly fruitful results, particularly when the object of analysis, that
is to say, technological change in a broad sense, is considered from the beginning
as an object of extraordinary complexity.
One of the fields from which it could be possible to shed some clarifying
light on the problem, and that certainly has not been developed as thoroughly as
the above mentioned fields, is within the strictly philosophical field. Without a
doubt, the contributions of the current philosophy of technology in regard to other
aspects of the analysis of technological fact are remarkable, as is well-known.
For this reason, by using this idea as a preceding basis, it is worth trying to study
technological change from a mainly philosophical point of view. Because at the
same time it is possible that from this point of view it would be preferable to
define the reasons that could support the totality or a part of the horizons opened
by the interpretative currents most centered on the different social sciences.
And that is not a vain desire. Especially since into the models of technological
change there is built, sooner or later, a certain “canon” of rationality, that is to say,
a working structure, supposedly rational, from which the jigsaw puzzle pieces
Cf. DOSI, G., “Perspectivas de la teoría evolucionista,” in LOPEZ CEREZO, J. A., GONZALEZ, M. I. and
LUJAN, J. L. (eds.), Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad, Ariel, Barcelona, 1997, pp. 131-146. About social
influence in technology, cf. BIJKER, W. E., HUGES, T. P. and PINCH, T., The Social Contruction of
Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology, The MIT Press,
Cambridge (MA), 1987; and LATOUR, B., Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers
Through Society, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA), 1987.
Some of them are in BIJKER, W. E., “The Social Construction of Bakelite: Towards a Theory of
Invention,” in BIJKER, W. E., HUGES, T. P. and PINCH, T., The Social Construction of Technological
Systems, pp. 159-187.
An important exception could be L. Laudan. Cf. LAUDAN, R. (ed.), The Nature of Technological
Knowledge: Are Models of Scientific Change Relevant?, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1984.
182 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

form an understandable intellectual figure, without excluding for this reason

the limitations always existing in any reflexive task. However, traditionally the
characteristic place for the analysis of rationality in a strict sense is the philosophical
field, obviously without detriment to the consideration of other necessary and
enriching parameters which must be taken into account by the philosophical
analysis in order to be fruitful. For this reason, I think that it is not superfluous in
any way to insert the philosophical point of view in the debate about technological
change, since, in principle, there are historical reasons that justify this task by its
potential productivity in relation to the problem posed.
This is intended to be our main perspective in this contribution. It is obviously
not my intention to substitute previous perspectives or to argue formally with
these, but rather it will be an attempt to organize the “battlefield,” and will try
to fulfil the objective of clearing a bit more the understanding of the problem in
regard to one of its basic dimensions, that is to say, what has been called at the
beginning a “theme of our time.”


The philosophical question, then, has to be referred to a general characterization
about technological change that will try to clarify why it is produced and how to
explain its direction on a global level. In other terms: to investigate if there is a
generic guideline, some factor that, in one way or another, appears on a regular
basis, and that, as a consequence, we have necessarily to take into account, in
order to understand technological change as a whole. This is the main identifying
factor of the philosophical perspective from a historical point of view. Could
something similar be underlined with enough appearance of rationality?
It seems obvious to begin such an analysis trying first to indicate the possible
spot on which the investigation has to be centered. Such a spot, if it is to match
the level of generality mentioned above, has to be, then, a field which underlies
the whole of the current technological “factum,” that is to say, a field keeping
within its own structure, from which it will be able to grasp some specific pattern
or patterns of technological evolution. If it is a structural factor it means that
it had to be an internal factor of Technology as a differenciated historical fact.
From this viewpoint, the philosophical approach differs crucially from other
approaches that come more directly from social sciences, in which the political,
economic and social dimensions in a broad sense are especially predominant.
These dimensions, in comparison, will insist more on external factors, that is to
say, on the effects of technological achievements when they are applied to reality
and on the different feedbacks that they can originate.
Of course, the external factors will be indispensable to complete correctly any
“theory” about technological change and, as a consequence, anything will justify
to disregard them without making the mistake of presenting an idealized model of
Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change 183

technological development. This would be an explicative way uprooted from its

enviroment of realization and, because of this, certainly obsolete in relation to the
posed problem. So, the internal perspective –philosophical– will not only need
the external perspective later but, as will be seen, it will introduce some relevant
aspects in the theory to be obtained about technological change.
Due to all these reasons, we think it appropriate to answer the question from
a philosophical perspective, bringing up the general question about whether there
exists in general terms a model of rationality that impregnates technological work
at a structural level. And it is not difficult to justify this question in this place,
that is to say, that of technological rationality. Because, if it is possible to indicate
its distinctive features, it would then be an internal factor, intrinsic if we want, to
any technological work, which would have to be considered a common feature of
any technological practice. So, to ask a direct question: What kind of rationality
prevails in technological action due to the fact that it is precisely technological?
I have already described in detail this model of technological rationality
in other contributions,7 so we will only give here a summary which should be
sufficient in order to reach my present objectives.
In the first place, the basic criterion of a technological rationality is not to
answer in a simple way the question “What is this?,” that is to say the ultimate
essentialist question, but to answer to the pragmatic question “What is this for?”
Any technological tasks interests specifically lie in the practical aspects of its
products, so that a technological object is identified as such insofar as it exists
in order to be operative with reality, being this whatever it is.8 This is true to
such an extent that the effectivity of its application is “conditio sine qua non”
for it to be considered technological as such. This means that the constitutive
criterion of technological rationality is the criterion of operational efficacy, that is
to say, that of producing an immediate effect on reality according to the designed
action (efficacy) and with the lowest general, temporal, or any other sort of cost
(operational capacity). So, the technological dimension is basically the pragmatic
dimension and not so much the theoretical dimension. As a consequence,
this means that, at the level of the general structure of human knowledge, the
investigation of the theoretical aims, that is to say, the answer to the question
“What is this?,” is subordinated to the investigation of the pragmatic aims, that is
to say, “What is this for?.”
But notice that we have used the word “subordination” and not “disappearance.”
Because, really, it is not that a technological rationality has no interest in the
theoretical aims but that it makes them dependent on the pragmatic aims, namely,
Cf. QUERALTÓ, R., Ética, Tecnología y Valores en la sociedad global. El Caballo de Troya al revés,
Madrid, Tecnos, 2003, chap. II, pp. 73-110; and also QUERALTÓ, R., “Cómo introducir vectores éticos
eficaces en el sistema científico-tecnológico,” Arbor, v. 162, no. 638, (1999), pp. 221-240.
From an elementary particles accelerator to the so called technics for behaviour modification,
also including an immense range of “intermediate” technological products, for example computer
technology, cybernetic instruments, etc.
184 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

on its applicability to reality. Translated to more specific terms: the matter

is not, for example, that technology is not interested in pure science, but that
technological research will condition scientific research in terms of its efficacy
in its application to reality. This is what is happening in the present process, very
advanced today, of the transformation of science in technoscience.9 It is evident
that technology needs scientific knowledge, furthermore, technology is usually
characterized as the technique derived from and inspired by science, but the main
aim of technological investigation is not the description and possible explanation
of the structures of reality, but rather its modification and transformation as a
justificative requirement of this investigation. From here derives the fact that
technological rationality subordinates necessarily the theoretical aim of human
knowledge to its pragmatic aim. And all this by virtue of its criterion of constitution
as a technological rationality, namely, the operational efficacy criterion.
From here, immediately, a second feature of technological rationality will be
derived, which, as we will see later, will reach an extraordinary importance on
the subject of technological change. The reason is that, because of its own internal
structure, technological rationality is expansive on its own (autoexpansive) in an
indefinite way. Indeed, if our first aim is the operational efficacy, what better
efficacy can there be, at the epistemological level, than to cover as much as
possible of the world from the point of view of such operational efficacy? In
other words: if the criterion is that of operational efficacy, then a technological
rationality will always tend to cover as much as possible of reality according to
its forms of realization. It cannot act in another way if it has to comply with its
constitutive criterion. Otherwise it will be no longer a technological rationality.
For this reason, it will try to expand itself more and more everyday and to
understand reality and all of its entities according to efficacy and operational
capacity. In the limit, technological rationality will try to encompass the totality
of the world and to understand it as “more technological.” This is its intrinsic
tendency, both at the cognitive level and at the operational level in a strict sense.
For this reason, for example, there will be “more technology” every day, and not
only because society and human beings will demand it. What Galileo said about
science at his historical moment,10 becomes true now in regard to technology too,
because of more pressing reasons: technology cannot do any other thing but to
increase. And this is due to internal and external reasons, namely social demand
and its own internal structure.
Notice at this point how the result of philosophical analysis can be linked with
other perspectives developed by different modalities of human knowledge, being
able to cast some light on this phenomenon from its own point of view. From here
See the excellent book ECHEVERRIA, J., La revolución tecnocientífica, FCE, Madrid, 2003.
Galileo said that science “could not do any other thing but to grow,” cf. GALILEI, G., Dialogo sui
massimi sistemi ptolemaico e copernicano, in GALILEI, G., Opere, ed. nazionale, a cura di A. Favaro,
A. Garbasso, G. Abetti; Barbera, Firenze, 1929-39, 20 vols., vol. VII, p. 62.
Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change 185

it is possible to draw an important conclusion about technological change, and this

is that it will always tend to increase the quantity and the quality of its effective
efficacy on reality as a whole, man included. In other words: technological
change, being inevitably inspired by technological rationality, will always tend
to produce more and better control over reality, that is, not only a quantitative
increase of the new technologies but especially a qualitative increase of them.
This means that in turn technologies will be unavoidably more sophisticated
and more effective. The social and anthropological consequences of all this can
be really unpredictable both in their positive and negative aspects.11 Thus it is
possible to explain the crucial importance of giving to technological change a
direction in accordance with the reasonable desires of the general anthropological
welfare of today’s human beings and societies, which involves directly ethical
dimensions and problems of the first magnitude.12
However, it is precisely in respect to this matter about the direction of
technological change where we can find another important consequence derived
from the former discussions. If technology cannot do anything other than to grow
and to expand itself, due to the structure of its rationality, then there is here a clear
“philosophical” support in favour of the models of technological determinism
in relation to technological change. Indeed, because if the constitution of the
technological “factum” demands more and better operational efficacy, then
the direction of technological change will not be able to be fulfilled except in
that direction, despite the possible obstacles that it could find. It could seem as
if at this point of the philosophical analysis an acceptable justification of the
“technological imperative” formulated above would be discovered, namely
“anything that is technologically possible to be done will be done.” This situation
undoubtedly increases the suspicion about technology and has provoked many
pessimistic positions which are exaggerated, as we will fortunately see below.13
Notice how deterministic positions in relation to technological change are
not emotive views; on the contrary they can be, at least in principle, firmly
anchored on perfectly reasonable motives, regardless of whether they function
explicitly or implicitly with better or worse effectivity. For this reason, I began
with specific references to technological determinism, because its expansion is
not only based on the verification of facts but on something deeper, which is

For example at the level of social welfare or at the level of other aspects that could be not included
in it, such as an assault on privacy. All this is showed constantly nowadays. See for example: LOPEZ
CEREZO, J. A. and LUJAN, J. L., Ciencia y Política del riesgo, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 2000;
GERGEN, K., The Saturated Self. Dilemmas of Identity in Contemporary Life, Basic Books, New
York, 1991; SARTORI, G., Homo Videns, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 1997; and BUSTAMANTE, J., Sociedad
informatizada, ¿Sociedad deshumanizada?, Gaia, Madrid, 1993.
See QUERALTÓ, R., Ética, Tecnología y Valores en la sociedad global, second part, pp. 159-202.
It is the case for example of ELLUL, J., Le bluff technologique, Hachette, Paris, 1987; and ELLUL,
J., Le système technicien, Calman-Levym, Paris, 1977.
186 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

inherent in the internal structure of the rationality that characterizes Technology

and technological change.
Nevertheless, my critical remarks on technological determinism will be based
on the fact that, for a full understanding of the real and effective conditions of
technological change, it is not enough to analyze the present situation and the
subsequent inference of the internal power of technology as such. It will also be
necessary to consider the analysis of the feed-back circuits between technology
and Society, and to take into account the result of a philosophical reflection about
the conditions of the realization of technological actions as such, that is, conditions
without which there can be neither technological fact nor technoscience.
Before, however, it is advisable to finish the inquiry on the selected
features of technological rationality that are significant regarding the problem
of technological change. For this reason, finally, a third suitable feature of the
subject will be emphasized. The fact is that technological rationality is obviously
a rationality that transforms and modifies reality, and it cannot be otherwise. This
is also derived from its criterion of operational efficacy, and from other reasons
derived from the most immediate experience. Indeed, operational efficacy, to be
itself, cannot “fall into the void” but produce its results on reality, in order to be
identified as such. The opposite would be to deny its operational dimension, and
so to certify that we are not in the presence of a phenomenon of technological
rationality, but in a case of some other type of rationality.
Nevertheless, it could be argued, eventually, that any type of rationality also
matches this feature, because, in the long or short term, this is what happens
regularly with the achievements of human knowledge. Without entering now into
too many theoretical discussions, because this would divert us from our main
objective, we will answer this possible objection by underlining a fundamental
difference in technological rationality. And this is that it transforms and modifies
reality “prima facie,” that is to say, it builds itself to be that, and it is this and no
other its specific way of being. It tries to operate on reality because without this
fact it will not be “born” as technological rationality. Certainly, this is not the
case with other forms of rationality in which their possible factual applications
are not indispensable requirements for their constitution, but on the contrary
they arrive at this point afterwards, at much later phases of their development.
Furthermore, this requirement does not work as a condition without which they
cannot even be thought of as rationality. On the contrary, we have already repeated
that operational efficacy, and also autoexpansiveness, are identifying factors of
technological rationality.
In this line, it would not be an exaggeration to affirm that technological
rationality tends to work, using a classical philosophical term, as a sort of “will
of power” (Wille zur Macht) over the world. This is the reason to reinforce again
the understanding of the deterministic positions on technological change and the
Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change 187

apparent viability of the technological imperative in its strong version. A different

matter will be that the world itself will not counter with some resistance and
conditions, and that technological rationality will eventually be able to overcome
all of them. This latter fact will have to be analysed carefully.
In conclusion, it could be said that technological rationality is a clear example
of pragmatic rationality, in which the operational efficacy, the self-expansion
and the intentionality of transforming and modifying the world, are features that
characterize it perfectly with unavoidable identity marks. Furthermore, it would
be a “strong” rationality and not weak, insofar as its proved results in efficacy and
operational capacity are requirements that specifically distinguish it from other
possible forms of rationality.
This is the state of affairs, looked at from the inside, that is to say, from the
internal structure of the technological phenomenon and its intrinsic kind of
rationality. It will be necessary to take this into account in order to follow up the
analysis of technological change, without the risk of building castles in the air.
However, these are not the only factors that are necessary to consider cautiously.
The matter is more complex. Because now it is also necessary to “get out,” let us
use this expression, from the interior of the phenomenon. And its exterior is going
to add a set of new elements that are unavoidable, and that, possibly, will bring
us some surprises.


It could seem a banality to begin highlighting now that, to understand the
phenomenon of technological change, it would be necessary to analyze the social
dimension of technology, that is, the fact that technological development is realized
for a given world and not for another and, as a consequence, it receives influences
from it and is conditioned by it. In short, it becomes a feedback cycle. But, as it
will be seen later, it is not in vain because it is indispensable to consider this issue
if we want to avoid falling in a biased position into relation to the understanding
of technological change.
It is true that there is an intrinsic tendency in Technology to magnify the
operational efficacy of its action and its products. But it is not less true that the
society to which it is directed also imposes determinations, not strictly technological,
which will influence this intrinsic tendency and will provoke accelerations on many
occasions and resistance on many others, with respect to technological change.
And what we are trying to do is to calibrate the reciprocal influences by means
of some reasonable conceptual instruments in order to arrive at some patterns of
direction of the present technological change. It would not be appropriate to give
preference, deliberately or not, to one of the factors involved, because in both cases
we would fall into an idealistic vision of the phenomenon, arriving at either a strict
determinism or at a “sociologism.”
188 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

It is necessary to enumerate several social fields. The first of these is

economic. To innovate in technology it is today necessary to make important
investments, and this is a factor that conditions the matter from the beginning.
The times of cheap technological investments are gone, especially because, to
“sell the product,” that is to say, to make it definitely effective at a social level, it
is indispensable to develop not only processes of scientific-technological research
that need large economic funds, but also a very sophisticated and sutile marketing.
These are the conditions of the subsequent competitiveness. And this is expensive
undoubtedly. This fact means that the significant technological development will
be in the hands of the state or of the big private corporations, which are often
transnationals. And so, the principal agents of the current technological change
are the so called technoscientific companies.14 A brief description of these will
help us to visualize that circuit of feedback between society and technology
pointed out at the beginning of this section.
A technoscientific company is a complex group of specialized agents who
coordinate themselves in order to reach common objectives of technological
production. This group consists of scientists, technologists, managers, economists,
programmers, permanent evaluators of the process, etc. The most important point
to underline here is that the production of science and technology is no longer
the work of a homogeneous company –the group of scientists or technologists
only, for example–, but it is a collective and heterogeneous practice, namely, a
global action in which, in addition to pure researchers, there are other agents that
organize the processes of innovation and production. The task of these agents is
often to control, each one in its own field, the success of the whole system. The
scientific-technological work is no longer the result which stems only from a
research laboratory, but from a number of actions carried out by many specific
agents, which are very different from each other.
The main pattern of rationality operating in this system is obviously to achieve
its planned objectives, and this means, from the economic dimension, to obtain
the best costs-profits rate with the technological product. Without a doubt, many
will argue that this is another clear example of technological rationality, because
here the criterion of operational efficacy is defined in terms of the maximization
of such a rate, namely, to obtain the largest possible profits. Therefore, it seems
that we are returning to determinism, given that the technological system taken
as a whole would determine the direction of technological change, in virtue of the
conditions of its socioeconomic praxis.
However, this would be a very superficial vision, because the purpose of any
technological endeavour comes not only from within Technology itself, but also,
if it is to be somehow beneficial, the technological demands coming from society
must also be taken into account. It must be determined which of these demands
See the analysis in ECHEVERRIA, J., La revolución tecnocientífica, pp. 61-83.
Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change 189

is actually possible to develop. This should be considered at two levels: (1) Which
demands are technologically practicable and (2) which ones stand out for having
a presumed greater economic benefit when facing a specific social requirement.
Therefore, technological innovation and change are not only produced by a
potential which originates more or less from Technology as a phenomenon, but
rather from the considerations that must be taken into account in technological
praxis as a technoscientific system, in which this cycle of feedback, previously
indicated, is produced.
One can see that these two levels become apparent from the very beginning.
On the one hand, there is the intrinsic tendency within technology to maximize
operative efficacy, which is a common theme throughout the whole of the
technoscientific system. And, on the other hand, there are the demands of
practicability on the part of society. So, from this point of view, i.e. from the
analysis of the impact of economic dimensions on technology, the suggestion of
a tempering force emerges in respect to the technological imperative mentioned
above. Just because something is technologically possible does not mean that it is
going to occur. Rather certain endeavours will be undertaken, or not, in function
of social references and requirements, which are not strictly technological.
For this reason, given the complexity of actual technological praxis, it is
perhaps convenient to propose another formulation of the initial technological
imperative, which we shall call “the weak technological imperative.” This would
state that “anything that is technologically possible to be done will tend to be
done.” Yet this does not mean that it will be done unfallingly. Nuance is of radical
importance here, because now the door to the possibility of social influence on
technological change has been opened. It is not solely resigned to the mercy of its
internal urgings. The weak statement, on the one hand, recognizes the previously
highlighted intrinsic tendency of technology, and on the other hand alerts to
the possibility of influencing such a tendency through other, not exclusively
technological factors.
One reaches a similar conclusion when analyzing the political influence on
technology. This influence is directly intertwined with the current economic
situation, yet it adds some specific circumstances, especially in democratic states.
This is due to the fact that, in effect, in democratic organizations, there is an
element of social control on what the government does (even though, as everyone
knows, there is still a lot of progress to be made in this area). If it is to be true to
the pattern of specifically political rationality that operates today, then here the
sensibility of the politician and of political action in relation to social demands,
must be more pronounced. This means knowing how to keep power and possession
of the government. Not heeding urgent or majority-held social demands could
provoke the loss of this power. For this reason, it would be contrary to primordial
political objectives.
190 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Without a doubt, one could argue that such a vision of general political
objectives is much too simplistic, and that these are more likely to be the
achievement of greater social well-being in a generic sense, or of the common
good in a classical sense. But let us not fool ourselves with respect to our times. It
is true that greater and greater levels of social well-being are being achieved, and
that the government depends on this progress for its own development and therefore
obviously fosters it. Nevertheless, this is not its ultimate goal. The government’s
fundamental reason for sponsoring social well-being, plainly stated, is simply
because if it did not do so, it would lose its political power in the next elections,
or maybe even before then. And, in function of this basic motivation, naturally it
seeks that the highest levels of social welfare be reached. The very survival of the
goverment’s political power depends on it, and this survival constitutes its first
and last specific goal.
This poses a clear example of the interconnectedness between social elements
and technological ones. Because on the one hand, preserving power as an ultimate
end is an obvious example of technological rationality in politics: the operative
efficacy, on the political level, demands holding onto power. If it were any other
way, this would be a failure, techno-politically speaking (if I can be permitted
to coin the term). Therefore, this obligation of techno-political efficacy requires
that these social demands be met, and amongst these demands, technological
action; precisely in order to satisfy its own pattern of rationality of contemporary
political activity. Because, if it were not so, the result would be a total failure,
both technologically and politically.
Of course to many people, this way of behaving and conceiving political
power will seem morally insuficient because, in fact, the parameters of social
well-being are manipulated with the previously mentioned ulterior motive, which
is a clear feature of a technological rationality applied to politics. Yet, things are
the way they are and not the way we wish them to be. Philosophically speaking
this is the cruel divide between what is and what should be, and we have no choice
but to bear with it. What one cannot do is to be unaware of the situation.15
But, such a situation is not as negative as some have believed. Because what
is clear is that for better or for worse motives, the door to the possibility of
taking action on technological change is opened after this brief description
of the political extent on technology. And this is a matter of extending these
possibilities to the maximum.
This is just the background of the book Ética, Tecnología y Valores en la sociedad global, in which
it is shown that, despite of these obstacles, it is possible to introduce ethical values in scientific-
technological systems and in technological society as a whole. In this regard, cf. also QUERALTÓ,
R., “Cómo introducir vectores éticos eficaces en el sistema científico-tecnológico,” pp. 221-240.
Furthermore, in order to envisage the important ethical changes provoked by technology, see
QUERALTÓ, R., “Ética y Sociedad tecnológica: pirámide y retícula,” Argumentos de Razón técnica,
v. 5, (2002), pp. pp. 39-83.
Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change 191

Moreover, the political example shows something that is perhaps unexpected.

And this is that again and again in our times, technological rationality acts as
social rationality. It is not as such an insensitive and monolithic block. But rather
by being forcibly directed towards the transformation of reality, it must necessarily
adapt to this reality in order to be successful in its own self-demand of efficiency,
all which implies that technological rationality, so to speak, has to moderate its
“natural” tendency, in order to be efficient as a strong pragmatic rationality. So,
its operational efficacy requires a certain adaptability in turn. This means, for
our purposes, that the very philosophical analysis of technological rationality is
an unavoidable consequence of the influence of the implicated social factors as
a whole. Thereby, the possible model of technological change must necessarilly
include these factors and not rely solely upon an explanation in which the most
important thing is a supposed immanent quality of technology in itself, as a
definitive motor for technological change.
Because of this perhaps now we should introduce one more element in the
formulation of the “technological imperative,” which would add nuance to the
last tested meaning: “Anything that is technogically possible to be done will tend
to be done in function of social conditions and requirements.”
In the same manner as before, this formulation refers to the intrinsic tendency
of Technology, which we have recognized from the beginning and which has
been philosophically justified, and it also respects the necessary placement of
technological activity in concrete situations. These situations would influence
technological development, shaping the whole into a permanent system of feed-
back. This is where, in our opinion, the problem of the direction of technological
change should be centered.
Two relevant consequences can now be pointed out as a general result of this
analysis. The first refers to the possible model of global rationality. This model
would encompass technological action as such according to its intrinsic tendency
to impose its specific traits, and at the same time it would include the influence of
other factors that are implicated but that are not technological in a strict sense.
Such a model should provide elements that make the direction of technological
change understandable. With such premises, this model of rationality cannot
perhaps be other than a systemic model, meaning a systemic rationality. This
means that technological change can be conceived as a system, a group of
elements in interaction, that make up a network of participants which mutually
influence one another through the complicated relationships that are developed,
with the final result of producing determined technological products. Two points
deserve to be highlighted here. On the one hand, there is a system which is a
dynamic entity. Put in other words, it is in continuous internal movement, which
produces permanent mutations in its possible products-the output of the system.
On the other hand, in order to carry out its funtions and systemic achievements,
192 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

the system should include, arrange, and integrate into a whole, the globality
of demands which come from its elements and reciprocal relationships. If this
second condition is not satisfied, the system will simply not work. It would cease
to be a system as such.16
However, when we find systemic elements that contradict one another, or
that are at least not naturally integrable, as is usually the case in the event of
technological change, the mutual influences will cut off the specific protagonism
of such elements until a certain agreement is reached in order to somehow advance.
It is theoretically possible that one of these elements, or a similar group that works
as one element, imposes its decisions. But, it is unlikely that the influence of the
remaining elements would be below a minimum threshold which would make
them fall into absolute inefficiency. And this is precisely because the technologial
action, designed by its own primordial nature, is a direct intervention on reality.
As a consequence, this must be considered in order to justly fulfil the internal
criteria of rationality, namely the operative efficacy on this or that reality. So,
from a systemic rationality technological determinism is excluded, because such
a conception would be incompatible with such a model of rationality, given that
technological determinism would only highlight a single sector of the network of
actors to be considered in the matter, that is, the technological sector in isolation.
But the necessary relationships with other implicated sectors, such as political,
social and others, would not be taken into account to a sufficient extent.
This last consideration leads to the second consequence which it is necessary
to examine. In order to do this, and to remain faithful to the point of view adopted
here, I will make use of a well-known philosophical aphorism, the Ortegian
principle of “I am me and my circumstances.” After the previously expounded, it
is not hard to understand the principle’s application to our problem.
In effect, technology and technological change are not only themselves as
such but “they are themselves and they are their circumstances.” In other words
everything that surrounds them and influences them with greater or lesser
intensity, in the measure of the previously mentioned feedback cycle as well as
the model of systemic rationality. So to speak, technology is not technology, but
rather, for its proper understanding, “technology is itself and its circumstances.”
Few doubts can arise in this respect if we accept the general results of the inquiry
thus far.
But the Ortegian statement includes a second part whose undoubtable
reach has unfortunately not been much considered. Because the Ortegian
idea, formulated in its totality, states the following: “I am myself and I am my
Cf. LASZLO, E., Introduction to Systems Philosophy, Harper and Row, New York, 1973; LASZLO,
E., The Relevance of General Systems Theory, Braziller, New York, 1972; AGAZZI, E., I sistemi fra
scienza e filosofia, SEI, Torino, 1978; and AGAZZI, E., Il bene, il male e la scienza. Le dimensioni
etiche della impresa scientifico-tecnologica, Rusconi, Milan, 1992. Of course, the well known bork
by BERTALANFFY, L. von, General Systems Theory, Braziller, New York, 1967.
Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change 193

circumstances, and if I do not save my circumstances I will not save myself”.17

For the issue at hand, the consequences are multiple. In the first place, the
aphorism adapted to technology would read as following, “technology is
technology and its circumstances, and if I do not save the circumstamces of
technology, technology will not be saved”. As a whole both statements mean
that in order to save myself, the circumstance in which technology unavoidable
operates has to be saved too, and consequently technology itself has to be saved
in the measure that the set forms an integrated whole, all functioning together
at the same time. Because, let us not fool ourselves with excessive pessimism or
optimism: either technology is better or worse integrated with its circumstances,
in other words with me and with the society that it addresses, or in the end
technology would devour itself in a technological chaos with no detectable
direction. And this, in reality, is the heart of the question, the manner in which
the matter of technological change and its social reach are presented. Often
repeated statements such as “humanizing technology” or “putting a human
face” on technological development converge on one point, and that is the social
control of the direction of technological change.
And now that we have arrived at this point, what can we say about it from a
philosophical perspective, as adopted here, without getting away from any of the
main factors that protagonize the current described scene?


There can be no doubt that the plane chosen here from which to develop the
philosophical analysis of technological change is the pragmatic one. Technological
rationality, we concluded above is a strong pragmatic rationality, and the cycle of
techno-social feedback, previously mentioned, logically comes into contact with
the praxic dimension as a preferencial area for philosophical investigation. From
here the question posed has to be resolved according to its pragmatic placement.
From a current philosophical perspective, one cannot be surprised by such a
placement. In effect, for some time the so-called pragmatic turn in today’s thought,
has been noted. A worthy example of this is the transition from the received view
in philosophy of science as logic and epistemology in general to the philosophy
of scientific action as a central orientation of such philosophical branch. This
contemporary situation has widely broadened the quality of the problems to be
analyzed, no longer circumscribing them to only the traditional realm of a logical,
methodological and epistemological nature, but rather admitting aspects that are
ethical, political, economic, etc., which before were considered foreign to the
philosophy of science.
Without a doubt, one of the most significant aspects that has manifested itself
in this line has been the analysis of all sorts of values implicated in the work of

ORTEGA Y GASSET, J., Meditaciones del Quijote, in ORTEGA Y GASSET, J., Obras Completas, vol. I,
Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1983, p. 322.
194 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

today’s science and technology. (It has reached the point where some distinguished
scholars have proposed, as the main task of contemporary philosophy of science,
the elaboration of an axiology that encompasses all of the influential aspects of the
scientific-technological processes, from logical and epistemological dimensions
to ethical and social ones in general).18
The justification of such a perspective at first sight might seem too unidirectional.
The notion of value had been relegated preferentially to the philosophical realm of
ethics and social and political philosophy. So, in a first approach, if one focuses the
investigation on axiological issues, it could be argued that in reality we would be
going to the other extreme of the situation. If before the constellation of problems
was of a logical and epistemological order, with the exclusion of ethical, social and
political questions, now the situation has been reversed and, as a consequence, the
traditional analyses that have been so central to the reflection of the philosophy of
science and technology, would be excluded from the philosophical problematic.
In the end, it could be concluded that the deficient “law of the pendulum” is being
fulfilled here, swinging from one pole to the other, thereby producing harmful
exclusions on both sides.
Yet fortunately we do not believe this to be so. To be fair, the pragmatic
perspective operates in this case from the beginning with a notion of value that
is rather different from the corresponding traditional notion of philosophy. From
this inherited position, without a doubt, the proposed critique would be correct, but
precisely what happens is that in the pragmatic vision, this initial premise is very
notably modified. It is here where the cards are definitively played, that is to say, in
the meaning of the central axiological notion, namely, the notion of value.
Because the pragmatic notion of value is no longer to be considered in the
classic sense, as something that should be done because of its intrinsic quality,
which justifies itself for being held up by a more or less definitive transcendental
level. But rather the pragmatic conception understands value as a guideline for
solving problems.19 In other words something has value as long as it constitutes a
pattern or rule for overcoming problematic situations of very diverse natures. This
way of understanding value is consistent with a pragmatic perspective, because
the realm of praxis in general and its analysis take root as its own position in a
wide field of evaluations of actions in general.
However, from this basic premise of the pragmatic notion of value, there is
no difficulty in integrating all of the previously mentioned dimensions. Because,
effectively, in current scientific technological activity, problems of all these types
are considered: ethical, political, etc. So, a correct epistemological rule will have

This is the case, for example, of ECHEVERRIA, J., Ciencia y Valores, Destino, Barcelona, 2002, ch.
I, pp. 29-116.
On the relevance of this position, see LAUDAN, L., Progress and Its Problems. Towards a Theory
of Scientific Growth, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1977. On Laudan’s philosophy, cf.
GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed), El Pensamiento de L. Laudan. Relaciones entre Historia de la Ciencia y
Filosofía de la Ciencia, Publicaciones Universidad de A Coruña, A Coruña, 1998.
Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change 195

value in the measure that it solves, in determined aspects, the problem of truth
or the epistemic validity of a statement, a law, or a scientific theory; a research
procedure will have value in the measure that it solves methodological problems;
a political decision in reference to a technological action will equally have value
in the measure that it solves problems of innovation, development, and direction
in a determined technological task. It is precisely the generality of the pragmatic
notion of value which enables it to propose an encompassing aspect of all of the
dimensions implicated in tecnological phenomena in general, without excluding
any a priori, at least in the beginning.
For this reason it is not reductive to propose the general analysis to
contemporary technoscience in terms of analysis of values, being sure to use the
practical dimension in all of its amplitude and demands.
Now, this does bring up a problem of chief importance, whose analysis will
provide the answer to the question raised at the end of the last paragraph, and which
will be developed in the last part of this contribution. It is related to the general
problem of the assessment of values in techno-scientific processes, and therefore in
the direction of technological change and their possible patterns of understanding.
From this position, and for the purpose of grasping which way to direct oneself
and how to carry out technological change, it is necessary to procede with an
assessment of the implicated values. In other words, it is necessary to procede to
a consideration of the implicated values which would make reasonable the taking
of a decision for one or another technological objective. If before it was said that
the rationality of technological change could be analyzed by means of a systemic
model, then this evaluation could be carried out using, at least initially, the features
of such a model. This immediately implies various important consequences.
In the first place, values should be selected in function of a concrete problem,
with the objective of centering the evaluative analysis. Secondly, nothing which
is identified as significant should be initially excluded, whatever its nature may
be, whether it be epistemological, ethical, political, economic, etc. In formal
terms, one could write that technological change, as it is composed of a system of
technological actions, could conform to a system of values:

In the third place, it is necessary to somehow measure the set of values, that is
to say, to quantify them to a certain extent. And this is where, without a doubt, the
most serious problem arises. Because, is such a thing possible? Can one indeed
measure a value? That depends on how a value is conceived. If one adopts a notion
of value according to classic axiology, it will be rather difficult, because with this
a justified scale of values is internally produced by the ultimate transcendental
“crown” from which the corresponding architecture is established. This would
196 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

logically involves a certain rigidity. All of this is internally coherent with such a
point of departure.
In the case of a pragmatic vision of value, the guidelines for measurement
will be to assess as to what measure and at what costs –of all kinds, not only in
economic terms– the problem or problems are solved by using one or another
system of values, Sv or S’v’. For example, it can be stated that Sv highly satisfies
epistemological values, but perhaps it falls short in technological values (in
other words, in specific operative efficacy) or these last values, in this specific
technoscientific event, suppose an important decline of the presence of social-
economic values (or viceversa). In sum, the possible situations are multiple. For
this reason, it all comes down to assessing and deciding which values are to be
pondered with more attention in each technological event that we consider.
This way, we can even write inequations of the kind “more than” or “less
than” with respect to the values implicated in one direction or another,

Sv > S’v’ or Sv < S’v’

Of course we cannot pretend with this calculation to reach an exact mathematic
solution, as we could determine physical magnitudes such as the cinetic energy
of a motion. But, one could establish a certain measurement that would suggest
the global viability of one technological endeavour or another. And this is the
ultimate purpose of the value assessment. Evidently these inequations would not
have the mathematic exactitude required in other dimensions of techno-scientific
action because its own object, the elucidation of the capacity to solve systemic
problems in which values of diverse nature are implied, would impede this.
Such a pretension would be suspicious even, because it would go outside of the
framework of the problem itself. But, all the same, it would be neither adequate nor
necessary. What the value assessment tries to do is to find reasonable guidelines
for decision making. And we think that this analysis, necessarily brief for this
occasion,20 can suggest it conveniently.
One should not believe this procedure to be completely new, because Popper,
for example, asserted that in order to allow non-scientific ideas (primarilly
philosophical ones) into scientific research, the justifiable method should not be
the usual empirical constrastibility that we find in science. But rather it should
be an analysis that leads to establish whether or not the idea in question resolves,
for better or worse, the scientific problem at hand. This is precisely because the
nature of such ideas makes empirical contrastibility impossible, even though
these ideas were always present in the elaboration of scientific theories.21
A more detailed elaboration can be found in QUERALTÓ, R., “Science as Technoscience: Values and
Their Measurement,” Actes du Colloque de l’Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences,
2003, Lecce (Italy), forthcoming.
POPPER, K. R., Conjectures and Refutations. The Growth of Scientific Knowledge, Routledge and
Kegan Paul, London, 1963, chap. 8.2, pp. 193-200.
Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change 197

To conclude, it is a question of carrying out a dialogue of assessing in which the

significant elements are weighed in terms of their mutual influences, reciprocal
restrictions, social effects, and above all, the evaluation of problems and their
levels of solution.
However, one can now ask, respecting technological change, which parameters,
whose presence is regularly produced, can be outlined. Accordingly, these would
have to be taken into account regularly. It is a matter of there being a hard nucleus
of pragmatic values (if the expression be allowed), which in fact would serve to
identify the question of technological change as such, and thereby to condition
the analysis specifically.
We believe, effectively, that such values could be indicated without difficulties.22
In the first place, undoubtedly, one may point out the technological values par
excellence, that is to say, the operative efficacy and the self-expansion inherent
in Technology. It should be clear from the beginning that these values as such
would be neither rejectable nor acceptable in all of their potentiality through their
intrinsic quality. At this point, is it reasonable to doubt that efficacy is desirable
and indispensable for every technological endeavour and that self-expansion is
concomitant with the technological phenomenon? For this reason, their presence
and influence must be taken into account, but these will have to be counterweighed
in function of the systemic whole in which they are found.
In the second place, the epistemological and methodological values stand out
as well because of their regular importance for the attainment of technological
achievements. This is the reason by which these are unavoidable for the adaptation
to reality that any technological event requires. Yet, likewise, they cannot be
considered in isolation because a particular methodological line of investigation
could be preferred over another alternative line leading to the same result, in
function of the lesser or greater economic impact in its concrete development, or
in relation to political or ethical-social values.
In the third place, we find the ecological values. These are to be considered,
given the extreme incidence of technological activity in the social and natural
environment, whose harmful effects are amply demonstrated and reported. In
this point, for example, a great deal of operative efficacy as a technological value
would be rejectable if the value of the corresponding environmental impact is
excesive or intolerable. As is well-known, often the presence of these values is
acquiring greater weight in political decisions of medium or high reach, in good
part as a justified reaction to the massive proliferation of harmful industrial waste,
for example, which was almost completely uncontrolled until recently. Here it is
shown, as a matter of fact, how technological values in a strict sense are not those
which always determine the direction and actions of technological change.
A detailed analysis of this subject can be found in ECHEVERRIA, J., Ciencia y Valores, pp. 117-
198 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

In the fourth place, the political and economic values that are usually
intertwined, which, as has been indicated, are going to be continually present
given the growing transformation of science into technoscience and of the previous
scientific-technological praxis into a new form of praxis characterized as techno-
scientific enterprise. In this section, as an unavoidable value, one has the better
cost-benefit relationship, which in the same way as before will be tempered by the
influence of other systemic values.
And in the fifth place, last but not least, there are the social-ethical values.
Globally the value of social well-being could be considered here as representative
in its multiple dimensions, and of course, without reducing it to its material
value. To the contrary, in this group, moral values would acquire a specific
consideration, including civic and religious values. Because without including
them, not only would there be an undesirable lack of control of technological
potentiality in a strict sense, but sooner or later, there may be an excessive reaction
against technology itself, as occurs in certain social phenomena such as techno-
phobia, which perhaps has been provoked by the intent to impose technological
initiatives and direction, overriding social-ethical values. This is not good for any
of the implicated parties. Besides, in the case of technology, this would represent
precisely a certification of operative inefficacy, which, from the philosophical
perspective taken here, would be the worst thing that could happen.
Nonetheless, it is worthwhile to emphasize some final points which will make
up the conclusion, provisional still, of this paper.


We believe that the set of preceeding philosophical analysis has proven that
the technological phenomenon and the problem of technological change require
the use of a model with a systemic character. This should be able to address
all of the complexity of the current situation and its significant dimensions in
each moment.
The main consequence of this perspective is that there are no directions of
technological change which are justified in an apriori manner by themselves. This
can be neither the option of an accused technologism nor that of a sociologism that
ignore the very structure of technology and its implicit rationality. Undoubtedly,
this broadens the possibility of sustaining that social intervention on technological
change is real and viable.
However, quite a different question is raised by asking ourselves for the current
situation if we try to visualize a general panorama of this intervention. Without
undermining the previous conclusion, whose practical consequences are still in
their initial phases of development, it must be admitted that, up to now, a systemic
balance within the mentioned feedback loop has not be found. In other words, it
Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change 199

seems that the intrinsic potentiality of technological rationality and technology

as a historical phenomenon ocupy a predominant role and this, we think is an
important reason behind technological determinism. From the historical-empirical
point of view, this certainly does not lack support today. It is not an exageration to
say that strong pragmatic technologically-inspired rationality, works efficiently
on many relative social-cultural levels and acts perhaps, increasingly, as the
social rationality of our era. This is not a small matter. Precisely from this fact
we have departed in other writings from analyzing the ethical question in a strict
sense.23 On other levels, such as the political level, for example, it is evident that
access to technological means is considered an indispensable factor in the global
development of a country in the contemporary world, by which the technological
transfer constitutes a fact that has been analyzed for decades in many of its
possible problematic dimensions. Examples of this kind, which show the vigor of
the technological factor in a strict sense, could be multiplied, almost to infinity.
For this reason, deterministic doctrines of technological change have supposed
a first contribution to the general analysis of the phenomenon. It has fulfilled
an important historical function, which is that of warning about the possible
deviation from a more balanced direction in the favorable future of technological
change. One should consider, after all that has been shown here, that the
deterministic vision is in an initial phase of interpretation of the phenomenon
whose base of maintenance is rooted in a detectable social-historical situation
up to the present.
However, this does not mean that we must stay here, especially when so many
uncontrolable negative effects of technological events have occurred, such as
environmental disasters, radioactive leaks, attacks on privacy by abusive use of
computer technology, etc. Consequently, it is necessary to react conveniently on
all possible social fronts, and also on our specific point of view, namely, research
in a strict sense. It is in this line that this contribution has to be considered.
In effect, it is important to show that the reflexive analysis of the problem
uncovers the possibility of other points of view from which to consider it openly.
The proposed interpretative model, as we have stated before, justifies the
possibility of intervening with efficiency from the social context to imprint a
certain specific direction on technological change, or at least to try to. Because
(now we can sum up with a more philosophical conceptualization) technology
always assumes a system of mediations, above all of a social nature. This
signifies that these mediations are not “added” or “juxtaposed” to technological
phenomenon as such, but rather to the contrary, it is something that forms an
intrinsic part of technology itself as an historical fact. Let us look briefly at what
this precision means.

For example, in QUERALTÓ, R., Ética, Tecnología y Valores en la sociedad global, pp. 73-109 and
200 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

Technology is not only, as is often said, an instrument to be used by man,

but rather as something more relevant. It is a fundamental mediation between
man and the world, and between man and life. The difference is decisive: an
instrument is something that is there, outside, it is used in a determined moment
or situation and when the action is considered finished, it is returned to the
previous place. However, a mediation is something that is always there, whose
presence is therefore continuous, and whose action sinks its roots into the
intrinsic structure of man. Not in vain has it been repeated ad infinitum that
man is a technical being.24 It is convenient to never lose sight of this essential
anthropological character of the technical and technological dimension,25
because if this is not done, the specific reach of technology as a radical and
concomitant fact to humanity will never be understood.26
For this reason, and in second place, in the measure that the technological is a
mediation, it will always include the two poles, the strictly technical one and the
human and social ones, combining them into a single element. From here it can be
pointed out with all propriety that technology unavoidably involves a system of
mediations that make it into this circuit of feedback that we have higlighted from
the beginning. And this is not only because of a simple empirical observation of
reality, that is to say, because technology is always applied to a concrete world,
but also as a consequence of its very nature and as a result of its internal structure.
This is what we have wanted to show with our philosophical inquiry.
Indeed, if the preceding arguments are correct, then the final question of
this paper can be no other than the following: What conclusion is to be imposed
in order to rebalance the direction of technological change which seems to be
currently slanted by an excessive influence of strict technological parameters
(operative efficacy, etc.)? The answer without a doubt is very simple, we must
take maximum advantage of the character of mediation which is intrinsic in
technology, especially in its social aspect. And how can this be settled at the
present moment?
Obviously, by increasing the control of society on technological change and
development. This would mean promoting opportunities for debate and decision-
making in which all of the implicated actors are represented. In many cases, this

Only as an example: “Wir haben nicht die Technik, sondern wir sind sie!,” in SACHSEE, H., Technik
und Verantwortung. Probleme der Technik im technischen Zeitalter, Rombach, Freiburg i.B., 1972,
p. 49. We refer to this quotation because it belongs to one of the first German authors that analysed
this subject. It can be found in an old work, all which can add a special significance.
A well accepted difference between “technology” and “technique” is the following: technology
is technique derived from and inspired by scientific knowledge, but not viceversa, because science
is an historical phenomenon starting from 16th century, but before there were other techniques in
fact. Nevertheless, at present it is possible to assert that every technique is also technology due to the
unavoidable interconnection between them. Thereby both terms are used in a similar way.
An inquiry about this fact can be found in QUERALTÓ, R., Mundo, Tecnología y Razón en el fin de
la Modernidad. ¿Hacia el hombre “more technico”?, PPU, Barcelona, 1993.
Philosophical Patterns of Rationality and Technological Change 201

task is already being undertaken, especially in the institutional field,27 yet there
is still a long way to go. What is most important is to draw attention to the fact
that technology and technological change are not only the work of scientists and
technologists. These professionals are not the only ones who apply technology,
rather this is made up of a complex productive system where agents of varied
nature take action, from technoscientists to managers, social leaders, etc. For
this reason, it is a matter of a collective effort in which society as a whole cannot
remove itself nor be removed. Because to the contrary the entire technosocial
system would suffer, and everyone would lose out, including technology in the
strictest sense.
In the academic world, a reaction is also being produced along this line, which
can be seen in the proliferation of studies about technological risk,28 evaluation of
technology, etc.29 It is a question of proposing models for appraising the risk to be
undertaken from one or another technology, and thereby of assuring reasonable
guidelines for decision-making. Other studies follow the same line of inspiration,
that is to say, the necessary connection between technology and society with all
of its consequences. In general, the social control of technological phenomenon
occupies the central place.
The indisputable difficulty of this task should not raise suspicions, even though,
as we have recognized before, currently the intrinsic tendency of technology to
impose and expand itself has the advantage, marking its own direction. Let us
consider this situation almost “natural”. In fact, when facing a new phenomenon,
which is exactly what the appearance of the technological power is, there is an
initial phase of expectation and social displacement in general, in which the new
phenomenon advances, almost unstoppable. This is why positions of pessimism
or impotence have arisen. This is where technological determinism has first
seemed plausible.
However, things do not have to be this way. I have tried to demonstrate and
justify this philosophically in these pages. Things are possible when they are
dispassionately proven to be so. I have attempted to make this point evident
For example, science and technology policies, joint working groups in ministries and parliaments,
joint research projects, etc.
Cf. the work by LOPEZ CEREZO, J. A. and LUJAN, J. L., Ciencia y Política del riesgo, Alianza
Editorial, Madrid, 2000, as well as the following quotation and the selected references at the end of
this paper.
Cf. WINNER, L., Autonomous Technology: Technics-out-of-Control as a Theme in Political
Thought, The MIT Press, Cambridge (MA), 1977; and WINNER, L., “Do Artifacts have Politics?,”
Daedalus, v. 109, (1980), pp. 121-136. In addition, Prof. Winner is promoting a “Center for Cultural
Design” in Technology at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Institute of New York. His aim
is searching for the necessary balance between technology and society, which is just the main
conceptual background in our text.
Cf. also SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Science Policy, Ethics and Economic Methodology, Boston,
Reidel, 1984; SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk Analysis and Scientific Method, Dordrecht, Reidel,
1985; and SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., Risk and Rationality: Philosophical Foundations for Populist
Reforms, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1991.
202 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

from our own research field, that is to say, the philosophical field, because it
constitutes, collectively conciously or unconsciously, another fundamental
ingredient of our culture.

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accuracy, 97-101 DDT, 53

action theory, 21n DNA, 101
AIBS code, 123 “deliberative democracy”, 114
analytic philosophy, 119 design, 135, 138, 141
anomalies, 143 – method, 138
applied research, 21, 147-148 – methodology, 141
applied science(s), ix, 6, 10-12, 18-19, 23- – science(s), 25, 34, 135-138, 141, 143-
26, 28-30, 83, 87-89, 102-103, 148 144, 146-150, 152
– science of, 136
basic research, 21, 147-149, 168
basic science(s), ix, 6, 11, 18-19, 23-25, 28, ecology, 26
135 economics, 4, 26, 29
beliefs, 56, 68 – of science, x, 5-7, 21, 37
big science, 8, 21 – of technology, x
biochemistry, 143 effectiveness, 12, 29, 32-33, 93, 95
bioethics, 4, 6n, 24 efficacy, 171-172, 184, 187, 190, 196
biological research, 162, 165-166, 170-171 efficiency, 12, 29, 32-33, 136, 142, 191
biology, 173 Endangered Species Act, 64
biomedical research, 159-160, 162, 165 engineering methodology, 137
biomedicine, 173 engineering science, 25n
biotechnology, 93-95, 121 Environmental Protection Agency, 53
epistemology, 6n, 14, 68, 117
cancer research, 144, 146-147, 149-152 EPOR, 15, 29
Center for the Study of Responsive Law, 53 ethical norms, 54
certainty, 60, 64, 67 ethical relativism, 60, 67
change(s) ethical research, 127
– axiological, 85 ethics, 54, 68, 70, 113-114, 117, 121, 126-127
– methodological, 85 – discourse, 58n
– scientific, 83-86 – endogenous, 24
– technological, 5-7, 37, 179-187, 189, – environmental, 6n
191-193, 195, 197-201 – exogenous, 24
collective responsibility, 114, 116-120 – individualistic, 112
consistency, 57, 61 – medical, 113
constructivism, 10n – normative, 54
Consumer Product Safety Act, 53 – of belief, 69
context of discovery, 14 – of science, 14, 24
context of justification, 14 – of technology, 30
corroboration, 151 – practical, ix, 4-5, 37
critical attitude, 22, 62 – professional, 123
critical rationalism, 14 – research, 112
cyclotron, 166-169 – scientific, 113

208 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

– social, 179 neutrality, 54, 57, 59, 64, 66-67, 69-70,

ethnomethodology, 6, 15-16 103, 116
explanatory power, 57-58, 61 nihilism, 10
nursing, 26
falsification, 60
Freedom of Information Act, 53 objectivity, 16, 22-24, 34, 54-55, 57-63, 67-
68, 70, 90, 127
Genetically Modified Organisms, 94 – epistemic, 68-69
historical turn, ix, 7, 14, 24 – ethical, 68-69
historicity, ix, 7, 14-16, 162, – scientific, 70
history of science, x, 5, 7, 85 observation, ix
history of technology, x, 5, 7 Occupational Safety and Health
human activity, 14, 20 Administration, 53
ontology of science, 14
ideology, 124 operational efficacy, 183-188, 197
innovation, 84, 141
intentionality, 12, 33 paradigm(s), 135, 142-144,
invention, 141 pharmacology, 26
phenomenology, 17
know how, 9, 12, 19, 28 philosophical research, 127
know that, 9, 19, 28 philosophy of science, ix-x, 3-7, 14, 17-20, 27,
Kyoto Accords, 125 83-84, 86-87, 126, 138, 142, 144, 193-194
philosophy of technology, ix-x, 3-7, 17-19,
Lebenswelt, 17, 27-28, 181
legal studies, ix, 5-6, 37 policy analysis, ix, 4-6, 37
logical empiricism, 14, 138 positivism, 138
logical positivism, 17, 22 pragmatism, 10, 17
praxiological statements, 136
macroeconomics, 19 praxiology, 136
Marxism, 10 precautionary principle, 93
medical research, 170-171 prediction, 29, 86, 91
medicine, 26, 144 predictive power, 57, 61
megascience, 142 prescription, 29
methodological rules, 60, 85-87, 102 progress, 135-137, 143-147, 149-150
methodology of science, 14 provisionality, 162-163
methodology of technology, 30 psychology of science, 7n
microeconomics, 19 Public Interest Research Groups, 53
minimalism, 113
rationality, 5-6, 11, 84, 179, 181-183, 185-
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety 188, 191-192
Act, 53 – economic, 27n, 32
naturalism, 17 – evaluative, 31-32
Subject Index 209

– instrumental, 32 sciences of the artificial, 25

– of science, 151 scientific method, 138
– patterns, 34 scientific methodology, 85
– scientific 7, 86 scientific progress, 21, 27, 84, 116, 150
– social, 191 scientific realism, 18, 23
– technological 7, 11, 28, 31, 183-187, scientific research, 93, 124, 127, 147
190-191, 193, 199 scientific revolutions, 23, 141-142
realism, 13 SCOT, 29
reformism, 124 security, 163
regulatory science, 34-35, 83-84, 90, 92, semantics of science, 14
103 side effects, 31
relativism, 15-16, 22 skepticism, 67
reliability, 151 social constructivism, 15-17, 22, 24, 26, 29
research program, 135 social turn, ix-x, 3, 7, 24, 34
responsibility, 117-119 sociology, 4
– moral, 115 – of knowledge, 5n
– professional, 123 – of science, x, 5-7, 15, 21, 37
reticulated model of justification, 87 – of technology, x, 5-7, 29, 37
Strong Program, 6, 15
risk(s), 94-95, 97-98
sustainable development, 30, 31
– analysis, 90
– assessment(s), 83, 89-92, 94-95, 97,
technical interest, 25
99-103, 110-111, 114, 127
technics, 6, 9, 17
– biochemical, 97
technological activity, 33
– inductive, 90, 99
technological determinism, 30, 179-180,
– management, 91, 94-95, 101-102 185-186, 192, 199, 201
– regulation, 96 technological innovation, 27, 93-94
– technological, 107, 201 technological revolutions, 141
– tradeoffs, 93 technological voluntarism, 30
technology, ix-x, 3-6, 8-13, 17, 19-21, 23,
safety, 142, 163 25-34, 52-55, 59-60, 62-64, 66-67, 69-71,
science(s), ix-x, 3-6, 8-11, 13, 21, 23, 25- 108-109, 112, 114, 120-125, 127, 136, 142,
27, 31, 34, 52-55, 57, 59-60, 62-64, 66-71, 151-152, 159-160, 171, 179-182, 184, 186-
83-84, 103, 108-109, 111-127, 135, 142, 144- 189, 191-194, 197-201
145, 151-152, 159-160, 171, 179, 184, 188, – as human activity, 19
194, 196, 198 – assessment, 114, 127
– as human activity, 21 – of information, 9n
– characteristics of a, 10 – limits of, 28-29
– descriptive, 136, 141, 143 technoscience, x, 3-4, 6, 8-10, 13, 26-27,
– pure, 56, 135, 137, 141, 146-147, 149- 142-143, 161, 179, 184, 186, 195, 198
150, 152, 184 toxicology, 97
– social dimension of, 21 truth, 16, 24, 60-62, 69, 87, 143, 161, 195
– technological, 138 truthlikeness, 11, 24, 26
210 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

utility, 142
utopianism, 124

value(s), 12, 14, 20, 27, 55-58, 61, 83-84, 86-

87, 92, 102-103, 142, 144, 159, 173, 193-197
– bias, 55-56
– conceptual, 57
– cognitive, 86, 88-89
– cognoscitive, 135
– constitutive, 55
– contextual, 55-56, 84
– cultural, 87-88, 159, 163
– ecological, 197
– economic, 3, 28, 32-33, 198
– epistemic, 83-87, 90, 102
– epistemological, 147, 196-197
– ethical, 12, 17, 24, 84, 137
– ethical-social, 197
– external, ix, 3, 12, 27-28, 31
– group, 118
– individual, 118
– instrumental, 25
– internal, ix, 12, 28
– methodological, 56-57, 87, 197
– moral, 88-89,
– non-epistemic, 83-84, 86, 89-90, 102
– political, 89, 198
– practical, 84, 92, 101, 103,
– pragmatic, 197
– social, 28, 30, 32, 159,
– social-ethical, 198
– status-quo, 57
– technological, 196-197
viability, 141
Vienna Circle, 18, 138
we-intentions, 21

ABBARNO, J., 122n, 128 BECHER, G., 38

ABETTI, G., 184n, 202 BECK, U., 202
ACHTERHUIS, H., 37 BECKER, G. J., 119n
ACKERMANN, R., 37 BEDER, S., 109, 126n, 128
ADAMS, P., 52n, 71 BEN-DAVID, J., 152
ADAMS, R., 119n, 128 BENDER, M., 66n, 76
ADEY, G., 58n, 71 BERENBLUM, I., 152
ADLER, J. E., 63n, 69n, 71 BERGER, P. L., 38
AGASSI, J., 37, 152 BERO, L., 121n, 128
AGAZZI, E., 24n, 36-37, 192n, 202 BERTALANFFY, L. VON, 192n, 202
AICHHOLZER, G., 202 BEVIR, M., 56n, 71
AINGER, K., 52n, 71 BIELSKI, V., 51n-52n, 71
ALCOFF, L. M., 63n, 71 BIJKER, W. E., 22-23n, 29, 38, 45, 181n,
ALEXANDER, J., 39 202
ALLEN, T. J., 155 BLACK, M., 152
ANDERSON, A., 52n, 71 BLOOR, D., 15, 38, 202
ANDERSON, O. E., 169n-170n, 174 BÖHME, G., 152, 154
ANDREWS, R. N., 63n, 66n, 71 BOHR, N., 167
ANSOLABEHERE, S., 109n, 128 BOLAND, M., 152
APEL, K. O., 58n, 71 BONILLA VELASCO, F., 144
APPLE, T., 171n, 174 BORGMANN, A., 38
ARENDT, H., 118 BORNSTEIN, R., 56n, 71
ARISTOTLE, 60, 119, 128 BOX-STEFFENSMEIER, J., 109n, 128
ARLACCHI, P., 122n, 128 BOYD, W., 51n-52n, 71
ARMEY, D., 109n BRADIE, M., 152
ASHTON, E., 119, 129 BRICMONT, J., 13n, 48
ASIMOV, M., 138, 152 BROAD, W., 152
ASQUITH, P. D., 56n, 58n, 74, 76 BRONCANO, F., 161n, 174
ATIENZA, J. M., 39 BROOKE, H., 152
ATTING, T. W., 152 BROOKS, H., 152
AUDI, R., 57n, 71 BROWN, H. I., 43, 56n, 71
AVILA, A., 6n, 41 BROWN, L., 110n, 116n, 130-131
BROWN, P., 109n-110n, 131
BAILEY, R., 126n, 128 BUCK, R. C., 18n
BARKER, P., 43 BUCUVALAS, M. J., 66n, 78
BARNES, B., 4n, 15-16n, 23n, 37-38, 202 BUGLIARELLO, G., 38, 142n, 157
BARNES, D., 121n, 128 BUNGE, M., 10n, 38, 152
BARTLETT, L., 64n, 78 BURIAN, R. M., 48
BAUM, R., 117n, 123n, 129-130 BURKE, E., 120
BAUMRIN, B., 123n, 128 BUSTAMANTE, J., 185n, 202
BAYLES, M., 68n, 71, 122n-123n, 128 BYRNE, E. F., 38

212 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

CAMENISCH, P., 123n, 128 DAVIS, D., 127

CAMUS, A., 66, 72 DAVIS, M., 153
CANNAVO, L., 153 DE RUYTER, D., 120n, 128
CAPLAN, A. L., 153 DECEW, J. W., 66n, 72
CARNAP, R., 17 DELEON, D., 53n, 76
CARRERAS, A., 23n, 41 DENICOLA, D., 153
CARSON, R., 94 DICKSON, D., 171n, 174
CASACUBERTA, D., 144, 154 DIEGUEZ, A., 39
CASTILLO, A., 115 DOEL, R., 167n, 175
CHALMERS, T., 121n, 131 DONER, D. B., 38, 142n, 157
CLARK, A., 39 DONOVAN, A., 44
CLARKE, A. E., 160n, 174 DOSI, G., 6n, 39, 181n, 202
CLIFFORD, W. K., 69, 72 DOU, A., 39
COHEN, D. K., 66n, 74 DOUGLAS, H., 84, 89-90, 100-102, 104
COHEN, R. S., 18n, 58n, 73, 153 DOUGLAS, M., 59n, 79
COLLINS, H. M., 4n, 15, 39 DRAZEN, J., 113n, 128
COLWELL, R., 121n, 128 DRUMMOND, J., 118n, 129
COMMONER, B., 64n, 72 DURBIN, P. T., 11n, 18n-19, 39, 44, 47, 153
CONANT, J., 16n, 43 DUSEK, V., 4n, 17n, 19n, 22n-23n, 29n, 40,
CONDREAN, C., 116n, 128 42, 45, 47, 49
CONSTANT, E., 39 DYSON, A., 40
COOK, S. D. N., 153 ECHEVERRIA, J., 8n-9n, 40, 44, 96n, 104,
COOKE, R. M., 64n, 72 142-144, 152-153, 161n, 174, 184n, 188n,
COX, L., 63n, 72 194n, 197n, 202
CRANOR, C., 84, 90, 94n, 96-103 EDMONSON, G., 122n, 128
CREAGER, A. N. H., 160n, 164-165n, 169n- EHRLICH, P., 127
170n, 172n, 174, 175 EINSTEIN, A., 114
CREASE, R., 37, ELIAS, N., 147n, 153-154
CROMBIE, A. C., 39 ELIOT, T. S., 69
CROMWELL, O., 69 ELLIOT, D., 110n, 128
CURIE, I., 167 ELLIS, B., 56n, 72
CURIE, M., 166 ELLUL, J., 40, 185n, 202
CURIE, P., 166 ELSTER, J., 40, 93n, 105
CUTCLIFFE, S. H., 153, 203 ENGELHARDT, H. T. JR., 153
CYLKE JR., F., 65n, 76 ENNIS, R. H., 57n, 72
EPSTEIN, S., 124n, 129
DALLMAYR, F., 39 ERMAN, D., 108n, 129
DANIELS, A., 51n, 72 ESTANY, A., vi, 35-36, 135, 144, 153-154,
DAS, M., 39 173
Index of Names 213

EVANS, R., 170 GEHLEN, A., 17, 40

EVANS, W. G., 155 GELOBTER, M., 115n, 129
EXETER, P. B., 109n, 121n, 129 GELSINGER, P., 113
GERAETS, T. S., 58n, 73
FARRELLAJ, C., 55n, 72 GERKEN, K., 185n, 202
FAVARO, A., 184n, 202 GERSON, L., 174
FEENBERG, A., 40 GEWIRT, A., 110n, 129
FEIBLEMAN, J. K., 40, 154 GIBBONS, M., 155
FEINBERG, J., 118, 123-124n, 129 GIERE, R. N., 18n, 56n, 76, 154
FELDMAN, J., 69n, 72 GILLIES, D., 36
FELLOWS, R., 18n, 40, 154 GLOVER, J., 107
FELSON, D., 121n, 131 GOLDBERG, K., 110n
FENSTAD, J., 57n, 77 GOLDMAN, S. L., 40, 88n, 203
FERREIROS, J., 161n, 174 GOLDSMITH, Z., 52n, 72
FETZER, J. H., 62n, 75 GONZALEZ GARCIA, M. I., 41, 181n, 202-
FEYERABEND, P. K., 59n, 72 203
FEYNMAN, R., 127 GONZALEZ, W. J., v, ix-x, 3, 6n-7n, 11n-12n,
FLAVIN, C., 110n, 130 14n, 16n, 21n, 23n-24n, 27n, 29n, 32n, 34,
FLECK, L., 154 36n, 40-41, 44, 48, 87n, 104, 163n, 173, 176,
FLORES, A., 117n, 123n, 129-130 194n, 203
FLORIDI, L., 40 GOODING, D., 160n, 174
FORBES, M., 48 GOREY, H., 52n, 54n, 65n, 72
FORREST, P., 119n, 129 GOULET, D., 118n, 129
FORTAS, A., 69n, 72 GRAHAM, G., 28n, 41
FORTIN, P., 121n, 131 GRAHAM, J. D., 93n, 104
FOX, C. R., 68n, 78 GRANT, J., 109n, 128
FREEDMAN, B., 123n, 128 GRATTAN-GUINESS, I., 59n, 72
FREEMAN, C., 6n, 40 GRIFFITHS, A., 59n, 73
FRENCH, H., 110n, 130 GROSS, L., 154
FRENCH, P., 117n, 129 GROSS, P. R., 154
FREYER, H., 17n, 40 GROVE, J. W., 154
FRISBY, D., 58n, 71 GRUBER, W. H., 154, 157
FROLOV, I., 57n, 77 GRUENDER, D., 57n, 72
FUJIMURA, J., 160n, 174 GUALA, F., 41
FULLER, S., 40 GURWITZ, J., 121n, 131
GUSTON, D. H., 154
GALANTER, E., 156 GUTIERREZ, J., 114-115, 120
GALAVOTTI, M. C., 32n, 41
GALILEO GALILEI, 21, 25, 184, 202 HAACK, S., 13n, 16n, 41-42, 69n, 72
GALISON, P., 25n, 40 HABERMAS, J., 25, 42, 58n, 72
GARBASSO, A., 184n, 202 HACKING, I., 10n, 16n, 22n, 25n, 42, 160n,
GARNDIN, K., 165n, 174 174
214 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

HACOHEN, M. H., 62n, 72 HULL, D. L., 48, 61n, 73

HAHN, L. E., 69n, 72 HUNING, A., 44
HALDANE, J., 58n, 77
HALL, A. D., 138, 154 IAÑEZ, E., 94n, 104
HAMMOND, K., 122n IHDE, D., 4n, 8n-10n, 17n-19n, 27, 42, 154
HANKINS, T. L., 154 IRWIN, T., 119n, 128
HANKINSON, R. J., 59n, 72 ISAACS, K., 114n, 127, 129-130
HANSON, N. R., 62n, 73
HARAWAY, D., 9n, 42 JAMES, W., 69n, 73
HARDING, G., 116n, 129 JASANOFF, S., 42, 83n, 102n, 104, 163n, 174
HARDING, S., 42 JASPERS, K., 17, 43, 118-119, 129
HARE, R. H., 59n, 73 JENNINGS, R. E., 43
HARE, R. M., 54-55, 61n, 73 JEVONS, F. R., 155
HARINGTON, H., 52n,73 JOBST, E., 154
HARRIS, J., 40, 120 JOHNSTON, R., 155
HARRIS, P., 69n, 72-73 JOLIOT, F., 167
HART, J., 118n, 129 JONAS, H., 43
HAUGELAND, J., 16n, 43 JÖRGES, B., 170n, 172n, 175
K AHNEMAN, D. H., 64-65n, 73
HAYS, M., 169n, 175
K AY, L. E., 160n, 171n, 174
HEIDEGGER, M., 17, 42
K ENNY, A., 69n, 73
HEILBRON, J. L., 166-168n, 174
K ESSLER, I., 124n, 130
HEILBRONER, R. L., 180n, 203
K ING, M. L., 69-71, 73
HEININEN, L., 31n, 45
K IPLING, R., 117
HEKMAN, S., 42 K ITCHER, PH., 28n, 34n, 43, 55, 61n-62, 66n,
HELD, V., 57n, 66n, 74-75, 124n, 130 73, 124, 129, 155
HELLMAN, G., 60n, 73 K LAHR, D., 155
HEMPEL, C. G., 58n, 60n, 73, 85, 90, 104 K LEMKE, E. D., 59n-60n, 76, 84n, 104
HENRY, J., 15n, 38 K LINE, A., 59n-60n, 76
HEWLETT, R. G., 169n-170n, 174 K NORR-CETINA, K. D., 4n, 15n, 39, 43, 155
HILL, A. V., 166 K NOTT, D., 52n, 73
HILPINEN, R., 57n, 77 KOERTGE, N., 13n, 17n, 43
HISKES, A. L. D., 42 KOHLER, R. E., 160n, 166n-168, 175
HOHLFELD, R., 147n-148, 152, 154 KOLACK, S., 39
HOLLANDER, R. D., 66n, 68n, 73-74, 89n, KORENBROT, C., 56
104 KOTARBINSKI, T., 136, 143, 149-150, 155
HOLLINGER, R., 59n-60n, 76, 84n, 104 K RANZBERG, M., 155
HOLLIS, M., 202 K RIEBEL, D., 95n, 104
HOTTOIS, G., 8n, 42 K RIGE, J., 167n, 170n, 175
HOYNINGEN-HUENE, P., 42 K ROHN, W., 152, 154
HRONZSKY, I., 86n, 105 KUHN, TH. S., ix-x, 7, 16, 18n, 36, 43, 55,
HUGES, T. P., 38, 181n, 202 62n, 73, 83, 85-86, 142-144, 155
Index of Names 215

KUKLA, A., 43 LUCKMAN, T., 38

KULKA, T., 60n, 74 LUJAN, J. L., vi, 35-36, 41, 44, 83, 94n-96n,
KUPFER, D., 52n, 74 99n-100n, 104-105, 155, 173, 181n, 185n,
LADD, J., 117n, 129 LUKES, S., 202
LADRIERE, J., 43 LYNCH, M., 44
LAKATOS, I., ix-x, 7, 17-18n, 36, 155
LANDRY, R., 39 MACHAMER, P. K., 36, 44
LANGRISH, J., 155 MACINTYRE, A., 70, 74
LARSON, V., 52n, 74 MACKEY, R., 18n, 44, 203
LASZLO, E., 192n, 203 MACLEAN, D., 59n, 77
LATOUR, B., 4n, 8, 15-16n, 43, 159n, 175, MACLEAN, I., 67n, 77
181n, 203 MACPHERSON, C. B., 44
LAUBICHLER, M., 160n, 175 MADDOX. J., 145
LAUDAN, L., ix-x, 7, 16n, 36, 43-44, 58n, 73, MADIGAN, T. J., 69n, 74
83-88, 94n, 102, 104, 181n, 194n, 203 MALCOLM, N., 55
LAUDAN, R., 39, 43-44, 155, 181n, 203 MANGIN, M., 119n, 130
LAW, J., 38 MANNHEIM, K., 5n, 44
LAWRENCE, E. O., 166, 168 MANTELL, M. I., 155
LAYTON, E. T. JR., 155 MARGOLIS, J., 57n, 74, 124n, 130
LELAS, S., 26n, 44 MARING, M., 203
LENK, H., 155, 203 MARKLE, G. E., 42
LENOIR, T., 169n, 175 MARQUES, G., 6n, 41
LEONARD, R., 66n, 76 MARQUIS, D. G., 154-155, 157
LEPLIN, J., 36, 43 MARTIN, M., 122n, 130
LESLIE, S. W., 155 MARTINEZ, M., 115n
LEVIN, M., 124n, 130 MARTINEZ SELVA, J. M., 7n, 44
LEWIS, H. D., 117, 129 MARTINS, H., 147n, 153-154
LEWIS, M. W., 154 MARX, L., 180n, 204
LICHTENBERG, J., 59n, 74 MASO, I., 63n, 74
LILIENFELD, A., 124n, 130 MATHEWS, J., 109n, 130
LINDBLOM, C. E., 66n, 74 MAY, L., 117-122n, 130
LINDEE, M. S., 162n, 170, 175 MAYALL, J., 52n, 74
LIVINGOOD, J. J., 167 MAYO, D. G., 66n, 74, 84, 87n, 89-90, 100n,
LLOYD, J., 68n, 74 103-104
LOCKE, J., 55, 69-70n, 74 MCCARREY, C., 53n-54n, 65n, 74
LONGINO, H. E., 44, 55-56n, 62n, 74, 84n, MCCARTHY, T., 39, 58n, 72
88n, 104, 203 MCCOY, E. D., 64n, 77, 89n, 105
LOOMIS, T., 110n, 130 MCCRORY, R. J., 138, 141, 156
LOPEZ CEREZO, J. A., 41, 99n-100n, 104, MCEWEN, E., 156
155, 181n, 185n, 201n-203 MCGINN, A., 110n, 130
216 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

MCGUIRE, J. E., 36 NEWTON-SMITH, W. H., 60n, 75, 85

MCLUCKIE, C. W., 51n, 74 NICKLES, TH., 16n, 38
MCMULLIN, E., 44, 58n, 74, 83-84, 86, 104- NIELSEN, K., 57n, 66n, 74-75, 124n, 130
105 NIINILUOTO, I., 9-11n, 16n, 24-26, 28n, 30-
MEIJERS, A., 69n, 78 31, 33n-34n, 36, 45, 136, 156
MELLEMAN, G., 120n, 130 NOSS, R. F., 64n, 75
MENDELSOHN, E., 170, 175
MERTON, R. K., 40, 156 O’BRIEN, J., 66n
MICHALOS, A., 44 OLIVE, L., 46, 203
MIDGLEY, M., 54n-56n, 61, 74 OLIVIERI, N., 113
MIKLLER, F., 117n, 131 ORDOÑEZ, J., 161n, 173-174
MILL, J. S., 62, 74 ORTEGA y GASSET, J., 17, 45, 193n, 204
MILLER, G. A., 156 OTWAY, H., 59n, 76
MILLER, S., 117n, 130 OWENS, D., 69n, 75
MILLIKAN, R. A., 64, 75
MINAKER, K., 121n, 131 PACKARD, L. E., 172
MISA, TH. J., 180n, 203-204 PALLADINO, P., 160n, 175
MITCHAM, C., 11n, 18n-19, 44-45, 203 PAPALEKAS, J. CH., 17n, 40
MITCHELL, J. G., 52n PAPINEAU, D., 87n, 104
MONTEFIORE, A., 67n, 77 PARFIT, D., 107n, 130
MOORE, A. W., 63n, 75 PARSONS, C., 57n, 66n, 74-75, 124n, 130
MOORE, C., 126n, 130 PAUL, E., 117n, 131
MOORE, G. E., 54-55 PAUL, J., 117n, 131
MORGAN, N., 163n, 175 PAUSTENBACH, D. J., 63n, 72
MORRIS, D., 125 PEGG, S., 51n, 75
MOSS, T., 65n, 76 PEIRCE, CH. S., 24
MOSSER, K., 67n, 75 PELOSI, N., 113
MULKAY, M., 15n, 39, 156 PELTU, M., 59n, 76
MUÑOZ, E., 173 PERUCHO, M., 144-146, 150-151
MURPHY, N., 45 PESTRE, D., 170n, 175
MUSIL, R., 113n, 130 PETERSEN, J. C., 42
MYERS, N., 64n, 75 PFETSCH, F. R., 156
PHILLIPS, A., 59n, 73
NADER, R., 52-54, 64-65, 75, 127, 130 PICKERING, A., 45, 204
NADLER, G., 138, 156 PIELKE, R. JR., 156
NAGEL, E., 155 PINCH, T. J., 15n, 22-23n, 29, 38-39, 42, 45,
NAGEL, T., 59n, 75 160n, 174, 181n, 202
NATHAN, D., 112n, 130 PIPPARD, A. J. S., 156
NELSON, R. R., 6n, 45 PISTER, E., 108n, 129
NEWEL, A., 156 PITT, J., 20n, 46, 153
NEWELL, R., 61n, 75 PLATO, 55
NEWTON, I., 163n POLANYI, M., 62n, 75, 156
Index of Names 217

POPPER, K. R., x, 17, 36, 59n, 61-63n, 66n, R IP, A., 59n, 76, 204
75, 124, 131, 196, 204 ROCHON, P., 121n, 131
PORTER, A. L., 204 RODRIGUEZ ALCAZAR, J., 92n, 105
POSTEL, S., 116n, 131 ROMERO, A., 161n, 165n, 174-175
POTTER, R., 156 ROPOHL, G., 155, 203
PRICE, D., 48 ROWE, J., 65n, 76
PRICE, D. J. DE SOLLA, 8, 10n, 46, 156-157 RUBEN, D. H., 21n, 47
PRIMACK, J., 121n, 132 RUDGE, D. W., 84n, 104
PROCTOR, R. N., 156 RUDMAN, R., 68n, 77
PRYOR, J., 69n, 75 RUDNER, R., 60n, 76
PYPKE, D., 52n, 75
SACHSEE, H., 200n, 204
QUADE, E. S., 66n, 75 SAHAL, D., 47
QUERALTO, R., vi, 35-37, 179, 183n, 185n, SALMON, M., 36
190n, 196n, 199n-200n, 202, 204 SALMON, W., 36
QUINE, W. V. O., 55, 60n, 76 SAMUELS, S., 66n, 76
QUINTANILLA, M., 115n SANCHEZ RON, J. M., 165n, 175
R ACHELS, J., 120 SANTESMASES, M. J., vi, 35-36, 159, 161n,
R ADER, K., 160n, 175 174-175
R ADNITZKY, G., 46 SANTOPIETRO, G., 116n, 132
R AFFENSPERGER, C., 92n, 105 SAREWITZ, D., 156
R AIKKA, J., 117n, 131 SARO-WIVA, K., 51-52
R APP, F., 18n, 38-39, 44, 46-48, 138n, 153- SARTORI, G., 185n, 204
157 SARTRE, J. P., 118-119, 131
R ASMUSSEN, N. C., 65n, 76, 164, 170-171, SASSOWER, R., 47
175 SAYRE, K. M., 152, 157
R AWLS, J., 69n, 76 SCARLOTT, J., 53n, 76
R EAGAN, M. D., 156 SCARPITI, F., 65n, 76
R EALE, M., 61n, 76 SCHÄFER, W., 47, 152, 154, 157
R EICHENBACH, H., 17, 85 SCHAFFER, S., 47, 159n-160n, 174, 176
R EICHHARDT, T., 64n, 76 SCHARFF, R. C., 4n, 17n, 19n, 22n-23n, 29n,
R EPETTO, R., 109n, 131 40, 42, 45, 47, 49
R ESCHER, N., 5n, 10n, 20n-21n, 28n, 32n, SCHEFFLER, I., 63, 76
46-47, 66n, 76, 94, 105, 117n, 131, 152, 204 SCHIENSTOCK, G., 202
R ESNIK, D. B., 24n, 47 SCHNIEDER, T., 110n, 131
R HEINBERGER, H. J., 160n, 165n, 170n, 172, SCHOENHEIMER, R., 166
175 SCHOT, J., 204
R ICCI, P., 63n, 72 SCHWAB, J., 115n, 131
218 Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective

SCOTT, P., 56n, 76 SOYINKA, W., 51

SCRIVEN, M., 59n-60n, 76 SPIEGEL-RÖSING, I., 48, 157
SEABORG, G., 167 SPILICH, J., 108n, 132
SEIDEL, R. W., 166-168n, 174 STAPLETON, D. H., 157
SELINGER, E., 8n, 42 STARR, C., 68n, 77
SEN, A., 66n, 76 STEEL, H., 125
SHAEFFER, E., 113n, 131 STEIN, N., 122n, 131
SHAPERE, D., 83-86, 105 STERNGLASS, E., 126
SHAPIN, S., 47, 159n, 176 STEWART, T., 53n, 77
SHAPIRO, J. J., 42 STOCKER, M., 120n, 132
SHEA, W., 121n, 128 STORTLAND, F., 61n, 77
SHER, G., 55n, 76 STRICKLAND, S. P., 171n, 176
SHIMKIN, M. B., 157 STRÖKER, E., 18
SHINN, T., 170n, 172n, 175 STROUP, R. L., 116n, 132
SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K., v, 3n, 5n-7n, 19, SULLIVAN, N. F., 48
24n, 27n, 34-36, 47-48, 51, 55n-58n, 62n- SUNSTEIN, C. R., 93, 105
64n, 66n, 76-77, 84, 87-90, 93, 101-102, SUPPES, P., 155
105, 107, 110n, 112n, 114n, 116n, 123n, 131, SWANSON, T., 116n, 132
163n-164, 173, 176, 201n, 204
SHUE, H., 109n-110n, 131 TAMAS, G. M., 67n, 77
SIEGEL, H., 60n, 77 TARSKI, A., 155
SILL, D., 65n, 76 TESH, S. N., 94n-95n, 100n, 102n, 105
SILVERMAN, R. J., 154 THAGARD, P., 43, 48, 157
SIMBERLOFF, D., 64, 77 THOMAS, R., 54n, 64n
SIMMS, R., 121n, 131 THOMPSON, M., 59n, 77
SIMON, H. A., 25n, 27n, 29-30n, 33n, 48, TIBBETTS, P., 49
135-136, 156-157 TICKNER, J. A., 92, 98n, 105
SINGER, P., 120, 131 TILLEY, J. J., 59n, 77
SINTONEN, M., 48, 157 TODT, O., 94n-95n, 104-105
SITTER, B., 121n, 128 TOMBERLIN, J. E., 16n, 41
SKOLIMOWSKI, H., 18n, 48, 157 TONDL, L., 157
SLATER, D., 126n, 131 TOULMIN, S., 69n, 77, 157
SLOAN, PH. R., 169n, 175 TRIPATHI, M., 109n, 128
SMITH, C. A., 48 TUANA, N., 77
SMITH, M., 58n, 77 TUOMELA, R., 11n, 21n, 49
SMITH, M. R., 180n, 204 TUPLIN, W. A., 157
SNYDER JR., J., 109n, 128 TURNER, C., 108n, 132
SÖDERQVIST, TH., 167n, 175 TVERSKY, A., 64-65n, 68n, 73, 78
SOETE, L., 6n, 40
SOKAL, A., 13n, 48 ULLIAN, J., 60n, 76
SOULÉ, M. E., 48 UUSITALO, L., 49
Index of Names 219

VAN DEN DAELE, W., 152, 154 WOODHEAD, A., 66n, 76

VAN DER MERWE, W. L., 59n, 78 WOOLGAR, S., 4n, 15, 43-44, 49, 159n, 175
VAN R AAIJ, W. F., 68n, 78 WOORMBS, N., 165n, 174
VELASCO, A., 87n, 104 WORRALL, J., 36
VESILIND, P. A., 64n, 78 WRIGHT, C., 58n, 77
VICE, J. W., 59n, 78 WUESTE, D., 123n, 132
VOGELSTEIN, B., 145-146, 150 WYKSTRA, S., 43
VON HIPPEL, F., 121n, 132
VON WRIGHT, G. H., 31 YAMEK, G., 109n, 121n, 132
VORSTENBOSCH, J., 69n, 78 YOUNG, I., 114n, 132

WADE, N., 152 ZECHA, G., 61n, 79

WARTOFSKY, M. W., 153 ZIMAN, J., 49, 151, 157
WATHERN, P., 63n, 66n, 71 ZIMMERMAN, M., 117, 132
WATSON, G., 117n, 132
WATSON, R., 126
WEATHERALL, D., 112n, 130
WEAVER, W., 167
WEBSTER , A., 49
WEINBERG, A. M., 157
WEINBERG, R. A., 157
WEINBERGER, O., 60n, 78
WEIPPERT, G., 17n, 40
WEIS, C. H., 66n, 78
WESTRA, L., 19n, 47
WHEELER, D., 51n, 78
WHIPPLE, C., 68n, 77
WHITE, L., 49
WHITLEY, R., 147n, 153-154
WIBLE, J. R., 49
WIENER, J. B., 93n, 104
WILBURN, R., 59n, 79
WILDAVSKY, A. B., 59n, 79
WILLIAMS, B., 63n, 79
WINCH, P., 67n, 77
WINNER, L., 49, 201n, 205
WINTER, S. G., 6n, 45
WISDOM, J., 61
WISE, M. N., 159, 176
WOJICK, D., 142-144, 157

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