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Electronic Circuit Modeling and Simulation in Modelica: January 2007

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Electronic circuit modeling and simulation in Modelica

Article · January 2007


19 2,289

3 authors, including:

François Cellier Alfonso Urquia

ETH Zurich National Distance Education University


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Modeling and Simulation of Large Scale Dynamical Systems View project

Bond graph modeling View project

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François E. Cellier1, Christoph Clauß2, Alfonso Urquía3
ETH Zurich, Department of Computer Science,
ETH-Zentrum, CH-8029 Zurich, Switzerland
Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits, Zeunerstr. 38,
D-01069 Dresden, Germany
National University of Distance Education, Dept. of Computer Science and
Automatic Control, Juan del Rosal 16, 28040 Madrid, Spain
FCellier@Inf.ETHZ.CH (François Cellier)


In recent years, three separate efforts took place at three different institutions to provide an
electronic circuit modeling and simulation capability within the framework of Modelica, an
object-oriented general-purpose environment for the modeling of physical systems. In order
to be generally usable, no domain-specific knowledge is hard-coded into the Modelica
software. Modelica only understands mathematics, not physics. Consequently, all domain-
specific knowledge must be formulated as part of the model. Recent advances in symbolic
algorithms and software technology have made it feasible to implement a full-fledged
electronic circuit simulator in Modelica without making unacceptable sacrifices on the run-
time efficiency of the resulting simulation code. What is being gained in the process is an
improved transparency of the models that are being implemented, a significantly improved
ease of maintainability and extensibility of the code, and a dramatically improved flexibility
in combining electronic models with mechanical and thermal models. These are demands that
industry now makes on a circuit simulator, demands that cannot easily be met using the
traditional approach to electronic circuit simulation.

Keywords: Electronic circuit simulation, Object-oriented modeling, Modelica, Multi-energy

modeling, Bond graph.

Presenting Author’s biography

François E. Cellier received his BS degree in electrical engineering in
1972, his MS degree in automatic control in 1973, and his PhD degree in
technical sciences in 1979, all from the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology (ETH) Zurich. Dr. Cellier worked at the University of
Arizona as professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering from 1984
until 2005. He recently returned to his home country of Switzerland. Dr.
Cellier’s main scientific interests concern modeling and simulation
methodologies, and the design of advanced software systems for
simulation, computer aided modeling, and computer-aided design. Dr.
Cellier has authored or co-authored more than 200 technical publications,
and he has edited several books. He published a textbook on Continuous
System Modeling in 1991 and a second textbook on Continuous System
Simulation in 2006, both with Springer-Verlag, New York.
2 CSSLs vs. OOMLs
1 Introduction The groundwork leading to today’s OOMLs was laid
Traditionally, analog electronic circuits were modeled by H. Elmqvist in his Ph.D. dissertation [4].
and simulated using special-purpose electronic circuit Dymola was designed as a declarative rather than
simulators. Although a number of such simulation procedural language based on equations rather than
tools have been made available over the years, the one assignment statements. The computational causality
tool that has been most successful in conquering the of each equation, i.e., the variable for which each
market is Spice. equation needs to be solved, is being determined in an
Spice operates on a so-called “net-list” that numbers automated fashion by the model compiler. Symbolic
the nodes of an electronic circuit and places the circuit formula manipulation algorithms are invoked by the
elements in between these nodes. The net-list is compiler to convert implicit (declarative) model
interpreted by the circuit simulator. Due to some specifications to an explicit (procedural) state-space
special characteristics of electronic circuits, it is form. The resulting simulation code can then be
possible to come up with a highly efficient simulated by an off-the-shelf CSSL-type simulator.
implementation of a circuit simulator without need for The semantic distance between the original implicit
compiling the circuit first. model specification and the resulting explicit
A number of different software manufacturers simulation code may be quite large.
compete for the market by offering different From a historical perspective, OOMLs can be viewed
implementations of Spice. These implementations as an evolutionary extension of the former CSSLs.
vary somewhat in details of their transistor models, OOML compilers are simply a bit more advanced than
and circuit models written for any one of these CSSL compilers, with the equation handler replacing
simulators may not run correctly on another due to the former Macro handler.
differences in the set of device parameters offered by Yet from a utilization point of view, the OOMLs
the different implementations. represent a true revolution as they enable the modelers
There exist secondary markets for schematic capture to treat all physical system models in exactly the same
programs, tools that are able to generate a Spice net- fashion. There is no longer any need to distinguish
list from a graphical circuit description; for output between a modeling environment for control systems
visualization programs, tools that are able to interpret and one for electronic circuits, for example.
the output generated by Spice and represent them Although the compilation of an OOML model of an
graphically in different formats; and for device electronic circuit may be a bit slower than the
parameter sets, tools that offer device parameter sets corresponding compilation using a conventional Spice
for a large number of different commercially available implementation, the resulting simulation codes can be
transistors. made equally efficient in execution speed.
Circuit simulators have always remained separate and
distinct from the general-purpose dynamical systems Modelica [3] has meanwhile replaced Dymola [4] as
modeling and simulation (M&S) tools. the most widely used OOML. Whereas the Dymola
The so-called Continuous System Simulation language had been developed by Elmqvist and
Languages (CSSLs) [1] that are based on state-space marketed by Dynasim as a proprietary code, Modelica
descriptions of dynamical systems have primarily has been designed by a standard committee and is
been driven by the needs of control engineers. It is no non-proprietary. Anyone may develop a modeling
accident that the state-space formalism for the compiler and an underlying simulation engine based
mathematical description of dynamical systems was on the Modelica language specification, and indeed,
first proposed by a control engineer, R.E. Kalman [2]. there already exist several implementations of
It was further no accident that the Society for Modelica.
Modeling and Simulation International was originally Modern Dymola [5] is one among several M&S
founded by a group of aerospace engineers. environments that are based on the Modelica language
The electronic circuit simulators of the past remained specification. Dymola features a graphical user
outside of the mainstream CSSL development, interface (GUI), a Modelica compiler, a CSSL-type
because electronic circuit models do not lend simulation engine, a graphical postprocessor for
themselves to manual transformation into a state-space visualization and animation of simulation results, and
form. various additional tools for model manipulation, such
Only the advent of modern object-oriented physical as a linearization engine. This M&S environment is a
systems modeling languages (OOMLs) [3] made it commercial code marketed by Dynasim.
feasible to bridge the gap between circuit simulators OpenModelica [6] is a free (open-source)
on the one hand and general-purpose M&S software implementation of a Modelica compiler. The code
on the other. comes with a CSSL-type simulation engine. The code
also offers a (simple) result visualization program, but
many OpenModelica users prefer Matlab [7] for
visualization of their simulation results.
MathModelica Lite [8] can be used as a GUI for done in Spice, and also, since electrical circuit models
OpenModelica. can be simulated together with mechanical system
Both Dymola and OpenModelica have their pros and models, Dymola makes it possible to model and
cons. Industrial users may give a preference to simulate mechatronic systems elegantly and
Dymola, because the code is further developed, easier efficiently.
to use, offers more features, is more professionally A simple analog inverter circuit may serve to illustrate
maintained, and generates more run-time efficient the modeling and simulation of electronic circuits
simulation code. Academic users may prefer using the Modelica standard library. The circuit
OpenModelica, because the code is free and because it diagram is shown in Fig. 1.
is open-source, which allows them to develop
additional tools and implement additional algorithms
more easily than using Dymola.
This paper is based on Dymola, because its emphasis
is on Modelica library design and not on the
development of new algorithms.

3 Three Modelica libraries for analog

electronic circuits
Three different and separate Modelica libraries for the
description of analog electronic circuits have
meanwhile been developed. These shall briefly be
3.1 The Modelica standard library
Modelica denotes not only a language definition, but Fig. 1 Circuit diagram of analog inverter circuit
also a library of models coded in the Modelica
language. This Modelica library, which is in the The circuit diagram looks essentially the same as a
public domain and which is supposed to run under any corresponding circuit diagram drawn using any
complete Modelica implementation, is called the schematic capture program designed to be used as a
Modelica standard library. preprocessor to Spice. The circuit contains a single
The Modelica standard library contains a sub-library bipolar junction transistor (BJT).
featuring models of electronic circuit components, The BJT model offered in the Modelica standard
which itself contains two sub-libraries, one for digital library is a simple equation model as shown in Fig. 2.
(logic) circuit elements, the other for analog circuit
The electrical analog library [9] contains models of
the basic passive electrical components (resistors,
capacitors, and inductors), simple models of
transistors and diodes, as well as models of voltage
and current sources.
The transistor models of the standard library are
considerably simpler than those provided in
implementations of Spice. Consequently, these models
aren’t suitable for integrated analog circuit design.
Also, Spice implementations offer different analysis
types, in particular, DC-analysis, AC-analysis, and
transient analysis. Dymola is designed for transient
analysis only.
On the other hand, the simplicity of the transistor
models contained in the standard library also has its Fig. 2 BJT model of Modelica standard library
beauties. These models can be simulated very
effectively, which allows the efficient simulation of Contrary to Spice, which “hard” encodes its device
large transistor circuits. Also, the simplicity of these models either in Fortran or C (depending on the
models may be appealing to instructors, who wish to version), Modelica “soft” encodes the entire domain
teach students the basics of analog circuit design. knowledge of its models in the Modelica language
Finally, the standard library also offers thermal analog itself. The Modelica compiler only encapsulates
circuit component models, which allows circuit mathematical knowledge. Consequently, Modelica
designers to model and simulate heat storage and models are considerably easier to understand,
dissipation in electronic circuits, which cannot be maintain, and upgrade than Spice models.
In Dymola, each object (model) is represented by four
different entities. It consists of an iconic (graphical)
representation that is used to allow the model to be
graphically invoked at a hierarchically higher level; a
diagram (graphical) representation that is used to
represent the internal structure of the model by an
interconnected set of sub-models; an equation
(textual) representation that allows the model to be
described using (implicitly formulated) equations; and
a documentation (hypertext) representation that
enables the modeler to describe what the model is
supposed to be doing.
In the above example, the inverter circuit is described
using the diagram layer, whereas the BJT model is
described using the equation layer.
The inverter circuit model is now converted to state-
space form by the Modelica compiler. This process is Fig. 4 Simulation of analog inverter circuit model
shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 5 Results of analog inverter circuit simulation

During the initial period, the circuit undergoes a

transient, because the model didn’t start out in a
trimmed state. In Spice, the user would normally
precede the transient analysis by computing a DC OP
point, which would eliminate the initial transient from
the simulation results.
3.2 SPICELib
Beside from the Modelica standard library, a number
of Modelica users have written libraries of their own.
Some of these libraries are commercial libraries,
whereas others are free libraries.
SPICELib [10] is one such free library. It implements
a subset of component models of PSpice [11]. PSpice
is one of the most widely used dialects of Spice.
Fig. 3 Translation of analog inverter circuit model Consequently, many modelers are familiar with the
device parameters featured in PSpice, and there have
The original (implicit) DAE model contains 74 been identified PSpice parameter sets for most
equations in 74 unknowns. The translated (explicit) commercially available electronic devices.
ODE model contains 2 state variables and 23 algebraic SPICELib follows the traditional Spice philosophy of
variables. The remaining equations were trivial offering separate models for the different analysis
(connection) equations that were eliminated by the types, i.e., one SPICELib component model contains
compiler. multiple models, one for DC analysis, another for AC
The model can now be simulated. This process is analysis, and a third for transient analysis.
shown in Fig. 4. As a consequence of this decision, the SPICELib
The Dymola simulator uses by default the DASSL connectors are incompatible with the connectors of the
numerical ODE solver. The entire simulation required standard electrical library, and therefore, SPICELib
0.04 sec for its execution. and standard component models can unfortunately not
The simulation results are shown in Fig 5. be mixed.
Just as in the case of the standard library, the
SPICELib component models have been implemented
using the equation layer. However, these models are
now considerably more complex, and therefore, they
are less easy to understand and maintain. On the
upside, these are full-fledged Spice models that can be
used for integrated circuit design. Also, the similarity
between PSpice and SPICELib and the availability of
separate models for the different analysis types makes
it particularly convenient for experienced PSpice users
to switch to Modelica if they so choose.
However at the current time, our demonstration circuit
cannot yet be simulated in SPICELib, because as of
now, SPICELib offers MOSFET models only. The
BJT and JFET models have not yet been released.
3.3 BondLib
BondLib [12] is another free Modelica library that is
built on bond graph technology. Bond graphs [13]
offer domain-independent graphical modeling. Bond
graphs represent the most basic graphical modeling Fig. 6 Analog inverter model coded in BondLib
paradigm that is still fully object-oriented. By
mapping higher-level models first down to a bond
graph layer, the need for modeling using the equation
layer can be dramatically reduced, which enhances the
understandability of the models and simplifies their
BondLib contains an electrical analog sub-library that
is quite similar in appearance to the corresponding
sub-library of the Modelica standard library.
However, each of the component models is further
graphically decomposed down to a bond graph layer.
Contrary to the standard library, BondLib contains
also true Spice models. Its Spice models are however
based on HSpice [14], another dialect of Spice with
device parameter sets that differ somewhat from those
used in PSpice. HSpice and BondLib offer different
levels of complexity of their device models. Higher
level models are more complex, offer more device
parameters, and consequently are slower in their Fig. 7 Internal representation of BondLib BJT model
Just like the standard library, BondLib contains Fig. 8 shows the internal representation of the internal
transient analysis models only. For this reason, the BJT model.
electrical BondLib connectors are compatible with the
electrical connectors of the standard library, and the
models of the two libraries can be freely mixed.
Fig. 6 shows our simple demonstration circuit, now
modeled using BondLib component models. The
model looks quite similar to that of Fig. 1. However
in BondLib, the BJT models contain an additional
(green) port denoting the substrate, and all device
models contain an additional (red) thermal port.
Fig. 7 shows the internal representation of the BJT
model. The BJT model is composed of an internal
BJT model plus the collector, emitter, and (non-linear)
base connection resistances, the base-substrate
junction diode (in the case of a laterally diffused BJT),
and a non-linear stray capacitance placed between the
external base and the internal collector nodes.
Fig. 8 Internal representation of internal BJT model
Fig. 8 shows the typical replacement circuit of the BJT in the process of compilation. The simulation model
consisting of two junction diodes and two non-linear contains 3 state variables and 162 algebraic variables.
current sources. It is about as simple as can be expected of such a
Fig. 9 shows the internal representation of the base- complex model.
collector junction diode. Each of the three junction diodes contains one
junction capacitance leading to one state. The external
stray capacitance is a dependent capacitance that does
not lead to an additional state variable. It gets
eliminated in the compilation process by symbolic
index reduction.
The standard BJT model contains only two state
variables, because it doesn’t include a model of the
The compilation of the BondLib model is evidently
slower than that of the standard model, but Dymola is
very efficient in its compilation. Both compilations
consume only splits of a second.
Fig. 11 shows the simulation of the BondLib analog
inverter circuit.

Fig. 9 BondLib model of base-collector junction diode

It consists of the typical non-linear Gummel-Poon

junction capacitance, the true diode characteristic, and
a (numerically motivated) stray conductance.
At the next lower (still graphical) level are the bond
graph device models. Below that level are small
equation models implementing the bond graph
Fig. 10 shows the translation of the BondLib analog
inverter circuit.

Fig. 11 Simulation of BondLib analog inverter circuit

Also the simulation is slower than that of the

equivalent circuit using the standard library, which is
to be expected since the model is considerably more
complex. However, the slow-down of the simulation
is less than a factor of 2, which is quite acceptable.
Fig. 12 shows the simulation results obtained for this

Fig. 10 Translation of BondLib analog inverter circuit

Fig. 12 Results of BondLib analog inverter simulation
The model contains initially 2624 equations in 2624
unknowns. However, most of those equations are The simulation results are quite different from those
trivial connection equations that are being eliminated obtained using the standard library for two reasons.
Firstly, the BondLib BJT model contains (in
accordance with Spice philosophy) the base, collector,
and emitter connection resistances, whereas the BJT
model of the standard library does not. Those would
have to be added externally. Their influence should
not be neglected. Especially the base resistor is quite
large (around 1000 Ohm).
Secondly, BondLib offers some support for DC
analysis, which the standard library does not.
Traditionally in Spice, a DC OP point is computed by
Newton iteration. BondLib doesn’t do that, but
instead computes a DC OP point by ramping up the
If all active devices are initially switched off and if all
sources are initially at zero, the only physically
plausible solution is for all voltages and currents to be
zero. Thus, we can start with this solution, ramp up Fig. 15 Model of high-gain operational amplifier
all sources to their initial values, and keep them there
for a while, before the transient analysis starts. The circuit can be translated and simulated. Fig. 16
BondLib offers ramping sources that allow the user to shows the translation process, whereas Fig. 17 shows
specify a ramping and a settling time for each one of the simulation.

4 AC analysis in BondLib
We shall now analyze a different circuit, namely a
high-gain operational amplifier circuit. The overall
model is shown in Fig. 13. The inverter itself is
shown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 13 Overall operational amplifier inverter circuit

Fig. 16 Translation of operational amplifier circuit

Fig. 14 High-gain operational amplifier circuit

The internal representation of the operational

amplifier is shown in Fig. 15. It consists of a dozen
Fig. 17 Simulation of operational amplifier circuit
Here we started out with 25561 equations. The
compilation required a few seconds. After the
compilation, we ended up with 37 state variables (12
transistors with 3 states each plus one external
capacitor) and 1583 algebraic variables. The
simulation required 4.52 sec of execution time.
Fig. 18 shows the simulation results.

Fig. 20 Results of AC analysis of OpAmp circuit

The operational amplifier has a bandwidth of roughly

Fig. 18 Results of operational amplifier simulation 1 MHz. Up to that frequency both the amplitude and
phase characteristics are beautifully flat.
We now wish to perform an AC analysis. To this end, The approach described here is not specific to
we require an input/output model that needs to be BondLib. The same approach could have been
linearized around a suitable steady state point. applied just as easily when using the standard library
The final state of the transient simulation is a good for modeling the high-gain operational amplifier
steady state point. It is being stored by Dymola circuit. However, the approach is specific to the
automatically in the file dsfinal.txt. Dymola M&S environment. There is nothing in the
The input/output model to be linearized is the model specification of the Modelica language that supports
of Fig. 14. Hence we need to quickly return to the linearization. Hence other implementations of
modeling window, select the model of the operational Modelica either won’t support this feature at all, or at
amplifier circuit, and return to the simulation window. least, they won’t support this feature in the same
We now need to read in the final values of the fashion.
transient analysis as initial states. This is done in the The proposed approach is more object-oriented than
simulation pull-down menu using the command that advocated in SPICELib, because the same model
Continue/ImportInitial… that asks you to select the can be used to perform all three analysis types. This
file to be read, which is the file dsfinal.txt. Next simplifies the maintenance of the code. However, the
we need to linearize the circuit around its initial state. approach implemented in SPICELib is more user-
This is also done in the simulation pull-down menu friendly, because it enables modelers to perform AC
using the command Linearize. This command stores analysis with a single command just like in Spice.
the linearized model in the file dslin.mat.
The actual AC analysis is not performed in Dymola 5 Advantages of using OOMLs for
itself, but rather using the control systems toolbox of modeling electronic circuits
Matlab. To this end, we execute the file OpAmp.m
shown in Fig. 19. Using OOMLs for modeling and simulation of
electronic circuits offers a number of striking
advantages over the use of Spice. These shall be
enumerated now.
5.1 Mechatronics
Ever more frequently, industry now demands the co-
simulation of electronic and mechanical subsystems.
Car manufacturers want to be able to simulate the
electronic control circuitry of their engines together
with the engines themselves, for example. The field
has become so prominent that it even received a name
of its own: mechatronics.
In Spice, mechatronic systems cannot be simulated
because Spice doesn’t allow modeling systems other
Fig. 19 Matlab code to perform AC analysis than analog electronic circuits. Using an OOML, such
as Modelica, M&S of mechatronic systems is natural
The results of the analysis are shown in Fig. 20. and highly intuitive.
5.2 Thermal analysis Ever more researchers are making use of the language
for many of their M&S needs. An international
With the ever increasing density and speed of
Modelica conference [15] is being held in frequent
integrated electronic circuits, heat dissipation becomes
intervals, where researchers can present their newest
a major issue.
models and exchange information amongst each other.
Whereas Spice allows simulating an electronic circuit
At the last of these events, close to 200 people were in
at different temperature values, it doesn’t provide for a
feature to compute the heat produced by a circuit and
The Modelica standard library [16] has grown
from there determine its operational temperature.
impressively over the years. It contains sub-libraries
Using an OOML and especially using one that is
for electrical, mechanical, and thermal systems, as
based on bond graph technology, performing thermal
well as a block diagram library for the description of
analysis of electronic circuits is a breeze.
control systems, a state graph library for the
5.3 Software upgrades description of discrete systems, a media library for
modeling systems with convective flows, as well as a
One of the authors of this paper used to work for years
mathematical library for frequently used mathematical
as a consultant to BurrBrown, a Tucson-based functions, and a physical library for universal
company specialized in those years in the design of constants, commonly used measurement units, and
high-gain analog amplifiers, like the one shown in this
conversions between them. The standard library
paper. To this end, he maintained their version of represents easily the largest vault of freely available
HSpice, called BBSpice. public domain information concerning dynamical
Once he was asked to add a Zener diode model to the
systems. It is envisaged to become the most important
code. It took him roughly two full weeks of work to one-place-shop-all tool for physical systems modelers
implement the model in the code. On another around the globe.
occasion, he was asked to provide an automated
Also available from the Modelica website are growing
ramping feature, because the built-in DC analysis numbers of free libraries, including SPICELib and
frequently did not converge on their analog circuits. BondLib that are maintained outside the standard
Implementing this feature in the code required almost
library. These libraries are expected to undergo
a full month of work. frequent modifications and enhancements. For
Using a language like Modelica, similar requests can example, BondLib shall soon be enhanced by a sub-
be fully handled in a few hours each due to the fact
library for translational and rotational 1D mechanical
that Modelica stores its domain-specific knowledge in systems, whereas SPICELib shall soon add models for
the model, rather than in the compiler. BJTs. Once a free library has matured and stabilized,
5.4 Teaching it may be considered by the Modelica standard
committee for inclusion as a sub-library within the
Whereas Spice can be used to test circuits that have standard library.
been designed, Spice cannot be used easily to teach Finally, there exist a number of commercial libraries
how transistor models work. that their producers consider too valuable to be given
The reason is that the transistor models in Spice are away for free.
black-box models that can only be looked at from the This paper has shown that the OOML approach to
outside. physical system modeling has been able to break
It is true that many Spice manuals show the equivalent down the former barriers among hitherto separate and
replacement circuits on which the transistor models disjoint tools for describing particular classes of
are based, but the student has no access to the internal physical systems, such as electronic circuits.
signals of these replacement circuits. Modelica models of analog electronic circuits can be
Making use of an OOML, especially when embracing and have been developed that are as robust and as
the approach that BondLib took, the student can efficient as the specialized Spice codes of the past, and
actually view the replacement circuits and can dig into yet, much more needs to be done.
them to any level that he or she so chooses, even down Until now, we have concentrated our efforts on analog
to the bond graph models at them bottom of the circuits primarily. Although the standard library
graphical model hierarchy. already contains a digital electronic library as well,
This makes it possible to use BondLib effectively and that library is still rudimentary. It cannot compete
efficiently for teaching the basics of semiconductor with commercial tools, like LogicWorks [17] for
technology. example, that consider the fan-in and fan-out of digital
logic components, allow the simulation of propagation
6 Summary delays across gates, and contain models for TTL and
Modelica has become an excellent vehicle for ECL chips currently on the market.
communicating knowledge about dynamical systems There is also a definite need for the simulation of
among scientists and engineers. Models can be freely mixed analog and digital circuits, such as switched
interchanged and may be conveniently combined for power converter circuits, that neither Spice nor
simulation of mixed energy systems. LogicWorks can currently handle.
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