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Brief: DICOR.: Karen Tatiana Arias Bermúdez April 2019

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Brief: DICOR.

Karen Tatiana Arias Bermúdez

April 2019.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA

Gestión de mercados (1667968)

 Name of the company Dicor
Producción y Marketing
 Trade’s name
Direct sale of liquors to fixed customers and the
 Company’s activity general public.
 History of the company in detail DICOR, founded in April 2016, the result of an
Advertising has been traditionally entrepreneurial project and the idea of forming a
done? company provided by SENA, with its own
in the course of the market study, it has been
developed to identify market niches. Carrying
out processes of Marketing in Chain of
Supermarkets, commercial centers through
tastings and exhibition of products in stands of
markets that count on great affluence of people.

 What kind of advertising and what Exhibitions in chain markets, POP advertising,
issues were addressed? spoken and written. there were economic
problems, because of the cost of the guidelines
in radio and press, but in spite of this DICOR
has addressed issues about its products and the
good quality of these.

 What were the objectives of The objectives were; publicize the product to
people and places that had no impact on the
previous campaigns?
launch of the product, plant the product, seek
acceptance among people who have not tried
our service before.

Our company is a distributor of Premium

 What are the characteristics of your liquors and national and international beers. For
product or service? natural and legal persons.

It is in a challenging position for new

 What is the current position of your companies that offer this service just like us.
product in the market?

Description of the product or service with all its
 Physical (if it has) DICOR is a liqueur distributor company in
different lines, it is the line of beers in the
presentation of the bottle and premium liquors.

Cardboard box of 50 by 30 centimeters by 20

 Packaging (if it has) high, contains the different lines of liquors,
according to the order placed

 Benefits As it is known, the liquor must be consumed by

people of legal age, with a high degree of
responsibility. In the same way its consumption
must be controlled since the high consumption
of liquor is harmful to health.

Dicor, does not take more than a year of its

 Trajectory (how long was it released? launch but works daily for its growth and its
positioning in the market

The purpose of maintaining and preserving the

 Legislation quality of products, to ensure customer safety.

Promote the acceptance of the consumer before

the products and above all in the distribution
service that is really what DICOR offers


 Weaknesses (they are internal to the - Being a new company, its participation
company) in the market is low.

- Low business experience within the


 Opportunities (they are external, - Customers is willing to try new

what the sale opportunities are) services.
- Strategies at the points of sale.

 Strengths (they are internal)

- It is a market niche.

- Product of massive and permanent


 Threats (they are external)
- The competition between strong brands
Positioned and with fixed clients.
- Aggressive advertising between


 It’s the money assigned to the The money assigned to the project is $
project. 280,000,000, own contributions and
bank financing.


 End consumer: The person who Person or organization that makes
consumes the product, but doesn’t effective use of a certain product or
decide on the purchase. service and that entails the supply of a
good. These are the consumers
advertisers target in their mass media
advertising campaigns.

 Real consumer or objective: The The "REAL" client is the one for which
person who makes the purchase you have worked (he has not worked
decision. with you), for many years.
That is the loyal customer, he makes the
orders to you, there is confidence he
does not look for another supplier but

 Potential Consumer: The person The potential client is one of the

who has a provisional contact with fundamental aspects that is always taken
the product or who will be the into account in any economic
consumer in the future. entity, because in them lies the
opportunity for growth and
The potential client is any person who can
become a buyer (the one who buys
a product), user (the one who uses a
service) or consumer (the one who
consumes a product or service), since
it presents a series of qualities that they do
it prone, either by needs (real or
fictitious), because they have the
right profile, because they have the
economic resources or other factors.

Describe the profiles
A demographic profile is a set of estimators,
 Demographic profile tables and graphical representations that
succinctly summarize the state of a population
(or population structure: characteristics of its
members and spatial distribution for the
moment evaluated) and the processes of growth
or decrease.

 Geographic profile Geographical segmentation refers to the

division of the market taking into account
the geographical differences between one
place and another, when distributing the
products or services. Geographic
segmentation helps to collect and analyze
information according to the physical
location of the people.

 Psychographic profile Transcript of consumer's psychographic

profile. It is an attribute which serves to
segment the market and divides
the buyers into different groups based on
their social class, lifestyle or personality
characteristics. Values Personality
Consumer Lifestyle Activities.


Describe the type of competition your product

or service has:

 Direct The right competition of Licores Casa Moreno

Distribuidor Mayorista SAS
 Hint
Soft drinks, juices, etc.

 Main Competition We observe that there is a leading distributor in

Colombia that is "Nacional de Licores", because
for many years it has created a strong brand
with many memories in its customers and has
had a great positioning.

 Describe the goal to be achieved Consolidate DICOR, with its flagship service as
in your project. the number one regional and national level, to
provide employment and development to the
communities, with the service of liquor
distribution. Locating the company as one of the
5 distributors in the country.
 Explain the market research you have The segmentation of our product is divided
made in your project: which are the mainly into two, legal entities such as
latest changes of consumers and the supermarkets, stores, restaurants, etc. and
target public? natural persons older than 18 years, as indicated
for the consumption of liquor


Include the distribution channels for the
products of your project:

 Direct With the popularization of the internet and the

settlement of electronic commerce, distribution
channels have undergone the logical changes
for adapting to new technologies and
digitalization. This has caused the approach
between manufacturers and consumers, blurring
the participation of the different distributing
agents, but traditional channels continue to exist
and work.
Own or direct channel: The company DICOR
manufacturer is responsible for getting your
product to the final customer without
intermediaries. Therefore, it does not delegate
storage, transport or customer service processes.
For example,

The DICOR product company is responsible for

the distribution of its own products.
Because the transport companies in many cases
are not ready if not to transport and deliver but
at the time of leaving high the good name of the
company that owns the
product they are carrying do not know what it
is, in other situations delivered in
poor condition the product or let it hurt
because they do not care if not their goal is to
deliver and already. In other situations, the non-
fulfillment of delivery can be presented on time,
causing inconvenience to customers, leaving the
good name of the company wrong.

 Indirect Indirect channel A distribution channel is
usually indirect, because there are
intermediaries between the supplier and
the user or final consumer. The size of the
distribution channels is measured by the
number of intermediaries that form the
path that the product travels, as transport
companies, private individuals that exege
this work of freight transport.

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