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Ammeter and Voltmeter:: Basic Electronics

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Ammeter and Voltmeter

SUB : Basic Electronics

Prepared by : PATEL RAVI V. (150410111065) Electronics And Communication Engg. (B.E) (SEM – 2)
Ammeter is a low resistance galvanometer
It is used to measure the current in a circuit in amperes
Galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by using a low resistance wire in
parallel with the galvanometer
 the resistance of the wire depends upon the range of the ammeter
As shunt resistance is small the combined resistance of the galvanometer & the shunt
is very low hence the ammeter has much lower resistance than galvanometer
An ideal ammeter has zero resistance
Circuit Diagram :
Information :

 An ammeter (the name is a contraction of ‘ampere-meter’) is a device for

measuring the electric current through a wire or a circuit element. An
ammeter is always connected in series with the element in question:

 Note: the voltage drop across the ammeter itself disturbs the circuit into
which it is plugged in, and such disturbance may change the very current
the ammeter is used to measure. To minimize the disturbance, the
voltage across the ammeter should be as small as possible, which requires
that the electric resistance of the ommeter should be as small as possible.

 It is the most common instrument used to

measure voltage

 It measure either AC or DC voltage

 It is a measure of the voltage between two

points of an electrical current
Information :

 A voltmeter is a device for measuring potential difference (the voltage)

between two wires, usually across a circuit element or a group of
elements. A voltmeter is always connected in parallel with the
element(s) in question:

 Note: the current flowing through the voltmeter itself disturbs the
circuit into which it is plugged in, and such disturbance may change the
very voltage the voltmeter is used to measure. To minimize the
disturbance, the current through the voltmeter should be as small as
possible, which requires that the electric resistance of the ommeter
should be as large as possible.
 Analog
The readings are shown on a scale

 Digital
The readings are displayed on a LCD or LED display panel

 Work on the principle of Ohm’s Law

Potential Difference = Current × Resistance

(Volts)= (Amperes) × (Ohms)
 The voltmeter indicates polarity by direction by needle movement with an
analog instrument.

 For a digital instrument polarity is indicated by the sign of the numerical value
 When measuring a voltage difference there are always two leads coming from the
instrument that will have to be connected to the two points in your circuit across
which the voltage appears.

 Voltage might be any of the following:

 Across an element embedded in a circuit.

 The output of a transducer measuring some physical variable like temperature, pH,

 Digital Voltmeter is an instrument which use to measured the voltage & display the
measured voltage using LCDs or LEDs to display the result in a floating point
format. They are an instrument of choice for voltage measurements in all kinds of

 Digital voltmeters usually have scales that are 0-0.3v, 0-3v, 0-30v, 0-300v.
 INTEGRATOR:-The integrator stabilizes the voltage as a first step in measuring it. It
takes a brief time sample, integrates it and outputs a proportional voltage. Integrating a
time sample makes the voltmeter more immune to noise in the signal.

 ANALOG/DIGITAL CONVERTOR:-The analog/digital converter or ADC, is the heart of

the voltmeter. It is a clocked circuit that takes an input voltage sample and outputs a
number representing the voltage value. Since it's clocked, you get a steady stream of
numbers that change when the input voltage changes.

 ZEROING&SAMPLING:-A digital voltmeter needs to know where zero is in order to give

a true reading. This is done with a precision zero reference voltage provided either
internal to the ADC chip or externally.
For a general-purpose voltmeter, scaling is important. Scale can be switched automatically by
detecting overflow in the display.

 DISPLAY:-Usually, four or more digits of accuracy, a minus sign, and a floating decimal
point are provided. Other indicators for battery status and range may also be included. A
well-designed integrator and ADC will keep the display from jittering between values;
otherwise usability suffers. For example, if the voltage is 5.21 volts, without some
stabilizing, the display might waver between 5.21 and 5.22.

The digit display needs driver circuitry to handle the drive current. The same ADC chip
frequently also has the display drivers also. Connecting the chip directly to the display
simplifies the design and adds reliability.
Thank – You.

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