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East Service Road, South Superhighway, Taguig City, Metro Manila


Page No.




 Basic Competencies 2 - 13
 Common Competencies 14 - 53
 Core Competencies 54 - 75


3.1 Curriculum Design 76 – 79

3.2 Training Delivery 80
3.3 Trainee Entry Requirements 81
3.4 List of Tools, Equipment and Materials 81
3.5 Training Facilities 82
3.6 Trainers' Qualifications 82
3.7 Institutional Assessment 82







The AUTOMOTIVE SERVICING NC I Qualification consist of competencies that

a person must achieve to perform basic engine servicing, removal and installation of
vehicle components for both diesel and gasoline-engine powered vehicles

This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Automotive

Industry (Service sector) as shown in Annex A.

The Units of Competency comprising this Qualification include the following

500311101 Received and respond to workplace communication
500311102 Work with Others
500311103 Demonstrate work values
500311104 Practice basic housekeeping procedures


ALT723201 Apply appropriate sealant/adhesive
ALT723202 Move and position vehicle
ALT311202 Perform mensuration and calculation
ALT723203 Read, interpret and apply specifications and manuals
ALT723204 Use and apply lubricants/coolants
ALT723205 Perform shop maintenance
ALT311204 Perform job estimates
ALT311205 Interpret/ draw technical drawing
ALT723206 Practice health, safety and environment procedures
ALT311207 Inspect technical quality of work
ALT311208 Maintain quality systems
ALT311209 Provide work skill instructions
ALT723210 Identify and select original automotive parts and products


ALT723301 Perform diesel engine tune up
ALT723302 Perform gas engine tune up
ALT723354 Remove and replace electrical/electronic units/ assemblies
ALT723355 Remove and tag engine system components
ALT723356 Remove and tag automotive steering, suspension and brake
system components
ALT723357 Remove and tag transmission system components
A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:
 Automotive Mechanic Assistant
 Automotive Junior Mechanic

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 1


This section gives the details of the contents of the basic, common and core
units of competency required in AUTOMOTIVE SERVICING NC I.



UNIT CODE : 500311101
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to receive, respond and act on verbal and
written communication.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Follow routine spoken 1.1. Required information is gathered by listening
messages attentively and correctly interpreting or
understanding information/instructions
1.2. Instructions/information are properly
1.3. Instructions are acted upon immediately in
accordance with information received
1.4. Clarification is sought from workplace
supervisor on all occasions when any
instruction/information is not clear
2. Perform workplace 2.1 Written notices and instructions are read
duties following written and interpreted correctly in accordance with
notices organizational guidelines
2.2 Routine written instruction are followed in
2.3 Feedback is given to workplace supervisor
based on the instructions/information

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 2



1. Written notices and It refers to :

1.1. Handwritten and printed material
1.2. Internal memos
1.3. External communications
1.4. Electronic mail
1.5. Briefing notes
1.6. General correspondence
1.7. Marketing materials
1.8. Journal articles
2. Organizational Guidelines It may include:
2.1. Information documentation procedures
2.2. Company policies and procedures
2.3. Organization manuals
2.4. Service manual

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 3

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
1.1. Demonstrated knowledge of organizational
procedures for handling verbal and written
1.2. Received and acted on verbal messages and
1.3. Demonstrated competency in recording

2. Underpinning 2.1. Knowledge of organizational policies/guidelines in

Knowledge and regard to processing internal/external information
2.2. Ethical work practices in handling
2.3. Communication process
3. Underpinning 3.1. Conciseness in receiving and clarifying
skills messages/information/communication
3.2. Accuracy in recording messages/information
4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
4.1. Pens
4.2. Note pads
5. Method of Competency may be assessed through:
5.1. Direct Observation
5.2. Oral interview
5.3. Written Evaluation
5.4. Third Party Report

6. Context of 6.1. Competency may be assessed individually in the

assessment actual workplace or simulation environment in
TESDA accredited institutions

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 4


UNIT CODE : 500311102

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes
required to develop workplace relationship and
contribute in workplace activities.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Develop effective 1.1 Duties and responsibilities are done in a
workplace relationship positive manner to promote cooperation and good
1.2 Assistance is sought from workgroup when
difficulties arise and addressed through
1.3 Feedback provided by others in the team is
encouraged, acknowledged and acted upon
1.4 Differences in personal values and beliefs are
respected and acknowledged in the development
2. Contribute to work 2.1 Support is provided to team members to
group activities ensure workgroup goals are met
2.2 Constructive contributions to workgroup goals and
tasks are made according to organizational
2.3 Information relevant to work is shared with team
members to ensure designated goals are met

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 5



1. Duties and 1.1 Job description and employment arrangements

1.2 Organization’s policy relevant to work role
1.3 Organizational structures
1.4 Supervision and accountability requirements
including OHS
1.5 Code of conduct
2. Work group 2.1 Supervisor or manager
2.2 Peers/work colleagues
2.3 Other members of the organization
3. Feedback on 3.1 Formal/Informal performance appraisal
performance 3.2 Obtaining feedback from supervisors and
colleagues and clients
3.3 Personal, reflective behavior strategies
3.4 Routine organizational methods for monitoring
service delivery
4. Providing support to 4.1 Explaining/clarifying
team members 4.2 Helping colleagues
4.3 Providing encouragement
4.4 Providing feedback to another team member
4.5 Undertaking extra tasks if necessary
5. Organizational 5.1 Goals, objectives, plans, system and processes
requirements 5.2 Legal and organization policy/guidelines
5.3 OHS policies, procedures and programs
5.4 Ethical standards
5.5 Defined resources parameters
5.6 Quality and continuous improvement processes
and standards

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 6

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
competency 1.1. Provided support to team members to ensure goals
are met
1.2. Acted on feedback from clients and colleagues
1.3. Accessed learning opportunities to extend own
personal work competencies to enhance team goals
and outcomes
2. Underpinning 2.1. The relevant legislation that affects operations,
Knowledge and especially with regards to safety
attitude 2.2. Reasons why cooperation and good relationships are
2.3. Knowledge of the organization’s policies, plans and
2.4. Understanding how to elicit and interpret feedback
2.5. Knowledge of workgroup member’s responsibilities
and duties
2.6. Importance of demonstrating respect and empathy in
dealings with colleagues
2.7. Understanding of how to identify and prioritize
personal development opportunities and options
3. Underpinning skills 3.1. Ability to read and understand the organization’s
policies and work procedures
3.2. Write simple instructions for particular routine tasks
3.3. Interpret information gained from correspondence
3.4. Communication skills to request advice, receive
feedback and work with a team
3.5. Planning skills to organized work priorities and
3.6. Technology skills including the ability to select and
use technology appropriate to a task
3.7. Ability to relate to people from a range of social,
cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
implications 4.1. Access to relevant workplace or appropriately
simulated environment where assessment can take
4.2. Materials relevant to the proposed activity or task
5. Method of Competency may be assessed through:
assessment 5.1. Direct observations of work activities of the individual
member in relation to the work activities of the group
5.2. Observation of simulation and/or role play involving
the participation of individual member to the
attainment of organizational goal
5.3. Case studies and scenarios as a basis for discussion
of issues and strategies
6. Context of 6.1. Competency assessment may occur in workplace or
assessment any appropriately simulated environment
6.2. Assessment shall be observed while task are being
undertaken whether individually or in group

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 7


UNIT CODE 500311103

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, and attitude in
demonstrating proper work values.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Define the purpose 1.1 One’s unique sense of purpose for working and the
of work why’s of work are identified, reflected on and
clearly defined for one’s development as a person
and as a member of society.
1.2 Personal mission is in harmony with company’s

2. Apply work 2.1 Work values/ethics/concepts are classified and

values/ethics reaffirmed in accordance with the transparent
company ethical standards, policies and guidelines.
2.2 Work practices are undertaken in compliance with
industry work ethical standards, organizational
policy and guidelines
2.3 Personal behavior and relationships with co-
workers and/or clients are conducted in
accordance with ethical standards, policy and
2.4 Company resources are used in accordance with
transparent company ethical standard, policies
and guidelines.

3. Deal with ethical 3.1 Company ethical standards, organizational policy

problems and guidelines on the prevention and reporting of
unethical conduct are accessed and applied in
accordance with transparent company ethical
standard, policies and guidelines.
3.2 Work incidents/situations are reported and/or
resolved in accordance with company
3.3 Resolution and/or referral of ethical problems
identified are used as learning opportunities.

4. Maintain integrity of 4.1 Personal work practices and values are

conduct in the demonstrated consistently with acceptable ethical
workplace conduct and company’s core values.
4.2 Instructions to co-workers are provided based on
ethical, lawful and reasonable directives.
4.3 Company values/practices are shared with co-
workers using appropriate behavior and language.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 8


1. Work values/ethics/ May include but are not limited to:
concepts 1.1 Commitment/ Dedication
1.2 Sense of urgency
1.3 Sense of purpose
1.4 Love for work
1.5 High motivation
1.6 Orderliness
1.7 Reliability
1.8 Competence
1.9 Dependability
1.10 Goal-oriented
1.11 Sense of responsibility
1.12 Being knowledgeable
1.13 Loyalty to work/company
1.14 Sensitivity to others
1.15 Compassion/Caring attitude
1.16 Balancing between family and work
1.17 Pakikisama
1.18 Bayanihan spirit/teamwork
1.19 Sense of nationalism
2. Work practices 2.1 Quality of work
2.2 Punctuality
2.3 Efficiency
2.4 Effectiveness
2.5 Productivity
2.6 Resourcefulness
2.7 Innovativeness/Creativity
2.8 Cost conciousness
2.9 5S
2.10 Attention to details
3. Incidents/situations 3.1 Violent/intensed dispute or argument
3.2 Gambling
3.3 Use of prohibited substances
3.4 Pilferages
3.5 Damage to person or property
3.6 Vandalism
3.7 Falsification
3.8 Bribery
3.9 Sexual Harassment
3.10 Blackmail
4. Company resources 4.1 Consumable materials
4.2 Equipment/Machineries
4.3 Human
4.4 Time
4.5 Financial resources

5. Instructions 5.1 Verbal

5.2 Written

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 9


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Defined one’s unique sense of purpose for working
1.2 Clarified and affirmed work values/ethics/concepts
consistently in the workplace
1.3 Demonstrated work practices satisfactorily and
consistently in compliance with industry work ethical
standards, organizational policy and guidelines
1.4 Demonstrated personal behavior and relationships
with co-workers and/or clients consistent with ethical
standards, policy and guidelines
1.5 Used company resources in accordance with
company ethical standard, policies and guidelines.
1.6 Followed company ethical standards, organizational
policy and guidelines on the prevention and reporting
of unethical conduct/behavior

2. Underpinning 2.1 Occupational health and safety

Knowledge and 2.2 Work values and ethics
attitude 2.3 Company performance and ethical standards
2.4 Company policies and guidelines
2.5 Fundamental rights at work including gender
2.6 Work responsibilities/job functions
2.7 Corporate social responsibilities
2.8 Company code of conduct/values
2.9 Balancing work and family responsibilities

3. Underpinning 3.1 Interpersonal skills

skills 3.2 Communication skills
3.3 Self awareness, understanding and acceptance
3.4 Application of good manners and right conduct

4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

implications 4.1 Workplace or assessment location
4.2 Case studies/Scenarios

5. Method of Competency may be assessed through:

assessment 5.1 Portfolio Assessment
5.2 Interview
5.3 Third Party Reports

6. Context of 6.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in

assessment a simulated work place setting

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 10


UNIT CODE : 500311104

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to apply the basic housekeeping procedures.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Sort and remove 1.1 Reusable, recyclable materials are sorted in
unnecessary items accordance with company/office procedures
1.2 Unnecessary items are removed and
disposed of in accordance with company or
office procedures
2. Arrange items 2.1 Items are arranged in accordance with
company/office housekeeping procedures
2.2 Work area is arranged according to job
2.3 Activities are prioritized based on instructions.
2.4 Items are provided with clear and visible
identification marks based on procedure
2.5 Safety equipment and evacuation passages
are kept clear and accessible based on
3. Maintain work area, tools 3.1 Cleanliness and orderliness of work area is
and equipment maintained in accordance with company/office
3.2 Tools and equipment are cleaned in
accordance with manufacturer’s
3.3 Minor repairs are performed on tools and
equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s
3.4 Defective tools and equipment are reported to
immediate supervisor
4. Follow standardized work 4.1 Materials for common use are maintained in
process and procedures designated area based on procedures
4.2 Work is performed according to standard work
4.3 Abnormal incidents are reported to immediate
5. Perform work 5.1 Work is performed as per instruction
spontaneously 5.2 Company and office decorum are followed
and complied with
5.3 Work is performed in accordance with
occupational health and safety (OHS)

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 11


1. Unnecessary items May include but are not limited to:
1.1 Non-recyclable materials
1.2 Unserviceable tools and equipment
1.3 Pictures, posters and other materials not
related to work activity
1.4 Waste materials

2. Identification marks 2.1 Labels

2.2 Tags
2.3 Color coding

3. Decorum 3.1 Company/ office rules and regulations

3.2 Company/ office uniform
3.3 Behavior

4. Minor repair Minor repair include but not limited to:

4.1 Replacement of parts
4.2 Application of lubricants
4.3 Sharpening of tools
4.4 Tightening of nuts, bolts and screws

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 12


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Practiced the basic procedures of 5S

2. Underpinning 2.1 Principles of 5S

Knowledge and 2.2 Work process and procedures
attitude 2.3 Safety signs and symbols
2.4 General OH&S principles and legislation
2.5 Environmental requirements relative to work safety
2.6 Accident/Hazard reporting procedures

3. Underpinning 3.1 Basic communication skills

skills 3.2 Interpersonal skills
3.3 Reading skills required to interpret instructions
3.4 Reporting/recording accidents and potential hazards

4. Resource The following resources MUST be provided:

implications 4.1 Facilities, materials tools and equipment necessary for
the activity

5. Methods of Competency must be assessed through:

assessment 5.1 Third party report
5.2 Interview
5.3 Demonstration with questioning

6. Context of 6.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a

assessment simulated work place setting

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 13




UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This competency unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude
required in the selection and application of sealant/adhesives.


Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Identify appropriate 1.1Sealant/adhesive are selected in line with job
Sealant/adhesive requirements and manufacturer’s specification
1.1 Sealant/adhesive checking is performed to ensure that
the product is fit for use.
2. Prepare surface for 2.1 Surface materials are identified as per construction
Sealant/adhesive 2.2 Surface is cleaned and free of moisture, dust and other
foreign matters to ensure maximum adhesion or seal.
3. Apply 3.1 Sealant/adhesive is applied evenly on the surface in line
sealant/adhesive with manufacturer’s specification
evenly 3.2 Excess sealant/adhesive is removed by sanding or
3.3Tools and equipment used to apply sealant/adhesive
are appropriate to job requirements
3.1 Safety are observed and PPE are worn in accordance
with industry SOP
3.2 Hazards associated with the use of sealant and
adhesives are identified.
4. Store/Dispose of 4.1 Sealant/adhesive are stored as per prescribed
sealant/adhesive procedure
4.2 Waste are disposed as per workshop standard
operating procedures

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 14


1. Sealant/Adhesive May include:
1.1Form in Place Gasket (FIPG)
1.2 Ribbon Sealer
1.4Silicon Body sealer
1.5 Prestite for Auto and Auto Aircon

2. Tools and equipment May include:

2.1 Putty knife
2.2 Scraper
2.3 Compressor
2.4 Steel brush
2.5 Paint brush
2.6 Rubber hammer
2.7 Hand tools
Personal protective equipment include:
2.8 Gloves
2.9 Apron
2.10 Safety shoes
2.12Gas mask

3. Safety May include:

3.1 Ventilation
3.2 Handling of Flammable/Irritating substances
3.3 Use of Personal Protective Equipment

4. Hazards May include:

4.1 Fumes
4.2 Skin irritation
4.3 Burns

5.Adhesive/Sealant May include:

checking 5.1 Expiry date
5.2 Free of contamination
5.1 Cap/Covers
5.2 Tightly closed
5.3 Concentration

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 15


1. Critical aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Identified appropriate sealant/adhesives
1.2 Prepared surface for sealant/adhesive
1.3 Applied sealant/adhesive
1.4 Stored unused or dispose of used sealant/adhesive
2. Required 2.1 OH & S regulations
knowledge 2.2 Safe handling of sealant/adhesive
2.3 Industry code of practice
2.2 Procedures in sealant/adhesive application
2.3 Procedures in interpreting manuals
3. Required skills 3.1 Handling sealant/adhesive
3.2 Applying sealant/adhesive
3.3.Sanding the surface
3.4 Use of tools, equipment
3.5 Mixing of body filler and epoxy base and hardener
4. Resource The following resources should be provided:
implication 4.1 Materials relevant to the activity
4.2 Appropriate tools and equipment
4.3 Real or simulated workplace
5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
assessment 5.1 Observation with questioning
5.2 Interview related to:
 Safe and correct use of tools and equipment
 Application of adhesive/sealant
6. Context of 6.1 Competency elements must be assessed in a safe
assessment working environment
6.2 Assessment may be done in a workplace or
simulated environment

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 16



UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude needed to
move and position vehicle in a workshop.


Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Prepare vehicle for 1.1 Correct check-up procedures performed based on
driving vehicle manufacturer’s standard

2. Move and position 2.1 Select vehicle to be moved or re-position.

vehicle 2.2 Drive the vehicle to appropriate location
2.3 Park vehicle following parking safety techniques
and procedure

3. Check the vehicle 3.1 Vehicle position is checked as per requirement

3.2 Vehicle is checked for external damages


May include:
1. Check up procedure 1.1 Oil level
1.2 Brake fluid
1.3 Clutch fluid
1.4 Coolant level
1.5 Battery (electrolyte)
1.6 Tire pressure
1.7 Position of driving gear
1.8 Lighting and warning devices

2. Vehicles May include:

2.1 Vehicles with automatic transmission
2.2 Vehicles with manual transmission

3.Parking safety May include:

techniques 3.1 Engaging of Park brake
3.2 Vehicle parking position
3.3 Front wheel position

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 17


1.Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Prepared vehicle for driving.
1.2 Moved and positioned vehicle
1.3 Checked the vehicle.

2. Required 2.1 Driver’s Code of conduct

knowledge 2.2 Workshop signs and symbols
2.3 Driving skills
2.4 Vehicle accessories for safe driving and parking

3. Required skills 3.1 Ability to handle/maneuver vehicle the easiest way

3.2 Immediate response to accident
3.3 Preparing vehicle for driving
3.4 Parking Downhill, Uphill, Parallel
3.5 Shifting Gears
3.6 Maneuvering

4. Resource The following resources should be provided:

implication 4.1 Driving range/area
4.2 Appropriate vehicle for driving
4.3 Vehicle accessories

5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

assessment 5.4 Observation with questioning
5.5 Written or oral examination

6. Context of 6.1 Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with the

assessment endorsed TESDA assessment guidelines
6.2 Assessment of practical skills must be done in a
workplace or simulated environment.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 18



UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
identifying, caring, handling and sing of measuring


Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables

1. Select measuring 1.1 Object or component to be measured is identified

instruments 1.2 Correct specifications are obtained from relevant source
1.3 Appropriate measuring instrument is selected according to
job requirements

2. Carry out 2.1 Measuring tools are selected in line with job requirements
measurements 2.2 Accurate measurements are obtained in accordance with
and calculation the job requirements
2.3 Calculation needed to complete work tasks are performed
using the four fundamental operations of addition (+),
subtraction (-),multiplication (x) and division (/).
2.4 Calculations involving fractions, percentages and mixed
numbers are used to complete workplace tasks.
2.5 Numerical computation is self-checked and corrected for
2.6 Instruments are read to the limit of accuracy of the tool.

3. Maintain 3.1 Measuring instruments are kept free from corrosion

measuring 3.2 Measuring instruments are not dropped to avoid damage
instruments 3.3 Measuring instruments are cleaned before and after using.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 19


1. Measuring May include:
instruments 1.1 Multitester
1.2 Micrometer (In-out, depth)
1.3 Vernier caliper (Out, inside)
1.4 Dial Gauge with Mag. Std.
1.5 Plastigauge
1.6 Straight Edge
1.7 Thickness gauge
1.8 Torque Gauge
1.9 Small Hole gauge
1.10 Telescopic Gauge
1.11 Try square
1.12 Protractor
1.13 Combination gauge
1.14 Steel rule

2. Calculation May include:

2.1 Volume
2.2 Area
2.3 Displacement
2.4 Inside diameter
2.5 Circumference
2.6 Length
2.7 Thickness
2.8 Outside diameter
2.9 Taper
2. 10 Out of roundness
2.11 Oil clearance
2.12 End play/thrust clearance

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 20


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of competency 1.1 Selected measuring instruments
1.2 Carried out measurements and calculations.
1.3 Maintained measuring instruments

2. Required 2.1 Types of Measuring instruments and their uses

Knowledge 2.2 Safe handling procedures in using measuring instruments
2.3 Four fundamental operation of mathematics
2.4 Formula for Volume, Area, Perimeter and other geometric

3. Required 3.1 Caring and Handling measuring instruments

skills 3.2 Calibrating and using measuring instruments
3.3 Performing calculation by Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication and Division
3.4 Visualizing objects and shapes
3.5 Interpreting formula for volume, area, perimeter and
other geometric figures

4. Resource The following resources should be provided:

implication 4.1 Workplace location
4.2 Measuring instrument appropriate to servicing processes
4.3 Instructional materials relevant to the propose activity

5. Method of Competency in this unit may may be assessed through:

assessment 5.1 Observation with questioning
5.2 Written or oral examination
5.3 Interview
5.4 Demonstration with questioning

6. Context of 6.1 Competency elements must be assessed in a safe

assessment working environment
6.2 Assessment may be conducted in a workplace or
simulated environment

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 21



UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit deals with identifying, interpreting and applying
service specification manuals, maintenance procedure
manuals and periodic maintenance manual.


Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables

1. Identify and 1.1 Appropriate manuals are identified and accessed as per
access job requirements.
manual/ 1.2 Version and date of manual are checked to ensure
specification correct specification and procedure are identified.

2. Interpret manuals 2.1 Relevant sections, chapters of manuals/specifications

are located in relation to the work to be conducted
2.2 Information and procedure in the manual are interpreted
in accordance with industry practices

3. Apply information 3.1 Manual is interpreted according to job requirements

in manual 3.2 Work steps are correctly identified in accordance with
manufacturer specification
3.3 Manual data are applied according to the given task
3.4 All correct sequencing and adjustments are interpreted in
accordance with information contained on the manual or

4. Store manuals 4.1 Manual or specification are stored appropriately to

ensure prevention of damage, ready access and
updating of information when required in accordance
with company requirements

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 22


May include:
1. Manuals 1.1 Manufacturer’s specification manual
1.2 Repair manual
1.3 Maintenance Procedure Manual
1.4 Periodic Maintenance Manual


1.Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Identified and accessed manual/specification
1.2 Interpreted manuals
1.3 Applied information in manuals
1.4 Stored manuals

2. Required 2.1 Types of manuals used in automotive industry

Knowledge 2.2 Identification of symbols used in the manuals
3.1 Identification of units of measurements
3.2 Unit conversion

3. Required skills 3.1 Reading and comprehension skills required to identify

and interpret automotive manuals and specifications
3.2 Accessing information and data
The following resources should be provided:
4. Resource 4.1 All manuals/catalogues relative to Automotive
implication 4.2 Job order, requisitions
4.3 Actual vehicle or simulator

Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

5. Method of 5.1 Observation with questioning
assessment 5.2 Interview

6. Context of 6.1 Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with

assessment the endorsed TESDA assessment guidelines
6.2 Assessment may be conducted in the workplace or a
simulated environment.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 23



UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in
selecting and applying different types of lubricants.


Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables

1. Identify types of 1.1 Correct information on lubrication schedule is

lubricants/ accessed and interpreted from appropriate
coolants manufacturers specifications manuals
1.2 Type and quantity of lubricants/coolants are identified
as per job requirements

2. Use and apply 2.1 Correct procedure for change of lubricant is identified
following manufacturer’s specification or manual
2.2 Correct tools and equipment are selected and used in
line with job requirements
2.3 Existing lubricants are removed and replaced with
specified types and quantity of new materials in line with
manufacturer’s specification
2.4 Safe procedure and use of PPE are observed when
removing or replacing lubricant
2.5 Used lubricants are disposed in accordance with
environmental guidelines
2. 6 Work is checked in line with company SOP.

3. Perform 3.1 Tools, equipment and materials are properly stored as

housekeeping per company SOP
activities 3.2 Workplace is free from waste materials

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 24


May include:
1. Manuals 1.1 Manufacturer’s specification manual
1.2 Periodic Maintenance manual
1.3 Service Manual
2. Lubricants/ May include: 2.5 Brake/Clutch System
Coolant 2.1 Engine oil:  Brake fluid
 Diesel engine oil  DOT3
 Gasoline engine oil
2.2 Automatic Transmission Fluid 2.6 Power Steering Fluid
 Destro II  Hydraulic Fluid
 T4
2.3 Gear oil lubricants: 2.7 Radiator Coolant
 Oil #90  Long last coolant
 Oil #140
 Oil #30 2.8 A/C Compressor Oil
 Oil #40  Pag oil
2.4 Grease
 Special (velocity joint)
Molybdenum disolfate)
 Ordinary
 Multi-purpose oil
 Contact point lubricant
3. Lubricant May include:
Schedule 3.1 Kilometers traveled used
3.2 No. of Hours used
3.3 Monthly
4. Tool and May include:
equipment 4.1 Hand tools
4.2 Oiler
4.3 Oil Dispenser
4.4 Grease gun
5.Personal Protective May include:
Equipment (PPE) 5.1 Apron
5.2 Gloves
5.3 Goggles
5.4 Safety shoes

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 25


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Identified types of lubricants and lubrication schedule.
1.2 Used and applied lubricants.
1.3 Performed housekeeping

2. Required 2.1 Types/Classification of Lubricants

Knowledge 2.2 Identifying lubrication schedule
2.3 Cause and Effects of Gear Oil Dilution
2.4 Purpose of Lubrication (Problem and effects)
2.5 Hazard associated with lubrication

3. Required skills 3.1 Handling of oils (Gear, oil, engine oil)

3.2 Familiarization/Classification of Lubricants
3.3 Lubrication Procedure

4. Resource The following resources should be provided:

implication 4.1 Workplace: Real or simulated work area
4.2 Appropriate tools and equipment
4.3 Materials relevant to activity

5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

assessment 5.1 Demonstration with questioning
5.2 Written/Oral examination

6. Context of 6.1 Competency elements must be assessed in a safe

assessment working environment
6.2 Assessment must be undertaken in accordance with the
endorsed industry assessment guidelines
6.2 Assessment of Underpinning Knowledge and attitude and
skills may be assessed on or off- the- job

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 26



UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit deals with inspecting and cleaning of work area
including tools, equipment and facilities. Storage of tools and
equipment and disposal of used materials are also incorporated
in this competency


Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Inspect/clean tools 1.1 Cleaning solvent used as per workshop/tools
cleaning requirement
and work area 1.2 Work area is checked and cleaned
1.3 Wet surface/spot in work area is wiped and dried

2. Store/arrange tools 2.1 Tools/equipment are checked and stored in their

and shop equipment respective shelves/location
2.2 Corresponding labels are posted and visible
2.3 Tools are safely secured and logged in the records

3. Dispose wastes/used 3.1 Containers for used lubricants are visibly labeled
lubricants 3.2 Wastes/used lubricants are disposed as per workshop

4. Report damaged 4.1 Complete inventory of tools/equipment is maintained

tools/equipment 4.2 Damaged tools/equipment/facilities are identified and
repair recommendation is given
4.3 Reports prepared have no error/discrepancy

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 27



1. Work Area May include:

1.1 Workshop areas for servicing/repairing light and/or heavy
vehicle and/or plant transmissions and/or outdoor power
1.2 Open workshop/garage and enclosed, ventilated office
1.3 Other variables may include workshop with:
 Mess hall
 Wash room
 Comfort room

2. Cleaning May include:

2.1 Cleaning solvent
2.2 Inventory of supplies, tools, equipment, facilities
2.3 List of mechanics/technicians
2.4 Rags
2.5 Broom
2.6 Map
2.7 Pail
2.8 Used oil container
2.9 Oiler
2.10 Dust/waste bin

3. Manuals May include:

3.1 Vehicle/plant manufacturer specifications
3.2 Company operating procedures
3.3 Industry/Workplace Codes of Practice
3.4 Product manufacturer specifications
3.5 Customer requirements
3.6 Industry Occupational Health &Safety

4. Company May include:

standard 4.1 Gloves
4.2 Apron
4.3 Goggles
4.4 Safety shoes

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 28


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1Cleaned workshop tools/facilities
1.2Maintained equipment, tools and facilities
1.3Disposed wastes and used lubricants/fluid as per required
2.Required 2.1 5S or TQM
Knowledge 2.2 Service procedures
2.3 Relevant technical information
2.4 Safe handling of Equipment and tools
2.5 Vehicle safety requirements
2.6 Workshop policies
2.7 Personal safety procedures
2.8 Fire Extinguishers and prevention
2.9 Storage/Disposal of Hazardous/flammable materials
2.10 Positive Work Values (Perseverance, Honesty, Patience,
Attention to Details)
3. Required skills 3.1 Handling/Storing of tools/equipment/supplies and material
3.2 Cleaning grease/lubricants
3.3 Disposing of wastes and fluid
3.4 Preparing inventory of s/m and tools and equipment
3.5 Monitoring of s/m and tools/equipment
4. Resource The following resources should be provided:
implications 4.1 Workplace: Real or simulated work area
4.2 Appropriate Tools & equipment
4.3 Materials relevant to the activity
5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
assessment 5.1 Written/Oral Questioning
5.2 Demonstration
6. Context of 6.1 Competency must be assessed on the job or
assessment simulated environment.
6.2 The assessment of practical skills must take place after a
period of supervised practice and repetitive experience.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 29


CODE: ALT311204

UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This competency unit covers the knowledge, skills and
attitude in estimating/costing automotive repair.


Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Identify 1.1 Effective communication skills are applied to determine the
nature/scope of nature and scope of work to be undertaken
work 1.2 Extent of service to be rendered is determined and
documented in line with standard operating procedures

2. Prepare and 2.1 Type and quantity of supplies, materials and labor required
present estimate to perform work are identified in line with job requirements
2.2 Cost of supplies, materials are obtained from suppliers
2.3 Total cost of required services is calculated in line with
2.4 Estimate is presented to customer in line with SOP.


May include:
1. Communication 1.1 Listening to customer
1.2 Speaking with suppliers, customers and co-
1.3 Questioning
May include:
2. Suppliers 2.2 Distributors
2.3 Managers
2.4 Proprietors
May include:
3. Cost 3.1 Materials
3.2 Labor
3.3 Overhead

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 30


Assessment requires evidence that the candidate

1. Critical aspects 1.1 Identified nature/scope of work
of competency 1.2 Prepared and presented estimate

2. Required 2.1 Consumer mathematics

Knowledge 2.2 Replaceable/Fabricated Materials or Spare parts in
a vehicle
2.3 Automotive Repair Procedures and Techniques
2.4 Job estimates
2.5 Honesty, Perseverance, Patience, Attention to Details

3. Required 3.1 Computing using the Four Mathematical Operations

skills 3.2 Estimating repair works and activities

4. Resource The following resources should be provided:

implications 4.1 Appropriate tools such as calculator, paper, pen, and
other measuring instruments relevant to activity
5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
assessment 5.1 Observation with questioning
5.2 Presentation of Finished drawing

6. Context of 6.1 Competency must be assessed in a room or any

assessment simulated places
6.2 Assessment must be given according to industry standard

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 31


CODE: ALT311205

UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit identifies the competencies required to

draw/interpret basic trade drawing


Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables

Interpret technical 1.1 Components, assemblies or objects are recognized as

drawing required
1.2 Dimensions are identified as appropriate to the field of
1.3 Instructions are identified and followed as required
1.4 Material and other consumable requirements are
identified as required
1.5 Symbols are recognized as appropriate in drawing
2. Select correct 2.1 Drawing is checked and validated against job
technical drawing requirements or equipment
2.2 Drawing version is checked and validated according to the
3. Apply freehand 5.5 Correct freehand sketching is produced using the
sketching necessary tools and materials

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 32


1. Drawing May include:
1.1 Drawing symbols
1.2 Alphabet of lines
1.3 Orthographic views
1.3.1 Front view
1.3.2 Right side view/left side view
1.3.3 Top view
1.3.4 Pictorial
1.4 Schematic diagram
2. Manual May include:
2.1 technical drawing manual
2.2 manufacturers schematic diagram
3. Consumables May include:
3.1 drawing plate
3.2 pencil and eraser
3.3 scotch tape
6. Tools and May include:
materials 4.1 compass
4.2 divider
4.3 rulers
4.4 triangles
4.5 drawing tables
4.6 computer

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 33


Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1. Critical aspects of 1.1 Interpreted technical drawing
competency 1.2 Selected correct technical drawing
1.3 Applied freehand sketching
2. Required 2.1 Drawing standard symbols
Knowledge 2.2 Safe handling of tools and consumables
2.3 Identification of types of drawing
2.4 Patience, Perseverance, Attention to Details
3. Required skills 3.1 Draw/interpret orthographic drawing
3.2 Handling of drawing instruments
7. Resource The following resources should be provided:
implications 4.1 Drawing room
4.2 Appropriate tools
4.3 Materials relevant to activity
8. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
assessment 5.1 Observation with questioning
5.2 Written/Oral examination
5.3 Presentation of Finished drawing
6. Context of 6.1 Must be assessed in a drawing room or in any
assessment simulated places
6.2 Assessment must be given according to industry

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 34

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of competency incorporates the work safe regional
guidelines and encompasses competencies necessary to
apply basic safety and emergency procedures to maintain a
safe workplace for staff, customers and others.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Apply basic safety 1.1. Policies and procedures to achieve a safe working
procedures environment are followed and maintained in line with
occupational health and safety (OHS) procedures
and according to worksite policy
1.2. All unsafe situations are recognized and reported
according to worksite policy
1.3. All breakdowns in relation to machinery and
equipment are reported to supervisor or nominated
1.4. Fire and safety hazards are identified and
precautions are taken or reported according to
worksite policy and procedures
1.5. Dangerous goods and substances are identified,
handled and stored according to worksite policy and
procedures and OHS requirements
1.6. Worksite policy regarding manual handling practice is
1.7. Participation in consultative arrangements
established by company for OHS is exercised
2. Apply emergency 2.1. Worksite policies and emergency procedures
procedures regarding illness or accidents are identified and
2.2. Safety alarms are identified
2.3. Qualified persons are contacted in the event of
accident or sickness of customers or staff and
accident details are documented according to
worksite accident/ injury procedures
2.4. Worksite evacuation procedures are identified and

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 35


1. Policies and May include:
procedures 1.1. Hazard policies and procedures
1.2. Emergency, fire and accident procedures
1.3. Personal safety procedures
1.4. Procedures for the use of personal protective clothing
and equipment
1.5. Use of motor vehicles
1.6. Resolution procedures
1.7. Job procedures
1.8. Work instructions
2. OHS procedures May include:
2.1. Safe manual handling and lifting customers, staff,
equipment/tooling, premises and stock
3. Hazards May include:
3.1. Sharp cutting tooling and instruments
3.2. Electricity and water
3.3. Toxic substances
3.4. Damaged packing material or containers
3.5. Broken or damaged equipment
3.6. Flammable materials and fire hazards
3.7. Lifting practices
3.8. Spillages, waste and debris especially on floors,
ladders, trolleys and glue guns/burns
4. Emergency May include:
procedures 4.1. Sickness
4.2. Accident
4.3. Fire or store evacuation involving staff or customers

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 36


1. Critical Aspects ofAssessment requires evidence that the candidate has:

Competency 1.1 Communicated effectively with others involved in or
affected by the work
1.2 Identified and assessed hazardous situations and
rectified, or reported to the relevant persons
1.3 Operated fire-fighting equipment
1.4 Handled safely and stored dangerous and/or
hazardous goods and substances
1.5 Applied safe manual handling practices
1.6 Operated safely and effectively equipment and
utilized materials over the full range of functions
1.7 Followed worksite evacuation procedures.
2. Required Knowledge General knowledge of:
2.1 The implications of OHS on efficiency, morale and
customer relations
2.2 Common automotive terminology
2.3 OHS regulations/requirements, equipment, material
and personal safety requirements
2.4 Safe manual handling theories and practices
2.5 The selection and application of fire-fighting
2.6 Dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals handling
2.7 Worksite reporting procedures
3. Required Skills 3.1. Collect, organize and understand information related
to recognizing and reporting situations
3.2. Communicate ideas and information to reporting
procedures (verbal and written)
3.3. Plan and organize activities which implement and
follow standard procedures
3.4. Work with others and in a team by assisting and
cooperating with team members
3.5. Use mathematical ideas and techniques to document
and report numbers for emergency procedures
3.6. Establish diagnostic processes which recommend
improvements for OHS issues
3.7. Use workplace technology related to the use of
technology to assist with safe work practices
4. Resource The following resources should be provided:
Implications 4.1. A workplace or simulated workplace
4.2. Situations requiring safe working practices
4.3. Worksite or equivalent instructions on safe working
4.4. Hazardous chemicals and/or dangerous goods
4.5. Materials, tooling and equipment
4.6. Firefighting appliances and fire test facilities
5. Methods of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
Assessment 5.1 Portfolio Assessment
5.2 Interview
5.3 Case Study/Situation
6. Context for 6.1 Competency may be assessed in the work place or in
Assessment a simulated work place setting

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 37

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the competence to inspect work done by
other staff, apply quality standards to work, and protect
customer property and interests.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Gather information to 1.1 OH&S requirements, including company
carry out inspection regulatory requirements and personal protection
needs are observed throughout the work
1.2 Pertinent information are sourced
1.3 Different methods are analyzed and those most
appropriate to the circumstances are selected
and prepared
1.4 Technical and/or calibration requirements for
inspection are sourced and needed equipment is
identified and prepared
2. Inspect and apply quality 2.1 Work is identified and confirmed for inspection in
standards to work accordance with company quality procedures
2.2 Quality Inspections are conducted throughout
the course of the work to ensure quality
standards are maintained
2.3 Quality standards are applied during work
completion to ensure the treatment of customer
property meets industry and / or company
2.4 Activities are coordinated throughout the
workplace in accordance with company
2.5 Documents of work quality are maintained
according to company requirements
3. Achieve quality work 3.1 Damage to customer property is avoided
outcomes through ensuring staff adherence to quality
procedures and use of protective materials at all
stages of the repair or service
3.2 Communication pertaining to quality
improvements and recommendations are to be
done in accordance with company requirements

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 38



1. OH&S Requirements May include:

1.1 Safety equipment
1.2 Personal protective equipment and clothing
1.3 First aid equipment
1.4 Hazard and risk control
1.5 Elimination of hazardous materials and
substances manual handling, including shifting,
lifting and carrying
1.6 Emergency procedures
1.7 Road rules and safe driving policy
2. Information May include:
2.1 Manufacturer / component supplier
2.2 Company operating procedures
2.3 Supplier directories
2.4 Parts catalogues
2.5 Customer orders
2.6 Service manual
2.7 Material safety data sheets
3. Quality Procedures May include:
3.1 Worksite quality system documentation
3.2 Work instructions
3.3 Safe work procedures
3.4 Product specifications
3.5 Equipment maintenance schedules
3.6 Technical procedures
3.7 Adopted or specifically prepared standards
4. Quality Inspections May include:
4.1 Periodic inspection during the job or
observation at completion of the job to ensure
all ordered parts have been fitted, components
used meet manufacturer / component supplier
specifications, invoicing complies with service /
repair / parts order and contains sufficient
details of labor and / or components used
4.2 Reported and diagnosed problems have been
confirmed as rectified thru test procedures and
presentation of the vehicle or equipment after
service / repair meets manufacturer and
Company standards
5. Communication May include:
5.1 Verbal
5.2 Written
5.3 Telephone or Electronic means

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 39

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
competency 1.1 Observed safety procedures and requirements
1.2 Communicated effectively with others involved in or
affected by the work
1.3 Applied OH&S policies and procedures
1.4 Identified quality procedures
1.5 Inspected work undertaken by others
1.5 Applied quality standards to work
2. Required A working knowledge of:
Knowledge 2.1 Quality systems in a workplace
2.2 Common automotive terminology
2.3 Vehicle safety requirements
2.4 Work planning processes
2.5 OH&S regulations/requirements, equipment, material
and personal safety requirements
2.6 Company quality systems and procedures
2.7 Worksite environmental control measures
2.8 Worksite reporting procedures
3. Required skills 3.1 Communicating ideas and information
3.2 Collecting, analyzing and organizing information
3.3 Planning and organizing activities
3.4 Working with others and in a team
3.5 Using mathematical ideas and techniques
3.6 Solving problems
3.7 Using technology
4. Resource The following resources should be provided:
implications 4.1 A workplace or simulated workplace
4.2 Situations requiring inspections of technical quality
4.3 Computer hardware and software, access to
electronic communication
5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
5.1 Direct Observation
5.2 Oral interview
5.3 Written Evaluation
5.4 Third Party Report
6. Context of 6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the
assessment actual workplace or simulation environment in TESDA
accredited institutions

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 40

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of competency covers the competence to
conduct the final quality check on completed work or
orders, report on the quality of processes and work
outcomes, and implement improvements to work

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Conduct final quality 1.1. Completed work / orders are checked for
check on completed compliance with supplier, company or customer
work / orders specifications
1.2. Level of inspection conducted is appropriate to
the size and importance of the job
1.3. Documentation is authorized in accordance with
company requirements
1.4. Feedback is provided to staff on the quality of
their work with equal emphasis on strengths and
weaknesses and opportunities for development
2. Report on the quality of 2.1. Documents are kept according to company
processes and work quality procedures on outcomes of quality
outcomes checks
2.2. Quality problems are identified according to
company performance indicators
2.3. Information relating to the quality of processes
and work outcomes is provided to appropriate
persons on a regular basis
3. Implement 3.1. Staff input is encouraged to generate possible
improvements to work solutions to quality problems
processes 3.2. Options for solving quality problems are
generated and the costs and benefits of each
option are evaluated
3.3. Recommended solutions to quality problems are
discussed with management
3.4. Improvements to work processes are
implemented according to company policies and

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 41


1. Quality procedures May include:
1.1 Company quality system documentation
1.2 Work instructions
1.3 Safe work procedures
1.4 Product specifications
1.5 Equipment maintenance schedules
1.6 Technical procedures and adopted or
specifically prepared standards
2. Performance indicators May include:
• account for issues of time, quantity, quality and
cost factors and may include establishing time
targets for own work, identifying reasonable
criteria for evaluating own work outcomes,
identifying measures to avoid wastage,
identifying reasonable criteria to judge internal
and/or external customer satisfaction
3. Quality problems May include:
3.1 Misdiagnosed faults
3.2 Jobs requiring rework
3.3 Jobs which do not meet customer
3.4 Repairs which do not fix the problem within the
allocated timeframe
4. Communication May include:
4.1 Verbal
4.2 Written
4.3 Telephone or other means
5. Information/documents May include:
5.1 Vehicle manufacturer practices
5.2 Company operating procedures
5.3 Supplier directories
5.4 Parts catalogues
5.5 Customer orders and industry/workplace
codes of practice
5.6 Material safety data sheets (MSDS)

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 42


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of competency 1.1 Communicated effectively with others involved in or
affected by the work
1.2 Identified quality system procedures and needs
1.3 Identified performance indicators
1.4 Conducted final quality checks on completed work
1.5 Reported on the quality of processes and work
1.6 Monitored and adjusted performance indicators to
meet changing circumstances
1.7 Processed and implemented recommendations for

2. Required Competency includes sufficient knowledge to:

Knowledge of:
• quality systems and application techniques in a work
• typical loss and damage control systems
• work planning and organization processes
• occupational health and safety (OHS)
regulations/requirements, equipment, material and
personal safety requirements at the worksite
• enterprise quality systems and procedures
• worksite information management systems

3. Required skills Required skills include the ability to:

3.1 Research and interpretive skills to locate, interpret and
apply quality audit policies and procedures
3.2 Investigative and analytical skills required for
identification and analysis of quality breaches,
incidents or risks, and identification of quality related
training needs
3.3 English literacy and communication skills in relation to
dealing with customers and team members on
worksite quality audit issues
3.4 Questioning and active listening skills
3.5 Written communication skills sufficient to prepare
reports, document investigations and maintain
worksite quality documents
3.6 Plan and organize activities for leadership skills
required in organizing, implementing and promoting
worksite quality systems and measures

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 43

3.7 Work with others and in a team by seeking advice and
assistance from team members
3.8 Use mathematical ideas and techniques to document
quantities and company sampling procedures
3.9 Establish diagnostic processes which analyze
problems and recommend solutions
3.10 Use the workplace technology related to document
and analyze quality problems

4. Resource The following resources should be provided:

implications 4.1 A workplace or simulated workplace
4.2 Situations requiring worksite quality systems
4.3 Worksite quality policies and procedures
4.4 Worksite quality documents system
4.5 Materials, tooling and equipment

5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

assessment 5.1 Direct Observation
5.2 Oral interview
5.3 Written Evaluation
5.4 Third Party Report

6. Context of 6.2 Competency may be assessed individually in the

assessment actual workplace or simulation environment in TESDA
accredited institutions

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 44

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills
and knowledge required to conduct individual and group
instruction and demonstrate work skills, using existing
learning resources in a safe and comfortable learning
environment. The unit also covers the skills and
knowledge required to determine the success of both
the training provided and one's own personal training
performance. It emphasizes the training as being driven
by the work process and context.


Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Organize instruction 1.1 Gather information about learner characteristics
and demonstration and learning needs
1.2 Confirm a safe learning environment
1.3 Gather and check instruction and demonstration
objectives and seek assistance if required
1.4 Access and review relevant learning resources
and learning materials for suitability and
relevance, and seek assistance to interpret the
contextual application
1.5 Organize access to necessary equipment or
physical resources required for instruction and
1.6. Notify learners of details regarding the
implementation of the learning program and/or
delivery plan
2. Conduct instruction 2.1 Use interpersonal skills with learners to establish a
and demonstration safe and comfortable learning environment
2.2 Follow the learning program and/or delivery plan to
cover all learning objectives
2.3 Brief learners on any OHS procedures and
requirements prior to and during training
2.4 Use delivery techniques to structure, pace and
enhance learning
2.5 Apply coaching techniques to assist learning
2.6 Use communication skills to provide information,
instruct learners and demonstrate relevant work
2.7 Provide opportunities for practice during instruction
and through work activities
2.8 Provide and discuss feedback on learner
performance to support learning
3. Check training 3.1 Use measures to ensure learners are acquiring
performance and can use new technical and generic skills and
3.2 Monitor learner progress and outcomes in
consultation with learner
3.3 Review relationship between the trainer/coach and
the learner and adjust to suit learner needs
4. Review personal 4.1 Reflect upon personal performance in providing
training performance instruction and demonstration, and document
and finalize strategies for improvement
documentation 4.2 Maintain, store and secure learner records
according to organizational and legal requirements

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 45


1. Learner Characteristics May include:
1.1 Language, literacy and numeracy levels
1.2 Learning styles
1.3 Past learning and work experiences
1.4 Specific needs
1.5 Workplace culture

2. Safe Learning May include:

Environment 2.1 Exit requirements
2.2 Personal protective equipment
2.3 Safe access
2.4 Safe use of equipment

3. Instruction and May include:

demonstration objectives 3.1 Competencies to be achieved
3.2 Generic and technical skills, which may be
provided by the organization, developed by a
colleague and individual or group objectives
3.3 Learning outcomes.

4. Learning resources May include:

4.1 Learner and user guides
4.2 Trainer and Facilitator guides
4.3 Example training programs
4.4 Specific case studies
4.5 Professional development materials
4.6 Assessment materials
4.7 A variety of formats produced locally or
acquired from other sources

5. Learning materials May include:

5.1 Handouts for learners
5.2 Materials sourced from the workplace, like
workplace documentation, operating
procedures, and specifications

6. Details May include:

6.1 Location and time
6.2 Outcomes of instruction or demonstration
6.3 Reason for instruction or demonstration
6.4 Who will be attending instruction session

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 46

7. OHS procedures May include:
7.1 Emergency procedures
7.2 Hazards and their means of control
7.3 Incident reporting
7.4 Use of personal protective equipment
7.5 Safe work practices
7.6 Safety briefings
7.7 Site-specific safety rules

8. Delivery techniques May include:

8.1 Coaching
8.2 Demonstration
8.3 Explanation
8.4 Group or pair work providing opportunities to
practice skills and solve problems
8.5 Questions and answers

9. Coaching May include:

9.1 Learning arrangements requiring immediate
interaction and feedback
9.2 On-the-job instruction and 'buddy' systems
9.3 Relationships targeting enhanced performance
9.4 Short-term learning arrangements
9.5 Working on a one-to-one basis.

10. Measures May include:

10.1 Informal review or discussion
10.2 Learner survey
10.3 On-the-job observation
10.4 Review of peer coaching arrangements.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 47

1. Critical aspects of 1.1 Carried out a minimum of three training sessions,
competency involving demonstrating and instructing particular work
skills for different groups; with each session
1.1.1 Different learning objectives
1.1.2 A range of techniques and effective
communication skills appropriate to the audience
2.Required 2.1 Learner characteristics and needs
Knowledge 2.2 Content and requirements of the relevant learning
program and/or delivery plan
2.3 Sources and availability of relevant learning resources
and learning materials
2.4 Content of learning resources and learning materials
2.5 Training techniques that enhance learning and when
to use them
2.6 Introductory knowledge of learning principles and
learning styles
2.7 Key OHS issues in the learning environment,
 roles and responsibilities of key personnel
 responsibilities of learners
 relevant policies and procedures, including hazard
identification, risk assessment, reporting
requirements, safe use of equipment and
emergency procedures
 risk controls for the specific learning environment
3. Required skills 3.1 Non-verbal communication techniques, such as:
 asking relevant and appropriate questions
 providing explanations
 demonstrating
 using listening skills
 providing information clearly
3.2 Safety skills to implement OHS requirements, by
acting and responding safely in order to:
 identify hazards
 conduct prestart-up checks if required
 observe and interpret learner behaviour that may
put people at risk
3.3 Time-management, skills to:
 ensure all learning objectives are covered
 pace learning
3.4 Reflection skills in order to:
 identify areas for improvement
 maintain personal skill development
3.5 Literacy skills to:
 complete and maintain documentation
 read and follow learning programs and plans
 read and analyze learner information

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 48

3.6 Technology skills to operate audio-visual and
technical equipment
3.7 Interpersonal skills to:
 engage, motivate and connect with learners
 provide constructive feedback
 maintain appropriate relationships
 establish trust
 use appropriate body language
 maintain humor
 demonstrate tolerance
 manage a group
 recognize and be sensitive to individual difference
and diversity
3.8 Observation skills to:
 monitor learner acquisition of new skills, knowledge
and competency requirements
 assess learner communication and skills in
interacting with others
 identify learner concerns
 recognize learner readiness to take on new skills
and tasks
4. Resource The following resources should be provided:
implications Evidence must be gathered in the workplace wherever
possible. Where no workplace is available, a simulated
workplace must be provided

5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

5.1 Direct Observation
5.2 Oral interview
5.3 Written Evaluation
5.4 Third Party Report

6. Context of 6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the

assessment actual workplace or simulation environment in
TESDA accredited institutions

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 49

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of competency covers the competence
required to identify original automotive parts and
products based on evidence from customers and/or
other sources which may include catalogue numbers or
samples of parts/products or their purpose.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Identify the part/product 1.1 Available part/product information is gathered,
and its end use documented and confirmed with customer
1.2 Information gathering techniques is
established for proper identification of
1.3 End user or host for the part/product, i.e.
vehicle/unit assembly or vehicle/unit assembly
options, is established from an analysis of
available information
2. Identify details of the 2.1 The parts/product cataloguing system is
part/product identified and accessed
2.2 Part/product is matched accurately with
cataloguing information by accessing and using
the catalogue system
2.3 Details of identity of the part/product are
documented and processed
3. Part/product is supplied 3.1 Customer accepts process used
or ordered for customer 3.2 Part/product is supplied or ordered if not
3.3 Customer records are updated

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 50


1. Part/product information May include:
1.1 Manufacturer/component supplier
specifications and technical documentation
1.2 Company procedures and documentation
1.3 Company or industry specifications, diagrams,
1.4 Verbal descriptions and physical and visual
2. Information gathering Customer may require active assistance and
techniques questioning to fully describe requirement in terms
2.1 Common vehicle/unit model
2.2 Date of manufacture
2.3 Purpose and appearance of product and other
tracking information
3. Parts/products May include:
cataloguing systems 3.1 Hard-copy (book-fast, loose-leaf)
3.2 Stand-alone computer or networked/online
computer-supported services

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 51

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
competency 1.1 Elicited sufficient information from the customer and/or
other sources to enable a confirmed identification of
vehicle or unit the part/product intended
1.2 Accessed the parts/products catalogue systems
associated with required vehicle/unit
1.3 Used both manual and computer-based
parts/products catalogues and equivalent
documentation to trace and identify common specific
brand parts/products
1.4 Communicated effectively with others involved in or
affected by the work.
2. Required Competency includes sufficient knowledge to:
Knowledge 2.1 Structural of computer workstations
2.2 Common automotive terminology
2.3 Main automotive systems and assemblies and their
2.4 Parts/product catalogue systems, both brand-specific
and general options
2.5 Legal issues associated with the supply and use of
non-conforming parts/components/accessories
2.6 Company quality system
2.7 Work organization and planning processes
3. Required skills Required skills include the ability to:
3.1 Apply research and interpretive skills sufficient to
locate, interpret and apply manufacturer/component
supplier procedures, workplace policies and
3.2 Apply analytical skills required for identification and
analysis of technical information
3.3 Apply plain English literacy and communication skills
in relation to dealing with customer and team members
3.4 Apply questioning and active listening skills
3.5 Apply oral communication skills sufficient to convey
information and concepts to customers
3.6 Apply planning and organizing skills to own work
activities, including making good use of time and
resources, sorting out priorities and monitoring own
3.7 Use mathematical ideas and techniques to correctly
calculate material requirements, estimate and
calculate costs and establish quality checks
3.8 Use workplace technology related to customer
services, including use of measuring equipment,
computerized technology, use of communication
devices and reporting/ documenting of results

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 52

4 Resource The following resources should be provided:
implications 4.1 Workplace location or simulated workplace
4.2 Information and material identifying and selecting
automotive parts and products
4.3 Equipment identifying and selecting automotive parts
and products
4.4 Activities covering task requirements
4.5 Specifications and work instructions.

5 Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

5.2 Direct Observation
5.3 Oral interview
5.4 Written Evaluation
5.5 Third Party Report

6 Context of 6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the

assessment actual workplace or simulation environment in TESDA
accredited institutions

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 53




UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This competency unit covers the ability to carry out engine
maintenance in order to keep the vehicle in good running
condition and maintain optimum engine performance and
prevent serious engine trouble.
Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
ELEMENT (NOTE: All standard of performance for Performing Diesel Engine
Tune Up is in accordance with company standard operating
procedure and manufacturer’s specification manuals using specified
tools and equipment)
1.1 Engine injection parts required in setting
1. Set injection timing injection timing is positioned as per manufacturer’s

1.2 No error in detecting/reading injection timing setting

1.3 Injection timing setting is re-checked following

instructional manual
2.1 Timing marks, torque and injection pump
2 Install injection moving parts motion is re-checked before installation
to engine 2.2 Injection pump requirement in installing
Injection pump per manual instruction is set-up

2.3 Mounting bolts are tightened following torque

sequence, pattern and specification in the manual
3.1 Injection re-checking timing device is used without
3 Inspect injection error
Timing 3.2 An interpreted result is without error.
3.3 Timing advance operation checked
4.1 Fuel level, line leakage and fuel strainer/filter
4 Bleeding injection are checked
components 4.2 Air lock free fuel system is determined without error

4.3 Bleed screw and primer pumps is identified without

5.1 Engine requirements in compression testing is set up
5. Conduct
compression 5.2 Specific compression test result is read and
testing interpreted

5.3 Corresponding recommendation/prescription is given

based on the test result.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 54


1. Injection System May include:
Components 1.1 Governor
1.2 Delivery valve
2.Manuals May include:
2.1 Manufacturer specification manual
2.2 Maintenance procedure manual
2.3 Periodic maintenance manual
2.4 Service manual
2.5 Parts Checklist
3.Tools and May include:
equipment 3.1 Common and special service hand tools
3.2 Cleaning tools
4.Company May include:
standard 4.1 Job order
4.2 Requisition slip
operating 4.3 Wearing of personal protective equipment such as
 Apron, gloves, gas mask, goggles

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 55


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

1.1 Performed diesel engine tune up
of competency

2 Required 2.1 Compression testing procedure and precaution

2.2 Engine parts
knowledge 2.3 Engine parts failure
2.4 Effects of low compression pressure to diesel fuel
injection system
2.5 Cleaning parts procedures
2.6 Types/classification of gasket and sealant application/use
2.7 Engine fuel injection marks, use and location
2.8 Procedure in setting fuel injection timing.
2.9 Timing mark interpretation, use/application and meaning
2.10Special tools in setting injection timing care,
use/application and maintenance
2.11 Procedure in installing injection pump to engine
2.12 Procedure in re-checking injection timing
2.13 Positive Work values ( Perseverance, Honesty,
Attention to details)
2.14 Quality procedures, e.g., 5S
2.15 Environmental-conservation procedures,
e.g., 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle)

3 Required skills 3.1 Installing injection pump to engine

3.2 Interpreting results from compression testing
3.1 Handling of parts, cleaning tools and chemicals, sealant
and gaskets
3.2 Handling equipment such as tester and pressurized
3.5 Use of compression testing equipment
3.6 Bleeding diesel fuel injection system
4 Resource The following resources should be provided:
4.1 Workplace: Real or simulated work area
implications 4.2 Appropriate Tools & equipment
4.3 Materials relevant to the activity
4.4 Manufacturer’s repair manual or related reference
5 Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:
5.1 Direct observation while the tasks are being performed
assessment 5.2 Written/Oral test
6 Context of 6.1 Competency may be assessed on the job
assessment or simulated environment.
6.2 The assessment of practical skills must take place
after a period of supervised practice and repetitive

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 56



UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This competency unit covers the ability to carry out gas
engine maintenance in order to keep the vehicle in good
running condition and maintain optimum engine performance
and prevent serious engine trouble.

Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
ELEMENT (NOTE: All standard of performance for Perform Gas Engine Tune
Up is in accordance with company standard operating procedure
and Manufacturer’s Specification manuals using specified tools
and equipment.)
1. Inspect/test spark 1.1 Spark plug clearance is adjusted
plug 1.2 Spark plug is tested
1.3 Spark plug test result analyzed and appropriate
recommendations are prescribed.

2. Check/replace fuel 2.1 Fuel filter and air cleaner are replaced
filter and air cleaner 2.2 Fuel filter is free of sediments and impurities

3. Inspect/replace 3.1 Contact point gap is inspected

contact point 3.2 Condenser tested and replaced
4. Test /adjust dwell 4.1 Dwell angle is adjusted
angle and ignition 4.2 Ignition timing is set
5. Adjust engine idle 5.1 Engine speed (rpm) is checked
speed and mixture
6. Check advance 6.1 Ignition timing is adjusted
mechanism and 6.2 Safety is observed in using equipment
adjust ignition 6.3 Advanced timing is checked

7. Conduct 7.1 Compression test is conducted

compression test 7.2 Test conducted without damage or injury to person or
7.3 Compression Test result is interpreted and
appropriates recommendations is prescribed.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 57



1. Tune Up May include:

1.1 Ignition system
1.2 Fuel system
1.3 Engine system
2. Manual May include:
2.1 Maintenance Procedure Manual
2.2 Periodic Maintenance Data
2.3 Service Manual
2.4 Parts Checklist

3. Company May include:

Standard 3.1 Job Order
Operating 3.2 Requisition slip
Procedure 3.3 Wearing of Personal Protective Equipment such as
 Goggles, gloves, apron, safety shoes

4. Tools and May include:

equipment 4.1 Hand tools, power tools,
4.2 Special equipment, measuring equipment, lifting
equipment, testing equipment, cleaning equipment
4.3 Parts washers, chemical cleaning equipment, crack
testing equipment, pressure testing equipment

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 58


1. Critical aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of competency 1.1 Performed gas engine tune up

2. Required 2.1 Types of lubricants and fluids

Knowledge 2.2 Automotive systems
2.3 Equipment safety requirements
2.4 Relevant company policies
2.5 Personal safety requirements
2.6 Manual handling techniques
2.7 Cleaning methods and materials
2.8 Principle of Engine operation
2.9 Servicing inspection checklist
2.10 Positive Work Values (Honesty, Perseverance,
Attention to Details)
2.11 Quality procedures, e.g., 5S
2.12 Environmental-conservation procedures,
e.g., 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle)

3. Required skills 3.1 Accessing, interpreting and applying technical

3.2 Using relevant tools and equipment safely
3.3 Maintaining customer records
3.4 Applying maintenance procedures
3.5 Following servicing/inspection job order
3.6 Speaking and listening skills
3.7 Reading and writing skills
3.8 Using and interpreting measurements

4. Resource The following resources should be provided:

implications 4.1 Workplace: Real or simulated work area
4.2 Appropriate Tools & equipment
4.3 Materials relevant to the activity
4.4 Repair manuals and related reference materials

5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

assessment 5.1 Direct observation
5.2 Questions/Interview related to the Underpinning skills

6. Context of 6.1 Competency may be assessed on the job or

assessment Simulated environment.
6.2 The assessment of practical skills must take place after a
Period of supervised practice and repetitive experience.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 59

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers competence to remove and replace
units/assemblies, such as headlights, tail-lights,
electrical components, and computer control units to
facilitate body repair activities.

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the Range of Variables
1. Prepare for work 1.1 Work instructions are used to determine job
requirements, including method, material and
1.2 Job specifications are read and interpreted
1.3 OHS requirements are observed throughout the
1.4 Material for work is selected appropriate to
1.5 Equipment and tooling are identified and checked
for safe and effective operation
1.6 Procedures are determined to minimize waste
material and to maximize energy efficiency.
2. Remove electrical / 2.1 Correct information is accessed and interpreted from
electronic units / manufacturer/component supplier specifications
assemblies 2.2 Electrical / electronic units / assemblies are
removed using approved methods, tooling and
2.3 Assistance from a licensed person must be sought in
relation to air conditioning and LPG/NGV system/
components removal
2.4 Removal is completed without causing damage to
component or system
2.5 Removal activities are carried out according to
company procedures/policies
2.6 Units/assemblies are handled and stored in
accordance with manufacturer/component supplier
3. Replace electrical / 3.1 Electrical units/assemblies are replaced using
electronic units / approved methods, tooling and equipment
assemblies 3.2 Assistance from a licensed person must be sought in
relation to air conditioning and LPG/NGV system/
components replacement
3.3 Replacement is completed without causing damage
to component or system
3.4 Replacement activities are carried out in accordance
with company procedures/policies
4. Clean up work area 4.1 Material that can be reused is collected and stored
and maintain 4.2 Waste and scrap is removed following workplace
equipment and environmental procedures
4.3 Equipment and work area are cleaned and inspected
for serviceable condition in accordance with
workplace procedures
4.4 Unserviceable equipment is tagged and faults
identified in accordance with workplace requirements
4.5 Operator maintenance is completed in accordance
with manufacturer/component supplier specifications
and site procedures
4.6 Tooling is maintained in accordance with workplace
Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 60

1. Work instruction / May include:
information 1.1 Verbal or written and graphical instructions,
signage, work schedules/plans/specifications,
work bulletins, memos, material safety data
sheets, diagrams and sketches
1.2 Safe work procedures related to removal and
replacement of electrical/electronic
1.3 Engineer's design specifications and
1.4 Instructions issued by authorized company or
external persons
2. OH&S Requirements May include:
2.1 Protective clothing and equipment
2.2 Use of tooling and equipment
2.3 Workplace environment and safety
2.4 Handling of material
2.5 Use of fire-fighting equipment
2.6 Company first aid, hazard control and
hazardous materials and substances
1.7 Dust and fume collection & breathing
3. Materials May include:
3.1 Minor spare parts
3.2 Cleaning materials
4. Equipment and Tooling May include:
4.1 Hand tooling
4.2 Jacking
4.3 Support and lifting equipment
4.4 Special equipment for removal and
5. Procedures May include:
5.1 Internal company quality policy
5.2 Company operating procedures
6. Electrical/electronic units / May include:
assemblies 6.1 Headlights
6.2 Tail-lights
6.3 Electrical components
6.4 Computer control units

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 61


1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

competency 1.1 Observed safety procedures and requirements
1.2 Communicated effectively with others involved in or
affected by the work
1.3 selected methods and techniques appropriate to the
1.4 Completed preparatory activity in a systematic manner
1.5 Removed and replaced a minimum of four
units/assemblies to workplace and
manufacturer/component supplier requirements,
 one Supplementary Restraint System
 one body electronic module
 one engine module
1.6 Completed final functional test to specification
2. Required A working knowledge of:
knowledge 2.1 OH&S regulations/requirements, equipment, material
and personal safety requirements
2.2 Types, applications and external specifications of
electrical/electronic units/assemblies
2.3 Sealant selection and application
2.4 Removal and replacement procedures for
electrical/electronic units/assemblies
2.5 Use of tooling and equipment
2.6 Work organization and planning processes
2.7 Company quality processes
2.8 Quality procedures, e.g., 5S
2.9 Environmental-conservation procedures,
e.g., 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle)

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 62

3. Required skills 3.1 Collect, organize and understand information related
to work orders, plans and safety procedures for
removing and replacing electrical/electronic
3.2 Communicate ideas and information to enable
confirmation of work requirements and specifications,
coordination of work with site supervisor, other
workers and customers, and reporting of work
outcomes and problems
3.3 Plan and organize activities, including preparation and
layout of worksite and obtaining of equipment and
material to avoid backtracking, workflow interruptions
or wastage
3.4 Work with others and in a team by recognizing
dependencies and using cooperative approaches to
optimize workflow and productivity
3.5 Use mathematical ideas and techniques to correctly
calculate time, assess tolerances, apply accurate
measurements, calculate material requirements and
establish quality checks
4. Resource The following resources should be provided:
implications 4.1 Workplace location or simulated workplace
4.2 Material relevant to removal and replacement of
electrical and electronic units/assemblies
4.3 Equipment, hand and power tooling appropriate to
removal and replacement of electrical / electronic
units / assemblies
4.4 Specifications and work instructions

5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

assessment 5.1 Direct Observation
5.2 Oral interview
5.3 Written Evaluation
5.4 Third Party Report

6 Context of 6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual

assessment workplace or simulation environment in TESDA
accredited institutions

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 63

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the competence to remove and tag
engine system components

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Prepare to remove and 1.1 Nature and scope of work requirements are
tag engine system identified and confirmed
components 1.2 OH&S requirements, including individual
National / Local / Territory regulatory
requirements and personal protection needs
are observed throughout the work
1.3 Procedures and information such as
workshop manuals and specifications, and
required tools and equipment, are sourced
1.4 Method options are analyzed and those most
appropriate to the circumstances are selected
and prepared
1.5 Dangers associated working with the removal
and tagging of engine components are observed
2. Remove engine system 2.1 Engine system components for removal are
components identified
2.2 Methods for the removal and tagging are
implemented in accordance with manufacturer /
component supplier specifications
2.3 Components are removed without damage
2.4 Inspection of components is carried out
2.5 Report is processed in accordance with
workplace procedures on communication
3. Tag engine system 3.1 Tagging procedures are identified
components 3.2 Material requirements for tagging are identified
and support equipment is identified and
3.3 Components are tagged without damage

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 64


1. OH&S Requirements May include:
1.1 Protective clothing and equipment
1.2 Use of tooling and equipment
1.3 Workplace environment and safety
1.4 Handling of material
1.5 Use of fire-fighting equipment
1.6 Company first aid, hazard control and
hazardous materials and substances
2. Personal protective May include:
equipment Personal protective equipment includes items
prescribed under legislation/regulations/codes of
practice and workplace policies and practices
3. Procedures May include:
Internal company quality policy and standards
company operations and procedures

4. Material Requirements May include:

4.1 Tags
4.2 Cleaning materials
5. Tools and equipment May include:
5.1 Set of Hand Tools
5.2 Hand-held Power Tools
6. Engine system May include:
6.1 Engine systems from light vehicles, heavy
vehicles road transport, heavy vehicles mobile
7. Communications May include:
7.1 Site specific instructions
7.2 Written instructions
7.3 Plans or instructions related to job/task
8. Information/documents May include:
8.1 Company operating procedures
8.2 Workshop manuals
8.3 Supplier data sheets
8.4 Parts catalogues
8.5 Customer orders and industry/workplace
codes of practice,
8.6 Material safety data sheets
8.7 Safe work procedures related to removing and
tagging engine system components

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 65

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
competency 1.1 Observed safety procedures and requirements
1.2 Communicated effectively with others involved in or
affected by the work
1.3 Selected methods and techniques appropriate to the
1.4 Completed preparatory activity in a systematic manner
1.5 Identified, removed and tagged a range of
components by their title and application
1.6 Conducted removal and tagged without damage to
components or tooling and equipment

2. Required Competency includes sufficient knowledge to:

knowledge 2.1 OH&S regulations/requirements, equipment, material
and personal safety requirements
2.2 Engine system terminology and function of each
2.3 Relationship of components to each other
2.4 Application of components
2.5 Removal procedures
2.6 Tagging procedures
2.7 Quality procedures, e.g., 5S
2.8 Environmental-conservation procedures,
e.g., 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle)
3. Required skills Required skills include the ability to:
3.1 Research and interpretive skills sufficient to locate,
interpret and apply manufacturer/component supplier
procedures, workplace policies and procedures
3.2 Analytical skills required for identification and analysis
of technical information
3.3 Plain English literacy and communication skills in
relation to dealing with customers and team members
3.4 Questioning and active listening skills
3.5 Oral communication skills sufficient to convey
information and concepts to customers
3.6 Planning and organizing skills to own work activities
3.7 Establish safe and effective work processes which
anticipate and/or resolve problems and downtime, to
systematically develop solutions to avoid or minimize
reworking and avoid wastage
3.8 Use mathematical ideas and techniques to correctly
calculate time, assess tolerances, apply accurate
measurements, calculate material requirements and
establish quality checks
3.9 Use workplace technology related to removing and
tagging engine system components, including use of
measuring equipment and communication devices
and the reporting/documenting of results

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 66

4. Resource The following resources should be provided:
implications 4.1 Workplace location or simulated workplace
4.2 Material relevant to removing and tagging engine
system components
4.3 Equipment, hand and power tooling appropriate to
removing and tagging engine system components
4.4 Specifications and work instructions

5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

6.3 Direct Observation
6.4 Oral interview
6.5 Written Evaluation
6.6 Third Party Report

6. Context of 6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the

assessment actual workplace or simulation environment in TESDA
accredited institutions

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 67

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the competence to remove and tag
steering, suspension and brake system components

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Prepare to remove and 1.1 Nature and scope of work requirements are
tag steering, suspension identified and confirmed
and brake system 1.2 OH&S requirements, including individual
components National / Local / Territory regulatory
requirements and personal protection needs
are observed throughout the work
1.3 Procedures and information such as
workshop manuals and specifications, and
required tools and equipment, are sourced
1.4 Method options are analyzed and those most
appropriate to the circumstances are selected
and prepared
1.5 Dangers associated working with the removal
and tagging of steering, suspension and brake
system components are observed
2. Remove steering, 2.1 Steering, suspension and brake system
suspension and brake components for removal are identified
system components 2.2 Methods for the removal and tagging are
implemented in accordance with manufacturer /
component supplier specifications
2.3 Components are removed without damage
2.4 Inspection of components is carried out
2.5 Report is processed in accordance with
workplace procedures on communication
3. Tag steering, suspension 3.1 Tagging procedures are identified
and brake system 3.2 Material requirements for tagging are identified
components and support equipment is identified and
3.3 Components are tagged without damage

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 68


1. OH&S Requirements May include:
1.1 Protective clothing and equipment
1.2 Use of tooling and equipment
1.3 Workplace environment and safety
1.4 Handling of material
1.5 Use of fire-fighting equipment
1.6 Company first aid, hazard control and
hazardous materials and substances
2. Personal protective May include:
equipment Personal protective equipment includes items
prescribed under leislation/regulations/codes of
practice and workplace policies and practices
3. Procedures May include:
Internal company quality policy and standards
company operations and procedures
4. Material Requirements May include:
4.1 Tags
4.2 Cleaning materials
5. Tools and equipment May include:
5.1 Set of Hand Tools
5.2 Hand-held Power Tools
6. Steering, suspension and May include:
brake system 6.1 Power steering
components 6.2 Mac-pherson, double-wisbon type of
7. Communications May include:
7.1 Site specific instructions
7.2 Written instructions
7.3 Plans or instructions related to job/task
8. Information/documents May include:
8.1 Company operating procedures
8.2 Workshop manuals
8.3 Supplier data sheets
8.4 Parts catalogues
8.5 Customer orders and industry/workplace
codes of practice,
8.6 Material safety data sheets
8.7 Safe work procedures related to removing and
tagging engine system components

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 69

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
competency 1.1 Observed safety procedures and requirements
1.2 Communicated effectively with others involved in or
affected by the work
1.3 Selected methods and techniques appropriate to the
1.4 Completed preparatory activity in a systematic manner
1.5 Identified, removed and tagged a range of
components by their title and application
1.6 Conducted removal and tagged without damage to
components or tooling and equipment

2. Required Competency includes sufficient knowledge to:

knowledge 2.1 OH&S regulations/requirements, equipment, material
and personal safety requirements
2.2 Engine system terminology and function of each
2.3 Relationship of components to each other
2.4 Application of components
2.5 Removal procedures
2.6 Tagging procedures
2.7 Quality procedures, e.g., 5S
2.8 Environmental-conservation procedures,
e.g., 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle)

3.Required skills Required skills include the ability to:

3.1 Research and interpretive skills sufficient to locate,
interpret and apply manufacturer/component supplier
procedures, workplace policies and procedures
3.2 Analytical skills required for identification and analysis
of technical information
3.3 Plain English literacy and communication skills in
relation to dealing with customers and team members
3.4 Questioning and active listening skills
3.5 Oral communication skills sufficient to convey
information and concepts to customers
3.6 Planning and organizing skills to own work activities
3.7 Establish safe and effective work processes which
anticipate and/or resolve problems and downtime, to
systematically develop solutions to avoid or minimize
reworking and avoid wastage
3.8 Use mathematical ideas and techniques to correctly
calculate time, assess tolerances, apply accurate
measurements, calculate material requirements and
establish quality checks
3.9 Use workplace technology related to removing and
tagging engine system components, including use of
measuring equipment and communication devices
and the reporting/documenting of results

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 70

4. Resource The following resources should be provided:
implications 4.1 Workplace location or simulated workplace
4.2 Material relevant to removing and tagging engine
system components
4.3 Equipment, hand and power tooling appropriate to
removing and tagging steering, suspension and brake
system components
4.4 Specifications and work instructions

5. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

5.1 Direct Observation
5.2 Oral interview
5.3 Written Evaluation
5.4 Third Party Report

6. Context of 6.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the

assessment actual workplace or simulation environment in TESDA
accredited institutions

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 71

UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the competence to remove and tag
transmission components

ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in the
Range of Variables
1. Prepare to remove and 1.1 Nature and scope of work requirements are
tag transmission identified and confirmed
components 1.2 OH&S requirements, including individual
National / Local / Territory regulatory
requirements and personal protection needs
are observed throughout the work
1.3 Procedures and information such as
workshop manuals and specifications, and
required tools and equipment, are sourced
1.4 Method options are analyzed and those most
appropriate to the circumstances are selected
and prepared
1.5 Dangers associated working with the removal
and tagging of transmission components are
2. Remove transmission 2.1 Transmission components for removal are
system components identified
2.2 Methods for the removal and tagging are
implemented in accordance with manufacturer /
component supplier specifications
2.3 Components are removed without damage
2.4 Inspection of components is carried out
2.5 Report is processed in accordance with
workplace procedures on communication
3. Tag transmission 3.1 Tagging procedures are identified
components 3.2 Material requirements for tagging are identified
and support equipment is identified and
3.3 Components are tagged without damage

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 72


1. OH&S Requirements May include:

1.1 Protective clothing and equipment
1.2 Use of tooling and equipment
1.3 Workplace environment and safety
1.4 Handling of material
1.5 Use of fire-fighting equipment
1.6 Company first aid, hazard control and
hazardous materials and substances
2. Personal protective May include:
equipment Personal protective equipment includes items
prescribed under legislation/regulations/codes of
practice and workplace policies and practices
3. Procedures May include:
Internal company quality policy and standards
company operations and procedures
4. Material Requirements May include:
4.1 Tags
4.2 Cleaning materials
5. Tools and equipment May include:
5.1 Set of Hand Tools
5.2 Hand-held Power Tools
6. Transmission system May include:
6.1 Manual and/or automatic and/or semi
automatic and/or power shift transmissions
6.2 Driveline components
6.3 Rear axle/final drive assemblies and multiple
speed and overdrive transmissions
7. Communications May include:
7.1 Site specific instructions
7.2 Written instructions
7.3 Plans or instructions related to job/task
8. Information/documents May include:
8.1 Company operating procedures
8.2 Workshop manuals
8.3 Supplier data sheets
8.4 Parts catalogues
8.5 Customer orders and industry/workplace
codes of practice,
8.6 Material safety data sheets
8.7 Safe work procedures related to removing and
tagging engine system components

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 73

1. Critical aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
competency 1.1 Observed safety procedures and requirements
1.2 Communicated effectively with others involved in or
affected by the work
1.3 Selected methods and techniques appropriate to the
1.4 Completed preparatory activity in a systematic manner
1.5 Identified, removed and tagged a range of
components by their title and application
1.6 Conducted removal and tagged without damage to
components or tooling and equipment
2. Required Competency includes sufficient knowledge to:
knowledge 2.1 OH&S regulations/requirements, equipment, material
and personal safety requirements
2.2 Transmission terminology and function of each
2.3 Relationship of components to each other
2.4 Application of components
2.5 Removal procedures
2.6 Tagging procedures
2.7 Quality procedures
2.8 Quality procedures, e.g., 5S
2.9 Environmental-conservation procedures,
e.g., 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle)
3. Required skills Required skills include the ability to:
3.1 Research and interpretive skills sufficient to locate,
interpret and apply manufacturer/component supplier
procedures, workplace policies and procedures
3.2 Analytical skills required for identification and analysis
of technical information
3.3 Plain English literacy and communication skills in
relation to dealing with customers and team members
3.4 Questioning and active listening skills
3.5 Oral communication skills sufficient to convey
information and concepts to customers
3.6 Planning and organizing skills to own work activities
3.7 Establish safe and effective work processes which
anticipate and/or resolve problems and downtime, to
systematically develop solutions to avoid or minimize
reworking and avoid wastage
3.8 Use mathematical ideas and techniques to correctly
calculate time, assess tolerances, apply accurate
measurements, calculate material requirements and
establish quality checks
3.9 Use workplace technology related to removing and
tagging engine system components, including use of
measuring equipment and communication devices
and the reporting/documenting of results

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 74

7. Resource The following resources should be provided:
implications 7.1 Workplace location or simulated workplace
7.2 Material relevant to removing and tagging
transmission system components
7.3 Equipment, hand and power tooling appropriate to
removing and tagging transmission system
7.4 Specifications and work instructions

8. Method of Competency in this unit may be assessed through:

8.1 Direct Observation
8.2 Oral interview
8.3 Written Evaluation
8.4 Third Party Report

9. Context of 9.1 Competency may be assessed individually in the actual

assessment workplace or simulation environment in TESDA
accredited institutions

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 75

These standards are set to provide technical and vocational education and
training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to
consider when designing training programs for Automotive Servicing NC I.


Nominal Training Duration: 28 Hours (Basic Competencies)
40 Hours (Common Competencies)
88 Hours (Core Competencies)
156 Hours
Course Description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of an
individual in the field of automotive servicing in accordance with industry
standards. It covers core competencies such as; performance of basic engine
servicing through removal and reinstallation of components for gas and diesel
This course is also designed to enhance the basic and common
knowledge, skills and attitudes of an individual in the field of automotive servicing.

To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be

Unit of Assessment
Learning Outcomes Methodology
Competency Approach
1. Receive and 1.1 Explain routinary Group discussion  Interviews/
respond to speaking & messages in a Interaction questioning
workplace workplace  Observation
communication 1.2 Follow routinary
speaking & message
1.3 Perform work duties
following written notices
2. Work with 2.1 Develop effective Group discussion  Interviews/
others workplace relationship Interaction questioning
2.2 Contribute to work group  Demonstration
activities  Observation
3. Demonstrate 3.1 Define the purpose of work Group discussion  Demonstration
work values 3.2 Apply work values/ethics Interaction  Observation
3.3 Deal with ethical problems  Interviews/
3.4 Maintain integrity of questioning
conduct in the workplace
4. Practice 4.1 Sort and remove Group discussion  Demonstration
housekeeping unnecessary items Interaction  Observation
procedures 4.2 Arrange items  Interviews/
4.3 Maintain work areas, tools questioning
and equipment
4.4 Follow standardize work
process and procedures
4.5 Perform work

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 76

Unit of Assessment
Learning Outcomes Methodology
Competency Approach
1. Apply 1.1. Identify appropriate sealant/  Lecture/  Written test
Appropriate adhesive Demonstration  Oral
Sealant/ 1.2. Prepare surface for sealant/  Dual training questioning
Adhesive adhesive application  Self paced  Direct
1.3. Store unused and dispose (modular) observation
used sealant/adhesive  Distance  Project method
Learning  Interview

2. Move and 2.1. Prepare vehicle for driving  Lecture/  Written test
Position 2.2. Move and position vehicle Demonstration  Oral
Vehicle 2.3. Check the vehicle  Dual training questioning
 Self paced  Direct
(modular) observation
 Distance  Project method
Learning  Interview
3. Perform 3.1. Select measuring instrument  Lecture/  Written test
Mensuration and carry out measurement Demonstration  Oral
and and calculations.  Dual training questioning
Calculation 3.2. Maintain measuring  Self paced  Direct
instruments (modular) observation
 Distance  Project method
Learning  Interview
4. Read, Interpret 4.1. Identify/accessed manuals  Lecture/  Written test
and Apply and interpret data and Demonstration  Oral
Specifications specification  Dual training questioning
and Manual 4.2 Apply information accessed in  Self paced  Direct
manual (modular) observation
4.3 Store manual  Distance  Project method
Learning  Interview
5. Use and Apply 5.1. Identify type of  Lecture/  Written test
Lubricants/ lubricants/coolants Demonstration  Oral
Coolants 5.2 Use and apply lubricants  Dual training questioning
 Self paced  Direct
(modular) observation
 Distance  Project method
Learning  Interview

6. Perform Shop 6.1 Inspect/clean tools and work  Lecture/  Written test
Maintenance area Demonstration  Oral
6.2 Store/arrange tools and shop  Dual training questioning
equipment  Self paced  Direct
6.3 Dispose wastes/used lubricants (modular) observation
6.4 Report damaged  Distance  Project method
tools/equipment Learning  Interview

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 77

7.Prepare job 7.1 Identify nature/scope of work  Lecture/  Written test
estimates 7.2 Prepare and present estimates Demonstration  Oral
 Dual training questioning
 Self-paced  Direct
(modular) observation
 Distance  Project method
learning  Interview
8. Interpret/Draw 8.1 Interpret technical drawing  Lecture/  Written test
technical 8.2 Select correct technical drawing Demonstration  Oral
drawing 8.3 Apply freehand sketching  Dual training questioning
 Self-paced  Direct
(modular) observation
 Distance  Project method
learning  Interview
9.Practice health, 9.1 Apply basic safety procedures  Lecture/  Written test
safety and 9.2 Apply emergency procedures Demonstration  Oral
environment  Dual training questioning
procedures  Self-paced  Direct
(modular) observation
 Distance  Project method
learning  Interview
10.Inspect 10.1 Gather information to carry  Lecture/  Written test
technical quality out inspection Demonstration  Oral
of work 10.2 Inspect and apply quality  Dual training questioning
standards to work  Self-paced  Direct
10.3 Achieve quality work (modular) observation
outcomes  Distance  Project method
learning  Interview
11.Maintain quality 11.1 Conduct final quality check  Lecture/  Written test
systems on completed work/ orders Demonstration  Oral
11.2 Report on the quality of  Dual training questioning
processes and work  Self-paced  Direct
outcomes (modular) observation
11.3 Implement improvements to  Distance  Project method
work processes learning  Interview
12.Provide work 12.1 Organize instruction and  Lecture/  Written test
skill instructions demonstration Demonstration  Oral
12.2 Conduct instruction and  Dual training questioning
demonstration  Self-paced  Direct
12.3 Check training performance (modular) observation
12.4 Review personal training  Distance  Project method
performance and finalize learning  Interview
13.Identify and 13.1 Identify the part/ product  Lecture/  Written test
select original and its end use Demonstration  Oral
automotive parts 13.2 Identify details of the part/  Dual training questioning
and products product  Self-paced  Direct
13.3 part/ product is supplied or (modular) observation
ordered for customer  Distance  Project method
learning  Interview

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 78

Unit of Competency Learning Outcomes Methodology
1. Perform diesel 1.1 Measure/Adjust valve tappet  Demonstration  Demonstration
engine tune - clearance  Discussion of practical skills
up 1.2 Test fuel injector and glow  Dual training  Direct
plug  Distance observation
1.1 Check/Replace fuel and air filter learning  Interview
1.2 Check /Adjust injection timing
1.3 Check and adjust injection
pump setting
1.4 Perform diesel fuel injection
1.5 Perform compression testing

2. Perform Gas 2.1 Measure/Adjust valve tappet  Demonstration  Demonstration

Engine Tune clearance  Discussion of practical skills
Up 2.2 Test spark plug  Dual training  Direct
2.3 Check/Replace fuel and air filter  Distance observation
2.4 Test and replace ignition learning  Interview
2.5 Check and adjust distributor
2.6 Set fuel mixture and idle rpm
2.7 Perform compression testing

3.Remove and 3.1 Prepare for work  Demonstration  Demonstration

replace 3.2 Remove electrical / electronic  Discussion of practical skills
electrical/electro units / assemblies  Dual training  Direct
nics 3.3 Replace electrical / electronic  Distance observation
unit/assemblies units / assemblies learning  Interview
3.4 Clean up work area and
maintain equipment
4.Remove and 4.1 Prepare to remove and tag  Demonstration  Demonstration
tag engine engine system components  Discussion of practical skills
system 4.2 Remove engine system  Dual training  Direct
components components  Distance observation
4.3 Tag engine system components learning  Interview

5.Remove and 5.1 Prepare to remove and tag  Demonstration  Demonstration

tag steering, steering, suspension and brake  Discussion of practical skills
suspension and system components  Dual training  Direct
brake system 5.2 Remove steering, suspension  Distance observation
components and brake system components learning  Interview
5.3 Tag steering, suspension and
brake system components

6.Remove and 6.1 Prepare to remove and tag  Demonstration  Demonstration

tag transmission transmission components  Discussion of practical skills
system 6.2 Remove transmission system  Dual training  Direct
components components  Distance observation
6.3 Tag transmission components learning  Interview

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 79


The delivery of training should adhere to the design of the curriculum.

Delivery should be guided by the 10 basic principles of competency-based

 The training is based on curriculum developed from the competency

 Learning is modular in its structure;
 Training delivery is individualized and self-paced;
 Training is based on work that must be performed;
 Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and
the curriculum modules;
 Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of
work to the industry required standard;
 Training is based both on and off-the-job components;
 Allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current competencies;
 Training allows for multiple entry and exit; and
 Approved training programs are nationally accredited.

The competency-based TVET system recognizes various types of

delivery modes, both on and off-the-job as long as the learning is driven by the
competency standards specified by the industry. The following training
modalities may be adopted when designing training programs:

 The dualized mode of training delivery is preferred and recommended.

Thus programs would contain both in-school and in-industry training or
fieldwork components. Details can be referred to the Dual Training System
(DTS) Implementing Rules and Regulations.
 Modular/self-paced learning is a competency-based training modality
wherein the trainee is allowed to progress at his own pace. The trainer
facilitates the training delivery
 Peer teaching/mentoring is a training modality wherein fast learners are
given the opportunity to assist the slow learners.
 Supervised industry training or on-the-job training is an approach in
training designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the trainee
through actual experience in the workplace to acquire specific
competencies prescribed in the training regulations.
 Distance learning is a formal education process in which majority of the
instruction occurs when the students and instructor are not in the same
place. Distance learning may employ correspondence study, or audio,
video or computer technologies.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 80


Trainees or students should possess the following requirements:

 can communicate both oral and written; and

 can perform basic mathematical computation.

This list does not include specific institutional requirements such as

educational attainment, appropriate work experience, and others that may
be required of the trainees by the school or training center delivering the
TVET program.



Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials for the training of 20

trainees for Automotive Servicing – NC I


2 sets Box wrench of 28 pcs, 2 units Motor Vehicle 20 ltrs. Engine oil
2 sets Open end wrench of 2 units Engine 10 kg Grease
28 pcs, 4mm-32mm
2 sets Socket wrench 2 units Hydraulic jack/lift 10 tube Sealant /adhesive
2 pcs Pliers 2 units Ignition timing light for 20 ltrs. Hydraulic oils/gear oil
diesel engine
6 pcs Screw driver, one of 2 units Ignition timing light for 20 ltrs. Automatic
each kind gasoline engine transmission fluid
4 sets Wire strippers 4 units Tachometer 10 pcs. Wheel wedges
4 pcs Mechanic’s hammer 4 units Differential and front 10 pcs. Test lamp
25 pcs. Apron 4 units Multimeter 2 sets Overhauling gasket
(per engine model)
2 pcs Impact wrench 4 units Diesel fuel injector 25 pcs. Goggles
4 units Soldering gun/iron 25 pcs. Gloves
2 sets Carburetor tool set, 8
2 units Oil pressure tester
I unit Injection nozzle tester
4 sets Torque wrench
4 sets Feeler gauge
4 units Cell tester
4 sets Hydrometer
2 units Dial gauge
2 sets Bore gauge
4 sets Caliper, 25mm to

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 81


The automotive workshop must be made of reinforced concrete or steel

structure. The size must be suited on the requirements of the competencies.
The class size of 25 students/trainees is reserved for the lecture room and the
practical demonstration area for carrying out servicing of minor automotive
parts. Most of the learning activities such as on-vehicle servicing are performed
in the workshop.


Workshop/Laboratory area 6 per student 150
Lecture Room 28.00 28.00
Learning Resource Center 20.00 20.00
Wash/Comfort room 10 10
Storage/Tool room 20 20
Circulation Area 60
Total Area 288


 Holder of National TVET Trainers Certificate (NTTC) Level 1 in

Automotive Servicing NC I
 Must be computer literate
 *Must have at least 2 years job/industry experience


Institutional assessment is undertaken by trainees to determine their

achievement of units of competency. A certificate of achievement is issued for
each unit of competency.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 82


4.1 To attain the National Qualification of Automotive Servicing NC I, the

candidate must demonstrate competence through project-type assessment
covering all the units listed in Section 1. Successful candidates shall be
awarded a National Certificate signed by the TESDA Director General.

4.2 Individual aspiring to be awarded the qualification of Automotive Servicing NC

I must acquire Certificates of Competency in all the following core units of the
Qualification. Candidates may apply for assessment in any accredited
assessment center.

4.2.1 Perform Diesel Engine Tune Up

4.2.2 Perform Gas Engine Tune Up
4.2.3 Perform Removal and Reinstallation of Diesel Engine
4.2.4 Perform Removal and Reinstallation of Gas Engine

Successful candidates shall be awarded Certificates of Competency (COC).

4.3 Accumulation and submission of all COCs acquired for the relevant units of
competency comprising a qualification, an individual shall be issued the
corresponding National Certificate.

4.4 Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic and
common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with the core units.

4.5 The following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:

4.5.1 Graduates of formal, non-formal and informal including enterprise-

based training programs.

4.5.2 Experienced workers (wage employed or self employed)

4.6 The guidelines on assessment and certification are discussed in detail in the
"Procedures Manual on Assessment and Certification" and " Guidelines on the
Implementation of the Philippine TVET Qualification and Certification System

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 83

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 84
1. Light Duty Vehicles These are motor vehicles whose gross vehicle weight is
equal or less than 3,500 kgs. Powered by a gas or diesel
2. Automotive Service Refers to an all around auto serviceman that can perform
Technician both mechanical and electrical as well as auto electronics
maintenance checking and inspection of motor vehicle.
Assesses vehicle problems, perform all necessary
diagnostic test or installation of accessories and
competently repairs or replaces faulty parts.
3. Adhesives Substance used to hold gasket in place during assembly. It
also maintains a tight seal by filling in small irregularities on
a surface and prevents gasket from shifting due to
4. Anti-Lock Braking System that automatically controls wheel slip or prevents
System sustained wheel locking on braking

5. Automatic A transmission in which gear or ratio changes are self-

Transmission activated, eliminating the necessity of hand shifting gears
6. Backlash The amount of clearance or play between two meshed
7. Catalytic Converter Emission The control device fitted in the exhaust system of
an internal combustion engine. The converter reduces the
toxicity of products of combustion by catalytic re-
8. Charcoal Canister Trap containing charcoal granules to store fuel evaporating
from a fuel system and prevent its loss to atmosphere,
particularly from a carburetor and fuel tank.
9. Electronics Electrical assemblies, circuit and system that use electronic
devices such as transistors and diodes.
10. Emissions Any air contaminant, pollutant, gas stream from a known
source which is introduced into the atmosphere.
11. Final Drive The end of the drive train before power is transmitted
to the wheels.
12. Fuel Injection An electronic system that increases the performance ad
fuel economy because it monitors engine conditions and
provides the correct air/fuel mixture based on the engine’s
demand. It injects fuel directly into the cylinder head
enabling more precise control over the quantity used.
13. Governor A speed sensing device that employs centrifugal force and
spring tension to govern engine speed.
14. Hotchkiss Drive The type of rear suspension in which leaf springs absorbs
the rear axle housing torque.
15. Intake Manifold Tubing attached to the engine through which the air/fuel
mixture reaches the cylinder.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 85

16. Ignition System Electrical system devised to produce timed sparks from
engine spark plug. Consisting of a battery, induction coil,
capacitor, distributor, spark plugs and relevant switches
and wiring.
17. Master Cylinder The liquid-filled cylinder in the hydraulic brake system or
clutch, where hydraulic pressure is developed when
depresses a foot pedal.

18. Periodic The regular servicing prescribed by manufacturer to

Maintenance maintain the vehicle’s top performance.
19. Positive Crank Emission control system that prevents crank case gases
Ventilation from entering the atmosphere, usually by drawing the
gases from the crank case and feeding them into the
engine’s induction system.
20. Power Steering Steering that has been designed to make the wheel move
more easily than in a manual steering system. Hydraulic
assists the process utilizing hydraulic fluid. The fluid
increases pressure in the power steering pump and aids in
the movement of the steering mechanism. This fluid, called
power steering fluid, is what is replaced at regular intervals
to keep steering soft and comfortable.

21. Super Charged An engine that is similar to a turbo-charged engine which

Engine uses a series of belts or chains from the crankshaft to turn
the turbines that forces the air/fuel mixture into the cylinder
heads under pressure creating a bigger explosion which
generates more power. A turbocharger uses the exhaust
gases to turn the turbines to create the same effect.

22. Transaxle Type of construction in which the transmission and

differential are combined in one unit.
23. Thermostat A device for automatic regulation of temperature

24. Turbo Charged A performance-increasing turbine positioned in the exhaust

Engine system. Expanding exhaust gases spin an impeller (very
small fan-type blades) at speeds up to 25 thousand rpm,
driving a similar compressing impeller. Compressed air
from the driven impeller is forced into the induction system,
which squeezes more air/fuel mixture into the combustion
chambers. With the greater charge of air and fuel, a more
powerful combustion burn results, thus more power. The
big advantage of the turbo over directly driven
superchargers is the increased efficiency, although there is
a slight lag before the turbine spins up and increases the
power output. Originally turbo were developed to enable
aircraft to fly at high altitudes, then they found use in diesel
trucks and train engines to increase their torque.
25. U-joint A four-joint cross-connected to two U-shaped yokes that
serve as a flexible coupling between shafts.

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 86


The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) wishes to

extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry,
academe and government agencies who rendered their time and expertise to the
development and validation of this Training Regulation.


TAP Chairman – Automotive Sector TAP Alternate Chairperson – Automotive Sector
TOYOTA Motors Philippines, Corp. HONDA Phils. Inc.
Parañaque city Parañaque city
Automotive Industry Board Foundation Automotive Industry Board Foundation
Suite 1206, 12 th flr. Jollibee Center Suite 1206, 12 th flr. Jollibee Center
San Miguel Avenue, Pasig city San Miguel Avenue, Pasig city


TAP Member – Academe TAP Member – Labor
Samson Technical College TOYOTA Motors Phils., Parañaque city
Cubao, Quezon City
ELMER B. DEL ROSARIO Pasong Tamo, Makati Institute
BENIGNO AQUINO JR. Libis, Quezon city
TOYOTA Motors Phils. Corp.
Sta. Rosa Laguna
Don Bosco Technical Institute JOSE B. TORRES
Makati city Samson Technical College
Quezon city
The PARTICIPANTS in the National Validation of this Training Regulation
The Members of the TESDA Board
The TESDA Executive Committee
The MANAGEMENT and STAFF of the TESDA Secretariat

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 87



Executive Director
Philippine Automotive Federation, Inc.

Consultant, Bataan Automotive Manufacturing Corporation
(Formerly with Ford and Nissan)

Maintenance Manager, Victory Liner
(Former Service Manager, Toyota)

Technical Services Manager, Nissan

The PARTICIPANTS in the Validation of these Training



Technical Service Manager Manager
Nissan Motor Phils. Honda Phils.


Owner Fleet Maintenance Supvr.
Poctoy Motor Repair Shop Marycheck Trading




 Qualifications and Standards Office (QSO)

 Zoilo C.Galang - TESDA-QSO-CSD

 Florante P. Inoturan - TESDA-QSO-CSD
 Abel B. Elpedes - TESDA-QSO-CTAD
 Howard Mark N. Plete - TESDA-QSO-CSD

Automotive Servicing NC I (Amended) Promulgated December 2013 88

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