ARCHES - Where The Bent Framing System Is Used For Very Large Clear Spans
ARCHES - Where The Bent Framing System Is Used For Very Large Clear Spans
ARCHES - Where The Bent Framing System Is Used For Very Large Clear Spans
STRUCTURAL FRAMING SYSTEMS - must include bracing members that * ARCHES - where the bent framing system is used for very large clear spans.
provide lateral support for main members as well as for other bracing > STEEL ARCHES
- WALL-BEARING FRAMING - the oldest and most common type of > FIXED ARCHES
framing; used to support ends of main structurual elements
carrying roof and floor loads. * RIGID FRAMES - where the stiffness afforded by beam-to-column connections is carefully
evaluated and counted on in the design to relieve some of the bending moment.
- SKELETON FRAMING - where all the gravity loading of the structure, > SINGLE BENT
including walls are supported by the steel framework. > CONTINUOUS FRAME
- LONG SPAN FRAMING - used for large industrial buildings, auditoriums,
gymnasiums, etc. where a much greater clear distance * HUNG-SPAN BEAMS - an arrangement of cantilever-suspension spans; economical and
between supports can be supplied by beam and column highly efficient.
* GIRDERS - where column loads from floors above must be carried carrying capacity, durability, fire resistance, dead weight, over-all depth, facility for installing power,
across the clear area. light, and telephones, facility for installing aid conditioning, sound transmission, appearance,
maintenance, and construction time.
* WELDED GIRDERS - offers the most opportunity for simple fabrication,
efficient use of material, and least weight.
STEEL FRAMING CONSTRUCTION- comprises of inner leaf wall panels of standard cold-formed
* TRUSSES - a more economical way of spanning long distances for both galvanised steel channel sections as structural support, with a lined inner face of vapour check
floor and roof construction. layer under plasterboard.
> PRATT, AND WARREN TRUSS - used as principal supporting members in floor
and roof framing; has a top chord used as drainage for flat roofs. ADVANTAGES: factory made (quality controlled), simple to assemble on site,
> VIERENDEEL TRUSS - also used principal supporting members in floor and dimensionaly stable, unaffected by moisture, does not burn, inedible by insects
roof framing; welded to extent possible development of rigidity.
> BOW STRING TRUSS - properly proportioned; stress in web members is DISADVANTAGES: possibility of corrosion if damaged, deforms at high
relatively small.
temperature, electricity conductor
> FINK, AND SCISSORS TRUSS - serve a similar function on the framing of
symmetrical roofs having a pronounced (/notable) pitch.
METAL DECKING - profile galvanised steel decking is a permanent formwork system for
TRUSS APPLICATIONS: constructionof composite floor slabs.
- Fink Truss provides a substantial roof slope.
- Scissor Truss is only used when the roof pitch is steep.
- Warren Truss is used where large, unobstructed floor space is required.
- ALUMINUM FRAMES - are extruded aluminum. * SOLAR-REFLECTIVE GLASS AND LOW-EMISSIVITY GLASS - used for reflection, absorption,
and radiation of solar energy.
- STICK SYSTEMS - are installed piece-by-piece on site. * CERAMIC FRIT - used to create an opaque or spandrel glass.
* POLYESTER AND SILICONE FILMS AND PAINTS - used as other methods for creating
- UNIT PANEL SYSTEMS- is a series of prefabricated units. opaque glass.
- UNIT AND MULLION SYSTEM - is a semi-utilized system; is a hybrid of * SELF-CLEANING GLASS - is a glass with a photocatalytic coating that reacts with sunlight to
break down and dislodge organic dirt.
the stick and unit system.
* SHADOW BOX - creates the illusion of opacity.
frame use column covers as sticks. KEEPING OUT AIR AND WATER (WEATHER TIGHTNESS):
- isolate curtain wall from building structure movement
- isolate glass from curtain wall frame movement
vertical framing member can be comprised of stick, cable, or
another custom structure; where glass is supported by a - keep water away from edges of insulating or laminated glass
system of four-point brackets.
- wet seal for maximum water tightness
GLASS TYPES: - use backup flashing at the parameter