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Prospectus English 2009-10

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With Application Form for Admission


National Institute of Open Schooling

A-24-25, Institutional Area, Sector-62, Gautam Budh Nagar, NOIDA (U.P.)
Why should I take admission in Facts and Figures
NIOS Vocational Education Courses? about NIOS
 The largest Open Schooling
system in the world: more than
1. Freedom to Learn 31,50,000 learners have taken
admission since 1990.
With the motto to ‘reach out and reach all’, the NIOS follows
the principle of freedom to learn. What to learn, when to learn,  More than 20,000 learners take
how to learn and when to appear in the examination is decided admission every year in
Vocational Education Courses
by you. There is no restriction of time, place and pace of
and more than 3,50,000 are
learning. enrolled in all the courses and
2. Flexibility  78645 learners have been
The NIOS provides flexibilities such as: certified in different Vocational
Education Courses since 2000.
 Round the year Admission: You can take admission online or through Accredited
Vocational Institute round the year. Admission in Vocational Courses can also be  NIOS reaches out to its clients
done through On-line mode. through a network of more
 Choice of courses: Choose courses of your choice from the given list keeping than 1100 Vocational Education
centres spread all over the
the eligibility criteria in mind.
country and abroad. In all
 Examination when you want: Public Examinations are held twice a year. Nine accredited centres there are
chances to appear in examinations are offered in five years. Take any examination more than 3286 centres for
during this period after you have completed the minimum prescribed duration academic and vocational
and you are well prepared. Avail the facility of credit
accumulation.  Imparts education through
distance mode using a media
3. Relevance
mix of self-instructional print
The NIOS Vocational Education courses are functional, useful materials, audio, video and CD-
in daily life and also set the pathway for world of work and for ROM supported by Personal
further studies. Most of the courses have inbuilt entrepreneurship Contact Programmes and
Practical Training Sessions.
component to make you informed and confident about jobs
These are further
and business opportunities.
supplemented by Radio
4. Option of Vocational Subjects with broadcasts and T.V.
Academic Courses Programmes.

This unique facility helps you to join a few Vocational  NIOS also offers:
subjects with regular Academic courses to earn a certificate. This facility has bridged – Open Basic Education
the gap between these streams of education in true sense. Programmes
– Secondary and Senior
5. Recognised Quality Education Secondary Education
The NIOS takes conscious steps to provide quality educa-
tion. The Govt. of India has vested NIOS with the authority – Life Enrichment
to conduct Public Examinations and certify its candidates. Programmes
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who is eligible to register for Any one, who is interested in pursuing a
Vocational Educational Vocational Education programme can
programmes? register as per the entry requirements in
terms of minimum qualifications etc., as
given in Table I on page 4 onwards. Minimum age for admission is
14 years. There is no upper age limit. The NIOS does not take any
responsibility with regard to employment or the provisions of the
Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.
2. When can I take Admission? You can take admission on-line or through AVIs round the year.

3. Where should I take Admission? You can take admission at NIOS study centre known as Accredited
Vocational Institute (AVI) or Special Accredited Institute for
Education for Disadvantaged (SAIED) near your place which offers
the course you desire to pursue. List of AVIs/SAIEDs is given on
page 23 onwards. You may visit AVI/SAIED and discuss about
admissions with its coordinator. It is not necessary to take admission
at the AVI/SAIED from where you purchase the Prospectus. You
are free to choose an AVI/SAIED as per your requirements.

4. How do I know which course to You can choose a course depending upon your interest and
register for? requirements. List of Vocational Courses is given on page 4 onwards.

5. For how many vocational courses You can pursue single vocational course at a time.
can one register at a time?
6. From where do I obtain my study Your AVI/SAIED will give you the study material. You will be able
material? to study on your own using this material.

7. Where can I get my practical Your AVI/SAIED will organize practical training, and personal
training? contact programmes for you, which are essential to
attend for appearing in the public exam.
8. Can I change my AVI/SAIED or No. So, choose your AVI/SAIED and course(s) very carefully.
course after admission?
9. When can I appear for the exam? You may appear in examination as per your convenience after
completing the requisite study period. Examinations are conducted
twice a year in April–May and in October–November. You can take
fewer or as many as nine chances to clear your course in five years
registration period.
10. What certificate will I get after NIOS will give you a certificate. The Government of India has vested
passing a course? NIOS with the authority to examine and certify students registered
with it in vocational, technical and academic courses upto pre-degree
level through a Resolution No. F-5-24/90 dated September 1990
published in the Gazette of India dated 20 October 1990. A copy of
this is available in Annexure-E
1. NIOS : An Introduction 1-3
1.1 Functioning of NIOS 1 5.8 Combination of Credits in
Academic courses 16
1.2 Salient Features 1
5.9 Improvement of Performance 16
1.3 Courses of Studies 2
5.10 Scrutiny of Marks 16
2. Courses of Studies (Vocational Education) 4-10 5.11 Issue of Certificates 16
3. Admission 11-12 Tables
3.1 Procedure 11 Table I : Vocational Education Courses on Offer 4
3.2 Documents Required for Admission 11
Table II : Scheme of Examination 17
3.3 Cut off Dates 12
Table III : Pass Criteria 21
3.4 Minimum Age 12
3.5 Confirmation of Admission 12 Appendices
3.6 Duplicate Identity Card 12 Appendix A : List of AVIs/SAIEDs 23-126
3.7 Fee 12
Appendix B : List of Boards recognising NIOS 127
3.8 Contact Hours 12 Examinations & Certification

4. Instruction and Training Process 13-14 Appendix C : List of Universities/Institutions 128-130

recognising NIOS
4.1 Self Instructional Study Material 13 examinations and certification
4.2 Personal Contact and Practical Training Appendix D :List of recognised and non- 131
recognised Boards of Secondary
Programmes 13
and Senior Secondary Education
4.3 Audio and Video Programmes 13
Appendix E : Copy of the Resolution of the
5. Evaluation 15-20 Govt. of India Vesting Authority of
examination and certification
5.1 Freedom of Taking Examination 15 in NIOS
5.2 Medium of Evaluation 15 Appendix F : List of Regional Centres of NIOS
5.3 Evaluation : Some Highlights 15 Appendix G : Examination Form
5.4 Registration for Examination 16 Appendix H : Proforma for obtaining duplicate
5.5 Examination and other Fees 16
copy of Marks Sheet/Certificate etc.
5.6 Pass Criteria 16 Appendix I : Instructions for filling up the
Application Form for Admission
5.7 Credit Accumulation 16
Appendix J : Application Form in duplicate
for Admission
An Introduction
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) was set up by the Ministry of
Human Resource Development, Government of India as an autonomous organization
in 1989 by amalgamating Open School project of CBSE started in 1979. It was
known as National Open School till 2002.
NIOS provides educational opportunities using distance and open learning methods
to persons who wish to study and qualify for a better tomorrow. The Mission of
NIOS is to provide education for all with special concern for girls and women,
rural youth, working people, SC/ST, challenged and other disadvantaged groups.

1.1 Functioning of NIOS

 NIOS operates through a network of
11 Regional Centres, three Regional Sub Centres,
five departments at Headquarter and more than
2299 Accredited Institutions (AIs) including about
1138 Accredited Vocational Institutes (AVIs) in
India, Nepal and Middle East.
 NIOS has some Special Accredited Institutions
for Education of the Disadvantaged (SAIED) to
cater to the needs of physically and mentally
challenged people, socially and geographically
isolated, and disadvantaged sections of society Organisational structure of NIOS
such as street children, working children, rural
1.2 Salient Features
women and SC/ST.
No Age Limit: There is no upper age limit for
 Admission in vocational education courses is open
registration to NIOS courses.
round the year. One can seek admission in Vo-
cational Courses through AVI or can directly reg- For Academic Course: The minium age for
ister one self through On-line mode. For academic enrolment in Secondary Courses is 14 years
courses one can seek admission between July to and for Senior Secondary Courses is 15 years
September. Admission can be done through AI (completed on or before 31st July of the year
as well as On-line. of admission).
 Self Learning package is provided to the learners Choice in Medium of Instructions: NIOS
which include printed material, and audio and offers its Courses mainly in Hindi, English, and
video programmes. Urdu Mediums. Students may, however, write
their examinations in any Indian language in-
 Selected Academic and Vocational Education
cluded in the Constitution of India.
programmes are telecast nationwide on
Doordarshan Channel. Choice of Subjects: You can choose any sub-
ject combination from the subjects offered in
 Practical Training Programmes (PTP) is con-
the courses of study.
ducted by the AIs/AVIs/SAIEDs.
Combination of Academic and Vocational
 Public Examinations are held twice a year in April- Subjects: One stand alone vocational subject
May and October-November.

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 1

mentioned in Table - I on page 7 can be com- 1.3.1 Open Basic Education (OBE)
bined with academic courses at Secondary
The NIOS has launched the Open Basic
level and Senior Secondary level.
Education (OBE) Programme as an
Validity of Registration: You can complete alternative educational programme to align
your course in a maximum period of five years with the objective of Ministry of Human
from the year of registration.
Resource Development (MHRD),
Flexibility in Examination: You can avail Government of India, to provide Basic
maximum of nine chances to appear in public Education to all children, youth and adults in
examinations spread over a period of five years. the country under its Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
Credit Accumulation: You can choose to (SSA). OBE programmes of NIOS is
appear in any one or more subjects in an equivalent to the Elementary Education
examination and earn credit till all the subject(s) Programme of the formal education system.
required for certification are successfully It is offered at the following three levels:
Level A: equivalent to class 3
Transfer of Credit: Under this scheme, you
may transfer your pass credits of two subjects Level B: equivalent to class 5
from CBSE and other selected Boards in the Level C: equivalent to class 8
academic courses. You need not appear in
those subjects and can earn a certificate by 1.3.2 Secondary Course
passing the remaining subjects. This course is equivalent to 10th standard of
Re-admission: The ex-students of NIOS who the formal schooling system. One can join
have completed their validity period of five this course irrespective of any formal
years of admission, but could not complete the pre-qualification. Successful completion of
Course, are eligible to take Re-admission. The minimum of five subjects is necessary for
credit(s) of maximum of four subjects may be obtaining a certificate. Wide range of sub-
transferred to the fresh admission, if these sub- jects are available to choose from. The course
jects were passed during last ten years.
may be completed in minimum period of one
1.3 Courses of Study year to a maximum of 5 years.
NIOS provides education up to pre-degree level
to those who for one reason or the other could
not or did not make use of the formal education
system. NIOS offers the following courses to
meet the needs and requirements of such group
of learners (However it needs to be made clear
that open schooling is for all learners of the
society and offers the promise of being the
mainstream learning system like the present day
formal schooling system at some point of time
in future). A training programme in progress

2 National Institute of Open Schooling

1.3.3 Senior Secondary Course needs of target groups. Presently 83
This Course is designed for those who have courses are on offer in the broad areas of
passed X standard or equivalent examination Agriculture, Engineering and Technology,
and would like to continue their education Health and Paramedical, Home Science
towards a Senior Secondary Certification, and Hospitality Management, Computer
equivalent to XII standard. The course is and Information Technology, Business and
recognized by many boards of school Commerce and Teacher Training etc.
education and by several universities for
1.3.5 Life Enrichment Courses
admission to higher education. The list of
Boards and Universities recognizing NIOS NIOS offers some subjects as Life Enrich-
certificates is available at Annexure 'B'. ment Courses viz., Paripurna Mahila
Details of above two courses are (Women Empowerment), Yog, and
available in the Prospectus for Academic Hindustani Music etc. These courses are
Courses. meant for self development and enrichment
1.3.4 Vocational Education Programmes of knowledge. No examination is conducted
for these courses. Some of these courses
NIOS also offers vocational education
courses at school level keeping in view the are also available as Certificate Courses
in which the examination is conducted.

Vocational Certificate Course in NIOS students in one of a Vocational

NIOS in Bee Keeping. (Carpentry) Training Programme.

NIOS is an Open Learning Institution for

school level courses as well as examining and
certifying authority by itself.

NIOS is one of the National Boards like


Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 3

Courses of Studies 2
NIOS offers a number of vocational education courses in different areas. These
have been carefully selected and designed to meet the prevailing demands of the job
market and interest of the learners. A list of the courses on offer is given in the Table
I below together with course code, essential contact hours, medium of study, dura-
tion, entry requirements and course fee.

Please note that one can register in only one vocational course at a time.

Table I : Vocational Education Courses on Offer

Course Fee
Sl. Name of the Course Modules/Subjects Code Essential Entry
(in Rs.)
No. Medium & Contact Hrs Level
*Batch Size (AVI Share+
NIOS Share)
(Number of students × Theory Practical
Number of batches)

I. Two Year Course

1. Diploma in Radiography (First Year)
English (i) Orientation to X-ray 430 90 110 14000
(10 × 1) Department (For two
(ii) Radiation Physics 431 120 80 12th years)
(iii) Human Anatomy and 432 120 80 class 11500+2500)
Physiology pass
(Second Year) with
(iv) Dark Room Layout and 433 80 120 Science
Practices subjects
(v) Regional Radiography 434 90 110
and Contrast Media
(vi) Advanced Imaging and 435 100 100
Special Diagnostic
II. One Year Certificate Courses
2. Certificate in Rural (i) Basics of Health Care 401 90 48
Health for Women (ii) Health and Environment 402 55 64 5th 3500
(Gram Sakhi) (iii) Health Education 403 40 16 class (2800+700)
Hindi/Urdu (iv) Health Extension 404 50 176 pass
(25 × 1) Activities
3. Advanced Certificate (i) Communication skills in 405
in Rural Health Health Education
for Women (ii) Medical, Clinical and 406 Passed Gram Sakhi Course
(Gram Sahyogini) Diagnostic skills
Marathi (iii) Health Management 407 Currently offered in AVI 610010 only in Pune
(iv) Emerging Issues in 408
Health Care

* Applicable for those AVI's where the intake has not been mentioned in the letter of accreditation.

4 National Institute of Open Schooling

Sl. Name of the Course Modules/Subjects Code Essential Entry Course Fee
No. Medium & Contact Hrs Level (in Rs.)
*Batch Size (AVI Share +
(Number of students × NIOS Share)
Number of batches) Theory Practical

4. Certificate in Care of (i) Basic Life Sciences 445 25 75 10th class 3500
Elderly (CCE) (ii) Aspects of Aging 446 25 75 pass Or (3000+500)
English & Hindi (iii) General Care and Specific 447 25 75 th
8 class
(25 × 2) Needs of Elderly pass with
(iv) Yog for Elderly 448 25 75 two years

5. Diploma in Modern (i) Secretarial Procedure 412 40 20 12th class 4500

Secretarial Practice (ii) Computer Applications in pass (3500+1000)
English/Hindi/Urdu Office 413 50 100
(25 × 2) (iii) Business Communication 414 40 ---
(iv) Shorthand Writing 415 50 100

6. Certificate in Toy (i) Learning through Toys 416 120 180 10th class 3500
Making and Joyful (ii) Art of Toy Making 417 120 180 pass (3000+500)
Learning (iii) Toy Making as an Industry 418 120 180
(30 × 1)

7. Secretarial Practice (i) Typewriting (Hindi) Or 422 20 100 10th class 3500
(PA/PS) Typewriting (English) Or 423 20 100 pass (3000+500)
English/Hindi/Urdu Typewriting (Urdu) Or 464 20 100
(25 × 2) Word Processing
(MS Word) 427
(ii) Stenography (Hindi) Or 424 30 100
Stenography (English) 425 30 100
(iii) Secretarial Practice 426 50 20

8. Certificate in Library (i) Libraries: Functions and 436 50 50 10th class 1500
Science (CLS) Services pass (1100 + 400)
English/Hindi/Urdu (ii) Organisation of Library 437 50 50
(25 × 4) Materials
(iii) Records of Library 438 50 50

9. Certificate in Early (i) Understanding the Child 439 190 110 10th class 3000
Childhood Care and (ii) Early Childhood Care and 440 190 110 pass (2500 + 500)
Education (ECCE) Education : Principles
English/Hindi/Urdu and Processes
(25 × 2) (iii) Organising and Managing 441 220 80
an Early Childhood Care
and Education Centre

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 5

Sl. Name of the Course Modules/Subjects Code Essential Entry Course Fee
No. Medium & Contact Hrs Level (in Rs.)
*Batch Size (AVI Share +
(Number of students × NIOS Share)
Number of batches) Theory Practical

10. Diploma in Basic (i) Home and Health 442 8th class
Rural Technology (ii) Agriculture (including 443 pass
(DBRT) Animal Husbandry &
Marathi Poultry)
(iii) Material, Mechanics, 444 (Currently offered in AVI 61004 in Pune)
Energy and Environment

11. Certificate in i) Basic Life Sciences 449 34 100 10th class 5000
Community Health ii) Maternal and Child 450 33 100 Pass 4000+1000)
English, Hindi Health Care
(25 × 2) iii) Prevention & Management 451 33 100
of Diseases & Emergency

III. One Year Package Courses

12. Electrical Technician (i) House Wiring & Electrical 701 100 400 10th class 4000
Hindi/English Appliances Repairing pass or 8th (3500+500)
(25 × 2) (ii) Motor and Transformer 702 100 300 class with
Rewinding 2 years
in relevant
13. Radio and T.V. (i) Radio and Tape Recorder 703 100 200 10th class 4000
Technician Repairing pass or (3500+500)
Hindi/English/Urdu (ii) TV Repairing 704 100 400 8th class
(25 × 2) with 2 years
in Radio
and TV

14. Cutting, Tailoring and (i) Cutting and Tailoring 705 40 160 Literate 2000
Dress Making (ii) Dress Making 706 40 160 (1700+300)
(25 × 2)

15. Library Clerk (i) Library and Society, and 707 60 100 10th class 1100
(25 × 4) Library Organisation pass (800+300)
(ii) Classification, Cataloguing 708 70 70
and Library Organisation
16. Refrigeration and (i) Refrigeration 709 100 300 8th class 4000
Air Conditioning (ii) Air Conditioning 710 100 400 pass (3500+500)
Hindi & English
(25 × 2)

6 National Institute of Open Schooling

Sl. Name of the Course Modules/Subjects Code Essential Entry Course Fee
No. Medium & Contact Hrs Level (in Rs.)
*Batch Size (AVI Share +
(Number of students × NIOS Share)
Number of batches) Theory Practical

17. Certificate in Computer (i) Basic Computing Skills 711 80 160 10th class 3500
Applications (CCA) (ii) Computer Applications 712 80 160 pass (3000+500)
(20 × 3)

18. Certificate in Two Two Wheeler Mechanism 713 100 300 5th class 2000
Wheeler Mechanism Pass (1800+200)
(25 x 2)
19. Certificate in Footwear Footwear Design and 716 200 600 10th class 12500
Design and Production Production pass (12000+500)
English & Hindi
(10 × 2)

20. Certificate in (i) Introduction to Homeopathy 718 260 100 10th class 6000
Homeopathic (ii) Introduction Homeopathy 719 pass (5500+500)
Dispensing Dispensing
(25 × 2)

21. Certificate in (i) Four Wheeler Chassis 723 100 300 8th class 4000
Four Wheeler Mechanism pass (3600+400)
Mechanism (ii) Four Wheeler Engine 724 100 300
Hindi/English/Urdu Mechansim
(25 × 2)

IV. One Year Stand Alone Certificate Courses

(One Stand-alone Vocational subject from the following courses can be taken in combination with Academic Courses.
For details, Please see page No. 1)

Secondary Level Courses

22. Typewriting (Hindi) (20 × 3) 217 20 80 1000 (800+ 200)
23. Typewriting (English) (20 × 3) 218 20 80 1000 (800+ 200)
8th class
24. Typewriting (Urdu) (20 × 3) 221 20 80 pass 1000 (800+ 200)
8th Class
25. Jute Production, (English/Hindi/Urdu) (25 × 2) 251 100 200 300 (200 + 100)
26. Carpentry (English & Hindi) (25 × 2) 252 100 200 1400(1200+200)
27. Solar Energy Technician (English & Hindi) (25 × 2) 253 100 200 800 (600 + 200)
28. Bio-gas Energy Technician (English & Hindi) (25 × 2) 254 100 200 800 (600 + 200)
29. Laundry Services (English & Hindi) (25 × 2) 255 40 260 400 (300 + 100)

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 7

Sl. Name of the Course Code Essential Entry Course Fee
No. Medium Contact Hrs Level (in Rs.)
*Batch Size (AVI Share +
(Number of students × NIOS Share)
Number of batches) Theory Practical

30. Bakery and Confectionery (English/Hindi/Urdu) (25 × 2) 256 80 320 8th class 3500(3000+500)
31. Welding Technology (English, Hindi & Urdu) (25×2) 257 100 200 3000(2600 + 400)
Senior Secondary Level Courses

32. Typewriting (Hindi) (20 × 5) 322 20 100 1400(1200 + 200)

33. Typewriting (English) (20 × 5) 323 20 100 1400(1200 + 200)
34. Typewriting (Urdu) (20 × 5) 364 20 100 1400(1200 + 200)
35. Word Processing (English) (20 × 5) 327 40 60 800 (600 + 200)
(MS Word)
36. Stenography (Hindi) (20 × 5) 324 30 100 1400 (1200+ 200)
37. Stenography (English) (20 × 5) 325 30 100 1400 (1200+ 200)
38. Stenography (Urdu) (20 × 5) 329 30 100 1400 (1200+ 200)
39. Secretarial Practice (Hindi & English) (20 × 5) 326 50 20 1400 (1200+ 200)
40. Plant Protection (Hindi & English) (30 × 2) 351 100 200 700 (600 + 100)
41. Water Management 352 100 200 10th 700 (600 + 100)
for Crop Production (Hindi & English) (30 × 2) pass
42. Oyster Mushroom Production (Hindi & English)( 30 × 2) 353 100 200 700 (600 + 100)
43. Furniture and Cabinet Making (Hindi & English) (30 × 2) 354 100 200 1400 (1200+ 200)
44. Electroplating (Hindi & English) (30 × 2) 355 100 200 1200 (1000+ 200)
45. House Keeping (Hindi/English/Urdu) (30 × 2) 356 40 260 1500 (1200+ 300)
46. Catering Management (Hindi/English/Urdu) (30 × 2) 357 40 260 2000 (1500+ 500)
47. Food Processing (Hindi/English/Urdu) (30 × 2) 358 40 260 1500 (1200+ 300)
48. Play Centre Management (Hindi, English & Urdu) (30×2) 359 80 320 2000 (1500+ 500)
49. Hotel Front Office Operations (Hindi & English) (30 × 2) 360 40 260 2000 (1500+ 500)
50. Poultry Farming (Hindi/English/Urdu) (30 × 2) 361 100 200 700 (600 + 100)
51. Soil and Fertilizer Management (Hindi & English) (30 × 2) 362 100 200 700 (600 + 100)
52. Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables 363 40 260 3000 (2500+ 500)
(Hindi/English/Urdu) (30 × 2)

V. Six Months Certificate Courses

53. House Wiring and 601 100 400 2000 (1750+250)
10th class
Electrical Appliance Repairing (Hindi & English) (25 × 2)
pass or
54. Motor and Transformer 8th class
Rewinding (Hindi & English) (25 × 2) 602 100 300 pass with 2000 (1750+250)
2 years
55. Radio and Tape Recorder experi-
Repairing (Hindi, English & Urdu) (25 × 2) 603 100 200 ence 2000 (1750+ 250)

56. TV Repairing (Hindi, English & Urdu) (25 × 2) 604 100 400 2000 (1750+ 250)

8 National Institute of Open Schooling

Sl. Name of the Course Code Essential Entry Course Fee
No. Medium Contact Hrs Level (in Rs.)
*Batch Size (AVI Share +
(Number of students × NIOS Share)
Number of batches) Theory Practical

57. Cutting and Tailoring (Hindi/English/Urdu) (25 × 2) 605 40 160 Literate 1000 (850+150)
58. Dress Making (Hindi/English/Urdu) (30 × 2) 606 40 160 Literate 1000 (850+150)
59. Library Attendant (25 × 2) 607 60 140 th
8 class 700 (500+200)
60. Basic Computing (English/Urdu) (25 × 2) 608 40 100 Literate 1200 (1000 +
61. Hindustani Music (English/Hindi) (10 × 2) 609 60 140 8 th class 2000 (1600
pass + 400)
62. Plumbing (English/Urdu) (20 × 2) 611 100 200 8th class 1000 (800+200)
63. Beauty Culture (Hindi/English/Urdu) (20 × 2) 612 100 270 8th class 1000 (800 + 200)
64. Desk Top Publishing (DTP) (English) (10 × 2) 613 40 100 10th class 2500 (2000
pass + 500)
65. Yog (Hindi & English) (50 × 2) 614 50 150 8th class 1000 (800+ 200)
66. Security Service (Hindi) (50 × 4) 615 100 200 8th class 600 (500+100)
67. Computer Hardware Assembly 616 60 100 10th class 2500 (2000 +
and Maintenance (CHAM) (English) (10 × 3) pass 500)
68. Certificate in 617 120 180 10th class 600(400+ 200)
Jeevan Vigyan (English) (25 × 2) pass
69. Certificate in 618 100 200 8th class 600 (500+100)
Mushroom Production (English/Urdu) (25 × 2) pass
70. Certificate in Bee 619 60 140 8th class 400 (300+100)
Keeping (Hindi) (25 × 2) pass
71. Certificate in Vermicomposting (Hindi/English/Urdu) (25×2) 621 100 200 literate 800 (600+200)
72. Certificate in Web 622 60 100 10 class 4000 (3000 +
Designing (CWD) (English) (10 × 2) pass 1000)
73. Certificate in Fourwheeler 623 100 300 8th class 2000 (1800 +
Chassis Mechanism (Hindi/English/Urdu ) (25 × 2) pass 200)
74. Certificate in Fourwheeler 624 100 300 8th class 2000 (1800+
Engine Mechanism (Hindi/English/Urdu) (25 × 2) pass 200)
75. Certificate in Fire Prevention 626 90 210 8 class 7000 (6000+
and Industrial Safety (English/Hindi) (25 × 2) pass 1000)
76. Sarala Sangeeta Shiksha – Carnatic Music 625 60 140 8th class 2000 (1600
pass + 400)

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 9

Sl. Name of the Course Code Essential Entry Course Fee
No. Medium Contact Hrs Level (in Rs.)
*Batch Size (AVI Share +
(Number of students × NIOS Share)
Number of batches) Theory Practical

77. Certificate in Indian Embroidery (English/Hindi) (25x 2) 628 60 100 8th class 800 (600+200)

78. Computer & Office Applications 631 40 100 10+2 class 3000 (2500+
(English) Pass or 500)
(10 × 2) Certificate
in CCA
from NIOS

79. Advanced Web Designing 633 60 100 10+2 class 5000

(English) Pass or (4000+1000)
(10 × 2) Certificate
in Web
from NIOS

VI. Life-Enrichment Courses

80. Paripurna Mahila 801 HindiEE 8th class 800 (600+ 200)

81. Yog 803 Hindi & English

82. Hindustani Music 805 Hindi & English
These courses
83. Jeevan Vigyan 806 Hindi th
10 class are
pass non-

AVIs are free to charge less than the amount prescribed as AVI's share, at their discretion, but in no
case student should be charged extra. AVIs are also free to charge this amount in convenient
installments at their discretion.

10 National Institute of Open Schooling

Admission 3
Admission to Vocational Education courses is open throughout the year. Entry requirements
for various courses are given in Table I from page 4 onwards. The lower age limit is 14
years. There is no upper age limit. The seats are limited and admission is given on First
Come First Served basis.From the session beginning from 1st July, 09, NIOS has
introduced the facility of On-line admission for the benefit of learners.

3.1 Procedure for Admission Learners can register himself/herself with NIOS
website by submitting the e-mail ID and
Application for admission must be made in the
prescribed form in duplicate given in Appendix ‘J’.
Photocopy of the form cannot be used but you may Access / display of Online Admission Form and
download a form from NIOS website at filling-up of the Admission Form and attaching the Please read carefully the instructions image of the student's photograph as indicated.
given in Appendix ‘I’ before filling in the Application The filled in Application Form along with relevant
Form. documents and requisite fee should be submitted to
3.1.1 Procedure for On-line Admission the AVI/SAIED in which you wish to take admission.
List of these AVIs/SAIEDs with available courses is
Log on to the NIOS website
given in Appendix ‘A’.
Complete the information about online admission/
No Application Form will be accepted by NIOS
Examination including the fees details and its
directly either at its counter or by post.
submission is displayed.
3.2 Documents Required for Admission
Items Documents required
Educational Qualifications A certificate issued by a recognized Board of Education in case
of Secondary /Sr. Secondary. A certificate issued by a recognized
school in other cases* or a self certificate.
Age Proof Attested copy of Birth Certificate from the admission register of
the last school attended (school leaving certificate/transfer
certificate) or from Registrar of Births and Deaths or from a
recognized hospital** or an affidavit from parents/guardians
countersigned by first class/sub divisional magistrate. ***
Proof of Permanent Address (Ration Card/Election I-Card/ Certificate from Gram Panchayat
Officer/ Zilla Parishad/Block Development Officer/SDM/Gazetted
Officer or Competent Government Functionary)
*A student who possesses a High School/Secondary Certificate from a Foreign Board/University,
seeking admission to NIOS Vocational Education courses will be required to produce a certificate to
the office that the examination passed by him/her is equivalent to the Indian High School/Secondary
School Examination. Equivalency certificate may be obtained from the Association of Indian
Universities, Kotla Road, New Delhi 110002.
** The hospital should assess the age of the candidate.
***An affidavit, countersigned by Notary Public etc., is not acceptable. The admission will be rejected
and fee will be forfeited.
Please state the correct date of birth.
Date of birth once given in the Admission Form will not be changed.

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 11

3.3 Cut off Dates 2. a Bank Draft of Rs.100/- (Rs. hundred only) drawn
The Prospectus and the Admission Form will be in favour of Secretary, NIOS payable at the city of
available at all the AVIs/SAIEDs and NIOS Regional concerned Regional Centre,
Centres throughout the year. The student will be 3. a photograph, and
permitted to appear in the next or subsequent 4. your specimen signatures on the Application Form
examinations on completion of requisite study period which have to be attested by the Coordinator of
of a course. your AVI/SAIED.
To regulate the eligibility for the purpose of 3.7 Fee
examination, the cut-off dates will be: 30th June 2010 The amount of admission fee payable for various
and 31st December 2010. This means that the vocational courses is given in Table I (pages 4 to 10).
students admitted till these dates will be eligible to Admission fee payable for Vocational Education
take the forthcoming examinations as per their courses includes charges for registration, Identity
eligibility. Card, cost of study material, contact classes,
practical training etc.
3.4 Minimum Age The Admission fee should be paid to the AVI/SAIED
These cut off dates are also applicable for age criteria. either in cash or through a Bank Draft drawn in favour
This means that your minimum age should be 14 years of “Coordinator (Name of AVI/SAIED)”, where you
for vocational Education courses upto secondary level are seeking admission. The AVI/SAIED will issue you
and 15 years for senior secondary level on 30th June, a receipt for this.
2010 if you have taken admission between January to 3.7.1 Fee for On-line Admission
June 2010 and your minimum age should be 14 years The fee for On-line admission has to be deposited through
for vocational Education courses upto secondary level Credit Card (Master/Visa).
and 15 years for senior secondary level on 31st Once the application is submitted for processing to NIOS,
December, 2010 if you have taken admission between an Acknowledgement Receipt is generated and sent back
July to 31st December, 2010. to the candidate's email ID indicating his unique
Reference Number, his pesonal details, fees details etc.
3.5 Confirmation of Admission Confirmation of admission of On-line learners will be
The AVI/SAIED will give you provisional admission, subject to the receipt of the Application Form along with
which will be confirmed by NIOS by issue of Identity the required documents and requisite fees.
Card through your AVI/SAIED. Note: It is to be noted that only 25% of admissions over and
Please check your admission particulars carefully. above the maximum allotted seats for each trade to every
Mistakes, if any, may be brought to the notice of your AVI, can be made through on-line mode.
AVI/SAIED immediately. You should keep your
Identity Card under safe custody as it also serves as 3.8 Contact Hours
“Hall Ticket” during Examinations. To bring uniformity in vocational programmes and make
3.6 Duplicate Identity Card teaching and learning more effective, contact hours have
been mentioned in Table No.-I (Pages 4 to 10). AVI
You may get a duplicate identity card if the original need to issue a certificate of completion for pre-defined
card is lost. Lodge an FIR in this regard with the hours of theory and practical classes that learner is
concerned Police Station. Apply to the concerned Head necessarily required to complete before he/she becomes
of the Regional Centre on a plain paper through your eligible to appear in the examination.
AVI/SAIED and attach: Provision has been made for orgnizing the practical
1. copy of FIR , session of learners at workplace.
Your admission will be cancelled and fee will be forfeited on the following grounds:
 Incomplete application form
 Shortage of fee
CANCELLATION  Age below the prescribed limit
 Lack of required educational qualification
OF ADMISSION  Required document of age, qualification and experience are not attached
 Any other discrepancy
Note : Admission once cancelled will not be reconsidered.

12 National Institute of Open Schooling

Instruction and 4
Training Process
NIOS offers flexibility of learning at your own pace and at your own convenience.
The instructional process in NIOS comprises of self instructional print material,
personal contact programmes, practical training programmes, audio-visual
programmes and doing assignments wherever applicable.

4.1 Self Instructional Study Material

NIOS will provide you Self Instructional Study
Material specially designed by experts in the field. It
will help you learn on your own.

 You will receive the study material

from your AVI.
 Do not pay for the study material.

4.2 Personal Contact and

Practical Training Programmes
Your AVI/SAIED will organize required no. of
Personal Contact Programmes and Practical Training Students of NIOS in a Vocational (Beautician) class.
Programmes for you as per detail mentioned in table
no. 1 page no. 4. In these programmes, you are  get your Practical Portfolios/Jobs corrected by the
required to: AVI/SAIED Instructors;
 perform practicals to develop required skills  discuss your study problems with other students;
and competencies;  view relevant video films and CDs if available at
 clear your doubts and problems that you face your AVI/SAIED;
while learning on your own;
 explore possibilities for on the job training or
apprenticeship facilities.
You are advised to attend all the contact programmes
and training programmes to develop your skill. Number
of essential hours to be devoted for each course for
this purpose is given in the Table I (Pages 4 to 10) and
in the curriculum of your course.
4.3 Audio and Video Programmes
NIOS produces several audio and video programmes
to supplement your study. NIOS programmes are being
telecast nation wide on Doordarshan (DD-1) on every
Students of NIOS in a Vocational Friday at 5.02 a.m; and also on educational channel
(Cutting & Tailoring) class. “Gyan Darshan” every day at 6.30 p.m.

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 13

1. You should clearly understand that NIOS is not a kind of regular school which you
might have attended earlier.

2. In NIOS you have to learn on your own through self learning material provided by
NIOS. Collect your learning material from your AVI/SAIED.

3. Study your material carefully. This has been specially prepared for self learning. Make
your notes, mark section which you do not understand and follow the instructions given
in the material.

4. Please note that PCPs are not the kind of classes which you might have attended in
your schools. Here you may clarify your doubts, ask for guidance, and get your
assignments/projects/records book corrected. You will also meet your peer group for
support in learning.

5. Your AVI/SAIED will also organize Practical Training Programmes for you. Here you
will get practical trainings in your course of study.

6. Please make use of the library, audio-video programmes and other facilities at your

7. Internal Assessment (if any) and your practical examinations will be conducted at your

8. Deposit your examination fee through AVI/SAIED or on-line in time so that you do not
miss your examination.

9. Collect Date Sheet for examination from your AVI/SAIED.

10. You will also receive a Hall Ticket from NIOS.

11. Your result and certificates will be sent to your AVI/SAIED after declaration of result.

12. You may also visit NIOS website for various information e.g.; Date Sheet, Hall
Ticket, results at:

13. Collect Identity Card from your AVI/SAIED.

14 National Institute of Open Schooling

Evaluation 5

NIOS evaluation system has many flexibilities to help you to complete your studies
as per your convenience. The evaluation system has been devised to test your
understanding and skills in a comprehensive manner giving more emphasis on
practical component.

5.1 Freedom of Taking Examination

You need not hurry up to take your examination. years time period to complete your course. You are
Instead, you should master your learning and take free to choose any examination without any condition
examination when you are ready for it. You will have after completing requisite study period and practical
the opportunity to take a maximum of 9 chances in 5 training.
Eligibility to appear for the first time in external/public examinations

Courses For those admitted from For those admitted from

1st January 2010 to 1st July 2010 to
30th June 2010 31st December 2010
(i) Six months courses with October–November 2010 April–May 2011
codes from 601 to 631
(ii) One year package courses: October–November 2010 April–May 2011
First Module of the Course
with the following codes: 701,
703, 705, 707, & 709, 723, 718
Second Module of the Course April–May 2011 October–November 2011
with the following codes : 702,
704, 706, 708, & 710, 724, 719
(iii) One year courses April–May 2011 October–November 2011

(iv) TwoYear Diploma in

Radiography course
a) First 3 Modules with April–May 2011 October–November 2011
codes 430, 431, & 432
b) Remaining 3 Modules with April–May 2012 October–November 2012
codes 433, 434, & 435

5.2 Medium of Evaluation 5.3 Evaluation : Some Highlights

The question papers for the examinations may be NIOS has devised a suitable method of evaluation
bilingual i.e., in Hindi and English. You may, however, considering the practical nature of vocational courses
write your examinations in Hindi, English or a where more emphasis is on evaluation of skills acquired
during the course of study. In many cases, component
scheduled regional language irrespective of the
of internal assessment has also been introduced to
medium opted for study at the time of admission. ensure continuous evaluation. Thus, there may be three

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 15

components of evaluation: 5.6 Pass Criteria
1. Practical Examination The pass criteria in different courses is given in
2. Theory Examination Table III on pages 21 and 22. Please note that passing
3. Internal Assessment (if any) seperately in all the components i.e.; Theory, Practical
Practical and Theory Examinations and Internal Assessment (if any) is necessary.
Both the Practical and the Theory Examinations are If you pass in a component (practical, theory, or
conducted twice a year in April–May and in Octo- internal assessment), your marks in that
ber–November. Practical Examinations are organized component will be retained. You need not appear
at your AVI/SAIED only. in that component again. You have to appear only
Internal Assessment in the remaining component(s). However, you
NIOS has a provision of Internal Assessment in several have to pay complete examination fee.
courses as detailed in Table-II from pages 17 to 22. 5.7 Credit Accumulation
This is based on Periodical Tests, Viva-Voce,
You can avail multiple chances to take examinations.
Assignments, Projects, etc. It will be conducted by
NIOS will keep and accumulate your pass credits in a
your AVI/SAIED. Passing in Internal Assessment,
particular module till you clear all the required mod-
wherever applicable, is a necessary condition for
ules for certification.
passing the examination.
Results are declared approximately eight weeks 5.8 Combination of Credits in
after the last paper of the public Examination. Academic Courses
The details about the duration of Theory and Practical If you pass a vocational subject(s) listed in Table I (4)
examinations and the maximum marks for each paper on page 7-8, its credit(s) can be combined with the
are given in Table II from pages 17 to 22. credits of academic courses for the purpose of certifi-
cation as Secondary/Senior Secondary level. The re-
5.4 Registration for Examination quest for this may be sent on a plain paper to:
For April–May Examination:
up to 15th January The Director (Evaluation), NIOS
A-24/25, Institutional Area, Sector-62
For October–November Examination:
NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh-201309
up to 15th July
There will be no registration for examination after the Please enclose your original Secondary/Senior
prescribed dates. Secondary mark sheet and the photocopy of the mark
sheet of the Vocational Education subject.
5.5 Examination and other Fees
You have to go to your AVI/SAIED within the specified 5.9 Improvement of Performance
time to register for the public examination and pay the NIOS will allow you to apply again in a course, which
examination fee. Examination fee for all types of you have already passed, for improvement of perfor-
Vocational Education courses is Rs. 150 per subject/ mance. This facility is given only once.
module (together for Theory, Practical, and Internal
Assessment, if any).
5.10 Scrutiny of Marks
If you are not satisfied with your result of a public
All candidates have to pay the examination fee. examination, you may apply for Scrutiny of marks
Payment for examination fee can also be made on- within 30 days from the date of declaration of result.
line as mentioned on page no. 12 You may apply in the prescribed Proforma or on a plain
Please note that fees paid for examination cannot paper with prescribed fees (through a bank draft) to
be refunded or adjusted under any the concerned Regional Centre of NIOS.
Other Miscellaneous Fees: 5.11 Issue of Certificates
 Duplicate copy of the Certificate Rs. 100/- You may receive your marks statement from your AVI/
 Duplicate Marks Statement Rs. 100/- SAIED immediately after declaration of the result.
 Duplicate Identity Card Rs. 100/- Your certificate will be sent to the AVI/SAIED after
 Amanuensis (Writer) Rs. 100/- three to four months.
(per session) Please note that NIOS does not issue any
 Scrutiny of Marks Rs. 200/- migration certificate to its students of vocational
(per subject) education courses.

16 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code Name of the Subject Time (in hrs.) Marks Total
Theory Practical Theory Practical Internal
Stand Alone Secondary Level Courses
217/218/221 Typewriting (Hindi/English/Urdu) 1½ 1 30 70 — 100
251 Jute Production 2 3 60 40 — 100
252 Carpentry 2 3 30 70 — 100
253 Solar Energy Technician 2 3 30 70 — 100
254 Bio-gas Energy Technician 2 3 30 70 — 100
255 Laundry Services 2 3 40 60 — 100
256 Bakery and Confectionery 2 3 40 60 — 100
257 Welding Technology 2 3 30 70 — 100
Stand Alone Senior Secondary Level Courses
322,323,364 Typewriting (Hindi/English/Urdu) 1½ 1½ 30 70 — 100
324,325 Stenography (Hindi/English) 1½ 1½ 30 70 — 100
326 Secretarial Practice 3 1½ 70 30 — 100
327 Word Processing (MS Word) 2 2 40 60 — 100
329 Stenography (Urdu) 1½ 1½ 30 70 — 100
351 Plant Protection 2 3 60 40 — 100
352 Water Management for Crop Production 2 3 60 40 — 100
353 Oyster Mushroom Production 2 3 60 40 — 100
354 Furniture and Cabinet Making 2 3 30 70 — 100
355 Electroplating 2 3 30 70 — 100
356 House Keeping 2 3 40 60 — 100
357 Catering Management 2 3 40 60 — 100
358 Food Processing 2 3 40 60 — 100
359 Play Centre Management 2 3 40 60 — 100
360 Hotel Front Office Operations 2 3 40 60 — 100
361 Poultry Farming 2 3 60 40 — 100
362 Soil and Fertilizer Management 2 3 60 40 — 100
363 Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables 2 3 40 60 — 100
Certificate in Rural Health for Woman (Gram Sakhi)
401 Basics of Health Care 2 ½ 30 30 40 100
402 Health and Environment 2 ½ 30 30 40 100
403 Health Education 2 ½ 30 30 40 100
404 Health Extension Activities 2 ½ 30 30 40 100
Advance Certificate in Rural Health for Women (Gram Sahyogini)
405 Communication Skills in Health Education 2 ½ 40 25 35 100
406 Medical, Clinical & Diagnostic Skills 2 ½ 40 25 35 100
407 Health Management 2 ½ 40 25 35 100
408 Emerging Issues in Health Care 2 ½ 40 25 35 100
Certificate in Care of the Elderly
445 Basic Life Sciences 2 3 40 50 10 100
446 Aspects of Aging 2 3 40 50 10 100
447 General Care and Specific Needs of Elderly 2 3 40 50 10 100
448 Yog for Elderly 2 3 40 50 10 100

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 17

Code Name of the Subject Time (in hrs.) Marks Total
Theory Practical Theory Practical Internal
Diploma in Modern Secretarial Practice
412 Secretarial Procedure 3 2 70 30 — 100
413 Computer Applications in Office 2 2½ 30 70 — 100
414 Business Communication 3 — 100 — — 100
415 Shorthand Writing 1½ 1½ 30 70 — 100
Certificate in Toy Making and Joyful Learning
416 Learning through Toys 2 2 40 60 — 100
417 Art of Toy Making 2 2 40 60 — 100
418 Toy-Making as an Industry 2 2 40 60 — 100
Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
422/423/464 Typewriting (Hindi/English/Urdu) OR 1½ 1½ 30 70 — 100
427 Word Processing (MS Word) 2 2 40 60 — 100
424/425 Stenography (Hindi/English) 1½ 1½ 30 70 — 100
426 Secretarial Practice 3 1½ 70 30 — 100
Diploma in Radiography
430 Orientation to X-ray Department 3 — 50 — — 50

431 Radiation Physics 3 6 50 100 — 150

432 Human Anatomy and Physiology 3 — 50 — — 50

433 Dark Room Layout and Practices 3 6 50 100 — 150

434 Regional Radiography and

Contrast Media 3 6 50 100 — 150

435 Advanced Imaging and Special

Diagnostic Procedures 3 6 50 100 — 150

Certificate in Library Science (CLS)

436 Libraries: Function and Services 3 — 60 — 40 100
437 Organization of Library Materials 3 — 60 — 40 100
438 Records of Library 3 — 60 — 40 100
Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
439 Understanding the Child 3 2 70 30 — 100
440 Early Childhood Care and
Education – Principles and Processes 3 2 70 30 — 100
441 Organising and Managing an Early
Childhood Care and Educational Centre 3 2 70 30 — 100
Diploma in Basic Rural Technology
442 Home and Health 1 2 30 50 20 100
443 Agriculture (including Animal
Husbandry & Poultry) 1 2 30 50 20 100
444 Material, Mechanics, Energy and Environment 2 4 60 100 40 200

18 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code Name of the Subject Time (in hrs.) Marks Total
Theory Practical Theory Practical Internal

Certificate in Community Health

449 Basic Life Sciences 3 4 70 100 10T+20Pr 200
450 Maternal & Child Health care 3 4 70 100 10T+20Pr 200
451 Prevention & Management of Diseases 3 4 70 100 10T+20Pr 200

Electrical Technician

701 House Wiring & Electrical

Appliances Repairing 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
702 Motor & Transformer Rewinding 1½ 3 30 90 80 200

Radio and TV Technician

703 Radio & Tape Recorder Repairing 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
704 T V Repairing 1½ 3 30 90 80 200

Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making

705 Cutting & Tailoring 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
706 Dress Making 1½ 3 30 90 80 200

Library Clerk
707 Library, and Society, & Library Organization 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
708 Classification, Cataloguing and
Library Organisation 1½ 3 30 90 80 200

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

709 Refrigeration 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
710 Air Conditioning 1½ 3 30 90 80 200

Certificate in Computer Applications (CCA)

711 Basic Computing Skills 2 2 40 60 100
712 Computer Applications 2 2 40 60 100

Certificate in Two Wheeler Mechanism

713 Two Wheeler Mechanism 2 3 30 70 — 100

Certificate in Footwear Design and Production

716 Footwear Design & Production 3 5 100 200 — 300

Certificate in Homeopathy
718 Introduction to Homeopathy 2½ 3 60 40 — 100
719 Introduction to Homeopathy Dispensing 2½ 3 60 40 — 100

Certificate in Four Wheeler Mechanism

723 Four Wheeler Chassis Mechanism 3 4 80 150 20T + 50Pr 300
724 Four Wheeler Engine Mechanism 3 4 80 150 20T + 50Pr 300

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 19

Code Name of the Subject Time (in hrs.) Marks Total
Theory Practical Theory Practical Internal

Paripurna Mahila
801 Paripurna Mahila 2½ 3 100 20 80 200
Jan Swasthya*
802 Jan Swasthya 2½ 3 100 20 80 200

Six Months Certificate Courses

601 House Wiring and Electrical

Appliance Repairing 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
602 Motor and Transformer Rewinding 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
603 Radio and Tape Recorder Repairing 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
604 TV Repairing 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
605 Cutting and Tailoring 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
606 Dress Making 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
607 Library Attendant 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
608 Certificate in Basic Computing 2 2 40 60 — 100
609 Certificate in Hindustani Music 1½ 3 30 70 — 100
611 Plumbing 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
612 Beauty Culture 1½ 3 30 90 80 200
613 Desk-Top Publishing (CDTP) 2 2 40 60 — 100
614 Certificate in YOG 2 2 40 60 — 100
615 Security Service (CSS) 2 2 40 60 — 100
616 Hardware Assembly and Maintenance 2 3 40 60 — 100
617 Jeevan Vigyan 2 1 40 60 — 100
618 Mushroom Production 2½ 3 60 100 40 200
619 Bee Keeping 2½ 3 40 60 — 100
621 Vermicomposting 2½ 3 60 100 40 200
622 Web Designing 3 3 80 70 + 30 20 200
(project work)

625 Carnatic Music 1½ 3 30 70 — 100

626 Fire Prevention & Industrial Safety 3 4 80 150 20T+50Pr 300
628 Certificate in Indian Embroidery 2 3 40 50 10 100
631 Computer and Office Applications 2 2 40 60 - 100
633 Advanced Web Designing 2 2 40 60 - 100

* for registered students before 2009

20 National Institute of Open Schooling

Table III : Pass Criteria
Sl.No Course Name of the course Certification criteria (in percentage)
Code Theory Practical Internal Aggregate
1. 251-257 Stand Alone Secondary Level Courses — — — 33
2. 322-327, 329, Stand Alone Senior Secondary Level Courses
351-364 33 33 — 33
3. 401-404 Certificate in Rural Health for Women
(Gram Sakhi) 40 40 40 —
4. 405-408 Advance Certificate in Rural Health for Women
(Gram Sahyogini) 40 40 40 —
5. 445-448 Certificate in the Care of the Elderly 40 60 60 —
6. 412-415 Diploma in Modern Secretarial Practice 40 50 — —
7. 416-418 Certificate in Toy Making and Joyful Learning 40 50 — —
8. 422-427 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS) 33 33 — 33
9. 430-435 Diploma in Radiography 50 50 — 50
10. 436-438 Certificate in Library Science 33 — 33 33
11. 439-441 Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education 33 33 — 33
12. 442-444 Diploma in Basic Rural Technology 40 50 40 50
13. 449-451 Certificate in Community Health 40 60 40T+60Pr -
14. 601/701 House Wiring and Electrical Appliance Repairing 40 50 40 50
15. 602/702 Motor and Transformer Rewinding 40 50 40 50
16. 603/703 Radio and Tape Recorder Repairing 40 50 40 50
17. 604/704 Certificate in TV Repairing 40 50 40 50
18. 605/705 Cutting and Tailoring 40 50 40 50
19. 606/706 Dress Making 40 50 40 50
20. 607 Certificate in Library Attendant 40 50 40 50
21. 608 Certificate in Basic Computing 50 50 — 50
22. 609 Certificate in Hindustani Music 33 36 — —
23. 611 Certificate in Plumbing 40 50 40 50
24. 612 Certificate in Beauty Culture 40 50 40 50
25. 613 Certificate in Desk-Top Publishing 50 50 — 50
26. 614 Certificate in YOG 50 50 — 50
27. 615 Certificate in Security Service 50 50 — 50
28. 616 Certificate in Hardware Assembly
and Maintenance 50 50 — 50
29. 617 Certificate in Jeevan Vigyan 33 50 — —
30. 618 Certificate in Mushroom Production 40 60 60 —
31. 619 Certificate in Bee Keeping 50 50 — 50
32. 621 Certificate in Vermicomposting 40 60 60 —
33. 622 Certificate in Web Designing 50 50 50 50
34 625 Carnatic Music 33 35 — —
35. 626 Certificate in Fire Prevention & Industrial Safety 40 60 40T+60Pr -
36. 628 Certificate in Indian Embroidery 40 50 50
37. 707-708 Library Clerk 40 50 40 50

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 21

37. 709-710 Refrigeration and Airconditioning 40 50 40 50
38. 711-712 Certificate in Computer Applications 50 50 — 50
39. 713 Certificate in Two Wheeler Mechanism 40 50 — —
40. 716 Certificate in Footwear Design and Production 50 50 — 50
41. 723-724 Certificate in Four Wheeler Mechanism 40 60 40T + 60Pr —
42. 801 Certificate in Paripuran Mahila 50 50 — 50
43. 802 Jan Swasthya* 50 50 — 50
44. 631 Computer and Office Applications 50 50 — 50
45. 633 Advance Web Designing 50 50 — 50
46. 718-719 Certificate in Homeopathic Dispensing 40 50 — —

* for registered students before 2009

22 National Institute of Open Schooling

Appendix - A
List of AVIs and SAIEDs
How to Find an AVI/SAIED
This list has been arranged - NIOS Regional Centre wise, State wise & District wise SAIEDs available
in a district are listed after the AVIs

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available

Ambala 0171
AVI 550005
National Institute of 4000488 Modern Secretarial Practice, Word Processing
Vocational Trg. Secretarial Practice, Computer Applications
Novelty Complex Basic Computing, Beauty Culture, Laundry Services
Bazaza Bazar Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Toy
Ambala cantt. Making & Joyful Learning, Early Childhood Care &
Education, House Keeping, Catering Management
Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables, Food Processing
Bakery & Confectionery, Radio & TV Technician
Bhiwani 01254
AVI 550050
Kungaria Vocational Education 236377 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Cutting, Tailoring & Dress
Institute Making, Embroidery
Kunger, Bhiwani

AVI 550042
Ganesh Vocational 0692-092552-23098 House Keeping, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Education Institute 9255323098, 93153-96803 Embroidery, Early Childhood Care & Education
617/12, Dangara Road, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Welding Technology
House No.617/12
Tohana, Haryana-125120

Hissar 01662
AVI 550003
International Vocational 231255, 94163-45941 Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician,
Training Institute Beauty Culture, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Rajendra Palace, 1st Floor Embroidery, Computer Hardware Assembly &
Near Old Over Bridge Maintenance Computer Applications, Desk Top
Haryana-125001 Publishing, Certificate in Basic Computing,
Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 550014
St. Sophia Sr. Sec. School 394086, 244705 Computer Applications
Sector 15-A Pin-125001 Fax-243594 Yog

AVI 550052
Divine Heart School 9354821090, 9215512126 CCA, CDTP
Mal Colony, Kaimri Road, Hissar, 01662-283819

Jind 01681
AVI 550011
C R Kisan Industrial 225602, 227599, 226599 Electrical Technician, Welding Technology
Training Centre 09416138361 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Radio & TV Technician
Shyam Nagar, Railway Road Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
Patiala Chowk-126102

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 23

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Karnal 0184
AVI 550008
Datamix Computers 2203654 Computer Applications
1122, New Housing Board Colony

AVI 550022
D.A.V Centenary Public School 01745-246074 Early Childhood Care & Education
Plot No. 9-10, Nilokheri

AVI 550036
Medical Institute of 0184-5535422, 5040422 Jan Swasthya
Laboratory & Dental Technology Paripurna Mahila
91, Dayal Singh Colony

Kaithal 01746
AVI 550031
Brahamaputra Educational 250126, 9416186445, 9255141039 Early Childhood Care & Education
Academy, V & P.O. Dhand 9255141039, 989648080

AVI 550006
Sarswati Senior Secondary School 01285-8285 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Railway Road Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Carpentry, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS),
Desk Top Publishing

Panchkula 0172
AVI 550028
KAP’s Instt. of Medical Sciences 2555555 Radiography
SCO 12, Sector - 5
Mansa Devi Complex

Panipat 01742
AVI 550049
Panipat Jan Shikshan Sansthan 95180-6537089 Electrical Technician, Plumbing
Gali No. 17, Vikas Nagar, NFL Road
(Near Railway Line)

Rewari 0274
AVI 550010
Janta Kalyan Samiti 01274-225262, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Training Centre & School Fax- 260535, 09466357217 Typewriting (H/E), Stenography (H/E), Word Processing,
Shakti Nagar, Pin-123401 Secretarial Practice, Computer Applications,
Early Childhood Care & Education

Rohtak 01262
AVI 550004
Kala Vocational Training Centre 01262-265250, 09255184152, Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician,
C/o Shivalik Sr. Sec. School 09416102543 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
H.No. - 1809/31, Shiv Nagar, Modern Secretarial Practice, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Bhiwani Chungi, Distt- Rohtak Computer Applications

AVI 550009
Asia Technical Institute 309478, 9812120346 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Typewriting (E), Word Processing
314/22, Dev Colony asiatechrtk@Sify.Com Stenography (E), Computer Applications
Main Delhi Road Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Near Jat College Beauty Culture, Desk Top Publishing Early Childhood
Care & Education

24 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 550018
Tara Vocational Industrial 276523 Welding Technology, Electrical Technician
Training Centre Two Wheeler Mechanism
106/21, Ladhot Road

AVI 550032
Kinson & Pauls Research and 210643, 9812034222 Early Childhood Care & Education
Development Society
129, Subhash Nagar

AVI 550033
Sai Baba Indian Technical Institute 309478 Computer Applications
Near Radio Station Chowk Secretarial Practice
Nagar Sudharak Mandal Building Desk Top Publishing

AVI 550039 09416544996, 09416184412

BIITS Vocational Education Fax-01258-223695, 09812542001 Computer Applications, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making,
Institute, Railway Road, Kalanaur Embroidery, Desk Top Publishing, Early Childhood Care &
Pin–124113 Education

Sonepat 01264
AVI 550027
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2232138 Computer Applications
110, Sector –14 JSS_SNP@Rediffmail.Com Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 550034
Doon Senior Secondary School 0130-2242421 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Old D.C. Road Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 550041
Nav Prabhanam 0130-258441 Computer Applications
Sampla Road, Kharkhoda Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

Sirsa 01666
AVI 550017
DISHA Vocational Training and 243737, 244902 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Rehabilitation Centre Beauty Culture, Typewriting (H/E)
Bhagwati Nand Lal Ganesiwa Sadan Early Childhood Care & Education
Gaushala Road

AVI 550043
Satluj Public School 01698-220165, 221565 (Fax) Beauty Culture, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Ellenabad Embroidery, Early Childhood Care & Education,
Library Science

AVI 550044
Prerana Senior Secondary School 016666-223929, 227516 Early Childhood Care & Education
Railway Road

AVI 550056 09215845459, 09466330200

Sidh Shri Baba Balak Nath Manav 245159, 294913, 329837 ECCE, Stenography (H), Stenography (E), Typewriting (H)
Sewa Trust, Baba Balak Nath Shiksha 09416240005 Typewriting (E), Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making,
Sadan, Kanganpur Road, Sirsa-125055 Embroidery, CCA, Food Processing

AVI 550058
Mamta Girls Sr. Sec. School Sirsa, 01666-223306 Basic Computing.
Noharia Bazar, Gali Kande Wali, diwakar_sirsa@ Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Distt.- Sirsa- 125005

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 25

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 550060
New Vocational Training Institute 094166-17189, Electrical Technician.
Opp. Gurdwara, Chopra Street 093156-70448, Welding Technology
Sirsa-125055, pardeep nvti

Bilaspur 01978
AVI 560019
Industrial Training Institute 224774 Stenography (H/E), Typewriting (H/E), Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery, Carpentry, Electrical Technician

Chamba 01899
AVI 560020
Industrial Training Institute 222285 Stenography (H/E), Typewriting (H/E),
Electrical Technician, Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery,
Radio & Tape Recorder Repairing
AVI 560030
Yog Manav Vocational Training 01899-254767, 240670 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Institute (M) : 09418010678, 09816605777 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Beauty Culture
Banikhet -176303 (Fax) : 01899-254049 Computer Applications, Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables
Yogmanav Catering Management, Bakery and Confectionery
Electrical Techanician, Paripurna Mahila

AVI 560033
Himkush Educational Society 01899-222965, 226695, Electrical Technician
Mohalla Upper Julakari 09816870086 Welding Technology
P.O. Hardaspura - 176318 09418045050, 09418032965 Computer Applications Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

Hamirpur 01972
AVI 560013
Industrial Training Instt. 236563 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Nadaun Carpentry, Typewriting (H)

AVI 560036
Jyotsna Industrial Training Centre 221539, 221232, 09418083232 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
J.P.S. Complex, Loharin, P.O. Khiah Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician
Pin-177020 Typewriting (H/E), Word Processing, Computer Applications

AVI 560040
Krishna Food Crafts Institute 225051, 225651 Bakery & Confectionery, House Keeping, Catering
Ward No. 3 Pratap Nagar 09418000339 Management, Food Processing, Preservation of Fruits &
(Opp. Nalanda B.Ed. College) -177001 Vegetables, Hotel Front Office Operation

AVI 560044
Hotel Hospitality Industrial 221058, 9816236467 Bakery & Confectionery, House Keeping,
Training Centre Catering Management
Ward No.8, Near Bus Stand
Pin Code : 177001

AVI 560049
Star Vocational Institute 01972-289144 Cutting, Tailoring, Dress Making, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress
Jaure Amb., PO.: Jaure, Amb. 09816244442, 2289710 (Fax) Making, Embroidery
Teh-Barsar, Hamirpur-174312

Kullu 01902

AVI 560001
Deen Bandhu Seva Mandal 265601 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Vocational Training Centre for Women Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Tega Behar, P.O. Bhunter

26 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 560012
Industrial Training Institute 260692 Stenography (H/E), Typewriting (H/E), Electrical
Shamshi Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Furniture & Cabinet Making
AVI 560027
H.P. Mahila Kalyan Mandal 224859, 01902-224859 Computer Applications, Typewriting (H/E)
Mahila Bhwan Saivari Bazar 09418239369 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Kullu-175101 Food Processing
Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables
AVI 560029
Christian Institute of Techno 224639, 9816008888 Radiography
Medicals, Post Box No. 22, Near
Head Post Office, Dhalpur

Kangra 01892
AVI 560008
Government Polytechnic 265025 Welding Technology, Carpentry, Plumbing
Word Processing, Computer Applications
Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician
AVI 560017
Industrial Training 223182 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Institute (Women) Stenography (H/E), Typewriting (H/E)
Dharamshala Beauty Culture

AVI 560021 0941800269

Industrial Training Institute 01892-238023 Electrical Technician
Shahpur-176206 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Stenography (H/E), Typewriting (H/E)
Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables, Food Processing
AVI 560023 09418004969
Industrial Training Institute 01970-268139 Plumbing, Electrical Technician
Nehran Pukhar Tehsil, Dehra Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Typewriting (H)
AVI 560024
I.T.I. Nurpur (Rehan) 01893-226232 Plumbing, Electrical Technician
Tehsil, Nurpur, H. P. Radio & TV Technician

AVI 560025
Shaheed Surinder Singh I.T.I. Computer Applications
for Women, Jawali Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 560028
Dharam Shala Institute 23600 Computer Applications
of Management & Studies Word Processing
288/3, Civil Line, Dharamshala

AVI 560031
Thakur Pre-Examination Coaching 01970-268755, 09418066868 Computer Applications
Cum Training Institute Early Childhood Care & Education
Nehran Pukhar (Teh. Dehra)
at Dhaliara, Distt. Kangra - 177103

AVI 560042
Hans Raj Memorial Model 01893-252469, 250093 Beauty Culture, ECCE, Electrical Technician
Senior Secondary School 09418492469 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Rehan, Teh. Nurpor-176022 Two wheeler mechanism

AVI 560043
Hash Regional College of Education 01894-254413, 254483 Early Childhood Care & Education
Vill & PO Panchrukhi, Teh. Palampur

AVI 560051
Chamunda Industrial 09816495334, Electrical Technician.
Training Institute 09418105157 Radio and TV Technician.
Gopal Pur, Tehsil - Palampur Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Distt. Kangra, H.P.-176052 Beauty Culture, Desk Top Publishing

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 27

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 560053
Nascent Senior 01894- 232736, Security Service
Secondary School 9418000686, 235311
Near Villa Camallia, Gandhi bcsood_ncs@
Nagar (Tonda)
Palampur, H. P. - 176061

AVI 560054
Dhauladhar Institute of Vocational 01892-231046 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Electrical Technician,
Education, N.H.-20, Jamanabad Road, 09418688733 Cutting and Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
V.P.O.–Ichhi Tehsil & Distt. Four Wheeler Mechanism
Kangra, H.P.–176209

Mandi 01905
AVI 560003
Jagdishwari Samaj Kalyan Mandal 236155 Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
71/1-A, Jawahar Nagar,
P.O. Khaliyar -175001

AVI 560009
Industrial Training Institute 01975-26070 Radio & Tape Recorder Repairing
Sunder Nagar T.V. Repairing

AVI 560022
Industrial Training Institute 2335544 Electrical Technician, Carpentry
Welding Technology, Stenography(H/E)
Typewriting (H/E), Computer Applications
AVI 560026
Gramin Vocational Education 01905-250621, 94181-82917 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Institute, Village Upper Barrot, 250800
PO Fatehpur, Tehsil Sarkaghat-175024

AVI 560037
Baba Industrial Training Centre 231060, 9816156261 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 560039
Bhuvenshwari Industrial Training 01907-267321, 267521 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Centre, Sunder Nagar Radiography

AVI 560048
Global Vocational Training 01905-221842, 09418387486 CCA, CDTP, Yoga, Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making,
Centre, Near Nirmay Clinic Embroidery, Cutting and Tailoring, Dress Making, Embroidery
Hospital Road, Mandi-175001

Shimla 0177
AVI 560002
Manav Kalyan Seva Samiti 01783-260334, 260106, 260239 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Baba Kuteer, Near Civil Hospital Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
P.O. & Teh. Chopal Food Processing, Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables

AVI 560011
Industrial Training Institute 01782-233149 Cutting and Tailoring, Embroidery
Rampur, Bushahr

AVI 560015
Industrial Training Instt. 2830983 Stenography (H/E), Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery,
Shimla Plumbing, Electrical Technician, Radio & T.V. Technician

AVI 560035 09816027240

Sanjay Gandhi Public 2670238, 2671146, 2571564 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Sr. Sec. School Toy Making & Joyful Learning
New Shimla-171009 Early Childhood Care & Education

28 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 560052
Laureate Public School 0177– 2802412, 2804065 CCA
Bharari, Shimla- 171001, H.P lauratesch93@

AVI 560006
District Instt. of Education & Trg. 01702-224023 Early Childhood Care & Education
Nahan, (H. P.)-173001 01702-222609
AVI 560014
Industrial Training Instt. 01702-222319 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician,
Principal, ITI Nahan, Distt. Sirmour 919418054737 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
H.P. - 173001 Typewriting (H/E), Stenography (H/E),
Computer Applications
AVI 560041
Pragati Institute of Vocational 01796-26299, 9418079043 CCA, Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Courses, Kheri Road, Rajgarh CDTP, Cutting & Tailoring

AVI 560047
Akal Academy 01799-275031, 275091 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Carpentry
VPO, Baru Sahib, Via-Rajgarh 9816033303, 275041 Furniture & Cabinet Making, ECCE
Distt. Sirmore, H.P. Care of Elderly

Solan 01792
AVI 560010
Industrial Training Institute 01792-223220 Typewriting (H), Electrical Technician
Nalagarh Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Carpentry
Welding Technology
AVI 560016
Industrial Training Institute 223753 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Carpentry
Tehsil & Distt. Solan, H.P.-173212 Welding Technology, Electrical Technician
Furniture and Cabinet Making, Typewriting (H/E),
Stenography (H/E), Radio & TV Technician
Beauty Culture, Four Wheeler Machanism

AVI 560034 9816130887

S.D.S.J. Food Craft Training Centre 227632, 655887 House Keeping, Catering Management, Food Processing
Poonam Hotel Complex, N.H. No. 22 Hotel Front Office Operations, Electrical Technician
Nagali, P.O. Barog - 173212 Radio & TV Technician, Bakery & Confectionary

Una 01975
AVI 560004
Shiksha Bharti Vocational 226894 Radio & T.V. Technician, Electrical Technician
Training Institute Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Jan Swasthya
Kotla Khurd Beauty Culture, Plumbing, Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making,
Embroidery, Computer Applications, Secretarial Practice
(PA/PS), Library Attendant, Library Clerk, Library Science
AVI 560005 01975-226070
Sanyukta Choudhri Himotkarsh 226070, 09418461345 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Stenography (E/H)
Women Polytechnic Institute Typewriting (E/H), Paripurna Mahila
Una–174303 Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 560018
Industrial Training Instt. 223203 Typewriting (H/E), Electrical Technician
Una Plumbing, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Beauty Culture, Furniture & Cabinet Making
Welding Technology, Carpentry

AVI 560050
Bhagat Ram Memorial Vocational 09418307112
Training Centre Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Bhaloun-174314 Via-Chowki Maniar
Tehsil - Bangana, Distt.- Una

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 29

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Anant Nag 01932
AVI 570008
Super (One) Computers 2222537 Computer Applications
Nai Basti, General Bus Stand Desk Top Publishing

AVI 570010
Kashmir Research Institute of 225534, 9906536026 Computer Applications
Education & Solar Technology Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
K.P. Road, P.O. Box No. 68, Head P.O. Fax-01932-225534 Typewriting (E), Word Processing

AVI 570014
Comtech Computer Education 225269 Typewriting (E), Stenography (E/Urdu)
Nusrat Building, Old KMD ADDA Computer Applications, Typewriting (Urdu)
Kashmir, J&K State - 192101
AVI 570025
Infotech Academy of Computer 9419412989, 9419949795 CCA, CDTP
Learning National Highway 1 A,
Bijbehara, Anantnag-192124

AVI 570011 01952-235166, 9419432294
Comtech Institute of Technology Computer Applications,
Opp. Police Station, Baramulla-193101 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Desk Top Publishing
Jammu 0191
AVI 570003
All J & K Ex-Servicemen 2582867 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Electrical
Welfare Society Technician, Beauty Culture, Typewriting (H/E), Stenography
199, Rehari Colony (H/E) Word Processing

AVI 570004 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,

National Industrial Training & 2572698 Electrical Technician
Consultancy Computer Applications
553, Rehari Chungi, New Plots

AVI 570005
Amar Balidan Trust 2433765 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Word Processing
National Instt. of Technical Tng. Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing,
A-3, Private Basic Computing, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Gandhi Nagar - 180004 Embroidery, Beauty Culture, Computer Hardware Assembly
& Maintenance

AVI 570015
Gandhi Memorial College of 0191-2623064, 2538154 Desk Top Publishing, Computer Applications
Education 09419136520 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Raipur, Bantalab Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 570016
National Institute for 0191-2433765, 9419183917 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Vocational Training, Word Processing, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
275-A, P-1, Shastri Nagar Embroidery, Beauty Culture

AVI 570017
Kristu Jyoti Social Welfare Society (Ph/Fax) : 019232-46033 Cutting Tailoring, Dress Making, Cutting, Embroidery,
NH/1-A, Diani, (M) : 09419152607 Tailoring and Dress Making, Computer Applications
Teh. Samba-184121 Beauty Culture

AVI 570018
Rose Bud School 01924-252444/253171 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Sungal Morh (M) : 9419100498 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Akhnoor -181201 email : Word Processing

30 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 570019
New Oriental High School 01924-241028 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Sohal Teh. Akhnoor -181201 (M) : 9419108440

AVI 570020
Vimal Muni Adarsh Education (Ph/Fax) : 01923-234120, 234233 Early Childhood Care & Education
Ramgarh, Teh. Samba, (M) : 9419188083/9419101426
AVI 570021 (Ph.) : 01923-251072
Kissan Institute of Technology (M) 9419112541 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Opp. Petrol Pump,
R.S. Pura-181102

AVI 570022 2598747 Fax: 2543184 CCA, CDTP, Basic Computing,

Infosys Eyes (M) 9419181251 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Near Rama Krishna Mandir
Dream City Muthi, Jammu

AVI 570023 9419324234 CCA, CDTP, Word Processing

Public Institute for Electronics
and Computer Technology
Village-Gurha Mundain, Tehsil-Hira
Nagar, Kathua J & K-184142

AVI 570024 9906963667 CCA, CDTP, CHAM, Beauty Culture, Cutting & Tailoring,
Hyatt Infotech Institute of Embroidery, Typewriting (E), Word Processing,
Vocational courses New Colony, Secretarial Practice, Dress Making, Stenography (E),
Pulwama, J & K-192301 Secretarial Prcatices (PA/PS)

AVI 570026
Dhanwati Vocational 0191-2585760 Cutting Tailoring and Dess making, Embroidery,
Institute of Education 09419126717 Certificate in Homeopathic Dispensing,
Batote 09419161221 Basic Computing
Distt- Ramban, Jammu

Srinagar 0194
AVI 570012 2483622, 2472258
Eves Cyber IT School Computer Applications
Shagoo Complex Desk Top Publishing
Munawarabad, Khayam Chowk

AVI 570013
Super Computers 2405223 Computer Applications
Main Market, Soura Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance

Amritsar 0183
AVI 660002
Sri Har Kishan Public School 23335 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Vocational Training Centre Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Jandiala Road, Taran

AVI 660005
Mata Ganga Girl’s College 01852-222585 (Fax) 226466, Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Taran Taran-143401 9888810264
AVI 660012
Apex International School 2213899, 2402918, 3104529 Early Childhood Care & Education
208, Mohini Park Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 31

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 660015
Guru Nanak Senior Early Childhood Care & Education
Secondary School, Ghanupur
P.O. Chheharta - 143105

DR Modern Sr. Sec. School 0183 2258222 ECCE, CCA
PO Rayon & Silk Mills, GT Road, drmssravinder@
Chheharta, Distt. Amritsar – 143 104

Bhatinda 0164
AVI 660001
St. Joseph’s Convent Sec. School 2211200 Beauty Culture
10 B, Civil Lines Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,

AVI 660022
Bhatinda Institute of Information 2213594, 2217594, 09815544089 CCA, CDTP, Word Processing
Technology 9417062420
SCF-75, Model Town, Phase-1-151001

AVI 660029
Sant Fateh Singh Convent School 01655-231939/500539 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery, CCA,
Bhatinda Road, Maur Mandi 9872015239 Fax: 231939 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance,
Bhatinda, 151509 Soil & Fertilizer Management

Ferozpur 01632
AVI 660023
D.C. Model International School 229797, 229898, 210505 CCA CDTP, Computer Hardware Assembly &
Zira Road, Opp. FCI Godowns Fax: 229797, 09417349914 Maintenance, Play Centre Management
Ferozpur city-152002 Secretarial Practice, ECCE

Gurdaspur 01874
AVI 660010
Tagore Institute of Industrial 247290 Computer Applications, Jan Swasthya
Training, Krishan Nagar Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 660011
Classic Beauty Parlour and 223969 Beauty Culture
Training Institute
Opp. Congress Bhawan, Civil Lines

AVI 660028
F.S.Mann Silver Creek School 01871-241253, 258273, Early Childhood Care & Education, Certificate in Library
P.O.Batala & Distt. Gurdaspur 9417680206 Science, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Certificate in
Homeopathy Dispensing, Embroidery
AVI 660016
AII J & K Ex Service Men Computer Applications
Welfare Society Electrical Technician
Opp. Indian Bank, 43 Main Bazar Ref. & Air Conditioning, Beauty
Garh Shankar Culture, Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery

AVI 660025
Desh Bhagat Technical College 093564-499010, 99155-20762 Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery, Beauty
Vill-Bhater, Block-Talwara Culture, CLS, Electrical Technician, Refrigeration &
Distt.-Hosiarpur, Punjab Air Conditioning, Carpentry, Welding Technology,
Food Processing, Plumbing, Computer Hardware Assembly
& Maintenance, Basic Computing

32 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 660026
Desh Bhagat Technical College 01882-242750, 220762 Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery, Beauty Culture
New Fatehgarh, Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Distt.-Hosiarpur, Punjab Carpentry, Welding Technology, Food Processing, Plumbing
Basic Computing
AVI 660027
Gyan Jyoti Industrial Training 09417212419 Bakery & Confectionery, CCA
Centre, Chunni Kalan, 24th Km. ECCE, Certficate in Homeopathy Dispensing
Mohali Sirhind Road, Fatehgarh Sahib

Jalandhar 0181
AVI 660004
Industrial Training Centre 2671751, 2670640 Electrical Technician, Secretarial Practice
United Christian Instt. Water Management for Crop Production
Suranussi, Jhalandhar City

AVI 660009 Beauty Culture, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,

Shining Stars 2205808, 2200322 Embroidery, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Hardware
Co-Educational Polytechnic Assembly & Maintenance, Toy Making and Joyful Learning
Shastri Nagar

AVI 660013
Shivalik Hills Senior Sec. School 09888269955, 09888458877 Computer Applications
Urban Estate Phase-I Desk Top Publishing

Kapurthala 01824
AVI 660003
Community Polytechnic 228533/228659 Radio & TV Technician, Solar Energy Technician
The National Instt. for IRD & Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Transfer of Technology Bio-gas Energy Technician, Word Processing, Basic Computing
V & PO - Palahi, Tehsil Phagwara Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
(Near Railway Station Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Phagwara)- 144403 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Modern Secretarial Practice
Early Childhood Care & Education
Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
AVI 660017
Bengal Institute of Health Science 01624-268158, 268158 Jan Swasthya
Talwandi Road Care of Elderly
Raikot - 141109

AVI 660018
Jeevan Jyoti Vocational Training (Ph) : 0161-2455877 Computer Applications, ECCE, Dress Making
Centre (Fax): 2455921, 2457215 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
C/o Sacred Heart Convent Senior Beauty Culture, Desk Top Publishing, Cutting & Tailoring
Secondary School
Sarabha Nagar-141001, Punjab

AVI 660019
Everest Public Senior (Ph/Fax) :0161-2225237 Computer Applications
Secondary School (Ph) : 2226605/5539270 Desk Top Publishing
Moti Nagar, Punjab

AVI 660020
Jan Shikshan Sansthan (Ph/Fax) :0161-2681561 Jan Swasthya
Guru Angad Dev Charitable Hospital
Complex, Chandigarh Road-141010

AVI 660030
Guru Harikishan Industrial 0161-2410636 Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Cutting & Tailoring
Training Centre Dress Making, Embroidery, House Keeping, Plumbing,
Block-1/625, Neem wala Chowk Radio & TV Technician, Radio & Tape Recorder
Kundan Puri, Civil Lines Area Repairing, TV Repairing Stenography (E), Secretarial
Practice, Computer Hardware & Assembly

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 33

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 660014
Bosco Institute of Rural 0175-2663561, 09815691975 Electrical Technician, CCA, Cutting & Tailoring
Development Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
P.O. Kauli - 140701 Beauty Culture, Welding Technology, Secretarial Practice
(PA/PS) Dip. in Modern Secretarial Practice, Dress Making

AVI 660024
Baba Deep Singh Indo-American 01752-363636, 9872460828 Paripurna Mahila, Jan Swasthya
Institute of Medico Technicals 9872468540
4 No. Street Kamal Colony
Sirhind Road, Jhill, Opp. Octroi Post

AVI 660031
Malwa Industrial Training Centre 01764-2430770, 098761133043 Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery, Cutting &
Samana Road, Patran, Burar, Tailoring, Dress Making, House Wiring & Electrical Appliances
Distt.-Patiala-147105 Repairing, Plumbing, Electrical Technician, Motor &
Transformer Rewinding, CCA, CHAM, CDTP, Furniture &
Cabinet Making, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Welding
Technology, Carpentry, Certificate in Care of Elderly,
Certificate in Homeopathy Dispensing
AVI 660034
S S International Institute of 0175-501009, 9815707709 Play Centre Management, ECCE
Professional Studies
C/o Kinder Garden National School,
Green Park, Near Jhill Road,

AVI 660035
Global Professional College Ph: 01659-250129, 9872037667 Welding Technology, Plumbing,
Puda Colony, Sadulgarh, Cutting ,Tailoring & Dress Making
Distt. Mansa-151507, Punjab C L S, Electrical Technician

Mohali 0172
AVI 660008
Jan Shikshan Sansthan Fax-2224955, 2222955 Paripurna Mahila, Electrical Technician
B-52, Phase-VI, Industrial Area Computer Applications
Mohali, Distt-Mohali (Punjab) Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 660006
Guru Nanak VBT Polytechnic 2229609, 2229042, 2770831 Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
C-4, Focal Point, Industrial Area 9876187750 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, CCA, CDTP
Phase-I, SAS Nagar, Mohali-160055 Beauty Culture
AVI 660021
Shastri Model School 0172-6544708, 2227211 CCA, CDTP
Phase-1, Mohali-160055

AVI 660032
New Era Industrial Training 09814683956, 09814333298 Beauty Culture, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Centre, Friends Enclave, Embroidery
Chandigarh Road,
Kharar-140301 Distt. Mohali

AVI 660036
Maharaja Ranjit Singh College 01637-263744, 262744 CCA , CHAM, CDTP
Burjan Bypass, Malour Distt..-
Muksar-Abohar Road,
Pind Malout-152107

34 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 750001
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2697740, 4637740 Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician, Refrigeration
Jan Shikshan Sansthan Complex & Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Carpentry, Beauty Culture
Near Prajapati Bhawan 9888609069 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Bakery &
Sector 38-A, Pin-160014 Confectionery, Furniture and Cabinet Making, Library Clerk
Library Attendant, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Word Processing, Computer Applications
AVI 750002
I W S Computer Education Centre 2713081, 2532243 Computer Applications
SCO 3031-32 (Ist Floor), Sector-22 D

AVI 750003
YMCA Computer Centre Computer Applications
Sector-11-C 2546732

AVI 750004
Indian National Portage Association 172-2749994, 09417372091 Toy Making & Joyful Learning
Karuna Sadan, Room No-14-15 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Sector 11-B-160011 Secretarial Practice, Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 750008
PRG Education Services 5079994 Toy Making & Joyful Learning
SCO, 94-95, Sector-34-A Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Early Childhood Care & Education
AVI 750009
Regional Centre for 2612669, 2601648, 3013125 CCA
Enterpreneurship Development Fax: 2612669
S.C.O.-313-314, 2nd Floor, Above
Canara Bank, Sector-35B, Chandigarh
PIN-160022 Web.:

South Delhi
AVI 990001 011
Asian Centre for Organisation 26410616, 26435993 Paripurna Mahila
Research & Development Jan Swasthya
C-126, Greater Kailash-I

AVI 990004
Deepalaya School 26384944 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,, Embroidery,
Y-4-A, Sanjay Colony Library Clerk, Library Attendant, Beauty Culture, Radio &
Okhla Phase-II TV Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Plumbing,
Electrical Technician, Jan Swasthya, Paripurna Mahila,
Stenography (E/H), Secretarial Practice (PA/PS),
Typewriting (H/E)
AVI 990014
Katha School of Entrepreneurship 24961912, 24961913 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Electrical
Bhumiheen Camp 24961927, 24961928 Technician, Word Processing, House Keeping, Laundry Services,
Govindpuri Extn. Kalkaji, anand Play Centre, Management, Catering Management, Food
PIN-110019 Processing, Bakery & Confectionery, Preservation of
Fruits & Vegetables

AVI 990015
Shree Sant Nagpal 011-26809503, 09811509459 Electrical Technician, Plumbing, Cutting,Tailoring & Dress
Vocational Training Institute 09868985333 Making, Embroidery, Carpentry, Furniture and Cabinet Making
Chhattarpur–110074 Basic Computing, Desk Top Publising, Computer Applications Word Processing

AVI 990020
Akshay Pratishthan 26894163, 26132565 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
School Word Processing, Beauty Culture, Yog, Carpentry, Bakery &
D-III, Vasant Kunj Confectionery, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Electrical

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 35

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990024
Jan Madhyam Rural 26501012 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Tech. Training Centre janmadhyamj@indiainfo.Com Bakery and Confectionery
147, Aya Nagar Phase-V

AVI 990025
International Polytechnic for 24624049, 24699855 Computer Applications
Women, A-3, South Extn.-I, Ring Rd.

AVI 990026
Fr. Agnel School 26863289, 26863928 Computer Applications, Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making,
Gautam Nagar Embroidery, Word Processing, Desk Top Publishing,
Fax– 26968977 Typewriting (Eng.), Hotel Front Office Operations
AVI 990044
Instt. of Advanced Studies in 26823108, 6911772, 26831717 Early Childhood Care & Education
Education Faculty of Education 9818629549
Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar
New Delhi-110025

AVI 990045
Manava Bharti Nursery 011-26013749, 9311797695 Early Childhood Care & Education
Teacher’s Trg. Instt. Toy Making and Joyful Learning.
Panchsheel Park (South)
Sadhana Enclave–110017

AVI 990049
Sewa Bharti Sewa Vidya Mandir 29053994 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
D-79, Ambedkar Nagar

AVI 990051 011-26781080

Institute of Public Health & Hygiene 26781075/76/77/81/82 Radiography
RZ-A-44, Mahipalpur - 110037 Jan Swasthya

AVI 990054
Rani Jhansi Sarvodaya Vidyalaya 26369589 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Railway Colony, Tughlakabad

AVI 990055
Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School No. 1 26956099 Beauty Culture
Badarpur Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990057
Sarvodaya Vidyalaya 6196965 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
R.K. Puram, Sector - VI Computer Applications

AVI 990061
Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School 24618998 Typewriting (E)
No.2, Kidwai Nagar Beauty Culture

AVI 990071
District Vocational Trg. Centre Stenography (H/E), Beauty Culture, Electrical Technician
Qutab Minar, Mehrauli Radio and TV Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Near Qutab Bus Stand Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990077
Employee Development Centre 26801648 Plumbing, Welding Technology
NBCC Ltd., M.B.P. Complex Electrical Technician
Ghitorni, Mehrauli, Gurgaon Road Carpentry, Furniture and Cabinet Making

AVI 990079
H.P. Institute Vocational Studies 26136142 Early Childhood Care & Education
Tender Hands, Plot 1, Sector-A
Pocket-B, Vasant Kunj

AVI 990100
National Association of the Blind 26102944, 26175886 Play Centre Management
Sector-V, R.K. Puram Word Processing

36 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990105
NIC Computers Computer Applications
NIC Building on Jaitpur Road, Main 29892649/3827 Desk Top Publishing
Market, Molar Band Extn., Badarpur

AVI 990109
Nehru Bal Samiti 26263190 Typewriting (H/E), Stenography (H/E), Beauty Culture
Opp. R-2, South Extn. Part-II Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990110
Aditya Institute of Technology 011-26125195, 9868263761 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
107/9, Kishan Garh, Vasant Kunj Secretrial Practice Word Processing, Computer Applications,
Pin-110070 Typewriting (H/E), Secretarial Practice (PA/PS),
Stenography (H/E), Desk Top Publishing, Beauty Culture
AVI 990113
Martial Institute of Industrial 26100103 Security Services
Security & Fire Fighting Trg. 9350215567
H-605, Som Vihar Aptts., R.K. Puram
Sector-XII, New Delhi-110022

AVI 990119
Institute of Paramedical 26301321, 26301771, 26301555 Jan Swasthya
Technology, 154/106, Pahari
Chatterpur, PO Mehrauli

AVI 990120
Global Institute of Management 26171910 Computer Applications
Technology, U-1, Shanti Kunj Word Processing
Green Park Extn.

AVI 990121
Delhi Public School 26714130 (Fax)-26184023 Library Science, Word Processing, Typewriting (H/E)
Sector-XII, R.K. Puram -110022 Stenography (H/E), Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Computer Applications, Toy Making & Joyful Learning
Early Childhood Care & Education
AVI 990124
Indraprastha Instt. of Computer 26786443 Word Processing
Science and Technology Computer Applications
L-322 A, Mahipalpur Extn. Desk Top Publishing
Near Radission Hotel

AVI 990127
Pioneer Institute of Education & 51665888, 51665589 Computer Applications, Word Processing
Computer Studies, F-322/A Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Adarsh House, Lado Sarai Basic Computing, Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990128
Institute of Management 24620634, 2464438, 24631126 Computer Applications
Development and Research
1898, Kotla (Management House)
Opp. B-50 South Extension Part-I

AVI 990140
Ali Yavar Jung National Institute 29815093, 29817919 Computer Applications
for the Hearing Handicapped Word Processing
Kasturba Niketan, Lajpat Nagar

AVI 990159
Vocational Training College 24692607/ 24602968 Early Childhood Care & Education
J-Block, South Extn. Part-I

AVI 990172
Bisnouli Vocational Training 26401487 Computer Applications
Centre, MCD Community Centre Beauty Culture
Chirag Delhi Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 37

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990186
Ritinjali Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
K-99, 1st Street, opp. IDBI Bank 26789072 Computer Applications

AVI 990197
Hamdard Public School 26040269 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Talimabad, Sangam Vihar

AVI 990198
Variations Women & Children Computer Applications, Stenography (H/E), Secretarial
Welfare Trust, 161/11 Practice, Desk Top Publishing, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress
Joga Bai Ext., Okhla Making, Embroidery, Beauty Culture

AVI 990207
Jyotirmay Institute of Industrial Beauty Culture
Training, 210-C, Savitri Nagar
Near Champian GYM, Malviya Nagar
AVI 990215
Indira Gandhi Polytechnic 011-29957633, 29957608 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Cutting Tailoring and
6/97, DDA Flats (Main Road) Dress Making, Embroidery, Computer Applications
Madangir-110062 Desk Top Publishing, Beauty Culture
Early Childhood Care & Education
AVI 990218
NDMC Craft Centre 25476720 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
C/o, School No. 5, Netaji Nagar

AVI 990219
NDMC Craft Centre 25476720 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
C/o, , Kidwai Nagar, NDMC
Middle school Kidwai Nagar

AVI 990229
Mount Carmel School Secretarial Practice, Hotel Front Office Operations
A-21, Anand Niketan-21 Computer Applications

AVI 990236
American Institute 28866630, 26853663 CCA, CDTP
34/1-2, New No. 33A, Yusuf Sarai
New Delhi-110016

AVI 990238
Prayas Juvenile Aid Centre 65396445 Fax: 2995505 House wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing, CCA
59, Tughlakabad Institutional Area TV Repairing, Cutting Tailoring, Dress Making,
New Delhi-110062 Embroidery, Beauty Culture, Typewriting (E/H), CDTP,
Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
AVI 990244
Rosalind Mediratta Institute 29555827, 29555006 Bakery & Confetionary, Catering Management
of Hospitality Management 29551952, Fax:29553685 House Keeping
Khasra No. 54/13, Village-Deovli
Dist. Mahrauli, N13 Sainik Farm.
(South) Delhi-110062

AVI 990250
People’s Institute for Development 011-29532408, 29531296, CCA
& Training, Peoples House 29531282
A-12, Paryavaran Complex, info@peoples
Saket-Maidangarhi Road,
N. D.-110030

38 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990251
Deep Marks Computer 26660693, 26664078 CCA
(DMC) Institute dmci_edu@ rediffmail. com
Plot No. 2, Meethapur Extn.,
Near Molarband Sr. Sec. School, Badarpur

AVI 990253
The Divine Light 011-26527892, 9868270671 CTDM
MCD Community Hall, Beauty Culture
J J Colony, Tigri,
New Delhi - 110 062

AVI 990256
New Samarpit Educational 26936666, 9311797695 ECCE, Toy Making and Joyful Learning
Cultural and Welfare Society
J-58, Lajpat Nagar–III,
New Delhi - 110 024

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Street Children

SAIED 450016
Buttter Flies 26163935, 26191063 House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing
U-4, Green Park Extn.

Special Accredited Institutions for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Learning Disability

SAIED 450021
Tammana Special School Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery, House Wiring
D-6, Street Vasant Vihar Beauty Culture

SAIED 450060
National Association for the 26102944, 26175889, 9818284458 Word Processing,
Blind, Sector-V, R.K. Puram-110022; Typewriting (E/H)

Special Accredited Institutions for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Rural Women & Working Children

SAIED 450061
Akshay Pratishthan 26894163, 26132565 Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery, Beauty Culture
School, D-III, Vasant Kunj House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing

West Delhi
AVI 990010
Asha Sadan Vocational 28011101 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Training Centre, Najafgarh

AVI 990021
Guru Tegh Bahadur 2533485, 25440845 Beauty Culture, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
3 rd Centenary Public School Embroidery, Word Processing, Typewriting (H/E)
C-Block, Mansarovar Garden

AVI 990027
Computal Systems & Services 28116652, 28115683 Computer Applications
10 Community Centre Desk Top Publishing
Mayapuri Phase-I

AVI 990038
Baba Saheb Ambedkar 25600471, 73 & 76 Word Processing, Computer Applications
Industrial Training Centre Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Radio & TV Technician
Plot No. 13-B, Bodhella, Vikaspuri Electrical Technician, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making,

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 39

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990041
Guru Padam Jain Prashikshan 25216370 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Typewriting
Kendra, Community Centre 9212558896 (H/E), Stenography (H/E), Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Old Slum Flats Word Processing, Computer Applications
Paschim Puri Chowk -110063

AVI 990048
Sewa Bharti Shri Ram Mandir 27775014 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Main Road, Raghubir Nagar 9717268266

AVI 990052
Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya No. 1 25558263 Beauty Culture
D-Block, Janak Puri Stenography (E)

AVI 990053
Sarvodaya Boys Vidyalaya 25611463 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
A-Block, Vikas Puri Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

AVI 990058
Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School 5408215 Stenography (E)
Ashok Nagar Beauty Culture

AVI 990062
Sarvodaya Girls Sr. Sec. School 25193279 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Rajouri Garden Extn. Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990063
Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School No. 1 25194072, 25926723 Beauty Culture
Tagore Garden Computer Applications

AVI 990070
Prerana Public Sec. School 25594790, 25624790 Computer Applications, Typewriting (E), Word Processing
J-Block Beauty Culture, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Vikas Puri Embroidery, Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 990076
New Delhi Public School 25556601 Computer Applications
A-Block, Vikas Puri

AVI 990078
Kamal Model Sr. Sec. School 25649845 Computer Applications
K-1, Extension Mohan Garden Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

AVI 990082
Garjiya Institute of 25639155 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Information Technology Typewriting (E), Stenography (E)
‘O’ Extn., 65-66 Vani Vihar Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Uttam Nagar

AVI 990085
St. Francis De Sales Senior 25510556, 25551113 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Secondary School, A 4-C, Janakpuri Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990086
The Periyar Self Respect 25314412 Computer Applications
Propaganda Instt., Periyar Centre

AVI 990088
Mount St. Mary ’s School 25696534 Yog, Computer Applications,
75, Parade Road Word Processing, Typewriting (H/E)
Delhi Cantt. Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Beauty Culture

AVI 990091
Indcare Trust, 1030, Vikas Kunj 25563131, 25623664 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Vikas Puri Food Processing, Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables

40 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990092
URIVI Vikram Charitable Trust 25164125, 25447988 Word Processing
MCD Shoping Complex Typewriting (E/H), Beauty Culture
Tagore Garden Extn. l Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990093
Sidharth Vocational Institute 9868734411 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, ECCE
RZH-330- B, Street No.11 011-25365749, 9868229307 Computer Applications, Beauty Culture
Raj Nagar-II, Palam Colony Fax: 25360505
New Delhi-110045

AVI 990097
DON BOSCO Yuva Kendra 25011430, 25025765 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Electrical Technician
Nangloi Road Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Beauty
Najafgarh Culture, Word Processing, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS),
Computer Applications, Typewriting (H/E),
Desk Top Publishing
AVI 990099
Usha Vocational Training Centre 56002405, 9811280808 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
S-1/77, Old Mahavir Nagar
P.O. Tilak Nagar

AVI 990101
Kathuria Educational & Cultural 25179192 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Trust, Women Polytechnic
(Community Centre)
12, Block, Tilak Nagar

AVI 990118
SBL Computer Education 25936787 Computer Applications
FA-357, Mansarover Garden Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990130
Lakshay Women Polytechnic 25449483, 25412272 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
4B/25, Tilak Nagar Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 990131
DAV I.T. Management Academy 25170802, 25170803 Computer Applications, Word Processing
5A/15, Tilak Nagar Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990132
All India Institute of Local Self 25592465, 25611783 Radiography, Word Processing, Modern
Government, D-22-23 Secretarial Practice, Desk Top Publishing,
Institutional Area, Janakpuri Secretarial Practice, Computer Applications

AVI 990133
I.T. Gyandoot 25502559 Computer Applications
6/2A DS Prem Nagar, Janak Puri Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990135
Gagan Bharti Public School 25333377 Computer Applications
A-40, Om Vihar, Uttam Nagar

AVI 990136
Aalisha Polytechnic, L-2/47 25993921, 25991168 Beauty Culture
New Mahavir Nagar, Vikaspuri Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990139
Convent of Gagan Bharti Sr. Sec. 25351188, 25351199 Computer Applications
School, K-4 Block, Mohan Garden Beauty Culture

AVI 990150
SAMARTH the Professionals 27899152 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Vocational Training Institute
B-58, Tagore Garden Extn.

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 41

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990152
Saviour Convent Sr. Sec. School 25250038, 25256985 Computer Applications
A-2, Block, Balbeer Singh Marg Early Childhood Care & Education
Paschim Vihar

AVI 990156
New Age Institute of Computer 25550355, 25612457 Computer Applications
Education, C-236, Vikas Puri Word Processing

AVI 990167
Centre for Internet and System 25071129, 25071751 Computer Applications
Education,, D-409, Sector-VII
Dwarka, Near Ramphal Chowk

AVI 990168
Kids Care Institute of Vocational 27022429 Early Childhood Care & Education
Studies, A - 136, Sector 19,
(Near Amrahi), Dwarka

AVI 990169
Swami Vivekanand 25371438 Secretarial Practice, Beauty Culture
Polytechnic & Technology Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making,
A – 25, Sainik Enclave, Hastsal Embroidery
Uttam Nagar

AVI 990170
Modern Merry Convent School 39558539, 9873008702 Early Childhood Care & Education
B-3/39, Janakpuri 9350530090

AVI 990171
Web Institute of Computer 26641130 Desk Top Publishing
Technology, 27/3, Ward No. 1 Word Processing
Opp. Mother Dairy, Mehrauli Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance

AVI 990176
Swami Shivananda Memorial 25103555 House Keeping
Institute for Fine Arts & Crafts Beauty Culture
Road No.31, East Avenue
Punjabi Bagh East

AVI 990177
Delhi Institute of Paramedical 28012349, 28011469 Radiography
and Technical Education Jan Swasthya
RZ-C-117, Gopal Nagar, Najafgarh Computer Applications

AVI 990185
Shiv Modern School 25279955 Computer Applications
A-3, Paschim Vihar Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 990192
Mahila Vikas Sansthan 25036329, 20024264 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
RZ 1031, C Street No. 14 A Beauty Culture
Sadh Nagar, Palam colony

AVI 990194
Sri Guru Harkishan 30964036, 30964037 Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Industrial Training Centre Two Wheeler Mechanism, Radio & TV Technician
Opp. Block No. 20 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Tilak Nagar Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990195
Usha Tailoring Embroidery 25770180, 9811134091 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Diploma School
WZ-565-A, Naraina Village

42 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990196
Great Mission Teacher's Training 25084112, 9868169103 Computer Applications, Basic Computing
Institute, Plot No. 5th, Sector-5 Fax : 25080473 Cutting & Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Dwarka - 110075 Early Childhood Care and Education, Toy Making and Joyful

AVI 990199
National Institute of Computer 25057819, 9810092780 Computer Applications, Word Processing, Secreatarial Practice
Education and Vocational Studies (PA/PS), Basic Computing, Typewriting (H/E), Web Designing,
RZ-T-22, Nanda Block Computer Hardware Assembly & maintenance
Mahavir Enclave, Palam (Dwarka) Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990202
Rashtra Shakti Vidyalaya Senior 25568311, 25648197 Early Childhood Care & Education, Basic Computing
Secondary School rashtrashakit Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Village Hastsal, Near Uttam Nagar Library Science

AVI 990203
P.D. Model Vocational Institute 25476720 Early Childhood Care & Education
6/88, Paschim Friends Enclave
Sultan Puri Road, Nangloi

AVI 990216
Genius Infromatics 41573080, 9811167000 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer
A-1/28, LG Floor Applications, Desk Top Publishing
AVI 990217
Naveen Dabar Public School Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Vill& PO, Daulatpur, Najafgarh Cutting & Tailoring, Dress Making

AVI 990223
Netaji Subhash Polytechnic 24506188, 9213922540 Computer applications, ECCE
D-1, Street No. 47, Mahavir Enclave 9990077703 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Part-III, Near Bindapur DDA Fax : 25505609
Dwarka - 110059

AVI 990232
Institute of Electronics and 22598475 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Telecommunication Engineers Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
(Delhi Centre) 16/1-2, Institutional
Area, Pankha Road, Janakpuri
'D' Block - 110058

AVI 990235
IPD College 25258500/32495020 Early Childhood Care & Education,
487/5, Peeragarhi - 110087 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

AVI 990254
Guru Urban Rural Upliftment (Regd.) 011-64602607, 25376563, CCA. CDTP
A-1, Vikas Nagar, Uttam Nagar,

North Delhi 011

AVI 990006
Bal Sahyog 011-23411995/23411273 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Library
Opp. Nirula Restaurant 9868886132 Attendant, Library Clerk, Library Science, Beauty Culture,
Connaught Circus - 110001 Plumbing, Carpentry, Laundry Services, House Keeping

AVI 990011
Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur 011-27124670, 27465798, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Radio &
Industrial Training Centre 09971593594 TV Technician, Radiography, Electrical Technician,
Gurudwara Nanak Piao Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Welding Technology, Two
G.T. Karnal Road - 110033 Wheeler Mechanism Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer
Hardware Assembly & Maintenance, Modern Secretarial
Practice, Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Early Childhood Care & Education, Radiography
Four Wheeler Mechanism.

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 43

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990013
Vidya Training Institute 23348845, 46, 47 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Word Processing, Computer
Vidya Bhawan, Bangla Sahib Road Applications, Desk Top Publishing, Early Childhood
Opp. Kali Mandir, Connaught Place Care & Education, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
AVI 990018
Loyola Vocational Institute 27295522 Beauty Culture, Cutting & Tailoring and Dress Making,
St. Xavier’s School Embroidery, Bakery and Confectionery, Radio & TV
Shahbad Daulatpur-PO Technician, Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air
Bawana Road Conditioning, Typewriting (E/H), Secretarial Practice (PA/
PS), Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance,
Word Processing, Modern Secretarial Practice, Computer
Applications, Library Science, Early Childhood Care
& Education
AVI 990019
Shri Virendra Gupta Charitable 23816718 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Trust, Basti Vikas Kendra Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Sanjay Basti, Timarpur Beauty Culture

AVI 990023
Ahimsa Women’s Polytechnic 011-28744790, 29701749 Beauty Culture, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Ahimsa Bhawan, New Rajinder 28743681 Embroidery, CCA, Library Science, Secretarial Practice
Nagar, Shankar Road-110060 (PA/PS), Hidustani Music, Early Childhood Care &
Education, Dip. in Modern Secretarial Practice
AVI 990033
Gramothan Kalyan Parishad Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
C-1897, Jahangir Puri Typewriting (H/E), Stenography (H/E)

AVI 990036
Gandhi Hindustani Sahitya Sabha 23318831 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
1 Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Rajghat Typewriting (H/E)

AVI 990037
Akhil Bhartiya Gramin Seva Sangh 2785770, 27859317 Typewriting (H/E)
Alok Bharti Public School Stenography (H/E)
B-1, Sec.-16, Rohini Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990039
International Computer Instt. 3227057, 23275309 Computer Applications
3830, Lal Kothi Pataudi Desk Top Publishing
House Road, Darya Ganj

AVI 990046
Sewa Bharti 25736958 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Dev Nagar, Karol Bagh

AVI 990047
Sewa Bharti 23675014, 23634662 Typewriting (H/E), Stenography (H/E)
Vocational Training Centre Electrical Technician
10196/A, Jhandewalan Temple Radio & TV Technician

AVI 990065
SBBM Sarvodaya Vidyalaya 23972122 Stenography (H/E)
Shankaracharya Marg Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990066
Sarvodaya Kanya 27784006 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Vidyalaya, No.1 Narela Stenography (E), Typewriting (H/E)
Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
AVI 990068
Sewa Bharti 55154807 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, , Embroidery
N-353-54, N-Block, Mangol Puri

AVI 990072
DAV Centenary Public School 25686231 Word Processing
Paschim Enclave, Rohtak Road Computer Applications, Beauty Culture

44 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990073
Kulachi Hansraj Model School 27143364, 27143365 House Keeping, Bakery and Confectionery
Ashok Vihar Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990075
Air Force Vocational College 011-23792786, 23010231, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Secretarial
Old Willingdon Camp, Race Course Extn.-7671, 9811664112 Practice (PA/PS), Beauty Culture, Early Childhood Care &
Pin-110003 Education

AVI 990080
Satyam International Polytechnic 7235942, (F) 7225473 Computer Applications
G.D. Block, Pitampura Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 990081
Anjuman Taraqqi Urdu (Hind) 011-23236299, 23237210 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Urdu Ghar, 212, Rouse Avenue 23239514, 9811899684 Computer Applications, Library Science
AVI 990083
Chetnalaya 23347506, 23744308 Computer Applications, Typewriting (E)
9-10, Bhai Bir Singh Marg (Fax)-23747293 Stenography (E), Beauty Culture Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990084
Titiksha Public Sr. Sec. School 27056591, 2705692 Computer Applications
Sector-11, Rohini

AVI 990087
Panacea National Public School 27830372, 9811994675 Computer Applications, Cutting, Tailoring and
Siraspur Village, Libaspur Road Dress Making, Embroidery, Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 990089
Lisa Educational Research 27234777, 27425777, 27249777 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
and Welfare Society
M-17, LISA Complex
Ashok Vihar Phase-III

AVI 990090
DAV Institute of Management & 23364012 Library Science
Vocational Studies Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
14 Bhagat Singh Marg, Gole Market Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 990098
Sangwan Instt. of Voc. Studies 27533223 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Hardware Assembly &
Sangwan Model Sec. School Maintenance, Computer Applications, Early Childhood Care
Mange Ram Park, Pooth Kalan & Education, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990102
Patanjali Rural Industrial 25951014 Computer Applications
Institute of Technology, Ladpur Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery

AVI 990103
Nanak Training Institute 27041308 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
B – 6, Vijay Vihar Phase-II Desktop Top Publishing
Rohini, Sector-4 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990107
Softron Computer Institute 3514167, 3554387 Computer Applications
10133-36, East Park Road Word Processing

AVI 990108 987352244

Indian Adult Education Association 011-23379306, 23379282 Computer Applications
17-B, Indraprastha Estate Library Science

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 45

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990112
Manav Bhawna Institute of 27731003, 24982525 Word Processing
Management & Vocational Studies Computer Applications
Manav Bhawna Complex Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Main Road, Nathupura Village Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990114
Mount Abu Educational Institute 011-27479224, 27479329 Computer Applications
B T (West), Shalimar Bagh 9312628221 Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 990115
Happy Public School 7473242, 9811309948 Computer Applications
AG Block, Shalimar Bagh Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 990116
Brahm Shakti Hospital & 27531683, 27537967 Radiography
Research Centre 27537894
Budh Vihar, Rohini

AVI 990117
Tecnia Institute of Technology 27163600, 27168500 Computer Applications
F-19/14, Sector-8, Rohini

AVI 990122
NAV-UTTHAN CALL Centre 9868155125 Computer Applications
Holambi, Khurd

AVI 990123
Multivision Foundation 9868255417 Computer Applications
Gali No. 1A, SwananPrastha
Convent School Campus
Swatantar Nagar,Narela, Delhi-40
Swatantar Nagar

AVI 990125
Vision Institute of Advanced 27566995, 27562497 Word Processing
Studies, Zedca Building Computer Applications
Behind Star Appt., Sector-9, Rohini Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990137
Manav Uthan Lokpriya Sansthan 2461722 Computer Applications
C2F, Basant Lane, Railway Colony

AVI 990141
Women Institute of Vocational 27673795 Early Childhood Care & Education
Studies, B-448, Majlis Park

AVI 990142
Kapila’s Convent School 27868766 Yog
B-Block, Prashant Vihar
Sector-14, Rohini

AVI 990143
M.G. Institute 27941506, 27941509 Early Childhood Care & Education
Vikas Tower, 6 Community Centre
Sector-8, Rohini

AVI 990144
Dayanand Institute of 23245156, 23245156 Early Childhood Care & Education
Management Studies, Darya Ganj

46 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990145
Vocational Training Centre 27912793, 9818127336
‘G’ Block, Basti Vikas Kendra Fax-27917176 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990149
Blind Relief Association 24361376, 24368529 Computer Applications
Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg

AVI 990151
Prince Public School 27534031 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Budh Vihar Beauty Culture, Computer Applications

AVI 990153
Navjyoti Delhi Police Foundation 27637746 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Beauty
E2Y DDA Flat, Jahangirpuri Culture, Typewriting (E/H)

AVI 990154
Gandhi Smiriti and Darshan 23392709, 23392710 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Jan
Samiti, 5 Tees January Marg Swasthya, Paripurna Mahila, Yog, Computer Applications
Early Childhood Care & Education
AVI 990155
G. Computer Centre 55477802 Computer Applications
D-4, Basti Vikas Kendra, Sultanpuri

AVI 990162
Computer Education Centre 25888300, 55471818 Computer Applications
Ashoka Place Word Processing
23 West Patel Nagar Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990163
Guru Tegh Bahadur Public School 27247871, 27425148, 27414364 Computer Applications, Word Processing
D1/14, Model Town-III Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990166
Ram Gopal Educational Society 27552969, 9312263447 Computer Applications
A-1/11, Prashant Vihar Basic Computing, Desk Top Publishing
Rohini Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 990173
S.D.M. Model Sr. Sec. School 28364922, 9350087086 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Word Processing
Block-D, Ranjit Vihar, Chander Vihar Fax : 28361499 Library Science, Stenography (H/E)
Nilothi Extn. Early Childhood Care & Education
Toy Making & Joyful Learning

AVI 990178
Vivekanad Institute of 27216118, Computer Applications
Computer Education Desk Top Publishing
2647, Hudson Line, Main Road

AVI 990180
Ojas Institute of Management 27859310, 11, 17 Computer Applications
B-1, Sector-16, Rohini Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990181
Rukmini Devi Institute of 27864596, 27867301 Computer Applications
Advanced Studies 9212602140 Basic Computing, Library Science
2-A and 213, Phase-I Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Madhuban Chowk, Rohini Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990182
Dreamz Academy of Word Processing, Desk Top Publising
Technical Education Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
2610, Hudson Lines, GTB Nagar Computer Applications, Library Science

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 47

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990184
Manvi Institute of 27045080, 27046989 Early Childhood Care & Education
Education & Technology Toy Making and Joyful Learning
Block C-7, Sector-VII, Rohini-85

AVI 990187
AISE Institute of 9311568006, 9811568006 Early Childhood Care & Education
Management & Technology Secretarial Practice
School Complex Computer Applications
VSPK International School Desk Top Publishing
Sector-13, Rohini

AVI 990189
Bharatiya Polytechnic 2765466, (F) 27653364 Computer Applications, Word Processing, Secretarial Practice
65, IInd Floor, Mall Road Typewriting (E), Stenography (E), Desk Top Publishing
Kingsway Camp Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
AVI 990190
Electronics Educational and 55725426, 39509926 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Technical Society, G Block Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Community Centre, J.J. Colony Beauty Culture

AVI 990191
S.M.S.S.S.S. Technology Institute 25473680, 9312266719 Typewriting (H/E), Stenography(E/H)
38 Pooth Kalan, PIN-10086 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Cutting, Tailoring and
Dress Making, Embroidery, Beauty Culture
AVI 990206
Rapid Career Academy 65178414, 64667737 Early Childhood Care & Education
2/54, Double Storey Computer Applications, Basic Computing
Vijay Nagar - 110009 Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery, Dress Making

AVI 990208 Computer Applications

Neelkanth Instt. of Vocational Edn. 55180377
Main Karala Road, Kanjhawala

AVI 990209
Jain Bharti Model School Library Science, Early Childhood care and Education
E Block, Sector-16, Rohini - 110085

AVI 990210
Glorious Public School 27557249, 9811603158 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Sector-9,Opp. Dharamkunj Society Rohini Early Childhood care and Education

AVI 990211
Bharti Cutting and Tailoring and 27522538, 9911228659 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Dress Making
1-1/32, Prem Nagar-II, Nangloi

AVI 990212
Anagat Cutting and Tailoring and Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Dress Making
Gali No. 14, Swantantar Nagar, Narela

AVI 990213
Nari Raksha Samiti 23973949, 23945372 Computer Applications
2, Rajnivas Marg, Civil Lines Fax : 23973949

AVI 990220
NDMC Craft Centre 25476720 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
C/o, Bapu Samaj Sewa Kendra,
Community Hall, Panchkuia Road

48 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990221
NDMC Craft Centre 25476720 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
C/o, NDMC Primary School
Kaka Nagar

AVI 990222
NDMC Craft Centre 25476720` Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
C/o, NDMC Primary School,
Kautiliya Marg, Ashoka Hotel

AVI 990225
St. Johns Institute of Information Early Childhood Care & Education
Technology and Vocational Training
P.O.Khera Khurd-82

AVI 990231
North Delhi Polytechnic for Women 65331198, 27010333 Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Vardhman Plaza, 2nd Floor, Plot No. - 9 email : Beauty Culture, Food Processing, Catering Management,
Road No.44, Community Centre House Keeping

AVI 990237
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 27633453, 27633906 (F) 27634853 Beauty Culture, Dress Making, Library Attendant
Prayas, EE-Block, Jahangirpuri
AVI 990242
Information Technology & 23583276, 65358200 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Computer Centre for the Deaf
DDA Community Hall, Gali Chandiwali
Paharganj, Delhi-110055

AVI 990243
R.D. Sr. Sec. Public School 25473692, 25473958 CCA, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Krishan Vihar, New Delhi-41 Stenography (H/E), ECCE, Radio & T.V. Technician, CLS

AVI 990247
N.R. Convent School 32423131, 28364827 CCA, CDTP, CLS
Nangloi, Nilothi More,
Main Nangloi-Najafgarh Rd. N.Delhi

AVI 990248
Websoft Technologies 011- 23848361, 42351095, CDTP, CCA
25/1/7, Shakti Nagar, 42351802, 9811557515
Delhi-110 007 info@websoft

AVI 990249
Shri Har Educational Seva 9312317900, 9999628185 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Society (Regd.)
WZ-125, Shadi Pur Mandir Wali Gali,
West Patel Nagar-110 008

AVI 990255
Pragya Network Educational Society 9213942498 CCA. CHAM
65, Pana Udyan, Narela,
Distt. North West, Delhi-110 040

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Orthopedic Impaired
SAIED 450018
Govt. Lady Noyce Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Secondary School for the Deaf House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing
Kotla Ferozshah, Delhi Gate

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 49

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Learning Disabilities, Working Children
& Street Children

SAIED 450072
Prayas Juvenile Centre Library Attendent, House Wiring & Electrical Appliance
E.E. Block, Jahangir Puri Repairing, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Embroidery, Beauty Culture

East Delhi 011

AVI 990007
Community Welfare Organisation 2264939, 2175281 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Sport Shed, A-65, Bunty Bhawan Beauty Culture, Basic Computing, CCA
Gokul Puri

AVI 990016/SAIED 450019

Amar Jyoti 22372173, 22375205 Beauty Culture, Bakery & Confectionery
Rehabilitation Centre Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Carpentry
Vikas Marg, Karkardooma Furniture and Cabinet Making, Word Processing
Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
AVI 990017
St. John’s Vocational 011-22573974, 09810244190 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Technical Training Centre Stenography (E), Secretarial Practice (PA/PS),
119, Anand Gram, Tahirpur Word Processing, Typewriting (E/H), Computer Applications,
(Near Dilshad Garden), Shahdara Beauty Culture, Carpentry, Radio & TV Technician, Plumbing,
Pin-110095 Electrical Technician

AVI 990022 011-22309035, 9868882510

Sh. Chhedalal Commercial College 22305149, 22303354 Typewriting (H/E), Stenography (H/E)
4/2928 Bhola Nath Nagar, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Desk Top Publishing
(Near Mani Ram Mandir) Fax– 22309035 Word Processing
Shahdara - 110032

AVI 990031
Infocom Education Technology 22587771 Computer Applications
1/4417, Ram Nagar Extn.
Mandoli Road, Shahdara

AVI 990032
Deptt. of Radiology and Imaging 22586262, Extn- 401 & 603 Radiography
University College of Medical Science
and G.T.B. Hospital, Dilshad Garden

AVI 990034
Universal Institute of Computer 22440117, 55298815 Computer Applications
& Technology, Block- A Desk Top Publishing
Universal Public School, Preet Vihar

AVI 990035
Vanasthali Public Sr. Sec. School 22521897 Word Processing
1-A, Madhu Vihar, Patpar Ganj Computer Applications

AVI 990040
BRAINS – APL 25037105 Computer Applications
625/1C, Indira Park

AVI 990042
College of Vocational Education 2257077 Computer Applications
227, Main Patpar Ganj Road Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Mayur Vihar-I Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990043
Sewa Bharti 95120-2776666, 56058014 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Plot No.456-457, Block No.4

50 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990059
Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School 2163266 Stenography (E)
Jhilmil Colony Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990064
Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School 242998, 3222410 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Rani Garden, Geeta Colony Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

AVI 990067
Samaj Seva Sangh 22568451, 22868977 Stenography (E)
N -69/10, Gali No 16, Brahm Puri Typewriting (E)

AVI 990069 011-22541104, 22019616

Sarvodaya Instt. of Education 9911541104 Typewriting (H/E), Stenography (H/E)
D-175, Laxmi Nagar-110092 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
AVI 990074
Vishwa Bharti Yog Sansthan 22525818, 22547253 Yog
A-138, Priyadarshini Vihar 9899866280, 9868417938 ECCE
Near Laxmi Nagar-92

AVI 990095
Balika Vikalp Gyan Kendra 2752298 Typewriting (H/E)
35/20, Trilokpuri Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 990096
Vivekanand Computer & 22385851, 22393086 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Management Centre Computer Applications
6/49, Street 5, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdara

AVI 990104
Nanak Training Institute 9871266416 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
F-32, East Jyoti Nagar, Shahdara

AVI 990106
Bhartiya Parivardhan Sanstha 011-22114637, 9958314001 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
D-1 Basti Vikas Kendra Beauty Culture
Nand Nagri-110093

AVI 990111
Sarvodaya Computer & 2130322, 4059492 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Management Institute Word Processing
1449/21 A, Main 110 Ft. Road, Durgapuri Computer Applications

AVI 990126
Madhav Seva Kendra, Sewa Bharti 56023290 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Sri Radha Krishna Mandir, A-Block
Gali No. 6, 5th Pusta Road, Ghamri Extn.

AVI 990129
Maharaja Agarsen Institute of 22308039 Computer Applications
Information Technology
459/6, Shalimar Park
Bholanath Nagar, Shahdara

AVI 990138
Dashmesh Public School 2216306, 22165402 Computer Applications
C-Block, Vivek Vihar Word Processing

AVI 990146
Macro Institute of Computer 22918324, 39540111 Computer Applications, Word Processing, Secretarial Practice
Technology Stenography (E), Computer Hardware Assembly &
B-1/10 A, Yamuna Vihar Maintenance, Desk Top Publishing
AVI 990147
Nanak Training Institute 22591450, 22132215 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
566, Nanak Bhavan Computer Applications
Chanderlok Colony, Shahdara Desk Top Publishing

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 51

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990148
Nanak Training Institute 22572830, 55339517 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
E-268, Ashok Nagar,

AVI 990157
Delhi Competitive & 22050437, 9811717211 Computer Applications
Vocational Society, 1/49 Lalita Park Word Processing
Main Vikas Marg, Laxmi Nagar Desk Top Publishing

AVI 990158
Exe Solutions 22448778, 22432156 Word Processing, Typewriting (E), Basic Computing
B-21, Chander Nagar (West) Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Cutting, Tailoring Dress Making, Embroidery
Certificate in Web Designing
AVI 990161
Royal Khalsa Convent School 22549754 Play Centre Management, Cutting, Tailoring and
44/5/2, East Guru Angad Nagar Dress Making, Embroidery,Word Processing
Computer Applications, Early Childhood Care & Education
AVI 990164
EM-Tech Computer & Computer Applications
Management Institute Word Processing
1450/2, East Jyoti Nagar, 22573418,22582647, 22119827 Desk Top Publishing
Loni Road, Shahdara

AVI 990174
Rishabh Institute 22752055 Computer Applications, Secretarial Practice
Rishab Public School Library Science, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress
Pocket-IV, Mayur Vihar-I Making, Embroidery, Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 990175
Saai Memorial Girls High School 22016866, 22016867 Computer Applications, Secretarial Practice
Sai Bhawan, Geeta Colony-31 Early Childhood Care & Education
Fax - 011-22046869
AVI 990179
Rajiv Gandhi Training Institute 22143666, 9810116354 Early Childhood Care & Education
A-103 Vivek Vihar, Phase–I Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Toy Making and Joyful Learning.
AVI 990183
Kasturi Devi Vocational Institute 9811419114 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
A-76 Holy Faith Building, Early Childhood Care & Education, Beauty Culture
Chander Vihar

AVI 990193
Nav Bharat Institute of 22967208 Computer Applications
Information Technology Basic Computing
F-229, Khajoori Khas Desk Top Publising
Main Wazirabad Road

AVI 990200
Aakashline Institute of Computer Applications
Professional Studies Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
1449/21, Main Road, Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Durgapuri, Sahadara Desk Top Publising

AVI 990201
Santoshi Mahila Evam Bal 22752295 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Kalyan Samiti, 116 Kotla, Mayur Vihar

52 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990204
Vivekanand Institute of 22910795, 22910066 Computer Applications
Computer Education Desk Top Publising
B-1-9A, Yamuna Vihar, Main Road

AVI 990205
Aastha Institute of 9213400056, 65125903 Computer Applications
Information Technology 9213433712 Desk Top Publising
128, Rani Garden, Shastri Nagar

AVI 990214
Shri Bhagwan Inter College 22594322, 9873145491 Computer Applications
A-70 Hardevpuri, 100 ft. Road, Word Processing
Near MTNL Office Shahdara

AVI 990224
Maulana Azad Public School 9810173002 Computer Applications
2/2 Matka Street, Chauhan Banger, 9891273002 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Seelampur-53 2172546

AVI 990226
Satyam Institute of Computer 32950058, 24522039 Computer Applications
Technology, 1449/73, Durgapuri, 9868021022, 9868322638 Desk Top Publishing,
Main 100 Feet Road, Shahdara-93 Computer Harware Assembly & Maintenance

AVI 990227
Vikas Charitable Society 9350948113 Typewriting (E)
(Regd.), A-Block, 25th Ft. Main Road Stenography (E)
1st Pusta, Sonia Vihar - 110094

AVI 990228
Aman Public School 9213177419, 9891309929 Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
J-8/1/1415, Mansarovar Park
Shahdara - 110032
AVI 990230
Sarswati Vyavassik Shiksha Sansthan 64171461, 9213874075 Stenography(E)
A-114, Gali No. 7,
Devi Nagar, Shiv Vihar
Karawal Nagar - 110094

AVI 990233
Sagar Training Centre 22598475 Typewriting (Hindi), Typewriting (English)
B-1/198, Harash Vihar-110093 email : Stenography (Hindi), Stenography (English)

AVI 990234
New Generation Education and 22598475 Cutting, Tailoring and DressMaking, Embroidery
Welfare Society,
F1-217, Sunder Nagri-93

AVI 990239
International Foundation of 22353841 Certificate in Yog
Natural Health & Yoga Fax: 22354995
A-95-A, Dilshad Colony-95

AVI 990240
Adarsh Computer Education Society 22305530, 22305167, 9818792230 CCA
459, Teliwara, Shahdara, Delhi-32

AVI 990241
Vidy Bal Bhawan Public School 22626299 Fax: 22617007 CDTP, ECCE
Kondli Gharoli Road 9312287515
Mayur Vihar-III, Delhi-96

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 53

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 990245
Raj Singh Institute of Technology 011-2213177 CCA
A-12, Gali No.12, Kajuri Colony

AVI 990246
Sofia Educational & Welfare 011-22184440, 64635444 CCA, CHAM, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning,
Society 371/3, Gali No.-314 House Keeping, Secretarial Practice, Radio & TV Technician
Main Road Brijpuri, Opp. Tripal
Factory, Old Mustafabad, Delhi-94

AVI 990252
Oscar Polytechnic Institute 011-22614999, 22618955 Certificate in Basic Computing
A-781-782, G.D. Colony,
Opp.- Hanuman Mandir, Mayur Vihar,
Phase-III, Delhi-110096

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Orthopedic Handicap, Learning Disabilities &
Working Children

SAIED 450019
Amar Jyoti Rehabilitation & Research Beauty Culture, Carpentry, Cutting & Tailoring,
Centre, Vikas Marg, Karkardooma Embroidery, Word Processing, Bakery & Confectionery

Faridabad 0129
AVI 550021
Chetna Polytechnic for Women 2482486 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
D/129, Dabua Colony

AVI 550025 4003588, 9810373703

Savitri Polytechnic for Women 2433015, 2424588, 5003588 Beauty Culture, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
A-8, Nehru Ground Embroidery, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Early Childhood
Neelam Bata Road Fax - 0129-40036 Care & Education, CCA

AVI 550026
EROS Nursery Teacher 95129-4050293 Computer Applications, Early Childhood Care & Education
Training Institute (M) : 981023318 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
3A /155, NIT - 121001 Toy Making & Joyful Learning, Hindustani Music
AVI 550040
Ashok Memorial Public School 2271107, 2277107 Computer Applications
Ashoka Enclave, Phase- I Early Childhood Care & Education
AVI 550053
Vidya Institute of Fashion 0129-2415855, 4052738 ECCE
Technology, 2M, NIT 9910702333, Fax 2419444

Gurgaon 0124
AVI 550012
Anand Bhartiya 2333851, 233129, 4080391 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
88-89 I.D.C. Mehrauli Road Word Processing, Beauty Culture

AVI 550019
Adarsh Mahila Vikas Sadan 2332266 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
H.No. 742/21, Gali No. 2, Om Nagar
Khandsa Road-122001

AVI 550029
Martial Institute of Industrial 0124-2324971 Security Services
Security & Fire Fighting Training 9811745321
Society, Sethi Farms

54 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 550035
Mother Teresa Nursery Teacher 2312991, 2335113 Early Childhood Care & Education
Training and Vocational Institute
737, Bhim Nagar

AVI 550037
National Institute of 95125076677 Computer Applications
Educational Technology
C- 72-73-74, II Floor P.V.K.
Palam Vihar

AVI 550038
Pragati Polytechnic 2300510, 5101510, 3090326 Secretarial Practice, Basic Computing,
194/16, Nai Basti Near Jacob Pura Cutting & Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Old Rly. Road Diploma in Modern Secretarial Practice

AVI 550046
Ozark Global Information 0124-5081467 Computer Appllications
Services B-3, Old DLF, Sector-14 9810336647-48 Secretarial Practice(PA/PS)
Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 550051
Swami Amar Dev Prashikshan 0124-2672301-2, 2672508 ECCE
Sansthan Ashram Hari Mandir,
Pataudi, Gurgaon

AVI 550054
Ritinjali Centre for Bakery & 0124-4309646/47, 9910056345 Bakery & Confectionery
Confectionery, 643-Udyog Vihar
Phase-V, Gurgaon

AVI 550055
Pallavanjali Uppals South End 0124-4252760 09811207089 ECCE
S-Block, Sector-48/49, Gurgaon Play Centre Management

AVI 550057
Babu Jagjeevan Ram Industrial 0124-2670371 Electrical Technician,
Training Centre House Wiring & Electrical, Appliance Repairing
Haily Mandi Road, Pataudi,
Distt. Gurgaon, Haryana-122503

AVI 550059
Sucheta Memorial School 0124-2253094 ECCE. CCA.
Sector-5, Taluk-Gurgaon smsgurgaon Electrical Technician
Distt. Gurgaon,

Jhajjar 01251
AVI 550045
DAV Centenary Public School Early Childhood Care & Education
Sector- 6, Bahadurgarh–124507 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing

AVI 550047
Jeet Arya Senior Secondary School, 01276-237438 Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Arya Nagar, Balor Road, Bahadurgarh - 124507

AVI 550048 01276-260130

Green Valley High School, 9416228590, 9868591330 Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
1/325, Bahadurgarh Computer Applications

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 55

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 710175
Delhi Institute of Security & 9810699210, 0120-6474459 Certificate in Security Services
Management 6474465, 9268827590
Vill. Partwari, Bisrakh Road, Teh. Dabri,
Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P.

AVI 710176
K.B. Health Care Diagnostic 9818312946, 0120-2340300 Diploma in Radiography
Centre, Kalpana Bhargava,
K.B. Memorial Educational and Health
Care Trust, NH-29, P-4 Greater Noida,
Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, Noida U.P.

AVI 710183
Sanskar Kendra 9811111446 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Vill. Hoshiarpur, Sector-51, 0120-2517331/7 CCA
Noida-201301 (U.P.) noida

AVI 710185
Checkmate Shikshan Evam 0120-4354884, 85, Certificate in
Prashikshan Samiti Institute of 86, 2402618 Security Services
Security and Fire 120- 4354887
Safety Management
Unit of Checkmate Industrial
Guards Pvt. Ltd. santokh31@sify com,
C-250, Sector-63 secure@check mate
NOIDA, Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar
Uttar Pradesh- 201307

AVI 710196
AROH Foundation 0121 4277077 House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing
F-52, Sector-08, Basic Computingn, Dress Making
Taluk-Gautam Budh Nagar,
Noida-201 301

Ghaziabad 0120
AVI 710012
Modi Institute of 0122-2316058, 2311658 House Keeping, Play Centre Management, Word Processing
Technology 09319730555, 09634079790 Basic Computing, Computer Applications, Desk Top
Railway Road pmullick@rediffmail Publishing Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Hapur - 245101 Beauty Culture, Bakery & Confectionery, Catering Management,
Laundry Service Paripurna Mahila, Jan Swasthya, Toy Making
& Joyful Learning Early Childhood Care & Education, Food
Processing, Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables
AVI 710016
Mahila Polytechnic 01232-247311 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Delhi Meerut Road, Kadrabad Play Centre Management
Modinagar–201301 Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 710019
St. Francis Functional Industrial 2870210 Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Training Institution stfrancisiti@gzb, Carpentry, Radio & T.V. Technician
Mariam Nagar, Meerut Road Computer Applications, Word Processing

AVI 710020
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2629008 Computer Applications
A-1/2, Surya Nagar

56 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 710030
Sushila Devi Polytechnic 3023561, 2732952, 2713387 Computer Applications, Word Processing, Desk Top Publishing
for Women Basic Computing, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making
531, Jaiprakash Enclave, Embroidery, Food Processing, Preservation of Fruits &
Seva Nagar, Meerut Road, Ghaziabad Vagetables, Bakery & Confectionery, Beauty Culture, Toy
Making & Joyful Learning, Early Childhood Care & Education
Play Centre Management, Jan Swastthya
AVI 710031
Industrial Trg. Centre 2963219, 2964040 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Ingraham Instt. Hapur Road Welding Technology, Stenography (E)

AVI 710041
Indira Memorial Edn. Society 0122-2316370, 2031122 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Radio & TV
I.T.I Parisar Technician, Electrical Technician, Computer Applications
Freeganj Road, Hapur Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

AVI 710044
Bhagirath Institute of Voc. Training 2784860, 2785682, 2785692 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Bhagirath Sr. Sec. School Campus Radio & TV Technician,
“B” Block Rajnagar Nagar, Sector-23 Computer Applications, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

AVI 710047
Nanak Training Institute 01232-223654 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
309, Adarsh Nagar (M) : 9897069959 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
Opp. K.N. Modi Complex, Modi Nagar Beauty Culture

AVI 710054
Rashtriya Jan Kalyan 2602284 Computer Applications
Vyavasaik Shiksha Sansthan
Vikas Nagar, Loni

AVI 710060
Seth Jai Prakash Mukandlal 4717493, 4710190 Word Processing, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Women’s Polytechnic Computer Applications, Library Science, House Keeping
Sushila College Campus Bakery & Confectionery, Catering Management
Model Town Food Processing, Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables
Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
AVI 710068
Lajpat Rai Voc. Trg. Centre 0120-2624355, 2625714 Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Main Shyam Park 09818156648 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Computer Applications
Sahibabad-201005 Library Science, Early Childhood Care & Education
Beauty Culture, Embroidery
AVI 710088
Rukmani Modi Mahila Polytechnic 01232-242456 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Food
Station Road Processing, Play Centre Management, Jan Swasthya, Word
Modi Nagar Processing, Computer Applications, Desk Top Publising
Early Childhood Care & Education
AVI 710114
SSK Senior Secondary School 27419071, 2740312 Computer Applications
Sector –11, Pratap Vihar Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 710115
New Vidya Institute 2860444, 3945770 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Modern Secretarial Practice
Opp. Rakesh Marg Basic Computing, Desk Top Publishing, Computer
Main G. T. Road Applications, Toy Making & Joyful Learning,
Early Childhood Care & Education, Cutting, Tailoring &
Dress Making, Embroidery
AVI 710116
Green Chamber Polytechnic 01232-220321 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Fafrana Road, Modi Nagar 9868273767

AVI 710117
D.P. Institute of Technical Improver 9811348561 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,, Embroidery
Rampark Extension, Loni - 201102 Beauty Culture

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 57

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 710126
Surya Paramedical College 01232-261720/ 9412221440 Jan Swasthya
Near Hydil Colony, Muradnagar 09411664420, 09456074014

AVI 710133
Samarth Institute of Vocational 0120-2631755 Libary Science
Studies, 6/149, Secor-2, Sahibabad Beauty Culture
Word Processing, Early Childhood Care and Education
AVI 710136
ICT Vocational College of Technical 0120-3246429, 9810168227 Secretarial Practice(PA/PS), Computer Applications
Education Plot No. 13, Ashok Vatika, 9868421535 Desk Top Publishing, Computer Hardware Assembly &
Sahibabad–201005 Maintanance, Diploma in Modern Secretarial Practice
Basic Computing, Computer Science, Web Page Designing
Secretarial Practice, Word Processing
AVI 710160
VIP Polytechnic 0122-2323609 CCA
Mohalla-Garhi, Pilkhua 9411243494, 9219631083 ECCE
Ghaziabad-245304 Yog

AVI 710167
Raj Institute of 9810219143, 9311119997 CCA, Word Processing, Certificate in Web Designing
Computer Technology 9350074932 Basic Computing, CDTP
III N-28, Ambedker Road (IInd Floor) Fax : 0120-2701898
Above HDFC Bank, Ghaziabad

AVI 710170
Adarsh Navjeevan Inter College 0120-2603424, 09312594544 CCA
Loni, B Block Sangam Vihar, Loni
Border, Ghaziabad

AVI 710182
Ghaziabad Asha Vocational 0120- 2626309 CTDM
Technical Training Institute,
D-81, Shahid Nagar, Near Shalimar
Garden, Delhi,
U.P. Border, Ghaziabad,

Agra 0562
AVI 710013
Smt. R.D. Mahila Silai 64522839, 9192080205 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Prashikshan Kendra 9897080205, 9897200655
St. Loreto’s Public School
Deory Road, Bundu Katra – 282001

AVI 710024
Deptt. of Library Science 3531060 Library Science
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University – 282004

AVI 710056
Indian Institute of Medico 0562-2531358, 2531359 Radiography
Technicals, 23/5, Emporium Block Jan Swasthya
Sanjay Place - 282002

AVI 710057
DAV Inter College 0562-2865005, 9719289183 Computer Applications
P.O. Kundol – 282003, Agra Fax : 0562-2865166 Word Processing
AVI 710064
St. Queen Mary’s Sr. Sec. School 2412408, 2411395 Computer Applications
Defence Estate,
Gwalior Road-282001

58 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 710121
ADDHAR 2520007, 2856038 Footwear Design and Production
48, Tota Ka Tal, Madiakatra

AVI 710139
Shri Maru Gav Devi (MBD) 05613-246323, 09412485699 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Kanyashala Samiti MBD Higher Early Childhood care and Education
Secondary School Vill & PO. Doora,
Teh. Kiraoli Distt. Agra-283110

AVI 710152
Gaytri Institute of 0562-3253901, 9837150861 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery, CDTP,
Technical Training Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance,
9, MIG, Friends Colony Web Designing, JanSwasthya
Saket Shahganj
Agra-282010, U.P.

Allahabad 0532
AVI 710005
Allahabad Gram Swarajya Samiti 2640363, 2501112 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Centre for Distance Education 9336451997 Radio & TV Technician
MINIITI Centre Pathartal Electrical Technician
Post. Khajuri (Koraon)– 212306 Library Clerk, Library Attendant
Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Jan Swasthya

AVI 710006
Allahabad Rural Development 2647782, 9450534210 Radio & TV Technician, Plumbing
Society, V & Post Gohari Electrical Technician
Via Phaphamau – 211002 Typewriting (E/H), Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery

AVI 710021
Real Time Computer Services 2624864 Computer Applications
9-C, Auckland Road – 211001

AVI 710039
Sri Narayana Ashram Balika 2645767 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Inter College Shivkuti
Prayag – 211004

AVI 710069
Bageshwari Prayag Raj 2668905 Typewriting (H/E)
Training Instt., Hawelia, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Jhansi – 211019

AVI 710141
Kishwar Charitable Medical 2668905 Jan Swasthya, Homeopathic Dispensing
Health Training Institute, K-32,
J.K. Nagar, Kareli

AVI 710135
Hanswahini Institute 3250264, 9235552165 Jan Swasthya
Of Science & Technology 0532-2465878
10/3, Bund Road, Allenganj-02

AVI 710138 09335143215

Priyadarshni Balika Inter College Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Jamunipur, Allahabad, U.P. Cutting & Tailoring, Dress Making

AVI 710143
Institute of Advance 2668905 Computer Applications
Technology & Management, Desk Top Publishing
19/3, Kasturba Gandhi Marg

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 59

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 710150
College of Management & 0532-3250264 Computer Applications, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Engineering (CME) (M) : 9235552165 Electrical Technician
24/32 B, Stanley Road (Near Traffic
Police Line) Allahabad-211002

AVI 710158
UP Computer Academy (M) : 9336782105 CCA
220/14 J, Raja Jagmal Ka Hatha

AVI 710161
MTEK School & College 2699108 CCA, Word Processing
EB (29-38), ADA, Naini 9335891344, 9336434772 Basic Computing, Computer Hardware Assembly
Allahabad-211008 & Maintenance

AVI 710180
Bal Mitra School 0532-2233164, 2500885 ECCE
109 Baghambari Housing Scheme,

AVI 710063
Universal Community Health 0571-2760232, 9412597148 Jan Swasthya
Education Institute
Campus of Shah Hospital
Naurangabad, G.T. Road – 202001

AVI 710128
Duty Society Computer Applications
Aligarh Muslim University Word Processing
4 English House, Tar Bungalow

AVI 710181
Raghuvir Sahai 0571-2416158, CCA. CDTP.
Information Technology 2410872, 2410713 CLS. ECCE
& Management Computer Education,
R.S. Inter College (K.P.)
Agra Road, Aligarh,

AVI 710163
Children College 05462-243363, 243365 CCA, Typewriting (E/H), Basic Computing, Hidustani Music
Near Railway Station 09236107373 Cutting & Tailoring, Beauty Culture, Embroidery

AVI 710051
Millennium Computer Learning 26807, 9415690421 Computer Applications
Centre, Near Amar Shahid Bhagat 9450773887
Singh Inter College, Rasra – 221712

AVI 710132
Pankuwara Devi Sewa Sansthana 9415690421 Computer Applications, Stenography (H/E)
(PKDSS), Training Centre Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Vill. & Post Bansdih
Distt.-Ballia – 277202, U.P.

60 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Balrampur 05263
AVI 710172
Institute of Computer Studies 05263-235047, CCA
Lok Sewa Sansthan 9415510202
Civil Lines, Near Bus Station

Basti 05542
AVI 710118
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 287791 Computer Applications
Mahrikhawa, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Gandhi Nagar – 272001

AVI 710127
Dhanpati Devi Adarsh 05542-277455, 277430 Welding Technology, Word Processing
Girls Inter College 9452233409 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Vill. & Post Gayghat Dress Making, Yog

Bijnor 01344
AVI 710087
Vikas Bharti R.L. Mahila 230825, 9897697777 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Prashikshan Kendra
Mohalla Lohiyan, Dhampur
Near Mahantoo Ka Gurudwara
P.O. Dhampur, Distt. Bijnor

Chitrakoot 05198
AVI 710168
Nitya Mahila Vocational Centre 235679, 9450274868 Beauty Culture, Dress Making, Cutting & Tailoring,
Behind Hanuman Temple, 9450274868, 9415185699 Embroidery, Hindustani Music
Shanker Bazar, Karwi

AVI 710096
Shri Sukhdeo Prasad Tripathi 9415281995 House Wiring & Electrical Appliances Repairing
Smarak Sanskrit Vidyapeeth Radio & Tape Recorder Repairing
AT & P.O. Garulpar

Etawa 05688
AVI 710067
Mushroom Utpadan avam 264872 Oyster Mushroom Production
Prashikshan Sansthan
12-B, Friends Colony,
Etawah -206006

AVI 710130
Yash Technical Institute 05278-258200, 223708 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Yash Nagar, P.O. Darshanagar–224135 9336612126 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician Welding Technology, Early Childhood Care and Education
AVI 710156
AIT Inter College 09415139626 CCA
Jaganpur, Faizabad, U.P. 09935455264
AVI 710171
Indian Medical Institute of 232305 Certificate in Yoga
Naturopathy & Yogic Science 09235925039
Campus-K-S-Saket P.G. College
Ayodhya, Faizabad
Fathepur 05181
AVI 710035
Shri Jagdamba Bal 254105 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Vidya Mandir, V & PO Sultangarh Word Processing, Typewriting (H/E)
Computer Applications

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 61

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 710159
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 221034, 200124 Fax: 221034 Beauty Culture
402/767, Civil Lines, Fatehpur Email:
Farrukhabad 05882
AVI 710164
S. R. Public School 09839724051 ECCE,
Mohalla Bazariya Nihalchandra Distt. Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Farrukhabad – 209625 Typewriting (Hindi)

AVI 710188
Khawaja Ahsan Ali Memorial 09838138512
Educational Society Electrical Technician, CCA
Sheikhpur, Kamalganj, CHAM

AVI 710179
Adarsh Health Vocational 05495-246512, Certificate in Rural Health for
Training Institute 09415861840, 09919001140 Women (Gram Sakhi)
(Run By) Adarsh Shiksha Avam Jan
Kalyan Samiti, Vazidpur,
Dt. Ghazipur-233310

Gorakhpur 0551
AVI 710081
Little Flower School 2283454 Computer Applications
21 F3, St. Anthony Nagar Word Processing
Darampur, Gita Vatika P.O.
Gorakhpur – 273006 (U.P.)

AVI 710082
Fatima Hospital 2282602, 2281862, 284675 Radiography
Mother Teresa Road, Padri Bazar
Gorakhpur (UP) – 273014

AVI 710083
Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti 0551-2284674, 941531399 Early Childhood Care & Education
Mother Teresa Road, Padri Bazar Paripurna Mahila, Jan Swasthya
Gorakhpur (UP) – 273014

AVI 710151
Little Flower Vocational Training 2272251 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Institute Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Secretarial
M.M.M. Engineering College Practice (PA/PS) Welding Technology, Dip. in Modern
P.O. Jungle Sikri Secretarial Practice Two Wheeler Mechanism, Plumbing,
Gorakhpur (UP) – 273010 Four Wheeler, Mechanism, CCA, Word Processing,
Web Designing, Ref. & Air Conditioning
AVI 710137
Jan Shinkshan Sansthan 05262-230569 Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Malviya Nagar, Gandhi Park Stenography(H/E), Typewriting (H/E),
Gonda-271001 Computer Applications

Hathras 05721
AVI 710090
Ram Bagh Shikshan Kendra 246225, 9997372227 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
G.T. Road, Sikandera Rao-204215

62 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 710129
Institute of Continuing Education Jan Swasthya
Madhu Garhi, Mathura Road

AVI 710142
Bharti Shiksha Prasar Samiti 9412817591 Early Childhood Care and Education
Lakhpati, Mohalla, Malin Gali

AVI 710153
National ITI & Vocational 05661-692116 Footwear Design & Production, Electrician Technician,
Training Institute 9935227079 Welding Technology, Ref. & Air Conditioning, CCA,
Hatras Road, Sadabad, Hatras281306 Security Services, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Makng,

AVI 710154
S.M.L. Institute of Paramedical 05661-280510, 09412226229 Jan Swasthya, Yog
Salempur Road, Sadabad,

AVI 710191
Krishna Technical Institute 09412012202 Electrical Technician, Plumbing, CCA
V.P.O. – Tate Dandia, Ref. & Air Conditioning, Electroplating
Taluk- Sikandra Rao
Distt. – Hathras- 204215

Jaulaun 05162
AVI 710010
Gyan Bharti Audhyogic 252296, 9415591764 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Word Processing
Training Institute Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Gopal Ganj Jan Swasthya

AVI 710098
Jaidevi Awasthi Higher Sec. School 05162-252117, 09451170638 Beauty Culture
Rajendra Nagar,
Orai – 285001, U.P.

AVI 710195
Green Age India Educational
Research Institute, 0522-4013151, 9198218888 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making,
Village- Pahaitiyapur, Post- Badlapur, CCA, Food Processing , Yog
Distt- Jaunpur, UP

AVI 710146
Sameena Global Technical 9198102826 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Institute (SGTI), (M) : 09899660720 Word Processing
SGTI-Campus Shikhana Road, Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Electrical
Near Thana Kannauj-209725 Technican, Radio & TV Technician, Computer Applications

Kanpur 0512
AVI 710003
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2662585, 2604260 Radio & TV Technician, Plumbing, Electrical Technician
128/92, ‘B’ Block Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Beauty Culture
Kidwai Nagar, Kanpur-208011 (UP) Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Computer Applications, Library Clerk, Library Attendant
AVI 710131
Siddiq Faiz-E-Am Inter College Computer Application
40/200, Makhania Bazar,
Kanpur-208001, U.P.

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 63

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 710155
Banshi College of Education 3200638, 09335017421 CCA, CDTP, Certificate in Yog, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Mohammadpur, Bithoor
Kanpur-209201, U.P.

AVI 710095
Jan Kalyan Shiksha Samiti 9415281919 Computer Applications
Vill. & P.O. Bhathahin Khurd Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Via Fajilnagar

Lucknow 0522
AVI 710002
Uttar Pradesh 2725539,2725586 Jan Swasthya
Voluntary Health Association
5/459, Viram Khand
Gomti Nagar – 226010

AVI 710004
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2472914, 2470268 Radio &TV Technician, Electrical Technician
Literacy House Campus Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Plumbing
PO. Manas Nagar Beauty Culture, Library Attendant, Library Clerk
Kanpur Road – 226023 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 710014
Don Bosco Technical Institute 0522-2472914, 9415025581 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Electrical Technician
Mohanlal Ganj PO – 227305 Basic Computing, Typewriting (E/H), Stenography (H/E)
Word Processing, Secretarial Practice, Computer Applications
Desk Top Publishing, Computer Hardware Assembly &
Maintenance, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Embroidery, Paripurna Mahila
AVI 710038
Baby Martin Charitable Medical 0522-2253428 Computer Applications
Centre, Baby Martin Public School Desk Top Publishing, Yog
Tahseenganj, Chowk Janswasthya, Radiography, Care of Elderly
Lucknow – 226003 (U.P.)

AVI 710052
Institute of Health-Care & 2440153, 09811315838 Radiography
Diagnostic Sciences Jan Swasthya
Swasthya Vihar
Rae Bareilly Road – 226002, U.P.

AVI 710085
Jan Kalyan Eye Hospital 0522-2347930, 4001854 Radiography
A-1040, Indira Nagar – 226016 (UP) 9454323529, 9415580890

AVI 710101
A & S Computer Institute 2359792, 3953076 Computer Applications
15/93, Indira Nagar Word Processing
Ring Road – 226016

AVI 710120
Multimedia Institute of 9415-769696, 0522-220479 Computer Applications
Information Technology Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
82/28, Guru Govind Singh Marg Desk Top Publishing
Near Bansmandi Circle, Lucknow – 226019

AVI 710124
Public Computer Centre 0522-2741216, 2741219 Computer Applications
504/21-D, Krishna Bhavan Basic Computing
Tagore Marg, Daliganj - 226020 Desk Top Publishing

64 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 710125
San Infosys Education Society 0522-2302031 Computer Applications, Basic Computing
5/25, Vinay Khand, Gomti Nagar Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Desk Top Publishing
AVI 710148
Institute of Health and Allied Sciences (Ph/Fax) :0522-2347930 Jan Swasthya
25/64, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-226016(U.P) (M) : 9450269750

AVI 710165
K.K. Technical Institute (Ph) :0522-2470839 Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Dr. Shukla Lane, Chankyapuri-2, (M) : 09451177390 CCA, Beauty Culture
Kanpur Road, Lukhnow-226023 Email:

AVI 710194
Prakriti Bharti 0522- 4013151, 9198218888 CCA, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress making,
M- 2/196, Sector- H, LDA Colony, Bio Gas Energy Technician, Food Processing,
Kanpur Road, Taluk- Sadar, Plant Protection, Water Management for Crop Production,
Lucknow-226012 Soil & Fertilizer Management,
Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables, Vermicompsting
AVI 710174
Hamidiya Islamiya School Society 05281-242447, 9450273249 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Saqlainbad, Panwari-210429 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Mainpuri 05672
AVI 710091
Maharaja Tej Singh Industrial 237163 Computer Applications, Word Processing
Training Centre Desk Top Publishing
Station Road– 205001, U.P.

Mathura 0565
AVI 710026
Gyan Jyoti Shiksha Sansthan 0565-2423142, 9759261941 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
C-32, Shastree Nagar Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician
Typewriting (H/E)
AVI 710076
Gyan Bharti Polytechnic 0565-2520788, 9760738100 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
K. R. Girls College Early Childhood Care & Education
Campus – 281004

AVI 710119
S.D. Institute of Techno 2530715 Jan Swasthya
Paramedical Science
Near Birla Mandir,
Vrindavan Road - 281001 U.P.
AVI 710140
Shri Bhagwan Inter College 0565-2461205 Yog
Talgarhi, P.O. Shonkh, Khera
AVI 710147
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical 9319720087 Jan Swasthya
Science, Balbh Kunj, Lajpat Nagar,
By Pass Road

AVI 710169
Sandipani Muni Junior 0565-2540772, 2540239 ECCE
High School Chaitanya Vihar, 09827082301
Burja Road, Vrindavan, Mathura

AVI 710190
Faiz-E-Aam Sr. Sec. School 2413772 CCA, CHAM, Carpentary, Furniture & Cabinet Making
72, Golf Road, Civil Line

Pilibhit 05882
AVI 710078
Springdale College of Management 255032, 259918 Computer Applications
Studies, Desk Top Publishing
Madho Tundu Road – 262001

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 65

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 710178
Dr. M.L. Khan Medical Institute, 09411672108, 09927362039 Certificate in Community Health
Mohalla Gyaspur, Shafi Ahmed
Khan Road, Bisalpur, Distt. Pilibhit,
U.P- 262201
AVI 710162
Laxmi Charitable Medical Health 09935795524 Jan Swasthya
Training Institute & Hospital 09451012451
Amargarh, Pratapgarh-230124

AVI 710189
Aman Technical Institute 09936473612 CCA, CHAM, Electrical Technician,
Sakroli Madhopur, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embriodery Radio &
Distt- Pratapgarh- 230144 TV Tech., Beauty Culture, Two Wheeler Mechanism,
Four Wheeler Mechanism, Ref. & Air Conditioning,
Diploma in Modern Secretarial Practice

Rai Bareli
AVI 710193
Janhit Multy Study Centre 0535-2210679, 09335421336 Certificate in Community Health, Certificate in Yog,
Om Poly Clinic, Shanti Nagar, om_polyclinic@ yahoo. Certificate in Homeopathy Dispensing
Police Line Crossing, Rai Bareli-229001

Shahjahanpur 05842
AVI 710027
NAVE Institute 222175, 225560, 320893 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Electrical Technician
P.O. Box. 39, Lodhipur–242001 (M) : 941060488 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
email : Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Computer Applications
AVI 710145
Green Valley Convent Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Ahmadpur, Reti Chungi

AVI 710166
Madarsa Iram Al-Islamia 09936993169, 09936750578 Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery, Embriodery, CCA
Tambore, Sitapur, U.P. Dress Making

Siddarth Nagar
AVI 710177
Jamia Misba-Hull Uloom 0091-5541-254602 Computer Applications
Chokonia, Post-Bharat Bhari 254620
Distt- Siddarth nagar- 272191

Sonebhadra 05446
AVI 710023
Hindalco Vidya Niketan 252079, Ext.-272 (O) Computer Applications
PO Renukoot

AVI 710028
Banawasi Seva Ashram 285224, 285223 House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing
Govindpur Via Torra Typewriting (H/E), Carpentry, Plant Protection, Water
Management & Crop Production, Soil & Fertilizer
Management, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
AVI 710122
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 0515-2822007 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
358/2, Civil Lines, Opp. P.W.D. Office Computer Applications, Beauty Culture

66 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Varanasi 0542
AVI 710009
Vidya Devi Arya Mahila 2422639 Typewriting (H/E), Word Processing, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Vyavasavik Prashikshan Sansthan Stenography (H/E), Computer Applications, Library Science
Chetganj, Pin - 221001 Bakery & Confectionery, Beauty Culture, Cutting, Tailoring
and Dress Making,, Embroidery, Food Processing
AVI 710037 0542 - 2207400, 2345760
Vanita Polytechnic 0542 - 2503128 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Modern Secretarial Practice
Lahurabir - 221001 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Basic Computing, Toy Making and Joyful Learning
Early Childhood Care and Education
Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Beauty Culture

AVI 710050 0542 - 2205760

Happy Home English School 0542 - 2503128 Computer Applications, Yog
Makbul Alam Road Toy Making & Joyful Learning
Khajuri X-ing Early Childhood Care & Education
Welding Technology

AVI 710093
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2316606 Typewriting (E/H)
N-8/239, J. Newada Beauty Culture
Sundarpur - 221005

AVI 710111
Department of Radiology 0542-2639135 Radiography
Institute of Medical Science (IMS) 9415201870
BHU - 221005

AVI 710123
Uma Electronics Institute 3094441, 3097718 Radio & T.V. Technician
Technical Degree College, Luxa

AVI 710134
Sri Sai Welfare Society 0542-56521362, 2390212 Jan Swasthya, Yoga
CMS Campus, Sanatan Dharm 09235885389
Inter College, Nai Sarak,
Varanasi-221001, U.P.

AVI 710184
All India Ex-Serviceman 0542-2200346, Computer Applications
Electronics & Computer Institute 9415301989 Desk Top Publishing
C-29/69, Lohamandi, Maldahia info@aieseci.orgWebsite: Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance

AVI 710187
Nav Vani School for the 09450872993, 0542-2624872 CCA, Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embriodery
Hearing Impaired , Email:
Vill.- Koirajpur,
P.O.- Harhua,
Distt.- Varanasi- 221105

AVI 710186
Baghpat Medical Institute 09412365347 Certificate in Homeopathic Dispensing,
Mata Colony, City–Baghpat, Certificate in Community Health
Distt.– Baghpat–250609

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 67

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Meerut 0121
AVI 710007
N.C.R. Polytechnic for Women 2510604 Food Processing, Bakery & Confectionery, Catering
227, West End Road Management, Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables
Meerut Cantt - 250001 Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Word Processing, Computer Applications, Play Centre
Management, Early Childhood Care & Education,
Beauty Culture, House Keeping, Laundry Services
AVI 710017
Roshi Polytechnic Institute 2516664 Paripurna Mahila, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
RAB Inter-College Street Embroidery, Word Processing, Computer Applications,
Rashid Nagar, Lisari Road - 250002 Desk Top Publishing, Early Childhood Care & Education,
Jan Swasthya

AVI 710045
Jan Utkarsh Samiti 2682579, 9410809544 Early Childhood Care & Education
280 Gagan Vihar, Rohta Road

AVI 710049
Nanak Training Institute 0121-3257963 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
6/1, Jagriti Vihar, Garh Road, (M) : 9897178156 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
Meerut, U.P. Desk Top Publishing, Beauty Culture

AVI 710061
Martial Institute of Industrial Security 0121-2660123, 2662123 Security Services
& Fire Fighting Training Institute 989760797
K-34, Pallave Puram-250001

AVI 710065
Meerut Industrial Training Centre 2630854 Electrical Technician, Welding Technology
Nangla Tassi, Sardhana Road Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Opp. RAF Camp

AVI 710077
J.P. Polytechnic 2556939, 3959391, 9219849814 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
281, Shivlok Kanker Khera Computer Applications
Early Childhood Care & Education
AVI 710110
Martial Institute of Industrial 0121-2660123, 2662123 Security Services
Security and Fire Training 9219382260, 9897960797
E-116, Sadar Chowk Path, Sadar

AVI 710149
R.R. Rural Vocational Centre 01237-235402 Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Begmabad, Sardhana, U.P.

AVI 710192
The Senior Superintendent 0121-2760041, 09452241406 Cutting & Tailoring, Embriodery, Certificate in Basic
District Jail, Meerut, U.P. Computing Bakery and confectionery,
Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables
Muzaffar Nagar 0131
AVI 710001
Munshiram Industrial Plumbing, Radio & TV Technician
Training Institute Electrical Technician
Karana Road, Kandhala Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

AVI 710048
Nanak Training Institute 9837308975 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Mohalla-Shivpuri, Khatouli Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

AVI 710097
Shardein Institute of 2430940 Bakery & Confectionery,
Vocational Studies Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Kahakashan Compound Word Processing, Computer Applications
Meerut Road Early Childhood Care & Education

68 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 710105
Pushplata Girls Industrial 01396-273846 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Training Centre Beauty Culture
Ashoka Market No. 4, Khatauli

AVI 710109
Nand Lal Sarojini Devi Polytechnic 2660085 Computer Applications
36, Vishnu Vihar Phase-III Welding Technology
Jansath Road Radio & T V Technician

AVI 710113
Digital World Computer Centre 2441199 Desk Top Publishing, Word Processing
H.No. 19, Loddhawal North Computer Applications

Moradabad 0591
AVI 710043
Vocational Training Centre 2452957, 3208498, Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Rashtriya Gyan Vikas Parishad 09837259254 Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Ref. & Air
Harthala, Kanth Road Conditioning, Early Childhood Care & Education, Footwear
Design & Production, Two Wheeler Mechanism
AVI 710070
Hindu College 2311959, 2311919 Library Science
Hindu College Campus, Station Road, 2311292 Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 710071
Dr. C.S.M. Medical Instt. 2488057 Yog
of Vocational Education Jan Swasthya
Delhi Road, Near Nain Mandir

AVI 710079
Shobhna Gramodyog Seva Samiti 2325838, 09219171919 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Hargolal Building, Katra Naz (Fax) - 6531838

AVI 710080
Chandrapal Arya Mahila Technical 243332, 9412147316 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Institute, Bahjoi Computer Applications
Bavrala Road, Moradabad-202410

Saharanpur 0132

AVI 710072
Islamic Search and Research 2725101, 3094986 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Foundation 9412063615 Computer Applications
3/1108 Dehradun Chowk

AVI 710073
H.B.H. High School 2785413 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
V & P.O. Gagalheri Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 710112
Lal Bahadur Shastri Trg. Instt. 9411298533, 9457429606 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Gill Colony, Near Roadways Workshop Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Court Road

AVI 710157
National U A Medical College 2725101, 3094986 Fax: 2720167 Jan Swasthya, Certificate in Yog, Homeopathic Dispensing
Dehradun Road, Near Nau Gazapeer 9412063615, 9997153735, 9761574217
Distt. Saharanpur-247001

AVI 710173
MotherTeresa Paramedical 2766524, 2761111 Jan Swasthya, Diploma in Radiography,
College, Opp. Vikas Bhawan, (M) : 9412230932 Certificate in Homeopathic Dispensing
Delhi Road, Saharanpur

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 69

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 840012
Seva Vocational Institute 05962-233036 Word Processing, Typewriting (H/E), Computer Applications
Xavier Seva Kendra Stenography (H/E), Secretarial Practice (PA/PS),
Ranidhra Top, Hira Dungri Diploma in Modern Secretarial Practice
Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Electrical Technician
AVI 840019
Baba Shri Punyagiri 05966-262154 Electrical Technician, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Vocational Shikshan Sansthan Embroidery, Furniture and Cabinet Making, Computer
Gram & Post BAMSYUN (RANIKHET) Applications, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS),
Diploma in Modern Secretarial Practice

AVI 840024
Extension Training Centre 05962-241001 Electrical Technician, Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery,
Hawalbagh, Almora-263636 9412327738, 9412923723 Plumbing, Carpentry, Welding Technology, Security Service
Email: Beauty Culture
Bageshwar 05963
AVI 840003
UNECSS Research & 220547 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Development Society Paripurna Mahila
UNECSS House, Billona, Takula Road Jan Swasthya
Chamoli 01372
AVI 840021
Extension Training Centre 251305, 9412004956 House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing
(Rural Development) Carpentry
Ghirana Road, Gopeshwar, Dress Making
Distt. Chamoli-246401 CCA

Dehradun 0135
AVI 840001 921944421, 0921954421
Bajaj Institute of Learning 0135-0733188, 2735405 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
155, Rajpur Road, Pin - 248001 Computer Applications, Word Processing,
Electrical Technician
AVI 840002
Sahara Social Society 2650441 Play Centre Management
14, Rajpur Road

AVI 840006
Sharp Memorial School 2734238 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
for the Blind, P.O. Rajpur - 248009

AVI 840007
Manava Bharti Anghalia Hills 2669306 Early Childhood Care & Education
Ghanghora, P.O. -248009
AVI 840009
Manav Bharti Teachers 2632452 Early Childhood Care & Education
Training Centre, Mussoorie, P.O. Kulri
AVI 840010
Nirmala High School 2631591 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Barlowganj, P.O. Mussoorie Electrical Technician, Plumbing
Computer Applications
AVI 840013
St. Agnes’ High School 2657506 Welding Technology, Carpentry
71 B, Behari Lal Road Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Neshvilla Road Pin - 248001 Computer Applications

AVI 840014 09319923400, 09319923401

Industrial Security & 0135-2771954 Security Services
Services Academy, Village Thakurpur
Via Prem Nagar, P.O. Umedpur-248007

70 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 840015
Institute of Technology & 2530124/ 2531123 Computer Applications
Management Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
60, Chakrata Road Desk Top Publishing

AVI 840016
Green Field School 2672190, 0941200927 Computer Applications
34, Mohini Road, Dalanwala

AVI 840022
Extension Training Centre 0135-2698714 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
(Rural Development) House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing
Shankerpur, Block Sahaspur,
Dehradun - 248197

AVI 840028
The Indian Public School Rajawala 0135-2694771, 72 Certificate in Care of Elderly
Selaqui Dehradun-248007, scbiala@indian

Haridwar 0133
AVI 840004
International Vishwaguru Yog
Meditation and Yoga Institute 2430279, 2433253
Ved Niketan Dham, Swargashram

AVI 840008
Morning Bells Teachers 2455007 Early Childhood Care & Education
Training Centre, E-6, Ugrasen Nagar

AVI 840011
Hariom Saraswati Inter College 277994 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Village & Post Dhanauri Typewriting (E/H)

AVI 840023
Extension Training Centre 01334-246089, 245104 Plumbing
(Rural Development)
Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar-249404
Nainital 05946
AVI 840005
UPHILL ACS 262127, 9719278866 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
National Public School Building Basic Computing, Word Processing
Kaladhungi Road, Kusumkhera Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Haldwani Modern Secretarial Practice

AVI 840017 05942-248260, 248261

Jan Shikshan Sansthan 09410373797 Computer Applications, Word Processing, Desk Top Publishing
Opp. Vikas Bhawan, Bhimtal Electrical Technician, Welding Technology, Plumbing
Pin-263136 Beauty Culture, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Embroidery, Food Processing, Preservation of Fruits
and Vegetables
AVI 840018
Don Bosco School 232178 Library Science, Basic Computing, Computer Applications
P.O. Motahaldu, Beri Parao, Haldwani Desk Top Publishing, Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 840027
Extension Training Centre 05945-268186 House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing, Plumbing,
Haldwani, At-Panchayat Bhwan,
Dungarpur, Halduchaur, Nainital-262402

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 71

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Pauri Garhwal 01368
AVI 840020
Extension Training Centre 246693, 9411120793 House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing,
(Rural Development) Welding Technology
Koteshwar Road, Pauri Garhwal Carpentry

AVI 840026
Extension Training Centre 05964-225336, 9412908697 House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing, Plumbing,
Tharkot, Pithorgarh, Uttarakhand 9412908697 Food Processing, Security Service, CCA, Certificate in
Bee Keeping
Udhamsingh Nagar
AVI 840025
Extension Training Centre 05944-243433 House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing, Plumbing,
Rudrapur, Udhamsingh Nagar-263153 Security Service, Janswasthya, Motor & Transformer Rewinding


AVI 600124
Balaghat Paramedical Institute Certificate in Community Health
Bhatera Road, Near Railway Crossing,
Taluk-Balaghat, Distt. Balaghat-481001

AVI 600085
Shiv Kalyan Evam Shikshan Samiti Jan Swasthya
Clerk Colony, Near Gayatri Mandir Betul Yog

Bhopal 0755
AVI 600015
Rajeev Gandhi College 2725133, 5294287 Library Science, Jan Swasthya
E-8, Trilanga Colony
Shahpura - 462016

AVI 600016
Bhagwan Kala Kendra 0755-424406,2640135 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Stenography (H/E)
F-10, Sant Hirda Ram Nagar 9893397340 Library Science, Word Processing, Typewriting (H/E)
(Bairagarh) Pin - 462030 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance, Desk Top
Publishing, Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician,
Cutting & Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Paripurna Mahila, Electrical Technician, Yog.
AVI 600018
Vishwas Kalyan Samiti 0755 - 22556663 Jan Swasthya
LIG-26, 1st Floor Harsha Wardhan Nagar 9425300070
Near Allahabad Bank-462003

AVI 600027
Rafi Ahmed Qidwai 25205119, 2539153 Computer Applications
Training Centre Early Childhood Care & Education
4, Noor Mahal Road

AVI 600031
Veena Vadini College, E,4/84 5572870, 9303055570 Jan Swasthya, Yog
Arera Colony, Near 10 No. Shop

72 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 600039
Sewa Bharti Computer Training 0755 - 5275398. Computer Applications
Centre, Matruchhaya, Opp.
Maida Mill, Swami Ramthirath
Nagar - 462011

AVI 600059
I.P.C. Academy 5285059 Computer Applications
20 Zone-I, Maharana Pratap Nagar Jan Swasthya

AVI 600063
Institute of Health Care Sciences 2545799, 3092165 Jan Swasthya
Plot-8, La Ramnagar, Near Old Civil
Court, Civil Lines

AVI 600074
Bhopal Institute of Paramedical 5272672, 5274155 Radiography
Basic Science Jan Swasthya
17 Zone-I, M.P. Nagar

AVI 600075
National Institute of Medical Tech. 2466170, 5278045, 5270118 Jan Swasthya
Training & Research
Sunny Place, 239, Zone-I
M.P. Nagar

AVI 600076
Bhojpal Ayurvedic Homeopathic & 5002644 Yog
Allopathic Prashikshan Sansthan Jan Swasthya
Ankita Clinic, Chhola Naka
Vidisha Road

AVI 600077
Shiv Kalyan Evam Shikshan 0755 -2670592 Yog, Jan Swasthya
Samiti, D-58, Near Manokameshwari 9425300070 Diploma in Basic Rural Technology
Mandir, Nehru Nagar- 462003

AVI 600078
Institute of Paramedical 4285278, 255150 Jan Swasthya, Certificate in Yog, Certificate in Homeopathic
Science & Research kamaljeetBhalla@yahoomail Dispensing
M. A. - 124, Kotra Sultanabad-462003
AVI 600079
Educational Society of Professional 2587174 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
IIFT Campus, 170, Zone II
M.P. Nagar
AVI 600096
Centre For Livelihood Support and Jan Swasthya
and Reserach, HX-85, E-7
Arera Colony

AVI 600097
Nirmay Institute of Vocational Jan Swasthya
Education and Training Centre, 45
MLA Quarters, Jawahar Chowk

AVI 600098
Sanjivini Paraedical college and Jan Swasthya, Yog
Hospital Barsia road,
Pipal Chowk - 462013

AVI 600101
Swargiya Vishnu Prasad 2759302 Jan Swasthya
Bahuddeshiya Jan Sewa 9893837159
Shikshan, Sansthan, B-51/A.
Padamnabh Nagar Sangam Colony - 462023

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 73

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 600102
Krishna Institute of 2764112 Jan Swasthya, Yog
Paramedical Science and
Technology, 59 Jail Road,
SEDMAP, Jahagirabad - 462008

AVI 600123
Dhanshree Education Society 0755-4038420, 0755-4038420 (F) Certificate in Community Health, Yog, CCA
S-07, Jain Tower,
Nehru Nagar Swuare,
Taluk-Hujur, Distt. Bhopal-462003

AVI 600111
Maulana Azad Institute of 07325-245305 Fax : 256115 (PP) CCA, CDTP, Cutting, Tailoring
Professional Studies, College man' & Dress Making, Embroidery
Educational Point, Khandwa
Road, Burhanpur

Chhatarpur 07682
AVI 600108
Chhatarpur Paramedical College 246305 Fax: 243430 (pp) Jan Swasthya
(Formerly-Indian Institute of 09926003805
Paramedical Science)
Anjuman Complex, Chhatarpur, M.P.

Chindwara 07162
AVI 600062
All India Society for Electronics and 246870 Computer Applications
Computer Technology Word Processing
Near Nehar Gas Agency, Khajari Road

AVI 600083
Shiv Kalyan Evam Shikshan Samiti 9827042817 Jan Swasthya, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making,
269, Near ELC Church, Nagpur Road Embroidery, Typewriting (H/E), Stenography (H/E)

AVI 600084
Bhartiya Chikitsa Technical 07162-236028,245340 (F) Jan Swasthya
Sansthan 09893794028
Opp. SAF Gate, Parasia Road
Dewas 07272
AVI 600035
All India Society for Electronics & 256822 Computer Applications
Computer Technology Word Processing
46, Vishrambag, Radhaganj Desk Top Publishing

AVI 600087
Jai Sidh Baba Medical Institute 228698 Jan Swasthya
MIG, Delux-11, Trilok Nagar
Ujjain Road,

AVI 600109
Bright Star Hr. Sec. School 07272-220230,225326 CCA, CDTP CHAM
42, Indira Nagar, Dewas, M.P. 9826490769

AVI 600090
Bhoj Memorial Institute of Paramedical Jan Swasthya, Certificate in Yoga
Sciences Dhar, 101, Indore Ahmedabad
Road, Behind Modi Petrol Pump
Dhar M.P.

74 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Gwalior 0751
AVI 600004
Dayal Institute of Vocational 5076039, 2425943 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Typewriting
Education and Training (H/E), Stenography (H/E), Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Library
Chief Sahib Ki Kothi, Jiwaji Ganj Science, Jan Swasthya, Beauty Culture, Plumbing,
Electrical Technician

AVI 600007
Maharishi Institute of 2341126 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Secretarial Practice
Vocational Education Stenography (H/E), Typewriting, Word Processing, Play Centre
23-A, Nehru Colony Management, Laundry Services, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress
Thatipur Making, Embroidery, Food Processing, Bakery &
Confectionery, Catering Management, Preservation of Fruits
& Vegetables, House Keeping,
AVI 600021
Amar Jyoti School & Rehabilitation 2490294 Computer Applications
Centre, 18, Koteshwar Road Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 600022
Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 2341208 Computer Applications
Shakti Nagar, Gandhi Road Desk Top Publishing

AVI 600023
Adarsh Samaj Seva 3266525 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Shiksha Samiti Typewriting (Hindi/English), Library Science
New Model High School, Morar Beauty Culture

AVI 600038
Sarwa Dharm Swasthya 2445840, 9826266426 Jan Swasthya
Prashikshan Kendra Yog
427, Tansen Nagar

AVI 600117
Rishi Galab Education 0751-5079478 Certificate in Community Heath
Health and Medical Institute,
Hospital Road Near Shyam Transport,
Lalitpur Colony, Taluk Lashkar
Distt Gwalior M.P- 474009

AVI 600121
Garvesh Bahuuddeshiya Samiti of 751-2480194, CCA
Vocational Education Institute 9826321735
Near of D R P Line, jp_dhakad@yahoo.
Durga Vihar Colony, Ghosipura
Distt. Gwalior PO. Shabad Pratap
Ashram-474012 M.P

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Orhopedic & Hearing Impaired

SAIED 450025
Welfare Association for the Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Disabled, 701/8, Nanda Nagar Word Processing, Secretarial Practice, Typewriting (H/E)

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Orthopedic Handicapped, Mentally Challenged,
Learning Disability & Rural Women
SAIED 450064
Amar Jyoti School & Rehabilitation Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Centre, 18 Koteshwar Road, Gwalior

AVI 600068
New Shivam Vyavsayik 07574-257709 Typewriting (H/E)
Prashikshan, Yuvati Mandal 09893321477 Bakery & Confectionery
ITI Road, Shanti Nagar, MIG/194

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 75

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 600086
Life Line Institute 07572-240628. Jan Swasthya
Ward No. 2, Near SDTM School 9827269906
Shivrajpuri Colony, Itarsi
M. P. - 461-111

Indore 0731
AVI 600002
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2550829 Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician,
47/7, Nand Nagar Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Beauty Culture, Library Attendant, Library Clerk,
Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
AVI 600011
Barli Development Instt. for 2554066 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Rural Women Typewriting (E/H)
180 Bhamari, New Dewas Road

AVI 600012
Maharishi Insititute of Voc. 2550829 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Stenography (H/E)
Education Typewriting (H/E), Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making,
2/1, South Tukoganj Embroidery, Food Processing, Bakery & Confectionery
Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables, Beauty Culture
AVI 600013
Asha Kala Kendra 07324-274291 Food Processing, Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables
330-332 F, Dr. Khosla Marg Cutting,Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Mhow Cantt. Computer Applications, Word Processing,
Typewriting (H/E), Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
AVI 600014
Society for Electronics & 559127 Word Processing
Computer Technology Computer Applications
1, Anoop Nagar, A-3 Sanjeet View
Opp. Amallas Hotel, A.B. Road

AVI 600024
Holy Cross Community College 0731-2877172 (O) Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Khandwa Naka 09179720857 Typewriting (E), Stenography (E),
Indore-452017 Secretarial Practice(PA/PS),
Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing,
Early Childhood Care & Education
AVI 600080
Khandelwal Medical Institute Jan Swasthya
14, B-Sector, Sudama Nagar 2480351, 2797950 Yog
Annapurna Road

AVI 600088
Apex Society for the Humanitarian 2700366, 2702424, 2706424 Jan Swasthya
Activities, 15, Radio Colony, GPO

AVI 600089
Rajiv Gandhi Vikas Parishad Jan Swasthya, Yog,
42-A, Greenland Colony, Sneh Nagar Computer Applications

AVI 600091
Malwa Medical Institution
2, Narmada Nagar Jan Swasthya, Yog,
Annapurna Road. Computer Applications

AVI 600093
Ved Vyas Aajivika Education Centre Secretarial Pracice (PA/PS), Typewriting (H/E)
175/3, Nehru Nagar, Modern Secretarial Practice, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress
Pandit Ravishankar Shukla Marg Making, Embroidery

AVI 600105
Matushri Ahilya Devi Vocational Secretarial Pracice (PA/PS), Word Processing
Institute Stenography, Library Science
23,24 Press Complex Computer Science

76 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 600106
Smt. Rama Devi Institute for Yog
Vocational Courses, Plot No.43 Hindustani Music
Amaltas Phase-I Ghuna Bhatti
Main Road–462016

AVI 600107
Adarsh Yog Prakritik Chikitsa 0731-2541741,2101742, Yog
Shiksha Sansthan 3042701 (F)
20-B, Dhenu Market, 9302111742

AVI 600110
Jamiya Ayesha Carewel Girls 0731-2388199 CCA, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Model Madarsa, Scheme No. 17,
Sector-D, Opp. Chander Nagar,
Indore, M.P.

AVI 600114
Mahatama Gandhi Paramedical 0731-2570486 Certificate in Homeopathy Dispensing
Training Institute (MGPTI), 4067650
Sanatan Sahakar Bhawan, EK- 383
Main Road Schema No. 54.
Vijay Nagar, Indore– 452010

AVI 600120
Madhya Pradesh
Mata Gujri Vocational 0731-2363772, ECCE
Training Institute 4048833, 9826018290
Piplia Pala, A B Road, Indore, shairy_rs@

Jabalpur 0761
AVI 600006
Society for Electronics and 5005323, 2423270 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Computer Technology Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
826, Wright Town, Old G.S. Campus, Computer Applications, Word Processing
College Road-482002

AVI 600009
Maharishi Institute of 23176461, 2317202 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Stenography (H/E)
Vocational Education Typewriting (H/E), Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
50, Narmada Road Embroidery, Food Processing, Preservation of Fruits &
Vegetables, Beauty Culture
AVI 600010
Tarun–Sanskar 2332045 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
2036, Ranjhi Stenography (E/H), Typewriting (H/E)

AVI 600065
Sewa Prashikshan & 2672785 Jan Swasthya
Anusandhan Sansthan, SAGDA Yog
Tilwara Road

AVI 600070
Swayam Prabha Institute of 2401262 Radiography
Paramedical Technology Jan Sawasthya
1067, Awasthi Ka Bada, Gole Bazar
Kesherwani College Road

AVI 600100
Jogini Rural Self Employment 2401262 Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Training Centre Electrical Technicain, Radio & TV Technician
Ektha Market, Gour River, Computer Applications
Mandla Road - 482001

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 77

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 600113
Institute of Medical Science 09329211330, 9893083330 Jan Swasthya
C/o Symboises School Campus 9827598752
Adhartal, Jabalpur

AVI 600122
Mahatma Balak Das Institute of 09826882125 CCA. Gram Sakhi
Vocational Education
Taluk- Ambah Distt. Morena
M. P. - 476111

AVI 600033
All India Society for Electronics & 07422-224321 Computer Applications
Computer Technology 098262-35757 Word Processing
Greater Kailash, Dashpurkunj Road,
Opp. Civil Hospital, Mandsaur-458001

AVI 600034
All India Society for Electronics & 07423-225212 Computer Applications
Computer Technology Desk Top Publising
Bunglow No. 47, Veer Park Road Word Processing
Opp. Khurshid Talkies, Jain Colony

AVI 600082
Dr. Radhakrishnan College of 07423-222353, 230688 Word Processing
Professional Studies Computer Applications
88, Teachers Colony

Rewa 07662
AVI 600072
National College of Computer & 250487, 504191 Word Processing
Paramedical Technology Desk Top Publishing
7/68, Civil Lines, Sirmaur Chowk Jan Swasthya

AVI 600095
Shri Kalika Paramedical Jan Swasthya
Institute of Technology
Opp. Ayurvedic Hospital, Nipania
Rewa, M.P.

AVI 600112
Madarsa Idiya Arbi Hindi Tivni CLS, Library Clerk, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making,
Tehsil-Sirmore, Rewa, M.P. Embroidery, Radio & T.V. Technician, Jan Swasthya, Electrical
Technician, Yoga, Paripurna Mahila, Gram Sakhi, ECCE, CCA
Raisen 07412
AVI 600125
Saraswati Vidhya Mandir 9827336491 CCA, CHAM
Higher Secondary School,
17 Mahaveer Nagar,
Tal: Obedullahganj,
Distt. Raisen-464993

Ratlam 07412
AVI 600026
Jan Shikshan Sansthan, Ratlam 07412-234674 Beauty Culture, Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Old Krishi Mandi Bhawan - 457001 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Sailana Bus stand Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing,
Ratlam (M. P.) Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

78 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 600032
All India Society for Electronics & 232249 Computer Applications
Computer Technology Desk Top Publishing
50 Rajaswa Colony, Sailana Road

AVI 600115
Ideal Public Health & 07371-222222, 222355 Certificate in Community Health
Education centre 222723, 09-25444501 Certificate in Yog
Adarsh Nagar Sarangpur
Distt- Rajgarh M.P- 465697

Shivpuri 07422
AVI 600042
All India Society for Electronics & 501021 Computer Applications, Word Processing
Computer Technology Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Refrigeration & Air Conditioning,
5, Dreamland Mahal, Colony Road Radio & TV Technician

AVI 600116
Swami Vivekanand Higher 07492-220322, 221922 ECCE, Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Secondary School, 9425429724 Beauty Culture, Yog, Certificate in Community Health
Shiva Nagar, Tehsil-Shivpuri,

Satna 07672
AVI 600069
Mass Paramedical Institute 07672-404125,227241 Jan Swasthya
Old DEO Office, Gali No. 5 09425861111
Rajendra Nagar, Satna-485001

AVI 600028
Times Institute of Technology 07652-248512, 248269 Computer Applications
Rajendra Talkies Chowk 09425180685 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Pandav Nagar, Shahdol-484001 Electrical Technician, Welding Technology

AVI 600094
Shivani Paramedical Institute 07652-231702, 09425869919 Jan Swasthya
By Pass Road, Kotma Tiraha
Shahdol, M.P.-484001

AVI 600103
Nobel College, N.H. 26, Rajakhedi, Computer Applications, Typewriting (H/E)
Makronia - 470004 Stenography (H/E)

AVI 600104
Prakhar Pragya Shiksha Prasar 07582-226903, 09425425229 Computer Applications
Society, 224 ,Yadav Colony - 470002

AVI 600118
Aryavart Institute for Health 07822-252106 Certificate in Community Health
and Education
(Branch of Morition Public School, Sidhi)
Tehsil-Gopad Bans, Distt- Sidhi,
Dakshin, Karodia, M.P

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 79

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 600073
Bhartiya Medical Prashikshan 07684-276223 Jan Swasthya
Kendra, Jain Muhalla, Kharagpur
(M. P.) - 472115

Ujjain 0734
AVI 600025
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 0734-2555444 Computer Applications
Sakhyaragi, Dharamsala Parisar Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician
Dewas Gate Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 600037
All India Society for Electronics & 514125 Computer Applications
Computer Technology Word Processing
Shankar Bhawan, 29/1, Varahmvir Marg Desk Top Publishing
Bhatwal Talkies, Chauraha Free Ganj Radio & TV Technician

AVI 600056
Pt. Deendayal Vasudhaiv 2510048 Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Kutumbakam Samajik Sansthan Jan Swasthya
A -12/10, Mahananda Nagar Computer Applications
Dewas Road Soil & Fertilizer Management

AVI 600081
National Health Education Centre 0734-2533835, 3205756 Jan Swasthya
3 Dr. Hari Ram Chaubey Marg Yog

AVI 600092
Sant Parmarth Ashram Trust Jan Swasthya
122, Arpita Colony, Distt. Ujjain-456010

AVI 600099
New Delhi Medical Training Institute 07594-223043, 09827048352 Jan Swasthya
Lalbagh, Bareth Road,
Ganj Basoda Distt. Vidisha - 464221

Bastar 07782
AVI 790007
All India Society for Electronics 226376 Computer Applications
and Computer Technology Desk Top Publishing
Pratapganj Para, Shukla Building Word Processing

AVI 790004
All India Society for Electronics & 07759-45566 Computer Applications
Computer Technology Desk Top Publishing
Plot No. 118, Near Girls School Word Processing
Water Tank, T.P. Nagar, Korba

AVI 790012
All India Society for Electronics 07752-231673, 9893449989 Electirical Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
and Computer Technology 412625 Radio & TV Technician, Word Processing
Vidya Nagar, Gaytri Mandir Road Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing

80 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 790019
Chouksey Paramedical & 07751-224121, 09424173899 Jan Swasthya
Vocational Institute Fax: 224607 CCA
Azad Chowk, Pendra, Bilaspur

Dhamtari 07722
AVI 790009
All India Society for Electronics 232928, 235331 Computer Applications
and Computer Technology Desk Top Publishing
Medical College Campus Word Processing
Gokulpur Rudri Road

Durg 0788
AVI 790003
Rajiv Gandhi Jan Swasthya 4011863 Jan Swasthya
Prashikshan Kendra, Kalibadi Chowk, 09425556220, 09993575211
Dhamdha Road, Near Over Bridge
Mohan Nagar

AVI 790005
All India Society for Electronics 432347 Computer Applications
and Computer Technology Word Processing
C-6, In front of Sapna Talkies Desk Top Publishing
Power House, Bhilai Radio & TV Technician

AVI 790011
All India Society for Electronics 416576 Computer Applications
and Computer Technology Desk Top Publishing
201, Farishta Towers Word Processing

AVI 790013
Gramin Industrial Training 2673712 Electrical Technician
Centre, Village Patora, P.O. Utai Jan Swasthya

AVI 790015
Career Paramedical Institute 0788-2623444, 6455371 Jan Swasthya
M.P. Nursing Home, Opp. Vetenary
College, Anjora Durg, Chattisgarh Fax : 2623444

Raipur 0771
AVI 790001
All India Society for Electronics 5023754 Computer Applications
and Computer Technology Word Processing
Srishti Apartments
Main Road Shanker Nagar

AVI 790008
Institute of Paramedical 405149, 09826500700, Jan Swasthya
Technology, Katora Talab Cerificate in Yog
Near Rishabh Enclave,
Amlidin, New Rajendra Nagar

AVI 790014
Simran Institute of Paramedical 9425010882 Jan Swasthya
Tech. 12/443, Anil Bhavan, Fafadih

AVI 790017
C.G. Institute of Medical Sciences 0771-4268707, 9826159697 Jan Swasthya
Daga Building, Near Motibagh Chowk Certificate in Yog
Civil Lines, Raipur-492001

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 81

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 790018
Institute (Formerly University) of 0771-4059552, 4038849 CCA
Technology & Sciences 9329124000 Certificate in Basic Computing
Near Employment Exchange, Pandri,

Raigarh 07762
AVI 790010
All India Society for Electronics 21542 Word Processing
and Computer Technology Desk Top Publishing
Besides Main Post Office
Station Chowk

AVI 790006
Institute of Paramedical Technology Jan Swasthya
Leprosy Hospital Road, Basantpur

Sarguja 07774
AVI 790002
All India Society for Electronics 235383, 9826113936 Computer Applications
and Computer Technology Desk Top Publishing
Kedarpur, Bhathi Road, Ambikapur Word Processing

AVI 790016
Korba Computer College 07759-223647 CCA
Plot No. 15, Kosabari, Korba-495677 Fax: 07759-221856 (p.p.) CDTP
AVI 790020
Aasara Institute of Medical 07774-221398, Certificate in
Science and Technology 224018 Community Health
Front of J J Hospital, Chopra Colony aasra.ambikapur
Ambikapur @
Distt. Surguja


Cachar 02842
AVI 520003
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Cachar 278193 Plant Protection
Assam Agriculture University Oyster Mushroom Production
Arunachal, Silchar

AVI 520004
Rajiv Gandhi Open Institute 265567, 267237 Jan Swasthya, Radiography
Rajvilla, Ambicapatty, Silchar Poultry Farming

AVI 520009
Ganesh Narayan Institute of 03772-221911 Care of Elderly, ECCE, CCA, CLS, Catering Management
Child Care Solar Energy Technician, Laundry Service
Old Amolapatty,
P.O. Sivasagar-785640

Guwahati 0361
AVI 520005
North-Eastern Instt. Of Vocational 207690 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Education, Opus Inc., Sunder pur Embroidery
Bylane, 1 R.G. Barum Road

82 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 520008
North East Hotel Management, Bakery and Confectionery, House Keeping,
Institute, House No-64, Kahilipara Catering Management, Hotel Front Office Operation
Road, Ganeshgorai before DPI Guwahati Food Processing

AVI 520010
Prayas Juvenile Aid Centre 0943569099 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery, CCA, CHAM,
Village-Rajabari Circle, Teok, P.O. & CDTP, Food Processing, Prevention of Fruits and Vegetables
P.S.- Teok, Distt-Jorhat

AVI 520002
Assam Institute of Electronic 232362, 953672 House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing
P.S. Road, Natun Bazar Radio & TV Technician, Computer Applications

Shilong 0364
AVI 520007
Society of Indian Technical Institute (0364) 2225127, 2504209 Computer Applications, Electrical Technician,
Opp. Bawri Mansions, Dhankheti 094361-04544 Radio & TV Technician

AVI 740001
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 0360-2351043 CCA, CDTP, Computer Hardware Assembly &
Naharlagun, Distt. Papumpare Maintenance, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Arunachal Pradesh-791110

Imphal 0385
AVI 620001
Department of Library Science 220859 Library Science
Manipur University

AVI 620002
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 220859 Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Thoubal Distt. Wangjing,
C/o WWAGS (Rural Depelopment
Services) Wangjing Bazar - 795148

East Khasi Hills
AVI 630001
Morning Star Vocational 0364-2231487, 2534774 Electrical Technician, Furniture and Cabinet Making
Training Institute 9436101076 Food Processing, Basic Computing, CDTP, CHAM
(A Unit of Morning Star School and Web Designing, Carpentry
College), Upper-Nongthymal
-Lawjynriew Taluk-Mylliem Block
Distt- East Khasi Hills
Shillong- 793014

AVI 700001
Voluntary Health Association 03781-2222849/2300482 Early Childhood Care & Education, Yog
of Tripura, Circuit House Area, 09436129317
P.O.Kunjaban, Jan Swasthya
Agratala - 799006

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 83

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Dimapur 03862
AVI 640001
Resource Centre 27171 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
PO Box No.110, Circular Road

AVI 640002
Nganthoi Institute of Applied 03862-230633 CCA, Typewriting (Hindi), Typewriting (English)
Educationn 09436602767 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Naharbari Junction, Purana Bazar
B.P.O. Dimapur Bazar, Nagaland-797116


AVI 510027
Jan Shikshan Sansthan Typewriting (E), Stenography (E), Cutting, Tailoring
Near SBI, 12/678, IInd Cross Sai Nagar Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Security Services, Dress Making

Chittoor 08571
AVI 510020
VCR Degree College 08572-226698 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Basic Computing
Mittoor - 517001 Library Science, Modern Secretarial Practice

East Godavari 08857

AVI 510011
S.K.P. Govt National Junior College 24245 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Ramachandra Puram Plumbing
East Godavari Dt., - 533255

AVI 510024
Akhil Vocational Junior College 0883-2441970 Bakery & Confectionery, House Keeping
H.N. 80-31-5/2, JN Road Catering Management, Food Processing
Rajamundry Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

AVI 510025
Nivya Vocational Junior College Secretarial Practice
D.N., Danavajpet
Guntur 0863
AVI 510023
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2323247, 2328147 Radio & TV Technician, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
D. No. 5-87-131, 2/1 Embroidery, Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Lakshmi Puram – 522007

Hyderabad 040
AVI 510008
PRR Junior College 24736902, 55756904 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Word Processing, Library Clerk
Opp. Osmania Medical College Beauty Culture, House Keeping, Catering Management
A.K. Market, Kothi Water Management
A.P. - 500 195
AVI 510009
Stella Mary ’s High School 4050892 Word Processing, Typewriting (E), Computer Applications
7-66/6, Chaitanya Puri Beauty Culture, Catering Management,
Dilsukh Nagar Bakery & Confectionery, Jan Swasthya, Paripurna Mahila

84 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 510016
ISO Junior College 27019125 Computer Applications
Sharafi Complex, Tarnaka Desk Top Publishing
Secunderabad – 500 017

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Mentally Challenged

SAIED 450001
National Institute for the Mentally 0484-2677858, 2679451 Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Handicapped, Manovikas Nagar Carpentry

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Orthopedic Impaired, Hearing Impaired &
Mentally Challenged

SAIED 450056
Sahaj Seva Sansthan Food Processing
4-D, Laxmi Towers, St. No.5
Mareedpalli, West Secunderabad

Karim Nagar 0878

AVI 510014
Sri Vani Vidya Vihar Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
High School & Junior College Typewriting (H/E)
Markandeya Colony, Godavarikhani
A.P. – 505 209

Krishna 0866
AVI 510004
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2470420, 247064 Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician, Refrigeration
Door No. 32-15-75 & Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Cutting, Tailoring and
Mogalraj Puram Dress Making, Embroidery, Word Processing, Library
Vijayawada - 520010 Attendant, Library Clerk, Food Processing,
Catering Management, Preservation of Fruits &
Vegetables, Beauty Culture
AVI 510028
Maria Nivas Community College (O) 08678-276283, (R) 275409 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Salesian Sisters, Nandigama, 9441435290 ECCE

Kurnool 08518
AVI 510026
Adarsh Junior College Catering Management
Near Nandyal Check Post House Keeping

Prakasam 08592
AVI 510019
Jan Shikshan Sansthan, 230256 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Door No.-37-1-169 (72A) Beauty Culture
Aluri Complex, Ongole, A.P.- 523 001

Vishakhapatnam 0891
AVI 510005
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2553856 Radio TV Technician, Electrical Technician
D No. 9-36-22/3 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Plumbing
Pithapuram Colony Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Maddila Palem– 530003 Beauty Culture, Library Attendant,
Library Clerk, Library Science
Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Rural Women

SAIED 450038
Self Employed Women Welfare Radio & Tape Recorder Repairing
Association MIG-I, 65/2 MVP Colony TV Repairing

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 85

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available

West Godawari 08814

AVI 510018
Sri Vashishta Sevasharam 228808 Yog
Dirusumarru, Bhimavaram Mandal

Ballary 08394
AVI 580003
Don Bosco Professional Academy 266061 Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician,
Jambunath Temple Road Welding Technology, Furniture & Cabinet Making
Hospet – 583201 Carpentry, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Embroidery, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Typewriting (E)
Word Processing (E)
Bangalore 080
AVI 580005
ACTS Vocational Training Institute 28521538, 28521539 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
15th Kms. Hosur Road Jan Swasthya, Carpentry, Furniture Cabinet Making
Electronic City (Post), PIN-560100 Fax-25521760 Word Processing, Typewriting (E)

AVI 580015
Bannerghatta Computer College 26584132, 26582181, 9448954794 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Nirmal Jyoti Convent Jan Swasthya, Typewriting (E/H), Secretarial Practice
Salesian Sisters, S.O.S. Post (PA/PS), Modern Secretarial Practice, Stenography (H/E)
Bennerghatta Road - 560076 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Secretarial Practice

AVI 580016 22211848, 22105159

Young Men’s Christian Association F.No:91-80-22240431 Computer Applications, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
14, Nrupathunga Road 9844875477 Dipoma in Modern Secretarial Practice, Desk Top Publishing
Bangalore-560001 Word Processing, Stenography (E), Computer Hardware
Assembly & Maintenance

AVI 580018
Spastic Society of Karnataka 25280935, 25281831, 25274633 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
No. 31, V Cross, V Main House Keeping, Catering Management
Indiranagar-I Stage– 560038 Bakery & Confectionery, Laundry Services
Word Processing, Secretarial Practice
AVI 580019
Universal College 23111020, 2352571 Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
90 Magadi Main Road Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Near Tollgate Circle, Vijay Nagar Library Science, Security Service

AVI 580022
ACTS Vocational Training Institute Modern Secretarial Practice
15th Km. Hosur Main Road
Electronic City

AVI 580026
Divya Shanthi Schools Carpentry, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
No.117/4, Sakkamma Layout, Embroidery
Hennur Main Road,

AVI 580027
Excellent Vocational
Training Institute 9945024634, Fax :080-26786128 CCA, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, , Embriodery, ECCE
No.- 19/25, 4th Main Bismillah Nagar
Bannargatha Road, Bangalore,
Karnataka- 560029,

Belgaum 08336
AVI 580011
St. Xavier’s Technical Instt. 223275, 9448420585 Typewriting (E), Stenography (E)
St. Xavier Nagar Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Word Processing
Khanapur Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
House Wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing
Welding Technology, Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making,

86 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 580023
Rural Health Education Institute 0831-2403572 Jan Swasthya
CHINTAMANI 9448691292
Krupa IInd Main Ist Cross,
Sadashiv Nagar-590001

AVI 580010
Carmel Vocational Training 08482/223505 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Typewriting (E)
Institute, Near Shahpur Gate Stenography (E), Modern Secretarial Practice
Halad Keri Post– 585403 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Basic Computing, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
AVI 580020
Hyderabad Karnataka Child 08481-251212, 9448422650 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Labour Development Programme
MIG–II, KHB Colony, Basvakalyan

AVI 580021
Shanti Kiran Technical Institution 08483-271972 Typewriting (E)
NH-9, By Pass Road, Humnabad

Dharwad 0836
AVI 580002
Don Bosco Academy 2324306, 2324219 Word Processing, Typewriting (E),
Sutgatti - PO Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Nava Nagar Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Hubli – 580025 Furniture & Cabinet Making, Carpentry
Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Bakery & Confectionery, Welding Technology
Two Wheeler Mechanism
AVI 580007
Anjuman Teachers Trg. Instt. 0836-2260925, 9844444507 Early Childhood Care & Education
Ghantikeri, Hubli, PIN-580020

AVI 580014
Minority Educational Association 2305513 Computer Applications
Islampur, Old Hubli – 580024

AVI 580004
Lingayat Education Association 2445496 Library Science
Town Hall – 580008

AVI 580017
Don Bosco Technical Institute 08172-266101, 260574 Welding Technology, Solar Energy Technician
P.B. No. 152 09449580180 Electrical Technician, Radio & T V Technician
H.N. Pura Road – 573201 Two Wheeler Mechanism, Desk Top Publishing
Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Computer Applications, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Shimoga 08182
AVI 580013
SR Nagappa Shetty Memorial 277616 Computer Applications
National College of Applied Science
Balraj URS Road – 577201

AVI 580024
Don Bosco Institute of 08282-270421 Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician,
Industrial Training 9611044705 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
By Pass Road Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Paper Town, Bhadravati Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Shimoga Karnataka

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 87

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 580025
Bathany Vocational Training Centre Secretarial Practice
Mankala Sagar Taluka Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Shimoga Distt. -574151 Early Childhood Care & Education

Uttara Kanada 08388

AVI 580009
Primary Teacher’s Trg. Instt. 21041 Early Childhood Care & Education
Ankola – 581314

AVI 580012
School of Cont. Technical Education 08387 – 221088 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Pratibhodaya Building Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Plumbing,
Opp. Police Grounds Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Jan Swasthya
H.No.17, Honanvar – 581334 Paripurna Mahila, Computer Applications
Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Library Clerk

AVI 540006
Sharvya Seva Education Trust 079-22172037 Electrical Technician
Sakara, Ganchi ni Chali 9998447876 Radio & TV Technician
D-34 Dispensary, Khokhra Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
B/H Municipal Booth-380008

AVI 540008
D.N. Polytechnic Education Trust Electrical Technician
Morlidher’s Vahero, Near Rajpur Darwaja Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Behind Khadiya Police Station – 380001 Radio & TV Technician

AVI 540015
Vyoma Institute of 079- 25501052, 25500383 Diploma in Radiography, Gram Sakhi
Vocational Guidance 25500183 Homeopathic Dispensing, Certificate in Jeevan Vigyan
C/o Vyoma Nursing Certificate in Community Health
Home, 18, Krishna Park, Khanpur
Distt. Ahmedabad,-380001, Gujarat

AVI 540017
Sneh Prayas 079-30070771- 72, Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
401, Simandhar Avenue,8 Kailash 09909909822 Dress Making
Society Behind, H.K. House CCA, CDTP
Opp. Ashram Road CHAM
Ahmedabad, Gujrat- 380009 Beauty Culture

AVI 540004
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 02642-260082, 242662 (F) Library Clerk, Library Attendant, Library Science
1 River View 9825320959 Stenography(E), Word Processing, Typewriting (E)
Old Court Road Early Childhood Care & Education, Computer Applications
Opp Old Govt. Treasury House Keeping, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Lal Bazar PIN-392001 Embroidery, Bakery and Confectionery, Catering Management
Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables, Electrical Technician
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Radio & TV Technician
AVI 540010
Vidhyadeep Community College 02642-248868 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Near G.N.F.C. Township 9427877182 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
P.O. Narmada Nagar Computer Applications

88 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 540018
Peer Haji Alishah Bukhari High School 02837-283335, 09913056888 Computer Applications, Cutting, Tailoring
NH-8, Samkhiyari, Taluk-Bhachau and Dress Making, Embroidery
Distt. Bhuj (Kachchh), Gujarat-370150

Gandhi Nagar
AVI 540016
Anandba PTC College 079-32521605 CCA
Near Nana Chiloda Octroi Naka 09824012012 Word Processing
Karai Gam Road, Valad CDTP
Distt. Gandhi Nagar

AVI 540013 02897-223568, 09426714492
Noori High School & Higher Fax.: 223164, CCA, Welding Technology
Secondary School, Rajkot Highway Cutting, Tailoring, Dress Making, Embroidery,
Road, Dhrol, Jamnagar-361210 Furniture & Cabinet Making

Surat 0261
AVI 540003
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 0261-2438834 Radio & TV Technician, Beauty Culture,
Kanjibhai Desai Samaj 9426188140 Electrical Technician, Plumbing, Refrigeration
Shikshan Bhawan Trust– 395003 & Air Conditioning

AVI 540005
Kasturba Adhyapan Mandir Early Childhood Care & Education
AT & PO Borakhadi Ta-Vyara
Gujarat – 394690

AVI 540014 261-2422432 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress, Making, Embroidery,

Al-Jamia Tus Safiyah 3011110 Computer Application, Computer Hardware Assembly
Devdi Mubark and Maintenance

Vadodara 0265
AVI 540002
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 267226 Radio & TV Technician
20 Gurukripa Society Electrical Technician
IInd Floor, Jalaram Mandir Marg Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Kaleli bagh – 390018 Plumbing, Beauty Culture

AVI 540009
National Fire Academy 2562476, 2433252 Security Services
Near. Sardar Estate, Cross Road
Ajwa-Waghodia (Fax)-2517821
Ring Road – 390019

AVI 540011
Gujarat Paramedical Science 0265-6596166 Care of Elderly, Yog, Rural Health for women
Institute (M) : 9825797595 (Gram Sakhi)
Harijyot Arogya Seva Kendra, Opp.
Lakdipool, Dandia Bazar Main Road
Vadodara -390001

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 89

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 540012
National Fire Academy/(CEDM) 2562476 Fax: 2517821 Fire Prevention & Industrial Safety
Near Ram Park Society, Opp. Sardar
Estate Cross Road, Ajwa-Waghodia
Ring Road, Vadodara-390019

Ajmer 0145
AVI 670005
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2627463, 2625747 Word Processing, Radio & TV Technician
3/7, Civil Lines Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Electrical Technician
Opp. Savitri School

AVI 670050
Kasturba Gandhi Awasiya Balika Vidhyalaya, Cutting & Tailoring
Srinagar, Distt.- Ajmer Dress making, , Embriodery

Alwar 0144
AVI 670003
Amitoz Industrial Training Instt. 2340796 Typewriting (E/H), Stenography (E/H)
Shiksha Avam Seva Samiti Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Beauty Culture
Burja House Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Mahal Chowk Electrical Technician, Radio TV Technician, Refrigeration &
Air Conditioning, Paripurna Mahila, Jan Swasthya
AVI 670055
Kasturba Gandhi Awasiya Balika Vidhyalaya, Cutting & Tailoring
Chandigarh Bass, Ramgarh, Alwar Dress making, Embriodery

Banswara 02962
AVI 670004
New Look Central School 40489, 41023 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embriodery, Electrical
Kothari Haveli Technician Radio & TV Technician, Refrigeration & Air
Near Railway Station, Ratlam Conditioning Plumbing, Embroidery

AVI 670041
Wagar Computer Education 02962-243843 CCA
Collectorate Road, Near Krayvikray
Sahkari Samiti, Banswara-327001

Bharatpur 05640
AVI 670042
Pawan Industrial Training Centre 05640-282028 Electrical Technician
Gopalkunj Nonera Road, Kaman 9314645878, 9928860870

AVI 670032
Jan Shikshan Sansthan Typewriting(H/E)
C/o Bikaner Adult Education Stenography(H), Dress Making
Association, Near Saraswati Park
Purani Ginnani, Bikaner - 334001

AVI 670049
Kasturba Gandhi Awasiya Balika Vidhyalaya, Cutting & Tailoring
Sri Dungargarh, Distt.- Bikaner Dress making, Embriodery

Chittorgarh 01472
AVI 670016
All India Society for Electronics & 247849, 9414110207 Word Processing
Computer Technology Computer Applications
13-B, Pratap Nagar

90 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 670028
Bharti Nursing Home & Jan Swasthaya
Paramedical Centre, Ward No. 4
Dariba Bidasar, Sujangarh

AVI 670054
Kasturba Gandhi Awasiya
Balika Vidhyalaya, Cutting & Tailoring
Oswalon Ka Mohala, Ward No.- 15, Dress making, Embriodery
Old Panchayat Samiti, Distt.- Churu

Dholpur 05642
AVI 670014
Mahatma Gandhi Shikshan Samiti 31470 Computer Applications
Dari Factory, Campus

AVI 670018
Gandhi Industrial Training 221609 Electrical Technician
Institute, Near Dari Factory Campus Radio & TV Technician

AVI 670036
Bharat Jagrati Sansthan (Ph/Fax) : 02964-231859 Early Childhood Care & Education
Opp. New Sabji Mandi, Dungarpur, email : Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

Hanumangarh 01504
AVI 670026
Nehru Modern Secondary School 223090,222033, 222514 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making
and Shiksha Samiti, Ward No. 20 Early Childhood Care & Education, Embroidery

AVI 670034
Shri Guru Nanak Khalsa Public (Ph/Fax) : 01552-516491 Jan Swasthya
Senior Secondary School
Hanumangarh, Sector No. 12

AVI 670040
Guru Govind Singh Public (Ph/Fax) : 01552-262388 Computer Harware Assembly & Maintenance
School Shiksha Samiti Welding Technology
Ward No.-9, Sector-12L,
Hanumangarh Junction-335512

AVI 670051
Kasturba Gandhi Awasiya Cutting & Tailoring Dress making, Embriodery
Balika Vidhyalaya,
Taluk- Tibbi

Jaipur 0141
AVI 670001
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 781113 Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician, Plumbing
Sector-8, Aravali Marg Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Beauty Culture
Near Community Centre, Mansarovar Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Library Clerk, Library Attendant
AVI 670006
Creative Computers 665750 Word Processing
D-35, Shanti Path, Patrakar Colony Computer Applications

AVI 670007
Indian Institute for Rural 2700994 Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Development A-11, Mahaveer
Udyan Path, Bajaj Nagar

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 91

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 670009
Poddar Management & 2652502, 2650459 Radiography, Computer Hardware Assembly and
Training Institute Maintenance, Jan Swasthya, Computer
4-BHA-7, Jawahar Nagar Applications, Paripurna Mahila
Main Birla Mandir Road - 302004

AVI 670010
Rajasthan Council for 2550851, 2554050 Computer Applications
Women & Child Welfare Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Yash Vidhya Mandir, Hawa Sarak Plumbing
Civil Lines

AVI 670015
Lok Shikshan Sansthan 2322113 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
P-87, Nagar Pade Ka Rasta Typewriting (H), Stenography (H)
Gangori Bazar Computer Applications

AVI 670019
Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule P.G. 2295101, 2294680, 09460127111 Computer Applications
Mahila Mahavidhayalaya, Ram Nagar Desk Top Publishing, Beauty Culture
Extension, New Sanganer Road, Sodala Early Chilldhood Care & Eduction
Bakery & Confectionery, Word Processing

AVI 670020
Centre for Integrated Research 2786066, 5069710 Computer Applications
Training, 124/496, Agarwal Farms 09829203437 Desk Top Publishing

AVI 670022
Swami Balendu Giri Yoga 2740681 Yog
Prashikshan & Anusndhan
Sansthan, A-16, Sahakapath
22, Godam Circle

AVI 670023
National Institute of Paramedical 2680094, 9829031341 Diploma in Radiography
Technology & Community Health Fax-2609783 Janswasthya, Paripurna Mahila, Yog
Education, JMC/3, Dayal Hospital
Khariya, Agra Road -302003

AVI 670024
Institute of Resources Computer Applications
Management & Studies Society Desk Top Publishing
C-119, First Floor, Lalkothi

AVI 670025
SRIVAS 2356391, 3333471(M) Computer Applications
193, Basant Vihar, Gopalpura By Pass Desk Top Publishing

AVI 670030
Era Industrial Training Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Institute, Zone-75, Sector-7 Desk Top Publishing
Manasarover - 302004

AVI 670033
Xavier Vocational Institute 0141-2371290 Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
C/o St.Xavier's School. 09460060808 Beauty Culture, Certificate in Computer Applications,
Opp. Rataway Club, Bhagwan Das Road, Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician, Hotel Front
Hathroi, Fort Road-302001 Office Operation, Catering Management, Modern Secretarial

AVI 670035
State Institute of Health & Family 0141-2701938/2706534 Gram Sakhi
Welfare email :
Jhalana Institutional Area, South of
DD Kendra, Jhalana Doongri - 302004

92 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 670038 2210827, 09314622204
NMP Medical Research Institute 0141-2210431, 2210827, Certificate in Yog
59 A, Mahadev Nagar, Doudlod House 09829522580
Bais Godam, Jaipur-302019

AVI 670046
Mansa Manav Vikas Sansthan 0141-2405158, 99822309761 Certificate in Community Health
PO.-Unit Mansa Medical Health 2405514 Jeevan Vigyan
Shikshan Prashikshan Kendra, mansa manav vikas Certificate in Yog
37-38, Uttam Nagar sansthan@
Kalwar Road, Govindpura
Distt. - Jaipur Rajasthan- 302012

AVI 670047
Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic 0141-2572954, Certificate in Homeopathic
Medical College & Research 2771778 Dispensing
Centre, 10, Sitapura Institutional swasthya_jp1@
Area, Tonk Road
Jaipur-302022 Rajasthan

AVI 670053
Kasturba Gandhi Awasiya Balika Vidhyalaya, Cutting & Tailoring
Panwaliya, Sanganer, Jaipur Dress making, Embriodery

Jodhpur 0291
AVI 670011
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2640654, 2627664, 09414145654 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Cutting, Tailoring and
Plot No.123, Opp. Bhagat Ki Kothi Dress Making, Embroidery, Library Attendant, Library Clerk
P.O. New Pali Road-342001 Typewriting (H/E), Stenography (H/E)

Jhunjhunu 01596
AVI 670012
Kamalnistha Sansthan 7238277 Computer Applications, Beauty Culture, Carpentry
Prakalp, Indian Public School Campus Early Childhood Care & Education, Plumbing,
RIICO Food Processing, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress making,
Embroidery, Plant Protection, Certificate in Yog

AVI 670027
Chirawa Training Institute of 222170 Jan Swasthya
Medical Courses Fax-237975
Khetri Road-333026

Kota 0744
AVI 670008
Yagnesh Vidya Niketan 2505395, 3091151 Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery, House Wiring and Electrical
1-Ta-7, Dada Bari, Kota Appliance Repairing, Solar Energy Technician
Word Processing, Typewriting (H/E)
AVI 670017
Rajasthan Industrial Trg. Instt. 2432434 Radio & TV Technician
449-A, Talwando, Kota

AVI 670037
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 0744-2423993 Fax: 2420905 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Electrical Technician
9-10, Jhalawar Road, Vigyan Nagar Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Kota, Rajasthan-324005

Karauli 07464
AVI 670013
Veena Memorial Sr. Sec. School 220281, 231008 Computer Applications
Gulab Bagh, Karauli Word Processing

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 93

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 670029
Marwar College of Paramedical Care of Elderly, Jan Swasthya
Sciences, Maulasar Teh. Didwana Bhartiya Culture & Heritage, Paripurna Mahila
Chikitsa Jyot
Institute of the Health Fax-0294-2520059
Management and Training
137 Machha, Nagra, Udavpur. -2483926

AVI 670039
Model ITI Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioninig
C/o SMI Computer's, Near Rampole 01582-240821 09414487486

AVI 670043
Kendriya Jeevan Vigyan Academy 222025, 09413169432 Certificate in Jeevan Vigyan
Jain Vishwa Bharati, Ladnun-341306 01581-222119, Fax : 01581-223280
Nagaur E-mail:

Sri Ganga Nagar

AVI 670044
Saraswati Bal Higher Sec. School 01509-220135, 09414381743 Computer Applications
Ward No. 19, Judgi Road Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Suratgarh, Sri Ganganagar,

AVI 670045
Sri Ganga Nagar 0154-2481404, 24972724 Certificate in Homeopathic Dispensing
Homepathic Medical College
Hospital & Research Institute,
Hanumangarh Road
Distt- Sri Ganganagar- 335002

AVI 670048
Lakshay Vocational Education 09414479285, 09418859151 Electrical Technician, Welding Technology
Institute 09214223285
22-H, Industrial Area, Suratgarh, Distt.
Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan-335804

AVI 670052
Kasturba Gandhi Awasiya Balika Vidhyalaya, Cutting & Tailoring
Nandwan, Taluk- Luni, Dress making, Embriodery

AVI 670031
Chikitsa Jyoti Institute of Health Care of Elderly, Paripurna Mahila
Management & Training Jan Swasthya
137, Machchla Magra
Sector-11, Udaipur - 313001

Alappuzha 0479
AVI 590055
Travancore Instt. of Science 0479-2441331 Computer Applications
and Technology 9288110726
Chengallil Buildings, Cheravally
Kayamkulam -690502

94 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 590082
Naipunya School of Management 0478-2817476,2812592 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Catering Management
Near Manorama Junction, Cherthala 9447396684 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 590098
Lal Bahadur Shastri 0478-2821295, 3211800 Computer Applications
Education Foundation Desk Top Publishing
NSS Taluk Union Building, Cherthala

AVI 590116
Rajeshwari Educational Training 0479-2442639,2442639(F), CCA, CDTP, CHAM
Centre Thiruvathira Building, South 2445484(R), 9288110726 Word Processing
to Lekshmi Theatre, 1st Floor
Cheravally, Kayamkulam P.O.-690502
Karthikapally-Taluk, Alappuzha

Eranakulam/Kochi 0484
AVI 590012
Faith India Bhavan 2731341, 2731298 Word Processing, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Puthencruz Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables, Food Processing
AVI 590017
St. Xavier’ s Computer Centre 2623240, Computer Applications
St. Xavier’s College for Women, Aluva

AVI 590023
Vanitha Vocational Training 2458075 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Centre, Paul Arcade Shopping Beauty Culture
Complex, Angamaly

AVI 590044
Don Bosco Institute of Graphic 2806411 Computer Applications
Arts Communication Technology
N.H. Bye-Pass,

AVI 590047
St. Antony’s Mission 2390852, 2384754 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Morning Star Building Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Post Box-1920, Kacheripady Computer Applications

AVI 590052
Travancore Institute of 0473-320360, 220666 Computer Applications
Science & Technology ginsok
Vadacode P.O., Kangarapady

AVI 590063
Kuttukaran Instt. for Human 0484-2396035, 2390516 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Resource Development 9846040440 Computer Applications
San Juan Towers, P.B. No. 3015 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Old Railway Station Road, Cochin-18

AVI 590081
College of Information Technology 2526002 Computer Applications
Eralil Towers, KSRTC Road Desk Top Publishing
Perumbavoor Catering Management, Food Processing

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 95

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 590088
Auxilium Technical 2232104 Secretarial Practice, Stenography (E), Typewriting (E)
Training Centre Word Processing, Computer Applications
Palluruthy Early Childhood Care & Education
Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
AVI 590091
Edassery's Institute of Hotel 0484-3253322 Bakery & Confectionery, House Keeping,
Management, Hotel Front Office Operation,
Opp. Kerala History Museum, Catering Management
Edappally, P.O. - Pathadipalam,

AVI 590092
Middle East Technical Institute Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Mekkad P.O., Nedumbassery Plumbing

AVI 590106
Ezhuthachan Smaraka, 0484-2364941,2457312 (F) Early Childhood Care and Education
Veekshanam Road,Ernakulam 9847773254 Plumbing
North, Kochi-682018

AVI 590108
Divine College of Management 0484-2369184, 6597408 Catering Management
Studies, Vishwabharti Building,
M.G Road, Ravipuram, Cochin-682016

AVI 590109
Career Computers, 04924-320470/244358 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Thachampra, P.O. 09447942624 Word Processing, Computer Hardware Assembly
Mannarkkad, Taluk-Palakkad - 678593 & Maintenance, Web Designing

AVI 590110
Jan Shikshan Sansthan (Ph/Fax) : 0484-2447980 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Canal Road, North Paravoor 3234724 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Distt. Ernakulam, Kerala-683513 email :

AVI 590112
Deepa College 2221350, 09895643526 CCA
Opp. Our Lady's Convent Church Fax: 2234946
Thoppumpady, Kochi-682005

AVI 590117
S.B. Global Educational 2315617/18, Fax: 2313783 Bakery & Confectionery, House Keeping
Resources (P) Ltd. Catering Management, Hotel Front
G-129, Panampilly Nagar, Kochi Office Operations

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Street Children & Working Children

SAIED 450003 Carpentry, Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery

Don-Bosco Sneha Bhawan Welding Technology, Jan Swasthya
Cochin Project, Palluruthy

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Visually Impaired

SAIED 450004 Word Processing, Secretarial Practice

Faith India Bhawan Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
P.O. Puthencruz Food Processing

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Visually Impaired

SAIED 450066
Light Engineering Training House Wiring and Electrical Appliances Repairing
cum-Production Centre Motor & Transformer Rewinding
Angamali South Radio & Tape Recorder Repairing, TV Repairing
Carpentry, Plumbing

96 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Idukki 04862
AVI 590019
M.M. Mathew Memorial 04862-222407, 225707 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Jan Swasthya
Education Trust, I.C. College 09495426651 Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Building, Thodupuzha East

AVI 590025
Santhigiri Rehabilitation Instt. 273006, 273476 Word Processing, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Vazhithala P.O., Thodupuzha Computer Applications, Radio & TV Technician

AVI 590030
District Computer and Ind. Trg. 04862-232294 Computer Applications
Kuyilimala Instt., Distt. Panchayat 9447105821
Building, Painavu, PO Kuylimala

AVI 590035
Chavara Computer Centre 0486-235296, 232251 Computer Applications
Vazhathope Colony 09447051092

AVI 590045
Santhigiri Rehabilitation Institute 273006 Computer Applications
Vazgithala, PO Thodupuzha

AVI 590058
Travancore Instt. of 0471-2481565 Computer Applications
Science and Tech.
Erattayar, P.O. Kattappana

AVI 590070
Auxilium Training Centre 273047 Computer Applications, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Near Govt. ITI, Kattappana Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 590084
Institute of Home Economics 2252054, 2253277 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Jyothi Bhawan, Moolamattom

Kozhikode 0495
AVI 590001
JDT Islam Orphanage & 2730289 Radio & T.V. Technician, Electrical Technician
High School Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Plumbing
P.B. No.1702 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Stenography
Jamiath Hill Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 590004
Calicut Islamic Cultural Voc. 2302829 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Plumbing
Training Centre, Kolthara-P.O. Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Near Railway Station, Kallai Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Electrical Technician

AVI 590010
Koduvally Muslim Orphanage 2210006 Word Processing, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Vocational Training Institute kmo.kdly@yahoo. Embroidery, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Plumbing
P.O. Koduvally, Kozhikode, Kerala House Wiring & Electrical Appliances Repairing

AVI 590072
Skill Development & 0495-2370026 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Computer Centre 0944742473 Plumbing, Desk Top Publishing
Jilla Panchayath Bhavan Word Processing, Computer Hardware Assembly &
Civil Station, Kozhikode-673020 Maintenance, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 97

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 590090
Holy Cross Vocational Word Processing, Secretarial Practice, Modern Secretarial Practice
Training Institute Basic Computing, Desk Top Publishing, Computer Applications
Manorama 2762694/2761749 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Naddakkavu holycross Beauty Culture, Bakery & Confectionery, Catering
Eranwipalam (PO) Management, Hotel Front Office Operations, House Keeping,
673006. Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables, Food Processing
Laundry Services
AVI 590096
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2701322 Word Processing, Computer Applications
19/1884, Bhajana Kovil Road Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Chalappuram Paripurna Mahila

AVI 590113
G.Tec Computer Education 0495-2368669, 3244669 CCA, CDTP, CHAM
6/623, Bhaskar Building, Opp. 3292808 Word Processing
Ashoka Hotel, C.H. Fly Over Jn.
Calicut, Kozhikodu admn@gtec

Kannur 0497
AVI 590022
Kerala Vocational Training Centre 2704724, 2701077 Beauty Culture, TV Repairing, Cutting, Tailoring and
P.O. Kannur Dress Making, Embroidery, Computer Applications
Opp. Koyili Hospital

AVI 590027
Chinmaya Vidyalaya 2700876, 2705876 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Stenography (E)
Kannur Typewriting (E), Word Processing, Computer Applications
Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Radio & TV Technician
AVI 590068
Central Instt. of Edu. & Trg. Radio & TV Technician
P.B. 30, Near Telephone Exchange 0490-2491101 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Neerampock Road, Lritty Electrical Technician

Kottayam 04828
AVI 590024
Holy Cross Vocational Training 203780 Word Processing, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Institute Palampra, PO Kanjirapally Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Beauty Culture
AVI 590026
Integrated Rural 0482-233354, 09745633354 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Development Society Institute Fax-0482-2231055 Early Childhood Care & Education, Jan Swasthya
Kuravilangad P.O., Kottayam Distt.

AVI 590043
Bharat Vanitha Vikasana Society & 0482-2214234, 2212822 Radiography
Women Hospital
Near St. Thomas Higher School, Pala

AVI 590048
Kerala Steds 0481-2712223 & 0481-2712990 Computer Applications
Mannarkattil Building, Neendoor P.O.

AVI 590054
Travancare Instt. of Science 0471-481565 Computer Applications
& Technology, Fings Technology
Parakavetti Building, Pattathi Mukh
Changana Chery

AVI 590067
St. Anes Hospital 04829-251718, 251299, 253732, Paripurna Mahilla, Jan Swasthya
Nursing and Paramedical 252383, 9447174255 Radiography
Peruva - 686610

98 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 590101
Cyber View Computer Centre 04829-282503 Computer Applications
Gralia Building, Muttuchira PO Desk Top Publishing
Vaikom Taluk

AVI 590107
Thuchan Smarak 04829-282503 Early Childhood Care and Education
Pre-Primary Teacher Training
Institute, Aiyraimulton Mancaud
P.O. Thiruvananthapuram

AVI 590115
Mary Matha College 04822-230576, 234566 Care of Elderly, Jan Swasthya
Nursing & Paramedical Study Centre
P.B. No.1, Kozha-P.O.,

Kollam 0474
AVI 590032
Carpentry Training Centre 2412464 Carpentry, Furniture & Cabinet Making
Zion Hill, Kulakkada PO Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 590034
Sreeniketan Central School 2593952, 2590799 Computer Applications, Word Processing
Karamcodu Library Clerk, Library Science
PO Chathannoor Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 590037
Cosmopolitan Industrial 2831404, 2832339 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
Training Centre Desk Top Publising, Plumbing, Electrical Technician
Sasthamcotta Radio & TV Technician, Beauty Culture

AVI 590056
Travancore Instt. of Science 792663, 792376 Computer Applications
and Technology
Macra/3, Mulamkadakom

AVI 590083
Dr. M Institute of Science & Tech. 2640688, 2640388 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications, Catering
AM College of Pharmacy Campus Management, Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making,
Vavvakkavu Post, Karunagappally Embroidery, Radiography, Food Processing, House Keeping
Preservation of Fruits & vegetables, Care of Elderly
Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
AVI 590087
Don Bosco Technical Institute 2536620, 2530156 Carpentry, Radio & T V Technician
Umayanalloor Electrical Technician, Computer Applications
P.O. Kottiyam Desk Top Publishing

AVI 590089
Auxilium Community College 2530087, 2535400 Secretarial Practice, Computer Applications
Salesian Sisters Word Processing, Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making,
Kottiyam Embroidery, Paripurna Mahila

AVI 590102
Rashtriya Bharti Vocational 0476-269137, 6947279661 Early Childhood Care & Education
Training Centre, Oachira

AVI 590105
Nethaji Computer and Vocational Early Childhood Care & Education
and Training Centre, (NCVTC)/PC Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Plant, Mullathara Apts. Nrs. Catering Management, Food Processing
S. N. Women's College, Desk Top Publishing, Computer Applications
Jawahar JN. - 691001 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 99

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 590119
Gandhi Bhavan Study Centre 0475- 2035039, 2355507 Certificate in Care of Elderly
Post Box No.- 39 9846038870 Cutting & Tailoring
Pathanapuram- P.O Kollam Dress Making, Embroidery, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress
Distt- Pathanapuram Taluk Making
Kerala 689695

Kasargode 0499
AVI 590057
Travancore Instt. of Science 2491516 Computer Applications
and Technology
Sub Treasury Building, Chattanchal

AVI 590011
Hamad Industrial Training Centre 04933-238062, 2210006 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Tirurkad, P.O., Perintalmanna Taluk 09446636791 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician

AVI 590033
Central Institute of Vocational Trg. 0483-2766017 Electrical Technician
Opp. Narthaki, Calicut Road Radio & TV Technician
Manjeri PO

AVI 590046
NTC College of Engineering 228976, 225424 Electrical Technician, CCA
H.M.K.M. Bldg., Opp. Pvt. Bus Stand 326771 Radio & TV Technician, Two Wheeler Mechanism
Perinthalmanna PIN-679322 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
AVI 590050
Sree Vivekananda Padana 04931-275381,231824 Computer Applications
Kendrum, P.O. Palemad 09447536227 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
AVI 590051
M.A. Moopan Memorial M.E.S. 0494-2548090 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Hi-Tech School 09946270494 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Kalpakanchery Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Computer Applications
AVI 590060
Travancore Instt. of Science 0471-481565 Computer Applications
and Technology
Angaidpuram P.O.

AVI 590061
H.M. Orphanage ITC 0483-2766243 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician,
Pandikkad Road Plumbing, Computer Hardware Assembly
Manjeri & Maintenance, Care of Elderly

AVI 590062
C.S.I. Industrial School 0483-2766403 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Nazareth, Manjeri 9633745151 Carpentry, Welding Technology

AVI 590111
Co-operative Institute of 0494-2457165 Early Childhood Care & Education
Vocational Education, email :
Co-operative College Building,
P.O.-Vengara, Distt-Malappuram

100 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 590118
Kerala Technical Institute 0494-2451326 CHAM, Radio & T.V. Technician
Near Police Station, Vengara 9446430920 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Tirurangadi, Taluk, Malapuran-676304

AVI 590041
CARD Embroidery & Tailoring Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Centre, Triuvalla

AVI 590053
Travancare Instt. of Science 04734-255012, 0471-2481565 Computer Applications
and Technology, 9447455072,9388567494
Kalarikadu Complex
Water Authority Road, Kannaankara

AVI 590065
National Technical Instt. 0468-2321446 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Pathanamthitta, VII/248
Kadammanitta Road

AVI 590085
Anjali College 0468-2325050 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Typewriting (E)
P.B. No. 60 Stenography (E), Word Processing, Modern Secretarial
Near Pvt. Bus Terminal Practice, Basic Computing, Computer Applications,
Desk Top Publishing

AVI 590097
School of Computers Computer Applications
Industrial Training Centre Desk Top Publishing
Market Road, Adoor

AVI 590103
Seven Seas Socio Economic seven Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Development Society
P.O. Muthupezhumkal
Mlamthadom, Koni

AVI 590003
Ansar Vocational 04885-281321 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Word Processing
Training Centre Jan Swasthya, Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making,
Perumpilavu Embroidery, House Keeping, Food Processing,
PO Karikkad Catering Management, Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables,
Bakery & Confectionery Plumbing, Furniture & Cabinet
Making, Carpentry Play Centre Management,
Radio & T. V. Technician, Electrical Technician,
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
AVI 590006
Kerala Vocational Fax-0480-2812440 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, House Keeping
Training Centre Hotel Front Office Operation, Beauty Culture
Karthla Building Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery, TV Repairing
West Nada House Wiring and Electrical Appliances Repairing
Kodungallur, Thrissur, Motor & Transformer Rewinding, Electro plating
Dist-Kerala. PIN-680664 Solar Energy, Bakery & Confectionery,
Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Catering Management, Word Processing,
Secretarial Practice, Library Clerk
Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables, Food Processing

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 101

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 590014
Naipunya Vocational 0480-2733573 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Training Centre 9895033573 House Keeping, Catering Management, Secretarial Practice
Pongam Koratty East (PA/PS) Plant Protection, Hotel Front Office Operations

AVI 590040
J & J Educational and 0480-2860775 Computer Applications
Charitable Instt. 9446766144 Computer Hardware Assembly and Maintenance
Karupadanna PO-680670

AVI 590059
Travancore Instt. of Science 0487-2393186 Computer Applications
and Technology
Near Post Office, Valapad

AVI 590086
Vocational Institute for 0480-2740260 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Computer Training
Kodali, P.O. Pady

AVI 590093
ACE Computer Education 0487-2508222, 09895903522 Word Processing
Main Road, Chavakkad

AVI 590094
ACE Computer Education & Word Processing
College of Engineering
Vill. & P.O. Nattika, Thaiprayar

AVI 590114
Desiya Vanithya Sevaksamaj Trust 0487-3249947, 09447034118 CCA, CDTP,
Naikanal Junction, A.R. Menon Road 09447412923 Word Processing
Kunnathumana Lane, Thrissur

Trivandrum 0471
AVI 590007
Mitraniketan 0472-2882854, 2882045 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Vocational Trg. Centre Plumbing, Two Wheeler Mechanism, Plant Protection
P.O. Mitraniketan, Oyster Mushroom Production, Preservation of Fruits
Vellanad-695543 and Vegetables, Mushroom Production, Secretarial Practice
Distt. Trivandrum (PA/PS), Library Clerk, Library Attendant,
Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance,
Computer Applications, Library Science. Carpentry,
Furniture & Cabinet Making, Care of Elderly
Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
AVI 590021
Madonna Social 0471-2260145 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Welfare Centre for Women 09249360050 Catering Management
Kochupally, Pulluvila P.O.-695526 House Keeping

AVI 590028
Christian Agency for Rural 0474-442829 Computer Applications
Challimukh, Ex-Servicemen Colony
Panch Palode P.O.

AVI 590029
Taravancore Institute of 2481565 Computer Applications
Science & Technology Desk Top Publishing
Kaliyoor, Muttacachand

102 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 590049
Sri Ram Research Institute 2451111 Computer Applications
Over Bridge Junction, M.G. Road microstar& Word Processing

AVI 590073
Kerala State Women’s 2348083 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Development Corporation Electrical Technician, Food Processing
Juvenile Home Compound, Poojapura Computer Applications

AVI 590104
YMCA Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Young Mens Christain Association Carpentry, Plumbing, Secretarial Practice(PA/PS)
Vocational Training Centre, Rural Development Computer Applications, Electrical Technician
Centre Vettinand, Trivandrum

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Visually Impaired

SAIED 450065
Kerala Federation of the Blind Word Processing, Typewriting (E)
Kunnukuzhy P.O. Stenography, Secretarial Practice

Wayanad 04936
AVI 590099
Don Bosco Technical 04936-222107, 224489 Electrical Technician, Welding Technology
Institute Near KSRTC Bus Depot 09446043618 Radio & TV Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Sulthan Bathery P.O. -673592 Two Wheeler Mechanism, Typewriting (E)
Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
Word Processing
AVI 590100
Nirmala Institute of 04936-285683,318356 Catering Management, House Keeping,
Management Technology 9388578590 Hotel Front Office Operation
Pallikunnu P.O.-673121 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Jan Swasthya, Early Childhood Care & Education

Chennai 044
AVI 690012 23660921, 09841267476
Agasthya Sami I.T.I. 252543, 254099, 603306 Electroplating, Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air
Industrial Training Institute Conditioning, Radio & T.V. Technician, Solar Energy Technician
24-A, Chelliamman Car Street Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Maduranthagam-603306 Stenography (E) Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Word Processing
Carpentry, Plant Protection, Water Management for Crop.
Production, Oyster Mushroom Production
Furniture and Cabinet Making

AVI 690014
St. John’s Computer Trg. Division 24110092, 24610060 Word Processing
196, R.K. Mutt. Road, Computer Applications

AVI 690016
Spastic Society of Tamil Nadu 22541651 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Word Processing, Computer
Opp. TTTI Applications, Desk Top Publishing, Bakery & Confectionery,
Taramani Road Catering Management, Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables,
Carpentry, Food Processing, House Keeping

AVI 690035
Madras Community College 24611596, 24611597 Computer Applications
No. 2 Rosary Church Road, Mylapore

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 103

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 690039
Chennai Corporation Community 25384510 Fax-25383962 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
College No. 24, Arunachalam, ST Bakery & Confectionery, Catering Management
Chepauk-600005 Hotel Front Office Operation, Jan Swasthya

AVI 690045 044-24353176/24341778

C.P. Ramaswamy Aiyar 24353176, 26412034 Library Attendant, Library Clerk, Library Science
Foundation 09841045812 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
Sarswati Kendra Fax-91-44-24351022 Water Management for Crop Production, Play Centre
No. 1A Eldams Road, Management, Plant Protection, House Keeping

AVI 690055
Tamil Nadu Industrial Training 28527579, 28414736, Electrical Technician
Centre, 42/25, Gee Gee Complex 28585230 Radio & TV Technician
Anna Salai

AVI 690056
Annai Theresa Institute of 25203841, 25209979 Jan Swasthya
Paramedical Technology
New No. 32, Old No. 496, Mint Street

AVI 690057
Bharat Institute of Paramedical Radiography
159, Lloyds Road, Royapettah Care of Elderly

AVI 690058
Holy Cross Pre-Primary 044-26552724, 09710601920 Early Childhood Care& Education
Teachers Training Institute, 5,
Cross Street, Lazar Nagar,
Avadi - 600071

AVI 690059
Annai, J.J., Nursing School Jan Swasthya
Keelaveli, Kuttalam,
Nagai Distt. - 609801

AVI 690061
Srushti Institute of Para Medical (Ph/Fax) : 044-2486144 Care of Elderly
Sciences, No.1, Padamavathy (M) : 9840449849
Street, Thirumalainagar, email :
Ramapuram, Chennai-600089

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Learning Disability

SAIED 450010
Alpha to Omega Learning Centre Word Processing (E), Catering Management
16, Valliammal Street, Klpauk Food Processing, Play Centre Management

Coimbatore 0422
AVI 690001
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2448858 Radio & TV Technician, Beauty Culture
Sri Avinashilingam Electrical Technician, Plumbing
Shram Vidyapatha, Alegasan Road Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

AVI 690015
CSI Tech. & Vocational Training 0422-2214936, 0422-4204936 Typewriting (E), Stenography (E)
College for Women 214936, 09443201558 Secretarial Practice, Library Clerk
CSI Compound, Avanshi Road-641018 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 690021
Royal Institute of Baking & 226399 Bakery & Confectionery
Sugar Craft, 18, Manickamlane

104 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 690022
Sri Gopal Naidu Higher 25617187 Computer Applications
Secondary School, 120/15 Desk Top Publishing
Bharathi Colony, Peelamedu,

Cuddalore 04142
AVI 690037
Immaculate Community College 236826 Jan Swasthya
6 Srinivasa Pillai Street, Thirupupuliyur

AVI 690066
K.M.P. Trust Industrial TrainingCentre, 04143-22029, 222697, Electrical Technician, Welding Technology
No.40, North Vellalar Street Pennadam, 9443747699
Tittakudi,T.K., Cuddalore- Distt.-606105

Dindigual 0451
AVI 690009
(Sholai School) Centre for Carpentry, Solar Energy, Bio-Gas Energy Technician
Learning Agriculture and Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Appropriate Technology Word Processing, Typewriting (E), Plumbing,
Bamathi Nagar, PO Box. No.57 Furniture & Cabinet Making

AVI 690049
Gandhi Gram Rural Institute 2452371 Early Childhood Care & Education
Gandhi Gram PO Play Centre Management

Dharampuri 04343
AVI 690010
Institute of Agranomy 250169 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
2/228, Annanagar, Kaveripattinam Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Plant Protection
Krishna Giri -635112 Plumbing, Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Typewriting(E), Word Processing
Kanyakumari 04652
AVI 690023 Electrical Technician
Mortiz I.T.I. Sarakavilai 222146, 226083 Welding Technology
Kottar, P.O. Nagar Coil

AVI 690029 04651-245395

Kanyakumari Community College Computer Applications
Mariagiri, Kulapuram Carpentry

AVI 690030
St. Mary ’s Community College 246908 Jan Swasthya, Radiography
North Kundal Catering Management, Computer Applications
Early Childhood Care & Education
AVI 690053
ZION Community College & 571858, 9345648649 Early Childhood Care & Education
Teacher Training Institute Computer Applications
51-A, Court Road, Nagar Coil

Kanchipuram 04112
AVI 690024
Centre for Research on New 4730054 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
International Economic Order Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Village No.36, Muttukadu Carpentry, Computer Applications
New Mahabalipuram Road

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 105

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Karur 04323
AVI 690025
Annaamalai Industrial Trg. Centre 22243 Electrical Technician
V. Pudur Kulithalai

AVI 690043 04323-242248

Sri M.V. Muthukrishna Iyer 242248 Computer Applications, Typewriting (E), CDTP
Industrial Training Institute Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
West Street, Agraharam CHAM, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Mahadanapuram Security Service
Krishnarayapuram - 639106

AVI 690048
Centre for Rural Development & 04324-233384, 238729 Computer Applications,
Information Technology 09994833384 Desk Top Publishing
TS No. 208/1, Covai Road Word Processing
Sengunthapuram - 639002

Madurai 0452
AVI 690028
Sree Narayana Indl. Trg. Institute 2675484 Electrical Technician
Subramaniya Konar Puram Radio & TV Technician
By-Pass Road, Avaniyapuram Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 690032
Madurai Community College 2603017 Electrical Technician
LTI Campus, P.O. Box No. 20 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Nagai 0435
AVI 690041
Povunammal Ramakrishna 2412354, 04364-230241 Electrical Technician
Industrial Training Institute Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Mathirimangalam, 09360320943
Kuttalam Nagar-609801

Ramanathapuram 04567
AVI 690042
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 230231, 232320 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
1/614, Om Shakti Nagar Beauty Culture, Typewriting (E)
Aranmanai Salai

Sivagangai 04561
AVI 690036
Amala Annai Rural Community 273692,272902 Early Childhood Care & Education
College for Women, St. John’s
Campus, Vellimuthu Villakku
(Arul Nagar) Devakottai

AVI 690038
21 st Century International 04575-245121, 240211 Computer Applications
Community College
1/90, Rani Velu Nachiyar Nagar
Kanchirankal Post

AVI 690047
Devaki community College 04565-239332, 238332 Radiography
Near Periyar Statue, Karaikudi Jan Swasthya

AVI 690065
Sivagangai Community College 04575-242137, 09842441013 Jan Swasthya, ECCE, Catering Management
(SCC) No. 44, New Palace, Bakery & Confectionery
Madurai Road, Sivagangai

106 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 690051
Centre for Research on New Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
International Economic Order
Post Box-13, Vellakadai, Yercaud Taluk

AVI 690068
Indhira Catering and Nursing School 0435-2412354, 09345430517 Welding Technology
842, Karaikal, Main Raod Mithupillai,
Mandapam, Kumbakonam,
TK Tanjore-609801

Theni 04546
AVI 690033 04546-327401, 09994169462
Periyakulam St. Anne’s 231482, 231382 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
Community College for Women Desk Top Publishing, Early Childhood Care & Education
Periyakulam - 625610 Jan Swasthya, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,

AVI 690008
All India Computer College 04182-221082, 222533, 9842958845 Typewriting (E/H), Word Processing, Stenography(H/E)
129, College Road 09842958845 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
Cheyyar Desk Top Publishing, Solar EnergyTechnician
Electrical Technician, Bio Gas Energy Technician
Plant Protection, Electro Plating, Refrigeration and
Air Conditioning, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making
AVI 690026
Shanmuga Indl. Training Centre 04181-241210, 241233 Electrical Technician
5/998, C.C. Road Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Kalasapakkam Welding Technician

AVI 690011
Mohana Electronics & 04346-22211 Secretarial Practice, Word Processing, Electrical Technician
Computer Institute Radio & TV Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
6/145, V.T. Extension, Harur Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 690017
Kalaimagal Institute Ramnivas 04634-255258, 251605/252056 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
14, B Ramaswamy Kovil Street Typewriting (E), Word Processing (E)

AVI 690018
Sri Manonmoni Rural Development 04633-270275 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Society, Main Road, Alangulam Typewriting (E)
85, Kamraj Nagar

AVI 690019
Sabari Sankar Institute 0462-2580205 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
43/13, Sivan Koil East Car Street Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Palayamkottai Computer Applications

AVI 690031 04635-250429, 250430

Rural Community College 04635-250430, 09442039283 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Nanguneri Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Pin-627108 Computer Hardware Assembly and Maintenance
Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 107

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 690064
Nathan Computer Education 04634-250901, 250951 CCA
6E, College Road, Ambasamudram Fax : 255258

AVI 690067
Women and Child 04635-250398, 250141, Secretarial Practice, CCA, Cutting and Tailoring,
Development Society 9486042086 Dress Making, Embriodery, Food Processing, Stenography (E),
17/2, Nagercoil, Main Road, RC Church, wcdsbabgyberu@yahoo. Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embriodery
Nanguneri-627 108
Distt. Tirunelveli

AVI 690027
Sree Perumal Indl. Trg. Institute 044-27636839, 09444078255 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Palavakkam Fax-044-27630330 Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
PO & Vill. Uthukottai

AVI 690050
Centre for Research on New 04119-276344 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
International Economic Order
Factory Site, Pulcat, Ponneri

AVI 690052
Centre for Research on New Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
International Economic Order
No. 57, Aladu Village, Ponneri Taluk

AVI 690060
Vyasa Institute of Technology (Fax) : 044-2836187 Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
132, Sivan Koil Street 09382116604
Palaverkady - 601204 email :

AVI 690062
Bharathamatha Para Medical College (Ph/Fax) : 04369-223084/221918 Jan Swasthya
23B, Mannai Road, Post Box No.19, email:

AVI 690063
Sree Perumal Industrial Training 09444-078255 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Institute (Fax) : 044-27630046
Erulipattu Road, Alinjivakkam-Panchayat email :
Janapachtiram - 600067

Tiruchirapallai (Trichy) 0431

AVI 690046
St. Patrick’s Technical Training 20613422, 2680066, 2680258 Electrical Technician
Center, Alundur Welding Technology
Kunnathur P.O. Viralimalai

AVI 690054
Melapudur St. Anne’s 2412931 Early Childhood Care & Education
Community College Computer Applications
Melapudur St. Anne’s Convent Secretarial Practice, Jan Swasthya

Tuticorin 0461
AVI 690020
Ezhilmatics Computer Centre 2324168 Computer Applications,
1 A, South Sambantha Desk Top Publishing
Moorthy Street

108 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Vellore 0416
AVI 690004
Victoria Industrial Training 2242985 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Institute, Green Woods greenwoods.2000 Library Clerk, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
SSR Campus, 1 Jabberpet

AVI 690007
Valluvaa Institute of Engineering 2243077 Radio & TV Technician, Plumbing
No. 14, Auxilium College Road Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Gandhi Nagar, Katpadi Electrical Technician, Secretarial Practice

AVI 690034
RUSHA Department Christian 04171-246255, 246241 Electrical Technician
Medical College & Hospital Radio & TV Technician
P.O. Vellore

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS with Learning Disability
SAIED 450026
Sri Vidayalaya Matriculation Word Processing
Higher Secondary School House Wiring & Electrical Appliances
123, Vaikkal Road, Bakery & Confectionery

AVI 810001
Bharathiar Institute of 0490-2334656 Electrical Technician
Science & Technology Radio & TV Technician
II/994 & 995, Main Road, Mahe

AVI 810002 09789328327

District Institute. of 0413-2256503/ 2251243 Early Childhood Care &Education
Edn. & Training, Lawspet

Angul 06764
AVI 650012
Rural Women Development 236502, 9810228742 Food Processing
Service Centre, AT/PO. Khalari Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables

Bolangir 06652
AVI 650006
NICE, Club Road 230722, 231136 Computer Applications
Bolangir–767001 Desk Top Publishing

Balasore 06782
AVI 650011
Industrial Training Centre 264811 Electrical Technician, Welding Technology
Arad Bazar, Jadapur, Near Dorji Pokhari Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

Cuttack 0671
AVI 650001
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2312756 Radio & TV Technician, Plumbing, Electrical
Behind Nishamani Talkies Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Beauty
Link Road, PO-Arunodana Market Culture, Secretarial Practice, Computer Applications

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 109

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Dhenkanal 06762
AVI 650010
Narichetna Mahila Institute 32125 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
At-M/1, Housing Board Colony Computer Applications

Jagatsingpur 06724
AVI 650003
Institute of Technology 06724-221604 Electrical Technician, Plumbing
Information (Training Centre) (F)-06724-220158 Radio & TV Repairing, Beauty Culture
Jagat Singh Pur, Cuttack Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
At/P.O. Taradapada-754103

AVI 650029
Vanuprava I.T.I., (Fax) : 06724-266683 House Wiring and Electrical Appliances
Anakhia, Jagatsinghpur (M) : 09437196472, 09937132357 Motor and Transformer Rewinding, Welding Technology

Jharsuguda 06645
AVI 650014
Trinity Institute of Information 70254, 40314 Computer Applications
Technology, S K. Twin Towers
Sarbahal Road

Khurda 0674
AVI 650004
Sidhaanta Insitute of Vocational 2431085 Computer Applications, Typewriting (E),
Training, S-2/134, Niladri Vihar Desk Top Publishing, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Chandrasekhar Pur Embroidery, Plant Protection, Plumbing,
Bhubneshwar Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Early Childhood Care & Education

AVI 650007
ORICOM Education 427923 Computer Applications
Commercial Complex, Acharya Vihar

AVI 650013
Bishwakarma Industrial Training 06755-222412, 309593 Electrical Technician
Centre, Nabinabag Radio & TV Technician
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
AVI 650017
Child Care & Educational 0674-2744116 Early Childhood Care & Education
Development Foundation
Sishuvihar, P.O. KITT, Patia

AVI 650019 0674-6532162, 2434449

Jan Shikshan Sansthan Fax - 2436311, 09437184398 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Plot No. B-2, BJB Nagar

AVI 650024
College of Nursery Teacher’s 2396919, 2408680 Early Childhood Care & Education
Education 208, Kharvel Nagar
Unit-III, Bhubaneshwar

AVI 650027
Institute of Education and Electrical Technician, Radio & T. V. Technician
Technology, A/37, Ruchika Market Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Baramuda, Bhubneshwar, Orissa Refrigeration & Air Conditioning,
Computer Applications

110 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Koraput 06854
AVI 650022
Life Line Computer Education 232899, 240178, 232899 Computer Applications
14/E, K.P.G. Bank (H.O.) Complex
Sarojini Bhawan Road, Jeypore - 764001

Mayurbhanj 06792
AVI 650028
Mayurbhanj Organization of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Rural Development, At Patakatha 06796-245474, 221412, 220420 Basic Computing
Chhak P.O. Karanjia,
Distt. Mayurbhanj, Orissa-757037

Nabrangpur 06858
AVI 650018
Konark Technical Training 223852, 222639 Electrical Technician
Institute, OSRTC Bus Stand Campus Radio and T.V. Technician
PO - Nabrangpur

Puri 06752
AVI 650016
Ram Krishna Math 222479, 228914 Cutting Tailoring & DressMaking, Embroidery
Chakratirtha Jan Swasthya

Sundergarh 0661
AVI 650005 2618358
Don Bosco Vocational Training 2618357, 2618359, 09437048357 Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery, Carpentry,
Kuarmunda, PO.Sundergarh Electrical Technician, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning,
(Near Railway Station Rourkela) Paripurna Mahila, Computer Applications, Secretarial Practice
Pin-770039 (PA/PS), Typewriting(E), Desk Top Publishing,
Plant Protection

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Rural Women
SAIED 450036
Jyotimayee Mahila Samiti Jan Swasthya, House Wiring & Electrical Appliance
At Gulasingh, PO.Thakura Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Patana, Distt. Kendrapara Paripurna Mahila

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Working Children, Rural Women &
Learning Disability

SAIED 450040
Orissa Institute of Medical Dress Making, Word Processing
Research & Health Services Jan Swasthya
Friends Colony, Bakrakabati Road

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Orthopaedic Impaired

SAIED 450005
National Instiute of Rehabilitation House Wiring & Electrical Appliance
Training & Research (NIRTAR)
Olatpur, PO. Bairoir

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 111

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Street Children, Working Children & Slum Dwellers
SAIED 450007
Ext. Wing of Ruchika School Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
G-6, Ganga Nagar, Unit – 6

Burdwan 0341
AVI 720001
St. Vincent’s High & Technical 2282343 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery, Secretarial
School, Hill View Park Practice (PA/PS), Word Processing, Computer Hardware
P.O. Asansol - 713304 Assembly & Maintenance, Computer Applications, Desk Top
Publishing, Welding Technology, Refrigeration & Air
Conditioning, Radio & TV Technician, Electrical Technician
Solar Energy Technician, Carpentry, Two Wheeler Mechanism
Four Wheeler Mechanism.
AVI 720007
St. Anne’s Vocational 2202859 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Typewriting (E/H)
Training Centre Word Processing, Carpentry, Solar Energy Technician
Asansol S.B. Gorai RD Stenography(E/H), Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making,
Asansol-PO - 713304 Embroidery, Welding Technology, Electrical Technician

AVI 720021
Rama Krishna Mission Ashrama 0341-2259163 Welding Technology, Electrical Technician
Vocational Training Centre 09474911290 Radio & TV Technician, Two Wheeler Mechanism
P.O. Asansol - 713304 Computer Applications, Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Yog
Library Clerk, Library Attendent, Embroidery

AVI 720003
Raphael Hindi & Vocational 0353-2556095,2556440 Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
School Village Mailani Joth Jan Swasthya, Carpentry, Radio & T. V. Technician,
P.O. Kamala Bagan Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air
Conditioning, Computer Applications Refrigeration &
Air Conditioning, Plumbing, Yog, Two Wheeler Mechanism,
Four Wheeler Mechanism, Welding Technology

AVI 720022
Siliguri Vocational Training 2543993 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Centre, Gandhi Nagar, Sevoke Road Computer Applications, Paripurna Mahila

AVI 720026
Shiv Devi Memorial Society for 2526015 Computer Applications
Education, 5 Syed, Mustafa Ali Road Desk Top Publishing, Food Processing

AVI 720031
Sunrise School 0353-2575255 Computer Applications,
Chhota Adalpur sunriseschool_adalpur Electrical Technican,
P.O. Simulbari, Taluk-Siliguri Gram Sakhi
Distt. Darjeeling-734009

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Orthopaedic Impaired & Working Children

SAIED 450043
Raphael Academics & Vocational Cutting & Tailoring, Dress Making, Embroidery
School, Mailani Joth Radio & TV Repairing, Carpentry
P.O. Kamala Bagan

112 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Howrah 2645
AVI 720004 Welding Technology, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning,
Don Bosco Self 6223/8708/1769 Electrical Technician, Radio & T V Technician
Employment Research Institute Word Processing, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
120, Mirpara Road, P.O. Bhattanagar Embroidery

AVI 720017
Howrah Rural Teachers’ Forum 03214-227155 Food Processing, Stenography (E), Typewriting (E)
VPO. PS Amta Beauty Culture, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making
AVI 720028
Howrah South Point Vidyalaya Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
,84 Dakshin Buxarah Road P.O Cutting & Tailoring, Dress Making
Buxarah - 711110

Jalpaiguri 03561
AVI 720023
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 224469 Computer Applications
Sanskriti Para, Station Road

Kolkatta 033
AVI 720005
Loreto Convent Entally 2329-4891 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Word Processing
Tangra PO Typewriting (E), Bakery and Confectionery
Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 720019
Computer Infotech Education 24318216 Word Processing
Centre, 72 Gangapuri (Purba Putiary) Computer Applications

AVI 720024/SAIED 450028

Manovikas Kendra Rehabilitation 24423305, 24423306 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Research Institute for 24428275, 24430941 Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables
the Handicapped, House Keeping, Laundry Services
482, Madudah, Plot I – 24, Sector-J Course of SAIED
Eastern Metropolitan By Pass Typewritting (E), Bakery & Confectionery, Food Processing

AVI 720025
The Assembly of God Church 22298288, 22298289, 2229484 Secretarial Practice
Vocational School Radio & TV Technician
125/1, Park Street

AVI 720029
St. Mary's Orphanage 25482060, 32954134 Bakery & Confectionery, CDTP
103 Dum Dum Road, Kolkata-700030 Catering Management

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Hearing Impaired

SAIED 450054
Speech & Hearing Institute and Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Research Centre, Flat No. 406 Typewriting (E)
10 Mdiville Gardens

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Spastism

SAIED 450055
Spastic Society of Eastern India Bakery & Confectionery
P-35/A, Taratolla Road Laundry Services
(Opp. Marine Engineering College) Word Processing

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 113

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Nadia 03473
AVI 720015
Ushagram Loka Shiksha Niketan 260283 Mushroom Production, Electrical Technician,
Village Ushagram, PO Birnagar Carpentry, Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery,
Typewriting (E), Stenography (E)
AVI 720027
Don Bosco Technical School Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Krishna Nagar Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing

North 24 Pargana
AVI 720018
Bholananda National Vidyalaya 033-2594-0454 Computer Applications
55 & 56, Barrack Road, Barrackpore

AVI 720030
Nikhil Bangiya Vidyapeeth 033-32412456 Certificate in Community Health,
36 Pulin Avenue Air Port 2½ Fax-033-25132425 Certificate in Homeopathic Despensing,
No. Gate P.O Rajbaji, Kolkatta Yoga
Distt. 24 Pgs (N) West
Bengal- 700081

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Orthopedic Handicapped, Hearing Impaired &
Mentally Challanged

SAIED 450030
Basirhat Re Life Handicapped Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery, Typewriting (E/H),
Welfare Society, P.O. Basirhat Carpentry, Radio & TV Repairing ,
Oyster & Mushroom Production

South 24 Pargana 03210

AVI 720006
Vivekananda Institute of 244227 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Repairing
Vocational Education Food Processing, Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables
Banga Bharati, Namkhana Carpentry, Typewriting (E)


Port Blair
AVI 730001
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Govt. Computer Applications, Electrical Technician
Polytechnic, Pahargaon Radio & TV Technician

AVI 730002
Muslim Education Soceity 03192-255336 CCA, CDTP, CHAM, Radio & TV Technician
M.E.S. School mes// Secretarial Practice, Stenography (Eng)
Azad Nagar, Stewart Gunj, Bambooflat House wiring & Electrical Appliance Repairing
Anadaman & Nicobar Islands-744107 Plumbing, Carpentry

AVI 530055
Simanchal Mahila Vikas Parisad 9304532828, 9431269228 Cutting & Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Girls Ideal Academy, Azad Nagar
Ward No.-20, P.O. & Dist. Araria

AVI 530052
Bhagalpur Industrial Training 0641-2611199 CCA, Certificate in Computer Hardware Assembly &
Institute at Hitachi Complex 9934096458,9955432377 Maintenance, Electrical Technician, Four wheeler Mechanism
PO-Tilkamanjhi, Bhagalpur-812001 Two Wheeler Mechanism, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

114 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 530059
Yateem Khana Plumbing
Bhadarya Bettea, West Champaran Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery, Dress Making
AVI 530060
Madarsa Anjuman Islamia Cutting & Tailoring. Embroidery, Dress Making

AVI 530061
Maulana Azad National Institute Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Azhar Manzil, Semaria, P.O. Sathi Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery, Dress Making
West Champaran House Wiring & Electrical Appliances repairing,
AVI 530062
Iqura Public School Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Mathia Zirat, Motihari Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
East Champaran
AVI 530063
Deoraj Girls High School
Bagahi, West Champaran Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Via Hari Nagar, West Champaran

AVI 530064
Maimoona Girls Stitching Centre
At & P.O. Siswa, Via Motihari Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
East Champaran

AVI 530043
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Electrical Technician
Industrial Training Institute Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
(Muslim School Campus), P.O. DMCH Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Benta Chowk, Laheria Sarai Desk Top Publishing

AVI 530044
Holy Cross School 06272 222147 (o), 222536 (R) Early Childhood Care & Education
Donar, Pin-846004 9430898161

Gaya 0631
AVI 530008
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2220229, 2222871 Library Science, Secretarial Practice (PA/PS),
56, Gautam Budha Road Word Processing, Computer Applications
Palit Market Complex Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Beauty Culture, Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables
Radio & TV Technician, CHAM

Gopal Ganj
AVI 530042
Anant Vikas Srott Computer Applications
Vocational Training Center Typewriting (H/E), Radio and TV Technician
Science Block, Gopalganj College Electrical Technician

AVI 530051
Bal Mahila Kalyan 06452233283 Certificate in Yoga
Vikas Ashram, Officers Colony 9431868177
Mirchai Bari, Katihar-854105

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 115

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 530066 06344-224477, Fax. 224488
Rahmani Foundation Computer Applications,
Nawab Kothi, Belan Bazar Computer Hardware Assemble & Maintenance

AVI 530058
Azad National Institute Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery, Dress Making
At Madarsa Islamia, Tehfeezul Quran
Tehsil Maripur, P.O. Rampur Hari
Distt. Muzafferpur

AVI 530049
Prabhat Tara Girls High School 0621-2265866 ECCE
Chakkar Road, Muzafferpur–842001 09430898513

AVI 530071
Ultra Medico-Tech. Institute 0621-3299032, 9835849660 Certificate in Community Health
Education & Research, 9431495793
At Sadpura Quila Neem Chowk
P.O- Ramna
Distt- Muzaffarpur, Bihar- 842002

Nalanda 06112
AVI 530038
Nav Bihar Samaj Kalyan 262723, 262546 Plant Protection, Food Processing
Pratishthan Kendra, Pawapuri 9431043175 Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables
Jan Swasthya
Patna 0612
AVI 530009
Institute of Library and 2667661, 2672381, 2665770 Library Science
Information Science
Patna University, Patna-800005

AVI 530013
Pathak Institute of Electronics 2353958, 2257319 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician,
Technology, Kankar Bagh, Main Road Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Plumbing

AVI 530016
Indian Institute of Management & 2520831 Computer Applications
Information Technology Word Processing
Sumati Palace, Boring Road

AVI 530017
National Institute of Computer 3311658 Computer Applications
Education & Vocational Studies Desk Top Publishing
F-41, P.C. Colony, Kankar Bagh

AVI 530018
Manthan & Solar Alternatives 2624827, Fax-2555787 Solar Energy Technician, Plumbing
St. Mary Church Compound Welding Technology, Carpentry
P.O. Phulwari Sharif Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 530024
Islamia Institute of Information 2251264 Computer Applications
Technology, Gulistan Mohalla, Isapur Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Road, Phulwari Sharif

116 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 530025
Jan Shikshan Sansthan ADRI 2265649 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Stenography (H/E)
BSIDC Colony Typewriting (H/E), Computer Applications
Off Boring, Electrical Technician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Patliputra Road Radio & TV Technician, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
AVI 530033
BREAD Computer Institute 2680226, 09334052046 Computer Applications
Pirmohani Lane No. 3, Kadamkuan 9334140765 Desk Top Publishing

AVI 530037
Anumaya Vidya Nikunj 2270959, 3126684 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
English School, Patliputra Computer Applications

AVI 530039
National Institute of Health 2635121, 2638057, 9235248120 Jan Swasthya
Education & Research
Rajputana Gali, Maharajganj

AVI 530040
National Institute of 2357420, 09431062998, Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing
Computer & Electronics 09430060169 Word Processing, Computer Hardware Assembly
Room No. 202, Rajan Plaza & Maintenance
Kankarbagh, Main Road

AVI 530041
Anuvrat Academy 9835043282, 0612-801105, Early Childhood Care & Education
At. Lakhani Bigha P.O. Kagaul 2663304 Jan Swasthya
P.S. Danapur Yog

AVI 530047
Maulana Minnatullah Rahmain 2555212, 2556781 Jan Swashya, Diploma in Radiography
Memorial Technical Institute Fax: 2555280 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning,
Technical Building, Imarat Shariah Electrical Tech., Radio & T.V. Tech. Pulmbing
Complex, Phulwarisharif-801505

AVI 530048
The Guide Computer 2681614 Certificate in Computer Applications
Mah Dariyapur Gola, Opp. Rajdhani
Market, Post Bankipur

AVI 530054
Khadimul Islam Technical 0612-2640627 Cutting & Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Training Centre 9470017786,9835482144 Electrical Tecnician, Desk Top Publishing
Kashmiri Kotha, Patna City-800008

AVI 530056
Sanhila Mahila Kalyan Kendra Cutting & Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Janepur, Phulwarisharif

AVI 530065
Madarsa Jamilia 0612-2296244, 9835092109 Beauty Culture,Yog
Loest Point Foundation, Samaspura Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
P.O. B.R. College, Patna-800014

AVI 530067
Sir Syed Technical Training Centre 9304288285 Electrical Technician, Plumbing
Akbarpur, Taluk-Barh Jan Swasthya
Distt. - Patna

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 117

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 530068
Dr. Zakir Hussain Institute for 2220647,2222919, 2220905 CCA, CLS, CHAM, Secretarial Practice
Non Formal & Continuing Security Service
Education Baily Road,

AVI 530069
Indian Institute of Business 2222174, 2234296 Fax: 2221909 Bakery & Confectionery, House Keeping
Management, Budh Marg Catering Management, Food Processing
Patna Hotel Front Office Operations

AVI 530070
Creative School of Learning 0612-2621540, 9234881782 Computer Applications, Early Childhood Care & Education
Nargada, Danapur Cantt., Shiwala Rd. Toy Making and Joyful Learning, Cutting, Tailoring & Dress
Patna-801503 Making, Embroidery

AVI 530073
J M Institute of 0612-2264805, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Speech & Hearing Fax 2264805 Beauty Culture
Indrapuri Road No. 5 jminstitute 1 @ rediffmail. Com
PO. Keshri Nagar, Taluk-Keshri Nagar,

AVI 530074
INFO CAMPUS 0612-2204295 CCA, CDTP
2nd Floor, Chandi Vyapar Bhawan, infocampus@sify. com
Exhibition Road,

Purnea 06454
AVI 530028
Millia Convent English School 223447 Computer Applications

AVI 530057
Imarat Technical Institute Radio &TV Technician, Electrical Technician
Muzafffer Nagar, Gulbagh Purnia

Samastipur 06274
AVI 530045
Holy Mission Vocational Training 220599, 094312-45057 Beauty Culture, Computer Application
Institute, Samastipur

AVI 530053
Mazhrahul Haque Vocational Beauty Culture, Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making,
Training Institute, Mathurapur Embroidery, Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing

AVI 530072
Prayas Juvenile Aid Centre 06274-221356 Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery
Prayas Samastipur CCA, Beauty Culture
Old Post Office Road CHAM
Behind Kali Mandir

AVI 530050 Cutting Tailoring &Dress Making, Embroidery
Charitable Society (Ph) : 06152-220241
Katra, Ward No.13, P.S. Bhagwan Bazar
P.O.: Chhapra

118 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 530046 Secretarial Practice, Computer Hardware Assembly &
Sitamarhi Institute of 06226-250908, 011-26987145 Maintenance, Electrical Technician, Library Science, CLS
Vocational Training, (F) 06226-250260
Sheohar Chhawni
Shursand Road-843302

AVI 530076
Youth Development Centre, 06154-248564, 09431449714, Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Vikas Bharti, Kachahari Road, 09431812268
(North Side of Old Jail),
Siwan- Distt., Bihar-841226

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Rural Women

SAIED 450039
Tilothu Mahila Mandal Dress Making
Fazal Ganj, Sasaram

Lakhi Sarai
Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Rural Women

SAIED 450037
Balika Vidhyapeeth Lakhi Sarai Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Bihar Food Processing

Bokaro 06542-263195, 221739,
AVI 760011 09431191939
Vocational Training Institute 243195, 221739, 943183235 Computer Applications
Bokaro Public School Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Sector 3C, Bokaro Steel City Beauty Culture

AVI 760018
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 243195, 221739
296, Cooperative Colony-827001 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

Deoghar 06432
AVI 760008 06432-222413, 236854
Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith 9835183235 Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
Ramakrishna Nagar Cutting,Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
P.O. Vidyapith Plumbing, Welding Technology, Typewriting (H/E)
Computer Applications, Library Clerk
AVI 760020
People Institute for Development 06438-284210, 9934383408, Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
and Training (PIDT)
Lokshala, At : P.O.- Jagadishpur,
Distt.- Deoghar, Jharkhand-815353

Dhanbad 0326
AVI 760013
Shree Laljee Prashikshan Kendra 09431189599 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
At. Putkee Bazar Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Typewriting
P.O. Kusunda Stenography

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 119

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 760015
CYCOM Infotech 2201683 Computer Applications
Janta Market, Bartand Desk Top Publishing
AVI 760012
J. P. Community Technical Electrical Technician, Computer Applications
College of AID, Garhwa Radio & TV Technician
Nanuamore Carpentry, Welding Technology,
P.O. Mera Cutting, Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
Desk Top Publishing
Hazaribag 06546
AVI 760009
All India Society for Electronics 60247 Computer Applications
and Computer Technology Word Processing
Near Ananda College

AVI 530035
Holy Cross Vocational 06546-223773 (0), 224727 (R) Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Poultry Farming
Training Instt. 09771580470 Cutting & Tailoring & Dress Making, Embroidery,
P.B. 59, Holy Cross Road Bakery & Confectionery, Plant Protection
Pin-825301 Oyster Mushroom Production, Catering
Management, Soil & Fertilizer Management
AVI 760017
R.P. Gandhi Institute & Technology 9934149261, 9934337466 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
At. Karma, P.O. Jhumari Telaiya

Pashchimi Singhbhum 0657

AVI 760002
D.B.M.S. Career Academy 2305620 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Road No. 7, B.H. Area Kasibhatla Paripurna Mahila, Bakery and Confectionery
Kadma, Jamshedpur Food Processing Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Catering Management House
Keeping, Play Centre Management
Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables
AVI 760004
National Metallurgical Lab. 431131 Computer Applications

AVI 760005
Sarojini Technical Institute Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
3, R Road, Balaji Complex Plumbing Welding Technology
Bistupur, Jamshedpur Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Palamu 94313
AVI 760014 38834, Fax-06562-230568,
Indian Institute of Paramedical 225871, 9431338834 Jan Swasthya
Tech., Mohan Cinema Road, Jailhata

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Working Children

SAIED 450068
Lokasevayatan Plant Protection, Poultry Farming
P.O. Nimdih Water Management for Crop Production

Purbi Singhbhum 06585

AVI 760016
SLADS Community Health Trg. 225743, 22568 Jan Swasthya
Centre At. Laldih, P.O. Chatsila

120 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Ranchi 0651
AVI 760001
Vocational Training Instt. 2411221, 2411665, 2410605 (F) Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician
DAV Jawahar Vidya Mandir Welding Technology, Yog
Shyamali, HSL Colony, P.O. Doranda-834002 Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing

AVI 760003
Mata Berna Detta 06528-220016, 9430141360 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Stenography(E/H)
Vocational Training Centre Typewriting (E/H), Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
St. Anne’s Convent Khunti Embroidery, Computer Applications,
P.O. Khunti-835210 Electrical Technician, Jan Swasthya,
Early Childhood Care and Education, Radio & TV Technician
AVI 760006
Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama 541008/541970 Carpentry, Solar Energy Technician, Biogas Energy
Divyayan Krishi Vigyan Kendra Technician, Plant Protection, Water Management for Crop
Swami Vishuddhananda Road Production, Oyster Mushroom Production, Poultry Farming
Morabadi Soil and Fertilizer Management, Computer Applications
Electrical Technician, Jan Swasthya
Early Childhood Care and Education, Radio & TV Technician
AVI 760007
Tribal Institute of Paramedical Trg. 0651-2461794, 9431104112 Electrical Technician
and Tribal Industrial Trg. Instt. Radio & TV Technician
Panchwati, South Railway Colony Jan Swasthya
P.O. Chautia, Pin-834001

AVI 760010
Anant Vikas Srott 2482367 Computer Applications
“Bimal Chandra” Desk Top Publishing
566, Niwaranpur, Near Overbridge Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)
Doranda Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 760019
Manthan Yuva Sansthan 0651-2202202 CCA
Hindpiri, 3rd Street, Ranchi-834001 CDTP

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Working Children

SAIED 450032
Manthan Yuva Sangathan Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Hindpiri, 3rd Street Secretarial Practice


Ahamdnagar 02428
AVI 610043
Maharashtra Council of Jan Swasthya
Alternative System of Medicines
At & PO Tal Nagar

AVI 610057
Marathwada Institute of Career 9422563427 Web Designing
Education And CCA
Management and Research Basic Computing
Distt. Aurangabad-431 001

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 121

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 610058
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 0241-2325428 CCA,
Plot No. 5, Datrange Mala jss_ahmednagar@ yahoo. co. in CDTP
Nalegaon, Ahmednagar CHAM
Distt. Ahmednagar -414001

Chandrapur 07172
AVI 610017
Montfort Senior Secondary School 243566 Plumbing, Plant Protection, Cutting Tailoring and
Bamni Dress Making, Embroidery, Electrical Technician,
PO Ballapur Carpentry, Soil and Fertilizer Management, Poultry
Farming, Welding Technology, Computer Applications,
Beauty Culture
AVI 610033
Montfort ITI 243566, 241888 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Hardware
Montfort Road, Ballarpur Assembly & Maintenance, Two Wheeler Mechanism,
Security Service
AVI 610052
Late Smt. Radhabai Tulsiram 07189-226188 Electrical Technician, Cutting Tailoring and Dress Making,
Bahekar Vocational Education emial : Embroidery, Refrigeration Air Conditioning
and Training Institute
Ring Road, New Laxminagar

AVI 610055
Hygiene & Health Vocational 09329511594, 09325419389 Jan Swasthya
Education Institute
Near the Chouragade Medical
Stores, Ring Road, Gondia (MS)

AVI 610056
C.G.E.S. Gulabtola High School 07198-254155 Yog, Certificate in Library Science
& Junior College
Gulabtola, Lakhegaon, Gondia

AVI 610051
Nana Saheb B.R. More Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Science College, Shram Sahakar Computer Applications
Akashwani Chowk - 425002

Latur 02382
AVI 610030
Women Technical Education & 228336 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Reseasrch Institute
Tirupati Niwas, Sham Nagar

AVI 610035
Manav Jeevan Vikas Pratisthan Computer Applications
Padeli Nivas, India Nagar, Balaji Chowk

AVI 610036
Venkatesh Bahuuddeshiya Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Vocational Training Institute
A/P, Sarola, Tq. Ausa

Mumbai 022
AVI 610007
St. Domnic Savio High School 28362633, 28302323 (Fax) Bakery & Confectionery, Catering Management
Sher-E-Punjab, Mahakali Road Typewriting (E), Stenography (E), Word Processing
Andheri East Secretarial Practice (PA/PS)

122 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 610012
St. Andrew’s College 26401657, 26556006 Bakery & Confectionery
St. Dominic Road, Bandra (W) Catering Management

AVI 610025
Begum Jamila Abdul Haq 26320631, 26342300 House Keeping, Food Processing, Bakery & Confectionery,
College of Home Science Catering Management, Preservation of Fruits &
60, Bawala Complex, Yari Road Vegetables, Word Processing, Computer Applications,
Versova-400061 Library Science, Library Attendant, Cutting, Tailoring
and Dress Making, Embroidery, Radiography,
Beauty Culture
AVI 610042
Om Computer Institute Desk Top Publishing
Pipe Wala Building, 4th Pastha lane Computer Applications
Colaba Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance

AVI 610059
Shri S K Somaiya Vinay Mandir 022-25142328 (F), 022-25134382 Certificate in Yog
Taluk-Vidyavihar, principal@vmandir.somaiya. edu
Distt. Mumbai-400097

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS with Learning Disability
SAIED 450005
St. Andrew’s High School Bakery & Confectionary
St. Dominic Road, Bandra Catering Management

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Hearing Impaired

SAIED 450006
Aliyar Jung National Bakery & Confectionary
Institute of Hearing Handicapped
Bandra (W)

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS with Learning Disability

SAIED 450050
St. Dominic Savio School Bakery & Confectionery,
Mahakali Road Beauty Culture, Laundry Services
Sher-E-Punjab, Andheri (E) House Wiring and Electrical Appliance Repairing

Nagpur 0712
AVI 610011
Ravi Industrial Institute Sant 2744378, 5615872 Electrical Technician
Gulab Baba Ashram Welding Technology
Great Nag Road, Siras Peeth Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 610016
Women Technical Education 2531394 (fax) Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Library Science, Carpentry
and Research Institute Electrical Technician, Radio & TV Technician, Welding
North Ambazari Road Technology, Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making,
Embroidery, Jan Swasthya, ParipurnaMahila,
Food Processing, House keeping, Bakery & Confectionery,
Catering Management, Preservation of Fruits and
Vegetables, Hotel Front Office Management
AVI 610018
IGM Computer Education 3091076, 2449323, 2455467 Computer Applications
2nd Floor, Vijay Bhawan Desk Top Publishing
Lokmat Square, Dhantoli

AVI 610041
Vivekshil Mitra Pariwar Institution 3094038 Welding Technology
St. Paul Technical School Computer Hardware Assembly & Maintenance
Hudkeshwar, Near Bridge

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 123

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
Nandurbar 02564
AVI 610013
Acharya Kaka Saheb Kalaker 22620, 22401 Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Seva Kendra, Behind Civil Court

AVI 610014
Vidyasagar Shikshan Prasarak 9372487135 Electrical Technician, Embroidery
Mandal (I.T.I), Shahunagar Radio & TV Technician

AVI 610045
Matoshiri Janabai Vocational Cutting & Tailoring, Embroidery
Training Academy Dress Making
Near Yashwant Viwas Computer Applications
Shanti Nagar, Degloor, Tq. Degloor

Pune 020
AVI 610004
Vigyan Ashram 02138-292326 Basic Rural Technology
At – Post - Pabal, Shirur

AVI 610010
Foundation for Research in 25887020 Gram Sakhi, Gram Sahyogini
Community Health
3-4, Trimiti, B Apts. 85
Anand Park, Aundh

AVI 610044
Kaivalyadhama Shriman Yog
Madhama Yoga Mandir Samiti
Lonavla-414403, Tal Maval

AVI 610048
Bharati Samskrta Vidya Niketanam Computer Applications
"Silver Cloud" Complex, Kusgaon Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Gurav Vasti, Lonavala - 410401

AVI 610049
Gram Prabodhini Salumbre Dip. in Basic Rural Technology
Tal. Maval, Pune - 412102

Parbani 02452
AVI 610009
Azad Edu. & Welfare Society 23440 Motor Transformer Rewinding
Dr. Iqbal Nagar Radio & Tape Recorder Repairing TV Repairing
Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
AVI 610053
Lokmanya Public Charitable Trust (Ph/Fax) : 02358-239074, Dip. in Basic Rural Technology
At/Post-Chikhalgaon, Taluka-Dapoli 239075, 210075, 09271413690,
Distt. Ratnagiri-415712

AVI 610003
Sanjeewan Vidyalaya Trust 02168-244206, 240287 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Vocational Centre Fax-02164-240192 Word Processing , Computer Applications, TV Repairing
Panchgani -412805 House Wiring & Electrical, Appliances Repairing

AVI 610029
Yashwant Vidyapeeth Fax : 02164-220298 Computer Applications
Smt. Premlatai Charan Polytechnic 221612,227439
Karad P.O. Karad - 415110

124 National Institute of Open Schooling

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 610046
Yashwant Vidhyapeeths Rural 02164-220298 Jan Swasthya
Health Centre, Masur 09423827698
C/o Indira B.E.d. College, P.O.
Massur Tal Karad - 415106

AVI 610047
Yaswant Vidyapeeths Rural Health 02164-227336 Jan Swasthya, Yog
Institute, Karad C/o, Smt. Premlatai 09423827698
Chavan Polytechnic Karad,
271 Mangalwar Path, Karad-415110

AVI 610050
Jan Shikshan Sansthan Sindhudurg 02362-223667 Cutting & Tailoring, Dress Making, Embroidery
1934, Om Gauri Shanker Building,
Mumbai-Goa Highway, Near Raj Hotel,
Kudal, Distt. Sindhudurg-416520

Thane 0251
AVI 610024
Eight Bits Institute 530712 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery
Raibole Sadan, Block No. 427/855 Beauty Culture
Opp. V.G. N. Department Store
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Chowk
Subhash Tekadi, Ulhasnagar

AVI 610054
Sri MA Vidyalaya 022-25458750, 25458751 Early Childhood Care & Education
Patlipada, Off G.B. Road, Near
Hiranandani Estate, Thane (W)

GOA 0832
AVI 780001
St. Xavier’s Academy 0832-2285743, 2284838 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Kadamba Road, P.O.- Old Goa Word Processing, Typewriting (E), Beauty Culture,
Tiswadi Food Processing, Catering Management,
Bakery & Confectionery, Preservation of Fruits &
Vegetables, Furniture & Cabinet Making, Carpentry, House
Keeping, Play Centre Management, Hotel Front Office
Operations, Laundry Services
Electrical Technician, Welding Technology
AVI 780003
Purushottam Walawalkar Higher 2250043, 2284838 Computer Applications
SecSchool of Arts Science &
Commerce, Telang Nagar, Khorlim

AVI 780004
Swami Vivekanada Vidya 2333047,2333191 Computer Applications
Prasaraic Mandal Word Processing
Shirshire, Bori Phonda

AVI 780005
Sanjay School for Special 2412880 Bakery & Confectionery, Catering Management
Education, Pundalik Nagar Food Processing, Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables
Porvorim Laundry Services

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 125

Code, Name & Address Ph. No. & E-mail Courses available
AVI 780006
Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2416025, 6528709 Beauty Culture, Plumbing, Electrical Technician,
Vidya Prabodhini, Shiksha Fax-2416025 Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery,
Sankul, Vidya Nagar Computer Applications
Alto Paravari-403521

Special Accredited Institution for Education of the Disadvantaged of NIOS for Hearing Impaired & Mentally Challenged

SAIED 450014
St. Xavier Academy Cutting & Tailoring, House Wiring & Electrical
Kadamba Road, Bainguinium Appliance Repairing, Carpentry, Bakery & Confectionery
Old Goa, Tiswadi Food Processing, Embroidery

U.A.E 009714
AVI 950051
Comprehensive Education Instt. 3971664 Computer Applications
IIIrd Floor, Genevco Building
Adjacent To AL Reef Lebanese
Bakery Opp. Main Post Office
Zabeel Road, Karama, Dubai

AVI 950052 009712

EDUSCAN (The Adademic Training 6768782 Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Computer Applications
Fitness Centre) Desk Top Publising, Beauty Culture, Early Childhood

M-4, (Mezzanine) & Education, Electrical Technician, Radio & TV
Pink Building, Electra Road, Technician Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
P.O. Box- 459, Abu Dhabi. U.A.E. Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making, Embroidery

AVI 950053
Royal College of Applied Secretarial Practice (PA/PS), Library Attendant
Science & Technology Library Clerk, Library Science, Computer Hardware
Knowledge Centre, Rak Free Zone, Assembly & Maintenance, Word Processing
P.O. Box. 10141 RAS Al Khaimah, Computer Applications, Desk Top Publishing,
U.A.E. Stenography (E), Beauty Culture, House Keeping,
Catering Management, Hotel Front Office Operation

126 National Institute of Open Schooling

Appendix - B List of Boards Recognising
NIOS Examinations & Certification
 Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh, Vidhya  Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Sec-
Bhawan, Nampally, Hyderabad ondary Education, Pune.
Conditions :Pass with five subjects namely English one Conditions: For admission to Higher Secondary: Passing NIOS
major Indian language, Mathematics, Science and Social secondary with five subjects with English as one of subjects.
Science with 35% marks may be treated as equivalent to MEGHALAYA
S.S.C awarded by A.P. Board of Secondary Education.  Meghalaya Board of School Education, Tura-794001
 Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, Hyderabad-
500001  Mizoram Board of School Education, Aizawal-796012
 Nagaland Board of School Education, Kohima
 Assam Higher Secondary Education Council, Bamunimaidan
Condition: Pass in Five Subjects.
 Board of Secondary Education, Bajrakabati Road,
 Central Board of Secondary Education, Shiksha Kendra, 2,
Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110092
 Council of Higher Secondary Education, Bhubneswar-751013
 Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, Pragati
Condition: Passing NIOS Senior Secondary with two
House, 3rd Floor, 47-48, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
languages, i.e. English and any other language including
Conditions: Secondary: Must have passed in five written
Alernate English alongwith three other optional subjects.
subjects of external examination at one and the same siting
and that these five subjects must include English, a Second
 Punjab School Education Board, SAS Nagar
language and three other written subjects.
Mohali - 160059
Senior Secondary: Provided that the candidate had obtained
pass marks in English and three other written subjects at RAJASTHAN
one and the same sitting.  Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer-305001
GOA Condition: Secondary : Pass in five subjects namely Hindi,
 Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education,
English, Social Science, Science and Mathematics
Alto Betim, Goa - 403521 Senior Secondary : Pass in five subjects namely Hindi,
English plus other three subjects.
 Haryana Board of School Education, Bhiwani.
 Tripura Board of Secondary Education, Tripura
Conditions: Secondary: Must have passed Hindi, English UTTAR PRADESH
(compulsory) and Math, Social Science, Science and op-  U.P. Board of High School & Intermediate Education,
tional subjects that a student has taken. Allahabad - 211001
Senior Secondary: Pass all subjects which are according Condition: Secondary : Pass in minimum 6 (six) subjects;
to Board Syllabus, i.e. Hindi, English (compulsory) and any Senior Secondary: Pass in minimum 5 (five subjects)
three other subjects that the student has taken. UTTARAKHAND
HIMACHAL PRADESH  Uttranchal Shiksha Evm Pariksha Parishad, Ramnagar,
 H.P. Board of School Education, Dharamshala-176215 Distt. Nainital.
Kangra, H.P. Condition: Pass with six subjects at secondary level.
Conditions: Provided Secondary Students have offered any WEST BENGAL
four subjects out of English, Hindi, Math, Science and So-  Government of West Bengal School Education Department,
cial Science and any one subject out of (a) Sanskrit/Urdu/ Salt Lake, Kolkata-91
Tamil/Telugu (b) one elective subject, and Senior Second- Condition: Compulsory subjects in the examination similar
to those in the Madhyamik Examination under West Bengal
ary Students have offered English with any four subjects.
Board of Secondary Education and cleared the compulsory
JAMMU & KASHMIR and minimum number of Elective Subjects as stipulated for
 The Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education, the Higher Secondary Examination under West Bengal
New Campus, Bemina, Sri Nagar - 190 010 Council of Higher Secondary Examination.
JHARKHAND  West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, 77/2 Park
 Jharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi. Street, Kolkata-700016
MADHYA PRADESH Note: Pass in minimum five subjects is the pre- requiste
 Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, condition for admission in all Boards, unless otherwise
Bhopal-462011 stated.

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 127

Appendix - C
List of Universities/Institutions Recognising
NIOS Examinations & Certification
ANDHRA PRADESH  North Gujarat University, Rajmahal Road, P.B. No. 21,
 Nagarjuna University, Guntur Patan-384265 (N.G.)
 Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (Deemed  Bhav Nagar University, Bhavnagar
University), Prasanthinilayam-515 134, Distt. Anantpur  Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidhya Nagar
 Andhra University, Waltair  Gujarat University, Ahmedabad
 Osmania University, Hyderabad
 Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati
 Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar
 Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantpur
 Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
 Kakatiya University, Vidyaranyapuri, Warangal
Conditons: Pass five subjects (two languages and three
Conditions: Subject to pass in five subjects and the
duration of the course for two years after X Standard.
ASSAM Pass Senior Secondary Examination in one or two
 Gauhati University, Gopinath Bordoloi Nagar, Guwahati attempts through compartment/supplementary exams
 Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13. with 33% marks in some subjects and 40% marks in
BIHAR subjects like typewriting etc.
 Patna University - Patna Candidates who did not pass English subject in Senior
Secondary examination will be required to pass at the:
 Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur
(i) Supplementary exam. of the same year or
DELHI (ii) Annual exam. of the following year.
 Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU),  Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068  National Dairy Research Institute (Deemed University),
 University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 Karnal-l32001
 School of Planning and Architecture, 4 Block-B,  Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Karnal-l32001
Indraprastha Estate, Delhi HIMACHAL PRADESH
Condition: Accepted from academic session 1993-94  Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla
onwards subjects to fulfilment of other conditions of Conditons: Candidate has passed in English +3 other
above institute.
 Jamia Hamdard (Hamdard University) Hamdard Nagar,
 Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture
New Delhi
and Forestry, Nauni (Solan)
 National Museum Institute of History of Art,
Conservation and Museology (Deemed University), JAMMU & KASHMIR
New Delhi.  University of Jammu, New Campus, Jammu-180006
 Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi - 110016  Shere-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences
 Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110025 and Technology, Srinagar
 Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Conditions: (I) for B.Sc. (Ag.): English, Physics,
Condition: Pass in five subjects as per CBSE scheme Chemistry and Biology or Maths. (2) for B.V.Sc. & A.H.:
including Chemistry (theory and practical), Physics English, Physics, Chemistry & Biology
(theory and practical), Mathematics as three  The University of Kashmir,
independent papers. Sri Nagar, Kashmir - 190 006
 Goa University, Telegao Plateau, P.O. Banbolin Complex JHARKHAND
Condition : Pass with at least 6 subjects (2 languages  Indian School of Mines (Deemed University),
and 4 other subjects) Dhanbad - 826004
GUJARAT  Ranchi University, Ranchi (Jharkhand)
 Saurashtra University Campus, Kalavad Road, Rajkot -  Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh
110007  S.K.M. University, Dumka, Jharkhand

128 National Institute of Open Schooling

KARNATAKA  University of Poona, Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007
 Karnataka University, Pavate Nagar, Dharwad-580003  Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women’s
 Kuvempu University, Vishwavidyanilaya Karyalaya, University, 1, Nathibai Thakarsey Road, Mumbai.
B.R. Project-577115, Shimoga Distt. Karnataka  Yashwant Rao Chavan Maharashtra Open University,
Conditions: Pass in at least six subjects of which two Nasik
shall be the language subjects.  Shivaji University, Vidhyanagar, Kolhapur-416004
 National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi,  Amravati University, Amravati-444602
Post Bag No. 7201, Bangalore Conditions: Five subjects
Conditions: Candidates have offered English and  Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Marathvada University,
secured 50% in the aggregate in English and other Aurangabad.
courses excluding the second language and must not MANIPUR
have completed 20 years of age as on July 1st of the  Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal-795001
year of admission (22 years in case of SC/ST). NAGALAND
 University of Agricultural Science, GKVK, Post Bag  Nagaland University, Kohima
2477, Bangalore-560065 Condition: Pass in two languages, Mathematics, Science
 University of Agricultural Science, Krishi Nagar, and Social Sciences
Dharwad ORISSA
 Mangalore University, Manglagangothri, Manglore  Berhampur University, Berhampur
 University of Mysore, Crawford Hall, Mysore Condition: Passed with two language subjects and
KERALA three optional subjects.
 University of Calicut, Calicut University PO, Calicut-  Sambalpur University, Sambal Pur, Burla, Jyoti Vihar –
673635 768019
Condition: A student must have passed with two
Condition: Pass in five subjects including English
language subjects and three optional subjects
 Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin
Condition: Pass with English, Mathematics, Physics,  Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004
Chemistry for admission to Naval Architecture and Ship  Punjab University, Chandigarh
Building course.  Punjabi University, Patiala
 Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam-686560  Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
 University of Kerala, Trivandrum. (Deemed University), Patiala-147001
 Kannur University, Kerala. Condition: The minimum qualification for admission to
B.E. 1st year Degree Course is a pass in the 10+2 of
Punjab School Education Board or equivalent examina-
 Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore-452001
tion with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English.
Condition: Pass in five subjects including one language
(English/Hindi). RAJASTHAN
 Ajmer University, Ajmer
 Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur
 Banasthali Vidyapeeth, P.O., Banasthali Vidyapeeth-
 Dr. Hari Singh Gaur Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar
304022, Rajasthan
 Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur  Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur
 Jiwaji University, Gwalior Condition: Pass in 3 optional and 2 compulsory subjects
 Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa (Hindi and English)
 Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education,  Jain Vishva Bharati Institute (Deemed University) Camp
Gwalior Office, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur
MAHARASHTRA Condition: Pass in Mathematics
 Mohan Lal Sukhadia, University, Udaipur-313001
 Indian Institute of Technology, PO Powai, Mumbai-
 University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
 Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
Condition: Pass with Mathematics, Physics, (Theory  Rajasthan Agriculture University, Bikaner
and Practical) and Chemistry (Theory and Practical) as  Rajasthan Vidyapeeth, Udaipur
independent papers. Condition: Passed in five subjects including Hindi and
 University of Mumbai, Ranade Bhavan, Vidyanagri, English with a gap of two years after passing secondary
Santacruz, (East) Mumbai examination.

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 129

SIKKIM  Madhurai Kamraj University, Tirunelweli-627009
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Condition: Pass in five subjects with English
Loneve-402108, Mongaon, Distt. Raigood.  Bharathier University, Coimbatore
TAMILNADU  Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli
 Algappa Univeristy, Algappa Nagar, Karaikudi-623003 TRIPURA
Condition: For admission to Pre-Degree Course, pass  Tripura University, Agartala
with a minimum of 35% marks in each one of the following UTTAR PRADESH
five subjects.  Meerut University, Meerut
 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and Institute
1. Tamil/or any other language recognised by the of Technology, BHU, Varanasi)
Government of Tamilnadu, 2. English, 3. Mathematics, Condition: Pass in five subjects as per CBSE scheme
4. Science, 5. Social Science including Chemistry (theory and Practical), Physics
For admission to Degree Course (theory and practical), Mathematics as three
independent papers.
1. Tamil or any other language recognised by the
 Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed
Government of Tamilnadu, 2. English, 3. Physics, University), Dayalbagh (Agra)
Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics; or Botany, Zoology,  Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-22 1005
Physics, Chemistry; or History, Economics, Commerce,  University of Lucknow, Lucknow (U.P.)
Accountancy; or Other subjects recognised by the  Kanpur University, Kanpur
Govt. of Tamilnadu.  Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra
 Avinashlingam Institute for Home Science and  Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped
University, Chitrakoot Dham, U.P. 210204.
Higher Education for Women (Deemed University
Coimbatore-641043 UTTARAKHAND
 University of Roorkee, Roorkee-247667
Condition: Pass in:  Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, Sri
1. Tamil, Hindi or French, 2. English, 3. Four elective Nagar, Garhwal
subjects WEST BENGAL
Thus a candidate should have studied 6 subjects in the  University of North Bengal, PO North Bengal
Higher Secondary, Pre-University or Pre-Degree University, Raja Rammohunpur, Dt. Darjeeling, West
 Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan,73 1235, West Bengal
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli-620024  Rabindra Bharti University, Trunk Road, Calcutta-
 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, 700052
Chennai-600007  University of Burdwan, Burdwan
 Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai-600036. Condition: Follow the conditions for admission to
Conditions: Pass in Sr. Secondary School Examination Higher Studies of this University.
conducted by National Open School with minimum five  University of Calcutta, Senate House, Kolkata-700073
 Vidhan Chander Krishi Vishva Vidhyalaya, PO. Krishi
subjects as per CBSE scheme including Chemistry
Vidhyalaya Mohanpur, Distt.-Nadia, West Bengal
(theory and practical), Physics (theory and practical),
 Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.
and Mathematics as three independent papers. Condition: Pass in five subjects as per CBSE scheme
 University of Madras, Chepauk Chennai-600005 including Chemistry (theory and practical), Physics
Condition: Pass in five subjects with English (theory and practical), Mathematics as three
 Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar. independent papers.
 Manomaniam Sunderavar University, Madurai-625021.

130 National Institute of Open Schooling

Appendix - D
List of Recognised and Non- Recognised Boards of Secondary and
Senior Secondary Education
Code No. Name of the Board Code No. Name of the Board
ANDHRA PRADESH 1601 Punjab School Education Board, Mohali
0101 Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education, Hyderabad RAJASTHAN
0102 Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, Hyderabad 1701 Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer
0103 Andhra Pradesh Open School Society, SCERT Campus, 1702 Rajasthan State Open School, Jaipur
Hyderabad TAMIL NADU
ASSAM 1901 Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education, Chennai
0201 Assam Higher Secondary Education Council, Bamunimaidan, 1902 Tamil Nadu Board of Higher Secondary Education, Chennai
Guwahati TRIPURA
0202 Assam Board of Secondary Education, Guwahati 2001 Tripura Board of Secondary Education, Agartala, Tripura West
0301 Bihar Intermediate Education Council, Patna 2101 U.P. Board of High School & Intermediate Education, Allahabad
0302 Bihar School Examination Board, Patna UTTARAKHAND
0303 Bihar Sanskrit Shiksha Board, Patna 3401 Uttranchal Shiksha Evm Pariksha Parishad, Ram Nagar, Nainital
2901 Chhatisgarh Board of Secondary Education, Raipur 2201 West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, Calcutta
GOA 2202 West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, Calcutta
2801 Goa Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education, Goa 2203 Rabindra Mukta Vidyalaya (W.B. State Open School)
GUJARAT 2204 West Bengal Board of Madarsa Education
0401 Gujarat Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhi ALL INDIA BOARDS
Nagar 9901 National Institute of Open Schooling (formarly National Open
HARYANA School), New Delhi
0501 Haryana Board of Education, Hansi Road, Bhiwani
9902 Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
0502 Haryana Open School, Bhiwani
9903 Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi
0601 Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education, Dharamshala OTHER INSTITUTES RECOGNISED FOR SECONDARY LEVEL
JAMMU & KASHMIR 9801 Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi.
0701 J&K State Board of School Education, Jammu 9802 Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar,
0702 J&K State Open School, Srinagar 9803 Directorate of Army Education, New Delhi.
JHARKHAND 9804 Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
2601 Jharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi 9805 Jamia Miliya Hamdard University.
KARNATAKA 9806 Banasthali Vidyapith, Banasthali, Rajasthan
0801 Karnataka Board of the Pre-University Education, Bangalore 9999 Any recognizd Board of foreign countries
0802 Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Borad, Bangalore
For a learner who possesses a High School/Secondary
0803 Karnataka Open School, J.S.S. Maha Vidya Peeth, Mysore
KERALA Certificate from any Foreign Board/University and wants to
0901 Kerala Board of Public Examinations, Pareeksha Bhawan, take admission in Senior Secondary course of NIOS, is required
Thiruvananthpuram to attach a certificate from the concerned Embassy to the
0902 Kerala Board of Higher Secondary Education, effect that the examination passed is equivalent to the Indian
Thiruvananthapuram High School/Secondary Examination. The code is 9999.
0903 Kerala State Open School, Thiruvananthapuram
1101 Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary
MADHYA PRADESH  Central Board of Higher Education, Aspati Bhawan, Uttam
1001 Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, Bhopal Nagar, New Delhi.
1002 M.P. State Open School, Bhopal  All India Board of Secondary Education, Gazipur
MANIPUR  Central Board of Higher Education, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi.
1201 Manipur Council of Higher Secondary Education, Imphal  Board of Adult Education and Training, Brahmpuri, Nagal
1202 Manipur Board of Secondary Education, Imphal Rai, New Delhi.
MEGHALAYA  Gurukul Vishwavidyalaya, Vrindavan
1301 Meghalaya Board of School Education, Meghalaya
 Bihar State Madarsa Education Board, Patna
 Akhil Bhartiya Shiksha Sansthan, New Delhi.
 ACN International University, Raipur
3001 Mizoram Board of School Education Chaltlan, Aizawl  Doon International University, Raipur
NAGALAND  Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, Allahabad (recognised by the
1401 Nagaland Board of School Education, Kohima Govt. of India for purpose of employment)
Note: More such institutions can be added once NIOS gets
1501 Orissa Council of Higher Secondary Education Bhubaneswar
to know about them authoritatively.
1502 Orissa Board of Secondary Education, Cuttack

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 131

Appendix - E


(Department of Education)
New Delhi, the 14th September 1990

Subject: Vesting of authority in the National Open School Society for holding certain examinations
through distance and open learning system at the school stage and for certification
No. F5.24/90 Sch.3 -The Government of India had setup the National Open School Society, an autonomous
and registered body on 23rd November, 1989 to cater to the educational needs of school dropouts, working
adults, housewives and socially disadvantaged sections, through distance education at the school stage.
The Society runs the management of the National Open School which, through distance and open learning
system, has been offering courses, preparing students for the Secondary and Senior Secondary School
Examinations and also offers Bridge (Preparatory) Courses.
It has now been decided that in pursuance of Section 3 (ii) of the Memorandum of Association of the
National Open School Society, the Society shall conduct the above examinations at the school stage of
education upto predegree level, whether academic, technical or vocational, which are developed either by
the National Open School itself or in collaboration with other agencies, subject to the approval of the
Society’s Executive Board or as it may be called upon to conduct by the Government of India, Ministry of
Human Resource Development, Department of Education. The Society shall also be the certifying authority
for such courses and programmes and do such acts ancillary to these objects as may be necessary. The
Central Board of Secondary Education which was the certifying and examining authority on behalf of the
National Open School Society, will cease to be so with effect from the date of issue of this Notification in
the Gazette of India.


Ordered that a copy of the Resolution be sent to all State Governments, Union Territory Administrations, all
Ministries Departments of the Government of India, University Grants Commission. Prime Minister’s
Office, National Council of Educational Research and Training. Council of Boards of Secondary Education,
Association of Indian Universities, Central Board of Secondary Education, Council for the Indian School
Certificate Examinations and the State Boards of Education.
Ordered also that the Resolution be published in the Gazette of India for general information.

Jt. Secy.

Published in part I Sec. OF No. 42 of the Gazette of India on Saturday the 20th October, 1990

132 National Institute of Open Schooling

We sincerely believe and hope that during your studies at NIOS, you will not face any problem or grievance.
However, incase you do face a problem, you may contact the following.
For Suggestion or Clarification to Vocational Education Programme
Director (Vocational Education)
Vocational Education Department
National Institute of Open Schooling
A-24/25, Institutional Area, Sector-62
NOIDA - 201309 (U.P.)
For non-receipt of I-Card
Your AVI/SAIED will issue the I–Card. If the AVI/SAIED does not respond then contact the concerned Regional
Center. (List given in Appendix-G).
For non-receipt of Study Material
The Secretary
National Institute of Open Schooling
A-24/25, Institutional Area, Sector-62
NOIDA - 201309 (U.P.)
For Academic/Study related problems
Assistant Director
Vocational Education Department
National Institute of Open Schooling
A-24/25, Institutional Area, Sector-62
NOIDA - 201309 (U.P.)
For Date-sheet and Examination Intimation Card
Your AVI/SAIED will provide you information about the examination schedule and the examination center. In case
of no response from it, you may contact the concerned Regional Center.
For issue of Marks Statement and Certificate
Your AVI/SAIED will issue the marks statement and the certificate. For obtaining duplicate copy of marks statement
or the certificate, please apply on the prescribed form (available at Appendix-D) with requisite fee to:
The Section Officer (M&M)
National Institute of Open Schooling
Evaluation Department
A-24/25, Institutional Area, Sector-62
NOIDA - 201309 (U.P.)

In case any of your problem/grievance is not redressed,

please write to:
Director (Public Grievances)
National Institute of Open Schooling
A-24/25, Institutional Area, Sector-62, NOIDA - 201309 (Uttar Pradesh)

Most of the information you may need during course of your

studies is available on our Website. Please make full use
of the same at:

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 133

Appendix - F
Name of the Region Address of the Regional Centre States Covered
ALLAHABAD National Institute of Open Schooling Uttar Pradesh (excluding Gautam Buddha
Regional Centre Nagar [ Noida & Greater Noida] and
19/17, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Kachahari Road Ghaziabad Distrists of UP)
Allahabad - 211002 (Uttar Pradesh)
Ph.: (O) 0532-2548154 (Fax) 0532-2548149
SUB-CENTRE National Institute of Open Schooling Uttrakhand and Meerut, Bagpat
DEHRADUN 69/106, Niranjanpur, Saharanpur , Muzaffar Nagar, Moradabad
Opp. ITI Dehradun and J.P. Nagar (Amroha) districts of U.P.
Dehradun - 248001
Ph.: (O) 0135-2623929 Fax : 0135-2629166
BHOPAL National Institute of Open Schooling Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh
Regional Centre
Manas Bhawan, Shyamla Hills, Bhopal - 462002 (M.P.)
Ph.: 0755-2661842, 2660331 Fax : 0755-2661842
CHANDIGARH National Institute of Open Schooling Haryana (Excluding Gurgaon, Faridabad
Regional Centre & Jhajjar) Himachal Pradesh, Punjab,
YMCA Complex, Sector-11C, Chandigarh-160011 Jammu & Kashmir and Chandigarh
Ph.: (O) 0172-2744915, 3950979 Fax : 0172-2744952
DELHI National Institute of Open Schooling NCT of Delhi and bordering Distts. of
Regional Centre NCT in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana comprising
A-31, Institutional Area, NH-24, of Distts. of Gautam Buddh Nagar (Noida
Sector-62, NOIDA- 201309 and Greater Noida), Ghaziabad, Gurgaon
Distt. - Gautam Buddha Nagar (U.P.) Faridabad and Jhajjar.
Ph: (O) 0120-2404914-15, Fax : 0120-2404916
GUWAHATI National Institute of Open Schooling
Regional Centre Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh,
Building of Assam Publication Board, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya,
(Near Assam Board of Secondary Education) Mizoram and Tripura
Ist Floor, Bamunimaidan, Guwahati-781021 (Assam)
Ph. (O): 0361-2650541, 2651201 (Fax) 0361-2650542
HYDERABAD National Institute of Open Schooling
Regional Centre Andhra Pradesh and
House No. 17-26, Sree Nagar Colony, Rd. No. 5 Karnataka
Dilsukh Na/gar, Hyderabad - 500060
Andhra Pradesh
Ph.: (O) 040-24162859, Fax : 040-24060712
JAIPUR National Institute of Open Schooling Rajasthan and Gujarat
Regional Centre
D-11-12 Roop Vihar Colony,
Mohan Marg, Opp. Karoli Garden
New Sangamer Road, Sodala
Jaipur ( Rajasthan) – 302006
Ph.: (O) 0141-2292818, 2290057 Fax.: 0141-2292819
KOCHI National Institute of Open Schooling Pondicherry, Tamilnadu,
Regional Centre Kerala and Lakshadweep
34/2740 Mamangalam, P.O. - Palarivatton,
Kochi-682025 (Kerala)
Ph.: 0484-2335714, (T/F) 0484-2335533
KOLKATA National Institute of Open Schooling
Regional Centre Orissa, Sikkim,
10/1/H, Diamond Harbour Road, West Bengal and Andaman
Kolkata-700 027 (W.B.) and Nicobar Islands
Ph.: (O) 033-24797714, Fax : 033-24797707
SUB-CENTRE National Institute of Open Schooling
BHUBANESHWAR 360/10, Sishuvihar, Patia, Bhubaneshwar
Phone : 0674-2740208
PATNA National Institute of Open Schooling Bihar, Jharkhand
Regional Centre
Lalit Bhawan, Ground Floor, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg,
Bailey Road, Patna - 800001 (Bihar)
Ph.: (O) 0612-2545051, 0612-2545470
SUB-CENTRE National Institute of Open Schooling
DARBHANGA Moh- Khan Chowk
Near Main Khan Chowk, PO Lal Bagh
Distt. Darbhanga-846004
Phone : 0627-2250628
PUNE National Institute of Open Schooling
Regional Centre Maharashtra, Goa
C/o Indian Institute of Education Campus, and Daman & Diu
128/2 JP Naik Road, Sriniketan Society, (Near Solaris Club)
Kothrud, Pune-411029 (Maharashtra)
Ph. (O) 020-25444667, 25439763 (Fax) 020-25444667

134 National Institute of Open Schooling

Dos and Donts

You should do the following You should not do the following

 Read the Prospectus carefully. Preserve it for  Do not fill in the Application Form without reading
future reference. the instructions given in the Prospectus.

 Select course/subject(s) carefully as per your  Don’t select course/subject(s) just because
need and future plans i.e. higher studies or job your friends are also choosing those.
requirements etc.

 Ensure that you fulfill the eligibility criteria given  Don’t apply for admission if you do not fulfill the
in the Prospectus for the course you are applying criteria. You will not get admission and your fee
for. will be forfeited.

 Fill in the application form yourself giving correct  Don’t give incorrect information else there will
information about your name, address, date of be problems of corrections in future as well as
birth etc. your admission is liable to be cancelled.

 Ensure that all the supporting documents are  Do not submit Application Form without the
attached with the application form. supporting documents. It will be summarily
rejected and fee forfeited.

 Pay the prescribed amount of fee for admission  Do not take admission in any of the institute or pay
and examination and collect receipts from the fees to any institute whose name is not included in
AVI/SAIED. the list of institutions given on page 19 onwards.

 Collect your Study Material from your AVI/  Do not pay extra amount over and above the
SAIED after confirmation of admission, without prescribed fee.
paying any extra money.

 Attend Personal Contact Programmes, and  Do not neglect Personal Contact Programmes
Practical Training Sessions at your AVI/SAIED and Practical Training Sessions as those are
as per the Time Table fixed by it. essential and will help you in your studies.

 Register for the examination at the appropriate  Do not ignore the dates for registration for
time. examination otherwise you will not be allowed to
take examination.

 Make full use of the library and other facilities at  Do not misbehave while visiting your AVI/

Prospectus 2010 Vocational Education Courses 135

Appendix - G
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
National Institute of Open Schooling
,uvkbZvks,l dh O;kolkf;d ijh{kk esa cSBus ds fy, vkosnu i=
¼foojf.kdk ds vuqPNsn 5-5 i`"B 16 ij vafdr 'kqYd ds lkFk v/;;u dsæa ij tek djsAa ½
Form for appearing in Vocational Examination of NIOS
(to be submitted in the Study Centre alongwith the requisite fees as mentioned in the para 5.5 of page 16 mentioned
in Prospectus)
dsoy uxn vkSj jk"VªhÑr cSd a Mªk¶V gh Lohdkj fd, tkrs gSAa Ñi;k os fo"k; Hkjsa ftudh ijh{kk ds vki bPNqd gSAa
a ksa ds cSd
pSd@/kukns'k Lohdkj ugha fd, tk,¡xAs Please fill correctly the subjects in which you desire to appear in the
Only Cash/Bank Drafts from Nationalised Banks are acceptable. Examination.
Cheques/Indian postal Orders are not acceptable. dksM ua/Code No. fo"k;/Subject
1. .......................................

1. ukekadu la[;k@Enrolment No.

2. .......................................
3. .......................................
4. .......................................
5. .......................................
6. .......................................
2. iwjk uke@Name in full (Block Letters)

3. irk /Address ....................................

................................................. Exam. fee Rs. 150/- per subject.
fiu dksM/PIN CODE
(Signature of the Candidate)
+ ,sls fo|kFkhZ ftuds ,ohvkbZ jn~n dj fn, x, ;k dk;Z ugha dj jgs gS]a os vius {ks=h; dsæa ij ijh{kk QkWeZ ^lfpo* ,uvkbZvks,l* ds i{k esa rFkk lacfa /kr {ks=h;
dsæa ij ns; Mªk¶V ds lkFk ijh{kk QkWeZ tek dj ldrs gSAa
+ Candidates whose AVIs stand cancelled or not functioning can deposit their examination fees at the respective Regional Centre (RC)
by submitting examination form alongwith Bank Draft drawn in favour of "Secretary", National Institute of Open Schooling, payable
at respective Regional Centres.
* fo|kFkhZ vius ijh{kk dsæa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh çkIr djus ds fy, vius ,ohvkbZ@,l,vkbZbZMh@{ks=h; dsæ ls laidZ djsAa ;fn dksbZ fo|kFkhZ fu/kkZfjr ijh{kk
dsæa ds vfrfjDr fdlh nwljs ijh{kk dsæa ls ijh{kk esa cSBrk gS rks mldk ijh{kkQy ?kksf"kr ugha fd;k tk,xkA
* The application forms will not be accepted after the prescribed dates.
The students may contact their AVI/RC or NIOS for information regarding their examination centre. If a candidate appears from an
exam. centre other than the one allotted to him on his own, his result will be withheld. i) viw.kZ@xyr lwpuk okys ijh{kk QkeZ dks vLohdkj dj fy;k tk,xkA Examination form with incomplete/wrong information
shall be rejected.
ii) tks ykxw u gks mls dkV nsAa Strike off whichever is not applicable.
iii) fo"k; dksM ds fy, foojf.kdk dk v/;k; 5 rkfydk&2 ns[ksAa Please see table 2 of Chapter 5 of the Prospectus for the Subject
jlhn ¼fo|kFkhZ dks nh tk,½@RECEIPT (TO BE ISSUED TO THE STUDENT)
fuEufyf[kr fo"k; dksMksa ds fy, jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku dh O;kolkf;d ijh{kk ds fy, ------------------------------------------------------------------
ls ukekadu la- -------------------------------- ijh{kk QkeZ ds lkFk --------------------------------------- #- 'kqYd çkIr fd,A
Received the examination form with fee of Rs. ................................ from ............................... Enrolment No. ............................
for the ..................... Vocational Examination of National Institute of Open Schooling in the following subject Codes :

fnukad@Date:............ gLrk{kj@Signature
,ohvkbZ la-@AVI No.
Appendix - H
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku
National Institute of Open Schooling
,&24@25] baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] lsDVj&62] uks,Mk&201309@A-24/25, Institutional Area, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309
vadrkfydk vkSj ewy dh nwljh izfr izkIr djus gsrq vkosnu i=A
Application Form for Obtaining Duplicate Certificate/Marks Statements etc.

1- vuqØekad@Enrolment No. ................................................................................................................

2- fo|kFkhZ dk uke ¼lkQ v{kjksa es½a
Name of the student (in CAPITAL letters) ................................................................................................................
3- firk@ekrk dk uke
Father's/Mother's Name ................................................................................................................
4- ml dk uke tks pkfg,
Name of Certificate Required ................................................................................................................
5- ijh{kk dk uke vkSj o"kZ
Name and Year of Exam ................................................................................................................
6- ijh{kk ifj.kke/Result ................................................................................................................
7- 'kqYd dk Lo:i % udn@cSd a MªkÝV ................................................................................................................
cSad Mªk¶V la[;k ------------------------------------ jde ---------------------------------------------- fnukad --------------------------cSad dk uke ----------------------------
Mode of Payment : Cash/Bank Draft
B.D. No. ------------------------------------ Amount --------------------------------------------- Date --------------------------Bank -------------------------------------------------
¼funsZ'k% cSd
a Mªk¶V lfpo] jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku] uks,Mk ds i{k esa rFkk uks,Mk esa ns; gksuk pkfg,A½
(N.B.: Bank Draft Must be drawn in favour of Secretary, NIOS, NOIDA, payable at NOIDA.)
8- irk@Address (in CAPITAL letters) .............................................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................ fiu dksM (PIN Code) ....................................................

LFkku@Place :
fnukad@Date: ................................................................... ..................................................................
fo|kFkhZ ds gLrk{kj@Signature of the Student
dsoy dk;kZy; iz;ksx ds fy,

vuqØekad@Enrolment No .......................................................................................................................................................................
fo|kFkhZ dk uke@Name of the Student ....................................................................................................................................................
izkIrkad fooj.k@Marks Obtained ............................................................................................................................................................
fo"k; dksM fl)kar iz;ksx vkarfjd ;ksx
Subject Code TH PR INT Total
1. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
ifj.kke@RESULT : .................................................................................................................................................................................

dk;kZy; lgk;d ds gLrk{kj@Signature of D.A.

vko';d funsZ'k/Important Notes
vkosnu i= dks Hkjus ls igys funsZ'kksa dks lko/kkuh ls i<+s% / Read the Instructions carefully before filling the form
1- çR;sd ç ds fy, vyx&vyx QkeZ dk ç;ksx djsAa Use seperate form for each certificate.
2- ç dh nwljh izfr ds fy, vkosnu i= uhps fn, x, funsZ'kkuqlkj çFke eftLVsªV }kjk lR;kfir 'kiFk i= ds lkFk çLrqr djsAa The
application for duplicate passing certificate must be accompanied with an affidavit executed in front of a Ist class Magistrate in the
format given below.
3- ewy ç dh r`rh; çfrfyfi rc rd tkjh ugha dh tk,xh] tc rd funs'kd ewY;kadu çek.k i= dh f}rh; çfrfyfi ds okLro esa [kksu@ s u"V
gksus dh iqf"V ls iw.kZr% larq"V u gksA Triplicate copy of the passing certificate shall not be issued unless the Director (Eva.) is satisfied
that duplicate copy has been actually lost/destroyed.
4- lk/ iw.kZ vkSj Bhd rjg ls Hkjs x, vkosnu i= ds vk/kkj ij ek¡xs x, ç nks g¶rksa ds ckn tkjh fd, tk,¡xAs The documents applied
for will ordinarily be issued after two weeks (excluding holidays) from the date of receipt of the application form and fee, provided the
application is found complete in all respects.
5- ;fn vkosnd 'kqYd tek djus ds ckn rhu eghus ds Hkhrj Hkh ç çkIr ugha djrk gS] rks mls fn, x, irs ij lk/kkj.k Mkd ls Hkst fn;k
tk,xkA vkosnu i= esa irk u fy[kus dh fLFkfr esa ç fujLr dj fn;k tk,xk vkSj fo|kFkhZ dks mlds fy, iqu% vkosnu djuk gksxkA In
case the documents is not collected by the applicant within three months from the date of depositing the fee it will be sent by-ordinary
post at the address given. In case the address is not given the documents will be cancelled and the student will have to apply afresh.
lHkh ç fdlh Hkh dk;Z&fnol esa vijkg~u 3 cts ls 5 cts rd 'kqYd dh jlhn ,oa vuqØekad dks fn[kkus ds ckn tkjh fd, tk,¡xAs 'kqYd
lHkh dk;Z&fnolksa esa çkr% 10 cts ls vijkg~u 4 cts rd tek fd;k tk ldrk gSA All Certificates will be delivered on the production of
receipt of payment with Enrolment No. between 3.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. on working days. The fee can be deposited between 10.00 A.M.
to 4.00 P.M. on all working days.
ç ds fy, fu/kkZfjr 'kqYd fuEu çdkj gS%a / Fees prescribed for various certificates are as follows :
1- ç dh nwljh çfr/Duplicate copy of Certificate : Rs. 100.00
2- vadrkfydk dh nwljh çfr/Duplicate copy of the Statement of Marks : Rs. 100.00
3- Mkd 'kqYd ¼;fn ç iathÑr Mkd }kjk pkfg,½/Postal Charges (if the documents is required by Regd. post) : Rs. 40.00 % vadrkfydk dh nwljh çfr rqjUr çkIr djus dk 'kqYd 200 #- gS rFkk ;g nLrkost vkosnu çkIr gksus ls 48 ?kaVs ds vanj miyCèk djk
fn;k tkrk gSA
Note : The prescribed fee for the issue of urgent Duplicate Marksheet is Rs. 200/- and these documents will be issued within
48 hours from the date of receipt of application.
'kiFk i= 2-00 #i, ds LVkEi isij ij çFke eftLVªVs }kjk lR;kfir gksuk pkfg,A ¼dsoy mu fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, ftUgsa ewy ç dh nwljh
çfr ds fy, vkosnu djuk gS½ vksFk dfe'uj@uksVjh }kjk gLrk{kfjr@lR;kfir 'kiFk&i= Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA Form of Affidavit to be executed
on Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 2.00 (For Candidate applying for duplicate copy of qualifying certificate) The affidavit attested by oath
Commissioner/Notary is not acceptable.
eSa ------------------------------------------------------ iq=@iq=h ------------------------------------------------------ 'kiFkiwoZd ?kks"k.kk djrk gwa fd esjk jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky; f'k{kk laLFkku
¼blls iwoZ jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;½ fnYyh dh ijh{kk ------------------------------------ ebZ@uoEcj ------------------------------------ dk ewy çek.k&i= u"V gks x;k@[kks
x;k gSA mi;qZDr fn, x, lHkh rF; esjh tkudkjh esa iw.kZr% lgh gSAa
I .......................................... Son/Daughter of .......................................... declare on oath that my certificate of having passed the
................................................... Exam. of May/Nov. ...................................... from National Institute of Open Schooling, (Formerly National
Open School) Delhi, has been lost/destroyed certified that the fact stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

vuqØekad/Roll No. ................................................. fo|kFkhZ ds gLrk{kj/Signature of the Student. .............................................

fnukad/Date ................................................. irk/Address. ........................................................................................

LFkku/Place ................................................. ..............................................................................................

U;k;ky; dh eksgj % çFke eftLVªVs /Court Seal : Sworn before me Ist Class Magistrate.
Appendix - I

Instructions for filling up the Application Form for Admission

1. Please apply for admission only on the forms available in the Prospectus (or downloaded from the NIOS website).
2. Forms are provided in duplicate. Fill in both the forms giving same particulars. In case of any variation, particulars
filled in the original Form will be treated as final.
3. Please ensure your eligibility before filling in the form. You will not get admission if any of the eligibility criteria is
not fulfilled and fee will be forfeited without any intimation.
4. Please fill the form legibly in CAPITAL letters English or Hindi only. Avoid overwriting.
5. Leave one box blank between parts of Name, Father’s Name, etc. Do not write Mr., Mrs., Shri, Kum., etc. before
any name.
6. Incomplete admission forms without supporting documents will be summarily rejected and the fee forfeited.
Submit your Application Form and deposit fee only in the AVI/SAIED
where you want to seek admission, and take proper receipt.
PART A of the Form
You need to affix your two recent passport size photographs on each application form. The photograph pasted on left side
of the forms has to be attested by anyone of the following persons:
• Coordinator of NIOS AVI/SAIED
• Principal of a recognized school/college or institution
• District Magistrate
• Gazetted Officer
• Pradhan, Gram Panchayat
• Sarpanch of a Village/ Tehsildar
The photograph on the right side shall not have any mark as it will be scanned for record. It shall also fit in the Box
provided for it.
Sign in the box provide below this place. Don’t sign outside the box.
Item No. Title Instructioins
1. Name of the Candidate Mention your name as already recorded in your previous
school certificate.
2&3. Names of the Parents Father’s as well as Mother’s name is to be written. It should
tally with your previous records. This will be recorded in your
Certificate. No change will be permitted later on.
4. Postal Address Provide your complete address with House No., Father’s Name
(if required), Ward No., Village and Post Office, Tehsil, District,
State and Pin Code. NIOS will not be responsible for non-
delivery of items/letters/materials if any, to the candidate,
due to incomplete address.
5. Permanent Address Provide your complete address with House No., Father’s Name
(if required), Ward No., Village and Post Office, Tehsil, District,
State and Pin Code. NIOS will not be responsible for non-
delivery of items/letters/materials if any, to the candidate,
due to incomplete address.
6. Date of Birth Mention your date of birth correctly in figures only e.g.
05.08.1967 instead of 5th August 1967. Attested copy of
certificate as proof of date of birth should be attached
with the admission form.
7, 8, 9, & 10 Sex, Category, Disability, Please tick () in the appropriate box.
Disadvantaged Group
11. Category of Course Provide (a) category of the course, (b) name of the course and
Applied for (c) subject code no(s). Refer to Table I on page 4 onwards.
12, 13, 14. Medium of Study, Nationality, Please tick () in the appropriate box. Attach attested copy
Your Previous Qualification, of marks sheet as proof of educational qualifications.
15. Year of Passing X & XII Write the name of the Board from where you have passed
Exam your Examination.
16. Amount of Admission Fill in details of fee remitted. Amount of fee to be remitted is
Fee Paid given in Table I on Pages 4 onwards. Do not pay any extra
amount over and above what has been prescribed by NIOS.

PART B of the Form

17. Fill in this section which will help us develop appropriate strategies for you.

18. Signatures of the Candidate and Counter Signatures of Parent/Guardian (if required) with date be clearly put at the
appropriate place.
ewy izfr
ORIGINAL QkeZ la-@FORM NO. Appendix - J
;gka QksVks fpidk,¡ tks fd leUo;d@
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku] uks,Mk ¼m-ç-½ ckWDl ds vkdkj dk QksVks ;gk¡
ç/kku@ljiap@ç/kkukpk;Z ;k
National Institute of Open Schooling, NOIDA (U.P.) fpidk,¡ tks lR;kfir u gksA

vf/kdkjh }kjk lR;kfir gksA O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa esa ços'k ds fy, vkosnu i=
PASTE PHOTOGRAPH HERE OF THIS Application Form for Admission to Vocational Courses
QkeZ fganh ;k vaxzst+h ds cM+s o.kks± esa HkjsaA dsoy uhys ;k dkys ckWy ikbaV isu dk gh ç;ksx djsaA ,d [kkus esa dsoy
PRADHAN/SARPANCH OR ,d o.kZ fy[ksaA [kkuksa ls ckgj dgha Hkh dqN u fy[ksaA bl QkeZ dh QksVks dkWih dk iz;ksx u djsaA dsoy vjch DO NOT ATTEST
GAZETTED OFFICER vadksa dk iz;ksx djsa tSls 1, 2, 3... Write in Hindi or English (CAPITALS). Use only Blue/ Black Ball Point Pen.
Write one letter in one Box. Do not write outside the boxes. DO NOT USE PHOTOCPOY OF THIS FORM . Use Arabic Numericals only
egÙoiw.kZ % QkeZ fo|kFkhZ }kjk nks izfr;ksa esa Hkjk tk,A 'kqYd rFkk ç dh lR;kfir QksVks dkWih ds lkFk iwjk QkWeZ Hkjdj vafre frfFk ;k mlls igys ekU;rk çkIr laLFkk esa
tek djsaA QkeZ v/kwjk Hkjs tkus ij fo|kFkhZ dks lwfpr fd, fcuk mls jí dj fn;k tk,xk rFkk 'kqYd Hkh ugha ykSVk;k tk,xkA fo|kFkhZ ds gLrk{kj
IMPORTANT: To be filled by the Candidate in DUPLICATE. Completed forms with attested photo copies of certificate and fees should be deposited with Accredited Vocational Signature of the Student
Institution on or before the last date. Incomplete admission forms will be summarily rejected and fee forfeited without any intimation to the candidates.
ukekadu la[;k Z h }kjk nh tk,xhA½ / Enrolment Number (to be given by AVI /SAIED)
Hkkx&d@ PART-A
1. fo|kFkhZ dk iwjk uke@Name of Candidate in full in CAPITAL Letters

2. firk ;k vfHkHkkod dk iwjk uke@Father's or Guardian's Name in CAPITAL Letters

3. ekrk ;k fgrS"kh ekrk dk iwjk uke@Mother's or Mentor Mother's Name in CAPITAL Letters

4. i=&O;ogkj ds fy, irk@Postal Address in CAPITAL Letters

5- LFkk;h irk@ Permanent Address
fiu dksM ,l-Vh-Mh- dksM nwjHkk"k
PIN Code STD Code Telephone
Mobile Religion

6. tUefrfFk@Date of birth 7. fyax@ Sex 8. lgh mÙkj okys [kkus esa  djsAa
dsoy lgh mÙkj okys [kkus esa  djsAa Put  inside the Appropriate Box.
Put  inside the Appropriate Box only
iq#"k efgyk lkekU; vuqlfw pr tkfr vuqlfw pr tutkfr HkwriwoZ lSfud fodykax
frfFk Date ekg Month o"kZ year Male Female General SC ST Ex-Serviceman Handicapped

9. fodykaxrk@ Disability 10. oafpr oxZ lgh mÙkj okys [kkus esa  djsAa
lgh mÙkj okys [kkus esa  djsAa Put  in appropriate Box Disadvantaged Group Put  inside the Appropriate Box.
gM~Mh jksx ds fodykax cf/kj ekufld jksxh lM+d ij jgus okys cPps dke djus okys cPps
Orthopaedic Handicapped Hearing Impairment Mental Retardation Street Children Working Children
s lh[kus esa vleFkZ fofo/k fodykaxrk,¡ ekufld :i ls fodykax >qXxh esa jgus okys bR;kfn vuq-tkfr@vuq-tutkfr
Learning Disability Multiple Handicapped Spastic/Cerebral Palsy Slum Dwellers etc. SC/ST
xk¡o dh efgyk,¡
n`f"Vghu Rural Women
Visual Impairment

11 a. ftl ikB~;Øe ds fy, vkosnu fd;k gS ml [kkus esa  fpg~u yxk,¡a b. ikB~;Øe dk uke@Name of the Course
Category of the Course Applied for (Mark ):
c. fo"k; dksM la[;k@Subject Code No.
iSdst Ng ekg ,d lky nks lky thou le`f) i`Fkd :i okys
Package Six-Month One year Two year Life Enrichment Stand Alone

12. v/;;u dk ek/;e@Medium of Study fganh vaxzsth 13. jk"Vªh;rk@Nationality Hkkjrh; vU;
Hindi English Indian Other

14. vkidh iwoZ ;ksX;rk lgh [kkus esa  djsAa 15. nloha vkSj ckjgoha cksMZ ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ djus dk o"kZ nloha ckjgoha
Your Previous Qualification Put  inside the Appropriate Box. Year of Passing X and XII Class Examination X XII
¼Ñi;k vko';drkuqlkj lacfa /kr vo'; layXu djs½a
V VI VII VIII (Please enclose the relevent papers/certificates
positively as necessary)
cksMZ dk uke@Name of the Board%
IX X XI XII rFkk mlls Åij i) nloha d{kk ds fy,@For Class X

ii) ckjgoha d{kk ds fy, For Class XII

16. nh xbZ izo's k 'kqYd dh jkf'k@Amount of Admission Fee paid : Rs. P.T.O
(fo|kFkhZ dks nh tkus okyh jlhn@ Receipt to be given to the candidate)
Received application form with Bank Draft No. ................ dt. ................ /Cash Rs. .................. from Mr./Ms. ......................................................... for
............................ Course(s)/Code(s) .....................
Signature of Coordinator with Stamp
leUo;d ds gLrk{kj eqgj lfgr
Hkkx ¼[k½ ¼i`"BHkwfe lwpuk½ PART B (BACKGROUND INFORMATION)
17. uhps nh xbZ lwpuk,a lgh&lgh HkjsaA lgh ckDl esa () fpg~u yxk,¡A
Please fill in the following information correctly. Put tick mark () in appropriate box.

1. ifjokj esa lnL;ksa dh la[;k@ Number of members in your family : _________________

2. ifjokj dh okf"kZd vk; @Total family income per year :
1. 12,000 #- rd 2. 24,000 #- rd 3. 36,000 #- rd 4. 36,000 #- ls vf/kdA
1. Upto Rs. 12,000 2. Upto Rs. 24,000 3. Upto Rs. 36,000 4. Above Rs. 36,000
3. firk dh 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk
Father’s Educational qualification :
1. vui<+ 2. izkbejh rd 3. vkBoha rd 4. nloha rd 5. dkWyt
s rdA
1. No Education 2. Upto Primary 3. Upto Middle 4. Upto Secondary 5. Upto College
4. ekrk dh 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk
Mother’s educational qualification :
1. vui<+ 2. izkbejh rd 3. vkBoha rd 4. nloha rd 5. dkWyt
s rdA
1. No Education 2. Upto Primary 3. Upto Middle 4. Upto Secondary 5. Upto College
5. vki dgk¡ jgrs gSa\ 1. 'kgj 2. xzke
Where do you live? 1. Urban 2. Rural
6. vkids ?kj esa dejksa dh la[;k
Number of rooms in your residence:
1. ,d 2. nks 3. rhu 4. rhu ls vf/kd
1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. More than three
7. vkids ?kj esa buesa ls dkSu&dkSu lh phtsa gS\a
Which of the following do you have at home?
1. fctyh 2. ia[kk 3. jsfM;ks/Vªkfa tLVj 4. Vhoh 5. dSlVs /lhMh Iys;j
1. Electricity 2. Fan 3. Radio/Transistor 4. TV 5. Cassette/CD Player
6. lkbfdy 7. LdwVj 8. dkj 9. jlksbZ xSl 10. ohlhvkj@ohlhih 11. tujsVj@buojVj
6. Cycle 7. Scooter 8. Car 9. Cooking Gas 10. VCR/VCP 11. Generator/ Invertor
12. eYVhehfM;k daI;wVj 13. VsyhQksu 14. daI;wVj 15. dscy
12. Multimedia Computer 13. Telephone 14. Computer 15. Cable Connection
8. vki dke djrs gSa ;k csjkstxkj gS\a 1. dke djrs gSa 2. viuk jkstxkj 3. csjkstxkj gSa
Are you employed or unemployed? 1. Employed 2. Self-employed 3. Unemployed
9. ?kks"k.kk Declaration
eSa djrk gw¡ fd@Certified that:-
d½ esjs ikl ikB~;Øe ds fy, vko';d U;wure 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk gS@eSua s ,uvkbZvks,l ds vkBoha d{kk ikl rd dh ;ksX;rk okys ikB~;Øe ds fy, v/;;u
djds i;kZIr ;ksX;rk izkIr dj yh gSA a) I possess the minimum educational qualification for the course / I have studied enough to pursue NIOS
Vocational Education Courses where entry level qualification is upto class VIII pass.
[k½ eSua s foojf.kdk esa nh xbZ ;ksX;rk 'krs± i<+dj le> yh gSAa eSa blds ;ksX; gw¡A b) I have read and understood the eligibility conditions as laid down
in the Prospectus. I fulfil these criteria.
x½ eSua s lkjh t:jh lwpuk,a vkSj nLrkost lgh&lgh ns fn, gSAa eSa tkurk gw¡ fd ;fn ;s lwpuk,a xyr ;k Hkze esa Mkyus okyh gksx
a h] rks ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk
esjh mEehnokjh lekIr dj nh tk,xhA c) I have furnished the necessary information/documents correctly. I understand that my candidature
is liable to be cancelled by NIOS if this information is found incorrect or misleading.
?k½ eSa ,uvkbZvks,l ds lHkh fu;eksa dk ikyu d:¡xk vkSj , oh vkbZ @,l,vkbZbZMh ds vuq'kklu vkSj e;kZnk dks cuk, j[kw¡xk@j[kw¡xhA d) I shall abide by
all the rules and regulations of NIOS and shall maintain discipline and decorum at the AVI/SAIED.
³½ eSaus fdlh ,ohvkbZ@,l,vkbZbZMh esa fdlh vU; ,uvkbZvks,l O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øe esa nkf[kyk ugha fy;k gSA e) I have not taken
admission in any other NIOS Vocational Education Course at any AVI/SAIED.
___________________________________ ___________________
ekrk firk@vfHkHkkod ds izfrgLrk{kj ¼frfFk lfgr½ mEehnokj ds gLrk{kj
Countersignatures of Parent/Guardian Date............. Signature of Candidate Date ................
irk@ Address __________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ fiu PIN _____________
layXudksa dh tk¡p lwph lgh ckDl esa () fpg~u yxk,¡A CHECKLIST OF ENCLOSURES Please tick ()
izo's k i= dh nwljh izfr Duplicate copy of the admission form 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk lac/a kh izek.k i= Certificate of Educational qualification vPNh rjg
ls fpidkbZ xbZ QksVks Photograph duly pasted vuqHko ¼;fn ykxw gks½ Experience Certificate, if applicable tUefrfFk Certificate of
Date of Birth
frfFk Dated : .................... Full Signature with seal of Co-ordinator of the AVI/SAIED
, oh vkbZ@,l,vkbZbZMh ds leUo;d ds iw.kZ gLrk{kj eqgj lfgr
nwljh izfr
DUPLICATE QkeZ la-@FORM NO. Appendix - J
;gka QksVks fpidk,¡ tks fd leUo;d@
jk"Vªh; eqDr fo|ky;h f'k{kk laLFkku] uks,Mk ¼m-ç-½ ckWDl ds vkdkj dk QksVks ;gk¡
ç/kku@ljiap@ç/kkukpk;Z ;k National Institute of Open Schooling, NOIDA (U.P.) fpidk,¡ tks lR;kfir u gksA

vf/kdkjh }kjk lR;kfir gksA O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øeksa esa ços'k ds fy, vkosnu i=
PASTE PHOTOGRAPH HERE OF THIS Application Form for Admission to Vocational Courses
QkeZ fganh ;k vaxzst+h ds cM+s o.kks± esa HkjsaA dsoy uhys ;k dkys ckWy ikbaV isu dk gh ç;ksx djsaA ,d [kkus esa dsoy
PRADHAN/SARPANCH OR ,d o.kZ fy[ksaA [kkuksa ls ckgj dgha Hkh dqN u fy[ksaA bl QkeZ dh QksVks dkWih dk iz;ksx u djsaA dsoy vjch DO NOT ATTEST
GAZETTED OFFICER vadksa dk iz;ksx djsa tSls 1, 2, 3... Write in Hindi or English (CAPITALS). Use only Blue/ Black Ball Point Pen.
Write one letter in one Box. Do not write outside the boxes. DO NOT USE PHOTOCPOY OF THIS FORM . Use Arabic Numericals only
egÙoiw.kZ % QkeZ fo|kFkhZ }kjk nks izfr;ksa esa Hkjk tk,A 'kqYd rFkk ç dh lR;kfir QksVks dkWih ds lkFk iwjk QkWeZ Hkjdj vafre frfFk ;k mlls igys ekU;rk çkIr laLFkk esa
tek djsaA QkeZ v/kwjk Hkjs tkus ij fo|kFkhZ dks lwfpr fd, fcuk mls jí dj fn;k tk,xk rFkk 'kqYd Hkh ugha ykSVk;k tk,xkA fo|kFkhZ ds gLrk{kj
IMPORTANT: To be filled by the Candidate in DUPLICATE. Completed forms with attested photo copies of certificate and fees should be deposited with Accredited Vocational Signature of the Student
Institution on or before the last date. Incomplete admission forms will be summarily rejected and fee forfeited without any intimation to the candidates.
ukekadu la[;k Z h }kjk nh tk,xhA½ / Enrolment Number (to be given by AVI /SAIED)
Hkkx&d@ PART-A
1. fo|kFkhZ dk iwjk uke@Name of Candidate in full in CAPITAL Letters

2. firk ;k vfHkHkkod dk iwjk uke@Father's or Guardian's Name in CAPITAL Letters

3. ekrk ;k fgrS"kh ekrk dk iwjk uke@Mother's or Mentor Mother's Name in CAPITAL Letters

4. i=&O;ogkj ds fy, irk@Postal Address in CAPITAL Letters

5- LFkk;h irk@ Permanent Address
fiu dksM ,l-Vh-Mh- dksM nwjHkk"k
PIN Code STD Code Telephone
Mobile Religion

6. tUefrfFk@Date of birth 7. fyax@ Sex 8. lgh mÙkj okys [kkus esa  djsAa
dsoy lgh mÙkj okys [kkus esa  djsAa Put  inside the Appropriate Box.
Put  inside the Appropriate Box only
iq#"k efgyk lkekU; vuqlfw pr tkfr vuqlfw pr tutkfr HkwriwoZ lSfud fodykax
frfFk Date ekg Month o"kZ year Male Female General SC ST Ex-Serviceman Handicapped

9. fodykaxrk@ Disability 10. oafpr oxZ lgh mÙkj okys [kkus esa  djsAa
lgh mÙkj okys [kkus esa  djsAa Put  in appropriate Box Disadvantaged Group Put  inside the Appropriate Box.
gM~Mh jksx ds fodykax cf/kj ekufld jksxh lM+d ij jgus okys cPps dke djus okys cPps
Orthopaedic Handicapped Hearing Impairment Mental Retardation Street Children Working Children
s lh[kus esa vleFkZ fofo/k fodykaxrk,¡ ekufld :i ls fodykax >qXxh esa jgus okys bR;kfn vuq-tkfr@vuq-tutkfr
Learning Disability Multiple Handicapped Spastic/Cerebral Palsy Slum Dwellers etc. SC/ST
xk¡o dh efgyk,¡
n`f"Vghu Rural Women
Visual Impairment

11 a. ftl ikB~;Øe ds fy, vkosnu fd;k gS ml [kkus esa  fpg~u yxk,¡a b. ikB~;Øe dk uke@Name of the Course
Category of the Course Applied for (Mark ):
c. fo"k; dksM la[;k@Subject Code No.
iSdst Ng ekg ,d lky nks lky thou le`f) i`Fkd :i okys
Package Six-Month One year Two year Life Enrichment Stand Alone

12. v/;;u dk ek/;e@Medium of Study fganh vaxzsth 13. jk"Vªh;rk@Nationality Hkkjrh; vU;
Hindi English Indian Other

14. vkidh iwoZ ;ksX;rk lgh [kkus esa  djsAa 15. nloha vkSj ckjgoha cksMZ ijh{kk mÙkh.kZ djus dk o"kZ nloha ckjgoha
Your Previous Qualification Put  inside the Appropriate Box. Year of Passing X and XII Class Examination X XII
¼Ñi;k vko';drkuqlkj lacfa /kr vo'; layXu djs½a
V VI VII VIII (Please enclose the relevent papers/certificates
positively as necessary)
cksMZ dk uke@Name of the Board%
IX X XI XII rFkk mlls Åij i) nloha d{kk ds fy,@For Class X

ii) ckjgoha d{kk ds fy, For Class XII

16. nh xbZ izo's k 'kqYd dh jkf'k@Amount of Admission Fee paid : Rs. P.T.O
(fo|kFkhZ dks nh tkus okyh jlhn@ Receipt to be given to the candidate)
Received application form with Bank Draft No. ................ dt. ................ /Cash Rs. .................. from Mr./Ms. ......................................................... for
............................ Course(s)/Code(s) .....................
Signature of Coordinator with Stamp
leUo;d ds gLrk{kj eqgj lfgr
Hkkx ¼[k½ ¼i`"BHkwfe lwpuk½ PART B (BACKGROUND INFORMATION)
17. uhps nh xbZ lwpuk,a lgh&lgh HkjsaA lgh ckDl esa () fpg~u yxk,¡A
Please fill in the following information correctly. Put tick mark () in appropriate box.

1. ifjokj esa lnL;ksa dh la[;k@ Number of members in your family : _________________

2. ifjokj dh okf"kZd vk; @Total family income per year :
1. 12,000 #- rd 2. 24,000 #- rd 3. 36,000 #- rd 4. 36,000 #- ls vf/kdA
1. Upto Rs. 12,000 2. Upto Rs. 24,000 3. Upto Rs. 36,000 4. Above Rs. 36,000
3. firk dh 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk
Father’s Educational qualification :
1. vui<+ 2. izkbejh rd 3. vkBoha rd 4. nloha rd 5. dkWyt
s rdA
1. No Education 2. Upto Primary 3. Upto Middle 4. Upto Secondary 5. Upto College
4. ekrk dh 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk
Mother’s educational qualification :
1. vui<+ 2. izkbejh rd 3. vkBoha rd 4. nloha rd 5. dkWyt
s rdA
1. No Education 2. Upto Primary 3. Upto Middle 4. Upto Secondary 5. Upto College
5. vki dgk¡ jgrs gSa\ 1. 'kgj 2. xzke
Where do you live? 1. Urban 2. Rural
6. vkids ?kj esa dejksa dh la[;k
Number of rooms in your residence:
1. ,d 2. nks 3. rhu 4. rhu ls vf/kd
1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. More than three
7. vkids ?kj esa buesa ls dkSu&dkSu lh phtsa gS\a
Which of the following do you have at home?
1. fctyh 2. ia[kk 3. jsfM;ks/Vªkfa tLVj 4. Vhoh 5. dSlVs /lhMh Iys;j
1. Electricity 2. Fan 3. Radio/Transistor 4. TV 5. Cassette/CD Player
6. lkbfdy 7. LdwVj 8. dkj 9. jlksbZ xSl 10. ohlhvkj@ohlhih 11. tujsVj@buojVj
6. Cycle 7. Scooter 8. Car 9. Cooking Gas 10. VCR/VCP 11. Generator/ Invertor
12. eYVhehfM;k daI;wVj 13. VsyhQksu 14. daI;wVj 15. dscy
12. Multimedia Computer 13. Telephone 14. Computer 15. Cable Connection
8. vki dke djrs gSa ;k csjkstxkj gS\a 1. dke djrs gSa 2. viuk jkstxkj 3. csjkstxkj gSa
Are you employed or unemployed? 1. Employed 2. Self-employed 3. Unemployed
9. ?kks"k.kk Declaration
eSa djrk gw¡ fd@Certified that:-
d½ esjs ikl ikB~;Øe ds fy, vko';d U;wure 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk gS@eSua s ,uvkbZvks,l ds vkBoha d{kk ikl rd dh ;ksX;rk okys ikB~;Øe ds fy, v/;;u
djds i;kZIr ;ksX;rk izkIr dj yh gSA a) I possess the minimum educational qualification for the course / I have studied enough to pursue NIOS
Vocational Education Courses where entry level qualification is upto class VIII pass.
[k½ eSua s foojf.kdk esa nh xbZ ;ksX;rk 'krs± i<+dj le> yh gSAa eSa blds ;ksX; gw¡A b) I have read and understood the eligibility conditions as laid down
in the Prospectus. I fulfil these criteria.
x½ eSua s lkjh t:jh lwpuk,a vkSj nLrkost lgh&lgh ns fn, gSAa eSa tkurk gw¡ fd ;fn ;s lwpuk,a xyr ;k Hkze esa Mkyus okyh gksx
a h] rks ,uvkbZvks,l }kjk
esjh mEehnokjh lekIr dj nh tk,xhA c) I have furnished the necessary information/documents correctly. I understand that my candidature
is liable to be cancelled by NIOS if this information is found incorrect or misleading.
?k½ eSa ,uvkbZvks,l ds lHkh fu;eksa dk ikyu d:¡xk vkSj , oh vkbZ @,l,vkbZbZMh ds vuq'kklu vkSj e;kZnk dks cuk, j[kw¡xk@j[kw¡xhA d) I shall abide by
all the rules and regulations of NIOS and shall maintain discipline and decorum at the AVI/SAIED.
³½ eSaus fdlh ,ohvkbZ@,l,vkbZbZMh esa fdlh vU; ,uvkbZvks,l O;kolkf;d ikB~;Øe esa nkf[kyk ugha fy;k gSA e) I have not taken
admission in any other NIOS Vocational Education Course at any AVI/SAIED.
___________________________________ ___________________
ekrk firk@vfHkHkkod ds izfrgLrk{kj ¼frfFk lfgr½ mEehnokj ds gLrk{kj
Countersignatures of Parent/Guardian Date............. Signature of Candidate Date ................
irk@ Address __________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ fiu PIN _____________
layXudksa dh tk¡p lwph lgh ckDl esa () fpg~u yxk,¡A CHECKLIST OF ENCLOSURES Please tick ()
izo's k i= dh nwljh izfr Duplicate copy of the admission form 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk lac/a kh izek.k i= Certificate of Educational qualification vPNh rjg
ls fpidkbZ xbZ QksVks Photograph duly pasted vuqHko ¼;fn ykxw gks½ Experience Certificate, if applicable tUefrfFk Certificate of
Date of Birth
frfFk Dated : .................... Full Signature with seal of Co-ordinator of the AVI/SAIED
, oh vkbZ@,l,vkbZbZMh ds leUo;d ds iw.kZ gLrk{kj eqgj lfgr

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