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Analog Lowpass Filter Specifications Analog Lowpass Filter Specifications

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Analog Lowpass Filter Analog Lowpass Filter

Specifications Specifications
• Typical magnitude response H a ( jΩ) of an • In the passband, defined by 0 ≤ Ω ≤ Ω p , we
analog lowpass filter may be given as require
indicated below 1 − δ p ≤ H a ( jΩ ) ≤ 1 + δ p , Ω ≤ Ω p
i.e., H a ( jΩ) approximates unity within an
error of ± δ p
• In the stopband, defined by Ω s ≤ Ω ≤ ∞ , we
H a ( jΩ ) ≤ δ s , Ω s ≤ Ω ≤ ∞
i.e., H a ( jΩ) approximates zero within an
1 2 error of δ s
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Lowpass Filter Analog Lowpass Filter

Specifications Specifications
• Ω p - passband edge frequency • Magnitude specifications may alternately be
• Ω s - stopband edge frequency given in a normalized form as indicated
• δ p - peak ripple value in the passband below
• δ s - peak ripple value in the stopband
• Peak passband ripple
α p = − 20 log10 (1 − δ p ) dB
• Minimum stopband attenuation
α s = − 20 log10 (δ s ) dB
3 4
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Lowpass Filter

Analog Lowpass Filter Design
• Two additional parameters are defined -
• Here, the maximum value of the magnitude
in the passband assumed to be unity Ωp
(1) Transition ratio k =
• 1 / 1 + ε 2 - Maximum passband deviation,
given by the minimum value of the For a lowpass filter k < 1
magnitude in the passband
(2) Discrimination parameter k1 =
A2 − 1
• 1 - Maximum stopband magnitude Usually k1 << 1
5 6
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Butterworth Approximation
Butterworth Approximation
• The magnitude-square response of an N-th
order analog lowpass Butterworth filter
is given by • Gain in dB is G (Ω) = 10 log10 H a ( jΩ) 2
H a ( jΩ ) =
1 + (Ω / Ω c ) 2 N • As G (0) = 0 and
• First 2 N − 1 derivatives of H a ( jΩ) at Ω = 0
G (Ωc ) = 10 log10 (0.5) = −3.0103 ≅ −3 dB
are equal to zero Ω c is called the 3-dB cutoff frequency
• The Butterworth lowpass filter thus is said
to have a maximally-flat magnitude at Ω = 0
7 8
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Butterworth Approximation Butterworth Approximation

• Typical magnitude responses with Ωc = 1 • Two parameters completely characterizing a
Butterworth Filter
Butterworth lowpass filter are Ωc and N
N=2 • These are determined from the specified
0.8 N = 10 bandedges Ω p and Ω s , and minimum

0.6 passband magnitude 1 / 1 + ε 2, and

maximum stopband ripple 1 / A
0 1 2 3

9 10
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Butterworth Approximation Butterworth Approximation

• Since order N must be an integer, value
• Ωc and N are thus determined from
obtained is rounded up to the next highest
H a ( jΩ p ) = 1 = 1 integer
1 + (Ω p / Ω c ) 2 N 1 + ε 2
• This value of N is used next to determine Ωc
H a ( jΩ s ) =
2 1 = 1 by satisfying either the stopband edge or the
1 + ( Ω s / Ω c ) 2 N A2
passband edge specification exactly
• Solving the above we get • If the stopband edge specification is
log [( A2 − 1) / ε 2 ] log10 (1 / k1 ) satisfied, then the passband edge
N = 1 ⋅ 10 = specification is exceeded providing a safety
2 log10 (Ω s / Ω p ) log10 (1 / k )
11 12
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Butterworth Approximation Butterworth Approximation
• Example - Determine the lowest order of a
• Transfer function of an analog Butterworth Butterworth lowpass filter with a 1-dB cutoff
frequency at 1 kHz and a minimum attenuation of 40
lowpass filter is given by dB at 5 kHz
H a ( s) = C = N = • Now
DN ( s ) s + ∑lN=−01d s l ∏lN=1 ( s − pl )
l 10 log10 ⎛⎜ 1 2 ⎞⎟ = −1
⎝1 + ε ⎠
where which yields ε 2 = 0.25895
pl = Ωc e j[π ( N + 2l−1) / 2 N ] , 1 ≤ l ≤ N and
• Denominator DN (s ) is known as the 10 log10 ⎛⎜ 12 ⎞⎟ = − 40
Butterworth polynomial of order N ⎝A ⎠
which yields A2 = 10,000
13 14
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Butterworth Approximation Chebyshev Approximation

• The magnitude-square response of an N-th
• Therefore 1= A2 − 1 = 196.51334
k1 ε order analog lowpass Type 1 Chebyshev filter
is given by
and 1 = Ωs = 5 1
H a ( s) =
k Ωp
1 + ε TN (Ω / Ω p )
2 2

• Hence where TN (Ω) is the Chebyshev polynomial

log (1 / k1 ) of order N:
N = 10 = 3.2811
log10 (1 / k ) ⎧ cos( N cos −1 Ω), Ω ≤1
TN (Ω) = ⎨ −1
• We choose N = 4 ⎩cosh( N cosh Ω), Ω >1
15 16
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Chebyshev Approximation Chebyshev Approximation

• If at Ω = Ω s the magnitude is equal to 1/A,
• Typical magnitude response plots of the then
analog lowpass Type 1 Chebyshev filter are 1
H a ( jΩ s ) = = 12
shown below 1 + ε TN (Ω s / Ω p ) A
2 2
Type 1 Chebyshev Filter

• Solving the above we get
cosh −1 ( A2 − 1 / ε ) cosh −1 (1 / k1 )
0.8 N=8

0.6 N= =
0.4 cosh −1 (Ω s / Ω p ) cosh −1 (1 / k )
• Order N is chosen as the nearest integer
0 1

2 3
greater than or equal to the above value
17 18
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Chebyshev Approximation Chebyshev Approximation
• The magnitude-square response of an N-th • Typical magnitude response plots of the
order analog lowpass Type 2 Chebyshev analog lowpass Type 2 Chebyshev filter are
(also called inverse Chebyshev) filter is shown below
given by Type 2 Chebyshev Filter

1 N=3
H a ( jΩ ) =
2 1 N=5

⎡T (Ω / Ω p ) ⎤
2 0.8 N=7

1+ ε 2 ⎢ N s ⎥

⎣ TN (Ω s / Ω) ⎦ 0.4
where TN (Ω) is the Chebyshev polynomial 0
0 1 2 3
of order N Ω
19 20
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Chebyshev Approximation Elliptic Approximation

• The order N of the Type 2 Chebyshev filter • The square-magnitude response of an
is determined from given ε , Ω s , and A elliptic lowpass filter is given by
using 1
H a ( jΩ ) =
cosh −1 ( A2 − 1 / ε ) cosh −1 (1 / k1 ) 1 + ε RN ( Ω / Ω p )
2 2
N= =
cosh −1 (Ω s / Ω p ) cosh −1 (1 / k )
where RN (Ω) is a rational function of order
• Example - Determine the lowest order of a N satisfying RN (1 / Ω) = 1 / RN (Ω) , with the
Chebyshev lowpass filter with a 1-dB cutoff
frequency at 1 kHz and a minimum attenuation of roots of its numerator lying in the interval
40 dB at 5 kHz - 0 < Ω < 1 and the roots of its denominator
cosh −1 (1 / k1 ) lying in the interval 1 < Ω < ∞
N= = 2.6059
21 cosh −1 (1 / k ) 22
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Elliptic Approximation Elliptic Approximation

• For given Ω p , Ω s , ε , and A, the filter order • Example - Determine the lowest order of a elliptic
can be estimated using lowpass filter with a 1-dB cutoff frequency at 1
2 log10 (4 / k1 ) kHz and a minimum attenuation of 40 dB at 5 kHz
log10 (1 / ρ ) Note: k = 0.2 and 1 / k1 = 196.5134
where k ' = 1 − k 2 • Substituting these values we get
ρ0 = 0.00255135,
ρ0 = 1 − k '
k '= 0.979796,
2(1 + k ') ρ = 0.0025513525
ρ = ρ0 + 2( ρ0 )5 + 15( ρ0 )9 + 150( ρ0 )13 • and hence N = 2.23308
• Choose N = 3
23 24
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Lowpass Filter Design
Elliptic Approximation • Example - Design an elliptic lowpass filter
of lowest order with a 1-dB cutoff
• Typical magnitude response plots with Ω p = 1 frequency at 1 kHz and a minimum
are shown below attenuation of 40 dB at 5 kHz
Elliptic Filter

• Code fragments used
1 N=4 [N, Wn] = ellipord(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs, ‘s’);

0.6 [b, a] = ellip(N, Rp, Rs, Wn, ‘s’);

0.4 with Wp = 2*pi*1000;
Ws = 2*pi*5000;
0 1 2 3 Rp = 1;

25 26 Rs = 40;
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Design of Analog Highpass,

Analog Lowpass Filter Design Bandpass and Bandstop Filters
• Steps involved in the design process:
• Gain plot Step 1 - Develop of specifications of a
Lowpass Elliptic Filter prototype analog lowpass filter H LP (s)
from specifications of desired analog filter
HD (s ) using a frequency transformation
Gain, dB

Step 2 - Design the prototype analog
lowpass filter
-60 Step 3 - Determine the transfer function HD (s )
0 2000 4000 6000
Frequency, Hz of desired analog filter by applying the
inverse frequency transformation to H LP (s)
27 28
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Design of Analog Highpass,

Analog Highpass Filter Design
Bandpass and Bandstop Filters
• Let s denote the Laplace transform variable • Spectral Transformation:
of prototype analog lowpass filter H LP (s) Ω p Ω̂ p
and ŝ denote the Laplace transform s=

variable of desired analog filter HD (sˆ)
where Ω p is the passband edge frequency of
• The mapping from s-domain to ŝ -domain is H LP ( s) and Ω̂ p is the passband edge
given by the invertible transformation
frequency of H HP ( sˆ)
s = F (sˆ)
• On the imaginary axis the transformation is
• Then H D ( s
ˆ ) = H LP ( s ) s = F ( sˆ)
Ω pΩ ˆp
H LP ( s ) = HD ( sˆ) sˆ = F −1 ( s ) Ω=−

29 30
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Highpass Filter Design
Analog Highpass Filter Design
• Example - Design an analog Butterworth
Ω pΩ ˆp highpass filter with the specifications:
Ω=− Fˆ p = 4 kHz, Fˆs = 1 kHz, α p = 0.1 dB,
α s = 40 dB

Stopband − Ω s − Ω p Ω p Ωs Stopband • Choose Ω p = 1
Ω Lowpass
Passband • Then 2πFˆ p Fˆ p 4000
Ωs = = = =4
Passband Stopband Passband 2πFˆs Fˆs 1000
ˆ p −Ω
ˆs 0 Ω̂ s Ω̂ p
Ω̂ Highpass • Analog lowpass filter specifications: Ω p = 1,
31 32
Ω s = 4 , α p = 0.1 dB, α s = 40 dB
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Highpass Filter Design Analog Bandpass Filter

• Code fragments used Design
[N, Wn] = buttord(1, 4, 0.1, 40, ‘s’); • Spectral Transformation
[B, A] = butter(N, Wn, ‘s’); sˆ 2 + Ω
ˆ o2
[num, den] = lp2hp(B, A, 2*pi*4000); s = Ωp
ˆ p2 − Ω ˆ p1 )
• Gain plots
Prototype Lowpass Filter Highpass Filter where Ω p is the passband edge frequency
0 0
of H LP (s ), and Ω
ˆ p1 and Ω
ˆ p 2 are the lower
-20 -20
and upper passband edge frequencies of
Gain, dB

Gain, dB

-40 -40
desired bandpass filter H BP (sˆ)
-60 -60

-80 -80
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
33 Ω Frequency, kHz 34
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Bandpass Filter Analog Bandpass Filter

Design Design
• On the imaginary axis the transformation is

ˆ o2 − Ω
Ωˆ 2 −Ω
ˆ2 Ω = −Ω p
Ω = −Ω p o Ω ˆ Bw

ˆ Bw
Stopband − Ω s − Ω p Ω p Ωs
where Bw = Ω ˆ p2 − Ω
ˆ p1 is the width of Stopband
Ω Lowpass
passband and Ω̂ o is the passband center Passband

frequency of the bandpass filter

Stopband Passband Stopband Passband Stopband
• Passband edge frequency ± Ω p is mapped ˆ s2 ↓ − Ω
−Ω ˆ ↓ −Ω ˆ s1 ↓ Ω̂ o ↓ Ω
ˆ s1 0 Ω ˆ s2
Ω̂ Bandpass
ˆ p2 o− Ω
into m Ω
ˆ p1 and ± Ωˆ p 2, lower and upper −Ω ˆ p1 Ω
ˆ p1 Ω
ˆ p2

passband edge frequencies

35 36
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Bandpass Filter Analog Bandpass Filter
Design Design
• Stopband edge frequency ± Ω s is mapped • Case 1: Ωˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 > Ω
ˆ s1Ω
ˆ s2
ˆ s1 and ± Ω
into m Ω ˆ s 2 , lower and upper
To make Ω p1Ω p 2 = Ω s1Ω
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ s 2 we can either
stopband edge frequencies
increase any one of the stopband edges or
• Also, decrease any one of the passband edges as
Ωˆ o2 = Ω
ˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 = Ω ˆ s1Ω
ˆ s2 shown below
• If bandedge frequencies do not satisfy the ← Passband ←
above condition, then one of the frequencies
needs to be changed to a new value so that Stopband → → Stopband
the condition is satisfied Ω
ˆ s1 Ω
ˆ p1 Ω
ˆ p2 Ω
ˆ s2
37 38
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Bandpass Filter Analog Bandpass Filter

Design Design
(1) Decrease Ω ˆ p1 to Ωˆ s1Ω
ˆ s2 / Ωˆ p2 • Note: The condition Ω ˆ o2 = Ω
ˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 = Ω
ˆ s1Ω
ˆ s2
larger passband and shorter can also be satisfied by decreasing Ω ˆ p2
leftmost transition band which is not acceptable as the passband is
(2) Increase Ωˆ s1 to Ωˆ p1Ωˆ p2 / Ωˆ s2 reduced from the desired value
No change in passband and shorter • Alternately, the condition can be satisfied
leftmost transition band by increasing Ω ˆ s 2 which is not acceptable
as the upper stop band is reduced from the
desired value
39 40
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Bandpass Filter

Analog Bandpass Filter
• Case 2: Ωˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 < Ω
ˆ s1Ωˆ s2
To make Ω ˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 = Ωˆ s1Ωˆ s 2 we can either
decrease any one of the stopband edges or (1) Increase Ω ˆ p 2 to Ωˆ s1Ω
ˆ s2 / Ω
ˆ p1
increase any one of the passband edges as larger passband and shorter
shown below rightmost transition band
→ Passband (2) Decrease Ω ˆ s 2 to Ω
ˆ p1Ωˆ p2 / Ω
ˆ s1

No change in passband and shorter

Stopband ← Stopband
rightmost transition band

ˆ s1 Ω
ˆ p1 Ω
ˆ p2 Ω
ˆ s2
41 42
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Bandpass Filter Analog Bandpass Filter
Design Design
• Example - Design an analog elliptic
• Note: The condition Ω ˆ o2 = Ω
ˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 = Ω
ˆ s1Ω
ˆ s2 bandpass filter with the specifications:
can also be satisfied by increasing Ω ˆ p1 Fˆ p1 = 4 kHz, Fˆ p 2 = 7 kHz, Fˆs1 = 3 kHz
which is not acceptable as the passband is Fs 2 = 8 kHz, α p = 1 dB, α s = 22 dB
reduced from the desired value
• Alternately, the condition can be satisfied • Now Fˆ p1Fˆ p 2 = 28 × 106 and Fˆs1Fˆs 2 = 24 × 106
by decreasing Ω ˆ s1 which is not acceptable
• Since Fˆ p1Fˆ p 2 > Fˆs1Fˆs 2 we choose
as the lower stopband is reduced from the
desired value Fˆ p1 = Fˆs1Fˆs 2 / Fˆ p 2 = 3.571428 kHz
43 44
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Bandpass Filter

Analog Bandpass Filter Design
Design • Code fragments used
[N, Wn] = ellipord(1, 1.4, 1, 22, ‘s’);
• We choose Ω p = 1 [B, A] = ellip(N, 1, 22, Wn, ‘s’);
• Hence [num, den]
24 − 9 = lp2bp(B, A, 2*pi*4.8989795, 2*pi*25/7);
Ωs = = 1.4 • Gain plot
(25 / 7) × 3 Prototype Lowpass Filter Bandpass Filter

• Analog lowpass filter specifications: Ω p = 1,


Ω s = 1.4 , α p = 1 dB, α s = 22 dB
Gain, dB

Gain, dB

-40 -40

-60 -60
45 46 0 2 4 6 8 0 5 10 15
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Ω Frequency, kHz © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Bandstop Filter Design Analog Bandstop Filter Design

• On the imaginary axis the transformation is
• Spectral Transformation ΩˆB
ˆ s2 − Ω
sˆ(Ω ˆ s1 ) Ω = Ωs 2 w 2
s = Ωs Ω
ˆ o −Ω ˆ
sˆ + Ω
2 ˆ 2o where Bw = Ω s 2 − Ω s1 is the width of
ˆ ˆ
where Ω s is the stopband edge frequency stopband and Ω̂o is the stopband center
of H LP ( s ) , and Ω
ˆ s1 and Ω
ˆ s 2 are the lower frequency of the bandstop filter
and upper stopband edge frequencies of the • Stopband edge frequency ± Ω s is mapped
desired bandstop filter H BS ( sˆ) into m Ωˆ s1and ± Ω
ˆ s 2 , lower and upper
stopband edge frequencies
47 48
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Bandstop Filter Design Analog Bandstop Filter Design
• Passband edge frequency ± Ω p is mapped • Also,
into m Ω
ˆ p1 and ± Ω
ˆ p 2 , lower and upper Ω
ˆ o2 = Ω
ˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 = Ω
ˆ s1Ω
ˆ s2
passband edge frequencies • If bandedge frequencies do not satisfy the
Stopband − Ω s − Ω p Ω p Ωs Stopband above condition, then one of the frequencies
Ω Lowpass
needs to be changed to a new value so that
the condition is satisfied
Passband Stopband Passband Stopband Passband
Ω̂ Bandpass
ˆ p2 ↓ − Ω
−Ω ˆ o ↓ −Ω ˆ p10 Ω
ˆ p1 ↓ Ω̂ o ↓ Ω ˆ p2
ˆ s2 −Ω
ˆ s1 Ωˆ s1 Ω
ˆ s2

49 50
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Bandstop Filter Design Analog Bandstop Filter Design

• Case 1: Ωˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 > Ω
ˆ s1Ωˆ s2
• To make Ω ˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 = Ωˆ s1Ωˆ s 2 we can either
increase any one of the stopband edges or (1) Decrease Ω ˆ p 2 to Ωˆ s1Ωˆ s2 / Ω
ˆ p2
decrease any one of the passband edges as larger high-frequency passband
shown below and shorter rightmost transition band
(2) Increase Ωˆ s 2 to Ω ˆ p1Ωˆ p2 / Ωˆ s2

No change in passbands and
shorter rightmost transition band
51 Ω
ˆ p1 Ω
ˆ s1 Ω
ˆ s2 Ω
ˆ p2 52
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Bandstop Filter Design Analog Bandstop Filter Design

• Note: The condition Ω ˆ o2 = Ω
ˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 = Ωˆ s1Ω
ˆ s2 • Case 1: Ωˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 < Ω
ˆ s1Ω
ˆ s2
can also be satisfied by decreasing • To make Ω p1Ω p 2 = Ω s1Ω
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ s 2 we can either
which is not acceptable as the low- Ω ˆ p1
decrease any one of the stopband edges or
frequency passband is reduced from the increase any one of the passband edges as
desired value shown below
• Alternately, the condition can be satisfied
by increasing Ω ˆ s1 which is not acceptable
Passband Passband
as the stopband is reduced from the desired
value Stopband
53 54 Ω
ˆ p1 Ω
ˆ s1 Ω
ˆ s2 Ω
ˆ p2
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra

Analog Bandstop Filter Design Analog Bandstop Filter Design
• Note: The condition Ω ˆ o2 = Ω
ˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 = Ω
ˆ s1Ω
ˆ s2
(1) Increase Ωˆ p1 to Ω
ˆ s1Ω
ˆ s2 / Ω
ˆ p1 can also be satisfied by increasing Ω ˆ p2
larger passband and shorter which is not acceptable as the high-
leftmost transition band frequency passband is decreased from the
desired value
(2) Decrease Ωˆ s1 to Ω
ˆ p1Ω
ˆ p2 / Ωˆ s1
• Alternately, the condition can be satisfied
No change in passbands and by decreasing Ω ˆ s 2 which is not acceptable
shorter leftmost transition band as the stopband is decreased
55 56
Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra Copyright © 2005, S. K. Mitra


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